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One of the Pioneer homes of the Jordan High School at Midvale, Utah

Co-Editors Robert Alexander Ruth Evans Business Manager Gwen Smith Advisers Laura Gardner Orson Smith Wanda Wade E. L. Crawford

Contents Administration Classes. 0 r g a n i z a ti o n s • Ac ti vi ti e s .

At h Ie tic s . Campus Life

11 31 63 77 95 . 109





Utah's Centennial Year-1947 AT JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL SANDY, UTAH

"This Is the Place"-our main building.

Foreword Although we realize that probably every school in Utah will do the same thing, we feel that we must take advantage of an oppor-tunity that will not come again in our lifetime. Therefore, we are adding our bit to the statewide celebration of the one.-hundredth anniversary of the arriving of the first settlers in our valley, by choosing as our theme - Utah Pioneers. We present to you this Centennial Edition, hoping that in it you will find something to bring back pleasant memories of a year well spent.

We park our cars here behind our gymnasium.

Dedication To those courageous and clear--sighted ancestors of ours, who refused to be dismayed or defeated by homesickness or by hunger, by heartbreaking toil or by misery and death, and who, even as they struggled for survival in an arid and alien land, planted the school house in the desert so that their children and their children, s children should not grow up in darkness and confusion, we dedicate this book, published in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and forty--seven.

In our administration building our board, superintendent, and advisory staff plan for our future.

Vocational students spend many hours in our shops.

Decoration above main entrance.

Mountains, serene and maiestic, rise in our back yard.

This is the way we come and go in 1947.

Styles in cars and clothes have changed.

Jimmie experiments with montage.

Our parents thought these busses were fihe last word.


Winter spreads magic.

The mail goes throughthen and now.

, _,,.-


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The song of the Western pioneers

Is splendid music to Western ears.-Don Blanding


Supt. Arthur E. Peterson

Superintendent Peterson and his staff efficiently direct the operation of the schools of the twelve ad-joining towns, which comprise one of the first con-solidated rural schools in the United States. From the six junior high schools in these communities we draw our enrollment. This is a far cry from the seventy--three eager pioneers from Sandy and the surrounding towns who met in 1908 in the Central School in Sandy and formed the nucleus from which Jordan High School grew. This brave beginning consisted of three dingy rooms, a very limited curriculum, three teachers, and three or four horse.-drawn antiquated wagons. Now we boast forty--two teachers, several well-equipped buildings, a welHighted field for night football, a varied course of study, and modern busses to carry us back and forth. We feel that our board and our superintendent have our interests at heart.

The Board of Education Meets.

Seated: Horace T. Godfrey, president, Union; Rex T. Tripp, Bingham; F. A. Orton, Sandy; Arthur E. Peterson, Sandy. Standing: W. Cyrus Vawdrey, vice-president, Draper; C. R. Nelson, building engineer, Sandy; S. A. Rasmussen, clerk, Sandy; Orlon Newbold, South Jordan; Reed H: Bedstead, assistant superintendent, Midvale.

Principal 0. D. Ballard steps from his new Studebaker to begin another busy day.

The year of 1946-4 7 has been an eventful one for Jordan High School. An evergrowing student body reached a peak enrollment of 1,104, the second highest in history. Next year, s promise of 1, 14 5 students will, if fulfilled, set an all-time high for attendance. The growth in variety and breadth of educational offering has kept pace with the gr wth in numbers. Jordan High now presents eighty-four separate courses for students' consideration. The faculty and student body have collaborated in the expansion of the activity program in extracurricular, club and class fields until every student can find some opportunity to exercise and develop his special talents or particular interests. Jordan is particularly happy with its new Parent-Teachers' Association, which united with the students in staging the annual Visiting Day. The two groups teamed in presenting a lyceum program of five numbers in the high school auditorium. Two of these numb r were furnished by the students- the school opera and the Dramatic Clubs' play. For the faculty I take this means of thanking the student body for its excellent co-operation in making this a pleasant and successful year. The yearbook editors and staff have earned our gratitude for preserving this year's association and activities for us in this most valuable book.


As most of our time 1s spent an study, we present first our views of c asse at WO k.

A. C. Jensen-teaches science and checks senior credits. He is al o the chool registrar for veteran education. His hobbies are collecting bug and growing rose . He is pre ident of the Utah Rose Society, and belong to several other civic clubs. Paul C. Boyce acts as advi er for the tudent body, for the FFA, the Riding Club, and the Young Farmer. He supervises the agriculture veterans, is chairman for community beautification of Sandy, and a member of the centennial committee and of several club . Alma F. Smith besides teaching higher math and bookkeeping, is chairman of the graduation and scholarship committee. Mr. Smith i omething of a globe trotter, having been in nearly every tate in the Union, in Cuba, and in several European countries.

Afton Forsgren sponsors the Jay Dec and the senior cla 路s, and the Courier, and teaches English. She is a worker in her cl urch and in the YWCA, belong路 to the Girls' Business Club, and raises roses as a hobby. Royal D. Madsen first y ar at Jordan, has a cla s in stage craft that takes care of decorating all stag settings. He also t aches radio and electronics, and is advis r of the junior class. He likes to fish. Golda Fraser teaches Spanish, French, and English, and sponsors the senior clas and the Language Club. Sh is an avid reader of good book and like to garden. F. B. Thomas typing teacher, is chairm an of the advisers of the ophomore class, and takes charge of an annual typing fe ti val.

C. N. Crawford is seer Lary of the faculty as well as a teacher of history and algebra. He has also a class in debating that has be n very bu y this spring. nc of hi路 outside interests is teaching a Mutual class. Jesse B. Casper a stud nt counselor, has helped a great many boys and girls to find themselves. He al o tcache social scicnc and is the ponsor of the Boys' lub. Wanda Wade helps her stud as teaching them tenography Sh also acts as sponsor of supervises getting ads for th

nts to get jobs as well and husinc s practice. th Girls' Club and yearbook.

Robert L. Pixton who tcachc hi tory, act as facuity manager of athletic路 a tough job. He i active in church work and a m mbcr of the Lion ' Club.

These are the men who drive us to school and blithely home again. Come snowdrifts or hig•h water, they always get us there, even though we're sometimes sure we're going to have a holiday. Seated are: Bagley, auto mechanics man, Evans, Harrod, transportation general, Merrill, Christensen, Despain, Smith, Maynard, and Milne. Standing are: Smart, Nolan, Blair, Cowley, Butterfield, Maxfield, Palmer, Palmer, and Benson.

Transportation Y. W. Harrod- head of the transportation system, has the life-sized job of seeing that all students in the district get to school and home again safely and on time- not to mention extra trips. He also teaches auto mechanics. His hobby is raising chinchillas. Dean J. Beck- has charge of the machine shops. The boys in his department know that they are there to do real work, and that he won't stand for any "foolin' around." He also helps give advice to the seniors. His outside hobbies arc in the mechanical line.

J. L. Seal- is kept busy in the woodwork hop s. He also teaches industrial art and vocational woodwork. He oversees the building of sets for stage productions and for decorations used in the gym. His hobby is cabinet work. Emerson Kennington- is new this year at Jordan. He teaches welding and vocational training. He has also been teaching a twelve-week night course for veteran and ~du lt training. His hobby is being Sunday School superintendent.

James Kastanis and Stanley McReynolds are doing a bit of electric welding.

Frank M. Bagley teaches auto mechanics. He is also a iunior class adviser. His hobby is church work.

Mr. Harrod explains that this cutaway motor, made in the departmeni路, shows what happens when the motor is running.

In the lower picture, the boys are repairing motors.

Auto Mechanics Department The Auto Mechanics department is a maintenance department for the trucks and busses of the district. For the students it is an exploratory course to let them know what makes an automobile tick. Many of them will later be auto mechanics. The department was started in 191 5.

These boys are shaping metal.

Alvin Bytheway explains the metal drill.

Machine Shop In the mechanical field one learns by doing. This work is one of the best outlets for a boy. Almost all boys and girls have some mechanical ability. They need a place to get rid of that energy, and the hop is it. It is a chance for co;ordination between the hand and the mind, with a visible result.

Farm Mechanics This department began last year with practically nothing to work with and did only sharpening and repairing of tools. Now the boys work with all kinds of farm machinery and leather work. A twelve;week night course was given for adults.

Electronics and Radio This is our first year for electronics. The class has built a number of new lights for the stage - six flood lights, a dozen baby spots - and some new dimming equipment. Radio is a small field of electronics. The students of radio are form; ing a club that will carry on ham activities with short;wave tran mitters.

Mr. Kennington oversees the welding job of LaMar Jones.

A class in woodwork. Sherman Jensen uses the band saw.

Below-Another problem in welding.

Welding The purpose of the welding department is to teach the most inexpensive way of repairing broken metal, and how to build things with metal.

Woodwork From our :first woodwork shop, an old converted horse barn, have grown our :fine new shops which were built with the aid of NYA. The activities in woodwork make the boy familiar with tools and tool processes. Vocational woodwork acquaints them with vocational trades. All the furniture, such as table and bookcase , that are ll ed in the district are made in the shop.

HOME MANAGEMENT Janice Densley, Jay Bastian, and Elaine Jenkins discus household problems in the model-home living room . Home management trains the girls for home-making and satisfying family living. It shows them how to manage the family budget and how to get their money's worth, how to add beauty to their homes and good manners to themselves, how to safeguard the family health, and how to care for children and the sick.

FOODS Elaine Jenkins, LaRue Webb and Ivo Webster prepare a meal. In foods class the girls learn the principles of nutrition and food preparation and how to apply this knowledge to their daily living. By practical work in the kitchen, they learn how to increase the food supply by preservation, how to make meal more attractive, and how to entertain.

SEWING Irene Sorenson measures Elaine Toomer for a new coat. The sewing girls learn fabric and their use, and the principles of proportion, line, and balance. They learn how to gain personality and become popular with their family and friend , how to be well-groomed, how to make tailored, cotton, and play clothes, and how to remodel in order to stretch the clothing allowance.

CAFETERIA The cafeteria, under the management of Mabel Larson and her two assistants, Evelyn Brown and Alice Nielsen, prepare nutritious lunches and erve them to the student at cost. Deanne Bennion teaches home management and foods. Each spring she sponsors a tea for the Mother' and Daughters Night Out. Mignon Domgaard, teaches sewing. She spon ors an annual fa hion how. Last pring she presented J.H.S. clothing girls in a fashion show for the state FHA convention at the Newhou e Hotel. Both teachers sponsor the FHA, belong to the National and State Home Ee. Club, and for five or six weeks supervise two training teacher from the U.S.A.C.

The top picture at the right is one of Miss Rawson's English classes; the next one is a language class of Miss Fraser's, then a corner of the library, and last Austen Doolittle with an art problem. The teachers, starting at the top left, are: Howard Ballard, now at the U. as area co-ordinator for veterans. But for a while after his return from the Army military police, he taught American problems and English. Bernice White, who teaches English and is a senior adviser. She belongs to the University Women's Club, is very fond of reading, and is one of the best cooks in the state. Laura Gardner, teacher of English and German. She is also busier than a bird-dog trying to get this cockeyed book to press. Orson Smith, photographer and teacher of chemistry and physics. He travels a great deal about the country making movies of scenic wonders.

Virginia Ekins, recently returned from three years in Europe as Red Cross Program and Club Director. She came at mid-term to teach senior English. E. E. Greenwood, teacher of history. For recreation he likes tennis and golf.

In the top class picture, Joyce Nelson, Norma Joyce Bateman, and Virginia Burnham are working out a business problem. In the second, LaRue W enerstrom is doing bookkeeping. The next one is a math class of Mr. Anderson's, and the bottom one, Mr. Madsen's stage crew. Beginning at the top left, the teachers are: S. R. Anderson, math teacher. He contracts for roof painting, belongs to the Riverton Town Board, and the Lions' Club, and runs a farm and a Sunday School system. He likes to fish and hunt. E. L. Crawford, whose classes are history and English this year. He also trains debaters and is business adviser for the year book. Phil F. Goldbranson, who has charge of debating and assemblies. He teaches social problems and commercial law. Glen E. Soulier, first year at Jordan. He advises the FFA and teaches agriculture and biology. His hobbies are flower gardening, and all outdoor sports. John M. Peterson, teacher of shop, farm mechanics, biology, and general math. He belongs to a great many civic and business clubs and builds during the summer. Chad Beckstead, who was on leave of absence with Uncle Sam. He is back teaching gym and acting as attendance officer. Bernice G. Casper, who helps afternoon.


the library during the

The top class at the right shows Robert Hardcastle and Jane Ennis experimenting in chemistry. In the second one, Theodora Hendrickson, Betty Crane, and Neil Hilton are studying the brain for a biology class. The third is Jimmy Nickle, Don Latimer, Bob Davis, and Hyrum Gott chalk with an Ag set-up. In the bottom picture Peter Howells and Donabeth Rindlisbach are hard at work in physics. The teachers, starting at the top left, are:

Irene Berg, who is now teaching at the Montana U. in Missoula. During the first semester she taught senior English, was on the graduation committee, and was a junior class adviser. Molly Lindell, in charge of the study room and the library. She also helps students do research work. She is a sophomore adviser. Outside of school she is very active in church work. Harold Thorpe, who is a junior class adviser. He teaches English. In November he presented us with a new faculty wife. Oralie Rawson, head of the English department. he is on the graduation committee, puts out the Broadcaster and sponsors the Press Club and the Charlonians. She is a member of the American Association of University Women and the Salt Lake Oity Business an<l Professional Worn n.

Mrs. Louise Van Ee Jager - top picture at left - is head of the district nursing department. She gives a lecture course in family relations to high school students, and spends every Thurs, day over here as consulting nurse. It was she who took charge of the state tuberculosisdetection X-raying of Jordan students and teachers. At the right, Barta Brady is helping Effie Poate, who is head office girl, examine files. These two girls are Mr. Ballard's office force and are certainly kept busy.

In the picture at the bottom, Mr. Mickelsen and Miss Clay are deep in some problem of the forces that shape human conduct. Peter M. Mickelsen is district director of pupil personnel and student adjustment problems, which include grade placement, testing, transfers, censu , pupil records and accounting, attendance, and problems of delinquency. He belongs to the American and to the Utah V ocational Guidance Associations. Bonnie Clay, fresh out of college, besides helping Mr. Mickelsen with tests and measurements throughout the district, teaches two classes in psychology. She belongs to several professionai clubs. ur good neighbors, the L.D.S. Seminary, while not a part of our school, do borrow daily about s ven hundred of our students to teach them Old and New Testament and Church History. After three years' work, these students are graduated from the Seminary. Carter E. Grant, the principal, is third from the left in the photograph. He is engaged at the present in writing a book. entitled "L. D. S. Church Doctrin s and Achievements." He hopes the book will be off the press during this Centennial year. Golden L. Berrett at left. Besides his regular class work, he has interesting hobbies: he does professional deer hunting, travels, gardens, and raises pure,brcd pigs. Lynn R. Webb between Mr. Berrett and Mr. Grant- has a hobby of pencil,skctching. He also likes all types of sports and hunting. Merlin J. Shaw at right. After school is out in the afternoon, Mr. Shaw likes to climb moun, tains. H e spent several years in Germany on a mission. He is a member of Phi Delta. Kappa..

President Gordan Jensen

is an outstanding student as well as an athlete and a leader. He has done a great deal to make_this an enjoyable school year.

A. padding m ilc introduce petite Maurine Dunyon, Gordan's as i tant. Our vice-president is a friendly little tyke, and very popular.

Secretary Blanche Graham makes a pretty picture as she takes her turn presidina over assembliesa job he does very well.

Roylance Spratling compiles the

history of our school year for future tudents. W e haven't seen the book, but we are willing to bet that it makes good reading.

Jordan Associated Girls The purpose of the JAG is to organize the girls of Jordan in their cultural, as well as their educational, background, and to help all girls become more confident. The club sponsors the ""Big Pal .- Little Pal.,, It has entertained with the Junior Girls' Christmas Party and the Thanks.giving Dance, and helped the FHA and the gym classes with the Mothers' and Daughters' Night Out.

In the picture are Colleen Dickson, presi.dent; Randolyn Sharp, secretary; and Ruby Glover, vice president. Mrs. Wade is the adviser.

The Student Council Whenever the need arises, the student council, com posed of a student from each first period class, meet with the tu dent body officers, and then go back and discuss with their classes the pro" blems that arise concerning students' activities. Mr. Boyce, the council ad.Viser, meets with this group each week to offer instruction and advice. Upp r picture, Front row: Gwen Spratling, Jean Nelson, Clayton Fairbourn, Leslie Andrus, Joyce Howlett, Flora Stefanoff, Viola Nicholson. Second row: Jerry Wheadon, Edwina Despain, Zella Fae Howe, Elaine Duffin, Picola Hatch, LaRee Morgan, Doris Nelson, Katherine Makris. Third row: Arnold Peart, Marjorie Young, Jean Griffin, LaWana Atwood, Rex Bennion, Fern Lehmitz, Rachel Day, Shirley Wright. Back row: Allan Crews, George Bass, Afton Richards, Clinton Cutler, Dixie Clarke, Deloy Densley, Dorothy Slaughter, Beverly Miller, Mr. Boyce. Lower picture, Front row: Roylance Spratling, Dean Olson, Blanche Graham, Starley Bush, Bobby Hughes, Phyllis Hansen, Lynn Dowding, Arlene Mickelson. Second row: Colleen Dickson, Lynn Lancaster, Mae Jone , Austen Doolittle, Donna Ozancin, Elaine Toomer, Bonnie Rasmussen, Donald Latimer, Jerry Loveall, Joan Tuft. Third row: Carma Nielsen, Gerald Webb, Blaine Tempest, Willard Ca1路roll, Marilyn Dahl, Kenneth Densley, Dorothy Pierce, Emma Jane Thorton, Marilyn Jensen, Ruby Glover, Gloria Dutson, Eva Lynn Bagley. Back row : Roy Dunn, Scott Steel, Weston Gardner, Lynn Sharp, Stanley McReynolds, Robert Sumbot, Wayne Dean, Marilyn Day, Kathleen Anderson.

The Court of Justice "Guilty or not guilty?" in the tern voice of the judge, eep out through the closed door of the tudent body room, to the trembling culprits waiting their turn on the weekly court days. They know that when they go inside, their penalties will be in proportion to their offense and they shiver in their shoes. Seated at the table are Eva Lynn Bagley, clerk; Don Lind, first associate; Paul Butterfield, judge; Allan Crews, mar hal; and Howard Nielsen, prosecuting attorney. Standing are Dale Sharp, Ray Andrus, and Starley Bush, deputies.

