as the Swift Seasons roll
Laura Joan Joseph James Dahl BUSINESS MANAGER
Wheelwright Lithographing Company
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Jordan High S h Sand c ool y Utah
foreword ...
As the seasons change, so life at Jordan changes . With the advent of fall the boys and girls flock back - for the most part eagerly. Gradually as winter encloses them, they dig in for serious work and face the hard cold facts of midterm tests. But as spring comes on, and hidden seeds start groping for the light, the students yearn for the goal of another year accomplished, for graduation, and the long vacation. Through the pages of this book the Beetdigger staff has tried to tell the story of this year at Jordan the work and the fun, the high Iights and the side lights . The story begins in September and follows season by season, reaching its climax in May with graduation.
lrhe doors of the new gymnasium open for all the games ond parties held at night through oil the seasons.
Dedication ...
This 1953 Beetdigger is dedicated to Jo rdan's firs t graduating class- those boys and girls who studied, planned, and p layed, had fun and troubles, fo'rmed friendships and traditions, and dreamed dreams through those falls and winters a nd springs when the school was new and rugged - t he class of 191 1, An orchid to our Charter Members Abbie Ballard, Silas Brady, Elsie Farrer, Alvah Fitzgerald, Mary Goff, Genevieve Johnson, Peyton Johnson, Clare McHale, Arthur Peterson, Effie Smith , a nd Orson Smith.
Fall 路 wint er an d spnng 路 some BOO students cross e road ea ch day to spend an hour in seminary.
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Conten·ts ...
Page 104
Page 150
These doors open to those who . seek the superiruendent or the superv1sors.
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OoJ lens • • • Autumn means sunburned faces back from the summer vacation. It means golden days pears in our lunches, pumpkins for Halloween, marigolds by the walls, hot sun on the bleachers, warm leaves flaming from the hills and from the hollows. We line up at the bookstore. We investigate new studies. We orient the sophomores. We burn our fingers roosting .. hot dogs .. in the canyons. The boys win prizes at the fair, dig beets, and go hunting . The band and the Chorlonians march and toot and form amazing patterns at the football games. With autumn come Indian summer, the Harvest Ball and the Carnival, the school play and the Traveling Assembly, Amateur Aour and Home Coming. Autumn brings Thanksgiving parties and vacation.
Superintendent Arthur E. Peterson
In the Seasons of Life Each year has its seasons and each season is but a promise of what is to follow. Life, too, has its timeborn eras, and each period becomes an abiding promise of the life yet to come. Today, each senior is passing from his Springtime of Life, commencing a new season basically built upon the quality of the era which has just passed. Each graduate will soon recognize that the harvests of life which come depend so much upon the seeds sown in that Springtime which is now passing. Like the seasons of a year, life gives its rewards as it is lived. It need not wait for the eventual harvest in the autumn time. Harvests are consistently and continuously reaped . Consequently, each student should look through the memorable pages of this book as occasion and desire demand . Each page, as it is turned,
and the seasons of high school days reviewed, will bring forth memories to inspire the heart and guide the hand as life flows on. Thus, each day's living con be gauged to produce consistently the maximum har vest from any wholesome seeds sown. To each senior this book will become imperishable because it will become more hollowed as time posses. It will be translated into memories which will lost as long as conscious life continues. Each time it is opened and its seasonal implications read, it will unlatch the door of on anxious heart and allow a longing soul to live awhile in a season of life which has become an enchanted realm of memory. Arthur E. Peterson Superintendent of Schools
Sitting: Morvin Jensen, West Jordon; Arthur E.
D~terJson, superintendent, Sandy; Rex T. Tripp, president, Bingham; ·
· 0. Jones, vice-president, M idva le; F. A. Orton, director of
building construction, Sandy. Standing : Reed H. Beckstead, assistant superintendent, Midvale; Kenneth V. Dunn, supervisor of maintenance and operation, M idvale; Leo L Lundberg, Sandy; Leonard C. Beckstead, Riverton; Stanley Rasmussen, clerk, Sandy.
Supervision Is Helpful In Season and Out
Mrs . Louise Jager NURSE
SUPERVISORS Earl J Thurmon PI sychhologist; Kathleen Tur~ey visiting eoc er- p M . • pu . ' • • M1ckelson, director, ru~ 1 1 Pt;rsonnel; Mary Storey and Hy· Smith, VISiting teachers.
Prin cipol 0 . D. Bollord
All Have Obligations More than 1200 individuals now make up the school population of Jordon. Students, faculty, custo dians, cafeteria personnel, bus drivers all play their part in making an institution that will best accomplish the obligations placed upon it by the citizens of the community. Each group is striving to live up to the traditions established by those who have gone be fore. Each group is accepting the sacred obligation, not only to preserve the best of these traditions, but to leave finer, brighter, and nobler ones to those who follow. By tradition, this has always been a demo-
erotic school . Each individual here counts as an im portant person . Each one has to take advantage of his opportunities, exercise his talents, and improve his abilities . He must develop a firm faith in the finer things of the spirit ond attain a love for and devotion to the American way of life as exhibited in miniature here at Jordan . Thus only can he acknowledge his debt to the past and fulfill hi s promise to the future .
0. D. Ballard
STAGE sen R CREW . - Front row: David Bean, Royal D. Mad Dick /y lien, John Nystrom . Back row: Kenney Visser , acobson, Bryce Howlett, Jack Elmer .
N Almy Dowding , at right. STUDENT HELP -
row路 ly nn p1erson , John Nystrom , lee Bateman, Kenneth Gobler. rown . Back row: Neldon Bateman , Ernie
CAFETERIA Mabel larson, manager; Mrs. Helen Sylvester, Mrs . Evelyn Brown , Mrs . Rosetta Brand.
BUS DRIVERS Front row: Y. W. Harrod, Ben Merrill, Arden Tesch, Russ Oakeson Ralph Butterfield , Dean Smith. Second row: Elvis Evans, Ross Palmer, Edward McDougal: Elmer Palmer . Third row : Bert Johnson, Claude Densley, Alma Halt, Howard Newbold , Gerald Sampson . Back row : Earl Maynard, E. l. Morris, Gilbert Benson, Emery Allen. Not in photograph : Clyde Buxton , Veri Smart, Mike Milne, le Roy Densley.
Indispensable in the Functioning of the School
Barbaro b Morll D e ster, office and bookstore clerk . yn oy Olson, secretory of the princi pal.
Stanley R. Anderson
Murray Allen
Paul C. Boyce
Deane Bennion
Dean J. Beck
Riverton, USAC, math, disci 路 pline, sophomores.
Holladay, U of U, USC, Colo. College, Art lnst. of Los Angeles, art, stage.
Sandy, USAC, U of U, ogri路 cultura l program . Riding Club, FFA.
Midvale, U of U, USAC, foods, home living, FHA, juniors.
Sandy, USAC, machine shop.
Benjamin B. Bruse
Frank M . Bagley
Joseph F. Bowman
Lowell J. Boberg
Donald M. Budge
Holladay, U of U, U of N, psychology, algebra, read 路 ing, Am. problems.
Sandy, U of U, USAC, voca路 tional auto mechanics trans portation, juniors.
Salt Lake, U of U, U of Mo., BYU, English, journalism, paper, Press Club.
Draper, BYU, USC, English, organ, Spanish, Tr. Assem., calendar.
Salt Lake, USAC, U of form mechanics, FFA, Prom, Boys Club.
Under Friendly Teachers, Students Enjoy Classwork
Those with music skills find expression with organ, orchestra, band, or vocal harmony. Girls learn home living and practice in well -equipped kitchen units and
MELODY MAGIC One of the many students studying music, Marian Mortenson chooses organ.
a four -roomed model home. Would-be artists wit1 creative urges produce marvels in paintings, designs craft objects, and commercial art.
SHE FIXES THE MIXES Betty Ann Milligen practices serving to Margaret McClellan in the model home.
C. N. Crawford Murray , U of U, algebra, history, debate, faculty secretory.
E. L. Crawford Sandy, U of U, history, English, debate, yearbook, Masque and Gavel.
Jesse B. Casper Murray , U of U, U of Calif., boys' counselor, student adviser.
J. Clement Crapo Mignon Domgaard Sandy, BYU , U of U, music, Salt lake, U of U, USAC, Messiah, opera, calendar, clothing, FHA, seniors. stage, graduation.
Elaine Dixon Spanish Fork, USAC, BYU, Colo . College, doncmg, phys. ed., Dance Club .
Mary Fitzgerald Holladay, Oh1o State, BYU, h1story, read1ng, hbrory Jay Dees.
Gaida Fraser Salt lake, U of U, U of Col., Spanish, French, English, seniors, lang. Club.
Afton Forsgren Salt Lake, U of U, English, seniors, UEA president, Schools Survey Com.
David Gourley Pleasant Grove, BYU, U of U, natural sc1ences, juniors, Boys' Club.
Teachers Interest Students in Study Activities
Students in biology, botany, zoology study texts, collect specimens, make exciting discoveries through the microscope. With professional skill the girls in
SPACE MONSTER? Microscope re路 veals strange l1f~ to Beth Beck.
sewing make new clothing for themselves and families. Those interested in the value of foreign languages can take their choice of Spanish, French, or German.
THE STRAIGHT DOPE Joan Lefevre gives her candid opin路 ion about Sharon Greenwood 's sewing. Sharon looks pleased .
WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE Sherry Spears records her Spanish lesson.
Ph il F. Goldbranson Sandy, Westminster, U of Calif., social science, debate, calendar.
Arthur Hughes Laura Gardn e r West Jordon, U of U, U of Murray, BYU, phys . ed ., coaching , Boys' Club , Calif., English , German, Athletic Club . yearbook, Long . Club .
A. C. J e nsen Charlotte John ston Sandy, U of U, U of W. Salt Lake , BYU , English, speech, library, Girls' Club . registrar, supplies, soldier education .
Frank Kamnlka r Midvale, USAC, West 路 minster, history , student advisory , Boys ' Club .
A. LaMar Hendrickson Sandy, USAC, English , magazine, juniors, Press Club.
Y. W. Harrod Sandy, Palmer Co ll ege, auto mechanics, transportation .
Hlsa Aok i Kumagai Em erson Ke n, ington Salt Lake , U of U, Englosh, Holladay, USAC, weld ing, history, library, seniors, sophomores . magazine.
With Teachers Advising, Students Practice Skills
Boys looking fo r possibilities in a relative ly new indust ry can learn w elding for vocatio na l and indust ria l a rts. Al so in demand is a knowl edge of wh at
GET OUT AND GET UNDER Dean Jarv is does a tricky welding job.
makes the auto run and what to do about it wh en it doesn 't . Very usefu l for the future, a lso, is t he st ud y of mec ha n ica l dra w ing, b lu e pr ints, fu rn iture ma king and repai ring.
IT'S YOUR MOVE Bla ine Nie lson, Nei l Ostle r, and Bryce Howlett perform an autopsy an theor jalopy.
ANYTHING GOES finoshes end table -
Charl es Jarman a lso hiS thumb .
Chester Kim Murray, U of U, history, coaching, eligibility, Boys ' Club, Athletic Club .
Molly Lindell Sandy, U of U, BYU , library, sophomores guidance, FHA.
Faye Nichols Midvale, BYU, phys. ed . , Dance Club , Jay Dees, Girls ' Club.
Donald Olsen East Midvale, BYU, ort, music, Prom., stbge.
Grant Martin Salt Lake U of U, phys. ed., library, coaching, juniors, Athletic Club.
R. S. Peterson Midvale, USAC, chemistry, physics.
Royal D. Madsen Arval Nelson Salt Lake, BYU, USAC, U Midvale, photography, of U, radio, electricity, took photographs for Army, stagecraft, Prom. in Civil Service.
Robert Pixton Draper, USAC, U of U, physiology, genetics, history, athletic mgr.
Don Parr West Jordan, U of U, BYU, soc., econ., Am. problems, visual aids.
With Teachers Guiding, Students Perform Experiments
All seniors take social science - sociology, economics, American problems, commercial law, public discussion, or debate. Most students use the library for
F<;>LLOW THROUGH Kenneth Visser Winds projector for social sCience.
research, study, or plain reading pleasure. In chemistry and physics they enjoy learning the mysteries of the world about them and experimenting in unknowns.
HOW 'S THAT AGAIN? Marlene Neff and Lois Wolf use the library for their research work .
WE LEARN BY DOING Blaine Griffin experiments with heat.
John M. Peterson
Arland Russen
Oralie Rawson
Theodore Sjoblom
Dale Sorensen
Draper, USAC, U of U, driver's training, Prom, visual aids .
Midvale , U of U, USAC, industrial orts automot ive, Boys Club.
Salt Lake , U of U, USAC, U of Cal. , English, paper, Quill and Scroll.
Sandy, U of U, biology , algebra , world history.
Murray, U of U, phys. ed . coaching, Athletic Club .
Gladys Sanders
A. F. Smith
Glen E. Soulier
James L. Seal
Helen Seaman
Midvale , BYU, USAC, U of Salt Lake, U of U, Engl ish , Draper, U of U, U of Wash . Midvale , USAC, ag., seniors, St. George, BYU , phys. ed., math., bookkeeping, to FFA, Sports Club . health, Chorlonions. substitute. U, mech . drawing, graduation, scholarship. woodwork , stage.
Under Teacher Direction Students Study Theory
Knowing the importance of math in this modern world, many delve deeply into algebra, geometry and trig. Eager for drivers ' licenses - and not for traffic
WE POINT WITH PRIDE No trick at all for Bob Hirose to expla in.
tickets - as many as can be accommodated rush to driver's training . In order to be graduated from Jordan, all must take four years of English - like it or not.
SAFE FOR WOMEN DRIVERS J. M. Peterson explains panel of new dual control car to Ruth Humes and Iris Withers.
DO OR DIE - Helen Reich intends to finish that English research or else .
_:J I â&#x20AC;˘
Gertrude G. Trantor
Dunn Taylor
Midvale, BYU, U of Wash . Sandy, USAC, BYU , USC, U of U, type, English, welfare, athletics director, calendar, Joy Dees. discipline, eligibility.
Lucille Tuttle
Harold Thorpe
F. B. Thomas
Salt Lake, BYU, U of U, Leland Powers, speech, ploys, Char., M. and G.
Sandy, U of U, English ,
Midvale, U of U, LOS Bus. College, type, dis. ed., sophs ., DECA.
seniors, magazine.
Evelyn Wood
Wanda Wade
Salt Lake, U of U, counsel, students, Joy Dees, Girls Club.
Salt Lake, USAC, BYU, U of U, stenography, voc. bus., guidance.
Lynn S. Searle, Lynn R. SEMINARY TEACHERS Webb, Golden L. Berrett, Principal Corter E. Grant .
Teachers Insisting, Students Place Emphasis On Scholarship
Counselors are on hand to lend a sympathetic ear, to give aid to those with problems, and to look after the welfare of all. World and American History strive
JUST FOR THE RECORD Merlene Heu tokes test from Evelyn Wood .
to make more intelligible problems of the world and the needs of America. Those wishing to get business positions, take typing, shorthand, office practice.
LET'S TACKLE THIS ONE Kent Tucker .and Phyllis Harbuck go to work on those history topics .
NAMI: THE WINNER Diana Savage wrestles with a typewriter.
Glenn Hill congenial and versatile president, is very capable . Friendliness, enthusiasm, and sincerity have brought this Draperite many friends. Outstanding as a student, and with the experience of having been the president of last year's juniors, he has given his untiring efforts to be a successful leader of the Jordan students.
Norma Gehri ng vivacious secretary hailing from West Jordan, works hard to please . This twinkling -eyed beauty Queen of the Midvale Harvest Days is very friendly and possesses the neal personality that makes her taps with everybody .
sparkling vice prexy , is packed with vim , vigor, and vitality . This tall, friendly Union lass has made her leadership felt in the affairs of the Jordan student government. Her warm smile and sense of humor have won her many friends.
Marilyn Milne -
charming and pert historian, comes from Union too. She' s fun to know and fun to talk to. She 's full of humor, intelligence, and conscience though she did neglect her duties long enough to part with her appendix. This go I likes everyone, and everyone likes her.
Marilyn Boyce -
WELL, YOU SEE, JUDGE Morsholl Rowen Schmidt, Pros . Atty . Glen Dunn, Judge Stanley Wright, 1st Asst. Jerry Jorgensen, 2nd Assist. Lee Ashton, Clerk Ann Grover sit In judgment on unnamed offender.
Student Court CRIME FIGHTERS Reody to oct os regulators of public behavior ore, Front row: Lawrence Roy, Morris Thomas, Don Brody, Glen Dunn, Vaughn Rasmussen, Gorr Vincent. Middle row: Charlene Bailey, Koye Mickelsen, Beatrice Hill, Joanne Brody, Lois Beckstead. Back row: Gene Berg man, Joy Beckstead, Arvin Mineer, Bla ine Griffin, Glen Cundick, Ernest Peterson .
WHAT'S THE SCORE Eager to bring home rooms up to date are, Front row: Gorr Vincent, Max Antczak, Morris Thomas, Don Brady, Charles Pierce, Earle Morris, Stanley Wright, Roland Baker. Middle row: Michael Varanakis, Kent Whetman, Rodne1 Maxfield , Donald Orr, Blaine Worthen, Velie Wright, Arnold White , Wallace Haun . Back row: Kent Burgan, Glen Moosman, Thomas Welch, Val Beckstead, Boyd Roos, Ray Bills, Bart Quintana, Sylvan Olsen.
Student Council
EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS To take student body messages to first period rooms ore, Front row: Charlynn Johnson, Joanne Brady, Norma Gehring, Marilyn Milne, Myrna Nolan, Betty Hofer, Kae Winn, Margaret Wood. Middle row: Jean Kynaston, Sharon Curtis, Gloria Brown, Beth Humes, Iris Wheodon, Jean Davies, Mary McCarthy, Cleo Woodhouse. Back row: Sue McMullin, Dixie Kearsly, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Kareen O'Brien, Gail Pixton, luJean Little, Shirla Jones. (From Right to Left.)
David Shields President
Joyce Nunley Vice Pres ident
Eager to Fit into New School Routine Although at first it was very new and hectic to the young Diggers, and they seemed never able to get their classes straightened out, they timorously dashed down the long, dark halls, through crowds of big bold boys, hunting hopelessly for their proper rooms. But they soon settled down and b~came full-fledged Beetdiggers and loyal Jordanites. Some of their never-to be-forgotten memories are their tall, dark, and hand some president; their smiling, sparkling vice -president; their secretary with the personality plus; their really rugged initiation; their fun class party; and their first report cards - 445 !
Lynn Haws Secretory
Charles Ainsworth Crescent Carol Anderson Midvale Roland Arterburn Union
Brent Anderson Midvale Don Adamson Union Jerry Anderson Midvale
Ronald Brown, Union lindsay Brady, Sandy lamont Beckstead, M1dvale Erwin Bauer, Granite Don Blumqulst, Midvale Ronald Baker, Draper
Jimmie Burgon, Union Clair Bell, Union Robert Beckstead, Sandy Arva Bolliger, Sandy Ernest Brothers, E. Crescent Joanne Bird, M1dvole
Margaret Brown, Riverton Verla Brown, Union Ralane Brown, Sandy leona! Boulter, Sandy Dale Bagley, Union David Butterfield, Herriman
Merylln Bishop, Sandy Jimmy Butterfield, Midvale Dennis Bateman, Sandy Ken Bunnell, Butler Beth Bills, Hernman karen Beckstrand, Midvale
Sharon Busenbark, Sandy Helen Brown, R1verton Marilyn Butterfield, Herriman JoAnn Bagley, Midvale Ray Bills, Riverton kathleen Baker, Draper
Helen Anderson Union Beth Allen Draper Glen Allgood Midvale
Marie Anderson Midvale lowell Ashman Midvale Glenda Anderson Sandy
Lawrence Astle
Sandy Dale Adams Sandy laMar Allinson Sandy
Max Antczak Cottonwood Hts. lee Ashton Union Gerald Asay Sandy
Dixie Anderson Union Howard Abrams Midvale Ellen Anderson Sandy
Sylvia Bowen Riverton Carmellia Brunetti Union Rochelle Booth Riverton
James Butler Sandy Russell Benson West Jordan Gloria Brown Butler
Judy Beckstead Riverton Richard Boyce Sandy Kent Brown East Midvale
Douglas Brown Midvale Marlene Brown Riverton Bruce Bell Riverton
Kay Boggess Union Rodney Brown Sandy Robert Chiea West Jordan
Marilyn Brady Union Carol Bollschweiler Butler leonard Cleland Draper
Kent Burgon East Midvale Milan Bursach Midvale Sandra Casper Sandy
?0,") , I
Marlene Corak, 路 Midva le Phil Cloward, Sandy Paul Caldwell, E. Midvale Elliott Carlsen, Midvale Patsy Coats, Mldva le
Gene Crawford, Murray JoAnn Cook, W . Jordan Myrna Cook, Union Marilyn Cook, Union La Rayne Crump, Bluffdale
Vasta Crump, Bluffdale Norman Coleman, Draper Allen Campbell, Sandy Doris Crane, Herriman Claude Crane, Bluffdale
Sharon Curtis, Midvale Patricia Crane, Riverton Nor/nne Cook, Union Richard Carlson, Draper Shirley Cherry, Draper
--路 Samuel Crump Bluffdale George Dansie Riverton Richard Day Draper
Paul Caine Riverfon Doren Dansie Draper Joyce Dansie Hemmen
D. Anna Despain, Union Joyce Ebert, Sandy Belly Ennis!, Riverton Marvin Emery, S. Jordon levi Jack Elmer, Sandy Jeannie Evans, Draper
Gary Egbert, W . Jordon Audrea Eastman, Hemmen David Eastman, Riverton Edward Evans, Draper La Rleta Freeman, Herriman VIvian Ferguson, Cot. Hts .
Kathryn Ferguson, Sandy Ross Fairborn, Crescent Jimmy Fitzgerald, Draper Frances Farmer, Midvale Eldon Forman, S. Jordon lloyd Francom, Midvale
Jay Fullmer, W . Jordon Nephi Fitzgerald, Draper Joyce Faurschou, W . Jordon Steven Fergus, Crescent Bonnie Grang.e, Sandy Richard George, Sandy
Jane Goff, Sandy Jim Glover, E. Midvale Grace Gilbert, Riverton Roger Grimaud, M1dvole Bill Glines, Union Nancy Gibbons, S. Jordon
Charlotte David Sandy Grant Dahl Eost Midvale Ronald Duffin Draper
Douglas Dumas Draper Delores Dibb Draper Margaret Dunn Midvale
Vernon Densley Riverton Claudette Densley Riverton James Dumas Midvale
DeAnna Dow Union Janet Detomasi West Jordon Evelyn Drake Midvale
Wayne Dahl East Midvale Janice Detomasi West Jordon Ruby Dorius Sandy
Marian Glover East Midvale Val Greenwood Crescent Joan Hawker Sandy
Gerald Gray Butler Grace Graham Union Clyde Hamilton Riverton
DuWayne Goff Sandy Ross Green Union Marlene Hess Riverton
Nancy Ann Greene Sandy Elaine Greenwood East Modvole Roxanne Hartman West Jordan
Clyde Grover Draper Norma Giles Bluffdale Janiel Hall Bluffdale
Glenda Graham Draper Janice Gatherum Midvale Judy Haun Sandy
Pat Grana Cottonwood Hts. Sue Gibbons Draper Dale Heugley Midvale
Phyllis Harbuck, Crescent Coleen Hamilton, Riverton Carolyn Hamilton, Riverton Arlene Haun, W. Jordon Duane Howlett, Draper
Arlene Holt, S. Jordon Lynne Haws, Midvale lleth Humes, Riverton Janice Howard, Union Colleen Heaps, Riverton
Kathleen Ha:1sen, Sandy Virginia Hardman, Sandy Claudia Hansen, Sandy Billy Hughes, Sandy Ralph Harper, Modvole
Beverly Hilton, Butler Ray Hansen, Un ion Annette Hudson, Un ion Ethel Hekl, Modvole Deanna Hendrickson, Sandy
Jeanne Hatt Bluffdale Owen Johnston Union Carla Jensen Sandy
Ernest Hardcastle Crescent Maureen Joosten Draper Ardell Jones Sandy
Linda Jensen, Midvale Richard Johnson, Midvale Marjorie Johnson, Union Arthur Kllsel, Sandy Peggy Kirton, Draper Charlene Kay, Butler
Jean Kynaston, Crescent Orson Kesler, Midvale Frances Kroon, W. Jordon Frank Larson, Sandy Raymond Lucero, S. Jordan Delores Lunnen, Draper
Annie Lundberg, Sandy Carmen Lloyd, Crescent Mike Laveder, E. Midvale Blayne Labrum, Union Duane Loveless, Sandy Frank Lucas, Riverton
Donna Lloyd, S. Jordan Donald Lloyd, S. Jordan Don Lien, Draper Marjorie Lloyd, Sandy Barbara Linnarz, Sandy Patsy Milligan, Bluffdale
Sandra Mitchell, Midvale Norma McClellan, W. Jordan Joan Marrow, Riverton Rosemary Miner, Sandy Arlene Mousley, Bluffdale Gayle McEwen, Sandy
Lynn Holt South Jordan James Jensen Sandy Eddie Jenkins Sandy
Larry Hakanson South Jordan Sharon James Union Gladys Mae John Riverton
Eddie Hoopiiaina Midvale Dorothy Jex Sandy Lee Jenson Sandy
Rees Jensen Sandy Clair Jensen Midvale Jerrold Jenson Midvale
Harvey Jones West Jordan Ronnie Jones Sandy Ernest Jeminez West Jordon
Carlene Morris Draper Sue McMullin South Jordan Bruce Mace Crescent
Don Milne Sandy Dwayne Madsen Draper David Mangum Riverton
Deanna Milne Union Brent MacKay Sandy Ray Montague Midvale
Nile Mitchell Midvale Faye Mitchell Draper Henry Middelstadt Riverton
Roy Mills Riverton Vickijo Moyer Riverton Elroy Morrill Union
Fay Morse Nelda Moon Butler Riverton Sharlene Mortensen Dale Macklin Riverton Union Clara Martinez ' Shirlene Neuffer Midvale East Midvale
Joan Naylor, S. Jordan Charlene Naylor, Midvale Sonja Nichols, Draper Ann Nilsson, Sandy Everett Nelson, Union
Sandra Nelson, Sandy Gerald Naylor, S. Jordon Robert Newman, Murray Paul Nicol, Midvale Paul Nichols, Midvale
Alfred Nelson, S. Jordon Joyce Nunley, Union Eric Nystrom, Sandy Clement Nickel, Sandy Donald Nuxman, W. Jordon
Jerry O'Brien, Midvale Gerd Olsen, Union Barbra O'Brien, W. Jordon JoAnn Ottesen, E. Mldva le Kenneth O'Brien, Sandy
Diane Olson Union Dirk Olson Sandy Ann Parry Riverton
Delores Olson Union Margene Orr Sandy Harrison Pedro Midvale
Patricia Pinedo, Midvale Denoce Poma, Draper Kend II Phelps, Midvale Pat Phelps, Riverton Richard Parry, Midvale James Peterson, Sandy
William Palmer, Riverton Colleen Parker, Midvale loon Peterson, Sandy Myrna Parsons, Midvale Glen Palmer, S. Jordan Lynn Palmer, S. Jordan
Dorothy Pullman, Herriman Shirley Price, Union Patty Parker, Crescent LeRoy Page, Riverton Roger Price, Union Ted Polson, Sandy
lois Pratt, Draper Keith Roos, Union Chad Rosenhan, Union Eugene Ray, Midvale Patsy Riggs, Union Jeannette Rawson, Union
Phyllis Romney, Sandy Dick Ramshaw, S. Jordan John Romero, Sandy Carl Rosenkrantz, W . Jordan Helen Reich, Sandy Penny Radmall, W. Jordan
Lois Owen Riverton Colleen Oviatt Riverton Jerry Pierce South Jordan
Martin O'Keefe West Jordon Sylvan Olsen East Midvale Veronica Perkins Midvale
Benson Olsen Sondy Doris Player Midvale Gayle Pixton Draper
Roberta Ozancin Draper Gary Phipps Riverton Janice Price West Jordon
Perry Olsen Sandy Lorin Price Union Rulon Parry Riverton
Darlene Robertson Draper Linda Sabey Midvale Beverly Sandquist Crescent
Sharlene Roby Midvale Mickey Sugiyama Draper Howard Swapp Midvale
Geraldine Roberts Sandy Nola Silcox Riverton Jack Snyder Union
Kent Simonson Sandy Mary Jo Silcox Riverton lola Smith West Jordan
Jean Stocking Riverton Judith Sylvester Draper Rosemarie Schmidt West Jordan
David Shields South Jordan Ann Simpson Midvale Coleen Spratling West Jordan
Tommy Stoker East Midvale Duane Sadler Draper Calvin Spratling West Jordan
Pauline Schmidt, W. Jordan Crespin Saldlbar, Midva le Hal Spratt, Draper Renee Sorenson, Bluffdale Brent Stephens, Midva le
Gay Shelton, Midvale Geraldine Sund, Sandy Nolan Smith, Draper Marlin Steinfeldt, W. Jordan Eileen Spencer, W. Jordan
Vickie Ann Showell, Riverton Sheldon Smith, Draper Sandra Scoffleld, Union Sharon Spears, Sandy Karen Sanden, Cr scent
Alan Steadman, S. Jordan Jerry Sharp, Midvale Ronald Troester, Midvale Norma lee Thayne, S. Jordan Fred Takemori, Granite
Charlene Townsend Sandy Donna Tapp Union Gordon Tolman Sandy
Noel Taylor Midvale Lynne Tripp Sandy Janice Vaughn Midvale
LuDawn Tucker South Jordon Bart Thaxton Riverton John VanRy Sandy
Not photographed: Lorry Andrus, Ted Anderson, Joyce Barney, Lorin Bigler, Wallace Brown, Almon Butterfield, Ledo Coleman, LaNeve Cook, Ray Cunnington, Joan Haws, Lowona Hauserman, Shirley Hardman, Harvey Jenkins , Rees
Charles Walker, Un ion Nedra Wardle, Midvale Jerry Webster, Midvale Roland Winberg, Midvale Nadine Wright, Midvale
LaTrice Walters, Union Forrest Wardle, Sandy Nell Wood, Union leonard Wood, Union Dwayne Walters, Sandy
Sally Winn, Butler Joan Winn, Cottonwood Hts. Michael Webster, Sandy Dean Wolf, Granite lois Wood, W. Jordon
Tracy Wilson, Union Ronald Webster, Midvale Kaye Winward, W. Jordan Carol Wood, Midvale lrellq Withers, Draper
Dorothy Webster, Midvale lanny Walker, Union Keith Whitmore, Granite Margaret Wood, Union Kay Yates, Murray Donald Yates, Midvale
Richard Thun Midvale Noreen Tester Midvale Kenneth Visser Sandy
Kent Tucker Draper Janet Torkelson Riverton Mike Varanakis West Jordan
Jensen, Owen Johnstun, Harvey Jones, Lois Joosten, Leon Kingston, Nancy Lauritsen, Larry Marshall, Rulon Martineau, Glen Moosman, Gary Nichols, Eido Nogales, James Orgill, Doris Orwin, Marianne Palmer, Patty Parker,
Sherry Tomlinson Midvale Bob Taylor Union Deanna Wenerstrom Sandy
Kay Talbot Midvale Ronald Thompson Union Richard Wellington Crescent
Shirley Price, Dorothy Pullman, Blaine Robinson, Wolter Rutishauser, Duane Scott, Robert Smart, Ellen Sweat, John Taylor, Douglas Tolman , LoDawn Tucker, Lawrence Ward, Dorothy Webster, Fronk Withers, Neil Wood.
d Side/; h
Teachers work-shop is over and the officers' meeting at Bingham. Jordan's hal ls echo with the familiar noises of 1134 Beetdiggers meeting teachers and officers in assem b ly, lining up to pay fees, enrolling in classes. Then comes Hi' Day to welcome new students, who soon must be initiated. Like figures in a nightmare, sophomores come to school in night gowns and long underwear. They shine shoes and carry books and the school reeks of
Emotional reaction between halves
Eager to get supplies and be up and at it
9 Is
of Septenloet
onions and of garlic. Song fests and pep ra ll ies a nd football. Pictures for the yearbook such a shortage of junior sweaters and of senio r coats! Stickers on the windshields. Cars checked for prop~r registration, and students for driver's licenses. Tryi ng out new classes. Assignments and homework. Electing officers, trying out for the play, voting for the Harvest Queen, going to the fair.
