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Without conceit ... not for honor . . but with the "Spirit of the Beetdiggers" backing us up we present the 1940 Beetdigger as a keepsake for us . . . the students of Jordan Hign.

Looking north ... sunshine ... shadows ...

Sturdy steps . . . beckoning doors . . .

Upper hall . . . juniors make friends . . . puppy love ... lower floor ... sophomore alley . . . laughs ... cheers ... giggles ... forgotten pasts ... bright futures ... main entrance ... seniors renew old friendships ... make new ones ... more laughs ... cheers . . . giggles . . . noons on the lawn . . . friends meet . . . young loves flourish . . . some last . . . some are lost and forgotten . . . warm afternoon classes . . . sly glances from boys to girls ... misunderstood corrections from teachers ... bells ... a five minute rest ... reading ... writing ... arithmetic ... school's out ... locker rush ... walks to the busses ... last chuckles of the day . . . night . . . studies . . . curle rs . . . irons . . . "dear diaries" . . . much needed rest . . . breakÂŁast . . . buses ... school ... another day ... not to life, not to young loves, but to this-"The spirit of the Beetdiggers'' - us-our own made Jordan-we dedicate the 1940 Beetdigger . . .

Sept. 11 --...:Combed hay leaves out of hair . . . took a bath . . . used soap . school started . . . Sept. 14- Didn't eat breakfast or lunch forgot dignity for the afternoon watermelon bust . . . Sept. 20- Seniors gloated . . . sophomores watched ... juniors danced ... get acquainted dance . . .

Mar. I- Basketball's over for another year . . . victory dance . . . Mar. 8- Bashful girls . girls' day ...

. hopeful boys .

Mar. 18- Boys paid pennies . . . school danced ... boys' club victory dance ...

Oct. 10- Some won . . . some lost . . . all hoped . . . class elections . . .

Mar. 22- My hair ... my nails ... Ma, press my tie ... how about the car, Dad ... how do I look . . . here's your flowers, Susie ... ahh-hh-h . . . the junior prom.

Oct. 11- Lemons . . . hoarse throats cheer leader try outs . . . rally . . .

Mar. 29- Curlers . . . worries . . . which dress . . . Char Ionian formal . . .

Oct. 20-30- Ahh-hh-h ... week off ... beets . . . apples . . . sunburn . . . beet vacation ...

April 5 Meet me here . . . run in and get seats . . . sophomore picture show . . .

Nov. 3- New dresses ... pressed suits ... first real dance of year ... F. F. A. Harvest Ball ... Nov. 22- Drag out old overalls . . . starch print dresses . . . apron and overall dance . . . Nov. 22-27- Mmmm-mm-mm-m giving vacation .. .


April 11- Dang costume ... ouch! ... look out with that pin . . . get made up . . . geeee . . . the opera . . . April 17 Last practice ... kinks ... jumps . . . dance . . . GyÂľi Gamboree . . . April 19 Announcing President Washburn and Vice President Morgan . . . student body elections . . .

Nov. 27- Yippee . . . we won . . . victory dance . . . show at Burke .. .

April 25 Money . . . money . . . money . . dimes for awards and pins please . . award dance

Nov 28- Pressed ties . . . combed hair . . . big shots ... victory assembly at Jordan and Bingham . . .

April 27 Left ... right ... keep your lines straight . . . AAA rating . . . posture parade .. .

Dec. 14- Girls cooked . . . football players gloated ... other boys envied . . . dinner for victorious football boys . . .

April 30- When this thing goes around that stuff comes out over there and goes up above and . . . oh yes . . . chemistry trip ...

Dec. 21 - Girls spiff up ... boys shine ... Home Ee. girls and Ag. boys Christmas dance ...

May 15 Mr. Grant leads ... future bishops . . . seminary graduation . . .

Dec. 22- Good moods . . . grown-up manners ... Santa Claus came . . . Christmas matinee dance . . .

May 16 Press that hem . . . sew on that button . . . Mom's coming . tea wafers . . . fashion show . . .

Dec. 23- Support boys ... help buy medals . . . gold football dance . . .

May 17 A glorious sunburn . . . ??? Maypoles ... district's annual meet .. field day .. .

Jan. 3 New sweaters . . . bright sox . . . unfamiliar pants back from Xmas vacaiton ... Jan. 19- 0h joy ... kick 'em while they're down . . . Charlonian initiation. Jan. 19- Readings .. . dance orchestra . . . dancing . . . solos . . . amateur hour . . . Feb. 8- Killer-diller . . . lights . . . action . . . school play . . . Feb. 9- Girls make dates . . . first formal . . . rowdies turn into ladies and gents for an evening . . . Sweethearts' ball . . . Feb. 21 - Wish it would snow ... wish Ma would have to go to Relief Society . . . parents' visiting day

May 20- W e only tipped our boat over once this year ... what a day ... Liberty Park ... oh yeah ... "J" day .. . May 22 Rush home . . . get ready . . show . . . dine . . . dance . . . ride . breakfast . . . school .. ho-hum . . senior progressive . . . May 23- Gee . . . look . . . I got a pin . . autographs . . . signatures . . . signatures and autographs . . . dead-headed seniors . . . yearbook day . . . May 24- I got the white thing for my folder, Ma . . . sniffs . . . tears . . . pinks . . . blues in more ways than one ... goodbyes . . . commencement.

fordan's pride . . .

Dr. C路

N. jensen

THE SPIRIT OF JORDAN The name by which an institution, a corporation, a club or any organi~ation is designated, carries with it a distinct morale, tone, influence, or

radiation. This is particularly so when mention is made of the Beet Diggers. I presume this name originally was coined because of the excellence of farming required in raising beets. Lands are exceptionally free from weeds, carefully tilled and every effort is made for excellent and superior production. This same spirit manifest by these superior farmers in their work, is seen by the students who attend the Jordan High School, which is situated in the midst of this farming area. The students and faculty uphold the spirit of superior, wholesome environment, freedom from noxious practices, the cultivation of habits which lead to high standards of conduct, achievements in the field of the arts and science~. as well as in the field of vocational endeavor. Truly it may be said, the spirit of the Beet Digger is that which elevates, makes for greater and grander accomplishment, as well as for happiness.

SALUTATION The Beetdigger is a tradition at the Jordan High School. Many years in the future a yearbook will bring to mind memories of friends and activities of happy days spent at school. For years, with some few intervals when no yearbook was published, the Beetdigger has made its presence felt among all members of the Jordan High School. Unless unforseen difficulties appear, faculty and students with the help of our friends among business advertisers will continue to compile data necessary to publish the Beetdigger. It is a vital part of the school life of all students. The friends of today in school, as well as the activities in which one participates, will not exert the same influence they now wield as the years of absence following graduation from school begin to increase. New experiences in life outside of school, some of them very disconcerting and discouraging, as well as some which will bring satisfaction and success, will come to weaken and crowd out the experiences of school days. But intervals will come when one's thoughts will revert to school days again. That is the time that the Beetdigger will brighten one's later life. It will renew acquaintances and cause experiences and activities to live again in one's mind with much satisfaction and joy. Time out of mind has this experience come to me. May it also happen to you.

PrincipaJ L

. W . N路le1sen

Untiring efforts united together in one general thought . the welfare of the school . reading, writing and 'rithmetic united together in a lasting social unit . . . teachers to be remembered

.. subjects to be

forgotten .

. undying efforts

with the unwilling student . . . patience . . . work . . . best of results ... cooperation ... Yes, these are our teachers and friends.

PAUL C. BOYCE Agriculture



DEANE BENNION Home Economics



JOSEPH .R.. WORKMAN Attendance Officer


E. L. CRAWFORD English, History



HAROLD DESPAIN Assistant Au to Mechanics



P. F. GOLDBRANSON Soci 1 Science


BUTTERFIELD Co-ordinator Secretary

- 14-

Tutoring, counseling, disciplining, cheering, taming, and directing is part of the many things that go to make up the weary days of the high school teacher . . . plays . . . opera . . . publications . . . contests . . . outside of school . . . hours of unknown work . .

days of unpraised efforts . . . time

behind the scenes . . . helpful with all

. . willing to do . . . new teachers

... old teachers ... united as one.

JOHN N. DO RIUS Social Science


A. F. SMITH Biological Science Mathematics

0. D. BALLARD English


LEON BUTLER Auto Mechanics

MARY BEE Physical Education


ORSON SMITH Physical Science


A. C. JENSEN Biology


DUNN TAYLOR Physical Education

MARY BODEN Commercial




BUSHNELL Social Science

- 15.


STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Red Johnson, president . . . leader . . . unaffected . . . envied without malice ... efficient ... student ... friend ... hard to replace. Rowena Jenkins, secretary . . . trustworthy . . . loyal . . . honored . true to the cause ... one to have, hold, and make friends . efficient courteous . . . we shall miss her. Margaret Hogan, vice president . . . an untiring leader ... willing straight forward, able and true . . . hidden charm . . . uncommon modern subtleness ... a twentieth-century lady ... liked, loved, and to be missed. Darwin Rasmussen, judge . . . strict . . . straight forward . . . well-liked ... gentlemanly sophsticate ... pride of the girls . . . pal of the boys opera ... play ... unknown talent . . . a judge the school will miss. Ann Loranger, historian ... Charlonian ... senior ... dependable affable ... charming ... sociable ... parJing will be a sorrow. Alma Richardson, senior president . . . leading ability . . . play . . . opera . . . Prince Charming . . . unlimited talents . . . pleasing personality . . . strong character . . . one to set examples for others.

Calvin Fairbourn, junior president ... good looking . . . bashful . . . blonde, wavy hair . . . courteous . . . dependahle . . . next year's marshal . . . continued next year. Glen Sacos, sophomore president ... friendly ... cheerful ... undertakes responsibilities easy-going . . . good dancer . . . full of pep . . . leader for next year. Loretta Brown, editor of the Broadcaster . Charlonian ... A-plus student ... responsible . . . wit . . . sophisticated • . . charm . . . unknown efforts ... type ... titles ... sentences ... paragraphs ... English ... high I. Q ... . glowing personality . . . a friend to all . . . brilliance in brain and personality . . . a typical Broadcaster editor . . . an outstanding high school student. Ward Despain . . . dependable senior friendly personality . . . efficient manager of Broadcaster . . . unassuming . . . member of the championship football squ.nd ... quiet wit . . . undiscovered talents . . . will be remembered and respected by students and teachers alike. Lucille Malstrom ... dainty Beetdigger editor . . . vivacious charm . . . sophisticated personality . . . competent ... unanimously approved . . . pet and pride of all boys . . . friend of all girls ... undoubtedly to be missed next year. Doug las Beckstead . . . business head . . . • meets advertisers . . . directs campaigns . . . modern gentleman . . . birthday praises sung at hop ... worker ... unvoiced opinions .. . able to meet situations ... soda jerker ... to be remembered.

- 17 -

Front row, left to right: Jennie Mead, Beverly Peterson, Anne Loranger, Adeline Gardner, Marjorie Williams, Robert Sanderson, Jean Parr, Jimmy Kerr. Second row: Wanda Shields, Roy Naylor, Irmadell Evans, Fae Spencer, Yveth Broadbent, Beth Butterfield, Margaret Silcock, Melvin Johnson, LaMarr Despain. Third row: 0. D. Ballard, adviser; James Butterfield, Frances Wright, Floyd Handley, Rowena Jenkins, Margaret Hogan, Ralph Crane, Darwin Rasmussen, Delbert Larson. Fourth row: Bert Nickols, Robert Patience, Orvis Pollock, Warren Hughes, Alma Richardson, Rae Bastian, Ivagene Olsen, Calvin Fairbourn, Ralph Thompson. Back row: Douglas Carlsen, Dan Dunn, Nick Mascaro, LaMarr Swenson, James Nance, Golden Gilbert, Burnus Butterworth, Desmond Shields, Lester Buckley.

Student representatives ... advertisers ... la~ makers ... efficient . capable ... "middle men" of faculty and students ... elected by first period classes . . . council.


. 18.

STUDENT COURT Subpoenas ... his honor, Judge "Ras," was the· one we answered to ... Donna Nielson was the clerk ... "Where were you on the night of November 16?" ... Marshall Crane brought you in ' ' ' I didn't do it!

r didn't

do it, I tell you!



Smith took over for the judge when he was

unable to attend ... Rae Bastian was the soph in the court . . . our court was handled very well . . .

Left to right: Rae Bastian, sophomore justice; Darwin Rasmussen, judge; Ralph Crane, marshal; Don Smith, 1st assistant justice; Ralph Thompson, attorney.


CLASS OFFICERS Grown up sophistication . . . set aims . . . undecided futures . . . guests of juniors at Prom . . . hosts of all at Hop . . . secrets on the "Frog." . . . life long friendships ... white, pink, blue ... tears ... diplomas . . . farewells . . . goodbyes ... the year's gone . . . school's over . . . hopes for our futures . . . memories of our past . . . we seniors leave. Officers, left to right: Gordon Jensen, vice president; Lawana Beckstead, secretary, Alma Richardson, president. Enthusiastic supporters of all school activities ... talented in music and debating . . . proficient in sports . . . leaders in scholastic achievement . . . guided by efficient leaders . . . next year's peppy seniors . . . a little unruly at times but still good kids ... juniors. Officers, left to right: Nancy Hesse, vice president; Calvin Fairbourn, president; Doris Fitzgerald, secretary. Confusion in the halls . . . overcrowded classrooms ... sports lovers ... hard workers ... idlers . . . a whiff of real youth . .. teacher's pets . . . teacher's agonies . . . Jordan students . . . sophomores. Officers, left to right: Fay Williams, vice president; Farrell Naylor, secretary; Glen Sacos, president.

SENIOR HOP COMMITTEE Front row, left to right: Dona Nix, Frances Wright, Jennie Mead, Maxine Gardner, Dorothy Spratling. Back row: Roy Riska, Lawana Beckstead, Hazeldene Poulson, Edith Jenson, Gordon Jen sen, Clark Hall. (Delbert Larson, not photographed.)

• 20-

JUNIOR PROM Dignified junior hosts . . . gay senior guests . . . charm . . . beauty . . . grace . . . romantic lights . . . sophisticated music . . . rose-covered trellises .. ivy-covered wishing well ... the Old South ... hearts beat with music ... feet swing in rhythm ... swishing skirts. . . . stiff collars . . . new suits . . . delicious punch . . . crunchy cookies . . . stately promenade . . . full moon ... perfect night ... another never-to-be-forgotten memory . . . the Prom.

GIRLS' CLUB 1940 marks debut of newly organized Girls' Club ... purpose-to foster and encourage friendly and cooperative spirit among our gals ... fun at their Get-Acquainted Dance, hilarious Hard-Times Dance ... helped guide parents through new plant on Parents' Visiting Day .. . sponsored assembly and matinee dance in March ... good luck in the coming years!'

BOYS' CLUB Brothers all ... loyal supporters, each and everyone .. . enthusiasts and promoters of fellowship among Jordan's classes ... participants in all school activities . . . performers, successful presenters of Jordan's April 17 "Gym Jamboree" ... guided by capable leaders ... "one for all and all for one" ... Associated Boys' Club.

JUNIOR PROM COMMITTEE Front row, left to right: Faye Paulas, Calvin Fairbourn, Doris Fitzgerald, Nancy Hesse. Back row: Robert Ballard, Janice Williams, Floyd Handley, Calvin Buckley. (Not photographed: Margaret Borg, Beverly Peterson.)

ASSOCIATED GIRLS Front row, left to right: Marjorie Williams, Dorothy Rasmussen, La Velle Pugmire, Joyce Lindahl. Back row: Miss Boden, Donna Jenson, Jea n Parr, Joyce Reading, Lola Morgan, Beatrice Curtis, Joyce Beckstead, Bee Howard. Left to right: Bob Sjoblom, vice-president; Dan Dunn, president; Robert Patience, secretary.

Keith Battison

Myron Brand

Virgie Green

Ferris Mumford

Beth Ambrose

William Adamson

Alice Adams

Vivian .Andreson

Gwenith .Allen

Herbert Butterfield

Lawana Beckstead

Grant Burgan

Valoy Brady

Samuel Beckstead

Beth Bateman

Douglas Beckstead

Virginia Buhler

Leonard Beratto

Zetha Burmingham

Lorett Brown

- 24-

Ray .Austin

Lila Atkinson

Helen Bowen

Vance Burgan

Seth Bills

Beth Butterfield

Norma Boulter

Perry Butler

Norm Belich

Russell Beck


sen rs

James Brown

Billie Burgen

H. Ross Berrett

Betty Bradley

Fae Bowen

Joy Bateman

Virginia Blair

Glen Brown

Aileen Casper

Ralph Crane

Mavis Christensen

James Crapo

Earl Crane

Ruth Carlson

John Christensen

Gwen Clark

Janice Crump

Carol Canning

Lucille Cundick

Charles R. Clayton

Arlene Cottrell

Elwood Cole

Afton Child

Tel Charlier

Alice Cooper

Everett Dahl

Ward Despain

Lawrence Dansie

Hazel Dean Dok us

Dan Dunn


sen r~n.,;, Reid Egbert

Carol Es person

Lucile Evans

Gladys Engman

Kelvin Evans

Ermadell Evans

Anthon Ernstrom

Louise Erdmann

Muriel Fitzgerald

Jean Fox

George Fugii

Thelda Freeman

Printess Fitzgerald

Darrell Forman

Morel Fullmer

Bernarr Furse

Doris Graham

Gilbert Green

.Adeline Gardner

Ivan Gailey

Calvin Glover

Golden Gilbert

Margie Groves

Maxine Gardner

Parley G1over

Sybil Greer

Jack Gilbert

Belva Hendricksen


Dick Howard

Margaret Hogan

Alice Holt

Joe Hatfield

Marie James

Golden Jensen

Beth Jensen

Setsu Kasuga

Leona Jenkins

David Kunz

Frank Harada

Donna Huff

Blaine Hilton

Virginia Hubbard

Clark Hall

Dorothy Hilton

Kay Harada

Ramona Hand

Myrth Harrison

Erma Jenkins

Lora Jackson

Edith Jensen

Donna Jensen

Rowena Jenkins

Melvin Johnson

Viola Jensen

Gordon Jensen

Myrna Jensen

Frank Karaglonis

Alice Karaglonis

. 27.

