The " Old Jordan " - old name, old build ings, old memories, and old traditionsall still linger on though many changes have taken place. Numerous memorable events have occurred since 1907, and for more than fifty years new parts have been added; numerous principals , teachers, and students have passed through its halls; and endless memories have been fabricated . Old traditions have inspired new ones, the old build ing has allowed new qualities, and old memories have molded new goals . Without the "' old Jordan, " we would not have the school that we love so well today .
omethi:ng Olde ... l .
omethi:n.g N evv ... 2
Jordan High School has changed greatly since 1907. The school has constantly been remodeled, and new sections have been added every few years. Within the last decade, new branches have been built onto the main building: music and science departments, seminary, and the P. E. buildings . The new construction is costly, but each addition has made room for the growing student body and their new teachers. Our last physical spurt of growth, in the summer of 1959, was made academically complete with the coming of our new principal, Mr. Sanderson.
cha:nges ...
1. The new boys· physical education building has been added to Jordon in the lost few years.
2. One of the old symbols of Jordon High is the lamp post in the front of the main building.
3. The first seminary built for the l.D.S. students was remodeled many times before the new one was built.
4 . The new l. D. S. Seminary, built in 1959, is another added attraction to the new Jordon.
4. 3.
Qu.ite a fevv 5 . The "old Jordon" as it stood when first built consisted of one main build· ing.
6 . The bus fleet has greatly increased since the school started furnishing transportation. New busses ore in demand every year.
7 . Some of the first buses ore shown here in front of the · outo·mechonics building as pictured in 1921.
8. The shops and boys· P. E. building hove undergone quite a change since the shops were used before the year 1920.
9 . The girls· P. E. and donee section was built in 1 959 and has been well used all year.
Staff Editor Donna Wood
Associate Editor· Cathy Carson
Business Manager Jean Potter
Lithography and Cover Wheelwright Lithographing Co.
Album Midvale Camera
Con.ten.ts Introduction ·········-··-··············· Page
Administration -····················· Page
Student Body .......................... Page
Organizations --------------·······-·· Page
Cultural Arts .......................... Page
Athletics ··-·······-···-·······-·······-· Page 116 Activities ---------····-·-········-····-·· Page 138
of 1960
Sa:n.dy. Utah
Some of our efficient modern-day administrators observe the Jordan District Pupil Personnel Building, which was constructed by the woodwork class of 1920. This structure was built as a residence for the prin cipal, but as Jordan's functions have extended and enlarged, there has been a great, increasing need of more room for our administrators, and it has been adopted as a place for student-directing controls. The first principal of Jordan, John W. Smith, officiated in 1908-1909. Since that period, many competent people have directed its busy, growing affairs . 8
Superintendent of Schools Jordon School District
Su.peri:nte:nde:nt Your theme, " Something Old, Something New, " suggests the application of some of the basic principles of learning . We make progress in our various accomplish ments and achievements by using what we have learned from our past experi ences to give us gu idance in planning and organizing for future activities. We are today the products of all of our yesterdays . We make decisions and form our judgments on the basis of experiences which have made us what we are. Education teaches us to hold to the good in that which is old . It trains us to discover, explore, and build the new upon the foundations of worthy values which have stood the test of time . The Board of Education and the Distr ict Administration are interested in providing adequate facilities which will provide the very best learn ing experiences for all of the students who attend the high schools in our District. The new and remodeled facilities of the Jordan High School are designed for your improved educational opportunities. We wish you an abundance of success and happiness in all of your future endeavors .
School Board Highly respected by students, faculty, and community are the members of the Board, who worked so eagerly to obtain for us a new, remodeled Jordan High School building . The board met weekly to discuss appropriations of funds and new equipment for the school as well as such problems as student guidance. We commend them for the efficient manner in which they solved Jordan's problems and directed the school year 1959-60.
H. W. JORGENSON Assistant Superintendent
Jordan High School is rich in tradition and has an outstanding record as a leader among the secondary schools of this state. Many wonderful people have trod its halls . Each of us associated with this grand old school should personally hold a high regard for such a rich educational background and appreciate the oppor tunity of serving and learning with the atmospheJ.e of such a heritage. We shou ld each feel a sacred obligation to preserve that which is good and to accept the challenge to leave it even better because of our own interests and efforts . Thus we each should make the most of our worthy opportunities and exercise all our talents . Ours is to prove a faith with the past, a loyalty to the present, and a genuine concern for those who are to follow . It has been a humbling experience in 1959 -60 for me to share with the many teache rs and students actively enrolled, the responsibilities of such sacred obligations. It is our common purpose to plan together for a modern day school with its many promises for the future .
Pri:ncipal G. REED SANDERSON Principal
C ou.n.selors The counselors aided the students greatly through the 1959-60 school year. They were always on hand to help out whenever possible. Mr. Taylor advised the student activities, while Mr. Goldbranson compiled the records of students and classes. Mrs . Fitzgerald and Mr. Casper guided the students as they anticip~ted a vocation or going to college, and they also helped direct the student welfare program.
Di rector of Guidance
President Body Officers As good student officers, leaders, and upholders of Jordan's standards, Milan, Claudia, Sharon, Marlene, and Nick led us through the dramatic year of 195960. The friendliness, enthusiasm, and sincerity of this group of to len ted people kept Beetdigger tradition alive throughout the year.
STUDENT COUNCIL MEMBERS Row One: Robert Monroe, Pot Elder, Cleve Hole, Steve Heops, Brent Vowdrey, Keith LaComb, Nick Bopis, Milan Uremovich, Bill Homer, Sterling Kuromodo, Jim Brody, Roy Akogi, Neil Smith, Howard Smith. Row Two : Dell Welch , Claron Burgan, Claudio Hyatt, Sharon Hughes, Beverlii Fisher, Janet Adamson, Marlen e Jensen, Deanna Brimhall, Billi Wetsel, Cheryl Bateman, Mory Greenwood, ' Steve Mori, Howard War-
then, Pete Terry, Kelvin landers, Zone Porker. Row Three: loreen Witt, Janel Snarr, Judy Brimhall, Gloria Steiner, Joan Porter, Renee Stone, Della Dibb, Becky Sjoblem, Jean Palter, Maureen Wilkinson, Kathy Mozuron , Undo John son, Lucille Fowler, Judy Goff, Blaine Bateman, Robert Rich, Tom Despain. Row Four: Johnny Wetsel, Mike Pavich, Dick Dille, larry Larson, Clyde Mor¡ gon, David Nichol . Cou.:n.cil The student council members carried between the home rooms and offices, gestions and discussions that concerned student government. They kept home rooms informed on the issues and problems that rose in the school acted as go-betweens from student to faculty . With their ideas and help made Jordan's student government system more democratic.
sugtheir and they
JUDGES AND ADVISER Dunn Taylor, adviser; George Young, second associate judge; Nick Bapis, judge; Frank Mumford, first associate judge; preside over the court staff.
COURT OFFICIALS Rochol Ballard, clerk; Howard Ross, prosecuting attorney; Bob Keeler, marshal; Mr. Phil Goldbransen, adviser; make up CO'irt rules for the students to follow. Cou.rt DEPUTIES Row One: Bill Homer, Carl Lindsay, George Bapis, Steve Heaps, Louie Deluca, Dale Hansen, Wallace Richards. Row Two : Russe ll Parker, Peter Karag lanis, J1m Turner, Michae l Schow, David Blue-
mel, Dennis Dah l, Russell Boyce, Chuck Koehn, Weldon Hunsaker, Bi lly Deluca. Row Three : Doris Vordos, Beverlli Fisher, Leah Jane Nel so n, Shauna Seal, Del la Dibb, Judy Milne, Barbara Erekson, Sydney Smith . Claudia Eckman . Kristine Flint.
The language arts teaching staff saw quite a few changes during the school year. One major difference was the receiving of bright and modern fixtures which aided them in their teaching. A few newcomers on the scene were Miss Fuhriman, Mr. Krueger, Mr. Lyon, and Mr. Walker. They took the places of Mr. William Boren and Mr. Dee Savage who left the school last year.
Speech, Journalism
JOHN F. LYON English
Stenography BLAINE BROWN
The commercia I arts instructors stood by and watched the many changes that took place, yet saw only a few differences happening in their own department. Last year the vocational business room was entirely rebuilt, and th is year the type rooms were painted and new fixtures were added . Such change resulted in a better department and better trained stu de nts .
Commercial Arts
Fi:ne Arts
Mr. Sherm Crump explains problems in algebra class. DONALD P. OLSON
Fine, Commerci al Art
LEO A. DEAN Chorus, Bond
The remodeling of the fine arts departments
~~eatly ~ssisted the music and art instructors.
ong W1th the alteration of room and equipmhnt came a change in teachers. Mr . Dean, 0 '(;._ 1.d Was head over the music department of C vale Jr. High, replaced Mr. J. Clement t raph, who retired last year. Mr. J. Shirtliff aadu~ _t the crafts class, thus making a new tdltlon to the art staff. The efforts of the fine ~r sdteaching staff resulted in many exquisite pro uctions. JAY H. SHIRTLlFF
Art, Photography
GORDON E. MICKELSEN Mechanical Drawing
FRANK M. BAGLEY Auto Mechanics
JAMES l. SEAL Woodwork
LLOYD LIND Electronics
GENE F. DEEM Auto Mechanics
JED W . WASDEN Machine Shop
I:n.du.strial Arts A great change was made in the Industrial Arts building this fall . The interior received a new paint job, and new machines and equipment took the place of old ones. Added to the personnel of shop teachers were Mr. Campbell and Mr. Mickelsen. Mr. Boyd Redden left the school last year ... The Home Economics department also received a new look. Painted rooms and new desks contributed to efficient domesticity.
Mr. Blaine Brown, sitting in a comfortable pose, coils the roll in moth doss.
Home Eco:n.omics
R. S. PETERSON started teaching chemistry ot Jordon in 1951. In 1959 he accepted the position of Superintendent of Science Education, Utoh Stote Deportment of Public Instruction.
A new full section of the school that was built last year was the science department. Biology and physics rooms were brand new and students seemed to like the well-equipped laboratories. New to the school and to the department were Mr. Peart and Mr. Shurtleff, chemistry teachers.
New math rooms were also included in the science section of the building. The rooms, painted in bright shades of pink or green, harmonized with the new desks and blackbords. Teachers and students seemed to like the big change from the old classrooms to the new.
Driver Training
Driver Train i ng
MARIETTA BATEMAN Dance and Phys. Ed .
Dr iver Tra1ning
P.E. a:n.d
Dri-ver ' ARTHU R HUGHES Boys Phys. Ed . DONALD B. MILNE Driver Tra1ning HELEN SEAMAN Drive r Training and P.E.
The biggest addition to the build ing wa s the new girls ' gym and phys . ed . d e part ment. Included in that section are a bright pink health room, a larg e locke r room . The Social Scie nce d e partme nt, dealing mostly in idea s, got a long with a few new desks and fixture s.
Social Scie:n.ces GRANT H. KUNZLER
J. M. PETERSON taught the shop cla ss of Draper Junior High from 1920 to 1945. He served in the Jordon School District for thirty -eight years. At Jordon he taught the drivers training class. He ret i red in 1958.
