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\0-83 Administration A\bum C\ossrooms

S4 -\l7 Cu\turo\ \)ub\\cot\ons C\ubs

\lS -\68 Sports Sodo\s Spec\o\s

1957 速@@~速~@@\%@

School gathered u into an exciting temj)O of activity. Friendships, games, and dance held a new excitement for us. Like old refrains running through our minds, tho e experiences have become our Medley of Memorie .



Editor: DeAnna DeGroot Associate Eclito1: Jeanette Knnz Art Editor: Dianne Dihb, ]ac/<ic /fall Sjmrt Editor: Kent I lnghes Photograj)hers: Doris Roo , Dean Fife

earts were young and gay

We felt mature as we tested our wings. We had learned the importance of good teacher,pupil relationship. A great deal of knowledge and atti, tudes had been assimilated. Give and take had be, come a graceful part of us. With soaring hopes we had launched into career planning. With trembling pinions we asked, "Are we ready?"

rom class and campus

We learned the advantages of teamwork. Challenges called, and we echoed back our answers, collectively and individually. Al~ though each of us grew in his own pattern, he sought approval from the group. We were clannish, liked crowds, revered traditions, and followed fads.

We had favorites . We liked "Marianne," sung by Belafonte; chubbies at the Center, underslungs; and noontime gab-fests. Boygirl relationships often became dominating interests. We saw the importance of cultivating enjoyable personalities, which helped us gain lasting friendships.

carne moments to remember

he school we looed so well



Through a variety of high school activities, we form friendships and associations which enrich both the quantity and quality of the selections with which we fill our album of "Medley of Memories." Sooth; ing friendships, inspiring growth from the acquisition of skills and abilities, sports and assemblies, and lively conversations in the halls will all be part of the colorful recollections. The memories, which are now a part of the history and traditions f Jordan, will tend to be more significant as greater medleys unfold in the drama of life. It is my wish that "Medley of Memories" will stimulate tudents of Jordan High School to achieve a symphony of success and happiness. Sincerely, Reed H. Beckstead 12

Howard W. Jorgensen Auistant Superintendent

New assignments came this year after the death of Superintendent Ar~ thur E. Peterson. The board of edu~ cation advanced Mr. Beckstead into the vacancy. Former Bingham High cho I principal H. W. Jorgensen was elected as the new assistant. The uperintendent worked directly with the district personnel in administer~ ing ch ol policies.

Stanley A. Rasmussen Clerk and Purchasing Agent

P. M. Mickelsen Director of Pupil Personnel

F. A. Orton Director of New Buildings, and Kenneth V. Dunn Director of Maintenance


oard of Education It was the board's monumental task of maintaining unison and balance within the district's twenty-three schools. Jordan High was a topic heatedly discussed as the board decided to send students from the west side of the valley to Bingham. A decision to remodel the forty-three year old Jordan High was rescinded. Many expect a new school to be built. The baton is raised, but the theme hasn't been chosen. PUPIL PERSONNEL MEMBERS : SITTING Dora H. McDonald, Mary Story, Social Workers; Mary Fitzgerald, Visiting Teacher. STANDING Ben Bruce, Psychologist; Burton S. Miller, Speech Therapist; N . K. Thompson, Coordinator; Earl J, Thurman, Psychologist. Dr. J. 0. Jones President Midvale

Newly purchased textbooks for Jordan High are given to Mr. C. N. Crawford by Mr. Arthur Casper, district supply clerk .

William H. Bartlett District Art Supervisor




I hope this has been a most happy and succe ful year for every student and every faculty m mber. Our student body organizati n has functioned admirably, and the rep rt of our ch ol activities by the students has been most gratifying. However, there is a feeling of sadness because a segment of our student body will not be with us next year. Students from Riverton and West Jord::m Junior Highs will be greatly missed. Our loss will be Bingham's gain, and as the Miners will be a Class A sch 1 next year, we will still associate with them in all of our school activities. So students, parting and returning, my most hearty wish for your happiness and success is hidden in the pages of this yearbook. T. H. McMullin 16

Records of students and classes were compiled by registrar Mr. Goldbranson, while roving pupils who skipped classes were sought out by Mr. Taylor. Counselors Mr. Casper and Mrs. Wood gave advice to stu~ dents and guided them as they anticipated going to college or immediately entering a vocation.



Boys' Counselor


Administrative Assistant



Girls' Counselor


MURRAY ALLEN Crafts, Decoration s

STANLEY ANDERSON Mathe matics, Sophomore Advi sor

MEL BERRETT English , Yearbook

DEANE BENNION Library , Junior Advisor




This faculty was not cold and al of, but warm and friendly. They inspired , organized, prompted, and endured. Marveling at their insight, trembling at their censure, and thrilling at their praise, we were wise enough t recog, nize the beneficial effects f th facFRANK BAGLEY Auto Mechanics , Junior Advisor

LOWELL BOBERG English, Traveling Assembly an Inch, thousanclt h o1 be within a Winberg watches. mus I Ross cling accurac Y ld Vorclos as GrIn d tell s Haro Mr . was en

ERNEST BIANCHI Psychology, Senior Advisor


J . CLEMENT CRAPO Music, Graduation

wn ch e mistry go o Brinton os f amiliar in shouno d Baird on

observes Karl Mr. Peterson er o><ide. ;heY reduce coPP

lass room ulty. They heard our overtones of a n x~ ieties, and counseled away our woes. They cor rected weaknesses without ridicu lc, accentuated strengths with in spirati on, and modulated our un con ~ venti nal wande rings. There was h a r~ mon y at its best.

BLAINE BROWN <kee ping , Junior Advi sor

PAUL C. BOYCE Agriculture , F. F. A.

Engl ish , Joy Dee Club




Alge bra, Jun ior Advi so r

Farm Mechanics, C. A. P.

Engl ish , Yearbook


MARIE GOFF Foods , F. H. A.

BEnY HENDERSON Sewing , F. H. A.

C. N. CRAWFORD Alg bra, Forensics

GLEN JACKSON History, Coaching

WILLIAM BOREN English , Hall Supe rv isi ng

HOWARD EVANS History, Vis ual Aids

HOWARD LINFORD Phy s. Ed ., Lett rman Club

FARRELL H. GUNNELL Zoology , Sophomo re Advi sor

A badge r Is a mammal , Mr. Soul ie r inform s zoology stud ents Joan Rawson, LaDawn Taggart, and JoAnn Pederse n.

ADDIE JEAN FUHRIMAN Engli sh, Mi ss Hi Club

. LeMAR HENDRICKSON English, Courier Intently listening to Miss Goff's crocheting directions are Home living students Karen Shields and Ruth McCombs.

速1assroom conductors Instructors who entered the portals of the "J" for the first time were confronted with overflowing classes. Messrs. Glen Jackson, Blaine Brown, Sherman Crump, and Robert Teran, and Misses Addie Jean Fuhriman, Audrey Kirton, and LaRee Munns were introduced at the opening assembly. GOLDA FRASER languages, language Club

AUDREY KIRTON English, Traveling Assembly

SHERMAN CRUMP Algebra, Coaching

E. H. KENNINGTON Welding, Sophomore Advisor

ART HUGHES Phys. Ed., Coaching

GRANT KUNZLER History, Safety

ROYAL D. MADSEN Electricity, Stage

FRANK KAMNIKAR History, Safety

ROBERT L. PIXTON Genetics, Student Activities

LaREE MUNNS English, Sports Club

R. S. PETERSON Chemistry, Future Engineers

J. M. PETERSEN Driver Training, Decorations

ORALIE RAWSON English, Broadcaster

DONALD OLSEN Art, Decorations

JAMES SEAL Woodwork, Key Club

HELEN SEAMAN Phys . Ed., Charlonian Club

I Miss ~en路 I< the advice o R ad as I nd Evelyn e I bullonho es. . gell a ent o Janite W ,n . 9 platel1' c.oncern'" derso n

ARLAND RUSSON Mechanics, Boys' Club

YVONNE WHITMORE Dancing, Dance Club . d by Mr. are e1<plalne . 路onal Interest tests and Darwin Merlin. voca t I " Walters, Morse, JoseP

lass room GLEN SOULIER Biology, Safety Committee

ROBERT TERAN History, Coaching

WANDA WADE Vocational Business, Yearbook

FAY B. THOMAS Bookkeeping, DECA Club


JED WASDEN Machine Shop, J. E. A.

BETTY ZIEVE Speech, School Play

STANLEY SHARP Type, Senior Advisor

STAGE HANDS : FRONT- Steve Tibbitts, Dale Frandsen, Harold Vordos. BACK Neil Butterfield, Ray Butler, Dick Gallegos, Mr. Madsen, leland Frandsen, Dale lawson .

GLORIA BISHOP Secretary to Mr. McMullin


BERTHA RICHARDS Secretary to Mr. Taylor

Custodians Wally Benson, lawrence Ainsworth, and Almy Dowd ing look over the machine on which they make about 3,000 keys yearly.

Student custodians John Yates, Jimmy Parker, Craig Baird, Robert Williams, Dennis Hardcastle and Don Bateman clean dally.


taffs keep rhythm background




Delicious cafeteria food prepared by Mrs . Evelyn Brown, Mrs. Hazel Dowding, and Mrs. Rosella Brand makes chow hounds out of students .

Cafeteria aids were Darwin Merlin , Emmanuella Koncural, Donna Cain, Gay Rasmussen, Pierre Koncurat, Joyce Boswell, and lolieta Merlin.

Student office help, Charles Olsen and Melva Sorenson check student flies In Mr. Taylor's office for Information on 'sluff' students.

lunch room proceeds are handed over daily to bookstore clerk Mrs . Veda Tippetts, by cafeteria director Mrs . Mabel larsen.

These Jordan District bus drivers can boast a record of no passenger injuries during the past ten years of over a million miles of bus travel .



An athlete and guide, president Sherrell Berrett had our respect. We absorbed his initiative and dependability. We valued his actions and decisions which helped us thr ugh a dramatic year. The leading member of a quintet that couldn't miss, Sherrell harmonized with the leadership of Ann, Connie, Peggy, and Van.


Diminutive Connie Crane justified our choosing her as student body secretary by keeping records efficiently.

With a flair for captivating friendliness and unlimited energy Ann Blackett led as vice president.


Recording an eventful year in print and pictures, Peggy Parker served as school historian.

Condudlng Impartial trials and prescribing necessary punishments were the duties of the judge, Van Lindsay.


DEPUTIES ROW 1 : Nikki labrum, Edna Burr, Peggy Porker, Sunnie Nelson, Ida Mortensen, Connie Crone . ROW 2 - Mike Gonz, Ronald Rasmussen, Ann Blackett, Joan Grant, Carolyn Nichols, lynn Gaulin, Gory Lefevre, Lindo Bollomis, Joni Beckstead. ROW 3 Paul Sagers, Kent Allsop, Keith Clements, Don Campbell, Jimmy Washburn, Jerry Day, Mary Watts, Rosalie Bkrlocich. ROW 4 Gory Anderson, John Crawford, Rulon Dahl, Russell Lorson, Maurice Wells, Clifford Goff, Bob Morgetts .

ourt Second associate judge Don Bateman, judge Von Llnd1oy, and first ouoclote judge Nile Beckstead compare court pro路 cedures.

Clerk Sunnie Nelson and reporter Afton Nelson relax after a busy court session.

Preparing a case ore prosecuting attorney Warren Fitzgerald and marshal Gory Howlett.

ouncil Home room representatives linked individual classes with officers directing the student body. We voted for or against proposed assemblies, dances, or pep rallies. Desires and petitions of us students were presented in council meetings for faculty and officers' council approval. Through representation each student was given an opportunity to participate in governing. "With gratitude ... and in an honest endeavor to prepare ourselves ... to fulfill our responsibilities as citizens of this country, we, the students of Jordan High School . .. ," upheld our constitution and did our part in student government.

Resolutions were adopted by officers' council members Kent Allsop, Raymond Yasukochi, Keith Stepan, Ida Mortensen, and Kent Walker, to be presented to class representatives. They worked hand in hand with the student council in considering student prohlems.

STUDENT COUNCIL: ROW 1 Dennis Woodward, Glade Crosgrove, Joe Brklacy, Orval Darius, David Newman, Jay Workman, Stanley Butler. ROW 2 Claudine Baird, Rex Goff, Don Fullmer, lynn Gaulin, LaRoe Newbold, Marcia Nichols, Garth Beckstead, Deanna Biggs, JoAnne Kynaston. ROW 3 Gladys Romney, Jacklyn Oakeson, Brenda Bateman, Kathryn Brown, larry Crump, Doris Roos, Janet Stepan, Joan Wade, Pat Duffin, Ann Richards, Pat Walker, Phyllis Fechser. ROW 4 Charles larson, Dennis Farmer, Kent Bone, Robert Jensen-, Donald Maynes, Kent Brown, Robert Etherington, Judy Brady.





Successful projects resounded the capabilities of Keith, Sharlene, and Loretta. Their success in~ eluded planning commencement exercises, the annual dinner dance, and Senior Sluff Day.


en tors ~



Sheri Aaron Sandy

Carolyn Aceves West Jordon

Bill Alder Union

Beverly Anderson South Jordon

Estella Anderson Union

Nathan Anderso• Union

Gary Anderson Midvale

Marian Anderson Midvale

Michael Andreasen Midvale

Corrine Archuleta Sandy

David Arnold South Jordon

Ivan Arterburn Union

lee Asay Sandy

Dale Astle Sandy

Ann Atkinson Murray

Philip Augason Midvale

DeWayne Bailey Draper

Craig Baird Draper

Karl Baird Draper

Joseph Baker Draper

Joyce Baker Union

lucille Bolich Midvale

James Barney Sandy

linda Ballamis Midvale


Mel Roe Bateman Sandy

Christian Benson Draper

Ann Blackett Midvale

Garth Boulden Sandy

Shirleen Beck Herriman

Joanne Berrett Sandy

Duane Blotnlck M idvale

Lodd Brady Sandy

Marilyn Beckstead South Jordan

Sherrell Berrett Union

Kent Bone Riv erton

Mary Jane Brody Midvale

Gory Bennett Sandy

Jean Bernardo Draper

Louise Bernardo Draper

Ronald Boren Crescent

Joyce Boswell Union

Deanna Biggs Draper

Myrna Boulter Crescent

lynn Brand Sandy

ElRoy Bridges Riverton

Showno Brinton Union

face decisions The traditions we experienced and the goals we realized at Jordan left us with mixed feelings as we prepared for graduation as the class of '57. We eagerly anticipated a new manner of life, yet vaguely felt as if we were being pushed from familiar surroundings. Many things had given us pleasure: the Senior Hop, friendships, and mastering subject matter. Our growth was manifold. We began to show maturity as we counted our credits in contemplation of graduation, flashed engagement rings, studied college cata~ logs, or joined the reserves. In spite of the determination to succeed in our plans, we won~ dered if we were ready to face the world.

Rosalie Brklacich Midvale

Marilyn Brown Midvale

Jack Butterfield Riverton

Bud Brown Riverton

Roy Burton West Jordan

Sharon Butterfield Herriman

Farrell Brown Midvale

Joyce Brown Draper

Ann Butterfield Salt lake City

Brent Butterfield Riverton

Donna Cain Union

Don Campbell Sandy


Judy Brown Union

linda Butterfield Herriman

Ilene Campbell Union

John Browne Riverton

Larry Butterfield Riverton

Barbara Carter Crescent

West Jordan

Maurice Colyer Midvale

Connie Crane Herriman

Judene Casper Sandy

Curtis Cook Union

Glade Crosgrove Draper

Bonnie Christian Sandy

West Jordan




Garry Crump Sandy

Larry Crump Sandy

Janet Dahl Midvale

Robert Dahl Midvale



Norman Crump Bluffdale

Sandy Cunnington Midvale

Rulon Dahl Midvale

Diane Dale West Jordan

:..tiU~~;~2t: L.~

Sondra Crump Herriman

Fred Cutler Midvale


, en 1ors Considering Senior Hop plans are Faye B. Thomas, Betty Henderson, Stanley Sharp, R. S. Peterson, Ernest Bianchi, and Golda Fraser .

Connie Davis West Jordon

Pauline Dory Riverton

Dixie Dean Crescent

Betty lou Deakin Un ion

DelRay Eastman

Karl Ehlers Butl er



Mary Delgado West Jordon

DeAnna DeGroot Midvale

John Dick We st Jordon

Dianne Dibb Draper

Sharon Eldredge

Don Enniss Draper


JoAnn Ernest Herriman

JoAnn Farnsworth Sandy

Carolyn Evans Sandy

Jimmy Fergus Crescent

Lynda Fairbourn Crescent

Gloria Eyre Sandy

Dennis Farmer Midvale

Tom Fairbourn Sandy

Charles Ferguson Butler

Dixie Ferguson Sandy

Dean Fife Midvale

Janet Finlayson West Jordan

Warren Fitzgerald Draper

Jerry Forbush Union

Dale Frandsen Sandy

Larry Froisland Union

Don Fullmer South Jordan

Rodney Gallegos Crescent

Michael Ganz Midvale

Jerry Gardner Midvale

Linda Gardner West Jordan

Rinda Gedge South Jordon

Eunice Gilbert Riverton

Shirlee Gehring West Jordan




en 1ors

Patsy Glines West Jordon

Charles Graham Midvale

Joan Grant M idvale

Norma Lynn Hale M i dvale

West Jordan

Dennis Green Sandy

Max Griffiths Union

Jackie Hall Sandy

Barbra Hansen Midvale


Henry Grimaud Midvale

David Hansen Union


Kenneth Green West Jordan

Don Hansen Sandy

Lynne Hansen Midvale

Norene Hardcastle Sandy

Larry Hardman Bluffdale

Dee Hardy Union

Sharon Haun W est Jordon

Janet Healy Midval e

Sonja Heinecke Midvale

Jerry Hendricksen Draper

Fred Heuser Sandy

Sharlene Hoffman Oro per

Carolyn Hogan We st Jordon

Vere Holt Sondy

Shirl Hone Midvale

Gary Howlett Draper

Kent Hughes Sondy

Darrell tlumes Riverton

Larry Hutchings South Jordon

Jerry Hutchinson Soli loke City

Barbara Jensen Midvale

Evelyn Jensen Midvole

Diane Jensen Midvale

Rosemary Jensen Sandy

Bill Jenson West Jordon


Gwenda Hathaway Union


en 1o rs Physiology students Donna Peters, Joyce Baker, and Dona Ryan compare bone structure of animals.

Jay Jenkins Sandy

larry Jenkins Midvale

Norma Jenkins Midvale

Roland Jenkins Midvale

Eileen Johnson Riverton

Glenn Johnson Union

Jeannette Jones Midvale

Stanley Johnson Crescent

Kathi Jones Bluffdale

Shirleen Jones West Jordon

Gary Julian Union

Gary Kidd Riverton

Terry Kirby Sandy

Gene Klholm Union

Mary lynn Klotovich West Jordon

Terry labrum Union

Tim lamb Union

Emmanuella Koncural Draper


Dale lawson Sandy

Shirley lee Sandy

Frank Lessley Crescent

Gary LeFevre Riverton

Vicki lester Midvale

larry lewis Midvale

VIola Leyba West Jordan

Jeanette llnnarz Sandy

loral ne lloyd Crescent

Phillip lloyd South Jordan

Reta lynch Sandy

Joan Maddocks Union

Mary Ann Mahler Crescent

laurence Mangum Riverton

Patsy Mann Midvale

Bob Margetts Sandy

linda larsen Midvale

Charles Lonon Sandy

Maris LeFevre Sandy

Emmett Lessley Crescent

Van lindsay Midvale

Rosalie Madsen Sandy

Russell larson Sandy


Janice LeFevre Midvale

, en 1o rs Chemistry research is serious business Brady and Janet Healy .

Danny Mascaro Midval e

Don Maynard South Jordan

Donald Maynes Gran ite

Ruth McCombs Midvale

Ivan McDonald Sandy

Tommy McDonald Sandy

John McKinney Butler

Carol McNamara Midvale

Charon Meeker Union

Juergen Menssen Granite

Cathy Merrick West Jordon

Lolieta Merlin West Jordon

Lucille Michelsen Midvale

Charlene Michelsen Midvale

Mark Miller Sandy

Diane Millerberg Midvale

Blayne Milligan Sandy

Marcia Mitchell Midvale


Bart Morse Sandy

Ralph Muir Draper

Marilyn Nelson Sandy

Jeff Newman Riverton

Kitty Morelli Murray

Frances Naylor South Jordan

Nedra Nelson Draper

Moonyeen Newman Riverton

Floyd Mori Crescent

John Morrison Riverton

Max Nelsen Sandy

Reed Neel Sandy

Ivy Mae Newbold South Jordan

Sunnle Nelson Draper

Carolyn Nichols Draper

Marcia Nichols Midvale


Ida Mortensen Midvale

Barbara Nelson Midvale

LaRoe Newbold South Jordan

Nadine Nielsen West Jordan

louis Morrow Sandy

Afton Nelson Draper

Maureen Newbold South Jordan

Joan Nielsen West Jordan


en 1ors Under Mr. Olson ' s professional instruction and Ned Parry's appreciation, Nedra Nelson blends a modernistic painting.

Jeannine Nokes Riverton

Richard Nielsen Sandy

Weldon Noland Midvale

Lynda Norton Sandy

Alma Nunley Union

Robert Nuzman West Jordan

Iren e Nystrom Sandy

Charles Olson Sandy

Kent Olson Sandy

Laval Olson Crescent

ArLou Ostler West Jordan

Gwen Page Riverton

Ray Palmer Riverton

Sharon Palmer South Jordan

Xene Pappas West Jordan

Jackie Parks Riverton

Peggy Parker Draper

Janice Parkin Draper


Sharon Patrick Midvale

Marilyn Parry Riverton

Marian Pearson

Jerry Pearson Draper



Johnny Pollick Midvale

Beth Radmall West Jordan

Mike Plattner Union

Craig Rasmussen Draper

Bill Pollock Sandy

Edwin Pond Midvale

Gay Rasmussen Sandy

Ronald Rasmuuen Draper


Donna Peters Butler

West Jordan

laddie Poor Herriman

Harold Rawson Draper


Beth Proctor Union

Weston Reading Midvale


en 1ors Problems of dating and marriage are popular topics in Mr. Bianchi 's psychology class .

Wanda Romney South Jordan

Konno Russell Union

Rapheolla Roper Sandy

Wayne Sabey Midvale

Deonne Ross We st Jordon

Goe Ross Midvale

Colleen Saunders Midvale

Gloria Saldivar Midvale


Ralph Rothe West Jordan

Julian Saldivar Midval e

Dona Ryan Union

David Schmidt West Jordan

Pat Schouten Riverton

Russell Schneider Draper

Robert Schouten South Jordan

Elaine Scott Midvale

Maureen Shepherd Midvale

Judy Slater Riverton

Karen Shields West Jordan

Dixie Smith Draper

Gene Smith Sandy

Leslie Smith Midvale

Sheila Smith Draper

Virginia Smith Butler

Melva Sorensen Granite

Colleen Steadman West Jordon

Mike Stelling W est Jordan

Della Steadman West Jordan

Keith Stepan Midvale

Betty Lou Steele Sandy

Roger Stevenson Midvale

Roy-Stuart Sandy

Russell Strebel Sandy


Annette Swasey Herriman

Sharon Swenson Midvale


en 1ors Part of learing is absorbing. Often the library is an ideal place for both.

