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Tomorrow -- the Dreamer's Paradise

Editors Douglas Dahl Alan Newbold

Business Manager Ruth Miles

Lithography and Covers Wheelwright lithograph ing Company

Album Midvale Studio




Jordan High School SANDY,

" Dreams, appraised of their true metal, find perspective and succeed ."


Forevvord " Whatever would we do without tomorrow? The past, though usually nice to remember, is over and done with . The present is always tug ging at us. But tomorrow .. this is the dreamer's paradise. Everything IS possible w1th tomorrow; no dream too foolish, no goal too high."

Dedication "All great men think clearly; theretore, if I am to become great, I must also think clearly." With this truism, A. F. Smith began many of his mathematics classes. Mr. Smith, whom illness forced to retire after thirty-seven years at Jordan, is one of the best-loved teachers in our history. Many graduates say that he has been an inspiration to them in everything they have attempted. Mr. Smith taught more than just the subject matter of his classes - he taught honesty, integrity, and patience. His prob lems were practical and on a level all could understand. Because his influence on Jordan can never be forgotten, we whose lives he has helped to shape dedicate to him this 1954 Beetdigger.

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" But dreams full oft ore found of reol events the form and shadows."

Contents dministration Page


lbum . . . . Page 26

ctivities . . . Page 82

thletics . . . Page 122


nd in today already walks tomorrow ."

Arthur E. Peterson, Supe rintendent of School s

Supervision Makes Confident Tomorrows . . . Tomorrow The significance of this book may not be so obvious on this commencement day. The recency of its recorded pages may confuse the reader in his transition from the history of the past into the ultimate dreams of tomorrow . When a student's high school life is finished, and the days go by, his dreams will become more prolific whenever these pages are turned. Each dream will gain substance when the dreamer advances in the direction of his fan tasy , and endeavors to live the Iife of perfection he imagines .


The accomplishments of this day enhance the dreams of tomorrow. All will become more in triguing to the graduate as time passes . As these dreams are accomplished, they are automatically filed as cherished memories, to be recalled and enjoyed to the utmost. Each tomorrow so conceived as bringing a cherished memory when this book is read can bring forth great visions of hope and truly become a dreamer's living paradise. Arthur E. Peterson

SCHOOL BOARD - Sitting : Marvin Jensen, West Jordan ; Arthur E. Peter~an, superintendent, Sandy; Rex T. Tripp, president, Bingham; Dr. J. 0 . ones, VIce -president, Midvale; F. A. Orton , director of building can-

• • •

structian , Sandy . Stand ing : Reed H. Beckstead, assistant superintendent, Midvale; Kenneth V. Dunn, supervisor of maintenance operation, Mid vale; Lea L. Lundberg , Sandy; Leonard C. Beckstead, Riverton; Stanley Rasmussen, clerk, Sandy .

As Well As Cheerful Yesterdays

Mrs. Lou ise Jag er School Nurse

SUPERV ISORS - Earl J. Thurman , psychalagist· K p M' Mathleen Tu rney , visiting teacher · lcke lson , director pupil personnel; teoc~e rs. Storey and Hyrum Sm ith, visiting

Mar ·


Dreams Need Sound Blueprint "Dreams ore the stuff that the future is mode of." Dreams are a sort of blueprint from which we buill our lives. Our dreams, then, must be worthy and inspiring i we ore to build well- if we would create a happy on< successful future. We cannot build soundly from a poo blueprint. Of course, it tokes more than dreams to build a sotis 路 factory life. Unceasing study, untiring industry, never路 ending devotion ore the steel and brick and mortar tho路 bring the dreams to fruition. Whether we will or not, we ore already in the process of building . If we hove not a clear and valid plan we must get one. We must not waste the golden hours of youth on haphazard and irresponsible building .

If we will devote what we hove of time and talent to youth 's " vision splendid", Jordon, our parents, our fellows will all hove reason to be proud of us. And what is more important, we con toke on honest, well-earned pride in ourselves.

0. D. Ballard Principal

~~t Df~~~E~

:- With on imposing new building to their credit, Jordon chauffeurs llph B ~~r Work more pleasant this year . They ore, Row One : Russ Ookeson, 11 d Emu erf,eld, Mortm Bowen, Ben Merrill, transportation supervisor Y. W. Hor '~: G,~~:rAIIen, Claude Densley, Stan Dimond, Clyde Buxton, Dean Smith . Row ner Pol t Benson, Howard Newbold, Bert Johnson, Ross Palmer, Neal Hilton, aynord ~r, Gerald Sampson . Elvis Evans, Edward McDougal, Arden Tesch, Earl mo Ho,lt erie Smart. Not in photograph : Mike Milne, Lon Orgill, LeRoy Holt,

THE CAFETERIA is a much happier place to eat in this year. No rough furniture to snag your clothes. Twenty new Schrieber steel tables that stretch proudly out for 14 feet to seat 20, and afterwords fold bock and lock in a 7 inch space in the walll Six fold-a-ways at the ends roll easily bock out of the way when not in use. Mabel Larsen is the manager. Her staff (in the picture) ore Hazel Dowding, Rosetta Brand, and Evelyn Brown.

Crews Essential for Smooth Running

STAGE CREW - Sound effects, lights , loud speakers, scene setting and shifting and fix1ng whatever you wont done on the stage, the boys ore righ t there . One bnght spot they do get to miss a lot of classes.


Almy Dowding winds his old Ansonia clock, which has belonged lh e Jordon schools for 50 years . After rescuing it from the discord more 18 don years ago, Mr. Dowding repaired it, and it still keeps perfect time own In the boiler room. l 4 5 b 7 10 II 17 ll 14 II 18 1'1 lO ll )4 lS

17 l8

Row One : Richard Jacobsen , Joseph Kemp, Dole Holt, Robert Harrington, Kay Boggess, James Estepp. Row Two: Jock Elmer, Keith Roos, Patrick Nemonic, Royal D. Madsen, Boyd Roes, Kenneth Spencer, Richard Shepherd.

Mrs. Marilyn Ols• ., secretory of the principal, and Barbara Webster, office and bookstore clerk, toke time out to catch their breath.

Murray Allen , Holladay U of U., USC, Colo . Col., Chouinard Art lnst., art, crafts, carniva l Stanle y R. Ande rson, Riverton USAC, mathematics

Paul C. Boyce , Sandy USAC, U of U, agricultural program , Riding Club Joseph F. Bowman , Soh Lake U of U, U of Mo., BYU , Engl ish , journa lism, paper, Press Club

Lowell J. Boberg, Draper BYU, USC, U of U, organ, Spanish , English, Traveling Assembly Frank M. Bagley, Sandy U of U, USAC, vocationa l auto -mechanics

HOPE IT'S IN Ar lene Dorton and Joa n Hawker consult files for new library books . Donald M. Budge, Salt Lake USAC, U of 1., aeronautics, form mechanics

FUTURE FLY BOY Donald Budge instructs Richard Reynolds in aeronautics.

Benjam in B. Bru se, Holladay U of U, U of Nev., phychology, algebra, American prob lems

Instruction De anne Bennion , Midvale U of U, USAC, library, FHA, Jay Dees, sen iors J. Cle me nt Crapo, Sandy BYU, U of U, music, M essiah, bond, orchestra Jesse B. Ca spe r, Murray U of U, U of Col., boys' counselor, scholarship, guidance, student adviser

C. N. Crawford, M urray U of U, algebra, history, faculty secretary E. L. Crawford, Sandy U of U, American history, English, yearbook, debate

Afton Forsgre n, Salt Lake, U of U, English, sophs

THAT'S TH gives J E WAY IT IS Gordon oy Goff the facts in sociology .

IT GOES THAT WAY Karl Miller and Robert Chidester prepare recorder for English .

MAPS CHAN tory ch GE Elaine Jenson points out hisonges to Geraldine Whitmore.

PHYSICS Buddy Conti and larry Stout study the low of the pendulum .

YO HABLO ESPANOL - Dorienne Despain, Kenneth Rasmussen, and Bernice Quintana record Span ish lesson . MATH Owen Minnick explains the slide rule to lee Brown and Buddy Conti.

Jordan Does Some Face-Lifting


Golda Fraser tolt Lake, U ~f U, of Col. , French Spanish , English ' sophs, lang . Club

Mary Fitzgerald, Holladay, BYU, Ohio State, English, A. History, Joy Dees, Girls Club

The fall of '53 sees Jordan with some new frills and a few real dressups . With 12 art classes, a new room was a must. So 301 was done over and all the art rooms given the very latest in tables and equipment. E. L. C. found a new home in the made-over ag room, and ag moved to grand, new quarters remade from the welding department; welding shifted to the old school bus garage; and the busses proudly took possession of their fine new building east of the campus - and everyone was happy. The model home and the kitchen also underwent a face-lifting.

laura Gardner, West Jordan , U of U, U of Col., Engl ish, German, yearbook

Phil F. Goldbranson, Sandy , Westminster , U of Col ., soci al sc., debate , calendar

David R. Gourley, Pleasant Grove, BYU , U of U, natural sc iences 1 sen iors

Arthur Hughes, Murray, BYU, phys . ed ., coaching

Betty Henderson , Draper U of U, BYU, USC, sewing, home living, FHA LeMar Hendrickson, Sandy USAC, English, magazine, attendance

Charlotte Johnston, Salt Lake BYU, USAC, English, Girls Club, iuniors, attendance A. C. Jensen, Sandy U of U, U of Wash ., registrar, supplies, soldier education

Chester Kim, Murray U of U, history

Frank Kamnikar, Midvale USAC, Westminster, history Boys' Club

Pierson how to use comptometer. Emerson Kennington , Halladay USAC, welding

COUNSELING lynn Unck and Paul Jaco~ take aptitude test.

Molly Lindell, Sandy u of U, BYU, library, guidance

Instruction Royal D. Madsen, Salt Lake BYU, USAC, U of U, stagecraft, electricity, radio Grant Martin, Salt Lake U of U, history, phys. ed., library, coaching Donald Olson, East Midvale, Art

Arval Nelson, Midvalo Photography

Ray Oliverson, Preston, Idaho BYU, phys. ed., library, bi'ology, coaching

Don Parr, West Jordan U of U. BYU, sociology, econ., American prob., service training


. requtres face protection . In PHOTOG tries h' h RAPHY class, Kendall Phelps IS and at enlarging.

AUTO MECHANICS gives strange perspec · lives.

WOODWORK. Jimmy Butterfield robbiting a board to make a bookcase .

CRAFTS CLASS Beverly Sandquist and Marjorie Lloyd enjoy modeling with cloy .

Charlene Naylor is at the wheel of the new driver -training Chevrolet as she and Marian Glover, left, and Carmellia Brunetti start out for a lesson w ith J. M. Petersen.

New Faces Become New Friends


IL s p •• . eterson ov•idval e ' USAc, chem istry Physics '

J. M. Petersen Draper . USAC U of U, BYU , driver tra in ing , visual aids , Prom

Checking in at Jordan this year for the first time as teachers are alumni Betty Henderson and Stanley Sharp. Mrs. Louise Tew of Manti takes over cooking and "vonne Schofield, from Spring City, dancing. From Preston, ldaho,comes Ray Oliverson, ex air-force man to join the coaching staff, and Jed Wasden comes from Midvale Junior to take care of machine shop. Betty Zieve, fresh from a summer in Europe, takes over for the rest of the year, Miss Tuttle's classes in which Ruth Noall had been subst ituting.

Robert L. Pixton, Draper USAC, U of U, phys iol · ogy, h1story, geneti cs, faculty mgr . of student act ivities

Arland Russon, Midvale U of U, USAC, auto mechan iCS

Oralie Rawson, Solt Lake U of U, USAC, U of Col. journalism, English , paper, Press Club

Yvonne Schofield Salt Lake, USAC, Snow College, donee , health, phys. ed .

Hel e n Seaman, St. George BYU, phys . ed., health, Chorlonions James L. Seal , Midvale BYU, USAC, U of U, woodwork, mechanical drawing, Key Club

The odore Sjoblom, Sandy U of U, algebra, world history

Gle n E. Soul ier, Midvale USAC, biology, og ., FFA

Stanley Sharp , Midvale U of U, type, speech, sophs, Mosque and Gavel Dale Sore nsen, Murray U of U phys . ed ., algebra, moth , coaching, Athletic Club

HOME LIVING Mrs. Loui sa Te w , shows Pea rl Lundberg and Al ice Brown to choose chmo and gloss wore. Dunn Taylor, Sandy USAC, BYU, USC, welfare , discipline, budget

SEW A FINE SEAM Ire tta Withe rs, Gilb ert, and Ve rla Brown learn to make t own clothes in sewmg class .

Lucill e Tuttle, Salt Lake BY U, U of U, leland Powers, sp ech, Chorlonions, Mosque and Gavel


Fay B. Thoma s, Midvale U of U, LOS Bus. College, bookkeep1ng, distnbut1ve ed . juniors, DECA Lou ise Te w , Sa lt lake Snow Jun1or, BYU, foods , home living, FHA Evelyn Wood, Sa lt Lake U of U, counse lor, English• G1rls Club, Joy Dees

