M[M~~l~l [~Ill~~
With lhe standards, idea ls, and a irn s of our deparlecl friends in mind, we go forward in planning our f ulure.
No hool , song, slory or poem
(; n I eep th sc
as c路lo s<' lo us as do the asso ialions ' hich we lrnve sC'l apar l in our memori s .
.JORDAN I llCI I ," 11
' r\ '\ll}Y. I I r\11
DA 1 '
'f\ I cu w rw,.
Our d ar old Jordan High,_., Home of Ll-ie Beetdigger .
Vo a lionnl Buildinos
The â&#x20AC;˘ 'unny Side,....... Expo ing the
F. F. A
~ xp rimental Station.
Ye In and Out of Jordan
-0 -
To our departed friend
chool mal 路 and o lragically ended
Dec m6 r 路1, 1938, we reverently d dicale boo I . In order to ex pre
I hi
pre .ialion for Lhe have
our ap-
plendid e 'ample you
el for u , and our cheri hed a so-
ialion wilh you we wril
d dica-
May the ever-pre ent thought of
id al
lo achieve the
you would have reached had
you lived. b
in pire
May our路 memorie
ever fre h and vivid, and our love
R la M. BecbL ad, fiflc n, was born J 023,
oulh Jordan wh re
he \Va
, milh fc mil girls
Lhe daughler of
Beck L ad.
and nalurall
la was Lh
I V.
a Lhing lo he admired.
l<ind, and .courag
T orndirw h r
oldesl child in
had r ' pon 路ihililic. LhaL olh<'r
efdom hav ; buL Lhe way
dulic s wa
larch 22,
he lived unlil her dcatl.i.
She was hcl pf ul. ome,
group in which he
parl in all church Lhing in her power in Lhe sup rior wa chool hand and i all who lrn w her, forev<>r vivid. No r I~ I L
"' irsl
\ ;'\[. FWCK,'TE D
would hear a whi.slle, then a tun
from n lrn1 n10n ic n:
vou I 1 come路
or L o ca.suall
sauntering down the .slr< ( t. lwhhling o er with happi JH'.S.S
and mi.schi< vousness.
Bul he alwa s had Lim
.speak lo <' er 1 onr and add n will
cal W.
I ensfr , .sixteen . .son of Joseph , . and Aurelia Wilson I en.sle of RivNton, was horn I ccrmher ~6. 1921, al RivNlon.
Riverton Junior
r <C'ived his <arl
I I igh
lucalion al lhe
d1ool and was a member of
the Riverton Firsl Ward.
meml)('r of the Jordan
l>and. lw <H'<'Omplish<'d greal lhing.s on Lhc barilonr, although il was { houl Lhc same size ns hims If. fe was espr iall fond of leasing the girls, huL hi ' rcf uge
from e
r thing ' as a visil lo hi.s C1randpa Wilson's
where he .sp<'nl mw h of his lime. s ' . aw eal merril strolling clc)\, n the slr C'I. whistling happil r on his wa . \ ' .shall alwc . s remember him.
Robert, always Bob lo hi friend , wa a son of Herchel S. and lary Han en Egbert. He wa born in Midvale, September 23, 1922; bul he lived most of his ixleen years in Riverton , where he attended elementary chool. Thi year he ent red Jordan as a junior. Bob played the trombone and 'vas a member of the Jordan High School Band. He ould be lrus.ted to do whal wa asl<ed of him. Hi friendly manner and whole-hearted mile won him many friend among his schoolmnles. the love and re peel of hi elder , and the adoration of the boys of the neighborhood. He wa aclive in all church a livilie , and he gained special recognition in ba kelball. He loved port but his enthu ia m did not end here; he found joy in the love oF living. ROBERT EGBFRT
v c all affectionately call d him, had a
pl asanl p rsonalil ' ¡ which alway him no mallcr where h - wenl.
gain d friends for
hecry "Hello"
gre led friC'nd or casual a quaintcin e alil<e. Hi friend lincss ra liatcd Iii e lcen.
h nm pf unlighL. H
nd was born on April 15', 1921, in
' it . a _on of Ro Crnrnile
and Mae
all Lake
rlazier. He had allended
hool i11 191) and 1934, bul for lhe pa t three
years h had liv
cl with his grandparenls, Mr. nd Mr .
I avid Bill . in Riv rlon. and gone lo â&#x20AC;˘ hoof ther . He was a lover of port High
nd play d on th
Riverton Junior
chool football and ba l<etl all learn . Although
he had all nd d Jordan only a for .himself a pla
in th
horl Lim , he
hcarl ~ of the tudcnt and will
never be forgoll n by them. WllJJA 1 GLAZJ R
George Albert Hunt, sevenleen, was born July 2, 1921, in South Jor9an. a
on of Alberl and Florence
Cook Hunt. He lived in South Jordan until hi death. George was active in the South Jordan Boy S out Organization. He con idered it a
acred duly lo do a
good turn daily. Becau e he lived by his Boy Scout pledge, he proved him elf one of the most noble boys in the community. was hi
un elfishne
to help one less fortu about hi own troub Though boys may one whose un elfi h more than did Geor GEORGE ALBIC:HT l IUNT
Anna Johnson, sev nl
n, horn in
Jordan on Novemb r 15. 192 1, wa 0 car
a daughter of
and Ruth E. Johnson. , oulh Jordan wa her
home during all h r life. When I oi wa in Lh
grade, her mother di d and from th n on her ambilion wa lo k ep hou e for her fath r and lo Lr in h r mall way, a
he aid, lo tale the plac of her molh r. All
lhrough high schoo l , h h
fil her lo
ludied th<' courses I hut would
oul her ambition. Loi Wes fulf of
life and greeted veryone witl1 a ried a i:trudge for mor around h r wa
lo he happy.
ur , but her l igl1 arledn 1od' p opl forgotlen. LOI
10 -
made h
h e nev r car-
than five minul s. Ju t lo he
sma ll in ' lal-
and her love for nalur and a noble chara ter nev r lo be
aomi's high ambilion nd ideaL could profilahl ' model d by any · en le n -y ar-old girl. I fer ' in c rily and refinement and Lhrifl made h r Lhc id al of her many admiring fri nd . he r ceiv d a gr l deal of practice in h r s l ambilion ........ chool leaching ........ for she wa wor hipped hy small hildren who had been guided and tended by her in chool.
wing, wa
lypi a
po Lr '. h not or also xpre ed h r original ver es. .\0 If LEWI
1 lcl<'n I Jo d. sixlcen. was horn in South Jordan, C'cembc•r 1-, 1921, a daughtc•r of \Villiam JI. and 1 lar c•wl)Old J Jo rd. Shr !iv d all her ' horl life in Lh su.rn<' lown. 'he Wes ·o plcc sanl c nd congenial that ·lie won counll . s frirnds, both al school and in th<' communit · wh rr sh lived. h ' us ver ncli <' in church organiznlions, nnd was sec rdar of Lhc ,'oulh Jordan Y. W. !'vi. I. . h<' lo <'d lo ·ing and wus alwa s happ and cheerful. 1lclen 's rnain inl r '!'IL wns srorls, and nll during h r school lif<' she led her clnssrs in sport activities. 'h Wes n nH'mlwr of thr oulh Jordan ,;,,.Is' softball I ng'u' for thre ' 'nrs. Whil' in Lh ninth grad<' sh was gi C'n nn in ard for Lhe mosl oulslancling girl alhlele in tlw Wc'sl Jordan Junior [ ligh c hool. If fen's rnosl prominrnl Lrail was her d p ndahilit ' and c gerncss lo help other . I [ r pl asing p rsonalit and lo c for Lhc h sl thing ' in lif will liv<' long in tlie rn mori<-"s of h r friend .
- 12 -
Rae was lively, gay, jolly.!. and good natured. She seldom had a care and she never nursed a grudge. She was active in drama both at school and in the ward. She hoped for higher ~cl1ievements in thi
at Jordan. Rae, like her imaginalion, was active. She played baseball in the girl ' league at Bluffdale, picked berries in the summer, and enjoyed all out-of-door sports. She was a student of the Seminary at Jordan. She had completed two year
work. Rae, six-
teen, was the daughter of George and Julia Casper 'liller of Bluffdale. 28, 1922. In time
She was born there on October
of squabbles, Rae proved to be the
timely peace-mal<er. To know her was to love her. R E l\llLLER
Virginia Nelson, fifleen, daughter of Leo and
Johnson Nelson. wa born March 23, 1924, in Burley, Idaho.
She moved Lo
oulh Jordan
ix year
Virginia' main inlere t wa public speal<ing. She was young r Lhan h r wa en Lhu ia Li
la male
I d Lhem all in
, hool year , he
ven in her early hool activities. She
about porl , and loved nothing better
I han a i:tood time.
he was also interested in the com-
m rcial 路field and exc lled in typing. She was active in church org, nizalions and pleased the p ople of the w rd wilh h r slori s and reading . Virginia wa
way g-enlle etnd sympalheli , and her weet personality won friends and kepl them. VIRGINIA NEL ON - 13 -
We hall rememb r Blain a th boy al th whe I of an old jitney-bu , whi h e med lo hold no limit of long-J gged, fender -bending " hum . " Th thrilJ of throwing crew , boll , spring , and painl logelh r, mor than driving· il, a , ounl d for Blain ' ' po · ion of an old ar. P rhap Blaine' hief allrc lion lo o many people wa hi good nalur , even temper, and lik ab! di po ition. With onl on x eplion, he liv d hi evenle n y ar without becoming nolir al ly angry al anyone. Th c nter of all hi girl -f rif'nd allraclions proved lo h Loi Johnson, who wenl lo h r with lain d alh in the ame N I on urpri ed h J r. Blain wa r th njoyable and of Ieo Bateman Riv rlon, March 21 a r d and did not Bl .AINI : P C.E
Du,\11 • Parldnson, fiflc<'n. son of Samuel E. an [
In narc{ Parkinson. ' as horn in r
r sr nt,
27, 10_.). and lived there nll hi ' lif . ] [~ was
a junior nl Jordan. after
llending the
re . · nl cle-
mrnlnr . nnd
tlw I rnpcr Junior Tfigh
mcmh<-r of th
I raper band. I uarw , a . , n
trumpcl pin ·er. Hn [ pla ed before man
schools. f' ,
A nl
puhli • g .. tlwr-
ings. J le also Iii eel ml and ' as vN ' le lenl
I in dnn -
I ucuit• ' as nn ncliv<' I .. D. lwrch I le• lwcl n hrillic nl mind, was nl th IH'c J of his lassC's, and nl, a h, l a smil<' f'or ever onr. TJc. ' < , al, < s ' ilfing lo do his pnrl in <' r thing" h<· ' a , a ·I <'d lo do. 1 Ic ' as the young •sl in th f, mil ' · ing posl ·rs.
and Ji <'cl in a ver , clo. r nnd lrnpp ' ilh his pnrenls. D
- I I-
compnni nship
Kenneth was reserved and refined, l<ind, and in cere lo all who knew him, and ever ucces ful through diligent application. In the latt r parl of his seventeen years he had looked forward lo and planned for a tart in aviation. Kenneth C. Peter on, son of Grae Vaudrey and Louis V\1. Peterson, wa born February 2 , 1921, in Riverton. He and ix of hi neighborhood "pal " made a ecret vow amqng them elve never lo touch liquor or tobacco. Thi vow wa unbroken b) any of them and it i held sacr d by the lwo who are still living. Kenneth. like most boys, had an eye for port . He found M Men bask tball very interesting and wa among the gang who thought nothing of a frozen ear or fing r compared with a good game of hockey down on Lhe river. For being thoughtful, ourteou , and our
choolmale and chum, we
remember Kenneth. KE
. I · J'ER 0
Allc11 Olr PclC'rso11, lwc11l -on , son of E. R. and J el 'rson, wa. horn al un , l, May 23, JC)J7, a11d moved lo his pr senl horn in Riverton wh n he wns lhrC'c 1C'ars old. I J wa doing po l-graduale \ orl al Jordan , lrnving gradual d rom h re in 1935. nftN also lnki11g- posl g-rnd ,, orl< al Jorden in 1936. I IC' nllrndcd lh L. D. "' . hu in , oll g during I ())7. I Ir \ cs « grndunl of the a l Jordan Lal r . . rm in, r r nncl he We. promin nl in L D. hurch worl in the Riv rlon ccond Ward. J 1 , e r Lary of thr aroni Priesthood oqJnnizalion of W l Jordan I .. D. take. l fr was a lover of alf truth and a l'irrn hc•licvcl' in hi ' religion, living w ll within iL principles and teachings. 11; hohb wa . gathering hils of' phifosoph a11d an hil of ver that wa upJ;ftini:.! or of good cheer. JI fJO ·ed men · lu s. Jr of v fiich honest "as th moc;;l outstanding. 1
1nrlha Smith
- 13 -
or E
Harold wu 路 a cou Tienliou 路 worker and a producer of good r ulls. JIi willingne, and depcndabifily won a pfa e for him in the heart of hi elders. l I appli d the e good qualities in many organization . H w c lea her in the Pri thood Quorum, president of Deaon , an active Boy coul, and a graduate from the Junior (, neolog-i al "o i Ly of Riv rlon J..'irsl We rd. Harold was nol onfy die leade of hi pals ml the fifteen year old ide of the block By hard. back-brcal hi own ornel wilh money eld . To him chool would be c ml arilh m lie and alg bra l xcel led in them both. Harol ful, ourleou , and kind. 1Ii ommand. r le wa the son of re n Sand ' lrom. horn al I I ROLi) S ND. TR M
Th true arl of living, acquir d through th dignil of lahor. rvi e, lo c ILy, and cl an living, wa a ompli. hed Ly our d ar fri nd arol. He was regular r llow. on id ring loyall and ambition a the out ' landing thing for whi h lo work. Th ali fa lion of fc 'ling the a hi vemenl of what h thought wa right formed th be ' i , of c ch rful p r onalil . JI look c ph ' i c I pride in alhl ~u , and a on i nliou prid<' in hi ' worl al chool and in J i horn . arol was , clive < a mcmb r of th hurch. I l r eived his arl education in the Riverton elem nlary chool and lall r all nd d the Ri rlon Junior I ligh. fr We a junior al the Jorden I Jigh chool al th lime of his death. H wa born ugust 20, 1 21, al Riv rlon. th n of t ph n . and] f, z I 1iles l ph n on.
- 16 -
Farrold Henry
ilcox, the driv r of the ill-fated
bus. v.ia a lifelong resident of Riverton. l le wa born there June 23, 1909, a on of Ir. and Mr . i hola H. Silcox. He' a educated in the Riverton elementary school, and the Jordan High wa graduated. This wa hi for the Jordan called by hi
chool from whi h he
third year a a bu drivet•
chool Dislricl. a« o iale , wa
particularly \vilh tho e
Jim, as he was fondly alway
a great favoril ,
who rode in hi
He wa alway
good natured and hi
ympathy of their problem
him not only lo hi
pa eng rs, but lo everyone who
came in conlacl with him during hi happy life. I" lmOLD I IE HY 51LCO.'\
iola undqui t, scv a daughl r of Ja k and Ide li< k I n undqui l of Cr enl. h was born lYlurch 3, 1921, at Cr cent. he wa an a live member of th Lutheran hurch. Viola wa talented a an artist and inger and tool< part on the progrc m of man hurch and o ial galh ring . he wa ' aLo tal nlcd c , n typist and lenograph r and intended lo Lal< comm f( ic r work a , a profe ion. Wh n Viola was in the ninth grade, h broke her J g and , , s comp lied lo I c v s<hoof for a y ar. In ord r lo Q'raduat from r re per Junior High h had to omplete h o yec r in on . he was uc e ful and would hav Q'raclual d thi y fir from Jordan. B cau e of her h er·fnlncss and foyalt h r fri nd were man '· To h r we, rile: "The called you d ad And w pl for you in orrow; How c nth y lmow That you ' ill nev r di ?" VIOLA " 17 -
hu .
DQ 1
Dependable and lrue-blu
was Naomi, daughler
of Wilbert W. and Vina Lar on Many of th
hou -hold dulie
Webb of Bluffdale.
fell lo h r lot.
In th<'
h r worth.
a mi
way he p rformed them . he proved mad
m ny of her cloth '. Bell r than anything
he lik d making over old thing"s into blou e ' or dresses. though loved hy all who Jmew her. Naom Bluffdal
29, J
â&#x20AC;˘ al
where she liv
m ntary
chool Lher
a live in many church referred lo a lady-lik e<pressive eyes were a lo be lovable, kind and . ve l. NAO II WEBB
WilJ rl was ninel en and v r mu h inlere l d in F. F. . and carp ntry. I l built a hi k n oop for, bi n ighbor; m._ de a c dar ch ' t and a lamp for his moth r; and cupbo rd and hair ' and a table for hi lilll si l rs. H r 1 re nt d t h al D nver in the on hun Ired-pi band, with lwo oth r Jord n F. F. . m ml r . H rai d fc rm proj L and h lp d on the f rm. Wilb rl enjo d hi¡ work in M. I. dan e dir ting. JI d;d il with . c , c nd ffi i n y. He wa a l a h r in th Mi sionary l._ s al Bluffdale. ecrelary of mutual, and s relary of th Aaroni Pri thood. H wa th on of Wilb rl W. and Vin Lar on W bb and ' a born ov mh r 7, 1919, in Bluffdale. Will rt' h rful di. p ilion and dep ndability gain d man friend . ' ho ' ill long r m mh r him. WH BEB.T WEBB
- I
Dean was a well-mannered, diligent, and reserved young fellow. He accomplished without noi e or fuss whatever he did. His worth was proved through results ,.._,not show. Dean wa an all-around outdoor boy. It was with his gun and fishing pole that he found his greatest pleasure ,.......,not with girls. Since early childhood, his summer vacations were spent on the sheep ranch with his Grandfather Densley. Because of his Father' promise to let him help hear sheep, he would look forward to the spring time. As a supplement to his out door activities he enjoyed hiking and scouting. It i believed that he knew better than anyone else the hill adjacent to his fat her' s fields. Dean played a trombone in the high school band and was active as a teacher in his Priesthood Quorum. Dean, fifteen, wa the first child of Lee Roy and Mildred Densley Winward of Riverton First Ward. DEA
Helen Young, fifteen, wa born November 4, 1923, in Salt Lake City, a daughter of Parley A. and Iris Clark Young. She moved to South Jordan three year ago. Within a short time after Helen came to South Jordan, he had won th hearts of everyone who came in
onta t with her.
he played the piano and
phone for many enl rlainments and ward benefit . She was organi t for the Soqth Jordan a member of the Jordan High plea ing per onality drew friend wit and con Lant humor were a
M. I. A ., and wa chool band.
to her, and her quick ource of joy to all
who kn w her. HEL
- 19-
YO .