Jordan Assoc iated Boy s To uphold Jordan,s high standards and ideals and to encourage the de-velopment of citizenship, is the aim of Jordan,s Associated Boys. With the Girls, Club they put on a Thanksgiving Dance in November. The Boys, Club also sponsored a drive for pencils and paper for Europe,s school children. They col-lected thirty--two dollars besides supplie . The Fathers, and Son , Night Out had to be cancelled be-cause of the coal strike. The picture shows Junior McReynolds, vice pre ident; LaMar Jones, president路 and Bruce Egbert, ecre-tary--treasurer. The cla s rep resew tative are Peter Howell , Earl Griffiths, and Bob Sharp. Mr. Casper i their advi er.

And whose are these bright, beaming faces? Oh, yes! They're Vice-President Doris Nelson, President Don Mickelsen, and Secretary-Treasurer Gloria Brown of the Jordan juniors, filled with vim, vitality, and vigor.

The Kids did all right, too, in choosing their officers. These bright-looking infant prodigies are Bob Bush, Marilyn Day, and Rachel Day, president, vice路 president, and secretary-treasurer, respectively, of the sophomore class.

These handsome senior class officers are just what the doctor ordered. They are Geraldine Bruno, secretary-treasurer; Babara Fitzgerld, vice-president; and Reed Crapo, president.

Meet the presidents o our six most popular clubs.

V ondelee Blasius

Agnes W eibell

Reed Crapo

who leads the Charloni-ans, our long--established pep club.

president of the mysteri-ous Club 20-a debating club, we think.

whose Jay Dees is one of our youngest social clubs, but very active.

Katherine Makris

Robert Newbold

Rachel Zitting

of the FHA- a branch of the national club for home economics girls.

who directs the energies of the very active FFA, a club for future farmers.

who presides over the Press Club, composed of embryo journalists.



There's the rumble and rolling of wagon wheels In squeaks and creaks and rusty squeals,- Don Blanding


We are the Seniors of 1947-polishe , sophisticated, sure that the world 1s ours for the takmg Dorene Anderson, Messiah. Bryce Ashby, FFA, Riding Club Stock Judging. Verlene Allen, Messiah, Dramatics.Club. Earl Adams, Ski Club. Challas Adams, Jay Dees, Junior Prom. Bob Alexander, Chemistry Rep., Amateur Hour, Press Club, Club 20, Debating, Senior Assembly. Betty Akagi, FHA, Sweethearts' Ball, Girls' Athletic Club, Jamboree.

Lynn Allred, Track, Messiah, Traveling Assembly. Lila Archibald, Press Olub, FHA, Messiah. Don J. Buckley. Jean Bearden, Charlonian, Band, Messiah, Dancing and Sportsman Clubs. Fern Bill , Jay Dees, Messiah, Senior Assembly, Yearbook Salesman. Theron Bowles. Barbara Bingham, Jay Dees, Opera, Messiah.

Paula Butterfield, Jay Dees, Senior Ring Committee,' Senior As embly. Wallace Beckstead. Paul Butterfield, FFA, Pep Band, Judge, Opera, Messiah, Debating. Virginia Burnham, Charlonian, Senior Ring Chairman, Messiah.

Clinton Brady, Football. Norma Berrett, Jay Dees, Messiah, pera, Senior Ass mbly. Geraldine Bruno, Orchestra, String-quartet, Charlonian, Senior Secretary, Language Club Vice-Pr sidcnt, Yearbook Salesman. Carma Beckstead, Messiah, Band, rchestra, Dancing ancl Personality Clubs, Jamboree.

A group of Seniors enjoy themselves.

We have done our trailblazing an~ our pioneering and are now BUILD :NG FOR THE FUTURE. Vere Berrett, Senior Assembly, Senior Ring Committee. Dorothy Baer. Richard Boggess. Cleo Bolliger, Language, Dancing, Skating Club, Messiah, Opera. La Rue Boyce, Opera. Vondelee Blasius, Jay Dees President, Senior Hop Chairman. Audrey Blanchard, Yearbook, Jay Dees, Messiah, Opera, Jamboree, Yearbook Salesman, Senior Assembly, Dance Club, Chemistry Rep., Sweetheart Ball Queen. Eva Lynn Bagley, Clerk of Court, School Play, Oharlonian, Student Council. Norma Joyce Bateman, Charlonian, Dramatics Club, Messiah, Opera. Josephine Bernardo, Messiah. Joy Bastian, Messiah, Opera. .L arry Behunin, Messiah, Opera, Debating. Don Butterfield. Starley Bush, Yearbook, Football, Basketball, Messiah, Sophomore Officer, Court. Gae Crossgrove, Charlonian, Senior Hop, Ski and Art Clubs. Ro Mae Crossgrove, Charlonian, FHA, Orchestra, Messiah, Sweethearts' Ball Chairman, Dramatics Club. Joyce Boggess, Girls' Club. Garth Ballard, Band, Drum Major, Sportsman Club, Baseball. Betty Crane, FHA, Dramatics Club. Norma Cundick, Charlonian, Dramatic Olub, Messiah, Opera. Barbara Cox, Charlonian, Press Club, Yearbook. JoAnn Coyte, Oharlonian, Inquiring Editor, Camera Club.

Zella Fae Howe, Agnes Weibell. Geraldine Bruno, and Elaine Howlett win statewide recognition in music.


Arlen Caywood, Sportsman Club . Willard Carroll, Football, Basketball, Baseball. Dixie Clarke, Charlonian Forensic Forum, Dramatics Club, School Play, Opera, Orchestra, Messiah, Junior Prom Chairman. Dayton Crane, Band, Jamboree, Hunters and Dance Clubs. Stanley Crump, Baseball, Dancing Club, Boys' Club, Band. Allan Crews, Marshal, Stage Grew. Jo Ann Callicott, Senior Assembly, Jay Dees, Dancing Club, Jamboree.

Dean Caldwell, Track, Debating. Ronald Crebs. Jimmie Cushing, Chorus, Messiah, Orchestra, Opera. Reed Crapo, Opera, Debating, Senior President, Club 20, Messiah. Colleen Dickson, Charlonian, Opera, Messiah, Girls' Club President. Gloria Dutson, Messiah, Opera. Doris Densley.

Wilma Doty, Messiah, Art Club. Merlyn Dansie, Senior Assembly, Pep Band, Messiah, Vocational Woodwork. Truby Densley, M essiah, Opera, FHA, Band. Helen Doman, Messiah, FHA, Sweethearts' Ball Committee.

Herbert Delgado, Football, Sportsman Club. Elaine Duffin, Charlonian, Messiah, Debating, Opera, Dramatics Club, Courier. Roy Dunn, Boys' Club, Student Council. Robert Davis, Baseball, Agriculture.

Shirley Nelson and Dallas Dean report Jordan highlights to Tribune and Deseret News,

BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Ken Densley, Vocational Woodwork, Student Council, Senior Assembly, Senior Hop. Doris Day, Dancing Club, FHA, Girls' Athletic Club. Lorun Dansie, FFA. DQllas Dean, Orchestra, Broadcaster, Messiah, Junior Prom Committee, Oration, Charlonian, Press, Science and Dramatics Olubs. Allan Dahl. Rulon Dahl. Maurine Dunyon, Band, Amateur Hour, Yearbook Salesman, Attendant to Queen, Studentbody Vice-President, Ski Club, Language Club, Jamboree.

Janice Densley, Messiah, Opera. Thelma Dansie, Charlonian, FHA. Austen Doolittle, Play, Dramatics Club, Chem Club, Opera. Phyllis Despain, Amateur Hour, Messiah, Girls' Athletics Club, Dramatics Club. Norma Despain, Charlonian, Ski Olub, Student Council. Charles Dumas, Sports. John Egbert, Yearbook, Football and Basketball Manager, Athletic and Bowling Club, Jordan Flying Club.

Ronald Erickson, Chem Club.

Noel Enniss.

Paul Ebert.

Blanche Ebert, FHA, Messiah, Opera.

Riley Fitzgerald, Basketball, Athletic Olub. Babara Fitzgerald, Ski Club, Messiah, Opera, Student Council, Senior Class Vice-President. Lysle English, Club 20, Dramatics Club, School Play, Oration, Track, Opera. Ruth Evans, Yearbook Co-Editor, School Play, Opera, Jay Dees, Band, Jamboree, FHA, Dramatics Club, Amateur Hour Winner.

Harold Olson's art exhibit brings him much praise.


Wayne Ferguson, V ice, President of Boys' Club , Football, First A ssociate Judge. Ben Fitzgerald, M essiah , Opera. Darlene Faulkner, Dancing Club, M essiah, Opera. Boyd Fitzgerald, FFA. Wanda Forbush, FHA, Spanish , and Athletic Clubs. Lorraine Greenwood, Oration Winner, Charlonian, Forensic Forum , Dramatics Club, Debating, Inquiring Editor. Lou Wana Grundvig, Dramatics Club .

Marie Goff, M essiah , Senior Committee, Opera. Lois Gordon, Press Club, Op ra, M essiah . Hyrum Gottschalk, FFA Convention, M essiah, Opera, Senior A ssembly, Basketball. Blanche Graham, Stu, dent Body Secretary, O pera, M essiah, Girls' Club . Jimmie Gardner, Dramatics Olub President, School Play, Opera, M essiah , Cheer Leader, Band, Senior A ssembly. Beth Glover, Charlonian, Debating. Kathleen Godfrey, M essiah .

Jackie Houmond, M essiah , Camera Club . Allen Howard, Stage Crew. Phyllis Gould, School Play, M essiah , O pera, D ramatics and Athletic Clubs. Arnold Gardner, Senior H op Committee.

Elaine Howlett, Yearbook Salesman, String Quartet, Orchestra, Charlonian, Junior A ssembly, Senior H op. Phyllis Hansen, Student Council, Oheer Leader, Jay Dee Historian . Robert Hardcastle, Janitor Club , Chem Club . Neil Hilton, Cheer Leader, School Play, Jamboree, Ski Club .

' I

Gerald Webb, Paula Butterfield, Pefor Howells, and Virginia Burnham form committee for senior rings.



Arlen Hansen. Betty May Hansen, Press Club, Reporter. Marguerite Houston, Messiah, Broadcaster. Donald Holm, Messiah, Opera. Ramona Hardcastle, Charlonian, Orchestra, Messiah. Max Hogan, Opera, Messiah, Senior Assembly. Calvin Harris.

Raymond Haws, FFA President, Baseball. Zella Fae Howe, Oharlonian Secretary, String Quartet, Orchestra, Band, Senior Hop, Yearbook Salesman, Language Club, Amateur Hour. Gwen Heusser, Messiah, Opera, Press Club, FHA Reporter. David Hofer. Franklin Jones, Messiah, Track. Janet Jensen, Senior Assembly. Jean Jensen, Broadcaster, Press Club.

Bob Jones, Hunting and Fishing Club. Lorna Jean Jensen, Oration, Debating, Sllow Queen, Charlonian. Bevan Johnson, Band, Opera, Messiah. Helen Jenkins, Jay Dees.

Gordon Jenson, Student Body President, Club 20, Baseball, Basketball. LaMar Jones, Boys' Olub President, Football, Student Council, Sophomore Secretary, Bowling Club. Elaine Jenkins, Opera, Messiah, Jay Dees. Vera Johnson, Dramatics Club, Messiah, Opera .

• Vondelee Blasius, Gae Crossgrove, Arnold Gardner, and Albert Nystrom make arrangements for a brilliant Senior Hop.

SENIORS OF 1947 Allan Jensen, Band, Orchestra, Messiah , School Play. Vivian Jensen. Donna James, Broadcaster, Press and. . Personality Clubs. Burt Johnson, FFA. William Kinney, Messiah , Chem Club. Ruth Kvist, Language Club, Jamboree, D ebating, Broadcaster. Bud Kellgreen.

Loris Kartchner, FFA. Frances Ludwig, M essiah , Opera, Dance, and Language Clubs. Donald Latimer, Footb all, Baseball, FFA. Norma Rae Lyon, Broadcaster, M essiah , Opera. Frank La Rocco, Senior H op, Stage Crew, M essiah , Junior Prom, Senior A ssembly, I Etta Pi Club, Courier. Lana Long, Jamboree. Katherine Loulias, FHA, M essiah , Opera, Language and Art Clubs, FHA A ssembly.

David Marchant, Sports Olub. Ramona Malstrom, M essiah . Dorothy Lehmitz, M essiah, Jay D ees, D ancing and Language Clubs, Jamboree. Wayne Moss, Football, Language Club .

Carolyn Malmberg, Dancing, Language, and Skating Clubs, Messiah , Opera. Barbara McCormick, Dramatics Club, Opera, Messiah , Sophomore A ssembly. La Rene Mounteer, ids' Athletic and Skating Clubs, Jamb oree. Lorraine Mounteer, Girls' Athletic and Skating Clubs.

Wanda Whitmore and Gwen Spratling furnish a bit of rhythm while Dean Caldwell ,h olds the refreshments.

BUILDING FOR THE FUTURE Myrna McFarlane, Jay Dees, Senior Assembly, Opera, Messiah, Jamboree. Glen Margetts, Cheer Leader, Language Olub Vice-President, Junior President, Student Council, Messiah. Joy McMullin, Cheer Leader, Jay Dees, Band, Orchestra, Opera, School Play. Allen Malstrom, Chem Club. Mildred Malstrom, Personality Club. Betty Mitchell, Girls' Club, Messiah, Opera, FHA, Dancing Olub. LaRae Marett, FHA, Dramatics Club, Broadcaster, Jamboree.

Barbara Maynard, Jay Dees, Messiah, Senior Ass~mbly, Dancing and Personality Clubs. LaRene Mackey, Jay Dees. Stanley Miller, FFA, Baseball. Kathryn McNamara, Charlonian. Viola Nicholson, Jay Dees, Messiah, Senior Assembly. Evelyn Nelson, Fashion Show, Thanksgiving Assembly, FHA, Camera Club. Gerald Newbold.

Barbara Nelson, Ski Club. Rhea Newbold, Amateur Hour. Albert Nystrom, Junior Town Meeting, Debating, Club 20. Don Neilson, FFA, Opera, Track, Oration, Debating, Inquiring Editor, Essay Winner, Senior Assembly.

Robert Newbold, FFA Vice-President, Stock Judging. Billie Nichols, R eporter, Messiah, Press Club, Dance Olub, Opera. Wallace Neilson, Hunting Club. Barbara Lu Nielson, Ski Club.


Donna Workman, Joy McMullin, Ruth Evans, and Norma Joyce Bateman win first place on the Amateur Hour with their skit "Annabell."


Lloyd Nerdin, Boys' Club, Language, Chemistry and Sport Clubs. Arlean Nielsen, Band, Dancing and Personality Clubs, Jamboree. Joyce Nelson, Messiah, Girls' Club Vice-President, Jay Dees, Thanksgiving Assembly. Shirley Nelson, Junior Prom, Messiah, Charlonian, Yearbook Salesman, Tribune Reporter, Broadcaster. Joan Oborn, Girls' and Camera Olubs, FHA, Band. Dean Olson. Betty Ontiveros, Language and Press Clubs. Janice Orgill, Messiah. Bette Ruth Olson, Jay Dees, Thanksgiving Assembly, Language Club, Jamboree. Robert Orr, FFA. Harold Olsen, Prom Committee, Art Club President, Ski Club President. Joyce Porter, Jamboree, Band, Girls' Club Assembly. Donna Pedler, Messiah, Opera, Pep Assembly. Jeannine Page, Press Club, Broadcaster, Messiah.

Marva Peterson. Dorothy Petraca, Messiah, Opera, Band, Amateur Hour, Senior Assembly. Robert Pixton, FFA Treasurer. Clara Pedersen.

Stanley Pettingill. Nelda Polson, Opera, Messiah, FHA, Press and Language Clubs. Maurine Phillips, FHA. Pat Parker, Jay Dees.

Ruth Kvist, Marguerite Houston, Lila Archibald, ancl Biiiie Jean Nichols report senior gossip fo Bruadcaster.


Irene Payne, Jay Dees, Yearbook Salesman, Senior Assembly, Broadcaster, Opera, Messiah, Dramatics Olub. Bonnie Pederson. Lee Padjen, Vocational Welding. Donabeth Rindlisbach, Orchestra, Messiah, Amateur Hour, Yearbook Salesman. LeRoy Rasmussen, Football, Basketball Manager, Club 20, Student Council, Student Court. Merle Reid, Girls' Athletic and Language Clubs. Myrtle Reid, Language Club Secretary. Sweethearts' Ball Committee, Girls' Athletic Club President, ÂŁenior Assembly, Jamboree, Language Club Assembly.

LaMar Rosenhan, Dramatics Olub, Yearbook, School Play, Football, Orchestra, Language Club. Mary Steadman, Girls' Club Representative, Charlonian. La Von Swenson. Ray Steadman, FFA. Joy Schaedler, Jay Dees, Camera Club. Shirley Snow. Vernal Steadman, Messiah, Senior Assembly, Baseball, Opera.

Jimmie Shimizu, Yearbook, Senior Assembly, I Etta Pi Club. Raymond Simper, Sophomore President, Basketball, Messiah, Debating. Faye Smith, FHA, Jamboree. Edna Sundberg, Senior Assembly, Opera, Messiah, Jay Dees.

Lorraine Steadman, Band, Opera, Messiah, Jay Dees. Florence Stefanoff, Jay Dees, Yearbook Salesman, Student Council. Sam Sugiyama, FFA. James Swapp, Basketball.

Blackface comedians-Joy McMullin, Ruf,h Evans, Carol Young, and Joyce Nelson-present minstrel show at Jay Dees Assembly.


Gwen Spratling, Charlonian, Senior A ssembly, Press Olub . Melba Spencer, FHA. Melvin Spencer, FFA. Elva Spilker. Roylance Spratling, Historian, Junior Vice-President, Yearbook, School Play, Debating, Charlonian, Orchestra. Donna Beth Steadman, Jay Dees, Jamboree, FHA. Clara Steanfeldt, Jay D ees, Jamboree, FHA.

Thomas M. Stowe, Orchestra. Lois Smith, Girls' Club. Merrell Shoemaker. Barbara Stephensen, Jay Dees, Courier. John Shelton, M essiah , D ebating, p era, Forensic Forum P resident. Gwen Smith, Charlonian, M essiah , Yearbook, Deb ating, pera, D ramatics Club. Mary Jeanne Sharp, Opera, M essiah .

Elaine Slusher, Charlonian, M essiah , Senior A ssembly, Charlonian A ssembly. Jay Talbot, M c siah , Opera. Cleona Street, Girls' Club, Camera and D ancing Clubs, FHA. Vern Thomas. Norman Turner.

Shirl Tuck r. Leila Thaxton, FHA, Jamboree, M essiah, pera, Press Club . Chad Terry. Elaine Toomer, Jay D ees, Opera, M essiah , Senior A ssembly . Elaine Thompson, M essiah, pera, Senior A ssembly, Jamboree.

This is not a double negatlveiust Ray and Roy Dunn of Midvale.


Bessie Teerlink, Language and Dramatics Clubs, Messiah. June Tanner, Jay Dees, Language and Dancing Clubs. Calvin Thornton, Ski Club, FFA. Lloyd Vaughn. Jean Van Valkenburg, Chem. Olub. Beth Van Valkenburg, Messiah, Girls' Athletic and Language Clubs. Gerald Webb, Football, Club 20, Student Council, Junior Secretary.