Ge rtrud e Trante r, Midvale BYU, Wash . U, U of U, type , Joy Dees Wanda Wade, Salt lake USAC, BYU , U of U, voc. business, stenography, carnival

~~~ W.

Wasden, Midvale • AC, Machine Shop

SEMINARY STAFF - Ross Berrett, Joseph Barfuss, Kenneth Lyman, Carter E. Grant, Principal Golden Berrett, and Lynn S. Searle.

Betty Zieve, Kamas , U of U, Arizona State, BYU, Stanford , speech , dramatics

They Come and Go In Memoriam Dean John Beck .. . Died

October 3, 1953, leaving in the hearts of his friends a void, and in the Jordan High School a place hard to be filled . For twelve years in the school machine shop, he gave to his students his best, to build in them not only a knowledge of his subject, but character as well.


Howard Sw ton get app, Don Mil.ne, and Lee Asha pee k at our 1nte rno l work in ' s.

The faculty personnel also did some changing this year. Nine familiar faces are missed and seven new ones have appeared . A severe illness robbed us of our faculty dean and mathematician, A. F. Smith ; and death claimed our machine -shop teacher, Dean J. Beck. Because of a very serious operation , Lucille Tuttle had to give up her speech and dramatic work for the year; Harold Thorpe, English teacher, has retired; and Y. W. Harrod, auto mechanics head, has become manager of the district transporta tion . Enrolled in Washington State College, is Mignon Domgaard, who taught sewing, and with the Arthur Murray staff is dancer Elaine Dixon. Mrs. Hisa Kumagai has joined the Salt Lake City Schools, and Mrs. Faye Nicols has re t ired to raise a fam ily. In the Seminary across the road have also been changes: Golden Berrett has been promoted to principal to take the place of Carter E. Grant, who has retired ; and three new teachers have been added - Joseph Barfuss, Kenneth Lyman, and Ross Berr •t. Mr. Grant also comes back for part time . Lynn R. Webb did not return .

Erick Nystrom and Duane Loveless tr y the ir luck a t mak ing C0 2 .

BOOKKEEPING CLASS keeps things balanced .

Student Body Officers

Neldon Bate man ... Our student body president is virtually a ball of energy, without whom our affairs would not run so smoothly. As last year's junior class president, he gained va luable experience which augmented his sound judgment for this year's work .

Carolee Walker . . . Jordan ' s Veep is known for her spontaneous cheerfulness and unaffected friendliness . This popular, congenial little lass hails from Union.

Sophie Adondakis . . . West Jordan has given us our v ivacious I ittle secre tary. Sophie has been so much a part of Jordan a ctivities that she cannot be kept inactive. Sh e was chairman of this year ' s carnival.

Merilyn Berrett ... Our historian from Union has a quiet personality that attracts many and repulses none. She has a tremendous ability that has helped her fellow officers to success in a most difficult job.


THE COURT CONVENES for Its regular trial of misbehavers, who will be deprived of certain student privileges and given work assignments if found guilty. Waiting for the culprits ore Connie

Rae Lloyd , reporter; Janet Duffin, clerk of court, Paul Caldwell, first associate judge; Kent Webster, second associate judge; Arvin Mi,.eer, judge; Richard Hogan, prosecuting attorney, Gary Hale, marshall.


Survivors of Many Council


REPRESENTATIVES from home-room classes ore these members. Row One : Argene Adams, Annette Jensen, Connie Roe Lloyd, Faye Lloyd, Lois Neff, Chorlyne Russell, M1ke Voronokis, Walla ce Houn, Harold Morley, Lorry Asoy, Robert Sotovick. Row Two : Koreen O'Brien, Mary Ann Rasmussen, Denece Johanson, Bob Johnson, Dee Butterfield, Blaine Worthen, Kay Arnold, Lorna Sjoblom, Janet

Duffin, Joy B cksteod. Row Three: Janice Price, Mary Ann Gord路 ner, Patsy Coates, Ann S1mpson, Roland Anderson, Robert Vin 路 cent, Bart Qumtono, Mary Ann Olsen, Sharon Hendnckson, Sondra Durst, Coleen Sprotl1ng, Charlene Naylor. Row Four : Jock Snider, Arthur Kiisel, Kent Smith, Mi ckey Jones, Carl Miller, Lee Jensen, Nephi Fitzgerald, Claude Crone, Floyd Graham, Joan Davis, Vera Nelson .

:OR SPECIAL SCHOOL PROBLEMS the student body of•cers, who belong to this council , cal l in these others for consultation . The ones here ore Betty Ruth Fitzgerald ,

president of Girls Club; Robe rt McNamara , president of Boys Club; David Lloyd , sophomore presid e nt; Howard Swapp , jun ior president, Alan Newbold , senior president; and Jeue B. Casper, student adviser.

Officers' Council

Rough Campaigns Deputies


GIVERS for disorderly conduct ore the student Neput •es. They ore , Row On e : Nephi Fitzgerald , Enc Ystrom, Rees Jen sen , Charles Minn ick , Fronk Anselmo,

Gory Greer, LaMar Wolbeck, Richard Hogan, Joni~e Jensen Row Two : Enniss Berrett, Helen Anderson , Mon lyn G~rdon , Lorna Sjoblom, Connie Roe Lloyd, Paul Hellstrom , Glen Allgood, Lonn McRae.


About the Campus Located behind the football field and across the tracks, is the new Junior High School. Soon the doors will be open to eager students.

The boys and girls enjoy eating at the smooth, new stee l tables in the cafeteria.

After banishing all cars from the parking lot, Ray Montague, Donald M. Budge, and Jimmy Fratto add a new set of b right orange lines.

Jean ine Greenwood, JoAnn Rasmu ssen , and JoAnn Forbush take time out to sit in the fallen leaves and soak in the worm autumn sun.

leen Beckstead and Dixie Kearsley hang the last ornament on the glittering ~~ and everything is ready for the 1 ents' big Christmas party. 'e by one registrar A. C. Jensen calls the seniors to check their credits and e. that nothing stands in the way of err graduation. This is Sandra Fitzgerd's turn .

t~is on your kitchen stools . It seems sy or Anna Brady, who is entertaining e students at the Christmas party.



53 yearbook editor, Laura Joan Joseph, nfsf in to chat a while with the yearbook lAI~nd with editor Douglas Dahl. Laura urn Edotor on the Utonian this year 1he U of U.

Almy Dowding, chief cust0dian, is showing his little granddaughter, Christine, the fine coffee table he made from the old, worn路out desks from room 201 . Mr. Duane Olson, Jack Day, and Jack Cavender are admiring a 1953 Dowding has also made, from cast路off material, o trophy that their ag class won last year . The ag boys have made grandfather's clock and several other pieces of lovely furniture. an interesting collection of trophies .

• •


Dreamers All Dreaming of peace and of a world not perfect but intact.

Alan Newbold , president

Emalie Adamson , vice-president

Connie Burgan, secretary

Seniors' Dreams Tint Tomorrow with Prophetic Ray Future C>bscures Present With m isty eyes on the future, and thoughts on the past, the present is all but forgotten by the 345 Jordan seniors as they receive their diplomas. Ahead lies a bright tomorrow, filled with many tasks to be done. Behind, the path is scattered with many happy experiences, now classified under the single heading of, " When I Was in High School. " All of these things which have become so much a part of their lives dwindle into insigni ficance compared to the uncertain future. The graduates are confronted with many doubts, yet secure in the know ledge that their three years at Jordan have helped prepare them for whatever the future has in store. Roderick Atwood, West Jordan , FFA district speaker award convention at K. C., debate, Boys Club. Maurine Allen , Draper, Girls Club rep., Language Club, FHA, Sweethearts Ball, Moth ers and Daughters, Messiah . Henry Ashby, Murray , Boys Club, Athletic Club, Benny's Boys, Hop, Prom, dances, carnival, football, wrestling, basketball, baseball, track . Carol Anderbu rg, Sandy, Language Club, Girls Club, plays. Frank Anselmo, West Jordan, Key Club, Boys Club, Tr . Assembly, opera, schoo l play , Messiah, concert, track. Sophie Adondakls, West Jordon, student body V. P., Girls Club, Chorlonians, Leadershi p Club, Mathers and Daughters, Prom , Hap , carnival assist. mgr. and mgr. Nola Atwood, West Jordan, Jay Dees, Mosque and Gavel, Riding and Sports Clubs, Dog Patch Drag, Messiah , opera , Tr. Assembly, Amateur Hour. Mary Kay Anderson , Sandy, Girls Club, Camera Club secretary, opera , Messiah. Roland Anderson , Midvale, council, Athletic Club, Boys Club, football, wrestl ing.


Class of 1954 Seniors

Ema lie Adamson, Draper Senior vice-president, Forensic League, Charlonions, Masque and Gavel president, Dance Club, Hop, Tr. Assembly, bond, orchestra, opera, Messiah, debate, Legislative Forum, Speech Festiva l, magazine, Girls State George Ahrend , Butler Soph and junior at Granite. Boys Club Kay Arnold , South Jordan Boys Club, Traveling Assembly, opera Larry Assay, West Jordan Mr. Jordan, Benny's Boys, Boys Club, Messiah, opera Charles Ashford , Sandy

Boys Club Bill Allen , Midvale

Boys Club Reynold Astle , Draper

Boys Club, FFA, track Mary Lou All sop, Sandy

Girls Club, Riding Club, Language Club, carnival

Arnold Angle , Bennion

Benny's Boys, Chess, Athletic, Language, Boys Clubs, Proms, Hop, Dances, Messiah, opera, football, wrestling, baseball Lynnette Ba ir, Butler Jay Dees, FHA, Language and Girls Clubs, Sweethearts Ball, Messiah, opera, Traveling Assembly Lee Bateman , Sandy Boys Club, school play Mark Baird, Draper Boys Club Robert Bentley, Riverton

Boys Club, band, orchestra, Messiah, opera Larry Beers , Midvale Benny's Bays vice-president, Athletic Club, Boys Club, Prom, Hop, dances, yearbook, basketball, football, track Neldon Bateman, Sandy Student body president, junior president, council, Benny's Boys treasurer, Ski, Press, and Boys Clubs, Prom, Hop, soph party, senior rings, debate, extemp. speaking Max Baker, Midvale FFA, Boys Club


Enniss Berrett, Draper

Key Club, Mosque and Gavel, Boys Club, Forensic League, Career Day, bond, Messiah, debate, extemp. speaking state winner, Tr. Assembly Pat Ball , Union Tr. Assembly chairman, DECA reporter, Leadership, Girls, Press Clubs, Hop, magazine, carnival, Tr. Assembly Emogene Leonard Berrett, Union Girls Club rep., Riding Club, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters Barbara Bjork , Sandy Chorlonions, Donee and G~rls Clubs, Prom, Hop, soph party, opera, Mes siah, Tr. Assembly, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters, floor shows, yearbook, carnival, usher, matinee donees. Lee Brown , Union Boys Club, Benny's Boys, Prom co chairman, Hop, football David Boll iger, Sandy Boys Club, Athletic Club, baseball, track, wrestling Conn ie Burgon , Union Senior secretory, deputy, Chorlonions, Girls and Leadership Clubs, Hop, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Sons, opera, Tr. Assembly, Messiah, pep assemblies Le Roy Butterfield, Riverton Boys Club M erilyn Berrett, Union Student body historian, council, Chor lonions, FHA, Girls and Leadership Clubs, Prom, Hop, carnival

Jay Beckstead , South Jordon

2nd assoc. judge, council, Benny's Boys, Boys Club, Prom, Hop, Messiah, Tr. Assembly, opera, basketball, track Gayle Bu senbark, Sandy Girls Club W es ley Burr, Union Boys Club, debate Janet Burns, Midvale Chorlonions, Mosque and Gave l, DECA, Donee Club, Chorlonlon Boll, Hop, soph party, salesman, school ploy, pep and Tr. Assemblies, carnival, Mothers and Daughters, floor and fashion shows, Fathers and Daughters, debate, Fathers and Sons, Speech Fest. Edward Brown , Butler FFA, Boys Club, football, wrestling Darlene Brewer, Union Girls Club rep ., Donee Club historian, Chorlonions, Prom, Hop, Chorlonion Boll, carnival, opera, Tr . Assemb ly, Messiah, f loor shows

Bettye Bevel!, Union Girls Club, FHA, Hop, Tr . Assembly Vaughn Butl er, Sandy Boys Club, baseball Darlene Brown , Midvale DECA, Girls Club, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters


Class of 1954 Seniors

Anna Brady , Sandy Cheerleader, Joy Dees, DECA, FHA, Sports, Donee, and Girls Clubs, opera, lr. Assembly, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Sons, floor shows Mike Butkovich , Sandy Boys Club Lois Beckstead, South Jordon Leadership Club president, Chorlonions, Girls Club, Prom, Hop, Tr. Assembly, Fathers and Daughters, Moth ers and Daughters, Messiah, Amateur Hour Larry Brklacy, Crescent Boys Club vice-president, Benny 's Boys , Hop, carnival, donees, baseball Else Bauer , Granite Girls Club, Language Club, Messiah Loren Beckstead, Riverton Boys Club Alice Bush Brown , Sandy Donee Club president, Girls Club, soph party, Tr. Assembly, Prom, floor shows, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters, carnival, Messiah , opera Dee Butterfield , Riverton Cheerleader, council, Boys Clu b , Prom Beth Beck, Midvale

Girls Club, 1-1op Willis Beckstead, Riverton Cheerleader, Boys Club Gerilyn Brady, Un ion Chorlonions, Girls Club, soph party, Prom , Hop, Mothers and Daughters , Fathers and Sons, Tr. Assembly, debate Coleen Beckstead, South Jordon Cheerleader, Chorlonions, Leadership, Donee, and Girls Clubs, Prom, Hop, carnival, Tr. Assembly, opera, Mes siah, Amateur Hour, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Daughters Burk Bristol, Bluffdale

Boys Club Ardis Butterfield, Riverton

Sports, Donee, Language, and Girls Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly Winnie Mae Bills, Riverton Press Club secretory, Girls and Sports Clubs Mary Boggess, Union Chorlonions, Girls Clu b


Rodney W m. Butterfield, Riverton

Council, DECA vice-president, FFA, Boys Club, track letter man ReNee Beck, Herriman FHA, DECA, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters Dia na Butterfield , Midvale DECA, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, carnival, Messiah, opera

V erla ine Bateman , West Jordon

Girls Club, DECA, Sports Club, Messiah Kay Brown, Riverton FFA, Boys Club Francine Bernardo , Draper FHA, Language Club, Sweethearts Boll, Messiah

M elva Bell , Sandy

DECA, Girls Club, Messiah, opera Dalla s Cooke, Riverton

FFA, Boys Club Elaine Col eman , West Jordon

I Joan Christoph erson , East Midvale

Sports Club, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, assemblies Buddy Conti, Midvale Boys Club, Traveling Assembly, essay contest winner, football Barbara Cole, West Jordon FHA historian, DECA, Language, Girls, and Sports Clubs, Sweethearts Bo ll , Mothers and Daughters, Messiah

Mary Covington, Cottonwood Heights

DECA, Gir ls Club, FHA, Sweethearts Boll, Mother and Daughters, Ha rvest Boll Queen, Messiah Frances Covington , Cottonwood Heights, DECA, Girls Club, FHA, Sweethearts Boll, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera David Clayton, Union Boys Club

Carolee Colebrook, East Midva le

Counci l, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Tr . Assembly, Messiah De11a Fern Cooper, South Jordon Girls Club representative, Press Club, Quill and Scroll, Girls Club, Fathers and Daughters, Christmas ploy, school ploy, newspaper Ro ss Ch iverall , Union Boys Club


Sports Club, DECA, Press Club, Chor lonions, Language Club, carnival, Mothers and Daughters

Class of

1954 Seniors

Le Rae Christensen, Sandy

Council, Language and Girls Clubs, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Jack Cavendar, West Jordan FFA trees., Boys Club, Harvest Ball, poultry judging winner, football Venessa Crawford , Sandy, Masque and Gavel, FHA, Forensic, Charlonians, Ski Club, newspaper, debate, opera, Messiah, Tr. Assem., salesman, chorus, Mothers and Daughters, Speech Festival winner, Voice of Democracy. Arlene Coon , West Jordan DECA, Girls, Riding, and Spanish Clubs Jilleen Draper, Sandy, Girls Club Douglas Dahl , East Midvale

Key Club, Masque and Gavel, Forensic, Language Club, Quill and Scroll, soph party, Pram, Hop, debate (state tournaments). school plays, opera, Messiah, newspaper, yearbook managing editor and salesman, Career Day, Tr. and Pep Assemblies. Shirlene Day, Draper Charlonians, Language, Sports, and Girls Clubs, Prom, Hop, Carnival, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters Alice Davie s, Midvale, Girls Club, Prom, Candlelight service at Bingham John Day, Draper

Boys Club, FFA dairy-judging teem Ruth Darton , Union

Language Club pres .. Dance Club sec., Charlonions, Hop, Messiah, opere, Tr. Assembly, Mathers and Daughters Robert Dunn, Midvale Key Club sec. and rep. at L. A., Forensic, Masque and Gavel, Ski and Ath. Clubs, Tr. Assem., saph party, Career Day, debate, Leg. Forum, sale:. man, football, wrest., track, basketball Joan Davis, Sandy, Council, DECA, Girls, Dance, and Lang. Clubs, Hop , Messiah , Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, Fathers and Daughters Dorienne Despain , Granite

Girls Club rep., Jay Dees, Messiah, opera, Mothers and Daughters Ross Dumas , Midvale, Boys Club lyla Downs , Midvale Jay Dees, Girls Club Janet Duffin, Draper Clerk of court, Girls Club rep., Charlonians, so ph party, Prom, Mothers and Daughters , Father and Daughters


Mary Ellen Delgado, Midvale Jay Dees, DECA, Sports, Riding , lang ., and Girls Clubs, Dog Patch Drag, Mes siah, opera, Mothers and Daughters Marilyn Davis, Sandy Jay Dees, Girls Club, Messiah, opera, Dog Patch Drag Son ia Evans, Droper DECA, Girls Club, Messiah

Wayne Erickson, Sandy

Boys Club Maydel Evans, Draper

Girls Club Gerald ean Evans, Riverton

Masque and Gavel, Donee , Sports, Girls and language Clubs, Messiah, opera, Tr . Assembly, Mothers and Daughters , Fathers and Daughters , floor shows, debate, newspaper

Darl ene Eyre , Sandy

FHA, Girls Club, Messiah Erls Egbert, Granite

Charlonians , Girls Club , Prom, Mes siah, opera , Mothers and Daughters , Fathers and Daughters Loris Fergu son , Sandy Girls Club , language Club , Mothers and Daughters

Marian Forbu sh, Union

Girls Club rep., Jay Dees, Press Club , Qu ill and Scroll , Dog Patch Drag, newspaper business manager, Mothers and Daughters Jerry Fairbourn, Crescent FFA vice -pres . a nd crops - judging team to Kansas City, Messiah Sandra Fitzgerald, Draper FHA, Charlonians, Gir ls Club, Ski Club , Sweethearts and Harvest Ba ll s, Mes siah , opera, Mothers and Daughters

Richard Fullmer, Crescent Ski Club, Boys Club, Benny"s Boys JoAnn Forbu sh, Sandy Girls Club rep ., Charlonians, DECA , Leadership and Girls Clubs , Jay Dees, opera, Messiah, Mothers & Daughters Betty Ruth Fitzgerald, Draper Girls Club pres ., vice-pres ., secretary, Charlonians, da nces, opera , M essiah, Red Cross co-chairman , chairman

Geraldine Fisher, Union

Charlonians , Press Club, newspaper co -editor , Tribune reporter Gerald Fisher, Union Boys Club , Ski Club , band Dick J. Frandsen, Sandy Bays Club , Messiah


Class of 1954 Seniors

lynn Greenwood, Crescent

Boys Club, FFA secretary and dairyjudging team Betty Griffis, Union Riding Club, Language Club, Girls Club, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah Harold Gray , Butler Boys Club Gary Greer, Union Ski Club pres., director of band and pep band, Messiah, opera, school ploy, baseball, football Nola Green, West Jordon

Girls Club, Sports Club Noel Green, West Jordon

Boys Club, FFA crops judging team to Kansas City Gayle Gardner, West Jordan Jay Dees, Girls Club lois E. Green , West Jordon DECA, Girls Club, Messiah , opera

Jeanine Greenwood, Sandy

DECA pres., Girls Club rep., Chorionions, Leadership Club, Dog Patch Drag, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, Messiah , opera, carnival Gerald Gedge, West Jordon Boys Club, Riding Club, FFA Ralph Gibbons , South Jordan Cheerleader, Benny 's Boys, Boys Club, wrestling Joy Goff, Midvale Miss Jordon, Charlonions, Girls Club, Prom, Hop, majorette, speech festival, Tr. Assembly, Messiah, opera Norlene Green , Bluffdale Girls, Dance , and Sports Clubs, Tr. Assembly, opera, Messiah , Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters Janet Gammell, Riverton, Girls, Donee, and Sports Clubs, Tr. Assembly, opera, Messiah, Mathers and Daughters Jean Gilbert, Riverton FHA, Girls Club, Messiah Renae Goff, South Jordan Girls Club, Charlonians, Hop, Tr. Assembly, school ploy


Karl Glover, West Jordon

Key Club, Boys Club, Fo rensic League, debate , Boys State Halley Hun saker, Sandy Spanish Club, Girls Club, yearbook Rollie Hall , Union DECA, Boys Club

Ruth Humes, Riverton

FHA, Girls Club Bob Hiro se, Union

Ath letic Club, B.:>ys Club , Hop, foot boll, wrestling Shyrma Hendrickson , Sandy FHA , Chorlonions , Mosque a nd Gave l, Forer1sic League, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters , opera, Messiah, Trav eling Assembly, Amateur Hour w inner, debate, newspaper, Girls State

David Hogan , West Jordon Athletic Club secretory, Boys Club, Hop , football , track, wrestling Marian Holman , Union FHA, Girls Club, DECA, Sweethearts Boll , Mothers and Daughters , Mess iah , opera Richard Hogan, West Jordon Prosecutrng attorney, Ski Club , Ben路 ny 's Boys , Messiah, opera, Traveling Assembly , bond , orchestra , basket ball, football

JoAnn Holt, Sandy

FHA, Girls Club, Messiah, opera Paul Hell strom , Sandy Chief Spokesman Benny 's Boys, Quill and Scroll, Press Club, Bays Club, Prom, Hap, dances, deba te , news paper, yearbook, Red Cross, carniva l, track Beatrice Hill, Draper Junior vice-pres ., deputy, Gi rl s Club rep ., FHA, Leadership Club, Prom, ca rnival, Fathers a nd Daughters, Mothe rs a nd Daughters Gary Hale , Midvale Marshall , sec. Bays Club, Benny 's Boys, Messiah, basketball Janice Hughes, Sandy Donee Club vice-pres ., Girls Club, Hop, Prom , donees , soph party, Mothers and Daugh ters , Fathe rs a nd Da ug hte rs, Messiah, opera, Tr. Assembly, co rni 路 val, new spaper Don Holt, South Jordon Boys Club

Wallace Haun, West Jordon Seminary pres. , coun cil, Benny ' s Boy s, Boys Club , Hop, Prom , don ees , corn i路 va l, football , tra ck, baseball Betty Hawker, Sandy Joy Dees , Girls Club, Mess iah , opera , Tr . Assembly, Mothers and Daughters l ee Holm stead, Draper FFA, Boys Club , track, football , Boys Stole


Class of 1954 Seniors

Jackie Hatt, Bluffdale Girls Club, Messiah Noal Hardcastle, Crescent Boys Club, FFA Vivian Halverson , West Jordon Ski Club, Girls Club Dean Jen son , Midvale Boys Club, Hop, Traveling Assembly, Messiah Gary John son , Riverton, council, Sem·

inory vice-pres., FFA, Boys Club Renee Jackson , Union, Riding Club, Girls Club, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah Marilyn John son , Crescent Ski Club sec., Chorlonions, Joy Dees, FHA, Donee and Sports Clubs, Harvest Boll, carnival, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, opera Denece Johanson , Midvale, Mosque and Gavel, Forensic sec., Chorlonions, Quill and Scroll, Press Club, soph party, Prom, Hop, Chorlonion Boll, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Mes· sioh, Tr . and Pep Assem., debate, Speech Fest., salesman, story-telling, State Debate Meet Janice Jensen , ,Midvale, Girls Club rep., Chorlonian pres. and v. p., For· ensic, Quill and Scroll, Mosque and Gavel, rress and Ski Clubs, soph party, Prom, Hop, Mothers and Dough· ters, Speech Fest., debate, ploy, Tr. and Pep Assem., Girls' State, Exchange Prog., State Debate, salesman Jerry Jorgensen, West Jordon, 1st assoc. judge, Boys Club rep., Ben ny's Boys sec., Prom, Hop, carnival Shirla Jones, South Jordan, jun . class sec., council, Charlonians, Prom, Hop, Fathers, Mothers and Daughters, car· nival, Tr. Assembly, Messiah, Ama teur Hour, Negro skit Jerry Juretich , Midvale Cou nci l, DECA, Ben ny's Boys, Bays and Ath . Clubs, football, basketball, ten n is Bob Johnson , Draper, Boys Club, track Richard Jacobson, Union Boys Club, stagecrew Jerry Jordan , Draper FFA, Boys Club, Harvest Ball Norma Jacobson (Maynes) , Murray Girls Club, FHA, opera, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters


Jeanette James, Draper Charlonians, Jay Dees, Quill and Scroll, Ski, Press, Language, Girls, and Sports Clubs, Prom, Dog Patch Drag, newspaper, carnival, Hop, Mother and Daughters Nancy Johnson, Sandy Girls Club, Language Club , Mothers and Daughters Patricia Jensen, Midvale Girls Club, Fathers and Daughters , Messia h, opera

Kathleen Jennings, Midvale Girls Club Donna Jenkins, Midva le DECA, Girls Club, Fathers and Daughters, Mess iah Zada Rae Johnson, Sandy Masque and Gavel, Girls Club, Riding Club , Jay Dees, Messiah, short plays

Jean Jones, Riverton FHA, Girls Club, Messiah Arlene Jeppson, Union Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Messiah, Music Festival, Tr . Assembly JoAnn Knight, Salt lake Girls Club , DECA, Mothers and Daughters

Joyce Kemp, Crescent Girls Club, decorations, Fathers and Daughters, Messiah Terry Kastanis, West Jordan Prom, Hop, Tr. Assembly, Messiah Dixie Kearsley , Midvale Council, Charlonians, Ski and Girls Clubs, saph party, Pram, Hap, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly

Leland Lewis, Midvale, Boys Club Alven Lipsey, Union Boys Club, opera, Messiah Ada Gail Lipsey, Union Gym class manager, Riding Club vicepresident, carnival, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, Christmas play

Connie Rae Lloyd, Salt Lake Deputy, Masque and Gavel vice -pres ., Girls, leadership, Press, and Language Clubs, Prom, student director opera, school play, co 路editar newspaper Beverly lawson, Sandy DECA, Girls Club, Messiah Pearl Lundberg, Sandy Girls Club, Jay Dees


Class of 1954 Seniors

luGene little, Cottonwood Heights Council, FHA vice-pres. and pres., Girls Club rep., Leadership Club, Har vest Ball, Sweethearts Ball, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah Margie Larson, Sandy Dance Club, Girls Club, Prom, Mothers and Daughters, carnival, Messiah, Traveling Assembly Luana Lunnen, (resent

Charlonians, Language, Ski, Sports, Girls Clubs, Pram, Hop , carnival, Mothers and Daughters Joan Lefevre, East Midvale Jay Dees, Quill and Scroll, Girls and Press Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, newspaper Ro Mae lang , Sandy FHA, Jay Dees, Ski Club, Sweethearts Ball, Dog Patch Drag, banquets, teas Irene LaChance , Midvale Riding, Girls, and Language Clubs, Fathers and Daughters Beth LaRocco , Midvale Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera Faye lloyd , Crescent, Council, Chorlonians, Girls Club, Moth ers and Daughters, speech, Messiah Darlene lloyd, South Jordan FHA, Girls Club, DECA, Messiah, opera Harold Morley, West Jordan Council, Athletic Club vice-pres., Benny's Boys , Boys Club, Prom, Hop, carnival, football, baseball, basketball , track, wrestling Jack Martin, Salt Lake Chess Club, Boys Club Nyle Mcfarlane, Riverton Benny 's Boys, Riding and Athletic Clubs, football, basketball, track Robert McNamara , Union , Boys Club pres., Benny 's Boys, Athletic and Language Clubs, Hap, carnival, Fathers and Sons, dances, debate, football, basketball manager, track Leon Morrow, Sandy, Boys Club Kent Marlor, East Midval e Press Club, press conferences, opera, Mess iah, yearbook salesman Colldene Hatch Morse, Burler Boys Club


Winn ifred Madsen (Howard), Union

Riding Club vice -pres. and pres ., Jay Dees, Language, Girls and Sports Clubs, Dog Patch Drag, carnival Owen Minn ick, Draper Boys Club, band Jan ice M iller, Sandy Girls Club, Jay Dees

Lorna M illet, Union

Charlonians, Girls Club, Prom, Hap, carnival, dances, Messiah, opera. Tr. Assembly, Negro skit Gordan Millerberg, East Midvale Benny ' s Boys pres., Boys Club rep ., Pram, carnival, basketball , track Mary M cCarthy, Union Counci l, DECA, Girls. Press, Riding Clubs, Mothers and Daughters

Larry Merlin, West Jordan

Boys Club, Language Club Roberta Morgan , Riverton

Cheerleader. Masque and Gavel, Sports, Dance and Language Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Mes siah, Tr . Assembly Donna Montagu e, Sandy Jay Dees , Girls Club, Messiah

Reed Maynard, South Jordon

Boys Club, Language Club, Amateur Hour Ma rva Rae Mad sen, Draper Language, Sports, and Girls Clubs Howa rd M itchell , East Midvale FFA crop-judging team to Kansas City, Bays Club, Civil Air Patrol, Union Pacific scho larship

Lee Ann M iner, Midvale

Girls Club Arvin Mineer, Midvale Judge, deputy, Key Club secretary, DECA, Boys Club, yearbook Paule en M ill er, Midvale Language and Girls Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Messiah

Marl in Mitchell , Riverton

Boys Club, baseball, track Joan Mill erberg , East Midvale

Council, Girls Club rep ., Jay Dees, DECA. Girls, Ski , Sports, and Riding Clubs, Mothers and Daughters , Messiah Cheryle Mou sley, Bluffdale Girls Club, Mathers and Daughters , Messiah


Class of 1954 Seniors

LaNila Maynard , Sandy, Jay Dees, Charlanians, Girls and Riding Clubs, Dog Patch Drag, Mothers and Daughters, assemblies Tony Ma scaro, Union, Masque and Gavel, Pres Club, carnival, Tr. Assem., plays, Sp. Festival, opera, Messia.h Maida McKay, Union, Riding and Girls Clubs, Messiah, Amateur Hour Mary Lou Madsen , Sandy, Masque and Gavel, Charlonians, Jay Dees, Forensic, Language, and Sports Clubs, debate, story-telling, Voice of Democracy, legis., opera, Messiah, salesman Anthony Mahl e r, Crescent Bays Club, Messiah, debate Ruth Mile s, Draper, Jay Dees, FHA, Girls Club, Sweethearts Ball, yearbook manager and salesman, Messiah, car-

nival, Mathers and Daughters LaDee Norris, Sandy, Jay Dees pres., DECA, Charlanians, Girls Club Alan L. Newbold, Sandy, Senior class pres., Press Club, Pram, Hop, dances, graduation, opera, plays, yearbook co-editor, newspaper, magazine, football, baseball Lois Neff, Crescent Council, Masque and Gavel treas ., Charlonians, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Speech Festival, Messiah Vera Nelson , Sandy, Council, Jay Dees vice-pres. and secretary, Charlanians, Leadership and Girls Clubs, DECA, Dog Patch Drag, Tr. Assembly Joan Steadman Neilson , Bluffdale Girls Club, Messiah, opera Jack Nelson, Union Language Club, Bays Club

Carroll Nunley, Sandy Jay Dees, Girls Club Duane Ol son, Midvale FFA reporter and winning paultryjudging team, Key Club, Bays Club Betty Ol son , Butler FHA, Girls Club, Sweethearts and Harvest Balls, Mathers and Daughters, Messiah, Tr. Assembly, Song Festival LaMar V. Olsen , East Midvale Bays Club, decorating committee


E.sther Owen, Riverton Girls Club, FHA, Messiah Neil Ostler, West Jordon Boys Club, language Club Stanley Obershaw, West Jordon Boys Club , Language Club

Kareen O'Brien, West Jordon Council, Girls Club, Charlonions, DECA, Prom , Hop , cornivol Jack Purser, West Jordon Boys Club, DECA, Ski Club Sharon Peterson, Sandy FFA, Boys Club

Dell Petersen, East Midvale Council, Key Club, Boys Club , Gour ley 's Gong, Tr. Assembly Lynn Price, South Jordon Boys Club Sherman Pierce, Sandy Boys Club, Prom, Hop, soph basketball

Val Player, Bennion Cheerleader, Benny 's Boys, Chess, Athletic Clubs, Hop, Messiah, bose路 boll , wrestling D. L. Pond, Midvale Boys Club, carnival, bond, orchestra, Messiah, Tr . Assembly, wrestling Lynn Pierson, Sandy Deputy , Key and Boys Clubs, DECA

Vicky Parker, West Jordon Sports and Girls Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Messiah , Xmas ploy Pat Padjen, Midvale Soph vice-pres ., Girls Club, Hop, soph party, opera, Messiah Va Laine Pack, Draper Mosque and Gavel, Girls and Leader ship Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Hop, Messiah, newspaper co 路 editor

Joy Pierce, Draper Girls Club, Mosque and Gavel, Hop, Prom, Mothers and Daughters Beverly Proctor, Union DECA, Press Club, Quill and Scroll, Girls Club, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters, carnival, newspaper Lucille Pazell, Midvale DECA, Girls and Language Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera


Class of 1954 Seniors

