Page 1

Reflecting Traditions of Note

'ss Editor Ethel Heki

Business Managers Gay le Pixton Judy Sylvester

Lithography and Covers Wheelwright Lithographing Company

Album Midvale Studio





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Hi! My names is "Topper." I began as an idea. I was molded, shaped, and trimmed by my creators until I received my present form. To give purpose to my being, I am to symbohze the spirit and life of those things already synonymous with the student~hfe of a "Beetdigger." We will become good friends, you and I, as we reflect the exciting experiences and friendly associations of your days at Jordan. We are gomg to live again

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place among them.

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om joum<y b<gin' ., you tum th< pog<


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Jordan's halls re ound with the cch es made by th e who have passed through her corridors. They rise and fall - some remain as tradition . As a tribute to the loyal Beetdigger - students, faculty, maintenance staffs, and administrati n - wh have supported the traditions of J rdan, we dedicate this 1955 Beetdigger.


A familiar figure on campus ... IN SPECIAL TRIBUTE to one who has lived with Qur traditions, we com, mend Principal Ballard. He is respected for his helpful guidance, con tructive criticism, and democratic methods of education. We are most proud to pay honor to "the noblest Beetdigger of all."

Here's Here's Here's When Here's Here's Here's Here's

to old Jordan we love so well, to the Red and Gray. to the school days we won't forget we are far away. to the victories she has won, to those yet to come; to her fame that will mount the sky to old Jordan High.

With a vevo, with a vivo With a vevo, vivo, vum, High scho 1 sons are we Old Jordan ever more triumphant shall be She never falters, hers the victory. So, clear old Jordan we'll cheer for thee. The sunrise paints the crimson, in gray the evening di~ You can't beat that; take off y ur hat, To the high school in the skies.







Cultural Arts












High school sons are we ...


JOHNNY Sportsminded Johnny Pollard lead the 1956-57 class.

SHARON aptivating Sharon wenson provided able assistance.

NORMA LYNN Attractive secretary N rmn Lynn Hale proved Jcpendnble.


Earl Allen

Draper Carolyn Aceves West Jordan Bryant Ainsworth

Sandy Sheri Lou Aaron

Sandy Michael Andreason

Midvale Ivan Arterburn

Union Marian Anderson

Midvale Glen Anderson

Butler Estella Anderson Union Gary Anderson

Midvale Craig Baird

Draper Gloria Backus

Sandy Nathan Anderson Union Corine Archuleta

Sandy David Arnold

outh Jordan Sherrell Berrett Union Judy Brown Union Karl Baird

DraJJer Ann Atkinson

Midvale L ren Atkinson

Midvale Joseph Baker

Draper Shirleen Beck l fermnan David Banner Union Mari lyn Raker

Draper Philip Augason Midt~ale

Lew Bird

Midvale MeiRne Bateman Sandy I larry Bennion Midvale Linda Ballnmis

Mid11Clle Ralph Ahhworth

West Jordan Earnest Atwood

West Jordan Louise Bernardo

Draper hristian Benson

Draper Jean Bernardo

DraJ>er Aaron Beckstead

Ease Midvale Jay Boggess Union Joyce Baker Union Lee Asay

andy Deanna Biggs

Draper Kent Beers

West Jordan


Ronald Boren Crescent DeWoyne Briley Draper Ri chard Burmester Wesc Jordan Brent Butterfield Rivercon


Mary Boyle Burler Shawna Brinton Union Farrel Brown W esc Jordan Linda Butterfield Herriman

; Duane Blatnick Midvale E!Rny Bridges Rtverw n H yrum Butterfield 'ouc h Jordan John Browne Riverwn

Mary Jane Brady Fast Midvale Ros<~lie 13rklncich Mtdvale Ann 13lacke tt Midvale Barbara arte r Crescenr

arl Bishop Miclt~ale

LaJd Brady San<ly Kenr Flonc Rtverton Larry flutterfield Rwerron

Joyce Iloswell Union Joanne Berretr Sanely Ann BuncrfielJ I lerriman Virginia 11urns Stmcly

Jack Butterfield Riverton Nancy Denney Rivercon Verl ' hidester


Bonnie Christian Sandy Deloy arlson Ease Midt~ale Lynn Brand

Sanely !rene ampbell Unio11 Richard Cleland Draper Sharon Butterfield Herriman Keirh lement MicJ,,ale

.A . 12

Jerry hrisropherson fast Mit!t~ale Sandy unningtOn Union Roy Burton We r Jordan ora ase West Jordan Delbert hrisrensen Wcst]ordan

ValDcne arlson Midvale Garth Boulden Wesc Jordan Bud Brown Riverton Don ampbel! Sandy


andy Larqโ€ข

andy Frank


ook rump mstock

John Di k Wc.~e Jordan

raw ford

Sandra rump Herriman DeAnna DeGroot




M1dvaLe Norman


Diane Dale

Robert Dahl

Wesr Jordan

Mid1 โ€ขaLe

Diane D1bb

Ray rane Rl1 'c.!rton


Mary Ellen Delgado Wesc Jordan Sharon Dean Un1on D1xie Dean

John Corak



Frances Dye


Joyce Brown



Rulon Dahl

Garry Crump

Connie Crane Herriman Velma Cook Union Marilyn Beckstead


Souch Jordan

M1dvaLe Clare Despain

Rodney Dansie

Herriman Gary Denny

Draper Fred


Ease MidvaLe William Despain

Gran ice

Sharon Patrick attempts a problem in bookkeeping while Keith Stepan and Jerry Gardner observe.


Norene Evans Sandy Dale Frandsen Sandy Dixie Ferguson Sandy Jerry Forbush Union

Tommy Fnirbourn Sandy Gloria Eyre Sandy Chnrles Ferguson Bt~tle r

Janet Finlayson West Jordan

JoAnn Ernest

Glncle Crosgrove



corgc Dotson West Jordan Linda Fairborn

JoAnn Farnsworth Sanely Denni s Former Midvale


Marva Forbush Union

Di ck Forbush M~.~rray

Joe Drake Wc.<r Jordan onnie Davis Wiest Jordan DelRoy Eastman I krrim1โ€ขn Ncclrn Formnn Sn11rh Jordan ยท

Betty Lou Deakin Unwn Jerry Dimond West Jordan Shnron Eldredge Unwn Donald Enniss DmJJer

Linda Ann Gardner West Jordan Lnrry Froislnnd Union JoAnn Goff 'andy Rodney Gallegos Cr~ ยทcent Linda Geclge So11th Jordan David Glnd resc:cnt

Shirley rehring Mttrmy Jerry Gardner Midv1โ€ขle

Bonnie lenn \.Vest Jordan Don Fullmer South ]oTt! an Pnrsy Glines \"(I e.IC Jordan Mike Gam Ea.\L Midvale


. .r




joan Grant Midvale Warren fitzgerald Draper Eunice Gilbert Riverton

Jnnet Dahl Ea.<t M id~'ale Dnvid Downs EaH Mid,,a/.e nrolyn Evans "1mciy

Jimmy Fergus Crc.~cent

ennis Green


~cnry On maud . a~r


Ocan Fife


Kenneth Crecn Welt Jordan

onja Heinecke

Mul<โ€ขale Ronald! !nn&en Unum Linda (loutlie Scmdy , harlene I !off man DraJ>er

Wilford Green Rโ€ขt โ€ขl'rt<m Norma Lynn Hale

Ea11 Mโ€ขtlโ€ข ยทale harles c.raham M"ltยทa!c I !arold Grima uti

Ecm M1d1 โ€ขale

Judy Green Unwn Lynn Hansen andy Maxine Halliday South Jordan Gwenda Hathaway Un1on

Dale Gold Gran11e Jack Harryman

)olita Hall Union Norene Hardcastle Sandy haron Haun We st Jordan Barbara Hansen



Rex Goff We .n Jordan )ames Holt


Dee Hardy Union Ivan Hamilton Souch Jordan Gram Head Sandy Max Griffiths Union

"A stitch in time saves nine" ... so believe Sharon Walters, Virginia Burns, and JoAnn Nelson.


Carl Hodges

Norma Jenkin ~


Mtd vale

Ru ssell Larson

Lova Jensen

Milton He aps

Jerry Hendri ckson



Rn โ€ขerto n


Evadna Howes Riverron Gary Kidd Rit1ercon

Stan ley Johnson rcscent

Beth Jarman

Jerry llut chin gso n

Frank I luff

Ea.u Michโ€ขale

DarLeen Hutchings




Sh irl I lone Mtdva/e Davitlllansen llnton Fred !len er andy

arol Ann Kl tovi ch Ottth Jordan Lorraine II umand Union arolyn H og~ n Wet Jordan

Kenr Hughes andy Larry Jenkins

Barbara Jensen

Terry Kirby

Evelyn Jensen


Sa nd y


Donald Humes

Janet Healy

Rose mary Jen sen

Riโ€ข'en on

Micl. โ€ขale



lenn John son Union

Clifford ]utkios andy

Natalie Johnson South Jordan hnrles Larso n Sandy

onnie Johnson Mid vale

Emmett Lessley Crescent Lyndon Kemp Crescent Jny R. Jenkins andy

Gary Jone ยท W es tlordan

Jeann ette J nes Midt1ale

June Klin e andy

Shirlene Jones W est Jordan Emmnnuella Koncurat Draper

nry I low lett Draper

Larry I lnrtlman Riverton Bud Jorge nse n Butler


Diane jensen

Phillip Lloyd

) udene Casper

Larry Lewis

Janice LeFevre

Gene Hunt


'o11ch Jordan





Darlene Greenfield

Jerry LaFevre

Wilma Burns




Eileen Johnson


Shirley Lchmirz

II enry Lucero

Vrcke Von LeMer

W' cH Jordan

So11rh Jordan


Mnns IeFevre

Rem Lyn ch

JoAnn Anderson

Van Lindsay

Linda Larsen






Lornrne Lloyd

Tim Lamb Un11m llrlly Mumford

Frank Lessley Crescent Gary Lund

Jennene Lrnnarz


nrhy Merrick \XI esr Jordan

Ro alie Madsen

wrl!q Jordan

Gene Monraque Mrd1 โ€ขale

Dale Lawson

( ; rt.'H'I.'rlt




In Mr. Kennington' cia s, rudent Dick Forbu h tries his hand ar welding.


LaRae Newbold

Juergen Mensen

Sotnh Jordan


Moonyeen Newman Rl 1'erton Joan Nielson

Robert Margetts

Catherine E. Morelli Mtd\โ€ขยฃ1/c Kathryn J nes



Jeff Newman

West Jordan



Louis Morrow

Weldon N Janel

Maureen Newbold



South Jordan


usan Nygren

Floycl Mori Cresccnl

Donald Maynes GraniC" Gary LnFcvre Hitโ€ข"rron nan Morse


Fran~cs Naylor Souch Jordan Nct.lra Nelson


l.ohcta Mcrttn

W' '''I Jon/em

I ntu'>c Mace Sand)โ€ข

Robert Nuzmnn W'e.~t


D:tlc Astle Swulv Max Ncbon


Lyn In Norton



llbyne Milligan DraJ>cr


Danny Mnscoro Union

Ruth M mbs Midvale John Morrison Midvale Arlene Murroy

West Jordan Terry Labrum Union

Leah Lloycl Rtt 'ertc>n

lawrence Ma11gum H~t ยทerwn

Dtane Mecham !Jn11m

Bart }vlousley nlujJdlllc Oinne Mtllcrbcr!( Midtโ€ขale Don Maynard Souch Jordcm Jdn Mortensen Rll 'l'lton

Dougl:ts Watts 'amh Nola .Ncale Uruon

Bert Morse

Sandy 18

unnte Nelson DmJ>cr Alma Nunley

Irene Nyst r m

Marcia Nichols

Fast Midvale Ann Mouseley


~ary Ann Mahler rcsccnr

Phyllis Marshall



Marilyn Nelson

Marlon Peterson Sandy Val Olson





Asencth Nrckle

Mike Plarner




John l'ollnru \'(/t>sr JcJrclan

Mama Mnchell

Bill Patterson Crescent



W' l'\1 Jordan hnrles




l~n ~erton

Mrtlโ€ข โ€ขal<!

Caro l McNamara Mrdr โ€ขa!e Ivy Mae Newbold Sou rh Jordan Patsy Mann M1Jt ยทale J~nette Roden


Richard Nielsen

andy Eddre Pond

Miel<โ€ขale Jerry Piersen

Draper Ray Palmer RH โ€ขerron

Beth Procter

Union Carolyn Nichols

Draper ArLou Ostler

West Jordan Margaret Peterson


In World History, Marcia Ntchols points out Utah to Don Campbell.


Weston Reading





June Ray

Laddie Poor

M1Jt โ€ข~t/e


Lclnnd R1chins


Ronald Rassmussen

Uay Rassmussen 'em ely Doris Roos Unum Marcia Romero




Walter Rogers




Hyrum Reich

Beth Rac.lmall

Crml.( Rassmussen


West Jordan.


Larry Stromberg Bluffdale Harold Rawson

LaRita Reonnebeck East Midvale Oae Ross Midvale


Rodney Mad~en


Dona Ryan Unwn Jacqueline Pnrk R1venon Nadine Neibon West Jordan Raphealla Roper

Johnny Pollick

Russell Strebel


Ralph Rothe

Well Jorclan

Joan Mndd cks

Midvale Myrna Pedcrler Dm/ll.!r 11nrbarn Nelson

Ml<ll'ale Xene Pappas

West Jordan Elizabeth Pacheco

West Jordan. Sharon Patrick

Midl'alc Afton Nelson

Draper Ardis Pixton

DraJ>er baron Palmer

S01uh Jordan harlene Peten,on

Sanely Marian Pearsen

Mid<โ€ขale Nancy Parker

M1clwtLe Marilyn Parry River con Janice Parkin

Draper Qwen Page Riverton


a ldibar

M1tl<โ€ขale nill Pollick

'andy Joe Petersen Sourh Jordan

Maureen Sheparu Midva le Donna Peters B~ttler

Karen Shields West Jordan Elaine cott East Micl~ยทalc

Lessley Smith Midq โ€ขale Roy Stuart andy Roger revenson Midvale Russell chneitler Draper

c;Joria Saldibar M1dvale Mary Jane Reynolds Midvale Gale taley Ri.,erwn Wantla Romney outh Jordan

David Schmidt Wesr Jordan Wayne Sabey Midvale Ralph chroeder Riverton Robert Schouten South Jordan

Della Steadman W<!st Jordan Judy Slater Riverton Bonnie Ray Mid.,ale Pat Schouten Ri~1erton

Keith Stepan Midvale Alan Steed Butler Dee Scott Sandy Larry taley Bluffdale

haron Swenson East Midvale Dixie Smith Draper Colleen Steadman Wesr Jordan Betty Lou Steele andy

Craig Rasmussen acquaints exchange student Max Montero, from Mexico City, with Jordan's traditions.


Irma Ray Vawdry


Eddie Wood Union Jay Workman

Beverly Walles Union Leah Withers

South Jordan Don Truhill



Ann Marie Wagstaff

Kendall Voyce

West Jordan


Gail Smith

George Vawnakis


Wesc Jordan

Darlene Thomas

David Walker




Ranae Thompson

Harold Vordas

Deanna Wallin




Sharon Webster

DL1anc Whittle



Lynda Lee Sharp

Annette Swasey

ITerriman hie Ia Joosten


Hownrd Vawdry

MarHhn Thomas



joseph Valencia

Evnh Visser



Gary julian nion !nrc Wardle




n:scertc Micheal


We tlordan Georgene Smith Union Richard Trapp

Riv 'rtOrt Kaye Steedman ClL~tffdale

Dorene Richards

'andy Ted Thuxton

Riverton Karma Rus el Union lyJe Sorenson

Sandy Barbara ilcox

Ri<'erron Jack Tripp

andy Shiel a Smirh

Draper Jean Terry



Mary Lee Wilkins n

0 r thy Witt

Dkk Sm~rt Sandy Jimm y Wn;hburn Dm}>er

Dennis Wolfley Mrdtโ€ขale Don !Jansen


hnron Tucker Srmrh ]ordart ( โ€ขeorgie Wer~el andy Jnckre Wells RrPcrron Jaudra Webb Mrdvalc

Dick Turner Bluffdale Dennrs Woodward Sandy Maurice Wells Mi<l1โ€ขale Alan Wehb 'andy

Jackie Stock Drap<!r Par Walker R11 โ€ขertort

Mary Watts Midvale Gayle Yates Murray

Russell Turner Bluffdale David Wright Sandy Dennis Wilson Murray Gordon Zitting Union

Karen Turner Bluffdale Luella Vicchrilla Wesc Jordan Arlene Usher Riโ€ขโ€ขerton Gale Webb Midvale

Joe Walters Midvale Tommy Watson Mid\mle Raymond Yasukochi Crescent Gordan Walters Sandy

Judy Zaffr Midvale Robert Wight Sandy Sandra White Sandy

Dorena Witt Draper Joseph Zitting Union Codele Walker Union

Calla Week Midvale Dale Wheadon South Jordan Sharon Walters Sandy


KARL Likeable Pre~iclent Karl Miller guided the J954-55 Junior lass.

EVELYN Sparklmg Veep Evelyn Day helped make a hard JOO a success.

JENEANNE ute ecretary jeneanne l'a k gave of her ume anti help.


Argenr Adams

Sandy Michael Adondakis

West Jordan Barbara Allen

Draper Curt is Alverson

West Jordan Donna Dee Adams

Sandy Floyd Alldredge U nion Dixie Allen

Midvale Keith Alexander

Midvale onnie Anderson

Mtdva!e Burton Anderson

East Mid vale arol Anderson

Midvale Paul Asde

DraJ>er nro lee Allen

Drai>cr O'Brien Anderson

DraJ>er LaWen Allsop

'andy Ray Bateman

and y nro l Atkinson Unio n Marlon Andrus

DraJ>er Aloma Atwood

West Jordan Rob rt Bailey

Michllllc Arlene lle kstead

Sanely Dale fle ckstcad Ri11erron.

Marian Be k Ri1'erron a lvin Atwood

Wesr ]ore/an arolyn Becbtead o11th Jorclnn

Joed y Bnll

Sa ndy Mary Bastian

Midvale Boyd Baker

Midvale La mona Atwood

Wesr Jordan Dan Jorgense n

DraJ>er Jer ri e Belcher Un ion 11 oward Allen

/)raJ>er Erma Beckstead

Riverr on Arden Bowers rescent Wanda Benth

Westford an


Carla Benson Sandy Joyce Bluemel Union Juanita Burton Bluffdale

Douglas Benson West Jordan Harold Beratto Riverton David Brown Butler

Mary Biljanic Midvale Judy Bills Ritโ€ขerton Gwen Burnett Midvale

Don Bla~tus Midvale Elc.l on Brac.ly Union Clnude Br wn Sandy

Onrlene Bell Mul<'alc Sa ll y Becksteac.l Wc1t Jordan Bnrbarn Brndy Midtโ€ขalc

Rnl1 h Brinton 'andy Linol Brown andy Robert ampbell Sandy

Joyce nrson Durl<!r Darrell Becht rom Wcsr Jordan Dec Ann Bcndtxon Mid11al" Herschel Bu11crfieiJ )ourlt Jordan Karen Burku1shaw West Jordan Betty Ann Bills Ri1โ€ขcrron LnVar Burton Muhโ€ขalc Eve lyn Brown Muhโ€ขal<! Deloy 13ullerficlc.l I fcnmwn VeNae Burgon Union Vunc.ln Bo!(gess Union Alben Brunetti Union Glenna Bocldl Mid val<! Robert hiclester Sandy Yvonne Boyer Crescent


Snnc.lrn Ball Micl<โ€ขalc atherine Bishop andy Sharon 13racken West Jordan

Knrmn C hnmberlmn M~tlvctl<โ€ข

Shcrm:lll Dny Drtt/><'r l'nt tlnhl 'XI <'II ionian


Arlene Deokm

'XIe r Jordan Norman Davis


Dnrlene hurch Ecm Mttltalc EdwnrJ Davis 13wler Lul'nclle Davis Midvale

Gary Clark laudta


Draper Dale



annie Coon

'XI est Jordan


'tewart Crossgrove



B11der 'ltfta Crane

Carol Davtes Sandy Ben Cutler



Evelyn Day

Pete Dotson



'XI est Jordan


Mtdvale hamberlain

Mr. Olsen's Fine Art students, Jeannette Jones and Ronald Baker, sketch RaNae imonson.


Richard Despain Granite Stanley Elg Sandy James Estepp Midvale

13arba ra Dunn Midvale Pat Downs Midvale Mary Edwards Midvale

Don Derricott andy David Do ley East MIClt,aLe John Erekson Duller

Betty Dnvih West Jordcm Donnn Dunyon Draper Carolyn Erickson Union

1\rent Dimond We't Jordan nruce Edwards 'artdy Rex FcrguhOil Scmcly

Deanna Dennis

Buder andy DurM Brnlcr Erma Enniss 1 raJ>er

William Erekson ButLer Genie lie Evans Granite

jason Endo Midvale nyle Farnsworth Union Leon Ewell BLuffdale Irene Flores Mid11ctle Reed Franz DrttJ>er

heric Fitzgerald Dm/>'r

llnrvey GaMer U11ion Mary Gardner \'(l est ]OJยทdctn CJ!uria Glines \Ven Jrmhtn Michael Cardner West Jordon (;Ioria Gille11 Scmdy Clary Clressmnn R11โ€ขerwn Pnt Fitzgerald I raper


harles Downs Mid,,a[e Wayne Ernst rom Drlt/Jer Val Finlayson Cottonwood 1-lgltts.

Lon C>rnhnm M~<h โ€ข!lle

Kcm (Inulin Ea\l Midvale Nnnry


ll ig~inson

Jackie Cluenon Unwn Marie Uotlfrey

Knthy Gray Hader Ivan Glover


EaH Midvale

nruce I lnntl

Marrlyn Hardman Unron


Gortlon Groom West Jordan herry Goltl Granite Larry Hardcastle

jessie Greenwood

Lynn Green







Midโ€ขโ€ขale heila Hamilton

Velma Gonzales

Rosa lie Green Soath Jordan Lloyd Graham



jerry Hamilton

Elaine Gull



Pat Weber points our rhe details of the U. S. to Richard Kemp, Joan Romney, and Timothy Maddox.


M~rilyn Hughes Sandy LaRita Hill andy Annette Jensen Midvale

Larry Jen en Sandy James Harris Sandy Paul Jackson Sandy

Linda Jacobson Sandy ria Howard West Jordan Glad ys Jacobson Draper

Thielllnu South Jordan Dale ll olt Sandy Mike lvi e Ease Mtd1 โ€ขale

Sharon llnmilton Rt!l(!f(Ort

t-.bry ll nwlcn /)wp<'r Judy Jenktns M~<ll'alc

Lyle Hughes ' andy Paul Ja obson Union Bob lpson l)rafJer

Elaine Jenson Sa111h

Lynn.Jnrvis Ri<'crron An neue Jenson Cn!scenc Roben I [arrington Midvale Betce Jnrdtnc Hiwrron Annette Johnson Midvale Bruce Jensen Midt ,alc.! Nola Johnson 'a11dy

Billy !leaps We1r Jorda11 Doris Jensen Midtยทale Arlene Johnson Mtclvalc Doug llenpb UlliOll

nann Jeppson Union

Dnuglnb llunc cr /)raper Edda Rae Jt,hnson 'cmdy


LaVon llnw' Crc.,cenc Sharon fl endrickson Sandy Renee ll enschke Sandy

Dorothy King Mid1' alc Fern Lnr;cn 13/uffda/e (Jienna Leek Union

Wnyne Jones Butler Les Lnmb Unron Mark Klotovich Wcstlordan

JoAnn Jones Sandy andra King Unron Karen Lar ยทon andy


Richard Kemp Mtd~ยทale

Dnle Lang Sandy Gary Larsen Butler

Velma Jone Mtdiโ€ขale Par Johnston Wesc Jordan Lois LeFevre Mrdvale

Wtnslow Jones Draper Bob Lee Souch Jordan Calvin Lawson Sandy

Gayle Kidder West Jordan Marilyn Lang Sandy Judy Larson Sandy

"Vou; comprenes?" Mtss Golda Fraser asks Joan Rasmussen in French.


Darlene Lovendahl

Bruce Lennberg





Joan Mcfarlane

Willard Malstrom



Loris Mal trom Sandy Elinora McCombs Midval.e

Ethel Mangum

Edward Miner




David Lloyd West Jordan Billy Mumford


Wc sr Jordan


Leland Matthews

Jane Marshall Sandy


Barbara McKay Maxine Markus

T1mothy Maddox Midvale RciclMc ormick Union Larry McClellan Riverton

Lolii&C Mecham WcH Jordan Lorin McRae Burlur DeAnna Mi ckelsen

DmJlCr Reid Mickelsen Sandy Creru ldine Miller /)rajJer

Lorna Millcrbcrg Midvale

Karl Miller 'cmdy

Joyce Milne llrtion hnrles Jv!innick Draper Marilyn Me !ellan Westlonlan Rayma Mitchell Mid1'alc

Pat Nemunic Mit!~J(IIC

Dorc thy Morrill DraJier

Boyd Mounteer Midt'ltlc JoAnn Nebon Scmdy


Mary Loatlcr Union

Sylvia Martin Draper

Margie Leyba West Jordan



Joyce Mitchell Dra(>cr Nnncy Nnn Newmnn

Riโ€ข โ€ขcrron Mnr~hn



Paul Ntelson W<!\t Jordan

WnJe Onkeson South Jordan Frnnk Owen Rt11crwn

.. Lucille Naylor Sowh Jordan onnie Neff Midvale Mnry Ann Olsen Mithโ€ขale

Larry Nielsen

Edna Neff

M1d~ ยทale


Kenneth Oakeson

Karen Nielson Sandy Judy Nielson Draper

South Jordan Kent Olson Cre .~cenc

LeGrand Nielsen West Jordan Dan Nelson Sandy Robert Nielsen Mid~ ยทale

Kay Nelson Butler Marilyn Newbold outh Jordan Virginia Neilsen Midvale

Raymond Butterfield is busy finishing a hardwood bowl in woodwork.


Delene Palmer Souch Jordan Athene Pappas West Jordan Sharon Peeler Midvale

Dee Peterson andy Jame~ Parry 13!uffdale john Patience Mid โ€ขvall:'

Rene O lben Micl1โ€ขale LuDeen Peterson Smtth Jordan Phyllis Nunley Union

LeRoy Puk Rwc:rtnn

Deloy Ohhorne C-rescent Bl;line L. Parry


Frnnce' llnwn Arlene Penrod Sandy

Mnn lyn Nichol, Rnโ€ขerwn

Rlame ll. Parry /Jiuf/tlakโ€ข l: dwnrd Pnrience Mitll'tdc D<~rwin Park

Jenennnc Pnck 1ranite Lynn Pcdler

Hi1 f.')t()H



ayle Poulsen Midvale David Poole Butlt!r Haze l Pier c South Jordan Jack Playe r Bennion Neld a Reeves DraJ>r:r

Joan Rasmussen Buder Roben Rawso n Micl1โ€ขale Ann Roberts Union Ted Ri chard s Miclvclle Alice Rain s Mid vale Annette Rawson Union. 13ruce R se nhan Micl11ale aria Price Wesr Jordcm Dick Sheppard Midvale Penny Reed an.cly


hirlcy Park Rit ,erton

Kay Rodgers

Kent c:;mith



Arlene hcppick So11th Jordan Arvn Sampson

Ruyuen Si l ox


/anicc Richardson \XI elf Jordan Niln Rawltngs

Marv111 Smith



West Jordan

West Jordan

C!ary Smith

ReNae Simonson Sandy Lorna Sjoblom






Wesr Jordan



Paul Stienfcldt \\'le,t Jordan

Retha he riff Scmdy

Ronald Smith

Marjone agers Sandy





Geri R bison


The firM step in sketching the anatomy of a human is getting acquainted with the subJeCt as Gary Smith and Jimmy Davidson illustrate.


Pat Smith Draper Marlyn Stout

A ll en Taylor Crescent Eugene Thompson

Gloria Thomp>on

Wayne Thoma~ We-r Jordan David Tnylor





Joene Tranter

Neil Tester Sandy

Deeda Van Detta Crescent


Donnn Searle


Melvin Timothy


Joe Thorn

Rnยทcrwn ]:one11e Todd Wcsc Jordan Darlene teadmnn

\'Vnllace tewart /)raj>cr Fred Tanner

Ardine Toone


M~<h โ€ขale



Bill Turner

lllulfdale Audrey Thayne

South ]cmlcm jcrroe Truhill

Sandv Kay Turner

Scmtl'\' Roch:ird Turner Unum

Mark Turner

llniim Shorlcy Usher Hnโ€ขerum Bolly Tr:opp

Rll l'rtOil , horlcy , tcadmnn

Scuu/y Sheri" Walker Unum

Clernltl \'nnderh lof ,\1 cch โ€ขalc

Afton Vnn Val kenburg, Unulll \'on \'icchrillo \X' e~r lord an Pat Weber

Mulo โ€ขttlc Daryl Wnlbcck




Gera ld ine Wh itmore Sandy Edith Wilkinson Dtaler

Di k Wetse l 1mdy j ohn Zrn o Mlcivalc Don Za iser Midvale

Reonn Wnhers MJ<Itรข€ห˜ale Marlene Wright Sand y Af1on jensen Midvale

FloyJ Young 'ialt Lake City Warren Vincem Sandy Mi hael Wright Mtdt~ale

Leici Whetman Draper Lenore Workman South Jordan Lee Workman ~ouch Jordan

Mrs. Gertrude Tranter and Donna Dunyon are amused ar a typing mistake.


HOWARD Hard-working President Howard Swapp directed the Senior Class activities.

JOYCE Popular Vice President Joyce Nunley wa a leader in student affairs.

Gracious Barbarn O'Brien recorded the eventful enior year's activities.


Don Adamson Union Glenc.la Anderson

Dixie Anderson Union Lawrence Astle

Max Antczak

Jnnice Bair



Sandy Bur!er

Howard Abrams Midvale Beth Allen Draper Gary Atkinson Midvale

Marie Anderson

Midvale Dale Adams Sandy Carol Anderson Union

Charles Ainsworth Sandy Helen Anderson Union Lee Ashton Union

Romae Anderson Draper Larry Andrus Draper Kathleen Baker Draper

Mr. Pixron explains the functions of the human body to Fred Takemori, Keith Whitmore, and Doris Player.


