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Come thrll a school Year. JV/th



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~ A.

,v a1n entrance c. 1

Comin8 up the main walk you can 80 to the school or branch off and visit with the chiefs .... Administration Building



Business Mgr.



Publicity Mgr.



Publicity Mgr.

or perhaps you will just wander around the campus -

peek into

the shops or just look at the campus scenery.



Dr. C. N. Jensen Administration Chief

The present global war and the kind of peace after war, hold large sway in the thinking of every youth now in school, at work, or in the armed forces of our nation. In the conflicting ideas and diversity of thought which confront everyone, it is necessary now more than ever that the democratic way of life be fully understood , fully appreciated, and always kept in mind. What is held of most worth and most highly esteemed, is worth sacrificing for and dying for, if need be. Already many former Jordan High School stu dents and some of your near classmates are at the battle front fighting for the ideals in which they believe. They are true to the trust and the responsibilities demanded of American citizens. Now that you are separating for the summer and some of you are being graduated, may you also be found in every condition of life, worthy to do your part until war shall cease and an enduring peace shall cover the world.



re ' v c.:fmj('1t

Guiding forces for student needs

Front row, left to righr: Cyrus W. Vawdrey, Draper; James C . Hansen , South Jordan; Dr. lngvoldstad, visiring lecturer; Dr. Paul S. Richards, Bingham, president. Back row: Dr. C. N. Jensen, Sandy; Horace T. Godfrey, Uni on; Stanley Rasmussen, Sandy, Clerk; J . M. Boyden , Sandy.


Times Change

L. W. Nielsen

The 1943 Yearbook will recall to the minds of future readers the most numerous and important changes in the principles of living of possibly any previous edition. Menta lly , spiritually and socially youth is being called upon to respond and adju st to so many new ways of behaving that con fusion and uncertainty mark most attempts to think clearly , to live righteously, and behave effectively for both individual and general welfare. The war and home production call upon t he keenest minds to take the lead. Political adjustments to new organization and ad minist ration of the affa irs of the nation 's people call for statesmanlike practices whi ch t ax the mental resources of the people.

P. M. Mickelsen Mi dvale U. of U. , U.S .A .C. Co-ord i na t or N.Y.A.

Principal Sand y U. of U. , U. of Ca li forn ia

No national unity of the type needed to guide civil and war affairs has yet emerged . Some minds mu st discove r the lead s which bear on to a solution of these new problems. The democratic ideals are at stake. It is to be hoped that Jefferson 's statement that their survival depends upon an educated electorate may prove true and also that the electorate may have the mental ability and courage to prove it true. Spiritually, many people are literally forced by circumstances of war to believe in the power of God. Whether su c h spirituality will be permanent remains for the future to tell. Not all people are spiritually minded because of these conditions. Many are so minded in spite of them. Many have not awakened to the culture inherent in obedience to divine law and order. The changes ahead may yet offer an opportunity for world -wide spiritual cu/tu re and refinement. The social changes of the present are too prone to accede to the baser desires of the physical man. The interdependence of the economic and spiritual and moral welfare may grow closer and clearer under the sifting and threshing forces now operating in the global cataclysm of war and destruction. Already men are promulgating new principles of living, new modes of behavior, new standards of responsibility, higher standards of general welfare. Time alone will reveal whether such changes will be for better or for worse for mankind. r / ,fl ,. ;1 -( 1 .-.L.

At the end of a busy day , Lu cille balances the cash.

Maybe a lecture , an assembly, or a full class day is being planned.

II . ./ 11t( 1Sn1 1

Lucille Cundick W est Jordan L.D.S. Bu siness C ollege O ffi ce Gi rl

The Leaders Upon whom rested the responsi~ility of seeing that the assemblies,

shows, games, and all other activiTies_ ran smoothly.

Ralph Leonard President


smiling, he greets one and all alike- an

1--:---,-,~~~er last year, he was well prepared to fill the job so well.

Donna- popular beauty from Midvale who has proved her ability in all walks of life- sweet, loving, and busy every minutethree times vice-president at Jordan- she's tops! Marydean- our competent secretary- versatile and accomplished dancer, she kept the notes of the Student Body in order, as well as the student officers. Jeanne- gay- entertaining historian- she finds time to orate, party, and keep tabs on the doings of Jordan for her scrapbook.

Jeanne Steadman Historian

Marydean Gilbert Secre~ary

Donna Radovich Vi ce-President


Court These students represent the "long arm of the law" at Jordan. Judge "Charlie," Associate Justice Ted, and Soph Judge "Kenny" passed sentence on lawbreakers after they were brought in to court by Marshall Merland, proved guilty by Prosecuting Attorney Vern. Clerk Doris recorded the deeds.

Sitting, left to right: Doris Borg, Kenneth Steadman, Charles Greenwood, Ted Peterson. Standing: Merland Despain, Vern Welch .


Student Council Each class was represented by a member


the council,

to decide the what, when, where and how of the school activities. All important problems were discussed and settled within the four walls of the student body room.

Front row,

left to


Mary Lou


Geniel Beck, Ruth Kim, Irene McGee, Jeanne Steadman,





Leola Bateman, Bonnie Parr, Mary Saito. Second row: Shirley Seal, Lois Evans, Delores Steadman, Jean Sanderson, Marian Mazanis, Doris Borg, Marietta Clement, Georgia Poulson, Helen Mickleson, Mary Fairbourn, Donna Hiatt. Third row: Betty Evans, Karl Ware, Leon Hardcastle, Marion George, Gloria Anderson, Beth Shaw, Donna Manning, Anna Mazuran, Roberta Thaxton, Wilma Hogan, Carol Clark, Jean Burgon. Back row: Mr. Ballard, Bob James, Charles Greenwood, Lee Mickelsen, Udell Erickson, Merland Despain, Horton McBride, Vern Welch, Donnell Rasmussen, Ralph Hofeling, Frank Butterfield, Robert Cundick, Sterling Smith.


Girls' Club The membership consists of all Jordan High girls. A council member is sent from each home room to aid the officers. Sending birthday cards to each girl on her birthday was the duty they performed faithfully.

Boys' Club The co-mate club to the Girls' Club. A fellow is sent to this council as a representative from his room. They sponsored the annual Thanksgiving dance and also a GIRLS' CLUB OFFICERS Left, Donna Manning, Vice -President; LeeOna Fairbourn, Secretary; Leola Bateman, President.

BOYS' CLUB OFFICERS Left: Donnell Rasmussen, Secretary; Vere Densley, Pres id e nt; Gordon Neff, Vi ce -Pres id e nt.

BOYS' CLUB COUNCIL Fro nt row, le ft t o rig ht : Orren Jenkins, Wayne Nilsson, Eldon Brown, Jesse West, Gordon Neff, Irving Roberts, Milton Smith, Blaine Holt, Reggie Poor, Mr. Ballard. Back ro w: Lee Mickelsen, Milton Bills, Don Morgan, Heber Robertson, Karl Ware , Merlin Hilton, Vere Densley, Donnell Rasmussen, Ralph Brady, Blaine Grant, Paul Sjoblom, Jay Hansen, Wallace Morgan, Neldon Cundick.

GIRLS' CLUB COUNCIL Front row, left to rig ht: Edna Pappa , Georgia Bodell, LaWana Nielsen , Alice Johnson , Jane Atwood, Carol Clark, Farel Mahoney, Beverly Blasius. Second row: Doris Wood , Marva Beckstrom, Wanda Pearson , Le ola Bateman , Barbara Cowdell, Gwen Peckham , Beryl Erickson , Maurine Ray. Third row: Wanda Smith , Faye Hales , Connie Marc ha nt, Donna Manning , Geraldine Vawdrey, Le eOna Fa irbourn, Edra Butterfield, Carol Thornton, Irene Goff.


dance to help sell stamps during the bond drive.

AMATEUR HOUR Marydean Gilbert danced herself to a first place win in the annual amateur houri Merlin Hilton was a close second with his imitations while Don Morgan sang his way to the third high spot. 1

WAR SALVAGE To further the war effort! a key show was given. Robert Maynes brought the largest key Merlin Hilton! the most keysl and LaRae Burgon the tiniest key. 1


BOND DRIVE War bonds and stamps were sold in the main hall every noon by the Charlonians. The school had a bond drivel for which the 路carlonians sold a total of $51836.10 during one week 1 over double the quota they had set. As a reward they were treated to a program by a special show troop from Camp Kearns which plays at all schools who meet their quota.

CHEER LEADERS Karl Ware, Shirley Blanchard, and Lois Bennett (not photographed) came forth with pep and vitality to lead the cheering sections at the games.


AMERICAN LEGION The annual oratorical contest sponsored by the American Legion was won by Wilma Hogan. Second place winner was Donnabel Spratling and third Valoris Webb. The topic of their orations was The Rights We Defend. The essay contest was on the theme Making America Strong. First place winner was Janice Pixton; second Anna Kosovich; and third Dorothy Hunsaker. 1










Marydean Gilbert, Merlin Hilton , Don Morgan


Robert Maynes , Merlin Hilton , LaRae Burgon

Opening day of Bond and Stamp drive


Bus Drivers These smiling fellows are the cause of so many students rising early in the morning. They toot their bus horn from the corner and pick up stragglers along the way. Their buses are a scene of shoetying and hair-combing in the morning.

Fro nt row, left to rig ht: Allen Stocking, Ben Merrill, Arthur Erickson, Orvil! Milne, Earl Maynard, Y. W. Harrod, Glen Ebert. Back row: Parley Blair, Melvin Cowley, Cliff Nolan, Dell Haun, LaVoy Smith, Ralph Butterfield, Howard Newbold, Gilbert Benson, Ross Palmer.

Those so-necessary peopl e spe nt a few minutes rela xing .

At last- you see them without th e ir brooms. Left: Julian Brown, Butler Anderson, Theron Farnsworth, Les Mabey, Enoch Brown, Alma Dowding, Marvin Anderson, Udell Erickson, Theron Jaynes.

Janitors These fellows are the ones who stay in the deserted building and pick up litter, sweep up, and clean up the school. In the early spring they are found on the lawns as well, with a double task to do. to

Greenlings -

unknowns from junior highs, they wandered

dazedly through the lower hall, . but eventually they became Jordanites and struggled to gain recognition. Hidden talent -

potential athletes - scholars -

leaders in

the future- all will be found in the untried class of '45.


George Ajioka, Butler

Bill Anderson , Sandy

Betty Adamson , Union Jean Asay , West Jordan

Georgia Bodell, Herriman

Mary Jean Anderson , Sandy

Donna Lou Allen, Riverton

Reed Atkinson, Sandy

Merlan Andrus , Drape r Donna Allred, Bluffdale

Butler Anderson, Sandy

Roene Adams , Sandy

Shirley Bishop, Easi Midvale

Fay Bills, Riverton

Howard Anderson, Sandy

Joyce Brown , Midvale Dorothy Allen, Draper

Rosalyn Barnes, Sandy

Spencer Bateman, West Jordan

Myrle Beckstead, South Jordan Bertin Bateman, South Jordan

Butler Sophie Bakoulas, W est Jordan Leah Boyce, Butler

Donna Brady, Union

LeRae Beckstead , South Jordan Elden Brown, Draper

Marion Bird , East Midvale

Ralph Berrett, Draper

Norma Black, Midvale

LaRae Burgen, Un ion


Melvin Brady, Union

Genie! Beck, Sandy Clifford Bodell, Bluffdale Mary Lou Bodell, Herriman Beverly Brady, East Midvale

Helen Brothers , Un ion

Alberta Brailsford , Draper

Richard Crapo, Sandy Lucille Christensen, West Jordan

Ne ldon Cundick , West Jordan

Don Cockayne , Midvale

Iris Colton , Sandy

Bonnie Christensen , Midvale Mary Dooley, Midva le

Helen Dittman, Unio n

Robert Cundick, Sandy

Eugene Dahl , Midvale

Miriam Calton, Sandy Clarice Christensen, Sandy

Avon Dodge, Bl.uffd a le

Bertha Doty, Butler

Yaudice Day, Draper

Betty Dunn , Union

Barbara Ewell, Sandy Arthella Ericksen,

Kent Goulding Ben nion

Sherman Fitzgeral.d, Draper

Stella Furgus, Crescent Kenn eth Gotberg, Union

Ralph Hofeling, Sandy

Betty Gogel , Sandy

G e ne Glover , Unie>n

Lorna Goff, Sandy

Wesley Gilbert, Riverton Shirley Gardner, W est Jordan

Gene Greenwood , Sandy

Genevieve Goff, Sandy

Sarah Hardcastle , Sandy

Guy Hatch , W est Jordan

Jimmie Fowlks , Mu rra y

Joyce Holt, South Jordan Mary Gamangaso , Union

Lois Hansen , Union

Paul Hopkinson, Midvale

Karl Harrison , Midvale Calvin Harris, Sandy


Hal Hardcastle, Sandy

Dale Hand, Sandy

Ellis Harris, Sandy

Lenore Jensen , Sandy

Maurine Jensen, Draper

Clark Jones, Midvale

Marvin Johnson, Sandy

Merlin Jones, West Jordan

Kady Kalakis, West Jordan Don Lennberg, Midvale

Egon Johnson, Sandy

Daisy Mae Lengren, Midval e Van McCleary, East Midvale

June Kropf, West Jordan

Darrell La Rocco, Midvale

Audrey Jean Keller Sandy ldona Jones, West Jordan


Margaret Lloyd, Midvale Dean Lehmitz, W est Jordan

Gerald Maxfield, South Jordan

Connie Marchant, Uni on

Donna Manning, Crescent

LeOra Madsen, South Jordan

Arla Johnson, Sandy Glenda Johnson, Crescent

Richard Jordan, Draper

Gz:.ffoqa} i nS.Y.w;.