V ivian Parsons, Midvale Jay Dees, Girls Club, Prom, art dis路 plays Ca rmen Pinedo , Midvale Language Club, Girls Club, DECA, Jay Dees, Messiah Do lores Peterse n, Sandy Girls Club Georg ia Pappa s, West Jordan Girls Club rep., Riding Club historian, DECA, Fathers and Daughters, Mothers and Daughters, carnival

Bern ice Qu intana , South Jordan

Girls Club rep., Language Club, Charlonians, DECA Ba rt Qu intana , South Jordan Council, Boys Club Paul Rosenhan , Midvale Boys, Language, and Sports Clubs Ma rya nn Ra smu sse n, Midvale Council, Charlonians, Ski, Leadership, and Girls Clubs, Prom chairman, Hop, Speech Festival, dances, Tr. Assembly, Messiah, opera, sec. Teen Age Safety Council Boyd Roos , Union Stage crew foreman, Boys Club, For路 ensic League, Hop, dances, Traveling Assembly, debate Carol Rogers, Sandy Jay Dees, Language Club, DECA, Girls Club, Dog Patch Drag, Mathers and Daughters Charlyn Russell , Union Council, Girls Club rep., Charlonian sec., Sports Club, Prom, Hop, Tr. Assembly, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Sons, Messiah, opera Richard Reynold s, Union Ski Club, Boys Club V iola Re ich , Sandy

Jay Dees, DECA, Girls Club Jean Romney, South Jordan Girl~ Club, Jay Dees Kenn eth Rasmussen , Draper Press, Language, and Bays Clubs, Boys State, Exchange student to Mexico Kaye Robison, West Jordan Girls Club, Sports Club


Elaine Ross, Sa lt La ke Daisy Moe, J oy Dees se c, Qu ill and Scro ll , Press Cl ub , newspape r man · oger, Press confere nce Darlene Robertson, Cresce nt Girls Clu b, FHA JoAnn Rasmussen , Sa nd y DECA, Fre nch Club, Gi rl s Club , Jo y Dees, Messiah

Ke nneth Roden , Oro per Boys Club, Messiah, opera Colle en Rawson, Sandy Soph sec., Girls Club rep ., Sports a nd Riding Clubs, soph pa rty, Harvest Bo ll Jack Rindlisbach , Bluffda le Boys Club

Carolyn Swapp, East Midva le Chorlanions, Girls Club Geraldine Springer, Granite G irls Club rep ., Mothers and Dough · ters , Messiah , opera Rita Setterberg, Sandy, Joy Dees, Girls Club, corn1vol, Dog Patch Drag decorations chairman, Mo thers a nd Daughters, pep assem bl ies, Tr . As · sembly, newspaper, magazine, Amo · teur Hour, Messiah, opera, Music Fest., yearbook salesma n, essa y cont est winne r

Joan Smith , Sandy Girls Club Nancy Ann Sope r, Draper Girls Club, Messiah Marilee Swe nson , East Midvale DECA sec., Joy Dees , Ski, Girls , Rid · ing, and Sports Clubs , carnival, Mothers and Daughters

Carol Stocking , East Midvale Girls and Sports Clubs, Tr . Assemb ly, Mothers and Daughters , carnival Conn ie She lton (Berrett) , Union Chorlonions, Donee, Leade rship, and Girls Clubs, Prom, Mothers and Daughters , Fathers and Daughters, opera, school ploy, yearbook sa lesman Norma Steadman, West Jordon Press and Girls Clubs , Chorlonions , Mothers and Daughters

Joann e Stromberg, Midva le, Do nee, Language , Leadership , and Girls Clubs, Mothers and Daughters, Foth · ers and Daughters , magazine co · editor, opera, Tr . Assembly, Amateur Hour, essay contest June Soderberg , Midvale Chorlonion s, Girls and Language Clubs , Sweethearts and Harvest Boll Eileen Snarr, Sandy Girls Club


Class of 1954 Seniors

Shirley Schaelling , Midva le, Girls Club rep., DECA, Donee Club, Prom, Ho p, Hallowe'en Donee, Fathers and Sons, Mothers end Daughters, Messia h, Tr. Assembly Carene Sp ilker, Butler, Mosq ue end Gavel, Forensic League, Language e nd Girls Clubs, Messiah, newspaper, magazine, oratory, debate, Voice of Democracy, Speech Meet LaMont Sm ith, Draper, Boys end Athletic Clubs, foot ball, wrest ling Reed Stanley , Riverton, FFA, Riding Clu b vice-pres., Boys Clu b Evelyn Sjostrom , Union Girls Club, Messiah J. Draney Sm ith, East Midvale, Boys Club, Hop, basketball, foot ba ll Robert Satovick , Midvale, Council, Mosque and Gave l, Key Club pres., delegate to L. A. conventio n , Fore nsic pres., Ath., Chess, end Lang. Clubs, soph party, Prom, Hop, Red Cross, Career Day, Tr. and Pep Assem., debote, oratory, yearbook, Voice of Democracy, opera, football, w rest. Gene Savage , Draper, FFA, Boys and Athletic Clubs, carnival, footba ll John Shrewsbury , Murrey Boys Club, wrestling, football Richard Stowe, Sandy, Boys Club Patricia Stell ing , West Jordan Girls Club, soph party, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera Larry Stout, Midvale, Key Club treos., Boys and Chess Clubs, bond, pep band, opera, Tr. Assem bl y, tennis, basketba ll

Sheldon Steadman, West Jordan FFA, Boys Clu b Kenneth Spencer, Riverton Boys Club, stage crew Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Draper, Council, Masque and Gavel sec., Charlonians, Quill and Scroll, Forensic, Press Club , soph party, Prom, Hop, Charlanian Boll, Mothers and Daughters, Tr . and Pep Assem., debate, opera, school play, Messiah, oratory, Speech Festival, club play David Sager, Midvale Council, Key Club, Boys Club, trC1ck


Ray Terry, Draper

FFA, Boys Club, Harvest Ball Sharon Tingey, Midvale

Girls Club Thorum, Un ion, Masque and Gavel officer, Forensic League, Press Club, Tr. Assembly, carnival, debate, school play, opera, newspaper, band, Messiah , Speech Meet, oratory, chorus, yearbook salesman Arden

Rayola Thompson, Midvale Girls Club, Jay Dees, Mothers and Daughters, Tr . Assembly Noel Thompson, Midvale Boys Club Shirleen Taylor, Granite Girls Club, Language Club

Don Tester, Midvale

Benny 's Boys, Boys Club, football, track Darrell Thorn, Riverton FFA, Boys Club, Riding Club Nita Taylor, East Crescent Girls Club, Mothers ond Daughters, Messiah

Marva Toone, Draper,

FHA, Girls Club Rex Turner, Sandy

Language Club, Boys Club, track Burton Usher, Riverton

Boys Club

Lee Vordos, Midva le

Boys, Key, and Press Clubs, pep band Robert Vincent, Sandy

Council, Boys and Language Clubs, baseball Kent Vincent, Midvale Masque and Gavel, Key and Boys Clubs, soph party, Tr . Assembly, band

Gary Walker, Union

Boys Club rep., Benny's Boys, Athletic Club, Fathers and Sons, Hop, basketbo II, footba II Raymond Whittenburg, Sandy Benny 's Bays, DECA, Boys and Athletic Clubs, basketball LaMar Walbeck, Draper, Deputy, Athletic and Boys Clubs, Benny 's Boys, magazine art editor, basketball, baseball


Class of 1954 Seniors

Carolee Walker, Union, Student body vice-pres., Charlonians, Leadership and Girls Clubs, soph party, Prom, Hop, Mothers and Daughters, debate Robert White , Midvale, Boys Club, Athletic Club, carnival, football Marilyn Walters, Sandy, FHA, Joy Dees, Girls Club, basketball Don Whitehead, Union Athletic Club pres., Benny's Boys, Boys Club, football, basketball , wrest.

Iris Withers, Riverton, Council, Girls Club rep., FHA, DECA, Prom, Messiah lee Wanless , Riverton Boys Club, baseball Iris Wheadon , South Jordon, DECA vice-president, Chorlonions, Quill and Scroll, Dance, Press, and Girls Clubs, Prom, Hop, Mothers and Daughters, Tr. Assembly, Girls State Blaine Worthen , East Midvale Council, Hop , Amateur Hour , Messiah

Vance Withers, Midva le Boys Club, FFA, Riding Clu b Robert Wilson, Crescent, FFA pres., Boys Club, Parents and Sons, cropsjudging, football, bosketb..,ll, track Robert Wilkinson, Butler Riding Club, Harvest Ball, football Rulon Wilcox, West Jordan FFA , Boys Club

Velie Wright, Midvale , Council, editor newspaper and J. Book, Quill and Scroll, Press and Boys Clubs, Traffic Safety, Press Conference Cleo Woodhouse, Union, Council Quill and Scroll, Joy Dees, newspaper Bryan Yates , East Midvale, Boys Club, Benny's Boys, Ski Club, Hop , Messiah, Tr. Assembly Janet Zabriskie , Crescent Language Club, Girls Club, Messiah


Carol Anderberg, Sandy, Mosque and Gave l, Language Club, Mothers and Daughters, opera, Messiah, school ploy. Betty Beecroft, South Jordon, Girls Club rep ., DECA, Joy Dees, opera, Messiah. Gary Beers, West Jordon, hall attendant, Benny 's Boys, Athletic Club , Prom , basketball, baseball, football. Walter Brady, Union, Boys Club. Rodney Brown, Sandy, Boys Club . George Brklacich, Midvale, DECA, Benny's Boys, Athletic Club, Prom, basketba ll. larry Brklacy, Crescent, Boys Club. Rod :1ey Wayne Butterfield, Herriman , FFA, Boys Club. larry Brown, West Jordon, Boys Club. Peggy Christensen, Bluffdale, Girls Club. Paul Condi, Union, Language Club, Boys Club , pep bond . Allen Dorius, Sandy, Boys Club, class team captain. larry Draney, Sandy, Boys Club. Donald Edward, Riverton, Boys Club. James Fratto, Draper, FFA, Boys Club. Rodney Harmon , Midvale, Boys Club. Bill Haun, Sandy , Athletic Club, football, Jerry lpson, Draper , FFA, Boys Club. Ronnie Jones, Sanoy, Boy s Club, Messiah . Jerry Kemp, Sandy, Boys Club, Messiah. Ann larsen, Midvale, DECA, Girls Club, Mes 路 sioh. Dan Losee, Butler , Boys Club, Tr . Assembly , Messiah, opera, wres tling , football, track. Glen Markus, Midvale, Boys Club, Prom , Messiah, basketball. Marilyn Moore , Midvale, DECA, Girls Club. Kent Marlor, East Midvale, Quill and Scroll, Press Club, newspaper , debate , Speech Fdtivol , chorus. leona Olson, Union, Forensic, debate, Voice of Democracy, chorus. Beverly Robinson, Midvale , Girls Club, Joy Dees . Gene Sharp , Midvale, Boys Club . lynn Sharp, Midvale, FFA, Boys Club. Thad Shinsel, Riverton, FFA, Boys Club. laRue Silcox, Sandy, Girls Club . Pat Stelling, West Jordon , Girls Club, opera, Mes siah. Ethel Terry, Draper, Language Club , Chorlonions, FHA treasurer, Mothers and Daughters, Sweethearts Boll, Messiah . Carol Yeager, Draper, Girls Club.

Melvin Rigby Salt Lake , Boys Club

Not Photographed

Senior Highlights

Getting ready for commencement ore Beatrice Hill, Jay Beckstead, Sandra Fil1gerald, larry Stout, Shyrma Hendricksen and Kent Vincent.


Busy David Bolliger shifts into low gear to solve his physics problem.

"And any similarity is coincidental," says Wally Haun to larry Asay, as they check their new prizes. THE DAUNTLESS THREE (All Robert ) Satovick, Dunn, and McNamera, who started life together in the some hospital room, 18 years ago.

Marian Forbush and Elaine Rou chat in the hall between classes . Cute skirts , aren ' t they?

~ekerly Sandquist, Luana Lunnen, and the tu • .. Box. ' Til play you my favorite une, se~ys Luana . ;¡Mustn ' t be late for churchl" say CaroYn Ereckson, Paul Hellstrom, Doris Jensen, and Larry Beers. Well, it looks like the same group at the Avalon , bringing Annette Jensen and flleldon Bateman !

READY FOR THE HOP " Midnight Fantasy ... " It has to be finished by tonight! " they groan as they make their fingers fly . You can be sure it will be with Lorna Millet, Shirla Jones, Lois Beckstead, Sophie Adondakis, Coleen Beckstead, and Joy Goff on the job.

Admiring each other's rings , Alice Bush Brown and Connie Shelton Berrett, welcome Eris Egbert Young !center) into the sisterhood of married gals.


Howard Swapp, president

l'at Grone, secretary

Morlan Glover, vice -president

Juniors Are Confident of Tomorrow Juniors Dream of Next Year's Seniors As juniors become upper -classmen, they lose what shyness they had left from being sophomores. As they swing into their second year of high school life, they take confidently the re sponsibility for their main social event, the Junior Prom. Led by their popular, competent officers,

Max Antzak, Cottonwood Hts . Carol Anderson, Un ion Dixie Anderson, Un ion Beth Allen, Draper Helen Anderson, Union

Larry Andrus, Draper Gary Atkinson, Midvale Don Dee Adamson, Un ion Lawrence Astle, Sandy Marie Anderson, Midvale

Lee Ashton, Un ion Roland Arterburn, Un ion Dale Adams, Sa ndy Brent Anderson, Midva le Glenda Anderson, Sa ndy


the 394 juniors come to realize what Jordan High life is really all about. Although they spend most of their time in class work, they make new friends and have loads of fun; but their main objective is to become next year 's successful seniors.

Class of 1955 Juniors

Jerry Anderson, Midvale Glenn Allgood, Midvale Charles Ainsworth, Crescent Howard Abrams, Midvale Lowell Ashman, East Midvale

David Ainsworth, Sandy Sylvia Bowen, Riverton Clair Bell, Midvale Sharon Busenbark, Sandy Helen Browne, Riverton

Camellia Brunetti, Un ion Gloria Brown, Butler Leona I Boulter, Sandy Marilyn Brady, Union Karen Beckstrand, Midvale

Jimmy Butterfield, Midvale Rochelle Boothe, Riverton Ma rilyn Butterfield, Herriman JoAnn Bagley, Midvale Joanne Bi rd, Midvale


Marylin Bishop, Sandy Dale Bagley, Union lindsay Brady, Sandy Carol Bollschweiler, Butler Rodney Brown, Sandy

loren Bigler, Midvale Milan Bursach, Midvale Verla Brown, Union Richard Boyce, Sandy Ronald Brown, Union

Marlen& Brown, Riverton Kent Brown, East Midvale David Butterfield, Herriman Kenneth Burns, Sandy Judy Beckstead, Riverton

Ronna Brooks, Sandy Don Blomquist, Midvale lamont Beckstead, Midvale Kendall Bunnell, Butler Douglas Brown, Midvale

Kay Boggess, Union Ray Bills, Riverton Ronald Baker, Draper Kathleen Baker, Draper Ernest Brothers, Crescent

Dennis Bateman, Sandy Russell Benson, West Jordan Kent Burgon, Midvale Jimmie Burgon, Un ion Doris Crane, Herriman

Allen Campbell, Sandy Pat Crane, Herriman Sharon Curtis, Midvale Paul Caldwell, Midvale Robert Chiea, West Jordan


Class of 1955 Juniors

Sandra Casper, Sandy Richard Carlson, Draper Norman Coleman, Draper Myrna Cook, Union Marilyn Cook, Union

Leonard Cleland, Draper Claude Crane, Bluffdale lay Cunnington, Union Patsy Coats, Midvale Vesta Crump, Bluffdale

Gene Crawford, Murray Norenne Cook, Union Marlene Corak, Midvale Samuel Crump, Bluffdale La Rayne Crump, Bluffdale

JoAnn Cook, West Jordon Janice Detomasi, West Jordon JaneHe Detomasi, West Jordon Wayne Dahl, East Midvale Dick Day, Draper


Douglas Dumas, Draper Ruby Dorius, Sandy George Da.ule, Riverton Grant Dahl, Eost Midvale Claudette Densley, Riverton

Evelyn Drake, Midvale Doren Dansie, Draper Joyce Dansie, Herriman Ronald Duffin, Draper James Dumas, Midvale

Margaret Dunn, Midvale Vernon Densley, Riverton D. Anna Despain, Union Delores Dlbb, Draper DeAnna Dow, Union

Joyce Ebert, Sandy Betty Ann Ennist, Riverton Gary Egbert, West Jordon David Eastman, Riverton Jack Elmer, Union

Marvin Emery, South Jordon La Rieta Freeman, Herriman Lloyd Fancom, Midvale Frances Farmer, Midvale VIvian Ferguson, Cot. Hts .

Eldon Forman, South Jordon Jimmy Fitzgerald, Draper Steven Ferg11s, Crescent Kathryn Ferguson, Sandy Nephi Fitzgerald, Draper

Jay Fullmer, West Jordon Joyce Faurschou, West Jordon Nancy Ann Greene, Sandy Norma Giles, Bluffdale Elaine Greenwood, Midvale


Class of 1955 Juniors

Carolyn Sue Gibbons, Draper Marian Glover, East Midvale Grace Graham, Union Jane Goff, Sandy Patricia Ann Grone, Butler

Grace Gilbert, Riverton Howard Glad, Crescent Richard George, Sandy Jim Glover, East Midvale Gerald Gray, Sandy

Glenda Graham, Draper Clyde Grover, Draper Ross Green, Union Bill Glines, Union Val Greenwood, Crescent

Roger Grimaud, East Midvale Janice Gatherum, Midvale Bonnie Grange, Sandy DuWayne Goff, Sandy Jeanne Halt, Bluffdale


Carolyn Hamilton, Riverton Coleen Hamilton, Riverton Dale Heugley, Midvale Beth Humes, Riverton Duane Howlett, Draper

William Hughes, Sandy Colleen Heaps, Riverton Arlene Haun, West Jordan Kathleen Hansen, Sandy Janie! Halt, Bluffdale

Bob Haul%, Murray Clyde Hamilton, Riverton Claudia Hansen, Sandy Ethel Heki, Midvale Beverly Hilton, Butler

I Merlene Heu, Midvale Rozanne Hartman, West Jordan Annette Hudson, Murray lyn:1 Holt, South Jordan Judy Haun, Sandy

Arlene Holt, South Jordan Phyllis Harbuck, Crescent Janice Howard, Union Joan Hawker, Sandy Deanna Hendrickson, Sandy

Maureen Joosten, Draper Jim Jensen, Sandy Ardell Jones, Sandy Dorothy Jex, Sandy Harvey Jenkins, Sandy

Eddie Jenkins, Sandy Richard A. Johnson, Midvale Jerrold Jenson, Midvale Betty Johnson, Riverton Rees Jensen, Sandy


Class of 1955 Juniors

Clair Jensen, Midvale lee Jensen, Sandy Carla Jensen, Sandy Mary Jacobson, Midvale Sharon James, Union

linda Jensen, Midvale Owen Johnston, Union Marjorie Johnson, Midvale Orson Kesler, Midvale Peggy Ann Kirton, Draper

Arthur Kiisel, Sandy Frances Kroon, West Jordan Jean Kynaston, Crescent Charlene Kay, Butler Frank lucas, South Jordan

&layne labrum, Midvale Raymond lucero, South Jordan Ann lundberg, Sandy Mike laveder, East Midvale Donald lloyd, South Jordan


Donna Lloyd, South Jordan Don Lien, Draper Barbara Linnarz, Sandy Delores Lunnen, Crescent Duane Loveless, Sandy

Carmen Lloyd, Crescent Frank Larson, Sandy Deanna Milne, Union Rosemary Miner, Sandy Nelda Moon, Riverton

Sharlene Mortensen, Riverton Larry Mounteer, Union Bruce Mace, Crescent David Mangum, Riverton Don Milne, Sandy

Joan Marrow, Riverton Duane Madsen, Draper Ray Montague, Midvale Brent McKay, Sandy Sue McMullin, South Jordan

Arlene Mousley, Bluffdale Reid McCormick, Union Elroy Morrill, Union Fay Morse, Butler Norma McClellan, West Jordan

Pat Milligan, Riverton Glen Mooseman, West Jordan Faye Mitchell, Draper Dale Macklin, Union Sandra Mitchell, Midvale

Sonja Nichols, Draper Eric Nystrom, Sandy Paul Nicol,' Midvale Alfred Nelson, Riverton Clement Nickle, Sandy


Class of 1955 Juniors

Gerald Naylor, South Jordan Sandra Nelson, Sandy Everett Nelson, Union Robert Newman, Murray Donald Nuzman, West Jordan

Shirlene Neuffer, East Midvale Charlene Naylor, East Midvale Joyce Nunley, Union Paul Nichols, Midvale Ann Nilsson, Sandy

Barbara O'Brien, West Jordan Perry Olsen, Sandy Margene Orr, Sandy Roberta Ozancin, Butler Dirk Olsen, Sandy

Delores Olson, Union Doris Orwin, East Midvale Georgia Osborne, Riverton Jim Orgill, Midvale lois Owen, Riverton


Gerd Olsen, Union Kenneth O'Brien, Sandy Benson Olsen, Sandy Sylvan Olsen, Midvale Pat Phelps, Riverton

lois Pratt, Draper Harrison Pedro, Midvale Gayle Pixton, Draper James Petersen, Sandy Myrna Parsons, Midvale

Roger Price, Union lynn Palmer, South Jordon Ann Parry, Riverton Shirley Price, Union Rulon Parry, Bluffdale

Veronica Perkins, Midvale Kendall Phelps, Midvale LeRoy Page, Riverton Janice Price, West Jordon Dorothy Pullman, Herriman

Doris Player, Midvale Jerry Pierce, South Jordon Glen Palmer, South Jordon William Palmer, Riverton Pat Pinedo, Midvale

Patty Ann Parker, Crescent Leon Peterson, Sandy Lorin Price, Union Gary Phipp.s, Riverton Colleen Parker, Midvale

Pearl Pollard, Midvole Jeanette Rawson, Un ion Beverly Robison, Midvale Keith Roos, Union John Romero, Sandy


Class of 1955 Juniors

Phyllis Romney, Sandy Blaine Robinson, Union Carl Rosenkrantz, West Jordan Helen Reich, Sandy Eugene Ray, Midvale

Sherlene Roby, Midvale Penny Radmall, West Jordan Chad Rosenhan, Union Crespin Saldibar, Midvale Judy Sylvester, Draper

Joan Naylor Shields, So. Jordan Renee Sorensen, Bluffdale Karen Sanders, Crescent Pauline Schmidt, West Jordan Jean Stocking, Riverton

Sandra Scoffield, Un ion Duane Scott, Sandy Colleen Spratling, West Jordan Jerry Sharp, East Midvale Tommy Stoker, East Midvale


Ann Simpson, Midvale Mickey Sugiyama, Draper Duane Saddler, Draper Kent Simonsen, Sandy Nola Silcox, Riverton

Sharon Spears, Sandy Marlin Steinfeldt, West Jordan Brent Stephens, Midvale Geraldine Sund, Sandy David Shields, South Jordan

Howard Swapp, Midvale Nolan Smith, Draper Calvin Spratling, West Jordan Linda Sabey, M1dvale Alan Steadman, South Jordan

Rosemarie Schmidt, West Jor. Vickie Ann Showell, Riverton Gay Shelton, East Midvale Sheldon Smith, Draper Hal Spratt, Draper

Robert Smart, Union Kent Tucker, Draper Ronald Thomson, Union Fred Takemori, Sandy Ronald Troester, Midvale

Noel Taylor, Midvale Gordon Tolman, Sandy Bart Thaxton, Riverton Donna lapp, Union Lynne Tripp, Sandy

Norma Thayne, South Jordan Noreen Tester, Midvale Janet Torkelsen, Riverton Kay Talbot, Riverton Sherry Tomlinson, East Midvale


Class of 1955 Juniors

LaDawn Tucker, South Jordan Charlene Townsend, Sandy Mike Varanakis, West Jordan Janice Vaughn, Midvale John VanRy, Draper

Kenneth Visser, Sandy Keith Whitmore, Granite Lanny Walker, Union Forrest Wardle, Sandy Kaye Winward, South Jordan

Margaret Wood, Union Neil Wood, Union Jerry Webster, Midvale Dean Wolf, Granite Charles Walker, Union

Deanna Wennerstrom, Sandy Carolyn Wright, Granite Joan Winn, Cottonwood Hts. Lois Wood, West Jordan Nadine Wright, Midvale


Kent Brown tries to pick o thril ler

Junior Sidelights Not Photographed Gerald Asay , Sandy; Arva Bolliger, Sandy; Rolayne Brown, Sandy; Paul Ca ine, Riverton ; LaNeve Cook, Union ; Janice Carson, Union; Audreo Eastman, Herriman ; Ross Fa irbourne, Crescent; larry Hakanson , South Jordon ; Ernest Hardcastle , Crescent; Virgin ia Hardman, Union; Ralph Harper, Midvale; Lynne Haws, Midva le; Harvey Jones , West Jordon; Ronald Jones, Sandy; Leon King ston, Bl uffda le, Marjori e Lloyd , Sandy; Larry Marshall , Sandy; Gayl e McEwen, Murrey; Nile Mitchell , Mid vole; Martin O'Keefe, Sandy; JoAnn Otte se n, East M1dvole; Carma Ov iatt, Riverton ; Marianne Palm ar, Riverton, Richard Parry, Midvale Ted Pol son , Sandy; Denece Poma , Draper; Patsy Rigg s, Sandy; lola Smith, West Jordon; Jack Snyder, Union ; John Taylor, Midvale; DuWayn e Walters, Sandy.

Kenneth O' Brien searches fo r o book behind the curtain of coots.

Dorothy Webster, Midva le Sally Winn , But ler Ireta Withers, Draper

Richard Wellington, Crescent Nedra Wardle, Midvale Michae l Webste r, Sandy LaTrice Walters , Union Ronald Webster, Midvale

Frank Withers, Riverton Tracy Wilson, Union Caro l Wood , Midvale Kay Yates, Murray Donald Yates, Midvale



PROM COMMITTEE, searching for an inspiration for decorations, are, Seated: Pat Grone, lois Wood, Sandra Casper, Grace Graham, Charlene Naylor, Marian Glover, Howard Swapp. Standing: lynn Haws, Joan Winn , Paul Caldwel l, Sandra Schoffield, JoAnn Bagley.

enneth O 'Brien at the wheel of his new car is bout to take Jimmy Butterfield and Orson Kesler for o spin .

one on mel " says Howard Swapp to Dale Heugley. Burgon drops in for one too.

Larry Been, senior at left has the juniors puzzled. They are Don Zaiser, Kenneth O'lrien, Pearl Pollard, and Kendall Phelps .

Here it is " choreography!" Paul Caldwell and Doris Player find a new word in English.


David Lloyd, president

'at Fitzgerald , vice president

Arlene Shepplck, secretary

Sophomores Look to the Future Sophomores Become Oriented Many varied reactions showed in the faces of the 449 sophomores as they entered the venerable halls of Jordan for the first time. Some were obviously bewildered; others tried desperately to adopt the nonchalant attitude of the upper-classmen; all were somewhat uncertain as to what to expect. The days passed rapidly; the sophs quickly became acquainted with the traditions of the school. On initiation day, potato sacks replaced skirts, levi's were exchanged for dresses, and the last bars between the sophomores and the rest of the student body were broken down . As the weeks passed, many new and exciting events appeared on the calendar. The happy succession of dances, assemblies, and games was mixed with the inevitable tests and research themes . Christmas vacation, Washing ton's Birthday, the basketball tournament/ and J-day sped by. The school year ended; and as the sophomores stood in the halls on yearbook . day, and with ink -smeared hands wrote in the books that contained the history of that all -important first year, their transition to full-fledged members of the Jordan High was completed.


O' Brien Anderson , Draper Calvi n Atwood, West Jordon Keith Alexancler 1 Midvale

Carol Atkinson, Union Caro l.. Allen, Draper Floyd Alldredge, Union l ob Amaro, Riverton

Class of 1956 Sophomores

Harold Allen, Draper Howard Allen, Draper Eunice Allen, Riverton Aloma Atwood, West Jordon Lamona Atwood, West Jordon

Connie Anderson, Midvale Carol Anderson, Midvale Jacqueline Acord, Sandy Bob Adolphson, Midvale Betty Adolphoon, Midvale

Barbara Allen, Draper Dixie Allen, Midvale Argene Adams, Sandy Burton Anderson, E. Midvale Marion Andrus, Draper

LaWen Allsop, Union Paul Astle, Draper Judy Bills, Riverton Sharon Bracken, West Jordon Arlene Beckstead, Sandy

Karen Burkinshaw, W. Jordon VeNae Burgon, Un ion Vonda Boggess, Union Gle:1a Bodell, Midvale Joyce Bluemel, Sandy


Wayne Beagley, West Jordan Mary Bastian, Midvale David Brown, Butler Boyd Baker, Midvale Robert Bailey, South Jordan

Janice Bair, Butler Harold Beratto, Riverton Michael Bailey, Midvale Sandra Ball, Midvale loretta Butterfield, Riverton

Douglas Benson, West Jordan Don Blasius, Midvale Claude Brown, Sandy laVar Burton, Midvale James Bell, Midvale

Jack Burton, Sandy Albert Brunetti, Midvale Ralph Brinton, Sandy Raymond Bills, Riverton Sally Jean Beckstead, W. J .

Dale Beckstead, Riverton Joedy Ball, Union Deloy Butterfield, Herriman Ray Bateman, Sandy Catherine Bishop, Sandy

Erma Beckstead, Riverton Darrell Beckstrom, W. Jordan Don Basta, Sandy Ray Butterfield, Riverton Kent Bass, Bluffdale

Jerrie Belcher, Union Ronald Bergman, Sandy Wanda Beath, West Jordan Elden Brady, Union Warren Banner, Union

Reed Butterfield, Riverton Herschel Butterfield, S. J. Arden Bowers, Draper Evelyn Brown, Midvale linol Brown, Sandy


Class of 1956 Sophomores

Yvonne Boye r, Crescent Mary Bil jan ic, Midvale Pamela Brady , Union Marian Beck, Riverton Carolyn Beckstead , S. Jordan

Barbara Brady, Midvale Da rl ene Bell , Midvale Gwen Burnett, Midvale Carla Be nson , Sandy Betty Ann Bills , Riverton

Carol Chamberlin , Sandy Cl ifta Crane, Riverton Darlene Crawford , Midvale Sh irleen Carlson, Midvale Conn ie Jo Coon , West Jordan

Garry Clark, Midvale Robert Chidester, Sandy Lynne Crane, Herriman Joe Cowley, Riverton Stewart Crossgrove, Draper

Darlene Church, Midvale James Campbell , Union Robert Campbell, Sandy Richard Christensen , Butler Larry Caldwell , Granite


Karma Chamberlpin, Midvale Claudia Cox, Draper Lee Dumas, Midva le James Davidson, Midva le Betty Davis, West Jordo n

Patricia Downs, Midvale Dale Davis , Midval e LaPrielle Davis, Midva le Denise Dean, Union Arlene Deakin, West J ordo n

LaMar Davis, Crescent Pat Dahl, West Jordon Pete Dotson, Midvale Deanna Dennis, Ho ll aday Edward J. Davis, Un ion

Norman Davis, Mid va le Don Derricott, Sandy Richard Despain , Gra nite Brent Dimond, West Jordo n Charles Downs, Sandy

Sandy Durst, Butler Barbara Dunn, Midvale Evelyn Day, Drape r Sherman Day, Draper Arlene Darton, Union

Carolyn Erekson , Union John Erekson , But ler William Erekson , Co t. Hgts. Gail Egbert, Midva le Barbara Eltz, Midvo le

Bruce L. Edwards , Sandy Jason Endo, Midvale Mary Jane Edwards , Midva le Audrey Eastman, Herri man (Ju nior) Ruth Ann Eastman, Midva le

James Estepp, Midva le Leon Ewell, Bluffdale Erma Enniss, Draper Stanl ey Elg , Sandy Wayne Ern strom, Draper


Class of

1956 Sophomores

Genielle Evans, Granite Irene Flores, Midvale Pauline Franz, Midvale Gayle Farnsworth, Union Pat Fitzgerald, Draper

Val Finlayson, Cottonwood Hts. Rex Ferguson, Sandy Cher'i Fitzgerald, Draper Margaret Frank, Sandy Marion Golding, Sandy

Marie Godfrey, East Midvale Mary Ann Gardner, W. Jordon Loa Graham, Midvale Cherry Gold, Granite Gloria Glines, West Jordon

Kathy Gray, Butler Jessie Kay Greenwood, Sandy Elaine Gull, Sandy Marilynn Gordan, Crescent Joanne Gibbons, Union

Velma Gonzalas, Murray Gloria Gillen, Sandy Jackie Guenon, Union Lynn Green, Midvale Michael Gardner, West Jordon


Ivan Glover, Midvale Harvey Gaster, Union Floyd Graham, Midvale lloyd Graham, Midvale Gary Gressman, Riverton

Gordon Groom, West Jordon Alonzo Goff, Sandy Juanita Hiatt, Riverton Marilyn Hardman, Union Ranee Henschke, Sandy

laVon Haws, Crescent Kay Hardy, West Jordon Sharron Hendrickson, Sandy Jerry Hamilton, Riverton lla Howard, West Jordon

Sharon Hamilton, Riverton Douglas Hunter, Draper Marilyn Hughes, Sandy Thiel Hatt, South Jordon Weston Hansen, Sandy

Mary Howlett, Draper laReta Hill, Sandy Don Hillis, Sandy Billy Heaps, West Jordon James Harris, Sandy

Ivan Hardman, Sandy Shirla Hamilton, Riverton Bruce Hand, Midvale Norvell Hofeling, Sandy larry Hardcastle, Sandy

Robert Harrington, Midvale lyle Hughes, Sandy Michael lvie, Sandy Bob Ipsen, Sandy Wayne Jones, Butler

Perry Judy larry Dana lynn


Jordan, Riverton Jenkins, Midvale Jensen, Sandy Jeppson, Union Jarvis, Riverton

Class of

1956 Sophomores

Velma Jones, Midvale Joann Jones, Sandy Gladys Jacobson, Draper Paul Jackson, Sandy Dan Jorgensen, Draper

Paul Jacobson, Union Annette Jenson, Crescent Stella Johnson, West Jordan Bruce Jensen, Midvale Bette Jardine, Riverton

Annette Johnson, Midvale Milton Jenkins, Midvale Marilyn Johnson, Riverton Afton Jensen, East Midvale Winslow Jones , Draper

Sharon Janssen, Murray Pat Johnston, West Jordon Linda Jacobson, Sandy Nola Johnson, Sandy Mickey Jones, Sandy

EldaRae Johnson, West Jordan Elaine Jenson, Sandy Doris Jensen, Midvale Annette Jensen, Midvale Arlene Johnson, Midvale


Mark Klotovich, West Jordan Richard Kemp, Midvale Gayle Kidder, West Jordan Joseph Kemp, Crescent Fred Koolhoven, Midvale

Mary Allee Kidd, Bluffdale Dorothy King, Midvale Bruce Lennberg, Midvale Fern Larsen, Bluffdale Margie Leyba, West Jordan

David Lloyd, West Jordan Judy Larson, Sandy Marylyn Lang, Sandy Bob Lee, Riverton Gary Larsen, Butler

Dale Lang, Sandy Neldon Lloyd, Sandy Peggy Leonard, Union Les Lamb, Union Ronald Landers, Midvale

James Labrum, Sandy Karen larson, Sandy Mary loader, Un ion Lois Lefevre, Midvale Calvin lawson, Sandy

Glenna Leek, Union Darlene Lovendahl, Riverton Boyd Mounteer, Midvale Reid Mickelsen, Sandy Jane Marshall, Sandy

Louise Mecham, West Jordan Ethel Mangum, Riverton Joyce Mitchell, Draper Rayma Mitchell, Midvale Joyce Milne, Union

Lorna Millerberg, Midvale Dorothy Morrill, Murray Dian Miller, Midvale Billy Mumford, West Jordan Maxine Markus, Midvale


Class of

1956 Sophomores

DeAna Mickelsen, Draper Karl Miller, Sandy Barbara McKay, Union Willa rd Malmstrom, W. Jordan Geraldine Miller, Draper

Joan McFarlane , Riverton Carolyn Madsen, South Jordan Marilyn McClellan , W. Jordan Charles Minn ick, Draper Timothy Maddox, Midvale

Leland Matthews, Midvale Larry Morgan, South Jordan Svlvia Martin, Draper Edward Miner, Sandy Doren e Mounteer, Union

Lorin McRae, Butler Lois Malstrom , Sandy Lucille Naylor, Sa. Jordan Virginia Nielsen , East Midvale Marilyn Newbold, South Jordan

Kay Nel son, Butler Edna Neff, Union Conn ie Neff , Midvale LeGrand Niel sen , W. Jordan Robert Nielsen , Midvale


Marilyn Nichols, Riverto n Paul Neilson, West Jordon Dan Nelson , Sandy Judy Nielson , Draper Patrie Nemanic, Midval e

Larry Nielsen, Midvale Joanne Nelson, Midva le Kareen Nielson , Sa ndy Marsha Nielson , Sa ndy Nancy Ann Newman, Riverton

Phyllis Nunley, Mu rray Kenneth Oakeson , So. Jordon Frances Olson, Union Franklin Owen , Riverton Rene Olsen, Midval e

DeLoy Osborne, Crescent Kent Olson, Crescent Mary Ann Olsen, Midva le Wade Oakeson, South Jordan Darwin Park, Riverton

LaRue Pedersen, Crescent LuDeen Peterson, S. Jordan Blaine L. Parry, Rive rton Delane Palmer, South Jordon Jenianne Pack, Gra n ite

Hazel Pierce, South Jo rdon Sharon Peeler, Midvo le Lynne Pedler, Butler John Patience, Midvale Arlene Penrod, Sandy

David Poole, Butle r Dee Petersen, Sandy LeRoy Park, Riverton Jack Player, Be nn ion Edward Patience, Midva le

Carla Price, West Jordon Athene Pappas, West Jordon Shirley Ann Park, Riverton Blaine B. Parry, Bluffdale Gayle Poulsen, Midvale


Class of 1956 Sophomores

James Parry, Riverton lruce Rosenhan, East Midvale Kay Rodgers, Sandy Ted Richards, Midvale Joan Rasmussen, Butler

Janice Richardson, W. Jordan Nila Rawlings, Draper Alice Rains, Midvale Nelda Reeves, Draper Penny Reed, Sandy

J.net Rowsell, Sandy Joan Romney, South Jordan Iober! Rawson, Union Ann Roberts, Union Gerl Robinson, W. Jordan

