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BEETDIGGER Your 1950 Beetdigger beckons you to follow the steps once again into the life of Jordan High School.



1950 BEETD

The qu iet and peaceful grounds surrounding the ma in building become a hive of ac I ivities during the lunch period on sun ny days . Editor Busin ess Manag e r Adve rti sing Ma nage r Editorial advi ser Photography advise r Business advi ser Adve rti sing advi se r -

Ardis Ere kson De Von Barton - Delfa Hand Laura Gardn er Orson Smith E. L. Crawford W a nda Wad e


Ovecnight Mother Nature changes lhe scenery by covering if with a heavy blanket of white. Such scenery surrounds the school campus.

Step by step students take their places in the world of knowledge.

As students change classes, many pass the plaque. Some stop to read the inscription : "Labor, knowledge , self control , and service ."


Steps of organization, authority, and justice take the ir places in th e stude nt body room.

When students go forward into the world of life, they leave behind their footprints by which others may benefit.

Te ach e rs re lax once in a whil e too.


DEDICATION This 1950 yearbook is dedicated to all those students who follow in our footsteps and profit by our mistakes.


Through these portals pass the students of the school, eager to gain knowledge.

Trees set off the shops.

CONTENTS GOING Step Step Step Step Step Step 10

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4 5 6 -


Administration Classes Activities Athletics School Life Advertisements

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Inside the administration building, effort is being put forth to make school more satisfactory and adjustable to all students.


Superintendent Arthur E. Peterson



-ARTHUR E. PETERSON, Superintendent of Schools Footsteps here and footsteps the1路e, as we r:roceed in time, soon bring into reality the visions we have had of the future. The doors between the visions of yesteryear and the realities of today or the future, are not so forbidding or intangible as to bocome unexplained or expr ssionless, not I'IS long as there is a lastingness to love and to memory. A love and a memory of an earthly emblem, in e~sonce, becomes !]~during and Lmalterable when tha1路 emblem through its inherent worth merits a devot1on worthy of the h1ghest expression. Students of the Jordan High School who have been able to bring into reality their visions rhrough the influence of rhe school. hold Jordan as th I路 emblem which will endure foreVCI' in their memories. From this devotion throughout time, has come the adamant strength of the school. To the graduates of this year, Jordan will become more than a stone. It will become a memorial of the impressionable age of happy the world of work and service. It will be a symbol of res pod and and who attempted to live its teachings. For its influence for good i1 everlasting strength.

mere school or youth struggling honor for those will be carried

a srruc1ure of for a place in who achieved forward as an

The I 950 Year Book seeks not only to honor the graduates of the school this year, but to re vere the memory and spirit of the friends and classmates who accompani&d them in the paths of life and in the foosteps of time.


The BOARD OF EDUCATION points out the many steps that can be taken ...

Sea t路ed: Wendell C. Vawdrey, Draper; Rex T. Tripp, Bingham; F. A. Orton, President, Sandy; Orion Newbold, South Jordan; Dr. J. 0. Jones, Midvale. Standing: Stanley Rasmussen, Clerk, Sandy; Reed H. Beckstead, Assistan~ Superintendent, Midvale; Arthur E. Peterson, Superintendeni路, Sandy; C. R. Nelson, Assistant Superintendent, Sandy.

Earl J. Thurman, District Psychologist, and P. M. Mickelsen, Director of Pupil Personnel and Student Adjustment.

Louise Van Ee Jager District Nurse


PRINCIPAL This is the forty-second year since Jordan High School came into being at Midvale in the basement of the old East Jordan Church. Since that time thousonds of her sons and daughters have passed through her hallowed corridors, sat in her classrooms, worked in her shops. The echo of their footsteps still lingers with us. Some came hesitant and unwilling; their footsteps were uncertain, wavering. Some came gladly; their footsteps were buoyant and light. Some entered with serious mien and walked firmly and purposefully to I heir chosen goals. Ali -in-all these forerunners of ours have established here a I radii ion for worth while achievement that is a direct challenge to each of the eleven hundred that form this year's student body. Our object should be not just to reach the standards of other years , but to aim a little higher , do a little better than any group that has gone before. Then when our footsteps join with the echoes they left, they will not strike a discordant note, but rather enhan ce the sacred harmony.



Stanley R. Anderson Rivo .t on; USA C; mo ti cs, Se ni ors

Mot ho-

Frank M. Bagley So nd y; U of U, Aut o Mec hanics


Dean J. Beck Sand y; Shop


M achin e

Lowell J. Boberg

Ruth Bowers

Donald M. Budge

Droper; BY U, USA C; En glish, Typ , Orqon

Sol~ Loke · U of U ; Chor·

Salt Loke; USA C, U of I ; A gricultu re, Voco t ionol Form M echan ics

lonions, Physical Education

Deane Bennion M idvole; U of U, USAC ; Foods, H ome Li vi ng, FHA

Paul C. Boyce Son dy· USAC, U of Veteran Program

FACULTY E. L. Crawford Sondy; BYU, U of U · His· tory, English, Debo ling Yearbook, Club 20.

Jesse B. Casper M urray U of U, U of Coli!.; Boys' Counselor, Boys' Club

J. Clement C rapo Sondy· Mus1c,

BYU U of U; Opero Messiah

An English class concentrating on proper verb forms.

FACULTY help in proper footing

A health class showing girls how to tilke care of their hair.

C. N. Crawford Midvale; U of U; Malhe ma~ics,



Bernice Casper Sandy; U of U ; Princi

pol's S



Mignon Domgaard Sol~

Lake: USAC, U of U; Clolhing, FHA

Golda Frase r Ray J. Downs Sol:路 Loka; USAC; Aqri culture, Volerons

Afton Forsgren

s~l:路 Loko:

U of U, U of C dif.: French, Sponish, J D's, L"ngu qe Club

SBit Lake; U of U ; English Typo, J D's, Pr sid!lnl JEA

A. LaMar Hendrickson

Mur roy; BYU; Educolion, Coach

Sondy, Courier


En Iish,

Frank Kamnikar Midvol 路 USAC ; Physic~l [duccllion. Hislory, Coach

Arthur Hugh es Physical

Molly Lind ell Sandy; BYU, U of U : Li brory, Sophomores

Robert L. Pixton

John M. Peterson

Donald J. Parr

Arland Russen

Draper: USAC, U of U: History, Genetics, Physiol ogy, Athletics Manager

Draper; USAC, U of U; Drivers' Training

West Jordan; U of U, BYU; Speech, Sociology, Economics, Play

Lehi: U of U, USAC; Industrial Arts, Automotive

David Gourley

E. E. Greenwood

Laura Gardner

Phil F. Goldbranson

Pleasant Grove; BYU, U of U; Biology, Geography, Bol~ny, Zoology

Midvale; U of U; History, American Problems

West Jordan; U of U, U of Cal.: English, Yearbook

Sandy; Westminster, U of Cal.; Social Science , Debate, Calendar

Y. W. Harrod

A. C. Jensen

Murray; Polmer College; Aulo Mechanics, Tronspor路 to lion

Sandy; U of U, U of W; Regislror, Supplies

Murray路 U of U; History, Physical Education , Coach

Emerson Kennington Holloday; USAC; Welding

Carmen Lindquist SMdy: Bookstore

Chester Kim Royal D. Madsen Salt Lake: BYU, USAC: U of U 路 Electronics, Radio, Stage

Griffith R. Kimball Draper; BYU; English

Donald P. Olsen East Midvale: Music, Prom



Oralie Rawson

Donna Radovich

Faye Richards

Solr Lake: U of U, USAC, U of Cal.; English, Broadcaster, Press Club, Charlonians

Midvale: U of U, Colum bie; English, Spanish, German Counseling, Ski Club

Sell Lake; BYU; Dancing, Girls' Club

A F. Smith

Midvale ; BYU , USAC, U of U : Me chanical Drewing, Woodwork, Stege Proper ties. Key Club

Theodore W. Sjoblom Sandy: U of U ; Biology. Algebra , History, Juniors

James L. Seal


Draper: U of U, U Wesh.; Mothemali cs, Bookkeeping, Graduation, Schol urship

Glen E. Soulier Midvale; USAC; ture, FFA

Agricul -

Orson Smith Drnper; U of U: Physical Science, Yearbook

The future physicists are testing for heat.


These shop workers-so they sayare mounting a chuck on a lathe.


F. B. Thomas

Earl James Thurman

Dunn Taylor

Murroy: U of U, LDS: Dis路 i1ibutive Educotion, Type, DECA, Sophomores

Murray; U of U: Psychology, Counseling

Sandy; USAC, U of U; Welfare, Athletic Director

Lucille Tuttle

Evelyn Wood

Bernice D. White

Sell Lake: BY U, U of U, Leland Powers; Speech, Charlonions, M~sk and Gavel

Salt Lake; U of U; English, Counseling


U of


Harold Thorpe


Sandy; U of Courier

U; English,

Wanda G. Wade Salt Lake: USAC, BYU, U of U; Stenography, Girls' Club, Yearbook


STUDENT BODY OFFICERS direct the steps of their fellow students.

President Sherman Crump, who comes from Sandy, led the siudent body through a successful year with his eagerness to make everybody happy.

Delfa Hand from Draper, as vice president, won the respect of everyone by her gracious manner, her genuine ability, and her downright hard work.

Twent y

These four capable officers of the student body worked together in harmony to complete a year unforgettable, a year of untrammeled enthusiasm and success.

Ramona Day, historian , also hailing from Draper, enthusiastically saw that this year went down in history.

Secretary Carol Miner, w it~ her genial manner and her friendly smile, handled her job in a way that won her a host of fr iends. Riverton is her home ground.


A pair of these feet may be yours.






This handsome trio- President Perry Brady, who sits at the table, Vice Presidenl Helen Thaxton al the right, and Secretary Janice Hamilton al the leftare just what the seniors wanled and needed to lead them through a year of work , play, and achievement. Oufstanding features in this year's program hove been the Senior Assembly, the Senior Hop, the Annual Senior Progressive, and greatest of aiiCommencemen f.


Margaret Atwood, West Jordan Don Antczak , Butler Viola Anderson, Sandy Refugia Alva, Dr a per Jean Andrus , Midvale

Ann Austin, Bluffdale Mary Anderson, Sandy Robert Anderson, Midvale Ann Aylett , Midvale Robert Allen, Midvale

Ernest Allgood , Midvale Clive Ahlstrom , Union Arlene Ahlstrom , Sandy Paul Ashton , Union Marie Akagi , Draper

Verona Allmendinger , West Jordan Marian Atkinson , Union Richard Anderson , Midvale Lois Allsop , Sandy DeVon Atwood , West Jordan

Marilyn Ashman , Midvale Lyn Anderson , Sandy Donna Allen, Draper Rodney Brady, Sandy Jeanne Brenneman , Riverton

Beverly Bird , Union Pauline Bakoulas, West Jordan Francis Barne y, Midvale Barbara Ballard , Draper Bruce Ballard , Draper

Golden Butterfie ld , Herriman Arlene Brady, L:nion Reid Brown , Draper Harve y Brady, Union Renee Ba iley , Draper

Karma Brockbank , South Jordan Leo Boynton, Sandy Frances Brown , Midvale Raymond Bishop, West Jordan Udean Bailey, South Jordan \ '


Lee Bean, East Midva le Dorothy Brothers, Crescent Ralph Burns, Midvale Betty Brother, Union Joe Buhler, Midvale

Peggy Barron, Midvale Kay Burgon , Union Betty Brand , Sandy Roger Beck, Sandy Connie Brown, Sandy

Noal Bolliger, Sandy VaLoy Beckstead, South Jordan Jack Burgon, Union Deon Biesinger, Union Richard Boyce, Sandy

Albert Bytendorp, Butler Colleen Bodell, Riverton Van Brown, West Jordan Maurine Bingham, Midvale Gerald Beckstrom , Union

Marion Bateman, Sandy Bruce Bills, Riverton Donna Brown, Sandy Douglas Barron, Midvale Kent Bateman, West Jordan

JUNIORS Vaughn Butler, Union Doris Bullock, Midvale Jack Boberg, Sandy Beverly Bulkley, West Jordan Lynn Barney, Sandy

Jlly Burkinshaw, Sandy Ray Bills, Herriman Ray Burbridge , South Jordan Veldon Coleman , West Jordan Jean Chiverall, Union

Gene Candalot, Draper Carolyn Clark, East Midvale David Cook, Union Yvonne Crawford, Midvale Dale Cowley, Sandy


Bill Crittenden , Midvale Charles Comstock, West Jordan Marcella Cheia , West Jordan Martin Cardwell, Riverton John Cardwell, Riverton

Max Campbell , Midvale Robert Cush ing , Midvale Lois Cooper, West Jordan Herbert Chamberlain, Draper Clyde Child , Union

Delano Callahan, Riverton Mary Alice Crapo, Sandy Kay Densley, Riverton Sharon Denny, Union Gary Densley , Riverton

Richard Dahl, East Midvale Ted Dahl , West Jordan June Dean, Crescent Lawrence Densley, Riverton Joyce Denos , West Jordan

Delores Day , Draper JoAnn Densley , Riverton Merlin Dansie, Riverton Lou Ann Davis , San d y Merla Densley, Draper

Lola Dimond , West Jordan LaDean Ekins , Sandy Dean Engman , Sandy Sara Lee Erickson, CoTtonwood Hts. William Enniss , Draper

Vae Enniss, Draper George Evans , Scuth Jordan Carl Ebert, Granite Reed Erickson , Sandy Kathleen Fitzgerald , Crescent

Jerry Ferguson , Sandy Carol Farnsworth , Midvale Arlin Freeman , Herriman Sam Fratta , Draper Donald Francom , Union

Crozier Fitzgerald , Draper Vauna Green , Bluffdale Bernice Gardner, West Jordan William Gardner, West Jordan Kaye Gadd , Midvale


Raymond Gonzales, Sandy June Glines, West Jordan RaNae Gardner , Midvale Valere Graham , Midvale Joyce Gordon, Midvale

Kathleen Giles, Bluffdale Ronald Griffin, East Mi dvale Edith Glover , East Midvale Neal Greenwood, Crescent Elsie Glines, Union

Deon Grover, Drllper Ron Gorring, East Midvale Cheryl Gardner, West Jordon LaMar Gehring, West Jordan Zeniff Hathaway, Union

Sharlene Healy, Midvale Joe Haun , Draper Connie Hughes , Murrlly Joy Haumand , Sandy Lois Howlett, Draper

Keith Howlett, Draper Shirley Huff, Riverton Donald Heroff, Draper David Harman, Midvale Lois Houmand, Union