Ronald Baker DraJJer Sylvia Bowen Riverton Dennis Bateman Sandy

judy Beckstead Riverton Ray Bills River con Marilyn Brady Union

Dale Bagley Midvale Karen 13ecksrran.tl Miclvale George Boswell Union

nrol 13ollschweiler Russell Benson West Jordan Arva Bolliger

R land Arterburn Union JoAnn Bird M11LvaLe David flolliger




Penny Durkin hnw Wesc Jordan ErneHt Brother rescent Mndene Drown Ri ..erton Lindsay Brady Sandy

Kent Ilurns etrtdy

Cnrmcllia Brunetti Union Loren Bigler Micl,,a/e Rolune Brown 'andy


Merylln Bishop Sandy Brent Anderson Midvale Glorin Brown Union

Robert hein We.,r Jordan Normnn 'olema n Draj>er




Doug Brown Midโ€ข,ale andra asper Sandy Pat oa ts Midvale

Paul Caldwell Union Kent Brown Midvale Leona! Boulter andy

Richard Boyce Sandy La Neve Cook Union Marilyn Cook Union

Don Blomquist Midvale Jimmy Butterfield Midvale Paul Ca in e Riverron

Kendall Bunnell Burle> Marilyn Butterfield Riโ€ขโ€ขerton Pat Crane Hernman

Foo::ls students LaRita Freeman and Marilyn Lang know that "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."


JoAnn Cook West Jordan Grant Dahl

George Dansie

Jnnett Detomabi

Kent Burgan

Joy'e D:msie





Marlene Corak

Claude _rone



Myrna Cook Union

Lawrence Draney

Ray Cunning ton Union Carol Cox

Vesta Crump


Jim Dumas

/Jluj]dal.: D. Anna Deopain





Ronald Duffin

Draper Delorus Dibb

Draper Samuel Crump Rlt~/fc!alc

Evelyn Drnke Unton

DeAnna Dow Union Douglas Oumns

/)ra}Jer LnRayne


/Jluffdale Doren Dnnsie



David Butterfield 1/ern man laudette Densley

Rivcrron Vernon Densley Riverrrm

Sharon Miclโ€ขโ€ขaLe Stephen Fergus Crescent, Vivian Ferguson Datler

M~rvin Emery Sowh Jordan LaRieta Freeman 1/erriman Nephi Fitzgerald Draper

Ruby Dorius Sandy Ross Fairbourn Crescent Gr~ce Gilbert Ri.,erwn

Ri<Jerton joyce Ebert Sandy Lloyd Francom Midvale

Audrea Eastman Herriman Eldon Forman South Jordan Betty Ennist River ron

Gary Egbert West Jmยทdan Joyce Faurschou Westlordan DuWayne Goff Sandy

Charles Ainsworth, Norman Coleman Richard Carlson, and Ernest Brothers ' repair an engine in auto mechanics.



Jimmy Fnzgerald


Ow per


Norma Giles

Gerald Gray

Ross Oreen Unwn arolyn Hamilton

East Midvale




race Graham Union

Elaine Jreenw od


Hownrtl lad re cc:ru

Jay Fullmer ouch Jordan Glenda Graham

Jane off Sandy Jim lover

Draper Val Greenwood Crescent

lyde Grover

East M1<lvale

oleen !In milton Riverton Phyllis Harbu k rescent Nancy Ann Green

Sanely Kathleen l !ansen andy

Arlene Haun Wet Jordan lnutlia Hansen andy Merlene Hess

Midvale Janie! Hatt



Kathryn Fergu on

Sanely Lynn I !olr ottth Jordan Jeanne Hatt R1q1erron

Mnrinn !faun \'(!<' .I I


Lynne llnws Mttlvale !lilly l lughes Sctncly

Judy I !nun Sandy Bob Houtz Midvale Beverly Hilton Unt<)n


Ethel Heki Mtd~'ale

Denece Howlett Draper Richard Johnson MuL. รข€ห˜ale

Beth Humes Riverton Duane Howlett Draper Annette Hudson Union

Arlene Holt Sowh Jordan Janice Howard Union Harvey Jenkins Sandy

Sharon James Union Edgar Hoopiiaina Midvale Dorothy Jex Sandy

Deanna Wenerstrom, Renee Sorensen, Janet Wardle, and Coleen Spratling listen to P ychology teacher Bea Bruse enumerate the pans of the brain.


Mary Jacobson Midvale Orsen Kesler Midvale Donna Lloyd South Jordan

James Jensen Sandy Ardell Jones Sandy H. G. Linford Midvale

Carla Jensen Sandy Arthur Kiisel Sandy Francis Kroon West Jordan

lair Jensen Mid รข€ห˜vale Jean Kynasron Crescent Owen Johnston Union

Ann Lundberg Sandy Rees Jensen Sandy Faye Mitchell Draper

Frank Larson Sanely Charlene Kay Butler Frank Lucas South Jorcltm Carmen Lloyd Crescent

Barbara Linnnrz Sanely Duane Loveless andy Peggy Kirton Draper Kenneth Killian Midvale


Jerrold Jensen Midvale De lorus Lunnen Crescent Mike Lavender Midvale

Elray Morrill Dra}Jer R semary Miner Sandy Patsy Milligan Draper

Sue McMullin South Jordan David Mangum Riverton Don lloyd South Jordan

Don lien Drapt!r Sharon Merrin Sandy Deanna Milne Union

Nelda Moon Riverton Glen Moosman West Jordan Don Milne Union

Blayne Labrum Union Judy Mower Butler Sharlene Mortensen Riverton

Sandra Mitchell MidvaLe Dale Macklin Union Brent McKay Sandy

Mrs. Wade's vocational business students Delores lunnen anc.l Deanna Milne 1ranscribe from the dictaphone.


Everett Nelson Union Joyce Nunley Union Paul Nicol Midvale

Joan Morrow

Sanely Robert Newman

Murray Sonja Nich Is


Ray Montague Midvale Maureen Newbolu Draper Paul Nichol s Midvale

Sandra Nelson

Sanely Kenneth O'Brien Midvale Delorus Olsen Union

Gerald Naylor o"cil Jordan Barbarn O'Brien S aft Lake Ci ry Eric Nystrom


Lois Owen RivertOn Sylvan Olsen

Midvale JoAnn Ottesen East M icl<รข€ห˜a.le Marrin O'Keefe West Jordan

Roberta Ozancin

Butler Clement Nickle

Sanely Margene Orr Sandy Perry Olsen



Ann Nilsson

Sandy Alfred Nelson South Jordan Shirlene Neulfer Micl.1ale

Pat Phelps Riverton Harrison Pedro

Lynn Palmer

Dirk Olsen

Colleen Parker

Glen Palmer



South Jordan

Kendall Phelps

Arlene Parry





West Jordan

Penrl P liard

Par Pinedo

Leon Peterson

Ann Parry

Jerry Peirce




South Jordan

Patty Parker We.s1 Jordan

Myrna Parsons

South Jordan


Janice Price

William Palmer Riverton Dorothy Pullman Herriman

Debate students Kendall Bunnel, Dennis Bateman, Helen Anderson, Sandra Casper, Martin O'Keefe, and Vickie Showell prepare for a contest.


Loren Price Union Shirlene Roby MidvaLe Karl Rosencrantz West Jordan

Gayle Pixton Draper Duane Scott Sandy Beverly Sandquist Crescent

James Peterson Sandy Helen Reich Sandy Chad Rosenhan Union

Doris Player MidvaLe Ted Polson Sandy Linda Snbey Midvale

Rulon Parry BLuffdale Lois Prutt Draper Keith Roos Union

Karen Sanders Crescent David Shields Sourh Jordan Janette Rawson Union Charles Russom West Jordan

John Romero Sandy Rosemarie Schmidt Wesc Jordan Blain Robinson Union Pauline Schmidt West Jordan


Shirley !'rice Union Roger Price Union Sandra Scoffield Union

Robert Smarr Union Gay Shelton Midvale Alan Steadman South Jordan

Jean Stocking

Sheldon Smith



Tommy Stoker Ease Midvale Judy Sylve ยทter

Joan Shields


Sourh Jordan Brent Stephens Midvale

Coleen Spratling West Jordan Jack Snyder Union Nola Silcox Ri<~erron

Marlin Steinfeldt West Jordan Renee orensen

Vicki Showell Riverton Nolan Smith



Mickey Sugiyama

Ann Simpson Midvale




Testing milk for butterfat content are agricultural students Nolan Smith, George Dansie, and Clyde Hamilton.


Kent imon ยทon andy Norma Lee Thayne outh Jordan Don Thorup


Gera ldine und Sandy Fred Takemori andy Charlene Townsend Sandy



Wesr Jordan berry Tomlinson Eas t Midvale Gordon Tolman Sandy

Noreen TeMer M1dvale Noel Taylor M1dvale bDawn Tucker outh Jordan

Hnwnrd Swapp M~<ll โ€ขalcโ€ข

Par Tripp

Un11>n John VnnRy MurrCl)1

Dorothy Webster lid vale harle Walker

Union latrice Walters Unwn Ronald Thompson Union

Mike Varnnakis West Jordan Janet Wardle Riโ€ข โ€ขerron Kenneth Visser Sandy Nedra Wardle Midvale


Donna Tnpp Un10n 13nn Thaxton H1verwn Jnn~ee Vau~hn


Richnrd Wellington Bntler Joan Winn Union Donald Yates Mid,,a[e

arol Wilkinson Bncler Keith Whitmore Granite Margaret Wood Union

Ronald Webster Midvale Sally Winn Union Tra cy Wilson Union

Deanna Wenerstrom andy Forrest Wardle Salt Lake City Lucille Worthen East Midvale

Jerry Webster Mid vale Lois Wood West Jordan Dean Wolf Salt Lake City

Nadine Wright Mid vale Neil Wood Union Kaye Winward South Jordan

Eddie Jenkins Sandy Lowell Ashman Midvale Ronald Brown Union

David Godfrey Midvale Iretta Withers Draper Michael Webster Sandy


You can't beat that; take off your hat .. ่ทฏ


Paul Caldwell Presidenr

Karen Sander~ Vice Presidenr


Gloria Brown


Formula for success! ... Take one tall athlete, add a friendly Charlonian, toss in two hard-working gals from Butler, and top it off with an energetic Key Club member -

all these working together comprised the Jordan

High Executive Council. The combination of Paul, Karen, Glori::., Beverly, and Lowell gave to Jordan's student body a new air of activity, combined with friendliness and enthusiasm. This group of talented people kept the embers of Beetdigger tradition glowing throughout the year.

Beverly Hilton Hi swrian

Lowell Ashman Judge


Student Court Ready to question any 'offender is the Student Court- Shirley Price, reporter; James Petersen, marshall; Daryl Walbeck, first associate judge; Lowell Ashman, judge; Terry Labrum, second

associate judge; James Jensen, prosecuting attorney; Ann Lundberg, clerk; and Phil Goldbranson, adviser.

Deputies They pop up everywhere - they ' re the regulamrs of &!lltlcnt discipline. The deputies are, Row One: Sandra Scoffield, Mnrie Anderson, Kathleen Hansen, Carolyn Enckson, Nancy Ann Newman, Carolyn Wright, Geraldine Whitmore, Joyce Nunley.


Row Two: Lee Ashton, Dec Peterson, James Petersen, Dennts Bntcman, Gene rawfortl, Marlon Andrus, Pearl Pollartl, Joe Walters, Don Milne, Dtck Shepherd, James Fitzgeruld, Shelly m11h, nntl Dean Wolf.

Officers' Council Giving the student body officers help in solving specia l problems are the student officers' council, comprised of: Lee Jenson, Boys Club President; Geraldine Sund, Girls Club Presi-

dent; Howard Swapp, Senior President; Karl Miller, Junior President; Joan Pollard, Sophomore President; and Jesse Casper, Adviser.

Keeping their home rooms informed are the student council members - Row One: Nancy Higgenson, Peggy Parker, Carolyn Nichols, Judy Beckstead, Gayle Kidder, Lorna Sjoblom, Argene Adams, Betty Bi ll s, Brent Anderson, Don Blasius, Shelly Smith, Russell Benson. Row Two: Erma Ennis, Afton

Jensen, Donna Dunyon, Kay Winward, Vickie Showell, Joyce Nunley, Ardine Toone, Jeanette Todd, Ila Howard, John Pollard, Ronald Brown. Row Three : Kenneth O 'Brien, Clyde Grover, Paul Nicol, Beth Proctor, Geraldine Whitmore, Jim Dumas, Norene Evans, Gay Rasmussen, Irene Nystrom, Joe Baker, and Floyd Mori.

Student Council


0. D. Ballard Principal

Every high school, whether it will or no, devel p traditions. Because the ่ทฏe affect the moral tone and the educati n::d climate of the schoo l, they arc very important. The ideals of fine people and countless trea ่ทฏurcd experiences are the warp and wo f f which these traditions arc woven. A those of the past have created these, we of the present mu ่ทฏt bring th m to life by our I yal adherence. We hav an obligation to make thee sacred traditions deeper and finer a the result of our stay at J rdan. Let u n t fail!


As an assistant to the Principal, Phil F. Goldbranson is in charge of rhe registration of the student body. Aside from teaching, he also puts in a great deal of time scheduling the calendar.

Dunn Taylor, administrative assistant, combines worthwhile advice wirh constructive criticism in working on the eligibility, the discipline, and the welfare of the students. His decisions are based on sound judgment and complete fairness.

Girls' ounselor, Mrs. Evelyn N. Wood, along wirh her counciling and teaching, supervises the nctivities of the Girls Club, Jay Dees, and JorJanctts.

Jesse B. Casper conscientiously assists the boys at Jordan with their problems. He acts as an adviser to several student body activities and is chairman of the scholarships and graduation committee.


Anne Boucher


Melvin Berrett Engli~h

Afton Forsgren English



E. H. Kennington Welding

Charlotte Johnston English

E. L. Crawford History

JEA Building Representatives - J. M. Peterson, Frank Kamnikar, and Charlotte Johnston.

R. S. Peterson Chemistry

]. L. Seal Woodwork

Grant Martin

/-lis wry

Arval Nelson


Ray Oliverson Phys. Ed.

Fay Thomns Bookkeeping


Lowell Boberg Languages

LeMar Hendrickson English

Language Arts Representatives R. D. Madsen, Afton Forsgren, and LeMar Hendri ckson.

Glen Soulier Voc. Agriculture

Ted Sjob lom

W or!d H isrory

Yvonne Schofield Dancing

Don Parr Sociology & Economics

Don Brown


Betty Zi eve



Jed Wasden Mach. Shop

Stan Sharp English

Dale Sorensen Algebra Ken Brady Opporwmcy Teacht.Y

Visual Atds Chairman - Don Parr; Secretary of Faculty - C. N. Crawford; Faculty Manager of Activities - Robert L. Pixton.

OFFICE STAFF - Principal Ballard's secretary, Mrs. Bernice Casper, and bookstore clerk, Barbara Webster, fulfilled the various needs of in่ทฏ qui ring visitors. Their helpfulness and cooperation were an asset in the busy life of a "Beetdigger."

CAFETERIA STAFF - Mrs. Mable Larson, not photographed, supervised the preparation of the mid-day meals. She was assisted by Mrs. Rosetta Brand, Mrs. Evelyn Brown, nnd Mrs. Hazel Dowding.

people behind the scenes supporting traditions CUSTODIAN STAFF - Keeping everything in order, keeping the building "spic" and "span," and answering numerous re uests of faculty members were the responsibilities of ustodinn D. Almy Dowding and his assistants, Lawrence Ainsworth, and Wallace Ben on.

BUS DRIVERS - Row One: Lou Orgill, Russ Oakeson, Ross Palmer, Y. W. Harrod, Elmer Palmer, LeRoy Dansie. Row Two: Elvib Evanb, Verle Smarr, E. L. Morris, Emery Allen, Earl Maynard, Dean Smith, Gilbert Benson.


STAGE HANDS- Row One: Ralph Schroeder, Clemrnent Nickle, Harold Grirnaud, Lynn Green, Dale Holt. Row Two: Harold Vordos, Kay Boggess, Clair Despain, Val Carlsen, R. D. Madsen, Ernie Atwood, Pat Nemanic, James Estepp. SECRETARY Mr . Gloria Bishop assists Mrs. Wood with her reading classes; the rest of her time is spent fulfilling her duties as secretary to Mr. Taylor.

MR. TAYLOR'S HELP - Students Kent Burgon and Renee Sorensen cooperated with Mr. Dunn Taylor in his job of checking student discipline, aiding welfare projects, and advising students with their problems.

The J rdan P T A enjoyed a year's activities, starting with the "Back to School Night" on October 13 and climaxing itt the theme, "This Is Your Life," honoring Mr. Ballard.

PTA OFF! ERS - Historian, Mrs. Hardy McFarlane; First Vice President, Mrs. Laurence Jensen; Treasurer, Mrs. john Laveder; President, Mrs. Harold Ashman; ouncil Representative, Mr . L. . Greer; and Second Vice President, 0. D. Ballard.

STUDENT CUSTODIANS - Warren Vincent, Bruce Edwards, Richard Johnson, Robert Margetts, and Craig Baird assisted Custodian Alroy Dowding by cleaning the building. Not photographed: Ray Bateman and Dan Nelson.

p. t. a.

PTA COMMITTEE HEADS Mrs. Chester Hendrickson, Mrs. John F. O'Brien, Mrs. Harold Ashman, Mrs. Leonard Beckstead, absent; Mrs. Joel Jensen, Mrs. Stanley Wells, Mrs. Parley Spratling, Mrs. Ronald Sylvester, and Mrs. Rawlin Milne.


Arthur E. Peterson Superintendent

Over the years many happy students have met in this school. They have exchanged greetings, made their contributions, gleaned some ski lls from the training offered, and have passed n into other realms of human endeav r. As they meandered through these hall and participated in the sch ol activities they have he lped develop a way of life, some standards of living, me skills and some examples of behavi r w rthy f emulation. The patterns so formed are now symbols f the school. We ca ll them the "Traditi n of Jordan." Traditions do become living testimonials of the s )undness of the principles from which a sch ol is built, 70

the tability of it purp e, and the interests and desires f those who have attended it. Regardle s f the extent of a student's activitie r c ntributions to ch ol life, ea h student alway leav s s me influence upon the l! hool traditi ns. Each also gleans value which arc perpetuated through ut life. This book is dedicated to Jordan' tradition . The ho1 e i~ paramount that the reading of it page will amp lify the memories of its reader , and mr hasize the ideals and patt ่ทฏrns of !if f r which it is intended. To the degrc' this purp( se is a hieved will the tradition p rtraycu become bviou and meaningful.

ASSIST ANT SUPERINTENDENT - Reed H. Beckstead spent an eventful school year assisting Superintendent Peterson as supervisor of secondary education. He visited the district schools, helping with various problems and activities.

CLERK OF BOARD - Stanley A. Rasmus en spent many hours keeping records. As a part of his job, he authorized all school purchases and supervised distribution of the finances.

11UILDIN , DIRE TORS - All diMrict building problem> were handled by F. A. Orton and Ken neth V. Dunn . Directing building construction consumed Mr. Orton's time; Mr. Dunn supervised the mnmtennnce and operation of the dtstrict school buildings.


BOARD OF EDUCATION, JORDAN SCI!OOL DISTR! T - john Rich, Snndy; Dr. ). 0. Jones, vice president, Midvale; Leonard ' . Bcchtcad, Riverton; Rex T. Tripp, president, Bingham. Jnset: Marvin Jensen, WcM jordan.

SUPERVISORS- itting: Kathleen Turney, visiting teacher; P. M. Mi kel on, director pupil personnel; Mary Storey, vi&itin~o: tenchcr. tanding: 1 !yrum mith, visiting teacher; Elwo d Pace, visiting reacher; flunon Miller, speech therapist; Earl ). Thurman, psychologist.


To have sown in the souls of men Thoughts that will not die, To have been a link in the chain of life Shall be immortality. David 0. McKay


รข€ห˜ 1n memor1am

LUCILLE TUTTLE Jordan lost a dear friend and a skilled artist with the passing of Miss Turtle on January 3, 1955. Numerous, successful activities were exemplified by her enthusiasm ond cooperation.

VERNON RALPH HARPER An automobile accident on November 28, 1954, claimed the life of Ralph Harper, son of Willis R. and Chloe Lloyd Harper of Midvale. A friendly student, this was his graduation year.


tf. \\\\\\~\\\\


Here's to h er fame that will mount the sky . ..


SPEECH MEET - Jordan was host to the annual District Interpretative Speech Meet, which was held March 31. Janice Bair, Coleen Spratling, Patty Ann Parker, and Pat Phelps rehearsed the play, "Overtones," by Alice Gerstenberg - one of Jordan's entries.

the play's the thing "The play's the thing!" As fitting as this line by Shakespeare may be to introduce the Cultural Arts division, so may it be appropriate to dedicate, as a special tribute, this division to Mi s Lucille Tuttle, who was so much a part of the speech and music activities of Jordan High. Kathy Jones, Mary Howlett, and Karen Neilsen warch Pat Fitzgerald prepare a pantomime while waiting their turns to practice story telling and give dramatic readings.

A Tribute, A Dedication Look t this Day I For it is Life, the very Life of Life. In its brief c urse lie all the Yarities and Realities of your Existence; The Bliss f Gr wth, Th Gl ry of Action, The Splend r of Beauty; For Yesterday is but a dream, And T m rr w i nly a vision; But Today well lived makes every T m rr w a Vii n f Hope. Look well, thcref re, to this Day I Lucille Tuttle lived her day at Jordan through twentythree years, true t thi , her accepted philos phy "From the San krit," inspiring the lives of her fell w teachers and students. In her death n January 3, 1955, ] rdan lost a great teacher, an inspired artist, and a loyal, dev ted friend. 76

bands As in past year, the band program was in keeping with the traditions of Jordan High. New uniforms took the place of the old as the band led the Santa Claus Parade in Salt Lake City. Two of the important activities conducted by the band were the Band Festival and Band Day. Noel Taylor, president; Donna Dunyon, vice President; Dick Shepherd, secretary; and Rees Jenson, student director, were the officers of the band. They worked with the leaders of the various sections of the organization. The Pep band, an auxiliary of the regular band, promoted pep and school spirit at the ball games and pep rallies. DRUM MAJOR, TWIRLERS - Leland Matthews, Joyce Milne, Mary Jane Brady, Judy Green, Xene Pappas, Mary Ann Olsen, Annette Hudson, Gayle Poulson.

The band performed during "half time" at the Jordan-Davis game.


Builders of morale and traditional school spirit.

CONCERT BAND - The annual Spring Concert was presented by the band under the excellent direction of Mr. Crapo. The variety of selections caught the interest of all who were present.


Left ro Right, Row One: Judy Beckstead, Sue Gibbons, Marie Godfrey, Karma Chamberlain, Pat Smith, Janet Dahl, Marcia Mitchell. Row Two: Rosemarie Schmidt, Jessie Kay Greenwood, Emmanuella Koncurar, Janet Finlayson, David Eastman/ Ann Butterfield, Milo Pearson, Mary Howlett, Jane Marsha I, CoDele

Wnlker, Nancy Denney. Michael Wri~ht, Allen Paul Ja ohson, Ralph Mace, Dorene Richards, rapo, Donna Dunyon,

Row Tl.rcc:: Gale Webb, huck Minnick, Webb, Floyd Alldredge, John Romero, A~hworth, Raymond Yasukochi, Louise Pauline Schmidt. Row Four: Mr. Clement harles raham, Lindsay Brady.

A section of the orchestra - including Ann Butterfield, Milo Pearson, Mary Howlett, David Eastman, and Janet Finlayson- prepare for the Spring Concert.

orchestra The musical program at Jordan has been enriched by the concert orchestra. Under the supervision f ]. Clement Crapo, director, the rchestra participated in several ch I pr ductions. During the year they t k part in "The Messiah," the opera, and the annual Spring Concert held at Jordan. Their services were needed at numerous stage and musical pr grams. C ncertmistress was Judy Beckstead.


The Jordan L.D.S. Seminary and the Jordan High Music Department combined their efforts to present the 12th annual presentation of Handel's "The Messiah."

Mary Agnes Jacobson, Jean Kynaston, Mike Varanakis, Lindsay Brady, and Mr. Crapo study the score for "The Messiah."

messiah Handel's ratorio, "The Messiah," was presented on December 17 for the student body and December 19 for the general public. This year's program was a big success, with approximately 270 students taking part. Of these, 235 were chorus members and 35 were orchestra students. The five featured soloists were: Janet Gammell, soprano; Mildred Gibbons, contralto; Ray Brimhall, tenor; Earl Morris, baritone; and Roy M. Darley, organist. This presentation is sponsored by the Jordan Seminary in cooperation with the music department. 79

Edgar Hoopiiaina Father

Patty Ann Parker Vinnie

Will Erekson Clarence

Dan Jorgensen Whitney

Johnny Erekson John

Charles Ferguson Harlan

Ann Lundberg Cora

Rosemary Miner Margaret

After the final curtain, Party Parker presented Miss Zieve with a corsage emblematic of the appreciation of the cast to their director.

life with father The Jordan High Masque and Gavel Club presented the annual school play on November 11 and 12. Clarence Day's Life With Father, by Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse was capably cast with Edgar Hoopiiaina as father and Patty Anne Parker as mother in lead roles. Miss Betty Zieve directed the producti n and was assisted by Gayle Pixton and Janice Bair. The stage and lighting was handled by Mr. Royal Madsen's stage craft cia s. Mr. Donald 01 on and his art students painted the scenery and special posters. Mr. Don Parr, Mr. Benjamin Bruse, and Mr. R. L. Pixton were in charge of the make-up. Other students assisting were Ann Nilsson, in charge of pr perties; Carmen Ll yd and Delores Lunnen, advertising; Peggy Ann Kirton and Sylvan Olsen, programs; Judy Larson and Sandra Mitchell assisted Lowell Boberg with the music; and members of the Masque and Gavel Club were ushers. The furniture used was borrowed from Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sharp. Janice Richardson Mary Skinner


Edward Miner Rev. Dr. Lloyd

Rees1ensen Dr. Humphreys

As the performers took their curtain call, they were greeted with enthusiastic applause. T he cast members are: Will Erekson, John Erekson, Dan Jorgensen, Charles Ferguson, Coleen Spratling, Linda Sabey, Rosemary Miner, Karen Beckstrand, Peggy Kirton, Patty Parker, Eddie Hoopiiaina, Marlon Andrus, Rees Jensen, Edward Miner, Janice Richardson, and Ann Lundberg.

W llltncy recites his catechism to Rev. Dr.

Lloyd as Vin1tie, his mother, and Harlan ht s brother, listen.

Mr. Ben Bruse applies make-up to Marlon Andrus, Docror Sommers, as Rees Jensen, Dr. Humphreys, looks on.

ant! Jani ce Ri chardson, Mary Skinner, whis ่ทฏ

o-student directors, Janice Bair and Gayle Pixton check the script. Vinnie tries to convert Father to baptism.


Announcers, Linda Jacobson and Dan Jorgensen-"Flub splits the atoms of dirt and grime."

Complete traveling assembly cast in the finale.

THE RHYTHM AIRES - David Eastman, James ampbell, Noel Taylor, Don Blasius, Kendall 13unnell, Ors n Kesler, Dick hepherd, Edward Pond, Floyd Alldredge, Brent tephens, and John Romero.

"! flubbed it" -

Lowell Ashman, Ann Lundberg, Carmen Lloyd, and Bruce Rosenhan.


DOUBLE TRIO - Elaine Jenson, Evelyn Day, Gayle Poulsen, Barbara 13rady, Annette Jensen, and Darlene Church - furnished ba kground music for Leland Matthew 'b solo.

TRA YEUNG ASSEMBLY COMBO - Boyd Fitzgerald, Charlene Hoffman, Gene Hunt, Sunnie Nelson, Ru sell Schneider, Jimmy Fitzgerald. Not photographed: Pat Fitzgerald.

T. V . or not T.V. The Jordan traveling assembly gave seven performances. Their premier appearance was at the Parent ' and Sons' "Night Out." Director Lowe ll Boberg, assisted by Ben Bruse, Yvonne Schofield, Stan Sharp, Donald 01 en,]. lement rapo, and Royal Madsen, produced a program full f hum r and talent. Dancers included Karen Burkinshaw, Sue Gibb ns, Marilyn Hughes, Ardell Jones, Barbara O'Brien, Joan Morrow, Deanna Wenerstrorn, laudia Hansen, Pat Phelps, Deanna H ndrickson, Janice Price, Dorothy ]ex, Penny Radmall, Delores Lunnen, Beverly Sandquist, Nelda Moon, harlene Townsend, Margene Orr, and Joan Winn. R semary Jensen accompanied the male trio. The stage crew assi ted with the properties and light. The traveling assembly student c mmittee was: arla Benson, Shirlee Gehring, Delores Lunnen, Floyd Mori, Dav;d Lloyd, Eric Nystrom, and Dan Jorgensen.

MUSKRAT RAMBLE - Kendall Voyce, Sandra Casper, Brent Anderson, Mike Varanakis, Grace Graham, John Erekson. Not photographed: Claudette Densley and Joyce Nunley.

MALE TRIO - Dennis Bateman, Rees Jensen, and Nephi Fitzgerald.

Traveling Assembly Chorus


... Coleen Spratling Lady-In- Waiting

Eldon Forman Tsar Mikhail

Richard Wellington llytch

Mike Varanakis Prince Dmitri

Karen Beckstrand Tatiana

f.,an woos Tatiana's Lady-In-Waiting.

Jay Fullmer mea ures DeWayne Bailey as Mis Betty Henderson writes c.lown the size. Lelnnd Matthews waits his turn.

DIRECTOR - Mr. Ben Bruse, Mr. ). Clement rap , N reen Tester, Miss Detty Zieve, Ann Nilsson, and Mtss Yvonne Schofield.

Jay Fullmer Vaslav


Nancy Higginson Mother Vanya

Roy Stuart lester

THE FOREST PRINCE - An operetta with music from Tschaikowski, lyrics by Edith Sanford Tiliotson, and the book by Paul Monroe. Here the entire opera ca t po~e at the close of a rehearsal.

A very successful opera, "The Forest Prince," was presented by the music department of Jordan High on March 23 and 24. It is the story of Tatiana, a Russian princess, who was held for ransom by a band of wild and carefree Cossacks. Vaslav, the leader of the Gypsy band, falls mad ly in love with Tatiana but they think they cannot marry because their worlds are so far apart. The Cossacks help the Tsar beat their common enemy, the Tarters, and in the course of events that follow, Vaslav finds he is the son of the Tsar, long ago captured by the Cossacks. and Roni Nelson

Karen Beckstrand, Tariana, and Jay Fullmer, Vas[av, portray a love scene.



SENIOR TEAM - Row One: Betty Enni~t, Rosemary Miner, Vickie Showell, D. Anna De~pain, Helen Anderson, Shirley Price, lenda Graham, andra Casper. Row Two: Eddie Hoopiiaina, Duane Lovele~s, Dennis Bateman, Martin O'Keefe, Rees Jensen, Kendall Bunnel, Lowell Ashman.