Billy Kidd, Midvale

Wanda Jensen, West Jordan Mont Jensen, Sandy

Jack Jorgensen, W est Jordan

Alden Jenkins, Midvale

Melba Jenkins, Midval e

Janice Jensen, East Midval e

Helen Jones, Bluffdale

Renee Millerberg, East Midvale Helen Mickelsen, Midvale

Ann McDonald, Midvale

Lloyd McGee, Granite

Wallace Morgan , Riverton Jenine Murphy, Midvale

Rita Gene Martineau, Sandy Barbara Mumford, Sandy Billy Mangum, Midvale Marilyn Nelson, Midvale Fay McKee , South Jordan Beverly Morris, Sandy Gaylen Maynes, Cottonwood Kenneth Nielsen, East Midvale Eugene Neilsen, Crescent Gordan Neff, Draper Tommy Nelson, Sandy Maryan Nelson, Union Edna Newman, Riverton Beverly Nacey, Sandy Richard Olson, Midvale Shirley Oakeson, South Jordan Edna Pappa, Midvale Marjorie Peterson, South Jordan Sherman Oakeson, South Jordan Mack Olson, Union Grant Page, Riverton

Greenlin/js Norman Proctor, Union David Phillips, Midvale Irene Petraca, Union Betty Jo Pierson, Sandy Mary Jean Payne, Midvale Yaunda Peterson, West Jordan Douglas Petersen, Draper Lola Beth Petersen, E. Midvale Raymond Parry, Herriman Elaine Peterson, Riverton Lily Pedler, Butler Richard Peterson, Sandy Edward Poulsen, Midvale

Clula Robinson, Draper Earl Peterson, Sandy Jack Reid, Midvale

Kilmer Roundy, Draper Loraine Russell, Draper Joyce Raddon, Sandy RoLayne Rasmussen, Midvale Barbara Lee Rosse, Midvale Jack Rose, West Jordan Gloria Rasmussen, Mid. Barbara Rawlings, Draper


Carol Spratling, West Jordan

Mary Smith, Granite

Neil Sorenson, Draper

Allen Smith, W est Jord an

Jack Smith , Sandy

Dewain Steadman, W est Jordan

Noreen Schmidt, Midval e

Ruth Sjoblom, Draper

Delores Steadman West Jordan A. J. Spencer, W est Jordan

Boyd Stock, East Mi dva le

Mary Silcox, Riverton

Kelvin Steadman, Murray Alice Smith, Draper

Greenlinfjs Dewain Schmidt, East Midvale Wallace Sjoblom , Draper Bob Swenson, Sandy . Patsy Stocks, Riverton Maxine Searle , Midval e Phyllis Swenson, Union Lou. Anne Serdar, Midva le Kenneth Steadman, Midvale Ernest Stafflund, Sandy Sterling Smith , Draper Merlin Smith , Sandy Dow Townsend, Sandy Glenda Smith, Riverton RaNae Swapp, East Midvale Dorothy Terry, Midvale Norma Tripp, Midval e Geraldine Vawdrey, Draper Paul Thompson , Riverton Doris Thornblad, Sandy Rodney Turner, Bluffdale Fred Weibel! , Luane Tucker, South Jordan Dorothy Thornblad, Sandy Irene Van, Uni on W est Jordan


Max Ware, Sandy

Scott Walton, Draper

Luana Winn, Butler

Bob Whitmore, Granite

Keith Winn, Butler

Caroline Webb, Bluffdale

Helen Yengich, Midvale

Reed Turpin, Bennion

Burton Youngberg, Midvale

Newell Young, East Midvale

Geraldine Wheadon, Sandy

Doris Wood, Riverton

Udell Webster, Sandy

Eugene Young, West Jordan

Thelma Young, South Jordan

Donna Young, Union



Caught Again



Winter Sport

Assembly Committee 17


Both beauty and intell igence guided . CHARLON IAN OFFICERS Jean Sanderson , Presid e nt, left; Marva Beckstrom, Sec re t a ry ; a nd Carol Clark, Vice-P res id e nt.

"Sporting" chic maroon uniforms , the Charlonians, under the leadership of President Jean Sanderson, Vice-President Carol Clark , and Secretary Marva Beckstrom , completed one of their most successful years. Included 1n their many activities were promoting Jordan's very successful bond and stamp drive, presenting their annual assembly , marching at games, staging a comic initiation followed by a candle-light banquet, ushering at important plays and assemblies, and sponsoring a gala dress ball for all club members and basketball players.

Senior members pose

Front row , left: Jean Sanderson, Miss Lucille Tuttle, Miss Oralie Rawson , Doris Borg, Marian Mazanis, Jeanne Steadman, Barbara Olson , Francene Crawford, Mary Saito, Willa Crane. Midd le row: Mary Harada, Wanda Pearson, Ellen Clark, Carol Thornton , Marva Beckstrom , Shirley McNamara, Ermile Park, Edra Butterfield , LaVon Neff, Alice Tame, Irene McGee. Bad row: Miss Dorothea Ryan , Maxine Barrett, Kathleen Jensen, Marie Smith, Leola Withers, Jacqueline Boberg, Wanda Sjoblom, LeeOra Fairbourn, Janis Allen , Donna Radovich . Not in photograp h: Delores Schmidt, LaRue Barton.




Charlonian advisers, Miss Lucille Tuttle, Miss Oralie Rawson, and Miss Dorothea Ryan, assisted in all club

A few "goats" take time out to pose on initiation day. Aren't they pretty?

with junior members

Front row, left: Joy Bagshaw, Afton English, Genevieve English, Lois Isaac, Elaine Hatfield, Patricia Hall, Florence Dansie, Ruth Kim, VaLoris Webb. Middle row: Donnabel Spratling, Margaret Gale Srr.ith, Janice Pixton, Paulene Boyce, Vivian Johnson, Bonita Jaynes, Joy Burmester, Frances Jenkins, Faye Walgren, Carol Clark, Shirley Anderson. Back row: LeeOna Fairbourn, Thelma Orgill, Thelma Larson, Barbara Deming, Phyllis Draper, Lorraine Orgill, Jackie Gould, Jean Porter, Helen Myers, Wilma Hogan, Roberta Thaxton.


Heads of the Food Producing Department

F. F. A.

The Jordan F.F.A. members won first place in judging contests in poultry, livestock, and crops at the annual Salt Lake County Fair. The following boys made outstanding exhibits: Verl and Wayne Smart, Leo lseki, crops; Harold Howcroft, Gale Crane, poultry; Ferris Fitzgerald, James Leak, Glade McKee, James H. Day, and Sterling Smith, dairy; Calvin Jaynes, Bliss Fitzgerald, Verl and Wayne Smart, swine. These boys won more than their share of blue ribbons. The following boys had teams or race horses in the contests: Vance Woods, Archie Haun, Joe Ainsworth, Dean Lehmitz, and Harvey Lehmitz. Front, left to right: Reid , Fitzgerald, President; Leo lseki, Treasurer. Standing: Clyde Gailey, Vi ceThe F.F.A. boys had a total labor income from President; Carlos Jensen, Reporter. Billy Hull, Secretary, not photographed. project work of$ I 1 ,006.58 compared to $4,846.22 for the previous year. Dairy, poultry, and swine projects proved most profitable. In crops projects, sugar beets, tomatoes, and truck crops proved best. Verl Smart and Ferris Fitzgerald had a labor income of $950.43 from five acres of tomatoes. Clyde Gailey and Osborne Pender were our official delegates to the state conventions at Spanish Fork April 2-3. Taking in a few points

Front row, left to right: Calvin Dansie, Sterling Smith, Mil~on Smith, Gale Crane, Richard Nelson, Jack Reid, Donald Spencer. Second row: Leo lseki, Yeldon Newbold, Ralph Madsen, Billy Hull, Kenneth Jones, Udell Butterfield, Sherman Fitzgerald. Third row: Neldon Cundick, Clyde Gailey, Osborne Pender, Lowell Parry, Carlos Jensen, Calvin Jaynes, Reed Oliver, Barrett Steadman. Left: Paul C. Boyce, Sponsor.


Lowell Parry was winner of the Jordan Chapter in a public speaking contest and represented Jordan at the North Central District Contest, winning over champions from Tooele, Davis, South Summit, and Morgan. Annual Harvest Ball on October 6 was very successful. F.F.A. presented two radio programs over KDYL. Those who took part were Leo lseki, Beverly Morris, Clyde Gailey, Lowell Parry, Maxine Searle and adviser, Mr. Boyce. The enrollment in agriculture increased over 80% last year, which pleased Mr. Paul C. Boyce, since good farming practices are so essential to the war effort. Many F.F.A. boys are now turning to farming as owners, renters or share croppers. The F.F.A. and Home Ee. planned a big banquet on April the fourteenth.

Harvest Ball committee checks up on a few items

" Dancing the Jig " at th e Harvest Ball Si tting , left to rig ht:

Clyde Gailey, Leo lseki.


Richard Nelson, Carlos Jensen, Reed Fitzgerald, Milton Smith.

about the milk producer

Front row , le ft to rig ht: John Thornton, Scott Walton , Reed Atkinson, Donald Tucker, Dean Hansen , Bobby Kidd, LeRoy Withers, Theron Jaynes. Second row : Marion Dansie, Leonard Olson, Max Spratling, Richard Long, Woodruff Butterfield, Richard Peterson, Junior Brackett, James Day. Back row: Eugene Neilson, Daniel Golesh , J. Peterson, Melvin Gilbert, Blaine Brady, Lyle Beardon, Almon Nelson, Peter Anderson, Kenneth Cook.


Chiefs of the world of pots and needles

Sitting, left: Roene Adams, Beth Shaw, Edra Butterfield. Standing: Virginia Russell.

Home Ee.


Homemakers all-these girls stitch and sew, cook, plan, act efficient and homey. They sponsored the annual Sweethearts' Ball, using Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs as their theme. Nelda Allen reigned as Snow White and Ralph Brady as Prince Charming. New members were admitted with a candlelight ceremony, with older members acting as hostesses. President Beth Shaw capably officiated with aid from Vice-President Virginia Russell and Secretary Roene Adams. Edra Butterfield put their doings in the news as reporter of the group.

Student cooks and stitchers

Left to right: Maude Procter, Marva Beckstrom, Roene Adams, Virginia Russell , Beth Shaw, Edra Butterfield, Vesta Neilsen, Melva Naylor. Second row: Tabetha Jenkins, Alice Johnson, Vivian Johnson, Iris Russell , Madonna Stradley, Trilva Young, Virginia Robbins, Phyllis Higgins, Mary Smith, Darlene Erickson. Third row: Miss Bennion, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Clements, Sponsors; Agnes Archibald, LaRee Beckstead, Enid Olson, Louise Van, Carol Sanderson, Shirley Briggs, Bernice Hendrickson, LaWana Neilsen. Back row: Lois Vawdrey, Delores Millerberg, Jenine Murphy, Dorothy Allen, Barbara Rawlings, Ann Petrlich, Shirley Coats, Mary Petrlich, Bertie Gosman, Arlene Malstrom, Dawna V. Hiatt, Ardonna Smith.


Art Club Front row, left: Beverly Stephensen, Phyllis Stanton , Wanda Pearson , Albert Wight, Erm ile Park, Carol Thornton, Keith Hardman. Back row: Merlin Hilton, A. J. Spencer, Marjorie Anderson , Jenine Mu rphy, Lucille Beckstead , Carol Sanderson, Max Turner, Vere Densley.

Get that color- future artists

Watch the "birdie,


please, and smile

Camera Club Fro nt row, left: Mary Saito, Virginia Robbins , Genie! Beck, Wanda Pearson , Fern Johnson , Derald Stuart. Back row: Reid Kimball , Marva Beckstrom , Shirley MacNamara , Marjorie Richardson , Jean Bateman, Leola Bateman , LaWana Egbert, Betty Evans , Dee Swenson.


Chemistry Club The war again entered into the Chem Club's plans and the trip to the smelter had to be put off until after "the duration." The last part of the school year they used their talents to learn the arts and work of photography. Top picture, left- front row, left: Leon Frost, Bill Nelson, Bob James, Marva Beckstrom, Fern Johnson. Middl e row: Charles H. Cary, Hichiro Endo, Wayne Sundberg, Bliss Fitzgerald, Shirley McNamara. Back row: Jay Gustaveson, Reid Kimball, Robert Orgill, Donna Radovich, Lucille Myers, Calvin Price. Lower picture, left- front row: Lucille Bergmann, Shirley Anderson, Robert Soper, Margaret Gale Smith, Wayne Van, Ralph Lerwill, Bill Erdman. Middle row: Louis Nelson, Grant Hickman, LeeOra Fairbourn, Norma Oliver, Berle Bennett, Richard Webb. Back row: Teamon Henderson, Marjorie Anderson, Kay Jensen, Ross Anderson, Bill Stoker, Wayne Nilsson. Top picture, right- front row: Jeanne Steadman, Udell Erickson, Edra Butterfield, Dick Crane, Francene Crawford, Darwin Bagley, Gordan Helstrom. Middle row: Adelia Baird, Jacqueline Boberg, LaRue Barton, Ray Brown, Merland Despain, Louise Van, Bill Nelson, Sam Matsushita, Kay Heaton. Back row: Barbara Taft, Irving Roberts, Caroline Trontel, Helen Bateman, Esther Stelter, Enid Olson, Dee Swenson, Bob Nacey, Charles Greenwood.

