Re ounding with tradition, student body pirit, ambition, and educational accomplishment, Jordan High School takes it place among the most out randing high schools of Utah. At your fingertips is the vivid tory of a great chool, student body, and administrati n that ha played a contributive part in fashioning a traditional yet modern ]ordan Look. Susan Santistevan Editor Margie Osborne, Kay Wood Associate Editors
Dedication The 1958-1959 Jordan High School Beetdigger is re pectfully dedicated to: Our principal, Thomas H. McMullin, who has guided the student body of Jordan High School so carefully through joy and triumph, laughter, and fame, for the past four years; the retiring teachers who have pain takingly labored to better educate the citizens of t morrow; the graduating class of 1959, who will reminisce with fond memories their numerou achievement and joyous times as members of the Jordan High School Student Body; the entire student body who so willingly strived to make all our dreams reality.
Dedication The 1958-1959 Jordan High School Beetdigger is respectfully dedicated to: Our principal, Thomas H. McMullin, who has guided the student body of Jordan High School so carefully through joy and triumph, laughter, and fame, for the past four years; the retiring teachers who have painstakingly labored to better educate the citizens of tomorrow; the graduating class of 1959, who will reminisce with fond memories their numerous achievements and joyous times as members of the Jordan High School Student Body; the entire student body who so willingly strived to make all our dreams reality.
------- ---- --- ..
_---- Faculty 14
---- --- ---- ---路- -- .... --- --- ---------- -- ______ -- - .......... Classes 23 .,.
__________________________________ .Organizations 68
------------------------------- ________ Athletics 94
----------------------- Common Interest 120
Jerry Erlenbach President
Enthusiastic Jerry Erlenbach led the 1958-59 school year as President. He was compentent!y assisted by Jeanette Bills, Shirley Greenwood, Margie Osborne, and Andy Madsen. Keeping in step with the Jordan Look, our officers served in unity and harmony
Shirley Greenwood Secretary
Jeanette Bills Vice President
Margie Osborne Historian
Andy Madsen Judge
DEPUTIES - Left to Right First Rou•: Beverly Fisher, Mary Greenwood, Par Cressall, Susan Anderberg, Barbara Erekson, JoEllen Larsen, MaJscn, Merrill Brinton. Second Row: Elaine Osb rne, Judy Pier on, Mary Linc.lsay, Joan ampson, harlecn Cutler, Becky Cowclell, Ann Brown, Deon Garfield. Third Row: DnviJ Webb, Wally Richard , James Grow, Lynn nufin, Glen Rich, Larry Schmiclr, Milan Uremovich. F()fmh Row: Jimmy Turner, Jerry Hubh, Kent oodrich, Russell Parker, Mike Pavich, Carl Lindsay.
Brent Javaine, Prosec uting A ttorney; Bob Akagi, Marshall.
Me rrill Brinton, First Associate Judge; Janet Adamson, Secon d Associa te Judge.
COUNCIL MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Lynn Henson, Mary Campbell, Kathy Taylor, Delores Biggs, Connee Pierce, Diane Rasmussen, Karen Fenstermaker. Second Row: Carol Beckstead, Sheryl Johanson, Deanna Doyle, Joan Carrigan, Janet Adamson, Roberta Akers, Gayle Nance. Third Row: Brent Javaine, Phillip Kemp, Carol Lee Smith, Marlene Wilkenson, Sandra Hardy, Sydney Pederson, Trudy Robinson. Fo1mh Row: Larry Johnson, Lynn Jones, Bill Homer, Richard Harris, Byron Smith, Chuck Burris, Louie Deluca. Fifch Row: Michael Grane, Paul Anderson, Le ter Moore, Richard Zdunich, Johnny Wetsel, Louie May, Dennis Wright, Byron Carlquist.
Student Council
The Student Council representatives compiled the many ideas, votes, and opinions of student b dy members at weekly council meetings. Each representative, elected from their home room, helped to outline a very successful year for Jordan High School.
Thomas H. McMullin Principal
It is with much thankfulness and humility that we bid a fond farewell to the man who has dedicated the past four years to keeping Jordan High School traditions at a peak. We commend our principal, Thomas H. McMullin, for his tremendous insight and understanding of all the problems we faced. We thank him for his loyalty to the school and student body. His uperior abilities and attributes have been a determining factor in the uccess of Jordan High School.
Dunn Taylor Vice Principal
Phil F. Goldbrnnson Registra1路
Jesse B. Casper Director of Guidance
Mary B. Fitzgerald Girls' Counselor
Reed H. Beckstead Superintendent
Superintendent Reed H. Beckstead is one individual highly re pected by students, faculty, and the entire administration of Jordan High School. Superintendent Beckstead has kept an ever watchful eye n all of the student b dy affairs and ha been an outstanding attribute to the success of our school.
Many thanks go to the Jordan District School Board for their unlimited time spent in discussing school problems and necessities. Meeting weekly, the board planned and devised the sketches and outlines for new buildings and equipment. With the efficiency of these men, Jordan High School has indeed excelled in all forms of the Educational program.
H. W. Jorgenson Assistant Superintendent
Marv Jenson
Marlon Bateman
Clyde Buxton
School Board Charles Crawford
Bob Jimas 13
Wise and salutary wa the faculty who assisted us in achieving ur eminent g al through the 1958-59 school year. This was truly a loyal and c ntributive Jordan professorate. To them, our thanks f r their contributi ns to the making of a successful and proud Jordan Lo k.
Murray Allen Arts and Crafts
Stanley Anderson Maili Dept.
Faculty vs. Students
Deane Bennion Librarian
Melvin Berrett English Dept.
The faculty of the '59 school year directed students in a manner which was most essential to making a happy, unified "Jordan Lo k." Classroom subjects were not the only ones that were taught by this group; tudents learned the values of good sportsmanship and complete loyalty from them.
Straighten up young man I
Mr. Ernest Bianche Psyclwlog , Junior Class
Mr. William Boren English, Mode! United Nations
Mr. Kenneth Brady Machemacics, Discipline and Safety
Mr. D nald M. Budge Physics, Engineeer Club
Mr. Lowell Boberg Engl.ish, Tra, 1el1ng Assembly
Mr. Paul C. Boyce Machematics, Riding Club
Mr. Blaine Brown Bookkeeping and Algebra
Mr.). Clement Crapo Mmic, Messiah
Across Mr. LeMar Hendricbon English, Courier Mr. Arthur Hughe> Phys. Ed., Let1ermen
The Mr. Wendell T. Ja kson Dri• ers Trcuntn>; 1
Mr. Frank Kamn1kar 1lisrory, Graduation Aclt•iser
Cainpus Mr. Glen R. Jackson 1-liswry, Athletics Mr. Emerson H. Kennington Welding, Sophomore Adviser
Mr. Grant H. Kunzler / llSlory, Traveling Assembly Mr. Lloyd . Lind Macl1emmics, Radio Club
Mr. E. L. Crawford English, Yearbook Mr. Sherman Crump Mathematics, Athletics
Miss Chole Frailey English, Future Teachers Mr. Gene F. Deem Ar<to Mechanics, Boys' Club
The Mr. Howard C. Evans History, Senior Class Miss Go lda Fraser French, Language Club
Classroom Mr. Farrell H. Gunnne ll Biology, Sophomore Adviser Miss Betty Henderson Sewing, F. H. A.
Mr. H.B. Lin<lfor<l
Phys . EJ., Boys Club
11. Milne
Mr. Donalc.l
Dr11 •crs Trn111ing Mrs. MaRee Nelson Home Lw111g, F. H . A .
Mr. Don Olsen Art, Junior Prom Mr. Richard S. Peterson Chemistry, F1.c11re Engineers Mr. Robert L. Pixton Gttnec1cs, Student Acciviiies
Miss Oralie Rawson
English, Publrcawms Mr. Boy<l
Farm Meehan res, F. F. A . Mr. Norman
D. Riggs
Spt'ec/1 1 Masque11ncl Gn"el
Mr. William Ryan
Dri«ers Training, Athletics Mr. Dee Savage English, Yearbook Adviser Mr. J. L. Seal
Woodwork, Key Club
Miss Helen Seaman Phys. Ed.,Charlonian Club Mrs. Dorothy Schmidt Phys. Ed., Charlonian Club Mr. Stanley R. Sharp Speech, Senior Class
Mr. Frank Somogyvary Drivers Training Mr. Glen E. Soulier Biology, Safety Club
Mr. Robert Teran Hiswry, Athletics Mr. Fay B. Thomas Bookkeeping, Deca Club Mrs. Gertrude Tranter Home Living,). D. Club
Mrs. Wanda G. Wade Commercial Work, Charlonians Mr. Jed W. Wasden Machine Shop, Ft<wre Teachers Mrs. Marilyn M. Yates - - 路 - - Type, Sports Club
Through the pages of this, the '59 edition of the Jordan High School Beetdigger, there are depicted numerous pha e of campus life. In the following album we present the most prominent of all contribution to the "Jordan Look," the A ociated tudents of Jordan High.
Mike Bullett, Presiclenc
Charleen Cutler Vice Presiclenc
Kathy Brown, Secrerary
The Class of 1959 proved to be one of the most talented, colorful, and enthusia tic cla ses ever graduated from the realms of Jordan High. Mike, harleen, and Kathy, an unsurpassable trio, led their class to unequaled heights and contributed proudly to the traditions of Jordan High School.
Class of '59
Charles Allsop
Calvin Adam
Noel Ainsworth
Barbara Akers
Lesa Loy Alsop
Dee Alldredge
Kenneth Anderson
Dorene Anderson
Larry Anderson
Richard Anderson
.,obert Anderson
VaLayne Anderson
Delores Archuleta
Van Anderson
Tauna Archuleta
Sheryl Ashman
DraLee Astle
Maureen Bailey
Karren Banner
Sandra Bass
Dorene Beckstead
Carol Beckstead
Joni Beckstead
Alice Bennett
Dick Bench
Jill Benningfield
Lynn Benson
Ronald nianchi
Delores Biggs
Jeanette Bills
Edwin Bi hop
Alice Boggess
David Bogge s
Karro! Banner
Glenda Bigler
Melvin Biggs
Emily Bastian
Donnette Bell
Bruce Beagley
Julia Bell
Don Bateman
Ban Bellon
Celia Boren
Judie Bosh
Lexie Boyce
Barbara Boyle
Ann Brady
Jerry Brady
Sharon Brinton
Beverleen Breeze
Renee Brimhall
Carolyn Brimhall
Joe Brklacy
Sherry Brothers
Jay Brown
Kathy Brown
Sharon Brown
Mike Bullett
Judy Burns
Stan Butler
Barbara Butterfield
Arnold Butterfield
Mary Campbell
Pat Carrigan
Ronald Crane
Bill Case
A fowl scene I
Richard Conley
Jim Cartwright
Rebekah Cowdell
Jack Clark
Gary Coe
Gary Colyar
Wayne Cook
Colleen Coons
Michael Corbett
Danny Covington
Denrus Coic
Carol Cundick
Dennis Curtis
Nanette Curtis
Charlene Cutler
Diane Dnnelson
Larry Davis
Let's get this job done !
John Deakin
Tonya Day
Curtis Dimond
John Doolittle
Orval Dorius
Randy Dow
Frank Draper
Diane Dunn
Paul Dunn
Pieter Dykman
Enid Eniss
Susy Eniss
Lynn Ertmann
Bob Etherington
Penny Erickson
Jerry Erlenbach
Pat Fieldstad
Monte Fisher
Lyn Fitzgerald
Mary Fleming
Dal Freeman
Alice Fullmer
Lynn Gadd
Joyce Gailey
Richard Gallegos
Deon Garfield
Lynn Gaufin
Jerry Giauque
David Glover
Robert Glover
Ralph Goff
Linda Gomez
Linda Evans
Lila Evans
Kent Goodrich
Bob Gregory
Allen Hardman
Ina Heki
Shirley Greenwood
Ronald Hansen
ayle Hendrickson
James Grow
Dennis Hardcastle
Lynn Henson
Karen Hand
Sandra Hardy
Patricia Hill
Barbara Hansen
Nan Harryman
Pat Hirsch
Diana Hansen
Carole Harward
David Holman
) Laraine Hirst
Glynda Jacobs
Nancy Ihle
Senior girls catch up on the latest gossip.
Cardell Jacobson
Jerry James
Brent Javaine
Janice Jenkins
Arlene Jenkins
Myrle Jenkins
Beverly Jensen
Gaylene Jensen
David Jensen
Jimmie Jensen
Mardean Jensen
Mardell Jensen
Leon Jensen
Dixie Jenson
Mike Jeppson
Karl Joffs
John Johnson
Deloy Johnson
Hard day at the office I
Marilyn Johnson
Arlene Jones
Brent Julander
Tamera Juretich
Phillip Kemp
Blaine Kearsley
Shana Kemp
Larry Johnson
Jan Keller
Bob Kilpack
Jim Johnston
Shirley Kelso
Wanda Kirk
Melba Joe Kirkpatrich
Steven Kurumada
Karen Leonard
Joan Lundberg
Michael Klaws
Vivian Kosovich
George Krebs
Myrna Kropf
JoAn Kunz
II na Lambson
Shirlene Lancaster
h ree Lee Landu res
Gary Leatherwood
Billy Leatherwood
Lois Levine
Sharlene Lloyd
Genie! Loader
Kris Loulias
Peggy Lublin
Jack Lundberg
Sharon Mabey
harlotte Mac Guffie
Jeffery Maddocks
Andy Madsen
Bonnie Mar hant
Sandy McCrill
Henry Lee Miner
Deli l Morinsen
Jimmy Mannos
Dennis Meeker
herm Miller
Jay Mounteer
Judy Margetts
Ede Men sen
Patricia Milne
Vickie Neheker
Angelo Mascaro
Paul Mert!ich
Joe Montoya
Bob Nelson
Sheron McArthur
Monty Miller
Diane Morrison
Kay Neu ffer
Kay McBride
Maurine Michelsen
Gary Morrow
Roland Nickle
Doug Ninomiya
Margie Oliver
Jeanette Olsen
Delores Olson
Linda Olsen
Gary Orgill
Raymond Pack
Margie Obborne
LaRae Parry
Adele Paulsen
A typical shop class I
Jim Olson
Edward Parker
JoAnn Olson
Bonnie Parker
Mike Olson
Jimmy Parker
Carl Parks
Maureen Paulsen
Brent Peter~on
Carmella Peterson
Man what a beat I
Robert Peterson
Pat Pidcock
Val Peterson
Linda Peterson
Bonnie Poma
Darryl Potter
Jolene Rakich
Gloria Pratt
Patty Rardin
Jeanine Rasmussen
Mary Lou Rawson
Evelyn Read
David Reich
America Revira
Shorty Rasmussen
Glenn Rich
Darlene Rials
Judy Roberts
Mark Robis
Annette Rollins
Eugene Roper
LeRoy Searle
Mary Ann Sharp
Mavis Sadler
Lonie! Saville
Susan Santistevan
Larry Schmidt
Dave Searle
Robert Searle
Brent Shaw
Janice Shields
Charles Shipp
Karen Silcox
Duane Simonson
Carol Lee Smith
Lou Ann Smith
Kenny Smart
Monte Smith
Charles Smith
Sandra Smith
Helene Smith
Nancy Lee Steadman
Joann Smith
Lois Smith
Don Stephens
Penny Soper
Bob Stevens
Sianley Stott
Peggy Stubbert
Connie Tanner
Donna Taylor
Kathy Taylor
Rusty Taylor
Mike Terry
Sondra Terry
Judy Thayne
Richard Thomas
Paul Tester
Doug Thompson
Fred Thompson
Sandie Thronton
Beverly Tripp
Arba Tripp
Lil ly Truji ll o
Morris Tufts
Louise Turner
ReNae Turner
Lois Vaughn
LaRae Vincent
Kay Walker
Kem Wa lker
Jimmie Wa lker
Lloyd Vigi l
Diane Wa llgren
Stephen Wa lker
Seniors 40
Linda Wa ll in
Larry Thorsted
Michae l Walters
David Tranter
Joyce Wans
Steven Tibbitts
Larraine Walters
David Webb
Eugene Webb
H oward Williams
Kay Wood
David Zitting
Helen Zrno
Joan Webb
Dennis Wright
Karen Webster
Linda Wright
Karen Wennerstrom
John Yates
Merle Ann Williams
Richard Zdunich
Bryan, Sharon, and Claudia enthusia tically met their challenge of leading the Junior Class with great depth and forethought. A very successful Junior Prom along with an outstanding Junior Class assembly highlighted the year for busy Juniors.
Bryan Mumford, President
Class of '60
Sharon Hughes, Vice President
Claudia Hyatt, Secretary
Karen Adams Roy Akagi
Bill Adams BobAkagi
Rex Ainsworth James Allen
James Adamson Karen Allgood
Susan Anderberg Paul Anderson Blaine Astle Kathleen Balla rd
Karen Anderson Rae Anderson LinJn Astorga Douglas Ballard
Marilyn Anderson Judy Andrews Robert Augason Larry Bannon
Nadean Anderson Gloria Archibald Marilyn Bagley Patricia Barnes
Glade Bailey Blaine Bateman
Carol Baker Lyle Bawden
Rachel Ballard Nick Bapis
...,, Marjean Baynton Robert Blomquist
Carol Blair Dixie Boswell Jimmy Brennan Ann Brown
Judy Bean Midge Benson
Judith Bishop David Bollschweiler Judith Brimhall Annabelle Brown
Sharon Beckstead LeRoy Berrett
Joyce Bedont Kenneth Bess
Holla Rae Belcher Barbara Bill
Stanley Bell Lynette Bird
Liz Blackett Kirk Boulder Wayne Brimhall Karen Brown
Tom Blair Rus 路ell Boyce Ellis Bringhurst Sharon Brown
Lydia Blanco Henry Brady Newell Bringhurst Karen Buhler
David Bluemel Jimmy Brady Allen Brown Sandra Bulkley
Berry Bendixen Roger Bianchi
Loraine Bolliger Lynne Brady Merrill Brinton Larry Burrmon
Garth Burgon Linda Caldwell
Leslie Carroll Anthony Conraza Ralph Crosgrove Billy Deluca
Vickie Burgon Carrie Lee Carpenter
Claudia Chamberlin Joy Coons Byron Curtis Louie De Luca
Judy Burke Cathy Carson
Sren Christensen Connie Cowdell Lorna Jean Curtis Rickie Densley
Byron Burr Christine Calvetti
Darlene Christensen Dorine Cox Dennis Dahl Shirley Densley
Carnes Burson Dannie Cameron
Scott Coll ins Maurice Crane Fenton Dean Mike Depsain
Jay Butler Boyd Canning
Kaye Clements Richard Crawford Michele Dean Doyle Despain
Richard Butler Alice Carlson
Kaaren Cook Carrol Cressall Gloria DeGroot Tom Despain
Weston Despain Carma Rae Ekins
Della Mae Dibb Claudia Eckman
Dick Dille Michael Eldredge
Sheri Duffin Loretta Ebwood
Sarah Douglas John Eltz
Judy Dumas David Erben
JoAnn Dunn Barbara Erekson
Elaine Erickson Beverly Fisher Byron Fredrickson Joan Garfield
Lynn Erickson Mike Fitzgerald Phil Fredrickson Kitty de Ocus
Marlene Evans Dan Flores Janet Freeman John Gilbert
Gary Fagg Janis Forbush Glen Gabler Sondra Gilbert
Kaarcn Farnsworth Mary Lee Frampton Mar~ia Gadd Dennis Glover
Roy Farnsworth Judy Francom Sheila Gadd nlaine Goff
Craig Finlayson Diann Frear Marie Gardner Connie Gonzales
David Gonzales Jay reen
Michael Grane Sherrie Gn1ndvig
Michelle Grane Judy Gunderson
Douglas Gray Bruce Hansen
What's this ? Modern art.