Keilh Jame
Fairbourn, eighteen, wa, born April on of W. R. and Violet J. Fairbourn. He died of epilepsy, October 23, 193 al hi home. le all nded the re cenl Iem en lary and the Orap r Junior High chools. K ilh had a very brilliant mind and we s e p cially talented in m chanical drawing and ar hit lure. He would hav graduated this year with high honor ' . A a hobby, h built model airplane and Ludi d their de ' ign. With hi model he won many prize al the talc Fair. I Ie played the flute in Lh hand of the Drap r Junior and the Jordan High chool . f le gave a graduating , p ech al rap r Junior High. H wa a friend lo veryone, and everyone lil< d and re p cled him and his high ideals. K ilh wa always ch erful and willing lo do hi parl. 1 , 1920, in Crescent, Utah, the
Kl .ITI I .I
'll: S FAIRB(.) H
Ir. J. J L 1rr r, who for lwenl y c r apa.bl filled the position of allrndanc officer, was horn in vVallshurg, We Sc Leh ounly, pril 5, 1 6. H cl tended , hool in Wa..at h ounly, al th B. Y. .. and c L the . of . ftcr serving a ' prin ipal of a chool in Millard, in Kamas, in Riverl n, in We l Jordan, and in n ion, he accepled Lh po 'ilion of co ordinc tor of this dislricl, which offic Ji h Id until his df'ulh on F hruar ' I, 1939. Mr. ire r' p rsonc lil ' 路 hi ff'c rl ' Sn , , in dh ring Lo a cour he cl mf'ct right. and hi mpalhelic understanding of the prohl ms of youth, nahled him lo a hi<'ve unusual succcs as a coordinc tor. chofarl nnd fricn llv. l<ind and jusl, h inspired fov and confi d nee in all with whom he cnmc in <onlncl. Parents, teachers, and parlicularl th youth of Jordan Dislri t ha b nefitlcd h association ' ith this gifted men c nd hav heen inspir d h his influen c. All mourn hi p s, ing, t c re rnmfortf'd b I he mem r of their pff'a anl associations ' ith lYlr. HCN. 3
J. IT.
- 20
Ding. dong, conic lo chool-1 Jcl n Mabey, Helen Young, Myra Hansen, Rcla B ckstcad. Marjori Beck l<.'ad, Elaine i lsen; Do I lik you? Y<.'s! Marjorie Grove, Loi Johnson, Georgia Banks, Vonda Price; hums-Roma cl on, Virginia clson; Gimme the wide open spaces-Dean Winward. " ow when w were at Rivcrlon"-Mildrcd Myer, L ola Myer, Naomi Lewi ; Dean and hi pal out for glorious limes; Lois Johnson al West Jordan Junior; Happy go lucky-Bill Glazier. lcR Dansie, Naomi Lewis and NMmi Webb pose "'ith tf1cir neighbors; Virginia clson and her pal R la Beckstead; Blaine Page takes five; Billy Glazier and o Riv rlon: classmate; Rosa Larson and Naomi Lewis pos with chums; Blaine and buddies. aomi Webb and cla smates; Virginia
I on and We l Jordanil .
Just h for minary-Lois Johnson and fellow eminary das male ; Noon g I-together, ]\I argy Wandie, lavis hrist ns n, Roma cl on, Lu ille Mal trom, Jun aben, 1ack Bateman, lrmad I Ernns, l l len Lloyd, Vonda Price and Marjorie Oake.on; A bicycle built for lwo (?) Rae Miller, Keith a. on; Wayne rump, Rae Mrller, Ross Butterfield. l ancy Blanche Freeman and Bob Bole glimmcr.
CALENDAR PTEMBER 7th. First official introdu tion Lo Mr. Nielsen and teachers. " crubs" fool<ing for elevators. 9th. fantasli
S hool dazzled by Lripping of light wal r-melon-eating tud ~nl .
16th. Many name appear for da s officer and one he~r murmur, "Vol for B;lf, he' a good fellow." 23rd. Our "eleven" lo e Lo Grand Jun Uon but we giv '~m a s are. 30th. and lung
etdiggers yodel al fir t yclJ s ion nd h st are tested for y lJ lead r .
0 TOBER 4th. Tho e who lead our yells and yodels are elected. 6th. Sophomores wa1low gum. They are entertained by )unior and at a dan e.
Why 7 nior
13th. Our first and sweetest football viclory. Jordan b als runi.te. 20th.
Wal h our elev n T Murray down d.
27th. W pul red feath<>r in our hat ; another vi Lory. It L Cypru . 28th. Student lool< tearfully toward vacation and the "beets." 31st. studies.
With aJJou ed hand we resume our
(Conlinu d on page 30)
- 22 -
The critic of d mocracy have the ea ic ·L of lasl< in demon lraling ils ineffi iency. But ther is ·omething ven more imporlanl than ffi ; ncy and expediency. namely, ju lice. And cl mo ra , i th only ociaf order that is admis . ible, b cause il i the only one consist nl with justice. '"fhc moral con ·ideralion i supr me. ,......,Robert Briff aull. Th r
is no expression that lia .
within my , Ludy th
pa l
ar th al has
thrilled m more than th ahove q11olalion. ] have rc -r ad il many Lim each lime I am as enlhu ia ' Li a . wh<>n first T r ad il.
, and
lo a hanging world uch as we live in, il lwcomcs neces ar for us lo h converted lo som o ial policy lo whicl1 we can give our whole -h arled allegiance. To you niors who are graduating, and Lo ou sludenl who are lool ing forward lo achieving Lhi goal, m r suggestion is Llrnl ou maf e thi quol lion a very parl of your lives. fl will suslnin c nd comfort rou m, n Lime wh n you me que Lion whether democrc Lo Lravel.
i, the ideal toward which th<' human rec
Lc·lt lo ril!hl :
. .JC'nsc·n, SupNinlC'ndc•nl, , nncl ; l lon11c· T . CoclrrC'\.
l lansC'n. - outh Jordan; Dr. Poul ' . n;( l1nrck PrC'sidc·nl or Boa rel, Bini.tlrn111; I. Boyden, :ancly; , lnnl<'y Rns111ussC'n,
lc·rk. , nnd .
HO Im()!-' l·.l)l ICATIO -- I-
d •slincd
. Jensen. nion; .Jun1c·s
ynn(' P.ige. Ri\ Prlon ;
C. .I.
Virtu Fisher, ccrC'lary, . of alif., andy.
andy; L. W.
idscn, Prin ipal, U. of U.,
Th adminislralion of Jordan High hool now rea hes a new,.......,yel a former mile po L of progre s. Three year of hool ubje l are offered in a senior high s hool orgc niznlion. These are th lenth, eleventh, and twelfth year of work. This L a sali fnctory grouping of Ludenls for a wide offering of ubject in ea h year, leading Lo a more ompl le preparation of sludenl both for vocational and onlinued olleg preparalion. The life -work Lype of Lraining will be met in new vocalional building ' very w II equipped with the lale L modern machinery. New w II -trained L acher will h add d Lo Lhe faculty lo guid Lhe new cour e . T.h college-prepc ralory cour e. will hav added equipment a well a new building ~ lo Cc rry on c heller type of training. The home-mal<ing department with the modern equipmenl add d offer a wid r r aching preparation for the girls of the chool. With th new sci nee deparlmcnt , hou ed in a modern et up, the off rin~ in oll g nnd terminal ubjecls maleriafly increases our means of training. Wh n th mu ic and ( f Leria deparlmenl are properly taken are of and wl en Lh auditorium. and Lh new gymna ium are respeclively renovated and om pl L d, c II dcpc rlm nl will have been b tler hou ed and more adequately equipp d than al any prcviou Lim in Lhe hi tory of thi high chool. lt then remain for the stud nl Lo do Lheir parl lo help them elve by earne tly and actively engaginQ in hard' orl in Lhe deparlm nl Lh y . ele L a a mean of preparation.
- 25 -
andy o iul
I li slory
J. N. DORIUS U. of U.
. of
I lerriman
EMMA ALLEMAN U. of Wyoming undy
ss l.
J('dt .
' . of U. \!Vest Jordnn rl English
, nncly
. or
and ulo
DUNN TAYL R B. Y. u. U. of o. Calif. ancly
Or gon
nncly " onomi s
A F. SJ\ l!TI l U. of l 1. . of \
. A.
undy I Tom
Biologirnl , c icnr
lntlwmnli s
Pll A. W
andy Allcndan c Offic r
OR UE R \V 0 . or
. . AC. all Lak ily En~li sh
u. . A. c. Am rican Fork Phy ical Ed.
0. D. BALLARD U. of U. olo. la te
En ~li sh
MARY IlODEN . of U. a lt Lake il y ommcr iaI
OR ON U. of U. u. . A.
" nglish
PA L . BOYCE . . A. c. andy Agriculture
P. F. GOLDBRANSON U. of Calif. a ndy ocial
u. .
J li story
Leland Powers Manti pccch
B. Y. U.
E. L. RA WFORD B. Y. U. U. of andy
U. U.
U. . A. C.
A. . JE U. of U.
. of Wn. Ttington nndy Biologi al ience
ROBERT L. PIXTON u. . A. c. U. of U. a n ly Biology (Not in Photograph)
1. C. LINDELL B. Y. U.
U. of U. andy Librarian
The pr
ludent body officers include the
iden l and vi e pre idenl, who over see
ludenl admini tration ; the urer, who lake
cretary-trea -
are of the fund
stud n t body and re ord
of the
proceeding ;
and Lhe historian, who records with clippings, picture , and words the main evenls of lhe s hool year.
tudent ourl helps . olve discipline
prob/ ms within th
tud nl r presenlalivcs from every fir t p riod
room compo
the ludenl coun-
C'i f. Th is group. und r lhe direction of Mr.
Ballard, ha lween the
tal<en care of all matters betudent and th
addition, ha
fc ulty; and, in
adverlised our game , play\
an [ other evenls during the y ar.
'Th stud ~nt body officer, c nd a few mem ber of I he ourl w r guests of the Uni versity of Utah on N vemh r 路15, 193 . AL a fat r dat
they '\Iver
I ligh School.
Linda orcn on, vie -prcs icknl ; ,l<:'f1n 路nf. hi s lorinn; Mr1ry Tl10rnlo11, sccrclary-trcasurcr; Warrf'n Tf10111pson, pre idenl.
- 28 -
gu . ls of lh
r nil
Lcâ&#x20AC;˘l't lo right:
ielsen, Pat Pie~ce, Orvis Pollock. Floyd I la ndley. Hub .rt
or n on,
he ler Ki111,
Vennn Jc'nsen, Ja k Wat.on, Mar Thorn ton, Ralph Bishor. Maura elson, Rusell Beck. E lva Cowley, ~ larvin Bull rficld. I Julda Parker, Afton Den I y, 1lyrle Palm r, Evan Pi rson, \Varren Thomp on, Linda .,ornscâ&#x20AC;˘n, I :ern Leonard. k n Pixton, Mar Morgan, Jean Parr, Joyce ilcox, Maxine ardn r. J an al. J_ee BcC'kstcad. Virgie
ther Members: I Jel en I Jansen. Arlene Bodell. Alfred Furs . Dorothy Rasmus, en, Blaine Johnson, L slcr Poliner, ordon Jen en, Bob job fom . Burniss Bulterwortlr, William Fassio, Delbert :acos, Margaret Borg, Joe os teflo , Della Brady, Bob Ballard, Jcssimac Bell , Theodore A le ander, Della
Lundber~. Eugen
ordb rg, Rulon Rasmu sen, Boyd Thonrpson, Reiko vVatanuki, Bessi
lafstrorn. GraC'e wcnson, Wilb rl W hb, Keith Fairhourne, Ruth oriso n, 1artha lover.
F loyd. June
ra.1k Parry, Verda Bailey, Jame Butterfield
ourl: Rulon Rnsnru s n, econd As ooi.Jlc Justice; James Bullerfield, Fi r l Asso iale Ju lie ; Blaine ndru, ; Judge; G I nn l lya ll, Mars ha ll ; Blaine Lan as ter, Pro ccuting Attorne ; Ruth Borg, ferk of th ourl. - 29-
OVEMBER 4th. Farm r ar uprem and enlerlain wilh an a embly and Lhe gala affair, Lh Hare t Ball. 10th. niors lrul Lheir Luff and wall Lhe board in Lhe annual senior play. 11 Lh. Jordan win 7 "Jordan." 19th. Fork.
J<i l< off wilh Davi . Who
Be Ldigg
25th. Nol a panic audi. - n e.
vi loriou ov r
bell rings
m ri an
wh n amal ur.
26th. 'Ti ad lo ay our J v n lo l Lh hampion hip gam lo Carbon; but mayb next year. 28th. Foolball ch l day. Lud nl enterlained by how, ass mbly, and What a dayT
de nc
29th and 30th. I Ion. Turl< y hold during lovely Thank i:(iving va alion.
w r
l l. Trag dy lrik . Twenty-four lives are taken as our bu oil ides wilh a lrain.
h Id for
h Id h
4th and 5th. Fun ral our depart d fri nd . 6th. Memorial ervi in honor of bu vi Lim .
23rd. aplivaling hri tmas pag ant pr nled and later a matinee dan e. ludenls look orrowf ully al the prosp cl of hri lma va alion wilhoul l a h r . ( onlinued on pag
- jQ -
the curtain open on the la l acl of the ' nior ' high school areer, w e a l of haraclers ready lo perform. ln th fir l c n they are preparing for a y ar of difficult work in which th y ar lo play I ading role . If their p rforman are oul landing, grealer and more imporlanl conlrc cl awail th m. ene l\! o _how · the aclor achieving high honor . Th ir .. enior Pia " ha raled high in the eye · of th audien e. a
The Ia ·t curtain discloses the Lhr leading le r ,_,pr sident elberl acos, Vi e Pre idenl Chlori Niels n, and ecrelary F rn L onard,_,wilh their upporling c c st of lwo hundred and evenly-, ix. Th audi nc ms lo enjoy the unusual " ~ nior I fop" and " enior Progre iv ·· cenes. Th per onaf ilie on the lag wave a fond farewell lo th audi n e b for they leave lo begin th ir careers anew on olh r slag ' of lif .
- 32 -
Lillian Albanese West Jordan ; P .
Gc-orgc Gilbert Riverlon; P . G.
Ole Peterson Riverton; P. G.
Leona Polin cr Sandy; P. G.
Roy Searcy U nion; P. G.
Wilbert Webb Bluffdale; P. G.
Lawrc-nre Allmcndinge Midvaf â&#x20AC;˘
Blaine Allen Draper
F lora Adam a ndy
Blaine Andrus Draper
Marjorie Anderson Sandy
D a rwin Alsop Sandy
Dorothy Bills Riverton
Ralph Bishop Sandy
Mildred Boggess U nion
Cameron Bentley Granite
Dorothy Blair Butler
E la in e Bentley Granite
Recd Butterfield H errim a n
Herbert Butterfield H erriman
Ruth Borg a ndy
Jesse Bills Riverton
harles F. Adams East Midvale Jay Bills Riverton
Keith Bat man W l Jorda n
Ruby B
ckstcad outh Jordan
Dwain Beck Draper ornrn Brown
r ' ent Oorotl1ea Brown
La Vcrc
Butlrr Butle r
\Vanda Banks Riverton
Darn'll Beckstead Midvale Ro ~s B11rn1i11gl1am
Butl r 13urnis ~ Burgon
nion ron Brand tmd Arf1•n(' Bodell JI rrim 11
Del Bmd
Eugen<' 13ullorcl Drnper
Lyl<' Bird Midvole ){,,lph Bnflurcl Draper
!'ton Bn,.d
l nion ltoss Buucrrirld Riverton Trussl<'r fiutlcrrirld Rherlon
Jack Boggess nion
r lnr111on
arpentrr rcscenl
R1•oddf Craw[ rd and
I lnrold
Orn per
l:lvn ,ow l<' nnd
I •
. ... . ~ '
-'J -
E th el urlqui st Drap r
A r Ca rlson Midva le
W a nda C ra n Ri verton
O rrin C urti U nion
H elen C hristensen H errima n
C larence Cannin g M idvale
Ja k Canning Midva le
W ayne C run1p Bluffdale
Mn rj ori Cra ne H errima n
Carl Cook W e t Jorda n
H omer C hri ten en Ea t Midvale
Jea n Dodge W e t Jorda n
W illis ay I Jorda n
M iria m D alton a ndy
Bob Dra per Dra per
Evelyn Dimick a nd y
C lea D a nsi Bluffda le
Julia n D ewey Dra per
lnnlcy Dilll ond W es t Jorda n
D a phn e E d gel U nion
Eu g n c E rickson W st Jorda n
D anc F itzge rald Drap er
Bill F reema n Riverton
Zoe Vae F itzgerald Draper
V irginin Fergu on a nd y V rl Feq:!u on Ea l M idva le B es i F loyd a ndy Phil F ishe r 1idval
A lfred F urse W est J orda n Jun e Fox ni on K ei th Fa irbourn r s e nt Loui se F it zgerald Dra per
Na ncy Blond ie F re man I I rrim a n Bevcrl
Mne Foulkcr r scent
Fern G winn rn pcr Virgie r nion
K<' tHlrick G reen Butle r li ve' eorg.e nnJ y k
re n Ri ve rton
1nrlh a lover l: as l lidval
La BNta I lca lon D ro pcr Lorin 1lnn scn ' und
lelhn 1 lobhs M idva le J un <' I ldlstrom undy
Unn 1 lnth nw oy nion
I lend rso n
r 1pc r
1 ilclr!'d I le nr y ni on rl câ&#x20AC;˘ nn l l ya ll , nnd
Dale Hansen East Micivale
velyn Holt outh Jordan
Helen Han en andy
Florence Johnson Draper
Aaron Jenkins Midvale
Marjorie Jenson andy
R. Z. Johnson
Gladys Johnson Draper
Homer Jaynes Cre cent
Betty Lou Jensen Crescent
Elsie Johnson andy
Logan Kunz Murray
Blaine Lancaster West Jordan
Naomi Lewis Bluffdale
Fern Leonard Midvale
Gale Lowe Sandy
Rosa Lar.on Bluffdale
Komin Landerus East Midvale
Golden Landgren andy
Mary Morgan Riverton
La Var My rs Riverton
路~ary Mickelsen
Katie Kosovitch Crescent
Fred Kirkman West Jordan
hester Kim andy
Alden M ayn s But! r Ma rjori M yers a ndy E lhern M ay na rd a nd y rdus Miln , nd y
M ildred M yers Riverton V ido r M itchell ._ 'outh .J orda n June Malstrom M idvale
Jolin Marcha nt M idvulc
T. Morrow M iclval
Laura M K re ._ outh Jo rda n , ylor R oy ._ outh J ord an
l'l lllra cl so n Om per 芦'o n.,,vay N ielsen f: nsl l\licl vn le
Birn Nibl
lidvn fe Pc<orl C'lson ._ nnd y iefsen reSC'enl
\,Vy 111 nn
Gn lP
C'wh ofd Drap(' r
.. n11d y
o I
l~i v!'r l o n
Pnul N ielse n .. oulh Jord nn
<1 keso n
, o uth .l o rd 1rn
F<'rn Orl on lid, nle
Low!' lf O stl <'r .. 11 11cl
Ne lda Pi1路 r. on S11 11d y
Hulda Parker Orn per
Karl Pollock andy
Gail Peterson Sandy
Jack Powell outh Jordan
Katherine Parody Union
Kenneth Peter on Riverton
Ruth Polson andy
Phyllis Peterson South Jordan
aomi Park East Midvale
Evan Pearson Midvale
Myrl Pal111er outh Jordan
Earl Pear on Midvale
Ruth Russell Union
Buclah RRy lidvale
Mark Richard. on Midvale
J'vf axine RRwlins Draper
Bob Ren andy
Irene Rimington Midvale
I fclcn Richardson Wc t Jordan
La :vlac tcadman West Jordan
Walter wain Union
Linda or nson Draper
cn 'ic' c Robbins East Midvale
Priscilla Robert Cre cent
Gordon J-1. Rideout Drap r
l I lcn
mitl1 Draper
trocllcy nion
J an
cal Riv<'rlon
T d
andy G<'orgc or('n en Drapc-r Viola , undquisl r scent
nndy Lila Mac- cll<'fb<'rg nnrty licia 111ith liclval
I Jubert , orC'nscn Drnp<'r Elvn tone Eust MidvnTc I c-an , mith Wc·st .lor Ian
, mith
Loui s<' Sn1itl1 ( ' rc·sc·c•nl RohNI , tuple· Snnd
.lune , hidds Soutl1 .Jordan Bc•vNI
,~ mitl1
Orn per
Dnvid , tnk r nion
ln<':r. Tl1on1pso n lurrny
~<'mid Ti sC'hner
.John Trnn' W<'sl .Jordon Gc•orgin Thnxt n Riv<'rlon Ricl1nrcl Thorp liclvnl c lnrf,!' Turner
John T nnant andy
Mary Thornton Draper
Kenneth Tripp Midvale
\Vanda Taylor Draper
Warren Thompson Midvale
Boyd Thompson Riverton
Elaine Told Mid val
Franklin Turpin West Jordan
Beverly Tholen East Midvale
Hazel Van Union
Beth Wight Draper
Ronald Weenig Riverton
~arbara Woodhouse
Blaine Wixom We l Jordan
Echo Walker Union
Eldon Welch Midvale
Reiko Watanuki Midvale
Russell Webb R.iverton
Fay Watson Midvale
Jack Watson Mid ale
Marion Walker nion
Arnold Webb Draper
Eleanor Ward Draper
Lowell Young East l'-'lidval e
1ary Young East Midvale
Cail PH rw , pr('sid!'nl : Oorolli John so n, 'i c:!'-pr!'sidPnl.