Charles Kankleborg

Emma Larson

George Larson

Delbert Larson

Veldon Larson

Don Lake

Oveda Lundberg

.R.nn Loranger

Kay McMullin

Irene Mickelson

Douglas Miller

Thelma Morgan

John Miller

Echo Maxfield

Gus Murphy

Stanley Miller

Dorothy Mlaker

Lucille Malstrom

Dale Nelson

Tracy Nelson

. 28.

Helen Long

Claire Lloyd

Chloris Milne

Jennie Mead

Russell Nlid::ileton

Glad vs Marget ts

Dona Nix

Willis Newbold

Eugene Nordberg

Marjorie Newbold

-• Marvin Nelson

Norma Nelson

Roma Nelson

Frank Nelson

Marjorie Nelson

Vernal Newbold

Keith Neff

Florence Nielsen

Stuart Nicholl

Reed Nielsen

Geneva Nielsen

Maxine Orton

Mary Ontiveros

Jean Parr

Dexter Page

Evelyn Pate

Frank Parry

Edythe Palmer

Pat Pierce

Lavelle Pugmire

Hazeldene Poulsen

Lester Polimer

Constance Poulos

Donald Page

r!oyd Pixton

Iva Pix ton

Derald Powell

Melvin Perry

Alfred Peterson

Fern Richardson



sen r

el Richards

Darwin Richardson

Rowene Russell

Arvid Rasmussen

Ruby Robbins

Gertrude Reese

Nick Rude lick

Alma Richardson

Roy Riska

Phyllis Smith

Norma Steward

Lyle Smart

Vertice Smith

Marian Smith

Helen Mar Steed

Margaret Stowe

Robert Sanderson

Virgil Sharp

Norma Smith

Beverly Smith

Riter Stewrnt

Grace Swenson

Wanda Shields

Clen Snarr

Stanley Smith

Ruth Stevenson

Margaret June Saben

Mable Smith June Dorothy Spratling

Ruth Delores Shulsen

Betty Strom

Evelyn Teerlink

Barbara Tate

Mac Van

Margaret Vawdrey


Hollis Whittle

Robert Wright

Florence Webb


Janice Staker

Margaret Silcox

Desmond Shields

Ralph Thompson

Jeanne Thomas

Elmer Tripp

Angeline Tomac

Keith Thompson

Arden Tesch

Mary Van

Jay Van Dan

Frances Wright

Ronald Whittle

Marjorie Williams

Jackie Wilkins

Ruth Winger

Mary Whiting

Gordon Withers

Emma Webber

Keith Woodhead

Robert Wilson

Lois Walker

Nick Zagarich



JUDI Of George Anderson

Kenneth Atwood

Rosie Aragone

Belva Andrus

Paul Bennion

Beth Beckstead

Buelah Buckley

Margaret Borg

Max Babcock

Lee Beckstead

Warren Barnes

Betty Bonecher

Dale Butterfield

La Rue Battison

James Butterfield

Elden Beckstead

Gladys Butler

Jessimae Bills

Dean Brady

Agnes Brown

Calvin Buckley

Erma Blair

Burnus Butterworth

Grace Butterfield

Yveth Broadbent

Sylvia Barrett

Lynn Bowen

Joyce Boulter

Dale Ballard

Myron Bosh

Sylvia Butterfield

Lester Buckley


Don Crawford

Gwendolyn Crane

LeRoy Clayton

Douglas Carlsen

Max Cope

Gloria Denney

Gerald Fitzgerald

Inez Freeman

La Rue Fowkes

Neil Gardner

Ruth Greenwood

Reed Grant


Frieda Bogenschutz

Della Brady

Marvin Crapo

Lorene Christensen


Charles Cronin

Clifford Carter

Beatrice Curtis

Harriet Cufis


Lee Diamond

Afton Densley

Dale Donahoo

Barbara Dewey

Eugene Fergeson

Norman Fowler

Glenda Fairboum

Doris Fitzgerald

Calvin Fairboum

Effie Gunderson

Norma Guinn

Donald Green

Mildred Green

Bever Lee Griffiths

Lowell Green



Jack Griffiths

Margaret Gilbert

Orval Gillin

Warren Hughes

Edna Hansen

Myra Hansen

Lois Holt

Leonard Hathaway

Dorothy Home

Nancy Hesse

Norma Jorgenson

Blaine Johnson

Erma Jensen

Beverly Jaynes

Jimmy Kerr

Edward Kidd

June Lovdahl

June Lowe

.Afton Lloyd

Verda Lauritsen

James Leak

June Leitzell

Della Lundberg

Betty Lou Muir

LaRuP Mousley

Venna Jensen

Norma Johnson

Vera Jones

Helen Koehn

ElainP Kim

Glen Kump

Earl Lawson

Virginia Leitzell

Earl Leonard

.Alice Mason

Merlin Myers

Lola Morgan


]DD I r Evelyn Marks

Nick Mascaro

Betty McNamara

Maxine Mickelsen

Nila Morgan

Milford Mabey

Ralph Marchant

Helen Mabey

Mary Masich

David Meyer

Evelyn Malstrom

Robert Madson

Delores Millerberg

Elaine Nielsen

Ralph Nielson

Burdette Newbold

Donna Nielsen

Coral Nielsen

Evelyn Nicholson

Mary Nicolette

Maxine Nelson

Zola Oborne

Heber Olson

Verla Ostler

Reva Orgill

Manford Osborne

Bevc,rly Pierson

Elsie Petersen

Joe Pavich

Beverly Peterson

Orvis Pollock

Roylance Peterson

- 35 -

nn1ors Stanley Peterson

Faye Paulos

Drew Pearson

Birdie Pal:ner

Ralph Page

Bruce Peterson

EllEJ,1 Poulsen

Roy Petersen

Janice Parker

Guy Pugmire

Renee Peterson

Donald Peterson

Norma Pederson

June Russell

Golda Roundy

Darrell Reynolds

Rulon Rasmussen

Joyce Reading

Clifton Risk

Dorothy Rasmussen

Gail Russell

Eugene Robinson

Dahrl Reid

Jack Stephensen

Joyce Silcox

Lowe Seal

Alice Mae Sadler

Calvin Sainsbury

• 36-

Emma Samuelson

Leila Steadman

Bob Sioblom

Jerry Sullivan

Mildred Smith

Lorna Steadman


Tillie Serdar

Thomm; Showell, Jr.