Dee Hardman Tyrone Harrison Barbara Heki Judy Houmand
Bruce Hansen Richard Harris Marvin Henke Lester Hone
Da le Hansen Jerry Hartman Kathy Hickman Tiny Houweling
Kenneth Harper Parricia Harvey KentHigham Joan Howell
Maxine Hastings Kem Hoffman Sharon Hughes
Marcia Haws Bill Homer Mike Huston
Steven Heaps Jack Hill Weldon Hunsaker
Dennis Hutchings Carl Jensen
Carolyn Jenson Shirley Johnson Pete Karaglanis Novella Knight
Jim Hutchings Yvonne James
Marlene Jenson Bonnie Jones Lloyd Kay Anita Krizman
Claudia Hyatt Gary Jaynes
Michael lasella Linda Jenkins
Diane Johnson Carol Ann Jones Robert Keeler Chuck Koehn
Mark Jeppson Kathy Jones Susan Kemp Sterling Kurumada
Bruce Jacobson Lynn Jenkins
Gary Johnson Lynn Jone Linda Kesler Keith LaComb
Loreen Jacobson Gayle Jensen
Kathleen Johnson Dan Julio Jim Kiholm Frank Lacox
Carl Jackson Paul Jensen
Sheryl Johnsor Kay Jones Grace Kline Pearl Landers
Toni Landures Carol Leak
Anita Larsen lifford Leak
Ofelia Lopez Lucas Martinez irol Jean Mickelsen Robert Monroe
Norbert Lopez Stanley Maynard Rodney Meyers Frank Montoya
Carol Larson Linda Lether
Terrill Loveless Richard Maxfield Robert Miller Lester Moore
JoEl!en Larsen Carl Lindsay
Janet Madison Mike McDonald Steven Millington Clyde Morgan
Robert Larsen Francis Lloyd
Dale Madsen Patsy Mecham Judy Milne Rex Morrell
Larry Latimer Jack Lloyd
Kenneth Lauritzen Sue Ann Lloyd
Glen Malstrom Stephen Mellor Judy Mlaker Ruth Morse
Lia Marda Tom Mellenthin Doris Mines James Mounteer
D1xilee Oleen Clark Parker Raymond Panence Shelby Pierce
Shir ley Olson Kathryn Parson5 G lenna Pete"on Mary Plumhof
Paul Rains Dennis Rasmussen
Katherine Priano Vern Reading
Loyle Rasmussen Dixie Reed
LeRoy Ray Barbara Rix
Mmm Hot Stuff
Nanette Richards Esther Sal<livar Jean Sharp Clayton Smith
Penny Robertson herry Rueckert Val Shrewsbury Delores Smith
Jerry Robinson Richard Sabey Sheila Silcox Lorraine Smith
Ruth Ann Rodda Ardith Schaelling Janet Simonson Burk Smith
Steven Roden Judy Schultz Becky Ann Sjoblom Byron Smith
Howard Ross Kathy Scort Jeanette Smart Meri! Lyn Smith
Carol Rudy Shauna Seal Phil Smart Russell Smith
Janet Snarr Richaru Stott
Margey Sylvester Ben Tamura Richard Tripp Lelia Tsinigine
Linda Taggart Barbara Thomas Orin Tolman Wayne Turner
Gay Tallent Beverlee Thomas Merrill Toone Nancy Tuttle
Jeanette Tapp flill Thompson James Trane Milan Uremovi ch
Jim Snarr
Margaret trcbcl
Wilma Taylor Jan ice Thompson Stephen Tripp John Van Cott
Larry Tea HalThowm Joe Trujillo Diane Van Orman
DeAnn Thacker Dick Timothy Francine Tuft Brent Vawdrey
Anitn Voeltz Paul Walters
Lynda Webb Ronnie Whipple Wayne Wo bey Mickey Yamashiro
Glenda Vawdrey Lanie Wnlsh
lee Webster Julienne White Donna Wood Linda Yates
Eloy Vigil Margo Walter
Dell Welch Lona Kaye Wilcox Gary Worthen Marlys Young
Val Vranes Brent Wankier
James Wells Marlene Wilkihson Jean Worthen Vickie Young
Lynnette Walker Mike Wanlass
Anna M. Whitlock Maureen Wilkinson Edward Wyler Phil lip Yorgason
Myrna Walker Veil Washburn
Marsha Wiens David Williams Mike Wright Jack Zupan
James Walles Jeanette Webb
Johnnr Wetsel Charle; Willinms Richard Worrhen ail Zabriskie
Not to be outdone by the upperclassmen; the sophomore , led by Frank, Linda, and Loreen, spent a very active first year at Jordan. They chose the theme "Peanuts Party," for their annual class party which launched their ocial acnv1t1es. Their Clas A sembly, presented in the spring, gave them prominence in the student body. By May, their experiences at Jordan had made them true and loyal Beetdiggers.
Linda Hyatt Vice President
Frnr>k Mumford President
L reenWitt Secretary
Ul."""'1..C;路L."J I
Roberta Akers Bill Allen
Eldona Adams Brent Alldredge
Janet Adamson Dennis Allen
Pauline Akagi Gary Allen
Sorority Prospects
Darrel Allmendinger Margo Anderson Linda Andrus Caralee Backus
David Allmendinger Maree Andrews Rhonda Andrus Bruce Bailey
Karen Allmendinger Pat Anderson Blaine Antczak John Bair
Dean Andreason Louise Andrus Jeanette Asay George Bapis
Lloyd Atkinson Byran Bateman
Gwenda Arkins n Vern Beagley
Martha Ashby Kenneth Bean
Dennis Beckstead Stephen Benson
Annette Beckstead Jackie Bennion
Wayne Beckstead Jimmy Bernardo
Ann Bechtel Claudia Berrett
David Bishop Lynnette Boyce Lee Brind ley Mignon Buchanan
Gary Beesley Judy Berrett
Robert Blair Lmda Boyle Dennis Bringhurst Ia ron Bu rgon
Margie Bell Archie Bess
Janet Bellon Janice Bigler
Michael Burton Brian arlqui't
L1n<la Butterfiel<l Joan Carrigan
D. Christophcrson Ellen Coombs Billy rump Sheila Davies
Hal Christopherson Gary Coulnm Bob Crump rant Davis
Shirley Buxt0n Kathleen Caner
Marilyn Clark Rex Crane Calvin Dahl Kathy Davis
Don Campbell Artie Casper
Robert Cleland Mary Crawford Eileen Dahl Vicki Davis
Noel Cantrell iayle Chamberlain
JoAnn Carlson Carolyn Chidester
andra Coe Par Cres all Gene Dariano Gloria Day
Gc:1 â&#x20AC;˘< Comstock
Barbara urler Eileen Dansie Phyllis Day
Joyce Carlson Donna Christensen
Lovcnna Co k Brent Dnhl Jerry Davidson Carol Dazley
Mary Densley Dorothy Dille
Linda Densley Nancy Downs
Janice Dent Danny Doyle
Bruce Edmund Boyd Evans Judy Fergu son Rex Frand sen
Antta Edwards Grant Erickson Dan Fielc.lstac.I Anita Freeman
John Edwards Carol Etherington Ri chard Flores Rodney Fullmer
Keith Derricott Deanna Doyle
Mac Devinney Gail Dumas
Dianne Dewegeli Robert Dunn
Kenneth Despain Dale Eavenson
Dave Ehlers Steve Evans un Fulkerson Alona Garfield
Jenny Elder Roy Eyre Karen Forbush Kristine CJ!ovcr
Phil English Karen Fenstermaker L111da ue Fore.I Jean Godfrey
Norman Elmer Juanita Fairhoum Gore.Ion France LeRoy Garn
Norman Gray Darlene Guest
Alfred Gomez Mary L. Greenwood
Don Gull Janet I lardcastle Jimmy Heineck e Bruce I loba rt 0
Milton Hadley Paulette Hardcasrle tephen Heinecke Gene Hoffman
Larry Hagen Vawnn K. Hardwick Lynn Henke Thomas Hoopeiiaina
Michael Hall Judy Hartman Charlee Henson Ray Horsley
Margaret Hand Dixie Haueter Helen Heuser Gene Howard
Danny Hansen Judy Heath Harold Hintze Carl Howlett
Darrell Hansen Peggy Heaps Stephen Hirst Craig Howcroft
Margaret Hugh es Frecl HurM
Linda Huclson Kenr H)'de
Onie I lumes Jorgann Ihle
Linda Hyatt Karen lhlers
Suzzy Ingram Clyde Jensen Donnlcl Jex Lynette )tines
Dale Jenkins Joan Jensen Merrolyn Johansen Wade Joos
Dee Jaynes Colleen Jensen Shery I Johanson Craig Joosten
End soon, little tune, on my Bassoon!
Marilyn Jenkins Johnny Jenson Linda Johnson
Darlene Jenkins Julie Jensen Tony J hns n
Ron Jenkins Ma rdyn Jensen Doris Jones
Jerry Jo Sten Leann Julander
Gene Joo~ten Pamela Kemp
Richard Jorgensen Harry Keysaw
Paul Juretich Howard Kempron
7 come 11, Speech students enjoy pantomiming.
Lavelle Kirby Lyla Larsen Priscilla Kynaston Beverly Larsen
Kenny Kikel Kathleen Konald Billy Lance Harold Larson
Elaine Kirk Michael Kosovich Keven La1Jders Kyle Larson
Susan Kjar Maxine Kramer Lynda Landers Larry Larsoll
Myron Kroph Allene Larsen Anna Rose Lavender
Lael Kunz David Knowley David Lawrence
Marvin Kunz Eric Larson Dale LeDuc
Jay Levine Stephen Love
Kathleen Lind Leo Lundberg
Vicky Marriott Dean Maycock Karen Mclachlan George Milligan
David Marchant Kent Maynes Richard Mecham Pamela Milne
Mary Lind ny Linda Lunnen
Roger Martineau Marsha Maynes Patsy Meissner Kathern Miner
Phillip Lloyd Gary Lyon
Michael Loulias Kent Mabey
Kathy L umis Paul Mahl er
Bob Mascaro Arvalee Maynard Pauline Mcrtli ch Cheryl Montague
G uy Matthews Marilyn McD onald Marty Mika Lynn Monson
Louie May DeMont McEwen Lynne Milburn Joanne Morandi
Lind a Lublin Tom Man nos
Javon Maxedon Paul McMullin Dan Miller Kurt Mons
Karron Mosher Richard Myer&
Linda Ne lson Eddie Niquette Elaine Osborne Sharon Parkin on
Sharron Mobher Lee Mumford
Linda Nelson Suzy Nichols Bonnie Otte en Larry Parks
Steven Mori Gayle Nance
Marilee Ne lson Richard Nickle Linda Pack Kathy Patrick
Kent Mortensen Barr Neff
Robert Nelson Barbara Norris Jim Parker Arlene Pearson
Keith Mounteer Beverly Neff
Susan Neuffer Herb Oborn Ralph Parke r Kenneth Pearson
Frank Mumford Wayne Neilson
Theron Mugle ton Gerald Nel on
Pam Nichols Russell Oleen Zane Parker Rona ld Perry
Bob Newbold Barba ra O lson Scott Parker Sydney Pedersen
Jennie Peterson Dana Jean Pond
Bill Powell Shirley Read Trudy Robinson Wayne Ross
Bonnie Peterson Ronnie Phillips
Dianne Rasmussen Ralph Reading Lew Robinson Carole Roper
Gary Peterson Linda Marie Potter
Nyla Kay Rasmussen Mary Jo Rees Susan Rohlfing Kristine Roscnhan
Rex Peterson Joseph Poulsen
Carolyn Rathjen Bob Ren McKay Rollins Max Rosenhan
Vickie Petrlich Paulette Preston
Vance Rawlings Norman Rich Ralph Romero Judy Rudd
Judy Pierson Perry Price
Joyce Ann Rawson Wallace Richards Bill Roos Tommy Rudy
Brent Phillips Ruby Price
David Ray Carol Richards Eileen Rosenhan Marilyn Sabey
Judy Simonson Cecil Smith Vaughn Smith
Joseph Sima Gary Steadman Michael Soffe
Wallace Singleton Howard Smith Earl Sorensen
Norma Schneider RaySchelin Danny Searle
Vickie Sagars Elden Saville Shirlee Sharp
Joan Sampson Julie Schmidt Nadine Shaw
Pam Saddler Paul Saldivar Michael Shaw
Gay Smart Jackie Smith Ululani Sorensen
Blaine Smith LuAnnSmith Larry Sorenson
Bonnie Smith Niel Smith Ellis Spainhower
Diane Smith Phil Smith Esther Smith
Thanks for asking, but I'm busy.
Gloria Tea David Thomas Ralph Tolman
Gloria Lee Tennant Bill Thomas Michael Tippitts
Jay Tennett John Thomas Vrenda Tibbitts
Norman Stuart Don Taylor Marsha Sundberg
Shauna Steed Joan Stephenson Barbara Sylvester
Tracy Stewart Morris Stuart Susan Tarter
Kay Tennant Robert Thompson Randy Treadway
Robert Terry Virginia Thompson Tony Trinnaman
Michael Tester Jackie Thornton Alice Turner
Mary Stout Roger Steed Elaine Stuart
Sheldon Thayne Dorothy Thomson Bernie T 1ujillo
Jim Turner Rela Walker Brenda Webster
Larry Tuttle Lynn Wardle Rose Lee Welch
Russell Utley Nancy Ware Shirl Wennerstrom
Lydia Villalobos Roger Watson Maggie Westerman
Judy Walker Nancy Ann Webb Billie Wetsel
Karen Walker Dick Weber Linda Wheadon
Ned Walker Marva Weber Glen White
Frank. Wilcox Kent Woodward Kenny Zagarich
Robert Wikes Alan Wright Claudia Zdunich
Kenneth Williams Jeniel Wright Nancy Zdunich
Ralph Williams Beverly Wright Louis Zitting
Richard Williams Matt Yengich Rebecca Zitting
Carol Winn Lynn Young Dennis Zupan
Louis Wirchert Robert Young
. 69
Randy Dow, President
Boys "clown around" during Thanksgiving Party co-sponsored by the Boys' Club.
Howard B. Linford, Adviser
BOYS CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right, Firsr Row: George Bapis, Vice President; Randy Dow, President; LeRoy Berrett, Secretary. Second Row: Steve Kuramada, Senior Class Representative; Carl Lindsay, Junior Class Representative; Claron Burgon, Sophomore Class Representative.
Arthur Hughes, Adviser
JoAnn Olson, Presidenc
GIRLS' CLUB OFFICERS - Left co Right, First Row: Donna Wood, Secretary; JoAnn Olson, President; Diane Smith, Vice President. Second Row: LuAnn Smith, Sophomore Representative; Diane Norgren, Junior Representative, Kay Wood, Senior Representative.
Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, Ad••iser
Dads sub for regular beaus on annual night our.
Mrs. MaRee Nelson, Adv iser
\_G_ir_l_s'_C_I_ub-.17 71
Language Club
Language Club members spent an active and very colorful year studying the habits and customs of the countries whose languages they studied at Jordan. The group enjoyed many evening get-togethers during which they delved into the traits of the French and Spanish.
LANGUAGE CLUB ADVISERS and OFFICERS Left to Right: Mr. Lowell Boberg, Adviser; Miss
Golda Fraser, Jan Keller, President; Nancy Ihle, Vice President; Mike Walters, Secretary (Not pictured).
LAUGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS - Le/c co Right, First Row: Pat Barnes, Glynda Jacobs, Jeanette Olsen, Sandy McCrill, Maureen Bailey, Carol Leak, Bonnie Phelps, Vicki Young, Lynerre Walker, Michelle Grane, Lelia Tsiniginie, Susan Santistevan, Jan Keller, Connce Pierce. Second Row: Diane Morrison, Rose Lee Welch, Maxine Trujillo, Carma Rae Ekins, Karen Buhler, Ann Brown, Judy Houmand, Gorg Ann Ihle, Myrna Walker, Vonnetre Holder, Suzy Nickols, Brent Phillips, Jim Cartwright, Barbara Bill, Diane Nordgren. Third Row: Margaret Hughes, Alona Garfield, Shirley Read, Linda Jenkins, Anita Krizman, Frank Montoya, Joe Montoya, Burk Smith, Torn Mellenthin, Henry Brady, James Allen, Marcia Haws, Beverly Harrocks, Lyn Hoffman.
Masque & Gavel Outst;rnding speech and debate students of Jordan High School made up the membership of the Masque and Gavel Club. The club was active during the year taking in various plays at universities and other high schools in the area. Enthusiastic members made their year successful.
MASQUE AND GAVEL ADVISER and OFFICERS Left co Right, First Row: Norman Riggs, Adviser. Second Row: Jan Keller, Parliamentarian; Connee Pierce, Vice President; David Jensen, President; Pat Milne, Secretary; Carma Ekins, Historian.