Donald Winward, Band. Donna Winward, FHA, Dramatics Club. La Rue W enerstrom, Charlonian, FHA, Chem. Club, Press Olub, Year book, Broadcaster. Jean W enerstrom, Messiah, Opera. Arvid Webster, Riding Club. Agnes W eibell, Charlonian President, String Quartet, Orchestra, Senior and Junior Assemblies, Yearbook Salesman, Language Club, Broadcaster, Editor Courier. Jack Webster.

Wanda Whitmore, Messiah, Opera. Betty Walker, Broadcaster, Press Club. Donna Workman, Messiah, Amateur Hour, Senior Assembly. Jerrie Wheadon, Sweethearts' Ball Attendant, Skating Olub, Messiah, Opera. Bill Wynn, FFA.

David Woody. Bill Walton, Vocational Welding. Carol Young, Jay Dees. Naomi Youngberg, Press Club, FHA, Chem. Olub, Broadcaster, Yearbook. Rachel Zitting, Charlonian, Press Club, Broadcaster.

Sanely also sends us a pair - Jean and Janet Jensen.

Modest Juniors, no onger wet behind the ears, but stil a year to go be ore we know quite every hing We have blazed o r trail, but we are s i I iust-

Calvin Allen, Draper; Connie Atwood, West Jordan; Jack Ainsworth, Sandy; Olive Atwood, West Jordan; Artie Allen, Draper. Lola Adamson, Draper; Darnell Andrus, Draper; Jeanine Anderson, East Midvale; Carroll Arterburn, Union; Colleen Asay, West Jordan. Donald Acerson, Riverton; Joyce Ashman, East Midvale; Milfred Allsop, Murray; Grace Anderson, Draper; Richard Bergman, Sandy. Beverley Beck, Riverton; La Vern Buxton, Union; Gloria Brown, Draper; Billy Buck, Midvale; Golda Butterfield, Herriman. George Benis, West Jordan; Mary Brown, Riverton; Bob Baily, West Jordan; Lois Beckstead, South Jordan; Guy Brunetti, Midvale.

PIONEERING Mar Jean Buhler, Midvale; Charles Boyce, Butler; Beverly Butler, Midvale; Bob Burkinshaw, Midvale; Opal Bills, Riverton; Jay Brown, South Jordan; Mary Bernardo, Sandy; Arden Bodell, Salt Lake. Lawrence Butterfield, Herriman; Bonnie Berry, Midvale; Theron Briggs, Bennion; Ruth Brown, Riverton; Bobbie Barney, Sandy; Joyce Brady, Union; Merlin Bodell, Midvale; Karen Boggess, Union. Erma Butler, Sandy; George Bass, Bluffdale; Dixie Butterfield, East Midvale; Sheldon Butterfield, Midvale; Carmen Barnes, Sandy; Ronald Beck, Sandy; Jackie Brown, Sandy; Wayne Ballard, Draper. Allen Brown, South Jordan; Joanne Bolliger, Sandy; Larry Bodell, Union; Shirley Bowen, Midvale; Keith Beckstead, South Jordan; Dawn Bateman, Midvale; Ann Bateman, West Jordan; Lola Bodell, Herriman. Venna Bradford, Draper; Lynn Brockbank, South Jordan; Joyce Berrett, Riverton; Alvin Bytheway, West Jordan; Beverly Beckstead, Riverton; Dorothy Beckstead, South Jordan; Ethel Cardwell, Riverton; Gale Caldwell, Sandy.


Dora Deane Christensen, Midvale; Dale Cole, Murray; Evelyn Crawford, Midvale; Robert Covington, Butler; Betty Cowley, Sandy. La Mar Coats, Midvale; Tennie Call, South Jordan; Bettie Oampbell, Sandy; Ethel Cowdell, Riverton; Utahna Carlson, Union. Charlotte Clark, Sandy; Alan Christensen, Sandy; Doris Cook, Sandy; Clifton Casper, Bluffdale; Geneal Christensen, East Midvale. Clinton Cutler, East Midvale; Maurine Ohristensen, West Jordan; Mary Jayne Callas, Midvale; Boyd Crump, Midvale; Marilyn Dahl, East Midvale. De Loy Densley, Riverton; Nelda Densley, Riverton; Eva Jane Densley, Riverton; Jean Densley, Riverton; Delores Densley, Riverton.

Keith Matthews ancl Arden Boclelltwo Junio r "Pioneers."

PIONEERING Norma Day, Draper; Bruce Despain, Granite; Joyce Dimmick, Midvale; Jimmy Dyer, Midvale; Peggy Dickerman, Draper; Edwina Despain, Granite; Juanita Davis, Midvale; Nick Delgado, Midvale. Richard Dean, East Crescent; Jeannene Dowding, Sandy; Lee Drake, West Jordan; Beverly Erickson, Sandy; Donald Elmer, Sandy; Gwen Erickson, Murray; Franklin Engstr'um, Draper; Mitzi Egbert, Midvale. Leland English, Butler; Alta Eldredge, Sandy; Robert Engman, Sandy; Jane Enniss, Draper; Kenneth Egbert, West Jordan; Emily Evert, Union; Calvin Elkington, Sandy; Helen Fergus, Crescent. Elaine Fairbourn, Riverton; Joseph Favatella, Sandy; Wilma Fairbourn, Crescent; Keith Forbush, Union; Jeddie Fenstermaker, Union; Ra Nae Francom, Union; Delbert Forman, Herriman, Dave Ferguson, Cottonwood Heights. Paul Fitzgerald, Draper; Val Farnsworth, Midvale; Dale. Fitzgerald, Draper; Stanley Fowkes, Sandy; Maxine Glover, East Midvale; Hugh Gailey, South Jordan; Fred Greer, Union; Eva George, Sandy.

JUNIORS Norman Greenwood, Sandy; Shirley Rose Gosman, Midvale; Brad Gardner, East Midvale; Dona Gilbert, Riverton; Jimmie Griggs, Salt Lake.

Mildred Greenwood, Sandy; Robert Gunderson, Midvale; Delores Gadd, Midvale; Olemon Griffis, Union; Peggy Groo, Sandy.

Gerald Groves, South Jordan; Jennie Rae Green, Butler; Earl Griffiths, Union; Ione Gordan, Draper; Ralph Green, Riverton.

Anne Garfield, Draper; Weston Gardner, West Jordan; Geneal Groves, South Jordan; Wayne Goff, Sandy; Arva Howell, Draper.

Robert Hughes, Midvale; Earlene Hunter, Midvale; Kenneth Hansen, Union; Donna Hansen, East Midvale; Vandis Hathaway, Union.

Dot Mat.hews and Dawn Bateman decide not to stuff, after all.


PIONEERING Francille Hansen, Sandy; Lowell Hamilton, Herriman; Eula Homan, Sandy; Ray Holt, South Jordan; Josephine Hansen, South Jordan; Richard Holman, Union; La Rae Harrison, Crescent; David Hamilton, Riverton. Clifton Higgins, Granite; Rebecca Hunt, South Jordan; Blaine Hardcastle, Crescent; Merle Henderson, Draper; Dale Howard, Union; Katherine Heusser, Murray; Jay Holt, South Jor, clan; Picola Hatch, Bluffdale. Vera Hellstrom, Sandy; Dimar Hogan, West Jordan; Lee Hand, Draper; Evelyn Isaac, Cottonwood Heights; Donald Jex, Union; Joyce Johnson, Sandy; Grant Jewkes, Midvale; Margaret Jones, West Jordan. Blaine Jones, South Jordan; Mae Jones, West Jordan; Reed James, Union; Vernon Jensen, Riverton; Juanita Jeppson, Union; Jean Jones, Murray; Arvella Jaynes, Crescent; Beryl Jones, Midvale. Marilyn Jensen, East Midvale; Ralph Jensen, Draper; Colleen Jarvis, South Jordan; Clairen Jackson, Midvale; Elna Jackson, Union, Verl Jensen, Sandy; Wayne Tremelling, Midvale; Jean Krantz, Midvale.

JUNIORS Edward Kunz, Sandy; Richard Keeler, Draper; John Kirton, Draper; T ae Kasuga, Sandy; Hal Knight, Midvale.

Bette Kelstrom, Sandy; Elton Kidd, Bluffdale; Lois Lloyd, Draper; Michael Loulias, Midvale; Evelyn Latimer, Union.

Don Lind, M idvale; M axine Lee, Sandy; M ary Loulias, Midvale; Geraldine Loveall, West Jordan; Romie Lessley, Butler.

Darlene Lester, South Jordan; Lynn Loveless, Union; Orlando Lawson, Sandy; Norma Lloyd Sandy; Olean M anning, Union.

Wayne Loveall, Midvale; Fern Lloyd, South Jordan; Norma Lancaster, Crescent; Lyle Lehman, Butler; Norma Miller, Midvale. Upper: "I'm sure he comes in this door," Juanita Davis Is saying to Donna Hansen and Dorothy Snape. Lower: Norma Lancaster, Don Wilson, and Carmen Barnes say, "Park over there. We're waiting for a new convertible."



Ruth Millerberg, East Midvale; Melvin Mitchell, Midvale; Donna Maxfield, East Midvale; Bonnie Maxfield, Sandy; Keith Matthews, Midvale; Katherine Makris, West Jordan; Dot Mathews, Midvale; Douglas Matthews, Union. Allen Mickelsen, Draper; Don Mickelsen, Draper; Ramona Mazanis, Sandy; Dale Mousley, Riverton; Joy Mousley, Bluffdale; Donnien Mousley, Riverton; Bryant MilleJ.째, Herriman; Bruce Macklin, Union. Beverly Miller, Midvale; Alvin Merrill, South Jordan; Fred Maynes, Union; Shirla Malstrom, West Jordan; La Ree Morgan, Riverton; Delma Morris, Sandy; Don McCormick, Union; Junior McReynolds, West Jordan. Bob McCarthy, Union; Bill McCleary, East Midvale; Beverly McKean, Sandy; Pat McKague, Midvale; Gene Newbold, Union; Patsy Nowlan, Union; Shirley NewboiJ, South Jordan; Doris Nelson, Crescent. Ilene Nerdin, West Jordan; Dale Nilsson, East Midvale; Marian Nelson, Union; Douglas Nell, Riverton; Carma Nielsen, Riverton; Keith Nickle, Union; Lee Ostler, South Jordan; Ward Orwin, Midvale.

JUNIORS Joe Ota, Draper; Jack Ota, Draper; Dean O lson, Union; Do Lores O lson, Sandy; La M ar Olson, Union. Glen Ottosen, Sandy; La Ree Ostler, South Jordan; Jolene Pierson, Sandy; Dannie Proctor, Union; Beth Phelps, River, ton. Carol Pearson, West Jordan; Arnold Peart, Draper; Lorraine Poor, Herriman; Elizabeth Page, Riverton; Bud Peterson, Draper. Kathryn Petrlich, Midvale; Val Peterson, Sandy; M yrna Pollock, Sandy; Betty Poulson, Sandy; Kenneth Peterson, Sandy. Don Price, M idvale; Leon Peterson, Sandy; Afton Richards, West Jordan; Dee Roach, Midvale; Roma Rasmusson, East M idvale.

Left: Colleen Asay, Roma Rasmusson, Evelyn Isaac, and Carol Pearson snatch a breath of fres1h air before go ing back to class. Right: Katherine Hu e sser, Earlen e Hunter, and Shirley Gosman look up his address in the Handbook.

PIONEERING Raymond Ray, Midvale; Marlene Reid, Midvale; Bonnie Rasmussen, Midvale; Lyla Savage, Cottonwood Heights; Gordon Soper, Draper; Genie! Sorensen, Draper; Robert Strong, Midvale. Joane Seal, Riverton; Keith Sorenson, East Midvale; Dorothy Snape, Riverton; Mark Stephensen, Riverton; Evelyn Stephensen, Sandy; Elden Smart, Union; Donna Shaw, Draper. Dale Sharp, East Midvale; Irene Sorensen, Murray; Thomas Sadler, Draper; Jo Anne Searle, Midvale; Stanley Spencer, Riverton; Randolyn Sharp, East Midvale; Shirl Sandstrom, Midvale. Margaret Stringham, Midvale; Rodney Sheppock, South Jordan; Shirley Setterberg, Sandy; Wayne Stanley, South Jordan; Melva Smith, Sandy; Betty Severson, Bluffdale; Cherie Smith, Draper. Lynn Sharp, West Jordan; Lynn Terry, Draper; Edith Thomson, Union; Eldon Tame, Union; Blaine Tolman, Sandy; Geraldine Tanner, Murray; Margaret Tennant, Sandy. Neil Tischner, Bennion; Cheryl Townsend, Sandy; Peggy Vale, Riverton; Dean Van Valkenburg, Union; La Rue Vincent, Midvale; Garth Wright, Sandy; Shirley Wright, Midvale.


Prom Committee is making plans tor decorating the gym.

Seated: LaRue Vincent, Boyd Crump, and Glen Ottosen. Standing: Robert Hughes and Richard Keeler.

R eed W ebb, Bluffdale; Lois W ood, Union ; D on Whitehouse, East Mid vale; R eta Whitman, Draper ; Dean W elch, Riverton . D olores Wilkenson , Butler ; Jay W ebb, Draper ; Maxine W alker, Murray; D onna Withers, Draper ; Irene Withers, Riverton. Gene Whiting, Union ; Faye W alker, Sandy ; Blaine W ebster, W est Jord an ; Ivo W ebster, W est Jordan ; M argy Wilkinson, Butler. Jae Winkler , Sandy ; Lois Wheeler, Midvale; Donald Wnson, East Mid vale; Jack Wilson, Bennion ; Pat Whitmore, W asatch R esort.

Sophomores are we, who started the year green as r Dowding's lawn. But time passes and we catch on. After spending a year threading our way--or pushing and shovin it--through the iuniors and seniors in the sophomore hall, we feel that we have spent the year BLAZ NG A TRAI

On Sop,h omore Day, Ray Andrus and Carol Bruno are voted the most outstanding boy aud girl.

The kids dress in odd costumes on Sophomore Day - Blaine Tempest and Dorothy Slaughter,

James And er on, Sandy ; Beverly Anderson, Mid, vale; Leslie Andrus, Midvale; Thelma Andrus, D raper ; Douglas Ander on, M idvale.

Wilma Atkinson, Midvale; R oy A shby, Crescent ; La M ayne A shton, Union ; Ray Andrus, Draper ; Donna Ad ams, W est Jord an .

Francis Ander on, Drap r ; George Adamson, Drap r; Lawana Atwood, W est Jord an ; Ann e Arterburn, Union ; Donald Allen, Sandy.

Barb ara And erson, Murray; R eid And erson , Sandy; W ayne And rson, Sandy; Kathleen Anderson , Mid, vale; Lloyd Ahlstrom, Sandy.

Joyce All n, Draper ; Gerald Burton, W est Jord an ; A<lclin Archul etta , Sandy ; Donna Mac All op, Murray ; Ardella Buckley , W est Jore.Ja n.

SOPHOMORES Mary Bodell, Herriman; James Boggess, Union; Grace Brown, South Jordan; Junior Bogenshutz, South Jordan; Jean Beckstead, South Jordan; Oalvin Brady, Union; Janice Berrett, Union; Thomas Bills, Herriman; Glenden Blair, Cottonwood Heights. John Brunetti, Union; Margaret Barben, West Jordan; Que Butterfield, Riverton; Rita Baker, Draper; Bob Bass, Bluffdale; Donna Bingham, Midvale; Julian Bowles, Herriman; Erma Bateman, West Jordan Bruce Buckley, West Jordan. Carol Bruno, West Jordan; Robert Bush, Sandy; Patsy Boggess, Union; Ravell Beckstead, Granite; Elvera Butterfield, Midvale; Deon Bateman, West Jordan; Lucile Beckstead, West Jordan; Wayne Bateman, West Jordan; Carol Brady, Union. Jean Baird, Draper; Jack Beckstead, South Jordan; Charles Boynton, Sandy; Melba Bowers, Draper; Donald Bogenshutz, South Jordan; Carol Cox, Midvale; Richard Campbell, Sandy; LaVon Cook, Union; Barbara Corak, Midvale. Robert Outler, East Midvale; Marilyn Crawford, Midval ; Grant Child, Union; Sue Crossgrove, Draper; Joan Cook, Sandy; Bert Cundick, Sandy; Joan Cowley, Sandy; Valerie Cook, Union; Carol Cowdell, Midvale. Alice Coyte, Draper; Ted Ohristensen, Herriman; Lorraine Clinton, East Midvale; Phillip Clayton, Draper; Mary Orawford, Midvale; Claudia Crane, Herriman; Glenna Cundick, West Jordan; Arnold Clerico, Crescent; Lu Deene Carson, Sandy.


Lael Cowley, Union; Kenneth Comstock, West Jordan; Eldora Dowding, Sandy; Sheron Despain, Granite; Donna Dowd, Midvale; Marcelyn Day, Draper.

Merrill Drake, Midvale; Beverly Dooley, Union; Lynn Dowding, Sandy; Barbara Dansie, Riverton; Dave Devine, Union; La Dean Draper, Sandy.

Wayne Dean, Crescent; Marilyn Day, Draper; K nneth Duke, Draper; Marie Dansie, Riverton; Clinton Dansie, Herriman; La Rae Detomasi, West Jordan.

Rachel Day, Draper; Kenneth Dumas, Midval ; Roger Evans, South Jordan; Pearl Egbert, Union; Vonna Enniss, Draper路 Mac Enniss, Draper.

Bruce Egbert, West Jordan; Jack Egbert, West Jordan; Nyle Evans, Sandy; Ramona Eyre, andy; N<tdine Ferguson, Sandy; Ramona Fl tt r, Sandy.

Colleen Finl y, Union; Alfred Fratto, Drap r; Rosalie Favatella, Sandy; Barnard Fitzgerald, Draper; Raymond French, Union; Vauna Fairbourn, re cent. Kenn y French, Union; Aileen Fowler, Ea t r scent; Joseph Fratto, Draper; Clayton Fairbourn, Cr sc nt; Betty Lou raham, outh Jordan; Leonard Groo, Sanely. Harold off, Midvale; Emily Gamangaso, Union; Myrna reene, Bluffdale; lycle riffin, Midvale; Barbara Gull, ancly; M rlin Graham, Union. Elaine Gilbert, Riverton; Bobbie Goff, West Jordan; Lois Gadd, Midvale; Thorene ilbert, Draper; Weldon Glines, Union; Marilyn Grundvig, Sandy.

