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Jordan High School Sandy, Utah Editor: Lawain Adams Assistant Editor: JoAn Kunz Advisor: Mr. 0 . L, Savage Printer: Paragon Press
An old tradition of the Jordan 8 etdigg rs is building a future on th e pa st. Th e B ~!diggers look forward lo many years of success .
what we did
Constituting two of the most Important activities the Jordan High School stud nts participated in was going to and from school a ch day .
One of the more educational classes taught at Jordan is ceramics . Displaying their artistic tal e nts are Sherry Tea and Myrna Lundberg .
Our future, one of the most desire.expressing phroses of the English longuoge. Whot is the future? l'he future Is you.
our future
We are all shaped by the cla ses and activitie we part1c1~ pated in while attending cho I at Jordan High. Our reserved respect gave way to str ngcr fc lings of appreciati n and trust~ ing confidence to teachers, teaching a wide variety of classes, offering a sound f undnti n f r many imp rt:rnt field of work. In this day and age r ckets and putnik fill th front pages of our newspapers, and education is the m st imp rtant thing to be obtained . We hold our future in our hands; it is shaped by our hard work, and will harve t rich reward .
One looking down from up above would most likely have a view of Jordan High School meet their eyes. The photograph on this page shows us an efficacious picture of the school we love so well. Taken from overhead it shows the tableau seen by the angels as they look down upon us from on high to guide us through our school days. The toils and labors of school life were compensated for by climatic joys that were brought to us through the same origin plus a bit of assistance by our unseen protectors of above. The guardian angels have helped us find the elations of school life, we couldn't have done without.
In years past it became quire evident that more than readin', writing, and arithmetic were needed to make Johnny a good scholar, so the numerous activities and social events were added to his school day. Today there are a multitudinous amount of things that constitute a school day. Fulfilling the chain reaction of events, the students often went from one extreme to another. Many times, a day would begin in the sombre subtleties of the class room and end in the excitement and noise of one of the many different activities.
Much suttess has begun in the Industrial Arts classes,
Registering many of the different types of emotions at a football game a"' some of the more active members of the Jordan High School Student Body. Many times with aching throats, strained voices, breaking hearts, and streaming eyes we cheered our teams on whether in defeat or in victory. The cheerleaders, backed by the Jordan High School Beetdiggers cheered our teams on with much enthusiasm and spirit.
Many years from now, while remm1scmg, we will always be proud of the fact that while we were in high school, we could be recognized as one of the members of the Jordan High School Family. The Jordan High Administration was given the executive power of administerii:ig the Jordan School District policies to the faculty and students. Some of us will become "famous" and will long be remembered by our classmates for our activities, our pulchritude, our untiring initiative, our scholastic success, and our athletic prowess.
This new addition to our school will be ready and waiting for the students of '59.
A guiding lamppost toward better education.
The Jordan _......,,.,,.... .......,
Although at times it seems unrewarding, teaching high school has its joys. Striving to increase our knowledge the administration and faculty endeavor to lead us over the rough road to success and happiness. As each year another Senior Class graduates, they take with them a part of Jordan High School and leave behind a great amount of themselves. At this time all may feel self-esteem. Undertaking to make this yearbook a scrapbook of memories the staff of the 1958 Beetdigger chose the theme of, Heaven Only Knows. The fascination of the world above and beyond has been the inspiration behind our theme. Regardless of the extent of your search, you will never find an end to the magic of the heavens. May the happy moments you share through these pages also never cease.
School District Administration helps in keeping things running smoothly.
Bill Adams Midvale Karen Adams Sandy Rex Ainsworth
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Bob Akagi Draper Ray Akagi Draper Karen Allgood Midvale
De tined for success, the littlest angels of Jordan High entered the Jordan doors. Although conspicuous those first few weeks, by the time Initiation Day was past we were honesHo;goodness beetdiggers and members of this house of tradition. With the new ad; ventures f High School, came our Sophomore Party, Year Book Day, "J" Day, and finally the day when we turned in our books and boarded the bus, overwhelmed with joy, for we had been the happy;go;lucky Sophomores; the proudest little angels. James Allen Unian
Susan Anderberg Sandy
Arion Anderson Sandy
Karen Anderson Draper
Marilyn Anderson Midvale
Nadean Anderson Draper
Rae Anderson Midvale
Paul Anderson Sandy
Louise Andrus Butler
Gloria Archibald Sandy
Blaine Astle Sandy
Linda Astorga Midvale
Robert Augason Midvale
Marilyn Bagley Midvale
Carol Baker
Janet Balich Midvale
Douglas Ballard Draper
Kathleen Ballard
Rachel Ballard Draper
Patricia Barnes Midvale
Nick Bapis Midvole
Joe Barney Sandy
Blaine Bateman Sandy
Lyle Bawden Sandy
Judy Bean Butler
Joyce Bedont Midvale
Sharon Beckstead Sandy
Hollarae Belcher Midvale
Stanley Bell Sandy
Barry Bendixon Union
Midge Benson Midvale
Geniel Beckstead Sandy LeRoy Berrell Union
Sophomores 0
Kenneth Bess Midvale
Roger Bianchi Midvale
Barbaro Bill Butler
Lynette Bird Union
Judith Bishop Sandy
Tom Blair Butler
Elizabeth Blacket Midvale
Carol Blair Butler
Robert Blomquist Midvale
David Bluemel Union
Laraine Bolliger Sandy
David Bollschweiler Butler
Kirk Boulden Sandy
Russell Boyce Butler
Jimmy Brady Murray
Lynne Brady Sandy
Jimmy Brennan Midvale
Judith Brimhall Draper
Wayne Brirnhall Midvale
Newell Bringhurs Midvale
Ann Brown Midvale Allen Brown Midvale
Brown Butler
Gene Brown Midvale
Karen Brown Midvale
Mr. Casper, our boys counselor, is known and loved by all boys of this school. Whenever you have a problem , drop in and talk it over with me, he invites.
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Vicki Burgon Midvale
Sharon Brown Midvale
Julia Burrows Sandy Boyd Canning Midvale
Sandra Buckley Sandy
Karen Buhler Midvale
Garth Burgon Union
Byron Burr Union
Judy Burke Midvale
Carnes Burson Sandy
Richard Butler Butler
Linda Caldwell Midvale
Dannie Cameron Draper
Ronnie Campbell Sandy
Alice Carlson Draper
Carrie lee Carpenter Sandy
Leslie Carrol\ Draper
Catherine Carson Sandy
Judy Carson Sandy
Kathryn Carson Sandy
Betty Cowdell Midvale
,J1r路~~{ffffi Connie Cowdell Sandy
Claudio Chamberlin Sandy
Stens Chri stiansen Granite
Deon Chidester Sandy
Darlene Christensen Midvale
Scott Collins Butl e r
Bill Collett Midvale
Kooren Cook Sandy
Joy Coons Midvale
Anthony Costanzo Drape r
Dorine Cox Crescent
Maurice Crone Sandy
Kaye Clement! Midvale Richard Crowfot Midvale
Sophomores 111\ ;...t.-c. ...
Carroll Cressol Sonlly
Rolph Crossgrove Drape r
Brion Curtis Murray
Denni s Dahl Sandy
Margare t Dahl Midvale
Michell De ~ ~y
Kitty Degeus Midvale
Louie Deluco Midvale
Gloria DeGroot Midva le
Richard Densley Midval e
Ronald De nsle y Drape r
Shirl e y Den sle y Midval e
Doyle Despain Butle r
Terry Despain Sandy
Weston Despain Granite
Mike Despain Gran ite
Tom Despain Sandy
De lla Moe Dibb Drape r
Dick Dill e
Sarah Douglas Midvale
JoAnn Dunn Midvale
(aaren Farnsworth Sandy Dan Flores Midvale
Barbara Erekson Butler
Richard Erben Sandy
Elaine Erekson Butler
Linda Erickson Sandy
Lynn Erickson Union
Charleen Estepp Midvale
LeRoy Farnsworth Sandy
Mona Fife Midvale
Craig Finlayson Sandy
Beverly Fisher Midvale
Mike Fitzgerald
Janis Forbush Sandy
Mary Lee Frampton Sandy
Judy Francom Midvale
Diann Frear Sandy
Bryon Fredrickson Holladay
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Janet Freeman S-0.,..... C~
,. George Frkovich Midvale
Phil Fredrickson Sandy
Herbert Funderfurk Murray
Glen Gabler Granite
Douglas Gadd Midvale
Marcia Gadd Midvale
Marie Gardner Midvale
Sheila Gadd Midvale
Joan Garfield Draper
Jon Gilbert Midvale
Sondra Gilbert Sandy
Dennis Glover Midvale
Blaine Goff Sandy
Michelle Grane Butler
David Gonzales Midvale
Peggy Graham Midvale
Mike Grane Butler
Douglas Gray Butl er
Jay Green Midvale
Judy Greenhalgh Midvale
Patricia Green Midvale
Bruce Hansen Sandy
Dale Hansen Sandy
Dee Hardman Midvale
Lynn Hardman Midvale
Kenneth Harpel Midvale
Marcia Haws Midâ&#x20AC;˘ale
Steven Heaps Union
Maxine Hastinl Midvale
Bruce Hansen Midvale Richard Harris Midvale
Gu.;derson Sandy
rone Harrison
Jerry Hartman Midvale
Kent Hoffman Draper
Marvin Henke Draper
Barbara Heki M idval e
Jerry Hinnen Butler
Jack Hill Sandy
Kent Hig'ham Midvale
Bill Homer Sandy
Lester Hone Midvale
Beverly Horrocks Midvale
Judy Houmand Midvale
Tiny Houweling Midvale
Joan Howell Draper
Dennis Hutchings Midvale
Sharon Hughes Sandy
Mike Huston Draper
Jim Hutchings Midvale
Claudia Hyatt Sahdy
Mike lasella Midva le
Nor'"4Jacob Sa11tfy
Loreen Jacobson Sandy
Bruce Jacobson Sandy
Carl Jensen Butler
Carl Jackson Sandy
Linda Jenkinâ&#x20AC;˘ Midvale
Learning to make items of furniture and many oth er useful articles under the instruction of Mr. Seal, Dick Bench and Ken Jardine seem to be en joying themselves,
Slnnette Holder Midvale
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Yvonne Jam~ Sandy
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Carolyn Jenson Midvale
Gayle Jensen Midvale
Paul Jensen Midvale
Marlene Jenson Sandy
Mark Jeppson Union
Herbert Johanson Sandy
Dianne Johnson Sandy
Gary Johnsor: Midvale
Kathleen Johnson Sandy
Richard Johhson Midvale
Sheryl Johnson Midvale
Shirley Johnson Sandy
Byron Johnson l Midvale Ronald Johnso~ Sandy
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Jim Johnson Butler
Bonnie Jones Draper
Kathy Jones Midvale
Kay Jones Midvale
Lynn Jones Sandy
Dan Julio Midvale
Monty Kemp Midvale
Peter Karaglanis Midvale
Lloyd Kay Butler
Bob Keeler Draper
Coleen Kemp Crescent
Delores Kemp
Susan Kemp Sandy
Linda Kesler Sandy
Jim Kiholm Midvale
Grace Kline Sandy
Anita Krizman Midvale
Joe Kohnen Midvale
Sterling Kuramada Sandy
Toni Landures Sandy
Keith LaComb Midvale
Merlin Lambson M.idvale
Anita Larson Crescent
Pearl Landers Midvale
Jo Ellen Larsen Midvale
Carol Larson Sandy
Robert Larson Midvale
Mareah Larson Butler
Larry Latimer Sandy
Kenneth Lauritzen Midvale
Carol Leak Midvale
Clifford Leak Sandy
Carl Lindsay Midvale
Francis Lloyd Sandy
Linda Lether Midvale
Sue Ann Lloyd Draper
Bobby Lorrey Butler
Norbert Lopez Midvale
Terrill Loveless Butler
Jack Zupan Midvale
Marie Madsen Crescent
Dale Madsen Draper
Janet ii:d1s~~..,;:x. S=<ly
Douglas Mangum Midvale
Glen Malstrom Sandy
Lia Marda Midvale
Stanley Maynard Midvale
Mike McDonald Sandy
Joyce from Jay shoes.
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Patsy Mecham Sandy
Ronnie Osborne
Stephen Mellor Crescent
Robert Miller Midvale
Steven Millington Midvale
Judy Milne Midvale
Joe Mello Midvale
Carol Mickelsen Midvale
Tom Mellenthin Draper
Doris Mines Sandy
Judy Mlaker Midvale
Robert Monroe Sandy
Frank Montoya Midvale
Lester Moore Midvale
Clyde Morgan Sandy
Ruth Morse Butler
Rex Morrill Union
Shirley Mounleer Butler
Bryon Mumford Sandy
Gerold Nelson Sandy
Lynn Nielsen Midvale
Leah Jane Nelson Draper
Peter Nelson Sandy
Leon Nelson Butler
Linda Nichols Solt lake
Ruth Ann Nichols Sandy
Jerry Nickle Union
David Niltl Midvale '
Sonya Nickle Sandy
Shelia Norton Sandy
Diane N11rdgren Butler
Dixilee Oleen Crescent
Shirley Olson Midvale
Barbara Olson Midvale
James Mounlelei'" Sandy
Gayle Ostler Sandy
Larry Olson Midvale
Lyle Parker Sandy
Terry Orton Sandy
Clark Parker Sandy
Dixie Parkinson Crescent
Russell Parker Sandy
Jack Patrick Midvale
Rosemary Pasqual! Midvale
Mike Pavich Midvale
Raymond Patience Midvale
Louise Pedro Midvale
Glenna Peterson Midvale
Robert Peterson Butler
Janice Peterson Sandy
Sherry Pollick Midvale
Mary Plumhof Butler
Bruce Plott Salt Lake
Linda Place Butler
Connie Pierce
Bonnie Phelps Midvale
Shelby Pierce Draper
Carole Porter Midvale
Jean Potter Sandy
Kathie Priano Sandy
Paul Rains Midvale
Dennis Rasmussen Midvale
David Bollschweiler, Sonja Nickle, and Tom Mellenthint discover that the interesting way to do things isn't always the right way, even in an English class.
Uni an
Lucille Rasmussen Butler
LeRoy Ray Midvale
Dixie Reed Midvale
Vern Reading Midvale
Nan111ette Richards Sandy
Jerry Robinson Sandy
Ruth Ann Rodda Midvale
Stan Raden Midvale
Betsy Ross Salt Lake
Ronald Rees Draper
Diane Rose Butler
Eva Roubicek Midvale
Wally Rowsell Midvale
Sherry Ruekert Midvale
Howard Ross Midvale
Carol Rudy Butler
Richard Sabey Midvale
Esther Saldivar Midvale
Ardith Schaelllng Midvale
Kathleen Scott Sandy
Judy Schultz Butler
Shauna Seal Midvale
Jean Sharp Midvale
Sandra Shomaker Sandy
Leonard Sharp Midvale
Val Shrewsberry Sandy
Sheila Silcox Midvale
Janet Simonson Sandy
Becky Ann Sjoblom Draper
Jeanette Smart Union
Phil Smart Union
Wayne Smith Midvale
Theron Smith Draper
Sydney Smith Midvale
Byron Smith Sandy
Clayton Smith Midvale
Dolores Smith Midvale
Lorraine Smith Draper
Meril Lyn Smith
Mervyn Stauffer Union
Russell Smith Union
Diane Stevens
Ruth Steele Midvale
Diane Stone Draper
Margaret Strebel Sandy
Ben Tamura Murray
Gay Tallent Midvale
Jeanette Tapp Midvale
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Pictured above are Wally Naylor, Le Roy Searle, Lynn Ertman, Jimmy Walker, David lsquierdo, and Rachel Villalobos as they work in Jewelry Class.
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Richard Stott Midvale
Paul Spilker Butler
Janet Snarr Sandy
Johnny Swens Midvale
Jeanene Sylvester Draper
Linda Taggart
Margery Sylvester
Wilma Taylor Crescent
Larry Tea Union
Terry Teeples Sandy
Dee Ann Thac~r Sandy
~ Grace
Stock Draper
~ ~ Midvale
Beverly Thomas Midvale
Barbara Thomas 路 Midvale
James Trane Draper
Robert Tolman Sandy
Mike Wanless Midvale
Eddie Thompson Midvale
Hal Thorum Sandy
Dick Timothy Sandy
Janice Thompson Midvale
Merrill Toone Sandy
Richard Tripp Midvale
Stephen Tripp Midvale
Lelia Tsinigine Butler
Francine Tuft Draper
Nancy Tuttle Sandy
William Walsh Murray
Lynnette Walker Midvale
Myrna Walker Union
James Walles Butler
Margo Walters Sandy
Paul Walters Midvale
Julienne White Sandy
Ronnie Whipple Sandy
Anna Marie Whitlock Sandy
Nancy Whitlock Sandy
Jeanette Webb Midvale
Lynda Webb Midvale
Lee Webster Midvale
Dell Welch Midvale
James Wells Midvale
Johnny Wetsel Sandy
Marsha Wiens Sandy
Maurine Wilkinson Butler
Lo~l cox
Charles Wiiiiams Marlene Wilkinson .,.SOA<fy' ~ Butler
John Van Cott Butler
Applying different methods of study are: Joe Braclacy, Fred Buxton, Doug Thompson, Karen Silcox, Alice Bennett, Lorraine Walters, and Jeanine Rasmasson.
Milan Uremovlch Midvale
Val Vranes Midvale
Anita Voeltz Crescent
David Williams Butler
Leslie Witt Draper
Donna Wood Midvale
Wayne Woolsey Midvale
Gary Worthen Midvale
Jean Warthen Midvale
Richard Worthen Sandy
Mike Wright Midvale
Edward Wyl';f Crescent ,
Linda Yates Sandy
Mickey Yamashiro Midvale
Phillip Yorgason Midvale
Marlys Young Sandy
Vickie Young Sandy
John lilting Union
Mike Bullett
Jeanette Biiis
Shirley Gr. . nwood
Noel Ainsworth Sandy
Calvin Adams Sandy
Dorene Anderson Midvale
Leso Alsop Sandy
Larry Anderson Draper
Richard Anderson Draper
Robert Anderson Midvale
Va Layne Anderson Union
Dolores Archuleta Sandy
Van Anderson Union
Bob Armstrong Butler
S'heryl Ashman Midvale
With the in~between year of high school came many activities and social obligations. We sat back to watch the Sophomore Party and Senior Hop become history, while our hearts anticipated our Junior Prom. When the doors of Jordan were closed behind us, ending the 1957~58 school year, we left with happy memories and great anticipation for our Senior year.
Oralee A1tle Draper
Charles Allsop Draper
Dee Alldredge Midvale
Tauna Archuleta Sandy
Barbara Akers Sandy
Stanley Butler Midvale
Shirley Briggs Sandy
Bruce Beagley Sandy
Edwin Bishop Sandy
Sharon Brinton Union
Beverly Bennett Sandy
Judy Banks Sandy
Jay Brown Sandy
Gene Beck Draper 31
Emily Bastion Midvale
Don Bateman Sandy
Carol Beckstead Midvale
Joni Beckstead Draper
Donnette Bell Midvale
Julia Bell Sandy
Bart Bellon Sandy
Dick Bench Butler
Alice Bennett Midvale
Jill Benningfield Midvale
Lynn Benson Sandy
Ronald Bianchi Midvale
Delores Biggs Draper
Glenda Bigler Midvale
Jeanette Bills Sandy
Alice Boggess Midvale
Celia Boren Sandy
David Boggess Midvale
Judie Bas'h Midvale
Beverleen Breeze Sandy
Lexie Boyce Sandy
Barbara Boyle Butler
Shirley Briggs Sandy
Carolyn Brimhall Midvale
Ranee Brimhall Draper
Joe Brklacy Crescent
Ann Brady Sandy
Jerry Brady Murray
Wayne Broomhead
Kathryn Brown Sandy
Sharon Brown Sandy
Shirley Brown Sandy
Barbara Bulterfield Sandy
Judy Burns Midvale
Roy Butler Sandy
loMor Carlson Draper
Leslie Carpenter Sandy
Mory Campbell Sandy
Bill Carroll Sandy
Jim Cortwright Draper
LoRue Church Sandy
Bill Cose Sandy
Jock Clark Midvale
Gory Coe Midvale
Gory Colyar Midvale
Sylvia Conger Butler
:olleen Coons Midvale
Danny Covington Sandy
Rebekah Cowdell Sandy
Richard Cowley Sandy
Dennis Cox Midvale
Carol Cundick Sandy
Dennis Curtis Murray
lanette Curtis Murray
Charleen Cutler Midvale
Ronald Crane Draper
Michael Corbett Midvale
Pat Carrigan Midvale
Orval Darius Sandy
Wayne Cook Midvale
The good wishes of every student at Jordon High School are with you, Carole. We pray you will be bock with us again soon . Moy God bless you.
Lynn Gaufin Midvole
Jerry Giauque Midvale
Al Freeman Union
Mary Fleming Midvale
Dick Gallegos Sondy
Deon Garfield Droper
Joyce Galley Butler
Ray Glad Crescenl
Robert Glover Midvale
Ralph Goff Sondy
Kent Goodrich Sandy
Linda Gomei Midvale
Bob Gregory Midvale
Jomes Grow Midvale
Dick Guest Union
Nancy Ihle Butler
Glade Ingersoll Sandy
Betty Hancey Butler
Ronald Hansen Butler
Koren Hond Sandy
Borbora Hansen Sandy
Dennis Hordcostle Sandy
Allen Hardmon Midvale
Sondra Hardy Midvale
Steve Millington observes OS Mr. Keivnington instructs ond demonstrates the equitable use of the drill press in welding classes.
