1923 1924

Page 1




as it was deemed inadvisable to publi b

all annual iu uinete<' ll twpnty-thre<', thif> BPetdig-

ger pro ents-i11 picture and sto ry- the activities of twl) )'Cars. Bouutiful years have the:c heell for the student; of Jordan- thronged with happy hours and crowned with sucees ·. :M ay tlliR, om· annual, rcrall to mind the c go ld e n days and keep alive in every henrt love aml n•n•rellc•c for dc>ar old .J ordau.

Hl ortld il were worthier!"

"And 7('/1111 is 1vril, is writ.


路'O Li(l', /row p/,路asant is thy 11wrning".




' artf'clt appr e 路iuti on of' the ine.' timable se rvic路e he n 路nd cr ed to t he g rowth and d cwelopm eJJ t of a bi gge r aml bette r .J o rdau , w c1 dicate thi s a nnnal to tlt e m emory of' tl1 Iat , K W. l~obin颅 sou- ou r beloved priHcipnJ, t a C'h r, ::mrl l'ricnct. N !1

" X oll<' but llilllscl{ r on be his purallcf''.

In Memoriam EL)\\'AJW Wll~LfAM l{ol INHON was born in merican Fork. _luly tenth, eighteen hundred sixty-seven, and died at the principal's cottage. Sandy, Thursday April tenth , nineteen hundred twenty-four. ln his early boyhood, he attended the district schools of his native town, and later became a student of the B1 igham Young Academy at Provo. Subsequently he studied law at the University of J\Iichigan, and was then admitted to the bar in his native state. !lis love for serv ic e cady ell w him into public life. whe1e heremained almost constantly until his untimely takino- away. His first pullic service was that of an elementary teacher near his boyhood home. He then responded to the call of his church, and pent three years as a missionary in Europe and \\'este1 n .'\sia. Cpon hi return to l'tah, he was appointed a member of the faculty of the Utah Agricullui a l Co ll ege al Logan, where he remained for a period o{ twelve years, attaining the position of professor of political science. Mr. !{obinson, from ca1ly manhood, was interested in government. This interest le I him to pe1mit his name to go befo1 e the electorate of his adopted city and county. He was twice elected mayor of Logan and a member of the lower house in the state Jeo-is lature, where he ;; rvccl as speaker both terms. For a I rief period he moved to Southern ·alifornia, where he enter d th · real- state business. But this field did not satisfy hi s love for serv ice, so he returned to the teaching profession and accepted the principalship of the J>ark "ity High Schoo l, until on July fifteenth, nin ten hundred twenty, he was elect d principal of the Jordan lTigh. which position he held at the time of hi· death. l\1 r. l{ ohinson early endeared himself to the hearts of the tudents at Jordan, and the love, respect, and esteem in which he \Yas held increased wit h each added day of association. , As a teach r, h was most inspiring and stimu lating·. Hi· class work was fr •q uently punctuated with humorous illustrations taken from hi s var ied exper iences in life, and his abi lity to reduce to concrete ex am pl e th abs tract principles involved, made Ia ting impres ion on the minds of hi s students. !J c was a teacher of rare a l ility. i\s a n administrator, we are con,·inced that he had few equal · and no s uperi ors. li e direct d th • affairs of our school without apparent effort, and yet with s uch signa l success as to cha ll enge the admiration o f s tudents, fa culty, sc hoo l officials, and pa tron s a lik e. H e wa a prin cipal of unqu a lifi ed s uccess. That Jordan lli gh School has .· uffered an irreparable lo s in the passing away of our belo,· d principal, thi record of his life and hi ac omp li shmcn ts-far more splendid and endurino- than any memorial that cou ld he erect d to him - wi ll show.

~~ ....


" Cau ilwl mau be dead wlrosc sPiritu.al iufluencc is 011 Iris ki11d t"

路~ nver rfll..li'JIJ.iHf!., C'l 1t'J' IIC'U',



the landscaJ>r tire tile


,, 6


,;tn0 111( SJ!IIIP .l.tarfl O!fln UJ Jlol.,

' llt J piiJ /II! .tJc/ ns 'u<>s u;>f · ' /II JP!SJ.Id 'UOSJ!i\\

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'J. P!Al!Q ·uu!nQ 'M ':I 'liOS J{) '1 Ut);)'l '·¥·' 'I.) 'LI O~ <illl d lj I.


~ P! N

"IV!tcre nnrr IIIV rarl'itss childltoocl .1/roycd".



still they ga::'d. nud still thr wo11dcr grew That m1c small ht'nd could carrjl all he k11ew''.


''Tile 'world !mows 110ihi11g of its grcal!'sl 11tcn



Tlw R,路l'ltlir.gcr Sia({.


1923 a11d 1924

''A lr! •••lro m11 II'll 1107(' hard it is to climb 7 Ire .<fer/>, where Fame's Pro11d ICIII/J[e shi11cs afur.~" '---..___


-= 13

SENIORS 1922-23. CLASS OFI'ICERS Amy ll oward, R vearl Alsop, Prcsidc•11t S ecrclary-Trcosurcl Vic e- President CLASS ADVISORS Miss Riacb Mr. Cro k Miss Gardner Mr. Giles S TIOLASTI RE ORD .............................. 10 Number gradu<tting with an ;1vcn1g · of A. I 'olcdil'loricnt, Lillian l3oggl's~ .

Albert Atwood,


A tlctics Number in Football 14 Lettermen in Football ........................... 10 Number in Basket · ball ............................ 12 Lettermen in Basketball ............... ............. 6 Number in Baseball.... 8 Lettermen in Baseball 7 Numb r in Track ....... 6 Lettermen in Track .... 2

N 11111h'·r

Dcbati11g in I) ·hating

M11sic Number in Orchestrn 3 Number in Bcws' Gke Club .......... · ............ 2 N umber in Girb' Glee Club ...... . ... 3 Number in Chonts.... I)

Dramatics "Clarence" ..................... 3 "Maker of Dreams" ...... 2 IIONORS

l>'irst p·ace Winne•r in C'llfW11JCr of commerc e Speech on test. [cirst E'lat•c• 'Winn<'r In At;. Club l•l~HIIY Contest. S cond Place Winner in fl>~.ll l ALlt<'

Realtors' Speech Contest.


Second P l ace W.inncr In r~IVPSlO<'k f-;IJOW i:le niow Essay ConlPsL Third Place vVilllH'r in LIVPHlcH·I( Show.

Slt~drlll Rody Of(ict's President Vice-President

S ' crclary-Trcasnr r

Ch icf Justicc Two Associate Justi ·es Clerk of Court Marshal Athletic Manager Yearbook Editor Artist Business M11n;tger

Senior ICH8H)' ('(11\(('St. lli gh Pn l nt Man in Htock.ill 1gin).:' at North H<tll l,~l~ e wiVl'Stoc\( Hllow. l•'lrRl Plrt(·c \VInn<' t' .Jot·dftn -Granlte Run. HN·ond Pi>H'e vVInn r City 'reek C~n~·(In n.un. All fltut l•'ltlll)ltt•k In Footbn'l. J\11 Stall-· nuard in Haskothall.

SOCIAL AFFA IRS Senior Carnival Ball _:op h omor~-Scnior Partv Senior- Fa ulty Party Faculty- Senior flanquet Annual Progress ive Party

"To !mow, to esteem, lo lovc-a11d thc11 to part".


E . r\ NngHsoN,

horus. Hoys' Gil'~





luh 19.2.2 23.

V. ll owAHJ>,

Girb' lu b 1916-17. Junior f'r om Comm itte" 1921-.22. ccrctary , cnior Class 1922-23. President Sorosis luh 1922-23. llonor Stud nl.

, \ Llll~ ll'l'


i \T\\' ()0(),

~ o pltomnrl路

" 'ourier" Staff 1920-21. Junior Prom Commiltec: 1921 -22. Sl'ninr Vice路 f'rcsiclcnt 1922 23. Judge Student Hndv onrl 1922-21 Business ,\ lanag 路r \ ' carhook 1922-23.

hon". lkhating 1919-20 21 22-23. l'nnthal l 1921- l .clll'rman 1922-23. Basktlhall 1921 22-23. Hascha11 1920- l.cttt-rman 1921 -22 23. Trark 1919 20 22 23. ('oHA


I.JI N ()l-\A , . ,

Orchl' Sl ra 1920-21 -22. Cirls' lu b 1921 22. Snrosis Club 1922-2.1.

Class of 1923


So ros is Club 1922-23.

WnANK M. T I<ER, O rches tra 1921-22. Boys' \.I cc lub 1921 22. junio r lass Pr>s id cnl 1921-22. Stud ent Body V ice P resident 1922-23. St ck Jud ging T ea m 1921-22-23.

\ lt( '11 LE ,JAMES.

M nrru~


M r.; LBA

MlT fJ,

So rosis

Class of 1923


luh I 22 23.


Sorosis Club 1922-23.




L. LARSON, Student Body Court 1922-23. Debating 1922-23. President S minary Graduates 1922-23.


Dl~A N BAT.!<; MAN'

Sorosis Club 1922-23. 1Ton or Stndcnt.

ELs m L. CooLEY. Sorosis Clnb 1922-23.

ALBERT E. KNOvVL~<:s, Football.

Class of I923




Junior Prom Committee 192 1-22. Sorosis Cluh 1922-23. Student Body Secr <路tary a nd Treas urer 1922-23. 1Jon or Student. H BV IMlll" AR1' 1-l Ult ALSOP, Chairman Junior Prom Commi t te~ 1921-22. Senior Class President 1922-23. Student Body Marsha l 1922-23. l'ootball 19 19. Letterman 1920-21-22-23. Captain 1922-23. A ll State Fullback 1922-23. lhskethalt 1920. Letterma n 192 1-22-23. A ll State Guard 1922 23. Baseba ll Letterman 192 1-22-23. Traek 1920-21. Let l rman 1922-23.


L. HoHENsoN,

Editor Sophomore "Courier" 1920-2 1. B ys' , Jcc luh 1920-21. lass Secretary a nd Tr asurt>r 1921-22. Kodak Club 1.921 -22. Editor Yearbook 1921-22. tud 路nt Bo ly President 1922-23. Editor Senior Yearbook 1922-23. lass Sa lutatorian !922 23 Winner hamhcr of Cnmmcn:c Essay ontc st 1922-23. l;ootbal l l.dtc rman JC22-2.1. ll onor Student.

CA Bl_-()f'; .J. AN DEH.SON' Sophomore ''Cou,路 icr '' Staff- 1920-21. School Artist 1920-21-22-23.

Vm 1tn 1s BF.RHE'l"J', Sorosi~ lub 1922-23.

Vg1tA II. \Vu BTMAN, Sorosis Club 1922-23. Dramatics-1922-23.

Class of 1923

- . -"'-'









F ootball 1921- Letterman 1922-23. Ba ketball 1921-22 .



V.EntA Tu






lub 1922-23.


Sorosis Club 1922-23. Class Valedictorian 1922-23. Honor Student.


Sorosis Club 1922-23.




Sorosis Club !922-23.



Baskcthall 1921-22-2:1. 1922-23.



IVJ A R l )•)

(;AN i l,

Sorosis lub 1922-23. 11 on or Student.

D EAN (). 0LJV.ER, Sorosis Club 1922-23. Debating 1922-23. T1 on or Student.

H AnoLo ~~. BoRGON.

Class of 1923


A. BEltltETT, Sorosis Club 1922-23.


(l LE" N t~'. L1~ N N Bg1w, Choru 路.

A L'l'ON L.

w lll1'MORE,

Ag. Club 1920-21. Student Body ourt 1922-23. Football Lcttcnnan 1922-23. Basketball 1921-Lettcrman 1922-23 Baseball 1921-Lcttcrman 1922-23 .


Girls' lub 1919-20. or sis Club 1922-23. horus 192 1-22.

FLORI~NCJ<' PIERRON' Sorosis luh 1922-23.

K )<,~Nb:T II [J.


Opera 1918- 19. Ba skctba II 1923. llaseball 1919. Letterman 1920-22-23.

Class of I923


!VAN G. STAY, Football 1921 -22. Track 1922-23.

Letterman 1922-23.


ChtAC I~ L. BLAKE, Basketball 1919-20. Park ity Iligh Scho I. Girls' Chorus 1919-20. Park City Tligh cho I. o l un~hian Girls' ocicty, 1919-20. Park City lligh chool. horu .. 1920-21 -22-23. Sorosis luh 1922 23.

LAHON R. ANDRU ' Debating 1922-23.

HEvA M. Bnouorr, S ro sis Club 1922-23. Dramatics 1922-23.

Class of 1923

A L'l'HEA 0.

FERRELL, S cretary Freshman Class 1919-20. Sorosis Club 1922-23.

W . .B"'RAN :oM , Track 1921. L tterman 1922-23. City Creek Canyon Run. Third Place 1922-Sccond Place 1923. .First Place Granite-Jordan Run 1922-23.




Sor . is Club 1922-23.

JAMF..:s SEAL, Tl1ird Place Livest ck Show Seni r say Contest 1922-23.



Dramatics. S ro sis Club 1922-23.




Girls' Chon1s 1920-21. Choir 1921 -22. Sorosis Club 1922-23. J r nor Student.

Class of 1923

I~Uiw .J. Pno 'TOR, orosis Club 1922-23. llon or Stud ent.



DonA GoonRtcu.

TnoMAS , TOWE, Ath letic Manager 1922-23. l ton r Student.

DAISY MILNE, . orosis

Class of 1923

lub 1922-23.




lub 1922 23.


Football 192 1- Lcttcrman 1922-23. Ba seba ll 1922-23. Track 1922-23.




J~ U' I' JJ MouN'l' t<: I~R,

Sorosi s

1ub 1922 23.

M~<:LVA ALL!!: ' Sorosis 1uh 1922 23 .




Class of I923

!\I I LLJ·:tt II. llA y' SoplionHlr~

"Cmtri er" Staff 1920-21. Dramatics 1922 23. J.'ootba ll 1922 23. Basketball 1922 2.3. l1~ 1JWAHD



QJJ,l.. H,

tub 1919 20.

Stock JmlginR< Tt·am 1920 21 22 23. Debating 1922-23. First !'lace ,\g. tub Essay ontest

1922-21 Second P lat·e Livt•stock Show ·nior Es say Contest 1922 23. t\llilctic l\lanag ·r 1920 21. Football 1920-21 l.ctterman 1922-2.1. llaskcthall 1920 21. Letterman 1922-23. l •~t.I7AJH:T JI K ( 'ttl MP, Sorosis luh 1922-23.


H-ALl' I l

Class of 1923






Dramatics 1921-22. Debating 1922-23. Seco nd Place alt Lake Realtors' Speech Contest 1922-23.


Stud nt Body Marshal 1922-23. Football 1922-23. Basketball Letterman 1921-22-23. Baseball Letterman 1920-21-22-23.




Stork Judging T am 1923. Footba ll Letterman 1920-2 1-22-23. Basketball 1922-23. Bas I a ll Letterma n 1920-21-22-23.




VERNON .JENT<TNR, Ag. lub 1920-2 1. C1 rk tudent Body Court 1922-23. J7ootba ll 1922-23. Basketball 192 1. Letterman 1922-23. Baseball 1921. Letterman 1922-23.

Gtw H., t•: IGRNES'J' ,JoNmR, Footba ll Letterman 1922-23. Raskctba ll Letterman 1922-23.



lub 1922-23.







"A bsent in body, but present i11 spirit".



I have fwd playnwlcs: I /wvr lrad comt•a11 io11s" .


"They had been friends in youth.'.

__ass . . .cers


~1923 ~

jU i'\ 101{ OFFI ERS.