Clara Smith

Stev8 Strelich

Shirley Stoker

Vale Saito

Neil Scott

Ida Smith

Reid Smith

Clair Stay

Don Smith

Ralph Sum bot

Reinald Stelter

Juanda Swenson

Joy Thompson

LaRee Turner

Leonard Walgreen

Mary Winn

Ellery Wight

Betty Williams

Grace Young

Doro~l~. y

Phil Whetman

- 37 -

Janice Williams

Clem Washburn

Mary Lou Westbrook

Clarence Wick

ophomore Ly.nn fl.insworth Bernice Atwood Zola fl.dams Beth Anderson Paul Anderson Emery Allen

Myrtle Ahlstrom Val Barnson Loa Beth Beckstead Raymond Burgan Dorothy Bateman Ralph Brown

Oral Birch Rosella Beckstead Edwin Beratto Joyce Beckstead Ronald Beckstrom fune Beckstead

Margie Beckstead Sherwood Boberg Beth Burgan Roy Burr fllice Beck Kent Bodell

Reed Boggess Mildred Brown Lynn Ballard Darlene Bateman Robert Brown Madge Burgan

Ramona Beckstead Marjorie Brown Rea Fay Beckstead Hazel Butterfield LuRee Beckstead Willis Brown

Rae Bastian Doris Brady Marion Burgan Juanita Bodell Percy Cook Mark Carroll

LaMar Christensen Evelyn Crane Don Crane Doris Christensen Toe Cronin Veneda Cowdell

Roberta Carlquist Melvin Cowdept Carol Callicott Betty Condie Tacqueline Collette Ben Crebs

Claude Christensen Nils Carlson Fred Cooper Laura Beth Crump Terome Cushing Maurine Christensen

Tillie Colebrook Glenn Clayton Wendell Cook Lois Marie Crump Barbara Crune La Mar Despain

Oren Dansie Drake Walter Dimond LtiRue Dunn Derrell Dansie Rnnie Decisto


Lois Erickson Bonnie Esperson I essie Cow dell Yvonne Evans Beatrice Freeman Jack Floyd

Shirley Fletter Charles Furse Tunior Frost Yvonne Fowkes Bob Graham Virginia Green

Bert Go.use Alta Glover Paul Greer Annie Golish Norman Green Trena Gooch

A.rliss Goff Maxine Greer Maurine Greer Brigham Gardner Shirley Henderson La Vel Hansen

Diana Hunick Tack Hamilton Vern Hilton Bee Howard Ralph Holt La Von Harden

Heber Hogan Bonnie Holt Jack Heuser Richard Hendrickson Louise Hardman Keith Harrison

Bill Hurd Jean Isaac Calvin Jackson Margaret Joosten Elmer Johnson Shirley Jensen

LaVerla Jones Clel Jensen Bette Johnson Brent Jorgenson Violet Johnson Jr. Jensen

Evelyn Jensen Arlene Johnson Noal Jensen Elsie Janssen Rose Marie Janazich Delores Jenkins

s pho

ores Mae Kemp Dortha Kemp Mary Kekos Marjorie Lancaster Lynn Lake Melba Lovendahl

Herbert Ludwig Joyce Lindahl Arnold Last Ruth Lewis Elva Madsen Stanley Malstrom

Lloyd Mdff Wanda McN arney Carl Morelli Otis Moon Phillip Maynard Jessie Miller

Ray Mead Lois Miller Orville Madsen Barbara May Ronald Madson Juanita Mason

LeRoy Markus

Audrey Middleton Oka Mangum Barbara Maxfield Toala Murphy Ray Malmberg

LaMarr Newbold Farrell Naylor Lucille Nokes Ralph Nelson Geneva Nicholl Donald Nelson

Wendell Nix Betty Nielsen fames Nance Margaret Ontiveros Wilford Olsen Ivagene Olsen

s.phomores i1ichard Orgill Bonno Orgill Verlyn Olson v1avis Page Robert Patience

Rayola Parker Bill Pugmire Marie Parker George Phelps Don Peterson

::::leone Pixton Betty Park LeGrand Poor Grace Rasmussen E:rma Ren

0ene Richards Mary Rasmussen Earl Richardson Jessie Reid George Rasmussen

Richard Rawlings Margaret Robinson Leone Rendlesbach Elizabeth Salay Shirley Searle

.Myrtle Steadman Wayne Smart Glen Sacos Velora Sorenson Billie Steadman

Shirley Steadman Ray Sharp Fay Spencer Ver] Smart Stanley Simper

Marie Smith Leon Smart Kenneth Sharp Ethel Scoggan Don Soffe

Grant Stephenson Gwendolyn Smith Barbara Smith Virginia Swafford Claire Smith

Flovilla Smith Twila Steadman Phyllis Turner Truman Turner Merle Tripp

Don Terkelsen Jacqueline Thaxton Edsel Tholen Mary Tripp Harvey Terry

Elmo Turner Lois Van Donna Van Patricia Williams Maurine Webb

Elmer Williams Esther Wright Jack Wilkins Nadene Willis Bernice Wood

Aaron Walker Etta Whiting Bill Whitehead Darlene Winn fack Wenerstrom

Lucille Walgren Raymond Wright Juanita Wallgren Darrel Walke Ann Webb

Fay Williams Dorothy Young Louise Young Jerry Yates Lucile Young

- - - - - - - - - -45-

Front row, left to right: Ramona Hand, Helen Mabey, flrlene Cottrell, Venna Jensen, Louise Erdman, Ruth Carlson, Donna Niel~";l路n. Second row: Norma Boulter, Frances Wright, Joyce Silcox, Beverly Peterson, Jennie Meade, Claire Stay, LaVell Pugmire, Irene Mickelsen. Third row: Maxine Orton, Beverly foynes, Betty Bradley, Loretta Brown, Fae Bowen, R.nn Loranger, Maxine Gardner, Dorothy Spratling, Rowena Jenkins. Fourth row: Lila fltkinson, Maxine Mickelsen, Lola Morgan, Nila Morgan, LaRue Battison, flfton Densley, Janice Williams, Margaret Borg, fllice Mason. Back row: Roylance Peterson, Betty Williams, Edna Hansen, Belva flndrus, Evelyn Pate, Sybil Greer, Doris Graham, Beverly Pierson, Elaine Kim, Iva Pixton.

CHARLONIAN CLUB E;xclusive Jordan High School Charlonian Club . . . proved noteworthy ... members are honor students of junior and senior classes ... commendable feature- uniform dress in school colors . . . rE?ceived honorary comments on cooperative spirit in cheering teams on to victory ... excellent marching 'tween halves of games ... ideals of club- promoting scholarship, leadership, sportsmanship, fellowship, and pep ... sponsored outstanding Charlonian Ball, assembly . . . original Charlonian initiation, candlelight banquet . . . Louise Erdman, Helen Mabey and Ruth Carlson, club officers ... spirit brought to peak at games by Venna Jensen and Arlene Cottrell ... advisers: Miss Rawson, and Miss Tuttle ...

F. F. A. F. F. A .... one of the outstanding clubs in Jordan ... led by Lyle Smart, Lee Dimond, Kay Harada ... made fine showings c:t livestock shows in Salt Lake and Ogden ... were present at the junior livestock show in June ... displayed wares at both county and state fairs after which the boys' pockets were filled with much prize money ... George fugii received state honor in public speaking ... Mr. Boyce states, "One of the best bunches of boys I have ever worked with" ... November 3, 1939, annual Harvest Ball ... Marjorie Nelson queen ... winners of two outstanding state F. F. A. contests . . . Lyle Smart, Homer Jaynes and Murray Smith represented Utah in the national dairy contests, winning fourth place in the nation . . . Kay Harada, Frank Harada, and George fugii won the state championship in Crops Judging Contests . . . The Jordan F. F. A. has received intermountain recognition as a Chester White Swine breading area ... adviser, Mr. Boyce.

Front row, left to right: Melvin Spencer, Derrell Dansie, Douglas Butterfield, Lynn Bills, Elmo Bills, Fred Cooper, Robert Bateman, Dan Enniss, Don Crane. Second row: Keith Neff, Vernald Newbold, Burke Jensen, Frank Parry, Dale Cardwell, Frank Harada, Orin Dansie, Douglas Miller, Calvin Sainsbury, Leon Hansen, Mr. Boyce. Third row: Clell McMullin, Robert Wilson, Melvin Perry, George Fugii, Kay Harada, Orvill Gillen, Paul Jones, Clifford Lee, Wendell Cook, Anthon Ernstrom, Paul Cook, Roman Gamingasg'o, Darrell Forman, fony Nicoletti. Fourth row: Dahl Clark, Ralph Nielsen, Burnus Butterworth, Don Soffe, Earl Crane, Glen Brown, Jack Silcox, Douglas Brown, Leonard Hathaway, Eugene Price, Rex Butterfield, Lynwood Walker, LaCoy Wardle, Calvin Fairboum. Top row: Paul Bennion, Lee Dimond, Harvey Lehmetz, Parry Greenwood, Reed Nielsen, Gordon Despain, James Leak, Roy Peterson, Leslie Mackay, Clarence Silcox, Edwin Beratto, Earl Butterfield, Dell Wheaden, Parley Glover, Raymond Burgon.

Front row, left to right: G . .A.Hen, L. Battison, R. Densley, R. Hand, F. Wright, J. Meade, N. Steward, V. Green, L. Walker. Second row: D. Spratling, M. Lancaster, L. Morgan, R. Robbins, E. .A.damson, G. Robbins, G. Clark, M. Smith, M. Oakeson. Third row: Miss Bennion, L. Crane, L. Young, N. Mason, J. Parr, J. Bateman, .A.. Cooper, J. Saban, E. Madsen, G. Nielsen. Fourth row: M. Whiting, M. Hogan, T. Morgan, N. Johnson, B. Butterfield, M. Van, R. Beckstead, L. Hardman, M. Webb, M. Silcox. Back row: M. Ahlstrom, B. .Atwood, A. Beck, C. Pixton, I. Olsen, J. Beckstead, 0. Mangum, S. Searle, V. Sorenson, Miss Thackeray.

HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Outstanding organization in school . . . led by president Margaret Silcox, vice president Jessiemae Bills, and secretary Evelyn Jenson composed of future housewives ... candlelight initiation ceremony F. F.' fl. boys' and home economics girls' Christmas party ... dance of the season, the Sweetheart Ball ... main event crowning of Lola Morgan as Cinderella and Alma Richardson as Prince Charming . . . fifteen minute broadcast for benefit of those interested in club activities ... invited to the annual fashion revue at Cyprus . . . attended State Convention ... pins awarded to outstanding girls ... advisers: Miss Trackeray and Miss Bennion.

. 48.

LANGUAGE CLUB Composed of Spanish and French classes . . . create an interest in foreign languages and customs . .. trip to University by French class ... promote picture shows ... leaders: Gus Murphy, Everett Dahl, and Margaret Borg ... adviser, Miss Fraser. Front row, left o right: A. Samuelson, J. Thompson, B. Williams , J. Boulter, V. Ostler, J. Jenson, E. Dahl, H. Butterfield, M. McKee, H. Bowen. Second row: C. Cronin, E. Marks, M. Ontiveros, N. Hesse, A. Densley, B. Holt, R. Hendrickson, T. id~exander, R. Burr, F. Fergusson. Third row: P. Williams, T. Murphy, M. Ontiveros, S. Searle, B. Parks, L. Christensen, N. Gardner, K. Woodhead, M. Berrett, S. Boberg, J. Kerr. Fourth row: G. Denney, N. Mason, E. Jensen, T. Holmes, L. Miller, N. Rudelick, F. Spencer, N. Scott, G. Murphy, E. Leonard, L. Ostler. Back row: A. DeCisto, M. Kekos, R. Price, L. Atkinson, R. D. Shulsen, S. Kasuga, J. Wilkins, M. Groves, E. Smith, M. Woodhead, M. Winn, E. Woodhead, L. Erdman, B. Curtis, A. Mason, 0. Madsen.

FORENSIC CLUB Second year for club . .. debate . .. speech . . . plays ... enter contest at "U" ... also at "Y" . . . Iva Pixton, Belva Andrus-Vaughn Kimball, Eugene Pearson-Everett Dahl, Don Lake-Ruth Greenwood, Irene Mickelson form debate teams .. . radio talks ... enthusiastic supporters of all other school activities ... carry on next year ... advisers: Miss Hansen, Miss Tuttle, Mr. Crawford, Mr. Goldbranson. Front row, left to right: D. Rasmussen, T. Charlier, M. Hogan, E. Dahl, E. Jenson, L. Poliner, A. Loranger, A. Holt, M. Fitzgerald. Second row: B. Tate, G. Clark, M. Silcock, B. Smih, E. Janssen, M. Robinson, E. Peters on, J. Thompson, V. Jenson, G. Sacos, M. Johnson. Third row: E. Pearson, W. Barnes, I. Olson, I. Pixton, M. Fitzgerald, L. Clayton, B. Condie, R. Carlquist, B. Holt, S. Jenson, C. Stay, G. Butler, D. Millerberg. Fourth row: S. Peterson, M. Berrett, G. Fugii, B. Ballard, R. Greenwood, E. B. Fowler, R. Jenkins, F. Nielson, J. Saban, M. Nicolleti, G. Bolliger, Z. Burmingham. Back row: R. Beck, S. Greer, D. Graham, V. Kimball, E. Tholen, C. Cronin, G. Clayton, J. Wilkins, D. Hilton, B. Pierson, N. Hesse, D. Nielson, G. Stevenson.

CHEMISTRY CLUB Front row, left to right: Lucille Malstrom, Clair Stay, Marjorie Williams, Dorothy Spratling, Maxine Gardner; back row: Don Crawford, Bob Ballard, Grant Burgon, Frank Nelson, Parley Glover, Darwin Rasmussen.

CAMERA CLUB Front row, left to right: Gloria Denney, Ruby Robbins, Gwen Clark, Mac Van, Venna Jensen, Grant Burgan, Edna Hansen, Velora Sorenson. Middle row: Carol Esperson, Anne Lorranger, Dorothy Maxfield, Fen Robinson, Gladys Butler, June Saben, Mildred Smith, Lester Poliner, Mary Van. Back row: Kay Harada, LaVelle Pugmire, Rowena Jenkins, Vance Burgan, Gordon Despain, Evelyn Pate, Floyd Pixton, Vale Saito, Setsu Kasuga.

FUTURE TEACHERS Front row, left to right: Lola Morgan, Don Smith, Beverly Pierson, Clem Washburn, Margaret Borg, Reed Grant. Second row: Afton Densley, Billie Burgon, Dorothy Rasmussen, Edna Hansen, Jessie B. Casper, Venna Jensen, Iva Pixton, Belva Andrus. Back row: Calvin Fairbourn, Jackie Wilkins, Donna Jensen, Earl Leonard, Irene Mickelsen, Reed Smith, Ruth Greenwood, Janice Williams, Nancy Hesse, Neil Gardner.

. 50-

JANITORS .Almy Dowding, Dewey Dowding, bosses ... members, boys of the student body ... sweep the floors ... dust the desks ... clean : .. clean . .. clea~ . . . shovel paths . . . keep the building warm . . . play basketball with the farmers ... N. Y. fl. ... boys help ... boys earn own spending money ... Janitors' Club ... thanks for the comfort.

BUS DRIVERS First gear . second gear . . . third gear . . . fourth gear . . . the day begins in the bus ... songs ... jokes . . . naps . . . lessons on the way ... talks from drivers ... naughty boys see Mr. Nelson ... sassy girls walk .. .first gear ... second gear ... third gear ... fourth gear ... home again ... rides to football games, basketball games, all special events . . . most important- "]" Day . . . what could we do without them? . . . the stage drivers ... adviser, Mr. Nelson.


Left to right: Glen Sacos, Marvin



La ndgre n,

Ralph Nelson, Bert Gause, Nolan Hardcas tle,




Mumford, Alma Dowding.


Front row, left to right: Earl Maynard, Warren Casper, Ruel Walker,




Despain, Allan Stocking, Doyle Tempest,

Frank Oakeson . Back

row: Leon Butler, Floyd Sheppick, Gilbar! Benson, Dell Haun, Anto!1e




Silmer Hilton, Dale Nelson, Clar~nee


- 51 -

COMMERCIAL CONTESTS Top picture- Bookkeeping Teams, left to right: Richard Young, James Butterfield, Louise Hardman, Joyce Beckstead, Keith Poulson, Glen Clayton. Bottom picture- Shorthand and Type Teams, seated, left to right: Margaret Robinson, Sybil Greer, Betty Brandley, Hazel Richards; standing: Roylan.c e Peterson, Iris Green, Beth Burgon, Don Crawford, Theodore Alexander, Velora Sorenson, Norma Smith, Beverly Jaynes. Edna Hansen, and Lu Ree Turner not photographed. The Intermountain Commercial Contest sponsored by the B. Y. U. . . . held on April 12 ... the amateur type team members Norma Smith, Beverly Jaynes, and Theodore Alexander took third place honors ... other teams were Roylance Peterson, Margaret Robinson, and Don Crawford, first year typing team . . . Edna Hansen, V elora Sorensen, and Beth Burgon, second year typing team . . . Edna Hansen, Iris Green, and La Ree Turner, first year shorthand ... Hazel Richards, Betty Bradley, and Sybil Greer, second year shorthand team . . . James Butterfield, Joyce Beckstead, Louise Hardman, Glenn Clayton, Keith Poulson, and Richard Young, bookkeeping team.

- 52 -

DEBATING Davis at Jordan ... first of March ... Jordan at Granite and at Murray, fourteenth of March ... words with East High and West High on their stages on twenty-seventh of March ... main debate at University of Utah, March 29 and 30 ... B. Y. U. meet, .April 5 ... chosen members ... student tryouts ... debates in English, history and social science classes . . . deep thinkers . good sports . . . advisers, Miss Hansen, Mr. Crawford, Mr. Goldbranson.

SENIOR TE.AM Left to right: Vaughn Kimball, Don Lake, Eugene Pearson, Everett Dahl, Ruth Greenwood, Iva Pixton, Irene Mickelsen, Belva .Andrus.