JUNIORS Don Hardcastle, Crescent Darlene Harris, Sandy Dorothy Harbuck, Crescent Robert Hansen, s..,ndy David Howells, Union

James Harrington , Draper Louise Hamilton, Rivedon LaMar Hardman , Union Ben Hiras e, Union Loa Fae Heaps, Wast


Doran Hiatt, Sandy Rae Dean Hensley, Draper Lawrence Harper, Sandy Carolyn Hogan, West Jordon Veri Harrison, West Jordon


Delores Humberg , Sandy Patricia Jones, Sandy Sue Johnson , Midvale Ronald Johnson, Riverton Patsy Jenkins, Sandy

Marjorie Jensen, West Jordan Derrell Johnson , Crescent Joyce Jackson, Midvale Judy Jensen, Sandy Lawrence Jensen , Draper

Lynn Jenson, East Midvale Lois Johnson, Riverton Scott Jarvie , Draper Betty Jacobson, Union Dixie Jensen, Midvale

Wanda Johnson , Union Calvin Jenkins, Midvale Beverly Jensen , Midvale Arlene J. Crump , Midvale Millard Jones , Crescent

Lynn Kimball, Draper Betty Kichas, West Jordan Paul Krantz, Midvale Mary Kouris, West Jordan Yvonne Kirby, Sandy

Dorrine Kesler, Midvale Richard Kirton , Draoer Margie King , Midvale JoLayne Kay, Herriman James Kalipetsis , South Jordan

Jo Ann Kidd , Bluffdale Dean Kastanis, 'NesT Jordan Richard Lancaster, Draper Douglas Lloyd, Riverton Sharon Lester, Midvale

Robert Lowe, Midvale Marilyn Larson, Sandy Katherine Leyba , Butler Don LeFevre, Sandy Charlene Lind, Midvale

Doone Larson, Midvale Lila Lofthouse , West Jordan Nick Loulias, Midvale Irene Loulias, Midvale Kenneth Latimer, Union


Donald Lepore, West Jordan Dorene Lloyd , West Jordan John Leyland , Union Shirley Larson, Sandy Carol Lambson , Union

Joyce Lloyd , West Jordan Darwin Lloyd , Crescent Coy McK ee, South Jordan Gayle Miner, Midvale Jimmy Marshall , Midvale

Evan Madsen , Union Maxine Mousley, Riverton Vaun Marrow, Riverton Marion McCormick, Union Jerrold Morgan, Granite

Kenneth Marchant, Union Leo Mosher, Butler Jacquelyn Miner, Midvale Ellis Malstrom , West Jordan David Mitchell , Midvale

Arthur Milne, Union Thelma Marrow, Sandy Keith Millerberg , East Midvale Cleo Millet, Un ion Boyd Mousley, Bluffdale

JUNIORS Evonna Merritt, Union Kathleen Mason, Riverton Theodore Middelstadt, Riverton Dellis Mikich, Midvale Steve Merrill, South Jordan

Allan Myers, Riverton Dora Dean Mousley, Bluffdele Milton Morton , Midvale Carma Madsen, South Jordon Wayne Mineer, Midvale

Glen Mounteer, Union Kay McNamara , Midvale Gene Miln e, Union LaVon Neilson, Bluffdele Gary Nelson , Sandy


Bonnie Naylor , East Midvale Betty Naylor, East Midvale Jack Nickle, Union Overton Nabaum , Union James Nelson , West Jordan

Wayne Nokes , Riverton Cora Nelson, West Jordan Loy Neff, Sandy Wayn e Nelson , Sandy Margene Nielsen , Riverton

Spencer Nielsen, Bluffdale Faye Neff, Crescent Gerald Olson, Sandy Kaye Olson , Midvale DeVon Ottley, Sandy

Richard Olsen , Sandy Sonja Olsen , Union Paul Ostler, South Jordan Evelyn O lsen, East Midvale Colleen Palmer, South Jo1dan

Betty Jo Pierson , West Jordan Gerald Pierson, West Jordan G erald Poulsen , Granite Helen Parry, Bluffdale LaDean Pierce, Draper

Roberta Payne, Midvale Darlene Pixton , Draper Morris Peterson, Sandy Jeanne Poulsen, Midvale Ellen Price, Midvale

Frank Phillips, South Jordan Marilyn Peart, Draper Mildred Pratt, Draper James Potter, Midvale Karen Peterson , Sandy

Jean Pugm ire , Sandy Steve Petrakis, Midvale Ch leo Phelps, Riverton Marilyn Peterson , South Jordan Joellen Pingree, Sandy

Rebecca Quintana , South Jordan Mern Ross, Union Russell Robison , Midvale Marlene Reich , Sandy Richard Rassmussen , Midvale

Forty-se ve n

Jean Richardson , West Jordan Carol Rodgers, Sandy Delano Rasmussen , Midvale Jean Rich, East Midvale Cleo Rawson, Union

Lois Romney, Sandy Gertrude Richardson, West Jordan Roy Reid, Mi dvale Lois Riggs, Sandy Ardyth Roper, East M idv~le

Una Jean Rhodes, Draper John Spratting, West Jordan Maxine Stefan off, Un ion Terry Stanley, Sout h Jordan Marilyn Sharp, East Midvale

Jay Steadman, Midvale Doris Seito, Sandy Bob Smith, Midvale Joyce Steadman, Midvale Melton Stelter, Union

Paul Smith, Draper Verla Swapp, East Midvale Sylvia Sechuck, Midvale Vance Steadman, So ulh Jordan Carol Dean Sheriff, Sandy

Eldon Steadman, West Jordan Dorothy Smart, Sandy Tom Shimizu, Cottonwood Heights Colleen Swapp, East Midvale Dale Springer, Granite

Karma Stephensen, Riverton Robert Stowe, Sa ndy Rose Simmons, Sa nd y Lowell Spencer, Riverto n Marian Sund, Sandy

Alberta Sharp, Midvale Kenneth Steinfeldt, W est Jordan Nan Smith, Draper Jerry Sorensen, Sandy Ava Ann Snyder, Union

Franklin Shaw, Draper Patsy Sisam , Midvale Neil Sorensen , Midvale La Raine Timothy, E~st Midvale Donald Simmons, Draper


Barbara Smith , Draper Ronald Stowe , Midvale Marilyn Thomson, Riverton Dick Troester, Midvale LaVelle Tripp, Midvale

Matt Trontel , Midvale Joyce Tame , Union Melvin Thomson , Union Geraldine Thomson, Union Philip Tolman , Sandy

Lloyd Taylor, Granite Renee Turnbow, West Jordan George Thomas , South Jordan Leila Taylor, Midvale Jack Turner, Sandy

Joan Tripp, East Midvale Kay Thornton , Draper Leilan Turner, Bluffdale Robert Vale , Riverton Josie Vigil , Cottonwood Hts.

Francis Whitehead , Union Milton Walker, East Midvale Gerald Worthen , Sandy Joyce Worthen , East Midvale Lillian Wallgren , Midvale

Ellen Wheadon , South Jordan Glen Wood , West Jordan Barbara We bster, West Jordan LeRoy Walker , Union Glora Whetman , Draper

Lorin Wilson , East Midvale Mary Beth Waterlyn , Union Jack Williams, West Jordan Marilyn Wi nger, Union LaVar Wallgren , Midvale

Adele Wood , Union Jack Wiles, Midvale Joan Williams , West Jordan Lynn Wolsleger, Union Karen Wright, Midvale

Ralph Withers , Draper Ronald Walters , Sandy Afton Wright, Sandy Robert Yates, Midvole Allen Zitti ng , Union



At the right路 in the picture is LaMar Sanders, who has been fhe enthusiastic president of the sophomore class. At his right is his very oble vice presi dent, Leah Jenkins. Facing him across the table stands Connie Walker, who has made a very efficient secretary. Among the many worihy efforts of the sophomore class this year, has been the sidestepping of the senior and junior boys in the Sopho more Hall.


Shirlene Alsop , San dy Von Allen , Draper Janis Andrus, Draper Jay Archibald, G ranite laRue Allen, Draper

Gail Atkinson, Sandy Thelma Ashford, Sandy Elma Ashford, Sandy Clair Ahlstrom , Union Sam Adondakis, West Jorda n

Delores Anderson, Sandy Gerald Ainsworth , C rescent Ann Allsop, Draper Peggy Anderson, Riverton David Anderson, East Midvale

lowry Adamson , Draper Karen Anderson , Riverton Donna Rae Asay, West Jordan Dean Boggess, Union Carol Berrett, Union

Frances Brkjacich , Midvale Antone Brklacy, Crescent Carol Bodoll, Midvale Duane Briggs, Murray Earl ne Bowon, Midvale

Jack Bills, Riverton Winona Bytondorp, Cottonwood Hts. Golden Berrett, Union Darlene Butterfield , River on Gene Bergmen , Sondy

Yvonne Berrett, Riverton Boyd Beckstead, Sondy Dorothy Brother, Union John Benis, W as t Jordon Mildred Boskovitch, Midvale

Merrill Brindley, Draper Florcen Bernardo , Draper Eldon Bolliger, Sandy Donna Mae Butterfield, Riverton David Burr, South Jordon


Trever Barker, Riverton Betty Beckstead , Riverton Leon Butterfield, Riverton Venda Butterfield , M idv~le Ross Brunetti, Union

Edna Mae Butterfield, Sourh Jord an Franklin Bogenschutz, South Jordan Geneene Brady, Union Ray Baker, South Jordan Marilyn Beath, West Jordon

Howard Brown, Riverton Blaine Brown, Midvale Bernell Berrett, Riverton John Burlew, Sout h Jordan Edgar Barney, Midvole

Seth Butterfield, Herriman De Loy Beckstead , Sout h Jordon Jane Bollschwieler, Butler Gary Beckstead, South Jordon Mildred Brown, Midvale

SOPHO Berva Beckstead, South Jordan Wayne Brown , Riverton Marcel Beckslood, West Jordan Gordon Brady, Union Mary Benningfield , Union

Don Boggess, Un10n Dorothy Butkovich , Sandy Bob Butterfield, South Jordon Jane Crane , Riv rlon Charles Christopherson, W, Jordan

Alvin Cl rico, Croscant Calvin Clorico, Crescent Maxine Condie, Union Gen Cranfill , Riverton B verly Curtis, Union

Mary Dean Crump, Midvale Jimmy Cundick, Midvole Marlene Crump, Bluffdale John Crane , Rrverton Veda Christensen , W st Jordan

Pat Coleman , Draper Larry Crossgrove, Draper Kaye Christensen , Union Bill Carlson, Midvale C laud:a Coles, Sandy

Harry Christensen , Midvale Joyce Comstock, West Jordan Douglas Christensen , Draper Donna Cowdell , Riverton Warlough Crane , Bluffdale

Helen Casteel. S;ondy Keith Carlsen, Midvale Joycelyn Day, Draper Duane Day, Draper Bernice Downs, Midvale

Clifford Duncan , Butler JaNeen Diamond , Midvale Ramon Darton , Union Lu Jean Despain , Granite Peter Dow, Union

MORES Otto Dropor, Midvole Nollie Doolittle , Sandy Allan Dooley, W est Jordon Maureen Edwards, Sondy Donald Ebert, Sandy

Shirley Essex, Crescent Rowland Enmoto , Union Doris Egbert, Union Thomos Engl ish, BuHer Margi e Egbert, West Jordon

Louenn Erickson, Union Arion Evans, Riverton Shirley Egbert, West Jordan Forn es Egb ert, Wesi Jord~n Mildred Eyre, Sandy

Betty Joan Fihgerald , Droper Karen Finloyson, West Jordon Ellis Formen , Herrimon Mory Forbush, East Midvole Low ell Ferguson, Cottonwood Hts,

Dean Frandsen, Sandy Colleen Fullmer, West Jord~n Allen Fairbourn, Crescent Nadine Fowler, Crescent Garwin Farnsworth, Union

Beverly Feller, Sandy Neil Gardner, West Jo,dan Beth Garfield , Draper Ralph Gibbons, Draper Ann Greenwood , East Midvale

Dean Gilbert, Riverton Dixie Greenwood, Sandy Richard Gilbert, Midvale Ann Groves, Midvale Ray Green, Bluffdale

Robert Gull, Sandy Carol Green , Butler Lyle Groves, South Jordon Joanne Horrocks, Riverton Gary Hughes, Sandy

Phyllis Huff, Ri verton De Moine Hardman, Union Marjorie Hardcastle, Sandy Alden Haws , Crescent Patricia Hammond, Sandy

Wayne Holt, South Jordon Jacqueline Honschke, s~ndy Larry Holt, Sou lh Jordon Reid Hans n, Draper Madge H~un , Bluffdale

GMy Holt, South Jo,don Lloyd Hill, S~ndy G ladys Hamilton , Rivllrton Gary Hatt, South JordM Ira Hatch , Bluffdale

Janice Harrison , Crose nt Robert Honson , South Jord~~n Raymond Hardcastle, C•escen t Don Houmond, Sandy Dale Hughes, s~ndy

Cletus H~millon , Riverton Neldon Hogan , Wes Jord~n Rex Holt, Wost Jordon Dennis Holt, South Jord~n Jessie Holt, South Jordan

Gloria Huchings, Sout h J o rd on Dennis Ipsen, Draper Dick Johnstun, Union Marilyn Jones, Sandy Ross Jenson , Midvale

Bonnie Johnson , Midvale RaMon Jensen, Draper leah Jenkins, Midvale James Jenson, West J o rd an Alice Jensen , Midvale

Clarence Jacobson, Draper Beverly Johnson, Sandy Boyd Jensen, Crescent Carma Jackson, Union louis Jensen, Union

JoAnn Jenkins, Sandy Dean Johnson, Union Dorine Johnson , South Jordon Trent Jeppson, Union Neal Jensen, East Mid vale

Dan Joos, Droper Ruth Jensen, San d y Konrad Janssen , East Midvale Jack Jones, Mid vole Conover Jensen , Sandy

lee Jensen, Union Clynn Jennings, Midvolo Carol Kelstrom , Sondy Deverle Kylen, Bluffdola Audrey Kirton , Droper

Goorgo Kalipetsis , Sou th Jordon Don Kay, Bull r Maxie lee, Sondy Charman Labrum, Midvole loVele Lloyd , Riverton

Dora Lambson, Union Mark Leftwick, Midvolo Dorothy Lloyd , Crescon I larry lunnon, Cr scent Betty Rae Lloyd, South Jordon

Robert larson , Sondy Dixie lawson, Sondy Vaughn lancaster, Union Patsy Lloyd , Riverton Duane leek, Union

Jeri Ann Losee, Cottonwood Heights John Lawson, Sandy Urla Jean Lloyd , Crescent Paul Lyon , W est Jordon Dona Larson , Bluffdale

Don Lehmih, W est Jordon Ruth Landers, Midvale Joe Lepore , West Jordon Frances Leyba , West Jordon Kenneth Laveder, Midvale

Ronald Lloyd, South Jo rdon Glendon Moon , Riverton Selma Mori , Cresce nt Robert Markus, Midvale Nancy Lee Maddox, Midvale

Billy McOmie, Riverton Mary Maynes, Midvale Dix McMullin, Sou th Jordon Eve Miller, Sa ndy Rulon Montague, Sandy

Mary Ann Mounteer, Union Tommy Mace, Crescen t Lorraine Mitchell, Draper Jimmy McNamara, Uni on Betty Marsh, Granite

Alan Miller, Sandy Shorleno Milne, Midvale Ubuki Miki, W est Jordon Mary Miller, Dr~p r Jam s Miller, Horrimon

Delia Martin, MidvalE> Fred Mortensen , Riv rton Virginia Montgomery, Sondy Steph n Motto, Union Joan McCormick, Union

Bryant Miner, Rrverton Janic e Mabey, South Jordon Kim Millerberg , E;~st Midvale Maxine Maynard , South Jordon Mickey Mascaro, Union

Ruth Madson , St~ndy Franklin Malstrom, W est Jordon Don Morrill, Bluffdale Lola Noris , Sandy Keith Nelson, Midvale

Glen Nerdin , West Jordan Janice Nell , Riverton Phil Ni elson , Draper Mary Nelson , Midvale Hal Naylor, South Jordan

Eleanor Neilson, Crescent Kenneth Ne lson , Union Donna Nelson , South Jordan Frank Nickl e, Union Betty Nielson, Riverton

Nena Nielson , Sandy Eldon Olson , Union Gae Olson , Sandy Bonnie Olson , Midvale Jack O ' Brien, East Midvale

LaMarr Olson , Crescent Beverly Oborn, Union John Orw in, Union Jimmy Ontiveros, Midvale Patsy Ozancin , Cottonwood Hts.