MASQUE &. GAVEL MEMBERS - Left co Right, First Row: Ruby Price, Linda Hudson, Ann Bechtel, Annette Beckstead, Diane Stone, Carol Ann Jones, Gayle Hendrickson, Judy Schultz, Kathleen Lind, Marilyn Sabey, Janice Bigler, Jan Keller, Connee Pierce. Second Row: Sheila Norton, Kathleen Granqui t, Marilyn McDonald, Paulette Preston, Elaine Stuart, Anna Rose Lavender, Claron Burnon, Howard Kempton, Bruce Plott, David Jensen, Burke Smith, John Johnson, Jim Grow. Third Row: Jim Cartwright, Henry Miner, Norman Rich, Vickie Burgon, Marilyn Anderson, Maxine Hastings, Pat Hirsch, Lila Evans, Dorine Cox, Lynerre Bird, Lynnette Walker, Carol Leak. Fourth Row: Gloria Tea, Joan Lundberg, Alice Boggess, Jill Benningfield, Patricia Milne, Barbara Butterfield, Sherrie Grundvig, Marilyn Bagley.
Riding Club Students interested in horseback riding anxiously applied for membership in the Jordan High School Riding Club. During the year, the group participated in numerous activities which helped to develop exceptional horsemanship among members.
RIDING CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Mr. Boise, adviser; Jessie Bringhurst, U lul ani Sorenson, Linda Pack. Second Row: Sheila Davies, Marilyn Jenkins, Maggie Westerman, Jorg Ann Ihl e.
F. F. A.
FUTURE FARMERS - Left to Right, First Row: Boyd Redden, Ronald Crane, Dee Alldredge, Ronnie Osborne, Ben Tamara, Dennis Bringhurst, Mike McDonald, Henry Day, Ellis Bringhurst. Second Row: Alan Wright, Richard Crawford, Bill Adams, Brenr Aldredge, Larry Tea, John Zittâ&#x20AC;˘ ing, Dale Madsen, Larry Bowman, Paul Dunn.
Quill & Scroll The Quill & Scroll is an international honorary society for high school Journalists. It was organized to promote better journalism through participation in writing. The members of this organization at Jordan were extremely qualified in the field of publication.
QUILL &. SCROLL MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Carol Beckstead, Beverleen Breeze, Dolores Olsen, Barbara Butterfield. Second Row: Joan Lundberg, Evelyn Reed, Laraine Hirst.
Press Club
PRESS CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Carol Beckstead, Joyce Bedonr, Joan Lundberg, VaLayne Anderson. Second Row: Beverleen Breeze, Dolores Olsen, Frank Lacox. Third Row: Evelyn Reed, Barbara Butterfield, Laraine Hirst.
Red Cross
The Red Cross Club, an outstanding service club of Jordan High School, made each project they undertook very successful. The members gave willingly of their time in order to be of service to others.
RED CROSS MEMBERS - Left ro Right, First Row: Carrie Lee Carpenter, Linda Lublin, Sharon Brewer, Shirley Read, Kristine Glover, Evelyn Read, Sharon Beckstead, Linda Newbo ld, Kaaren Cook, Sue Ann Lloyd, Gloria Day. Second Row: Barbara Hansen, Maurine Michelsen, Karen Allgood, Margie Oliver, Annabelle Brown ,Sheryl Johnson, l.:!nda Jenkins, Anita Krizman, Barbara Heki, Barbara Christensen. Third Row: Dianne Danelson, Margie Osborne, Kay Wood, Shelia Norton, Karen Brown, Lorraine Smith, Sharon Brown, Anna Marie Whitlock, Novella Knight, Pat Fieldstad.
Safety & Publicity
SAFETY & PUBLICITY CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Peggy Heaps, Alona Garfield, Arba Tripp, Joyce Watts, Deon Garfield. Second Row: Beverly Tripp, Jean Potter, Brent Javaine, Linda Wheadon. Third Row: Bonnie Marchant, Pat Rardin, Lila Evans, Claudia Zdunich.
JORDANETTE MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: JoAn Kunz, Deon Garfield, Marilyn Johnson, Kathy Brown, Judie Bosh, Peggy Stubert, Chree Landures, Mary Campbell, Carol Lee Smith, Sheryl Ashman, Charleen Cutler, Nan Harryman, Glenda Bigler, Judy Thayne, Sandra Hardy. Second Row: Joan Lundberg, Bonnie Parker, Sharlene Lloyd, Nancy Lee Steadman, JoAnn Olson, Dixie Jenson, Sylvia Conger, Lyn Fitzgerald, Becky Cowdell, Catherine Hill, Linda Wright, Joyce Watts, Diane Morrison, Mary Lou Rauson. Third Row: Annette Rollins, Janice Jenkins, Lois Smith, Carmella Peterson, Selores Olsen, Tonya Day, Norma Jacob, Marleys Young, Marlene Wilkinson, Diane Van Orman, Siane Stone, Barbara Olson, Beverly Fisher, Joann Smith, Maureen Bailey. Fourth Row: Paulette Preston, Dianne Smith, Carol Winn, Karen Forbush, Annette Beckstead, Lynnette Boyce, Deanna Brimhall, Vauna Kay Hardwick, Joan Sampson, Margaret Hand, Enid Ennis, Nanette Curtis, Pat Hirsch, Helen Zrno, Barbara Clark.
J ordanettes
Sheryl Ashman, President
Members of the Jordanette Club once again displayed their Big Pal attributes to their Little Pal Sophomores. The Jordanettes once again proved that the Jordan Look was a friendly look. Typical of real leaders, they helped to make this year very successful.
-\ JORDANETTE OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Sheryl Ashman, President; Mary Fitzgerald, Adviser; Sandra Hardy, Vice President. Second Row: Carol Lee Smith, Treasurer; Linda Peterson, Secretary.
SPORTS CLUB MEMBERS - Left w Right, First Row: Janice Bills, Pauline Akagi, Marilyn Clarke, Valene Blaney, Kay Tennant, Ellen Coomb, Dixie Haueter, Gloria Day, Judy Burke, Linda Potter, Linda Johnson, Julie Jensen, LaRae Vincent. Second Row: Susan Rohlfing, Jeneil Wright, Karne Fenstermaker, Lydia Villalobos, Barbara Olson, Holla Rae Belcher, Emily Bastian, Diane Dunn, Pam Sadler, Eileen Doh!, Elaine Kirk, Janice Bigler. Third Row: Marilyn Jenkins, Carol Etherington, Lynne Milburn, Gail Dumas, Margo Andersen, Paulette Hardcastle, Norma Schneider, Kathleen Konold, Jean Sharp, Shirley Olson, Kathy Jones, Bonnie Petersen, Vickie Petrlich, Karen Hand.
Sports Club
SPORTS CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Emily Bastain, President. Second Row: Holla Rae Belcher, Reporter; Pauline Akagi, Vice President; Jean Sharp, Secretary; Judie Burke, Historian. Third Row: Karen Hand, Treasurer; Marilyn Milne, Adviser.
Emily Bastain, President
KEY CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right First Row: Larry Latimer, Mike Terry, Larry Schmidt, Michael Ross, Henry Miner, Charles Shipp, Jim Cartwright, Claron Burgon, Howard Kempton, Jerry Huish, Sterling Kurumada, Steven Mori. Second Row: Kelvin Landers, Bob Stevens, Steven Millington, Bob Keeler, Burk Smith, Brent Javaine, Don Bateman, Bob Nelson, David Jensen, Doug Ninomiya, Tom Despain, Art Casper, Byron Bateman, Russell Parker. Third Row: Wayne Cook, Jim Wells, Phil Smarr, Howard Ross, Andy Madsen, Jan Keller, Jerry Giauque, Lynn Gaufin, Merrill Brinton, Bill Homer, Carl Lindsay, Lynn Jones, Bob Akagi, Bryan Mumford.
KEY CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Michae l Ross, 2nd Vice President; Carl Lindsay, 1st Vice President. Second Row: Jim Cartwright, Treasurer; Charles Shipp, Secretary; Henry Miner, President; Dunn Taylor, Adviser. Henry Miner, President
Ski Club Under the direction of adept Ski Club officers and advisers, Ski enthusiasts made skiing a major sport at Jordan this year. Words such as cristie, slalom, and stem turn, were no longer strange, but crept into the vocabulary of nearly everyone on campus. Ski Club members built up our prestige on the local slopes, and made thi sport outstanding at Jordan High.
SKI CLUB MEMBERS - Left co Right, First Row: Charlee Hensen, Mary Lindsay, Margaret Hand, Doug Thompson, Susie Enniss, Lynn Benson. Second Row: Sydney Pederson, Susan Kjar, He len Zrno, Kathy Hill, Becky Cowdell, Bob Kilpack. Third Row: Karen Hand, Joan Webb, Lynn Hen路 sen, Margie Osborne, Ann Brady. Fourrh Row: Rela Walker, Jean Godfrey, Carolyn Jensen, Bonnie Phelp , Elaine Erekson, Judie Bosh, Milae Ross, Bob Nelson, Andrew Mad en, Raymond Pack, David Jenoen, Jan Keller. Fifth Row: Carol Winn, Lynnette Boyce, Margie Bell, Barry Bendixon, Mike Despain, Steven Love, Arnold Butterfield, Doug Ninomiya, Bob Etherington. Sixth Row: Marcha Haws, Trudy Robinson, Beverly Horrocks, Nancy Ihle, Lynn Fitzgerald, Eldonna Adams, Morris Stuart, Bobby Ren, Howard Ro s. Seventh Row: Kathy Priano, Coleen Cox, Shauna Seal, Maureen Bailey, Nan Harriman, Penny Erekson, Kay Neuffer, Tamara Juretich, Blaine Antczak, John Blair, Don Campbell. Eighth Row: Susan Anderberg, Lynn Brady, Kaye Clements, Glenna Dee Peterson. Ninth Row: Jim Johnson, David Tranter, John Wetsell, Barbara Erekson, Calvin Adams, Steve Heaps, Liz Blackett, Richard Tripp, Robert Anderson, JoEllen Larsen, Monte Fisher.
SK! CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Su:y Ennis, President; Bob Kilpack, Vice President; Lyn Fitzgerald, Secretary. Second Row: Emerson Kennington, Adviser; Helen Seaman, Adviser.
Ski Club members enjoy annual party.
A turn for the worst I
Smoke gets in your eyes.
Charlonians Lexie Boyce, President
CHARLONIAN MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Louise Pedro, Kathleen Ballard, Beverly Horrocks, Glenda Vawdrey, Michelle Grane, Kaaren Cook, Dixie Reed, Vickie Young, Maxine Hastings, Marilyn Anderson, Kathy Priano. Second Row: Carma Rae Ekins, Linda Jenkins, Anita Krizman, Karen Leonard, Judy Bishop, Rae Anderson, Carol Baker, Shirley Greenwood, Julienne White, Lexie Boyce, Diane Frear. Third Row: Vickie Nebeker, Donna Wood, Bonnie Jones, Rachel Ballard, Diane Danelson, Lyn Henson, Suzy Enniss, Margie Osborne. Fourth Row: Glenna Peterson, Gayle Hendrickson, Glenda Jacobs, Anita Voeltz, JoEllen Larsen, Kay Wood, Sharon Mabey, Connee Pierce. Fifth Row: Carol Cundick, Carol Blair, Lynne Brady, Joyce Bedont, Dorine Cox, Nanette Richards, Joan Howell, Jeanine Sylvester. Sixrh Row: Sydney Smith, Judith Brimhall,
Elaine Erekson, Susan Anderberg. Seventh Row: Shauna Seal, Elizabeth Blackett, Susan Santistevan, Marie Gardner. Eighth Row: Charlotte MacGuffi.e, Kaye Clemenrs, Sherry Pollick, Diane Johnson. Ninth Row: Carol Larsen, Linda Lether, Pat Carrigan, Jean Potter. Tench Row: Becky Sjoblom, Arba Tripp, JoAnn Dunn, Sheryl Johnson. Eleventh Row: Della Dibb, Judy Mlaker, Susan Smith, Diane Stevens. Twelfth Row: Lynette Bird, Vickie Burgon, Carol Leak, Bonnie Marchant, Judie Francom, Doris' Mine , Lynnette Wa lker, Barbara Butterfield. Thirteenth Row: Mary Fleming, Lila Evans, Barbara Erekson, Marcia Haws, Bonnie Phelps, Ll!ah .Jene Nelson, Lina Webb, Francine Tuft. Fourteenth Row: Cathy Carson, Yvonne James, Judie Robertson, Marilyn Smith, Sherry Rueckert, Jani s Forbush, Carolyn Smith, Sherry Rueckert, Janis Forbush, Carolyn Jenson, Judy Milne.
Charlonians provide half-rime entertainment at Jordan football game.
The Charlonian Club, cons1stmg of one hundred red and gray clad members, upheld the traditions of both the club and the school as they aimed at promoting scholarship, leadership, fellowship, sportsmanship, and pep. From the candlelight initiation ceremony in September, to the traditional Charlonian Breakfast in May, the club members were busy perfecting half time marches and working on various other activities. The Charlonian members proved their club to be one of the most outstanding pep clubs in the state.
Becoming a Charlonian is no easy job l
CHARLONIAN OFFICERS - Left w Right, First Row: Lexie Boyce, President; Susan Santistevan, Secretary. Second Row: Susan Anderberg, Historian; Leah Jane Nelson, Treasurer; Kaye Clements, Reporter.
CHARLONIAN ADVISERS - Left co Right: Mrs. McGrew, Mrs. Wanda Wade, Miss Helen Seaman.
Due to the lack in auditorium facilities, the Radio Club members were slightly hampered as far as usual club activities go, but they were able to supplement their schedule with experiments using the ultramodern equipment in the new south wing addition to the building.
RADIO CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Lloyd Lind, Adviser; Donald Budge, Adviser; John Johnson, Lyle Bawden, Bob Bloomquist, Leslie Carpenter, Carl Howlett, Jim Snarr, Grant Howlett. Not Pictured: Vern Reading.
Forensic League The Jordan members of the National Forensic League, an honorary society composed of outstanding high school speech and debate students, spent an active year participating in debate meets, speech tournaments, and forensic contests throughout Utah. The N.F.L. portrayed an important role in upholding the academic standing of Jordan High.
FORENSIC MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Stanley Sharp, Adviser; Janice Jenkins, Sharon Mabey, Carol Cundiclo, Henry Miner. Second Row: Jimmy Wells, Grant Howlett, Bruce Plott, Shirley Greenwood, Carol Jones, Norma Jacob, Linda Peterson, Sheryl Ashman, Connee Pierce.
De ca The Distributive Education Club members had an outstanding year and gained valuable training in their chosen field - sales work. They performed a tasty service by selling popcorn during football season. The proceeds which they collected were put to many commendable uses.
DECA MEMBERS - Left to Right, Firsr Row: Jim Mannos, Pat Rardin, Janice Shields. Second Row: Karen Wennerstrom, Shirleen Lancaster, Sandra Smith, Diane Wallgren. Third Row: Judy Burns, Emily Bastian, Diane Morrison, Diane Morrison, LaRae Vincent, Gaylene Jenson, Ann Brady, Karen Silcox, Evelyn Read, Linda Wright, Carmella Peterson. Fourth Row: Edgar Koonce, Glade Ingersol, Peggy Lublin, Margie Oliver, Merle Ann Williams, Mary Campbell, Kathy Brown, Lorraine Walters, Barbara Christensen, Jeanine Rassmussen, Deon Garfield.
F. T.A. 0eing 路 a relatively new club at Jordan, the Future Teachers strived diligently toward their goal of preparing themselves to be the 路educators of tomorrow. Experienced advisers, Jesse Casper and Chloe Frailey, counseled the group with knowledge and understanding. During the year the group was addressed by many of Utah's eminent personalities in the field of education.
FUTURE TEACHERS - Left to Right, First Row: Alice Boggess, Lynette Walker, Carol Larsen, Kent Goodrich. Second Row: Marilyn Anderson, Judie Burke, Bonnie Marchant, Dixie Jenson, Connee Pierce. Third Row: Carol Leak, Vickie Burgon, Judy Francom, Sylvia Conger, Mike Bullett, Kathleen Granquist, Lynette Bird, Joyce Bedont, Patricia Milne, Mary Lee Frampton, Carhy Carson.
MISS HI MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Sydney Pedersen, Mary Lindsay, Donna Christensen, Eldona Adams, Elaine Stuart, Eileen Dansie, Gloria Tea, Linda Hyatt, Billie Wetsel, Anita Freeman, Gay le Nance, Rhonda Andrus, Claudia Zdunich. Second Row: Maggie Westerman, Mary Stout, Jeanette Asay, Kristine Glover, Kathy Davis, Ann Becktel, Kathleen Lind, Dorothy Thompson, Marilyn McDonald, Ruby Price, Linda Hudson, Karen Mclachlan, Jackie Smith, Pamela Kemp. Third Row: Janet Bellon, Elaine Osborne, Judy Simonson, Jennie Peterson, Morgie Burgon, Anna Rose Lavender, Marilyn Sabey, Karen Allmendinger, Nadine Shaw, Alice Turner, Marilee Nelson, Sharron Mosher, Dana Jean Pond.
Made up entirely of Sophomore girls, the Miss Hi Club was one of the most active organizations in the school. Enthusiastic members supported club activities strongly, and the club as a single unit added strength and zeal to all student body functions.
MISS HI OFFICERS - Lefc co Right, First Row: Mrs. McGrew, Adviser; Gayle Nance, President. Second Row: Anita Freeman, Secretary; Billie Wetsel, Vice President. Third Row: Marilyn Sabey, Historian; Mary Lindsay, Treasurer .
Miss Hi Club 86
DANCE CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Helene Smith, Tonya Day. Second Row: Shirley Greenwood, Tamara Juretich, Donnette Bell.
One of Jordan High School's most talented clubs, the Dance Club, had a very successful year. The girls performed at various assemblies, dances, and parties. Also, the girls had a very successful season with the Jordan High Traveling Assembly.
DANCE CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Karen Wennerstrom, Dolores Archuleta. Second Row: Jill Benningfield, Marilyn Johnson, Kathy Taylor.
Mrs. McGrew, Adviser Tamara Juretich, President
DANCE CLUB MEMBERS - Left to Right: Dolores Archuleta, Jill Benningfield, Penny Erekson, Marilyn Johnson, Tamara 'Juretich, Tonya Day, Donnette Bell, Shirley Greenwood, Judy Bosh.