Gwen Talbot Midvole

Shorcn Tucker South Jordon

oeorge Varanakis West Jordan

laDaun Taggart Crescent

Jack Tripp Sandy

Howard Vawdrey Draper

Bruce Thayne Butler

Ted Thaxton Riverton

Dick Turner Bluffdale

Koren Turner


Irma Rae Vawdrey Draper

luella Vicchralli West Jordan


Dalene Thomas Midvale

Russell Turner Bluffdale

Kendall Voyce Midvale

ReNee Thompson Midvale

Arlene Usher Riverton

Evah Visser Sandy

Harold Vordos Midvale

Deanna Wallin Sandy

CoDele Walker Union

Clare Wardle Midvale

Sharon Webster Sandy

Ann Marie Wagstaff West Jordan

Patricia Walker Riverton

Mary Watts Midvale

Joe Walter. Midvale

David Walker Midvale

Jimmy Washburn Drop r




Beverly Walles Union

Gale Webb Midvale

South Jordon


en 1ors learn about shutter speeds, urges Mr . Allen to photography students .

'Aary l e Wilkinson Butl er

loretta Witt Draper

James Williams Bluffdale

Joy Workman South Jordon

Dennis Wilson Murray

Sandra White Sandy

leah Withers Rive rton

Raymond Yasukochi

Judy Zofft

Joseph Zitting




Gordon Zlttlng Union


Dennis Woodward Sandy

Carl Zabriskie Midvale




VIce President

The ix 'clock activity bus had regular passenger , J Ann, Edna, and Kent. Many hours were utilized by this trio a they establi hed committees, attacked pr blems, at~ tended to the welfare of the junior , and ponsor d the Junior Red Cro s.



Betty Adams Midvale

LoWain Adams Butler

Melvin Allen Draper

Tom Allen Midvale

Eldon Allgood Midvale

Kent Allsop Midvale

Bill Allsop Draper

Aaxlne Anderberg Sandy

Chester Andersen Sandy

Ann Anderson Midvale

David Anderson Sandy

Elayne Anderson Midvale

Merlin Anderson Draper

Peggy Anderson Riverton

Charles Andrus Butler

Linda Asoy Sandy

Mike Ashby Butler

Claudine Baird Draper

Joneal Barben West Jordon

Sandra Barney Union

Brenda Bateman Sandy

Wayne Bateman Sandy

Peggy Battlson Riverton

Chad Beckstead Midvale

Darla Beckstead South Jordon

Dennis Beckstead South Jordon

Garth Beckstead South Jordan

Jerry Beckstead Sandy


un1ors haue moments to remember We were caught up in the medley of school activites, often confused, but always seeking group acceptanc~ We began to understand ourselves. Our appreciation of school life and friends grew. The anticipa~ tion of the Junior Prom highlighted our year. We were engrossed by "Elvis" and "under~ slungs." We screamed our school spirit

at the basketball games. Our creativeness yearned for an opportunity to display itself in an assembly. We patiently waited for the time we could order our senior rings, partici~ pated in elections for the corning year, and looked forward to the day when we could check our books in and say goodbye to another school year. 51

Mary Beckstead

Nile Beckstead South Jordan

Kay Belcher Un ion

Lynn Bennion W est Jordo n

Gordon Berry M idvol e

Verlalne Bill s


Herri man

Sharon Bishop Sandy

Ted Blanchard Midvale

Bruce Bluemel Un i on

Kathl een Bod ell Herriman

Sherman Bod ell Herri man

Barbara Bollig er Sandy

Dani el Bo skovich M i dval e

Don Bold en Sandy

Henry Bowen Riverton

Billy Bowles M idval e

Brent Bowl es Herr i man

Donald Boyce Butler

Lynne Boyce Butl er

Judy Brady Sandy

Roy Briggs Sandy

Howard Brinton Sandy

Borre Brown M idval e

Bill Brown M i dval e

Helen Brown Riverton

Joan Brown Butler

Kent Brown Un ion

Laurel Brown We st Jordan

John Brown Butler

Judy Bunnell Butl er

Edna Burr Union

Bryce Bushnell Un ion

Kent Butler Midvale


Curti s Boyd Raymond Brennemo~ Salt Lake City M idvale



Joan Butler Butler

Dixie Butterfield Riverton

James Cannon Riverton

Jean Carroll South Jordon

Phil Chidester Sandy

Richard Christensen Midvale

Patricia Clarke Draper

Donald Carter Bingham

Ellen Carter Draper

Karen Cavender West Jordon

John Chamberlain Midvale

Eloise Cooke Riverton

Margo Cole West Jordon

Chiro Costanza Draper

Karen Cloment

Gayle Conger Butler

Roger Conti Midvale

Gayla Cook Sandy


Junior class advisors LeMar Hendrickson, Yvonne Whitmore, Mel Berrett, Blaine Brown , and Kenneth Brady look over plans for the year's activities.

Dale Cox Crescenl

Jolene Cox Draper

Carol Crane Herriman

Sherron Creuall Midvale

Mike Cullls Butler

Norval Crump Bluffdale

Gary Curtis

Judy Curtis Sandy



Lafoy Dansie Riverton

Bonnie Dansie Herriman

Rex Dahl Midvale

Raymond Dansie Draper

lora Lee Dansie Riverton

Kent Davis Union

Kay Dean Union

Jesse Delgado Midvale

Tony Delgado West Jordan

Marion Dennison West Jordan

Bonnie Densley Riverton

Evon Despain Granite

John Despain Granite

Bob Dimmick Midvale

Caroline Dorlws Sandy

Dennis Dory Riverton

Joe Douglas Midvale

Jerry Drake Draper

David Draper Midvale

Darrell Drew Midvale

Pat Duffin Draper

Donald Eastman Riverton

Gary Eckman M i dvale

Helen Egbert Union

Grace Endo Midvale

Jerry Endo Midvale

Dennis Erickson West Jordan

Janice Erickson Union

Sharon Estepp Midvale

Larry Etherington Butler

Sharon Evans Granite


Forest Ewell Bluffdale

Ralph Eyre Sandy

Harold Farnswort~ Butler



laRue Fenstermaker Sandy

Phyllis Fescher Midvale

Glenn Fitzgerald Draper

Goldeen Flanders Riverton

Carolyn Gee Draper

Janet Gehring West Jordan

Ted Glover Midvale

Gory Fullmer Crescent

Mary Flores Midvale

Raymond Garn Sandy

Clifford Goff Midvale

lewis Goodrich Sandy

loretta Graham Sandy

Gerald Green Riverton

Stephen Gold Granite

Carol Galosh Midvale

Elouise Gonzales West Jordan

Russell Golberg Sandy

The bell diminishes the bookstore line to Jimmy Kemp and Jesse Delgado .


Raymond Griffith Sandy

Kent Grover Draper

Ruth Gustaveson Salt lake City

Dallas Hakanson Butler

Joy Ham Midvale


Harry Hadley Butler

Gall Hamilton

Jannet Hamilton



Glenda Hardcastle Crescent

Karol Hardwick Midvale

Ronnie Harrington Midvale

Marvin Hardman Union

lee Harryman Midvale

Melvin Hastings Midvale

Sherman Hatfield West Jordon

Margie Halt Bluffdale

Kathleen Hatton Midvale

Terry lou Haueter Butler

Carl Hawker Sandy

Gloria Heaps Union

Melvyn Heaps Riverton

Kathryn Heinecke Midvale

Michael Heinecke Midvale

Martha Hernandez Midvale

Martha Hill Sandy

Brent Hogenson Midvale

David Holt West Jordan

Grant Hurst Sandy

Marsha Holt South Jordan

Gayle Hutchings Riverton

Kay Huff Draper

Jeneane Hudson Midvale

Gary Hutching s Riverton

Nancy Hughes Union

Delores Hulinsky Herriman

Leora Jacobson


Dennis Humphrey Sandy

Ken Jardine

, u n 1ors

Gayle Jarman Sandy

Mary Javalne Midvale

Richard Jenkins Midvale

Arlene Jensen Midvale

Neil Jenson Sandy

Stanley Jex Sandy

Alden Johnson Butler

Phillip Jensen Sandy

Gayle Jensen Midvale

John Jensen Sandy

Robert Jensen Midvale

Peggy Ann Johnson Union

Reynold Johnson Crescent

Ronald Johnson Union

David Johnson South Jordon

James Johnson Midvale

Keith Johnson Sandy

Melvin Johnson Sandy

An oiling jeep is operated upon by Brent Jacobson, larry Goff, and Ronald Crone in Vocational Auto

Florence Johnston Midvale

Carole Jones Draper

Clifford Jones Midvale

Darlene Jones Midvale

Gory Jones Sandy

Marla Ann Jones West Jordon

Myrtle Jones Draper

linda Jones Sandy


Jeffrey Joseph Sandy

Nedra Kasal Draper

John Keeler Draper

Jimmy Kemp Midvale

Del Kldd Midvale

Dawna King Midvale

Dal e Kimball Draper

Roland Koller Midvale

Leon King Sandy

Pierre Koncurat Draper

Davey Konold Sandy

Jim Kroon We st Jordan

Jean ette Kunz Sandy

JoAnn e Kynaston Sandy

Nikki Labrum Union

Darwin Landers Midvale

Kathleen Larsen Riverton

Judith Larsen Midvale

Delpha Larson Sandy

Paul Larson American Fork

Roger Larson Crescent

Kathleen Leak Sandy

Sharon Lennberg Midvale

Ronny LeFevre Midval e

Vern Lester Midvale

Doris Lloyd South Jordan

Ralph Lloyd Union

William Lowman Draper

Karen Loll Sandy

Larry Love Midvale

Connie Lovendahl Riverton

Arthur Lucero South Jordan

Evan Ludwig Union

Olean Lund Sandy

Orlyn Lund Sandy



un tors

Myrna lundberg Sandy

Nola lunnen Crescent

lynn MacKay Sandy

John Mahler Crescent

lucille Markus Midvale

Janet Marlor Midvale

David Marriott Sandy

Earl Mangum Riverton

Nick Malkos West Jordan

Elaine Marchant Midvale

Jerry Marchant Midvale

Susan Maxfield Midvale

Gordon McCiellon Midvale

Wilbern McDougal West Jordan

Barbara Martinez West Jordan

Arnold Martin Midvale

Gary Maxfield Midvale

JaNeal Maxfield South Jordan

by Alden John-

Lyle McDonald Sandy

Jerry McManigal West Jordan

Richard McMullin Bingham

laverl Mecham West Jordon

Kit McMullin South Jordan

Jerry Meissner Sandy

Evelyn Mecham South Jordan

Dick Michaelson Midvale


Dorothy Miles Draper

Sherwood Miles Midvale

Sherryn Miller Midvale

Betty Milne Union

Nancy Milne West Jordan

Joe Minnick Draper

Bill Mitchell West Jordan

Ken Mitchell Midvale

Susan Mitchell Bluffdale

Evelyn Montague Midvale

David Moser Butler

Lorrie Moss Sandy

Bart Mousley Bluffdale

Dianne Mumford Sandy

Kay Neilson West Jordan

Colleen Myers Draper

Wallace Naylor South Jordan

Larry Neilson Bluffdale

Gall Nell Midvale

Lyn Nolson Sandy

Eddie Nemanic Midvale

Dennis Nielsen Sandy

Wanda Noland Midvale

Connie Nlnomlya Midvale

Kenneth Nosack Midvale

Jean Oakeson South Jordon

Leon Oldham Crescent

Gall Oliver Herriman

Clinton Olsen Sandy

Darrel Olson Midvale

Donald Olson Butler

Judy Olson Union

Ilene Olson Midvale

Linda Ol s on Midvale

Peggy Olson Midvale



un tors

Connie Ostler South Jordan

Raymond Ostler Sandy

Barry Ottley Sandy

David Pack Un ion

Montie Parker Midvale

Janalee Parry Riverton

Judy Parkinson Crescent

Jay Page Rive rton

Kay Palmer South Jordan

Orin Palmer We st Jordan

Don Parker Draper

Dolores Pedro Midvale

JoAnn Pedersen Sandy

Veri Pedersen Riverton

Ned Parry Bluffdal e

Gerald Parsons Midvale

Dennis Patterson Riverton

Harold Pearson Midvale

Frank Rueckert looks confident of his answer as he works on a weight problem in physics .

John Perella West Jordon

Ann Peterson Midvale

Florence Perkins Riverton

Clara Mae Peterson Sandy

Mike Perry Riverton

Dennis Petersen Sandy

Sharon Perry Sandy

Pat Petersen Butler


Roy Plumhof Butler

Richard Peterson West Jordan

Connie Pierson Sandy

Jerry Polson Sandy

Erma Poulsen Midvale

Byard Price Union

Peggy Preston Midvale

Brent Price Midvale

Sondra Price West Jordan

Gayle Page Riverton

Mary Robb Riverton

Joan Rowson Union

Edith Rains Midval e

Randall Rathjen Draper

Lone Rasmussen Draper

Don !lead Sandy

Pot Reed Sandy

Teresa Rosales West Jordan

Bill Reynolds West Jordan

Ann Richards Midvale

Jonoce Richards' Sandy

Rolph Ribera Draper

Paul Sager Midvale

Joyce Robertson Crescent

Martha Savage Draper

Darlene Rodda Midvale

Victor Scorzoto Draper

Shirlene Rowley Union

Carolyn Rowley Union

Carolyn Sharp Midvale

Rolph Schmidt West Jordan


Frank Rueckert Midvale

Goy Sheppick South Jordan

Marie Santoroso Draper

John Sheriff Sandy



Betty Shulsen W est Jordan

Joan Shulsen Riv erton

Gary Silcox Sandy

Gayle Simonson Sandy

Frances Slolle Midvale

Linda Smart Union

De nnis Smith Drape r

Jacqueline Smith Midval e

Mike Sm ith Sandy

Pat Smith Sandy

Val Smith Drape r

Ke ndall Snarr Sandy

Jean Smith Sandy

Sharon Smith Draper

Diane Smith

Marcia Sorensen

Jean Spencer Riverton

Gary Staker Union

Drape r


.. 'How now, brown cow' rounds the vowels, "

Miss Zieve to Arlene Jensen .


Allen Steed Butl e r

Jack Steadman Midval e

Lynn Steadman Midvale

Lynn Steffensen Butler

~ryan Stevens

Janet Stepan Midvale

Jay Stevens We st Jordan

Reed Stevens Crescent




Kasal , Kathleen



Hatton , and

Richard Strombe rg Bluffda le

linda Stuart Mid val e

Myrl e en Sundberg Sandy

Karen Taylor G ranite

Sharon Taylor Riv e rton

Sherry Tea Union

Lee Tennant Midval e

Carol e Te nny son Midval e

Jo e l Te rry Drape r

Clive Thacke r Crescen t

Barbara Thomas Sandy

Elna Thomson Mid val e

Curti s Thun Midval e

David Thorum Sandy

Doyl e Timothy Sandy

Ted Tolman Sandy

LaPriel Tuttle Midval e

Ramona Val e nzue la W es t Jordan

Gre gory VanDam Sandy

Aty Vand e rhooft Midval e

Rachel Villalobos Midvale

Gayle Visser Sandy

Bre nt Vince nt Sand y

Maxin e Vund e r Midval e

Joan Wade Butl e r

Von Wallgren Midval e

Eldwin Wolters Un ion

Tony Wanless Midval e

Joyce Wall in Sandy

Richard Watts Sandy

Judy Watte rson Sandy

LeWanna W e bb Midval e

Tamara W e bb Bluffdal e

Eldon Webe r Midval e

Gary Webster Midvale



u n tors

argarct Webster Sandv

Marjorie Webster Sandy

Jane Webster Midvale

Douglas Welch Midvale

Dawson Williams Bluffdale

Mary Wilson Midvale

Mavis Williams We ot Jordon

Pamela Welch Midvale

Gregory West Draper

Peggy West Riverton

Clyde Williams Crescent

Stephen White Union

Larry Worthington Union

Paul Whetman Sandy

Dot Withers Riverton

Ross Winberg Midvale

JoAnn Wheadon Draper

ElRoy Whitlock


Recalling formulas and symbols , Dennis Neilsen and Leon Oldham experiment in the chemistry lab.

hauna Workman South Jordon

Irene Zagarlch Midvale

Sandra Zaiser Midvale

Ruth lilting Union






Vice President

PI erclassmen marveled at the fore, ight of the neophyte ophom res when they cho. e Kent, Charlene, and hirley to direct them in the ways of the red and gray. As officers, they helped their class to av id frus, trnti n while gaining dignity.




ophomores make their debut Initiation Day left us with few casualties and more respect for upper classmen. By mid~term we began to feel like full fledged Jordanites, although some of us were still asking "Where's Mr. Taylor's office?" or "How can I find the music room?" Our greeness showed as we crammed for exams in a last attempt to avoid failure, exercised a half~hearted effort to reach the classroom before the tardy bell rang, and tried our best to be included in activities. Our ] Books are now dogeared; we have acquired a reverence for Jordan's traditions; and we can proudly show an impressive record which we earned as individuals and as a class.

Jeanette Aceves West Jordon

Calvin Adams Sandy

Don Ainsworth Sandy

laMar Ainsworth Crescent

Barbara Akers Sandy

Dee Alldredge Union

Charles Allsop Draper

lesa Alsop Sandy

lone Alverson West Jordan

Ronald Ames Murray

Dorene Anderson Midvale

Kenneth Anderson Sandy

larry Anderson Draper

Patricia Anderson South Jordon

Robert Anderson Union

Richard Anderson Draper

Voloyne Anderson Union

Von Anderson Union

Dolores Archuleta Sandy

Tauna Archuleta Sandy

Robert Armstrong Butler

Sheryl Ashman Midvale

Dralee Astle Draper

Grant Bagley Midvale

Maureen Bailey Draper

Scott Baker Butler

Judy Kay Bonks Draper

Karren Banner Sandy


ophomores Janice Barben Wesl Jordan

Don Bateman Sandy

Emily Bastian Midvale

Merlin Bateman Wesl Jordan

Bruce Beagley Sandy

Don Beckslead Riverlan

Dorene Beckstead Sandy

Joe Banta Riverlon


class advisors evaluating lnillation Day are: STANDING Murray Allen and Arland Russon. SITTING S. R. Andersen, Helen Seaman, Farrell Gunnell, LoRee Munns.

Dale Beckstead Riverlan

Gene Beck Draper

Glade Beckstead Midvale

Carol Beckstead Midvale

Joni Beckstead Draper

Julia Bell Sandy

Donnette Bell Midvale

Bart Bellon

Jill Benningfield Midvale

Colleen Bennion Wesl Jordan

Annette Benson Wesl Jordan

lynn Bensen Sandy


Dick Bench Buller

Allee Bennett Midvale

Jean Bevan Bluffdale

Ronald Bianchi Midvale

Koradine Beckstead Saulh Jordan Beverly Bennett Sandy Delores Biggs Draper


Melvin Biggs Draper

Glenda Bigler Midvale

Jeanette Bills Sandy

Edwin Bishop Sandy

I rene Bolaris West Jordan

David Boggess Union

Alice Boggess Union

Kathy Bone Riverton

Cella Boren Crescent

John Booth West Jordan

Judie Bosh Midvale

Lexie Boyce Sandy

Barbara Boyle Butler

Geraldine Brady Union

Ann Brady Midvale

Carolyn Brimhall Union

Jerry Brady Union

Beverleen Breeze Sandy

Shirley Briggs Sandy

Sharon Brinton Union

Carma Bristol Riverton

Renee Brimhall Draper

Joe Brklacy Crescent

Wayne Broomhead Union

Jeanene Brown Riverton

Jay Brown Sandy

Kathy Brown Sandy

Sharon Brown Sandy

Robert Brown Riverton

Shirley Brown Union

Mike Bullett Midvale

Ranae Burbidge South Jordan

Gail Burkinshaw West Jordan

Dalene Burnett Midvale

Judy Burns Midvale


ophomores Ray Butler Sandy

Stanley Butler Midvale

Jolene Burton West Jordan

Arnold Butterfield Midvale

Bobbie Butterfield Union

June Butterfield Riverton

"World History is hard to digest," Robert Anderson seems to say; but Susan Santisteven looks as if she reads between the lines.

Lola Butterfield South Jordan

Mick Butterfield Riverton

Niel Butterfield Riverton

Fred Buxton Butl er

George Campbell Riverton

LaMar Carlson Draper

Mary Campbell Sandy

Leslie Carpenter Sandy

Bill Carroll Sandy

Pat Carrigan Midvale

Jim Cartwright Draper

David Chove1 Riverton

Roy Chri stensen Union

LaRue Church Crescent

Richard Cobbley West Jordan

Jack Clark Midvale

Gary Coe Midvale

Gary Colyer Midvale

Sylvia Conger Butl er

Koy Cook W e> t Jordan

Wayne Cook Union

Donny Covington Union

Janice Coombs West Jordon

Coll ee n Coons Union

Florence Cooper Midvale

Michael Corbett Midvale

Rebekah Cowdell Sandy

Dennis Cox Midvale

Ronald Crone Draper

Raymond Crump Bluffdal e

Carol Cundick Sandy

Dennis Curtis Union

Nanette Curtis Union

Charleen Cutler Midvale

Tanya Day Draper

Lorry Davis Sandy

Henry Day Draper

Jerry Day Draper

Glen Day Midvale

John Deakin Union

Jared Decker Bluffdale

Claudio Densley

John Doolittl e Sandy

Curtis Dimond Sandy

Kenneth Dimo .1d West Jordon

Orval Dorius Sandy

Randy Dow Union

Diane Dunn Crescent

Paul Dunn

Fronk Draper Sandy

Lorry Emery South Jordon

Enid Enniss Draper

Susy Enniss



Diona Eror


ophomores Katheryn Ernest Herriman

Lynn Ertmann Midvale

Robert Etherington Butler

Lila Evans

Linda Evans Draper

Monte Fisher Butler

...............Midvale ......,................._,,,...,.._

"Ready type!" Bonnie Poma and Maureen Paulsen begin a typing test.

Pat Fieldstad Butler

Mary Fleming Union

Madolin Fitzgerald Draper

Sherry Fowler Sandy

Dol Freeman Union

Karren Freeman Sandy

Alice Fullmer Sandy

Clyde Frehner Riverton

Charles Fronk Sandy

Robert Frank Sandy

Lynn Godd Midvale

Joyce Gailey Union

Richard Gallegos Cescent

Lynn Gaufin Midvale

Deon Garfield Draper

Jerry Giouque Midvale

Forest Giles Bluff dolo

Carolyn Gamingasco Union

Leland Frandsen Riverton

LaRoe Frantz Riverton

Gerald Ewell Bluffdale

Carole Glover Midvale

Mary Lou Giles Riverton

Ray Glad Crescent

David Glover Midvale

Robert Glover Midvale

Ralph Goff Sandy

Jerry Goff West Jordan

Linda Gomez Midvale

Kathleen Grandquist Union

Linda Green West Jordan

Robert Goodrich Sandy

Shirley Greenwood Sandy

James Grow M i dvale

Dick Guest Midvale

Bob Gregory Midvale

RaNae Hale Sandy

Karen Hand Gran i te

Ronald Hansen Butler

Dennis Hardcastle Sandy

Allen Hardman Midvale

Barbara Hansen Sandy

Monty Hardman Bluffdale

Nan Harryman Midvale

Zerita Hardy Riv erton

Sandra Hardy M idvale

Pat Hartman M i dvale

Delene 'Harvey Union

Vernon Heaps Sandy

Alice Heaps W es t Jordan

Ina Heki

ophomores Pat Hill Draper

lora i ne Hirst Union

Pat Hirsch Murray

Bill Hoffman Sandy

leslie Holt Sandy

David Holman Union

Photographs and pamphlets reveal crop rotation practices to agriculture students Ray Glad, l eon Jensen, and Bart Bellon .