Manuelita Ortega , West Jordon Duane O lson, Crescent Norma Pate, Sandy Dennis Parker, Crescent Bernice Prescott, Midvale

Georg e Padjen, Midvole Loi s Pri ce, West Jord~n Dick Pet erson , Sondy Voila Peterson, Sandy J esse Paulk, West Jordon

Darl ene Pedersen , Crescent Vaughn Price, South Jordan Paulino Porter, Union Ray Porker, Midvale Louise Poor, Herriman

Glen Palmer, South Jordon Ang elin e Pangos, Sandy Don Pri ce, Union Donald Pa pp as, West Jordon LaDean Roberts, Butlor

EvaDean Robi so n, West Jordon Jo e Roberts, Midvale Barbara Romney , Sandy Billy Rutishaus er, Crescent Sharon Roach , Eost Midvale

VaLoye Roos , Union Vallae Ray, Midvale Richard Rawson , Union Jan ie l Rosenhan , Midv.,le Martha Rasmussen , Butler

Dean Rob ertson, Union Dorene Radmall, Sandy David Sorensen , Sandy Dorothy Smith , Riverton Gwenlyn Smith, East Midvale

LaMar Sanders, Crescent Ray Severson, Midvale Lynn Smith, Draper Martha Stead , Draper Sidney Sharp , Midvale

Kay Schroeder, Riverton Mary Steadman, West Jordan Marie Spencer, Riverton Marlin Shields, South Jordan Dorothy Silberstein , Sandy

SOPHO Jay Steadman , Wost Jordan Betty J an Springer, Granito Ralph Sylvest r, Draper Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Draper Dean Silvey, Midvol

Rieka St infeldt, W~st Jordan Norman Stapley, S"ndy Donald Sundb rg, s.,ndy Earl Silcox, R1verton Lillian Slaughter, Sandy

Bill Shinsel , M,dv"le Dorothy Salovich , Midvhle Randall Smith, D1apar Norita Scott, Sandy Ivan Smart, Union

Bob Sugiy.,ma , Dr por Carl Silcox, Riverton Barbara Sp ncer, Bluffd.,lo Warren Schmidt, E st Midvale Guy Steadman, Bluffdalo

Gerald Schow, GJanite Elaine Sheppick, South Jordan Ken Severson , Sandy Claudia Sisam , East Midvale Bob Thun, Midvale

Lola Mae Terry, Draper Lee Tapp, Union Bonnie Tail, West Jordan Jay Toone , Draper LaVon Thornton , East Midvale

John Tingey, Midvale Geneal Terry , Sandy Glenn Turpin , West Jordan Connie Tanner, Midvale Dick Thomas, Midvale

Bonn a Tucker, Draper Donald Tapp , Murray Madeline Vaccaro , Union Lou Vranes , East Midvale Helen Vigil, Union

vi ORES Carman Vawdrey , Dr~per Richard Yish r, Union Leland Van , Union Bever ly Webb , Herrim~n Dea n Wh eado n, Sandy

Dennis We bster, Sondy MaK With ers, Riverton Shirley Walk er, Union Shirl Wright , Midvale Laure+• Wh etman , Sandy

Connie Walker, Union Jack W a lker, Sandy Ned Wardle , South Jordan Colene Ware, Sandy Gilbert Wa llgre n, Midvale

Karen W ebb, Midvele Klea Was hburn , D, opor Keit h Youngdell. West Jordan Clark Young , South Jordon Lorin Zitting, Union

As the year's memorable nc+ivities come to a close, many programs are discarded and stepped on by advancing feet.



Senior Charlonians in the front row are Dixie McRae, Patsy Tolman, Pauline Bradford, Ardis Erekson, Helen Thaxton, lla Wright, Erma Soderberg; in the mi ddl e are Dean Talbot, Janet Sjoblom, Roma Smith, JoeAnn Webb, LaRae Jenkins, Iva Lee Duffin, Gloria Jean Larson, Elaine Greenwood; at thE> bod nrn Barbara Patterson, Shauna Day, Louise Drew, Judith Kriher, Dorothy Anderson, Merle Alvey, Marlene Oliver, Norma Rosengren, and Patricia Sagers.

Junior Charlonians in the front row orr Deon Grover, Margaret Atwood , Lois Howlett, Karen Wright, Ardyth Roper, Joyce Gordon, Frances Brown, Sharlene Healy, Coy McKee , Marcella Chiea ; 1n the I&• ond row nr Kathleen Fitzg raid , Darlene Pixton , Margene Nielsen, Delores Day, Dorothy Brothers, Marilyn Ashman , Sharon L ster, Marilyn Sharp , Joyce Jackson , Jeanne Poulsen , Ann Aylett; in the th~rd row M• Doris Seito, Dorene Lloyd , Betty Jo Pierson, Cheryl Gardner, Kathleen Mason , Kaye Gadd, Evelyn . Olson, Maria.n McCormick, Judith Jensen , Lillian Wallgren, Louise Hamilton, Patsy Jenkins ; in lh!' back row arP Joan Wdcox , Mary Al1ce Crapo, Udoan Bailey, Jackie Miner, Maxine Mousley , Sue Johnson, Doris Dean Bullock , Lola Dimond, Yvonn Crawford , Renee Turnbow, Carolyn Hogan , Nan Smith , Joan Chufer.

Char lonians are the Jordan

Pep Club The pep club in their gray blouses and maroon jumpers looked very chic. These eighty-three girls are among the finest in the school and have the best scholastic records; everyone must have at least a B plus average. Their initiation day was hilarious. The junior Charlonians, in some of the most elaborate and novel costumes ever seen at Jordan, kept the senior Charlonians in stitches as they crawled, hopped, or skipped to classes. Following the ini tiation the tired juniors took t he oath at t he Candle-Light service and were admitted as members of the club. The Charlonians, under the leadership of President 1/a Wright, Secretary Merle Alvey, and Historian Charlene Lind, have been very active in carrying out their ideals-"T o promote scholar ship, leaders hip, spor tsmanship, fellowship and pep ." They had a very industrious year. They bought gifts for orphans at Christ路 mas; they planned the Charlonian Ball to which they invited the Charlonian alumni and the athletes as guests; they marched at the home games; they ushered at the basketball games; they took part in all Jordan's activities. The advisers are Lucille Tuttl e, Oralio Rawson, and Ruth Bowers.

In lh1 picture ol the lop President ll a Wright, ol loft, Secretory Merl e Alvey, ~nd Historion Charlono Lind seom hoppy over o well plonned y


In the moddle picture Senior Chorlonion J oe Ann W obb is reviving some of the junior pledqos durinq tho exhoustinq initiotion doy.

AI tho bottom Senior Chorlonion president ll o W rig ht, forces some of the new members to knoPI ol th crock of the whip.

FFA are Jordan 's f uture farmers These young fellows, who have chosen agriculture as their life's vocation, have as their primary aims the development of agriculture leadership, cooperation, citizenship, and patriotism. As usual they have had a very worthwhile year. Most of t he boys have completed one project, some two, and some even three, and ninety four percent of these own their own projects. Under the able guidance of Mr. Soulier and Mr. Budge, they have completed all together 5 10 f arm improvement pro jects and 668 better f arm practices. They added one more purebred dairy calf chain to their chapter. They had four state farmers, three highest crop judges in the slate, and the hig h est dairy judges. Th eir co operative w s third in the state. One of their boys won $100 for being the outstanding boy in the station farm mechanics. Another won the Union Pacific Carl Raymond Gray scholarship award. All in all, they have cer tainly been a credit to l he school and should feel proud of I heir year's work.

In the pictur al the lop, th FFA officers or looking b ck c ver ye r well spent. Sooted s,ntin I Van Bro wn ond Tr osurer Tod Da hl. Slandin Mo Vice Pr.,sodent Arlo Jam s, Athletic Mnn '1"' Howard Pixton, Sncr I •Y C rozie r Fitzg e ral d, and Pre"dont C lyd e Butterfie ld . Sentinel La rry J nse n IS not in th pi lure.

In the two middle pictures , the boys Me visil inq the Union P11cilic f<Hm improvement cttr nl SMdy.

In tho bottom pocture Lynn Kimb all , Howa rd Pixto n, ond Ric hard Motto M tlooting over th •r winnin'1 lost foils stole crops tudginq con est.

In lhe froni row of these senior future farmers are Souli er, Butterfield, Brown , Howlett, Cardwell , Wilkinson , Boyce , Zitting , Winberg, Withers, With ers. In the second row: Walker , Brady, Beckstead, Coleman, Jensen, Olsen , Haumand, Webb, Freeman, Smith. In the lhird row: Hardcastle , Butterfield, Kimball , Drake, Steadman, Dahl, Allgood, Madsen , Huff, Pixton , Spratling. In !he foudh row: Reed , Ottley, Yates, Hardman , Hirase , Gorring, Tolman, Greenwood, Smith , Thomas. In the fiifth row: James, Thornton , Mickelsen, Steadman , Lloyd, Fratto, Gotberg , James, Olsen , Ennis, Thomas. In the back are Whitehead , Fihgerald , Bills, Newman , Washburn, Dansie , Jenkins , Washburn , Nabaum , Wood , Bills.

In !he first of lhese junior FFA are Pollock, Price, Hogan , Babr, Lloyd , Draper, Hamilton , Sharp , Cranfi ll, Walgren. In the second row: Walk er, Olse n, Ne ilson , Boggess , Zitting , Moon , Mc:vfull in, Egbert, Beckstead , Toone , Steadman , Bogenschuh, Steadman , Fratto. In the ihird row: Turpin , Pad jen , Lunn e n, Wh eadon , Crane, Jacobson, Hansen , Wi t hers. Wardle , Lloyd , Gre enwood. In lhe back row: Sugiyama , Soulier, Spratling , Malstrom, Brown , Sh insel , Sanders.


Ballard , Mortenson, Nie lson, Chivera ll and Thaxton conlemplalo •ulos for club members to follow .

MASQUE and GAVEL develops oral expression.

Officers, Nie lson ond Thaxton, discuss wilh their adviser, Mr. Goldbranson , pions for their mosquerode boll. Fron I row: Atwood, Nie lse n, Min r, Duffin , Wood house, Ferguson , Thaxton, Hanson . Middl row: Drape r, Bal lard , Brothe rs , Crawford , Brockbank, Yalos, Schow, Smith, Millet. Bod row: Schmidt, Spilker, Wilcox , Morte nson , Vincent, Dickson, Mine r, Olse n, Ashman, ond Wh etman .

Club 20, the Dra matic Club, and the Forensic Forum combined in to one organization , the Masque and Gavel. The members are eligibl e for national memb e rship w h e n they gain a ce rtain numbe r of points in spe ech activ iti es.


Secretary Jenkins , Vice Presideni Fairbourn , Treasurer Mineer , President Vincent, smile as ihe camera is clicked.

Craig Vincent an d Ramon Dickson prepare for the annual Career Day.


develops initiative and leadership.

Fronl row: Dickson , Stowe, Leyland, Schmidt, Barton , Brady , Mortenson. Middle row: Fairbourn , Niels n, Kastanis, Vincent, Nelson , Mineer . Bod rCiw: James , Woodhouse , Jenkins, Butterfield, Neilson , Lang , Brown , Hunsaker.

The Key C I u b, J o r d a n ' s Junior Kiwanians , was organized to serve the community. They sponsored C a r e e r Day, when each stu den! could attend a chosen lecture given by a professional leader as a help towards choosing a career. The ir adviser is Mr. Seal.



stunt performers, haggard and worn, toke e breather after J D's rugged initiation.

JD's officers-Vice President Patsy Sisam, President Ann Bernardo , and Secretary Marilyn Holman-pion fun for their club.

J D's are Jordan's Debutantes.

The J D group in the first row ore Leyland , Swenson , J e nkins , Forbush, ond Gardn er. In ~he second row: Jensen , Egbert, Rawson , Thorum , Rodgers, oncl How e ll. In the third row: Farnsworth, Brady, Barron, Sisam , Graham, Baker, ond Bernardo. In the last row: Lloyd, Holman, Col e, Peterson, Zitting , Snyd er, Beckstead, ond Cann on.

Wh o are ihose gals in flashy blue decorafing fhe rooms of Jordan? The J D's why na kh! Their club has grown rapidly since five years ago when they were organized. The Jordan Debutantes unile for socilll fun and pep, and I hey fruly displayed both when lhey mel at their initiation party and annual Dog Patch Drag. Faculty sponsors, who help the girls develop personality,

are Afton Forsgren, Golda Fraser, and Evelyn Wood.