What Box Elder did to Vaughn Ra smu ssen
Clerk 's -eye view of bookstore l1ne up
Mary Ellen Delgado lights candle to become a Jay Dee.
Duane Olson, James Dahl, and Max Baker re路line parking lot.
Helen Anderson, Lynn Haws, Ben Bruse, Carman Lloyd, Karen Sanders get ready for so ph party.
The best part of the soph party
Calendar September 3 - Enrollment
5- Hi! Day 12 - Soph . initiation Jordan vs. Lincoln 16- Fair day 8 - Primary elections 19 - Orientation ceremony Jordan vs . Box Elder 22 - Begin pictures for yearbook 24 - Election Elbows and ankles and the September sun
PTA - Parents to classes 26 - Jordan vs. East
Staying after school for workouts, mak ing up new yells and skits, expending all their vim ond vigor at games, wearing out their voices at pep assemblies - these young dynamos did a bang-up job.
Ann Brody
FOOTBALL COACHES Chet Kim, head coach Dale Sorenson, Grant Martin
Jordan Has Off Season Handicapped by the loss of several letter men, the Jordan Beetdiggers finished last in the Big 8. In the first pre -season game - which they lost to Box Elder 20-0 - quarterback Vaughn Rasmussen broke his ankle and sat out the rest of the season - a costly game. In the first Big 8 contest, the Diggers dropped a hard-fought battle to East 6 -0. With Carbon they showed their fighting spirit - Lepore playing brilliantly - but Carbon's ferocious tackling and their own fumbling proved too much . They came out low on a 19-7 score. With South, Jordan got mired in the defensive and though they threatened at times, they were almost always stalled by fumbles and ended on the short end of 14-0. This was
Larry Ray Senior, Captain, End. Reaular . All State
repeated with Davis, who took advantage of their fumbles and penalties to win 19-0. Against Provo Jordan showed good passing and running, but again butter fingers at crucial points hurt bad and it was impossible to break through Provo's stone wall. Though they lost, young Lee Jensen was singled out as a bright star of the future. The outstanding single phase of the Granite game was the Jordan line play which, with good passers and hard runs, rolled the Farmers 19-6. During the game with West, Jordan fought hard but was unable to cash in on long drives or to hold West's terrific Knudsen, so they lost 20-7, and wound up the season in the cellar with Provo.
David Bean
Athletic Manager
gon, Ashby, Densley , Hott, Lepore , Dumas , Jenkins . Back row: Smith, Losee, H~rose, Shrewsberry, Anderson , Whittenberg, Whitehead, Nielsen, Schm1dt, M. Brown, Johnson, Dunn, McFarlane, Root, Gissemon, Coldw el l, Jarmon, Newbold, Brody.
ALL THREE SQUADS - Front row : Coaches Mart in and Kim, Angle, Jen路 sen, Holt, Hill, Morley, M1tchell, Smart, Hole, Moosman, Coach Sorensen. Second row : Shields, McNamara, E. Brown, Juretich, Thomas, Tester, Ho路
Varsity Football Scores Pre-Season Glen Hill, Senior Quarterback, Regular
Sept. 19 Sept. 12
Melv in Brown, Senior,
Tackle, Letterman
Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov.
Bob Hirose, Junior, Halfback, Letterman
26 3 10 17 24 31 7
Jordan Lincoln
0 2
League 0 Jordan Carbon 19 14 South Jordan 0 13 Provo Granite 6 7 Jordan
at Box Elder 24 at Jordan 6
Vaughn Rasmussen, Senior, Quarterback, Letterman Robert McNamara , Junior Cen ter, Regular
at at at at at at at
East Jordan Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan West
Morris Thomas, Senior, Tackle, Regular
6 7 0 19 0 19 20
Charles Jarman, Sen1or, End, Letterman
Donald Teste r, Junior Guard, Letterman
Gaylen Gi sseman, Senior Tackle, Letterman
Everett Halt, Senior End, Regular
Nyle McFarlane , Junior Halfback, Regular
David Root, Junior End, Regular
He nry Ashby , Junior Center, Regular
Dav id Hogan, Junior Guard, Letterman
Harold Morl ey , Junior Fullback, Regular
Gary Mitchell , Senior Guard, Regular
Don Wh itehead , Junior End, Letterman
Blaine Neil se n, Senio r End, Letterman
Bill Haun , Junior Fu ll back, Letterman
LaMar Johnson, Senior Tackle, Letterman
Rowen Schmidt, Senior Tack le, Regular
Roger Lepore , Senior Halfback, Regular
l ee Je nsen , Sophomore Quarterback, Let terman
lee Brady, Senior Center, Regular, All State 2nd
Dale Densley, Senio r Guard, Letterman
Robert Satovick , Junior Tackle, Regular
Robert Dunn, Junior Guard, Letterma n
TALL, TOUGH, AND TERRIFICNo stopping West' s powerful Knudsen.
Juniors Have Average Season The juniors, under the able supervision of Coach Grant Martin, ended the season with a record of 3 wins and 5 losses. It is noted that junior teams tend to be superior or extremely weak; therefore a squad with a record of almost average is not to be overlooked. Coach Martin and his lively squad pulled through the group of losses to the North Sanpete and Cyprus varsities, and to the Granite, East, and West crews to bowl over South and West by 2-0 scores, and to swamp Davis I 4-0. They won two league games and lost three. In order to prepare for next year the junior boys, along with the sophomores, held an extra week of fundamentals and drills.
Junior Scores
Sept. 12 Sept. 18
West 0 Jordan 0
at Jordan 2 at North Sanpete 19
Sept. 19
Jordan 0
at Cyprus
Sept. 25 Oct. 9 Oct. 16 Oct. 30 Nov. 6
East 6 Jordan 2 Davis 0 Jordan 0 West 14
at Jordan at South at Jordan at Granite at Jordan
0 0 14 40 0
SEND IN THE RESERVES Jordan stops Granite's end play
Jordan p iles up an Provo.
Sophomores Show Fight
LEAP-FROG Provo goes over the top .
Future Beetdigger opponents are in for plenty of trouble because the up -and -coming sophomores are ready, willing, and able to step into the oldsters路 spots. Despite a mediocre season, they showed great ability and plenty of promise. Hampered by promotions of key players and injuries to regulars, Coach Art Hughes could not find that extra spark; but despite these handicaps, they came through in fine style. The scrappy sophomore team wouldn 't stop fighting in spite of the disheartening handicaps and hard luck that plagued them. So the outlook on Jordan 's football future is very bright indeed with these promising youngsters coming up .
Sophomore Scores Sept. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Nov . Nov.
26 9
16 23 30 7 14
Jordan 13 6 Jordan No . Bount. 7 South 14 Jordan 0 Granite 40 Jordan 13
at Springville 6 at East 27 at Jordan 6 at Jordan 14 at Davis 18 at Jordan 13 at West 27
. t\en ts anc1
'"~'' '
Co.'/~ . "'t:icle
Tests too far away to cause much worry. It is fun to sit in the fallen leaves, to watch- the band go by, and the marching Charlonians. October is a month of much excitement- Charlonians initiated, football games, the Amateur Hour, the Harvest Ball , and the Carnival. Two days off while teachers go to meetings! A demonstration
laurence Brown, Francis Bills, Eugene Mumford and Betty Joe Mumford in o dramatic scene of the alumni ploy.
Hail the conquering hero I
of tricky ways to light a home, Lyceums, soph girls holding meetings, seniors getting rings and arguing caps and gowns. Girls' Club's Big Pal, Little Pal, and a Halloween party. The alumni come home to visit and put on a play. The month ends with the Granite game and a football dance.
A group of alumni look over the history album.
They also sweat who sit it out on the bench .
Joann Rasmussen, Janene Greenwood, Jo Ann Forbush revel in October leaves. Brent Anderson, Blaine Griffin, Joy Goff, and Joanne Stromberg lead the bond and the Chorlon ions . Laura Joseph, Myrna Lee Dowding, Marie Erickson, Alice Olson, Nancy Motto wait for customers at the carnival. THE FACES ARE FAMILIAR - Waiting for a curta in call , C. N. Crawford and Murray Allen. Performers R. 5. Peterson, Gertrude Trantor, Jay Pond.
Calendar October 1 - Charlonian initiation 2 - Sophs play Davis 3 - Amateur Hour, Carbon at Jordan, Harvest 8 - Carnival Ball 9 - South at Jordan 16 -Yearbook receives all-American rating 17 - Jordan at Davis 21 - Modernaires Assembly 23 - Provo at Jordan 24 - Seniors get class rings . 29 - Big Pal, Little Pal party 31 -Homecoming, Granite at Jordan, Halloween Dance
at GoIlles
Front row: Janet Burns , Ruth Darton, Mary Lou Madsen, Coleen Beckstead, ReNee Goff, June Soderberg, Shirlo Jones, Sophie Adondakis. Middle row : Shyrmo Loy Hendricksen, Darlene Brewer, Dixie Keorsley, Barbaro Bjork, Eris Egbert, Jacqueline Rishton, Lois Beckstead, Mary Boggess. Back row: Connie Burgan, Janet Duffin, Lois Neff, Faye Lloyd, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Luana Lunnen, Shirlene Day, Marilyn Berrett, JoAnn Forbush.
Charlonians Furnish Pep Fifty -one Charlonian members worked hard to uphold the aims of their club by promoting scholarship, leadership, sportsmanship, fellowship, and pep. New members turn into funny characters on initiation day, becoming full-fledged Charlonians after taking the oath at the impressive candlelight ceremony. These pepsters, dressed in snappy maroon and gray uniforms, entertain football and basketball enthusiasts between halves with difficult marching manuevers.
Two of the Charlonian officers secretary Joy Beckstead and historian Charlynn Johnson. President Claudia Scoffield and reporter Janice Jensen were absent.
GRADES WITHOUT GROANS Honor students Janice Jensen, Mary Boggess, Joy Goff, Maryann Rasmussen, Sophie Adondakis find their report cards easy to look at.
who hope to be full-fledged day is over, bask awhile in
They also usher at basketball games and special programs. They sponsored a popular booth, "Fish , Pond, " for the Yearbook Carnival. At Christmas time they make it possible for a family to have a merry Christmas by playing Santa Claus to them. In the spring they hold the Charlonian Ball, inviting former members, athletes, and class and club officers . Their sponsors are lucille Tuttle, Oralie Rawson, and Helen Seaman.
Front row : Charlene Crapo, Jean Evans, Lauro Joseph, Marion Mortensen, Charlynn Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Geraldine Fisher, Chorlyn Russell, Marilyn Milne. Middle row: Marva Jeanne Kimball, Joy Beckstead, Betty Lambson, Myrna Harmon, Ruth Whittle, Delores Burmester, Gayle Wright, Denece Johanson . Back row : Janice Jensen, Joy Goff, Vanessa Crawford, Betty Jo Pork, Ruby Seito, Donna Hardcastle, Maryann Rasmussen.
Front row: Rulon Wilcox, Marlin Green, Robert Wilkinson, Roderick At路 wood, Junior Garfield, Ray Terry, Howard Mitchell, lynn Greenwood. Second row: Monte Maynard, Ronald Parry, Gary Allred, Dennis Brown, Rodney Ma xfie ld, Ray Olson, Harvey Hansen, Dean Smart, Jim Dahl.
Third row : Jock Doy , Jimmy Fratto, Glen Foirbourn, Jerry Folrbourn, Noel Green , Noal Hardcastle, Robert Wilson , Jerry Sorensen, Dick Stocking. Back row: Dan Losee, Walter Brady , Fred Shinsel, Merlin Smith, Reed Stanley, Shown Peterson, Duane Olson , Jack Cavender.
Future Farmers Have Many Projects The principa 'l aims of Future Farmers of America are to encourage members in the development of in dividual farming programs, to strengthen the confidence of the boys in themselves and their work, and to establish them in farming . The boys exhibit at local and state fairs where they win many valuable prizes. They conduct farm - safety campaigns, mix and distribute rat bait, sponsor an assembly.
FFA Officers-President Jim Dahl, secretary larry Burklnshaw, vice pres ident Rodney Maxfield, treasurer Harvey Hansen make plans for the year .
Roderick Atwood, Paul Halverson, Sherrill Schouten man icu re a tree .
f Farm\ng
Front row: Glen Palmer, Colvin Spratling, Joy Fullmer, Blaine Robinson, Gerold Gray, Paul Nichols, Roy Montague, Lynn Palmer. Second row: Steve Fergus, Donald Nuzmon, Paul Nicol, Richard Day, Fronk Lucas, AI-
fred Nelson, Ross Fo irbourn , Morvin Emery. Third row: Gory Egbert, Nephi Fitzgerald, Nolan Smith, Clair Bell, Daren Dansie, David Butterfield, George Dansie, Val Greenwood. Back row: Grant Dahl, Marlin Steinfeldt, David Mangum, Nile Mitchell , Eldon Foreman.
FFA Win Prizes FFA sponsors farm radio programs, sends delegates to FFA conventions, sends State Crops Contest Winners to Kansas City, sponsors the Harvest Ball, gives model tractors to needy families for Christmas presents, gives a Christmas party and has one meeting each month . The boys have a yearly banquet for their fathers . Each year they win state farmer degrees and scholarships. Advisers are Glen E. Soulier and Donald M. Budge.
Duane Olson and Jack Cavendar doctor up their baler engine.
James Abbott, Lynn Greenwood, Roderick Atwood, and Noal Hardcastle try out their stock-judging ability.
Moonlight and Roses Big annual performance of the FFA on Oct. 2, replete with decorations, dancing and floorshow, doughnuts and cider, is climaxed by the crowning of the Queen.
QUEEN FOR A DAY Gladys Butterfield
Nada Anderson and Sophie Adondakis do their bit.
Har~est Ba\\ 50
SHINE ON HARVEST MOON Committee (clockwise) : Ronald Parry, Larry Burkinshaw, Fred Shinsel, Harvey Hansen, Noal Hardcastle, Sherrill Schouten, Merlin Smith, James Dahl, Dennis Brown, Rodney Maxfield, Gary Allred .
Hilarity and Profit Roy Brinton and Sophie Adondakis did
themselves proud with the annual carnival. Raffles, dancing, shows, games, faculty nonsense, take-a-chance-ers - all helped bring in the money - $600 for the yearbook treasury.
Carn\val Prizes for Booths DECA Club first FFA second Ski Club third
Mr. and Miss Jordon Joy Goff and Larry Asay
CRIME DOESN"T PAY Ernest Peterson gets a ticket for improper parking .
What the Carnival looked like.
Facts and
ol November- and play rehearsals go on and football and pep rallies. J Books come out and everybody rushes to look up those certain telephone numbers. Seniors meet with the P.T.A. Jay Dees hold a fashion clinic. Journalists go to B.Y.U. to a state conference. Club meetings and Lyceums, Armistice Day and the American Legion. Doing some studying - tests in the offing! Senior girls hold meetings, ninth graders come to the school play. Matinee
FHA Week, and the girls bring roses to the principal.
Rowen Schmidt, Else Bauer, and Louis Basta hunt for telephone numbers.
play for the students, matinee dance for the football squad. Ah fateful day! Report cards are out! For Orson Smith, who has taught thirty years at Jordan and retired this year because of illness, an assembly and a gift of an easy chair. Try-outs for Voice of Democracy. Seminary dance at the Old Mill. And November and autumn end with a Thanksgiving party, and everyone home for a holiday.
Eager beavers line up for the new directories.
Cheerleaders amuse pep rally with an original stunt.
At Jay Dee 's Fashion Clinic a boys' panel discuss girls ' fads and fashions. Betty Ruth Fitzgerald and Vaughn Rasmussen represent the Junior Red Cross.
Midge, Kae Winn, phones to fix things up - and sure does.
Mada McKay and Grant Dahl pleased with report cards.
Maryann Rasmussen and Earl Morris in Traveling Assembly.
Calendar November 3 - J Books out 5- German Club party, PTA,Jay Dee's Fashion Clinic 7 - Jordan at West 8 - Journalism Conference, BYU 11 -Armistice Day program 12 - School Play for ninth grades 17 - School Play, matinee 18 - Matinee football dance 19 - Sports Club and Masque and Gavel parties, Orson Smith assembly 20 - Language Club party 21 -Seminary Dance at Old Mill 25- Lyceum 26 - Boys and Girls Clubs Thanksgiving Day party 27-28 - Holiday 53
Broadcaster G 0 1hers
MAKE -UP ARTISTS - Co -ed1tors Marian Mortenson and Marva Jeanne Kimball get started on o long job.
MEET THE PRESS Checking up on ads ore co -business managers Marvel Christensen and Ruth Kritzer.
CATCH THAT ERROR Sports editor Robert Griffis !center) checks proof with sports -writers Robert Dunn, Kent Marlor, Allan Newbold, and Robert Satovick.
HOT OFF THE PRESS Seated: Reporters Detta Cooper, Connie Rae lloyd, Denece Johamon, Jeanette James, Janet Gammell, Janice Jensen. Standing: Neldon Bateman, Paul Hellstrom, Arden Thorum, Marian Forbush.
NEWS AS IT HAPPENED Reporters Kenneth Rasmussen , Beverly Proctor, Connie Burgan, Geraldine Fisher, Charlyn Russel, Lorna Millet, Cleo Woodhouse, Iris Wheedon, Velie Wri(:Jht hunt for their own copy.
Read All About It Jordan's busy newspaper has a three-fold purposeto give news, to interpret it, and to give experience in journalistic writing. Under the able guidance of Oralie Rawson and Joseph Bowman there are ten issues - five with four pages, five with six, three of which include junior high school news. It is a member of the International Quill and Scroll and of several journalism associations.
Press Club
Joan LeFevre, Norma Steadman, Elaine Coleman, Iris Wheadon, Morva Jeanne Kimball, Winnie Mae Bills, Marian Morten sen, Pat Ball . Middle row: Velie Wright, Paul Hellstrom, Neldon Bateman, Joanne Henschke, Ruth Kritzer, Marvel Christensen, Ann Grover, Charlene Bailey. Back row: Arden Thorum, Lee Vordos, Kent Marlar, Geraldean Evans, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Denece Johanson, Douglas Dahl. Front row:
Clubs Are Active
Quill and Scroll
Looking over some of their journalistic achievements are Marvel Chris tensen, Ruth Kritz-er, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Ruby Seito, Velie Wright, Pat Ball, and (seated) Marian Martensen and Nancy Ann Sjoblom .
Composed of journalism students, the Press Club has many activities . New this year is their Tuesday morning broadcast Station J H S. They attend the workshop at U of U and the conference at BY U. Meeting <.:ertain literary standards, members join Qvill and Scroll, an international honorary society for high schools. Both clubs work together, sponsored by Oralie Rowson, Joseph Bowman, and LaMar Hendrickson.
Secretary Ruby Sella, president Marian Mortensen, vice president Velie Wright
~ 0 ys
~o\hers Enterto\(\s
FUN FOR ALL Secretory Gary Hale, President Larry Ray, and Veep Don Milne make plans for o fun
Adjusts Boys to School Sponsored by Frank Kamnikar, the Boys ' Club, composed of all the boys in school, tries to help boys adjust themselves to the problems of the school. Some of this adjustment takes the form of entertainment. They sponsor a booth at the carnival, give a Thanksgiving and a Christmas party together with the Girls' Club, and bring their fathers to a Fathers' and Sons' Night Out, for talks, refreshments and a preview of the Traveling Assembly.
LET'S TALK IT OVER Soph Rep. Brent Anderson, Jr. Rep. Gordon Millerberg , Sr. Rep. Curtis Jensen discuss Fathers' Night.
FATHER KNOWS BEST With Roberta Morgan, Janet Gammell, Joann Stromberg, the Traveling Assembly hod to be enter taining.
Shows Hollywood Studio
Temperamental sta r Glen Cund ick has throat sprayed by Charles Pierce. THREE GIRLS IN A BOAT Kay Yates, Pauline Schmidt and Joan Naylor of th U. S. Navy.
THEY ' RE IN THE NAVY NOW Front row : Alene Graham, Mari lyn Boyce. M iddl e row : Marilyn Stoffers , Dorothy Park in. Back row : Sheila Fitzgera ld, Mari lyn John son .
HOG -TIED - Kay Arnold, Jay Beck stead, and Val Beckstead watch Patty Parker get her man, Rodney Maxfield.
~ li~" ~~~ r ~U..!.!!t
Pauline Schmidt, Kay Yates, and Joan Naylor present theme poster.
REMEMBER WHEN Part of the early century are Pat Ball, Connie Burgon, Charlyn Russell, and Ruth Darton.
JOHNNY ON THE SPOT Always on hand to do the heavy work are stage crew David Bean, Kay Boggess , Keith Roos, and (standing) Roy lien, John Nystrom, Dick Jacobsen, and Jack Elmer.
SOFT SHOULDERS AND DANGEROUS CURVES Roberta Morgan, Janet Gammell, Ann Brady, Joann Stroruberg in slinky black satin; and Joy Goff, star of the silent flickers . STUDENT COMMITTEE -
It Really Goes Places "Hollywood Serenade" , this year's traveling assembly, With a cast of 75, features motion pictures. The entire scene takes place on the sound stage in a Hollywood studio. It is the story of the clashes and temperament of film people, brought out in commentary that runs between and introduces the various numbers . Composed, cast, costumed, and directed by Lowell Boberg, assisted by Donald Olson, Don Parr, Clement Crapo, Royal Madsen, Elaine Dixon, students and departments, the production was presented as the feature for Fathers ' and Sons' Night Out. About 10,000 people have seen this performance--Jordan students, the Veterans' Hospital, various high schools, junior highs, and wards. The purpose is to build up a program composed of representative student talent to exchange with other schools, and also to be of service in the communities to help raise funds.
Paul Wilcox, Charlene Bailey, and Pat Ball.
oe Winn s Midge Ha rtrnan
lhree-Ad Comedy by Morryone ond Joseph Hoyes Chosen for Annuo\ Orornotic Production
Marilyn Stoffers as Virginia Hartrna n
Connie ltae lloyd a s Mrs . Louise Hortrnon
Glenn Cundi<k as BuLZ Lindsay
Donald Orr os Mr. Jeffery Hortrno n
Blaine Griffin os Mr . Li nk Fields Charlynn Johnson os Mrs. Ceci lia Fields
GorY f\t"t.gerald os l(e\th Ne lo n Paul Caine as freddy North Garr Vintent os Al lan fie lds
"TonY N\astaro os messenger boy
Joanne Pixton os Ga bby Allen
"Ted Pierte os ClancY
LOVE IN BLOOM When sophisticated Carollyn (Nancy Ann Sjobloml comes to visit , high -mmded Elliot (Douglas Dahll discovers that books aren't everything .
UNCLUTCH MY BOY FRIENDS Virgmia (Marilyn Stoffersl tries to unhook Keith (Gary Fitzgeraldl and Buzz (Glenn Cundickl from Carol lyn (Nancy Ann Sjobloml.
AN ORCHID FOR THE TEACHER At the end of the performances, the appreciative cast, who have loved every minute of the long grind, present Coach Tuttle with some posies .
Ben Bruse and Don Parr insist that the actors look pretty if it kills them.
Doing the running and the hunting and seeing that the play goes on without a hitch are property gals Barbara Ann Clark, Ra Nae Weber, Gayle Wright, and prompter Mary Jean Cartwright.
The Play Was Fun This amusing and true-to-life comedy was highly appreciated by the audiences - especially by those possessing teen -agers of their own. The setting- the living room of the Hartman's - was one that you wouldn 't mind living in yourself, and the cast gave natural, well-coached performances. The character of the lovable little Midge, who Was always trying to straighten matters out and ending in hot water, was played as only Kae Winn could play it she fairly sparkled. The way Doug flipped his hat as, deserting his book, he marched off to the prom, was precious. And where could one learn better how to get a boy friend than from the sophisticated Nancy Ann? But really, they all starred and everybody had a wonderful time.
Ridin' and Ropin' In the autumn and the spring the Riding Club takes to the hills, rides in parades, and makes an annual trip to Red Pine Lake. In the winter they turn to sleigh-riding. At the carnival they sponsor a refreshment booth.
\l\ding CJ
Front row: Gerald Gedge, Larry Brown, Rodney Maxfield, Robert Wilkinson, Har路 old Gray, Vance Withers, Darrold Thorn . Back row: Sponsor Paul Boyce, Reid Stan路 ley, Francis Kroon, Vickie Ann Showell, Winnifred Madsen, Ada Gail Lipsey, Irene La Chance, Renee Jackson.