Lar 路nc Hcrrdt.

Srrrrla ry-Trcas urcr.

V l'rllC ) l' ll SCil l'rcsidmt.

"(} ll casy li es the h ea d that

V crona \V a lkcr. I 'irr- f'n路sidt路nt.

1VI'OYS H ('I'CI1tlll" ,

SOP IIO\IORE OFFICERS. 11et h llat chc lor I 'icc-President.

harlc" Dunyon Pre sidell/.

.\tha Hurkinshaw S,路crcta ry-Trcas~trcr.

f'Rr<: I L\1.\N OFf i CER~ Kendall Vincent

Esther Whitmore


S ecrela1路y- T rcas711'1'r.

"Thus, if s111nll thin.rts




with .!!real comPtwe".

twlcnt Body O((ir.ers.



"This kindl:!,• intrrcoursc <l'illever Prm•c A bond of amity und sor£a/ /on···.

"Clarenee " "Clarence", a com edy by Boo th T a rkin g to n, wa s pn· ,~ nt c d a s o ur annual play o ff ering rdo r e th e Gra nit e Hi g h Sc hool o n April eig htee nth and in our o wn audi to rium on th e a ft e rnoon o f A pril th tw ent ie th and th e evenin g o f th e tw enty - fo urth . Th e c;,s t, chosen fro m o ne hundred m embe r s o f th e stud ent hody wh o tri d o ut fo r parts, in clud ed th e foll o win g slud cnh : V l' rm• J ensc n , 1\1 ilton J ~ n sl' n , l\1 ill o n M a uch ley, Miller Day, Kenn eth O rt on, V e ra Wh et man , G eo rg ia Fo th erin gham , Rcva Bro ug h, P a tia ll endrick se n, and D o rth ea Frost. V e rn e j ensen , as th e ba shful •x-soldi e r, wh o hdo r · th e wa r had h l'l' ll a pro fc , so r o f e nt om logy, po rtra yed thi s ecce ntri c cha rac te r c l ·vc rly. a s did G eorgi a Foth erin g h a m and Milton J e ns en th e qua rrd so m e br o th er a nd s is t er . Rc va Hrou~~:h, in th e r le o f a soc i ·ty wom a n, a nd 1\1ilt on i\l ;t uchky, a s he r ha ra sse d hu shand . did very good wo rk. In fa ct a ll memb er s o f the cast a · t •d w ·11 ; a nd th y a s welt as Mi ss E dwa rd s, th e coach, we r e hi ghl y pra ised fo r presl' ntin g thi s rath er difficult com edy in so de li g ht ful a m:1nn c r.

Drama Class Plays Th e cla ss in pl ay produ ctio n pre · se n ted two o n · ac t pl ays a t ass ·mhli cs to ' 'h ic h th e publ ic was in vited . ''Th e :"\~ i g hh ors" . a cr m cdy hy Zo na , all-. \\a'> pl ayed h) Do r thc;1 l.' rns t, V eo la wen Lar.,o n. llc tli Ha tchl• lor. Oli ve so n, Ve rdi s Hl· r n· lt. Ve ra Hurgon , and , ig-n · Eck. Till' cha rac te rs in "Th e l\ 1a kt· r o f Drea m s". a phanta sy by li ph a nt I )ow n, wt•n• )>lll't rayt· d by V era da \ Vhetm a n, V c rh1 J acnhsr n. ancl Oldh a m.

'rlli ' •· <'l n rPI H'f'" ('aH t Milto n M a u c i>I Py Milto n J P il Ht• n rteva 13 r o u g l t Mlll !· r· I>ay K •ru 1 •l ll 0 1·t on J> o r · tll ~a l•' r os t Ma J•:rt war(IB, ('oaeh V !'l'a W ll <' tm a n Vi• J' JW ,J l' ll H<' n

"Til e p/a~•'s the !h ill !!"·





The qurs tic n chosen for slate high schoo l debating- in 1923 was: ''Resolved, That Ut~h Should Est;d>hh a State onstal ulary ". j o rd a n was grouped in a triang1dar divi s ion with Toock and Hingham. Tryout-, were held in 17ebruary. at wh :c h tim • a sq uad of s ix was ciHlSL'n. cons i-.ting of the following: Dolly Burgon. Dean Olivt·r. L;1ron t\ndru s. II ilmL·r Lar. !Ill, Edward Gills, a nd Albert Atwood. The last was th · lllll) l'.' JH'ric ncccl ckhattr on the squad. The contests took plact L'arly in ,\pr il, each team taking part in two debates. jordan won three c f the four ltagUL' dchatcs held. losin g to a Tooele team comp se d f L'x pcri c nct•d p •cpk of exceptiona l ability. Too ele also lost only one dehate: hut under the rules se nt nut by the l.Jniven;ity. in case of a tie, th e school having received the grtatcr number of vc H·s from the judg-es should he declared the winner. Jordan had won om· <khate hy a tw o to one decision. while T ooele had wn n all three by unanimou s votes, so they were dccbrcd champions of th division. DL·hat in g. ho" t•vn. "''" a dt·cirkd suL·crss. \It hough cac h team consisted of on ly t\\o ll'l'lllhLrs. all on the squad took part in thL• debates. This rotat ion system Jll'rhaps wcall'lll'd thl' dferti\L'IlL'"· hnt it gan· more pl'ople an opportunity to get t•xpcrkncL'. ·1o \\in thn•t• ckhatl'' liiHkr th's ml'lh< d. \\ ith a romparati\·cly inex periL' Ilrl'cl squ:HI, wa' indL'L'cl ;tn hcnwr for Jord an.

Lnr·o n 4\nclrn K. !loll~·

l ·~ dWUt'd


!ll•:ll.\TL '(; ~<lt • ..\D !•; . .\IIan I ;Htt·u un. I'!HH· IL ll i lllH'l' . \lt wrt . \twootl . tl ,•an uti\! •1'.


"/'or c<'Cil lhouf!.h <'CIIltJitislzcd. he rould argue stilt".



\aow ~ ledre

d.-y *hell

ev-er we'll be •·ebave to p•r.t

Our II''"'' H11p . py

to d17111

lm llrt


Words and Music by EMERY G. EPPERSON Op.56

provewe8h11ll tr)' aow pAh~t-ln S" by

Dtrtr Our

ol11 old

Jor- da11 Jor - du

1e: ~;=~=·::::·,~·:a:lllitl!:,;;,

e::c;,i::r:;,:c:i:.:,:~ *

fl ". Tbl a !'IOnK nury be und •• • II.Js-b -.ot.ool •our.tor UJ' ubool 'tty nbltltutla,.loca.l - hJf'h oame -

•nd o'ft•oging- t.lle tloe fa ohon• rct'ertnR' to ool•n.


jorda11 fan·d til\' JCJ22 footltall '<'il">n 11itli hut fin· ktl<'rlll<'ll ldt fnnn till' squad of th · yL·ar bdorc. :-;in,·c practically e1Try ot,lwr school had a team of veterans, the pro-.pccts fnr a sm't' ·ssful year wer · not L'xccedingl~ bright. Never thckss, hard work and consistent training den·lnp<·d a squad th:~t \\'as ahl • to give any opponent ;t n·al batt I ·. ' L he season opened with a hitter 0 to 0 strug-g-1· against W<•s tnlinstc.:r. The next week llcctdiglo{<:rs and Saints wnc forcL·d tr content th<•ms,·h·,·s with a tic scor · 6 to 6. In the third L'OnH·st, afttr playing tiH: championship l ~as t tL'alll off its feet for th · lirst half, Jordan 's gn:<.:n llll'll l>rok<' ;u11l thL· Leopards romped home with a 26 to 7 victorv. The most brillia1~t achi 'I'L' Illcnl nf till' '<'asnn 11as thl' un<'XJl<'Ctl'd dd ·a t of th<: strong \Vest team in a historic h;lttk on 'unmlings Fil-ld Th · final scnr<' 6 to 11 is a correct iudl'X of the clos ·m·ss of thL· cnnt<·st. llo" '\'er, this game proved costly to th<' lkctd:ggns as l>ow. st(•ilar ('IHI, "''' injun·d sn SL'\'L'ITI~ as t In· out fnr the r<.:st nf the scas<flL Jordan lost her annual game with (:ran ill' for Lli · !>nhurban championship by a scon• of IH to 7. . 'n t onh ll'il' Dmv nul, hut \ hitmorv. qnarterhark. ,,-as i1Jjun•d, and Oldham. tin· 'JH'l'dy lit til' half. had g<~lll' ln California I"" ·s 11 hirh ckst rnvl'cl I he t.:amwork and 11 t·akl'ned Loth ,,ffl'll'L' and dl'fl'II SL'. jordan ddl'all'cl l't'lll'" 23 to 12 in lh<· cntl) otliL·r gam<· nf the st·asnn. 'I itl)'lgh tiH• l<'a n did nut 11 in lh<' champion ship :111d l11sl I<> (,ranik. its k1rk ·rs inund 11\l!L'li t" i ·<I g· c d 1>1' ·r. _l .,rdan h:lll a •tr~>ng oft<',,,. ior till' fir I t'!ll' 111 scH'r.d \<':II • (' nting SLI>rts in <''ll'h nf it I lL:lH g.IIIH' I h ·n tnn, Ill\\,.,;,, p- ·l:1'm lthl' 1<1 <. ltn th tal ( :lj ta'lt \l•op, I) llllall:JJ\IH\' 11 lL', \\as 11h' 1 111a IL· ft•l h. l k I,., I hv Ill\ h '<"d all st:tlL l h-1 II ' I Itt• fulll)l\'i!H( 111 ·n m:111e their kttl'I'S: i{l'\ l' ar l \ls1 p. I· hn·r 'IIH>li!JI ll'l, Charks \nrkrsoll, \IIH'rl \t11111Jd. \rn1 ld l·r:IIH'IIIn. and '..!ton \\ 'hitiJII>I'I'. l·a<' 1 IH·Irl: and l'vt r r I lllll. \ lfr,·d llt\ll)', ' I h1ll11:1s Sadln, Roh<'rt Withvrs. <>r Jll<tll l•it1gnald. lsaav Sor('n"•n. I Zdw:~rd c:ills, \rrhi·· '\('isUII. c;,..,rgv Jom•s, and llall Sta), iiiH'nH•n. (). ll. llallard. Coach

Thomas S

"I ,'o w/1 11 l'llttC'h c111d lc•f 11 c'c>IIC'il hr• c'rtllc•d".


1 1ctll

1 !f'r.

Lettermen 1922-23


Jordan's 1922-23 basketball prospc 'b at Lh · beginning of thl' s ·as n s •em d t be the best in the history of thc s~:lwol. ad !cr. ,\lsop, and Dow, r •gnlars of the year before, were once mor · avai lnble. rump, a sub guard f the previous season, again turned out. Added to these, a host of second tc;un men became candidates for the first team. 1 he scascJil opened with a win from the Springvill · t •am, who were destined to become state champions. Th • n ·xt week in practic ·, P ·tc Dow, the main cog in the scoring mach in •, broke his leg and was lost to t h · squad duri~ the regular cason. De pile this severe hlow the team m;Lintained it. morale. Whitmore took l ow's place and with Grant Crump made a pair of forwards that f r speed and passing abi lity have se ld om been cxccllcd in high school basketball. A lsop and adle r formed an a im st impregnable gnard line. At center two grccn candidates, Ed Gill and Stunt Jones, alternated. Gill was spL'L' dy hut inacruratL': J01lL'S, s low and not very dependable, hut a fightl'r. I low •ver, hard work and cktL·nni nati ( 11 work •d wonders, Jones finnlly landing as regular ccnter. lly the l'nd of th • season he had become a heady, consistent performer, who rnnkcd well wit.h any pivot in th' tate. The b ys lost but one leagttl' game during the year, that to Ringham nn T or~l an's fl oor. The out5tanding performance of the season was the defeat oi Bingham at Bingham. em· of the 1\1 o times a Jordan quint hus l'vcr been ab le to accomplish this feat. Jordan went into th · state tournament tied with Bingham, but without th • serv· ices of Grant rump, til· leading scorer of the Jordan division . Jord;111 sti ll had a wonderful d · fen-,ivc team. but the fact that Dow on hi., ·rippkd leg was unable to work into thc pa'Sing, great ly wcakL·ncd th~ offensivl' play . Preston was dcfcated the first round 33 to 17. In the second round the dope was comp l ·tt ly upset, when thl· champion l. chi tcalll was outrlassed hy the llcl'l diggers 39 to 21. Jordan lost to l)ixit· thl' third night 30 to 22, and t L. 1 . the final night 32 to 22. !sop brought honors to thc school when he was acknowledg d to be the great,•st defensive player in the stat and was unanimously c.hoscn for a ll -state guard. J enkins, Jensen, Day, and Fit7gl'rald wcr · the other members of the squad who helped to give Jordan her best haskcthall sea~on.



In 1923 Jordan·~ baseball tl'am brought to the sc hoo l the only undisputed championship ever won by a Hl·ctdigg ·r :tthlctic organi1ation. The team was a real championship outfit. I 11 ran· and ,\lsop it had a dcp 'tHI able catching staff. Steady Ken ?l l abtront, fla~hy Frank Rt•a ding, south paw. and Pete Dow made an ideal pitching staff. l\ l alstrom's work all season was a fitting climax to his fin · baseball record of four yl•ars. Jordan's infield posse osc cl unequaled c lass. Dow, at first, had no rival. Day a11d J enkins covl'red seco nd in acceptable fa shion . Th · hitting of Gardner, veteran shortstop, was hard and timely. ] ack Whitmore, an aggn•ssivt• third bast•man, r unded out the in field nicely . A wea lth of outfielders gave a chance to shift thr linrup to lllt'L'l any situation. Sadler, J\twoocl. Howrn, and lkwey Wt'I'L' a ll stars, both afiL·Id and at hat. [(imball, Fitzgcralcl, 1\nclcrson, Tuckl•r, and rump formed ;1 li st of reserves that would have bel'n regulars on any other high st·hool tt·a nt. The tc:tm got off to a poor start, losing II tn I to tlw Saints, and 5 to 4 to Granite. ll owcvcr, tht·y showt·cl tlwir gnml'ltt·ss i>y ro111ing had{ and w innin g L'l'n) ot her contest. !\ear th · t•nd of th e sraso tt they wt·n• forrecl to til-float L. 1). S.. Wrst. and East on three successive days 10 cinch th • championship This thL·y did, dnwrttllg the Saints 10 to 5, West 9 to 4, anci l·:ast H to 3. In the final gam • with ll oxcldn to tkt'idl' tht· stalt' \'hampinmltip. J ordan was forced to the limit In win a i to 5 victor).


S(J(" ...\ ll · Hufllf't', ))nw , <:nr·1lllt>l". .\ '!-!n p . :\fnle lt 1H 1lll, l~ iill:trd, ('11111 '11 J t'l l ~lr:, l'l' l tld , KlrniHilt. ltPucllllK, t>ay, ('r·nnt•, SlowP, MullllK<'r. Alwood. Antlt•rNoo, Ur•wp~·. ('runrp, Howt•n, Jt•nklns. Kunko'l 1

H li'Oill.


