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The Main Building, facing the highway, lives in the memory of the oldest graduate for it was the first one on the campus.

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DIGGER Jordan High School Sandy, Utah


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For thirty-seven years Jordan's students have gone in and out these doors.

Mr. Almy Dowding. building engineer, and his power lawn mower which, when in operation under opened windows, keeps awake even the sleepiest student.

Though not a part of Jordan, the Seminary stands across the street to the north and 746 of Jordan's students daily cross over to take classes there.

This view shows some of Mr. Almy Dowding's cqrefully-tended shrubs.

Page five

The sunny side of the Shops where young


Trophy cases were added this year to hold

About the Campus ________________ _ Administration --------------------路 The Album




Activities School Sports



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__________________ .......

School Events ---------------------.... 路

mechanics learn to build and to repair.


___________________________ Pages

the overflow of Jordan's many symbols of victories.


____________________________ Pages 10-21 ____________________________ Pages 2 2-6 9 ___________________________ Pages 7 0-1 09 ___________________________ Pages 11 0-12 9 ___________________________Pages 13 0-15 2

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In the Auto Mechanics Building, students learn how to repair and take care of cars.




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A hurried breakfast . .. a quick run to catch the bus . . . first greetings of the day . . . the walk up the path to the north entrance ... Junior Hall ... juniors getting acquainted . . . corners filled with young lovers .. . Sophomore Alley . . . crowded as usual . . . shy glances路 from boys to girls . . . Main Floor . . . seniors rushing to beat the last bell . . . reading . . . writing . . . arithmetic . . . the bell ringing . . . five minutes rest period ... more laughs . . . giggles . . . and shy glances . . . three-thirty . . . rushing for the busses . . . home . . . Dear Diary . . . to bed . . . another day . . . to these- the memories of our life at Jordan- we dedicate this 1951 Beetdigger.

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Inside the Administration Building are formed policies for all the twenty-three schools of the district-the high schools at Jordan and at Bingham, the seven junior high schools, and the sixteen elementary ones. All but one of these junior schools send their graduates to Jordan. From Midvale and from Sandy, from Granite, from Butler and from Union, from Draper, Crescent, Bluffdale, Riverton, from Herriman, West Jordan, South Jordan, East Crescent, East Midvale, and from Cottonwood Heights the boys and girls pour from the twenty-one busses into the crowded buildings at Jardan- 1162 of them, 610 of them boys and 552 girls. Some come early and stay late, some come late and leave early; and Jordan's halls and classrooms groan to hold them all and teach and guide them.

Page nine


As we turn the pages of this book, we open the doors of our hearts to dwell in a paradise - the enchanted realm of memories. We shall live over and over again many of the happy events which left such golden impressions upon us in our high school days. As the days go by, we shall find reasons for returning again and again, to thumb and rethumb every page of this memorable record. Each item we scan will seem to grow in immensity of strength, and we will wish to perpetuate in our time at least, the memories begun so beautifully in school. Each time we pause to seek refuge in the memory of our high school days, we shall become aware that our delicately interpreted thoughts will change as we grow in the experiences of life. Some items remembered will be touched with pity and lined with sadness, but rich withal in a more profound knowledge of the meaning of life to

youth. Many lines read or pictures viewed will present gay and charming moods, and our school days will stand in dramatic but poetic appeal. Regardless of the effect of school memories upon us, we shall find that happiness will always emanate from our thought; and we shall smile with joy as we adventure in the anticipated delights of this book of remembrance. The Beetdigger is a haven of memory. It is a proof to the world of the lastingness of the beautiful. It will preserve for us many friendly indentities and bonds of love, respect and admiration. It will always be a spot where we can feel free to build castles in our dreams. Through it we shall raise the remembrance of classmates and friends out of the oblivion and desolation of forgetfulness and extol their virtues forever in the endless annals of our memories. - ARTHUR E. PETERSON, Superintendent

Seated-Orion Newbold, South jordan; F. A. Orton. president, Sandy; Rex T. Tripp, vice-president, Bingham. Standing-Stanley Rasmussen. clerk, Sandy; Reed H. Beckstead, assistant superintendent, Midvale; Arthur E. Peterson. superintendent, Sandy; Dr. J. 0. Jones, Midvale; Leonard C. Beckstead, Riverton; Kenneth V. Dunn, II!aintenance supervisor, Midvale.

BOARD AND SUPERVISORS C. R. Nelson. Sandy a'ssistant superintendent The school was saddened by the death of Mr. Nelson, who has been associated with Jordan for a long time , first as student and as bus driver, then as teacher, as building and grotmds supervisor, and last as assistant superintendent. He died on March 15; and on the afternoon of his funeral. March 19, the school was closed out of respect for the passing of an honored friend.

Seated- Miaa Mary Storer, visiting teacher; Mra. Kathleen Tumey, visitmg teacher. Standing-Chad Beckstead, coordinator; P. M. Miclcelaen, director of pupil personnel.

Mrs. Louise V. Jager public health nurse

Principal 0. D. Ballard Draper

We are all in the process of building memories. Bitter or sweet, dull or exhilarating, sad or joyous, we are storing our experiences away, whether we will or no. These will return to us when the pres ent becomes the past, to haunt us, to leave us indifferent, or to bless us, according to the stuff we have put into them . We sometimes forget that every day, every hour, every minute adds something to our life edifice. We cannot af!ord to build w ith inconsequential moments, careless hours, or destructive days . My fondest wish would be realized if every departing senior would leave with a treasure chest of memones that would become more precious as the years race by. 0. D. Ballard

Page twelve


Aoki R. Anderson Riverton; USAC; Salt Lake; U of U; Mathematics; English, Library Seniors Donald M. Budge Bvnjamin B. Bruse Salt Lake; USAC, U of I; Holladay; U of U, U of N; Form Mechanics; Psychology, Algebra, English, Prom Parent-Teachers Committee

Sandy; USAC, U of U; Agricultural Program; Riding Club Frank M. Bagley Sandy; U of U, USAC; Auto Mechanics

Deane Benniion Midvale; U of U, USAC; Foods, Home Living;


Dean J. Beck Sandy; USAC; Machine Shop


Typing class relaxes lor a minute The gal in the foreground believes in giving her feet a break.

Homemaking girls learn to make and to apply stencils

Page thirteen

Lowell J. Boberg Draper; BYU, USAC; English, Spanish, Organ; Traveling Assemblv C. N. Crawford Midvale; U of U; Algebra, History, Debating

Jesse B. Casper Murray; U of U, U of Calif; Boys: Counselor, Student Adviser Bays Club J. Clement Crapo Sandy; BYU, U of U; Music, Mess iah

Golda Fraser Afton Forsgren Salt La ke; U of U, U of Ca lif; Salt La ke; U of U; f rench, Spanish, English; English; Sophomores La ng uage Club, Sophomores President J E A E. E. Greenwood Phil F. Goldbranaon Sandy; W estminister, U of Calif; Salt Lake; U of U; History, American Problems Social Science, Debating;

E. L. Crawford Sandy; BYU, U of U; History, English, Debating; Yearbook Mignon Domgaard Salt Lake; USAC, U of U; Clothing

Bernice Grant Cas p er Sandy; U of U; Secretary of Principal Marilyn Day Draper; USAC, U of U; Clerk

Laura Gardner DaTid Gourley West Jorda n; U of U, U of Ca lif; Pleasant Grove; BYU, U of U; Bioloqy, Geography, Botany, English, German, Library Ye arbook Zooloqy; A LaMar Hendric:bon ' Y. W. Harrod Sandy; USAC; Murray; Palmer College; English Auto Mechanics, Courier Trans rta i

. t Arthur Hughes

Murray; BYU; Physical Education Coachinq Cheater Kim

Murray; U of U路 History, Health: Coaching

Milton J. Jones

A. C. Jensen

Griffith R. Kimbo.ll

Salt Lake City; U of U; English, Stagecraft, Photography Yearbook

Sandy; U of U, U of W; Registrar, Supplies, Soldier Education

Draper; BYU; English Molly Lindell Sandy; U of U, BYU; Library

Frank Kamnikar

Midvale; Westminister, USAC; Physical Education, History, Coaching; Boys' Club, Athletic Club

Emerson Kenninqton

Holladay; USAC; Welding

Amateur welders - Raymond Hardcastle, DeMoine Hardman, and Jack Walker- practice cutting through iron with the electric torch.

Page fifteen


Betty Larson Royal D. Madsen Midvale; U of U; Salt Lake; BYU, USAC, U of U; Typing, Art Radio and Electronics, Electricity; Robert L. Pixton District Sound Maintenance Draper; USAC, U of U; John M. Peterson History, Genetics, Physiology; Draper; USAC, U of U; Faculty Manager of Athletics Drivers' Training Prom Faye Richards Arland Russon Salt Lake; BYU; Lehi; U of U, USAC; Dancing, Physical Education; Industrial Arts Automotive Dance Club Ski Club

•11' ,,

Donald P. Olson Donald J. Parr East Midvale; BYU; West Tordan; U of U, BYU; Art, Music; Speech, Sociology, Economlct Prom, Poster Staff Plays Oralie Rawson Ruth Bowers Robertson Salt Lake; U of U; Salt Lake; U of U, USAC. Physical Education English; U of Calif; A. F. Smith Broadcaster, Quill and Scroll Theodore Sjoblom Draper; U of U, U of Wash; Sandy; U of U; Mathematics, Bookkeeping Graduation, Scholarship Biology, Algebra, History;

j·1 .~

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Dale Sorensen James L. Seal Murray; U of U; Midvale; BYU, USAC, U of U; Mechanical Drawing, Woodwork; Physical Education, Coaching Stage Properties, Key Club


Glen E. Soulier Midvale; USAC; Agriculture; FFA, Sports' Club

Page sixteen

Orson Smith Dunn Taylor Draper; U 'of U; Sandy; USAC, BYU, USC; Chemistry, Physics Welfare, Athletics Director Lucille Tuttle Discipline and Safety Salt Lake; BYU, U of U, Leland Powers; Evelyn Wood Speech; Salt Lake; U of U; Ploys, Charlonions, Mask a.nd Gavel Counseling; Girls' Club, Jay Dees

F. B. Thomas Harold Thorpe Murray; U of U, LDS; Sandy; U of U; Distributive Education, Typing; English DECA, Juniors Wanda G. Wade Salt Lake; US AC, BYU, U of U; Stenog raphy, Vocationa l Business; Co.rnival

Faculty The Stagecraft Boys Learn to Take Over Behind the Scenes.

Page seventeen

David Bean adjusts the loud speaker, while LeRoy Walker-second from left-and Bryce Howard keep the lights under control.



i Calvin Jenkins, Jordan's president is a very versatile person. Last year's winner of the beautiful beard contest, crowned king of the Junior Prom, member of the Messiah and the opera, he is outstanding both as athlete and as student.

Page eighteen

Margene Nielsen, redheaded vice-president, is charming and gracious and makes everyone at Jordan feel at home.

Kathleen Fitzgerald, secretary, has a happy disposition and ideas that make others sit up and take notice.

Barbara Ba ll ard. historian, is one of the friendliest and best-liked girls in school, and is a very talented reader.


This year, in addition to its regular duties, the student court took over the problem of proper behavior in the halls and in the assemblies. To check unseemly conduct and to remind thoughtless students that Jordan expects its personnel to be well-behaved, the court appointed twelve fire wardens and twenty- two deputies, who have helped immeasurably to make Jordan a school of which one can be proud.

Mars hall Spencer Neilson. Judge Matt torney Jack Boberg di s cuss court problem s.

Firs t Associate Judge Peter Dow. Clerk of Court Shirley Huff. Second Associate Judge Rodney Maxfield look over the agenda.

Front row - Karen Webb. Jackie Sharon Roach. Joycelyn Day, Karma ;)lllPtler•·' sen. Delores Day. Middle row-Dick Marlon Bateman. Russell Robison, Kay Thornton. Neil Sorenseh. Kay Back row-Warren Schmidt. Lee Bean, Milton Walker. Jerry Worthen. Jack Wiles. Jack Bo berg, Richard Troester. Delano Rasmussen.

Student Court Appoints Fire "VvT ardens and Deputies

Kn ee ltng- Max Campbell, Richard sen. Nich Loulias. Marlon Bateman. Allan Myers. Gayle Miner. Steve Rodney Brady, Robert Allen. Dean Gary Nelson.

Rasmus· Standing Petrakis. Kastanis.

Front row-Gary Nelson, Kenneth Marchant. Ronald Stowe. Marlin Shields, Dick Thomas, Jack Wiles. Glen Dunn, Frank Nickle. Second row-Marion Bateman. Marie Akagi, Calvin Jenkins, Boyd Mousley, Bruce Ballard, Kaye Burgon, Paul Ashton. Melton Stelter. Back row-Barbara Ballard. Matt Trontell, Gene Candelot. Merrill Brindley, Rodney Maxfield, Barry Sharp, Charles Pierce.

STUDENT COUNCIL Come from Each Home Room Front row-Kathleen Merrill. Louise Hamilton. Geneene Brady, La Dean Pierce, Nan Smith, Ardyth Roper, Shirley Huff. Second row-Marilyn Milne, Myrna Lee Dowding. Va Loye Roos, Charlynn Johnson, Joycelyn Day, Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Lola Mae Terry. Third row-Jackie Hardman, Connie Walker. Kathleen Fitzgerald. Margene Nielsen. Back row-Golden Berrett. Lowell Ferguson. Gail Kemp, Ann Greenwood, Lillian W. Dumas, Diane Silcox.


Bu M


Bruce Bills Joyce Gordan Joyce Jackson

Don Antczak. Butler Athletic Club, Pep Band, Opera, Amateur Hour, Traveling Assembly, Football, Track, Basketball. He 'd have the las t Word with an echo.

Ann Aylett. Midvale Charlonian, Masque and Gavel. M ~ssiah, Opera, Play, Big Eight Traveling Assemblies, Mothers and Daughters Program. lt"s always 'oh Kaye' with her. Richard Anderson, Midvale Messiah, Opera, Football. Basketball. Nickname-Andy.

Lois Allsop. Sandy Ski Club, DECA, Marching Band, Drum Majorette. Our high-stepping majorette .

Lyn Anderson. Sandy Key Club, Boys Club, Messiah, Football. Has freight on his train of thought. Ann Austin, Salt Lake Jay Dee, DECA, Messiah. No ambition-she has him.

DeVon Atwood. West Jordan Girls Club. Ambition-married bliss. There's a sparkle in her eye and also on her finger.

Viola Anderson. Sandy Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. A girl that is truly genuine. Robert Anderson. Sandy Boys Club. Ambition-the good old U. S. Navy.

Mary Jane Anderson, Sandy Council, Dance Club, DECA. Opera. Ambition-to master the art of modern dancing.

Paul Ashton. Union Council. Fire Warden, Athletic Club, Ski Club, Play, Track. Hopes to marry a pretty millionairess. Marie Akagi. Draper Council, Hop Committee, Language Club, Charlonian. Her heart is out of town.

Refugio Alva. Draper Athletic Club, Boys Club, Track. 'Is of the same opinion still.'

Donna Allen. Draper Girls Club. Sweet and modest and dependable. Margaret Atwood. West Jordan Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Play, Debate. Observing eyes and absorbent ears.

Ernest Allgood, Midvale FFA Officer, Boys Club, School Play. 'What's in a name?' If this boy lives up to his, he's tops.

Marilyn Ashman, East Midvale Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel, Charlonian, Debate. Gets a kick out of life.

Jeanne Brenneman, Riv erton Masque and Gavel, Ski Club. Play, Messiah, Hop Floor Show, Lee Bean, East Midvale Trave ling Assembly. Hollywood, here she Council. Debate, comes! Football. 'Exceedingly wise, fair- Francis Barney, Midvale spoken. and DECA, Boys Club, persuading.' Opera, Messiah. Jack Burgon. Union Ambition-Betty, Athletic Club. FFA, Hobby-Betty, Boys Club, Football What the future holds 'Solomon in all his -Betty. glory!'

Verona Allmendinger, West Jordan Jay Dee, Girls Club. Takes life for what it is worth.

Bruce Bills, Riverton Senior President, First Assistant Judg e, Athletic Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball. A leader of men-and a follower of women. VaLoy Beckstead. South Jordan Jay Dee Secretory, Girls Club, DECA, Messiah. She has changed her Miss for a Mrs.

Dorothy Brothers, East Crescent Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Language Club. 'Her ways are the ways of pleasantness.'

Maurine Bingham, Midvale FHA, Girls Club, Opera, Messiah. 'That Paradise itself were dim and joyous, .if not shared with him.' Reid Brown. Draper Key Club, Boys Club, Debate, Band. He looks quiet, but he's not.

Robert Allen, Midvale Fire Warden, Athletic Club, Boys Club, Bas~etball.

Friendly and wellliked.

Albert Bytendorp. Butler Boys Club. Hobby-Mechanics and designing. Ambition-to design houses. Donna Brown. Sandy Girls Club, Messiah. 'Those endearing young charms.'

Richard Boyce, Butler FF A, Boys Club. Greatest ambitionto make a stack of money. Betty Lou Brother, Union Girls Club. Quiet kid with her own ideas.

Beverly Bird. East Midvale Masque and Gavel, Culture Club, Messiah, Play, Mothers and Daughters Program. Her heart's in the mission field. Marlon Bateman, Sandy Council, Deputy, Culture Club, Play, Hop Com., Chief Scene Shiller. Wins prizes in art.

Rodney Brady, Sandy Key Club, Quill and Scroll, Broadcaster, Play, Debate, Messiah. 'He was a scholar, and a ripe and good one'

Harvey Ray Bills, Herriman Boys Club. 'He will not love to live unless he lives to love.'

Arlene Brady, Union Jay Dee, FFA, Opera, Messiah, Fashion Show. Ambition-she hasn't quite decided Karma Brockbank, South Jordan Clubs-Jay Dee, Press, Riding, Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel, Culture, Lead in Play, Broadcaster, Courier, Messiah. Will miss Jordan and Jordan will miss her.

Noal Bolliger. Sandy DECA, Boys Club, Baseball. Ambition-to get out of work.

Kenneth Baird. Butler Kaye Burgon. Union DECA, Boys Club. Council, FFA Officer He likes that half day and National Band, school and hall day Band Director, Pep work--or is it rest? Band Leader, Play, Jay Burlrinshaw. Sandy Orchestra, Messiah. 'His very foot hath Council, Senior Rep., .music in it, as he Boys Club, Ski Club comes up the stairs ' President, Football. Renee Bailey. Draper Skiing, skiing, and Charlonian, Sports more skiing. Club, Girls Club, Mothers and. Daughters Program. Ambition-to be a secretary that sits on the boss's knee.

Gerald Beckstrom. Union Boys Club, Play, Opera, Messiah. Quiet, until he breaks out in song.

Kent Bateman, West Jordan Key Club, Camera Club, Culture Club, Jamboree-Boxing. Look out lor the boy with the camera!

Colleen Bodell. Herriman Girls Club, Messiah. How did you get so nicP and thin? Bruce Ballard. Draper Cheerleader, FFA President, Boys Club. Ann-Isn't that a sweet name?

Frances Brown. Midvale Charlonian, Girls Club, Messiah, Opera, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-To keep some man from getting his bachlcir's degreeTed?

Udean Bailey. South Jordan Charlonian, Press Club, Quill and Scroll, Girls Club, Broadcaster. Lives for fun and has fun. Barbara Ballard. Draper Historian, Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Secretary, Opera, Second in State Oratory 1950, First in State Story Telling 1949. Oh, Ohl Another sparkler on the left hand, third linger.

Douglas Barron. Midvale Boys Club, School Play. 'A little nonsense now and then is relished by the best of men! Deon Biesinger. Union Jay Dee, Masque and Gavel, Messiah, Opera, Play. The girl with the many talents

Lynn Barney, Sandy Athletic Club, Boys Club President, Football, BCliketball. 'His place ye may not well supply, Though ye among a thousand try.'