Secretary Winnifred Madsen , vice president Reed Stanley, and president Gerald Gedge plot riding trail.
VIce president Verla James, president Carol Sharp, and secretary Diane Webster get ready for a party.
Any Sport That's Fun Bowling, skating, swimming, hik ing, partying anything that's fun goes for the thirty members of the Sports Club. Their aim is to promote good sportsmanship, good fellowship, and friendliness, and just have honest-to-goodness fun.
First row: llo Radmall, Carol Sharp, Nola Atwood, Iris Wheadon, Kaye Robison, Nola Green, Diane Webster, Myrna Horman, Verla James, LaRoe Kartchner. Second row: Penny Radmall, Roberto Morgan , Ar路 dis Butterfield, Norlene Green, Joy Card路 well , Jeanette James, Marilyn Johnson, Sharon Greenwood, Margaret Wood. Third row: Elda Rae Mounieer, JoAnn Marlow, Marleen Hess , Winnifred Madsen, Anna Mae Phelps, Geraldean Evans, Winnie Mae Bills, Joan LeFevre, Valena leonard, Joy Golding. Back row: Tracy Wilson , Jimmy Glover, Kendall Bunnel.
Roy Brinton elected head of Utah DECA on Nov. 15.
Richard Hogan and rifle with which he won Junior record
score In International Rifle meet at Fort Douglas on Aug. 13.
Atwood, Green, Fairbourn, Maxfield bock from FFA convention at Kansas City, Missouri.
loren Bigler and Jo Ann Rasmussen
win vote -guessing contest.
Charlene Crapo wearing coot won in soles contest.
Berrett, Booth, Hoopiianl (2nd prize). Miner (1st prize). Satovick, Madsen winners of " Voice of Democracy" contest over KMUR.
Garfield, Hansen, Allred, Schouten with trophy and ribbons won at the Fair.
Amateur Hour - Back row: Quartet of Maxfield, Arnold, J. Beckstead, (V. Beckstead, absent). second place; Bunnell, piano, first; Koren Beckstrand and Charlene Naylor, duet, third .
VJ\nter Comes
â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘
Other winters have meant blizzards and frozen fingers, school buses stuck in drifts, blocked highways and snow plows , ice skating and coasting . But not 1953. A few scattered days of forbidden snowballs, a few mornings - far apart - of cars skidding on icy pavements, skiing in the mountains, but mostly " June in January." A little rain, a little slush, bright days, flies in the class -room windows, birds about the yards, dusty shoulders off the pavements, dryfarmers longing for moisture, floods from the rivers, in early February snow -drops blooming and forsythia about to burst. We sell yearbook pictures, we decorate the big tree in the hall and set up the papier mache Santa. We dig in for mid-year tests and moan and groan and call the teachers slave -drivers. We listen to the inauguration of the new President; we talk about Lincoln and Washington; we try out for the opera. Basketball begins, and the Charlonians march and the band plays - this time in the gym. The Taveling Assembly travels; the choruses practice the Messiah; the neighbors bring assemblies. With winter come the Senior Hop, the Christmas vacation, the Sweethearts' Ball. Winter also means hard work and tests.
Ne ldon Bateman President
Beatrice Hill Vice President
Juniors Look Forward to Being Seniors Having become oriented as sophomores, the 391 juniors confidently swing into the social and scholastic whirl of their second year at Jordan . Led on by their officers, who prove to be competent, popular, and en thusiastic, they make new friends, gain new experi ences, and have heaps of fun - especially with their prize social event, the Junior Prom . Of necessity they spend most of their time w ith classwork, and sometimes burn the midnight oil, since all are looking for ward to being next year's seniors .
Sh lrla Jones Secretary
Roderick Atwood, West Jordon Dale Atkinson , Midva le Mary Allsop, Union Reynold Astle, Draper Emalie Adamson, Drape r
Henry Ashby, Dra~er Arnold Angle, Mu rray Fra nk Anselmo, West Jordan Maurine Allen, Draper Bill Allen , Midva le
Kay Arnold, South Jorda n Mary Kay Anderson, Sandy Roland Anderson , Midva le Sophie Adondakis, West Jordan larry Asay, West J ordan
Nola Atwood, Wes t Jo rdan Charles Ashford, Sandy Willi s Beckstead, Riverton Beth Beck, Midva le Vaughn Butler, Sa ndy
Edward Brown, Butl e r Rodney Butterfield, Herriman Ardis Butterfield, Rive rton Barbara Bjork , Sandy Mary Boggeu, Un io n
Mike Butkov ich , Sandy Mark Baird, Draper lee Brown, Midva le larry Beers, Sandy George Brklaclch , Midvale
Gary Beers, West Jordon Beckstead, South Jordon l ee Butterfie ld, Riverton arry Brklacy, Crescent Merllyn Berre tt, Union
~ 67
Darleen Brown, Midvale A:>n Buhl, Butler Janel Burns, Midvo le Lynette Bair, Butler Gerilyn Brady, Union
Darlene Brewer, Union Pat Ball, Union Rodney Wm . Butterfield, Riverton Francine Bernardo, Draper Gall Busenbark, Sandy
Lee Bateman, Sandy Diana Butterfield, Midvale David Bolliger, Sandy Veriaine Bateman, West Jordon Else Bauer, Granite
Connie Burgon, Union Winnie Mae Bills, Riverton Melva Bell, Sandy Kay Brown, Riverton Burk Bristol, Riverton
Neldon Bateman, Sandy Ann Brady, Sandy lrmgard Bauer, Granite Val Beckstead, South Jordon Ennis Berrett, Draper
Loren Beckstead, Riverton Robert Bently, Bluffdale Larry Brown, West Jordon Alice Bush, Sandy Walter Brady, Un ion
Lois Beckstead, South Jordon Jay Beckstead, South Jordon Max Baker, Midvale RaNee Beck, Herr iman Mac Curley, Midvale
Mary Covington Butler Paul Condie Union Peggy Christensen Bluffdale David Clayton Union Alan Dorius Sandy Janet Duffin Draper
Frances Covington Butler Jack Cavendar West Jordan Joan Christopherson East Midvale Dallas Cooke Riverton Sh irlene Day Draper Wayne Erickson Sandy
Carolee Colebrook East Midvale LaRae Christensen Sandy Elaine Coleman West Jordan Lyla Downs Midvale Dorienne Despain Granite Geraldean Evans Riverton
Arlene Coon West Jordan Buddy Conti Midvale Marilyn Davis Sandy Ross Dumas Midvale Donald Edwards Riverton
Nanelle Carpenter Sandy Shirley Christopherson South Jordan Jack Day Draper Douglas Dahl Midvale Maydel Evans Draper
Ross Chiverall Della Fern Cooper Midvale South Jordan Barbara Cole Vanessa Crawford West Jordon Sandy Mary Ellen Delgado Robert Dunn Midvale Midvale Ruth Darton Joan Davis Union Sandy Eris Egbert Darlene Eyre Granite Sandy
Sonia Evans, Draper Sandra Fitzgerald, Draper Joe Fortner, Union Richard Fullmer, East Crescent Marian Forbush, Union
Lawrence Forbush, Murray Geraldine Fisher, Union Gerald Fisher, Union JoAnn Forbush, Sandy Glen Fairbourn, Cresce nt
Gail Freeman, Herriman Loris Ferguson, Sandy Jimmy Fratto, Draper Betty Ruth Fitzgerald, Draper Dick Frandsen, Sandy
Jerry Fairbourn, Crescent Renee Goff, South Jordan Lynn Greenwood, Crescent Gary Greer, Union Janet Gammell, Riverton
Junior Garfield, Draper lois Green, West Jordan Harold Gray, Butler Betty Griffis, Un ion Jeanine Greenwood, Sandy
Jean Gilbert, Riverton Nola Green, West Jordan Noel Green, West Jordan Joy Goff, Midva le Norlene Green, Bluffdale
Karl Glover, West Jordan Gayle Gardner, West Jordan Philip Hoffman, Midvale Margaret Harrington, Draper Vivian Halverson, West Jordan
Bill Haun Sandy Ruth Hum es River ton Shyrma Hendrick son Sandy Paul Hellstrom Sa ndy Janice Jen sen Midvale Patricia Jen sen Midvale
Rollie Hall Sandy Noal Hardca stle Crescent Marian Holman Union Jerry lpson Draper Colleen Jarrad Murray Jeanette James Draper
Wallace Hau ~ West Jordan Rodney Harman Midvale Jackie Hall Bluffdale Denece Johanson Midvale Richard Jacobson Union Arlene Jepp son Un ion
Halley Hun saker Sandy Gary Hale Midval e Gerald Jorgensen West Jorda n Jerry Jordan Draper Dean Jenson Midva le
David Hogan West J orda n Betty Hawker San dy Bob Johnson 路 Dra per Donna Mae Jenkins Midvale Nancy Johnson Sandy
Richard Hogan West Jordan JoAnn Holt Sandy Renee Jackson Union Shirla Jones South Jordan Gary Johnson Riverton
Beatrice Hill Draper Janice Hughes Sandy Marilyn Johnson Crescent Jerry Juretich Midvale Norma Jacobson Murray
Jerry Kemp, Sandy JoAnn Knight, Salt lake Dixie Kearsley, Midvale Joyce Kemp, Crescent Terry Kastanis, West Jordon
Allen Lipsey, Sandy Joan Lefevre, East Midvale Leland Lewis, Midvale Dan Losee, Butler Emogene Leonard, Union
JoAnn Longson, Sandy Margie Larson, Sandy Darlene Lloyd, South Jordon Luana lunnen, Crescent Connie Rae Lloyd, Draper
RoMae Lang, Sandy Pearl Lundberg, Sandy Beth LoRocco, Midvale JoAnn Larsen, Riverton Arlee Labrum, Midvale
luGene little, Butler Faye Lloyd, Crescent Irene LaChance, Riverton Beverly Lawson, Sandy Ann Larson, Midvale
Adagoll Lipsey, Union Marlin Mitchell, Riverton Nyle Mcfarlane, Riverton Jonice Miller, Sandy Joon Mlllerberg, East Midvale
Robert McNomara, Union Tony Mascaro, Union Reed Maynard, South Jordon Jeraldine Moffet, Sandy Harold Morley, West Jordon
Owen Minnick Draper Gordan Millerberg Midva le Beth Mounteer Union Mary McCarthy Union LaDee Norris Sandy Esther Owens Riverton
Colldene Morse Butler LaNila Maynard Sandy Ruth Miles Draper Maida McKay Murray Alan Newbold Sandy Duane Olson Sandy
Roberta Morgan Riverton Lorna Millet Union Mary Lou Madson Sandy Marva Rae Madson Draper Jack N10lson Union LaMar Olson Midvale
Marilyn Moore Midvale Kent Marlar East Midvale Larry Merlin West Jordon Kareen O'Brien West Jordon Jay Pierce Draper
Arvin Mineer Midvale Leon Morrow Sandy Howard Mitchell Midvale Betty Olson Butler Sherman Pierce Sandy
Lee Ann Miner Midvale Winnlfred Madson Union Vera Nelson Sandy Stanley Obershaw West Jordon Dell Petersen East Midvale
Pauleen Miller Midvale Cheryle Mousley Bluffdale Lois Neff Crescent Neil Ostler West Jordon Vivian Parsons Midvale
Dean Pond, Sandy VaLaine Pack, Draper Beverly Proctor, Union Lynn Price, South Jordon Val Player, Murray
Pat Padjen, Midvale Vicky Parker, West Jordon Lucille Pazell, Midvale Jay Phelps, Riverton Carmen Pinedo, Midvale
Lynn Pierson, Sandy Sharon Peterson, Sandy Georgia Pappas, West Jordon Jack Purser, West Jordon Bernice Quintana, South Jordan
Bart Quintana, South Jordan Kenneth Rasmussen, Draper Jack Rindlisbach, Bluffdo le Jeanne Reynolds, Midvale Carol Rogers, Sandy
Boyde Roos, Union Kenneth Roden, Draper Jackie Rishton, East Midvale Colleen Rawson, Sandy Charlyn Russell, Union
Elaine Ross, Union Jean Romney, South Jordan Viola Reich, Sandy Joan Rasmussen, Sandy Richard Reynolds, Union
Melvin Rigby, Salt Lake Kaye Robison, West Jordan Paul Rosenhan, Midvale David Root, Midvale Maryann Rasmussen, Midvale
June Soderberg East Midvale Norma Steadman West Jordan Carol Stocking Midvale Shirley Schaelling Union Rita Setterberg Sandy Nancy Ann Sjoblom Draper
Thad Shinsel Riverton Joan Smith Sandy Nancy Ann Soper Draper Geraldine Springer Crescent Draney Smith Midvale David Sag~>r Midvale
Robert Satovick Midvale Kenneth Spencer Riverton Larry Stout Midvale Patricia Stelling West Jordan Richard Stowe Sandy Gene Sharp Midvale
Eileen Snarr Sandy Marie Scott Midvale Gene Savage Draper Evalyn Sjostrom Union Martin Swasey Murray
Lamont Smith Draper Carene Spilker Butler Carolyn Swapp East Midvale LaRue Silcox Sandy Arden Thorum Union
Lynn Sharp Midvale Carol Smith Midvale Glen Smith Draper John Shrewsbury Granite Ray Terry Draper
Marilee Swenson East Midvale Connie Shelton Bluffdale Joanne Stromberg Riverton Joan Steadman Bluffdale Sharon Tingey Midvale
Not Photographed: Coral Anderson, Robert Bently, Betty Bee croft, Lorin Beckstead, LeRoy Butterfield, Rodney Butterfield, James Barnett, Lorry Baker, Ted Crane, Ronald Clark, Norman Christensen, Jackie Childress, Norman Ca rl sen, Jileen Draper, Ivan Draper, Larry Draney, Don Hol t, Lee Holmstead, Jock Hillis, Vern Jorgensen, Jean Jones, Ann Johnson, Robert Kemp, John Lofthouse, Blaine Mitchell, Jack Martin, Glen Markus, Ivy North, Gloria Nunley, Delbert Pragnell, Barbara Robinson, Beverly Robinson, She ldon Stead man , Shirley Whittle, Harold Wright.
Ray Jla Thompson Midvale Nita Taylor Crescent Jack Tomac Midvale Mary VanRy Sandy Iris Withers Riverton Robert Wilson Crescent
Delbert Tapp Midvale Marva Toone Draper Shirleen Taylor Granite Velie Wright Midvale Vance Withers Riverton Gary Walker Un ion
Don Tester Midvale Noel Thompson Midvale Burton Usher Riverton Marilyn Walters Sandy Robert Wilkinson Butler lee Wanlau Bluffda le
Ethel Terry Draper Rex Turner Spndy Bobs Uremovlch Midvale Cleo Woodhouse Union Blaine Worthen East Midvale Belly Wallgren Sondy
LaVon Terry1 Sondy Robert VIncent Sandy laMar Walbeck Draper Caroleâ&#x20AC;˘ Walker Union Iris Wheadon South Jordan
Darrald Thorn Riverton Kent VIncent Midvale Arnold While Sandy Raymond Whittenburg Sandy Bryan Yates East Midvale
Charlene Troester Midvale lee Vordos Midvale Don Whitehead Union Robert White Midva le Janet Zabriskie Crescent
Grant Martin, head coach Art Hughes, and Chat Kim, who did the super-colossal coaching thot turned out the all -state champs.
Jordan - South Tie for First in Big 7 The Jordan Beetdiggers, defending champions, once again ended first in the Big 7 in an 8-win 2-loss tie with South. After an opening week bye, Jordan Won the first game of its season 50-46, with a thrilling last-minute comeback against the Davis Darts. In the second game, Granite moved ahead of Jordan at the beginning, but the "Diggers" fought back to tie at the half, and went on to win 55-44. The first defeat of the season came at the hands of East, on their home floor, when the Jordan quint, playing without Gordon Millerberg and Curtis Jensen, was defeated 37-30.
With a 63-58 win over South, the Beetdigger five showed their high-scoring ability, and championship form. A hard-fighting West team handed Jordan its only other loss of the season with a well-played 43-40 victory. Provo 's long-shooting Bulldogs kept a lead through the first half of the game, but the Diggers came back with a 51-44 win. After a week's rest because of a bye, the Jordan five downed a hardworking Davis team 48-38. Jordan cinched a berth in the state tournament with a 56-43 win over the Granite Farmers. In the Granite game the Diggers took an
early lead, but had to fight down a thirdquarter rally to win. Jordan revenged an early-season loss by beating the East Leopards 58-28 in a wild-scoring, hard-fought game. The final game of the season found Jordan defeating the Provo Bulldogs, 4734, with their usual cool playing. Thus Jordan ended the season with an 8-win 2-loss record, and in a tie for first place with South.
Eddie Jenkins and Robert McNamara, managers .
Jerry McCleary, Captain; Center; All-State; Senior; Voted most valuable player of the tournament.
SPOTLIGHT ON A STAR - Coptom J e rry McCleary turns over the hardfought -for basketball championship award to historian Marilyn Boyce to be put on proud display w1th others in the trophy cases.
Beetdiggers Win 1953 State Basketball Championship
George Brklocich J unior, Forward All State Hon . Men .
Gordon Mill e rberg Junior, Center Al l State Hon. Men .
Nile Mcfarlan e Junior, Forward letterman
Raymond Wh itte nbe rg Junior, Forward letterman
Gory Hole Junior, Guard letterman
PROUDLY WE HAIL As the camera sees some of the crowd in the gym met to wel come home the conqu eri ng heroes .
January January January January February February February February February March
Varsity Basketball Scores
Jordan Wins Tournament Games
Big Seven League
The Jordan Beetdiggers won the 1953 class A basketball championship with a thrilling climax to the threeday tournament at the U of U field -house. In the first game of tourney play, the Diggers outscored the Ogden Tigers 53 -46. The second game found Jordan meeting an over -rated West High team . It was Jordan 's game all the way, and the Beetdiggers copped an easy 25 -35 victory. With a state championsh ip in the balance, the Diggers met the Weber Warriors in the final game. For the first three quarters , the teams were never more than three points apart, but in the last quarter, the Diggers showed their cool offense and tight defense, and rushed ahead to win 52-42 . Captain Jerry McCleary was named the most valuable player of the tournament, and Curtis Jensen and Ernest Petersen received all-state ratings.
16 20 23 30 3 6 20 24 27 6
Davis Jordan Jordan South Jordan Provo Jordan Granite East Jordan
46 55 30 58 40 44 48 43 28 47
50 44 37 63 43 51 38 56 50 34
Jordan Granite East Jordan West Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan Provo
at at at at at at at at at at
State Tournament Mar. 13 Mar. 14 Mar. 15
Jordan Jordan Jordan
Ernest Peterson Senior , Guard All State
53 35 52
vs VS
Ogden West Weber
46 25 42
at at at
u u u
Lamar Wallbeck Jun ior, Guard Letterma n
of of of
u u u
Curtis Jensen Senior, Gua rd All State
Vaughn Rasmussen Sen ior, Forward Letterman
pres. Utah H. S. Ath . Assoc., presents chomp路 ionship award to Art Hughes while happy team looks on. Coptoln Jerry holds championship trophy.
Toke five before copping the state championship.
At the Jordan - Provo Game, hoop artist Ernest fires for two .
Jordon and Weber - All join hands and circle 'round.
JUNIOR TEAM - Front row : Richard Boyce, Duane Howlett, Edward Jenkins , Perry Olsen, James Peterson . Back row : Coach Grant Mart in, Paul Caldwell , Gary Beers , Jerry Juretich , James Jensen , Howard Swapp , Dav id Shields.
Varsity Pre-Season Scores
Basketball McCleary hopes " Yuda " sinks that hand 路off.
December 3 December 12 December 12 December 13
Box Elder Jordan Jordan Jordan
37 59 27 43
at at at at
Jordan Box Elder Weber Ogden
48 43 52 43
Rock Springs Invitational Meet December 19 December 20
Jordan Jordan
59 58
Reliance 32 Rock Springs 44
December 26 December 27 December 29
Jordan Jordan Jordan
49 45 61
at at at
Delta Fillmore Murray
45 24 42
" Wally " sets for two more .
SOPHOMORE BASKETBALL TEAM Front row: Ray Cu nnington , Gerald Naylor, Jimmy Dumas, Richard Day , Lee Jensen , Lee Ashton, Jimmy
Butterfield , Jerrold Jensen. Back row : Donald M ilne, Paul Nichol, Jerry Pierce, Milan Bursach , Blaine Labrum , Coa ch Chet Kim .
Junior Basketball Scores
Juniors Win Four and Lose Eight The boys who may have more to do with Jordan's supremacy in basketball than any others are the Dig ger Juniors . In pre -season play Coach Grant Martin 's boys split a 2-game series with Box Elder's Bees, win ning at Box Elder and losing at Jordan. The first league contest was held at Jordan where the Juniors lost to Davis. In a later game Davis again beat the Diggers in a closer tilt. Jordan blew past Granite by a 10 point margin at Granite, only to lose to the Farmers at Jordan . East took 2 sets from the Diggers, who later grabbed 2 from the Provo Bulldogs. In single games with South and West, Jordan first lost to the Cubs only to spin past West's Juniors . The team is made up of 2 juniors and 8 sophs.
December December January January January January February February February February February March
3 12 16 20 23 30 3 6 20 23 27 6
Box Elder Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan South Jordan Provo Jordan Granite East Jordan
36 41 40 51 23 48 36 28 40 45 44 47
at at at at at at at at at at at at
Jordan Box Elder Jordan Granite East Jordan West Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan Provo
26 23 37 41 29 32 33 41 41 42 31 46
Soph Basketball Scores Sophomores Show Fight and Talent The Jordan sophomores, coached by Chester Kim, came through a rugged schedule in fine style. As most of the outstanding sophomores were playing on the junior team, the young Beetdiggers were limited in practice time and experience. Despite this handicap they notched five wins against seven defeats in a very tough league . They never gave up and fought as every Jordan team does. Every game except one was close and determined in the last few minutes of play. Some of these boys will be heard from on future varsity teams . 82
January January January January January February February February February February March March
8 13 15 22 27 3 10 12 19 24 3 4
Bountiful Jordan East Jordan Granite Davis Jordan South Jordan Jordan West Jordan
49 29 47 31 45 47 49 38 31 40 40 38
at at at at at a1 at at at at at at
Jordan South Jordan West Jordan Jordan Bountiful Jordan East Granite Jordan Davis
59 44 56 36 36 38 56 54
25 45 41
Club Finds Thrills in Skiing Most of the members of the Ski Club make the trip to Brighton or Alta at least once a week during the skiing season and would like to go oftener. They find a great thrill in sweeping down the snow-covered slopes. The club also had fun putting up and operating their dartthrowing booth at the yearbook carnival. R. S. Peterson is their sponsor.
Planning a day on the slopes are presIdent Don Brady, secretary Myrna Lee Dowding, treasurer laura Jotln Joseph, and veep Thomas Welch.
Ski Club SKI CLUB Front row: Max Anzok, Dale Brody, Rodney Dahl. David Jones, Thomas Welch, Don Brody, Keith Jex. Second row: Thomas Stoker, Bobby Smart, Howard Pierson, Jerry McCleary, Brent Anderson , Charles Pierce. Back row: Laura Joseph, Janet Hughes, Gwen Pork, Alice Olsen, Nancy Motto Martin . Charles Peeler and Myrna Lee Dowding absent. Betting the bars on who will be down first are Charles Peeler, Myrna Lee Dowding, and laura Joan Joseph.
Lost one down is a monkey's uncle/ Here go laura Joafl Joâ&#x20AC;˘eph, brother Jeffrey, and Myrna lee Dowding.
choruses and Orchestra
Some of the 230 mus ic students ond orchestra who took port in Handel' s " The Messiah " ot Christmas time . PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Getting ready for ""The Messiah "" are Conductor J . Clement Crapo, Roy Brinton, Joan Torkelsen, lu Dawn Casper, Earle Morris, ond, at the piano, Joy Beckstead.
"The Messiah" Received with Enthusiasm On Sunday afternoon, December 21, J. Clement Crapo conducted the combined choruses in the tenth and best annual performance of Handel's " The Messiah." Over 200 singers sang 10 choruses with Ray Brimhall as tenor soloist; Mildred Gibbons, co ntralto; Earle Morris, baritone; Lucille Tuttle, reader; Charlene Bailey, co ncert mistress; Robert Cundick, organist; and Joy Beckstead, pianist. The invocation wa s given by James Dahl and the benediction by Marian Mortensen. On Tuesday, December 23, the perform ance was repeated for the students and transcribed by KMUR of Murray for the Christmas Day broadcast. The production was sponsored by the Jordan LDS Seminary.
Present Handel's 'tL
ne Mess,on
Rosemarie Schmidt, Marjorie Lloyd, Sue Gibbons, Marlin Steinfeldt, Judy Beckstead, David Eastman, Sharon Curtis, Charles Walker, Robert Bentley, Charlene Bodey , Dorothy Parkin , Ruel Brown , Donald Olsen, Bryant Holman , Jeanine Greenwood , Gory Greer, Kaye Mickel sen, R1chord Wellington , Lindsay Brady, Rowen Schmidt. At the piano , Joy Beckstead . Besides accompanying ''The Messiah ," the orchestra played for the Traveling Assembly , for the opera , and be tween acts of the school play . They also took part in the annual Music Festival. Donald P. Olsen, director; Charlene Bailey, concert mistress.
RHYTHM RENDEZVOUS Dorothy Parkin, Judy Beckstead, Charlene Bailey, and Kaye Mickelsen form the string quartet that specializes mostly in chamber music.
YOUR DATE WITH MUSIC Charlene Bailey, director Donald P. Olsen, Dorothy Parkin, Kaye Mickelsen, and, at the piano, Joy Beckstead, who with Ann Grover make up a string quintet that plays for receptions and clubs.
c:,et\se and Nonsense o\ oecembe,. December- month of Christmas and the beginning of the winter season! Basketball begins and visiting teams come to Jordan, and Jordan students trail their players to the other towns . Pep rallies and cheering and marching in the gym. Yearbook pictures up for sale. Es says and orations and research themes. Cramming for the coming tests. Fathers and Sons ' Night Out. Athletic Club gives a show to raise money for their injured ath letes . Seniors decide to be the first Jordan class to try out caps and gowns. They convert the gym into a Winter Wonderland for their Senior Hop . Polar bears and igloos,
CLUBS SUB FOR SANTA LaDee Norris, J ay Dees; Ruth Kritzer, DECA; Claudia Scoffield, Cha rl onians ; Harvey Hansen, FFA; and Belly Ennis!, FHA.
Alice Olsen, Marilyn Milne, Claudia Scoffleld, Norma Gehring doll up the Christmas pa rty .
icebergs and icicles . The spirit of Christmas creeps into the school. Clubs prepare packages for needy families. Woodwork and sewing and art classes turn out Christ mas presents . Student officers trim a glittering tree for the front hall. The art classes take old newspapers, paste, and paint and erect a giant Santa to stand beside the tree . The choruses and orchestra present Handel's Mes siah for the students; and December ends at Jordan on the twenty -third; for after a treat by their officers, they all go home for the Christmas vacation .
Admiri ng their art 路class mas terpiece a re Mayde ll Evans a nd Janice Vaughan .
Ruby Seito a nd Laura Joseph add a fin ishi ng tou ch to the ha ll tree.
Guys and dolls at Senior Hop drift toward refreshments.
Bush builds a Christmas tree.
Laura Joseph tries out the igloo for size, egged on by Charles Jarman and Gary Fitzgerald.
CALL OF THE WILD -Thomas Welch, Glen Dunn, Chuck Pierce, Don Brady give it the once-over.
LIFE OF THE PARTY Carol Rogers, RoMae Lang, Marilyn Johnson, Janet James at Jay
Dee spread.
Calendar December -Yearbook pictures on sale 2 - Jay Dees initiation Box Elder at Jordan 5- Fathers and Sons' Night Out 6 - Traveling Assembly repeat 12- Athletic Club benefit show "' 15 - Christmas tree decorated I 9 - 20 - Jordan wins basketball tournament at Rock Springs 21 -Messiah for the public 23 - Messiah for students At noon, home for vacation 26 - 27 - Delta Basketball tourn.
Chess Clob CHESS PLAYERS- Front row: Thomas Welch, Bernell Newbold, Paul Wilcox. Middle row: Wallace Olson, Thomas Cowley, Norman Mines, Gaylen Gissemann. Back row: Rowen Schmidt, Robert Sotovick, lamar Johnson. Absent : Cha rl ie Peeler. Adviser is Don Parr.