Th · spring of 1923 found Jordan\ hoy;, grl·atly inlc.:n:;,ted in track and field sports. Over fiftj boy s, most of them in cxper ienr c cl undncla ssmen who did not hope to win laur ·Is at once, went into training in hopes of dcl'cloping . uffici('nt clas to enable them to ' tand stiff compct itit o n in afte r yea r s. ~I r. !'rice and :\I r. Crook volunteered th,·ir se rvices as coach ·s. and r ende r ed oac h 11 a ll ar d va lu abk a id in whipping thi s new mat e rial into shapl'. The result \\'as some very ci·cd it able perfonuauc cs hy indi viduals, ' \'C n though th e team as a who le was not strong. T h · outstanding fea tures of the season were ll arold Francom's win of the . ranit c J o rdan Run, a nd hi s secon d place finish in the C it y Creek Canyon Run. Francom pro vl·d him s ·If the lll·st cro,s-country runner in l ' tah h igh schoo ls. th e on ly man to ddeat him bein g ll a rt o f Preston, Id aho. lly \'aulting consiclcrahly o\'er ten fe ·t. Theron Sma rt plact·d in the pole nm lt in th e stall' meet. Vincent and Richardson did good work in the high jump. Dow wa s a lways fea red h} hi s opponl·nts in the discus thrnw. '1 hompsnn made good a~ a half mil cr, gettin g scron cl place in th e tr iangu la r mel'\. J ennin gs. Fairbourn, ;tiHI Ki111hall 111ad c kttt·rs h} placing in thl· C it y rt'ck Ca nyon l'ui l. \11 told , tht· lHliiOrs w< n do not make up an ill1Jll'l' ssin~ Ji ,t, hut to the thought fttl tht·y do t tH'miragt• tht• IH pe that hetter track ye;trs ;tre ahead.

!unio1路 ProiJI Com111illre 11;23

''There was a sormd of 1'C'llelry b~r night".


Calendar 1922 - 1923 SI~PTJ•::\lllER

5-Rcgistratinn day. 6-Schnol hegins. OCTOlli~R

7-J nrc! an 7,

l ~ast

26. 14--lkcl ha rvcst vacation ht'gins. 21-Jordan 6, L. ll. S. 6. 28-Foothall. J ()rdan 6. \V t'St 0. 31-.\ssrmhly. Snn·n Rasmusse11, sp1.·akcr. XOVI~:\lllER

6-;\l ovir. "The II a! f lhck". 10-. \ rmistin· Day program. 10--Foothall. Jordan 23, l'mvo 12. IS- Football. jorda11 (J, c;ranitt' Hi. 16- Junior ass1.'111hly 20--;'\Jo,·ie. "Jial'l·lin J,irb". 30-Thanksgiving vacation. llECI ~.\ llii ·: R

\mt'rican 15-Haskl'tball Jordan 2(J, Fork 44. IS-Junior l' reshman party. 14-- ,\ ssc mhly. !'.. \V . Rohi1hnn, spl'al, •r 19-":\righilors"-prcs\.'lltl'rl hy dra111a class. 21 Uaskctl:all. jord;111 27, llo ,·l· lrln 26. 25- Baskl·thall. Jnrd·:n 43, (;r;111itl' 2J. f\'\l'\RY

2 Schon! ope11S. 2-:."IJI·ie. "i,l'gt'nd of Sil'l'py llnlluw " 4-llask!'lhall. Jnrdan :l:l. llw<l' ld ~.·r 29. Q ,\s s<'m 1dy. J)r I >ay1ws, 'l"'a k1.· r



J I :\ Imit·. '',\wakening of Ruth''. 12 lla'>kl'l ha II. J nrdan 33, Bingham 30. 16-llash·t!,;dl. Jordan 40, Tooele 28. 23 -··:\I a~ l'r of Dreams". prrscnkd by dra111a class. 26-llaskl.·tball. Jordan 33. Grantsvi l1•

27. 30-,\Jo,·ic.

"The Kid".

l'l•: llR .\RY 2-llaskl'thall. Jordan 33, :\1nrray IH. 6-Jlaskl'tilall. Jnrdan 21. Hingham 3). (J ''"·mhly. :\l'\\TII J,. Yotutg, sp1.·akn. 7 Parents' visiting day. o1wc n K 9 .,\nnual l'arl'nt Teachers' tion. 12 Jlnliday. Lincoln\ birthday. 13 Lincoln progran1. l'rnfe"or R L. Ly111a11, sp1.·akl'r. 15 I khat ing t ryouh 16 llaskl•t hall. Jord<tn 25, 0!(cku 36. 2;}-- .'llovil' ''Last of the i\1ohicam•". 22. lloliday. \Vashi11gton's birthday. 2:l llaskl·thall. Jordan 2.~, (;ra ntsvi l1 • 19. 27 :'1 1111·ilo. "l•,nt~ch ,\nku". ;\I \R II St·parat•· llll'l'tings for ho)' and girls. Spl'akt·rs, I lr. Sl'ar' and \ I rs Paln1. 2- llaskl'tha II. Jordan 40, .\ Ju rr<ty I 6. () , \ssl'lllbly . L. C. l larcly, spl'akn. 7 llaskt"thall Jordan 33. l'rt"ston 17. ('J ournal11l'nt, S:dt Lake ity ). K-llaskethall Jordan ,1(), l.thi 21 ( Tournanll'nt. Salt Lake Citv) c - 1 \a,h·th<~ll Jonlan 22. J)i~il' 32. ( Tourna•m·nt, Salt Lakl· City). IH llashtl all ,l"rdan 20. L. I l. S. L' 32 (Tournalll\.'nl. Salt l .a ~l' City) 13 \Jm·ic ''.\I'll on thc !;loss". 14 Sorosis Club part ; ft1r haskc•tha'l tt'il lll 2.0 \ssl'mhl) . \I r \\'hital•l'r. spl·al•t'r. 22 .Junior asst·mhl.' 23 _I unior l'rn111 . 27 .\ltl\1\' "Cnurag•· of th· C'omnu>n plan·" 2K lll·hat1.· f'ro111 J. Jordan 0. 2X \ssl' lllhlr .\lusira l act umkr thl' di rect10n ;1f .\Irs. Th1.·ason .

3-Assembly. Superintendent D. C J ens n, sp aker. 5-Sophomore assembly. 6-Senior- Faculty party. 13-Basehall . Jordan 6, Granite 5. 17- J\11 ov ic. "t\ lakin g of Paper". 18-Sc hoo1 play " larence" given at Granite 11 igh School. 19-Has ball. Jordan 1, L. D. S. II. 19-Dchate. J ordan ncgativl' 2, Hingham affirrnativ(' I. 19-Dcbatc. Jordan aff irm<tti ve 1. Tooele ncga t ivc 2.

1-:.\lovie. "Le 1\[ iserables". 1-Bascball. Jordan 4, Granite 5. 3-Bas ball. Jordan 3, West 2. 4-Faculty-Scn ior banquet. 8-Senior hop. 8-Assembly. Reverend Thomas. speaker. 8-Baseba ll. Jordan 10, L. D. S. 5. 9-Ba. eha ll. Jordan 8, East 3. 10-Bascba ll. J rdan 3. We t Side High

2. 9-St udent body election. 11-Annual sc hool trip to Saratoga. 14-Semcster exam in ations begin. IS-Semester exam in at ions continue. 17-.\nnual District Field Day. 18-lligh School Day-lJ. of U. J8- Olllllll'nCl'lllCnt ]);ty. 19- Jorrlan wins state champion,hip haschall. Jordan 7. Hoxcldcr 5.

21 - Dramatic tub play, " larcnce". 21-11 igh Schoo l Track M ect at Provo. 2 Hm;cila II. J orclan 2, East S id e I. 25-l\ 1ovil·. •'Jion•s t ry''. 26--Sc ni or an•nt; d prog'l'l'SSil'c party . 26 (;r;lllite J ordan l~un . Granitl' wins hy I point 26 :"\o:ni nation of student hndy ofii ·crs.

lh •:~ 11 HHIPIIHIII, ltuh :v Prot·tot·. \'t •rla Jat'ohHon. lt.:lizaln·th Ulait', J;:: Ii zalH.. lh C t·u mp. <'ot'" t .l lltl sa~· . Atilt Magnuss<'n, lllarlp IAIItg, Laura Bt't'I'Plt, Vt>ra Tucker, E l sie (' tlolt•y, .\m y ll owHrd. I>t>an Olivt•t·, Hulh Mounlt"{>l', gva .Jt. . nst•n, l...tillian Bogge::; , Zt'lmu. Cr'lllllp, l ~""t'rn M<-1,-,arlane, Vlnrt ·nl·e 1-'ier·son, llazel Gr l~nwood. Allh a Ferrel ', HPt' nit·<· ('l'OHg"nn·•·. \'Prfl \\'hitman. B t> tll BatC'hPiot·, Map Ni !son, Reva Brough, Vc·1·<1is H!'l'l'('ll. .\ I (H 111 rt'ill. f~ I PHnor I>Ol)'. M ' ha ~milh .

'' Hie lin•






Honors Won By Jordan 1922 - 1923 SPEE I J CONTESTS I'OR ST1\T I ~ Ill Gil S IIOOL Di\ Y-U. of (Open to all high schools of the stat·) fsaac S01·cnson-first place- hamber of ommerrc Spcct·h ontl·st.-$50.00 prize. Dolly Burgon-st•concl place-Sa lt Lak · Realtor s' Spt'l'Ch ontcst. 10.00 pr ize. I ~SS/\ Y CO NT I ~STS. ( Op ·n to a ll high sc hools in the state). / 1. C. t lJ<. Clu'1 Li1tk lissov Coules/. Edward Gills-first place-go lcl medal. Weldon Dimond-scco nd place-si lver mt·dal.

l'\ORTI I Si\LT Li\1\E L I VESTO K SIIOW I ~SS \ \' CO:'\T I1 ST Senior Gradr. Edward Gills-second placc-$4.00 in cas h <ttul a $7.50 fishing tackle. James ~eal-thircl placc-$2.00 prize and a ll'll pound ham Juuior (;rude. We ldon Dimond-sccond plac ·.-$2.CO prize and a tl'll pound ham . Soplu>uwrr· c:radt. Wi ll ard Day- fir~t pl;tct·-$ 14.00 priz ·. Me lvin Whcaclon- thircl plan·. $2.<Kl prizl'. NORT II Si\ I,T L1\KI•: LIV I ~S TO C I>: SilO\\' James Sea l- high point man in stockjuclging-. Jordan's stockjuclging team wo11 fifth pl<t t'C nut of fift 'l'll t' lltr 'l''· J) J ~ II \TI :'\(; Jordan tied with Too ·lc for first pia ·c in eli\ isinn c n lllllllhcr of dehall'S Tooele was d ·cia reel wi11 ner on the tlltlllhl-r of judgl-s' 1il-r'sions.



Fool/w/1 Pete Dow-,\11 still(' l'tHI. Revcarl Alsop-,\ 11 statt· fullback.

Hasl.'t·llw/1 Tied with llinghant for first pial'· in Jordan division . Fourth place in State lbskctltall TournanH·nt. Rcvt•a rl lsop- . \11 state g-uard. /lasc/Ju/1 State II ig-h School ham pions. I rae!.-. Second plarc in it) reek Canyon Ru11 won ill llarolrl l1 r;111rnm First place in Jordan -G ranit<.: Run won h) ll;ll:old 11 ralll'0111



l•' l lt:·;'J' I 'J,AC'J•; \\ INNI•:H:-: l•!flwHt'd C:III H, \\'i llartl l>u~ ·. ll uward l •~ntllt'lllll. l' l'tt• I )OW


''/ a1t•oke Ull<' 'liiOn1i11g cn1d found mysd{ (onrous".

~ \IHHp ,

won .

''Can• Ia our rof(ill adds a nail. 110 dou/11 , ./11d c<•cn• grill, <O mrrrv. drm,•s our out".


"0 Afirth aud lllllOceucc".


:\I is~ Ganlm•r, God hlc~s her, they say an drive through the traffic a ll day. ,\t driving 'Ill' star~. 1f the n•st of the cars Will only keep out of h ·r way. -V ·ra Tuck r.

~Jr .

Sm ith .

Isaac. rcprc~t:nt

"[ saac, where\ your admit?''

"l\ li " llcu·st sl·nt 1nc to the stork show to the Se ni ors".

Iifton :>:ow lan. "Didn't vnu s ·c me at Hingham Friday night? I saw you t wic.c". Eleanor.

" I lll'\'l'f notin· anyone in that rn ndition'' .

I k~: Son•nson has hcl'n heard to say that hl· wa' going to h-ad a hachclnr\ lifl·. Frnn1 what we ha\'l' ohscn l'd about s ·hon l wt• think that a Ha ( t )chl·lor is going to 1<-ad lkl· a life.

~ I r. Ballard, clear l'Oach, so the) say, Took th~: track hoys a ll down l' rovn way, Said . "Tit1ll' limit is tcn"Sta rll'cl dan ·in g and th ·n They didn't get h01lll' tillll l'Xt day



"U(c's u jest a11d all thi11gs show it".


"In li(r's 1110rui11g march, whr11 my bosom wns 1101111g".


''Sancs nuts/ ftc bttl1lli(ul

f>feasc da.il;/'.




...... "A jo/13• pla ce' ', said llr, " in times of old".

¡:..:c-= 66

''Look l1crc, 11/'011 this t•ict11rc, und 011 this''.


"0 e11viable early days".


lo (rtsh woods 011d pastures uezv" .


"Thr oir around with beauty!"



l ~t\VOR ITI ~


:'II r. l'rire- Riding- his pet hohhy . .\I iss Edwarcb- IJr(•aming of the bright lights of l{ruadway. :\I r. J t•nscn-Playing with his hug s. ,\I iss Riach Riding a bucking broncho. i\lr. llumphrcy- Visiting lilt' \Ni lk •s with his black-haired darling . I\ I r. llayward- l' l'tt in g his Buick. J\1 iss llorst Enlt'rtaining the athlctt:s. i\ lr. llallardba s in g chit-kens. ;<. li ss l\ ladst·n-Vamping tlw male fanil ty members. l\lr. l ~ ppt· rson-Tran s porting his 'harem' to antl from school. i\ li ss Cardncr- Sitting in the art room with '' ll er Boys". Mi ss Gaufin ' ll"ping' for some one to cook for . i\ li ss llolmanurling htT bohhed hair. l\1 r. ,\ . I•. Sm ith- Trying to kt•t·p a sunny di sposition. J\liss Raw so n- arrying hom~: a big bag full of papers. l\ lr. 0. Smith-Running the movi e ma rhine . .\Irs. Robinson -Chasing over-due hooks. J\1 r. N elwn-Swing in g hi s part m·r in tilt· Virginia Ret·!. .l\1 iss Jkrgstro111- Visit i11f.( h1111her camp>. and fishing . .\I r -rook - Wheeling a hahy hllg'!O. I\ Ir s. Stau ffcr-S ·Iling p~:nn) ·andy . .\I r. c;rant Telling stories . .\Jr. ' I om lk wcy Walking the floor . .\1 r. E. 1 ~. Dewey- Reading thern1on1 ctcrs and closing- windows. l\1 r. Jorg-en so n l ~xr using students from class. ,\1 r. I aleman - Loading up his tray in the cafeteria. l\ li ss Larson - l\laking soup. l\1 iss ll ay lcs- I<illing- her t•ngim•. l\lr. 1\utltr lking gallant to the lady tt·achers.


wa d some f>rn••t•r the gi(tic Kic us, Tv see oursrl's as itlltrs src us''.

" Ir' hr11rr is tft,, lt•arnill f!l {fa/It t!tv tnil O'rr /Jooks cotlsllmcd tl1r mid11ight oil ?" 61


Elsie l>ahl,

!larry Wright,



l\1 r.


l\1 r.

l\1 iss !lay ! •s.


l"in• -l'rcsid ,•t~t .


Sr•rrt•lnry TrriiSIIYl'Y.

:\1 iss Rawson .

Halla rd.

