Page 1





,.. c./V[ount ] o-rdan The faint auroral flu hes of the dawn Along thy craggy rim appear, GroK bright r, brighter, till the m.oming sun A cends to give his word of cheer. Fair. noble. commanding 111 ount I ordan. Trith rwon-tide's ultry beam thy snO!c-clad peaks Lie silent in the distance calm and cool, The hazy cloud float lazily along Thy summit tt·hite a carded wool, Calm. restful. inspiring Jiounl Jordan. A~


gentle breeze tcaft don·n the ·vale

All(f w the west descends the setting sun,

catch the fa l of all his radiant gleams Before they fade from view, vanished and gone, Tall, silent, beaut.jul Mount Jordan. - Elna Densley.

} 'ou

Oft mighty. ilent sentinel, Beneath tcho e guardian care Our valley homes lie sheltered all, 'ecure beyond compare. Could ue but trace through aeon past The building of thy base, The uperstntcture reared thereon, The mold !!'here thou 1cert ca t. Could human minds conceive the puner IT hid1 reart•d thy head on high, .lnd elevated crag 011 crag t.:ntil they reach the slry, The~~ ·hould 1a kno1c in/ nity.

Potper. endurance, grace, The grandeur and the symmetry Through 11hich God "lto11·s his face. -Katie I en~en.

~~~ ~

!~~~~~~ ~

Foreword ~ ~ ~·· OTHER year ha ~ sped

wiftly past and one more chapter ha been added to the ·~~~~ h.b~~ry of Jordan. Our plea ure , our ac~ tiVltl , and ur uc e e we have at~ tempted to re ord on the pages of this volume. It is our h pc that the material a embled here will 1·evive memorie of the happy hour spent at dear old Jordan High in the chool year of 1921-22.


Ina much as former yearbook w re nameles trea ures, the staff decided to onduct a onte t for the purpo::;e of el ctin« a fitting Litle. It wa. our ideal t designate therein orne prominent feature of the di trict which the high chool repre ent . After careful deliberation we cho e, a mo~ t appr priate, "The Beetdigger" the name under whi h our athlete have fought and conquered. Realizing that ' ithout o-operation we have publi ~h d thi olume, ,.in ere appre ·iation of the upport w from student and fa ·ulty members, especial] ,ardn r, who dire ted th art work, and Mi had general supervi::.i n of the book.




when ~erdng: on the Board of County he wa largely in~trumental in effecting the eon:-olidation of alt Lake ounty and th clivi ion of the two di,trkt-.. Granite and Jordan. onuni~ ioner~.

For year-. \h. '\\- ibon ha been recognized a ... a leader in hi, tommuPit). He has been a member of the ch ol Board for eight y<'an., having ,erved a pre ident ;,ince Januar). 1919. The andy City Bank owes h <-UCle, ... larp;el) to hi, ability a~ president of the in Litution. W'hen he 1va-. elected layor of andy, hio: capabi lity as an e'\.ecuti\e ap;ain ~tood out prominently. I n fact. he ha:- prowd ... uct路e-...,ful in eveq pha;,e of bu-.in ss. ~o 路ial, ant! political life. He ha-. uh, ap. '-hibited a progre:-..,ive attitud toward :och ol aHair ... that ha-. re!'ulted i 1 one improvement after anotlwc Therefore it j,. witlt o.intere pleru:ur and gratitude that 11e dedicate thi;., our annual. to l r. W. \"\. Wil ... on.

Grdchen Hor.sf

Groce Holmen

A. C. Jensen

Anna CUre

Alma F.Smifh

JohnG Crook

Lovi.se Riach

Thomas Dewey


0 D. Bal.bnl

Anna Adoms

Fronds Johnson

( 1'1r.s-E.W.Robinson

~ EA. Bofcn-"m

Orson Sm.fh

Jessie H r:h!lrJ

Leon Bufler

Lovro Gordner

thlorq Cushin!l

1 Emma Bayle-s

1"/rs. 6 C: S fa•ffcr

Emery G. Epperson



Seniors U ..\ ' Colden Berrett

OFFICER Walt r .\ndersun

Reta Cundlck I ice-PresidPnl



CL.\ . S \D [ OR \Iiss HoJman \[i ~ Hno·st

\lr. ]en en \Ir. Dewey ~ CIIUL\


'iumber graduating "·ith an average of A, fifteen \u p;usta Wilcox

Golden Wilcox



CActi vi ties \TliLETIC. Number in Football 13 Lellermen in Footl>all- 10 1\Tumber in Basketl>aJI-6 Lel!ermen in Basketball- 3 umber in Ba eball-8 umber in Track-8

YE\RBOOK Assistant Editor Jnk Editor Photographer Busine s ~lanager Assistant Business i\lanager




DEBi\TJNG . \ ffim1ative Tcam- 2 Negati,•c Team-1 . Ahemate---1

\HJSI "'umber Number umber \lumher

in Orchestra-l in Boy ' Chorus--2 in Girl ' horu l in Choir- 16


President \ ice-Pre i I nt . ecr tao'}'-Treasurer Chief Justice .\ ssociate Justice Pro ecut ing Attorney Clerk of Court \JarshaJ 1\thletic :0.1anager YeJ!master

"Miss Civilization''- 3 •· othinp; But the Trulh" - 9

Social CAffairs

fit Party Decemb •r 2 Annual ho.gres ive Part) April 12

enior Ball- April 21

~enior-Facu ll y Banquet

·April 28


ELLA DAHL Girls路 Chorus 1920-21 tudenl Body ecretary and Treasurer 1921-22



Freshman Courier Dramatic 1922



taff 1918

H \RTLEY CREE WOOD Glee Club 1921 T1ack 1921-22

EUCE E W. CROPPER Athletic Manager 1921-22 Football Leuerman 1921 Ba ketball 1921-22 Ba eball 1921-22 Junior ourier raff 1921 Dramatic 1922


I -1



I 路~路


LEAH OFFE Cia s ecretary 1920-21

OLIVE PETER ON Kodak Clu 1922

CARL H. OL 0 Executive Committee- 1920-21 Basketball-1920-21-22 FootbaJI- 1921 Lettennan 1922

KIMB LL A DER 0 Freshman Pre 路 ideo~ 1919-20 Millard Co. H. . Y ar Book Staff l919-20 Millard Co. H. enator H. S. ongress 1919-20 !\1itlar I o. H. Prosecutinj!: Attorney 1921-22 Vice President Kodak Club 1921-22

A\1Y L. BUTTERF'LELD Girl ' horus 1920


.---------w DEW Y1 E 1 R1 EH Opera-1919


IRE! E HlNNE KAMP Kodak Club-1922



\IELB 路\ WIIIT\lORE Junior Courier , taff- 1921 Dramatic- - 1922 Yearbook taff- 1922

EDY J R. Kl~fBALL Opera- 1919 Basketball- 1920-21 Football Lettennan- 1921 Baseball 1921 Track 1921


.., I



THEODORE " . JOHLOl\1 rchestra and Bancl- 1918-19 Gla s ice Presiclent- 1918-19. 1919-20 Football- 1920-22 Leuerman "22 Ba$ketball- l92J -22

THELYM K HRE la s ecretary- 1919-20 Chairman Prom Committe




DRl I LL •\ BROW. Op ra- 1919 Junior Courier taff- 1920 ecretary Kodak Club- 1920-21 Deuating- 1922 e reta1·y tudent B dr ourt-1921-22

WALLACE P RR Yellmaster-1921-22








Basket ball- 1916 Business Ianager Y earbook- 1920-21 Boy ' Glee Club-1920-21 Sophomore President- 1920-21 Football Letterman- 1920-21 tudeilt Body Pre ident- 1921-22 Dramatic 1921


KATIE JE E Editor Fre hman Courier- 1919 ophomo•·e Cout·if:'r taff- 1920

l\lABEL L. DE PAIN Freshman Courier taf£- 1919 Year Book taff- 1920

W. IVIL FITZGERALD Prom onunitte 1921 Junior Courier taH- 1921 Dramatic 1922



CHLOE KEIL Prom Commiltee- 1922

ERNE T C. H IR Junior Prom Commille 1921 Junior Courier taff - 1921



FR ·\"'K F\1 R



ROYLA t E FITZGERALD Cia~• ecretary- 1918-19 Year Bonk taff- 1921

\lA Rl 'E , TE \D"\L\


\1 \RGl I::RlTE P \RK Prom Committee 1921

0\"\ E'\f "\1. DE ·p \1~ Ba-kethull 1920 Fmnhull 1921 L.,uennan- -21 Ba t-ball Lettem1an - 1920-21-22 IJoy ' Gl ' lub- 1921-22

1 Cia-~

JE ' SIE CLYDE 'ecretan and Trea,urer- 1919-20