Annette Rawson, Union LaRee Sheriff, Sandy Marvin Smith, Sandy Janice Smith, Draper Gary Smith, Draper

Darlene Steadman, Midvale George Savage, Butler Patricia Smith, Draper Elden Steadman, West Jordon Noel Smith, Draper


Arva Sampson, Draper lichard Schaelling, Midvale Lorna Gail Sjoblom, Draper Dick Shepherd, Midvale l'aul Steinfeldt, W. Jordon

loyden Silcox, Sandy Wallace Stewart, Draper Ianoe Simonson, Sandy Marjorie Sagers, Sandy Donna Searle, Murray

lruce Shrewsbury, W. Jordan Arlene Sheppick, So. Jordan Jerry Stone, Draper Jack Shields, South Jordan Hazel Steenson, Riverton

Marlyn Stout, Midvale LaRoe Smith, Draper Kent Smith, Draper Deon Springer, Granite Shirley Steadman, Sandy

Ronald Smith, Crescent Veri Tapp, Union Lynn Taylor, Granite Jerrie Truhill, Sandy Gloria Thompson, Midvale

Joene Tranter, Midvale Billy Trapp, Riverton Elva Kae Turner, Sandy Allen Taylor, Crescent Audry Thayne, So. Jordon

Fred Tanner, Midvale Bill Turner, Bluffdale David Taylor, Sandy Kay Thacker, Crescent Ardine Toone, Draper

Alan Troester, West Jordon Eugene Thompson, Midvale Jeanette Todd, West Jordon Joe Thorn, Riverton Wayne Thomas, West Jordon


Class of

1956 Sophomores

Shirley Usher, Riverton Afton Van Valkenburg, Union Von Vicchrilli, West Jordan Deeda Van Delta, Draper Warren Vincent, Sandy

Gerard Vanderhooft, Midvale Wayne Vawdrey, Draper Kent Webster, West Jordan David Winn, Butler Michael Wright, Midvale

Geraldine Whitmore, Sandy Daryl Walbeck, Draper Dale Wright, Union Bruce Whited, Midvale lenore Workman, So. Jordan

lynnel Welch , Sandy lee Workman, South Jordan Marlene Wright, Sandy Edith Wilkenson, Butler Pat Weber, Midvale

leici Whetman, Draper Reona Withers, Midvale Floyd Young, Salt Lake City John Zrno, Midvale Donald Zaiser, Midvale


Sophomores Not Photographed - Sharon Aaron, Sandy; David Ainsworth, Sandy; Anita Christ路 ensen, Midvale; Mathew Conrad, Midvale; Ben Cutler, Midvale; Carol Davies, Sandy; David Dooley, Midvale; Reed Frantz, Draper; Lois Goodrich, Riverton; Dale Holt , Sandy; Allen Horsley, Draper; Kay Hardy , West Jordan; Ronnie Jones, Sandy; Russell Mace, Crescent; Reed McCormick, Union; Jerry Mecham, Union; Lorry Mounteer, Union; Lyla Lee Nielson, West Jordan; Chris Nogales , West Jordan; Georgia Osborne, Riverton; Sandra Payne, Sandy; Carol Peterson, River路 ton; Ronald Pratt, Draper; Alice Rains, Midvale; Janet Rawlings, Midvale; Janice Rawlings, Midvale; Dorothy Smith, Sandy; Lloyd Taylor, Draper; Melvin Timothy, Midvale; Lynn Unck, Murray; Sheri Walker, Union; Carolyn Wright, Sandy.

Sophomores As Seen

by the Candid Camera

Zada Johnson, Edith Wilkinson, and Leona Withers mount their fiery steeds and gallop through the halls as an initiation stunt for Ridina Club.

Evelyn Day, Doris Jensen, Carolyn Erekson, and Annette Jen1on take advantage of the spring weather to eat lunch aut of doors.

Sophomore Lloyd Graham submits to being tested by senior psychology class.

" Time for the belli" decide Jessie Kay Greenwood, Argene Adams, and Mickey Jones as they come in out of the sun路 shine.



"We ll , just a little taste!" says sopho路 more Carolyn Erekson to senior Paul Hellstrom taking time off for a snack at the Center. "Two chocolate peanuts and , a pencil, please," says soph lyle Hughes, as Ted Richards waits his turn at the busy bookstore.

" Don 't throw it!" warn Pat Johnston, Nelda Whetman . "You know very well that snowballs are against the rules!" Reeves and leici

"Getting to know you!" sing a chorus of sophomore girls os they ore being squired around the donee floor by some junior boys on Getting Acquainted Day.

Future Grid iron Greats don their suits in a pre-practice shot. They are Richard Shepherd, Bruce Hand, Robert Harr ington, Pot Nemanic, and Charles Downs.


82 Dreams and Ntghtmores Post the Size of Dreaming.

Yearbook Staff Completes Yearbook Managing editor, Douglas Dahl somet imes becomes frustrated and fran tic at errors that creep into proof.

Ruth Miles, bus iness manager and typist, also helps out with the dummy.

Paul Hellstrom and larry Beers, pane ling a nd clubs, ore bu sy checking the spelling of names .

Wanderers Settle Down For the first time the yearbook staff has a home ! Not very large in fact, the whole staff cannot get in at once, let alone sit down but it's ours . Made from a discarded office of the ag department with a door cut through to the hall, it's not much yet to brag about, but certainly a refuge . A second -hand table and typewriter, a brand new filing case and five sumptuous chairs, a new waste basket and pencil sharpener, and our own old cabinet and paper -cutter - and we are sitting on top of the world! No more scowls from the student body officers for being in their room! No more wise-cracks and shoving around from Benny's Boys! We've come into our own!


Kendall Phelps, photograph er, check s prints with Alan Newbold, os 路 soci ete editor ond arti st.

Though during third period most of us flit hither and yon on assignments and errands, taking and hunting pictures, still , like homing pigeons we have a place to come bock to . Not much to look at. No heat, no windows, no ventilation, and the walls need painting, but we love it. Squaring up pictures, sheering off paper, searching in the files, mapping out the dummy, polishing our copy, pecking at the typewriter, sharpening our pencils, we get mixed up and jostle, but no one even cores. It's home and it's ours. We even have a key to keep it locked I

YEARBOOK STAFF Ta lking over thei r year's assignments are lowell Ashman , carniva l assistantmanager; Janet Burns, ca lendar and index; Sandra Casper, copy; Sophie Andondakis, carn ival ma nager; Barbara Bjork , Fads and Fashions and index; Robert Satovick , sports editor.

Dream of Making a Yearbook Becomes Nightmare YEAR BOOK SA LESMEN Elain e Jen son , Ge rald ine Sund , Arl e ne Haun , Connie Rae lloyd, Rosemarie Schm idt, Sandra Ca sper, lowe ll Ashman ,

Gayle Pi xton , Gayl e Kidder, Rita Se tterbe rg, JoAn n Bag ley, Pat Fillgerald , Vivian Fergu son. Not present for picture Mary lou Mad sen. Each one selling seventy-five books gets one free.


Broadcaster Keeps School Informed Veli e Wri ght, the Broadcaster 's managing editor , checks proof far the printer.

Elaine Ross, assistant business manager, and Ma ria n Forbu sh, business manager, plan ads .

Associate editors, Con nie Rae lloyd , Joan Le Fevre, and Gera ldi ne Filher run through the paper ta see if all is well .

Broadcaster Pictures School in Action The Broadcaster, Jordan High School 's Newspaper, aims to present a complete picture of the school in ac tion; to be the mouthpiece of the student body; to offer students an opportunity to do journalistic writing; and to create a greater unity among the student body, the school, the home, and the community . Under the supervision of Miss Oralie Rawson and Joseph Bowman, the staff publishes ten issues per school year. Five of these are six - page editions, three containing junior high school inserts and the other two being the Christmas and final editions . The remaining five papers are four pages each.


Kent Marlar, sports ed1tor, sca ns his copy w ith Ken da ll Phel ps, photog路 rapher.

This past fall Broadcast er was awarded its fourth International Honor Rating by the International Quil l and Scroll Society for High School Journalists. In addition, the staff gained the "A" Achievement Award for rendering service to the schoo l above that demanded of regula r staffs. The publication is also a member of the Scholastic Press Association and the Western States Pacific Slope School Press. The staff encourages and urges all students to contribute original , worthwhile material and, if interested. to try out for staff positions .

JOSEPH BOWMAN 'S JOURNALISTS Row One: Norenne Cook, Lois Row Two : Brent Stephens, Noel Taylor, Paul Caine, Fay Morse, Roberta Wood, Pat Grone, Joyce Faurschou, Marie Anderson, Janet! Detomasi, Ozancin, Donna Lloyd, Arlene Haun, Betty Ann Ennist, Kendall Bunnell, Nelda Moon, Deanna Wenerstrom, Mary Agnes Jacobson, Tracy Wilson. Kendall Phelps.

Row One: Sue McMullin, Noreen ORALIE RAWSON'S JOURNALISTS TeS!'er, Pat Phe lps, Renee Sorenson, Shirley Price, Gayle Pixton, Elaine Greenwood, Judy Sy lvester, Norma Giles, Velma Gonzalas, Charlene Kay. Row Two : Harrison Pedro, Rosemarie Schmidt, Lynn Haws, Ann

Simpson, Joanne Bird, Barbara O'Brien, Sharon Spears, Annette Hudson, Merilyn Bishop, Eve lyn Drake. Row Th ree: Douglas Brown, Gene Crawford, Ronald Brown, Tommy Stoker, Blayne Labrum, Lowell Ashman, Paul Caldwell, Don Milne, Mi.s Rawson.

SENIOR REPORTERS Seate d : Denece Johanson, Robert Sotovick, Robert erly Proctor, Mary Lou Madsen. Not in photograph, Nancy Ann Sjoblom. Dunn, Paul Hellstrom, Janice Jensen. Stand ing : Della Fern Cooper, Bev-

Courier Gives Opportunity for Expression To Would-Be-Writers and Artists

Editors Joanne Stromberg ond justly proud of their Courier.




A necdotes Added to Courier The Courier, Jordan's Iiterary magazine, was distributed to the students in the last part of April. Under the direction of LeMar Hendrickson, the staff has been busy all year editing and checking copy in an effort to publish the best of what Jordan has to offer. Many students in Jordan have a talent for some form of cre ative writing, and the Courier has provided an excellent outlet for their talents. This year's issue features a variety of stories, poems, and a new page of anecdotes entitled " Jordan Jests '' Looking with pride ot their finished mogozine ore Ann Lundberg, ossocio!e editor; Carene Spilker, essoy editor; Pat Ball, short story editor. Emalie Adamson, poetry editor, obsent.

Also pleosed with their yeor 's work ore LaMar Walbeck, Alan Newbold, ond Duane Scott, ortists; ond Rosemary Minar, Vicky Ann Showell ,


Glenda Anderson, ond Joana Tranter, editonol ossistonts. Absent lrom picture ore Rochella Booth ond Pat Phelps.

Debaters Place Four Tearns in Finals Seven Teams Qualify The Jordan debaters climaxed the season by placing 4 teams in the state finals at the University of Utah. During the year, the 32 debate teams met Murray, Weber, and Wasatch Highs in practice debates. The big event of the year was the Weber College debate tournament at Ogden on March 26-27. All of the teams had a chance to participate in this meet, and 17 students placed in the finals - 2 teams in men's A, 4 in women's A, 2 in the "B" division, and 1 boy in extemp. The regional elimina-

tion tournament was at Jordan on March 10, with debaters from Olympus, Granite, Carbon, and Jordan . 7 Jordan teams qualified for the state meet, but as only 4 are permitted from each school, an elimination tournament was held. As a result, Nancy Sjoblom, Emalie Adamson, Robert Satov ick, Douglas Dahl, Denece Johansen, Janice Jensen, Kendall Bunnell, and Duane Loveless, represented Jordan at the state meet debating the question: " Resolved that the President of the United States should be elected by a direct vote of the people."

SENIOR TEAM - Row One : Doug 路 los Dahl , Coach Phil Goldbronson, Venesso Crawford, Shrymo Hen 路 dr ickson , Jan ice Jensen , Emel ie Adamson, Nancy Ann Sjoblom , Corene Sp ilker, Mary Lou Madsen . Row Two : Tony Mohler, Lowell Ashman , Enniss Berrett, Kent Mar lor, Robert Dunn , Robert Sotovick, Kenneth Roden , Arden Thorum.

JUNIOR TEAM- Row One: Sharon Spears , D. Anno Despa in, Peggy Ann Kirton , Shirley Price, Pot Phelps, Betty Ennist, Sondra Cosper , JoAnn Bagley, Helen Anderson, Kendall Bunnell , Duane Loveless, Rees Jensen. Row Two: Glendo Graham, Colleen Porker, Lynn Tripp, Vickie A~n Showell, Rosemary Miner, Coach C. N. Crawford, Allen Hoopiion io, Eric Nystrom, Don Blomquist, Martin 0 ' Keefe , Gene Crawford .

SOPHOMORE TEAM Row One : Glor ia Glines , LoPrielle Davis, LuDeen Peterson , Audry Thayne, Bar baro Brody , Edward Pat ience , Bruce Hand, Willard Malstrom , David W inn , Joseph Kemp, Edward Miner , James Estepp. Row Two: Judy Lorson , Jan ice Boir, Gayle Kidder, Pot Fitzgerald, Koreen Nielson , Li ndo Jacobson, Lynne Pedler, Gayle Farnsworth, David Brown , Bruce Wh ited, Morlan An drus, Sherman Day . E. L. Crawford is coach .


''January Thaw'' Chosen for School Play


Tony Ma scaro the perplexed father, Mr. Gage, and Con nie Rae Lloyd , the pe rfec t mother of Sarah.

Douglas Dahl , as Uncle Walter, who keeps the fami ly 1n farmal, Joanne Stromberg as Martha, and Arden Thorum as Jonathan Rockwood.

Gary Greer as M att, the Rockwood's wa y ward son, Nancy Ann Sjoblom as vivacious Barbara, and Kent Vincent os the kind, practica l George.

School Play Is Romantic Comedy by Roos Miss Betty Zieve, dra mat ics instructor, chose f or th is year's schoo l p lay " Ja nu a ry Th aw ", a side-splitting ro mant ic comedy by W ill iam Roos. Comed y, rom a nce, qua int, d ry New Eng la nd hum or kee p t he a udience interest ed a nd amused. W ell -cast , capab ly d irected, t hey all did th em se lves prou d . Besides th ose in th e pictu res, Frank Anselmo played shyst er lawyer Loomis, a nd lowell Ashman, a po licema n.

Speech Students Enter Olympus Meet

student director; Patty Ann Parker, the maid; Ruth Darton sitting Vicky Parker, as the unprediCtable Sarah; and Lorna Millet as Pau la.

ONE-ACT PLAY- Nola Atwood as Wi l la , tells the gi rl s that she has to take her cousin to the dance. Barbara O ' Brien as Libby, Ada Ga i l Lipsey as Sally, the dormitory proctor, and Della Fern Cooper, the b io logy major, who becomes a glamor g~rl.


At th e Dra ma a nd Interpretive Sp eech M eet at Olympus High in Apr il, th e speech stud ents t ook pa rt in story t elling , dramati c a nd hum oro us read ing s, a nd pa ntomim es. The dra mat ics class a lso presented a on e- act play , " A ccent on Rev eng e," a rib -ti ck ling comedy by Fred erick A . M cCu e.

ONE -ACT PLAY lo is Neff, student director; Carene Spilker, as M ary, With no boy friend; Iri s Wheadon , who was a page out of 'Vogue ' untd the proctor made her look' like a scare-crow; and Janet Burn s, who wonders wha t to do with two da tes for the same dance.

"One Still Night" Written by Connie Rae Lloyd and acted by the dramatics class, under the direction of Miss Ruth Noall, instructor, " One Still Night", a Christmas play, was presented to the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers at Midvale on December 17. It was part of a Christmas party.

Legion Oratorical Contest The theme of this year 's American Legion Oratorical Contest is "The Rights and Privileges of an American Citizen ." Contest finals at Jordan Were held in the auditorium on February 17 where Robert Satovick won first place, Edgar Hoopiiania second, and Sally Beckstead third. Three speech classes took part in the contest as did others interested. Robert also came out first in the district contest at Murray on March 1, where he competed with orators from Murray and Olympus . Again at the regional finals at Provo, he won a place in the state finals at Jordan on March 16.

Author Connie Rae Stromberg, Corene sen, Nolo Atwood, Neff, Janet Burns ,

Lloyd gives instructions for her Christmas ploy. Row One: Joanne Spilker, Vicky Porker. Row Two: Ado Gail Lipsey, Mary Lou Mod¡ Tony Mascaro, Fronk Anselmo. Row Three: Barbara O ' Br ie n, Lo is Arden Thorum , and Alan Newbold.

I Speak for Democracy "I Speak for Democracy" is the theme for the ninth annual " Voice of Democracy " contest, Which took place during the week of November 6. Speeches had to be prepared in the form of radio scripts. Winners who represented Jordan a1 radio station KMUR in the district contest on November 17 were Edgar Hoopiiania, who won a Bulova wrist watch for first prize; and Rosemary Miner, Pat Fitzgerald, and Charlyl"' Russell, who were awarded honorable mention . Edgar 's speech was based on the " Lord's Prayer ". The contest is sponsored by the West Jordan Jaycees .

CHR ISTMAS PLAY- Ruth Darton, Kent Vincent, Arlene Holt, Della Fern Cooper, Patty Ann Parker, and lri• Wheadon practice for their performance for the Daughters of the Utah Pio neers at Midvale.

f '

ORATION WINNERS Edgar Hoopiion io, second; Solly Beckstead, third ; Robert Satavick , first. American Legion contest.

Edgar Hoopiionio , shows the girls the wrist watch he "'VOICE OF DEMOCRACY"' won as first prize in the KMUR contest. Other winners are Row One : Rosemary M iner, honorable mention ; Corene Spilker, 2nd (a $50 bond). Row Two: Pot Fitz gerald and Chorlyn Russell, honorable mention .


Traveling Assembly Portrays Life on Mars In 'Out of This World'

Joanne Stromberg vibrates for the Barbara Bjork waits for the spotlight.

" Let's put the motion before the house," soy Anna Brady, Marilyn Johnson, and Ja net Burn s as they come in before the interplonetorians.




Colleen Be ckstead, Shirla Jones, and lois Bec k stead prove to the Martian s that Earth barbarians can really harmonize.

D. L. Pond and Royal D. Madsen help Frank Anselmo hook up his batteries. Lowell Boberg and Don Parr counsel in the background .

William Erekson recites o thrilling adventure from "South of the Border", while En niss Berrett and Robert Satovick listen enthralled .

11 Performances Given

Practicing for the opening night are Mike Veranakis, Ruth Darton, and Rita Setterberg.

"Out of This World", the 1954 traveling asst:.mbly, wound up the season with a total of 11 performances. Two casts of P'=rformers resulted in more students having a chance to take part. Lowell Boberg wrote the script and theme song for the production, a science -fiction type of story. A group of entertainers are whisked away from Earth and find themselves among strange creatures on Mars . However, the visit proves entertaining for the group from Earth and from Mars. The Dance Club presented the dances at all the performances, with all of the girls working together to develop the Plutonic Dance, and the beautiful Can-Can. Most of the talent for the assembly was picked from the Amateur Hour at the first of the year. The cast is composed of 90 students, including dancers, Earth barbarians, Mars atomic creatures, orchestra, and stage crew. The premiere performance was given at Jordan for the Boys Club and their parents.

Faculty Directors lowell Boberg, Chief Ben Bruse , Assistant Yvonne Schofield, Dances J . Clement Crapo, Mus ic Betty Henderson, Costumes Donald J . Parr , Dialogue Murray Allen, Decorations Donald Olsen, Decorations Royal D. Madsen, Lighting, Sounds James L. Seal, Sets Solos Janet Gammell Rita Setterberg Joy Fullmer Mike Varanakis Trios Colleen Beckstead Shirla Jones Lois Beckstead

Schedule Dec. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 2 Feb. 4 Feb . 5 Feb . 12 Feb. 15 Feb. 23 Mar. 2 Mar. 2 Mar. 3

Parents & Sons East High East High Union Jr. High Murray High Davis High Olympus High Granite Jordan students Jordan students Lark P.T.A.

Shrymo, Sharron , Deanna Hendrickson Tap Dances Johnny Erekson Karen Burkinshaw Sandra Casper "South of the Border" W il liam B. Erekson D. L. Pond

Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Denece Johanson, and Douglas Dahl, leaders of the group kidnapped from Earth, are greeted by Robert Satovick, king of the Martians .

Main Earth Characters Denece Johanson , Bubbles Ann Lundberg, Bubbles Douglas Dahl, Tom Tony Mascaro, Tom William B. Erekson Janice Jensen Dixie Kearsley David Poole Rita Setterberg Dean L. Pond Kay Arnold J eon Stocking

Orchestra Judy Beckstead Mary Lou Madsen Ruth Darton Rosemarie Schmidt Marjorie Lloyd And others

Main Mars Cast Rosemary Miner, Highness Venessa Crawford, Highness Robert Satovick, lgbay Eelwov Arden Thorum, lgbay Eelway Enniss Berrett Alvin Lipsey Kent Vincent Fronk Anselmo Robert Dunn Rayola Thompson Ada Go i I Lipsey Judy Sylvester

Student Committee Pat Boll Joedy Ball Robert Dunn Doris Jensen Margene Orr Chad Rosenhan

Director Lowell Boberg fastens a Martian nose on Carol Stocking.


Twirlers. Marian Glover, Annette Hudson, La路

Trice Walters, Joanne Stromberg, Gayle Pol路 son.

The Band Marches, Plays, and Forms Patterns Strike Up the Band ! Everybody loves a parade and a band marching. And, besides, look at the sharp patterns our band can make! These are some of the half-time stunts during football season. On October 30 they acted out "The Beverage Show." Staggering on the field to the tune of "How Dry I Am," they broke into a 180 step march and formed a beer barrel, an old well, a teacup, a milk bottle, and then a little jug all to complementary music. They finished by staggering off to the " Beer Barrel Polka " . Everybody was amused and delighted.

Anchors Aweighl A Salute to the Service Men.

The Milk Bottle

The Tea Cup

CONCERT BAND - Row One: !clockwise) Owen Minnick, David Eastman , Arden Thorum , Gayle Kidder, Robert Bentley, Michael Wright, Grant Landis, Mary Howlett, Janice Richardson, Sue McMullin , D. L. Pond. Row Two: Vickie Ann Showell, Rosemary Miner, Sheila Ham ilton, Cherry Gold , Gory Greer, Jerry Sharp, Rees Jensen, Eric Nystrom, John Romero, Richard Wellington, Penny Rodmoll, JoAnn Cook, James Campbell, Albert Brunelli, Gerold Fisher. Row Three : Mary Agnes Jacobson, Wayne Ernstrom , Floyd Young, So ll y Jean Beckstead, Fern Larsen, LeGrand

Nielsen , Dorrell Beckstrom, Floyd Aldredge , Dav id Dooley, LeRoy Page, Cheri Fitzgerald, Morlan Andrus, Arlene Beckstead, Dick Shepherd , Harvey Gaster, Paul Jacobson , Richard Hogan . Row Four: Nelda Moon, Belly Ann Ennist, Pot Milligan, LoRieto Freemon, Orson Kesler, John Pat ience, Lindsey Brody, Tracy Wilson , Lorry Stout, Noel Taylor, director J. Clement Crapo , Brent Anderson, Gayle Polson , Marion Glover, Joanne Stromberg, Annette Hudson , Lolrice Wolters, Charles Minnick . Dennis Bateman was absent.

Concert Band Has Full Program

Pep Band Adds "Oomph" to Games

The Concert Band had a very busy season. Besides the usual run-of-the-mill band chores, they gave an outstanding Spring Concert at Jordan on March 25 with the orchestra and chorus. Then on May 13 they joined Granite and Olympus in an elaborate Band Festival at Granite_

"Your pep! Your pep!" What is it that has pepped up the games, added that certain "oomph" to the half-time activities in basket ball season, and given all-around service in building up spirit in pep assemblies? None other than the Jordan High School Pep Band.

PEP BAND Row One : Orson Kesler, Gory Greer, Charles Minnick. Row Two : Dick Sheoherd . Horvev Gaster , Paul Jacobson, Noel Taylor,

Jerry Sharp, Gerold Fisher, Albert Brunetti, John Romero. Row Three: Rees Jensen, Eric Nystrom , Tracy Wilson, Lorry Stout, Brent Anderson, Michael Wright.


'Messiah' Given Eleventh Performance

A chorus of 230 voices, 4 so loists, end o 20 -piece orchestra toke port in Jordon 's eleventh annual " Messiah ."

Different 'Messiah' 路Staged This year for the first time in its eleven per formances at Jordan, Handel's " Messiah" had no reading parts . All the so los were sung by Ray Brimhall, tenor; Mrs . Mildred Gibbons, con路 tralto; Earl Morris, baritone; and Janet Gammell, soprano. As usual, the famous orator io was given twice in the high school auditorium - on Sun 路 day, Dec. 20, for the public, and again on Dec. 23, for the students . Supporting the soloists were a choru s of 230 voices and a 20 -piece orchestra . Concertmaster was Judy Beckstead , with Robert Cundick, organist; Kendall Bunnell , Gary Larson, and Ivy Beckstead , accompanists. The Jordan Seminary, in co -operation with the music de part 路 ment sponsors the presentation . C. Clement Crapo is the director. THE STRING QUARTET and Marjorie Lloyd .


Judy Beckstead , Sharon Curtis , Jeanine Greenwood ,

Orchestra Performs Public Service

ORCHESTRA Clockwise, Row One: Judy Beckstead, Sharon Curtis, Marlin Steinfeldt, Karma Chamberlin, Marjorie Lloyd, Ray Bateman, t\rgene Adams, Jessie Greenwood. Row Two: Sue Gibbons, Rosemarie Schmidt, Sally Beckstead, Marie Godfrey, Jerry Sharp, Gary Greer, Gary

Larsen lot piano). Patricia Smith, Clifta Crane, Jane Marshall. Row Three: Mary Howlett, Janice Richardson, Sue McMullin, Paul Jackson, Robert Bentley, Grant Landers, Richard Hogan, Pauline Schmidt, Jeanine Greenwood . Sta nding: Tracy Wilson, J . Clement Crapo !director). Bruce Rosenhan, Charles Minnick, Dan Losee, Lindsey Brady.

Orchestra Plays Many Roles No organization performs more public service than does the orchestra. All musical programs, all stage plays call for the orchestra. It is an integral part of the "Messiah." From this group comes the string quartet, that plays at ;onferences and conventions, at institutes and Ward entertainments, for clubs and at weddings. On March 25 it gave a Spring Concert at Jordan with the band and the chorus. [The chorus )lso took part in a chorus Festival at Jordan on ~pril 29 with Granite and Olympus.) On May 26 the orchestra went to Olympus to be part of m Orchestra Festival with that school and Grante. There was never a dull moment throughout he year for these musicians. Ready to start the concert are Richa rd Hogan, bassoon; Gra nt Landers, French horn; Dan Losee, tympani; Robert Bentley, French horn; and Lindsey Bra dy, bass viol.


Carnival Proves Bonanza for Yearbook Clears Nearly $800 Everybody Has Fun The annual yearbook carnival is a gala event for the students of Jordan and of the junior highs . Allowances are saved for weeks. Goodies to eat, games of chance, things to do - an evening of excitement! Money for the yearbook, and everyone has fun! Every organization has a booth or a pro ject - even the faculty an hilarious side -show. The evening ends with a drawing for prizes and the crowning of Mr. and Miss Jordan - this year Paul Caldwell and Pat Padjen . Lucky ticket holders get a waffle iron, a turkey, or a box of candy. Prizewinning booths were Press Club 's Cake Walk, Leaders Club 's Fortune Telling, and Deco's Popcorn. Sophie Adondak is, manager; Lowell Ashman, assistant; Wanda Wade, faculty chairman. At the bock of the gym is the Press Club 's " Coke Walk " booth , which won first prize .

High Tibeten Muckie Muck C. N. Crawford tells all at the faculty sideshow. The others ore Dick Gourley, Lowell Boberg, and R. S. Peterson.

Paul Caldwell and Kent Burgan oct as

Ray Oliverson and Stanley Sharp toke the spotlight in the

faculty ballet.


The star ballet of the faculty side -show.

pin boys in the student 路 body booth.

Gloria Gillen and Carol Davies ore ready for horseshoe en thusiasts at Riding Club booth .

The lineup starts for Dees booth .

s:~ood i es

at the Jay

DECA Studies Business Procedures

DECA Row One: Jeanine Greenwood, Vera Nelson, Jo Ann Forbush, JoAnn Rasmussen, Barbara Cole, Ardis Butterfield, Joanne Stromberg, Lorry Beers, Jerry Juretich, Raymond Whittenburg, Anna Brady, Betty Beecroft. Row Two : Beverly Lawson, Mary El len Delgado, Georgia Pappas , Diana Butterfield, Marian Holman, Mary Covington, Frances Cov-

ington, Emogene Berrett Leonard , Beverly Proctor, Mary McCarthy, Jack Purser, Gene Savage. Row Three: Darlene Lloyd, Verlaine Bateman, Ruth Humes, Kareen O'Brien , Pat Ball, Rollie Hall, Lynn Pierson, Arvin Mineer, JoAnn Kinight, Lucille Pazell, Darlene Brown, Robert White. Row Four: Iris Wheadon, Joan Millerberg, Marilyn Moore, Carolyn Swapp, Janet Burns, Shirley Schaelling.

DECA studies selling and merchandising. 20 members have jobs in the community and the others are hoping. They sell popcorn at games, sub for Santa, and usually Win a prize for their carnival booth - this year third. In the spring they have a chicken dinner and party at a canyon or at Saratoga and also attend a state convention . F. B. Thomas is sponsor.

Language Club The more than 100 members of the Language Clubdrawn from Spanish, French, and German classes- sub for Santa, sponsor a carnival booth, have two all-club Parties, several section ones, and write to foreign pen Pals. Sponsors: Golda Fraser, Lowell Boberg, Laura Gardner,

Renee Henschke is recording her voice with a German story, while Tony Mahler and LaVon Haws wait their turns.

DECA OFFICERS Pat Ball, reporter; Rodney Butterfield, 2nd V. P.; Marilee Swenson, secretary; and Iris Wheadon, 1st V. P.; plan activities in the absence of president Jeanine Greenwood.

LANGUAGE CLUB OFFICERS Arranging for a party are Janet Torkelson, rep., Marilyn Hughes, rep .; Roland Arterburn, trees .; Carl Rosenkranz, secy. ; Ruth Darton, pres ., and Lynn Haws, V. P.


Masque and Gavel Trains in Speech Activities

MASQUE and GAVEL Row One : Deanna Mickelsen, Doris Jensen, Lynette Jensen, Lois Neff, Connie Rae Lloyd, Tony Mascaro, VaLaine Pack, Rosemary Miner, Vickie Ann Showell, Kendall Bunnell, Duane Loveless, Janice Richardson, Karen Burkinshaw. Row Two: Cher'l Fitz gerald, Joan Romney, Mary Lou Loader, Shirley Price, JoAnn Bagley, Sondra Casper, Gayle Pixton , Peggy Ann Kirton, Le ici Whetman, Jani ce Smith, Norene Cook, Pot Smith, Mary Howlett. Row Three: Afton Jensen,

Janice Boir, Kareen Nielson, Linda Jacobson, Marlene Hess, Sondra Mitchell, Potty Parker, Ann Lundberg, Linda Sabey, Pat Phelps, Rees Jensen, Eric Nystrom, Edward Miner. Row Four: Mary Lou Madsen , Corene Spilker, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Janice Jensen, Emelie Adamson, Denece Johanson, Douglas Dahl, Kent Vincent, Arden Thorum, Janet Burns. Row Five: Robert Dunn, Shyrma Hendrickson, Enni•s Berrett, Vanessa Crawford, Carla Jensen.

Club Wins Prizes Of the numerous activities supported by Masque and Gavel, one-act plays, school play, debate, orations and interpretive speech have topped the agenda this year. Their Christmas play, written by one of their members, was put on at Midvale for the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers. Their orators, debaters, and broadcasters have won prizes in competition with other schools. Although each year new activities have been added, the annual highlight is the initiation of new members, who must each give some type of speech or reading . The club subs for Santa and sponsors a booth at the carnival. They close the year with a banquet at which the next year's officers are installed. The advisers are Lucille Tuttle, Betty Zieve, and Stanley Sharp. low One : Lois Neff, treasurer; Nancy Ann Sjoblom, secretory; Connie Roe Lloyd. vice -president; Emelie Adamson , president. Row Two: Lindo Sabey, sgt. at arms; Rees Jensen, historian; Robert Satovick, parliamentarian ; and Denece Johanson, re· porter.


NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE Row One: Coach Phil Goldbronson, Vanessa Crawford, Shyrma Hendricksen, Janice Jensen, Emelie Adamson, Douglas Dahl, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Corene Spilker, Mary Lou Madsen, Helen Anderson . Row Two: JoAnn Bagley, Vickie Ann Showell,

Betty Ennist, Sandra Casper , Robert Dunn , Robert Satovick , Boyd Roos, Arden Thorum, Rees Jensen. Row Three: Rosemary Miner, Duane Love less, Lowell Ashman, Enniss Berrett, Gene Crawford, Martin O ' Keefe, Eric Nystrom .

Forensic League Gets National Charter Club Ta kes Part in Forensics Members of the National Forensic League represented the school in every forensic activity of the year. The league is an honor society, and is, therefore, limited for membership to those who have excelled in some form of speech activity. Projects of the club include oratory, debate, legislative forum, extemporaneous speaking, and service speeches. Members have participated in the Weber Debate Tournament, the Regional Debate Tournament at Jordan, the District Forensic Tournament at Granite, and the State Forensic Finals at the University of Utah. Other activities included a panel discussion at the Midvale Ladies Community Club, a debate at the Midvale Kiwanis Club, and various service speeches throughout the Jordan district.