C. N . CRAWFORD taught at Bingham High School from 1928 to 1940. He taught soc ial science and moth from 1940 to 1958 at Jordon . He retired from teaching in 1958 ond i s now serving as a member of the Boord of Education.
J. CLEMENT CRAPO was the head over the music deportment at Jordon for more than twenty years . He also taught at Bingham High School from 1926 to 1937. He retired from his teaching lost year.
Tribu.tes Since the time that Jordan High School was establ ished, many outstanding men and women have passed through its corridors. Each superintendent, principal, and teacher has made a great contribution to the school. This year, since so many changes have taken place, we are paying a special token of respect to those who have left the school within the last few years. J. M. Peterson, C. N. Crawford, and J. C. Crapo have been coming back occasionally to look the new school over. We are also remembering those people who now have passed away who have been prominent for many years at Jordan. A. C. Jenson, L. W. Nielsen, and Royal Madsen hove all played an important part in the Jordan School District.
I:n Memoriam L. W . NIELSEN started in the Jordon Dis¡ A . C. JENSEN served Jordon High School from 1920 to 1954 os o science teacher.
trict in 191 6. He served as principal for twenty years.
ROYAL D. MADSEN worked in the Jordon District as a custodian from 1928 to 1957.
BERTHA B. RICHARDS Secretary to Mr. Taylor
GLORIA W . BISHOP Secretary to Mr. Sanderson
VEDA L. TIPPETTS Book Store Clerk
MABEL LARSON Manager of Cafeteria
The school staffs contribute greatly each year to the well-being of Jordan High. The cafeteria cooks were very pleased to see the old girls' gym remodeled and made into a better place for eating. The custodia l staff kept everything in order, especially the new parts of the building. As for the office staff, a new book store was built for their use. They fulfilled the various needs of the school with helpfulness and cooperation.
CUSTODIANS F. Ross Beckstead and Floyd R. Bingham take a '' time-out" from their busy schedule.
CAFETERIA COOKS Mrs. Rosetta Brand, Mrs. Allee Nielsen, Mrs. Evelyn Brown, and Mrs. Hazel Dowding, cafeteria cooks, busily prepare for the noon-hour rush.
SPECIAL TRIBUTE - Almy Dowding attended Jordan High School as a student. While in the eighth grade he worked as a student custodian and continued to do so until 1932_ At that time he took over full charge of the custodial staff. He left Jordan in 1959.
Student help is very necessary to the functioning of the school. In addition to the regular cafeteria force, student cafeteria workers help serve at noon. Many students line up every day in the newly remodeled cafeteria and buy a wellcooked, low-priced meal.
STUDENT CAFETERIA WORKERS Lorry Anderson, Wayne Marshall, David Bluemel , Darlene Jenk ins, Sondra Bulkley, Koren Allgood, Corrie, Lee Carpenter, help each day in the lunch room .
Each day after the final bell has rung, a crew of workers are seen busily sweeping the halls and classrooms. This group is the student janitors. They work hard keeping the school "spic and span."
ALUMNI OFFICERS Sunny Nelson Brown, chairman of Queen Contest; Edna Burr Prigmore, secretory; Beth Proctor Butterfield, vicepresident; Dallas Hokanson, president; Don Morriot, publicity choirman; check final pions for the Alumni Assembly . STUDENT CUSTODIANS Row One: Dean Bowden, Kirk Boulden, Lyle Bowden, Wayne Beckstead , Gordon Benson, Russel Utley . Row Two: Floyd Goff, Sidney Gold, Glen Gobler, Fronk Locox, Gene Joos ¡ len , Ned Timothy, Bruce Slater, Bill Powell, assist Delos Beckstead, head custodian .
The Alumni Day this year was planed to perfection by the Alumni Officers who were elected last year. They planned an interesting day which included an assembly, a dance at night, and a queen contest. P. T. A. Row One: Mrs. Marie Frampton, first vice president; Mrs. Ron Soffc, president; Mrs . Amy Walker, historian; Mrs . Fronk Tuft, room representative chairman. Row Two: Mrs . Emma Vowdery, publicity chairman; Mr. G. Reed Sanderson, second vice president; ore the members of the executive committee for the Parent-Teacher Association.
The Jordan P.T.A. enjoyed a year's activities, starting with the P.T.A. Open House and Tour on October 22, 1959. Climaxing their events they had an afternoon tea and installation of new officers. They also held many interesting parent-teacher meetings.
Looking back through the years, students and teachers alike view one of the first graduating classes of Jordan High School. Since that time many students have passed through the old halls of Jordan, leaving behind numerous memories and traditions . The school has grown tremendously since the first graduating seniors. The present status now stands at more than fifteen hundred students. 26
• e:n.1or
Casting a new light on the old trad itions of the high school, Mike, Margo, and Michelle headed the functions of the Senior Class. They directed their class members in presenting the Senior Hop, which was entitled " The Land of the Midnight Sun ." Happily and enthusias Jordan, directing the memorable gradu ation exerci ses.
Bill Adams
James Adamson
Karen Allgood
Karen Adams
Roy Akagi
Bob Akagi
Karen Anderson
Mardyn Anderson
Paul Anderson
Arion Anderson
Norma Anderson
Rae Anderson
Nadean Anderson
Louise Andrus
Robert Augason
James Allen
Susan Anderberg
Linda Astorga
Pat Barnes
David Bluemel
Robert Blomquist
lynette Bird
Tom Blair
Barbara Bill
Kenneth Bess
Susan Beckstead
Roger Bianchi
Hollo Rae Belcher
Carol Blair
Joyce Bedont
Barry Bendixen
Midge Benson
Judy Bean
leRoy Berrett
Stanley Be ll
• en.1ors
loyle Rasmussen and Wayne Brimhall sand the redwood tables that they made in their woodwork class.
Dixie Boswell
Russell Boyce
Ellis Bringhurst
Judy Bishop
Kirk Boulden
Lorraine Bolliger
Jim Brennan
Wayne Brimhall
Jimmy Brody
Lynne Brody
Henry Brody
Shirlee Bodell
Koren Brown
Sharon Brown
Allen Brown
Annabelle Brown
Ann Brown
Gene Brown
Newell Bringhurst
Sondra Bulkley
Bryon Burr
MorJeon Boynton
Koren Buhler
Garth Burgan
Richard Butler
Carnes Burson
Judy Burke
Judith Brimhall
Goylo Butterfield
Donnie Cameron
Carol Cressall
Scott Collins
Kaaron Cook
Kaye Clements
Darlene Christensen
Richard Crawford
Dorine Cox
e:n1ors Using the drill press tn mach1ne shop, these senior boys learn many technics about drilling metals.
Ralph Crasgrove
Byron Curtis
Jim Cox
Maurice Crane
Dennis Dahl
Gloria DeGroot
Kitty DeGeus
Richard Densley
Terry Despain
Dick Dille
Claudia Eckman
Carma Ekins
Johnny Eltz
John Dutton
Bill Deluca
Louie Deluca
Connie Cawdell
Patsy Dania Is
Fenton Dean
Mike Dean
Della Dibb
Tom Despain
Suffocating chemists, Phd Yorgason and Jim Snarr, encounter fumes from bromine gas experiment in chem . lab.
Bruce Hansen
Richard Harris
Dee Hardman
Kenneth Harper
Maxine Hastings
Jerry Hortman
Kent Hoffman
Tini Houweling
Weldon Hunsaker
Dennis Hutchings
Vonette Holder
Joan Howell
Mike Huston
Jim Hutchings
Claudia Hyatt
Sharon Hughes
Mike lasella
Carl Jackson
Carolyn Jenson
Bruce Jacobson
Linda Jenkins
Lynn Jenkins
Gayle Jensen
Marlene Jensen
e:n.1ors Bill Homer, the only boy taking vocational business, receives helpful in struction from Judy Mlaker.
Yvonne James
Loreen Jacobson
Call Jensen
Paul Jensen
Gary Jaynes
Kathleen Johnson
Kay Jane~
Kathy Jones
Carol Ann Jones
Bonnie Jones
Lynn Jones
Dianne Johnson
Sheryl Johnson
Mark Jeppson
Dan Julio
Ronald Johnson
Byron Johnson
Shirley Johnson
• .i-
... ·::.
.• ~ ... J
Robert Keeler
Colleen Kemp
Delores Kemp
Susan Kemp
Linda Kesler
Anita Krlzman
Sterling Kurumodo
Jim Kiholm
Grace Kline
Pete Karaglonis
Carol Larson
Merlin Lambson
' •
Keith LaComb
Fronk locox
Anita larsen
JoEIIen larsen
Moreoh larsen
Robert Lorson
Pearl landers
Toni londures
lorry latimer
Lindo lether
Carl lindsay
e:n.1ors Miss Oralie Rowson discusses Chaucer's Canterbury Toles with her f1fth period English class.
Stanley Maynard
Janet Madison
Roger Martin
lucas Martinez
Tam Mellinthin
lio Marda
Mike McDonald
Judy Milne
Stephen Mellor
Doris Mines
Rodney Meyer
Pot Mecham
Carol Mickelsen
lester Moore
Steven Millington
Judy Mlaker
Robert Monroe
Shirley Mounteer
Jomes Mounteer
Ruth Morse
Bryan Mumford
Clyde Morgan
Fronk Montoya
Peter Nelson
leah Jane Nelson
Sonja Nickle
David Nicol
Gerald Nelson
leon Nelson
Marline McManigal
Lynn Nielson
Lindo Nichols
Jerry Nickle
Dione Nordgren
Marianne Nunley
Shei Ia Norton
Sh irley Olson
Barbaro Olson
Terry Orton
D1xilee Oleen
Barbaro O 'Nosh
Ronnie Osborne
Jock Patrick
Russell Porker
Connee Pierce
M ike Pavich
Rosemary Posquoli
Gayle Ostler
e:n1ors Drama students, Carol Boker JoEIIen Lorson, Liz Blackett, Beverlli Fisher, and Marcia Haws, portray o scene from the ploy , " Sanitorium ."
Bonnie Phelps
Shelby Pierce
Lindo Piece
Louise Pedro
Glenna Peterson
Janice Peterson
Bruce Plott
Mary Plumhof
Sondra Preloron
Robert Peterson
Jean Potter
Katherine Priono
Loyle Rasmussen
Paul Rains
Dennis Rasmussen
Vern Reading
Dixie Reed
Ronald Rees
LeRoy Roy
Steven Roden
Howard Ross
Jerry Robinson
Ruth Ann Rodda
Barbaro Rix
Nannette Richards
Eva Roubicek
Carol Rudy
Esther Saldivar
Ardith Schoelling
Kathy Scott
Sherry Rueckert
Shouno Seal
Richard Sabey
Vol Shrewsbury
Janet Simonson
Leonard Sharp
Jean Sharp
Judy Schultz
Sheila Silcox
Jeanette Smart
Phil Smart
Burk Smith
Byron Smith
Delores Smith
Sydney Smith
Clayton Smith
Meril Lyn Smith
Lorraine Smith
Judy Bean , Jeannette Smart , and Marlene Wilk inson learn the fundamentals of needlework in home living closs .