SOPHOMORES Ruby Glover, East Midvale; Jeanne Griffin, Midvale; Ross Godfrey, Murray; Ray Griffith, Union; Beverly Hansen, Cottonwood Heights; Dennis Hand, Midvale; Don Hardcastle, Sandy; Margaret Hudson, Union, Rodney Hill, Sandy. Darrell Heaps, West Jordan; Carol Hardman, Union; Jerry Holt, South Jordan; Delores Holt, South Jordan; Dean Hogan, West Jordan; Sterling Hill, Sandy; La Rae Huffman, Butler; Paul Howard, Riverton; Darlene Hamilton, Riverton. Virginia Hobbs, West Jordan; James Howell, Draper; Vaughn Hofeling, Sandy ; Rosalie Hughes, Sandy; Ray Hirase, Union; Patricia Hatt, Riverton; Billy Harm, West Jordan; Ray Haun, Sandy; Juan Hutchings, South Jordan. Hal Hendrickson, Draper; Virginia Ivata, Draper; Marian Jones, Butler; Wendell Jackson, Union; Gayle Johnson, South Jordan; Veda Jensen, Midvale; Jay Jen en, Sandy; Leona Jackson, Union; Boyd Jensen, East Midvale. Verna Jacobson, West Jordan; Cleve Jenkins, Midvale; Joy Jones, Butler; Virginia Johnson, Union; Paul Jacobson, Midvale; Shirley Johnson, Union; Dorothy John on, Sandy; Sher, man Jensen, Riverton; La Verle Jordan, Crescent. Bonnie Jordan, Draper; Russell Jensen, Midvale; Jean Johnson, Sandy; Launa Jaynes, Sandy; Robert Jensen, West Jordan; Wallace Kidd, Bluffdale; Louise Kastanis, West Jor, clan; Merrill Kemp, Midvale; Kay Kosavich, West Jordan. I


Art Kalipetsis, South Jordan; Darrell King, Granite; James Kastanis, West Jordan; Shirel Kemp, Sandy; Mar Della La Rocco, Midvale; Roy Lepore, West Jordan. Fern Lehmitz, West Jordan; Van Lepore, West Jordan; Nonna Lancaster, West Jordan; Neva Lee, Midvale; Joe Long, Draper; Roy Lofthouse, South Jordan. La.Var Lloyd, Sandy; Joyce Lane, Butler; Mar Jean Larson, Murray; Jay Miller, Midvale; Lorene Mickelsen, Crescent; Pearl Morrow, Sandy.

Karl Mcfarlane, Bluffdale; Norma Mickelsen, Draper; Kay McOleary, Midvale; Marna Ruth Maynes, Butler; Louise Middelstadt, Riverton; Bertha Malstrom, Wet Jordan . Fae Millerb rg, East Midvale; Duane Marsh, Granite; Marian Mickelsen, East Crescent; Bennie Mace, Sandy; Lurene Mascarro, Union; Morrell McMullin, Riverton. Antoine Martineau, Midvale; Venus Melonas, West Jordan; ]. H. Mabey, South Jordan; Carolyn Kay Mitchell, Midvale; Leon Monson, Midvale; Arlene Mick lson, Crescent.

Margar t Miller, Herriman; Clair Milne, Midvale; Marilyn Madsen, Union; Bobbie McKee, South Jordan; Fukiko Mayida, Sandy; Billy Markus, Midvale.

Leo Morrow, Sandy; Jo Ann Miller, Union; Shirley Moon, Riverton; Stanly McReynolds, We t Jordan; Edward Marshall, Midvale; Ar Lou McMullin, South Jordan. Fred Moosman, West Jordan; Clark Maxfield, South Jordan; DeWayne Millerberg, Midvale; Eugene Mcfarlane, Midvale; Richard Motto, Union; Bette Nickle, Union.

SOPHOMORES Betty Newbold, Riverton; Laurence Neff, Riverton; Gwen Neff, Union; Beverly Nelson, Union; Howard Newman, Riverton; Dorothy Nelson, Midvale; Alan Nielsen, East Midvale; Walter Nielsen, Midvale; Weston Nielsen, East Midvale. LaVon Nokes, Riverton; Carole Nelson, Midvale; Maury Newman, Riverton; Marvin Nealer, Draper; Blanche Newbold, Union; Howard Nibley, Midvale; Marjorie Nell, Riverton; Denny Neilson, Bluffdale; Doris Nelson, Sandy. Andrew Okamoto, West Jordan; Mike Ontiveros, Midvale; Galen Ostler, South Jordan; La Juana lson, Crescent; James Ostler, Sandy; Peggy wsley, Crescent; Jerry lson, Miavale; Donna Ozancin, Butler; Quinn Olson, Sandy. Bonnie Olsen, Sandy; Dale Owsley, Orescent; Erwin Olsen, Sandy; Lois Olson, Union; Merlin Orgill, Draper; Laurel Pingree, Granite; Max Phelps, Riverton; Glen Page, River, ton; Bill Phillips, South Jordan. Vaudis Park, Sandy; Ellas Park, Sandy; David Palmer, South Jon.Ian; Elise Poor, Berri, man; Thomas Park, Midvale; Blaine Porter, Union; Carolyn Patience, Midvale; Stewart Pierce, Draper; Gerald Parker, Draper . Mitchel Price, Midvale; Dorothy Pierce, East Midvale; Matt Padj n, Midvale; Irwin Rich, ardson, Midvale; Darlyne Rindlisbach, Midvale; Don Richard , Sandy; James Rawson, Sandy; Norma Ramoselli, Murray; Arvon Rosenhan, Union.


Betty Reid, Midvale; Bill Rosenhan, East Midvale; June Robison, West ]or, clan; Clifford Reich, Sandy; Anita Rose, West Jordan; Duane Richardson, West Jordan. Raymond Russell, Union; Thelma Rom, ney, Sandy; Mary Sugaya, West Jordan; Robert Steadman, West Jordan; Paul Smith, Bluff dale; Jam es Sanderson, Sandy. Robert Sumbot, Midvale; Donald Shel, ton, East Midvale; Norma Ann Stowe, Midvale; George Showell, Riverton; Laird Spratt, Draper; Reva Smith, Draper. Dale Stewart, Crescent; Dorothy Slaughter, Sandy; Bill Sumbot, Midvale; Betty Simmonds, Crescent; Robert harp, Midvale; Evelyn Steadman, outh Jordan. Rose Mari Stuart, Sandy; Revice Scott, Sandy; Joye Severson, Midvale; Milan Stimatz, Midvale; Richard Steinfeldt, We t Jordan; Juel Smith, East Midvale. Dick Sharp, Midvale; Ruby Sundquist, Crescent; Scott Steele, We t Jordan; Coral Ann Smith, Midvale; Willis Smith, Draper; Howard Spencer, Bluff, dale.

Mariann Spilker, Butler; Lynn Smith, Draper; Bonnie Sharp, Ea t Midvale; Eug n mith, Draper; Bonnie Savage, Cottonwood Heights; Glenn Setterberg, Sandy.

Ardell anderson, Draper; Tom Sechuk, Midvale; Rhea Sund, Sandy; Melvin pilker, andy; Rex Silcox, South ]or, dan; Thelma Sor nsen, Sandy. V rl Stanley, S6uth Jordan; Robert Sharp, Draper; Emma Jane Thornton, East Midvale, Ronald Thomas, South Jordan; Lavell Tapp, Union; Joan Tuft, Draper.

SOPHOMORES Theron Thomas, Union; Harold Thompson, Sandy; Jerald Toomer, Midvale; Wilma Toome, Draper; Marlon Tolman, Sandy; Dorothy Troester, Midvale; Barbara Taylor, Union. Kenneth Thomsen, Union; Robert Thomas, South Jordan; Blaine Tempest, Midvale; Max Vawdry, Draper; Jerry Van Dam, East Midvale; LeRoy Van Valkenburg, Union; Effie Walker, Union. Georgia White, Draper; Darrell Webb, West Jordan; Dorothy Wilson, East Midvale; Wallace Webster, West Jordan; Elaine Wagstaff, East Midvale; Laurence Wh adon, South Jordan; Mildred Westover, South Jordan. Robert Webster, Midvale; Maxine Wright, Sandy; Robert Wiechert, West Jordan; Colleen Wheeler, Union; Billy Welch, Riverton; Shirley Wilcox, West Jordan; Dec Withers, Riverton. Mary Withers, Riverton; Melvin Withers, Draper; Donna Wenerstrom, Sandy; Glen Whetman, Sandy; Frank Winward, Riverton; Marlen Webster, Sandy; Shirley Wallington, Crescent. Lavoy Whitmore, Granite; Darlene Wood, West Jordan; Madge Wynn, Orescent; Donald Waddups, Sandy; Sam Yoneje, Draper; Marjorie Young, West Jordan; Marvin Zitting, Union.

As the years roll on, there's a deeper stress While a country is born in the wilderness.-Don Blanding.


CHARLONIANS On September 19, the school was startled to see Daisy May chasing Lil' Abner through the halls, and to hear Carmen Miranda, on her hands an<l knees, moaning, "I know my heart, I know my mind, I know that I stick out behind." An<l here was Wee Willi Winkle running upstairs and downstairs in his night gown. Everywhere we looked were freakish creatures doing queer things. But it was only Charlonian Initiation Day. After a perspiring, knee-scraping day, seventy-eight new members feebly but proudly donned their coveted gray an<l maroon uniforms and staggered down to the annual candlelight ceremony. Don't try to find a Charlonian at noon on Mondays. They are all in Miss Rawson's room, busier than the proverbial bee. In these meetings have been planned their Christmas boxes for orphans, their gifts to the Red Cross, their clever marches, their ushering, and their formal dance, in which they honored not only the basketball boys but also all their former members. LaRue Wennerstrom, Jeannene Dowding, Elaine Duffin, and Edwina Despain wait for Charlonian meeting.

As always, they have lived up to their motto, which is "to stimulatt; school pirit."

Front row: Romona Hardcastle, Eva Lynn Bagley, Dixie Butterfield, Evelyn Isaac, w n Spratling, Colleen Asay, Amey Harada. Second row: Norma Despain, Mary Jane Callas, Jane Ennis, Katherine McNamarra, Lorraine Greenwood, Dallas Dean, Katherine Makri , M ary Steadman. Third row: Irene Sorenson, Wanda Whitmore, Virginia Burnham, Gae Crossgrove, Delores Gadd, Shirley Wright, Carma Neilson, Beth Glover. Back row: Carmen Barnes, Bonnie Maxfield, Bette Cowley, Elaine Duffin, Agnes Weibell, Gloria Brown, Mildred Greenwood.

Front row: Jolene Pierson, Norma Day, Norma Cundick, Carol Pearson, Dixie Clarke, Elaine Howlett, LaRue Wennerstrom, Gwen Smith, Colleen Dickson. Second row: Wilma Fairbourn, Zella Fae Howe, Charlotte Clark, Picola Hatch, Geraldine Bruno, Karen Boggess, Shirley Nelson, Jean Beardon, Romae Crossgrove. Third row: Jeannene Dowding, Beryl Jones, Norma Lloyd, Elaine Slusher, Roylance Spratling, Norma Joyce Bateman, Joyce Ashman, Ora Joan Seal, Doris Nelson, Beverly Miller, Eula Homan. Back row: Ilene Nerdin, Joyce Johnson, Lois Lloyd, Kathryn Petrlich, Shirley Bowen, Juanita Davis, Arvilla Jaynes, Joann Coyte, Geniel Sorensen, Randolyn Sharp, LaRue Vincent.

Pep Club The Charlonian Club is not celebrating its centennial this year, but it is having an anniversary. Just twenty years ago, twenty-five public-spirited girls decided to take a little sportsmanship, a pinch of friendship, a jigger of leadership, a spoonful of scholarship, and a cup of pep and whip up a little dish that they called the Charlonians. They chose for their president Anne Fitzgerald and began to make history at Jordan. No game, no play, no opera, no anything, was complete without the exuberance of the Pep Club, which always landed and got the situation well in hand. People came to games to see the girls march almost as much as to s e the boys play. But such vitality didn't detract from their scholarship because they had to keep up a B + average. Each year they have adopted an attractive and practical uniform of some combination of gray and maroon- always the last word in style. As the enrollment of the school has increased, so has theirs, until now they number seventy-eight girls- all brainy young dynamoes. The club sponsors are Miss Tuttle, Miss Rawson, Miss Webb and Mrs. Tucker.

Elaine Slusher, Gae Crossgrove, Kathryn McNamara, and Mary Steadman are talking over dates for the Charlonian formal.

Jay Dees Instead of singing "Three Little Girls in Blue," this year, we are singing "Sixty Little Girls in Blue "- royal blue, buttoned down the back with push,up sleeves. These uniforms are an eyeful and cover sixty little live,wires bent on having fun. Their real fun began on N ovcmbcr eigth at their initiation. Between halves at the Jordan- Davis game, numerous gro, tesques and sad,sacks began circulating among the crowds getting more laughs than a Red Skelton program. Delirious with this initial success, they hopped on the busses and were off for the big town. 路 Herc they astonished the natives by sweeping a way down Main Street, begging alms, and cutting up other youthful capers. They ended their day with a feed at the Y.W.C.A. Fo r Jay De es initiation , Lorrain e Poor allows he rself to be led about on a lea s h by Mary Bernardo , while Melba Smith peeks beh ind tih e Kilroy mask to check on Donna Han sen- all this on tihe sidewalks of Salt Lake City on Nov. 8 .

Front row: Carol Young, Joyce Nelson, Barbara Bingham, Joy McMullin , Audrey Blanchard, Viola Nic holsen, Donna Beth Steadman, Lorraine Steadman. Second row: LaRene Mackey, Ruth Evans, Helen Jenkins, Pat Parker, Mac Jones, Irene Payne, Betty Ruth Olsen, Clara Steinfeldt. Back row: Arva Howell, LaR e Morgan, Joyce Berrett,

.Barbara Maynard, Fern .Bills, Norma Berrett, Barbara Stephensen, LaRae Harriso n, Norma Lancaster.

Social Club Under the stimulus of Miss Forsgren, the social club of Jordan has really gone places in the last two years. During their first year, they adopted their constitution, gave a tea at one of our orchestra recitals at Memorial House, helped with a senior tea, and prepared several programs for their club members.

Poor Elaine Toomer is resting from dragging those feet around.

Shirley Gosman and Audrey Blanchard are made up for the Jay Dees' minstrel show.

This year they have chosen their uniforms, given a Minstrel Show assembly, packed Christmas boxes for orphans, held their initiation, given a program at the Veterans Hospital, besides having programs and parties strictly private.

Front row: Fern Lloyd, Nelda Densley, Lois Wood, Margaret Stringham, Flora Stefanoff, Olive Atwood, Vondelee Bla ius, Donna Han en. Second row: Lorraine Poor, Beverly Butler, Shirley Gosman, Darlene Lester, Mary Bernardo, Elizabeth Page, Dorothy Lehmitz, Melva Smith, June Tanner. Back row: Tae Kasugi, Roma Rasmussen,

Marilyn Jensen, Jerry Loveall, Ann Bateman, Afton Richards, Dorothy Beckstead, JoAnn Calicott, Phylis Hansen, Joy Schaedler.

FFA Boys Attend Meet in Kansas City

Hyrum Gottschalk, Paul Butterfield, Jeddie Fenstermaker, and Raymond Haws, with Robert Pixfon, take part in only complete band at t 1he convention, Oct. 17.

Fu tu re Fa rm e rs of America Many and varied are the activities of the Future Farmer boys. They started the school year off with exhibiting their farm products at the State Fair and bringing home the blue ribbons. Among those winning prizes this year were: Joe Brunetti, with tomatoes; Donald Latimer, Bryce Ashby, and Raymond Haws with eggs; Robert Newbold and Robert Steadman with sugar beets; Don Neilson with grapes and prunes; and George Adamson with his prize heifer and his pet pig. They .finished th autumn season with a bang by putting on a prize-winning Harvest Ball gleaming pumpkins, blazing autumn leaves, brilliant wagon, wheels, straw, corn stalks, gypsies, games, tables groaning with cider and doughnuts and reigning over all their $Cintilating queen, Kathleen Anderson, with her attendants.

Not being content with just winning prizes, and crowning queens, the boys- all spruced up in theit new jackets.:_have sent members to the National Meet at Kansas City and others to the Live Stock Show at Ogden. They have brought a live stock show to Jordan; they helped harvest crops and have made farm surveys. They have sponsored a flower show and won public,speaking and essay contests. And on the social side, on M arch 28, they gave a banquet with the FHA, after which they played games and danced. They are now planning for a summer outing. The advisers are:

M r. Soulier, Mr. Boyce and Mr. Peterson.

FFA officers are-front row: Lorun Dansie, vice-president; Jimmie Griggs, reporter; Robert Pixton, treasurer. Back row: Blaine Hardcastle, secretary; and Robert Newbold, president.

Richard Motto's cauliflower takes first place at Utah State Fair.

Top picture-front row: Paul Butterfield, Robert Pixton, Raymond Haw , Hyrum Gottschalk, Jimmie Nickle, Calvin Thorn, ton, Hugh Gailey. Second row: Lorun Dansie, Robert Newbold, Jimmie Griggs-, Don Latimer, Bob Davis, Jay Webb, Ralph Jen en, LaMar Evans, Artie Allen, Norman Gottberg. Third row: Don Neil on, Bill Wynn, Dean Welch, Glen Otto en, Melfred Allsop, Melvin Spencer, Bryce Ashby, Sam Sugiyama, LaMar Coats, Keith Beckstead. Fourth row: Gene

N wbold, Don Wil on, Blaine Hardcastle, Burt Johnson, Cloyd Peterson, George Merrill, Lon Humes, Rodney Sheppick. Back row: Stanley Miller, Bob Orr, David Hamilton, Ray Steadman, Loris Kartsner, Guy Brunetti, Earl Griffith, Merlin Bowd JI. Richard Motto, Wayne Ballard, Revice Scott, Raymond Rus ell, LeRoy Van Valkenburg, Clifford Reich, Willi Smith, Clark Maxfield, Shirley Moon. Second row: Lawrence Neff, Morrell McMullin, Marvin Zitting, Kenneth Thompson, Eugene Smith, Bob Bass, Lee Ma on, John Brunetti. Third row: Scott Steele, Dean Hogan, Robert Weichert, Arnold Clerico, Bobbie McKee, Junior Bogenschutz, Art Kalipetsis, Robert Thomas, Dee Whithers. Fourth row: Dale Stewart, Verl Stanley, Lynn Smith, Melvin Whithers, Joe Fratto, Howard Spencer, Laird Sprattling, Donald Allen, Reid Ander on. Baack row: Jerry Walt, Robert Jensen, Wallace Kidd, Max Phelps, Billie Welch, Bennie Mace, Sherman Jensen. Bottom picture-front row:

Future Homemakers of America

Front row: Ann Garfield, Amey Harada, Beth Van Valkenburg, Katherine Loulias, Mary Jayne Callas, Betty Akagi. Second row: Madge Wynn, Rosalie Favatella, Katherine Makris, LaRae Marett, Fae Smith, Leila Peterson, Myrtle Reid, Miss Bennion, Third row: LaRae Harrison, Margaret Jones, Marna Maynes, Maurine Christensen, Shirley Wilcox, Helen Doman, Naomi Youngberg, LaRue Wennerstrom. Back row: Thelma Dansie, Donna Winword, Vauna Fairborn, Helen Fergus, Marilyn Dahl, Marie Dansie, Melba Bowers, Elaine Gilbert, Barbara Dansie.

