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JORDAN HIGH SCHOOL SANDY, UTAH Co-Ed itors Carol Anderson Connie Anderson

Ass ciate Editors Donna Dunyon Arlene Sheppack

Business Ma nage r Lorna Sjoblom



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As a Jordan High Schoo l student hops off a noisy bu 路 full of hubbub and confusion, he makes his way through rustling leaves, crunching snow, or along sun-splashed walks. A ringing bell calls him and his classmates, as shuffiing shoes sound through halls and stairways. The typical "Jordanite" rushe. through humming classes re-


ounding with unds of musi , clicking typewriter , noi y shop machinery, or vigorous lass discussion . He participates enthu,iastical ly in shouting at games, applauding for performances, or listening to booming voices of w uld-bc actors. He remember vivid ly his actions and he relives them through reviewing the sounds of Jordan High, 1956.


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main building, scene of the maJOrity of Jordan's echoes, appears silent amid shadows of friendly trees.

Happy students crossed the road daily to atrend relig1on classe in the Semtnary building.

V1rrual hub of noises and acnv1ty, the shop budding is SitUated JUSt north of the football field and rrnck.



This is your book- your "Book of Memories!" Each time you thumb through its pages, the realities of yester-year will resound more vividly thaD you ever dreamed or thought possible. The sounds of "old school days" will live again and again to revive your meditating thoughts, and return you to the satisfactions you felt ns a happy srudent of the high sch ol you loved so well. As time passes on, the creaks in the floor, the merry laughter in the halls, the sweet somethings or nothings


your friend whispered to you at your side, and the sounds of activitie everyw here about will seem t take on n more hallowed look and cxpre s themselves with greater clarity and meaningfulness than ever befor . As all of u 路 get older, these same sounds f happy school days seem more tr.ue, more 'colorful, and more influential. Let's enjoy them to the fulle t by listening to them again and again a we review this book.


REED H. BECKSTEAD - Assistant Superintendent Beckstead supervised secondary education in the Jordan School District.

STANLEY A. RASMUSSEN - As Clerk and Purchasing Agent, Mr. Rasmussen supervised the distribution of finances.

0 .. D. TlALL('.RJ) - Formerly J<,rJan High 7: 111 ~ 1 rnl, Mr. Bnllnrd n~s umed new dutie~ ns t lstn ct Dtrector of Merit Rating Study.

P. M. MICKELSEN - Mr. Mickelsen became acquainted with J.H.S. students in fulfilling his responsibilities as Director of Pupil Personnel.


Marvin G. Jenson, West Jo rdan John E. Rich, Sa ndy Leonard C. Beckstead, Rive rton


Rex T. Tripp, Dingham Presiden[ Dr. ]. 0. Jones, M ttlvale Vice Promdcm

UI'ERV ISORS- Scawcl: VaLom Webb, vi>Jtinl-( teacher; Mary L. Sto rey, socia l worker; Dnra H. McDona ltl, vi~tl!n~ teac her. Standing: Tlunon S. Miller, speech thernpiM; N. K. Thomson, orJinntor; Earl ). Thurman, psycho l o~t".



11UIL[)!N(; J) IJU:.CT RS -

F. A. Onon, tltrcrtM nf new dtrcuor of m:tm tcnnnrc.

butld111~s, and Kenne th V. Dunn,

Mrs. Louise Jager Di trice Nt<rse

Emery G. Epperson District Music Supervisor

William H. Banlett District Arc Supervisor


MMITTEE HAIRMEN - Seared: Mrs. A. N. ole, rs. Fr~nk Schmidt, Mrs. Hownrd Newbold, Mrs. George A. )enLen, Mrs. Margaret Lindsay. SranJing: Mrs. ). . Ni hols, Mrs. Mstcr 13uttcrfield, Mrs. rant Morten~en, Mrs. Eldred Hamilton, Mrs. burencc )en en, Mrs. 路Lauren c Fullmer. Nor Phowgrat>hcd: Mrs. Jultus Vi~~er, Mrs. Nellie hnvez, Mrs. n. LaMar Vincem, rs. Maurice Newman.

PTA OFFICERS - Seated: Mrs. George Whetman, secreta ry and treasurer; Mrs. A. ]. Sabey, president. Standing: Mrs. L. Earl Beckstead, first vice president; Principal T. H. McMullin, second VIce president; Mrs. Harold A hman, council representative. Nor Photographed: Mrs. Hardy McFarlane, historian.



It is with pleasure that I endeav r t' express to the students and faculty of Jordan High School my feeling of gratitude and appreciatil)l1 for the fine cooperation and support that I have been given in my short stay as principal. May I say that I am very humble in assuming the rcspon ibilitie of this position. I realize full well that my predecessors have been men f n ble character with great foresight and unlimited capacity for work, wh were ever r ady to give to the school their time and talents in their role as leaders.

It will be my sincere desire and h pe that I may carry on the splendid work that has been done in the past and that I may perpetuate the fine rich traditions that After ten successful years as principal, 0.

D. Ballard turns over the historic school bell to new principal, T. H. McMullin.


belong to the jordan High School.


PHIL F. GOLDBRANSON - Registrar and assistant to the principal, Mr. Goldbranson was also very active in debate instruction.

JE SE n. ASPER - In addition ro being beys' coun~elor, Mr. Casper was in charge of ~cholarship> nnJ graJuatton ellgibility.


DUNN TAYLOR- Working as admini trative as istant, Mr. Taylor directed the discipline and welfare of the students.

MRS. EVELYN N. WOOD - Jordan High chool girls' counselor, Mrs. WooJ also supervised the activities of the Girls' Club and Jordanettes.


Norman D. Riggs

St~nley R. Sharp

English, Traveling AssembLy

English, Yearbool<

Mel Berrett Engli h, Newspaper

A. LaM~r Henurickson En;:rlish, L~rerary Magatine


Ora lie Rawson English, Newspaper

Betty Zieve

Speech, School PLay

Reea l'eterson English, Jay Dee Club

En~lish tencher, Miss Peterson, instmct5

Larry McCiellnn in word pronunciation.

William R. Boren English, Coaching

Mary B. fitzgerald English, Jay Dee Club

Deane Bennion Library, Junior Class

Carolyn N. Green English, Sophomore Class

LANGUAGE ARTS 1955 BRINGS CHANGES The fall of 1955 saw the greatest change in administrative personnel in Jordan's history. The most significant move was that which took 0. D. Ballard, principal for ten years, into a district position. Mr. Ballard became the director of merit rating study. In his place, Jordan acquired T. H. McMullin, formerly principal at Bingham High School. Miss Afton Forsgren left her teaching duties to become acting state supervisor of secondary education. Benjamin Bruse, David Gourley, Don Parr, and Theodore Sjoblom were tran ferred to other administrative capacities in Jordan District. Charlotte J hnst n and Anne B ueber left to assume family duties; Ruth Noall, D n Brown, and Arval Nelson also left their JHS teaching positions. New faculty members were Marie Goff, Carolyn N. Green, Reea Petersen, Ernest ]. Bianchi, William R. Boren, Howard Evans, Ferrell Gunnell, and Norman D. Riggs.

COMMERCIAL ARTS Wanda G. Wade Voc. Business, Yearbook Finances

Gertrude Tranter Type, Jay Dee Club

AITON FORSGREN - Miss Forsgren took a temporary leave of absence in order to serve as a state supervisor of secondary education during 1955-56.

Fay B. Thomas Bookkeeping, DECA Club


Betty Henderson Sewing, FHA Club

Marie Goff Foods, FHA C lub

In Betty Henderson's sewing class, Jean Bernardo works bu ily at a humming sewing machine.


Ernest ]. Bianchi History, Sophomore Class


Ray Oliverson History, Coaching

Frank Kamnikar History, Boys Club

E. L. Crawford His tory, Yearbook

Howard Evans Socwlogy, Vin<al Aods

Grant Manin Hiscory, Coachong

Donald Budge Farm Mechanics, CAP

Arland Russon A tHO Mechanics, Boys Club

J. L. Seal Woodwork, Key Club

E. H. Kennington Welding, Sophomore Class

Paul . Boyce Agriculrure, FFA Club

Jed Wasden Machine Shop, Calendar

Royal D. Madsen Electricity, Stage

Frank Bagley Auto Mechanics, Junior Class

INDUSTRIAL ARTS J. L. Seal instructs John Chamberlain in using the band saw in woodwork class.

DRIVER TRAINING ]. M. Petersen Driver Training, Decorations


Donald Olsen Art, Decorations

Donna Dunyon, who accompanies orchestra for the Messiah, practices in Mr. Crapo's class.

hands off


Murray Allen Crafts, Decorations

J. Clement Crapo Music, Messiah

PHYSICAL EDUCATION Howard Linford Phys. Ed., Coaching


Helen Seaman Phy . Ed ., Charlonian Club

Yvonne Schofield Dancing, Dance Cll<b

Art Hughes Phys . Ed ., Coaching

R. S. Peterson Chemistry, VisuaL Aids



Farrell Gunnell Zoology, Sophomore CLass



Glen Soulier Zoology, Senior Class

Robert L. Pixton Genetics, Student Activities



Stanley Anderson Mathematics, Sophomore Class

Kenneth Brady Algebra, Junior Class

Dale Sorenson Algebra, Sports Club


IN MEMORIAM ORSON SMTTH - A man whose whole life was inseperably bound up with Jordan High School was Orson. Smith. For thirty-five years he was a fam1har figure m physics and chemistry classes, before retiring in 1952. As adviser to the Camera Club, he recorded school evenrs by taking pictures for the yearbook. The death of Orson Smith on November 11, 1955, left a void in the lives of many, a memory of a man not soon to be forgotten.


CUSTODIANS - Wallace Benson and Lawrence ). Ainsworth, assistant custodians, receive instructions from Almy D. Dowding, custodian.

GLORIA BISHOP Secretary to the Principal

STUDENT CUSTODIANS- Craig Baird, Dan Nelson, Warren Vincent, Bob Murgens, Lynn Brand. Not photographed: Ray Batem<ln and Larry Hardcasde.


STAGE HANDS- Dee Hardy, Lynn Green, Pat Nemanic, James Estepp, Val D. Carlsen, Edward Davis, Royal D. Madsen, Lynn Anderson, Harold Vordos.


CAFETERIA STAFF Mrs. Rosetta Brand, Mrs. Evelyn Brown, and Mrs. Hazel Dowding supervised the preparation and serving of cafeteria meals. Nor phowgraphed: Mabel Larson.

CAFETERIA HELP - LaPrielle Davis, Gay Rasmussen, Jackie Stock, Lolieta Mertin, Dorene Richards, Joyce Boswell, Emmanuella Koncurat, Nancy Higginson, Pierre Koncurat.

STAFFS THAT CONTRIBUTED QUIETLY STUDENT HELP- Judy Larson and Val Finlayson who helped Dunn Taylor with di cipline problems, check the ~tudent files while Loris Malstrom attends to her bookstore job. '

BETH BOOTH Secretary co Dunn TayLor




Remember . . . the familiar voices making announcements in the mornings ... the sometimesexcited, sometimes-quiet sounds from the student body room . . . the seldom-heard, behind-thescenes planning. These were busy activities engineered by five energetic student body officers. Friendliness, enthusiasm, supervision, and loyalty were prominent characteristics of these popular "Beetdiggers" ... Dan, Pat, Evelyn, Marlyn, and Mike.




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Pat Fitzgerald, vice fJresident

Evelyn Day, secretary

Marlyn Stout, historian

Mike Adondakis, judge


DEPUTIES - Row One: Jeffery Jo 路eph, Bruce Lennberg, Dnn Nelson, Gnry MJxfield. Row Two: Loretta Witr, Judy Bills, VeNae Burgan, Marlene Wright, Geraldine Whitmore. l1ow Tltrce: Edward Miner, Carol Anderson, Janice Richardson, onnie Anderson, Shermnn Day. Row Four: Howard Brinton, Floyd Young, Don Derricort, Bruce Ro~enhan, Ben utler.

COURT VeNae Burgon, rep rter, nnd Lindn Jacobson, clerk, learn about court !)rocedurc from Phil F. Ooldbranson, adviser.

Mickey Jones, prosecuting attorney, nnd Daryl Walbeck, marshall, get together after a court session.

First associate, Raymond Yasukocht, second associate, Jimmy Kern!), and Judge Mike: Adondakis take time out from busy discipline duties.


HOME ROOM REPRESENTATIVE- Row One: Darwin Landers, Warren Fitzgerald, Kent Allbop, Gregory Wesr, Keith repan, Dale Kimball, Edward Patience, Dallace Hakanson. Row Two: Ann Richards, Maxine Markus, Ann Butterfield, Donna Dunyon, Norma Lynn Hale, Afton Jensen, Janice Parkm, Audry Thayne. Row Three: huron Palmer, Kathi Jones, Sheri Aaron, Judy Bills, James I farris, Melvin Hasnngs. Row Four: Brent Hogensen, Don Blasius, John Pollick, Don Fullmer, Milo Pear~on, Lyle Hughes, Brent Vmcenr, Eldon Weber. Row Five: David Lloyd, Dick Shepherd, M1ckey Jones, John Pollard, Joseph Walters, Ralph Brinton, Gary Jones, Howard Brinton.


Howard Brinton, Sophomore Pre ident; Mark Miller, Junior President; and Ben Cutler, Senior President, plan a student activity.

Student Body President, Dan Jorgensen, -talks over a project wtth Geraldine Whitmore, Gtrls Club Prestdent; Jesse B. Casper, adviser; and Sherman Day, Boys Club President.


Janice Richard on, vice president Senior Vice President duties were handled efficiently by pretty and talented Janice Richardson.

Ben Cutler, president Tall, athletic l3en Cutler led the class of '56 with enthusiasm and friendlines .

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Je sie Kay Greenwood, secretary Seniors cho e cute Jessie Kny reenwood to reconl events nncl awvities in 1955-56.


Mike Adondakis West Jordan


Danna Dee Adams H olladay

Argene Adams Sandy

Keith Alexander Midvale

Floyd Alldredge Union

arol Atkinson Union

Calvin Atwood Wesc Jordan

Aloma Atwood West Jordan

Lamona Arwood w~sc Jordan

Barbara Allen Draper

SENIOR CLASS ADVISERS - Glen E. Soulier; Golda Fraser and R. S. Petersen, co-chairmen; Berry Henderson; and Fay B. Thomas di cuss plans for the annual Senwr Hop. Nor photographed: James L. Seal and Stanley R. Sharp.


Boyd Baker

Sandra Ball

Mary Bastian

Joedy Ball




Robert Bailey outh Jordan

Ray Bateman


Erma Beckstead Riverton

Michael Bailey

Carolyn Beckstead

Arlene Beckstead

South Jordan

Marian Beck Riwrton

Sally Beckstead



West Jordan


Wanda Beath West Jordan

Darrell Beckstrom

Douglas Benson

West Jordan


Jerrie Belcher Union

Darlene Bell

Carla Benson

James Bell




Betty Ann Bills Riverton

Ronald Bergman


Mary BIIJanic M1dt•ale

Judy Bills Riwrron

Dee Ann Bendixen M1dvalc

Glenna Bodell

Sharon Bracken

Catherine Bi&hop

Don Blasius


Wesr Jordan



Arden Bowers rcsccnt

Vonda Boggess Union


West Jordan

David Brown Butler

Barbara Brady Midvale

Ralph Brinton Sandy

LaVar Burton Midvale

DeLoy Butterfield Herriman

Yvonne Boyer Crescent

Evelyn Brown Midvale

Gwen Burnett Midvale

Karen Burkinshaw West]ordan

VeNae Burgan

Garry Clark Midvale

Robert Campbell Sandy


Darlene Church Midvale

S lEN E LASSES HOLD INTEREST - Glen E. Soulier explains the functions of a microscope ro LaReta Hill and Ann Roberts in 3rd period biology.



Carol Chamberlin

Karma Chamberlain

Robert Chidester

Clifta Crane

Connie Coon

Claudia Cox





West Jordan


Richard Christensen

Ben Cutler

Marvin Cowdell

Srewnrr Crosgrove

LaPrielle Davis

Dale Davis







Betty Davis West Jordan


Edward Davis

Arlene Deakin

Don Derricort

Sherman Day

Evelyn Day


West Jordan






Brent Dimond

Sandy Durst

Wesr Jordan


Stanley Elg

Barbara Eltz

Bruce Edwards

MAry Jane Edwards

Jason Endo








Enniss DratJer

..路 Wayne Ern5trom

Genielle Evans



William Ereckson

Leon Ewell



Pat Fitzgerald

Irene Flores



Carolyn Erickson Union

Val Finlayson Cottonwood Hghts.

Rex Ferguson

Cherie Fitzgerald



Mary Ann Gardner

Kent Gaulin East Midvale

Wesc Jordan

Michael Gillaspie


RADIUS: TI IREE IN HES - Engaging in a mathematical project are mechanical drawing btudcnts, Don Blasius, Ray Bateman, and Richard Despain.



£ Cherry Gold Granite

Gordon Groom West Jordan

Jackie Guenon Union

Rosalie Green South Jordan

James Harris Sandy

LaVon Haws Crescent

Loa Graham Midvale

Gloria Glines WeSl Jordan

Velma Gonzales West Jordan

Sheila Hamilton Rivermn

Larry HnrJcastle andy

Lynn Green Midvale

Kathy Gray Butler

Sharon Hamilton Riverton

Thieli-Iatt o•uh Jordan


Billy Heaps West Jordan

Nancy Higginson Sandy

Doug Heaps Union

Renee Henschke Sandy

Marilyn Hughes andy

Mary Howlett Draper

Lyle Hughes Sandy

LaReta Hill Sandy

M1chael !vie andy

Bette Jardine R•verton

Paul Jacobson Union

Pnul Jnckson Sandy






Doris Jensen

Edda Rae Johnson

Annette Jensen

Afton Jensen

Judy Jenkins

Milton Jenkins



Mid vale

East Mid vale


Mid vale

Linda Jacobson

Nola Johnson



Dana Jeppson Union

Arlene Johnson

Elaine Jenson



CAREFUL, DON'T MOVE - Robert l3ailey poses for Claudia Cox as she sketches his portrait for the 1956 traveling assembly.




Mickey Jones Sandy

Sandra King Sandy

Velma Jones M1dvale

Gayle Kidder Wesc Jordan

Winslow Jones Draper

Dan Jorgen sen Midvale

R1chard Kemp M1dvale

Gary Lar5e n Buller

judy Larson Sandy

Karen La r~o n Sandy

Bnb Lee Scmcil ]urtlan

Glenna Leek Salr Lalw C ity

Wayne Jones Dueler

Mnrk Klotovich We.u Jordan

Marylyn Lang 'andy

) Dale Lang Sandy

Fern Larsen Bluffdale

Bruce Lennberg Mid vale

Lois LeFevre Ease Midvale

Anita Lingmann Ri•,erwn

David Lloyd We11 Jordan

Pcg!(y Leonard U1t10n

Marg1e Leyba Wc~e Jordan

Darlene Lovendahl Riverton

Carolyn Madsen Sot<th Jordan

Timothy Maddox M1d11alc

Loris Malsrrom Sand'!

Willard MalmMrom W "'r len dctn

Mnx1ne Markus M1<l1 •alc:


joyce Milne Union

Edward Miner


DeAna Mickelsen Draper

URAN IUM BUNTIN - Kent I !ughes, Shirley Lee, Car lyn Wnght, nnd Noe l Smith l i~ten to a geiger counter in chemistry.



Lucille Naylor

Connie Neff

Pat Nemanic

Dnn Nelson

Souch Jordan.





Kay Nelson Bucler


Marilyn Nichols

Nancy Ann Newman

Robert Nielsen

LeGrand Niel se n

Larry Nicben




West Jordan.


Karccn Nielson

Paul Neilson



Marilyn Newbold South Jordan

Marsha Niel on


Phyllis Nunley Union

Virginia Nielsen East Midt•ale

judy Nielson

Frances Olson




Kenneth Oakeson

DeLoy Osborne

Kent Olson



Mary Ann Isen Mttnay

Dclenc Palmer

South Jordan.

South Jordan

Arlene Penrod Sandy

Dee Petersen Sandy

Lynne Pedler Buder

Hazel Pierce Riverton

LuDeen Petersen Sourh Jordan

Carla Price Wesr Jordan

jack Player Bennion

Gayle.Poulsen Midvale

~ESOL VED - Edward Miner, David Brown, and joene Tranter listen atten tively to Judy Lnrson as she presents the affirmative Stde of a debate.







Nila Rawlings Draper

I Kay Rodgers Sanely

Bruce Rosenhnn

Ease Midvale

joan Romney Sot<th Jordan

Arlene Sheppick South Jordan

RnNne Simonson Sandy

LeRoy Smith Butler

Kent Smith Draper

)nnice Smith Draper

Pat Smith Draper

Elden Steadman Wesr Jordan


George Snvnge


Arvn Sampson Crescent

LnRec Sheriff

Dick Shepherd



Deon Springer

Darlene tea<.lmon

rem ice



Shirley Steadman

Paul Steinfeldt



Kay Th~cker Crescent

Marlyn Stout

Allen Taylor



Fred Tanner

Gloria Thompson



Wayne Thomas West Jordan

Melvin Timothy

Nelda Reeves Tporn



THE STEN !L GOES ON TH IS WAY - Office managers, Carla Denson nnd Nancy Ann Newmqn, explain bu~iness techniques to Brent Dimond in Vocationa l Business cla5s.




Kay Turner Sandy

Wa~ren Yince;t

Bill Turner Bluffdale


Ardine Toone Draper


Yon Vicchri ll i West Jordan

Afton Van Ya lkenburg Union

Pat Weber Midvale

Le ici Whetman Draper

Kent Webster West Jordan

SENIORS NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Paul Astle, Draper; Harold Beratto, RivertOn; Joyce Bluemel, Union; Elden Brady, Union; Herschel Butterfield, outh Jordan; LaMar Davis, Crescent; Norman Davis, Midvale; Lee Dumas, Midvale; James Estepp, MidvaLe; Gayle Farnsworth, Union; Harvey Gaster, Union; Ivan G lover, East Midvale; Jerry Hami lton, Riverton; Bruce Hand, Midvale; lla Howard, West Jordan; Douglas Hunter, Draper; Bob lpson, Draper; Lynn Jarvis, Riverwn; Pat Johnston, West Jordan; Russell Mace, Crescent; Joan McFarlane, Riverton; Lorin McRae, Butler; Sharon Peeler, Midva le; David Poole, Cottonwood Heights; Ronald Pratt, Draper; Robert Rawson, Draper; Geri Robison, Wesc Jordan; Jack Shields, Sot<rh Jordan; Wallace Stewart, Draper; Joe Thorn, Riverton; Mark Turner, Mid路 vale; Richard Turner, Midvale; Deeda Van Dena, Sandy; Sheri Walker, Union; Wallace Winkler, Union.


Billy Trapp River con

Joene Tranter Easr Midvale

Janette Todd Wesr Jordan

Shirley Usher Riverton

Ralph Wn lker andy

Daryl Wnlbeck Draper

Dick Wetsel Sandy

Gernldine Whitmo re andy

Bruce Whited East Midva le

Edith Wilkinson Sandy

Reona Withers Midvale

David Winn Cottonwood Hghts.

Lenore Workman South Jordan

Hessel Wiersma Midvale

Carolyn Wright Granite

Michael Wright Midvale

Marlene Wright Sandy

Don Zaiser Midvale

Floyd Young Salt Lake City

John Zrno Midvale

PHYS! S LASS EXPERiMENT - Winslow J nes, Judy Bills, nnd Bette Jardine measure the revolutions per minute of a motor.



Mark Miller, president Personable Mark Miller guided the class of '57 through an eventful school year.

Mary Lynn Klotovich, vice president Elected to serve as vi ce president was popular Mary Lynn Klotovich.

Sharlene Hoffman, secretary Vivn cious secretary, Sharlene H offm an, assisted in planning junior class activities.

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Carolyn Aceves West Jordan Marian Ander~on

Mtd• •alt!

Gary Anderson

Midvale Dnvid Arnold outh Jordan

Estella Anderson Union JoAnn Anderson Sandy

Earl Allen

Draper Nathan Anderson Union

Beverly Anderson West Jordan Lee Asay Sandy

Glenn Anderson Burler Corrine Archuleta Sandy

Sheri Aaron Sandy Michael Andreasen East Mid1 •ale

De Wayne Bailey

Draper raig Baird


Linda Flallamis

Marilyn Baker

Karl Baird

Joseph Baker



Dra •r


JUNIOR LASS ADVISERS - Taking time out from their teaching and advisory duties are Marie Goff, LaMar Hendrickson, Melvin Gerrett, Deane Bennion, and Yvonne Schofield. Not Photographed: Ken Brady, Frank Bagley, Grant Martin.

MelRae Bateman


Rona ld Boren Crescent Ladd Brady


Marilyn Beckstead


SotHh Jordan

Louise Bernardo

Paul Bishop Ri verto n

Joanne Berrett




Kent Bone Riverton ElRay Bridges Riverron

Joyce Boswell Union Mary Jane Brady Ease Midvale

Duane Blatnick Midvale Lynn Brand

Linda Butterfield Herriman


Aaron Beckstead

Herriman Jean Bernardo


Ann Blackett Mid vale Shnwnn Brinton Union

Judy Brown Union Ann Butterfield Herriman

Virginia Burns andy Hyrum Butterfield South Jordan

Garth Bou lden

Sandy Bud Brown Riverton

Mary Boyle Butler Rosa lie Brklncich Midvale

Sharon Butterfield Herriman

Val Carlsen Midvale

Don Campbell


Donna Cain Union Ilene Campbell Union FUTURE HOMEMAKERS GET PRACTICE - Juniors, ; Gloria Eyre and Della Steadman, place soiled articles into the Home Living washing machine.



Bonme Chri tian





Richnrd Cleland

Jerry Chri topherson Mid11ale


Fred Cutler

Connie Crane Herriman Norman Crump

East Midvale


Wayne Cowley


Cora Case Wesr Jordan Frank Comstock


John Corak

Glade Crosgrove



Larry Crump

Garry Crump



Velma Cook Union Sandra Crump Herriman

Curtis Cook Union Sandy Cunnington Union

John Crawford Midvale

Robert Dahl Midvale


Janet Dahl Midt •ale Dianne Dibb


Rulon Dahl Mith •ale William Despain Granlfe

Connie Davis West Jordan Sharon Dean Unwn

Betty Lou Deakin Union DeAnna DeGroot

Midt •ale

Diane Dale Wesc Jordan Mary Ellen Del~J:ado West Jordan

Rodney Dan&ie Herriman Gary Denny

Dixie Dean Creswnr Clare De~pain



J•mmy Fergus

Deon Fife MJCLI•ale Dale Frandsen

Jerry Dtmonc.l West Jordan Loueen Erickson Mtdt·ale

Lynda Fairbourn

JoAnn Farnsworth

Tommy Fairhourn



Salt Lake CHy

Marva Forbush Unwn

Janet Finlayson

Charles Ferguson ::;orconwood l-Ights.