Rl ~ RD S IJOLi\STI Number graduating with an avcrag · uf i\ / "o lcdict oriau, Lucik Wilcox. Sal11tatoriall, W(•ldntl

II J)imnnd .

i\ TIVITI ES Numb r in Footb a ll LPtlPrm n In J•'oo t ))all Numlwr In HaskHball LHtPrnwn In JlftHkPf hall unlhPr In Bas!'hn.'l L!'llennl'n In Base1 all Number in Tra<·k L E'Ll('rm n In Tra<'k

Drlwti11g Numbt•r in IJplJatlng

.')tlldl"llt liudy O(fitl'l"s


Athletics 2~

l4 1n


R 17

NumiH.'r in I land Numlwr In ()rc•IH•Hlnt horu~ Numht>t' in Number In Olr1H' ('horus Numlll'r in Haxophonp Qulnt!'l NumiH·r In Hrnss Quurt<'t NumiH•r In Olt')S' 1 oubl" Quartt>t

PrPsl<l<'lll. VIN•- I 'r<•R i clo?nl. ~('('rl'tary


hlpf .1\tslle<'.

Twn AH8<ll'lal<' ,J u~t ll"t•s. Pt"<>HN"utlng Attorn y. Marshal. Y llmnstt•r. Athl..ti<" MHlllLI'\"er.

)'co r/Jook



"Th e Charm H!'hnol" "Jnlnl Own<•rH In Hpaln" "Rosnlle"


J•;dltnr, llus 'n<'aH Manager. l'ltntngncph<•r. A rt)Rl.


110NOR All State l ~ nd in Football 1922 23 24. All State aplain and l;orward in H<tskct hall 192.1-24. Winner Union Pacific Scholarship 1923. Second Plal'e in Ag. lub Essay Contest 1923. s('("OI1d

Pl<IC<' in Livestork Show SC

l ~ss:ty



'li\L •\I ;F,\IRS nnual Pmgn·ssil('

St. Patrick's Part~ for lla sl,l·th:dl Team. Senior II p.

"Tile 1vorld was all before them".

r arty.

UJ~RALI1:E I;'H ISBEY, ,iris' Clcr ' luh, Drapn 1920-21. 'horus 1923-24. Zippers' luh 1923-24.





Junior Prom ommittc~ 1922-23. S~: ni or l'rrside nt 1923-24. :\ >s istant Editor Yearbook 1923 24. Foot ba II 1922- Letterman 1923-24. lla-,k tha ll Letterm an 1923 24. Haseha II 1923-24. Track 1923-24. v~~Ho ' A vVALKI·; H, Chairman Junior !'rom -,nnm itt l·~ 1922 23. Junior Vice l'n·sidcnt 1\122 23. Studtnl llody Secn·tary-Treasurcr 1923 24. l•:ditor Yearbook 1923-24. Zippers' Jnh 1923-24.


w1!10 11 '1'

Football 1921 22.

l i;L~ II•;

Ll'lil'I'IIJan 1923- ?.J .

K 1),, Ill .,

1920 21. Jun ior l'r<lln Connnitt~~ 19.22-23. ~ 'tlior Vice l'n·sid ·nt 1923-24. Z ip ptrs' -luh 19.23 24. Orch~:stra

0Htl' l•' l'l'll

1{, f(I MHALJ..,

J.' re shman !'resident, J)rapl'!' Junior l ligh 1920-21. Student llody -ourt J)rapn Junior lligh 1920-21. ' horu s 1922 23. Jjand and Orrlll'stra JCJ21 22-.23 24. ll rass Quart el 1922-23-24. Stndc nl Hod y President 1923 24. l<'oo lhall 1920-21 22. l-etterman 1923 24. Haskl'lhall 1920-2 1 22. Ll·ttcrman 1923 24. lbs<'i>all 1920 21 22. l.l•lterm;m 192.1-24.

J{UTJ I Jl gW t\HD,

Zipp ·rs' C luh 192.3 24.

Go t,IJ"N

I . L AH::-iON,

horus I 921 -22-23 24. !land and Orrht•slra 1922-23 24. llrass Quartt'l 1 92.~ 24. lloys ' G lt•t• lull 1923-24. l)ramatit•s 1923 24. Yearbook Starr 1923 24. Track 1922 23 24 . llonor ~tudt·nt. , \ NN

IJ O I/1' 1


' luh 1923 24.

(J HA< •1•: D. llt·:n;sT ,.; \l l, Zippl·rs' ('lui, 192.3 24.

J ~;HN l•:s'l' H. l ~t ' lu:oN, lla skt·thall 1922-2.1.

I ;[!(' I 1. 1 ~

\\'()()f) " 1•:,\ll,

(;iri s' ' hnru s 1920 21 2.2 2.1. /'.ippn s' luh 1923 24.

Class of 1924

I )OH'I'I ti.;A


'horus 1921 22. I)ramal irs ICJ23 24. II onor . tud cnl.

<l tt , t l t~ HT

LAi':<'A~'I't~ n,

l l<~skcthall

;\l t NA

1923 24.

l ~ t.; L t , t•: SuMnoT,

Zipper< Club 192:l 24.

~ I AHLON H A'ml\I AN, ll ;lsketlm ll 1923 24.

Tr<1ck 1923-24 .

L \'f) f ,\

Hll tWON,


' lui> 1923 24.

H,ov I )t,~ ;: "A 1N.

\T I LA .\f. ,J I~N K I•)N, Zipper<.,' C lu b 192.1 24 .

•J /1(' 1\

CHAN~;, junior P rom nmmiltcc 1922 23. l)ramatic:; 1923-24. Football Letterman 1923 24. llas ·ba ll L ·ttcrman 1922 23-24.

I I ll 1.1 lA

( i HOK"(:JW \ ' 1' 1

!'rom om nli ltt•c 1922-.23. horus 1923 24 . I'rcsicknt Zipp ·r•,' ' luh 1923 .24.

J1~LMg l t ( iAHL

,J gNS J~N,

Orchestra 1921 22.


C tt AHJ,t•:s


'luh 1023 24.



,\ N tn:H"ON,

junior Prom nuunittcc 1922-23. horus 1922 23. lloys' ,lc(• luh 1923-24.

Student Hndv ~larshal 1923 24. Font hall 1922 Lcttl'rnwn 1023 24. lla,k1•thal l 1922. l.t·lkrman 10.23 211. 1\ast'hall 19.22. Ldtennan 1923 24.

Class of 1921




P1~Tmrt L. Dow, Prosecuting Attorn •y 1922-23 24. Football Letterman 1921 -22-23-24. aptain 1923-24. A II State End 1922-23 24. Haskctha II Let tcrman 1921-22-23 24. aptai n 1923-24. A ll State aptain and l'o rward 1923-24. Ha seha II Let lcrman 1920-21 22-23 24. aptain 1922 23-24. Track L cllc rman 1921 22-23 24 . ( ; I~CKL IA

.J\1. f [I NNJ>N I\ A 1\11',

Girl s'

I [owAHD

Do ROT 11 v Zippers'

horm; 1923-24.

0AHUN ~<:H.

01.1V I~R,

luh 1923 24.

PI~HSY I , L. HI( ' IIABDSO N, Freshman !'res ident 1920-2 1. Sludcnt llodv ourt 1921 22 2.\ 24. Ycllmastcr (922 23. horus 1922-23. Junior I' rom ommittee I 922-23. Fool hall Ll'ltcrman 1923-24. lh skclha II l.ct t c rman 1923 24. Track Letterman 1922 23-24. Baseball Letterman 1923 24.

' J ' tti~ I .M,\

J l~.

Z ippers'


fJt~N tH:H:-;0:\

luh 1923 24.

~\ H'l' ll P tt


L.\ n:-;o N .

l;AHI~N ~; K Bt•: t{ il WI''I', Freshman " ouri1•r" Sl;,ff 19211 21. Cirls' horus I CJ20 21. Junior Scrn•tar) and Trca,url'r 1922 2.1. Ziplll'r< Club 192J 24. ~tudcnl llcx Jy Vit't· l' n·sidt· n l ICJ23 24. l lonor Stud :Ill. 0 A tH'F


Jl' I'I'ZC H•: HA J,I) ,

!lan d ancl Ort· lwstra 192 1 22. Stock J udging Tl'a m 1922-23 2~ . Hoys' ,k · C lub 192.1 24.

Ye ll master 1923 24.

l oNA O llO HN,

Zippers' Clnh 1923 24 .

I 1 ~AH l .


] l~(; IJg lfl',

I kbating 1923-24. Track 1922 23 24. I•'< otha ll 1923-24. H;~Skctha l l 1923 24 1\a.,c-ha ll JCJ23 24 .

Class 11( IV!-/


D. Cox.

Gi rb' Chorus 1920-21-22-23. Senior Secreta ry- Trcasurer 1923-24. Z ippcrs' C lub 1923-24. Vicc-Pt·cs idcnt Seminary Gt·aduate. 1923



AN ili{I~\V

Yt l lma~tet·, Draper Junior II igh 1920-2 1. Stud('nt l ~ody

ourt, J)rapl·r Junior llig•h

1920-21. !la nd and Orchc>t ra I\120-21 22-23 24. lhass Quartet 1922 23-24. Footba ll 1923-24. Haskctba 11 1923-24 Baseba ll 1923 24.

MAR II·~ ABBO'I'T, lui> 1923-24.

Zippers '

11 .

v V tLL I AM

o II .Lw tu:.l,

J<oo tha ll 192 1-22 23-24. Tr:tt'k 1922 23.

Al, t<'R K Eo tmnT, Freshma n " ouri •r'' , t;t ff 1920-2 1.

y ca r hook Zippers'


tar r 1921 22-23. 1ub 1923 24.

B. RA DL I~ It,

Athletic !\ t anager 1923 24. J•'ootha ll Ll'lt ·rman 1922-23. Hasl;ctha ll L e tterman 1921 22-23.

aptai n 1922-23. Hnschn ll I,('\ terman 1921 -22-23.

Closs u( 1924



Haskctball 1923 24. Baseball L~ttcrman 1923-24.

LAVO N .JIC.. I\I N~->,

Zip )wrs' C lub 1923 24.

V1·; ttA Bu ll .oN, () rcll('st ra 192 1 22 23 24.

I ;Ol] I HI•:

( ' Ltl M 1',

Gir l-.' horus 1920 2 1. Zippl·rs' lub 1923 24.

W I•: LI>O N

()I M ON D,

Sto·k Jud g in g Team 1922-23. Sl'l' OtHI Place in ,\ g. 'l uh Essay on ll'SL 1922-23. ~l' <'O t HI l'lacc in Lil' •stock how hssay t>n t l'St 1922 23. lass Sa lut atoria n. ll onor Student.


J \

Class of 1921



Dramatics 1922-23. G Icc luh 1922-23-24. !land and Orchestra 1921 -22-23.

rriiiWO N



Football Lett 路rma n 1923-24. llaskcthall l.ctll'rman 1923 24. Track Lett 路rn1a n 1922 23 24. l~ ascha ll

Lcttcrma 11 1923-24.


llt(J I N I A I )I., A I! l l (:' horu s 1920 2 1-22 23. Z ippt"rs' hth 1923 24.

() M A

I;AVI N IA ];~S'l'"S,

I ramatics,


II igh

Schoo l,

:-\ e w

1\lcxico 1920-21. .

. Class of l924


K mNNF;'I' II On·roN, 11Clrus 1920 21. Glct.: Club 1920 21 -22-23-24. Bantl and Orchestra 1920 21 -23-24. J) ra nmtich 1922-23-24. Footba ll 1922. L<:tt ·rman 1923 24. i}ahkt•l ila II 1923-2+. lla,;l'iln ll 1923 24.

l t'AlJN


lli•:HsON ,


Chnt'lh 1920 21 22.

V il!Cl i N IJ\ f-\M I'I' II ,

'horus 1923 24. /. ipJH.:r,;' ' luh I 923 2>1 .


l JK'I' l N I J. \ VAT; IZJ•: B, junior l'rom Cnmmillvt· 1921 -22. hnru s 1921 22.

(;Jt·e Ch1il 192324. Judgt· Sitldt'ill llody l 'on th;dl

NoNA F~.

1920 21 22.

,) I~NK I<:N,

Girls' horns 1920-21. /.ipp ·rs' Club 1923 2>1.

'n 11 rt

1923 24.

LOLA GHANT, J)ra matics 1920-2 1. ll o lbrook J I igh School. Dramati cs 1921-22-23, Bea r River ll igh School. Choru s 1921 -22, Bear Ri ve r J li gh School. "Search lig ht' ' Staff, Bea r River II igh ch ol. Z ippers' luh 1923-24.



%ipp ·rs' C lub

1 92~


l\IJ<.. LBA OtdWN~Jt,


' luh 1923 24.

WLOlt l•iN('g NMI 'I' If, Zippl·rs' luh 1923 24.


( ' r .YI> l~.

lGLMI~ft ,J. 'L'ILOMHON 1 !'resident, Draper Junior lli gh 192!l 21 llramatirs, Draper junior lligh 1920 21. Hand and () rdwst r:t 1920-21 22-23. ll rass U ua rt d 1922-23 Cb· C lub 1922 23-24. ~ltHknt llodv ourt 1923 24. Footha II t.l"lit·rman 1920 2 1-22 23-24. Haskethall 1920-21 22 23 24. Hnscball 1920-21. Track 1922-23.

H u rw Pot



luh 1923 24.


r~L .J. V ol\t BA u H, ' horus 1922-23.

Vr•:rtNAI... HuTrr P ·n:, Dramatirs 1920 21 22, Randolph lligh School. Stud ·nt Body Rcporll:r, Rattdolph II igh School. lass . ccrctary Trta!;tlr t•r, Randolph II igh School. C lt•e lub, Randolph II ig•h School. Kappa Nu 1922 23. llrigham \'< ung Co l· lege. Log-an. Utah . ~ horus

1923 24.

Zippers' luh 1923 24. ll onor Student. .Torr

K I [Ol .LANos, F lOthall


Basketball 192324 Ha ~ chall

1923 24.


1913 24.

MARY RAngy, Zippers' Club 1923 24. If n r tudcnt.

rp III~O DOHI~ fT U'l'C Ill N Cli".

S1 oNg



Zippers' lub 1923-24. Debating 1923-24. ll o nor St udcnl

HIWE f.,L ]1', 8Mf'l'll,

Fo tball, Drape r Juni or lli gh 1920 21. Orc hestra, Draper Junior II ig h 1920 21

f ONA .tvl. li'rtg i•:MAN, Zippers' luh I 23 24.



horu s 1922-23-24. G lee luiJ 1922-23. Basketball 1923-24. Tr:-~ck Lt'llerman 1922·23-24.



:iVIAx f:l.


P wt' I~ H.H<>N,

Frl·~hman ·· our il!r" Stnff 1920 21.

Y c•arhook S Ia ff 1923-24. J) ram:ltic~ 1923-24.

Host~ J t~ . MAXl•' JELn, l)ramatics 1923 24.

.fOHJW II '''· DA Y,


Siudt·nl Hody ourt, !)raper J uni(Jr lligli 1920-21. Hand and Orch ·st ra 1920-21 22-23-24. 13r;I ~S

Quartet 1923-24.

Footba ll 1920-2 1-22.

L ·ttcrman J923-24.

Ba sketba ll 1923-24. llasclw ll 1923-24.

MA X I N I~ C' s II I N (1' horu s 192 1-22-23-24.

Vi e l'r \'sidcnt 7.ippcrs'

'lub 1923-24. Girls' Douhl · Quartet 1923-24.

KRN ' l~T II ffOOAN .

RTI~ LLA 1>. F'A<'E \', ' ho ru s I 920 21 22-23.