S p ni ilin J,!,
sr< r<'lnr ,
1<' 1vin
La t fall w over-enlhusiasli Junior ' flung open Lh door of Jorden in our ru h for a han at real high s hool lif<>. By Lhe . econd l rm we had I ome a qui el and orderly as Lhe pr -. elll d nior . Though om of our chum' have left u ', th r are Lill leader among u 路uch a路 1ail, our pr id nl; R d, our vi pre id nt; 9,nd Dot, our e relary, who ar capahl lo I ad u Lhrough n xl y ar. The Ding broughl home me ny honor . W all r gi l r high in sporl s. drama, lub , o ial , ands hola li a hi 'Y m nl . We 've nj yed being Lal<en for enior and
ophomore , bul, thanl< heav n, we ' r not.
William . Adamson Union
Lila Atkinson andy
Gwenilh Allen Riverton
Virginia Buhler Midvale
Melvin Berrett Riverton
Loretta Brown Sandy
Virginia Blair Gran ii
James Butterfield Herriman
Joy Bateman West Jordan
Russell Bek Ora per
Beth Bateman West Jordan
Darr II Brown Midvale
Georg Brady Union
Va Loy Brady Union
Jame Brown But! r
Beth Butterfi Id Union
Yance E. Burgen Union
Helen Brown Herriman
Norma B 路lich Midvnl
Grant Burgen Union
Zctha Burmingham Butler
Lvnn Bills Rive-rt on
Betty Bradley andy
eth Bills Riv<'flon
- 43 -
Douglas Becks! ad Midvale
Lawana Beckstead Gmnil
Leonard Berallo Riverton
Nor ma Jnne Boitltcr Orn per
Ross Berrell Drap'r
Alice ooper ou lh Jordan
Carol Canning Midvale
James rapo andy
Mavis hri slcnscn oulh Jordan
Tel C'harli cr andy
Lu ill e undirk West Jore.Inn
ru111p .Jnnire Bluff dnle
E lwood 路 ol Union
Ruth Carlson East Midva le
Ralph ran<' Ri ver ton
Arlene' ollrd l Oro per
GwC'n ' lark ~ a nd y
Lawrence Dnnsi Riverton
Ev retl Dahl Crescent
Maxine D nny Un ion
Gordon Despain Un ion
RobC'rt Egbt>rt Ri vC'r ton
Gh1dys E ngman andv
R eid Egh rt West ,Jordan
Carol Esperson Midvale
Kclvin Evans asl Midvale
lrm adcl f Evans ou th .Jordon
Louise Erdman East Midva le'
Lucile Evnns nion
JC'nn Fox nion
Fa Fox Mid val
Georg路 Fujii nion
Thelda Freeman H rriman
Muri I Fitzgerald Draper
Adeline Gardner W st Jordan
Gold n Gilbert Riverton
Rhoda May oates West Jordan
ibyl Greer Union
Jack Gilbert Midvale
Maxine Gardner West Jordan
Dori Graham Union
William Glazier Riverton
Belva H ndri k en Draper
lark Hall Midvale
Margar t Hogan West Jordan
Virginia Hubbard Murray
Fae Hender on West Jordan
Frank Harada Union
Kay Harada Union
Dorothy Hilton Butler
Donna Huff Draper
Ramona Hand andy
Myrth Harrison Crescent
Alice Holt outh Jordan
45 -
Melvin John on Mid a l 路
M a rie Ja m s Murray
Donna J nscn W es t Jorda11
Loro Ja kson Midva lf'
R oweno Jenkins Midval '
old('n Jens n Midvo l
L eona Jenkin s Midva le
Beth Jensen Midvale
Lois John son outh .Jord nn
Edith J('n 路on Mid va le
Murid .Jomes
Hirdon Jensen Midval
E rma Jenkins Midva le
C lyde Kemp Mid val
David Kun z c nd y
Alice Kom gloni s Midva le
V cl don Lfw on Midva le
Ann Lora nger Midv路llc
Delbert La rson Sa ndy
l l elen Lloyd outh Jorda n
Bill L a nderus
O v1'da Lundberg Ee st Midvale
H lcn Long
G lad ys M rgells V\1est Jorda n
Thelm a M organ Ri verton
Douglas Miller H errim a n
lr('ne Mickels n Butler
a ndy
u. Murph y Midva le
ni on J nni c M ad a nd y
R ae Miilcr Bluffdale
Marvin cl~en Midvale
Geneva i I en oulh Jordan
Lucile Malstrom West Jordan
Dale Ne! on andy
Marjorie Ncf on Wcsl Jordan
Vernal Newbold outh Jordan
Dona ix andy
Fronk cf son i\1idvaf
Flor n e Nielsen Riverton
Keith Neff Riverton
Roma N Ison V\/e l Jordan
Willis cw bold Drap r
larjorir Newbold Draper
Tracy Nel on Midvale
1'1axine Orton and
George Osborne Ri erlon
Iva Pixlon andy
D raid Powe ll lid vale
Evelyn Patt Ea. t lid vale
Floyd Pixlon Union
I lazcldcnc Poulsen Granite
Gordon Pel r on Riverton
Le !er Polincr andy
Donald P<1gc Rfrerton
lori . 1ilne Un ion Viq~inia
cl.on oulf1 Jordan
Alfred Peterson Riverton
Gail Payn Draper
Reed iclscn Crescent larjorie Oak on oulh Jordan
Veil Pug111ir Midvale
Ru ss<' ll ParkN I le rri111an
Editl1 Pnl11H•r Wc-s l Jordan
Blui1w Pug<' RivNlon
Roy Ri ka Drap r
Da;'win Rirhnrd so n W s t Jordan
.Jww Raw so n • nnclv
'\rvicl f~H S lllU SS(' J) lid vn lc
Alma Ri c hardso n Wes t Jordan
Rowena Ru ssell Drap r
Jun in• lakN Bu1lc-r
\Jnrurnc· I , ilc<>f'k Rh1·rlon
Riter lua rl andy
Kutltryn or •n sc-11 andy
ii cox rlon
111arl nion
J lc·lc•n Mar ,
nndy Wunclu ' hic·ld s , oud1 .Jordan
r. lnrgarC'l
Dunne• Purkin son rc scc- nl nrwin R11 s111ussc·n 1idvulcPhyllis • 111i1li Crnnik
l\ lury
.~ot<' r
Ri~ c rlon
Al111011 • an1u1•lson ,'11ncly
lnhlr ,'111ilh Riverton
Jc-an Parr Wcs l Jordon FC'rn Richardson
Wc-s l .Jordan Morion , mi1l1 rnp r
Mar wen so n Riv rt on
Vcrlicc mitl1 • outh .Jordnn
orma tcward • nndy
a ro l tcphr 11 so n Riv c rl on
l: wlyn Tccrlink 011!li .lordnn
Rf1lpli Thompson \1id\ a l
l\ fary VRn
:--Tac Van l nion
Un ion rrnnc<'s Wrigl11 andy
June Wynn re sce nt
Bc lty • lro111 Miclvalc
Dorotl1y pra tlin g W est Jorda n
ArdC'n TC'sch \iVc. l Jordan
H iuold Thomson U nion
Barhcira Tate Butler
f~ ln1cr Tripp W es t Jorda n
Kei th Thomson Ri, e rlon
Ro a l Thornhlad and
aom i Webb Ri\('rlon
1' la rj oric Willia ms
Florence Webb andy
l\ fory \Vhitin g
West Jordan
ViviAn \Va llin nion
J ricq uclin . Wilkins irndy
E mm a Wcbher \i\!cs t Jordan
Lois Wolk r nio n
For Lhe first lime i.n ix year th ophomor clas ha reenlered Jordan. ALthough . the youngest in the school this .la does nol lack Lhe pep and school spirit essential lo a lively cla 'S. They have given Lheir whole-hearted support to everylhing th tudent body has promoted. The ophomores have tal<en part in all school activities uch as dramatics, debating, mu ic. athletics. commercial work as well as in muny o ial functions, prominent among which was the ele Lion of a ophomor for que n of the F. F. A. Harvest Ball. Under lhe capable leadership of Ross Bishop. Pre id nt, Donna Nielsen, Vice Pre idenl, and J e Roy Clayton, ecrelary, Lhe ophornore have made thi year one they can be proud lo remember. Wilh uch a splendid beginning the future years at Jordan Iool< bri~ht for Lhi cla .
va Adamson Union
Betty Bonechcr Riverton
Le Roy Clayton Midvale
Doris Fitzgerald Draper
Edna Hansen andy
Bclvn Andrus Draper
Dean Brady Union
Lorna Crane Draper
Bever L e Griffiths Midvale
ancy l I Granit
Boh Ballard DraJJCr
Margaret Borg andy
Paul Cook Union
Recd Grant andy
Fae Holt W st Jordan
I r Buckley Midvale
Barbara Dewey Sandy
Norma Guinn Draper
Myra Hansen outh Jordan
Gladys Butler andy
Afton Den Icy Riverton
Donald Green Butler
Beverly Jaynes re cent
raw ford andy
Gloria Denny Eat Midvale
Parry Greenwood andy
Vcnna Jen en al]dy
Rrla Beck lead outh Jordan
Clifford Carter Draper
Neal Den Icy Ri erlon
Effie Gunder on andy
Junior Jones Butler
I cc B ckstead lid vale
Gwendolyn Crane Herriman
Roylance Fairbourn Crescent
George Hunt Soutb Jordan
Erma Jen n Draper
Joy c Boulter andy
Dal Cardwell Riverton
alvin Fairbourn Crescent
Floyd !Tandi y Butler
Helen Koehn andy
1racc Butt rf i Id Herriman
Larcna Christen en Wet Jordan
Inez F rccman Herriman
Warren Hughe Union
La Ru Battison Riverton Beth Beckstead re cent Margie Beckstead ~outh Jordan
- 51 -
harlcs Kanklcborg Midvale
E lain Kim andy
Mickie l\!JcKce outl1 Jordan
Ev<'lyn Marks West Jordan
Zola Ohourne , a nd y
Keith Poulsen Midvale
Byard Luson Bluffdale
Lola Morgan Riverton
DonnA Nielsen andy
~ l a nl y Prtc-rson
W<'sl Jordan
E lsi Pct rs n , ou th Jord n
La Faun Lundber~ Ea t Midval
1lel en Mahey
Evelyn icholson Midvale
Brue<' P tcrson Riv .rlon
Drew Pear on Midval
Jam Leak West Jordan
Florence McNarnry andy
Ralrh N ielsen oud1 Jordon
Janice Parker Bennion
Billy Poul on andy
Della Lundberg nion .
Evelyn Mal trom Murray
E la in e Nielsen outh J ordan
Orvis Pollo and
Ralph Pa~e Riverton
ft on Lloyd Wet Jordan
Maxin Mi kclscn Draper
C'oru l Nielsen Riv C'rlon
B<'vNly Pierson ~ an ly
Beverly PctC'rson M idval
ila 1oq:ian Riverton
Dolores Millerburg Midvale
R eva rgill Drnrcr
C.u Pugmire Mid val<'
Rulon Rasmus. en andy
I lrher Olson
Fuyc Paul o ' 1 lidva l
Dorothy Ras111usscn Midvale
Ro la nce Peter. on â&#x20AC;˘ and
Joye R cadi nf! Midvale
Mary I ouise 1asich M id va l Ralph a rd1 ant Un ion
outh Jordan
ick Masrnro ranitr MRrgWrl M rrill ou th .Jordan
nion VNlu Ostl er <1nd y
.. Col In Roundy Draper ug('ne Robin$On Butler
Dahrl Reid andy Thomas howell Jr. Riverton
Val Rito Mid val Rlvin Sain bury Grani te
Jerry ullivan W st Jordan
E la in "(home West Jordan
Clem Washburn Draper
Don mi th Draper
Marian Vawdr(' â&#x20AC;˘ Draper
Dean Winward Riverlon
Dorothy oren en East Midvale
Scott Wyberg Riverton
Betty Williams Sandy
Lyle' Jenn Roberts Midvale
hirl ey tok r Midvn l
C lift on Rist U11ion'
Leila teadrna11 West Jordar1
Joyce S ilcox W st Jordan
Juanda Swenson East Midvale
Mary Winn Sandy
Mary Lou We tbrook Draper.
GR IC' Russell Dr pr
l larold ands trom Riverton
Bob job Iom Draper
Lowe Seal Riverton
Ellery Wi ht Draper
Helen Young outh Jordan
D, rrell Reynold. Riverton
Lorna I adman \"1 est Jordan
Erma mi th resccn l
Adel mi th Draper
Janice William Granit
Grace Young Union
amu I on andy
JANUARY 3d. School reassembles with resolutions and a "new leaf." 6th. Jordan loses to Granile in fir t basketball lus le. 11th.
Do Re M;. Opera tryout .
13th. Entertained by Bingham and lose to them at night. Think before you throw. 20th. Cyprus presents a beat their learn. 27th.
mbly and We
Jordan beats Murray. Mor r venge.
FEBRUARY 2nd. Much excitement about our victory over Tooele.
Jordan lrim
ranil .
9th. Parents come from near and ce wh re l<iddies spend th ir lime.
fnr lo
15th. A Lhrifling night, a w Jcom r pile, for it i th we thearl Ball. 17th. We battl with Bingham for victory thal we seek but we merg th lo er . So whatT 24th.
Vi torious with
rant vilI
(Conlinu d on page
- '54 -
Front row :
R iko Watanukic,
Burgon, Budah Ray. Etliyl Carlquist. ington,
Pi rson, Fay Wat son, M<'lha
' c·cond row : Rc-od"lf
1 lobbs,
rC'<'n, Burnis ' Rim -
1ildredd BorH!<" S, Afton Bn:1dy. Mury Thornton. I lulda PArkc-r. De-fin<' Fitzgerald. Fern Lc-onard,
Betty Lou Jen
Third row:
Gail P<'t<·rs!'n, \Vanda
' rnn(', Murjori<' J1•nscn. I lcll'n l lans<'n, Elsie
John son. Ardus Miln " Marian W<1lkc·r, Virtiinin l·'erf!uson, Maq:(arC'I Pork. Chlori
rowrord. Barhora vVoodhousc, lrcn
Niel sen, M<uy Young, Jean S('nl, Ann .lol1nson. Lylus Rrnding, Elvo
Bock row: Liln ton<',
loura Nel son, Mury
Mickleson, Mory Morgun, J orotf 1y Bill s. Dorothy Blnir.
The Charlonian luh i ' a s hole rship and p p club for girl . h obj l i to increa e chool pirit. lt purs on our basl< lball and football hoys lo vicloric lo win honor for our hool. Lil< all. lub il ha i als which v ry' girl mu l live up lo. Fir t is scholarship. h r quir s of il m mb r up rior g-rad s. o girl can belong wilhoul maintaining al lea l a B+ avcrag . ond i · [ ad r hip. Its members mu ' l be good I ad rs a well good follower ' . Third i sporl man ship. In this club, on ha me ny opporlunilie ' lo he- SJ orlsm n. Fourth is fellowship. Th uc c of a lub d p nd on th coop r~ lion of its m mb r · . 11 musl worl< for one anolh r and not for lhemselve . Fifth c ncl 1 l. hut nol le sl imporl nl, i pep. Th; lub d pends a gr al den! on th p p and I iril hich each one i e, pe .Led lo conlrihul .
Top piclure-rronl: Maxin Gardner, Arlen e otlrell, La V lie Pugmire, Fran e Wright, Burni ss Burgon. I orotliy â&#x20AC;˘ pratling. Bark : orrlla Belic-h, Irene Mirkclsen, Ruth Carlson, Romona Hand, Dorothy Blair, .Jennie Mend: Elsie .Johnson. Arclus Milne, Ann Loranger, Rowena Jenkins. Bottom picture-front : yhil 1reer. Bell Bn1dley, Reiko \t\/atanuki. Lila Atkin son, Virgie Green . Back: orma Boulter, Maxin e Denney, Fay Bowen. Doris Graham, Louise Erdnrnn, 1axine Orton, Iva Pixton, Loretta Brown, Ev ly11' Pale. Joy Bateman .
l the half-year all junior with a B+ av rag are eligible to join the pep club. The inilialion eremony begins with the junior wearing ridi ulous costumes lo school. AJL r hool a andl lighl c r mony Lake pla e and a social follow . ach junior girl lri lo liv up lo th e ample et by the enior member . Each Monday meelings ar h Id lo di u the problems that arise. The Charlonian Be II was an oul landing o ial event lhi spring. The lub officers are Helen l Ian n, presid nl; Elva Lon , fir t vi pre ident; Loui e Erdman, e ond¡ vi e pre idenl; Row .na Jenl<ins, a i Lant e relary; Mary Young and Buelah Ray, y 11 leader .
- 31 -
ro11I row:
Sore nson , B c tf1 \ V ig hl , R <' r>d <' lf
lor f{n 11 , Mn rlh a C lover.
'rnw l'ord . Lc o11 ;1 P o lirwr.
,'eco ncl row:
, milh . Foy W n tso n . Jun e , a lw n. Z c tl 1<1 Burn1in glrn n1 , l' lildre cl I lc nr ,
I lc-nd crson,
R o111011 n
I lune!,
Frances \\/ ri g ht.
Ln l~u c
Jea n ,
f\ lildrcd
•r<'c·n. l' lur y Mo rga n . F o urth ro" :
F ilzf..(Na ld. l. ouis<· Fitzf..(Pra lcl. ln• nc· Ri111in g to n , Jww
l' lnrgi<'
- 'i8-
J"vlarg i<' Onk1•so11 , Mn r
1o ls tro 11 1,
u ncl a D <'spa in. Ge neva
Ri h urd so n , li ck Iso n ,
Wyn n, Dea n ' 1 ur iu n Y awdr y,
idse n , Rh od a
lye rs, No n na S tewn rl , J e nni e
Ne lson. V h in n W" llin . Belly B o rw c l1 c r. (\1rof N<' il sc 11 , Ma rga re t
I ,a rso n .