Dixie Ferguson Sandy

Wen Jordan


Warren Fitzgerald Draper



Don Fullmer West Jordan Rodney Gallegos Crescenc


Larry Froisland Union Mike Ganz Ease Midvale

SPEECH CLASSES GENERATE SOUNDS- Gary Howlett prompts Gayle Yates in a public speaking assignment.

JUNIORS Rind a Gedge Sou.ch Jordan Eunice Gilbert River con


nrdner Jordctn Rex •off We<t Jordan



Patsy lines West Jordan Hnr lei rimnud East Midvale

Charles raharn Midvale Henry Grimaud Ease Midq,ale

Dennis Green Sandy

Judy Green Union

Mnx Griffiths Union Darlene Greenfield Midvale

Dale Gold Granite David Hansen Union

Kenneth Green Midvale Kenneth Hall Midvale


Jacqulyn Hall

Lynne I lansen

Maxine Halliday

Don Han sen



South Jordan


Ron Hansen Union

Norene Hardcastle

Fred Heu se r



Lorraine Houmand Union


Hathaway Union

Dee llnrdy Ecm Midvale

Carolyn Hogan

Sharlene Hoffman

West Jordan Larry Hutchings South Jordan

Frank Huff

lolita Hnll Union har n Haun

\\'!esc Jordan

Norma Lynn Hale

Ease Mid1mle Terry Hardman Union

Draper D•teler

Jerry Hutchinson Mid,,a/e

Rosemary Jensen

Sandy Bud Jorgensen

Bill Jones

Sh1rleen Jones

West Jordan


West Jordan


Stanley Johnso n Cre.~cent

Lyndon Kemp Sandy Gene Kiholm Midvale

Terry Kirby andy Gary Kidd Riverton

MUSIC RESOUNDS IN AUDITORIUM - Lynda Fairbourn watches Mr. Boberg instruct Maureen Newbold at the organ.

JUNIORS Mary Lynn Klotovich EmmnnuellaKoncurat Westlordan Draper hnrles Larson Linda Larsen Sandy Mid,,~Le

Barbara Laypath Butler Jeannette Linnarz Sandy

Maris LeFevre Sandy Viola Leyba West Jordan

Tim Lamb Unwn Russell Larson Sandy

Terry Labrum Sandy Dale Lawson Sandy

Shirley Lee Midvale Frank Lessley Crescent

Janice LeFevre Midvale Emmett Lessley Crescent

Gary LeFevre Riverton Van Lindsay Midvale

:Shirley Lehmttz West]ordan Larry Lewis Midvale

Vicki Lester Midv~e

Gary Lund Riverton


Leah Lloyd

Henry Lucero

Ro alie Madsen


South Jordan


Patsy Mann

Laurence Mangum

Lucille Marshall




Joan Maddocks Union Danny Mascaro Union

Reta Lynch

Sanely Donald Maynes Granite

Loraine Lloyd Crescent Mary Ann Mahler

South )orclan



Gene Montague

John McKinney Cocronwood Hghcs. Mark Miller

Diane Mdlcrbcrg




Juergen Menssen

Gran ice

Louis Morrow

Sandy Afton Nelson



arol McNamara Mult~ctle

Phillip Lloyd Bob M a rgctts

Ivy Mae Newbo ld Soath Jordan Maureen Newbold So1.tth Jordan

LaRae Newbold South Jordan Jeff Newman Riverton

CLICK, CLICK, CLICK - Sharon Webster, Patsy Glines, and Sharon Butterfield practice on the adding machine in bookkeeping class.


Danny Nicholl Sandy Jonn Nielsen Wesc Jordan

Cnrolyn Nichols Draper Weldon Noland Midtml.c

Laval Olson Cre1cent Xene Pappas Wesc]ordan

Charles Olsen Sandy Myrna Oyler South Jordan

Marcia Nichols East Midvale Nadine Nielsen We st Jordan

Moonyean Newman Riverton Richard Nielsen Sandy

Irene Nystrom Sandy Sharon Palmer Sourh Jordan

Lynda Norton Union Jacqueline Park Riverton


Jan1ce Parkin Draper Myrna Pedersen Draper

Mike Plattner Union Beth Proctor Union


)orene Richards Sandy Ralph Rothe West]ordan


Marilyn Parry Riverton Milo Pearson Wesclordan

Bill Patterson Draper Margaret Peterson Sandy

John Pollard Westlordan Harold Rawson Draper

Edwin Pond Midvale Bonnie Ray Midvale

Weston Reading Midvale Wanda Romney South Jordan

Dale Ray Herriman Doris Roos Union

John Polli ck Midvale ay Rasmussen Sanely

Janet Roden Draper Walter Rogers Sandy

haron Pat rick Midvale Marlon Peterson Sandy

Bill Polltck Sandy Ronald Rasmussen


Laduie Poor 1/enunan lleth Radmnll West Jordan

Hyrum Reich Sandy Knrmn Ru~~ell Un10n

LeLand Richins Draper One R ss M1tlvale

Marian Pearson Midvale harlene Peterson andy

Arui s Pixron

DraJ>er rnig Rasmussen


LnRita Roennebeck Ease Midvale Rnphealla Roper Sandy

julian Saldivar Midvale David chmidt West Jordan

AUTO MECHANICS CLASS INTERESTS BOYS- Mr. Bagley explains the princi pies of a gasoline engine to Gary Bennett and ElRay Bridges.


. ...

Russell Schneider Draper Knren Shields West Jordan

Onil Smith andy Melva Sorensen Sanely


Clyde orensen andy Gale Staley RivertOn

Pat""Shouten Riverton Maureen Shepherd Midvale

She Smith Draper Betty Lou Steele Sandy

.~ . 1 .. .

Robert Shouten South Jordan Lynda Lee Sharp Draper

Dixie Smith Draper Colleen Steadman West Jordan

Mike Stelling West Jordan


) Roger Stevenson East MidvaLe Dalene Thomas Midvale

jack Tripp Sandy Arlene Usher Riverton

Kendall Voyce Midvale Gordon Walters Sandy


Don Truhill Midvale George Varanakis Wesc]ordan


\ jackie Stock

Draper Ted Thaxton Riverton

Russell Tuwer Bluffdale Evah Visser Sandy

Joe Walters

Ann Marie Wagstaff Wesr Jordan Sheron Walters



David Walker Midvale

Dick Turner BLuffdale joe Valencia Midvale

CoDe le Walker Union Deanna Wallin Sandy

Annette Swasey 1/crriman Gwen Talbot Midvale

Larry Stromberg

ReNee Thompson Midvale Irma Rae Vawdrey Draper

Karen Turner Bluffdale Harold VorJos Midvale



Riverror\ Clare Wardle M1dvale

BLt<flclale Marsha Thomas Midvale

Beverly Wnlles Union Mary Watts Midvale

Sharen Tucker 011th Jordan Luelln Vi chrilli Westfordan


, I

Alan Webb Sandy Mauri ce Wells Midvale

Gale Webb Midvale Sandra White Sandy

Claudia Webb Midvale Dale Wheadon South Jordan

Sharon Webster Sandy Georgie Wetsel Sandy

) Dennis W il son Westlordan Dennis Woodward Sandy

Leah Withers Riven on Jay Workman So~<th Jordan

Mack Withers Riverton Judy Zaffr Midvale

Duane Whitrle Union Raymond Yasukochi Crescent

Mary Lee Wilkinson Butler Gayle Yates West Jordan

Dennis Wolfley Murray Joseph Zitting Union

Loretta Witt Draper Gordon Zitting Union

JUNIORS NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Ivan Arterburn, Union; David Banner, Sandy; David Bell, Midvale; Jay Boggess, Union; Delbert. Christensen, West Jordan; Wayne Cowley, Sandy; Rodney Danste, ~lernman; DelRay Eastman,. Herriman; Donald Enniss, Draper; Rtchard Forbush, Murray; Willard Green, DraJ>er; Raymond Griffith, Sandy; Larry Hardman, Bluffdale; Jack Harryman, Midvale; Mtlton Heaps, Rwerton; }err~ Hendrickson, Draper; Eugene Hunt, Murray; Barbara Jensen, Mtdv~e; Diane Jensen, Midvale ; Bill Jenson, West l?rdan; Larry Jenkms, MidvaLe; Eileen Johnson, Riverton; June Klme, Sandy; Jerry Le-

Fevre, Midvale; Ronald Lloyd, South Jordan; Rodney Madsen, Draper; Donald Maynard, South Jordan; Roselie Mayne, Midvale; Dianne Mecham, Union; Nola Neale, Midvale; , Mary Neria, Midvale; Myrna Nokes, Riverton; Ray Palmer, Riverton; Elizabeth Pacheco, West Jordan; Geo~ge , Reynoids, Union; Robert Reynolds, Sandy; Catherine Romero, Sandy'; Donna Ryan, Union; Collene Saunders, Kearns; Ralph Schroeder, Riverton; Diane Thorpe, West Jordan; Richard Trapp, Riverton; Howard Vawdrey, Draper; Robert Wight, Sandy; David Wright, Granite.



Judy Larsen, vice president Pretty Judy Larsen served as Sophomore Vice President in a quiet and efficient manner.

Connie Ninomiya, secretary Recording sophomore events and activities was the job of cute secretary, Connie Ninomiya.

Howard Brinton, president Sophomores chose 路friendly Howard Brinton to lead them in their first year at Jordan High.

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Betty Anne Adams Midvale David Anderson Sandy

Chester Andersen Sandy

Melvin Allen Draper Yelle Anderson Westlordan

Eldon Allgood Midvale Jackie Andreasen Midvale

Bill Allsop Draper Elayne Anderson Midvale

Kenr Allsop Midvale Charles Andrus Butler

Terry Bagley Midvale Brenda Bateman Sandy

Gary Bailiff Murray Peggy Battison Riverton

Claudine Baird Draper Gwen Barney Sandy

Sharon Ball Midvale Janeal Barben West Jordan

Irene Alves Sandy Maxine Anderberg Sandy


Sn nd rn Barney Union

Linda Asay andy Wayne Bateman Sandy

Carmen Barba Midvale Chad Beckstead Midvale

SOPHOMORE CLASS ADVISERS -.Discussing. sophomore activities are Farrell Gunnell, chairman; Erme Btanchi路 Miss Helen Seaman; Murray Allen; and S. R. Anderson'. Not PhotOgraphed: Miss Carolyn Green, Miss Reea Petersen, E. H. Kennington, Arland Russon.



. Kay Belcher Union Lorna Bingham Sandy Ralph Blume! Union

Dennis Beckstead South Jordan Kenneth Bloodworth Midvale Bruce Blume! Union

Barbara Bolliger Sandy

Billy Bowles Herriman Bill Brown Midvale Howard Brinron Sanely

Brent Bowles Herriman Helen Brown Riverton Edna 13urr Union

Donald 13oyce Butler Joan Brown Cottonwood llghu. LeRoy Briggs Sandy








Mary Beckstead Riverton Sha ron Bishop andy Sherman 13odell I lerriman

Ntle l3eckstead outh Jordan Lynn Benn1on We.~r Jonlan Daniel Boskovich M1dvale

Darla BeckStead ouch Jordan Verlaine Bills I lerriman Kathy Bode! lleniman

Garth Beckstead Sourh Jordan Ted Blanchard Mid\1ale I Ienry Bowen

Lynne Boyce Butler Barre Brown

Karl Boyer Sandy J hn Brown Butler Kent Butler East Mid\1ale

Judy Brady andy Laurel Brown West Jordan Bryce Bushnell alt Lalw Ciry

Raymond Brenneman Midvale Kent flrown Union Joan 13utlcr llutler


Judith Mae Bunnell DuLler


Dixie Butterfield Rit,erron Karen lement Sandy


ox re s cent

Lynn Butterfield Rit~erwn

Patricia Clarke

Phillip Chidester Sandy




Paul Crane Cotronwood Hghts.

Jean Carroll South Jordan Beverly Cook

' -

Ellen Carter

John Chamberlain



Roger Conti

Gayle Conger





Sharon Cressall

Eloise Cooke

Chiro Costanza

Norval Crump






STUDENTS DISPLAY SKILL IN LEA THERCRAFT CLASS - Arthur Lucero, Mike Cullis, and Nola Lunnen work on leather projects.




Mike Cullis Buder Tony Delgado West]ordan Bob Dimmick Midvale

Gary Curtis Union Marion Dennison West]ordan Caroline Dorius Sandy

La Fay Dansie Rivenon Kent Davis Union Dennis Dory Rivenon

Bonnie Dansie Herriman Kay Dean Union Joe Douglas Midvale

Lora Lee Dansie Riverton Rex Dahl East Midvale Bonnie Densley Riverton

Raymond Dansie Draper Robert Dny Draper Evon Despain Gran ice

Judy Curtis Sandy Jesse Delgado Midvale John Despain Union

Jerry Drake Draper Jerry Endo Midvale Ralph Eyre Sandy

Pat Duffin Draper Grace Endo Midvale Phylli Fechser Midvale

Darrell Drew Sandy Sharon Evans Granite LaRue Fenstermaker Sandy

Donald Eastman Rivenon Janice Erickson Union Goldeen Flanders Riverwn

Gary Eckman Midvale Larry Etherington Butler Glenn Fitzgerald Draper

Helen Egbert Ur\iOn Harold Farnsworth Cottonwood lights. Sharon Estepp Micl•wle

Dennis Erickbon Weu]ordan Mary Louise Flores Midvale Forest Ewell Bluffdale


Cnro l Fu ll mer Burler SteJ)hen old Gran ire Dee regory Sandy

~ -

Ted Glover

Ease Midvale Elouise onznles Wesc Jordan Mnrie Grimaud Midvale

Raymond Garn Sandy Gerald Green Riverton Kent Grover Drajler

Gary Fullmer Crescenc Karen Greenwood Ease Midvale Darlene Gregory Midvale

Janet Gehring Murray Lewis Goodrich Sandy Dallas Hakanson Butler

Max Gamble Bluffdale Russell Gorberg Sandy Joy Ham West!ordan

Clifford Goff Midvale Willard Green Draper Robert Halls Butler


LET X EQUAL THE UNKNOWN - John Despain and Jean Carroll learn the essentials of algebra from Mr. Brady.


Jannet Hamilton Riverton Margie Hart Bluffdale Jeneane Hudson Midv~ le

Ronnie Harrington Midvale Gloria Heaps Union Gary Higham Midv:zle

Grant Hurst Sandy Mary Javaine Midvale Stanley ]ex Sandy

Karlene Humphrey Sandy Leora Jacobson Draper Arlene Jensen Midvale



Glenda Hardcastle Crescent Kathy Hatton Midvale Martha Hill Sandy

Me lvin Hastings Ease Midvale Kathryn I leinecke Midvale Brent Hogenson Midvale

Marvin Hardman Unll)n Mike Heinecke Mit! vale Marsha Holt outh Jordan

Karol Hardwick Midvale Terry I lnueter fltuler Kay I luff Draper

Deon Hutchings South Jordan Richard Jenkins Midvale Phil Jensen Sandy

Gary Hutchings Riverton Carlin Jacobson Bluffdale Gayle Jensen Midt1ale

Gayle I lutchings

Dennis I lumphrey andy , yle Jarman andy Neil Jenson andy

Rwenon Ken Jardine

Riverton Rohert Jensen Midvale

Sherman Hatfield West Jordan nrl Hawker andy Martha J lernandez Midvale Nancy J lughe Mttrray Dennis Jarris Riverton John jensen andy

Me lvin Johnson Sandy David Johnson South Jordan Jimmy Kemp MidvaLe

• Alden Johnson Butler Myrtle Jones Draper Carole Jones Draper

Reynold Johnson Crescent Marla Jones West}ordan Jeffery Joseph Sandy

Keith Johnson Sandy Gary Jones Sandy Janice Joosten Draper

Florence Johnston Sandy Clifford Jones MidvaLe Nedra Kasai Draper

James Johnson MidvaLe Darlene Jones MidvaLe John Keeler Draper


TYPE CLASS HUMS WITH ACTIVITY - Jean Oakeson, Ted Blanchard, and LaPriel Tuttle practice speed skills in typewTiting.


Clair Kidd Bluffdale Davey Konold Sandy Darwin Landers Midvale

Duane Knight West Jordan Jim Kroon We sc Jordan Delpha Larson Sanely

Dawna King Midvale Jeanette Kunz Sandy Roger Larson Crescent

Pierre Koncurat Draper Nikki Labrum Union Rona ld LeFevre Midvale

Roland Koller M1clvale Judy Larsen Mid vale Kathleen Leak Sandy

Vern Lester Midvale Arthur Lucero Souch Jordan Elaine Marchant Mid11ale

Connie Lovendahl Riverton Myrna Lundberg Sandy Lewis Madison Draper

Myrtle Lipsey Union Evan Ludwig Union Nick Malkos West Jordan

Ralph Lloyd East Midvale

Doris Lloyd outh Jordan


Kathleen Larsen Riverton Shnron Lennberg Midvale

Del Kidd Draper JoAnne Kynaston and Kaye LeDuc Midvale

Karen Lotr 'ctndy Orlyn Lund andy Lynn MacKay andy

Larry Love Mith •alc Orlean Lund andy Jerry Marchant M•dt •ale

Leon King B~<tler

Lucille Markus Midvale Arnold Martin Midvale LaVer! Mecham WestJorclan

Larry Mart hews Midvale Gordan McClellan East Midvale Jerry Meissner Sandy

Janet Marlar Midvale Wilburn McDougal West Jordan Dorothy Miles Draj>er

Gary Maxfield Midvale Jerry McManigal West Jordan Sherwood Miles Midvale

JeNeal Maxfield South Jordan Kit McMullin Souch Jordan Sherryn Miller Ease Midvale

Evelyn Mecham South Jordan Betty Milne Union

Danny Marriott Sandy Ilene Mecham Union Nancy Milne Union


LISTEN AND LEARN - Miss Fraser's studenrs, Pearson, Connie Ninomiya, and Kay Dean repeat phrases as they hear them on a record.


Evelyn Montague Midvale Wallace Naylor South Jordan Kenneth Nosack Midvale

Earl Mitchell Draper Larry Nelson Bluffdale Dennis Nielsen Sandy

Ken Mitchell Midvale Kay Neilson West Jordan Nellie Nichols Midvale

Bill Mitchell Westlordan Gail Nell Midvale David Nielson Riverton

Joe Minnick Draper Eddie Ncmanic Midvale Connie Ninomiya Midvale

Susan Mitchell Bluffdale Colleen Myers Draper Sylvia Nielson West]ordan

Danny Montague Sandy Dianne Mumford Sandy Wando Noland Midvale

Jean Oakeson South Jordan Connie Ostler South Jordan Jay Page

Clfnton Olsen Sandy Leon Oldham Crescent 路Kay Palmer Souch Jordan

Judy Olson Union Earl Owen Bluffdale Orin Palmer West Jordan

Linda Olson Midvale Raymond Ostler Sandy Shirley Pappa Riverton

Ilene Olson Midvale Edna Pacheco Wesc]ordan Terry Lynne Palmer Sourh Jordan

Don Olson Butler David Pack Union Montie Parker East Midvale

Peggy Olson Union Gayle Page Riven on Don Parker Draper



Dolores Pedro Midvale John Perelle Bennion

Robert Phipps Riverton

Dennis Patterson Riverton Sharon Perry Sandy Connie Pierson Sandy

Gerald Parsons Midvale Michael Perry Riverton Brent Pdce Midvale

Harold Pearson Midvale Pat Petersen Butler Ray Plumhof Butler

Janalee Parry Riverron Clara Mae Peterson Sandy Jerry Polson Sandy

Ned Parry Bluffdale Richard Peterson \\7 esc Jordan Erma Poulsen Midvale

JoAnn Pedersen Sandy Ann Peterson Midvale Peggy Preston Midvale


FUTURE FARMERS BENEFIT BY AGRICULTURE CLASS - Mr. Budge explains a generator on a combine to Larry Matthews and Mack Withers.


Joan Rawson Union Roylance Ray Midvale Darlene Rodda Midvale

Byard Price Union Donald Read Herriman Teresa Rosales Wesc Jordan

Sandra Price Wesc Jordan Pat Reed Sandy. Shirlene Rowley Union

Mary Rnbb RivertOn Bill Reynolds West Jordan Carolyn Rowley Union

Edith Rains Mid.,ale Ann Richards Mid.,ale Gaylen Robison Midvale

Randall Rnthjin Draper )nnnce Richards andy Lynn Rowsell Midvale

Lane Rasmussen Draj>er Joyce Robertson Crescent Paul Sager Midvale

Victor Scorzato Midvale Gay Sheppick South Jordan Marcia Sorensen Draper

Ralph Schmidt West Jordan Gary Silcox Sandy Jean Smith Sandy

Martha Savage Draper Betty Ann Shulsen Wesc Jordan Jacqueline Smith Midvale

Diana Scott Burler Gayle Simonson Sandy Dennis Smith Draper

Billy Seele Sandy Joan Shulsen Ri\lerron Diane Smith Crescent

Gnry harp

Carolyn Sharp East Midvale John heriff andy Sharon Smith Draper



Linda Smart Union Mike Smith Sandy

Lynn Steadman Midvale Joleen Sylvester Sandy Sharon Taylor Riverton

Vicky Sowle Granite Reed Stevens Crescent Carole Tennyson East Midvale

Jean Spencer Riverton Richard Stromberg Bluffdale Joel Terry Draper

Jack Steadman Sandy Linda Stu~rt Midvale Clive Thacker Crescent

Bryan Stevens Buder Jay Stevens West Jordan Barbara Thomas Sandy

Gary Staker Union Myrleen Sundberg Sandy Sherry Tea Union

'"' Janet Stepan Midvale Karen Taylor Granite Lee Tennant Midvale


FUTURE DRIVERS ARE ACQUAINTED WITH DRIVING REQUIREMENTS - Judy Slater lisrens as Mr. Petersen and rwo license examiners discuss requirements for students taking driver training class.


Curtis Thun

Ted Tolman

C laude Tucker

David Thourn

Midvale Ernest Turner Midvale Aartje Vanderhooft Midvale

Sandy Pat T ruhill Midvale Brent Vincent Sandy

South Jordan LaPriel Tuttle Midvale Joan Wade Butler

Sandy Gay le Visser Sandy Von Wallgren Midvale

LeRoy Warner Wesc Jordan Ga ry Webster

Judy Walterson

Tony Wanlass

Midvale Jane Webster


Sandy T ama ra Webb Bluffdale Ri chard Watts Sandy

Ramona Valenzuela

Doyle Timothy andy Maxine Vunder

Elna Thomson

Midvale Rachel Villalobos

Wesr Jordan.



Lora Wa lton West Jordan

Joyce Wallin Sctndy

Eldwin Walter Union.

Midvale LaWanna Webb

Midvale Eldon Weber


SOPHOMORES NOT PHOTOGRAPHED Merlin Ander on, Draper; Monte Blake, ottth Jordan; on Boul den, Sandy; James arroll, ancly; Buneta Drnper, Midvale; LaRae Fife, M1dvaLe; Harry Hadley, Burler; Gai l ll amilton, Rwerron; Ude ll llardman, Union; Dennis Jarvis, Riwnon; Joe Joseph, Draper; Dale Kimball, Draper; Barbara Martinez, \'(/ est Jordan; Rowana Mayne, Midvale; Gai l O liver, Hernman; Barry Ottley, Sandy; Larry Pace, Draper; Judy Parkinson, Crescent; Veri Pederson, Riverton; Dennis Petersen, ancly; Leo Quezoda, Midvale; Tommy Shannon, Midvale; Elenora hepherd, and ; Val mith, Draper; Kendall Snarr, an.dy; Lynn Steffensen, Dueler; tephen White, Union; Ronald Williams, Sandy; Ross Winberg, Mrdvalc.


Margaret! Webster

Douglas Welch

Pamela Welch




nrol White Union Shauna Workman

Dot Withers Riverton Fern Worthen

Paul Wherman Myrtle Worthen

So11ch Jordan




Peggy West Rivenon Mavis Williams Wesc Jordan Larry Worthington Union

Gregory West

JoAnn Wheadon




EIRay Whitlock Granite Ruth Zitting Union

Clyde Williams

Mary Dee Wilson

Marjorie Webster



Sandra Zaiser

Irene Zagarich




COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD INTEREST SOPHOMORES - World history students, LaPriel Tuttle, Dennis Patterson, and Lucille Markus, point out countries on the globe of the world.




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Shecman Day, pm;dent


Versatile Sherm Day divided his time between Boys Club duties, school work, and the varsity basketball squad.

BOYS CLUB OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Bob Day, vice president, and Sherrell Berrett, secretary, relinquish a few minutes of their lunch time to discuss a Boys Club activity with Frank Kamniknr, /aculcy adviser.

REPRESENTAT!VES - Discussing plans for the Parents and Sons program are class representatives, Dan Nelson, senior; John Pollard, junior; Dale Kimball, ophomorc; and Jack Player, senior.

THE SPIRIT OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP Every JHS boy automatically became a member of the Boys Club upon entering high sch ol. The club co-sponored the Thanksgiving Party with the Girls Club. This activity included a dance, show, and refreshment . On January 25, the boy were hosts to their parents at the Parents and ns Night Out. For entertainment, ) rdan's traveling as embly, "An Arabian Nightmare," was premiered. The Boy lub helped to pr m te in each boy good citizenship, sportsmanship, and respect f r hi ch I and teachers. The year's program was under the guidance of the officer , cia and home r m r pre entative , and advisers. Working with Frank Kamnikar as faculty advisers were Murray Allen, Billy B ren, het Kim, Ray Olivers n, and Arland Ru s n.


THE HUM OF VIGOROUS ACTIVITY Helping new girls become better acquainted and promoting good feeling between students and parents were the primary endeavors of the Girls Club. Along with co-sponsoring the Thanksgiving Party, the girls entertained their parents at a Mothers and Daughters and a Fathers and Daughters Night Out. A fashion show, program, and refreshments featured the evening in which the mothers were honored. Fathers escorted their daughters to an evening of fun and dancing. Junior and sophomore girls hosted the seniors at the Senior Tea near the end of the school year. The Stocking Stomp and the ninth grade welcome were other events sponsored by the active coed club. Evelyn N. Wood, Marie Goff, and Carolyn Green were the 1955-56 advisers. OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVES - Connie Crane, secretary, points out a pending Girls Club activity to Gayle Jensen, vice president; Marian Anderson, junior; Barbara Allen, senior; and Ann Richards, sophomore.

Geraldine Whitmore, president Encouraging every coed to take an active part in school affairs was the responsibility of popular Geraldine Whitmore.

GIRLS CLUB HOME ROOM REPRESENTATIVES - Row One: Gayle Page, Erma Enniss, Corinne Archuleta, Carolyn Aceves, Connie Ostler, Doris Lloyd, Edna Burr, Irene Alves, Maxine Anderburg, Janet Gehring, Darlene Steadman. Row Two: DeAna Mickelsen, Diane Mumford, Doris Roos, LuDeen Petersen, CoDele Walker, Eileen Johnson, Leah Withers, Pat Duffin, Brenda Bateman, Connie Anderson, Janice Smith, Peggy Parker. Row Three: Connie Ninomiya, Irene Zagarich, LaRee Sheriff, Marsha Nielsen, Leici Whetmnn, Francis Naylor, Janet Finlayson, Barbara Nelson, Lynda Fairbourn.