JUNIOR TEAM - Row One: Mike Adondakis, Gayle Farnsworth, LuOeen Petersen, Mary Gardner, LnPrtelle Davis, Joene Tranter, Marian Beck, Audry Thayne, Judy Larson, Dan Jorgensen. Row Two: '. N. rawford, Edward Miner, David Wtnn, Marlon Andrus, Bruce Roscnhan, Gerard Vanderhooft, Willard Malstrom, Davtd Brown, Bruce Whited, Will Erekson.

SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Arlene Usher, JoAnn Golf, Norene Evans, Rose Mary Jensen, Carolyn Evans, Sandra White, Maureen Newbold, Lynda Fairborn, Van Lindsay. Row Two: E. L. Crawford, Irene Nystrom, Roger Stevenson, Rosalie Madsen,


Moonyeen Newman, Wayne abey, Rosalie Brklaci h, Judene asper, haron Swenson, MeiRae Bateman, lnre Desrnin. Row Three: [Ja .Mortensen, Jerry Forbush, Joe Bnker, Maurice Wells, Jerry Hutchm son, Wnvnc ow ley, LaDaun Taggert, Norene liardcastle

Editor Ann Lundberg planned and worked with her staff to meet the April deadline of the Courier.

Associate Editors Vickie Ann Showell and Rosemary Miner gave Ann Lundberg able assistance in compiling student compositions.

The student publication, The Courier, was distributed in May. Under the supervtSI n f A. LeMar Hendrickson, advi er, and Ann Lundberg, edit r, this '55 Courier was composed of literature and art written and drawn by J rdan students.

Adviser A. LeMar Hendrickson discusses a problem with the ourier staff members, Gny le Farnsworth, Joene Tranter, LaPrille Davis, Dennis nnteman, Judy Larson, Afton Jensen, and Mary Lou Loader.

Staff members Vickie Showell, Cherry Gold, Jeneanne Pack, Glenda Ander~on, Genielle Evans, Marilyn Hughes, Rosemary Miner, and Glenna Leek look through old Couriers to note layout.


Don Milne, managing editor, and his staff strived to compile an interesting and informative school paper - The Broadcaster. Miss Oralie Rawson and Mr. Melvin Berrett, advisers, kept their Junior Journalism classes busy supplying news, features, cartoons, and sports articles. In addition to these students, seven Senior reporters, plus all staff members, were busily engaged in obtaining worthwhile material for this publication.

Miss Rawson's Journalists - Row One: aria Benson, eraldine Whitmore, Annette Jensen. Row Two: LuDeen Petersen, Marylyn Lang, VeNae Burgon, lenna Leek, R:1Nnc Simon on. Row Three: Elinorn Me ombs, Doris Jensen, Lorna Sjoblom, Linda Jacobson . Row Four: Mary 13iljani , Mary Ann ardner, Marilyn llughes, Pat Downs. Row Five: Pat Dahl, nyle Kidder, Sharon Peeler, Bruce Edwards. Row Six: Dan Jorgensen, Ray Bateman, Marl n Andrus, and Lyle Hughes.

Betry Ann Ennist Assinant Editor


The Jordan High Broadcaster once again in 1955, as in the past three years, received top honors in the Quill and Scroll International Honor Rating. Miss Oralie Rawson was president of the Utah Association of Journalism Advisers this year. Our school paper has traditionally presented articles of lasting interest in its ten to twelve issues per school year.

Mr. Berrett's Journalists - Row One: Evelyn Day, Darlene Church, Kay Rodgers, Carol Anderson, Joan Romney, Sally 13eckstead, Janice Smith. Row Two : Gayle Poulsen, Maxine Markus, Darlene Steadman, Carolee Allen, Mary Ann Olsen, Connie Anderson. Row Three: Penny Reed, Cherie Fitzgerald, DeeAnn Bendixen, Karma hamberlain, Carol Chamberlain, Dorothy Morrill, Barbara McKay, Nancy Higgin son, Larry Marshall, John Zrno, Kareen Nielsen, Marlene Wright, D onna Dunyon. Row Four: Cherry Gold, Edna Neff, Sheila Hamilton, Marilyn Nichols, and JoAnn Jones.

R Ai eporters



_ en/yo Bยท h Shirley [' . Js op N nc j . or Phor e, canoe Bยท ographed. L Jrd, Par Ph ยท Ynne H elps โ€ขโ€ข . aws A. , 'VOrJno ' no SirnPson e

Ronald Brown

Assistant Editor


Laura Gardner


The first Jordan Beetdigger was printed in 1921-22, under the direction of Miss Laura Gardner. Miss Gardner remained as adviser until she retired in 1954. Although only a few Beetdiggers were sent to the N SPA to be judged, Jordanites might well be proud of the record. First-Class Honors went to the 1941, 1947, and 1949 Beetdiggers; and AllAmerican Honor Ratings to the 1952, 1953, and 1954 books. This year's staff, in behalf of all Jordan students, acknowledge her services.

EDITORIAL STAFF MEMBERS Row One: Barbara O'Brien, associate editor; Afton Jensen, Helen Anderson, associate editor; Joene Tranter, Gayle Farnsworth, Annette Jensen. Row Two: Dnn Jorgensen, sports editor; Nancy Ann Newman; Mickey Jones, art.

Connie Anderson and Arlene Sheppick, assistant editors; Mr. Stanley Sharp, editorial adviser; Carol Anderson, assistant editor; and Arlene Haun, associate editor, discuss layout plans for the

Editor Ethel Heki spent many hours preparing layouts, arranging photograph s, writing copy, and gathering inf rmation for th '55

'55 Beetdigger.

13eetcl igger.

BUSINESS STAFF MEMBERS - Business advisers E. L. Crawford and Wanda Wade meet with staff members and alesmen. Row One: arol hamberbin, Nila Rawlings, Karen Burkinshaw, Rees Jensen, Lorna Sjoblom, Lowell A~hman, Marilyn Nichols, Afton Jensen. Row Two: Renee Henschke, Karma Chamberlain, Charlene Townsend, Darlene teadman, hicla Hamilton, LnPrielle Davis. Row Three: Maxine Markus, Connie Anderson, arol Anderson, Sharon Swenson, Dona Ryan, Sandra White, Gayle Poulsen, Rosemary Jensen, Rosalie Brklacich, Evelyn Dny, Rosalie Madsen. Row Four: Deeda VanDetta, LaVon !laws, lrene NyMrom, and Gayle Pixton.

Checking photographs, hunting information, writing copy, paneling, typing, assembling divisions, working out dummies, and meeting deadlines consumed the time of the yearbook staff. Because everyone on the staff was inexperienced, many hours were spent planning and testing new and different ideas aimed to please. Six competent faculty members assisted with the successful completion of the 1955 Beetdigger. STAFF MEMBERS - Patsy Coats, associate editor; Ethel Heki, editor: Kenny O'Brien and Don Zinser, photographers; and Jim Dumas, &taff member, check paneling of Junior section. Not photographed: Don Blomquist, photographer.

ADVISERS - Murray Allen, art and photography; Ruth Neall, business; and Donald Olson, art, contributed sound advice and helpful suggestions to the "all-new" Beecdigger staff.

BUSINESS STAFF MEMBERS - Gayle Pixton, Lorna Sjoblom, and Geraldine Sund promoted yearbook sales. Nor photographed: Judy Sylvester.


DUANE SCOTT Winner of All-State fine arts award at BYU, 1954.



VICKIE ANN SHOWELL SANDRA CASPER State vice president of Winner in the Elks Lodge DECA Club Leadership Contest and oratory winner. JOENE TRANTER Awarded $50.00 btond for first FtrM place winner "f place in &rate Elks Lead er~htp American Legion Auxili:uy ontest. Ebbay 'o ntest.

BASKETBALL STAR - Pearl Pollard , All-State 1954 and 1955; outbtanding Utah prep babketball player of the year.


ROSEMARY MINER econd place winner of JHS American Legion Oratorical onrest.

ITARVE T QUEEN - Pat Fit zgera iJ wa Queen of the annual Fl่ทฏA llnrve,t Ball.


EDGAR HOOPIIAINA DEANNA WENERSTROM CALYIN SPRATLING Winner of American Legion Jordan winner of the Betty Awarded FFA Carl Raymond Oratory Contest and first Crocker Homemaking Contest Gray Scholarship. place winner, "I Speak for Democracy." ~---..,

BEVERLY SANDQUIST All-State sculpturing award at BYU Art Exhibit, 1954. ANN BUTTERFIELD First Vice President of the state Future Homemakers of America.

PEGGY ANN KIRTON Recipient of straight "A" report card in senior year.

FFA A WARDS - State Farmer Degrees: Glen Palmer, Nolan Smith, and Calvin Spratling. Chapter Awards: Glen Palmer, Chapter Star Farmer; Paul Steinfeldt, Junior Star Farmer; Joseph and Gordon Zitting, Sophomore Star Farmers; LaMar Davis, Chapter Star Dairy Farmer; James Bell, Swine Production; Clyde Hamilton, Beef Pr duction; Nolan Smith, Star Poultry Farmer, and Grant Dahl, Farm Mechanics. District Awards: Bruce Whited, Public Speaking (Second District); and George Dansie, Soil and Water Management.

SWEETHEART QUEEN - Jani ce Price wns crowned Queen at the FHA Sweethearts' Ball.

SWEETHEART KING Robert Bailey was awarded the King's crown at the annual Sweethearts' Ball.


Here's to the ch 1 we won't forget When we are far away ...




Every Boy A Member The JAB is an organization of all of the boys at Jordan. Led by their adviser, Frank Kamnikar, and their officers and representatives; the boys sponsored a Thanksgiving dance, a Christmas party, and a "Night Out" for their parents. Lee Jenson, president, and Danny Mascaro, vice president, were the officers of the 1954-'55 Boys' Club. Floyd and Lloyd Graham served as co-secretaries for the first three quarters of the school year.

Jim Dumas, senior representative; Sherman Day, junior representative; Lee Jenson, president; Frank Kamnikar, advi er; and Raymond Yasukochi, sophomore representative, relax after the Parents' and Sons' Jamboree. Pre~ident Lee Jenson and Vice President Danny Mascaro talk over one of the Boys' lub's activities.

JUNIOR RED R S OMM!TrEE - Row ne: Don Joq.(cnsen, Dan Nelson, CJnry Larson. Row Two : Ken llunncl, Mrs. Wood, Edward Mโ€ขner, anJ herman Day.

iunior red cross The J rdan Red Cro student c mmittee is a service rganization. hairman Kendall Bunnel worked with the five ther boys and Adviser, Mr . Evelyn W d, in helping with vari us projects in the area. One uch project was decorating for dances at the new Veteran's Ho pita!. Two representatives fr m theยท Jordan committee will take part in a summer training camp to be held in Utah this year.


Every Girl A Member JAG officers, Geraldine Sund, Carolyn Evans, and Marlyn Stout, encouraged every Jordan girl to work on one of their various and numerous activities. The Big Pal - Little Pal party, the Mothers' and Daughters' Night Out, Fathers' and Daughters' Night Out, the Senior Tea, the Fashion Show, and several dances were the principal activities of the club. Mary Fitzgerald, Anne Boucher, and Bernice Casper were the advisers.

Advisers Evelyn Wood and Bernice Casper get together with Carolyn Evans, Marlyn Stout, and Geraldine Sund to plan their Mothers' and Daughters' party.

HOME ROOM REPRE ENTATIVES - Row One: Joan Rasmussen, Joyce Milne, Darlene teadman, Geraldine Whitmore, Barbara Brady, Nancy Ann Newman, Rosemary Jensen, Knreen Nielson, Joyce Ebert, Kathryn Ferguson. Row Two: onnie ' rane, Bonnie Christian, Lynda Norton, Fran e~ Naylor, huron Dean, Marcia Nichols, haron Peeler, >eorgie Wetsel, Marjorie agers, neuy Lou Deakin. Row Three: Judy Bills, Retn Lyn h, Emmnnuelln Koncurat, Loretta Witt, Irma Rae Vawdrcy, LaDaun Taggart, Arlene Haun, Gayle Farnsworth, Ann Parry, Glenna Leek, Deanna Wenerstrom.

Carolyn Evans, vice president; Marlyn Stout, secretary; and Geraldine Sund, pre idem, take time out ftum their busy Girls' Club schedule.


BIG EIGHT JUNIOR CI-IARLONIANS - Row One: Barbara Dunn, LuDeen Peterson, ayle Farnsworth, Arlene Kareen Nielson, heri Fitzgerald, LaPrielle Davis, Penrod, Kay Rodgers, DeAna Mickelson, Bette Jardine, arlene hurch, Barbara McKay, Nola Johnson, herry Gold, Sheila Hamilton, JoAnn Jones, Gloria Glines, Marlyn Srour, Shirley Steadman, Arlene Johnson. Row Two: Penny Reed, Geraldine Whitmore, J an Romney, Joan McFarlane, Argene Adams, Carla Benson, Linda Jacobson, Marlene Wright, Janice Richardson, ylvia Martin, Janice Smith, Marilyn Hughes, Mary Howlett, Afton Jensen, Karen BurkJn่ทฏ shaw, LaRita Hill, Hazel P1erce, Joene Tranter, Afton Van, Donna Searle, Pat

SENIOR HARLONIANS- Row One: Lynne Tripp, D. Anna Despain, Gayle Pixton, Sandra Scoffield, Shirley Price, Sherry Tomlinson, Joy e Faurs hou, Kathleen Baker Sandra Casper, Nedra Wardle, Pat oats, Mary Agnes Jacobson, Rosemary Miner. Row Two : armen Lloyd, Pauline Schmidt, Ardell Jones, Barbara Linnarz, GeraldJne und, Ann Lundberg, Karen Sanders, Delores Lunnen, Jean rocking, Judy Beckstead, Marilyn Brady, Vickie Ann Showell, Joyce Dansie. Row Three: Helen Anderson, Linda Sabey, Arlene 1-laun, Ruby Donus, Meryl in Bishop, Glenda Anderson, Janice Ba1r, Rose mane Schmidt, Janice Pri e, Marlene orak, oleen Spratling, Shar n urtis, Peggy Ann Kmon.


EI Weber. Row Three: Doris Jensen, Annette Jensen, Nancy Ann Newman, Judy Larson, Yvonne Boyer, Danna Dee Adams, Evelyn Day, Lorna JOblom, Elaine Jenson, Donna Dunyon, Arlene Be kstead, Renee Henschke, Mnnlyn Nich่ทฏ Is, Lenore W rkman, Mary Jane Edwards, Annette Johnson, ally Beckstead, Pat Dahl, Lois LeFevre, Mary Lou Loader, Darlene Bell.

Pep Club Upholds Traditions Although promoting school pep and spirit was their main objective, the red and gray clad Charlonians sponsored many extra-curricular activities. They had a Christmas project for a needy family, ushered at various school functions, and held their annual Charlonian Ball. Their initiation tunts and ceremony, half-time marches at football and basketball games, teas for the visiting pep clubs, and sponsoring pep week were the traditional activitie of these 104 peppy girls. The girls became eligible by maintaining a B class average and having g d character.

HONORARY CHARLONIANS Row One: Janice Richardson, Marilyn Hughes, Arlene Penrod, Marilyn Nichols, Annette jensen, Barbara Dunn. Row Two: Mary Howlett, Judy Larson, Geraldine Whitmore, Cherry Gold, Carla Benson, Elaine Jenson, Darlene Bell. Row Three: joene Tranter, Pat Dahl, Lois LeFevre, LaRita Hill, Sheila Hamilton, Nola johnson, Nancy Ann Newman, Doris Jensen.

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN- Seared: Delores Lunnen, Linda Sabey, Pauline Schmidt. Standing: Patsy Coats, Helen Anderson, Shirley Price, Arlene Haun, andra Casper, Ann Lundberg, Carmen Lloyd, Sar1dra Scolfield, Helen Seaman. OFF! ERS AND ADVISERS - Row One: jean Stocking, secretnry; Lindn abey, prestdenr; judy Beckstead, assistant rnlie Rawson, adviser. Row Two: Helen Sease retnry; man, adviser; Rosemary Miner, historian; Yvonne Schofield, adviser; Gnyle Ptxton, rep ner.


SOPHOMORES - Row One: ่ทฏcarolyn Nichols, Sharon Swenson, hirlee ehring, Ro alie Brklacich, Nedra Nelson, Melray Bateman, Judme asper, Norma Lynn Hale, Sunnte Nelson, harlene H lfman, Ilene Campbell, Joan Maddocks, laudia Webb, Dorene Rtchards. Row Two: Diane Mdlerberg, J:mtce LeFevre, Norma Jenkins, JoAnn Farnsworth, Lynda Norton, Deanna Wallm, B nnie ChriMian, Joan 13errett, Norene Evans, Joyce Baker, heri Aaron, Nola Neale, Sharon Walters. Row Three: Peggy Parker, atherine Morelli, Rinda Gedge, Myrna Oyler, Gloria Backu ่ทฏ, JoAnn Anderson, Doris Roos, Susan Nygren,

JUNIORS AND SENIORS - Row One: Elva Kay Turner, Y nda Boggc , LaRue Sherriff, Lucille Worthen, Penny 13urkm~haw, Janice ars n, Barbara O'Brien, Sandra Casper, aria Benson, Ann Lundberg, Kathcryn Ferguson, Ardell Jones harlene Town end, Jantce lloward, La Von flaws, Renee Henschke. Row Two: Argene Adams, ollene Saunders, arherine Bishop, wen Burnett Nancy Green Sandra Nelson, R:osalie Madson, Dixte Ferguson, Robemary J~nsen, Irene N~str m, Virgmm Burns, Wilma Burns, Marylin Bishop, Ruby Dorius, Nila Rawlmgs. Rotv Three: Lmda Jacob~on, Marlene Wright, Marsha Nielsen Annette Rawson, Danna Dee Adams, Kareen Ntelson, !Jftn Crane, Hazel t~en on, Ethel Mangum, Janice Bair, Afton Jensen, Donna Dun-


Beth Jarmen, Donna Peters, Judy Green, andy unnington, Mary Jane Brady, Marcia Nichol!., Lynda Lee harp, Della teauman, ora ase, Dona Ryan.

Social Club Was Active The Jordan Debutantes, the social club of the school, had a full school year beginning with their initiation ceremony and climaxing with their Dog Patch Drag. A Christmas program was presented at the County Infirmary. Hostessing for the other girls of the school at a tea which featured Elaine Cannon of the Deseret News, financing the favors of the "Parents' Visiting Day," and enjoying several additional parties were among the various activities of the Jay Dees. COMMITTEE MEMBERS - Kathryn Ferguson; Carla Benson; Melray Bateman; Mary Fitzgerald, adviser; Betty Henderson, adviser; Ruth Noall, adviser; Sandra Casper; Gertrude Tranter, adviser; Lynda Sharp; Rosalie Brklacich; Glenda Anderson. JAY DEE OFF! ERS - Norma Lynn Hale, historian; Carla Bens n, vice president; Sandra Casper, president; Judine Casper, sec.

FFl ERS AND ADVISERS -Row One: Stanley Andern, adviser; heldon Smith, treasurer; Dan Jorgensen, vice president. Row Two: R. . Peterson, adviser; Ronald Webster, presidem; Gerard Vanderhooft, secretary.


future engineers Left w Right, Row One: Russell Benson, Ronald Webster, Douglas Brown, Eric Nystrom, Rees Jensen, Orson Kesler, Kendall Bunnell, Duane Loveless, Don Blomquist, Edward Miner, Gerard Vanderhooft, Michael Wright, LeRoy Park, Richard Kemp, Paul Jacobson. Row Two: Winslow Jones, Raymond Lucero, Bruce Jen en, Alan Steadman, Lynn Holt, Lawrence Astle, Richard Despain, David Brown, Charles Russon, Billy Hughes, David Taylor, Jim Glover, David Winn, Val Finlayson, Lee Workman, Eldon Forman, Don Milne, Jerrald Jensen. Row Three: R. S. Peterson, Jason Endo, Dan Jorgensen, Shelly Smith, David Eastman, Kendall Phelps, Jimmy Butterfield, Glen Moosman, Val Greenwood, Clement Nicol, Karl Miller, Ted Polson, Mickey jones, Garry Clark, Floyd Young, Paul Caldwell, Dan Nelson, Gary Atkinson, Charles Walker, J. L Jensen, herman Day, Stanley Anderson.

Engineers -

A New Club

The main objectives of the newly organized Engineers lub were to acquamt its members with the scientific fields, to create a desire to enter into one of these fields, and to promote better citizenship. Representatives of scientific fields, spoke at club meetings concerning the opportunities f th ir particular occupations. The e talks were supplemented by field trips t various indu tries which demonstrated the application of science. The spons rs were R. S. Peterson and S. R. Anders n. 101

Left w Right, Row One: Jimmy Butterfield, Duane Loveless, Ray Bateman, Rees Jensen, Dennis Bateman, Edward Mmer, ene Crawford, Jerry Webster. Row Two: Ronald Webster, Orson Kesler, John Erekson, W ayne Ernstrom, Joe Baker, Maunce Well s,

Ken Bunnell, Martin O 'Keefe . Row Three: Melvin Berrett, Doug Brown, Tom Stoker, Don Milne, Richard Kemp, Will Erekson, Ri chnrd Despain, Dan Jorgen sen, Eric Nystrom. Ro<u Four: Marlon Andru s, Dan Nelson, Karl Miller, hu ck Minnick, James Jensen, Lowell Ashman, Don Zaiser, Nephi Fitzgerald.

Rees Jensen, president; Eric Nystrom, vice president; Kenneth Dunn and Marcell Graham, Kiwanis Club representatives; Duane Loveless, secretary; Edward Miner, treasurer; and Melvin Berrett, adviser, di sc uss one of the Kev Club's projects.

Key Club Serves Developing leadership, giving service to the sch l and to the community were the principal efforts of the Jordan Key Club. Highlighting the year's activities was the presentation of a new ba ketball sc reboard and megaphone to the student body. They also originated a drive for the care f those inflicted with cerebral palsy. The Key lub sp nsored Career Day and provided for a needy family at Christmas. Duane Loveless and Dennis Bateman repre ented the ] rdan chapter at the Nati nal Key Club convention. lOZ

)ORDANETTE - Row One: B. Hilton, D. )ex, G. Brown, S. 'nsper, V. Burgon, E. Jenson, R. Miner, B. Ennisr, V . howell, P. Phelps, ). Bills, R. Schmidt. Row Two: ). reenwood, P. Weber, G. Evans, G. Graham, ' . Anderson, ). Romney, E. Day, D. jensen, K. Gray, N. Wnrdle. Row Three: A. Sheppick, P. Dahl, S. Beckstea I, ). Beckstead, L. abey, . Spratling, P. Schmidt, . Lloyd, D. Lunnen, 1'. Parker, K. anders. Row Fotn: E. Wood, A. Lundberg, G. und, C. Benson, L. Jacobson, 1'. Kirton, C. Anderson.

Doris jensen, vice president; judy Beckstead, president: Evelyn Wood, adviser; Pauline Schmidt, secretary, di cuss their canyon workshop.

The Jordanette Club, composed of girls holding important school offices and several girls from each of the junior and senior classes, has as its main objective - "Help Jordan girls have more fun." After outlining their aims for the coming year during a summer workshop at the Spruces, they organized a Christmas project for the Primary Chi ldren's Hospital, put n a pep assembly, and had a candy-making party.

Students studying a foreign language became eligible to participate in the activities of the Language Club. Subbing for Santa, enjoying sectional parties were among projects of the Club during the 1954-55 school year. Left w Righr, Row One: D. Turner, R. Madsen, C. Larson, R. Lucero, M. Gillaspie, J. Pierce, W . Roger, G. Kidd, G. Denney. Row Two: P. Nunley, L. Malstrom, D. Ferguson, B. McKay, D. Ryan, N. Neale, M. Warts, C. Anderson, D. Steadman, C. Anderson, C. Spratling, 1'. Ktrton, P. Parker. Row Three: E. Pacheco, C. Coon, E. Johnson, B. Jardine, J. Bluemel, D. Steadman, C. Case, V. Jones, D. Greenfield, C. Madsen, D. Debpain, M. Anderson, S. King. Row Four: V. Leyba, W. Beath, M. Leyba, G. Robiso n, E. Enniss, S. Usher, D. Lovendahl, l. Arterbum, M. Pear on, C. Rasmu se n, P. Nielson, C. johnson, E. Howes, L. Mace. Row Five: M. Delgado, M. Anderson, N. Wright, A. Simp on, ..... Haw , M. Gardner, M. Hughes, S. Mitche ll, S. Hamilton, M. agers, ]. Mower, G. Webb, ]. Healy. Row Six: N. Higginson, P. Pinedo, W. Palmer, L. Andrus, J. McKinney, C. Aceves, B. Radmall, J, Milne, J. Rasmu sen, S. Durst, J. Bernardo.

OFF! ERS AND ADVISERS - Marian Anderson, treasurer; Golda Fraser, adviser; Lynne Haws, president; Pat Pmedo, representative; Mary Ann ordner, represemative; Lowell Boberg, adviser; Marilyn Hughes, vice president.


Left to Right, Row One: Joyce Nunley, Joyce Dansie, Vickie Ann Showell, Renee Sorenson, Norma Giles, Jeanne 1-latr, Beth Allen, Charlene Kay, Nelda Moon, Par Phelps, Rosemarie Schmidt, Janice Price, Sandra Mitchell, Janice Deromasi. Row Two: olleen Parker, Delores Olson, Sherlene Roby, Carol Bollschweiler, Roberta Ozancin, Gloria Brown, Carmellia Brunetti, Lois Wood,

Sandra asper, Pat Coats, Grace Grahnm, Jeanette Rawson, Joan Winn, Shirlene Neuffer. Row Three: Larry Nielson, Dorothy Webster, Latrice Walters, Grace Gilbert, Iretta Wither , Sharon James, Merlene Hess, Sharlene Mortensen, Janie! Hatt, Ann Nilsson, De่ทฏ anna Wenerstrom, laudia Hnnsen, Charlene Townsend, Fny Thomas.

OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Vickie Ann Showell, vice president; Fay Thomas, adviser; Joyce Nunley, president; Jeannette Rawson, vice president.

Distributive Education J rdan DECA Club, a class c

The mprised of tudents interested in selling, is a member of the Distributive Education Club of America. The members spent six weeks learning how to operate c mpt meters, studying filing, and d ing clerical work. In the fall the club sold p pc rn at the football games to raise money for their annual spring party. Many of these students brained jobs through the eff rts f their adviser, Mr. Fay Thomas. 104

.รข€ห˜ FHA - Row One: Sandra King, athy Merrick, Kathleen Hansen, Marjorie agers, Norma Gi les, haron Elc.lrcdge, Maureen hepherd, Par Ph elps, Nelda Moon, Joyce Dansie. Row Two: Arva 11olliger, onja I leinecke, h nron Webster, Marian Pearson,

G loria Brown, Norene Tester, Coll ene Saunders, LaRayne C rump, Joyce Ebert, Beth Allen, Kathleen Baker, Louis Morrow, Karen Larson. Row Three: Caro l Bollschweiler, Sa ll y Winn, Reta Lynch, Marylyn Lang, Jeanne Hart, Vesta Crump, Sherlene Roby, Lois Owen, Raphealla Roper, Ann Butterfield, Judy Jenkins.

OFFICERS AND ADVfSERS - Ann Butterfield, secretary; Sally Winn, president; Pat Phelps, treasurer; Marylyn Lang, vice president; Betty Henderson, adviser; Ann Boucher, adviser; Joyce Dansie, re porter.

Future Homemakers The J rdan chapter f the Future Homemakers of America successfully endeavored to instill excellent h memaking qualities in the girls of the school. Following their initiation at the first of the chool year, they planned a Get Acquainted Party and a Halloween Party. The big social event of the club was the Sweethearts Ball in February. They were represented at the state and regi nal conventions and were given a gift wrapping demonstration during the school year. 105

SOPHOMORES Robert Nuzman, Richard Bishop, Pearson, Robert

Row One: De!Rey Eastman, Jo&eph Zittinp;, Frank Lessley, David lad, lyde orenscn, Jerry LeFevre, Jay Workman. Row Two: Jerry Schouten, hriMian Bcmon, Ralph Ashworth,


urtis Cook, Earl Allen, Richard Burmester, Will Green, Garth Boulden, len oulier. Row Three: Mi hacl Anc.lrensen, Dnvid Schmic.lt. Emmett Lessley, Joseph Drnke, tanley Johnson, John Dick, LeLand Ri hins, Ral1 h R the.

Glen Palmer, Marlin Steinfeldr, and Grant Dahl discuss the Jordan FFA farming activities. Adviser ,)en oulicr, Robert Bailey, nnd James Bell look over the community service percentages.

รข€ห˜ Future Farmers of America With its purpose - "not only to develop better farmers but also to devel p leadership qualities o members may become better citizens in their c mmunities" - the Jordan Chapter of the FFA participated in many activities. After their "Greenhand" initiation, they sponsored the annual Harve t Ball in November. Other social events were the Parents' and S ns' Banquet and a joint party with the FHA. The Jordan Chapter exhibited their projects in the State Fair; and in the County Fair they had a Grand Champion steer. They had five candidates for the state farmers degree and worked on a c0operative beef feeding project in conjuncti n with General Mills. During the school year the FFA visited the Ogden Livestock Show and the Union Pacific Agriculture Improvement Car.

JUNIORS AND SENIORS - Row One: Ray Bills, Noel Smith, Frank Withers, lyde Hamilton, Eldon Forman, Jay Fullmer, Gary Egbert, Billy Heaps, alvin Spratling, Marlin Steinfeldt, Kent Webster, Frank Owen, Blaine L. Parry. Row Two: Dale Wright, Von Vicchrilli, Jerry Hamilton, Steven Fergus, George Boswell,

OFFICERS - Row One: James Bell, treasurer; Ray Bills, president; Calvin Spratling, vice president; Clyde Hamilton, secretary. Row Two: Kent Webster, sentinel; George Dansie, historian; Bruce Whited, reporter. James Bell, Glen Palmer, Bruce Whited, Reed Frantz, Curtis Alverson, Deloy Butterfield, George Dansie, Lynn Palmer. Row Three: Alfred Nelson, Elden Steadman, Michael Gardner, Robert Bailey, Michael Bailey, Ray Butterfield, Harold Allen, Howard Allen, Grant Dahl, Harold Beratto, Paul Steinfeldt, Elray Morrill, Doren Davis, Nolan Smith.


DAN ERS - Row One: Jonn Morrow, Sandra nsper, Deanna Wenersrrom, Grace Grnhnm, Claudia !Jansen, Ardell Jones, h<1rlcne Town~end, Yvonne Schofield. Row Two: Dorothy Jex, Oeanna Hcndrichon, Barbara O'Brien, Ann Lundberg, Delores Lunnen, Joyce Nunley, Pat Phelps, Janice Price, Sue Gibb ns.