FHA initiate new members at t ,h eir Candlelight Tea and decorate for the annual Sweethearts' Ball.

These girls plan the Sweethearts' Ball. " A stitch in time saves nine," "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure," are two axioms that form the backbone of the FHA. And the girls work like beavers to promote a growing apprecia, tion of the joys of homemaking and to further interest in home economics. T o aid in 1his pursuit, they joined the state and national organization. On April twelfth, nine of the girls- in, eluding three voting delegates - took part in the meeting and banquet in Salt Lake where Katherine M akris was elect, ed second vice-president for the district. Earlier in the year, in their annual candle-light ceremony in the model home, they initiated their new members. At Christmas time, with the other girls' clubs, they furnished gifts for orphan children.

Myrtle Reed, Betty Akagi, and Katherine Makris are cooking up new schemes to make their formal the best one yet.

Some of the models shown at the Fashion Show are out of this world.

The girls also like to show others what they can do. Their annual Valentine affair, the Sweethearts' Ball, this year was a "Cupid's Inn," where Cinder lla and Prince Charming held court to the theme song of "For Sentim ntal Reasons."

0 I


n February seventh, they entertained the students with an assembly whose theme was "When grandmother was a girl." And finally at the end of M arch, they gave a Fashion how and Tea at the Mother's ancl Daughters' Night ut. To promote go cl fell wship, they and the FFA have j ined in an annual banquet to which this year they added two skating parties. Advisers ar : Miss Bennion and M iss Domgaard.

Barbara McCormick, Romae Crossgrove, Evelyn Nelson , and Zella Fae Howe show some of the costumes they made in sewing class.

Press Club puts out handbooks.



"Oh, boy! now I can find their telephone numbers!" was heard in every corner as the Press Club distributed its popular little hand books. Besides addresses, these directories contain songs and yells, some school history, and much other useful information. This club of Jordan journalists has done much to further journalism in the district as well as in the school. In Decemb r it invited to Jordan all the editors of the junior highs, as well as of Bingham High, for a c nvention similar to the one at the B.Y.U., to which they sent twentyfour delegates, including those representing the yearbook.

Girls of the club inspect new books, hot off the press. Seated: Lila Archibald, Marguerite Houston, Doris Peterson. Standing: Barbara Cox, Ruth Kvist, Agnes Weibell, and Billie Nichols.

A climax to the editors' onvention was the Press Club assembly a recital of the trials and tribulations of an ditor serious, hilarious, and definitely on the beam. Miss Rawson is the adviser.

Front row: Elizabeth Page, Eva Jane Densley, Jerry Loveall, Dee Roach, Marilyn Jensen, Dalla Dean, Neoma Youngberg, LaRue Wennerstrom. Second row: Jane Enniss, Ju anita ]epp on, Patsy Nowlan, Maxine Glover, Barbara Cox, Donna Shaw, Beryl Jones, Norma Joyce Bateman, Agnes Weibell, Gwen Spratling, Dori Peter on. Third row: John Kirton, Ruth Kvist, Delores Densley, Billie Jean Nichols, Betty May Hansen, Edward Kunz, Virginia Hobbs, Marjorie Young, Don Lind, Betty Walker, Fred Maynes. Fourth row: Genial Grove-, LaRee Ostler, Jean Jensen, Arlen Hansen, Nelda Polson, Marguerite Houston, Sherrie Smith, Lois Gordon, Rachel Zitting, Lee Hand, Edwina Despain, Ralph Green. Fifth row: Ray Mcfarlane, Rebecca Hunt, Jeannene Dowding, Betty Cowley, Larry Behunin, Donna James, Eldon mart, Jay Lovcle s, Bonnie Maxfield, Pat Whitmore, Bonnie Rasmu sen, Jennie Rae Green, Carol Pearson.


Club 20

Front row: J. H. Mabey, LeRoy Rasmussen, Paul Butterfield, Lynn Dowding. Second row: Robert Pixton, Reed Crapo, Gerald Webb, Robert Alexander, Vere Berrett. Third row: Albert Nystrom, Juan Hutch, ings Gordon Jenson, Don Lind, Don Mickelsen, Garth Wright. Club 20- organized by Mr. E. L. Crawford for "special purposes" has twenty members. (Not photographed are Richard Keeler, Allen Mickelsen, Calvin Elkington, Max Hogan, and Lysle English.)

Chem Club

Front rnw: Coll een Asay, Dorothy Lehmitz, Gwen Spratling, Lorraine Greenwood, Gwen Smith, Elaine Howlett, Betty Olson, Jean Van Va lkenburg. Second row: Elaine Toomer, Donna Beth Steadman, Vivian Jensen, Reed Crapo, Kathryn Mc, Namara, Evelyn Isaac, Roma Rasmussen, Naomi Youngberg, LaRue Wennerstrom. Third row: Jane Ennis, Geniel Sorensen, Calvin Maxfield, Elaine Thompson, Utahna Carlson, Darlene Lester, Ruth Kvist, Wayne Ferguson, Barbara Fitzgerald. - Fourth row: Robert Alexander, Dallas Dean, Helen Doman, Pat Whitmore, Venna Jean Bradford, Carol Cox, Brad Gardner, LeRoy Rasmussen, Howard Nielsen, Donna Shaw, Elden Morgan, Arnold Gardner. Back row: Gerald Groves, Austin Doolittle, Ronald

Erickson, Bob Bailey, Hal Knight, Dale Howard, Bill Kinny, Lloyd Nerdin, Allen Malstrom, Vere Berrett, Cleo Barton. The Chem Club, under the guidance of Mr. Orson Smith, had as one of its projects a visit to the Geneva Steel Plant.

Dramatic Club In order to interest students in drama, the Dramatics Club was organized in 1910, putting on as its first play, ''Our Boys." This year they have had a very busy year, in which they have sweated through many plays for the various communities around here, besides the annual play, "Ramshackle Inn." Their fifty-six members also like to eat as you could ¡ tell if you went to their annual dinner at the end of a busy year. Miss Tuttle and Miss George are the advisers.

Forensic Club The Forensic Forum, composed of the debaters of Phil Goldbranson, E. L. Crawford, and C. N. Crawford, are doing all right for themselves this year. They have had competition from all over the state.

Ski Club In 1944-45 a group of boys and girls who were interested in skiing organized the Jordan Ski Club, and chose as their president Gail Despain. Ai• top, Dramatic Club officers are rehearsing a little number. They are Jay Loveless, vice-pesident, Joy McMullin, secretary, and Jimmy Gardner, president. Below: Dixie Clarke, debating manager of the Forensic Club, and John Shelton, moderator. are planning club activities.

The club enrollment has increased considerably this year and the boys and girls have had many hours of thrills skiing at Alta. They had four ski parties at Alta in which they skiied, ate, danced, and listened to the juke box.

Officers plan for a ski meet.

Sophomore Club The newly organized Sophomore Club intends to go out for study, style, and pep.

Carol Cox, president, and Rosalie Hughes, vice-president. Emma Jane Thornton is secretary.


Bush, secretary; Jimmy Nickle, vice-president; Despain, treasurer; and Harold Olsen, president.


Skating Club Ice skating and roller skating are the activities of the Skating Olub, one of our youngest. In January, forty,five of them had fun at a skating party at the Southeast Roller Rink. Earlier in the year they had a party at Wooleys. Their final splurge was a party at the Southeast in M ay. The adviser- Mr. Soulier.

Language Club "Parlez vous Francaise?" " H ablas Espanol?" "Sprecken Sie Deutsch?" one hears when the Language Club gets together. Or perhaps some de, vine lass is listening to some bold lad say, "Ich liebe dich," "Je t'aime," or "Yo ti amo." Speak Spanish or French or German is the order of the day. English is taboo. M iss Fraser and Miss Gardner are the sponsors.

Athletic Club Any athlete who has taken part in athletics for two years is eligible to join. Their main events of the year are an Athletic Club dance and a basketball game, the proceeds from which go to pay doctor bills of boys hurt in taking part in sports.

Upper: Evelyn. Isaac,. secretary, Marie Goff, president, and Reta Baker, v1ce-pres1dent, are officers of the Skating Club. Lower: The officers of the Language Club are Myrtle Reid, secr~tary, Glen Margetts, vice-president, and Bob Hughes, president.

Officers of the Athletic Club Duncan Gardner vice-president Starley Bus.h president Willard Carrol secretary

Janitors Club

Bert Johnson, Robert Hardcastle, Jae Winkler, Ben Mace, Quinn Olson, Lynn Dowding, and Alma Dowding, school engineer. These are the boys who lceep us clean and tidy, warm and mended, and try to lcill our mice.

Riding Club

Front row: Norma Day, Roy Ashby, Joan Tuft, Lynn Smith, Donna Maxfield, David Devine, Rcvice Scott. Second row: Carmen Barnes, Ralph Jensen, Norma Lancaster, Calvin Allen, Janet Mads n, Beverley Nelson,

Billy Ham, Carol Bruno, Mr. Boyce, adviser. Third row: Artie Allen, Riley Fitzgerald, Clifford Rich, tanley Pettingill, Reed Ander on, Melfred Allsop, Patsy Bogge s, Dale Mou 路Icy, Bryce A hby, Clark Maxfield, Ger, aid Parker.

The Riding Club's purpose is to develop love and appreciation for hors s, good horsemanship, and a real appre, ciation for the beauties of nature They took many pleasure trips on horses this past year. In the spring they rode up to observe the deer feed on the old trail used by the pioneers from Draper to Alpine. On May 2nd they gave a dance at the high school for students. Everyone came in cowboy costumes. With the pioneer spirit in mind, the club practiced drills which they used in the premi r showing of "Ramrod," a Centennial parade.

Terrible, beautiful, gross and grand, The voice of this maverick, lawless land,-Don Blanding


If it's worth reporting, it's in the


LaRue W ennerstrom Reporte r

Dee Roach Assistant Editor

Beryl Jones Assistant Editor

Don Lind A ssociate Editor Rachel Zitting Editor

Donna James Page Editor Neoma Youngberg R eporter

Lee Hand Sports John Robinson Features

Dallas Dean P age Editor Jeannene Dowding Fea tu res

Shirley Nelson Page Editor Jean Jensen Page Editor

Our up-to-the-minute NEWSPAPER Here are the reporters.

Front row: Jane Enniss, Dee Roach, Ralph Green, Jeannine Page, Elden Smart, Leila Thaxton, Deloris Densley. Second row: Cherie Smith, Juanita Jeppson, Fred Maynes, Maxine Glover, Jerry Loveall, Jay Loveless, John Kirton, Mis Rawson, adviser. Third row: Edward Kunz, Elizabeth Page, Arlen Hansen, RaNae Francom, Eva Jane Densley, Marie Ostler, Geneal Groves, Rebecca Hunt. Back row: Grace Anderson, Eli Zagarich, Betty Cowley, Bonnie Maxfield, Larry Behunin, Bonnie Rasmu sen, Jenny Rae Green.

Utaih na Carlson, Assistant Manager

Oh, her they come with the Broadcaster! Quick, give me mine! We grab our copy and fold it inside out. We chuckle at What's in a Name; we chortle over the Daffy-nitions and at Don and Dee; there's some more of those funny poems! Well, blow me down! There's one of mine! Isn't it corny? We hurry down the page to see if Donna and LaRue have m ntioned our names. What has John to say about fashions this time? His style is certainly original. What do you know? Challas is going to be married! There's an inter sting editorial by Rachel. Look! there's my mom's name in Through the Years! My kid sister has a junior high school write-up! See, up there on page 3 ! We've had ten editions this year. When we finally get around to the outside pages, we find that they ar very attractively made up; that the heads are pithy and well chosen; that the news hounds have really corraled the news and made some lively write-ups. We read every word and say to ourselves, "Miss Rawson's staff is definitely in the groove."

Betty Walker, Business Manager

We are the culprits who are guilty of this


Jimmie Shimizu-our enterprizing photographer, has ma cl e some interesting experiments in photography this year. For some of his pet results see page 25, Snide and Stan on pages 96 and 104, and the two pages 110-111.

Beryl Jones associate editor, helps Bob and Ruth with this and that, and is trying to learn the ropes so she can be on her own next year.

John Egbert sport editor, has kept tab on the boys who play the games and has tried to make an accurate record.

LaMar Rosenhan ha been general office boy, hunting down names, interviewing people, reporting on activities.

Audrey Blanchard senior editor, has spent hours checking senior~ and recording their personal idiosyncrasies.

Boyd Crump artist. His clever cartoons are scattered throughout the book.

LaRue Vincent associate editor, is also trying to be helpful, and to learn to take over next year.

Above Ruth Evans, co-editor, looks cheerful. She has just uccessf ully rounded up the Charlonians, and had their picture taken. Bob Alexander, co-editor, i trying to concentrate. He has to. Next we k is a deadline.

LaRue W ennerstrnm and Neoma Youngberg have helped Mr. Smith check with people having their picture taken .

of the BEE TD I G GER We are happy because we have taken your cash. We hope you get your money's worth.

First row: Shirl ey Nelson, Elise Poor, Charlotte Clark, Colleen Dickson, Gwen Smith, Donna Adams. Second row: Carmen Barnes, Dorothy Wilson, LaRue Vincent, Irene Payne, Bette Ruth Olsen, Elaine Duffin, Irene Sorenson. Third row: Flora Stefandoff, Geraldine Bruno, Zella Fae Howe, Bob Alexander, Jack Egbert, Agnes Weibell, Arlene Mickelsen.

The directors of the business of selling and financing the yearbook.

Anyone passing the press room third period hears a strange jargon- montage . . . senior panels . . . the dummy ... watch the budget ... we've got to beat the deadline! Pandemonium, as the months speed by: "Those assignments in tomorrow or else!" from Miss Gardner. A pain in the neck to Mr. Smith; a worse one to Mr. Ballard. But we have to be in the halls; we can't dig for dirt when the files are locked and the students fled. Begging, exhorting, demanding, being obnoxious, despairing but m eting 01.1r deadlines! April 24! W h ave an enormous sigh and go to bed at a clccent hour for the first time in weeks. We also take time out for lunch. Several pell-mell rushes to Stevens and Wallis to proof-read; and then we toss the whole thing in the laps of Gwen and her help; and, if we are seniors, turn to the prosaic business of graduating, while the juniors carry on. But we can hardly wait for May 22 - Yearbook Day. We want to collect autographs, but most of all we want to sec our finished brain-child and find out if anyone else likes it as much as we do. Daron Bateman is the typist. Joyce Nelson helped check names.

Above- Gwen Smith, busine s manager, sees to it that we don't exceed our budget. Calvin Elkington, Roylance Spratling and Richard Keeler get so many ads we have to leave out the calendar.

The historic C 0 UR IE R agam makes its appearance The Editorial Staff

Seated: Elaine Duffin, associate editor; Agnes Weibell, editor; Frank LaRocco, associate editor. Standing: Marilyn Jensen, feature editor; Peter Howells, e ay editor; Shirley Bowen, poetry editor; Mike Loulias, art editor; and Barbara Stephen en, hort- tory editor.

The Courier, as a little magazine literary and otherwise grew up with the high chool. In 1923 it was published as a newspaper; but in 1925 the name of the newspaper was changed to the Broadcaster and the name Courier was put on ice, until it again app ared in 1941 and in 1942 on mimeographed copies of a literary magazine. This year, under the guidance of Miss Forsgren, the staff is busy gathering material for another edition of the Courier, which will be printed.

Following is a list of those gathering copy: Wally Mascaro, a ociate editor; Boyd Crump, art; editorials: Lee Hand, editor; Shirley Nelson, associate; Donna Mae Alsop, Jeannene Dowding, Jane Ennis, Fred Mayne , Dee Roach, Raymond Simper, Garth Wright. Essays: Betty Ontiveros, associate; LuRee Morgan, Joan Tuft, Eldon Tame, Joyce John on, Norma Mae Lloyd, LeRoy Ra mussen, Joann Coytc. Poetry: Geraldine Tanner, associate; Wanda Whitmore, Madge Wynn, Orlando Lawson, Lawrence Buttedield. Features: Gwen Spratling, associate; Lawana Atwood, Wilma Fairbourn, Delores Gadd, John Robinson, Elden Smart, Jay Loveles , Donna Shaw, Pat Whitmore. Short Stories: Myrtle Reid, a ociate; Jolene Pierson, Shirley Wright, Marjorie Young. Typists: Norma Cundick, Jane Ennis, Beryl Jones, Mairlyn Jen en, Lana Long, Doris Peterson, Dee Roach.

Some of us are bright and win contests. At left is the group who won out for the "Inquiring Editor" quiz program. Seated are Ravell Beckstead, Lorraine Greenwood, Mr. H. F. Kretchman, editor of the Telegram, Marilyn Crawford, and Don Neilson. Leaning over their shoulders are LaMar Rosenhan, Wilma Fairbourn, Mar Jean Larson, Fred Greer. When they competed against each other on February 14, the girls won from the boys and each received a fountain pen, while each boy got only a pencil. The program was rebroadcast over KDYL the following Saturday. At right is Robert Pixton, who won the Union Pacific scholarship in Salt Lake County. As a result Robert will have his tuition paid for one year at the U.S.A.C. to carry on farm study.

Ralph Jensen, at left, won first place in the FFA di trict oratorical contest on March 8. Don Neilson won second place. Bob Alexander, with his impersonation of- your guess is as good as ours - won second place on the "Amateur Hour" program on September 27.

Don Lind, Joann Coyte, Lynn Dowding, and Randolyn Sharp, won over the East High teams in a quiz program in the Salt Lake Tabernacle during Teachers' Institute in October.

Lysle English, Lorraine Greenwood, and Beryl Jones won third, first and second places, respectively, in the American Legion Oratorical contest on March 22. The subject of the oration was "The American Citizen; His Rights and Reponsibilities Under the Constitution." Maurine Dunyon, whose Bumble Boogy won third place on the "Amateur Hour" program.

The winners of the American Legion Essay Contest were Janet Jensen, first place; Don Neilson, second; and Barbara Bingham and Reed Crapo, tied third. Mar Jean Larson, a sophomore, received honorable mention. The subject of the essay was America's Contribution to Lasting Peace.


choose a real blood-curdler as our


Lucille Tuttle, coach, and her assistant, Miss Virginia George, get ready for a curtain call on the big opening night. Miss Tuttle teaches speech and is sponsor of the Charlonians. She is also on the graduation committee, and h lps advise the students. She has appeared in several plays at the University of Utah, and with the KSL players. Miss George is just out of college. Besides teaching speech, she has three English classes and helps advise the students, the sophomores, and the Jay Dees.