CHARLONIANS - Row One: Darlene Church, Kay Rodgers, LuDeen Petersen, Irene Nystrom, DeAna Mickelsen, Janet Finlayson, Nedra Forman, Ann Blackett, Vicki Lester, Shirlee Gehring, Sharon Swenson, Peggy Parker, Janice Smith, Arlene Penrod, Elaine Jenson, Donna Dunyon, Shirleen Beck, Norma Lynn Hale, Rosalie Brklacich, Diane Millerberg, Judene Casper, Moonyeen Newman, MelRae Bateman, Sunnie Nelson, Sharlene Hoffman, Erma Ray Vawdrey, Ida Mortensen, Bette Jardine. Row Two: Sylvia Martin, LaReta Hill, Louis Morrow, Janice LeFevre, Afton Jensen, Rosemary Jensen, Janet Dahl, Loretta Witt, Fran-

COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN - Row One: Kay Rodgers, Judy Larsen, Doris jensen, Elaine Jenson, Mary Howlett, Linda Jacobson, Kareen Neilsen. Row Two: Gayle Kidder, DeAna Mickelsen, Geraldine Whitmore, Penny Reed, joan McFarlane, Sally Beckstead, Carla Price.


cis Naylor, Virginia Nielsen, Clifta Crane, Nola Johnson, Marcia Nichols, Catherine Morelli, Leici Whetman, Lorna Sjobl m, Donna Cain, oDele Walker, Beth Proctor, Maureen hepherd, haron Eldredge, Mary Howlett, Marilyn Hughes, Judy Bills, Beth Radmall. Row Three: Shirley Steadman, Mary Bastian, Pat Downs, Karen Burkinshaw, Afton Nelson, JoAnn Farnsworth, Lynne Hansen, Evah Visser, Linda Larsen, Mary Warts, Janet Healy, JoAnn Goff, Jeannette Linnarz, Carolyn Evan , Gwen Burnett, Gayle Kidder, Mary Ann Gardner, Joan Romney, ReNee Henschke, Arlene Beckstead, Carol McNamara, Sandra White, Marilyn New-

MUSIC AND MAR !liN - Jordan's marching Charlonians perform to the theme of "The Music N tes" between halves of the Jordan- Murray basketball game.

Setting the pace with enthusiasm and pep, cute Elaine Jenson led Jordan's Charlonian Club during 1955-56. ~old, Gae Ross, Barbara Nelson, Marilyn Nichols, Dixie Dean. Row t:'our: Eileen Johnson, Deanne Wallin, Lynda Lee Sharp, Carolyn Nichls, Karma Russell, Linda Ballamis, Joan McFarlane, aria Price, Sally Beckstead, Janice Richardson, Gale Webb, Joan Grant, Geraldine Whitmore, Penny Reed, Judy Larsen, aria Benson, Argene Adams, Linda lacobson, Knreen Neil se n, Evelyn Day, Pnt Firzgerald, Joann Jones, Nancy Ann Newman, Anneue Jensen, Doris Jensen, Gloria Glines, Gay Rasmussen. Row Five: Joanne 13errerr, Bonnie hristian, berry Gold, Ann fiutterfield, Norene llardcnstle, Rosalie Madsen, Norene Evans, Maureen Newbold, Loraine Lloyd, Lynda Fairbourn.


THE EXAMPLE OF GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP F ll wing the candlelight initiation ceremony at the b ginning f the school year, the Charlonian lub began a year of service and marching activities. Sixth peri d every day saw the marching group practicing for novel and intricate half-time perf rmances for three f otball and five basketball games. Th se harlonians n t marching took care f the bu iness f the club such as teas, at which v~siting pep clubs were honored, and ushering. During Chri tma time a big project was sponsored by the harlonians and other clubs to help a needy family. In the spring they marched in the BYU Invitational Meet and sponsored the CharIonian Ball in honor of all lettermen. An a sembly entitled "A Day at Jordan" was pre ented by the harlonians on February 21. The purpo e of the harlonian lub, wh se members must maintain a B-plus average, was to instill pep and enthusiasm in the students and create a friendly a sociati n with other schools.

OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Seated: Advisers, Miss Helen Seaman, Miss Oralie Raw on, Miss Yvonne Schofield. tandmg: Arlene Penrod, secretary; Janice Smith, h1stonan; Shirleen Beck, assistant secretary; Donna Dunyon, reporter; Elaine Jenson, president.


KEY CLUB OFFICERS AND REPRESENTATIVE -Marlon Andrus, president; Karl Miller, secretary; Don Zaiser, •'ice president; and Joe Baker, treasurer; pose with Marcell Graham, Madvale Kawanis Key Club representative.


COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN - Taking time out from the busy Key Club schedule are Will Erekson, Wayne Ernstrom, Ray Bateman, Edward Miner, and Dan Nelson.

KEY CLUB - Row One: Floyd Mori, Gregory West, Craig Rasmussen, Ray Bateman, Danny Marriott, Roger Stevenson, Joe Baker, Ken¡ dall Voyce, Jerry Hutchinson, Larry Nielsen, Chuck Minnick, Marlon Andrus. Row Two: Dan Jorgensen, Wayne Cowley, Russell Schneider,

Sponsored by the Midvale Kiwanians, the thirty-seven Jordan Key Club members spent a successful year in serving their school and communities. The Jordan chapter sent Marlon Andrus and Dan Nel on to the International Key Club Convention in Detroit, Michigan, during the summer. In serving the school, they sponsored the Initiation Dance, Courier poetry contest, Stocking St mp, and Career Day. The boys also presented a program f r the Midvale Kiwanis Club and gave forty dollars to a needy family for Christmas. To create more enthu iasm during the basketball season, they sold programs, "Hi Hats," and presented a scoreboard to the school. Rounding ut their activities, th J rdan chapter participated in the Inter-Key Club dance at the Avalon Ballroom and helped with the Easter Seal Drive. Faculty advisers were P. M. Mickelsen and James Seal. Roy Stuarr, Richard Kemp, Carl Rnird, Wayne Sabey, Edward Miner, Glade Crossgrove, Van Lindsay, Don Zaiser, Terry Kirby. Row Three: Glenn Fitzgerald, William Erek on, Wayne Ernstrom, Karl Miller, Dan Nelson, Maurice Wells, Keith tephan, Warren Vincent, Rachnrd Nielsen, Gary Howlett, Mark Maller, John Pollard, Bruce I land.

RED CROSS THE HELPFULNESS OF YOUTH The Jordan chapter of the American Junior Red Cross was organized under the supervision of Mrs. Evelyn N. Wood, with Edward Miner as student chairman. The group decorated at the Veterans' Hospital for the weekly dances, taking turns with the other schools of the area. The Home Economics Department made cookies and a layette, which the Red Cross donated to the Primary Childrens' Hospital for Christmas. RED CROSS COMMITTEE - Seated: Lee Workman, Edward Miner, Mrs. Evelyn N. Wood, Marlon Andrus. Standing: Gary Larsen, Dan Nelson, Mark Miller, Karl Miller, Sherman Day, Warren Vincent.

JORDANETTES THE GROWTH OF LEADERSHIP The comparitively new Jordanette Club was organized for the purpose of serving the school and promoting wholesome fun for the girl of Jordan. Member hip was composed of student officers and leaders from the junior and senior classes. The girls participated in a summer w rkshop at the Spruces, where they planned future activities and received instruction from school, district, and state people. hristmas season meant caroling and a treat for the Primary Childrens' Hospital, and helping with the Sub-for-Santa project. Dr. Royal Garff from the University of Utah was the guest speaker at the )ordanette-sponsored AllGirls' Assembly. For fun, the club got together for a candy pull, bowling, and a swimming party. JORDANETTES - Row One: Judy Bills, Arlene Penrod, Janice Smith, eraldine Whitmore, Argene Adams, Penny Reed, Beth Proctor, Lynda Fairbourn, Rosalie Madsen, Loreua Witt, Arlene Sheppick. Row Two: Kathy ray, Linda Jacobson, Pat Fitzgerald, Sharon Eldredge, VeNae Burgon, Rosalie Brklncich, MelRne Bateman, Evelyn Day, Nancy Ann Newman, Ann Butterfield, D,oris Jensen, Marilyn Hughes. Row Three:

OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Judy Bills, president; Mrs. Evelyn N. Wood, adviser; Arlene Sheppick, secretary; and Loretta Witt vice presidenr, get together to plan a Jordanette activity. '

Carla Benson, Barbara Dunn, Afton Jensen, CoDele Walker, Joan Romney, Pat Weber, )udene Casper, Bette Jardine, Marian Beck, Sharon Swenson, Elaine Jenson. Row Four: Darlene Bell, Mary Howlett, Sunnie Nelson, Ida Mortensen, JoAnn )ones, Mary Ann Gardner, Sally Beckstead, Carolyn Erickson, Joene Tranter, Norma Lynn Hale, Shirlee Gehring.

, COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN - Seared: Gayle Jensen, Lorna Bingham, Gloria Heaps. Standing: Carolyn Nichols, Karhi Jones, Kathy Harton, Nikki Labrum, Mel Rae Bateman, Catherine Morelli, Nedra Nelson.

ERS AND ADVISERS SeawJ: Lynda Lee Sharp, vice f>re .siclent; aria Denson, f>rcsiclenc; Edna 13urr, hiswrian; Jo Anne Kynaston, _,ccrewry. randing: M~ry Fitzgerald, Reea Peter~en, en rude Tranter, 13etty I lenderson, faculty advisen.

JAY DEES - Row One: G. Heaps, D. King, P. Fechser, S. Smith, A. Richards, M. Grimaud, K. Jones, L. Jones, M. Anderberg, B. Proctor, W. Noland, S. Estepp, K. Dean, C. Ninomiya, D. Jones, S. Zaiser, B. Radmall, C. Pierson, V. Boggess, B. Bolliger, S. Taylor, P. Reed, M. Wilson, 1. Alves. Row Two: C. Fullmer, D. Millerberg, M. Nichols, L. Stuart, . Tennyson, S. Swensen, R. Brklacich, D. Larson, S. Webster, J. Maxfield, P. Olsen, J. Butler, B. Milne, D. Mumford, S. Perry, L. Tuttle, P. Preston, S. Pappa, J. Berrett, B. Christian, P. Parker, C. Nichols, J. Hamilton, M. Beckstead, L. Dansie, J. Baker. Row Three: B. Jardine, G. Jensen, . Morelli, N. Hale, S. Gehring, J. Carroll, J. Richards, A. Vanderhooft, N.

Labrum, S. Tea, J. Smith, J. Hnm, . Visser, M. Jones, J. Watterson, M. Vunder, J. Larsen, D. oin, . Beck, K. Bodell, . Evans, E. Despnin, N. Hughes, J. Olson, . Neff, W. Beath. Row Four: L. Workman, V. Gonzales, D. Scott, . onger, S. 13arney, J. .ehring, P. Duffin, L. Norton, J. Casper, G. llutchings, L. Webb, G. Page, . Eldredge, A. Jensen, L. Markus, ). Stepan, E. Marchant, M. Rnbb, K. Larsen, B. Glenn, E. aner, G. Hardcastle, S. Price, ). Kynnston. Row Fiw: J. 13ills, M. Newman, G. Page, A. Usher, K. Turner, L. Jacobson, D. Miles, S. Lunnen, N. Kasai, D. Lloyd, J. Oakeson, M. Newbold, L. Haws, H. Egbert, P. Petersen, S. Cressall, M. Sorenson, P. Iarke, D. Van Detta, ). Todd, K. Hatton,

THE ASSOCIATIONS THAT BIND The Jay Dee Club, whose aims were to increase friendships and enjoy social gatherings, had a busy schedule in 1955-56. Beginning with the initiation ceremony and turkey dinner, the girls resumed activities with their annual date party. A program was presented at the County Infirmary at Christmas time in addition to helping a needy family. After sponsoring a spring fashion show for all the girls of the scho l, the club contributed favors on Parents' Visiting Day. In April the 212 club members, whose enrollment made them the largest organization at Jordan, climaxed a full year with the annual Dog Patch Hay Day.

M. Williams, 13. Shulsen, K. Neil son, E. Burr. Row Six: G. Flanders, ). Green, S. unningt n, I. Zngarich, P. West, 13. Dansie, I. Campbell, M. Wilkinson, S. Dean, ). Maddocks, ). Niel son, B. Allen, N. Rawlings, I. Olson, ]. lludso n, M. Beck, L. Dansie, E. Poulse n, N. Nichols, E. Cook, D. Butterfield, 13. Densley, ]. Barben, M. Holt, S. Workman, L. Sharp. Row ewn: D. Peters, M. Parry, I. Morten se n, J. Wheadon, N. Milne, L Boyce, ]. Erickson, N. Kny, K. Humphre y, ). hulsen, J. Rawson, M. Lundberg, D. Dale, X. Pappas, D. Steadman, ]. Hall, C. Case, V. Sowell, K. Jreenwoocl, 0. Lund, C. Loventlnhl, J. Brady, ]. Cox, N. Lunnen, A. Beckstead, . Benson.

With congeniality and enthusiasm, Carla Benson guided the Jay Dee Club through a year of social and service activities.



FUTURE ENGINEERS THE OPPORTUNITY TO LEARN The Jordan High Future Engineers Club had as its goal to acquaint science students with the opportunities in the science field after graduation. Once a month the club members participated in a field trip to an industry where the application of science was demonstrated. Men in the science fields, primarily engineers, spoke at club meetings once a month also. Supervising these activities were Stanley R. Anderson and R. S. Peterson, faculty advisers. OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Scheuuling nn Engineer Club fielu trip are Edward Patience, ~ecrewry; Keith tephnn, ••ice president; Val Finlay8on, president; R. S. Peterson, adviser; and Van Lindsay, creas11rer.

FUTURE ENGINEERS - Row One: Van Lindsey, Floyd Mori, Russell Schneider, Sherman Day, Dale Astle, Edward Miner, Paul Jacobson, Dennis Wilson, Jason Endo. Row Two: Edward Patience, Weston Reading, Carl Baird, Roger Stevenson, Mike Ganz, Keith Stepan, Maurice Wells, Dan Jorgensen, Dean Fife. Row Three: Mike !vie, Don Zaiser


David Brown, Dan Nebon, Ri haru Kemp, Daviu Taylor, Sherrell Berrett, l3ruce Lennberg, Richnru Nieben. Row Four: David Winn, Winslow Jones, Floyd Young, Warren Yin enr, flru e Hand, Val Finlayson, Jerry Forbush, Marlon Andrus, Mickey Jones.

DECA THE PRINCIPLES OF DISTRIBUTION The Jordan chapter of the Distributive Education Club of America encouraged the training of students in buying and selling techniques. Students became eligible for membership by enrolling in one of the required distributing courses. Jordan representatives attended the DECA State Convention in Salt Lake City and the whole club enjoyed themselves at a chicken dinner party. To raise funds for projects, popcorn was sold at football games. Fay B. Thomas instructed members in classes and extra-curricular DECA activities. OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Fay B. Thomas, faculcy adviser, illustrates commercial business rechniques to DECA officers, Penny Reed, secrccary; Claudia Cox, J>rcsidenc; Annette Jenson and VeNae Burgon,

vice presidents.

DE A - Row One: LaRae Smith, Kay Thacker, Annette Jenson, Joyce ny le Poulsen, Annette Rawson, Darlene SteadMitchell, Irene Flores, mlln, Niln Rawlings, Maxine Markus, Jessie Kay Greenwood. Row Two: Rosalie Green, Velma ,onznles, onnie Neff, Wanda Beath, Edith Wilkinson, Donn Jeppson, Jerrie Belcher, Ann Roberts, Timothy Maddox, Sandy DurM nro lee Allen, Mary Ann Olsen. Row Three: B.

Thomas, Sylvia Martin, Kay Rodgers, Linda Jacobson, VeNae Burgon, LuWen Alsop, Carol Atkinson, Peggy Leonard, Lorna Sjoblom, Joan McFarlane, Leici Whetman, Lyle Hughes, Joyce Milne. Row Four: It a Howard, Penny Reed, Marlene Wright, Genielle Evans, Rama Mitchell, Glenna Bodell, Shirley Ann Park, Carolyn Wright, Phyllis Nunley, Elvn K Turner Reona Elenora McCombs, Claudia Cox.


RADIO CLUB THE TRANSMISSION OF SOUNDS Organized during the 1955-56 school year, the Radio Club did not get into full swing last year because of complications in the formation of a constitution. The idea behind the organization was to create an interest in amateur radio broadcasting. Future plans are to help students obtain their amateur radio licenses by setting up code and radio theory classes. When these goals are reached, it is hoped to set up an amateur radio station at the school. Donald Budge was the faculty adviser.



RADIO CLU13 OFFICERS - Roy Stuart, secretary; Russell Schneider, vice president; and Dnle Frandsen, president, examine Jordan's loud speake r equipment. OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Milo Pearson, secrewry; Noln Lunncn, <lice fJresiclent; Miss Go ld a Fraser, ad••iser; Paul Neilson, president; Irma Rae Ynwdrey, histOrian; Lowell Boberg, adviser.

To promote better understanding of foreign countries and their peoples was the primary goal of the Language Club. Anyone taking a foreign language was eligible to belong to the club. Activities during the year included a Christmas party, at which there were games and refreshments; the Sub-forSanta project; and dinners composed of foreign foods. Faculty advisers were Miss Golda Fraser and Lowell Boberg, who instructed students in French and Spanish classes. LAUGUAGE CLUB- Row One: Tony Delgado, Randall Rathjen, Lane Rasmussen, Don Read, Jay Stevens, Charles Graham, Paul Neilson, Craig Rasmusse n, John Pollard, John McKinney, Orin Palmer. Row Two: Diana Scott, . Clair Lou Kidd, Loretta Witt, Ethel Mangum, Clifta Crane, Mary Watts, Marian Anderson, Linda Ballamis, Rose mary Jensen, Pauline Dory, Karol Hardwick, DeAnna DeGroot. Row Three: Karen

LaRae C lem ent, Linda Asny, Joyce Wn!lin, Ardine Toone, !1eth RnJmall, Janice Parkin, Irma Rae VawJrey, Sheila Hamilton, Emmnnuelln K ncuror, Mnry Howlett, Gnle Webb, Janet Henly. Row Four: Marilyn Hughes, Dorothy Miles, Nola Lunnen, Nedra Kasni, hnron Lunncn, Berty Ann Shul~en, Laurel Tlrown, Marcia Sorenson, Mnry Ann GnrJner, Sharon IJracken, Knren Burkin~how.

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OFFICERS AND ADVISERS- Seared: Marylyn Lang, president; Miss Marie off and Mi s Betty Henderson, advisers; Ann Butterfield, vice J>residenc. tanding: Connie Crane, reJ>orter; Sharon Eldredge, treasurer; Maureen Shepherd, parliamentarian; Marian Pearson, historian; Edna Burr, song Leader.



The Future Homemakers of America was an active group during the past school year. Through classes of sewing and cooking, girls worked toward FHA goals of becoming better homemakers. With the FFA they sponsored the Sweethearts Ball on February 11. Other extracurricular activities included a swimming party with Cyprus High School on February 23, a skating party with the FFA, a candy pull in the Jordan kitchen, and a spring party which included a movie and a dinner.

F TURE I !OMEMAKER OF AMERICA - Row One: Sharon Butterfield, onnie rnne, Edna Burr, olleen teadman, Marian Pearson, Joan Farnbworth, Loub Morrow, Mnry Lynn Klotovich, Kay Turner, Reona Witherb, Ann Atkinson. Row Two: (Jaylc Vtsser, ay heppick, Annette enielle Evnn~, Ann Butterfield, hnrlene Peterson, Edna Rae

John on, Evon Despain, Shauna Workman, Jeneal Barben. Row Three: Daryl Walker, Joan Ernesr, Rinda Gedge, Clifta Crane, Lucille Naylor, Audry Thayne, Nila Rawlings, Marilyn Brown, Sharon Eldredge, Maureen Shepherd, Alma Nunley. Row Four: Marsha Holt, Farrel Brown, Jeanette Linnarz, Rita Lynch, Patsy Gline., Marylyn Lang, Ardene Toone, Eunice Gilbert, Karen Larson, Gloria Eyre.

FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA- Row One: Paul C. Boyce, Ralph Rothe, Rodney Dansie, Wilburn McDougle, Jame~ Bell, Bruce Whited, Paul Steinfeldt, John Dick, LeLand Richins, Howard Allen, Earl Allen,

FFA OFFICERS - Seated: Paul Steinfeldt, vice president; Robert Bailey, president. Standing: Michael Andreason, reporter; Jerry Pearson, sentinel; John Dick, treasurer; DeLoy Butterfield, secretary; Robert Schouten, histOrian.


Ralph Schmitlt, Wilbrd Greene, Dennt~ Patter~m, Barry Ottley. Row Two: Merhn Ander~on, Mtchael Bailey, Dennis Woodwnrtl, Noel Smith, Michael Antlrea~on, llenry •rimaud, (,ale llamilton, DelRay Enstmon, Davit! Glntl, Don Boulden, Robert Nuzman, Jerry Pearson, llenry Bowen,

NTESTS - Seawtl: Noel FUTURE FARMERS ENTER mith, Jame~ Bell, Bru ce Whited - em!> jHd)1tng team. Sranclinl<: John Dick, Robert Bailey, Michael Bailey - datry Jlicl!(tnR entrants.


laude Tu ker, Erne~1 Velez. Row Three: Leo Quezada, Joe Drake Rohert Schot~~en, Joe Ziuinr:, Richard Bishop, Gordon Zitting, Boyd Bnker, Joe Thorn, David chmid1, Ralph Brinton, Harold Allen, Dever! Mecham, Larry Mnuhews, DeLoy Osborne, Rny Butterfield.

THE BUILDING OF MEN "L arning to do, doing to earn, earning to live, livin~ to serve"- by this motto, the boy of the FFA spent hours studying agricultural meth ds in class to take to their own farms as practical examples. Through their membership, the b ys tried to d velop community leader hip. The annual weethearts' Ball was under the co-spons rship of the FFA and the FHA, and included the crowning of a queen and king. The FFA als pon red the Harvest Ball in the Fall. The Jordan chapter participated in many FFA activitie which built the boy in the field of vocational agriculture. They sent judging teams to the various state and local conte ts and practiced new and more progre sive ways f farming. Through thi activity, the future farmers were assured f a better and easier way of making a living. Paul . Boyce and Donald Budge taught the boys in academic classes and advised extra-curricular Future Farmers of America club work.

Managing to find time out from studies and speech activities, Robert Bailey led the FFA by example and leadership.


CIVAL AIR PATROL- Row One: Donald M. Budge, Dick Shepherd, Douglas Benson, David Schmidt, Harvey Gaster, Mi lton Jenkin s, Wayne Emstrom, Stanley Elg. Row Two : James Washburn, Thiel Hatt, J~me s Harris, James Pollick, Russe ll Schneider, Richard Despain, Ralph Ashworth, Cu rtis Alverson, Jay Page, Kent Hughes. Row Three: Philip

Augnson, Larry Lewi s, Jnmes Bell, Roy Burton, Michael Bailey, DeLoy Butterfield, Frnnk Huff, Gene Montague, Jeffery Hendrickson. Row Foar: Deon Springer, Donald Maines, Ru sell trebe l, Robert hidester, LnVar Burton, Richard Chri tensen, Lynn Jarvis, Stewart rosgrove, D nald Ennis.

OFF ICERS AND ADVISER Dona ld Budge, advis<!r; Dick Shepherd, F1t$!hC Leader; llarvey Gaster, apply Officer; Milton Jenkins, Adjutam; Douglas Benson, Catler Commander; Stnn ley -~....., Elg, Fine Sergeanc; Wayne ErnStrom, AniHant c;adc r Commander.

CAP THE SCIENCE OF AVIATION Th e aim of the Civil Air Patr 1 was t acquaint students with the imp rtance of aviati n. The adets gained ex, perience through watching films fr m the Air Force and perating their own radio stati n at Jordan. New members had orientati n flights, when they went 路up in an airplane and learned the fundamentals of flying. For the first time at Jordan, the CAP ponsored the adet H p, on February '21. Officers were chosen to lead the gr up; and advisers, Donald Budge and Arland Russon, in tructed the b ys in aviation techniques.

ADET TRAIN IN LAS E - Mdton Jenkms pra ctices m the lmk trainer tn Mr. Budge\ thtrd penod clns~.


RIDING CLUB THE FUN IN RECREATION The Riding Club found only a few students who were si ncerely interested in horse riding as an extra-curricular activity. However, this did not stop those who were interested; and they organized the Riding Club with Paul C. Boyce as their adviser. The group visited the Whitmore Arabian Horse Farm and the Lazy Bar Riding Farm, and watched pictures of different types of horses. OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Seared: Beth Radmall, vice presiden t; Luella Vicchrilli, executi<•e cou ncil; Ardine Toone, drill master. Sranding: Delpha Larson, secretary; DeAnna Biggs, president; Charon Meeker, executive council; Paul C. Boyce, adt•iser; Bonnie Glenn, assistant drill master; Sharon Hamilton, treasurer; Reona Withers, executive council.

LETTERMEN CLUB THE LEADERS IN SPORTS Boys earning letters in any one of the high school athletics automatically became members of the Jordan High Lettermen Club. Banquets were held at the close of each sport season to honor the participants. Maroon and gray jackets were selected and purchased by lettermen, who were advised in club activities by all coaches, headed by Howard "Tuff" Linford. OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Daryl Walbeck, vice president; Lyle Hughes, secretary; and "Tuff" Linford, adviser; admire the new lettermen jacket worn by Mickey Jones, president. LEITERMEN Row On<.': (,eorge Varanaki,, Gene K1holm, Daryl Walhcck Benny utler, Knrl Miller, Bruce Rosenhan, John Pollard, Kent Be~r,, M1ckey Jones, Mark Klotovich, Rnlph Brinton. Row Two: Leon Ewell, Jnck , hielus, Von Vicchnlh, Don nmpbell, herman Day, raiK Rn,mu,sen, J;lck Plnyer, Lorin McRae, M1choel Andreason, Lyle I lu ghes, Dole Go lu , R1cha.J Trnpp. Row Tin<!<': herrell Berrett, Dennis

Smith, Jerry Endo, Raymond Yasukochi, Ja on Endo, Ted Ri chards, Bruce Whited, DeLay Osborne, Wayne Ernstrom, Bart Morse, James Bell, Don Blasius, Burton Ander on, Pat Truhill. Row Four: Floyd Young, Kent Smith, Blayne Milligan, Max Gamble, Dick Wetsel, Bob Campbe ll, Gary G res man, Gary Howlett, Bruce Hand, Gary Larsen, Lawrence Mangum, Ken Oakeson, Mike Ganz, Gary LeFevre, Boyd Mounteer Gaster.