FORENSIC LEAGUE receives its new national charter. Holding it is secretary Denece Joha nson, and beside her are Robert Satovick, president; and Janice Jensen , v ice president. Advisers C. N . Crawford, Phil Goldbranson, and E. L Crawford look over their shoulders.


Charlonians Promote School Spirit

SENIOR CHARLONIANS Row One: Connie Burgan, Dixie Keorsley, Maryann Rasmussen, Koreen O ' Brian, LoNilo Maynard, June Soderberg, Ruth Dorton , Janice Jensen, Chorlyn Russel, Lois Neff, Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Faye Lloyd, Emelie Adamson. Row Two : Dar lene Brewer, Geraldine Fisher, Eris Egbert Young, Sophie Adondokis, LoDee Norris, Jeanine Greenwood, Vera Nelson, Mary Boggess, Iris Wheodon, Bernice Quin·

tono , Marilyn Johnson, Jeanette James, Mary Lou Madsen . Row Three: Carolyn Swapp, Luana Lunnen, Denice Johanson, Joy Goff, Coleen Beck· stead, Betty Ruth Fitzgerald, Ethel Terry, Sondra Fitzgerald, Shyrmo Loy Hendricksen, Vanessa Crawford, Janet Duffin , Shirl ne Day, Geri lyn Brody. Row Four: Joanne Forbush, Barbaro Bjork, Janet Burns, Normo Steadman, Lois Beckstead, Shirlo Jones, Marilyn Berrett.

Initiation Day Is Fun Charlonian initiation day, always a day of fun, is sometimes looked forward to for years by pro· spective members. Even though they must d ra g through the day as odd and unflattering characters doing unheard-of tasks, they seem to love it. The more they suffer, the tougher they will be when their turn comes. At the end of the day, haggard and weary, they are brought by an older "sister'' to the impressive candlelight ceremony, and with shining eyes take the oath that makes them full· fledged members. Any girl of good character and a B class average is eligible. OFFICERS Chorlyn Russel, secretory; Sondra Scoffleld, re · porter. Row Two: Lindo Sabey, vice president; Rosemary Miner. historian; JaniCe Jensen, president.

Club Has Many Activities Throughout the school year this snappy girls' pep club of 92 members builds up enthusiasm, team spirit, sportsmanship, leadership, and friendship. Clad in maroon and grey uniforms, designed by Lynn Tripp, the pepsters parade the halls and classrooms every Monday; and at football and basketball games, where between halves they entertain the fans with marching formations. Like other pep clubs, to encourage a better understanding between schools, they hold a tea for visiting girls before each home basketball game. They also act as ushers whenever they are asked. In addition they sponsored a "Fish Pond" booth at the carnival, donated Christmas cheer for a needy family of the district, and in the spring held their Charlonian Ball to which they invited former members , athletes, and class and club officers. Advisers: Helen Seaman, Lucille Tuttle, Oralie Rawson, Mrs. Marilyn Olsen.


CHARLONIANS Row One: Sharon Spears, Ann Lund:,erg, S er~ldine Sund, Kathleen Boker, Shirley Price, Sondra Cosper, Sondra field, Gayle Pixton, Peggy Ann Kirton, Deanna Despain, Rosemary J~ner, Vickie Ann Showell. Row Two: Pauline Schmidt, Sue McMullin, Yce Dansie . Marilyn Bishop, Glendo Anderson , Jane Goff, Mary Agnes


HONOR CHARLONIANS - Row One : Rosemarie Schmidt, Janice Price, Shirley Price, Judy Sylvester, Geraldine Sund, Janet Torkelson, Merilyn Bishop, Glendo Anderson, Ann Lundberg, Peggy Ann Kirton. Row Two: Koren Sanders, Carmen Lloyd, JoAnn Bagley, Lynn Haws, Sondra Cosper, Helen Anderson, Pauline Schmidt, Gayle Pil<lon, Judy Beckstead, Rosemary Miner, Sharon Curtis, Jean SlOcking.

Jacobson, Judy Sylvester, Carmen Lloyd, Delores Lunnen, Koren Sanders, Lynn Tripp. Row Three: Marlene Corok, Colleen Spratling, Lindo Sabey, Arlene Houn, Ann Simpson, Lynn Haws, JoAnn Bagley, Donna Lou Lloyd, Janice Price, Joyce Fourschou, Penny Rodmoll, Rosemarie Schmidt. Row Four: Marilyn Brody, Helen Anderson, Sharon Curtis, Jean Stocking, Judy Beckstead, Janet Torkelson.


FFA Are Future Farmers of America

Robert Wilson, president of FFA (center) shows his Stor Former plaque to Lynn Greenwood, secretary (left); ond Jerry Falrbourn, vice president.

Studying the internal workin 路s of the cow ore Ross Folrbourn, Gory Egbert, Jack Cov路 ender, and Jay Fullmer.

Club Aim Is to Learn by Doing Endeavoring to encourage members in the development of individual farming, to build confidence in boys for their work and to give them a chance to benefit from their hard work is the aim of the Future Farmers of America. Each year they place exhibits in local and state fairs and win many prizes; they attend important livestock shows and farm improvement cars. In October they sent Howard Mitchell, Bob Wilson, and Glen Fairbourn - winners of the State Crop-Judging Contest to Kansas City to the National FFA conference. They make rat poison and distribute it free to the county; they initiated a Farm Safety Campaign for the county; they furnished a needy family provisions for a happy Christmas. Socially they sponsor the Harvest Ball, the Parents and Sons Banquet, conduct initiations, purchase club jackets; and in summer tour California. Glen Soulier, their sponsor guides them. They learn by doing.

l 04

District Awards Howard Mitchell Carl Raymond Gray Scholarship Jock Cavender, Robert Wilson State Former degree winners. FFA public speaking winner Bruce Whited Robert Wilson - Farm mechanics winner Duane Olsen Poultry winner Calvin Spratling Soil and water management winner Jock Doy Dairy award winner FFA Chapter Applicant for Gold Emblem Award (Top chapter in stole in FFA activities)

Chapter Awards h..)bert Wilson Chapter Star Former Jock Cavender Senior Stor Farmer Glen Palmer Junior Star Former Delay Osborn Sophomore Star Farmer Jock Day Chapter Star Dairy Former Duane Olson Chapter Star Poultry Former Bruce Whited Public Speaking Colvin Spratling Soil & Water Management Reed Stanley Farm Safety Robert Wilson Form Mechanics Rura l Electrification Rodney Wm . Butterfield -

Bottom Picture FUTURE FARMERS Row On e: Adviser Glen Soulier, Nolen Smith, El· ~y Morrill, Doren Dansie, Joy Fullmer, Gory Egbert, Jock Cavender, Woword Mitchell, Jerry Foirbourn, Gerold Gedge, Ross Foirbourn, Robert D ils~n. Row Two : Poul Nichols, Clyde Hamilton, Colvin Spratling, George Afr"Sie, Eldon Forman, Merlin Steinfeldt, Dick Doy, Rodney Butterfield, red Nelson, Lynn Palmer, Reed Stanley. Row Th ree: Gront Dohl, Duone 01 J sen, Noel Green, Lynn Greenwood, Robert Wilkinson, Nool Hordcostle, Shmly Fratto, Glen Foirbourn, Sharon Peterson, Jock Day, Rulon Wilcox, e don Steadman.

FUTURE FARMERS - Row One : Adviser Donald Budge, Lynn Crone, Reed McCormick, Harold Allen, Jerry Hamilton, Howard Allen, Eldon Stead· man, Paul Steinfeldt, Fronk Owen, Reed Frontz, lloyd Taylor. Row Two : Floyd Aldredge, Curtis A lverson, Deloy Butterfield, Kent Webster, Robert Bailey •. Bruce Whited, Michael Bailey, James Bell, Michael Gordner, Roy Butte rf1eld, Dorwm Parks. Row Three : Blaine L. Parry, Dole Wright, LaMar Davis, Allen Taylor, Wallace Stewart, Noel Smith, Lorry Coldwell, Von Vichrilli, Ronald Smith, Reed Butterfield, Dole Beckstead, Delay Osborne.


FHA Aims to Improve Family Living Working towards their goal of improved home and family living and enjoying it, the Homemakers, under the direction of Mrs. Louise Tew and Miss Betty Henderson, carry out their aims. A party for new members and election of officers at the beginning of the year, then roses for Principal 0. D. Ballard during FHA Week, and a skating party with the FFA are some of their activities. On Feb. 11, which preceded an important basketba II tussel with West the next night and regular school the next day, they started their Sweethearts Ball early at 8 o'clock. Its climax was the coronation of the king and queen, and a floor show. Filling out the year's activities are the regional convention and banquet-slumber party April 17 at Cyprus High.

Row One: Barbaro Co le , historian; LuGene little, president; Solly Winn, vice president; Ethel Terry, treasurer. Row Two : Beatrice Hill, parliamentarian; Sondra Fitzgerald, song leader.

Future Homemakers of America

Row One : LuGene little, Beverly Hilton, Frances Covington, Mary Coving ton, Barbaro Cole, Marion Holman, Marilyn Berrett, Betty Olson, Darlene Eyre, Marjorie Sagers, Pot Phelps, Nelda Moon, Carol Bollschweiler, Solly Winn. Row Two : Gloria Gillen, Carol Davis, Beth Humes, Koren

Larsen, Elva Kay Turner, Catherine Bishop, Dorothy King, Jean Jones, Renee Beck, Jean Gilbert, Annette Hudson, LoTrice Wolters . Row Three: Adviser, Mrs. Louise Tew, Carol Atkinson, Ruth Humes, Shirlene Roby, Goy Shelton, Ethel Terry, Maurine Allen, Francine Bernardo, JoAnn Holt, Ruth Miles, odv1 ser Betty Henderson .

Row One : Joon Winn, Beverly Hilton, Koy Shelton, Sherry Tomlinson, Koren Lorson, Kay Turner, Gayle Poulson, Marsha Nielson, Charlene Naylor, Grace Graham, Marian Glover, Sandra Casper, Pat Crane. Row Two : Vonda Boggess, Charlene Kay, Noreen Tester, Roberta Ozancin, Carol Bollschweiler, JoAnn Hawker, Marjorie Lloyd , Marie Godfrey, Jeanine Greenwood, Jessie Greenwood, Argene Adams, Carla Benson, Jone Marshall . Row Three : Sandra Mitchell, Merlene Hess, Glenda Anderson, Janice Sm1th, Nilo Rawlings, Barbara Allen, Kathleen Hansen, Sandra Nelson, Judy Larson, Jenianne Pack, Elaine Jenson, Geraldine Whitmore, Penny Reed. Row Four: Shirlene Neuffer, Carol Anderson, Dorothy Jex, Marlene Wright, Linda Jacobson , Koreen Nielson, Pat Fitzgerald, Viola Reich, Zada Johnson, LoReto Hill, Genielle Evans, Shirley Steadman.

Jay Dees Row One : Joyce Bluemel , Sharon James, Carol Wood , Rifa Setterberg, JoAnn Forbush, Vera Nel son, JoAnn Rasmussen, LaDee Norris , Coral Nunley, Donna Montague, LaNila Maynard , LaPrielle Davis, Gloria Glines . Row Two : Janice Miller, Ruby Darius, Helen Reich, Dorothy Morrill, Barbara McKay, LaRue Pederson, Joyce Mitchell, Nelda Reeves, Joan Millerberg , Marilee Swenson, Dixie Allen, Rene Olsen, Gloria Brown. Row Three : Betty Hawker, Dorothy Webster, Mary Lou Loader, Deanna Denn1s, Nancy Ann Newman, Deanna Wenerstrom, Deanna Hendrickson , Jane Gaff, Sharon Bracken, Arlene Penrod, Carolyn Madsen, Arlene Beckstead, Ruth Eastman. Row Four: Lois LeFevre , Joene Tranter, Arlene Beckstead, Renee Henschke, Karen Burkinshow, Marilyn Hughes, Mary Ann Gordner, Pot Dahl , Co ria Price, Judy Nielson , Betty Ennist, Norma Giles. Row Five : Virg inia Carson, Afton Jensen , JoAnn Jones, Ardell Jones, Charlene Townsend, Sheron Busenbark, Ann Lundberg , Judy Haun, Claudia Hansen .

Dog Patch Drag Climaxes Social Season The activities of the Jordan Debutantes are numerous and varied a turkey dinner, followed by a program and initiation ceremony; a Christmas visit to the Infirmary with a program, carols, and for each of the old people a stocking filled with Christmas candy; on March 5 an afternoon of bowling; for literary stimulation a book review by Helen Kimball; and on Oct. 3, a Paris Com pany Fashion Show. On April 16 they were hostesses to their dates at their annual date night, with dancing, games, and refreshments. The final social event is the Dog Patch Drag, where the students let down their hair - wear levis and cotton dresses and transform the gym into a page from ''L'II Abner." The climax of the evening is the crowning of Daisy Mae.

PRESS CLUB Row One: Marion Forbush, Elaine Ross, Detto Fern Cooper, Beverly Proctor, Joan LeFevre , Connie Roe lloyd, Geraldine Fisher , Iris Wheodon , Nancy Ann Sjoblom , Barbaro O ' Brien, Arlene Houn . Row Two : Adv iser Oralie Rowson, Pot Grone, Shirley Price, Donna lloyd ,

Koren Burkinshow, Ann Simpson, Lynn Haws, Betty Ennist, Velie Wright, Arden Thorum, Tracy Wilson, Rosemarie Schmidt. Row Three: Janice Jen 路 sen, Denece Johanson, Pot Phelps, Winnie Moe Bills, Mary lou loader, Gayle Kidder, Tony Mascaro, Kendall Phelps, Norene Tester, Jeanette James, Sue McMullin .

Journalists Form Press Club and Quill and Scroll Talking over the new J Books ore Ve li e Wrig ht, president; Rosemarie Schm id t, vice president; and Win nie Mae Bill s, secretory.

Press Club Binds Broadcasters The most ambitious accomp lishments of the journalism clubs this year have been gath路 ering and binding every edition of the Broad路 caster from Nov. 2, 1924, to May, 1953, and compiling and printing the J Books . Every Tuesday morning, as Station JHS, they broadcast to the school the weeks outstanding news. Press Club members who meet certain standards form Quil l and Scroll. Sponsors Oralie Rawson, Joseph Bowman, and LaMar Hendrickson. QUILL and SCROLL Row O ne: Delta Fern Cooper, Beverly Proctor, Joan LeFevre, Connie Roe Lioyd, Geraldine Springer, Iris Wheodon, Nancy Ann S1oblom. Row Tw o: Marion Forbush, Elo1ne Ross, Jan ice Jensen , Denece Johanson, Velie Wr~ght, Arden Thorum , Jeanette James .

Row One: Karl Glover, Lowell Ashman, Frank Anselmo, Robert Satovick, Kent Vincent, Lee Vordas, Ray Bateman, Edward Miner, Duane Loveless .

Row Two: Rees Jensen, Larry Stout, Enniss Berrett, Eric Nystrom , David Sager, Douglas Brown , Nile Mcfarlane , Douglas Dahl, Nephi Fitzgerald, Robert Dunn, Thomas Stoker.

Key Club Furthers Citizenship Ideals Members Work to Be Good Citizens Furthering the citizenship ideals of members is the purpose of the Key Club. All their activities focus on this point. They sponsor a Safety assembly; sell programs at games to add to the fund for a new scoreboard; give a turkey dinner on Christmas to a needy family of the district; solicit funds for crippled children ; have a booth at the carnival, wh ich they call the Gambling Casino; sponsor Career Day, whose purpose is to help students choose a vocation - on April 16 this 路year. Each year with East, Granite, and Murray Key Clubs, they give a ball at the Avalon. This summer they sent Robert Sato vick and Robert Dunn to Los Angeles as delegates to the National Key Club convention . This service club's members are easily identified by the royal blue sweaters with the Key Club insignia. On ini tiation day new members wore across the chests a K - E - Y and on each ear, a small K. James Seal is their adviser.

Planning Career Day ore Robert Dunn, secretary, larry Stout, treasurer; Robert Satovick, president; and Rees Jensen, vice president.


Dance Club Dance Club Entertains Furnishing talent for many of the social events of the school year fi II out the evergrowing and always busy schedu le of these popular dancers. The top-notch coaching of /l.\i 3s Yvonne Scofield has helped make this Dance Club one of the finest of its kinds.

DANCE CLUB Row O ne: Margene Orr, Vera Nelson , Sandra Casper, Barbara Bjork, Janice Hughes, Darlene Brewer, Ruth Darton , sponsor Yvonne Scofield, Lorna Millet. Row Two : Coleen Beckstead, Janet Gammell, Margie Larson, Roberto Morgan, JoAnn Stromberg, Ardis Butlerfield , Shirley Schaelling, Joan Davis, Anna Brady. Row Three: Pot Grone , Grace Graham , Marilyn Johnson, Iris Whecdon , Ardell Jones, Barbero O ' Br ien, Janet Burns, Gerilyn Brady.

Athletic Club Is Lettermen DAN CE CLUB OFFICERS Jan1 ce Hughes, Ruth Darton, Ali ce Bu sh, Darlene Brewer.

ALL LETTERMEN Row O ne: Robert Satovick, Robert Dunn, secretary Shields, Edward Jenkins, Glen Mooseman, Clyde Grover. Row Three: David Hogan, vice president Gory Hale, pres ident Don Whitehead , Gary Edward Brown, Lindsey Brody, Dan Losee, Norman Coleman, Bob Hirose, Walker, Jim Dumas , Lee Jensen, James Jensen, Gerald Naylor, M ax Frank Lucas, David Bolliger, Richard Carlson, Val Greenwood. Row Fou r: Antczak, Ronald Baker. Row Two : Paul Coldwell, LeMar Wclbeck, Roland Rodney Butterfield , Nile McFarlane, Harold Morley, Arnold Angle, Larry Anderson, Kenndall Bunnell, Robert McNamara, LaMont Smith, David Beers, Henry Ashby, Gary Beers, Gordan Millerberg, George Brklacich, Raymond Whittenburg . Adviser, Dale Sorensen.

Leaders Club Orients Girls Organized to help Jorda n girls have more fun, Leaders Club is composed of girls holding important offices a nd sev eral from each grade. Their main act ivities w ere a party Feb. 25, a date dance M ar. 18, 2 lectu res - M ar. 4 and A p ril 15 - , a t rip to Timpanogos M ay 22, and a summe r ca nyo n wo rkshop. M rs. Evelyn Wood - sponsor.

Row One: Lois Beckstead, Betty Bi lls , Ann Lundberg, Connie Roe Lloyd, Sophie Adondokis, Coleen Beckstead , Carol Anderson, JoAnne Stromberg . Row Two : Maryann Ras mussen , Sondra Scoffield, JoAnn Bagley , Jan ice Jensen , Jeanine Greenwood, Vera Nelson , JoAnn Forbush , VaLa i ne Pack, Patty Parker. Row Th ree: Meri lyn Berrett, Sandra Casper, Pat Phelps, Beatrice Hi ll , LuGene Little , Connie Anderson, Gerald ine Whitmore, Carolee Walker, Judy Houn . Row Four : Doris Jensen, Lorna Sjoblom, Nancy Ann Newman , Kathy Gray, Judy Beckstead, Sue Gibbons, Joan Romney, Pat Ba ll, Conn ie Burgan .

Ta lking over the summer camp ore lo is Beckstead , presi dent; Janel Torkelson , secretory; and Judy Bill s, v ice presi dent of Leaders Club .

Ready to plan a trip to the slopes ore Gary Greer, presi dent; Marilyn Joh nson , secretory ; and Ma x Antczak , v ice President of the Ski Club .

Ski Club Grows in Popularity Jordan Ski Club had a strong entry in the knudson Cup this year and placed high in the finals . They make a weekly trip to Brighton With an occasiona l overnight stay. Arland Russon is the sponsor of the club, which is ever growing in popularity.

Leaders Club Ski Club Row One : Don Blomquist, Richard Despain, Ray Bateman , sponsor Helen Seaman, Gary Larson, Gary Greer, Mari lyn Johnson, Max Antczak , sponsor Yvonne Scofield, Bryan Yates, Neldon Bateman. Row Two : Robert Dunn, Tommy Stoker, L<Jrry Jensen, Fred Koolhoven , Rosemary Miner, Carla Lou Jensen, Barbara Linnarz, Richard Hogan, Richard Fullmer , Gerald Jensen , Brent Anderson . Row Three : Joyce Carson, Joan Winn, Gloria Brown , Beverly Hilton , Jeneanne Pack, Jeanette James, Di xie Kearsley , Janice Jensen, Maryann Rasmussen , Luana Lunnen, Sandra Fitzgerald . Row Fou r: Clair Jensen, Robert Newman , Jack Synder, Joan Millerberg, Mari lee Swenson, Deanna Dennis, Nedra Wardle, Linda Sabey, Janice Ca rson , JoAnn Bird .

Sports C

A picnic on the beach of Grea· Salt Lake-swimmi ng, eating, anc getting salty and sunburned - , c shooting ga llery at the carnival, c roller skating and bowling party al Koller 's and the last party of th e year for the f un-loving Sports Clu b, swimming at the M un icipa l Poo l, Glen Sou lier, sponsor; Tracy W ilson, president; James Glover, vice-pres · ident; Kendall Bunne ll, secretary. Row On e: Ann lundberg, Karen Beckstrand Marian Glover, Beverly Hilton, Gloria Brown Barbara O' Brien , Tracy Wilson, Jimmy Glover Kendall Bunnell, Jan ice Carson . Row Two Shirley Usher, Patsy M ill,gan , ladine Peter son, Joyce Ebert, Nedra Wardle, Marilel Swenson , Joan M illerberg, Frank larson Charles Walker, Betty Ennist, Carla Jensen Ro w Three: Nola Atwood , Colleen Rawson Darlene lovendahl , Betty Jardine, Joan Farlane, Marin Beck, Marilyn Johnson, Jud) Bills, Bruce Rosenhan , Barbara llnnarz.


Benny's Boys With the aim of bolstering the male cheering voices, creating an active interest in athletics, promoting civic welfare, and encouraging more good, clean fun, the newlyorganized Benny's Boys Club has done much to enliven the ha ll s at Jordan . Sponsor Ben Bruse. Officers Gordan Mi llerberg, Gary Beers, Gerald Jorgenson, Ne ldon Bateman, Paul Helstrom, Harold Morley. Row O ne : Gary Hale, Ralph Gibbons, Wal ·

lace Haun, Henry Ashby, adviser BennY Bru ce, Val Player, Arnold Angle , Don Testor, larry Beers. Ro w Two : Harold Morley, Rich · ard Hogan , Jay Beckstead, larry Brklacy. George Brklaci ch, Raymond Whittenberg, Lo· Mar Walbeck, Paul Hellstrom. Row Three: Nil e Mcfarlane, larry Asay, Pearl Pol lard. Gary Beers, Jerry Jorgensen, Neldon Bate" man , Gordan M illerberg, Richard Fullmer.

Riding Club Rarin ' to go and eager for the trails with only one party to its credit but a full schedule ahead the Riding Club was slowly dis· continued because no one was wi ll ing to act as sponsor. Pres ., Wini· fred Madsen; vice - pres ., Ada Gai l Lipsey; sec ., Mary Lou Allsop; hist .• Georgia Pappas . Row One: Renee Jackson, BeHy Griffith, Ad~ Ga ll Lipsey , W inn1fred Madsen, Mary Lo,., Allsop, Deana Pappas, Nola Atwood . Ro 8 Two : Leana Olson , Joan M illerberg , Morde Swen son , Reono Withers, Sharon Ham,lton~ Colleen Rawson . Row Three: Bob Wh ite , Gen Savage, Vicky Parker, Zodo Rae Johnson• Ed ith W ilkinson , Gloria Gillen.

Boys Club

Girls Club

Boys Club Tries to Adjust Problems of Members

Every Girl Should Take Part in Activities

. JAB offers a helping hand to boys who find trouble tn adjusting to school problems. They sponsor a Thanksgiving dance, co-sponsor with the Girls Club a Christmas Party, and bring their parents as guests to a Night Out With refreshments and a preview of the Traveling Assembly. Frank Kamnikar is the adviser.

JAG tries to get every girl in school to work on at least one committee or be on a program during the year. They have a Big Pal - Little Pal party, a Mothers & Daughters Night Out, a Fathers and Daughters Night Out, a Senior Tea, a Thanksgiving dance, and give a card to every girl on her birthday. Evelyn Wood is the adviser.

Secretary l . . •rt M ee Jensen, V1Ce·pres1dent lloyd Graham, and President Rob<Narnara talk over Boys Club bus iness.

Boys Cl b ~obert ~ representatives get together. Soph Ted Richards and junior mart. Senior Gary Walker absent.

Planning their Fathers & Daughters Night. Vice-pres. Jessie Pres . Betty Ruth Fitzgerald and Secy. Karen Sanders.


Closs representatives . Soph Sally Beckstead, seniors Beatrice Hill, Jeanine Greenwood. Junior Joan Naylor withdrew.


They Rule at Dances by Popular Vote

Mr. and Miss Jordan Demure Pat Padjen and grinning Paul Caldwell ruled the Yearbook Carnival as Mr. and Miss Jordan . Each of the clubs worked hard, hunt路 ing contributions and depositing money, in an effort to make their candidate the winner . As a result, the yearbook made money, the Charlonians and FFA saw their candidates in office, and everyone en路 joyed himse lf.

Pat Padjen


Harvest Queen Lovely, blue-eyed Mary Covington was crowned Queen of the Harvest Ball at the a nnual da nce under the auspices of the Future Farmers of America. The contest featured 17 girls, each sponsored by one of the clu bs of the school. Voting was do ne on a penny-a-vote basis, a nd the winner was a warded a beautifu l rhi nestone neck lace.

Sweethearts Ball King and Queen The annual FHA Sweethea r!'s Ball was climaxed by the awarding of the crown of King and Queen to Droney Smith and Joyce Nun ley. The candidates, spon sored by the Joy Dees, were chosen by a secret ballot omong the students. Draney Smith

Joyce Nunley

} /


11 5

Some Dreams Come True in Honors Won In the Amateur Hour contest, the Hendrickson sisters w i n third place with their tria, at left, Deanna , Sharron. Kendall Bunnell wins f irst with his p iano sola , and Wm. B. Erekson second with his reading . Shyrma Hendrickson absent.

Kendall Bunnell and Betty Ruth Fitzgerald, co -chairmen of Jordan Junior Red Crass, spend 1 0 days at Flathead Lake , Montana , at Red Crass Convention . Th is is the box Jorden sent to Korean school children .

H Rl

W i nners in FFA State Crop Judging Contest get trip to Kansas City con vention in Oct. the third consecutive year for Jordan . Robert Wilson, Glen Fairbourne, Dan Losee !who stayed in school for football) and Howard Mitchell. I.

Robert Satovick wins Ameri . can Legion oratorical can · test in school, district, and region .

Kent Vincent chosen as Jordan 's rep · resentative to the 3 · day Rotary Club conference in Salt Lake .


FFA Winners of Special Honors. Jack Cavendar, State Farmer, Calvin Spratling, Sail and Water Management; Duane Olson, Star Poultry Farmer; Robert Wilson, State FFA Pres1d nt, State Farmer; Howard Mitchell, Carl Gray Scholarsh1p; Bruce Whited, Area Public Speaking, Jack Day, Star Deify Farmer.

Donald Olsen w i ns $60 1st place prize far prof. 1n oil and $250 pur · cha se pnze at 1953 State Fair . Also invi ted to exhibit or San FranCISCO Museum of Art.

Bruce Hand flies to Detroit as no · t1onal flfst · place winner w1th hiS lady ' s leather purse . Ford Motor Company leader-craft contest.

Nancy Ann SJoblom wins 5th place in the state in th e notional "Em ploy the Physically Handicapped" essay contest.

Kent Marlor wins superior rating for sports writing of the U of U Sportswriters and Photographer's Clinic.

Douglas Dahl and Robert Satovick win 3rd place in Weber Debate Tournament.

Enniss Berrett admires medal he wins by placing second in extemp speaking at Weber Invitational Debate Tournament.

Betty Ruth Fitzgerald and Robert Dunn oct as counselors at the Paris Company th is summer.

Adm~ring the Jordon sweepstakes trophy won the the State Debate Tournament, ore Edgar Hoopiiana, oration: Nancy Ann Sjoblom, Emalie Adamson, debate: Arden Thorum, Helen Anderson , extemp.

1953 Senior Awards Art and Stagecraft: Nada Anderson, David Bean, Lee Brady, Joan Davies, Patricia Grover, Bryce Howlett, Char lyn Johnson, Dorothy Lee, Roy Lien, Mae Mangum, Janet Merrill, John Nystrom, Tommy Oaks, Garr Vincent. Athletics: David Bean, Gary Bolliger, Lee Brady, Dennis Brown, Melvin Brown, Glenn Cundick, Dale Densley, Gaylen Gissm.an, Blaine Griffin, Harvey Hansen, Everett Hatt, Glenn Htll, Charles Jarman, Curtis Jenson, LaMar Johnson, Dovi? Jones, Roger Lepore, David Lien, Jerry McCleary, Gary Mttchell, Blaine Nielson, Donald Orr, Ernest Peterson, H.oward Pierson, Vaughn Rasmussen, Lawrence Ray, Jay Rtchardson, Rowen Schmidt, Morris Thomas, Garr Vincent, St~nley Wright. Bills Award : Curtis Jenson . BYU Scholarship: Charlene Bailey, Ann Grover, Marva Jeanne Kimb_all. Citizenship: Dorothy Parkin, Rowen Schmidt. ForenSics: LuDawn Casper, Glenn Cundick, Myrna Lee Dowding, Gary Fitzgerald, Patricia Grover, Glenn Hill, Charlyn John~on, Marian Mortensen . FFA: James Abbott, James Dahl, A arvey Han sen, Sherrill Schouten, Merlin Smith. G.r ay b Ward: Merlin Smith. Green Award: Marva Jeanne Ktmall. Jenson Award: Lawrence Ray. Music: Ronald Allgood, Frank Anselmo, Charlene Bailey, Joy Beckstead, on Brady, Roy Brinton, Ruel Brown, Marilyn Boyce, Germano Busato, Glenn Cundick, Myrna Lee Dowding, Sheila

Fitzgerald, Norma Gehring, Aleene Graham, Blaine Griffin, Ann Grover, Pat Grover, Glenn Hill, Bryant Holman, Laura Joan Joseph, Charlyn Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Rodney Maxfield, Kaye Mickelsen, Earle Morris, Tommy Oaks, Donald Orr, Dorothy Parkin, Charles Pierce, Rowen Schmidt, Marilyn Stoffers, Joan Torkelsen, Garr Vincent, Paul Wilcox. Press Club Award: Ruby Seito. Publications: Charlene Bailey, Roy Brinton, Marva Christensen, James Dahl, Jean Evans, Robert Griffis, Laura Joan Joseph, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Ruth Kritzer, Marian Mortensen, Charles Peeler, Joan Schmidt, Gayle Wright. Scholarship: Mary Jean Cartwright, Glenn Cundick. School Spirit: Kay Winn, Ray Youngberg. Speech: Charlene Bailey, Gary Bolliger, Glenn Cundick, Gary Fitzgerald, Blaine Griffin, Charlyn Johnson, Marva Jeanne Kimball, Joan LeFevre, Valena Leonard, Marian Mortenson, Shirley Olsen, Donald Orr, Ted Pierce, Joanne Pixton, Marilyn Stoffers, Garr Vincent, Kae Winn, Gayle Wright. Student Body: Marilyn Boyce, Charlene Crapo, Norman Gehring, Ann Grover, Glenn Hill, Marilyn Milne, Tommy Oaks, Lawrence Ray, "Rowen Schmidt, Gordon Sharp, Kae Winn, Stanley Wright. Tribune Award: Marian Mortensen. Vincent Award: Vaughn Rasmussen.


Gary "Hair" Hale shows to advantage his beautiful port.

Raymond Whittenberg. Roy's the envy of Jordon for his dark curly locks.

Wally Haun shows off his shorp路looking flat路top.

Fads and Fashions Men's Styles Are Coming into the Limelight No longer do men's styles take a back seat. Today they are just as prominent as the fashions of the fairer sex and seem to be chosen with just as much care. Sweaters seem to be holding their own in teen's dress. Sweaters appear in a variety of eye-appealing colors. Something new has been added in the sharp looking British imported trench coats which some of the femmes think very manly. Black has suddenly become very popu lar, in shoes, belts, shirts, sweaters, and the off-black charcoal slacks. The manly hair styles are not to be ignored either. The flat top with the long sides seems to be the favorite. Today taste and good grooming seem just as important to the guys as to the dolls.

These three guys represent the elite among the well 路dressed. Dee Butterfield, Neldon Bateman and Terry Kastanis .


Not to be outdone the bays also model the latest in sh 00 styles for men.

Sandra Casper shows the advantage s of natural curl y hair in he r cute bru sh up .

Connie Burgon models a little longer but popular style.

Maryann Olsen went wild with the scissors on th is cute cut.

Of Girls and Boys Many Cute Fashions Appear about the Halls The gals are stealing men 's clothes again . The man tailored shirt blouse, cuff - links, and white bucks appear frequently around the halls as do also sweaters in distinctly different styles and colors - mostly by Jantzen. Very popular are straight skirts and the sweater twin, the Jantzen knit skirt. Felt seems to be the most soughtafter fabric for circular skirts, although wools and corduroy are also popular. The pleated plaids are a bright note on dull winter days paired with some cute jerseys and blouses. Short hair is definately the fad brush cuts, poodle s and short straighter styles. Most girls wear white shoes although colors are still good - mostly by Joyce . The smart - looking gal chooses for accessories White collars, a variety of belts and the choker necklace.

Th ese g irl s put th e ir best foot forward showing the foot Wear of the year.

Janet Burns, Marian Glover, and Norlene Green model the three lead ing fash ions in '54 .


The Camera Catches Some Typical Activities


In an impressive ceremony, student officers initiate students com路 1ng 1nto the Jordon district for the first t1me .

Sweethearts Ba ll decorati ng looks like fun for Anne tte Hud son, Elva Turner, Eldon Fore man, Glenn Pa lmer.

Showing "classy" sty les of 1920's for their mothers are Shirle y Schaell ing, Darle ne Brewer, Ruth Darton , Iris Wheadon .

Michael Adondakis, courageous sophomore.

Parents come to school to pinch hit for their offspring. Mrs. Ken neth Du nn, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Sjoblom , Mrs. Mark Satovlck.

lynnelle Ba ir gives f1nol touch to Betty Ol son 's formal for Fashion Revue .

Robert Satovlck & Dunn , l. A. delegates for Key Club.


bring cokes for Dads to 1udge. " Don't mind

The Harvest Boll -

FFA ' s " Down on the Form".

Popular refreshment booth at Junior Prom.

" Cutting a fine rug " at the annual Senior Hop.

Pep Stunt

Chorlonians bring partners to Charlonian Ball.

• •


Cheers and Challenges Such Thongs as Dreams Are Made Of

Cheer Leaders Jordan路 s seven snappy cheer leaders kept t he sc hoo l cheering as a u n it. Their ma roon and g ray u nifo rms were an encou rag in g sight on field and f loor. They never fa ltered, whet her leading a victory song, or cheering t he team on in defeat. A l ways they exemp lified t he Jordan spirit of pep and sportsmanship . Coll e en Be ck stead Head Cheer Leader