II. •. Orchestra 1919-20 f\pru' H. peru 1919 C) pru- II.

EL:'-. \ DE \ LEY Girlo' Chont• 1920-21 Debating 1922




CHLOE KEIL Prnm Commillee-192:?

ER:"E T C. H IR Junior Pzom Committe 1921 Junior Cnurier taff 1921

uW E:\ P. STEYE:--. 0 .

FR \'\h. F -\ lll -ciiOl

ROlL\ 'lCE FITZCER \LO Cia•• ecretary- 1918-19 Ye-ar B11"k. taff 1921





Home Economic

lub- 1921

\lOYLE PETETl '0'.'\



lee lub 1921-22 Kodak Club - 1919-22 President-- '22 Yt'arbnok taff- 1922



\ERA \L WEBB Kodak Club 1918-19




Opera - 191 9

!JE-\TR!C拢 SPE:\'CI::H CJa,, nuo路ier Staff 1920-21 Opera 1918-19 Yearbook taff 1921 la~s ecretarv 1921 IJand and On:loe~tra 1921 22 Pmm Cnmmittee- 1922

CALVl BOBERG Fre-llman President- 1918-19 Opera- 1918 Junior President- 1920-21 Band-1919-20 Bo,b· Glee Club- 1919-20 Ba~eball Letterman- 1919-20-21-22 Ba,ketball Leuennan- 1920-21-22 F·•utball Letterman- 1919-20 Captain '21 Track Letterman- 1921-22 Junior Courier taff- 1920-21 ~•i>tant Busines :\Tanager Yearbook- 1922 Dramatic 1922 MARY E. PAD.JEN phomore Courier taff- 1920-21 Dramatic. 1920 Cia• Vice President- 1921-22 Prom Corrunittee--1921-22 Debating- 1921-22 LLCILLE EL 0 Cia" Trea urer- 1919-20 Cia~ Vice President- 1920-21 Orch stra-1918-19 I::ditor phomore and Junior Courier 1919-20 A--i-tant Editor Yearbook- 1920-22 Editor Yearbook- 1921 \ ke President tudent Body 1921-22 Dramatic• 1920-21-22




WALTER A. DER ' 0 . Dramatirs 1920-21-22 Football Letterman- 1921 'enior Preoident- 1921-22 Hu,ine. s \lanaf(er Year Book- 1921-22

LEICT P \ GE • ophumore Courier taff Girb' Chorus-1920-21 Dramatic. 1922


GOLDE\' WlL OX Trnck 1920-21-22 Debuting 1921 football Lellm man- 1921 Chief J u~tice tudent Court Dramatics- 1921

P£ \ RL Girls'



hnrus - 1921

GERTnt DE FORBl H Fre;hman Cnurier taff 1919 1 unior Courier . laff- 1921

II \BOLO ROPPER Trark- 1919 Bu},- ,lee Club 1919-20 Juninr C•jurier Staff- 1921 Prom Commillee- 1921 Football Letterman- 1920-21

ORl'\ ll0\VAI1D Opera 1919 . . 13. \1ar hall- 1.922 Bu·ehall Lellerman 1919-20-21- Captain-'22 Haskethall Lellerman- 1919-20-21- aptain-'22 Football Leuermau 1921-22 Truck Lettennan 1921-22





ELEA 'OR DOW Draruatics- 1922


GOLDEN L BERRETT \ p;ri<'uitural 'lub- 1920-21 Juni or Couri •r taff- 1921 Associate Jurl p;e ' t.udent Bod i· Court 1921-22 Cia ·s ecretar} and Trt>a•urer- 1921-22

RL'Tlf TllO\IP, O\ Prom Committe



RET>\ C Dl K .I unior C urier ' tuff- 1921 Class \'ice l're,;ident 1921-22





-1 I



FRED K OWLE Boy · Glee lub- 1919


juniors CLA OFFrCER Mary Padjen Vice President

!Eaac oren en ::.ecretary


Frank Tucker President

ADVl OR \'!iss Riach 1\liss Card ner

\fr. Giles .\1 r. Crook

CA.ctivities DRA\IATIC


ATHLETIC' umber in F'ooi:Jall 21 Lettermen in Fuutball-4 J\urnhe•· in Ba:ketball- 12 Lettermen in Basketball- 3 ~umber in Basehall- ll ' un,ber in Track-S \\inner u[ Cia s Basketball ri

" otbinp; But the Truth"- 1

Editor -\rli$l

DEBATlt C Negative Team-1

\1 IC umber in Orchestra 'lumb r in Buys' Cboru • umber in hoir- 11


OCl L AF'FAlh Fr hmen-J unior Party-Dec. Junior Promenad \larch 24

Juni or Prom Committee Re,earl .\!sop \!bert \twnnd Conrad Dahl

\ ,.-tin Walker Chloe Keil

Beatrice Spencer Amy Howard \I obei L nnberg


First Pa8e

"" Dean Oliver

Verla J acobson Grant J\l.ortenson

Loru Hand

Grant Cntmp

Alta Merrill

Daisy Milne


Libbie Crump Jo eph Oliver

Corom Holt Harold Francom

Ruby Proctor


Lucille Alsop nderson

Miller Da r Laura Benett

Ralph Farrer

Alice Han en

Cl ifton Thane

Mable Lennberg


Helen Hender on Glen Turner

Vera Tucker





Lillian Bogge s

Lydia Burgon

Second Pa8e James Hazel Greenwood


Frank Tucker

iVIe!va Allen

:\leiLa . mith !got Anderson

Ivan Glover

Doyle Da, trup Verdis Berrett

Dollie Burgon

Vera Whitman orensen


Allhea Ferrill

EJward l\lildred Hastings


LO\\ e

Leda rnith El ie Coole~ Kenneth \1 alstrom Kenneth Bouth ora Lind cy


Louise C.-ump

Dora Goodridge

Tlilmer Larson



Harold Burgon Dean Bateman

\Tarvin Dansie

Third Pa8e Conmd Dahl Eva Jensen elm a Ivy J ames Reva Brougu


rchie James Austin Walker Ada \Iagnu sen Marie Lang


I op

!ton Whitmore Albert Knowle

Elenor Doty Adeline Riggs

Roma Walker

Edward Gills Albert Atwood Florence Pier on my Howard

Myrtle Hogan

VenH>n J enkin Glen Lennberg

Erma Green

Grace Blake Elizabeth Blair

Ruth 1\[onteer

rnolcl Francom Clive Gardner


EC\rla. /'Wsfrom:-



Sop hom oPes 'L \ OFF'ICER. Wanda Bateman Vici'-President

Eldred 'e"hold ecretary

i\lyrle D wey President

CLA ." ADVT OR ~lr. Bateman