THE GOOD TIMES IN WINTER Jordan High School students who enjoyed skiing and the winter season became enthusiastic participants in the activities of the Ski C lub. They started out the year with a date party at the school. Weekends found members having fun at one of the Utah ski resorts. In March, the annual afternoon-evening party was held at Alta. Helen Seaman and Yvonne Schofield were the faculty advisers during the school year.

SKI LUB OFF! ERS - Ann Blnckctt, vice t>re ident; Gary Larsen, />resident; anti Joan Granr, secretary, prepare for a Jay of skiing fun at Alta.

II SKIING AT ALTA- Gale Webb anc.l Sharon Swenson enjoy a Ski Club outing during the snowy winter months.

SKI CLUB - Row One: Norene Evans, Sheri Aaron, Catherine Morelli, Ilene Campbell, Joan Maddox, Joan Grant, Gayle Poulsen, Miss Yvonne Schofield, Gary Larsen, Miss Helen Seaman. Row Two:Marian Anderson, Linda Ballamis, Darlene Church, Eileen Johnson, Joyce Milne, Ralph Brin-


ton, Carolyn Nichols, Sunnie Nelson, Sharlene Hoffman, Larry Nielson. Row Three: Timothy Maddox, Mike Plattner, Stanley Johnson, Lee Tennant, Russell Larson, Richarc.l Despain, Ec.lwin Ponc.l, Jeffery joseph, Howard Brinton, Sharon Swenson, Rosalie Brklacich.

FOOTBALL DAN E - Darlene Church, Karen Burkin haw, Janice Richardson, Gay le Kidder, and Gayle Poulsen perform to the theme of "Spring Time" during intermission at the Football Dance.

OFFICERS AND ADVISER- Miss Yvonne Schofield, adNancy Ann Newman, president; Marilyn Hughes, historian; Darlene Bell, •'ice president; Gayle Kidder, reporter; Janice Richardson, secretary.



SENIOR I lOP - Rehearsing for the Senior Hop and Key lub Dnnce arc Darlene Bell, Cherie Fitzgerald, Pat Weber, and Barbara Dunn in "Touch."


PROGRAM Dnncing in their version of Arlene Penrod, Marilyn Hughes, Ila Howard, and

The girls of the Dance Club were always ready to provide entertainment for all school activities and special occasions. They composed their own dances under the excellent supervision of Miss Yvonne Schofield, and performed in floor shows, the traveling assembly, the Mother and Daughters program, and at other events. The girls were chosen as members of the club at the close of their junior year. A closing party climaxed a successful year of cultural activity. FOOTBALL DANCE - Nancy Ann Newman, Elaine Jenson Marlene Wright, Carla Benson, and Linda Jacobson are costum~d for "Pete Kelly's Blues." Nor photographed: Penny Reed.


OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Miss Betty Zieve, adviser, explains a forthcoming production to Lorna Sjoblom, secretary; Rosemary Jensen, vice president; Kareen Neilson, treasurer; and Ida Mortensen, hiscorian.


OFF! ERS Rosalie Madsen, parliamencanan; joe Baker, .~e rgcanc at arms; and Irene Nystrom, reJ>oner, li ten to inMructions from janice Richardson, J>rcsident.

THE GROWTH OF CULTURE To further the use of speech throughout Jordan High chool and the sur, rounding communities was the goal attained to by the 1955,56 Masque and Gavel Club. F llowing the initiation ceremonies at the beginning of the school year, they followed a schedule of busy club meeting . The meetings con i ted of skits by members and parliamentary procedure ace rding to Robert' Rules of Order. Club members ushered f r the school play, pre entecl a pep as em, bly, sponsored king and queen candidates for the Harve t Ball a~d the weet, hearts' Ball, and sold pom-poms for the lass A ba ketball tournament. " ing Out Sweet Land," a play pre ented by the University of Utah, was attended by the Jordan club. Those belonging to the organization, who were presented Masque and Gavel membership pins, put on a one act play, "The I ligh Window," for the student body. A back-stage party and the initiati n of new ffi, cers climaxed a busy nine months of speech activities. Faculty advi er were Miss Betty Zieve, C. N. Crawford, E. L. rawford, Phil F. G ldbrans n, and Norman D. Riggs. MASQUE AND GAVEL - Row One: Nedra Nel ·on, Kay Belcher, Jerrie Belcher, Jolene Cox, Dorothy Mtles, Nedra Kasai, Nikki Labrum, Aty Vanderhooft, JoAnne Kynaston, Kathy Jones, Irene Nystrom, Mari· lyn Newbold, Marilyn Nichols, Cherry Gold, Edda Rae Johnson. Row

Two : Ellen arter, Pat Duffin, hnr n Estepp, B nn•e Dans•e, Pegj!y WeM, judy Znfft, tephen Gold, Ro~alie Madsen, Vicki LeMer, Ann Blackett, arol McNamara, (,Jona •l111c~, Arlene Deakm. How Three: Janice Richard on, Marsha Mit hell, janet Dahl, Darrell Beckmom, Joe

Rehenr~ing for the Masque and Gavel sponsored one ncr piny are Darrell neckstrom, Diane Millerberg, Stephen GoiJ, Janice Richardson, and Afton Jensen.


MASQUE AND GAVEL Bnkcr, Shnrnn Lunncn, )con nrroll, onnie Pierson, Karen nurkinshaw, 1\(Jben Bailey, judy Nielson, Niln Rawlings, Lcici Whet man. Row Fou1: Aloma Atwooc.l, Afton Jcmcn, Mbs Betty Zieve, Norman D. Rtggs, Lorna Sj"bllltn, Mnry llowlctt, Knrccn Nielsen, Wdl Erebon, Gordon Groom, Etlwnrd Miner, Brttce Whited.

Janice Richardson, president While serving as Masque and Gavel president, pretty Janice Richardson also found time for the school play and Senior Class Vice President duties.


QUILL SCROLL AND THE EXCELLENCE IN JOURNALISM The Quill and Scroll is an international honorary society of high school journalists. Its members were qualified for membership on the basis of outstanding publication work. When initiated, each new member was presented with a gold pin, a year's subscripti n to Quill and Scroll magazine, and a membership card.

QUILL AND SCROLL- Row Afton Nelson, Marilyn Nichols. Petersen, Joene Tranter, Sharon son, Wayne Sabey, Mary Ann

One: D nna ain, Gay le Kidder, VeNne Burgan, Row Two: Karma Russe ll , Linda Larson, LuDeen Eldredge, herry Gold. Row Three : Ei leen Johnardner, Dennis Greer1, Joe Bake r, Robert Dahl.


PRESS CLUB OFFICERS - Mary Ann Gardner, hiscorian ; VeNae Burgan, president; LuDeen Petersen, secretary-treasurer; Eileen Johnson, assistant secretary; Wayne Sabey, q1ice president.

Students of journa lism classes and all publication staffs were eligible for Press Club membership. Being busy )ordanites, they spons red th _ ] rdan District Press Conference, atte nded the U. f U. and B.Y.U. press conferences, and conducted a tour to various newspaper offices and televi ion tudios. The initiati n of new members and group parties were other activities of these busy Jordan j urnalists.

PRESS CLUB - Row One: Wanda Romney, LaRae Newbold, Marilyn Beckstead, Melvin Berretr, Miss Oralie Rawson, Marilyn Nichols, Virginia Smith, Claudia Webb. Row Two: Afton Nelson, VeNae Burgan, Sharon Eldredge, CoDele Walker, Donna Cain, Linda Larson, Karma Russell,


berry old. Row Thre e: LuDeen Betty Lou Deakin, Joene Tranter, Petersen, Rn y Bateman, Ly le I lughes, Eileen Johnso n, Wayne Sabey, Dennis Green, Mary Ann Gardner, Ivan Arterburn, Joe Baker, Robert Dahl.

FORENSIC LEAGUE THE EMINENCE OF ORAL COMMUNICATION The Forensic League is an honorary speech organization, whose members become eligible to join through participation in the required number of speech activities. The Western District National Forensic League Speech Meet was held at Logan, Utah. Winners from this contest then entered the final competition which was held at Muskogee, Oklahoma. The Award Banquet at the completion of the school year brought certificates to members who had received different degrees through forensic work.

OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Edward Miner, president; Joe Baker, secre. tary; Phil F. Goldbranson, faculty adviser; and Van Lindsay, vice president, admire their National Forensic League charter.

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FORENSIC LEAGUE - Row One: Carolyn Evans, LuDeen Petersen, Ida Mortensen, Mary Ann Gardner, joene Tranter, Sandra

White; Rosemary Jensen, Judy Larson. Row Two: Van Lindsay, Mike Adondakis, Maurice Wells, David Brown, Marlon Andrus, Wayne Sabey, Wayne Cowley, Dan Jorgensen, Edward Miner.



IJti blic ations

Music Presentations Forensics

BEETDIGGER SOUNDS . .. SOUNDS . .. SOUNDS "Echoing the sounds of '56"- We learned a little about physics . . . we gained knowledge concerning layout and writing ... we practiced the fundamentals of good photography . .. we discovered the problems of schedu ling pictures, obtaining information, and meeting deadlines. We learned many techniques associated with the production of a good high school yearbook. However, our learning did not conclude with the acquiring of factua l kn wledge. We gained a sense of responsibility, an enjoyment through ass ciation, and an essence of accomplishment. We often deplored our seemingly insurmountable task ... but, we found enjoyment through "echoing the sounds of '56."

Carol Anderson, co-editor Layout, art work, and copy kept Carol Anderson busy working on the '56 Beecdigger.

LITERARY STAFF - Donna Dunyon, associate edicor, nnd Ted Richards, spores editor, pause from their work on copy sheets to be "snapped" by a yearbook photographer.

ART STAFF - Ass iate Editor Arlene Sheppick checks the nrt work of a trumpet sound wove being drown by Don Blasius, artisc.

Connie Anderson, co-editor Connie Anderson supervised the photography and secretarial work as co-editor with her twin.


Lorna Sjoblom, business manager BUSINESS STAFF- Discussing their big "Yearbook Week" are Genie ll e Evans, Sheila Hamilton, Linda Larsen Irene Nystrom, Sandra White, and Renee Henschke. '

Working hard to promore yearbook sales, Lorna Sjoblom organized an efficient business staff.

"GET YOUR YEARBOOK EARLY" B osting.a nd rec rding the sale of the 1,050 yearbooks was the job of the Beetdigger business staff. During the big "Yearbo k Week" in March, posters, announcements, and skits reminded students to buy their annuals. The business staff arranged f r the sell ing of pages to clubs, classes, and other gr ups to raise money for the producti n of the 1956 Beetdigger.

STAFF MEMBERS hnron Meeker and Judene Casper, a siswnt editor~. poinr ou t a pending deadline to Lorna Millerbeg, Mari lyn Newbo ld, and Donna nin.

FACULTY ADVISERS ---:- Stanley R. Sharp, editorial srafJ adviser, and E. L. Crawford, busmess staff adviser, discuss the '55 Jordan All-American yearbook as "Frosty" and "Toya" look on.

PHOTOGRAPHERS - Checking over their prints are the capable '56 Beetdigger photographers, Bruce Lenn erg and Richard Kemp.


JOURNALISTS - Row One: Velma Cook, Barbara Jensen, Virginia Smith, Lynda Lee Sharp, Sunnie Nelson, Peggy Parker, Sharon Eldredge, Eileen Johnson, Sharlene Hoffman, Mary Lee Winkinson, Linda

Larsen, Joan Maddox, LaRae Newb ld, Karma Russell, Wanda Romney, Sharon Palmer. Row Two: Russell chneider, Dennis reen, DeAnna DeGroot, Betty Lou.Deakin, Farrell Brown, oDele Walker,

BROADCASTER INFORMS JORDANITES The Broadcaster, the Jordan High School student new paper, was compiled by staff members and junior journalism cia ses. Ten informative and interesting i sues were published during the school year; six were six-page editions and four included tw -page junior high school inserts. The Christmas and final editions were special Broadcaster issues. For the fourth time in as many years, the Broadcaster won an International Honor Rating from the Quill and Scroll International Journalistic Society. The paper was named for high hon rs for the second time by the Northwest Association f High School Journalists and al o won the Quill and Scr II Gallup Aw:Jrd. The Broadcaster was published by the Midvale Sentinel. BROADCASTER STAFF- Lyle Hughes, spom editor; Robert Dahl, business manager; and Wayne Sabey, junior spans editor, look over the latest edition of the J.H.S. student newspaper. Nor phowgraphed: Ray Bateman, business manager.


FACULTY ADVISERS - Melvin Berrett anJ Miss Oralie Rawson take time out from their busy JOUrnalism instruction to survey their fini heJ product.

Mary Ann Gardner, co-editor Jackie Srock, Gwenda Hathaway, Afton Nelson, Marilyn Beckstead, Estella Anderson, Nadine Neilsen, Sharon Haun, Wayne Sabey, Brent Butterfield.

Dividing her time between speech activities and newspaper work, Mary Ann Gardner was a busy Jordan coed.

BROADCASTER Wayne Ernstrom, co-editor Striving to maintain high standards in newspaper editing, Wayne Ernstrom guided an energetic staff.

ASSISTANT EDITORS - Seniors, LuDeen Petersen and VeNae Burgoo, instruct juniors, Eileen Johnson, Dennis Green, and Afton Nelson, in the fundamentals of newspaper reporting.


"]" BOOK u


The Jordan High School directory, the "]" Book, was produced by the Broadcaster staff and the executive council. Miss Oralie Rawson was the faculty sponsor. The directory consisted of 1,500 addresses and telephone numbers f the students and administrators of Jordan High School. Included in the book was a calendar, list of officers and publicati n staffs, school song and yells, athletic schedules and returning lettermen, scholarships available to graduating seniors, and the constitution of the Association Students of Jordan High. EXECUTIVE COMM ITTEE - Dan Jorgensen, Scudent Body President, and Pat Fitzgerald, Vice President, prepare the school calendar for the student directory. Not photographed: Eve lyn Day, Secretary.

PHOTOGRAPHY PICTURES PROJECT SOUNDS The photography classes spent a busy year doing work in theory and lab. Students photographed, developed, and fully processed picture assignments. Stanley R. Sharp instructed the Photography II class. This class was composed of the two yearbook photographers who attacked the tremendous task of completing picture assignments for the school annual. Murray F. Allen's Photography I class was a group of students who took pictures for the newspaper, school organizations, and their own purposes. PHOTOGRAPHY II - Richard Kemp listens while Bruce Lennberg explains a yearbook photo problem.


BROAD ASTER STAFF- Miss Ornlic Rawson, /aculry advi<er, ond Wayne Ernstrom, Broadcasrer co-editor, show their completed "]" Bool<. Not />howgraphed: Mary Ann ardner, Broadcasrer co-ed iror.

PHOTOGRAPHY I - Row One: Virginia Lee Burns, Wallace Winkler, Kent Davis. Row Two: jackie Guenon, Don Truhill, William Ereckson, Doris Roos, Bruce Thayne.

SPONSORS OF LITERARY EXPRESSION Featuring the best short stories, essays, poetry, and other literary writings of Jordan High students, the Courier made its appearance late in April. It was wearing a snappy white cover with a modernistic design. A new feature of its contents was the publication of three prize winning short stories and three money-winning poems. Ora Pate Stewart, a distinguished writer and former Jordan alumna, gave two autographed sets of all her published books to be awarded to the short story contest winners. The Jordan Key C lub gave three cash prizes for the best poems. Mr. Hendrickson's creative writing class contributed much to the Courier publication. COURIER STAFF- Seated: Judy Larson and Afton Jensen. Standing: Edward Mmer, Gayle Farnsworth, Barbara Allen, Adviser A. LaMar Hendrickson.


Joene Tranter, editor As Co ~trier editor, Joene Tranter stimulated expression through creative writing.

URIER STAFF - Row One: Irene Nystrom, Maxine Halliday, Jennette Linn~rz, Paul Neilson, lennn Leek, Deanna Biggs, JoAnn Berrett, Sandra White, Ann Butterfield. Row Two: Loretta Witt, M nycen Ncwma Philip Lloyd, Floyd Mori, Ann Mousley, Dennis

Wilson, Rosemary Jensen, Loraine Lloyd, Donna Ryan, Barbara Carter, Corinne Archuleta .. Row Three: Duane Blatnick, Leah Lloyd, C~rol McNamara, Manlyn Baker, Mike Ganz, Craig Baird, Jerry D1mond, Maurice Wells, William Ereckson, Gary Anderson, Dale Gold, Dean Fife.



TWIRLERS - Nedra Nelson, Joan Butler, Mary Jane Brady, Farrel Brown, Betty Milne, Peggy Preston, Ann Richards, Sandra Barney, Sandra Cunnington.

CONCERT BAND - Row On<!: Dale Frandsen, janet Finlayson, Shirl H ne, Fret! Heuser, Raymond Brenneman, Betty Lou Deakin, Jerry I lutchtnson, Elna Thomson, Milo Pearson, Gary ilcox, Norman rump, ary wker, Raymond Yasukochi. Row Two: 1rnnt I [urst, Ken Mitchell,

THE C IRCUS - The Charlonian form the "big top" as the twirlers and the band perform between halves of a fall football game.


GROUPS DISPLAY MUSICIANSHIP The Jordan High School bands provided musical entertainment on many different occasions throughout the school year. The twirlers and marching band performed at the Jordan District and University of Utah band days, and at half-time of Jordan football games. The concert band played selections at the Parents' Program, the Band Fe tival, and the Spring Musical Show. School spirit and enthu iasm were given to the student body when the Pep Band played at all home basketball games. J. Clement rapo directed a ll band activities. Mr. Crapo served on the comm ittee of chora l directors for the High School Honor Chorus of Salt Lake Vall ey held in june of 1955. Officers of the band groups were Joe Baker, jJresident, and Floyd Alldredge and Edwin Pond, student directors. PEP BAND - Row One: Assistant Director Floyd Alldredge, Chuck Minnick, Donald Boyce, JoAnn Farnsworth, Paul Jacobson, Assistant Director Edwin Pond. Row Two: Darrell Beckstrom, Grant Head, Kendall Voyce, Ha~ey Gaster, Dick Shepherd, Michael Wright. Row Three: Lee Asay, Milo Pearson, Raymond Brenne· man, Orin Palmer, Roger Stevenson, Clare Wardle.

Glen Johnson, Nikki Labrum, Nathan Anderson, Max Nelson, Tommy Shannon, A ll en Webb, Mi heal Wri~tht, Robert Jen~en, Wilburn McDou~ta l, !are Ward le, A lbert Brunetti. Row Three: Ro~ter tevenson, Floyd Alldredge, Joe Bnker, Darrell Beckstrom, Edwin Pond, Paul lacoh~on Harvey •aMer, Dtck Shepherd, Kendall Voyce, Clifford

Jones, Grant Head. Row Four: Lee Asay, E!Ray Whitlock, Orin Palmer, J. Clement Crapo, Sandra Barney, Ann Richards, Peggy Preston, Farrel Brown, Mary Jane Brady, andra Cunnington, edra Nelson, Lebnd Matthews, JoAnn Farnsworth, Mike Smith, Donald Boyce.


ORCHESTRA - Row One: Jessie Kay Greenwood, Argene Adams, Janet Dahl, Marsha Mitchell, Janet Finlays n, Dolores Pedro, Mi lo Pearson, Dorene Richards, Bill Brown. Row Two: Joan Wade, Linda Sruarr, Emmanuella Koncurat, Karen Greenwood, LaFay Dansie, John Pollick, Max Nelson, Raymond Yasukochi, Elaine Anderson, Janet

Marlor. Row Three: Karlene Humphrey, Sharon Evans, Sandra Barney, Chad Decksread, arlin Jacobs n, Lane Rasmussen, Ra lph Ashworth, Paul Jacobson, Dallas Hakanson, Fl yd A ll tlreclge, Sharon Bi hop, Barbara Thomas. Row Fot.r: D nna Dunyon, lin Howard, ]. C lement Crapo, harles Graham, Orin Palmer, Howard Vawdrey, Tony Delgado, huck Minnick.


rrrvv~ v





"" 'V ,~ rr~ v II





MUSIC DEPICTS MOODS One of the m st imp rtant activities of the orchestra during 1955-56 was playing for the "Mes iah." With ]. lement rapo as director, the symph nic gr up prepared a mel dious pr gram for the eminary onventi n, partiCIpated with the band in the Spring Musical Show, and entered s me selecti ns at the Regional Music Festival. ORCHESTRA SE T!ON - Row One: John Pollick and Max Nelson, French horn ; Raymond Yasukochi, bassoon. l~ow Two: harles rnham, Orin Palmer, I loworcl Vawdrey, basse .


WORDS AND MUSIC TELL STORY Under the direction of ]. Clement Crapo, the thirteenth annual rendition of George Frederick Handel's "The Messiah" was presented to the public on December 19 and to the Jordan student body on December 21. Participating in the program, which included such favorites as "Halleluja," "Worthy Is the Lamb," and the "Amens," were a chorus of 215 students and a forty piece orchestra. Janet Gammell, soprano; Nancy Higginson, contralto; Kenley Whitelock, tenor; and Leland Matthews, baritone; were featured soloists. R y M. Darley was organist; lla Howard, Donna Dunyon, and Lee Workman accompanied. The stage crew assisted with the production which was sponsored by the music department and the Jordan L.D.S. Seminary.

MESSIAH PRINCIPALS - Jordanites taking active parts in the Messiah presentation were Leland Matthews, baritone; Ila Howard, Lee Workman, and Donna Dunyon, accompanists; Nancy Higginson, contralto; and ]. Clement Crapo, director.

MESSIAH URTAlN CALL - The orchebtra and chorus hear the applause of an appreciative audience for an exce llent performance.


ARSENIC AND OLD LACE Janice Richarclson


Joseph Kresselring's "Ar enic and Old Lace" was presented to the Jordan High tudent b dy and the genera l public on November 16, 17, and 18. The three act play wa p n ored by the Masque and Gavel C lu b. Miss Betty Zieve capab ly directed the thrill-packed mystery comedy which had a cast of 14 piayers. Stage and lighting were under the supervision f R yal D. Mad en and the tage crew. D nald P. Olsen was in charge f the po ter and cenery. Mak up hores were handled by Norman D. Riggs, Mis Reea Petersen, Mrs. arolyn N. Green, and . N. rawford. R b rt L. Pixton managed the advertising, Lowell]. B berg the mu ic, and Murray F. Allen the pr gram .

Doug Heaps

Mr. Gibbs


Robert Bailey




"ELDERBERRY WINE, EH?" - The Brewster sisters, Nancy Higginson and Mary I fowlett, entertain Mr. Gibbs, Doug Heaps, and Mr. Wichersjmon, Marl n Andrus.

"STEP UP BEHIND HIM QUICKLY" Director Betty Zieve in tructs Bill Patterson concerning his part in the next scene.

STUDENT HELP - Keith Alexander, m<denr direccor; LaPrielle Davis, jJromprer; and Helen Egbert, property manager, look over the pr gram for "Arsenic and Old Lace."

"TAKE THAT JVY OUT OF HERE AND BRING HIM TO" - Lienwnant Rooney, Dan Jorgensen, orders Officers Brophy and '1 lara, Roy Stuart nnd James Estepp, to remove Jonathan Brewster, Bill Patterson.

FINALE - Seared: Janice Richardson, Robert Bailey, Nancy Higginson, Mary Howlett, Bill Patterson, Director Betty Zieve. Standing: Will Ereckson, Dan Jorgensen, Roy Stuart, James Estepp, Paul Neilson, David Winn, Doug Heaps, Marlon Andrus, James Harris.


Me!Rae Bateman Sally

TRAVELING ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE - Student co mmittee, Brenda Bateman, Glenn Fitzgerald, Val Finlayson, Keith Stepan, M;1u rice Wells, and Loretta Witt, discuss the "Arabian Nightmare" with Director Lowell Boberg.

Roy Stuart Musto fa

Charles Ferguson Abdul

Written and directed by Lowell Boberg, the 1956 traveling assembly played to 6,000 people during eight performances. The program was premiered at the Fathers' and Sons' Night Out on January 25. Proceeding performances were for Murray, Tooele, Cyprus, and Olympus high schools, and the Union PTA. On February 1, "An Arabian Nightmare" was presented to the Jordan student body during a split a sembly. The seventy-five cast members displayed their talents as they told a story about the writer of a delinquent book report. The traveling assembly orchestra provided backgr und and solo music for the show. Assisting Lowell ]. Boberg on the faculty committee were Yvonne Schofield,]. Clement Crapo, Kenneth Brady, Royal D. Madsen, Betty Hender on, and Betty Zieve.

Bruce Rosenhan Sultan


"IT HAD TO BE YOU" -The line dancers exhibit their talents for the Sultan




The complete cast comes on stage to climax an unusual "Arabian Nightmare."

- Bruce Rosenhan hears Mel Rae Bateman's pleas to spare the life of Doug Heaps, while Roy Stuart, Charles Ferguson, and bodyless Robert Bailey look on.

"AH-AAH-AH" William Ereckson tells, with guitar and voice, about "The Minstrel Himself."

"AND l ALWAYS ALL HER MOTIIER" - Pnul Nielsen portrays the hilnriou s "Moron Pr m The l !dis."

"! DIDN'T KNOW THE GUN WAS LOADED" - A big hit with all audiences was Sunnie Nelson's rendition of the satirical cowgirl.


STUDENTS CULTIVATE VOCAL PERFECTION A collection of the finest peech efforts of the year was displayed by the students f Jordan at the several speech festivals. F rensic and speech enthusiasts demonstrated their abilities through techniques gleaned from clas es and contests. Regional festivals were held at Tooele and Olympus high schools. Those receiving excellent or superior ratings became eligible to enter the State Speech Festival held at the Brigham Young University.

STORY TELLING - Sharon Swenson gets into an ecstatic mood for her retold story as Mary Javaine and Judy Larsen observe.


HUMOROUS READINGS - Mary Howlett, Leici Whetman, and Pat Smith simultaneously illustrate excerpts from their humorous readings for the Interpretive Speech Festival.


PANTOMIME - Catherine Morelli, Joan rnnt, Mary lyn Long, nnd Par Fitzgerald show their approval of Kareen Nie lsen's interpretation of an old lady arising in the morning.

CONTEST PLAY - Paul Niel~en, Dou~ I leaps, Robert Bailey, Michne l !vie, Dan Jorgensen, Druce Rosenhnn, and student director Gayle Farnsworth, rehearse for the contest play presentation on April 4, ar Olympus lli gh ch ol.

RADIO SPEECHES - Stephen Gold, James Estepp, David Winn Edward Miner, and Mary Ann Gardner prepare for the radio speeches conte~t.

DRAMATIC READINGS - Diane Jensen, Nancy Higginson, and Janice Richardson catch Geraldine Whitmore in a pose rrom her dramatic reading.