Gaylen Gisseman, secretary, and Paul Wilcox, president of Chess Club practicing to take on all challengers.
Nada Anderson , vice president; Mary Kay Anderson , secretory ; Charles Peeler, presi • dent of the club that clicks . CAMERA FANS - Front row: Kendell Phelps, Terry Kastonis , DeRoyce Harrison. Middle row : Dorothy Lee, Vera Nelson, Nodo Ander · son , Mary Kay Anderson . Back row: Lory Bolliger, Char les Peeler, Val Beckstead, Ken · neth Mounteer, Jerry Kemp.
Secretary Edward DeTavis and President Anna Mae Phelps, Language Club.
Penney Radmall and Winnifred Madsen -
German party at
Madsen 's.
DECA Front row: Frkovich, Noam i Anderson, Nina Anderson, Berrett, Walker, Olsen , Brinton . Second row: Christensen , Leonard , Kritzer, Roberts, Neff, Wright. Third row: Fitzgerald , Webster, Orwin, Mounteer, Bodell , McClellan, Parry , R. Anderson . Back row: Henschke , R. Butterf ield, D. Butterfield , Rich ins , Hiatt, Bolliger, Olson .
LANGUAGE CLUB- Classes in Spanish, French, German. They sub for Santa, have a booth at the carnival, an all-club party, section dinners and parties. Advisers: Fraser, Boberg, Gardner. DECA learns co-operative selling, as selling popcorn at games, provides for a family at Christmas; goes to state conventions; has a prize-winning booth at the carnival. Adviser F. B. Thomas.
Stanley Wright, president; Ruth Kritxer, reporter; Shiela Fitzgerald, secretory; Delora Bodell, treasurer; Katherine Frkovich, vice president; of DECA.
TIME OUT Team managers Sue McMullin, Ada Lipsey, Pat Grane, Joy Goff, Janice Gatherum, Lois Wood, Donna lapp, Joan Naylor, Bernice Quintana rest between games of Hit Pin.
PUTTING HEADS TOGETHER Closs managers, Linda Sabey and Jean Stocking set rules before hitting the shuttlecock In their Bod路 minion game.
VICTORIOUS SMILES Champion Volley Boll team; Front row: Marva Toone, Else Bauer, captain Vicky Porker, Pouleen Miller. Back row: Darlene Eyre, Ranee Beck, Connie Roe Lloyd, Peggy Christensen, Jackie Hott.
POOR BALL - Team managers, Deanna Wennerstrom, LaDawn Tucker, and Joyce Nunley attock boll in heated Soccer Boll contest.
TIP-OFF SCRAMBLE that boll in earnest.
The Basketball team goes after
CAN YOU TOP THIS? The Volley Boll team of VIcky Schowell, Carmen Lloyd, Ethel Heki, and Colleen Oviatt ore busy trying
TENSE MOMENT Team captains Glenda Anderson, Rosemary Miner, Nadine Wright, and JoAnn Bagley ploy exciting basketbal l.
Joan Naylor and Patsy Coats return HIT REVIEW the Ping Pong boll across the table net.
FIVE MINUTES AFTER SIX Ann Brady executes an exaggerated hop. HOUR OF CHARM Clockw ise , center: Roberta Morgan, Geraldine Evans, Norlee n Green , Joanne Stromberg, Jane t Gamm ell try skill at pos ing for the camera .
A DANCE IS BORN Sustained move 路 ment o ffers chal lenge to LaNIIa Maynard, Ve ra Nelson, and Marilyn Moore . FACTS AND FIGURES b e rg , Gerald ine Evans, practice syncopation.
Joanne StromNorleen Green
Club Furnishes Floor Show The Dance Club is a group of senior and junior dance enthusiasts under the able supervision of Elaine Dixon. This year the girls furnished dances for the opera, the Traveling Assembly, Mothers and Daughters Night Out, and for several floor shows at the school dances and parties. A Christmas party and an annual initiation social highlighted the Dance Club's activities.
DANCE CLUB - Front row: Lauro Joan Joseph, Janet Merrill, Marilyn Stoffers, Emelie Adamson, Coleen Beckstead, Janice Hughes.Seco~d row: Joanne Stromberg, Barbaro Bjork, Roberto Morgan, Connie Shelton, Joonnne Pixton, Marilyn Boyce, Aleene Graham. Third row: Janet Gammel, Alice Bush, Darlene Brewer, Dorothy Parkin, Koe Wlnn, Norma Gehring. Back row: Norlene Green, Sheila Fitzgerald, Chorlynn Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Ann Brody, Marilyn Johnson, adviser Elaine Dixon.
DANCE CLUB OFFICERS Sheila Fitzgerald, Marilyn Stoffers, Dorothy Parkin, Charlynn Johnson.
Practicing for a floor show ore, Front row: Janet Merrill , Marilyn Boyce. Back row: Joanne Pixton, Marilyn Johnson.
January - the month of broken weather records warmest on the Utah books. Sparkling, spring-like weather, yet tied with 1940 as the wettest, most of the moisture falling within four days. One day of 60 째 as an all-time high, yet one snowfall of 14.7 inches, also record-breaking. Jordan back to school from the Christmas vacation to face mid-year exams and the end of the semester. Report cards received - with and without
Melodious sextette of Davis Traveling Assembly .
Pauline Schmidt, Coleen Beckstead, Shlrla Jones, Kay Yates, Joan Naylor, Lois Beckstead sing Travel ing Assembly theme song .
of Januot'l
groans. Some fail and some pass with honors. Some reselve to do better next time; a few say, "What's the use!" Some new classes begin; some New Year's resolutions are given a trial. Basketball goes on, opera practice, and Utah Symphony. Broadcast of the inauguration of a new President, matinee dance and show. Assembly goes to junior highs, Davis assembly here. Students ski in the mountains. January ends in record sunshine and bright days.
If you think it's easy, try It I Clever Steve Campbell of Davis.
Roger Parsons puts finishing touches on woodwork project.
Cheerleaders go through routines in the gym. Janet Gammell interviews of路 fice manager Clara Huntsman.
Myrna Lee Dowding and Charles Peeler.
J. M. Peterson uses hall for driver's training classroom.
Laura Joan, Jeffrey Joseph and Myrna Lee Dowding.
Calendar January 5 - Back to school from vacation 9- End of semester - Assembly 12 - Benefit basketball game for Athletic Club Tan Novelty Travelers vs. College All-stars 13 - Tryouts for opera 1S - Adolph Ferher Lyceum Utah Copper Symphony Hour at Jordan 16 - Pep Assembly - Davis at Jordan Traveling Assembly to West Jordan 20 - Jordan at Granite President Eisenhower inauguration broadcast 22 - Davis Traveling Assembly 23 - East High pep club tea for Charlonians Jordan at East 27 - Matinee dance and show 30- Pep assembly- South at Jordan 95
Q\t\S c\ub Entertains fothe1'S
Club Strives for Unity
Secretory Betty Ruth Fitzgerald, President Charlene Crapo, Vice President Sandra Scoffield of Girls Club.
Under the guidance of faculty adviser Mrs. Evelyn Wood, the Girls Club tries to bring about a better union of the girls at Jordan. During the year they have a senior -sophomore party, class sectional meetings, a junior party, a senior tea. They bring their fathers to a Fathers and Daughters Night Out, their mothers for a similar Mothers and Daughters Night Out. They have a booth at the carnival, give a Thanksgiving dance with the Boys Club, give birthday cards to the girls, and this year formed the Leadership Club.
Daughters bring the ir fathers tor a night out.
Sue Gibbons, sophomore representa tive; Kaye Mickelnn, sen ior representat ive; luGene little, junior representative.
\(ey Club Front row: Thomas Clark, Gary Fitzgerald, Blaine Griffin, Larry Ray, Garr Vincent, Paul Wilcox. Second row: Frank Anselmo, Gaylen Gisseman , Ruel Brown, Robert Dunn, Robert Satovick, Bernell Newbold, Douglas Dahl. Back row: Sheldon Smith, Douglas Brown, Nephi Fitzgerald, Tommy Stoker, Boyd Obershaw.
KEY CLUB - Junior Kiwanis trains its members to be good citizens. Among its activities are selling basketball p_rograms, sponsoring a safety assembly and Career Day. James Seal is the adviser.
ATHLETIC CLUB is composed of all those who have won letters in sports at Jordan . During the year they give a show to raise money to pay for injuries of athletes. The club is sponsored by Chet Kim.
Front row: Don Tester, Robert Dunn, Robert Satovlck, Charles Jarman, Morris Thomas, David Hogan, Blaine Nielsen. Second row: Dale Densley, Gaylen Gisseman, Howard Pierson, Jerry McCleary, Larry Ray, Vaughn Rasmussen, Stanley Wright. Third row: Gary Bolliger, Jay Richardson, Bob Hirose, Robert McNamara, Rowen Schmidt, Lee Brady, Lamar Johnson, Nyle McFarlane, Ernest Peterson . Back row: Larry Bolliger, Melvin Brown, Evert Hatt, Roger Lepore, Harold Morley, George Brklacich, Raymond Whittenburg , Curtis Jensen.
4thletic C\ub
Garr Vincent, president; Arvin Mineer, secretary; Blaine Griffin, vice president. Treasurer Robert Satovick not in picture.
Morris Thomas, president of Athletic Club and Roger Lepore, secretary .
Front row: Mary Covington, Lynette Bair, Carolyn Smith, Janice Richins, Patsy Tucker, Darlene Withers, Elaine Kerkman, Betty Olsen. Second row: Maurine Allen, Gay Shelton, Sherlene Raby, Jean Gilbert, RaNae Beck, Reta Butterfield, LuGene Little, Frances Covington, Marian Holman. Third row: Elaine Farnsworth, Elda Rae Maunteer, Faye Mitchell, Arlene Mausely, Betty Ennist, Betty Milligan, Nelda Moan, Mary Jo Silcox. Ba ck row: Marilyn Drake, Joyce Oakeson, Arva Bolliger, Kathleen Hansen, Darlene Robertson, Lois Pratt, Phyllis Harbuck, Beverly Sandquist.
FHA Crown /(/
'llg and Queen Members Wear Red Roses As the name implies, the Future Home Makers work for the good of home and fami ly life, and to provide recreation. Early in the year they have a party for new membe rs and elect officers. During FHA week (Oct. 3-9) each club member wore a red rose and the y presented the principal with a bouquet of red roses . Their annua l Sweetheart's Ba ll was on Feb. 13, and their regional convention on M ar. 28 at Jordan, followed by a banquet a nd slumber party.
Elaine Kerkma n, president; Betty Ennis!, secretary; LuGenâ&#x20AC;˘ Little, vice president; Pa t Tu cker, treasurer .
President Ela ine Kerkman and Marilyn Drake place crowns on the heads of Rodney Maxfield and Myrna lee Dowding ki ng and qu een of the Sweethearts Ball.
Elda Rae Mounteer and Elaine Farn sworth start their decorations.
Fae Rich watches as Diana Savage ex plains to Garr Vincent the theme Stairway to the Stars.
~e'oruatY - On and Off the Record February- still the spring-like days, no snowdrifts and no blizzards . A very little snow or rain, some heavy dust-filled winds reminiscent of dust -bowl days. Crocuses and violets burst into bloom, bulbs push their leaves up through the soil. For better or for worse the mid -term tests are over. The Traveling Assembly keeps right on traveling . For its valentine Sweethearts' Ball, FHA decorates the gym as a Stairway to the Stars, and crowns its king and queen.
Donee Club hove fun at their initiation party.
The 64 dollar question -
What happened to George Brklaclch ?
Assemblies and initiations go on; journalists from junior highs and from Bingham come to Jordan for a conference. FFA bring their parents to a banquet. A scholarship teacher from Germany comes for a few weeks to observe. Opera practice begins . Wrestling works up to a climax and ends for the season . Basketball goes on in dead earnest - everyone is trying for the tournament. And through it all classes go on and most students study.
Coleen Beckstea d signs pledge to Donee Club.
Joan Torkelson, Janet Gammell, ond Earle Morris practice for opere.
Ranae Goff, Blaine Griffin, Glenn Cundick in Traveling Assembly.
Joanne Pixton and Coleen Beckstead in floorshow at Sweethearts' Ball.
Joan Schmidt and Ann Grover train next year's dicto phone managers, Maryann Rasmussen and Dixie Kearsley.
Calendar February Siegfried Mueller from Germany is a February scholarship visitor at Jordon.
Wilma Fairbourn joins the Home Economics Deportment in February.
3 - Jordan at West 4- Murray 's Traveling Assembly 6 - Provo at Jordan 9 - Dance Club initiation 10- Wrestling match with Murray 11 - Traveling Assembly at Murray 13 -Sweethearts Ball - Key Club assembly FFA to U.P. Ag car at Sandy 16 - National assembly 18 - Journalism Conference at Jordan Traveling Assembly at West 19 - Principal 0. D. Ballard leaves for conf. at L.A. . 20 - Pep assembly- Jordan at Davis 23 - Washington Birthday holiday Granite at Jordan Spanish Club has Spanish dinner 25 - Traveling Assembly at Davis and West Jordan FFA Parents and Sons banquet 27 - National Assembly - East at Jordan Charlonian tea for East pep club 27 - 28 -Weber College Speech Meet 101
~restlin 9
BRAWN TRUST- Front row: Fred Tokemori, Vol Greenwood, Leonard Cleland, Gerold Groy, Howard Glad, Joy Fullmer, Dick Olson, Robert Smart. Middle row: Bobby Hirose, Edd ie Brown, LaMont Smith, Alfred Nelson, Ronald Baker, Owen Johnson , Norman Coleman, Dan Nuzemon . Back row: Rowen Schmidt, Don Losee, Robert Dunn , Lorry Andrus , Ralond Anderson , Robert Sotovick, Fronk Lucas, Mel vin Brow'!, Henry Ashby, Dan Whitehead , Coach Dole Sorenson.
Jordan Initiates Wrestling The beginning of the year found Jordan High School initiating the rough-and-tumble sport of wrestling. Although it was Jordan's first year of participating in this sport, through the efforts of Coach Dale Sorenson and the wrestlers, many honors were brought to Jordan . The Diggers dropped the first and the second matches to Murray and to Payson, but downed Murray in a return match, and out - pinned West High for another victory. The following week Jordan met Murray and came through with another triumph. The Diggers then bowed to Provo, to East, and to Davis in exciting matches.
Ashby tokes two from Coleman .
They put on an exhibition for the students of Jordan High when they met Murray, their final match before the regional meet. The regional meet was held at East High School where Jordan came through with flying colors. Five Jordanites placed in the regional meet and went on to the state. They were Henry Ashby, Don Whitehead, Dan Losee, Bob Hirose and Gerald Gray. In the state finals Henry won first place in his weight division. Jordan placed sixth. All in all the wrestling season for Jordan was very beneficial and successful.
This could result In kirJked necks or cauliflower ears.
.. ~ore Contest
Winners in Real Estate essay contest , "" What the Bill of Rights Means to Me" ": Rosemary Miner, state grand prize, $50 bond and trip to Zion Pork; Sally Winn, second prize , $25 bond.
Merlin Smith, winner of Gray Scholarship, which will pay $100 on USAC tuition .
winner of a first place in wrestling tournament.
Henry Ashby,
IAIâ&#x20AC;˘ "Vâ&#x20AC;˘n ners
Marilyn Drake with the wrist watch
won as a 4 -H prize .
Marva Jean Kimball, first p1ace winner; Elmer Newman, second; Rosemary Miner, third, of Legion essay contest, "" My American Heritage and What It Means To Me ."'
f Edgar Hoopilana, second place; Rosemary Miner, third; and Robert
~-~Iovick, first in the Leg ion oratorical contest at Jordan . The subject, he People ' s Constitution, Ours to Defend .""
Robert Satovick and Douglas Dahl were the highest placing Utah team in the Weber Debate Tournament.
1here \s Also Spr;,9 . Spring is the time of daffodils and tulips and of trees in bloom. It is the time of spring fever, and the call of the open road, and of seniors looking forward to graduation. In our imprisoning classrooms we open the windows to catch the smell and feel of spring, and the rooms are filled with the roar of traffic, the grinding gears at the top of the hill, and moans from the music-box across the street. We watch the wasps on the window sills and the birds in the cedars and in their nests under the front door coping. "F ill 'er up!" we cry to the service station as we dash back and Forth from the basketball games at the fieldhouse. Our boys win the tournament and we spend a frenzied day In celebrating. After weeks of rehearsing, the opera is ready for the public. Accross the lawns tootling and drumming and twirling, goes the band - all out for its spring festivals. Tennis and track and baseball toke over, and the girls gym classes move out doors. The Courier comes out and we search for our names in print. We sit all day on the hall floors and stairs writing in each other's yearbooks. With spring come debating, speech festivals, the Prom, the Dogpatch Drag, special senior days, and J Day at Lagoon. Spring and the school year end with graduation-the goal of all Jordan students.
c.;en\ors Hope
to Graduate
Jerry McCleary
Sherrie Fitzgerald
Vice Pres1dent
Graduation , the Goal of All Students After three memorable years at Jordan, the long-awaited night - graduation - finally arrives. Some 290 seniors happily or tearfully but proudly receive their diplomas . And as they sit there waiting, many memories file through their minds happy memories, regretful ones, some trivial, others of great importance; silly little happy moments, funny episodes, cherished friendships . Mighty senior milestones p ass in review - that A in math, that contest won, that triumph in the play or opera, assembly or debate, the arguments over rings and programs and caps and gowns, the Hop, sluff day, the dinner dance, the happy choice of offi cers. All these memories crowd each other in their march, and to the eager wearers of the caps and gowns comes the thought: it has been a good year, a profitable year, and fo r the most part a happy one. 106
Joy Be ckstead
Nada Anderson, Midvale Vice president Camero Club; Jay Dees, Girls Club, decoration committee, opera, Messiah. Raulin Noel Anderson, Cottonwood Heights Harvey Atkinson, Union -
DECA, Boys Club.
Boys Club, football, soph. basketball.
Naomi Anderson, Midvale Girls Club representative, DECA, Joy Dees, Press Club, Messiah, opera. Gary Allred, Bluffdale Student council, FFA, committees: Harvest Boll, carnival, Sweethearts Boll, Parents and Sons banquet. ltsuo Akimoto, Midvale -
Ronald Allgood, Midvale -
Boys Club.
FFA, Boys Club, Traveling Assembly.
James Roy Abbott, West Jordon track, dairy judging team for FFA. Jack Angus, Draper -
FFA, Boys Club, football,
Boys Club.
Nina Anderson, Union Girls Club, DECA, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters, twirler. Bob Anderson, Sandy Rita Asay, West Jordan -
FFA. DECA, Girls Club.
Roy Brinton, Sandy Sophomore president, DECA president, Language Club, Boys Club, manager of yearbook carnival, Mes路 sioh, opera, school play. Carl R. Bailey, Draper -
Boys Club.
Thamer Brown, Midvale- Boys Club, school ploy !The American Way), stage crew.
""e\r Senior Year
Lois Wolf, Charles Pierce, Diana Savage, Earle Morris receive their senior rings.
Garry Butterfield , Riverton -
Boys Club.
Norma Bird, East Midvale Mothers and Daughters.
DECA, Girls Club, opera, Messiah,
Ruel Brown, Draper Key Club, Boys Club, student council, opera, Traveling Assembly.
Dav id Bare, Midvale -
Boys Club.
Germano Bria nxa Busato, Crescent sembly.
Boys Club, Traveling As·
Ga ry N. Boll iger, Sandy Sports Club, DECA, Harvest Ball, school play, Traveling Assembly, debating, Fathers and Sons Night Out, tennis, baseball.
larry Butterfie ld, Riverton Sherry Berrett, Sandy opera.
Boys Club.
Sports Club, DECA, Girls Club, Messiah,
Charle ne Ba iley, Draper- Sophomore secretary, Press Club, Mos· que ond Gavel vice president, Donee Club h1storion, magazine editor.
Melvin Brown, Butler ling.
Athletic Club, Boys Club, football, wrest·
Kenneth Brown, Sandy -
Boys Club.
Joanne Brady, Sandy Deputy, council, Girls Club represento· live, Sports Club, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters, opera, Messiah.
Colleen Bills, Riverton -
Joy Dees, Girls Club, Messiah.
larry Burkinshaw, West Jordan FFA secretory, Boys Club, Harvest Boll committee, Parents and Sons banquet. Juan ita Beratto, Riverton -
Joy Dees, Girls Club, Messiah.
Marilyn Boyce , Cottonwoood Heights - Girls Club representative, student council, historian, Chorlonions, FHA, Donee Club, opera, Mothers and Daughters ploy, Traveling Assembly, debate, year· book salesman. David Bean , East Midvale Deputy, Boys Club, Athletic Club, Prom, stagecraft, football manager, debate, yearbook solecman. Gene Bergman, Sandy -
post graduate .
Gladys Butterfield, Riverton Girls Club, FHA, Senior Hop, Queen - Harvest Ball, Mothers and Daughters. Lee Brady, Union -Athletic Club, Boys Club, football, basketball . Don Brady, Midvale- Deputy Sheriff, Boys Club, Ski Club, opera,
Messiah, tennis, football, student council.
Mardell Bennett, Midvale -
Girls Club, Messiah , opera.
Joy Beckstead, Riverton -Senior secretary , Girls Club representa-
tive , council, Charlonians secretory, Prom, Hop , debate , Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, orchestra, Girls State. Delora Bodell, West Jordan -
DECA treasurer , Girls Club repre路 sentotive , Sports Club, Fathers and Daughters , Messiah, opera, band.
Margaret Brklacy, Crescent -
FHA , Girls Club , Messiah, Mothers
and Daughters. Jimmy L. Bristol, Bluffdale -
Boys Club.
Rita Butterfield, Herriman- DECA , FHA , Girls Club representative .
Naomi Brady, Sandy -
Joy Dees, Dance Club, Girls Club, Dog Patch Drag, Amateur Hour, Messiah , opera, Mothers and Daughters, floor shows.
Glen Bass, Riverton Louis Basta, Sandy -
Boys Club. Boys Club.
Delores Elizabeth Burmester, West Jordon -
Sports Club, Chorlonions, Press Club , Girls Club , Prom, Hop, Carnival. Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, yearbook , paper.
Lynette Ball, Midvale -
Girls Club.
Almon Butterfield, Herriman -
""e\1' Senior Yeo,.
Seniors Ruby Seito, James Dahl, and Laura Joan Joseph turn through their All -American yearbook.
FFA, Boys Club, tennis.
Shirley Brown, Riverton -
Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters.
Glenn Cundick, Sandy -
Mosque and Gavel, Athletic Club, school ploy, Traveling Assembly, tennis, debating. Raymond Clements, East Midvale -
Mildred E. Cox, Draper -
Boys Club.
Girls Club, Messiah.
Thomas Clark, Sandy -
Student council, Key Club, Boys Club.
Charlene Crapo, Sandy -
Girls Club president, Chorlonions, leadership Club; Committees :Soph party, Prom, Hop, Thonksgiv路 ing party, Fathers and Daughters; Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters chairman, Girls State.
LaVonne Clayton, Union -
FHA, Girls Club, Mothers and Daugh-
ters Night Out, paper. Lorna Corso:~, Sandy -
Joy Dees historian, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Night Out, cafeteria cashier. Marva Kay Cook, Union -
Girls Club, language Club, carnival, Fathers and Daughters, Messiah ..
Jean Cartwright, Draper Girls Club representative, Mosque ana Gavel, Chorlonions, Ski Club, language Club, Girls Club, Prom, speech meets, oratorical contest, Mothers and Daughters. Mary
LuAnn Conley, West Jordon -
FHA, Girls Club, Sweethearts Boll Committee, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah.
Barbara Ann Clarke, Draper FHA, Mosque and Gavel, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, props for ploy.
Annie Joy Cardwell, Riverton Mosque and Gavel, Sports Club, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Messiah . Marvel Christensen , Sandy Press Club, language Club, DECA, Quill and Scroll, Messiah, opera, paper business manager. LuDawn Casper, Bluffdale -
Girls Club, language Club, Press Club, Messiah, opera, ploy, debate, carnival, yearbook salesman.
Thomas Creer, East Midvale -
Chess Club , lohguoge Club, Boys
Club, opera, Messiah. Thomas Cowley, Sandy -
Chess Club, Boys Club, opera, Messiah .
Weston Dahl, East Midvale- FFA, Boys Club, football.
Myrna lee Dowding, Sandy -
Council, Ski Club secretary, Charlonians, Masque and Gavel, Girls Club, magazine, Mothers and Daughters, opera, debate, Fathers and Sons.
Glen Dunn, Midvale -
Prosecuting attorney, Ski Club president, Athletic Club, Messiah, football, tennis, basketball, track. Jean Davies, Sandy -Council, Language Club, Sports Club, Girls Club, Carnival, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera, debate.
Eddie De Tavis, Crescent Council, Language Club vice president, Boys Club, hall monitor, football. James Dahl, West Jordan -
Yearbook co-editor, FFA secretary, FFA president, Boys Club, Harvest Ball, decorating committee. Ronald laVar Dansie, Riverton -
Ross Delgado, Midvale -
FFA, Boys Club.
Boys Club, Language Club, basketball.
Marilyn Drake, West Jordan -
FHA secretary, Girls Club, Sports Club, Press Club, Sweetheart's Ball, carnival, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, paper. Dale Densley, Riverton -
Athletic Club, football, wrestling, track.
Rodney Dahl, Midvale -
Sk i Club, Boys Club, school play , track,
basketball, football. Page Dimond, West Jordan George Dean, East Crescent -
Boys Club. Boys Club.
Reta Eyre, Sandy- Jay Dees, Girls Club, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters. Marie Erekson, Cottonwood Heights -
Charlonians, Ski Club, Girls Club, dance committee, Mothers and Daughters.
Kenneth Eastman, Herriman -
""e\r Senior Yeo,.
Senior Hop decorators take time out for a snack.
Boys Club.
Arthur Elmer, Sandy -
FFA, Boys Club.
Jean Evans, South Jordan -
Charlonians, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Big Pal - Little Pal, magazine, Messiah, opera. Margaret Fisher, Draper -
Girls Club representative, Masque and Gavel, Prom, Fathers and Daughters, Big Pal - Little Pal, Mothers and Daughters.
Elaine Farnsworth, Union Girls Club representative, FHA, Sports Club, Sweethearts Ball, Fathers and Daughters, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Candy Boll. Gary Fitzgerald, Crescent- Key Club, Prom, Hop, play, Messiah. Katherine Frkovich, Midvale -
Girls Club, DECA, Language Club, Jay Dees, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters.
Sherrie Fitzgerald, Draper -
Girls Club vice president, Junior vice president, Senior vice president, Chorlonians, Girls Club, Hop, Prom, ring committee, opera, play, Messiah, Mothers and Dough路 ters. Sheila Fitzgerald, Draper Girls Club representative, DECA secretory, Donee Club secretary, Charlonions, FHA, Sweethearts Ball, Prom, decorating, dances, Messiah, Mothers end Daughters, opera, Traveling Assembly. Blaine Griffin, Midvale prosecuting attorney, Press Club vice president, Career Day, opera, play, Messiah, Traveling Assembly, band, tennis, pep band.
Norma Gehring, West Jordan -
Student body secretary, deputy, Dance Club committee, Girls Club, opera, Mothers and Daughters, Traveling Assembly. Joy Golding, Union- Mosque and Gavel, Fathers and Daughters,
Mothers and Daughters, donees . Shirley Gaster, Union -
Girls Club, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers end Daughters.
Ann Grover, Draper Clerk of court, Char lonian , Press Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Dughters, play, paper, Traveling Assembly, Girls State, Tribune reporter. Aleene Graham, Union Council, FHA, Donee Club, Girls Club, Sweehearts Boll, opera, Traveling Assembly, debate, ring committee. Henry Galvan, Midvale -
Boys Club, football.
Deon Gadd, Midvale -
Sports Club, Girls Club, Jay Dees, Messiah, opere, play, Mothers and Daughters.
Pat Grover, Riverton Language Club, Charlonions, Hop, carnival, debate, Messiah, opera, senior assembly, yearbook salesman. Gaylen Gisseman, Midvale Chess Club secretary, Key Club, Athletic Club, debate, yearbook, football, basketball, Boys State, yearbook salesman.
Leon Green, Salt Lake City Robert Griffis, Union -
Boys Club, Marines.
Language Club, Boys Club, paper sports
editor, carnival, football. Crissie Gray, Cottonwood Heights -
Glen Giles, Bluffdale -
Council, debate, Girls Club.