1lcl c n
la ria n D a lton ,
D orr, l1y W il ((),x. Ku ti <' K osovic l1. Ph ylli s P <• l<'fsc11 . F ilth row: Gonle.; , 1:: l1 C' I Cnrlq u is t. L nMac S tC'd11 H111 ,
fn in c R a wlin s. BC'lt
Ba tti so n . T hird row:
Mel b a I lohhs. Oo ro tf1 y Bill s. Geo rgin Th nx ton. l]sic Jo hnso n ,
W oodh o use, Lindo
M iss B e nni o n , A li in
ilrnx, Fl o re ne<'
lea d.
la' ln u rn
iclse n. M iss
The Home Economics club is composed of the future housewives of America, from the sewing, cooking, and home management classes. The purpose of the club is to learn something classes do not teach, to make better homemakers, to advance good citizenship, and to promote scholarship. The candlelight initiation ceremony was sent out from the National Home Economics club. A Christmas party followed on the same evening. The girls of Lhe dub entertained their mothers at a tea for the purpose of di cus ing the home projecls that are required of each student in the cour e. Thi year Lhe dub joined the National Home Economics club. The club sends a weeldy magazine to the local club. On November 16, Lhe cafeleria class prepared and erved the Sandy Lions' Club annual tag dinner. The girl decoraled the dining room in appropriate Thanl< giving color . The home managemenl classes made everything from children's toys lo a baby's layetle. The Red Cross gave lhe class fife dollars lo mah a complete layette. They did a very u cessful job. Some of the clever toy were made from buttons, pools, inner tubes, yarn, and gay colored print. The weelh. arl Ball, lhe out landind event of the mid-winter sea on, with Be ie Floyd a Cinderella, and \Varren Thompson as Prin e harming, exlended Valentin greeting from the Home Economics club. Thirl memb r of Lh club atlended the convention at West High hool, wh re member of Lh junior high, senior high, and college home e onomi , cla es unil d. Meeling were held, and the Z. C. M. I. preenl d a fa hion how. Afterward , a lea wa given lo climax an enjoyable day. '"'ach m mber of the Home Economics club contributed a penny to nd to an unfortunate girl in France o that she can come to America lo be edu aled in horn economi . The climax to a most succe sful year wa the fashion show, which d; played the fine arts of the sewing classe . Aft r the show th girls entertained their mothers at a tea. The officers ar : Mary Morgan, president; Margaret Silcox, vice-president; Florence Niel n, relary. Th advi er are: Mi s Ethelyn Larson, and Mi s D ane Bennion.
- 59 -
Fronl row:
a lvin Bu klcy, P aul Bennion, Ja111cs I cak, I lurvcy Lelunitz,
McMullin, Ralph Nielsen. 0 an Brady. ardwcll .
econd row:
rnal Ncwho ld,
Raine Freeman. Dale
corg' Adolpl1son, Juck Bird, Golden ,J en~ n, Glen Brown,
Frank J larada, Bob Pri 'e, Leonard
I la tfrnwn y, Russell Pnrk('r, I ougln 路 Miller, Rulplt
Ballard. Paul
Hoy Petersen, Odos B<'ckslend, Floyd Lundquist,
Third row :
Gordan D espain, Kay J larada, Jen sen, Hnrold
Fugii, Parr
Greenwood, John
eorge I le1111ingcamp, Oou14la~
nrlson, Colde n Gi lhcrl, Earl
rnn<". Gordon
Lynn Bow n, I larold Thornp on, Wilm r Kidd, D un , mith, .Jam<'s Arnold Webb. Lee Dimond, Mr. Boye<'. a lvin Fairbourn,
R id Nielsen, Nc路d
Pete rson, Edward Kidd, Jack Wibc路rg,
._ tanl y Dimond.
l''iftf, row :
I ron
ook, J an Ennis,
' lwrpick, M cie Batcn1nn,
,'111ilh, Antl1on Frns lrom , DnllEis
lrAJl ry,
lnnl cy
teplicn scn, E ll ery Wl1il<'. 13urniss Bullerwortl1, Ddlwrl 13,l('k
Ward D<"spain ,
taker, Donald Grc n, Hnrold I lntl1cnhrook, Linwood Wnlker, Li M iu ntilb , Max Egh rt, Homer Jaynes, Wayn ' Harmon
ab n, Ilurk
rcen, Dougl c1s Brown, Earl Butt rficlJ , Keith Tho111pso n. Fourth row :
arpenter, l:-lyru111 , niitl1, S l1irrcl
n1ill1 ,
wa pp.
Doyl '
r en, Murra
okcs, Ru s
Thi s ycc r 1h c F . F . A.. whi ch lrns a lways b een on e of th e outs ta ndin g ch oo l, w ns ' c ry b oy
ca ptured
ucr ·ss ful in it
fir: ! pl ac c honor
field of wo tk . A t th e jud gin g
a nd we re present d with a b eautiful pla qu .
d a iry jud gin C! tea m , con i ·tin g o f R a lph Bi. ho p , D ea n firs t. This wo n 1h e 111 a trip to K a n a .
I 00
R a lph Bi ho p p laced sc ond hi gh in the
' chola rs hip , '\-Ya
~crv i c, s h o la . li
a w a rded the
F. F. A. kc
la lC'
ln 0<1 ohcr tl1 <' d a iry juditin g tea m , R a lph Bi h o p , D a n it y, Mi s. o uri , to th
a li ona l
indi vidua l co nl cs la nl s. dn ir
F. F.
on ve nlion a nd
conlC' l.
Th e
eco nrl hi gh e l a mon g
D ea n ._ milh p laced six th hi ghe t in th e n a ti on a
jud gin g coni cs!. T h
la te.
n1ith, a nd J a k McK ee,
oul stanclin g 111 en1bc r of th e lefl m wa . J a k M cK ee wh o rated in th
c co mpli shrn c nl, lead e rs hi p , a nd ag ri cultu ral
s ure<' s, n di slin li on give n to only tw o o l' eve ry one hundred 111 c mbcrs in th
we nt lo Ka n sa•
Th e
l K ee , p la ed
H arold G reen pl ac d third . L orin Mille r, winn r o f the
ni on P ac ifi c A gri cultura l
oulsla ndin g co 111111unit y
milh , a nd J ack
it y. Th e poultry team-Ha rold G re n, H a rmon
a rpcnt e r, a nd H a lpl1 Bis ho p, placed third. contes t a nd rNcived a rn C'd a l.
lub. in
on le t in L ogan our
individua l
tea m ra nk d fourl e nth .
T he li ves loc k jud gin g t<'a lll p laced . econJ a l th e Ogd e n exhibiti on on Februa ry 11. Lyl
mn rl pl a< cd fifth l1i g h ma n in th e
onl e l.
D ou g la
M ill er, H aro ld G rc n , Max
Egb e rt pl ncr d srrn nd, thi rd , a nd fourtl1 fro m J ord a n . T l1i s y<'n r in V a ne
lnlc Fa ir w e loo k $ 300 wo rth of prize money.
1l1 c
cle p nrtm c nt too k • 15CJ.
A mon g th e ex hibitors
W ood . •~ l u nl <•y Di111 ond, R a lph
firs t class tl n ir
fro m J orda n we re
C'x hihil w e re I lyrum
Dimond .
L <'a clin g <'x l1ihil o1s in th <'
Birmin gha m , nncl
V e rn a l
a nd B a rred R ocks.
( uftu ra l d c purl111 c• nt honor. we re w on by l , if as
a nd
of th r
trad lcy. K ay a nd
L y!
ln th
agri -
rank H a ra d a , W a rd
ovC' n1licr 'I, was one of the 111 0 l su cc J ul
Tl1 c• qu e n w ~ D ori s F itzgera ld a nd h e r a ll e nda nt. , Zo
he ld on
V ac
lurid t'il z(!c r, Id . L ns l sun111w r th e F . F .
tli c•
cl .
tli c s h ee p d e pa rtm ent.
<1 11d V a l J·:cl rie l lor c, rrot.. oni ons, mC' lons, h e rri c , a nd a ppl s.
O ur 1 lnr <' ~ I B n ll < vC' nl s
G ilbe rt, R os
first prize p e n s of L eg h orn h e n s,
Ross hncl a l'irsl prize pc- n of Rh od e l sla nd R
nC'id Egb e rt, n ncl Burk(' .Jen se n took to p honors i1
lock in
a rl on, a nd L ee
d c pa rlm c nl w e re Golde n s how ed
lub h a d a
E nt rin g
mith . l lc rbert Butt rfi eld. D ou gla
n d rso n , w l1 0
Birmin gh am,
~ rdwell . Th e
icl s<' n. a nd D a le
<'xl1ibil. w innin g firs t pri ze in ch ap te r comp lilio n .
tl1 r d n ir
I <'S pa in,
. boys loo k
Yi silecl Br cc Ca nyo n . Th e
ra nd
WC'ek'. tri p throu gh
c n yo n a nd Zion
111 e111hC' rs loo k tl1 C' ir own food a nd hcddin p·. Th e ex pe nse
oulh crn
La h wh e re
a lion a l P a rk.
lJ of the
w ere ve ry low, th e m lllbcr
limin g lo pay onl y $2 .50 for lran s port n li on . T h e cluli offic c rs a rc l lr rbe rl BullC'rfi Id. p res ide nt ; D a ll a
trad l
iron .I C' nkin ~. S<'C rPl<ir •; a nd R os. Birmin g ha m , s ·rgcc nl a l a rm s.
- 61 -
, v ice pr
id nl ;
r\·1~:,~:~" M,,\,..;, "'"~ -~ ~,,,Ith.~
I <
\ \
11,;, ym. Im• lwcn ""Y >U<ee.<ol'ul. II In'" h<·ld "'"'"' nn•clln• Tho ,,..,;d,·nl nl tlH' clnh ;, W;ll,,,d llntln·nlmwk. 1<. mHh
>le i l <. l w ('ll('n1i slry work inlo fou,rths rwx l y<'nr nncl stud y nv i.a lion orw fourlh of th e ye r. In th 1 hompson. G('org<· Brncfv. \!\ illurcl 1 latlH•nhru<k. Del Brad . 1u Pugr11ir<', Dean Brnd y. Kc·ith Pri «'. :<'<ond row: I 'lo cl Pixlo11, lac Yan. Ril cr ,~ lucHI. Ja Ynn Dnrn, G lC' nn Brown. IJougln s Cnrl s<· 11. Eul.(<'11<' Pc, rso11. 'olnn I lurdrnstl<'. Tliinl row: ' lark I l<i ll , Rcinul I lc'lt('r, lrwa rl tnkC'r. I ,a Y< ·rc· 13utlrr, Junior Jone·~. Inn i11 ' rupo. Mar\ in Clnrk. Be1tk row: Jun piclur<' , lrft to rigl1t. front row : R11lpl1
I , ()WC', K('lvin l~vnns.
(' Ison. I· loyd I la11c ll c· .
ln 1011 S11111 uelso11, \i\l ;lli s IJuy. fuli nn
r ('WC
Th<' Forrrnic C luli. nc·w dii s y<·<1r. is rnm posc I ol slnd <'n ls ol' def>nl <' and ornl <'x pr<'ss ion lo l><' llrr sp<'ak in g.
= =
~ ~
JJ ' On
11 ' ' ll H'C' lin it is lw lrl "ith c onlC'sls n111oni:( 111<'11il J<' rs.
Goldhrunson and Mis · ' I ultl!' ; llH' oil ic-Ns cH<' : pr<'sid<'nl. l. or in
In pi<lurc'.
I ron t, lrft to
a rl c.ui ·[. Milxirw Ri.wlin~. I IC'lwr Ol,on. Burniss Buri:ion. CNnld Fitzgc•rn ld . lsah li e
Et hc· f
Oonuld, Le
f urtlirr
Tl1 (' spo nso rs ur
I lnnsC'n; Iirsl 'in• presid(•nl, Eu~<'nc
f><'urson; srrnnd vi cc· p ('.;idc·nl. Riilph Bishop: '<'r·rclnry, l_m, unn Ike k.. tc·nc l. rigf1t :
B ksl nd. Lu Bc·rla I l<'a lon. , <'co11d ro" : \ nrr<'n Tlio111rson.
liss Tultf<.. Barbara Wood-
house. h n Pi xton, Lindn So r!'n•o'l. IJafc· S lrin l.(le ll cl\~. 1<·1111 ~<·<ii. l: c ho \V n lkrr. Viq.(i<'
~rem, Rnlph
Bisl1op. Third row : ary l\ lorgn n. Drfhert Larson. lmgHrPl Park. I lc· l<' n 1 lnn scn. l~utli Bor~. llaz I I rn n P ou lson. D onn ci ix. Lnwn nu B<·cks l<'ncl. f) c· 11w rl Sams. clc·lr , n1i!l1. C lorin D<•n11 , Eui:irnr
Prnrso n. Back row : Rulli ( ~re<'11wooc l. D tt f<' N<' lson. I.mill<' lnl s l 0111, ~,,\ ;.,;,\\ IU IOH><<'ll I .,1,1. l.<nln Ihm <«>. Jl<- 1h W;,l,t. I l<>l d., l'.,.kec
u \\ \\
- 01-
D oro ll1 ' Bilk l\ lnrth a
The Languag lub , F rcnch and Spanish C lasses. i' sponsored by Mi . Golda Fras1.>.r. The officers arc Keith Ma on, pr<'sidcnl: Louis Bail y, vi <' president: and Glenn Hyall, , ccrc tary. ln picture, front row, left to right:
Bob Draper, Katherine Parody, Virgie Green, Rosie Argonie, Verda Baily, Loi
B lly Lou J n en, Marjorie Mary \Vinn,
elsu KRsaga,
nder on,
orma Brown, Wilma Page.
1axine Orton, Lorclla Brown, Erma
c ond row:
1arian Ander on,
mith. Priscilla Robert on, Ted
Barbara Woodhouse, M<'rnn Wintle. Third ro"': lary 1ickel on, Rcla Holt. Ruby Beck tead, K lie Kasovich, Jani e Williams. Belly Williams, Brverly Pearson, E laine Kim, Dan Radovich. Fourth row:
G:iil Peter on, Lila Atkinson, Delbert acos, Phylli Pc:er on, Nelda Pierson, Jacqueline Wilkins, Darwin A lsop, Gus Murpl1y, Ch !er Kim, Dale Radovich. Fiftl1 row: Blain Andru , Billy Freeman, June 1 Jell tro111, Faustine Pollock. G ladys Engman, La 1Inr wen en, Jame I li gg , Ga l Newbold. Frank Karaglanis, Jimmy K rr, lifford ar ter, ick Rudlich. Bnck row: Beth Beckstead. Margar t Borg, E lm <1 Beth Fowler, orrm1 Guinn, Edna Han n, Effi Gunderson, 1clvin Barrell, olden Langren. Barbara Dc.,,cy. lub l1as spon orcd an xhibit of Carlos ndcrson 路 painting , ha vi ited the art center The rt it , and th exhibi t al ... pringvill . Its officers arc Linda orcn on, president: D II crt in alt Lake Larson, vice president; Belly 1 lender on, ecrclary and treasurer; and Beverly Peterson, reporter. In th e pi tur , left lo right, front: Delbert Larson, Dcward C lements, Janice taker. Zoe Vac Fitzgerald, Mildred My rs, Marjori tane, Franc s Wright, J nnie Mead. ccond row : Afton Brady, Burniss Burgon, Maxin Rawlins, .tv[;ldred I lcnry, Ethel arlqui sl, orma Brown, Pri ci li a Robertson, Beverly Pct rson , Beth Wight, R iko Watanuki, Fae Paulos. cLon, Emma Webber, Ruth
Third row:
amue l on, Gencvicv
Robbin , Roma
huls n, Deane l"itzgcrald. Buclah Ray, Betty Hender. on, Linda
Barharc Woodhou. c, Fern Leonard . Back row: Bod II, J Jelen Riclmrdson, Carrol
oren on,
Dorothy Wilcox, Ruby Robbins, Clea Dan ie, Arlene
anning, B verly Tholen,
Gardner, advisrr.
ll('mi slry students held tl1 eir annua l excursion Lo th va l
, mC' lt C'r, under LliC' direction of Mr. Orso n
th C'y werC' u sh red tl1ro11µ, h th e U . S.
mith . There
mC'lter a nd th
Flota tion
A lun chC'on, a da nce, a nd a pro gram a l th e F ir men'
I lnll co ncluded tl1 c dny.
lub, left lo ri ght, front row :
cil sc•n, Denne Fit zge ra ld . Ea rl P ir on, Fe rri s Mum -
ford, M a ry Th ornt on, Vi oln J ensen, l TelC'n 111rr.
cco nJ row :
F1ntlkiw r, Eth el
mith , Morel F ul-
And y Den eri s, M a ry
islo, Bev rl y
a rlqui st, Ph ylli s Robin son , J C'a n E rlenback.
Afton Bra d y, Morri s 13cnnion. I loni er J aynC's, R ohC' rt
Third row :
tupl C'y,
Rh C'od <' IJ
rawf ord, M a q:(ie O akeson ,
T op row:
, ifbC' rl. Norm a
D ell Wlwa don.
1a rga re l nrl
ilcox. JC'nn
ca l.
ook. R alph B alla rd.
Bel; h, 1la rofd
ra ne, E u gC'n
Balla rd , Z<' tlin Bur111in glia111 , M ax Egb ert. John Tra ne. , C'C'Oncl picture,
la rcnc-C' l Tnn se n, M elba I lobhs.
S tuar t, Ne ld ti PiC'rso n, Kdth
D a hl. , C'roncf row : Ka rl Polloc::k. F ern G uinn , Fay W a tso n. BC'rd C' ll Pierso n. T op row :
Page. Tl1ird pic-ture.
I la rold
rC'cn. Middl e row : MH c Ynn.
row : J'vlnrvin Brown, W a nclc T ny lor,
L nngrC' n, L orn .J ackson, T op
1IC'nn I lya tl, Tracy
D on I C'lcrson, Virgini n Bucl1IC'r, D ex l<-r
I lolt , M cl vm J ohn . on . Willi s D ny.
F:c nklin T urpin ,
RC'ndl eshacli. Irene Rin1in gton, Eu gC'ne
W a rren Th ompson,
Rit er
1itcl1e ll, Nur<' ne Ridin g, EvC'rC'lt
\.Vand a
Ba nks,
•<'nc•ya Ni<• lse n,
ld <' n
Bell y Lou J ensen.
D ouglus Beckstead ,
D a n R a dovi 11
ewbold , Jn y Kuhni ,
h1rpnce 1 lnnse n. Fronk Ka r. glnrHls . I lnrn1 on
M (l n in C la rk ,
AHpc· ntN, R onuld W ee ni g.
Fourtli picture. first row :
L yle
Bird. Mn rg Turn er. Ln Bcrl n l lenlon.
lurth a
Pa rody. l~utlr 13org, !\ lnrj oric
onw ny Ni elsen. , ccond
row :
~h" n11',
La 1a<'
lcncl111 <1 11, E\ cl yn I loft,
l'lnnt on, Ra 111011 A I lnrri on. Keitl1 M.nson , Fern
Ridrnrd so n,
Fi scl1N.
Evn n J>(•fl rso11 , lvn11 C f1ilc , D nlln s Vnn C<' Burgo n, Beulnh Rn y . .IPnn
1Arjoric row :
la rk Ri frnrcl son,
eoq:(in nderson,
lfred Furs<',
trudl c . Bill Fn·<• n1n11, il sson .
Brown. Frnnk Borg, M yron 13rnnd, D o I Hc•ntl c' y.
1lovcr, Ka th erin e
01111 a n Fowlr r,
P ourtlr row : Jim okcs,
u111 c•ron
lnrvin Butterfi eld
The Janilor.' Club i ompo ed of the boy who act as assistant Lo th two regular custod ians, and their supervisors, Alma and Dewey Dowding. ln the piclur , left lo right: Alma owding, Ferris Mumford, Munn Chatterton, Dewey Dowding, olden Landgr ¡n, John Tennant. Marvin Crapo, D lb rt aco .
Aii of the bu driver of Lhe Jordan Districl are licen ed chauffeur . a h mu t pa a chauff ur' examination to obtain hi licen e and mu t be a p r on upon whom the d; lrict can rely. In th(' picture, left lo right: Ruel Walker, Harold De pain, . rank Oake on, Allan locking, Do le T mpe t, "' ad Maynard, loyd heppick. Dell Haun, Leon Butler, Gilmer 1lilton, lcn1 Butler, larcn e Ncl on, Dalâ&#x20AC;˘ N Ison, Melvin Cowley, Antone Andru , Gilb rt Benson.
- 65 -
n e nl a rg<'J, co mpC'tC'11I C'dilorinl a nd businc-ss s ta fl this y ar's Broad cas te r. Tl1 e job. a nd th h ave don
Juniors a nd
has lwc n on e of tl1c outstanding f catures of
c11iors wl10 fillc-d dw positions as C'ditors, typi s ts, artists, huv c don!' a l'in ophomorC'S who arC' bc·in g train ed for position s on
so me commcndahlc work. f'or th · third conseculi v
a w arded th e school publication l1 y tl1 c Nnlional
year, firs t
ssocia lion.