Doria Bullock, Midvale DECA, Cnarlonian, Riding Club, Yearbook, Debate, Prom Committee, Mothers and Daughters Program. Which shall it beU of U or a mission?

Leo Boynton. Sandy Boys Club, Band, Pep Band, Track. Quiet with snappy ideas. Raymond Bishop. West Jordan DECA President, Boys Club, Footbdll. Why do schools have teachers?

Ray Burbridge, South Jordan Boys Club. Left us for greener pastures. Jack Boberg. Sandy Athletic Club, Boys Club, Football. His dad's proud of him.

Van Brown. West Jordan Betty Brand, Sandy FFA Officer, Boys Club, FHA, DECA, Girls Play. Club. 'Quiet and sweet as As rollicing as a surllmer.' clarinet solo.

Peggy Barron. Midvale Jay Dee, Language Club, Girls Club. Ambition-to be a dress designer, and plan clothes for movie stars.

Pauline Bakoulas, West Jordan DECA, Jay Dee, Girls Club, Messiah. A petite maiden with a 'Rocked-in-thecradle-of-the-Deep' voice.

Beverly Bulkley. West Jordan Connie Brown. Sandy Masque and Gavel, FHA, Girls Club, Girls Club. Full of vim, vigor, Messiah, Mothers and and vitality. Daughters Program. Lois Cooper, 'How doth the little South Jordan busy bee!' Jay Dee, Debate, Mary Alice Crapo. Mothers and Daughters Sandy Program. Charlonian, Girls Club. Hobby- Men- not The girl with the good boys. ideas.

Harvey Brady. Union Ski Club, FFA, Judging Teams. Ah, for the life of a skier!

Martin Cardwell. Riverton Boys Club. Likes taking cars apart. Does he put them back together?' David Cook. Union Athletic Club, Boys Club, Track. Hobby-Talking to a certain redhead.

Vaughn Butler. Union Council, FF A, Boys Blub. One of those super personalities.

John Cardwell. Riverton F-FA, DECA, Boys Club. He likes a good joke. Marcella Chiea. West Jordan Charlonian, Language Club, Girls Club. Ambition-to get an A in chemistry.

Roger Beck, Union Sk.i Club, Boys Club. Sees things from an elevated point of view.

Velden Coleman. West Jordan FFA, Boys Club. Ambition-to get back to the woods for a little fishing and hunting. Jean Chiverall. Unio n Masque and Gavel Officer, Charlonian, Language Club, Play, Courier, Speech Meet, Oratory. Quiet with a head full of plans.

Carolyn Clark, East Midvale Council, Press Club Olhcer, Charlon10n, Ski Club, Sports Club Officer, Dance Club, Year book, Messiah. Hobby-Collecting b lond, blue-eyed boys. Ambition-to marry one of her collection.

Lee Chamberlain, Draper Boys Club. Most interested in mechanics. l ou Ann Davis, Sandy Sports Club Secretary, Dance Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. Cuts a nice figure.

Delano Callahan, Riverton Boys Club. Ambition-to have another vacation, and another.

Gene Candalot. Draper Cheerleader, Council, FFA, Language Club. Ambition-to get to all the games on time. Joyce Denos, West Jordan FHA. Girls Club. She sews a fine seam.

Y•onne Crawford, Murray Charlonian, Masque and Gavel Officer, Debate, Play, Extemporaneous Speaking. The innocent eyes with the 'Who? Me?' look.

Merla Densley, Riverton Girls Club, Messiah, Opera, Orchestra, Mothers and Daughters Program. Quiet in appearance, but not in mind. Could it be W. N.? Sharon Denney , Union Twirler, Junior Secretary, Jay Dee, Girls Club. She's always saying, 'Did you get a letter? I did.'

Dale Cowley, Sandy Language Club, Masque and Gavel, Play, Messiah. Majors in study periods.

Max Campbell. Midvale Sports Club, Poster and Hop Committees, Traveling Assembly. In everything he does, he has fun.

De lores Day, Draper Junior Vice-President, Soph. Rep. Girls Club, Sports Club, Riding Club President, Ski Club, Carnival-Miss Jordan. 'One of the lucky ones to win an Ashton scholarship. Lola Dimond. West Jordan Girls Club Representative, Charlonian, Press Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. Sweet, with a capitalS.

Lillian Wallgren Dumas, Sandy Council, Charlonian Presiden t, Masque and Gavel, Language C lub, Sports Club, Messiah, Play, Yearbook, Amateur Hour. Ambition-to be a good cook. Jo Ann De nsley, Riverton Charlonian, Dance Club, Opera, Messiah, Amateur Hour. Ambition-to get married and live happy ever after.



' '

Richard Dahl, June Dean, Eas t Midvale East Crescent Boys Cl ub , Pla y , DECA, Girls Club, Trave ling Assembly. Opera, Messiah. Jus t call him 'Houcu s Nii:e, brown-eyed Poc us', the camera brunette. man. Carl Eb ert. Granite Athletic Club, Boys Sara Lee Erickson, , Club, Football. Cottonw<Jod Heights II big feet are the sign Language C lub, Masof a good man, he will que and Gavel, Press Club, Magazine Editor, soon sprout wings. Girls State Rep., Debate, Junior Assembly. Cute smi le lor everybody-especially for one.

George Evans, South Jordan Athletic Club, Boys Club, Football, Basketball. Tired of hearing, "Let George do it."

Reed Erickson, Sandy DECA, Boys Club. Has had enough school. Imagine that from a senior!

Lawrence Densley, Riverton Boys Club. Of all !he months he likes June best. Bruce Enniss, Draper Athletic Club, Q uill and Scroll, Press Club, Paper, Debate, Play, Messiah, Track. Ambition-To light cigars with hundreddollar bills.

Dean Engman. Sandy Boys Club, Play. Ambition-to live until he dies.

Merlin Dansie, Riverton Boys Club, FFA, Play. 'One vast substantia l smile.' La Dean Ekins, Sandy FHA Historian, DECA Reporter, Ski C lub Office r, Marching Band. She has that diamond on her linger that will put Mrs. on her name.

Floyd Ficken, Riverton Boys C lub . Likes kicking around this old world.

Ted Dahl. Wes t Jordan FFA Officer, Boys Club, Play. Ambition-to draw somethi ng other than the lox holes. Vae Enniss, Draper FHA Vice-Presiden t and President, Sports Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. What a housewife she will make!

Jerry Ferguson, Sandy Boys Club, Debate, Messiah, Baseball. Twenty years ago, what wou ld grandma have thought of that haircut?

Donald Francom, Union Boys Club, T.tack. Not as guilty as he looks. Arlin Freeman, Herriman FFA, Play. Rubs vigoro on weeds. A real future farmer.

V alere GrahaJJL Midvale Jay Dee, Language Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughter~ Program. Nice-looking diamond on that linger!

Sam Fratto, Draper FF A, Messiah, Opera, Stagecraft, Committees of Harvest and Masquerade Balls and Carnival. Ambition-to win a Lincoln on a quiz show. La Mar Gehring, West Jordan FFA, Athletic Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball. A versatile athlete.

Noal Greenwood, Crescent FFA, Boys Club. Hates leaving Jordan.

Crozier Fitzgerald. Draper FF A Secretary, Messiah, Opera, Play, Floor Show, FootbaH, Assemblies. Genuine and dependable and the possessor of a head of curly hair. Deon Grover, Draper Charlonian, Girls Club. Will make a s tenographer that will be an asset to any office.

Ronald Gorring J , East Midvale Boys Club, Messiah. 'His heart was social and he loved idleness and joy.'

Kathleen Fitzgerald. Crescent Student Body Secretary, Soph. Secretary, <;::ouncil. Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, 'Opera, Play, Harvest Ball Queen, Junior Rep. Nothmg succeeds like success. Bernice Gardner. West Jordan Jay Dee, Girls Club. Quietness sometimes shows the intelligence that speaking hides.

Dan Gould, Murray School Play-'The American Way.' What does he go hunting for? 'Animals", he says.

Cqrol Farnsworth. Midvale Jay Dee, Masque and Gavel, Opera, Messiah. Keeps her face towards the sun and the s hadows fall behind her. Another diamond. Bill Gardner, West Jordan Boys Club. He likes to huntbut what?

Ra Nae Gardner, Midvale Opera. Messiah. Likes chocolate on anything . Would like to keep on going to school.

Raymond Gonzales, Sandy Council, Ski Club, Language Club, Boys Club, Football. Ambition-he refuses to say.

June Glines, West Jordan Girls Club. Her heart is out in the mission field with him.

Elsie Glines. Union Council, Girls Club Rep., Jay Dee, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program. Always a cute smile.

Joyce Gordan. Midvale Sophomore and Senior Vice-President, Language Club, Chorionian, Sports Club, Girls Club Rep., Messiah, Courier, Prom Com. Prefers Jordan a lumni.

Kaye Gndd. Midvale Council, Charlonian, Girls Club, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-to master shorthand.


Kathleen Giles, Bluffdale Culture Club, Girls Club, Messiah. Joyce Lloyd Gree n. Wants a million dolSouth Jordan lars. Don't we all? Jay Dee, DECA, Opera, Ray De ane He nsley, Messiah Mothers and Salt Lake Daughters Program. Dance Club Vice-PresiTwo can live cheaper dent, Language Club than one. Rep., Sports Club, Riding Club, Girls Don Hardca stl e, Club Rep., Traveling Crescent Assembly. FF A, School PlayHas the Air Corps on 'The American Way.' her mind-that is one Ambition-to be a of them. millionaire p layboy.


Keith Howlett. Draper Ski Club, FFA, Baseball Club, Opera, Messiah. Ambition-to save money by the method of 'a penney a kiss, a penney a hug.' Zeniff Hathaway, Union Boys Club, Opera, Messiah, All State Chorus, Track. How the boy can sing!

Darlene Harris. Sandy DECA, Girls Club, Messiah. Ambition-to be a cover girl. Watch the magazine sales skyrocket! Robert Hansen. Sandy Boys Club. The tall, blond guy w ho likes ,o ta lk.

Connie Hughes. Murray Charlonian, Ski Club, Girls Clnb, Twirler. Top performer on skis. Hopes to land right in some man's arms. Mary Hellstrom. Sandy Girls Club. Ambition-to go to college. The d elight of the fashion d esigner .

Louise Hamilton, Riverton Girls Club President, Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Cuture Club, Messiah, Play, Debate, Amateur Hour, Traveling Assembly. Hobby-to have fun.

Sharlene Healy, Midvale Sports Club, Quill and Scroll, Charlonidn, Dance Club, Press Club, Messiah, Opera, Mothers and Daughters Program. Unpredictable-but D. D. in the future? I.awrence Harper, Crescent Boys Club, Messiah. Ambition-to make money by the bushel and the peck.

David Howells, Union Boys Club Representative. Ambition-to be famous.

Jay Houmand, Sandy Boys Club, Play, Co-editor Magazine, Paper. The soul of an artist and the inspiration of a poet. Loa Fae Heaps, West Jordan DECA, Girls Club. Left school early. In the contest school versus Cupid, Cupid won.

Dorothy Harbuck, Crescent FHA, Girls Club, Big Pal and Little Pal Committee. 'Still waters run deep.'

Joseph Haun, Sandy Boys Club, Football. Changed schools in mid-stream. Lois Howlett, Draper Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Culture Club, Dance Club, Opera, Messiah, Play, Mothers and Daughters Program, Amateur Hour. Her heart is like the moon-there's a man in it.

James Harrington, Draper FFA, Language Club, Track. Hobbies-study, lunch, and rest periods.

Ben Hirase, Union FFA, Boys Club, Football. An abridgement of all that was pleasant in man. Shirley Huff. Riverton Girls Club. Like the juke-box, she is always playing.

Carolyn Hogan. West Jordan Char!onian, Girls Club, Mesiah, Opera, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-To leachwhat?

David Harman, Midvale Boys Club, Band, Messiah. Look out! Head lor the hillsl He has his driver's license. Doran Hiatt, Sandy Boys Club, Masque and Gavel, Sports Club, Play, Traveling and Red Cross Assemblies. Ambition- to be an M.D.


.' .3

f Judy Je nsen, Sandy Wanda Johnson. Union Council, Charlonian, Girls Club, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Mothers and Daughters Program, Dance Revue, Progr=. Ploorshow, SweetAmbition-to keep hearts Ball Committee. house for a certa in One of the reasons someone. gentlemen prefer Calvin Jenkins. blondes. Midvale Joyce Jacks on, Midvale路 Student Body PresiSenior Secretary, dent, Key, Athletic, Masque and Gavel and Language Clubs, Charlonian, Sports ' Boys Club Rep., MesClub, Play, Messiah, siah, Opera, Prom Traveling Assembly King, Football, Basket'For nature made he~ ball, Tennis. what shP. is and never 'Born to success he made another.' seP.med.'

Millard Jones, East Crescent Boys Club, Football. Quiet and unassuming.

Scott Jarvie, Draper Athletic Club, Boys Club, Track. Ambition-to study aeronautics and spend the rest of his life in the air.

Lawrence Jensen, Draper Council, FFA Vice President, Play. Ambition-La Dean, Hobby-La Dean, Future HobbyLa Dean. Dixie Jensen, Mid va le Sports Club, Ja y Dee, FHA, Opera, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-to be a successful housewife.

Lois Johnson, Riverton Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. 'That still small voice.

Beverlee Jensen, Midvale Sports Club, Ski Club, Press Club, DECA, Jay Dee, Opera, Messiah, Amateur Hour. 'I do but sing because !must.' Derrell Johnson. East Crescent Boys Club, Track. Of such persons a re good friends made.

Sue Johns on. Midvale .C:harlonian, Masque and Gavel, Language Club, Play, Orchestra, Speech Fes tival. When s he gives her opinion, the others lis ten .

Ronald Johnson, Riverton Masque and Gavel, FF A, Football, Lead in 'The American Way'. Dull care and he will never agree. Marjorie Jensen, West Jordan Girls Club, Dance Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. 'Smile and the world smiles with you.'

Pa t Jenkins. Sandy Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Language Club, Paper, Yearbook, Debate, Play, Mothers and Daughters Program. He seems so near and yet so far .

Mary Kouris. West Jordan Council, Language Club, Quill and Scroll, Jay Dee, Charlonian, Culture Club, Ski Club, Messiah, Hop Com. Clothes galore and can she wear them! Yvonne Kirby. Sandy Girls Club, Messiah. Ambition-whtatever the future brings.

Donald Lepore, West Jordan Boys Club, Football. 'A locomotive in trousers.'

Margie King Girls Club, Messiah. 'If I were but a Queen I'd be a slave to you.' Jo Layne Kay, Herriman Girls Club, Orchestra, Opera, Messiah. 'If ladies be but young and lair.'

Dorene Lloyd. West Jordan Charlonian, Dance Club Secretary, Opera, Floorshow, Mothers and Daughters Program. 'If you can't be true to one or two, you're better off with three.'

James Kalipetsis. South Jordan FF A, Boys Club. Has liked Jordan but is glad to graduate. Paul Krantz. Midvale Boys Club. Ambition-to extract sunshine from cucumbers.

Kenneth Latimer. Union Athletic Club, Boys Club, Football, Basketball, Baseball. Ambition- to shoot water guns at games.

Lyn Kimball, Draper FF A Officer, Press Club, Key 路club, Quill and Scroll, Language Club Rep., Play, Public Speaking, Winner on Crop and Dairy Judging Teams. Ambition-to be a successful dairy Iarmer. Dorrine Kesler. Midvale Girls Club, Play. Ambition-to be a great pianist.

Shirley Larson, Sandy Sports Club, Ski Club, Language Club, Riding Club, Band. Her friends are many.

Joanne Kidd, Bluffdale Girls Club, Messiah. Ambition-to lead some man to the altar. Dean Kastania, West Jordan Camera Club President, Key Club, Play, Opera, Band, Pep Band, Fire Warden. Ambition-to be a good photographer.

Katherine Leyba. Cottonwood Heights Jay Dee President, Language Club, Girls Club, Yearbook, Messiah, Junior Assembly. Talented dancer whose hobby is cooking. Don't crowd, boys!


(' Doone Larsen. Midvale Girls Club, Messiah. She will succeed because she is determmed not to fail.

Robert Lowe, Salt Lake DECA, Boys Club. Always has a pleasa.nt smile for everybody. Richard La ncaster. Midvale Boys Club, Yea.rbook, Pla.y. Hobby-to wreck cars. Look out, if you, don't want your fenders reshaped!

Charlene Lind, Midvale Charlonian, Press Club, Debate, Play, Paper. 'The power of thought -the magic of the mind.'

Sharon Lester. Midvale Quill and Scroll, CharI o ri i an, Messiah, Opera, Paper, Mothers and Daughters Program. He'll be down to get you iri a Mercur·y, honey. Darwin Lloyd, Crescent Boys Club Representalive, FFA, Messiah. Take s life seriously, but still enjoys it.

Doug las Lloyd, Riverton Boys Club. Ambition-to drive a Cadillac

Lila Lofthouse, West fordan Girls Club. Ambition- to drive a• Cadillac and never have an accident.

Irene Loulias. Midvale Opera, Messiah, Prom Committee, Hop Chairman, Pa per, Mothers ·and Da.ughters ProNick Loulias. Midvale gram. Fire Warden, Messiah, The striking brunette Traveling Assembly, with the striking cos- John Leyland, Union Carnival - Mr. forda.n, tumes. Key Club, Boys Club, Tennis. Stephen Merrill, Pep Band. He has a nice racket- South fordan Small, but his ideas tennis that is. Boys Club, FFA, Footare big. Art Milne, Union ball. Gene Milne. Union Ski Club, Boys Club. Hobby-walking a cerBoys Club, Play. Another enthusiast for tain junior girl to His clear conscience is graduation day. class·· s. due to a poor memory.



Carol Leonard. Salt Lake DECA, Girls Club, Culture Club, Yearbook. Well, what do you know? Another beautiful diamond!



Gayle Miner, Midvale Boys Club, Play. Hobby-playing with atoms.

Kenneth Marchant, Union Council, Boys Club. Quiet but friendly.

Glen Mounteer, Union Language Club President, Boys Club, Basketball. Tall, dark, and handsome. Cleo Millet. Union Masque and Gavel, Jay Dee, Language Club, Debate, Play, Opera, State Chorus. 'And there a voice of sweetest tone.'

Jackie Miner. Midvale Deputy, Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Quill and Scroll Secretary, Sports Club, Paper Manager, Debate, Hop and Prom Chairman. Ambition-U. of U. Ellis Malstrom, West Jordan Boys Club, Messiah, Opera, Traveling Assembly. Tall, quiet, <;md blond.

Wayne Mineer. Midvale Key Club President and Treas'-!rer, Boys Club, Play, Debate. 'She floats upon the river of his thoughts!

Grant Mitchell, Midvale Boys Club. Tall, dark, with a handsome mustache. And a wound from Cupid's arrow. Jerrold Morgan, Granite Band, Boys Club. Tall, dark, and handsome.

Allan Myers. Salt Lake Jim Marshall, Midvaie Language Club, YearJunior President, DECA, Language Club, book Co-editor, Play, Tennis, Senior Hop Opera, All State Chorus, Play, Messiah, Committee . Clinic Band, Pep Band, Theme Song-The hours I spend with Solo Contest, Football. Hunk of man with am- • thee, dear heart-the bition undecided. Don't 'yearbook that is. crowd, girls.

Darlene Pixton Mayne, Draper Masque and Gavel, Quill and Scroll, Charlonian Officer, Sports Club, State Editor, DECA Newspaper, Messiah. Ambition-A model home-paid for. Jerald Macklin. Union Boys Club Hobby-Not to worry and to take it easy.

Dellis Mikich, Midvale Boys Club, Language Club. Hobby-Girls and more girls, but partial to alumnae. Kay McNamara, Midvale Sports Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. A cute smile.

Avanell Montgomery, Midvale Council, Girl s Club, Hop Committee. Came here as a se nior from Boxelder and hates to leave Jordan. Kathleen Mason. Riverton Charlonian, Girls Club. 'To know her is to love her.' Ambition- to be a good secretary.