I_ -r Pot Hirsh Murray
Jim Houmand Midvale
Vernon Heaps Sandy
Ina Heki Midvale
Lynn Hensen Sandy
Pat Hill Draper
Cathy Hill Midvale
David Holmon Midvale
Leslie Holt
Grant Howlett Draper
Jerry Huish
Lynn Hunter Draper
Joan Huish Sandy
Gayle Hendrickson Sandy
Shirley Humphrey Draper
Richard Hughes Sandy
Glynda Jacobs Sandy
Cardell Jacobson Sandy
Jerry James Sandy
Arlene Jenkins Midvale
Brent Javalne Midvale
Janice Jenkins Sandy
Myrle Jenkins Midvale
Gaylene Jensen Midvale
Leon Jensen Draper
Mardell Jensen Sandy
Beverly Jensen Midvale
Jimmy Jenson Sandy
Mike Jeppson Midvale
Dixie Jenson Sandy
John Johnson Midvale
De Loy Johnson Crescent
Larry Johnson Midvale
Marilyn Johnson Midvale
Karl Joffs Midvale
Arlene Jones Midvale
Tamara Juretlch Butler
Brent Julander Butler
Blaine Kearsley Midvale
Jan Keller Midvale
Lyn Kemp Sandy
Phllllp Kemp Midvale
Fred Kemp Sandy
Shana Kemp Draper
Wanda Kirk Sandy
Melba Jo Kirkpatrick Butler
Edgar Koonce Sandy
Vivian Kosovlch Midvale
Steve Kuramada Sandy
George Krebs Murray
David Jenson , Sandy
Jo An Kunz Sandy
Ilona Lambson Midvale
Shirlene Lancaster Sandy
Ed Lane Sandy
Chree Landures Sandy
Ellis Larson Sandy
Billy Leatherwood Midvale
Gary Leatherwood Midvale
Karen Leonard Sandy
Georgia Leavitt Sandy
Sharlene Lloyd Sandy
Lois Levine Sandy
Genlel Loader Midvale
Kris Loullas Midvale
Peggy Lublin Draper
Sheron McAuthur Sandy
Terry Teeples and Anita Krizman are finding out just what makes a frog tick. Disecting is done every year in Mr. Soulier's class.
Joan Lundberg Midvale
Jack Lundbery Midva le
Charlotte MacGuffie Midvale
Bonnie Murchant Midvale
Angelo Mascaro Midvale
Miriam Madsen Midvale
Kay McBride Draper
Sandy McCrill Sandy
Dennis Meeker Sandy
Patricia Milne Sandy
Henry Miner Sandy
Edeltraut Menssen Granite
Sharon Mc:ibey Sandy
Jeffery Maddocks Midvale
Jimmy Mannos Midvale
Judy Margetts Sandy
Maurine Michelson Midvale
Vincent Miles Midvale
Monty Miller Midvale
Sherman Miller Midvale
Joe Montoya Midvale
Diane Morrison Midvale
Gary Morrow Sondy
Delila Mortensen Buller
Jay Mounleer Midvale
Vicki Nebeker Midvale
Bob Nelson Draper
Ray Neuffer Midvale
Linda Newbold Sandy
Roland Nickle Sandy
Doug Ninomya Midvale
Margie Oliver CreJCent
Dolores Olsen Butler
Jeanette Olsen Crescent
JoAnn Olson Sandy
Mike Olson Sandy
Linda Olson Butle r
Gary Orgill Draper
Rose Mary Orte911 Midvale
Margie Osborne Midvale
Raymond Pack Draper
Bonnie Parker Sandy
Edward Parker Midvale
Carl Parks Sandy
Jimmy Parker Sandy
LaRao Parry Midvale
Adelt Paulsen
Maureen Paulsen Butler
Linda Peteraon Buller
Pat Padcock
Bonnie Poma Draper Eva Player Midvale
Darryl Potter Midvale
Gloria Prall Draper
Darlene Rials Midvale
Jolene Rakich Midvale
Pally Hardin Midvale
Jeanine Rassmussen Sandy
Sharin Rasmussen Draper
David R ich Sandy
Mary Lou Rawson Draper
Evelyn Read Sandy
Glenn Roich Sandy
Linda Robison Midvale
Mark Robis Midvale
Annette Rollins Midvale
Harold Rosenhan Midvale
Eugene Roper Sandy
Phillip Rosenhan Midvale
Mavis Sadler Draper
Poul Sampson Crescent
Susan Sanisteven Midvale
Larry Schmidt Midvale
Linda Scorzato Midvale
Robert Searle Midvale
Ronald Johnson carefully tiptoes by Hall Guard Jeannine Rasmasson, as she pillows her tired head on American History.
\ Judy Roberta Midvale Mike Ross Midvale
Carol Setterburg Sondy
LeRoy Searle Midvole
David Searle Midvole
Mary Ann Sharp Midvole
Brent Shaw Midvole
Francell Shaw Midvole
Jonice Shields Midvole
Renon Sherriff Sondy
Charles Shipp Midvole
Koren Silcox Midvale
LeRoy Silcox Sondy
Marilyn Silc<>X Sondy
Duane Simonson Sandy
Kenny Smart Butler
Carol Lee Smith Draper
Charles Smith Sandy
Helene Smith Sandy
JoAnn Smith Midvole
Lois Smith Midvale
Lou Ann Smith Sandy
Sandro Smith Sandy
Penny Soper Sandy
Nancy Steodmon Sondy
Don Stephens Midvale
Robert Stevens Sondy
Elsie Stoker Midvale
Stan Stott Midvale
Peggy Stubbert Midvdle
Dennis Sybrowsky Midvole
Connie Tanner Midvole
Donna Taylor Sondy
Russell Taylor Sandy
Kothy Taylor Sandy
Michael Terry Midvale
Sondra Terry Draper
Judy Tester Sandy
Judy Thayne Butler
Paul Tester Midvale
Doug Thompson Midvale
Fred Thompson Midvale
Sandie Thornton Butler
Steve Tibbitts Butler
David Tranter Midvale
Morris Tufts Sandy
Arbo Tripp Sandy
RaNae Turner Midvale
Louise Turner Draper
Louis Vaughan Midvale
Kay Walker Midvale
Jimmie Walker Union
Kent Walker Murray
Step'hen Walker Union
Dianne Wallgren Sandy
Lorraine Walters Sandy
Linda Wallin Sandy
Joyce Watts Sandy
Mike Walters Sandy
David Webb Sandy
Joan Webb Midvale
Karen Wennerstrom Sandy
Eugene Webb Midvale
Grant Winger Sandy
Karen Webster Sandy
Merle Ann Williams Sandy
Kay Wood Midvale
Robert Williams Sandy
Nathan Vest Midvale
Larry Woad Union
Linda Wright Sandy
LaRae Vincent Sandy
John Yates Sandy
Helen Zrno Midvale
David Zitting Union
I Dennis Wright Sandy Loyde Vigil Butler
Richard Zdunich Midvale
Brenda Bateman
Judy Larson
A beam f clf~satisfacti n re ts up n ur face a ne hand h Id tight t the diploma and the other reverses the ta el n ur cap . W have b n d vot d m mbers of the Jordan High Sch l student b dy f r three year . Remembered m t will be our senior year, highlighted by the seni r h p, ur eni r party, and the eni r pr gr ssive; however, those are memories f the pa t, and n w we clutch ur hard~ arned diplomas, our passports to success.
"Happy Birthday ta you," sings Sandra Zaiser and Myrna Lundberg to Wanda Nolan, as she reaches her locker to find many birthday greetings. Maybe becoming of age isn't so bad after all .
Maxine Anderburg Sandy
lawain Adams Butl er
Tom Allen Midvale
Eldon Allgood Midvale
Claudine Baird Draper
Sandra Barney Un ion
Brenda Bateman Sandy
Kent Allsop Midvale
Anne Anderson Midvale
John Chamberlain Midvale
Patricia Clarke Draper
Karen Clements Sandy
Gayle Conger Butler
Eloise Cooke Riverton
Chris Costanza Draper
Roger Conti Midvale
Dale Cox Sandy
Jolene Cox Draper
Carol Crane Herriman
Sherron Creuall Midvale
Norval Crump Riverton
Kay Dean Union
Robert Day Draper
Bonnie Dâ&#x20AC;˘nsley Riverton
Jess Delgado Midvale
Marian Denison West Jordan
Raymond Dansie Draper
Evan Despain Granite
Caroline Dorious Sandy
Joe Douglas Midvale
Jerry Drake Draper
David Draper Midvale
Darrell Drew Midvale
Pat Duffin Draper
Gary Eckman Midvale
Grace Endo Midvale
Jerry Endo Midvale
Janice Ericksen Union
Larry Ethrington Butler
Denni • • W s <r•ckson Ost Jordan
Sharon Estepp Midvale
Ralph Eyre Sandy
Sharon Evans Granite
Forest Ewell Bluffdale
Harold Farnsworth Sandy
Phyllis Fechsir Midvale
Perry Fitxgerald Draper
Mary Louise Flores Midvale
Gary Fullmer Crescent
Raymond Garn Sandy
Carolyn Gee Draper
Stephen Gold Granite
Janet Gehring Murray
Clifford Goff Midvale
Carol Golesh Midvale
Elouise Gonxales West Jordan
lewis Goodrich Sandy
Russell Golberg Sandy
Willard Greene Draper
Karen Greenwood Midvole
Raymond Griffith Sandy
Marie Grimaud Midvale
Kent Grover Draper
Dallas Hakanson Butler
Gail Hamilton Riverton
Jannet Hamilton Riverton
Glenda Hardcastle Sandy
Joy Ham Midvale 48
Ruth Gustavenson Buller
Instructing Steven White in the art of making a round coffee table, Mr. Seal. This table is one of the many articles constructed by students in Mr. Seal's vocational wood-working classes.
l<orol Hardwick Midvale
Marvin Hardman Midvale
Ronnie Harrington Midvale
lee Harryman Midvale
Sherman Hatfield West Jordan
Melvin Hastings Sandy
Margie Hott Bluffdale
Kathy Hatton Midvale
Terry Haueter Butler
Carl Hawker Sandy
Gloria Heaps Union
Kathryn Heinecke Midvale
Gary Higham Midvale
Martha Hernandez Midvale
Mike Heinecke Midvale
Martha Hill Sandy
Marsha Holt South Jordan
Brent Hogenson Midvale
Jeaneane Hudson Midvale
Kay Huff Draper
Nancy Hughes Union
Grant Hurst Sandy
Gary Hutchings Riv路erton
Deon Hutchings South Jordon
Carlin Jacobson Sandy
Ke n Jardin e Ri verton
Le ora Jacobson Drape r
Dennis Jarvis Riverton
Ne il Je nson Sa ndy
Phillip Jensen Sandy
Ke ith John son Sandy
Me lvin Johnson Sandy
Midval e
David John son So uth Jordan
Robe rt Jensen Midval e
Stanl e y Jex Sandy
J , R. John son Midva le
"There's more to this than meets the eye." Concludes Grace Endo, and Shauna Workman, while conducting experiment in Mr. Budge' s third period class.
Peggy Johnson Butler
Reynold Johnson Crescent
Ronnie Johnson Union
Carole Jones Draper
Gary Jones Sandy
Darlene Jones Midvale
Marla Jones West Jordon
Jeffery Joseph Sandy
Myrtle Jones Draper
Nancy Kay Butler
John Keeler Droper
Nedra Kasai Draper
Del Kidd Midvale
Dale Kimball Draper
Dawna King Midvale
Duane Knight West Jordan
Jimmy Kemp Midvale
Koller Midvale
JoAnne Kynaston Sandy
Pierre Koncurat Draper
Davy Konald Sandy
Nikki Labrum Midvale
Darwin Landers Midvale
Judy Larsen Midvale
Kathleen Leak Sandy
Delpha Larson Sandy
Roger Larson Crescent
Ronald Lefever Midvale
Sharon Lennberg Midvale
Vern Lester Midvale
Dixie Lloyd Riverton
Myrtle Lipsey Sar>dy
Doris Loyd Riverton
Larry Love Midvale
Evan l~dwlg Union
Olean Lund Sandy
Orlyn Lund Sandy
Myrna Lundberg Sandy
Nola Lunnen Crescent
Nick Malkos West Jordon
Karen Lott Sandy
Lynn MacKay Sondy
Sharon Cressol and Joan Brown, two of Mr. Allens photographâ&#x20AC;˘ students have learned that there is more to this business of pictur taking than just snapping the shutter-they must have <>rder.
I Eorl Mangum Riverton
Gary Maxfield Midvale
Elaine Marchant Midvale
Jerry Marchant Midvale
lucelle Markus Midvale
Janet Marlor Midvale
Dan Marriot Sandy
Larry Matlt.ews Midvale
Je Neal Maxfield South Jordon
Susan Maxfield Sandy
Bob McCall Midvale
Gordan McClellan Midvale
I Wiiburn McDougal West Jordon
Dick Michaelson Midvale
Kit McMullin Riverton
Richard McMullln Midvale
Pat Mclachlan Butler
Sherryn Miller Midvale
Sherwood Miles Midvale
Betty Milne Union
Nancy Milne Union
Joe Minnick Draper
Dorothy Miles Draper
Susan Mitchell Bluffdale
Ken Mitchell Midvale
Evelyn Montague Midvale
Keith Morse Butler
David Moser Butler
Dianne Mumford Sandy
Kay Neilson West Jordan
Wallace Naylor South Jordan
Lyn Nelson Sandy
Gall Nell Midvale
Florence Neria Sandy
Eddie Nemanic Midvale
Dennis Nielson Sandy
Connie Ninamiya
Wanda Noland Midvale
Sherman Norris Sandy
Leon Oldham Sandy
Jean Oakeson South Jordan
Seniors 0 There are various ways to make Christmas package decoration demonstrateâ&#x20AC;˘ Mrs. Tranter and Miss Lee, as Miss ¡Milne and a ver attentive group of girls, observe with fascination.
Ilene Olson Sandy
David Pack Sandy
Raymond Ostler Sandy
Kay Palmer South Jordan
Judy Olson Midvale
Linda Olson Midvale
Peggy Olson Midvale
Connie Ostler South Jordan
Barry Ottley Sandy
Earl Owen Murray
Jay Page Riverton
Gayle Page
Orin Palmer West Jordan
Don Parker Draper
Judy Parkinson Crescent
Terry Lynn Palmer
Gerald Parsons Midvale
Janalee Parry Riverton
Dennis Patterson Riverton
Harold Pearson Midvale
Dolores Pedro Midvale
Joann Pederson Sandy
Mike Perry
Ned Parry Bluffdale
Ann Peterson Midvale
Clar(j Mae Petterson Sandy
Richard Petterson West Jordan
Florence Perkins Riverton
Jerry Polson Sandy
Brent Price Union
Peggy Preston Midvale
Connie Pierson
Sandra Price West Jardon
Gary Pickering Draper
Byard Price Union
Ray Plumhof Butl<!r
Edith Rains Midvale
Lane Rasmussen
Randall Rathjen Draper
Joan Rawson Uni an
Barbara Thomas, and many other Jordan High girls, decides that her problems aren't half as big when she has a wonderful girls ' counselor, like Mrs. Fitzgerald, lo gu ide her in solving them .
Janace Richards Sandy
Joyce Robertson 5.andy C-rt><< ..... t
Carolyn Rowley Union
Frank Rueckert Midvale
Linda Smart Sandy
Paul Sager Midvale
Ralph Sehmldt West Jordan
Victor Scorzato Midvale
Carolyn Sharp Midvale
Gay Sheppick South Jordan
John Sheriff Sandy
Frances Slolle Midvale
Betty Ann Shulsen West Jordan
Joan Shulsen
Gary Silcox Sandy
Gayle Simonsen Sandy
Diane Smith Crescent
Gary Staker Uni an
Val Smith Draper
Jean Smith Sandy
Dennis Smith Draper
Sharon Smith Draper
Jack Steadman Sandy
Lynn Steffensen Butler
Janet Stepan Midvale
Kendall Snarr Sandy
t Linda Stuart Midvale
Bryan Stevens Butler
Reed Stevens Crescent
Myrleen Sundberg Sandy
Sharon Taylor Riverton
Marcia Sorenson Draper
Elna Thomson Midvale
Jay Stevens West Jarden
Sherry Tea Union
Lee Tennett Midvale
Joel Terry Draper
Barbara Thomas Sandy
"I put my lipstick on with a flourish." Demonstrates Mavis Williams to Marla Jones. In the meantime, laurel Brown proceeds to polish off an apparently appetizing lunch-time snack.
David Thorum Sandy
Carole Tennyson Midvale
Curtis Thun Midvale
Ramona Valenzuela West Jordan
Gregory Van Dam Sandy
Aly Vanderhoof! Midvale
Gayle Visser Sandy
Rachael Vallalobas Midvale
Joyce Wallin Sandy
Ted Tolman Sandy
Tony Wanlass Midvale
Claude Tucker South Jordan
Richard Watts Sandy
Doyle Timothy Sandy
Joan Wade Butler
Judy Watterson Sandy
LaWanna Webb Midvale
Gary Webster Midvale
Jane Webster Midvale
Tamara Webb Bluffdale
Marjorie Webster Sandy
Douglas Weldh Midvale
Pamela Welch Midvale
Peggy West Riverton
Jo Ann Wheadon Draper
Clyde Williams Crescent
Stephen White Midvale
El Ray Whitlock Sandy
Daws'o n Wllllams Bluffdale
Joan Williams Riverton
Mary Wilton Midvale
Dot Withers Riverton
Ross Winberg Midvale
Eldon Weber Midvale
Margarett Webster Sandy t..v~
Larry Worthington Midvale
Shauna Workman South Jordan
Sandra Zalaer Midvale
Irene Zagarlch Midvale
Graduation becomes a reality. Enjoying their last dinner-dance, while in school, are the seniors of the Class of ' 58.
Paul Whetman Sandy
Mavis Williams West Jordan
Ruth lilting Uni an
ROW 1: Lucille Markus, Edna Burr, Kay Wood, Lisa Allsop, Bruce Jacobson . ROW 2 : Blaine Kearsley, Jan Keller, Nola Lunnen, Jean Smith, Bryan Mumford. ROW 3 : Steven While, Maurine Wilkenson, Buddy Price, Barbara Bolliger, JoAnne Kynaston. ROW 4 : Bill Deluca, Dan Marriot, Lynelle Bird, Loi a Smith, Kathy Taylor. ROW S: Val Vranes, Keith LaComb, Leroy Berr 11, Grace Endo, Joan Huish . ROW 6 : Jean Sharp, Marlene Jenson, Claudine Baird, Janet Snarr, Gayle Jensen . ROW 7 : Phil Smart, Myrtle Lipsey, Barbara Olson, Judy Olsen. ROW 8 : Dale Klmball, Richard Walla, Eddie Thompson, Terry Despain, Ronni Craine.
The Student Council members act as the g ~betweens from student to faculty and of~ ficers. Their duties are many and varied but their main pr ject is the coordination of ideas so that our system of school govern~ ment is more democratic.
ROW 1: Gary Jones, Lucille Markus, Neil Beckstead. ROW 2: Mike Walton, Milan Uremovich, Garth Beckstead.
Enforcing school doctrine and keeping peace at as~ semblies were the two main duties of the Jordan High School Student Court. The offenders were brought before the court by the deputies and were given a trial by the court officers.
ROW 1: Mike Bullet, David Jenson, Nick Bapis, Keith LaComb, LeRoy Berrett, Merrill Brinton. ROW 2: Diane Mumford, Margie Osborne, Brenda Bateman, Edna Burr, Connie Ninomiya, Margo Walters, JoEllen Larson, Donna Wood, Lynn Gaufin, Kent Walker, Phillip Jensen. ROW 3: Nancy Milne, Nola Lunnen, Gary Fullmer, Dan Marriot, Howard Brinton, Mike Cullis, Randy Dow, Calvin Adams, Kent Allsop, Bryan Mumford, Jerry Erlenbcch.
Joanne Kynaston Vice President
Kent All op, enthusiastic leader and outstanding President, was greatly admired by the Student Body of Jordan High. Kent did a particularly outstanding job in fulfilling the bligations of his ition. All hats are off to Kent, J Anne, Edna, and Nile for their out, standing display of leadership, and their many de, voted hours spent on making this sch ol year the mo t successful ever.
Jean Smith Historian
Nile Beckstead Judge
Kent Allsop
The theme of this year~ book is unique because it is the year of our lives when we are confronted with a promise of discovering un~ thought~of wonders. There are many things that we must keep in mind. We know that there is no sub~ stitute for hard work; that each hour spent in idleness is gone forever; that each action today is a thread weaving itself in the pat~ tern of our future. We know how necessary it is to graduate from high school and to obtain our goals without shortcuts. When this annual reaches you, its pages will be adorned with pictures of graduates. The Faculty and Student Body wish them success in their future.
Guiding us through activities and directing student welfare were the duties of the counselors. New stu~ dents were orientated to Jordan's school policy and tradition through the efforts of Mr. Dunn Taylor, Mr. Phillip Goldbransen, Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, and Mr. Jesse Casper. Each sophomore was called into the coun~ selors' offices for consultation. This group watched over us in true fashion of their title - Our Guardian Angels.
Along with required ubject we alternated some spe. . cial clas e . Art, music, psych I gy, genetics, and sh p classes were am ng usual vacillat . Drivers' Training was not n w, but it was put on a large cale for the first time at J rdan this year. Fr m now n it will b a sub . . ject requirement f r graduati n. These special subj ects gave u a variation and made ch l lif more interesting.
Behind the dark walls of the shop build, ing much activity goes on which has re, mained secret and mysterious to women fac, ulty and girl students. However, in previous years, they have investigated, and their find, ings show that the classes are very beneficial to male students. Such classes as vocational auto mechanics, welding, farm mechanics, woodwork, machine shop, and agriculture were taught.
(Lowe..\\/ Mr. Boberg, a very talented
man, teaching Spanish, English, and Organ.
Mrs. Jager has been the school nurse for many years serving efficiently and well.
} D
faculty Uo: ~J,. ) MISS LEE MR. THOMAS
The noose in early.
MRS. WADE )/ ~路.A 11 ~ MR. BERRETT
Mr . Riggs leads an Interesting discussion with a few his pupils. ,,. L
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<orner is reserved for faculty leoving
Jordan High School boasts one of the best equipped business departments in the state of Utah. At the head is Mrs. Wade, running an efficient class with only this purpose in mind: to create good stenographers. We also have a smooth~running department in home economy. Miss Henders n, Miss Lee, and Mrs. Tranter can take credit for these interesting classes. The instruction in this department is useful and varied. There are classes in cooking, ewing, and a full course in home living.
Through the combined efforts of the English, debate, speech, and foreign language teachers at ~ Jordan High School, students made strides forward in these fields. Jordan students were urged on and guided by this fac~ ,:_) ,. ~ '>tV- '?' u1ty group. Many students en~ \ ~ tered speech and other forensic tournaments and won honors, which in turn brought back honors to their origin in the form of "thanks" to the faculty.
"Lunch time is so refreshing," conject es some mighty hungry faculty members. ,..,..S:X'. \\ , ~i V掳P- ( i:( 1 ,
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Mr. K-amnfkar-grins Carol Beckstead.
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faculty --.. lunch breaks are enjoyed by everyone, Including faculty.
MR. RYAN >\"1111
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"There are many sounds In English grammar," quotes Mr. Boren.