Ji'H g f)


WI~ N I U ,

J!ootha ll 1923-24. Tra ·k 19222324.

N· r1•: 1~t..A NM IT II,

C ir b ' C:lec Cluh 1920 21. Cho ru s 192:1 24. Zi ppers' lu h 192.1 24 .

I h ::-;N A ~I A III·U•: N' ' ho ru s 1922 23.

Class of 1924

I~:ll l ('l\i-iON



"lub 1923 24.

.i\ t,MY D owntNG, lass SL·cn•t;t r\' -T rl'asu rcr Fnnthall 1923-24. na srhall 1923 24.

1920 21.

( )LI\' g foiwgNHON,


"luh 1923 24.


B.JORI<, Freshman " nuricr" I 9.20 21. !land and Orch •stra 1022-23 24 Ckc 'luh 1922-23 24.

II A tl()[.,IJ l~tlitor

Saxophnn · Quartl'l 1923 24. Tr:tL·k 1922 23 24.

Jlnnor Stud('ut


rchestra 1920-21-23-24. horus 1920-21-22-23. 'ecretary- Treasurer Zippers ' Club 1923-

24. B路md 1923-24.



KENNETH lTANDL.EY, h rtiS 1923-24. Gl 路c Club 1923-24.

Football 1923-24. 1 ascball Letterman 1922-23. Track 1923-24.

b'. ,Jl!JN f.li:<JN, i<: xccul ivc Committe . Seminary 1923-24. Zippc1路s' Club 1923-24.


Debating 1923-24. II nor Student.

A No us .JoHNsoN, Hascha II 1923-24.


A. HrsrrToN,

c;irb' horus 19.22 21 Zippers' luh 19.23 24.




C horu s 1922-23. luh192324. !land and Orch ·~tra 1921 .22 2.1 l·ooth;tl 1 1921 22 2.1 24. Track 192 1-22 23-24. Cit~

'I' lll~ rH:ssA \ . Lr N rn:r,r ,, ' horu s 1922-23. /.ippt·t< ' lulo !923-2-l .

H oK< ·o r..: '1'. J> 1x·r·n N, ' horus 1920 21. \IVintH'r nwn l'arifir Sl'holarship 192.1

I J [ 1('I L I•:


(;irb' Chorus 1920 2 1 22 23 Zippt·r< C luh 19.B 24. I h ·hating 1n.L~4. l•>\!·rutin· ('omnlillt't', St• tnin:tr) 'lass \'akdil'lori;nl . ll onor Studl'nt.


•> l'll<>TO ~


NoHMA ' J>A('l\.



i>AC ' I\,

Br•] \ "A Hr•ANTO

Lot•lSI•: \\' IIJ•: J•: LJ•:Il, N '~ '- ' ' \\' JJJ..:E LJ•:H, llon (lr Sindt•nt

Class of 1921

\ V \1 1..\IILI•>




"'Y (rie11ds, and quit your bovks''.


''Old (ric11ds arc best ".

•· 81

"0!1, 7.1.!/IClt sllo11/d W011dcri11g (cliiC)' bri11g, /11 Jifr's first sj>rin~ti111r but the thoughts of sj>mr}(t" II>.~




'Li\SS 01 ' 1' 1 !11 argaret Fnrhush, I' icc-Prrsidc·lll.

' J ~ RS

.'\n•id !.a r so n.

ill'rtha lkrrl'lt.

l'rcsidc iJI ,

Secrc/ory-'1 l'costtrcr.


i\liss l·.clwanl'. J\1 iss Carclner.

r. J>ri · •.

:\I r. l ~ ppl'l'""" · J\lr.


]un ior I 'r11111 . ' junior· l'rl: s h111;1n

l'art y.

Jl i~ IOR

I'IW\1 (.'(J:\1/IIITTEI·:

lkth llaldl<' icor. \Vanda l{all'lllan . Ll·n la II and.

Milton Rideout. Emerson II and.

llarlow \.row.

•· l'oulh "' the·


a11d 1'/,·u .Wt'l' at the· ltc'lllt''

J uuiors

/() 2 ?-J.f






IQ.'? i!./


junior Groups Fl:KST PAGE •atilerine Bee l<sl'-"H<I O ri on Newbo ld Verla Gn•en l•'re<J Slatt·r Rosamond ll n lt Donald Ni ·o l

Hila fl!tlt>l1Hln 1 1~va



1Cvans Wallace Soffe ('JfHenc Cole Vrlma Otteson A lila Hurkin~IHl w Mauri e Pierson ('alii<> Jens en ltJva. 'rnrn Pr

Marie Shuisen Beth Htt>adman Sarah Ha,un !•' ern ·Lindsay Lorna Al!en l ~clith Harwood Lila Shulsen Thalia Fil7.gPlald

SE 0:\'D PAGE Arvitl


ChH, I'I l·~

J)\lllj.'O I1 M~HIHlt·v

1't> l )ora ll aro l<l llau<ll <·l: 1



ll e l <' n M<·Mull n J•:ssi<• !J o lt .lol1n l•'il>~!<;'t't'H I <l

,\rvi Ia H<·al I•: II <L HOI' I l'laJ'<''"''' Ualll l•'loyd l'ook HlwaiJPI Hutt<·rl'it•hl l•' l oril'<: Hmltll \\"iII i a.m Pa 1mer ('O)OIWI Soffe




T1 ihhaJ'rl LiunP . ""\ n<lt... rson narrt•tt

l ...~uc•ile

Lucilf• K<•t11p Dontd(l Mills J.ols RHsmuss"n A illon Burg·o n M a l co ln1 f,<'nnll<'l'g'

1\hu.lltt Nt:'wilo l d MH t'gHJ'<•t Forhusil ,,;dna H~l ten1an I c•IIH'rl 'T'Ilayn(•

J)t •flfl

FOURTfl Millon Ritlooul L po I tL ll lllh l f t~v rill F'owlkes I 1 ~,;\'C'n

CJ~OHgi 'O \ '\'

M u ry Stay C' l r-on \VIIc·ox Tit• Ill Ha tl' IH·I o 1·


L N>


J_,t•o f3rn,dy l•'nltt l< f3unker· L oui8C' Bnrgon !<' l oyd nntt(• rf)p'<] Mol'l'lf! llntlerfiP lcl K c•il11 C'HSJ)Pl' .1 ospph ran<' l•:ug<•np Crurnp Lamon L C'und ick .Rulon On It on l ~oy(l

OcBun e

Ir is Dowding A l onz.o .l•"reenHt n A rlh m· God fi'"Y vVIlkins C:oocll'icll C li ffo rd Gr·ppn Merald ll nn<l

P lllln. 11 Pnrlrit· I<HP11

J)nnald .J }nraill \V'i l \:111 Fo\{·nn{'d\· l> t• llwrt Kunl<PI ·

Me>lvin TJarson I•'J'Ptl May l t<•gina d M <·Uil 1P l ~tlilll Ml'MIIIlin Jolin Miii<·J· J;;((win Milne Orval Millw l ~lvH. Naylot~

nl,•n NPIS(Ill S(:'rgic·


11utll Lloyd l{ost>nH>ynp Rmit.h Lyl e \Va.lker II t>ll l 'y Smith nerllia BerrPtt J{;in tt r Peterson Vionnn. l< nn,\' Alfn·<l Salley


\ Vilnwr Jti c·ha l tl~on l•:clilll I I a milL"' .I CJII n A ndE'r~on l tonnlcl Larson \\'atHhL H::ttPman l•'loy!l ,\ lliJol t llurJow flrow

N IORS 1923 24. 'OT SIIU\V?\ 1:\ PL.\TI~S

l t.uiJy }\ nd~rHOII ltc•x Atwood Lavorne L:htlt\nlnu NOI'~t llenn<'tt o~('ltl' Hl'11so11

Jl~V C' l'<"lt

Cntt·P 1\lidrlleotnn

P.\G I ~

L no1· .Je>n lclns H rt Park

Bl'l'V I

Mil'la Gl'~enwnod I JP i ores A'sop M agg·ic· Ti.1ylor Clwr l olle Nit>lson Vioht \1\"t•hiJ ll J'nic·e Sea l


\\'ilford Nl<•lson Ji'rank Newn1an Venlis Norris Al'\'il Olson Malwl 0\'<·r;r F:dson Pac·kpr l•' rn n k nt·ad i Ill': Tllomas Hisl1ton Lamont Smith J!'rank Sn;rcler C'ntig· \Vall<~r

l h•\'onC' .J ns en .Jol1nny )1~\'

J e:H·ol>:qt·n

l yn Pecl{ha,n1

J'Jillt'I'SU11 .ll antl nlady~ ~.iohlon1

Lola Jlan1ilton nC'org·e Bush l~ r·n1a GrE-Pn

" /1 ' /w /mows lil r joys vi fri,·utlsilit> "'


" Whm thr:y du

a ~ rrr,

tlzrir 1111011imity is wonderful".



l ~arl

Jam l's, s,•crt'/11 ry- '('r/'11.1'11


l ~s thn

Walkr )l'llnings, !'resident .

\Vllit11H>IT, l ' ir,· l'rcsidcnl

' L ,\SS \JlVJ S()I<S

]\I r. J cnsl'!l.

:\Jr. lkii<'Y

111 is' II ol111:111

1\ TIVJ ' IJI·.S


111 Orrht·st ra 15 K Numkr 111 'hnrt1s :\ lllllhl·r 111 c;irb' ('horus .1 :\umhn 111 String CJuartl't . . : umbt·r in sa,uplwne Quinll't :-.; nmbt·r Ill (;iris' IJnuhk Uuartl't 5


Number in l' uoth;1ll !\'un1her Ill llask\·t ball ....... Lettermen Ill H;~skl'l hall .... N umber Ill llasl'l>a ll Lettnmcn Ill Basl' ball .... " Number in Tra ·k Lettermen Ill ' J rack


4 I 5 ()



... , hl' Charm School" I S!udc!ll /Jod.v O((ic,·rs nurt, S\TI'l'la r.1· S. 1\.



Number Ill Hand

SU ' J \L .\J.lo \1 RS SopiH mnn·

:\I at im•1• I Jaw(' for Studl'nl


J\( J()'J II


'( l:\1 :\11 '1'1 I• 1•.

\1 icc I:u r!, insha \\', l•:s thl'r WhiiiiiiiiT. bnl Janl\'s.

juanita Jorgcns 'II. \\falt er ]l'tllllltgs. Udell Kuhn' . J l'I1S\'11,

FRI ~S ill\ll ~N


Jn ck 1\lnnahan. Prcside111.

Byron , Grant,

Secrctary-'f'rcas,!rcr .


M isH H •rgsl r<



111 .

Snli t II.

J\ li ss (;aufin .

i\CTJV!T ll ~S

Nu111hn in Cirl s' Chonn; ......... .. Number in String

Athletics Number in l'ootball Number in Baseball.. Number in Track .....


2 7

Qunrtcl .............. ..

Dra111atirs "Tile Charm Schon!'' "Joint Owners 111

Music Number in Band ....... 14 Number in Orch c~ lra 19 Number in Choru s.. lO OCJ



L i\ Fl 'i\ IR S

) un ior-Frcshman l'art y.



01\11\IITT I•:E

Cha rl~, t<i,l!(•r. I ~:Jr l J\la xf it·ld . 'harks Swn n.

Mdba Goff. Delores N cbon. 1 Iclcn Stokes.

"A s fresh as 111om in g den• distilled a11 f/m(•crs" .




"As goo d

11.1 11



tACTIVITIES:t: "Youth lras its time, Jferrv /rcurts tl'ill 11/l'rril.\' chime'' .

. -. 97


S lut/ell/

!Jody U{[rc路.-rs -~

JI;.'J 'I

1:<:. Allan Bateman. Coach

IC>lr· l I.JgiH•rt

l•'ncl Oliver

11 1 n J••m;en

gstl1 r

\Yh i Lmore

Debating Tlw qm·slion fur (k' ate in I he high s~hoob of 1.Jtah this year is: ''Re oh-ed. That Utah's l•:ig-hkctt Yl';tr O ld Compnlsc ry ,\Ltcncluncc Law hould Be Repcalell".

At Lryonts held in !\larch a t<r ·d Oliver, l ~slhl·r \Vhilmor ·, Eghc rl. l'rerl Olivn, l ~s lher \\ o~ffirnlativc sid,• of thl· (jlll'Stion, dcfci1 Sl' of lh l' law as il now is.

squad of six debaters was chosen, as follow Lucile Wilcox, Signe Eck, I klcn Jen en, and Earl hitmon:, and J I len Jensen have been upholding the while the other debater:; have h ·en working un the

Several practi,·c ell-hates ltai'C been arrangcd. In the first of these the Jordan teams Pach lost tn the Provo teams by two to one dcci. ions. Practice debates w:ll al sn ltc he ld wilh 1\meric;ut Fork, and on ~lay fifth nnd seventh the kat;u<' dchalcs with Cranite anrl Tooele will lake plncc.

A lthou gh lhc qucsLiun dots not appeal tn thl' dehal('rs, th e gt:ner~ l op ini on hring Lhat the negati\'e has 1h · advnnlnge, the Leams should du well. Two Jnemh cr~ of 1hi~ year\ sqund will hold ovc:r to form a nn ckus for :t '>trong ]orch111 team next yenr.

"Thrn he


talf.>-:yc gods, how he





('IIi\ llM


. lack Cntnf', Wilr•y II HII H<'Il, Golrl<>n I All'NPn. \ldpll Kulll't'. l< <'nnrlll Orton, MHx. J'oler·8<ll\ ~l'halla. lt,llxg·t• t'Hid, Ms.~<• fi;{!wHnls, <'cu~t·h. Bos(' Maxfl!'lrl ·\Y ctndn. 1\a.l<'rna n. < 'I1H rlotLc Nei ! son ''~ ! ~Itt ~t l'V('f\80ti, Ad PI i n0 Kt--nlfl Bi'LII Ha.tr·llplor, .J ''" nlt<1 J <ll'e\'<'il!<oll. 1Hahn! Jtpurll ill". l•'r11 JH' <'H SwH n. "'l'llC~ l.!IHJ..J'tll :Sclloul'', u tlJr(:\fl :t(:t f•onH•dy, WHH pl~I'H1'11ll'd llllllt•!' l!Hl UlrPtt ion ' or tlll' t'<>a.ch, Mi~s l~(lwarri A, first at <:ranilc lll gll nntl latt•r in our own rturliLorlum. Ucll' ll, n.~ tile young sa l eHmHn, wl1o inll!~rlll:!" girl>;' K<'i)()nJ u.nrl licl'lllcH to rdunn il ll Y L<'U<•illllg' tllo git'ls charm insleud of tlq:> llit·•··c R's, plny, 11 his part adml•·nhly. rktll. in lilt:' t'llle of Lilc lJilnl! Wllll fell In IO \'l' witlt Iter tll'W l< 'IH'il;,r· Hntl tli<in't <'<lnl•<"nl Ill•' l'aC'l, did hnv<' <·harm . I(PfH1 ntll <Jcpictvd tilt' n·.iPc·tPd IO\' f'r uod cHU!-(t•<l tilt• Hll«lili1H'(1 tnll<'il luu~l1t C>r; whilt• >Vn1111a, portraying· his sister, was Hll liiRL" Hislcr should IJI' ri!H I ti1.1Hi HOnw .... 'l'hallu as Lhc schoo l l<lul·h••r· who llrrJUI{IIl llr'r pupi)H "Ho HWt•t•t", ltns P ns pril]('ipHI ul' LIH' ~choo', Golden us l1er ex-lrusiJ>Wd, <•n tl Max ns lit~ Hcrluu!4 Hc<>lc•trn·an, ull dill <''<l'<'lknt worl<. Jack anll \Vil<•y p<rt' l<'rl tlr<'ir !1uir u il«· IJ<•f\ol't' thr• piHy "lid (ill! lng it mnrk 011(' wish bP. too wpt·r.· n twin

",·/ 7'<'1'3' r:ood flirt£' v( work, I






you, a11d u

"The Chor111 School" .