Vaun Marrow, Riverton Boys Club, Messiah, Football. Ambition-to own a Cadillac. Earl Magers. Sandy Boys Club Came as a senior from Granite. He made a good choice.

路 Boyd Mousley, Bluffdale Council, DECA, David Mitchell. Athletic Club, Baske t路 Midvale ball, Football. Boys Club. He likes cute little Little to say but eager junior girls-at least to graduate. one.

Thelma Morrow. Sandy Girls Club, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program, Opera. Sings while she sews. Evonna Merritt. Union FHA, Jay Dee, Girls Club, Messiah. Never a dull moment when she is present.

Maxine Mousley, Riverton Charlonian, Girls Club, Amateur Hour. One of those rather quiet, cute blondes.

Evan Madsen, Union Boys Club 'And puts himself upon his good behavior.' Coy McKee, South Jordan Charlonian, DECA, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-to work for her million.

Marian McCormick, Union Charlonian, Girls Club, Opera, Messiah. In clothing class she made a complete outfit lor a man. Hobby-waiting.

Carma Madsen, South Jordan DECA, Girls Club. Nickname-Dilly Ambition-to get really thin. Weaknessfood . Dora Dene Mousley, Bluffdale Jay Dee, DECA, Girls Club, Messiah. 'A Merry heart deeth good like a medicine.'

Loy Nell, Sandy Girls Club, Sports Club. Ambition-To get married and go to college with Veri.

LaVon Neilson, Bluffdale Girls Club, Messiah. A clever red-head. Cora Nelson, Midvale Girls Club, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program. Quiet, brunette, intent ·o n graduating.

Bonnie Naylor, Midvale Girls Club, Messiah, Jay Dee. Ambition-to help her twin. Do what? Wayne Nokes, Boys Club, Band., Hobby-Blondes named Merlo.

Spencer Nielson, Bluffdale Council, F.ire Warden, Key Club, Language Wayne Nelson, Sandy Club, Culture Club, Play, Opera, Messiah, FFA, Boys Club, Orchestra. Language Club, A young dynamo 1 Messiah. charged with charm. A son who rises at eight and 'sets' all day. College girls, get set!

Betty Naylor. Midvale Girls Club, Jay Dee, Messiah. Ambition-Trapping. Trapping what? Garv Nelson, Sandy Key Club, Quill and Scroll, Pfay, Paper, Baseball. Ambition:_to be a jet pilot.

Overton Nabaum, Union FF A, Boys Club. Ambition-He has it under consideration.

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James Nelson. West Jordan Boys Club, Chemistry Club. Plenty of vim and a bit of vigor. Faye Neff, Crescent Council, Junior Secretary, Language VicePresident, Charlonian, Masque and Gavel, Ski Club, Sports Club. Ambition-on her third .finger, left hand.

Sonja Olson, Union Jay Dee, Masque and Gavel, Debate, Paper, Mothers and Daughters Program. 'Her hopes are sprung About that cupid fellow.'

Marqene Nielsen, Riverton Student Body VicePresident, Council, Charlonian, Sports Club, Opera. Sweet, swell, and sufficioimt. Jack Nicli:ie, Umon FF A, Boys Club, 'American Way.' One of the tall, blond; silent type .

Kaye Olson, Midvale Girls, Club. 'But so fair She take s the breath of men away Who gaze upon her unaware.'



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Richard Olson, East Midvale Boys Club, Football. With the 'price of coffee what it is, he has an eye towards a coffee plantation.

Betty Jo Pierson. West Jordan Charlonian, FHA, Girls Club, Fashion Show. Aifibition-to be the secretary of a good-路 looking boss. Mildred Pratt, Draper Girls Club, .Play, Messiah. Nickname-Mickey, Ambition-Airline Stewardess.

Paul Ostler, South Jordan Boys Club, Football. Ambition-to stay a bachelor.

Gerald Pierson, West Jordan DECA, Boys Club When asked his ambition, .he answered, 'Ambiiion? What's that?' Nanette Perry, Crescent Girls Club, Messiah. Ambition-to be a typist at Hill Field.

Gerald Olson, Sandy DECA, Photographer, Boys Club. The life of a photographer could be very interesting.

Joeilen Pingree. Wasatch Resort Girls Club, Langauge Club, Ski Club. Petite and cute. Marilyn Petersen, South Jordan Charlonian, DECA. Nickname-Pete, Ambition-What's that? Weakness-Blind dates.

Jeanne Poulsen, Midvale Charlonian, Sports Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-to gel that other sparkler that goes with the one she wears.

Steve Petrakis, Mtava1e Key Club, Language Club, DECA, Opera, Messiah, Traveling Assembly, Football. Jordan's Valentino. What a guy] Cleo Phelps, Riverton Girls Club, CharIonian, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Program. A tried and true Char Ionian.

Gerald Poulsen, Granite Boys Club, Sports Club, FFA. He likes the girls, but he keeps his shoulder to the wheel.

Marilyn Pearl, Draper FHA, Language Club, Opera, Messiah, Sweetheart's Ball Com ., Mothers and Daughters Program. Hears that sentimental music. La Dean Pierce, Draper Charlonian Officer, Masque and Gavel, Press Club, Chemistry Club, Play, Magazine Manager. Ambition-to get all the Charlonians to a scheduled meetinq.

Ellen Price, Midvale Dancing Club, Girls Club, Sports Club, Messiah. Ambition-to be a model.

Coleen Palmer, Sou th Jordan DECA, Jay Dee, Messiah, Opera. A cute gal with a swee t persona lity. Carol Rodgers, Union Jay Dee, Girls Club, Hop Committee, Dog Patch Drag Committee. Ambition-to raise little Cooks.

Frank Phillips, West Jordan Boys Club. Doesn't do his thinking out loud, but it is evident in his class work.

Rebecca Quintana. South Jordan Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. A pleasant brunette that has big plans for the future . Ray Reid, Midvale FFA, Boys Club. Glad it's over; wants to try something else .

Roberta Payne, Midvale Messiah, Opera, Junior Assembly, Sweethearts Ball Com ., Mothers and Daughters Program, Amateur Hour. A glamorous, a dangerous cherie, with a lovely voice.

Una Je an Rhodes, Draper Dance Club, Girls Club Rep., Opera, Messiah, Prom Queen, Assemblies. Nickname-Dusty. Ambition- to be a housewife. Je an Rich. East Midvale Jay Dee, Girls Club, Messiah, Band. Ambition- to be a beautician.

Morris Peterson, Sandy Chemistry Club, Athletic Club, Boys Club, Football, Track, Basketball. Ambition-law. With all this athletics, he should make a lively lawyer.

Gertrude Richardson, West Jordan Masque and Gavel, Girls Club, Messiah, Play, Opera. Nickname- Gerdie. Ambition-to get a good job, and maybe college. Lois Romne y , Sandy DECA, FHA, Girls Club. The lady is glamorous

Karen Peterson, Sandy Jay Dee, Girls Club, Messiah. 'Her very frowns are fairer far Than smiles of other maidens are] '

Cleo Rawson. Union Jay Dee, Girls Club, Queen Dog Patch Drag, Flag Carrier for Band. There is a Motto that she clings to. Ardyth Roper. Mid va le Cheerleader, Chorionian, Dance Club, Sports Club, Messiah , Assemblies. Amb ition-to get that second ring and raise a b aske tball team.

Delano Rasmussen, Midvale Ski Club, Boys Club, Play, Opera, Football, Track. Ambition and hobbya certain little blonde . Karma Stephensen, Riverton Deputy, Charlonian, Culture Club, Messiah, Poster Staff, Amateur Hour. 'Divinely tall and most divinely fair,'

Lowell s.,_cer, Riv erton Council, Boys Club, Foo tball. Honest and thoughtful, with malice toward s none, with charity for all.

Richard Rasmussen. Midvale Boys Club Vice-President, Athletic Club, Key Club, Tennis, Football, Basketball. Hobby-to raise a racket (tennis) . What's Bingham got that Jordan hasn't? Jerry Sorensen, Sandy Masque and Gavel. Ski Club, Sports Club, Club 20, Chemistry Club, Junior Red Cross Chairman, Opera, Play, Band, Debate. Ambition- Navy officers training school.

Marian Sund, Sandy Cha rlo nian, FHA, Girls Club, Mothers and Da ughters Program. 'She's a nice girl, a prope r girl.'

Jean Richardson, West Jordan DECA, Girls Club, Messiah. Hobby-Granite alumi. Nice ring, Jean! Ronald Smith. West Jordan FFA, Boys Club, Play. Hobby-farming. Ambition-to stay down on the farm.

Carol SberiH. Sandy Girls Club, Messiah. Hobby-collecting boys. Ambition- to marry one of her specimens.

Russell Robison. Midvale SkiClub, Language Club, Masque and Gavel, All State Chorus, Messiah, Play, Assemblies, Amateur Hour, Pep Band. Ambition-to get a bachelor's degree. Now, Russell, not a bachelor] Eldon Steadman. West Jordan FF A, Boys Club, Play, Athletic Manager. Nickname-Charlie. Ambition-to be a farmer and raise ice cream.

Neil Sorensen. Murray Athletic Club, Ski Club, Football, Tennis, Bas-. ketball, Track. How he loves an argument]

Maxine Stefanolf. Union Jay Dee, Girls Club, Hop and Dog Patch Drag Committees. Nickname-Ciny. Hobby-Driving that Cadillac. Kenneth Steinfelat. West Jordan Dance Club, Boys Club, Play, Traveling Assembly, Prom Floor Show. Ambition-to become a fam~us actor.

Marilyn Shar~. East Midvale Council, Girls Club Rep., Language Club, Sports Club Pres., Ski Club, Charlonian, Messiah. Ambition-to marry and raise a blond, blue-eyed family.

John Spratling. West Jordan FF A. Boys Club. High school over, Uncle Sam getting impatie~t. with the o th er eighteen-year-olds, he 'll soon be driftin' along. Dale Springer, Granite Boys Club, Hall Cl1ecker. He came safely through the three rugged years at Jordan.

Paul Smith, Draper Boys Club, FF A, Track. Track star who is always chasing rainbows.

Nan Smith. Draper Council, Masque and Gavel Pres., Chorionian. Language Club, Play, Firs t Place Regional Speech. Owner of the most in accessible locker at Jordan. Ava Ann Snyder. Union Council, jay Dee, DECA, Girls Club, Messiah. By the number o f diamonds in this school, it might be a matrimonial bureau.

Sylvia Sechuk. Midvale Hi storian, FHA, Sports Club, Culture Club, jay Dee, Messiah, Opera, State Chorister, Music Festival, Assemblies, Amateur Hour. 'The notes of her song are an angel's speech.'

Donald Simmons, Draper Boys Club. Ambition- to become a lawyer and live in Hawaii where the pineapples grow. Duane Severson, Sandy Boys Club. Ambition-to eat all day and sleep all night.

Ronald Stowe, Midvale DECA, Boys Club, Ski Club, Messiah, Basketball, Football, Tennis. Vtm, vigor, and VaLoy

Joyce Steadman, South Jordan Girls Club. Her happy nature spreads sunshine through the dark old halls. Doris Seito, Sandy Quill and Scroll President, Charlonian, Language Club, Chemistry Club, Press Club, Paper Editor. The girl with th e radiant personality.

Vance Steadman, South Jordan Police Officer, Boys Club. Hobby-polishing apples for his English teacher. Robert Stowe. Sandy Council, Boys Club, Key Club, Club 20. Ambition-not content to be a millionaire. Nothing less than a billion w ill satisfy him.

Colleen Swapp, East Midvale Girls Club, Culture Club, Twirler, Mothers and Daughters Program. She is partial to Uncle Sammy's sailor lads.

Melton Stelter. Umon Council, Boys Club, Language Club, Amateur Hour, Traveling Assembly. jordan will have an empty space when she loses the talented M. S.

Dorothy Smart, Sandy Girls Club, Jay Dee, Messiah. With a name like that, a girl couldn't be dull.

Patsy Sisam, Midvale Jay Dee Vice-President, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Program. Theme Song-If you will be my love.

Joan Tripp. East Midvale Melvin Thomson. Union Giils Club, Culture Club, Messiah, Prom Boys Club. Riding Committee, Mothers Club Secretary. Ambition-to be an air- and Daughters plane mechanic. Program. LaVelle Tripp, Midvale Her heart's with the U. S. Navy. Boys Club, School Nickname-Jo. Play, Messiah. The little man with hair Phillip Tolman. Sandy on his chest. Dynamite Boys Club Ambition-to take it comes in small easy, take it light. packages.

Verla Swapp, East Midvale Masque and Gavel, Girls Club. Ambition-to get a job w ith a boss who has a comfortable knee.

Jack Turner. Sandy Messiah, Play, Pep Band, Band, Orchestra, Opera, Track. Ambition-to have his own dance band. LaRaine Timothy, East Midvale Sports Club, Language Club, Opera, Messiah •. Prom Chairman, Band, Pep Band, Amateur Hour. Full of fun and pep, but longs for the day when her sailor boy comes home.

Tom Shimizu, Butler Athletic Club, Boys Club, Yearbook CoEditor, Football. Ambition-to be a million dollar strawberry farmer.

Richard Troester, Midvale Deputy, Camera Club, Chemistry Club, Culture Club, Boys Club. Ambition-to be in Uncle Sam's Air Force. Kay Thornton, Draper Athletic Club, FFA, Play, Traveling Assembly, Track, Basketball. Makes people feel like old friends the first time they meet him.

Alberta Sharp, Midvale Girls Club Vice-President, jay Dee, DECA. Nickname-Birdie. Ambition-a job that pays a million a wee1c

Matt Trontel, Midvale Mars hall , Council, Athletic Club, Football, Basketball, Track. Ambition-to skip the Infantry-the Navy ' would be better. Ranee Turnbow, Salt Lake Girls Club, Charlonian, FHA, Mothers and Daughters Program. Ambition-to be able to munch chicken while she takes dictation.

Marilyn Thomson, Riverton Charlonian, Girls Club, Amateur Hour, Messiah. Ambition-to be able to write ISO words a minute while eating lemon pie.

LeRoy Walker, Union Boys Club, Stage-craft. As honest as a dog light. Mary Beth Waterlyn, Union Jay Dee, FHA, Poster Committee. Skiing or a broken neck? She decided in favor of the neck.

Geraldine Thomson, UnionGirls Club, Riding Club, Language Club, Messiah. 'The man that gets her for a wife Will be proud, you bet your life.

Ronald Walters, Sandy DECA, Boys Club. Ambition-to have two-inch steaks three times a day- and to have someone else pay lor them. Milton Walker, Union Boys Club, Athletic Club, Football, Baseball. That still small voice . Whom are we trying to kid.

Joyce Tame, Union Spanish Club, Riding Club, Girls Club, Messiah. NicknamEil- Jo. Slick-looking chick.

E-..erett Walters, Sandy Boys Club. Ambition- to join the Navy, but hopes they'll feed him on spaghetti and meat balls. Glen Wood, West Jordan Boys Club. Ambition- to be a good farmer and have strawberries and cream every day.

George Thomas. South Jordan FF A, Boys Club. Ambition-to wear that ball end chain.

Lynn Wolsleger, Union DECA, Orchestra, Band, Play, Messiah, Football, Track. Beware of the big bad wolf-in s heep's clothing! LaVar Wallgren, Midvale Boys Club. He is an artist. Give him a brush and some paper and he can prove it.

Robert Vale, Riverton Patrol, Boys Club. 'So lon g, it's been good to know you.'

Joan Wilcox, Midvale Masque and Gavel, Charlonian, Culture Club Secretary, Play, Amateur Hour, Debate, Oratorical Contest. 'With grace to win, with heart to hold. With shining gifts that took all eyes.' Jerry Worthen, Sandy Deputy, Boys Club, Athletic Club, Baseball, Football. The way to fight women is with your hat. Grab it and run .



' Joan Williams. West Jordan DECA, Girls Club. Her favorite name is Douglas. Glora Whetman, Draper Charlonian, Masque and Gavel and Sports Club President, Messiah, Opera, Play, Amateur Hour. Ambition-Wayne. Hobby-Wayne. Future AmbitionWayne. This gal's in a rut.

Lorin Wilson. East Midvale Boys Club, Football. An ex-Marine who wants to enjoy the rest of his life.

Ellen Wheadon. South Jordan Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel, DECA, Press Club, Play, Mothers and Daughters Program. Nickname-Molly. Hobby-To eat and tc go to school. Afton Wright. Sandy DECA, Girls Club, Masque and Gave l, Opera. She left us for California.

Barbara Webster. West Jordan DECA, Girls Club, Messiah. Hobby-boys: small boys, large boys, short boys, tall boys.



Gerald Withers. Riverton FFA, Boys Club, School Play. Not as big as some, but he can hold his own. Jack Williams. West Jordan Dance and Culture Club Presidents, Language Club, Opera, Messiah, Amateur Hour. Hobby-modern art.

Ralph Withers. Draper FFA, Messiah, Play, Track. 'I could be better if I tried. But it's so lonesome being good.'

Joyce Worthen, East Midvale Girls Club, Magazine, Messiah. Another one of Cupid's converts. Marilyn Winger. Union Jay Dee, Girls Club. Hobby-sports, prefers skating.

Robert Yates. Midvale Quill and Scroll VicePresident, Manager Yearbook and Paper, Opera, Messiah. Ambition-a nationally-known journalist or a fashionable psychiatrist.




·1. "'

Karen Wright. Midvale Cheerleader, Chorionian, Language Club, Dance Club, Orchestra, Band, Messiah, Yearbook, Opera, Assemolies, Prom Committee. 'Queen rose of the rosebud garden of girls.' Mary Lou Williams, Sandy Sports Club, Quill and. Scroll, Press Club, Girls Club, Paper. Mary wants to gain more knowledge; Four more years in some good college.

Allen Zitting. Union FFA, Boys Club. Has the distinction of being the only Z in the senior class.