They become chemists last period of the day

After lunch you find these folks looking in test tubes

These are the early birdsfirst period chemists

Foreign speaking studentsSpanish and French

Lower picture, right- front row: Genie! Beck, Jean Asay, Luane Tucker, Raeola Brady, Thelma Rindlesbach, Wanda Pearson, Jay Forbush, Dale Porter. Second row: Faye Hales, Pauline Trontel, Rachel Mascaro, Donna Radovich, Marion Long, Carol Thornton, Juanita Slater, Patsy Stocks, Doris Thornblad. Third row: Max Ware, Barbara Taft, Caroline Trontel, Dawn Butler, Ann Williams, Dorothy Wells, Evelyn Holm, Phyllis Draper, Vaunda Peterson, Fay McKee. Ba ck row: Hichiro Endo, Dewain Steadman, Miss Fraser, Virginia Welch, Betty Gogel, Wanda Sjoblom, LeeOra Fairbourn, Beverly Morris, Betty Evans, Shirley Gardner, Helen Dittman, Mary Frotto, Mary Jean Anderson.

Language Club Fiesta time was in April for the Language Club. In an after-school party, they played games, danced, ate foreign foods, and paid a "peso" for every time they spoke English. 24

Spiritual Advisers

Ralph B. Keeler , Principal Carter E. Grant and Joy F. Dunyon take charge of seminary.

DEBATING CLASS Since classes were too full to permit development of the student's ability to speak extemporaneously with poise and logic, the debating team was converted from an extra activity into a general course. The debaters were coached ably by Miss Hansen, who directed them in a panel discussion over KDYL last fall. Due to war restrictions, all debating meets and conventions were cancelled. In spite of this, the debating team has fulfilled its aim- a better understanding of world conditions and ways to solve world problems.

Front row, left : Horton McBride, Raymond Wanberg, Shirley McNamara, Catherine Newman. Standing: Miss Lola Hansen , Robert Orgill.

S~7tin g : Lorraine Orgill, Janice Pixton, Keith Hardman. Stand ing : Reid Kimball, Karl Ware.


The band en masse for concert playing

y the orchestra

Front circle, left : Margaret Smith, Bob Na Secon d row: Jane Atwood, Barbara Mumfo Brown, Donna Crump, Vern Welch, Wallace Barton, Donald P. Olsen , Conductor; Ted Peterso


a e , Mary Lou Bodell, Beverly Nacey, Phyllis Draper. p n, Irene Petrarca, Lorraine Densley. Th ird row : Eldon ris. Back row: Lorraine Russell, Betty Dunn, LaRue id Allsop, Robert Cundick, Nelson Buck.

BAND Figure formation- Marching- They present a fine

Front row, left: Goldie Graff, Adelia Baird, Rella Jaynes, Frank Butterfield, Gordon Neff, LaRue Barton. Second row: Vaudice Day, Thelma Young, Lea Mae Page, Noreen Schmidt, Mary Lou Bodell, Maxine Searle, Leslie Cozzens, Vere Densley, Vern We lch, Wallace Morgan, Delores Schmidt, Merlin Jones. Third row : Merle Beckstead, Gale Crane, Kenneth Nielsen, Betty Jo Pierson , Esther Petrarca , June Pugmire, Beverly Morris , Grant Winward , Roger Carlquist, Dale Brand, Sharon Burnham, Ralph Brady, Beryl Erickson. Fo urth row: Joyce Brown , Tabetha Jenkins, Fred Densley, Grant Page, Betty Callas, Joyce Thorum , Owen Evans, Kay Heaton, Thelma Holt, Bertie Gosman, Barta Hughes , Deloris Dansie. Fifth row: Merlin Andrus, Dorothy Kichas, Stanley Sharp, Clark Jones , Reed Newbold, Ted Peterson, Robert Peterson, Dean Schmidt, William Nosack, Melvin Ballard, Myron Lewis, Eugene Millerberg, Wayne Sundberg, Mr. Crapo, instructor. Back row : Jackie Gould, Fae Ostler, Lorraine Densley, Lova Henderson , Richard Dunn , Frances Jenkins, Gale Ainsworth , Bob Cundick, Noel Page , Clyde Crane , Reid Alsop , Brooks Ellington , Keith Hogan , Byron Peart, Jean Bateman, Leola Bateman.


Majorettes Fae Ostler, Jackie Gould, Jean Bateman, and Leola Bateman struttin' their stuff.

Baton -swinging Drum Major Merlan Andrus

Sophomore Band Fro nt row, left : Shirley Ann Bishop, Bill Anderson, Don Cockayne, Gordan Neff, Max Ware, Blaine Brady, Donna Manning. Second row: Maxine Searle, Mary Lou Bodell, Noreen Schmidt, Merle Beckstead, Thelma Young, Joyce Brown, Sherry Fetchner, Joyce Raddon, Vaudice Day, LaRae Burgon, Vesta Freeman. Third row: Alaire Lewis, Alice Smith, Renee Millerberg, Donna Brady, Marion Bird, Wallace Morgan, Claren Thompson, Grant Page, Fred Densley, Merlin Jones, Kenneth Nielsen, Boyd Stock. Fourth row: Betty Jo Pierson, Beverly Morris, Barbara Egbert, Elaine Peterson, Fay Bills, Eugene Young, Elden Brown, Robert Whitmore, Norman Proctor, Dewayne Schmidt, Bob Swenson, Darrell Wheeler. Back row: Mr. Crapo, onductor; Udell Butterfield, Duane Player, Clark Jones, Effie Thomson, Bob Cundick, Dick Thompson, Don Sp ~er, Gene Greenwood, Merlan Andrus, Gerald Maxfield. ~,... ~lti ~':;.

l 28

They entertained with songs of sorrow and laughter

Front row, left: Beverly Blasius, Gwen Hand, Bette Madsen, Maxine Berrett, Wanda Densley, Beverly Stephensen, Dawna Hiatt, Esther Stelter, Colleen Stephensen. Second row: Maxine Searle, Joyce Peterson, Vauna Wood, Mildred Jensen, Ruth Kim, Keith Winn, Brisbane Millet, London Millet, Darrell Wheeler, Faye McKee, Shirley Gardner, La Dean Jones, Gloria Anderson, Mr. Crapo, Conductor. Third row: Marjorie Anderson, Eleanor Nelson, Paulene Boyce, Jean Porter, Richard Crapo, Glen Bateman, LaVerl Fairbourn, Betty Jo Pierson, June Hedburg, Lois Vawdrey, Wyoria Stowe, Enid Olson. Fourth row: Maurine Ray, Shirley Blanchard, Janis Allen, Jacqueline Boberg, Frances Dra'ney, Della Mae Egbert, Bill Maynard, Kenneth Cope, •Gale Winward, Carol Clark, Barbara Deming, Donna Dunn. Fifth row: Elaine McCormick, Alice Johnson, LaRae Gammell. 'Sixth row: Jane Holt, Rose Wardle, Ray Draper, Shirley Beckstead, Joyce Rasmussen, Emeline Johnson, Wilma Hogan, ilaWana Egbert.

Mixed Chorus Talent just "oozed" from our chorus this year. Due

to the lack of exchange assemblies, our songsters gave many a splendid song on long Friday afternoons. Taking choruses from some of the finer operas, they developed a n appreciation for finer music in the hearts of fellow students, whom they thrilled, as well as in themselves.


Broadcaster Journalistic ambitions are cultivated by the publication of the Broadcaster. Marian Mazanis Ed itor

Editor Marian worked hard and brought forth each month an edition to be proud of. She was ably assisted by the staff and advisers, Miss Rawson, Mr. Ballard, and Mr. Boyce. One of their highlight editions was the "April Fool" sheet.

Staff members get out the "edition"

Fro nt row, left: Aleen Sanderson, Julian Brown, Marian Mazanis. Back ro w: Gwen Peckham, Catherine Newman, Irene McGee, Hazel Stephenson, Patricia Hall.


School Paper Funds to publish the paper were secured by the hard work of Merland Despain, who brought in the ads . The news hounds were students in the journalism classes and a few senior reporters.

Merland Despain Business Manage r


Club reporters dig oÂľt a few scoops


Front row, left: Miss Rawson, Elaine Hatfield, Merland Despain, Patricia Hall, Julian Brown , Marian Mazanis, Mr. Ballard. Back row: Betty Evans, Colleen Stevenson, Mr. Boyce, Gayle Smith, Barbara Taft, Donna Radovich, Horton McBride, Irene McGee, Gwen Peckham, Lois Loveall, Ruth Curtis.



Dunn "Snide" Taylor Sandy B.Y.U., U.S.A.C.


Derald Stuart Guard


Julian Forman

Pete Deneris

Ernest Poulsen

Edwin Gardner

Blocking Back




Kenneth Sundquist

Gordan Greene

Ross Henderson

Gail Crane

Full bad




Jim Hatch

Frank Butterfield

David Kidd




Don Polson

Gail Holt

Co-captain End

Co-captain Tackle

Riggs Gardner

Ronald Reading



Ralph Brady

Andy Ontiveros

Donnell Rasmussen

Robert Peterson





Jay Hansen

Bill Erdman

Calvin Jaynes

Langley Canning





Vere Densley

Wayne Van

Arvid Bowles

Paul Sjoblom






FOOTBALL This year, due to reasons known to all of us, there was no state tournament and the Beetdigger squad did not have a ~


chance to defend their title of State Class " L fact did not discourage them too much, respec-

ning their first pre-sea

. Carbon

d~feated this typical Taylor-coa~ m '"ffimeir second pre-

season game, but the boys rallied and went on to win the majority of their league games.

Line prepares to practice

Front, left: David Kidd, Gordan Green, Ernest Poulsen, Frank Butterfield, Derald Stuart, Ross Henderson, Robert Peterson. Standing: Jim Hatch, Julian Forman, Ronald Reading, Calvin Jaynes.

~ ~

~\ A _~~ - _ - - // .0

- -- .

~~- - - '!l-if:lt sco ~/ ~ ~ -1~:t-~\~

Stan Sharp

Gordan Greene

Athletic Managers



Sept. 18

Jordan 12

Sept. 25


Oct. 2

Jordan 31

Tooele 0 at Jordan

Oct. 9


Granite 13 at Granite

Oct. 16

Jordan 26

Murray 0 at Jordan

Oct. 23



Davis 6 at Jordan

Oct. 30



Grantsville 0 at Grantsville (forfeit)

Nov. 6

Jordan 20

Cyprus 0 at Cyprus

Nov. 13

Jordan 26

Bingham 0 at Bingham

Nov. 26


Butte 18 at Butte





' on 6


Carbon 13 at Jordan

Signals- Line up practice

Front, left: Vere Densley, Gayle Holt, Edwin Gardner, Arvid Bowles, Riggs Gardner, Bill Erdman, Langley Canning, Don Poulsen, Jay Hansen. Standing: Donnell Rasmussen, Wayne Van, Kenneth Sundquist, Andrew Ontiveros.


LEST WE FORGET August 31 - Teachers meet. September I- School opens. 4--Get-Acquainted Dance to welcome sophs. I I- Picture show- compliments of student body. 18- Patriotic assembly. First football game at Grand Junction. 25- Jordan loses to Carbon. F.F.A . Harvest Ball. October 2- Jordan wins from Tooele. 5- Class elections. 8- Amateur Hour. 9- Granite wins game. 14--Assembly to collect keys. 16- Charlonian initiation. Jordan wins from Murray. 19- School recessed for harvests. 23- Jordan ties Davis. 30- Hallowe 'en dance. November 4--End of recess. 6- Jordan beats Cyprus. 13- Beetdiggers down Miners. 25- Boys' club gives Thanksgiving dance. 26- Jordan loses to Butte in Montana. December 4--Jordan loses to Ogden. 9- Jordan loses at Springville. I I- Senior Hop. I 1- 14--Jordan loses to Provo. 17- Christmas pageant- " Listen , Mr. Speaker. " 18- Jordan loses to Springville. 23- Assembly , Dance Vacation for ten days. 24--Jordan loses to Ogden. 30- Jordan loses to American Fork.


January I- Jordan beats alumni. 4--Vacation over. 8- Jordan beats Grantsville. 15- Basketball team loses to Granite. 22- Jordan wins from Bingham. 29- Jordan loses to Davis.

February Jordan loses to Murray. Victory Quintette thrills audience. Jordan beats Tooele. Jordan triumphs over Bingham. Sophomore Assembly - "Truth or Consequences." Home Ee. Club give Sweethearts' Ball. Jordan loses to Davis. 22- Patriotic assembly by music department. Wash ington Birthday dance. 26- Jordan loses to Granite. 2361219-

March 5- Jordan loses to Cyprus. 12- 0ne-act play. Dance for Bond Drive. 19- Camp Kearns Assembly. 26- District musical contest.

April 2- Junior Prom. 9- Charlonian Assembly. Charlonian Dance. 23- Gym Jamboree.

May 1718192021 -

J Day. Senior Progressive. Yearbooks out. Seminary graduation. Seniors give final program and receive diplomas.

These are the juniors, who take life easy, more or less, because they know they have another year in which to begin worrying about what's to come. They did their cattin' on the top floor - brought South America to Utah with their Prom- furnished the greater part of the basketball team- and added zest to life in general.




Prom Committee Meets Gale Ainsworth Crescent

Marvin Anderson Sandy Shirley Anderson East Midval e

Jane Atwood West Jordan

Caleen Adams Uni on Harold Anderson Murray

Donna Atwood West Jordan

Margaret Anderson Midvale Reid Allsop Sandy

Dale Brand Sandy

Dick Butterfield Riverton Lucille Bergmann Sandy

Adelia Baird Draper

Ray Brown Midvale Betty Buhler Midvale Leola Beckstead Crescent

Laree Beckstead Granite Max Bigler Sandy

Wayne Van, left front, Thelma Wardle, Gwen Hand, Nyal McMullin, Jack Johnson, Roberta Thaxton, Ferris Fitzgerald, Shirley Anderson, Reed Newbold, and Carol Sanderson meet at noon to discuss the annual affair.