11'f}''ft'I'JI'f'l;ri71'1Y11:JY1'111'f11'1111'17m:t11n'7'1Y1'11'11Y11'11 1111111'¥'f'IU11111'11~'1'111Y'I11'fU11Y'11ttnnt11F11'17'1'1Y

11Y'I'I11Y11'JIYY'f11Y11111'171'17'111YrJ1YV1'11i1'1111'11111 Yi'I'IIY 1YYN'1171 111111 t•¥711 (1"/1 r 'IHYt'f 7r1HY111'/f1'(1 r/Y'ff.~!f1111,1J 'f'H111'nH•• 11VU'fi'Jt1'1'1'1'1


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..... "/11 uo/rs, n•ith lllllll\' a ~··iuding bout n{ /iu/~rc/ S'i.c'£'1'/1/rSS {ong dm7<'11 011/",


Music The Jordan ll igh School music department has grown so rapidly that it is now one of the larg 'st and best trained of its kind in the slate. Last year the girls' glee club h as ted nin ' I} -six members and the mixed chorus sixty. Both the l,oys· glee club and the brass quartet appeared to advantage at several student body functions. The present orchestra, with its enrollment of ~ixty, is the largest high school orchestra in the state. Tht" hand has f rty-two m embers. In addition then· are the brass quartet, the saxophom· quintet, ancl the qring quartet, chosen from boys in the department. The• last named i~ an organization that would he a ·rcdit to any college or school of music. The girls' string quintet is composed of allic ) nsen and Nola Van Dam , violin': R11hy Anderson. viola: Ada Oldham. rcl lo: and lkVonc Jensen. piano. TIH'sl' various organization, together with the girb' double quartl'l . ha,•c furni,hcd lllli'ir for variou' school activities, such as the Parent-Teachers' onvcntion, comnH:nccmcnt exercises, and the like. Jn addition. the school has develop ·d it~ own dam·c orch •s tras ami is giv ing them practical experience in playing popular music. ,\!ready scv ·ntl towns in th!' rlistrict arc furnishing their own mu sic for dnnc ·s and socials. due to the training of their young people. Alon~ with their regular class work, hand, orchestra. and ch rus have been studying the theory of music. mu s ical npprcciatiun. ;~nd voice culture. n pcra i~ taken up in the vo,al c lasses in ordt>r to acquaint the students with works of this kind . This year "The Boh mian Girl" was selcctc•<l. A music memory contest is also being concluctcd. , t the c'tHl of the year the contestants will apt>car before the student body for examination as to their knowl edge of standard classic colllpositions. Thl' winner will b · award d a prize. The following concert wa., given hy the d ·partment. PROGRAM l'rellmtnary uptd's ll enrt. tandard Airs or Amerl a.. rl'h stras. 'ombln1•d GrUd<' School Part 1 r heetra. . .............. Jordan Htgh School Overture. "Raymond'' ..... rchestra ... Jordan High Sch ol "Melody or Lov " ... ... .. . .Mi·. 10:PPl'I'BOJ1 Corn t So ' o. "Ad<lah Polka" String Quarll't. "BonlH•ur". Mr. J~ppPrson, VI lin . Marlin NPwbo'cl, Violin. 110. Gordon hlson, Viola. Stanl('y Hmlth. . 'ompORI'd by E. G. l>Jppcrson '']i~v l'y EvE~"nlng" .. Port 1 r. .Jordan High Hchool <'horus " ll ail, NohiP Ilail". Mfll'<•h llr<>n> "'l'u.nnhauH•·•·" Part fl T. Jordan High S!'hool Rand March. "Am rica J•;xultant".- TTny!'A ... ... ............ Fillrnorp Trombonp Nove ' ty. "Hilm '!'romho>w" Earl Wllllllml<, Ool<l n l>llrHon, [.('Hoy l'rkt•. nanl'l ' h•·islt•nHen. Stanl('y Smith. ...... .. Ko~hler Popular "Dr<'amy M<'lody '' Kel<'r lWla Ov rture. "J,ustspiel" .. Se l(' Lion.

(a) (b)

J•'tnat ... ..

"Hall, the Rchool !" ('llot'IIH,

" /lis

.J. ll. H. Hong C'ompOAPd by Mr . b:llpereon

('ong-r .. g·ntinn,

7 1(' 1':J'

As Ire


Band .

fool lias lllllsic in't uf> tire stairs'' .





"The music iu my heart J bore J.o11g after it was he01路d 110 more". lOG



"fu 1/n/,•s


distallt't' Iliad,· lllili'C



''But 11111sical os is Apollo's /uta".


Bright Answers in Music Tests Bra s in trument

develop d from homs from anima ls cl •ancd out.

A musical phrase ts a littl· rutt in mu,ic that c nH: s to a ,top. though you will have to top to gt't your breath.

It MWnh a~

The chief thought in l' Octic music is whether it is sad . li vl!ly, or iany.


The first string instru111cnt was a tor.toisc she ll nVl'r which strings wen• stre tch It was ca ll ed a liar.

Our ear li est string instrument was a wooden fiddle with home - made strings and pegs-everything was home made.

Th vio lin was first cOml! from tlw tortoise . h II. Drums came about h} th e hollow of th • tree trunk. I r. Epperson thought he was hcing 'k idd ed' when he read the answ ·r t his quest ion, "\Vho wrot · the nnl'ic tn the • o ldi crs horus' from 'Faust'?" The answer wa~­ "Yo u know". (An incorrect '>pclling of the composer' name Gnunod, pnmouncl.'d "Goo-noh'') .

91 irst

Indi.o.n Music

u Pla~ed on en. wa.s ~ones "






flrYSIWSi1' 1'

S01411d" .

t\THLETICS "And traili11g clouds of glary do u•e come",


Football When the candidates for Jordan's 1923 football team turned out on S plemb r 4, they found Pete Dow and Alf Dewey, veteran end men, and J ~ lmer Thompson. a half back of two seaso ns' cxp ·ricnce, a· the only hold \·ers f r 111 th quad of 1922. A host of second and third team men were on hand to try for c vcted positions on the fir st team. Nut a very brig-ht outlook lo an outsider, but the ·lass of the green mal rial made Coarhcs Balian! and Dewey hop for a surrcssful sea on. The records show just how far thes • hdpcs were justified. J oe Day, the second t ·a m center of 1922. position. Day passed well and was especially e ring fumbles. !lis defensive work, w ·a!· at until he b came a stonewall on defense in the

was e~sily fir s t choice for th · pivot st rong in blocking kicks and r -covthe beginning, gradua lly improved, later games.

Four m · n made lett •rs in the guard position. l ~ ugcnc rump, Ken Orton, Deming Wright, and John llolland s, all in ·x periencecl hut all fighters, all rnatcd at guard. Eear ly seaso n foe s found tht center of lh ' lim· t'nsy, but as the ho s gained ·xperience, it be a111 • hard ·r and hard ·r to pit•rn·, until hv th' Granite p:a111c it was impregnable. llarry Wright held down one tack!·. In spilt' he left little to be desired in hi s playing>. Both on of the main ·tays of th ll'a m. IJ. Wri){hl. Pa ·k tackle satisfacl rily, tllllil D . Wright was shifted brilliantly.

of hi s hundn•d and fifty pounds nffl·nse and cl ·f ·nsc he wa !; m' ·r. and !)ihhs played thr oth r to guard, wh 'IT he performed

Dow and Dewey were easi ly the best pair nf wingnwn in 1he slalt'. Th •y horc th burden of attack and defen se. ' I hey could cover punt s, catr h passes, rull with the hall. break intcrf •r 'IKe, or Utckk with l'tjual skill. The backfi ·I<! was light, hut fastn than jordan ·vcr put in the ficlcl Vincent. marl, Ri ·harc!son, Kimhall, and .\nckrsnn w •r • without t·xpcri ·n · '. lmt d 'l't•lopt·cl rapidly, showing ht·ot in an open slyk of play. Vine nt kkk ·d and pa s.~t· d w ·II. Thnmpson was n deadly tackler anc! a real hatll'ring ram on line plays. <LilY

Th seaso n \ record includvd tlll't't' \' II'· loric s and two dde;lls. (;r;m ilc and l•:ast defcattcl Jordan H to 0 and 2H tn 10, rt''PI'cl ivcly. Th · lkl'ldiggcrs dnwm·d tht· Saint~ 19 to 0. trimm ·d West Sick IX tn 0, anti 110s ·d the sl rong Spring\ illc team out 1.1 to

12. It was a source of rea l satisfaction to tilt• aptain !)nw and \If tcan1 follnwers wht·n ]) •w ·y were cllosl'n as all·stat · t'llds. th o ugh no fair minckd nitic could have ldt ,·itht·r uff ;u >y star ll'alll . T!Hllll<ls Sadler, \lullctgrr.

. D. Ballard. Couch .





lo/Jor for the• ou/'.

Letter/licit r923-24


Basketball On December first, 1923, seventy five hoy, answ<·red tht· call of Coach Ballard for basketball candidates. 1\ mong t ht•se were l'et r Dow, long kgg·t·d ,·et ·r;m of two years, a bunch of second tcamers. and three scon• inexperienced boys with ambition. Surely no one suspected the strong- team that would emerg-e from th 'S<' lads. Thl' pre -seaso n g-ames w ·rc a st·rit·s of ddeats in \\ hieh th • co;tch tri<·d c\•er) conceivable combination in order to pick the hesl. 11w first g-limmer nf hope came on )auuary fourth, when the champion Springville tt•am was hcltl to a one point victory. The op<.·ning league game at Bingham was a thrillrr. Jordan finally succumbing to th J\lin •rs 26 to 21. /\fter that Crant-vilk. Tnm·k and :\lurray Wl'r<' ddcate(l in succt·s~ion The return gar11c with Bing-ham at Jordan \\';ts a typical Hingham jordan struggle. hnt this tintt• Jordan emerged victorious h~ a .11 to 25 score. Only nne nthcr g;rm• was lost during th · kague season. Grantsvi ll e winning on her home floor 39 tn 31. Jordan finished tht s •asnn tied fnr firo,t place with Bingham In tlw li>LPnamcnt the Hcctdiggl·rs. hy their dash and fight. h -came univer~al favoritl''· finishing in third plal'e and losing onl) to tht· charnpinnship Saint ll'alll. Later the fod(• tlur~ of the title hv th<· Saint- J.(an· Jordan an <'qu;tl claim with Panguitch for the championship. Though the Fxccutiv(• Commill('C of the L'tah II igh Srhonl ,\thkt ic t\~sociation ignon·d this c laim w h l·n it sent l'anguitrh to ' hit-af.{o a-;. statt• champions. Jnrd:tn's place was ne\ et disputed by tah bask<·thall fans . It wa-; tht· uninrs;tl opinion that )nrdan had <1 better learn than clid her southnn rival. Due t sidmess and injury, the personnl·l of the team \\as changed gr·atly dur ing the ye<.r. aptain Dow, Griff Kinrhall. and Vnn )l·nscn, forwards; Vincent and Crunrp, nntt·rs; ndcrson, Richardson, l>ewcy, ancl Smart. guar<b, made up the original squad. When Dewey and .J l'l1'<'1l. two stl·rling play~· rs. wer · lost to th · squad h<'rausc of sickul'ss. I larry Wrif.{ht and Walter )t•nrtings were chn'il'll tn fill tl• · vacant pnsittnns. The snr<'<''>'· of the ll'am was dttl' in a !arlo{!' mt•asun· In ih indnntitahlc sptrtt In spite nf l'l'\' ·rst·s. itt spilt' of sicknt•ss and injuri,•s at rriti·:tl tint\''· till' lto,·s re fused to lw cliscouraJ.(cd and madt· <nrt nf achnsit1 sintph :nwtlwr opporttnlltv to slt.>w th •ir dead gam ·ness. Pet l low. r ·markahly ,·ersatilc and h ·ady, "'"' chll'>\'n as all stat(· for\\ ani. Kimball wa~· placed on thl' st•cnnd tt·am as fnn' a rd . ''Spl·t•d" \'inc ·nt was given center on the all statt• scrond team. as was "Cmlv" Richarclsnn, th · srrappy p;uard. Smart won honorahl· mrntion tinw and tinll' aJ.(ain Ill' his \'lr\'l'r and "Pl'l'fiY work Anderson, though small, J.(HVC va lu ahk st•rvict• '"a gl·ncral ntility man. The team d •sen·cd its hard \\Oil honors.

"Who, us tltcy sung, would take the prrso11cd sm1l A 11d /up it i11 J;lysi11m".

J';l(•kt•l', 'l'hump:;oll,


(;n't'l' .

lhliHIJpy, H . iilt·Ollt. BaliHnl. ('otll'lt,

ln:~O II. n.lur'l<. ('Hilllillg, HUIHI'l, Ltllll\1 '11, M. LHIH'HHtl'r, ~Hdll'l,

1\}( ·(;!d(•, Vlll( '('l1t,


J\ttdPr Hnn,

Pow .

M:ttt :lgt•l'

('1 '11\H '.

II Sl·.ll t\ I.L Jordan lligh School. with the chantpion,hip to ckkncl, fc und it,t·lf unckr tilt· necessity of buildin~ an ;dmost t·ntircly new tl'Hill for th · base ball campaign of 19.24. Pete Dow, captain and first hast•m;u1, was the nnlv rt'g'tdar a\'ailahk. Jack ranc. !'rack dinglins.r rall'her of the vt·ar hdnrt·. and Chick ,\nderson ;end (;riff Kimball, outfield suhstitutt·s, were tiH' otdy othn lllt't nlwrs of tilt· rhatnpiothhip "ILiaci. The ineligibility of Frank H •ading1, star pmtsickr, pla.1Td h;11·nr witlt the pitrhittg staff. t\ largt· group of ;uniJitinus young>tt•rs tlll"llt'd out In makl' the tt·<tlll, and front this group the following- '-flll;ul was riHlSt'll :-ra trh(·rs , Crane. l{idt•ottt, and Thc•lllP !-Oil; pitchc•rs, l)ow, l.ttllll ·n, lpst' ll, Johnson, and (;rl'l'r: infielckrs, Dow, l.unnt•n, 1\:intltall, Vinr<'nt. Day, 1\lr(;hic. Dowdittg, and \nckrso n ; outfit•lckrs, llancllt') , Richanbon. Smart. Lancaste-r, and Dt'S JHtin . The team cltvclopcd r;tpidly and in spite of its int•x tx:rit•nt'l' ht·ca lllt' a tough foe to defeat. Gr;111itc found it s ch<ttupionship prngr<'ss temporarily blocked when Jor dan forced an R to H tic in tht· fir ; t game. ' I he lketdigg · r~ w~·n· tltt'll O\'l'r whclml'cl hy the Wc>l sidcrs IS In S. lJnclannted. the jordan lt'alll ranw h;trk and won ovt•r whelming victories against 1\lnrray, 1.. D. S., and East hv sron•s of 26 to 7, 20 to 9. and 12 to 2 respectively. · .'\t tht• tim e thi -, is ht•ing writtt·n tht· t •a m is in st'!'lltHI pnsitinn, with a fighting cham·t• of again cop ping the pt·nnant. Tht• team's chid strength ha s ht•t• tt its hitting: its chid wt•akncss, its lnt·k of dcfto nsivc strl•ngth. i)ow and Lunnen have pit r ht·d well ·nough, hut their pres l'lll'l' in 1he: hnx kavt·s a gap in the in ficld that nach Hall;,rcl h;" found hard to fill wit!, his !-(rt'l'n suhsti tut ·s. Gana·nt·" and tht· po\\ n '" de\ clop rapidlv .1rl' the two qualitit·, which will gin• the fellows what honors th1·y eam thi s st·ason.