SOPHOMORE TE.AM Seated: Glenn Clayton, Roberta Carlquist; standing: Delores Jenkins, Rayola Parker, Cleone Pixton, Ivagene Olson, Dorothy Young, Clell Jenson.

JUNIOR TE.AM Elsie Peterson, Warren Barnes, Elma Beth Fowler.

Front row, left to right: Maxine Orton, Mac Van, Loretta Brown, Jr. Jenson. Back row: Gail Payne, Melvin Berrett, lrmadel Evans, Delbert Larson, Tracy Nelson, Betty Bradley, Vaughn Kimball, Ward Despain.

Broadcaster . . . ten editions . . . one literary magazine fifty eight staff members ... upheld creed ... "To uphold the high ideals of Jordan" ... To promote sportsmanship and good will ... To support all worthy student activities" . . . member of National Scholastic Press Association ... carried news of important school events . . . opera, school play, athletic activities, social events, birthdays ... we take pride in having such a competent staff. The school magazine . . . put out instead of the ninth edition of the Broadcaster ... composed of literary material ... parts from various English classes . . . business and art classes helped in publishing . . . new this year . . . a success .

. 54.

Staff: Loretta Brown, managing editor; Maxine Orton, Dale Nelson, Mac Van, Irmadell Evans, associate editors; Vaughn Kimball, Mel Berrett, sports editors; Tracy Nelson, exchange editor; Gail Payne, Delbert Larson, artists; Miss Rawson, Mr. Ballard, Mr. Green, advisers; Ward Despain, business manager; Junior Jensen, assistant business manager; Betty Bradley, .Alice Karaglanis, typists.

REPORTERS In picture, front row: .Alice Karaglanis, Ward Despain, Irma Jenkins, Lois Walker, Douglas Miller, Dona Nix, Vertice Smith; second row: Edith Jenson, LaVelle Pugmire, Carol Esperson, Margaret Stowe, Vance Burgon, Roy Riska, Rowena Russell, Dorothy Spratling, Florence Nielson; third row: Kay Harada, Lawana Beckstead, Fae Bowen, Dick Wilcox, Gordan Jenson, Roylance Peterson, Margaret Borg, Verla Ostler, La Rue Battison; back row: Gus Murphy, Blaine Hilton, George Fujii, Frank Harada, Printess Fitzgerald, Mel Berrett. Clem Washburn, Lucille Malstrom, Dale Nelson, Darwin Rasmussen.


. 55 -

BEETDIGGER STAFFS Business staff ... coupons ... fniances ... first payment ... second payrnent ... the school's business men ... budgets ... advertising . . . pictures ... contracts ... agreements . . . financial managers of the yearbook won't take "no" for an answer ... collect revenue ... good scouts.

Front row, left to right: Velora Sorenson, Lynn Ballard, Louise Hardman, Douglas Beckstead, La Verla Jones, Billie Steadman, Etta Whiting. Second row: Roberta Carlquist, Glen Clayton, Marjorie Lancaster, Gloria Denney, Marian Vawdrey, Herbert Butterfield, Ruth Carlson, Della Lundberg, Maurine Greer, Donna Van. Third Row: Sherwood Boberg, La Vel Hansen, Oka Mangum, Violet Johnson, Richard Hendrickson, Venecia Cowdell, Elsie Janssen, Jack Hamilton, Elaine Kirn. Back row: La Mar Newbold, Milford Mabey, Mr. Crawford, Drew Pearson, Adviser, Mr. Crawford. Photographer, Mr. Orson Smith.

- 56 -

First row , left to right: Janice Williams, LeRoy Riska, Lucille Walgren, Lucille Ma lstrom, Da vid Meye r. Second row: Edna Hansen, Irmadell Evans, Erma Ren, Dale Ne lson, Miss Gardner.

Staff: Lucille Malstrom, editor; Russel Beck, associate editor; Lowell Ostler, assistant editor; Vale Saito, assistant editor; Beth Bate man, Irmadell Evans, senior editors; Janice Williams, Edna Hansen, junior editors; Erma Ren, Lucille Walgren, sophomore editors; Rulon Rasmussen, athletics; Gwen Clark, publications and contests; Gladys Engman, dramatics; Lola Morgan, music; Faye Poulas, Beverly Peterson, girls' organization; LeRoy Riska, Dale Nelson, boys' organization; David Meyer, artist; Miss Gardner, adviser.

. 57 .

First row, left to right: Roberta Carlquist, Evelyn Pate, Erma Jenkins, Verla Ostler, Joyce Boulter, Dale Ballard, Dorothy Young, Twila Steadman, Farrell Naylor, Rulon Rasmussen, Doris Fitzgerald. Second row: Clair Stay, Carol Esperson, Edith Jensen, Maxine Mickelsen, Joyce Reading, Rowena Jenkins, Margaret Silcox, Ruby Robbins, fl.rlene Cotterell, Antone Ernstrom, Riter Stuart, Jack Stephensen, Roy Riska. Third row: Grace Butterfield, Delores Millerberg, Gladys Butler, Grant Burgon, LeRoy Clayton, Warren Hughes, Bruce Peterson, Inez Freeman, James Crapo, Dale Donahoo, fl.Ima Richardson, Mr. Crapo, instructor. Fourth row: Scott Wyberg, Dale Cardwell, Gwendolyn Crane, Donna Nielsen, Margaret Borg, Barbara Dewey, Robert Sand~rson, Floyd Pixton, La Vell Pugmire, David Meyer. Fifth row: Don Page, William Adamson, Clark Hall, Lola Morgan, Nila Morgan, Rowena Russell, Lorna Crane, Junior Jones, LaRue Batlison. Sixth row: Keith fl.nderson, Vernal Newbold, Jimmy Kerr, Ralph Page, Eugene Robinson, Seth Bills, Kelvin Evans, Lowe Seal, Betty McNamara, Clem Washburn.

BAND Public performers . . . snappy organization . . . classy uniforms . . . ardent supporters of activities ... efficient concert entertainers . .. made fine display on Salt Lake's Main Street ... performed at Tabernacle Mr. Crapo's band . .. a credit to the school.

- 58-

ORCHESTRA Music appreciation . . . effective, emotional, composition . . . added the right touch to the school play ... supplemented the opera. Mr. Crapo, conductor.

Front row: Carol Esperson, Roberta Carlquist, Ivagene Olson, Maxine Micklesen, Gwen Clark, Belva .Andrus, Gaile Russell, Dorothy Young, La Vell Hanson, Albert Williams, Myrna Jenson, Kathrine Frates, Evelyn Jenson. Second row: .Arlene Molyneaux, Fern Richardson, Brent Jorgenson, Dale Donahue, Alma Richardson, Clem Washburn, Carol Callicott, Lynn Ballard, Gertrude Reese, La Rue Battison, Seth Bills, Ruby Robbins, Rae Fae Beckstead. Back row: Doris Fitzgerald, David Meyer, Mr. Crapo, conductor.

Front row: Tracy Nelson, Margaret Stowe, Alma Richardson, Maxine Orton, Clark Hall, Vertice Smith, Dale Nelson. Back row: Don Smith, Iva Plxton, Melvin Johnson, Verla Ostler, Darwin Rasmussen, Dorothy Wilcox, Lois Walker.

THE MOCKING BIRD Alert characteristics . . . interest created by accurate depicting of characters . . . polish and finesse . . . panorama of colors and scenes .


acteristically Jordan . . . this and more depict the presentation of the annual Jordan operetta "The Mocking Bird" . .

directed by Mr. Crapo and

staged by Miss Tuttle . . . dances by Miss Bee .

. starring such future greats

in dramatics as Louise Erdman, Maxine Orton, Dale Nelson, Clark Hall and Alma Richardson ... composed by members of girls' glee club, boys' glee club and the Jordan orchestra ... presented to general public for their approval on April 11.

. 6:.J .

OPERA CAST OF CHARACTERS Lowe Seal played the discreet French governor of New Orleans, General Aubrey; Alma Richardson, the romantic aide to the Governor, Eugene de Lorme; Tracy Nelson, the pompous, rich, old Maxime Grandpre; Louise Erdmann, Maxine's lovely ward, Yvette Millet; Maxine Orton, the beautiful immigrant girl, Manon de Lange, who is known as the Mocking Bjrd and turns out to be the cousin of the King; Dale Nelson, who wouldn't shave for six months in order to look the part, played the fierce, old French Pirate, Jean Le Farge, famous as Dale's beard; Clark Hall was Bob Finchley, a young Virginian who was that way about the mocking bird; Melvin Johnson, the doughty Captain Beloit of the ship "Marseilles"; Darwin Rasmussen, Don Aurelia de Mendez, a Spanish envoy; Margaret Stowe, the wealthy Marquise de Vilievois; Vertice Smith, her niece; Louise Walker, Janette, an immigrant girl; Dorothy Wilcox, Lenore, another immigrant girl; Verla Ostler, Javotte, the governor's housekeeper; Iva Pixton, Chloe, a slave of Maxine's; and Don Smith, Pierre, a Negro butler.