Grant Howlett Draper

Ilene Howard West Jordan

Jim Houmand Union

Jerry Huish Union

Joan Hui sh Union

Shirley Humphrey Draper

Richard Hughes Sandy

Nancy lhle Butler

Glad e Ingersoll Sandy

lynn Hunter Draper

Brent Jacobson West Jordan

Cardell Jacobson West Jordon

Jerry James Sandy

Judy James Union

Raymond Janssen

Kurt Jardin e Riverton

Arl ene Jenkin s Midvale

Janic e Jenkins Sandy

Brent Javoine Midvale

Myrl e Jenkins Midvale

Michael Jeppson Midvale

David Jensen Sandy

Mardell Jensen Sandy

Gaylene Jensen Midvale

leon Jensen Draper

Dixie Jenson Sandy

Jimmy Jenson Crescent

Karl Joffs Midvale

Deloy Johnson Crescent

Marilyn Johnson Midvole

larry Johnson Union

John Johnson Midvale

Arlene Jones Midvale

Brent Julander Union

Jan Keller Midvale

lynn Kemp Cres ce nt

Blaine Kearsley Midvale

Phillip Kemp Midvale

Shena Kemp Draper

Fred Kemp Crescent

Valerie Kidd Midvale

Jay Kidd Riverton

Bill Kidder W es t Jordan

Wanda Kirk Midvale

Ivan Klotovich So uth Jordan

Edgar Koonce Sandy

Vivian Kosovich Midvale

George Krebs Union

JoAn Kunz Sandy

Stephen Kurumada Sandy

Bill Lamb Union

Ilona Lambson Midvale

Shirlene lancaster Sandv

Chree landures Sandy

Ellis larson Sandy

1verly Jensen Midvale


ophomores Bill Leatherwood Midvale

Barbara Lee South Jordan

LeRoy Lloyd Riverton

Karen Leonard Sandy

Lois Levine Sandy

Sharlene Lloyd Crescent

Carol Beckstead and Barbara Hansen believe that abstraction and expression are part of artistry in a crafts class .

RaNae Lloyd Riverton

Geneil Loader Union

Krls Loullas Midvale

Judy Lovendahl Riverton

Peggy Lublin Draper

Clark lund Union

Jack lundberg Union

Joan lundberg Midvale

Tom Lynch Sandy

Sharon Mabey Sandy

Jeffery Maddocks Midvale

Andrew Madsen Sandy

LaNette Madsen Draper

Miriam Madsen Union

Bonnie Marchant Midvale

Jimmy Mannes Midvale

Nadine Martinez West Jordan

Judy Margetts Sandy

Angelo Mascaro Midvale

Sharon McArthur Sandy

Kay McBride Draper

Carmi McDougal West Jordan

Lee McCall West Jordon

Carl McHenry Sandy

Dennis Meeker Sandy

Darwin Merlin West Jordon

Diane Morrison Midvale


laurine Michelsen Midvale

Vincent Miles Midvale

Michael Mills Sandy

Monty Miller Herriman

Patricia Milne Union

Sherman Miller Midvale

Ron Morelli Murray

Henry Miner Sandy

Gary Morrow Sandy

Delila Mortensen Murray

lowell Mortensen Riverton

Audrey Mousley Bluffdale

Tom Mumford West Jordon

Jay Mounteer M idvale

~lfred Nabahe


Karen Nell Riverton

Vickie Nebeker Midvale

Roberts Nelson Draper

Brent Newman Riverton

David Newman Murray

Jim Newman Herriman

Kay Neuffer Midvale

Roland Nickle Sandy

Sharon Nielsen West Jordon

Doug Ninomiya Midvale

Corydon Nokes Riverton

Judy O ' Keefe West Jordan

Jacklyn Oakeson South Jordon

ophomores Marjorie Oliver Crescent

Dplores Olsen Butler

Jeanette Olsen Crescent

linda Olsen Union

Jimmy Olson Sandy

JoAnn Olson Crescent

"Et tu Brute" captivates Dick Thomas, Arlene Jenkins, Mike Jeppson, and Mary Lou Rawson, who are studying "Julius Caesar" in English.

Mike Olson Murray

Nell Olson Midvale

Rose Mary Ortego Midvale

Gory Orgill Draper

Margie Osborne Midvale

Joan Ostler West Jordon

lenore Owens Draper

Mary Pacheco West Jordon

Raymond Pack Draper

Barbara Palmer Riverton

Dave Palmer West Jordan

Paul Pappas West Jordan

Mary Pando West Jordan

Karla Park Riverton

Karen Park Riverton

Bonnie Parker Crescent

Jimmy Parker Sandy

Carl Parks Sandy

Edward Parker Midvale

J'bhice Parry Bluffdale

LaRoe Parry Midvale

Doris Paskett We st Jordan

Adele Paulsen Butler

Maureen Paulsen Butler

Joan Petersen Riverton

Val Petersen Midvale

Bonnie Poma Draper


Price Union

Glenn Reich Union

Brent Peterson Midvale

Robert Petersen Midvale

Gloria Pratt

Jcanlno Rasmussen Sondy

Sharin Rasmussen Draper

Evelyn Read Sandy

Mary Lou Rawson


David Reich Sandy

Darlene Rials Union

Linda Richardson W es t Jordon

Anna Richens Butler

Judy Roberts Union

Mark Robis Midvale

Linda Robison Midvale

Annette Rollins Midvale

Phillip Rosenhan Midvale

Harold Rosenhan

Michael Ross

Mavis Sadler

ophomores Barbara Saibara West Jordan

Paul Sampson Crescent

Susan Santistevan Midvale

Larry Schmidt Midvale

Bonnie Searle Midvale

Judy Burns worries about winning the relay, as Lexie Boyce and Janice Jenkins gambol.

David Searle Midvale

LeRoy Searle Midvale

Robert Searle Midvale

James Serasslo South Jordan

Carol Setterberg Sandy

Mary Ann Sharp Midvale

Francell Shaw Midvale

Brent Show Midvale

Renon Sheriff Sandy

Janice Shields Midvale

LeRoy Sil cox Sandy

Charles Shipp Midvale

Francine Silcox Riverton

Karen Silcox Midvale

Marilyn Silcox Sandy

Duane Simonson Sandy

Kenny Smart Butler

Lois Smith Midvale

Lou Ann Smith Crescent

Helene Smith Draper

Joann Smith Midvale

Jane Smith Riverton

Carol Lee Smith Draper

Charles Smith Draper

Marla Smith Riverton

Sandra Smith Sandy

Penny Soper Draper

Jack Sarich West Jordon

Sharon Sorensen Sandy

Rick Spratling West Jordon

Elaine Spencer Riverton

Dale Steadman West Jordon

Nancy Steadman Crescent

Alida Steinfeldt West Jordan

Michael Steele Midvale

Don Stephens Midvale

Sue Stocking Rive rton

Robert Stevens Sandy

Elsie Stoker Midvale

Stanley Stott Midvale

Peggy Stubbert Midvale

Ruth Swenson Sandy

Mariko Sugiyama Draper

Dennis Sybrowsky Midvale

Renee Sylvester Sandy

Connie Tanner Midvale

Kathy Taylor Sandy

Russell Taylor Sandy

Michael Terry Midvale

Sondra Terry Draper

Judy Tester Sandy

Paul Tester Midvale

Judy Thayne Butler

Joyce Tho mas West Jordon

Richard Thomas Midvale

Fred Thompson Midvale

ophomores Doug Thompson Midvale

Steve Tibbitts ButiM

Sandie Thornton Butler

Eddie Todd West Jordan

David Tranter Midvale

Gale Trapp Riverton

Jane Williams and Doreen Beckstead listen as Mr. Brady explains a problem in his second period General Mathematics class.

Dale Trapp Riverton

Arba Tripp Sandy

Glenn Troester West Jordon

ReNee Turner Midvale

Louise Turner Draper

Lois Vaughn Midvale

Klea Varanakls West Jordan

Nathan Vest Sandy

Jeannette Vicchrilli West Jordan

Jerry Vigil West Jordan

LaRoe VIncent Sandy

Loyd VIgil Butler

Colleen Walker Midvale

Jimmie Walker Union

Kay Walker Midvale

John Walker Midvale

Stephen Walker Union

Kent Walker Union

Steven Walker West Jordan

Dianne Wallgren Sandy

Linda Wallin Sandy

Dee Wardle Bluffdale

Lorraine Walters Sandy

Mike Walters Sandy

David Webb Sandy

Eugene Webb Midvale

Joyce Watts Sandy

Robert Wardle Riverton

Barbara Webb Bluffdale

Joan Webb Midvale

Karen Webster Sandy

Gary Winger Union

Karen Wennerstrom Sandy

Dennis Whittle Union

Howard Williams Sandy

Jane Williams Bluffda le

Merle Williams Sandy

Grant Winger Union

Robert Williams Sandy

Janice Wingett Salt Lake City

Gall Wood West Jordon

James Wood Midvale

Kay Wood


Lorry Wood Union

Janet Workman South Jordan

Dennis Wright Granite

Linda Wright Sandy

John Yates Sandy

Ethel Yengich Midvale

Richard Zdunich Union

Helen Zrno Midvale

David Zitting Union



TWIRLERS : Mary Jane Brady, Sandy Cunnington, Sandra Barney, Sherry Tea, Lila Evans, Farrell Brow.,, Joan Butler, Nedra Nelson.

BAND : ROW 1 Val Petersen, Jeanene Brown, Eva Player, Brent Jul 1nder, Milo Pearson, Elna Thomson, Dale Frandsen, Fred Heuser . ROW 2 Jerry Hutchinson, Sherman Miller, Helen Zrno, Roger Stevenson, Merlin Bateman, larry Schmidt. ROW 3 - Grant Hurst, Glade Ingersoll, Dennis Sybrowsky, Robert Jensen, Eddie Pond, Kendall Voyce, lynn Mackay. ROW 4 Wilbern McDougal , Cardell Jacobson, Charles Shipp, Billy Leatherwood, Chris loulias. ROW S Eugene Webb, Gerald Giaque, Ronald Johnson, Lee Asay, Donald Boyce . ROW 6 Darryl Potter, Mary Jane Brady, Ann Brady, Linda Stuart.


ands Football games wouldn 't be the same without a peppy ma rch being played during half;time. Our band participated in the re; gional and state band festivals, held a spring conce rt, and aided the chee ring section at tournament ga mes.

Pep band memb e rs strike up a lively che e r at a tournament basketball game .

BAND : ROW 1 Ray Brenneman, Janet Finlayson, Betty Lou Deakin, Carolyn Gee, Pat Hirsch, Arlene Jones, Grant Winger, Gary Winger. ROW 2 - Bob Etherington , Bonnie Marchant, JeNeal Maxfield, John Booth, Billy Kidder, Jerry Huish, Lynn Gadd. ROW 3 _ Clifford Jones , Jay Stevens, Michael Ross, Gregory West, John Deakin, Richard Zdunlch, Ronald Bianchi, Larry Emery. ROW 4 David Je nsen , Glenn Johnson, Henry Miner, Nikki Labrum, Nathan Anderson , Joe Baker. ROW 5 Leon Jensen, Kay McBride, Melva Sorensen , Betty Milne, Sherry Tea, Sandra Barney, Joan Butler, Buddy Price, Mr. Crapo.




(__ essiah


More than two hundred student voices combined to render the annual presentation of Handel's sacred oratorio, "The Messiah." This was the fourteenth successive rendi~ tion under the capable direction of conductor J. Clement Crapo. Talents of alumni were displayed by soloists Kenley Whitlock, Le~ land Matthew , and Janet Gammell.

Toking a curtain call following the presentation of the Messiah are the thirty-five piece orchestra and one hundred and eighty-six member chorus.

, USIC Musical appreciation was not limited to the school's band and orchestra. Those who felt the beat grouped into pep bands, dance bands, or combos. Festivals featuring vocal and instrumental virtuosos were other outlets for suppressed desires and hidden talent. There was adventure for every desire, popular, bop, long hair, or rock and roll. High aspirations prompted some students to choose music as a career; but most were content to use their abilities pursuing the beauty and satisfaction of music as hobbies. Activities for every type of interest were found in the realm of music.

Chorus members priming for regional contest are : Paul larsen, Joan Butler, Judy Bunnell, Terry Haueter, Terry Kirby , Pat Duffin, Peggy Johnson, MeiRae Bateman , Earl Mangum, Roy Stuart, Milo Pearson, Alan Steed, Mr. Crapo.

PEP BAND : KNEELING Joe Baker, Eddy Pond . ROW 1 Kendall Voyce, Gordon McBride, Donald Boyce, Byard Price, lynn Mackay. ROW 2 Glade lngersol, Jerry Hutchinson , Roger Stevenson, Robert Jensen . ROW 3 Henry Miner, lee Asay, Nathan Anderson .

Entering the region contest as a brass sextet are Gerald Giauques, Bonnie Marchant, Robert Jensen, Eddie Pond , Nikki labrum, and Nathan Anderson.

Šrchestra While stnvmg to learn new techniques and arrangements, the forty piece orchestra enjoyed considerable progress. Exploration of various types of music raised standards of music appreciation. Directing orchestral ac~ tivities was Mr. Emery G. Epperson, former music supervisor for the Jordan School Dis~ trict. Accompaniment for the Messiah was furnished by this group. They also presented concert programs at Jordan High, Midvale Junior High, and Bingham High.

Expressive hands of Mr. Epperson unify Individual musical toneo to produce concerted harmony.

ORCHESTRA : ROW 1 linda Robison, Zerita Hardy, Barbara Webb, Carlin Jacobson, Chad Beckstead, Stanley Stott, Van Anderson, Vincent Mil s, David Newman, Emmanuella Koncurat, Deon Garfield. ROW 2 Emery Epperson, conductor; Rick Spratling, Charles Allsop, Janet Finlayson, Sherwood Miles, Dolores Pedro, Milo Pearson, Valayn And rson, Elna Thomson, linda Olsen.

Pick, strum, or bow, Charles Graham, Palmer, and Tony Delgado get the "most" from bass viols.

Blend notes of Grant Hurst's bassoon, a cello, and a violin; add enthusiasm; the result is "The Chocolate Soldier."

ORCHESTRA : ROW 1 Sandra Barney, Joan Wad•, Linda Stuart, Mary Fleming , Joann Smith, Dorene Richards, Sharon Bishop, Janet Marlor, Elayne Anderson, Tony Delgado. ROW 2 Grant Hurst, Susan Santistevan, Gary Orgill, Nathan Anderson, Gordon McBride, Max Nelson, John Pollick, Eddie Pond, John Thomas.

Apparently it doesn't take two to tango, surmize Stephen Gold and Wayne Cowley as Judy Brown Is dismissed by Daniel Boskovich.

This year's traveling assembly "Ready To Go" was written by talented Karma Russell. The sixty total members of the cast worked fast so that they w uld be ready for their premiere on December 5 at the Parents and Sons' Night Out. Other performances were at the Sandy P;T.A., Olympus, Murray, Cyprus, and Tooele High Schools, as well as the two ther performances at Jordan. The production revolved around the Shangri;la Travel Agency as it made prepa; rations to embark on one of its famous tours. Many of the cast members were given an opportunity to perform on KTVT's "Citizen '61."

With self-accompaniment, Texas harmonizers, JoAnne Kynaston and Michael Andreason, blend voices in "Singing the Blues."

Precision and timing are exhibited by Jackie Hall, linda Larson, Sandra White, JoAnn Farnsworth, and Mary Lynn Klotovlch.

raueling assembly COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN: Mary Watts, Edna Burr, Mr. Boberg, Lowell Martens n, Miss Kirton, Emalle Bastian, Mr. Sharp, and Wayne Cowley.

Vocalizing on "Raisin' Cain Down in Ole K.,nlucky," Sunnie Nelson captures audience plaudits.

Harold Pearson Mr. Weotherbury

Judy Brown Flossie

Flying fingers of cousins Robert and Val Peterson bring out the cadence of the rhythmic "lady of Spain."

Daniel Boskovich Don Jose Suarez

David Chavez Pancho


Stephen Gold Ed Hoffmon

Rog er Stevenson Mr. Wil son

STAGE HANDS : Director, Miss Zleve; student director, Dorene Richards; property man , Glen Fitzgerald; and prompter, Na¡ dine Nielsen.

out for ginger


Dramatics Is not the only field In which Sharon Swenson excels; her artistic talent appears as she grays Roger Steven• son's hair.

"Time Out For Ginger" was the three act comedy selected for Jor, dan thespians. Ginger' determination for gridiron success, and her father's sympathy resulted in hilarious confusi n. inger was e gerly supported by her parents and Lizzie, the maid. Her i ter , on the ther hand, felt disgraced. Directed by Miss Betty Zieve, th ten memb r cast pointed out that football is anyone's game.


Wayne Cowley Tommy Green

Wayne Bateman Eddie Davis

Sharon Swenson Ginger

MeiRae Bateman Lizzie the Maid

Jerry Forbush Howard Carol

Diane Jensen Agnes Carol

Maureen Shepherd Joan Carol

Judy Larson Jeannie Carol

After presenting their sparkling three act comedy, directors and cast members accept a curtain call at Bingham High School.

"Put me downl" gasps the mold, MeiRae Bateman, as Howard Carol, Jerry Forbush, whirls her around the room after the big game .


Confidential discussions with Mother, Diane Jensen, are extremely comforting to a hewildered teenager like Ginger, Sharon Swenson.

JEANETTE KUNZ Associate Editor


Relaxing after a session of Beetdigger planning are E. l . Crawford ond Wanda Wade, financial advisors; Mel Berrett, editorial advisor; and Murray Allen, photography advisor. Enlarging a picture are photographers Doris Roos and Dean Fife, who developed, contorted, and printed over four thousand pictures for the •¡ Beetdigger" .



Sports editor Kent Hughes explains to secretaries Bonnie Christian and Marilyn Beckstead how football captions must be typed.

eetdigger The editor worried, the advisor fumed, and the staff goofed. Picture;taking schedules in; terrupted classes and irritated teachers. Copy was garbled, often too short or too long. Pic; turcs were either mismatched with their cap; tions or had none at all. Fundamentals of lay; out, good photography, fine art, and copy writing had to be learned. Hours of polishing and perfecting led to deadline day. The work was arduous and plentiful, but there was still time for pleasure. We learned to live on ham; burgers, went without sleep, and suffered abuse; we loved it. Bypassers scratched their heads when they saw the jumble in the year; book room. Parents soon realized that they should expect us only when they saw us com; ing. The cooperation and friendships we had while recording the events of '57 were rich experiences.

ARTISTS: Jackie Hall and Diane Dibb.

BUSINESS MANAGERS : Janet Stepan and Charles Ferguson.


the truth about th



Proofreaders' marks are pointed out by Broadcaster advisor, Miss Rawson, to Afton Nelson, associate editor.

Twelve times during the year Broadcaster staff workers faced those "Deadline Blues." Two of the papers were two page editions; six more were four pages in size; and the remaining four had six pages. Two page inserts also came from the Riverton Junior High and West Jordan Junior High schools who did not have a printed paper of their own. Along with the duties required in keeping school news up to date, Broadcaster mem~ bers edited our handy directory, the "]" Book. They also sponsored three district journalism con~ ferences. Exhibit week for the district schools, April 22,26, was also under their direction. Other duties of this ambitious staff included attending all Utah college press conferences and giving aid in publishing and editing other district papers.

Salt lak Tribune columnist Dan Volentine Is a featured guest of the journalism conference for Jordon district schools.

road caster

Analyzing advertisements in the Broadcaster layout are business managers, Robert Dahl and Dennis Wilson.

Responsible for paper production are Karma Russell, associate editor; Wayne Sabey, sports editor; Dennis Green and Russell Schneider, assistant editors.

JOOURNALISTS : ROW 1 Ann Peterson, Kay Dean , Connie Ninomiya, JoAnn Pedersen , Sharon Taylor, Dixie Butte rfi e ld, Bonnie Densley, Kathleen Hatton, Sherry Tea, Oralie Rawson, Advisor. ROW 2 Ann Richards, Dolores Pedro, Grace Endo, Kare n Greenwood, Connie lovendahl, Clara Mae Peterson , Betty David Draper, Brenda Bateman, Myrleen Sundberg ,Adams, larry Eth e rington, Earl Mangum . ROW 3 llcne Olson, Jeneane Hudson, Dani e l Boskovich, Frances Slotte.

COURIER STAFF: Gayle Hendrickson, Maureen Shepherd, Judy Bunne ll, Gayle Conger, Janet Dahl, Nancy Hughes, Grant Hurst, Rosemary Jensen, Jay Stevens, Maurice We lls, Joan Butl er, Ire ne Nystrom, Te rry Haueter, Joyce Robertson, Kathleen Leak, Carol Se tte rberg .

Originality of staff members brought about a completely dif~ ferent Courier. Short t ries, theme , and p ems were submitted by students and English teachers. Creative abilities in tudcnts were far from being scarce. Literary items were orted, read, and then reread before fina l approval was made for publication. ROSEMARY JENSEN Editor Interes ting layouts in pre vious Couriers are shown by Joyce Roberts on to Mauree n Shepherd, Irene Nystrom, and Grant Hurst.


, book Compilation and research are contributed by " J" Book staff members Eileen Johnson, Dennis Green, Karma Russell, Grace Endo , and Afton Nelson.



one of the

Selections of pictures for the Courier are made by assistant editors Irene Nystrom, Maureen Shepherd, Maurice Wells, and Mr . Hendrickson, advisor.

The " ]" Book, handy directory which contained student names, addresses, and telephone numbers, was our constant companion. Edited by the Broadcaster staff and the student body officers, the book also con~ tained a calendar of events, a sports roster, a list of club officers, and the school constitution.




O RATORS : Janet Dahl, MciRae Bateman, Janeal Barben, Judy O'Keefe, and Marcia Mitchell.

HUMOROUS READINGS : Helen Egbert, Linda Peterson, Myrna Lundbebrg, Jean Carrol, and Judy Larson,

Speech students learned the imp rtance of correct diction and enunciati n. They mem rized orations and readings and re-hearsed for various contest . Other int rests were humorous readings, radi p eche , pantomime , st ry telling, and dramatics. Foren ic participation was another speech activity. Many of the student wh had participated in debate took part in ora-tory, extemporaneous peaking and legisla.. tive forum. B th speech and f rensic participants entered the Regi nal Festivals at Olympu and Cyprus. Those wh received a certain rating were able to att nd the State Meet at the Brigham Y ung niv rsity.


EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKERS : Margie Osborne, Sharon Estepp, Sheryl Ashman, Janice Jenkins, and Lynn Gaulin.



Sandra White and Ida Mortensen discuss plans for their trip to the State Legislativll Forum and Senate .

CONTEST PLAY CAST : Michae l Andrea son, Sharon Swenson, Jay Stevens, and MeiRoe Bateman .

JUNIOR AND SENIOR DEBATERS : ROW 1 Mr. Goldbran son , Larry Ethe rington , Van Lindsay, Vicki Lester, Judy Larson , Sharon Taylor, Dixi e Butte rfi e ld, Arl e ne J e nsen , JoAnne Kynaston, Ann Richard ,, Bonni e Dan Ida Morte nsen , Sandra White, Me iRae Bat e man , Ann ette Pete rson , Elaine sie, Judy Bunn e ll. ROW 2 Marchant, Patricia Clark e, Ann Black e tt, Rose mary Jense n, Nikki Labrum, Aty Vande rhooft, Gayle Jensen, Ell e n Carte r, Ire ne Ny strom . ROW 3 Wayn e Cowl e y, Maurice We ll s, Wayn e Sabey, Randall Rathj e n, Ste ph e n Gold , Jay Ste ve ns, Raymond Brenneman, J e rry Forbu sh, Joe Bak e r, Je rry Hutchinson, Mr. C. N. Crawford.


Jo e Bak e r is warne d to " type tho se note s for the region debal es correcly ," by Wayne Sabe y, Maurice Well s, and Van Lind say .