In Physical Education classes, students were taught things that were valuable to them both in class and out of class. Our physical education teach.ers set examples of good sportsmanship in athletic competition.Much of the groundwork for our foot.ball, basketball, track, tennis, golf, baseball, and wrestling teams was laid during regular class hours. Through the girls' classes, a softball team was or. . ganized which competed against other scho ls dur.ing the year. 72
Always there keeping our halls neat and emaculate are our school custodians.
J ~1 '('. V)o'tC'L One of our more prominent teachers, checking who will and who won't be on the sluff list.
Keeping the charlonians in rhythm.
c:> e'"w-. '""'""
Seeing that there are no slip ups in sdlool are Mrs. I
Teaching sometimes presents proble111s.
'ffit>.{v\ :\~ ~ ~
Mr. Robert Jimas, Mr. John E. Rich, Dr. J. 0. Jones, Leonard C. Beckstead, Mr. Marvin G. Jensen.
Running a school district could hardly be considered easy work, but our Board of Education is to be commended for the efficient manner with which they have directed our 1957-58 school year. Meeting weekly our Board discussed such problems as student guidance, direction and appropriations of funds, and construction of new buildings. Solutions to these problems were made through the logical thinking and efficiency of our able board members.
Mr. Jorgensen, Assistant Superintendent
Events, experiences, and friendships of the school year, which help us to re,live and evaluate many of our school activities, are recorded in the Yearbook. Your intriguing theme, "Heaven Only Knows," stimulates our inner selves to want to move from the known to the unknown. The term "Heaven" suggests reaching for or attaining the greatest of all goals. Various experiences have pro, vided us with incentives to acquire knowledge, skills, attitudes, understandings, friendships, social graces, and citizenship qualities which will help to prepare us for "Heaven Only Knows." It is my wish that the pathways of all the Beetdig, gers will be strewn with an abundance of success, and that happy memories will be reflected through the pages of your Yearbook. REED H. BECKSTEAD Superintendent of Schools Jordan School District
Helping boys and girls get more pleasure out of life and teaching them how to live in harmony -w ith society and themselves are the two main objectives of the Boys' and Girls' Clubs. The two clubs co~sponsor the annual Thanksgiving and Christmas parties and the Stocking Stomp, one of the year's most sue~ cessful dances. They also sponsor various date nights with parents. Nedra Kasai, Girls Club, President
Neil Jensen, Boys Club, President
ROW 1: Mrs. Fitzgerald, Miss Lee, Advisers. Row 2 : Leah Jane Nelson, Sophomore Representative, Susan Santistevan, Junior Representative, Pat Duffin, Senior Representative, Lexie Boyce, Secretary
~ \ ~ c..\.u.~
ROW 1 : Mr. Linford, Advisor, Robert Searle, Secretary, LeRoy Berrett, Vice President, Dale Kimball, Senior Representatlve, Ralph Goff, Junior Representative.
The goal of the Jordan High School Civil Air Patrol was to acquaint students with the im~ portance of aviation. The Cadets gained valuable experience from watching Air Force films and from operating their own radio station at Jordan High School. Bruce Bluemel led as President of the C.A.P. and Mr. Donald Budge did an excellent job as advisor.
Rarin' to go and eager to hit the trails, the Riding Club enjoyed participating in horseback riding, drill and formation prac~ tice, and exciting activities throughout the year. During the winter months, the club enjoyed ice skating and sleigh riding. Their goal is to achieve fine horsemanship, thus enabling them to perform in parades during the summertime.
ROW 1 : Lona Kaye Wilcox, Joan Brown, Joan Williams, Janet Freeman, e Dean, Sherryn Miller, Joyce Robertson, Terry Haueter. ROW 2: Bruce l. Plott, Chester N. Anderson, Annabelle Brown, Carol Rudy, Manha Wiens, Lella '1llnlglnii. ROW 3: Ed lane, Charlotte Mac Guffie, Donnette Bell, Diane Stone.
ROW 1: Clifford Goff, Vice President; Don Bateman, President; Robert Jensen, 2nd Vice President; Jay Stevens, Governor. ROW 2: Mr. Taylor, adviser; Lynn Steffensen, Senior Representative; Lynn Gaufin, Lieutenant Governor; Lynn Jones, Sophomore Representative; Kent Allsop, Treasurer; Bob Nelson, Junior Representative; Vern Lester CAbseny Secretary. Don Bateman, President
Our Jordan Key Club, boasting 50 mem; bers, has done much in promoting a good name for the school. They have done this by maintaining this club as one of service, both to school and community. They tackle a big job in sponsoring career day, courier poetry contest, and an annual Key Club banquet. Their initiation, held in December, required the new members to come outfitted in Ber; muda shorts. Stunts and refreshments fol; lowed. ROW 1: Mike Fitzgerald, Lynn Jones, Robert Jensen, Lynn Steffensen, Vern Lester, Clifford Goll, Kent Allsop, Mike Cullis, Michal Ross, David Jensen, James Wells. ROW 2 : Victor Scorzato, Larry Etherington, Perry Fitzgerald, Burk Smith, Larry Schmidt, Jim Cartwright, Dennis Hardcmtle, Ted Tolman, Eldon Weber, Dennis Nielsen, Dan Boskovich, Jay Stevens. ROW 3: Paul Sager, Carl Lindsay, Dennis Sybrowsky, Brent Javaine, Dan Mar:eott, Bob Nelson, Charles Shipp, Ronnie Harrington, Jeffery Joseph, Dallas Hakanson, Gary Eckman.
ROW 1: David Zitting, Secretary; Wilburn McDougal, President; Rodger Larson, Vice President. ROW 2: Dee Alldredge, Reporter; Mr. Redden, Advisor; Gail Hamilton, Treasurer; Ben Tamura, Sentinel.
Achieving a better understanding in the field of Agriculture, the Jordan High School Chapter of the Future Farmers of America is teaching its members to become better citizens of the future. Their goals are to build confidence in boys and encourage them in the development of individual farming. Each year the Future Farmers place ex~ hibits in local and state fairs, and they also attend important livestock shows. Socially, they sponsor the annual Harvest Ball, conduct club initiation services, and purchase club jackets. All in all, the Future Farmers of America had another very successful school year.
ROW 1: Ellis Bringhyrst, Larry Latimer, Herb Funderburk, Ross Winberg, Willbern McDougal, Roger Larson, David Zitting, Gail Hamilton, Ben Tamura, Ray Glad, Dee Alldredge. ROW 2 : Mr. Redden Merlin Anderson, Raymond Dansie, Claude Tucker, Ivan Simonson, Biii Adams, Stephen Walker, Gary Johnson, James Allen, Richard Crawford . ROW 3 : Paul Dunn, Chester Anderson, Mike Fitzgerald, Bruce Hansen.
ROW 1: Claudine Baird, Carole Jones, Judy Brady, Joan Brady, Joan Wade, Marie Grimaud, Tamara Webb, Jolene Cox, Karen Greenwood, Peggy Johnson, Kay Belcher, Kathleen Granquist, Susan Mitcheal. ROW 2 : Linda Smart, Evelyn Read, Tamra Juretich, Karen Lott, Sandra Bass, Maxine Vunder, Marjorie Webâ&#x20AC;˘ter, Margaret Webster, Myrtle Rae Jones, Betty Cowdell, Annabelle Brown . ROW 3 : LaRue Church, Jeanette Olsen, Diane Dunn, Sylvia Conger, Joy Ham, Olean Lund, Barbara Bolliger, Jane Webster, Dawna King, Delpha Larson, Shana Kemp, Dianne Donelson. ROW 4: Carol Larson, ReNee Turner, Connie Ostler, Gayle Hutchings, Joan Shuls ~ n, Linda Asay, Judy Watterson, Marla Jones, Frances Slotte, Jcneane Hudson, Sharon Bishop, Grace Endo. ROW 5 : Gayle Visser, Marcia Sorensen, Sharon Smith , Carolyn Gee, Caroline Dorius, Linda Olsen, Gayle Page, Judy Curtis . Margie Hatt.
Striving forward in their goal of improving the home and family living, the Future Homemakers of America carried out their aims. On February 15, they sponsored a very successful Sweethearts' Ball. Along with their many other succes ful activities, the Jordan Chapter of the Future Homemakers of America al o enjoyed many partie .
ROW l: Judy Watterson, Historian ; Claudine Baird, Secretary; Jolene Cox, President; S'hauna Kemp, Vice President . ROW 2 : Susan Mitchell, Reporter; Miss Lee, Miss Henderson, Advisers, Joan Schulson, Song Leader.
ROW 1: Mory Dee Wilson, Nancy Hughes, Koren Leonard . ROW 2: Ann Richards, Arlene Jensen, Gloria Heaps, Lindo Robison, Connie Ninomiyo. ROW 3: Sandro Barney, Ann Anderson, Darlene Jones, Janet Marlor, Lois Smith, Alice Boggess. ROW 4 : JoAnne Kynaston, Korol Hardwick, Dolores Pedro, Sharon Smith, Joan Butler, Edna Burr, Janice Jenkins, Shirley Greenwood, Sheryl Ashman. ROW 5: Mavis Sadler, Penny Soper, Sharon MacArthur, Dixie Jenson, Koren Webster, Sharon Estepp, Lynn Henson, Charleen Cutler, Deon Garfield, JoAn Kunz : ROW 6 : Groce Endo, Marsha West, Brenda Bateman, Wonda Noland, Pot Duffin, Nedra Kasai, Susie Ennis, Kathryn Brown, Mory Campbell, Judy Lorson, Lopriel Tuttle, Shirlee Briggs, Barbaro Butterfield. ROW 7: Dionne Mumford, Tamra Webb, Bonnie Pomo, Carol Lee Smith, Tonya Doy, Janet Gehring, Peggy West, Bonnie Dansie, Carol Cundick, Carol Tennyson, Joan Lundberg, Nancy Steadman, JoAnn Olson, Dione Dunn, Betty Ann S1iulsen. ROW 8 : Gayle Jensen, Shauna Workman, Lindo Wright, Maureen Poulsen, Gayle Visser, Gayle Conger, Koy BelCher, Silvio Conger, Kathy Taylor, Lexie Boyce, Joni Beckstead, Margie Osborne, Marilyn Johnson, Jeanette Bills, Peggy Preston, Mory Lou Rowson. ROW 9 : Patricio Milne, Pot Clark, Barbara Thomas, Koren Greenwood, Annette Rollins, Emily Bostian, Vivion Kosovich, Joy Hom, Elaine Marchant, Ann Peterson, Maxine Vunder, Nikki Labrum, Edeltraut Mensscn, Pot Hirsch, Jolene Cox, Bonnie Porker, Maureen Baily. ROW 10 : Nola Lunnen, Elna Thompson, Judy Bunnell, Carmella Peterson, Judy Roberts, Eloise Cook, Sandro Price, Jonoce Richards, Bonnie Marchant, Beverly Jensen, Sandro Hardy, Lindo Olsen, Lila Evans, JoAnn Olson, Pot Corrigan, Arbo Tripp, Janet Stepan, Judy Brody, Nancy Milne . Bonnie Dansie President
ROW 1: Brenda Bateman, Historian; Jeanette Bills, Reporter. ROW 2: Nola lunnen, Secretary; Kathy Taylor, Treasurer. ROW 3: Bonnie Dansie, President.
Advisers: Miss Parkin Mrs. Wade Miss Seaman
Stepping forth one hundred and twenty strong, the Char~ Ionian Club cheered and marched at football and basketball games. Their goal was to encourage a better understanding between schools. They sponsored an assembly, "You Are There,"" which provided outstanding entertainment for every~ one. Their spring formal, the Charlonian Ball, was one of the most outstanding dances of the year. The club also spon~ sored a breakfast in honor of the departing members.
Charlonians cheer football team as they come back after half-time. The promotion of school spirit is this club's main project.
\~~ 83
~G'-c..\'- ROW 1 : Kaye Clements, Chree Landu res, Daniel Bosko7
vich, Jeanine Rasmussen, Milian Urenovich, Brent Javine,
Vincent Miles, Mike Wanlass, Karen Greenwood, Maureen Bailey, Diane Morrison. ROW 2 : Jim Cartwright, Tonya Day, Sharon Lennberg, Margaret Webster, Lynette Bird, Peggy Graham, Joy Ham, Susan Santistevan. ROW 3 : Carolyn Gee, Vickie Baker, Lynn Steffensen, Mlks Cullis, Treasurer; Karol Hardwick, Jan Keller, Presi dent; Bonnie Phelps, Connie Pierce, Secretary; Margaret Dahl, Dolores Pedro. ROW 4 : Barbara Bolliger, Olean Lund, Kay Belcher, Caroline Darius, Joan Huish, Linda Robinson, Dixie Jenson, Lynn Hensen, Frank Monyta. ROW 5: Lane Rasmussen, Myrleen Sundberg, Jannet Hamilton, Mary Beckstead, Sandy McCrill, Nancy Ihle .
ROW 1: Sherm Miller, Ray Brenneman, Jeffrey Joseph, Clyde Williams, Paul Whetman, Secretary; Garth Beckstead, President;, Howard Brinton, Vice President; Mike Heineke, Byard Price, David Holman, Gary Eckman . ROW 2 : Gary Colyar, Mike Bullett, Wally Naylor, Kent Allsop, Clifford Goff, Jerry Erlenbach, Bill Leatherwood , Jim Cartwright, Dave Thorum, Stanley Jex, Ronnie Harrington , ROW 3 : Val Smith, Del Kidd, Nick Malkos, Richard Watts, Roland Koller, Reynold Johnson, Dennis Smith , Jerry Endo, Wayne Cook, Angelo Mascaro, Nile Be ckstead, Gary Jones. ROW 4 : Richard Zdunich, Russell Taylor, Ronald Crane, Doug Ninomiya, Bob Nelson, Kenny Smart, Jimmy Kemp, Brent Price, Dallas Hakarlson, Ronald Lefever.
ROW 1: Sandra Zaiser, Pat Reed, Maxine Anderberg, Susan Santisteven, Wanda Noland, Myrna Lundberg Peggy Preston, LaPriel Tuttle, Nancy Milne, Judy Larsen, Gayle Jensen, Margie Osborne, Kay Wood, Nancy Hughes, Peggy Johnson, Elna Thomson, Myrleen Sundberg, Barbara Erekson, Jeanine Sylvester, Carol Dean Blair. ROW 2: Sheryl Ashman, Carma Rae Ekins, Bonnie Poma, Lexie Boyce, Tanya Day, Sylvia Conger, Dixie Jenson, Shirley Greenwood, Jeanelle Bills, Janice Jenkins, Pat Duffin, Dorthy Miles, Jean Smith, Nedra Kasai, Joanne Kynaston, Aly Vanderhoof, Carol Beckstead, Pat Hill. ROW 3: Mary Javaine, Carol Tennyson, Kathy Taylor, Joni Beckstead, Gay Sheppick, Deon "Garfield, JoAnn Olson, Nancy Lee Steadman, Celia Boren, Bonnie Parker, Sherri Pollick, Jo Ellen Larsen, Judy Milne, Dolores Olsen, Linda Peterson, Marlys Young. ROW 4: Bonnie Dansie, Connie Ninomiya, Peggy West, Elayne Anderson, Beverly Fisher, Elaine Marchant, Janet Stepan, Lucille Markus, Ann Richards, Edna Burr, Karol Hardwick, Joan Butler, Judy Burnell, Grace Endo, Ilene Olson, Vickie Nebeker, Hela Evans.
The Jordanette Club got off to a terrific start with their annual leadership club camp. The club sponsored a Big Pal and Little Pal party with the object of getting the new girls and sophomores acquainted with the school and club, and in the spring, the members presented a fashion show to the girls of the school. The Jordanette members were easily recognized by their eye-catching white sweaters with maroon letters. Their successful year was climaxed by a spring banquet. Gayle Jensen, Secretary; Mrs. Fitzgerald, Advisor; Judy Larsen, President; Margie Osborne, Treasurer; Nancy Milne, Vice President.
Judy Larsen President
The Future Teachers' Club had another success, ful year studying and getting acquainted with the qualities of making good teachers. Their activities throughout the year helped them to obtain a better understanding of teaching as a career. Many of the club meetings featured special guest speakers who lectured on their field of teaching. This included a special speaker from the Utah Education Associa, tion. Among other activities, members took part in a visit to an elementary school and observed var, ious teachers at work.
ROW 1: Linda Stuart, Susan Santisteven, Janel Stepan, President; laPreil Tuttle, Historian; Ann Peterson, Secretary. ROW 2: Carol Tennyson, Eva Player, Bonnie Marchant, Jean Carroll, Pal Clarke. ROW 3: Mary Javine, Nancy Hughes, Peggy Preston, Addi Vanderholf, Judy Larson. ROW 4: Roy Pearson, Jay Stevens, Elaine Marchant, 路 Edna Burr, Dixie Jensen. ROW 5: Mr. Casper, Syllvia Conger, Alice Boggess, Kathleen Granquist, Maxine Vunder, Mr. McMullin. ROW 6 : Betty Ann Shulsen, Karen Leonard, Brenda Bateman, Lucille Markus, Arlene Jensen.
The Future Engineers always kept one purpose in view: to become top,notch fel, lows who will be credits to 路their community and school. To encourage these students to, wards reaching their goals, this club had a guest speaker come to their meetings once a month and talk to them about the fields of engineering, mining, or aerodynamics. In, deed, this club is profitable to its members and a credit to Jordan High.
ROW 1: Robert Stevens, Clifford Goff, Pre1ident; Frank Reuckert, Secretary; Blaine Kearsly, Treasurer. ROW 2: Steve Endo, Vern lester, Roy Pearson, Clifford Jones. ROW 3 : Rodger Conti, Rolland Koller, Melvin Hastings, Brent Shaw, Andrew Madsen. ROW 4: Charles Shipp, Brent Javlne, Gerald Erlenbach, Louis Goodrich, Reed Stevens. ROW 5. Richard Hughes, Vincent Miles, Leon Oldham, Jerry Polson, Stephen Gold. ROW 6. Mr. Budge, Advisor; Karl Joffs, Kent Brown, Mr. Anderson; Advisor.
ROW 1: Joan Rawson, Janice Erickson, Kay Dean, Sandra Zaiser, JeNeal Maxfield, Sharon Lennberg, Pat Reed, Maxine Anderberg, Gloria Heaps, Wanda Noland, Carole Tennyson, Linda Stuart, Karen Cavender, Grant Hurst, Jerry Drake . ROW 2: Terry Hauler, Joyce Robertson, Brenda Bateman, JoAnne Kynaston, Dianne Mumford, Sherry Ttea, Kent Allsop, Nile Beckstead, Gary We bster, David Draper, Nick Malkos, Chad Belkstead, Jean Carrole, Phyllis Fechser, Kathryn Heinecke. ROW 3 : Terry Palmer, Elouise Gonzales, Mary Louise Flores, Kare n Clement Lipsey, Sharon Bishop, Jeneane Hudson, Frances Slotte, Judy Watterson Marla Jones, Mary Beckstead, Linda Asay, Janalee Parry, Gayle Page, Judy Parkinson, Rachel Villalobos .
The Jordan High School chapter of the Distributive Education Clubs of America, known around Jordan as Deca, had a prosJ perous year with many educational and funJ providing activities. During the club time, the members learned the processes of rnerJ chandising and selling, and with the aid of the teacher they learned the operation of the comptometer machines and the tenJkey addJ ing machine. The Deca Club is valuable to students who plan to find employment in the fields of salesmanship or distribution beJ cause it provides excellent background trainJ ing. With their activities came selling reJ freshments at footba ll games, sponsoring a SubJforJSanta at Christmas, and their anJ nual party.
ROW 1 : Joyce Robertson, Se cretary; Pat Reed, President. ROW 2 : Mr. Thomas, Advisor; Gary Webster, Vice President.
quill & scroll The Jordan High Quill and Scroll, a comparatively new club now in its ninth year, had another successful school year. The Quill and Scroll is an international organi; zation for outstanding high school journal; ists. Students who achieved recognition in journalism were allowed membership if they met certain club requirements.
ROW 1: Miss Oralie Rawson, Advisor; Frances Slotte, Grace Endo, Earl Mangum, Jeneane Hudson, Myrleen Sundberg, Brenda Bateman, Sharon Taylor.
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ROW 1 : Oralie Rawson , Advisor; Sharon Taylor, Acting Presid e nt; Va Layne Anderson, Vic.a President ; Joan Lundberg, Secretary; Jeneane Hudson, Deon Garfield, Brenda Bateman , Myrleen Sundberg. ROW 2 : Grace Endo, Francs Slotte, Barbara Butterfi e ld, LaRae Vince nt, Pat Hill, Joyce Bedont, Jean Potter, Judy Francom, Sharon Brinton. ROW 3 : Alice Boggess, Loi s Vaughan, Karen Le ona rd, Evelyn Read, Earl Mangum, Marjorie Webster. ROW 4: JoAnn Olson, Bonnie Parke r, Annelle Rollins, Carol Beckstead .
The Jordan Press Club was organized to promote interest in journalism. The club's goal was to see jour; nalism in action. It was instrumental in sponsoring the "J" book and in assi ting the Broadcaster staff. They took part in press conferences, a visit to a TV station, and a Sub;for;Santa project. 88
forensic league
The Jordan High School chapter of the National Forensic League spent an active year filled with debate, extemporaneous spe:::iking, ora~ tory, and legislative forum activities. The club membership was re~ stricted to only those students who had achieved outstanding accom~ plishments in speech activities. Our high school chapter of this national organization represented Jordan High School in the National Forensic League Western Debate Meet, Region Four Divisional Debate Meet, and the Weber Invitational Debate Meet. They terminated the year by combining with the Masque and Gavel Club for an honor banquet.
Jay Stevans, Presi dent Janice Jenkins, V. Pr~sident Judy Bunnel, Secretary Mr. Goldbransen, Advisor
ROW 1 : Judy Bunnel , Jay Stevens, Sharon Taylor. ROW 2: Shirley Greenwood, Sheryl Ashman, Linda Peterson, Aly Vanderhoof!, Karol Hardwick, Judy Larsen. ROW 3: Mr. Goldbransen, Randall Rathjen, Henry Miner, Stephen Gold , Nikki Labrum .