Stephen Motto Yvonne Berrett LaVon Thornton

DoQDa Rae Aaay, West Jordan Scott Atkinson. Midvale Thelma Ashford, Sandy Elma Ashford. Sandy Clair Ahlstrom. Union

Blaine Anderson. Sandy Shirlene Alsop. Sandy Gerald Ainsworth, Crescent Anne Allsop, Draper Vaughn Allen. Draper

La Rue Allen. Draper Jay Archibald. Granite Karen Anderson. Riverton Lowry Adamson. Draper Shirley Aste. Draper

Gale Atkinson. Sandy Janice Andus, Draper Gene Bergman. Sandy Vonda Butterfield. Midvale John Burlew. South Jordan

Franklin Bogenschutz. South Jordan Carol Jean Berrett. Murray Seth Butterfield, Herriman Betty Jane Bollschweiler. Butler Donna Mae Butterfield. Riverton

Mary Benningfield. Union Duane Briggs, Bennion Boyd Beckstead, Sandy Darlene Butterfield, Riverton Mildred Boskovich. Midvale

Carol Ann Bodell, Midvale DeJoy Beckstead, South Jordan Earlene Bowen, Midvale Ray Baker. Draper

Betty Beckstead, Riverton Dean BoggeBB. Union Blaine Brown. Midvale Yvonne Berrett, Riverton

Page forty-nine

Floreen Bernardo, Draper TreTor Barker, Riverton Dorothy Brother. Union Gordon Brady. Union Mildred Brown. Midvale

Rosa Brunetti. Union Howard Brown. Riverton Robert Butterfield. Riverton Joyce Bishop, Midvale John Bellis, West Jordan

Antone Brklczcy, Crescent Marcel Beckstead. West )ordal} Merrill Brindley, Draper Jack Billa. Riverton Geneane Brady, Union

Bemell Berrett, Riverton Edna Mae Butterfield. South Jordan Eldon Bolliger. Sandy Golden Berrett, Union Mczrilyn Beath. West Jordan

Bervcz Beckstead, South Jordan Winona Bytendorp, Cottonwood Douglas Christensen, Draper Beverly Child, Union Jimmy Cundick, Midvale

Pat Coleman, Draper Larry Crossgrove, Draper

Beverly Curtis, Union Warlough Crane, Bluffdale Bill Carlson, Midvale

John Crane, Riverton Jane Crczne. Riverton Maxine Condie. Union Gene Cranfill. Riverton

Claudia Coles, Sandy Kaye Christensen. Union Verda Christensen. West Jordan Harry Chnatensen. Midvale

Page fifty

Joyce Comstock. Sandy Marlene Crump. Riverton Otto Draper. Midvale Donna Cowdell. Riverton JaNeen Dimond, Midvale

Ramon Darton. Union Bernice Downs, Midvale Duane Day. Draper Joycelyn Day, Draper Peter Dow. Union

LuJean Despain. Granite Calvin Dumas. Midvale Nellie Doolittle, Sandy Mildred Eyre, Sandy Maureen Edwards, Sandy

Donald Ebert. Sandy Rowland Enamoto. Union Doris Egbert. Union Lou Ann Erickson, Union Margie Egbert. West Jordan

Fames Egbert. West Jordan Shirley Essex. Crescent Arlan Evans. Riverton Shirley Egbert. West Jordan Tommy English. Butler

Karin Finlayson. West Jordan Bob Folsom. Midvale Nadine Fowler. East Crescent Bob Fillmore. Riverton Betty Joan Fitzgerald. Draper

Garwin Farnsworth. Union Ellis Forman. Herriman Colleen Fullmer. West Jordan Lowell Ferguson. Cottonwood Heights

Mary Forbush. Murray Dean Frandsen. Sandy Allen Fairboum. Crescent Beth Garfield. Draper

Page fifty-one

Ann Groves. Murray Neil Gardner, West Jordon Carole Green. Butler Lyle Groves, South jordan Dean Gilbert, Riverton

All11 Greenwood, East Midvale Ralph Gibbons. Draper Dixie Greenwood, Sandy Robert Gull, Sandy Ray Green, Bluffdale

Richard Gilbert, Midvale Gary Holt, South jordan Shirley Hobbs, Riverton Neldon Hogan, West Jordan Jessie Holt. South Jordon

Janice Harrison. Draper Ladine Humberg. Sandy Alden Haws. Crescent Jacqueline Henschke, Sandy Ira Hatch. Bluffdale

Gloria Hutchings. South Jordon Leora Hemmingsen. Salt Lake City Don Houmand, Sandy Larry Holt. South Jordon Dale Hughes. Sandy

Patricia Hammond. Sandy Margie Hardcastle, Sandy Gary Hughes. Sandy Gladys Hamilton, Riverton Rex Holt, South Jordan

DeMoine Hardman, Union Madge Haun. Bluffdale t.loyd Hill, Sandy Joanne Harrocks, Bluffdale

Reid Hansen, Draper Leah Haley, Midvale Robert Hansen, South Jordan Raymond Hardcastle, Sandy

Page fifty-tUJO

Wayne Holt. South Jordan Gary Halt. South Jordan Phyllis Huff, Riverton Dennis lpson, Draper Joann Jenkins, Sandy

Louis Jensen, Union Dorine Johnson, South Jordan Leo Jensen, Union Dan Joos, Draper Marilyn Jones, Sandy

Bonnie Johnson. Midvale Clynn Jennings, Midvale Ruth Jensen. Sandy Konrad Janssen. East Midvale Alice Jensen, Midvale

Leah Jenkins. Midvale Clarence Jacobsen, Draper Dick Johnstun. Union Barbara Jaynes, Crescent Richard Johnson. East Crescent

!loss Jensen, Midvale James Jenson, West Jordan Jack Jones. Midvale Carma Jackson, Union Beverly Johnson, Sandy

Conover Jensen, Sandy Noel Jensen. East Midvale Boyd Jensen, Crescent Dean Johnson. Union Trent Jeppson. Union

Carol Kelstrom. Sandy Deverle Kylen. Bluffdale Don Kay. Butler George Kalipetsis. South Jordan

Audrey Kirton. Draper Betty Rae Lloyd. South Jordan Larry Lunnen. Crescent Frances Leyba, West Jordan

Page fifty-three

Robert Larson. Sandy Urla Jean Lloyd, Crescent LaVelle Lloyd. Riverton Dora Lambson. Sandy Jeri Anne Losee. Cottonwood

H eight~

John Lawson. Sandy Dorothy Lloyd, Crescent Kenneth Laveder. East Midvale Paul Lyon, West Jordan Duane Leek. Union

Vaughn Lancaster. Union Don Lehmitz, West Jordan Joe Lapore, West jordan Dona Larsen. Bluffdale Dixie Lawson. Sandy

Eve Miller. Sandy Dix McMullin. South Jordan Ruth Madsen. Sandy Stephen Motto. Union Sharlene Milne, Midvale

Tom Mace, Crescent James Miller. Herriman Mary Miller, Draper Kim Millerberg. East Midvale Selma Mori, Crescent

Allen Miller. Sandy Kenneth Merkly. Union Ubuki Miki. West Jordan Glenden Moon Riverton Janice Mabey. South Jordan

Bryant Miner. Riverton Delia Martin. Midvale Don Merrill. Bluffdale William Me 0121ie. Riverton

Nancy Lee Maddox. Midvale Betty Marsh. Granite Franklin Malstrom, West jordan Maxine Maynard, South Jordan

Page fifty-four

Robert Markus, Mid vale Joan McCormick. Union Mary Maynes. Midva le Mary Ann Mounteer. Union Jimmy McNomara. Un ion

Virginia Montgomery. Sand y Mickey Mascaro. Union Fred Mortensen, Midvale Larrain~ Mitchell, Drape r Keith Nelson, Midvale

Lola Norris. Sandy Mary Nelson. Midvale Janice Nell, Riverton Frank Nickle, Sandy Betty Nielson, Riverton

Nena Nielson. Sandy Hal Naylor. South J ordar;~ Florence Neff, Union Glen Nerdin. West Jordan Phil Nielson. Draper

Donna Nelson. South Jordan LaMarr Olson, Crescent Beverly Oborn. Union John Orwin. Union Patsy Ozancin. Cottonwooc'.

Bonnie Olson. Midvale Jimmy Ontiveros, Midvale Stella Okuba. West Jordan Jack O'Brien, East Midvale Eldon Olson. Union

Duane Olson. C rescent Pauline Porter, Un ion Louise Poor, Herrima n Norma Pate, Sandy

Vaughn Price, Sou th Jordan Dennis Parker. C rescent Darlene Pederson. Crescent George Padgen, Midvale

Page fifty-five

Lois Price. We s t Jordon Gail Peterson. We s t jordan Bernice Prescott. Midvale Vella Peterson, Sandv Ray Parker. Midvale

LeRoy Pratt. Draper Angeline Pangos. Sandy Dean Rob e rtson. Union Martha Rasmussen. Butler Sharon Roach , Draper

Billy Rutishauser. Crescent Richard Rawson. Union Barbara Romney. Sandy VaLoye Roos. Union La Dean Roberts. Butler

Dorene Radmall. West jordan Janeil Rosenhan. Midvale Ralph Sylvester. Draper Earl Silcox. Riverton Lynn Smith. Draper

Ivan Smart. Union Dorpthy Silberstein. Sandy Kent Severson. Sandy Randall Smith. Draper LaMar Sanders. C rescent

Norita Scott. Sandy Barbara Spencer. Bluffdale Bob Sugiyama. Dra per Dorothy Smith. Draper Donald Sundberg. Sand y

Marlin Shields. South Jordon Warren Schmidt. Ea s t Midval e Jay Steadman, Wes t Jordan Elaine Sheppick, Sou th Jordan David Sorensen. Sandy

Mary Steadman. W est Jordan Sidney Sharp. Midval e Dorothy Satovich. Midva le Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Draper Lillian Slaughter. Sandy

Page fifty-six

Tom Severson. Salt Lake City Dorothy Smith, Riverton Rieka. Steinfeldt. West Jordan Guy Steadman. Riverton Gerald Scott. Granite

John Tingey, Midvale Connie Tanner. Midvale Lee Tapp, Union Dick Thomas. Midvale La.Von Thorton, Midvale

Lola. Mae Terry. Draper Bob Thun. Midvale Glenn Turpin. Wes t Jordan Bonna Tucker. Draper Jay Toone, Draper

Jeneol Terry. Sandy Helen Vigil, Cottonwood Heights Rosella Vicchrilli, West Jordan Lou Vranes, East Midvale Madalin Vaccaro. Union

Carmen Va.udrey. Draper Leland VanValkenburg. Union Ned Wardle, South Jordan Marilyn Whitman. Sandy Beverly Webb. Riverton

Shirl Wright. Midvale Max Withers. Riverton La.ureta. Whetman. Murray Dean Whea.don, Sandy Connie Walker. Union

Tom Wood. Los Angeles Dennis Webster. Sandy Karen Webb. Midvale Jack Walker. Sandy Shirley Walker, Union

Gilbert Wallgren, Midvale Klea Washburn. Draper Clark Young. South Jordan Keith Youngdell. West Jordan Lorin Zitting. Union

Page fifty-seven


Roy Brinton Charly11 Johnson Charlene Bailey Page


Canna Ashley Jack Angus Crescent Draper Naomi Anderson Harvey Atkinson Midvale Union

Nada Anderson Midvale Rita Asay West Jordan

Nina AndersoR, Union Leon Allsop, Union Marlene Anderson, Sandy Carl Bailey. Sandy Gladys Butterfield, Riverton

Rue! :Brown, Draper Brent Bills. Herriman Coleen Bills. Riverton Doris Booth. Midvale Joanne Brady, Sandy

Margaret Brklacy. Crescent Kay Bateman. West Jordan Blaine Barnett. East Midvale DeLor~ Bodell. West Jordan Joy Beckstead, Riverton

Gloria Bates. Sandy Marilyn Boyce. Cottonwood Heiahts Sherry Berrett. Sandy Melvin Brown. ButleJ Lee B"rady, Union

Mardelle Bennett, Midvale Canna Brown. Sandy Shirley Brown. Riverton Delores Bunnester. West Jordan Don Brady. Midvale

Page fifty-nine

Ronald Allgood Raulin Anderson LaRee Alleman Delores Acerson Itsuo Akimoto Midvale Butler Sandy Riverton Midvale Annette Anderson James Abbott Barbara Ainsworth Robert Anderson Bluffdale West Jordan Crescent Sandy Juanita Ainsworth Sandy

Roy Brinton Reata Butterfield Sandy Herriman Garry Butterfield Odell Busenbark Riverton Sandy

Shirleen Bodell Dennis Brown Midvale Draper Norma Bird Kenneth Brown Midvale Crescent

Trula Beckstead We~t Jordan Jimmy Bristol Blulldale

Gary Bolliger Sandy Juanito Beratto Riverton

Almon Butterfield Herriman David Beecroft South Jordan

Lynette Ball Midvale Thamer Brown Midvale

Naomi Brady, Sandy David Bean. East Midvale Larry Burkinahaw, West Jordan Larry Brady, Union Charlene Bailey, Draper

Joy Cardwell. Riverton Marvel Christensen, Sandy Raymond Clements, Midvale La Dawn Casper. Bluffdale Barbara Ann Clark. Draper

Lorna Carson. Sandy Charlene Crapo, Sandy Thomas Clark, Sandy Tommy Cowley. Sandy Betty Comstock, Sandy

Marva Coole. Union Margie Crump, Bluffdale Hazel Carter. Draper Mary Jean Cartwright, Draper Thomas Creer, Midvale

Glen Cundick, Sandy Bruce Craine, Herriman Allen Dumas, MidvaJe Rosa Delgado, Midvale Weston Dahl. Midvale

Page sixty

Dale Densley Riverton Bruce DeHaan Union

Myrna Lee Dowding Sandy Ed De Tavis Crescent

Lanny Draper George Dean Crescent Butler LaVon Dansey Glen Dunn Midvale Riverton

Kenneth Eastman. Herriman Larry Edmondson. Union Jean Evans. South Jordan Gary Fitzgerald. Crescent Golda Flanders. Riverton

Ka1herine Frkovich. Midvale McKay Fuller. Crescent Sheila Fitzgerald. Draper Sherry Fitzgerald. Draper Arlo Forsyth. Butler

Felix Favateli.:r. Sandy Rea Frandsen, Riverton Elaine Farnsworth. Union. Pat Grover, Riverton Norma Gehring, West Jordan

Myron Grimaud. Midvale Marjorie Grimaud. Midvale Ann Grover, Draper Deon Gadd. Midvale Aleene Graham, Union

Joan Glover. East Midvale Betty Glines, West Jordan Glen Giles. Bluffdale Luana Gordon. Midvale Blaine Grillin. Midvale

Page sixty-one

Marilyn Drake West Jordan Rita Eyre Sandy

James Dahl West Jordan Faye Evans Dra.per

Jean Davies Sandy Marie Erekson Cottonwood

Rodney Dahl West Jordan Arthur Elmer Sandy

Crissie Gray Cottonwood Robert Griffis Union

Gaylen Gisseman Midvale Manuel Gonzales Sandy Fay Heusser Everett Hall Union Riverton

Sharon Greenwood Sandy Shirley Gaster Myrna Harmon Union West Jordan Nina Holt Union

Ernie Gabler Granite Albert Hansen Draper

Henry Galvan Midvale Richard Hess Bluffdale

Gene Ham. West Jordan Joe Hansen. Sandy Vaughn Humphrey. Sandy Kenneth Howell. Draper Fern Hardman. Bluffdale

Bryce Howlett. Draper Janet Hughes. Sandy Dale Howlett. Draper Donna Hardcastle. Sandy Harvey Hansen. Butler

Jackie Hardman. Union Joanne Henschke. Sandy Betty Hofer. West Jordan Paul Hedman. Union Clara Huntsman. Wes t Jordan

Donna Rae Hiatt. Bluffdale Alena Hunt. South Jordan DeRoyce Harrison. West Jordan Marian Hillis. Sandy Patricia Hofmann. Midvale

Susie Hand. Granite Bryant Holman. Union Edwin Hoopiiaina. Midvale Glen Hill. Draper Rose Marie Harper. Midvale

Page sixty-two

Bryce Howlett Draper Kent Jensen Midvale

Marilyn Johnson Union Wendell Jenkins Sandy

Verla James West Jordan Claire Jenkins Midvale

Laura Joseph, Sandy Charles Jarman, Union Curtis Jensen, Sandy Jim Johnatun. Union Thearn Jarvie, Draper

LaMoine Jenson. Draper LaRae Kartchner, West Jordan Florence Kiiael. Sandy Elaine Kerkman. West Jordon Gail Kemp, Crescent

Ruth Kritzer. Sandy Marva Jeanne Kimball. Draper Roy Lien, Draper Marjorie LeFevre, Sandy Doreen Loveall, West Jordan

Roger Lepore, West Jordan Dorothy Lee, Midvale LuAnn Lyon. West Jordan Lorna Long, Sandy Robert Lloyd, Riverton

Betty Lambson. East Midvale Valena Leonard, Sandy JoAnn LeFevre. Sandy Onnie Leyba, West jordan Richard Linnarz, Sandy

Page sixty-three

Dean Jarvia Riverton De Von Jenkil\8 Midvale

Charlynn Johnson David Jacobsen Midvale Draper LaMar Johnson Keith Jex Riverton Union

David Je1;1sen Union David Jones Sandy

Janel Merrill Jerry McCleary Jan et Milne Lee Miller Bluffdale East Midvale Union Midvale Richard Mounteer Betty Ann Milligan Alice Marchant Midvale Draper Marian Mortens en Union Riverton

Norman Mines Sandy Gary Mitchell Midvale

Ruth Mounlee r Eust Midvale Kay Mitchell Draper

Stanley Morgan Grani te Leland Moss Union

Georgene Middelstadt, Riverton Earl e Morris. Sandy Monte Maynard, Riverton Kenneth Mounteer. Union Marilyn Miller, Granite

Pat Marsh. Granite Val Dean Murray, West Jordan Larry Micklesen. Crescent Kaye Mickl esen, Draper Flore nce Malstrom. West Jordan

Dan Maughm, East Midvale Kathle en Merrill. South Jordan Elda Rae Mounteer. Midva~ Nancy Motto, Union J11arilyn Milne, Union

Sandra Newman, Riverton Jimmy Nunley. Union Collins Nelson, Sandy Myrna Nowlan, Union Dennis Newbold, South fordan

John Nystrom. Sandy Joan Neff, Union Naola Newbold. Riverton Jack North, Murray Marlene Neff. East Midvale

Page sixty-four

Darlene Nickle Sandy TommyOaka East Midvale

Peggy Nielson Rive rton Gerald Oakeson Sou th Jordan

Bernell Newbold Sou th Jord a n Shirley Olson Cresc ent

Wallace Olsen. East Midvale Carol Olson. Butler Shirley Olson. Midvale Nadine Olson. Cresce nt Charles Pierce, Sandy

Nola Fae Pedersen. Crescent Helen Pedersen, Riverton James Pangos, Sa ndy Norma Player, Mid vale Charles Peeler, Midvale

Betty Jo Park, Riverton Ardie Penrod. Sandy Pete Petrarca, Union Joanne Pixton, Draper Della Parker, Midvale

Gwynne Park. Sandy Don Prescott, Midvale Te d Pie rce. Sandy Dorothy Parkin, Draper Ronald Parry, Bluffdale

Lude ll Pierson, West Jordan Shirley Parry, Bluffdale Roger Parsons. Midvale Ernest Peterson. Sandy Gail Parry, Bluffdale

Page sixty-five

Elmer Newman Riverton Boyd Obershaw Wes t Jordan

Joyce Oakeson South Jordan Stanley Ortar Sandy

Alice Olsen Sandy Ray Olsen Butler

Phyllis Orwin Eas t Midvale Rosalind Olsen East Midvale

Anna Mae Phelps Howard Pierson Faye Rich Dorothy Rose nkran tz Bertha Rudelick Sandy East Midvale West jordan Vaughn Raamuaaen Crescent Beverly Robinaon•Barbara Rob e rtalla Radmall Sandy Jay Richardson Lawre nce Ray Union Riverton West Jordan Ke ith Richards on West jordan Midvale West Jordan

Thelma Rhode& Midvale Janice Richins Draper

Gerald Swenson, Union Merlin Smith, Sa ndy Beth Ann Sorenson. Bluffda le Diane Silcox, South Jordan Barry Sharp, Draper

Dale Shelton. East Midvale Claudia Scoflield. Union Richard Steadman, South jordan Dorene Sagers. Sandy Carol Sharp, West jordan

Carolyn Smith. Draper Peggy Sjoblom, Sandy Joan Schmidt. West Jordan JoAnn Smith. Draper Kay Smith. Sandy

Marilyn Stoffe rs, Midvale Rowen Schmidt. East Midvale Gordan Sharp. East Midvale Gerald Swenson. Union Diana Savage, Butler

Rex Sylveste r, Draper Dean Smart, Butler Sherril Schouton, South Jordan Robert Soderman, Midv.ole Ruby Seito. Sandy

Page sixty-six

LaMar Simmons Union Morris Thomas Union

Dick Stocking Ralph Smith Riverton West Jordan Willard Trinnaman Roy Thomson East Midvale Union

Kaye Winn. Union Gayle Wright. Midvale RaNae Weber. Midvale Diane Webster, West Jordan Paul Wilcox. Midvale

Sidney White. Sandy Stanley Wright, Sandy Vivian Waddoups. Sandy Reva Walters. Draper Jerry Walker. Wes t Jordan

Ronald Wood. Union Darlene Withers. Draper Hugh Washburn. Draper Melvin Wilson. East Midvale Carlie Winn. Butler

Carl Wall. Midvale Patsy Walker, Union Tommy Welch. Midvale Ruth Whittle. West Jordan Kent Whetman. Draper

Elaine Walters. Midvale Lorraine Whitehead. Union Shirley Webster. West Jordan Jack Wiechert. Wes t Jordan Geri Yates. West Jordan

Page sixty-seven

Patsy Tucker Draper Mae Tippets Draper

Gwen Tennison Gordan Tripp Union Midvale Ralph Vreeken Garr Vincent Midvale Midvole

Joan Torkelsen Riverton Doan Van .UcmaSandy

Joe Buhler. Navy , Senior from Midvale .