F. H. A. F.H.A. MEMBERS - Left co Right, First Row: Esther Saldivar, Mavis Sadler, Peggy Lublin, Annabelle Brown, Shana Kemp, Jeanine Rassmussen, Margie Oliver, Sondra Gilbert, MarJean Boynton . Second Row: Kathleen Granquist, Sheryl Johnson, Janice Peterson, Merle Ann Williams, Sandra Smith, Jeanette Olsen, Linda Newbold, Sharon Beckstead, Sarah Douglas, Carol Mickelsen, Coy Bishop. 路 Third Row: Karen Anderson, Helen Cal ledge, Myrna Lee Kropf, Barbara Christensen, Evelyn Read, Linda Lublin, Carroll Cressall, Esther Smith, Loretta Elswood, Kaaren Cook, Diane Danelson.
F.H.A. OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Betty Henderson, adviser. Second Row: Margie Oliver, secretary; Annabelle Brown, Vice President; Shana Kemp, President.
The Jordan chapter of the Future Homemakers of America successfully endeavored to teach. their membership those qualities that make a good homemaker. The officers and advisers led the club in many successful recreational and educational programs. 88
The Jordan High School Future Engineers strive to acquaint themselves with the complex engineering problems of today's modern world. In its program the club invites specialists to lecture to them on each particular phase of this vital field.
Prospective Engineers show "lab" techniques.
FUTURE ENGINEER OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Bob Stevens, President. Second Row: Tom Despain, Treasurer; Brent Shaw, Secretary; Lynn Jones, Vice President.
Future Engineers
FUTURE ENGINEERS - Left ro Right, First Row: Karl Joffs, Russell Taylor, Bob Stevens, Lynn Gaufin, Richard Hughes, Larry Johnson, Bob Akagi, Tom Despain. Second Row: Donald Budge, Dennis Rasmussen, Brent Shaw, Russell Parker, Sterling Kurumada, Merrill Brinton, Lynn Jones, Bryan Mumford, Bryan Burr. Third Row: Jim Snarr, Grant Howlett, Carl How lett, Leslie Carpenter, Philip Yorgason, Bruce Plott, Robert Monroe.
Model U.N.
MODEL U. N. MEMBERS - Left to Righi, First Row: Shiela Norton, Darlene Guest, DeAnna Brimhall, Janice Jenkins, Lyn Henson, Janet Snarr, Carol Dean Blair, Midge Benson, Connee Pierce. Second Row: Della Mae Dibb, Charlee Henson, Susan Kjar, Bonnie Phelps, Marlys Young, Beverly Fisher, Frank Wilcox. Third Row: Claron Burgan, Jan Keller, Bob Stevens, Jean Potter, Vickie Young, Joan Howell, Bruce Plott, Jerry Giauque.
The Model U. N. Club, in its first year of existence at Jordan, was successful in its endeavors to adequately represent our school at the Model U. N. Assembly at the state capitol. The club aroused student interest in foreign affairs and governments.
MODEL U. N. OFFICERS - Left co Right, First Row: Lyn Hensen, Secretary General; Jerry Giauque, Assistant Secretary General. Second Row: Beverly Fisher, Secretary-Treasurer; William Boren, adviser; Janice Jenkins, Parliamentarian.
LETIERMEN - Left to Right, First Row: Deloy Johnson, Joe Brklacy, Mike Bullett, Gary Colyar, Kenny Smart, Phillip Kemp, Stephan Kurumada, Russ Taylor, Richard Zdunich, Sherm Miller, Lynn Gaufin, Brent Javaine, Robert Anderson, Darryl Potter. Second Row: David Holman, Mark Robis, Gene Webb, Jim Wood, Bill Leatherwood, Angelo Mascaro, Val Vranes, Milan Uremovich, Dell Welch, Kent Higham, Joe Montoya, David Tranter, Fred Thompson, Dick Bench, Jack Clark. Third Row: Richard Thomas, Dale Hansen, Jerry Huish, Mike Despain, Jerry Giauque, Merrill Brinton, Dennis Dahl, Jerry Erlenbach, Bob Etherington, Jay Mounteer, Jimmy Jenson, Doug Thompson, Lynn Benson, Kris Loulias. Fourch Row: Wayne Cook, Lynn Jones, Bob Nelson, Andy Madsen, Randy Dow, Doug Ninomiya, Don Stevens, Billy Deluca, Dick Harris, Phil Rosenhan, Jim Cartwright, Larry Schmidt, Mike Pavich, Dannie Cameron, Kent Goodrich.
Spending a very active year, the Jordan Lettermen undertook, and made successful, many projects. During Tournament week, they added to the festive spirit by selling traditional red and gray hats and "Jordan Take State" badges. They gave each other unsurmountable support in the various athletic events, and were the very nucleus of school spirit.
LETIERMAN OFFICERS - Left to Right, First Row: Russell Taylor, Vice President; Steve Kurumada, President; Richard Zdunich, Secretary. Second Row: Art Hughes, Adviser; Lynn Gaufin, Board Member.
j JAY DEE OFFICERS - Left to Right: Charlee Hensen, Historian; Sheryl Johanson, Secretary and Treasurer; Bonnie Poma, President; Marlene Jensen, Vice President.
Jay Dee Gertrude Tranter, Adviser
Jay Dee members make plans for annual party.
JAY DEE MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Darlene Guest, Judy Rudd, Juanita Fairbourn, Clavia Lee Tennant, Judy Heath, Carolyn Chidester, Nancy Webb, Janet Snar, Charlee Henson, Barbara Cutler, Kathy Patrick;. Second Row: Trudy Robinson, Vicki Sagers, Pauline Mertlich, Barbara Sylvester, Lael Kunz, Roberta Akers, Susan Kiar, Allene Larsen, Sheryl Johanson, Brenda Webster, Vicky Marriot, Suzy Nichols. Third Row: Margie Bell, Barbara Vidler, Kathy Loumis, Margaret Hughes, Alona Garfield, Sharon Hughes, Marlene Jenson, Toni Landures, Sheri Duffin, Jeanette Smart, Lelia Tsineginie, Sandra Bulkley, Anita Larson.
JAY DEE MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Mary Greenwood, Marsh Sundber, Jackie Bennion, Susan Neuffer, DcAnn Thacker, Grace Kime, Carolyn Rathjen, Marsha Ashby, Dianne Rasmussen, Judy Berrett, Linda Nielson, Caralee Backus. Second Row: Peggy Heaps, Linda Wheadon, Cheryl Montaque, Precilla Kynaston, Shirley Buxton, Maxine Kramer, Arlene Pearson, Melonie Buenson, Karron Mosher, Carol Richards, Marva Weber, Janet Adamson. 'â&#x20AC;˘ .'1ird Row: Evelyn Read, Pamelrt Milne, Jenny Elder, Nancy Zdunich, Bonnie Smith, Kathryn Miner ,Brenda Tibbitts, Joyce Ann Rawson, Judy Schultz, Ann Brown, Joy Coons, Kathy Scott, Par Cressall, Claudia Berrett.
Marilyn Johnson
Cheerleaders Doug Ninomiya
Judy Bosh
Bob Nelson
Kathy Taylor
Bob Nelson, Marilyn Johnson
Student admiration and commendation go to the cheerleaders who led the student body in support~ ing every athletic event and activity during the year. The energetic group spread school spirit and pep throughout the campus beginning in October for football and lasting until the end of baseball season in May. Our hats are off to these six . Doug, Judie, Don, Kathy, Bob, and Marilyn.
Don Bateman, Kathy Taylor
CHEERLEADERS - Left to Right: Kathy Taylor, Don Bateman, Judie Bosh, D~ug Ninomiya, Marilyn Johnson, Bob Nelson.
Co-Captain Russell Taylor Senior, tackle, All State
Co-captain Jerry Erlenbach Senior, center
Football After a number of rebuilding years in the gridiron department, Jordan finally lived up to all expectations and won a hard-fought-for region trophy. Excited fans finally had something to be excited about as the triumphant Beetdiggers dug in and changed the 5-0 record of the '57 season to an unbeaten one for 1958. The mighty crew was coached by Glen Jackson. He was aided by Bill Ryan.
Halfback Kenny Smart plows around the end for another big gain.
An unidentified Jordan player is stopped only three feet from the goal line J
An aerial view showing the Beetdigger squad in their championship form.
Scoreboard PRE-SEASON Jordan Jordan Jordan
6 ............................................ Box Elder 13 0 .............................................. Pocatello 6 6 ...................................................... West 26 LEAGUE
i~m~ 11 :~2:
-+.~~~~ 1
6 .............................................. H ighland 21 Coach Glen Jackson, who led the mighty Beetdiggers to the top spot of Region JV.
VARSfTY FOOTBALL PLAYERS- Left to Right, First Row : Robert Anc..l erson , Phill ip Rose nhan, Dale Hansen, Mik e Pavi ch, Dill Lea therwood, Jay Mou nt ee r, Lynn Benso n, David T ra nter, Bob earle, Jerry Giauq ue, Sherm Mill er. Second Row : Fred Thompson, Merrill Brinton, Brem Java 1ne, Da nnie ameron, Di ck Zd un ich, Denni s Dahl, Lynn Gaufin, Ke nn y Smarr, Bill Delu ca, Steve Kuramada, Milan Ure-
movi ch, Dell Welch. Third Row: Mike Bullett, Ja ckâ&#x20AC;˘ Clark, Doug Thompson, Di ck Den ch, Louie Deluca, Kri s Louli as, Jim Hutchings, Carl Lindsay, Bill Homer, C la yton mith, Jim Kiholm, Coach Olen Jackson. Fo1mh Row: Jerry Erlenbach, Bill Ryan, Assistant Coach; Ri chard H arris, manager; Val V ranes, Joe Brklacy, Johnny Wetsel, Johnny Elrz, Hal Thorum, Morry C rane, Byron Smith, Ri chard Tripp, Mike lasella, D avid Bollsweiler, Mike Despain, manager.
Jay Mounteer Senior, Guard
Steve Kuramada Senior, Halfback
Mike Bullett Senior, Fullback
Robert Searle Senior, End
David Tranter Senior, G1wrd
The TeaJU Phillip Rosenhan Senior, End
Dennis Dahl Junior, Fullback
Bill Leatherwood Senior Tackle
Bill Deluca Junior, Quarterback
Dannie Cameron Junior, Halfback
Kenny Smart Senior, Halfback
Jack Clark Senior, End
Fred Thompson Senior, Guard
Richard Zdunich Senior, Halfback
Lynn Gaufin Senior, Quarterback
Robert Anderson Senior, Tackle
Lynn Benson Senior, Center
Brent Javaine Senior, Quarterback
Dick Bench Senior, Halfback
Louie Deluca Junior, Guard
Sherm Miller Senior, Fullback
Mike Pavich Junior, End
Milan Uremovich Junior, Quarterback
Jerry Giaque Senior, Center
Doug Thompson Senior, End
Kris Loulias Senior, End
Joe Brklacy Senior, End
David Bolliswieler Junior, End
Dell Welch Junior, End
Dennis Hutchings Junior, Tackle
Dale Hansen ]t<nior, Guard
Val Vranes Junior, Tackle
Merrill Brinton J,,nior, Halfback
JimKihom Junior, Halfback
Johnny Eltz Junior, Center
Johnny, Wetsel Junior, Ft<Llback
The Teani r
Karl Lindsey Junior, Guard
Mike Iasella Junior, Tackle 102
Hal Thorum Junior, End
Bill Homer Junior, Guard
Clayton Smith Junior, Tackle
Richard Tripp Junior, Guard
Byron Smith Junior, Guard
Mike Despain Manager
Lloyd Atkinson Sophomore, Halfback
Richard Harris Manager
SOPHOMORE GRIDDERS - Left to Right, First Row: Javan Maxedon, Paul Boswell, Bob Mascaro, Bob Brown, Norman Rich, T m Mannos, Kenny Zagarich, Paul McMullin, Paul Sa ldivar, George Bapis, Ron Jenkins, Donald Jex. Second Row: Coach She rm rump, Dannie Sea rl e, Bruce Kunz, Paul Jureti ch, Kenny Despain,
Dean Andreason, Ga ry Coolam, Jim Turner, Steve Mori, Frank Mumford, Larry Larson, Russel Utley, Coach Bob Teran. Third Row: Max Rosenhan, Ralph Williams, Stephen Love, Lavelle Kirby, Dick Weber, Atkinson, Mike Kosovich, Mike Loulias, Hal Christopherson, Howard Smith, Steven Heinecke, Grant Davis, Gene Sariano, Gary Moore.
Plagued by losses due to injuries throughout the season, the sophomore gridders gained little glory. Coached by Bob Teran and Sherm Crump, the small force won only two hard-fought-for victories on the gridiron in the '58 season. Sophomore team members showed their fighting spirit in true Beetdigger fashion.
WRESTLERS Left to Right, First Row: Jimmy Brady, Bobby Brown, Wayne Woolsey, Eric Larsen, Lynn Ivie, Sterling Kuramada, Richard Harris, Russel Smith, Lee Webster. Second Row: Bob Akagi, Ralph Wi ll iams, Micky Yamashiro, Grant Davis, Blaine Antizak, Bill
Homer, Bryan Smith, Russell Parker, Cordell Jacobson. Third Row: Coach G len Jackson, Wayne Cook, Ron Crane, Andy Madsen, Jimm y Jensen, Dell Welch, Jeffery Maddocks, Jay Mounteer, Bill Leatherwood, Jim Hutchings, Tom Mellenthin, Manager.
Coach Glen Jackson and Tom Mellenthin, manager, rake time-out from wrestling drill.
Wayne Cook
WRESTLERS IN REGION COMPETITION - Left to Right, First Row: Jimmy Brady, Bob Brown, Wayne Cook, Ron Crane, Andy Madsen. Second Row: Jim Jensen, Dell Welch, Jeff Maddox, Jay Mounteer, Bill Leatherwood, Jim Hutchings. Dell Welch
Jordan's ausp1c1ous wrestling crew brought home numerous wrestling honors during the '59 wrestling season. Coach Glen Jackson's meritorious matmen copped the region wrestling title in February, and went on to place third in the state class "A" wrestling tourney at Granite. Of the eight men wrestling in the state meet, five men won trophies. Eight out of twelve men won top honors in their weight class in the region competition. The consistently winning group of grapplers have built wrestling into a major and widely followed sport at Jordan.
Bill Leatherwood
Bob Brown
Andy Madsen Jimmy Jensen
Jimmy Brady Jay Mounteer
Randal Dow, Co-captain Senior, Forward
Gerald Erlenbach, Co-captain Senior, Forward
Keeping with the traditions built up over the years, the meritorious basketball squad swept aside all league opposition to garner Jordan's eighth consecutive region trophy. Under the proficient coaching of "King" Arthur Hughes and assistant coach Sherm Crump, the mighty Beetdigger force finished the season with a triumphant record of nine wins and only one loss in Region IV play.
Coach Arthur Hu gh es
Richard Dillie Junior, Guard
Kent Goodri ch Senior, Forward
Milan Uremovich Junior, Guard
Angelo Mascaro Senior, Forward
Scoreboard Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
52 51 60 46 56 52 67 54
.................................................. Tooele .............................................. Bingham .................................................. C yprus .................................................. Murray ................................................ Granger .................................................. Tooele .............................................. Bingham .................................................. C yprus 53 .................................................. Murray 46 ................................................ Granger
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
50 55 68 62
33 48
26 29 45 37 56 44 41 53
TOURNEY .................................................. Weber ...................................................... West .................................................... Davis .................................................... Provo
65 52 52 59 Phillip Kemp Senior Guard
Robert Searle Senior, Guard
Mike Pavich Junior, Center
Paul Anderson Junior, Forward
Angelo Mascaro hooks one in at Cyprus.
TOURNAMENT TEAM MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: David Ehlers, Keith LaComb, Billy Deluca, Dick Dille, Robert Searle, Phillip Kemp, Milan Uremovich, Larry Schmidt. Second .Row: Coach
108 .
Paul Anderson watches as Mike Pavich and Randal Dow battle for a rebound.
Art Hughes, Kent Goodrich, Angelo Mascaro, Randy Dow, Mike Pavich, Jerry Erlenbach, Paul Anderson, Assistant Coach Sherm Crump.
Guard Phil Kemp scrambles for ball in game against Bingham.
"King;' Arthur Hughes is mobbed by hysterical Jordan fans after 62-59 win over Provo, for Consolation Championship.
Tourney Coming from behind, after a loss to Weber on the opening night of the State Class "A" Tournament, the Beetdigger cagers triumphantly downed West, Davis, and Provo, in succession, to win the State Consolation Championship for Jordan High.
Our mighty captains play keep away I
BASKETBALL MANAGERS Larry Schmidt, David Ehlers.
Left to Right:
Bob Searle looks for a way around Granger players in a frazzle that ended in a close score.
JUNIOR VARSITY PLAYERS - Left co Right, First Row: Jim Kiholm, Bill Deluca, Keith LaComb, Leste r Moore, and LeRoy Berrett. Second Row: Coach Sherm Crump, Byron Bateman, Jimmy Turner, Val Vranes, Larry Larson, Mike Husron.
Junior Varsity
Rcoreboard Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
Forward Bill Deluca goes into the air for a rebound against three Bingham High School players.
47 33 33 55 31 51 38 45 50 38
.................................................. Tooe le ............................................ Bingham .................................................. yprus .................................................. Murray ................................................ Granger .................................................. Tooele .............................................. Bingham .................................................. Cyprus .................................................. Murray ................................................ Granger
22 32 31 44 37 34 31 31 41 33
SOPHOMORE TEAM MEMBERS - Left to Right, First Row: Dee James, Gary Coulam, Phil Smith, Dennis Allen, Steve Heinecke. Second Row: Coach Bob Teran, Howard Smith, Norman Rich, Steven Mori, Rodney Oliver.
Although wins were few and far between, the Sophomores saw plenty of action.
TRACK TEAM MEMBERS - Left ro Right, Firsr Row: Johnn y Wetsel, Bruce Jacobson, Lee Webster, Jay Mounteer, Deloy Johnson, Joe Brklacy, Bob Etherington, Jimmy Jensen, Eddie Bishop, Russell. Pa rker, Mauri ce Crane, Merrill Brinton. Seco nd Row : Coach Bob Teran, Tom
Mellenthin, Shelby Pri ce, Larry Larson, Bob Keeler, Paul Anderson, Dennis Dahl, Mike Grane, Jay Green, Carnes Burson. Third Row: George Milligan, Norman Ri ch, Bob Mascaro, Bryan C arlquist, Rex Crane, Church Burris, Phil Smith, Rodney Fullmer, Steven Love, Ned Walker, Brent Phillips.