".· Ill IIICIJ' be hrro!'s".


~. l.wlt'HOII, Jt:g-IH·l'l, I•'IHIIPt·. P. I if•llardHon, ltidt•out. Vill('f.'lll, l>ow. ~marl. 'l'IHlmpr-:.on, Sufft•. t~·utt·llourn. II Sn1ill1. l\1 . J)f'rH·dPy, J). Lr&rson. Prit·l'. ~nt·al)ing, \Vt-•P nig, \\r. J(.i(•llHI"dHon. M. J~Ht 'SO II, ~Hhi'Y, llo~an, BatPman , Nicol, lland. Htay, ,J. :4n1ith . .follnH 11. BniiHrd . ('oH('Il. Andt>rHon. Jt'itz.gt~1'Hld. Monulir~n. Urant, llrown . Leal\:, t'. lh·Hsl~·t', ~lntt·l', \\'all<l't', Ciondl'it·IJ, ('ronk, Coc.u.·l1.

'l'Hr\ 'K ,\ND l<'II~J,() ttnd fil•ld HpOI'lH lUI\'(• HhVays hc•ell lh<' 'VCHI<('Sl COliiJ)t>litive aclh•ilics at '"" .lorliHn lligh ~kilool. Til<· o;pring or 1\1~4 Cin<ls tile samt• condition true. yet nol in lh <•xng·gpratl'<l sE'IIH!' or many prl'vious y!'ars. Mon• inlere ·t i~ being nHIItlf<'Rl<'<i in this phaH<' or alillPtit·s than <'Vt•r hdnl'l·, with r <'s uits tilal at·c fat· from tlis<·Ouruglng. Orunit·, aH U!lllltl, won lh H.nnual Granltt•-.Jor<lan Cross Country Run, but was g-Iven "' t'<'lll rae·<• hv t ht• .IOI'(ln n d l~;tancl' squa<l. l•'ai t'llourn. Bateman. Smith. f'tay. and !lund fini~IH'<i ~mongo llw point winne-rs for .Jordan . ., n lhC' Utah llig-h St•hool ('lty Cr!'Pk an yon Run . .Jordan won third team priz<', rlni8hing- lwhlncl Pt·t·slon an<l l':asl lligh. Falrhourn oC .Jordan finish!'ll in lllir<l p]a{'e. ,'mith, Thotnpson , llano, ::llay, ami Prlco all won points for the lo<·al ~•·huol. Al l't'IIVO tho • tnll'i< l '>\ 111 ('(llllinue<l Its good work, now. l•'airhourn. Smart. Vin('t.~nl, LarHon, und .lohiiSOn winning m <IHis or· rlhhnns in various <'V<'nts. lt'or lhP first tinH' in lliHtot·y, .Jordan '\Vnn lht• dua l nlPPt with Ora.nilP hy a S<;oo·e of fi3 lo r.~. dttP larg<'IY o lhf' RlE'llar work of Pt>ll' Dow. who pil<'<l up a I nl a I nf ~:~ nulnl H. !low won fi I'Ht ph\C'(' ill t ht' 1 yard da.Rh. til(' hroHd jurnp. tlu · shotnut, und the <liscus; Hecon<l In the poll' vaull; und nosed out Behring bv " fool In t hp last Inn Of llll' t'!' lav. Smart Hi so annearPd to advantage. winning first •n lhc poll- vaull an<l plal'ing in lhc t•elay. Richardson, who should be given tit(' grPHt('Hl t't'<•dll fnt· .Jot·ciHn 's winning liH• rt•lay. Vint·t·nt, TIIOnlpson, l•'ait·hourn, a tHl .l <•nsC'II at I won places. 'I'll<• divisional nw!'l and llw sl!•le nwe-t Y<'l r.-main to he conte-sted at tlw linw lh<· "llt•eldigger" goes to press. Jordan <'Ill rlains no hop!' of winning eilh •r nr tht•sP mP<' Is. hut some of th" individual memb<'rs of the t<?am must ertainly ht• ronsltlt•t'P<I In tlw t'a<·•· for honot·s. ~mnt·t apn<·ars <'L'I'lnin 11 high pill<'<' In lh<' pole vault. as lE'n feet six inches Is an <'IIR:V lwtghl fot· this BPPttligger. Dow l'an sar ly be dPpencled on for a mort? lh fLil Ulll' 1\undrl'd·ll'll fool IOSH Of lhP <liS!'liS. Vint·l'nl is a ('Onsistent high jump<'!' wllh hrlghl proRpP<'IA of winning points in uny ml'l'l. Richard. on in the sprints. JI'H irhourn in t h£" mil<·. ~1nd T'honlnHon. in tho half muHt a l l bt' <"Onsid ,~ed \VOrt1n· oppon nl~ · 'Th!• l'hiPf IIC'Pdf< at ,Jordan that must be rllled In ord<·t· to mak!' lra<·l< mor<' successful ar : a<l<litional coarhing h lp; hcoll!'r ('ltlllpUS raci I i li s. Including a new cinder lra.ck; ancl belter quipped alhl lPs. ThesP rt'Quisites will un<loubledly bl' forth<'Omlng in thE' near ruture. TI'JI(•I



"Bl'hold the COIIqt1rri11g

"(), //(/ft/'Y J'C!



011cc uwrr who wo uld



/Jc a 1Jvy. 1"





"011r of tlrcsr ho'CI7'l'llly days that caiiiiO/ dil'''.


Ju11ior Prvm Commit/{'(' 1924.


"O n wit h thr da nce; let joy be 111/ CO il( in cd" . o_,<~-"o---


. \LI ~

I ER 1923-24

I ~ PTI£~ 1 BER 5-0pcningt of sc hool. 7-Pro!{ram by lady fa ulty members. I Student body assembly. 21-Sopbomore Fres hi c lug of war. Won hy Fres hm en. 2 Football. J ordan 19, L. D. S. 0. 0 TOBER 5-tllovir. "The Three Mu sket ·c rs". 5-Football. Cummings Field. J ordan 10, East 28. 12-,\ sscmhly. Stunts by eac h class. 12-Footha ll. J orda n 1~. Wt•s t 0. 12-. tucknt bod y "Cl'l Acquainted'' dant'l'. 12 22- lk..:t harv..:st vacation. 24 29-r\ o sc hool. . 1 ~. ,\ , con\'l'llt ion . ~O VEtlfllER

2-tllnvi ·. ''Rip Van Winkle". 9-P cp rall) hy stud ·nt body. 9- I'nolha ll . J ordan 0, Granite 8. 12-1\rmi,tit'l' Day program. 16 tllovit·. •' !)isra eli ''. 23-B. Y. U. !land conce rt. 28--T hanksgiving program. 28- Ih·c. 3 Th;cnksgiving vacati n. Dl ~ EMBER 3 8--Z ipp ·rs' 'luh initiation. !'re-s ·ason haskctha11. J ordan 9, Spr ingv ill e 27. 7 !\ lo vic. "Whrn loud ~ Roll By'' 11 Cranit • II igh chool play, ''The Schoo l 1ist rcss". I ~I a tine..: dance hy Sophomores. 16-.\g. Dt•p;Htmcnt trip through Davb and \Vehn co untit•s. 18 l'rr season haskethall. J ordan 19. 1.. D. . 34. 19 Two one act plays hy th e drama r lass. "J oint wncrs in pain" and " Rosa ti •". 21 ,\1atint•c dan ce. 2 1 Jan . 2 'h ri stmas ho lidays. ] N J\RY 3 Pn· season hns kcthall . J ordan 30. Springtvi llc 31. II - Pt•p rally for Bingham-Jordan gam ·. 11 - Bnskcthall. Jordan 21. Bingham 26 16 ~1m• it· . Douglas Fairbank~ in ''Robin ll ood". 17 IR Scnw ster tests. 18- Haskdhall. J ord a n 34. Grnnhvillc 33. 21 Ileg-inning- of s •,·one! ~c m t•stcr 22 Bask ·tha i!. J orda n 27. Tooele 21. 25-!.l ovic ''Four easo ns". 25- llaskctha ll. J orda n .36, Murray 25.

" I t• I it /)(' hrwl.·,·d 7••ilh Iitt' res/ of 111 1• duv's dNds".


FEBRUARY 6---Memorial exercises for Woodrow Wilson. 8-Pep rally for Jordan-Bingham game. 8-Ba ketball game and dance. Jordan 31, Bingham 25. 12-llo1iday. Lincoln's birthday. 12-Baskctball. Jordan 31, Grantsville 39. 14-Movie. "The Doll's llou. e". 14-"Collarless and Tieles Day" for boys. 15-16---Annual c nvention of ParentTeachers' Association. tudents re main home. IS- Basketball. Jordan 33, Tooele 24. 20-''0dd Sock l)ay'' for everyone. 21- tudent body assembly. One act play read by Mrs. Knight. 21-Basketball game and <.lance. Jordan 42, Murray 25. 22-lloliday. Washington's birthday. 29- "Rcd and Gray Day" for Seniors. 29- cnior and Junior stunts. Rall.v for tournament. 29-Jordan music d partment concert. M RCII 3-Scparale meetings for boys and girls. Speakers: Mrs. Palm, Mrs. Widtsoc. and Mr. layton. 4-Studcnt body nsscmhly. 5-Jordan kam enters the state basket ball tournament at the Deseret Gymnasium. 5-Baskcthall. Jordan 36, outh ache 24. Basketball. Jordan 41, Dixie 25. 7-Pep rally to celebrate Jordan's vic tory over Dixi •. 7-Basketball. Jordan 23, L. D. S. 33. 8-Baskcthall. Jordan 22, Bingham 18. 9-Third place in tournament won by Jordan. 10-Vaudcville program given by classc in honor of basketball boys. H)-Leap Year matinee dance. 13-Debating tryouts. 14-Sophomorc program in assembly. 15-Turkey dinner for basketball team by Miss llorst and Miss Gardner. 17-Scnior class party for baskttball team at Fireman's llall in Sandy. 21-Junior Promenade in honor of the Seniors. 25-L. D. . forfeits all game won in state basketball tournament. Jordan and Panguitch tie fo.r first place honors. 27-A. C. Glee tub concert.

''l'nrielv's the 7•rry spire nf life".


1\J'RIL "Ovrral l, Straw llal a nd ack Apron Day". I'll a t inee dane,·. 4- Srhonl play. 'T h,· ha nn Scltool". X-Jordan Cranitr Run. Jordan 25. Cranill' 30. 12 ' it y 'r 'l'k anyon Run . -J orda n tltird. Fairhourn wins third plac. I Baseball. Jordan R. (;ranile R. I ll aseha ll. jordan 5, West IS. 17 lla seha ll. Jordan 21, 1\lurray 7. IX- Harlll'lnr Club program. IX J•'reshma 11 ass ·mhly. IX St•ninr llop. 21 I'rae I in• ck·hatcs with Provo. .\ f firmativr J orda n I, l'rnv o 2. :\\:'ga livt· Jordan I. Provo 2. 21 1\ast•hall. Jordan 26, \V,·-. tmin ~tr r 9. 22-Eng li sh I), ·la ss lulll' hl'nn . 22 llaschall. J o rdan 17, L. D. S. 9. 23 Stuclt·nl hnch• nomination s. 23- 'ht• Jn ;stry class trip through sm~ lter. 2 lla scha ll. Jordan 12, East 2. 24 Senior annual prog>rrssivr party. 25 ~lusit- d ·partmt•nt concert. 25 Stud,•nt hndv l'icl'lions. 26 ll. Y \. . im itatinnal Track lt•el. 29 lla s,·hall. jordan 9, Cranitt• 4. 29 .Junior asst'nihly. 30 Junior- Freshman party.

l\1 \ \' ll;JSt'ha ll.

2 .\lm•it·.

Jnrdan 2, Wc sl 4. jackit· ·oogan in "O liver

' I wist"

2- l'ractin· lkhalcs. J o rdan ,\ffirma tin· J. merit-an Fork N ·gativ • 0. 2 l>ual Track J\1 ·t'l. (;ranitt• Jordan . Jordan 53, (;ranitt• 52- Dow make s 23 points 5-.\ nnual schoo l outing at Saratng<• . 6--llast•ha ll. J nrdan IS, 1\lurray :<. 7- l.t•agu,• cll·hat<'s. J nrcl<tll wins 01 t•r Tnnt•l · and liN'S to Granite. Baschall. J orda n L. I) S. lJ \w ard day. 9 Division Track 1\lcl'l. ummings Fi,•lcl. 13 Hasd•;dl jordan l ~ast. 15 J ordan ,\nnual District Field Day. 16- l ligh School Day . of 16 Stall' Track l\1 ·ct. ' ummings fo'icld . Hi lli11111Cill'\'111l'll l F.xcr ises.

IIIII I/ s ., .

I The Zippers' Club


[()2] 2 -1

M ;, raltl

Smith. <:urrr

S'I'O<'I< .1( IJ(:IN<: 'J'Io;AM l•'l t :<l4l' l'a lcl. l•'nonlt Newmun. t'harlt•s

l>un von . ('luren l'!' !'oil•. A l' cilllo l't'l o'P, I nstrudor.

llY JORI> ,\ N 19 ~:124 UN ION 1', \ (' llo' f(' l:-;( 'II O L .\ H HIII I' Wlon hv H o~~·Of:> Pi ·don ro r· I Jt'~ t H tlllliiH 'r lli'O.l<•<·t in Hult Lakt> t'ollollt~·. $7f1. 11tl prlzo•. an d tt·ansportallon to Hl\11 f•·om th .. 11. A (' l T't'A II S'I'A '1' l~ I•' A llt S'I'O( 'K J l I>G l NG l•'irst pla<· • -J\.lpralol Smlllz In Ho •r i<Hh ro •s Sll vc>r nll'dlll St>t•nnd pht('P- .I nhnny .Jac·ohH1111 In Hl'rkHIIIr·t·H Hronzc• mc'thtl St•con<l pln•·•· l•'llr.g<·•·a ld In ll<· •·dor<l,. Br onr.t• ""'dl\1 SN·on<l plaN' v\'<•ltl on Dimond In I l t• •·dordK Hronzl' mcdul OHAIN J UDn iN(; First plut·e-ll<' lwtwe;,n Mpl'llltl Smith und Johnny Jlll'Ohsnn Silver nwd a ls li ,., i/Ji /.I' 0 C'K8 l•' irst, st"co nd , and third p1·ir.•H M<'t·a'cl Hmlth ~'O MAT I•:H l•' lrHl pi'IZC, MOI'I'IH NI'WIIHlll $3 .00 ON! NS IClr s t prlz<', sw .. <llsl~ Hl' l (•c·t. lllli' Cllcl llur gnn $ 2.00 'rhird pri:<t•, (;lant f:lhraltar. ll aru ld llur!(OII $ U>O l•' Ll N'I' (' HN l•'lrst and sN·on!l pl·ix•·a . lloyd IJt•llullo'<' $f>.OO IIO NO RS WO .



l•'lrst prlr.<', l h' llJI'I't 'l'haynl' HN·onrt p•·lze, Ht>st·oe Plxton Tltircl prlr.P, Vc·r·non \' oung HPt'OIHl prlzl', M<'r·alcl Smith Third prir.<•, l•'n•d M lly

$fi . OO $!!.00 $1.5 0

I'( >TA 'I'O}';S

$3.00 $ t.r.O

.1/ usir

Mz·. l•:m ·ry <:. J•;ppPrson, inHII'II<'tOt' In music·. was a ppnlntc•u by w . ttn Mt>I<Sner, l'r t•sldHnt 0~ til!' M uHI<- Ho•t·tlo n of til l' N. Jo:. A . llH tlt•h •gn t<• from l llh to thc• Nationa l MusiC' SIIJ'l'I'VIHni'H' <'on f<' ro• •w•• lwld in ('ln<·innnll fnlln prll 7 th tu 12th .