Dancers Entertain Under the capable direction of Mis Yvonne Schofield, the sixteen members of the Dance Club added their talents to a number of the year's activities. The girls performed for the Traveling Assembly, the Opera, the Father' and Daughter่ทฏ' Party, the Mother่ทฏ' and Daughters' Party, floor ่ทฏhows, and many school assemblies. Deanna Hendrickson, Deanna Weneranu laudm l [nnsen practice for


OFFICERS AND ADVISER- Ann Lundberg, secretary; Joyce Nunley, president; Barbara O'Brien, vice president; Ardell Jones, historian; Yvonne Schofield, adviser.


Chnrlene Townsend, Pnt Phelps, nnd nndra

Through the effort of Mr. Paul Boyce, the Riding Club was reorganized. This club had been inactive for approximately one year; but with its reorganizatiotJ. members began planning weekend riding excursions and contemplated purchasing red and gray shirts as an emblem of their club.

L 13 - Row One: Norma Lynn Hale, Shirlee Gehring, Bonnie Glenn, Joan Winn, D. Anna De ~ pain, Athene Pappas, haron Hamilton, Reona Wither , Nedra Nelson. Row Two: Ren ee I lenschke, usan Nygren, Luella Ann Vicchrilli, Beth Radmall, Pat JohnstOn, I laze! Pierce, Ecldn Rae Johnson. Row Three: Paul Boyce, Edith Wilkinson, Sunnie Nel- , so n, Sharlene I JolT man, Vickie Ann howell, Glenda Graham, Romae Anderson, Janette Todd. Row Four: I Iarri so n Pedro, Jolita 1!all, Francis Olson, LaRae Smith, Irene Flores, J yce Mit chell, Dick Wetsel, Glen Ray Anderson, Vai-Dene Carlson.

riding club ski club

OFFICERS AND ADVISER- Row One: Sharon Hamilton, vice president and Athene Pappas, secretary. Row Two: Reona Withers, president and Paul Boyce, adviser.

OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Helen Seaman, adviser; Rosemary Miner, vice president; Ray Bateman, secretary; Yvonne Schofield, adviser. Nor photographed: Jack Snyder, president.

LUB - Row One: Yvonne Schofield, Dee Peterse n, harles Walker, Kent Webster, Joedy Bnll, Rny Bateman, Gary Larsen, Larry Jensen, Kenneth Burns, Janice Carson, Helen Seaman. Row Two : Lynne Pedler, Joy e Milne, Don Blomquist, Jimmy Butterfield, Doug Brown, Dennis Farmer, Richard Despain, reve Fergus, Brent Ander on, Don Blasius, Kendall Phelps. Row Three : Leici Whetman, Marilyn McClellan, Joan Rasmussen, Joan Maddo ks, Rosemary Miner, hnron wen son, aria Jen sen, Nedra Wardle, Joan Winn, Arva Samps n, nry ่ทฏgbert, Mike f aveder, Tom tokcr, ylvan Olsen. Row Fotir: judy Sylvester, , hcrry T mlins n, Gay helton, Phyllis Harbu ck, Ann Blackett, Joan Grant, Joyce Carson, Bob llout z, (,ayle Pouben, Gayle Kidder, onnie oon, Mary Ann Olsen, Beverly Hilton, Jeneanne Pack, ,] ria Brown.

Ski Club members took numerous trips to Alta or Brighton on Saturdays and after school hours. A ski team from Jordan participated in the Knudson Cup races at Brighton on March 12. The big event of the year was an afternoon-evening party held at Alta on February 16. 109

A familiar sight seen around the Jordan halls were the sweaters and jackets sported by the Letterman Club. Upon earning a letter in one of the school athletics, a b y became a member. The varsity teams were given a banquet at the end of the different seasons in rec gnition of their achievements. LETTERMEN - Row One: James Jensen, James Petersen, harles Walker, Gera ld Gray, Gary Larsen, Ken Bunoell, Don Blomqllist, Dirk Olsen, Everett Nelson, Ron Thorn on, Burton Anderson. Row Two: Eddie Jenkins, Allen Campbe ll, Jim Dumas, Gerald Naylor, Thomas Stoker, James Be ll , H oward Glad, Lindsay Brady, Mi ckey Sugiyama, Ralph Brinton, Dick Wetsel, Eric Nystrom, Rees Jensen, Bob Campbe ll, Jack Sh ield s. Row Three: Bruce Jensen, T ed Richards, Val Greenwood, Mike G illaspie, Jerrold jensen, lyde Grover, Norman Coleman, G len Moosman, Richard Carlson, Lee Jenson, Daryl Walbeck, Floyd Young, Kenneth Oakeson. Row Fm1r: Karl Miller, Kent Smit h, Jerry Pierce, Milan P.ursachj Marvin Emery, H. G . Linford, Pearl Pollard, Blaine Labrum, Mickey Jones, Paul Ca ldwel , Mike Lnveder, Don Derricotr, Larry Andrus. OFFICERS AND ADVISER: H. G. Linford, treasurer; Rny Oliverson, advise r; Blayne Labru!Tl., vice president ]. L. jensen, president.

OFFICERS AND ADVISERS: Front: Tracy Wilson, president; Baclc Dale Sorenson, adytser; Ruth Nonll, advise r; Pat !'help~, secreta ry. Nor photographed: Betty En nisr, vice presiclent. SPORT S CLUB- Front: Ruth Neall, Dale Sorenson. Row One: Par Phelps, Marcia Romero, Carolyn Nichols, Gay le Poulsen, Gale Webb, Lynda Lee Sharp, Sunnie Nelson, Sharlene Hoffman, Ann Blackett, Peggy Parker, Joan Grant, Janet Healy, Mary Warts, Maureen Shepherd, Sandra White. Row Two: Trn y Wilson, Bonnie G lenn , Beth Radmall, ntherine Morell i, Marcia Nichols, Jeannette Linnarz, Ca rl a Jensen, Barbara Linn arz, Jane off, Linda Larsen, Mary Boyle, Annette Rawson, Marsha N ielsen. Row Three: Evah V isser, Marilyn Parry, Nancy Denney, Gwen Page, Arlene Usher, Nedra Wardle, liftn Crane, Ethel Mangu m, Hazel Steenson, Jessie Kay G reenwood. Row Four: Lynne Han sen, JoAnn Farnsworth, C la ud ia Webb, Betty Lou Deakin, Marva Forbush, Dalene Th omas, June Kline, Vestn rump Jeanne H att, La Rayne Crump, Janice Carson, C laudia I Jansen, Deanna Wenerstr m. Ro~ Five: Lynda Norton, Shi rl ee Ge hri.ng, Norma Lynn Hale, Jim G lover, John McKinney, Kenr Burgon, H oward Abrams, Deanna H endnckson, Ann Lundberg, Nelda Moon, Nedra Nelson. Row Six: judy H aun, Phyllis H arbuck, Gay Shelton, Vickie Leste r, ]ani e LeFevre Allen Campbe ll, Sylvan Olsen, Kenneth Burns, Lindsay Brady, h ad es Walker. '

The ports lub, wh c aim was to inStill in it ' members a better id a of sp rtsman hip and friendship, began the choo l year by planning a full schedul e f event . Parties of skating, swin1.ming, and b wling created an eve ntful and enj yablc year of fun.


The Jordan Press Club was composed f students interested in journalism and writing. Among their duties was the compiling and editing of the student. directory, the "]" Book. This year they published a small informal newspaper which they called the Junior Broadcaster. Other projects were the press c nferences held at the Brigham Young University, University of Utah, and Mt. Jordan Junior High School.

PRESS CLUB - Row One: Pat Downs, Cheri Fitzgerald, Phyllis Nunley, Glenna Leek, VeNae Burgon, Rosemarie Schmidt, Janice Price, Doris Player, Penny Burkinshaw, Ronald Brown. Row Two: Don Milne, Ken Bunnell, Dorothy Morrill, Barbara McKay, LuDeen Peterson, Joyce Faurschou, Gayle Kidder, LaRayne Crump, Jeanne Hart, Vesta Crump, Norma Giles, Tracy Wilson. Row Three: Doug Brown, Mary Ann Gardner, Carolyn Beckstead, Joan Romney, Sally Beckstead, Joyce Dansie, Rosemary Miner, Lynda Lee Sharp, Sheila Hamilton, Cherry Gold. Row Four: Carla Benson, Shirley Price, Marilyn Nichols, Betty Ann Ennist, Vickie Ann Showell, JoAnn Bird, Nadine Wright, Shirleen Neuffer, Glenda Anderson, Marylin Bishop. Row Five: Gwen Burnett, Sharon Peeler, Linda Jacobson, Marilyn Hughes.

QUILL AND SCROLL OFFICERS - Front: Shirley Price, secretary; Rosemarie Schmidt, president; Vickie Ann Showell, treasurer. Back: Don Milne, vice president.

QUILL AND SCROLL- Row One: Tracy Wilson, Mary Ann Gardner, Oralie Rawson, Carla Benson, Linda Jacobson, Norinne Cook, Shirley Price, Marylin Bi hop. Row Two: Don Milne, Ronald Brown, Ken Bunnell, LuDeen Peterson, Glenna Leek, VeNae Burgon, Betty Ennisr, Vickie Ann Showell, Doug Brown, Rosemarie Schmidt.

Journali m students became eligible to enter the hon rary Quill and Scroll lub up n having 75 column inches printed in chool publicati ns. The purpo e f the club is to pr m te better journali m through participati n in writing. At their initiation, new members w re hat and pre s card to their clas e and then t ok the oath and pledge during a ceremony after school.

quill and scroll 111

Lefc to Right, Front: Betty Zieve. Row One: Arlene Deakin, Rosalie Brklacich, Sandra White, Gayle Pixton, MelRny Bateman, judine Casper, Norene Evans, Delores Lunnen, Arlene Usher, ldn Mortensen, Diane Jensen, Duane Loveless, Edward Miner, Will Erekson. Row Two: Carol McNamara, Joan Grant, Ann Blackett, Peggy Ann Kirton, Shirley Price, Rosemary Jensen, Carolyn Evans, Irene Nystrom, Coleen Spratling, Linda Sabey, Ann Lundherg, Vickie Ann Showell, Carolee Allen, Lorna Sjoblem, Rosalie Mad-

sen, Mamice Wells, joe Tinker, Martin O'Keefe, Rosemary Miner. Row Three: Vickie Lester, athcdne Morelli, Sunnie Nelson, Karen Sanders armen Lloyd, Patty Ann Parker, Norma Lynn Hale, Shar n wenson, Janice Richard on, Sally Beckstead, Judy Zafft, Evelyn Dny, Leici Whermnn, )at1ice Bni_rt Marilyn Beckstead, La Dnun Tagf;nn, Mary Lou Loader, Kareen Nielson, Lindn Jacobson, Nancy Denney, Annette Jenson, Lynda Fairborn, LnRnyne Ll yd, Karen Ourkinshaw. Row Foa>ยท: Ken Bunnell, Rees Jensen, Eric Nystrom.

OFFICERS AND A VI ERS - Fronr: Carmen Lloy_d, secretary. Row One: Eric Nystrom, sergeant at arms; Karen Sanders, vice president; Irene Nystrom, historian; Rees Jensen, treasurer. Row Two: Vickie Ann Showell, parliamentarian; Rosemary Miner, reporter; Betty Zieve, adviser; Parry Ann Parker, president.

The successful y ar enj yed byยท the Ma que and Gavel lub can be credited to the interest of the speech tudents in their subject and to the work f their direct r, Miss Betty Zieve. The club sponยท sorecl the sch I play, Life With Father, and proยท duced u one-act play entitled orry, Wrong Numยท ber. They held their annual banquet at the close of the scb l year at which time the new officers were introduced. This was the climax to a year fulfilling the w rds f the club's m tto, "Speech For Use." 112

Row One: T m Stoker, Ken Bunnell, Dennis Bateman, Duane Loveless, Ree:. Jensen, Eric Nystrom, Edward Miner, Lowell Ashman, Will Erekson, David Brown. Row Two: Mike Adondakis,

Joene Tranter, Mary Ann Gardner, Betty Ennist, Rosemary Miner, Vickie Ann Showell, D. Anna Despain, LuDeen Peterson, Judy Larson, Helen Anderson, Shirley Price, Glenda Graham, Sandra Casper, Martin O'Keefe, Dan Jorgensen.

OFFICERS A nrs Bateman ND ADVISER Presidentยท B โ€ข secretaryยท Ph 1ยทl G- Helen A d โ€ข etty A ' oldb n.n erson nn Ennist vยท ranson ad . ' treasurerยท D ' rce Presid ' VJserยท K B ' en. ent. ' en unnelJ,

The Forensic League i an h norary speech club. Students must participate in a certain number of peech activities to be able to bee me members. Degrees were given according to the number of P ints received by participation in peech events. ertificates, signifying the different degrees, were given t the members at the award banquet, the Year's highlight. The members who qualified participated at the District Forensic League Speech Meet. The winners then went to the finals at San Jose, California. Of particular importance is the fact that the J rdan Chapter had one of the highe t percentages f increased enrollment in the Western Di trict.


Here's to the victories she has won, Here's to those yet to come ...


CHEERLEADERS - Nedra Wardle, head cheerleader, who worked consistently ro fulfill her responsibilities, poses .with her crew.

cheerleaders A high-spirited group of red-and-gray clad students led the cheers and songs of the student b dy in the 1954-'55 chool year. Their enthusiasm and pep was a big a set in encouraging the teams on to victory and go d sp rtsmanship. Paul Astle Bob

Argene Adams



Grace Graham

Third Place, Big Nine Jordan fought to third place in the Big Nine. Under the excellent coaching abilities of coaches Linford and Martin, the Beetdiggers easily swept through their pre-season games. Even though the "Ea t jinx" hit the Diggers in their first league game, they came fighting back to down Carbon, Olympus, and West. The team fa ltered when they met Davis, but they came back to conquer Granite in the final game of the season.

Head Coach Howard (Tuff) Linford, who formerly coached at Bear River, made '54-'55 his first year at Jordan. He and Grant Martin combined their efforts to produce a strong single-winged team.

Varsity Football Scores PRE-SEASON Paul aldwell, eni r Co-Capt., All- tate End Lee Jenson, enior Co-CaJ>t ., Regular Quarterback

September September

10 17

Pocatello Jordan

6 13

at at

Jordan Box Elder


Jerry Pierce, Senior Regular Guard


Blayne Labrum, Senior Regular Tackle

LEAGUE September October October October October November

24 1

15 21 29


Burton Anderson, Junior Regular Guard

East Jordan Olympus West Jordan Jordan

18 15 19 0 0


Jim Dumas, Senior Regular Halfback

at at at at at at

Jordan Carbon Jordan Jordan Davis Granite

6 0 27 12 18


H. G. Linford, Senior Regular End I


Kent Smith, Junior Letterman End

Bruce Rosenhan, Junior

Norman Coleman, Senior

Karl Miller, Junior Letterman End

Regular Fullback

Floyd rnham, Junior Letterman Ft<Llback

Regular Tackle Wayne Dahl,

Burton Anderson, Jerry Pierce, Paul aldwell, Gera ld Naylor, and Frank Lucas are caught shouting triumphantly after winning the West gaf!!e.



Letcerman Fullback

Floyd Youn~, Juni or Lecterman Fullback

Allan ampbell rrerarcs to down a We ripb off a sizeable gain around left end.


ampbell, Senior

Regular 1-lalfbacl<


attn kcr as Jim Dumas

Milan Bursach, Senior Regular End

James Jensen, Senior Reg~<lar Halfback

Gerald Naylor, Senior Regular Halfback

Don Derricott, Junior Reg~<lar End

Tom Stoker, Senior Regular Center

Marvin Emery, enior Regular Center

Larry Andrus, Senior Reg~<lar Guard

Ronald Baker, Senior Letterman Guard

Delay Osborne, Junior Letterman Halfback

Mickey Jones, Junior Regular Halfback

Al lan ~mpbell, Lee Jen~on, R nald Baker, and Tom Stoker listen as Normnn aleman describes the rugged opposition. Managers Howard Glad and Gary Larsen check equipment after a game.


JUNIOR TEAM Row One: Lyle Hughes, Artlen Bowers, Richard Nielsen, Ralph Brinton, Bob ampbell, oach Art Dick Wetsel, Lorin McRae. Row Two: Hughes, Lloyd Graham, Von Vicchrilli, Ronald Berg-

man, Bruce llano, Ronald Jones, Kent Rosenhan. Row Thref!: Don Derri ott, Harvy a&~er, tcwart rosgrove, Richart! hristensen, arry lark, Robert Hnrringron, floyd Mountecr.

Junior Football

Jordan stops Granite cold at the line of scrimmage.

The Jumor football team had a record of four wins and one I ss in league play. After 1 ing to Lehi and East in pre-seas n games, and to East again the first league game, the b ys recorded consecutive wins over Olympus, West, Davis, and Granite. The Juni r team was coached by Art Hughes. PRE-SEASON GAME September 10





LEAGUE SCHEDULE September October October October November


23 14 20 28 4

East Jordan at Olympus at Jordan We&r at Jordon Jordan at Davis Jordan at Granite

Lost Won Won Won Won

Sophomore Football Although Jordan's Sophomore football team had a season record of two wins and four losses, the boys proved their determination for good sportsmanship in victory and defeat. Under the supervision of Coach Ray Oliverson the squad chalked up wins over Davis and Granite. Their losses were to East, Bountiful, Olympus, and West. SOPHOMORE SCHEDULE September September October October October November

23 30 14

20 28 4

East at Jordan at Olympus at West at Jordan at Jordan at

Jordan Bountiful Jordan Jordan Davis Granite

Lost Lost Lost Lost Won Won

A Jordan back plunges through the Davis line picking up seven yards.

SOPHOMORE TEAM Row One: Jerry LeFevre, Richard Trapp, John Brown, Bert Morse, Floyd Mori, Don Fullmer, Michael Andreasen, Ri hard leland, Harold Grimaud, Hyrum Rich, Dennis Woodward. Row Two: Richard Niel en, Don Campbell, Lawrence Mangum, Da le >old, !are Despain, Rex Goff, Maurice We ll s, Keith tepan, Keith Clements. Bart Morse. Coach Rav

Oliverson. Row Three: Curtis Cook, John Crawford, Jeff Newman, Michael Ganz, Sherrell Berrett, George Varankis, Gary Anderson, James Holt, Eddie Pond, Brent Butterfield. Row Four: David Schmidt, Gary LeFevre, Rulon Dahl, Wilford Green, Donald Maynes, Russ Larson, Gary Howlett, Dennis Farmer, David Downs, Mark Miller, Lave! Olson, Charles Larson.


Varsity Pre-Season Scores December December December December December December December December December

3 10 11 17 21 22 24 28 30

Springfield Jordan Jordan Jordan Rock Springs Jordan jordan Bingham Jordan

38 59 49 62 39 59 53 37 47

at at at at at at at at at

Jordan Cedar City Parowan Elko Jordan Weber Murray Jordan Lehi

68 51 33 33 64 43 49 78 36

Jordan Jordan Davis Granite Jordan South Jordan Olympus Jordan Provo

61 56 46 42 42 49 59 25 59 34

Varsity Big Eight Scores January January January January January February February February February February

7 14 21 25 28 4 11 15 18 23

Granite Provo Jordan Jordan East Jordan West Jordan Davis Jordan

28 32 51 54 47 76 41 46 45 48

at at at at at at at ar at at

Art Hughes, masterful coach of the Jordan High Beetdiggers, guided his squad to another Big Eight crown and the third straight consecutive Class A State Champ ion ship.

James Petersen attempts to elude three Davis players in this Big Eight tussle.


Three Granite players and J rdnn's Benny Pollard hooks for two points.

utler- watch as Pearl

Big Eight Champs

James Jen sen, Senior Leuerman Forward H . . Linford, Senior Lecrerman Forward

Another Big Eight trophy took its place in the Jordan High trophy case as the Diggers chalked up a nine-one record in league play and captured first place laurels. Winning nine games in pre-season play, the squad opened the season with a record of thirty-five straight victories. Their one loss was at the han~s of the East High Leopards. Being favored again, as in the past two years, the Diggers went to the Class A Tournament with their hearts set on bringing home their third straight championship.

Benny Cutler, Junior Letterman Forward

an evasive tt captures Sherrell Bderre West game. in the ]or an erald Naylor, Seni r ALL-State Guard

Daryl Walbeck, Junior All-State Hon. Men . Forward

Ralph B sent ackrnan s the Big Eigh representing h t trophy to Cat e .Big Eight Ptatn Pear] P รข€ห˜ Pre. ollard.

Ja ck Shields and Bill Turner were the man agers of the Beetdigger squad.

Lee Jenson, Senior Letterman Guard


JUNIOR TEAM - Row One: Coa h Grant Martin, eorge Varanakis, Sherrell Berrett, Keith Stepan, Sherman Day, Manager Jack Shields. Row Two: Mark Mi ller, John Pollard, Karl Miller, Don Derricott, ary Howlett, Kent Beers. Not PhowgrajJhed: Jack Player.

Junior Captain Karl Miller and Coach Grant Martin.

Big Eight J. V. Champs Not to be utdone by ] rdao's champion var ity squad, the ]uni r team als went thr ugh the season lo ing only one game. In five pre-sea on contests they defeated Bingham twice, Springville, Weber, and Lehi. The e efforts were rewarded by winning Big Eight ]. V. ch ampionship. Jordan ................ 46 Jordan ................ 54 Jordan ................ 57 Jordan ................ 46 Jordan ................ 59 Jordan ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท 46 Jordan ............... 45 Jordan ................ 69 Jordan ................ 63 Jordan .......โ€ข....... 53



vs VS

vs VS

vs vs VS

vs vs

ranite ................ Provo ...................... Davis ...................... Jranite ................. East ........................ South ....................

34 37

38 49 51


Wet ...................... 19

Olympus .............. 42 Davis ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท----- 43 Pr vo ...................... 38

SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Manager Stanley Johnson, Richard Nielsen, Jay Workman, Don Fullmer, Floyd Mod, Eddie Pond, Mike Ganz. Row Two: Kendall Voyce, Fred Cutler, Larry Crump, Russel Larson, Wilford Green, Dale Gold, Coach Tuff Linford.

Co-Ca ptains Don Fullmer and Mike Ganz, and Coach Tuff Linford.

Sophs Win Three, Lose Four The Sophomore team, coached by Tuff Linford, had its ups-and-downs during the 1955 basketball season. They experienced defeat four times, losing to Provo, West, East, and Granite. Their victories came at the expense of Olympus, South, and Davis. With the individual brilliance of these boys, greater things can be expected in the future. Jordan ............ 37 Jordan ............ 30 Jordan ............ 43 Jordan ............ 39 Jordan ............ 39 Jordan ............ 50 Jordan ............ 38




Provo ................ West ................ Olympus .......... East .................. Granite ............ South .............. Davis ................

66 47 40 40 50

46 35


State Class A Tourney Jordan's hustling crew of talented basketball players entered the State Class A Tournament with a record of nine wins and one loss in Big Eight season play. North Cache played the Diggers in the first game of the tourney, on March 10. The Jordan Five chalked up a fairly easy victory, and then rolled over Bear River the second day of play. The resulting championship game revealed the Jordan Diggers playing the East High Leopards. Showing top form, Jordan toppled East for their third straight Class A Basketball Championship. March 10 Jordan 58 North Cache 28 March 11 Jordan 60 Bear River 45 March 12 Jordan 62 East 42

, for victorY u่ทฏ h d n starting . th East r,tg . The Jor ~ship game wt . charnpto , ftve vte

in the Surrounded by the lAss A state champi ns are oach rant Martin, Mas ot George Hughes, and Coach Art Hughes.

two Ea t players f r


TOURNAMENT TEAM - Row One: James Jensen, Sherman Day, Lee Jenson, Sherrell l3errett, Gerald Naylor, James Peter en, Manager Jack Shields. Row Two: nch Art Hughes, Daryl W albeck, Paul Caldwell, Pearl Pollard, H. G. Linford, Karl Miller, Benn y urler, Assistant Coach Grant Martin. Fro nc : Mascot George llughes.

Mixed re~ . rhe final ;o liOns frorn rhe urnarnenr ., /ortlan ben h .,n me. c greet a11

. exerting p/ ay 1. 11

Three In A Row As the final gun sounded and hysterical rooters screamed their joy, Jordan became the first team to ever win the State Class A Tournament three times in a row! Besides the plaudits extended to coach Art Hughes and his "boys," commendation was also given to the Jordan High student body. Banners and cheers singled out the Beetdigger rooters as they demonstrated the supreme high in sportsmanship and spirit. Glenn Sacos, an alum~ nus, added to the display when he made huge beets with red J's and passed them among the student body. A snake dance after the final game stopped traffic and amused pedestrians as Jordan High's happy crowd made their way down Salt Lake City's Main Street. The following Monday a gigantic celebration honoring the players, coaches, managers, and the parents of the players, took place. Also receiving special recognition and comp~ liments were the energetic cheerleaders who per~ formed in true championship form. The final cheer subsided and students returning to their regular class schedule knew that a new high stand~ ard of tradition had been set for future Jordanites. 127

Coach and Mrs. Arr Hughes come through arch of pompoms prior to championship celebration.

Dick Gourley lifts mike for the convenience of towering captain Pearl Pollard.

d of the 19 7 at the en tions. With the sco\~yer~ receive instrUC first quarter, P


Varian Mortenson, president of UHSAA, presents state trophy to Pearl Pollard.

Historian Beverly Hilton receives srnre trophy from arrnin Penrl PollarJ.

should over Ea

WRESTUN TEAM - Row One: Gary Larson, Jason Endo, Wayne Ernstrom, era ld Gray, Jerrie Truhill, Howard Glad, Lindsay Brady, James Bell , Max Antczak. Row Two: David Mangum, lyde Grover, Norman Colelen Moosman, All en ampbell,

man, Fred Takemori, Bart Morse, Don Campbell, Dennis Woodward. Row Three: Bruce Whited, Lawrence Mangum, Bob Campbell, Bruce Hand, Roland Arterburn, Ronald Thomson, Keith Clements, Burton Anderson, Richard Carlson, Ralph Brinton, Dick Wetsel, Lee Asay, Coach Ray Oliverson.

Wrestling Was Popular Intersquad competiti n at the Parents' and Sons' Night Out began a successful season f r the wrestling team. Because participati n is n t limited regarding weight or height, the port proved to be very popu lar. Ray Oliverson was the expert instruct r for the boys, in the third year of wrestling at Jordan. Returning lettermen were Max Antczak, Burton Anderson, Lindsay Brady, and lyde rover, here with their coach, Ray Oliverson.

Jordan Places in Meet Highlighting the wrestling year was the State Meet. Jordan captured fifth place in the state and third in the region . Lindsay Brady was Jordan's outstanding wrestler during the year; he won second place in the 128 pound class. Jerrie T ruhill received third place in the 98 pound class, and the fifth place award in the heavyweight division was won by Richard Carlson.

Wrestling Scores Provo 48 61 Jordan Jordan 45 50 Jordan East 71 Jordan 38 West 49 Jordan 62 Jordan 38 Pleasant Grove 31 Jordan 65

at at at at at at at at at at at

Jordan Murray Davis West Jordan Provo Jordan Pleasant Grove Olympus Jordan Bingham

49 50

75 40 36 43 48 38 45 37 18 129

TENNIS PLAYERS - Bruce Whited, Lowell Ashman, Eri c Nystrom, Rees Jensen, Gerard Vanderhooft, Ken Burns, Shelly Smith.

Not Photographed: John Pollard, Bun on Anderson, Karl Miller, and Tracy Wilson.

Leon Petersen, Coach Ben Bruse, Eric Nystrom,. and Rees Jensen talk over plans for coming division tennis meet at Ltben Y Park.


Tennis Schedule April April April April April April

12 14 19 21 26 28

.......................................................... Davis at Jordon ........................................................ Jordan at rnnlte ................................................... Olympus at Jordan .................................................... J rdan ot lympus .......................................................... Jordan at Davis ........................................................ ranite at Jort.lan

1955 Team The Jordan tennis team w n their first match in tw years on April 14, when they played ar Gran~ ite. The clivi i n tennis matches were held May f urth at Liberty Park in Salt Lake City. Each scho I in the Big Eight sent their d ubles and singles teams to participate. Returning tennis let~ termen were Karl Miller, Rees Jen en, and Eric Nystr m. 130

TRA K TEAM - Row ne: Jerry Pierce, DeLoy Osborne, Norman olemnn, Lee Jenson, J. L Jen en, Paul aldwell, Frank Lucas, H. . Linford, Ri chard Boyce, Grant Dahl, Marv Emery, Kenneth akeson, Don Derricott. Row Two: harles Walker, Max Ant zak, Milan Bursach, Don Blomquist, Alfred Nielson, Lnrry jense n, Harold lad, Gary Larson, Leon Ewell, Lind say Brady, Di ck Wetsel, Jess Han se n. Row Three: Bruce Rose nhan,

Gary Howlett, Roland Arterburn, Jeff Newman, Lawrence Mangum, Bob Campbell, Jason Endo, Frank Lessley, Emmett Lessley, Kent Olson, Pearl Pollard. Row Fou.r: Keith Stepan, Sherrell Berrett, Gary LeFevre, Carl Bishop, Kent Bone, Russell Larson, Terry Labrum, Mike Ganz, Bruce Hand, David Brown. Row Five: Kendall Voyce, Gary Kidd, Dick Trapp, Dennis Farmer, Dennis Woodward, Gary Clark. Not Photographed: Ted Richards, Benny Cutler, and Mickey Jones.

Coach Ray Oliverson di scusses Jordan 's track prospects with Paul Caldwell, Norman Coleman, and assistant coach, Tuff Linford.

Track Schedule April April April April April May May

8 ........................ Lehi and Pleasa nt Grove at Jordan 15 .................................... J rdnn and Ea.t at Granite 22-23 ...................................... BYU Invitational Relays 27 ............................ Jordan and Granite at Olympus 30 .............. Utah l ligh chool Assoc. Relay at BYU 7 ............................ Regional Tra ck Meet at U of U 14 .................................... State Track Meet at U of U

'54 Team Region Champs For the first time in Jordan track history, the Digger tracksters won first place honors in the Regional Track Meet. The team also gained fifth place laurels in the State Track Meet in 1954. Enthusiasm was high this year, as the boys hoped for anoth'รข‚ลนr succes ful year. Eleven senior lettermen and four junior lettermen led a keyed-up Jordan team to their first meet with Lehi and Pleasant Grove on April 8. 131

TEAM - Row One: Dennis W olfley, Raymond Yasu kochi, Boyd Mounreer, Sherman Day, Gerald Nayl o r, Dary l Walbeck, Jim Dumas, Floyd Mori, Sherrell Berrett, Larry Jenkin s. Row Two : Nephi Fitzgerald, Kent Smith, Bruce Rosenhan, Robert Harrington,

Ralph Brinton, Bob Campbe ll, Lee }en on, Lloyd G raham, George Yaranaki s, J. L. Jensen. Row Tl\re e : Ri chard Nielsen, Doug Watts, Larry C rump, Kent Beers, oach rnnt Martin, Jerry Stone, Mike Gi lh1 bpie, Gary Gressman, J e Baker, Earl Allen, and Stanley Johnson .