O pinions we re voiced by debaters who p inted out the adva ntages o r disad vantages of fa rm subsidie . F r m three debate classes came eight senio r, ten junior, and fourteen sophomo re teams. T en team we re se nt to the Weber College Invitational Debate Tournamen t. A t the Regional eba te To ur~ nament, eight of our team entered co m pe~ tition. Four teams we re ent t the State Forensic T ournament.

lnt res ting onformatlon is dis 路 cove re d In clipping s by Jay Stev路 e ns and Judy Bunne ll , re gional meet d e bate rs .

Senior regional debaters, Rosemary Jensen and Carolyn Evans prepare their speeches for the regional meet at Murray High School .

Sophomore reg ional debaters Grant Bagley, Janice Jenkin s, Henry Miner, and Larry Johnson compare notes for rebuttals.

SOPHOMORE DEBATERS : ROW 1 - Sh irley Brown , Henry Mine r, Lynn Gaulin , Larry Johnson, Jan Keller, Sh eryl Ashman . ROW 2 Sha ron Mabe y, Eva Play e r, Linda Peterson , Alice Boggess, Vickie Nebeker, Judy O 'Kee fe, Don Bate man , Janice J e nkins, Sh irley Gree nwood , Mr . Crawford . ROW 3 Grant Bagley, Enid Enn iss, Dav id Je nse n, Margi e Osborn e, Jeanette Bills, Julianne Price, Barbara Butterfield, Sondra Hardy, Barbaro Lee, Ev elyn Read , Grant Howlett .

Calendar of events for future Boys' Club activities is determined by Glade Crosgrove, David Holman, and Nell Jensen, representatives of the three classes.

oys club Pondering over problems arising from students' eating in the auditorium are Bob Day, secretary; Phillip Rosenhan, vice president; and Mr. Allen, advisor.

A desire for good citizenship and good sportsmanship permeated the club. Mem.bers worked at improving relationships be-tween students and teachers. They co~spon~ sored the Thanksgiving Party. Parents became their special guests for the annual Parents and Sons' Night Out.


Discussing forthcoming Girls' Club activities are JoAnn Olsen, Miss Goff, Miss Munns, Darla Beckstead, and Mrs. Wood.

First prize for a "lamb cake" at Fathers and Daughters' is awarded to linda Ballamis and her father.

iris club

GIRLS' CLUB REPRESENTATIVES: Nedra Kasal, junior representative; linda Ballamis, senior representative; and Jeannette Bills, sophomore representative .

Girls took pride in entertaining their parents on their Fathers' and Daughters' night and again on their Mothers' and Daughters' night. They also span~ sored the Stocking Stomp and the Senior Reception. The officers initiated a new activity into the club when they obtained speakers for the senior, junior, and sophomore group talks. Every girl who was registered at Jordan was a member of the Girls' Club.




JUNI O R RED CROSS MEMBERS AND ADVISOR : Joan Butler, Gayle Conger, Sylvia Conger, Irene Nystrom , Mike Cullis, Carole Tennyson, Phil Jensen, Judy Bunnell, Mrs . Wood, ReNee Thompson, Colleen Saunders.

The Jord an chapter of the American Junior Red Cross alternated with other schools in decorating f r weekly dances at the Veteran's H o pital. Members als sent cookies to the Primary C hild ren's Hospital at Christmas.

ordanettes Members of the Jord anette Leadership Club donned sweaters bearing the club 's emblem. This was an imp rtant first in the club 's history. The gro up spans red the C ampus C apers. Through thei r efforts companionship and co perati n we re pr ma ted among classmates.

Admiring th e Jordan e tte swe aters are Rosali e Brklaclch, seer tory ; lynda Fairbourn , pre sid nt ; Conni e Ninomiya, vice presi d e nt ; and Mrs. Wood , advisor.

Sunni e Ne lson , Ann Butterfi e ld, Beth Proctor, Jud e ne Casper, Sharon Eldre dg e, Mary lynn KlotoJ O RDANETTES : ROW 1 vich , Gayle Jen se n, Sharon Sw e nson , Rosali e Brklacich , Norma lynn Hal e, Cath e rin e More lli , Joan Grant, Gal e Webb, Ann Blacke tt, RO W 2 Afton Ne lson, lorain e lloyd , Dixie De an , Susan Santi ste van , Vicki Ne beke r, She ryl Ashman, Kl e a Varanakis , Carolyn Evan s, Rose ma ry Je nse n, Rosal ie Madsen, Pat Reed , Judy larson, Ne dra Ka sal , Conni e love ndahl . ROW 3 JoAnn Ol son, Gay Sh e ppick, Lexie Boyce, Marla Sm ith, Bonni e Poma, J an e lte Bill s, Pat Duffin, Mel Rae Bate man, lynda Fairbourn , Conni e Ninomiya, Shirle e Ge hring , JoAnn e Kynaston , Je an Sm ith , Aty Vand rhooft . ROW 4 Edna Burr, Ann Richard s, Bonnie Dan sie, Nancy Miln e, Ell e n Carte r, laDaun Ta:agart, Sh irl een Be ck , Judy Bunne ll , Nancy Hugh es, Jan et Ste pan .

LETTERMAN CLUB: ROW 1 Ralph Ashworth, Craig Rasmussen, Michael Andreasen, Sherrell Berrett, Mark Miller, Ronald Rasmussen, Brent Butterfield, Gary Anderson, Vere Holt, Don Fullmer. ROW 2 - Dick Trapp, Dennis Woodward, Keith Stepan, Gary Howlett, Bart Morse, Russell larson, larry Crump, Eddie Pond, John Browne, Floyd Mori . ROW 3 Howard Brinton, Dale Gold, Ralph Muir, laurence Mangum, Nile Beckstead, David Thorum, Raymond Yasukochi, Sam Deluca, Rulon Dahl, Re>e Goff, Harold Grimaud . ROW 4 George Varanakis, John Crawford, Gary Lefevre, John Corak, Jimmy Kemp, Garth Beckstead, Clyde Williams, Mike Ganz, Gene Kiholm, Nick Malkos. ROW 5 Terry labrum, Ken Jardine, Dennis Smith, Mike Heinecke, Clinton Olson.

etterman club iding club RIDING CLUB : ROW 1 -

Sherryn Miller, Don-

neUe Bell, Mr. Boyce, Bonnie Glenn, louis Mor-

row. ROW 2 Gene Beck, Joyce Roberfson, Ralph Rothe, leon Jensen, Sandra Terry, Joseph lilting, Joan Brown, Beth Radmall, Deanna Biggs. ROW 3 Nadine Nielsen, Carolyn Hogan, David Glad, Roger larson, Don Parker, Garth Boulden, John Dick.



"Oh, you Beetdiggers," yelled energetic Charlonians. Not only did this pep club add its voices to our cheering section, but it also entertained us during half time at foot, ball and basketball games. Visiting pep groups partook of Jordan hospitality at the aft rnoon teas which were sponsored by the club. In December they presented their assembly, "Square, Square World." Members also gave to a needy family at Chri tmas time. Their various ac, tivities also included marching on Band Day and holding a formal spring dance. The Charlonian honored their senior member at a pecial breakfast.

CHARLONIANS: ROW 1 Myrleen Sundberg, Nikki labrum, Rosalie Madsen, Gloria Heaps, Pat Reed, Janet Marlor, Tamara Webb, Elaine Marchant, Mary Javaine, laPriel Tuttle, Marcia Nichols, Rosalie Brklacich, Ann Blackett, Janet Dahl, Beth Proctor, Judene Casper, Marsha Holt, Sharon Taylor, Kathleen leak, Pamela Welch, Sandra Barney, Gayle Conger, Judy Bunnell, Caroline Dorius, Joyce Wallin, Judy Watterson. ROW 2 laWanna Webb, Dorothy Miles, Brenda Bateman, Evah VIsser, loraine lloyd, Dixie Dean, Mary Watts, lynda Fairbourn, Pat Clark, Afton Nelson, Barbara Thomas, Diane Millerberg, Ilene Olson, Janace Richards, Janet Finlayson, Elna Thomson, JaNeal Maxfield, Shauna Workman, Sharon Eldredge, Cora Case, Della Steadman, loretta Witt, Shirleen Beck, Maureen Shepherd, Sharon Smith, Jeannette linnarz .

Seaman, Norma Lynn Hale, Mrs . Yvonne Whitmore. STANDING Gale Webb, Grace Endo, Ilene Olsen,

"Guide left" Is the key that keeps the Charlonians in line, aided by the accenting beat of the pep band.

CHARLONIANS : ROW 1 Linda Smart, Grace Endo, Nancy Hughes, Janet Stepan, Rosemary Jensen, Irma Rae Vawdrey, Judy Larsen, Arlene Jensen, Louis Morrow, Doris Lloyd, Ellen Carter, Norma Lynn Hale, Joan Grant, Gale Webb. Vicki Lester, MeiRae Bateman, Helen Egbert, Connie Pierson, Dolores Pedro, Evon Despain, JoAnne Kynaston, Marcia Sorensen, Beth Radmall, Judy Brady. ROW 2 Edna Burr, Karma Russell, Carolyn Evans, Irene Nystrom, Marcia Mitchell , Sharon Evans, Gayle Viner, Gayle Jensen, Maxine Vunder, Sharon Haun, Nola Lunnen, Diane Smith, Sharon Lunnen, Nancy Milne, Ann Richards, Peggy Preston, Bonnie Dansie, Sandra Price, Ann Butterfield, Judy Olson, Betty Ann Shulsen, Joan Butler, Karol Hardwick, Nedra Kasal, Pat Duffin, Jolene Cox.

Sale manship and distribution methods were demonstrated to Jordan members of the Distributive Education Clubs of America. This organization provided background in~ formation for students who sought employment in these fields. Selling refreshments at football games and sponsoring a sub-forSanta project were am ng the activities of this state and national affiliate. Each year DECA members hold a pring party at a local resort or canyon. OFFICERS AND ADVISOR : Mr. Thomas, advisor; Lynda Norton, Beth Proctor, Sharon Eldredge, vice president; Lynn Brand, secretary; Russell Larson, president.


eca DECA CLUB: ROW 1 Diane Dale, Ann Atkinson, Rinda Gedge, Mary Lynn Klotovich, Ilene Campbell, Sharon Eldredge, Judenc Casper, Beth Proctor, Loretta Witt, Dixie Smith, Barbara Jensen, Reta Lynt'h, Cathy Merrick, George Varankis. ROW 2 Lynda Norton, Alma Nunley, Patsy Glines, Ruth McCombs, Norma Jenkins, Marilyn Brown, Colleen Saunders, ReNee Thompson, Janice LeFevre, linda Gardner, Nadine Nielsen, Della Steadman, Cora Case, Sharon Haun, Russell Larson, Lynn Brand. ROW 3 Mary Jane Brady, Farrel Brown, Colleen Steadman, Kitty Morelli, Marcia Romero, Judy Slat r, Eunice Gilbert, JoAnn Ernest, Beverly Anderson, Pauline Dory, Donna Cain, Pat Walker, Betty Lou Steele, Sonja Heinecke, Sharon Webster, ArLou Ostler. ROW 4 Fay Thomas, Marilyn Parry, Shirley Lehmitz, Ivy Mae Newbold, Raphealla Roper, Louis Morrow, Ann Mousley, Mary Ell n D lgado, Corrine Archul eta, Louise Bernardo, Elizabefh Pacheco, Jean Bernardo, Gloria Saldivar, Nancy Parker.

FUTURE ENGINEERS: ROW 1 - Alan Webb, Sherwood Miles, Wayne Sabey, Clifford Goff, Russell Schneider, Roy Stuart, Dennis Wilson, Robert Dahl, Roger Stevenson. ROW 2 Jack Butterfield, Kent Brown, Warren Fitzgerald, Clare Wardle, Wayne Cowley, Kay Huff, Willard Greene, larry Etherington, Milo Pearson . ROW 3 Van lindsay, Jerry Endo, Ted Tolman, Maurice Wells, Karl Baird, Dale Gold, larry Proisland, Dean Fife, Kent Allsop . ROW 4 William Despain, Jerry Gardner, Craig Baird, Floyd Morl, Keith Stepan, Weston Reading, Charles Olsen, leon Oldham, Jerry Polson, Frank Rueckert. ROW 5 Stephen Gold, Jeffrey Joseph, Richard Nielsen, Mike Ganz, Raymond Yasukochi, Tony Wanless, Roland Koller, Eddie Nemanic, Vern lester.

Testing lenses , are R. S. Peterson , adviser; and officers, Frank Rueckert, Clifford Goff, Weston Reading, and Keith Stepan.

" ng1neers Young men interested in various phases of engineering, science, dentistry, and medicine be, longed to the Future Engineers Club. The club's purpose was to maintain our country as a free nation by alleviating shortages of trained per, sonnel. Committees were formed by grouping members according to their interests. Each group was responsible for obtaining one speaker from industry or higher education. A field trip was made to the U. S. Bureau of Mines. Members also found it profitable to work on experiments and demonstrations in order to better equip themselves for positions ahead. 113

MASQUE AND GAVEL: ROW 1 Janice Jenkins, Sharon Mabey, Shirley Greenwood, Jeanette Bills, Chree Lan• dures, Pat Carrigan, Annette Swasey, Arlene Jensen, Sandra Hardy, Annette Rollins, Lois Smith. ROW 2 Judy Roberts, Bobbie Butterfield, Susan Santistevan, Linda Robison, Sheryl Ashman, Judie Bosh, Marilyn Johnson, Vickie Nebeker, Lynda Norton, Carolyn Evans, Patricia Milne. ROW 3 Maris Lefevre, Jeannette Linnarz, Deannd Wallin, JoAnn Goff, Norene Hardcastle, Rosalie Mad sen, Carol McNamara, LaRae Vincent, Pat Fieldstad, JoAnne Kynaston, Alice Boggess, Shirley Brown. ROW 4 Brent Javaine, Rick Spratling, James Grow, Earl Mangum, Grant Howlett.

Memorization of orations, and roles in major and minor plays kept members engrossed in speech activities. It was worth while, they found, as they participated in the Weber Invitational Forensic Meet and Regional and State Forensic Meets. They strove to promote speech in school and also in their communities. A one act play, "Adam's Rib Hurts," was presented at the P~ T.A.'s Founders' Day meeting. At the school play "Time Out For Ginger," which was sponsored by the club, many members acted as ushers. They saw some of the accomplishm nts of other speech enthu iasts when they att nded plays at Murray High School and the University of Utah. In the fall, the club had an initiation and party. Officers for next year were installed at the spring banquet.



MASQUE AND GAVEL: ROW 1 Dorene Richards, Janeal Barben, Judy Watterson, Mary Beckstead, Jannet Hamilton, Barbara lee, Annette Benson, Donnette Bell, Kay Belcher, Irene Nystrom, Bonnie Densley. ROW 2 Kay Wood, Margie Osborne, Peggy Stubbert, Carole Glover, Mary lou Rawson, Shirley Briggs, Judy O'Keefe, linda Peterson , Judy Zafft, Aty Vanderhooft, Brenda Bateman. ROW 3 Diane Morrison, Vicki Von lester, Wayne Bateman, Mel Rae Bateman, Marcia Mitchell, Janet Dahl, Nedra Kasal, Nikki labrum, Joan Grant, Nadine Nielsen, Rosemary Jensen . ROW 4 Joe Baker, Jim Cartwright, Henry Miner, David Jensen, Victor Scorzato.

as que and auel leaving for a play at Murray High School are Masque and Gavel members JoAnn Kynaston, Marcia Mitchell, Janet Dahl, Aty Vanderhooft, and Joe Baker. OFFICERS AND SPONSORS : SITTING Kirton , STANDING

Carol McNamara, Carolyn Evans, Irene

Comparing their roles in "Adam's Rib Hurts" are Aty Vanderhooft, Arlene Jensen, Judy O'Keefe, Annette Rollins, lois Smith, and Gayle Hendrickson.

Aeronautics provides a fascination for Richard Peterson and Chiro Costanza, who take gyro compass readings as a C.A .P. project.

Testing newly installed intercommunication equipment are C.A.P. officers, Bill Pollock, Russell Strebel, Donald Mayne•, and Roy Burton.

Jordan's Civil Air Patrol is an auxiliary of the air force. While the primary concern is rescu~ ing civil airplanes, members are also instructed in navigation, theory of flight, problems of radio communications, traffic laws, and the effect of the airplane upon community lift. The Jordan club had its own radio station, took part in cross country navigation flights and organized its own drill team.

C.A.P.: ROW 1 Mr. Budge, Robert Nuzman, John Dick, Robert Dimmick, Donald Maynes, Eldon Allgood, Russell Strebel, Bill Pollock, Roy Burton. ROW 2 Morris Tufts, Max Nelson, Byard Price, Larry Worthington, Gail Oliver, Mike Ashby, Brent Bowles, Orin Palmer, David Walker, Bill Mitchell . ROW 3 Bruce Bluemel, Velie Anderson, Chester Andersen, Clare Despain, Ray Plumhof, John Despain, Richard Watts, Chiro Costanza, Richard Peterson.

KEY CLUB : ROW 1 Craig Rasmussen, Ted Tolman, Clifford Goff, Wilbe rn McDougal , Roger Stevenson , Gary Anderson, Ke ndall Voyce , Van Lindsay, Floyd Mori , Jerry Hutchinson, Joe Baker. ROW 2 Don Bateman, Don Carter, Lynn Steffe nse n, Mike Cullis, Ray Bre nn e man, Bob Ne lson , David Je nsen , Glade Ing e rsoll , Wayne Cowley, Wayne Sabey, Maurice We lls . ROW 3 Vance Burgon , Kay Huff, Ve rn Leste r, Gregory We st, Ke nt Allsop, Milo Pearson, Russell Schn e id e r, Roy Stuart, Richa rd Ne lson, Don Marriott, Clare Wardl e, Ray Yasukochi , Mike Ganz , John Pollard, Ke ith Ste pan, Gary Howl e tt, Ronald Ra smusse n, Sh erre ll Be rre tt, Ma rk Mill e r.

club The Key Club presented the school with a baseball batting cage and purchased and erected our new flag pole. Sponsoring Career Day and needy family aid were among their service projects. OFFICERS AND SPONSO.R: FRONT Van Lindsay, Maurice Wells, Don Bateman. BACK Russell Schneider, Kent Allsop, Vance Burgon, Dan Marriott, Joe Baker.

Roy Stuart, Jay Steve ns, and Mike Cullis listen closely as Mr. Kennington explains the methods in constructing a batting cage.


F.F.A. MEMBERS: ROW 1 Kenneth Dimond, Ralph Rothe, Wllbern Grimaud, Henry Bowen, Gall Hamilton, Don Boulden, Dale Steadman, Zitting, Jerry Goff, Brent Jacobson, Henry Day, David Zilling, Ray Dennis Patterson, Raymond Dansie, Claude Tucker, Parks. ROW 3 son, Dave Glad, larry Stromberg, Rodney Gallegos, Bruce Bluemel, Beck, EIRay Bridges, Roger larson, Alfred Nabahe, Nlel Butterfield.

F.F.A . OFFICERS AND SPONSORS : FRONT Wilbern McDougal, Joe Drake, John Dick, Mike Andreason. BACK Mr. Budge, Don Boulden and Mr. Boyce .

McDougal, Barry Ottley, John Dick, Earl R,ss, Henry Glade Beckstead. ROW 2 Merlin Anderson, Joseph Glad, Carmi McDougal, leon Jensen, Bart Bellon, Carl Gordon Zitting, Ronald Boren, Richard Bishop, Jerry Pear• Paul Dunn, Melvin Allen, Ronald Crane. ROW 4 Gena

Our Future Farmer f merica had projects of dairy farming, fur ranching, cr ps, and livest ck, which resulted in an income f nearly $15,000. They studied home beautification, farm safety, care and repair of equipment, and way t impr ve crops.

State iudglng contest methods are explained by Paul Boyce to Ralph Rothe, Rodney Gallegos, Doll!ay Eastman, Barry Ottley, and Earl Ross .

F. H. A.: ROW 1 Sharon Webster, Deanna Biggs, Louis Morrow, Charlene Peterson, Marcia Sorensen, Sharon Smith, Karen Loll, Caroline Darius, Barbara Bolliger, Gayle VIsser, Jolene Cox, Judy Curtis. ROW 2 - Klea Varanakis, Gloria Eyre, Annette Swasey, Delpha Larson, Carolyn Sharp, Claudine Baird, Terry Haueter, Ruth Zlttlng, Marian Pearson, Ann Butterfield, Sharon Eldredge, LaRoe Newbold. ROW 3 Janet Workman, Annette Benson, Evelyn Read, Jeanette Olsen, Sharon Patrick, Nadine Nielsen, Reta Lynch, LaWaln Adams, Sharon Butterfield, Wanda Romney, Karen Shields, Cathy Merrick.

irl enrolled in economic clas es were invited to be members of the F.H.A. During the year their ac, tivities included: selling UNESCO stamps, working on a Civil D fense program, sponsoring the Sweethearts' Ball, and the annual Spring Party.

Values of neatness and efficiency are learned by future homemakers Colleen Walker, Sharon Bishop, and Linda Olserl .


Invitations to the Sweethearts' Ball are penned by officers and advisors, Miss Henderson, Ann Butterfield, Miss Goff, Klea Varanakis, Jolene Cox.

uture teachers

FUTURE TEACHERS: ROW 1 Ann Blackett, Irene Nystrom, Rosemary Jensen, Judy Zallt, MetRae Bateman, Janet Stepan, Milo Pearson. ROW 2 Carolyn Evans, Maureen Shepherd, Mary Jane Brady, Grace Endo, Bette Adams, LaPriel Tuttle, Clara Mae Peterson. ROW 3 Emmanuella Koncurat, Myrleen Sundberg, Brenda Bateman, Marcia Sorensen, Sharon Smith, Dolores Pedro, Patricia Clarke. ROW 4 Rosalie Brklacich, Vicki Lester, Nancy Hughes, John M. Petersen, Don Eastman, Nathan Anderson. ROW 5 Janet Finlayson, Nadine Nielsen, Earl Mangum, Jay Stevens, J. B. Casper, Aty Vanderhooft. ROW 6 Edith Rains, Evelyn Mecham, Ann Richards, Peggy Preston, Carole Tennyson, DeAnna DeGroot.

The Jordan Student Education Associa.tion, an affiliate of the Future Teachers' Clubs of America, was reorganized this year. Originally organized in 1939, the club was disbanded in 1941. This club desired to ac . . quaint its member with the various phases of teaching. One of their goals was to place each member of the club in student teacher positions in some of the elementary schools in the district. Among the club's various social functions was an intra social with other clubs of the state.

Š uill scroll ~

Quill and Scroll, an international organi.zation for high ch I journali ts, stressed service to the student body and the com.munity. Students who achieved recognition in journalism were all wed membership if they had had at lea t seventy . . five column inches of written w rk printed in a school or commercial publicati n. These members conducted the club thr ugh its eighth year.

QUILL AND SCROLL : ROW 1 Joe Baker, Wayne Sabey, Dennis Wilaon, Dennis Green. ROW 2 Alton Nelson, Robert Dahl, Larry Etherington, Ilene Johnson . ROW 3 - Sharon Eldredge, Frances Stolle, Jeneone Hudaon, Sharon Taylor, Karma Russell .