ROW 1: Tonja Day, Maxine Anderberg, Pat Reed, Carole Tennyson, Darlene Jones, Gloria Heaps, Sandra Zaiser, JoAnn Pederson, Kathiâ&#x20AC;˘ Jones, Marilyn Anderson, laRee Vincent, Mary Lou Rawson, Shirley Briggs, Evelyn Read, Maureen Baily, Carol Lee Smith, Marilyn Johnson. ROW 2 : Joan Howell, Nanette Richards, Jeanin e Sylvest~r, Sharon Estepp, Jolene Cox, Judy Brady, Joy Coons, Sharon Hughes, Bonnie Marchant, Carol Cundick, Eva Player, Pat Hurish, Dixie Butterfield, Bonnie Densley, Lafay Dansi e. ROW 3: Kathie Priano, Irene Zagarich, Peggy West, Janet Gehring, Jean Potter, Marlys Young, Connie Cowdell, Sheri Duffin, Marlene Jenson, Jean Sharp, Julia Bell , Charlotte MacGuffie, Diane D..onn, Sharlene Lloyd, JoAnn Olson. ROW 4: Glenda Hardcastle, Joan Rawson, Kaye Clements, Claudia Eckman, Sheila Gadd, Marsha Gadd, Marsha Haws, Barbara Erickson, JoEllen Larson, Glenna Dee Peterson, Janis Forbush, Barbara Bills, Karen Anders on, Eloise Cook. ROW S : Dorothy Miles, Joy Ham, Aty Vanderhoof!, Betty Ann Shulsen, Kathy Hatton, laWana Webb, Jean Smith, Connie Pierceson, Eveon Despain, JoAnn Smith, Lois Smith, Emily Bastian. ROW 1 : Lynn Boyce, Betty Milne, Myrna Lundberg, Sherry Reuckert, Bonni e Phelphs, Sydney Smith, Sherry Polick, Elizabeth Blackett, Linda Webb, Carma Ekins, Joan Huish, Judy Bosh, Charlene Estepp, Ardith Schaelling, Kathy Scott, Carrie lee Carpenter. ROW 2 : Wanda Noland, Linda Erickson, MarJean Boynton, Claudia Chambe rlin , Beverly Fisher, Judy Milne, Vicky Young, Vickie Burgon, Donna Wood, Diane Stone, Mareah Larsen, Janet Snarr, Judy Francom, Annette Voeltz, Ruth Rodda, Barbara Thomas, Beverly Thomas. ROW 3: Judy Bean, Kaaren Cook, Connee Pierce, Peggy Graham, Margaret Dahl, Shirley Olsen, Maxine Hastings, Midge Benson, Karen Leonard, Sandy McCrill, HollaRae Belcher, Francine Tuft, Ann Brown , Sonja Nickles, Delph Larson, Linda Astorja . ROW 4: Anita Larsen , Diane Frear, Meril Lyn Smith, Lynnette Walker, Yvonne James, Pat Duffin, Bonnie Poma, Kathy Brown, Oralee Astle, Helene Smith, Nancy Steadman , Bonnie Parker, louAnn Smith, Lexie Boyce, Lucille Markus. ROW 5 : Myrna Walker, Vonette Holder, Judy Houmand, Carol Baker, Elaine Erickson, Susan Anderberg , Della Ma e Dibbs, Carol Dean Blair, Kathy Taylor, Joni Beckstead, Mary Campbell, Marlene Wilkinson, Diane Nordgren, Ruth Morse, Korma Greko, Jeanene Ras mason, Jeanette Bills. ROW 6 : Barbaro Olson, Ann Anderson, Janice Jenkins, Michelle Grane.
Maxine Anderberg, President
ROW 1: Dona Wood, Secretary; Susan Anderberg, Treasurer; Maxine Anderberg, President; Tonya Day, Vice President. ROW 2: Mrs. Tranter, Advisor; Miss Henderson, Advisor; Miss Lee. Advisor.
Jay Dees and their dates seem to be enjoying themselves at the clubs annual party.
The Jordan Debutantes, better known as the Jay Dee Club, started the school year off right with their initiation day and annual turkey dinner which every member thoroughly enjoy d. Under the leadership of their president, Maxine Anderberg, the Jordan Debu~ tantes had another very successful year. At Christmas they sponsored a needy family of a nearby community and helped make their Christmas a happy one. A trip to the county infirmary also was among the services of this club. The club also sponsors an annual dance, the Dogpatch Drag, which is enjoyed by all students of Jordan High School who wish to attend. Because of the capable leadership of all the officers of the Jordan Debutantes and their advisor, Mrs. Tranter, the mem~ bers have many memorable experiences of the 1957~ 1958 school year.
â&#x20AC;˘ DllSS
ROW 1 : Elayne Anderson, Secretary; Mary Javine, President; JoAnn Pederson , Reporter. ROW 2 : Kay Dean, Vice President; Miss Dorothy Parkin , Faculty Advisor,
Susan Santistevan and Linda Stuart are hanging posters announcing the girl of the month. Choosing a girl of the month is one of the clubs many activities.
The members of the Miss Hi Club worked diligently in prom ting their activities and projects. This club, now in its econd year of organization at Jordan, has done much to merit the applause of every student at Jordan High School. Along with many services to the school, the members selected an out tanding girl each month and named her the girl of the month. They also were busy with initiation services and Christmas projects. Congratulations are in order to everyone associated with the club for their promotion of another newly organized club.
ROW 1 : Kay Dean, Connie Ninomiya, Pat Mclachlan, Joan Wade , Betty Milne, Lynn e Boyce, JoAnn Pedersen, Judy Larsen, LaPriel Tuttle, Maxine Vunder, Elaine Marchant, Joy H,am , Arbo Tripp, Nancy Hugh s, Arlene Jensen Edna Burr, Gloria Heaps, Sandra Zaiser. ROW 2 : Elna Thomson, Glenda Hardcastle, Joan Rawson, Pat Reed , Maxine Anderberg, ,Carol Lee Smith, Margie Osborne, Tamara We bb, Anne Anderso.n, Carole Tennyson, Nedra Ka sai, Evon Despain, Connie Pierson, Jackie Smith, Joan Butler, Laurel Brown, Sharon Estepp . ROW 3 : Peggy Johnson, Karen Gree nwood, Kay Belcher, Louise Pedro, Marie Gardner, JoAnn Dunn, Dixie Reed, Joyce Bedont, Lynnette Walker, Della Mae Dibb, Elizabeth Blacke tt, JoEllen Larsen, Ruth Steele, Nancy Milne, Bonnie Dansie, Sandra Price, Darlene Jon es. ROW 4: Peg gy West, Myrna Lundberg, Wanda Noland, Glenna Petersen, Sherri Pollick, Linda Taggart, Kathleen Ballard , Bonni e Densley, Nancy Lee Ste adman, Bonnie Parker, JoAnn Olson, Dianne Dunn, Lou Ann Smith, Lucille Markus, Mary Javaine, Ann Peterson.
ski club
Mike Walters, President; Lyn Fitzgerald, Secretary; Miss Helen Faculty Advisor; Susy Enniss, Vice President. seaman,
Jordan High School students, who were interested in skiing and winter season activities, became enthusiastic participants in the activities of the Jordan High School Ski Club. The annual Ski Club party provided wonderful recreation and social fun for every member of the club. The advisors and officers of the Ski Club demonstrated true leadership in leading the club members in the right direction towards becoming good skiers and learning how to have winter recreational fun and frolic. In •spite of a few broken bones, the club had another prosperous year.
ROW 1 : Cathy Hill, Helen Zrno, Kathy Taylor, Joni Beckstead, Chree Landures, Tamra Webb, Carole Tennyson, Elaine Anderson, Gayle Jensen, Joan Wade, Joan Rawson, Kay Dean. ROW 2 : Lynn Ertmann, Arlene Jenkins, Joan Webb, LaWanna Webb, Linda Smart, JoEllen Larson, Oleen Lund, Barbara Bolliger, Rebekah Cowdell, Pat Mclaughlin, Susie Ennis, Kar.en Webster, Sandra Zaiser, Lynn Boyce, Connie Ninomiya. ROW 3 : Charles Shipp, Ann Brady, Kathy Hatton, Sharon Huges, Sherry Polick, Eli•abeth Blackett, Shana Seal, Maurene Baily, Carolyn Jenson, Kathy Jones , Ann Richards, Betty Milne. ROW 4 : Victor Scorzato, Lexi Boyce, Kay Wood, Peggy Stubbert, Jeanette Smart, Margo Walters, Lynn Brady, Marlene Jensen, Glena Dee Peterson, Lyn Fitzgerald, Bonnie Poma, Korma Greco, Bonnie Phelps, Sharon Brown, Judy Margetts, Jo Ann Peterson, Judy Larson, Judy Brady. ROW 5: Brent Peterson, Brent Julander, Steven Walker, Kaye Clements, Judy Bishop, Barbara Olson, Barbara Clark, Dorene Cox, Charlene Estepp, Sandy MtCrill, Nancy llhe . ROW 6 : Carl Joffs, Steven Walker, Stan Stott, Connie Cowdell, Karen Hand, Margaret Dahl, Sydny Smith, Ardith Schealling. ROW 7 : Jack Steadman, Gary Marrow, David Bollschiwiler, Lynn Benson, Jeffery Joseph, Morrie Brinton, Peggy Graham, J. R.Johnson, Bob Neilson, Ru.>sel Taylor, Wanda Noland, Peggy Preston. ROW 8 · Bob Kilpack, Neil Jenson, Raymond Garn, Jay Tennant, Doug Thompson, Arnold Butterfield, John Keeler, Fred Thompson, Dennis Sybrowsky, Steven Heaps, John Johnson, Tom Allen, John Johnson, Kay Huft, Mike Rose. ROW 9: Joe Douglar, Mike Walters, Bob Etherington, Arnold Mortin, Richard Sto II, Lynn Jones, Barry Ottley, Kenneth Nell, Andy Madsen.
ROW 1: Judy Watterson, Secretary; Dav id Jen sen, Presi d e nt ; Sheri Ashman, Vice President. ROW 2 : Mr. Rigg s, Faculty Advi sor; James Grow, Sergeant at Arms ; Aly Vande rhoof!, Reporter; Patricia Milne, Hi stori an ; Shirley Greenwood , Tre asurer.
The M asque and Gavel Club spent a busy year with many speech activities. The members kept themselves occupied with memorization of orations and learning roles for plays. Among their many activities were ushering at many assembli.es and play , attending many high scho l and college plays, sponsoring a needy family at Christmas, and a spring ban~ quet held in conjunction with the Forensic League. ROW 1: Joyce Gaily, Patricia Milne, Sheryl Ashman, Diane Donel son, Shirl e y Greenw ood, Korma Greco, Joan Huish, Miriam Madsen, Jill Benningfield, Glenda Bigler, Alice Bogg ess, Judy Wate rson . ROW 2 : Sharle ne Lloyde, Gayle Hendrikson Francine Tuft, Pat Hill, Connie Pierce, Peggy Graham, Rachel Ballard, Nanette Richards, Carma Ekins, Linda Webb, Barbara Butterfi e ld , Shirley Briggs. ROW 3 : Maureen Baily, Judy Bunnell, Janice Jenkins, Aty Vand e rhoof!, Deon Garfi e ld, Be tty Ann Shulsen, Julianne White, Dorene Cox, Kaye Clements, Claudia Eckman, Glena Dee Peteroon, Eli zabeth Blacke tt, Mary Lou Rawson . ROW 4 : Mr. Riggs, Dennis Sybrowsky, Don Bateman, Victor Scorzato, Mike Johnson, David Je'rison, Grant Howl ett.
safety and publicity club The Safety;Publicity Club, a new club at Jordan High this year, made known its purpose and projects. The members served gladly, making and handling posters to stress safety. They held a Saefty assembly and also spon; sored safety week and an inter;school safety drive. Working together, the club members provided a radio program, newspaper articles, and safety projects throughout the year. ROW 1: Dan Marriott, President; Elaine Marchant, Vice President; Connie Ninomiya, Art Head. ROW 2: JoAnne Kynaston, Deon Garfield, Joan Kunz, Myrna Walker, Kenf Allsop, Ann Richards, Bonnie Marchant, Arba Tripp, Donette Holder, Edna Burr, Claudia Eckman. ROW 3: Marlene Jenson, Jeanette Smart, Marlys Young, Ardith Schaelling, Sherry Reuckert. ROW 4 : Lynn Steffenson, Mike Cullis, Beverly Horrocks, Kaye Clements, Toni Landures, Lynn Brady, Lynelle Walker, Vicky Young, Lynette Bird, Marilyn Anderson.
The Jordan High Red Cross Club is a chapter of the American Red Cross organization. The members did a fine job in decorating the recreation halls of different hospitals including the Pri; mary Children's Hospital and the Salt Lake General Hospital. The Red Cross drive was also conducted through this club. All in all, the club was one of the most prominent at Jordan.
ROW 1: Joan Huish, Margie Osborne, Susal' Santistevan, Peggy Stubbert, Kay Wood, Phil Jensen, Lynn Steffensen, Mike Cullis, Karol Hardwick, Gayle Conger. ROW 2: Sheila Norton, Sharlotte MacGuffie, Evelyn Read, Judy Thayne, Lawain Adams, Judy Bunnell, Joan Butler, Carole Tennyson, Sylvia Conger, Dixie Jensen, Pat Carrigan. ROW 3 : Linda Peterson, Dolores Olsen, Carrie Lee Carpenter, Victor Scorzato, David Jensen, Arnold Martin, Jeanett Webb, Sue Ann Lloyd, Myrna Walker, Judy Houmand, LaWanna Webb, Jean Smith.
The Jordan High School Sports. C lu b offered many oppo rtuni~ ties toward developing good sportsmanship and making new friends. Each month , the Sports C lub held some type of activity that benefited each of the members. In O ctober, they conducted initiation services for the new members, and in November they helped a needy fa mily fo r their Thanksgiving project. A mong the many services -of the club , the members visited hospitals and o r~ phanages. The members have done an excellent job in making this a ve ry wonderful year for their club. Although the Sports Club is only in its second year of organiza tion , it is rapidly becoming one of the most successful clubs at Jord an High School.
Kare n Gree nwood, Treas .; Carole Tennyson, Pres.; Ruth Zitting , Historian ; Pe ggy Johnson, Reporte r; Sylvia Conger, V. P.; Grace Endo, Sec.; Mi ss Milne, Advisor.
ROW 1 : Jo Ann Pede rse n, Tamara We bb, Carol Te nnyson, Kare n Gre enwood, Peggy Johnson, Maxin e Vunde r, Joy Ham , Kay Belche r, Joan Brown, Joyce Robertson, Sylvia Cong er. ROW 2 : Lynn e Boyce, Jo Ann Dunn, Dixie Reed, Lynnelle Walke r, Marlene Wilkinson, Yvonne Jam es, Jani s Forbush, Emily Ba stian, Dixi ~ Jenson , Shirley Olson, Dorene Be ckstead. ROW 3 : Be tty Milne, Donna Wood, Holla Rae Be lche r, Judy Schult, Claudia Chamberlin, Barbara Butte rfi e l,d, Alice Bogg ess, Joan Lundbe rg, Vicki Young , Judy Roberts. ROW 4 : Susan Mitchell, Vicki e Burgon, Judy Burk e, Je an Sharp, Janace Richards, Barbara Tomas, Connee Pie rce , Margaret Dahl, Peggy Graham, Diann e Johnson, Carla Free man .
sports club ROW 1 : Joyce Be dont, Mari e Gardn e r, Louise Pe dro, Myrna Lundberg , Wanda Noland, Pal Reed, Maxin e Ande rbe rg , Gloria Heaps, Lynda We bb, Kathl een Ballard, Rachel Ballard, Sandra Barny. ROW 2 : Nann ell Richard s, Kare n Hand , Linda Erickson, Doris Mine s, Francine Tuft, Sh e rry Re ucke rt, Judy Miin e, Maure ne Wilkinson, la Rae Vince nt, Patricia Hill, Mary Lou Rawson , Sh e rron Cressall. ROW 3 : Pat Clark, Carolin e Doriu s, Kare n loll, Olean Lund, Barbara Bollig e r, Gle nna Peters on, She rri Pollick Margi e Hall, Marie Grimaud, Kathlee n Hatte n, He le n Zrno , Joan Webb, Jeanine Se lve st r, Joan Howll . ROW 4 : Leah Jane Nel son, Beve rly Fishe r, Midg e Be n ; on , Maxin e Hasting s, Esth er Saldivor, Gloria De Groot, Pe arl land e rs, Judy Meaker, Sh e rla Silco x, Tiny Howveling, lie Morda, Kare n De Geus, Rae Anderson .
ROW 1: Darlene Jones, Wanda Noland, Tamara Webb, Karol Hardwick, Miss Parkin,
ROW 1: Tamara Webb, Darlene Jones, Sharon Estepp, Wanda Noland, Carol Hardwick, Nikki Labrum. ROW 2: Maxine Anderberg, Peggy West, Bonnie Dansie, Carole Tennyson, Nancy Hughes, Judy Larson, Miss Parkin.
Furnishing talent for many of the social events of the 1957-1958 school year filled up the ever-growing and alwaysbusy schedule of the Jordan High School Dance Club members. The excellent training of Miss Dorothy Parkin, the Dance Club advisor, has helped make this Jordan High School Dance Club become one of the finest of its kind. The girls composed their own dances an'd performed in floor shows, the Jordan High School traveling assembly, the Mothers' and Daughters' program, and other similar events at Jordan High School. The girls were chosen as members of this club at the close of their junior year at Jordan High.
Wanda Carole
dance club ROW 1 : Darlene Jones, Maxine Anderberg, Doris Lloyd, Bonnie Dansie, Tamara Webb, Nancy Hughes, Judy Larson, Karol Hardwick.
Noland, T~nnyson.
Editor, lawain Adams, and Associate Editor, JoAn Kunz, talk over one of the many problems of producing a yearbook that will please everyone.
Our photography editors, Dawncr King, Joan Brown, Richard McMullin, and Larry Etherington, worked hard this year to produce pictures .
All people who worked with the yearbook. ROW 1: Dawna King, Joan Brown . ROW 2: Victor Scorzato, Kay Wood, Arba Tripp, Susan Santistevan, Joan Kunz, lawain Adams, Carolyn Brimhall, Peggy Stubbert. ROW 3 : Margie Osborne, John Despain, Linda Stuart, Gordon Berry, Mr. Sava!!â&#x20AC;˘.
Section Editors Margie Osborne, John Despain, Peggy Johnson, Kay Wood, and Linda Stuart, worked hard to meet the deadlines set for them.
Through scheduling pictures, long hours of study, and eff rt, the enthusiastic Beetdigger staff endeavored to piece together the 1958 Beetdigger. We were always accomplishing new techniques in learning the various skills that must be present to produce a yearbook. The Beetdigger had an all new taff this year headed by Lawain Adams as Editor, Joan Kunz as Assistant Editor, and Mr. Savage was our efficient advisor. We had to learn from experience, to work as well as play together, to put out a book that would please every~ one. Many nights, if you happened to pass the high school, you would find the Beetdigger taff working late into the night to meet a deadline. For the correc~ tions and changes in various places, more than one trip was made to the offices of the publisher. How~ ever, through all the rush the staff made friendships that will last a lifetime.
Holding up the business end of the yearbook are Carolyn Brimhall, Peggy Stubbert, Susan Santistevan, Mark Robis, and Arba Tripp. ~
Working hard on a section to meet a deadline for the yearbook are Lawain Adams, Joan Brown, Linda Stuart and, Peggy Johnson.
Discussing a very serious problem of the teChniques of producing a yearbook are Faculty Advisors Mr. E. L. Crawford, Mr. Dee L. Savage, and Mrs. Wanda Wade.
Co-Editor with Grace Is Myrleen Sundberg.
One of the Co-Editors. this year 11 Grace Endo,
Advisor for the staff is Oralie Rawson.
Heading the Broadcaster Staff this year are ROW 1 : Grace Endo, Joan Rawson, Francis Slolle, Jeneane Hudson, Sharon Taylor. ROW 2 : Earl Mangum, Evelyn Reed , Dolores Olsen, Beverleen Breeze, Myrleen Sundberg, and Oralie Rawson, Advisor.
Come rain or shine, no matter what kind of weather we happened to be blessed with, the Beetdiggers could always be sure of one thing: the Broadcaster would come into our lives to bring us the very latest of news and most amusing of gosip from within the walls of our own beloved school, Jor; clan. Whether the reported incident was foul or fair, we could rely on the dependability of the Broadcaster reporters to for; . '째"_,.L~ see one of the many unforseen stories, and be there on the ltc.- 1, spot gathering the true facts. We earnestly wish to express ?\-o our deeply felt gratitude and appreciation to the advisors and members of the staff of the Jordan High School Broadcaster.
A problem is being discussed between the staff members.
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The Junior class reporters diligently worked this year to find ~he news needed in producing an interesting school paper.
The Jorda , High Student Directory, better known as the "Jay Book," was very successful again this year. It con; tained names, addresses, and telephone numbers of every Jordan High student. It also contained a list of the faculty members, their telephone numbers, and their addresses. It had a calendar where the students could look up the coming events. It contained the names of all the clubs and their officers, and also em; bodied the Jordan High School Consti; tution, with amendments, to be used for student reference. 101
The Courier, Jordan's literary magazine, was espe, dally good this year. The editors, along with the rest of the staff, worked diligently and produced an out, standing magazine. Every poem or story that appeared in the Courier was written and submitted by Jordan High School students. Students contributing to this magazine, along with the editors, advisors, and rnem, bers of the staff, are to be congratulated on a job well done.
Mr. Hendrickson, advisor to the Courier, did an excellent job this year.
Mary Javaine, Sandra Hardy and Grant Hurst ponder over this year's Courier contest.
Mary Javaine, Grant Hurst, Midge Benson, Joan Butler, Gayle Hendrickson, Beverly Bennett, Alice Boggess, Kaye Clements, Judy Bunnell, Carol Baker, Nancy Steadman, Sharlene Lloyd, Charles Shipp, Julia Bell, JoAnn Smith, Sandra Hardy, Pat Carrigan, and Mr. Hendrickson.
Keeping in mood with the seasons, the Jordan Beetdiggers began expending their energy by actively participating in another uproaring and hilarious Sophomore Initiation. Not p<i;using for a moment, we moved rapidly into football and basketball, adding more spice and zest to the dull monotony of school work. Leaping from one event to another through the months of sunshine, snow, rain, and again sunshine, the screduled events were successfully completed. Calling the 1957-58 school year to a solemn, yet promising finish, the Senior Graduation highlighted another star-studded year.
s year's "The Messiah" are the 170 members of the chorus and the 39-piece liences thrilled to their performance.
IDessiah One of the highlight in the cultural field at J rdan i "The Messiah." Putting n "The Me iah" i an ace mpli hment f r a high sch l, and ] rd n ha fifteen annual renditi n t it credit. There were vcr tw hundred tudent parti ipating thi year, with soloist Janet Gammell, Nancy Higgin , Leland Mathews, and Kenley White! ck. R y M. Darly wa rganist and j . Clement Crap conducted. Practi ce leads to perfection. Just ask this quartet of musician s: Dolores Pedro, Mary Flem¡ Ing, Lyn McKay, and Kay Clements, C.â&#x20AC;˘ they practice for th annual pr sentation of " Th e Messiah ."