Boys Club, FFA.
Sharon Greenwood, Sandy -
Mosque and Gavel, Sports Clf.{b, Language Club, Girls Club, Messiah, opera. Ernest F. Gabler, Granite -
Chess Club, Language Club, Boys
Club, Messiah.
Pat Hoffman, Midvale -
Chorlonions, Chess Club, Girls Club,
debate. Glenn Hill, Draper -
Student body president, junior class president, Athletic Club, Boys Club, Prom, debate, extemp. speaking, football, basketball, track.
Donna Rae Hiatt (Baum), Bluffdale -
DECA, Language Club,
Girls Club, ploy, Mothers and Daughters.
Rose Marie Harper, Midvale Mothers and Daughters.
Girls Club, opera, Messiah ,
Clara Hunstman, West Jordon -
Chorlonions, opera, Messiah.
Myrna Harmon, West Jordon -
Chorlonions , Sports Club , Girls Club, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters , ploy .
Jackie Hardman, Union -
Council , Girls Club , DECA, opera,
Messiah . Fern Hardma:t (Thompson), Lehi -
Joy Dees , Girls Club , Dog
Patch Drag. DeRoyce Harrison, West Jordon -
路,t Senior y.,.
. ,.0
GOING UP I - Sherrie Fitzgerald, Betty Lambson and Collins Nelson get ready for the Hop .
FFA , Boys Club .
Paul Hedman, Union -
Boys Club.
Bryant Holman, East Midvale Mess iah, opera. Janet Hughes, Sandy school play, opera.
Boys Club, Traveling Assembly,
DECA, Ski Club, Girls Club, Mess iah,
EveraH Hall, Bluffdale wrestling.
Athletic Club, Boys Club, football,
Council, Charlonians, Girls Club, Donna Hardcastle, Sandy sophomore party, Hop, Mothers and Daughters , Traveling Assembly . Batty Hofer, West Jordon Club, Messiah .
Student counci l, Girls Club, Sports
Paul Halverson, West Jordan Dick Hess, Midvale -
FFA, Boys Club.
Boys Club.
Dale Howlett, Draper -
Boys Club.
Harvey Hansen, Butler- FFA treasurer, Boys Club, Athletic Club Ski Club, Harvest Boll, Parents and Sons banquet, track. Robert S. Horrocks, Bluffdale -
Boys Club.
Alena Hunt, South Jordon and Daughters.
Girls Club, Mess iah, opera, Mothers
Marian Lucy Hillis, Sandy -
Girls Club.
Joanna Henschka, Sandy Language Club, Sports Club, Press Club, Jay Dees , DECA, Girls Club , Messiah , opera, orchestra, Mothers and Daughters, Amateur Hour, paper. Kenneth Howell, Draper -
Boys Club.
Bryce HowleÂť, Draper - FFA, Boys Club, school play, Traveling Assembly, opera, stage crew. Faye Heusser, Union - Girls Club, twirler, dances, Amateur Hour first place, Mothers and Daughters. June lsekl, Union -
Girls Club, Hop, Mothers and Daughters.
Charlynn Johnson, Midvale - Sophomore vice president, council, Girls Club secretory, Mosque and Gavel president, Dance Club vice president, Chorlonions historian, Leadership Club, Prom co路 chairman, Hop, ploy, debate, speech, Traveling Assembly, opera, Mothers and Daughters, Girls State Governor. Kent Jensen, Midvale -
Chess Club, Boys Club.
David Jensen, Union -
Keith Jex, Sandy -
Boys Club, football, basketball .
Council, Ski Club, Boys Club.
David Jones, Sandy -
Ski Club, Boys Club, Hop, tennis .
Lamar Johnson, Riverton -
Boys Club, Athletic Club, FFA, football .
Marvin Jackson, Sandy Curtis Jenson, Sandy baseball , basketball.
Boys Club. Boys Club representative, Athletic Club,
Marilyn Johnson, Union - Chorlonions, Dance Club, Hop , opera, Traveling Assembly, Mothers and Daughters, school ploy.
Devon Jenkins, Midvale Dean Jarvis, Riverton -
FFA , Boys Club, Harvest Boll. Boys Club.
Verla James, West Jordon Sports Club vice president, Press Club, Mothers and Daughters, paper, carnival.
Charles D. Jarman, Union Hop , football, track. Wendell Jenkins, Sandy -
Riding Club, Boys Club, Sports Club , Boys Club.
Annette Jensen, Riverton - Girls Club, cop and gown committee, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters.
SHI HE'S THERE! - Gordan Sharp, Sherrie and Sheila Fitzgerald.
laura Joan Joseph, Sandy -
Dance Club vice president, Ski Club vice president, Girls Club representative, Leadership Club, Charlonians, Pram, Hop, soph party, Mothers and Daughters, yearbook co-editor, opera, Traveling Assembly, Messiah, Fathers and Sons, Fathers and Daughters, carnival, floor shows.
LaRae Kartchner, West Jordan -
Sports Club, Girls Club, Press Club, Hop, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, paper, speech festival, carnival. Florence Kiisel, Sandy -
Girls Club representative, Sports Club,
Mothers and Daughters.
Elaine Kerkman, West Jordan FHA vice president and presi dent, Girls Club, Language Club, Leadership Club, Sweethearts Ball, Mothers and Daughters. Marva Jeanne Kimball, Draper -
Paper co-editor, Charlonians, Press Club, Quill and Scroll, Masque and Gavel, Language Club, Girls Club, debate, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, play, opera . Gail Kemp, Crescent -
Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, dances .
Ruth Kritzer, Sandy -
DECA reporter, Language Clu b, Press Club, Quill and Scroll, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters, paper business manager.
Valena Leonard, Sandy -
Masque and Gavel, DECA, Language Club, Sports Club, Girls Club, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters.
Robert lloyd, Riverton -Student council, Boys Club.
Joel lund, Sandy -
Boys Club.
Betty Lambson, East Midvale -
Charlonians, FHA, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, school play.
Dorothy lee, Midvale -
Joy Dees, Camera Club, Art Club, Mes 路 siah, opera , Mothers and Daughters.
Roy John Lien, Draper -
Boys Club, stage crew .
Onnie Leyba, West Jordan -
Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters,
Messiah . Roger Lepore, West Jordan -
Monte Maynard, Riverton -
President Athletic Club, football .
FFA, Boys Club, football.
Kaye Mickelsen, Draper -
Deputy, Girls Club representative, Mothers and Daughters, Big Pal-Little Pal, Traveling Assembly, opera, Messiah. Ruth Mounteer, East Midvale -
and Daughters.
DECA, Messiah, opera, Mothers
Janet Milne, Union Messiah.
Girls Club, Hop, Mothers and Daughters,
Jerry McCleary, East Midvale Senior class president, deputy sheriff, Athtettc Club, Hop, basketball. Nancy Motto, Union - Girls Club representative, Ski Club, Charlonions, Prom, Mothers and Daughters, Junior Red Cross.
Earle Morris, Sandy- Ski Club, school ploy, opera, Traveling Assembly. Gary Mitchell, West Jordan football.
Boys Club, Athletic Club, FFA,
Rod.1ey Maxfield, South Jordon - Second associate judge, council , FFA vice president, Riding Club secretory, Glee Club, Boys Club, chairman and master of ceremonies of Harvest Boll, Sweethearts Boll, opera, Traveling Assembly, ploy, Messiah, debate, speech festival.
Margie McClellan, West Jordon Kay Mitchell, Draper -
DECA, carnival.
Boys Club.
Marian Mortensen, Riverton Paper co-editor, Quill and Scroll and Press Club president, Masque and Gavel, Chorlonions, ploy, opera, Messiah , debate, Mothers and Daughters.
Elda Rae Mounteer, Midvale Joy Dees, Sports Club, FHA, Fathers and Daughters, Sweethearts Boll, Dogpatch Drag, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters. Georgene Middelstadt, Riverton -
Girls Club, Language Club.
Marilyn Milne, Union Student body vice president, council, deputy, Chorlonions, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Prom, yearbook salesman, debate.
Janice Jean Malstrom, Sandy Kenneth E. Mounteer, Union Norman Mines, Sandy carnival.
Ye,..,. '#
OPEN THE DOORI WE' RE STARVED! Patrick Sheenan, Aleene Graham, Collins Nelson, Marilyn Johnson.
Girls Club. FFA, Boys Club.
Council , Boys Club, Chess Club, debate,
Florence Malmstrom, West Jordan -
Girls Club.
Alice Marie Marchant, Union Girls Club, Fathers and Dough路 ters, Messiah , Mothers and Daughters, opera . Kathy Merrill, South Jordan- Student council, Girls Club, Mess iah.
Mae Mangum, Riverton - language Club, Girls Club representative, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera. Jimmie Nunley, Un ion Elmer Newman, Riverton -
Johnny Nystrom, Sandy stage crew foreman. Jack North, Sandy -
Boys Club, FFA. Council, Language Club, Boys Club.
Student council, decorating committee,
Boys Club, Navy .
Myrna Nowlan, Union and Daughters.
Jay Dees, Girls Club, Hop, Mothers
Sandra Newman, Riverton Charlonians, Girls Club, cap and gown committee, debate, Mothers and Daughters. Blaine Nielson, Riverton football. Marlene Neff, Riverton ters.
Council, Boys Club, Athletic Club, DECA, Girls Club, Mothers and Dough 路
Dennis Newbold, South Jordan Barnell Newbold, South Jordan Language Club, Boys Club. Collins C. Nelson, Sandy -
Boys Club. Student council, Key Club,
Boys Club, Prom, Hop.
Key Club, Language Club, de路 Boyd Obershaw, West Jordan bate, yearbook salesman, Boys State representative . Ray Olson, Butler -
FFA , Boys Club, baseball.
Gerald Oakeson, South Jordan -
Boys Club.
Wallace Olsen, Midvale val, Messiah, school ploy.
DECA, Boys Club, decorations, carni-
Tommy Oaks, East Midvale -
Cheerleader, DECA, opera, Messiah .
Donald J. Orr, Sandy - Council, Mosque and Gavel, Boys Club, Athletic Club, dance committee, opera, ploy, Messiah, track.
Joyce Oakeson, South Jordon Mothers and Daughters.
FHA, Girls Club, opera, Messiah,
Shirley Olsen, East Midvale Sports Club, Girls Club, ploy, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, opera, oration, twirler. Alice Olsen, Sandy -
DECA, Ski Club, Girls Club.
Phyllis Orwin, East Midvale DECA, Messiah. Stanley Ortar, Sandy -
Joy Dees, Girls Club, Sports Club,
Boys Club.
Anna Mae Phelps, Riverton language Club vice president, Sports Club, DECA, Chorlonions, Girls Club, Prom, Hop, Mothers and Daughters.
Betty Jo Park, Riverton Mothers and Daughters. James Pangos, Sandy -
Chorlonions, Girls Club, Messiah, Boys Club, Messiah, opera .
Shirley Parry, Bluffdale- DECA, carnival, Mothers and Daughters.
Ernest Peterson , Sandy - Deputy, Boys Club, Athletic Club, Press Club, basketball, baseball. Dorothy Ellen Parkin, Draper Dance Club president, Chorionions, longouge Club, Sports Club, Girls Club, Prom committee, opera, Messiah , Traveling Assembly, Mothers and Daughters, orchestra, twirler. Charles Peeler, Midvale - Camero Club president, Ski Club, Chess Club, yearbook, debate, publications photographer.
~"e\r Senior y
eo,. GIRLSI GIRLSI GIRLSI Marilyn Boyce, Rowen Schmidt,_ Norma Gehring, and Marilyn Moine.
Gwynne Park, Sandy, Girls Club, Ski Club, Charlanians, school play, opera, newspaper, Messiah. Jim Purser, West Jordan track. Howard Pierson, Sandy Prom, opera, tennis.
Ski Club, Boys Club, Riding Club, Council, Ski Club, Athletic Club, Hop,
Nola Fay Pedersen, Crescent Ronald Parry, Bluffdale Roger Parsons, Midvale -
Ardle Penrod, Sandy -
Girls Club.
Council, FFA, Boys Club, Harvest Ball. Bovs Club.
Boys Club, opera, Messiah.
Ted Pierce, South Jordan salesman.
Boys Club, play, opera, yearbook
Ludell Pierson, West Jordan -
Key Club, Boys Club.
Don Prescott, Midvale- Navy, Boys Club. Joanne Pixton, Draper - Charlonians, Masque and Gavel, Dance Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera, ploy. Carol Phibbs, Sandy -
Girls Club, Langauge Club, Messiah.
Faye Rich, East Midvale play, Messiah.
DECA, Ski Club, Girls Club, opera,
Jay Richardson, West Jordon -
Boys Club, opera, track.
Lawrence Ray, Midvale - Council, deputy, Boys Club president, Key Club assembly, Athletic Club, Thanksgiving Dance, Fathers and Sons Night Out, Career Day, Boys State, basketball, baseball, football captain.
Bertha Rudelick, Crescent ters, Messiah.
Girls Club, FHA, Mothers and Dough路
Vaughn Rasmussen, Sandy Red Cross chairman, council. dep路 uty, Athletic Club, Boys Club representative, Fathers and Sons, ring and caps and gowns committees, Messiah, basketball, tennis, football. Barbara Roberts, Riverton -
DECA, Jay Oees, Girls Club.
Janice Richins, Draper- FHA, DECA, Girls Club, play. lla Bernice Radmall Rasmussen, West Jordan Language Club, Sports Club, DECA, Girls Club, play, Messiah, Amateur Hour. Keith Richardson, West Jordan -
Robert Soderman, Midvale Ted Shinsel, Bluffdale -
FFA, Boys Club.
Boys Club, play.
FFA, Boys Club, Harvest Ball, track.
Scholarship chairman of FFA, Boys Merlin J. Smith, Draper Club, Harvest Ball, Parents and Sons Banquet, Messiah, band, orchestra, pep bond.
Carol Sharp, West Jordan Barry Sharp, Draper -
Sports Club president, Girls Club.
Boys Club secretory.
Joan Schmidt, West Jordan - Council, Charlonians, Sports Club, Girls Club, carnival, Hop, yearbook, Messiah, opera, Amateur Hour, Music Festival, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Dough路 ters, Senior assembly.
Ruby Seito, Sandy - Charlonion historian, Quill and Scroll secretary, Press Club, Girls Club, yearbook business manager, carnl路 val, Hop. Patrick Sheenan, Draper Dean Smart, Butler -
Boys Club.
Boys Club, FFA.
Sherrill Schouten, South Jordan Boys Club. Diane Silcox, South Jordan ltex Sylvester, Draper -
SWEET AND LOVELY - Sheila Fitzgerald., Norma Gehring, Aleene Graham, Kae Winn, Marilyn Johnson, opera sprites.
FFA sentinel and reporter,
Council, Girls Club, Harvest Queen.
FFA, Boys Club.
Richard Stocking, Riverton -
FFA, Boys Club.
Gordon Sharp, East Midvale Club, ploy, Messiah.
Cheerleader, council, Language
Marilyn Stoffers, Midvale Cheerleader, FHA state secretory, Mosque and Gavel historian, Donee Club historian, Girls Club, donee committees, sophomore party, Sweethearts Boll, council, oratorical contest, speech festival, play, opera, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Traveling Assembly.
Richard Steadman, South Jordan -
Boys Club.
Peggy Sjoblom, Sandy Cafeteria cashier, Charlonians, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters. Ralph M. Smith, West Jordan -
Jerald Sorensen, Sandy -
Boys Club, football.
Boys Club.
Carolyn Smith, Draper Girls Club representative, FHA, Sweet路 hearts Bel~. Hop, Mothers and Daughters. , Rowen Schmidt, East Midvale'- First associate judge, marshall, Boys Club vice president, Fot11ers and Sons, Traveling Assembly, opera, Messiah, council, football, basketball, wr-estling, track.
Craig Scanland, Sandy -
Language Club, Bays Club.
Diana Savage, Butler Girls Club representative, Thanksgiving Dance, Mothers and Daughters, play. Patsy Lee Tucker, Draper FHA president and treasurer, Joy Dees, Sweethearts Boll chairman, Mothers and Daughters, ploy, opera.
JoAnn Turner, Draper Chorlonions, Mosque and Gavel, Girls Club, Press Club, newspaper, ploy, speech festival, Messiah. Gordon Tripp, Midvale -
Boys Club.
Morris Thomas, Un ion Council, Athletic Club vice president, senior donee committee, football.
Willard Trinnaman, Midvale -
Boys Club.
Joan Torkelsen, Riverton Chorlonions, Girls Club, opera, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, senior assembly, American Leg路 ion contest winner. John Tolman, Riverton -
Boys Club.
Doan Van Dam, Sandy -
Language Club, Girls Club, Hop , Messiah, Mothers and Daughters. Bill VanRy, Murray -
Boys Club.
Garr Vincent, Midvale -
Council, deputy, Key Club president, Boys Club representative, Athletic Club, posters, ring committee, cops and gowns committee, ploy, opera, Career Day, prom, tennis, basketball.
Diane Webster, West Jordon - Sports Club secretory, Press Club, cops and gowns committee, Mothers and Daughters, paper reporter, carnival. Ruth Whittle, West Jordon -
Chorlonions, Sports Club, Prom,
Messiah, ploy , carnival. Lois Wolf, Granite -
Girls Club representative, opera, Messiah .
RaNae Weber, Midvale the U of U, Girls Club. Thomas Welch, Midvale siah, opera, football.
Chorlonions, represented Jordon at Council, Ski Club vice president, Mes-
Stanley R. Wright, Sandy -
Judge, council, DECA, Boys Club,
Press Club, Prom, baseball.
Jack C. Wiechart, West Jordon Shirley Webster, West Jordon Mothers and Daughters.
FFA, Boys Club. Girls Club representative. DECA,
Paul Wilcox, Midvale -
Council, Chess Club president and vice president, Language Club, Key Club, Boys Club, Prom chairman, Traveling Assembly, carnival, debate, Messiah, Boys State.
Larraine Whitehead, Union -
FHA, DECA, Girls Club, opera,
Mess iah. Kae Winn, Cottonwood Heights -
Cheerleader, Chorlonions, Mosque and Gavel, Donee Club, Girls Club, Prom, matinee donees, ploy, Mothers and Daughters, opera, debate, yearbook salesman. Gayle Wright, Midvale -
Junior class secretory, Girls Club rep路 resentotive, Mosque and Gavel secretory, Chorlonions, Prom, Hop, ring' committee, ploy, opera, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, speech meet, yearbook, oratorical contest.
WHO DOES THIS REMIND YOU OF? Charlyr1n Johnson and LaRae Kartchnet build a walrus for the Hop.
\rSenior Ye,..,.
Darlene Withers Draper, FHA, DECA, Girls Club, Hop, Sweethearts Boll, Messiah, school ploy
Kent Whetman Pat Walker Draper, council, Boys Club Union, DECA, Girls Club, Prom, Mothers and Daughters, school ploy
Ray Youngberg East Midvale, Boys Club, track
Dennis Brown Draper, FFA, Boys Club, Harvest Bo II, Parents and Sons, baseball, basketball
In Memoriam Allan William Dumas, son of Harold C. and Agnes Lefevre Dumas of Midva le was accidently shot by o companion on July 20, 1952, and died the next day. He was born May 4, 1935, In Midvale. Allan was o popular Jordon athlete. For two years he hod won letters in· football and In baseball and was elected captain for this year's football team. He would also hove been judge of the stu· dent court, and would hove been graduated this spring from Jordon.
Glee Wardle, daughter of John H. and Gladys Foster Wardle of Sandy, died Sept. 1, 1952, of o brain hemmorhoge. She was born Dec. 20, 1934, at Roosevelt, Utah . Glee was filled with the joy of living. Swimming, dancing, roller·skoting, rid· ing on contraptions at pleasure resorts she loved. Yet she found joy in playing the piano, in cook· ,ing, and in sewing. She liked church and school work, won on achievement reword and competed in county typing. From the beginning of her second year, she never missed o day of school. This was her graduation year.
Seniors Not Photographed Barbara Ainsworth, East Crescent; Delores Acerson, Riverton; Paul Anderson, Draper; Matt Bilijanlc, Midvale; ODell Busenbark, Sandy; Hazel Carter, Draper; Morris Frantz, Draper; McKay Fuller, Crescentlanguage Club; Marvin Hardy, West Jordon language Club (in Butte High School), language Club, School Assembly Cost, Moster of Ceremonies ot Junior-Senior Banquet, football, baseball, track, wrestling; Gary Hensley, Salt lake; Nina Holt, Union - Girls Club, Mes siah, Mothers and Daughters; David Jacobson, Draper; laMoine Jenson, Crescent language Club, FFA; Peggy Jo Jones, Midvale; Ruland Lawson, Sandy; Joan Lefevre, Sandy - Sports Club, Mosque and Gavel, language Club, Messiah, opera; Doreen Loveall, West
Jordon Mess iah, opera, ploy, speech festival; Danny Mace, Crescent; Janice Malstrom, Sandy; Allee Marchant, Sandy; Mae Man· gum, Riverton; Janet Merrill, Bluffdale Council, language Club, Donee Club, carnival, Hop, opera, Mothers and Daughters; Larry Mlckel .. n, Crescent - language Club , Boys Club; Betty Ann Milligan, Riverton - Language Club , FHA, Sweethearts' Boll, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters; Leland Moss, Sandy; Marlene Neff, Riverton, LaMar Olson, Midvale; Nadine Olson, Sandy; Della Parker, Midvale; Charles Pierce, Sandy Council, Ski Club, Boys Club; Gordan Ryther, Midvale; Milton Smith, Draper; Russell D. Walker, Riverton; Hugh Washburn, Draper; Carlle Winn, Butler; Gerie Yates, Murray - Girls Club, Messiah, opera, ploy, speech festival.
Concert So"c\ CONCERT BAND Inside Circle: Owen Munick, Emalle Adamson, Pat Crane, lla Radmall Rasmus · sen, Dean Pond. Row Two: Vicky Ann Showell, Rosemary Miner, JoAnn Cook, Penny Radmall, Ruel Brown, Robert Bently, Paul Condie, Pat Phelps, Richard Wellington, lee Vordus, Ennis Berrett, Jerry Sharp, Gary Greer. Row Three: David Eastman, Robert Soderman, Gerald Fisher, Elmer Newman, Noel Taylor, leRoy Page, Dennis Bateman, Howard Abrams, Eric Nystrom, Rees Jensen, Norman Cole· man, Dirk Olsen, John Romero , Kent Vincent, Brent Stevens, Brent Anderson, Bill Glines, leonard Cle· land, Harrison Pedro, Bryant Holman . Back Row: Orson Kesler, Reta Freeman, Pat Milligan, Joy Full · mer Kendell Phelps , Benson Olson, Bla ine Griffin, Tracy Wilson, Gerald Asay, Conductor J . Clement Crapo, Dan Losee .
Pep Band Plays at Games PEP BAND Front Row: Rees Jenson, Eric Ny· strom, Orson Kesler , Enn is Berrett, Gory Greer. Back Row: Bill Glines , Brent Anderson, Blaine Griffin, Paul Condie.
W\usical Festival
hood King'' Ho
~\~ o9o
Robert Satovick as Toison D'Or, Donald Orr as Guy Tabarie, Earle Morris as Francois Villon, Joan Torkelson as lady Katherine, Janet Gammell as lady Katherine, Kay Arnold as Noel leJolys, Karen Beckstrand as Huguelle, Douglas Dahl as Tristan l'Hermite, Valalne
s Po(Jr
Pack as lady Mary . Tony Mascaro as Oliver leDoin, Blaine Griffin as louis XI, King of Fra nce, Marva Jeanne Kimball as the Queen, Garr VIncent as Thibaut D'Aussigny, Howard Pierson as the Astrologer.
Opera Is A Smash Hit This year's opera, "The Vagabond King" is, in the op1n1on of its producers, the most ambitious performance, considering cost, production, and achievement, ever put on by the Jordan High School. The ever -popular musical play is founded upon Justin Huntly Mc Carthy's romance, "If I Were King", and is the story of the vagabond poet, Francois Villon, and of his one-day reign over the city of Paris in the days of Louis XI. It is a tale of ribald tavern life in the slums, of intrigue at court, of thievery, of courage and of love. How the poet-thief calls the king Louis-Do-Nothing to his face, becomes Grand Marshal for a day, saves Paris from the Burgundians, wins the love of the king's niece, and escapes the gallows, is an adventure that fascinates the audiences. Wine, women, and song, dancing, fencing, powerful choruses, love-making, comedy, tragedy in the death of the brave little Light-O'Love Huguette, make up an evening of prime enjoyment. The scenery was painted by the art department with some very striking and novel effects - especially the church scene that appears outside the tavern window. The scenes show a realistic medieval tavern, a rose garden at the king's court, a gate of old Paris, and a gibbet. The production was directed by J. Clement Crapo and Lucille Tuttle, with some thirty faculty members assisting in one way or another. The cast consisted of about 160 students besides the orchestra, the stage crew, and the scene painters . The lighting, the coaching, the whole performance was exceptional for high school work. There were four performances- the afternoons of March 17 and 18 and the evenings of March 19 and 20. 126
Hunting dancers Charlynn Johnson and Janet Merrill try the throne for size.
The girls donee for the men ot the old Iovern .
Donald Orr flirts w ith the Iovern girls, Pat llall ond Naomi Brady.
At the bidd ing of the Lody Kother路 ine, Villon challenges the folse Th ibout to o duel.
~c.h- On one(
March, the first month of spring - lamb-like and gentle! Encouraged by a mild winter, most of the early flowers are in bloom. The windows go up and the noises come in. The call of the open road grows stronger. Only fear of the attendance officer keeps many of the boys from taking off. Parents come to school, attend classes, and beam as their young hopefuls put on their best behavior. Basketball goes on in noisy crescendo to burst
Fathers and Daughters take a night aut. Iris Wheadon, Ann Brady, Emalie Adamson practice for Mothers and Daughters Night.
Off KeY
in an all-day celebration in honor of the state tournament won. The boys put away their suits and break o.u t their tennis rackets and their track shoes. The girls move out into the sunshine for their sports. The opera reaches a point of perfection and goes before the public. Petitions are launched for favorite candidates, and the month ends with the halls plastered with campaign posters.
Committee Neldon Bateman , Lee Brown, Maryann Rasmussen plan for a super Pram. Richard Rdwson, Marilyn Davis, laura Jos路 eph, Howard Pierson, Ruel Brown, Karen Sanders chat between dances at the Prom .
Highlight of Prom. Investigating Prom fountain. lfs real !
Jane Gammel and Ea•l Morris sing ··only o Rose."
Building Prom bandstand ore front, Sophie Adondakis, Jackie Rishton, lois Beckstead; bock, Darlene
Hi Shoppe presents Captain Jerry McCleary with carnation horse-shoe. George Brklacich helps him admire it.
Brewer, Kareen O'Brien.
Calendar March 5 - Parents Visiting Day - Fathers and Daughters Night Out 6 - Jordon at Provo 10- lyceum 12 - Pep assembly Tournament begins, Jordon vs. Ogde11 13 - Jordon vs. West 14 - Jordon vs. Weber 16 - Jordon celebrates state championship assembly and then free shows at Burk theaters. - Dress rehearsal for opera . 17 - Opera matinee for students 18 - Opera matinee for ninth grades 19-20 - Night opera for public 25 -West High Traveling Assembly 27 - BYU assembly - Junior Prom 31 -Matinee donee -Announcement of candidates
tl'osque Ol)d
Club Excels in Speech Activities
Looking over a new play are, Front row: Carime Spilker, treasurer; Gayle Wright, secretary; Charlynn Johnson, president; Marilyn Stoffers, historian. Back row: Arden Thorum, sergeant-at-arms, Marion Mortensen , reporter; Charlene Bailey, vice president. Front row: Linda Sabey, Marilyn Stoffers, Charlynn Johnson, Charlene Bailey, Marian Martensen, Carene Spilker, Arden Thorum. Second row: Nedra Wardle, Joy Pierce, JoAnn Pixton, Valaine Pack, Sandra Casper, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Lois Neff. Third row: Marva Jeanne Kimball, Mary Jean Cortright, Connie Rae Lloyd, Lynn Haws, Joy Golding, Emolie Adamson . Back row: Rees Jensen, Rose mary Miner, Vickey Showell, Denece Johansen, Tony Mascaro, Janice Jensen, Douglas Dahl.