Shirley Blanchard Midvale

Marvin Buckley Midvale

Jacqueline Bruno West Jordan

Melvin Ballard Draper

Lois Ben nett Midvale

Norma Ann Beckstead South Jordan

George Butterfield Herriman

Beth Bills Riverton

Frank Butterfield Riverton

Elaine Brown West Jordan

LaMar Berrett Riverton

Joy Burmester West Jordan

Paulene Boyce Sandy

Sharon Burnham Draper

Joy Bagshaw Union

Glen Bateman W est Jordan

Beverly Blasius Midvale

Woodruff Butterfield Herriman

Langley Canning Midvale

Bette Callas Midvale

Betty Jean Christensen Midvale

Carol Clark Sandy

Betty Lou Campbell Midvale

Don Collett Midvale




Junior Girls Don Their Ski Sweaters Shirley Coats Midvale

Oliver Cline Draper Clyde Crane Draper Charles H. Cary East Midvale

Edith Cowdell Riverton Gale Crane Riverton

Rulon Cook Uni on

Kenneth Cope Draper Pearl Clayton Draper

Leslie Cozzens Midvale

Belva Cook Holladay Donna Crump Bluffdale

Donna Dunn Midvale

Robert Dunyon Draper Frances Draney Sandy

Richard Dunn Midvale

Barbara Deming Midvole

Pretty Jun iors, Donna Dunn, left, Gwen Hand, LaJuana Page, Beverly Blasius, Maurine Ray, and Shirley Blanchard "doll up" for the camera man.

Deloris Dansie Riverton

Joyce Dansie Riverton

Wanda Densley Riverton

Lorraine Densley Riverton

Florence Dansie Herriman

Lois Densley Riverton

Shirley Eskelson Union

Bill Erdman Union

Della Egbert Midvale

Afton English Butler

Brooks Elkington Sandy

Genevieve English Butler

Owen Evans Sandy

Darlene Erickson Union

Alan G. Evans Union

LeeOna Fairbourn Crescent

Julian Forman Herriman

Boyd Fitzgerald Draper

Ferris Fitzgerald Draper

Mary Fairbourn Crescent

Earl J. Garfield Draper

Bertie Gosman Midvale

Riggs Gardner W est Jordan

Goldie Graff Sandy

Florence Garside Riverton




Juniors Stage Floor Show Jack Jordan Draper

Pauline Guinn Draper Newell Garff Midvaie Jackie Gould Union

Irene Goff Sandy Blaine Grant Sandy

LaRae Gammell Riverton

Wallace Gotberg Union Melvin Gilbert Riverton

Gwen Hand Draper

Jay Gustaveson East Midvale Rayola Green Riverton

Elaine Hatfield Sandy

Dorothy Hunsaker Sandy Leon Hardcastle Sandy

Jim Hatch W est Jordan

Phyllis Higgins Granite

Highlights of the Junior Floor Show were Vern Welch, left, Reed Newbold, Keith Hogan, Ted Peterson, Allen Evans, and Keit~ , Winn, center, displaying their version of " Der Feuher's Face .

Barta Hughes Sandy

Keith Hogan W est Jordan

Patricia Hall Midvale

Evelyn Holm Sandy

Wilma Hogan W est Jordan

Earl Hakanson South Jordan

Joyce Humphrey Sandy

Thelma Holt South Jordan

Lois Isaac Bu tler

Elaine Isackson East Mid vale

Orren Jenkins Midvale

Mildred Jensen Midvale

Jack Jorgensen Midva le

Don Jacobson Murray

Wanda Jaynes Crescent

lreta Jackson Union

Frances Jenkins Midvale

Norma Jones Midvale

Tabetha Jenkins Midvale

Vivian Johnson Riverton

Bob James Midvale

Bonita Jaynes Crescent

Jack Johnson Sandy

Fern Johnson Butler

Leota Kellgreen Murray




Quadruplets Reid Kimball Draper

Albert Kump Bluffdale Ruth Kim Sa ndy

Myrtle Kump Bluffdale

Dorothy Kichas West Jordan Loyal Kun z Sandy

Don Kemp Sandy

Wilma LeClaire West Jordan Grace LeFevre Midvale

Ralph Le rwill Crescent

Verona Lewis Bluffdale Helen Last W est Jordan

Thelma Larson Midvale

Melvin Malmstrom Midvale Beth Miller Midvale Don Morgan Riverto n

Anna Mazuran Midvale Arlene Malstrom W est Jordan

Ann Petrlich, left, Thelma Larson, Mary Petrlich , and Bertie Gosman dressed alike for the day. tHe len Myers Salt Lake City

Harold Madsen Union

Florence May W est Jordan

Frances May W est Jordan

Betty Moore Riverton

Clem McMullen South Jordan

!Ela ine Ma lstrom Murray

Eug e ne Mill erberg East Midvale

Lola Marchant Union

Clifford Mousley Riverton

Millie Masich Midvale

Jay Maxfield Union

W illi a m No sa ck Riverton

Bill Nelson Midvale

Melva Naylor Sout h Jordan

Marva Naylor So uth Jordan

Stewart Newbold Sout h Jo rdan

Maxine Nielsen Riverton

K. Norris

Wayn e Nilsson Midvale

Reid Newbold Union

Enid Olson Union

Beth Olson Union

Betty Owsley Draper





All Smiles Beverly Otis East Midva le

Andy Ontiveros Midvale Ora Orton Draper

Thelma Orgill Draper

Fae Ostler Sandy Ralph N. Orgill W est Jordan

Bill Orr Riverton

Lorraine Orgill Draper Veda Olson Un ion

Janice Pixton Draper

Lea Mae Page Riverton Maude Proctor Uni on

Elsa Price West Jordan

Marjorie Payne Draper Noel Page Riverton

Robert Petersen Riverton

Ella Price West Jordan LaJuana Page Riverton

Lucile Thornton and Curtis Jewkes dance a few stately measures at the Junior Prom Clyde Palmer W est Jordan

Ruth Park Sandy

Merlin Peart Draper

Marjorie Perry Sandy

Stella Pierce West Jordan

Yaun Dean Peterson Sandy

Georgia Poulson Granite

June Pugmire Uni on

Myrna Pack Draper

Max Petersen South Jordan

Jean Porter Union

Ted Peterson Sandy

Jay Proctor Uni on

Esther Petrarca Uni on

Reggie Poor H erriman

Joyce Peterson Uni on

John Padjen Midval e

Helen Polson Sandy

Mary Petrlich Midval e

Virginia Russell Uni on

Irving Roberts Murray

Joyce Rasmussen Midvale

David Rasmussen Sandy

Dorothy Robbins East Midvale




Maurine Ray Midvale

Donnell Rasmussen Sandy Ronald Reading Murray

Margaret Gale Smith Draper

Helen Roper Draper Stanley Sharp East Midvale

Donnabel Spratling West Jordan

Norma Sadler Draper Paul Sjoblom Draper

Bill Stoor Draper

Bailey Sainsbury Granite Ila Smith West Jordan

Juanita Slater Midvale

Fred Schouten South Jordan Marian Sharp West Jordan

Gordan Helstrom and Calvin Webb follow Mr. Dorius

Derald Stewart Sandy

Robert Shaw Draper Deon Smith Draper

Jack Smickle Midvale

Lorna Swapp East Midvale

William Smith Union

Barbara Smith Draper

Eva Tesch West Jordan

Roberta Thaxton Riverton

Lucile Thornton East Midvale

Ruth Teerli nk South Jordan

Beverly Thompson Murray

Joyce Thorum Union

Elaine Vale Riverton

Wayne Van Union

Lois Vawdrey Draper

Vauna Wood Midvale

Ila Wengren Union

Ada Rae Watts Midvale

Beth Whittle Union

Va loris Webb West Jordan

Beth Williams West Jordan

Beverly Washburn Draper

Grant Winward Riverton

Gale Winward Riverton

Faye Wallgren Sandy

Thelma Ward le South Jordan


Coach John Vranes East Midvale U.S .A.C. Athletics lnterm ural Ju ni ors

BASKETBALL With only two men of last year's squad back, Coach John Vranes had a difficult problem facing him when the Casaba season started. Despite this fact he went to work and built a hard -fighting crew from the material on hand . Most of the boys were "green" but willing to learn, and when the end of the season rolled around, they had won four and lost six league games. None of these losses were so decisive as to dampen the spirits of the boys and every game found them "in there pitching." Paul Sjoblom Gu a rd

Ferris Fitzgerald Gu ard

Jay Smith Hansen C enter


The Dings, also under Johnny's able direction, just about followed in the main team's footsteps, winning and losing almost the same games. The Dings, however, won one more game than did the others. Kneeling, left: Don Kemp, Ralph Lerwill, Sherman Mabey. Standing: Robert Peterson, K. Norris, Paul Sjoblom, Ronald Reading . 50




JI~ ... -. ('\








Don Kemp

Richard Webb





Sherman Mabey

Dick Butterfield

Don Collett

Don Polson





Dale Brand

K Norris

MAIN TEAM SCORES Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

4 9 11 14 18 24 30



Charlonians getting ready for a game



SOPHOMORES Because of war conditions, the sophs played only three games this year, winning two of them. Jordan's new coach, Chad Beckstead, had charge of the sophomores. Jan. 14 Jan. 21 Feb. 9

Jordan 26 Jordan 30 Jordan 28

South B 43 at Jordan South B 25 at South High Murray 25 at Jordan

BASEBALL Because of the war conditions and such, Jordan's athletic directors have decided to make baseball merely an intermural sport this year. Competition will be carried on between the sophomore, junior, and senior classes.

Chad Beckstead Mid vale B.Y.U .. U. of U. Phys ical Education History Sophomores








As the Beetdigger goes to press before the track season starts, there are no results of the track meets which Jordan plans to enter. The prospects for the season are made bright, however, by the return of many of last year's track stars, and the coaching staff has high hopes about the showing the boys will make in the coming season. _0,\ Apr. 23 High School Relay Carnival, U. of U. (,iJ> ' ?








--::;_YF ". --=--=- --

Regional Track Meet State Track Meet, Provo




Dec. 4 Dec. 9 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 2-4

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan


15 17 25 17

Ogden 20 at Jordan Springville 7 at Jordan Provo 25 at Jordan Sandy Ist 26 at Jordan Ogden 18 at Ogden

LEAGUE GAMES Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar.


8 15 22 29 2 6 12 19 26 5

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

24 14 26 19 25 31 40 25 22 22

Grantsville 20 at Grantsv ille Granite 35 at Jordan Bingham 22 at Bingham Davis 25 at Jordan Murray 28 at Murray Tooele 17 at Jordan Bingham 21 at Jordan Davis 33 at Davis Granite 36 at Granite Cyprus 17 at Jordan

Intramural Champs

Center Jump

GIRLS' SPORTS Healthy, vigorous girls emerge daily from Miss Ryan's gym and dancing classes. Health-building activities such as tumbling , basketball, baseball, and corrective exercises are the main diversions of the gym classes. Sophomore girls have learned in their health classes of corrective measures for sickness and injury, good foods, exercises, and the cycle of


Dorothea Ryan Logan

U.S.A .C., B.Y. U.

ous activities.


Derald Stuart and Wayne Van keep busy with the spot light. The Smith family-Betty (Marva Beckstrom), Mr. Smith (Mr. Pixton), Mrs. Smith (Miss Hansen), Johnny (Clark Jones).

Henchman, Ralph Leonard, straightens the tie of Mr. Speaker, Mr. Casper , just before his speech. Our three active reporters-Robert Orgill, Karl Ware, and Dick Crane, come prepared for Mr. Candidate's speech.



Mr. Speaker!

"Listen, Mr. Speaker!"-full of patriotism, life, entertai ment, and color-directed by Miss Lucille Tuttle, Mr. J. Crapo, and Miss Dorothea Ryan, was portrayed excellent! students of Jordan High. An American family-Mr. Smith, Robert Pixton; Mrs Lola Hansen; Betty, Marva Beckstrom; Johnny, Clar! ~T=r~_~c::.-+--f plus one Mr. Speaker, Jesse Casper; one henchman, Ralpt1-eon-::.....::..---ard, and three active reporters, Robert Orgill, Karl Ware, and Dick Crane-gave superb performances. Supporting the cast were Mr. Crapo's choruses, A and B; Miss Ryan's dancers and marchers; members of the history class and the home town scene; and those who participated in the tableaux-not to mention the delightful music of the school orchestra led by Mr. Donald Olson. Always on the job with excellent lighting and spectacular scenery, were Mr. Herbert Bartlett, Mr. Orson Smith, Earl Garfield, Wayne Van, and Derald Stuart. 'Twas an excellent example of hard work, and wonderful entertainment for all. Let's give them a hand!


Phil F. Goldbranson Sandy U. of Calif. Social Science Assemblies

C. N. Crawford Midvale U. of U., U. of Calif. Social Science Seniors

Orson Smith Draper U. of U., U.S.A.C. Physical Science Photography Camera Club

Robert L. Pixton Dorothy, Ermile, and Beth diggin' into the realm of animal life.

Draper U.S.A.C., U. of U. Biology Athletic Council Juniors

Social science and physical science classes can always be found hard at work. The departments are well equipped and many students take the classes.

La Wana, Jeanne, and Elsie find out about the bones of the human species.

Mr. Pixton's biology students show results of long searches for specimens.