Basic training in San Diego.

Stationed at Treasure Island, San Francisco , California. Radio Technology School.

Charles E. Comstock. Medical Corps , Senior from West Jordan . Basic training at Fort Ord , California, then to Fort Sam Houston, and to Camp Hood, Texas, for medical and dental training . On December 23 , 1950 shipped to Yokohama, japan, to a medical hospital.

James H. Potter. Seaman second class, Navy, Senior from Midvale . Basic training in San Diego . On Ship U. S . S. Tortuga stationed in Japan and Korea area.


Albert Williams. Navy, Senior from Midvale . Enlisted july, 1948. Boot Camp San Diego, served aboard U. S. S. Helena, Toledo, Worcester , Spring ,field, and St. Paul. On cruises to all countries that border on the Pacific.

Has been in active service

in Korea since January , 1950, in bombardments and evacuation s of wounde d .

Milton Morton. Navy, Senior from Midvale . Enlisted in june, 1950. Basic training in San Diego . Now in Paci-

fic on U. S. S. Bairoko .


Pic. Ralph Bums, Manne , Senior from Midvale. Basic training in San Diego. Now s tationed in Jacksonville, Florida, in air technical school.

Pic. Earl Jay Mitchell. Army, Senior from Midvale . Basic traini ng at Fort Rtley, Kansas . Stationed at Camp Atterburg, Edinburg , Indiana .

Marine Pic. Jay M. Steadman , Senior from Midvale . Enlisted Sept. 29, 1950 for three years. Boot training in San Diego . Now stationed at Barstow, California.

Who Wauld Have Been at Jordan This Year

George M. Boutaia (Rigby). Navy , Senior from Sandy. Enlisted in May , 1948. Left for Korea in June, 1950. Home on leave for seventeen days

then back to Korea .

Pnvate Joe Roberts. Med1cal Corps, )umor from M1dvale . Enlisted June 7, 1950. Bas1c trammg at Chmcal Psychology School at Fort Sam Houston, Texas . Letterman General Hospital ,

Cahlorn1a. April 7.

Presidio ,


Page sixty-nine


way to

F ra ncisco ,




Dean Cuodick, Arm y, Private First Class, Senior from West Jordan. En listed November 20, 1949. Trained at Fort Ord, California. In Korea since September, 1950. Drives truck .

Sue Johnaon, Patsy Jenkins, Charlene Lind. Third row- LaDean Pierce. Jackie Miner, Joyce Gordon, Doris Bullock, Carma Stephensen, Verla Swapp. Marilyn Ashman. Fourth row- Renee Bailey, Marilyn Sharp. Yvonne Crawford. Louiae Hamiltoft, Sharon Lester. Mary Alice C•apo, Frances Brown. Fifth row- Lillian Wallgren. Dorothy Brothers. l:aren Wright. Ann Aylett, Ardyth Roper. Las t row- Betty Joe Pierson, Renee Turnbow, Connie Hughes. Jean Chiverclll, Joan Wilcox. Marilyn Thompson, Marian Sund.

CHARLONIANS Front row-Colleen Fullmer, Margie Egbert. Doris Eqbert, Dorothy Salovich, LaVon Thornton, Selma Mori. Sharon Roach. Second row-Delia Martin. Ja Neen Dimond, Dorothy Lloyd. Phyllis Huff. Donna Mae Butterfield. Third rowJanice Mabey. Joycelyn Day, Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Yvonne Berrett. Leah Jenkins, Kay Christensen. VaLoye Ross. Shirley Walker. Carolyn Hogan, Dorine Lloyd. Fourth row-Karin Finlayson, Lou Ann Erekson. Shirlene Milne, Carma Jackson, Carole Green. Pauline Porter, Dorothy Silberstein, Nadine Fowler. Dorothy Smith. Karen Anderson. Baclr row-Sharlene Healey, Joyce Jackson. Jeanne Poulsen, Kathleen Fitzgerald. Faye Neff, Margene Nielsen. Udean Bailey, Marilyn Peterson, Lois Howlett. Mary B:ouris.

Charlonians Number One Hundred

Pep and Scholarship

The past year has seen Jordan's pep club again marching out in up-to-theminute dresses of maroon and gray. The Charlonian Club, organized in 1925 by a mere handful of girls, has become so popular that in 1951 it has swelled its ranks to a hundred, each girl intent on carrying out the ideals of the club, "to Promote scholarship, leadership, sports_manship, fellowship and pep." The year has been full of fun and of serious projects too. Most fun of all was initiation day with the initiates dressed up like creatures out of a dream, and taken in tow by some exacting senior sister.

The End of a Rugged Day Carolyn Clark, at left, and Selma Mori, the weird fig ure at the right, relax with senior sisters, '1\.rdyth Roper a nd Karen Wright.

Pilots of Charlonian 'Ships' Lillian Wallgren Dumas, President; Darlene Pixton March-mistress; LaDean Pierce, Secretary. Karen ebb. Vice-President, is a bsent from picture.

For the Yearbook Carnival they rigged up a fish pond booth and hauled in coin to help pay the printer. To each of four orphans they sent ten dollar Christmas bundles. They invited, as guests, their alumnae and the athletes to their annual Charlonian Ball. They marched at games; they ushered at basketball games and at programs. They had a full and a happy year under the guidance of their officers and their sponsors - Miss Lucille Tuttle, Miss Oralie Rawson, and Mrs. Ruth Bowers Robertson.

Page seventy-three

. T d Dahl. Ralph Withers. Melvtn Brown. e d H rWin Lloyd. Jay Stea d man. Glenn Turpin. Nel on oA boys on front row are--Gera!Hd Wicthk:rsH~;:ey Hansen. Thearn lahrlvieR, GaRr:idHo~~n Brown. Phil Ray NWelsodn. FF d Robert orro • 1 es Da • oy • N b Glen oo s. Melvin Dansie. Secon . ;ow- - Marcell Beckstead. Paul Lyon. ~b rt Farnes Egbert. Overton a aum. gan. Gary Allred. Thtr row B k row- Glendon Moon. Dean ' e • Gene Candalot. Don Boggess. ac Arthur Elmer.

The FF A have had a very busy and worthwhile year. Here are some of the things they have done . Collectively they made a net income of $23,106.92 from their products. The exhibited crops and animals at both state and county fairs, earning over $300 in premiums. They promoted a home program and won $40 for the best in northern Utah, and a safety campaign for which they are eligible for a $100 award. They conducted a chapter public speaking contest and took part in a radio program over KSL. One hundred twenty-seven boys paid their dues to belong to the local, the state, and the national FF A. and sent eight delegates to the state FF A convention in April. They also sent a member to Kansas City to play with the National FF A Band. As a community service activity, they constructed and entered a float in three local parades.

Eight seniors applied for State Farmer degrees . They had one applicant each for Star Dairy Farmer of the state, for Rural Electrification. and for Farm Mechanic-each worth $100. Three boys applied for scholarship. On February 23 they visited the Union Pacific Classroom on Wheels. In the spring they made a project tour of outstanding farms of the area, and planned an educational tour of Nevada and California for early summer. In September they conducted a queen contest and a Harvest Ball, and in October an initiation ceremony. They planned a parent-son banquet for March. They had a social and roller skating party with FHA. Taken all in all, this was quite a year! Glen Soulier is sponsor of the club.

FF A boys on front row are-Earl Silcox. George Padjen. Martin Cardwell, Gerald Withers. Ronald Smith, John Spratling Second row-Max Withers. Rodney Maxfield. Arlynn. Freeman. Dennis Parker. DeVon Jenkins. Dennis Brown. Back row-Lorin Zittin_g, Robert Hansen. Antone Brklacy, Larry Baker. David Jacobson. Roy Reid. Marlin Dansie. f;mest Allgood. LaVelle Lloyd.

F F A train for future farming

The Jay Dees in their white s weat ers and navy caps are: front row-Beverly Bulkley, Dorothy Smart. Deon Biesinger. Cleo Millet, Bonnie Naylor. Second row-Marilyn Larson. Betty Naylor, Pauline Bakoulus, Mary Beth Waterlyn, Sharon Denney, Bernice Gardner, Maxine Stefanofl. Third row- Mildred Pratt, Valere Graham, Laureta Whetman, Vauna Green. Evonna Merritt. Marilyn Winger, Alberta Sharp. Carol Ann Kelstrom. Back rowJean Evans, Dora Dean Mousley. Ann Austin, Arlene Brady, Mary Kouris, Verona Allmendinger. Lola Norris. Alice Jensen.

Jay Dee Officers Lorna Carson, historian; Katherine Leyba, president; VaLoy Beckstead Stowe, secretary; Marilyn Beath, vicepres ident.


The Jay Dee's enrollment this year climbed to one hundred and one girls. Once a week they all showed up at school in their club uniforms of white sweaters and navy caps. Their purpose has been just to have fun together, to develop their personalities and appearance, and also to find opportunities to serve. Their outstanding activities this year have been their initiation, when they had fun not only at school, but also

Top Attraction Dean Beisinger emo tes at the fay Dee Banquet

This group of Jay Dees are: front row-Gae Olson. Mary Crump. Marjorie Hardcastle, Nellie Doolittle. Diane Silcox. Alena Hunt. Second row-Gerianne Losee. Nina Anderson, Vella Peterson, Nena Nielson. Beverly Johnson. Joanne Henschke. Colleen Ware. Third row-Ruth Jensen, Ann Groves, Joyce Bishop. Bernice Downs, Mildred Eyre. Dora Lambson, Betty Jane Bollschweiler. Back row-Ruth Madsen. Kathleen Merrill, Mary Niblson, Jacqueline Henschke, Naomie Brady, Reta Eyre.

around Salt Lake ending with a supper at the YWCA, a Fashion Clinic sponsored through the courtesy of the Paris Company, a Square Dance Jamboree; and their ever popular annual Dog Patch Drag on April 27. Their sponsors are- Mrs. Evelyn Wood, Miss Afton Forsgren, Miss Golda Fraser. and Miss HisaAoki. Fashion Clinic Miss Bergman from the Paris Company, usin" Betty Joan Fitzgerald for a model, shows the Jay Dees how tall girls should dress.

JAY DEES Jordan's Debutantes Jay Dees carry their initiation frolics to downtown Salt Lake.

Their big contribution in which the school took part was the Mardi Gras on November 17-d masquerade ball where prizes were given for the most original. the prettiest. and the funniest costumes, and a colorful floor show and refreshments were furnished. They prepared four one-act plays; they entered speech festivals and debates; they took part in oratory, story-telling, and reading contests; and, withal. were busy little beavers. Their advisers are-路Miss Lucille Tuttle, Phil Goldbranson, C. N. Crawford, E. L. Crawford, and Don Parr. Masque and Gavel Initiation Standing-Russell Robison. Ivan Smart, Dorothy Satovich, Glora Whetman. Jerry Sore1111en. SittingNcin Smith. Yvonne Crawford.

MASQUE ORAL ARTS President Nan Smith. center; from left - Treasurer Yvonne Crawford. Secretary Russell Robison. Sargent-atArms Jerry Sorensen. and Vice-President Glora Whetman,


Front row- Margaret Atwood. Selma Mori, Dorothy Satovich. Dorothy Egbert. Second row-Ivan Smart. Audrey Kirton. Jackie Miner. Joyce Beckstead. Cleo Millett. Robert Yates. Third row- Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Beth Garfield. Verla Swapp. Marilyn Ashman. Charlene Lind. Karma Brockbank. Fourth row--Gloria Hutchings. Ann Aylett. Joyce Jackson. Sue Johnson, Lillian W . Dumas, Kaye Christensen. Shirley Egbert. Loia Howlett. Dorp.n Hiatt. Last row-Dorothy Brothers. Karma Jackaon. Joan Wilcox. Jean Chiverall. LaDean Pierce. Lowry Adamson.

Members of the Key Club are: front row-David Sorensen. Blaine Griffith, Robert Stowe, Lyn Anderson, Rue! Brown, John Leyland. Kent Bateman. Dean Kastanis. Spencer Nielson. Back row-Gary Nelson. Reid Brown. Gary Fitzgerald, 路Garr Vincent, Antone Brldacy, Thomas Clark, Richard Rasmussen. Warren Schmidt. Louis Jensen.

THE KEY CLUB is a Junior Kiwanian Club

The Key Club, a junior Kiwanian, was formed to give its members the opportunity to develop leadership and responsibility. This year its twentyseven boys were concerned with forming Key Clubs in other Utah high schools. They took part in a Kiwanian meeting in Midvale, one in Salt Lake City, and a convention at the Grand Canyon. They called a meeting at Vernal High School and sent members to one at North Cache. Th~y gave a football and basketball program and collected over $400 for the athletic benefit fund. They distributed posters for the school play, promoted a plan to improve the boys' lavatories, gave a turkey Christmas dinner for a needy family, and put over- their annual Career Day; and throughout the year served their fellow students and the community. Their advisers are-James Seal, Dunn Taylor, Yewell Harrod, P. M. Mickelsen.

KEY CLUB Planning Junior Kiwanian act i viti e s are President Wayne Mineer, Vice-President Bryant Miner, Treasurer Ralph Gibh.ons. and Secretary Rodney Brady.

The F.H.A. girls have looked very pert this year in their red corduroy boleros and dark skirts, which they made themselves. To make them more outstanding, the girls sewed emblems on the left side of the boleros. The purpose of their club, they say, is to promote appreciation of the joys and satisfactions of homemaking, to encourage democracy in home and community life, and to work for good home and family life for all. Their motto is "Toward New Horizons". /

The heads of the homemakers rest from a strenuous year. Relaxing in the easy chair, is Veda Christensen. the club's treasurer. Standing behind her are Vice-President Rieka Steinfeldt, Secretary Janice Harrison, and President Vae Enniss.

This year their activities included a Getto-Know F.H.A . program; a booth at the carnival. a sleigh-riding party with F.F.A .. a banquet, and the annual Sweethearts Ball. The girls also sent two delegates to the state convention to Cedar City on September 20. Sponsors of the club are the Misses Deane Bennion and Mignon Domgaard.

FHA Future Homemakers of America

front row-La Dean Ekins, Carol Ann Kelstrom, Renee Turnbow. Betty Jo Pierson, Patsy Tucker. Second row-Marilyn Peart. Elaine Kerkman, Marilyn Drake. Lu Ann Lyon, Lois Price. Ruth Jensen. Third row-Urla Jeane Lloyd. Dixie Jensen Allen, Cleo Washburn, Dorothy Smith, Evelyn Gordan Pierce. Back row-Margaret Brklacy, Sheila Fitzgerald, Allen Graham, Marilyn Boyce. Marilyn Stoffers. Bertha Rudelich

Page eighty

DECA, in green and white sweaters, works with distributive education and business classes to teach its members cooperative selling. One demonstration was the selling of popcorn at games. On October 5 it sent six delegates to the convention in Salt Lake City where VaLoy Beckstead was elected Secretary of the State DEC,A. A family of seven was furnished a complete Merry Christmas by this energetic club. Its adviser is Fay B. Thomas.

DECA Distributive Education Club of America Center-Raymond Bishop, President; and left to right-Darlene Pixton Mayne. Reporter; VaLoy Beckstead, Secretary; Joyce Green, Treasurer; and Doris Bullock. Vice -President.

Members of DECA are: front row-Jo Ann Densley. Marilyn Peterson. La Dean Ekins. Barbara Webster. Jean Richardson. Colleen Palmer, Pauline Bakoulus. Middle row-Darlene Harris, Lois Romney. Ellen Whea.don, Karma Madsen. Coy McKee, June Dean. Alberta. Sharp, Carol Leonard. Ava Ann Snyder, Joan Williams. Back row-Ronald Walters. Gerald Pierson. Ann Austin, Dora. Dean Mousley, Vauna Green. Mary Anderson. Lois Alsop. Belly Brand. Beverlee Jens,)n.

Front row- Jackie Miner, Patsy Jenkins, Sharon Lester, Mary Kouris. Irene Loulias Middle row- Darlene Pixton Mayne, Sharlene Lind. Marilyn Ashman, Doris Seito, Saralee Erickson, Udean Bailey, Sharlene Healy. Back row - Gary Densley, Rodney Brady, Bob Yates, Carma Brockbank, Monty Brown, Bruce


Quill and Scroll, the international honorary society for high school journalists, this year enrolled twenty senior members, with the purpose of promoting journalis tic activities among Jordan students; of fostering, as well as attempting路 to coordinate journalistic ideas among the schools of the d istrict; and of aiding, in a measure, to orient junior high school students to Jordan. The group annually takes the responsibility of getting the student directory off the press; and this year it also compiled and brought up to date the record of Jordan boys in the service of Uncle Sam. But work isn 't all the group enjoys. The club took first place in the Yearbook Carnival for the most original booth decoration, and its candidate. Nick Loulias. reigned as Mr. Jordan. Its annual junior initiation was held in early April. Miss Oralie Rawson and LaMar Hendricksen are the advisers.

QUILL AND SCROLL International hiqh school journalistic society

The Sports Club is a fun-loving club, which consisted this year of thirty members--congenial souls who love to iceskate a nd to roller-skate, to toboggan and to sleigh ride, to bowl and to da nce, to swim and to play tennis, and perhaps even, on occasion, to pla y canasta. O n December 21, they cooperated with FF.A. and FHA for a roller-skating party at the S and M. They promote friendliness and good fellowship and just have fun. Their adviser is Glen Soulier.

Officers- Carolyn Clark. yice-president; Marlyn Sharp, president; and Lou Ann Davis. secretary.

SPORTS CLUB Just for Fun

Front row-Karen Webb, Dorothy Parkin, Deon Biesinger, Shirley Olsen, Kathleen Fitzgerald, Fae Neff. Middle row-La Raine Timothy. Max Campbell, Doran Hiatt, Jerry Sorensen, Va Loy Beckstead Back row-Rae Dean Hensley, Jeneene Brady, Margene Nielsen, Mildred Boskovich, Bonnie Johnson. Ann Greenwood, Shirley Larson, Silvia Sechuk, Shirlene Milne. Joan McCormick, Jeanne Poulsen, Doris Egbert.

ATHLETIC CLUB Jordan's Lettermen

Othcers-Kenneth Latimer, secretory; Bruce Bills. vice-president; LaMar Gehring, president.

front row-Kaye Thornton. Matt Trontell, Scott Jarvie, Dean Johnstun. Middle row- Delano Rasmussen, Richard RasmuBBen. Refugia Alva, Bruce Ennis, Paul Ashton, Jerry Worthen. Ben Hirase. Back row-Don Houmond. Allan Myers, Lynn Barney, LaMar Sanders. Jack Boberg, Don Antczak, Bruce Bills, Jack Wiles, Boyd Mousley.

The Athletic Club consists of Jordan men who have won letters in football, basketball, baseball, tennis, or track. This year there were about fifty-five . Some of the objects of the club are to raise funds for injured athletes, to promote recognition of lettermen, to stimulate athletics in the school, and to better the relationship of all sports. The sponsors are--Frank Kamnikar, Dale Sorensen, Chester Kim, and Art Hughes.

Front row-Tom Shimizu, Warren Schmidt, Leo Hoyton, Kay Densley, Carl Ebert. Neil Sorensen, Kenneth Latimer, Stephen Motta. Middle row-Marion Shields. Richard Gilbert. Noel Jensen, Peter Dow, Calvin Jenkins. Lee Bean, Milton Walker, LaMar Gehring.

Page eighty-four

The Dance Club has been the source of many of the floor shows at school dances this year, among them the Masque and Gavel dance, the Senior Hop and the Junior Prom. During the year the club also contributed its ta lent to several assemblies as that of the Big Eight and of the Language Club . Every W ednesday after school the members met and practiced. Miss Fay Richards is their a d viser.