Secretary Conna Horrocks, President Shauna Day, and Vice Presid ent Martha Steed helped the club increase inter st in foreign languages. Among other projects, the cl ub S路 nt welfare packages to Europe. Their sponsors 01e the Misses Fraser and Radovich .

Preparation for a French dinner gets under way, directed by Miss Fraser and club officers. The Spanish and the German sections also had dinners. The club sponsored a booth at the yearbook carnival.

THE LANGUAGE CLUB talks Spanish, French and German.

QUILL and SCROLL international high school journalistic society The sixteen charter members of Quill and Scroll are, sitting: Mortenson , Vincent, Jewkes, Barton, McRae , Grass ; standing: Pappas, Jenk ins, Anderson , Larson , Kritzer, Dickson , Ferguson, Brown, Advisers Hendricksen and Rawson. The other two not photographed are Draper and Erekson.

Jordan felt honored m having the national Quill and Scroll society accept sixteen members of the Press Club. These charter members were invited lo join afier they had mel certain literary standards. They were properly iniiiated by being made to perform h u m o r o u s tasks . Later they held an impressive candle-lighl ceremony and received pins and certifica les of membership. They are all slaff members of one of Jordan 's three publications.

The members of the Press Club are, front row: Wheadon, Lind, McRae, Ashman, Adviser Rawson , Brow n, Ferguson, Litt le; middle row: Draper, Bail ey, Healy, J e nkin s, Jewkes , Anders~n. Kritzer, Grass, Anderson, Larson, Dickson; bock row: l<ouris, Diamond, Miner, Yates, Pappas , Kimball, Nelson , Mortenson , Adviser Hendrickson.

THE PRESS CLUB is composed of members of the three publications.

Promoti ng interest in jo urnal ism, t he twenty-nine members of t he Press Cl ub, representi ng t he Broadcaster, t he Co urier, and the Beetdigge r, hit t he mark again by publis hing +he Directory, wh ich eliminates the g uesswork in telephoning that certain g uy or gal. The club, with its active advisers, Miss Rawson and Mr. Hendrickson, a t t e n d e d the B.Y. U. Journalism Conference in December, made a tou r through the Tribune-Telegram plant and radio station KALL in April, and finished another successful year with a very lively party in May. Gottin<t ready for a session, oro Press Club officers, Vic o Presid e nt Le e Anderson ond Pres id e nt Ram on Di c kson , se~ted, ond Secretary Carolyn Cl a rk, slond tng.


These snow lovers directed the Ski Club. They are Secretary Carol Min e r, Presid e nt Jay Burkinshaw, and Vice President Shauna Day.

Ski Club members, Shauna Day, Joe Ann Webb, Carol Miner, and Ardis Erekson are out for an afternoon of fun.

THE SKI CLUB'S theme song is "Let 'er Snow!"

Ready for a big adventure are skiers Parker Neilson , Tommy Hull , Lynn Sjoblom , Sherman Boyce, Conrad Ottley, Bill Madsen, Roger Beck, Jay Burkinshaw, Faye Neff, Connie Hughes , and Carolyn Clark.

Th rills and adventures and spills in the oowdery snow, frosty finge rs an d noses and toes, cozy evenings by the fire in Alta s lodges, high-lighted the Ski Club's season of fun . No accidents, no broken bones, nothing to hide from the folks at home ! They made six trips to the hills alone, and once with Murray's Ski Club. Miss Radovich, adviser, was in on all the fun .

Connie Walker and Conn ie Hughes are about to set out for the eng white slopes.


Lined up for Aihletic Club pic路 tures are Webster, Hardman , Thomas, Morley, Walker, Lyons , Latimer, Motto , ond Washburn ;

Lepore , Wiles , Sorenson, Bishop , Barney, Worthen , ond Boberg;

Huff, Bills , Jenkins , Rudd, Rosse, Crump, Dow, ond Hansen .

T H E AT H LET I C C L U B is mad e up of the lettermen of Jordan

Many of Jordan 's lettermen are members of the Athletic Club. The boys sponsored a dance and basket-ball game to help take care of accidents to athletes. They promote sportsmanship, rry to improve the competitive spiri r, and promote more interest in athletics. Kamnikar, Sorensen, Kim, and Hughes advise them. The handsome managers of the club ore Vice President Larry Dow , Secretary Parry Brady , ond Preside nt Ri c hard Ross e.

Seve nty-four

DANCE CLUB Pauline Bradford is secretary, Ardis Erekson , vice president, and Jack Williams , president of this year's newly-organized Dance Club. The club is in t路erested in modern dancing and has given a great many floor shows for school events. Miss Faye Richards is the sponsor.

SPORTS' CLUB Vice President Beverly Jensen , Secretary Faye Neff, and President Glora Whetman made sport an activity for everyone interested. All members had fun swimming, bowling, skating, and taking part in the winter sports. Everyone got the c han ce to have some fun and get away for awhile from the old school drudgery.



Vice President Leo Mosher smiles up at Secretary Joycelyn Day end President Delores Day , es they relax after a full year of oclivity. The club rode horsebock to Red Pine Lake, to Alpine, and to Bell Canyon. The members all rode in formation on the woy to mountain areas in order to learn to ride correctly in parades and rodeos. Adviser to the club is Mr. Boyce.

Mont Bishop, Marlin Fairbourn , and Parker Nielson , were the officers of Club 20, which promoted debate and forensics . The club discontinued in the late fall to become part of Masque and Gavel.


GIRLS From pigtails and toys To makeup and boys. Mrs. Bird shows Merle Cox th

la tes t in hoir stylin g.

The Associated Girls ' Club t ries to bring more culture and more happiness into the lives of the gi rls. Their scoial events have been a get-acquainted party, a Thanksgiving party, Big Pal Little Pal, a kissing booth at the carnival-and the big clima x, their Mothe rs and Daughters' Night Out. Their sponsors are Wade, Richa rds, and Wood s. Mee t th e offrc<.HS, Presid nt Duffin , Sop homo re Feller, Fitzge ra ld, Senior Leyland , Secretary McC ormick . Vice President Egbert was no t ph otog raph ed.

B0 Y S From freckles and games To shaving and dames. Jordan 's Associat ed Boys' club enjoyed seve ral ass mblies and the annual Fa Ihers and Sons' Night Out , long with the more co, iou• side of li ving up to I he stundard s set by th e cl ub.

Meet the Boys' officO'lrs, Sec reta ry Ra lph Burns, Vice Presi de nt Pe ter Dow, ond Pr si don+ Harry Rudd .

Thrs!' M th" rPpr,sontoltve~ from thr rlo1S< . So ph o more Fergu so n, Jun io r J enk ins, •Jnd Se nio r Hull.

Seve nt y-six

The 1950 Courier, school literary magazine, has again made its annual publication, having selected and compiled the best stories, poetry, essays, and d rama written by the students . This year the Courier has more pages and is printed on a better quality paper. The literary contents have been chosen from nearly twice as many manuscripts as were submitted in past years. It is really a valuable little magazme. Mr. Hend ri ckson is the chief adv•ser.

Co -Editors LaVon Grass and Gloria J e an Larson did a good job.

THE COURIER Jordan 's literary magazine

The staff members , that puff with pride when +he Courier 's mentioned, are, kneeling Sod e rberg , Erick so n, Smith , N ei lson ; standing: Advise r H en dric ksen, Larson , Anderson , Ch ive rall , Anderson , Sagers , <~nd Grass.


Seven t y-seve n

Associate editors, Shirley Ferguson, in front, Dixie McRoe , Ann Jewkes, ond Marilyn Brown .

Business Monogor, LaRoe Jenkins, ot left, hos been on the job for over o yeor ond o holf ond hes done " splendid job. With her in the picture ore Udean Ba iley ond Ell en Wh eadon, <lXChongo editors.

THE BROADCASTER Jordan's up-to-the-minute newspaper.

MonogrnrJ ditor Ramon Dickson 's p por hos received All Americon rolin JS from the Scholeslrc Press.

Broodc star's reporters h11ve nose for news. These sillrnq Me Ballard , Healy, Lester, ond Wh otman . St11ndinrJ ore Farnsworth , Lloyd , Enniss, Olson, end J ens en.

Mi ss Oralie Rawson direds and guides ihe staff and sees that the Broadcaster keeps up to its standard of All American.

Seventy-ei ght

Feature writers, Judith Kritzer ond Raymond Draper.

Sitting: Healy, Loulias-ort editors; Enniss-sports writer; standing: Pappas, sports writer. Not present Brown, Kimball.

Bu sier than a hive of bees ha s the Broadcaster been this year. All about the building they have flitted to find a place to light. Still every of her week, they have handed us out entertaining and enlig ht ening morsels about the sc hoo l's activities, philosophies, and passing fancies. Nothing worth wh ile have they left out, and no worthy cause have they failed to support with their busy buzzing, and they have omitted all the slings. They have also edited two sec tions each for the six junior high sc hools. Th ey are all queen bees and workers. Drones hive not with th em.

Reporters Jenkins, Nelson, Kouris , ond Kimball on the front row. Lind, Dimond, Brody, and Loulios , ot the bocf.

Co-Editors Craig Vincent ond Alan Mortensen ore preparing for another I. ue.

More reporters, sitting: Brockbank, Wheadon , Miner, Smith. Standing: Bailey, Pixton, Yates, Ashman.

Milton Wilford, the vol~ble, always hungry, RussiM doncing teocher路 He len Thaxton, his pupil Essie, who mokes condy to sell: and Russe ll Robinson, her husbond, who tangles with the FBI whde peddling it, hod the oudienc rolling in the oisles.

"YOU CAN'T TAKE IT WITH YOU" chosen for school play.

Love, laughter, and mixups in general ! Such is this rollicking play, set in the household of the Sycamores -where everyone comes to visit, and forgets to go away! Jeanette Schow as Penelope, the wife, paints, or writes, or does what fancy dictates-for no particular reason. Her easy-going husband Paul, Alan Mortenson, loves to help Mr. DePinna, Bruce Washburn, I inker with firecrackers in the basement -until they all blow up. The romance of daughter Alice and successful young Kirby, DeVon Barton has set backs but all ends well. Parents, Ramon Dickson and Delfa Hand, prove to be human afte r all; Boy gets Girl; and everyone is happy. These young Thespians and the others Iva Lee Duffin, the indispensable maid Rhoba; Larry Adamson, the wily tax collector; Karma Brockbank, the more than slighrly inebriated Gay; Craig Vinceni, Delano Rasmussen, and Jimmy Marshall, the nosey policemen-all did a beautiful job. And directors Tuttle and Parr, Mr. Madsen and his stage technicians, Mr. Olson and his sc ne painters ond his orchestra-all should have gone away with nic warm feeling in thei r chests.


Jack Williams as colored Donald, who dares not do a iob for pay for fear of ieopardizing his relief status and hangs around the house to lend a hand to Rhoba; Janice Ham ilton as beautiful young Alice, daughter of the house, the only one with a conventional iob; listen to Herman Spilker, who as Grondpo Vanderhof, expounds his philosophy from the couch.

Director Tuttle makes up Joan Wilcox to appear as grand Duchess Olga.

The zany family and guests doin' what comes naturally.


Professor Molecule rolls in his gold detector.

With t ndor si hs. romantic I ~ds, Williams tlnd Horrocks, sing 'Out of Thts World."

Rio Rico, comic operetta staged on M rch 8 and filled with ghosts, pirates, muiineers, and mermaids - all added up to high adventure. A group of college st udents engage in a treasure hunt on Cocos Isle. Jimmy Marshall os a wealthy financier sponsors the hunt and ta~es with him his debutanie daughter, Jane, Conna Rae Horrocks, who finds herself deep in romance with Jack Williams, a senior and campus radio an nouncer. She is chapero ned by her maid en auni, Iva Lee Duffin, who manages to grab herself o romance with kindly old Professor Molecule, Milton Wilford, who invents strange gadgets, Beverly Jensen and Sylvia Sechuck, frtends of Jane, ore also claimed by Romeos. Ann Aylett mode a wonderful colored Pansy, the singing chef. Don Antczak as the Black Spider; and his crew, Ramon Dickson, Zeniff Hathaway, Lowry Adamson, and Glen Sharp were as villainous a crowd as one could hope to meet on a pirate island. The pretty co eds, Lois Howlett, Patricia Jones, and Cleo Millet; the tubby campus gourmet, Delano Rasmussen; Glen Howlett, Russell Robinson, Duane Marsh, Dick Losee, Joe Roberts, Monty Brown, Armand Grimand, and Dean Kastanis all gave noble support.

b~d st~


d~nters. p i r~tes,

Mr. Crapo's cast takes a curtain call.



1950 choice for opera.

Moke-up experts, Tuttle , Pixton , ond Parr, put finishing touches on cast before the curtain came up for the big performance for porents and friends on Morch 8 ai" Jordan.

Others helping Mr. Crapo with the production were Mr. Olson with orchestra and staging, Miss Richards and Miss Bowers with dancing, Mr. Madsen with the stage, and a chorus of seventy-five students of music.


The string ch~mber group ore Gladys Hamilton , Le Roy Walker, Karon Wright, Donna Mae Butterfi eld , Arlene Crump, Garwin Farnsworth , Mr. Olson , Lynn Wolsleger , Spencer Nie lson , David Sorenson, Merle Alvey, ~~nd Sue Johnson .

THE ORCHESTRA is part of most stage performances.

The orchestra again added the final touch to tho sc hool play, the ope ra, the " M es siah," nd the seminary graduation; and this year th ey entered into the production of the "Mothers and Daugh ters' night out." The orchestra, which has been a part of Jordan for over forly years has been ably directed by Donald P. Olson. This group, consisting of over twenty members, ha s made great improvements since the first of this year.

The bross oction. ~11 lined up, re Richord And e rson, Keith Me Henry, John Leyland, ~nd Charles Dooley.


Donald Olson Directo r

Re11dy to entertain a1 banquets, at weddings, and at teas is the string trio. Merle Alvey plays the cello; Donna Mae Butterfield, the piano, and Karen Wright, the violin.

The orchestra concert group are oil re11dy to begin. In the inner circle l!re Karen Wright, concert mistress; Arlene Crump , Shirley Nelson , Jacqueline Henschke, James Miller, Barbara Hanson, David Sorenson, Merle Alvey, principal cellist; and Sue Johnson. In the outer circle: Gladys Hamilton, Le Roy Walk er, Mr. Olson , Donna Mae Butterfield , Richard Anderson , Keith Me Henry, John Leyland , Charles Dooley, Jack Turner, Garwin Farnsworth, Lynn Wolsleger , and Spencer Nielson.


The band takes position for a concert under the direction of Mr. Crapo.