Paul C. Boyce Sandy U.S.A.C. Vocational Agriculture Mathematics

F.F.A. Sophomores

Jesse B. Casper Murray U. of U., U. of Calif. Sociology Economics Juniors

A. C. Jensen Sandy U. of U., U. of Wash. Biological Science Senior Credits

J. N. Dorius Sandy U. of U. , B.Y.U . American History Sophomores

The science laboratory is considered to be one of the finest found in any high school.

"The temperature reads Glade, Max, and Milton.

Beth and Bob take a measurement.

Future chernists?-Louis and Shirley.

Noting airways?- Carlos and Wal lace.

Beverly and Connie get a few points of the globe from Mr. Dorius.


Curliques and thingamabobs come into their own

Putting out the letters

Gaining experience for future use

Keeping the books balanced

Commercial stud路 Uncle Sam // ies became more va/uab/ e as ca ed for aid.

E. L. Crawford

F. B. Thomas

Wanda Garrett

Alma F. Smith

Sandy B.Y.U., U. of U. Mathematics Beetdigger

Salt Lake City L.D.S. Bus. College U. of U. Commercial Assemblies Sophomores

Salt Lake City U.S.A.C. Commercial Girls' Club Beetdigger Sophomores

Draper U. of U. Mathematics Commercial Graduation Sophomores

Fern and Alice clean up after the noon rush .

The fourth period sewing class zip up a few duds.

Stirring up a batter with hope that the cake won't fall.

Deanne Bennion

Marjorie S. Clements

Mrs. Anna J. Anderson

Mabel Larson

Sandy U.S.A.C. Oregon State College Home Economics Home Ee. Club Cafeteria

Draper U.S.A.C. Cloth;ng English Home Ee. Club Juniors

Woolford, Alberta, Canada Provincial Institute of Tech. and Art B.Y.U. Sewing Home Ee. Club Seniors

Sandy Cafeteria


Lola Hansen

Mabel Mangum

Laura Gardner

Bri g ham City U.S.A. C., U. of U. Eng lish De bati ng

Bi ckne ll U. of U., U.C. L.A. Socia l Science Engl ish J uniors

West J ordan U. of U., U. of Cali f. Eng li sh Bee tdi gger Se niors

Harold Thorpe

Golda Fraser

Oralie Rawson

0. D. Ballard

Sa ndy U. of U., B.Y.U . English Seni ors

Salt La ke City U. of U. Modern Lan guages Engli sh Language Clu b

Sa lt Lake City U. of U., U.S.A.C. Englis h C harlonian Broadcaster Se niors

Drape r U. of U., B.Y.U. Eng li sh Stud ent Body Act. Boys' C lub Broa dcaster Gra du ation

Language department functions were g1v1ng English, Spanish, and French as part of the student curriculum. Foreign languages get more popular yearly.

"Ti bby " puttin g fort h effo rt ?


Spanis h officers rea d th e latest news fro m Mexico.

. "'.'1 11


Students make use of the library facilities. Mr. Crapo and some of the fellows pause between vocal exercises.

Va Loris orates in definite way.

Ta lent was eagerly sought this assemblies more home-town than ever before.

J. Clement Crapo

Donald P. Olson

Lucille Tuttle

Molly Lindell

Sandy B.Y.U., U. of U. Mu sic Pageant Music Festival Programs

Provo B.Y.U., Chicago M.C. Art Music A rt Club Seniors

Manti B.Y.U. Leland Powers Speech School Plays Pageant Oratory Contest Charlonians Juniors

Sandy U. of U., B.Y. U. Lib rarian Juniors


Working on the lathe

W e ld ing


Usi ng drill press, aircraft sheet metal.

Girls invaded the shops for the first time , as essential industries lost men to the armed forces. New studies were also introduced as they became more needed .


Y. W. Harrod

Allen Stocking

Dean J. Beck

J. L. Seal

Salt Lake City Palmer College Automotive Sophomores

Riverton U.S.A.C. Auto Mechanics

Midvale U.C.L.A. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering

Midvale B.Y.U., U.of U.

U.S.A.C. Industrial Arts Vocational Woodwork Mechanical Drawing

Ster Ii ng W. Stoker Howard Newbold Union 1.C.A. (Special degree) American W elding Society W elding

South Jordan B.Y.U.

Auto Mechanics


Feeling just a trifle superior and important in their maroon sweaters or class rings, the seniors gazed down at sophs and

juniors. They blazed forth at the Hop and were honored at the Prom- yet- they were heard wondering what tomorrow would bring- army? Waac? college? a job? Confident in themselves, though, they paused not to say good-bye, but promised "Be seeing you!"


Grad u at.es Gloria Beth Anderson Midvale Home Ee. Club Student Council Gym Jamboree Pageant Music Contest

Agnes Archibald Granite Home Ee. Club Dance Committee

Nelda Allen

Bud Allgood

Draper Pageant Cinderella

Midvale Opera Pageant School Play

Mack S. Adams East Midvale Chemistry Club


Dale Alexander Cottonwood Heights

Janis Allen Draper Charlonian School Play Band

Leola Bateman West Jordan Opera Pageant Girls' Club Pres. Student Council

Marjorie Anderson Riverton Chemistry Club Chorus Pageant

Max Beckstead Riverton F. F. A.

Marva Deckstrom Union Charlonian Posture Parade Pageant Home Ee. Club Art Club Language Club

Aldene E. Bergmann Sondy

Seniors Prepa re for Annual Dance

Ellen Clark , left, Horton McBride, Barbara Olson, and Heber Robertson add t he finishing touches to the Senior Hop decorations.

Ralph W. Butler Sandy Football Track

Ralph Brady Union Football Basket ball Band

Edra Butterfield Riverton Student Council C harlonian Girls' Council Home Ee. Club Beetdigger

Raeola Brady Unio n Girls' Council Opera Gym Jamboree Fashion Show Posture Parade

Jacqueline Boberg Draper Charlonian Home Ee. Club Beetdigger Gym Jamboree Chemistry Club

Helen Bateman W est Jordan Home Ee. Club Pageant

Jean Bateman West Jordan Majorette Home Ee . Club Gym Jam boree

Milton Bills Riverton Stu d ent Council Boys' Council


Graduates Julian Brown Sandy Language Club Broadcaster Beetdigger Janitor Club

Bonnie Boberg Sandy Home Ee. Club Band Beetdigger Pageant

Darwin Bagley Sandy

Maxine Berrett Riverton Charlonian F. T.A. Posture Parade Pageant Opera


Dawn Butler Butler Chorus Girls' Council Opera Traveling Assembly Amateur Hour 路

Doris Burg Sandy Charlonian Court Clerk Band Posture Parade Student Council

laRue Barton Midvale Band Orchestra Pageant Beetdigger Adv. Mgr. Charlonian

Dorothy Bills Midvale Chemistry Club Chorus

Roy Burr Riverton F. F. A.

Ellen Clark Midvale Charlonian Opera Traveling Assembly

LaRoyce Beckstead South Jordan Posture Parade Home Ee. Club Beetdigger Gym Jamboree

Willa Crane Draper Home Ee. Club Girls' Council Band Charlonian Fashion Show Beetdigger Adv. Mgr.

Spring Fever!

Carol Thornton and Kathleen Jensen wish they had some gas.

Lawrence Butterfield Shirley Briggs Riverton Track

West Jordan Home Ee. Club

Merle Calloway

Marietta Clement

Midvale Language Club Art Club

Draper Student Council Home Ee. Club Girls' Council

Roger Carlquist Draper Orchestra Band Boys' Council Beetdigger Bus. Mgr.

Ruth Curtis Riverton Broadcaster Dance Committee Home Ee. Club

Bernis Connelly Draper

Dick Crane Midvale Pageant Chemistry Club School Play



Shirley Draper Union

George Deneris Midvale

Merland Despain Granite Football Basketball Boys' Council Marshall Bus. Mgr. Broadcaster

Marjorie Densley Riverton Home Ee. Club Gym Jamboree


Francen e Crawford Sandy Beetdigger Chemistry Club

Donna Child Union Pageant

Marion Dansie Riverton

Veona Densley Riverton

Vere Densley Riverton Pageant Football School Play Boys' Club Pres. Band

Udell Erickson Sandy

Glen Ebert Granite

Lois Evans East Midvale Stu d ent Council C horus Gym Jamboree Opera Pageant

Sen ior Rings

LeeOra Fairbourn measures Bernis Connelly, while Marian George writes out the receipt.

LaWana Egbert West Jordan Camera Club Pres. School Play Student Council Traveling Assembly Beetdigger Opera

Betty Evans South Jordan Beetdigger Co-Ed. Broadcaster School Play Student Council Language Club Camera Club

John Eastman Herriman

Reid Fitzgerald Draper F. F. A. Pres. Dance Committee Pageant Broadcaster Student Council

Reid Ernstrom Draper

Beryl Erickson Murray Band Orchestra Language Club

laVerl Fairbourn

Phyllis Fletter

Crescent Fashion Show Gym Jamboree Home Ee. Club Girls' Council Dance Committee Christmas Pageant

Sandy Pageant Mixed Chorus Opera Camera Club Girls' Council


Cr ad u ates LeeOra Fairbourn Crescent Band Girls' Club Sec'y Girls' Club Vice-Pres. Senior Vice-Pres. Charlonian

Marvin Fairbourn Crescent Basketball

Vivian Gogel Sandy

Keith Gillen Sandy Basketball

Gordan Greene Sandy Athletic Manager

Clyde Gailey South Jordan Track F. F. A. Harvest Ball Com.

Glenn Furse West Jordan School Play

Kenneth Griffiths Midvale Band Senior President

Charles Greenwood Sandy Band Judge Student Council

Grant Hickman Crescent Student Council Dance Committee Band


Marydean Gilbert Midvale Student Body Sec'y Amateur Hour Oratory Winner Pageant Posture Parade

Faye Hales Murray Girls' Council Language Club Chorus Fas hion Show

Next da nce?

Marian George Sandy Band Posture Parade Student Council Senior Secretary

Gerald Hartvigson Murray Basketball

Merlin Hilton Cottonwood Heights Boys' Council F. F. A. Amateur Hour Beetdigger Key Contest

Dawna Hiatt Sandy Band Student Council Home Ee. Club

Juanita Hunter Midvale Girls' Council Opera Pageant Chorus Gym Jamboree

Betty Herman East Midvale Language Club Dance Committee

C ommoner things-Guess whose?

Evelyn Holt Union

Kay Heaton East Mid vale C hemistry Club Band


Graduates June Hedburg Murray Chorus Gym Jamboree

Teamon Henderson Draper Band

Bernice Hendrickson Lova Henderson Sandy Home Ee. Club Fashion Show

Leo lseki Union F. F. A. Secretary Harvest Ball Com. Basketball Athletic Manager


Draper Band

LaDean Jones West Jordan Opera Chorus Home Ee. Club Pageant

Bryant Harrison Midvale Band Chemistry Club Baseball

Nathalie Hatfield Sandy Beetdigger

Beth Jenson Midvale Home Ee. Club

LaMar Jensen Draper

Ruth M. Johnson Sandy Chemistry Club Camera Club Home Ee. Club Gym Jamboree

Rella Jaynes Sandy Band Camera Club Pageant Gym Jamboree

Senior Charlonians Plan Their Ball

LaVon Neff, left, Jackie Boberg, Donna Radovich, an d LeeOra Fairbourn di scu ss wa ys and means.

Curtis Jewkes East Midvale

Emeline Johnson Midvale Girls' Council Pageant Home Ee. Club Chorus

Carol Jensen Midvale Home Ee. Club

Melva Jones West Jordan

Alice Johnson Sandy Girls' Council

Lewis Kasuga Granite Chemistry Club A. Leg. Essay W inner

Kathleen Jensen Midvale Beetdigger Charlonian Chemistry Club

David Kidd Bluffdale Football



Myron Lewis Draper Band Orchestra Opera Pageant

Lois Loveall West Jordan Broadcaster Girls' Council

Dan Latsis West Jordan Band

Marion Long Union Gym Jamboree Camera Club


Anna Kosovich West Jordan Chemistry Club

Barbara Larsen Union Home Ee. Club Camera Club Gym Jamboree

Leona Lee Midvale

Richard Long South Jordan F. F.A.

Ralph Leonard Midvale Student Body Pres. Boys' Club Sec'y Junior Prom Com. Student Council Band

Elaine McCormick Union

Faye Morris Sandy Chemistry Club Camera Club

Glade McKee South Jordan F. F. A.

I-A 1n the Army-se niors get their draft cards.

Bette Madsen

Irene McGee

Riverton Accompanist

Granite Charlonian Broadcaster Student Council Posture Parade

Janice Meyers

Eldon McFarlane

Union Girls' Council Hom e Ee. Club Dancing Gym Jamboree

Bluffdale Band Base ball

Horton McBride

Farel Mahoney

Sandy Chorus Debating Senior Hop Com.

Midvale Band Pageant Girls ' Council Gym Jamboree

Charlene Mason Uni on Language Club Girls' Council Pageant Opera Posture Parade Traveling Assembly

Lee Mickelsen Crescent Junior Pres. Debating Junior Prom Com.