Co-Captains Gerald Naylor and Jim Dumas talk over baseball strategy with their coach, Grant Martin.

The Jordan nine played three pre-season games, defeating Bingham twice by scores of 5-3 and 4-1, and Murray 9-8. Beginning league play on April 13, East eked out a 4-3 victory. The team is coached by Grant Martin. LEAGUE SCHEDULE April April April April May May May


13 ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท Jordan at East 18 .................................... Jordan at Olympus 21 ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท South at Jordan 25 ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท Jordan at Davis 2 ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท- Provo ar Jordan 5 .................................... Granite at Jordan 9 ........................................ Jordan at West

Marlene Wrighr, Arlene Penrod, Barbara Brady, and Gayle Poulsen practice dance compo ition.

Elaine Jenson shows good form in a gracdul leap.

Focus is important as it is portrayed by !Ia Howard, Barbara. McKay, Wanda Beath, and Penny Reed.

dance class Yvonne Schofield's dance classes were filled to capacity. In spite of all the aches and pains, gracefulness was acquired by the junior girls who were enrolled. They started the year of 1954-55 by doing exercises and pantomimes to help in their creative dances. Various groups of the girls composed special dances and presented them on floorshows for the Junior Prom, Fathers' and Daughters' Night Out, and the Mothers' and Daughters' Party. One quarter of the school year was devoted to learning rhythm through tap dancing, and they also learned to jitterbug, samba, and rumba. As an excursion, the girls went to Kingsbury Hall on the University of Utah Campus to watch Free For Tonight, starring Marge and Gower Champion.

lass Managers are Doris Jen;en, Annette Jensen, Geraldine Whitmore, Noncy Ann Newman, ayle Fnrnsworrh, VeNae Burgon, nnd D. Anna Despnin.

Janice Richardson, Loa Graham, Mary Howlett, Darlene Bell, and Carla Benson rehearse their dance.


Various types of recreation were taught in the Phys. Ed. classes. Golf and shuffleboard were two favorite with the girls. This year, as an additional attraction, Miss Helen Seaman and Miss Yvonne Schofield added bowling classes to the curriculum. All who desired to take lessons had the opportunity.


Mr. Koller shows bowling technique to Anita while Ann Robe rt s and Renee Henschke practice.

Karma Ru sse ll and Linda Gardner enjoy a game of shuffleboard in the Girls' gym.

Golfing is fun, as demonstrate l by Mary Shirlee Gehring, and Mary Lee Wilkin so n.

Linda Lee Sharp, Linda Bnlamis, MMy Watts, Ire ne Nystrom, and Rosalie Madsen are star c rner-kick players.


MANAGERS Row One: DeAnna Biggs, Dixie Dean, Beth Rndmall, aylc Yates, oDe le Walker, Judin e asper, JoAnn off, Audry Thayne, Judith Brown. Row Two: Ardis PixtOn, Joa n

Nedra Nel so n gets ready to strike while ca tcher, anJ LoRita Roenn ebeck stand by.

arolyn Ni chols,

G ranr, judy Zafft, Sharon Swenson, Carol Anderson, Catherine Morelli, Darlene Steadman, Nancy Parker, Afton Va n, Sally Beckstead, Ca rl a Price, G loria G lines, Sharon Butterfield.

Sharon Eldredge and Ann Blackett shake hands with Evah Visser and Donna Peters afret a good march .

"The rul es sometime~ ge t in the way, but nKC Ball is fun ," say Mar~ h n Romero, Shirleen Jones, and L ren o Witt.

No longer are the guys the "man behind the bat," the girls are pushing them clear back to shortstop. They are also doing well in ther sp rts, such as tennis and cageball. In each class, making it possible for Miss Seaman and Miss Schofield to devote their time to the teaching of these sports, are two class managers who take care of the roll and equipment. Fun is important, but first and foremost in these classes is the teaching of cooperation, alertness, and good sportsmanship. 135



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rt 4

Here's to old Jordan we love so well, Here's to the Red and Gray.

elf 137

FFA members exhibited their crops at the State Fair.

Three Jordan boys repaint the Beetdigger parking lot.

New students take part in the traditional initiation.

Senior boys admire Allen Campbell's new class ring.

First place honors in the Tractor Division Contest at the County Fair went to Grant Dahl.

September 7- First Day of School 10- Get Acquainted Party 16- S phom re Initiation 17 - S ph more Party 21- Fair Day 29 - eni rs Received Rings A bird 's eye-view of the Digger gridiron in October. heerleaders lead yell at Jordan-West game, October 22.


Charlonians and cheerleaders greer football team after half-rime period.

The annual Harvest Bull was a big success.

This was a familiar scene in Jordan 's hall s during the winter months.

Harvest Ball Queen, Pat Fitzgerald with escort, Benny Cutler, stop for refreshments. The Mr. Touchdown dance honored the 1954 Jordan High football team.

October 1 -Amateur Hour, Harvest Ball 5 -New Student Initiation 7-8 - UEA Convention 12- Lyceum 18-Lyceum 27- Fashion Show 30- BYU Journalism Conference

November 5- Mr. Touchdown Dance 11 - Sch I Play 18- Lyceum 24- Thanksgiving Dance Students dress scarecrow for the matinee Thanksgiving dance m the Jordan gym.


Dancers pause to chat at the Senior Hop.

Seniors prepare decorations for their annual Hop.

Student body officers get ready for the Christmas festivities.

December 10- Senior Hop 17 -Messiah 20- Seminary Candy Dance 22- Christmas Party

Edward Miner presenrs Key Club gift to the school.


Principals Ballard, Farrer, Whitesides, and I latch discuss activity program for the Big Eight.

... . . ยท...

0. ยท. โ€ข.

Sally Winn crowns Queen Janice Price and King Robert Bai ley at the Sweethearts' Ball.

. .. . . .. .

Students have fun at the FHA-sponsored Sweethearts' Ball.

Future Homemakers of America decorate for their dance.

January 11- Psychology and Sociology Tour 19- Tr~veling Assembly 31- Assembly

February 2- Parents' Day 10- Sweethearts' Ball 16- Matinee Dance 23- Murray Traveling Assembly

C IVIL AIR PATROL- The CAP was organized this school year. Row One: Adviser, Dot1ald Budge, had Rosenhan, Stanley Elg, Mike Webster, Wnyne Ernsrrom, Doug Benson, Dick Shepherd. Row Two: urtis Alverson, lifT rd Jutkins Russell Sterbel, Roberr Newman, Wayne Thomas, Billy Tropp, Davis Butterfield, DuWayne ff.


-March 8-Lyceum 10-12- Basketball Tournament 14- T urnament Celebration 18- Junior Pr m 21- Lyceum 23 - Charlonian Ball 24-0pera ]. L. Jensen and Sharon Swenson pause to watch the orchesthe traditional Junior


Two gay "n.ightlifers" admire the Junior Prom 'decorations.

April 1 - Cotton Day, A. C. Assembly 6- B.Y.U. Assembly, Seminary Banquet 11-15- Student Body Elections 19-Lyceum 25 -Mothers' and Daughters' Party 29- Spring Concert, Dog Patch Drag

May 11- Sophomore Orientation, Senior Sluff Day 18- Award Banquet 20- Seminary Graduation 23 -Year book Day 24-J Day 25- Graduation - Speakers: Rosemary Miner, Sandra Casper, Betty Ann Ennist, Lowell Ashman, Rees Jensen, and Edgar Hoopiia ina. Lmdn Snbey, hnrlonian president, presents rhe club sponsors Miss Schofield, Miss eaman, and Miss Rawson, with orchids a; the annun l hnrlonian Dall. Happy )ordanites whirl away rhe time at the Charlonian Ball. Mr. Ballard experiences a happy reunion with his family on a program, Tltis Is Your Life, in his honor.

Jnni e Richnrd8on nnd Karl Miller congratulnte their opponents, Pnt Fi tzgerald nnd Dan Jorgensen, on their win in the traditional student b dy e le lions.

Principal 0. D. Dullard is presented with a book of memories by Mr. Allen, who represems rhe faculry at the PTA program.


The traditional rush between classes.

The three Nunley &isters, Alma, Phyllis, and Joyce, laugh at the snow that Utah experienced in April.

Connie Anderson salvages a campaign poster from the debris being swept up from the halb by Bruce Edwards.

thru the halls Reflecting notable traditions found in the halls of Jordan.


Lynne Tripp scratches her head in bewilderment when she meets Oscar, the biology skeleton.

A typical scene found in the halls of Jortlan row of coats down both sitles of the halb.

Another typical scene in the halls of Jortlan is portrayed by Joann jones when ~he check> the hall passes of Lnrry Jenkms, Rtchartl Nieben, and Arlene heppick.


Howard Abrams - Clubs: Sports, Boys; Messiah, baseball. Dttle Garry Adams - lloys Club, Aeronnulics C.AP Cadet's first Lt., tennis. D01' Dec Adamson - Boys Club. Charles Ain.< worth - Boys Club. Beth Allen lubs: Girls, FHA, DECA; Hnrvest Boll, Prom. Glenn Allgood -Boys lub, Deput~. . Brent Anderson - Clubs: Boys, Skt; council, Prom, Tr. Assem., Pep Band. Carol And~rson lubs: Girls, Jay Dees; Dogpatch DraR, ~l01hers and Daughter.<, Junior Prom. Dtxtc Ander em -Girls lub. Lcnda AntLcr.on - Clubs: Girls, Charlomans, Jay Dees, Press; 'nurier, year!>ook snlesmnn, Viounl A1ds prog., Messtah, Mothers and Daughters. . . J-Ielt'n Andl.'r.mn ClL1hs: G1rls, hnrlomans, . forenSICi council, Deputy, yenrbook, speech fest., extemp. speakmg, debate, Sophomor( Pnny. Marie Anderwn - Clubs: Otrls, Language; Prnm, Deputy. Romac And,ยทrson - Clubs: Girls, jay Dees; twirler, Meosiah, opera, Fnthers and Dnu~hters, Mothers and Onrtl!hters. Larry Andr11s - Clubs: l:loys, Letterman; lootbnll, 1rnck, wrestling. MeL< J, Ant'ctal< luhs: Boys, ki, Leucrmun; council, track, foor-

t oil, wreslling. Hnlancl Arrurlll<m- lub~: Boy;, Language; Mes;ioh, 1rnck, wrestl111g. LfJwvll Jud~e; lubs: Key, Ftn. lingmeers, 1-'orenstc, Boy;;


yenrhook, dehnte, lr. Assem., schc><ll piny, Music Fest. , Meโ€ข'โ€ขah, ICIIIIit~.

Lee A,hton -

Sccoml A .. o. Judge, Deputy, lloys o:dl, fontonll.

luh, ~rnck, hasket-

ยทlubs: Ooys., Future EnJ.:meerrt. Gary \Y'Iiwn ArkHHmt ยทJub!;: Boyt., FU!ure Enumeer ... LaunL'fu:L' AHll'-



ll ys lub, Me>Mah, opern. Clubs: i1rls, Mn;que and Uuvel, Jny Dee-, Char>Choat piny, Sophomore Party, Me.,โ€ขnh, debate, op<ra, Tr. As-.m. h Kathlcell Balwr - Cluh.: โ€ขirl1o, C:hnrlonian>, FHA; Prom, Mes<~n , llnrvcโ€ขt Bnll, Seni r Hop, Mothers nnt.l Daughters. Ronal<l IJaktโ€ขr- lubs: lloys, Letterman; fot>thnll. lJennl~ Httrtmtml - Cluhs: Key, Foren~k. BoYbi nera.uy, Courier, de, hn1e bund Tโ€ขยทยท A"cm., Me.,inh, Tnlen1 Show, Nu1'l Key Club Con.

}anโ€ข,ยทe HolT lonlnn~;


Bt;d<srt.'(t;l -

'illh~: ~hl!floninn~,

L,anguugc, Girls; council,

Messlnh, Tr. Aโ€ขโ€ขem., opera, ~pecch m~et. Hoy& Club. ' luh., llirls, Mno;que nntl >nvel, Sports;. Prom, uper:1, Mes>~ah, Mt>1her. nnd Daughters, school piny, Fathers nnd DtlliKhte"ยท R1mdl D~nson lubs: !Joys, Fur. Engu1ecr.; Prnm, Boys Stme, coundl. /..uren /ltxler- 13,>ys Clu~. Rcโ€ขy Hell. lubs: floys, FFA; rop judgtn~ Tenm, track, ( otboll. Joanne lliTil lub.: Ski, Press, Lnngunge, ports, Gtrls, Jay Dees, OE 'A. Merylm fJ11IItlp luh;: Pre", Girls, hnrloninns, Jny Does, Quill nnd Soroll; MutheTb nnd Daughters. Dun /Jirmi</IIIH 'lubs: Ski, Fur. En~:inecr~, r. ellerman, Boys; debn1e, lrn<ยทk. Kay /Jo~~ยทยท s - floys Club, swge crew. Ar<โ€ขll flol!IR,ยทr- O~rls Ilib. J)aโ€ขโ€ขid Llollr~etยท - Clubs: lltws, Le11crmnn; Yearbook nmlvol, bnselmll, trnek, wresdln~. Caml lloll<cl~<llt'iltยทr-Chโ€ขhs: iris, Jny Dees, FHA, DE A. Cum~ยทยท llu\\vcll- H<'ys C'luh. L,ยทmwl llnulrcr- Buys (!,,b. 'vlโ€ขโ€ขw lloti'L'n luhs: Oโ€ขrls, Fl lA; Mesโ€ขinh. R.1chard !Joycl!- <ยทluhโ€ข: Boys, Ski, FFA; counctl, Prom, Horvest Ball, trn k, hn.ebnll. Undโ€ขtty Brach- luhs: lloyโ€ข, pons, ki, Letterman, Fu1. Engmeers; ourh:il, J cpury, Prom, Fathers and on5-1 Me~~:lh, Tr. Assem., wreMiin~. bnnd. Ma11lyn 13rttdv- "luhs: hnrlomnns, Jny Dees, oris; cnuncil. Ernโ€ขยท,ยทr llrmlwn -1\oys .lub. Glona Elrnwn- lubs: Girls, J"rdnneltcs, FHA, Jny Dees, Sk1, Sports, De "A; MmhcrH ont.l Dnughtcrs, Sweetheam Bnll,} Book, dances. fJOHRI"' IJrowl\- Cluhs: Key, n y~, Ski, Ful. EngmeerR, Pres.; Prom. /let /..an~ Rtmvn- Girls Club rep., Messlnh, opera, en1or Tea, Mothers nnt.l Dnugh1ors. Wallace K<โ€ขH 13rown- lloys lub. Re~naltl Orow11- ltโ€ขbs: Boys, l'ress, Quill nnd Scroll; councd, Uook llront.lcnMer, opera, Messinh. 1/dtโ€ขn llr:.wne- Girls Club. . Camtellu; Bnnll'rti lubs: Girls, jay Dees; Prom, Hop, Me~>"ah. Ken<illll Bunnell luhs: ForensiC, Spom, Key, Mno;que ant.l Gavel, 1 eucrmnn. Pllt. Engineers, Press, (Judi nnd croll; Prom, debate., ~~~ . Kent Hurgon- luhs: Boys, Spons; Prom, Hop, Yearbook Carnt~al. Penn) 11. llurku~>haw- lubs: Sport$, Jny Dees, C.harlomans, G,rls, Preโ€ขโ€ขยท Lnn~uage; Mothefh and Daughr<rsJ. Tr. As.sem. Kenner It Burnโ€ข- luhs: 11oys, Spons; Hop, l'rom, tenms. Mโ€ขlan. llursa,ยทh lubs: Letterman, Boys; councd, football, basketยท boll, trnck. Dawl Bttttโ€ขrfidd- Boys Club.

L.amcmr lkckHcll<l Karen llcโ€ขcklfraottl -

l1mmy Bโ€ขmerfield- Clubs: Key, Bo)โ€ขs, Ski, Fur. Engineers; bas~etball. Marilyn B11tterjield- Clubs: Girls, Press; yearbook, Courier, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters. Paul Carne- Boys Club, yearbook, school play. Paul Caldwell- President, First A ยท oc. judge, Clubs: Press, Boys, Letterman, Fur. Engineers; Prom, Broadcasrer, football, basketball, track.

Allen Campbell- Clubs: Boys, Lenermnn; football, rrack, wrestling. llichard Carlson- Clubs: Boys, Letterman; football, wrest! mg. }mt~ce Car>on Girls Club. Sandra Casper- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees, DE A, Jordanene, Sports, Dnnce, harlonians, Masque and avel; Prom, Messiah, debate, ~peech meet. RCibert Cluea- Cheerleader, Boys lub. Patsy Coats- lubo: Charloman>, DECA, Girls, FHA; council, yearhook, enior Tea, Mothers and Daughters. 'orman CoLeman- Clubs: Letterman, Boys; Prom, football, wrest .. ling, track. JoAnn Cook- Girls Club, Messiah, Morhers and Daughters. Manlyn Cook- Girls Club, Senior Tea, Mothers and Daughrers, opera, Me~iah. . . Myrna Cook- Girls Club, Semor Ten, Mess1ah. . Ncmnne Cook- Club : Press, Masque and Gavel, Girls, Lang. and Arrs; Broadcaster, J Book, Mothers and Daughters, Talent Show, Me~slah.

Marlene Corak- Clubs: Charlonians, Jordanettes, Sports, Girls; Messiah, opera, Safery Council, Tr. Assem. Carole Cox- lubs: Girls, FHA. Cla1tde Crane- Boys Club, council. Pat CraM- Girls Club, Messiah, Prom. Gene Crawford- Clubs: Key, Press, Boys, Forensic; Deputy, Prom, debnte exremp. speaking, Broadcaster. LaRa n.e Crump- Clubs: Press, Girls, FHA, Sports; Harvest Ball. Samud Cnnnp- Boys Club, council. Vesca Cmmp- Clubs: Sports, FHA, Girls, Press; Harvest Ball. Raymond Cunnington- Boys Club, Messiah, Tr. Assem., opera, (oarball, basketball. . . Sharon Curtis- Charloruan Club, counctl, Prom, Soph. Initiation, Tr. Assem., Messiah, opera, school play, speech act. Grant Dahl- FFA, Harvest Ball, football, track .. Wayne Dahl- Clubs: Letterman, !Joys; counctl, football, rrack .. Doren Dansie- Clubs: Boys, FFA; Harvest Ball, Yearbook Cam1val. George DanSie- Boys Club. Joyce Dan.<ie- Clubs: Girls, Chnrlonian, FHA, Press, DECA; Morhcrs nnt.l Daughters. Clauderre IJeโ€ขtsley- Clubs: Jay Dees, Girls, Sports; Mothers ant.! Daughters, Tr. Assem., Dogpatch Drag. Vernon Densley- Boys Cluh. . , D. Anna Despain- Clubs: Charlon10ns, Language, Forensic, Gโ€ขrls; Tnlent Show, Mothers and Daughters, debate, Gtrls State, B1g Pal Pany. }aneu Oetomasi- Clubs: DECA, Pres.s, Girls; Hop, Mothers nnJ Daugh1er. }ancce Deromasi- Clubs: DECA, Gtrls. Detore< D1bb- Girls Club. Ruby Durius- Clubs: jay Dees, ChariOillans, Girls; Dogpatch Drag, Mothers and Daughrers. . DeAnna Dow- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees; counctl, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters, B1g Pal Parry. Eโ€ขโ€ขelyn Drake- Girls Club, Messiah. Lawrence Roger Drane) - Boys Club. DougltlS Dumas- Boys Club. Jim Duma>- Clubs: Boys, Leiterman, FHA; Hop, Fathers and Sons, yearbook, basketball, foorball, bosehnll. Autlrea Ea.nman- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees; Mothers and Daughters. Dadd Eastman- Clubs: Boys, Flu. Engineers; Tr. Assem., Messiah, opera, band, Talent Show, wrestling. Joyce Ebert- Clubs: Girls, FHA, Sporrs. Gary Egberr- Clubs: Boys, FFA; Harvest Ball . . Manโ€ขm Emer)-Ciubs: FFA, Letterman; couue~l, football, track. Berry EnniSf- Clubs: FHA, ports, Forensic, Jordanettes, Jay Dees, Press, Quill and Scroll, Girls; Broadcaster, Mothers and Daught~rs, Hop. Ross Facrbourn- Clubs: FFA, Boys. Joyce Faurschou - Clubs: Charlonians, Press, Girls; Morhers and Daughters, Broadcaster. Ste<โ€ขen Fergus- Clubs: Ski, FFA, Boy ยท. Kathryn Ferg1w)n- Clubs: jay Dees, G1rls; Tr. Assem., Mothers and Daughters, assemblies, Fashion Show. . . Vtvtan Ferguson- Clubs: jay Dees, ports, Skโ€ข, Gtrls; Prom, yearโ€ข book salesman, Messiah, Mothers nnd Daughters, Fathers and Daughters. }lmmy Fin:gerald- Boys Club, Fathers and Sons, Tr. Assem., Mes., b d iah. D Ne(>hโ€ข FIC~era!d- Clubs: Key, FFA, Boys; eputy, councr , an , Prom, Messiah, T r. Assem., Red Cross, b?sc:ball, basketball, track. Eldon Forman- Clubs: Boys, FFA, Fur. Engmeers; Sweecheans Ball, Hop, Messiah, Harvest Ball. Un)d Francom- Boys Club, track. LaRc.:ta Freeman- Girls Club. Jay Fullmer-Ciubs: Boys, FFA; Messiah, Tr.. Assem., opera, wrestling, foo1ball mgr., Rep. Nar. FFA Convention. Stanley Garnes- Boys Club. llichard George- Boys Club. . Sue Gibbons- Clubs: Dance, Language, Jordaoettes, G1rls; Prom, Messiah opera, Tr. Assem., Music Fest. Grace Gilbe~t- Clubs: Press, Jay Dees, DECA, Girls; Messiah.


Norma Giles- Clubs: Press, FHA, Jay Dees, DECA; Harvest Ball, Hop. Howard Glad- Clubs: l.ett<rman, Boys; CAP, wrestling, football mgr. Bill Gimes- Boys C lub, band. lim Glo<~er- Clubs: Sports, Fur. Engineers, Boys; Yearbook Carnival, baseball. Da.,id Godfrey- Boys Club. Du Wayne Goff- Boys Club, yearbook, Messiah, football. Jane Goff- Clubs: Jay Dees, Sports, Charlonians, Girls; Dogparch Drag, Mothers and Daughters, Messiah. Glenda Graham - Clubs: Girls, Jordaneues, Forensic; Hop, debate, Messiah, Courier. Grace Graham- Cheerleader, C lu bs: Girls, Dance, Jay Dees, DECA, Ski; council, Prom, Tr. Assem., Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera.

Gerald Gray- Clubs: Letterman, Boys, FFA; wrestling. Ross Green- Boys Club. Nancy Ann Greene- Clubs: Sports, Jay Dees, Girls; Mothers and Daughters, Prom, Dogparch Drag. Elaine Greenwood- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees. Val Greenwood- Clubs: FFA, Letterman, Fut. Engineers, Boys; wrestling. Roscoe Clyde Gro<1er- Boys Club. Carolyn Hamilton-Clubs: Girls, Language; Talent Show, Mothers and Daughters. Clyde Hamilton- Clubs: Boys, FFA; Harvest Ball. Coleen Hamilton- lubs: Girls, Language; Messiah, Mothers and Daughters. Claudra Hamen- Clubs: Dance, DECA, Jay Dees, Sports, Girls; Dogparch Drag, T r. Assem ., Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters. K~rhleen Kay Hansen- lubs: Orris, FHA, jay Dees, Sports; counci l, Depury, Prom, Dogpatch Drag, Sweet hearts Ball. Phyllrs Harbuck- Clubs: FHA, iris, Sports, Jay Dees, Ski, DECA; Fathers and Daughters, Sweethearts Ball. Janie! Hatt- Clubs: DECA, Girls. Jeanne Hatt- Clubs: FHA, Press, Sports, DECA, Girlโ€ข; Harvest Ball. Arlene Haun- Clubs: Girls, Sports, harlonians, Press; yearbook, opera, M~ssiah, Broadcaster.

Judy Haun- lubs : Sports, jay Dees, jordanettes, Girlโ€ข; Prom, Dogparch Drag, Morhers and Daughters, Yenrbook Carnival, Messiah. lynne Haws - So ph. Sec., Clubs: Masque and Gavel, Jay Dees, Charlonians, Press, Language, Quill and Scroll; Prom, Hop, Broadcaster, J Book. Ethel Heki- Yearbook editor, Girls lub, Soph. Party, yearbook salesman.

Deanna Hendrr ckson- Clubs: Dance, jay Dees, Sports, Girls; Tr. Assem., Talent Show, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters. Merlene Hess- Clubs: harlonians, DECA, SJorts, Massue and Gavel, Girls; Mothers and Daughters, Messiah, opera. Dale He ugly- Boys Club, Prom, Hop. Be.,erly Hilton- Historian, lubs: ki, Sports, Jordanette , FHA, DECA, jay Dees; Deputy, counci l, Tr. Assem., J Book, Mothers and Daughters. Arlene Holt- Girls Club, council, Mothers and Daughters, speech meet. lynn Holt- Clubs: Boys, Fur. Engineers, Letterman; track. E. Allen Hoopuama - C lubs: Masque and Gave l, Boys; debate, oratory, school play, speech meet. Patsy Horrocks- lubs: Sports, Language, Girls; Mothers and Daughters. Bob Houtz- C lubs: Ski, Sports, Boys; counci l, band, football, track. Janice Howard- Clubs: Jay D~s. Girls; Mes:.iah. Duane Howlett- Boys Club, basketball. Anne tee Hudson- Clubs: FHA, Girls, Jay Dees; Mothers and Daughters, band, Messrah, twirler. Wrlliam Hughes - Boys Club. Beth Humes- C lubs: Girls, FHA; council, Sweethearts Ball, Senior Tea, Messiah, Music Fest. Mary Agnes Jacobson- lubs: Gi rls, harlonrans; Messtah, Tr. Assem., Moth~rs and Daughters, Broadcaster. Sharon }ames- Clubs: Girls, jay Dees; Prom, Hop, Tr. As:.em. Eddie Jenkrn s - Clubs: Letterman, Boys; council, Football Dance, football, baseball, basketball mgr. Harvey Jenkins- Boys C lub, football. Carla Jensen- Clubs: Jay Dees, Sporrs, Masque and Gavel, Skr, Gtrls; Prom, Dogpatch Drag, Mothers an<,! Daughters, Yearbook Carnival, Messiah. Clair Jensen- Clubs: Boys, Ski; Messiah, opera, football, track. }ames L. Jensen - Pros. Att., lubs: Lcuerman, Key, Fut. Engmec:rs, Boys; council, footboll, basketball, ba,eball, track. Rees Jensen- C lubs: Key, Masque and Gavel, Forensic, Letterman, Fur. Engineers, Boys; Deputy, Tr. Assem., opera, school play, debate, tennis. Jerrold }cnsun- Clubs: Ski, letterman, Press, QUill and Scroll, Fut. Engineers, Boys; basketball mgr. lee }ens<>n- Boys lub Sec. and Pres., letterman C lub, council, Fathers and Sons, basketball, football capt., track, baseball. Dorothy }ex- Clubs: jordanenes, Dance, Jay Dees, Girls; Prom, Dogpnrch Drag, Tr. Assem., Mothers and Daughter .


Richard Johnson- Boys Club. Owen Johns11m- Boys Club, football, wrestling. Ardell }ones- Club" Gi rls, Jay Dees, Dance, Charlonians; Fathers and Daughters, Dogparch Drag, Mes rnh, Tr. Assem., Hop, Talent Show. Charlene Kay- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees, DECA; Hop, Harvest Ball, Prom. Orson Kesler- Clubs: Key, Fur. Engineers, Boys; Tr. Assem., band. Arthur K"'el- Boys Club, counci l, Messiah, tennrs, wresrling. Peggy Ann Krrron- Clubs: Masque and Gavel, harlonians, jordanettC\, Girls; Soph. Parry, sch ol play, ;peech meer, debate, Girls State. France.< Krnon- Gtr" lub, Morhers and Daughters, Messiah. Jean Kyna<ron- Clubs: Girls, DECA; Prom, Messiah, Talent Show. Blayne labrum lub.: letterman, Lnngunge, Boys; council, Hop, Prom, foorball, track, baseball. Frank larmn- lub.: Boy;, Sports; wrestling. Mrke lavedar- Clubs: Boys, Skr; trn k, basketball. Don Lren- Boys lub. H. G. Lmford- Clubs: Letterman, Boys; fo tball, track, baseball, basketball. Barbara Lmnart- lubs: Sports, Charlonians, Jay Dees, Ski, Girls; Tr. ASM:m., Mothers and Daughters, Messiah. Carmen Llo d- lub.: harlomans, JorJnnettes, Ma;que and Gavel, Girls; Prom, Yearbook arniva l, Tr. Assem., oratory, Fathers and Daughters. Donald lLoyd- Boys lub, Prom, track, football. Dol\na lloyd- Iub>: 'hnrloninns, Press, Girls; Mothers and Daughters, Broad aster. Dt<ane Lmโ€ขdcSJ- Club : Key, Masque and uvel, Forensic, Fur. Enganeers, Boysj Red ross, debate, ~(Xec h meet, inlernat . Key lub on. Frank lt<ca>- lubs: Letterman, Boys; football, track, wrestling. Raymond Lucero- Boys Iub, foorball. Anr1 Lundberg- Clerk of ourr, ourier editor, lubs: Mosque and Gavel, jay Dee~, Jordnncues, Stx"'rtS, Dnnce, Pre s, hnrlomans; Me Mah. Ddore.< Lunncn- .lub;: Masque anJ a vel, Dance, Chorion inns, Girls, Jordnnettes; Prom, Yearbook arnrvnl, Tr. Assem., speech meet.