Louise Erdman and Alma Richardson

Iva Pixton and Don Smith

Tracy Nelson and Margaret Stowe

. 61.

Clark Hall and Maxine Orton


Boyd leads out at the LJ. stadium.

The band tries out the new stage.

SOPHOMORE BAND Front row, left to right: Reed Ernstrom, Marvin Mon teer, Wardle Steadman, Richard Orgill, Norman Green, Valoy Winward, Richard Young, Jesse Jean Miller; second row: Carol Callicott, Albert Williams, Le Grand Poor, Edsal Tholen, Billy Pugmire, Lucille Nokes, Clell Jenson, Boyd Glacier, Maxine Hanson; third row: Emery Allen, Melvin Dunn, Jack Wilkins, Earl Richardson, Bonnie Esperson, Dorothy Bateman, Mavis Page, Shirley Searle, La Mar Newbold, Mr. Crapo; fourth row: Wayne Gould, Lynn Ballard, Ralph Brown, Blaine Berrett, Glen McCarthy, Junior Dimond, Max Pierce, Ray Sharp, Keith Harrison, Lowel Thompson, Betty Anderson; back row: Lynn Lake, Richard Rawlins, Laura Beth Crump, Delores Jenkins, Done Crane, Roland Gothberg, Junior Frost, Paul Anderson, Billy Hurd, Ray Mamberg, Alvin Malstrom . . 62.

CHORUSES Melodious groups ... highly rated at contest ... fine showing in opera. Girls' Glee Club, front row, left to right: Betty Condie, Doris ~rady, Aileen Casper, Erma Jenkins, Alice Karaglanis, Rosie Arigona, Clare Stay, Della Lundberg, Joyce Silcox, Norma Boulter; second row: Beatrice Freeman, Mary Winn, Muriel Fitzgerald, Maxine Greer, Clair Smith, Annie Goolish, Reida Palmer, Dorothy Wilson, Gertrude Reese, Evelyn Teer link, Lois Walker; third row: Iva Pixton, Margaret Stowe, Florence Nielsen, Verla Ostler, Roylance Peterson, Elsie Peterson, Joy Thompson, Joyce Boulter, Belva Hendricksen, Afton Childs, Beverly Pierson, Alice Holt, Joyce Lindahl, Grace Rasmussen; fourth row: Maxine Orton, Bernice Atwood, Marion Burgon, Jennie Mead, Frances Wright, Lucille Evans, Mildred Smith, Fay Bowen, Donna Huff, Marjorie Newbold, Jacqueline Collett, Audrey Middleton, Donna Nielsen, Elaine Nielsen; fifth row: Mary Masich, Janice Parker, Mary Nicoletti, Myrtle Alstrom, Nancy Hesse, Louise Erdman, Shirley Hendersen, Alice Beck, Roberta Carlquist, Lorna Johnson, Phylis Turner, Shirley Steadman, Vertice Smith, Dona Nix, Hazeldene Poulsen, Ruth Carlson, Mr. Crapo; back row: Rowena Russell, VaLoy Brady, Edyth Palmer, Viola Jenson, Marel Fullmer, Lois Miller, Ellen Poulsen, Bonnie Esperson, Beatris Curtis, Elaine Kim, Dorthy Wilcox, Marian Anderson, Grace Butterfield, Echo Maxfield, Evelyn Crane, Lawana Beckstead. Boys' Glee Club, front row: Jimmy Kerr, Bernarr Furse, Ralph Thompson, Gordan Jenson, Clark Hall, George Brady, Clarence Wicke, Glenn Clayton; second row: Mr. Crapo, Eugene Nordberg, Elmo Turner, La Var Huff, Clem Washburn, Alma Richardson, Sam Beckstead, Donald Green, Max Cope, Dale Nelson; back row: Elwin Butterfield, Ronald Whittle, June Lowe, Lowe Seal, Melvin Johnson, Grant Burgon, Parley Glover, Frank Nelson, Darwin Rasmussen.

DRAMATICS "320 COLLEGE AVENUE" This mystery drama held its audience breathless with its combined humor and mystery. Written by Ballard and Eberhard, the play gave ample opportunity for the actors to display their talents. The production was ably directed by Miss Tuttle.

The cast of characters in the photograph are, left to right, front row: Tracy Nelson as Hap, Iva Pixton as Phyllis, Golden Jensen as Phoenix, Alma Richardson as Billy, Gwen Clark as Mossy, Melvin Johnson as a cop, Irmadell Evans as Dean Olivia D. Ool, Darwin Rasmussen as the chief of police; second row: Gordon Jenson as an orderly, Ralph Thompson as an orderly, Helen Mabey as Nan, Everet Dahl as the doctor, Lee Beckstead as Lee, Ivagene Olson as Doreen, Delbert Larson as Val, Grant Burgon as the chief's assistant, Dale Nelson as Russ; back row: Clem Washburn as Professor Slopes, Joyce Reading as Rita; Roy Riska as a cop, Don Lake as Cy, Winona Christenson as Judith Wayne, Stanley Peterson as Ken, Fae Bowen as Nydia, La Marr Swenson as Romney, Carol Collicott as Lucille, Dale Ballard as Ernie. Ruth Greenwood played Minna.

- 64.



Contribution of five senior members of speech department ... presented on the school's evening program of music and drama . . . written in free verse form ... play is based upon conflict in mind of each character as to the causes of his actions ... interestingly worked out ... interestingly presented ... members of cast and characters portrayed in picture at left are: Winona Christianson as Ann; Alma Richardson, holding Ann, as Garl; Dale Nelson, at left, as Bill; Donna Jensen, standing, as Miss Jule; and Echo Maxfield, seated, as Miss Rose. At the annual speech tournament at the B. Y. U. three junior students represented Jordan in the dramatic and humorous reading contests. Venna Jensen was awarded a diploma for excellence for her interpretation of "The Wisdom of Solomon," a humorous reading in Negro dialect. Helen Mabey read "Crimson Rambler" and Clem Washburn read a Kathryn Kimball character skech of Malvolia from "Twelfth Night," by William Shakespeare. In the oratorical contest, "Preservation of Democracy," sponsored by the American Legion, Jessimae Bills won first place, appearing before the English, history, and speech classes. She represented the school at Murray on April 6th. Elma Beth Fowler represented t}1e school at the contest at the University of Utah. Other contestants were Ruth Greenwood and Vaughn Kimball. Picture at right, left to right: Jessiemae Bills, Elma Beth Fowler, Vaughn Kimball, Ruth Greenwood.

. 65.

SPECIAL PROGRAMS HOME EC. BROADCAST Left to right: Margaret Silcox, Dorothy Spratling, Margaret Hogan, Frances Wright, Florence Nielson. CHARLONIAN PROGRAM Top to bottom, left: Maxine Orton, Elaine Kim, Ann Loranger, Alice Mason, Beverly Pierson, Jennie Mead, Lila Atkinson; right: Margaret Borg, Emma Samuelson, Maxine Mickelsen, Beverly Peterson, Donna Nielsen, LaVelle Pugmire, Claire Stay. TRAVELING ASSEMBLY Front row: Delbert Larson, Warren Hughes, LeRoy Clayton, Melvin Larson, Alma Richardson, Rulon Rasmussen, Clem Washburn; back row: Frances Wright, Joyce Lindahl, Gertrude Reese, Venna Jenson, Arlene Cottrell, Doris Fitzgerald, Vertice Smith, Maxine Orton.

Top row, left to right: Charlonian initiation day- tousands an' tousands of thee fooniest peeples ... More initiates. Middle row: "I get the black hoss," "I get the lion." Merry-go-round lineup on "J" day ... "I ain't got nobody, nobody cares for me." -


Leakesses's donkey (Taint what I heerd it called) ... A scene of the Prom. Bottom row: "Whose hand's that?" Looks like Nick's to me ... Look at that hat - - ??? - - Oh-h-h-h it's Minnie Mouse ... "When come on the field."


see our team

The in and out of the bus ... Those daze on the lawn ... Gossip, gossip, gossip -

tsk, tsk ... Hm.mm-m not bad ... Championship game at the U.

stadium ... Shut your mouth, Floyd; or are you concentrating ... Nothin' like the spring- tra la ... Now, boys, don't get nasty again ... It was very lovely weather, I'll bet ... What poise! What physique] What form] Wow! be frightened, little girl. We won't hurt you .