The scenes above are thrillers from thi The double,dyed villian Pav ton, pours out a quick one for Mrs. Phillips. Look out, Mame! Ruth Evans a loyal and spir, ited Mary Temple.

Belinda wi hes the Cornmo, dore's honorable intentions were not quite o remote. Fred Greer a Bill Phillips, the much,plotted,against, but noble son of Mame.

Eva Lynn Bagley, as Joyce Rogers, the FBI who tries to crack the ca e .

whodunit play.

Constable Small giv s "horty instructions.

Randolyn Sharp, as Ga i 1 Russel, arch plotter and kid, napper.

Ly le English, as Gylhooley, the eager cop.

ur hero is vindicated and free to marry his girl.

Neil Hilton, who, as Dr. Russ II, is a fit husband for Gail.

Phyllis Gould, as Mame Phil, lip , who wants to get rid of the Inn.

RAMSHACKLE INN (And oh, boy, is it ramshackle I) Mr. Olsen's and Mr. Madsen's stage crews really did themselves prou~ on this. Bob Alexander as Patton, a meanie of the deepest dye. Bob's been a changed man since he took this part. For months we were afraid to turn our backs to him.

Elden Smart as Mr. Temple, Mary's grasping uncle, meets an early death.

Austen Doolittle as Arbuthnot, who doesn't last long either.

LaMar Rosenhan as Constable Small, who struts and frets his hour upon the stage -and loves it!

Jimmy Gardner, who, as Commodore Lucius Towser, has for twenty years taken a proprietory interest in Miss Belinda, but just hasn't got around to proposing yet.

The last seen is a thriller-diller; dead bodies everywhere and no one knows who's next. But right- and Belinda- triumph; the villians are foiled; and everybody is happy- that is everybody still alive. Allan Jensen, who was Fred Porter, didn't have his picture taken; but he's th one draped across the trunk, who also made an early departure.

Elaine Duffin and Lou Wanna Grundvig try to keep the audience from finding out when one of the actors forgets his lines or cues.

Picola Hatch as Alice Fisher, the kidnapped maiden who doesn't have much to say. But, brother, is she an eyeful!

Dixie Clarke, who, as Miss Belinda Pryde, buys the Inn, solves the mystery, and convulses the路 audience.

These One-Act Plays, produced by the dramatic classes, were not given to the students, but were taken around to different wards

The two top plays are the same play, Woman Along the Rood, but the casts are different.

This one was taken to Crescent in December. These characters are Donna Beth Steadman as Reba, Romae Crossgrove as Cynthia, Elaine Howlett :ts the Woman- Veronica: Gwen Smith as Aisa; and Dallas Dean as Marian.

This play went to Midvale First Ward. These characters arc Donna Beth Steadman as Reba, Ruth Evans as Marian, Elaine Howlett as the Woman, Irene Payne as Aisa, and Joy McMullin as Cynthia.

Christmas Trimmings was produced in Union First Ward in D cember. The characters are Joyce Porter as Aunt Kate, Gene Whiting as the first .:rook, Jay Loveless as th cond one, Donna Pe<llcr as Barbara, Jimmy Gardner as Mr. Sanders, Dorothy Petrarca as Ethel, Bill Mangum as Jeffry, Phyllis Despain a Deborah, and Elaine Duffin, s atcd, as Mrs. Sanders.

These disciples of Demost.h enes spend spend a great deal of time arguing.

Above- Junior and Senior Debaters Front row: Dixie Clarke, Utahna Carlson, Carol Pearson, Dee Roach, Bonnie Maxfield, Edwina Despain. Second row: Bob Alexander, Charlotte Clark, Elizabeth Page, Jeannene Dowding, LaVern Buxton, Darlene Lester, Ruth K vist, Lorraine Greenwood. Third row: Bud Peterson,

LaRue Webb, Carmen Barnes, LaRue Vincent, Allen Mickelsen, Beryl Jones, Lorna Jean Jensen, Randolyn Sharp. Back row: Paul Butterfield, Albert Nystrom, Don Neilson, Elaine Duffin, Gwen Smith, Raymond Simper, Don Lind, Roylance Spratling, John Shelton. Below-Sophomore Debaters

Carl Mcfarlane, Beverly Han en, Ann Arterburn, Marilyn Crawford, Joanne Cowley, Marilyn Grundvig, Lynn Dowding. Second row: Arleen Fowler, Carolyn Mitchell, Dorothy Pierce, J. H. Mabey, Ruth Glover, Janice Barrett, Glendon Blair. Third row: Bonnie Sharp, Arlene Mickelsen, Mildred Westover, Elise Poor, James Ostler, James Sanderson, Blaine Tempest. Back row: Robert Wiechert, Ravell Beckstead, Ardelle Sanderson, Juan Hutchings, MarJean Larsen, Paul Howard, La Verle Jordan. First row:

Debating has become more outstanding this year than it has ever been at Jordan. With the addition of the sophomore branch of the Forensic Forum and with arguments with debaters from West, Davi , and Wasatch high schools, our debaters are gaining much experience and many enviable records. With debaters from two states, Jordan competed at Weber Junior College, and in seven out of eight rugged rounds of debating, came out Yictorious. Under the leadership of Phil Golbranson, assisted by E. L. Crawford, and C. N. Crawford, Jordan's debate teams were truly put on the map in 1947. More can be expected from debaters next year- as was shown at the Speech and Arts Carnival held at Jordan in March of this year. Outstanding debaters from junior high schools in the district showed real ability in their argu~ ment . So, we clan expect Jordan's record of debates in 1948, to be right up there-on the top!

To pay tribute to our Utah Pioneers in this centennial year, we present as our


William Mangum as Squire Boone, brother of Daniel.

Blanche Graham as Mrs. Calloway, a pioneer mother.

Jimmy Cushing as Samuel Henderson, a suitor of Betsy.

Chief Corn talk comes to Boonesborough to parley with Daniel Boone. He offers himself as a hostage but is killed later by one of the settlers.

Robert Pixton a Richard Calloway, a hardy pioneer.

Connie Atwood as Frances Calloway, the yo u n g e t daughter.

To brighten up their restricted way of living, the girls tage a dance and have a few gay hours.

Colleen Dickson as Betsy Cal' . loway, the eldest daughter.

Larry Behunin as John Holder, a young wood man.

Wh ile t he men arc away trying to rescue Jemima Boone and her companions from th Indian , the worn n and Squire Boone pray for th ir afc r turn.

DANIEL BOONE The opera was produced March 13 at the high school. It was directed by Mr. Crapo, with Miss Tuttle coaching the dramatics and Miss Webb the dancing. Mr. Olsen supervised the making of the scenery. The action takes place at the Stockade of Boonesborough, tucky, in June and July of 1776.


• records at the Music Festival. Th e women rejoice at th e return of th eir tRh~md .tob ehntepr . the St ate Music Th e men get ready to do a expedition. . 111 is ac , 1ano 8o 1o; M aury bit of couting. Eld en Smart as Fland ers CalD 300n Solo; James Anderson, Flute Pi la H atch as J e m i m a Joway, a suitor of Jem ima. cao n~{owe , French Horn; Merlin Dansie, Boone, the daughter of DanBoonLutchings, H arold Thompson, Sax aiel Boone. h alk, Corne t Duet; Picola H atch, Ka ren Boggess as T abith a R ob ert Al exan der as , B h . V lS l Pogue, a handy contri:HY e un1n, oca o o s. McSplinter, a N ew En gland spin ter. )Otball and b asketb.a ll gam es.


I ~:.J

Color is added to a great many of our activities by the presence of


Richard Bergman, Bob Bailey, Joyce Porter, Dorothy Petrarca, LaMoyne Ashton, Norma Mickel en, James Anderson, Jeddie Fenstermaker. Second row: Maury Newman, 0. Butterfield, Marcelyn Day, Darlene Hamilton, Claudia Crane, Bert Cundick, Zella Fae Howe, Ilene Nerdin, Stewart Pierce, Wayne Dean, We ton Neilon, Gerald Parker, Robert Sharp, Bud Peter on, Carolyn Kay Mitchell. Third row: Carol Bruno, Joan Oborne, Colleen Finley, Evelyn Crawford, Billy Ham, Juan Hutchings, Blaine Tempest, Jame ander on, Jame Ostler, Richard Keeler, Hyrum Gottschalk, Dave Hamilton, Bill Ro enhan, Duane Millerberg, Harold Goff, Blaine Porter, Arvid Rosenhan, Richard Holman, Howard Newman, Jay Holt, Carl Mcfarlane, Jack Winward, Betty Lou Graham, Fourth =~>-. Maurine Dunyon un Calvin Brady, Paul Jacob on, Mark Step hensen, Garth Ballard, Lurene Mascaro, Emily Gamanga o, Harold Thomp on, lark Maxfield, Rosalie Hughes, Gwen Spratling, Wayne Bateman, Merrill Kemp, Les Morrow, Douglas Matthews, Ray Andru , Calvin Elkington. Fifth row: Geraldine Wheadon, Lucille Beckstead, Merlin Dansie, Vandis Hathaway, J. C. Crapo, In tructor.

Front row:

Chief Cornstalk comes to Boonesborough to parley with Daniel Boone. He offers himself as a hostage but is killed later by one of the settlers.

To brigh of living, have a f

Clement Crapo, besides directing

band, teaches ch rus, h lps adthe student body, an<l is on graduating committee.


love to watch the Band, all dressed up like Mrs. Astor's horse, marching on the lawn.

The band was just a little late in getting started in its activities this year; but once the ba.11 started rolling, it rolled into a big year. Combined with the chorus, the band furnished a Sunday program to the Draper P. T. A. Soloists and ensembles from the band made high records at the Music Festival. The following received records which enabled them to enter the State Music Festival: Richard Keeler, Cornet Solo; Donabeth Rindlisbach, Piano Solo; Maury Newman, Clarinet Solo; Romae Crossgrove, Bassoon Solo; James Anderson, Flute Solo; Marcelyn Day, Saxaphone Solo; Zella Fae Howe, French Horn; Merlin Dansie, Bass Horn; Burt Cundick, Claudia Crane, Juan Hutchings, Harold Thompson, Saxaphone Quartet; Richard Keeler, Hyrum Gottschalk, Cornet Duet; Picola Hatch, Francille Hansen, Jimmy Cushing, Eldon Smart, Larry Behunin, Vocal Solos. Gottschalk's Pep Band was very faithful at all football and basketball games.

Donald P. Olsen directs the Orchestra.

This year the orchestra has entered many state music festivals. It has also played for such activities as the school play in November, the Mes-siah just before Christmas, the opera in March, and the Centennial Pageant m May.

Mr. Olsen also coaches the string quar, tet and chamber music, and teaches art. Some of his own music compositions have been published. His hobby is col, lecting ancient instruments.

Garth Wright performs on the French horn.

Proficient recd players arc Beryl Jon s with the clarinet, Romac Crossgrove with the ba soon, and Peggy Groo with the oboe.


At top we h ave some more reed players :

G cniel Sorensen, Joy M cMullin, and James Anderson arc pouring out a concord of sweet sounds on the flutes. In the bottom picture is a violin section . They are D arlene Rindlisb ach , M ary Ann Spilker, Picola H atch , Z ella Fae H owe, wh o is concert mistress; M arjorie Young, and A gnes W eibcll.

M ark Stowe, Jean Griffen and Elaine Howlett are r eady to tune up their violas. A bove -

H ere are some more strings - Back row: M arilyn Dahl, bass; Dixie Clarke and Gloria Brown, cello. Front row shows Geraldine Bruno and D oris Peterson with their cellos.

We take the "Messiah" to the Assembly Hall.

On Sunday, December 22, we presented our fourth annual performance of Handel's Messiah in the Assembly Hall on the Temple grounds in Salt Lake City. The Seminary, as usual, joined with the choruses and the orchestra for the production. Mr. Crapo conducted the singing and Mr. Olsen the orchestra. Miss Tuttle was the reader, Robert Cundick, the organist, and Donabeth Rindlisbach, the accompanist. The invocation was given by Franklin Jones and the benediction by Norma Rae Lyon. There under the shadow of the beautiful Temple in front of the big organ, the Christmas spirit thrilled us, and we who took part felt that Handel's soul-filling music may have been interpreted better, but we doubted it.

In this brass section of the orchestra La Mar Rosenhan i getting the most out of his trombone and Richard Keeler and Roylance Spratling, their trumpets.


Tihere's the whistle of arrows, the bark of guns, The splash and dripping of blood that runs.-Don Blanding.


~ '~ ~ ..


SEASON Football prospects looked g od in the preseason games, as Jordan beat Weber High School 26-6, and Weber Junior College reserves 13-7. We op ned the league season, beating East on their campus 13-7. In our next two league games, we lost to Carbon and West by two and three touch-down margins. These two games marked the most decisive losses suffered by a Jordan football team in fifteen years. The team made a fine comeback for the rest of the league seasontying Davis 0-0, losing to Provo 7-6, and winning from our neighbors, Granite, 7 -0. Thus we ended in fourth position in "Big Nine" competition. The team then went to Grand Junction, Colorado, for a game. This game we lost 19-12. The boys used a "T" formation, instead of their customary "single wing," during the season play.

DUNN TAYLOR Rumors have it that Snide is going back to the Single Wing formation next year. To some people this is bad news, because they think that by next year Snide could get the "T" working properly. We all think that we had as good a team as could be had from any high school. There just can't be enough said about Snide's work with football. Everyone in Jordan takes his hat off to him.

Lost to the team by graduation are the following regulars: Duncan Gardner, Gerald Webb, Willard Carrol, Jimmie Ni ckle, Donald Latimer and Starley Bush. These boys all have played good football for Jordan, and will be sorely missed. Gardner and Bush have been invited t play with on of the two allstar teams selected from the state. ther seniors lost by graduation are: Pete Howells, LaMar Jones, Sam Howard, and Clinton Brady.


\~~ . ., ~

Once again this year, John Egbert and LeRoy Rasmussen kept the team refreshed. This was John's third year and LeRoy's second .

Frank Kamnikar He took care of all equipment. He also coached junior football and basketball and helped Snide and Stan.

Griffith Kimball Griff coached soph football and basketball, and al o had charge of baseball.

In sunshine or in rain, we line up with our tickets.

A bit chilly, but it's a good game.

Football Scores PRESEASON September 13 September 20 -

Weber at Jordan -------------------------------------------- 26 Weber Jr. College ------------------------------------------ 12

6 7

LEAGUE October 4 October 11 October 25 November 1 November 8 November 15


Jordan at East ---------------------------------------------------- 12 Carbon at Jordan ---------------------------------------------- 7 West at Jordan ------------------------------------------------ 0 Jordan at Provo -------------------------------------------- 6 Jordan at Davis---------------------------------------------- 0 Jordan at Granite ------------------------------------------ 6

21 15

7 0 0

POSTSEASON November 22 -

Jordan at Grand Junction ---------------------------- 12



CHEER LEADERS Phyllis Hansen, Venna Jean Bradford, Glen Margetts, Jimmy Gardner, Neil Hilton.


0 -

Grantsville 0 -


0 -

Lehi 8 -

at Grantsville


0 -

Pleasant Grove 25 -


8 -

East 0 -

at Jordan at P. G.

at Jordan

Jordan 14 -

Mt. Pleasant 7 -

Jordan 20 -

West 13 -

at West


Davis 12 -

at Davis

7 -

at Mt. P.


Glenn Otteson -



Gerald Webb -



Dale Sharp -



Peter Howells


"P te"

Keith Matthews -


"Matti "

Duncan Gardner -


"Dunk" Honorable Mention All-Star Team

Willard Carroll -




I Howard Nielsen -



Jay Brown




-Car tain

Jimmy Nickle "Nick"


Sam How~rd "'Simp"

Weston Gardner "West"



Don Price - End "Lefty"

Donald Latimer "Lad '~

T ackle

Deloy Densley "Joe"

Starley Bush " Stien"


Quarterb ack, Co-Captain

H onorable M ention All-Star T eam


Front row: George Bass, Delbert Forman, Jo eph Favatella, Roy Ajoika, Don 11 Val Farnsworth, 0. D. Ballard. Second row: Snide Taylor, Dean Welch, Dunca mer, Willard Carroll, Sam Howard, Howard Niel en, DeLoy Densley, Stan Watt1 Lynn Brockbank, Udell Player, Dale Sharp, Gerald Webb, Starley Bush, West• Edward Kunz , Peter Howells, Don Price, Arden Bodell, Jack Egbert, LeRoy B sen, Keith Matth ews, Frank Kamnikar. Not photographed: Glen ttosen, Jay I



v T


Lehi 0



Lincoln 7



South 7



East 7

Jordan 32

Mt. Pleasa


West 7

Jordan 12

Davis 0


And Jay Brown challcs up another first down for Jordan, as Duncan Gardner watches.

SOPH SQUAD Front row: Elias Park, LeRoy Van Valkenburg, Fred Moosman, Ervin Olsen, Dave Devine, Sheron De pain. Second row: Bob Bu h, Stewart Pierce, Mitchell Price, Eddie Marshall, Vaughn Hofeling, Kay Hirase, Merrill Kemp. Third row: Bruce Egbert, Roy Lofthouse, Roy Lapore, Jerry Olsen, Robert Sumbot, Stanly McReynolds, Griffiths Kimball. Back row: Douglas Anderson, Blaine Tempest, Russell Jensen, Robert Thomas, Billy Welch, James An-

der on, Harold Thomp on . ..1cCorrnick, Jimmy Grigg , LaMar Jone~, tn Gardn r, Jimmy Nickle, Donald Lat1. Third row: Billy Bu k, Clifton Casper, n Gardner, Ray Andru . Fourth row: la mus en, Clint n Brady, Allen Mickelhown.

immy Nickle, Don Latimer, and Sam foward try to lceep dry as the Da1is game is called off at the half. 'oo much rain!


Raymond Simper Forward "Simp" Honorable Mention

Sam Howard Forward "Simp"

Basketball Scores PRE-SEASON Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

6 10 13 20 14 27



25 10 28 31 27

17 22 29 16 25

22 41 32 41 33 42 35 40 41 31

24 37 24 20 25 35 23 36 38 33

Jordan vs. East .............. 3 3 Jordan vs. Boxelder ...... 28 Jordan vs. Weber .......... 29

20 39 26


Jordan at Weber ............ Boxelder at Jordan .......... Logan at Jordan ............ Jordan at Bear River .... Jordan at Bear River .... Jordan at Logan .......... .. Boxelder at Jordan ........ ..


Jordan at Granite .......... Davis at Jordan .............. Jordan at West .............. Jordan at Carbon .......... Ogden at Jordan ................ Provo at Jordan ................ Jordan at East .................... South at Jordan .............. Jordan at Davi ................ Granite at Jordan ............

Clinton Cutler Center "Clint" Third Team All State



Won from Davi 28 , 21 at Jordan. Lo t to Granite 37 , 25 at Granite. Lot to Wet 21 , 13 at Deseret Gym.