Wayne Smith
Becky Ann Sjoblom
Paul Spilker
Susan Smith
Russell Smith
Theron Smith
Jim Snarr
Ruth Steele
Merlynn Sorenson
Carolyn Strelo
Janet Snarr
Dione Stone
Lindo Taggart
Goy Tallent
Margery Sylvester
Dione Stevens
Mervyn Stouffer
Richard Stott
DeAnn Thacker
Barbaro Thomas
Beverly Thomas
Lorry Teo
Bill Thompson
John Swens
Wilma Taylor
Dick Timothy
Hoi Thorum
Orin Tolman
Joe Trujillo
Maxine Trujillo
Janice Thompson
Francine Tuft
Richard Tripp
Steve Tripp
Ben Tumuro
James Trone
Nancy Tuttle
Dione Von Orman
Glendo Vowdrey
Eloy V1gil
Anita Louise Voeltz
Milan Uremovich
Vol Vrones
Margo Wolters
Mike Wanless
Myrna Walker
Lonie Walsh
Paul Wolters
e:n.1ors Grant H Kunzler explains assignment to seniors in commercial low class .
Lee Webster
Jim Wells
James Walles
Lynnette Walker
Del Welch
Johnny Wetsel
Mike Wright
Edward Wyler
Charlie Williams
Marlene Wilkinson
Maurene Wilkinson
Donna Wood
Bob White
Nancy Whitlock
Ronnie Whipple
Jeanette Webb
Marsha Wiens
Julienne White
Mickey Yamashiro
Phil Yorgason
Brent Wankier
Gary Worthen
Lynda Webb
Wayne Woolsey
Linda Yates
Jack Zupan
Marlys Young
Vicki Young
Gail Zabriskie
John Zitting
â&#x20AC;¢ u.:n.1or
Vice President
Leading the Juni r Class with intense interest, Steve, Sydney, and LuAnn, along with the help of thcr enthusias, tic Juniors, produced ne of the biggest events f the year- the annual Junior Prom. This clas pr ved t be success, ful in many ways, alway uph !ding the numerous traditi ns of the old aiid the new.
Eldono Adoms Dovid Allmendinger
Lloyd Atkinson Martha Ashby
Pauline Akagi Darrel Allmendinger
Margo Anderson John Bair
Bill Allen Linda Andrews
Jeanette Asay Byron Bateman
u.:n.1ors Junior typists, Kyle Larson, Sydney Pedersen, and Norman Rich, seriously complete their weekly " budgets. "
Dan Anderson Pat Anderson
Janet Adamson Dennis Allen
Gary Allen Bruce Bailey
Ray Anderson Gary Beesley
Roberta Akers Blaine Antczak
Gwenda Atkinson Wayne Beckstead
Brent Alldredge Rhonda Andrus
Karen Allmendinger Dennis Beckstead
Gary Caulam Mary lee Crawford
Bob Crump Brent Dahl
Bill Crump Eileen Dahl
lorna Jean Curtis Eileen Dansie
Toni Cox Colvin Dahl
Pot Cressoll Jim David
Barbaro Cutler Gene Doriano
Gloria Day Keith Derricott
Jerry Davidson Kenneth Despain
Grant Davis David Dibb
Mary Densley Donny Doyle
Sheila Davies Bernard Devinny
Vicki Davis Lindo Densley
Carol Dozley Paul Dimond
Gail Dumas David Ehlers
Dianne Dewegeli Philip English
John Edwards Boyd Evans
Anita Edwards leeRoy Eyre
Bruce Edmund Kay Edwards
Robert Dunn Jenny Elder
Deanna Doyle Grant Erickson
Juanita Foirbourn Rodney Fullmer
Curt Folkerson Gordon France
Karen Forbush Rex Frandsen
Judy Ferguson Richard Flores
Anita Freemon Don Fieldstad
Steve Evans Michael Fitzgerald
Carol Etherington Alone Garfield
Kristina Glover Robert Greenfield
Floyd Goff Mary Greenwood
Eloise Goodrich Don Gull
Spencer Gray Leo Greenwood
Jean Godfrey LeRoy Gorn
Sidney Gold Neil Greco
Norman Gray Darlene Guest
-un.1ors Miss Betty Henderson advises one of her junior sewing students, Maxine Kromer, on the methods of dress making.
Tony Gunderson Vowno Hardwick
M ilton Hadley Peggy Heaps
Michael Hall Judy Heath
Margaret Hand Jimmy Heinecke
Dorvel Hansen Judy Hortman
Paulette Hardcastle He len Heuser
Dixie Hauter Lorry Hogen
Margaret Hughes Tom Hooiioino
Koren lhlers Brion Jensen
Dee Joynes Colleen Jenson
Marilyn Jenk1ns Joan Jensen
Darlene Jenkins Johnny Jensen
Jorgonn lhle Julie Jensen
Dole Jenkins Sheryl Johansen
Ron Jenkins Lindo Johnson
Richard Jensen Tony Johnson
Barbaro Jewett Jimmie Jones
Don Jex Richard Jorgensen
Merrolyn Johansen Gene Joosten
Richard Johnson Wade Joos
Doris Jones Paul Juretich
Le Ann Julonder Myron Kropf
Howard Kempton Loel Kunz
Kathleen Konold Morvin Kunz
Elaine Kirk Michael Kosovich
Pamela Kemp Susan Kjor
Kenny Kikel Priscilla Kynoston
â&#x20AC;˘ -un.1ors
American History students listen at¡ tentively while Mr. Fronk Komnikor explains on answer to on important question.
Lynnett Jones Craig Joosten
Lavelle Kirby Maxine Kromer
Allene Larsen Shermo Lind
Eloy Bill Lonce Kyle Lorson
Kelvin Landers Lorry Lorson
Lyle Larsen David Lawrence
Harold Larson Dole LeDuc
Lynda Landers Anno Rose Lavender
Joy Levine Leo Lundberg
Kathleen Lind Lindo Lunnen
Kathy Loumis Paul Mohler
Lindo Lublin Tom Mannes
Phillip Lloyd Pete Mort1n
Michael Loulios Guy Matthews
David Marchant Joe McEwen
Vicky Morriot Kent Mabey
Roger Martineau linda Maynes
Bob Mascaro Paul McMullin
Jovon Moxedon Dione Miller
Louis May Marilyn McDonald
Beverly Larsen Mary Lindsay
Steve Love Kent Maynes
Koren Mclachlan Don Miller
Pat Meissner Lynn Manson
Pauline Mertlich Cheryl Montague
Lynne Milburn Gary Moore
George Milligan Joanne Morandi
Pamela Milne Steve Mori
Kurt Mons Dale Moser
Kathryn Miner Carol Moss
Karren Mosher Robert Nelson
Sharron Mosher Wayne Nelson
Lee Mumford Marilee Nelson
Theron Mugleston Pamela Nichols
Keith Mounteer Bob Newbold
Gayle Nance Susie Nichols
Beverly Neff Linda C. Nelson
u.:n1ors Junior girls find the principle of lever¡ age interesting, as shown to them by Mr. Budge.
Gary Peterson Kathy Patrick
McKay Rollins Kenneth Pearson
Ralph Parker Sydney Pedersen
Zane Parker Ronald Perry
James Parker Bonnie Peterson
Arlene Pearson Rex Peterson
AI fred Petersen Vickie Petrlich
Jennie Petersen Nylo Rasmussen
Ronnie Phillips Dionne Rasmussen
Judy Pierson Bi ll Powell
Joseph Poulsen linda Potter
Brent Ph illips Polly Preston
Dono Jean Pond Perry Price
Frank Porter Ruby Price
Vance Rawlings Rolph Reading
Joyce Rowson Charles Richards
Carolyn Rathjen Carol Richards
David Roy Bob Ren
Shirley Read Trudy Robinson
Mary Jo Reese Rolph Romero
Norman Rich Bill Roose
Lew Robinson Judi Rudd
Susan Rohlfing Marilyn Sabey
Max Rosenhon Pamela Sadler
Carol Roper Joan Sampson
Kristine Rosenhon Vicki Sagers
Wayne Ross Elden So vi lie
Eileen Rosenhon Julie Schmidt
Norma Schneider Blaine Smart
Michael Schow Wallace Singleton
Nodine Show Jackie Smith
Judy Simonson Cecil Smith
Donny Searle Dionne Smith
Shirlee Sharp Ester Smith
Goy Smart Howard Smith
Ethel Smith Mike Soffe
Neil Smith Gary Steadman
Bonnie Smith Mary Stout
Phil Smith Morris Stuart
LuAnn Smith Norman Stuart
Earl Sorenson Elaine Stuart
Larry Sorenson Richard Spencer
Marsha Sundberg Kay Tennant
Barbara Sylvester Robert Terry
Roger Steed Michael Tester
Don Taylor Jackie Thornton
Clara Lee Tennant Virg inia Thompson
Sheldon Thayne Bill Thomas
Dorothy Thompson Brenda Ti bbi Its
Robert Thompson Tony Trinnomon
David Thomas Lorry Tuttle
John Thomas Brent Vawdrey
Mike Tippitts Lydia Villalobos
Rolph Tolman Jim Turner
Randy Treadway Russell Utley
Bernie Trujillo Barbaro Vidler
Lynn Wardle Shirl Wenerstram
Nancy Ware Roselee Welch
Karen Walker Billie Wetsel
Brenda Webster Linda Wheadon
Ned Walker Maggie Westerman
Rela Walker Marva Weber
Nancy Webb Loius Weichert
Glyn White Allen Wright
Rudolf Wiersma Rebecca Zltting
Lynn Young Nancy Zdunich
Kent Woodward Dennis Zupan
Frank Wilcox Ken Zag a rich
Ken Will iams Carol Winn
Ralph Williams Robert Wilkes
Loreen Witt Robert Young
Kathy Witt Beverly Wright
Jeniel Wright Claudia Zdunich
ophomore Officers
CLEVE HALE President
New at old Jordan High was the care free Sophomore Class. Successfully lead ing the new students in an old routine were Cleve, Bonnie, and Diane. They urged the sophomores to get acquainted by sponsoring the annual class party wh ich was held in the fall of the year. Through the combined efforts of the uni fied class and officers, a firm foundation was set for their future years at Jordan.