Will is Beck ste ad


Ralph Gibbons

Robe rta Morgan

Val Playe r

Ann Brady

Deo Bu llerfie ld

Football Diggers Win Second Place in Big 9 League Working as a team, the Jordan Beetdiggers fought their way to second place in the Big 9 . Although the Diggers began the season with a defeat (East 34 -7) they soon got started and couldn 't be stopped. The first vic tim was Carbon as the Beetdiggers crushed their hopes With a 40 -21 victory . The following week the powerful squad met the Titans of Olympus on their own field and rolled over the goal line 4 times. With the two extra Points, they cinched the game with a 26-0 win. Then came the game that all had been waiting for - West vs. Jordan. On a rain -soaked field the two teams battled each other with victory in sight. As the bumping of heads ended when the final gun went off, the two teams had battled into a stale-mate with a score of 13 - 13. The next week on a bright and sunny day, Davis journeyed to Jordan. This game was Jordan all the way; but the fighting Darts almost tied the game. Jordan withstood the onslaught and won 20 - 19. The final game of the season was with Jordan 's rival, Granite. It is said that if Granite beats Jordan, it has had a successful season, and visa -versa . If this is true, Jordan's season has been the best ever. The Diggers won 19-0 and ended in second place with West.

Head Coach Dale Sorensen , Ray Ol iverson , Grant Martin and Art Hughes have done a superior job

this year. Coach Sorensen, as line coach, has built a forward wall that could not be penetrated. Coach Oliverson has developed the backfield w ith constant p ractice to hit hard and drive for touchdowns. Coach Martin has trained the juniors so well, a nd Coach Hughes the sophomores, that they looked forward to making the varsity work to beat them. These expe rie nced and capable coaches have made this year seem very much worth-while. Co路 Capt. Robert Satovick, Senior, AII 路State Tackle Co路Capt. Harold Morley, Senior, 3rd Team, AII 路State Halfback


Varsity Football Scores Pre-Season September September

12 18

Jordan Box Elder

September October October October October October November

25 2 9 16 23 30 6

Jordan Carbon Jordan Jordan Jordan Davis Granite

0 0

at at

Pocatello Jordan

25 14

at at Bye at at at at

East Jordan

34 40

Olympus West Jordan Jordan

0 13 20 19

League 7 21

26 13 19 0

Nyle Mcfarlan e, Sen ior All -State Fullba ck

Don Wh itehead , Senior

Regular End

Regular Guard

Henry Ashby, Senior

Robert Hiro se, Senior

2nd Team All -State Tackle

David Hogan, Senior

Regular Halfback

Regular Guard

Diggers Tie with West for Second Place

Over the line for a touchdown goes Harold Morley, with the slaughtered piled up behind him.

Edward Brown , Senior

Robert Dunn, Senior Regular Guard

Robert McNamara, Senior Regular Center

Jerry Juretich, Senior Regular Quarterback

Paul Caldwell, Junior Regular End

Lee Jensen, Junior Regular Quarterback

LaMont Smith, Senior Letterman Tackle

East is clobbered at the line of scrimmage .

Four of the Squad Make All-State Tearns

Gary Walker, Senior Letterman End

Dan Losee, Senior Letterman Guard

James Dumas, Junior Letterman Halfback

James Jensen, Junior Letterman Halfback

Allen Campbell, Junior Letterman Fullback

Roland Anderson Senior Letterman Center'

Arnold Angle, Senior L IIerman Halfback

Frank Lucas, Junior Lettermo n End

Managers, Jerold Gray, Joy Fullmer, Howard Glad.

Junior Football Scores Pre-Season September



September October October October October November

24 1 15 22 29 5

Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Granite





at Bye at at at at



League 6

2 27 7

Olympus West Davis Jordon

0 0

15 First down and goal to go for the Diggers against Carbon in hard 路 fought game .

Juniors Fight Hard but Have Only Two Wins Although the junior squad fought hard this year, they managed to win only two games . In their first game with Lehi, they came out on the short end of a 12-0 score. On the following week with East, they failed to come through with a second touchdown and lost, 12 -6. But they seemed to be gaining strength all the time. The

game with Olympus they won by forfeit, as Olympus could not round up enough men for a team . At the peak of their strength for the season, the squad crushed West with a 27 -0 win . In their final game with Davis - a close one all the way - Davis came out with a 15-7 lead, leaving Jordan with only two games to its credit.

JUNIOR SQUAD Row One: Manager Joy Fullmer, Jerry Pierce, Blaine Labrum, Ronald Baker, Manager Howard Glad, Tommy Stoker, Ray

Lucero, Everett Nelson . Row Two: Mickey Jones, Norman Coleman , David Lloyd, Floyd Young , Gerald Naylor, Leonard Cleland, Jerry Webster .

Sophomore Football Scores Pre-Season Sept!"mber



September October October October October October November

24 1

Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordan Bountiful Jordan




at at Bye at at at at





15 22 29 5

0 23 27 12 0 6


Davis South Jordan East

20 0 6

7 1B 32

'Good luck next year," say '53 co-captains, Robe rt Satovick and Harold Morl e y, to leaders, l ee J e nse n and Paul Caldwe ll . Coach Dale Sore n se n looks on.

1 ew

Sophs Lose Only Two Games

The hard-fighting sophomore football team ended the season wi t h on ly two losses. Like the Varsity, the sophs lost their first encounter, 20-0 with West, but ra l li ed to be one of the strongest teams in their league. They trounced Springvi lle by a score of 19-0. Then they forced Granite to taste defeat, romping over them by a score of 26-0. The fol lowing week the squad met Davis and rolled The Sophomore Squad Lines Up Row One: Don Derricolt, Delay Osbourn, Burt Anderson, Ronald Bergman, Floyd Graham, Vaughn Vicchri ll i, Bob Campbell, Bruce Hand, Carl Miller, Harvey Gaster . Row Two : Dec Petersen, Claude Brown, Jock Player, Robert Morgan, Dove Tay lor, Charles Downs, Bruce Whitehead, Gory

to a 26-7 win. The next to fa ll before their rush was the soph team from Sout h as Jordan took the victory 13-6 in their closest game of the season. The next game found Jordan playin g Bountiful. It was Jordan all the way, wi t h the fina l sco re 18- 0 fo r Jordan. Then came the crucial game with East for t he championship. Although the Diggers fought hard, t hey came out on the sh ort end of a 32-6 score. Clark, lyle Hughes , Lorin McRae , Albert Brunelli , Kenneth Cakeson, James Labrum, Calvin lawson . Row Th ree: Coach Art Hughes , Billy Heaps, Boyd Baker, Kent Smith, Wayne Jones, Bruce Rosenhan, Arden Bowers, Boyd Monteer, Mark Klotovich, Ralph Bnnton, Siewert Crossgrove, Pat Neman1ck, manager, Kendall Bunnell.


Basketball Jordan Goes Through Entire Season Undefeated The mighty Beetdiggers mode a formidable name for themselves in the cage world this year. Setting manY records, they put the win mark at 29 straight, made the highest tournament score to date with 73, and placed all 5 starters on the all -state mention rolls, 3 on the 1st team . The tall Digger center led the state scorers with a 21 .7 per game average and set the tournament po int record at 71. The season began with a bang as 2 Region One teams met defeat 3 times. Box Elder fell 66· 33 in the opener, and later 42 -37; Weber lost by a 62-31 margin. In the Elko, Nevada tourney, Jordan rolled past Fallon, the 1953 Idaho state champions, 68 -39, and post a good Elko team 65 -25 . Heading down south 2 days later, Jordon downed South Sevier, the 1954 state B chomps, 51-40, and Richfield 65-33, to cop both of those invitotionols. Playing the final preseason game NeW Year 's night, the Diggers defeated Springville 61 -36. Opening the Big -8 League games at Granite, Jordan belted the Formers 53 -33 . Provo fought hard only to lose 51 -3 9; Davis displayed a good scoring punch but fe ll 52 -46; Granite again was clouted 67 -49; East tumbled in the field house 47 -39; South showed much class and 0 good eye, still losing 66 -5 5 . West caught the Diggers napping but a fighting spirit handed the Panthers a 46· 41 loss. Olympus found Jordon " hot " - to lose 58 -39· Davis hod much home court prowess, however, "control boll' gave Jordon a 50-44 win and the Big 8 crown· Provo hit well, still they took home a 70-54 defeat. Bein9 the first Jordon team to go through a season undefeated, the '54 Beetdigger crew was certainly one of the finest.

The Jordan basketball coaching staff, ably headed by clever Art Hughes and his hard -working assistant, Ray Oliver san and Grant Martin, garnered a lion's share of w1n s thi s season. Roy Oliverson, the newcomer sophomore coach, made an impressive name for himself this years as he led his boys to a 6 win · 4 loss record. Junior coach, Grant Martm , di rected his crew to a 10 win . 5 loss season - a fine record . Varsity coach, Art Hughes, " the old master" , guided his star studded team to 21 stra igh t wins and another state cha mpionship. These, along with 1953 team 's late season 8 -gome victory skein, set a new high school record at 29. Art, who hos been at Jordan only 5 years, has brought home 3 champion· ship and 1 second-place trophies . Gordon Millerberg, Co-Captai n Sen1or, Forward, All State George Brklaclch, Co-Ca pta in Senior, Forward, All Stale · 2nd Team


1 Ray Whittenberg, Senior

Gary Hale, Senior

Forword, Lettermen

Guord, All Stole

James Petersen, Junior Guord, Lettermen

Gary Beers, Senior Guord , Regulor

laMar Walbeck, Senior

Guord, All Stole Hon. Men .

Amid tumultous clopping, Cooch Art Hughes sums up the seoson for the chomps. Victory flowers were compliments of Glen Socos, on olumnus.

Monogers Jerrold Jenson & Eddie Jenkins , both juniors, discuss the Big Success of the 1954

Varsity Basketball Scores State Tournament

Big Eight League January January January January January February February February February February

8 .......................... Jordan 15 .......................... Jordan

53 51

at at

Gran ite Provo

22 .......................... Davis 25 .......................... Granite

at at

Jordan Jordan



at at

Jordan West

39 66 41


46 49 47 55 46 39 50

at at

Jordan Davis







29 5 12 15 19 26

.. ........................ .......................... ............. ............. .......................... .......................... ............ ..............

Jordan South Jordan Olympus


39 52



State Tournament March March March

11 .......................... Weber




12 .......................... East 13 .......................... Bear River




51 73





Jordan Jordan Box Elder

65 37

Varsity Pre-Season Scores December December

2 ... .. ..................... Box Elder


4 ................. ......... Weber 11 ....... ....... ............ Jordan


18 .......................... Jordan

December December December January


37 42

at at at

(Nevada Tournament) 68 at Fallon 65 at Elka 19 ... ....................... Jordan ( Ri chfield Tournament) 51 at Sa. Sevier 21 ·························· Jordan Jordan 65 at Richfield 22 61 at Springville Jordan

'' Mill ie"" earners a rebound wh i le twa Granite players eye the ball.


39 25

40 33


Jordan Takes 2 State Championships in a Row The Class A tournament found many good teams in the running. Jordan High, the heavily -favored Big 8 champ, met a fine Weber crew; and in a nip -and-tuck ball game in the first half, the Diggers had trouble . Coming out in the second half, Jordan breezed to a 51-34 win on the heels of their 20 - 15 halftime lead. In the next night's encounter a familiar foe loomed up - East High, out to win this one. The Beetdiggers had to stop a redhot ball club . An airtight defense, a sharp eye, and great rebounding led Jordan to its record -setting 28th consecu· tive win and a new tourney scoring record, 73 -51. The finals saw a lightning -fast Bear River squad against a cold Jordan . The first half was very close but Jordan clung to a 23 -25 halftime lead. A few long swishers sparkled the third quarte r, and it ended 29 -35. The heart stopping last canto was the final test of the Jordan might . With ordy 1 1/ 2 minutes to go, the Bears went to a 40 -41 lead . A rapid exchange of points, and the score stood 43 -43 . Pollard and Hale provided the back breake rs and it was 47 -43 at the gun . This made it 2 state champion ship s in a row for Jordan High, and a new individual record for Jordan 's Pollard at 71.

Brkla cich (25 ) takes a rebound and heads dawn court as East's Lorry Early looks on .

Junior Basketball Scores December December

2 4

December January


January January

B 15


22 25

January January



February February



15 19

February February Win 10


Box Elder Weber Jordan Jordan Jordon Jordan Davis

at at at at

Box Elder Springville


at at

Granite Provo

at at

Jordan Jordon

33 4B

at at

East Jordon

35 46 59





38 51


Jordan Davis

38 42 28

Granite Jordan South Jordon Olympus Jordon Provo

27 36 39 44


at ot

Jordan Jordan


31 64 29 35 34 42 51

69 37 51

Lose 4

" Get it, Yudal " says Pollard as Brklocich ties up,

Starting good, then meeting defeat 4 times in the month of January was the early fate of the junior team. After rolling past Box Elder twice - 31-27 and 39-29, Weber 64-36, and Springville 44-35, the JV's were flying high. Then three straight losses- to Granite 32-34 in a heartbreaker; to Provo 38-42, another close one; and to Davis 42-51 - made things look dark for the JV's.

A sparkling comeback win over Granite 's crew, 35-28, started things moving . East captured the last win from the Diggers, 46-33, in the Ute Fieldhouse, and from then on it was all Jordan. South faltered early to lose 59-48; West met disaster 50 -44; Olympus crashed 69-38 in a red hot ball game; Davis couldn't connect on their home court as they fell 51-37; and Provo tasted the revenge of Jordan 41 -51 to wind up the play for coach Grant Martin 's hard-working and talented crew.

Junior Team Row One : Howard Swapp, James Jensen, Lee Jenson, Gerold Naylor, Sherman Day. Row Two : Manager Jerrold Jensen, David

Shields , Dorrell Wolbeck, Coach Grant Martin.

Juniors Win 10 Games -

Lose 4

Karl Miller,

Benny Cutler, Duane Howlett,

Sophomore Basketball Scores January January January January January February February February February February Win 6

7 14 21 26 28 4 11 16 18 25

Jordan Jordan Jordan Granite Jordan Jordan Jordan Olympus Jordan Bountiful

28 45 39 45 36 30 48 42 49 39

at at at at at at at at at at

Granite Bountiful Davis Jordan East South West Jordan Davis Jordan

43 42 35 34 40 35 37 58 40 45

lase 4

Davis 's King meets trouble in the farm of big Gordan Millerberg as Pollard moves in behind.

Sophomores Display Hard Work Jordan sophomores battled through a tough league to come up with a much better than average record of 6 wins and 4 losses. A strong Granite squad rolled past the fighting sophs 28-43; then Bountiful played host to the Jordanites and were handed a 45 -42 defeat. Jordan rolled out the welcome mat only to give Davis's soph crew a 39-35 loss. Granite came to Jordan and hung another 34 -45 defeat on the spohomores. East's "kitten" crew delt a 36-40 loss to the Diggers. South played

Row One : Floyd Graham, Dee Petersen, John Player, Ted Rich ards, Robert Harrington, Gary Gresman, Lloyd Graham . Row Two: Coach Ray Oliverson, Boyd Mounteer, Dave Lloyd, Mickey

"Nice work, Wallyl" cries Whittenberg as Granite 's Gillette tries far the ball.

host and gave the sophs their final setback of the season 30 -35. West felt the comeback surge and tumbled 48-37; Olympus was a victim of a sharp-shooting Beetdigger squad as they were crushed 58-42 . Davis hosted the Jordan crew and they fell 49-46. Bountiful came to Jordan and the season's play came to a close as the Digger sophomores gave the visitors a 45-39 deficit. Inasmuch as the sophomore teams are either very good or verY poor, o final average of 6 wins and 10 losses gives o point of credit for Coach Ray Oliverson and a fine shoW of hard work and use of talent.

Jones, Don Derricott, Bruce Rosenhan, Lyle Hughs, David Taylor, Delay Osbourn. Absent : Joedy Boll, Darrell Beckstrom, Warren Vincent.

Wrestling Proves Popular Scores Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon Jordon

78 48 110 39 24 41

Murray Davis West Provo East Provo

91 87 24 45 47 42

Harol d Morl ey M ickey Jones.







Grapplers Turn in One Victory The wrestling team of Jordan High failed to win more than one match this year. The first meet of the season found Jordan and Murray battling it out at Jordan, with a resulting score of 91 -78 for Murray. The next match was with our rural friend, Davis. Jordan lost 87-48. Jordan then bounced back in superior form to crush a hard-

Displaying the muscles that copped htm o wrestling tttle IS 2-ttme winner Henry Ashby.

WRESTLERS Ro w One: Rolph Gibbons, Henry Ashby, Eddie Patience , Don Jorgensen , David Paul, Coach Dole Sorensen , Mark Turner, Jim ~orris, B nson Ol son , Dick Olson, Fred Tokemori, Rolph Brinton, John Chrewsbury, Delay Butterfteld . Row Two: Vol Player , Lmdsey Brody, lyde Grov r, All n Campbell , Don Whitehead, Wayne Vowdrey, Gerold

fighting West team by a one-sided score of 11 0-24. Jordan dropped the next three meets of the season, a close one with Provo, 45-39; one with East 47 -24; and another very close one with Provo 42-41. Most of the boys this year were juniors and sophomores and will be back next year to match their strength and strategy against others. Grey, Mike Ivy, Bruce Hand, Deon Springer, Jimmy Davis. Row Three: Arnold Angle, Don Losee, Eddie Brown, Bob Hirose, Donald Nuzmon, Max Antczak , Charlie Downs , Leonard Cleland , Howard Glad, Arden Bower , Norman Coleman. Row Four: Hora'ld Morley, Neldan Bateman, Glen Moosman, Robert Sotovick, David Hogan, Ronald Bergman, Pot Endo, Ronald Boker, Richard Carlson, Jorrw:s Labrum.


Tennis Crew Game but Inexperienced Beginning the season with a game, but very it:leXperienced tennis crew, Coach Dale Sorensen's racqueteers started the tennis slate with a fiery battle against Granite. Losing 2-1, Rees Jensen and Eric Nystrom's winning the doubles, made the day a bit brighter . Following thi s encounter, Olympus's fine crew rolled past the novices in 5-0 style. The rest of the year's schedu le will find Jordan at Davis, Jordan at Granite, Jordan at Olympus, and Davis at Jordan. Regional playoffs come on May 5, and winners and runners - up will go to State Meet on May 8 . Composed of juniors and sophomores, the 1954 Digger netters are certainly to be counted up in the 1955 tennis duels.

Ken Phelps sends one bock over with o clossy bockhond shot.

1954 Tennis Schedule Apri l April April April April April

Lin ing up ot the nets, the Jordon High tennis squad display their red ¡ hot racquets . The rocqueteers ore Coach Dole Sorensen, William Hughe •, Arthur Kiisel, Rees Jensen, Eric Nystrom, Leon Peterson, and Tracy Wilson.

13 15 20 22 27 29

.................................................................. Gronite ot Jordon ................................................................ Olympus at Jordon ...................................................................... Jordon at Davis .................................................................. Jordon ot Granite ................................................................ Jordon ot Olympus ...................................................................... Davis ot Jordon

Larry Beers and Rodney Butterfield, the only trocksters from lost year's trophy -winning team , practice for a win again this year .

Track Schedule for 1954 Apri I 2 South at Jordon April 16 Jordon at West April 23 - 24 BYU Invitational Relays and Track Meet at Provo May 1 Utah High School Assoc. Relay at U of U May May

8 15

Regional Track Meet at U of U State Track Meet at U of U

1954 Track

1953 Track

1954 Cinder Outlook Favorable

Jordan Shows Strength in '53

With the return of twelve letter men, Coach Ray Oliverson's hopes for 54 season are very bright. In the season opener, Jordan was downed by a powerful South High team. Hindered by bad weather and a late start, the boys were unable to whip into shape for their early encounter. They showed their power in the shot put, high jump, the 880 yard, and also some in discus, pole vault, 100, 440 yd. and mile runs. In the remaining meets Jordan will face a strong Panther squad. They will test the out-of-state talent in the BYU Invitational Meet. The Utah High School Association Relays will offer a challenge for many fine trophies. The all -important region meet will name the Jordan competitors for state-wide honors one week later - on May 15.

The 1953 season was a banner year for the Digger's cinder crew. Dropping the first meet to South, the Jordan crew bounced back to win first place honors in a fourway meet with Cyprus, Tooele, and Grantsville. On April 25 at the BYU Invitational Track Meet, 8 Jordanites earned themselves individual medals. Don Orr and Charles Jarman each received two, and Rodney Butterfield, Gordon Millerberg, Nyle McFarlane, and Jay Richardson won in their events. Putting forth a mighty endeavor, the Beetdigger tracksters copped a second place in their regional meet on May 2 at the U of U. The following week at the State Meet the thin clads rolled to a fourth place in the final class A standings.

TRACK TEAM Row One: Von Vicchrille, Mickey Sugiyama, Charles Downs, Bruce Edwards, Paul Astle, Gory Lorson, Leon Ewell, Delay Butterfield , Blaine Parry, Lee Ashton, Paul Coldwell. Row Two: Coach Ray Oliversan, Harold Morley, Dee Peterson, Mike Loveder, Herschel Butterfield , Kenneth Ookeson, Joedy Boll, Charles Walker, Dick Landers, Sherman Day, Ma x Antczak, Robert Smart, Don Derricott, Leonard Cle -

land. Row Three: Dick Whetsell , Dole Adams , Roland Arterburn, Nyle McFarlane, Don Blomquist, Bill Houn, Mickey Jones, Kendall Bunnell, Ted Richards , Blayne Labrum, Lloyd Francom, Alan Steadman, Tommy Stoker , Pearl Pollard, Norman Coleman, Richard Boyce, Glen Foirbourn, Allen Campbell , Robert Wilson, Burton Anderson, Lorry Andrus, Donald Lloyd, Michael Bailey, Lynn Holt, Jerry Webster, Fronk Lucas, Grant Dahl, Lorry Beers.

Baseball 1954 Graham Twins Cause Double Trouble Coach Grant " Pepper" Martin set off pre-season play on Apri l 1st. In a close due l, which saw the batteries change near ly every inning, the " greenlings" handed Murray a 7-6 defeat. The follo w ing night Jordan made a return call and fell 4 -5 before the determined Murray team . The " settler" game came a week later, but it ended deadlocked 3-3. Bingham battled the Beetdiggers to a 5 -5 tie to wind up the pre -season games. Opening the league play against a good East High team, the Graham twins dealt double trouble to the Leopards as they fell 8-6. Rounding out the rest of the seaso n will find Olympus and Davis at Jordan, then the Beetdiggers will trave l to Provo and Granite. West High 's good crew w i II end t he season play for the fly chasers.

1954 Schedule Pre-Season Apri l Apr i l Apr i l Apr i l

----················-··········· Murray 2 ···········-···················· Jordon 7 ·-·-· ··-····· ··· ··· ············ · Murray 9 ·············-···· ·· ············ Bi ngham







at at

Murray Jordon






Lloyd and Floyd Graham , tw in-brother pitcher -catcher battery, talk over strategy.



Jordon Jordon


1953 Baseball Scores


League April Apr i l April May May May

12 19 22

-------------------····-····-··· ................................ --- ·····························

East O lympus Davis

3 ············· ·········-------··· Jordon 6 -------------·------········-··· Jordon 10 ................................ West

at at at

Jordon Provo

Jordon at East ....•. ·------···------ ------ --- ------ -- ------·· ········ Lost Provo at Jordon ....................... ............... ....... ....... Lost

B-2 5 -2

at at

Granite Jordon

Jordon at South ····-- ---------- --- ------- -------- --- ------------ -·· ·· Lost Gra nite a t Jord o n --------------------- -- ----- ----- -- ·-------------- Won

17 - 11 13 - 11

Wes t at Jordon -- ---------------------------------------------------- Lost Jordo n at Davis ....................................... ............... Lost

9 -3 12 -5

BASEBALL TEAM Row One: Lloyd Graham , Tommy Stoker, Lee Jen sen , Gerold Naylor, Dorrell Wolbeck , Jtm Duma s. Row Two : Dav id Bolliger, LeMar Wolbeck , J. L. Jensen , Paul N ichol , Floyd Graham, Bobby Camp -

bell , James Petersen . Row Three : Wayne Dahl , Rolph Bri nton , Warren V~n ce nt , Neph t Fttzgero ld, Nyl e M cFarlane, Gory Beers, Dovtd Sh ield s. Carl Mill er, Coa ch Grant Marlin .

Girls Sports Are Important Too

Junior tennis champions rest between sets. Frances Farmer, Sally Winn, Patty Parker, Helen Anderson, Lynn Tripp. Class Managers. Row One : Doris Jensen . Row Two: Pauline Schmidt, Connie Anderson, Annette Jensen. Row Three : Lao Graham, Carol Anderson , Arlene Houn, Judy Beckstead, Solly Beckstead.

Sophomore shuff leboard champions -

Carla Benson and Karen Neilson.

~eveloping muscles by jumping the rope are sophomores Maxine Marus, Joan Mcfarlane, Katy Gray, Darleen Bell, Nancy Ann Newman, and LaRue Pederson.

Junior girls try to make a basket. Kathleen Hansen, Kathryn Ferguson, La Dawn Tucker.


Tournaments Are Held between Classes

Geraldine Sund and Sharon Spears ploy snatch the towel.

Ready far a game af badminton are Sandra Durst, Donna Eearle and Carla Price.

Intent on slaughter-ball are Argene Adams, VeNae Burgon, Linda Sabey, and Judy larsen.

The junior classes have hod tournaments in golf, ten nis, archery, badminton, table tennis, softball, volleyball, cage boll, and basketball. Some of the outstanding girls in the department that have also been team captains are Geraldine Sund, Ann Simpson, Venae Burgan, Doris Jensen, Marilyn Stout, Janice Richardson, LaRoe Smith, Arva Sampson, Claudia Cox, Karen Burkinshaw, Afton Von, and Lorna Sjoblom. 140

Girls have their sports and their tournaments too, but only between classes and school teams. For the most part Miss Schofield's sophomores have competed with Miss Seaman's. Tournaments have been held in volleyball, basketball, speedball, softball, and corner kick ball, or "slaughter ball". Miss Seaman's classes have won more games, but by a very small margin.

Volleyball Interests Mony of the Girls .

Dance Routines Take Their Place in Girls Sports

Positions for dance . Row One : Janet Torkelson, Grace Graham . Row Two: Claudet Densley, Joan Morrow, Ann Lunberg .

Pat Crane, Janice Price, and Janet Detomasie practice dance exercises.

Ardell Jones shows form for a fine leap .

Janet Burns, Alice Brown, and Darlene Brewer, senior representatives.

Marjorie Orr and Delores Lunnen practice a smooth tap.

Barbara O'Brien, Arlene Holt, Beverly Hilton, and Gloria Brown, junior rep.


Jordan Celebrates Tournament Win Second in a Row

Assistant Coach Gran t Martin takes the mike before the celebrating student body and their friends to give his views of a ternfic season .


Here Is Another State Trophy for the Case

Smiling Merilyn Berrett, school historia n, accepts for the stud ent body the championship trophy from co -captains Gordan Mill erberg and George Brklocich, while the other officers look on .


Camera Eye Views Sports

Up he goes! Will J. l. Jensen clear this height as he has done many times before ?

Get setl Robert Smart, Mickey Sugiama, and Nyle Mcfarlane ready for the gun ond a good start.

" You ' re oull " shouts the referee as Graham puts out Murray player.

James Peterson, Paul Caldwell, lee Jensen & lette rmen 1ockets.

larry Beers, Paul Hellstrom, Neldon Bateman h1t the jackpot between games in Elko .

Before setting off ogain, Kenny O'Brien squints at the long flat.

"Fore l" shouts Kent Vincent across the green.

Kenny O'Brien, Gerald Jorgensen, Terry Kastanis at Brighton.

"A lways room for one morel" says Kay Arnold to Gary Beers.

After the big victory, Art 1s carried 1n tnumph from the tournament floor.

Gordon Millerberg. It takes a good arm to do it.

Don Whitehead grab• the ball for a touchdown.

Calendar Presents Important Dates September 1 -Old friends, new friends, a polished look, registration. School begins! 2 - First regular day of school. 4 - " Hi" day . Everyone gets acquainted . 7 - School 's out for the Labor Day holiday. 10 - Hard seniors drive the poor sophs in the sophomore initiation. 11 -Football squad travels to Pocatello; ore defeated. Primary elections held for sophomore, junior, and senior class officers. 16 - School out! Everyone attends the fair? 17 - Student body officers and yearbook staff hold meeting for se lection of yearbook cover. Pep rally peps up the student body, for the first game of the season . 18 - Box Elder defeats Jordon . Talented students perform for Amateur Hour. Final elections held for class officers. 22 -Seniors vote on cops and gown to be worn for graduation . 24 - Donee Club holds its senior try outs. New students initiated. 25 - Pep rally for East-Jordan game. Jordon loses a heartbreaker. 28- Chorlonions get new uniforms . 29 - Tribute paid to a fine teacher, Mr. Beck. First lyceum of the year . 30 - Chorion ions initiate new members . P.T.A. sponsors donee for student body.

October 2 -Annual Harvest Boll , " Down on the Form," following CarbonJordan football game. Jordon wins real thriller! 5 - lyceum " Taming of the Shrew" , 7 - Yearbook carnival. Pot Podgen and Paul Coldwe ll chosen Mr . and Mi ss Jordon . 9 - Mr . Bruse' s first period psychology holds a hayride . 8-10 - No school - UEA . FFA team goes tq Kansas City. 12 - Students initiate new cafeteria tables. 13 - Joy Dees and Paris Company present fall fashion show. 14 - PTA holds first meeting. 15 - Pep assembly put on by Girls Club. Jordon defeats Olympus. 23 -Cho rion ions put on pep assembly for Jordan -West game, which turned out a tie. 26 - Miss Lucille Tuttle, popular dramatics teacher, retires to the hospital. 29 - Mosque and Gavel Club initiates new mem bers. Psychology classes throw born donee . 30 - Jordon defeats Davis in thrilling game. PTA gives Hallowe 'en donee . 31 - Journalist students go to BYU for conference. Junior Red Cross holds convention .

November 2-3 -Studen ts hove T B X-roys . 6 Jordon defeats Granite. 12 Student body enjoys matinee donee and show. 18 - Press Club holds conference. Prominent German educator visits German class. 20 lyceum. Seminary holds donee at Old Mill. 25 -Thanksgiving Party put on by Boys and Girls Clubs. 26-27 - School out for Thanksgiving Holiday.

December 1 -Basketball team practices for league ploy and defeats Box Elder. 3 - Sons entertain parents. " Parents and Sons Night Out". First pre sentation of the Traveling Assembly, " Out of this World" . 4 - Jordon defeats Weber in another practice game. 11 - A C presents symphony. Senior Hop theme, " Midnight Fantasy" . Jordon travels to Box Elder; brings home victory . 18-19 - Hoopsters invited to Nevada; bring homQ chomps trophy . 21-22 - Jordon defeats South Sevier twice . 20 Publ ic attends the " Messiah". 22 - Student body hears " Mess1oh". Christmas party. 24 - School's Out - Christmas Vocation. 30 Bing hom crumbles to Jordon.

January 4 - Bock to school. 8 - Big Eight begins as Jordon defeats Granite . 13 - Senior science classes travel to Provo. 15 - Jordon defeats Provo.