Lo t to South twice, 36 , 18; 36 , 27. Lost to Ea t twice, 44 , 35; 39 , 27. Won from Granite 41 , 19 . Won from West 32 , 35. Lost to Davi 34 , 40.

LEAGUE-SEASON Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

10 17 24 31 7 15 21 25 27

Front row: Wayne Bateman, Mitchell Price, Ellas Parks, Harold Thomp on, Don Allen . Second row: Griff Kimball, coach ; Dean Hogan, Robert Cutler, Jerry Olson, Clayton Fairbourn.

TOURNAMENT Mar. 20 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 -

Jay Holt and Alvin Merrill look after the comfort of the basketball players.


.J.f.:., ,( ,~~..,._ -ii ~-颅 ~

.;.. Qi'lv

Gordon Jenson Guard "Jense" All State

Charles Serdar Forward "Chuck" Honorable Mention

Willard Carroll Guard "Zeke" Second Team All State

1947 BASKETBALL SEASON Jordan High School started the basketball season with two men from last year's squad, Willard Carroll and 路 Gordon Jenson.

In pre-season play the team played seven games, winning two and losing five. Games were lost to Box Elder, to Logan and to Bear _River, while the Diggers defeated Weber and Bear River. In spite of the mediocre pre-season showing, Jordan played a. good brand of ball in their first league game at Granite. After a hard-fought battle the Farmers nosed the Beetdiggers out by the close score of 24-22. Showing renewed vigor and d termination, the team came back and won eight successive league games. During this winning streak, Davis was defeated twice and West, East, Carbon, Ogden, Provo and South once. In the final league game, played before a packed house, Granite again nosed Jordan, in the final seconds of the game, to win 33-31. The Jordan team tied for the Big Nine Championship along with Granite and gden. Each team won eight and lo t two games during the eason. Having qualified for the "A" tournament in league play, Jordan drew East for their first game at the "U" field hou e. Playing the first game of the tournament, Jordan successfully def ated East 3 3-20. Box Elder was J rd an 's opponent for th second game and the Bees won th semi-final game, defeating Jordan 39-28. To cl cid third and fifth plac , Jordan met Weber, Region ne champion, th final night and defeated them 29-26 to win third place in th "A" t urnament.

In tournam nt play, ordon Jenson won all-state hon rs, . whil Willard Carroll and Clinton Cutler won second and third t am all-state recognition respectively. Charles Serdar and Raymond Simper, the other members of the starting five, won honorable mention.

The squad of ten men going to the tournament was made up of six seniors and four juniors. The other members of the squad were Sam Howard, James Swapp, Richard Keeler, DeLoy Densley and Vance Smith. Other juniors who displayed good basketball during the season were Keith Matthews, Jay Brown, Jimmy Griggs, Darreli Curtis and Don McCormick. Ray Andrus, a sophomore, played with this group as regular center in junior com petition. Clinton Cutler tries to break through as a Davis player prepares to get set for a shot at Me hoop.

Jordan gets third place in tournament. On March 20, Jordan met East in the Ute Field House, to open the 194 7 class A basketball tournament. It seemed to be Jordan all the way. Classie Gordon Jenson kept last year's all-state star to a slow walk. Sam Howard played one of the best substitute games that was played in the thrill-packed tournament. This win put Jordan as a strong contender for the state crown. That game ended with Jordan spilling East 3 3 to 20. The next night Jordan ran up against a little tough luck, when an inspired Box Elder team held the Jordan quintet to one field goal in the entire first half. Jordan got started early in th second half. But it was still a little bit late, for Box Eld r managed to kec p a comfortable lead and finished with a sc re of 39 to 28. Again Jenson held the opposing star t a minimum. Charley Serdar eemed to sparkplug Jordan. March 22 brought Jordan against Weber, and ended with an impressive 29 to 26 win, and also third place in state rating. Clinton Cutler was th hot shot of that game. Then early in the third stanza he lcf t the game via th foul route. But nee again strong r serve power brought the Jordan fi.v victory. The school takes off its hat to Coach tan Watts and to cv ry single member of the basketball squad.

STANLEY WATTS So Stan Watts, Jordan's wonder boy, has clone it again. He took what looked like just fair basketball players and made one of the smoothc t-working teams in the state . out of them. Last year he took consolation or fourth place. This year he developed his boys into one of the classiest teams to enter the tournament and came out with third place. If he keeps this kind of work up, Jordan will soon start racking up a few basketball championships. In the two years Stan has been at Jordan, he has made a name for himself not only as a coach but also as a teacher. So to Stan go all our thanks for <t job well d nc.


Front row: Jay Holt, Manager; Jay Brown, Richard Keeler, Vance Smith, Jimmy Griggs, Deloy Densley, Charles Serdar, Keith Matthews. Back row: Coach Stan Watts, Ray Andrus, Sam Howard, Raymond Simper, Gordon Jen on, James Swapp, Willard Carrol, Clinton Cutler, Asst. Coach Snide Taylor.

SKIING The Jordan Ski Team took third place in the annual Knudson Cup Races, and fourth place in the finals. The Knudson cup is donated by Art Knudson, who wanted to emphasize skiing competition in high schools of the state. Charley Serdar is about to make a two-pointer in the tournament game against East.

SKI TEAM Bruce Despain

Calvin Thornton Lorna Jean Jensen

Jimmy Nickle and Jay Jensen are not in the photograp,h.


1946 SPRING BASEBALL 1946 TENNIS TEAM Joe Patience and Bob Olson were also part of the team. The boys had matches with Davis, April 15; with Ogden on April 17, and a return match at Ogden, all of which they lost.

Front row: Keith Matthews, Lynn Terry, Allen Day, Daryle Pugmire, Bob Davis, Garth Ballard. Second row: Cloyd Peterson, Raymond Haw , Fred Greer, Devon Andrus, Willard Carroll, Ralph Jensen, Don Price. Third row: Gordon Jenson, Gail De pain, Lloyd Olson, Val Farnsworth, Udel Player, Jay Brown, Griff Kimball (coach). Back row: Darnell Andrus, Stan

Miller, Vernal Steadman, Don Latimer, Stanley Crump, Mike Loulia, Robert Newbold, Donald Elmer.

1946 BASEBALL 1946 TRACK In the picture are Wayne Loveall, 100-yard dash; Dick Jensen, 400 dash; Dale Sharp, mile run; Don Neilson, 440-yard run; Murray Fowler, mile run; Allen Smith, high hurdles, low hurdles, broad jump (Allen won first place honors in the state for high hurdles for the second consecutive year); Gail Des pain, 8 80-yard run (not in the photograph); Jimmie Nickle, shot put, discus; Jimmie Dyer, high jump; Guy Brunetti, discus, javelin, shot put; Bert Elg, 880-yard run; Blaine W cbster, broad jump; Lynn Brockbank, 100 and 220-yard dash; Donald Latimer, shot put; Wayne Moss, shot put; Thomas Sadler, high jump, broad jump; Alvin Bytheway, high jump, broad jump.

Last spring Jordan once more started a baseball team. They showed a lot of ability, with Don Price doing most of the pitching. However, they lo t every game until the last game of the sea-on, when they beat West 6-5.

Maxine Whittaker Tucker and Florence Webb teach girls' physical education and sponsor the Charlonians and the Girls' Club. This is Mrs. Tucker's last year at Jordan. She is preparing fo go fo Brazil. Miss Webb is dance director in her ward at Sandy, and teaches swimming in Midvale in the summer.

Softball is played outside. Different class teams play other class teams. The undefeated team at the end of the year is champ. Players on a hopeful team are: Mary Withers, Joan Tuff, Thelma Andrus, Vauna Ennis.

At top:

Speedball is played outside in the spring. The players use their feet for getting the ball around, with plenty of bruises to show for it. Bottom picture:

These creative dancers furnish part of the program for Mothers' and Daughters' Night ut, which was a wonderful ucce . They a1路e: Kneeling, Wilma Fairbornc, li ve Atwood and Norma Day. Standing, Conni Atwood, Arvilla Jayn s, Melva Smith .

Po ture: The girls arc improving their posture to g t in training for the posture parade at the

B.Y.U. They are: Front, Donna Maxfield, Elizabeth Page. Back, Phyllis Despain, Geraldine Tanner.

GIRLS' SPORTS Badminton: These are the defenders of the title for Badminton Champs in doubles and singles. They are: Marilyn Jensen, Jerry Loveall, Donna Beth Steadman.

Creative Dancing: These girls danced for sev, eral assemblies. Creative dancing isn't rehearsed. They dance as it comes to them. They are: Kneeling, Carmen Barnes, Jolene Piersen; standing, Betty Cowley, Margaret Tennant, Bonnie Maxfi eld.

Volley Ball and Basketball Champs: These un, defeated champs, a mixture of seniors and juniors, haven't been beaten this season. They are: Kneeling, Myrtle Reid, Merle Henderson, Merle Reid, Darlene Lester, Rebecca Hunt; standing, Phyllis Despain, Captain, Ruth Kvist, Opal Bill , Elna Jackson, Joyce Johnson, Jerry Loveall.

Exercise: exercises.

Girls who don't take tumbling take

The ones shown here are, front row: Golda Butterfield, Marlene Reid, Mary Bernardo; back row: Alta Eldredge, Donna Withers, Arva Howell, Shirley Setterburg.

Archery: buUds up the arm muscles. It is great sporf路. Try to hit the bullseyes ! TMs shows Donnien Mousley trying.


Parts of the song are drear and sad, But most of the song is gay and glad.- Don Bland ing.

Campus life


A11drc11 l!tand111rd

(/!en vlf.11r11ctts KING


'l<ouert ;Newbold

Otive- Atwood





S1tirte11 Wriflltt

)tiitzi 8flbert



Katltleeu A.udersou QUEEN

Behind the bars in the top left corner are Roy Dunn, Bill Kinney, and Roy Dunn. It is Senior SlufT Day. Top center, Vernal Steadman, Hyrum Gottschalk, Neil Hilton, and Raymond Haws ar strutting their tuff at the Senior A embly. Lamp th e m gam ! Top right, Viola Nicholson and Elaine Toomer imp rsonate M xico at Senior Assembly. Below, the Prison Song is another part of the Senior Ass mbly ballet. These dainty little creatures are Ken Densley, Vere Berrett, Paul Butterfield, and Allen Crews. The dam el on the Japanese fan are Barbara Fitzgerald, Irene Payne, and Blanche Graham. Some more S nior Assembly. Third clown, a group of seniors are buying their ring . The boy talking turkey won it at the Thanksgiving Party. He is Bill McCleary. At his left is part of the line,up on registration day and Pat Whitmor in the an. It is clean,up day. At the table, center, is a group on Parents' Visiting Day, and below, the line,up at a theatre on "]" Day, 1946. The other two are the witches at the Hallowe'en Party and decorating for the Senior Hop.

Calvin Thornton, Cleo Barton and Earl Adams put in a day skiing at Alta. Jack Egbert tries his luck on the tennis court.

Margaret Jones is getting ready for the Fashion Sh w and has Donna With rs check her hem. Edna Sundberg, Dorothy Lehmitz and Carma Beckstead relax in the model home. Louis Smith docs his daily clozcn in class any class.

LaWanna Atwoocl, Olive Atwood, and Dorothy Beckstead stop at their lockers to change books. Howard Cole, late of the Class of '4 7, now of the U. S. Marines, borrows s me of his precious furlough time to greet his one-time comrades at Jordan.

Top row: Kenney Turner, last year's editor, vi 路its. Ela in Toomer mclls the roses or is it a trip d kitty? Part of the cafeteria. Second row: Viola Nichol on and Vivien Jen en ome ear ly to get a cat. It seem that both Neil Hilton and Jimmy Gardner are no match for our GI n. "Let's shoot it," says Wayne Mo to LaMar Rosenhan, the owner, "and give it a decent burial." Not Humpty Dumpty ju t Mark Stow and Reed rapo. Third row: Lorraine Greenwood, Ray McFarland, Colleen Dickson g t ready for a test. Jimmy Nickle rai a racquet. Bottom: Lawana Williams was left out of the panels. H r she is. en1or Ruth Kvist, Dallas Dean, Helen Doman, Gwen Spratling, enjoy Sluff Day. Elaine Toomer, Myrna Mcfarlane, Barbara Bingham, Audrey Blanchard, Vondelee Blasius, Dorothy Lehmitz enjoy the seen ry while eating lunch.






Chalas Adams Earl Adams Betty Akagi Bob Alexander Lynn Allred Verlene Allen Dorene Anderson Lila Archibald Bryce Ashby Maren Atkinson Eva Lynn Bagley George Bakoulas Garth Ballard Joy Bastian Norma Joyce Bateman Jean Bearden Carma Beckstead Wallace Beckstead Larry Behunin Josephine Bernardo Norma Berrett Vere Berrett Fern Bills Barbara Bingham Audrey Blanchard Joyce Boggess Cleo Bolliger Theron Bowles LaRue Boyce Clinton Brady Geraldine Bruno Vondalee Blasius Don J. Buckley Virginia Burnham Paula Butterfield Paul Butterfield

Chub Red Flip Boris Kilroy Sawed Off Andy

Housewife Pilot Diploma And Howe! Women Beauty Operator Interior Decorator Go to Harvard Rancher Loafer USAC Women's Shapes Army Transport Housewife You tell me Stenographer More of Max Very Little Singing Beauty Operator A job None Hobo Rulon Doc Blanchard To Travel Carolyn's Dress Shop Soph Girls Mrs. Green No Ambition Long Fingernails Housewife The Navy See the World A Cute Bos Drummer

Shorthand Girls Someone Co-Editors More Women Short Boys Men Nylons Girls La Von Chauncey Girls One Girl Men Football Player Soldier Max Girls Can't Mention Curiosity Men Women Trains Mis ionaries Glen

East Midvale West Jordan Sandy Midvale Bluffdale Draper Murray Granite Crescent Sandy Sandy West Jordan Draper Union West Jordan Salt Lake City Riverton Riverton Draper Draper Draper Riverton Riverton Midvale Midvale Union Sandy Herriman Butler Union We t Jordan Midvale Midvale Draper Midvale Riverton

Rusty Moe Bag Vi co Red Jo Jo Beck Kilroy Josie Berrett Berrett Babs Dough Head Joe Bowles Blondie Clint Jerry Lee Buck Gin P.B. Butter

Compliments of

Men D. B. Zane School Work Man Merlin Wine, Women, Song Money Shorthand Woman




''The Lumbermen



FOR Dealers in All Building Materials Hardware and Paint


Phone Mid. 28

Midvale, Utah




Meats, Groceries and Fresh Vegetables

Prescriptions Carefully Compounded



I00 West Main Street










Phone Mid. 336-J I Service That Satisfies . . . Service That Saves






Joe Bush, Jr. Starley Bush Dean Caldwe11 Jo Ann Callicott Willard K. Caro11 Arlen Caywood Dixie Clarke Barbara Cox Garth Cowley Dayton Crane Joanne Coyte Betty Crane Reed Crapo Ronald Crebs Allan Crews Gae Crossgrove RoMae Crossgrove Norma Cundick Jimmie Cushing Alan Dahl Rulon Dahl Lorun Dansie Merlyn Dansie Thelma Dansie Robert Davis Doris Day

Peter Howell s Stiev Welder Jo Zeke Butch Katie Dix Bobbie

St. Mary's Bartender To Know Women Go West All-American Sheep Herd r Be Tall Independence On the Bum Contractor History Prof. Men A in English To Sell Beer Very Little Have Money To Model My Secret Opera Star Hot Pilot Stay Single Farmer Art Beauty Operator Go Steady Million Dollars

Elaine Howlett Liquor Worn n Jesse Dixie Rye Whiskey Athlete Dareld Chicago Dry Gin College Men Sweets Brunette Sluffing Anybody Clothes Food Ungratcf ul Men Girls Vera Fast Girls Women Bugs Bunny Men Women Glenn

Union Sandy Sandy Riverton Cre ·ce nt Herriman Draper Midvale Union Herriman Draper Draper Sandy Granite Sandy Draper Draper West Jordan Midvale East Midvale East Midvale Riverton Riverton Herriman Sandy Draper

Pinkey Jo Bet Clem Shep Crews Gae So Rummy Herb Cush Goo bin Passion Pan y Sod Curly Bobby D.D.






Dallas Dean Herbert Delgado Doris Densley Janice Densley Ken Densley Truby Densley Norma Despain Phyllis Despain Colleen Dickson Helen Doman Wilma Doty Elaine Duffin Charles Dumas Ray Dunn Roy Dunn Maurine Dunyon Gloria Dutson Blanche Ebert Paul Ebert John Egbert Lysle English Noel Ennis Ronald Erickson George Error Ruth Evans Darlene Faulkner

Dizzy Herb Dot Jan Ken Shorty Normie Phyl Dixie

Reporter Own Auto Co. Housewife Housewife Teacher Beauty Operator College Certain Sailor Secretary Steno Housewife Dramatics Store Clerk Marines Night Club Concert Pianist Marry Jay Men Bookkeeper To See World Rachel Day Eat To Own a Car A Convertible Win an Oscar Secretary


Crescent Midvale Riverton Riverton Riverton Riverton Granite Union Midvale Midvale Union Murray Sandy Midvale Midvale Draper Murray Granite Sandy Riverton Butler Draper Sandy Midvale South Jordan Crescent

Doty Duffy Chuck Raisins Peach Little Dunyon Blacky Lush Enstein Awk Huck Proxy Darts

Blonde Man Vernal Barbara Convertibles Skiing That Sailor Handsome Boss That Redhead Brown Eyes Dancing Carmen Brunettes Tall Men Cherry Pie Big Houses Redheads Easterner Norma Day Dinner Cars Kilroy's Shelley Dark-haired Boys



Earl's Hardware & Appliance Company Complete Home Furnishings Earl L. Smith


Compliments of



DUFFIN'S COFFEE SHOP & ICE CREAM 4338 South State Street Short Orders ... Meals Sizzling Steaks Fountain Service Only the Best Is Good Enough For Our Patrons

. . . Consistently the lowe st price


for the best gasol ine, oil, grease, tires , and tubes ...

Sc - I Oc - 25c Store Scholastic School Supplies


STEVE'S SERVICE 6400 So. State St.