\lis~ Adam~

\lr. Ballard

\li ss Johnson

CActivities \TIILETLC Number in Vootball - 13 Leuermen in Fnutball -3 umber in Bask tbull-8 Lettermen in 13asketball umber in Uaseball- 13 umb r in Track 5

1L 1 '-umb er in Orchestra 15 umber in Boy'. Choru - 1 \'<umber in Girls' Chorus 2 umher in hoir 16

DRA \I A TIC "'.\ li ss Civilization'"- 1 '·Nothinp; But the Truth'"-1 "T DE ' T BODY \ s;ociatc Justice YEARBOOK \ rtist

Socia l CAffairs phumore

Pers) 1 Riclta rd<un Alfred Dew"' Elmer ThomiJ•on


Party- :'llurch l7

PltOI\l BOOTH C0\1 \1 ITT~E Eldred ewbold ~I vrle De" C) l:lernice Hallard Lucile Wikox

\ erona \"Valker Larene Berrett Wanda Bateman


CRe8is t er>ed Sophomor>es nderson, Cba . Ashby, larence dam on, athan ]sop, elora Anderson, Fawnie nderson, Marie nderson. Hilla twood. Rex Allen, Louis Abbott, \[arie ntezak, Pauline

Dewey, l\1yrle Dibb, John Dimond, Weldon Dow, Peter Dow, Melba Duel, Iargarel Dutcher, Thelma Dimond, Alton Dewey, Alired Dowding, Alma Dunyon, Chas.

Bailey, Lenore Ballard. Bernice Bateman, Marlon Bateman, Wanda Be ·k tead. lice Beckstead. Delisle Beckstead, Gene Beckstead, Grace Beckstead, i\1 yrtle Beck tead. Reed Benson, Alva Bergman, Ruth Berrett, La rene Bills, melia -Blair, Elizabeth Bjork, Harold Bodell. James Boggess, Clarence Brady, Dora Brown, Pauline Burgon, Vera Butler, Clella Buttetfielu. rnold Butterfield, Floyd Butterfield. Joseph Benson, 0 car Boyce, \felvin Butte. Iable

Eck, igne Egbe1·t, Alice Enni , Elme1· Erick on, lberta E tes. Lavinia Egbert, Earl Egbert, Roland

Christensen. Harvey Carr, \I ildred ushing, \faxine Cushing, onna Clyde, Elizabeth ole. Alice Cook, Floyd 0:1.. Donna Crant:, <\Ita Crane. Ferrill Cros grove, Bernice Crossj!;rove. Hulda Cmmp, Louise Crane, Jack Day, Geneva Dahl. ELie Dahl. La1Hence Oavi~. Joseph Day Jo eph Dearing, Virginia Despain, Genevieve D""pain, Roy

Farmer, Jane Fotheringham. Georgia Francom, Howard Fitzgerald, Garf Fitzgerald. Grant Freeman, Iona Fitzgerald . onnan Fairborn, Rulon Fitzgerald, Rada Fitzgerald, Ross Fitzgerald. Royal Frisbie. Gerallee Frost, Dorothy Gardner, Ivan Gardner, Howard Gardner. l\lelba Gillespie, La Verne reen, Ellen Goff. Loui Gygi, Ralph Hamilton. Elmo Hamilton. 0\1 en Handley, Kenneth Haun, Virj!;inia Bender on, Thelma Heward. Ruth ll e1dett. Leo Holt, ~[arie Hick. elrna Hilton. Gilmer Hogan, Irene llogan. Kenneth Bogan. \Jyrtle Hogan, Olive Holland , John Holt. \nn Holt, Leona lfolt. Ro8amond Hutchings. Theod ore Irving. Valoy

Jacobson, Wm. Jensen, Elmer Jen en, Helen Jen en, lice Jensen, Loui Jensen, Milton Jensen, ona Jensen. Roiva Jensen. Vila Jones, E tella Jone , Fern Jon s. \Iae Johnson, ngu Jacob on. Flera Jayn , Effie Jenkins, La von Jensen, .Lucile Jackman. Ray Kimball, Griffith • Lunnen, Jame Lancaster, Gra e Lancaster, Milton Lancaster, Roy Lancaster, Gilbert Larson, Fern Larson. Golden Larson, Harold Larson, Veola Lindell. Theressa Lloyd, Mildred Lunnen. Dora Lambert, Venice Madsen. De na i\Iauchley. J\lilton Maxfield, Ro e \feCI ery. Alma McGuire, Grace McGrath. Olive Miller, Wendell Malstrom, Edna l\Iiller, Daisy Miller, Lee Miller. Ronald \1iller, Virginia Milne, Clarence 'filne, LaVon Milne, Vivon elson. Leila eff, Roselieen ewman, Hn . iel on. arl Nielson. Dorothea Newbold, Eldred Oborn. Iona Oldham. Charles Oliver. Doroth) Ohlwiler. Wm. Olsen, rland Orgill, Elma Orton, Kenneth

Palmer, Hosa1:10nd Parkinson, Thomas Peter on, Max Phillip , Andrew Pierson. James Pixton, Roscoe Pope, Audrey Poul on, Della Pre ler, Duane Pack, Ruth Raddon, Eddie Heading, Delores Richardson, Lucile Richardson, Per yl Uishton, Doris Sabey, iary adler, Ronald Sadl.er, Thomas Smith. Beatrice Smith, l\lerald mith, Grace Smith. Leda tokes, Paul Smith, Revell Spanton, Beva Spratling Rona1d Spencer, Russel Stebenson, El ie Sunbot, Nina Sund, Hilma Sw·enson, Olive Smith, Harolu tone, Lavetta mart, Theron Talton, Ray Tbomp on, Marie Thompson, Elmer Turner. Eva Tucker. Dell VanDam, La orne Vaudrey, Eugene VomBaur, Reuel Walker, Verona Wardle, Hazel Warner, Ollie Weenig, Fred Whe don, Cia ton Weadon, l\lelvi n Wheeler, ell Whittlem, Mary Willian1s, George Winquist. lice Winward. Lafern Withers. Tbeona Woodhead. Joe Wright, Deming Wright, Harry Wellington, Wilma Wellington, Eunice Wilcox, Lucille




Freshmen CL \. S OFFICER \Iirlu Greenwood

Delbert Kunkel

' ecrPIClf}



CL.\ S :\D\I 0! S \!r. Price \lr. Eppcr~on


\1 i,s

BergEt ron\


C4.cti vi ties \tU TC "'umber in umber in 1\.umber in Number in

Football ·~ Basketball 2 Busebalt- 2 Truck-!