ORATION - Janice Richardson, second place, Sharon Lunnen, third place, prompt MeiRae Bareman, firsr place wmner of the American Legion Oratory onte t.

EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEE I IES - Scared: Van Lindsny, Sandra White, Roger Ievenson. Srandmg: MeiRne I3ateman, Edward Patience, W nbey, Ida Mortensen, Gayle Farnsworth.

LEGISLATIVE FORUM - Audry Thayne, Judy Larson, Dan Jorgensen, and Joene Tranter listen as Willard Malmstrom prepares for the Regional Orat.. ry Contest.


SOPHOMORE DEBATERS Row One: Sharon Estepp, Dixie Butterfield, Judy Larsen, Joan Shulsen, Bonnie Dansie, Gayle Jensen,

Peggy We~r. JoAnne Kynoston. Row Two: Aarrje Vanderhooft, Judy Bunnell, Nikki Labrum, Raymond Brennem~n, Stephen Gold, Randall Rathjen, Diane Smith, Gayle llutchings.

DEBATERS VOICE RESOLUTIONS The three Jordan debating teams spent a busy year exhibiting their persuasive talents at various meets and contests. During the year, the J rdan participants entered the Weber College Invitational Debate Tournament and the Regional Forensic Tournament. At the Regional Debate Tournament, Jordan qualified five teams t enter the State Forensic Tournament, held April 6, at the University f Utah.

JUNIOR DEBATERS - Row One: Ann Butterfield, Gale Webb, Vickie Lester, Rosalie Brklacich, Marsha Mitchell, Wayne Cowley, Ann Blackett, Rosemary Jensen, Carolyn Rosalie Madsen, Van I


Lindsay. Row Two: C. N. rawford, andra White, Me!Ray Bmeman, Janet Dah I, Roger teven~on, Joe Baker, Jerry Forbush, Wayne Sabey, Maurice Wells, Jerry llutchinson, arol McNnmnro, Ida Mortensen, Irene Nystrom.

SENIOR DEBATERS - Row One: Dan Jorgensen, Judy Larson, Mike Adondakis, Joene Tranter, LuDeen Petersen, Gayle Farnsworth,

Audry Thayne, Phil F. Goldbranson. Row Two: David Brown, Mary Ann Gardner, Willard Malmstrom, Marlon Andrus, Edward Patience, James Estepp, Edward Miner.


JUNIOR DEBATE WINNERS - Seated: Mel Rae Bateman and Sandra White. tanding: arolyn Evnns, Mauri ce Well s, Joe Baker, Rosemnry jensen.

SENIOR DEBATE WINNERS - LuDeen Petersen looks over her notes as Mary A '> n Gardner demonstrates the cost of federal subsi路 dies for high school grad uares going to college.

SENIOR DEBATE WINNERS - David Brown and Edward Miner plan a rebuttal, which helped them qualify for rhe Stare Forensic Tournament on April 6.




CHEERLEADERS Shirlee Gehring Ray Bateman Argene Adams Head Cheerleader

"LET'S GO, JORDAN" Football- "Hold that line, jordan ... " Basketball - "Hey, hey, what d'ya say, take it away ... " Here ring the ech es of the events which will never quite be forg tten. Here remains the memory of six snap y Jordanites who contributed much to the pride of a chao! that builds "champions.'' Here are Shirlee, Ray, Argene, Paul, Shar n, and Bruce.

Paul Astle Sharon Swenson Bruce Edwards


VARSITY PRE-SEASON SCORES September 9 September 16 -

Jordan -------------- 0 Box Elder -------· 25

at at

Pocatello ---·---·--- 6 Jordan --·-····--·-·--- 0

VARSITY BIG TEN SCORES September September October October October October November

23 30 7 -

14 21 -

28 -


Jordan ········-----West ·····-····--·--· Jordan ··----··-----· East -·--····----·---· Jordan -·--···-----·· Murray -·---···---Jordan -··---···--···

7 0 21

20 12



at at at at at at at

Cyprus ··----·---·--Jordan ·-----·----·-··· Davis ··----··-----·--·Jordan -····----------Granite ····---·-···-Jordan -·-··--·-·---·-Tooele ····--···--·--·-

0 0

26 0 7 12 13

"Tuff" Linford, football coach In his second year of coaching at Jordan High, "Tuff" Linford turned out a crew of hustling football players who fought eagerly in Big Ten competition.

"HIT THAT LINE" - The Beetdigger varsity football team presses forward to stop its onrushing opponent.


Burton Anderson, senior Co-Captain, All-State Guard

Mickey Jones, senior Co-Captain, AU-State Hon. Men. Fullback



JORDAN'S VARSITY AND JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBALL TEAMS - Row One: Jeff Newman, Gary Anderson, John Crawford, Dale Lawson, John Corak, Eddie Pond, Bart Morse, John Brown, Gary LeFevre, Richard Nielsen, Mike Plattner, Dennis Woodward. Row Two: Craig Rasmussen, Rulon Dahl, Mike Andreason, Don Campbell,

Karl Miller, senior Regular Tackle

Ralph Brinton, senior Regular Quarterback

Von Vicchrilli, senior Regular Halfback

Bruce Rosenhan, senior All-State Hon. Men. Guard

Ru sse ll Turner, John Pollard, Laval 01 en, Brent Butterfield, harles Larson, Wilford reen, Jerry hristopherson, Rex off, Ralph Walker. Row Three: Art Hu ghes, Grant Martin, Mi ckey Jones, Harvey Gaster, Floyd Young, Karl Miller, Don Dermott, Bruce Rosenhan, Vere Holt, David Schmtdt, Ralph Brinton, Kent Smith, ,eorge Dotson, Tuff

GRIDDERS RESPOND TO CHALLENGES It was an ff-and-on sea n f r the 1955 ] rdan High football team. Under the coaching f Tuff Linford and Grant Martin, the J rdan squad opened the ea n with an 0-2 pre- eason record. The Diggers were impre sive in their first tw games, downing yprus and tying highly-favored West. With spirits high, the team traveled t Kaysville only t be up et by the Davis Darts. They felt defeat at the hand of the East I ligh Leopard , but wtth their win over Granite and their big up et over Murray, the Digger had h pes f championship berth, only to be dropped out of the picture in the Ia t game of the. season by Tooele.

Floyd Young, senior All- care Hon . Men . Fullback


FOOTBALL MANAGERS - Craig Rasmussen and Don Campbell were always on hand to assist the coaches in keeping everything in order for football games.

Linford, Ray O liverson. Row Four: Ri chard Trapp, Lyle Hughes, Bob Ca mpbell, Dale Gold, Dick Wetsel, DeLoy 0 borne, eorge Varanaki s, C urtis Cook, Mike Ganz, Sherre ll. Derrett, Von Vi cchril li, Lawren ce Mangum, Lorin McRae, Burton Anderson, Bill Bo ren.

FUTURE VARSITY STALWARTS SHOW PROMISE Like the varsity, the ] rdan junior footba ll team made. only a fair showing in the won1 st column, but th ey showed great promise fo r the future. U nder Coach A rt "H ughes, the J.V.'s opened th e season with a victory over Cyprus. T hey faltered when they met West, but defeated Davis their next time out. T he last three season games saw a win ver Granite and losses to East and Murray.


September September O ctober O ctober October October

21 29 6 13 20 27



Jordan .............. Jordan .............. Davis ................ Jordan ·····-······· Granite ............ Jorda n ..............

26 0 0

0 13 6

at at at at at at

Jordan ................ East .................... Jordan ................ Murray ..............


26 20 19

Bob nmpbell , seni or RegtLlar Guard


BREAK A WAY - Accompanied by the cheering of the Jordan faithful, a back picks up yardage with a dash around right end.

"GET THAT BALL, JORDAN"- Beetcligger gridders vie with East High School for possession of a fumbled forward pass.

Harvey Gaster, senior Regular Center Mike Andreason, junior Letterman FuLlback Mike Gnnz, junior Regular Hal

Sherrell Berrett, junior Regular Halfback Dale Gold, junior Letterman Halfback Boyd Mounteer, senio r Letterman Quarterback


FOOTBALL COACHES -Working together to improve Jordan's football teams were Ray Oliverson, soj)homore coach; Grant Moetin, assistant varsity coach; Bill Boren, assistant sophomore coach; and Art Hughes, junior varsity coach.

George Varanakis, junior Regular End


Vere Holt, junior Letrem1an Center

Richard Trapp, junior Leuermctn Taclde

SOPHS GAIN EXPERIENCE Coach Ray Oliverson's first year Jordanites learned how to block and tackle, and the fundamentals of the single wing this year. Although they only won two games, these wins were impressive enough for the boys to look forward to m re victories as the junior squad of next year. Ray Oliverson was assisted with the coaching duties by Bill Boren.

SOPHOMORE SCORES September 21 September 29 October 6October 12 October 20 28 October November 3 -


Jordan .............. 19 Jordan .............. 14 Jordan ············-· 14 Bountiful 24 Jordan ··----····--·· 0 Cyprus ·----···---- 7 Jordan .............. 0 ou •••••

at at at at at ar at

6 ··············-····· 27 Davis .................. 19 Jordan -------------· 0 Murray .............. 26 Jordan ---------------- 32 West ················-· 25


• •••••• u



"HIT HIM AGAIN, HARDER - HARDER!" - Three Jordan players abruptly stop an opponent in his attempt at a first down.

SOP/ IOM ORE TEAM - Row One: Wallace Naylor, Roger Larson, Darwin Lnntlers, hiro Ob!nnza, I !oward Brinton, Joe Minnick, Gary Maxfield, Gary Eckman, Pat Truhill. Row Two: Stanley Jex, Ronnie I !arrington, Brent Vincent Jeffe Joseph, linton Olsen, Max Gam-

ble, Clyde Williams, Roy Briggs, Ted Blanchard, Kent Allsop. Row Three: Ralph Schmidt, Gary Jones, David Thorum, Nick Malkos, Jesse Delgado, Brent Price, Raymond Brenneman, Garth Beckstead, Roland Koller, Gregory West, Nile Beckstead. Row Four: Jay Stevens, David Anderson, Paul Whetman, Kent Brown.


"UH-UGH-UH" - Ralph Brinton and Bruce Hand demonstrate a cross fa ce wrestling hold, which is co mplete when the opponent is in the cradle hold.

GRUNT AND GROAN - Burton Anderson applies n power switch wrestling hold on Bobby Campbell.

WRESTLING WRESTLING SCORES December December December January January Januory January February February

Completing hi s third year as wrestling coach at Jordan, Coach Oliverson succeeded in keeping wrestling alive and interesting.


8 - Jordan ................ 15 -Jordan 21 -Provo 4 -Jordan .............. 12 Granite ··---······· 19 -Jordan .............. 26- Murrn y ................ Jordan 1 2 -Jordon .............. ~--···········



55 50

at at




at at

29 15


nt at





West .................. Davis ················ Jordon ···········-··· East ........ Jordan ················ Olympus .......... Jordan ................ Cyprus -············ Tooe le ................ ~---------~

45 76 31



33 53

24 9

WRESTLING TEAM - Row One: Blaine Milligan, David Wright, Pat Truhill, Jason Endo, Blaine B. Parry, Ken Jardine, James Bell, Bruce Whited. Row Two: Jerry Endo, Brent Vincent, Jerry Drake, Howard Vawdrey, Vere Holt, Lawrence Mangum, John Crawford, John

Brown, Dennis Smith, Jerry LeFevre, Forrest Ewell. Row Three: Don Campbell, Bob Campbell, Bart Morse, Burton Anderson, Bruce Hand, Ralph Brinton, Gary Larsen, Wayne Ernstrom, Donald Reed, Dennis Erickson. Burton Anderson, senior

HONORS ECHO GRAPPLERS' SUCCESS Coach Ray Olivers n built a strong wrestling team with thirtythree boys taking part. Although the Jordan team started slowly they w und up the season with four matches won and five lost. In the February regional meet at Olympus High School, Jordan qualified three wrestlers for the state finals. All three boys came through with Burton Anderson winning first place in the 165 pound class, B bby Campbei! second in the 145 pound class, and Lawrence Mangum fourth place in the heavyweight division. This trio made enough points in the final meet for Jordan to cop sixth place in the state. Co-Captain Burton Anderson finished three years f wrestling at ] rdan never losing a match.


VARSITY PRE-SEASON SCORES December December December December December December December

2 -Jordan ··-··········· 43 7 - Jordan -------------- 62 9- Weber ·------------· 41 16 -Jordan ----·--------- 56 17 -Jordan ••••• u••••••• 57 11 - Pocatello •••••••no 29 22- Jordan -------------- 64

at at at at at at vs

Ogden ················56 Ben Lomond .... 34 Jordan ................ 51 Parowan ···--------- 35 Cedar City ........ 32 Jordan ................ 53 Idaho Falls ··---- 41

VARSITY BIG TEN SCORES January January January January January February February February February March

6 -Jordan 13 -Tooele 17 -Jordan 20- Jordan 27 -Murray ------------· 3 - Davis ---------------11 - Jordan 17 South ·····-·········· 14 -Jordan ·········---·· 2 - Cyprus -·-----------o o o oouoooooo •


65 37 61 51 40 44 55 41 48 38

at at at at at at at at at at

Cyprus ----····-----Jordan ................ Davis .................. Olympus ··-------Jordan ................ Jordan ................ Murray ······-····-Jordan ................ Tooele ................ Jordan ................

37 61 45 40 47 64 42 58 45 59


Art Hughes, basketbaLl coach 1956 was another oumanding year for Conch Hughes' babketball team. Tying for the Big T en fir t place honors, Art took his defending Stot e Champ to the state "A " tournament where they captured second place lnurels. nder his coaching Jordan High baslletball teams have brought home four state championships and two econd place state trophies during hi seven years at Jordan .


"GO BEETDIGGERS, GO BEETDIGGERS, GO, GO, GO!" - Five Davis players and Jordan's Karl Miller see Daryl Walbeck score two for the Beetdigger squad.

"WE WANT A BASKET!"- Beetdiggers, Karl Miller and Mark Klotovich hope for two more as Benny Cutler goes in for a lay-up in the Jordan-Cypru~ game.

CHEERS ENCOURAGE TEAM Aided by the support of a loyal and encouraging student body, the '56 Jordan High basketball squad showed their potential by winning seven games and losing one in pre-season play. Opening their Big Ten competition on January 6, the Beetdiggers triumphed over Cyprus High. By winning their next nine games, the defending State Champs snared a first place tie with the East High Leopards. The team went into the state "A" tournament with a Big Ten record of ten wins and no losses.

Sherrell Ber路rett, junior ALl-Swre I lnr1 . Men. Gr<ard

BASKETBALL MANAGERS- Richard Nielsen and Craig Rasmussen were always ready to assi t Coach Hughes in the many duties of their job.

Karl Miller, senior AlL-State Center

Gene Kiholm, junior Letterman Forward -~--


"GET THAT BALL JORDAN!"- Mark Klorovich and Karl Miller fight f?r possession of a loose ball in the Jordan-Cyprus game as Jack Player comes 111 ro assist. "MAKE THAT BASKET!"- Two South High Cubs are out-maneuvered hy Jordan's Benny tiller anJ Karl Miller.

STATE "A" TOURNAMENT TOURNAMENT TEAM - Seated: Mannger Richard Nielsen, Sherman Day, Sherrell 13erretr, Gene Kiholm, Captain Daryl Walbeck, Jack Player, Keith Stepan, Manager raig Rasmussen. Standing: Assistant Coach Grant Martin, John Pollard, ary Howlett, Mark Miller, Karl Miller, Mark Klorovich, Benny Cutler, Coach Art Hughes.


JORDAN VS BEN LOMOND - As play begins in the first tournament game, Jordan's Karl Miller captures the initial tip-off. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME - A Provo player goes above the Jordan defense in an attempt for a basket.

"OUR CHAMPS" The Beetdigger~ from Jordan High entered the 1956 State "A" Tournament with spirits high. The Diggers won their initial game from the Ben Lorn nd Scots by a score of 58 to 55. The second night of play saw the defending State Champs victorious over the Bear River Bears, 49 to 44. J rdan met Pr v in the champi nship game and fell, 42 to 41. Playing in true championship form, the 1956 Beetdigger team will long be remembered for their valiant try at a f urth consecutive crown.

JORDAN VS BEAR RIVER - Mark Klotovich goes up for two in Jordan's second tournament game, against the Bear River Bears.

TEARS TELL THE STORY - Mixed reactions met the defeat of but long will students remember the Beetdiggers by the Provo tea the champion hip spirit of

"BLOT THAT SCOT"- Jordan's happy and noisy cheering section gives their encouragement to a fighting Beetdigger team in their initial game.


JV'S CAPTURE FIRST PLACE LAURELS For the second consecutive year, Coach Grant Martin's junior team won the league championship. The JV's defeated the junior teams fr m Cyprus, Tooele, Davis, and Mlltray twice. With their victories over Olympus and South, they finished the season undefeated in ten league and ,five pre~season games. Coach Grant Martin left Jordan for another post at East High School, bur his fine record in junior basketball will not s0on be forgotten.

JV'S VS CYPRUS - Mike Ganz gains possession of a Cyprus rebound as Kent Beers and Raymond Yasukochi look on.

JUNIOR COACH AND MANAGER - RichnrJ Nielsen congratu l-ates Grant Martin, junior coach, on his second consecutive JV crown.

BfO TEN JV CHAMPS- Capruring first place in Big Ten junior competition wns n fighting Jordan team. Seated: Del Kidd, Kenr Beers, David Anderson, Mark Miller, Keith Stepan. Standing: Ronald Rasmussen, Val Smith, Dallas Hakanson, Mike Oanz, Raymond Yosukochi.


SOPHOMORE TEAM- Seated: Brent Hogensen, Nile Beckstead, Clifford Goff, Brent Price, Paul Whetman, Dale Kimball, Reynold Johnson, Elden Weber. Standing: Neil Jenson, Jeffery Joseph, Howard Brinton, Gary Jones, Jesse Delgado, Gregory West, Bob Day, Wallace Naylor.

SOPHOMORES DISPLAY DETERMINATION Jordan's first year basketeers started slowly, losing their first four games to Tooele, Davis, East, and Bountiful. They made a late season drive and won their three final games from Murray, Cyprus, and West. With their spirit and determination, the 1957 JV team is likely to be outstanding. The sophomores were coached by Howard "Tuff" Linford.



SOPHS VS WEST JORDAN - Clifford Goff shoots for a basket while Brent Price and Nile Beckstead watch with five West Jordan players.

SOPHOMORE COACH AND MANAGERS Coach Howard "Tuff" Linford points out an important play to managers, Paul Sager and Arnold Martin:


RELAY - Ted Richards take they compete in the mile relay.

the baton from Mark Klotovich as

TRACKSTERS WIN HONORS With the 1955 track team's victory in the regional meet, this year's team looked forward to a third consecutive crown. The '56 team had added experience nod depth; both were advantages over the '55 team. Beginning the track season on March 30, Coach Oliverson's boys met Pleasant Grove and Lehi on the Beetdigger field. F II wing this event, the Jordan team met Cyprus and Tooele, Granite and Olympus, and Murray and Olympus. Ray Oliverson, track coach Under the excellent coaching of Ray Oliverson, the 1954 and the 1955 track teams won firM place honors in Regional Track Meets. oach Oliverson's 1956 crew hoped to make ir three in a row.

TRACK TEAM - Row One: Dale Gold, Joedy Ball, Ken Oakeson, DeLoy Osborne, Bob Campbell, Ralph Brinton, Mickey Jones, Bruce Rosenhan, Karl Miller, Benny utler, Mark Klotovich, David Lloyd, Ted Richards, Leon Ewell, Ralph Muir. Row Two: Curtis Cook, Kendall Voyce, Frank Lessley, Don Campbell, Don Fullmer, Dennis Woodward, Karl Baird, Terry Labrum, Garth Beckstead, Gary Le-


Fevrc, Mike Ganz, Lawrence Mangum, Jay Workman, Jimmy Kemp, William Mitchell, Ned Parry, Ralph Walker. Row Three: Harold Grimaud, Kent Allsop, Dan Nelson, lifford Goff, Russell Larson, Emmett Lessley, Gary Fullmer, nrent Price, Robert Rnwson, Raymond Brenneman, Richard Waus, Val Smith, Reyn ld Johnson, Nde Deckstead, Mike Parry, Mike Heinecke.

LOW HURDLES - With skimming speed, Ken Oakeson and Benny Cutler leap over a track barrier.

HUNDRED YARD DASH - Mike Ganz and Gary LeFevre give their all as they near the finish line of an exciting race.

TRACK FIELD EVENT - Robert Rawson and Bruce Rosenhan display good form in the discus and shot put.

JAVELIN - Karl Miller fires the javelin for n record distance.

SHOT PUT - With a powerful thrust, Mickey Jones hurls the shot.

BROAD JUMP- De Loy Osborne executes a mighty jump into the pit.


BASEBALL SCHEDULE April April April April April May May May

9 .............................................. Jordan vs Cyprus

16 ................................................ Jordan vs Davis 23 .............................................. Jordan vs Tooele 26 .............................................. Jordan vs Murray 30 .............................................. Jordan vs Cyprus 3 ................................................ Jordan vs Davis 10 .............................................. Jordan vs Tooele 14 .............................................. Jordan vs Murray

CRACK OF BAT BRINGS EXCITEMENT - Boyd Mounteer lays down a bunt to bring in a run for Jordan in the Lehi pre-season game.

EXCITEMENT SOUNDS ACROSS THE DIAMOND With the warm days of spring appr aching, the Jordan nine looked for~ard to a successful baseball season. Under their new coach, Bill Boren, the squad hoped to improve Jordan's league standing and provide a winning combinati n of g d hitting, pitching, and fielding. Coach Boren and co-captain , Sherman Day and Daryl Walbeck, led the team into the first league game with Cyprus High School on April9.

Sherman Day, senior Co-Capcain

Daryl Walbeck, senior Co-Captain

Billy Boren, baseball coach In his fir t year at Jordan, Bill Boren was called on to take the place of rant Martin as ba ebnll coach. Seven returning lettermen were on hand to g1ve Coach Boren assistan ce.


DASEI3ALL TEAM - Row One: Sammy Deluca, Raymond Yasu路 k chi, Ronnie llarringt n, Floyd Mori, Gary Gressman, Daryl Walbeck, Richard Nieben, Boyd Mounteer, Pat Truhill, Sherman Day. Row Two: Wallace Naylor, linton Olsen, Gary Maxfield, Joe Baker,

Charles Larson, Gene Kiholm, George Varanakis, Darwin Landers, Neil Jenson, Dale Cox. Row Three: Bill Boren, Arnold Martin , Kent Allsop, Dale Kimball, Larry Crump, Del Kidd, Kent Beers, Dallas Hakanson, Roland Koller, John Despain.

INFIELDERS - Dallas Hakanson, Daryl Walbeck, Floyd Mori, and Raymond Yasukochi practice the essentials of good base coverage.


BATTERIES - Boyd Mounteer and Joe Baker, rump, Del Kidd, and Kent Beers, pitchers.

OUTFIELDERS- Richard Nielsen shows Gene Kiholm, George Varanakis, and Gary Gressman the best way to relay a batted ba ll back into the infield.


GOLF GOLF GROWS IN POPULARITY In the second year of golf at Jordan, Coach Art Hughes' crew competed with various schools in the area. This year's linksters tried to keep golf alive and popular for Jordan boys. Returning lettermen were Don Blasius and David Taylor.

GOLF TEAM - Conch Art Hughes demonstrates the position of the hand on a golf club to Don Blasiu s, Johnny Zrno, and Ronald Rasmussen.

TENNIS TENNIS TEAM- Tennis players, Keith Stepan, Burton Anderson, Bruce Edward s, Mark Miller, John Pollard, Bruce Whited, Robert Niel sen, and Sherrell Berrett, are taught correct hand movements by Coach "Tuff" Linford .

BOYS SHOW INTEREST IN TENNIS The 1956 tennis team began league play on April 9, again t ypru High Sch I. With more boy participating, oach Howard "Tuff" Linford was assured f a better showing by the team. Returning letterment were Burton Anderon, Karl Miller, and ] hn Pollard.

TENNIS SCHEDULE April April April April April May May Mny


9 16 23 26

............................................... - ... Jordan at yprus ........................................................ Davis at Jordan ...................................................... Jordan nt Tooele .................................................... Murray at Jordan JO ................................................... Cyprus at Jordan J .................................................... Jordan at Davis 10 .................................................... T oele at Jordan 14 .................................................... Jordan at MurraY

FOCUS - Maureen Shepherd, Rosemary Jensen, and Shirleen Beck center their attention on Irene Nystrom as she demonstrates a dance fundamental.

DANCE CLASS MANAGERS- Row One: Mary Jane Brady, Gay Rasmussen, JoAnn off, Deanna Biggs. Row Two: Mary Lynn Klotovich, Mary Watts, Gwenda Hathaway, Georgie Wetsel, Vicki Lester.

DANCE CLASS DANCERS PRACTICE CHOREOGRAPHY Enthusiastically, dance class students began the school year by conditioning their bodies with exercises. Each girl was given the opportunity to he1p create a dance, which gave them training in choreography and compo~ sition. In addition to the valuable recreation benefits, Miss Yvonne Schofield sought to develop poise and grace in her dancers. MOVEMENT- Joyce Boswell, Sharon Dean, and Jackie Hall deve lop body coordination through creative dancing. FORM - Shnron Swenson and Linda Gardner execute graceful leaps as n pnrt of the dance class curriculum.

c.........;-....a,....,;;:=.__ _ _.....;;;:__ _~~-_;,;;:....~-~...1

COMPOSITION - Joan Maddox, Sharon Palmer, Jeannette Jones, Sheri Aaron, and Mary Lee Wilkinson practice formation techniques.


TENNIS - Nancy Hughes and )eneane Hud on watch Mary Javaine hand Sandra Price a tennis racquet for a game on the Jordan court.

SHOUTS ECHO ON FIELD AND FLOOR SHUFFLEBOARD - Evelyn Montague takes her turn playing shuffleboard as Judy Brady, Linda jones, Bonnie Dansie, and Edith Rains watch.

Participation in sports was a! o an important part of school life for girls attending Jordan. This activity develc;>ped fine body-co rdinati n, balance, and poise. The phy ical education program gave every girl an pp rtunity to find at least one sport she c uld like and would be capable of playing. Students were taught in classes by Miss Helen Seaman and Miss Yv nne Sch field.

CLASS MANAGERS- Row One: Roylance Ray, Colleen Steadman, Marie rimaucl, Brenda Bateman, Sharon Perry, Gayle Jensen. Row Two: Janet Gehring, Darlene Gregory, Dolores Pedro,) lene Cox, JoAnn Wheadon, Sharon Estepp. Row Three: Mnrilyn Bechtend, LaDaun Taggart, Janice Parkin, Lucille Markus,... 1met Stepan, Karol Hardwick.


CROQUET - Showing croquet techniques are Pamela Welch, Sharon Smith, Ln Wannn Webb, Teresa Rosales, and Martha Hernandez.