LANGUAGE CLUB: ROW 1 DeAnna DeGroot, Audrey Mousley, Claudia Densley, Jean Bevan, Vicki Baker, Nancy lhle, Frances Slotte, Barbara Bolliger, Peggy Johnson, Gayle Hutchings, Joy Ham, Belly Shulsen, Carole Tennyson, Myrleen Sundberg, Maureen Bailey, Jeanine Ra sm ussen. ROW 2 - Dona Ryan, Emmanuella Koncurat, Jan Keller, Silvia Morales, Daniel Boskovich, Irma Rae Vawdrey, Linda Ballamis, Olean Lund, Caroline Dorius, Janice Parkin, Beth Radmall, Nola Lunnen, Dorothy Miles, Nedra Kasal, Sharon Lunnen. ROW 3 Nadine Martinez, Judy Watterson, Ida Mortensen, Dolores Pedro, Ilona Lambson, Linda Gomez, Diano Morri son, Carolyn Gee, Karol Hardwick, Mike Cullis, Milo Pearson, Donald Boyce, Lynn Steffensen, Ivan Arterburn, Craig Rasmussen.

anguage club Irresistablc challenges were attached to learning a language. Pupils studying French and panish eagerly compared their progress at club meetings. Language club officers and advisors are Craig Rasmussen, Mary Watts, Irma Rae Vawdrey, Linda Ballam;s, Mr. Boberg, and Mi ss Fraser.

adio club Member of a comparatively new organiza, tion, our ham radio clubmen obtained ama, teur radio licenses and made portable stations. Contacting another radio station are radio club officers Roy Stuart, Russell Schneider, and Dale Frandsen,


PRESS CLUB: ROW 1 Karma Russell, Dixie Butterfield, Sharon Taylor, Sharon Eldredge, Eileen Johnson, Frances Slotte, Larry Etherington. ROW 2 Karen Greenwood, Connie Lovendahl, Grace Endo, Clara Mae Petersen, Kay Dean, Brenda Bateman, Earl Mangum, Richard Cobbley. ROW 3 Dennis Green, Joan Rawson, JoAnn Pedersen, Joan Wade, Myrleen Sund路 berg, Dennis Wilson, Daniel Boskovich, Jeneane Hudson. ROW 4 Wayne Sabey, Russell Schneider, Betty Adams, Joan Brown, Ilene Olsen, Robert Dahl.

club The Press Club helped to promote student in; terest in journalism. This club. o.long with the student body officers, sponsored the Jordan High directory, the "]" Baal<. Members attended an annual press conference at the University of Utah last fall, and the Rocky Mountain Jourmilism Con; ference at the BYU. Tours were taken to the Salt Lake Tribune and KSL;TV. Observing the dummy layout for a future Broadcaster are Press Club officers and advisor, Eileen Johnson. Mlu Rawson, Sharon Taylor, Larry Etherington, and Wayne Sabey.



OFFICERS AND ADVISORS: Helen Seaman, Joan Grant, Ann Blackett, Roger Stevenson, Yvonne Whitmore.

ki club Promoting the excttmg winter sport, skiing, was the self~assigned duty of all enthusiastic Jordan skiers. The club organized a team which raced in several events, including the Knudsen Cup races in which they took fourth place. Social events of the club were their annual party at Alta, and a date party.

Three time loser, Dennis Farmer allows Sheri Aaron and Roy Burton to autograph his skiing trophy.

SKIERS : ROW 1 Linda Larson, Sheri Aaron, Carolyn Nichols Rosalie Brklacich , Sandra White, Marian Anderson, Linda Ballamis, Ardis Pixton, Carole Tennyson . ROW 2 Barbara Bolliger, Linda Smart, Olean Lund, Judy Brady, Gale Webb, Sharon Swenson, Karen Hand, Susy Enniss, Lynn Fit>gerald , Joan Wade, Joan Rawson , Connie Ninomiya. ROW 3 Ronald Rassmussen, Terry Labrum, Don Campbell, Don Bateman, Lynn Steffensen , John Keeler, Rose Marie Ortego, Mik e Olson, Kathy Hatton, Helen Zrno. ROW 4 Mike Rose, David Newman, Andrew Madsen , Bryon Stevens, Van Lindsay, Brent Peterson, Carl Joffs, Judy Larson, Maxine Vunder, Peggy Preston, LaPriel Tuttle. ROW 5 Mike Plattneo路, Charles Ferguson, Keith Clements, Richard Nielson, Eddie Pond , Kay Dean, Elaine Marchant, Gloria Heaps, Arlene Jensen, Ann Pederson. ROW 6 Steve Walker, Kent Davis, Robert Nelson, Dennis Sybrowsky, David Jensen, Bob Margalls, Rodney Dansie, Lynn Brand , Floyd Mori, Russell Larson, Harold Rawson .

NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE: ROW 1 Nikki Labrum, Carolyn Evans, Rosemary Jensen, MeiRae Bateman, Janet Dahl, Ida Mortensen. ROW 2 Judy Bunnell, Dixie Butterfield, JoAnn Kyn~ston , Van Lindsay, Sandra White, Janice Jenkins. ROW 3 Ray Brenneman, Randall Rathjen, Wayne Sabey, Joe Baker, Maurice Wells .


orens1c league Ideal methods of filing debate information are shown to Maurice Wells, president; Rosemary Jensen, secretary / and Mr. Goldbranson, odvisoq by Carolyn Evans, vice president.

The National Forensic League was or~ ganized to help stimulate activities in de~ bate, extemporaneous speaking, oratory, and legislative forum. The club's membership was restricted; only those who received a required rating achieved in various speech activities were allowed to join. The Jordan chapter of the N.F.L. combined with the Masque and Gavel Club for an honor ban~ quet each year. Certificates of achievement were given to members. The awards were based on the number of points each mem~ ber had accumulated in activities.


a nee


Color, grace, rhythm, and fantasy characterized the La Dancers' Club. The traveling assembly included creative dances by members who were their own choreographers. Line dancers were invited to display their talents on tele~ vision. Spotlights focused on the La Dauncers for the Senior Hop and Harvest Ball floorshows. The Mothers and Daugh~ ters' Night Out and the Parents and Sons' Night Out were spiced with original creations by the club. Swirling in the breeze and falling softly to the ground, are autumn leaves, Sandra White , linda larson , Jackie Hall , and Judy Brown. Scrutinizing a new pair of shoes are Dance Club officers and advisor Mrs. Whitmore, Judene Casper, linda Gardner, Jackie Hall, and linda Larson .

>rky springtime maids, Jude ne Casper, Sharlene Hoffman , tsaile Brklacich, Shirley Gehring, and Sharon Swenson bdel frilly pinafores. ynchronixatlon is an essential, agree Nedra Nelson, Mary ynn Klotovlch , JoAnn Farnsworth , Carolyn Nichol s, and Sheri aron . 1

Demons of the city, Carolyn Evans, Lynda Norton , and linda Gardner invade the night .

JAY DEES : ROW 1 J . Ham, N. Hugh es , N. Ni e lse n, N. Hal e, C. Nichol s, S. Ge hring , S. Swe nson , R. Brklaclch, M. Javaine, C. Tennyson , P. Preston , G . He aps, L. Marku s, J . Ste pan, K. Hardwick , C. More lli , D. Mill erberg , M. Newman , K. Jones, R. Cowd e ll, S. Enni ss, M. Klotovich , J . Ca spe r, A. Blacke tt, M. Vund c r, E. Bu rr, K. Hatt e n, H. Zrno , J . We bb, L. Wright . ROW 2 J. Kunz , D. Lars on , L. Fitzge rald , B. Dan sie, L. Tuttl e, E. Ma rc hant, D. Miles, E. Des pain , A. Vande rhooft, J . Watte rson, P. Reed , M. Ande rberg , A. Je nse n, L. Stuart, M. Lundbe rg , V. Leste r, I, Morte nse n, J . Golf, J. Brown , J . Ol se n, S. Ke mp, H. Ste infe ldt, N. Curti s, S. Hardy, L. Evan s, E. Je nse n, J . Ol son, N. Steadman , E. Re ad . ROW 3 J . Gail e y, S. Bri nton, S. Lc nnbe rg , L. Asay, M. Grimaud, J . Larsen, M. Smith, L. Ol se n , R. Sw e nson, A. Tri pp, D. Ga rfie ld, A. Ri chard s, A. Pe te rson , M. Jon es, A. Be nson, A. He aps, T. Day, B. Thoma s, J . Richa rd s, N. Hard ca stl e, L. No rton, A. Paul se n, M. Sug iyama, S. Stocking, J . Pe te rse n, B. Lee, L. Frontz , J . Brow n, N. lh le . ROW 4 M. Fl e ming, G . Loader, K. Wood, C. Glove r, C. Gam ingasco, L. He ns on , L. Robis on, M. O sborn e, J . Sm ith , C. Becks te ad , A. Rol li ns, E. Ba stia n, P. Johns on, V. Kosov ich, J . Lawson , B. Boyle, K. Varanakis, J . Rasmu sse n, L. Alsop, K. Le ona rd , L. Boyce, M. Campbe ll , D. De an , M. Watts, K. Loll, J . Be van, E. Playe r, J . Kunz , J . Sh ie lds.



Jordan's Debutantes started their year with the annual candle lighting ceremony initiation and turkey dinner. The girls looked forward to the club date party' in November and made cer~ tain their beaux were lined up in advance. A needy family was happily surprised at Christmas time when officers and advisors of the dub went to their door heavily laden with gifts, food, and money, which had been donated by club members. The Yuletide season also gave the J. D.'s an op~ portunity to spread cheer as they visited the county infirma~;y April brought the climax of J. D. activities when the club sponsored the Dog Patch Drag.

ROW S G. Jensen, P. Rardin, K. Neuffer, L. Vaughan, D. Anderson, S. Taylor, D. Butterfield, B. Densley, F. Perkins, M. Bailey, M. Rawsen, s路. Briggs, J. Pedersen, L. Taggart, C. Ninomiya, J. Barben, B. Marchant, K. Beckstead, H. Gorder, K. Taylor, J. Bills, J. Beckstead, K. Brown, B. Poma, C. Pierson, J. Barben, A. Boggess, S. Brown, J. Benningfield, S. Mabey, R. Hale, S. Smith.


opular 路

"We're from Jordan and we couldn't be prouder!'' Pepsters practice one of their cheer routines before a pep assembly.

~heer Nimble leaders bo ted our anticipation of the games by arranging exciting pep assemblies. Fired up by the enthusiasm of Shirley, Sharon, Carolyn, Floyd, Richard, and Fred, the student b dy unified its spirit at the fo tball and basket~ ball games. Whether in victory or defeat, we boasted a top rate cheering section led by a dy~ namic six. Shirley Gehring

Carolyn Nichols

Fred Cutler


Sharon Swenson

Floyd Morl


Richard Nielsen

ootball Our strained throats and their aching muscles weren't enough to keep us from the cellar. We were down, but deep. Yell as we did, drive as the team could, still only one touchdown was pushed over against league opposition. We totaled only one win, a pre,season over Box,Elder. Our record was one of heartbreaks and disappointments, but we were proud of our team.


DON FULLMER Quarterback Co-Captain

Varsity football coach for three consecutive yean Is H. 8. 'Tuff' Linford.

Granite ends the "Digger" drive for a first down on their own ten yard line.


ootball Graduation wok its toll this year as 23 of the varsity left the Jordan squad. Coach Linford hoped for good '57 material as the Soph's and J.V.'s moved up one notch.






Disappointed, the Jordan crew hils the Spartan line after being called back from a touchdown on the first play.

Back-field coach of the varsity team, Glen Jackson, pauses with Arthur Hughes, lunior varalty coach, as 짜hey discuss tho 1956 season.


Running rough shod over the "Diggers" was one step of East on its way to the state title undefeated.

JUNIOR VARSITY FOOTBAll SQUAD : ROW 1 Ronny Le Fevre, Roy Briggs , Richard Watts, Jay Stevens, Greg West, Chiro Costan xa , Gary Jon es. ROW 2 Wallace Naylor, Te d Tolman , Clifford Goff, Paul Whitman , Ray Brenneman , J e ff ery Jo se ph , Roland Koll er, Kent All sop, Gary Eckman , Darwin landers . Ronni e Harrington . ROW 3 JOHN CORAK Cente r



DON STEPHENS Quarterback



MARK MillER Tackle


SOPHOMORE FOOTBALL SQUAD: ROW 1 Jay Mounteer, Kenny Smart, James Jenson, Joe Brklacy, Phillip Rosenhan, Ralph Goff, Delile Mortensen, Lynn Gaulin, Phillip Kemp . ROW 2 Bob Etherington, Sherm Miller, Robert Anderson, Andrew Madsen, Doug Thompson, David Tranter, Kent Walker, Eugene Webb, James Wood. ROW 3 Russell Taylor, Fred Thompson, Dick Guest, Jack Clark, Richord Zdunich, Jerry Huish, Brent Javaine, Robert Searle, Bill Leatherwood. ROW 4 - Coach Sherman Crump, Jim Houmand, 6:1ark Lund, Jerry Erlenbach, David Wobb, Michael Mills, David Holman, Gale Trapp, Dale Trapp, Jared Decker, Lynn Benson, Coach Robert Teran .

Coach Hughes' dismally sm~ll group of ]. V. turfsmen was hampered by the lack of substitutes. An unimpressi~e record of five losses and no wins gives only feeble promise of strengthening next year's varsity team.





Sophomores received a greater share of fortune than did their big br thers. The fledglings recorded five wins and three losses in close games. They dcfe:lted Bingham, Highland and Granite by ne p int margin , but lost to Murray and West by one point.







Box Scores Pre~Season

Sept. 7-Pocatello 46 ............ at Jordan 7 Sept. 14-·Jordan 13 ........ at Box Elder 2 League Sept. 21-Cyprus 12 ................ at Jordan Sept. 28-Jordan 0 .................... at West Oct. 5-Jordan Bye Oct. 10-Jordan 0 .................... at East Oct. 18-Granite 7 .............. at Jordan Oct. 26-Jordan 6 ................ at Murray Nov. 2-Tooele 19 ···········-··-· at Jordan

0 26 28 0 20 0

Teams aren't made of eleven men. There are also those on the bench who wait for a chance to show their stuff.

uddle Athletic managers for two years, Don Campbell and Craig Rasmussen, check the equipment at the end of the season. CURTIS COOK End










meet entrants


Coach G len Jackson, in his fi rs t yea r at Jordan , led a hustling crew to six wins out of eight matches. The wrestlers took fo urth place in the region meet. Then seven grapplers



wen t on to ta ke eigh th place at the state meet, where Ralph hw rth and Laurence Mangum ga rnered sec~ ond place hono rs in their weight divisions.

WRESTLERS : ROW 1 Gall Wood , Doug Ninomiya, Lynn Gaufin , Mick Butterfi e ld , Jerry Endo, Don Campbell, Maurice W e lls, Ralph Ashworth, Ray Palme r, Don Fullme r, laure nce Mangum . ROW 2 Ronald Cran e, Don Maynard, De nn is Woodward, Rodn e y Dan sie, Bob Marg e tts, lynn Brand , Ronny Le f e vre, Ve re Holt, Dal e Trapp. ROW 3 De nn is Sm ith , Card e ll Jacobs on, Paul Samp son , Wayn e Cook, J eff e ry Maddocks, Ke n Jardin e, Andre w Mad se n, Gal e Trapp, De nn is Thorn, Je rry Drak e, Tony De lgado, Jimmy J e nson . ROW 4 Ralph Muir, manag e r; Bill Le ath e rwood , Melvyn He aps, Roland Koll e r, Raymond Bre nn e man , Clyde W illiam s, Jay Ste ve ns, David Trante r, Clark lund , J e rry Hu is h, Jared De cke r.

13 6

restli ng Dennis Woodward gains a double-arm bar over Maurice Wells.

Enjoying his cradle hold , Clyde Williams applys pressure to opponent, Vere Holt .

Manag r Ralph Muir and Coach Glen Jackson discuss the labeling of wrestling equipment.

Ralph Ashworth Senior

December December December Decem her January January January January

6-Jordan 13-Jordan 1 -Jordan 20-Jordan 10-Jordan 1S-Jordan 22-Jordan 24-Jordan

Jerry Endo Junior

Mick Butterfield Sophomore



54 42 40

47 65 55 80

Murray Cyprus West Olympus Granite South East Tooele

Laurence Mangum Senior

38 43 60

52 46 13 31 20

Mike Bullett Sophomore, Forward

Mark Miller Senior, All-stole Forward

"King" Arthur Hughes coa ched th e Diggers into their seventh tourna ment berth during eight years.

asketball Led by Art Hughes and Sherm Crump, the Beetdiggers swept aside all league opp sition f r the Big Ten crown. Losing a heartbreaking upset to Logan, in the second tour~ nament frazzle, Jordan lost the chance to take state; but she didn't lose her spirit. The team came back to knock over Provo and Springville for fourth place. During the past seven consecutive years at the tournaments, Jordan has lost three games while taking first, four times; second, twice; and fourth place, once. Sherrell Berrett Senior; All-stole Guord; Coptoin

Gene Kiholm Senior, Guard

Del Kidd

David Anderson Junior, Center

John Pollard Senior, Forward

Gary Howlett Senior, Center

January January January January February February February February February March

"Go In," Is the united expression of athletic managers, mascot, coaches, and fans .

Clifford Goff Ju"ior, Forward

Val Smith Jun ior, Guard

March March March March

Inflating balls, laundering uniforms, and Issuing towels are among tasks of athletic managers Craig and Ronald Rasmussen.

VARSITY BOX SCORES LEAGUE 11-Murray 29 18-South 47 22-West 44 39 24-East 1-0lympus 35 4-Cyprus 35 8-Granite 40 15-Tooele 38 19--Murray 43 1-Tooele 34 TOURNAMENT 6-0rem 28 17 7-Logan 8-Provo 46 9-Springville 45

Dallas Hakanson Junior, Guard

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

72 54 63 55 74 55 54 49 73


Jordan 59 Jordan 36 Jordan 53 Jordan 47

Keith Stepan Senior, Guard

"Tie up!" says Gene Klholm, watching Sherrell Berrett and Keith Stepan tussel with Weber players.

Driving around East High ' s d efense for a lay-up is Jor路 dan 's Mark Miller.

TOURNAMENT TEAM : ROW 1 Coach Hughes, Sherrell Be rre tt, Val Smltn , Ge ne Kiholm, Ke ith Stepan , Mike Bullett, Dallas Hakanson , Coach Crump . ROW 2 Manag e r Ronald Ras musse n, Clifford Goff, De l Kidd , Gary Howl e tt , David And e rson, Mark Mill e r, Jonn Pollard, manag e r Craig Ras mu ssen .




There was a falling of the giants this year as Jordan was top; pled from state title con tentions. The Red and Grey h ad been ranked number one in the state. Despite the loss, two of the team won all;state selections; and the other three of the starting five were honored by all;region positions.

Positioning for the rebound during the logan thriller are Jordan' s Ge ne Kiholm 1251 , Gary Howl ett 130 ), Mark Miller I 31 I , and Sherrell Berre tt I 20 I .

John Pollard and Gary Howlett take to th e air to rebound from Springvill e as Gen e Kiholm moves in.

Del Kidd 1241 scores two during tournament act ion again st Ore m, with Clifford Goff (271 , Val Sm ith 121 I , and Mike Bull e tt 123) coming In to back him up .

Out-jumping Provo is Mark Miller, as Keith Stepan , Gene Kiholm and David Anderson wait for the tip .

Flanked by Mike Bullett and Clifford Goff, David Anderson goes to the floor struggling with Granite players for possession of the ball .

Returning to his alma mater, Sherman Crump racked up a top first year as Junior Varsity Coach .

arsity Coach Sherm Crump kept the junio r va rsity team in the top bracket thi s yea r, tie, ing with T ooele and South fo r first place. During the las t three yea rs, the Jo rd an ]. V.

teams have wo n thirty,two c r. ecuti ve ga me and three ]. V. cr wn . . Thi te m hould assist nex t yea r'.:; va r ity squ ad toward an, oth er rate title.

JUNIOR VARSITY : ROW 1 -Val Smith, jr.; Phillip Ke mp, soph .; Jack Sorich , soph .; Kent Goodrich, soph. ; Phillip Rosenhan, soph . ROW 2 Del Kidd , jr.; Mike Bull ett, soph .; Clifford Goff, jr.; David Anderson , jr.; Dallas Hakanson, jr.; Robe rt Searl e, soph .; David Johnson, jr.

SOPHOMORES: ROW 1 Dick Guest, Dennis Curtis, Jerry Day, Kent Walker, George Krebs. ROW 2 Manager Brent Javaine, Joe Brklacy, Michael Jeppson, Angelo Mascaro, Jerry Erlenbach, Richard Zdunich, larry Emery,

Deceptive Kent Walker drives and scores on a layup against the Murray sophomores.

Coaches "Tuff" Linford and Robert Teran collaborated to bring home the best record the sophs have achieved for several years.

ophomore Keeping up with the J.V.'s and Varsity\ the sophs also took first place in the region. Starting out with a close loss to Highland in their first game, they ended the season with a nine win, two loss record. 143


launching a powerful Javelin throw Is Brent Price, weightman and sprinter.

With pl e nty to spare , Reynold Johnson cl ears the cross bar while pe rfe cting his form. TRACK TEAM : ROW 1 Byard Price , Ke nny Smart, Kendall Voyce, Frank Lessl e y, De nni s Woodward , Gary Fullm r, Emmott Le ssl e y, Leslie Holt . ROW 2 Gail Burkinshaw , Jay Mount ee r, Raymond Bre nn e man , Clare Wardl e, Brent Price , Mike He ine ck e, Russell larson, Me lvyn Heaps , De nn is Gree n, manag e r; Eug e ne W e bb . ROW 3 Ni e l Butte rf ie ld , Clifford Jon es, Bill Mitch e ll , Stanley Johnson , Ke nt All sop, Curti s Cook , Brent Java in e, Re ed St e ve ns, Coach Robe rt Te ran . ROW 4 Manag e r Rolph Muir, Gory Benn e tt , Darryl Potte r, Dick Be nck , Robe rt Eth eri ngton , Re ynold Jokn son , Eddi e Pond , Mike Bull e tt, Phillip Ke mp, manag e r Clyde W illiams .

Track Schedule

Employing both speed and height, Bill Mitchell seeks a record in the broad jump.

March 29-Jordan, Bountiful, East. April 5-Pleasant Grove, Murray, Jordan. April 19 & 20-B.Y.U. Invitational Meets. April 26-B.Y.U. Relay Carnival. May 4-Regional Meet at U. of U. May 11-State Meet at U. of U.

rack Correct form for high and low hurdles is of constant concern to Kendall Voyce and Russell Larson. Pointing, coach Teran tells the way of placing starting blocks to managers Ralph Muir, Clyde Williams , anti Eugene Webb .

Cold winds and now hampered the thinclads at early season. Jordan fell to East but came out ahead of Boun~ tiful in a triangular meet on March 29. Then Jordan topped Murray 92 to 48. As the yearbook went to press, Jordan looked promising. Robert Teran re~ placed coach Ray Oliverson, who moved to Murray. Coach Teran de~ veloped exceptional talent in the 880 relay, javelin throw, hot put, mile run, and the hurdles.


Co-captains Raymond Yasukochl and Richard Nielsen, surround coaches Sherm Crump and Glen Jackson, to discuss ad路 vantages of a good bat. First baseman, Mike Bullett, takes a called strike during the second inning that tallied 9 runs against Murray.

"Play ball," excited fans as the Dig~ gers started league action by defeating Murray, 16 to 5. Coaches Sherm Crump and Glen Jackson, hoped to build baseball into a major sport.

April April April April April April May May

8-Jordan at Murray 11-South at Jordan 15-Jordan at West 18-Tooele at Jordan 22-Jordan at Olympus 29-Ea t at Jordan 2-Jordan at Cyprus 9-Granite at Jcrdan

BASEBALL TEAM: ROW 1 Stanley Jex, Brent Hogenson, Dick Guest, Ray Yasukochi. ROW 2 Manager Bob Nelson; Jerry Erlenbach, Jack Sorich, Wallace Naylor, Dallas Hakanson, Floyd Morl, manager Ray Glad. ROW 3 Coach Sherm Crump; manager Jim Cartwright; Randy Dow, Larry Crump, David Thorum, Don Stephens, George Varanakis, Richard Nielsen, Coach Glen Jackson.