• 68


ATHLETICS Jordan, this year, has completed a most successful venture into the world of sports. Being possessed with athletes of the highest quality and a coaching staff, unexcelled anywhere, the athletic department has turned out one of the most successful years in school history. Topping the list of achievements is our winning of the State Football Championship. Winning ten straight games in their drive to the state title, the football team stood out head and shoulders above anything this state had to offer. Not only did they win these games, but their margin of victory was so decisive that there could be no doubt as to their superiority. In basketball, too, Jordan came to the front as a power, placing seventh in the state and losing to only two teams throughout the season. Although their seasons are not as yet complete, our track and tennis team~ show prospects of bringing in still more recognition. Taking it all into consideration, we should be proud of what the coaches and students of this school have achieved during the past year. Their records are really something outstanding. Great coaching . . . hard training . . . constant diligence . . . plenty of intestinal fortitude ... qualities that brought cur team this year the top-most rating in the state of Utah - The State Championship! SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL

13 Jordan 13 Jordan 12 Jordan 13 Jordan 40 Jordan 19 Jordan

Murray Tooele Cyprus Bingham Granite Davis

0 6 0 0 12 6 Coaches John Vranes, Dunn Taylor, Joe Workman


Front row , 1 fl lo righ l: Nick Zagarich, Gus Murphy, Clair Lloyd, Dick Howard, Ralph 8rane , Nick Rudelick , Pa ul Cook. Second row: Melvin Johnson, Ge ne Fox, Sam Beckstead, Va ughn Kimball, Bill Poulson, Chloris Milne, Dan Dunn. Third row: Low ell Thompson, Ronald Whlll , Eugene Robinson, Darwin Richardson. Back row: Bob Price, Prentiss 路 Pitzg ra ld, Ward Despain, Scott Wyberg, Don Soffe, Bla ine Hilton, Neil Scott, Ha rold rhompson, Bob Boo th .

Defeated in last year's state finals, the squad this year came b;:1ck with a bang and walked over all opposition in sight. After starting out with a victory over the defending state champions, Carbon, by the score of 13-0, they defeated in successive weeks, Grand Junction, Colorado, 15-0 in a game played under the arcs at Grand Junction, and Richfield by a score of 47-0 in a game played at Richfield. In league play, for the sixth successive year with the exception of one game, Jordan came through undefeated, Davis and Tooele being the only teams to offer any opposition, whatsoever. In the state finals, played at the U. of U. stadium, the powerful Jordan e leven turned back the game, but clearly outplayed North Cache Bulldogs by a score of 13-0. It was in this clash that Jordan displayed its greatest power. After being touted as a team made up of all "brawn'' and no, "brains" these Beetdiggers outguessed, outsmarted, and outplayed the clever Bulldogs from up North in such a manner that those who had so classified them, turned about and called them the smartest state champions in years. Every member of the first team received mention on the all-state selections. Bob Price and Nick Mascaro were elected by the lettermen to succeed Dan Dunn and Ralph Crane as co-captains for the coming year.


Melvin Johnson (Fullback)

Eugene Robinson (Fullback)


Lowell Thompson (End) Co-capt. 1940

Sam Beckstead (Quarterback) Managers: James Brown, left;

Scott W iberg (Center)

Polson (End)

Dick Howard (End)

Wendell Cook (Guard)

Gene Fox (End)

Niel Scott (Guard)

Gus Murphy (Tackle)

Dan Dunn (Halfback) Captain


Nick Mascara, right. Lee Beckstead

Darwin Richardson (Tackle)

Lee Dimond (End)

Nick Zagarich (Center)

Reed Egbert (Tackle)

Ralph Crane (Quarterback)

Nick Mascaro Co-capt. 1940

James Brown (End)

Ward Despain (fullback)

Prentice Fitzgerald (End)

Blaine Hilton (Guard)

Jack Gilbert (Tackle)

Ronald Whittle (Halfback)

Nick Rudelick (Guard)

Don Soffe (Center)

Lettermen without photographs: Clair Lloyd, Chloris Milne, Vaughn Kimball, Harold Thompson, Paul Cook, Bob Price.

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan -

13 - 15 47 - 07 20 - 27 46 - 28 07 - 13

Carbon G. Junction Richfield Tooele Granite Murray Cyprus Grantsville Davis N. Cache

(Oct. 6) (Oct. 13) (Oct. 20) (Oct. 27) (Nov. 3) (Nov. 10) (Nov. 25) • 73-

0 - 0 0 - 0 0 - 6 0 - 7 6 - 0

PRE-SEASON Jack Gilbert Guard V eldon Larson Forward LeRoy Clayton Guard Dick Howard Guard John Mazuran Center Gene Fox Guard Maughn Kimball Forward Reed Grant Forward

33 Jordan 36 Jordan 35 Jordan

Springville Springville Grand Junction

28 16 25


34 17 61 42 49 51 48 28 29

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

Davis 31 Granite 20 Cyprus 17 Tooele 23 Bingham 35 Cyprus 23 Grantsville 31 Murray 24 Granite 32 TOURNAMENT

41 Jordan 29 Jordan 47 Jordan 28 Jordan

Carbon 19 Provo 40 Murray 39 Granite 31




37 Jordan



League Games

36 21 32 36 33 43 34 20

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

Davis Granite Cyprus Tooele Bingham Grantsville Murray Granite

28 25 10

12 13 8 28 18

Tied with Granite for District Championship . . . defeated only once by Granite . . . came back to defeat them on Granite's own floor.


20 28 29 23 37 19 26 14

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

Cyprus Granite Tooele Murray Davis Tooele Davis Cyprus

23 22 10 42 30 21 35 16

DINGS Front row: Rulon Rassmuson, George Pavich, Phil Maynard, Bob Sjoblom. Back row: Eddie Norvich, Bill Poulsen, Jack Silcox, Ray Malmberg, Lowell Thompson, Guy Pugmire, Orvis Pollock, Floyd Handley. INTRAMURAL CHAMPS- Warren Hughes, Mel Berrett, Richard Hendricksen, Darrel Reynolds, Junior Jenson, Eugene Mumford .

. 75 .

TRACK Prospects are very high for a good showing in the state track finals, Sjoblom, Grant, Smith, and Company, together with a crack half-mile relay team, should place high when the points are counted for the state championship . . . Defeated by .American Fork in a meet held at .American Fork . . . Won district meet at Granite with 37 V2 points, Granite placing 2nd with 34, and Murray following with 31 V2.

TENNIS Second in league composed of teams from Granite, Murray, Bingham and Jordan. SCHEDULE 3 Jordan 1 Jordan 3 Jordan

Murray Granite Bingham

0 2 0

Murray Granite Bingham

3 Jordan 0 Jordan 3 Jordan

0 3 0

Competed in region meet as second place team and in B. Y. U. invitational. Results, however, are not known as book goes to press.

TRA.CK Front row: Grant,

Don Smith, Reeo




Terry, Berl Nichols, LeRoy Clayton,


Brown, John Baird,

Ralph Crane.

Back row: Dunn





Marchant, Bob Sjoblom, Vaughn Kimball, Gilb rt Green, Eugene Robinson, Melvin Johnson, Dick Howard,




Thompson. James Brown.


lo righ:

Melvin Berrell,

Louis Nicholl, Rulon Rasmussen, Ralph Brown, Lester Poliner.



Posture Parade

Girls show outstanding ability in sports .. . tumbling ... aches .. pains ... sore muscles ... softball .

speedball .

basketball . .

hitpin ball . . . recreational activities . .

dancing .

waltz, tango, jitterbug, tap, creative, folk

. . stretching, pulling, jump-

ing, rolling .

social, foxtrot,

aim- good figures, personality, know one's self and

others . . . gym jamboree . . . attention . . . left, right, left, right ready march ... guide right . . . posture-parade featuring thirty-five of Jordan's femininity . . . triple A rating at Provo .

. 77.

Charlonians on parade, Louise leads .. . Arlene standing still! Impossible ... Jest the boys- noon .. . Mmm, more fun . . . Whose little brother's got the cutting urge now. Apes

+ . . . More

of the boys.

Look at me. I'm the highest. Yes, Miss Smith.

What big feet you have, gents.

Just we three.

Probably expecting

three others any time now.

Going home? You guess.

Look out, Venna. You'll miss it.

Turnin' your backs on us, eh? . . . Teeth that shine. The "smile" that adds years to your life ... "J" day with the grads ... Oh joy! What a life! ... Clel almost got cut off but we notice you ... More of the initiation There's those boys again ... .Ain't love grand they're not twins ... West Jordan plus.

Georgie and Gwen. No,

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