, lap l y, a nd tlwir associa tes lniH· co rri cd \ c•ry v e ll th e respon. ihility th the ir work ma
w('ll h e prescnled as nn c·xn n1rl c· lo th e
nam s will b e rem mbc red a nd rc-s pe IC'd h y th e ir leach r
rutur '
Broadcas ter staffs,
hiss l lonor
a lin g h as
Ri hard Thorp , Rob rl
h , vc in th eir positions, a nd
s ta ffs of th e .Jorct n Bro<1 d caste r.
ancl tl1
s tudents for tlirir
lo Foster th e crC'cd of th e Broadn1ster wl1icl1 is, " to upl1old th e hi !! h idea ls of .J ord a n, manship a nd ![ood will, lo populariz
tl1 c· stude nt b ody, nnd lo support a ll \-\Orth
Miss R awso n und Mr. Ball a rd an' Adv isers; Hnd di e s la ff is co mposed of : Rich a rd Tl10rp.e, mnn Ag ing cd ilor : Robert
ta r I •y, cd ilor-in-rliief:
Ralph Bishop, spo rts;
co rgc
Leo nard, n~sislanl c lil or; Loretta Bro\\ 11 , a sislu11l
Walanuki, o rli sl ; Beulnh Hu y, artist; MC1xi11e Pierson, rcwrit ; Jrrn adcl l Eva ns. n•writc.
Th Paul
busin ess sl,
is :
di tor ;
orcnson, spo rts; J\1nrin11 Dittnmn, I pist: Burniss Burgo n , humor ; R e iko
R. Z.
rl on , rnnkc·up; Drirrell Be k.l<·ad,
c · ·11 n g
.Jol1nson. husirH'ss 111n11 ag<"r: Wnrd Despain, 1ssocial<" husin css rnon og r;
Boyce, adv iser.
Jn. picture, front row ldt lo rigl1l: Roboct tapl y. Dick Tlwcp . C''"'"
G orgc
mw '
orc11 scn, H . Z. Jolmson. L a J\ lar
1 '.:t
spdin, Ralph Bi sl1op,
;\).,""' i"" Oom·ll B<·ck<tco I. ll<>ck
Mi •
~::~:"j,:,~:,~·~,~i~t~~\J t,,f"I. Bumi" Bu<go<>, Betty B<.Jlc, Maxin
\\\t ii - 66 -
T hi
year a sta H of a pproxima t ly one hundred reporters presented Jorda n'
monthl y publi cation , th e Broa dcaster. Th ey a re th e students who instru tcd b y Orali
of which a r th ese
tudcnts hav
d on
ffort s in print in th a rforded va lua bl
incc a ll have
omm cndabl e w ork.
Broa d aster a l
developm ent to <'a h. Th
purpo e of th
t.he stud nts in school int r st a nd inform th em a
a n int r t in the pa r nl
year's r porters sta rf; a nd th ey ca n b
ome individua l talent, a keen Almost ever
tudcnt h a
<st on ce a nd in ma ny insta nces two or thr
more d oscl limul a t
omprisc three journali m classes, two
R aw son and one by 0 . D . B allard . A ccording lo their in tructors,
some very
comp titi vc a tmosph re has preva iled a nd the work ha hi
news a nd views in the
of Jorda n'
tim e . Thi
Broa d a tcr,.-which is to bind tog thcr to what their fri ends arc doing a nd a lso
student body,.-h as been v ry w ell
ju, tl y proud of th eir work.
a rri d out b y thi
p cial repo rters a rc: Industri a l a rts,
L ogan Kun z; a uto n1echa ni s, John M rcha nt ; F. F. A., H a rold G re n a nd M ax Egbert ; deba tin g, M axine R awlins; fcu lurc>, 路 Iva Wi ght. In th
lon e; home cc. , Ma rj ori
Myer : Dra m ti , F ra nklin Turpin : s mina ry, B eth
pi lure, front, l ft lo r i ~ht : Ma rjori e J ensen,
Bob D ra1 er. B a k row :
a omi P a rk Co nway
eil on, V d Fergu on,
Rir11in gton, Ba rbara Woodhouse, M a ry Morgan, M a ry Mi kel n, Jean
eal, Virgie G r en, M elba H obbs, Fay W a t on,
Taxine R awlin,
W a lk r.
- 67 -
lone, W a nda Taylor, Marion
lranger," a fa l moving play d picling lif in Lhe Old We l,
was pre enled by Lhe senior clas
Novemb r JO, 19'"' . Typical s enery,
tage elling , and cowhand co Lum dude ran h in Wyoming. Talenl d
gave the play the almo pher
of n
nior , dire l d by Mis Tuttle, por-
trayed roles of " turdy w
asl pictured above is, l<'fl lo right, Maxine Rawlins, Richard Thorp , John Tennant,
Charles Adams. Mary Mickelsen, Delbert
ucos, Barb arn Woodhouse, Mar
Thornton, Warr n
Thompson, Jay Bills, and Blaine Lan aster. Oeward le111ent, John Miller, Almon aniuelson, Elbcrn Mayne rd. J Iba l lobbs, La V re But! r, D I Brady, Keith Bal man, James Higgs, ale Lowr, Ronald Wccnig, LaMae t adman, Jun
trom and Fern LC'onard of th
'E E
casl w rr not photograph d.
1 "I I WOY
The play cho s n for the junior thi s year wa " Rip Van Winkle." B cau, of the illne of Mi Tuttle. however, the play was not presented, but tho se who won parts and went into rehear al are hown in the pic ture. F ront row , I rt to ri ght : Virgil . . harp. dwa rf ; I ynn Bill s. dwa rf ; C leo Kerr, dwa rf.
na rr, dwa rf ; Jimmy
ccond row : DRI Ba ll a rd, dwa rf ; J oe H a tfield, th e youn g H erm a n V a n
R eva rgill , Judith as th e little girl; lirford Carter, tl1 V ern al C'w bold, dwa rf. Third row : Rowena J enkin s,
lau ;
yo un g H erm a n, Louis ich ols, dwa rf ; Ii e V im Winkle; A nn L oran ger the
grown Judith ; a rol yn A iken, D a m<' V a n Winkl e. Back row : Mclvin Berrell, D errick V a n fa us; Alm a R ich a rd on, the grow n Will1 cln1; Tra cy Nel son , th tave rn keep er ; F ra nk I on, th e scl1 oo f nia~ l c r ; Dal e N cf on , Rip V a n Winkle ; Gra nt Burgon, a villager ; L aM a r wc-nson, n vill ag r ; org Brad y, th grown l lcrman Van fau .
- 71 -
"WHAT THE WELL-DRESSED KING WILL WEAR" This humorous skit, directed by Mi s Tultle, was presented at Cypru , at Bingham, and at Murray in exchange programs. In the picture, front row, left to right: Franklin Turpin, who took the part of Weaver; Evelyn Holt, who wa the Girl in Red; Charles Cronin, who played the Prin e. Back row: Gale Lowe, Hulda Parker, Delbert Sacos, Ruth Borg, and Richard Thorpe, who were respe tively the Doctor, the Queen, the King, i ter Ang lica, and the Premier.
"GLORIA" Thi Christmas pageant, directed by Miss Tuttle and Mr. J. C. Crapo wa given as the major part of the Christmas assembly. The Virgin Mother wa played by Oeane Fitzgerald; ale Lowe was Joseph; the shepherd , Obed and Judah, were portrayed by Lee Becl<stead and Alma Richard on; Beverly Tholen appeared a Elizabeth; Delbert Sacos wa the Other Wi e Man, orada; Dale Nelson, Heber Olson, and Don Smilh were the soldier ; LaMa Steadman was a heavenly messenger; Kings were played by Lowe eul, Paul Niel on, and Grant Burgon; Maxine Orton wa oloi t; and a girls' chorus was th heavenly choir.
CURRENT TOPICS_,PRO A D CON Th for n ic le am are com po ed of three groups......-the state foren ic league debating learn, the ophomore debating team, and the forum di u ion L am. The tate team i compo ed of Burnis Burgon and Maxin Rawlin , Everett Dahl and Lorin Han en, affirmative; and Warren Thomp on and Eugene Pearson, negative. Thi t('J'\m ha held practice debate with the Ea t High, the South High, the 1urray High, and th We t High. The ophomore team is made up of Elma Beth Fowler and Adeal milh affirmative; Ruth Greenwood and Claire Stay, negati . The girl ompeted at the Brigham Young Univer ity on April 17. The Forum l am con i t of Margaret Park Helen Hansen, Ethel arlqui t, Iva Pixton, and Ralph Bi hop. On April 2 the di trict onte l wa h Jd al Davi High, with Davi , Granite, Murray, and Jordan compelin g. On the ame day th Forum di cu ion wa held at the am place with the same chool taking part. On Ma 6, the winner of the di tri t cont l will go to th tate meet at the . of U. Tho e in th pi lur , front row, left to right, Clair Stay, Ruth reenwood, Maxine Rawlin , Bumi .Burgon, Eth ( arlqui t, Margaret Park. econd row: Mr. Goldbran en, coach, Adeal Smith, Elma Beth Fowler, Warren Thomp on, Lorin Han en, Eugene Pear on, Ever ll Dahl, Helen Han en, Ralph Bi hop. 1
- /) -
The annua l opera, Picklc•s, or In O ld ViC'nnn, was f)r<'S<'Jil<'d h Murch I , l 939. under th e di reel ion of The ca l of Rohe rt
h arac.:ler
as l'ollows: I Inn s
the Jordan I li g l1 .. r li ool
l<'ntcn l Crapo a nd Miss Lucil e Tuule. 1aicr, propri<'lor of th <' Wurtzclpro<'lt' r Inn,
' ta pley; Loui sa, a wai lrc·ss, Fnc Bowen ; Cnploin Kin ski. d1icl' of Dclccli\ e Burcn u of
Vi nna. Tra('y ful s leuth
c lso n ; Bum ski, Kin ski 's fnitl11'ul s l<'u lh, L<'c B<·ckslcn cl ; Rw11 ~ ki. Kin ski 's l'nitl1 -
Blain e Lcin ras lcr ;
J,•nni so n .Jones, fin advertising ex p<' rl,
nrre II Brown; .ligo, n11
I lunga ri a n expe rt, Dal e N<' lso n; ll om1. o Cypsy girl. Yc-rtice • 111itl1 : A rnC'ri rn n artist. A lm a
Ri chardson; Ju1w P C' 1111in glo11, nn
r<'fonl, n yo un g
l1 C' ircss . 1'1axine
Jonas 11. P ·nning ton, proprietor of "Pd<'r PipC' r Pi<'kl<'s," Poul NiP lsc n ; Ludy Vivian Dc•lnncy, n cl1nrn1ing Englisl1
widow, Caro ly n Aiken; Touri s ts. 13urgcrs, Vicn1wsc· Mui den s, Wnit<' rs.
Gyps ies. l1 orus; . tC'ad.
A Ike Adn111s. Boult e r.
urli s, I l<irri <' l
ufi s, Jonicc
ran e,
Zoe Va<'
Luci ll e
rw11p, Marian Du hon, Hco IC'll
Loui se
FitzgNu ld , Doris
B<·IH\ l I ndri kson,
F lora Adu 111 s. Ro si<' Argon" Bnrlmn1
ylvin Br m ·tt. Wnndn Bunks. Aflon Erd111ann,
Gra l1 n111,
Bewrl y
Iri s
l lcndc rso n,
F<w lkn <' r,
'('n , Nornm John so n,
B<·l1u11i11 . Lnwt111n B<'ck
l1ild ,
nspC'T, B en lric,·
rnwford. Ru tl1
ur lso n, Wnndn
Jun e
Fo .
1uinn, O li ve·
V C'nnn
J!'n sc n.
Muriel 1co rgC",
Jensen. F lorence John son, Arclus f~iln<', Ardus M iln e, Eclio Mnxliclcl. Mnr Myers, Donnn Nix, Marjori<' Pau lin
cw ho ld . l: ll en
P a ppas. Roylan ce P c lc·rson, L yle
Ru. s II , Ali .ia
Pouls n,
1 lnz<' ld <' nc Poul so n.
Fi tzgcrnld. li e<' 1 lolt,
.J enkins.
l: rmn
MA s ic li , Mildred Jani ce
P flrkc·r.
RobC' rt s. L y lu s R<'ndin ~. Ruhy Robbin s. Row('nn
towc, Melba
lark, Juli a n D C"w<'y. Willi s On , Bill Frecm. n, J ack Poul so n , Low<'
- 7'1 -
ca l, Thomas
h owell, I lolli s
Ta1116ourin Burniss Burgon, Barbara D wcy, Norma cl on, Effit Gunder on. \iVnltz : Maura N I on, orrna tcward, Muriel Jam s, Ramona Hand, Alice Mac adler,
J nni' Mead. Orches tra: Violins: Jd n Welch, Carol E per on, Fern Richardson, Frank elson, Myrna Jensen, Lowell Green, Ruth Grc nwood. Wanda Crane, Golda Roundy. Trumpets: Yeldon Larson, Mary Mickelson. Trornbon s : John Tennant, Evan Pierson. Bas Horn: Oral Molyneflux. Fluile: Mary Mi kclson. Drums: Rulon Rasmussen. Viola: Beverly Faulkner. cllos : B Iva Andrus, clcla Pier on, Gale Russell. Clarinets: Ross Berrett. Ralph Balfard, Ruby Robbins. Bas Violin: Grant Young. Accompanists: Ramona Harri 011, Elaine Thorn .
. 75 -
Thi year lwo band hav b en organiz d. Th advan ed band ha about sixly-fiv m ml er ' and th ophomore band about i ' Ly-o n Th y have made 'ev ral pub[; performan e . Th y gave concert - t South Jordan, al Drap r, and al Sandy; they gave an a mbfy program al Bingham, an Armi lice a sembly, and. log th r with Murray and Cyprus high s hool band , play d al th 'Tab rnacl al M morial ervice . Jn tli pi tur , IC'ft lo right, front row: Mary Thornton, Oortlwa Brown. LcC' B<'cks lcad, Maxine Mi kleso n, Dnrrcl Brown, urof Espcrson, rlC'nc otlrelf. R ss BerrC'll , li ve org<', LaRu Jensen, KC'itl1
Batli so n .
cconJ row:
Alfr<'d Furse, Ril<'r ,'teward, Ralph
rnnc. Editl1
l 'nlCln, Iva Pixton. Verl FC'rf..(uson, RowC'na .IC'nkin, , L<'Roy Cln ton. Wilmn
Page, Anti.on Ernstrom, Grant Buq~on, Ralph Ball<ml.
Robbins, ZoYoe Fitzf..(ernld,
Rulon Ra smussen, Evelyn Pate. Third row: Almon nn1tu'lson, Maxine DC'nn , Yeldon Larscn, lair Lloyd . Wnrrcn J lughes, Mary Micki .so n, KC'lvin Evans. Melvin Berrett, D fb e rl Larsen, Kennetl1 Tripp, Robert l111a Ri lrnrdson, Williani Adan1son, orenson, Darrel Pearson,
ckstnd, Ruth Borg, Paul
Veile Pu gmire, James
onald Page, Robert Bollard, Arnold Wchh, Blain<'
Ralph Bisi.op,
tapley, Dexter Page. Mary Morgun. John Tennant, eorge Brady.
e th Bills, Mark Ri chardson, Vernal Newbold,
- 76 -
Riska .
rnpo. Linda
ndrus. Oral
I: virn
I ell Br dy. Trac
The orchestra has made a great many public performances. They played for
the school opera, the senior play, the Christmas pageant, for commencement exercises, as well as for a program at the Sandy Junior High, and for several church affairs. In Lh
piclure, front row, left Lo righL:
Golda Roundy, Gwen Park.
elda Pierson.
Belva Andrus, Gail Russel. Wanda
ran , Carol Esper on,
cond row: Rulon Rasmussen, Mary l'viickclsen, ÂŁ'-1axine
Mi k lsen, Ruby Robins, Ruth Greenwood. Merna Jen en, Ralph Ballard, Evan Pearson, John Tennant. Third row:
V ldon Larsen, Donnald Page, Darr II Brown.
Back row:
1r. Crapo, George Brady, Ross
Barrelt, Lowell Green, Oral Molyneaux, Frank Nelson, Eldon Welch. Delbert Lar en, Roberl
- 77 -
Th girl ' horu ha giv n v ral program ' Lhi vi iting day, al a mblie , at Jordan and l Copp rlon Jn thC' pidurC', f<·ft lo right, front row :
ilcC'n aslice I loll, orrnn Guinn, Marjorie N wbofd , RC'odelf ruwford, MAry Young, Verla 0 tier, Echo Maxfidd. live orge. Wanda ccond row: Mary Winn , Rosi Argonie, rccnc, clfa Lundb rg, Beverly Pi rson , Jaine Kim , 011nn i lsen , B eatric urlis, Joye Boulniith, Ruth arlson, ter, B tty Lou Jc·nsC'n, Mildr d Joyce ii o , Fa Bow n, Fae II nd rson. Third row: Paulin P a ppas, E mma amuelson, Flora Ad·1ms, Wanda Banks, Mary oler, Dorotl1y Mlak r, Wnnda T aylor, Lyle J ea n Roberts, ladys Butler, orrna mith, Jani · Crump, I a Rec Turner, Mildr d Myer , MildrC'd Bogg ss, Dorothy Blair. Fourtf1 row: V cnna J n n, Lyfus R eadper, Ev lyn Tee ~link,
in g. Mary
for Lh
hri 1nsid1,
PC'tcrso n. I larriel
fton uf us,
p r nl
lma pag anl.
hilds. l: lf<·n Pols n, Roylun ylvn Bnrr<'ll, !'Vlnr
Thornton ,
Zoe• Vn< Fit;-.g<'rnld, I oi s Wa lk<•r, Lucille Evans, Dori s ruhan1, Louise Erdman, nro f n iken . Fifth row : .Joy Thomnso n, June Lo\ cdahf. Belt le nmnra, Jun<' Russc•ll. lrmn J n <'n, Bcverf Faulkner, rdu. Milne, BC'lvfl J J ndrickson,
BcckstC'od, Florene M, ry
le xinc
rlon, Haz
John on.
1orgnn, RC'iko WatAnuki,
FrC'cmnn, I fa;-. I Vnn, Ali ia , lonC' , VNticc• Katl1erin<' Kuhni.
June Fox, Elva
111itl1. Jani ·c Park r, Inez Thompson,
TRING ENSEMBLE The lring ensemble ha Laken a v~ry active part in the school a c li v ilie thi year. They have furnished music for the senior play, Lhe opera, and for hurch crathering in everal ward . Th e member a r , I ft to ri ght, f ronl row : Belva Andru , Gwen la rk. .elda Pier on , Ruth G reenecond row : Golda Round y, Low II Green, Gra nt Young. F ra nk wood . W a nda rane. Myrna J en on. Youn g, E ldon W I h. Fern R ichard on.
a rol E per~on.
MUSIC CONTESTS Jordan enlered everal number at the state conlest held at Murray on Tvlay 4 , 193 . The number were a representation of the remarkable progre made by the chool mu i department thi year. The number included; Robert Staple , bariloni l; Warr n Hughe , axophoni t; Anthon Em trom, clarineti t; Mary Mickel on, orn Li l. l\1axine Orlon , able oprano vocali t repre ented Jordan' tal nl in voi e. In the picture, first row : r po , W a rren J lugh .
Antl1on E rn strom, M a ry Mi ckel on .
ond row:
lap! y, J\lr.
MARCH 1st.
Opera thri Ils audien e.
3rd. Many interesting sight een at CharIonian initiation and we beat Murray at night. 7th. Jordan beats Bingpam a duel ends.