Second quarter ends. Former Diggers attend homecoming day and donee at night . 20 - BYU presents traveling assembly . 21 - Half day of school for teachers to attend workshop. 22 - Jordon remains victorious after defeating Davis. 25 - Diggers invade the Formers. 29- Students hove a matinee donee .

February 2 -Young drivers toke tests . Traveling assembly goes to East. 4 Students watch traveling assembly from Murray . In the evening our traveling assembly goes to Union to entertain PTA. 5 - Traveling As · sembly goes to Murray . 8 - Jordon defeats South . 8-9-10 - Students attend " The Tempest" at the U. 11 - FHA Sweethearts Boll theme, " Sweethearts". 12 - Region wrestling meet at U of U. Henry AshbY brings home top award . Traveling Assembly goes to Davis as Jordon defeats West. 15 - Olympus Day : Traveling assembly comes from Olympus. Ours goes to Olympus . Diggers end day by defeating Olyrn· pus. 19 - Rally peps up the students for the invasion of the Darts. Diggers remain victorious . 22 - School dismissed for Washington's Birthday. 23 - Traveling assembly welcomed at Granite. 26 - Assern · bly gives students school spirit for victory over Provo. 28 - language Club gives party at the Tampico Cafe for Kenneth Rasmussen, exchange student to Mexico .

March 1 -School dismissed at noon to pay lost tribute to Mr. A. F. Smith. 2 - Traveling assembly presented to the school. 4 -Studen ts enthusi · ostic over travel ing assembly from Granite. 9 - Traveling assembly pre· sents lost performance at Lark . 8-12 - Pep Week for the tournament . 11 - Students get into the swing with a pep assembly before the flfst game 1n the tournament where Jordon defeats Weber. 12 - Jordon tramples East . Final tournament game finds Jordon State Chomps after defeat ing Bear R1ver . 15 - Chomps honored at matinee donee and show. 17 - Parents visit school. Daughters entertain fathers at " Night Out" . 19 - Chomps honored at night donee . 26 - Chorus classes pre· sent musical program . 30 - Students enjoy lyceum.

April 1-

Jordon receives Davis Traveling Assembly. 2 - Juniors present Prom - theme , " A Million Stars." 6 - State Speech Tournament. Stu· dents travel to Olympus. 8 - Assembly held to introduce prirnorY election cond,dotes. 9 - Primary elections held . Chorion ions and letter· rnen sh ine at Annual Chorion ion Boll . theme, " Star Dust". 12 - Stu· dents enjoy Lyceum . 13 - Candidates make lost plea for votes . 14--Pioy cost presents " January Thaw " to students. Cond1dotes honored at night donee . 16 - "January Thaw" presented to the public. Final elections held . 16 - Key Club presents " Career Day". 21 - Girls en· tertoin morns at " Mothers and Daughters" . 27 - Lyceum. 30 - FeiloS who grow whiskers shine at Dog Patch Drag.

May 1 - Graduation now in full swing. 5 - District junior highs and high schools toke port In District Bond Day at Jordon . 6 - Seniors sluff le · golly whde the 9th grades view Jordon . 11 -Seniors honored at 0 reception. 12 - Seniors receive awards at Award Banquet. 14 - SerT' ' inory Graduation. 17 - Memorable Senior dinner donee . 18 - Everyon: has fun at lagoon on J Day. 19 - Fmols ore token . 20 - YeorboO makes its first appearance . 21 - School's Out - Happy , tearful sen· iors receive diplomas at graduation exercises.

Some Pertinent Points in Jordan's Growth Gleaned from Many Old Publications Superintendents - John W. Smith. 1908-09. John Hansen, Jr. 1909 - 10. Orson Ryon 1911 - 12 . D. C. Jensen 1916-28. C. N. Jensen 1928-45. Arthur E. Peterson 1945-. Pri nci pals Enoch Jorgensen 1908-14 . Henry Peterson 1914 - 15 . Albert M. Merrill 1915 -20. E. W. Robinson 1920 -23. (When Mr. Robinson dies in spring of '23, A. F. Smith acts as principal until end of year.) L. W. Nielson 1923 -44 . 0 . D. Bollard 1944 -. 1905 Consolidated 17 districts Into one under County Supt. John W. Smith. 9th grades in Draper, West Jordon, Sandy. 190 7-08 Real p ioneer Work done by C. E. Goufin and Florence Jennings in basement of L.D.S. Church in Midvale . 1908-09 Enoch Jorgen sen called from Provo to organize Jordon High School at Sandy - 2 teachers, 3 rooms of old Centra l School building , 51 freshmen , 7 sophs. 1908 -09 Toke over who le building, 63 freshmen, 10 so phs . 1909- 10 Now 3 year school , 127 students. 1910- 11 1st graduates 11 . 1911 - 12 Rented rooms in basement of L.D.S. Chapel. 1913- 14 La id corner stone for new build ing ; cafeteria opened. 1914- 15 One week round -up , with patrons coming to school, shoring a ctivities, attend ing assemblies, to get school 's view point on education . Specia l winter courses . Moved to new site on Nov. 30. First few years no tu ition but students buy own books and supplies . 1916- 17 Labor shortage. Schools closed for 3 weeks and nearly all of schools close the students he lp harvest crops. 191 8-1 9 Flu epidem ic from Oct. 10 to Jon 27 . 3rd floor of bu ilding completed . Showers added to gym and e lectrica l ma chinery for woodwork . 1919-20 School has 路a denti st's office where counse lor's rooms ore now. 192 2-23 Enter the depression whi ch affects a ll activities. 1927-28 Freshmen kept back in junior high school s. Now a 3 -yr high school - 577 students. 193233 Almy Dowding tokes Mr. Dewey ' s p lace as chief custodian . Enroll ment 1, 117 . School closes three months early, lo ck of funds , no bond Voted . 193 3-3 4 So phs token out - a 2 year high school - 7 64 stu dents . 1934-35 1st 1 1 year group graduates 400. 193 7-38 New science bu ilding started, a lso new trades and shops build ings . 1938-3 9 Bus -train ca tas trophe 24 students and driver ki ll ed in co ll ision on Dec. 1. Soph s return agai n a 3 -yeor school the beg inn ing of 6 -3 -3 p lan . Vocationa l machine shop added . 1945-46 War-weary Veterans bock to schoo l. Registrat ion shifts from courses to help military careers to those to he lp make a living or for college entrance. Girls from business training to homemaking . 1946-4 7 P.T.A. begins. 195 3-54 Attendance counts 1/ 1 on report cards.

Publications Make Their Appearance 1909 - 10 1st Jordan Courier, little 55 -page magazine . 191 5-1 6 Changes to B-page pamph let. 1916- 17 New student government comes into ef fect and offi cers grant Courier generous allowance of student funds 50 again a magazine . 1st yearbook as we know yearbooks now, but nome on ly J .H.S. 1921 -2 2 Name Beetd igger chosen . Courier now pub 路 lished as newspaper - sti ll edited by the classes. Because of depres sion , 1923 yearbook doubles with 1924 . 1922-2 3 Courier becomes Broadca ster. 193 1-3 2 No yearbook school closes early. 1940-4 1 Courier returns as literary magaz ine . 1947-48 Broadca ster beg ins its All -Ameri can 's. 195 1-52 Beetdigger beg ins All -American 's.

Clubs Are Formed 19 09 -10 Dramatic Socie ty. May 27 , 1913 Agricultu re Club of J.H.S. 30 boys under Earl Bennion. 1914 - 15 Home Aggie Club for short Ec. Club. 1921 -22 Cha rlonla ns w ith 25 girls . 1929 -30 language Club. 19 38 -39 Forensic Club . 1939 -40 Girls Club, Boys Club. 1943 -44 Jay Dees, Press Club , Athl etic Club. 1947 -48 Sports Cl ub. 1948 -49 DECA , l<ey Club. 1949 -50 Qu ill & Scroll , Dance Club. 1952 -53 leaders Cl ub, National Forensic l eagu e.

Debate and Speech Students Win Honors 1909- 10 First represented in state oratory & declamatory contests. 1912-1 3 Join State High School Debating League. Debating started. 1922 -23 lsaa< Sorenson wins state speech contest. 1943-44 John Mc1st in state and 3rd in western division. Crae wins oratory contes 1947-48 Beryl Jones w ins oratory contest in state and medal at regiona l meet at Phoenix. Debate trophy in State meet. 1948-49 Sweepsta kes fo r 1st time in State Forens ic Meet and girls team (st time) wins State Debate Tournament. Helen Tha xton tokes port in regi onal meet a t Fresno after winn ing state contest in oratory. 1909-1 0 1st play, " Uncle Tom 's Cobin " coached by Enoch Jorgensen.

Music 1909-1 0 Choir & Orchestra formed . 19 16- 17 Orchestra completely organized. 19 1 8-19 1st Opera , " The Sorcerer." 1922-23 Gordon Ol sen wins state championship for high school viol inists . 1935 -6 May Festivals begin. 1940-4 1 1st trave ling assembly . 1943 -44 1st " Messiah" -(at Assembly Hall). 1948 -49. " Messiah " comes home .

Fun Activities Begin 1912- 13 1st Junior Prom. 1919-20 Watermelon Busts (treats of Ag boys} start and go on until 1940 . Jan itors and stage-drivers enterta inments for school begin - program , banquet, dance - under guidance of chief custodian, E. E. Dewey. 1920-21 1st Senior Progressive. 1949-50 1st Carnival.

New Coaches Enter 1908 -09 E. Borg Jorgense n a sophomore. 1909 - 14 0 . G. Dulton . 1914 Norman Ham ilton . 1918 - 19 E. H. Nicho ls, Parker B. Pratt. 191920 Darre ll Gardner (for 1st semester}, 0 . D. Balla rd (2nd semester} . 1921-22 E. A. Bateman, N. B. Giles. 1922-23 Bert Gard ner. 1926 -27 E. T. Foxl ey. 1930-31 Eddie Kimba ll. 1934-35 Dunn Taylor. 1935 -36 John Vra nes . 1939 -40 Joe Workman . 1942 -43 Chad Beckstead. 194344 Fra nk Kamn ikar. 1945-46 Griffith Kimba ll, Stan ley Watts. 1947 -48 Dale Soren sen . 1948 -49 Art Hugh es. 1949-50 Chester Kim. 1951 -52 Grant Martin. 1953 -54 Ray Oliverson.

Football Makes A Record 1st game in 1908 with high school in American Fork. We lost. In 1913, 2nd in Footba ll League of state. 1931 -32 , State football chomps and Edd ie Kimball go to Phoenix " nd defeat Phoen ix (Arizona champs) in a night game . State Champs in 1931 . 1934 . 1936 . 1939. 1940, 1941, 1944 , 1946, 1948, 1950.

Basketball Comes Forward 1910-11 Basketball league formed with Salt Lake , Granite, Bountiful, and Jordon but with no hall or gym to practice in, Jordon withdraws. 1920-21 Goes to State tournament. State Champs, 1923 -24. Tied w ith Panguich, 1934-35 , 1940-41. Second place, 1944-45 . First place, 195051 . Second place, 1951-52 . First place, 1952-53 , 1953-54.

Baseball Has Long Record 1908 Beg ins . 1908-09 First state baseball league formed , Jordon joi ns. 1019-1 1 A three -team league with Granite and Salt Lake . 1922-23 Sta te chomps. Jordon 's first athletic team to w in undisputed state championship. 1940-4 1 Baseball bock for 1st time in eight years . 1951-52 Seccond place in state.

Track Teams Win Trophies Too 1917- 18 1st entry in track meet. They hove won a great many trophies throughout the years.


Table of Contents Departments Administration

Faculty, etc ---------------------------------------------Student ---------------------------------------------------Albums Juniors ---------------------------------------------------Seniors _______________________________ ------------------ ____ _ Sophomores ---------------------------------------------Activities Contests and Awards ------------------ -----······Carnival Music Band Messiah ·-·-----·-··········-·----------------··-------Orchestra -----------·------·--------------------------Traveling Assembly --·------·-·-----------·-----Publications Magazine ------·--------------------------------------Newspaper ---------·-------------------------------Yearbook ----------------·-----·------·---------------Speech

50-65 28-49 66 -81 116-117 98 94-95 96 97 92 -93 88 86-87 84-85

89 Debate --·----------------------------------------------Oratory -----------------------------------------------91 Plays ---------·------·-----------------------·-----·----90 -91 Autographs ·-·---·----------------------------------------------- 152-155 Calendar -----------------------------------------·---------------146 Campus Life ------------·- 24, 25, 48, 49, 64, 65, 80, 81, 114, 115,118,119,120,121,142-145 Classwork ---·-------------------------------- 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 Clubs Athletic Club --------------------------··------------·---

Benny's Boys -------------------------------------------Boys Club -------·-----------------------------------------Charlonians ---------------------------------------------Dance Club ---------------------------------------------DECA FFA

10- 19 20-23

FHA ---------------------·------------------·----------------Girls Club -------------------------------------------------Jay Dees --·--·----------·----·--·-------------------·----Key Club -·-·------------------·-----·--·-·---------------Language Club ----··----------------------------·----Leaders Club -------------------------------------------Masque and Gavel ---------·----·--------·---------National Forensic Club ----·--·-·--·--------------Press Club -----·--------------------------·--------------Qui II and Scroll --------------·--·---------------------Riding Club ----------·--·-------------------------------Ski Club ---------------------------·-----------------------Sports Club --···--·------------------·------------------· History ------·---------------------------------·--------------------Introduction --·--------------------------------------------------Sports Baseba II ---------·----·-·-·--·--········---·-·----·-·····-·Basketba II ·-·----·---·-----·-----·--·-···--····-··-·--···· Cheerleaders ·········--·-·----·--·---·-····-·····----·-Footba II _·--·-·--····-···-··-····-·-·····--·---··-··-··-···Girls Sports ··-··-·····-····-··-·····-·--·-··-·--·-··----Tennis --·-····- ····-·-·--·····-····-··--···-·-··---·--·-···· Track ·---··-····--·········-·····-···-·----······---···-··-·Wrestling ·---··---······-·--·-···-····-····--····-·--·---·-


112 113 102-103 110 99 104-105 106 113 107 109 99 1 11 100 101 108 108 112 111 112 147 1-9 138 130- 134 124 125 - 129 139- 141 136 137 135

Index Anderberg, Carol ..


Aaron, Sharon ................................... 80 Abrams, Howard .. ............................. 51 Acord, Jacquel.ne ......................... 67

Adams, Argene .. ...........

22, 67, 80, 97, 107, 140 Adams, Dale ............................ 50, 137 Adamson, Don ............... .. ...


Adamson, Emol•e ........ 28, 29, 88, 89, 100, 101 , 102, 117, 118, 120 Adolphson, Belly ........... .... .... 67 Adolphson, Bob .... ... .. ................. 67 1 20 Adondokis, Michael .. 21. 28. 49, AdondakiS, Soph1e . ... 85, 102, Ill, 143 29 Ahrend, George .... Atnsworth, Charles .... 5 1' BO 51, BO Atnsworrh, David 66 Ale>Cander, Ke1th 66, 95 , 1OS Alldredge, Floyd 67, 106 Allen, Sor'baro so Allen, Beth 29 Allen, Bdl 66 Allen, Corolee 67, 107 Allen, D•x•e 67 Allen, Eun1ce 67, 104 Allen, Harold 67, 105 Allen, Howard ................. .. 2B, 106 Allen, Maurin e Allgood, Glenn ....................... . 22. 51 Allsop, LoWen .. .. 67 Allsop, Mary Lou .................... .. 29, 112 105 Alverson, CurtiS ····· .. uou••• .. ....... 66 Amaro, Bob .................... ..

Andersen, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson,

Dixie Argene . Brent Burton Surron Carol ..

2B. 48


BJ 50, 95, Ill 129 67, 137 .. so, 67, 107. 111, 137, 139 . 67, Ill, 137, 139 Anderson, Connie so. B8. 103, 107 Anderson, Glendo 22. 50, 89, 101, Anderson, Helen 103, 117, 137, 139 51 Anderson, Jerry 50, 87 Ande rson, Maoe Anderson, Mary Kay 28 66 Anderson, O ' Bnen Anderson. Roland 22, 28. 11 o. 127 50, 137 Andrus, larry 67, 89, 95 Andrus, Morhn 29, II 0, 11 2, I 27, 135 Angle, Arnold 22, 23, 91' 92, 107 Anselmo, Fronk so. 110, 111, 135, 137 An~czok, Max . 22. 29, 145 Arno ld , Kay so. 99, 137 Arterburn, Roland 6A Asoy, Gerold 22. 29, 4B, 112 Asoy, Lorry 110, 112,126,135 Ashby, Henry 2B, 29 Ashford, Chorleo ...... 51, 85, B7. B9, Aohmon, Lowell 101, 107 19, so. 137 Ashton, lee so Astle, Lorry 29 Astle, Reynold 67, 137 Astle, Paul

Atk1nson, Carol Atk1nson, Gary Atwood, Aloma Atwood, Co lvm Atwood, lomono Atwood, Nolo Arwood, Roderick

66, 106


67 66 67 2B, 90, 91, I 11 , 11 2 28 B

Bagley, Dole Bagley. JoAnn

52 100, 111 Bodey. MIChael 137 Bodey, Robert 105 Bo~r, Janice 100 Bolt, lynelle 120 Bo~rd, Mark 29 Boker, Boyd 6B. 129 Boker, Korhleen 52, 103 Baker. Max 29 Boker, Ronald 52. 110, 12B. 133, 135 Boll, Jodey 6B. 139 B~ll. Pot 30, 88. 99, Ill Ball, Sondra 68 Bonner, Worren 68 Bon, Kent 68 Basta, Don 68 8ost1on, Mary ••••• .......... 6B Bateman, Oenms 52, 95 Bateman, lee 29 Bateman. Neldon 20, 29, 49, 111 , 112, 135, 143. 144 Bateman, Roy 68, 97. 107. 111 Bateman, Verla1ne 32, 99 Bauer, Else 31 51, 65, 85, 89, 101, 103, 6B, 105, 68, 6B, 81, B9, 27, 29,

6B 68 31 11 2 106 107 69 97.

Beagley, Wayne Booth, Wando . Beck, Beth

69, 32, . 67, 95, .. ... Carolyn 25, 31, ~9. Col leen 102, 110, Ill, J2A 68, 105 Dole .. ....... 6B Erma .. ... Joy ---- 22, 30, 48 , 11 2 52, 97, 103. Judy 111, 137. 139 Lamont 52 Lots 31, 49, 102. 111

Bock, Morlan

Beck, ReNee

Beckstead, Arlene

Beckstead, Beckstead, Beckstead, Beckstead,

Becksleod, Beckstead , Beckstead, Beckstead,

Beckstead, Loren

Beckstead, Sally Jean

92: .


68. 9 1, 95. 97, 113, 137 . 139 31. 124 Beckstead, W1llls 51, )\2 Beckstrand, Koren 68. 95 Beckstrom, Dorrell 48 . 99 Beecroft, Betty 48 , 110, 112, 13 1. Beers, Gary 13B. )4 5 8eera, Larry .. .. 29, 49, 65, B4, 99. 11 o. 11 2, 120, 121 ' 137. )4 4 Belcher, Jerne . 6B Bell, Cla~r 51 Bell. Darlene 69:· 13l: ·· 1 3~ Bell , James .. . ..... 6B, 10 32 Bell , Melva Benson, Coria 69 · 107 .139 Benson, Douglas .. : ..... : .. 68

INDEX Benson, Russell .................................. 52 Bentley, Robert ................... 29, 95, 97

Butterfield, Diona ............ ...... .... 32, 99 Sutterfield, Herschel .................. 6B, 137

Bernardo, Francine .................... 32, 106

Bu11erfield, Jimmie .......... .... 17 , 51, 65 Butterfield, loretto ...................... ...... 68 Butterfield, Marilyn .......................... 51

Berollo, Harold .................................. 68 Bergman, Ronald ............ 68, 129, 135 Berrett, Conni e S. .............................. 49 Berretr, Emogene l. .................... 30, 99

Berretr, Ennis ....... 22, 30, 89, 92, 100 , 101, 107, 117, 118 Berretr, Merllyn ....... 21, 30, 10 2, 106, 111, 120, 143 Bevell, Belly .............................. 30 Bigler, Loren ..

Bil1onic, Mary ...

.............. .........


. ......................... 69

Bdls, Belly Ann ...................... 69 , 111 Bolls, Judy ....... .............. 67, 111 , 112 Bdls, Roy .......................................... 52 Bills, Raymond ................................ 68 Bills, Wonnoe Moe .................... 31, 1OB Bird, Joanne ... .. ........... 5 1, B7, 111 BIShop, Co therone .................... 6B, 106 Bishop, Merilyn ............ 52, 87, 103 B;ork, Barbaro ............. 30. B4, B5, 92, 102 , 110 Blasius, Don ...................................... 68 Blomquist, Don .. .... 52, B9, 111, 139 Bluemel, Joyce .................. ...... 67, 107 Bodell, Glenna .............................. 67 Boggess, Kay ...................... 12, 52 Boggess, Mary ........................ 31, 102 Boggess, Venda ... .. .. ....... 67, 107 Bolliger, Arvo .................................. 64 Bolliger, Dovod .. 30, 4B , 110, 13B Bollschwelller, Caro l ........ 52, 106, 107 Boothe, Rochelle .. ......... .. 51 , 8B Boulter, lionel .... ........... .............. 51 Bowen, Sy lvia .. .. ........................ 51 Bowers, Arden .................. 6B, 129, 135 Boyce, Rochord ..................... 52, 137 Boyer, Yvonno ..

........ .......


Bracken, Sharon ............. .... . 67, 107 25, 31, 92 , 99, 110, 124 Brody, Anno Brody, Barbaro .. .. ......... 69, B9 Brody, Elden 68 Brody, Gerllyn 31, 102, 110 Brody, Linsey 52, 95 , 97 , 110, 135 Brody, Mordyn . 5 1, 103 Brody, Pamela 69 Brody, Wolter . 4B Brewer, Darlene 30, 102, 110, 120, 141 Brinton, Rolph . 6B. 129. 135, 138 31 Bristol, Butk 4B, 110, 112, Brklocich, George 130, 132, 133. 143 Brklocy, Lorry ....... 3 1, 48, 112, 131 Brooks, Ron no ....... 52 Brothers, Ernest

Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,


Alice 8. 1B, 31, 49, 110, 140 Claude .. 6B, 1 29 Darlene 30, 99 Dovtd 68, B9 Douglas 52, a7 , 107 Edward 30, 110, 126, 13 5 Evelyn .. 6B Gloria. 51, 107, 111, 112 , 141 Kay 32 Kent ... 52, 64 Lee 15, 30 Llnol ......... ........ 6a Marlene ... 52 Rodney 48, 52 Rolayno .... -········· 64 Ronald .................. . 52, 87 Verla 1B, 52

Browne, Helen

.. ..... ... ........ ...


Brunetti, Albert . 68, 95, 129 :runelli, Cormellio . .. .. ... 17, 51 unnell, Kendall 52, a7, 89, 100, 11 o. 1 12. 116, 1 1a. 129. 137 :urgon, Connie 2B, 30, I 02 , 111 , 119 urgon, J1mm1e 52 :urgon, Kent .. 52, 65, 9B urgon, VeNae .. 67 , 140 :urkinshow, Koren 67, 100. I 07, I OB urnett, Gwen ..

Burna, Janel


30. a5 , 90 , 91, 92,

Burns, Kenn9e;h 1 00, 1 02 , 11 0, I 19, I~~ Burr, Wes ley Bursoch, Milan Burton, Jock Burton, La Vor

. ....................

30 52 68

..................... 68

:usonbork, Gayle ....................... 30 Bua~nbork , Sheron .................. 51, I 07


Ullerloeld, Butterfield , Bullerfield, Bulferfoeld,


.::::: .. ::::::.::::::::.:::::::· Ardis .. 31, 99 , 110 Dovod 52 Dee .. 22, 31, 11 a , 124 Delay .. 30, 68, 105, 135

Bullerlield, Bullerfield, Bullerfield, Butrerfoeld,

Roy .... ....... .... ....... .. 68, Reed ................ 68, 105, Rodney Wayne ........ 48, Rodney William .. 32, 99,

1 05 137 105 II 0

Caine, Paul .............................. 64, B7 Coldwell, Lorry ......... ............. .. 69, I 05 Co ldwell , Paul ............ 22, 52, 65, 87, 110, 114, 127, 129, 131, 137 Campbell, Allen ........ 52, 127 , 135, 137 Campbell , Jome> ........................ 69, 95 Campbel l, Robert ............ 69, 129, 13B Carlson, Richard ............. 53, 110, 135 Carlson, Sherleen .............................. 69 Carson, Janice ..... ............. 64, 111, 112

Carson, Joyce .................................. 111 Corson, Virginia .............................. 1 07

Cosper, Sondra ............ 53, 65, 85, B9, 100, 101, 103, 107, 110, 111, 119 Cavender, Jock .......... 25, 33, I 04, 116 Chomberloon, Karma .................. 70, 97 Choeo, Robert .................................... 52 Chidester, Robert ........................ 1 5, 69 Chivero ll , Ross .................................. 32 Christensen, An1to .......... .................. 80 Christensen , LaRoe ............................ 33 Christensen, Richard ........................ 69 Christopherson, Joan ........................ 32

Church, Darlene ...................•...... ...... 69 Clark, Gory .............................. 69, 129 Clayton, Dovod .................................. 32 Cle land, Leonard ............ 53, 128, 133, 135, 137 Coots, Patsy .............................. 22, 53 Cole, Barbaro ................... 32 , 99, 106 Colebrook , Corolee .....•...................... 32 .................. 32

Coleman, Norman ............ 53, 110, 12B, 133, 135, 137 Condie, Paul .............................. 4B Conrad, Mathew .......... ................ BO Canto, Buddy . .................. 15, 32 Cook, JoAnn ........................... 53, 95 Cook, LaNeve . ..................... . ...... 64 Cook, Marilyn .................................... 53 Cook, Myrna ...................................... 53 Cook, Norenne .................... 53, B7, 100 Cooke, Dallas ................................... 32 Coon, Arlene ... .. ................ .. 33 Coon, Conn1e Jo ................................ 69 Coopeo, Delta Fern .. 32, 87, 90, 91, I 08 Corok, Marlene ........................ 53, I 03 Covington, Francis ............ 32, 99, 106 Covtngton, Mary ..... 32, 99, 1 06, 115 Cowley, Joe ................................... 69 Cox, Claudio ...................................... 70 Crone, Claude ........................ 22, 53 Crone, Cllho ................••.............. 69, 97 Crone, Doris ...................................... 52 Crone, Lynn .............................. 69, 1 05 Crone, Pol ............................... 52, 140 Crawford, Darlene .......... .. .............. 69 Crawford, Gene ............ 53, 87, 89, 101 Crawford, Venesso ............ 33, a9, I 00, 101, 102 Crossgrove, Stewart .... ............. 69, 129 Crump, LoRoyne ........................... ..... 53 Crump, Samuel ................................. 53 Crump, Vest Moe .............................. 53 Cunnington, Roy ............ ............ 27, 53

Curtis, Sharon ................. 52, 97, 103 Cutler, Sen .............................. 80, 133 D

Dahl , Douglas ....... 25, 84, B9, 90, 100.101,107,117, Dahl, Grant ................... 54, 105, Dahl , Pot ................................. 70, Dahl, Wayne ........................... 53, DanSie, Doren ............................ 54, DanSie , Joyce ........................... 54, Darron, Arlene ...............

Jock .................. 25, 33, 105, Richard ............................ 53, Sherman .......... 70, 89, 133, Shirlene ................. ............ .....

116 105 137 102

Deaken, Arlene .................................. 70 Dean, Denise ... ................................. 70

Delgado, Mary ............................ 34, 99 Dennis, Deanna ........................ 70, 107

Densley, Cloudelle .................. 54, 140 Densley, Vernon ................................ 54


Coleman , Elaine ·- .......

Day, Day, Day, Day,

93 , 118 137 107 138 105 103

. ....... 14, 70

Dorton , Ruth ............... 33, 90, 91, 93, 99. 1 02, 11 0, 120 Davidson, James ...................... 70, 135 Davies, Alice ................................... 33 Davies, Carol .................... 80, 9B , 106

~~;;: lt~~~.:. ~.: .: .: .: .: .: .:.:.:.:.:.:.>.~;:~g~:: ~ r~ Davis, LoPrielle .................... 70, 89, 107

~:::: ~::~~~ :~~~~~~:~::~:~::::::::::::::~:~::: ~6 Day, Evelyn .............................. 70, 80

Derricotr, Don R................. 70, 129, 137 Despain, D. Anno .............. 54, 89, 103 Despain, Dorienne ...................... 15 , 33 De;poon, Rochord ...................... 70, I I 1 Detomosi, Janette .............. 53, 87, 141 Ueromosi, Janice .............................. 53 Dobb, Delores ........ ............................ 54

Frandsen, Dick .................................. 34 Fronk, Margaret .......................... ..... . 71

Frontz, Reed .............................. 80, I 05 Franz, Pauline .................................. 71 Fratto, James .................... 24, 48, 105 Freemon, lorietfo ...................... 54, 95

Fullmer, Joy ............ 54, 104, 105, 127, 128, 133 Fullmer, Richard .............. 34, I 1 I, I 12 G Gammell, Janel ........................ 35, 110 Gordner, Gayle .................................. 35 Gordner, Mary Ann ............ 22, 71, 107 Gardner, M1choel .................... 71, I 05

Gaster, Harvey ....•............... 72, 95, 129 Gotherum, Janice .............................. 55

D1mond, Brent .................................. 70

Gedge, Gerold .......................... 35, 105

Dooley, David ............................ 80, 95

George, Richard ................................ 55 Gibbons, Joanne ................................ 71

Darius, Allen .................................... 48

Darius, Ruby ·······················'··· ···· 54, 107

Dotson, Pete ...................................... 70 Dow, Deanna .................................... 54

Downs, Charles .. 70, 81, 129, 135, 137 Downs, Patricio ................................ 70

Droke, Evelyn ............................ 54, 87 Droney, lorry .................................... 48 Draper, Jilleen .................................. 33

Duffin, Janel ........... ........... 22, 33, 102 Duffin, Ronald .................................. 54 Dumas, Douglas ................................ 54 Dumas, Jim ............ 54, 110 , 127 , 138 Dumas, lee ........ ................................ Dumas, Ross ...................................... Dunn, Barbaro ................ .................. Dunn, Margaret ................................


33 70 54

Dunn, Robert ........ 24, 33, 87, 89, 100, I 0 I, 107, 1 I 0, 11 I, I 16, 1 20, 127 Durst, Sondra .................... 22, 70, 140 Eastman, Audreo .............................. 64 Eastman, Audrey .............................. 70 Eastman, David .......................... 54, 95

Eastman, Ruth Ann .................. 70, 107 Ebert, Joyce .............................. 54, 11 2 Edwards, Bruce ........................ 70, 137 Edwards, Donald .............................. 48 Edwards, Mary Jane ........................ 70 Egbert, Eris ........................ 34, 49, 102 Egbert, Gory .................... 54 , 104, 105 Egbert, Gail ...................................... 70 Elg, Stanley ...................................... 70 Elmer, Jock .............................. 13, 54 Eltz, Barbaro .................................... 70 Emery, Mervin .................................... 54 Endo, Joson .............................. 70, 135 Enniss, Erma .................................... 70

EnntSt, Belly Ann .......... 54, B7, 89, 95, 101 , 107,108 , 112 Erekson, John ................................... . 7 0 Erekson, William .............. 70, 92, 116 Erickson , Carolyn .. .......... 49, 70, 80, B1 Erickson, Charles ........................... ... 34 Ernstrom, Wayne ........................ 70, 95 Estepp, James ...................... 13 , 70, 89 Evans, Genielle .......................... 71, 1 07 Evans, Geraldine ......... ...... ... . ........ 34 Evans, Moydell ..............................•... 34 Evans, Sonia .................................... 34 Ewell , Leon ......................... ..... 70, 137 Eyre, Darlene ....................... ..... 34, 106

Gibbons, Rolph ........ 35, 112, 124, 135 Gibbons, Sue ............... ..... .. 55, 97, 111 Gilbert, Grace .............................. 18, 55

Gdbert, Jean ............................ 35, 106 Giles, Norma .................... 54, 87, 1 07 Go lien, Gloroo .............. 71, 9B, I 06, 11 2 Glad, Howard .. 55, 127, 12a, 133 , 135 Gimes, Boll ........................................ 55 Gltnes, Gloria .................... 71, B9, 107 Glover, Ivan ...................................... 72

Glover, Jim .............................. 55, 112 Glover, Karl .............................. 36, 107 Glover, Marion ...... 17, 50, 55, 65, 94, 95,107,112,119 Godfrey, Marie .................. 71, 97, 107 Goff, Alonzo ...................................... 72 Golf, DuWoyne ................................ ,55 Goff, Jane ........................ 55, I 03, I 07 Goff, Joy .................... 15 , 35, 49, 102 Goff, ReNee ...................................... 35 Gold, Cheryl .............................. 71, 95 Golding, Marion ................................ 71

Gongolos, Velma ...................... 71, 87 Goodrich, lois .................................... 80

Gordon, Morolyn ........................ 22, 71 Graham, Floyd ....... 72, 129, 138 Graham, Glendo ........................ 55, B9 Graham, Groce .. 55, 65 , 107, 110, 141 Graham, Lao ............................ 71, 39 Graham, Lloyd •... 22, 72, 80, 113, 138 Grone, Pot ............ 50, 55, 65, B7, 107, 10B, 110 Grange, Bonnie ................. ................. 55 Gray, Gerold .................. 55, 127 , 135 Gray, Harold .................................... 35 Gray, Kathy ...................... 71, 111 , 139 Green, lois ........................................ 35 Green, Lynn ...................................... 71 Green, Noel .............................. 35, 105 Green, Nolo ...................................... 35 Green, Norlene ........................ 35, 119 Green, Ross ...................................... 55 Greene, Nancy Ann .......................... 54 Greenwood , Elaine .................... 54, 87