Floor Show at Senior Hop

DANCE CLUB Modern Dancing and Floor Shows

Rae Dean Hensley, Vice-President; Russell Robison, President; Dorene IJoyd, Secretary.

Remember the floor shows? These are the performers. Fron t row-Lois Howlett. Louise Hamilton, Beverly Bulkley. Ardyth Roper. Karen Wright. Back row-Carolyn Clark, Jerry Sorenson, Leo Jensen. Jack Williams. Dorin Hiatt. Patricia )onea.

ro:lt ro路N-Melvin Thompson. Delores Day, Charles Jarman, Rodney Maxfield, Kay Thornton. Back row - Leland Moss, Crozier Fitzgerald, Leo Mosher. Kaye Burgon.

RIDING CLUB Exercise, Parades, and Rodeos

In the fall the Riding Club goes nding on the fla ts of Butler. Sandy, Draper In the winter sometimes they go sleigh-riding. In the spring they make an annua l trip !o Red Pine Lake.

Whatever they do. they have fun . This year the club had ten members. Its ofhce rs were-Delores Day. President; Leo Mosher. Vice-President; Melvin Thompson. Secretary. Paul Boyce is their adviser.

In the1r booth at the carnival the Rtdtng Club sold refreshments.

Page eighty-six

LANGUAGE CLUB Spanish, French, and German The Language Club is composed of the members of the foreign language classesthree Spanish classes, two French, and one German. They won second prize for their booth at the carnival, where they raked in cash for the yearbook selling paper hats and fol de rols. With their money left over from last year, they sent three CARE packages to Europe. Their adviser is Miss Golda Fraser.

Lang ua g e C lub Officers. Faye Neff. vice- president; Glen Mounteer, president; and Patricia Jones, secretary.

Class representatives to the Language Club are Clynn Jennings. Yvonne Berrett, Rodney Brady, Ray Dean Hensley, and Ramon Darton.

Miss Golda Fra ser's French class plays Btngo

Page eighty-ser;en

Recordtng tn Miss Laura Gardne r s German class ore Dorene Radmall. Joyce Comstock, Robert Larson, Nellie Doolittle, Ila Radmall. and Elaine Kerkman.

JAG Jordan's Associated Girls

Pleased with the ir year's w ork are JAG officers Vice -President Sherrie Fitzgerald. Secretary Maureen Edwards. a nd President Louise Hamilton.

This year the girls planned a "Hello Week", consisting of Mothers and Daughters' Night O ut, Cotton Day, Dress Up Day, and a dance. W ith the help of their adviser, Mrs. Evelyn Woods, the girls w rote , cast, a nd d irecte d a musical comed y that they called "Dear Diary", w hich was a fantasy dream show ing the girls, now eighty, on the sixty-third ann iversary of their g raduation, looking back over the highlights of their life at Jordan. Miss Faye Richards helped them with 路them dances and Mrs. Bette Larson with the stage scenery. They gave it first for their mothers on April 12, and then next day for the stud ents. As something new this year they had a tea for the senior girls. Also on the day the ninth grades visited Jordan, the girls gave a Big Pal, Little Pal Party, for the ninth grade girls and the junior girls as a start for getting them acquainted. The club tries to help its members in matters of culture, of proper dress, and of proper behavior; and also just to find school more enjoyable. The girls have sectional meetings and at times meet all together with such well-known teen-age counselors as Elaine Cannon of Deseret News "Hi Tales" who chatted with them about dating and about appearance tricks . Each girl, so that she will feel the club has a personal interest in her, on her birthday or the nearest school day to it, is given a birthday card. The club's booth at the Carnival was 'Pull a String and Get a Prize.' Its senior representatives to Ann Ashton 's school w ere Delores Day and Kathleen Fitzgerald.

Club Representallves Sheila Fitzgerald, sophomore; Elsie Glines. senior; and Betty Joan Fitzgerald, junior.

Yront row - Joyce Comstock. Joyce Bishop. Betty Rae Lloyd, Vella Pete rs on. Re ata Butterfield, Joan McCormick, Bonnie Johns on. La De an Roberts. Kathleen Giles. Second row-Florence Kiesel. Charlynn Johnson. Betty Joan Fitzgerald, Marilyn Sharp, Karma Stephe nsen, Mildred Brown. Delia Martin. Third rowKatherine Frkovich, Naomi Anderson, Sheila Fitzgerald. Sherrie f itzgerald, La Rue Allen, Lee Mille r. Gayle Wright. Maureen Edwards. Back row- Ann Grover. Joy Beckstead. Marilyn Boyce, Louise Hamilton.

JAB Jordan's Associated Boys

Boys Club Officers Blaine Anderson, secretary; Lynn Barney, president; Roland Schmidt, vice-president.

Vaughn Rasmussen, sophomore; Cletus Hamiiton, junior; Jay Burkinshaw, senior.

JAB presents Follies of 1951 for dads on "Fathers and Sons Night Out."

Page eighty-nine

The aim of the Boys Club is to bring into the lives of the boys some inspiration for getting more pleasure out of life and more know-how on the art of living successfully with themselves and with others. For this purpose they have meetings from time to time, either as classes or together as one group to talk things over. The Boys and Girls Clubs gave a Christmas party- a dance where jovial old Saint Nick-Mr. David Gourley in white whiskers --gave away candy canes to anyone who would sit on his knee. Three of his visitors were Papa Jerry Sorensen and his two 'mean wit le kids', Doran Hiatt and Max Campbell. The little boys were so bad and so noisy that papa finally had to push them down the elevator shaft. On November 22 was their Thanksgiving party, where they raffled a turkey, chickens, and boxes of candy. Richard Troester was the lucky boy who carried off the big prize turkey. The Boys' booth at the Carnival was 'Throwing Pennies for a Prize.' The big event of their year was on February 7 their Fathers' and Sons' Night Out. They brought their fathers to see a preview of the Traveling Assembly. 'The Follies of 1951', written by Lowell Boberg of the faculty. Their sponsor is Frank Kamnikar.

Front row-Robert Gull. Gail Atkinaon. Roger Beck. Dennis Webster. Jay Burkinshaw, Paul Ashton. Back row-Jeanne Brenneman. Faye Neff, Carolyn Clark. Connie Hughes. Shirley Larson. Delores Day, Myrna Lee Dowding, Laura Joan Joseph.

SKI CLUB Lovers of High Places Jordan and Murray Ski Clubs teamed up every good Saturday to enjoy themselves on the slopes. After three or four hours of frosty skiing, they would thaw out their fingers, faces, and feet in the warmth of Alta's lodges. One broken ankle, one sprained one, and one cracked were the season's casualties. Enjoying the season along with the twenty-five members was the clubs sponsor, Arland Russen.

President Joycelyn Day and adviser, Arland Ruuen. discuss a skiing party.

Page. ninety

Racing to meet the dead line . Seated-Sara Lee Erickson, editor; LaDean Pierce, business manager; Joyce Worthen and Jay Houmand (standing) assistant editors.

COURIER Literary Magazine

Editor Sara Lee Erickson consults with the printer, Howard C. Barrows, of the " Midvale Sentinel."

The "Courier," Jordan's literary magazine, that inherited the title of our first publication, made its first appearance in 1941 and again in 1942 as a mimeographed pamphlet. In 1948, 1949, 1950 it carne out as a printed literary magazine. This year it is a neat little volume of thirty-two pages with a granite-gray cover, composed of verse, essays, short stories, articles, and cartoons by the high school students.

The rest of the "Courier" Staff are, front row-Delia Martin. adviser LaMar Hendrickson, Patricia Hammond. Middle row-Karma Brockbank, LaVon Thornton. Eve Miller. Back row- Martha Rasmussen, Shirlene Milne, Mildred Brown. Jean Chiverall. Not present for picture were Joyce ordan and Jack Williams.


Allan Myers, coeditor, develops pictures for the year book.

Miss Laura Gardner-Editorial Adviser Mrs. Wanda Wade-Carnival E. L. Crawford-Business Adviser

Clgir Ahlstrom,

1unior editor Katherine Leyba, calendar and typing


Carolyn Clark, associate editor Clynn Jennings, junior editor

Tom Shimizu. coeditor, works on the dummy.


This year, as an experiment to cut costs, the yearbook has been assembled and printed by an offset process. And in spite of careful charting, with so many hands at the wheel, accidents have happened. Margins have sometimes slipped their moorings; balances have been lost in heavy seas. But if some of the pages make you a little dizzy, remember that this has been a first sail for all of us; and at times the weather has been rough and the horizon dim; and it's been a long pull and a hard one. But we hope that the delivered cargo is not too bad.

Robert Yates, M anager in charge of Carnival and Doris Bullock, Sales manag er.

Year book Salesmen. Sitting - Glenn Hill. . .yd Obershaw. Kay Smith. Glenn Cun dick. Garry Bolliger. Rodney Maxfield. Kneeling - Doris Booth. LuDawn Casper, Marian Mortesen. Jean Davis, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Charlynn Johnson, Blaine Griffin. Third rowJoy Beckstead. Marjorie LeFevre, Myrna Lee Dowding, Marilyn Boyce. Kae Winn, RaNae Weber, Aleene Graham, Jackie Miner. Fourth row-Norman Mines, Sandra Newma Gloria Huchings, Carma Jackson. Marilyn Milne, Crissie Gray, Claudia Scoffield. David Bean. Back row - Paul Wilcox, Gaylen Gisseman. Charles Peeler.

Milton Jones and his staff. Gene Bergman cuts pictures to size while Gaylen Gisseman and Garw in Farnsworth paste them in the printer's pages.

Yearbook Photographers Richard Troester, Kent Bateman. Boyd Beckstead, Dean Kanatanie. Richard Anderson.

Doris Seito, editor-in-chief.

B R 0

Business Managers Robert Yates and Jackie Miner.








Broadcas te r The first Jordan publica ti on was a litt le magazine call ed "The Courier" that was edited in 1909-1 0 by Alvah Fitzg e rald. This modest edition came out three or four times a year with a larger issue in the spring, one of the early editors being our E. E. Greenwood. In 1915-16 the little magazine was changed to an eight-page pamphlet; and in 1922-23 it was first published as a newspaper. In 1924-25 its name was changed to "The Broadcaster." But the 1951 version of our school paper goes to press every two weeks and consists of s1x newspaper-size pages with several All-American ratings to its credit. "The Broad caster" is edited by the journalism class under the ab le supervision of Miss Oralie Rawson.

Feature writers-Mary Kouris and Ire n e Loulias. Not present-Kanna Brockbank.

Page ninety-four

.. --路 .,


Aseistant Editors-Mary Lou Williams and Marily n Ashman.

Seated-Udean Bailey and Ellen Wheadon. exchange editors. Standing-Jay Houmand. artist, and Gary Nelson, photographer. Junior Journalists (from left to righ t around the table) - Bonnie Olsen, Vonda Butterfield, Shirley Walker. LaVon Thornton, VaLoye Roos, Gene Cranfill, Irene Loulias, Kaye Chris te nsen, Leah Jenkins, Maureen Edwards, Louann Erickson, Selma Mori.

Co-editors-Charl ene Lind and Patsy Jenkins.

Sports editors-Norman Stapley, Otto Draper, and Lee Erickson. Junior Journalists (from the left around the table)Joycelyn Day, LaRue Allen, Otto Draper, Berva Dawn Beckstead, Shirley Egbert. Norman Stapley, Bernell Berrett, Margie Egbert, Carma Jackson, Shirley Ann Hobbs, Mary Ellen Sjoblem, Shirlene Alsop.


Dean Cundick and Kay Smith. Place B Class Division . Sophomores.

Winners o f Regional Meet ready lor State co ntest. Front row-Louise Hamilton. Patsy Jenkins. Charlene . Lind. LaDean Pierce. Middle row- Uoyd Hill. Jackie Miner. Marilyn Aahrnan. Joan Wilcox. Back row - Gayle Miner. Jerry Sorensen. Sara Lee Erickson. Not in photograph - Bob Yates. Reid Hansen. Conover Jensen.

Invitational at Weber Seventy Jordan d e baters went to Ogden to the Webe r Invitational Forensic Tournament at Weber Junior College on March 2 and 3, the fifteenth annual meet. The senior and junior teams entered in either Men 's A or Women 's A division, the soph teams in B divi s ion. The soph team of Cundick and Smith emerged undefeated . Six hundred team s of Utah and Idaho took part in the meet , thirty -three of them from Jordan. Seven teams went into the seventh round . One of our team s qualified for the final s in Men's A division, one Women's A s tayed lor the seventh round .

Region 8 at Jordan A regional debat e tournament to qua lify twe lve team s for th e state meet was held March 16 at Jordan . Thirty-s ix te ams took part, representing Jordan, Davis, Ogden, Provo, Carbcn and Granite. The debate was conducted by Phil Goldbranson. and most of the judges were U. of U. debate s tudents. Each school had six team s from which twe lve teams were selected for the s tate tournament- four from Jordan , four from Ogden, one from Davis, one from Granite, one from Carbon, and one from Provo.

Page ninety-six

Senior debaters getting ready for Weber meet. Seated-Louise Hamilton, Marilyn Ashman. Joan Wilcox. Standing-Bob Yates, Jerry Sorensen, Lee Bean, Doran Hiatt. Gayle Miner, Yvonne Crawford. Rodney Brady, Sara Lee Erickson. Bruce Enniss, Jean Chiverall, Dorothy Brothers. Jerry Ferguson, Charlene Lind.

Dorothy Brothers in the third round of the regional debate.

State Meet at U. of U. Four o( our teams qualified for the State Speech Tournament at the U. of U. on March 30 . They were Marilyn Ashman and Joan Wilcox. who received a rating of excellent; Charlene Lind and Gayle Miner. who got honorable mention; Pat Jenkins and Bob Yates, and Lloyd Hill and Reid Hansen. The questwn debated this year was "Resolved That Further Social Welfare Benefits Should Be Extended by the Federal Government." The coaches were Phil Goldbranson, E. L. Crawford, and C. N. Crawford.

Page ninety-seven


Donald Parr and Mrs. Bette Larson aplly make-up to some of the ca s t.

v Leads - Ronald Johnson. Jeanne Brenneman. Karma Brockbank. Bruce

THE AMERICAN The Cast Martin Gunther .................... .. . ...... Ronald Johnson Irma Gunther ................................................ Karma Brockbank Li sa Gunther (Age 20) -·--···-··-···-----·· ......................Joyce Jackson Karl Gunther (Age 9) .... ... ..... ..... ............. .. Gary Bolliger Karl Gunther (Age IS) ...................................... Jerry Sorenson Winifred Baxter ... . ...... .. Jeanne Brenneman Samuel Brockton ......... ......... Bruce Enniss Mrs. Brockton . ..... ................. .. Ann Ayelett Judge Hewitt ....... . ...... __ Jimmy Marshall Mrs . Hewitt . .. .. LaDean Pierce Alex Hewitt (Age 21) _ _ Douglas Barron Mary Hewitt ..... .... ... Mary Ellen Sjoblom Anna ........... Sue Johnson Rut h ..... .... . .. .. . Nan Smith Mrs. Ke nnedy ....... Geneen Brady Mrs Wh ite .... _ ... ... Madelene Vaccaro Doc tor Squires .. Kaye Burgon A School Te a cher Audrey Kirton Ma yor McEvoy Kay Thorton A Mims te r Wayne Mineer Dr Mac farl a ne Rodney Brady Th-:: Bride Yvonne Crawford Th'i: Groom Crozier Fitzgerald Brmd Lead er Lawry Adamson


Jeff ...... --···-··----··---·-·-·--·--··-···-· .... ···--····-··-·-----· ............... Earl Morris Betsy Davis ...... ----···········--·----······· ............. .. .... Connie Walker Miriam Squires ....... ---·-·--·----·---·-······- ................ Dorothy Satovick Grandma . .. ..... .............................. .... ........ Patricia Jones One-Armed Soldier ...... ...... ......... .... • .. ··-····--------· Allan Myers Radio Announcer ... ... ............. ................... ...... ... .Bob Yates Miss Price (Governess) ... .. Louise Hamilton Political Speaker (Rep.) . .... ..... .......... ........ Paul Ashton Political Speaker (Demo.) . ....... ........... Richard Dahl Keunnerling ... Jay Houmand John William s . ..... .... ... .......• Kenneth Steinfeldt Otto Heinrich .. . ... ....... ..... .......... Doran Hiatt Clara Heinrich .... . . . .... . ............................... Patsy Jenkins Henry Courtney .... .. ............• . . ....... ........... Garr Vincent Mr. Collette .......................................... LaVelle Tripp Mrs . Coll e tt e .... .. ..... ..... .......... .... .... .... Karen Finlayson Harry McEvoy ......... ................ _ ........ Rodney Dahl Mrs. McEvoy ................... ......... ............ Beverly Bird Mrs. Mcfarland ...... .......... . ............ Gertrude Richardson Mrs. Squi res . ...................Lillian Wallgren The Drunk .................. ivan Sharp Two Boys ......... Gordan Sharp, Paul Headman Two Girl s .. Le e Miller, Gayle Wright Tommy Ne lson (Crooner) ... Garwin Farnsworth Jim McLe nna n .. .. .... ..... . ..... Bryant Miner

Page ninety-eight

Scenes (though a little out of locus) from the play.

Because of for ces at work to topple our democracy, Miss Lucille Tuttle chose for this year's annual play "The Am e rican Way" as it is a graphic presentation of some of the things for which the American people have to be thankful and the light th ey have to keep them . This drama by Kaufman and Hart was the Pulitzer prize play for 1939 and is the most dynamic production ever attempted at Jordan. The cast numbered 250 in costume, and the drama was interspe rsed with music, songs, and dancing. It is the s tory of the Americanization of a family of German immigrants during the first forty years of the century and deal s with their early struggles, their achievement of wealth , their loses during the depression, their sorrow and the sacrifice of their only son when the land of their adoption went to war against the land of their birth, and their struggles against evil influences in the land. The play, presented on the evenings of November 30 and of December I, was a truimph lor the dramatic department, lor the mu sic department, and for the stagecraft, the art, and the woodwork classes.

Page n:inety-nine



Cabbages.-By Howard Staadt .... Russell Robison Mrs. Grossmeiser (his Wife) .. .. .. Kanna Brockbank Tildy Grossmeiser (his daughter) ........... Patsy Jenkins Mrs. Lena Fisher (an old friend) ......... Ellen Wheadon Mr. Markle (a genealogist) ........................ Reid Hansen Mr. Jenks (a reporter) ..... ... . .. .. ...................... Ivan Smart Mr. Grossmeiser (who struck oil)

Wheadon, Ivan Smart. . EllenRobison, . p a tsy Jenkms. Russell

tliwba•h {a maid) ..


1 Kathleen Farnsworth, Joyce Steadman, y onne Crawford. Joan W1lcox, Jeanne Brenneman, v


.............. ·-··-Doon


So Wonderful in White. -By Richard Nusbaum Miss Cresson (head nurse) Joan Wilcox Nurse Shipman Kathleen Fitzgerald Gail Stevens . Glora Whetman Ginny Brask Carol Farnsworth Jane Held . . .. .... .... .. Yvonne Crawford Eleanor DeWitt . ..... .. .. ... .... Jeanne Brenneman New Girl . . .. .. . ................ Joyce Steadman

High Windows-by Verne Powers. Emily Winthrop LaDean Pierce fudge Craig Jerry Sorensen Wolter Hodge .. Bob Yates Judith Ware Charlene Lind Linda Norton .... Nan Smith

Page one hundred


Speech Festivals In the March 23 Speech Festival at Davis High School lor all of the schools in " Big 8"- of a possible 30 points, Jordan recetved 25. Students were entered in panel, in extemporaneous speaking, and in orations. Nineteen Jordanites took part. Jackie Crane came out tops in extemporaneous speaking, alter having a run-off with another of Jordan's students, Lee Bean. Louise Hamilton, Conover Jensen, and Jerry Sorensen, by rating superior at thi s event, became members of state legistlature for a day at the state Capitol on March 30. Sara Lee Erickson qualified lor the Senate and La Dean Pierce rated superior in oration. Feu; of the six entries in this event went into the final round . Phil Goldbranson was the Jordan adviser. Meet at U. of U. At the annual state high school forensic meet at the U. of U. on March 30, Jacquelyn Miner received a rating of Super路 ior lor extemporaneous speech, Sara Lee Erickson received honorable mention for legislative forum . Of the House members - Jerry Sorenson, Conover Jensen, and Louise Hamilton-Louise received Superior. La Dean Pierce was rated excellent for oratory . Meet at Oqden About thirty Jordan st udent s went to Ogden High School on April 4 to tak e part in th e State Interpretive Speech Festival They consisted of six dramatic readings, six humorous readings, six retold stories, two pantomines, and two one-act plays. These were furnished from students of the second-year speech and dramatic classes, under the direction of Miss Lucille Tuttle. B. Y. U. Meet Jordan' s entries to the State Interpretive Meet at the B.Y.U on April 13 were Sue Johnson, Lois Howlett, and Beverly Bird with pantomine; La Von Thornton with a dramatic reading; Jean Chiverall with a humorous reading; and La Dean Pierce, Nan Smith, Charlene Lind, Jerry Sorensen. and Bob Yates with the one-act play, "High Window ."