10th. 路 We lo e playoff game to North Summit. Sad ending. 1 th. Commercial student enter contest at Henagers. W.P.A. or he lra entertains tho e who attend d, with an hour of la i al music.
21st. We go to the dogs or rather to a dog show.
B.Y.U. band a concert did give.
31st. Trad< meet held. nominations mad .
iris As ociation
APRI 7th. "Submarine Patrol", a heart-rending melodrama of the navy. Enough aid. 1 I th. Georgia, here we corn I Your Plantation Sinqer are 0. K.
14th. Amid lowering astle , Jmighl . and fair ladie , we dance al th annual Junior Prom. 21 t. harlonian al Charlonian Ball.
and their fellow
27th. Senior Assembly and AIJ ther is left is "Memori "
enior Hop.
MAY 2n.d.
Stud nt Body nomination ' .
District lracl< m
, n our men
9th. 14th. it last l 15th .
1940 Student Body off; er
TL wa
fun whil
hos n.
il lasl d,.....,and did
ay. To the .ily v
18th. Long expe led "B il app ran e.
tdigg r" maim"
1 th.
Award assembfy. What Ludents!
Many tears hed by aJI,.....,
路 RO .
year Jordan'
had a very
football learn ha a on and has
uc e. ful
won considerable recognilion
aLhlelic ' . In Lhe pre- a on game
dan did nol fare so well. In a clo e game Jordan fosl lo Grand Junclion with a score of 9 lo 7, the winning poinls being made in Lhe la l quarl r hy r covery of a fumhled. ball.
AL Price, Jordan wa ,
again defealed by th th
e lwo lose
arbon learn. Afl r
Jordan began lo show
real power in their playing.
diggers again wenl through their league games undefeated. This mal<e ord an enviable one ina ' mu h
our r cc '
in five
ear , of league competition Jordan ha , suffered bul one lo
fl r winning Lhe
dislricl champion ' hip, Jordan wenl on lo the semi - final. which was won from Am erican f"ork with a score of 40 lo 0. Wlien
were defeated again h bon th
bright 'l. we powerful
quad in Lhe la. l minule of play of slal
JTub rl
championship game.
h . ler Kim. Boyd Thompson,
Bob Bol<.>s, and J an Dunn won places on Lhe all -. Lale l am. Hutl<0vich (Tony)
1ordon Rideout werc> on the all - lalP
second learn, and praclicall were on honorahl Ralph and
all olher~
econd learn or received
f an
I unn
rane su ceeded Willis ALl<inson h<.>slcr Kim as co
- 82 -
FOOTBALL SCORES Pre-Season,......., Carbon 6 Grand Junction 9
Jordan Jordan
0 7
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
32 25 34 54 26 7
Seplember 17 at Carbon (Price) September 23 at Jordan
League Games,......, Tooele Granile Murray Cypru Granl viile Davis
6 0 14 0 6 6
October 7 at Jordan October 14 at Granite October 21 at Jordan October 28 at Cyprus November 4 at Grantsviile November 11 at Jordan
State Championship,........, (Semi-finals) November 19 at American Fork
Ameri an Fork 0
(Final ) November 26 at "U" Stadium
FOOTBALL SQUAD The squud, front row. left to right:
eorge Thomp on,
enc Robin on,
cotl Wiberg, Guy Pugmir ,
ick l\ lascara. Lee Dimond, Parry Greenwood, Jean Fox. Ronald Whiltlc, Blaine Hilton. l\ liddlc row : loris Milne,
lanl y Dimond, J luhert
Melvin Johnson,
orenson, Ralph Crane, Ralph Bi hop, Recd Egbert,
Murphy. Clair Lio d, Paul Cook.
ButkO\ irl1. Boyd Tl10111pson,
n I lyatl . .Ja k
Back row:
arming, Bob Bole, , Gordon Rideout,
A1ki11son, C'lnrcnc路c' C'nnning, and Blainr Andru . .
ick Zagarich,
Low II Young, Dan Dunn, Tony he l r Kim, Willis
. CAN I l lnlfback
I lc1lfbn k
" / edge"
Tackle "Gil"
1lall'lmck "Bull"
Gmird "Bob"
Fu ll ba k "Cro.slier"
Bl HOP I lalfba k "Bish"
"Chaun cey
~ nd
" ' lo.11
DANYA OVI II ZAGARICH nlcr Guard "Doc" "Dan"
OREN 0 I Ialfhack
\tfURPJIY Guard
{JDEOUT Quarterback
JOH. 0 Halfback "Red"
Kll'-1 rullbatk
J. CA Center
"Han om
. 5.
COOK Guard "Corky"
ATKI so Ta klc "Wee Willie"
h dule,_,
22 21
31 12 26 25 2 21
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jorden Jordan
nuar nl ranil Janunr I) al Jorden .Januar 20 al Jordan lanuar 27 al Murra h'hruary 3 al Jordan Fcbruar ' 7 cl Jordan Febru.r 10 al I), vis 路 ehnmr 17 < l Binghc m Fchruar ....,;! c. l Crc nlsvilJ l\ lnr\h 3 al Jorden
Bingham 24 North ummil 34
Jordan Jordan
26 19
lnr h 7 nl I screl I ffi larch I0 al oull1 l r;gh
ranil Bingham ypru Murry Tooele 1ranile avi Bingham ranl ' viUe Murra
30 30 25 JI
22 39 14 16
22 33
limin lion,_, 'Ym
JUNIOR BASKETBALL,....,THE DINGS Front row, I ft lo right: Milne. Back row: Elwin Col<'.
James Brown, Douglas Beck lead. Leroy Clayton, Reed Grant, Cloris
Coach Taylor, Parley Glover,
1 lvin Johnson, Jack Gilbert, Jean Fox. Frank Nelson,
The Ding, won ten consecutive I 路ague games and po led 439 points lo their oppon nts'
SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL Front row, left lo right: George Pavich, Bob Price, Parry Greenwood. Back row: John Mazuran, B;IJ Pou lson, Wnrrcn Hugh<'s. Orvis Po llock. Le Dimond, Gorden Langdren, CJ m Washburn, Rulon Rusmusscn, Joe Pnvich.
TRACK T -1 AM Pictured, front row. IC'fl lo rig l1L : R oy ayno r, hurJIC's, hi g h ju111p, r ·lny; Fninklin Turpin, mil , 0 yards; hes ter Ki111. ' 140 ya rd s, rcf nys; R e<'d Granl. hurdl ·s, hi(!l1 jl1n1p. broad jun1p. n' lays; Don milli. Ja yto n, hurdles, shot put , rc• lay; Ralpl1 Nie lso n , rnil<'. flnck row; Blaine 4 ,10 yard. niil , relay; Le Ro y Andrus, m ana!f r; Jean " ox. discus; ordon I idcoul, s print , rela ys; .lack ( nnning. sprint, r lay; Bob johlon1 , s1 rinl, relay; I lyrwn rtiith , weights; V a l EJgcl, 8 0 yn rd ; Boyd Tl10111pso n, hig l1 jun1p, lturdl s; C l<1 rc nce C<rnning, n1 am1ger. o l p ictured: G lenn 1l ya lt, rTH•dlcy r('lay, 880 ynrd, r<'lny; Keitl1 Bat<'mon. 8 0 yn rcl; Jc,!111 r Tripp, 880 yard. di u s; Yeldon I .ur ·o n, di scus; Forrest D es pain, hrot1J jump, relays; <•o ri:ic Br11dy, 0 Y< rd: G ilhn L lf<'<'n, mil e; Gordon L a n g,ren, ,140 ya rd, C loris Milnr, lii g l1 jump ; Mnc Vnn, 880 nrd; Ralpl1 Bi s hop. po le vau lt, hro<1 d jun1p, rclo y; Burd tl R e ndl\'sho (' h, l1i g l1 jurnp, pol t' vn ult : ur ti s Barne ll , s prinl s. l th m ee t a l An1Prican Fork on April 6, Jordon co n1<' ou t fir st ; <1l th <' trinn g ul nr mec-1 a l on April 1- with 1urrny nnd Grnni t<'. J o rdan won s<'co nd plHc<'.
rani te
p iclur<', firs t row, left to ri g lll : O sca r Ca rl son, Loui s Nicl1o ls, Melv in B('rrd. ccond row: Bill NiLl y ( ca pta in) Warre n Tl1ompso 11 , Eu rl Pierso n , Evn n P cu rso n. Golden Lan grcn, H om r hris te nso11, V rl h·rg uso n, L e ter Polincr. T liis year th e learn h us play d its home ga nH'S on tl1 • Midvnl0 ourl. Jt l1n s won two gn mes from Murray, one l'rom Binghnm, a n l has lost once lo Bi11 glin m and once to rani tC'.
Under the capable I ader hip of Mi A hby, lhe wid cluded in th
variety of port
in -
year' activilie hav
fered much div rsion from the mental train of olher dasse . ear the girl
During lh
have attempted every
port from jump-the-rope to dan ing. The a livilie of the year have included tho e which deyelop poi e, gra e, good po lure . and general good h ahh. The
have included
xercise , mar h -
ing, dancing. ba ketball, indoor ba ebaII, Qnd variou girl
olh r game . Man
From lhe gym
la 路e
have been
cho. en lo dan e al variou
ial . A gr. at d al of atlenlion ha been cenlered on marching. five girl la e
w re
trC'tch ~irl., stretch;
- 80-
ice racket.
ho en from the gym
lo parli ipate in the po lure
parade cl
Cirl~ on ramd<' : Practi<c mak . rcrfect ; I IC'ad s ur!
o, Utah, April 20, 1939.
T<•p ri g li1 : l ; ir~ I Y<'<H sl1ortlrn11d . 130110111 ldi : :-:;<•co1HI '<'fH slwrtl1n 1111.
Top J<'fl: T y ping l<'<• 111 Bol10111 righl: Booking tN1 111 s.
111os t s ucc<'s f ul Y<'<H l1n s crown<'d tl1 e co n<·c·11lrc1lc I efforts of J ordan \ 10) - ')<) rn 111m c1Tinl dqmrt111c11I. Tl1 <' ca pa bl e advan ·cJ sl1ortlrnncl lc·n 111 011 1n rch 2 I, rn11qH<<'cJ in a prev iew of th<' lntC'rn1ounlni11 Co1111111·rciHI Con'<• ;t n l I l<' nn gcr's. nnd hrou g lit baf'k with tlwlll n go ld lropli y. 1nq~u ret Park ca nw forward lo cl, im tl1ircl pluce in tl1 " individua ls' award ·. On April f lf !his lC'n 111. loqclhC' r with tl1rc·1· lypin l! l<'nm :., two bookkccpinq len 111 s. and a bqt inn l'rs ' sl1o rtl1nnd lcn 111. wenl lo tlw trndilio1wl lnt (' r111ounlnin ( onksl ul f>ro vc)s Briqlin111 Youn g Un ivNsi ly. With tlw hi l! l1r•sl of l1 o p "s th 's group w1·nl into llH' various co nl cs ls nnd fro111 tl1 is ilw nd vanc·ed sl1ortl1 a ncl lr·a111 ngn in r·111c•rqcd tl1 <' vi!'lo rs . ktt tlii ., lim e lo s ue Ii n ch..?"rce tl1 n l ii wu s nllllost unhelic' ' ulilc. Tl1i s
ou lslancl in g !..(111 up li lcni ll y w ;ilk('d <twny witli all tl1 e hono::; hoth lor l1•n 111 s 1111d lor i11di\'icl1mls. J\llargnr<'l P ork w.is tl1<· winner of firs t pla ce and il l<' tliirl y five dollur s< lwl nrs liip und tlw (m· i.£({ (.fo ld 111ecln l wl1icl1 Hr<' tit <' 111 n l<'riu l H\\itrd s for tlii s rn d ccl pl t C('. C lilori: Ne il son and Umi 1 ln tlrnwn y, lwr IC'n111n1nl<'s. won sccond nn<f tl1ircf r' l<HC'S rl's pec li v1• ly. Chloris is in po ~seHs: o' o f " I\ cn l l'i\I' d<1llar ~(' l1 o!nrf l1 i p uml si lv<'r 111cclnl. wl1il1· Uno is r ro11d ly cli s pln ying '1 lill <'C'n dollnr sclH1l nrs h ip. As tli is puhlinit ;on goes lo prc'ss . th e mlings ol' tl1 C' firs! sl1 <Jrdinnd. l1ookkce pi ni.£ . uncl typing I<'< ms rm' 11 0 1 y<' i 1010 "l l1ut ii is k ;10w11 111<11 tl1 e ir wo rl wn s l1i (.d1lv C'Olll 111 (' 11cl,il1 I<" ) <'al
Junior Prom Committe
Robert "anderson,
arl on, Frank Harada, Janice
Gail Payn In
f ronl :
Russell B ck. Loretta Brown, Melvin Johnson, Dorothy Spratlin and Delbert Larson.
Miss T utile. [Vliss Bennion, Miss Ra\\ . on, Miss Boden-before th
dun(( on.
Cn"o"•: ~ ·ll~~ny D ow:1. .fur\ Pc I''" en. lnry J\1o-ari·1. J...:a.1:lri l\1elvi;1 J\y!ct·, .lmkso.1 Dearin(!, J\~ar(!r1re' :riker. Srenes al Prolll.
Bollom : W a rren T hompso n, B ess ie Floyd, Prince hfl rmin f!., ind rcll a of l Tom Econo111irs e th ea rt B a ll ; la in Kini , B a tri cc urli s, ophom orc da n ce offi ce rs; Ima Riclmrdson , 1lnrgn re t ii cox, L ola Morgan , J ack Leven â&#x20AC;˘on, A ll nd nnls to ind er Ila a nd Prin hctrm in g,. enter : B ss i
D on
mitb, R obert B ,tfla rd . , opl1 0111 or
F loyd, Dell erl
aco , P i-'IU I
D a ne offi (ers; C lil o ri s
iel sc n, Fern Leona rd ,
r nior I lop
ir lsc n, Bo d T homso n ,
o ninlittcr.
Top : ctting for F. F. A . B e1 ll ; Zoe V ac Fit7.gera ld, Doris r: il :t,gcrn ld , M uriel Fitzge ra ld . F . I' . A . H ;;u v sl B a ll Quc<'n a nd A tlcnda nls.
- 92.
What forml Lowell 0 tier; Joyce Reading al Midvale; Ca lvin mith and George orenson put ii away! Lillian Albanese, Marie Malstrom, Roy Naylor and Don Parr, paddle on J. Day; Barbara Woodhou
put on
i ie. , they study-Ronald \i\!hittle, George Pauldoru
andn Bill
ibley. It was
uch a nice day.....-
Franklin Turpin; Crime docs not pay-Miners dean Jordan walk . Ev, n Pearson, Zoe Vac Fitzgerald and l lomer Chri ten on gel th ir share; Ye maid with downca. t eyes,
elda Pierson. Who cares? Mi~s Tutti
and Mi s Bennion.
Yu111, yum, Burniss Burgon, Virgie Green, Maxine Gordon; Juniors on ye old campu ; h mistry class lines up for locker keys; D;d you get your slacks wet? lt' s ul
Burni 路s Burgon, Maxine Gordon and Virgie Green.
he r up, anyway.
Lu il c Pix ton , 13 •tty I lend rson behind w a 1crn1 c lon ; i\ las ter 'a rp ntcr, MorIJ S 1~c- 1c rson ; Carc lul v. ith those m a llets, Va u g hn l\.imba l a nd A li ce M ac S a dler ; a rol Ca nnin g a nd fri end pose ; W es t Jorda n ' pride-, (Ja ul N ici ·en a nd Alfred 1 ursc ; Just b for tl1 c b a ttl e, Donna Nix a nd B essie I· loyd ; vVh a tta m a n! R.ona l hicld .
Uo y, a rc w e cute! L e Ro y Ri ska, Rus ell B ecK, V a u g hn t\.imba l ; W a termelon J u ·1c r ... stud nt b od •; \ Ya ke-up, Joc(Lcona rd B crra llo) . 1 • wrc ol a nd y joy, ' tcw a rl Nickol s, l\.O))crt ~ta pl cy, 1\ lmon 'a nm Ison, U a lc J\l c 1 on; V\l a itin g lor th e J.Vla iU lrma dcl 1.:.va n ; G oin g our w y t D ean r itz.gcra ld, Hele n mith, L« ~ rla H ea ton. C huck a nd her pa ls; ice set ; There's cu1c green h a t wilh Lol a Jorgan ; , a ppy i a co ut~r rnnk clson. uue h e rate! G eo rg nde rson , J ennie i"lcad, Robert VVri ght ; Buddies, J ean t ·ox a nd C hlori s 1\'filn ; On th threshold, l(o ss 8irmin gha n1 ; Lu ky oa hma n, Joyce l(cadin g. l11 C1 L
T k, t k, a nd it 's d ay tim ~Jun e Winn, Dua n e L-'a rkinson, ick Kud li ck, Eve r tt U a hl a nd Gl e nda l· a irbourn ; C hum , Ca r01 yn A iken , l<.uth v\/ilkin " 1a ria n V a wdrcy, Alice M ac -,adl er. c our l'lu kc tc rs ' hl ori s i I en, H e len h a n, cn, 'la rjori c J en, ep a nd Kuth Borg; 1-'rc xy a nd hi s f ri nd -, ]\ l a ry 1ickcl en, t.:va n l1icrson , v \la rren Thompson, M a ry l'l o rga n a nd Fern ui n n ; Ni l en ister , o rci1 a nd G e n va. T a ll as th e chool buildin g? a w! Carolyn f\ikcn, Donn a Hull', 'l a rjorie cw hold, June \ 1\ inn a nd lenda F a irbourn ; oc ky, c h ? ' hirl All a n ; tud y in whit , L yJus R eadin g; Tir d ! J\ la ry Thornton. \'\ 1ha t goe on he re? i\1ary J\1orga n, Murray Bro>1 n ; Gay ,\Ii lva li a n ; H a ppy hay ridrr , E Lic P e terso n, ora l icl scn, li (•n eYa N iel s n a nd Ph ylli P e te rson. 1u t be funn y, B<irha ra Woodhouse, Fra nklin Turpin ; , ix pe ri od ove r, a t la t ! la ry l\lickcl sen. J\la ry i\lo r~a n , J ea n ca l ; enior D a n R a d o, ic h of i'1idva lc. iddy-up. orn1 a Brm n : Wh y sh ould "' C' use d oo rs? lea n ~c-a l , 01a ry J\lorga n. [\ lmy j\ li ckc l. c- n ; Zoeac Fit zgera ld a nd Linda orcnson hold D e lbe rt I a r e n d own . •~ : a nl ey P e te rso n n nd I la rvey L c hmit:t. wi th girl f ri encl ; I lea cl ho y Rnd girl o f S anel y Jr. I li gli. C hl ori s N icl sc-n a nd Delacos; 1 co r ~ in Tl mx ton and lea be rt D ri nsic- tas te- of sc hoo l tool ; P c- k-a -h oo, Brtt y H c-., d c- rso n. U nion boas ts o f tl w,c . L oui se- E rdn 1n n. C1c- 111 Bolli ac- r. O oro tll\ llilton . lrc- nc l\li cke lso n, Ruth Ca rl so n. Edin ;\laxfield; \V<'a rv? •cne\f1 <rn cl Co ra l ic- l. c n ; Luc a nd f; ie nd .