DIANE JENSON Vice Pre sident
James Ainsworth Roger Andrus Marilyn Antczak
Lawrence Anderson Brent Anderson John Begley
Milo Anderson Archie Archuleta Glendo Baird
Victor Anderson Kent Ashmen Bonnie Boker
Dennis Adams Gwen Astorga Gory Bateman
Richerd Adolphson Lindo Anderson Jim Barron
Judy Alexander Paul Anderson David Bastion
George Bollard Marlene Belcher ¡Julie Biggs
Kathy Bore Brent Bennion Allen Bills
Cheryl Bateman Geraldine Bernardo Koren Bills
Donald Berney Ernie Bedont Bruce Birchell
Dean Bowden Andy Bergman DeAnn Bjork
Bonnie Beck Jim Bernardo Bill Blair
Maurine Beckstead Kent Birrell Clinton Block
Kaye Bird Jerry Boggess Warren Brady
Wilford Bishop Bonnie Borg Glenda Brimhall
Robert Blair Rolene Bowen Leo Bringhurst
Bill Boggess Bill Boyle Elaine Brown
Melvin Blaney David Boyce Delores Brown
Louise Blatnick Bradley Brimhall Julie Brown
Gerald Bowen Sharon Brklacy Kathy Brown
Sophomore students and Mr. Teran browse through a special assignment in world history.
lionel Brown Berdie Burgan Diane Chavez
Brent Covington Russell Crandell Kathy Day
Barbera Carpenter Donald 'Collett
Bruce Cowdell Carole Davis Steve Day
Mostyn Cox Dianna Davis William DeGeus
Melvin Cowdell Diona Day Dennis Despain
Byron Colton Richard Day Randy Densley
lee Collins Nosh Delgado Shirlee Dorrance
Janet Cowley John Diggs Shauna Draper
Sheryl Des&oin Gordon Douglass Merrill Enniss
Beryl Dean Paul Dykman Mary Lou Erickson
Elroy Dow Pot Elder Pearl Eror
Tony Doyle Tom Eliason Jim Ertman
Cecil Douglas Clair Erlenboch Lorry Evans
Carolyn Dunn Don Error Glen Eyre
Heather Dyson Bob Essex Judy Evans
Jane Fitzgerald Kristine Flint Harvey Gobler
Ilene Farnsworth Lucille Fowler Nancy Gomingosco
Paul Fieldsteod Gerold Fullmer Fronk Goufin
Mary Ann Fisher Jean Froislond Judy Goff
Bill Former Carol Fyons Don Glover
Ed Fitzgerald Lee Fugal Earl Glover
Orene Fitzgerald William Gonz Vern Graham
Rosa leo Gonzales Tanya Green Marilyn Gunnell
Helen Gonzales Shirley Groce Gordon Hollett
Roger Grone Byron Gunderson Bob Halpin
Lela Green Judy Gregory Drew Hansen
Nancy Grandquist Lila Greenfield Kenneth Hadley
Calvin Green Afton Greenwood Cleve Hale
Sharon Green Linda Grover Judy Ham
Kent Han5en Linda Harrison Terry Holmstrom
Ronald Hansen Bill Heki Blanch Holt
Gail Hardcastle Nancy Helm John Hutchings
Sharon Hardman Carol Hogenson Della Rae I ret on
Sharon Hansen Kathleen Hepner Ann lpson
Bonnie Hardman Edgar Hodgson JoAnn
Judith Harker Stephen Howcroft Mike Hughes
Eugene Izatt David Jorm<ln Lindo Jenkins
Donald Jacobson Paulo Jenkins Brent Jensen
Nodine Jacobson Edward Jenkins Dionnne R. Jenson
Linda Jansen Carol Jenkins Mervin Jensen
Joyce James Lorin Jenkins Dennis Joynes
Jerry Jacob Jeanette Jenkins Carol Lee Jensen
Denise Jaram illo Ruleen Jeffs Diane Jenson
These sophomore girls find basketball just as much fun to ploy as do the boys.
Jane Jeppson Carol Jones David Jorgensen
Joseph Koncurat Paulette larsen David lloyd
Sandra Johansen lynn Johnson Mary Juretich
Dora larson Yvonne Lifferth Preston lloyd
Connie Johnson Gordan Jones lou Ellen Kaufman
Kent larkin Gwen linnarz larry loveless
linda Johnson Ray Joos Bob Kemp
lacey Larsen Renae Lipsey Steven lundberg
Diane Jensen Patrie Kalcic Dan Kocherhans
lynn larson Hal leatham lloyd loveless
Ronald Jones Joey Kankelborg Billy Koos
Robert larson Carl Leatherwood Reid Madsen
Marianne Jorgensen Gordan Kimball Steve Kramer
Cathy lawson Kent Linford Rodney Malstrom
Darlene Molner Tommy Mayfield Janice Meissner
Carol Middleton Jock Mulholland Fronk Nemonic
Mike Mannos Kathy Mazuran Mary Jean Mellor
Marilyn Millerberg Jenny lou Morley Michael Nosock
Gene Margetts Kent McCleary Delores Meyer
Carolyn Milne Delyn Mitchell Jill Nowlan
Richard Matsumura Carolyn McDonald Brent Mickelsen
Henry Miller Pot Nosh Eugene Ninomiya
Bonnie Mark Ernest McKoy Joe Moore
James Murray lorry Neff Wallace Nelson
Wayne Marshall Susan Mickelsen Don Morrell
Toni Martin Beatrice Milburn lois Moser
Dennis Moser Lee Nell Ann Nielsen
Donald Myers Bruce Ne Ison David Newbold
Ross Nichols Victor Orvis Kathryn Pay
Jean Olabarri Elaine Oldham Anna Marie Pearson
Lawrence Ortega Wynne Page Cheryl Penrod
Susan Olson Robert Patience Lynn Peterson
David Olson Larry Pace Leo Perrenoud
David Ostler Kathy Parker Bonnie Peterson
Janet Olson Claudia Pederson James Peterson
Pat Pedersen Kathl Pierson Minnie Player
Pamela Pierce Joan Porter Natalie Reed
Richard Petersen Vicki Price Robert Rich
Judi Platt linda Price Steven Rodgers
Kathryn Peterson Derald Powell Raymond Robertson
Becky Pierce Marlene Rawson Michael Romero
Brent Plant Calvin Rist Karen Roper
Jimmy Reams Glenna Rowley Joe Sargent
Lindo Romero Lettie Savage Jennie Sharp
Kathleen Sagers Sydney Schmidt lynda Sharp
Jacque Samuelson Jean Schow Margaret Scorzoto
Coleen Setterberg Viki Sharp Marilyn Shipp
Dennis Sharp Jim Shields Dione Shoemaker
Kent Sharp linda Shields Craig Shoemaker
Sophomore students leave the driver's training cor after spending their class hour learning how to operate on auto.
Judy Shelton Dean Snarr Terry Spainhower
Glen Smart Niel Smith Teddy Staker
Kent Stepan Mike Stroud Diane Tea
Becky Smith Linda Smith Richard Steele
Albert Simonich Jim Smith Fred Smith
Nyla Silcox Cheryl Sjostrom Brent Smith
Margene Sjoblom Bruce Slater Carol Smith
Reid Sjoblom Betty Jean Smith Don Smith
Eugene Strausburg Stephen Sudbury Stephan Taylor
Mike Sorenson Susan Staker Roger Stirling
Keith Smith Larry Stevens Ranae Stone
Sherman Smith Ford Stevenson Bryan Steadman
Alice Trujillo Karen Tufts Judy Ure
Ned Timothy Sho un Tufts lowell Vow drey
Bonnie Tuelle r Cloyd Turner Daryl Vincent
Frank Tuft Richard Tuttle Mike Visser
Edno Tafoya Carol Turbridge Karen Van Seters
Ted Tedesco Diane Thurber lorraine Vigil
Rosemary Thompson Mary Tischner De lia Villalobos
Practicing basketball in their gym class, sophomore boys show lots of enthusi asm for the sport.
Doris Vordos Richard Wollin Rolayne Welch
Jean Walker Douglas Warner Donald Wellington
Michael Walker Maureen Webb John West
Mary Sue Walles larry Webster Jerry Whitehead
Garry Walker Johnathan Webb Jay Whiting
Linda Walker Stephen Welch Howard Whitlock
Carol Walsh Vicki Wheeler Merle Whitmore
Joe Williams Kaye Wright Sharon Wright
Sharol Woffinden Elvin Worthington Dennis Wilkes
Cheryl Wright Lloyd Woodward Barbara Young
leona Williams Kay Yengich Marvin Wyler
Susan Williams Carole Young Amy Yamashiro
Howard Worthen George Young Alfred Zitting
Students of today, representing various campus organizations of the present, look back at the Agricultural Club as pictured in the "1915 Annual." Its members formed a letter symbolizing the emblem of the club, an arrangement which was typical during the days of yore. Many organizations have progressed since the high school was first established. Organizations have come and gone, but without a doubt, a change from the "old" to the "new" has taken place. 74
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS Mike Hughes, vice president; Zane Parker, junior representative; Kent Stephan, sophomore representative; Glen Jackson, adviser; Stephen Love, secretory; Sterling Kurumado, senior representative; tolk over one of the Boys Club's activities.
Boys Clu.b ¡ PAUL ANDERSON President
Watching the excited expression on Trudy Robinson's face as they present her with the turkey are Sterling Kuramada and Frank Kamnikar.
Boys Club president, Paul Anderson, informs his committee, Zane Parker, Judy Hom, Mike Hughes, and Carol Hogensen about the annual Thanksgiving Party.
The Jordan Associated Boys Club is an organization in which all of the boys who attend Jordan are members. Its officers, representatives, and advisers gave their opinions on many situations which occurred during the school year. The club also helped with the prizes and the entertainment for the Thanksgiving Party. They co-sponsored the party with the Girls Club.
OFF ICERS AND ADVISERS - Mary Fitzgerald, adviser; Mary lindsay, junior representative; Gayle Nonce, secretory; Deane Benn ion, adviser; Bonnie Mark, sophomore representative; Yvonne James, senior repre sntotive; Pot Pederson, vice president; MoRee Nel$on, adviser; carefully study the calendar of Girls Club events .
Girls Clu.b At the " Dote With Dod " Koren Von Seters and her father pantomimed on the program and Anno Rose Lavender played a solo on her clarinet.
The dads , dancing and promenad ing w ith the ir daughters, enjoyed the ir '' big do te ."
Every girl who was registered at Jordan was a member of the Jordan Associated Girls Club_ This club sponsored such projects as the Mothers and Daughters ', the Senior Reception, and the Stocking Stomp. They co - sponsored the Thanksgiving party with the Boys Club. The fathers also had a "night out" when the girls presented a very successful "Date With Dad." The officers encouraged every Jordan girl to work on one of the numerous activities.
KEY CLUB Allen Brown, Kent Ashman, Sterling Kurumodo, Howard Worthen, Kelvin landers, Barry Bendixen, Bob Akogi , Tom Despain, Brent
Mickelsen , Niel Smith, Fronk Mumford, Russell Porker, Burk Smith, Bryon Mumford, George Young , Carl Jensen, Jim Wells, Phil Yorgoson.
OFFJCERS AND ADVISERS Byron Bateman, treasurer; loMor Swenson, adviser; Russe ll Porker, second vice president; Arnold Peart, adviser; Sterling Kurumodo, secretory; Bill Homer, vice president; toke time out after discussing one of the Key Club "s projects.
Key Clu.b
The Jordan Key Club was first organized in 1948. It has served for twelve years as a service club to the school and the com munity . This year they presented the school with a trophy case and also sold programs at the football and basketball games . They started the school year out with their initiation and a Career Day for the Seniors. They also aided needy families at Thanks giving and Christmas . During the summer nine boys went to the Key Club International Con vention in Toronto, Canada .