umher .in Ordlcslra- 22 umJJ •r in Girl~' Choru ll Number in Choir

PRO\! BO Til Charles Levenson Paul Cropper Delbert Kunkel

Arvid Larson


Vice· President


0\t\IITTEE Viunna Kenney Birdie Fox

l erla Greenwood \largaret Forbush

<Rel5istered Freshmen Students ]sop. Charles Alsop, Delore twood, Elwood Anderson, lva Ander on, Lionel Ander on, Ruby Ander on, 1arie Alred, John Anderberg, Marie

Cook, Darl Crump, Eugene

Batchelor, Beth Bateman, Dallis Beckstead . Alma Beckstead, Catherine Beckstead, Leonard Beckstead, Mirinda Bennett, ora Barrett, Bertha Blake. erla Boggess, Orrin Booth, L nn Bowen, Harry Brady, Elviu Brady, Lee Brockbank, Afton Brown, Emma Burgon, Afton Bw路gon, Leon Burgon, Lou.i e Burkinsha~ tha !:lush, George Butterfield, Maurice Butterfield, 1arvin Beck Lead, Amanda Butler, Clement Bo"gess, Harolu

Fox, Birdie Fowlks, Everill Forbush, :l\largaret Forbush, Marvin

Casper. nell Ca per, Keith Chri tenson, Czar Chri tenson, Violet ameron. lark Clawson, Elva Colebt'ook. 1\.felvin Cook, Floyd Cooley, felva Cox, fargaret Crane, Joseph Cropper Paul

Densley, Golden Despain, Arlie Dowding. I o路i Dlllm, Earl Eastman. Arvid Evans, Lee

Garrett, Lucile Green, Clifford Godfrey, Arthur Goff, Cora Gra e , Thomas Grow, Harlow Gustanveson, Mable Goodrich. Wilkens Greenwood, Mirla Hamilton, Elmo Hand, Emerson Hand, Leola Handly, Harold Harrison, Parley Harwood, Edith Hedberg, Wilford Hill, amuel Holt, E sie Holt, Mable Holt, Vaudi JacobsOt\. Hilma Jacobson, Johnny Jaynes. Chester Jen on, Callie Jenson, Devone Jenson. Elvera J en kens, Len re John on, Joseph Ja路kson. Eva Johanson, largaret Kemp. Lavell Kemp, Lucile Keonp, Vera

Kennedy, Wm. Kunkle, Delbert Landers, Wmiam Lar on, Arvid Larson, Melvin Larson, Ronald Lennberg, Malcolm Lind ay, Fran f' Lind ay, Fern Floyd, Heber Lloyd, Ruth 'lace, Racheal Maynard, Eva lcMullen, Helen McMullen,. Edith :M iddleton, Grace Mill, Donald 1\[ilne, E<hrin Milne, 0 rvill Mitchell. Glen Mollo, Ambrozio 1onteer, Claude Mousley, Fairald l\lousley, Lewis Mousley. Lewis T. Mortenson. :Margaret :'.icGhie, Reginald " aylor, Elva Nelson, Donald ~elson, Edna 1 ewbolcl, Everett ico~ Donald 1 ewbolc.l, l\larlen Newbold . 1orris 1 ewboll, Orten Neilson, Wilford l'lewLold, William Oldham, Ada Omland, Evelyn Olson, Arvill Overy, table Olson, Wilford Ostler, Pricilla Ostler, Violet Park. Bert Parkinson, Evelyn

Patience, John Patonai, nna Peckhan\. Evelyn Pierson, Marie Pulver, Allene Packer, Edison Rasmnssen, Bernice Rasmussen. LaPriel Rasmnssen, Lois Reading, Frank Rishton, Thomas heppick, Roland Shields. Nile Smith, Henry Smith, Nelson Snider, Frank mith, Eva Smith, Stella Snow. Elizabeth Soife, Colonel oret, AJta Sorel, Johanna penser, John Stone, Elaine Strom, Virden Sheppick, ral Smith, lice Stay, Carrol Thayne, Delbert Tapp, Della Thoma , heldon Van, Wells Vincent, Lamar Walker. Clara Walker. Craig Walker. Lyle Wanberg, rvilla Wellington. Le lie Wellington. Thelma Wilcox, Lucile Wiles, Mavis Wilkenson, Mel in Williams, tephen Winward, Elsie

AUTO i\JEClf'\

C. f.lClLDr G


L. D. S.






Cl S'lODJ.\'1













~ If'''~

WALlACE PARR YtLL ......T't~














~l" OU~Ir~tlS 1"1"-H~~ll'\





OFFICER Chief Ju Lice . • . Associ at

J u tices

PrMecuting Clerk .

\lar hal



. . Golden Wilcox S Golden Berretl I Persyl Richard on . Kimball nder on .


. . Orin



Student CJ3ody Court HE offi er of the tudent Body CourL. although handicapped to a certain extent, have all endeavored to work for a better and greater Jordan, and lo enforce the laws of the tudenl Body. In pile of the lack of support at Lime· , they ha e had fairl good su · e in handling tho e student- who have been found guilty of infraction of the rule of the cbool. In the latter part of the ear a new method of punishing the petty offender wa!" adopted: that of pulling them to work cleaning up the school build ings and ground . The mor :,eriou · cases were handled with more everity. At the first of the chool year the plan of holding court during the noon period was deeicled upon. Thi did away with breaking into clas period and proved a ~real benefit to the court member and other .tudent oncerned. !though all of the officer · were inexperienced, it ha b en their poli y to treat every offender with equal fairn . ~and ju Li e and to :,how no partiality.

B\ D



CJJebatin8 HE: que,tjon cho en for the league high . chool de_bate in Utah this year \las a follows: "Resolved that the tate legislature of tah at its next ::.es ·ion should appropriate more m<>. ney for the building and maintenance of good road~ than it did in l92l." There wa clo e com~ petition .in the try-outs for the team. After limination debate had bee~1 hel_d, E~na Den ly and 1ar Pacljen were chosen to represent Jordan on tl1e affirmative 1de of the que~tion, and Dru ilia Brown and Albert Atwood \\ere ;:elected for the negati e team. ery little information wa>o availablP on the uhjecl ~o the debaters found it ~en~~~~ry lo rely upon originality as well a ffective organization. and pre, eJ~ta­ tJOn o( >'peeche;.. Practice debate:; were held ,\ ith Granite and men can Fork !ugh , chool,-. In each ca~e the Jordan team won one debate and lo t one. Jordan partic-ipated in lea.,.ue debates with the high 5Chools of Tooele and G~·ant ville.. Each of tbe,e scho"'oL had exc ptioually strong team , de_bating being lm!Ulat ci 1n Tooelt> ounty by tl1e offer of a silver cup to the wmner of the conte"t between the two schools. Thf' Jordan neaative team won f1·om the Grantsville affirmati1e at Jordan on pril nth, and tJ1 affirmative t am lost a close deci.,ion to the Tooele negati,-e on the ~amc day. Both Jordan teams did commenclabl work and proved to be \\·orthy and courteous opponent . The general effect of d bating this ~cason ha~ been to timulale interest among the ~tudent" and to pa1· the ' ay for keen competition in debating during the coming chool year.