Bruce Mace- Boy; lub. Brent MacKay - Boyโ€ข lub. Dale Macklm- lubs: Boys, kr. /)a.,rd MMgum- lubs: Boys, FFA; Messiah. Sue McMr.!lm luhs: Press, Qurll and Scroll, hnrlonians, Riding, DE .A, Jordanetres, Orrb; Yearbook arnrvnl, llop, Mothers and DnuHhters. Slwron B. Mcwn- Cluhs: Language, jay Dees, pons, rrls; Mesiah, I lop, Prom, Fatherโ€ข nnJ Daughter , DoKpntch Drag. Dcann<1 Mrlnc- lubs: jay Dees, Girls; llโ€ขK I'al Party. Donald Mr!ne -Boys "lub Vrce Pres., Mnnngrn~ ed11or of Broadcaster, ยท1ubs: Pre.-, Qutll and Scr II, Key; Prom, ll p, Press conferences, .safety. Rosemary Mrncr- lubs: Press, Forensich J rdanettes, Ski, Masque and Gavel, hMlomnnSi ยทouner, sc ool play, debate, orruory, bnnJ. Faye Mrt<hell- lubs: FFA, DE A, Skt; enior Tea. Sandra M~tchell- Clubs: Langun~e. I E A, Girls. Ray Montague- lloys lub. Neldt< Moor1- lubs: DE A, Press, FilA, pons, iris; Fnthers and Daughters, Sweethearts Ball, Yearbook Cnrn rval, Tr. Asse m., bnnt.l, J B ok. Glell Moosman- luhs: Letterman, Sports, Fut. EngmeeTh, Boys; council[ wrestlmg, fo<.nbnll, baโ€ขeball. Elray Morn l - C lubs: FFA lloys. Joan Morrow lubs: DE A, Dance, Jay Dees, Sports, Orrlโ€ข; Tr. A em., Fathers nnd Sons. Sharlene Mortensen- lubโ€ข: Sports, Jay Dees, Orris, ECA; I lop, Messrah, Dogpatch Drag, Mothers and Dnughrers. Judy Mower- rrls luh. Gerald Naylor- lubs: B ys, Letterman; baseball, football, basketball. Alfred Nd!On- lub.: FFA, Boys; ll op, HarveM flail, wrestlrng. Everett Nelwn- lubs: lett<rmnn, lloys; footba ll . Sandra Nelson- lubs: Girls, Jny Oees; Messrnh, opera, Dogpntch Drag, Sweethearts llnll, Sentor Tea, Mother and Daughters. hirlcnc Neuffcr- Clubs: Uirls, jay Dees, Skt; counci l, Mothers and Drwghters, Mc:s.โ€ขHoh, Q~rn. Maureen }oonen Newbold- lubs: Mn;que nnd Gavel, Girls; l!op, Mothers nnd Daughters. hes.<, BO)s; Hop, baseball. Robert Newman- lubs: kt, PauL Nrchol<- .Iubs: FFA, Boys; I lop. SonJa lee Nrchol<- lubs: Sk r, Jny Dees, Girls; Mothers and Dnu~hrers, T r. As em. Clem N~<kle- lubs: Fur. Engineers, Boys; stage crew. Paul Nrcol- Clubs: Boys, FFA; councrl, Prom, Hop, basketball, football, l:rnโ€ขel:rall. Ann NrlHon- Clubs: joy Dees, FilA, DE .A, Orris, Mosque ant.l Gavel; Dogpntch Drn~. school rlay, Mothers and DnuKhters. Ioyce Nunley- Soph. Vice Pres., Sr. Vr<e Pres., Deputy, lubs: Dan<<, DE A, Jay Dees, Orris; Prom, I lop, Tr. Assem., Me inh, Soph. Pony. Fnc Nyu rom- lub.: Kt:y, MoSque ond nvel, Leiterman, F renstc, Fut. Enl(ineers, Boys; Deputy, Tr. Assem., debate, opera, band . Darbam O'IJrrcn- Sr. Cln" Sec., Clubs: Donee, Press, Jay Dees, Sports, kr, Gtrls; llop, Prom, Me sinh, speech meet, yearbook, Broadcaster.

Kenneth O'Brien- lubs: Ski, Boys; yearbook council, Broadcaster. Martin O'Keefe- C lubs: Key, Masque and Gavel Forensic Boysยท debate, extemp. speaking, football.





Olsen -Boys Club, Pep Band, wrestling. Gerd Olsen - Girls Club, Messiah. Perry Olsen -Boys Club. Syl<โ€ขan Olsen- heerleadcr, Clubs: Ski, Sports, Boys; Prom, track, footbnll. Delores Olson- Clubs: Girls, DECA. MarRene Orr- Clubs: Dance, Jay Dees, Girls; Mes.iah Tr Assem., Fnthers nnd Sons, M01hers and Daughters. ' ยท JoAnn Ottesen- lubs: Language, Gtrls. Lou Owcll- lubs: Gtrls, FHA; Mothers and Daughters. Roberta Otancm- Clubs: Jay Dees, DECA, iris; Mothers and Daughters. LeRoy Page- Clubs: FFA, Boys; band. Glen Palmer- lubs: FFA, Boys; Harvest Ball, Sweethearts Ball. Lylln Palmer- lub-= Boys, Ridtng, FFA; Harvest Ball. Marwnna Palmer- lubs: trls, DE A; Mothers and Daughters Fathers and Daughters. ' \Vt!ltam Palmer- Boys lub. George PaJ>Pa>- lubs: Key, Skt, Boys; >chool piny, Messtah, opera, Tr. Assem., Fmhers and ons, football, tennJS, track wrestltng. Colcen Parker- trls lub. Pcuty Anne Parker- lub-= Girls, Masque and Javel, Language, J rdnneues, Yearbook nnuvnl, school pia)', Tr. Assem., opera, speech meet. Anr1 Parry- Gtrls lub, Mothers and Dau~hter;, ourier. Arleneโ€ข Moulley Parry- lubs: F! lA, DE A, Gtrls; Mot hen, and Daughters. Rulon Parry- Boys lub. Myrna Pannlls- Club-= Jay Dees, DE A, Gtrls; councd, Hop. Jlarmon Pedro- lubs: Boys, Press, Qutll and Scroll; Hop band fo01ball. ' ' James Dell Pctcr<cn- Marshall, lubs: Leuerman, Boys; basketball, ba;ebnll. Leon Pctct \Clrl- Boys lub, tennts. Kendall Pltelp<- lubs: kt, Fut . En~meers, Boys; yearbook, Broadcnster.

l'atrt<}a Pltelp,- lubs: Girls, J rdaneues, DE A, Spom, Pre.s, jยท l /}~~k~a t1Ce, Masque and Gavel; Sweethearts Ball, Broadcaster, Jerry l'tcrcc- Boys C lub, f otbn ll. Parncw l'mcdn- lubs: Language, 1-""HA, trls. ,aylc.โ€ข P1xron- Iubi\: Mn~que and Gnvel, harlonian~, G1rl!-.; coun . . ct l, school piny, Tr. AS'em., Btg Pal Pnny, yearbook salesman. Dorn Player- Cluh!;: Jay Dee , Pre!-.~, 01rls; Messiah . P~arl I. l'ollar~- luhs: Letterman, ll y&; Deputy, Prom, tr3ck, basketball, lยทeatured m NBA basketball film, Set two Tournament rocorJs. Ttโ€ขd Polwn- Clubs: Boys, FFA, football. D~ntโ€ขcc Poma- Gtrls Club, en tor Tea, Mothers and Daughter. !.1>11 l'rtttt- lubs: FilA, Gtrls. lanK~ Pt~el'- 'lubs: DE A, Press, On nee, harlorunns., G1rls; coun ... cd, Tr. A.semb., Mothers nnd Dnughte" Prom twtrl<r Lorut Pr1cc- Boys lub, Prom. ยท' ' ยท llugtโ€ขr l'ne<โ€ข- luhs: l.angunRe, Boys. "/urlcy l'n ~- lubs: โ€ขiris Masque nnd Gavel, l're\\, Quill and St..ro ll, C:1nrlon~:Ht..,, Fo:ens1c; Prom, ! lop, Uehnte, Brondca!;ter, speech. Dmmlty l'ullnlCln- Gtrls lub, Me .. tnh. hโ€ขantโ€ขrttโ€ข Hawllln- luhs: Gtrls, DF. A. l_ld,โ€ขn Rtโ€ขt<lt- luhs: Jny Dees, Jtrls; Messtnh, Dogpnteh Drng. Shcrltโ€ขnc Roby- lubs: FilA, ''"Is; Messtnh, Dogpateh Drag. John Humcro -Boy; htb, Tr. Assem., MesSiah, Pep Band, Father; nnd Son.\, wreMhntt, trnck. Kellh Roo 'luh~: ki, pons, Boys; Tr. As~m., orera, tennis. Chad Hn .< cnhan- Boy; lub. arl Ro~tยทnkratttt- lubs: Langunge, Boys; Yearbook Carntval. ChllYltโ€ข< Ru111m- Boys lub. Lmtla Salwy- Clubs: harloninns Masque and Gavel Jordanettes Ska, Garlsj Prom, ~peech meet,' orruory, school play.' ' Duan~ Sneller -Boys lub, Tr. Assem. lub Sec., Clubs: Masque and Kanโ€ขn Sanden- Vtcc Pres., Gtrls Gnvel, ., hnrlomans, Jordanettes; Prom, s.peech

meet, oratoqยท,

,oph. I nrty. 13ctโ€ขcrly Sanclct"'"- Clubs: Spons, ,iris, FilA; counCJI, school play, Tr. _AMem., llop, Prom, Mothers nnd Daughters, Hnrvest Ball, Senl()r Ten. PtwlnH! Schm1dr- lub!'-i: Jordnneue!-o, harlonaans, Girl~i counctl, Met.sanh, opero, Tr. AstJem., Mothers and Daughters, Sweethearts

Bnll. Ho<cntane Schmtdr.- lub;: Pre>S, irl , Qutll and Scroll, Jordanerres, DE A, Rtdlng, harlonmnsi Yearbook Carnavnl, Girl!; State. anclra cofftcld- lubs: Gtrls, harlontnns, Jordanettes; Prom, Deputy, Mothers and Daughters, Father; and Daughters, Thanksgtvmg Party. I),. an<' Seem- Boys lub, ouner, BroadcnMer, opera, <,chool play. Gay Shelton- lubs: Sports, Ski, FHA, Jay Dees, Gtrb; Mothers nnd Daughter', Dogparch Drag, weethearts Ball. Da<โ€ขlll lueldโ€ข - Pres. of oph., lubs: Boys, Letterman; basketball, football, bn>eball. Joan Naylor Shtelds- Gtrls Club Rep., counctl, Hop, Fathers and

Daughters, T r. A em., Music Fest., Messiah. Vtckie Ann Showell- State DECA Vice Pres., Clubs: ).Jasque and Gavel, Charlonians, Jordanertes, Quill and Scroll, Press, DECA; Hop. Nola tlcox- Girls Club, Messiah. Kent Simonson- Boy Club, foorball. Ann impson- Clubs: Jay Dees, Charlonians, Language, Girls, Quill and Scroll: council, Prom, Broadcaster, J Book, Messiah. Hobert Smart- Boys Club Rep., lubs: Ski, Letterman; Prom, Harยท vest Ball, Sweethearts Ball, football, track, wresrling. Nolan mith- Clubs: FFA, Boys. Sheldon Smith- Clubs: Fut. Engineers, Key, Boys; Prom Deputy council, Tr. Assem., Messiah, opera, Talent Show.



Jack Snyder- Clubs: ki, Boys, Sports; council, Messiah, football. Henee Sorensen- Clubs: DECA., Gtrls; Hop, Prom. Calvin Spratling- Clubs: FFA, Boys; Harvest Ball. Coleen Spratltng - Clubs: Charlonians, Language, Jordanettes, Masque and Gavel; school play, council Tr. Assem., Messtah, speech meet.

Alan Steadman- Clubs: Bovs, Language, Fut. Engineers. Marlin Steinfeldt- Boys Club, Messiah, Tr. Assem. Brent Stephens- Boys Club. Jean Stocking- Clubs: Charlonians, Language, Girl ; Tr. Assem., Messiah, Speech Meer, Football Dance. Tommy Stoker- Clubs: Key, Ski, For<nsic, Lerterman, Boys; Prom, Hop, Me tah, football, track, baseball. Mickey Sugiyama- Clubs: Boys, DECA, track. Gerald me Sund- Girls Club Pres., Clubs: Charlonians, jordanettes; opera, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Father and Daughters, parttes.

Howard Swapp- Sr. Pres., Jr. Pres., Boys Club, H p, Prom. Judy ylvesrer- Clubs: Charlonians, Ski, Girls; Me .. iah, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughlers, yearbook, T r. Assem., dances. Fred Takemori -Boys Club, wrestling, football. Donna Tapp- Girls Club, council, Soph. Party. Noel Taylor- Boys Club, Tr. Assem., band. Norma Lee Thayne- Girls Club. Bart Thaxton- Boys Club, football. LaDawn Thomas-Clubs: Girls, DECA, Prom. Ronald Thomson- Boys Club, wrestlmg. Don Thorup- Clubs: Letterman, Boys; band. Gordon Tolman- Boys Club. Noreen Tester-Clubs: DE A, Girls; Tr. Assem. Sherry Tomtlson- Clubs: harlonians, Jay Dees, Gtrls; Dogpnteh Drag. Charlene Townsend- Club;: Girls, Jay Dees, DECA, Dance, Sports, Tr. Assem., yearbook salesman, Dogpntch Drag, Hop. Lynne Tripp-Clubs: Jay Dees, Charlonians, Language, Girls; Yearbook Carnival, Mothers and Daughters, Prom, Me>stah. Patncia Grane Tnpp- Sec. of Jr. Class, Clubs: Dance, Girls, Jay Dees, DECA, Sports, Press; Prom, Hop. Kent Tucker- Clubs: Boys, DECA. Janice Vaughn- Girls Club. John VanRy-Ciubs: Boys, Fut. Engineers. M1ke Varanakis- Boys lub, council, Prom, Me siah, opera, Tr. Assem .. football. Kenneth Vtsser- Clubs: Boys, Letterman; football, wreotlmg. Charles Walker- Clubs: ports, kt, Fur. Enginee,., Letterman; orchestra,

T r. Assem., MesMah, track.

LaTnce Walters-Clubs: Gtrls, FHA, DECA; Sweethearts Ball, Messiah. Forest Wardle- Boys Club, wrestling, track. Janet Torkelsen Wardle- lubs: Jordanettes, Girls, Charlonians, Language; Morhers and Daughters, Messiah, oralory. Nedra Wardle- Head Cheerltader; Clubs: Sports, Charlonians, Sk t, Masque and G vel, jordanettes, Girls; Prom, Tr. Assem., Mess1ah, dances. Dorothy \XIebsrer- Clubs: Girls, Jay Dees, DECA; Dogpatch Drag, Hop, Messiah. Jerry Webster- Bo)'s Club, football, basketball, track. Mtchae/ Websrer-Clubs: Boys, Key; Career Day, football, track. Ronald Webster- Pres. of Engmeers Club, Boys Club. Rtchard Wellington -Boys Club, Messiah, Tr. Assem., opera Civtl Air Patrol. Deanna Wenersrrom - Clubs: Jay Dees, Girls, DECA, Sports; Dogpatch Drag, T r. Assem., Mothers and Daughters, Messiah. Ketrh Whitmore- Boys Club, Messiah, Tr. Assem. Carol Wt!kinson- Clubs: Jay Dees, Sports, DECA., Girls; Prom, Mothers and Daughters, Dogpatch Drag, Messiah. Tracy Wt!son- Clubs: ports, Press, Quill and Scroll, Forensic, Boys; Broadcasrer, orchestra, Yearbook Carnival, band. Joan Wmn-Clubs: Jay Dees, Gtrls, Ski, DECA; Prom, Tr. Assem., Mothers and Daughters, Messaah, opera.

ally Wtnn- Pres. of FHA, Girls Club, Sweethearts Ball. Kaye Wmward- Clubs: Girls, Languago, DECA; Prom. Frank Withers-Clubs: Boys, FFA. Irena Wichers- Clubs: Girls, DECA, Senior Tta, Messiah, Mothers and Daughters, Fathers and Daughters. Dean Wolf- Boys Club, Deputy, Hop, Messiah, opera, Music Fest., foorball, wrestling. Lois Wood- Clubs: Girls, DECA, Sports; Prom, Football Dance, Broadcaster, Mothers and Daughters. Margaret Wood- Clubs: Girls, Sports; council. Netl Wood- Boys Club. Luct!le Worthen- Clubs: Jay Dees, Girls. Nadine Wnghr-Ciubs: Language, Girls. Don Yates-Boys Club, Messiah, opern, Tr. Assem.


table of ยทcontents

Dance Club .............................................................. 108 DECA ...................................................................... 104 Engineers ---------------------------------------------ยท ยท------------------ยท 101 FFA .................................................................. 106-107

Administration District ---------------------- --- ---------- ----------- --------------- ----- 70-72 Faculty ------------------------- ----------------------------------------- 60-69 Memoriam ------------------------------------------------------------------ 73 Student ------------------------------------------------------------------ 56-59

Album Juniors ------------------------------------------------------------------ 24-37 Seniors ---------- -------------------------------------------------------- 38-53 Sophomores ---------------------------------------------------------- 10-23

Athletics Baseball -------------------------------------------------------------------- 132 Basketball ---------------------------------------------------------- 122-128 Cheerleaders ------------------------------------------------------------ 116 Football -------------------------------------------------------------- 117-121 Girls' Activities ------------------------------------------------ 133-135 Tennis ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 130 Track ----------------------------------- -------------------------- ----------- 131 Wrestling ------------------------------------------------------------------ 129

Calendar Fall -------------------------------------------------------------------- 138-139 Spring ---------------------------------------------------------------- 142-143 Thru The Halls -------------------------------------------------------- 144 Winter -------------------------------------------------------------- 140-141

Clubs Boys' Club ------------------------------------------------------------------ 96 Charlonians ---------------------------------------------------------- 98-99

FHA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 105 Forensic League -------------------------------------------------------ยท 113 Girls' Club .................................................................. 97 Jay Dees ............................................................ 100-101 Jordanettes ----------------------------ยท---ยท----------------------ยท-------- 103 Key Club --------------------------------------------------ยท--------------- 102 Language Club --------------------------ยท----------------------------- 103

Letterman Club ...................................................... Masque & Gavel ...................................................... Press Club ................................................................ Quill & Scroll .......................................................... Riding Club .............................................................. Ski Club .................................................................... Sports Club --------------------------------------------------------------


B Backus, Gloria -----------ยท-------ยท II, 100 Bailey, DeWayne ................ ___________ 12 Baird, Craig ........................................ II, 69 Baird, Karl S . .............. - ....................... II Baker, Joseph .. II, 59, 86, 102, 112, 132 Baker, Joyce .........-ยท-ยท-ยท-----ยท-ยท II, 100 Baker, Marilyn E................. ----ยท-ยท--ยท II Ballamis, Linda ................... _____ 11, 134 Banner, David ยท-ยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยท-ยท 11 Bateman, MetRae .. II, 86, 100, 101, 112 Beck, Shirleen ----------------ยท----ยท--- II Beckstead, Aaron -----ยท-ยท--ยท--ยท----ยท I I Beckstead, Marilyn -----ยท--------ยท 13, 112 Beers, Kent -----ยท--------------- II, 124, 132 Bennion, Harry ..........................- ........... II Benson, Christian ..............._.__ 11, 106


Bernardo, Jean ................................ 11, 103 Bernardo, Louis< R ............................... II Berreu, Joanne ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 12, 100

Berrett, Sherrell .................. II, 121, 123, 124, 127, 132 Biggs, Deanna .................... ________ 11, 135

~:~~~p~ec:.;r~::::::::::::.-:::::::::.~:::::::::::.~::: l~

Bishop, Ri chard ............................... _ .. 106 Blackett, Ann .... 12, 109, 110, 112, 135 Blatnick, Duane ..... - .............................. 12 Boggess, Jay ---------------------------ยท---ยท II Bone, Edwin Kent ................................ 12 Boren, Ronald ..................... -------ยท--- 12 Boswell, Joyce -------------------------ยท 12 Boulden, Garth .............................. 12, 106 Boyle, Mary ----ยท--ยท-----ยท-ยท-ยท- 12, 110 Brady, Ladd ------------.......................... J2 Brady, Mary Jane .................... 12, 77. 100

~~~d~ds, LlG~Y ยท:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~


Brinton, Shawno ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยท----ยทยทยทยทยท 12

Brklucich, Rosalie ------------- 12, 86, 91, 100, 101, 112 Brown, Bud ........... ----------------------ยท 12 Brown, Farrel ....... - .................. _ ............. 12 Brown, John .........._ ..............- ........ 12, 121 Brown, Joyce .......................................... 13 Brown, Judy .._ ........................... II, 135 BurmeJter, Richard ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท.. -._.......... 12, 106 Burnโ€ข, Virginia ---------------- 12, 15, 100 Burns, Wilma D. ----------------ยท 17, 100 Burton, Roy .._ .............................. - .... 12 Butterfield, Ann ..... - .... 12, 78, 93, 105 Butterfield, Brent .. _ ....................... 12, 121 Butterfield, Hyrum .......................... _, 12 Butterfield, Jock ............------ยท-----ยท 12 Butterfield, Lorry ------ยท---------ยท-ยท-- 12 Butterfield, Linda ............................. _.. 12 Butterfield, Sharon ------ยท-- 12, 135

112 111 111 109 109


Cultural Arts Bands -----------------------------------ยท-ยท------------------------------------ 77 Debating ...................................................................... 86 Honor Winners .................................................... 92-93 Messiah -------------------------------------------ยท---ยทยท--------------------- 79 Opera ---ยท----ยท------------------ยท----ยท----------------------------------- 84-85 Orchestra -----------------------------ยท-----------------------ยท-------------- 78 Play --ยท--------------------------------------------------------------------ยท 80-81 Publications --------------------------------ยท------------------------- 87-91 Traveling Assembly ............................................ 82-83

Miscellaneous Index --------------ยท------------------------------------------------- 148-151 Introduction ------------------------ยท------------------------------------- 1-7 Senior Roll -----------------ยท---------ยท-----------ยท-------------- 145-147


Aaron, Sheri L. ยทยทยทยทยท-----ยท--ยท---ยทยท-ยทยท- II, 100 Aceves, Carolyn ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-- II, 103 Ainsworth, Bryant J. ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยท II Allen, Earl D ....................... II, 106, 132 Anderson, Estella R . .................... ____ II Anderson, Gary W. --------------ยท II, 121 Anderson, Olen R ......... - ............. II, IG9 Anderson, JoAnn .......................... 17, 100 Anderson, Marian ........................ II, 103 Anderson, Nathan C. .......................... II Andreason, Michael .............. II , 106, 121 Archuleta, Carina R . ...................... -. II Arnold, David N . ..................ยท--------- II Arterburn, !van C .................. _ .. II, 103 Asay, Lee J . ............................ -------- II Ashworth, Rolph C ............... II. 78, 106 Atkinson, Ann V. .. .................... -....... II Atkinson, Loren R. .............................. II Atwood, Ernest ........ ------------ II. 69 Augason, Philip A . ----ยท-ยท--------ยท II


Campbell, Don .... - ................. 12, 19, 121 Campbell, Il ene -ยท-ยท-----ยท--ยท-ยท 12, 100 Carlson, Delay ....- ........................... -... 12 Cartoon, Vai-Dene .......- ...... 12, 69, 109 Carter, Barbara .........._ ......... ----------ยท 12 Case, Cora ...................- .......... 12, 100, 103 Casper, Judine ...........- .......... 17, 86, 100, 101, 112, 135 Chide3t<r, Veri ............................ -ยท-ยท-ยท 12 Christensen, Delbert ......______ .......... 12 Chri&tian, Bonnie ------------ 12, 97, 100 Chriโ€ขtopherson, Jerry ..--------ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท 12 Clelond, Richard ............................ 12, 121 Clements, Keith .............................. 12, Il l Com01ock, Fronk .............. - ................... 13 Cook, Curtlo ............................ 13, 106, 121 Cook, Velma .......................................... 13

~::~~~.Jo,t:Yยท~~---:::=::~:=:::::::::::::.~:::: ~

Crane, Con nie ---------ยท-ยท------- 13, 97 Crone/ Kenneth Ray ยท---------~-ยท--ยท 13 Crawford, John ........... _ .............. 13, 121 C rosgrov"'- Glade ................ - ................. 14 Crump, uorry ..... ----ยท--------ยท 13 C rump, Lorry ........................ 13, 125, 132 Crump, Norman ............ -----ยท---ยท 13 Crump, Sondra -------ยท ....................... 13 CunnlnKton 1 Sondy ....................... 12, 100 Cu tler, Fred ........................... _ ....... 13, 125

D Dahl, Janet .................... - ... -----ยท 14, 78 Dahl, Robert ........- - ------------ยท-ยท--- 13 Dahl, Rulon --ยท-------------ยท 13, 121 Dale, Dinnc ....... _ ................. --------ยท 13 Danoie, Rodney ....... -ยท--ยท-ยท-------ยท .... 13 Doviโ€ข, Connie Elaine ... -----ยท--ยท--ยท 14 Deakin, Betty Lou .. --ยท--ยท ... 14, 97, 110 Dean, Dixie Jane ยท- _ _ ....... 13, 135 Dean, Sharon ----- ยท---------- 13, 97 DeGroot, DeAnna .............._ .._ -ยท 13 Delgado, Mary Ellen ---ยท-ยท-ยท- 13, 103 Denny, Onry ....... -------------- 13, 103 Denny, Nancy Oair ยท-ยท 12, 78, liO, 11 2 Deโ€ขpain, C lare ... .. 13, 69, 86, Ill Dcโ€ขpain, William --------- .... ...... 13 Dibb, Dianne -----------------ยท--ยท-- 13 Dick, John Raymond ------- 13, 106

Dimond, Jerry ------ยท-------------ยท-ยท-ยท H Dotson, George ............................._____ li Downs, David ...............___________ 14, 121 Drake, Joe .......................... - ......... 14, 106 Dye, Fruncise Kay ----ยท-----------ยท--ยท- 13

E Enstman, DelRay ............................ li, 106 Eldredge, Sharon ------------ 1'1, 105, 135 Enniss, Donald .......ยท-------------ยท---ยท-----ยท 14 Ernest, JoAnn ---------------ยท-ยท--------ยท 14 Evans, Carolyn ...... - ..... 14, 86, 97, 112 Evuns, Norene -----ยท 14, 59, 86, 100, 112 Eyre, Olorla ...................... _ .........._ ......... 14

F Fuirborn, L)'nda ...................... 14, 86, 112 Fairbourn, Tommy ......... _ ................... 14 Parmer, Dennis Lee -ยท-ยท- H. 109, Ill Farnswor<h, JoAnn .............. li, 100, I 10 Fergus, Jimmy ............... - ............. --. 14 Ferguoon, horles ---------ยท--ยทยท-ยท H FerRuson, Dixie -------ยท--- 14, 100, 103 Fife, Dean ---------------ยท 15 Finlnyson, Janet ยท--------- 14, 78 Firzgerold, Warren - - - - - - - - - H Forbush, Dick --ยท--ยท--ยท--ยท-----ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท H. I 7 Forbush, iMrrv --ยท------------ 14, 86 Forbush, arva ................... _, ____ li, JIO Formon, Nedrn -----ยท---------------ยท- H Frand..-n, Dule ------ยท-ยท-ยท---------ยท H Froisland, Larry ......................... ---- 14 Fullmer, Don ยท-ยท------ H, 121. 125

G Gallegos, Rodney --ยท--------ยท-ยท--ยท-------- 14 Oanz, Mike -------------ยท-ยท 14, 121. 125 Gardner, Jerry .......ยท--ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท 13, 14 Oardner, Linda ยท---ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท 14, 134 Oedge, Rrnda -ยท-ยท------ยท H, 100 Gehring, Shirlยซ .. H, 100, 109, 120, I~ Gilbert, Eunice ยท-ยท-ยท-----------Glad, David ยท------ยท------- H. I Glenn, Bonnie -------ยท------ li, 109, 110 Olines, Pursy ---ยท-------------------ยท-ยท--ยท- 1; Goff, JoAnn ---------- li, 86, 13 Goff, Rex ...... ยท-ยท-ยท------------ยท 15, 12 1 Gold, Milton --ยท-ยท-ยท------ยท 121. 125 Goudie, Linda - - - - ยท - ยท - - - - I 5


Graham, Charles .............................. 15, 78 Grant, Joan ยทยท-ยทยทยท 14, 109, 110, 112, 135 Gree n, Dennis ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 15 Green, Judy ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท 15, 77, 100 Green, Kenneth ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 15 Green, Wilford ........................................ 15 Greenfield, Da rlene ........................ 17, 103 Griffiths\ Max .......................................... 15 Grimaud, Harold .................... 15, 69, 121 Grimaud, Henry ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท--ยทยท-.. -ยท 15 Guenon, John .......................................... 29

H !!ale, Norma Lynn .............. 10, 15, 100, 101, 109, 110, 112 Hall, )olitn ........................................ 15, 109 Halliday, Maxine .................................... 15 llomilton, ]van ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 15

llnnsen, Barbaro ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 15 Hansen, David .... ยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 16 Hansen, Don ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท- ยทยท-ยทยทยท 23 Hansen, Lynn ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 15, 110 Hansen, Ronald ...................................... 15 Hnrdcnsde, Norene ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 15, 86 Hardman, Larry ........................................ 17

m~i:~:er~~~;i.~~:~:=-:~~~:~~;:~:~:; 11

Head, Grant ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 15 J-1ealy, jane< ............................ 16, 103, 110 Heaps, Milton ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 16 Heinecke, Sonja ............................ 15, 105 Hendrickson, Jerry ................................ 16 llen ser, Fred ............................................ 16 I lodges, Carl .............. ยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยทยท 16 Hoffman, Shorlene 15, 83, 100, 109, IJO

~~r:.n ba'r:r.~-~~-~--~ยท.-.-.ยท.-~--~.-.-::~ยท::::~ยท:::.-.-.~:.-.-:.-.-. ~~

Holr, James ...................................... 15, 121 Hone, Walter Shirl ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 16 lloumand, Lorraine ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 16 Howes, Evadna ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 16, 103 Howlett, Gary ........................ 16, 121, IH Huff, Frank ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 16 Hughes, Jameโ€ข Kent ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 16 Humes, Donald ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 16 Hunt, Gene ...................................... 17, 83 Hurchings, DorLeen ................................ 16 Hutchingson, Jerry .......................... 16, 86 Jurman, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins,

Berh ................................. 16, 100 Joy -ยท-ยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท.. ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 16 Larry ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยท 16, 132 Normn -ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท 16, 100 en sc n, B? rbarn ...................................... 16 enscn, Drane .................................. 17, 11 2 ensen, Evelyn ...........................ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 16 jensen, Lovo ............................................ 16 ) ens n, Rose mary ......... 16, 86, 91, 97, 100, 11 2 Johnson, C onnie .............................. 16, 103 John ,.,n, Eileen ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 17 johnson, Glenn .................. .................. 16 )ohn.;on, N otali c ...................................... 16 Johns n, Stanley .................... 16, 106 , 132 )oneโ€ข, Gory .............................. ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 16 )ones, )eanneu e ................................ 16, 27 )one., Kathryn ...................... ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 18, 76 )ones, Shirleen .............................. 16, 135 Joosten, Sheiln ........................................ 22 jorgensen, Charles Bud ....................... 16 Julian, Gary ............................................ 23 )utkins, C lifford ................................... 16


K. Kemp, Lyndon ....................................... 16 Kidd, Gary ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท---... 16, 103 Kirby, T erry ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 16 Klin e, june ........................................ 16, 110 Kl otovich, C arol .................................... 16 Klorov lch, Mnry Ann ...................... 134 Koncurnr, Emmnnuella .......... 16, 78, 97

LeFevre, Ma ris .......................................... 17 Lehmirz, Shirley ........................................ 17 Lessley, Emmett ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 16, 106 Lessley, Frank ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 17, 106 Lesrer, Vickie Von .............. 17, 110, 11 2 Lewi s, Larry ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 17 Leyba, Viola ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยท--ยท 103 Lindsay, Van ...................................... 17, 86 Linnnrz, }eonene ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--------ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท- 17, 110 Lloyd , Leah .............................................. 18 Lloyd, Loraine ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท 17 , 112 Lloyd, Ronald Phillip --ยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 17 Lucero, Henry ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท 17 Lund, Gary -ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท---ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 17 Lynch, Reta ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท-- - ยท 17, 97, 105

M Mace, Loui se ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 18, 78, 103 Maddocks, joan ...................... 20, 100, 109 Madsen, John Rodney ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท 103 Madsen, Rosalie ---ยท---ยท- 17, 86, 91, 100, 11 2, 134 Mahler, Mary Ann ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท 19 Mangum, Lawrence ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท 18, 121 Mann, Patsy ............................ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 19 Marge ttS, Robert -ยท-ยทยท----ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท 18, 69 Marshall, Phyllis ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท--ยท 19 Mascaro , Danny ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท---------ยทยทยท 18, 96 Maynard, Don ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท 18 Ma"ines, Donald ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท- 18, 121 McCombs, Ruth ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 18 McKinn ey, John ยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยท 103, 110 McNamara, Carol ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท 19, 112 Mecham, Dione ...................................... 18 Mensen, )uergcn ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท----ยทยท----ยท 18 Merrick, Cathy ยทยท---ยท-ยท--ยท--ยท-ยท 17 , 105 Menin, Lolieta ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 18 Miller, Mark ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท 18, 121 , 12+ Millerberg, Diane .......................... 18, 100 Milligan, Blayne ยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 18 Mitchell, Marcia .............................. 19, 78 Mon[ague, Gene ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท---------- 17 Montero, Max --ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท----ยท-ยท 21 Morl , Floyd .......... 18, 59, 121, 125, 132 Morrelli, Catherine ............ 18, 100, 110, 112, 135 Morri son, John ...................................... 18 Morrow, Loui s ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 18, 105 Morse , Ba rr ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยท 18, 121 Morse , Bert ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 18, 121 Mortensen, Ida ...................... 18, 86, 112 Mousley, Ann ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท--ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-..-ยท 19