THE BAND gives concerts and marching performances.

The work th is yeor was divided into two distinct periods, the marching in the fall and late spring, and the concert work in the winter and early spring. Jordan's marching band underwent a chang this year. The tempo ond forma tion were improved. The band ably demonstrated these changes ot the foot ball games in the fall. This spring they took part in an all .afternoon marching day with the junior high bands of the distrid. The concert bond presented their annual Spring Concert. Individual members of the band participated in the District Music Festival at Bingham High School in the spring.

The twirlers strut their sluff. Dorothy Satovich, Connie Hughes , Mary Jan and Sharon Denney give with the beton .


Anderson ,

Blowing mightily, Me Gary HoH, Dennis Webster, Don Merrill, Ralph Gibbons, DeVon Barton, Wayne Nokes , Boyd Beckstead , Thomas Pi erc e, El lis Atkinson, Don Antczak, Charles Dooley end Kay Burgon -the powerful brass section of Jordan 's band.

Flag beerers Cleo Mill et ond Cl eo Rawson , Meiorette Lois Allsop , and Major Larry Jonson greet the world with shining fa ces.

The band officers a re president, Richard And erson, and vice presi -

dent, Delores Day.



Handel's "Messia h" was presented at Jordan for the second consecutive year by a chorus of over 250 students, and the orchestra. Mi ss Tuttle was rhe reader; Ray S. Brimhall, a former student of Jordan, was featured as the tenor soloist; Mr. Crapo conducted the singing; and Mr. Olson directed the orchestra. Robert Cundick was the organist and lla Wright, the accompanist. This seventh annual rendition was sponsored by the seminary. The invocarion was offered by Sherman Crump; the benediction by La Von Gra ss.

Glen Howl ett, Milto n Wilford , Lorrain e Stelling , ond Iva Lee Duffin tolk over the score of the " Messiah " with Mr. C ra po.

This year for the first time the "Messiah" was broadcast over station KM UR on Christmas D y, making it possible for our presentation to be heard over the state.

HANDEL'S "MESSIAH" the music department's annual production.

Th e orch estra and the chorus are rea dy to begin Ha ndel's " Messiah" at Jordan on December 18.


Jordon's silver tongued debaters look hme out to pose for a picture. In the front row are Crawford , Beckstead , Whitman, Hansen , Miner, Sharp, Miner, Ferguson , Hamilton, Olson, Sisam. In the second row: Butterfield, Poor, Egbert, Ferguson, Thaxton, Draper, Jensen , Hill, Nelson , Alsop. In the third row: Schmidt, Brothers, Horrocks , Millet, Miner, Nielson, Porter, Walker, Larson , Brown, Brkljacich. In he f:>urth row: Spilker, Yates , Berrett, Day, Roos, Christensen , Olson, Jackson, Stowe, Brady, Bean, Mineer. In the last row: Mortenson , Enniss, Woodhouse, Wilcox, Ashman , Fowler, Jensen, Hutchings, Hansen , Orwin , Dow, Draper.

DEBATERS argue the question, "Resolved: that the President of the United States should be elected by the direct vote of the people." There are three classes in debating, sop homores under E. L Crawford, the iuniors of C. N. Crawford, and the se niors of P. F. Goldbranson. Of th ese, twen ty eigh t teams contested a t the Weber lnivitational Forensic Tourna ment on March 4 and 5. The B Division won second place and the A won fo urt h. They also took part in practice debates with Ogden, American Fork, Lehi, Provo, and Lincoln hig h sc hools and in the Utah High School Activities Association Regional Deba te Tou rnament with Ogden, Davis, and Granite where some of them q ua lified for the state tournament.

Alan Mortenson , Joe Ann Webb , Shirley Ferguson , and Donald Schmidt argue the advisability of changing the electoral vote. Ninety-one


Howard Pixton and Marlin Fairbourn . Howard was awMdad the Carl Raymond Gray Scholarship to the USA C. $1 00-for his achievements in vocational work. Marlin was named alternate.

Eight Jordonilos went to tho sl<lfe tourn<1ment and brou tht homo 16 points. In the top prcfur! Joan Wilcox scared in or~tory, Yvonn e Crawford and Carol Miner in extemporaneou. spotrkinq. In the bottom pr lure Patsy Jenkins, Alan Mortenson, and Shirley Ferguson qained points in tho leqrslotive forum (Sidney Sharp ~nd Gayle Miner wnre th scoring debate team.)

La Rae Jenkins won a six months' $125 cours to Ann Ashton's Finishing School in Salt Lake City. She was chosen from the senior girls through th"l Girls' Club.

Winners of the Amateur Hour wNe Yvonn e Berrett, first place with hor saucy Goy Nineties songs: Don Antczak, third with his solo; and Patty Jones , honorable mention for h'lr song. Gwendolyn Smith , who won second with her acrobatic stunts, is not in photograph.



Barbara Ballard placed second in the national American Legion Oratorical Contest, in the final state contest March 17, at South High School. The subject of the speech was "The Constitution-a Barrier against Tyranny."

路'a路~ Dromolic talent from JordM, who entered the regional drama and interpretive speech festival at Granite High School and quali lied to onter the state finals ot the BYU on April I. In the top picture ore Jan ice Hamilton , Hel e n Thaxton , and Iva Lee Du ffin members of the one oct play. At the boll om: Margi e Egb ert and Patsy Jenkins , who enlored with retold stories; and J eann e Bre nn e man and Nan Smith with dramatic readings. Charle ne Lind, not photographed , also took poll with a humorous reading.

LaVon Grass won the first place award in the American Legion Auxiliary Essay Contest. Steve Hunsaker took second place , and Dick Walker third.


Charlene lind and Delfa Hand won an allexpense-paid trip to the National 4-H Club Congress in Chicago in late November. Charlene was the clothing-achievement winner and Delfa the state-home-imporvement winner.



Strong footing has to be kept, in order to become a champ.





Ardyth Roper, Jimmy Landers, Karen Wright, Grant Furse, and Colleen Terry give a dem onstra +ion of g o o d cheerleading a II dressed up in their oui door uniforms.

The same pep-inspirers show how it is done in their indoor costumes. Ninet y-six

COACHES Art Hughes Coaching his second year at Jordan, Art's never-ending effort to produce the best ieam in the state has been his key to success. Besides basketball Mr. Hughes coaches sophomore footbal l end helps wilh the track and field.

Dale Sorenson This year was Dale's first year as head football coach at Jordan . His undaunted spirit and football intellect mark him as one of the best coaches in the state. Mr. Sorenson also coaches tennis and sophomore basketball. He teaches physical education and is an alumnus of Jordan and of the U of U.


, Frank Kamnikar

Chester Kim

Mr. Kamnikar is ha~d coach of lrock and field, doing his usual great job. He also coached junior foolball end baskeiball this year, changing from his usu~l rou line of sophomore coa,hing.

Che t Kim is head coach of the baseball team and helps with the 'varsity" football :luring the fall season. Through his Unsurpassed aptitude the Jordan teams are formed.



RICHARD ROSSE- Halfback Regulor Senior

KEITH HARDMAN- Guard Letlermon -Senior

STEPHEN MOTTO- Halfback Lettermon -Sophomore

LYNN BARNEY- Halfback L"tt rmon -J unior

GARY MORLEY- Tackle Requlor Son1or

PERRY BRADY- Fullback Rf'qulor- S nior

ROBERT SILCOX- Guard RequiM S nior

GERALD WORTHEN - End L.. ttNmon Junior

Brady on an end run.



At the Jordan-Davis game, Jordan s back, Perry Brady, makes an off tackle run.


BRUCE BILLS-Halfback Lettermon-Junior

HARRY RUDD-End Regular-Senior

LEON WEBSTER- Guard Regular-Senior

KAY BRADY-Quarterback Letterman-Senior

GAIL WOODHOUSE-Guard Regular-Senior

JACK WILES-Guard LettermM-Junior

CALVIN JENKINS-End Lettermon-Junior

MILTON WALKER-Quarterback Letterman-Junior

LARRY DOW- End Regular-Senior

NEIL SORENSON-Halfback Letterman-Junior

KENNETH LATIMER-Guard Letterman-Junio:

JACK BOBERG Center, Ta ckl e Rogulor -Junior

DONALD LAPORE Halfback Requlor -Junior

Co-Captains Gary Morley and Harry Rudd manage a smile, though this is their last season of football at Jord n. DELANO RASMUSSEN - Tackl e Leltnrmon .Junior

BILL MADSEN- End Letterm n Senior

) CLARION HUFF- Center, Qu arte rback Letterman-Senior- No Photoqraph RAY HANSEN- Tackl e Regular-Senior

No Phologr~ph

Football Manager Bob Thomas looks worried as another injured player needs aid. On e hundred

"VARSITY" FOOTBALL Sorenson' s squad opened another season by beating Mur ray 26-0, losing 6-0 to Box Elder, and sq ueezing out a 7-6 victory over Casper, W yoming, in their preseason games. The league play started when Jordan invaded t he hig h-flying W est Panthers, dropping out 20-0. In t he following game, the Granite Fa rmers came to J ordan to take a heartbreaker of 13-7. Jordan's initial victory was against Ogden as t hey downed the Tigers 19 6. The Beetdiggers were once more submerged , this time by the Davis Darts, 9-7. Again J ordan fell viciim as they lost to South 20-7. They played rheir last game at Provo; and after a hectic last quarte r, came out on the shori end of a 19 13 score. Neil Sorenson and Perry Brady fight to recover Granite's f umble.


2-Murray 0 at Jordan 26


9-Box Elder 7 at Jordan 0

Sepi. 16-Jordan 7 at Casper 6 League Sep:. 23-Jordan 0 at West 20 Sept. 30-Granite 13 at Jordan 7 Oct.

?-Ogden 6 at J ordan 19


13-Jordan 7 at Davis 9


21-South 20 at Jordan 7


2-Jordan 13 at Provo 19

Dick Rosse starts arou d end for a ga in aga inst Murray. One hundre d o ne

Kamnikar 's Squad-Juniors Sept. 22-West 12 at Jordan 14 Sept. 29-Jordan 7 at Granite 14

JUNIOR FOOTBALL Jordan 's Junior squad, under the direction of Frank Kamnikar, fared preity well this season. Though using most of their time for the ben efit of the " Varsity, " they came out with a 2 3 record. Jordan won their first game 14 12 over the West H i Panthers, then bowed to Granite 14 7, and followed with a 6-0 loss to Ogden. In the next to last game, the junior Beetdiggers trounced the Davis Darts 25 6 but lost to South in the final game by a close 2 0 score .

Oct .

6-Jordan 0 ot Ogden 6


12-Davis 6 al Jordan 25


20-Jordan 0 at South 2


In the front row of lh!' f otb II squdJ rA Pet rson, Marshall, R smusson, Lloyd, Ebert, Wolsleger, Burnetti, Patrakis, Jones, Taylor ; h, Sf on r >W Woodhouse, Hanson, Worthen , Jenkins , Madsen , Rudd , Dow, Nelson, Shimizu, Mousley; ir- th th d r Sorenson , Morley, Wiles , Webster, Latimer, Silcox, Bean, Boberg, Brady, Brody, Sorenson, Kamnikor; '" th I sl row Kim, Huff, Rasmussen , Bills, Rosse , Barney, Motto , Lepore, Thomas, Washburn , end Ander$on. on

One hundred two

Hughes' s Squad-Sophomores

Sept. 26-Springville 6 at Jordan 14 Sept. 29-Granite 7 at Jordan 0


6-East 6 at Jordan 0


19-Davis 13 at Jordan 0

Oct. 26-Jordan 7 at West 34 Nov.

3-Jordan 0 at South 12

SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL In thei r first year of football at Jordan, the energetic sophomores, coached by Art Hughes, had a rough time throughout the season; but they didn 't give up their hope of winning. The first game saw the sophs on the top of a 14-6 score over Springville. Then, after putting up a great struggle and with some bad luck, they lost the rest of their games-to Granite 7-0, to East 6-0, to Davis 13-0, to West 34-7, and to South 12-0.

Rosse attempts to pass in game with South.

O ne hundred three

BASKE1~ BALL SHERMAN CRUMP-Forward Hon. Men lion, All State Senior

PERRY BRADY- Guard Regular Senior

RICHARD ROSSE- Guard-Center Regular-Senior

MONT BISHOP- Forward Regular -Senior

BRUCE WASHBURN- Guard -Forward Letterman -S nior

HARRY RUDD- C entor Lollorman S nior

STEPHEN MOTIO- Guard Leiterman Sophomore

BRUCE BILLS- Forward Roqul r Junr<•r


J Art Hughes' cagers followed through on a favorable season this year as the Beeldiggers won 12 of the 22 games I hey played. In their preseason rilts, they won 7 g mas and lost only 3, by close scores. The Beetdiggers lost three games of league play, to Provo, to Davis, and to Ogden before their firsr victory was recorded over West. Jordan won their second game by squeezing past the South High Cubs, but then lost their fourth to East. They On e hundred fo ur

BLAINE ANDERSON- C enter Lr llorman Sophomol'o

CALVIN JENKINS- Forward Lo>tlerman Junror (No Photogroph)

took the following trio of games, as they defeated Granite, Davis, and Provo. A lie resulted when Jordan was beaten in th ir last league> flncounler by Granite, and were consequently thrown into a play orr with four of hor le ms. Though Jordan lost in the pi y offs to South and East, the Beeidigger crew showed the fight which ranked them as one of the best teams in the slate.

"VARSITY" BASKETBALL Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec.

Preseason 2-Jordan 32 at Coalville 26 3-Jordan 43 at Weber 44 7-Jordan 28 at Park City 17 9-Jordan 34 at Box Elder 35 IS-Box Elder 23 at Jordan 33 16-Weber 23 at Jordan 39 22-Park City 25 at Jordan 32 29-Jordan 36 at Richfield 24 30-Jordan 20 at Monroe 24 31-Jordan 38 at Nephi 34

League Jan. 5-Provo 41 at Jordan 39 Jan. 13-Jordan 28 at Davis 33 Jan. 20-0gden 42 at Jordan 40 Jan. 24-Jordan 38 at West 34 Jan. 27-South 42 at Jordan 43 Feb. 3-Jordan 3 I at East 58 Feb. I0-Granite 33 at Jordan 40 Feb. 13-Davis 41 at Jordan 47 Feb. IS-Jordan 49 ai Provo 48 Feb. 17-Jordan 35 at Granile 36 Feb. 28-Jordan 34 vs. South 45 Mar. 2-East 41 vs. Jordan 29 The February 28 game was played at the Field House and the March 2 at Granite.

Brady charges in to put in a fast one.