Dramatics HE High School Dramatic Club presented two very creditable play thi year. The first, a one-a t play, "Miss Civilization," wa given on the afternoon of De emb r 4. Wanda Bateman was very charming as the daughter of the wealth railroad man. Walter Ander on, Alden Berrett, and Golden Wilco were reali tic a the three crook . Kimball Ander on a a poli eman rendered timely aid to the heroine. The parts were all well chosen and th player did admirable work. " Jothing But the Truth," a comedy in three act , was presented late in the prin芦. The cene were laid in the city offi e and country home of E. M. RaJ ton ~Walter Ander on . Hi daughter, ucceeded in making her father promise that he would double an urn she rai ed over ten thou and dollar . he confided the news to Bob Bennett (Calvin Boberg) and a ked him to inve t 10,000 for her. The inv tment he made caused all the trouble. He bet RaJ ton Dick (Eugene Cropper) and an Du en, ( ivil Fitzgerald) that he could tell the absolute truth for twentyfour hours. Although he got tanaled in all kind of mixup , he ucceeded in holding hi own for a whole day. In doing o, however he insulted Ethel (Melba Whitmore), a friend of the Ral ton family. TI1e poor BLhop (En is Hendrick on) did some ratl1 r urprising thin"' at Bob' advice. Mrs. RaLton (Lucie Page) almo t left her home broken h arted, when she learned that her husband had had an affair with two choru girl , Mable (Eleanor Dow) and able (Dolly Burgon). E en the maid (Wanda Bat man) became implicated in the conf u ion. The ver clever play lost none of it- qualities through its presentation by the Dramatic club. Mis taines des r e praise for the very excellent performan 路e.

FootbaZZ ORD ' foolball eason opened with but four letter men returning: ALop, Howard, Boberg, and Berrett-all xcellent men . About fifty rookies turned out, and I.N'"'O"~..o;,..,~ 6 though areen, worked hard and earne tly to make a good t am. Only lack of material kept a hundred more boys from enterinrr thi port. ~


The result of thi enthusia~m wa a playing sheet showing ix win and t1 o defeat . A our only los e were to Ea t and West High chool , both of whom had experien ed and capable teams, we can well be elated over our bowing. The e ali fyina results were obtained in pit of the fact that early tage~, beet vacation, and permanent injurie hampered th team. Mr. Bateman helped coach the rookies and developed orne fine material, many of whom will urely make the first team next fall. The _crub won but one in three game , lack of experience being their chief fault. ource of delight to Jordan' backer wa Granite after the dope ters had fiaured u and the game efforts of Captain Boberg, who capable leader, pilled the dope by a 14 to sixth lraight victory over Granite.

our gloriou victory over badly outcla ed. Fight proved a most heady and 7 core and gave us our

~ith man good men returning to chool ther i much to hope for in our next ea on's outlook.






C'orrr- CÂŤ!n~er

Oaslrup -ollti,J

Despain- H. /3.



Olson- H.B

Thompson-: H. B.

CBasket CRall ~

~g ORDA ' ha ketball team was one of th trongest in her ~ histot-y. The team won the division champion hip with ~ ~ only one defeat, lo. ing at Bingham by the core of 30 So~ 0 @] to 28. Th b ys went to th tournament in g od condition, but an off da n ba~ket cau ed them to be liminated by American Fork th fir t night. American Fork tayed to the final , o we can take so me atisfa 路tion even in ur defeat. li"l


lio~ ard and Boberg, c nter and forward, graduate thi year. They have played a remarkable brand of ball and will be sorely mi ed. Even so we have I ft for next year Alsop and adler, a pair of cruards unsurpassed in the state; Dow and Da trup, two forward , both fat and ure; and Crump. a 路ub tilute, who hould de lop into an exc llent center. Oldham, twood, Whitmore, Jenkin , ]one, Dewey and Gill. are econd team men of g reat . kill. The outlook on the waxed floor is briahL.

plea ing f ature of our ba. k t ball year was the work of the orthern Divi ion team , who walked away with the champion hip by complete] y outcla ing their competitor with a brand of ball that would defeat many fir t team ~ in the state. 01 on, Sjoblom, Garfield, Oldham, and Kimball were the player on thi team. The outhern Divis ion team did not do so well, the fine work of Whitmore, the c路aplain, being the feature of their game . It wa a great year.










.~ ~





T th time this article is being printed , Jordan's baseball team is tied with. East ~ ide for the divi ·ion ·hampion hip. Ea h team ha ~even viet ri " ar d only one defeat to it;. credit. ll 1 ks like a fifty-fifty proposition for the :hampion hip. Jordan has yet to play L. D. . and Granite.

Our team is a well-balanced on . with pitching and batting strength much in evidence. TI1e d f nt<ivc work of our infield ha. been s pectacular all year, and a .Lead. as any in the league. Dow al fir t, Bob rg al second, Whitmore at third, and Gardn r at hor'l, have all done their share. At wood ha made a very dependable utility man. Doubl plays at criti ·al moments have proved a big help. The outfield ha · la k d experienc , but has done exceptionally well, taken a a whole. Despain, AI. op, Crump, .De1 ey, Bow n, Sadler, and ewbold have all pla eel good hall. Behind the bat Howard is without doubt the class of the league. Hi big tick ha paved the way to many victorie . AL op ha:; caught -ome excellent game , when Howard has been on the mound. Howard, J op, and Mal trom ·ompo e the best pitching staff in the league. Mal trom has gained the confid nc h lack d before, and Lhis make him rank hi.,.h as a high . boo[ twirler. Given an even share of the luck, we promise to be ery much in evidence at the ettlemcnt of the champion hip, and we certainly mean to force our luck. Here' hoping.

CJJ"ack and Field ~~


we look at Jordan'· record on t.l1e track for the spring of 1922 we

~~ Q• find little cau e for enthusiasm; we consider this record by itself. ~ut

f1h1111111'~1. .~ ~\hen

we compare it with our accompli hments in recent years we f111d

,---:...-.-,><::~ -_...,'1.., much lo give u, hope. In the first place Francom fini~hed third in the cross city run, the fir~ l time Jordan ha ever finished beuer Lban thirteenth. We lost the Jor IanGranite.> run by the ·ore of 25 to 11, but through it we discovered ome promi_ing material for next y ar. Though \1 were badly beaten by Granite in the dual meet, our volunteer track team l ok thirty-L11re points 1 ractically without training. Thi · is the greatest numher of point;- Jordan ha:, ever s ·ored in a u·ack meet. [n the didsion meet w scored len points and finished fourth. Bob Howard made our only point with ~ me surpri ing work in the _hot and discus. Jordan'~ main trouble!'\ in track are due to the following cau es: first, lack of intere,..t has alwayb prevailed in thi branch of , port; second, the early depar ture of the stages make- it imposo.ible for many boys to come out, third, the short time for uthleties ea~:h afternoon force the oach as well a , tlle boys lo concentrate on one sport, baseuall or track. and as ba!>eball i::. tlle more popular, track is neglected.

\: e haYe the mal rial. H w can on] v arrange a late stage for our atlll tes, we can exp ct a much heuer showing in track another year.