This melodious group is preparing for the music festival.
'When the cat's away, kid's lets play. Five Seniors take advantage of the break in chorus.
â&#x20AC;˘ music J. Clement Crapo, Jordan High's music teacher, after many years, succeeded in getting permission from the Jor~ clan District Board of Administration to establish an A Cappella Choir. This is the first choir of its kind at Jordan. Mr. Crapo has personally selected each student for the class, mainly on the students musical ability. Mr. Crapo believes that the choir will continue to be a great success in the future years. This being the first year, Mr. Crapo and his students certainly need congratulations for the fine quality of work they have produced and for the splendid effort and time that they have put forth. ROW 1: Anne Anderson, Pat Duffin, Dolores Olson, Tonya Day, Judy Burns, Peggy Johnson, Allen Steed, David Tranter, Doug Thompson, Terry Haueter, Joan Butler, Janalee Parry, Joan Williams, Judy Bunnel. ROW 2: Betty Milne, Janice Erickson, Wanda Kirk, Earl Mangum, Jay Stevens, Robert Searle, Bill Allsop. ,---; ~ ?
Participating in this year's "The Messiah" are the 170 members of the chorus and the 39-piece orchestra . Three audiences thrilled to their performance.
messiah One of the highlight in the cultural field at J rdan i "The Messiah.'' Putting n "The Mes iah" i an a c mpli hment f r a high sch l, and J rdan ha fifteen annual r ndition t it credit. There were ver tw hundred tudents participating thi year, with s l ists Jan t amm ll, Nan y Higgin , Leland Mathews, and Kenley Whitel ck. R y M. arly wa organi t and J. Clement Crapo conducted. Practice leads to perfection. Just ask this quartet of musicians : Dolores Pedro, Mary Flemâ&#x20AC;˘ Ing, Lyn McKay, and Kay Clements, c.â&#x20AC;˘ they practice for the annual presentation of "The Messiah ."
Mr. Crapo - the talented director of "The Messiah."
This melodious group is preparing for the music
'When the cat's away, kid's lets play. Five Seniors take advantage of the break in chorus.
â&#x20AC;˘ music J. Clement Crapo, Jordan High's music teacher, after many years, ucceeded in getting permission from the Jor~ clan District Board of Administration to establish an A Cappella Choir. This is the first choir of its kind at Jordan. Mr. Crapo has personally selected each student for the class, mainly on the students musical ability. Mr. Crapo believes that the choir will continue to be a great success in the future years. This being the first year, Mr. Crapo and hi students certainly need congratulations for the fine quality of work they have produced and for the splendid effort and time that they have put forth. ROW 1: Anne Anderson, Pat Duffin, Dolores Olson, Tonya Day, Judy Burns, Peggy Johnson, Allen Steed, David Tranter, Doug Thompson, T rry Haueter, Joan Butler, Janalee Parry, Joan Williams, Judy Bunnel. ROW 2: Betty Milne, Janice Erickson, Wanda Kirk, Earl Mangum, Jay Stevens, Robert Searle, Bill Allsop. .~ ~ z ?
ROW 1: Vincent Miles, Stan Stott, Linda Stuart, Joan Wade . ROW 2 : Sandra Barney, Julie Burrow, Lanny Walsh, Elna Thom路 son, Delores Pedro, Beverly Horrocks, Linda Kesler, Linda Robi son, Lyn McKay, Mr. Crapo, Henry Miner, David Jensen, Bobby Nelson, Kay Clements, Grant Hurst, Tony Delgado, Glade Ingersol, Dennis Hutchins .
The Jordan High School Orchestra, under the faithful directi0n of Mr. casi n during Crapo, has provided the musical entertainment n many the past year. The m st spectacu lar ace rnplishm nt wa providing th ace m; paniment for the annual presentati n f the Me iah. Thi yrnphonic gr up prepared a melodious program f r the eminare C nventi n. The rche tra participated at the Region F ur rchestrn Festival which wa held at Jordan. While endeavoring to acq uire new technique and arrangement , the rche ; tra enjoyed notable progress. As the harm ni us train f the I vely rches; tral music float from the orchestra r m we kn w thi tal nted gr up is at work. Mr. Crapo, the reliable Instructor In orchestrations. A great blast of a mighty trumpet and the sweet sharp tones of the flute combined form magical tones whit'h come from Dolores Pedro and Ronnie Bianchi as they practice for the Reaion Four Music Festival .
:::::: ::::::::::::::: ······················
Compe tent mu slcions, Grant Hurst ploying the bass oon and Bill Collett ploying the saxophon e, hormoniz e tog e ther und e r the ve ry profici e nt leadership of Jordan High School 's orchestra In structor, Mr. J. Cl e me nt Crapo ,
Dolores Pedro practices before the beginning of class.
ROW 1: Elna Thompson, Brent Juhlander, Dolores Pedro, Karen Buhler, Eva Player, Raymond Br&nneman, Philip Smart, Anita Krl1man, Arlene Jones, Charlotte MacGuffie, Glynda Jacobs, Linda Leth er, Sarah Doulas, Robert Bomquist, Robert Peterson, Bill Collett, Grant Hurst. ROW 2: J&rry Huish, Judy Burke, Jean Sharp, Barbara Clark, Helen Zrno, Glade Ingersoll, Earl Mangum, Larry Schmidt, Robert Petric, Robert Nelson, Bonnie Marchant, Charles Shipp, Biii Leatherwood, Ronald Bianchi, David Jansen, Nikki Labrum, Henry Miner, ROW 3: Lynn Jenkins, Douglas Gadd, Merlin Lambson, Nick Bapis, Dale Hansen, David Nicol, Michael Rou, Mike Pavich, Dennis Sybrowsky, Kant Higham, Mickey Yamashiro, Bob Akagi, David Williams, J . E. Green, Howard Ross. ROW 4 : Byard Price, Gordon McBride, Joy Coons, Brent Vawdrey, Gerald Giuquies, Ronald Johnson.
The members f the J rdan High ch l Band, re; splendant in their maroon and grey uniforms, performed at Bingham in the district band fe rival. The band played at the dedication of the new Federal building in Mid; vale, performed at a Parent;Teacher meeting, and played at the Region Four State Band Festival. The Pep Band lent its support to the school by being present at all the home basketball and football games and the tournament games.
Mr. Anderson, the student trainee, Instructs the band members.
. .........
Mr. Crapo's heart is with the band.
Ronnie Johnson thinks it is time to rest.
The loudest part of the band includes these drummers .
At all the home games, their hearts are there.
Oo-la-la! That was the general opinion which was shared by the spectators of the various sludentbodies as they watched these vivacious figurants dance. This was just one of the many sparkling variety numbers that performed during the traveling assembly program.
Howard Brinto~ as Oswald Oswego Myrna Lundberg as Ma Satterthwaite Ann Richards as Cindy JoAnn Pederson as Griselda
"If the Shoe Fits," the theme chosen for the Jordan High Travel, ing Assembly, was written and directed under the capable leader hip of Lowell Boberg. The a embly was displayed before six student, bodies, including: Jordan, lympus, Cyprus, Bingham, To ele, and Murray. The pl t, a modernized ver i n f Cinderella, t k place in Ma Sattaerwaite's Cafe. Her two haughty daughters, bored with everything around them, came alive with the vi it of a young r cket specialist, 1 oking for a young lover who had sudd nly disappeared. He carried with him a sh e belonging t hi 1 t I ve. The step,sistcrs claimed the sh e bel ngcd r them, but their feet were t o large to fit into it. The shoe wa tried on indy, th hard,working tep,sister, and it fit her beautifully, so she and the y ung man were at last united, never to be separated. ,) Q
Mavis Williams a ' Decd e mona
Joad Butler as Robota
asseinbly "Ah shuck s, it twern't nuttin," came the reply of the dashing young Osward Oswego during the assembly.
Aw gee, I wouldn ' t hurt ya, I really like ya.
As the curtains fall on the end of the assembly, a sigh, and re lief for a job we ll done.
Care rul now, We' ll help ya. ll"s allright now. 111
Jay Stevens as Don Cutter Mary Javaine as Lucille Marcy
Steven Gold as Dr. Bunn Karen Cavender as Mrs. Kluck
school play Wayne Bateman as Danny Siletto
Myrna Lundberg as Lady MacBeth
"I Give Up!"
"He! Hel I have found
at last!"
A fast embrace brings the play to a close. Daniel Boskovich a s Mr. Hyde
Leora Jacobson as Depression
"One Mad Night," a farce in three acts, was selected for the Jordan High School Play. This hilarious dramatic comedy was full of complications. A writer desiring peace and quiet rents a house in the country, only to find that the house is overrun with Schizo~ phrenics. The play lived up to its name, it was one mad night. The play was directed by Norman Riggs.
"I is leavin' and you all can't stop me!"
FRANCINE TUFT as Mrs. T. Ashlngton Finch
" Who's there? Come out! Come out!" JUDY LARSON as Gertrude Finch
"Ha! Ha! I have you now, you shall not escape me this time!" "Come dearie, I' ll take good care of you. You see I'm Lady MacBeth."
GRANT BAGLEY as Artemus Burke
Winners of the cake baking cont st standing
{:)~ ,,.,,.-"'(.. ~ h.t'
fathers and daughters
sophoIDore party Making new acquaintances during the party.
their proud and happy fathers.
''f 5 7,
The girls were proud of their dates at the Fathers' and Daughters' Party. It has been said thcit girls have their fathers wrapped around their little fingers, and this proved to be especially true. It didn't take much winding to persuade Father t go to the annual Father ' and Daughters' Party. Some of the fathers .s urpri ed their daughters when they loosened up and entered the jitterbug contest. There were also prizes given. When making a debut in high school, one is bewildered and excited about the new experience. It is especially bewildering and exciting if y u are a brand new sophomore. When something is brand new, there i nothing that is its equal. Making the burden a c mmon one is the yearly Sophomore Party. Attending their first high chool event are the timid, yet very eager undercla smen, willing to make acquaintances and friendships that wi ll last thr ugh the Junior, Senior, and many years to come.
()IA.r~v ~ M~ Enjoying thems elves at th e annual sophomore party are these new underclassmen â&#x20AC;˘
6. great number of students turned out in honor of Jordan's football squad this year.
cL VJf '
r;<Z. ~ l I y )
Honoring the football squad, dancers glided to and fro. The decorations for the dances were simple, yet fitting. Two decorated goal posts st od at either end of the gym. Bal, I ens hung from the ceiling bearing the names of each of the f otball player . During intermission coach Glen Jack, son introduced his f ocball squad. They were each given a miniature football as a small token of remembrance and The annual F.f.A.,sponsored Harvest Ball was held the latter part of October. The club worked hard to make it a successful dance. They chose a queen and two attend, ants to reign over the dance. The student body chose cute and dashing Marilyn Johnson as queen and Judie Bosh and Linda Stuart as her attendants. School clothes were the chosen attire instead of lace and frills. The decorations were of a moonlight harvest. These decorations fit in very well with the chosen theme.
King and queen are popular David Anderson and Mavis Williams.
gridiron capers
harvest ball Royalty Chosen to reign over the Harvest Ball.
Enjoying the refreshments and also enjoying themselves are these students.
sweethearts ball
Standing admiring the decorations are several students.
These swinging sweethearts sway to and fro to the soft melancholy 1troin 5 of the orchestra. The decorations ond all gave an atmosphere to be lon9 remembered.
One of the more important cial vent f ] rdan High i the 'wcct.hearts Ball. Having a tremendous amount f cnthu ia m to par , the members of the F.F.A. and th F.H. . club , p n red and participated in pre enting and decorating f r the weetheart Ball. reamily gliding amidst a colud of red and white crepe paper treamer , the girl and their "sweethearts" danced to a very musical rche' trati n. The very uggcs.tive theme, "Swinging Sweethc rts," lent an arm phcric m cl t am t memorable evening. Dancers glide into dreamland amid a visionary setting.
A detour to look at th
King Ned Parry and Queen Joan Shulsen werâ&#x20AC;˘ chosen as royalty.
These stockings are the Plain Janes of the dance, as usual.
stocking stonip P lk d ts, tripes, bunny rabbits, funny faces, and fluor~ cscent pran ed around the fl or at the annual Stocking St mp. Traffic ignals were placed at different points around the fl r. Tho c wh vi lated these igns were taken to court and p nalties were imÂľ ed up n them. Some of the penal~ tic pr ved t be very, very embara sing.
This couple seem to be throughly enjoying themselves.
L;i. ()I ~Js.._ft~ G- t...
KL B di c j key spun records for the students attend~ ing th Tranksgiving dan e. Their humor added to the festivi~ tie of the dance. Th e students who did not wish to go to th dan c c uld attend the h w, " u an lept Here," in the audit rium. Highlighting the af tern on entertainment was th, turkey raffle. tudent bought ticket in their home rooms which they u ed f r the drawing.
~~~\ 'this commltee worked hard to plan a Thanksgiving party: that would be fun for all .
These students seem to think t ey are goingÂľ, to win the turkey. <./S
.... .
The "Class of 1958" produced one of the most beautiful dances ever given at Jordan High School. Their enchanting theme, "Sayonora," provided the oriental inspiration behind the exotic decor for the Senior Hop. The many devoted hours spent in preparation for the dance were, of course, not in vain, for this outstanding Senior Clas production turned out to be a tremendous succes. Touches are put on the bridge by the enthusiastic Senior Class decorators.
A lot of fun, yet 1hard work, goes into th& making of a dance. Work on decorations is fun, yet hard, as this group shows.
Happiness lies behind the exotic theme, "Sayonora," as couples dance lo the low and sweet strains of Neil Weight.
senior hop looking into the donce from the hall, one would see scenes like this. They would see young couples gliding with the strains of music. 118
"Flamingo Fantasy," was the exotic theme chosen by the Class of '59. Corresponding with their theme they chose colors of pastel which they worked out in misty hues. The work is often difficult and strenuous, but the results always bring a beam of satisfatcion from the tired workers. Traditional at Jordan is the fascinating Junior Promenade, displaying per, feet formation led by the Junior Class Officers. Plunging in and working long and hard hours, the Juniors made their dance cine they will always remember as having a certain dream,like fantasy. Making the dream c mplete was Neil Weight and his orchestra.
Putting finishing touches on th decorations for the theme "Flamingo Fantasy," 11 this Junior student. The theme ls shown here looking through the refreshment booth .
Admiring the beautiful setting of this fountain are Annette Rollins and partner. The fountain was done very effectively.
Issuing the dance cards are these girls.
Enjoying themselves in the beautiful atmosphere are these couples. The Junior Prom was a great success and was thorougly enjoyed by all .
The Madrigal Singers from the Brigham Young University entertain the Jordan High School studentbody with their harmony .
LeRoy Briggs issues the orders and the two poor bewildered sophomores look on路 David Anderson, the big center, sets up a perfect play to the opposite??
These two people, Howard Brinton and Maxine Anderberg, take advantage of this assembly.
What some people won't do for a picture!
Murray's assembly holds Jordan spellbound with their humor.
The Charlonians are portraying one of the many stages in history through the years. Their assembly covered all areas of time.
People, places, and adventure. It takes more than just being alive twenty;four hours a day to really live. There must be these three essential ingredients to add spice to life. At Jordan, this year, we experienced all three. People from other lands and countries came into our lives. Places were visited by chosen rep; resentatives. High adventure was brought our way in the name of sports. These were special events in our lives. But it took more than just the name "Special" to make it a success - it took the spirit and enthusiasm of the Jordan Beetdiggers. 121
assemblies At Jordan High School this year, a week refused to come to a conclusion without some typ of entertainment, relaxing or otherwise. Exchange programs from the surrounding schools made friendships that were everlasting. The Beetdigger attended assemblies that displayed terrific talent from within the walls of our own Jordan High School. The various universities from throughout the state brought much merriment and laughter to the monotony of school work. Our competent Student Body Officers scheduled paid performers from the National School Assemblie Association. These talented performers presented many assemblies that were rich in education and entertainment. Our assorted assemblies added much to the routine of the dull classroom. The alumni assembly was done very differently this year. A group came up from the B.Y.U.
A very educational assembly which added to our cultural interests was this violinist and his piano player. It was a very different assembly but kept the audience with awe in their eyes.
Olympus traveling assembly puts their best foot forward in intriguing Jordan's audience.
Liberace? No, George, it's just Howard Brinton trying to show off again, as usual.
Dennis Neilsen Head Cheerleader
Ann Richards
Connie Ninomiya
They also lead cheers!! Eldon Weber
Nancy Hughes
Don Bateman
ROW 1 : Dell We lch, Jim Kiholm, Milan Uremovich , Karl Linsey, Charles Williams, Mike Wanlass; Clark Parker, Richard Harris, LeRoy Ray, Johnny Eltz, David Gonzalas, Bre nt Vawdrey, Kenneth Harper. ROW 2 : Nick Bapis, Johnny Wetsel, Howard Ross, LeRoy Berrett, Wendall Hunsaker, Michae l Grane , Dale Hansen, Louie Deluca, George Frkovich , Ray Patience, Jimmy Brennon, Keith laComb, Russell Parker, Clayton Smith , Merrill Brinton. ROW 3 : Coach Bob Te ran, Ste ve Millington, Steve Heaps, Dick Butler, Jimmy Snarr, Richard Sobey, Mike Pavich, Mike lase lla, Bryan Burr, Jim Hutchings, Brue"' Jacobson, Dennis Dahl, Dick Worthing, Robert Larse n, Terry Te eples, Larry Bannon , Dee Hardman, Paul Jensen, Bob Akag i, Ron Osborne, Coach Sherman Crump . Not Pictured : Danny Cameron, Bill Deluca, Steve Tripp, Kenny Lauritzen, and Bill Homer.
sophomore team football
"On, brave old Jordan's Team!"
Enthusiastic J. V. and Soph coaches : Art Hughes, Sherm Crump, and Bob Teran . 125
ROW 1: David Tranter, Robert Anderson, Dick Bench, Joe Brklacy, Lloyd Vigil, Brent Javalne, Jim Manos, Kent Walker. ROW 2 : Coach Art Hughes, Kris Loulias, Jack Clark, Jay Mounteer, Russel Taylor, Larry Schmidt, Fred Thompson, Robert Searle, Bill Leatherwood, Dave Holman, Lynn Benson, Gerald Giaque .
scoreboard â&#x20AC;˘ J.V.
South Summit 0
Jordan 40
LEAGUE Jordan 7 ---------------------------------------------- Olympus 0 Jordan 20 ------------------------------------------------ Murray 6 Jordan 35 -------------------------------------------------- Tooele 7 Here we go againl
Football managers : Bob Nelson and Jim Cartwright.
Wally Naylor Senior
Richard Watts Senior
Rolland Koller Senior
Ron Harrington Senior
Richard Zdunich Junior
Bill Leatherwood Junior
Dave Thorum Senior
Dave Holman
Gary Eckman Senior
Kent Brown Senior
Kent Allsop Senior
Kenny Smart Junior
Stan Jex Senior
Jerry Erlenbach Junior Russell Taylor Junior
Lynn Gaufin Junior
Ron Lefevre Senior
Ted Tolman Senior
Howard Brinton Senior
Clyde Williams Senior
Nile Beckstead Senior
Garth Beckstead Senior
Paul Whetman Senior
Ray Brennaman Senior
Jordan 25
Olympus 27
J rdan 14
Murray 27
Jordan 14
Bingham 20
Jordan 12
J rdan
Jeff Joseph Senior
Mike Bullett Junior
Sherm Miller Junior
Nick Malkos Senior
varsity 127
For many previous years basketball has been the sovereign sport at Jordan, and this year was no exception to the rule. Making up a team from five returning varsity men and some Sophomore and Junior Varsity players of last year, Coach Art Hughes was able to mold a strong and meritorious force. With the proficient aid of Assistant Coach Sherman Crump, plus ex-Jordanite and student teacher Jerry McCleary, he took his team through a triumphant season with a record of nine wins and only one loss in region play.
Assistant Coach Sherm Crump, Captains Del Kidd and Cliff Goff, and Coach Arthur Hughes.
The Managers: David Tranter, Larry Schmidt.
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
47 72 38 36 58 56 52 56 64 58
----------------- Tooele ------------- Bingham ----------- Olympus ·--------------- Cyprus --------------- Murray -----------------Tooele ·------------- Bingham ·----------- Olympus ·--------------- Cyprus ·--------------· Murray
33 52 34 37 53 37 50 54 50 53
Senior, Guard
Junior, Forward
Senior, Guard
Junior, Forward
"Where's Ron?"
Our varsity team, "doing it again," won, for the seventh consecutive year, the region basketball trophy. They also made it possible for us to sport the traditional red and grey at the State Tournament. Neil Jenson, Del Kidd, Dave Anderson, Dallas Hakanson, Val Smith, and Cliff Goff were Seniors playing their last yea~ at Jor; clan. Kent Goodrich, Angelo Mascaro, Jerry Erlenbach, Phillip Kemp, Randy Dow, and Mike Pavich constituted the rest of the team.
Almost, but not quite! "One-two-three I ouch l o-lerio!"
"But I can't help it!'"
Hok I pictured I passes one to Smitty (not pictured.)
J.V. Keeping with tradition of the past five years, our junior varsity team again walked away with the Region Four J. V. Champion~ ship. In the same fashion as the varsity squad, the Junior Varsity team maintained a record of only one loss in a season of ten games. The team - made up of_ fourteen play~ ers, four Juniors and ten Sophomores - was coached by able Sherman Crump.
"Don't fence me inl"
ROW 1: Milan Uremovich, Billy Qeluca, LeRoy Berrell, Bruce Jacobson . ROW ;2: Terry Teeples, Robert Searle, Mike Pavich, Paul Anderson, Mike McDonald, Dick Dille, Coach Sherm Crump.
ROW 1: Mike Despain, Manager, Mika Houston, Lester Moore, Bryan Burr, Terry Teeples, Robert Monroe. ROW 2: Cooch Bill Ryan, Jim Kiholm, Tom Despain, Kant Higham, Dennis Glover, Russel Parker, Bruce Jacobson, Nick Bapis, LeRoy Berrett, Coach Bob Teran.
sophomores The Soph basketball team, under the di~ rection of Coach Bob Teran, took second place honors in Region Four. They main~ tained a record of seven wins and three losses. Coach Bill Ryan, in his first year at Jordan assisted Coach Teran.
These boys are Sophomores?
Coaches Bob Teran and Bill Ryan.
The wrestling crew before the final cut. This Is getting monotonous!
Coach Glen Jackson and two entries to state competition, Jerry Endo and Wayne Cook.