Murray, Utah

DRAPER APPLIANCE And Electrical Service

BERN'S SUPER FOODS Our Vegeta bles Are ALWAYS FRESH Our Mea ts Are of th e HIGHEST GRADE


Draper, Utah


• •

Courteous Service and Prompt Delivery Midvale

Phone Mid. 200


Midvale, Utah


Midvale R.D. I


Mid. 92-RS


Your Photograph appearing in this book was made by

W. F. BLANCK 238 Atlas Building

Salt Lake City, Utah

Negative is on file for your convenience

Photographs Made in Your Home ANY TIME







Wayne Ferguson Barbara Fitzgerald Ben Fitzgerald Boyd Fitzgerald Riley Fitzgerald Wanda Forbush Arnold Gardner Jimmy Gardner Duncan Gardner Blanche Graham Lorraine Greenwood Richard Groves Lou W ana Grundvig Kathleen Godfrey Marie Goff Phyllis Gould

Ferg B. F. Salty Fitz Fitz Jo hnny Geo rge

N o ne Wh ats'leve r Trave l Sailin g

P oo l M o ney G irl W o men W o me n D ea n P eo pl e M o ney P oo l P au l C hoco lat M alt Girl & M o ney P eop le l 9 4 7 St ud ebaker Eatin g W ay ne

Sa ndy Drap r Dra per Drap r Dra p r U ni o n W est Jo rd a n U nio n W es t Jo rd a n U ni o n Sandy W es t Jo rdan Sa ndy Eas t Mid vale Eas t Mid va le Un io n

Dun k Lu ckie Lo rrie Dick Lo ui e Kat hie Ri e Ph y I

D 1d e R a nch Bea uty Opera to r B.T.0 . B.Y .U. Own a Beer P ar lor T o Gradu ate Win a n A rg um ent W ea lthy M a n M ale M en T rave l by A ir A Bl o nd e D ra mati cs






Lois Gordon Hyrum Gottschalk Betty May Hansen Phylis Hansen Ramona Hardcastle Robert Hardcastle Calvin C. Harris Raymond Haws Thedora Hendricksen Gwen Heusser Neil Hilton Max Hogan Donald Holm Marguerite Houston Jackie Houmand Allen Howard Sam Howard Zella Fae Howe Elaine Howlett Donna James Elaine Jenkins Allan Jensen Janet Jensen Jean Jensen Lorna Jean Jensen Vivian Jensen Bevan Johnson Burt H. Johnson Vera Johnson Bob Jones Franklin Jones LaMar Jones Loris Kartchner Bill Kinney Bud Kellgreen Ruth Kvist

Kie Hy Red Pixie

Around the World On the Bum Sleep In Housewife Secretary Midvale 63- J 4 '46 Ford Women Telephone Operator AMan Hair on Chest Yo-Yo Team To Settle Down Life Dress Designer Show House A Mission Matrimony B.Y.U. Housewife Men Music Orphanage Matron Clothes Designer Intelligence California J.C. Penney Co. Farmer Radio Singer Million Dollars Pilot Farmer Ranching, Flying Night Club Wine, Women, Song College

To Miss School Cute Girls Eating in Bed Frank A Certain G.I. Marilyn Joyce Porter Women Curiosity Dancing Women None Women Men Potato Chips

Draper Union Midvale Union Sandy Sandy Sandy Union Draper Union Butler West Jordan Sandy Sandy Union Union Riverton Murray Draper Vv' est Jordan Midvale Midvale Sandy Sandy Sandy Midvale Midvale Riverton Draper West Jordan West Jordan West Jordan West Jordan Midvale Murray Union

Ebby Harry Haws Ta by Gwenie Handsome Donald Duck Margy Jack Bishop Si mp Foo Howe Blondie Honey Jinx Speed Granny Smoky Vie George Burt Teddy Row Whimpy Jonsie Dumbo Tyrone Ruffy

Nick Men R.H. Men 5' 3" Blondes Shorthand Work Arguing Licorice Ruthie Eyes Tall Blonde Girls--Any Kind Peggy Work Girls Jolene Jean Basketball


Members Receive the Dealers' Profit Through Patronage Refund . . . Branches ...




Feeds for Every Purpose EGGS

SEEDS Brooder Equipment Farm and Household Supplies Varnisher and Accessories










Lynn Lancaster Frank LaRocco Donald Latimer Dorothy Lehmitz Lana Long Katherine Loulias Frances Ludwig Norma Rae Lyon Calvin Maxfield Carolyn Malmberg Ramona Malstrom Mildred Malstrom Allen Malstrom Kathryn McNamara Glen Margetts David Marchant LaRae Marett Barbara Maynard Barbara McCormick Don Mitchell Betty Mitchell Stanley Miller Wayne Ross Elden Morgan LaRene Mounteer Lorraine Mounteer Joy McMullin Myrna McFarland Ruth Nokes Don Neilsen Howard Nielsen Wallace Neilsen Gail Nell Carl Nelson Jean Nelson Harold Nelson

Pete Frankie Uncle Donald Dot Mickey Kath Francie Rae Mayor Molly Jr. Mona Mid

Women Commercial Artist Engineer Seal To Graduate Better Job To Learn Housewife Wealth Dress Shop Designer Housewife College To Learn Rich Wife Women Certain Man Stenographer Certain Man Sleeping Third Finger

Work Girls Women Ted

West Jordan Midvale Union We tJordan Union Midvale Sandy West Jordan South Jord an Sandy Murray West Jordan Murray Union West Jordan Union West Jordan Riverton Union Draper Riverton Bluff dale Union Riv rton East Midvale Midvale South Jordan Midvale Riverton Cre cent Riverton Bluffdale Riverton Midvale Draper Midvale

Fritzi Handsome Babs Rusty Tab Blondie Mush Dreams Ed Red Dimples Fuzzy Mac Ruthie Red Wing Red Wall Chick Burn a

Very Little Engineer Dress Designer Housewife None College Travel College Pretty Wife Baseball Women Nothing Radio Acting Sleeping

Movies Certain Someone An Ex-sergeant Blondes or Brunettes Hand 路ome Boys Men Blonde Brain Dough Head Blondes Jimmy Ken Clothes Food Hamburgers Women Elaine Candy Night Club 路 Duane Cookie- Dust r Long Hair Men Ankles Women Women Sports Clothe Diamond Billiards

Seniors Joyce Nelson Shirley Nelson Evelyn Nelson Gerald Newbold Rhea Newbold Robert Newbold Lloyd Nerdin, Jr. Billie Jean Nichols Arlean Nielson Barbara Lu Nielson Jimmy Nickle Viola Nickolson Albert Nystrom Robert Orr Janice Orgill Betty Ontiveros Dean Olson Harold Olsen Bette Olsen Joan Oborn Lee Padjen Jeannine Page Irene Payne Cloyd Petersen Doris Petersen Marva Peterson Donna Pedler Dorothy Petrarca Stanley Pettingell Clara Pedersen Maurine Phillips Robert Pixton Joyce Porter Nelda Polson Deloy Proctor LeRoy Rasmussen





Nelson Pug Newb

Coney Island An Office Boss's Knee Mechanic His Partner Ranch Owner

Certain Senior Green Apples Vardis Girls Lee Beckstead Girls Night and Day A Blonde Sailors Men Skiing Roller Skatng Women Betty Jean Tall Men Arthur

South Jordan Sandy Union South Jordan South Jordan Riverton West Jordan Midvale Riverton Riverton Union Midvale Sandy Riverton Draper Midvale Union Granite Crescent Union Midvale Riverton Midvale South Jordan South Jordan Draper Murray Union Sandy Union Union Draper Union Sandy Union Sandy

Newb Curly Bill Tickie Lu Lu Nick Nikki. Al Rabbit Clem Bet Oly Squeek Ole Joanny Peeanich Jin Rene Pete Dimples Terry Stan Nig Molly Bob Jip Sandy Pete Ras

To Graduate Certain Man Make Money National Ski Meets B.Y.U. Trillionaire Traveling New York Dancer Graduate Dentist, Art College AMan Sailor Good Wife Model What's That? None Travel to Cuba A Hu band Musician Own a Car New York Housewife Women Hook One Sailor Be a Singer Myrt Graduate

BURTON'S SERVICE Utah Oil Products Parts - Accessories Welding and Repair Shop West Jordan Phone Mid. 390-R I

HICK'S CLEANING & DYEING SERVICE Delivery Service Experi路 Cleaning Phone Mid. 296 7569 South State St. "2-4 Day Service"

Women Sleeping Ice Cream Diamond Billiards Noel Clothes Girls Brain Power Sailors Peanuts Candy Blondes Brown Eyes Mitch Women That Sailor Ray Food Algebra


Phone Mid. 325-J I

TED'S CASH COAL 675 East Center

Phone Mid. 286 MIDVALE, UTAH


Compliments of



Midvale 326-J2




Tony J. Butkovich Alta Road-7th East and 94th South GAS, OIL, AND ACCESSORIES SANDY, UTAH

Wasatch Products "EFFICIENT SERVICE"

6220 South I Ith East

G. R. Glines

KEN'S CLEANERS Cleaning Dyeing

Workingmen's Store Co.,lnc.

Altering Pressing

Our Motto:

Midvale Junction

"Honest Goods and Honest Prices" 6360 So. State St. Phone Murray 345




GAS - OIL - REPAIRS Body and Fender Work



West Jordan


19 North Main



7200 South State St.-Phone 638 ICE CREAM




Come to





Phone Mid. 22


Lionel Brady, Owner and Manager





Clean, Modern Service

Located at Midvale Junction



MIDVALE, UTAH " It pleases us to serve you well "


White Lily Flour


Eggs - Poultry - Feeds

"The flour that gives complete baking satisfaction"





Phone Mid. 88-J3



Knickerbocker Toys and Novelties VISIT



Auto Painting ... Body Repairs



Wrecker Service ... Body Parts

Pan Ameri can Jewelry and Gifts For All Occasions





Meet Your Friends at Carl's SANDWICHES


60 North Main Street


Midvale, Utah Phone Mid. 341

"SAVE WITH SAFETY " Many a success has started with the opening of a bank account. Our deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Midvale, Utah





Merle Reid Myrtle Reid Donabeth Rindlisbach John Robinson LaMar Rosenhan Joy Schaedler Charles Serda1· Mary Jeanne Sharp John Shelton Jimmie Shimizu Elaine Slusher Raymond Simper Faye Smith Gwen Smith Shidey Snow Melba Spencer Melvin Spencer Flora Stefanoff Gwen Spratling Roylance Spratling DonnaBeth Steadman Ray Steadman Lorraine Steadman Mary Steadman V emal Steadman Clara Steinfeldt Gary Stout Mark Stowe Cleona Street Sam Sugiyama Edna Sundberg James Swapp La Von Swenson Jay Talbot June Tanner

Willie My rt Don Stinker Rozy Pete Chick Sharpie S hag Gym

A Millionaire Ce rtain Someone Major in Music Garbage Collector Money New York Sleeping Maid of H onor To Be a Man Rowland H all Dres Designing Figure Out Women Auerbach Shamrocks Technician Housewife Hou ewifc Tramp To H ave Fun To Graduate Triple Billionaire To Be a Nur e Ranching, Flying To Travel Doctor Janice Secretary Engineer Machinist AMan Graduate Certain Men Ba ketball Player Hou ewife To Fly Truck Driver

L. L. M.

Slat Mu cles Smitty Su nshin e Mel Flo Dizzy Roy Sage Steady Mary Lou Slim Ein tein Gunny Cloy Suge Sund berger Swipe Stup Homer J. T .


Midvale M en Midval e Physics Midvale Luscious Lips Granite H oney Bunch East Midvale R ed H air Butler Diamond Billia rds Midvale Food Drap er Lon g Hair Midvale Audrey's Sundies Butler Tall M en Murray N ew Faces East Midvale Shunning M en West Jordan Brown Eyes Draper Sailor Riverton Men Riverton Women Riverton Men Un ion Le Garcon West Jordan Musicians West Jordan H uck West Jordan Women Bennion To Sleep In Midvale Co nvertibles Draper Janice Midvale H a nd ome Men West Jordan Union Blondes Sandy Talking in Clas Draper Women Draper Doin' What Comes Naturally Sandy Ba ketball East Midvale My H usband Union Wine, Women, Song Midvale Midvale History


Eat at the ...


Salt Lake City, Utah

U. S. CAFE Efficient Service

Well-cooked Food

J. W illis Goodridge, Proprietor




Compliments to

"Distribution Without Waste"

Jordan High School Students

Fruits and Vegetables Fresh Daily

50 North Main

Midvale, Utah



WITIICH'S Appliance Sales - Service




Center Street


Norge & RCA Phone


Mid. 455

7662 SO. STATE



State Street at Midvale




2200 South 9th East

Salt Lake City

DIAL 7-1548

Efficient Service

R. R. Gilbert

Locally Owned


DO YOU BELIEVE IT? ''He who knows not and knows not that he knows not-he is a fool , shun him. He who knows not and knows that he knows not路-he is simple, teach him. He who knows and knows not that he knows-he is asleep, wake him. He who knows and knows that he knows-he is wise, follow him!"

HENRY FORD KNEW ... AND KNEW THAT HE KNEW. He knew that by giving higher wages and shorter hours, his hired help would work harder. He knew that by using good steel , his cars would last longer.


JtJett9 Alt>to'l. f!ompa:n9 UTAH'S OLDEST FORD DEALER Sali路 Lake City, Utah

Seniors Bessie T eerlink Chad Terry Leila P. Thaxton Calvin Thornton Elaine Toomer Elaine Thompson Shirl Tucker Norman Turner Beth Van Valkenburg Jean Van Valkenburg Lloyd Vaughn Bill Walton Donna Workman Gerald Webb LaRue Webb Arv id Webster Jean W ennerstrom LaRue W ennerstrom Jack Webster Agnes W eibell Jerrie Wheadon Donald Winward Donna Winward Wanda Whitmore Bill Winn Neoma Youngberg Rachel Zitting


Blondie Dimples Butch Chic Toomer Tommie Tuck Durn Snooky Lut Willie Happy C hance Woof Wings Jean ie Dustie Din gal Aggie Jerrie Windy Jill Whittles Jerk Go ldie Rach

Dial 7-5431




Foreign Travel Teacher No More Family National Ski Meets Wedding Ring Nurse Sleeping Women Private Traveling Navy Naval Career Singer Success Coll ege To Ski AMan All Gone Car More Ambition Sai lor The N avy Travel Scholarship Farmer Lady of Leisure To Graduate

Tall, Dark Men T each ers Gary Skiing Glade Popcorn Women Women Vernon Airplanes Women Girls Wine, Men, Song Eva Lynn White Gloves Wine, Women, Song Guess Who! Full M oon Women Food Ozzie Sleep Men Classic Music Anybody Empty Arms Dill Pickles

Riverton Draper We t Jordan Midvale Midvale Murray Draper Bluffdale Union Union Sandy Draper South Jordan Sandy Salt Lake City Sandy Sandy Union Midvale West Jordan Sandy Riverton Riverton Granite Crescent East Midvale Union

* * *

* * *







Draper Crossroads

Phone Midvale 82-R3

* * *

* * *








Tires and Accessories 7573 SOUTH STATE STREET PHONE MIDVALE 5'08 OR 355

FORD DEALER New and Used Cars Compliments of

Gas - Oil - Accessories







PETERSEN TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENT COMPANY DEALER IN FERGUSON TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS Ray Petersen-Midvale 205-R Glen Petersen-Midvale 538-J State Street at Midvale JunCtion-Midvale 299


6400 State Street

Murray, Utah


WEST JORDAN SERVICE "Satisfied Customers Our Goal" West Jordan Utah Keith Cook


Phone Mid. 138 SANDY, UTAH

Cleaning, Dyeing, and Waterproofing PRESSING WHILE YOU WAIT Riverton Midvale 690-J4



UT AH OIL PRODUCTS And Accessories Draper Crossroads Phone Mid. 326-R I

"Leaders in Quality Merchandise" SANDY






Dry Cleaning

- Dyeing - Repairs Moth-Proofing PHONE MID. 293-W



Congratulations and Best Wi shes

Midvale, Utah

Fresh and Cured Meats Groceries, Fruits, and Vegetables Lancelot Bills, Manager Telephone Midvale 99-R I

Compliments of



Draper, Utah

1+ Pays to Keep Clean"

All schools and churches shou ld use American continuous cloth towel service. These towels were patented in the state of Utah, and are now used all over the world.






"Liberty, Intelligence Na ti on' s Safety"



Achievement Award for the Outstanding Students for 1946 given by SANDY LIONS CLUB

* Winners Richard Vincent

Mary Green

President Arthur E. Lu nd





AL CUNNINGHAM Phone 5-63 15

633 South State St. Salt Lake City

WEST JORDAN LUMBER COMPANY Telephone Midvale 212 Offers COMPLETE BUILD ING MATERIAL located in Downtown Midvale

WHETMAN MOTOR CO. SALES AND SERVICE W e are still taking orders for Fords . . See either Geo. Sr., Geo . J r., or Galen W hetman

Phone Mid. 88-J2

Draper, Utah



Phone Mid. 664-W

Midvale, Utah

" Keep th e Home Fires Burnin g" by BU YIN G Q UA LITY FURNITURE at

HOLLAND FURNITURE CO. "Yo u can' t bea t th e Du tch" 364 South State

Phone 5-1749

Phone 5-1740

Compliments of




Phone Mid. 87-R4

Phone Mid. 99-J I




State & Center

Midvale, Utah

Phone: Mid. 27 6


CLYDE GRAY 15 South 12th East

Dona ld Hogan , President

Sa It Lake City




Larg e Enough to Serve You ... Small Enough to Give You Personal Attention


163 No. Main, Midvale-Phone Mid. 505


West Jordan -


A. J. ORR & SONS Utah

Wesi· Jordan

E. M. Rassmussen's


· Riverton


LG.A. STORE Stands for Quality and Integrity DRAPER





Bring Your Friends to . . .


9300 South State

Meet Us At ..




Res. Phone Mid. 334-R4

"For Those Super Malts" 23 North Main




86 North Main Street

. . . . Higher Quality


Midvale, Utah

Phone Mid. 39


Union, Utah

Lower Prices . . . .

Phone Mid. 94-R I


Union Avenue and State Street




SMITH SERVICE Dale Smith, Prop.

GAS - 01 L - ACCESSORIES Draper Crossroads Mid. 326-J I



Phone Mid. 274

VEGETABLES Midvale Junction

If It's glade's It's Good!


4963 South State



PHONE MID. 600 or

SALT LAKE 4-292 I or





EARL'S ?:he Place Where J!eer a11d

?:obaeeo Are tNot Sold SUNDAES




South of Underpass

Phone 358

8954 South State

Midvale, Utah

eo111pli11tf1tfs of



Midvale Sa11du Jeiverf011







Midvale, Utah


MODERN SHOE REPAIRING Reasonable Prices Pres Jacobson


"The best in all that's good to eat" SANDY



8600 State Street

Phone Mid. 359






Phone Mid. 91-R I

FROZEN FOOD CENTER COLD STORAGE LOCKERS Groceries . . Meats . . . Vegetables Draper, Utah Phone Mid. 335-R I



House Furnishings


Midvale, Utah

DAHL'S FEED AND COAL Pillsbury Best Feeds Spring Canyon Coal Phone Mid. 47


Fuller Paints


APPAREL SHOP, INC. 56 North Ma in





Phone 287



Fishing Tackle and Ammunition Riverton Phone Mid. 91-J2


Open for rental to weddings and parties Call Midvale 77-J I

Two miles south of Sandy on I 0300 South State Street

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