COhe Prom HE ucce of the Junior Prom thi year ha b en unprecedented. Due to the financial tri.ngency in the di Lrict, a mall attendance \~as [eared, but a record-breakwg crowd wa ample proof of the attractiveness of the ev nl. . . A Ha, aiian elling wa carri d out, the palm trees, gra s hut., and bnlbant flower , ombined with moon and sky, erving to make the gymnasmm a close rival to old Ha\ aii herself. No one color could be said to have predominated, a it would be impossible to 1imit Hawaii to any repre entative color. Blue, oranae, ellow, and green pr<'vailecl in the decorative cheme. The ea -Lern nd of Lhe hall was enchanting. A rm of palm tree formed a tempting arbor, with Hawaiian huts on each ide to hei,.hten the general effe t. Conventional d igns on the walls afford d a delightful ontra l. The ophomore and Freshman lasse were repr nted by ar ti tically designed booth , which harmonized well with the re t of the decorations. The ophomore had an open hut cov red with dainty flower , while the Fre_hman booth was do el woven, with a ba kground of gra and bios oms. Both were plendid token of the energetic spirit of the e classes. The work wa in charae of th Prom Committ e and cia, officer : Revearl 1 op, Amy Howard, Austin Walker, Conrad Dahl, Mabel Lennberg Hilmer Laron, Beatrice pencer, Chloe Keil, Albert Atwood, Mary Padjen, and Frank Tucker.

CalendaP eptember 6-- chool begir.s.

30- Footbali-L. D. 路. 6- Jordan 14. October 7- Footbali - West :~9-Jordan 0. ] 1-- tudent Body openin11; dance. 12-Movie-"King Lear." 13- uperintendent Jen en addre e tudents. 1 ~Football -Grarite 7- Jordan 14. H r 1- Bcet har est vacation. 28--Football- Ea . t 5 Jordan 7. 31 - Movies- ''Edison, the Benefactor." "Hat off." ovember 5--Football- Tooele 7- Jordan 56. ll-Half Holiday. enior Armi Lice Day program. 14-Athletic darce. 路 18--Football. Tintic High 0- Jordan 19. 2 Chief B water peak on "Fire Prevention." 22- First Lyceum umber-"Pr~mier Artists." 24.-28--TharLgi ing Vacation. 29- Dr. Miller in a sembly.

Mr. Herbert Maw,


~-----w Decentber 1-Mr. Kirkham speaks to students. 2- enior mi fit party. 5--Movie -"The Little Chevalier." "The Story of Plymouth Rock." 7-Pre路 ea on ba ketball- pringville 25- Jordan 21. 8-Junior- Freshmen party. 12-Pre- eason basketball- East 20-}ordan 32. 13-Movi s- 'Robin Hood"- "The Pied Piper." l 6-Mr. tocking addresse a embly. 19- Movie--"Benedict Arnold." 22- Movie by Mr. Burkinshaw for benefit of athletic~ . Mary Pickford in "Rebecca of unnybrook Fa1路m." 23-Pre- ea on basketball-Lehi 32-Jordan 20. One-act play-"Mi Civilization." 23- Jan. 3 Christma holiday .

lanua.ry 3- chool opens. 4-Movie-"Kidnapped." 9- Pre-season ba ketball- pr.ingville 20- Jordan 26. 1 - Ba ketball- Tooele 19- Jordan 53. 12- Movies-"..; Lory of Beet Sugar." "Back to the Farm." 17- Movie - "Last Days of Pompeii." Basketball- Lehi 25-Jordan 24. 19-20- emester test . 23- econd semester begins. Ba ketball- Grantsville 30-Jordan 54. 27- Ba ketball-Bingham 33-Jordan 30. 31-Ba ketball- Murray 20-Jordan 64. econd lyceum number.

February 3-Movie--" ila Marner." 4-Ba ketball-Tooele 34-Jordan 56. 7- Debating try-outs. 9- Movie--"Opportunity." ] 2- Movie-"Deliverance." 13- Holiday- Lincoln's birthday. 22- Holiday- Wa. hington' birthday.

Athletic dance.

March l-4-Ba ketball Tournament. 6-A. C. Glee Club. 13- alt Lake Opera Quintette. 14- Movie--"Heads Win." 17- ophomore-Senior party. 24-}unior Promenade. 29- Army intelliaence te t aiven to all students. 30-World'~ Champion typi t give demon . tration in a embly. 31- chool play- "Nothing But the Truth."

~ I"'


S- Debate-Grants1rille affinnalive-1- .J ordan negative-2. 6-Debate-Tooele negative-2- Jordan affirrnative- 1. 7- City Creek Canyon run- Jordan 18 points. 11- Ba eball- West 0- Jordan 6. 12-..;enior progre sive party. 13-Movie-"Macbeth." 14..-Ba eball- East 12- Jordan 18. 18-Baseball- Murray 2- Jordan 15. 20- Ba eball- L. D. S. 1- Jordan 15. 21- enior pring Carnival Ball. 25- Annual Cro country run-Granite 25- }0l路dan 11. Ba eball- Granite 9Jordan 10. 27- Ba eball- East 10- Jordan 2. May

1- Ba eball-We L 12- Jordan 16. 2- Triangular ti路ack meel. Granite, Murray, and Jordan. 3- Ba eball- Murray 4- Jordan 12. 5-Divi ion track meel. Annual cbool trip to aratoga. 10-Baseball- Granite-}ordan. 11nnual eli lrict field day. 12-High School Day- U. of U. Commenceu1ent Day. 15-Ba eball- L. D. S. 4..-Jordan 11. 19-Ba~ eball-Granite 3-JOl路dan 7. 22- Ba eball- East 16-Jordan 3.


S chool P a tPons ' Confer ence ] oPdan Hi8 h S chool CG1wrsday and Friday, M arch 9th and lOth, 1922 PROGRAM

TH R D ommunit Imo alion Pre idenl

FORE 00 -10







Mr. Epper on

Pre ident David Dahl

Dairying Pos"ibilities in Jordan iolin and Piano Duet . Juvenile Delinquency- Cause 路 and Remedie milld--Iughes ork '路Battle HyTI1J1 of Lhe Republic" Conf renee with Teachers. Luncheon-In Cafeteria.

. .


]. E. Dormand

Don and Renie Epperson nder direction of ] . H. Greer

. I. B. Ball .




00 -1.30 to 3 :30 P. M.


inging Mr. Boyden "Columbia the Gem of the 0 ean"-"Old Oaken Buckel" DeparLmenl Work-] :50 Lo 3:00 o'clock (Men in auditorium; Ladies in Room 303) Men' Deparlment-Mr. Gile in charge: Prof. W. L. Wanles, U. A. C. Cooperative \larketing of Farm ProductMr. los. E. mith Discussion. led by General Di cu ion. Ladies' Department-Mi. Gardner 1n charge: Mrs. Anna C. Ure Dome tic cience in the hool Mi s Emma Bayles Domestic Art in the chool Rea~semble in auditorium. High chool Male Double Quarlelle, "Love's Old weel ong" Tenors: Raddon, Hilton, Dahl, Tucker Ba ~e': Hand, Lennberg, Peterson, Despain Inspection of High chool plant. FRIDAY FORE 00 - 10 to 12:15 O'CLOCK Mr. Epperson Community inging-"America," "Bule Hymn of Republic" Invocation iolin ol ''Venu~" E. G. Eppersoll Problem of the Jordan chool Di Lrict up!. D. C. }ensell \1 oration a\ Eduration a a Factor in 1akina Men and Wom n 0 Prof. H enry Peterson, . A. C. Departmental Work-11 :30 to 12:15 Men' Dept.- Or on milh in Charge Farm Bureau Objective County Agent, Laverne Martineau Poultry on the Farm W. 0. Ramshaw dam in Charge Ladi ;,' Department- Mis chool Propertie Miss Gretchen Hor l Discussion Luncheon- In Cafeteria FRID Y

FTER 00 - 1 :30 to 3:30 O'CLO K

Community inging "Columbia the ,em of the Ocean" Mr. Epperson \ ital Elements in Education upt. Adam Bennion Reading Mrss Lillian taine Pr blem of the chool Board Member of chool Board, Hy rum locking Orche,..tra election 1/igh chool Orclze tra "Overture" Composed by Mr. Epperson The Jordan High chool Principal E. W. Robinson El ction of Officero. in Parrnt-'Peacher Association. Ba-.k t Ball in Gymnasium.