KEY CLUB Mike lasella, Scott Parker, Bob Keeler, Blaine Goff, Art Casper, Lynn Jones, Howard Kempton, Claron Burgan, ElRoy Dow, Byron
Bateman, Carl Lindsay, Phil Smart, Larry Latimer, Randy Treadway, Brent Anderson, Frank Gaufin, Bill Homer, Steve Mori.
Newly initiated Key Club members receive the full treatment gar Iic, fish, eggs, and pies.
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CHARLONIANS Row One: Jeanette Asay, Dorothy Thomson, Mary Stout, Janis Forbush, Maxine Kromer, Vawna Kay Hardwick, Lynnette Boyce, Allene Larsen, Kathleen Lind, Annette Beckstead. Row Two : Kristine Rosenhan, Judy Pierson , Trudy Robinson, Deanna Brimhall, Vicky
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Breon, Sarah Douglas, Dianne Johnson, Lindo Letner, Carol Winn, Anr. Bechtel, Marilyn Jenkins. Row Three: Jean Godfrey, Elaine Stuart, Linda Nelson, LuAnn Smith, Anith Freemon, JoEIIen Larson, Lynne Brady, Bev erly Fisher, Julie Jensen, Karen Allmendinger, Anno Rose Lavender, Polly Preston, Janet Adamson.
Charlo:n.ian.s OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - LuAnn Smith, treasurer; Anita Freeman, secretary; Marilyn Yates, adviser; Polly Preston, reporter; Marietta Bateman, adviser; Beverlli Fisher, historian; Judy Bishop, drill mistress; make future plans for the Chorlonions.
The Charlonian Club was founded in November of 1927 and has just passed its thirty-third successful year in the history of Jordan . _Its members were the honor students of the Junior and Senior classes. Each girl appeared at competitive games in her artistic uniform bearing the school colors, red and grey. As a pep and scholarship organization, it sponsored many activities, which consisted of socials with other schools, half-time marching, a Christmas project, and an annual Spring Formal.
CHARLONIANS- Row One : Pamela Milne, April Bluemel, Marilyn Sabey, Sheryl Johansen, Kaye Clements, Barbara Sylvester, Anita Edwards, Francine Tuft. Row Two : Judy Francom, linda Johnson, Pauline Mertlich, Vicki Sagers, Kathleen Carter, Claudia Chamberlin, Maggie Westerman, linda
Wheadan, Ruby Price, Elaine Osborne. Row Th ree; Gayle Nance, Donna Wood, Kathy loumis, Susan Kjar, Carol Ann Janes, lael Kunz, Marilyn McDonald, Nancy Anne Ware, Patsy Meissner, Judy Bishop, Dianne Smirh, Rela Walker, Kathryn Miner.
Clu.b The Chorlonions do for the first time a lively cho cha on the football field, while the bond ploys the accompaniment.
DONNA WOOD President
The Red Cross Council was in charge of the Fund Drive, and every two weeks they went to the county infirm ary and helped around the hospital. Allyeartheyhave done many worthwhile deeds to help the sick and needy.
RED CROSS MEMBERS Row One: Sharon Mosher, Glenna Broce, Marlene McManigal, Delores Kemp, Joyce Bedont, Ophel ia Lopez, Kooren Cook, Sue Ann Lloyd, Maxine Truj illo, MoRee Nelson, adviser. Row Two : Shirley Johnson , Vicki Davis, Pot Mecham , Janice Bigler, Nancy Anne Wore, Patsy Meissner, Myrna Walker, Vonnette Holder, Judy Alexander, Margaret Scorzoto. Row Three: Roloyne Welch, Gloria Day , Dione Johnson , Jennie Peterson, Barbaro Heki, Sharon Brown, Koren Brown, Sheila Kay Norton, Koren Allgood . Row Four: Bob Mascaro, Weldon Hunsaker, Ted Tedesco, Gory Coulom, Stephen Hurst.
Red Cross J Safety & Pu.blicity SAFETY MEMBERS Row O ne : Maxine Trujillo, Esther Saldivar, Loraine Bolliger, Ophelia Lopez, Sonja Nickle, Joanne Morandi , Juanita Foirbourn , Joan Jensen . Row Tw o : Loreen Jacobson, Sondra Preloron, Beverly Thomas, Janice Peterson, Myrna Walker, Loreen Witt, Lindo Hudson, Sh irley Buxton, Dolene Christopherson. Row Three: Koren Buhler, Nancy Wore, Elaine Kirk, Claudio Chamberlin , Jenny Elder, Mary Mellor, Corolee Bockus, Dionne Rasmussen . Row Four: Lorry Lorimer, Claud io Zdunich, Lindo As torga, Vonnette Holder, Ann Brown, Yvonne James, Cherie Chamberlin, Gloria Day, Norma Schneider, Dione Stone, Bill Homer.
The Safety Pub licity Club promoted safety in and around the school and community. They urged safety by sponsoring safety assemblies and "K Week." They a lso he lped sponsor the Stocking Stom p .
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS Wanda Wade, adviser; Pauline Akagi, treasurer; Diane Van Orman, secretary; Joan Howell, vice president; Mary Fitzgerald, adviser; take time aut from busy Jordonette calendar.
The Jordanette Club 's main function is carrying out activities for the betterment of the school. They sponsored the Big-Pal, Little-Pal party, and together with the Key Club, they he ld a sleigh - riding party at Alta. Companionship and cooperation were promoted through their efforts. JORDANETTE MEMBERS Row One: Dixie Reed , Carole Young, Jenny Lou Morley, Marilyn Clarke , Pauline Akagi, Marry Greenwood , Jeanette Smart, Dionne Rasmussen, Kathleen Ballard , Sharon Hughes, Marlys Young , Claudia Eckman, Joy Coons, Nadine Shaw. Row Two: Marge Bell , Becky Sjoblom, Mary Lindsay, Sheryl Johnson, Della Dibb, Carol Blair, Loreen Witt, Rachel Ballard, Sydney Smith , Norma Anderson , Ann Brown, Sherry Brklacy, Carole Fyans, Connee Pierce . Row Three: Pamela Kemp, Judy
orda:nettes Berrett, Annabelle Brown , Jean Sharp, Carol Baker, Marie Gardner, Liz Blackett, Bonnie Phelps, Susan Anderberg, Glenna Petersen , Diane Chavez Betty Smith , Carolyn Rathjen, Karen Buhler. Row Four: Ellen Coombs, Syd : ney Pedersen, Karen Fenstermaker, Barbara Cutler, Carol Larson, Lynnette Walker, Doris Mines, Carolyn Jenson, Barbera Erekson, Lyn Hoffman , Diane Stone, Julie Brown , "dan Froisland , Judy Mlaker, Leah Jane Nelson, Jennie Peterson .
OFFICERS AND ADV ISERS Glendo Vowdrey, treasurer; Gail Zabriskie, vice president; Gertrude Tranter, adviser; Dixielee Oleen, secretary-historian; were the planners of the Dog Patch Drag.
Jay Dees WILMA TAYLOR President
The Jay Dee Club had many worthwhile projects which included a Sub for Santa, the Dog Patch Drag, and a date party. They also presented the new girls' gym with a sound system. JAY DEE MEMBERS Row One: DeAnn Bjork, Paulette Larsen, Linda Smith, Dixielee Oleen, Kathy Hickmon, Janet Snarr, Glenda Vawdrey, Jean Walker, Pat Pedersen. Cheryl Bateman, Carol Hogenson, Margaret Scorzato, Mary Juretich. Row Two : Linda Hudson, Delores Kemp, Cheryl Wright, Shouna Draper, Louise Blotnick, Diane Stevens, Anita Voeltz, Joyce Bedont,
Jay Dee officers help load the truck for their needy family at Christmas time. Anita Krlzman, Jeanette Jenkins, Amy Yamashiro, Gwen Astorga, Pam Pierce, Diane Jenson, Judy Alexander, Row Th ree: Linda Place, Wilma Taylor, Pot Mecham, Shirley Mounteer, Anita Larsen, Susan Smith, Meril Lyn Smith, Lorello Elswood, Rolene Bowen, Shirley Johnson, Lynda Jen kins, Barbara Young, Kathy Parker, Susan Mickelsen, Diona Day.
OFF ICERS AND ADVISERS - Mary Lou Erekson, treasurer; Chloe Ann Frailey, adviser; Carol Leak, secretary; Addie Jean Fuhrimon, adviser; Bonnie Mark, historian; govern the Miss Hi members.
The Miss Hi Club was one of the most active organizations in the school. Its members worked diligently in promoting activities and projects. Each month they sponsored an outstanding "Girl of the Month." Miss Hi members participate in its annual initiation . MISS HI MEMBERS - Row One: Vicki Davis, Glenna Brace, Vickie Wheeler, Sharon Carpenter, Doris Vordos, Kotny Priono, Nadine Jacobson, Jacque Samuelson, Judy Ure, Jean SCnow, Lucille Fowler, Marilyn Millerberg, Afton Greenwood. Row Tw o: Snoron Wrignt, Dionne Jensen, Becky Pierce, Kooren Cook, Joann Hucnings, Notilie Reed, Janice Meissner, Bonnie Borg,
Rolayne Welcn, Mary Mellor, Anno Pearson, Paulo Jenkins, Coleen Setterberg, Judy Goff, Delo .!S Meyer. Row Three: Bonnie Lee Mark, Cnerie Chamberlin, Yvonne James, Koren Adams, Barbaro Bill, Marcia God, Loretta Elswood, Kathy Brown, Linda Shields, Susan Staker, Judy Snelton, Mary Walles, Mary Lou Erekson, Diann Jensen.
DANCE CLUB MEMBERS Row One: Susan Kjor, Lyle Lorson, Claudio Hyatt, Carol Ann Jones, Dixie Reed, Marlene Wilkinson, Lynne Brody, Sheryl Johansen, Paulette Hardcastle. Row Two : Claudio Eckman, Midge Benson, Susan Anderberg, Loraine Bolliger, Dionne Nordgren, Patsy Meis-
Da:nce Clu.b
sner, Barbara Sylvester, Lindo Lunnen. Row Three: Annette Beckstead, Janet Adamson, Liz Blackett, JoEIIen Larsen, Loreen Jacobson, Claudio Berrett, Vouna Hardwick. Row Four: Diane Stone, Donna Wood, Nannette Richards, Carma Ekins, Lyn Hoffman, Lynette Boyce, Marilyn McDonald, Trudy Robinson, Marge Bell.
The Dance Club provides entertainment for the school and the public. Its members, junior and senior girls, danced in numerous floorshows and assemblies. They took a trip to the BYU in January and saw "Orchesis."
Dance Club members perform on Christmas Assembly. OFFICERS AND ADVISER Dixie Reed, president; Nannette Richards, vice president; JoEIIen Larsen, reporter; Susan Anderberg, secretary; Midge Benson, historian; Marietta Bateman, adviser.