GOLFING - Physical education students, Sharon Tucker, Edna Burr, and Diane Mumford, improve their golf game.

GIRLS' SPORTS KI KBALL arol Ann Keen, Pat Duffin, Glenda Hardcastle, and Doris Lloyd participate in an outdoor spring sport.

nyle Conger, Judy Bunnell, Sandra Barney, KarAR HERY len e Humphrey, and Maxine Vunder take time out to display their good mnrksmanshi p.

RACING - Loa Graham gets ready to give the signal, "Go," to Carmen Barba, Louise Bernardo, Judy Zaffr, and Evon Despain.



SOPHS ARE ORIENTED IN JORDAN SOCIAL LIFE - Farrell Gunnell adviser, and four sophomore coeds chat over refreshments at the Sophomor~ Party.


Mary Lynn Klotovich, queen HARVEST BALL ROYALTY - Queen Mary Lynn Klotovich poses with her attendants, Brenda Bateman and Sharon Swenson.


"RO K AND ROLL"- A group of Jordanites cnj y dancing at the FFAspon ored Harvest Ball.


DANCERS HONOR FOOTBALLERS- Amid footballs which name players, coaches, and cheerleaders, Jordanites dance to the theme of "Mr. Touchdown." "HERE IS YOUR TEAM"- Football coach, "Tuff" Linford, introduces his team, and praises them for their fine playing.


"L K, NO II ES!"- hocless dancers pause to listen to the bnnJ :ll n Cltrls' lub-spt,nsoreJ spring social.

PARACHUTES AND AIRPLAN S - The Jordan Civil Air Patrol sponsored its firM Cadet Hop featuring an aviation decor in the Jordan


HOP DE ORATOR - Mr. ). M. Petersen, dccorallort cltatrman, and ~entors, Argene Adam~ and Danna Dee Adams, place n crystalized snow flake into position.

"HIGHER, HIGHER"- alvtn AtwooJ adjusts the mirrored mobile in prep, ration for the Senior Hop. NIGHTL!FERS ASSEMBLE - Under an arch denoting the theme of the Hop, six happy party goers chat.


William Ereckson, king

Ann Blackett, queen

CUPID REIGNS - Four J:.H.A. girls get the gym in readiness for the annual Sweethearts Ball.


"YOUR HOICE"- Marylyn Lang, FHA president, places the king' crown on Willwm Ereckson, as Queen Ann Blackett wntche~ .


"DAD-EO" - Jordan coeds enrermm their favorite dates at the Fathers and Daughter~> Tiig Ntght Out.

"THIS IS MY DAD"- Bonnie Christian and Linda Norton squire their dads to the Girls Club-sponsored party.

ORCHID ECSTASY- A junior committee put> the finishin~ touches on the giant orchid decoration.

"NEXT ONE, PLEASE"- Sunnie Nelson and Jack Tripp assume lofty perches as they hang streamers for the Prom.


RHYTHM INTRIGUES - One of the social highlights of the year brought out Jordanites en masse to enjoy the fun.


JUNIOR LASS OFF! ERS - Pre~ident Mark Miller ties the orchid favor on the wrist of hi~ dare, Secretory Sharlene Ho!Tm11n.

SHUFFLING SHOES- Students honor the new 1956-57 student body officers with the Election Dance.



DAISY MAE - Chosen by popular vote to be Daisy Mae, joAnne Kynaston and her escort, Van Lindsay, are married by Marryin' Sam .

DO PATCH HAY DAY Jay Dee-sponsored dance.

A carnival atmosphere sets the theme of the annual


"INTRODUCING . . . "- Sharon Swenson, Argene Adams, and Artist William Ereckson introduce Howard Evan , a new teacher.



"THANKS COACH"- Coach Art Hughes accepts standing ovation of the appreciative Jordan crowd.


The student body assembles to pay tribute to their team.

UNDERWARE, MOPS, AND BOOTS - A group of green sophomores display their winning attire for the initiation.


ALUMNI DAY - Sterling Hill and Glenn Sa cos, alumni committee chairmen, nnd Mrs. Marlon Larsen and Mrs. Earl Pearson, recall memories as they revisit Jordan High.

TOOELE TRAVELING ASSEMBLY - A male quartet from Tooele High School entertains the Jordan student body.

THE HARMONAIRES-;:- An eve~t h!~hly pleasing to Jordanites was the performance by the Harmonatres.

YEARBOOK DAY - Autographing books occupies the time of students as they stop in hall 路ays and on stairs.

"]" DAY - Jordanites relax at Lagoon at one of the last combined activities of the school year.

GRADUATION SPEAKERS - Geraldine Whitmore, Judy Bills, Karl Miller, Dan Jorgensen, and Janice Richardson listen as Edward Miner rehearses his speech.





________, -·.....--···--·.............._.,......, ...



"I'M STUDYING"- A friendly dog left some classes in ao uproar when he found his way into school one day. "HEAD UP A BIT"- Lorin Wheelwright and Ray Bergman te~ch photographic techniques to Bruce Lennberg, Richard Kemp, and onnie Anderson at the Wheelwright Photography onferen e.

A FAMILIAR SIGHT - Student janitor, Wnrren Vincent, stops his sweeping to watch Argene Adams, Sharon Swenson, and Shirlee Gehring practice a cheer.

BOOKS AND THINGS gives her locker a needed


Afton Jensen

CHRISTMAS TIME - Student body officers trim the giant Christmas tree in the main hall.

"THEY'RE JUST Rl HT"- Dick Wetsel nnd Burton Anderbon, the only male cook• check on their baki ing btU

"TESTING"- Gloria Glines makes an announcement over the new loud-speaking system installed in 1956.

NEW SCENES - Workmen fini sh constru ction on the new physical education building east of the main ca mpu s.

H. GRANT KUNZLER - Mr. Kunzler assumed the teaching duties of Grant Martin when Mr. Martin accepted a new post at East High School.



7 ..................... First Day of Sch ol 16 ............... Get Acquainted Party 23 .................... S phomore Initiation 26 .............................. Class Election 30 .................................. Harvest Ball

16 .................................... Senior Hop 19-21 .................................... Messiah 22 .......................... Christmas Party

OCTOBER 7 .................................. Talent Show 27 .......................... Sophomore Party 28 .............................. Football Dance

NOVEMBER 16 17, 18 ...................... School Play 18' .............. Seminary Candy Dance 23 ...................... Thanksgiving Party

23 .................................. Junior Prom 26 ................ Fathers and Daughters 30 ...... Seminary Pinning Ceremony


25 .............. Fathers' and Sons' Party

13 ................ Student Body Elections 20 ...................... Dogpatch Hay Day 25 .............. Mothers and Daughters




11 .......................... Sweethearts' Ball 21 .................................... Cadet Hop 29 ............................ Stocking Stomp

MARCH 2 .................................. Alumni Day 8, 9, 10 .... State "A" Tournament

10 14 16 17 18 22 24 25

.......................... Senior Reception ............................ Award Banquet .................. Senior Dinner Dance .......................... Senior Sluff Day .................. Seminary Graduation ........................................ "]" Day .............................. Year book Day .................................... Graduation



EDWARD PATIENCE- Awarded Certificate of Merit by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.

LAMAR DAVIS - $100 Union Pacific scholarship for excellence in agriculture. BRUCE LENNBERG - $50 scholarship to U. of U. for excellence in photography. FRANK LESSLEY State Fair Sweepstakes prize in sculpturing. JOENE TRANTER - Second place in Elks Club Scholarship contest.

MELRAE BATEMAN- First place in Courier story conresr, first place in Jordan American Legion Oratory Contest and third in stare semi-finals.

BEETDIGGER SALUTES Chosen for outstanding achievement, these ten Jordan students represent the finest standards of high school service. The Beetdigger staff is proud to recognize these people as exemplary Jordanires. ROBERT BAILEY W n $140 scholarship to BYU as be$t ocror in the state at BYU Speech Festival.

EDWIN POND - Represented Utah at the Music Education National Convention.


DAN JORGENSEN - Chosen outstanding Jordnn boy to attend Rorary onference.

VAL FINLAYSON - Awarded honor schol arship to U. of U. for 路cho lnslic ability.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The busy sounds evolving in and around the yearbook room have diminished, but our appreciation to all who helped prepare this book shall not cease. To the following we extend sincere thanks: our loyal staff and capable adviser ... the business staff ... Lorin and Max Wheelwright, Ray Bergman, Bud Parkin, and Arvin Mineer of Wheelwright Lithographing Company ... the Midvale Camera Center, printers of the album pictures ... Noel Howell, who helped with special photography ... our helpful custodians ... the Jordan faculty, particularly Miss Oralie Rawson, Murray Allen, Donald Olsen, Glen Soulier, Howard Evans, Kenneth Lyman, James L. Seal, R. S. Peterson, Royal D. Madsen, and Principal T. H. McMullin. This summary would be incomplete if we failed to recognize the cooperation of parents and the helpfulness of friends as we "echoed the sounds of '56." Carol and Connie Anderson

CONTENTS ACADEMIC Administration ................................................ Juniors .............................................................. Seniors .............................................................. Sophomores ...................................................... Student Officers ..............................................

10-23 44-57 28-43 58-73 24-27

ACTIVITIES About Campus ............................................ 152-153 Awards ................................................................ 154 Calendar .............................................................. 153 Social Life .................................................... 144-149 Special Events· .............................................. 150-151

ATHLETICS Baseball ........................................................ 136-137 Basketball .................................................... 128-133 Cheerleaders ........................................................ 120 Football ........................................................ 121-125 Girls Sport .................................................. 139-141 G If ...................................................................... 138 Tennis .................................................................. 138 Track ............................................................ 134-135 Wrestling ...................................................... 126-127

CULTURAL ARTS Band .............................................................. 106-107 Beetdigger .................................................... 100-101 Br adcaster .................................................. 102-103 ourier ................................................................ 105 Debate .......................................................... 116-117 "]" Book .............................................................. 104 Messiah ................................................................ 109 Orchestra ............................................................ 108

Photography ........................................................ 104 School Play ...... ............................................ 110-111 Speech Activities ............. ........................... 114-115 Traveling Assembly .................................... 112-113

MISCELLANEOUS Acknowledgement .............................................. 155 Ending .................................................................. 160 Index ............................................................ 156-159 Introduction ........................................................ 1-7

ORGANIZATIONS Boys Club .............................................................. 76 Charlonians ...................................................... 78-79 Civil Air Patrol .................................................... 90 Dance Club .......................................................... 93 DECA .................................................................... 85 FFA .................................................................. 88-89 FHA ................... ................................................... 87 Forensic League .................................................... 97 Future Engineers .................................................. 84 Girls Club .............................................................. 77 Jay Dees ....................................... ..................... 82-83 ]ordanettes ............................................................ 81 Key Club ................................................................ 80 Language Club ...................................................... 86 Lettermen Club .................................................... 91 Masque and Gavel .......................................... 94-95 Press Club .............................................................. 96 Quill and Scroll .................................................... 96 Radio Club ............................................................ 86 Red Cross .............................................................. 81 Riding Club .......................................................... 91 Ski Club ---···········-----··-····-----································- 92 155

PICTURE ADMINISTRATORS Ainsworth, Law rence J. .......•.............. 2 2 Allen, Murray F ............................. 20, 19 Anderson, Stanley R..................... 21, 19 Bagley, Frank M ......................... 19, j j Ballard, 0. D ....................................... II llartlett, Wilham H ............................. 13 Beckstead, Leonard C......................... 12 lleckstead, Reed H ............................... II Benn10n M1ss Deane ... - ................. 17, 45 Benson, Wallace ···········-········-·······- .. - 22 llerrett, M elvin ................ J6 41, 96, 102 B1anchi, Ernest j ... .-...................... 18, 59 B1shop, Mrs. Giona ............................ 22 Hoberg, Lowell j ............. 16, II, 86, 112 Booth, Beth ......................................•. 23 Boren, Wilham R ............... l7, 123, 124, 136, ll7 Boyce, Paul C ......................... J9, 88, 9 1 Brady, Kenneth A ......................... 2 1, 63 Brand, Mrs. Rosetta ............................ 23 Budge, Donald M ....•.............. J9, 69, 90 Brown, Mrs. Eve lyn H ....................... 23 Casper, Jesse B............................... ll, 27 Crapo, ). Clement. ....•20, 107, 108, 109 (.;rawford, C. N ................•..........2 1, 116 Crawford, E. L. ............................ 18 , 101 Dowding, D. Almy .............................. 22 Dowdmg, Mrs. Ha.eL. ..................... 23 Dunn, J(enneth V ............................... 12 Epperson, Emery G............................. 13 Evans, Howard C ......................... l8, I 10 F1t>gerald, Mra. Mary B ............... l 7, 82 Forsgren, Miss Afton .......................... 17 Fraser, MJSs Golda ............ l6, 29, 67, 86 Goff, MISs Marie .................... l8, 41, 87 Go!dbrandson, Phd F.. ... I I, 26, 97, 117 Green , Mrs. Carolyn N ..................... 17 Gunnell, Farrell H ......................... 21 , 19 Henderson, M1ss Betty ...... l8, 29, 82, 87 Hendnckson, A. LeMar ........ l6, 41, 101 Hughes, Arthur.......... 20, 122, 124, 128, 130, 138, I 10

1~~~~~ ·~~r7~~~~:::~::::::::::::::::~::::::: li

Kamnikar, 1:-rank.. ............................ IS, 76 Kcnmngton, Emerson H ..................... 19 Kim, Chester ...................................... 18 Kunder, H . Grant .............................. I I 3 L~nford, Howard B ..... 20, 91, 121, 123, 133, 138, 141 Madsen, Royal D ........................... l9, 22 Man1n, Grant .... l8, 122, 124, 130, 132 McDonald, Dora H ............................. 12 McMulhn, T. H ................................. 14 M1ckelsen, P. M ................................. 11 M11ler, Burton S ................................. 12 Ohverson, Ray .... l8, 123, 124, llO, 134

g~~~~-. ~oAI~.. -~::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::: ~~

Petersen,). M ....................... J9, 71, 146 Petersen, MJSs Reea ...................... l6, 82 Peterson Arthur E ............................. 10 Peterson', R. S ......................... 21, 29, 84 PJXton, Robert L ................................. 21 Rasmussen, Stanley A ......................... II Rawson, Miss Oralie ............ 16, 79, 96, 102, 104 R1ch, John E ....................................... 12 Riggs, Norman D ........................... J6, 91 Russon, Arland L ............................... 19 Sehof1eld M1ss Yvonne ........ 20, 41, 79, • 92, 93 Seal, James L ....................................... 19 Seaman, Miss Helen ........ 20 , 19, 79, 92 Sharp, Stanley R ......................... l6, 101 Sorenson, Dale F ................................. 21 Souher, Glen E ....................... 21, 29, 3~

~~o;J:r·. ~~~~

L::::::::::::::::::::::::::::== l

I Thomas, Fay B ......................... l7, 29,81 Thomson, N. K ................................... ll Thurman, Earl ) ............. .................... 12 Tranter, Mrs. Gertrude .................. I?, 82 Tripp, Rex T ....................................... 12 Wade, Mrs. Wanda C ....................... 17

~ !i,t~n 'v !t~ri.W.::::~::::::::::::~:::::::;:::::::


Webster, MISs Barbara ........................ 22 Wood, Mrs. Evelyn N ................... ll, 81 Zieve, Miss Betty ............ l6. 94, 91, Ill

STUDENTS A Aaron, Sheri ................ 27, 41, 92, 139 Aceves, Carolyn ............................ 41, 77 Adams, Argene. ... 29, 79, 8 1, 108, 120, H6, 150. 112


INDEX Adams, Betty Anne .......................... 19 Adams, Danna Dec .................... 29, 146 Adondakis, Mike .... 2 I, 26, 29, 97, 117 Alexander, Keith ........................ 29, Ill Alldredge, Floyd .................. 29, 107, 108 Allen, Barbara ................ 29, 77, 83, 101 Allen, Carolee .............................. 29, 81 Allen, Earl .................................... 41, 88 Allen, Harold ................................ 29, 89 Allen, Howard .............................. 29, 88 Allen, Melvin .................................... ~~ Allen, Tom ........................................ 19 Allgood, Eldon .................................. 19 Allsop, B1ll ........................................ 19 Allsop, Kent ........ 27, 19, 121, 134, 137 Allsop, LuWen .................................. 81 Alverson, Curus ............................ 29, 90 Alves, Irene ............................ 19, 77, 82 Anderberg, Maxine ........ ........ 59, 77, 82 Anderson, Beverly ·················-··········· 45 Anderson, llurton ........ 29, 91, 120, 123, 126, 127, 138, 112 Anderson, CaroL ................. 26, 29, 100 Anderson, Chester .............................. 19 Anderson, Conn1e .... 26, 29, 77, 100, 152 Anderson, Dav1d ............... .19, 121, 132 Anderson Elayne ........... _........... 59 , 108 Anderson, Estella ....................... .41, 103 Anderson, Gary .................... 45, lOS, 122 Anderson, Glenn ................................ 41

~~~~~~~: JL~nnnn


:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Anderson, Marian ............ 4S, 77, 86, 92 Anderson, Merlin .............................. 88 Anderson, Nathan ...................... 41, 107

~~~~~:~'~. j~~lk ::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::: ~~

Andreasen, Michael... ............. 41, 88, 91, 122, 124 Andrus, Charles ................................ 59 Andrus, Marlon ........ 29, 80, 81. 84, 97 , Ill, 117 Archuletta, Corrine .............. H. 77, l 01

~;-;':,'g~,~·~~~n ··:=::::~::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~

~:~~~. tEf::_: : :.:_:::::~:_:_:_:_~::::_:_:::::::~-~-9_._ I~~ Ashworth, Ralph ................. .4S, 90, 108 Astle, Dale .................................... 45, 84 Astle, Paul ........................................ 120 Atk1nson, Carol ............................ 29, 81 Atwood, Aloma ............................ 29, 91 Atwood, Calvin .......................... 29, 146 Atwood, Ernest .................................. 4 S Atwood, Lamona ................................ 29 Augason, Pbliip ............................ 41 , 90

B Gloria .................................... 4S Terry ................... - ................. 59 DeWayne .............................. 45 MlchaeL-................... 30, 88 , 90 Robert ... - ..... 30, 31. 88, 89, 91, 11 0, Ill, Ill, 113, 114, Ill Bailiff, Gary ........................................ 19 Ba~rd, Claudme .......... - ..................... 19 Baird, Cralg ... _....................... 22, 41, lOS Baird, KarL ................... 41, 80, 84, 134 Baker, Boyd .................................... 30, 87 Baker, Joseph ............ 4S, 80, 94, 95, 96, 97, 107, 116, 117, 137 Baker, Joyce .................................. 4 I, 82 Baker, Manlyn ... _ ....................... 45, 101 Bahcb, Lucille .................................... 41 Ball, Joedy .................................. 30, IH Ball, Sandra ........................................ 30 Ball, Sharon ........................................ 19 Ballam1s, Linda ................ H, 79, 86, 92 Barba, Carmen ............................ 59. IH Barbcn, JeneaL ..................... S9. 83, 87 Barney, Alex ...................................... 46 Barney, Gwen .............. _ ................... 59 Barney, Sandra ... - ..... 59, 82, 106, 107, 108, 141 Bastain, Mary ................................ 30, 78 Bateman, Brenda .... l9, 77, 112, 140, 144 Bateman, Me!Rae .... 46, 78, 81, 82, 112, 113, Ill, 116, 117 , I SS Bateman, Ray .......... 30, 33, 80, 96, 120 Bateman, Wayne .................. _ ........... 59 Battioon, Peggy .................................. 59 Beath, Wanda .................... 30, 82, 81. 93 Beck, Marian ............................ )O, 81, 83 Beck, Shirlcen.- ... 46, 78, 79, 82, 139 Beckstead, Aaron ,,_, ____ .................... 46 Bcckatcad, Arlene .................... 30, 78. 83 Beckstead, Carolyn ............. _............... 30 Beckatead, Chad .......................... 59, 108 Beckstead, Darla ................................ 60 Beckatead, Dennia .............................. 60 Beckaread, Erma .................................. 3 0 Beckatead, Garth ................. 60, 125, 13 4 Beckstead, Jerry .................................. 60 Backus, Bagley, BaJlcy, Ba.ley, Bailey,

Beckstead, Manlyn ........ 46, 96, 102, 140 Beckstead, Mary ..............................60 , 82 Beckstead, NJ!e ............ 60, 121, 133, 134 Bcck•tcad, Sally ................ 30, 78 , 79, 81 Beckstrom, 1JarreiL........ 30, 94, 91, 107 Beers, Kent .................... 46, 91, 132, 137 Belcher, Kay .................................... 60, 94 Belcher, Jcrric .......................... 30, 81 , 94 !Jell, Uarlcnc ............................ )Q, 81, 93 Bell, j amcs ...... 30, 87, 90, 91, 126, 127 Ucndtxon, UeAnn .............................. 30 Bennett, Gary ...... ............................... . S1' llcnnJOn. Lynn .................................... 60 Henson, Carla ............ 30, 41, 79, 8 1, 82, 83, ~J Benson, Chriauan ......................... - .. . 46 !lenson, Uouglaa ............................ ) 0, 90 !Jcrgm;~n, Ronald ................................ 30 llcrnardo. Jean .............................. 18, 46 liernardo, Lou1ae .......................... 46, l-41 Uerrett, Joannc ................ 46, 79, 82, lUI !Jerrctt, ~berrciL. .. -46, 76, 84, 91, 123, ll4, 129, 130, 149 Berry, Gordon ....................... _........... 60 ll1g118. 1Jcanna ................ 46, 91, 105, 139 J:hijanac, Mary ........................... - ....... 30 IJJ!IS, llelty Ann ................................ 30 ll1lls, Judy .......... 26, 27, 30, 43, 78, 81 , 82, I I I B11ls, Vcrla~ne ........... _....................... 60 B111gham, Lorna ............................ 60, 82 IJ1shup, Cathenne .............................. 30 ll1shop, l'aul ........................................ 46 ll1shop, R1 chard ............................ 46, 87 B1shop, Sharon ............................ 60, 108 lllackctt, Ann ........ 46, 78, 92, 94, 116, 147. 149 Blanchard, Ted ...................... 60, 65, llS llla!IUS, 1Jon .... 27, 30, 33, 91, 100, 138 IJJatnick. Uuane .......................... 46, 105 llloodworth, Kenneth .......................... 60 !Jiumcl, Bruce .............................. - ... 60 Blume!, Ralph .................................... 60 Bodell, Glenna ............................. 30, 81 Bodell, Kathy ................................ 60, 82 Bodell, Sherman .................................. 60 lloggcas, Vonda .............................. 30, 82 lloihgcr, Bubara .......................... 60, 82 !lone, Kent .......................................... 46 Bt11Cn, Ronald ,_ ................................ 46 BoskoviCh, Dan1cl .............................. 60 Boewell, Joyce ...................... 23, ~6. 139 IJoulder, !Jon ...................................... 88 Boulden, Ga1th .................................. 46 Bowen, llcnry ............................... 60, 80 Bowers, Arden .................................... 30