,,.-路." ...
A two-headed, four-legged, people-eater!
Jordan's entries to Region Four competition. ROW 1: Andrew Madsen, Jimmy Brady, Wayne Cook. ROW 2: Jerry Huish, Dennis Smith, Jerry Endo. ROW 3: Johnny Wetsel, Clyde Williams, Bill Li!alherwood, and Ronny Lefevre.
The loss of wrestlers due to the transfer of students living west of the river to Bingham made this a rebuilding year in the wrestling depart~ ment. Coach Glen Jackson, faced with the task of building up returning men plus training recruits, sent twelve men into region competiton, of which number four men placed. Wayne Cook took first in his weight class, Jerry Endo second in his class, Jerry Huish and Ron Lefevre placed fourth, thus insuring Jordan High of the third place region rating. Two men, Wayne Cook and Jerry Endo, went into the State Class "A" tournament and won fourth place in their divisions.
The "forward" look.
Placing second in region, last year's dauntless thinclads set the prece, dent and provided the incentive for the 1958 track team. Six prominent returning lettermen - Mike Heinecke, Brent Price, Val Smith, Reynold Johnson, Byard Price, and Kenny Smart - provided the powerful nucleus of the team. Adding to this strength are sophomores Bryan Mumford, Maurice Crane, Eddie Thompson, and Russell Parker, who set new dis, trict records in last season's _junior high competition, plus proficient track, men returning from last year who did not letter. It is evident that in his second year as track coach here at Jordan, adroit Bob Teran has <level, oped exceptional talent among his auspicious crew. ROW 1: Darryl Potter, Bob Etherington, Deloy Johnson, Mike Heinecke, Brent Price, Gary Fullmer, Dick Benc'h, Val Smith, Reynold Johnson, Howard Brinton, Edwin Bishop, Gene Webb. ROW 2 : Coach Bob Teran, Carne-s Burson, Byard Price, Ken Mitchell, Don Parker, Mike Pavich, Raymond Patience, Eddy Thompson, Russell Parker, Rick Densley, David Holman, James Wood. ROW 3: Bob Kil pack, Shelly Pierce, Bruce Johnson, Johnny Wetsel, Dennis Dahl, Bryan Mumford, Maurice Crane, Terry Teeples, Sherm Miller, Lee Webster, Jimmy Jenson, Robert Monroe.
"Who put that there?"
Returning Lettermen: Buddy Price, Reynold Johnson, Val Smith, Mike Heinecke, Brent Price.
Coach Bob Teran with Co-Captains Mike Heinecke and Brent Price. Junior high record breakers of last year wflo are expected to do well as Sophomores,
A method In their madness. ROW 1: Tamera Webb, Wanda Noland, Carole Tennyson, Linda Robison. ROW 2 : Marilyn Johnson, Nikki Labrum, Sharon Estep, Judy Larson, Shirley Greenwood . ROW 3: Darlene Jones, Maxine Anderberg, Carol Hardwick.
The dance classes started a new year with a new teacher, Miss Dorothy Parkin. At the beginning of the year, exercising was the main activity. Later on different types of dancing were started. Composition work was done to drum beats, poems, conversations, comic strips, and finally to music. Four weeks were spent bowling at Koller's. The girls 1earned folk dances, square dances, and tap dances during the-third quarter. The fourth quarter activity included social dancing such as the waltz and tango.
dance "Ah-Hal Caught In the Act."
Demonstrating various positions in Moder" Dance.
The physical education classes started out the new school year under the direction of Miss Helen Seaman. In the usual uniform of white shorts and blouses, the girls first learned to play kickball. Later on, indoor sports such as volleyball, badminton, wis; ket ball, and basketball were learned and played by all the classes. The gym classes spent four weeks at Keller's practicing their bowling techniques.~ Spring, the girls practiced tennis skills and rules. More out; door sports such as golf, croquet, and soft; ball were played.
Mo....-l"-"'-t.oigestlng bits of gossip in the dressing room are Kathleen Ballard, Jeanine Sylvester, Marlene Jenson, and Nanette Richards.
Shirley Olson, Bonnie Phelps, and Marcia Gadd.
One, two, three strikes -you're out! Jordan's baseball team is looking forward to another bright season. With Sherm Crump coaching and Dallas Hakanson acting as captain, and with the returning lettermen leading the way, the sophomores learned to set their goals high in order to achieve success on the diamond. Al; though playing only two pre;season games, the '58 season held much in store for the team as well as honor for the school.
Coach Sherm Crump and Captain Dallas Hakanson.
SCHEDULE April 7 ------------------ Jordan at Cyprus April 10 ....................Jordan at T ooel~ April 14 ................ Murray at Jordan April 17 ------------·· Jordan at Olympus April 21 ................ Bingham at Jordan April 24 .................. Cyprus at Jordan April 28 ---------------- Jordan at Bingham May 1 .................. Olympus at Jordan May 5 .................... Jordan at Murray May 8 --·-----------·-·----- Tooele at Jordan
ROW 1: Keith Lacomb, Nick Bapis, Kent Higham, Bill Deluca, Joe Montoya, Jerry Erlenbach, Sherm Miller, LeRoy Ray. ROW 2 : Bob Nelson, Tom Despain, Louie Deluca, Milan Uremovich, Don Stevens, Howard Brinton, Wally Naylor, Steve Kurmada. ROW 3: Mik<> Bullett, Hal Thorum, John Gilbert, Randy Dow, Dave Thorum, Dallas Hakanson, Nick Malkos, Ron Harrington, Gary Jones, Richard Zdunlch, Coach Sherm Crump, Larry Schmidt, manager.
ROW 1: Ray Plumhof, Robert Osgood, Russel Taylor. ROW 2: Coath Art Hughes, Rolland Koller, Robert Jensen, Cliff Goff, Sharin Rasmussen.
In the fourth year of its existence, the golf team, coached by Art Hughes, is hopeful of winning a high place in Region Four. The eight;man squad was chosen from a group of about twenty men who tried out. An elimination tournament was being played as the year; book went to press. SCHEDULE April 7 ---------------------------------------------- Jordan at Cyprus April 10 ---------------------------------------------- Jordan at Tooele April 14 -------------------------------------------- Olympus at Jordan April 17 ---------------------·--···········-········ Jordan at Murray April 21 --···-··-···------------------------------ Bingham at Jordan April 24 --------·-------------------·----------------- Cyprus at Jordan April 28 ------------------------------------------·· Jordan at Bingham May 1 --- ~- ---------------------------------·-··----· Murray at Jordan May 8 -------------------------------------------------- Tooele at Jordan
Ray gets "teed off."
Nile Beckstead blurs one over the net.
Tom Despain, Lynn Jones, Marcell Saldivar, Mark Robis, Jeff Joseph, Nile Beckstead.
"It's not what you say but how you say it that counts." At least that's what our esteemed English teacher tells us. Under the competent direction of the department head, Miss Oralie Rawson, eleven of the English teachers in the state tried their best to instill in our hearts and minds the desire to speak better English.
more comfortabl& this way.
english The language barrier is the most diffi~ cult problem to overcome in our world to~ day. Realizing this fact, the administration of Jordan High School has made two for~ e~gn languages a part of our course. They are first and second year Spanish and French. Spanish is the tongue of our nearest neighbor, and French the language of love. An imaginary trip to France is taken by some 'Aâ&#x20AC;˘ students.
"The Reader's Digest" is a monthly occurrence in most English classes
here at Jordan .
language for a board demonstration in Spanish Is
~ )
Speech is divided into three major parts. Speech 路I, is the basic fundamentals of the art of speech; Speech II, a more detailed study; and last but not least, Speech III, the dramatics class. The activities participated in by these class included the play, "One Mad Night," the Voice of Democracy contest in which Vickie Nebeker took top honors; the American Legion Oratorical Con; test, with Jay Stevens placing first, and the Region Speech Festival held at Olympus with Murray, Bing; ham, Cyprus, Olympus and Jordan competing for hon; ors and a chance to go to State. "I didn't know you cared for me," says Maureen Bailey.
"It really isn't necessary to demonstrate," the class tells Jay Stevens, but he insists.
Expression is important.
Presentation of speech awards .
This group is practicing for Debate meet.
The five students in these pictures are doing exercises in Legislative Forum. The best of these students re!)reented their class at state.
Jordan's debate teams have made a good .showing this year. They qualified six teams for region ·and two for state debate meets. Also representing Jordan are two teams qualified for the National Forensic League Meet in Logan. The controversial topic of Foreign Aid was the subject of this year's debates. Jordan's debate classes also have a course of study in two other subjects, extemporaneous speaking and legislative forum. Students in these classes are also eligible for the different meets held for debaters.
The•• students represented us in the State Debate meet. Randall Rathyin and Grant Bagley, Legislative Forum; Sheryl Ashman, Extemporaneous Speaking; S~erley Greenwood, Janice Jenkins, Aty Vanderhoof!, Debate, and Judy Larson, Oratory.
James Grow seems to be in pain as the teacher explains man's workings.
Chemistry problems require some extra time for these students-.
â&#x20AC;˘ sciences
Biology, Botany, Zoology, Chemistry, and Physics compose our scientific departments. Science classes are designed to give stu; dents an understanding of our world and how it works. Chemistry is all about the elements, what goes into making what. In Biology, Botany and Zoology classes, students study plants and animals, their growth and development. In these classes you learn a little of what makes life and causes death.
Economics, tihe study of money, seems to interest these three.
History, Psychology, and Sociology are classi; fied as social sciences. The purpose of teaching classes of this nature is to develop a better under; standing of our own emotions and actions. They hope by understanding ourselves we will better understand the people around us. Psychology is the study of the mind and how it works. Soci; ology is the study of man and his social environ; of our homemaking
Physiology inv9lves the study of the mind and the emotions.
ment. History and geograph ,' embody the study of the land and the achievements of men. Falling into the category of domestic science are home economics classes. Under the super; vision of Miss Lee, Miss Henderson and Mrs. Tranter, girls are taught cooking, sewing, home nursing and may of the fine arts of housekeeping.
domestic The cooking class is a favorite with both boys and girls.
Coed finds It's a wide wide world .
tA I
J l, <' ~ OV\.--'
f k,
Sophomores find history very exciting.
history Math holds an ever~ present and a very important pos1t1on in world education. It is almost essential in anyone's life plan, for no matter what you intend to become you need a working knowledge of math. Jordan High School offers you many good opportunities to get a fine mathematical background by providing for your use books and instructors in several different kinds of math - General Math, Algebra I and II, Geometry, and Trigonometry.
math A tricky problem; a pained expression. Math is a difficult subject for home and easy for others and it looks like this class has so~e in both categories . I hope that girl in the right hand corner Isn't going to fall asleep wh e class Is on.
Intent upon their work, these two boys don't seem to notice anyone or anything. The students in Mr. Kennington's welding classes always find this course of study both interesting and helpful.
vocational Welding, another vocational class here at Jordan, is taught for one period of 2 hours each day. The students taking this class must have had one previous year of welding and it is open to both juniors and seniors alike. There are eighteen students enrolled in this class at the present time and there is a job placement service for all those who are good enough to qualify. The boys in auto mechanics have been busy this year. Working on their own friends' cars, they have done $2,000 worth of work in labor and parts. Auto Mechanics is a 2~hour class and there are 6 sessions held each day. The total number of boys taking this class is 45. To be eligible for this course of study you must have taken first year auto mechanics and maintained a B average. One of the ad~ vantages of this cfa.ss is job placement. Finding out what's wrong with a piece of machinery Is often a tricky problem but these three look like they mean business. Auto meclhanics students are never stumped for long, especially with teachers to help.
welding auto mechanics Never a dull moment at Jordan Shops.
Typing is the number one skill in a business office . You 111ust develop speed and accuracy lo the point of perfection and the only way to do this is to practice. Realizing this, these two girls are really going al it.
Peggy Preston is learning a valuable skill, the dlctaphone.
Shown here are some of Mr. Sharp's second year type students.
There is a phase of business offered to every student here at Jordan High School - Sophomores, Juniors, and. Seniors alike. We have typing for be~ ginning and advanced students. Bookkeeping, short~ hand, and advanced stenography are all offered to anyone interested. Students who are willing to put forth effort and work can really get a lot out of these classes, for under the patient tutoring of the qualified busi~ ness teachers, using some of the best equipment in the state, they get an unequalled training that will prepare them for a position in any business estab~ lishment . . 150
Ronald Johnson and Victor Scorzato are using their creative ability in Mr. Olson's commercial art class.
art â&#x20AC;˘ music
Art can be termed in many different ways and all types of art are taught here at Jordan. We are offered classes in jewelry, commercial art, modern art, ceramics, and sculpture. Students who have participated in these classes can tell you they are enjoyable and beneficial. Music soothes the wildest of beasts so the wise men say, and under the direction of Mr. Crapo, music lovers at Jordan are learning the truth of this statement. The music department produced "The Messiah," their most outstanding effort, and furnished music for assemblies.
Gloria Jean Pratt molds with talented hands a very lifelike image of a woman.
Get on your mark, get ready make music.
This group of intent music students are preparing for the annual presentation of "The Messiah."
Where the rolling foothills rise from our valley, Jordan High will always remain as a striking chqllenge to . this changing universe . . . where we grew in knowledge and experience ... where we made lasting friendships and "hi" acquaintances . . . we gave ourselves to Jordan, she, in turn offered herself to us ... we all carved our permanent and irrevocable place路, no matter how insignificant . . . teachers loomed as ominous myths to bewildered Sophs . . . just people playing hard and working hard ... having fun together in spite of it all ... singing, dancing, loving, talking, walking hand-in-hand . . . time spent with the "girls" and "boys" . . . saying "good-night" . . . Friday nights at the dances ... games - taking a lot of our time, effort, and energy. These are our memories. A high school yearbook is often the only album one has of his school days, perhaps the only record of the most eventful years of his life. So it is with a somewhat wistful reverence that we complete the 1958 Beetdigger, for we know that our book is not made entirely of paper and ink, but of life. and memories. Working the 1958 Beetdigger has been an experience well worth the work, worry, and sleepless nights it caused. What once seemed to be an almost insurmountable burden has 路dwindled to an enjoyable memory of a pleasant, though arduous task, due largely to the efficiency and willingness of many people ... to these people who helped, we extend our sincerest gratitude LaWain Adams, Editor JoAn Kunz, Assistant Editor
ACADEMIC Admini stration ...................................... 66-75 Juniors .................................................. 30-41 Seniors .................................................. 42-61 Sophomores ......................................•... 14-2 9 Stude nt Officers .................................... 14-42 ACTIVITIES About Campus .. ...................................... 2-1'3 Calendar .................................................. 103 Social life ........................................ 114-119 Special Events .................................. 120-121 ATHLETICS Baseball ............................................ 140-141 Baske tball ................................ ........ 128-133 Cheerleade rs ............................................ 124 Football ............................................ 125- 127 Girl s Sports ............................................ 139 Golf ........................................................ 142 Tenni s ...................................................... 142 Track ................................................ 136-137 Wrestl ing .......................................... 134-135 CULTURAL ARTS Band ................................................ 108-109 Beetdigger ............................................ 98- 99 Broadcaste r .............................................. 100 Couri e r .................................................... 102 Debate .................................................... 146 "J" Book ................................................ 102 Messiah ............................................ 104- 105
Orchestra .... .... .................................. 106-107 School Play ...................................... 112-113 Speech Activities .................................... 145 Traveling Assembly ...................... ...... 110-111 MISCELLANEOUS Acknowledgements .... .............................. 1 52 Ending ................... ... .............................. 160 Index ................................................ 156-159 Introduction .. ............................................ 1-3 ORGANIZATIONS Boys Club ................................................ 77 Charlonians .......................................... 82-83 Civil Air Patrol ........................................ 78 DECA ........................................................ 97 F.F.A. ........................................................ 81 F.H.A . .................. ...................................... 89 forensic League ....... .................... ............. 89 Future Enginee rs ...................................... 86 Girls Club ................................................ 77 Jay Dees .................................................. 91 Jordaneltes ............. ...... ............................. 85 Key Club .............................•.................... 79 language Club .......................................... 84 letterman Club .......................................... 84 Masque and Gavel .................................. 94 Press Club .......... ........................................ 88 Quill and Scroll ........................................ 88 Junior Red Cross Club ............................ 95 Riding Club ................................................ 78 Ski Club .................................................... 93
• • in memoriam.