Netmen opened the season against South on April 11. Jordan's previous rec~ ord isn't very impressive, but after hours of rallying, lobbi'ng, and serving practice, the team was optimistic over a good sea~ son. Coach Linford reported a large turn~ out of hopefuls for the squad.


TRYING OUT FOR JORDAN'S TENNIS TEAM ARE: ROW 1 Gary Coe, David Jensen, Gary Colyar, Maurice Colyar. ROW 2 Harold Rawson, Eddie Pond , Jerry Huish , Bill Kidder, Ronald Rasmussen. ROW 3 Dennis Green, Wayne Sabey, Clifford Goff, Jay Stevens, Roy Briggs.

olf Teeing off for the first regional meet on April 17 was the Digger's golf team, in hopes of making a record for future teams to work toward. This year, only the second year Jord an has had a golf team, there were no returning lettermen. Five men from each high school com~ peted in each of the four regional meets.

April 17-at Meadowbrook April 24-at Magna May 1-at Tooele May 8-at Meadowbrook

April April April April April May May

11-Jordan 15-Jordan 18-Jordan 22-Jordan 29-Jordan 2-Jordan 9-Jordan

vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs. vs.

South West Tooele Olympus East Cyprus Granite

COACH AND COMPETITORS FOR JORDAN'S GOLF TEAM ARE : ROW 1 John Chamberlain, Ronald Rasmussen, Ray Plumhof, and Kenneth Nosack. ROW 2 Coach Art Hughes, Sharin Rasmussen, Mike Cullis, Jerry Gardner, Tom Harward and Russel Taylor.

iris Getting into condition took considerable exercising and stretching. Aching bones and sore mu des futilely cried for respite from daily practice. When it was apparent that dancers were going to survive, proceedures and techniques were tarted. There were in tructions in proper form, grace, levels of movement, originality, creativeness, and choreography.

DANCE CLASS MANAGERS: FRONT Sharon Lennberg, Judy Lor路 son, LaPrlel Tuttle. BACK Joan Grant, Maxine Anderberg, Lucille Markus, Gay Shepplck, JoAnn Wheadon. Three farmers, Evon Despain, Connie Pierson, and Sharon Evans, go through the routine of the barnyard festival.

Flying pigtails and m1ss1ng teeth are proml路 [lent In Judy Brady and Jolene Cox's "Ten路 nessee Wig Walk."

''Indian Sun" was Joyce Roberhon contribution to the Donee Assembly.





"1; 2; 3; 4!" They were off to another hour of physical education, female style. During fall they played speedball, a com, bination of all games ever played, no holds barred.

Peggy Johnson is displeased at a score by Katherine Heinecki, whose teammates enjoy the excitement.

They enjoyed "wisket," a game of soft, ball in which the ball is never touched with the hands, but caught and thrown with a wicker basket. The favored games during the winter were basketball, slaughter ball, shuffleboard, badminton, ping pong, and re~ lays. Mrs. Whitmore and a few of her class helpers gave private dancing instruction to the boys. Rhythm and coordination were gained by those who participated in spring sports, softball, golf, tennis, and archery. Emptying the equipment room, Jeanette Bills, Mary Campbell, and Jacklyn Oakeson head for the phys. ed . clan.

"Strike one!" Even the anxious urgings of the rail birds didn't help Margie Hall connect.

Waiting for their colleagues to join them in a game of soft ball are Dot Withers, Connie Lovendahl, Olean lund, and Jane Webster.

athers and daughters

Prize cakes suggesting dad's favorites Hensen, JoAn Kunz, and Janice Jenkins.





ridiron capers "Gridiron Capers" honored turfs~ men. Hanging from the ceiling were paper footballs bearing the names of the football squad. Candy bars were awarded to anyone who was stand~ ing under a name when it was called.

Decorating for Gridiron Capers are Rosalie Brklaclch, Floyd Mori, Van Lindsay, Gayle Jensen, Gale Webb Joe Baker, and Connie Ninomlya.

It is common knowledge that most teen~ age girls have parents wrapped around their little fingers. It didn't take much winding to persuade father to go to the Fathers and Daughters' party. Dad spruced up and told mother good night. There were prize cakes of all sizes and descripti n . Fathers loosened up and gave out some very surprising antics in the jitterbug contest. The girl were proud of their dates and hoped the feeling was mutual.

Amid the Junior Prom setting "Beyond the Reef," Charlonians danced to Wally Williams' orchestra. Every girl• who had ever belonged to the club was invited,

harlonian ball ophomore party Timid, but eager, underclassmen made ac~ quaintances at the Sophomore Party. Identi~ fications were written on paper pumpkins and handed to the guests as they entered. The dance honored all sophomore football players.

Humor by Gayle Hendrickson delights Charlene Cutler, Wayne Cook, and underclassmen at the first night party of the year, the Sophomore Party.

Unique "can-can" bumps and grinds appeal to "cultural" interests of Soph¡ omore partygoers.

weethearts all Sore fing ers but light hearts attend decorators Karen Loll, Barbara Bolliger, and Karen Shields as they stuff napkins .

Touches are given to the fountain by Sharon Eldredge , Marian Pearson , Wilbern McDougal and Dennis Green.

Royalties voted to reign over the Sweeth earts' Ball a s King and queen are popular Connie Lovendahl and Mike Ganz .

"Sweetheart S nata" themed the annual FFA~F H A Sweethearts' Ball. A ngel hai r, dra p~

ed and sp rayed, was accented by colo red lights. Napki ns pushed into chicken wire created hedges. Enthusiastic workers hung pink and white crepe paper streamers. Orchestra l strains h ad no so ner begun than the fl oor was graced by girls in satin and lace fr ills and boys in smart jackets.


hristmas dance Santa c<:~me to visit Jordanites at their matinnee dance December 21. Last minute orders were placed. All the good girls and boys then received treats of c8.ndy and pea, nuts. Th oroughly enj oying the mselves at the fes tive Christmas party, dancing students ushe r in a fun-filled holiday season.

tocking stomp

O dd, different, even ridic ulous, but still most appro p ri a te! Yes, at the Stocking Stomp it's anything goes in the line of socks!

Hav,e you ever seen uch crazy, mixed up socks? Polkadots, stripes, bunny rabbits, and fluorescents pranced around the floor. T raf, fie signs were p sted at various places, and those who violated them were pulled aside by a traffic cop. Penalties imposed were the wearing of a paper sack on the cranium or dancing with a broom.

hanksgiuing dance KMUR disc jockeys spun records for dancers at the Thanksgiving Dance. Their humor added to the festivities of the dance. Highlighting the afternoon entertainment was the turkey raffle. Looking forward to the Thanksgiving holiday and anticipating those dates with Tom Turkey, Jordanites display their high spirits by dancing.


hop Pleased with his work, Floyd Mori sprays varnish on angel hair to make it permanent, while Linda Ballamis express&> approval.

Crossing a white bridge canopied by billowing clouds, couples discovered the en~ chantments of dreamland. Streamers of pink and white festooned the walls; everything was in heavenly readiness. Nestled snugly inside the Big Dipper was Jack Turner's orchestra. Refreshments were found at the planet Saturn. A galaxy of stars twinkled overhead. Touches of soft lights and music created a romantic atmosphere. It was the "Prelude to Dream".

And then the eni r class begat an in~ spiration for a creation. In the beginning wa a committee, and the committee was the word of the eniors. Fr m chicken wire, paper, wood, and hair a skeleton was raised. When darkness fell many heavenly people arrived to breathe life into the creation. The Senior Hop wa b rn.

A detour to the planet Saturn gives Sherryn Miller and James Estepp an opportunity for refreshments of cake and punch.

Final touches to the refreshment booth are given by seniors Beth Proctor, Shirlene Beck, and Richard Nielsen.

prom Decorating for the prom has always been a favorite event for juniors. The entire class suggested themes for the committee's ap~ proval. When the theme was set and com~ mittees were appointed, juniors plunged in to make their dance one of the most out~ standing of the year. Bubbles rising from Davy Jones' locker faocinate Robert Jensen, Doris lloyd, Jerry Hutchinson, and Jeannette Linnarz.

Displaying perfect formation as they promenade across the dance floor at the Junior Prom are members of the junior class.

last minute check of decorations Is made by the com¡ mittee heads, Mr. Brady, Mary Javaine, and Nih• Beckstead.

Happiness lies beyond the reef as couples dance to the music of Neil Weight and his orchestra.

Delicate souvenir bracelets filled the treasure chest. Davy Jones' locker was found to be misty and enchanting. Soft music by Neil Weight's orchestra came from the har~ bor, delighting dancers. There were pearls in every oyster. Sea creatures of every de~ scription were clustered about. The sounds of the sea echoed "Beyond the Reef."

The capture of fourth place in state class A basketball competition, the re, turn of the middleweight champ, the advent of the Christmas season, the J. D. date party - each of these special events warranted a gala celebration.

World's middleweight champ, Gene Fullmer, and manager Marv Jensen, Jordan alumni, are welcomed at the special honor assembly.

Sprightly Santa struts the North Pole Mambo with Mary Watts at the Christmas party.


affectionate hug, and a corsage are given to his mother at the tournament assembly .

The Jay De es step out with their guests to the yearly date party.

The week never went by without relax, ing entertainment. Exchange programs from other schools cemented friendships . Jordan students produced talent shows. The state's universities entertained us. Officers hired paid performers from the National School Assemblies Association.

Rhythm and harmony in the popular and classic songs of the "Mississippians'' make them great favorites with Jordanites.

Songs, troupers, and scenes from New York's Central Park are brought to Jordan by the traveling assembly from Olympus.


Putting their best selves forward are a group of Binghamites as they perform lor an appreciative Jordan group.

The antics of this fallen angel thoroughly delight Jordanites In Murray's exchange assembly "Go to Hell!"

Sandra White, getting first hand information about the field of beauty culture, finds career day enjoyable and profitable.

On Jordan "HI" Day , artist Allen Introduces Mr. Kunzler In such a way that the students will not soon forget his name or face.


At Elaine Cannon's "Seminar for Sallies," Sherrell Berrett and Richard Nielson reveal candid opinions about the habits of girls.

Old grads, Will Erickson and Mary Howlett, "come home" to sing self-composed songs during the alumni day assembly.


hi club

MISS HI CLUB: ROW 1 Bonnie Dansie, laPriel Tuttle, Peggy Preston, Judy larsen, Mary Javaine, Sherryn Miller, Joan Brown, Beth Proctor. ROW 2 Nancy Steadman,

Celia Boren, JoAnri Olson, Patricia Milne, Susan Santistevan, Ann Anderson, Sharon Eldredge, Connie Ninomiya. ROW 3 Miss Fuhriman, Carol lee Smith, Nancy Hughes, Janel Stepan, Edna Burr, Jackie Smith, Karma Russell, Sandra Zaiser.

ports club SPORTS CLUB : ROW 1 Carole Tennyson, Sylvia Conger, Joan Butler, Gayle Conger, Ruth Zltting, Miss Munns, Advisor. ROW 2 Jill Benningfield, Alice Boggess, Bobbie Butterfield, Carol Beckstead, Emily Bastian, Joann Smith , ROW

3 linda Peterson, Janice Wingett, linda Smart, Barbara Bolliger, Olean lund, Caroline Dorius. ROW 4 Dixie Jenson, Joan lundberg, Judy Roberts, Enid Enniss, Darlene Rials, Dralee Astle, Helene Smith. ROW 5 Peggy Johnson, Kay Belcher, Connie lovendahl, Grace Endo, Karen Greenwood.




Jay Stevens

MeiRae Bateman

Helen Egbert

First place, American legion Oratory Contest.

First place, Voice of Democracy Con lest. Voted mast valuable student in Salt lake County

First place, Employment of Physically Handicapped Essay Contest

J o hn


Union Pacific Scholarship Winner

Janet Dahl First place, Contest


Anne Marie Wagstaff legion



Belly Crocker Award Winner



cknowledgement Years from now your memories of high school might be only brief recollections of faces, buildings, anxieties, and joys. They will stay with you like old refrains. Perhaps this book will serve to recall and reassemble your "Medley of Memories". The pictures, copy, and comments will bring back the school and you, as you were then. The people who have made your recollections easier by creating this book de~ serve an expression of appreciation. We wish to express our gratitude to Mel Ber~ rett, our advisor; Murray Allen, Wanda Wade, E. L. Crawford, Bruce Thayne, Arval Nelson of the Midvale Camera Center, and Dean Wallin of Paragon Press for the friendly cooperation and helpful advice they gave the staff in editing the 1957 Beetdigger. DeAnna DeGroot Jeanette Kunz Editors

on tents CLASSICAL

Messiah .............................................................. 88 Music ................................................................. .89 Orchestra ...................................................... 90-91 Press Club ........................................................ 122 Quill and Scroll ............................................ 120 Radio Club .................................................... 121 Riding Club ...................................................... 109 School Play .................................................... 94-95 Ski Club ............................................................ 123 Speech Activities .................................... 102-103 Traveling Assembly .................. ..................92-93

Administrati n .............................................. 12-25 Juniors ............................................................ 50-65 Seniors ........................................................... .30-49 oph mores .................................................. 66-83 Student Officers ........................................ 26-29


Band .............................................................. 86-87 Beetdigger ......................................................96-97 Boys Club ...................................................... 106 Br adcaster .................................................... 98-99 Chari nians ............................................. .110-111 Civil Air Patrol ................................................ 116 C urier ...................................................... 100-101 Dance Club .................................................... 125 Debate ....................................................... .104-105 Deca Club ....................................................... .112 Forensic League ................................................ 124 Future Engineers .............................................. 113 Future Farmers of America ........................... .119 Future Homemakers of America ............... .119 Future Teachers Association ........................ 120 Girls Club ........................................................ 107 ] Book ................................................................101 Jay Dees .................................................... 126-127 ]ordanettes ........................................................ 108 Junior Red Cross ........................................... .108 Key Club ............... ........................................ .117 Language Club ................................................ 121 Lettermen Club ................................................ 109 Masque and Gavel ............................... .114-115


Acknowledgements ........................................ 161 Ending .............................................................. 168 Index ... - ..................................................... 163-167 Introduction ...................................................... 1-9 POPULAR

Award Winners ............................................ 160 Baseball ............................................................ 146 Basketball ................... - ............................. 138-143 Cheerleaders .................................................... 130 Dances ...................................................... 150-155 Football ................... - ................................. 131-135 Girls Sports ............................................. .148-149 Golf .................................................................. 147 Miss Hi Club .......................... ..................... .159 Specials ...................................................... 156~158 Sports Club .................................................... 159 Tennis .............................................................. 147 Track ......................................................... .144-145 Wrestling .................................................. 136-137 161







Superintendent Arthur E. Petersen Kent Beers Myrna Oyler Jerry LeFevre


Bateman, Don-24, 2S, 6S, 105, 117, 123 Bateman, MeiRae-32, S9, 95, 102, 103, 104, 108, 111, 115, 120, 124, 160 Bateman, Merlin-68, 86 Bateman, Wayne-51, 95, 115 Battloon, Peuy-51 Beagley, Bruce-6S Beck, Gene-6S, 109, 11S Beck, Shirleen-32, lOS, 110,

ndex Administrators Alnaworth, Lawrence J.-24 Allen. Murray F.-IS, 6S, 96, 106,15S Aderoon, Stanley-IS, 6S Bagley, Frank M.-lS Bartlett, William H.-15 Beckatead, Leonard C.-14 Beckstead, Reed H .-12 Bennion, Miu Deane-18 Benaon, Wallace-24 Benton, Boyd-14 Berrett, Melvin-IS, 96 Bianchi, Ernest;.-lS Boberg, Lowell .-IS, 92, 121 Boren, William R.-20 Biahop, Mrs. Gloria-24 Boyce, Paul C.-19, 109, 118 Brady, Kenneth A.-19, 82, 156 Brand, Mrs. Rosetta-25 Brown, D. Blaine-19 Brown, Mrs. Evelyn H.-25 Bruce, Benjamin-14 Budge , Donald M.-19, 11S Casper, Arthur-15 Casper, Jeaoie B.-17, 23, 120 Crapo, J. Clement-19, S7, 88,S9 Crawford, C. N.-15, 20, 104 Crawford, E. L.-19, 96, 105 Crump, Sherman M.-21, 134, 140, 142, 146 Dowding, D. Almy-24 Dowding, Mrs. Ha:ei-25 Dunn, Kenneth V.-13 Epperson, Emery G.-15, 90 Evans, Howard C.-20 Fit:gerald, Mrs. Mary B.-14, 19 Frazer, Miss Golda-21, 121 Fuhriman, Miu Addie Jean-20, 126, 159 GoÂŁÂŁ, Miss Marle-20, 21, 107 119 Goldbrandson, Phil F.-17, 104, 124 Gunnell, Farrell H.-20, 6S Henderson, Miss Betty-20, 22, 119 Hendrickson, A. LaMar-21, 101 Hughes, Arthur-21, 132, 13S, 140,147 Jackson, Glen-20, 132, 137, 146 ager, Mrs. Louise-15 enson, Marvin G.-14 ones, Or. J. 0.-14 orgensen, Howard W.-13 Kamnikar, Frank-21 Kennington, Emmerson H.-21, 117 Kirton, Miss Audrey-21, 92, 115 Kunzler, H. Grant-21, 15S Larsen, Mabel-25 Lindford, Howard B.-21, 131, 143 Madsen, Royal 0.-21, 24 McDonald, Dora H.-14 McMullin, T. H.-16 Mickelsen, P. M .-13 Miller, Burton S.-14 Munns, Mlu LaRee C.-22, 6S, 107, 159 Olsen, Donald P.-22 Orton, F . A.-13 Petersen,]. M.-22, 120 Petersen, R . S.-19, 22, 113 Pixton, Robert L.-22 Rasmussen, Stanley A.-13 Rawson, Miss Oralle-22, 9S, 99 122 Rich, John E.-14 Richards, Bertha-24 Ruuon, Arland L.-22, 6S Seal, James L.-22 Seaman, Miu Hele n-22, 6S, 111,123 Sharp, Stanley R .-23, 93 Soulier, Glen E.-20, 23 Stevens, Barbara-24 Taylor, Dunn L.-17 Teran , Robert 0.-23, 134, 143 , 144, 145 Tippem, Veta-25 Thomas, Fay B.-23, 112 Thomson, N. K.-14 Thurman, Earl J.-14 Tranter, Mrs. Gertrude G.-23, 126 Wade, Mrs. Wanda G.-23, 96 Wadsen , Jed W .-23


Whitmore , Yvonne-23, 111, 123, 125 Wood, Mrs. Evelyn-17, 107, lOS Zieve, Betty-23 , 94, 115


Beckstead, Carol-68, 76, 126, 159 Beckstead, Chad-51, 90 Beckstead, Dale-68 Beckstead, Darla-51, 107 Beckstead, Dennio-51 Beckstead, Don-68 Beckstead, Dorene-68, 82 Beckstead, Garth-29, 51, 109, 135 Beckstead, Glade-68, 118 Beckstead, Urry-51 Beckatead, oni-28, 68, 127 Beckstead, oradlne-68, 127 Beckstead, Marllyn-32, 97 Beckllead, Mary-S 2, 115 Beckstead, Nile-28, 52, 109, 132, 156 Belcher, Kay-52, 115, 159 Bell, Donette-68, 109, 115 Bell, Julia-68 Bellon, Bart-68, 74, 118 Bench, Dick-68, 144 Bennett, Alice-68 Bennett, Beverly-68 Bennett, Gary-32, 144 Benningfield, Jill-6S, 127, 159 Bennion, Colleen-79 Benson, Annette-68, 115, 119, 126 Benoon, Christian-32 Benoon ,Lynn--52,68 , 134 Bernardo, Jean-32, 112 Bernardo , touioe-32, 112 Bcrret, Joanne-32 Berrett, Sherrell-26, 32, 109, 117, 138, 140, 141, 158 Berry, Gordon-52 Bevan , Jean-68, 121, 126 Bi a nchi, Ronald-68, 87 Biggs , Deanna-29, 32, 109, 119 Bigg1, Deiores-68 Biggs, Melvin-69 Bl~lcr, Glenda-69 Bills, Jeanette-69, 105, 107, 108, 114, 126, 127, 149 Bllio, Verlaine-52 Bishop, Richard-32, 118 Bishop, Edwlne-69 Bi1hop, Paul-32 Bhhop, Sharon-52, 91, 119 Blackett, Ann-27 , 28, 32, 103 , 104, 108, 110, 120, 123, 126 Blanchard, Ted-52 Blantnick, Duane-32 Bluemell, Bruce-52, 116, 118 Bodell, Cathleen-52 Bodell, Sherman-52 Boggeu, Allce-69, 105 , 114, 127, 159 Boggeas, David-69 Bolarh, lrene--69 Bolliger, Barba ra-52, 119, 121 , 123, 152, 159 Bone, Kent-29, 32 Bone , Kathy-69 Booth, John-69 , 87 Boren, Cella-69, 159 Boren, Ronald-32 , 118 Bo1h, Judle-69, 114 Bo1kovich , Daniel-52, 92, 93, 99, 121, 122 Boowell, Joyce-25 , 32 Boulden, Don-52, 109, 118 Boulden, Garth-32 Boulter, Myrna-32 Bowen, Henry-52 , 118 Bowlu, Billy-52 Bowleo, Brent-52, 116 Boyce, Don ald-52, 86, 89, 121 Boyce, Lynne-52 Boyce, Lexle-69, 80, 108, 126 Boyd, Curti-52 Boyle , Barbara-69, 126 Brady, Ann-69. 86 Brady, Geraldine-69 Brady , Jcrry-69 Brady, Judith-29, 52, Ill, 123, 148 Brady, Ladd-32 Brady, Mary Jane-32, 86, 120 Brand,Lynn--32, 112,123,136 Breeze, Beverleen-69 Brenneman, Raymond-52 , 87, 104, 117, 124, 133, 136, 144 Bridgeo, 'EIRay-32, 118 Brlggo, LeRoy-52, 133, 147 Brlggo, hirley-69, 115 , 127 Brimhall, Carolyn-69

Students Aaron, Sheri Lou-31 , 123, 125 Aceves, Carolyn Betty-31 Aceves, Jeanette--67 Adams, Betty Anne-51, 99, 120, 122 Adams, Calvin W.-67 Adams, Lawaln-51, 119 Ainsworth, Don-67 Ainsworth, LaMar-67 Akers, Barbara-67 Alder, Bill-31 Alldredge, Dee-67 Allen, Melvin-51, 11S Allen, Tom-51 Allgood, Eldon-51, 116 Allsop, Bill-51 Allsop, Charles-67, 90 Allaop, Kent-2S, 29, SO, 51, 113, 117, 133, 144 Alsop, Lesa-67, 126 Alverson, lone--67 Ames, Ronaid-67 Anderberg, Maxine-51, 126, 14S Anderoen, Cheoter-51, 116 Anderson, Ann-51 , 159 Anderson, Beverly-31, 112 Anderson, David-51, 13S, 140, 141, 142 Anderson, Doren.e-67 , 127 Anderson, Elayne-51, 91 Anderson, Estella-31 Anderson, Gary-2S, 31, 109, 117, 133 Anderson, Kenneth-67 Anderson , Larrv-67 Anderson, Marian-31, 123 Anderson, Merlin-51, 11S Anderson , Nathan-31, S7, S9, 91,120 Anderson, Patrlda-67 Anderson, Peggy-51 Anderson, Richard-67 Anderson, Robert-67, 70, 134 Anderson, VaLayne-67, 90 Anderson, Van-67 Anderson, Velle-116 Andreasen , Michael-31, 92, 103, 109, liS, 135 Andrua, Charles-51 Archuleta, Corrlne-31, 112 Archuleta, Dolores-67 Archuleta , Tauna-67 Armstrong, Robert-67 Arnold, David N .-31 Arterburn, lvan-31, 121 Aaay, Lee-31, S6, 89 Aaay, Linda-51 , 116 Ashman, Sheryl-67, 103, 105, 108, 114 Ashworth, Ralph-109, 136, 137 Aatle, Dale-31 Astle, DraLee-67, 159 Atkinson, Ann-31, 112 Augason, Phlllp--31