~:::~:: N:!~t :::=::::::::::::::~:::::::::·::::::: ~g Boyce , Don.1ld ............................ 60 , 107 Boyce, t,nnc ........................ ...... 60, 83

~~~~: ¥~~~,,~ .. ::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::::: ~~

lk>ylc, Mary ....................................... ~6 Bracken, Sharon ........................... 30, 86 Brady, Barbara ................- ... - .......... 31 Brady. judy .......................... 60, 83, 140 Brady, Ladd .................................... 46 Brady. Mary Jane . 46, 106, 107, 139 Brand, Lynn ...... ... ............ ...... 22, 46 Brenneman. Raymond ........ 60, 106, 107, 116, 125, IH Bnd~ca, E!Ray ........................ .46, 15 BnJIK'• LeRoy .............................. 60, 121 Bnnton. lioword ........ 26, 27, 58. 60. 92, 125. 133 Brinton, Ralph.. ...... 27, 31, 8Q, 91, 92, 122, 126, 127, IH Bnnton Shawna .................................. ~6 Brklac1ch, Rosa!Jc ........... 46, 78, 81, 82, 91. 116 Brown, Barre ............... ---........... 60 Brown, B11l .................................. 60, 108 Brown, Bud ....................... - ............... 46 Brown, David .......... )!, 39, 84, 97, 117 Brown, Evelyn ................................... 31 Brown, Farrel ... ~6. 87, 102, 106, 107 Brown, Helen ...................................... 60 Brown , ,loan ..................................... 60 Brown. )nycc ..... - ............................. ~6 Brown, )lldy .................. - ................. 46 Brown, Kent ............................ 60, 125 Brown, Laurtl .... .. ......... 60, 86 .. _ ........ 46, 87 Brown, Manlyn Browne , John . 46, 60, 122, 127 Brunetti, Alh<-rt ....................... ) !, 107 IJunncll. judith ................. 60, 116, 141 Burn1, V1CK1n1a ................... ~6. 104 Burr, l!dna ..... 60, 77, 82, 83. 87, 141 llurtun, L.Var ........ - ................ 31, 90 llllrton, Ray .................................. 46, 90 Bu•hncll, Bryce .•. - ......................... 60 But!"'· Kent ........................ .. .. 60 lllltl r, )<>an 60, 82, 106 Butterheld, Ann ..... l7, 46, 79 . 81, 87 , lOS, 11 6 Buuerf1dd, Brent ................ ...... 46, Ill Butterfield. DcLoy .................. ll. 88, 90 Butterfield, Du1e .................. 6l, 83, 116 Bllttcrf1cld. llyrum ...................... - ... 46 llutt<rf1eld, ]"<k ............................... 46 llult rf1eld, Larry ---·"···----------· 46 llutterlleld, L1nda ........................ .... 46

Butterfield, Lynn ................................ 61 Butterf1cld . Ray ........................... ... 89 Buttcrf1cld, Sharon .................. 46, 53, 87 Burgon, V cNae .. 26, 3 I , 81, 8 I, 96, I 03 Burkmshaw, K,~ren .... 1 1, 78, 86, 92, 95 Burnett, Gwen ................. .. ........ 31, 78


Cam, Donna ............ 47, ?B. 82, 96, 101 Campbell, Don ............ 47, 91, 122, 123, 127' 134 Campbell, Ilene ...................... 47, 8), 92 Campbell, Robert ........ )!, 91, 123, 126. 127, JH Cannon, james .................................... 61 Carlsen, Val D ........................... .. 22, 47 Carroll, Jean .................... 61. 63, 82, 91 Carter, !Jarbara ............................ 47, 101 Carter, Ellen ........ .................... 61, 82, 94 Case, Cora ...................................... 47, 83 Casper, judenc ........ 47, 78, 81, 82, 101 Cavedar, Karen .................................. 61 Chambcrla111, Ka1ma .......................... 32 ChamberJ,IJn, John ........................ 19. 6 1 Chambc1 !Jn, Ca10 l .............................. 32 Ch1destcr, Phd!Jp ........... _................. 61 Ch1dcster, Robert .......................... 32, 90 Chnstenscn, RJChard ..................... 32, 90 ChnstaJn, Bonnlc ... - ..... 47, 79, H2, 1~/ Chnstophcrson. Jerry ................... 47, Jl2 Church, Darlene ............... 31, 78, 92, 93 C lark, Garry ...................................... 3 1 Clarke, Patnc1a .............................. 61 , 83 Cleland, R1chard ................................ 47 Clement, Karen ... - ....................... 61, 86 Clement, Kwh ......................... .. .. 47

g:~~to~t'\'?ra;;k· .. :::::::::::::::~:=::::::::.:: ~~ Conger , Gaylc ........................ 61, 82, 141

g:k B~~:,·~~ :::~.:::::::::::~::::::::: . --·: ~ l Cook, Curus ........................ 47, 123, I 1 ,'

H Cook, Vclma ................................ n, 102 Cooke, EloiSe ................................ 61. 83

8::~.~k. 't:n~~-~. ::::::::::::::::::::::.:. . 4,-.. - ~


Co•tanu, Clmo ......................... 66. 121 Cowdcll, Marvin ................................ 32 Cowley, Wayne ............ 47, 80, 97, 116 Cox, Cat1d1a ................... ....... )2, 31, 85 Cox , Dal • .................................... 61. 117 Cox, Jolene ........... - ....... 61. 83, 94, 140 Crane, C!Jfta .................... 32 , 78, 86. 87 Crane, Conn1c ............ 47, 77, 87, 14 9 Crane, Paul .................................... (,1 Crawfurd, John .................... 47, 122, 127 Cr ssall, Sharon ......................... 61. 81 CrosRrove, Stewall ....................... 32. ~U Cros~rovc, GI .. dc ........................ 47, 80 Crump, Garry ·---· .......... ·-··-----···· .. 47 Crump. Larry ............................. 47, Jl7 Crump, Norman ........................ 47, 106 ~rtllllp, ~orval ............................. ~~

Crump, Sandra

.. _ ........... ..

Cult.s, M1ke ............ .. .............. ,6 1, 62 Cunnmgton. SJndy ........ 47, ~3. 106. JCI7 Curt,., Gary ....................................... 62 Curt1s, )lldy ... .. . ... . 62 Cutler, Benny...... 26, 27, 28, 12, 91. 128, 129, 130, 134, J)~ Cutler, Fred .... ,... ... .. ... 4


Dahl, Jan t ......... 48, 78, 94, 108. II~ Dahl. Rex ... ...... ...... .. .... ... .. 6 Dahl, RobcrL .........._ ... ....... 47, 96, Ill 2 l),,hl, Rulon ... ................. ~H. 122 Dale, D"tn • .... .. ..................... 48, 81 Dana1c, llunn1c. .62 . ~3. 94, 116. H~ Dan11e, LaPay ..... .. ......... 62, 81, 10 Dan.,,·, Lora Lee ...... - ............... 112. 8~ Oan11c, Raymond ... ----.................. 6 Dall&IC, Rodney . .. ..................... .48, a72 Dav.-, Betty ........... .. ....................... 3 l)avJa, l',onnac ...•.. _ ...................... 48 DaviS, [),lie ........................................ 32 DolVIS, l!dward ............................ 22, 12 Dav1s, Kc1oJ .... ... ............... 62. 10; Dav1s, LaM.tr ........·-······-I~ Dav11. LaPnclk ................. 21. 12. II: Day. Evelyn. .. ......... 25, 32, 79. 8 U.1y, Robert .................... 62, 76, I J 3 Day, Sherman ............ 26, 27, 32, 76. 817 84 91, 128, 130, 136, 1\ Deakin Arlene --- ....... ... .... 12. 9 DcJklll, !Jetty Lou - .. - 48, 96, 101. 10 6 Dean, 01Xlc ..... ...... 48, 78 Dean, Kay .... ....... ...... .62 , 67, 82 Dean, Sha10n ... ..... 48, 83, I 1~ DtGJOut, DeAnna ...... 48, 86, 10 Dcl~ado, Je.,c ... .... 62, 12 I. 1J ii1 I riR••Jo, Mary Elltn ...... .. 4 Delgado, Tony ........ 62, 86. 108 Ocluc.1, S.1mmy... .. ..... .... 48. li 7 ID)~nn,.onG._ Manon .............. ......... 2 cnny, ar-y ..... .............. ...... 48l Denslry, Bonn1c . ....... .62, 8 Dcrncott, Don ..................... 26, 32, 12 2 Deapau1, Clare .... ........ .............. 48 Dc1pam, Ewn .......... . 62, 82, 87, H 1 Dca)wn, )vim.... ... - .... - ... .62, 61, Jl 7 Dc.I>a~n. R1chanL ........... l2, )), 90. 9 2

Despai n , W1 lh am ···-·················-·····--· 48 D1bh, D1anne ...................................... 48 D1ck, John .................................. .48, 88

8::~~~~. J~~~~t -: : -: ·:·: : ·: : ~: :·: : -·:-·: ~ :_·_~ H

Donus, Caro line ----~·-·······--········-······ 62

Oory, Ocnn1s ....................................... 62

E~~i.;n :c~~~~e--:::·.::::::::::::::::::::::::·4~ ~ ·1~~

DouK las, joe ........................................ 62 Downs, Oav1d ···················-··············- 48 Downs, Pat .................................... 32 , 78 Drake, J erry ................................62, 127 Drake, j oseph ................................ 48, 89 Drew, Darre ll .................................... 62 Duffm. Pat. ............. 62, 77, 82, 94, 14 1 Dunn, Ba1 bara .......................... 32, 8 1, 91 Dunyon , Dnnna ........ 20 , 27, 32, 78, 79, 100, 108, 109 Durs t , Sandy ................................ 32, Ai

E Eaotman, De l Ray ................................ 88 Eo.,man, Donodd ................................ 62 Eastman, Ru th .................................... 4H Eckman, Gary .............................. 62, 12; Edwards , ll r uce .................... 32 , 120, 138 Edwards. M :u y Jane ........................ 32 Egbert, llclen ..................... 62, 83. Il l Eh lers, Ka rl ...................................... 48 Eld redK"· Sharo n ...... 48, 78 , 8 1, 82, 87, 96, 102 Elg, Stanley .................... .. ........ 3 2, 90 Eltt, llarhara ...................................... 32 End.>, ('i racc ···················-······ .. ··········· 62 Endo , jason ............ 32 , 84 , 9 1, 126, 12'1 Endo , Jerry .......................... 62, 9 1, 127 Enn1.,, Dona ld .................................. 90 Enn •ss, Erma ···-·· ............... .......... 32, 77 Ereck•un, J ohn ................................... l J Erecksun, Wal h am ........ JJ . 80, 9i , 104, ! Oi , 11 0, Ill , 11 3, 147, !iO Erickson Ca rolyn .......................... 33 , 8 1 Enchon, Drnn11 .......................... 62, 12/ Enckson, j;m1ce ..... ...................... 62, 8:\ En ckson, Louccn ..... ····-··················· 48 Erne• <. J oAnn .......................... 48, 87 Ernst rom . W<Jyne .... JJ , 80 , 90 , 9 1, 103 , I 04, 127 Eotcpp , j.am cs .............. 22, 111 , II S, 11 7 Estepp, ~hanll1 ...... 62, 82 , ~4 . 11 6, 140 EthcllllJ.:ton, Larry ................. ···-· .. 62 Evana, Carolyn ...... 48, 78, 97 , 11 6 , 11 7 Evan•. Ge nl ell c ................ )J HS, 87, 10 1 Evans No rene .......................... 48, 79 , 92 Evans, Sharon ....................... 62, 82, 108 IJwc ll , Forest ................................ 62, 127 Ewe ll , Leo n ........................ )) , 9 1, 134 Eyrt·, G lorta ............................ 47 . 4a, 87 Eyre, Ra lph ..................................... 62

F Fa trhourn, Lynda ........ 48 , Sl , 77 , 79 , a t fa11bourn, TcJJnmy .......................... ~8 Farmer, l)cn nl.!l ....... - ......................... 48 f arnswo rth , Uay le .... !Oi, 11 4 , I Ii, 11 7 Farneworth. Jt nrold ..................... 62 F.nnewo rth , JoA nn ........ 48, 78, 87 , 107 Pcchaa•r, Ph yfh e ..............................62, 82 Fe nste rmake r , La Rue ....................... 62 ft i W,I I!I , )1 mmy ................................... 48 FrtHU~<>n , Ch.u lu ............... 48 , I 12, 11 3 Ft.·r~-tuson, Dixie ..... ...... .. ......... - ..... 4R Pcr~uson, llcx ................................. ll F1f<, Dean .... .... ... .. .. 48, 84, I OS Ftn l.lyoo n, j ane t ..... 48, 77, 78, 106, 108 F1nlay•on, Va l ...... 23, 33, 84, 11 2, I SS F1t%Kt'rll ld, Che11e ....................... lJ, 92 F1ttK<'r.al d, Ckn n ... .. ..... 62, 80, 11 2 l'l t%Hcrn ld, l'at. ....... 2S, )), 79, 8 1 10 4, 114

l'lltK<ra ld, Warren ..................... 27 , 48 Fl andt•rs, •o ldccn .......................... 62, 83 Plo rco, Irene .................................. 33 , as Flurra. Mary Louise ................. - ...... 62 Purhu•h , Tcny ........................... 84, 11 6 Forhl18h. Marva ......................... - ....... ~ 8 Forman, Nedra .......................... 48, 78 Fr.1nd•cn, Dtalc .................. 48, 86, 106 Proisl;1nd , Lt~rry ..................... - ........... 4Q Fu llmer, Carol .............................. 63 , 82 Fullmcr, Onn ......................... 27 , 49, 134 Fullmer, Guy . .. .... 6), 134

c (;n JleHUI, Rodney ............................. 49 Can•. M lkc ......... .49, 84, 9 1, l OS, 123 , 124, 132, 134 , ! JS .. ... 63, 9 1, 12S Gamble Max .. ........ G.lf<Jncr, Jerry ........... - ...... _.. ...... 49 G.rdner, L1nd.1 ........................... 49, 139 C.aruncr, M a ry An n ..... 33 . 78, 8 1, 86. 96, 97, 103 , ! I S, 11 7 Garn, Raymund ... ~....... - ..................... 63 t:astcr. ll arvey ....90, 9 1, 107, 122, 124 c:.~uf.n, Kcn L ..................................... 33 UcdHc, R1nda ................................ 49 , 87 GchrtnH, janct ................ 63 , 77, 82, 14 0 Cchnng, ~hJtl ce ........ 49 , 78, 8 1, 82 120, 1S2 G• lbert , Eunice .............................. 49 , 87

Cd laspie, M ichael .............................. 33 G lad , Davtd .................................. 49, 88 Glenn, Bonn lc .......................... 49, 82, 91 Gimes, C iona ........ H . 79, g7, 94, IS2 G imes, Patsy ................................. .49, i3 Glove r , Ted ........................................ 63 Goff, CJ.fford .................... 63 , Ill , 134 Cuff, j oAnn ............................ 47, 78 , 139 Goff, Rex .................................... 49, 122 Cold, Chcrry .................... 34, 79, 94, 96 Gold, Dale .......... 49, 9 1, !Oi, 123, 124, 134 Go ld , Stephcn ........ 6) , 94, 9i , I Ii, 11 6 Uon:a lcs, EloUJse ................................ 63 Gont<Jb, Velma ..................... 34, 82 , 8i Goodnch, Lcw1s ................................ 63 GotberH. Russell. ................................ 63 Grah;~m, Charlcs .................... 49, 86, 108 Urah.tnt, Loa ................................ 34, 141 G rant, Jo.ln ...................... 49, 79, 92 , 114 U r;1y, Kathy .................................. ) 4 , 81 Crcen, DcnnJ> ............ 49 . 96, ! 02, 103 Crc~n. Ccrt~ld .................................... 63 1


K'~~n~·;h"~~::::::::::::::::~::::::::::.~:: ~~ g~~~~: Tt~~~~~~-·-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::i~: ~~

Crcen, \VJILud ...................... 63, g8, 122 Cn·fnltcld, Darlene ............................ -19 Grcl.!nv. uutl, jc:-.stc Kay .... 2K, 3-1, 85, 108 ....... 6J, 83, 108 Grct:n\i.uoU, K;trt:n... Cn:~ury, Dou h:nc ... .. ............... 63, I 40 (;rt~ory, Dec .................................... 63 Gles tnen. ry ..................... 34. 91, 137 Gnfi Jt h, Ma, ................................... 49 (;rlmaud, Hit lc, )J ........................ 41), 134 Ct!lll;IIJtl, J·h·nry ............. .............. 49, 88



M.lr!\: ................... 63,



(;n,um, (.;ordtm .............................. 34, 95 Gruver , K-..·nt .................................... 63 (;u~..:non, Jackie ............................ )), 101

H J--l,lk,ln>on, Dallas ........ 27, 63, 108 , 132, 13 7 ll ak.1n~on, Cary .................................. 34 l l.tk, Nornlil Lynn .... 27, !U, 7R, HI, ~2 11.111, J•"4"1)n ....................... iO, gJ, ll~ I I,.JJ, Julll• ........................................ SIJ ll .tll, Kc11n..:th ................................. .fY 11 .1lhual', M.~>1nc ........................ ;;, tos l l.dh,, RtJI)I.;rt .................................... (,J 11.1n1. j.,y ............................... 63, K2 I l,tmllttlll, (;atl ................................. 8R ll .•mdtoll, J.umtt ... 64, 82 ll ;untlttlll, ~h'''''n ................... J.:t, lJ ) I IJmdton, Sh.,J.... , .......... 14, 86, 101 /i"nu, llr11<c __ .KIJ, g4, 91, 126, 127 .lll~-..:n. l lt~rh.tra ................................ 50 ll.u1scn, D.tvtd .................. .. ..... 41.1 I Luu:~cn, Don ..................................... 50

~~~~~~:;: T\;:~n"...·.··:.~·.-::.:·_·.-.-.-.-.-:.:::.·.·_·_-.-.-.-.~_o_: ~g

II Mdc•"l', Cknda ................ 64, 82, 14 1 ll udc.t-;tl-..·, Lany ............................... :\4 ll.trt.k.t!Hlc, Nor ·nc .. - .................... 50 , 79 ll.tn.lm.tn, M.&rvtn .............................. 64 I LHUm.tn, Tcny ............................ - ... 50 I l.trJwJCk, K.uol ................. 64, 86, 140 ll .udy, Dec .................................. 22, SO ll ,trnn..:ton, Runntc .............. 64, 125, 137 II Jrrts, james .............. 27, 34, 90, I II ll ast1n~s. Mdvm .......................... 27, 64 I lot ft< ld, Sherman .............................. 64 ll.tth•u..1y, Gw<nd ................ so, 102. 139

::::~~: ~;::fc .···::::::.'.'.'.'.'::::::::::~·:.'.'.'.'::i·4·: gti I l.u ton, Ka thy .......................... 64, 82, 83 1

W::~:~,'.' sh~~~~y ..·::.·::.·:.·::.~:::::::.·:::.-.-.-::5·o:-- ~ ~~

I l.1wkcr, Carl ..................................... 64 I l.1u.·s, L•.Vcm ................................ 34, 82 l k.1d, Gram ................................ SO, 107 I lc•dy, Jane t ............................ SO, 78, 86 lleaps, Bdly ...................................... H Heaps, Doug ............ l4, 110 , Ill, 112, 113 . 11 4 l~ eapa, G loria ................................ 64, 82 He1neckc, Kathryn ............................ 64 l l< 1nccke, M 1ke ........................ 64, 134 lle1necke, Son)a ................................ ;o llendnckson, Jerry .......................... 90 Henschke, Renee ................ 34, 78, 101 Hernandet, M artha .................. 64, 14 1 Heuser, Fred .............................. SO, 106 H 1g~ i nson, Nancy .............. 23, 34, 109 110. Ill, II; H 1gham, Cary .................................. 64 H d i, LaRcta .................... 3 1, 34, 78 ~l tll, Martha R.te ............................ 64 Hoffman, Sharlene ........ 44, SO, 78, 92, 102, 148 H Ollan, Carolyn ................................ iO 1-l o~enscn, Brent ................ 27, 64, 133 Hol t , ]ilmes ........ iO, 122, 124, 127 l~o lt , M arsha ....................64, 83, a7 Hone, Sh~tl ............................ ;o, 106 Houmand, Lorra1nc ............... .......... !0 Howard, lla ............ 8S, 93, 108, ! 09 Howlett, Ga ry ............ 49 , ;o, 80. 91. 128. ! 30

Howlett , M ary ........ 34, 78, 8 1, 86, 9i. 11 0, Il l, 114 H udson, Jeneane .............. 64 , 83 , 140


v:;k .: : : : : : : : ::: : : : : : : _ _;_o_: ~~

H ughes. Kent ........................ 37, 50, 90 H ughes , Lyle ...... .. 27, 34, 8i, 9 1, 96, 102, 123 H ughes, M ari lyn .... 34, 78, 81, 86, 93 Hu~hes, Nancy .................. 64 , 82, 140 Humc~. Darold .................................. 50 HJ1mrhrcv. Dcnn1s ............................ 64 H umphrey, Ka rl ene .... 64, 83, 108, HI H urst, Grant ............................ 64, 106 H ut(hJO~$, Dcon .............................. 64 Hutch1n~s. C~ry ................................ 64 l-lutchJI1~s. Gayle ................ 64, 82, 11 6 H utch1n~s. Larry ................................. 50 Hutchll1>on, Jerry ...... iO, 80, 106, 11 6

I !vie, M 1ke .......................... 34, 84 , 11 4

~;~~: fc~~-n~ . .'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.".'.'.'.·.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.·.'.~.~.'. ~~ 5 ~:~~~. 1-~~;~ -.-.-.-.::::·.:::·::::::::::::::::::xi·: ~g

Klotov1ch. M ark .... 36, 91. 129, 1)0, 13 I , IH Klotovich , M ary Lynn ...... 44 , i l , 87, 139, 144 Kn1ght, D uane ...... .. ......................... 66 Ko ll er , llolanu ................ 66, 12; , 13 7 Koncu rat , Emmanuella ...... 23 , ; I , 6 , 108 Koncura t, Pierre .......... ................ 23, 66 Konold . Davey .................................... 66 Kroon , j1 m ........................................ 66 Kun•, j eanette .................................... 66 Kynaston , JoAnne .... 66, 82 , 94 , 11 6, 149



Pau l ....... ............................ H Carl111 ........................ 64, 108 Leora ............................... 64 Lmda .... 26, 35, 78, 79, 8 1. 82, 81, 9) Jacoh,on, Pau l .......... 34, 84, 107, !OR Jardmc, Bette ........ 14, 41, 78, 8 ! , 82

Jackson, J acohson. Jacohsun, Jacobson,

K1dd. Del .......................... 66 . 132 , 137 K1ddcr, Gayle .............. 36, 78 , 93 , 96 K1holm. Gene ... 51, 91 , 129 , !)1), 1)7 K1mball. Dale ............ 27, 76. l.l.i, 1)7

j~~~'::'~~-- 5~~~~- :::::::::: . ::::·.::::::·.:·.-.:.6_4_: __ 1 ~~

)ttr\ I!~. Denn1s .................................... 64

Jar\"ls, Lynn ....... ............................... 90 _lilvalne, M ary .................. 64. 11 4, 140 j ,nkms, Jay ........................................ !() )l!nktn!i, j udy .................................... 3 i .knk1ns. Mdton ............................ ) 5, 90

J~nk1ns, Norma .................................. 50 J.:nkm .... Ru:h;trd ................................ 64 Jcnkms, R..Jand ................................ !0 jensen, Afton ...... 27 , li, 78, 81 , 82, 9! , ! Oi, I ;z Jcn:.cn, Annette ............................ 35, 79 )t:mcn, Arlene .................................... 64 Jensen, Harhara ................................ 102 .kll!:il.'n, Otanc .................................... 1 15 j,n;cn, Dons ................ );, 78, 79, 8 1 )t·n:tl·n. Ev..:lyn .................................. 50 jen>cn, Uaylc .... 64, 77, 82, 116, H O Jen;en, John ........................................ 64 jcn;cn, Phd ........................................ 64 Jcrh>cn, Roh~n ............................ 64, 107 j-..·ni>cO, Ru~~.:mary ........ 50, 78, 8(), 9 4, 97, t Oi , 11 6, 117, 1.14 )cn:oon, Annette .......... ............... 3 5, 85 Jenson, ELune ...... H, 78, 79 , HI, 93 J<n><HI. Ne d ...................... 6 4, Ill, 13 7 j,pp;on, Dana ............................ );, a; _k,, St.1nky ...................... 64, ! H johnson. Alden .................................. 6i Johnson, Annette ................................ 35 johnson, Arlene ................................ 3; )nhnscul, Davtd .................................. 65 johnson, Edua Rae .............. )!, 87 , 9 4 Johnson, E1leen .......... 77, 78, 92, 96, 102, !OJ Johnson, Glenn ........................... iO, 107 Johnson, James .................................. 6i johnson, KCJth .................................... 61 j,,hns''"· Me lvin ................................ 65 jtthnsttO, Natt~lle ................................ 50 jnhn~11n, Nola ................................ ) 5, 78 johnsun, ReynniJ ............ 6i, ! )) , 134 Johns()n, Ronald ...................... ...... 61 Jtrhn:oon, Stanley ......................... . SO, 92 ]t,hnsu.n. Florence ............................ 6'i Junes, Bd l .......................................... ;o jc,ncs. Carole .................................... 65 Junes, ChfforJ ............................ 6i, I 07 jones. Darlene .............................. 65, 82 jones, Gary ................ 27, 6i, IH, Ill jones, jeannette .......................... 50, 119 Jones, j uAnn ........................ 3;, 79. RI jones, Kath1 .................... 27, iO, 82, 9 4 Jones, Ltnda ................ ........ 6;, 82 . 140 Junes, Marla ................................ 6) , ~2 j ones, M1ckey ........ 26, 27, 36, 84, 9 1 120, 122 , 134, I ll Jnnes, Myrtle .................................... 6i jones. ShJCieen .................................. jones, Velma ...................................... )6 jone~. \Vaync ............... ..................... 36 jones, \Vmslow .................... 36, 43, 84 Joosten, Janice .................. _................. 61 Jorgen,en, Bud .................................. iO Jor~enscn, Dan ........ 24, 27, 36, 80, 84, 97, I 04, I I I , 114, II S, 11 7, li I , l Si Joseph. jeffrey .... 26, 6i, 92, 12S, 133 Juhan, Gary ...................... ................ SO


K Kasai, Nedra ................ 6;, 82, 86, 94 Kay, Nancy .................................. 6!, 83 Keekr, John ........................................ 6i Keen, Carol An n ......................... ... 14 1 Kemp, J1mmy ........................ 26, 6S , 134 Kemp, Lyndon .................................. S I Kemp, R1chard ........ 36, 80, 84, 10 1. 104 , 152 Kidd, C lai r .................................. 66, 86

Labrum, N1kki .... 66, 82, 94, 107, 116 Labrum, Terry ........................... . i I , 13 4 Lamb, Les .......................................... 3 6 Lamb, T1m ........................................ I I Landers, Da rwin ...... 27, 66. 12!, 13 7 Lang, Dale ...........................................\6 Lan~. M ary lyn ............ 36, 87, 114, 147 Larsen, Cary ........ 16 , 8 1, 91. 92, 127 Larsen, Judy ........ i8, 66, 82, 114, 11 6 Lar>en. Kath leen ............................ 66, 2 Larsen, Lmda .... i l , 78, 96, 101. 102 Larson. Charles ................ i l , 122, 117 Larson. Dclpha .................... 66, 82, 9 1 Lar.on, judy .... 23, 36, 39, 78, 79, 97, ! Oi, II!. 117 Larson, Karen .............................. 36, 87 Larson, Roger ............................ 66, 125 Larson, Rus.ell .................... ! I , 92, 134 Lawson. Dale ............................ ; I , I 22 Lay path, Barbara ................................ ; I 66 Leak, Kathleen ........................ . LeDuc, Kaye ...................................... 66 Lee , Bob ............................................ 16 Lee. Sh1rlcy .................................. 37, S I Leek, Glenna .............................. 36 , 10; Lefene, Uary ........ it, 9 1, 122 , 134, !li LeFevre, Janice ............................ 5 I, 78 Lt:Fc\rC, Jerry .................................. 127 LeF..:vrc, Lots .................................... _;IS Lefevre, Mans .................................. 51 LcFcvrl.'. Rtmald ................................ 6fl Lchmm, Sh1rley .... ... .... .. ............ II Lcnnber~. Bruce ...... 26, \6, S4, 1111. !IH , l iZ, Ill Lcnnhcr~. Sharon ............. Ml Leonard, Pc~~Y ....... . .. :\0, :-!) Lc~sley, Emme tt ...... .............

5 I, 1 ~ 1

Le>sl<y, Frank ................. it. 134, I ll Vern ..................................... 06 L.:stcr, V ick1 .... 5 1, 7M. Y-4, 110, J.;4 Lcu.·1s, Larry ................................. ) 1, lJII Lq·ha, ~~ g1e .................................... l () Leyba, V1ola ...................................... ; I Lmdsay , Van .... il, 80, 84, 97, I Ii, 116, 144 Lingmann, Anita ................................. ~6 Lmnarx. Jeannette ...... i l , 78, 87, 105 L1psey, M yrtle .................................... 66 LloyJ, Dand .................... 27, 36, 114 Lloyd, Doris ............... 66, 77 , 82, 14 1 Lloyd, Leah ................................ n. 101 Lloyd, Lorame .................... n, 79, ! OS Lc~u~r.

ti~~~: ~~~~~

.::·_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_:·::.:·_-_-_-_-_-_·_-_-_-_-_-_-_;2_: ..