--~ <
~:;""""~ ,,
t \
The fairer srx of Jordan; At last she ot:'ta kct i~ home ( h r clarin l) -Arlene trc ll ; Ya! We're a go in' your way; In th e sp rin g, Louis 111ith, Beverly Mac Faulkner a nd orma Brown; West Jordan la sic., E clyn I foll. La Mac t cad m ~n. Wanda hicld .. I udllc lal trom; Ranrhrr ,...... Lola and /\ lary Morgan. A ttire of relaxation....- lire Karaglanis; Lr111me a l 'c m, Gran t Burgon and E lwi n Co le; Pretty primping, Effie Gunderson; Look a t us'ns! Fran k lrLon and Yeldon Larson; ls it tl1 c sa me lire, Victor? Nice tru k a nd there's Dwain Beck Offered as proof ol Darwin's Theory! Belva Andrus, Arlen ottrcll. A lier Ma<' ad lcr. Loo ·c scr<'\\ • re<idy for action, Fern Leonard. Beulah Ray. Linda orenson, Hulda Parker, lktl1 \ Vigh t, LaBcrta I fcalon and 1axinc Rawlin . ; Ah! That \\l,'sl Jordan oprra-1 a 1a Leadman ; Who' bchrnd th e door'? (Victor) Irene Ri111inglon; Mary /\I., ln <".-J\ Tary Micldcscn nnd Mary i\ lorga n ; Prniric flower, Lillian A lbanese; O hhhltl1hh ! When she lands up! Na;icy Blanche Fre('111;in, Br, erly G riffith; andy·. pride and joy, Robert , lnplarcnce I lnr1. cn, G l<'n lcy. Karl Pollock. Hyatt and Lorin I J, ns n. Co111e on ZocV< c, i:ri t 'cm a ride! Dwain Beck, l':ocVac Fi tzgera ld, I lubrrl orc nson; \Vhat is il ? O h, rlrnc ; Triple dccl<rrFr rn L •onard, Dortl1N1 Brown, M<1r!f Tu rner; ft can't be- done-! Maxin Rowlins: \ t\/ lia t a posc--1. k. tslc The missc-s , '.Hc-n on, hri ·tc-nsc-11 a nd Fa irhourn; Flurric-. flurr ic, hurric-, hurri r- lordan ·. s•urlc-nl hody ! Cues ~' 11 0? Beulah Ray and F rn Lc-onard hold n dass111nlc- . Ye building (?); G I 11 Brown and he's scriou ; Deep devotion. l dda Pierson a n I Be ic Floyd; Broul in th raw- ornrn Brown , Loui.r 111itf1, Beverly Faulkn er, Pri ci lia Robe rt. on, 1yrth I lar ri on , lcnda Fairbourn; Lucky boy !-Beverly Mac Faulkner, orn ra Brown, G len la Fairhourn, Loui. c 111ith and hlori 1'lilnc; Back in th r grades:., hcs tcr Kim, hloris
ir l on, l lclrn I Ian rn. Lorin l Ian rn , ncf Ruth Borg ; Mc and lice I lolt .
like ' um-Keith Bntcman
Was il an outin g? We really don ' t wcigh-nmc-h ! Al111on , a murf on. Ralph Bi shop, R oher! IAplc , Chr. lcr Kim, or111 a I ward, Ph ylli. mitl1 ; Must be lovclrm adcl l EvAn.; Whnt go ' on her ?,....., B t•ssie F loyd and Donna ix ; E l i Pcter0o n. E l, a ladison. iclsen, Ph Iii. Peterson, oral r we tired?,.....,
l .h huh!
SENIOR ACTIVITIES CJ 1 RLES FE TON DAM . (Ea l Midvala) Beetdi gger Business Mgr. C'nior Play Prom Committee
LAWRENCE ALLMENDIN FR (Midvnle) Band. two yC'<us Orch stra ondy)
M RJORl · DER 0 Language' luh llC'nt lub
(, n11Jy)
BLAI E ANDRl ~ (Draper) Foolball Basketball Junior l loy Track Band Opera Broadca tC>r Student Bod y lucigC' LanguogC' luh WILLI ATKI SO (Union) Foothnll . lwo years Basketball , two yNu S LOL BAILEY ( nion)
Lan gufl gC'
luh Vice Pres.
Vl ::RDA B 1u::Y ( nion) Lon guo gC' lub
Cl": E BALLARD (Drnper) Cl1C'111 Co111111iltee RC' portC'r
R IYI I BALL RD (DrnpC'r) F. r . A. B (inr~
Orcl1C'slra Y../ A DA BA K (Riverton) pera, two years , FLOYD BARBE (West Jordnn) KIETI I BATEM (W st Jordan)
Bond Orehe, trn ' C'nior Ploy OpC' ru Art luh BroodcaRter DARRELL Bl ~ K T EAD (Midvale) Bnnd Broadcaster AU E BENNETf (East Midvale) D ROT! IY BILL (Riverton) 'harl oni <in I lomC' Ee. lub JAY BILL (Riverton) ouncil enior Play
r-.: BILL Council
MERl ,AND BILLS (Midvale) Language Club
RAJ.YI I BISI IOP (, andy) Band Foo Iha ff Track Forensic lub F. F. A. Re pr •sen ta live lo Kan sas ily Broadcns lC' r DOROTI IY BLAIR (Butb) harloniun ARLENE BODl \LJ _ (I lcrrinin11) Council Art lub 1'111-DRl: D BOCCES C . A. A. Clrnrlonian Broodcaslcr BOB BOLE Foothaff oundl
(I J rriniun)
TONY BL.JrKOVI H ( andy) Tra k Fool ball Wrcsilin !! LA VERE B rLER (Butler) Opcm cnior Play
I IERBERT B 1TERFll:LO (I lcrrimnn) F. F. A . President
JA K C NIN (Midval ) Foothnll . two yenr. Bnskelhall . two yea rs Track. two <'Clf. 1-:T I IEL ARI.QUI T (DmpN) I lon1 e E . lub
harloni, 11 Forensic lub
0 , C R C RL ON (Midvale) Tennis RPENTER ( resc nl)
( nncly) Junior Ploy Bnnd Cieri of Courl Forensic f ub
Tennis F. F. A.
AFrO BRA Y ( nion) G. A. A. 0111rnrrciul Team Cl1C'm 'luh Art lub l1nrlo11inn DEL BRADY ( nion) .Junior Piny , c·nior Pin y MYRON BRAN! Janitor , fuh J
NING (Midvale)
Football Track
FRA K BORG ( andy)
BUR 111 CHAM (Butler) F. F. A .
I I Riff Bllm (Mid ale) F. F. A.
ADAMS ( and y) Opera
DARWI AL OP Opera Languai:re lub
( 1rnd y)
R WN ( 1iclv11l<'}
)RMA BROWN rC'8<C' nt) rt ,lub Langua ge· lub 'he111 luh ,'cC'nc-ry DOROTI 11: A BROW ( 1i<lvnle) Opera Hand (Union) B RC B l<NI Clrnrlonian DC'batc Forensic lul> OpC'ru BroadcnslC'r Art lub Cornrncrciol Tenm BroudcnslC'r - 98-
,Mm.or_ (
( undy)
l\ ll ~ R
Cl IRI. TE (East J\lidale) Tennis
IARVI CLARK ( ' andy) Chem lub <' ronn11li cs Club Opern DEWARD CLEJ\ll: NT ( raper) Drwn lajor pen\ ' RL c OK ( nion) Foodrnll
OW DELL ( andy)
ILVA C vVU::Y ( nncl y) Opera, two years lkelcli i?!!C'r, two ycn rs I lon1e 1:('. Club 11 ROl.D CR
Clic111 . Cluh MARJ RIE CR NE (J lerri111nn) Choru s
rl W
ND CR Opem Orchestra Clrnrloninn
E (Riv rlon)
SENIOR ACTIVITIES REODELL CRAWFORD ( andy) Broadcaster Home Ee. Club Charlonian ORRJ CURTl ( nion) Basketball, two year, ouncil MIRIAM DALT01 ( andy) Opera, two ycc r Home ' c. C'luh WILLIS DAY (West Jordan) Acronauti lub licm Club Opera hairman c111inary M RY DE f,'TO (i'-lidvalc) hem fub EVELY DJ II K ( andy) Vee Pres. l lomc E . luh Pres. o. W. Oislricl l lome Ee. lub cc. and Tr<'as, oph lass Opera F. F. A. Pby Junior Play TANLEY DI IO 0 (W t Jordan) Foolbalf F. F. JEA
DODGE (West Jordan) Language Club BOB DRAPER (Ornpcr) Language lub ALTA DOW (Draper)
( andy)
CLARENCE HAN EN ( andy) Forcn ic lub
DEANE FITZGERALD (Drap r) Home E. Club harlonian Art Club h m lub ma Pageant
DALE HAN EN (East Midvale)
VIRGI 'IA FERGU 0 harlonian
LO I E JTZGERALD (Draper) Home Ee. iub ZOE VAE FITZGERALD (Draper) Art lub GI c lub Opera Home Ee. Cfub Band . A. BE
IE FLOYD ( andy) Op ra oun ill I Jome E . h,ib . A. A. cnior I lop Committee
E BERT (\VC'sl Jordan) Broad asl r Lif'slock Judging Tcn111 F. F. A. (Midval)
(\iVcsl Jordan)
BILL FREE 1A (Ri"crlon) Opera Xmas Pag .ant Language lub ALFRED FUR E (West Jordan) Band
l"YDE F IRBO R F. P. hem luh
( rcsccnt)
KEITI f FA!RBO R rc路sccn l) Band 路IARI 0 1 FAllrnO HN ( resccn t) F. F. A. ' resccn t) BEVI:RLY M E F LKNER ( res nt) Op ru Girl.' horus Orch Ira Vl:'.: RL Fl::R (East !\ lid c le) Prom com111iltcc Bro, dcastcr Band h rn lub
ILEY ( outh Jordan)
OLIVE E ( andy) Band p ra irl. ' l1orus 111as Pc g ant
I I ROI .0 GREE F. F. A.
UIN . A.
Midval )
( outh Jordan)
(Drap r)
- 99 -
W ILL RD D. IT TIJENBR CK (Butler) Aeronautic Club LA BERTA HEATO Orchestra Forensic Club G. A.A.
E HELL TROl\I ( andy) enior Play Language Club Opera G.A.A. (Draper)
OWE EVA REE I Ionic Ee. fub VIR IE ' REE
U A HATHAWAY (Union) Commercial T am
J NE FOX ( nion) horu
MARTI IA CLOVER (Ea Junior Pia . A. A. I lomc E . lub Forcnsi Club
LORIN HAN E ( andy) Athletic Manager Broadcaster Pre . Forcnsi Club Commercial Tcam Forum Dis u sion Team (U. of .) Language f ub RAMO A HARRI 0 Orchestra Opera
Bl::.ll J FOWKE (Draper) Language f ub
HELE J-JA EN ( andy) Charlonian Pre idcnt Forum Di cu ion Team (U. of U.) Prom Committee Forensic Club Council Commercial T cam Home Ee. luh
MILDRED HE RY ( nion) Art Club Home E. lub. Broadca lcr G. A. A. ME HI GG (0 Iid, alc) cnior Play GEORGE HINNENKJ\J\IP (Butler) Wrestling 1ELBA HOBB (l'Iid, alc) harlonian I lomc Ee. f uh Broadca lcr G. A. enior Play AFTON HOLT ( nion) G. A. A. Com mercial T cam
SENIOR ACTIVITIES EVELYN HOLT (Sou th Jordan) Home E. Club School Play Opera Commercial Team One-Act Play G. A. A. RELA I JOLT ( ou th Jordan) Language lub Home Ee. lub Cli ern Club ROBERT HOWCROFf (Union) GLENN HY "ff ( andy) ec. Language lub Beeldigger Footba ll Basketball Mars hal DONALD JA K ON ( andy) HOMER JAYNES ( rescent) F. F. A. lock-Judging Team AARON JENK IN (Midvale) Chem Club F. F. A. Prom ommitlee BETTY LOU JEN EN ( r scent) Charlonian Languoge Cluh
KATIE KO OVIT J-1 (Crescen t) Horne Ee. Club Language Club LO AN KUNZ (Murray)
KEJTI I M IT I 11.:::LL ( andy) C hem Clu b
BLA INE LAN A T l::R (West Jordnn) luh Forcnsi Opera Junior P lay Acronoulic Cluh enior Pl<ly Prosecutini:t Atlorney o ,, ,,_Act P lay
QUENTIN JENSEN (Wes t Jordan) A N .IOI IN 0 ( 1idva lc) liarlonian Girls' li orus ELSIE JO I IN ON ( andy) harlonian Bceldigger La nguage lub Honie Ee. Juh FLORENCE .JO I IN, ON (Drnp('r) Opern G irls' horus Xn1 n~ Pa gc·un l
R. Z. .JOI IN,
Orf'hC's tra
KOM IN LANDE){U .. (l: Asl Miclvole) GOLDEN LANDGREN ( nndy) h('m Club T('11nis Broudcust r Lnnguflge Cluh FERN LEONARD (Midvn l<') ' cC'. ol' .. cnior lass G. A A. Art luli ' hnrlo11 inn I lo11 1e Ee. luh BroodcC1slcr , enior Play OW i if NAOM I LEW I, (Bluffd"lc) 1 lonw Ee. luli JVIAL T ROM (Midvulc) I lonH' Ee. luh
NORMAN MA GUM (Miclvalc)
Broadcaster P. A.
FR NK KARA ,LA IS (Midvnle) hem luh I IE TER KIM ( nndy) Foo tba ll Bask<'tba ll Trock Council Lnnguage lub FRED KIRKMAN (West Jordan)
MARY MOR AN (Riverton) Chnrlonifln , tude nt !erk .Ir. Editor Yearl ook '3 1 fome Ee. Prrsidenl Coun ii, lwo yen rs Bnnd Chem Co1nmi llN' Orr hestrn G. A. A . Broaclcastn Opera l fo111e 1-;:c. luh Vire Pres. Co-Edi tor Yearbook '39 Fl::RR I MUM l"ORD ( .. , ncly) Janitor luh J\TAR.IOR IE MYER .. ( nndy) Broadrnst<'r I fo111r l: r. lu b J\ lllJWED MY l-:RS Opern Brond"nslcr Art Cluh Xn111' Pngr·CTn t
(T~ i v('r t on)
.JOI IN MA IW J IANT (Midvale') Te nnis KE IT I I MASON (Rim ton) Opern Pagea nt Presiden l of Lnng1mg(' luli
NFYLOR (. 01111 1 .lordnn) Trnrk
l/\l ll?A N l:L.. ON (Draper) lrnrlonin 11 Opern I lo111e Er. Cluh PEA l ~L
ELBERN MAYNARD (, ancly) F. F. A. ALD l: N MAYN J:,· (B uil,·r) , <'rr<'lu ry of A<'ro111 111 lirs Cluh LAlJ l ~A Mc~(EE .(So uil1
C ll(' 111
(, andy)
l ~aml
.JUN I ~
MARJOR IE JEN .. EN ( andy) har lonian 0111 111 crcial Team
ARDU ' M ILNE ( andy) fi arl onian Or era horus
RA J J> l I
1:1.. ON (Midvn lr')
CAI I ·~ 1\W BOID (Drnper) I Alng1rng<' C'l uh
110111<' l:":c. Cluh Ar t ClulJ MA l ~Y
[vJI CKEl .SJ.;:N (Drnpcr) Opr'ra Clrar loninns I fonH' J: c. Cfuh Lflnguog<' Cfuh IH'm Co 111 111 ift('(' BnJHI Orrh<'stra .. ni or Piny BronclrnslN
JO I IN Mii .LEH (Mirlvn lc) BHnd - 100 -
NJ.;:l •._ ON (, ancly) G. A. A.
N mU ~ Y ' r ennis
131U .
(l'vlidvn l<')
, luclcn l Co un cil O pcru 1311 .1 .Y !El.. EN (B 111 b) Acronn1 di cs Cluh Cl IUW IS lf ]$f·:N (, nndy) Sr. Vin' Prcsiclc·n l ( lwrfoninn '0111111C'rcin l Tenn1 CO \NAY N IEi .. I: lkn tcl i11ger Bronclcns ler 0111 n1i llrc
( hem.
SENIOR ACTIVITIES PAUL NIEL 0 ( outh Jordan) cc. Junior Class oun cil Opera Band DOYLE NOKE F. F. A.
(Rive rton)
RAY OAKESON ( outh Jordan) Football ROBERT OLSO
FERN ORTO (Midval ) Opera horl I Iand Tea m 0 111111 r ial Team LOWELL OSTLER Op ra Junior Play Broad as ter
\!VILMA PAGE (Riverton) Band O rdi eslra I anguag.c Cfub MYRL PAL 1IER ( outh Jordan) ounril PAULI E PAPPA O pera
(Midva le)
,Af.~ ET PARK (Rive rton) harl onian Junior Pro111 on1111illcc on1111cr ic I "l\路a m G. A. A. I' orensic Club Debatin g Tt'n m
I I U A PARK ER (Draper)
Junior Play Forensic luh G . . A. harlonian rclary One-Act Play 'ouncil KATI IERIN J:: PARODY (Union) Lnnguage lub ULLIAN PATRI K (Midvale) C. A. A. ALU~
f>EAR .. 'ON (West Jordan) Forensic Club
EARL PE R.. 0 T nnis l:VA PEAR 0 Tennis OpC"rn Band oun ii l 0
(Midvale) (Midval )
ALO PETr:R.. 0 (We. I Jordan) harlonian Opera
( outh Jordan)
PHYl J PETER E Beetdi ggcr Home Ee. Club Language Club
(South Jordan)
ELDA PIERSON (Sandy) Charlonian Band Orche tra Opera B etdi gger Broadca tcr G. A. A. Language Club ELA! E PRI CE (Draper) Girl ' Club Vaudeville Dance Review ecretarial Club M XI E RA WUNS (Draper) Honie Ee. Club Forcnsi Club Art Club Orchc I ra G. A. A.
PHYLU ROBINSON (East Midvale) G. A. A. RUTH RUSSELL (Union) Commercial Team andy) DELBERT SACO O pera Junior Cln s Pre . cnior Class Pres. Senior Play One-Act Play Xmas Pagea nt Broadcaster Forensic Club chool Play enior Hop Comm ittee Prom Committee Language Club ROY
LYLU READI NG (Midvale) Pro111 ommillcc Cliarl onian Opera Bcctdig,g r BO B RE
( and y)
(West Jordan) Art lub I lome Ee. Club MARK RI llARDSO Band
(Midval )
IRENE RIMINGTON (Midvale) harlonian l lomc "c. lub ommerciaf Team
ILLA ROBERT 0 ( r ent) Art Club Language Cluo B etdi gger G . . A. h rn lub tage cenery - 101 -
SEAL (Rive rton) chool Historian Junior Play ommercial T am Band Orchestra Hom Ee. ecrelary Charl onian O rga niza tion Editor '3 Foren ic Club Broadcaster Opera Coun ci l Chenii try fub Beetdigger '3 Bcetdi gger o-Editor 路- 9
ORDO H. RIDEO T (Draper) Football Track Op .ra F. F. A. Officer
GENEYIEV " ROBBIN (Ea t Midvale) Art lub
BE LAH RAY (Midvale) G. A. A. Art Club Charlonian hecr Leader Broad as ter
ERBERG ( andy)
Op ra harlonian G.A.A. DEAL HARP Opera
~J\ lur ray)
E I-HELD ( outh Jo rdan) Home Ee. luh Art Club LI IA MITH ( lidva le) One-Act Play Opera Choru A DR Y MITH (Riv rton) BEVERLY MITH (Or per) Horne Ee. lub ALVl
MITH (Draper)
DEA N MITH (West Jo rdan) ouncil F. F. A. tock-Judging T cam
SENIOR ACTIVITIES JOI IN TENNANT ( andy) Opera en ior Play Band ouncil ll('m Club
HELE MITH {Draper) Home c. Club Chcmsi try Club Broadcaster HYRUM MITH (Union) F. F. A. MURRAY
MITJ J (Drap r)
GEORGE ORE Broadcaster
EN (Draper)
HUBERT OREN E (Draper) Ba.kctball, two year Foothalf Track LI DA OREN E (Drap r) Vi c Pres. tudent Body Broadcaslcr Prom Conrn1i tlcc Band Art fu b Home c. Club Forensic Club Council G. A.