• •
Born September 17, 1941 Died May 22, 1957
Born August 14, 1940 Died March 9, 1958
picture index A Adams, Betty AnneAdams, Calvin-3I, 62 Adams, Karen-15 Adams, Lawain-2, 45, 95, 98, 99, 152 Ada1ns, Bill-15, 80 Ainsworth, Noel-31 AinsworLh, Rex-31 Akagi, Bob-I5, IOB, 109 Akagi, Roy-15, 125 Akers, Barbara-31 Alldredge, Dee-31, 80 Allen, H.erbert James-15, 80 Allen, lra Hanks Allen, Melvin Allen, Tom-45, 93 Allgood, Karen-15 Allgood, Eldon-45 Allsop, Charles-31 Alsop, Kent-45, 62, 65, 79, 84, 85, 95, 127 Allsop, Bill-105 Alt.op, Lesa-31, 62 Anderberg, Maxine-45, 85, 87, 90, 91, 96, 97, 120 Andcrbt:rg, Susao-15, 90, 92 Anderson, Ann-45, 82, 90, 92, 105 Anderson, Arlon-15 Anderson, Dorene-31 Anderson, Chesccr-43, 78, 80 Anderson, David-115, 120, 130 Anderson, Elaine-45, 85, 92, 93 Anderson, Karen-15, 90 Anderson, Kenneth Andersol't, Le Roy-31 Anderson, Marilyo-15, 90, 95 Anderson, Merlin-SO Anderson, Nadean-15 Anderson, Paul-15, 132 Andcr$on, Peggy-45 Anderson, Richard-3 1, 7 7 Anderson, Robert-3 t, 126 Anderson, Rae-15, 96 Anderson, Va Layne-31, 88 Anderson, VelleAndreascn, JohnAndrus, Charles-43 Andrus, Loulsc-15 Archibald, Glorla-15 Archuletta, Dolores-31 Arcbelcua, Tauna-31 Armstrong, Roberr-31 Asay, Linda-45, 81, 87 Ashby, Mike-Ashman, Sheryl-31, 82, 85, 89, 93, 94, 146 Astle, Blaine-15 Astorga, Linda-15, 90 Atkinson, Don PatAugason, Robcrt-15
B Bagley, Grant-32, 113, 146 Bagley, Marilyn-15 Bailey, Glade-15 Baily, Maureen-32, 82, 84, 90, 93, 94, 113, 145 Baird, Claudlne-45, 62, 81 Baker, Carol-15, 90, 102 Baker, Scott-32 Baker, Vicki-45, 84 Balich, Janet-15 Ballard, Douglas-15 Ballard, Kathleen-15, 92, 95, 139 Ballard, Rachel-15, 94, 95 Banks, Judy Kay-31 Banner, Karrcn-32 Banner, Karrol-32 Bannon, Larry-15, 125 Bapis, Nick-15, 63, 108, 109, 125, 133 Barnes, Patricia-16 Barney, Joe-16 Barney, Sandra-45, 82, 95, 106 Barret, Don-
Bastian, Emily-32, 82, 90, 95 Bateman, Blaine-16 Bateman, Brcnda-42, 45, 63, 82, 83, 86, 87, 88 Bateman, Don-32, 79, 94, 124 Bateman, Wayne-45, . 112 Battisoo, Peggy-45 Bawden, Lyle--16 Beagley, Bruce-31 Bean,Judy-16, 90 Beck, Jean-31 Beckstead, Carol-32, 85, 88 Beckstead, Chad-46, 87 Beckuead, Dale-
Beckstead, Darla.Ueckstcad, Dcnni&-46 Beckstead, Dorenc-95 Bcckscead, GailBecksiead, Garth-46, 63, 84, 127 Beckstead, Geneil-16 Beckstead, Joni-32, 82, 85, 90, 93 Beckatead, Mary-46, 84, 87 Beck tead, Nile-46, 63, 64, 84, !l7, 127, 142 Beckstead, Sharon-I6 Bedont, Joyce-14, I:!, 92, 95 Belcher, Kay-46, 81, 82, 84, 92, 95 Belcher, Holla Rae-16, 90, 96 Bell, Donnette-32, 77 Bell, Julia-32, 90, 102 Bell, Stanley-16 Bellon, Bart-32 Bench, Richard-32, 126, 136 Bendlxson, Barry-16 Bennen, Alicc-32 Benneu, Bcverly-31, 102 Benuiogfield, Jill-32, 94 Bennion, Lynn-46 Benson, Midge-I6, !10, 96, 102 Benson, Lynn-32, 93 Berrett, Le Roy-16, 62, 63, 77, 125, 129, 133 Berrett, Gordon-46 Bess, Kcnnerh-16 Bevell, WilliamBiaochi, Rodger-16 Bianchi, Ronald-32, 106, 108, 109 Bigg•, Dolores-32 Biggs, MclvinBi~lcr, Glenda-32, 94 Bill, Barbara-16, 90 Bills, Jeanettc-15, 32, 82, 83, 85, 90 Bills, Vcrlain-46 Bird, Lynelte-16, 62, 84, 95 Bishop, Edwin-31, 136 Bishop, Judith-16, 93 Bishop, Sharon-46, 81, 87 Blackett, Elizabeth-16, 90, 92, 93, 94 Blair, Carol-L6, 85, 90 Blanchard, Ted-46 Bloomquist, Robert-16, 108, 109 Bluemel. Bruce-46, 77 Bodell, Kathlecn-46 Bodell, Sherman-46 Boggeso, Harold David-32, 94 Bolliger, Barbara-46, 62, 81, 84, 93, 96 Bolliger. Larrainc-16 Bollschwciler, Davld-L6, 93 Boren, Celia-32, 85 Bosh, Judle-32, 90, 115 Boskovich, Daniel-46, 70, 84, 112 Boulden, Don-46 Boulden, LyleBoulden, Kirk-16 Bowen, He.nry-46 Bowles, Bill-78 Bowles, Brent--46 Boyce, Don-46 Boyce, Lynne-46, 90, 92, 93 Boyce, Lexic-32, 77, 82, 85, 90, 93. 96 Boyce, Russell-16 Boyle, B:irbara-32 Boynton, Marjean-16, 90 Brady, Ann-32, 93 Brady, Barbara Lynnc-93, 95 Brady, Henry Jameo-16 Brady, James-16, l35 Brady, Jerry-32 Brady, Judith-46, 81, 82, 90, 93 Breeze, Bcvcrlccn-.32, 100 Brenneman, Jamts-16, J 2S Brenncmrin, Raymond-46, 84, LOB, 109, 127 Brigg<, Le Roy-46, 120 Bri~~·· hirley-31, 82, 90, 94 Brimhall, Carolyn-32, 98, 99 Brimhall, Judlth-16 Brimhall, Renee-32 Brimhall, Wayne-16 Bringhurst, Ellis-BO Brinton, lloward-47, 62, 84, 110, 120, 122, 127, 136 Brinton, Merrlll-15, 17, 62, 125 Hrlnton, Sharon-31, 88 Brklacy, Joe-32, 126 Broomhead, Walnc-32 Brown, Allan- 7, 90
Brown, 81 Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown, Bro" a, 99 Brown,
Annabelle Leah-17, 78, Gcne-17 Helcn-4 7 Barrc--47 Jay-Jl Joan-4 7, 78,
Brown, Karen Rcocc-17
Brown , 90 Brown, Brown, Brown, Brown,
Kathryn Lindn-32, 82, Laurcl-47, 92 Ann-17 Scou Kent-47, 86, 127 Sharon Kay-.32, 93
Hrinton, Marric-93
Brown, Sharon-17 Buhler, Karen-17, 108, 109 Bulkley, aadrn-17 Bullett, Mlke-30, 33, 62, 84, 127 Bunnell, Judith--17, 82, 85, 89, 94, 95 102, 105 Burgan, Garth-l 7 Burgon, Victorin Knyc-17, 90, 96 Burke, Karen Judy-17, 96, 108, 109 Burns, Judy Ann-JJ, 105 Burr, Bryan-L7, L25, L33 Burr, Edna--17, 62, 63, 64, 82, 85, 86, 92, 95 Burrows, Julia-L 7, 106 Burson, Carnes Dudley-17, 136 Bushnell, Bryce-4 7 Butler, Jay HarveyBurlcr, KentButlcr, Ray-33 Butler, Richnrd-17, 125 Butler, Stanley Earl-31 Butler, Joan-47, 82, 85, 92, 95, L02, 105, 110 Butterfield , Arnold-33, 93, 96 Butterfield, Barbara-32, 82, 88, 94 Buuerfield, Lynn-47 Buuerfleld, Oixic-47, 90 Buxton, Frcd-33 Boggess, Alice-32, 82, 86, 88, 96 Bluemel, Davld-16 Brady, Joan-Bl
c nldwell, Lindn-17 Cameron, Dannie-17 , 125 Camphell, Mary-33, 82, 90 Campbell, Ronnic-L 7 Cannon, Boyd-1 7 Carloon, Alice Ann-17 Carl•on, Ronald Lamar-33 Carpenter, Carrie Lec-17, 90, 95 arpcntcr, Leslie H;uold- 3 Carrigan, Pnrricia-33, 82 1 95, 102 Carroll, Leolic-17 Carroll, Lola Jeaot-86, 87 Cacroll, Wllliam-33 Cnrson, ouhryn-17 Carson, Judy Am>-17 Carter, Don--4 7 Carter, Ellen-47 Cartwright, Jamea-33, 79, 84, l26
Case, William Fred-33 Cavender, Karcn-47, 87, 112 Chamberlain, Claudla-18, 90 hamherlain, John-41:!, 96 Chidc.cer, Dean-18 Chrincnacn, Dnrlcnc-18 Christensen, tcns-18 Church, La Ruc-33, 81 Clark, Barbnra-93. LOS, 109 Clark, Jack-33, 126 Clark, Patricla-48, 82, 86, 96 Clement, Karcn-48, 87 ClcmmcnJS, Kay-18, 84, 93, 94, I 04, 106, 135 Coe, Gary-J3 Cole, Margo AnnCollett, Bill Jay-18, 107, 108, 109 Collins, Scou-18 Colyar, Gnry-33. 84 Coni:cr, Gaylc--48, 82 , 95 Conger, Sylvla-33, 81, 82, 85, 86. 95, 96 Conti, Rogcr-48, 86 Cook, Kaaren-18, 90 Cook, Wnyne-33. 84, 134, 135 Cook, Eloise-48, 82, 90 Coons, Jov-18, 90, 108, 109 Coon., Colleen-13 Corbett, Michael-33 Costantn, Tony-18 Co11tnnz.n, Chiro--48 Covin~1on. Oanny-33 Cowdcll, 13euy-l 7. 81 Cowdell, Connie-18, 90, 93
Cowdell, Rebekah-33, 93 Cowley, Rlchard-33 Cox, Dale-48 Cox, Dennis-33 Cox, Dorene-18, 93, 94 Cox, Jolcn~'-48, 81, 82, 90 Crane, Carol-48 Crane, James Nlnurice-18 1 136 Crane, Ronald-33, 62, 84 Crawford, Richard-IS, 80 Crcssall, Carroll-18 Crcuall, Shcrran-48, 96 Crosgrove, Ralph-18 Crump, Norval-48 ulll•, Mike-48, 63, 79, 84, 95 Cundick, Carol-33, 82, 90 urtis, Byron Waync-18 urti , Dennis-33 Curtis, Gary-48 Curtis, Linda Judy-4 , 81 Curris, Naneuc-33 Cutler, Charleen-J3, 82 Carson, Kathryn-17 ampbell, Jenllette-47
D Dahl, Dennls-18, I36 Oahl, Margaret Jane-I~, 84, 90, 93, 96 Dahl, Rex-48 Dant!lson, Diannc-34, 81, 94 Dan:de, lionnic-48, 82, 83, 85, 92, 97 Dansie, La Fay-48, 90 Dansie, Raymond--18, SO Dansie, Lora LeeUa vis, KcntDavis, Larry Boyd-34 Davis, JcrryDuy, l{obert-48 Day, Henry-34 Day, Jcrry-34 Dny, fonya-82, 84, 85, 90, 91, 105 Deakin, John-34 Dean, fcnton-
Dean, Kuy-48, 87, 92, 93 Dean, Michcllc-18, 78 Dcgcus, Korncli;1.-l8, 96 Dcl...root, Gloria-18, 96 Delgado, Jess-48 Del~ado, fony-106 Oclu<en, Billy--62, I25, 132 Delucca, LoUlc-18, 125 Denison, 1''1nrion-48, '18 De1\Blcy, Bonnie-48, 90, 92 Dcn•ley, Richnrd-I8, 136 Densley, Ronald-LS Densley, Shirley Ann-18 De.pain, Doyle William-18 Despain, Evon--49 90, 92 Despain, Jobn-91:!, 99 Despnin, Michael John-18, I3J Oespain, Terry Gordon-HJ, 62 Dc:tp~dn, Thomu-18, 133, 142 Despain, \Vcston-18 Dibb, Della Mac-18, 90, 92 Dillie, Richard Pnul-18, 132 Dimmick, Robert-78 Dimond, Curtls-34 Doolittle, JohnDorius, Cnrolinc-49, 81, 84, 96 Oorius, Orval-33 Douglas, Joe-49, 93 Douglas, Sarah-18, LOS, 109 Dow, Randy-34, 63, 128, 130 Drake, Jerry-49, 87 Draper, Davld--49, 87 Draper, Frank-34 Drew, Dnrrell-49 Duffin, Pntricia-49, 77, 82, 85, 90, 105 Duffin, haron-19, 90 Dumas, Judy Ann-L9 Dunn, Cathnrinc Jo Ann-18, 92, 96 Dunn, Dlanc-34, 81, 82, 90, 92 Dunn, Paul-34, 80 E Enstman, DonEckmnn, Clnudia-19, 90, 94, 95 Eckman, Gary-49, 79, 84, 127 Ekin•, Carma Uae-19, 85, 90, 9-1 Eldredge, Michacl-19 Elli•. ShirleyEIS\.,•Ood, Loretta Jnne-19 El«, Johnny Anihony-19, 125 Endo, Grncc-49, 62, 81, 82, 88, 96, LOO Endo, Jerry-134, 135 Endo, Steve-86 Ennlu, Enid-34 Enniss, Susic-34, 82, 93 Erben, David-19 Ercckson, Barhara-19, 85, 90 Erickson, Denis-49 Erekson, Elainc-19, 90 Erekson, Pcnny-34
Erickson, Janice--49, 87, lOS Erickson, Linda-19, 90, 96 Erikson, Lynn-19 Erlenbach, Gerald-34, 63, 84, 86, 127, 129, 130 Error, Diana-34 Ertman, Lynn-34, 93 Escepp, Charlene-19, 90, 93 Escepp, Sharon--49, 82, 90, 92, 97, 138 Ethringcon, Larry--49, 79, 98 Ethrington, Roberc-34, 94, 136 Evans, Lila-34, 82, 8S Evans, LindaEvans, Sbaron-49 Ewell, Forest--49 Eyre, Ralph--49
F Farnsworth, Harold--49 FarnS\\'Orth, Karen-19 Farnsworth, LeRoy-19 Fechser, Phyllis-SO, 87 Fieldstad, Pat-34 File, Mona-19 Finlanon, Craig-19 Fisher, Beverly-19, 8S, 90, 96 Fisher, Monty-34 Fitzgerald, Perry-SO, 79 Fitzgerald, Madolin-34, 93 Fitzgerald, Mike-19, 79, 80 Fleming, Mary-34, 104 Flores, Dan-19 Flores, Mary Louise-30, 87 Forbush, Janis-19, 90, 96 Fowler, Sherry-34 Frampton, Mary Lee-19 Francom, Judy-19, 88, 90 Frear, Diann-19, 90 Fredrickson, Byron-19 Fredreckson, Phillip-20 Freeman, Carl-34, 96 Freeman, Janct-19, 78 Freeman, Carla-34, 96 Frkovich, Gcorge-20, 125 Fullmer, AliceFullrner, Gary-SO, 63 Funderburk, Herberc-20, 80 G
Gabler, Glen-20 Vada, uougtas-.lO Linoel, Lyn-.i.v, J.u8, 109 (.,aoa, 1'-larc1a-.l.5, YU, 139
uaaa, i:)l\e11a-.t.u, 90 La11cy, JOyce-J4, 94 La11Ci::OS, !-C.1chard-J4
Lrarancr, Mane-lo, 92, 96 Gar11c1d, lJcon-34, 8.l, 85, 88, 94, \IS Gariield, Joan-20 Garn, .Knymond-50, 93 GaLhcrum, Mur1ctGau1ln, Lynn-34, 63, 79, 127 Gee, Carolyn-SO, 81, 84 Gehring, Jt\nCt-50, t:l2, 90 Giaque, verald-34, 108, 109, ll6 Gilbert, Jon-20 Gilbert, ~ondra-20 Glass, <JcorgcGlovcr, Dav1dGlover, Dennis-20, 133 Glover, Roberc-34 Glover, TcdGofl, l:llainc-20 Gonzales, Oavid-20, lZS Golf, Clilford--42, SO, 79, 84, 86, 128, 130 142 Goff, Ralph-34, 77 Gold, Stephen-SO, 86, 89, 112 Golcsh, Carol-SO Gome<, Linda-34 Gonzales, Eloise-SO, 87 Glad, Hay-34, 80 Goodrich, Kent-34, 129, 130 Goodnch, Lewis-50, 86 Goris, DavidGotberg, Russell-SO Graham, Peggy Ann-20, 84, 90, 93, 94, 96 Crane, Michael-20, 90, 12S Crane, Michclle-20 Granquist, Kathleen-JS, Sl, 86 Gray, Douglas-20 Greco, Korma-35, 90, 9J, 94 Green, Gerald· Green, Jay Elmer-20, 108, 109 Green, Patricia Ann-20 Greene, Willard Morris-50 Greenhalgh, Judy-20 Greenwood, Karen-SO, 81, 82, 84, 92, 96 Greenwood, Shirley-JO, 35, 82, 8S, 89, 94, 138, 146 GreRory, Bob Vaughn-3S Gregory, DcnnisGriffey, Clyde-35 Griffith, Raymond-SO Grimaud, Marie-SO, 81, 96
Grow, James-3S, 94, 147 Grover, Kent-50 Guest, Dick- 3S GunderSon, Judy-20 J { '-/ ~ Gustaveson, Ruth-50
H Hakason, Dallas-SO, 79, 84, 129, 130 Hale, .l{aneeHarr., Joy-SO, 81, 82, 84, 90, 92, 96 Hamilton, Gail-SO, 80 Hamilton, Jannet-SO, 84 Hancey, Elizabetb-3S Hand, Karen-3S, 93, 96 Hansen, Barbara-35 Hansen, Brue Donald-3S, 80 Hansen, Bruce Dale-20, 108, 109, 12S Hansen, Dale-20, 108, 109, 12S Ha.nsen, Ronald GeorgeHardcasde, Dennis-3S, 79 Hardcastle, Glenda-SO, 90, 92 Hardman, Allen-3S Hardin, Patty-39 Hardy, andra-82, 102 Hardman, Marvin-51 Hardman, Dee-20, 12S Hardman, Lynn-20 Hardman, CeorgeHarpcr, Kenneth-20, 125 Hardwick, Karol-51, 82, 84, 8S, 9S, 97, 138 Hardy, Nadine Harrington, Ronnie-79, 84, 127 Ho1rris, Richard-20, 125 Harisson, Tyrone-20 Haws, Marcia-20, 90 Hawker, Carl-51 Hauetcr, Terry-51, 78, 87, lOS Hauon, Kachleen-51, 90, 93, 96 Hatt, Margic-51, 81, 96 I-ladield, ~hcrman-51 Ha~tings, Mclvin-51, 86 Hastin~s, Maxinc-20, 90, 96 Harvey, PaLricia-20 Hartman, PatriciaHartman, Jerry-20 Harryman, Nancue-35 Harryman, Lee-51 Heaps, Gloria-51, 82, 85, 90, 92, 96 Heaps, MarilynHeaps, MclvynHigham, Uary-51 Heaps, Stevc-20, 93 Heaps, Vernon-JS Heinecke, Kathryn-51, 87 Heinecke, Michael-Sl, 84, 136 Heki, Barbara-21 Heki, Ina Clare-3S Henke, Marvin-21 Hernandez, MarLha-51 Hendrickson, Gayle-36, 94 Henson, Lynn-3S, 82, 84 Hickman, Kathlcenlli~ham, Kent-21, 108, 109, 133 Hill, Catharine-3S, 93 Hill, Jack-21 Hill, Martha Rae-Sl Hill, Patricia-3JS, 85, 88, 94, 96 Hinnen, Jerry-21 Hirsch, Pat-J5, 82 1-lirsr, LorraincJlotfman, Jv1.elvinllo£fman, Kent-21 Hogenson, BrenL-51 Holder, Vonnetre-21, 90, 95 Holman, David-35, 84, 126, 127, 136 Holmes, Herbert Eugene Holmes, James LaverneHolt, Leslie-3S Hole, DavidHolt, Mar'-ia-51 Homer, William-21, 125 Hone, Lcster-21 Horrocks, Beverly-21, 95, 106 Houmand, Jim-35 Houmand, Judy-3S Houweling, Tiny-21, 96 Howell, Joan-21, 90, 96 Howlett, Grant-35, 94 Hudson, Jeneane-52, 81, 87, 88, 100 Huff, Kay-S2, 93 Hughes, Nancy-52, 82, 85, 86, 92, 97, 124 Hughes, Richard-36, 86 Hughes, Sharon-21, 90, 93 Huish, Jerry-35, 108, 109, 134, 13S Huish, Joan-35, 62, 84, 90, 94, 9S
Humphrey, Shirley-36 Hunsaker, Weldon-125 Hunter, Lynn-35 Hurse, Grant-S2, 87, 102, 106, 107, 108, 109 Husron, Mike-21, 133 Hutchings, Dcnnis-21, 106 Hutchings, Gary-52 Hutchings, Gayle-S2, 81 Hutchings, Jim-21, 12S Hutchings, JosephHyatt, Claudia-21 Hardy, Sandra-35 Hutchings, Deon-52 Hurish, Pat-90
Ihle, Nancy-3S, 84, 93 lasella, Mike-21 Ingersoll, Glade-3S, 106, 108, 109 lsinigine, Lelia-78
Jackson, Carl-21 Jacob, Norma-21 Jacobs, Glynda Mae-36, 108, 109' Jacobson, Bruce-21, 132, 133, 136 Jacobsen, Cardell-36 Jacobson, Carlin-52 Jacobson, Leora-S2, 108, 109 Jacobsen, Lorcen:--21 James, Jerry-36 James, JudieJames, Yvonnc-21, 90, 96 Janssen, RaymondJardine, Kenncth-52 Jarman, GaylcJarvis, Dennis-52 Javaine, Brent-36, 79, 84, 86, 126 Javaine, Mary-52, 85, 86, 92, 102, 108, 109 Jaynes, Gary LynnJenkens, Arlene-36 Jenkins, Janicc-36, 82, 85, 89, 90, 94, 146 Jenkins, Linda Bech-21 Jenkins, Lynn-21, 108, 109 Jenkins, Myrle-36 Jenkins, Richard-52 Jensen, Arlene-52, 86, 93 Jensen, Beverly-36, 82 Jensen, Carl-21 Jensen, David-36, 63, 79, 94, 9S, 106, 108, 109 Jensen, Gayle-22, 62, 8S Jensen, Gayle-S2, 82, 93 Jensen, Gaylcne-36 Jensen, Mardell-36 Jenson, James-36, 136 Jenson, John-S2 Jensen, Lcone-36 Jen~en, Paul-22, 125 Jensen, Robert-S9, 79, 142 Jensen, Phillip-S2, 63, 9S Jenson, Carlyn-22, 93 Jenson, Dixie-J2, 82, 84, 85, 86, 9S, 96 Jenson, ~ifarlene-15, 22, 62, 90, 93, 9S, 139 Jenson, Neil-S2, 77, 93, 129, 130 Jeppson, Mark-36 Jex, Stanley-S2, 84, 127 Johnson, Mike-94 Joffs, Karl-36, 86, 92 Johanson, Hcrbcrc-22 Johnson, Byron-22 Johnson, Ronald-S3 Johnson, David-S2 Johnson, Deloy-36, 136 Johnson, Dianne-22, 96 Johnson, Gary-22, 80 Johnson, George Richard-22 Johnson, James Russcl-52, 93 Johnson,John-36, 93 Johnson, Keith-S2 Johnson, Larry Wayne-36 Johnson, Marilyn-36, 82, 90, 115, 138 Johnson, Melvin-52 John•on, Peggy-S2, 81, 8S, 92, 96, 99, lOS Johnson, Kathleen-22 Johnson, Reynold-S2, 84, 136 Johnson, Ronald-22, 108, 109, 151 Johnson, Sheryl Ann-22 JohnsLon, FlorcnccJohnston, Jim-22 Jones, Arlenc-36, 82, 92, 108, 109 Jones, Bonnie-22 Jones, Carol-S3, 81 Jones, Clifford-86 Jones, Gary-S3, 63, 84, 127
Jones, Kathleen-22, 90, 93 Jones, Lyn-•.:2, 711, 93, 142 Jones, ~Larla-53, 81, 87 Jones, lJarlene-S3, 82, 90, 92, 97, 138 Jones, Kay-22 Jones, M.yrtle-53, 81 Joseph, Jetlrey-S3, 79, 84, 93, lJ.7, 142 Julander, tlrenc-36, 78, 93, HJ8, 109 Julio, JJon-22 Jureuh, Tamra-36, 81