Anderson drops in two more points for Jordan.

The c o - c a p t a i n s, She rman Crump and Perry Brady, I o o k cheerful but puzzled.

A Box Elder man goes high into the air after two points are scored by Jordan.

1h;, •"''""' uas,efball squad Me front row: And erso n, Sor enson, Ge hri ng , Latimer, ~nd Nie lso n, Bock row: Bar ney, Tronte l, Dow, Pet erson , Mountee r, All en, and Mr. Ka min ika r.



The junior basketball team completed a great series of games during their seasonal play, as they captured twelve battles and dropped only four.


The juniors annexed a clean sweep of preseason games when they won 6 games against no losses. Then in league play they vanquished 6 opponents and suffered 4 setbacks; but they deserve the highesl praise, for they had the best coach-Frank Kamnikarand the finest team in the league.

Dec. )-Jordan 31 at Weber 26 Dec. 7-Jordan 45 at Park City I0 Dec. 9-Jordan 30 at Box Elder 20 Dec. IS- Box Elder 23 at Jordan 26 Dec. 16-Weber 21 al Jordan 43 Dec. 22-Park City 14 at Jordan 44 League Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb.

5-Provo 26 at Jordan 40 13-Jord n 32 at Davis 34 20-0gden 37 ar Jordan 25 24-Jordan 22 at West 33 27-South 33 at Jordan 34 3-Jordan 33 a I East 29 10-Granite 26 al Jordan 28 I3-Davis 30 at Jordan 29 17-Jordan 44 al Provo 34 24-Jordan 3 I al Granite 23

Trontel adds another, as Sorenson and Peterson watch.

In lhe front row of the sophomore squad are Holt , Shields, Bergman, Nickle, Thomas, Gilbert; in the middle row: Draper, Darton, Ferguson , Janssen, Hamilton, Berrett, Johnstun; in the back row: Bean (manager), Vranes, Sanders, J e nsen , Shinsel , Young , Wheadon , Haumand , Schmidt, Lunnen, and Coach Sorenson.

SOPHOMORE SCORES Preseason Dec. IS-Jordan 30 at Murray 19 Dec. 22-Bingham 28 ai Jordan 40 Jan. 4-Cyprus 19 at Jord n 35 League Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar.

12-Davis 36 at Jordan 35 25-Jordan 28 ai Granite 24 31-Jordan 41 at East 18 2-South 31 at Jordan 37 9-Jordan 30 at Davis I 7 16-Jordan 59 at West 31 23-Graniie 21 at Jordan 28 28-East 33 at Jordan 49 2-Jordan 30 at South 36

Basketball managers, Richard Anderson and Spencer Neilson were always on hand when the team needed equipment or moral support. I

SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL Through the efforts of Dale Sorenson, t he sop homore basketball team recorded I0 victories against only 2 defeats, during t he entire season . This gained them a tie for top position in the league with Davis.

TENNIS The tennis team, coac hed by Dale Sorenson had five men: Calvin Jenkins, Nick Loulias, Neil Sorenson, Jack Wiles, and Dick Rasmussen; returning from last year's team, along with three newcomers: Allan Myers, Richard Rosse, and Bob Smith. The team won I and lost 2 for their preseason games. As the year book went to press they had won 4 of their league games and lost I.

Calvin Jenkins , Dick Rasmussen, Neil Sorenson , and Nick Loulias warm up for o game.

TRACK Coach Frank Kaminkar's thinclads srari cd to ger into shape again as the track and field season rolled around. Jordan 's lightfoots, speedsters, and weight rosse rs have t rampl ed the Cyprus rracksters in their preseason competi rion so far. Track returns were Richard Rosse, Paul Ashton, Leo Boynton, Bill Madsen, and Refugia Alva. The new additions were Tom Hull, Kay Thornton, Lamar Sanders, Perry Brady, Larry Dow, and Lynn Wolsleger. In the field catagory were listed James Harrington, Gary Morley, Bruce Enniss, and Jim Howells. They were supported by Matt Trontel, Lamar Gehring, Paul Smith, Scott Jarvie and Neil Sorenson.

Nick Loulias

ets roody to serv .

Triangular Track Meet On April 19, a t Granite, Jordan won the triangular meet from Granite nd Cyprus, piling up 65 pomts against Granite's 46 and Cyprus's 31. Triangular Track Meet at Granite Aprd 19. Beerdiggers 65 poinrs - Granire 46-Cy prus 3 I. 220 Alva, second 440 Brown, second; Rosse third 880 Brady, second; Ashton, third Mil Cook, second 180 low hurdles Hall, third (Contrnued on p 1" 109)

Dow, Cook, ond Boynton lol s I for the 880,

One hundred eight

Triangular Track Meet (Con'+.) Hig h hurdles- Madsen , first; Sanders, second Pole vault-Enniss, first; Johnston , second Discus-Howells, third Broad jump-Alva, first; Rosse, third High J ump-Dow, second; Harrington, third Shot-Burns, first Javelin-Trontel, first Medley relay-Jordan, first (Madsen, Enniss, Boynton, Thornton) Mile relay-Jordan first (Brown, Brady, J3rvey, Rosse ) 880 relay-Jordan, second Sanders, Madsen , O ' Brien ond Hull skim the hurdles.


Jim Howell s tries his hand at the discus throwing ond l a Mar Ge hring 11t the Javelin.

Spring training began again for Jordan's baseball aggregation as Chet Kim brought back from last year's squad, Perry Brady, Bruce Bills, Tom my Pierce, Bob Silcox, Bruce Washburn, and Kay Brady. Joining this year's team, are a great field of players, incl uding Charles Dooley, Pete Dow, Jerry Worthen, Jack Serdar, and Milton Walker. The Beet-digger nine has already taken five preseason victories against Murray, Judge, Cyprus, two against Tooele, one league victory over East. This seems to point out Jordan as a potential threat to the league crown.

The boseboll loom looks hoppy ovor the prospects of d good Sllason. Sitting oro: Burns, Motto, latim er, Butte rfi eld , S h ie I d s; fnooling: Brady, Dooley, Pi erce, Silcox, Washburn , Bolliger, G ehring , Thom as, stonding: Bill s, Serdar, Brady, Nelson , Dow, Worthe n, Walk er, Kimball , <:ond Co ach Kim.

O ne hund re d nine

Girl's volley ball gets off to a good start.

Mary Ann Mounteer catches a ball fanned at by batter Doris Egbert, while Ja Neen Dimond, Ruth Landers, and Frances Leyba wait their turn at the bat.

Yvonne Berrett, kneeling, and Mildred Boskovitch go through some slimming routines.

One hundred ten


ATHI~ETICS While the girls did not compete with other schools, they did have their competitive games among themselves. They fought through tourna ments in badminton, in ping-pong, and in basketball. When the weather was good, they played tennis, speedball, and softball out of doors. When it was bad , they competed in volleyball , hit-pin baseball, four-cornered kick ball , and relays in the girls' gymnasium.

Modern dancing students forming a triangular pose are from left to right: Doris Pierce, Rebecca Quintana , Jean Rich, Gertrude Richardson , Josie Vigil.

Basketball Champs Some of the champions from the two team s who "VOn the four-team roundrobin basketball tournament are front row: Dorothy Smart, lla Dean Dahl , and Donna Brown. Back row: Lillian lseki and Ya e Enni ss. The complete champion team from Miss Bo"Ver' s first period gym class is Ya e Enniss, captain; Arlen e Brady, Lillian lseki , Betty Naylor, Carol Crump, Adele Wood , Bonnie Hardman, and Geraldine Thompson. The fift-h period team includes Dorothy Smart, captain; Mary Lou Williams, Marilyn Winger, Donna Brown, Joyce Denos, Jo Larne Kay, Karen Pet erson, lla Dean Dah and Eva Zitting Nelson.

O ne hu nd re d eleven

A couple is caught during a-pause. Along with work there is plenty of fun to be found.

One hundred twelve



the KINGS Something new has been added

Calvin Jenkins, King oF the Junior Prom .

Una Jean Rhoads, Queen oF the Junior Prom.

One hundred fourteen

and QUEENS They all reigned supreme

Grant Furse, Dream Boy of the Sweethearts' Ball.

Kathleen Fitzgerald, Queen of the Harvest Ball. One hundred fifteen


Janet Weichert was chosen Miss Jordan of the Camival.

CARNIVAL A SUCCESS Hot dogs, pop, candy, and fun galore were everywhere at a new and hilarious carnival. This year in order to do away with so many ad pages, the Beetdigger held a carnival on November II, each club having I he responsi bility of sponsoring a booth. There were pie th rowing, fishing, bowling, dunking, fortune -telling, cake walking, and other original ideas in exciting booths. The refreshmenr booth , sponsored by the Riding Club, won a $5.00 prize for having the most novel idea for decorating. All the Wild Wesr booth lacked was an aclive horse. At about ten the booths closed and everyone went up to the big gym for a traffic dance, given by the senior class as their contribution. Between dances there were turkeys, chocolates , nd a toaster raffled oH. Last, bul not least, was !he crowning of Mr. and Miss Jord n. Delfa Hand, the advertising man ger, was head of the affair; and so populor il was that the Carnival will probably be one of the big events of each year. Bill Madsen was given the title of Mr. Jordan to reign over the gala affair. On e hundred sixt ee n

Bowing above, are some of ihe girls that took pMI in the floor show at the Sweethearts' Ball, given by ihe FHA on February I 7.

Part of the floor show of the Senior Hop, on December 9 was an hilarious chorus-girl line , portrayed by six senior boys. Their performance was so well liked they received three encores. The boys in the picture are James Scott, Parker Nielson , Herman Spilker, and James Cowley.

Some stop to rest and are entertained

Another part of ihe Senior Hop floor show was a dance based upon its iheme, ''The Gr at W hite W ay, with a Bowery effect.

by Floor Shows.

The Prom King and Queen were snapped in the promenade in which all Juniors present took part.

Sweetheart's Ball -

Roberta Payne and Ramon Dicksonstanding-and Merle Alvey, LaVon Grass, and Alan Mortenson-sittingsrop dancing for a little chat at ihe Junior Prom.

February 17

As he is crowned, Dream Boy, Grant Furse is kissed by Joan Chufar, president of F H A, while vice president Vae Enniss assists with the ceremony.

Bob Thoma s shows Shauna Day and Ardi s Erekson how heavy lhe mirrored ball is. The ball formed the cenler dec ora rion for the Senior Hop. Ir weighed fiFty pounds.


I Ardyth Roper, Jimmy Marshall, and Doris Bullock slarr pulting up their Srory Book Ball decoralions for the Junior Prom.

One hund red ei ghteen


Everyone is enjoying himself at the Story Book Ball, on March 31st.

Looking down from the balcony at the Sophomore Initiation Dance on September 161h.

Other dances and parties not photographed were stud&nt body parties on September 9, and November 24: an Athletic Club dance on December 16: a Christmas party on December 23: a Basketball dance on January 13: the Charlonian Ball on April 7; the JD 's Dog Patch Drag on April 28; and the Senior Dinner Dance on May 16.

Hav:ng fun ur i;1C l<ey Club Dance on February I0 are Joyce Langford, at the piano: and standing: Fae Nelson , Grant W oodhouse, Leah Jenkins, Milton Wilford, Barbara Jaynes and Don Hardcastle. On e hundred nineteen

At noon many feet pass up and down between the Junior Hall on the upper floor and the main hall of the seniors.

The students line up for rheir turn for a cafeteria tray at noon.

The boys and girls are used to lining up. Here they are waiting to get a chance at a favorite candy bar from I he bookstore. One hundred twenty

The favorite period of I he day for most is lunch hour.

Almy Dowding, custodian, straightens the old 1887 clock, that he keeps oiled and wo und up in the basement, and that keeps perfect time .

Ready for the noon rush are cafeteria manager Mabel Larson, and Mrs. Evelyn Brown, Mrs. Alta Ottley and Mrs. Rosetta Brand , her assistants.

Even the buses line up. Here are some of he thirty buses that the Jordan District runs to carry the I092 students back and forth from the fourteen towns of the district. O ne hundred t we nl y-o ne

Senior debaters getting ready for the Weber speech meet. Seated: Donald Schmidt, LaVon Grass, Grant Wood house, and Parker Neilson. Standing: Herman Spilker, Monty Brown, Raymond Draper, Shirley Ferguson, Alan Mortenson and Carol Miner.

Mr. Casper, boys' counselor, explains ~o Harry Rudd how to take a vocational interest tesl.


Rog er Beck, Gerald Worthen, and Gle n Palmer lake advantage of librtJry facililies to gel some school wor~ done.

One hundred twenty路two

One of Mrs. Wood 's classes getting ready to go to the hospitals to read to crippled children. They take turns, but some groups go every week and pay their own transportation. Jerry Sorensonat the extreme right back rowis chairman of the group.

Mary Littl e is one of the many students getting their driving licenses from learning how to drive in Mr. Pet e rson' s driver's training classes.

Career Day Mr. Graha m, head of the Midvale city police, is lecturing to a group who are interested in law enforcement. Career Day-thi s year on March 30-is sponsored by the Junior Kiwanians-Jordan s Key Club.

One hundred twenty-three

~~:' / '






J Doy at Lagoon on Mo y 19 Harry Rudd and Shauna Day struggle with out-of-kilter bicycles.

Lynn Sjoblom and Janone Walker toke limo oul for a hot doq at Loqoon.

Wrde something." be Helen Thaxton and Ardis Erekson s they exchong yeo• books on tho ym flo r

YeMbook Day March 19. The floors in the halls ond the benches in tho qymn ore cov red with kids autographing yeat· books. Antone Martineau, Kay Mitchell , Bonnie Sharp, Mary Stoker, Emma Jane Thorn· ton, Marlin Graham sitting on the hall floor signing yeorbooks.

Ardis Erekson, editor, lind DeVon B~rton, business mllnllger, discuss yellrbook plllns in front of the mllin holl plllque.

Al the Get路Acquainted Party on September 9th, Mildred Berrett lind lv~ Lee Duffin sing " Baby , It's Cold Outside."

Treading a measure at the Sweethearts' Boll, are Alan Mortenson and Sara Lee Erickson.

No. 14 , Jordon's Jerry Worthen hits ~ h~rd grounder nl tho Jordlln Tooele gllme. Pirates in the opera, "Rio Rico," try to learn the ballet o .:J dress for the port.

'Apportez les chos s ll m~nger! ' Cllll Milton Wilford, Jo Ann Webb , Gr~nt Furse, Jo~n Chuf~r . liS they woit potiently for the French porty dinner

Shoun~ Lee Day , ond Janene Walker choose 'The

ot the Model Home on Jonuory 30th.