Graduates Rachel R. Mascaro Herriman Language Club Amateur Hour Gym Jamboree

Arthur Millerberg East Midvale Broadcaster Band

Sam Matsushita Union Tu1ck Chemistry Club

Robert Maynes Cottonwood Heights Debating Gym Jamboree Key Contest


Margaret Miller Midvale

Marian Mazanis Sandy Band Broadcaster Editor Charlonian Student Council

London Millet Union Chorus Opera Dramatics

Shirley McNamara Union Charlonian Home Ee. Club Debating Language Club Chemistry Club

Elene Nicolette East Midvale Home Ee. Cl ub Opera Girls' Council Gym Jamboree Dancing

LaWana Nielsen Union 1--fome Ee. C lu b Girls' Council Pageant Gym Jamboree

Louis Nelson West Jordan Chemistry Club

La Von Neff Crescent Oration Opera Charlonian Gym Jamboree

Sen ior Cred its

A. C. Jensen checks o n Richard Long , Rose Wardle, and LaRoyce Beckstead.

Catherine Newman Midvale Opera Debating Gym Jamboree Chorus Girls' Council

Bob Nacey Sandy

Yeldon Newbold South Jordan

Barbara Olson Midva le C harlonian Opera Home Ee. Club Senior H op Com. Dramatics Gym Jamboree

Dorothy Nicholson Midvale Girls' Council Band Home Ee. Club

Leone Oakeson So ut h Jordan Girls' Council H ome Ee. Club Junior Prom Com.

Vesta Nielsen South Jordan Band Home Ee . Club Dramatics Orchestra Gym Jam boree Senior Hop Com.

Norma Oliver Un ion C hemistry Cl u b Gym Jam boree


Graduates Robert Orgill Riverton Debate Pageant

Byron Peart Draper Opera Pageant Band Camera Club

Wanda Pearson West Jordan Opera Girls' Council Charlonian Debating Student Council Beetdigger

Walton Parker East Midvale Track Broadcaster

Bonnie Parr West Jordan Student Council Soph. Secretary Opera Gym Jamboree Home Ee. Club

Ann Petrlich Midvale Home Ee. Club

Darrell Peterson East Midvale

Iris Russell Calvin Price Union Chorus Opera Pageant


Rose Price Midvale Opera Pageant Chorus Girls' Council

Union Gym Jamboree Home Ee. Club Dance Committee

Gwen Peckham Midvale Broadcaster Girls' Council Student Council Gym Jamboree Chorus

Virginia Robbins East Midvale Beetdigger Camera Club Art Club Home Ee. Club Amateur Hour Senior Hop Com.

Sweaters Arrive!

Karl Ware and Maxine Berrett wish they had ordered a sweater like Bob Wood's.

Ernest Poulsen Midvale Football

Heber Robertson Crescent Boys' Council Art Club Senior Hop Com.

Dorma Polson Sandy Lan guage Club

Blanche Russell Sandy

Marjorie Richardson Floyd Rhodes West Jordan Chemistry Club Home Ee. Club

Thelma Rindlisbach Bluffdale Gym Jamboree Language Club



Donna Radovich Midvale Soph . &JuniorVice-Pres. Student Body Vice-Pres. Broadcaster Beetdigger Junior Prom. Charlonian


Graduates Wanda Smith Draper Band Girls' Council

Kenneth Sundquist Crescent Football F. F.A.

Dean Schmidt East M idvale Band

Deloris Schmidt East Midvale Ba nd C harlonian Posture Pa rade


Esther Stelter Union

Wanda Sjoblom Draper Charlonian

Jeanne Steadman Midvale Historian Charlonian Band Gym Jamboree Chemistry Club

Phyllis Stanton W est Jordan Language Club Vice-Pres.

Beverly Stephensen Riverton Chorus Gym Jambo ree Opera Pageant A rt Cl ub H ome Ee. Club

Mary Saito Midvale Beetd igger Co-editor, Sa lesma n C harlo nian Student Cou ncil Camera C lub Junior Prom Senior H op.

Aleen Sanderson Draper Beet digger Broadcaster Gym Jamboree Fashion Show

Bob Soper Draper



Prettyin g up for t he birdie.

Carroll Sandstrom Crescent

Marie Smith Draper Charlonian Band Commercial Contest

Donna Stuart Midvale Girls' Council

Hazel Stevenson Midvale Broadcaster

Max Spratling W est Jordan

F. F.A.

Louise Sebree Midvale

Shirla Soffe South Jordan Home Ee. Club Sec'y Junior Sec'y Traveling Assembly Gym Jamboree Senior Hop

Gayle Smith Midvale Broadcaster Home Ee. Club Girls' Council


Graduates Jean Sanderson

Milton Smith

Sandy Charlonian Pres. Band Opera Student Council

Bill Stoker


F. F. A. Counci l

Madonna Stradley

Union Football Beetdigger

Lila May Tucker Draper Fashion Show

Barbara Tuft Draper


Barbara Taft Midvale Chorus Opera Broadcaster Gym Jamboree Language Club Chemistry Club

Carol Thornton East Midvale Charlonian 3rd Place Oratory Beetdigger Art Editor Broadcaster Language Club Pageant

Caroline Trontel Midvale Chemistry Club Language Club

Karl Ware Sandy

F. F.A. Pageant Band Cheer Leader

Union Gym Jamboree Home Ee. Club Language Club

Alice Tame Union Orchestra Charlonian

Leola Withers Draper Charlonian Gym Jamboree

Frances Tea Riverton Gym Jamboree

Albert White Draper

Charlonians get their dresses.

Richard W ebb Sandy Football Track Basketball

Bob Wood Union Beetdigger Chemistry Club

Eunice Walbeck Draper Gym Jamboree

Raymond Wanberg Midvale Debate Band

Vern Welch Midvale Band Orchestra Prosecuting Attorney Student Council Gym Jamboree

Elnora Winger Union Home Ee. Club Gym Jamboree

Rose Wardle South Jordan Home Ee. Club Posture Parade

Trilva Young Union


Hard work! Long nights! and oodles of energy were put forth by the staff to get a year at Jordan in print so it would bring pleasant memories back to be reBetty Evans

Mary Saito



lived. Co-editors Mary and Betty grew a few gray hairs during the process of getting the book together , but both will admit "It's


worth it." Don't you agree?

The staff get their picture taken

* 84

Front, left: Julian Brown, sports editor; Donna Radovich, literary editor; Carol Thornton , art ed itor; Mary Harada , senior editor; Gloria Rasmussen, sophomore editor; Marian Sharp, junior editor; and Joy Burmester, junior editor. Back: Orson Smith, photography adviser; Marilyn Nelson, sopohomore editor; and Laura Gardner, editorial adviser.

Business Managers

With much-spent energy and well-placed tact, these staffs, headed by Willa, LaRue, and Roger, took care of the financial worries involved.

Willa Crane , LaRue Barton , and Roger Carlquist

Back ro w, le ft to rig ht : Lloyd McGee, Jacqueline Boberg, Norma Black, Fumi Harada , Alberta Brailsford, Leah Boyce, Shirley Anderson, Gwen Hand, Helen Myers, George Butterfield, Raymond Parry. Seco nd ro w : E. L. Crawford, Irene Petrarca, Beverly Brady, Luane Tucker, Marjorie Petersen, Arlene Malstrom, Eva Tesch, Lily Peddler, Rita Gene Martineau, Genie! Beck, Georgia Bodell. Front row: Roger Carlquist, Mary Saito, Florence Dansie, Melba Jenkins, Lucille Bergmann, Clark Jones, Nathalie Hatfield, Virginia Robbins, Willa Crane.

Manager Roger give s his salesmen a pep talk to get orders for the yearbook.


They brought home " the bacon "-in the form of ads for the yearbook. Front ro w, le ft : LaJuana Page, Vern Welch, LaRue Barton, Donnell Rasmussen, Francene Crawford. Secon d ro w: Kenneth Griffiths, LaWana Egbert, Ted Peterson, Eva Tesch, Miss Garrett, Willa Crane.








Agnes Archibald Bud Allgood Carolyn Aylett Dale Alexander Gloria Anderson Janis Allen Mack Adams Marjorie Anderson Nelda Allen

Aggy Bud Aylett Howie Pat Jany Mac Marge Nellie

Socks Eating Lowell Trouble Civilians Uniforms Mack Adams Food Midvale lad

Stenograp her Engineer Lowell Airplane mechanic Easy going None To see and do A man To trap him

Argie Benis Arvid Bowles Bonnie Boberg Darwin Bagley Dawn Butler Doris Borg Dorothy Bills Edra Butterfield Helen Bateman Jacqueline Boberg Jean Bateman Jean Burgon Jeanne Bodell Julian Brown La Royce Beckstead La Rue Barton Laura Butterfield Lawrence Butterfield Leola Bateman Lucille Beckstead Marva Beckstead Max Beckstead Maxine Berrett Milton Bills Odie Brady Ralph Butler Raeola Brady Ralph Brady Shirley Briggs

Benny Bowles Bo Geasle Marge Borgie Dot Eddy Huck Jack Red Ginger Stoop Cap Toycie Buz Laurie Joe Lee Lu Becky Curly Red Milt Reg Late Rae Beer Lefty

Argument Ice cream Camp Kearns Girls, guns "Sea- Bees" Dark men Brown eyes Stoney Clothes Being worn out Wine, men Cal Potato salad Calamity Bill Music Clothes Thelma "Bob" Cowboy music Sweaters W omen Peace, gas, tires Women Texas rangers W est Jordan Dancing A blonde Sleepin g

Psychiatrist Ma chini st Read shorthand A good job Sailor's wife Ambulance driver Be a good wife Be a good wife Nurse Slave at college W.A.A.C. Marriage W.A.V.E.s Pilot Win t he war Be well liked W.A.V.E.S .s Pilot Good fa lse teeth To travel W.A.A.F. Bum To gain ambitions Wild er Bigger, better cabinet Live in W est Jordan Get married Support wife Design er

Arleen Christensen Barbara Cowdell Bernis Connelly Dick Crane Donna Child Ellen Clark Francene Crawford Marietta Clement Merle Calloway Roger Carlquist Ruth Curtis Willa Crane

Chris Babs Bag Commodore Inn oce nt Clarke Stubsie Calamity Myoit Corky Ruthie Billi e

Sailors Food Men Self-control Uni forms Lester Wakin g up Janitor Moron jokes Classical music Blue Plymouth Shorthand

W .A.A.C. Good army wife Ambiti on Success in life Honest pick-pocket Learn to cook Own a hom e Su ccessfu I sluffing W.A.A.C. Nava l career Ike Car plus "C" card

Bernell Day Ferris Dansie George Deneris Joyce Despain Marjorie Densley Marland Despain Vere Densley

Slim Fairy Cotless Jo Marge Mud Tommy

Women Slot machines Eng li sh Castle of dreams Dancing Mountain hikes Mu sic

Beryl Erickson Betty Evans Glen Ebert John Eastman LaWana Egbert Lois Evans Udell Erickson

Blackey Ang e l Snerd Huck Dube rt Evans Ud

Navy Air Corps Plaid shirts Girls Bashfulness Ride freights Am. Problems Work

Glenn Furse LaVerl Fairbourn LeeOra Fairbourn Marvin Fairbourn Norman Fitzgerald Reid Fitzgerald

Glen Fairbourn Larry Bub Fitz Mac

Ice cream Juniors Writinq letters Women Money English






Afton Greenwood Clyde Gailey Charles Greenwood Edwin Gardner Gordon Greene Kenneth Griffiths Marian George Marydean Gilbert Mark Green Vivian Gogel

Anti -aircraft Gildersleeve Chick Ted Bertha Griff Mugs Deanne Bandit Bibby

Red sto ckings Women A blonde Green-eyed b'r unette Pretty girls Hot music Clarinet players A "big" man Ice cream Hot dogs

Bernice Hendrickson Betty Herman Bryant Harrison Dawna Hiatt Evelyn Holt Faye Hales Gayle Holt Gerald Hartvigson James Hunter Jane Holt June Hedburg Kay Heaton Keith Hardman Lova Henderson Mary Harada Merlin Hilton Nathalie Hatfield Tom Howells

Henry Herm Harry Bee Holt Hales Big Holt Weary Governor Holt Junie Sunshine Censored Larva Dumb Mud Hatfield Thomas

Tall blonde Handsome men Wolfesses Lad in Cuba Pete Work Women Everything Pin-ball machine Sailors Bob Slot machine Tough women Clifford Dumbness Blue-eyed blondes Men Food

Engineering Join the navy Graduate Housewife Navy Air Corps Genuine wolf Write a novel To become dumber Radio announcer Nurse Education

Leo lseki




Alice Johnson Beth Jenson Carlos Jensen Carol Jensen Curtis Jewkes Emeline Johnson Kathleen Jensen LaDean Jones LaMarr Jensen Rella Jaynes Ruth Johnson

Tubby Pudgy Case Di shy Max Red Kay Dean Jens Chick Margie

A blonde Certain blonde Brunettes Sailors Women Kearns' chief cook Sophomore boys Uniforms School Bruce Biting fingernails

Housewife Easy job Ailvei cadet Get driver's license Good soldier Get a guy ' Be cultured Easy money Join Marines Housewife Nurse

Anna Kosovich Lewis Kasuga

" A" Scholar

Sweet stuff Teachers

Private secretary Research engineer

Barbara Larson Dan Latsis Leona Lee Lois Loveall Marion Long Myron Lewis Richard Long Ralph Leonard

Babs Danny Blondie Punk Maryano Kadiano My Dick Corny

School bus Bare legs The country Tall blonde Words Going steady Night life Blondes

Tall, dark, handsome Navy Machinist Drive a car Seamstress Flying Air Corps Grease monkey

Arthur Millerberg Bette Madsen Charlene Mason Charles Mascaro Elaine McCormick Eldon McFarlane Elsie Merrill Farel Mahoney Faye Morris Glade McKee Horton McBride Irene McGee Janice Meyers Lee Mickelsen London Millet Margaret Miller Marian Mazanis Rachel Mascaro Robert Maynes

Art Bet+ Beck Mas Eline Bud Deis Irish Faith Mack Mac McGee Awenie Mick Mill Ford Maz Rach Desperate

Women French Sam Sluffing Gold wings English Chocolate cake M. P.'s Soldiers Women Orchids Ward Sluffing Wolfesses Attention Laziness Soldiers, (Jral Certain sailor Work , sleeping

Learn to fly Dress designer Navy wife Not get caught Air corps wife To graduate Riveter Aviatrix Beauty operator Machinist Dough boy Be a good wife Good housewife "Sarge More Attention Speaker Orchestra leader Housewife Do best better









Ross Moon Shirley McNamara Sam Matsushita

Oscar Mac Sho

Women Ea t ing W ork

3e a bum rind a new hair do Loa fing around

Billy Newbold Catherine Newman Dorothy Nicholsen Elene Nicolette LaVon Neff LaWana Nielsen Louis Nelson Robert Nacey Yeldon Newbold Vesta Nielsen

Potato mouth Kate Dottie Nickie Sneffy Duchess Dug Bob Handsome Ni els

Girls Books s路tar li te Night Military dances Buicks Long, black hair Bl ondes , skirts Dames Sleeping J. B.