Fussinl5 Time Eddie and i\tlelva? Oh yes, it i true They think that old garden n路as just built for two, For if you look 'round you and curious be Why Ecld:e and 111elva together you'll see. ) et the e are no different From dozens l know, For there's Lee/a, Arvilla, and Ada, And Wanda, Beth, Dolly, and Chloe. And sticking a closely beside them A if they had been pa 'ted on, Are Kenneth. Lavell. Glen, and Alton, And ivil. DeWayne, Lynn, and John. Our president fusses in private, And in public sometime . just Lke this; And Calvin and Lucile together Are quite lost in heavenly bliss. And last but not least is our 1saac, The latest. most ardent young thing, Though he's keen about bachelor , his fancy Has lightly turner! also thi spring. -Frank Tucker


'Tis Ever Thus A flirL we have in our hio-h school nd a terrible flirt ish ; Hi name i Price and oh, o nice To all the girl he can be. He vamp them if they' re skinny, And he vamp them if they re stou t, nd I don ' t know how it all would end If his wife should find it out. A different kind is Ballard, For he' ca red to death of girls, H e never could tell if th y wore wig , Or had their natural curls. He'd run for many a weary mile, lf a "flapper" J10uld head hi way. Hi wife ha nothing to fear, I ween Cause lose to her side he'll sta . - Frank Tucker.

If You C])on't Watch Out Oh, Mr. Greer ha orne to Jordan High to tay, To rush the kid along to chool Lhat trie to tay away, To take Lhe bad one up to court Lhat nothin' do but luff, And believe you me, he makes it hot for those who would he Lough. And at the seventh period, when a embly days do come, The whole chool rushe into chapel on the run To hear what Mr. Robin on will have to tell about How Mr. Greer'll get you, Ef you don't watch ouL. One tin1e there wa a little boy that always tried to luff, nd every day a sure as fate, he'd try to run a bluff. On l when he tried to neak away, the naughty little toad, He aw a motor cycle a comin' down the road, nd ju t as he kick d up hi heel , to turn and run an' hide, There wa Mr. Greer a slandin' by hi ide, n' he , natched him up afore he knowecl what he's about. n' r. Greer'll gel ou Ef you don't watch out. nd Mr. Robin on he ay , "When the ~ umm r work' all done, And all t11e bear and badger to their hole begin to run, You beller mind your parents an' your teacher in ilie chool, tudy hard your les on 路 and keep the golden rule, Be to cla each day on Lime and know what you're about, Er Ir. Greer ll gel you Ef you don't watch oul. Stella Smith



The cat make everyone laugh from two years up. When Athel lane was killed they would not let him have a big time at his funeral. He let hi hor e go where it wanted to, and it followed a path, getting wider and wider and more u ed as he went. I received your picture and it ure doe assemble you. The Vengeance sat at La Guillotine counting the heads as they dropped and knitting.

I read your advertisement in the Telegram paper of hoe . A headline tell what happen~ in a brief way. The boarding hou e wa surrounded by 0rrra lived.

and flowers in which the doctor

A balanced sentence i one that is balanced on both

~ides of the middle.

Many people go yearly to eek Mt. Jordan' cool reveng . The treets swarmed with people celebrating the end of th great war. It Ia ted all day and all night. Cooper wrote "The Deer leigher." He went on a laying party.





The Farm Management clas will meet outh of the building for a trimming at 12:30 Monday. EW METHODS OF TORTURE The "Iron Woman," wa haped like a woman having spikes on the in ide. The criminal wa placed on the inside and closed. The criminal were pla ed on the rack and tretched into confe sion.

POOR HARVEY Hulda C. (Quoting hake peare) : How like a fawning publican he looks! l1ate him , for he i a Chri tensen.






Miss John 路on (in Engli h clas ) : "I corrected three-fourth of your examination papers and didn't have enough courage to go any farther. The highest mark wa C-* * *" Ruth-"Ye , and it takes lots of courage to write those papen,,, too." ML Johnson- "! ;:hould think it would."

.-------~ Faculty Ballad A young Smith at beside hi forge, wrestlin' with hi brains To write a little Ballard On a Page all fre from Staines. Hi _ hero was a crooked Crook Who toil d both day and night Robinsons of hone, t toil And killin' ' m with fright.

He robbed an honest Bateman On Adams ite by a brook Who wa diagin' Dewey little worms To bail hi _ fi hin' hook.

Miner from tl1e Fe Giles Wa li Lenin' near a bar To a Gardner from a little Berg trum on an old guitar. He held tlle two at BayLes than a minute there And stole their cloth s And twitched tlleir no 路e nd rumpled up their hair.

One day in May a Butler cried, "Your tactics won't uffice Ho, Mr. Crook, I'll di appear, I will not pay Ure Price!" But all at one a bullet bit A chunk from ou t his ear"Holmwt! Hoi' on!" he cried in frio-ht, "An' I will Riach p ar!"

But father mith came in the . hop nd ire was in his e e. "Johnson,'' he cried in bitter tones, You are a wortl1les guy. Put down that p n and get to work, I am too Horst a speak, But ' hen you feel my bo t you'll wear Cushing for a week!" - Vera Tucker.


Go lamb us Behind us lay the limy ooz. Between the muddy rock and sa.,.e, Beneath us mud clung to our shoe , Be ide u stood the broken tage. ·la s-mate said, "You i ory dome, Behold the very ga i gone. ~ peak, driver, how em "'e gel home?'" He said, "Walk on! walk on! and on!"

"My bu . grow mutinoul:l day b day, l\ly engine kno k , grow hot and w ak." The driver thou(Tht of home. a spray or mud be meared his wartby cheek. "What hall ou ay, good dri,•er. l:'ay. ][ we , til'k here till break of dawn?" "Why, f shall ay at break of da), '·Walk on! walk on! and on! and on!" -Eli;;abeth Blair. ir. Jensen's student:- had made many collections of hugs, hut he ·ould ~1wav ~ive a name for ea ·h kind. o a few· of the boys decided to get a hug With wb .ich he "'a. not acquainted. They caught several and killed them. Th Y Look the leg from one, the wing · from another. and the b dy of another. ~nd _glued them together. The tool Lbi · hug Lo Ir. }en en and a. ked him what lcind 1t wa · He looked at it and said, ''That i a euriou looking buo-." 'What kind is it?" a!:> ked the boys eager] y. "It's a humbug." an wered i\Ir. Jer.sen.