/ lllill'lirs.

IIA HK f~T IJ.A LJ~ .Jordan tl<•d with c·h for stall' c·lmmplnnMhlp In hnsltl'lhull. Wlnn<'I'S In haskcthnll In .Junl iLn division. PPlC> nnw wns <'hnso· n "H c·nptul ~! ~p ~1 ~·r~~nrcl or tl11 • a'l s tat c· h rtH k l' thull to•nrn. l' tl n !(ll 1 l

1 0 1 13

Pt'l<' now and A I f•·c·cl I >Pw<·y wc·•·c· !'lwsc·n tlH n il Rttt l P c·nds.





fln st•oc>

"'lome arl' /1ont great, some !l!'luc~··· Rr<'llill<'.ls,

stt"l'' ltut•c grcaltu·ss thrust upon thc111''






bad and some



HOW TilEY GET Til l~IH: Each moming whrn wt• climb thr hill We trudge along; with jc11 and llill. We're forced to g-o up on our f · ·t Unless, perchance, 5omc lu ck we mt•t·t And iu a flivcr gel a ~·at. Day hy day it\ ju<;t the same, We climh that darned o ld hill ag>ain, And, at the top, we turn to st·c The proccs>ion of till' faculty That comes to teach U<;, you and me. First, com·s 111iss ,ardn ·r in her l;ord, Of which I'd like to say a word. Whcnc' ·r WC' lwar its ;·ratt lv roar" Our path i~> on the road n;1 mor!' ; For w arc i>can•d, ynu hl'l Wl' arc. Oh, Orson Smith and J<·mcn ton omc on th •ir hik ·s- and this i~ tnll' l ~ach day when these two rome aparc, Whc I for wheel, thq hav r a rar •. To which sha ll we t'Onccd first plat'!'? t-.1 iss Hayles and her l•:ss ·x finr Most ce rtain ly deserve a line he strikt-s the p;radc with muffkd purr, And seated in the ·ar with lwr Arc lady t<·achcrs lllllllhcred four . Mr. l~ppcrs )11\ last· has run to tin That kicks up quit· an awful din Each day to schoo l h · hrings a load, Fast rattks up the hilly road, And sounds lik e dol, dash 111nrsl' code \IVhcn t-.1 rs. Hnhinson conH's In 'chool She follows not th • giv<·n rull'. She lifts the harhcd wire strands with ease And, bending g 'J1l ly tn her knt·t·s. Ducks unrkr, agik a<; you plea'<' It matter not what nwam. thl'y ust•, Whcth ·r they wear out tin:' or sho ·s, In ra;n of ,him·, tlll'y'rt h ·n· on tim<·. Exactly when th · clo ck strikt•s ninr; Exactly wh ·n the clock -. trik1·s nint· II ·kn Stokt·s.-'27.

"H'istlom 11/arrird to itlllltortal ;•1•rs 1•" .

"Sc 11salion sweet Felt in th e hloori. and felt niOII!! the heart".

Littl e Kenn y O rt o n sat on th e wall ; Littl e K enn y O rt n ha d a g rea t fa ll. A nd a ll J o rd a n's w omen and a ll J o rd a n 's men Couldn't pi ck K enny up aga in. Thalia F.-'25.

II ig h diddle a ~ yet, G riff with his co m et, li e played in th · li g ht o f th e 111 0011 . Ge neva Day laughe d to se c such sp rt , A ml th ey b th sa t down to spoon. O sca r Benson.-'25.

T om, Tom th e c11ac1Ccg ing 1111 <' , [ J ad a tea m th a t h · t ri cd to run . II c ha ndl ed t h c11 nea t, Th ey cnnldn 't be bcrct Th e ir fnm e was k no,wn o n eve ry stree t.

' I h e waite r hrnu g ht icc som e rarl' done mea t, Oh, how onr ll a rry did eye h er" I may he a llcctdi ggc r ho ld" , sa id he, But I'll te ll you, I ain't no tiger".

hi ck.-'24.

h, J ac k C ra ne's so p •rt a nd sa ncy a nd s wee t, So g rac iou s in m a nn e rs, in drcs> ve ry nea t, Th a t if he's not ca r •ful , w ith lea p yea r at ha nd , H e' ll be joining ti H' ro nks of th e m a rri ed ba nd .

Vil a J. '24.

" I'll make lh t•c (a mo11s llj• my (le u " .


''011 their 0~('11 111crits modest men




CllTCK'S LAMENT What good is a Ford if the darn d thing won't run? You can't go to dances; you can not ha\·e fun; You can't take yo ur "sweetie" for a 60 per ~pin; You can't go to movies. nor otherwise sin; You can't go to ball gam ·s to help the boys root; You can't go to ·burch to show off your new suit; You can't join your pal:; in a "rippin g" good time: All you can do i~ :;wear in words hardly sub lim e. Now these are the faults; the had nature's the Ford's. You'd get there as soon on a couple of boards. And here is the moral; our hick will defend 1t, If you'd ride in a Ford, you must know how to mend it. Dorothy Oliver.-'24.

Our l'ell' is a playn ;111 follow. Il l· r;1n h ·at his opponents ;. II hollnw. \Nhen lw puts nn his "lJil, ' IIH' rnotcrs ;d l root. ''Ill' looks likl• lilt• young god \pulln" . .JiliUIAN'H



·rro;AM Tolmnn ('n&nP

J•'orwn t'dM


Hllit•l<lA Htar


't•wntan Jlolm nn



( 'nlt('ll


l'l t)'Kic-ln"

Sll ElK l)/\ Y


The Sheik of our school, so cute as a rule, . o i rrcsistihlc he. IIi name is ] ack Day, h · su rc has a way w :herevcr the maidens he. There's Wanda an I Marg · whos · yearn in gs arc largeAnd Isabel, too, they s;tyTo wear his class ring. It 's a womkr ful thing To bask in th · sumhinc of Day. urrounded by girls, his happy head whirls, lie hid •s from the fellows away. But a long conws th · gang, and our )ark s ighs, "0 dang!" As they yell, ''Civc three mhs for Sheik Day". Leola II and. '25.

MntTOtl Wrtgh~

' l 'itn~>kf't•ppr

Mulch { Prl<'t> Nknl


/i/1/c llllllSI'IlSI' IIOW Olld t/rnr Is rt'iishcd by the best of 111<'11' '



f Wt•l-rlon l Wi11-!'tl!•


VIti fltc uravr dcscrl'C the fair' '.




Unto a little Freshie Loafing in the hall App a red, quite uncxp •ctedly, Judge Walker, b ld ;l!ld tall; And with austere politeness That shakes a Fr • hie's knees, Commanded, ''To your classes, And study, if you please!" Dorothy Olivcr.- '24 .

. \YI ~ K .' OTTY T\11. (Follow the sound, not the llll'aning. l Wnn t•;trl y our at st·hno l a ril<' suitt• littk buoy, the sun of aye grillt• kt•rnl'l, flue up tht• stan·s as quick as a clear. \we! it was hymn w,l10 hid tht• llloth hawls in 11iss Guard - n('r's lwt. :'\lnw, that knight wh •n sht• was s pt•t·ding down thl' mdt· sht• del •ctcd a dreadful oh-clonr, st·w silt' stoppl'rl her Fiord at a hkw hou se and wrung tht· ht·lk. The 111ad · who herd I ill' hl'llt• 11as ;tluHJI In p:1ir ;1 pare, hull she through it down and ran with awl he•· mit c• four fva r lwr gucs~cd

wood knnt weight. " I knead sum help 'Nright a weigh", rows in a faint cry. " ! fear mortification has s •t inn." ''Ewe pour deer. Comt, you're far(' f;1n• 1., pail and I no yrw knead sum wn·s l," th(' 111adr tnlbl the othrr, a ~ she rushed inn for the rent hnttl · twn put under !i ss Guard ncr' s knows. Know. Cl'! llll' a dnt:tor (,Juirk. ar · I s hall sun·h dye ". · Vtrnna Walk ·r. '24.

Old llarlm\ Cnm 11a s a radio nut. \nd a radio Jntt ht• was, II t• called for hi -; se t. :11ul all ht· t•oulcl gel, Wn s, Y c~! Wl' h:t\"l' 110 hall:tll:ts" . J lnnald ~icol 11

" 7 o /wid, us '!were·, lire 111irror uf> to 11u/urc''.


Tire I orda11 Rodeo.


Just feature:

;-,Jr. Hallard not getting close nough to the two prl'tty waitresst's at the I askethall dinner, to rccc>gnizc LilC'm.

;-,Jr. llum phn·y and i\liss i\ladsc•u quarreling over a chew of gum.

\ I'R I L FOOL! 'I here was a man iu nnr school, i\ 11CI h · was wo11drous wise; II is law class locked him nut t!lll' cbt) Ju st for a big surprise: l{nt wh ·n he found thev'd if'ck ·d him nut, Quite• in his usual ~~ay li e turm·d the jokto around :~bout, ,\ nd lockc·d tl1l'm in to sta). Stc ll tt Facc·y.-'24. "R I(jJIT 'IIIIWL'(;J J 'Jil l•. Ll:\'1•: TI II ~Y 1\R )J,E". 'Jher· is a hard old custcHn at our Jordan lligh 'I hal screws the· stucknts' fact's ,. •ry much awry. It 's the practice at the lun ch hour a ll these hun ~ry days, Whc•n th · faculty :m·ivc in lim· and start tn fill their trays. i\llr 1\ateman, tllr llnmphn·y, 1\lr. 'rook, all line, i\ li ss l•:dwards from hn 1-{)'111 class ruus up and shine·, l ~mny C. ccllnes rushiuf.{ 111, all out nf breath f'icks up his tra) : ;-,1 iss lkrgst ro111 ca ll s, nothing I ·ft hut hc·ans".

The II orsc :-"Cec•, I'm tiH one that needs the stimulant''

hc•ad th e to beam it seems, ''Th •r 's

i\nd the·n 1\ lr. 1\a ll ard with his sprightly sl ·p draws nigh, \nd with a sad and \\istfu l g lance we watch him pas~ liS by \nd as h<: ha~tl·ns 11p th,· line \H' all h ·gin to cussWith sinking ill'arts the· 11hnlc lin· sighs, "What is there left for us?" \ ftnn Smith '26.

"All the rvm路ld's a stage''.




''.f,·st aud 3111Hih(ul julli/3•''.



State Line Service Station INCORPORATED

1Jraper and Riverton Roads and State Street DRAPER, UTAH



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Willing and Helpful Service

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r ·asonah le pril't's of Harber \ Vork.




Through the suppo rt of a ll, our Husincss has grown on ' WE TIIA

I< Y



-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··.. Sandy Mercantile & Implement Company "The House of Servi ·c''- Whcrl' the cars turn . Buy

tandard Goocl5 .

It l'ays-






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rrhe Mile Stones of Life--Mark them with ph otographs, to bring back happy m m r ies in after years. LET U





MMER ' l AL I'IIOTOG R.\ Pll \' K DAK Fl

l'alrn11i:;c your loccl! (ir111s .




What i ~ ''first class" in th e II igh School is a debatable qu estion. In the jewelry business, howeve r, th at di;,t inction is a lways conceded to us.


All pieces o f our own manufacture bea r lhe stamp-

Gardiner Printing Company

BO YD PA RK W e are speciali sts in rin gs, pins and oth er class in signi a. We sta nd solidly back o f t he mcrchandi. e we se ll. \N c ('() rdia lly invite you to ca ll .

PRINTERS Publishers of "Clhe Beetdigger "

[Boyd Park 166

o. Ma in

218 So. W. Temple


Salt lake City

·-··-··-··-··-··-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-···-··-..-··-··-. -·-··-·-----·---...



Ifiake ~ngra6ing @o.


ENGRAVERS Regent Street




Looking firound! "Just looking!" Somt•times a l'isitor to our stor~ us this. It plcasl's us. We tht'll art• awaiT that silt· is intvrt·s kd in know ing1 more about us and til · goods liT .,t·ll. Whe11 people study tiS it d(lt' s not takt• lo ng to rea li ze that our stn 1·e radiatt•s with wartnth and a welcome and, too, that 111nney has an Ullu-,ual purriHtS ing power her ·. It a lways is a pleasure to hal't' peopll' rome in just to look. The se visits re s ult in ' IT!llllally adding new faces anHJIIJ.{ our host of l'\\stonwrs t~lls

· -··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·--··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··





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1•' 01{ Till·:


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A good llank 111 a llig Litllt•


Slw71.! 3'0IIr srlwol loyall .\' hy />alroni:ing 1/w.,·,· ;.v/111 ilc/pccl mclf,•,• this 3'<'ar!Jook possible

S. ]. MICKELSEN CO. D ealers In

Lumber, Hardware, Cement, Etc.


T h rc arc two persons of whom Draper is proud

BA f.LAI<D. the Coach, and T 1I, the Lumber


'Phone L'7«idvale 82 -R 3 FOR EITHER PARTY

'Distinctive rprinlingI'R I :-iT I



HI!\:D l \'G



the follo\\ing• lines:

l lusiJH'~s ;tnd om mercia! l '1·int ing, Ycarhooks ;tnd School Printing, Fine Color ork, Hooks and Bookkts, atalogs, Folders. Circulars, Society Stationery, Bank SuppliL·s, J'criodicals, 'alcndars, .\dn:rtising \'ovcltics, etc. l ~.i':.\~0:---J . \IlLI·:


I 'R I ' J._S

I'R l l'\TING

W Fl:-\E. Ql '.\LITY


l\lail Orders Promptly ,\ttcndcd to Our rcpl'l'SL'ntatill' will hl· plL•ascd to call and shcm you samples of any work. Phone u~.


H.. (;VGT, l\lgr.

Phone 1\IiLh·ale 9J] 3


Our ad~·crtiscrs hm.'l' bcc11 loyal to our school; let's be loyal to thr111.

Drive an OVERLAND and Realize the Difference-

Bigger Engine --- Bigger Power Bigger Comfort --- Bigger Value D a ler

Frank C. Howe MUHRAY,


··-·-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-'-··-··-·-··-·-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-· If you want a Ford Car this S ·a. on, we advise prompt act i1n. Avoid dis appointment in delivery. Huy now and cnj y your Ford to the utmost. Hny from the on ly Fc/nl Ag ·nt s in the Jordan School D istrict.


Reas nahlc Tl'rms




Riverton Motor Co.



Mercantile Company Si\ NDY.






lothc' fit: Thr long, the lean, The s hort, the thin



Utah-Idaho School Supply Co.

$7.50 and np d ARNESS-nonc hcttcr at thr price




S;dt Lakl· ' ity






I55 Sta tc St rcct

JENSEN & KUHRE COMPANY, Sandy Always a full line of Building Material, Paints and Oils, Hardware, Linoleum, Coal, and Gas and Oils. GOODYEAR TIRSS AND TUBES

··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··- · -··-··-··- · -. ··-··- · -··-··- · -··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-·

Time to

di.scard your a"aw hat and summer undtrwear


Avoid the Chill and Save the Pill

1 oo

year:-. ago mothers u:-ed

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their babtcs.

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tart now.

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