Numerous activities have highlighted the club this year. At the beginning of school, all of the new members were required to give some type of speech or reading at an initiation party. A Christmas play was presented for the members and everyone in the school was invited. The club took part in a project to help a needy family enjoy Christmas. A banquet featuring installation speeches from next year's officers climaxed the year's activities. Masque and Gavel members have excelled in many phas~s of speech activity including the school play, the opera, debate, orations, interpretive speech, one-act plays, "I Speak for Democracy" contest. Advisers are Lu-
cille Tuttle, Phil Goldbranson, C. N. Crawford, E. L. Crawford.
Scene from the one-oct ploy, "Saved," that the speech classes took to the Speech Festival at Granite on April 7. The cost is Charlynn Johnson as
One-act ploy, ''Ticket of Death", given for the students on April 22. Janice Je nsen, Tony Ma scaro and Gl enn Cundick rehearse as author Morlan Mortensen watches.
Mrs. Bostich; Connie Rae Lloyd as Mrs. Sounders; Marian Mortensen as Minnie Tremaine; Gayle Wright as Zilla Birdsong; Mary Jean Ca rtwright as Emily Tremaine; Marilyn Stoffers as Sue Tremaine.
Cost of the one-oct ploy, "Joint Owners in Spain", that was performed for the students on April 22. Rehearsing ore Barbara Ann Clark as Mrs. Fullerton, Marva Jean Kimball as Mrs. Mitchell, Charlene Bailey as Mrs. Dyer, and JoAnne Pixton as Mrs. Blair.
Sen ior Debaters - Glenn Cundick, Marian Mortensen , Pat Grover, Gary Fitzgerald, Myrna lee Dowd ing. Standing: Cha rlynn Johnson, Glenn Hill.
Debaters Cop Second in State Meet The Jordan High Debate team placed second in the sweepstakes at the State D~bate Tournament. The question is: Resolved that the Atlantic Pact Nations should form a Federal Union. In the first debate, Weber College Invitational Debate Tournament at Ogden, 26 teams participated, and 7 got into the final rounds . Robert Satovick and Douglas Dahl placed third in the Men 's A division. Of the 11 Jordan teams at Carbon March 24, 7 qualified for the State Meet, but as each school was
allowed only 4 teams, another debate was necessary to determine which 4 teams went. On March 31, 6 students qualified for the state meet; 3 in oratory, 2 in extemp. speaking, and 1 in legislative forum. Jordan placed second and awards were given as follows: debate: Rosemary Miner, Sandra Casper, superior; Glenn Cundick, Gary Fitzgerald, exce ll ent; Myrna Lee Dowding, Charlynn Johnson , excellent; Robert Satovick, Douglas Dahl, good; extemp.: Enniss Berrett, superior; Helen Andersen, excellent; leg. forum: Emalie Adamson, superior; oration: Carene Spilker. Junior Debaters - Front row : Ennis Ber路 rett, Robert Satovick, Douglas Dahl , Ema 路 lie Adamson, Mary lou Madsen . Second row : Robert Dunn. Janice Jenson, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Denece Johanson, Corene Spilker. Third row: Carl Glover, Kent Marlar, Boyd Roos, Shyrmo loy Hendrick路 son, Vanessa Cra wford. Back row : Arden Thorum, Paul Hellstrom, Neldon Bateman.
Sophomore Debaters - Front row: Donald Blomquist, Ken Bunnel, Duane loveless, Mar ion Glover, Sandra Cosper, Joann Bagley. Second row: Rochelle Booth, Pot Grone, Shirley Price, Rosemary Miner, Vickey Showe ll , Mart in O' Keefe, lynne Haws. Third row : Sharon Spears, Sandra M1tchell, Shirlene Roby, Betty Ennist, Rees Jenson, Eric Nystrom, Tracy Wdson . Back row : Tommy Stoker, Dennis Bateman, Bdly Hughes, Edgar Hoopiiono, lowell Ashman, Gene Crawford .
Practicing there readings for the speech festival are , front row : Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Janet Burns, Tony Mascaro. Back: Valena Leonard, Arden Thorum, Joan Lefevre.
Humorous Reading Goes to Y Contest At the Interpretive Speech Festival at Granite on April 7, Lucille Tuttle entered 3 one-act plays, 3 humorous readings, 3 dramatic readings, 6 retold stories . Joan LeFevre was chosen to enter her humorous reading, "Little Red Hooding Ride, " at the festival at the Y on April 13, where she received an excellent rating.
National Forensic League Installed Jordan, one of 4 high schools in Utah to belong to the honorary International Forensic League, was award.ed a charter this year for the first time. Only schools with an excellent record in forensic activities may belong. Membership is determined by points earned in forensic activities, and degrees are awarded according to these points. 1953-54 officers are: Robert Satovick, pres.; Janice Jensen, vice pres.; and Denece Johansen, sec. Degree of Excellence: Glenn Cundick, Douglas Dahl, Myrna Lee Dowding, Janice Jensen, Robert Satovick, Denece Johansen, Charlynn Johnson.
Front row: Douglas Dahl, Ennis Berrett, Myrna Lee Dowding, Marian Morten sen, Emelie Adamson , Charlynn Johnson. Middle row: Carl Glover, Glenn Hill, Janice Jenson, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Denece Johanson, Pat Grover . Back row: Robert Satovick, Robert Dunn, Arden Thorum, Gary Fit~gerold, Glenn Cundick.
Patty Ann Parker, Ann Lundberg, Carmen Lloyd, front row; and JoAnn Bagley, Karen Sanders, Mary Lou Madsen, back, are getting ready for their story 路telling contest.
1\.t\t\\ - In Light 0 d ~"''""
April! A double-crosser! The go1den tears are mostly snow storms or downpours and minor floods. No girlish laughter for orchard men or sports teams. April at Jordan is filled with gloom. The girls bring their sports back into the gym. The boys postpone their games. The dreaded three-day English tests have to be taken. But electioneering still goes on until the final Candy Dance for the winners. Down come the campaign posters in the halls, We can "t leave these out! Rita Setterberg, instructor Murray Allen, Darlene Robertson, Jean Davies, Lee Brady, Vivian Parsons choose objects for crafts exhibits for Mothers and Daughters Night Out.
Climax of the election for president and vice president. Runners -up Alan Newbold and Beatrice Hill, back, congratulate winners, Carol .. Walker and Neldon Bateman.
. ..AooO Seraous 1 ~'
for an artistic array of art-class pictures. The trophies in the cases give way to masterpieces of the crafts. Mothers and Daughters Night Out is in full swing. The Broadcaster keeps up its splendid work. Set off by the Prom decorations, the annual Charlonian Ball takes place. Debate teams travel hither and yon, and speech students go to festivals . Boys begin to raise whiskers for the Dogpatch Drag. A mad scramble for last-minute pictures, and the final section of the yearbook goes to press. Does it hang even ? Betty Lambson, Gayle Wright, Betty Olsen, Sharon Greenwood try on some of the costumes they will model for their mothers.
Are they straight? Duane Scott and Beth Mounteer help hang some of their art work for the Mothers" exhibit-
I' m a little ginger-bread man for the Candy Dance, made by Janet Merrill and Marilyn Stoffers.
Visitor and former editor, Tom Shimizu, examines the yearbook camera.
Dorothy Parkin displays ~er
special -candidate poster.
A Guy, a Gal, and a Band at the Charlonian Ball.
Calendar April
"We like this one " decide Charlene Wrl~ht, and Lois Wolf.
Crapo, Gayle
1 ·Music Festival Jordan at Murray, (baseball) - Joy Dee party 3 · Charlonian Ball National assembly Primary elections 8 . USAC assembly 9 · Election campaign assembly Candy Dancers Ball 10 · Fino I student body elections 1 3 · To Julius Ceasar at U of U Bingham at Jordan (tennis) 14 ·To Julius Cecsar at U of U Jordan at Granite (tennis) 15 ·To Julius Ceasar at U of U Jordan at Murray (tennis) 16 · Mothers and Daughters Night Out Jordan at Provo (tennis( 17 · Mothers and Daughters program, students 20 ·Jordan at East (baseball) 21 ·Career Day - Jordan at Davis (tennis) 22 . One-act plays by Masque and Gavel 23 · Registration-Granite at Jordan (tennis) 27 . South at Jordan (baseball) 28 ·FHA convention- Provo at Jordan (ten.) 30 . Band concert - Jordan at Davis (base.)
I hope we make itl Coeditor laura Joan Joseph a ims to beat the deadline.
Well , what do you know? Co -editor James Dahl seems pleased that his pictures fit the layout.
Business must be picking upl Business manager Ruby Selto con sm ile over her accounts . Ruby also acts as a third co -editor.
Caught without his camera, photographer Charles Peeler helps Joan Schmidt with her index and calendars.
We have Tried to Do Right
by You
Every staff has to try a Season's theme at least once. We have tried to place events as they have happened. We put the sophomores in the fall because that is when they are first entering Jordan life; the juniors in the winter because this is their middle year; the seniors in the spring because they are going out with graduation. We hope it won't be too hard for you to find where things are. To help you we have added an index. 136
As with most things in life, a yearbook never turns out just as it is planned -too many hindrances appear. At times, too, pictures fail of events that have passed and cannot be retaken. But we have worked hard to include all those things you will want to remember always, and we hope you will feel that you have not been cheated. Laura Gardner is the editorial adviser.
Yearbook Salesmen - Front row: Sophie Adondokis, Ruth Miles, Connie Roe Lloyd, lois Neff, Blaine Griffin, Charles Peeler, Ruby Seito. Back row:
The Yearbook Stoff - Alan Newbold, junior sports editor, Paul Caine, sophomore sports; Kendall Phelps, assistant photographer; Arvin Mineer,
compile 0
Holen Anderson, lynn Haws, Glenda Anderson, Sondra Cosper, Vivian ferguson, Peggy Ann Kirton. E. l. Crawford is business manager.
cartoons; Roy Brinton, carnival manager; Sandra Casper, sophmore editor, Phyllis Orwin, Art editor; Douglas Dahl, sports editor .
Editor Charlene Bailey works on her dummy.
Courier Has Two-Toned Cover The original Courier was the school newspaper. Later it became a mimeographed and now a printed magazine. The Courier was chosen as the literary magazine to give students an opportunity to contribute original creative articles to develop their writing talents, and to give them the feeling of achievement by seeing their work in print. It is also an incentive to artists and to cartoonists. The 1953 Courier features an attractive two-color cover and more illustrations than any previous edition. It contains some fine examples of all types of creative writing - even a one-act play. The adviser is A. LaMar Hendricksen.
Assistant editor Jean Evans, looks over some cover de路 signs with Lamar Walbeck and Valaine Pack. Myrna Lee Dowding is also a staff member.
Vivian Halverson types while JoAnn Stromberg and Ann Lundberg stand by with their MSS. Typist Aileen Snarr was nat present for picture.
1952 Baseball
1953 Baseball
Wins Second Place in State
Baseball Takes Spotlight
In 1952 Jordan placed second in the state in baseball. Marlin Shields, Pete Dow, and Steve Motto were chosen Big Eight Champs and asked to play in the allstar game. Curt Jensen and Duane Day were also chosen all Big Eight. Five juniors earned letters: Curtis Jensen, Ernest Peterson, Allan Dumas, Lawrence Ray, and Stanley
Baseball took the spotlight in the sports picture when a hard-working Jordan nine romped over Murray 16-7 in a pre-season opening game. The Beetdigger goes to press before the baseball season begins . Therefore, we can only present the tentative schedule.
1952 Scores League Play (Win 6 and Lose 0) April 17 April 24 April 30 May 1 May 5 May 7
Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan West East
5 12
8 4
at at at at at at
South Jordan Provo Granite Jordan Jordan
4 9 4 4 9 7
April April April April May May May
16 20 27 30 4 7 11
Jordan Jordan South Jordan Provo Granite Jordan
at at at at at at at
Bingham (pre -season) East Jordan Davis Jordan Jordan West
State Championship Game Jordan
Batters Up 1
BASEBALL TEAM Front row: Eddie Jenkins , Robert Vincent , Vaughn Butler, David Boll igor. Middle row: Robert Newmon , Woyne Dohl , Bloine Lobrum , Gerold Naylor , Gory Greer , Herold Morley , Lee Jensen , Dovid Sh ields , J im Dumas . Back row: Neph i Fitzgerald , Kay Mitchell , Lee Brody , Denn is Brown , James L. Jensen , Curtis Jensen, Gory Beers, Ernest Peterson, Lorry Roy, Stanley Wright, Coach Chet Kim.
Raising a racket ore Garr Vincent, Glenn Cundick, Howard Pierson, Vaughn Rasmussen, Blaine Griffin, David Jones, Jerry Juretich, Gary Bolligar, Coach Dale Sorensen.
"\ennis 1952 Tennis Over the Net -
In league play Jordan won from Bing ham, from Granite twice, and from Davis; and lost to Provo twice and to Davis once .
Blaine Griffin
What a racket! Howard Pierson
Region Meet at Liberty Park May 6 Glenn Cundicl~, first singles; Howard Pierson and Garr Vincent, first doubles . Both lost to Granite . Cundick beat Davis, singles; and Pierson and Vincent lost to Davis.
Schedule April 14 April 16 April 21 April 23 April 28 April 30
Jordon vs Jordan VS Davis VS Granite vs Provo VS Davis VS
Granite Provo Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
1953 Tennis In the first tennis match of the season the Jordon tennis squad defeated the Granite netters at Granite. The Jordan racket men, coached by Dale Sorensen, started the season with five lettermen from last year, including Garr Vincent, Vaughn Rasmussen, Howard Pierson, David Jones, and Glenn Cundick.
Woopsl Will he make it? Jay Richardson goes over the top.
1952 Track Several Earn Letters
Muscle and Hustle. Charles Jarman is straining to overtake South.
Jordan qualified 6 places and one relay in the State Track Meet at the U of U on April 16 and placed eleventh in the meet. Lamar Sanders, third in 120 yard; od Butterfield, fourth in 880 yard; Nile McFarlane, tie fifth in high jump. Several boys earned letters in track and made a good showing in inter-school track meet.
1953 Track Start Track Season with South The Jordan thinclads started the track season with a meet with South on the Jordan track . The Beetdiggers fought hard, but South won 80 -53. A meet with Granite scheduled for the tenth was can ~elled because of weather. The following fNednesday Jordan captured a four-way [n eet against Cyprus, Tooele, and Grantsville . At the BYU Relays, a Jordan team, consisting of Don Orr, Larry Beers, Rodlley Butterfield, and Glen Fairbourn, won 1st in the Inter -scholastic relay. The remaining meets of the season included rhe BYU Invitational Track Meet, and the regional and state meets .
Schedule Apr il 2 Jordon 53 vs. South BO April 1 0 Jordon vs. Gran ite (cancelled because of weather) April 15 Jordon 66 , Cyprus 61, Tooele 15, Grantsville 5 , ot Cyprus April 19 BYU Relays ot Provo . April 25 BYU Invitational Track Meet at Provo . May 2 Regional track meet May 9 路 1 0 State Track Meet
TRACK TEAM Sitting: leonard Cleland , David Hogan , Don Tester , Don Orr, Jim Purser, Richard Boyce, Charles Jarmon . Kneeling: lee Homestead , Sharon Peterson , Joy Beckstead , Ray Hansen , Roy Youngberg , Glen Fa irbourn , lo rry Beers. Standing: Coa ch Grant Martin, Bob Smart, Robert Wilson , lee Ash ton , lorry Andrus , Gordon Mille rberg , Rex Tu rner, Mickey Sug iyama , Norman Coleman , Roy Bills , lyn Holt, Robert Dunn , Rod Sutterfield, Kendall Bunnell , Coach Art Hughes.
Front row: LoRieto Fre'emon, Audrey Eastman, Marilyn Wolters, Helen Reich, Viola Reich, LoNilo Maynard. Pearl Lundberg, Sondra Cosper, Ann Lundberg , Carlo Jensen, Barbaro Linnorz, Elaine Greenwood. Second row: Janice M iller, Winnefred Madsen, Mary Ellen Delgado, Ardell Jones, Charlene Townsend, Sharon Busenbark, Jeanette James, Marilyn Johnson,
Verla Nelson, RaMee Long. Third row : Jean Morrow, Marlene Hess, Jo路 anne Hawker, Carol Bollschweiler, Charlotte David, Joyce Ebert, Nancy Greer, Deanna Wennerstrom, Gayle McEwen. Back row: Ruth Miles, Sharon Spears, Sondra Mitchell, Ann Simpson, Lynn Haws, Judy Houn, Betty Johnson, Claudio Hansen.
Jay Dees Have Fun
Joy Dee officers talk it aver. Vice president Vera Nelson, secretory Ann Lundberg, president LaDee Norris, treasurer Elaine Ron.
The Jay Dees are not merely a fun club. They have many cultural and civic features. This year, with the help of the Paris Company, they held their annual fashion show for the Jordan girls. Miss Helen Kimball came out and gave an interesting book review for the club. The girls had a date party at the school. Their initiation of new members was climaxed by a full-course turkey dinner. Their big social event is the Dog Patch Drag, where they choose a Little Abner and a Daisy Mae to rule over the dance. The boys raise whiskers for a month to qualify. Mrs . Evelyn Wood is the sponsor.
Which girl will be Daisy Mae far the Jay Dees' Dogpatch Drag? Front row: Deanna Wennerstrom, RoMae Lang, Ann Lundberg, Judy Haun, LaNila Maynard, Dorothy Jex. Back row: Carol Rogers, Elaine Ross Winnefred Madsen.
LEADERSHIP CLUB Front row: Faye Heusser, VaLaine Pack, Sue McMullin, Pat Phelps, Judy Beckstead, Sue Gibbons, Sophie Adondakis, Lois Beckstead, Charlynn Johnson, Laura Joan Joseph, Charlene Crapo, Joy Beckstead. Second row: Carmen Lloyd, Patty Ann Parker, Karen
Sanders, Connie Burgan , Pat Boll, Connie Shelton, Coleen Beckstead, Sandra Casper, Ann Lundberg, Maryann Rasmussen, Ruby Seita. Back row: Delores Lunnen, Marilyn Milne, Marian Mortensen, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Elaine Kerkman.
Officers Elaine Kerkman, Marilyn Milne, and Charlene Crapo talk aver their new club. Mrs Evelyn Wood is the sponsor.
New Club Formed Leadership Club girls are selected from those holding important offices, such as student body officers, editors of publications, and presidents of clubs. Also, 10 girls from each class are made members. Altogether about 30 girls. This summer the club will stay in the canyon for 2 days, studying how to make the girls feel more at home at Jordan and have more fun.
DECA received first place for the best merchandise display at the con路 ventian at BYU Breaking Business Bottlenecks. Then when Mr. Fay Thomas, DECA adviser, and Roy Brinton, state DECA president, went to the convention ot Dayton, Ohio, they took the display along. It was one of the most effective there. Charles Peeler and Kendell Phelps, second place in Sports Photographic Clinic March 12 at U of U.
Janet Burns wins first place In state essay c0 ntest, '' Pilgrimage of Youth." She will spend a week studying the UN in June.
Sandra Casper and Rosemary Miner, sophomore superior rating in debate at state tournament.
Sherrill Schouten, Merlyn Smith, Harvey Hansen received degree of State Former at FFA Convention in March .
Joan Schmidt, alternate for Cor! Gray scholarship.
Charlynn Johnson, governor of Girls State at , USAC.
Roderick Atwood wins FFA district speaker award, and James Abbott, Notional Foundation Award for rural electrification.
Winners all. Maryann Rasmussen, Joy Goff, Pat Grone, Lois Wood flash champion smiles after o hot tennis
Ouch! That stung . Marie Anderson, Joyce Dansie, Gay Shelton, Do>lores lunnen, Janice Gatherum -....:;a:,:,n~ d...;:softba II.
Ann Larsen, Nola Green, Ann lundJ>erg, Myrna Coo~ try for a bull 's eye .
1952 Senior Awards At the Annual Award Banquet on May 15 about 90 seniors received awards . Speech: Lowry Adamson, Janice Andrus, Kaye Christensen, Beth Garfield, Reid Hansen, Leah Jenkins, Clynn Jennings, Audrey Kirton, Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Ivan Smart, LaVon Thornton, Glenn Turpin, Celene Ware. Forensics: Shirlene Alsop, Kaye Christensen, Maureen Edwards, Nadine Fowler, Reid Hansen, Lloyd Hill, Carma Jackson, Conover Jensen, Robert Larsen, Bryant Miner, Bonnie Olsen, VaLoye Roes, Martha Steed. Music: Lowry Adamson, Janice Andrus, Boyd Beckstead, Dona Mae Butterfield, Ramon Darton, Garwin Farnsworth, Ralph Gibbons, Reid Hansen, Conover Jensen, Robert Larson, James Miller, Sharon Roach, David Sorensen. Student Body: Blaine Anderson, Yvonne Berrett, Peter Dow, Maureen Edwards, Ann Greenwood, Cletus Hamilton, Don Merrill, Selma Mori, LaMarr Sanders, LaVon Thornton, Connie Walker, Shirley Walker. Publications: LuRue Allen, Clair Ahlstrom, Boyd Beckstead, Kaye Christensen, Joycelyn Day, Otto Draper, Maureen Edwards,
Helen Seaman a Elain<> Dixon. Miss Seaman took Faye Nichols placo> after Christmas. Miss Dixon is leaving this year to work with Arthur Murray.
Doris Egbert, Dale Hughes, Clynn Jennings, Delia Martin, Eve Miller, Selma Mori, LaVoye Roes, Mary Ellen Sjoblom, Thelma Stephensen, LaVon Thornton, Celene Joan Ware. Art and Stagecraft: Karen Andersvn, Shirlene Alsop, Berne! Berrett, Ann Greenwood, Leo Jensen, Robert Nelson, LaVon Thornton. FFA: Farnes Egbert, Robert Hansen, Bill Shinsel. Athletics: Blaine Anderson, Jack Bi)ls, Dean Boggess, Eldon Bolliger, Blaine Brown, Duane Day, Peter Dow, Otto Draper, Tommy English, Arion Evans, Lowell Fergusen, Richard Gilbert, Cletus Hamilton, Donald Hogan, Gary Holt, Rex Holt, Don Houmand, Louis Jensen, Noel Jensen, Ramon Jensen, Ubiki Miki, Stephen Motto, Don Merrill, Frank Nickle, George Padjen, Dennis Parker, LaMar Sanders, Warren Schmidt, Marlin Shields, Lou Vranes, Clark Young. Scholarship: Trevor Barker, Nadine Fowler, Shirley Walker. Forace Green Award: Doris Egbert. Citizenship Award: Selma Mori. Vincent Award: Steve Motto. BiJis Award: Marlin Shields. Wilson U of U Award: Celene Ware. Press Club Award: Delia Martin.
May! It won't be long now. Day by day it becomes more difficult to sit inside and study. The noises through the open windows become more and more distracting. Our newly-gathered drivers' licenses burn in our pockets. Why did we put off that history theme? What has become of that workbook? We search through the litter in our lockers for lost volumes from the library. But life is not all dull. We play baseball and tennis and golf. We
Gett ing the ir tickets early for the senior dinner donee ore Marilyn Stoffen, Nancy Motto, Janet Merrill.
How candid con a camera be? Joan Schmidt, Ruby Seilo and Laura Joan Joseph seem to be getting the point from adviser Gardner.
try our skill on the cinders. We listen to the bands play. The bearded brutes that have come down for the Dog Patch Drag shave off their whiskers. What shall we wear on J Day? What will the yearbooks be like? What if it rains on Sluff Day? Who will get awards? What if we don't graduate? And finally we hand in our books and line up for our refunds - if any - and go out for the summer.
It won ' t be long now I
Off with the last pages to the printer in "Chazzer's" convertible go the yearbook staff.
Kaye Mickelsen and Barry Sharp of the first Jordon class to graduate in caps and gowns . Marian Mortensen, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Glenn Cundick and Blaine Griffin w in graduation speeches.
THE SHADOW - Jay Dees , Viola Reich and Vera Nelson measure hirsute growth of Nile McFarlane and Boyd Obershaw in search far a Little Abner .
May mea11s lunch an the lawn . Harvey Hansen, "Chauer"; Ray Olson, Dean Smart enjoy sunshine with their food .
Calendar May
Is that the way you make a hole -in -one? Should Thomas Clark, Collins Nelson, Ruel Brown be in school maybe ?
1 - Dog Patch Drag 4 - Provo at Jordan (baseball) 6 - Band Festival 7-- Ninth grade orientation - Senior Sluff Day Granite at Jordan (baseball) 11 - Jordan at West (baseball) 13 -Award Banquet 15 - Seminary Graduation 19 - Senior Dinner Dance 20- J Day 21 - Yearbook Day 22 - Graduation 147
Table of Contents DEPARTMENTS Administration Faculty ---------------------------------------------------------- 12-21 Student ..... ------------------------------..... ---------------- 22 -25 Albums Juniors ----------------------------------------------------------66 -7 6 Seniors ------------------------------------------------------1 08-124 Sophomores ------- -------------------------------------------26-35 Activities Contests ------------------------------------------63, 103, 144 Music Band --------------------------- ----------------------------- 125 Messiah ------------------------------------------------------84 Opera ---------------------------------------------- 125, 126 Orchestra --------------------------------------------------85 Traveling Assembly ·---------------------------58, 59 Publications Magazine ------------------------------------------------ 138 Newspaper --------------·-------------------------54, 55 Yearbook ---------------------------------------- 136, 137 Speech Debate ---------------------------------------------------- 132 Festivals -------------------------------------------------- 133 Forensics ---------------------------------------- 132, 133 Oratory ---------------------------------------------------- 133 Plays ------------------------------------------60, 61, 133 Campus Life ---------------------------------------------------------36, 37, 44, 45, 50, 51, 52, 53, 86, 87, 94, 95, 99, 100, 101, 128, 129, 134, 135, 146, 147 Classwork ------------------------------------------------------------ 16-21
Clubs Athletic Club ------------------------------------------------------97 Boys Club -------------------------------------------·--------------57 Camera Club ----------------------------------------------------88 Charlonian Club ---------------------------------------.46, 47 Chess Club --------------------------------------------------------88 Dance Club -------·------------------------------------------------93 DECA ------------------------------------------------------------------89 FFA --------------------------------------------------------------48-50 FHA --------------------------------------------------------------98 -99 Girls Club ----------------------------------------------------------96 Jay Dees -------------------------------------------------- 142-143 Key Club ------------------------------------------------------------97 Language Club ·-------------------------------------------------89 Leadership Club ---------------------------------------------- 143 Masque and Gavel ------------------------------------------ 130 National Forensic League ------------------------------ 133 Press Club ---------------------------------------------------------·56 Quill and Scroll ------·-----------------------------------------56 Riding Club ------------------------------------------------------62 Ski Club ------------------------------------------------------------83 Sports Club --------------------------------------------------------62 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------ 1 - 11 Sports Baseball ---------------------------------------------------------- 139 Basketball ------------------·-------------------------------..77 -82 Cheerleaders -----------------------------------------------------·38 Footba II --------------------------------------------------------39-43 Girls Sports --------------------------------90, 91, 92, 145 Tennis -------------------------------------------------------------- 140 Track -----------------------------------------------------------····· 141 Wrest! ing ···-··-····-····-··-·········-·······-·············-····102
INDEX A Abbott, James •................ .49, 107, 144 Abrams, Howard ........................ 27 , 125 Acerson, Delores .................... ............ 124
Adams, Dole ........................................ 27 Adamson, Don .................................... 27 Adamson , Emilie ..................................