~~~~~~ยท ..{';j~~~--~::::~:~~:~=-=:=:~::=:::: l~ N

Naylor, Frances .............................. 18, 97 Neale, Nola ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 18, 100, 103Nelson, Afton ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท---ยท 20 Nelson, Barbaro ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท 20 Nelson, Dorrell Max -ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 18 Nelson, Marilyn ...................................... 19 Nelson, Nedra .... 18, 100, 109, 11 0, 135 Nel oon , Shuron ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 58 Nelson , Sunnre 18, 83, 100, 109, I 10, 112 Ne wbold, Ivy Mae --ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 19 Newbold, LuRa e ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยท.. -ยท 18 Ne wbold, Maureen ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-- 18, ~ 8 . 86 N ewman, j eff .................................. 18, 121 Newman, Moonyeen .................... 18, 86 Nielsen, Richard ยทยทยท-ยทยท 19, 120, 121, 132 Nielsen, ) onn ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท 18 N ielson, Nad ine ยทยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-.. -ยท 20 Nichob, Carolyn .. 19, 59, 100, 110, 135 Nichols, Marcia ............ 19, 97, 100, 110 Nickle, Asenerh ...................................... 19 Nokes, Jeannine ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 19 Noland, Weldon ...................................... 18 N orton, Lynda ................ 18, 97, 100, 110 Nunley, Alma -ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท--ยทยท--ยทยท-ยท 18 Nuzman , Robert ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยท--ยทยทยท 18, 106 Nygren, Susan ยทยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 18, 100, 109 Nysrrom , Irene 18, 59, 86, 91, 100, 11 2, 13+


L Lnbrum , T erry .................................. 18, 58 Lamb, Tim ยทยท-ยทยท-.. -ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท---ยทยท 17 Lnrscn, Linda ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 17, 110 Lorson, Charles ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท 161 103, 121 Lorson, Russell ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท- 1o, 121. 125 Lnwson, Dale ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท----ยท 17 LeFevre, Oary ................................. 18, 121 LeFevre, Janice ........................ 17, 100, 110 LeFevre, Jerry ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท 17, 106, 121

A Adams, Argcne ...... 25, 59, 98, 100, 116 Adams, Danna Dee .............. 25, 98, 100 Adondakiโ€ข, Michnel -ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 25, 86, 113 Alexander, Keith ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท---ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 25 Alldredge, Floyd ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท 25, 78, 82 Allen, Barbara ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 25, 100 Allen, Carolee ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท 25, 89, 112

Ol sen, Olson, Olson , Ostler, Oyler,

Palmer, Sharon ...................................... 20 Palmer, Ray ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 19 Pappas, X ene ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 20, 77 Park, Jacqueline ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 20 Parker, Nancy Lee .......................... 20, 135 Parker, Peggy ................ 20, 59, 100, 110 Parkin, janice ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท- --ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยท 20 Parry, Marilyn ................................ 20, IJO Patrick, Sharon ................................ 13, 20 Patterson, Bill ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 19 Pearson, Jerry ................................. 19, 106 Pearson, Marian ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท... 20, lOS Pearson, Milo ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 19, 78, 103 Pedler, Myrna ......................................... 20 Peters, Donna Mae ................ 21, 100, 135 Petersen, Joe ............................................ 20 Pererson, Charlene ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 20 Pe rerson, Margaret ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท--ยท 19 Pixton, Ardis ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-- 20, 135 Platner, Mike ยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท 19 Pond, Edwin .................... 19, 82, 121, 125 Pollard , John .................. 10, 19, 59, IH Pollick, Bill ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท- 20 Pollick, Johnny ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท---ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท 20 Poor, Laddie ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- ยทยท----ยทยทยท 20 Proctor, Berh --ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท- ยท-ยท-ยทยท 19, 59


86 23 20 20

~~:;y' RA~~~ยท;;~ยทยทยท:::::::::::::::::=~=::..:~: ~!

Swenson, Sharon ...... 10, 21. 86, 91, 100 109, 112, 135

T Taggart, LaDawn ............ 22, 86, 97 , 112 Talbot, Gwen .......................................... 22 T erry, Jean ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยท--ยท 22 Thaxton, T ed -ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 22 Thomas, Dalene ............................ 22, 110 Thomas, Marsha ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท- ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 22 Thompson, ReNne .................................. 22 Trapp, Richard ................................ 22 , 121 Tripp, Jack ยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยท--ยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 22 Truhill, Don ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-- ยทยทยท 22 Tucker, Sharon ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 23 Turner, Dick ----ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท- ยท- ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท- - ยท 23 Turner, Karen ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-----ยท-ยทยท 23 Turner, Russell ยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท- ยท- ยทยทยท 23

u Usher, Arlene ................ 23, 86, 110, 112

Radmall, Beth .... 20, 103, 109, 110, 135 Rasmussen, Craig .................. 20, 21. 103 Rasmussen, Ronald ............................... 20 Rasmussen, Wilma Gay ................ 20, 59 Rawson, Harold ยท-----ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท 20

~=~: r~~;i~---=-~:=~ยท::::~.-:=:::~:::.~::~=~-==:::: ~6

Reading, Wesron ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--- ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 20 Reich, Hyrum .................................. 20, 121 Reynolds, George .................................. 20 Reynolds, Mary Jane ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท- 21 Richards, Dorene .................... 22, 78, 100 Richins, Leland ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท- 20, 106 Roden, )anerre -ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท---ยทยท--- 19 Roennebeck, LoRita ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 20, 135 Rogers, W a lter ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-----ยทยท 20, 103 Romero, Carherine Marcia .. 20, 110, 135 Romney, Wand a ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 21 Roper, Raphealla .......................... 20, lOS Roos, Doris ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท- ยท 20, 100 Ross, Gae .................................................. 20 Rothe, Ralph ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 20, 106 Russell , Karma ยทยท---ยท-ยทยท--ยท--ยทยท-ยท 22, 134 Ryan, Dona ยทยท-ยท-ยท--ยท 20, 91, 100, 103

s ~: rJrba ;;'dl~~i ยทยทยทยท:::::::::::::::~-=~==::~--=~.: ~

Saldibar, Julian ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท"ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท---ยท 20 Schmidt, David ...................... 21. 106, 121 Schneider, Russell ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท 21. 83 Schouren, Par ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 21 Schroeder, Ra lph ............................ 21, 69 Scorr, Dee ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 21 Scott, Elaine ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 21 Sharp, Lynda Lee ............ 22, 100, 101, 110, Ill , 134 Shepherd, Maureen ยทยท---ยท 21, 105, 110 Shields, Karen ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 21 Shinsel, Robert ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท 22 Silcox, Barbara ........................................ 22 Slater, Judy Rae .................................... 21 Smart, Dick ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทโ€ขยท-- ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-- 23 Smith, Dixie -ยท---ยท---ยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 21 Smith, Georgene ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท--ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 22 Smith, Leslie ยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท 21 Smith, Sheila ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยท 22 Smith, Virginia Gail ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท 22


Srevenson, Roger ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท----ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 21, Srock, Jackie ............................................ Srrebel, Russell ยท--ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท Srromberg, Larry ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท


v Valencia, Joseph ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท 22 Varanakis, George .... 22, 121, 124, 132 Vawdrey , Howard ยทยท---ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 22 Vawdrey, Irma ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท----ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท- 22, 97 Vicchrilli, Luella ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-- ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท 23 Visser, Evah --ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท- 22, 110, 135 Vordos, Harold ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยทยท------ยท-ยท- 22, 69 Voyce, Kendall .................... 22, 83, 125

w WagS<aff, Ann Marie .......................... 22 Walker, Codele ........................ 23, 78, 135 W alker, David ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-- 22 Walker, Pat ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท--ยทยท-- 23 Walles, Beverly Ann ยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท---ยท 22 Wallin, Deanna ............................ 22, 100 Walrers, Gordon ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท- ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 23 Walters, Joseph ................................ 23, 58 W alters, Sharon ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท----- 15, 23, 100 Wardle, Clare ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท- ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--- 22 Washburn, )ames ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 23 Watson, Tomft\Y ยท-ยทยท----ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยท 23 Watts, Douglas ................................ 18, 132 Watts, Mary Jean ...... 23, 103, 110, 134 Webb, Claudia ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท- 23, 100, 110 Webb, Gail .................... 23, 78, 103, 110 W ebb, G . Alan ยทยทยท--ยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยท 23, 78 Webster, Sharon ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท 23, 105 Week, Carla ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท- ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยท----ยท 23 W ells, )acquline - ยทยทยทยทยท--ยท--ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 23 W ell s, Maurice .... 23, 86, 102, 112, 121 W ersel, Georgie ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท- ยท---ยท--ยทยทยทยท 23, 97 Wheadon, Dale ยท-ยท----ยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยท 23 White, Sandra )nne 23, 86, 91 , 110, 112 Whittle, Duane ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท 22 Wi ght, Rober< ยท--ยทยท-ยท------ยท-ยท- 22 Wilkinson, Mary Lee -ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท--ยท 22, 134 Wilson , Dennis --ยท-ยทยท--ยท---ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 23 Withers, Leah -ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 22 W itt, Loretta M. ยท - - --ยทยทยท 23, 97, 135 Witt, Dorothy ยทยทยท------ยทยท---ยท-ยท- ยท-ยทยทยท 22 Wolfley, Dennis -ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท- ยท 23, 132 Wood, Eddie ยทยทยท--ยท---ยท-ยท--ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 22 Woodward, Denni s ...................... 23, 121 Workman, Jay ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท---- 22, 106 Wright, David - -- - - - -ยท- - ยทยท--ยท- 23


.. ..::::::::: Staley, Larry Ray ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยท-ยท21 Sreed, Allen ยท---ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 21 Sreele, Berry Lou ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท 21 Steadman , Colleen ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท 21 Steadman, Della ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท- .. 21, 100, 103 Steadman, Raye -ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 22 Stelling, Michael ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 22 Stephan, Keith ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 13, 21, 121. IH

Zaffr, Judith ยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยท 23, 112, 135 Zitting, Gordan ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท- ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท--- ยท 23 Zirting, Joseph - - - ยท ยท - - - ยท - 23, 106

91, 103, Jo\4 Anderson, O 'Brien ยทยท- ---ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 25 Andrus, Marlon ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 25, 58, 80, 86, 88, 102 Asrle, Paul -ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท----ยท -ยท 25, 116 Atkinson, Carol ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-- 25 Arwood, Aloma ยทยท---ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท--ยท 25 Atwood, Calvin ------ยทยท-ยท--ยท 25 Atwood, Lamons ---ยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยท-- 25

Bailey, Michael ยทยท--ยท---ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 107 Bailey, Robert ยท-ยทยท- ยทยท- -ยท- - 25, 93, 106, 107 Baker, Boyd --ยทยท- --ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยทยท ยท25 Ball, )ocdy ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท----ยทยทยท 25, 109 Ball, Sandra ยท- - ยท - - - - - -ยท-ยทยทยท 26 BaS<ian, Mary ยท - - - ยท - - - ยท - - 25 Bateman, Ray - -- - 25, 88, 102, 109

Yasukochi, Raymond ...... 23, 78 96, 132 Yates, Gayle -ยท-ยท---ยท-ยท---ยทยท 23, 135


Charles ยทยท-ยท---ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท----ยท- 19 Kenr ยทยทยท--ยท--ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยท-ยท 19, 23 LnVel -----ยท------ 19, 121 Arion ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท 19 Myrna ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 100

p Pachero , Eliznberh ยทยท---ยทยท-ยท-ยท- ยทยท- 20, 103 Page, Gwen -ยทยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท 20, 110

Allen, Dixie ยทยทยทยทยท----ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท--ยท---ยท-ยทยท 25 Allen, Harold ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 25, 107 Allen, Howard ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท 25, 107 Allsop, La Wen ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยท 25 Alverson, Curtis ....... - .....- ........... 25, 107 Anderson , Burron ...... 25, 110, 117, 118 Anderson , Carol ............ 25, 89, 90, 91 , 103, 135 Anderson, Connie -ยทยท---ยทยทยท- 25, 89, 90,



Beath, Wanda ----------------- 25, 103 Beck, Marian -----------ยท-ยทยทยท 25, 86 Beclmead, Arlene ------------ 25, 98 Bccks<ead, Carolyn --------ยท 25, Ill Beckstead, Erma - - - - - - - - - 25 Becks<ead, Maurice Dale ยทยท--ยท--ยท--- 25 Bccks<ead, Sally - - -- 26, 89, 98, 103, Jll, 112. IJ5 Becksrrom, Darrdl ยทยท-ยทยทยท--------ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 26 Belcher, Jerrie - - - - - --- ----- 25 Bell, Darlene ------- - -----ยทยทยท 26, 98, 99 Bell, James ยทยท------- 106, 107, 110 Bendixen, Dee Ann ยทยท------------ยท 26, 89 Benson, Carla ยทยท----- 26, 88, 98, 99, 100, 103, Ill Benson, Douglas ------------------ 26 Beratro, Harold ----ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 26, 101 Bergman, Ronald - - - - - - - ยท 120 Biljanic, Mary --------ยท-------ยทยทยท 26, 88 Bills, Berry Ann - - - - - ยทยทยท 26, 59 Bills, JudJI l--------------- 26, 97, 100 Bishop, Catherine --------ยท 26, 100 Blasius, Don Clyde ยทยท-ยท 26, 59, 82, 109 Bluemd, Joyce ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--------- 26, 103 Bodell, Glenna ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 26 Boggess, Vonda Mae - - - - 26, 100 Bowers, Arden ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-------ยท-ยทยท 25, 120 Boyer, Yvonne ยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท- 26, 98 Bracken, Sharon Lee --------- 26 Brady, Barbara -----------ยท--ยท 26, 83, 97 Brady, Elden --------ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท----ยทยท- 26 Brinron, Ralph ---ยทยทยท 26, 110, 120 132 Brown, Cloude --ยท-ยท--- - -----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 26 Brown, David -------- 26, 86, 101, 113 Brown, Evelyn Rae -ยทยทยท-ยทยท-------- 26 Brown, Linol ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท----ยทยท-ยท-- 26 Bruneui, Albert ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท----ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 26 Burgon, VeNae ---ยท- 26, 88, 103, Ill Burkinshaw, Koren ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท 26, 91, 103, Ill Brunerr, Gwen ยทยท----ยท-------ยทยทยท 26, 100, Ill Burton, juonira ---ยท---ยท---ยท--ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท 26

Burton, LaVar ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 26 Butrerfield, Deloy ยทยท-----ยท-ยท--ยทยทยท 26, 101 Butrerlidd, Hcrshcd ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท------ 26 Butrcrfidd, Ray -------ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 33, 107


Ferguson, Rex - --ยท-ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยทยทยทยท 28 Finlayson, Val -----------ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 28, 101 Fitzgerald, Cherie .......... 28, 89, 98, Ill Fitzgerald, Pat ยทยทยทยทยทยท---------ยท 28, 16, 92 Flores, Irene Mary ------ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 28, 109 Franz, Reed ------ยท-----------ยท 28, 101

G Gardner, Mary Ann ----ยทยท 28, 86, 88, 103, Ill, 11 3 Gardner, Michael ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท 28, 101 Gaster, Harvey -----------ยท-ยทยทยท 28, 1.!0

Gau6n, Kent -----ยท-----ยท---ยท--ยทยทยทยท--ยทยท 29 Gillaspie, Mike ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยท 103, 110, 132 Gillen, Gloria Mae -----ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท----ยทยทยทยทยท 28 Glines, Gloria ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท---ยท-ยท 28, 98, 135 Glover, Ivan ---------------ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท 29 Godfrey, Marie ---ยท----ยท--ยทยทยท- 29, 18 Gold, Cherry .... 29, 81, 89, 98, 99, Ill Gonzales, Velmo ยทยท-----------------ยทยทยท 29 Graham, Floyd ยท-----ยท----ยทยทยทยท 29, 118 Grahom, Lloyd --------ยท-ยทยท 29, 120, 132 Graham, Loo --------ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 29 Gray, Kathy ยท------------------ยท 29, 103 Green, Lynn ยทยทยท--------ยท------- 29, 69 Green, Rosalie --------------- 29 Greenwood, Jessie Koy .. 29, 18, 103, 110 Gressman, Gary ยทยท--------ยท--ยท 28, 132 Groom, Gordon ยทยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 29 Gull, Elaine ยทยท--ยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 29

H Hamil ron, Hamilton,

~ho';o~-::::::::::::::::::~-:-~:~ยท-3i,ยท, jg~

Hamilton, Sheila ยท----ยท-ยท 29, 89, 91, 98, 99, 103, Ill Hand, Bruce ยทยท-------ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท ...... 29, 120 Hardcastle, Larry -ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 29 Hardman, Marilyn ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 29 Honington, Robert ---ยท-ยทยทยท 30, 120, 132 Harri s, James ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยทยท ยทnยทยทยท ยทยทยท- -ยทยทยทยท 30 Hatt, Thiel ---ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-----ยท 30 Haws, La Von ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท----ยท 30, 91, 100

u::~:: ?::~~gยท-ยท::::::::====::::::::=:=:..-~- ~~

Hendrickson, Sharon -ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--.. ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30

Campbell, James ยทยท-------ยท-ยทยทยท----ยท- 82 Campbell, Roberr ...... 26, 110, 120, 132 Corson, Joyce --ยทยทยทยทยท-------ยทยท-ยทยท 26, 109 Chamberlain, Carol ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท- 27, 89, 91 Chamberlain, Karma --- 27, 78, 89, 91 Chides<er, Roberr ---ยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท- 26 Chrisrenscn, Dick -------ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 27, 120 Church, Darlene -ยท----ยท 27, 83, 89, 98 Clork, Gorry ยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท------ยท 27, 101 , 120 Coon, Connie Jo ยทยทยทยท---ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท 21, 103, 109 Cox, Claudio Ann ยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-----ยทยท 21 Crane, Clifto ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยท-- 27, 100, 110 Curler, Ben -- - - - 21, 122, 123, 121

Henochke, Renee -ยท-ยทยทยทยท- 30, 91, 98, 100, 109. 134 Higginson, Nancy .... 29, 59, 84, 89, 103 Hdl, LaRico ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท 30, 98, 99 Holt, Dale ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท------- 30, 69 llowurd , llo --ยทยท-ยทยท-----ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30, 59 Howlett, Mary ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท- 30, 76, 78, 98, 99 Hughes, Lyle --------------ยทยทยท 30, 88, 120 Hughes, Morilyn -ยท----ยท-ยทยท 30, 87, 88. 98, 99, 103, Ill


lpson, Bob ยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-----------ยทยทยทยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 30 !vie, Michoel -ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-------ยทยท-- 30

Doh!, Pat -------ยท-ยท----- 88, 98, 99, 103 Davidson, Jimmy --------------ยทยทยท 35 Davies, Carol ---------ยทยท---- 21

8:~::: &.17 --~~~:=:-.:::.:~==::~-=~: ~~

Davis, Eddie ---------------------ยทยท 21 , 85 Davis, LaPrielle ----- 21, 86, 87, 91, 98 Davis, Norman -----ยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยท------ 21 Day, Evdyn ------- H, 27, 83, 89, 91, 98, 103, 112 Day, Shermon ----ยท- 21, 96, 101, 124, 121' 132 Deakin, Arlene ยทยท-------------- 21, 112 Dennis, Deanna ยท----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-------ยท 28

Dcrrico<t, Don .... 28, 110, 119, 120, 124 Dcspoin, Richord ยทยทยทยท-- 28, 101, 102, 109 Dimond, Brent ----------ยทยท----ยท 28

Dooley, David ยทยท-ยท--ยทยท-------- 28 Dotson, Puc - - - - -------------- 21 Downs, Charles ยทยท--ยท---ยทยท----ยทยทยท-ยท- 28 Downs, Por -------ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท- 28, 88, Ill Dunn, Barbora ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท----ยทยทยท 28, 98, 99 Dunyon, Donna --ยท-ยทยท 28, 37, 59, 78, 89, 98, 100 Durst, Sandy ยทยทยท--------- 28, 103

E Edwards, Bruce ยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยท 28, 69, 88 Edwards, Mory Jane -ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท- 28, 98 Elg, Stanley ยทยท------------------ 28 Endo, Jason - - - - - - - - - - ยท 28, 101 Ennis, Erma . 28, 59, 103 Erckson, John ---ยท-ยท-- 28, 80, 83, 102 Erckson, Williom ------- 28, 80, 86 102. 112. ll3 Erickson, Carolyn --------ยท 28, 58 Ernsrrom, Wayne - - - - - - 28, 102 Estepp, James ยท----------ยทยท-ยท 28, 69 Evans, Genicllc - - - - 28, 81, 103 Ewd1, Leon ยท ยท - ยท - ยท - - - - - - - 28

F Farnsworth, Gayle _ _ 28, 86, 87, 90, 97, 98 Ferguson, Charles - - - - - - - - 80


Hunter, Douglas ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยท--ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท- 30, 85

Jackson , Paul ----ยทยทยทยทยท --ยทยทยทยทยทยท- ----ยทยทยทยท--ยทยท- 30 Jocobson, Gladys --------ยท-ยท-----ยทยท-ยท--ยทยท 30 Jocobson, Linda Lee --ยท 30, 82, 88, 98, 100, 103, Ill' 11 2 Jocobson, Poul ----ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30, 78, 101 Jardine, Bette --ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30, 98, 103 Jarvis, Lrnn ---ยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-- 30 Jenkins, Judy --ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท 30, 105 Jensen, Afton --ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท 37, 59, 87, 90, 91. 98, 100 jensen, Annette .... 30, 83, 88, 90, 98, 99 Jensen , Bruce ---ยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30, 101, 110 Jensen , Doris --ยทยท-ยทยทยท 30, 88, 98, 99, 103 Jensen, Larry --------------ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 30, 109 Jenson, Annette ----------ยท--ยท--ยท 30, 112 Jenson, Elaine -ยทยท ..... 30, 83, 98, 99, 103 Jeppson, Dona ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท---------ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 30 Johnson, Annette ------ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 30, 98 Johnson , Arlene ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท .... 30, 98 Johnson, Edda Rae ยท----ยทยท 30, 102, 109 Johnson, Nola ----------ยท- 30, 98, 99 Johnston , Pat ---------ยท-----ยท- 3.!..t 109 Jones, JoAnn ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท---------ยท 31, OY, 98 Jones, Mickey ----- 90, 101. 110, 119 Jones, Ronold -ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท---------ยท-ยทยทยท 120 Jones, Velma -ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 31, 103 Jones, Woyne -ยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท---ยทยท--ยท-ยท- 31 Jones, Winslow --ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยท- 31, 101 Jorgensen, Dan ---- 25, 80, 82, 86, 88, 90. 96, 101' 102, 113

K Kemp, Richard -------ยท 29, 31, 101, 102 Kidder, Gayle - - - 31. 59, 88, 109, Ill King, Dorothy Ann --ยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท---- 31 King, Sandra - - - - - ยท 31, 103, 105 Klotovich, Mark --------- -ยท-ยท 31

L Lamb, Les - - - - ยท ยท ยท ยท - - ยท 31 Lang, Dale - - - - - - - - - - - 31

Lang, Morylyn ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท 31, 'II, 88, 105 Larsen, Fern ยท-ยท-ยทยท------ยท----ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 31 Lorscn, Gary - - ยท 31, 96, 109, 110, 119 Lorson, Judy - ยท 31, 86, 87, 98, 99, 113 Lorson, Karen ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยท 31, 105 Lawson, Calvin -ยท-ยท--ยทยทยท------------ยทยท 31

t~~k.Ro~~n;-:-.:--=-3i:-ยทii7:ยทaaยท;--9'C' ~t

LeFevre, Lois ----------------ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 31, 98, 99 Lennberg, Bruce ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--------ยทยท-- 32 Leonard, Peggy Ann --------------- 32 Leybo, Margrc ยท---ยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 32, 103 Lingmann, Anha ---ยท-----ยท---ยท 131

Lloyd, David ยท------ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท- 32 Loader, Mary Lou ยทยทยท-- 32, 81, 98, 112 Lovendohl, Dorlene -ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 32, 103

R Ruins, Allee ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท------- 34 Rosmussen, Joon ยทยท-ยทยท 31, 34, 97, 103, 109 Rowlings, Nilo ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท------ยท 35, 91, 100 Rawson, Annette ยทยทยท-ยท---ยท 34, 100, 110 Rawson, Robert ยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท 34 Reed, Penny ยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท 34, 89, 98 Reeves, Neldo ยท------------ ----- ---ยท 34 Richards, Ted -----ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท 34, 110 Richardson, Janice __ 35, 80, 98 99, 112 Robens, Ann ยทยท---ยท-- ยท--ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยท 34, 134 Robison, Gerl -------ยทยท-ยท--ยท 35, 103 Rodgers, Kay ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยท- ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท 35, 88, 98 Romney, Joon --- 29, 35, 89, 98, 103, 111 Rosenhan, Bruce 34, 82, 86, 118, 120, 132



Maddox, Timothy --- ---ยท-ยทยท-ยท 29, 32 Madsen, Carolyn ยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท------ยทยท 103 Malstrom, Lom ----------ยท--ยท 32, 103 Malstrom, Willard -----ยท-ยทยท ยทยท--ยท-ยท 32, 86 Mangum, Ethel ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 32, 100, 110 Morkus, Maxine ยทยท----ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท 32, 89, 91 Marshall, )one ยทยท---ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท 32, 78 Martin, Sylvia -ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท----ยท 32, 98 Matthews, Leland ___ 32, 77, 83, 8'1 McClellan, La11y ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยท 32 McClellan, Marilyn ---ยท--ยทยทยท--- 32, 109 McCombs, Elinora -----ยท-ยท----ยท 32, 88 McCormick, Reed ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-- 32 McFarlane, Joan ยทยทยท-ยทยท-------ยท--ยทยทยท--ยท 32, 98 McKay, Barbora .... 31, 89, 98, 103, Ill McRae, Lorin --ยทยท-ยทยทยท- ----ยท--ยทยท 32, 120 Mechom, Louise ............ ..... ........ 32 Mickelsen, DeAna ----------ยทยท 32. 98 Mrckelscn, Reid ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--- _ -------- 32 Mrller, Geraldrne ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท- ---ยทยท- ยท--ยทยทยทยท 32 Miller, Karl .......... 24, 32, 59, 101. 102. 11 1 8 120 12 Mdlerberg, Lorno ~.:_ _!_ '. : . ~:. Mrlne, Joyce --- .. 32, 77, 97, 103, 109 Miner, Edward ยท-ยท- 32, 80, 86, 96, 101 102, 112, 11 3 Minnick, C horles ยทยท--ยท- __ 32, 78, 102 Mitchell, Joyce ... ......... ยทยทยทยทยท- ... 33, 109 Mitchell, Raymo ยทยท-- --ยทยท- .... .......... 32 Morrill, Dorothy ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท----ยท 32, 89, Ill ~ounrcer, Boyd ยท-ยทยทยท---ยทยทยท--- 32, 120, 132 umford, Wrllkrm ----ยทยทยทยท ----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 17

Sagers, Marjorie ยท-ยท-- 35, 97, 103, 105 Sompson, Arva ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท------- - ยท 35, 109 Sounders, Collene ยท ยท - - - ยท 36, 100, 105