Track Schedule March 25 ---------------················-·-·····- Jordan vs. Highland April 3 ···-···-········································ Jordan vs. Granite April 10 ···················----······----·····-·······-· Jordan vs. Tooele April 18 ---····-·-········-···-·-···-·· -·-·········· B.Y.U. Invitational April 21 ················-·····-·····-··-········--·--·-·-· Jordan v . Provo April 25 ............ U.H.S.A.A. Relay Carnival at B.Y.U. May 2 ·-········----···-····-···-·····-·····-··- Regi n IV Track Meet May 9 ·················-···-····-··--·--·····-····--··········-····- State Meet
Maurice Crane clears the bar as enthused fans watch.
Merrill Brinton hurls the discus as his team mates and managers look on.
Eight hopeful runners get off to a good start in the 880 "run-offs."
Jay Mounteer shows his top form in pole vaulting.
Track co-captains Deloy Johnson and Joe Brklacy consult Coach Flob Teran. 113
BASEBALL PLAYERS - Left to Right, First Row: Manager Ray Glad, Steven Kuramada, Sherm Miller, Louie Deluca, Keith LaComb, Joe Montoya, Richard Zdunich, LeRoy Ray, Jonny Eltz, Milan Uremo-
vich, Nick Bapis, Jonny Gilbert, David Ehlers, Manager. Row Two: Coach Sherman Crump, Michael Bullett, Randal Dow, Gerald Erlenbach, Kent Higham, Hal Thorum, Weldon Hunsaker, Mike Huston, Dick Dillie, Jimmy Turner, Steven Mori, and Howard Smith.
Baseball With the warm days of spring approaching, the Jordan nine is looking forward to an exciting and successful baseball season. The team, molded into a strong, hard-to-beat force by Coach Sherm Crump, consists of nine returning lettermen plus several new recruits. As the yearbook goes to press, the magnanimous Beetdiggers have won two of the three league games played.
Joe Montoya rounds first on a base hit in the Tooele-Jordan game. Jordan won 12-1.
Scoreboard PRE-SEASON
Jordan JO .............................................. Olympus 8 Jordan 8 ...................................................... West 4 Jordan 5 ...................................................... South 3 Jordan 15 .................................................... Provo 17 LEAGUE Jordan 3 .................................................. Cyprus 9 Jordan 12 .................................................. Tooele 1 Jordan 18 .................................................. Murray 0
SCHEDULE Granger at Jordan Jordan at Bingham Jordan at Cyprus Bingham at Jordan Jordan at Granger Murray at Jordan Jordan at Tooele
A panoramic view of action on the Jordan diamond.
Randy Dow Left Field
Mike Bullett First Base
'58 Lettermen
Richard Zdunich Center Field
Jerry Erlenbach Shorr Stop Sherm Crump Coach
Sherman Miller Right Field
Milan Uremovich Second Base
Steve Kurmada Third Base
Kent Higham Right Field
April April April April April April April April May May
6 9 13 16 20 23 27 30 4 7
SCHEDULE ........................................ Cyprus at Jordan ........................................ Tooele at Jordan ...................................... Jordan at Murray ...................................... Granger at Jordan .................................... Jordan at Bingham ........................................ Jordan at Cyprus ...................................... Bingham at Jordan ...................................... Jordan at Granger ........................................ Murray at Jordan ........................................ Jordan at Tooele
Don Bateman and Pete Karaglanis practice for Region IV play.
TENNIS TEAM MEMBERS - Left to Right: Coach Glen Jackson, Kelvin Landers, Don Bateman, Dick Thomas, Marcel Saldivar, Morris Stuart, Paul McMullin, Pete Karaglanis.
The Look of Success was dominant in Jordan athletics this year. At the time this yearbook went to press, Jordan athletic teams had garnered one hundred per cent of the region tro路 phies offered. First place trophies were presented to the bas路 ketball, football, and wrestling teams, with the basketball team also ..yinning the State Consolation Championship. Baseball, track, and tennis trophies have not yet been awarded, but hopeful spring sport squads are showing the same championship form as did the fall and winter sport squads. During the '59 school year, in athletics, success was the mode. Success was the Jordan Look.
Wrestlers perform in front of the student body at Jordan's first wrestling assembly.
Jordan gridders carry their coaches off the field after an important victory.
Art Hughes' mighty Beetdiggers win their eighth consecu路 tive region crown.
Co-captain Randy Dow accepts the region trophy E. V. Mortenson at a post-tourney assembly.
A "summit" conference on the mound.
"Oh you Beetdiggers." Energetic cheerleaders kept the student body cheering at the state tourney.
Susan Santistevan Editor
Kay Wood Assistant Editor
Margie Osborne Assistant Editor
Beetdigger Staff
Left to Right: Donna Wood, Connee Pierce, Charlotte MacGuffie, Section Editors.
Left to Right: Peggy Stubbert, Typist; Arba Tripp, Arnst; Elaine Osborne, Typ1M.
Left to Right, First Row: Larry Latimer, Jerry Huish. Second Row: Monte Fisher, Brent Peterson, Photographers.
Dee Savage Adviser
YEARBOOK ADVISERS - Lefr ro Right: E. L. Crawford, Wanda Wade, Stanley Sharp, Dee Savage, and Murray Allen.
The Staff of the annual Beetdigger spent an engrossing year meeting deadlines. Susan Santistevan, Editor, guided and directed with much experience and foresight. Assistant Editors Kay Wood and Margie Osborne worked diligently to attain perfection in the art of yearbook publication. Mr. Dee Savage oversaw the activities of the very competent staff and acted as mediator between students and faculty. This organization has endeavored to present an accurate account of The Jordan Look.
Lefr ro Right: Joyce Bedont, Business Manager; Dixie Reed, Index Editor; Lois Smith, Business Manager.
Sandra Hardy Editor
LaMar Hendrickson Adviser
The Courier Staff have been collecting the most eminent literary works created by the students in the various creative writing English classes in our school. This collection has been gathered together and published and is known as the Courier.
Courier Staff
COURIER STAFF MEMBERS - Lefc co Right, Firsc Row: JoAnn Smith, Sandra Hardy, Lila Evans, Gayle Hendrickson, Alice Boggess. Second Row: Della Dibb, Kaye Clements, Midge Benson, Joyce Gaily, Charlene Lloyd, Nancy Steadman, Jean Potter, Dixie Jensen, Julia Bell, Sylvia Conger.
INTERPRETATIYE SPEECH STUDENTS - Left to Right, First Row: Lynn Brady, Dianne Danelson, Delores Archuleta, Colene Coons, Vickie Nebeker, Gayle Hendrickson, Cathy Hill, Shirley
Brown. Second Row: Beverly Fisher, Midge Benson, Jo Ellen Larsen, Terry Smith, Maureen Baily, Marilyn McDonald, Claron Burgon, Lila Ebans, Lynn Hoffman, Francine Tuft, Sharon Maybey, Mary Lou Rawson, Norman Riggs, Adviser.
In all phases of speech participation Jordan High Ranked Superior to the competitive schools in Region IV. The Interpretative squad ~et their goal on a region trophy and that was exactly what they attained. Much credit is to be given to Norman Riggs for the fine instruction he presented to his students in preparation for the various meets in which they participated. This team has been a credit to the school, since they brought many awards and hono1s to keep in step with The Jordan Look.
Region One Act Play Participants
State Interpretative Speech Participants
Traveling Asseinbly
Sultan Hassen Ben Around always wanted to get ahead.
Joe Jordan proceeds to annihilate vicious Toro the Bull.
"The Cast" 128
A very entertaining and hilariously funny Traveling Assembly was presented under the direction of Lowell Boberg, Grant Kunzler, and Blaine Brown. Bull, Boal<, and Scandal was the story of a boy, Joe Jordan, who learned that Procrastination, like crime, does not pay. The story .begins in a high school library and proceeds into t\1e castle of the exalted sultan, Hassan Been Around. Although the cast was hampered by the lack of auditorium facilities, the assembly was very successful and well accepted by the student bodies of other schools in Region IV.
Brent Javaine Richard Maxfield Bill Homer Claudia Hyatt
Francine Tuft Lynn Gaufin Vickie Nebeker Joe Brklacy
Left to Right: Lowell Boberg, Blaine Brown, Grant Kunzler.
Fullmer defends tide on alumni assembly.
Juniors give out with talent on annual Talent Assembly.
Typical scene: Andy Madsen, Judge, takes charge of assembly.
Music department presented Christmas assembly.
Cavemen make Jordan debut on Murray High Traveling Assembly.
Our assembly schedule was restricted to only a few well chosen programs due to the cramped facilities caused by the remodeling of our auditorium. Lyceums from the National Assemblies organization were intermingled with those presented by various groups within our own student body. The year's assembly syllabus was highlighted by the three class assembly presentations, along with various assemblies honoring the outstanding Jordan athletics and speech and forensic squads.
Pause for Commercial on Junior Assembly. 131
Award assembly honors Region Football champs.
Tooele High Band performs for Jordan audience.
And then the fun began I
Pep assembly send-off for Jordan Football squad.
Basketball team accepts Region and State Consolation trophies.
Student takes a sniff.
National Assembly offers student participation.
Sophomores get into the swing of it on Initiation Day Assembly.
PEP BAND MEMBERS - Le/r to Right, First Row: Ronnie Bianchi, Henry Miner, Howard Ross, George Bapis, Zane Parker. Second Row: Dorothy Thompson, Jerry Huish, Lewis Weicherr, Kathelene Lind, Michael Ross, Anna Rose Lavender, Phil Smart, Dale Hansen.
The Pep Band of '59 acted as the foundation for rou ing school spirit during the football and basketball seas ns. Under the student direction of Henry Miner this organization accompanied the student body with skill and accuracy. While attending the State Class A Tournament in March this relatively small group acted as the nucleus of team support and was duly recognized.
Pep Band
Band accompanies student body nr the Football Team farewell.
DEBATE AND FORENSIC SQUAD - Left to Right, First Row: hirley reenwo d, Norma Jacob, Beverly Fisher, Sheryl Ashman, Sharon Maybey, Dixie Boswell, arol Cundick, Lynn Henson, Janice Jenkins, arol Ann Jones. econd Row: Bob Akagi, Lynn Jones, Mari-
lyn Sabey, Bonnie Phelps, Della Dibb, Ann Bechtel, Vauna Kaye Hardwick, Connee Pierce, Kathleen Lind. Third Row: Russell Parker, Grant Howlett, Henry Miner, Bruce Piotr, Diamond Jim Wells, Phifip Yorganson, Karl Howlett. Fourth Row: Bill Homer, Claron Burgan, Karl }offs, Larry Larsen, Arty Casper, Bryon Bateman.
Under the guidance of Stanley Sharp and Phil Goldbranson the debate and Coren ic quad capably met the challenge of Regional Meets, State lass A ompetiti n, and District Invitationals. In the e endeavors our team advanced to overcome all rivalry and bring wide acclaim t ] rdan High. This group of outstanding student graced ur tr phy case with numerous awards. Among there are First Place at the Weber Invitati nal and State Class A Champion hip.
STATE DEBATERS - Lefr ro Right, First Row: Carol Cundick'. Sharon Maybey, Janice Jenkins, Shirley Greenwood. Second Row. Bob AkaHi, l lenry Miner, Sheryl Ashman.
STATE FORENSIC TEAM - Left to Right, First Row: Lynn Henson, Oratory; Bill Homer, Extemp. Second Row: Russell Parker, Leg. Forum; Grant Howlett, Leg. Forum; Bruce Plott, Leg. Forum; Jim Wells, Extemp.
Band Mr. Crapo spent a final but active year directing the succes ful endeav rs of the band. Enthusiasm was portray d while the marching band performed n the f otball field and the concert ba11cl exhibited skill on school a semblies and in va1ious regional and interdistrict festivals. The Band has been a credit to our sch 1.
Lef c to Right: Henry Miner, St~dcnt Director; Smart, Drum Major; Sherman Miller, President.
Clement Crapo, Adviser; Phil
MAJORETIES - Left co Right: Pat Hirsh, Gloria Tea, Sheryl Johansen, Lila Evans, Margie Bell, Shauna Seal, Elizabeth Blackett, Carma Ekins.
Mr. Crapo, Direccor
The Jordan High Orchestra, under the direction of J. lement Crapo, reached untold heights in musical accomplishment this year. Thi c mpact organization contributed their efforts to th success of the Christmas as embly. Our orchestra received exceptionally high ratings while attending various inter-district music festivals and c mpetitions. The most tax:ing of their endcav rs have been their performances in numerous c ncerts and musical appreciation acceptance.
STRING QUARTET - Left to Right: Maureen Bailey, Claudia Zundich, Mary Fleming, and Laney Walsh.
TRUMPET TRIO and Bobby Young.
Le/ r to Right: Ronald Bianchi, Bob Newbold,
Orchestra accompanies during spiritual Christmas assembly.
Business Deparllllent
A Cappella
A CAPPELLA CHO!R MEMBERS - L.e ft to R.ight, First Row: Nan Harriman, Marie Gardner, Sidney Smith, Elaine Er~kson, Arnold Butterfield, Mike Terry, Steve Roden, Kathy Scott, D1x1e Reed, Joyce Watts. Second Row: Francine Tuft, Donette Bell, Bryon Bateman,
Doug Thompson, Steve Millington, Myrna Walker, Terry Smith, Cnrol Cundick, Bonnie Mnrchnnt. Tliirtl Row; J. Clement Crapo, Director; Judy Francom, Linun P. ck, Montee Smith, Gary Worthen, Bob Keeler, Judy Burns, Robert Peterben, Charle Shipp, Judy Milne, Carolyn Jensen, Leah Jane Nelson.
Soph. Party Fathers & Daughters
GIRLS' CLUB OFFICERS plan the Stocking Stomp - Lefc to Right, First Row: Kay Wood, Dianne Nordgren, LoAnn Smith. Second Row: JoAnn Olson, Jo Ann Smith, and Donna Wood.
The Stocki~g Stomp was humorously decorated.
Stocking Stoin p
Thanksgiving Party
Seniors ployed faculty in basketball on the Thanksgiving as embly.
GIRLS' CLUB OFFICERS plan the Stocking Stomp - Lefc to Right, First Row: Kay Wood, Dianne Nordgren, LoAnn Smith. Second Row: JoAnn Olson, Jo Ann Smith, and Donna Wood.
The Stocki~g Stomp was humorously decorated.
Stocking Stoin p
Thanksgiving Party
Seniors ployed faculty in basketball on the Thanksgiving as embly.
THE F.F.A. PLANNING COMMITTEE for the Harvest Ball is as follows: Left to Right, Firsc Row: Robert Dunn, Ronnie Osborne, Bob Kilpatrick. Second Row: Larry Tea, Billy Adams.
Harvest Ball Football Dance
Student Body Officers pfanned the annual Football Dance.
Senior Hop
This year's Senior Hop was ne of the m st successful social events f the year. Seniors chose as the dance theme, Enchantment. Class officers Mike Bullett, Charlene Cutler, and Kathy Brown directed the event with much ea e and precision.
Juniors became thoroughly excited as the eve of the an, nual class social drew near. Bryan, Shar~n, and Claudia, class officers, saw that every detail was taken care of. The c mmittee in charge of decorations chose the theme of Bali Ha'i; the setting was similar to the South Sea Islands, where the musical production originated. This event was most impressively successful.
Junior Pro Ill
The newly elected Charlonian President, Donna Wood, capably took charge of all essentials as chairman of the annual social function. Her committee chose the theme, "Springtime" with colors of green and yellow.
S-w-eethearts Ball
The Sweethearts Ball, sponsored by the F.H.A., was the first "Ladies Choice" of the spring sea on. The theme was chosen as "Young Love" and certainly all couple 10 at~ tendance felt the atmosphere. Betty Henderson, advi er, acted as hostess. 146
Charlonian Ball
Office Staff A very efficient office staff worked to maintain order in dealing with both students and faculty. The efforts to supply students' needs during class breaks and before and after school is notably commended.
OFFICE STAFF - Left to Right: Mrs. Bertha Richards, Mrs. Gloria Bishop, and Mrs. Veda Tippetts.
UTAH BOY STATERS, 1958 - Left to Right, First Row: Jan Keller, Philip Kemp, Andy Madsen, David Webb, Michael Ross, Bill Leatherwood, Ronnie Bianchi. Second Row: Bob Stevens, Calvin Adams, Russell Taylor, Jerry Erlenbach, Robert Anderson, Dee Alldredge, Orval Dorius.
These students have contributed to the honor and fame of Jordan High School. These contestants have excelled in the various fields of Debate, Homemaking, Chemistry and Physics, and Photography. The trophies and awards that have been bestowed upon these worthy students will act as an incentive for the posterity of our school.
Shirley Greenwood and Janice Jenkins "".on First Place in Debate at the Weber Invitational Forensic Tournament.
Karen Wennerstrom succeeded in overcoming all competition to win "I !omemakers of America" contest in our school. Anna. belle Brown brought home honors in the "Make it with Wool" contest.
Bob Stevens, an outsrnnJing tu<lent in Chemistry :fnd Physics. Jim Wells, winner in Science Fair Competition.
UT AH GIRL ST ATERS, 1958 - Left co Right, First Row: Sheryl Ashman, Pat Milne, Jeanette Bills, Pat Hill. Second Row: Susan Santistevan, Charlene Cutler.
Howard Kempton has competed in many fields 路and has been extremely successful.
Henry Miner was the winner of the National Merit Scholarship.
Jan Keller overcame all competition in the national disabled persons essay contest.
Joyce Gaily and Larry Latimer won honors in the field of photography.
Rusty Taylor, King of Football Dance
Royalty Presiding over the major social events of the year were these eminent personalities. The crowning of this royalty became the highlight of the various evenings. Their reign, although short lived, will remain in the tradition of these annual social functions. Everyone enjoyed having these personalities reign over these student body dances and activities. Truly, Rusty, Lynn, Joan, Bob, Marilyn, and Joan are royalty in the true sense of the word.
Lynn Henson, Q1u~ en of Football Dance
Joan Sampson, Queen of Sweethearts Ball
Bob Kilpack, King of Sweethearts Ball
Joan Carrigan, Queen of Homecoming Dance.