............ 67, 93, 125, 128, 130, 133 Adondakis, Sophie ............................. . ....... .47, 50, 51 , 67, 129, 137, 143 Ainsworth, Barbara .......................... 124
Ainsworth , Charles .............................. 27 Akimoto, ltsuo ................... ............... 107 Allen, Beth ...............................•.......... 27 Allen, Bill ..........................•................. 67 Allen, Maurine ............................ 67 , 98
~liE~:. ~:~~··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:~~ ~~~:~~~~~~~~.. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i:~~
Allred, Gory ............... .48 , 50, 63 , 1Of
Anderson, Brent .... 27, 45 , 57, 83, 125 Anderson, Carol ..•.......... ........ ..... 27, 76
Anderson, Dixie .............................•.... 27 Anderson, Ellen .................................. 27 Anderson, Glenda ......................•• 27 , 91 Anderson , Helen ............•..... 27, 37, 137 Anderson, Marie ........................ 27, 145 Anderson, Mary Kay ...................• 67, 88 Anderson, Noda .................. 50, 88, 107 Anderson, Naomi ... ..................... 89, 107 Anderson, Nina ..•......•......••........ 89, 107 Anderaon , Paul .................................. 124 Anderson , Raul in ........................ 89 , 107 Anderson, Ted .................................... 35 Andrus , Larry ............••...... 35, 10 2, 141 Angle, Arnold ......•.•................•... .40, 67 Angus, Jack •...................•..............•.• 107 Anselmo, frank .................. 67, 97 , 1 27 Antczak , Max ........................ 25, 27, 83 Arnold, Kay .................. 58, 63, 67, 126 Arterburn , Roland .........•...................... 27 Asay, Gerald ............................ 27, 125 Asay, Larry ...................•.............. 51, 67 Asay, Rita ........•............•..•.............•• 109 Ashby, Henry .•.••........ .40 , 41 , 67, 102 Ashford, Charles .............................. 67 Ashman, Lowell ..........•....•........ 27, 132 Ashton, Lee ...••......•............ 24, 25, 141
Astle, Lawrence .................................. 27 Astle, Reynold .•...•.............................. 67 Atkinson, Dole ....•. •.••••.•..•............... 67 Atkinson , Harvey ..............•......•......• 107 Atwood, Nola ............................ 62, 67 Atwood, Rodl!f lck •.48 , 49, 63 , 67 , 144 I
Bagley, Dole ..•..........................•........ 27 Bagley, JoAnn ......... 27, 91 , 132, 133 Salley, Carl .................................... 109 Bailey, Charlene ........................... 24, 56, 59, 60, 85, 108, 130, 131 , 138 Ba lr, Lynette ................................ 68 , 98 Ba ird , Mark ...•.....••.•......................•..•. 67 Baker, Kathleen ...•.....•.......................• 27 Baker, Larry .................•............•. 25, 76 Baker, Max ................................ 37, 68 Baker, Ronald ............................ 27, 102 Ball, Lynette .................•.......•............ 109 Ball, Pattrlcla Ann ........ 56, 59, 68, 127 Balr , David ....•.••.....•..•.•......•.......•.... 108 Barney, Joyce .•.•...............•••......•..•..•••. 35 Barnett, James ......•.•..........•........•...... .76
Bass, Glen .............................•......•... 109 Basta , Louis ...........................•.......... 109 Salomon, Dennis ............•. 27, 125 , 132 Bateman, Lee .....•..........•....•......•. 15, 68 Botemon, Neldon ............................... .
15, 55, 56, 66, 68, 128, 132, 134 Bateman, Verloln .........•..•................... 68
:~~:;: i~:~~··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~: .. ~~
Bauer , lmgord ...............................•.... 68 Bean, David ...........•.... 15, 39, 59, 108 Beck, Beth .................................... 17, 67 Beck, ReNae ...•...................... 68, 90, 98 Beckstead , Colleen .............••.....••..•..... 38 , 47 , 67 , 93, 94 , 100, 101 , 143 Beckstead, Jay •... 24, 58, 63, 68, 141 Beckstead, Joy .................••.......••....•... ••............. .47, 84, 85, 106, 109, 143 Beckstead, Judy .....•..........•. 28, 85, 143 Beckstead, Lamont •.............••.....••.•..... 27 Beckstead, Lois ............•...........••....•..... •..........••••• 24, 47, 68, 94, 129, 143 Beckstead, Lorin ...............•.......... 68, 76 Beckstead, Robert ..............•.........•....• 27 Beckstead, Val ...... 25, 58, 63, 68, 88 Beckstead, Willis ......................•......... 67
INDEX Beckstra nd , Koren ................ 27 , 63 , 1 26 Beecroft, Betty ................................... .7 6 Beers, Gory •.................. ..... 67, 81 , 139 Beers, lorry .......... ... ................... 67, 141 Bell, Bruce .......................................... 2 8 Bell , Clair .................................... 27 , 49 Bell , Melva ........................................ 68 Bennett, Mordell ................................ 109 Benson,
Russell ........................... ....... 2 8
Bentley, Robert .......... ..68, 76, 85 , 125 Baratta , Juanita ... ............ ......... ........ 1 08
Bergman, Gene ..... ..................... 24 , 108 Bernardo, Francine ............................ .. 68
Berrett, Enniss .. 63 , 68, 125 , 132, 133 Berrett, Marilyn .... ....................... .47 , 67
Berrett, Sherry .................. 89 , 108, 119 Bigler, Lor i ~ ............ .................... 35 , 63 Bills, Beth ................................ .......... 27 Bills, Colleen .................................... 108 Bills, Roy .............•.............. 25 , 27 , 141 Bll)on lc, Matt ................ .................... 124 Bills, Winn ie Moe ................ 56, 62 , 68 Bird , Joanne ...................................... 27 Bird, Norma ...................................... 108 Bishop, Marylin .................................. 27 Bjork, Barbaro ..................... .47 , 67, 93 Blumquist, Don .......................... 27 , 132 Bodell, Delara .................. .......... 89, 109 Boggess, Kay .............................. 28, 59 Boggess, Mory ........................... .47 , 67 Bollinger, Arvo ............................ 27 , 98 Bollinger, David (lorry) 68, 88 , 97, 139 Bollinger, Gory ...... .. 89 , 97, 108 , 140 Bollschweller, Carol .................... 28 , 142 Boothe, Rochelle ................ 28, 63, 132 Boulter, leonol .................................... 27 Bowen , Sylvia .................................... 28 Boyce, Marilyn .................................. .. .................... 23 , 58 , 78 , 86 , 93 , 108 Boyce, Richard .................... 28 , 81 , 141 Brody, Ann ...................................... .. ........... .4 , 38 , 59, 68 , 92 , 93 , 128 Brody, Dole ........................................ 83 8rody,Don .......... 24, 25, 87,109 , 127 Brody, Gerllyn .................................... 68 Brody , lee ... .41, 97, 109 , 134 , 139 Brody , lindsey ............................ 27 , 85 Brody, Joanne .................... 25 , 64 , 108 Brody, Marilyn .................................... 28 Brody, Naom i .......................... 109 , 1 27 Brody, Wolter ............................. .48 , 68 Brewer, Darlene .......... 47, 68, 93, 129 Brinton, Roy ...................................... .. ........ 51 , 63 , 84 , 89, 107, 134 , 144 Bristol , Burke ...................................... 68 Bristol , J immy .................................. 109 Brkloclch, George .............................. .. ........ 67 , 78, 80, 81, 97 , I 00, 1 29 Brklocy, lorry .................................... 67 Brklocy, Margaret ............................ 109 Brothers , Eol'nest ................................ 27
Brown , Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
Darlene .................................. 68 Dennis ......... .48 , 50, 124 , 139 Douglas ............................ 28, 97 Edward .................. 40, 67, 102 Gloria .............................. 25 , 28 Koy ........................................ 68 KKonneth ........................ 15 , 106 Kent ...................................... 28 lorry ................................ 62, 68 lee ................................ 67 , 128
Brown, Margaret ................................ 27 Brown, Marlene .................................. 28
Brown, Melvin .......... 40, 97, 102, 108 Brown, Rolone .................................. 27 Brown , Rodney .................................. 28 Brown , Ronald .................................... 27 Brown , Ruol ...................................... .. .................... 97 , 108 , 125 , 128 , 147 Brown, Shirley .................................. 11 0 Brown , Thomer .................................. 1 07 Brown , Verla ...................................... 27
Brown, Wallace .................................. 35 Browne, Helen .................................... 27 Brunoni , Cormelllo .............................. 28 Buhl, Ann ............................................ 68 Bunnell, Ken ...... 27, 6 2, 63 , 132, 141 Burgon , Connie .... 47 , 55, 59, 68 , 143 Burgan, Jimmie .................................. 27 Burgan , Kent ................................ 25 , 28 Burklnshow, lorry ............... .48, 50 , 108
Butler, Vaughn .......................... 67, 139 Butterfield, Almon .. .................... 35 , 1 09 Butterfield, Ardis ........................ 62 , 67 Butterfield, David ...... .................. 27, 49 Butterfield, Dee .......................... .. 67, 89 Butterfield , Diona ................................ 68 Butterfield , Gory ............................ .. 108 Butterfield, Gladys .................... 50, 109 Butterfield , J immy .............................. 8 2 Butterfield , lorry ............................ .. 108 Butterfield, LeRoy ................................76 Butterfield, Marilyn ...................... ...... 27 Butterfield, Rete .............. .... 89, 98, 109 Butterfield , Rodney Wayne .......... 67 , 76 Butterfield , Rodney Wm ............. 68, 141
Dansie, LoVer ..................... ....... ........ 111
Dorton, Ruth ....................... .47 , 59, 69 David, Charlotte ........................ 29, 142 Davies, Jean .......... .......... 25 , 111 , 134 Davis , Joan ................................... ..... 69
Davis, Marilyn ........................ .... 69, 128 Day , John .. ................................. .48 , 69 Day, Richard .............. .......... 29, 49 , 82 Doy, Shirlene .... .. .............. ........... .47 , 69 Dean, George ........ ........... .. .... ........... 111 Delgado, Mory Ellen .. .......... 37 , 69, 142 Delgado, Ross .. .................................. 111 Densley, Claudette .............................. 29 Densley, Dole .. ...... ...... 40 , 4t, 97 , 111
Freeman, loRieto .............. 29, 125, 142 Freemon , Thomas ................................ 70
Fuller, McKoy .................................... 1 24 Fuller, Joy ............ .............. 29 , 49 , 102 Fullmer, Richard ....................... .70, 125 Frkovich , Katherine .................... 89 , 112 G
Gobler, Ernest ............................ 15, 113 Godd, Dean ........ .............................. 11 2 Galvan , Henry .............................. .... 112 Gammel, Janet .............................. 55 ,
57, 59, 70, 92 , 93, 95, 100, 106 Gordner, Gayle .................................. 70 Garfield, Junior ..... .............. .48, 63, 70
Despain, D'Ann .............................. .... 29
Gaster, Sh irley .................................. 112 Gotherum , Janice .. .............. 30 , 90, 145 Gedge, Gerald ...................... .... .......... 62
Despain, Dorienne ............. ................. 69
Gehring, Norma .............. ................ .. ..
DeTovis, Eddie .... ........................ 89 , 111
Dowding, Myrna lee ...... ................45, 83, 95, 99, 111 , 132, 133, 138 Downs, lyle .............. .......................... 69 Droke, Evelyn .... ................................ 29 Droke, Marilyn .............. ...... 98 , 99 , 111 Draney, lorry ..................................... .76
22, 25, 78, 86,· 93 , 112, 119, 121 George, Richard .............. .................... 39 Gibbons, Nancy ........ .......... ................ 29 Gibbons, Rolph .................................. 38 Gibbons, Sue ................ 30, 85 , 96, 143 Gilbert, Groce .............................. ...... 29 Gilbert, Jean ............ ................... .70, 98 Giles, Glen .. .. .................................... 113 Giles, Norma ...... ................................ 30 Gissemon, Goy len .. 40, 41 , 88, 97, 112 Glad, Howard .................................. 102 Glines, Billy .......................... ...... 29, 125 Glover, Jim ...... ................ ............ 29, 62 Glover, Karl ...... ...................... ... .70, 133
Draper, Ivan ........................................ 76
Glover, Marion .. .. ...................... 30, 132
Christensen, Marvel .... 54 , 56, 89, 110
Draper, Jileen .......... ........................... .76 Duffin, Janet .. .............................. 47, 69 Duffin, Ronald .................................... 29 Dumas, Douglas .................................. 29 Dumas, James ............ 29 , 40 , 82, 139
Christensen , Norman .......................... 76
Dumas , Ross ....... ............... .................. 69
Goff, DuWoyne .............. .................... 30 Goff, Jane .......................................... 29 Goff, Joy .......................................... .. ... _....... .45 , 47 , 51 , 59, 70, 90, 145 Goff, RaNce .............. ......... .47, 70, 101 Golding, Joy ...... .............. 62, 112, 130 Graham, Aleene .. 58 , 93, 112, 117, 121 Graham, Glendo ...................... .......... 39
Ca ine, Paul ........................ 29 , 60, 137 Coldwell, Paul ............................ 28 , 40 Campbell , Alt on ................................ 28 Cardwell , Ann ie Joy ................ 62 , 110 Carlsen , Norman ...... ........ ................. .76
Carlson , Elliott .......... .......................... 28 Carlson, Richard .................................. 28 Carper;tter, Nanette ............................ 69 Corson, Lorna .................................... 1 10
Carter, Hazel .................................... 124 Cartwright, Mary Jean ...................... .. .............. .............. 61 , 110, 130, 131 Cosper, luDown ........................ 84, 11 0 Cosper, Sandra ................................... .
28, 130, 13 2, 137 , 142 , 143, 144 Cavender, Jock ................... .48 , 49 , 69 Cherry, Shirley .................................... 28 Chieo , Robert ........................ .............. 28 Childress, Jackie Eugene .................... 76 Chiveroll , Ross .................................... 69 Christensen, LaRoe .............. ................ 69
Christenson, Peggy ...................... 69, 90
Detomasi, Janette .............. ........... ....... 29 Detomosi, Janice ... .. ........................... 29
Dibb, Delores Dimond, Page Darius, Allen Darius , Ruby
.................... .................. 29 .................................... 111 .................. ............ ........ 69 ...................................... 29
Dow, DeAnna .......... ................. ......... 29
Dunn, Glen .......... ............ .. 24, 87, 111
Christopherson , Joan ···--··-··· .............. 69
Dunn, Margaret .................................. 29
Christopherson , Shirley ........................ 69 Clark, Thomas .................... 97 , 110, 147 Clarke, Barbaro Ann ........ 61, 11 0, 131 Clayton, David .................................... 69 Clayton, loVonno .............................. 11 0 Cleland, leonard .... 28, 102 , 125 , 141
Dunn, Robert ............................ 40, 41 , 54, 69 , 97 , 102 , 132 , 133 , 141
Graham, Grace ... ............ ... ............ .... 39
Grange, Bonnie ...................... ............ 29 Gray, Crissie .......... .......................... 113
Eastman, Audreo ........................ 29, 142 Eastman, David .................. 29 , 85 , 1 25
Gray, Gerold .............................. 39, 49 Gray, Harold ................................ 62, 70
g~:~~~~· :h~t;o-~~. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::.1. ~~
Eastman , Kenneth ............................ 111
Green, leon ...................................... 113 Green, Lois ................................... ..... 70 Green, Marlin ............................... .... .48
Coors, Patsy ................................ 28 , 91 Cole, Barbaro ...................................... 69 Colebrook, Corolee .............................. 69
Coleman , Ela ine .......................... 56, 69 Coleman, l ode .,.................................. 35 Coleman , Norman .... 28, I 02 , 125, 141 Condl , Poul ................................ 69 , 1 25 Conley, luAnn .................................. 11 0 Conti , Buddy ...................................... 69 Cook, Dallas ........................................ 69 Cook, JoAnn .............................. 28, 125 Cook, LaNeve ...................................... 35 Cook, Marilyn ...................................... 28 Cook, Marva .................................... 11 0 Cook, Myrna .............................. 28, 145 Cook, Nor lnno .................................... 28 Coon, Arlene ...................................... 69 Cooper, Dono .............................. 55 , 69 Corok, Marlene .................................. 28 Cowley, Thomas ........................ 88 , 110 Covington , Frances ...................... 69, 98 Covington , Mary .......................... 69, 78 Cox, Mildred .................................... 11 0 Crone, Claude ............ ........................ 28
Ebert, Joyce ...... .... -<.... ............ .. 29, 142 Edwards, Donald lee .......................... 69 Egbert, Eris ................................. .47, 69 Egbert, Gory ................................ 29, 49 Elmer, Arthur ............ ........................ 11 2 Elmer, Jock .......................... 15 , 29 , 59 Emery, Morvin .......................... .. .. 29 , 49 Ennist, Betty ................ 29, 86, 98, 132 Erekson, Mar ie ........................ 111 , 152 Er ickson, Charles Wayne .................... 69 Evans, Edward ...... ........ ...................... 29 Evans, Geroldeon .......... 56, 62 , 69, 92 Evans, Jean ..................... .47 , 111, 138 Evans, Jeannie ............................ ...... .. 29
Evans, Mayde! ............................ 69, 86 Evans, Sonia .................................. .... 70
Eyre, Darlene .......... ..... _ ............. 69, 90 Eyre, Rota ........................................ 111
Grone, Pot .... ............ 30, 90, 132, 145
Green , Noel ............ ...... ....... .48, 63, 70 Green , Nolo ...... .................. 62 , 70 , 145 Green, Norleen .............. 62 , 70, 92, 93 Green , Ross ..... .... ................. ................ 39
Greene, Nancy Ann .. .................. 39, 142 Greenwood , Elaine ...... .............. 39, 142 Greenwood, Jeanine ............ 45, 70, 85
Greenwood, lynn .. ...... ......... .48, 49, 70 Greenwood, Sharon ..................... ...... .
.................... 17 , 62, 111, 113, 134 Greenwood, Vol ................ 30, 49, 102 Greer, Gory ............... .70, 85, 125, 139 Griffin, Blaine ............ 19, 45 , 60, 97, 101 , 112, 125 , 126, 137 , 140, 147 Griff is, Betty Jean .................. ............ 70 Griffis, Robert ............................ 54 , 113 Grimoud, Roger .......................... ........ 29
Foirbourn, Glen ......... .48, 63 , 70, 141 Foirbourn, Jerry ......................... .48, 70
Grover, Ann ........ 24, 62, 85 , I 01, 112 Grover, Clyde ...................................... 30 Grvver, Pot .... ........ 112, 127, 132, 133
Fairbourn , Ross ....................... ..... 29 , 49 Former, Frances ......... ......................... 29
Crone, Doris ........................................ 28
Farnsworth, Elaine .................. .... 99, 112
Hokanson, Larry ........................... ....... 31
Crane, leo ..........................................? 6
Faurschou, Joyce ...... .......................... 29 Fergus, Steven .............................. 29 , 49
Hole, Gory .................. ..40, 57, 71, 78 Hall , Roll ie .......................................... 71
Ferguson, Kothryn .............................. 29
Halverson , Paul ....................... .48 , 114 .Halverson, V ivian .................. .... 70, 138 Homilton , Carolyn ........................ ...... 30
Crone , Patri ci a .......................... 28 , 125
Crapo , Charlene ................................ .. ........... .47, 63 , 96, 110, 135 , 143 Crawford , Gene ........................ 28 , 132 Crawford , Vanessa ........... .47, 69, 132 Creer, Thomas .................................. 11 0
Fisher, Gerold .................................... 125 Fisher, Geraldine .......... ....... .47 , 55, 70
Hamilton, Coleen ...... ............ ......... ..... 30
Crump, LoRayne .......................... ........ 28
Fisher , Margaret ................................ 112
Hansen, Claudio ...... ...... ............ 30, 142
Crump, Samuel .................................. 29 Crump, Vesta ...................................... 28 Cundick, Glenn ...................... 24 , 58 , 60, 61, 101, 110 , 131 , 132, 140 , 147 Cunington, Raymond .................... 35, 82 Curley, Mac ........................................ 68 Curtis, Sharon ............ .......... 25, 28, 85
Fitzgerald, Betty Ruth ................. .70, 96 Fitzgerald, Gory ................................ .. .. .............. 60, 61 , 97 , 111 , 112 , 131
Hansen , Harvey ....... ...... ..... ............ ... .
Fitzgerald , Jimmie .............................. 29
Hansen, Raymond .............................. 30
Fitzgerald, Neph i .......... 29 , 49, 97 , 139 Fitzgerald, Sondra.......................... ...... 70 Fitzgerald, Sheila .. 58, 93, 112, 115, 121 Fitzgerald, Sherrie .... 106, 112, 113, 115 Forbush , JoAnn ................... .45, 47 , 70
Hardcastle, Ernest ....... ...... ...... .. ......... 31
Burns , Janet ............. .47, 68 , 133 , 144 Bursoch , Milan .............. ....... , ...... 28 , 82
Bu Soto , Gormono .............................. 1 08
Dahl , Douglas .................. 56, 60, 6 1, 69 , 103, 126, 130, 13 2, 133 , 137 Dahl , Grant .................................. 29 , 49 Dahl , James .... 1, 37 , 48 , 50, 111 , 136 Dohl , Rodney ............................ 83 , 111 Dohl, Wayne ............................ 29, 139 Dahl, Weston .................................. - 11 0
Butler, James ............ ~ ............... .......... 28
Dansie, Joyce ............................ 29, 14 5
Densley, Vernon ............................ ...... 29
Burmester, D~lores ................... .47 , 109
Busenbark, Gayle ...................... 68 , 142 Busenbark, O'Dell ................ , ........... 124 Busenbark, Sharon .............................. 27 Bush, All ee .......................... 68 , 87 , 93 Butkovich, Mike .................................. 67
Dansie, Doren ....................... ....... 29 , 49 Dansie, George ............... ............... 29 , 49
Fergu son , Loris ..... ............................... 70 Fergu son, Vivian ........................ 29 , 137
Forbush, Lawrence ............................. .70
Forbush, Marion .......................... 55, 70 Forman, Eldon ............ .................. 29, 4 9
Hamilton, Clyde .................................. 30
....... .48, 50 , 63 , 86, 114 , 144, 147 Hansen, Kathleen ........................ 30, 98 Ho_rbuck, Phyllis .................... 21 , 30, 98 Hardcastle, Donna ..................... .47, 114 Hardcastle, Nool .... ....... .48, 49, 50, 71 Hardman, Fern .................................. 11 3 Hardman, Jackie .. ...... ...................... 113 Hardman, Sh irley .. .................. .. .......... 35 Hardman, V irgin ia ..................... ......... 30
Frontz, Morris . .......... ....... .................. 124
Hardy, Morvin .................................. 124 Harmon, Rodney ............................... .71 Harmon, Myrna ........................... .47 , 62 Harper, Rolph ...................................... 30
Fratto, James ............................-... 48 , 70
Harper, Rose Marie ....................... ..... 1 1 3
Fortner , Joe ................. ....................... 70
Francom, Lloyd .................................... 29 Frandsen , Dick .................................... 26
INDEX Harrington, Margaret Anne ................ 70
Jensen, Patricio .................................. 71
Harr ison, DeRoyce ...................... 88, 113
Jensen, Rees .... 31, 35 , 125, 130, 132 Jenson , Curtis ............ 57, 97 , 115,·139
Hartman, Rozonne ..... .......... ............... 30
Hott, Hatt, Hott, Hott,
Everett ..................... .40, 41 , 114 Jacquelyn .......... ................. .?!, 90 Joniel ............................. - ......... 30 Jeanne ........................................ 3 1 Haun, Arlene ........... ........................... 30 Haun, Bill .................................. ..41, 71 Houn , Judy ............ .......... 30, 142 , 143 Haun, Wallace ....... ............ ......... 25, 71 Hauserman, lawana .......................... 35
Hawker, Betty .................................... 71 Hawker, Joan .................................. 142 Hawker, Joann .................................. 14 2 Haws, Joan ......... .............. ................. 59 Haws, lynne ........ ............ ...... .. ......... .
.......... 26, 30, 37 , 130, 132, 137 , 142 Heaps, Colleen .................................... 30 Hedman, Paul .................................... ! 14 Heki, Ethel ............ ........................ 30, 91 Hellstrom, Paul ......•..... 55, 56, 71, 132 Hendrickson, Deanna .......................... 30 Hendrickson, Shyrma loy .... 47, 71, 132 Henschke, Joanne ................ 56, 89, 114 Hensley, Gory .................................... 124 Hess, Dick ........... ............................... 114
Hess, Marlene .............. 21, 30, 62, 142 Heugly, Dole ............................. ......... 30 Heusser, Faye .......................... 118 , 143 Hiatt, Don no Rae ........................ 89, 113 Holl, Beatrice ................ 24, 66 , 71 , 134 Hill, Glenn ...... ................................... . ................ 22, 40, 78, 113 , 132, 133 Hillis, Jack ......................................... .76 Hillis, Marion .. .................................. 114
Hilton, Beverly Ann .... ...... .................. 30 Hirose, Bobby ........•..... 20, 40, 97 , 102 Hofer, Betty ....................... ......... 25, 114 Hoffman, Pat ... ................................. 113 Hoffman, Philip .................................. 70 Hogan, David ....... .40, 41, 71, 99 , 141 Hogan, Richard ......................... ... 63, 71 Holman, Bryant ............ .... 85, 114 , 125 Holman, Marian ..........................71, 98 Holmsteod, lee .......................... 7 6, 141 Holt, Arlene ........................................ 30 Holt, Dan ........................................... 76 Holt, JoAnn ................ ........................ 71 Holt, Lynn .. .......... .............. 31, 40, 14 1 Holt, Nina ........................................ 124 Hoopia iina, Edgar ...... 31, 63, 103 , 132 Horacks, Robert ................................ 114 Howard, Janice .................................. 30 Howell, Kenneth ......•......................... 114 Howlett, Bryce .. .................. 15, 18, 114 Howlett, Dale ...............•.................... 114 Howlett, Duane .................•.......... 30, 81 Hudson, Annetle ................................. 30 Hughes, Janet ................... ......... 83, 114 Hughes, Janice ............................ 71, 93 Hughes, Billy .... ..... ..................... 30. 132 Humes, Beth ................................ 25, 30 Humes, Ruth ................................ 20, 71 Hunsaker, Halley ......... ....................... 71 Hunt, Alena ..........................•........... 114 Huntsman, Clara .............................. 113
:~;~i~· J~~;Y_ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·ii~
Jenson , Dean .......... ..... ........... ............ 71
Jenson, Jerrold ............................ 31, 82 Jenson, laMoine .............. ~- -· -·---·-·--·- · 124
Jenson, lee .......... 31,·40, 41, 82, Jeppson, Arlene ........................ 71, Jex, Dorothy .............................. 31, Jex, Keith .................................. 83,
139 127 143 115
Johanson, Denece ............................... .
........ 47, 55, 62, 71, 130, 132, 133 John, Gladys Mae .............................. 31 Johnson, Ann ...................................... 7 6 Johnson, Betty .................................. 142 Johnson, Charlynn ......... 25, 47, 60, 93, 115 , 130, 131. 132, 143 , 144 Johnson, Gory .................................... 71
Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, .... 47.
laMar ... .40, 88, 91, 97, 115 Marilyn (Jr./ .. 62, 71, 93, 142 Marilyn (Sr.) ........................ .. 58, 87 , 93, 115, 117 , 121
Johnson, Marjorie ................................ 31 Johnson, Nancy Rae .......................... 71
Johnson, Richard ................................ 31 Johnson, Robert .................................. 71 Johnstun, Owen .................. 31, 35, I 02 Jones, Ardell .............................. 31, 14 2 Jones, David .................... 83 , 114, 140 Jones, Harvey .............................. 31, 35 Jones, Jean ........................................ 76 Jones, Peggy .................................... ! 24 Jones, Ronald .................................... 3 I Jones, Jean ...................... ............. 7 6
Jones, Shlrlo ............. 25, 47 , 66, 71, 94 ................. .... 31, 35 Jordon, Gerald .................................... 71 Jorgenson, Gerold ........................ 24, 71 Jorgenson, Vern ..................................7 6
Joosten, Maureen
Joseph , laura Joan ............................ .
1, 45 , 47 , 64 , 83 , 86, 87 , 93 , 96, 111, 116, 128, 136, 143 , 146 Juretoch, Jerry ...... 40, 71 , 81 , 140 K
Kartchner, LaRoe Kostonis, Terry ..
.62 , 116, 123 ................... .73, 88
Kay, laura ................................ 31 Kearsley, Dixie .......... 25 , 47, 73 , 101 Kemp, God ....................................... 116 Kemp, Jerry .............. ........ .. .. .72, 88 Kemp , Joyce .....................................73 Kemp, Robert ................................... 7 6 Kerkman, Elaine .. ..98, 99 , 116, 143 Kesler, Orson ........ 31, 125 Kiisel , Arthur ....... •. .. ... 31 Kiisel, Florence ............................. 116
Kimball , Marva Jeanne ... ..... .47, 54, 56, 103, 116, 131, 143 , 147 Kmgston , leon ................................. 35 Kirton , Peggy ........................... 31 , 137 Knight, JoAnn .................................... 72 Kritzer, Ruth ....
. ......................... ..