B Bagley, Grant-67, 105 Balley,OeWayne-31 Bailey, Maureen-67, 121, 127 Baird, Claudine-29, 51, 119 Baird, Craig-24, 31, 113 Baird, Karl-19, 31, 113 Baker, Joyce-3 I Baker, Joseph-31 , 87, S9,104, 115 ,117, 120,124,150 Baker, Scott-67 Baker, Vicki-121 Ballch, Lucille-31 Ballamls, Unda-28, 31, 107, 121, 123, 154 B a nks, Judy-67 Banner, Karen-67 Banta, Joe-68 Barben, Janeal-51, 68, 102, 115, 127 Barben, Janice-6S Barney, James-31 Barney, Sandra-51, 86, S7, 91, 110 Bastian, Emlly-6S, 92, 126, 159 Bateman, Brenda-29, 51, 99, 102, 110, 115, 120, 122


Brimhall, ReNee-69 Brinton, Howard-52, 109, 134 Brinton, Sharon-69, 126 Brinton, Shawna-19, 32 Bristol, Carma-69 Brklacich, Rosalie-28, 33, 108, 110, 120, 123, 125, 126, 150 Brklacy, Joe-29, 69, 134, 143 Broomhead, Wayne-69 Brown, Bud-33 Brown, Farrell-33, 86, 112 Brown, H. Barre-52 Brown, Helen-52 Brown, Jay-69 Brown, Jeanene-69, 86 Brown, Joan-52, 109, 122, 126 159 ' Brown, John-52 Brown, Joyce-33 Brown, }udy-33, 52, 92, 93, 125, 126 Brown, Kathryn-29, 69 , 127 Brown, Kent-29, 52, 113 Brown, Laurel-52 Brown, Mariiyn-33, 112 Brown, Robert-69 Brown, Sharon-69, 127 Brown, Shlrley-69, 105, 114 Brown, William-52 Browne,John--33, 109,135 Bullett, Mike-69, 134, 138, 140 141,142,144,146 ' Bunnell, Judith-52, 89, 100, 104, 108, 110, 124 Burbidge, Ranae-69 Burgon, Vance- 117 Burklnshaw, Gail-69, 144 Burnett, Daiene-69 Burns, }udy-69, 80 Burr,Edna--28,50,52,92, 108 111, 126, 159 ' Burton, JaLene-70 Burton, Roy-33, 116, 123 Bushnell, Bryce-52 Butler, Joan-53, 86, 87, 89, 100, lOS, 111, 159 Butler, Kent-52 Butler, Ray-24, 70 Butler, Stanley-29, 70 Butterfield, Ann-33, 108, 111 119 ' Butterfield, Arnold--70 Butterfield, Bobbie-70, 105, 114. 159 Butterfield, Brent-33, 109, 135 Butterfield, Dixie-53, 99 , 104 122, 124, 127 ' Butterfield, [ack-33, 113 Butterfield, une-70 Butterfield, arry-33 Butterfield, Llnda-33 Butterfield, Lola-70 Butterfield, Mick-70, 136, 137 Butterfield, Niel-24, 70, 118, 144 Butterfield, haron-33, 119 Buxton, Fred-70

c Cain, Donna M.-25, 33, 112 Campbell, Don G.-28, 33, 123, 135, 136 Campbell, George-70 Campbell, Jlene-33, 112 Campbell, Mary-70, 126, 149 Cannon, lames-53 Carlson, aMar-70 Carpenter, Lellie-70 Carrigan, Pat-70, 114 Carroll, Jean-53, 102 Carrol, Sill-70 Carter, Barbarn-33 Carter, Donald-55, 117 C:lrter, Ellen-53, 104, 108, 111 artwright, Jlm-70, 115, 146 ase, Cor.-34, 110, 112 Caaper, Judene-34, 108, 110, 112. 125. 126 avender, Karen-53 hamberlain, John-53, 147 Chavez, Oavid-70, 93 Chideoter, Phil-53 Christensen, Delbert-34 hrlstensen, Ray-70 hristenoe n, Richard-53 C hriStian, Bonnie-34, 97 Church, LaRue-70 Clark, Jack-70, 134 Clarke, Patricia-53, 104, 110, 120 Cleland, Olck-34 Clement, Karen-28, 34, 123 Clements, Keith-28, 34, 123 obbley, Richard-70, 122 Coe, Gary-70, 147 Cole, Margo-53 Coiyar, Gary-70, 147 Colyar, Maurlce-34 Cong<r, Gayle-53, 100, 108, 110, 159

Conger, Sylvia-70, 108, 159 Conti, Roger-53 Cook, Curtis-34, 135, 144 Cook, Gayla-53 Cook, Owen-70 Cook, Velma-34 Cook,VVayne-70, 136,151 Cooke, Eloise-53 Coombs, Janice-71 Coons, Co lleen-71 Cooper, Florence-71 Corak,}ohn-34, 109,133 Corbett, Michacl-71 Costanza, Chiro-53, 116, 133 Covington, Danny-71 Cowdell, Rebekah-71, 126 Cowley, VVayne-34, 92, 95, 102, 104, 113, 117 Cox, Dale-53 Cox, Dennis-71 Cox, Jolene-53, 111, 119, 148 Crane, Carol-53 Crane, Connie-27, 28, 34 Crane, Ronald-71, 118, 136 Crawford, }ohn-28, 34, 109, 133 Creuall, Sharon-53 Crosgrove, Glade-29, 34, 106 Crump, Garry-34 Crump, Larry-29, 34, 109, 146 Crump, Norman-34 Crump, Norval-53 Crump, Rnymond-71 Crump, Sondra-34 Cu llis, Michael-53, 108, 117, 121,147 Cundick, Carol-71 Cunnington, Sandrn-34, 86 Curtis, Dcnnis-71, 143 Curtis, Gary-53 Curtis, Judy-53, 119 Curtla, Nanctte-71 Cutler, Fred-34, 130 Cutler, Chnrlene-66, 71, 15 1

D Dahl, Janet-34, 102, 110, 115, 124, 160 Dahl, Rex-54 Dahl, Robert-34, 99, 113, 122 Dahl, Rulon-28, 34, 109, l34 Dale, Dlane-23, 112 Dansie, Bonnie-54, 104, 108, 111, 126, 159 Dansie, LaFay-54 Dansie, Lora Lee-54 Dansie, Raymond-54, 118 Dansie, Rodney-35, 123, 136 Davis, Connie-35 Davis, Kent-54, 123 Davis, Larry-71 Day, Jerry-28, 71, 143 Day, Glen-71 Day, Henry-71, 118 Day, Robert-54, 106 Day,Tonya-71, 126 Deakin, Betty Lou-35, 87 Deakin, John-71, 87 Dean, Dlxle-35, 97, 108, 110, 126 Dean, Kay-54, 99, 122, 123 Decker, Jared-71, 134,136 DeGroot, DeAnna-35, 96, 120, 121 Delgado, Mary-1<;, 112 Delgado, }e88e-54 Delgado, 'rony-54, 91, 136 Deluca, Snm-35, 109, l3 5 Denison, Marion-54 Denney, Gary-35 Densley, Bonnie-54, 99, 115, 127 Densley, C lnudia-71, 121 Deopaln, Clare-35, 116 Despain, Evon-S4, 111, 126, 148 De•pain, John-54, 116 Despain, Willlnm-3<;, 113 Dibb, Dlanne-35, 97 Dick, John-35, 109, 116, ll8, 160 Dimmick, Robert-54, 116 Dimond, Curtls-71 Dimond, Jerry-35 Dimond, l<enneth-71, 118 Doolittle, John-71 Dorius, Cnroline-54, 110, 119, 121, 159 Oorius. Orval-29, 71 Dory, Dennis-54 Dory, Pauline-35, 112 Douglas, Joe-54 Dow,Randy-71, 146 Drake, Terry-54, I 36 Drnke, Joseph-! 18 !)roper, David-54, 99 Draper. Frank-71 Drew, Darrell-54 Duffin. Pntricla-29, 54, 89, 108, 111 Dunn, Diane-71 Dunn, Paul-71, 118


Glover, Ted-55 Goff, Clifford-28, SS, 113, 117, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142,147 Goff, Jerry-73, 118 Goff, JoAnn-37, 114, 126 Goff, Ralph-73, 134 Goff, Rex-29, 37, 109, 135 Gold, Dale-37, 109, 113, 134 Gold, Stephen-55 , 92, 94, 104, 113 Golesh, Carol-55 Gomez, Llnda-73, 121 Gonzales, Elouise-55 Goodrich, Lewis-55 Goodrich, Robert-73, 142 Gotberg, Russell-55 Graham, Charles-37, 91 Graham, Lorretta-55 Grant, Joan-28, 37, 108, 111, 115, 123, 148 Granquist, Kathleen-73 Green, Dennis-37, 99, 101, 120, 122, 144, 147, 152 Green, Gerald-55 Green, Kenneth-37 Green, Linda-73 Greene, VVillard-55, 113 Greenwood, Karen-55, 99, 122, 159 Greenwood, Shirley-66, 73, 105, 114 Gregory, Bob-73 Griffiths, Max-3 7 Griffiths, Raymond-55 Grimaud, Harold-37, 109 Grimaud, Henry-37, 118 Grimaud, Marie-55, 126 Grover, Kent-55 Grow, James-73, 114 Guest, Dick-73, 134, 143, 146 Gustaveson, Ruth-55

Eastman, DeiRay-35, 118 Eastman, Donald-54, 120 Eckman, Gary-34, 133 Egbert, Helen-54, 102, 111, 160 Ehlers, Karl-35 Eldredge, Sharon-35, 108, 110, 112, 119, 120, 122, 152, 159 Emery, Larry-71, 87, 143 Endo, Grace-54, 101, 111, 120, 159 Endo, Jerry-54, 99, 113, 122, 136, 137 Enniss, Don-35 Enniss, Enld-71, !OS, 159 EnRiss, Susy-71, 123, 126 Erekson, Penny-71 Erickson, Dennis-54 Erickson, Janice-54 Erlenbach, Gerald-71, 134, 143, 146 Ernest, }oAnn-36, 112 Ernest, l<.athryn-72 Eror, Diana-71, 102 Ertmann, Lynn-72 Estepp, Sharon-54, 103 Etherington, Larry-54, 99, 104, 113' 120, 122, 144 Etherington, Robert-29, 72, 87, 134 Evans, Carolyn-36, 105, 108, 111,114,115,120,124,125 Evans, Llla-72, 86, 126 Evans, Linda-72 Evans, Sharon-54, 111, 148 Ewell, Forest-54 Ewell, Gcrald-72 Eyre, Gloria-35, 119 Eyre, Ralph-54

F Fairbourn, Lynda-36, 97, 108, 110 Fairbourn, Thomas-36 Farmer, Dennls-29, 36, 123 Farnsworth, Harold-54 Farnsworth, JoAnn-36, 92, 125 Fechser, Phyllls-29, 55 Fenstermaker, LaRue-55 Fergus, Jimmy-36 Ferguson, Charles-36, 97, 123 Ferguson, Dixlc-36 Fieldstad, Patricia-72, 114 Fife, Dean-36, 96, 113 Finlayson, Janet-36, 87, 90, 100, 110, 120 Fisher, Monte-72 Fitzgerald, Glen-55, 94 Flt:gerald, Lynn-72, 123, 126 Fitzgerald, VVarren-28, 36, 113 Flanders, Goldeen-5 5 Fleming, Mary-72, 91, 126 Flores, Mary-55 Forbush, Jcrry-36, 95, 104 Fowler, Sherry-72 Frandsen, Dale-24, 36, 86, 121 Frandsen, Leland-24, 72 Frank, Charles-72 Frank, Rohert-72 Frantz, LnRae-72, 126 Freeman, Dal-72 Freeman, Knrren-72 Frehaner, Clyde-72 Froisland, Lnrry-36, 113 Fullmer, Alice-72 Fullmer, Don-29, 36, 109, 131, 136 Fullmer, Gary-SS, 144

H Hadley, Harry-56 Hakanson, Dallas-55, 139, 140, 142, 146 Hale, Norma Lynn-37, 108, 110, 111, 126 Hale, RaNae-73, 127 Hall, Jackie-37, 92, 97, 125 Ham, Joy-55, 121, 126 Hamilton, Gail-56, 118 HamiltOn, Janet-56, 115 Hand, Karen-73, 123 Hansen, Barbara-37, 73, 76 Hansen, David-37 Hansen, Don-37 Hansen, Lynne-38, 150 Hansen, Ronald-73 Hardcastle, Dennis-24, 73 Hardcastle, Glenda-56 Hardcastle, Norene-38, 114, 126 Hardman, Allen-73 Hardman, Larry-38 Hardman, Marvin-56 Hardman, Monty-73 Hardwick, Karol-56, 111,121, 126 Hardy, Dee-38 Hardy, Sandra-73, lOS, 114, 126 Hardy, Zerita-73, 90 Harrington, Ronnie-56, 133 Harryman, Lee-56 Harryman, Nan-73 Hartman, Patricia-73 Harvey, Delene-73 Hastings, Melvin-56 Hatfield, Sherman-56 Hathaway, Gwenda-38 Hatr, Allen-73 Hau, Margie-56, 149 Hatton, Kathleen-56, 99, 123, 126 Haueter, Terry-56, 89, 100, 119, 148 Haun, Sharon-38, 111, 112 Hawker, Carl-56 Healy, Janet-38 Heaps, Alice-73, 126 Heaps, Gloria-56, 110, 123, 126 Heaps, Melvyn-56, 136, 144 Heaps, Vernon-73 Heaps, Virginia-73 Heinecke, Kathryn-56, 149 Heinecke, Mike-56, 109, 144 Heinecke, Sonja- 38, 112 Heki, lna-73 Hendricksen, Jerry-38 Hendricksen, Gayle-73, 100, 115, 151 Henson,Lynn--73, 126,156 Hernandes, Martha-56 Heuser, Fred-38, 86 Hill, Catherine-73 Hill, Martha-56 Hill, Pat-74 Hirsch, Pat-74, 87 Hirst, Laraine-74

G Gadd, Lynn--72,87 Gailey, }oyce-72, 126 Gallegos, Richard-24, 72 Gallegos, Rodney-36, 118 Gnmcnga~co, Carolyn-72, 126 Gao., Mlchacl-28, 36, 109, 113, 117, 152 Gardner, Jerrv-36, 113, 147 Gardner, Linda-36, 112, 125, 127 Garfield, Deone-72, 90, 126 Garn, Ray-55 Gaufin, Lynn-28, 29, 72, 103, 105, 134. 136 Gedge, Rinda--36, 112 Gee, Carolyn-55, 87, 121 Gehring, Tanet-55 Gehring, Shirlee-36, 108, 125, 126, 130 Giaquc, Gcrald-72, 86, 89 Gilbert, Eunicc-36, 112

Giles, Foreu-72 Giles, Mary Lou-73 Glad, David-37, 109. 118 Glad, R•v-73, 74. 118, 146 Glenn, Bonnie-37, 109 Glines, Patsy-3 7, 112 Glover, Carol-73, liS Glover, David-73 Glover, Robert-73


Hoffman, Sharlene-30, 38, 125, 127 Hoffman, Bill-74 Hogan, Carolyn-39, 109 Hogensen, Brent-56, 146 Holman, David-74, 106, 134 Holt, David-56 Holt, Leslie-74, 144 Holt, Marcia-56, 110 Holt, Vere-38, 109, 134, 136, 137 Hone, Shirl-38 Houmand, Jim-74, 134 Howard, Ilene-74, 148 Howlett, Gary-28, 38, 109, 117, 139, 140, 141, 156 Howlett, Grant-74, 105, 114 Hut;~n, )eneane-56, 99, 120, Huff, Kay-56,113,117 Hughes, Kent-38, 97 Hughes, Nancy-56, 100, 108, 111, 120, 126, 159 Hughes, Richard-74 Huish, Jerry-74, 87, 134, 136, 147 Huish, Joan-74 Hulensky, Delores-56 Humes, Darrell-38 Humphrey, Dennis-56 Humphrey, Shirley-74 Hunter, Lynn-74 Hurst, Grant-56, 86, 91, 100 Hutchings, Gary-56 Hutchings, Gayle-56, 121 Hutchings, Deon-56 Hutchings, Larry-38 Hutchinson, Jerry-38, 86, 89, 104, 117, 156

lhle, Nancy-74, 121, 126 Ingersoll, Glade-74, 86, 89, 117

acobson, Brent-74, 118 Cardell-74, 86, 136 Jacob•on, aobson, Carlin-56, 90


acob.son, Leora-56 ames, Judy-74 James, Jerry-74 Janssen, Raymond-74 Jardine, Kenneth-56, 109, 136 Jardine, Kurt-74 Jarman, Gayle-57 Javaine, Brent-74, 114, 134, 143, 144 Javaine, Mary Deann-57, 110, 126, 156, 159 Jenkins, Arlene-74, 78 Jenkins, Janice-74, 80, 103, 105, 114, 124, 156 Jenkins, Jay-39 Jenkins, Larry-39 Jenkins, Myrle-74 Jenkins, Norma-39, 112 Jenkins, Richard-S 7 Jenkins, Roland-39 Jensen, Arlene-57, 104,111, 114, 123, 126 Jensen, Barbara-38, 112 Jensen, Beverly-75 Jensen, David-75, 87, 105, 123, 147 Jensen, Diane-38, 95, 147 Jensen, Evelyn-38, 126 Jensen, Gayle-57, 104, 108, 111, 125, ISO Jensen, Gaylene-75 Jensen, John-57 Jensen, Leon-74, 75, 87, 109, 118 Jensen, Mardell-75 Jensen, Robert-29, 57, 86, 89, 156 Jensen, Rosemary-38, 100, 104, 105,108,111,114,115,120, 124 Jensen, Philip-57, 108 Jenson, Bill-38 Jenson, Dixie-75, 159 Jenson, Jimmy-75, 134, 136 Tenson, Neil-57, 106 Jeppson, Michael-74, 78, 143 Jex, Stanley-57, 134, 146 .Tolfs, Karl-75, 123 Johnson, Alden-57 Johnson, David--S 7, 142 Johnson, DeLoy-75 Johnson, Eileen-39, 101, 120, 122 Johnson, Glenn-39, 87 Johnson, James-57 Johnson, }ohn-75 Johnson, Keith-57 Johnson, Larry-75, 105 Johnson, Marilyn-75, 114 Johnson, Melvin-57 Johnson, Peggy-57, 89, 121, 126, 149, 159

Johnson, Reynold-57, 144 Johnson, Ronald-57, 86 Johnson, Stanley-39, 144 ohnston, Florence-57 ones, Arlene-75, 87 ones, Carole-57 ones, Clifford-57, 87, 144 Jones, Gary-57, 133 Jones, Jeannene-39 Jones, i<athi-39, 126 ones, Linda-57 ones, Marla-57, 126 ones, Darlene-57 ones, Myrtle Rae-57 Jones, Shirleen-39 Joseph, Jeffery-58, 113, 133 Julander, Brent-75 , 86 Julian, Gary-39



K Kasal, Nedra-58, 107, 108, 111, 115, 121 KearsleJ, Blaine-75 Keeler, obn-58, 123 Keller, an-75, 105, 121 Kemp, Lynn-75 Kemp, Jimmy-58, 109 Kemp, Phillip-75, 134, 142, 144 Kemp, Fred-75 Kemp, Shana-75 Kidd, Del-58, 138, 140, 141, 142 Kldd, Gary-39 Kidd, Jay-75 Kidd, Valerie-75 Kidder, Bill-75, 87, 147 Kiholm, Gene-39, 109, 138, 140, 141 Kimball, Dale-58 King, Donna-58 King, Leon-58 Kirby, Terry-39, 89 Kirk, Wanda-75 Klotovich , lvan-75 Klotovich, Mary Lynn-39, 92, 108, 112, 125 , 126 Koller, Roland-58, 113, 133, 136 Koncurat, Emmanuella-25 , 39, 90, 120, 121 Koncurat, Plerre-25 , 58 Konold, Davey-58 Koonce, Edgar-75 Kosovich, Vivian-75, 126 Krebs, George-7 5, 143 Kroon , Jim-58 Kunx, Jeanette-58, 96, 126 Kunx, JoAn-75 , 126, 150 Kurumada, Stephan-75 Kynaston, JoAnne-29 , 50, 58, 92, 104, 108, 111, 114, 124 L

Labrum, Nikki-28, 58, 87, 89, 104, 110, 11 .S, 124 Labrum, Terry-39, 109, 123 , 134 Lamb , Bill-75 Lamb, Tim-39 Lambson, Ilona-75 , 121 Lancaater, Shirlene-75 Landers, Darwin-58, 133 Landures, Chree-75, 114 Larsen , Judy-58 , 95, 104, 105 , 108, 111, 123, 126, 148, 159 Larsen, Kathlene-5~ Larsen, Linda--40, 92, 123 Larson, Charles-29, 40 Larson, Delpha-58, 119, 126 Larso n, Ellis-73 Larson, Paul-58, 89 Larson, Roger-58 , 109. 118 Larson, Russell-28, 40, 109, 112, 123, 144, 145 Lawson, Dale-24 , 40 Lawson, Jay-126 Leak , Kathleen-58 , 100, 110 Leatherwood , Bill-76, 86, 134, 136 Lee, Barbara-76, 105 , 115, 126 Lee, Shirley-40 LeFevre, Gary-28, 40, 109 LeFevre, }anice--40, 112 LeFevere, Maris-40, 114 LeFevre, Ronny-58, 133, 136 Lehmitx, Shirley-112 Lennberg,S haron-58,126 , 148 Leonard, Karen-76, 126 Le•sley, Emmett--40, 144 Lessley, Frank--40 , 144 Lester, Vern-58, 113, 117 Leoter, Vicki--40, 103 , 104, 111, 115,120,126 Levine, Lols -76 Lewis, Larry--40 Leyba, Viola--40 Lindsay, Van-27, 28, 40, 104, 113,117,123, 124.150 Linnarx , }eanette--40, 110, 114 , 156 Lloyd , Doris-58, Ill , 156

Milligan, Blayne--41 Mills, Michael-77, 134 Milne, Betty-60, 87 Milne, Nancy-60, 108, 111 Milne, Patrlcia-77, 114, 159 Miner, Henry-77, 87, 89, 105, 115 Minnick, Joe-60 Mithell, Blll-60, 116, 144, 145 Mitchell, Ken-60 Mitchell, Marcla--41, 102, 111, 115 Mitchell , Susan-60 Montague, Evelyn--60 Morales , Sylvia-121 Morelli, Kltty--42, 108, 112, 126 Morelli, Ronnie-77 Mori , Floyd--42, 109, 113, 117, 123,130,146, 150,154 Morrison , Diane-77, 115, 121 Morri so n, }ohn--41 Morrow, Gary-77 Morrow, Louis--42, 109, 111, 112, 119 Moroe, Bart-23 , 42 , 109, 135 Mortensen, Dellle-77, 134 Mortensen , Ida-28, 29, 41, 103, 104, 107, 121, 124, 126 Mortensen, Lowell-77 Moser, David--60 Moss, Lorrie--60 Mounteer, }ay-77, 134, 144 Mousley, Ann-112 Mou sley, Audrey-77, J21 Mousley, Bart--60 Muir, Ralph-42, 109, 132, 136, 137, 144, 145 Mumford, Dlanne--60 Mumford, Tom-77 Myers, Colleen--60