1 ~~

Lott, Karen ........................................ 66 Lose, Larry ........................................ 66 Losendahl, Conmc ........................ 66, 83 Losendahl. Darlene ............................ )6 Lucero, Arthur ............................ 61. 66 Lucero, Henry .................................... 52 Ludwi~. Evan ..................................... 66 Lund, Cary ........................................ ; I Lund, Orlean ................................ 66, 83 Lund, Orlyn ........................................ 66 Lundberg. Myrna ........................ 66, ~3 Lunne n , Nola ................ 61, 66, 83 , 86 Lunnen, Sharon .... 66, 82, 86, 9i, I I ; Lynch. Reta .................................. 12, 87

M M acKay, Lynn .................................. 66 Maddocks, joan .... 52, 83, 92, 102 , 139 M addox , T1mothy ................ 16, 8i, 92 Mad1son. Le\vls .................................. 66 Madsen, Carolyn ................................ 36 Madsen , Rosahe .... 52, 79, 81, 94, 11 6 M ahler, John .................................... 66 M ahler , Mary Ann ............................ i2 M a lkos . N1ck ............................ 66, I 2i M almstrom, W.Jiard ........ 36, I I;, 117 M alstrom, Loris .......................... 23, 36 M angum , Earl .................................. 66 Mangum, Ethe l ............................ 37, 86 M angum. Lawrence .... S2, 9 1, 123, 126, 127, 134 M ann, Patsy ...................................... i2 M archant, Elame ........................66, 82 M a rchant, Jerry ................................ 66


Margetts, Bob .............................. 22, 12 Markus, Lucille ........ 67, 7 3, 82, 140 Markus, Maxine .................... 27, 36, 85 Marlo r. Janet ............................ 67. 108 Marriott, Danny ........................ 67, 80 Marshall, Jane .................................. 37 Marshall. Lucille ................................ 12 Marton, Arnold .............. 67 . 133, 137 Martin, Sxlv•a .......... ...... .... 37, 78, S5 Mascaro, Danny ................. .......... ..... 52 Matthews, Larry ................ 67, 69, 89 Matthews, Leland ............ 37, 107, 109 Maxfield, Gary ............ 26, 67, 12 5. 13 7 Maxfield, JeNeal ............. ........... 67, 82 Maxfield, Susan ................................ 67 Maynes, Donald ............................ 12, 90 McClellan, Gordan .......................... 67 McClellan, Larry ........................ 16, 37 McCombs. Elinora .................... 37, S5 McCombs, Ruth ................................ 52 McDonald, Tommy .......................... 37 McDougal, Wilburn .. ...... 67, SS, 107 McFarlane, J oan ................ 78, 79, S5 McKay. Barbara ................................ 3 7 McKinney, John ........................ 52, S6

ti~ti~Iii~a.I.Ki{e~-~:. ... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~;

McNamara, Carol .... 12, 7S, 97, 105, 116 McRae, Lorin ............................ 91, 123 Mecham, Evelyn ................................ 67 Mecham, Ilene ............................. ....... 67 Mecham, LaVer! .................... - ...67, 89 Meeker, Charon ................ 12, 91, 101 Meissner, Jerry .................................. 67

tl~~:i~k~· ~:b"~e~___ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

g 12

M ertin, Lo lieta -----------~---------------2>. Mickelse n , DeAna .............. 37, 77, 78 M1ckelsen, Reid ................................ 3 7 Miles, Dorothy .......... 67. S2, S6, 94 Miles, Sherwood ................................ 67 Miller, Karl ...... 37, SO, Sl, 91, 12 2, 129, 130, 131, 134, 135, 138, 151 Mille r, Mark ...... 27, H, 12, SO, Sl, 130, 132. 148 Miller, Sherryn .......... ........................ 67 Millerberg. Diane ....... .52, 7S, 82, 95 Mill erberg, Lorna ........................ 37, 101 Mill igan, Blayne .. ............. .52, 91, 127 Milne, Betty ........................ 67, S2. 106 Milne, Joyce ........................ 37, S 5. 92 Milne, Nancy .............................. 67. 83 Miner. Edward ...... 26, 37, 39, SO, S l S4, 95, 97, 105, 115, 117 , 151 Minni ck, Chuck ........ 38, 80, 107, 108 Minnick, Joe ................................ 68, 125 Mitche ll, Bill ............................ 6S. 134 Mitche ll, Earl .................................... 68 Mitchell, Joyce ............................ 38, S5 Mitchell, Ken .... ........................ 6S, 107 M itchell. Marsha ........ 12, 94, lOS, 116 Mitchell, Rayma ........................ 36, 85 Mitchell. Susan ................................ 68 M ontague Danny .............................. 68 M ontag ue, Evelyn ...................... 68, 140 M ontague, Gene ............................ 12, 90 Morelli, Catherine ...... 12. 78, S2, 92, 114 Mori. Floyd ........ 12, SO, S4, 10 5, 137 M o rrison. John .................................. 52 Morrow, Louis ................... .52. 7S, S7 Morse, Bart ...................... 12. 122, 127 Morse, Bert ................................ 52, 9 1 Mortenoen, Ida .... 12, 78, 8 1, 83, 94, 97. 115 M ounteer. Boyd ...... 38, 91, 124, 136, 137 M ous ley, Ann ............................ 12, 105 Mumford, Billy ................................ 38 Mumford, Dianne ........ 68, 77, 82, 141

~~~~::~~~~~~<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::I H N Naylor, Francis .................... 12 . 77 , 78 Naylor, Luc.Jie ............................ 38, 87 Naylor, Wallace ........ 6S, 125, 133. 137 Neff, Connie ........................ 3S, 82. 85 Ne~lson, Kay ...................................... 68 Neilson, Paul .... 38, 86, 105, 110. 111. 11 3. I 14 Nell, Gail .......................................... 68 Nelson, Larry .................................... 68 Nelson, Alton .... 12, 78, 96. 102. 103 Nelson. Barbara .................... 12, 77, 7S Nelson, Dan .... 22, 26, 3S. 76, SO. Sl, S4. lH Nelson, Kay ............................. ......... 38

~~~:~: J~C~Iy,;- .. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ Nelson. Max .................... 12, 107, Nelson, Nedra .... 12, 82, 94, 106. Nelson, Sunnie .... 12. 78, 81, 92, 11 3.

lOS 107 102 148

~=~:~:~: ~~~i~---::::::::::::::::::::::::::22:· ~~ Newbold, Ivy Mae ............................ 53 Newbold, LeRae ................ 53, 96, 102 Newbold, Manlyn .... 3S, 7S, 82. ?~i

Newbold, Maureen ................ 51 . 53. 79


Newman, Jeff ........................... .53, 122 Newman, M oo nyean .... 53. 78, 80, 105 Newman, Nancy Ann .... 3S, 41, 79, 81, 93 Nielse n. Dennis ................................ 68 N.elsen, J oa n ............................. .53 , 83 Nie lse n, Larry .................... 38, SO, 92 Nielse n. LeG rand .............................. 38 Nielsen, Nadone ....................... .53 , 103 N•else n, Richard .... 53, 80, S4, 12 2 , 127, llO, 132. 137 Nie lse n, Robe rt .......................... 38, 138

Nielsen, VJr~Jnia ........................ 38, 78 Nielse n, Dav1d .................................. 68 Nielsen. Judy .............................. 3S. 95 Nielsen, Kareen .... 3S, 78, 79, S3, 94, 95. 114 Nielsen, Marsha ........................ 38, 77 Nielsen, Sylvia .................................. 68 Nicholl, Danny .................................. 53 Nich o ls, Carolyn ........ 53. 79, S2, 92 Nicho ls , M a rcia .......................... 53. 7S Nich ols, Manlyn .... 3S, 78, 82, 94, 96 N~th o l o, N e llie ............................ 6S, 83 Nino m•ya, Connie ...... 58, 67, 68 , 77, 82 Noland, Wanda ............................ 68, 82 Noland, Weldon ................................ 53 N o rto n, Lynda .................... 53, S2, 147 Nosack, Kenneth ................................ 68 Nunley, Alma ............................ !3. 87 Nunley, Phyllis ............................ 3S . 85 Nu~man, Robert .......................... !3, 88 Nys trom, Irene ........ 53, 78, 94, 10 1 105. 116, 139

0 Oakeson, Jean .................... 65, 68 , 82 Oakeson, Kenneth ................ 38, 91, 135 Oakeso n. Wade ........................ 38, I 34 Oldham. Leon .................................... 6R Olsen, Charles .................................... 53 Olsen, Clin ton .................... 68, 125, 137 Olsen, Mary Ann ...................... 33. 85 Olson, Do n ........................................ 68 Olson , Frances .................................. 38 O lson, Ilene ................................ 68, 8l Olson, judy ................................ 68, 82 Olson. Laval .............................. 53. 122 Olson, Lmda ...................................... 68 Olson, Kent, Jr ................................. 53 Olson, Kent, Sr ................................. 38 Olson, Peggy ................................ 68 , 82 Osborne, ))eLoy .... 38, 89, 91, 123, 134 Ostler, ArLou .................................. 53 Ostler, Conn•e .............................. 68, 77 Ostler, Raymond ................................ 68 Ottley, Barry Gene .......................... 88 Owen, Earl ........................................ 68 Oyler, Myrna .................................... 53

p Pacheco, Edna .................................... Pack, David .................... ~ .................. Page. Gay le ............................ 68, 77, Page, Owen ................................ 53.

68 68 82 82

~=r~~ r .JOe~~~~-·:::::::.·:::::.·:.:·.-.-.-.-::.·:.-.-:.-.~.~-:. j~

Palmer, K•y ...................................... 68 Palmer, Onn ............ 68, S6, 107, 108 Palmer, Sharon ........ 27, 53, 102. 139 Palmer, Terry Lynne ........................ 6R Pappa, Shirley ............................ 68. 62 Pappas, Xcne ................................ 53 , 83 Park, Jacqueline ................................ 53 Park, LeRoy ...................................... 39 Park, Shirley Ann .................... 39, 85 Parker. Don S . .................................. 68 Parker, Montie .................................. 68 Parker, Nancy .......... .......................... 53 Parker, Peggy ........ H. 77, 78, 82 , 102 , 149 Parkin, Jamce ............ 27, 54, 86, 140 Parry, Blain B... .... ...................... 39, 127 Parry, Blaine L. . ............................. 39 Parry, James ...................................... 39

~!~~~: ~:~\!;n . ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'f4'." ~j

Parry, Ned ................................ 69, 134 Parsons, Gerald .................................. 69 Patience, Edward .... 27, 39, 84. 1 H. 11 7. 155 Patrick, Sharon .................................. 54 Patterson, Bdl ............................! 4. Ill Patterson, Dennis ................ 69, 73, 88 Pearson, Haro ld ............................ 67, 69 Pearso n. Je rry ............................ 54, 88 Pearson, Marian .......................... 54, 87 Pearaon, Mdo .......... 27, 54, 86, 106. 107, 108 Pedersen. JoAnn ................................ 69 Pederson. Myrna ................................ 54 Pedler, Lynne .................................... 39 Pedro . D o lores ................ 69. 108. 140 Penrod, Arlene .... 39, 78, 79, 8 1, 9J Pe re lle , John .................................... 69 Perry, Michael ............................ 69, 134 Perry, Sharon .................... 69, 82, 140 Peters, Donna .............................. 54, 83 Petersen, D ee ............................. ...... 39 Peterse n, Joe ...................................... 54 Petersen, LuDeen ........ 39, 77, 78, 96. 97. 103. 11 7

Peterson, Pat ................................ 69, 83

Peterson, Ann



Peterson, Charlene ........................ 54, 87 Peterson. C lara Ma c ........................ 69

~~~~~:~~: ~::Ft::c~---~::::::~~:::::~::::::~:~: ~ ~ Pete rson. R1 chard .............................. Phipps. Robert .................................. P• erce, Hazel .................................... P1erson, Conn1e ·······-···········69, 82,

69 69 39 95 P1xton, Ard1s ···········-······················· 54 Plattne r, M1k e .................... 54, 92, 122 Playe r. J ack ...... 19, 76, 91, 128, 130 Plumhul, Ray .................................. 69 Pollard, John ........ 27, H, 76, SO. 86, 91, 122, 129, 130, 138 Pollick, Bdl ........................................ 54 Pollick, J ames .................................... 90 Poll~ek, John ........................ 27, H . 108 Polson, Jerry ..................................... 69 Pond, Edw1n .... 54, 92, 107, 122, 1!1 Poor. Ladd•c .. .................................... 54 Poulse n. Erma ............................ 69, 83 Po ul sen. Gay le .............. 39, 85, 92, 93 Preston, Peggy ........ 69, 82, 106, 107 Pnce, Brent .......... 69, 125, 133, 134 Poce, Byard ..................................... 70 Price, Carla ............................ 39, 78, 79 Price, Sandra ........................ 70, 82, 14 0 Proctor, Beth ................ 54, 78. S l, 82

Q Que~oda,

Leo ................................. ... 89

R Rabb, Mary ................. .. .. ..... 70, 82 Radmall , Beth ........ 5 ~. 78, 82, 86, 91 Ra~ns. Ahce ...................... ................ 4U Ra~na , Ed•th ............................... 70, I 40 Ras musocn , Cra,g ........ 54, 80 , 86 , 91, 122. 123. 129. 130 Ra amuue n, C.•y ........... 23, 54, 79, 139 Ras musse n, Lane .............. 70. 86, 108 Ras mu ssen, Ro nald ............ H. 132, 138 Rath/ en, Randall ................ 70, 86, 11 6 Ra w ings, Nda ........ 40, 8l. 85, 87 , 95 Rttwaon , Annette ........................ <40, 85 Rawaon, Hrtrold ................................ 54 Rawso n, Joan ................ .............. 70, 81 Rawson . Robe rt ........................ lH, 135 Ray, Bonn•e ...................................... 54 R•y, Dale ......................................... H Ray, Roy lan ce .......................... 70, 14 0 Reading , Weston ....................... 14. 84 Read, J)onald ........................ 70, 86, 127 Reed. Pat ......................................... 70 Reed, Pc nny ...... 40, 78, 79. 81, 82, 85 Re•cb, ll yrum ................................... 54 Reynolds , Bdl ............... ....... . ..... 70 R1chardo, Ann .... 27 . 70, 77, 82, 106, 107 Richards, Dorene ................ 23, 54, 108 Richard s. Janac e ......................... 70 , 82 R~thards . Ted ........ 40 , 9 1. 100, 134 Richardson. Jani ce .... 26, 28, ~0. 79, 93, 94, 95, 11 0, Ill, 11 5. 15 1 R1chins, LeLand .......................... H, 88 Roberti, Ann ...................... 31, 40, 85 Robe rtson, Joyce ................................ 70 Rob•nson, Caylcn ............................. 70 Rodd.1, Darlene ............. ........... ... 70 Roden, Jan et 54 Rodgera , Kay ........................ 40. 78, 81 Rogers. Walter ................................ 54 Roenn ebec k, LaR1ta .......................... 54 Romney. Juan ....................... ~0. 78. 8 1 Romney, Wanda ................ H. 96, 102 Roos, D o na ....................... H. 77, 104 Roper, R'!.Phca lla ..................... .. ..... 54 Rosales, T e resa .......................... 70, 141 Roae nhan, Bruce ...26, 40, 91. 11 2 , Il l, 114, 122, ll4 , 115 Rooa. Gac .................................... 14, 78 Roth e , Ralph ............................ !4, 88 Rowley, Cuolyn .......................... .. 70 Rvwley. Sh•rlcne .......................... 70 Rowsell. Lynn ................................. 70 Ru11ell. Karma ..... - .... 14. 79, 96. 102 Ryan, D ona .................................. 105

s Sabey, Wa yne .... 55. 80. 96, 97, 102 10 3. lH, 116 Sager, Paul ...................... 70, 133 Sald1var, Glona ·······-·-··............. Sf Sald •var. Juhan .. ·---................. H Sampson, Arva .......................... 40 Savage, GcorKe ... ----·-··· ............ 40

~J,~fJt. Mo·;~~d .-.----·--;·i':--ii<i:...9o:· - ~ ~~

Schmidt, Ralph ................ 70. 8K, I 25 Schnc•der. Ruuc ll .55. 80, 8~. 86. 90, 102 Schouten, Pat .... ... ............... ... 55 Schouten. Ruber t • -·---88 . 8'1 Scortatn, V~eto r .......... ------·"· . 70 Scott, D1ana ... .... •............. 70. 82, 86 Scott, Elame ................................ ... 51 Searle, Donna ...................... -.. ... 40 Secle. B•lly_ - ---·.. ................ 70 Shannon, Tommy ...................... 107 Sharp. Carolyn ................ -..... 70


Sharp, Gary ........................................ 70 Sharp, Lynda Lee ...... 55, 79, 82, 83. 102 Shepherd. D,ck ........ 27. 40, 90, 107 Shepherd, Maureen .... 51, 78, 87, 139 Shepp1ck, Arlene ............... .40, 81. 100 Shcpp1ck. Gay ............................ 70, 87 Sher~ff. John ...................................... 70 Sh c r~ff, LaRce ................. .......... .40, 77 Shie lds. Ja ck ........................................ 9 1 Slllelda, Karen .................................... 55 Shulsen, Betty Ann .... 70, 83, 86, 11 6 Shulscn, j oa n ................................ 70, 83 Silcox . Barbara ................................ 5I 0

~:~~~~: R,~Y d~~ .. ·:·::.-::::.:·:::::::::.~:::.:.~.: .. ~8 1


n, Carle ................................ 70 S1monso n. RcNac .............................. 40 SJoblo m, Lorna .... 40, 78, 85. 94, 95. 101

~~~~~: ~~~Ja


:·.-.:::·.-.:-.:·.::::::::·.::::·.-.-.::·.:1_5_:. Smith, DenniS .................... 70, 91, 127 Smith, D1anc ................................ 70 , 11 6 Smith, D1x1e ...................................... 55 Sm1th. 55 Sm ' th, Cary ...................................... 40 Smith. Jacqueline .............................. 70 Smith, Jan1ce ........ 40, 77, 78, 79. 8 1 Sm•th, Jea n ................................ 70, 82 Sm.th, Kent ........................ 40. 91, 123 Smith, LaR.•e ............... _ ............... 40, 85 Smith, Le Roy ...................................... 40 Smith, Leslie ...................................... 55 Sm1th. M1kc ................................ 70. 107 Smith, Noel ..................... - ... 37. 40, 88 Smith, i>at ........................ ...... .40, 1 H Smuh, Sharon .................... 70, 82. 141 Smith . Sheila ...................................... 55 Smith, Val ............................... 132. 134 Smith, Vir~ mia ................. .!!, 96, 102 Sorensen. C lyde ................................ 5I Sorensen. Marcia ................ 70, 8J, 86 Sorensen. Melva ......................... ..... 55

c,.,, ........................................

~~~~~cr .v

:::::::::.~::.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.':::::::.7_1.: ~l

Jcek!n .. Spoonmore, Bonnu:: ...............- ........... 40 Spnngcr, Dcon ............................ 40, 90 Staker, Ga ry ................................7 1, 106 ~taley. Gale ...................................... H Stc,ldman. Collee n ............ !!, 87, 140 Steadman, Darlene ............ ..40, 77, 85 Steadman, Della ....................47, S5. 83 tcadman, Elden ................................ 40 ~tradmnn , Jack .................................. 7 1

Stcoldman, Lynn ·······-··-··················· 71

S teJdman, Sh •rley ...................... 41, 78 Steed, Allen ...................................... H Stee le, Betty Lou .............................. 55 Steinfe ldt , Pau l .......................... .41, S8 Stcllinw. M1ke .................................... H Stepan, Jnnct ........................ 7 1, 82, 14 0 Stepan, Ke~th .... 27, 56. SO, 84, 11 2 130, 132, 138 Stevens, Bryan ...................... ............ 7 I Stevens . Jay ....................... 7 1, 86. 12 5 Steven•. Reed .................................... 7 1 Stevenson, Roger ........ 56, 80, 84, 107 . lU , 11 6 Stock , Jackie ...................... 23, 56. 102 Swnc. Gera ld ................................... . 4 I Sco ut. Mnrlyn .................... 25. 41, ! 50 Strebel. Ru ..ell ......................... 16 . 90 Stromhcr~ . L3rry .............................. 56 Strombc r~. R•chard .......................... 7 1 Stuart, L1nda ........................ 71, 82, 108 Stuart, Roy .... 56, SO. 86, Ill , 11 2. 11 3 Sundberg. Myrl cen ............................ ? I Swnsey , Annette ....................... 56, 87 Swenson. Sharon .... 56, 78, 8 1, 82. 9 2. 114, 120, 139. IH, 150, U2 Sylvester. joleen ............................... 7 1


T"~gnrt, LaDaun ................. ...... 56, 140


~:~~:;. x~~: --:::::~:::~::::::::::::::::::::· ~~

Taylor, David ......................... ..... 41, 84 Taylo r. Knren .................................... 71 Taylor. Sharon ....... ..................... 7 1, S2

~~~~.~~~'Cce --:::::::::::::~:::::::::::::::::~ \:


Tennyson. Carole ........................ 7 1, 82


1:1:::::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::·:::::: ~~

Thacker, Chve .................................. 7 1 Th.1eke r , Kay ............................. ~ 1, 85 Thnync. Audry .... 27, 41, 87, 11 5, I I 7

~~:~~:.;. BT~dc ..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::..



Thomas . Oarbara ....................... 71, 108

~~~~L~~~: - ~ ~ ~:~ ~ ~:~: :~ :~:~ : :~ : l!

Thompson . F.ugene ........................... 41 Thompson. Clona .............................. 41 Thompsnn. ReN ee ......- ................... 56 Thomson. Elna ............................ 72. 106 Th o rn. Nelda Rcevea ........................ 41 Tho rne, Joe ........................................ 89

Thourn, David ............................ 72, 125 Thun, Curtis ...................................... 72 T1mothy , Doy le ................................ 72 T,mmhy , M elv1n ................................ 41 T odd, Janette .............................. 42, 8l T olman, Ted .......... .................. .......... 72 T oone, Ard 1nc ................ 42, 86, 87, 91 Tranter, Joene .... l9, 42, 8 1, 96, 97, 10 5, 115' 117, 155 Trapp, Billy ........................................ 42 Tropp, R1 chard ................ 91, 123, 124 Tnpp, Jack ................................ 56, 148 Truhdl, Don ................................ 56, 104 Truhill, Pat ....72, 91, 121 , 127, 137 Tucker, Claude ............................ 72, 89 Tucker, Sharen ............................ 56, 141 T urn,.-, Bill ...................................... 42 Turner, Dick ...................................... 56 Turner, Ernest, ···-······················ .. ····· 72 Turner, Karen ·········-···················56, 82

Turner, Kay .......................... 42, 85, 87 Turner, Russell ....................... .56, 122 Tuttle, LaPriel .............. 65, 72, 7l, 82

u Ush r, Arl ne ............................ 56, 82 Usher, Slurlcy .................................... 42

v V alencia , Joe ...................................... 56 Valentuela, Ram ona .............. ...... 72, 91 Vanderhooft, Aartje .... 72, 82, 94, 11 6 Van Dec ta, Dceda ............................ 83 Van V;ilkcnburg , Afton .................. 42 Varnnakis, GcorRC ............ 56, 91, 12l, 124' 1l7 Vawdrcy , Howa rd .................... 108, 127 Va wdrcy, Irma Rae ............ 56 , 78, 86

Velez, Ernest ...................................... 89 Vicchrilli, Luella ...................... 56, 91 Vicchrilli, Von ........ 42, 91, 122, 12l V,llalobos, Rachael .......................... 72 Vincent, Brent ........ 27, 72, 121, 127 Vince nt, Warren ........ 22, 42, 80, 81, 84, 1>2 Visser, Evah ................................ 56, 78 Visser, Gayle .................... 72, 82, 87 Vordos, Harold .......................... 22, i6 Voyce, Kendall ............ 56, 80, 107, 134 Vunder, Maxine ................ 72, 82, 141

w Wade, Joan ................................ 72, 108 Wagstaff, Ann Marie ........................ 56 Walbeck, Daryl ...... 26, 42, 9 1, 128, 129, 130, ll6 , 137, 150 Walker, CoDele .... 56, 77, 78 , 81, 96, 102 Walker, Da vid .................................. 56 Walker, Daryl .................................... 87 Walker, Pat ........................................ 56 Wa lker, Ralph .................. 42, 122, 134 Walles, Beverly .................................. 56

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Walters , Gordon ................................ 56 Walters, Joe ................................ 27, 56 Walters, Sheron ................................ 56 Walterst>n, Judy ............................ 72, 82 Watts, Doug ...................................... 56 Watts, Mary ................ 56, 78, 86 , ll9 Waua, Richard .......................... 72, IH Webb , Alan ................................ 57, 107 Webb, Claudia ............................ i7, 96 Webb, Gale ........ 57, 79, 86, 92, 116

Webb, LaWanna .. .............. 72, 82, 141 Webb, Tamara .................................. 72 Webe r, Eldon .................... 27, 72, 1l l Weber, Pat ............................ 42, 81, 9l Webster, Gary .................................... 72 Webster , Jane .................................... 72 Webster, Kent .................................. 42


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Webster, Sharon .................... 13, 57 82 Welch, Douglas .................................. 7l Welch, Pamela ............................ 7l, 141 Wells, Maurice .... 57, 80, 84, 97, 105 , 112, 116, 117 West, Gregory .... 27, 7l, 80, 125, 1ll West, Peggy ................ 73, 83, 94, 116 Wet el, Dick ............ 42, 91, 12 l, 1>2 Wetsel, Georgie ........................ 57, 139 Wbeadon, Dale .................................. 57 Whcadon, JoAnn ................ 7l , 8l, 140 Wbetman, Leici ........ 42, 77, 78, 85, 95' 114 Whetman, Pau l ................ 7l, 125, Ill White, Carol ...................................... 7l White, Sandra .... 57 , 78, 97, 101 , 105, lli' 116, 117 Wh1ted, Bruce .... 42, 88, 91, 95, 127, ll 8 Whitlock, EIRay ........................ 73, 107 Whitmore , Gerald1ne .... 26, 27, 42, 77, 78, 79, 8 1, IIi, 151 Whittle, Duane .................................. 57 Wiersma, Hessel ................................ 4l w,tkmson, Ed11h ........................ 4l, 85 Wilkinson, Mary Lee ...... 57, 8l, 102 , 139 Williams, Clyde ........................ ? l, 12 i Williams, Mav iS ........................ 7l, 8l W1lson , Dennis ................ 57, 84, 10i

Wilson, Mary Dec .................... 7l, 82 Winkler, Wallace ............................ 104 Wmn, David ........... .4l, 84, 111. 115 Withers, Dot ...................................... 7l Withers, Leah .............................. 57, 77 Withers, Mack ........ ...................... 57, 69 Withers, Reona ........... .4l, 85, 87, 91 Witt, Loretta ........ 26, i7, 78, 81, 86, 105' 112 Wolfley, Dennis ........................... ..... i7 Woodward , Dennis .... 57, 88, 122, 134 Workman, Jay ............................ 57 , 134 Workman, Lee .................... 4l, 8 1, 109 Workma n, Leno re ....................... 4l, 82 Workman, Shauna ................ 7l, 8l, 87 Worthen, Fern .................................. 7l Worthen, M yrtle .............................. 7l Vt.' orth ington, Larry ·······-············-···· 73 Wright, Carolyn .................. l7 , 4l, 85 Wnght, David .................................. 127 Wright, Marlene ............ 26 , 4l, 85, 9l Wnght, M1chael ....................... 4l, 107 y Yasukochi, Raymond ........ 26, 57, 106 , 108, 1l2, 137 Yates, Gayle ............................... .49, i7 Young , Floyd .... 26, 4l, 84, 91, 122

z Zafft, Judy .......................... 17, 94, 141 Zagarich, Irene ...................... 73, 77, 8l Zaiser, Don ........................4l, 80, 84 ZaiSer, Sandra .................... .......... 7l, 82 Zlttmg, Gordon ............................ i7, 89 z,uing, Joseph ............................ i7' 89 Zitting, Ruth ...................................... 73 Zrno, John ................................. .4l, l l8


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