Sleep Teac her "C" plu s a convert Hook a man Time will tell Teac her Bu ck p rivate More dames Bu ck p ri vate Lose we ig ht

Barbara Olson Leonard Olson Norma Oliver Robert Orgill Verda Oakeson

Babs G rouse Norm Joe Slu ggs Verda

Certain someone Girls Aviation Cadets La na Turner Softball

Get a "C" card A rmy Graduate Vi sit Europe Sleep

Ann Petrlich Bonnie Parr Byron Peart Calvin Price Darrell Petersen Don Polson Dorma Polson Edna Peterson Ermile Pa rk Ernest Poulson Gwen Peckham Osborne Pender Rose Price Walton Parker Wanda Pearson

Pet Parr By Ca l Pete Seats Dummer Pete W a lters Ernie Too nk A- 1 Kid Rosie W a lt Pat

Pinen uts Can 't sing W omen Brownettes Miss Hansen Eng lish Hamburgers Chocolate cake Heb, clothes Bl ondes Men , money, time W omen Un iforms Mat hematics Mulberries

Nurse Grea t singer Beat t he J aP' U.S. A rmy Flyi ng Fort ress Secretary WAV ES, wife Travel Ai r Corps Ste nograp her, wife Truck driver Vocalist Commissioned officer Success

Donna Radovich Flobd Rhodes He er Robertson Iris Russell Marjorie Richardson Thelma Rindlisbach Virginia Robbins

Dum Dum Fei f Robbie Russet Marge Slug Virg

Bad temper W omen Ta lking Red clothes Sailors Certain man Fred

Go to co ll ege A uto mechanic A rt ist Dress designer Navy nurse Housewife Vi sit Eng land

Aleen Sanderson Beth Shaw Beverly Stephensen Bill Stoker Carroll Sandstrom Dean Schmidt Deloris Schmidt Donna Stuart Esther Stelter Gayle Smith Hazel Stevenson Jean Sanderson Jeanne Steadman Kenneth Sundq~ist Louise Sebree MaDonna Stradley Margaret Smith Marie Smith Mary Saito Max Spratling Milton Smith Phyllis Stanton Shirla Soffe Wanda Sjoblom

Sandy Sho Stevie Shorty Sandbag Smitty Dee Stew Es G ush St eve Sandy Irish Kenny Dimp les Mi cky Peggy Pe nn y Mayna Par ley Milt Pil l Soffe Si ob

Studying Mari nes A ll un iform' Little blondes W omen Certain junior :>ete :onvertibles Steady eating Mil t A man J. H. S. Judge Ke it h Dancing Sc hoo l Blonde Edw in Blue dresses Fl uid drive Chrysler W omen Brunettes Olives Rat Conve rtible

Alice Tame Barbara Taft Carol Thornton Caroline Trontel Dewayne Tripp

A. T. Taft Gert :arrie Tripp

Broad shoulders Swimming Khaki Softball Ice cream


SOPHOMORE INDEX Anderson, Beth Adamson, Betty Lou Anderson, Butler Allred, Donna Allen, Donna Lou Allen, Dorothy Ajioka, George Anderson, Howard Asay, Jean Anderson, Mary Jean Andrus, Merlan Atkinson, Reed Adams, Roene Brailsford, Alberta Bateman, Bertin Brady, Beverly Bodell. Clifford Brady, Donna Brown, Elden Bills, Fay Beck, Geniel Bodell. Georgia Butterfield, Grant Brother, Helen Brown, Joyce Burgon, LaRae Boyce, Leah . Beckstead, LeRae Bird, Marion Bodell, Mary Lou Brady, Melba Brady. Melvin Beckstead, Myrle Black, Norma Blaire, Pearl Berrett, Ralph Barnes, Rosalyn Bishop, Shirley Bakoulas, Sophie Bateman , Spencer Christensen, Bonnie Mae Christensen, Clarice Cockayne, Don Colton, Iris Louise Christensen, Lucille Calton, Mirian Cundick, Neldon Crapo, Richard Cundick, Robert Dodge, Avon Doty, Bertha Dunn, Betty Dahl, Eugene Dittman, Helen Dooley, Mary Frances Day, Vaudis Erickson, Arthella Egbert, Barbara Ewell, Barbara Endo, Mary Furse, Ann Fowl ks, Jimmie Fitzgerald, Sherman Fetch ner, Sherry Furgus, Stella Freeman, Vesta Goge l, Betty Glover, Gene Greenwood, Gene

12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 12 13 13 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13

Goff, Genevieve Gotberg, Kenneth Goulding, Kent Goff, Lorna Gamangaso, Mary Gardner, Shirley Gilbert, Wesley Harris, Calvin Hand, Dale Harris, Ellis Hatch, Guy Hardcastle, Hal Holt, Joyce Harrison, Karl Hansen, Lois Hopkinson, Paul Hofeling, Ralph Hardcastle, Sarah Jenkins, Alden Johnson, Arla Jones, Clark Johnson, Egon Johnson, Glenda Jones, Helen Jones, ldona Jorgensen, Jack Jensen, Janice Jensen, Lenore Jensen, Mort Jones, Merlin Jenkins, Melba Jensen, Maurine Johnson, Marvin Jordan, Richard Jensen, Wanda Keller, Aud ry Jean Kidd, Billy Krantz, Edward Kroft, June Ka la kis, Kady Lewis, Alaire Lemitz, Dean Lennberg, Don Lengren, Daisy Mae La Rocco, Darrell Lloyd, Margaret McDonald, Anne Mumford, Barbara Mangum, Billy L. Morris, Beverly Marchant, Connie Manning, Donna McKee, Fay Maynes, Gaylen Maxfield, Gerald Mickelsen, Helen Murphy, Jenine Madsen , LeOra McGee, Lloyd Millerberg, Renee Martineou, Rita Gene McCleary, Van Morgan, Wallace Nacy, Beverly Newman, Edna Neilsen, Eugene Neff, Gordon Nielsen, Kenneth Nelson, Marilyn Nelson, Maryan Nelson, Tommy Olson, Mack Olson, Richard L. Oakeson, Sherman Oakeson, Shirley Pierson, Betty Jo Phillips, David Petersen, Douglas

13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 I+ 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 14 14 14 14 14

14 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

Peterson, Earl R. Pappa.- Edna Maxine Poulsen, Edward Peterson, Elaine Page, Grant Pedler, Lily R. Petersen, Lola Beth Petersen, Marjorie Payne, Mary Jean Petraca, Norma Irene Proctor, Norman Pa~ry, Raymond Peterson, Richard Peterson, Vaunda Rawlings, Barbara Rosse, Barbara Lee Robinson, Clelia Rasmussen, Gloria Reid, Jack Rose, Jack Roundy, Kilmer Raddon, Joyce Russell, Loraine Rasmussen, RoLayne Spencer, A. J. Smith, Allen Smith, Alice . Swenson, Bob Stock, Boyd Spratling, Carol Steadman, Delores Steadman, Dewain Schmidt, Dewain Stafflund, Ernest Smith, Glenda Smith, Jack Steadman, Kenneth Steadman, Kelvin Serdar, Lou Ann Smith, Mary Silcox, Mary Searle, Maxine Smith, Merlin Sorenson, Neil Schmidt, Noreen Stocks, Patsy Swenson, Phyllis Swapp, RaNae Sjoblom, Ruth Smith, Sterling B. Sjoblom, Walla ce Thornblad, Doris Terry, Dorothy Th ornblad, Dorothy Townsend, Dow Thompson, Jay Paul Tucker, Luwan e Tripp, Norma Turpin, Reed Turner, Rodney Vawdrey, Geraldine Van, Irene Whitm ore, Bob Webb, Caroline W ood, Doris Weibell. Fred Wh eadon, Geraldine Winn, Keith Winn , Luana W are, Max Walton , Scott Webster, Ud ell Youngberg, Burton Young, Donna Young, Eugene Yengich, Helen Young, Newell Young, Thelma

15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 ; 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 lb

16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16路 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1616 17 17 17 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17


JUNIOR INDEX Adams, Caleen Atwood, Donna Ainsworth, Gale Anderson, Harold Atwood, Jane Anderson, Margaret Anderson, Marvin Allsop, Reid Anderson, Shirley Baird, Adelia Bills, Beth Buhler, Betty Blasius, Beverly Brand, Dale Butterfield, Dick Brown, Elaine Butterfield, Frank Bateman, Glen Butterfield, George Bruno, Jacqueline Bagshaw, Joy Bernice Burmester, Joy Berrett, LaMar Beckstead, Laree Beckstead, Leola Ben nett, Lois Bergmann, Lucille Buckley, Marvin Bigler, Max Beckstead, Norma Ann Ballard, Melvin Boyce, Pauline Brown, Ray Burnham, Sharon Blanchard, Shirley Butterfield, Woodruff Cook, Belva Callas, Bette Campbell, Betty Lou Christensen, Betty Jean Clark, Carol Cary, Charles Crane, Clyde Collett, Don Crump, Donna Cowdell, Edith Crane, Gale Cope, Kenneth Canning, Langley Cozzens, Leslie Cline, Oliver Clayton, Pearl Cook, Rulon Coats, Shirley Deming, Barbara Dunn, Donna Dansie, Deloris Dansie, Florence Draney, Frances Dansie, Joyce Densley, Lois Densley, Lorraine Dunn, Richard Dunyon, Robert Densley, Wanda English, Afton Evans, Allan Erdman, Bill Elkington, Brooks Erick son, Darlene Egbert, Della Evans, Owen English, Genevieve Eskelson, Shirley Fitzgerald, Boyd Fitzgerald, Ferris Forman, Julian Fairbourn, LeeOna Fairbourn, Mary Gosman, Bertie Grant, Blaine Garfield, Earl J. Garside, Florence Graff, Goldie


39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 41 39 39 39 39 41 41 39 41 41 41 41 39 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 '43 41 41 41

Goff, Irene Gordan, Jack Gould, Jackie Gustaveson, Jay Gammell, LaRae Gilbert, Melvin Garff, Newel Guinn, Pauline Green, Rayola Gardner, Riggs Gotberg, Wallace Hughes, Barta Hunsaker, Dorothy Hakanson, Earl • Hatfield, Elaine Holm, Evelyn Hand, Gwen Hatch, Jim Humphry, Joyce Hogan, Keith Hardcastle, Leon Hall, Patricia Higgins, Phyllis Holt, Thelma Hogan, Wilma Isackson, Elaine Isaac, Lois James, Bob Jaynes, Bonita Jacobson, Don Johnson, Fern Jenkins, Frances Jackson, I reta Johnson, Jack Jorgensen, Jack Jensen, Mildred Jones, Norma Jenkins, Orren Jenkins, Tabetha Johnson, Vivian Jaynes, Wanda Kump, Albert Kemp, Don Kichas, Dorothy Kellgrene, Leota Kunz, Loyal Kump, Myrtle Kimball, Reid Kim, Ruth LaFevre, Grace Last, Helen Lerwill, Ralph Larson, Thelma Lewis, Verona LeClaire, Wilma Mazuran, Anna Malstrom, Arlene Miller, Beth Moore, Betty Mousley, Clifford McMullen, Clem Morgan, Don Malstrom, Elaine Millerberg, Eugene May, Florence May, Francis Madsen, Harold Myers, Helen Maxfield, Jay Marchant, Lola Malmstrom, Melvin Masich, Millie Nelson, Bill Norris, K. Naylor, Marva Nielsen, Maxine Naylor, Melva Newbold, Reed Newbold, Stuart Nilsson, Wayne Nosack, William Ontiveros, Andy Olson, Beth Ousley, Betty Lou

43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 43 45 45 43 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 47 45 45