As this book closes and we look back over the activities and accomplishments of the '59 school year, all of the organizations that constitute school life become fond memories. For Seniors, ou r beloved Jordan becomes on ly a remembrance placed gently into the past. Sophomores and Juniors look forward to returning to these portals again as parts of the Beetdigger student body. Success was achieved in many fields. The Jordan Look was a noble one ... . "You can't beat that, take off your hat to the high school in the skies." Susan Santistevan
SENIORS A Adams, Calvin ·······························-····.25 Ainsworth, Noel .................................... 25 Akers, Barbara ........................................ 25 Alldredge, Dee ...................................... 25 Allsop, Charles ...................................... 25 Alsop, Lesa Loy ...................................... 25 Anderson, Dorene ................................ 25 Anderson, Kenneth .............................. 25 Anderson, Larry .................................... 25 Anderson, Richard ................................ 25 Anderson, Robert .................................. 25 Anderson, Va Layne ............................ 25 Anderson, Van ...................................... 25 Archuleta, Dolores ................................ 25 Archuleta, Tauna .................................. 25 Armsrrong, Robert ................................ 25 Ashman, Sheryl ...................................... 25 Asrle, Dralee Ann ................................ 25
B Bailey, Maureen ···-·······························25
Banner, Karro! ........................................ 26 Bass, Sandra ............................................ 26 Bastian, Emily ........................................ 26 Bateman, Don ........................................ 26 Beagley, Bruce ........................................ 26 Beck, Gene ................................................. . Beckstead, Carol .................................... 26 Beckstead, Dorene ................................ 26 Beckstead, Joni ...................................... 26
~~£)~i;= ::~=;;; ~;~
Bennett, Beverly Ann .......................... 26 Benningfield, Jill .................................... 26 Benson, Lynn .......................................... 26 Bianchi, Ronald ...................................... 26 Biggs, Delores ........................................ 26 Biggs, Melvin .......................................... 26 Bigler, Glenda .............•.......................... 26 Bills, Jeanette .......................................... 26
~~;g°ts~. EXh'!~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~
Boggess, David ...................................... 26 Boren, Celia ............................................ 27 Bosh, Judy .............................................. 27 Boyce, Lexie ............................................ 27 Boyle, Barbara ........................................ 27 Brady, Ann ............................................ 27 Brady, Geraldine ....................................... . Brady, Jerry ............................................ 27 Breeze, Beverleen ······························---27 Brimhall, Carolyn .................................. 27 Brimhall, Renee .................................... 27 Brinton, Sharon ···························-·········27 Brklacy, Joe ·················-·························27 Brown, Jay ·····························-··············-27 Brown, Kathy ........................................ 27 Brown, Shirley ·······························-··········· Bullett, Mike ····-·································--·27 Bums, Judy ............................................ 27 Burler, Stan ............................................27 Butterfield, Arnold ................................ 27 Butterfield, Barbara .............................. 27 Butterfield, Lola ....................................... . Brothers, Sherry ....................................27
Campbell, Mary ....................................17 Carpenter, Leslie .................................... 27 Carrigan, Pat .......................................... 27 Carrol, Bill .............................................. 27 Cartwright, Jim ...................................... 28 Case, Bill ................................................ 28 Clark, Barbara ........................................ 28 Clark, Jack .............................................. 28 Coe, Gary ................................................ 28 Colledge, Helen ........................................ Colyar, Gary .......................................... 28 Conger, Sylvia ........................................ 28 Cook, Wayne ........................................ 28 Coons, Colleen ...................................... 28 Corbett, Michael ................................... 28 Covington, Danny ................................ 28 Cowdell, Rebekah .................................. 28 Cowley, Richard .................................... 28 Cox, Dennis ............................................ 28 Crane, Ronald ........................................ 28 Cundick, Carol ...................................... 28 Curtis, Dennis ........................................ 28 Curtis, Nanette ................................. 28 Curler, Charleen ··············--··········-······ 29
D Danelson, Dianne ·························-····--29
g:~::: kiik~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~~
g;~: ~:~::--: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :~~
Deakin, John ......................................... .29 Diamond, Curtis .................................... 29 Doolittle, John ........................................ 29 Dorius, Orval ···············-·-·········-··· .... 29 Dow, Randy .......................................... 29 Draper, Frank ........................................ 29 Dunn, Diane .......................................... 29 Dunn, Paul ............................................. .29 Dykman, Pieter ...................................... 29
E Enniss, Enid .......................................... .29 Ennis, Suzy ............................................ 29 Erekson, Penny .................................... .30 Erlenbach, Jerry ..................................... 30
Etherington, Robert .............................30
~~:~:: t\~d~··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::J~ F
Fieldstead, Pat .......................•............ JO Fisher, Monte ....................................... 30 Fitzgerald, Lyn .......................•............ 30 Fleming, Mary .....................................30 Fowler, Sherry Ann .............................. ·· Freeman, Dal ......................................... 30 Fullmer, Alice ....................................... 30
Griffey, Clyde ........................................... . Grow, James ......................................... .31 Guest, Richard Earl ................................. .
H Hand, Karen .......................................... 31 Hansen, Barbara ................................... .31 Hansen, Diana ........................................ 31 Hansen, Ronald .................................... .31 Hardcastle, Dennis ................................31 Hardman, Allen ................................... .31 Hardy, Sandra ........................................31 Harryman, Nan ..................................... .31 Harward, Carole ................................... .31 Heki, Ina.................................................. .31 Handrickson, Gayle ..............................31 Hendrickson, Gayle ..............................31 Henson, Lynn ....................................... .31 Hill, Catherine ...................................... 31 Hill, Patricia ........................................... .31 Hirsch, Pat .............................................. 31 Hirsr, Laroine ..........................................31 Holman, David ...................................... 31 Holt, Leslie ........................................... .31 Houmand, Jim ...................................... .31 Howlett, Grant ..................................... .31 Hugnes, Richard ...................................31 Huish, Jerry .......................................... .31 Huish, Joan ........................................... .31 Hunter, Lynn ....................................... .31
Ihle, Nancy ............................................32 Ingersoll, Glade ...................................... 32
Jacobs, Glynda ........................................32 Jacobson, Carel! ......................................32 James, W. Jerry ......................................32 Javame, Brent .......................................32 Jenkins, Arlene ......................................32 Jenkins, Janice ....................................... .32 Jenkins, Myrle ....................................... .32 Jensen, Bever! y •.•.......•..•....••.•.•.•.••.•....•••32 Jensen, David ....................................... .32 Jensen, Gaylene ......................................32 Jensen, Jimmie ......................................32 Jensen, Leon ......................................... .32 Jensen, Marlene ...................................... 32 Jensen, Mardell ..................................32 Jenson, Dixie ..........................................32 Jenson, James Burdett ..........................32 Jeppson, Mike .................................... 33 ]offs, Karl .............................................. .33 Johnson, Alden ......................................33 Jonson, Deloy ...................................... .33 Johnson, John .. ................................. ..33 Johnson, Larry .................................... 33 Johnson, Marilyn ............................... .33 Johhn ton, Jim ...................................... 33 Jones, Arlene ..... ................................. .33 Julander, Brent .....................................33 Juretich, Tnmrn ......................................33
K G Gadd, Lynn ............... ··························· .30 Gailey, Joyce .... ·-··············---······ - ...30 Gallegos, Richard -·············•············· .. 30 Garfield, Deon ...................................... 30 Gaufin, Lynn ....................................30 Giauque, Jerry ·· ····· ···--··-·-············-.30 Glad, George Ray ···························-···-···· Glover, David .............•........................• 30 Glover, Robert ....................................... .30 Goff, Ralph .......................................... -30 Gomei, Linda ·······-······-··-················· 0 Goodrich, Kent ·····················-···-···.. ····30 Goris, David ··-············---....... 30 Grandquist, Kathleen .....-.......... Greenwood, Shirley ........................... .31 Gregory, Bob ..................................... Jl
Kearsley, Blaine ......................................33 Keller, Jan .. ........ ........................... .33 Kelso, Shirley .......................................33 Kemp, Dennis Lynn ..............................33 Kemp, Phillip ..... .......................... ...33 Kemp, Reynold Fred ........................... .33 Kemp, Shana Lanae ..............................33 Kilpack, Bob ........................................33 Kirk, Wonda ....................................33 Kirkpatrick1 Melba Jo .......................... .34 Klaws, Michael .................................... .34 Koonce, Esgar ........................................ 34 Kosovich, Vivion ................................... .34 Krebs, George ...................................... .34 Kropf, Myrna Lee .................................. .34 Kunz, Joan ..... .......................................34 Kurumadn, Stephen ............................. .34
Lambson, Ilona ---·-·······-·····-············--·-·-.34 Landcasrer, Shirlene ............................. .34 Landures, Chree Lee --------------·------------.34 Leatherwood, Gary --------·-----------------·---.34 Leatherwood, Billy -·-·-···-----··----·-----·-·-.. .34 Leonard, Karen ·-····-···---·--·----................. 34 Levine, Lois ........................................... .34 Lloud, Sharlene -·-·····---··---..................... .34 Loader, Geneil ........................ ------------.. --34 Loulias, Kris ........................................... .34 Loblin, Peggy ..........................................34 Lund, Clark -----·-------·-------- -·-------·--·············· Lundburg, Jack ..................................... .34 Lundburg, Joan ......................................34 Lyon, Wayne .......................................... 34 McArthur, Sheron --·--····------··· ..····-·· .. --.35 McBride, Gordon Kay -····--·--·-·········-... .35 McCrill, Sandra ....................................35 Mabey, Sharon ....................................... .35 Mace, Larry -··---·-···-·--······--···----------....... .35 MacGuffie, Carlotte ..............................35 Maddocks, Jeffery ..................................35 Madsen, Andy ....................................... .35 Mannes, Jimmy ......................................35 Marchants, Bonnie ............................... .35 Margetrs, Judy ....................................... .35 Mascaro, Angelo ................................... .35 Meeker, Dennis ..................................... .35 Menssen, Ede .......................................... 35 Mertlich, Paul ....................................... .35 Mickelsen, Maurine ............................. .35 Miller, Monty ....................................... 35 Miller, Sherman ....................................35 Milne, Patricia ....................................... .35 Miner, I Ienry ......................................... .35 Montoya, Joe ......................................... .35 Morrison, Diane .................................. 35 Morrow, Gary Lynn .............................. 35 Mortensen, Delile .................................. 35 Mountcer, Jay ....................................... .35
Rakich, Jolene ....................................... .37 Rardin, Patty .......................................... 37 Rasmussen, Jeanine ............................. .37 Rasmussen, Sharin ............................... .37 Rawson, Mary Lou ................................37 Read, Evelyn ..........................................37 Reich, David ..........................................37 Rials, Darlene .......................................... .. Rich, Glenn ................................................ Richins, Anna ....................................... .38 Rivera, America ....................................37 Roberts, Judith ......................................38 Robis, Mark ............................................38 Rollins, Annette ................................... .38 Roper, Eugene ........................................38 Rosenhan, Phillip ..................................38 Ross, Michael ......................................... .38
Walker, Kay ............................................ 40 Walker, Kent ...........................................40 Walker, Jimmy ......................................40 Walker, Stephen ................... ................. 40 Wallgren, Dianne ................................. .40 Wallin, Linda ........................................ 40 Walters, Larraine ..................................40 Walters, Michael ................................... .40 Watts, Joyce ............................................ 40 Webb, David ························-·--·············41 Webb, Gene ........................................... .41 Webb, Joan ················-··········-···············41 \Vebster, Karen ..................................... .41 W ennerstrom, Karen -···········--············.41 Wheeler, Jerry Ann ............................. .41 Willians, Howard .................................. 41 Williams, Merle ...................................... 41 Williams, Robert ··-···········--······-·········---41 Winger, Grant ........................................41 Wood, Kay .............................................. 41 \Vood, James .......................................... 41 Wright, Dennis ..................................... .41 Wright, Linda Lee ................................ 41
Nebeker, Vickie ...................................... 35 Nel on, Bob ...........................................35 Neuffer, Kay ...........................................35 Newbold, Linda ..................................... .35 Nickie, Rola.nd ....................................... .36 Ninomiyo, Doug .................................. .36 Norris, James ..........................................36 Nunley, Betty Jean ................................36
Sadler, Mavis Ann ............................... .38 Saldivar, Marcel ................................... .38 Sampson, Paul ·--·-······-···-·--···----········--····38 Santistevan, Sus:in ............................... .38 Saville, Lanie[ Edmund ....................... .38 Schmidt, Larry ..................................... .38 Searle, David ......................................... .38 Searle, LeRoy ......................................... .38 Searle, Robert ···-···················--·········--··.38 Seibt, Klaus Michael ........................... .38 Sharp, Mary Ann ................................. .38 Shaw, Warren Brent ............................38 Shields, Janice ........................................38 Shipp, Charles Edwin ......................... .38 Silcox, Karen ......................................... .38 Simonson, Duane ................................. .38 Smarr, Kenny ..........................................39 Smith, Carol Lee ................................. _.39 Smith, Charles ....................................... .39 Smith, Jo Ann ....................................... .39 Smith, Helene ........................................39 Smith, Lois ..............................................39 Smith, Lou Ann ................................... .39 Smith, Monre ......................................... .39 Smith, Sandra Jean ................................39 Soper, Penny -···········-·······-··················.39 Steadman, Nancy Lee ..........................39 Steele, Michael ·········---·························39 Stephens, Don LeRoy ........................... .39 Stevens, Robert Lee ..............................39 Stott, Stan ..............................................39 Stubbert, Peggy ......................................39
Oliver, Mnrgie ........................................36 Olsen, Dolore~ ....................................... .36 Olsen, Jeannette ................................... .36 Olsen, Lindo ......................................... 36 Olson, James ..........................................36 Olson, Jo Ann ....................................... 36 Olson, Michael ..................................... .36 Orgill, Gory ........................................... .36 Osborne, Margie ....................................36
Tanner, Connie ...................................... 39 Taylor, Donna ........................................39 Taylor, Karhy ........................ - ............. .39 Taylor, Russell ....................................... .39 Terry, Michael ·······-······························.39 Terry, Sondra Lee ................................. .39 Tester, Paul ............................................ 39 Thaynes, Judith Barbara ......................39 Thomas, Richard ..................................39 Thompson, Douglas ..............................40 Thompson, Fred .................................... 40 Thornton, Sandra ................................. .40 Thorstead, Larry ....................................40 Tibbetts, Steven ................................... .40 Tranter, David ....................................... .40 Tripp, Beverly ........................................40 Tripp, Arba ............................................40 Trujillo, Lily ........................................... .40 Tufts, Morris ......................................... .40 Turner, Mary ··-····················-··············--.40 Turner, Yodis Ranee ···········-······-·······40
p Pack, Raymond .................................... .36 Parker, Bonnie ........................................36 Porker, Edward ......................................36 Parker, Jimmy ....................................... 36
~:~~:· E:~a~·-:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3~
Pauls~n, Adele ......................................36 Paulsen, Mahrine ................................. .37 Petersen, Val ..........................................37 Peterson, Linda ......................................37 Peterson, Robert ................................... .37 Pidcock, Patrick Lynn ......................... .37 Poma, Bonnie ........................................37 Porter, Darryl ........................................ .37 Prnu, Gloria ........................................... .37
v Vaughn, Lois ········--·-·······-····-·-············.40 Vigil, Lloyd ........................................... .40 Vincent, La Rae ................................... .40
Yates, John .............................................. 41
z Zdunich, Richard ................................. .41 Zitting, David ···········---························.41 Zerno, Helen .......................................... 41 JUNIORS
A Adams, Karen ........................................ 43 Adams, William ................................... .43 Adamson, William ···-············-·-··········.43 Ainsworth, Rex ...................................... 43 Akagi, Bob .............................................. 43 Akagi, Roy .............................................. 43 Allen, Herbert ........................................ 43 Allgood, Karen ...................................... 43 Anderberg, Susan .................................. 43 Andersen, Nadean ................................ 43 Anderson, Arlen ....................................... . Anderson, Karen .................................... 43 Anderson, Marilyn ............................... .43 Anderson, Paul ..................................... .43 Anderson, Rae ................................... - .. .43 Anderson, Robert .............................. - ..... . Andrus, Louise ......................................43 \rchibald, Gloria ····--············-··-···········43 Astle, Blaine .......................................... 43 Astorga, Marilyr. Linda ........................ 43 Augason, Robert .................................... 43
B Bagley, Marilyn .................................... .43 Bailey, Glade ..........................................43 Baker, Carol ............................................43 Balich, Janet ........................................... .43 Ballard, Douglas ---····-··-·······--·-·······-··.43 Ballard, Kathleen -·········--······-········---.43 Ballard, Rachel ......................................43 Bannon, Larry ........................................43 Bapis, Nick ···--···-·········-························.43 Barnes, Pat ···················-··-·······-············-43 Bateman, Blaine .................................... 43 Bawden, Lyle ..........................................43 Bean, Judy ···········-···-····························44 Beckstead, Sharon ...............•.................. 44 Bedont, Joyce .......................................... 44 Belcher, Holla Rae ................................ 44 Bell, Stanley ·······--····--··························-44 Bendixen, Barry ................................... .44 Benson, Midge ........................................ 44 Bess, Kenneth ....................................... .44
Berrett, LeRoy ································- ·····.44 Bianchi, Roger ········-··················-··-····· .44 Bierman, John .......................................... . Bill, Barbara ··-···-··················-·················44 Bird, Lynnette ........................................ 44 Bishop, Judith ···································-···44 Blackett, Liz ............................................44 Blair, Carol Dean .................................44 Blair, Thomas ........................................44 Blanco, Lydia ································-······--44 Blomquist, Robert .................................. 44 Bluemel, David ··························-·········.44 Bolliger, Loraine .................................... 44 Bollschweiler, David ........................... .44 Boswell, Dix ie ....................................... .44 Boswell, Vaughn ....................................... . Boulden, Kirk ···························-···········44 Boyce, Russell ·······················-···············44 Boynton, Marjean ................................. .44 Brady, Jerry James ·························-····44 Brady, James ........................................44 Brady, Lynn ···········-·······························44 Brennan, James Edward ..................... .44 Brimhall, Judith ................................... .44 Brimhall, Wayne ·································-·44 Bringhurst, Ellis ············-····-·-···············44 Bringhurst, Newell ............................... .44 Brinton, Merrill ...................................... 44 Brown, Allen ···························-··-·········44 Brown, Ann ···············-···························44 Brown, Annabelle ·······················-·······- 44 Brown, Gene .............................................. Brown, Karen ·············-·········-··············44 Brown, Sharon ........................................ 44 Buhler, Karen ........................................ 44 Bulk>ley, Sandra ..................................... .44 Burrmon, Larry ..................................... .44 Burgan, Garth ....................................... .45 Burgan, Dixie ........................................ 45 Burke, Judy ·································-········.45
c Caldwell, Linda ................................. ___ 45 Calvetti, Christina ······················--·····.45 Cameron, Dannie ······················-···-·····45 Canning, Boyd ···································-···45 Carlson, Alice ··················-···············-···45 Carpenter, Carrie Lee .......................... 45 Carroll, Leslie ........................................45 Carson, Cathy ·············-·························45 Chamberlain, Claudia ....................... - .45 Christensen, Darlene ....................... - .. .45 Christensen, L. Stens ············-··············.45 Clements, Kaye ·······-·····························45 Collett, Bill ·······-······································· Cook, Kaaren ·······-····················-·········45 Coons, •Joy ...........................................- .45 Costanza, Anthony ·························-····.45 Cowclell, Connie .................................... 45 Cox, Dorine ........................................... .45 Crane, Maurice ·························-··········.45 Crawford, Richard ................................45 Cressall, Carroll ................................... .45 Crosgrove, Ralph .................................. 45 Curtis, Byron ..........................................45 Curtis, Loma Jean ...........................- ...45
g;~l: 1 ~~~i~~ · : : : : : : : : : : : : :~: : : : : : :!~
De Geus, Kitty ···············:···············-····.46 De Groot, Gloria ................................. 45 Delgado, Michael ..................................... . De Luca, Billy ....................................... .45 De Luca, Louie ..................................... .45 Densley, Richard ................................... 45 Densley, Ronald .................................... . Densley, Shirlee ................................... 45 Dispain, Doyle ....................................... 45 Dispain, Mike ........................................ 45 Dispain, Terry ........................................... .