Nelson , Ela ine

Greenwood , Bob Thomas ,

Great White Way" as the theme for their Senior


Fads and fancies and kids in their teens Just go together like pork and beans. In the early fall they had their fling With a yo-yo contraption on the end of a string. Full of fads and fancies are Jordan's lassesThey match their clothes with their now eye glasses. They fuss with trinkets from their hair to their toes, And they deck their person with buttons and bows. They don't comb their hair any more, they style it; They don't let it dangle way down, nor pile it. They cut it short and the curls are few; And it sometimes looks like brother's crow. Marvelous the belts that clasp their middle, And tho jingling hardware plays hoy, diddle, diddle! They ti

their scarves in a hundred ways.

Their blouse collection brings forth praise. Pegg d or flared or slit ar

their skirts ,

With colors gay as their brothers' shirts. With pockets big as a young suitcas And buttons in almost any place. When they pay their money and lake their choice, They all choose shoes by Mr. Joyce. They are neat and clean and w II put together; Their fads are cute and their fancies cl ver. -Miss Gardner



If you think "What they're wearing" has addled the gals With their fads and their fancies, just look at their pals! Some hair style patterns of Jordan lads Are certainly fancy, and some are fads. The back-part patterns are truly pips; But the favorite seems to be short crew-clips. And the loudest shirts that you ever saw Like the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra Ia With garden posies and landscape scenes , In purples and blues and reds and greens, That swing from the shoulders wide and loose And scorn the waist and drape the caboose; And another attire from hair to shoes , In harmonious colors they sometimes choose, Is a symphony pattern as soft and grand As played by a concert-master's hand. And the trousers, too, of the stronger sex From plain grey tweeds to louder checks , From brilliant cords to just plain brown Are not just something in which to sit down. And argyle sox with rainbow hues All diamond -checked, with gum -soled shoes ; And fancy sox, maroon and gray, In high school colors bright and gay. Oh, this is tho year the dear male pals In fads and fancies top even the gals!

-L.A. G.

Pause and reflect o'er the years; Behold how swift flys the time, The gladness, the victories, and tears We cherish and hold as sublime.

These be the races we have run, The monuments we've builded. These be the laurels we have won . In memory now they're gilded.

One hundred thirty-two



SENIOR SUMMARY Myron Allen . .. Ski Club, football, band, student council, Pep Band.

Mildred Berrett . .. Messiah, opera, DECA, FHA, Sports' C lub .

Lila All red . . . Messiah, opera, Dance Club, Press C lu b.

Marilynn Bird . .. FHA , DEC A, Press Cl ub, Sk i C lub , Messia h.

Merl e Alvey . . . Charlonian officer, orchestra, Masq ue and Gavel, Speech Festival.

Clemen)路 Bishop . .. Boys ' Club secreta ry, basketba ll, baseba ll, student council.

Do rothy Anderson . . Charlonian , Press Club, Broadcaster, Courier.

Ronald Bodell ... FFA, Boys ' Club .

Eleanor And erson .. . Dance Review, Big PalLittle Pal Committee. Lee And erson . . Beetd igger, opera, Messiah , Courier, Quill and Scroll. Lynn And erson . . . Messiah , student council, Boys' Club. Richard And erson ... Messiah, orchestra, band president. Elli s Atkin son ... FFA, football, basketball, band, track. Winnie Atwood ... Messiah, opera .

Lucile Bowen .. . Mothers and Daughters' progra m, Fashion Show. Sherman Boyce .. . Messiah, opera, Ski C lub, Rid ing C lub, Chemistry C lub. Pauline Bradford . . Cha rlonian, Ski Club, student council, Beetdigger. K Brady . . . Athletic Club, football, baseball, track, Ski C lub. Perry Brady . .. Senior class president, basketball, baseball, footb a ll, At hletic Club officer. Beth Brand ... Messiah, opera, JD . DECA, Ski Club, football, Duane Brinton Messiah, band .

Bruce Au stin ... DECA, FFA. DeEtte Baker ... Messiah, opera, JD , Language Club, Chemistry Club. Ray Ball ... Senior Ring Committee, basketba ll, Boys' Club . . Beetdigger, play , Key Club, DeVon Barton Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel . Loi s Beckstead ... JD, Girls' Club. Kenn eth Beckstrom ... Football , Boys' Club. Thora Beecroft . . . Messiah, opera, student council, Senior Hop.

Marilyn Brown . . . Quill and Scroll, Broadcaster, Sports' Club officer, JD , FHA. Lotti e Ann Burkinshaw . .. Came from Davis High School at semeste r. Alice Burton . . . Messiah, Masque and Gavel, student council, Chemistry Club, Fashion Show . Clyde Butterfield . . . FFA president, football, Boys ' Club . Neil Butterfield .. . Key Club , band, Chemistry Club, Boys ' Club. Veri Butterfield .. . Messiah , Boys' Club .

Sheldon Benn ett ... Band , Boys' Club. Da rlene Bytheway ... DECA , Messiah. Ann Bernardo . . . J D president, DECA, Language Club, Messiah. Gloria Berrett ... Messiah, opera , student council, Girls' Club.


J erry Callicott . .. Chemistry Club , FFA , Boys' Club. Duane Campbell . . . Football , Boys ' Club.

One hundred th irty-three

SENIOR SUMMARY Glen Campbell . . . FFA, basketball, football, Sports' Club, Boys' Club. Naurine Cannon ... JD, Dogpatch Drag, Music Festival, Chemistry Club.

Donna Dimmick

. FHA, Messiah, Girls' Club.

Charles Dooley ... Messiah, opera, Pep Band , Boys' Club, baseball.

LaWayne Christensen ... Messiah, Girls' Club.

Larry Dow . . . Athletic Club officer, football, Chemistry Club.

Joan Chufar ... Charlonian, FHA officer, sophomore class officer, student co un cil, Traveling Assembly.

Eugene Drake ... FFA, Chemistry Club, Boys' Club.

Barbara Cole .. . JD, FHA, DECA , Language Club, Dance Review.

Louise Drew ... Charlonian, DECA, Chemistry Club, Girls' Club.

Carol Covington ... JD , vice president, Press Club, Broadcaste r, FHA, Messiah.

Iva Lee Duffin . . . Girls' Club president, play, opera, Charlonian, Traveling Assembly.

Eugene Cowley . . . Courier, opera, Messiah, Chemistry Club. Myrle Cox ... Messiah, opera, DECA, Sports' Club, Dance Review. Carol Crump ... DECA, Messiah, opera, Dance Review, Girls' Club. Sherman Crump . . . Student body president, basketball, baseball, Club 20, Athletic Club.

Vionne Duke . .. JD, Messiah, orchestra , Gi rl s' Club. Jean Dumas . . . Messiah, Sports' Club, Girls' Club. Elaine Egbert .. . DECA, JD, Masque and Gave l, Messiah, opera.

Vivian Crump . .

Orchestra, Girls' Club.

Marjorie English . . . Messiah, Music Festival, Language Club.

lla Dean Dahl . . Girls' Club.

FHA, Riding Club, Messiah,

Reid Enniss ... FFA, Messiah, Boys' Club.

Hazel Davidson ... Charlonian, opera, Messiah, Dance Review, orchestra.

Vern Enniss ... Messiah, opera, Language Club, Boys' Club.

Robert Day ... Key Club, opera, boxing, Boys' Club.

Ardis Erekson ... Beetdigger editor, junior vice president, Harvest Ball queen, Charlonian, student council, Ski Club.

Ramona Day ... Historian, Harvest Ball, attendant, Charlonian, Language Club, Masque and Gavel.

Marlin Fairbourn ... Prosecuting Attorney, Key Club officer, Club 20 officer, FFA, Sports' Club.

Shauna Day ... Language Club officer, Ski Club officer, Charlonian, Senior Hop chairman, Masque and Gavel.

Marilyn Ferguson ... Messiah, Ski Club, studenl council, Amateur Hour, Language Club.

Barbara Densley ... DECA, Senior Hop, Amateur Hour, student council.

Shirley Ferguson ... Quill and Scroll, Broadcaster, Sports' Club officer, debating, Masque and Gavel.

Ramon Dickson . . . Broadcaster editor, president Press Club, Key Club, Masque and Gavel, play, opera

Ma rcia Fitzgerald . . . Messiah, DECA, Riding Club, Dance Review, Girls ' Club represenla tive.

On e hundred thirty-fo ur


SENIOR SUMMARY Marva Fitzgerald ... DECA, Riding Club, Sports' Club, opera, Dance Review.

Janice Hamilton .. . Senior class officer, play, Ski Club, Dance Review, Messiah.

Ramona Forbush ... JD, FHA, Language Club, Messiah.

Delfa Hand . . . Student body vice president, play, oratory, Beetdigger, Charlonian, Carnival Chairman.

G rant Furse . . . Cheerleader, junior class president, Sweethearts' king, Traveling Assembly, band.

Shirley Hand . . . Ski Club, Language Club, opera, Messiah, Dance Review.

Elaine Gardn er ... Fashion Show, Sophomore Assembly, Girls' Club.

Barba ra Hansen .. . Messiah, student council, Masque and Gavel, debating, Music Festival.

Joe Gardn er ... Messiah, football, Sports' Club, Boys' Club.

Ray Hansen .. . FFA, football, Athletic Club, Boys' Club.

Mary Garfield .

Messiah, Girls' Club.

Yond ell Goff . . . Messiah, FHA, Girls' Club. Lila Gordon ... Girls' Club representative, Senior Hop, Junior Prom. David Gotberg . . . FFA, basketball, student co uncil, Boys ' Club. La Yon Gra ss ... Courier co-editor, Broadcaster, Quill and Scroll, Language Club, Masque and Gavel. Cla yton Gree n ... FFA, Boys' Club. Jun e Gree n ... Messiah, Beetdigger salesman, Girls' Club.

Beverly Hardcastle . . . Dance Review, Girls' Club. Bonnie Hardman ... Messiah, Language Club, Girls' Club. Keith Hardman . . . Messiah, FFA, football, Boys ' Club. Alan Hardy Boys' Club.

Messiah, opera, Music Clinic,

Janice Harrington ... Messiah, Girls' Club. Delmar Harris ... Messiah, boxing, floor show, Boys' Club. Donna Hedberg ... JD, Chemistry Club, opera, Girls' Club.

Elain e Gree nwood . . . Messiah, opera, CharIonian, Senior Hop , Harvest Ball Attendant.

Hal Hendersc:

Bettye Gressmen . . . DECA, Fashion Show, opera, Girls' Club.

Marilyn Hofer .. . DECA officer, Senior Assembly, Messiah, opera.

Armand Grimaud ... Messiah, opera, Language Club, Boys' Club.

Ronald Hoffman ... Sophomore Assembly, student council, Language Club.

Donald G rimaud . . . Messiah, FFA, baseball manager, Boys' Club.

Marilyn Holman .. FHA, JD, student council, Language Club, band.

Kay Groom .. Language Club, DECA, Chemistry Club, Boys' Club.

Beverly Howard ... FHA, Chemistry Club, Girls' Club.

Eil een G roves ... Messiah, Girls' Club.

Arlene Howell ... Messiah, opera, JD, student council, Chemistry Club.

Ralph Gull Club.

... Track , Boys' Club.

. Senior Hop, Junior Prom, Boys' J im Howells ... Track, deputy, Boys' Club.


One hundred thirty-five

SENIOR SUMMARY Glen HowleH . . . Messiah, opera, FFA, Boys' Club.

Louise Kuhni ... DECA, Dance Review, opera, Messiah, Senior Hop.

Clairon Huff ... FFA, football, basketball, court, Athletic Club.

Jimmy Landers ... Chee rleader, opera, Messiah, Language Cl ub.

Tom Hull . . . Boys' Club representative, Ski Club, Sports' Club.

Thomas Lang . . . Messiah, opera, Key Club, Chemistry Club.

Steve Hunsaker .. . Beetdigger, Key Club, Boys' Club.

Gloria Jean Larson ... Courier co-editor, Beetdigger, Charlonian, Quill and Scroll, opera, Messia h.

Lillian lseki . .. Sweethearts' Ball, FHA, Girls' Club.

Julia Lawrence . . . Messiah, Dance Review, Chemistry Club, Girls' Club.

Leah Jackson .. Messiah, opera, Language Club, Girls' Club.

Joyce Lee ... FHA, Messiah, opera.

Arlo James . . . FFA, Key Club, Sports' Club, Boys' Club.

Gaylen LeFevre ... DECA officer, deputy, Mes siah, opera, football.

Carol Jaynes ... Messiah, opera, Sports' Club, Amateur Hour.

Mary Little ... FHA officer, Beetdigger, Broad easier, Sports' Club, Riding Club.

Doris Jenkins ... Girls' representative, Messiah.

Elaine Lloyd ... Junior Prom, Dance Review, student council, Messiah.

Genevieve Jenkins ... JD, FHA, Messiah, Girls ' Club. LaRae Jenkins ... Broadcaster, Ski Club, CharIonian, Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel. Leland Jenkins ... Messiah, opera, FFA, Riding Club, Track.

LaDean Lloyd . . . Broadcaster, Junior Prom, Dance Review, Traveling Assemb ly, Messiah. Marl on Lloyd ... Stagecraft, Boys' Club. Norman Lloyd ... DECA, Boys' Club.

Jay Jensen . . . DECA, Chemistry Club.

Dick Losee ... Messiah, opera, football, band, Assemblies.

Gayle Jeppson . . . Messiah, opera, DECA, Carnival, Amateur Hour.

Mark Lyon ... Athletic Club, football, Sports' Club, Boys' Club.

Anne Jewkes . . . FHA , Press Club officer, Broadcaster, DECA, Quill and Scroll.

Barbara Mace ... Messiah, Girls' Club.

Bonnie Johnson . . Beetdigger salesman, FHA, student council, Sports' Club, Amateur Hour.

Bill Madsen ... Mr. Jordan, Ski Club, football, track, Athletic Club, opera. Edith Malmstrom ... Messiah, Girls' Club, Chem istry Club.

Leon Johnson ... FFA, Boys' Club. Arlene Jone s ... Messiah, opera, Dance Review, Girls' Club. Helen Kastani s ... DECA, Messiah, Girls' Club.

Duane Marsh Club.

.. FFA, opera, football, Riding

Mary J ean Mascaro ... Messiah, Girls' Club.

Aiko Ka suga . . . Language Club, Chemistry Club, Girls' Club.

Keith McH enry ... Messiah, opera, band, Boys' Club.

Judith Kritzer ... Charlonion, Quill and Scroll, Broadcaster, student council, Messiah.