Otis, Beverly Orr, Bill Olson, Enid Ostler, Fae Orgill, Lorraine Orton, Ora Orgill, Ralph Olson, Veda Orgill, Thelma Palmer, Clyde Price, Ella Price, Elsa Petrarca, Esther Poulson , Georgia Polson, Helen Pixton, Janice Proctor, Jay Porter, Jean Padjen, John Peterson, Joyce Pugmire, June Page, LaJuana Proctor, Maude Payne, Marjorie Perry, Marjorie Petrlich, Mary Petersen, Max Peart, Merlin Pack, Myrna Page, Noel Poor, Reggie Petersen, Robert Park, Ruth Pierce, Stella Peterson, Ted Peterson, Vaun Dean Rasmussen, David Rasmussen, Donnell Robbins, Dorothy Roper, Helen Roberts, Irving Rasmussen, Joyce Ray, Maurine Reading, Ronald Russell, Virginia Smith, Barbara Sainsbury, Bailey Stoor, Bill Smith, Deon Spratling, Donnabel Stewart, Derald Schouten, Fred Smith, Ila Smickle, Jack Slater, Juanita Sharp, Marian Swapp, Lorna Smith, Margaret Gale Sadler, Norma Sjoblom, Paul Shaw, Robert Sharp, Stanley Smith, William Thompson, Beverly Tesch, Eva . Thorum, Joyce Thornton, Lucile Thaxton, Roberta Teerli n k, Ruth Vale, Elaine Vawdrey, Lois Van, Wayne Watts, Ada Rae Whittle, Beth Williams, Beth Washburn, Beverly Wallgreene, Faye Winward, Gale Winward, Grant Wengren, Ila Wardle, Thelma Webb, VaLoris Wood, Vauna

47 47 45 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 49 47 49 47 47 49 49 47 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49

SENIOR INDEX Archibald, Agnes Allgood, Bud Alexander, Dale Anderson, Gloria Allen, Janis Adams, Mack Anderson, Marjorie Allen, Nelda Bergmann, Aldene Boberg, Bonnie Bagley, Darwin Butler, Dawn Borg, Doris Bills, Dorothy Butterfield, Edra Bateman, Helen Boberg, Jacqueline Bateman, Jean Brown, Julian Beckstead, LaRoyce Barton, La Rue Butterfield, Lawrence Bateman, Leola Beckstrom, Marva Beckstead, Max Berrett, Maxine Bills, Milton Butler, Ralph Brady, Ralph Brady, Raeola Burr, Roy Briggs, Shirley Connelley, Bernis Crane, Dick Child, Donna Clark, El len Crawford, Francene Clement, Marietta Calloway, Meri e Carlquist, Roger Curtis, Ruth Crane, Willa Deneris, George Densley, Marj orie Dansie, Marion Draper, Shirley Densley, Veona Densley, Vere Erickson, Beryl Evans, Betty Ebert, Glen Eastman, John Egbert, LaWana Evans, Lois Ernstrom, Reid Erickson, Udell Furse, Glenn Fairbourn , LaVerl Fairbourn, LeeOra Fairbourn, Marvin Fletter, Phyllis Fitzgerald, Reid Gailey, Clyde

64 64 64

64 64 64

64 64 64

66 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 67 64 64 64

66 65 65 65 65 66 67 67 67 68 66 68 67 67 67 67 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 68 69 69 68 69 68 70 69 70 70 69 69 70

Greenwood, Charles Greene, Gordan Griffiths, Kenneth Gillen, Keith George, Marian Gilbert, Marydean Gogel, Vivian Hendrickson, Bernice Herman, Betty Harrison , Bryant Hiatt, Dawna Holt, Evelyn Hales , Faye Hartvigsen, Gerald Hickman, Grant Hedburg, June Hunter, Juanita Heaton, Kay Henderson, Lova Hilton, Merlin Hatfield, Nathalie Henderson, Teamon lseki, Leo Johnson, Alice Jenson, Beth Jensen, Carol Jewkes, Curtis Johnson, Emeline Jensen, Kathleen Jones, LaDean Jensen, LaMar Jaynes, Rella Jones, Melva Johnson, Ruth M. Kosovich, Anna Kidd, David Kasuga, Lewis Larson, Barbara Latsis, Dan Lee, Leona Loveall, Lois Long, Marion Lewis, Myron Long, Richard Leonard, Ralph Millerberg, Arthur Madsen , Bette Mason, Charlene McCormick, Elaine McFarlane, Eldon Mahoney, Fare! Morris, Faye McKee, Glade McBride, Horton McGee, Irene Meyers, Janice Mickelsen, Lee Millet, London Miller, Margaret Mazanis, Marian Mascaro, Rachel Maynes , Robert Matsushita, Sam

70 70 70 70 71 70 70 72

71 72

71 71 70 71 70 72

71 72 72

71 72 72 72

73 72

73 73 73 73 72 72 72

73 72

74 73 73 74 74

74 74 74 74 74 74 76 75 75 74 75 75 74 74 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 76

McNamara, Shirley Nacey, Bob Newman , Catherine Nicholson, Dorothy Nicolette, Elene Neff, LaVon Nielsen, LaWana Nelson, Lou is Newbold, Yeldon Nielsen, Vesta Olson, Barbara Oakeson, Leone Oliver, Norma Orgill, Robert Petrlich, Ann Parr, Bonnie Peart, Bryon Price, Calvin Peterson , Darrell Polson, Dorm a Pou Isen, Ernest Peckham, Gwen Price, Rose Parker, Walton Pearson, Wanda Russell, Blanche Radovich, Donna Rhodes, Floyd Robertson, Heber Russell, Iris Richardson, Marjorie Rindlisbach, Thelma Robbins, Virginia Sanderson, Aleen Stephensen, Beverly Stoker, Bill Soper, Bob Sandstrom, Carroll Schmidt, Dean Schmidt, Deloris Stuart, Donna Stelter, Esther Smith, Gayle Stevenson, Hazel Sanderson, Jean Steadman, Jeanne Sundquist, Kenneth Sebree, Louise Stradley, Madonna Smith, Marie Saito, Mary Spratling, Max Smith, Milton Stanton, Phyllis Soffe, Shirla Sjoblom, Wanda Smith, Wanda Tame, Ali ce Taft, Barbara Tuft, Barbara Thornton, Carol Trontel, Caroline Tea, Frances Tucker, Lila Mae Wight, Albert Wood, Bob Wing er, Elnora Walbe ck, Eunice Ware , Karl With ers , Leola Wanberg, Raymond Webb , Richard Wardle, Rose Welch, Vern Young, Trilva

76 77 77 77

76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77

78 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 79 78 79 79 78 80 80 82 80 81 80 80 81 80 81 81 82 80 80 81 82 81 80 81 82 80 81 80 80 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 82 82 83 83 83 83 83


SENIORS NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Carolyn Aylett, Midvale Eldon Butterfield, Herriman Bond Jean Burgen, West Jordan . . Jr. Prom Jeanne Bodell, Herriman Yearbook Salesman Laura Butterfield, Herriman Yearbook Salesman, Girls' Club Lucille Beckstead, South Jordan Arvid Bowles, Herriman Football Band, Shop . . . Reed Bills, Riverton Shirley Butterfield, Midvale . Arleen Christensen, West Jordan . . . . . . • . Home Ee. Club, Camera Club, Gym Jamboree, Language Club Barbara Cowdell, Midvale . . . . . . . . . . . . . Girls'Chorus, Opera, Pageant, Girls' Club Rep. Ferris Dansie, Bluffdale Bernell Day, Draper . . Home Ee. Club Joyce Despain, Midvale Band, Chemistry Club Norman Fitzgerald, Draper Mark Green, Cottonwood Heights F.F.A. Darrel Holt, South Jordan . . . . . . Football Co-captain, Basketball Gayle Holt, South Jordan Art Club, Debating Keith Hardman, Riverton

. Thomas Howells, Union . . . . Tumbling Eugene Hansen, South Jordan F.F.A., Band, Student Council Maydolin Long , East Midvale Bill Maynard , Sandy . Boys' Club Rep. Elsie Merrill , South Jordan Verda Oakeson , South Jordan Leonard Olsen, Union John Paulos, Midvale . . Edna Peterson, Sandy . Home Ee. Club Don Polson, Sandy . Football, Basketball Alfred Pedersen , Un ion . . . . . . . . . . . Ermile Park, Sandy Gym Jamboree, Charlonian, Yearbook Salesman, Art Club Gene Rose, West Jordan . . . . Margaret Smith , Draper . Charlonian, Orchestra Dewayne Tripp , East Midvale . . . . Band Max Turner, Midvale . . Boxing, Gym Jamboree Florence Van Valkenburg, Union Martin Winn, Sandy Dorothy Wells , Murray Carl Whiting, Union

. .


JUNIORS NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Eldon Bates Glenn Beck Jesse Brewer Kenneth Burningham Keith Beckstead Andrew Ballard Berle Bennett Ario Barben Charles Bytheway Shirley Beckstead Glenda Callahan Clea Carroll Lorna Christensen Roy Christensen Jimmy Condie Carol Crump Pete Deneris Bob Denny Wayne Despain Phyllis Draper Ray Draper Hichiro Endo Bliss Fitzgerald Harold Fritz Leon Frost Billy Hull

Midvale Draper Union Union South Jordan Draper Midvale West Jordan West Jordan South Jordan South Jordan Crescent Midvale Herriman Union Bluffdale Midvale Sandy Union Midvale Sandy Crescent Draper Sandy Bluffdale Union

Gordan Hellstrom Jay Hansen Robert Hendrickson Ronald Jarvie Kenneth Jones Ellis Jackson Delores Johnson Douglas Johnson David Jones Frank Kerr Jerry Kekos Kent King Betty Miller Eva Mascaro Floyd Morris Lucille Meyer Nyal McMullin Ralph Madsen Raymond Mousley Sherman Mabey Wayne Margetts Eleanor Nelson Richard Nelson Vernon Nell Morris Page

Sandy Sandy Draper Draper West Jordan Midvale Midvale Sandy Union East Midvale Midvale Sandy Midval e Herriman Sandy Sandy South Jordan Riverton Riverton South Jordan West Jordan Sandy Union Riverton Riverton

Mildred Perry Lowell Parry Lois Parry Howard Pearsen Albert Perkes Delos Richards Calvin Richardson Norma Richter Sybil Reeves Dee Swenson Colleen Stephensen Carol Sanderson Betty Ruth Slaughter Barrett Steadman Hideo Sugiyana ldonna Smith Ladell Steadman Shirley Seal Edith Tea Ross Thornblad Pauline Trontel Norma Terry LaMar Withers Colvin Wells Bob Whittle

Union Herriman Bluffdale West Jordan Midvale West Jordan West Jordan Midvale Draper Cottonwood Heights Riverton Draper Sandy West Jordan Crescent Sandy West Jordan Riverton Riverton Sandy Midvale Draper Draper Bluffdale Sandy

SOPHOMORES NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Shirley Anderson Melba Alldredge Mike Anrig Fred Alexander Harold Beckstead Junior Brackett LaMar Buchanan Leon Bills Nelson Buck Vera Bowles Dan Cardwell Roger Caywood LaJune Christensen Deneaux Clark Gene Clark Renae Connelly Earl Crews James Day Sam Deneris Robert Densley Harold Elmer Theron Farnsworth Jack Fitzgerald Jay Forbush Mary Fratto La Rue Greene Daniel Golish 92

Midvale Midvale Sandy Butler Riverton Riverton Butler Riverton Midvale Herriman Riverton Riverton Midvale Union Sandy Draper Sandy Draper Midvale Midvale Sandy Sandy Draper Union Draper Sandy Draper

Dean Hansen Don Hawn Charles Hofes Blaine Holt Betty Hansen Marjorie Hhecht Theron Jaynes Ruth Johnson Edward Johnson Bobby Eugene Kidd Dorothy Kosovich Jack Landers Marian Larson Armond Mitchell Dale Milne David Merrill Donna Madsen Fred Mlaker Glen Molyneux Mary Lou McDonald Vardella Mounteer Helen Nokes Howard Nelson Leonard Nicolette Lu Gene Nielsen Calvin Orgill

West Jordan Sandy West Jordan South Jordan Union Sandy Sandy Draper Union Riverton West Jordan Midvale Sandy Riverton Union South Jordan Riverton Midvale Draper Midvale Butler Riverton Midvale East Midval e Union Draper

Steve Paulos Philip Peterson J. Petersen Esmee Pace Elaine Patience Dorthy Phelps Dale Porter Alma Page John Rudelick Bill Russell Mid Rist Normon Rasmusson Gale Severson Joyce Sumbot Kendall Smith Willis Stocking Dona Id Tucker Dick Thomson John Thornton Louise Van Harold Va\'d rey Jesse West Keith Wardle LeRoy Withers Virginia Wells Charles Young

Midvale Sandy South Jordan Murray Midvale Riverton Union Riverton Crescent Draper Union Union Midvale Midvale Sandy South Jordan Draper Midvale Draper Union Draper Riverton South Jordan Riverton Murray Crescent


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HERRIMAN Jordan Center Food cooked or uncooked WEST JORDAN, UTAH


Knowing what a hard time Jordan High has had in fighting to preserve the ideals for which the Jordan High School Yearbook stands , we wish to let everyone know that we heartily congratulate them .


SENIOR ROLL CALL-Continued (Continued from page 88) NAME




Frances Tea Lila Mae Tucke r Max Turner

Francie Tuck Max

Clothes Men Ice cream

Seamstress Not much Magazine il lustrator

Florence Van



Army wife

Albert Wight Dorothy Wells Elnora Winger Eunice Walbeck Karl Ware Leola Withers Martin Winn Raymond Wanberg Richard Webb Robert Wood Rose Wardl e Ve rn Welch

Cody Jo Ringer Sa l Toby Shorty Windy Ray Webb Woody Rosy Artie

Flirting Movies Soldiers Brown-eyed guy Beautiful girls Ding Girls Pie, cakes Physics Movies Am. Linen 720 in books

Retire young Orphanage None Visit Florida Own a ranc h ?????? Navy career A success WAVES(?) Naval aviator ?????? Good mac hinist




Trilva Young '.


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You've wandered through the school buildings and campus - watched the wheels go around- seen us off guard, just as real high school people.

We hope, as you gaze back before bidding us goodbye, that you will carry a desire to visit with us again. Please do. So long, Betty and Mary


.J ordn.ri






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J ordar lligh Yearbook





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