Page one hundred one

Some of the group that went to Speech Festival at B.Y.U. on April 13. Lois Howlett, Beverly Bird, Sue Johnson, Jean Chiverall, LaVon Thornton.

Oratorical Contest Winners of the American Legion Oratorical Contest sponsored by Jordan Post No. 55 were La Dean Pierce, first ; Audrey Kirton, second; Mary Ellen Sjoblom, third; with Eve Miller. Louise Hamilton, ond Dorothy Satovick as runnersup. The subject of this year's contest was "Our Constitution-Worth Having; Worth Defending." The winners gave their orations at Midvale lor the American Legion and received awards from the Vern Rasmussen family and the Legion. Twenty-six took part in the contest from second year speech classes. Miss Lucille Tu1tle sponsored the contest.

Finalists for Ameri ca n Legion Oratorical Contest. Seated -Dorothy Satovick. Louise Hamilton. Standing-Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Audrey Kirton, Eve Millet. LaDean Pierce is not in picture.

Follies of 19 51 "The Follies of 1951", this year's traveling assembly, was presented hrst at Draper on january 25 for the Lion's Club, who were sponsoring a successful dnve for funds for Junior H1gh band uniforms. It formed part of the program for Fathers and Sons' Night Out Parts of it were given for the parents on Visiting Day. It traveled to West H1gh on March 16 and to Granite on March 29. The Follies had a cast of seventy and presented a humor ous outlook on today's happenings a series of skits based on life in the army, interspersed w1th songs, dances, and readings The produc tion was the composition of Lowell Boberg.

Tcp pl路t,Jre Page girls Elaine Sheppick and LaVon Thorntop. T路umpe>tc .. Conover Jensen, Bryant Holman. Ralph Gibbons , Kaye Burgan. Bottom p1cture Dr . Jimmy Marshall mnoculates rookte, Max Campb e ll. w1th the help of Kaye Burgon. Spencer Neilson at the cab1net.

The M'ESSIAH Jordan's eighth annual appearance in Handel's 'Messiah'. On Sunday afternoon, December 17, in the high school auditorium, under the direction of J. Clement Crapo, Jordan's combined choruses again appeared in Handel's "Messiah." This was their eighth annual performance and the consensus of opinion was that it was their best. Roy Brimhall was the tenor soloist, "Mrs. Mildred Gibbons, the contralto soloist, Miss Lucille Tuttle. the reader, and Roy M. Darley the organist. The two hundred and fifty singers were accompanied by the organ and a full orchestra. Larry Lunnen gave the invocation and Elsie Glines. the benediction. The production was sponsored by the Jordan L.D.S. Seminary. On Friday, December 22 the performance was repeated for the students during which it was recorded by KMUR of Murray and broadcast on Christmas Day.

Page one hundred three

The choruses practice with organis.t Roy M. Darley for the 'Messiah.'

The orchestra, besides teaching its members to play, adds to the entertaining attractions of the school. It furnished the accompaniment for the " Messiah," played at "The American Way," at the seminary graduation, at variou s programs.

Karen Wright. Concert Mts lress

The orchestra is all tuned up for a recital. In the centter is David Sorensen. In the inner semi-circle, st a rting at the left are Karen Wright. Dorothy Parkin, Dorene Radmall. Jacqueline Henschke. James Miller, Merla Densley, Kaye Micke lsen. Dona Mae Butterfie ld. At left are Mary Miller and Gladys Hamilton. On the back row-Donald Olson, director, Rowen Schmidt, Jack Turner. Tre vor Barker, Bryant Holman. Kaye Burgan. Rue! Brown, Merlin Smith. Joanne Henschke . Spencer Neilson. Garwin Farnsworth.

The Brass Section in Action Front row-Bryant Holman, Trevor Barker, Kaye Burgan. Back rowRu e ) Brown. Merlin Smith, Joanne H e nschke.

String Trio - David Sorensen. Dona Mae Butterfield. Karen Wright.

'Page one hundred five

Seated-Gayle Miner, Shirley Parry, James Miller. Standing-Bernice Prescott, Albert Hansen, Robert Soderman, La Dawn Casper, Clark Younq.

Trombonists-Rodne . Kalapetsis, Bryant Hol~a~axfield, Alan Miller, George verson, Warren Schmidt. , Conover Jensen, Thomas Se-


Twirlers-From front to back Left row - Gwenne Park, Shirley Essex. Middle row- Dorothy Satovick, Louise Poor, Colleen Swapp, Gerianne Losee. Right row - Connie Hughes, Ruth Madsen.

At .the Drums- Jack Turner, Dean Kastan.is, Blaine Anderson. J. Cle me nt Crapo Director

Page one hundred six

Fron t row-Gayle Miner, Shirley Parry. James Miller. Seth Butterfield. Elmer Newman, Rue! Brown, Karen Wright. Leo Boynton, lla Radmall, LaDean Ekins. iddl e row-Bernice Prescott. Albert Hansen. Robert Soderman. LuDawn Casper. lark Young. Coleen Fullmer. Mary Nelson, Doris Dean Bulloc, Paul Lyon. Arlan vans. Kaye Burqon. Ralph Gibbons. Don Antczak, Boyd Beckstead. Dennis Webster. Merlin Smith, Marilyn Miller. Rodney Maxfield. George Kalipetsis. Alan Tom Severson, Warren Schmidt. Conover Jensen. Bryant Holman. Bac k ro wBetty Hofer. Delora Bodell. David Sorensen. Gail Atkinson. Trent ,.,,..,..,Du'"• Jerry Sorenson. Robert Larson, Blaine Griffin. Jack Turner. Dean Kastanis, Anderson. In white at le ft-Dorothy Satovick. Louise Poor. Gwen Parks. Shirley Essex. Mary Jane Anderson. At left of drums-J. Clement Crapo. Ruth Madsen, Jeri Ann Losee. Larry Jensen. Lois Allsop.


Pep Band Kneeling-Ralph Gibbons. Kaye Burgon. Don Antczak, Boyd Beckstead. Stand ingBryant Holman, Dean Kastanis, Robert Lar· son. Jack Turner. Merlin Smith. Alan


Ted Dahl won State Farmer Deqree . Harvey Brady won the Standard Oil Co. Scholarship oj $150. Lyn Kimball wen the $100 Carl Raymond Gray Scholarship lor Vocati~nal Agriculture, the gold key lor State Farmer Degree, and $100 lor Star D01ry Farmer of the state. John Spratling won State Farmer Degree Dennis Brown was chosen runner-up lor the area In the annual FFA Public Speakmg Contest. He also won the State Farmer Degree.

Kathleen Fitzgerald and Delores Day won a SIX month's course to Ann Ashton's finishing School 1n Salt Lake City

Farnes Egbert, FF A, and his prjze steer that won a Grand Champion Ribbon at the Salt Lake County Fair With them is Chef Girard of the Hotel Utah who bought the steer lor $739 .50

Mrs. Darlene Pixton Mayne was selected editor of the state DECA monthly newspaper, DECA Newsette. Vae Enniss. FHA president, with tw en ty-one other Utah girl s, spent the las t week in June in Kansas City at the FHA convention.


Jeny Sorensen. discussior. leader at Jumor Red Cross meet, at Red Cross training camp in Montana, member of regional adv1sory com mittee.

Page one hundred nine

The Union Pacdic Rodroad awarded Charlene Lind the Carl Raymond Gray scholarship one years tul110n to the USAC -for outstandmg 4 H Club work

Ardyth Roper

Our peppy Cheerleaders were a welcome sight at all of our activities. What could we have done without them?

Gene Candalot

Karen Wright

Bruce Ballard


Jerry Worthen. Co-Captain Senior, End All State

Jack Boberg. Co-Captain Senior, Tackle All State

State Football Champions

Dale Sorensen It took only two years for Coach Dale Sorensen to deliver his first state championship team. His unsurpassable mental and physical ability, which brought the team all the way, was never questioned at any time throughout the season.

SCORES Preseason Sept. 2-Murray 7 at Jordan 32 Sept. 9-Jordan 6 at Box Elder 6 Sept. 16-Pocatello 6 at Jordan 13 League Sept. 23-Jordan 7 at East 0 Sept. 30:_Carbon 0 at Jordan 7 Oct. 6-South 0 at Jordan 35 Oct. 13-Jordan 12 at Davis 7 Oct. 20-Provo 13 at Jordan 27 Oct. 26-Granite 13 at Jordan 0 Nov. 3-Jordan 14 at West 0 Championship Nov. 18-Jordan l3 Box Elder 0 at U. of U. Stadium

Coach Dale Sorensen and his Jordan crew opened a new season in good form this year by winning their traditional game with Murray 32-7. The mighty Diggers were then held down to a 6-6 tie by the flashy Box Elder Bees, but soon returned to their original pace by downing Pocatello's fast-opening T formation 13-6. Journeying to East High to open their league play, Jordan - after a terrific see-saw battle - emerged victorious over the Leopards 7-0.

East's Dean Salmon is stopped cold by Jordan's Densley (No. 14) and Lepore (No.4).


Wiles, Senior Guard Regular Donald Lepore. Senior Halfback and Fullback Honorable Mention-All State

Warren Schmidt, Junior End Letterman. Lynn Barney. Senior Fullback Honorable Mention-All State

Lee Bean. Senior Center Regular Carl Ebert. Senior Tackle Second Team-All State

In the second game of Jordan's drive toward the state championship goal, the Diggers stopped the strong Carbon Dinosaur's crew in a 7-0 win. Jordan, the predicted underdogs, came through with a smashing upset over the South High eleven with a 35-0 triumph in one of the crucial games of the season. The mighty Beetdiggers clashed with the powerful Davis Darts in the race for the Big Eight title as they captured a close 13-7 encounter.

A rare sight in the South- Jordan game: the South High gridders hold the Jordanites to a short gain.

Delano Rasmussen, Senior Tackle and Guard Third Team-All State Donald Antczak, Senior

Fullback Letterman

Neil Sorensen, Senior Halfback All State

LaMar Gehring. Senior

Halfback Letterman

Matt Trontel. Senior

Bruce Bills. Senior

End Honorable Mention-All Sta1e

Halfback All State

Playing the ever-improving Bulldogs from Provo, the Diggers - using all the reserves- defeated the Bulldogs 27-13. With the title near at hand, the Jordan Beetdiggers ran into a disappointing setback as the Granite Farmers delivered a stinging 13-0 blow against them.

Neil Sorensen breaks away irom an East High Leopard. Don Lepore runs his interference.

Stephen Motta. Junior Halfback Regular Ben Hirase, Senior Hallback Letterman

Noel Jensen, Junior

Center Letterman

Boyd Mousley, Senior

Halfback Letterman

Calvin Jenkins, Senior

Milton Walker. Senior


Quarterback Honorable Mention-All State


Running with luck, the Beetdiggers captured another Big Eight title and a chance at the state championship when they met and downed the fighting West High Panthers 14-0. Going into the championship game a 13-20 point underdog, Jordan's Beetdiggers, fighting mud and rain, carried home the tenth championship trophy by dropping the highly toured Box Elder Bees 13-0.

Bruce Bills, at right, Jordan's safety man, prepares to drop West's Linnell.

Kenneth Latimer. Senior Tackle and Guard Honorable Mention-All State Kay Densley, Senior Quarterback Regular

Rex .Jl'olt. Junior Center


Gary Holt. Junior Center Letterman

Norman Stapley. Junior Football Manager Tom Shimizu. Senior Hal !back Letterman


Juniors Have a Good Season

Presentation of state championship trophy


Preseason: Jordan 7 - North Sanpete 27 at North Sanpete League Jordan 14- West 0 at Jordan Jordan 12- South 7 at South Jordan 0- Granite 6 at Granite Jordan 0 - East 7 at Jordan

The Junior Beetdiggers- who acted as the guinea pigs for the varsity - and Coach Frank Kamnikar found it a tough job to use the plays of the opposing teams when playing against those teams, but still finished a good and successful season. In their lone pre-season game, they traveled to North Sanpete and were handed a 27-7 setback. In league play they turned back the Panthers of West 14-0, and the Cubs of South 12-7. Then they took defeats from Granite 6-0, and East 7-0.

The senior members of the squad are: front row-Boyd Mousley, Ben ffirase, Tom Shimizu. Center row-Noal Jensen, Lee Bean. Delano Rasmussen, Lynn Wolsleger, Jack Wiles. Kenneth Latimer, Carl Ebert, Jack Boberg, Matt Trontell. Back row-Coach Chet Kim, CalYin Jenkins. Neil Sorensen. Jerry Worthen. Stephen Motto. Morris Peterson, Bruce Billa. Donald Antczak, Lynn Bamey, Milton Walker, J:ay Denaley, Donald Lepore, La Mar Gehring. Coach Dale Sorensen.


The Greenlings Win from West Coach Art Hughes and newcomer Grant Martin brought the sophomore Greenlings of Jordan a long way this year in improvement and experience, but-due to many hardships and losses of players to the varsity squad- they won only one game. The Sophs lost to East the opener 21 -0. Then they took their single win over West 15-6, but lost their last three games: to South 20-7, to Davis 18-7, and to Granite 19-0.

The Junior Squad

Page one hundred nineteen

At the Jordan-East game

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

SOPHOMORE SCORES 0- East 21 at Jordan 15- West 6 at West 7- South 20 at South 7 - Davis 18 at Davis 0- Granite 19 at Jordan

Front row - Larry Holt, Cletus Hamilton , Warren Schmidt , George Padjen, Merrill Brindley, Otto Draper, Tom Severson, Marlin Shields. Middle row - Tommy English, Neldon Hogen, Allen Dumas, Vaughn Rasmussen, Glenn Dunn, Ubuki Miki, Richard Gilbert. Back row-Rex Holt, Clark Young, Arion Evans, Dean Boggess, Jack Bills, Vaughn Lancaster, Joe Lepore, Roger Lepore.

Coach Art Hughes

Bruce Bills, Captain forward. Senior First Team All State

STATE BASKETBALL CHAMPIONS With the winter focusing the sports' spotlight on basketball, Coach Art Hughes formed this year one of the top basketball teams in the state. Launching the season a little earlier than usual because of a larger schedule this year, the Beetdiggers in pre-season play outclassed four opponents and were set back twice. They subdued the Ogden Tigers, the Cyprus Pirates, the Bingham Miners, and swamped the Murray Srrielterites, but bowed twice to Box Elder. Jordan, rated as the dark horse at the beginning of the season and as a very unpotential championship team after playing their first three league rivals, changed the outlook of the situation by racing to five successive victories over the Provo Bulldogs, the South High Cubs, the Farmers of Granite, the West Panthers, and the Darts of Davis. Then the Jordan quintet was humbled by East, but bolstered its standing by squeezing past Provo. The South High Cubs and the Granite Farmers hung losses on the Diggers, but with their third triumph over Davis, the Beetdiggers gained a tourney berth in the Class A Championship Tournament.

Page one hundred twenty

Basketball Team . Front row-Bruce Bills, Calvin Jenkins. Coach Art Hughes, Coach Frank Kamnikar. Morris Peterson, Robert Allen. Middle row-Blaine Anderson, Lynn Barney, LaMar Gehring. Don Houmound. Stephen Motta, Richard' Anderson. Bock row-Marlin Shields, Duane Day, Lewis Jensen.

Scores Preseason Nov. 22- Box Elder 46 at Jordan 42 Dec. 6- Jordan 38 at Ogden 28 Dec. 8- Jordan 34 at Box Elder 37 Dec. IS- Cyprus 44 at Jordan 56 Dec. 28- Jordan 37 at Bingham 31 Dec. 30-Jordan 61 at Murray 21路 ~eague Dec. 22-Jordan 30 at West 41 Jan. S Davis 31 at Jordan 49 Jan . 9- Jordan 29 at East 41 Jan. 12- Provo 37 a t Jordan 54 Jan. 16- Jordan 42 at South 29 Jan. 19- Granite 40 at Jordan 60 Jan 26- West 26 at Jordan 54 Feb. 9- Jordan 31 at Davis 28 Feb. 13 East 39 at Jordan 31 Feb. 16- Jordan 53 at Provo 48 Feb. 23- South 32 at Jordan 31 Mar. !- Jordan 37 at Granite 43

Playoff Mar. 3 - Jordan 39State Tournament at Mar. 8--Jordan 37Mar. 9- Jordan 38Mar. 10- Jordan 43-

Page one hundred twenty-one

Davis 26 at Granite U. of U. Fieldhouse Box Elder 35 East 34 Weber 32

Blaine Anderson. Junior Center All State-First Team Calvin Jenkins. Senior Forward, Regular

A little high jumping mixed with basketball as Houmand (No. 14) scores 2.

LaMar Gehring, Senior Guard, Letterman Don Houmond. Junior Forward, Honorable Me nt ion All State

Duane Day, jun ior Gua rd , Le tterman Robert Allen. Senior Guard, Letterman

Marlin Shields. ju nior G uard, Letterman Lynn Barney. Senior Gua rd, Letterman

State Tournament After winning in their playoff, the Jordan Beetdiggers came back with ins pired drive to tally three s traight w ins in the State Tournament and take the 1951 State Class A Basketball crown. Playing at the University of Utah fieldhou se, the Diggers encountered the Box Elder Bees in the initial fray. Though the Bees had vanquis hed us twice in preseason play, the )ordanites put up a great zone defense to earn a 37-35 victory over the Bees. In the semi-finals, the underrated Beetdiggers completely bottled up the East High offensive to net a 38-34 win. The determined Jordan crew, supported by the faithful student body and faculty , captured the coveted honor by trimming Weber, the last hurdle in the way of the state crown, by a 43-32 score.

Morris Peterson. Senior Guard. Cen ter Honorabl t; Mention All State Stephen Motta. Junior Guard Honorable Mention All State

Page one hundred twenty-three

JUNIORS Scores Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec.

22-Box Elder 29 at Jordan 42 6-J ordan 58 at Ogden 23 8-Jordan 47 at Box Elder 31 IS-Cyprus 36 at Jordan 53 League Dec. 22-Jordan 46 at West 37 Jan. 5-Davis 26 at Jordan 43 Jan. 9-Jordan 44 at East 35 Jan. 12-Provo 42 at Jordan 45 Jan. 16-Jordan 49 at South 43 Jan. 19-Granite 34 at Jordan 42 Jan. 26-West 29 at jordan 41 Feb. 9-Jordan 57 at Davis 36 Feb. 13-East 35 at Jordan 41 Feb. 16-Jordan 48 at Provo 44 Feb. 23-South 45 at Jordan 54 Mar. !-Jordan 33 at Granite 37

Anderson (18) and Jenkins (12) close in on Box Elder's Hansen.