K Karaglanis, Pete-22 Kasa1 1 Nedra-53, 77, 82, 85, 92 Kay, Lloyd-22 Kay, Nancy-S3 Kearsley, tllaine-J6, 62, 86 Keeler, tlob-22 Keeler, Jobn-S3, 93 Keller, Jan-36, 62, 84 Kemp, Uelores-22 Kemp, DennisKemp, James-S3, 84 Kemp, Monty-22 Kemp, Prulip-36, 128, 130 Kemp, Fred-36 Kemp, Shana-36, 81 Ke>Sler, Linda-22, 106 Kidd, Del-S3, 84, 128, 129, 130 Kiholm, Jimmy-22, lZS, 133 Kilpack, l{obert-3 7, 93 Kilpack, Roberc-37, 93, 13S Kimball, Dale-S3, 62, 77 King, Dawna-S3, 81, 98 Kirk, Wanda-36, lOS Kirkpatrick, Melba Jo-36 Kline, Grace-22 Knight, Duane-22 Kohnen, Joseph-22 Koller, Rolland-S3, 84, 86, 127, 142 Koncurar, Pierre-54 Konold, Davi<;l-S4 Koonce, Edgar-36 Kosovich, Vivian-82, 36 Krebs, George-36 Krizman, LouisKunz, JeanetteKunz, JoAn-2, 37, 82, 95, 98, 1S2 Kuramada, Steve-36 Kuramada, Sterling-22 Kynaston, JoAnn-S4, 62, 64, 82, 8S, 87, 9S Krizman, Anica-108, 109
Labrum, Nikki-S4, 82, 89, 97, 108, 109, l38 LaComl>, Keuh-22, 62, 63, lZS Lacox, FrankLambson, llona-3 7 Lambson, Mcrlin-23, 108, 109 Lancaster, Shirleen-37 Landers, Darwin-54 Landers, Pearl Mabel-23, 96 Landures, Chr.!e-37, 84, 93, 144 Landures, Toni-22, 95 Lane, Ed-37, 78 Larsen, Anita Louise-23, 90 Larsen, Ellis-37 Larsen, JoEllen-23, 63, 85, 90, 92, 93 Larsen, Judith-42, 54, 82, 85, 86, 1:199, 92, 93, 97, 113, 138, 146 Larsen, LoisLarson, Carol Ann-23, 81 Larson, Delpha-S4, 81, 90 Larson, Robert-23 Larson, Rogcr-54, 80 Latimer, Larry-23, 79 Lauritzen, Kcnneth-23, 125 Laypach, Richard AllenLeak, Carol Maxine-23 Leak, Clifford Kent-23 Leak, Kathleen-S4 Learherwood, Bill-37, 84, 108, 109, 126, 127, 13S Leatherwood, Gary-37 Leavitt, Gloria Jcan-37 La Fever, Ronald-S4, 84, 127, 13S Lennberg,Sharon-S4, 84, 87 Leonard, Karen-37, 82, 86, 88, 90 Lester, Vcrn-54, 79, 86 Lether, Linda-23, 108, 109 Levine, Lois-37 Lindsay, Carl Edwin-23, 79, 12S Lipsey, Myrtle-S4, 62 Lloyd, Dixie Ann-54 Lloyd, Ralph-
Lloyd, Doris-54, 97 Lloyd, Francis-23 Lloyd, Sharlene-37, 90, 94, 102 Lloyd, Sue Ann-23, 9S Loader, Geneil-37 Lopez, FrankLoulias, Kris-37, 126 Lou, Karen-S4, Sl, 96 Love, Larry-54 Loveless, Terrill-23 Lublin, Peggy-37 Ludwig, Evan-S4 Lund, ClarkLund, Olean-S4, Sl, S4, 93, 96 Lund, Orlyn-S4 Lundberg, Jack-37, S2, SS, 96 Lundberg, Joan-37, S2, SS, 96 Lundberg, Myrna-S4, SS, 90, 92, 96, 11~ 112 Lunnen, Lola-54, 62, 63, 82, S3 Lunnen, SharonLyon, Wayne-
M Mabey,Sharon-3S Mace, LarryMace, MikeMacGuffie, Charlotte-3 7, 7S, so, 9S, lOS, 109 Mackay, Lynn-S9, 104, 106 Maddocks, Jeffery-3S Madson, JanetMadsen, Andrew-37, S6, 93, 13S Madsen, MarieMadsen, "1.ichael DaleMadsen, Miciam-37, 94 Mahler, JohnMalkos, Nick-S4, .S4, SS, 127 Mahitrom, GlennManhego, EleanorMangum, Douglas JohnMangum, Earl-SS, SS, 100, lOS, lOS, 109 Mannes, Jimmy-38, 126 Marchant, Elaine-SS, 82, 85, S6, 92, 9S Marchant, Bonie-37, 82, 85, S6, 9S, lOS, 109 Marchant, Jerry-SS Marda, Lia-23, 96 Margetts Judy-3S, 93 Markus, Lucille--62, 63, BS, 86, 90, 92 Marlor, Janet-S5, S2 Marriott, Dan-55, 62, 63, 79,
95 Marshall, KennethMartin, Arnold-93, 95 Mascaro, Angelo-37, S4, 130 Mathews, LarryMaudsley, Billie LouMaxfield, Gary-55 Maxfield, JeNeal-SS, SS Maxfield, Larry-5S Maxfield, Susan-55 Maynard, ArlandMaynard, Srnnley-23 Mayne, Myrna-
Mayne, Pat-
McArther, Sheron-37, S2 McBride, Kay-37 McCall, Robert-SS McClellan, Gordon-5S McCril, Sandra-37, S4, 90, 93 McDonald, Lyle-55 McDonald, MaxMcDonald, Michael-23, 132 McDougal, Wilburn-5S, SO McLachlan, Pat-55, 92, 93 McManigal, MarlineMcMullin, Richard-55, 9S McMullin, Kit--5S McPhee, GordonMechan, EvelynMecham, Pauy-24 Meaker, Judy--46 Meecker, Dennis-37 Mellinthin, Tom-24 Millo, Joe-24 Mellor, PaulMellor, Stephen-24 Menssen, Edletraut-37, 82 Meyer, WalterMichaelson, Dick-S5 Mickelson, Carol-24 Mickelson, Maurcne-38 Miles, Dorochy-56, S5, 90 Miles, Sherwood-56 Miles, Vincent-3S, S2, S6, 106 Meller, Monty-3S Miller, Robert-24 Miller, Sherman Dean-38, 84, -127, 136 Miller, Sherryn-56, 7S Millington, Steven-24, 125
Milne, Betty-56, 90, 92, 93, 96, 105 Milne, Judy-24, S5, 90, 96 Milne, Nancy-56, 63, 82, SS, 92 Milne, Patricia-37, 82, 94 Mines, Dons-24, 96 Miner, Henry-37, 89, 106, lOS, 109 Minick, Joe-S6 Mitchell, EliMiccbell, Ken-56, 136 Micchell, WilliamMitchell, Susan-56, Sl, 96 Mlaker, Judith-24 Monroe, Roberc-24, 133, 136 Montague, Evelyn-56 Montoya, AntonioMontoya, Frank-24 Moncoya, Joe-3S, S4 Moore, Leste.r-24, 133 Moore, MichaelMoi:elli, RonMorgan, Clyde-24 Morrill, Rex-24 Morrison, DianeMorrow, Gary-38, 93 Morse, Keith-56 Morse, Ruth-24, 90 Mortensen, Delyle-3S Moser, David-56 Moser, HowardMountcer, James-24 Mounceer, Jay-3S, 126 Mounteer, Shirley-24 Mumford, Bryan-24, 62, 63, 136 Mumford, Dianne-56, 63, S2, S5 Myers, Colleen-
N Naylor, Walace-S6, S4, 127 Nebeker, Victoria-38, S5 Nelson, Kay-56 Nelson, LarryNelson, Leon-24 Nell, Gail-56 Nell, Kennech-93 Nelson, Gerald-24 Nelson, Robert-3S, 79, S4, 93, 126 Nelson, Jane-24, 77, 96 Nelson, Petcr-24, 77, 96 Nelson, Bob-3S, 79, S4, 93, 106 Nelson, Lyn-24 Nemanic, Eddie-56 Neiria, Florence-24 Newbold, Linda-3S Neuller, Katbleen-3S Nichols, Linda-24 Nichols, Ruth-24 Nickle, Jcrry-24 Nickle, Roland-3S, 7S Nickle, Sonja-24, 90 Nicol, David-24, lOS, 109 Nieburh, SyiviaNeilson, Denis-56, 79, 124 Nelson, Lyn-56 Ninomya, Connie-56, 63, 82, 92, 93, 95, 124 Noland, AnnNoland, Wanda-56, S2, S5, S7, 90, 92, 93, 97, 13S Nordgren, Dianc-24, 90 Nordgren, GeorgiaNorris, Sherm-56 Norton, Sheila-24, 95 Nosack, Kenneth-
0 Oakeson, Jean-56 Oldham, GlenOldham, Leon-56, 7S, S6 Olean, Dixie LeeOliver, JudyOliver, Margle-3S Olsen, Deloreo-3S, S5, 95, 100, 105 Olsen, Dixilee-25 Olsen, EllenOlsen, Linda-3S, Sl, S2 Olson, Barbara-2S, 62, 90, 93 Olson, Darrel-S7 Olson, DonaldOlson, llene-57, 62 Olson, JamesOlson, JoAnn-3S, 82, S5, SS, 90, 92 Olson, Judy-S7, 62 Olson, Larry-25 Olson, Linda-57 Olson, MarvinOlrnn, MiRe-3S Olson, Peggy-57 Oloon, Sbirley-25, 90, 96, 139 Orgill, Gary-3S Orcego, Rose Mary-3S
Orton, FrankOrton, Terry-25 Osborne, Margie-3S, 63, S2, S5, 92, 96, 99, 19S Osborne, Ronnie-24, 125 Osgood, Roberc-142 Ostler, Connie-57, 81 Ostler, Gayle-2S Ostler, Raymond-S7 Ostler, ThomasOrcley, Barry-57, 93 Owen, Earl-57
p Pacheco, EdnaJ:'ack, David-57 Pack, Haymond-3S l:'adcock, Pat-3S Page, l;ayle-57, Sl, S7 l'age, Jay-57 Palmer, Earl-78 Palmer, Kay-S7 Palmer, Orin-5 7 Palmer, Terry-S7, S7 Pappa, Shirley-57 Parker, Bonn1c-38, 82, 85, 88, 90, 92 Parker, Clark-25, 12S Parker, Don-S7, 136 Parker, Edward-JS Parker, James-3S Parker, Lyle-25 Parker, Russell-2S, 125, 133, 136 Parkmson, Dixie-25 .t'arkmson, Judy-57, S7 Parks, Carl-31! Janalee, l:'arry-5S, S7, lOS 1.Jarry, NadeneParry, LaRae-38 Parry, Ned-5S, 116 Parsons, Gcrald-58 Parsons, KathrynPasquali, Roaemary-25 Patience, Raymond-25, 125, 136 Patience, VincentPatrick, Jack-2S Patterson, Bob-38 Patterson, lirent-39, 93 Patterson, Dennis-58 Paulsen, Maureene-JS, 82 Paulsen, Adele-JS Pavich, Mihacl-2S, lOS, 109, ·125, 12S, 132, 136 Pearson, Harold-SS Pcauon, Roy-86 Pederson, JoAnn-SS, 90, 92, 93, 9S, 110 Pedersen, JoePedro, Louise-25, 92, 95 Pedro, Dclor s-58, 82, 84, 104, 106, 107, lOS, 109 Perkins, Florence-SS Parry, Michael-SS Peterson, Ann-58, 82, 86, 92 Peterson, Robcrt-25 Peterson, Richard-SS Peterson, ValPetcrson, AnnettePeterson, EmilPeterson, Ca"rmella-39, 82 Peterson, Clara-58 Peterson, Linda-3S, S5, S9, 95 Peterson, Ja nis-25 Peterson, Robert-LOS, 109 Peterson, RichardPetrie, Robcrt-lOS, 109 Petric, LeePhelps, Bonnie-2S, S2, 90, 93, 139 Pickering, Gary-5S Piddock, PatrickPicrce, Connie-25, 82, 90, 94, 95 Pierce, Shelby-25, 136 Pierson, Connic-58, 90, 92 Place, Linda-25 Plan, JohnPlayer, Eva-3S, S6, 90, lOS, 109 Plotc, Bruce-2S, 7S Poma, Bonnie-38, 82, 85, 90, 93 Plumhof, Mary-25 Plumhof Ray-SS, 142 Pollick, Sherry-25, SS, 90, 92, 93, 95 Pol•on, Jerry-SS, S6 Porter, Carol-25 Potter, Darryl-3S, 136 Potter, Jean-25 1 88, 90 Preacon, Peggy-5S, S2, S5, S6, Pratt, Gloria-3S, 151 93, lSO Prlano, Kathrine-25, 90 Price, Buddy-SB, 62, S4, l'.16 Price, Brent-SS, S4, lOS, 109, 127, 136 Price, Sandra-SS, S2, 90
R Rains, Edith-5S Rains, Paul-2S Rakich, Jolene-39 H.ardin, 1-'attyRasmussen, 1Jennis-2S katmtussen, Jeanine-39, 82, 90 Rasmuuen, Lane-58, 84 Rasmussen, Loyle-26 Rasmussen, Ludlle-26 Rasmussen, Shorcy-39, 142 Rachjen, Randall-SS, S9, 146 Rawson, Joan-58, 87, 90, 92, 93, 100 Rowson, Mary Lou-39, S2, 90, 94, 96 Ray, EIRoy-26, 12S Ray, HussellRead, Evelyn-39, Sl, S8, 90, 95, 100 Rea.din, OstlerReading, Vcrn-26 Reams, RichardRedwood, GardReed, Dixie Lee-26, 92, 96 Reed, Pat-5S, S5, 87, 90, 92, 96 Rees, Ronald-26 Reeves, MaxReih, David-39 Reich, Glen-39 Reukart, Frank-59, S6 Reukan, Sherry-26, 90, 95, 96 Rials, Darlene-39 Richards, Ann-S9, S2, S5, 93, 9S, 110, 124 Rlchards, Janace-59, S2, 96 Richards, Nanctte-26, 90, 94, 96, 139 RicP.ards, Anna.Roberts, Judy-39, S2, 96 Robertson, Joyce-59, 7S, S7, 90 Robls, Mark-39, 99, 142 Robison, Jerry-26 Robison, tinda-39, 84, 89, 106, 13S Rodda, Ruch Ann-26, 90 Roden, can-26 Rollins, Annette-39, 82, 88, 119 Roper, Eugene-39 Rose, Dlane-26 Rosenhan, Harold-39 Rosenhan, Phillip-39, 7S Ross, Betsy-26 Ross, Howard-26, 108, 109, 125 Ross, Mike-39, 79, 93, lOS, 109 Roublcek, Eva-26 Rowley, Carolyn-59 Rudy, Carol-26, 7S
s Sabey, Richard-26, 125 Sadler, Mavis-38, 92 Sager, Paul-59, 79 atdivar, Enhcr-26, 96 Sampson, Paul-39 Sanrnrosa, Marie-60 Santistevan, usan-39, 77, 84, SS, S6, 92, 95, 9S Schaelling, Ardith-26, 90, 93, 9S Schmidc, Larry-39, 79, lOS, 109, 126, 12S, 130 Schmidt, Ralph-59, 7S Scoriato, Linda-39 Scor:.ato, Victor-59, 79, 93, 94, 95, 98, 151 Seotc, Kathleen-26, 90 Scott, Richard-2 7 Seal, Shauna-26, 93 earle, David--40 earle, LeRoy--40 Searle, Robert-39, 77, 105, 126, 132 Settcrburg, Carol--40 Sharp, Carolyn-59 Sharp, Leonard-26 Shaw, Brcnt-40, 86 Shaw, France ll--40 Sheppik, Gay-59, S5 Sherriff, Renon--40 Sherriff, John-S9 Sheilds, Janet--40 Shipp, Charles--40, 79, S6, 93, 102, lOS, 109 Shoemaker, Sandra-26 Shrewsbury, Val-26 Shulsen, Be•ty An-59, S2, S6, 90, 94 hulsen, Joan-59, 81, 116 Shulu,Judy-26, 96 ilcox, Gary-59 Silcox, Karen--40 Silcox, LeRoy--40 Silcox, Marilyn--40
Simmons, GaySimonson, Gayle-59 Simonson, Joan-59 Simonson, !van-80 Simonson, Janet-26 Simonson, Duane-40 Sjoblom, Becky-26 Slone, Frances-59, 81, 87, 88, 106 Smart, Jeanette-26, 93, 95 Sn1art, Kenneth-40, 84, 12 7 Smar<, Linda-59, 81, 92, 93 Smart, Phil-26, 62, 108, 109 Smith, Burk-79 mirh, Byron-27 Smith, Carol Lee-40, 82, 90, 92 Smith, Charleâ&#x20AC;˘-40 Smith, Clayton-27, 125 Smith, Dennis-60, 84, 135 Smith, Diane-60
Smith, Delores-2 7 Smith, Harold-2 7 Smith, Helene-40, 90 Smith, AnnSmith, Jackie-60, 92 mith, Jean-60, 62, 64, 85, 90, 95 Smith, JoAnn-40, 90 0 102 Smith, Lois-40, 62, 82 90 Smith, Lorraine-27 ' Smith, LouAnn-40, 90, 92 Smi1h, Meril-27, 90 Smith, Russell-27 Smith, andra-40 mith, Sharon-60, 81, 82 Smith, SusanSmith, Sydney-26, 90, 93 Smith, Tcrimith, Theron-26 Sn~~~ Val-60, 84, 129, 130, Smith, Wayne-26 Snarr, Janct-27 , 62, 90 narr, }immy-125 Snarr, Kendall-60 Soper, Penny-40, 82 orenson, 1'ifarcia-62, 81 Sorenson, Sharonpilkcr, Paul-27 Staker, Gary-60 Stauffer, Mcrvyn-27 Steadman, Jack-60, 93 Steadman, lynn-
Stcadman, Nancy--40, 82, 85, 90, 92, 102 reed, Allen-105 Steele, MichaelSteclc, Ruth-27, 92 tcffensen, Lynn-60, 79, 84, 85 Stepan, Janct-60, 82, 85, 86 Stephans, LeRoyStevens, Jay-60, 79, 86, 89, 105, 112 Stevens, Bryan-60 Stevens, Dianc-2 7 Stevens, Reed-60, 86 tcvcns, Robert-40, 86, 113 Stock, Grace-27 Stoker, Elsie-40 Stone, Diane-27, 78, 90 Stott, Rlchnrd-93 tou, Stan-40, 78, 93, 94, 106 Stromberg, Carltrebcl, Mnrgarct-27 Stuart, Linda-60, 86, 87, 92, 98, 106, 115 Stubbert, Peggy-40, 93, 95, 98, 99 Sundberg, Myrleen-60, 84, 85, 88, 100
Swens, Johnny-27 Sybroksky, Dcnnis-40, 79, 84, 108, 109 Sylvester, Jeanine-27, 90, 96, 139 Sylvester, Marjoree-27, 85
T Taggart, Linda-27, 92 Tallent, Gay-27 Tamura, Ben-27, 80 Tanner, Connie-40 Tapp, Jcanette-2 7 Taylor, Donna-40 Taylor, Kathy-40, 62, 82, 83, 85, 90, 93 Taylor, Ru sse ll-40, 84, 93, 126, 127 Taylor, haron-60, 88, 92, 100 Taylor, Wilma-27 Tea, Larry-2 7 Tea, Shcrry-60, 8 7 Teeples, Terry-27, 132, 133, 136 Tennant, Lee-60, 93 Tennant, RonaldTennyson, Carol-61, 82, 85, ~~8 87, 90, 93, 95, 96, 97, Terry, Michael-40 Terry, Joel-60 Terry, Sondra-40 Tester, Judy-40 Tester, AaronTcster, Paul-40 Thacker, Deannc-2 7 Thayne, Judy-40, 95 Th~~\as, Barbara-60, 82, 90, Thomas, Barbara-28, 90, 96 Thomas, Beverly-28, 90 Thomas, Richard-41 Thompson, Eddie-28, 62, 136 Thompson, Fred--41, 93, 126 Thompson, Janlce-28 Thompson, LaRueThompson, Doug-41, 93, 105 Thompson, William-28 Thomson, Elna---60, 82, SS/ 92, 108, 109 Thornton, Sandra-41 Thorn, Hal-28 Thorn, David-61, 84 127" Thun, Curtis-61, 78' Tibbitts, Steve-41 Timothy, Dick-28 Timothy, Ooyle-61 Tolman, Bob-28 Tolman, Ted-61, 79, 127 Toone, 1'1erril-28 Torrey, BobbyTrane, James-28 Tranter, Dnvid-41, 105 , 126, 128, 130 Tripp, Arba--41, 82, 92, 95, 98, 99 Tripp, Richard-28 Tripp, Stephan-28, 125 Trujillo, LilyTsinigini, Lclia-28 . Tucker, Claude-61, 78, 80 Tuft, Francine-ZS, 90, 94, 96, 113 Tufts, Morris-41 Turner, Louise--41 Turner, MaryTurner, RcNee--41, 81 Tuttle, Lapriel-61, 82., 85, 86, 92 Tuttle, Nancy-28
u Uremovich, Milan-29, 63, 84, 125, 132
v Valenzuela, Ramona-61 Van Cott, Jobn-29 Van Dam, Gregory-61 Vanderhooh, Aartje-61, 85, 86, 90, 92, 94, 146 Van Ormon, DianeVaughan, Lois-41, 88 Vawdrey, Brent-29, 125 Vawdrey, Glenda-29 Vest, Dean-61 Vest, Nathan-41 Vest, Sylvia-29 Vigil, Loyd-41, 126 Villalabos, Rachel-61, 87 Vincent, EarlVincent, LaRae-41, 88, 90, 94 Visser, Gayle-61, 81, 82 Voeltz, Anita-29, 90 Vranes, Val-29, 62 Vunder, Maxine-61, 81, 82, 86, 92, 94
w Wade, Joan-61, 81, 92, 93, 106 Walker, ColleenWalker, DeloydWalker, Kay-41 Walker, Jimmy-41 Walker, Kent-41, 63, 126 Walker, Lyonctte-28, 90, 92, 94, 96 Walker, Myrna-28, 90, 94, 95 Walker, Stephan-41, 80, 93 Walles, James-28 Walgren, Diane-41 \Vallin , Joyce-61 Wallin, Linda-41 Walcers, EdwinWalters, Larraine-41 Walters, Margo-28, 62, 93 Walters, Mike-41 , 63, 93 Walters, Paul-28 Walsh, William-28, 106 Wanlass, Mike-28, 84, 125 Wanlass, Tony-61 Warner, LeRoy~ Watterson, Judy-62, 81, 87, 94 Watrs, Joyce-41 Waus, Richard-61, 62, 84, 127 Webb, David-41 Webb, Eugene-41, 136 Webb, Jeanene-28, 95 Webb, Joan---41, 82, 93, 96 Webb, Lawanna-62, 90, 93, 9!> Webb, Linda-28, 90, 94, 96 Webb, Tamara-62, 81, 92, 93, 96, 107, 138 Weber, Eldon-62, 79, 124 Webster, FrankWebster, Gary-62, 87 Webster, Jane-62, 81 Webster, Karen-41, 82, 93 Webscer, Lee-28, 136 Webster, Margreu--62, 81, 84 Webster, Margoree-62, 81, 88 Welch, Dell-28, 125 Welsh, Doug-62 Welsh, LynnWelch, Pamela-62
Wells, James-28, 79 Wennerstrom, Karen-41 West, Marsha-82 West, Pcggy-62, 82, 87, 90, 92, 97 W~~~I, Johnny-28, 125, 135, Wheadon, JoAnn-62 Wheeler, Jerry AnnWhetman, Paul-63, 84, 127 Whipple, Ronnie-28 White, Julianne-28, 94 White, Steven-62 Whitlock, AnnWhitlock, El Ray-28 Whitlock, Homer-28 Whitlock, Nancy-28 Wrens, Marcia-28, 78 Wilcox, Lona-28, 78 Wilkinson, Marlene-IS, 29, 90, 96 Wilkinson, Maurcen-28, 62, 96 Williams, Clyde-62, 84, 127, 135 Williams, Charles-29, 125 Williams, Dawson-62 Williams, Howard-41 Williams, Joan-62, 78, 105 Williams, Jobn Williams, David-29, 108, 109 Williams, Mavis-63, 110, 115 Williams, Merle Ann-41 Williams, Robert-41 Wilson, Mary-62, 82 Winberg, Ross-62, 80 Winger, Gary Winger, Grant-41 Withers, Dot-62 Witt, Leslie-29 Wood, Donna-29, 63, 90, 91, 96 Wood, James-136 Wood, Kay-41, 62, 85, 93, 95 Wood, Larry-41 Woolsey, Wayne-29 Workman, Sbauna--62, 82 Worthen, Gary-29 Worthen, MaryWorthen, Richard-29 Worthington, Larry-62 Wright, Dcnnis--41 Wright, Linda-41 , 82 Wright, Michael-29 Wyler, Edward-29 y Yamashiro, Miketo-29, 108, 109 Yates, John-41 Yates, Linda-29 Yorgeson, James-29 Young, Marlys-29, 85, 90, 95 Young, Vickie-29, 95, 96
z Zabriskie, Gail-29 9 Zagarich, Irene-<i2, 90 Zaiser, Sandra-62, 85, 87, 90, 95 Zdunich, Richard-41, 84, 127 Zitting, David-41, 80 Zitting, Jobn-29 Zitting, Ruth-63, 96 Zrno, Hclen-41, 93, 96 Zupan, Jack-23
#r.?~r)i~ . ~ .I° ~ ti'.'"""~ "° ·~ I• rl1