ar, Ronald, have you ever -~" n a horsefly? o. but I've seen a cowJip aPd heard a mothball.

CR.,hapsody of CR.,odney (With Apologies) Roylance's lips are sweet (for Doyle told me so), Her hand are oft (for !den ought to know) She likes to hug (at least o Carl'll faller). he love to kis (l got this sLraight from Walt r). A ring looks swell upon her hand (said ivil 1hen), When she says, 'Yes," he's cham1ing (murmured H nl, he lov the lights real low (1 learned from Gene) ,. Her hair i ilh.')' this from Cal in' bean). be cuddle up so ni ely (Enis vowed). he clings to me so vinelike( Coa h al lowed). Her cheeks are made of velvet (Harold said), Tbeir color ne'er com off ( uggested Red). It really et me in a wldrl To have so verEatile a girl. Orin Howard

COhe Heartato-rium Conducted by Red Sorensen Aleck Zander Oh, Great and All-wise Aleck Zander:[ pray thee, enlighten my mind as to which woman I should take as my own. The PO>S· sibililies are: Wanda B., Dolly B., (Don't tell Walter .) Lucile .. Ada 0. Beth Batchelor, Verda ., and Mary C. I shall wait pat.iently for your an wer. EucENE CnoPPER.

I see within my cry tal Wanda, Dolly, Lucile, da, Beth. Verda, Mary, and a ho t of others, all unknown to me. They are ficrht· ing for recognition. I find after thorough research, that it would be unwise for me to choose among them, but I'll give you a tip: each and everyone of those girls would go through fire an I brimstone, poverty and di . grace, to do homage to you.

Most High and Trise Aleck Zander:-

Aleck Zander, the man who knows:Piea e tell me, how can I marcel my hair at home. ALTON WlLKl

For shame, thou fickle youth; love does not come from wavy hair, but from a freak wiggle on the dance floor. For instance, watch Carl Olsen o.r Harold Cropper dance.

Oh, thou wondrously Wi.se Man; oh Aleck Zander, t.he Greatest:. ? Will I succeed i my present love affat.r · It i my first. 1 wa a poor innocent. cluld until Dolly captivated me. Tell me, tf you like to see your fellowmen succeed, what must 1 do to win her? WALTER ANOEllSON.

Please tell me, what is love? fARY


It would take too much lime to explain in detail, but it is an insane condition of the mind. For an example and further information see Walt . and Dolly B.

Alas, alas, another good man gone wrong, and vou a Senior, too. One who should have lofty· and noble ideals has fallen for the vamp. Does your mother know that you have .strayed from tbe fold? Boy, repent of your stns and wa h your hands of fickle women forever.

CA Line o' Optimism or


By Walt '·Hew to tbe

chool; let the Taxes fall where they may." ( IT' ith apologies to B. L. T.) Crescent News: Born to Mr. and Mrs. Will J. H. S. will be next year. As useful as a E. Last. a young son and three calve on chool without teachers.. L.- We take great pril the 7th. The former will not be eduplea ure. N. L. in pre enti.ng you with. ~us cated in the Jordan High chooi.- P. D. Q. pair of galvanized ampheres, in apprectalJOll for your subtle wit. Hit means, by crac1:y, thet more of u ol' Are red-head fickle? A k Beth Batchelor. farmers 'II half to mortgage our horse and homes, by heck.-C. C. I. L. ., al.ias Walter Raleigh, says: An overcoat either way means nothing to me. For faculty meo,ber who expect to teach in the Jordan High another year we suggest Becau e of recent snowslides in Granite, it that they ju t read over the hi tory of Joan was found necessary to stop the stages at of rc- he died for a wonderful thing.- "Q. ' 'half mile" stations. enabling students who T.'' are forced to use skiis to save five minute on an overland trip. que tion for Einstein: What is an automobile without gasoline? For the .bes~ an'·Bob, do you still love me?"- C. C. B. swer we will p:ive a carload of short·CI_l'CUILS. Mr. oah Lott. from acr~ s t~1e. nv.er, an· tee!- Lock swers: Comparatively speakmg, 1t ts hke the ( P. If thi is humor, I'm Shylock)







- t ='



• C\~ ---= ---r::~ ·

- "" . .... ,


~~ •




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Price Stock

Dealers ill: Farm Implements, Buggie , Wagon and Harne toves and Hardware


Auto Acces ories and Supplie

Phone Midvale 203

Day and Night Store

P. 0. Box 162

S. D. Parver 124 So. Main St.

Have you your Tennis and

Baseball Equipment? You haven't?THEN SEE

Western Arms Sporting Goods Co. 115 SOUTH MAIN

..--------~W ..

Ladies Tailoring a pecialty

Suits Made to Order

H. F. RASMUSSEN TAILOR Clothes Cleaned, Pressed, and Repaired.

Center Street

Midvale, Utah

A nnouncement:

This Space Paid for by

ctCbri~ten~en ~tubio

The installation of two new d partments in our Midvale store has made it one of the most efficient in the state. One i a complete line of Laclie ' low cut hoes and the other a complete et of Boys' Knee Pant uit . Inasmuch as we have added nothing to our overhead expense we guarantee to undersell all competitor . Be like the Mis ouri Mule, make us how you~ Phone 241

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A Banking Account lays a Foundation for the FutureStart One With Us l'


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our Motto

Hewlett & Hughes Expert Barbers- Haircut Shave 20c.


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uto Top Recover 7.50 and up Harnes - none better at the price.

Well's Groceteria elf ervice Sy tem



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ENGRAVED Commencement and Wedding Invitations Announcements Christmas Greeting Cards Calling Card

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Rochester, N. Y.

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Midvale State



Did you see the glare Of Mi s. Gardner' stare, n 1 the shock of urpri se in her eyes At a tl1ing so new nuder the sun. ' Engli h C wa prepared- every one. . A. R. There once wa s a pre itlent rare Wlto e bead was too b·ig for hi hair, Don'~ think it j jane , Or f1lled up ' ith brains. I know beuer- it's air. V. B. he' all my fancy painted b cr, Tn ·horthand be' just greal. But when you come there unprepared he get that look of bate. Said Mi ss Staines to her dass " o more feelin" than brass !' Yon stand like a talk, You talk like a clock, And _you move aU your persons about; Get 1nto the pi e ce, or get out." A. R. There wa And he H ditln't To any

a boy in our srhool wa wondrou s ' ise, introduce hi s girl other guys.

- D. W.

"Reta, did you ever catch Conrad flirt· ing?" " Why, yes, that' the way I caught him."

Little Fre hie- ! saw you ki Lucile. Calvin- When did you see 111e ilo that? Freshieever mind· give me a dime or I'll tell on you. ' Calvin- Well, here it is. Begone! Freshie-Thnt makes three dollars this summer t11at way. We have cunning little girls With kinky little curls Sticking out from their ears and their forehead, And every sing! night They curl tl1em all up· tiglll, Or the next day in scl10ol they' d look horrid.

- B.S. Conrad walked into a workshop, where he saw a strong magnet. The blacksmith told him that thi s could draw two hundred pound s. "That' notbtng! I know a little native object, wrapped in frill and frock , who is drawing me over three miles of J>ioughed land every Sunday night," said Conrad.


he End

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Jordan 1 igh Yeart.ook





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