Upholding the sporting tradition of Jordan, the Junior Cage team, coached by Frank Kamnikar, suffered only one defeat out of sixteen encounters this season. They won their four pre-season clashes by large margins. Then they registered eleven victories and were nosed out by the Farmers of Granite in their last game of the season, annexing the top rating in league combat.

Junior Basketball Team Kneeling - Gene Bergman, Frank Kamikar. Art Hughes. Dick Thomas. Frank Nickle. Standing-Marlin Shields. Dean Wheadon. Lou Vranes. Peter Dow, LaMar Sanders, Richard Gilbert.

SOPHOMORES Scores Jan. 11 - West 26 at Jordan 23 Jan . 18- Jordan 28 at East 38 Jan . 25- South 31 at Jordan 40 Jan. 30-Granite 47 at Jordan 56 Feb. 1- ordan 33 at Davis 30 Feb . 8- Jordan 61 at West 56 Feb. 14-East 45 at Jordan 47 Feb. 19- Jordan 27. at South 33 Feb. 23- Jordan 43 at Granite 40 Feb. 28-Davis 30 at Jordan 40 Morris Thomas lets fly two points for the Jordan sophs as Rowen Schmidt (No.5) stands

by .

The sophomore squad took big steps this year paving the way for better seasons ahead. Though losing their first two games to West and East by scores of 26-23 and 38-28, respectively, the soph Beetdiggers, learning their trade from Coach Dale Sorensen, came up fast in the league standings by defeating South 40-31, Granite 56-47, Davis 33-30, West 61-56, and East 47-45, all in quick succ:ession. With only three games left to play, Jordan lost to South 33-27, downed the Farmers of Granite 43-40, and whipped the Davis Darts 40-30, ending the whirlwind championship race in second place with a seven won, three lost record.

Soph Basketball Team Front row-Otto Draper, Allen Dumas, Curtis Jenson, Ernest Peterson. Dennis Newbold. Middle row - Jerry McCleary, Rodney Dahl. Garr Vincent, Glenn Hill. Lee Brady. Ross Delgado. Back row-Lawrence Ray, Rowen Schmidt, Vaughn Rasmussen. Glen Dunn. Gayltm GiBSeman. Paul Wilcox. David Jensen.

Tennis Team . Seated-Don Brady, Neil Sorensen, Melvin Wilson, Konrad Jansson, Jimmy Ontiveras. StandingGlen Dunn. Lou Vranes. Vaughn Rasmussen, Richard Rasmussen. Nick Loulias, Noel Jensen, Calvin Jenkins, Allen Myers. Coach Dale Sorensen.



Fourteen members turned out thi s year for the ten路 nis squad, along with Calvin Jenkins, captain of the team Coach Dale Sorensen pointed out that he expected stellar performances throughout the season from such stalwards . This year's preseason tennis schedule included Bingham, Murray, West, and four other matches undecided as the yearbook went to press. Two preseason tilts were both in favor of Jordan. They took a clean sweep over Bingham 5-0 and edged the Murray Smelterites 3-2. Granite, Davis. Provo, and Jordan constitute the league, and the schedule is built around a game home, game away basis against each team .

Bruce Ennis shows his winning form.

As the winter weather gave way to sunshine, the track season hustled in along with the rest of the spring athletics. Fourteen new members and thirteen of last year's standbys reported for action this season. In the first track meet of the year, the Beetdiggers dropped decision to the South High Cubs 94 to 39.




Track Team Kneeling - Glen Hill, Leon Allsop, Relugia Alva, Kay Thornton, Bruce Enniss, Paul Ashton. Delano Rasmussen, Scott Jarvie. Standing-Frank Kamnikar (Coach). Rodney Dahl. Fred Shinsel, Larry Brady, Zenith Hathaway, Frank Nickle, Tom Severson. Jimmy Harington, Richard Gilbert. Don Houmand, Blaine Brown. David Cook. Charles Jarman. Art Hughes (Coach).

Track Schedule Coach Frank Kamnikar reported that there wer six meets slated for this season. Apr. 6-South at Jordan. Apr. 13- Jordan at Cyprus. Apr. 20- Utah High School Relays at B.Y.U. Apr. 27- B.Y.U. Invitational. May 3-Regional Track Meet at the U. of U. May 10- State Finals at the U. of U.

Don Houmand gets set for his delivery a s Morris Peterson watches in the background.


Blaine Brown. Richard Gilbert. a nd Paul Ashton e ye the fin is hing ta pe

Base ball Schedule Preseason Apr. 3-Cyprus at jordan. Apr. 6-)ordan at Cyprus. League Apr. 16-)ordan at East. Apr. 23-South at Jordan. Apr. 27-)ordan at Davis. Apr. 30-Provo at jordan. Apr. 3-Granite at jordan. Apr. 7-)ordan at West. May 3-Granite at Jordan. May 7-Jordan at West.

In a practice session, Jerry Worthen tours the bases as he g oes by Gary Nelson on first.



路E B A L L

As the yearbook went to press, Coach Che t Kim had high hopes for the baseball season with Gehring and Bills returning as Co-Captains, along with lettermen Worthen, N. Bolliger, and Shields. He also had seven returning nonlettermen from last year's team-Ferguson, Latimer. Nelson, Motto, Dow, Walker, and Day-that he expected to do a bang-up job of keeping the ball rolling or sailing over the fence . He al so had several new hopefuls-Sundberg. C _ Jens en, Darton, Lunnen, E. Bolliger. Parker, W right, Brown, Peterson, L. Brady, Sharp, Dumas, and Ray. At the time the Beetdigger nine had won two games-6-5 and 15-5 with Cyprus

GIRLS' SPORTS Mrs. Ruth Bowers Robertson Director


@ Garfield and Marian McCormick demonstrate how to mak• a bulls-eye But they don't 1ntend to hit the brick wall. La Von Neilson and Juanito Beratto. g1ve Golda Flanders and Marilyn Whitmore some tough compe1111on 1n the favorite mdoor tennis sport

Mrs. Ruth Rober ts on dhows Jo Ann Smith how to serve lor badminton. Lu Ann Lyon at right.

Ruth Mounteer and Patsy Tucker, victors 1n cag e ball. Volley Ball

Miss F ae Richards Director

Girb physical education classes had fun in learning dances, how to be graceful, how to keep healthy and beautiful, how to play game s. They played badminton and ping pong . They even had basketball tournaments among them selve s. Champs in the first period were the team of Margi e Egb e rt. who won six games without a loss. Other teams were led by Dorothy Butkovich , Betty Jo Fitzge rald, and Va Loye Roos: ln the filth period Beverly Curtis' team won l1ve games and lost one . Bonnie Naylor's team was runners- up with four wins, one loss, and one tied game. Other captains were Carma Jackson and Venda Butterfield.

For grace and poise

Practicing and exercising dance step

Volley Ball


Nina Nielson, Darlene Renee Turnbow on a test drive .

Brown, and

A group of homemakers learn the proper way to serve.


Kent Bateman and Allan Myers develop negatives in photography class.

lu Fay B. Thomas show s his typing class the proper way to type letters.

ln foods class Miss Deane Bennion supervises Francis Leyba and Marjorie Grimaud in preparing a breakfast.

Alena Hunt and Diane painted weeds in homemaking class.


Lowe ll Spe ncer uses the drill press in r10chine shop.

Carma Brown. Don Brady, Gail Peterson. and Marilyn Miller make Christmas decorations in Mrs. Bette Larson's crafts class.

La Mar Sanders. Phil Ray Nielson. Allen Fairbourn. George Thomas. and Antone Brklacy loo k over newlyinstalled pump, in farm mechanics.

Milton lone 's English class listens to a book revtew .

Morning announcements.

Seated- Rosella Vicchrilli. Joan Nell. Rosiland Olsen. Stand ing- Dick Thomas. Doran Hiatt, Blaine Barne tt. Mary Beth Waterlyn, Dorothy Lee.

Leah Jenkins and Karen Webb on hall duty

At bookstore window-Jack Walker, David Jacobsen. Sharon Roach.

Caleteria Stall Group at lelt- Evelyn Brown, Yvonne Kirby, Joyce Tame. Group at right- Alta Attley. Roset ~ a Brand. Mabel Larson s upervis-o r

Limnq up lor hot dog s and pop.

Bus Drivers. Front row-Ralph Butterfield. Claude Densley, Ben Merrill. Lou Orgil. Russ Oakeson. Ross Palmer. Y. W. Herrod, Elmer Palmer, LeRoy Dansie. Back row-Edward McDougal. Arden Tesch. Howard Newbold. Burt Johnson, Elvia Evans, Veri Smart, E. L. Morris, Emery Allen. Earl Maynard, Dean Smith, Gilbert Benson. F. M. Bagley.

Stage Crew Front row - John Nystrom. Roy Lein. Robert Griffiths. Leo Jensen. Middle row-Lawrence Densley. Kenneth Mounteer. David Bean. Royal D. Madsen. Back row-LeRoy Walker. Bryce 'iowlett, Charles Peeler.

Orval Nelson. Photographer, who took Pictures lor the album and several others.

Seminary Teachers- Lynn R. Webb. Mrs. Nc.rma Webb, Golden L. Berrett. Carter E. Grant.


If ! LaVon '




. Bo\\ Kin9

, Bo\\ Queen . Thornton-


pe\oteS DG'i }A\sS jordan

September !-Murray at Jordan-Football. 5-School begins. 8-Get Acquainted Party. Jordan at Box Elder-Football. IS-Sophomore in itiation Pocatello at Jordan-Football.

22-Amateur Hour-Winners. Fae Hueser. Sharon Roach, Selma Mori. Jordan at East-Football 29-Harvest Ball-Cand1dates路 LaVon Thornton, Delores Burmester. Fae Hueser. Delores Day, Leah Jenkins. Carbon at Jordan-Football. Charloman initiation.

CALENDAR October 4-Seniors get rings. 5-f.H A. tea. 6-South at Jordan-football. !!-Yearbook Carnival. 12-13-School closed lor U.E.A. 19-Shvw. 20-Lyceum. Provo at Jordan-football. 25-Jay Dee fashion Clinic. 26-Journahsm conference. 27-Granite at Jordan-football. 30-Hallowe"en party.

Nove mber 3-Community singing. Jordan at West-Football. 10-Seniors to Tabernacle. 17-Masque and Gavel Mardi Gras. 18-Championship game. We wonl 20-Championship celebration. 22-Thanksgiving party. 23-24-Thanksgiving vacation. 30-School play for junior highs.


!-School play allernoon and night. 2-Journalism conference at B.Y.U. 5-Btg 8 meeting. 8-Sentor Hop. I 5-Nattonal Assembly. Athletic club game and dance.

I7-Messiah. 20-Decorated Christ .. as tree. Mr. Madsen returns from school in Indiana. 2 I - Miss Bowers becomes Mrs. Robertson. 22-Messiah. Jordan at West-Basketbal~ Christmas party . Christmas vacation.

January 3 Back to school. 5-Davis at Jordan-Basketball. 9---Jordan at East-Basketball. 12-Provo at Jordan-Basketball. Granite assembly. 16-Jordan at South-Basketball. 17-National assembly. 19-Granite at Jordan-Basketbal l. 26-Picture show. Traveling assembly to Granite. West at Jordan-Basketbal l. 29-Girls' club-Ann Ashton


February 2 Alumni Homecoming . 6- Na!Ional assembly . 7 Fathers and Sons Night Out 9 Traveltng Assembly at Jordan . I0-14 Mr. Ballard goes to na t10nal conference in NeW York 13- Lyceurn Eas t at Jordan - Basketball 15- Charlontan Assembly IS- Sweetheart's Ball . Jordan at Provo- Basketball . 22- Holiday 23- South at Jordan Basketball 24 - Glrls' Club Elaine Cannon.

The commtttee who planned the H omecommg fun were front row Myrl Beckstead Silcox, Barbara Olson Newbold , and Fleda Jensen Larson. Stand ing a;eGlen E. Sacos, prestdent of the alumni, and Orson Smith of thP first gradua ting class.

The old grads-and the young ones-come home for the da y an d enter tam each o th er and the school w ith a prog ra m , a ball g ame and a dance

March 1-Pep assembly. Jordan at Gramte-Basketball. 2 Weber Forensic Tournament. Dance and show 4-6- Gayle Miner to Rotary Convention 7 - Juniors order class rings. 8-9 Basketball Tournament 9-Senior class assembly. 10-Ciass A Champwnship 1n Basketball. We wonl 12-Celebrated same. IS-Parents visit school. 16-Sophomore party

Traveling Assembly at West Regional debate at Jordan. 21-Jumor nngs again. 22- Career Day. 23-Band concert. Eighteen debaters and orators to Davis. 26 DECA state convention. 27-Umtah Indian chlidn '1 w1th their teacher visit at Jordan Several students had entertained some of the children in their homes for a day or so. 28-Qulil and Scroll imtia .on Junwr class assembly.



State High School Forensic U of U

April 2-Masque and Gavel present two one - act plays. Mrs . Claire Flandre reviews a book for the )ay Dees. 4-lnterpretative Speech Festival at Ogden. 5-Band Concert. 6-South at Jordan-Track. Music festival at Bingham High. Charlonian Formal 10-Quill and Scroll initiation . 11-Dr. Walquist from U. of U. talks to seniors. Try outs for cheerleaders - Introduction of candida tes. Chemistry class goes to smelter. 13-Speech Interpretative Meet at B.Y.U. Jordan at Cyprus-Track. 16-)ordan at East-Baseball 20-Track Relay at B.Y.U. 23-South at Jordan-Baseball. 24-B Y U Chorus. 26-Mothers' and Daughters' Night Out. 27-)ordan at Davis-Baseball. Dog Patch Drag. BY U Invitational Track Meet. 30-Provo at Jordan-Baseball. Chorus Concert.

May 2-Senior Sluff Day. Ninth grades visit. 3-Granite at Jordan-Baseball. Regional Track Meet at U. of U. ?-Jordan at West-Baseball. 9-A ward Banquet. State Track Finals at U. of U. !!-Seminary graduation. IS-Senior Dinner Dance 16-J. Day at Lagoon. 17-Yearbook Day. IS-Graduation.


Student Body President 1907-08 1908-09 1909- 10 Arthur E. Peterson 1910-11 Basil Walker 1911 -12 Darrell Gardner 1912- 13 1913-14 Harold Nelson 1914-15 C. P. Gardner 1915- 16 Arthur Morris 1916- 17 Willard D. Oliver 1917- 18 Herbert Morris 1918-19 Newell Kuhre 1919-20 Ke nneth Brady 1920-21 Henry Jorgenson 1921 -22 Alden Berrett 1922-23 Isaac Sorens en 1923-24 Vern Jense n Griffith Kimball 1924-25 Arvid Larson 1925-26 James Lunnen 1926-27 Jack Monahan 1927-28 Jesse Casper 1928-29 Rodne y Kimball 1929-30 Frank Wright 1930-31 Clayton Nels on 1931 -32 Elmer Griffith 1932-33 Beunie Schmidt 1933-34 De Loy McMullin 1934-35 Glen Burkinshaw 1935-36 Stanley Bennion 1936-37 Veste r Rasmussen 1937-38 Reed Ols on 1938-39 Warren Thomps on 1939-40 Melvin Johnson 1940-41 Clem Washburn 1941-42 Paul Greer 1942-43 Ralph Leonard 1943-44 Shirley Beckstead 1944-45 John McRae Doris Wood 1945-46 Delbert Crump 1946-47 Gordan Jensen 1947-48 Clinton Cutler 1948-49 Mitchell Price 1949-50 Sherman Crump 1950-51 Calvin Jenkins

Alvah Fitzgerald Basil Walker Basil Walker Ernes t Greenwood Earl White Lionel Hartvigse n

(Firs t Courier} (Courier} (Co urier} (Courier} (Courier} (Courier}

Corinne Edwards Mildred Nelson Fay Dooley Rob e rt Hamilton Lucille Nelson Isaac Sore nsen Is aac Sorensen Verona Walker

(Courier} (Courier} (Courier} (Book namel ess jus t J.H.S .} (Still just J.H.S .} (Fi rs t Bee tdigger}

He len Stokes Hele n Stokes Ma rl e n e Beck Sarah Gill e spie Carol Stay Caroline Kimball Re x Wh e tmore Lucille Hawkins No ye ar b ook- De press io n Rob ert Anderson Ruth Pe ars on Iris Nielsen -Clara Eliason Chloe Butterfi eld Lillian Albanese Mary Morgan-Jean Seal Lucill e Malstrom Rulon Ras muss en-Edna Hansen Clel Jensen Mary Se ito-Betty Evans Marion Sharp Marilyn Nelson Rolayne Rasmussen Kenney Turner Robert Hamilton-Ruth Evans Beryl Jones-LaRue Vincent Blaine Tempest Ardis Erickson Allan Myers- Tom Shimizu


Clive Ahlstrom. Union Boys Club Looks forward to joining Uncle Sam's Navy. Golden Butterfield, Harriman FFA. Baseball Wants to master the art of farming. Monty Brown. East Midvale Debate, Paper, Opera, Messiah Ambition- to get places on time. Bill Crittenden. Midvale Boys Club Wouldn' t think of sluffing. Kay Densley. Riverton Deputy, Athletic Club, Football Nice kid, whom everyone likes. Veri Harrison. West Jordan Boys Club , Football Loves Jiving. Donald Herolf. Draper Boys Club, Athletic Club, Track Likes driving that Pontiac around. Lynn Jensen. East Midvale Boys Club Always a friendly word for the opposi le sex. Patricia Jones, Sandy Girls Club, Sports Club, Language Club, Ski Club, Amateur Hour A senior with a mellow voice. Richard Kirton Boys Club Wants to graduate and gel a stab at the big wide world. Don LeFevre, Sandy DECA, Boys Club Ambition- to be a business manwhite collared sluff.

JUNIORS Wayne Brown. Riverton David Burr. Riverton Dorothy Butkovich, Sandy Mary Deane Crump, Midvale Allen Dooley, West Jordan Roger Haun. Sandy RaMon Jensen. Draper Bill Karlinsey, South Jordan Bessie Lyman. Granite Charman Labrum, Midvale Mazie Lee, Sandy Fae Marsh. Granite Robert Nelson. Sandy Gae Olson. Sandy Jesse Paulk, West Jordan Evadean Robinson. West Jordan Norman Stapley. Sandy Dora Ann Shelton. Midvale Betty Jean Springer, Granite Gerald Schow. Granite Sophomores

Marilyn Larson, Sandy Girls Club, Jay Dee, Messiah Ambition-undecided. Keith Millerburg. East Midvale Boys Club, Band, Messiah, Football Nickname-Little Wally. Always ready with a wise crack. Theodore Middelstadt. Riverton Boys Club Not mucn to say. Evelyn Gordan Pierce, Draper FHA, Traveling Assembly She has that Mrs. on her name. Dorothy Smart. Sandy Girls Club, Jay Dee, Messiah Wants to marry a 'Bishop.' Terry Stctnley, South Jordan FFA, Boys Club Ambition-as yet unknown. Uoyd Taylor. Granite Boys Club, Football When he feels like exercising, he just lies down until the 路 feeling goes away. Vard Tomlinson. Midvale Boys Club Moved here from Pleasant Grove and hopes to graduate from Jordan. Jack Wiles. Midvale Athletic Club, Boys Club, Football, Tennis 'Til be down to gel you in a Mercury, honey." Adele Wood, Union Girls Club A friend in need and a 路 friend indeed.

SOPHOMORES Ray Ashby. Draper Gary Allred, Bluffdale Joan Bailey, Midvale Ronald Burton, Sandy Larry Butterfield, Riverton Mildred Cox. Draper D. C. Dooley, West Jordan Stephen Gardner, West Jordan Paul Halverson. West Jordan Gary Hensley,. Draper Ladine Humburg. Sandy Patricia Heki. Midvale June lseki. Union Marvin Jackson. Sandy Paul Jones.. Sandy Rodney Maxfield, South Jordan Danny Mace, Crescent Blaine Nielson. Bluffdale Deana Pappas, West Jordan Joye Reeves, Draper Mary Steadman. West Jordan David Thun,: ~idvale

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