Ralph McNamara . . . Key Club, Sophomore Assembly, Boys' Club.

On e hund red t hirty-six

SENIOR SUMMARY Dixie McRae ... Broadcaster, Charlonian, Quill and Scroll, Messiah, DECA.

Marlene Oliver . . . Charlonian, debating, Messiah, Girls' C lub.

Wayne Mickelson .. . FFA, Boys' Club.

Harvey Olson ... Band, Boys' Club.

Janice Millerberg ... FHA, Messiah, Girls' Club Assembly, Class Assembly.

Jay Olson . . . FFA, Sports' C lub, Boys' Club. Ivan Orgill ... Ski Club, Boys' C lub.

Robert Milne . . . Language Club, Chemistry Club, Boys' Club.

Helen Pappas ... Messiah, Gi rls' Club.

Ted Milne . . . FFA, Senior Ring Committee, Boys' Club.

Sophie Pappas . .. Broadcaster, band, co urt clerk, Quill and Scroll, Chemistry Club.

Carol Miner ... Student body secretary, Girls' Club secretary, Charlonian officer, Ski Club secretary, debate, Masq ue and Gavel.

Janet Parker ... Harvest Ball attendant, Senior Hop, Dance Review.

Emma Montoya . . . Messiah, opera, Language Club, Dance Review. Gary Morley ... FFA, football, baseball. track, At hie! ic Club. Alan Mortenson ... Broadcaster, play, Key Club, Masque and Gavel, Quill and Scroll.

Zepha Parker ... DECA, Messiah. Lois Pate . .. Messiah, Girls ' Club . Corinne Patience Hathaway . . . Sweethearts' Ball Q ueen, JD, DECA, Lang uage C lub, FHA. Barbara Patterson ... Charlonian, Girls Club.

Maxine Naylor ... JD, opera, DECA, Mothers and Daughters' program.

Doris Pierce . .. Messia h, opera, Language C lub, DECA, Girls' Club.

RaNae Naylor ... Traveling Assembly, student council, Dance Review, Messiah, Girls Club.

Thomas Pierce ... Athletic Club, band, student council, baseball.

Doyne Nelson ... Senior Hop. Press Club, Chemistry Club, Dance Review, FHA.

Howard Pixton . . . Boys' Club representative, student council , football, FFA winner, Ski Club.

Fae Nelson ... Cheerleader, DECA, Senior Hop, Traveling Assembly, Messiah.

Betty Price ... Language Club, Messiah.

Ray Nelson . .. Donee Decoration Committee , stage manager.

Norma Rosengren ... Charlonian, DECA, Courier salesman, Girls' Club.

Shirley Nelson ... Messiah, band, opera, G'rls' Cl ub.

Richard Rosse ... Athletic Club president, football, basketball, track, 2nd associate judge.

Darlene Newbold ... Riding Club, Girls ' Club.

Harry Rudd ... Boys' Club president, Athletic Club, football, basketball, track.

Chemistry Club, Boys'

DeRoyce Newbold Club.

Eva Zitting Nielson . . . JD, opera, Messiah , DECA, Chemistry Club. Parker Nielson ... Masque and Gavel president, Club 20 officer, play, debate, Key Club.

Patricia Sagers ... Charlonian, Messiah, Courier, Girls' Club. Delores Sampson . . . Courier, Mothers and Daughters' program.

Dorothy Nunley ... Messiah, opera , Girls Club.

Donald Schmidt ... Masque and Gavel, Club 20, Key Club, debating.

David Oldham ... Messiah , opera, Boys Club.

lola Schmidt . .. Messiah, G'rls Club.


One hund red thirty-se ven

SENIOR SUMMARY Jeanette Schow ... Messiah, opera, play, CharIonian, Masque and Gavel. James Scott .. . Messiah, opera, Senior Hop, Sop homore Assembly. Jack Serdar ... Athletic Club, baseball, Boys' Cl ub. Glen Sharp . .. Messiah, opera, Amateur Hour, DECA, Boys' Club. Wendell Sheriff ... Messiah, Senior Hop, Boys' Club.

Delores Thorn ... Messiah, DECA, Girls' Club. Birdie Thorum ... JD, Messiah, DECA, Chemistry Club. Patsy Tolman . . . Charlonian, opera, Messiah, orchestra. Craig Vincent ... Broadcaster, play, president Press Club and Key Club, Masque and Gavel. Dick Walker ... Chemistry Club, Language Club, Boys' Club.

Bob Silcox ... Athletic Club, football, baseball.

Janene Walker ... Beetdigger, Ski Club, Senior Hop, Dance Review, Broadcaster.

Wayne Silcox ... Senior Assembly, Chemistry Club, Boys' Club.

Kenneth Walker ... Messiah, Boys' Club.

Janet Sjoblom ... Cha rlonian, Ski Cl ub, student co uncil, Junio r Prom, Lang uage Club .

Bruce Washburn . . . J udge, sophomore president, play, football. basketball. Dale Washburn ... FFA, Boys' Club.

Lynn Sjoblom ... Ski Cl ub, student council, football, FFA, Sports' Club.

Jay Washburn ... FFA, Boys' Club.

John Smith ... FFA, Boys' Club.

Alan Webb . .. FFA, football, Boys' Club.

Nelda Smith ... Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters' program.

Joe Ann Webb ... Beetdigger, Ski Club, CharIonian, Language Club, Debete, Broedcaster.

Roma Smith .. . Charlonian, Courier, Messiah , opera.

Byron Webster ... FFA, Boys' Club. Delores Webster ... Dance Review, Girls' Club.

Erma Soderberg ... Yearbook associat-e editor, Cha rlonian, Chemistry Club officer, Courier, Language Club, Dance Review.

Leon Webster . . . Boys' Club vice president, fool ball, Athie fic Club.

Aleen Steadman ... J D, Girls' Club.

Carol White ... Came from West Side High in Idaho.

Max Steadman ... FFA, Boys' Club. Lorraine Stelling . . . Broadcaster, Messiah, Traveling Assembly, Senior Ring Committee.

Janet Wiechert . . . Miss Jordan, DECA Club ofricer, Senior Hop, Messiah.

Dawn Stoker Club.

. FHA, Dance Review, Girls '

David Wilkerson ... Senior Hop, Language Club, Chemistry Club .

Mary Stoker opera.

Ski Club, FHA, Broadcaster,

John Wilkinson ... FFA, Harvest Ball, Athletic Review, Boys' Club.

Ryo Sugaya . . . Language Club, Girls' Club.

Milton Willford ... Language Club president, pi y, opera, Messiah, Traveling Assembly.

Geneal Swenson ... JD, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters' Night-Oui.

Donna Williams ... DECA officer, Messiah, Girls' Council.

Deane Talbot . . . Girls' Club representative, FHA, Charlonian, Senior Hop, stagecrew.

Ralph Winberg ... FFA, Boys' Club.

J ean Tanner ... DECA, Girls' Club. Erma Tapp ... Mothers and Daughters' Night Out, Girls' Club. Colleen Terry ... Cheerleader, opera, Messiah , student council, DECA.

Gale Woodhouse . . . Athletic Club, football, Messiah, Boy's Club. Grant Woodhouse . . . Marshal, Masque and Gavel, Boys' Club represenfetive, Key Club, Traveling Assembly. lla Wright ... Sophomore vice president, Char Ionian president, Courier, orchestra, Ama leur Hour.

Helen Thaxton ... Senior class oFficer, iunior class secretary, Girls' Club officer, oratory winner, play, Masque and Gavel officer.

Duane Yates ... FFA, track, Boys' Club.

Bob Thomas ... Athletic Club, court deputy, student council, football manager, Senior Hop.

La Don Yates ... Ski Club, Sports' Club, Chemistry Club, Boys' Club.

O ne hu ndred thirty-ei ght





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We have come once again to the parting of the ways. Some will return, others will only hold the memories of school years, and their footsteps will never again echo daily down the long corridors of Jordan High School, but they will go forth and build upon the foundation which was laid in three short years at Jordan.

One hundred forty-two

One hundred forty-three

One hundred forty-bur

THE COURT lea d s many erra nt steps back t o the "straight a nd na rrow."

Prosecuting Attorney Marlin Fairborn a I right, explains a poin~ of law to Cle rk Sophie Pappa s at left, Second Associate Judge Golden BerreH, standing, and First Associate Judge Bruce Bills.

The STUDENT draws a member from

On the front row of this council group are Genneen Brady, Jimmy Combs, Dorothy Satovick, Larry Lunnen, and Iva Lee Duffin. On the back row, Robed路 Gull, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Crozier Fitzgerald, Thora BeecroH, Don Houmand, Alice Burton, and Margene Nielson.

In this council group are, on the front row, Colleen Fulmer, Larry Jensen, Darlene Newbold, Leon Webster, and Pauline Bradford. On the back row are, Marilyn Hofer, Lee Bean, Lola Norris, Richard Rosse, lla Wright, Bob Thomas, and Arlene Howell.

Tw enty- two

The JUDGE and the MARSHAL enfo rce law and o rder.

/ Marshal Grant Woodhouse, at the left, and Judge Bruce Washburn smile contentedly at the end of a well-directed court session.

COUNCIL each home room.

In this group on the front row are Doris Egberi路, Nan Smith , Golden BerreH, Marilyn Hofer, and Pat Houmand. On the back, Carol Covington , Marilyn Holman, Ronald Hoffman, Thora Beecroft, Robert Day, Gene Bergman, and Jay Burkinshaw.

On the front row are council members Barbara Densley, Ramon Dickson, Carol Wright, Perry Brady, and Carolyn Clark; on the back , Va Loye Roos, Judith Kritzer, Clairon Huff, LaMar Sanders, Lynn Anderson, Mary Kouris, and Jackie Miner.

Twent y-t hree

Associate editor Erma Sod e rb e rg ond Carolyn Clark study layouts at the table while J enene Wa lker, Mary Little, and sporls editor Tom Shimizu stand by. Staff members Steve Hunsaker end Allan Myers were not photographed.

Trying to gel idees on making a book, slaff members Sharon Roach and Ardyth Roper sit et the table, while Ka ren Wright, G loria larson, Md Richard lancaster stand back to help.

THE BEETDIGGER Jordan's hopeful yearbook

Once more we wrn by a nose in the mad race to beat the deadline. The last picture has been paneled and mailed; the last copy has been typed and glued to the dummy; the last drop of energy has been beaten from the editor and the adviser. But the Beetdigger has been put 路to bed; the printer is appeased; and all's well with the world!

Ed rror Ardis Erekson is beginning to believe lhot getting out e yearbook is a memmolh tesk.


Business menager DeVon Barton, siiting at ri h'l, discusses selling problems wil'h his assistants Le e Anderso n, sitting at left; slanding, Doris Bu llock end Bob Yates.

Advertising manager Della Hand is finding it difficult to sell ads.

These are the busy s~lesmen who took your money and gave you a receipt. On the front row: Olson , Egbert, Edwards, Walker , Day, Sharp , Miner, Hansen ; in the middle: Bailey, Jones , Jenkins , Walker , Miner , Barton , Nielson , Orw in; in the rear: Fowler, Roos , Alsop , Draper, Jensen, Berrett , Brklacich, Jackson , 11nd Hutch ings.



The lowly Sophs beg mercy from the cruel seniors on Soph Initiation Day on September 16.

All dressed up in their press hats and ties, Quill and Scroll initiates, Marilyn Brown, Dixie Me Rae, Judy Kritzer, Lee Anderson, and Gloria Larson-listen to the tall tales made up by the hopeful members at their ceremony on Feb. 2.

At the get acquainted dance, Marilyn Hofer introduces Don Schmid t to Kathl een Giles. Arle ne Jacobson ond Delores Hogan sit near by and w tch.

On e hu ndred twe nt y-four

The boys and coaches are enjoying the dinner given to the basketball boys by the student body officers on March 9th. Those i hat show in the picture are Hughes, at the head of the table: Kamnikar, Bishop, Washburn, Casper, Rudd, Sorenson, and Bills.

The student officers welcome the new teachers. Seated are Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Arland Russon, and Faye Richards. Standing: David Gourley, President Sherman Crump and Vice President Delfa Hand.

Committee Eva Dean Robinson , Jerry Sorenson, Louise Hamilton, Karma Stephenson, and Bryant Miner talk over their Junior Red cross work at the children 's hospitals.

One hundred twenty.five

Modeling th e cos lumes th ey mode in sew in g classes ore Ramona Forbush , Lil lian lseki, on d Corinne Hathaway. The fas hion roview wos port o f th proqrnm for th o Mothers and Daug hters' N i q h I O ut, on April 13.

Loy N H, Lynn Anderson, nnd Jimmie ru discussin pions for tho Combs Prom

At qorn s and pep rallies ond for th Charlonians to rn rch, Jordon's Pep 8Md n vor sold us short.

Russel Robinson ond Jeanette Schow try to orouse the drunken actress, Karma Brockbank, Alan Mortenson, Jack Williams, Helen Thaxton , ~~nd Herman Spilker wotch. Dancing cheek to cheer Janet Parker and Richard Rosse at the Junior Prom. In o senior panel discussion Richard Rosso ~nd Louise Kuhni argue with JoAnn Webb ond Howard Pixton the merits of cops ond gowns as opposed to formals for groduotion.

One hundred twenty-eight

Fae Nelson , Lila Gordon, Louise Kuhni , Md Bob Thomas decorate for the Senior Hop.

You Can't Take It With You Janice Hamilton tries to assist her boy friend's father, Ramon Dick'~' • after he has been knocked down by the Russian dancing teacher Milton Wilford. DeVon Barton restrains Wilford. Jeanette Schow looks on with surprize.

Jordon boasts ten pairs of twins. Sitting on the lawn are Gail and Grant Woodhouse , Leo and Lewis Jensen, Alvin Clerico; middle row: Bonnie Naylor, Barbaro Ballard , Jane Crane, Irene Loulias, Marva Fitzgerald , Calvin Clerico, standing: Walter and Alan Nielson (two of the triplets), Betty Naylor, Bruce Ballard , John Crane, Nick Loulias, Marcia Fitzgerald , Thelma Md Elma Ashford.

LaVar Wallgren, s nior, shows sam of his oil p rn linqs ond his cloy modo I of n bucking horse.


lo,,ds, Canna Horrocks , Jack Williams , Milton Wilford , ond Iva Lee Duffin look over th score of ' Rio Rico wrth Mr. Crapo.

Mr. Soulier and Elvin Downs, ossrstant state director of agriculture and president Clyde Butterfield of the FFA go on the air ot K.S.L.

.Jordan I.igh Yearbook 1" 50 DAT E DU E


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