Dispain, Thomas .................................... 45 Dispain, Weston .................................. 46 Dibb, Della Mae ................................ .46 Dillie, Ri chard ·······························-···· ..46 Dorrity, Charles ....................................... . Douglas, Sarah ........................................46 Duffin, Shen ·-··-·······-······················· ..... 46 Dumas, Judy ··········-··· .. ······-················.46 Dunn, Jo Ann ........................................ 46
Howell, Joan ..........................................47 Hughes, Sharon ...................................... 47 Hunsaker, Weldon ................................ 47 Huston, Michale ................................. 47 Hutching, Dennis ................................. .48 Hutchings, Jim .......................................48 Hyatt, Claudia ....................................... .48
Iasella, Mike ............................................48
Eckman, Claudia ....................................46 Ekins, Carma Rae ···-····························.46 Eldridge, M ichael .......... ·-··············· ..46 Ellswood, Loretta ................................. .46 Eltz, John ................................................ 46 Erben, David ...... ·······-··············-········ 46 Erekson, Barbara .................................... 46 Erekson, Elaine .................................... .46 Erikson, Lynn ···················-······-···········46 Evans, Marlene ..................................... .46
F Fagg, Gary ......................................... .46 Farnsworth, Knaren ........... .......•.......... 46 Finlayson, Craig .................................... 46 Fisher, Beverly ..................................... .46 Fitzgerald, Michael .......................... ..46 Flores, Dan ............................................. .46 Forbush, Janis ···········-········· .. ········· .... .46 Frampton, Marylee ................................ 46 Farancom, Judy ..................................... 46 Frear, Diann ....................................... ..46 Fredricksen, Bryan .............................. 46 Fredri ckson, Phil ................................... 46 Freeman, Janet ........................... - .....46
0 Gabler, Olen Richard ......................... 46 Gadd, Douglas ..... ························-······ 46 Gadd, Marcia ····································-· 46 Gadd, Sheila ......................................... 46 Gardner, Marie ...................................... 46 Garfield, Joan ..................................... 46 Gilbert, Jon ............................................ 46 Gilbert, Sondra ·····················-··············46 Glover, Dennis ······················-···· ......46 Ooff, Blaine ............................................ 46 Gonzales, Connie ···········-··-············· __ 46 Gonzales, David ·······················-········ 47 Orane, Michael ·········-························-·47 Orane, Michelle ·······················-········· 47 Gray, George ·······················-··············-·47 Green, Jay ............................................. .47 Orundv1g, Sherrie ·····················-·-········47 Gunderson, Judy ................................... 47
H Hansen, Bru ce Dale ···················-········.47 Hansen, Bruce ........................................ 47 Hansen, Dale ·············-························.4 7 Hardman, Dee ·················-············-·······47 Harper, Kenneth ···········-·········-·- .... 47 Harris, Richard ...........................- •.. ..... 47 Harrison, A. Tyrone ................•...• . .... 47 Hartman, Jerold ................................ 47 Harvey, Patricia ....................................47 Hastings, Maxine ................................. 47 Haws, Marcia ................................... 47 Heaps, Stephen ·········~·· ................. -.47 Heki, Barbara .. .. ········-·-····-······.4 7 Henke, Marvin ..................................47 Hickman, Kathleen ...............•............47 Higham, Kent ............................47
Hill, Jack ..
···············-· ........... .4 7
Hoffman, Kent .. ........... ········-···-·- 47 Hoffman, Lynda .... - .•....... •·············· Holder, Vonneue HomN, Bill ....... :::::~:.:::::::::··:::·::::47
u~~~~~<l. ~~:t:'~ .::.:::::::::::::::::~~:::::::41
Jackson, Carl .......................................... 48 Jacob, Norma ........................................... . Jacobson, Bruce ......................................48 Ja cobson, Lnrene ······················--·········.48 James, Yvonne .......................................48 Jaynes, Gary .. ........................................ 48 Jenkins, Linda ............... .........................48 Jenkin ·, Lynn ..........................................48 Jensen, Carl ...........................................48 Jensen, Gayle ......................................... .48 Jensen, Paul .......................................... 48 Jenson, Carolyn ..................................... .48 Jen son, Marlene .................................... 48 Jeppson, Mark .......•.............................. 48 Johnson, Byron ...................................... 48 John son, Dianne .................................. 48 Johnson, Oury ........... ············-··············.48 Johnson, Kathleen ··········-·······-·········.48 Johnson, Richard ................................. .48 Johnson, Ronald .................................. 48 John son, Sheryl ... ................................ 48 Johnson, Simley ........................... ...48 Johnson, Tony . ···························-······ ... Jones, Bonnie ...................................... 48 Jones, Carol Ann ..•............................... 48 Jones, Kn y ······-···-················--·········.48 Jones, Kathleen ...........................•••........ 48 Jones, Mildred .......................................... . Julio, Dan ............................................•. 48
K Karaglanis, Pete ..................................... .48 Kay, Lloyd ............................................ 48 Keeler, Bob .......................................... 48 Kemp, Delores .......................................... . Kemp, Susan ....................................... .48 Kesler, Linda ..................................... .48 Kiholm, Jim ........................................ .48 Kline, Ornce .. ·········································-··Knight, Lynn ......................................... . Knight, Novella .................................. 48 Koehn, Charles ..................................... .48 Kmman, Anita .... ................................ 48 Kurumnda, Sterling ............................. .48
L La Comb, Keith . ............................ ... 48 La Cox, Frank ........................................48 Lnmbson, Merlin ..................................... Lnnders, Peral ···········-······"··········· .. 48 Landu res, Toni .....................................49 Larsen, Anita ......................................... 49 Larsen, Jo Ellen .. ............................ ...49 Larsen, Mareah .............- .. ···-· Larson, nrol ........•........................... 49 Larson, Robert .................................... 49 Latimer, Lnrry --·····-··-····· 49 Laurit zen, Kenneth ...............................49 Leak, Cnrol ...................._................... 49 Leak, Cliff rd ....................................49 Lether, lmda ·········-··-··················· 49 Linusay, arl ........•••................•...........40 Lloyd, Francis . .................................. 49 Lloyd, Ja ck ..... -··········-····-·········.49 Lloyd, ue Ann ······-··········· ..................49 Lopez, Norbert ................................. 49 Lopez, Ofelin .. .. ·····-··-·······-···········.49 Lovcles , Terrill .................................. .49
McDonald, Mike ................................... .49 Mc Mani gal, Marl ene ............................... . Mace, Mi chale ........................................... . Madison, Janet ........................................ 49 Madsen, Dale ......................................... .49 Malstrom, Glenn ................................... .49 Mangum, Douglas ..................................... . Mard a, Lia .............................................. 49 Marshall, Kenneth ................................... . Martines, Lu cas ...................................... 49 Maxfield, Ri chard ..................................49 Maynard, Stanley .................................. 49 Mecham, Patsy ·····························-······-49 Mellenthin, Tom .................................... 49 Mellor, Stephen ...................................... 49 Meyer, Rodney ...................................... 49 Mi ckel sen, Carol .................................... 49 Miller, Robert ....................................... .49 Millington, Steven ............................... .49 Milne, Judy ............................................ 49 Mines, Doris .......................................... 49 Meaker, Judy ......................................... .49 Monroe, Robert ...................................... 49 Montoya, Frank ......................................49 Moore, Lester ......................................... .49 Morgan, Clyde ........................................49 Morrill, Rex ............................................49 Morse, Ruth ........................................... 49 Morrow, Sherry ..................................... .49 Mounteer, James ................................... .49 Moumeer, Shirley ................................. .50 Mumford, Bryan ................................... .50
Rains, Paul .............................................. 51 Rasmussen, Dann is ............................... .51 Rasmussen, Dennis ............................... .51 Ray, LeRoy .............................................. 51 Reading, Vern ........................................51 Reams, Rich ard .......................................... Reed, Dixie ............................................50 Rees, Ron ald .............................................. Reeves, Max ................................................ Ri chards, Nannette ................................51 Rivera, Elna ................................................ Rix, Barbara ........................................... .51 Robertsons, Penn y ................•.................51 Robinson, Jerry ......................................51 Rodda, Ruth ............................................51 Roden, Steven ........................................51 Ross, Haward ........................................ .51 Roubicek, Eva ........................................... . Rowsell, Wally ......................................... . Rud y, Carol ............................................51 Rueckert, Sherry ....................................51
N Nelson, Gerald ·······················-············.50 Nelson, Lea h ..........................................50 Nelson, Leon .......................................... 50 N elso n, Peter ......................................... .50 Ni chol s, Linda ....................................... .50 Ni ckl e, Jerry ........................................... .50 Ni ckle, Sonja ......................................... .50 Nicol, David ........................................ .50 Niebuhr, Sylvia ..................................... .50 Nielsen, Lynn ....................................... .50 Nordgren, Diane ................................... .50 Nunley, Shelia ........................................50 0 Oleen, Dixilee ........................................50 Olson, Barbara ....................................... .50 Olson, Larry ............................................50 Olso n, Shirley ........................................50 0 Na sh, Barbara .................................. .50 Orton, Terry ......................................... .50 O sborne, Ronnie ....................................50 Ostler, G a"yle ......................................... .50 p Parker, Clark ..........................................50 Parker, Russe ll ....................................... .50 Parkinson, Dixie ....................................50 Parsons, Kathryn ................................... .50 Pasqualir, Rosemary ............................. .50 Patience, Raymond ............................... .50
Peterson, Glenna ................................... .50 Peterson, Jani ce ......................................50 Philps, Bonnie ....................................... .50 Pierce, Connie ....................................... .50 Pierce, Shelby ....................................... .50
~:~~~· k~~~: :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::jg
Plu~hox, Mary .................................... .50 Poll ick; Sherry ....................................... .50 Potter, Jean ............................................50 Priano, Katherine ................................. .50
s Sabey, Ri chard ....................................... .51 Saldi var, Ester ........................................51 Schaelling, Ardith ..................................51 Schultz, Judy ..........................................51 Scott, Ka th y ............................................51 Seal, Shauna, ..........................................51 Sharp, Jean ..............................................51 Sharp, Leonard ..................................... .51 Shrewsbury, Val ................................... .51 Silcox, Sheila ..........................................51 Simonson, Janet ................................... .51 Sjoblom, Becky Ann ............................51 Smart, Jeannette ....................................51 Smart, Phil ..............................................51 Smith, Byron ......................................... .51 Smith, Clayton ..................................... .51 Smith, Dolores ......................................51 Smith, Burk ........................................... .51 Smi th, Lorraine ......................................51 Smith, Meri! Lyn .................................. 51 Smith, Russell ........................................51 Smith, Susa n ..........................................52 Smith, Sydney ....................................... .52 Smith, Teri ............................................. .52 Smith, Theron ........................................52 Smith, Wa yne ........................................52 Snarr, Janet ........................................... .52 Snarr, Jim ................................................52 Spiker, Paul ........................................... .52 Stanifer, Mervyn ................................... .52 Steele, Ruth ........................................... .52 Stevens, Diane ....................................... .52 Stone, Diane ..........................................52 Stott, Richard ....................................... .52 Strebel, Margaret ..................................52 Sevens, Johnny ......................................52 Sylvester, Jeanine ..................................52 Sylvester, Margery ·················--······-··--.52
T Taggart, Linda ·····-··--············- ·····-·········52 Tallent, Gay ··-····-··································.52 Tamura, Ben ·············-·-······- ······-······-·.52 T app, Jeanette ·······-··················-··········.52 Taylor, Wilma ···-··········-·-·--·-···········---.52 Tea, Larry ·······························-··············.52 Thacker, Deann ·······················-··-······.52 Thomas, Barbara ....................................52 Thomas, Beverlee ................................. .52 Th ompson, Janice ···················- ·············52 Thompson, Bill ·······- ····························.52 Thorum, Hal ···························-·-······-... .52 Timothy, Dick ........................................ 52 Tolman, Orin ........................................52 T oone, Merrill ........................................ 52 Trane, James ·-····················-······-········.52 Tripp, Richar? ....................................... .52
Tripp, Stephen ......................................52 T riyillo, Joe ............................................52 T sinigine, Lelia ·····························-·······52 Tuft, Francine ........................................52 Turner, Wayne ......................................52 Tuttle, Nancy ........................................52
u Uremovich, Milan .................................. 52
v Van Cott, John ..................................... .52 Van Orman, Diane ..............................52 Vawdre y, Brent ......................................52 Vawdrey, Glenda ..................................53 Vigil, Eloy ..............................................53 Voeltz, Anita -·-·····················-···········-····53 Vranes, Val ............................................53
w Walker, Dcloyd .......................................... Walker, Lynnette .................................. 53 Walker, Myrna ..................................... .53 Walles, James ....................................... .53 Walsh, Laine ..........................................53 Walters, Margo ......................................53 W alters, Paul ..........................................53 Wankier, Brent ·······-··········-················--53 Wanlass, Mike ........................................53 Washburn, Veil ......................................53 Webb, Jeanette ......................................53 Webb, Lynda ..........................................53 Webster, Lee ......................................... .53 Welch, Dell ............................................53 Wells, James ..........................................53 Wetsel, Johnny ...................................... 53 Whipple, Ronie ..................................... .53 White, Julienne ......................................53 Whitlock, Anna Marie ..........................53 Whitlock, Nancy ....................................... . Wiens, Marsha ......................................53 Wilcox, Lona Kaye ................................ 53 Wilkinson, Marlene ..............................53 Wilkinson, Maurene ..............................53 Williams, Charles ..................................53 Williams, David ................................... .53 Williams, Kenneth .................................... Wood, Donna ........................................ 53 Woolsey, Wayne ....................................SJ Worthen, Gary ···-·················-·············..53 Worthen, Jean ....................................... .53 Worthen, Richard ..................................53 Wright, Mike .............................: ............53 Wlyler, Edward ...................................... 53
y Yamashiro, Mickey ................................53 Yates, Linda ............................................53 Young, Marlys ........................................53 Young, Vicki ·······················-·····--··········53 Yorgason, Phillip ....................................53
z Zabriskie, Gail ··············--·-·············-·······53 Zitting, John . .............................................. Zupan, Jack -······-············----··················.53 SOPHOMORES
A Adams, Eldona ..................................... .55 Adamson, Janet ................................... .55 Akagi, Pauline ........................................55 Akers, Roberta ........................................55 Alldredge, Brent ···-·······························55 Allen, Bill ·-·········································- ···55 Allen, Dennis .............. ..........................55 Allen, Gary ............................................55
Allmendinger, Darrel ........................... .55 Allmendinger, David .........,. ................ .55 Allmendinger, Karen ............................55 Anderson, Margo ................................. .55 Andrews, Judy ···--················-····--·--········--··· Andrews, Maree -····-----·-··········-···········-·55 Andrus, Louise ..................................... .55 Andrus, Linda ···-··········-························55 Andrus, Rhonda ···-·····················-········.55 Antizak, Blaine ..................................... .55 Asay, Jeanette ....................................... .55 Ashby, Martha ·-··--······--····-····--·····-·-·······55 Atkinson, Gwenda ................................55 Atkinson, Lloyd ......................................55 Atteson, Bonnie ....................................... .