SPORTS CLUB MEMBERS Row One: Darlene Mainer, Merle Whitmore, Gail Hardcastle, Gwen Linnarz, Sharron Mosher, Marilyn Gunnell, Ophelia Lopez, Karen Van Seters, Verla Butterfield, Kay Yengich, Susan Williams, Joyce Ann Rawson, Kristin Flint, Linda Grover, Sharon Hansen, Norma Schneider. Row Two: Lydia Villalobos, Barbara Olson, Shirley Bannon, Carolyn Dunn, Sandra Coe, Gloria Day, Carolyn Strelo, Marlene Rawson,
Berdie Burgan, Eileen Dansie, Carolee Backus, Alana Garfield, Jeneil Wright, Kathleen Hepner, Joan Garfield, Connie Baker. Row Three: Julie Biggs, Ann Nielsen, Sheryl Despain, Janice Bigler, Elaine Kirk, Margo Anderson, Rhonda Andrus, Lynn Rae Petersen, Diane Tea, Mary Jo Rees, Kathy Petersen, Mary Tischner, Carol Jenkins, Renee Stone.
The Sports Club is a social club for those girls who are interested in athletics. The club sponsored many parties, such as the ice skating, bowling, and hiking parties. It was the ideal club for those girls who were interested in various games and sports, making participation in sports possible to all eager enthusiasts.
OFF_ICER~ AND ADVISER Helen Seaman, adviser; Gloria Day, secretary-treasurer; Janrce Brgler, pres_rde nt; Sandra Coe, historian, Sharron Mosher, vice president; lead the Sports Club wrth enthusiasm.
Sports Club members enjoy the get-acquainted party which had a Halloween theme.
SKI CLUB MEMBERS Row One: Bill Thomas, Myrna Walker, Susan An derberg, Toni Landures, Karen Allmendinger, Kathryn Miner, Polly Preston, Ford Stevenson, Elaine Brown, Judi Platt, Cheryl Bateman, Mary Juretich, Maurine Beckstead, John Bagley, Eugene Ninomiya . Row Two: Barbara Olson, Marsha Sundberg, Eileen Dahl, Katherine Prlano, Claudia Eckman, Afton Greenwood, Lynne Brady, Susan Kjar, Mary Lindsay, Sheryl Johanson, JoAnn Carlson, Jean Godfrey, Rela Walker, Susan Williams, Ann Nielsen , Nancy Gomingosco, Betty Jean Smith, Diann Jensen, Joy Coons, Linda Boyle, Diona Day, Gwen Astorga, Nadine Jacobson, Eldona Adams. Row Three: Danna Wood, Elaine Osborne, Brenda Webster, JoEIIen Larsen, Maggie Westerman, Pam Nichols, Midge Benson, Charlee Henson, Margaret Hand, Marge Bell, Francine Tuft, Lynette Boyce , Allene Larsen, Leah Nelson,
OFFICERS AND ADVISER Helen Seamon, adviser; Sydney Pedersen, secretary-treasurer; Liz Blackett, president; Johnny Wetsel , vice presi dent; Emerson Kennington, adviser; Bill Thomas, vice president; view the new ski club emblem .
Bonnie Phelps, Carolyn Jenson, Kaye Clements, Lynda Jenkins, Becky Smith, Renee Stone, Diane Von Orman, Diane Stone, Pat Cressall, Claudia Berrett, Trudy Robinson, Vicki Davis . Row Four: Bill Powell, Howard Worthen, Archie Archuleta, Lee Collins, Merrill Enniss, Ron Noorda, Lorry Latimer, Cleve Hale, Frank Tuft, Mostyn Cox, Steve Heaps, Bill Boggess, Alan Wright, Lynn Larson, Lew Robinson, Mike Kosovich, Robert Ren, Da le LeDuc, Kenny Despain, Brent Phillips, Don Campbell. Row Five: Johnny Wetsel, Lynn Jones, Bryan Mumford, Tom Despain, Stirling Kurumada, Carl Lindsay, Mike Despain, Robert Monroe, Barry Bendixen, Burk Smith, Mike lasello, Bob Keeler, Mike Huston, Don Gull, Jerry Boggess, Hal Christo pherson, Paul Juretich, Kent Larkin, Morris Stuart, Stephen Love, Howar'd Ross, Russ Oleen .
Ski Clu.b Margo Walters, ski champ at Jordan, has wah many honors.
LETTERMEN Row One: Richard Harris, Lee Webster, Mickey Yamashiro, Byron Smith, Tom Mellenthin, Donnie Cameron, Keith LaComb, Dell Welch, Levie Deluco, Milan Uremovich, Lloyd Atkinson, Lynn Wardle, Jimmy Brody. Row Two: Bruce Jacobson, Mike Despain, Carl Lindsay, Robert Mon-
roe, Nick Bopis, Mike Grone, Clayton Smith, Bob Akogi, Jim Kiholm, Zone Porker, George Bopis, Kenny Despain. Row Three: Maury Crone, Paul Anderson, Johnny Wetsel, Vol Vrones, Bill Deluco, Les Moore, Mike Pavich, Jim Turner, Stephen Love, Brion Corlquist, Jim Hutchings.
etterme:n.. s OFFICERS AND ADVISER Louie Deluco, secretory-treasurer; Donnie Cameron, president; Les Moore, board member; Bill Deluco, board member; Jim Kiholm, vice preside n t; meet to plan tournament week.
Although existing as a club in order to glorify the winning of a letter in one of the school's sports, the Lettermen also earned money by selling badges and hats at tournament time.
Officers take charge of the Future Home¡ makers initiation.
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Sheryl Johnson, secretary; Susan Nichols, vice president; Annabelle Brown, president; Barbara Sylvester, treasurer; Loreen Witt, song leader; Betty Henderson, adviser; MoRee Nel son, adviser; discuss plans for the Sweethearts' Ball.
Members of the- Future Homemakers of America are the girls who take home economic classes. On February 6, they sponsored the annual Sweethearts' Ball, which was entitled "Fascination." On March 4 and 5 they attended the F. H. A. Convention at Hotel Newhouse.
F. H. A. MEMBERS Row One : Dianne Rasmussen, Rebecca Zltting, Carol Mickelsen, Kaaren Cook, Jean Sharp, Karen Anderson, Janice Peterson, Esther Saldivar. Row Two: Barbara Sylvester, Loreen Witt, Annabelle Brown,
F. H. A. Judy Berrett, Kathleen Lind, Gloria DeGroot, Lorello Elswood, Sheryl John¡ son . Row Three: Gail Dumas, Susie Nicho ls, Shirley Mounteer, Linda Hud son, Linda Lunnen, Koren Forbush, Diane Tea, Berdie Burgan, Sarah Douglas.
Ben Tamura presided Farmer banquet.
over the
OFFICERS AND ADVISER larry Tea, reporter, Ellis Bringhurst, treasurer; Bill Adams, secretary; Ronnie Osborne, vice president; Ben Tamura, president; Richard Campbell, adviser; head the Future Farmers at Jordan.
F. F. A. F. .f. A. MEMBERS - ¡Row One : lloyd Woodward , Gary Fogg, Glen Smart, Ben Tamura, Ronnie Osborne, Elden Saville, Donald Jacobson, Bill Adams. Row Two : Dennis Bringhurst, Fred Smith, Drew Hansen, Dan Taylor, Steven
The Future Farmers of America is an agricultural club consisting of the boys who take the vocational agriculture class. Each member had a project which represented some particular phase of agriculture . As a group the club presented the Harvest Ball, and sponsored F.F.A. Week, and attended state and national conventions of F.F.A.
Roden, lynn larsen, Lloyd Atkinson, Shelby Pierce, Neil Smith, larry Stevens. Row Three: Eugene Strasburg, larry Pace, louis Weichert, lee Carlson, Ellis Bringhurst, larry Tea, Frank lacox, John Green, Bradley Brimhall, Philip lloyd.
OFFICERS AND ADVISER Dione Johnson, board member; Carol Jones, secretory; Anita Krlzmon, treasurer; Della Dibb, vice president; Joyce Bedont, secretory; Judy Francom, historian; Jed Wasden, adviser; Lynnette Walker, president. FUTURE TEACHERS- Row One: Kaye Clements, Sydney Smith, Dono Pond, Kathy Loumis, MorJeon Boynton, Anita Krizmon. Row Two: Jim Allen, Judy Francom, Dionne Johnson, Claudio Chamberlin, Judy Bishop, Carol Boker, Michelle Grone, Carol Jones. Row Thr41e: Lorry Sorenson, Marilyn McDonald, Mary Frampton, Doris Mines, Lynnette Walker, Carol A. Lorson, Lorretto Elswood, Connee Pierce. Row Four: Joyce Bedont, Shirley Johnson, Della Dibb, Toni Londures, Sherry Reuckert.
F' Teachers Girls who have decided on nursing as a career worked together in the club to learn about where they can study, how much it costs to study, what fields of specialty are open, and how much they can earn.
OFFICERS Pot Denials, secretory; Esther Saldivar, vice president; Gloria DeGroot, president; ore officers of the newest club at Jordon.
The Jordan Education Association is an affiliate of the Future Teachers Clubs of America.' The club participated in the UEA Convention held at the first of the year where they heard addresses by leading educators. The club's goal was to prepare its members to be future educators.
Nu.rses FUTURE NURSES Row One: Pearl Landers, Esther Saldivar, Lindo Yates, Sheila Silcox. Row Two : Delores Smith, Koren Brown, Sharon Brown, Sharon Beckstead, Marianne Nunley. Row Three: Marilyn Bog¡ ley, G loria DeGroot, Barbaro Heki, Pot Denials, Anita Lorson.
" Radiobugs" in the Radio Club w ent to Salt Lake City to visit and observe the KSL Radio and Te levision Statio n. Some of the boys became interested in learning code.
RADIO CLUB MEMBERS AND ADVISER David Olson, and Donald M. Budge.
Fro nk locox, Robert Blomquist, Mervyn Stouffer, lee Fugal,
DECA is connected to and sponsored by the distributive education classes. It is affiliated with state and national DECA Clubs. It is made up of students who aspire to be salesmen or workers in the business f ie ld. OFF ICERS AND ADVISER - Johnny Wetsel, pres ident; Fay B. Thomas, adviser; Yvonne James, treasurer; Maurice Crone, secretory; Kitty De Geus, president; make plans for one of their Projects.
D.E.C.A. DECA MEMBERS Row One: Corrie l ee Carpenter, Maxine Trujillo, Dixilee Oleen, Kathy Hickmon , Kitty DeGeus, linda. Jenkins, Esther Saldivar, Lindo Nichols. Row Two : Carroll (ressoil, Koren Anderson, Sondra Bulkley, Beverly Thomas, Sondra Preloron, Dione Stevens, Anita Voeltz, Wilma Taylor, lio Mordo, Pearl landers, Judy Dumas, Lindo lether, Michele Dean. Row Three: Lindo Astorga, Nannette Richards, lucas Martinez, Glenn Malstrom, Wayne Woolsey, Johnny Wetsel, Maury Crone, John Dutton, Dell Welch, Lindo Kesler, Yvonne James, Carol Lorson.
The Quill and Scroll Club is an international organization which promotes better journalism by means of student writings . Its members are the ~tudents who achieve special recognition in journalism . To become eligible, each student must have seventyfive column inches published in a school or a commercial publication .