N Naylor, Lucille ........... ---ยทยทยทยท ... ----- 33 Neff, Connie ______ --ยทยท-ยท -ยท--ยทยท 3) Neff, Edna ____ - - - - - - - 33, 89 Nelson, Don . ------ยท 33, 96, 101, 102 Nel!IOn, JoAnn _ _ , .... ยท------- 15, 32 Ncl<On, Kay - - - - - . ยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-- 33 Nemunic, Pat . ยท-ยทยท -----ยทยทยทยท--ยท---- 32, 69 Newbold, Marilyn ยท- ---ยท--------ยทยทยท 33 Newman, Nancy Ann .. 33, 58 , 90, 97 Ntchols, Manlyn .3'1, 89, 91, 98, 99, Ill Nielsen, Lorry ยท--. _ .โ€ข ยท--- 33, 104 Nielsen, LeGrnnd __ . ยทยทยทยทยท-- . ---ยท 33 Nielsen, Marsho . ----ยทยท 33. 100, 110 Nielsen, Robert __ ----ยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท 33 Nielsen, Virginia ----ยทยทยทยท--------- 33 Nrelson, Judy ยท-ยทยทยท- ---- __ ... --ยทยทยทยท 33 Niel!IOn, Karccn ยทยทยท-- 33, 76, 89, 97, 98. 100, ll2 Niei!IOn, Paul --- ----- 33, 103 Nunley, Phylli o ----- 3<1, 103, Ill

0 Onkeson, Kenneth ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท -ยท-ยท 33, Ill Oakeson, Wade ..... ------ยท-ยทยทยท ยทยทยทยท-ยท 33 Olsen, Mary Ann -ยท- 33, 88, 89. 109 Olsen, Rene .... ยท--ยท----- ---ยทยท 34 Ol110n, Francisยท--------ยทยทยท- 34, 109 Osborne_. Deloy ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-----ยทยทยท-. 3<1, 119 Owen, ~ronk ----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-- 33, 107

p Pack, )eneanne __ --ยท-ยทยท 2'1, 3<1, 87, 109 Palmer, Delene .... ___ ยท-ยทยทยท-- - - - - 34 Pappas, Athene ----ยทยท---ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท _ 34, 109 Purk, Dnrwip ... -ยทยทยท---- . -ยท-ยทยทยท 3'1 Park, LeRoy ยท__ -------- .. 34, 101 Pork, Shirley Ann ----- - ยท - - 34 Parry, Blaine _ __ -------ยท 34, 107 Parry, James ยท-ยท-- - - - 34 Potiencc, Edwnrd ___ ---- 34 Putience, John _ _ ----ยทยท ......... 34 Pedler, Lynn _____ --ยท ---- 34, 109 Peeler, Sharon - - - - 34, 88, 9]! lll Penrod. Arlene ____ .. 34, YO, 99 Petersen, Dee _ _ _ 34, 58, 109 Petcr..,n, LuDeen _ _ 34, 86, 88, 98. Ill, 113 Pierce, llazel ___ -ยทยทยท 34, 98, 109 Player, Jack - - - - - - - - ยท 34 Poole, Dovid - - - - - - ----- 34 Poulsen, Gayle _ _ 34, 17, 83, 89, 91, 109, 110 Price, Carlo - - - - - - - 34, 135

Searle, Don no ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยทยท---ยท---ยท 36, 98

Shepperd, Dick -------ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท 34, 58, 82 Shcppick, Arlene ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยท 35, 90, 103 Sheriff, Retha LaRue ยทยทยทยท----- 35, 100 Silcox, Royden -------ยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยท- 35 Simonson, RuNoe ----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 27, 35, 88 Sjoblom, Lorna .. 35, 59, 88, 91, 98, 112 Smith, Gary ยทยท--ยท---ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 35 Smith, )onice ยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท------- 89, 98 Smith, Kent ยทยท-ยทยทยท 35, 110, 118, 120, 132 Smith, LaRoe ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 35, 109 Smith, Marvin ยท----ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยทยท 35 Smirh, Noel ----ยทยท-ยทยท-ยท------ยทยท 35, 107 Sm!lh, Purricla ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-----ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 36, 78 Smith, Ronald ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท---ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท 35 Steadman, Darlene ยท--ยทยทยท-ยท- 36, 89, 91. 97, 103 135 Steudman, Eldon ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท 3S, 107 Steodmon, Shirley ----ยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยทยทยท 36, 98 Steenson, Hazel ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท--ยทยท 36, 100, 110 Steinfeldt, Paul ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท 35, 107 Stewurt, Wullact ---ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท 36 Stout, Morlyn ยทยทยท-------ยทยทยท-- 36, 97, 98

T Tonner, Charles Fred ยทยทยท--ยท- ---------- 36 Toylor, Allen Lee -ยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท 36 Taylor, David ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยทยท--ยทยท-ยทยท 36, 101 Tester, Neil --ยทยทยท---ยท--------------ยท-ยท 36 Thucker, Koy ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท 36 1 huyne, Audry ยทยท----ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท 36, 86, 135 Thomas, Wayne ยท----------------- 36 Thompson, Gloria ยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท 36 Thompson, Harry -----ยทยท-------ยท 36 Thorn, Joe ยทยทยทยทยทยท---ยท----ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท---ยทยทยทยท-ยท 36 Timothy, Melvin ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท--- 36 Todd, Jone<re ยทยท----------ยท--ยท 36, 59, 109 Toone, Ardine ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท----ยท-ยทยทยทยท---ยท 36, 59 Trnnter, joene ............ 36, 86, 87, 90, 92, T 98, 99, 113 ,-'"~"It Billy ยท----ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท---------------- 36 T ru I , )eric ยทยท-----ยท-ยทยทยท--ยทยท-------ยท-ยท 36 urner, Bill ยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยท- 36, !23 Turner, Kuy ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท---ยท 36, 100 Turner, Mork -----------ยทยท-ยท 36 Turner, Richard ยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยท- 36, !03

u Usher, Shirley

36, 103

v ~andorhoof, Gerald ............. 36, 86, 101

an Dcun, Deedo ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 36, 91 Von Vulkenburg, Afton ...... 36, 98, 135 Vicchrilli, Von ยทยทยท--ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท- 36, 107, 120 Vincent, Worren ----ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-- __ 37, 69

w Walbeck, Daryl ยท-----ยท-- 36, 58, 110, 126. 2


--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-----~ !.:..~:S.:. ~

Walker. Sheri Weber, Pat -ยท-----ยท-ยทยท 29, 36, 98, 103 Webster. Kent ... -ยทยทยท-----ยท 37, 107, 109 W<rscl, Dick ---ยทยท- ---ยท 37, 109, 110, )20 Whetman, Lelci ยทยท-------ยทยท-- 37, 109, 112 Whited, Bruce ยทยทยท-----------ยทยท 37, 86, 107 Whitmore, Geruldinc --ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท 37, 58, 59, W "lk 88, 97, 98, 109 โ€ข lnson. Edith ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท ... ยทยท-ยท- 37, 109 Winn, David ___ --------- 37, 86, 101 Wuhers, Frank ... -------- --- 101 Withers, Reono ยทยทยท---------ยท 37, !09 Workman, Lee -ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท--ยทยทยทยท- 37, 101 Workman, Lenore ยท--ยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท- 37, 98 Wright, Dale ---ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท---ยทยทยท 37, 107 Wright, Marlene ---ยท 37, 89, 98. 100 Wright, Michael -----ยทยท--ยท-ยท-- 37, 78, 101

y Young, Floyd -------- 37, 101, 110, 118

z Zaiser, Don ---ยท-ยทยทยท-ยท---ยท- 37, 91. 102 Zrno, John - - - - - - - 37, 89

Price, Janice .. 19, 93, 98, 104, 108, Ill


A Abrams, Howard ............................ 39, 110 Adams, Dule .............................. _ ........... 39 Adnmson, Don ................- ................... 39 Ainsworth, Charles ........................ 39, 43 Aleln ,lkrh ...................... - ... 39, 104, 105 Anderson, Brent ............ 40, 59, 83, 109 Anderson, Carol .................... - ............. 39 And e rson, Dixie ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท- 39

Anderson, Glendo .................. 39, 87 , 100, 101, Anderson, Helen .............. 39, 49, 86, 98. 99, Anderson, Marie ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยท---ยท 39, 58, Anderson, Romae ยทยท---ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 39, Andrus, Larry ................ 39, 103, 110, Antczak, Max --...................................

98, Ill

90, 113 103 109 119 39 Arterburn, Rolond ยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท 40 Ashman, Lowell .............. 53, 57, 85, 82, 86, 91, 92, 102, 113 Ash ron, Lee ....ยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยท--ยท--ยทยท 39, 58 Astle, Lawrence ....................___ 39, 101 Atkinson, Gary ยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 39, 101

B Bagley, Dale .......................................__ 40 Buir, Janice ........ 39, 76, 80, 98, 100, 112 Baker, Kathleen ...................... 39, 98, 105 Boker, Ronald ........................ 27, 40, 119 Botemun, Dennis ยทยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท 40, 58, 83, 86, 87, 102, 113 Beckmad, Judy .. 40, 59, 78, 98, 99, 103 Becksrrund, Karen .............. 40, 80, 84, 85 Benson, Russell ...................... 40, 59, 101

g: fis~r โ€ขR;~r~~.:~~:======::~~:::::::::::-ยทยท10,ยทยท I~

Bird, Joanne ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท 40, 89, Ill Bishop, Merylin .....โ€ข 40, 89, 98, 100, Ill Blomquist, Don .... 41, 91, 101, i09, llO BoRgess, Kay ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยท-ยท-ยท 69 Bolliger, Arvn ยทยท-ยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยทยท--ยทยทยทยทยท 40, 105 Bolliger, David ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยท-ยทยทยท 40 Bollschweiler, Carol ............ 40, 104, 105 Boswell, George ......... _ .._ ............. 40, 107 1

g~~;~~ยท ~yยทl~7: ..::::::::::::::::::=::::~::::=:


Boyce, Richard ...............- -.... - .. _ .. 41 Brody, Lindsay ................ 40, 78, 79, 110 Brody, Marilyn ....................... 10, 98, 100 Brothers, Ernest ยท--ยท---................ 40, 43 Brown, Douglas .. 41, 101 , 102, 109, Ill Brown, Gloria ..................._ 40, 56, 103, 104, 105, 109

g;~:~: ft!.r!~~e . =:::::::::::==:==-~=~-=:::: :8 Brown, Ronald ............... 53, 59, 89, Ill

Brown, Wollnco Kent ........ - ............... 11 Brunetti, Ca rmellia ...............- ...... 40, 104 Bunnell, Kendoll ...... 41, 49, 82, 86, 88, 96, 101, 102, 110, Ill , 11 2, 113 Burgon Kent ..- ... - .......... - .... 42, 69, 110 Burns, Kent ........................... 40, 109, I 10 llur$11ch, Milan ........ - ............... I 10, I 19 Butterfield, David ................................... 42 Butterfield, Jimmy ........ 41. 101, 102, 109 .Butterfield, Morllyn ..-.-....- ...-ยท--.. 11

c Caine, Paul "-ยท--ยท ยท-........ - ........ _ .. _ 41 aldwell, Allen --....... _. 110, ll8, I 19 Co ldwell, Paul ...... 41, 56, 101, 110, 117, 118, 123, 127 Carlson, Richard .................. 43, 110 ll8 Carson, Jnnico ..ยท-ยท---...... 100, 109: I 10 Casper, Sandra -ยท 41, 49, 83, 86, 92, 98, 99, 100, 101, IOJ, 104, 108, 113 Chien, Robert ................... - ............ 41, 116 Conts, Pntsy ............ 41, 91, 98, 99, 104 Coleman, Normon ..41, 43, 110, 118, 119 Cook, JoAnn ..................................... ___ 42 Cook, Norinne ..................... - .......... 41, 89 Cook, Mnrllyn .......... - .......--.............. 11 Coole, Myrna ........ - ...._ .. _ ..................... 42 Corolc, Mnrlene ...........- ....... 42, 84, 98

Despain, D Anna ....... _ .. 42, 86, 98, IOJ, 109, I1J Detomasi, Janen ยทยท---------ยท------ 42

Cunnington, Ray -ยท-ยทยท---ยทยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท -42

Curtis, Sharon ..................ยท-ยท--ยทยท-ยท 43, 98

D Dahl, Grant ......................... _ ..42, 106, 107 Dohl, Wayne .... -ยท--ยท--ยทยท- .. --ยท-ยท-ยท 118 Dansie, Doren -ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยท-.. --ยทยท 42, 107 Dansie, George ..........- ...ยท - 12, 51, 107 Dansie, )o_yce ...... 42, 98, 104, 105, Ill Densley, Claudette ................................ 12 Densley, Vernon .._ ........ยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยท 12

Kynaston, Jean ....-----ยท-ยทยท 46, 79

Dibb, Delores "ยทยท-ยท----ยท-ยท.............._. 42 Dorius, Ruby - - - - - - - 43, 98, 100 Dow, Deanna --------------- 42, 100

Drake, Evelyn ยทยทยท-ยทยท--ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท--- 42 Draney, Lawrence ยทยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท---------ยทยทยท 42

Duffin, Ronald .... - ............ยท------ 42 Dumas, Douglas .._ ...............- ยท - ยท - ยท 42 Dumas, Jim - - - - - 42, 59, 91, 96, 110, 117. 118, 132

E Eastman, Audrea --------------------ยท 13

Eastman, David ..._ .. ___ 13, 78, 82, Ebert, Joyce ..- ....ยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท 43, 97, Egbert, Gary ........ _ ................. 13, 107, Emery, Marvin ยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท 43, 110,

101 105 109 119

Ennist, Betty Ann ยทยท----- 43, 86, 88,


F Fairboum, Ross ยท--ยท - ยท - ยท - - - ยท 13 Faunochou, Joyce ยทยทยท---ยท-ยท 43, 98, Ill Fergus, Srevan -ยท-----ยท- 13, 107, 109 Ferguson, Kathryn .... _. 44, 97, 100, 101 Ferguson, Vivian - - - - - - - 43 Fitzgerald, Jimmy ...ยท-ยท--ยทยท- 44, 58, 83 Fitzgerald, Nephi -ยทยท-ยท 43, 83, 102, IJ2 Forman, Eldon ...ยท-ยท-ยท 43, 84, 101, 107 Francom, Lloyd ยทยท--..-ยทยท-ยท- --........... 43 Freeman, LoRieta 11, 43 Fullmer, Jay .............___ 44, 84, 85, 107

0 George, Richard ___.. _____ 85 Gibbons, Sue ยทยท--ยท--ยทยท-ยท--ยท 44, 78, 108 Gilbert, Groce ..- - ยท - - - ยท - ยท 43, 104 Giles, Norma ยท ยท - - - 44, 104, 105, Ill Glad, Howard ยท - ยท -........ 44, 110, 119 Glover, Jim -ยทยท-----ยท- 44, 101, 110 Godfrey, David ยท--ยท--ยท------ยท 53 Goff, DuWayne ยท ยท - ยท ยท - ยท - - - - - 13 Goff, )nne --ยทยท-.. -ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท- 41, 110 Graham, Glenda .. 41, 86, 103, 109, 113 Graham, Grace .... 44, 83, 104, 108, 116 Gray, Otra ld - - - ยท - - - - - 44, 110 Green, Nancy ยท---ยทยท-ยท----- 11, 100 G reen, Ross .........................- - - ยท - ยท - 11 Greenwood, Elaine ยท--ยท---ยทยท..- - . 11 Greenwood, Vol - - - - 11, 101, 110 Grover, Clyde ..- - ยท - - ยท 11, 59, 110

H Hamilton, Carolyn ยทยท---ยท---ยทยทยท-ยท i-1 Hamilton, Clyde - ยท - - - ยท - ยท 51, 107 llomllton, Colleen .. _ .............- ..... H Hansen, C lnudia .... __ 41, 104, 108, 110 Honsen 1 Kathleen --ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท H, 58, 105 llnrbuck, Phyllis ...._,_ 44, 100, 109, 110 ll arper, Ralph - - - ยท - - ยท - - - - ยท 73 Hart, Jnniel ...- ..ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยทยท-- 41, 104 Hnn, Jeanne ........_ .. 44, 104, 105, 110 Haun, Arlene ._ ........ H, 90, 97, 98, 99 Houn, Judy .. -----ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท 45, 110 ll oun, Marian ยทยทยท-------------ยท 15 11awa, Lynne - ..-ยท----ยทยท-ยท- -15, 103 I lcki. Erhel ...ยท-ยท-ยท-ยทยท-ยท-ยท--- 15, 90, 91 Hendrickson, Deanna ___.. ___ 108, 110 Hes.., Merltne -ยท--ยท-ยท---ยท 44, 104 Hilton, Beverly .... 45, 57, !OJ, 109, 128 Holt, Arlene ..........- ยท - - - - - - - ยท 15 Holt, Lynn ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท-- 44, 101 Hoopiiaina, Edgar ยท - -ยท 45, 80, 86, 93 Houtz, Bob ...._ ..ยทยท--ยท-ยท--ยท---ยทยทยท 45, 109 Howard, Janice _, ______ 45, 100 Howlett, Duane ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท---ยท-ยท 15 Hudson, Annette ยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยทยท--ยทยทยท--ยท 15, 77 Hughes, Billy ยทยทยทยทยท-ยทยทยท---..--.-.. 15, 101 Humes, Berh .._ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15

Jacobson, Mary Agnes ยท-ยท-ยทยท- 16, 79, 98 James, Sharon ..--ยท-ยท-ยทยทยทยท----- 15, 104 Jenkins, Eddie ยท ยท - ยท - ยท - - - - 53, 110 Jenkins, Harvey ยท - - - - - ยท - - - ยท 15 Jensen, Carla ........--ยท--- 16, 109, 110 Jensen , Clair "--ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท--- 16 Jensen, James ,_.. 16, 58, 101, 102, 110, 119, 123, 127, 132 Jensen, Rees ยท - 16, 80, 83, 86, 91, 101, 102, 110, 112, 113 Jerrold Jensen ยทยท-ยทยท---ยท-- 16, 101, 110 Jenson, Lee ยท-ยท-ยท 59, 96, 110, 117, 119, 123, 127, 132 }ex, Dorothy ..______ 45, 103, 108 Johnson, Richard ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท - 45, 69 Johnstun, Owen ..-ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท 16 Jones, Ardell .........._ .._ 16, 98, 100, 108

Price, Roger ยท - - - - - - - - -

Larson, Frank ยทยท------------------- 46

Lavedar, Mike .....ยท- - ยท - 16, 109, 110 Lien, Don -------------------ยท 47 Linford, H. G ... 46, llO, ll7, 12J, 127 Linnarz, Barbaโ€ขโ€ข .. -ยท-ยท-ยทยท--- 46, 98, 110 Lloyd, Carmen .. 16, 82, 98, 99, 103, ll2 Lloyd, Donald ---.. ----ยท-..ยท - - - 47 Lloyd, Donna ...---ยท--ยท--ยท-ยท-- 16 Loveless, Duane ..- -ยท 16, 86, 101, 102, 112,113 Lucas, Frank ...............- - - - 16, 118 Lucero, Raymond ........._ ..._ 101, 103 Lundberg, Ann ยทยท-ยท 46, 58, 80, 82, 87, 98, 99, 100, 103, 108, 110, 112 Lunnen, Delores


Price, Shirley __ 50, 58, 86, 89 98, 99, Ill, 112, 113 Pullman, Dorothy .._. __.._____ 49

R Radmall, Penny ....- -ยท-ยท-ยท 40, 100, Ill Rawson, Jeanette ยท----- ---- 50, 104

Labrum, Blayne ยท-ยทยท-ยท---- 47, 110, 117

46, 47, 98. 99,

103, 108, 112

103, Ill, 113


Price, Lorin - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Kroon, Francis ยท--ยท-------ยท--ยท-ยท- 46

Decomasi, Janice ยทยทยท----------- ----- 101

Crosgrove, Stewart ยทยทยทยทยท-ยท-ยท----ยท--- 27, 120

Cox. Carole ยทยท--ยทยท--ยท--ยทยทยทยท-ยท..-ยท-ยท---ยท 12 Crane, laude ยทยท-ยท-ยท-..---..--ยทยท--.. 42 Crone, Pot ...................... - ................ - .... 41 Crawlord, Gene ........................ 41, 58. 102 Crump, LaRoyne -ยท-ยทยท 12, 105, 110, Ill Crump, Snmud ........_ ........................_ .. 12 Crump, Vesta .........._ ....._ .. <\2, 105, 110

Kay, Charlene ........-ยท--ยทยทยท-ยท- 16, 104 Kesler, Orson ยทยทยท- ยท - ยท 16, 82, 101, 102 Kiisel, Arthur ------ยท-ยท- - - - - 16 Killian, Kenneth ยทยท--ยท--ยท--ยท-ยท-- 16 Kirton, Peggy _ 16, 80, 93, 98, IOJ, liZ

M MacKay, Brent ยท ยท - - ยท - ยท -..- - Macklin, Dale ยท-ยท..-ยท-- - - ยท - - ยท Mangum, David - - ยท ยท - - -..- - - Marshall, Larry ...................- ยท-ยท - - ยท McMullin, Sue ..- ยท ยท - - - ยท - - - -

17 47 47 89 47

Mertin, Sheron - - - - - - - - - 41

Milligan, Patsy - - - - - - - - - 47 Milne, Deanna ..___..........-ยท-ยท 47, 100 Milne, Don .... 47, 58, 88, 101, 102, Ill Miner, Rosemary .. _. 47, 80, 86, 87, 92, 98, 99, IOJ, 109, Ill, 112, 113 Mitchell, Faye ยท - - - - - ยท - - ยท - ยท - 16 Mitchell, Sandra ..ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท 47, !OJ, 104 Montague, Ray .. _ ...........---ยท--ยท--ยท 18 Moon , Nelda ยทยทยท- - ยท 47, 104, 105, 110 Moosman, Olen ยท--..ยท - 47, 101, 110 Morrill, Elray ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท 47, 107 Mouow, Joan ------------- 48, 108

Morrensen, Sharlene ยท - - - - - 17, 104 Mousley, Arlene ..- - - ยท - - - - - - 49 Mower, Judith 47, !OJ

N Naylor, Gerald ............ 48, llO, 118, 119, 123, 127. 132 Nelson, Alfred _ .._ _ _ _ _ 48, 107 Ne:lson, Everett ยท---------- 18, 110

Nelson, Sandra --ยท-ยท--ยท- - 18, 100 Neuffer, Shirlene -ยท-ยท--ยท -18, 104, Ill Newman, Robert - - - - - - - - 18 Nichols, Paul ..--ยท--ยท---ยท--ยท 18 Nichols, Sonja - - --ยท- - - - 48, 100 Nickle, Clement - -..- ยท - 48, 69, 101 Nicol, Paul .....-ยท-ยท----ยท-ยท- 18, 59 Nilsson, Ann ยท-ยท--ยท-ยท--ยท 48, 84, 104 Nunley, Joyce ---ยท--ยท 38, 48, 58, 59, 100, 104. 108 Nysnom, Eric ยท-ยท--ยท-- 18, 101, 102, 110, I 12, IIJ

0 O'Brien, Barbara _ 38, 18 90, 100, 108 O ' Brien, Kenneth ยท - - 18, 59, 88, 91 O'Keefe, Marrin ยท - - 18, 49, 86, 102, 112, 113 Olsen, Dirk .._ _ _ _ _ _ . 49, 110 Olsen, Perry ยท - - - - - - - 18 Olsen, Sylvan --ยท-ยท- 48, 109, JIO, 116 Olson, Delores .._ _ ..____ 48, 104 Orr, Margene ------ยท------- 18 Otteson, JoAnn 18 Owen, Lois - - - - ยท - - - 18, 105 Ozancin, Roberta - - - - - - - - 18, IOi

p Palmer, Olen - - - ยท - - 19, 106, 107 Palmer, Lynn ยท- - ยท - - - - - ยท -ยท 49, 107 Palmer, WilHam ยทยทยท--ยท-ยท----ยท 19, 103 Parker, Colleen - - ยท - ยท - - - 49, 104 Parker, Parry Ann .. 49, 76, 80, 103, llZ Parry, Ann ..- - - - - - - - ยท 19, 97 Parry, Rulon 50 Parsons, Myrna - - - - - - - - - - 19 Pedro, Harrison ....- - - - - 19, 109 Peterson, James _ _ 50, 58, llO, 122, 123, 127 Peterson, Leon - - - ยท - ยท - - - - 19, IJO Phelps, Kendall ยทยทยท- - - 49, 101, 109 Phelps, Pat - - - - 19, 76, 89, 103, 104, . 105, 108. 110 Pierce, Jerry ._.. 49, !OJ, llO, ll7, ll8 Pinedo, Patricia ยท ยท - - - - - -ยท 49, 103 Pixton, Gayle .. 50, 80, 91, 98, 99, 112 Player, Doris ยท- - - 39, 50, 100, Ill Pollard, Pearl ยท - - 19, 58, 92, llO, 122, 12J, 127, 128 Polson, Ted - ยท- - ยท - - - - 50, 101 Porno, Denece - - - - - -45 Pratt, Lois - - - - - - - - - 50

. 50

Reich, Helen - -ยท

Robinson , Blaine ------------- 50

Roby, Sherlene .._, _____.._ 50, 104, 105 Romero, John -----ยท---ยท 50, 78, 82 Roos, Keith .. ---ยท----ยท-ยท---ยท 50 Rosenhan, Chad - - - - -ยท -- - ยท 50 Rosenkrantt, Carl - - - - - - - - 50 Russon, Charles ..- - - -....... 50, 101

s Sabey, Linda .... 50, 80, 98, 99, 103, 112 Sanders, l<;aren ยทยท-ยท 50, 56, 98, 103, 112 Sandquist, lkverly ยทยท-..ยท--ยท-ยท- 50, 93 Schmidt, Pauline .... 50, 78, 98, 99, 103 Schmidt, Rosemarie --- 50, 78, 89, 98, !OJ, 104, Ill Scoflield, Sandra - - -ยท 50, 58, 98, 99 Scon, Duane --------------- 50, 92 Shields, David ยท--ยท-ยท-ยท--ยท-- 50 Shields, Joan - - - ยท ยท - - ยทยท--ยท- ยท 51 Shelton, Gay ----- 51, 100, 109, 110 Showell, Vickie - ยท 19, 51, 59, 86, 87, 92, 98, 103, 104, 109, Ill, 112, 113 Silcox, Nola .....- .........................___ 51 Simonson, Kent


Simpson, Ann ยท ยท - - - ยท ยท - - - 51, IOJ Smarr, Robert -ยท--ยท ... 51 Smith, Nolan ยท---ยทยทยท----ยท- 51, 107 Smith, Sheldon - - - - 51, 58, 59, 101 Snyder, Jack ยท - ยท - ยท -- ..- - - - - 51 Sorensen, ReNee - ยท - - 45, 51, 69, 104 Spratling, Calvin ยทยท --ยท- 52, 93, 107 Spratling, Coleen ยท - 45, 51, 76, 80, 84, 98, 103, 112 Steadman, Alan ยท--ยท-ยท---- 51, 101 Sreinfeldr, Marlin ยท - ยท - - 51, 106, 107 Stephens, Brent - - - - - - - 51, 82 Stocking, Jean ......._ _ __ 51, 98, 99 Stoker, Tommy ยท--ยท-ยท51, 102, 109, 110, IJJ, 119 Sugiyama, Mickey - - ---ยท-ยท 51, 110 Sund, Geraldine ..52, 59, 91, 97, 98, !OJ Swapp, Howard - ยท - - - 38, 52, 59 Sylvester, Judy - - - - - - - 51, 109

T Takemori, Fred -- - ยท - - - 39, 52 Tapp, Donna ยท - - - - - - - - 52 Taylor, Noel .. 52, 82 Tester, Noreen ยท ยท - - - ยท - - 52, 84, 105 Thaxton, Bart - - - - - - - - - 52

Thayne, Norma Lee -ยท--ยท----- 52 Thompson, Ronald ...____ 52, 110 Thorup, Don ---52 Tolman, Gordon ยท - - - ยท -ยท--ยท- -- 52 Tomlinson, Sherry ยท-ยท 52, 98, 100, 109 Townsend, Charlene - - ยท 52, 91, 100, 104, 108 Tripp, Lynn ยท--ยท-ยท--- ยท - -ยท..- - 98 Tripp, Patricia Grane

Tucker, La Dawn



v Van Ry, John - - - - - ยท - - ยท Varanakis, Mike - - - 52, 79, 83, Vaughn, Janice - - - - ยท - - - Visser, Kenneth

52 84 52 52

w Charles ยท - - 52, 101, 109, 110 latrice - - - - - 52, 104 Forrest - - - ยท - - - ยท ยท 53 Janet - - ยท - - - - ยท 15, 52 Nedra ยท- - 52, 98, !OJ, 109, 110, 116 Webst<r, Dorothy - - - - - - 52, 104 Webster, Jerry - - - - -ยท-- 53, 102 Webster, Michael ... 53 Webster, Ronald - - -ยท 53, 101, 102 Wellingron, Richard - - - - - ยท 53, 81 Wennerstrom, Deanna - - ยท - 45, 53, 93, 97, 104, 108, 110 Walker, Walters, Wardle, Wardle, Wardle,

Whitmore, Kcirh - - - - - - 39, 53

Wilkinson, Carol 53 Wilson, Tracy - ยท - 53, 88, 110, Ill Winn, Joan 53, 104, 109 Winn, Sally . . 53, 105 Winward, Kaye ยท - - - - -ยท 53, 59 Withers, Irena 53, 104 Wolf, Dean - - - - - - 53, 58 Wood, Lois 53, 104 Wood, Margaret 53 Wood, Neil . 53 Worthen, Lucille 53, 100 Wrighr, Carolyn 58 Wright, Nadine ยท - - - 53, 103, Ill

y Yatt~s,






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::.__., th ยฎfum tltill tltmttl!ยท.stronil b!q! nf~ tnu tlummatb trim luutitt1'~ <mb fift!!ยทtltn!r

Bye for now Beetdiggers. We have completed our journey of reflection and memory. We have stepped through pages symbolizing your activities, your studie , and your recreation. Now, as you turn the final page of this '55 Beetdigger, st p and reflect again the "traditions of note." Future and returning Jordanitcs still may have the opportunity to reminisce and participate in scho l traditions. Former Jordanites and graduating seniors may reflect their school days and remember them in the words of their school song - "The sunri e paints the crimson, in gray the evening dies; you can't beat that; take off your hat, to the high school in the skies." -Topper


r -r-Jordan liigh Yea rboo ่ทฏ



Jar d an


High Yearl1ook


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