.............. 54. 56, 86 , 89, Ill, 116 Kroon, Frances .. . . .. ........... 31, 62 Kynoston, Jean ............... 25, 31
Jensen, Carla Lou ...................... 31, 14 2
labrum , Arlee .................................... 72 labrum, Blaone .................. 31, 82 , 139 LaChance, Irene ........................... 62, 72 Lambson , Betty ........ 47 , 113, 116, 134 long, RoMoe .............. 72, 87, 142, 143 larsen, Ann ................................ 72, 145 larsen, Fronk .. . ............. ,..................... 31 larsen, JoAnn .............................. ..... 72 larsen, Marjorie ...... ...................... 72 LaRocco, Beth ...................... ....... . ... 72 Lauritsen, Manny Kentme .......... ..35 loveder, Mike . ... ..... ... ............. 31 lawson , Beverly ...... . ................... .72 lawson, Rulund ... .. 124 lee, Dorothy ....... .. ... ... 88 , 116 LeFevre, Joan (Sr.) ..... 17, 56, 62, 133 LeFevre, Joan (Jr.) . ........ .. ......... 72 leonard, Emogene ....... ... ... ... .. ... 72 leonard, Valona .. .62, 89 , 116, 133 Lepore, Roger .............. .40, 47, 97, 116 lewos, Leland ...... , ........... .72 Leyba, Onnie .............. .. .. .. ,. ......... 116 l ien, Dan ........................................... 31 Lien, Roy .................. 12, 59 , 116
Jensen, Clair ...................................... 31
l•nnorz, Barbaro .......... -·····
Jensen, David ...... .............................. 1 14
l lp•ey, Ada Gall ............ 62, 72, 90 Lipsey , Allen .. . ....... 72 Little, luGene .... .. ... 25, 72, 96, 98 lloyd, Carmen .... 31, 37 , 91, 133 , 143 lloyd, Connie Rae .. .. •. ........ 55, 60 , 72. 90, 130, 131, 137
Jackson, Marvin ................................ 115
Jackson, ReNae ...... ...................... 62, 71 Jacobson, David ........................ 16, 1 24 Jacobson, Norma .....•......................... .71
Jacobson, Richard ................ 15 , 59, 71 James, Jeanette .... 55, 62 , 71, 87 , 142 James, Sharon ........................ ............ 31 James, Verla .............................. 62, 115
Jarmon, Charles .. 18, 40, 97 , 111 , 141 Jarred, Colleen .............................. , ... 71 Jarvis, Dean .............................. 18, 115 Jeminez, Ernest ................................. . 31 Jenkins, Devon .................................. 1 15 Jenkins, Donna Moe ....................... .. 71
Jenkins, Eddie ...... 31, 40, 77. 81, 139 Jenkins, Harvey ........................... ....... 35 Jenkins, Wendell .............................. 115 Jensen, Annette ................................ 115
Jensen, Janice ................................... .
............... .47, 55, 71 , 130 , 131 , 133 Jensen, James ............................ 31, 139 Jensen, Kent ............... ...................... 1 1S Jensen, Lindo ....................•................. 31
.31, 142
lloyd, Darlene .................................... 72 lloyd, Donald ...................................... 31 lloyd, Danna Lou ................................ 31 lloyd, lola Faye ...... .................. .47 , 7 2 lloyd, Margerle ............................ 31, 85 lloyd, Robert ......................... 116, 152 Lofthouse, John .................................. 76 longson, Joann .................................. 72 Losee, Don ......................................... .
............... .40, 48, 72 , 102, 103, 125 lovell, Doreen .................................. 124 loveless, Duane .......................... 31, 132 lucas, Fronk ....................... .41, 49, 102
Moore, Marilyn ............................ 73, 92 Moosman, Glen .................... 25, 35, 40 Morgan, Roberto ..... .......................... .
.................. .. 57. 59, 62, 73, 92, 93 Morrill, Elroy .............. ........................ 32 Morley, Harold ... .40, 41, 72, 97, 139 Morris, Earle ....................................... .
.......... 25, 84, 100, 117 , 126, 129 Morrow, Joan ............................ 31, 142 Morrow, leon ......... .......... ........ ... ........ ? 5 Morse, Colldene .......................... 32, 73 Morse, Fay .......................................... 3 2 Mortensen, Morlan .... 16, 47, 54, 56,
lucero, Raymond ................................ 31
117, 130, 131, 132, 133, 143, 147
lund, Joel ........................................ 116 lundberg, Ann ................................... . .......... 31, 133, 138, 142 , 143, 145 lundberg, Pearl .......................... 72, 142
Mortensen, Sharlene ............................ 32
lunnen , Delores ................ 31 , 143, 145
Mounteer, Eldo Roe ........................... .
lunnen, luana ............................. .47, 72
Mace, Bruce ........................................ 32
Mace, Danny .. .. ............................. 124 MacKay, Brent .................................... 32 Macklin, Dale ...................................... 32 Madsen, Dwayne ................................ 32 Madsen , Marva Rae ............................ 73 Madsen, Mary lou .... 47. 73, 132, 133
Moss, l eland .................................... 124 Motto, Nancy ........... .45, 83, 117, 146 Mounteer, Beth ......................... 73, 134 ........................ 62, 89, 98, 99, 117 Mounteer, Kenneth .................... 88, 117 Mounteer, Ruth .................................. 1 16
Mousley , Arlene ................ ...... ...... 31, 98 Mousley, Cheryle ................................ 73 Moyer, Vlckije .................................... 32 N
Naylor, Charlene .......................... 32, 63 Naylor, Gerald .................... 32, 82, 139
Madsen , Winnefred ........................... .
Naylor, Joan ..................................... .
.................... 62 , 73 , 89, 142 , 143 Malmstrom , Florence ....................... 118 Malmstrom , Jani ce ................ 117, I 24 Mangum, David ....................... 32 , 49 Mangum, Moe ....................... II 2, 124 Marchant, Allee ...................... 118 , 124 Markus, Glen ..................................... .7 6 Mar/or, Kent ................ 54, 56, 73, 132 Marlow, Joann .................................... 62 Marshall , larry 35 Mart in , Jack ............................ 76
.................... 32. 58, 59, 90, 91, 95 Neff, Lois ..................... ...... .47, 73, 137 Neff, Marlene ............ 19, 89, 118 , 124 Nelsen, Vera ................ 73, 88, 92, 147 Nelson, Alfred ................... 32, 49, I 02 Nelson, Collins ............................... . ......... ..... 111 , 113, 117. 118 , 147 Nelson, Everette ......................... ..... 32 Nelson, Jock ........................................ 73 Ne1lsen, Howard .................................. 97 Nelson, Sandra .................................... 32 Neuffer, Shirlene . .. ......... 32 Newbold, Alan 40, 54, 73, 134, 137 Newbold, Barnell .•. 88, 97, 118 Newbold, Den nos .............................. liB New'l'an, Elmer .. ... .. .. 103, 118, 125 Newman, Robert ..................... 32, 139 Newman, Sandra .................. .. ....... 118 Nochol, Paul .. . .. ...... 49 Nochols, Gary .. ................ .. .•..•. 35 Ni chols, Paul .............. 32, 49, 82 Nickle, Clement .............................. 32 Nielson, Blame .. I 8, 40, 41, 97, 118 Nogales, Elida ................................... 35
Martineau, Rulon . ..................... ... 35 Martinez, Claro ....... .32 Mascaro, Tony
60, 7 2, I 26, 130, 131 , 133 Moxfoeld , Rodney .25, 48, 50, 58, 62, 63, 99, 117 . 127 Maynard , laNila .7 3, 92 , 143 Maynard , Monle 48 , 116 Maynard, Reed 72 McCarthy, Mary .... 25, 73 McCleary, Jerry
77, 78,. 80, 81, 83, 97 , 106, 129 McCiollon, Margaret .... 16, 89, 117 Mclellan, Norma .. 31 McFolone, Nolo 40, 41 , 72, 78, 97 , 147 McE wen , Gayle .3 1, 142 McKay, Maida ... 73 McMullin, Sue .25, 32, 90, 143 McNamara, Roberr .40, 72, 77 , 80, 97 Merril , Janet
93, 104 , 124, 135 , 146 Morro/, Kathleen ........................... 118 Mertln, lorry ... .................. .73 Micklesan, Kayo .. . ... .. ................ . ....... 24, 95, 96, 116, 147 124 Mlckleson, larry ..................... ... Mldde/stodt, Georgene .. .. .. 117 Moddelstadt, Henry ........................... 32 Miles, Ruth ....................... 73, 137 , 142 Moiler, Jonoce 72, 142 Miller, Pavleen . ....... .... .... .73, 90 Mlllerburg, Gordan .... 57 , 73 , 78 , 141 Millerburg, Joan 72 Millet, lorna .. 55, 73 Milligan, Patsy ... .. ............... 31, 125 Mlllogan , Betty Ann ....... 16, 98 , 124 Molls, Roy ........................ 32 Milne, Deanna ............................... 32 Milne , Donald .................. 32, 57 , 82 Milne, Janet ....... 117 Milne, Marilyn ........ 23, 25, 47, 78 , 117 , 119, 143 Mmeer, Arvin 24, 73 , 77, 137 Miner, lot Ann 73 M•ner, Ro~emory .
31 , 63 , 91, 103 , 125, 132, 144 Mines, Norman . •................ 88 , 117 ................. 73 , 125 Minnick, Gwen Mitchell, Blaine .......... 76 Mitchell , Faye .32 , 98 Mitchell, Gory .40, 41, 117 Motcnell, Howard .48, 73 Mitchell , Kay 117, 139 Motchell , Marlin 72 Mitchell, Nile • - ................ 33 , 49 Milcholl, Sandra ............ 31 , 132, 142 Moffett, Jerald ine ................ .. .72 Montague, Ray .......................... 32, 49 Moon, Nelda ..................... - ..... 32, 98
~~;:~. ~~~ck
:: .. ·::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. -: .. Norris, La Dee ... .................. ... 73, 86
Nowlan, Myrna ......... u........
. .. 25, 11 8
Nunley, Gloria ............................... .76 Nunley, Jimmoe ... ..... ..... .•. .... 118 Nunley, Joyce ..................... 26, 32, 90 Nuzman, Donald ............. 32, 49, 102 Nystrom, Eric ................. 32, 125, 132 Nystrom, John ....... 15, 59, 118 0
Oakeson, Gerald .. .... .. ... .. ........ 118 Oakeson, Joyce ................................ 119 Oaks , Tommy .................... 38, 119, 127 Obershow, Boyd ............. 97, 118, 147 Obershaw, Stanley ... .. ................... 73 O'Brien, Barbara .. ... .32 O'Brien, Jerry ... .. ........................ 32 O'Brien, Koreen ............. 25, 73, !29 O'Brien, Kenneth .......................... 32 o ·Keefe , Morfin .... 33, 132 Olsen, Allee ....... .45, 83, 86, 89, 119 Olsen, Benson .... . ..... ...... .33, 125 Olsen, Dirk .... ..... .. .. .... 33, I 02, 125 Olsen, Gerd ..................................... 32 Olsen, Nadine .... 124 Olsen , Perry .... .................. . 33, 81 Olsen, Shirley .. ................ 89, 119 Olsen, Sylvan ............................. 25. 33 Olsen , Wally ............................. 88, 119 Olson, Betty ........................ 73, 98, 134
g::~~: D~~;~s
::....::::::::::_ ........ :::: Olson , Duane ................ 37, 48, 49, 73 ............... .......... 73, 124 Olson, Ray ......................... 118, 147 Orgill, James .......................... 35 Orr, Donald .................................... . .. .4, 25, 60, 119, 126, 127. 141
Olson, lamar
g;:;;~~~::~ . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:.~.H
Orwln, Phyllis .................... 89, 119, 137 Ostler, Neil ........................... ...... 18, 73
INDEX Otteson, JoAnn .. .....•.......................... 32 Oviatt, Colleen ...................•....... . 32, 91
Rawson, Jeanette ................................ 33 Ray, Eugene ........................................ 33
Owen, Lois .................. .... .................... 32
Owens, Esther ................................... .73
................ 24, 39, 57, 97, 120, 139, Helen ........................ 20, 33, 142 l<e•Ch, Viele ...................... 74, 142, 147 Reynolds, Jeanne ............................... .? 4 Keynolds, 1<1chord ................................ 7 4 l<.cn, l"aye ........... ... .......................... 1 20
Ozoncin, Roberta ................................ 33
p Pock, Valalne .......... 74, 126, 138, 143 Pod1on, Pot ... ............................... ..... .? 4 Pogo, leRoy ........................................ 33 Palmer, Glen ................................ 33, 4Y Palmer, lynn .......•........................ 33, 49 Palmer, Marianna ...........••........•........ 35 Palmer, William •.................•............... 33 Pongos, James .................................. 1 I 9 Poppaa, Georgia ................................. .? 4 Park, Belly Jo ........................... .47, I 19 Pork, Gwynne .................................. ) 20 Porker, Colleen .................................... 33 Porker, Della .................................... 124 Porker, Patty Anne ............................ .. ........................ 33. 58 , 60, 133, 143 Parker, VIcky ............................. .74, 90 Parkin, Dorothy .. 58, 85, 93, 119, 135 Parry, Ann ............. : ............................ 32 Parry, Richard .................................... 33 Parry, Ronald ..................... .48, SO, 120 Parry, Rulon ........................................ 33 Parry, Shirley ............................ 89, 119 Parsons, Myrna .................................. 33 Porsono, Roger ............................ 94, 120 Parsons, VIvian .......................... 73 , 134 Pauli, lucille ..................................7 4 Pederson, Nolo ................................. 120 Pedro, Harrison .......................... 33, 125 Pooler, Charles ........................ 83, 88, 95, 119 , 136, 137, 144, 146, 147 Penrod, Ardle .......... .... .... .. ......... 1 20 Perklno, Veronica ............................... 33 Peterson, Ernest ................................. . ............ 24, 51, 79, 80, 97, 119, 139 Peterson, Dell .. .... .... .......... .. .......... 7 3 Peterson, James ............ ··---·····33, 81 Peterson. leon .............. .... ..... 33 Peterson, Sharon ..... ··-· .. 48 , 74, 141 Phelps, Anno Moo .. ... .62, 89. 119 Phelpo, Joy ................... .. ................ 7 4 Phelpo, Kendall ...... .................. .. ..... 33, 88, 125, 138, 144 Pheipo, Pot .. ..33, 125 , 143 Phibbs, Carol ...... .. . ..... 120 Phipps, Gory .. ...... ..... ... .. ... 33 Pierce. Charles ..... 25, 58, 83, 87, 124 Pierce, Jerry ........................... 33, 82 Pierce, Joy .. .. ......... 73, 130 Pierce, Sherman ....... 73 Pierce, Ted ....... ......... . ......... 60, 120 P1eraon, Howard ................................... . ...... 83, 120, 126, 128, 140 Pierson, ludell ............................ 120 SmPierson, lynn ..... ....... . 1 5, 7 4 Pmedo, Carmen ..................... ... ...
Ptnedo, Patricia ...... .. ................... 33 Plxton, Gayle .......... ..... 25, 33 Pixton, Joanne .. 60, 93, 101, 120, 131 Player, Doris ........... ............ . ........ 33 Player, Vol ....................................... 74 PoJoon, Ted ... ..................................... 33 Pomo, Denece ................................... 33 Pond, Dean .. .. ........_................. 74 Prognell, Delbert ...............................7 6 Pratt, Lo11 ............................ 33, 98 Proocott, Don .......... -......... I 20 Price, Jonic:e ....................... ·-··········-·33 Prlco, Lorin ....................................... 33 Price, lynn ...................................... .? 4 . ... 33 Price, Roger ............................ Prlto, Shirley .......................... 33, 132 Proctor, Beverly . . ................ . 55, 7 4 Pullman, Dorothy ..................... .. ....... 33 Purser, Jack • .... . ............ ... ... .74 Purser, Jim .. .. 4, 120, 141 Q
25, 74 74, 90
Quintana, Bort
Quintana, Bernice
Radmoll, Penny .......... 33, 62, 89, 125 Ramshaw, Dick ................................. 33 Raomuuen, lla Rodmall ... "62, 121, 125 Rosmuuon, Joan ................. .45, 63, 7 4 Rasmuuen, Kenneth ................ •.. 55, 7 4 Rasmussen, Maryann ......................... .
........... .47, 74, 101, 128, 14 3, 145 Rosmuasen, Vaughn ........................... .
............... 24, 79, 80, 97, 120, 140 Rawson, Colleen ............................... .? 4
Lawrence ................................... .
l<tChorason, Jay .......................... 97, 120 Ktthords.on, r<.enh .............................. 1 'J. 1 KIChln.S, Jon1ce ....................... ..... 8'1, 121 KIQOY, A-18IV1n ...................................... ] 4
Smith, lamont ................... .40, 75, 102 Smith, Merlin ........... .48, 50, 121, 144 Smith, Milton .................................... 124 Smith, Nolan ................................ 34, 49 Smith, Ralph .................................... 122 Smith, Sheldon ............................ 34, 97 Snarr, Eileen .............................. 75, 138 Snyder, Jack ...................................... 34 Soderberg, June .......................... 47, 7 5 Sadermon, Robert .................... ! 21, 125 Soper, Nancy Ann .............................. 75 Sorenson, Jerold ....................... .48, 122 Sorenson, Ranee •....... ........... ............... 34
><•ggs, Pot5y ........................................ 33
Spears, Sharon .......... 17, 34, 132, 142
k1nollsbach, Jock ................................ 7 4
Spencer, Eileen ·~································· ·34 Spencer, Kenneth ·····-························.75
k15hton, Jocquelme ........... .4/, i'4, 1'1..9 Kooerr!l, tsaroo.a ..................... - .. BY, 1:JO kooerrs, Gerolc;t1ne .............................. 34 Rooertson, Darlene ...................... 34, 98 I<OD1nson, Beverly ................................ 76 Wao1nson, I:Sialne .. ..................... ... :35, 4'1 I<OOISOn, Kaye .............................. 62, 7 4
Kooy, l>heretene .................. 34, 98, 1~~ Kenneth ................................. .? 4 Rogers, Carol ..................... .74, 87, 143 komero, John ...................................... 33 Womney, Jean ..................................... .? 4 Romney, Phylllo .................................. 33 ~ooo, ~oyd .......................... 25, 74, 132 Roos, Ketth .................... ,............. 33, 59 Root, David ......................... .40, 41, 7 4 Rooenhan, Chad ................................. 33 ~aden,
Rosen han, Paul .................................... 7 4
Rosenkrantz, Carl ................................ 33 Ron, Elaine ............................... 74, 143 Rudelick, Bertha ................................ 120 Runel, Charlyn .......... . .47 , 55, 59, 74 Rutishauser, Wolter ............................ 35 Ryther, Gordan .................................. ! 24
Sabey, Lindo .. ...... 34, 90, 130 Sadler, Duane ........ .. ........................ 34 Sager, David .................................... .? 5 Saldtbor, Crespin ................................ 34 Sanders, Karen .... 34, 37, 128 , 133, 143 Sandquist. Beverly ....................... 34, 98 Satovtck, Robert ..... 41, 54, 63, 75, 88, 97. I 02, I 03, 126, 132, 133 Savage, Diana ... ... ......... 21, 99, 122 Savage, Gene ..... .. ..... ................. 75 Sconland, Craig ,_ ..................... 122 Schmidt, Pauline ............ 34, 58, 59, 94 Schmidt, Joan ... . .. ......................... .. 101, 121, 136, 144, 146 Schmidt, Rosemarie .................... 34, 85 Schmidt, Rowen ............ . ..... 24, 40, 41, 51. 85, 88, 97, 102, 119, 122 Schouten, Sherrill ...... 48, 50, 63, 121, 144 Scoffield, Claudio .... . ............. 47, 86 Scoffteld, Sandra .. .. ............... 34, 96 Scot!, Duane ............................ 35, 134 Scotr, Marie ..................................... 75 Selto, Ruby ........................................ . I , 47 , 56, 86 , 121. 136 , 143, 146 Setrerberg, Rita ......................... .7 5, 134 Shoelltng, Shirley "" ..... .. ............... .7 5 Sharp, Sorry ........................... 121, 147 Shorp, Carol ............... _ ........... 62, 121 Sharp, Gone ...................... _............... 75 Sharp, Gordon ................ 38, 115, 122 Shorp, Jerry _.........._ ....... 34, 125 Sharp, lynn ....... _ ............ .75 Sheehan, Po trick ... _................. 1 17 , 1 21 Shelton, Connie .................... 75, 93, 143 Shelton, Gay ..................... 34, 98, 145 Shieldo, David ...... 26, 34, 40, 81, 139 Shinsel. Fred ............... .48, 50, 121 Shmsel, Thad .................................... 75 Showell, Vickie .......... 34, 62, 125, 132 Shrewsbury, John ... ................. .40, 75 Silcox, Dione ................................. 121 Silcox, laRue ..................................... .75 Silcox, Mory Jo ............................ 34, 98 Silcox, Nolo ........................................ 34 Simonson, Kent .................................... 34
Simpson, Ann ...... ......... ...... 34, 142 Sjoblom, Noncy Ann .......................... .. 25, 47 , 56, 60, 61, 75, 132, 133 Sjoblom, Peggy ................................ 122 Sjosrrom, Eva lyn ............................... .? 5 Smart, Dean ................... 48, 121, 147 Smart, Robert ...... 35, 40, 83, I 02, 141 Smith, Carolyn !Sr.) ....................... ... 122 Smith , Carolyn (Jr.) ................... .75, 98 Smith, Draney .................................... 75 Smith, Glen ....................................... .? 5 Smtih, Joan ........................................ 75 Smith, lola .......................................... 34
Spilker, Carone ................. .75, 130, 132 Spratling. Calvin .......................... 34, 49 Spratling, Coleen ................................ 34 Sprat!, Hal .......................................... 34 Springer, Geraldine ........................... .? 5
;:~~~e~~n~e~1o~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~: ~~
.. .. Steadman, Norma ........................ 56, 7 5 Steadman, Richard ............................ 122 Steadman, Sheldon ............................. .76 Steedman, Joan .................................. 7 5 Steinfeldt, Marlin .................. 34, 49, 85 Stelling, Patricia ............................... .? S Stevens, Brent ........ .................... 34, 125 Stocking, Jean .............................. 34, 90 Stocking, Coral ................................... .75 Stocking. Richard ............. .......... .48, 122 Stoffers, Marilyn .............................. .. 58, 60, 61, 93, 122, 130, 131, 146 Stoker, Thomas ............ 34, 83, 97, 132 Stromberg, Joanne ................. ............ .
................. AS. 57, 75, 92, 93, 138 Stout, lorry ........................................75 Stowe, Richard .................................... 7 5 Sugiyama, Mickey ...................... 34, 141 Sund, Geraldine ..................... ............. 34 Swapp, Carolyn .................................. 7 S Swapp, Howard ............................ 34, 81 Swasey, Martin ................................. .75 Sweat, Ellen ........................................ 35 Swenson, Marilee .. .................... .......... 75 Sylvester, Judith ................................ 101 Sylveoter, Rex .................................... 121
v Von Dam, Doan ................................ 123 VonRy, Sill ........................................ 123 Von Ry, John ..................................... 35 VonRy, Mary ...................................... 76 Voronakio, Mitchell ...................... 23, 35 Vaughn, Janice ............................ 35, 86 Vincent Garr ....................................... .
24, 25, 60, 97, 99, 123, 126, 141 Vincent, Kent ...................................... 76 Vincent, Robert .......................... 76, 139 Visser~ Kenneth ...................... 15, 19, 35 Vordos, lee .................................. 56, 76
w Walbeck, loMor ......... .76, 79, 81, 138 Walker, Corolee ........................ 76, 134 Walker, Charles ............................ 35, 85 Walker, Gory ..................................... .? 6 Walker, lanny .................................... 35 Walker, Pot ... 89, 1 24 Walker, Rusoe ................................ 124 Wallgren, Setty ................................. .? 6 Wolters, Duane ..... ............ ................. 35 Wolters, loTrice .................................. 35 Waltero, Marilyn ....................... .76, 142 Wonloso, lee ..................................... .? 6 Word, lawrence .................................. 35 \lv'ardle, Forrest .................................... 35 Wardle, Nedra .......................... 35, 130 Washburn, Hugh .............................. 124 Weber, RoNoe ...................... ...... 61, 123 Weboter, Dtone .......................... 62, 123 Webster, Dorothy ............. ............. 16, 35 Webster, Jerry .................................... 35 Webster, Mitchell ................................ 35 Webster, Ronald .................................. 35 Weboter, Shirley ........................ 89, 123 Welch, Thoma• ............ 83, 87, 88, 1 23 Wellington, Richard .................... 35, 85
r ..........................
Wennerstrom , Deanna ......................... .
................................ 35, 90, 142, 143 Wheadon, Iris .. 23, 55, 56, 62, 76, 128 Whitman, Kent ...... .................... 25, 124
~~:::: ~b~:~ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~: ;~
Whitehead, Dan ....... .40, 41, 102, 103
Whitehead, lorraine .......................... 123
Whttm_ore, Keith .................................. 35 Tokemorl, Fred .......................... 34, 102 Talbot, Kay ........................................ 35 Topp, Delbert ...................................... 76
i~~~r,Da~~a .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~=: .. ~~
Taylor, John ........................................ 35 Taylor, Nlto ........................................ 76 Taylor, Noel ...................................... 125 Taylor, Shirleen ................................. .76 Terry, Ethel .......................................... 76 Terry,· laVon ..................................... .76 Terry, Ray ................................... .48, 75 Tester, Don ....... .40, 41, 76, 97, 141 Tester, Noreen .................................... 35 Thaxton, Barr ...................................... 35 Thayne, Norma ............................. ....... 24 Thomas, Morris .... 24, 25, 40, 97 122 Thompson, Noel .................................. 76 Thompson, Rayolo ............................. .76 Thomson, Ronald ................................ 35 Thorn, Darrold ............................ 62, 76 Thorum, Arden ............................•.......
.............. 55, 56, 75, 130, 132, 133 Thun, Richard ...................................... 35 Tingey, Sharon .................................... 75 Tolman. Douglas .................................. 35 Tolman, Gordon .................................. 35 Tolman, John .................................... 122 Tomac. Jack ....................................... .76 Tomlinson, Sherry ................................ 35 Toone, Morvo ............................. .76, 90 Torkelson, Janet .................•................ 35 Torkelson, Joan 34, 100, 122, 126, 129 Townsend, Charlene .................... 35, 142 Trinnlmon, Willard ............................ 122 Tripp, lynne ........................................ 35 Tripp, Gordon .................................... 122 Troester, Charlene ............... - ............... 76 Troeoter, Ronald .................................. 34
~~~t:;: ~Fv~~:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::~i~: ~g
1 Turner, JoAnn .................................. 122 Turner, Rex ............................... .76, 141
Whittenburg, Raymond ····-······· ·········· ·
Wiechert, Jock .................................. 123 Wilcox, Paul ................ 59, 88, 97, 123 Wilcox, Ruland ..... ......................... ..... .48 Wilkinson, Robert ............... .48, 62 76 Wilson, Robert ................... .48, 7 6, '141 Wiloon, Tracy ............ 35, 62, 125, 132 Winberg, Ronold ................................ 35 Winn, Carlie ...................................... 124 Wmn, Joan ........................................ 35 Wlnn, Kae ......................................... . ............ 25, 38, 60, 62, 93, 121' 123 Winn, Solly ........................................ 35 Winword, Kaye ..................... ............. 35 Withers, Darlene ........................ 98, 124 Withers, Frank .................................... 35 Withers, Iretta .................................... 35
~~~~;~.~~~~~:: : -: : : : : : : : : : : :::::~~:-~i ~~d, l~~r~i .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::.1..~~: ...1.~~
Wood, leonard .................................... 35 Wood, lois .......................... 35, 90. 145 Wood, Margaret .................... 25, 35, 62 Woad, Neil .......................................... 35 Woodhouse, Cleo .................. 25, 55, 76
~~i~~~-nGaS~~~~... ::::::::::::·:::::::::::::~=:--7 6 ... .47, 61, 123, 130, 131, 134, 135
~;:~~:: ~~~~i~; .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~: _
91 ................ 24, 25, 78, 97, 123. 139 Wright. Velie ................ 23, 55, 56, 76
y Yates, Bryon ..... .................................. .? 6 Yates, Donald ...................................... 35 Yates, Geri .................... ....... ............. 124
Yoteo, Kay .................... 35, 58, 59, 94 Youngberg, Raymond .............. 124, 141
Uremovich, Barbaro ............................] 6
Usher, Burton ...................................... 76
Zabriskie, Janet ..................................76
Build thee more statey mansions, 0, my soul. As the swift seasons ro ll. L路e ove thy low-vaulted past I Let each new temple, nob ler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Ti ll thou at length art free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life 's unresting sea.