QUILL AND SCROLL MEMBERS - Row One: Joyce Bedont, Janet Snarr, Anita Voeltz . Row Two : Claudio Chamberlin, Judy Francom, Carolyn Strelo.
Qu.ill a:nd Scroll
Press Clu.b PRESS CLUB MEMBERS Row One : Joyce Bedont, Janet Snarr, Jean Godfrey, Coy Bi shop. Row Two: Claud io Chamberlin, Nancy Wore, Anita Voeltz, Judy Francom, Carolyn Strelo. Row Three: Cathy Corson, Cherie Chamberlin, David Nichols, Marilyn M cDonald.
The Press Club is the promoter of journalism at Jordan . It spon sors various press conferences, the main one being held in No vember at BYU . The club a lso sponsors the Jordon direct ory, the "J" Book. They also took a trip to the newspaper plant in Salt Lake City.
LANGUAGE CLUB MEMBERS Row One: Vicki Young, Marilyn Anderson , Esther Saldivar, Rosemary Pasquali, Kathy Loumis, Rela Walker, Margery Sylvester, Orene Fitzgerald , Cormo Ekins, Myrna Walker, Ophelia Lopez, Linda Nichols, Anita Krizman, Linda Jenkins. Row Two: Dalen Christopherson, Judy Pierson , Clare Erlenbach, Elaine Osborne , Vawna Hardwick, Charlee Henson, Annette Beckstead, Susan Kjar, Mary Lindsay, Lyn Hoffman, Dixie Boswell, Ann Bechtel, Vonnette Holder, Karen Buhler, Ann
Brown , Sheila Davies , Marilyn Jenkins, Michelle Grone . Row Three: Bob Ren, Spencer Gray, William DeGeus, Claud ia Pedersen, Judy Gunderson, Susan Mickelsen, Trudy Robinson, Pam Kemp, Barbaro Bill , Marilyn Shipp, Releen Jeffs, Connee Pierce, Donald Barney , John Diggs, Paul Dykman . Row Fo ur: Francine Tuft, Marilyn McDonald, Gloria OeGroot, Anita Larsen, Doris Mines, Jennie Peterson, Brent Phillips, Burk Sm ith, Chuck Burris , Steve Millington, Mostyn Cox, Jonathan Webb, Lynnette Walker, Sheryl Johanson, Nancy Webb. Clu.b Language students, Marilyn Anderson, Doris Mines, and Daiene Christopherson study a poster from France .
The Language Club is organized by those students who take a foreign language in the school. The club had two dinners, one Spanish and one French. Catering to the linguistic interests of their members, the club tries to obtain foreign films and other materials.
OF~ICERS AND ADVISERS Lowell Boberg, adviser; Francine Tuft, secretary; Phil Sm1th, vice president; Bob Ren, president; Golda Fraser, adviser; plan all of the socials for the Language Club.
Students Interested in dramatics end speech who view a program from one of the stage perform ¡ onces ore Kathleen Lind, Niel Smith, end Art Cosper
OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Anna Rose Lavender, president; Connee Pierce, vice presi dent; Marilyn Sabey, secretary and treasurer; Bruce Plott, historian ; Claron Burgen, parliamentarian, Norma Riggs, adviser; ore the head of the drama club.
Masqu.e an.d Ga-vel MASQUE AND GAVEL MEMBERS- Row One: Linda Lunnen, Marva Weber, Margaret Hand, Roger Martineau, Robert Ren, Wayne Beckstead, Robert Blomquist, Burke Smith, Bill Homer, Howard Kempton, Bonnie Mark, Mari lyn Mifferberg, Dixie Hauter, Carol Winn . Row Two : Mory Plumhof, Ruby Price, Lindo Hudson, Mary Walles, Carl Howlett, Katherine Priono, Mogg1e Westerman, Becky Smith, Renee Stone, Cheryl Penrod, Sharron Mosher, Carol Etherington, Morjeon Boynton. Row Th ree: Vickie Petrilich, Linda
PlocP, Vickey Morriot, Janet Adamson, Pot Meissner, Relo Walker, Dono Pond, Dione Stone, Joy Coons, Carol Boker, Liz Blackett, Mary Lindsay, Carma Ekins, Sonja Nickle, Carol Ann Jones, Kooren Cook, Kay Yengich, Darlene Molnar, Jacque Samuelson, Jean Schow, Judy Ure, !:herry Brklacy, Sharon Hansen, Carole Young, Cheryl Wright, Vickie Price, Janice Bigler, Norma Schneider, John Fitzgerald, Cloud1o Zdunich . Row Fou r: Myrna Walker, Beverffl Fisher, Kathryn Miner, Judy Bishop, LuAnn Smith, Elaine Sturart, Sheila Norton .
N. F. L. - MEMBERS Row One: Vicki Young, Ann Bechtel, Delio Dibb, Normo Anderson, Bonnie Phelps, Sherry Ruechert, Corol Ann Jones. Row Two: Connee Pierce, Marilyn Sabey, Bruce Plott, Howard Kempton, J im Wells, lynn Jones, Claron Burgan, Bob Akogi, Beverlli Fisher.
a tio:nal Fore:nsic Leag-ue OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Phil Goldbronson, adviser; Ann Bechtel, secretory; Connee Pierce, vice president; Howard Kempton, president; pion oil N. F. L. activities .
The Jordan High School chapter of the N .F.L is part of the national honorary organization, consisting of 850 clubs and comprising over 100,000 members. The League promotes speech activities and develops public speaking ability through participation and competition in debate, oratory, extemporaneous speaking, and legislative forum. Members took part in the Four-State Western Division N.F.L. Tournament and presented exhibition debates at junior high schools.
Students portraying the various cultural arts which are available at Jordan High School view an old Beetdigger band that existed many years ago when the high school was very young. The difference is greatly visible. The fields of music, speech, drama, and publications have grown wider and wider, and more students are taking part in these arts every day. We can truly say that the old Jordan High" just ain't what she used to be."
LARSEN and CATHY CARSON Art Editor and Associate Editor
eetdigger The first Jordan "Beetdigger" was printed in 1921. Ever since that time various students and teachers have been taking photographs, writing copy, working on dummies and meeting deadlines. Because so many changes have taken place this year, the staff decided on the theme " Something Old - Something New. '' Through long hours of study and effort these enthusiasts endeavored to piece together the 1960 " Beetdigger."
BUS INESS STAFF - E. l. Crawford, financial chairman; Jean Potter, student business manager; Wando Wade, adviser; Murry Allen, photo advise r; talk over some of the prob lems of the yearbook .
PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF - J im Well s, lo rry latimer, Nei l Smith, Carl Howle tt , photog raphers; Vicki Young , photo ed itor; d id much of the photography for the yearbook .
JANET SNARR and JOYCE BEDONT Associate Editors
road caster ASSISTANT EDITORS Carolyn Strela, Larry Latimer, and Yvonne James helped publish the school newspaper.
Jordan's school paper, the " Broadcaster," brought the latest news and the most amusing of articles to all the students throughout the year . The staff worked diligently to find the news needed in produc ing an interesting school paper. The Broadcaster staff also produced the Jordan High Student Directory, better known as the " Jay Book."
Jean Potter, humor ed itor; and Anita Voeltz, feature ed itor; gave their assi stance .
Brent Phill ips, Arion Anderson, and Boyd Canning assi sted on the sports staff.
Susan Anderberg end Mary Frampton, manag ing ed itors, review the layout of a previous "Courier."
MIDGE BENSON Associate Editor
The " Courier, " Jordan 's literary magazine, gave to many students the opportunity to have their stories, essays, or poems, published in it. The "Courier" was based on a western theme and the editors, along with the rest of the staff, worked hard and produced an outstanding mag azine that had great quality.
STAFF - larry latimer, larry Sorenson, Rhondra Andrus, linda C. Nelson, and Gloria Day helped produce the "Courier."
ORCHESTRA MEMBERS Row One: Jenny Lou Morely, Mary Tischner, Marilyn Shipp, Paul Dykman, Pam Kemp. Row Two: Alone Garfield, Peter Nelson, Mr. Dean, Carol Ann Burbank, Sherrie Burbank, Lonie Walsh, Fred
Smith, Robert Blomquist, Grant Erickson , Anno Rose Lavender, Koren Buh¡ ler, Sidney Gold, Marianne Jorgenson, Joy Coons, Dole Hansen, David Nichol, Howard Ross, Dorothy Thomson .
I â&#x20AC;˘
LEO A. DEAN Director
The musical department has been greatly enr.iched by the concert orchestra. It has provided the musical entertainment on many occasions during the school year. In December the orchestra participated in "The Messiah," and they also took part in several school productions.
Mr. Dean has a practice performance with the orchestra.
The concert band, under the direction of Leo Dean, presented many outstanding performances this year.
The band forms a sheriffs badge in a formation from the 路路oK Corral. 路路 -~
BAND OFFICERS Joy Coons, librarian; Leo Dean, conductor; Howard Ross, Pep Band leader, Phil Smart, Concert Band director and major; Con nee Pierce, secretary.
PEP BAND MEMBERS Row One : Howard Ross, director; Louis Weichert, Ernie Bedont, Gayle Chamberlin, Diane Jenson, Cheryl Bateman, Joy Coons . Row Two : Theron Mugleston, Brent Anderson, Robert Rich, Bill Collett, Keith Derricott, Dale Hansen, Grant Erickson, Stephan Rodgers.
Margie Bell and Phil Smart are the majorette and drum major of the school band.
Pep Ba:n.d
The music program was greatly changed this year main ly because a new music director took the place of J. C. Crapo, who retired last year. Coming in to take his p lace was Leo A. Dean . M r. Dean, together with his band members clad in maroon and grey uniforms, performed for many occasions. They marched during half-time for various games and also represented Jordan in many m usic festivals.
A CAPPELLA - Row One: Sonja Nickle, Carma Ekins, Lynne Brody, Sydney Smith, Loreen Jacobsen, Ann Brown, Lester Hone, Byron Bateman , Kurt Folkerson, Blain Astle , Robert Peterson, Steven Roden, Anno Rose Loveder, Donna Jean Pond, Roe Anderson, Rachel Bollard , Kitty DeGues, Polly Preston, Dixie Reed . Row Two: Marva Weber, Marie Gordner, Judy Francom, Connie Pierce, Goy Tallent, Marjorie Bell, Peter Nelson, Charles Burris,
Steve Heaps, Arion Anderson, Chuck Koehn, Robert Keeler, Vol Shrews bury, Bill Homer, Mary Deon Stout, Sherrie Grundvig , Karen Buhler, Hollo Roe Belcher, Kathy Scott. Row Three : Mary Densley, Lynn Hoffman, Dol Thompson, Barbaro Bill, Eva Roubicek, Lorry Sorenson , Craig Finlayson, Gory Worthen, Stanley Bell, David Bluemel, LaVell Kirbey, Jim Kiholm, Burk Smith, Judy Milne, Carolyn Jensen, Leah Nelson, Judy Houmond, Lindo Pock .
Cappella Kitty DeGeus, Fred Smith, Anno Rose Lavender, Dixie Reed, and Mr. Dean, director, toke time out from Messiah performance.