B Backus, Caralee ..................................... .55 Bailey, Bruce ····-·-··-·····-··········--············-·55 Bair, John ............................................... .55 Banks, Norma -·-··--···································-· Bannon, Shirley ·-·-·········-········-····-············· Bapis, George ........................................55 Bateman, Byron ·-····-··-·····-·-···-················55 Beagley, Vern ........................................55 Bean, Kenneth Joe ................................55 Beckstead, Annette ···-··························.56 Beckstead, Dennis ................................. .56 Beckstead, Wayne ..................................56 Bechtel, Ann ..........................................56 Beesley, Gary ..........................................56 Bell, Margie ........................................... .56 Bellon, Janet ·······-························-·······.56 Bellon, Jerry ............................................... . Bennion, Jackie ..................................... .56 Benson, Stephen ................................... .56 Bernardo, Jimmy ....................................56 Berrett, Claudia ......................................56 Berrett, Judy ..........................................56 Bess, Archie ........................................... .56 Bigler, Janice ..........................................56 Bills, Janice ........................................... .56 Biltz, Lynn ............................................. .56 Bishop, Coy ············-·····-·············-·········.56 Bishop, David ........................................56 Bishop, Willard ..................................... .56 Blair, Robert ............................................56 Blaney, Valene ......................................56 Bluemel, April ....................................... .56 Bond, Barbara ........................................56 Boulter, David ........................................56 Bowman, Larry ......................................... . Boyce, Lynnette ......................................56 Boyle, Linda ........................................... .56 Brady, Brenda ........................................56 Boswell, Paul ......................................... .56 Breeze, Bili y ..................•........................ .56 Breon, Vicky ......................................... .56 Brimhall, Deanna .................................. 56 BriFldley, Lee ..........................................56 Bringhurst, Dennis ............................... .56 Bringhurst, Jessie ···················-···-········.56 Brinton, Bill ............................................56 Brown, Bob ............................................56 Brown, Norma ········-······························56 Brunson, Melanie .................................. 56 Buchanan, Mignon ............................... .56 Burgon, Claron ...................................... 56 Burgon, Margie ·········-···························56 Burris, Charles ..................................... .56 Burnson, Carma ····································-·· Burton, Michael ................................... .57 Butterfield, Linda ................................. .57 Buxton, Shirley ...................................... 57
c Campbell, Don ...................................... 57 Cantrell, Noel ........................................ 57 Carlquist, Brian ······················-··············57 Carlson, Jo Ann ··················-···············.57 Carlson, Joyce ....................................... .5 7 Carrigan, Joan ....................................... .57
Carter, Kathleen ................................... .57 Casper, Artie ..........................................57 Chamberlain, Gayle .............................. 57 Cherry, Charlotte ····-·--·--··-················-······· Chidester, Carolyn ................................ 57 Christensen, Donna ............................. .57 Chrisropherson, Dalene ........................57 Chrisropherson, Hal ..............................57 Clarke, Marilyn ..................................... .57 Cleland, Robert ............. ..,..................... .57 Coe, Sandra.............................................57 Comstock, Gene -································.57 Conti, Clark ................................................ Cook, Lovena ....................................... .57 Coombs, Ellen ....................................... .57 Coulam, Gary ·································-····.57 Crane, Rex ..............................................57 Crawford, Mary ·····-·-················-··········-·57 Cressall, Pat ........................................... .57 Crump, Billy ···-·-························-········.57 Crump, Bob ····-·····································.57 Curtis, Lorna ..........................................57 Curtis, Dennis ............................................ Cutler, Barbara ···························-········.57
D Dahl, Brent ........................................... .57 Dahl, Calvin .......................•..................57 Dahl, Eileen ........................................... .57 Dansie, Eileen ........................................57 Danano, Gene ....................................... .57 Davidson, Jerry ···································-·57 Davis, Grant ......................................... .57 Davis, Kathy ......................................... .57 Davis, Vi cki ···············-······-···············-··.57 Day, Gloria ........................................... .57 Day, Phyllis ........................................... .57 Dazley, Carol ..........................................57 Densley, Linda ..................................... .58 Densley, Mary ........................................58 Dent,' Jani ce ........................................... .58 Derricott, Keith ......................................58 Despain, Kenny ......................................58 Devinney, Mn c ...................................... 58 Dewegcli, Diane ................................... .58 Dibb, David ........................................... .58 Dillie, Dorothy ......................................58 Downs, Nancy ....................................... .58 Doyle, Danny ......................................... .58 Doyle, Deanna ........................................58 Dumas, Gail ··········--··-······-·······-·-·····-·····.58 Dunn, Robert ........................................58 E
Eavenson, Dale ......................................58 Edmund, Bruce ..................................... .58 Edwards, Anita ......................................58 Ewards, John ·············-·········-················.58 Ewards, Kay ............................................... . Ehlers, Dave ........................................... .58 Elder, Jenny ............................................58 Elmer, Norman ..................................... .58 Emglish, Phill ........................................58 Erickson, Grant ..................................... .58 Etherington, Carol ··--·······-··············-··.58 Evans, Boyd ........................................... .58 Evans, Steve ........................................... .58 Eyre, Roy ............................................... .58
F Fairbourn, Juanita .................................. 58 Fenstetmaker, Karen ·············-·············58 Ferguson, Judy ....................................... .58 Fieldstad, Dan ........................................58 Flores, Ri chard ......................................58 Folkerson, Curt ..................................... .58 Forbush, Karen ..................................... .58 Ford, Linda ........................................... .58 France, Gordon .................................... 58 Frandsen, Rex ·-·······'"'···············-··........ .58 Freeman, Anita ..................................... .58 Fullmer, Rodney ....................................58
G Garfield, Alona ......................................58 Garn, LeRoy ..........................................58 Glover, Kristine .................................... 58 Godfrey, Jean ..........................................58 Goff. Floyd .............................................. 59 Gold, Sidney ···-··-········-···-·········-···········59 Golesh, George ..................................... .59 Gomez, Alfred ......................................59 Goodrich, Eloise ....................................59 Gray, Morman ........................................59 Gray, Given ............................................... . Gray, Spencer ·····-······-···-··-···············-···59 Greco, Neil ............................................59 Greenfield, Robert ................................59 Greenwood, Leo ................................... .59 Greenwood, Mary ................................. .59 Griffiths, Carolyn ................................. .59 Gull, Don ............................................... .59 Guest, Darlene ..................................... .59 Gunderson, Tony ................................. .59
H Hadley, Milton ......................................59 Hagen, Larry ·······-································.59 Hall, Michael ......................................... .59 Hand, Margaret ......................................59 Hansen, Danny ..................................... .59 Hansen, Helen ....................................... .59 Hanse, Da.niel ........................................59 Hardcastle, Janet ....................................59 Hardcastle, Paulette ............................. .59 Harwick, Vawna ···············-···················59 Hartman, Judy ....................................... .59 Houeter, Dixie ....................................... .59 Heaps, Peggy ......................................... .59 Heath, Judy ·······-··································.59 Heinicke, Jimmy .................................. .59 Heinicke, George ..................................... . Heinicke, Steven ....................................59 Henke, Lynn ..........................................59 Henson, Charlee ....................................59 Heuser, Helen ··-····································59 Hintze, Harold ........................................59 Hirst, Stephen .......................................59 Hobart, Bruce ........................................59 Hoffman, Gene .............•........................59 Hoopiiaina, Tom ....................................59 Horsley, Joseph .......................................... Horsley, Lynn ........................................59 Howard, Gene ....................................... .59 Howcroft, Craig ....................................59 Howlett, Corl ......................................... .59 Hudson, Linda ........................................ 60 Hughes, Margaret ..................................60 Humes, Dale .......................................... 60 Hurst, Fred .............................................. 60 Hyatt, Linda ..........•.................................60 Hyde, Kent ..............................................60
!hie, Jorgann .........................................60 lhlcrs, Karen ..........................................60 Ingram, Suzy ..........................................60 Ivie, .Jimmie ............................................60
Jaynes, Dee ..............................................60 Jenkins, Dale .......................................... 60 Jenkins, Darlene .................................... 60 Jenkins, Marilyn .................................... 60 Jenkins, Ron ............................................60 Jensen, Brian .......................................... 60 Jensen, Clyed ·························-··-······-···60 Jensen, Coleen ........................................ 60 Jensen, Joan ............................................60 Jensen, Johnny ........................................60 Jensen, Julie ............................................60 Jensen, Marilyn ········-·······················-····60 Jensen, Richard ......................................60
Jex, Donald ............................................60 Johansen, Merrolyn ................................60 Johanson, Sheryl ....................................60 Johnson, Darlene ..................................60 Johnson, Linda ...................................... 60 Johnson, Toni ........................................60 Jones, Doris ............................................ 60 Jones, Jimmie ..........................................60 Jones, Lynnette ...................................... 60 Jones, Rex ................................................ 60 Joos, Wade .............................................. 60 Joosten, Gene ........................................61 Joosten, Jerry ..........................................61 Joosten, Craig ........................................60 Jorgensen, Richard ................................61 Julander, Leann ......................................61 Juretich, Paul ..........................................61 K
Kemp, Pamela ........................................ 61 Kempton, Haward ................................61 Keysaw, Harry ·-·····································61 Kikel, Kenny .......................................... 61 Kirby, Lavelle ........................................61 Kirk," Elaine ............................................61 Kjar, Susan ..............................................61 Knowley, David ......................................61 Kosovich, Michael ................................61 Konokd, Kath leen .................................. 61 Kramer, Maxine ....................................61 Kroph, Myron ........................................61 Kunz, Lael ..............................................61 Kunz, Marvin ..........................................61 Kynaston, Jean ...................................... 61 L
Lance, Billy ............................................61 Landers, Keven ...................................... 61 Landers, Lynda ......................................61 Larsen, Allene ........................................61 Larsen, Beverly ......................................... . Larsen, Lyla ............................................ 61 Larson, Eric ............................................61 Larson, Harold ......................................61 Larson, Kyle ............................................61 Larson, Larry ........................................61 La rt er, Susan ............................................. . Lavender, Anna Rose ........................... 61 Laved er, John ........................................... . Lawrence, David ....................................61 Le Due, Dale ..........................................61 Levine, Jay ····························-················62 Lifferth, Dnvid ........................................... . Lind, Kathleen ......................................62 Lind, Sherma .......................................... 62 Lindsay, Mary ........................................62 Lloyd, Phillip ..........................................62 Loulias, Michael ....................................62 Loamis, Kathy ........................................62 Love, Stephen ........................................ 62 Lublin, Linda .......................................... 62 Lundberg, Leo ........................................62 Lunnen, Linda ........................................ 62 Lyon, Gary .............................................. 62
M McDonald, Marilyn ..............................62 McEwen, Ed Mont ................................62 Mclachlan, Karen ................................62 McMullin, Paul ......................................62 Mabey, Kent .......................................... 62 Mahler, Paul ..........................................62 Mannas, Tom ···········-···························62 Marchant, David .................................... 62 Marriott, Vicky ......................................62 Martrneau, Roger ..................................62 Mascaro, Bob ..........................................62 Matthews, Guy ......................................62 Maxedon, Javan ......................................62 May, Louie .............................................. 62
Maycock, Dean ...................................... 62 Maynard, Arva Lee ···············-···············62 Maynes, Kent .......................................... 62 Maynes, Marsha ....................................62 Mechaan, Richard .................................. 62 Meissner, Patsy ......................................62 Mertlich, Pauline .................................. 62 Mika, Marty ............................................62 Milburne, Lynne ....................................62 Miller, Dan ............................................ 62 Milligan, George ....................................62 Milne, Pamela ........................................62 Miner, Kathern ...................................... 62 Mons, Kurt .............................................. 62 Monson, Lynn ........................................ 62 Montaque, Cheryl ..................................62 Moore, James ............................................. . Moore, Gary ............................................... . Morandi, Jo Ann ....................................62 Mori, Steven .......................................... 63 Mortensen, Kent ....................................63 Moser, Dale ........................................... .55 Mosher, Karroo ...................................... 63 Mosher, Sharron ···-·······························63 Mounteer, Keith .................................... 63 Mugleston, Theron ................................63 Mumford, Frank ....................................63 Mumford, Lee ........................................ 63 Myers, Richard ···········-··-··············-·····63
N Nance, Gayle ..........................................63 Neff, Barr ···-···········································63 Neff, Beverly ..........................................63 Neilson, Wayne ......................................63 Nelson, Gerald ......................................63 Nelson, Linda ···-···································63 Nelson, Marilee ......................................63 Nelson, Robert ........................................ 63 Newbold, Bob ........................................ 63 Neuffer, Susan ........................................ 63 Nichols, Pam ..........................................63 Nichols, Suzy ..........................................63 Nickle, Richard ·······························-·····63 Niquettr, Eddie ·······-·····························63 Norris, Barbara ......................................63
0 Oborn, Herbert ......................................63 Oleen, Russell ........................................63 Oliver, Rodney ...................................... 63 Olson, Barbara ...................................... 63 Osborne, Elaine ·····························-·······63 Ottersen, Bonnie ....................................63 Otrley, Russell ........................................... . p
Pack, Linda ········-··································63 Parker, Emmy ........................................63 Parker, Jim .............................................. 63 Parker, June ............................................63 Parker, Scott ···········-·····························63 Parker, Zane ............................................63 Parkinson, Sharon ···-··················-·········63 Parks, Larry ............................................63 Patrick, Kathy ·······-··················--·········63 Pearson, Arlene ......................................63 Pearson, Kenneth ···-·····························63 Pederson, Sydney ············-····················63 Perry, Ronald ···-··-·································63 Petersen, Alfred Kay ................................ Petersen, Bonnie ....................................64 Peterson, Gary ···-··································-64 Peterson, Jennie ··-··-·····························64 Peterson, Rex ..........................................64 Petrlich, Vickie ·······-·····························64 Phillips, Brent ·······-·······························64 Phillips, Ronnie ···························-·········64 Pond, Dana Jean ······························-····64 Porter, Frank Lewis ·······················-········· Potter, Linda Marie -·············-·············64
Poulsen, Joseph ......................................64 Powell, Bill .............................................. 64 Preston, Paulette ·················-·················64 Price, Terry James ········-······················64 Price, Ruby .............................................. 64 Rassmussen, Dianne ..............................64 Rassmussen, Nyla Kay ..........................64 Rathjen, Carolyn .................................... 64 Rawlings, Vaqce .................................... 64 Rawson, Joyce ........................................64 Ray, Dayid ..............................................64 Read, Shirley .......................................... 64 Reading, Ralph ...................................... 64 Rees, Mary Jo ..........................................64 Ren, Bob .................................................. 64 Rich, Norman ........................................ 64 Richards, Carol ......................................64 Richards, Wallace ..................................64 Richins, Sheila ........................................ 64 Rivera, Aurora ........................................64 Riviea, Cherie ........................................... . Robinson, Trudy ···········-·······················64 Robinson, W. Lew ................................64 Rohlfing, Susan ......................................64 Rollins, McKay ......................................64 Romero, Ralph ·······················-·············64 Roos, Bill ................................................64 Roper, Carole ..........................................64 Rosenhan, Eileen ···········-·····················64 Rosenhan, Kristine ................................64 Rosenhan, Max ·····-·······························64 Ross, Wayne ..........................................64 Rudd, Judy Ann ....................................64 Rudy, Tommy ........................................64
s Sabey, Marilyn ........................................64 Sadler, Pamela ........................................65 Sagers, Vicki ..........................................65 Saldivar, Paul ..........................................65 Sampson, Joan ........................................65 Saville, Eldon Marvin .......................... 65 Schelin, Ray ............................................65 Schmidt, Julie Jean ····················-···········65 Schneider, Norma Gay ........................65 Schow, Michael Phillips ·······-·············65 Searle, Danny ·····-·································65 Sharp, Chirlee ........................................65 Shaw, Nadine ........................................65 Sima, Joseph George ............................65 Simonson, Judy Kaye ............................... . Singleton, Wallace ···-···························65 Smalley, Sheila Rae ..............................65 Smart, Blaine ............................................. . Smart, Martha Gay ················- ............65 Smith, Bonnie Lee ................................65 ;-uith, Brent C ........................................ . Smith, Cecil LeRoy ···········-·················65 Smith, Dianne ········-·······························65 Smith, Dwight Douglas ........................... . Smith, Ester ···-······················-···············65 Smith, Ethel ............................................... . Smith, Howard ......................................65 Smith, Jackie .......................................... 65 Smith, Lu Ann ......................................65 Smith, Neil Arthur .................................... Smith, Philip Kent ................................... . Smith, Vaughn W. ··-·····························65 Soffe, Michael Jon ..................................65 Sorensen, Earl Lynn ..............................65 Sorenson, Marie ....................................65 Spainhower, Elles ···-·····························65 Steadman, Gary LaMont ...................... 65 Steed, Roger ............................................66 Steed, Shauna ........................................66 Stephenson, Joan ···························-·····66 Stewart, Tracy ........................................66 Stout, Mary Dean ··-······························66 Sutrat, Elaine ·········-····················-·········66 Stuart, Morris ···········-···························66 Stuart, Norman -··-································66 Sundberg, Marsha Ann ···········-··-·······66 Sylvester, Barbara ···········-·········-··········66
Taylor, Dan ···-·--···-·-······-······-·······-···--···66 Taylor, Kenneth -······--·-··········--··········-66 Tea, Gloria Kay ··········-····················-·····66 Tennant, Clara Lee .............................. 66 Tennant, Jay -----···········-·····················-·-66 Tennant, Kay ···············-·························66 Terry, Robert .......................................... 66 Tester, Michael Vern ··-························66 Thayne, Sheldon ....................................66 Thomas, Bill ·-········-············-················66 Thomas, David Alwin .......................... 66 Thomas, John Walter ···-·····················66 Thompson, Robert D. ..........................66 Thompson, Virginia ··················-·········66 Thomson, Dorothy ··--·························--66 Thornton, Jackie Lou ............................66 Tibbetts, Brenda Joy ...........................-.66 Tolman, Ralph Ray ················-······-·····66 Treadway, Randy Edward ···-·-·············66 Trinnaman, Tony ..................................66 Trujillo, J. Bernie .................................. 66 Turn er, Alice Jane ··--··························66 Turner, Gene ............................................. . Turner, Jimmy ····················--···········-·····67 Tuttle, Lawerence ··-···········-················67
Utley, Russell Dell ·······-··············--······-67
v Van Detta, Grant Michael ..................67 Villalobos, Lydia ..........................- ......67
w Walker, Judy Gayle ..............................67 Walker, Karen ........................................67 Walker, Ned Leon ................................ 67 Walker, Rela .........................................67 Wardle, Lynn ........................................ 67 Ware, Nancy Anne ..............................67 Watson, K. Roger ..................................67 Webb, Nancy Ann ··--·······················-···67 Weber, Dick• .......................................... 67 Weber, Marva ........................................ 67 Webster, Brenda ....................................67 W eichert, Louis ...................................... 67 Welch, Rosalee ...................................... 67 Wenestrom, Shirl .................................. 67 Wetsel, Billiee ..................................... _ 67 Wheadon, Linda ······-····-··-··········-·······---67 Whittle, Ferron .......................................... Whittle, LeRoy ·····-·····-··-···-······················
White, T. Glyn ......................................67 Wilcox, Prank Arthur .......................... 67 Wilkes, Robert ........................................67 Williams, Kenneth ................................67 Williams, Ralph Lynn ..........................67 Williams, Richard Lynn ......................67 Winn, Carol ............................................ 67 Winegar, Harvey ........................................ Witt, Loreen -·······································67 Woodward, Kent ..................................67 Wright, Alan ············-·····-·-····-··········-·67 Wright, Beverly ......................................67 Wright, Jeniel ........................................67 y Yengich, Matt ........................................67 Young, Lynn Kay .................................. 67 Young, Robert Reid ············-···········--·67
z Zagaric.h, Kenny Dan ............................ 67 Zdunich, Claudia Ann ..........................67 Zdunich, Ann .........................- 67 Zi~ting, Louis .......................................... 67 Zitting, Rebecca ......................................67 Zupan, Dennis ........................................67