ROBEi T TAPLEY ( andy) Band Orchestra Opera l\ lale Quart<'! Bra Quartet ehool Plav One-Act Play Broad as ter, Editor-in- lii<'r
(Riverton) (Midval )
I EZ Tl lOMPSON (Murray) BOYD THOMP ON (RivC'rlon) Football Basketball Track ouncil WARREN TJIOMP 0 (Midvale) tudenl Body President ccond Assoria l Justice Forensic lub TPnni s Opera en ior Play Broadrnstc•r Ddmtc MA RY TI IOR TON (Drap<'T) , ecr<' tnry tudcnl Body lmrlor ian iris' Gl<'e luh , ('n ior Play Opera RI I IARD Tl lORfJE (Midvnl<') Broaclcustcr <' nior Play ELA I E TOLD (Midvale) harlonian 110111 Ee. lub pera
(West Jordan) J lomc Ee. lub rnior Play Xmas Pag-Panl ommcr ial TC'am 0oc-ra G. A. A. ELV
EORG IA Tl TAXTO J Ionic Ee. lub
KE Nt.7H TRIPP (Miclvolc·)
DALLA , STRADLl ~Y ( nion) F. F. A. Vice Prcsid<'nl Bc<'tdi ggcr · Altcrnal<' ouncil
M1\RG T R ER ( 1idv,dd OpC'TH
FRANKLI N TURPIN (W<'sl Jordan) Football Bu skc·thrifl Trn"k Junior Pin" GERi'.\ LD Tl , Cl I N l ::t~ (Riverton) I I ZEL VA (Union) Ch<' m luh
E 11 WALKER ( nion) Forcnsi Club R<'portcr
rC'S nl)
WA DA TAYLOR (Draper) Broadcaster Horne E. lub l1ern lub
F Y WAT ON (Midval)
Charlonian I lo111c Ee. luh Broad a. I r JA K WAT ON (Midval ) Council RN OLD WEBB (Draper) Band F. F. A. Judging Team Broadrast<'f RONALD WEENI , (Riv rt on) Bnnd hem Club ELDO
WEL 11 (Midvnlc) relics I ra , trin f.! QunrlC'I
Bl ~TI I \ V IC I IT (Drnpcr) rt luh
Rrond rn~ t cr I 10 111 <' l ~c.
G. A. A.
, ccrctary , <'n ior , em inary
JER A WI TLE ( anJy) Lon gun gc luh BARB RA WOODTIOU E ( andy) For<'nsic luh l lomc E. luli rt Cluh Junior Play l1oru~
, cnior Pi a I.nngunf,!<' luh Bcetding<'r B ron clc~ns t er
DALE TRI GFELLOW (Drap r) he m lub LUYA (West Jordan)
REIKO WATANUKI ( 1idval ) G. A. A. ,harl onian Art Club Broadcaster Arlisl Opcrn ouncil
~ l rnr l oniu n
TONE (1-:. as t Midvale) harlonian Vi c Prcsid<'nl Opc-ra Broadn1slN
MARIO WALKl:R ( nion) Broadcaster hnrlon ian . A. A. om mcreifl l Tcn111 ELE
R WARD ( rap<'r) Languugc luh
l.:.LDON WARDLE (Union) - 102 -
(Enst Midval<')
Foothnll. two y ors Bask<' thalI, two years IH'rn omnritt <'<' 1ARY YO G (F:ast Midale) harlonian pcro
NICK Z RA ,ARI 11 (Midval )
E Z P N ( andy ) F. F.
Property Life Insurance
Paint Products Made in Salt Lake City, UiaTi
Success to the Jordan High School ...
VINCENT DRUG CO. MlDVALE. UTAH We Fill All Doctors' Prescriptions
!Jn :kJJinq rrrllmwlUJ bf JliJl CltiklNm
Made the Portraits for This Yearbook
outh Temple
Film Developed and Printed
alt Lake City. Utah
at 25 Cents Per Roll
af ely of your inve trn nt in ur
up lo $5000
Eal al
t11e . . .
. CAFE WeH Cool< d Food -
ffici nt
1 TARRY Tl I MA . Proprietor MIDY LE.
Place To Trade
MIDVALE - 103 -
"L. D. S. Training Pays!" For O"ood prices and better quality
merchandise, s e us b fore
Where will it lead you? To a four -year college cour
you build 7
To a business of your own 7 To un killed employment? To idlene
n in lensiv course al the L. D . . Business ollC'gc liclp you lo solve 111orc s u c<'ss f ully th e problPn1 ~ dn1l li e ju l bC' yo nd th e turn ol' th road .
A a rd will brin g full i11forn1 a lion nhoul our co urses , mles of tuition, c lc.
MID. 82-R1
L. D. S. BU JNE 70
Euerylliing for
tTw Builder
ALT LAK Euerylhing for
OFFI E and ompfele Lisl of Mimeograph
L 1ood
For Quality and Value
Everything Photographic 155
TREET - 1().1
'T Il
ADVERTISING "That Hits the Mark"
Bullseye Covers for School Annuals Intermountain Licensee for Plastic Binding Stevens and Wallis, Inc., is equipped
ified to plan, create, design and engi-
to handle your Year Book Cover
neer their mechanical production,
problems from start to finish . . . our artists and craftsmen are highly qual-
effectively and economically.
Everyth ing in Emblematic Line VE
Redwood Rond and Bin gl1 am I li ghway
"Tl1e Clas
Pin House" '
See Us MID .
Before You Build
Distinctive Printing for All O ccasions
NOY. UfAH H. - 105 -
Printers of "THE BROADCA TER" . BARROW . Mgr. MID.
158 Regent Street
Compliments of
Compliments of
. H. KR
5- l 0 -25
A.. EY' 5566
TRE .:.
Try Our
P RICE 47 Soulh Main Str et ALT LAKE
- 106 -
R AM - IANT MALT and All Kind of AND WI CHES
"Save with Safety" Many a success has started with the opening of a bank account. Our deposits are insured hy the Federal D e posit Insurance Corporation
''cA Surety of cpurity:>"
R. R. GILBERT - Locally Owned
Midvale Branch of Sandy City Bank
For Private and School Libraries GIFTS
Ea t Midvale on State
Phon e Mid. 296
Watch Stopped? TAKE IT TO
oulh T cmplc
The Jeweler
alt Lake City, Utah
25 WET SOUTH TEMPLE Your money hack. if yott are not satisfied
BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Who e campus ha been trod by two generation â&#x20AC;˘ of Jordan High S hool tudents, pay tribute to those recent comrades of your
privilege through the untimely tragedy of 193
"The Friendly School"
- 107 -
General Motors School Bus Chassis - offer -
uperior All Safety
te I
- 108 -
hool Bu Bodi Appearance
Manufacturers of
AMERICAN LINEN SUPPLY COMPANY In aJl the chool cleanliness wins all the time anilary cloth towel available for your use al all lime ? "It Pa.y to Keep Clean" 33 EA T 6th
\t\'l1y not lrnve a clean Pl JONE WA AT I I 2484-5
Success to the Jordan High School
for WHITE LTLY FLOUR at your locc I gro er
Telephone Midvale 4
Althougl1 the school year i about to end, Jordan grads hav And
o w
the resl of their lives lo pend.
For Quick Snappy Lunches
editor. off r lo you
Wlrnt tli s grad are lil<cly lo do. lftrencc and Ruth will head for the preacher ,
I lei n
nd R od II will . u ceed a
Mc rg
lo be a
r l Parl< a
Ralph Bishop i
' ne Ballard will
We Mah Our Own Ice Cream A DY, UTAII
andy re idenl. crelary is bound,
slined lo Lill
p nd his lime wilh the bugs,
Warr n 'Thompson will I e a mi'<er of drug .
"More Lc>i ure Time for Women"
I C'nnn Fitzgerald will de ign hat and frod< ,
J can
milh will
nd up herding hi
This ain't no ma ' lerpie e w Bul. were you the
teacher .
S nalor Nibly i bound lo Le pre idenl. Crane i. sur
Your Clothe
floe-I< .
all know,
La t Longer Because They
Wa hed in "Rain-Soft Artesian Water"
dilor , you'd a quit long ago. PllO
- 109-
Buy the Car that Is Complete
- at -
See Us for
PATNT - OTL - GLASS Dealer in
CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE Pl1one Midvale 92 -R2
Lore with the Friendly
erui e
ervi e
TREET nnd MIDV LE J Midvale 23
Alice Adams, West Jordan; Carolyn Aiken, Draper; S'hirl Allen, Draper; Beth Ambrose, South Jordan; Vivian An<lreson, Sandy; Ray !\.ustin, Bluffdale; CUL·lis Barn Lt, Midvale; Max Barton, Murray; Mack B'aleman, South Jordan: Walk r Il' ·k, Drat>er: am B ckstead, Union; Barbara Behunin, Union; Mort'is Bennion, Bennion; G m Bolliger, Butler; Gene Bollig r, Sandy; Glen B'rown, Drap r; Billie Burgon, West Jordan; R 'X Butterfield, Herriman ; Aile n Casper, Sandy; Afton Ch i Id, Sandy; Albert Christensen, Midvale; Carl hri sLcns n, W st Jordan; John . Christensen, Herriman; C~arles Clayton, D1·aper; Wendell Conk! , an<ly; Earl Crane, Riverton; Dan Danyanovich, Crescent; Andr w rD neris. Midvale; Forrer;t De:; pain, Granite; Ward D spain, Granite; Anthon Ernstrom, Drap 1·; Glenda Fairbourn, Cresc nt; Oden Fland rs, Riverton; Darrell Forman, Herriman; No1·ma Fowler, Drape1·; William Fassio, Sandy; Prinless K. Fitzgerald, Draper; Bernarr Furse, W BL Jordan; Ivan Gai ley, South Jordan; Calvin Grov '" East Midvale; Parley Glove1., East Midvale; Gilbert Green, Union; Margie Groves. South Jordan; Jo Hatfield, Murray; Franz Haun, West Jordan; Jon H llstrom, Sandy; Blain Hilton, Bull 1·; Eldon Howell, Drap r; L wis lHunick, W st Jordan; Viola Jensen, Draper; Merna Jens n. W sl Jordan; Marjorie Jones, Bluff.dale; Victor Jon s, W st Jordan; Lsu Kasuga, Union; Keith Kemp, Sandy; Jay Kuhni, Midval ; Marion Kunz, Mu1·ray; George Larson, Sandy; Emma Larson, Union; Wilburn Lawsen, Sandy; Clair Llpyd, Rive1·ton; Cliffo1·d Macklin, Mid-
val ; Onda ME ngum. Mid val ; E ho Maxfi Id. Bull r; Lani y Mellor. Riv rlon; LewiR M•rrill, S'oulh Jol'dan; RuRsell Middleton, EaRL Midval ; Dorothy Mlake1-, Midvale; Don M d, Buller: Chi{), My 1·1:1, Riv 1·ton; 1 ay McMullin, ouih Jo1·dan; Max McMullin, oulh Jol'dan; Norma. N Iso n , ancly; Lua.rt Nicholl, andy; Louis NicholR, W lb y: gug 'n Nordb nr. W KL Jo1·dan; Woodruf( Olson, Un ion; Mnry Oniiv 1· s, Midval ; Dexter Pag-e, Riverton; Frank Parry, H•rriman; Vivian Parry, Union; Euir ne Pearson. WcRi Jordan; Frank P cl rson, Union; Grant Pl'dl r, Union; Melvin Perry, Uni n; Pal Pi 1·ce, andy; (; orge Polydor s. W !by; D •nu PoulaR. Midval ' : J;ick Pou ls '11, Union; Vonda Price, WeRi Jo1·dnn; G rlrud R s . Draper; Burdeifc Rend! sbach, W sl Jordan; Ruby Robbins, East Midvale; Nich Rudelick, r sc ni; Rob rt and rs n, 1Drnp r; Vi1·1dl harp, Murray; L un ._,'h J>pick, oulh Jordan; Desmond Shie lds, South Jordan; Ruth Dolores ShulR n, W st Jordan; Bill miih, Sandy; Norma mith, Draper; Cl o . naIT, Murray; D •llis S'teadmnn, B'cnnion; Margaret tow , Midval ; Grae Swem1on, andy; Richard T nnanl, Granit ; Jeann Thomas, Drap r; Ang-elina Tomac, Murray; J ay Van Dam, andy · Mar1.rnret Vawdr y, Drap 1·; Ross Wallgr n, andy; Marjori Wurdl . ouLh Jordan; D II Wh adon, ouih Jordan; Leah Whclman, Sandy; Ruth WinA''l'. Union; Gordon With rs, Dra110r; Hollis Whittle, Union; Keith Woodhead. Mid ale; Rob •1·i Wright, Sandy; Ronald Whitll , Union; Nick Zagarich, Midvale.
- I I0 -
G OL'g Adolphwn, Ea~t Midvale; Th odore Alexander, Midval ; Grorg AnderHon, Sandy; Keith Andel'Son. Union; Marian And 1·son, Sandy; Rosi Aragone, D1·aper; K nneth Atwood, But! r; John Baird, Drap r; Dal Ballard. 1D1·a))er, Janet Barb n. W si .Jordan; Amanuel B cksteaid, South Jordan; Eld n B ckf!iead, South Jo1·dan; De Los Beckstead, West Jordan; Don B nn tl, Midvale; Paul B nnion, B'ennion; Syl via Bel'I' tt, Union; Ari Bigler, andy; Jessimae Bills, Riverton; Maxine Bill~l. Riv rion; Jack Bird, Midvale; Erma Blair. Butler; Allen Dian y, Draper; l<'l'i da B'ogern;chutz, outn Jordan; Wanda B 11,gooie, Granil ; Myron BoRh, Midvale; Lynn Bowen, Mu1·ray; Ma1·y Bowen, Riverton; Tl'Ussl , ,. Bowles. Herriman; Mary Bllen Bradsford, Dnwer; Della B1·acly, Union; Yveth Broadb nt. Riv rton; Cnrl B'rother. Union; Agnes Brown, Drap r; Douglas Brown. Riv rion ; Beaulah Buckley, West Jordan; Calvin Buckley, West Jo1·dan; Dale ButLel'fieLd. Riverton; Earl Hu lier field. He1-riman; ylvia Buiterfi Id, Riverton; Burnus B~tt rworth., W Ri Jonhrn; Douglas ar isen. East Midvale; Winona Chl'Jsi ns n, Midvale; Melvin hristopherson, Midvale; Dahl C lark, Sandy; James Cook, Cr sc nt; Joe Costell o, Midvale; harl<:R r nin, East Midval ; K nneth Cl'ittenden, Midva.l ; Marvin rnno, S'andy; Harri t Cufis West Jordan· B' a trice CurtiH: Riv •rton; Ted 1Davis, Union; Rulon Denney: ~1ndy: Lee D1mond, W Kl Jordan; Dale Donahoo, Drap r; Val . Edgell, Union; Norma Elswooid. Sandy; Dan Ennis , J)rnpe1·; R.oy Fafrbourn, rescent; Roylance Fairbourn, Crescent; lv1n Faursc how, Granit ; Eugen Ferg-uson. East Midva l ; Gernld Fitzg('1·ald. D1·ap 1·; La Ru Foull s, Murray; Elma Beth Fowler, C1·eRc nl: La Raine Freeman Riv rton · Edwin Fu 'Jling, Union; Flo1·enc Gerry, Draper; ed Giffo;·d. D1·apcr; Marga!' t Gilb rt, Riv rton; 01'vnl Gillen. andy; Gordon Glover, East Midvale; hl'is Graham, Midvale; Iris Gr en. Builcr: M!ldl' d Gl' en, Bui! 1·; La Mar Gl'een, Butle1·; Lowell G1·een, Riv 1·ton; Ruth G1· enwood, Midvale; Jack Griffith, andy; Leon H.ansen, Sandy; Nolan Hardca.sLle, Sandy; Louise Hardman, Bluffdale; Neldon Ha1·dcasLle. andy; Donna Haskins. Midval<.'; L<.'onard Hathaway, Union; Harold Hath nbruck, But1 r; Dorothy Ifolohan. South Jol'clan; Lois Holt, So·uth Jordan; Gilbel't Honsvick, Union; 'rhorvald Honsvick, Union; Do1·othy Norma Johnson, Riv<.'rton; Russ II Johnson. Drap~I'; Vera Jones. Horn<.', Sandy; Burke Jenson, Sanely; Blaine Johnson, Midvnl :
W st Jordan; Edward Kidd, Riverton; Leola Kemp. Crescent; Jimmy Kel'r, 1Dra11er; Wilmer Kidd. Bluffdale; Le Roy K~opf, outh Jordan; Katherine Kuhne. Midvale; Glen Kump, Riverton: Got·don Landgren, Sandy; Earl Lawson, Sandy; Harvey L hmitz, West Jordan; Earl Leonard, Midvale: June Lovdahl, C!andy; June Lowe, Sandy; Floyd Lundquist. West Jorda.n; Milfo1·d Mabey, Sandy; Robert Madsen, South J?rdan; Alice Mason, Sandy; Reed Maxfield, East Midvale; Lorraine M3:ynard, Rive1-ton; B'etty Lou Meachem, Gn111ite; Joe Mazuran. Midvale; Bud Morrow. Sandy; La Rue Mousley, Bluffdale; Betty .Lou Muir, Granite; Eugene Mumford, Sandy; Merlin Myers, R1_verton · Clell McMullin South Jordan; Betty McNamara, Umon; Flo;enc McNarney,' Sandy; Maxine Nelson, Midvale; ;Burdett Newbold, Midvale; Milo Nielsen, Ea t Midvale; Madeline. O~· gill, W st Jordan; Manford Osborne. South Jordan; B1~die Palmer. C!outh Jordan; George Pavich. Midvale; Joe Pa".1ch, Midvale; Barnard Peckham, Midvale; Norma Pedersen, Umon; Joe P rcich, Midvale; Donald Petersen. Riverton; Renee Peterson, S'andy: Roy Peterson, West Jordan; Ell.en Poul~on, ~id vale; Bob Price, Midvale; Eugene Price, Union;. Keith. Price, We. t Jordan; GI n Pu~mire. Union; Dale Radovich, Midvale; Ruth Ray, West Jo .. dan; Ruth Renell bach. Bluffdale; Bernice Robinson. East Midvale; June Russell. Union; John Saben, South Jol'dan; Melba Sadler. Midvale; Alice May Sadler, Draper; Virginia chwab, Granite; Neil Scott. South Jordan; Tilly Se1·da1" Midvale; Leonard S'imon on. Sandy; Donald Sisom, Midval ; Cla r a Smith, Draper; Devai· Smith. Draper; Ida Smith. Rive1-ton; Mild I' d S"'1ith. Midvale; Leland Smith. Sandy; Ned Smith. D1·aper; Reid S'mith, Draper; Wa~ne Smi~h. West .To1·dan; Jay Snape. Murray: Stuart Staker. Umon: Claire Stay, Dl'apel': Reinald · Stelter. Union; Jack Stephenson, Riverton; Lloyd Stowe. Midvale; Ralph S'unbot. Midvale; Shel'ril Swapp, East Midvale; Lysle Swenson, Sandy; Dessica Taylor, Draper; Joy '.rhompson, Sandy; Ray Thorve, Butler; Eldon Toamey, Union; LaRue Turne•" Bluffdale; Jace Walker, Union; Lynwood Walke1-. Union; Leonard Wallgl'en, Sandy; La Coy Wardle, South Jordan; 1Dorothy Watkins, Sandy; Ann Webb, Riverton• Mable Webster, andy; Phil Whetman, Draper; James D. Wib rg-, Rive1·ton; Dorothy Wilcox, Crescent; Edna Woodhead. Midvale; Marilyn Woodhead, Midvale; Hope Yates, Union.
- 1 II -
r , ',
PARAGON PRINTING c0. Salt Lake City, Utah
- 11 ~