Greenwood, Jeanine ...... 24 , 35, 95, 97, 99, I 02, I 07, 11 I , I 13 Greenwood, Jessie Kat ............ 71, 80, 84, 97. Greenwood , Lynn ............ 35, 104 , GrePnwood, Vol ........................ 55, Greer, Gory .... 22, 35, 90, 95, 96,

113 105 110 111 Gressman , Gory ................................ 72 GrtfftS, Belly .................. .......... 35, 112 Grimaud, Roger .... .................. ... ....... 55

Folrbourn, Glen .............. 105 , 116 , 137 Foorbourn, Jerry ........... ..... 34, 104, 105 Foorbourn, Ross ......... ....... 64 , 104 , 105

Groom, Gordon .................................. 72

Farmer, Frances ................ 54, 137 , 139

Gull , Elaine ........................................ 71

Grover, Clyde .................. 55, 110, 135 Guenon, Jackie .................................. 71

Farnsworth, Gayle .......... .......... 71 , B9 Fourschou, Joyce .............. 54, 87, 103


Fergus, Steven .................................. 54

Hokanson, lorry ................................ 64

Ferguson, Kathryn ............ 54, 137, 139

Hole, Gory ........... ..... 22, 36, 110, 112, 11B, 131, 144 Hall, Rollie ................ .. ............. . 36 , 99

Ferguson, loris .. ................................ 34 Ferguson, Rex ....... ... .......................... 71 Ferguson, Vivian ........................ 54 , 85

Finlayson, Vol ......... .... ............ ......... 71 Fisher, Gerold ......... ..................... 34, 95 Fisher, Geraldine ...... 34, 86, 102, 108 Fitzgerald, Belly Ruth ................ 22, 34, 102, 113, 116 Fitzgerald, Cheri ............ .. 71, 95, 100 Fitzgerald, James .................... .......... 54 Fitzgerald, Nephi ........ 22 , 54 , I 07, 138

Fitzgerald, Pot .. 27, 71, 85, B9, 91, 1 07 Fttzgerold, Sondra .. 25, 34, 48 , I 06, 111

Halverson, Vivian .............................. 37 Hamilton, Carolyn .............................. 56

Hamilton , Clyde ........................ 56, 105 Hamilton, Colleen .............................. 56

Hamilton, Jeny ....................... ... 72, 105 Homdlon , Sharon ...................... 72, 112 Homthon, Shielo ........................ 72, 95 Hand, Bruce .. 72, 81 , 89 , 116,129, 135 Hansen, Claudio .. ................... ... 56 , 107 Hansen , Kathleen .............. 56, 107, 139 Hansen, Weston ................................ 7 2

Flores, Irene ..... ................................. 71

Harbuck, Phyllis ....................... ......... 56

Forbush, JoAnn .................. 24, 34, 102, 107 , Forbu•h. Marion ......... . 34, 49, 86, Forman, Eldon .......................... 34, Francom, Lloyd ........................ 54,

Hardcastle, Ernest .............................. 64 Hardcastle , lorry ............. ................. 72

99 , 111 1oa 1 05 137

Hardcastle, Nool ...................... 37, 1 05 Hardman, Ivan .................................. 72 Hardman, Marilyn ........... ................. 7'2

INDEX Hardman, Virginia .......... ............. ..... 64

Hardy, Kay ........................................ 72 Harmon, Rodney .............. ................ 48

Harper, Rolph .................................... 64 Harrington, Robert ............ 13, 72, 129

Jensen, James .. 56, 110, I 27, 133, Jensen, Jon ice ..... 22, 37, 87, 89, 101, 102, 108, I l l, Jensen, lorry .......... .................. 72, Jensen,

Harris, James .... .. .. .................... 72, 135 Hortman, Kathrine .......... ...... ...... ........... . Hortman, Rozanne .............................. 56

Jensen, Jenson,

Hall, Jackie ......... ......................... ... 37 Hott, Joniel ........... ........................... 56 Hatt, Jeanne ...................................... 55 Holt, Thiel ... ............................. .... .... 72 Houn, Arlene .............. 56, 85, 87, 103, 108, 137, 139 Houn, Bill .... .............. ................ 48, 137 Houn, Judy ...••.........••.....• 56, 107, 111 Houn, Wallace ............ 22, 36, 48, 1 12, 118, 120 Houtz, Bob .... ............. ....................... 56 Hawker, Belly ............. ............. 36, I 07 Hawker, Joan ..... ................. 14, 56, 107 Haws, laVon .............................. 72, 99 Haws, lynne .. 64, 65, 87, 99, 103, 108 Heaps, Billy .................. ............ 72, 129 Heaps, Colleen .......... ....................... 56 Hellstrom, Paul ..... 22, 36, 49, 81, 84, 87, 112, 121, 144 Heki, Ethel ........ ........................... .. 56 Hendrickson, Deanna ........ 56, 107, 116 Hendrickson, Sharron ......... . 22, 72, 116 Hendrickson, Shyrmo .......... 36, 48, 89, 100, 101, 102, 116 Henschke, Ranee .............. 7 2, 99, I 07 Hess, Marlene ...... .. .. ........ 56 , 100, 1 07 Heugly, Dole .... ... .................. 56, 65 Hiott, Juanita .. ... .... .. .... . 72 Hill, Beotrrce ...... 36 , 48, 106 , I I I, 113 Hill , lo R11o ..... ........ 7 2, I 07 HilliS, Don ... ................. ... . .. . .. .... 7 2 Hilton, Beverly ............... 56, I 06, I 07, 11 ' 112 , 141 H~rose, Bob .. 36, 110, 126, 135


Hoefling, Norvell ... ... ....


Hogan, Dov1d .................. 36 , 1 I 0, I 26 Hogan, R1chord ......... 22, 36, 95, 97 , Ill, 112, 13 5 Holman , Marian ..... .....

.. 36, 99, 106

Holmsteod, lee .. ........•...... 36 Holt, Arlene ..................... 56, 91 , 140 Holt, Dole ............ ...... ...... .. 13 , 80 Holt, Don .......................................... 36 Holt, JoAnn .. .. ..... ......... ...... 36 , 1 06 Holt, lynn .................................. 56, 137 Hoopllo , Edgar Allen 89, 91, I 17 Horsley, Allen ............... .. . ........•. 80 Howard , ilo ......... .......................... 72 Howard, Janice ..... -········ .. 56 Howlett, Duane ......................... 56, 133 Howlett, Mary ......... 72, 95, 97 , 100 Hudson, Annelle ....... .... 56, 87, 94 , 95 , 106, 120 Hughes, Jon ice ..................... 36, 1 I 0 Hughes , lyle .... ... 72 , 81, 129 Hughes, Morrlyn ......... ... .. 72, 99, 107 Hughes, William ... ....... 56, 136 Humes, Beth ......... ........... 56, 1 06 Humes, Ruth ... 36 , 99, I 06 Hunsaker, Holley .......................... .. ... 36 Hunter, Douglas ....... .............. . .... .. 72 Ipsen, Bob . .. ..... .... ..........••••.... 72 Ipsen, Jerry ........... .................... 48 lv1e, Michael .. 72, 135

Jenson, Jenson, Jenson,

138 I 00, 121 Ill Lindo ........................ ........ .. 57 Pot ............... .. ..... ............. . 38 Rees ........ 22, 56, 89, 95, 100, 101, 107 , 136 Dean ... .. ......... ... ... ........... ... 37 Elaine .............. 15, 73, 85, 107 Jerold ..... .... 56, II I, 131, 133 lee ..... 22, 57, 110, 113, 127, 129, 133, 138, 144

Jenson, lynelfe . .... ...... ........

Johnston, Owen

97 37, 11 2 Jacobson, Gladys ... ........ ... ... 72 Jacobson , lmdo .... 73, 89 , 100 , 107 Jacobson, Mary . . . 57, 87 , 95, 103 Jacobson, Norma . 37 Jacobson, Paul 16 , 73 , 95 Jacobson, R1chord ..... .... .. 13, 37 James, Jeonelle ........ 38 , 102 , 108 , Ill James, Sharon ... .... ........... 57, I 07 Janssen, Sharon ....... ... .... ... .. ... .. 7 3

Jardine, Belle ....... ............... ..

73, 112 72 38 Jenkins, Edward ............... 56 , I I 0, I 31 Jenkins, Harvey ............... ....... ....... 56 Jenkins, Judy ...... .... .••••••.. •. ... 72 Jenkins, M1lton ................................. 73 Jennings , Kathleen ........... 38 Jensen, Afton ....... ......... 73 , 100 , 107 Jensen, Annette . 22, 49 , 73, 80 , 139 Jarvis, lynn ... Jenkins, Donna .... ............

Jensen, Bruce ................. ............... 73

Jensen, Corio lou .... 57, 100 , I I I, 112 Jensen, Claire ........................ 57 , 111 Jensen, Doris .. 49 , 73 , 80, 100, 111, 137

.. . 57

Johnston, Pat Jones, Ardell

73, 81 56, 1 07, 1 I 0 Jones, Harvey 64 Jones, Jean 38, I 06 Jones, Joanne ... .. 73, 107 Jones, M1ckey . . . 22, 73, 80, 128 , 133, 135, 137 48, 64 Jones , Ronald .... 9 , 37, 49, 92, 102 Jones, Sh.rla 73 Jones, Velma 72 , 129 Jones, Wayne 73 Jones, W•nslow Joosten, Maureen 56 . 37 Jordan, Jerry


Jordon, Perry Jorgensen, Don Jorgensen, Jerry Juretich, Jerry

70, 135 37, 112, 145 37, 99, 127 K

65 Koslonis, Terry . 38, 118, 145 Kay , Charlene . 57, 87, 107 Kearsley , Dix1e ....... 25, 38, 102, 111 48 Kemp , Jerry Kemp, Joseph •... 13, 74, 89 Kemp, Joyce .... 38 Kemp, Rochard ... ... .......... .. ..... 74 57, 65 , 95 Kesler, Orson 74 Kldd, Allee .. ... ...• .. 74, 85, 89, 95, 108 Kidder , Gayle Kllsel, Arthur 22, 57, 136 K•ng , Dorothy .... ..... 74, 106 K•ngston, Leon ........ .. 64 Kirron, Peggy Ann 57, 89, I 00, I 03 Klolov•ch, Mark .. . . . . . . . . 74, 129 Knight, JoAnn . ....... . ............. 38, 99 Koolhoven, Fred ..... ............... 74,111 Kroon, Frances .. ........................ 57 Kynaston. Jean 57 Ka1ser , Don .....

labrum, Blayne labrum, James

Jackson , Paul ........ Jackson , Renee

l 00

Jeppson, Dana ..................... ..•.... .. 72 Jex, Dorothy .... . 56, I 07 Johanson, Denece ...... .. 22, 37, 87, 1 00 , 101, 102, 108 Johnson, Annette .. ...... 73 Johnson, Arlene ..................... . . .. .. 73 Johnson, Belly .......... .... ... . .. 56 Johnson, Elda Roe .... .... ...... .. . 73 Johnson , Gory .. .... 37 Johnson, Marilyn ...... 37, 73, 92, I 02, 110, 111, 112 Johnson, Marjorie ..................... 57 Johnson, Nancy ................... ......... 38 Johnson, Nola . ... . ........... .......... 73 Johnson, R1chord .......... ..... ...... 56 Johnson, Stella .. ... 73 Johnson, Zoda Roe .. 38, 80, I 07, 112

57, 87, I 28, 133, 137 74, 129, 135 39 lomb, les 74 Landen, Ron old ..... ................... 74 landiS, Grant 95, 97 long, Dole 74 lang, Marrlyn 74 long, RoMoe 39 LaRocco, 8e1h .. ....... ........ ... .. 39 larson, Ann 48 Larsen, Fern ...................... 74, 95 larson, Fronk 58, 112 larsen, Gory 74, 97, Ill, 137 larson, Judy . 74, 81, 89, 107, 140 Lorson, Koren .. 74, I 06, I 07 larson, Margie . 39, 110 laveder, Mike 57 Lawson, Beverly ...... ............... 38, 99 lawson, Colvin .. .. 74, 129 lee, Bob 74 leek, Glenna .. .. 7 4 39, 86, 108 LeFevre, Joan LeFevre, loiS 74, 107 lennberg, Bruce ... ..... ........ 74 leonard, Peggy . ............. .. 7 4 lew11, leland ........................... ...... 38 LaChance , Irene

Leyba, Morg•e lien, Don U~narz, Barbaro

.. 7 4 ... 58 ............ 58, 1 l 1, 11 2

Lipsey, Ado Gail ........ 38, 90, 91, 1 12 ......................... 38 lollle, luGcne . .. ..... .... ..... 39, I 06, 1 I I lloyd, Carmen .. ..... 58, I 03 lloyd, Connie Roe 22, 38, 85, 86, 90, 91, 98, 100, 108 , Ill, 121 lloyd, Darlene .......... . ... ...... .... 39, 99 lloyd, David .. .. . 22, 74, 128, 133 lloyd, Donald . ..... 57, 137 lloyd, Donna ....... 58, 87, 103, 108 lloyd, Faye 22. 39. I 02 lloyd, Moqorie .. 17, 64, 97, I 07 lloyd, Neldon ... .. 7 4 loader, Mary 74, I 00, I 07, 108 Losee, Don ..48, 97, 110, 116, 127, 135 loveless, Duane .. 19, 58, 89, 100, 101, 118 lovendohl , Darlene .. 74, 112 lucas, Fronk .. .• 57 , 11 0, I 27, 137 lucero, Raymond ... 57, 128, 133 lundberg, Ann . ....... 57 , 88, I 00, 103, 107, Ill, 112, 141 lundberg, Pearl .. ...... . 18, 38 lunnen, Delores ... ... . . . . 58, I 03, 141 lunnen, Luana 39, 49, I 02, Ill L1psey, Alvin

Mitchell, M1tchell, Mitchel l, Mitche ll ,

Marlin .... ....................... . 40 Ni le ................. ..... ............. 64 Raymo .. . ................ 74 Sondra ............ . 58, 100, I 07

Montague, Donna ..

.. .........•. ... 58 Mace, Ruuell ....... ........... 80 Mac Kay, Brent ........... .......... .... . 58 Mocklon, Dole 58 Maddox, T•molhy .•.. 7 5 Madsen, Carolyn 75 , 107 Madsen , Mary lou 41 , 85, 87, 89, 91 , 1 00, I 0 I , 102, 1 I 2 Madsen, Marva Rae .... 40 Madsen, Wayne 58 Madsen, W1nmfred 40 Mahler, Tony ........ 41 , 89, 99 Malstrom, Lo•s u........ ......... 75 Malstrom , Willard . 75, 89 Mangum, Dov1d 58 Markus, Glen 48 74, 139 Markus, Maxme Marlar, Kent . 39 , 48, 86 , 117 , 118 Marshall, Jane 74, 97, 107 Marshall , lorry .. 64 Marlin , Jock .. 39 Marlin , larry .. 89 Marlin, Sylv1o .. 7 5

Moon, Nelda ........... 58, 87, 95, 106 Moosman, Glen ...... ....... 58, I I 0, 135 ... . ..... 75 Morgan, Roberto ............. 40, 1 I 0, 124 Morley, Harold .... . 22, 39, 110, 112, 120, 125, 126, 129, 135, 137 Mom II , Elroy 58, I 05 Morrill, Dorothy . 74, I 07

Morgen, Lorry ..... .. .. ... ..

Morrow, Joan .... ... Morrow, leon ....

.... 41, 90, 91, 100,

108, 121 Matthew>, leland 75 Maynard, LoNdo 41, 102, 107 McCarthy, Mary 40, 90 McClellan, Marilyn . 75 McClellan, Norma 58 McCorm•ck, Reed 58, 80, I 05 McEwen, Gayle . 64 McFarlane, Joan 39 , 75, 112,139 McFarlane, Nyle 107 , 110,112,126, 131, 137, 138, 144 McKoy, Barbara ..... 75, 107 McKoy, Modo 4I McMullin, Sue .58 , 87, 95, 97 , 103 , 108 McNamara , Robert , 22 , 24, 39, 110, 113, 127 McRae , Lorin 2, 75, 129 Mecham, Jerry 80 Mecham, louise 74 Merltn, Larry ••••·•n••·•·••••.-•••· 40 Mockelsen, DeAna ................... 75, 100 Mickelsen, Ried ......... • ....... ........ 74 Miles, Ruth 41 , 84 , 106 M1ller, Dean 74 M1ller, Gerold1ne 75 M1ller, Jon1ce

M1ller, Karl

39 .. . 39 58, 87 Mortensen, Sharlene ... ........ .... 58 Mounleer, Boyd . . 74, 129 Mounteer, Dorene ... ... 75 Moun leer, lorry ... . .................... 58, 80 Mousley, Arlene ....... ........ , 58 Mousley , Cheryle ......... .......... . ... 40 Mumford, Billy ... 74

Mdler, Povl1ne


Mlllerberg, Gordon IS 40 . 110 , 112 , 130, 132, 133, 134, 143, 145 Mlllerberg, Joan 40, 90, I 07, II I , I I 2 M1llel, lorna 40, 49, 74, 90, 110 Milligan, Patsy 58, 95, 112 M1lne. Deanna 58 Milne, Don 19, 58, 87 Mtlne, Joyce 74 22, 40, 99, 121, 143 Mineer, Arvin Mmer, Edward 7 5 , 81, 89 , I 00, I 07 M1ner, Lee Ann

Naylor, lucille


M1ner, Rosemary 58 , 88, 89, 91, 95 , 100 , 101,102, 103, Ill Mlnn1ck, Charles 22, 75, 95, 97 M1nnick, Owen . 1S, 40 , 95 Mitchell, Faye . 58 Mitchell, Howard 40, 105, 1 16 M•tchell, Joyce 74, 107

..... . 75 75 75 22, 41, 91, 100, 102 76 ....... 76, 89, 100, J07 58, 105 76 ... 59, 128, ~;~ ......... ......... .. 76 . ........ ........ 75 ................. 59 , 107

Neilson, Paul Neilson, Korecn

Nelson, Alfred Nelson, Nelson , Nelson, Nelson,

N 17, 22, 59, 65, 107 59, 110, 128, 133, 1 3~


Nelf, Conn1e Neff, Edna Neff, loiS ..

Don Evere11 Jack JoAnn

Nelson , Kay Nelson, Sondra Nelson, Vera


22. 41' 99, J02. I 07, 110, II~

Nemonic, Patrie .. 13, 7 6 , 129, 13 59 , 10 7 Neuffer, Sh~tlene Newbold, Alan 22, 28, 41, 84, sa, 9~ Newbo ld , Morolyn 7 Newman, Nancy Ann 76 , 107, Ill, 13 9 Newman, Robert .. 59, 11 1 Nichol, Paul 58, 13 8 6 Nichols , Marilyn Nichols, Paul 59, 1 58 Nichols, Sonja sa N•ckle, Clement ......... ,_... 07 1 Nielson, Judy ... ... 75, N•elson, LeGrand ..... . .. 75, 95 N•elson, Marsha ...... 76, 107 76 Nielson, lorry ..... ........... 15 N1elson, Robert ,..... .......... ...


Ntels,on, Vtrgtnlo

.•••. ...u·•···· ·

15 S9

N1lson, Ann Mono ............ ...... a1 Nomlck, Roberr so Nogales, ChtiS 107 Norros, loDee .......... 41, 102, 107 Nunley, Coral 4l' 5 Nunley, Joyce 59, 11 6 7 Nunley, Phyllis 135 Nuzmon, Donald 59, 5 Nystrom, Enk 19, 22, 58, a9, 9 100, 101, 107, 13



Ook.eson , Kenneth

Oakeson, Wade Obenhow, Stanely o· Brien, Barbaro

40, 107

15, ?2, 75, 129 , 133 , 138

58, 141

Morse, Colldme .. ... ... Morse, Faye ...

Mace, Bruce .

Mascaro, Tony

40, 107

_ ..... . .. ... ..... 48, 99

Naylor, Charlene ... Naylor, Gerold


..... ....

Montague, Roy .......................... 24, 58 Moore, Marilyn

O'Bnen, Kareen 0 Bnen, Kenneth

O ' Keefe, Morrin Ols n, Benson Olsen, Dirk Olsen, Gerd

76 ' 129 ' 137 76 42 9 59, 87' 90, .\' 1oa, 110. 112. 22, 42, 99, 65 60, 64, 101 64, 89, 35 60, 159


60 76 119 ..... 22, ' 59 Olsen, Perry ............. ·•··•· .107 ... ........ .. 76, J20 Olsen , Rene ............... 41, I 06, 59 Olson , Betty •. .... . J i6 Olson, Delores . ................. ....... 25, 41, 105, 76 O lson , Duane ... .. 76 O lson , Frances ............ ........ ... Olson, Kent .. ................ • ·••· AI O lson , la Mar ............... · · · 4 8: " : ~~ Olson, Leona .. .... 59 Olson, Richard Orgill. James •• l AI 59, 11 0, 59 Orr, Margene .. O lsen , Mary Ann

Orwln, Delores

......... . l os:·· l 29 ·~ ··· ··· · 76,

Osborne, Delay ..

INDEX Osborne, Georgia ........................ 59, 80 Ostler, Neil .... .. .............................. 42 Otteson, JoAnn ... ............................ 64 Ov1ott, Carma ................................... 64 Oviatt, Raben ................................. .

Owen, Esther ..

.. ............................. 42 Owen, Fronk ..........•.....•.......... 7 6, 105 Owen, Lois

...................... 59

Ozoncin, Roberto

..... 59, 87, I 07 p

Pock, Jenionne ......... 7 6, I 07, I I I 42, 88, I 00, Ill Pock, Valo~ne Pad1en, Pal 42, 114 Page, LeRoy .......................... 60, 95 Palmer, Delene .....................

Palmer, Glen Palmer, lynn

. ........ 76

60 60, I 05

Palmer, Marianne


Palmer. Wilham Pappas, Athene

Pappas, Deana Pappas, Gearg1a

...... 60 . -······· .........


Pork, Dorwm


.. .............. I 12 .... 43, 99

......... ....••.

.. 76

Pork, LeRoy Park, Sh.rley Ann Porker, Colleen Porker, Polly Ann

.... 7 6 . 76 60, 89, 139 60, 90, 91, I 00, Ill, 121, 139 42, 90, 91, 11 2 Porker, V1cky Parks, Oarwtn I 05 60 Parry, Ann 76 Parry, Blo1ne 8. 76, I 05 Parry, Blo1ne L. 77 Parry, James Parry, Richard 64 60 Parry, Rulon Parsons, Myrna 60 43 Parsons, V1V10n 76, 89, 135 Pa~ionce, Edward 76, 95 Pat1encc, John 80 Payne, Sondra 42, 99 P01•ll, Lucille 76, 107, 137, 139 Pedersen, LaRue 76, 89 Podler, lynne 60, 87 Pedro, Harn•on 76 Peeler, Sharon •••• 76, 107 Penrod, Arlene PNklns, Veronica 60 Peter1r.n, Carol Ann 80 76, 129, 137 Peteraen, Dee 43 Petersen. Delores Peter,cn. James 60, 131' 138, 144 47, 105 Pmorsen, Sharon 76, 89, 112 Peterson, luDeen 42 Peterson, Dell Peteraon, Leon 60, 136 Phelps, Kendall 17' 60, 65, 84, 86, 87, 100, 121 Phelps, Pot 60, 87, 88, 89, 100, 106, 108, Ill Ph1pps, Cary 60 P1erce, Hazel 76 P1erce, Jerry • 60, 1 28, 133 PIN<e, Joy 42 42 Pirrce, Sherman 16, 42, 99 P•erson, Lynn P•nedo, Carmon 43 P•nedo, Pot 60 P1xton, Gayle 60, 85, 87, 100, 103 PloytH, Don• 60, 65 Player, Ja<k 76, 129 Ploynr, Vol 42, 112 , 124, 135 Pollard, Pearl 60, 65, 112, 131, 133, 134 , 137, 144 Poison, Ted 64 Porno, Oenece 64 Pond, Dean 42, 92, 95 Pooiu, Dov1d 76 Poulsen, Gayle ....... 76, 94, 95, 107 Pratt, lOll 60 Pro11, Ronald 80 Pri(:e , Carla 76, 107, 140 Pr,ce, Jan•ce 22, 60, 103, 141 Price, lonn 60 Pr•cc , Lynn 42 Price, Roger 60 Price, Sh.rley 60, 87, 89, I 00 , 103, 108 Procter, Beverly 42 , 87, 99, 108 Puilmon , Dorothy 60 Purser , Jock ... 42, 99 Q

22, 43 15, 43, 102 :admall, Penny

0 •ns, Al•ce Rosrt'lussen, Joan ...

61, 95, 103 ......... 77 ... 77

Rasmussen, JoAnn ...... 24, 99, 107, 140 Rasmussen, Kenneth .................... 15, 43

Rasmussen, Mary Ann .. 22, 43, 102, 111 Rawlings, Janel ................................ 80 Rawlings, Janice .............................. 80 Rawl~ngs, Ndo .......................... 77, 1 07 Rawson, Annette ................................ 77 Rawson, Colleen .............................. l 12 Rowson, Jeanene .............................. 60 Rowson, Robert ...... -··············---······--·· 77 Roy, Eugene ...................................... 61

Reed, Penny ............................. 77, 107 Reeves, Nelda .................... 77, 81, 107 Reich, Helen .............................. 61, 107 Re1ch, Viola ............................. 43, 107 Reynolds, R1chord ...... .......... ..... 14, 4 3 Richards, Ted .............. 77, 81, 113, 137 Rlc~ordson, Janice ...... 77, 95, 97, 100 R1gby, Melv1n ................................ 48 R1ggs, Palsy ..................................... 64 Roberts, Ann ..

............................... 77

RobiSon, Beverly

............................ 60

Robtnson, Blaine .......................... 61 Robinson, Geri .... _-····················-··· .. 77

Robison, Kay ......................... 43 Roby, Sh.rlene ... .. ................. 60, 106 Roden, Kenneth .................................. 89 Rogers, Carol .... .......................... 4 3 Rodgers, Kay ............... .................... 77 Romero, John . 60, 95 Romney, Jean .... 43 Romney, Joan 77, 100, 111 Romney, PhylliS -- •• ............ . 61 Roos, Boyd 13, 43, 101 Roos, Ke11h .... 13, 60 Rosenhon, Bruce 77, 97, 112. 129 Rosenhan, Chad . 61 Rosenhon, Paul

Rosenkrantz, Carl Ross, Elo~ne .. Rowsell, Janel Russell. Chorlyn Sabey,


Sadler, Duane Sagers, Dov1d Sagers, Moqone Sold1bor, Chesptn

... -······ 43

............... 61, 99 •...... 49, 86, 107 ........ 77 22, 43, 91, 102 62, 100, 102, 103, 111' 140 . 62 .... .......... 4 5, 107 .......... 78, 106

Sml!h, Morvin .................................... 77 Smith, Noel ................................ 77, 105 Smilh, Nolan ............................ 62, 105 Sm11h, Palncio .................. 77, 97, 100 Sm11h, Ronald ............................ 78, 105 Smllh, Sheldon .................................. 62 Snyder, Jock .................... 22, 64, 1 11 Soderberg, June ............................. 102 Sorensen, Renee .......................... 61, 87 Spears, Sharon .... 62, 87, Ov, 103, 140 Spencer, Kenneth ··············--·-····-- 13, 45

Spilker, Corene ........... 45, 88, 89, 90, 91, 100, 101 Spratling, Colv in . ------· 62, 1 OS Spralltng, Colleen ...... 22, 61, I 03, 1 16 Sproll, Hal ........................................ 62 Sprmger, Deon .......................... 78, 135 Springer, Gerold1ne ............................... .

Stanley, Reed ........................... 45, 105 Steadman, Alan ........................ 62, 137 Steadman, Darlene -··························· 77 Steadman, Elden ....................... 77, 105 Steadman, Norma ............................ 102 Steadman, Sheldon .................... 45, 105 Steadman, Sh.rley ...................... 78, 107 Steedman, Joan ..

........................... 41

Steenson, Hazel ................................ 78 Steinfeldt, Marlin .. 62, 97, 105 Ste~nfeld!, Paul ... .. 78, 105 Stelling, Pol .. .... •............... 45, 48 Stephens, Brent .. ................. 62, 87 Stewart, Wallace ........... 78, 105 Stocking, Carol ........ 93 Stockmg, Jean 61, 103 Stoker, Tommy .... 61, 87, 107, 111, 1 28, 133, 137' 138 Stone, Jerry .....•.•................ 78 Sroul, Larry • 15, 45, 48, 95, 107 Stout, Mordyn . . ....... 78 Stowe, Richard ... __ . 4 5 Stromberg, Joanne ...... 88, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 99, 110, 111 Sug1yomo, Mickey .. . . .. 62, 137, 144 Sund, Geraldine .. . 62, 85, 103, 140 Swapp, Carolyn ........................ 99, 102 Swapp, Howard .. 19, 22, 50, 62, 65, 133 Swenson, Marilee ... 99, 107, 111, 1 12 Sylvester, Judy ... .. ... 61, 87, 103


Sampson, Arva Sanders, Koren SondquiSI, Beverly Salov1ck, Rober! 89, 91, 92, 93, 117 120, Savage, Gene Savage, George 5chaelilng, R1chord 5chae lllng, Sturley Schm1d l, Poul.ne Schm1d1, Rosemane

. 78 ....... 61, 103, 113 17, 49 22, 24, 45, 85, 87, 100, 101, 107, 110, 121, 125, 129, 135 ....... 45, 99, 1 1 2 .................. 77 77 . 45, 99, 1 10, 1 20 61, 97, 103, 139 .. 62, 85, 87, 97, 103, lOB Scoffleld, Sondra 61, 65, I 02, 103, 111 Scott, Duone 61, 88 Searle, Donna .. 78, 140 Sellerberg, R11o ............ 85, 93, I 07 Sharp, Gene ...... ........ ... 48 Sharp, Jerry ........ •.... 61, 95, 97 .......... ...... .. ... 48 Sharp, Lynn Shelton. Gery ........ 62, 106, 107 Shepherd, D1ck 13, 78, 81, 95 Shepp1ck, Arlene 78 Shenff, LoRee 77 Sh1elds, Dav1d 62, 110, 133, 138 Shields, Jack ... . 78 Sh1elds, Joon N ...... 61 Shinsel, Thad 48 Showell, V1ckie Ann .. .. .... 62, 88, 89, 95, 100, 101 , 103 Shrewsbury, Bruce . .... ... ......... .. .. 7 8 ............... 45, 135 Shrewsbury, John Silcox, La Rue .... . ............................. 4 8 Silcox, Nola . . ............................. 62 Silcox, Royden ... ........................... 78 Simonson, Kent .................................. 62 S1monson, Ronoe .. ·········--··· 78

Simpson, Ann ... 22, 62, 87, 103, 108 Sjoblom, lorna Gad .................... 22, 78 Sjoblom, Nancy Ann ...... 45, 87, 89, 90, 93 , 100, 101, 102, 108 , 117, 118 S;ostrom, Evelyn ................................ 45 Smart, Robert ............ 62, 113, 137, 144 Sm11h, Dorothy .................................. 80 Smith, Draney ....................... 45, 115 Sm1th, Gory ...................................... 77 Smi th, lola ....................................... 64 Smith, Janice ............................ 77, 107 Sm11h, Ken! ...................... 22, 78, 129 Smith, LaMont .................. 45, 110, 127 Smith, LaRoe ..................... ...... , ....... 78

Takemori, Fred ......................... 62, 135 Talbot, Kay ...................................... 62 Tonner, Fred ............................... 78 Tapp, Donna ................................ 62 Topp, Veri . .. ................................ 78 Taylor, Allen ............................ 78, 105 Taylor, Dov1d ........................ 78, 129 Taylor, John ...................................... 64 Taylor, lloyd ........................... 80, 105 Taylor, lynn .................................... 78 Taylor, N1to ...................................... 46 Taylor, Nool ................... 62, 87, 95 Taylor, Shirleen ................................ 46 Terry, Ethel .. .. ......................... 48, 106 Terry, Roy .......................................... 46 Tester, Don ................ 46, 112 Tester, Noreen ........... 62, 87, 107 108 Thacker, Kay .......... .......................... 7 8 Thoxlon, Sort ............................... 62 Thayne, Audry _................ 78, 89 Thayne, Norma ...


........ 62

u Unok, Lynn .................................. 16, 80 Usher, Burton --·····--··-······---··-····--······ 46

Usher, Sh1rley ............................ 79, 11 2

v Vanderhooft, Gerard .......................... 79 Von Detto, Deeda .............................. 79 Von Ry, John .................................... 63 Van Valkenburg, Afton ...................... 79 VaronokiS, Mike .................. 22, 63, 93 Vaughn, Janice .................................. 68

Vawdrey, Wayne ...................... 79, 135 Vicchrille, Von .......... 79, 105, 129, 137 Vincent, Ken! ...... 46, 48, 90, 91, 100, 107, 116, 121, 145 Vincent, Robert ......................... 22, 46 Vincent, Warren ........... ............. 79, 138 Visser, Kenneth .................................. 63

Vordos, Lee .............................. 46, 107

w Wolbeck, Daryl ...... 19, 133, 138 Walbeck, laMar .......... 22, 46, 88, 110, 112, 131, 134, 138 Walker, Carolee ....... 21, 47, 111, 140 Walker, Charles ............... 63, 112, 137 Walker, Gory ............ 46, 110 , 113, 1 27 Walker, lonny ................................. 63 Walker, Sheri .................................... 80 Wolters, OuWoyne ................... ......... 64 Wolters, La Trice ............ 64, 94, 95, 106

Wolters, Marilyn .. ........................... 47 Wanless, lee .... . ...................... 47 Wardle, Forrest . .. . ................ 63

Wardle, Nedra ............ 64, 1 1 1, 112 Weber, Pol ............ .................... ... 79 Webster, Dorothy ...................... 64, 107 Webster, Jerry .......... 63, 128, 133, 137 Webster, Kent ................... 22, 79, 105 Webster, Michael .............................. 64 Webster, Ronald ................................ 69 Welch, lynnel .................................... 79 Welhngton, Richard ................... 64, 95 Wennerstrom, Deanna ...... .. 63, 87, 107 Wheodon, Ins ........ 47, 90, 91, 99, 102, 110, 118, 120 Whetmon, leici .................. 79, 81, 100 While, Bob ....................... 47, 99, 112 Whiled, Bruce .... 79, 89, 105. 116, 129 Whitehead, Don .. .. ... . 47, 1 10, 1 26, 135, 145 Whitmore, Geraldine .. 15, 79, 107, 111 Whitmore, Ke1th ................................ 63

Wh111enburg, Raymond ...... 46, 99, 110, 112, 1 18, 131' 139 Wilcox, Rulon ............................ 47, 105 Wilkenson, Edith ·- .............. 79, 80, 1 1 2 Wilkenson, Robert ...................... 47, 105 Wilson, Robert ........ 47,104,105,116, 117, 137 Wilson, Tracy ..... 64, 87, 95, 97, 108, 112, 136 Winn, David ... .... . ................ 79, 89 W.nn, Joan ............. 64, 65, 107, 111 Wtnn, Solly ................. 63, 106, 139 Winword, Kaye .......

................. 63

W•thers, Fronk .................................. 64 Withers, Iretta .........._..... ......... 18, 64 Withers, Iris


............................ 47

Thomas, Wayne ................................ 7 8

Withers, Reono .......

Thomson, Ronald -·······-····················· 62 Thompson, Eugene ............................ 78 Thompson, Gloria ... ·---·-···········-·······- 7 8

Withers, Vance -·······-· ...................... 47

Thompson, Noel ................................ 46

.. 79, 80, 1 12

Wolf, Dean ..................................... 63 Wood, Carol ............................. 64, 107 Wood, LoiS ................................ 63, 65

Thompson, Royolo ........................... 46

Wood, Margaret .............................. 63

Thorn, Dorold ................................... 46

Wood, Neil ........................................ 63 Woodhouse, Cleo .............................. 47

Thorn, Joe ........ ··············--····--········ 7 8

Thorum, Arden ...... 46, 89, 90, 91, 95, 100, 101 , 108, 117, 121 T1mothy, Melvin ............................... 80 Tingey, Sharon ................................. 46 Todd, Janette .................................. 78 Tolman, Gordon ................................ 62 Tomlinson, Sherry ············--···--- 62, 107 Toone, Ardene .................................. 7 8 Toone, Marva .................................... 46

Torkelson, Janet .. 62, 99, 103, 111, 141 Townsend, Charlene .................. 63, 107 Tranter, Joene .................... 78, 88, 107

Workman, lee . ................................... 79 Workman, lenore ······--················-····- 79

Worthen, Blaine ........................ 22, 47 Wnghl, Carolyn ................................ 63 Wright, Dale ............................ 70, 105 Wright, Marlene ........................ 79, 107 Wright, Michael ........................ 79, 95 Wright, Nodine ................................. 63 Wright, Velie .................... 47, 86, 108


Trapp, Silly ...................................... 78 Tripp, Lynn ................ 62 , 89, 103, 139 Troester, Ronald ........................ 62, 78 Truhill, Jerrie .................................... 78 Tucker, Kent ...................................... 62 Tucker, La Dawn ........................ 63, 139 Turner, Bill ........................................ 78 Turner, Elva Kae .............. 78, 106, 107 Turner, Mark .................................... 135

Yates, Bryan .............................. 47, 1 1 1 Yates, Donald .................................. 64 Yates, Kaye ...................................... 64 Yeager, Carol .................................... 48 Young, Floyd .............. 79, 95, 128, 133

Turner, Rex ........................................ 46

Zrno. John ........................................ 79

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"Still grant us our illusions, Though frail as gossamer, Of realms beyond the sunset, Of lights that never were. Our visions, our illusions, However false and vain, Though strength and fortune fail us, Oh, let our dreams remain.路路


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