Lloyd, LeRoy-76 Lloyd, Loraine--40, 108, 110 Uoyd, Rall'h-58 Lloyd, ReNae-76 Lloyd , Phlllip-40 Lloyd, Sharlene-76 Loader, Geniel-76, 126 Lott, Karen-58, 119,12"6, 152 Lou lias, Kris-76, 86 Love, Larry-58 Lovendabl, Connie-58, 99, 108, 122, 149, 152, 159 Lovendahl, Judy-76 Lowmah, William-58 Lubline, Peggy-76 Lucero, Arthur-58 Ludwig_, Evan-58 Lund, Clark-76, 134, 136 Lund, Olean-58, 121, 123, 149, 159 Lund, Orlyn-58 Lundberg,~ck-76

Lundberg, oan-76, 159 Lundberg,_ yrna-59, 102, 126 Lunnen, Nola-59, 111, 121 Lunnen, Sharon-111, 121 Lynch, Tom-76 Lynch, Reta--40, 112, 119

M MacKay,Lynn-59,86,89 Maddocks, Je!fery-76, 136 Maddocks, Joan--40 Madsen, Andrew-76, 123, 134 136 Madsen, LaNette-76 Madsen, Mlriam-76 Madse n, Rosa lie--40, 108, 110, 114 Mahler, John-59 Mahler, Mary Ann--40 Malkos, Nick-59, 109, 135 Mangum, Earl-59, 89, 99, 1 I 4, 120,122 Mangum, Lawrcnce-40, 109, 136, 137 Mann, Patsy-40 Man nos, Jimmy-7 1. Marchant, Elaine-59, 104, 110, 123, I 26 Marchant, Bonnle-76, 87, 89, 127 Marchant, Jerry-59 Margem , Judy-76 Margetts, Bob-28, 40, 123, 136 M ark us, Lucille-59, 126, 148 Marlor, Janet-59, 91, 110 Marriott, David-59, 117 Martin, Arnold-59 M.arr:incz, Barbara-59 Martine:, Nadlne-76, 121 Mascaro, Angelo-76, 143 Mascaro, Dnnny-41 Maxfield, Gary-59 Maxfield, JeNeal-59 , 87, 110 Maxfield, usan-59 Mabev, Sharon-76, 105, 114, 127 Maynard, Don--41, 136 Maynes, Donald-29 , 41, 116 McArthur, heron-76 McBride, Kay-76, 87 McBride, Gordon-89, 91 McCall, Lec-77 McClellan , Gordan-59 McCombs, Ruth-29 , 41 , 112 McDonald, lvan--41 McDonald, Lyle-59 McDonald, Tommy--41 McDougal , armi-77, 118 McDoug;.l, Wilbern-59, 86, 117, 118, 152 McHenry, Cn rl-77 McKinney, John--41 McManigal, Jerry-59 McMullin, Richard-59 McMullin, Kit-59 McNamara, Caroi--41, 114 , 115 Mecham, Evelyn-59, 120 Mecham , Laverl-59 Meek<r, Charon--41 Meeker, Dennh-77 Mcn.,cn, Edc-77 Meissn<r, Jerry-59 Mens en, Jucrgen--41 Merrick, Cnthy--41, 112 , I 19 Mertin, Oa rwin-23 , 25, 77 Mertln, Lollcta-23, 41 Michaelson, Dick-59 Michelsen, Luclllc--41 Michelsen, Maurlne--41 , 77 Miles, Oorothy---60, 110,121 , 126 Miles, Shcrwood-60, 90, 113 Mile•, Vin cent-77 , 90 Mill er, Mark--41, 109 , 1 I 7, 133 , 138, 140, 141 Miller, Monty-77 Miller, Shcrman-77 , ~6 Miller, Sherryn-60, I 09, 134 , 154,159 Millerbcrg, Diane--41, I I 0, 126

N Nabahe, Alfred-77, 118 Naylor, Frances--42 Naylor. Wallace--60, 133, 146 Nebeket, Vickle-77, 105, 108, 114 Necl, Reed--42 Nleloon, Kay--60 Nielson, Lnrry--60 Nell, Call--60 Nell,. Karen-77 Nelson, Ahon-28, 42, 89, 101, 108, 110 Nelson, Barbara--42 Nelson, Max--42, 91, 116 Nelson, Lynn--60 Nelson, unnlc-28 , 42, 93, 108 Nel•on, Marllyn--42 Nelson, Nedra--42, 86, 125 Ncl•on, Rohcrts-77, 117, 123, 146 Nemanlc, Eddic--60, 113 Neuffer, Kay-77, 127 Newbold, Ivy Mae--42 , 112 Newbold , LaRae-29, 42, 119 Newbold, Maur<cn--42 Newman. Brent-77 Newman, Davld-29, 77, 90, 123 Newman,~· mea-77 Newman, eff--42 Newman, oonyeen--42, 126 Nlchoh, Carolyn-28, 42, 123, 125, 127, 130 Ni chols, Mnrcia-29, 42 , 110 Nickle, Roland-77 Niehen, Dennls--60 Nielsen, Nadlnc--42, 94, 109, 112,115 , 119,120, 126 Nielsen, Richard--43, 113 , 123, 130, 146, 154, 158 Nielsen, Joan--42 Nielsen, Shnron-77 Ninomiya, Connie--60, 99, 108, 123,127 , 150,159 Ninomiya, Doug-77, 136 Nokeo, Corydon-77 Nokoo, Jeannlne--43 Noland, Wanda--60 Noland, Wcldon--43 Norton, Lynda-43. 112, 114. 125, 126 Nosack, Ke nneth--60, 14 7 Nunley, Alma--43. 112 Nu:man, Robcrt--43, I 16 Nystrnm, 1rcne-43, 100, 101, 101 , 104 . 108, II I, 115, 120

0 Oak ..on, J.a ck lyn-29 , 77, 149 Oakeson, Jcan-60 O'Keefe,Judith-77, 102, lOS,

li S

Old h. m, Leone--60, I 13 Oliver, Gall--60, 116 Oliver, Marjorle-78 Ohcn, horle•-25,43, 113 Olsen, llnton--60, 109, 131 Ohen, l)clore -78 Olsen, Jean~ttt-78, 119,126


Olsen, Linda-78, 90, 119, 126 Olson, Darrel--60 Olson, Donald--60 Ol~o i llene-60, 99, 110, 111 ,


Olson, }immy-78 Olson, JoAnn-78, 107, 108, 126, 159 Olson, Judy--60, Ill Olson, Kent--43 Olson, La Val--43 Olson, Unda-60 Olson, Mike-78, 123 Olson, Nell-78, 101 Olson, Peggy--60 Orgill, Gary-78, 91 Ortego, Rose mary-78, 123 Osborne, Marjie-78, 103, 105 1 115, 126 Ostler, ArLou--43, 112 Ostler, Connle-61 Ostler Joan-78 Ostfer, Raymond--61 Ottley, Barry--61, 118 Owens, Lcnore-78


Pacheco, Eli:abeth-112 Pacheco, Mary-78 Pack, Davld--61 Pack, Rnymond-78 Page, Gayle-62 Page, Gwen--43 Page, Jay_--61 Palmer, Barbarn-78 Palmer, David-78 Palmer, Kay--61 Palmer, Orln--61, 91, 116 Palmer, Roy--42, 136 Palmer, haron--43 Pando, Mury-78 Pappas, Pnul-78 Pappas, Xene--43 Parks, Carl-118 Parks, Jackle--43 Parks, i<.arcn-78 Parks, Karla-78 Parker, Bonnle-78 Parker, Don-61, 109 Parker, Edward-78 Parker, Jlmmy-24, 78 Parker, Montie--61 Parker, Nancy-1 I 2 Parker, Peggy-2 7, 28, 43 Parkin, Janlce-43, 121 Parkinson, Judy--61 Parks, arl-78 Parry, tanlce-78 Parry, onalee-61 Parry, aRae-78 Parry, Marllyn--44, 112 Parry, Ned-61 Parson s, Gcrald--61 Paskeu, Doris-79 Pntrlck , hnron--44, 119 Patteroon, Dennls-61, 118 Paul sen, Adele-79 , 126 Pnuben, Moureen-79 Pearson, Harold-61, 93 Pearso n, Jerrf--44. 118 Pearso n, Mar an--44, 119, 152 Pearson, Mllo--44. 86, 89, 90, 113, 117, 120, 121 Pedersen, JoAnn-20, 61, 99 , !22, 127 Pedersen, Verl--61 Pedro , Dolores--6 1, 90, 99, 111. lZO, 121 Perelle, }ohn--61 Perkins, Florence--61, 127 Perry, Mlchael-61 Perry, haron-61 Peters, Donna--44 Peterse n, nennls-61 Petersen , ~oan-79 , I 26 Petersen , oseph--44 Petersen, at-61 Petersen, Robert-79, 93 Petersen, Vnl-79, 86, 93 Pecerson, Ann--61. 99. 104, t23 Pettroon, Annette-104 , 126 l'orerson , Brent-79. 123 Peterson , Carm lla-79 Peterson , harlene--44, 119 Petcrsnn , Clara Mac--61, 99, 120, 122 Peterson, Llnda-79, 102, tOS, 115 , I 59 Pettrson , Margaret--44 Peterson, Marlon--44 Peterso n, Rlchard-62, 116 Pierton, onnle-62, 111, 127, 148 Plxton, Ardls-44, 123 Plattner, Mlke--44, 123 Player, Eva-79, 86, 105, 126 Plumhof, Ray-62,116,147 Pollard, John--44 , I 17, 133. 139, 140, 141 Polllck, Johnny--44 , 91 Pollock , Blll--44, I 16

Polson, Jerry-62, 113 Polson, lrma-62 Poma, Bonnie-72, 79, 10S, 12 7 Pond, Eddic-44, S6, 89, 91, 109, 123, 144, 147 Poor, Laddie-44 Potter, Darryl-79 , S6, 144 Poulsen, Maurccn-72 Pralt, Glorla-79 Preston, Peggy-62, Ill, 120, 123, 126, 159 Price, Brent-62, 132, 144 Price, Byard-62, S7, S9, 116, 144 Price, Julianne-79, 105 Price, Sandra-62, 111 Proctor, Beth-44, lOS, 110, 112, 154, 159 Proisland, Larry-113

R Rabb, Mary-62 Radmall, Beth-44, 109, 111, 121 Rains, Edith-62, 120 Rardin, Patty-79, 127 Rasmussen, Craig-44, 109, 117, 121, 135, 139, 140 Rasmussen, Jennine-79, 121, 126 Rasmussen, Lane--62 Rasmussen, Ronald-2S, 44, 109,117,123,139,140,147 Rasmussen, Sharin-79, 147 Rasmussen, Gny-25, 44 Rathjen, Randall-62, 104, 124 Rawson, Harold-44, 123, 147 Rawson, Joan-20, 62, 122, 123 Rawson, Mary Lou-7S, 79, 115, 127 Read, Donald-62 Read, Evelyn-22, 79, 105, 119, 126 Reading, Weston-44, 112, 113 Reed, Pat-62, I 08, 110, 126 Reich, Davld-79 Reich, Clenn-79 Reich, Hyrum-45 Reynolds , Billy-62 Rials, Darlene-79, 159 Ribera, Ralph-62 Richards, Ann-29, 62, 99, 104, I 08, 111 , 120, 126 Richards, Dorene-45, 91, 94,


Richards, Janace-62, 110, 126 Richardson, Linda-79 Richens, Anna-79 RobertS, ]udy-79, 114, 159 Robertoon, Joyce-62, 100, 109, 148 Robis, Mark-79 Robioon, Llnda-79, 90, 114 , 126 Rodda, Darlcne-62 Roden, )anec-45 Rogcrl, Walter-45 Rollins, Annette-79, 114, 115 , 126 Romero, Mnrcla-4>;, 112 Romney , Gladyo-29, 79 Romney, Wanda-45, ll9 Roos, Doris-29, 45, 96 Roper, Eugene-79 Hoper, Hnpheall:•--45, 112 Hoonlea, Tcresa-62 nos nh. n, Harold-79 Ro8e nhon, l'hilllp--79, I 06, 134, 142 Hou, Deonne-45 Rou, Enrl-118 Ro88, Ml chale-79, 87, 123 Ro•• · Cae-44 Rothe, Ralph-44, 109, 118 Rowley, Shlrlene-62 Rowley, Carolyn-62 nueckerc, Frank-62, 112, 113 Ruasell , Karma--45, 99 RyRn, Donna-45

s obey, Wavne-45, 99, 104, 113, 117, 120, 122,124, 147 Sadler, Mavlo-79 'age r, Pnul-28, 62 nibnra, Darbnra-80 aldivar, Clorla-45, 112 aldivar, Jullnn-45 aldivar, Marcei-7Q Sampson, ra.,l-80, 136 nntaroln, Maric--62 Sn ntiJtevan, Su8an-70, 80, 91, 108,114,159 Manders. olleen--45, lOS, 112 Savn"e, Martha-62 Saville, Uonell-80 Schmidc, David-45 Schmidt, L.trry-80 , 86 chmldt, Hnlph-62 chncider, Russell--46, 99, 113 , 117,121,122

Schouten, Pat--46 Schouten, Hobert-46 Scor:tato, Victor--62, 115 Scott, Elaine-46 Searle, Bonnie-SO Searle, David-SO Searle, LeRoy-SO earle, Robert-SO, 134, 142 Scrassio, James-SO Setterberg, Carol-SO, 100 Sharp, Mary Ann-SO Sharp, Carolyn-62, 119 haw, Franceii-SO haw, Brent-SO hepherd, Maureen-46, 95, 100, 101,110,120 Sheppick, Gay-62, 10S, 14S heriff, Renon-SO Sheriff, John-62 hi e lds, Janice-SO, 126 Shields, Karen-21, 46, 119, 152 hipp, Charles-SO, S6 Shulsen, Betty-63, Ill, 121 hulsen, Joan-63 Silox, Francine-SO ilcox, Cary-63 Silcox, Karen-SO ilcox, LeRoy-SO Silcox, Marilyn-SO Simonson, Cayle-63 imonson , Duane-SO Sl.ner, Judy Rae-46, 112 lotte, Fronces-63, 99,120, 121 , 122 marc, Kenny-SO, 134, 144 marc, Linda-63, 111, 123, 159 mith, Carol Lee-S1, 159 Smith, Charles-S1 Smith, Dennis-63, 109, 136 Smith, Diane-63, 111 m1ch , Dixlc-46, 112 Smith, Gene-46 mlch, Helene-SO, 159 Smith, Jacqueline-63, 150 mith, jane-81 Smich, ean-63, 10S mith, oann-SO, 91, 126, 159 Smich, Le• lle--46 Smith, lois-80, 114, 115 Smith, LouAnn-SO Smich, Marla-S1, 10S, 126 Smich, Michael-63 Smich, Pac-63 Smith, andra-S1 Smith, haron-63, 110, 119, 120,127 Smith, Shella-46 Smith, Val-63, 139,140,141, 142 Smith, Vlrglnla-46 Sn11rr, Kendall-63 Soper, Penny-81 Sorensen, Marcia-63 , 111, 119, 120 oren sen, Melva-25, 46, 8 7 Sorensen, Sharon-81 Sorlch, Jack-S! , 142, 146 pencer, Elnine-81 Spencer, Jean-63 pratling, Rick-81 , 90, 102, 114 Soaker, Gary-63 Stan, ranle~y-S1, 90 teadman, Colleen--46 ceadmon, Dale-S!, I 18 teadman. Della-46 , 110, 112 Steadman, !ack-63 Steadman, Lynn-63 Sceadmnn, Nancy-81, 126, 159 Sce<d, Allcn-63, S9 tccle, Betty Lou-46, 112 Sceele, Michael-S! ceffensen, Lynn-63, 117, 121, 123 celnfeldt, Alida-81 Scclllng, Mlchael-46, 135 cepan , Keith-29 , 30, 46 , 109. 112.113,117,139,140, 141 Stepan, J:ancc-29 , 63, 97, lOS, 111. 120, 126, !59 Stephens, Don-81 , 133,146 Sceven , Jay-63, 87, 100, 103 , 104. 117 ,120, 133 , 136,147, 160 Stevens, Bryan~), 123 Scevens, Reed-63, 144 , tevcns, Roherc-81 Srevenson, Roger-46, 86, 89, 94.113.117,123 Scocking. ue-SI, 126 Scocker, Elsie- 1 Stolt, Stanley-S1 crebel, Ru ssc ll-46, 116 cromberg, Larry-46, liS trombcrg, Richard-64 Stuart, Linda-64, S6, 91 tuarc, Roy-46, 89, 113, 117, 121, 126 tubbcrc , Pcggy-S1, 115 undberg, Myrlce n-64, 99, 110, 120, 121 ' 122 Su~iyama, Mariko-81, 126 ''ascy, Annenc-46, 114, 119 Swtnson, Ruth-S I , 126 wenson, haron-26 , 46, 94 .

95,103, 10S, 123,125,130 Sybrowsky, Dennis-S1, S6 ylvester, Renee-81

T Taggart, laDaun-20, 47, 10S, 127 Talbot, Gwen-4 7 Tanner, Connie-81 Taylor, Russell-S!, 134, 147 Taylor, Karen-64 Taylor, Kathy-S1, 127 Taylor, haron-64, 99, 104, 110, 120, 122, 125 Tea, hcrry-64, S6, S7, 99 Tennant, Lee---64 Tennyson, Carole Sue-64, 108, 120, 121, 123, 126, 159 Terry, Michaei-S1 Terry, Joel-64 Terry, Sandra Lee-81, 109 Tester, Judy-S1 Tester, Paul-81 Thacker, Clive-64 Thaxton, Ted-4 7 Thayne, Bruce-47 Thayne, Judy-S1 Thomas, Barbara-64, 102, 110, 126 Thomas, Dalene-4 7 Thomas, John-91 Thomas, Joyce-Sl Thoma•, Dick-7S, S1 Thompson, Doug-S2, 134 Thompson, Fred-SI , 134 Thompson , ReNee-47, 10S, 112 Thomson, Elna---{i4, 86, 90, 110 Thorn, Dennis-136 Thornton, Sandle-SZ Thorum, David-64, 109, 146 Thun, Curtis---{i4 Tibberts, Steven-24, 82 Timothy, Doyle-64 Todd, Eddie-S2 Tolman,Tcd---{i4, 113 , 117, 133 Tranter, David-82, 134, 136 Trapp, Dale-S2, 134, 136 Trapp, Cale-S2, 134, 136 Trapp, Richard-109, 134 Tripp, Arva-S2, 126 Tripp, Jack--4 7 Troester, Glenn-82 Tucker, Claude-11S Tucker, Sharen--4 7 Tufts, Morris--116, Turner, Dick-47 Turner, Russeli-4 7 Turner, Karen--4 7 Turner, Louisc-82 Turner, ReNee-82 Tuttle, LaPriel-64 , 110, 120 123, 126, 14S, 159

u Usher, Arlene-4 7

v Valtnwela, Ramona-64 Van Dam , Gregory-64 Vanderhooft, Aty-64, 104, 10S, 115, 120, 126 Vnranakis, Ceorge-47, 109, 112, 131, 146 Varanakis, Klea-S2, 108, 119, 126 Vaughan, Lois-S2, 127 Vawdrey, Howard-47 Vawdrey, Irma Rae-4 7, 111, 121 VeSt, Nathan-S2 Vicchrilli, Jeanette-S2 Vicchrilli, Luella-47 Vigil, Jcrry-S2 Vi~il. Lloyd-S2 Villalobas, Rachael---{i4 Vincent, Brent-64 Vincent, LaRae-S2, I 14 Visser, Evah-47, 110 Visser, Gayle-64, 111, 119 Vordos, Harold-24, 47 Voyce, Kendall-41, 86, 89. 117, 144. 145 Vunder, Maxine--64, 111, 123 , 126

w VVade,Joan-29,64,91, 122, 123 Wagstaff, Ann Marie-48, 160 Waiker, teven-82 Walker, Kent-66 Walker, CoDele--4S \Valker, Colleen-S2, 119 \Valker, David-4S , 116 Walker, Jimmie-S2 Walker, John-S2 Walker, Kay-S2 Walker, Kenc-82 , 134, 143 Walker, Pat-20, 47, 112


Walker, Stephen-S2 Walker, Steven-123 Wallgren, Dianne-S2 Wallgren, Von-64 Walles, Beverly--4S Wallin, Deanna--4S, 114 Wallin, Joyce-64, 110 Wallin, Linda-S2 WalterS, Eldwin-64 Walters, Lorraine-83 Walters, Joe-23, 48 Walters, Michael-S3 Wanlass, Tony-64, 113 Wardle, Dee-S3 Wardle, Clare--48, 113, 117, 144 Wardle, Roberr-83 Washburn, Jimmy-2S, 4S Watterson, Judy-64, 110, 115, 121 , 126 Wam,Joyce-83 WattS, Mary-2S , 4S, 92, 110, 126, 156 Wam, Richard-64, 116, 133 Webb, Barbara-S3, 90 Webb , Claudia--48 Webb, David-83, 134 VVebb,Eugene-S3, 134,144, 145 Webb, Gale--4S, 10S, 111, 123, 150 Webb, Allan-4S , 113 VVebb,Joan-S3, 126 VVebb,LaVVanna---{i4, 110 Webb, Tamra-64, 110 Weber, Eldon-64 WebSter, Gary-64 Webscer, Jane-65, 149 Webster, Karen-83 Webster, Margarett-65 Webscer, Marjorie-65 Webster, Sharon-4S, 112, 119 Welch, Douglass-65 Welch, Pamela-65, 110 Wells, Maurice-2S, 4S, 100, 101,104,113,117,124,136, 137 Wennerstrom, Karen-83 West, Gregory-65, S7, 117, 133 West, Peggy-65 Wetsel, Georgie-4S Whcadon, Dale--4S Wheadon , JoAnn-65, 14S Whetman, Paul-65 White, Sandra-49, 92, 103, 104, 123 , 124, 15S White, Stephen-65 Whitlock, EIRay-65 Whittle, Dennis-S3 Wilkinson, Mary Lee--49 Williams, Clyde---{i5, 109, 134, 136, 137, 144, 145 Williams, Dawson-65 Williams, Howard-S3 Williams, umes-49 Williams, ane-82, S3 Williams, avis--65 \Villiams, Merle-83 Williams, Robcrt-24, S3 Wilson, Dennis-49, 99, 113, 120,122 Wilson, Mary-65 Winberg, Ross-65 Winger, Gary-S3, S7 Winger, Grant-83 Wingett, Janice-22, S4, 159 Withers, Dot-65, 149 Withers, Leab-49 Witt, Loretta-30, 49, 110, 111, 112 Wood , Cail-83, 136 Wood, James-S3, 134 Wood, Kay-S3, 115 Wood, Larry-S3 Woodward, Dennis-29, 49, 109, 133, 136, 137, 144 Workman, Janct-S3, 119 Workman, Jay-29, 49 Workman, Shauna-65, 110 Worthington, Larry-65, 116 Wright, Dennis-83 Wright, Linda-S3, 126

y Yasukochi, Raymond-29, 49, 106. 109, 113 , 117, 134, 146 Yates, John-24, S3 Yengigch, Ethyl-S3

z Zabriskie, Carl-49 Zabriskie, Dennis-123 Zafft, Judy-49, 1 I 5, 120 Za.garich, lrene-65 Zaiser, Sandra--65, 159 Zdunich, Richard-S3, S7, 134, 143 Ziuing, David-83, I 1S Zitting, Cordon-49, 118 Zitting, Joseph-49 , 109, 1 I 8 Zining, Ruch-65, 119,159 Zrno, Helen-83 , S6, 123 , 126

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