Jordan High School A Cappella has added much to the old fame of Jordan through delighting the surrounding com munities with their singing. They per formed before the Utah Education Asso ciation, and the Centennial Banquets, on television, and various civic affairs, and at P.T.A. meetings and school assemblies. The a cappella class plus the chorus classes presented the seventeenth rendition of Handel 's "Messiah" in De cember. The orchestra provided the accompaniment, and J. Clement Crapo, retired conductor from Jordan, came as guest conductor for the public performonce.
Dance club members were to present a dance concert under the direction of Miss Bateman, but due to circumstances were unable to complete this prpject.
an.ce Co:ncert
An ¡¡under the Sea"" dance was to have been one of the highlights of the dance concert.
There were to have been many varieties of dances an the concert, which would have been the first cultural program of this type ever presented at Jordan.
Norman Riggs and Vance Rawl ings prepare some scenery for the Traveling Assembly.
tage Crevv
Carl Howlett, chief, and Bryan Steadman manipulate the spot controls .
Glen Gabler and ElRoy Dow work on the 16mm film projector .
With Mr. Riggs as teacher and Carl Howlett as chief, the small, able stage crew han dled the lighting, sound effects, and props for all school shows and assemblies. As well as remodeling Jordan 's stage equipment, the crew made itself indispensable to the audio visual department in the show ing of movies .
Carl Howle tt and Vance Rawl ings pull the sw itch for. the house lights in the new pro jector room .
MODEL U.N. MEMBERS- Row One : Beverlli Fisher, Polly Preston, Janet Snarr, Vicki Young, Carol Blair, Toni londures. Row Two : Bruce Plott, Dione Chavez, Marilyn McDonald, Ann Bechtel, Della Dibb, Con nee Pierce, Sheryl Johanson, Chorlee Henson, Jim Wells .
odel U.N.
OFFICERS AND ADVISER Addie Jeon Fuhrimon , adviser; Vicki Young, assistant secretory-general; Connee Pierce, secretory-treasurer; Beverll i Fisher, secretory; Bruce Plott, porl io mentorion; rolk about the mock U.N.
Jordan High School represented Panama at the mock U. N . held at the University of Utah this spring . In order to act the part well, U. N. members studied Panama and Panamanian customs and policies throughout the year. Active in Utah's Student U. N. since its beginning last year, Jordan's representation again brought honor and publicity to our schooL
SCHOOL PLAY CAST- Susan Nichols, Trudy Robinson , Myrna Walke r, Bill Thompson, Garth Burgan, Dick Butler, Lynne Brody, Howard Kempton , Burk Smith, Beverlli Fisher, Val Shrewsbury, Bob White , Lynn Hoffman,
Claudio Hyatt, Dione Von Orman, Will Bishop, Francine Tuft, Robert Lorson, ElRo y Dow, Joy Coons, Liz Blackett, J1m Wells, Carolyn Strelo, Bruce Plott, Gloria Day, Dixie Boswell .
chool Play
Dione Von Orman, student director; and Norman Riggs, director; make a final check on the script for the ploy.
A spell -bound oud1ence was the result of the perfected acting in the school ploy.
CLAUDIA HYATT as Nancy Lee Faulkner
BURK SMITH as Attorney Stevens
LYN HOFFMAN as Koren Andre
BOB WHITE as Judge
ROBERT LARSON as John Graham Whitfield
Lorry Regan
WILLARD BISHOP as Attorney Flint
""The N"ight of January 16th""
The bailiff of the court boldly escorts Lorry Regan from the stand in a scene from "The Night of January 16th."
The School Play, a murder mystery entitled " The Night of January 16th" was presented by the drama students of Jordan High. With its directors, Mr. Riggs and Diane Vein Orman, they presented an extraordinary play with an interesting plot. The scene was a courtroom, and the jury was actually picked from the audience. The play was given on the twentieth and twentyfirst of November.
The Traveling Assembly cast.
', t
• •
Beverlli Fisher, student director; and Norman Riggs, director; talk over cast of the Traveling Assembly.
Gloria Day and Carolyn Strelo put the final touches on Myrna Walker . These three girls were the make -up committee for the entire cost.
Barry Bendixen, a Greek dancer, does a solo performance to " Hernadoes Hidaway. "
The Traveling Assembly, entitled a "Day With Zeus, " visited most of the schools in Region Four and put on an outstanding performance at each. The scene of the assembly was the courtyard of the God, Zeus. The cast was attired in Greek costumes, and a great variety of musical talent was shown. The Dance Club supplied the dance numbers, and the rest of the talent was picked from the talent assembly which was presented in the early fa II.
one of the Greek muses, convinces the audience
Statue dancers praise the Goddess of Beauty, Venus, ''A Day With Zeus."
Zeus and his Goddess portrayed by Robert Larson and Myrna Walker, watch a scene in their courtyard.
Slave girls vividly sing for the audience and for their " master."
Roger Mortineou, Neil Smith, Randy Treadway, and Bechtel participate in o practice debate. JOHN F. LYON Director
SENIOR DEBATERS - Row One: Bruce Plott, Bob Akogi, Willard Bishop, Vicki Young, Carol Jones, Beverlli Fisher. Row Two: Sydney Smith, Gwenda Atkinson, Norma Ander¡ son, Russell Porker, Carl Howlett, Lynn Jones . Row Three : Jim Wells, Phil Yorgoson, Bob White, Carolyn Jenson . Boni Phelps, Della Dibb.
JUNIORS DEBATERS Sitting: Anita Edwards, Art Cosper. Standing: Harold Lorson, Vicki Sagers, Anno Rose Lavender, Elaine Stuart, J. R. Edwards, Judy Berrett, Kathleen Lind .
The Jordan debate and speech groups participated in all forensic work which included practice debates, extemporaneous speaking, oration, and legislative forum. Teams were sent to the various contests. One was held at Weber College, where three states participated, and the others included competition held in the region and state. Thirteen students qualified for state.
SOPHOMORE DEBATERS - Row One : Betty Jean Smith , Vicki Price , Janet Olsen, Afton Greenwood, Kay Yengich, Marilyn Gunnell , Becky Smith,
Sherry Brklocy, Julie Brown. Back Row: Fronk Tuft, Joe Sargent, El Roy Dow, Brent Anderson, Ne il Smith, Kent Ashman, Pot Elder, Fronk Goufin, George Young, Henry Miller, Dean Bowden , David Jorgenson.
Students depicting various sports look bock to the post when the high school first participated in competition with other schools. Playing our first football game in 1908, we lost to American Fork. The first league basketball was formed in 1910, but with no gym or hall to practice in, Jordon withdrew. Baseball began in 1908,ond in 1917 the track team held its first track meet. Since that time, Jordon has won many trophies and many honors.
Hurroh for Jordon I
Here's to the school we love so well .
JOANIE SAMPSON We ' re from Jordon I
BOB AKAGI Let 's Go Jordon I
MARGIE BELL Fight I Fight I Fight I
DALE HANSEN Captain, Guard
MIKE PAVICH Captain, End
ootball VARSITY TEAM - Row One: Lloyd Atkinson, Billy Deluco, George Bopis, Bill Homer, Louie Deluco , Bill Thomas, Dole Hansen . Row Two: Joy Green, Mike losello, Byron Smith, Grant Dav is, John Eltz, Ken Despa in, Carl Lindsay, Norm Rich, Donny Cameron, Dennis Dahl, Brion Corlquist .
Row Three: Kent Hoffman, Michael Grone, Zone Porker, Steve Heaps,
Bob Mascaro, Dole Welch, Clayton Sm ith, Mike Loulios, Russell Parker, Gary Coulam . Row Four: Glen Jackson, coach; Jim Turner, Steve Love, Dick Weber, Kent Maynes, Mike Pavich, Vol Vrones, Jim Hutchings, Lorry Larson, Evert Jones, coach.
The Team
Danny Cameron tackles one of the Granger gridders.
BILL DELUCA Quarterback
Cale:n.dar Pre-Season
Box Elder at Jordan ________________ Sept. 11 Springville at Jordan ---------------- Sept. 18 Jordan at West -------------------------- Sept. 25 League Schedule
Jordan at Bingham -------------------- Oct. 8 Tooele at Jordan ------------------------ Oct. 16 Jordan at Cyprus ------------------------ Oct. 23 Murray at Jordan ---------------------- Oct. 30 Jordan at Granger -------------------- Nov. 6
Jordan scrambles with Murray only to tie the final score.
Billy Deluca runs away with the ball.
Beetdiggers make ready for a touchdown.
Ken Despain, Louie Deluca, and Clayton Smith, watch excitedly the last few minutes of the Tooele-Jordan game .
Coach Jackson gives Instructions to the team members.
Diggers struggle with the Murray Spartans in the last minutes of the tied game.
The first game of football as Jordan was played in 1908 with American Fork, but Jordan lost. In 1913 the team placed second in the state. We have taken state championships in football in 1931, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1941, 1944 1946, 1948, and 1950. In 1959 we took Region IV championship. This year the team had a good showing, winning the Tooele and Cyprus games and tying with Murray. We lost to Bingham and Granger.
SOPHOMORE TEAM Row One: Steven Taylor, Drew Hansen, Ernest Bedont, Kent Hansen, Eugene l:wtt, Howard Worthen, lloyd Woodward, Carl Leatherwood, Bradley Brimhall, lynn Lorson, Joy Whiting, Merrill Enniss. Row Two: John Hutching, Kent Newbold, Craig Shoemaker, Joe Williams, Bruce Cowdell, Joey Konkelborg, Andrew Bergman, Bill Boyle,
The hard-fighting sophomore football team ended the season by winning only the games with Granger and Tooele. Although they lost to Murray, Cyprus, and Bingham, they showed a lot of enthusiasm for the sport. They were coached through the season by Sherm Crump and Bob Teran.
Kent McCleary, Joe Sargent, Fronk Tuft, Rodney Malstrom, Donald Glover. Row Three: Bill Boggess, manager, Sherm Crump, coach; Eugene Ninomiyo, Richard Day, David lloyd, Melvin Blaney, Bill Former, George Young, Keith Smith, Steve Day, Wolfgang Menssen, Kenneth Hadley, lorry Neff, Mike Monnos, Bob Teran, coach; Donald Jacobson, manager.
Sophomore Team
The competitive sport of wrestling helps develop perfect body conditions and muscular coordination in its participants. Jordan's top wrestlers competed with other teams of the schools in Region IV . The team placed fourth in the Region and three men, Bob Brown, Richard Harris, and Mickey Lamashiro qualified for state. WRESTLING TEAM Row O ne: Roger Andrus, Bob Brown, Lynn Wardle, Richard Harris, Mickey Yamashiro, Bob Akogi, Byron Smith . Row Two: Zone Porker, Kenny Lauritzen, Rodger Martin, Louis Weichert, Steven Taylor, Ernie Bedont, Merrill Enniss, Steve Day. Row Three: Bob Blair,
restlin.g Rose Leo Gonzales, Bruce Birchell , Gene Ninomiyo, Mike Monos, Albert Siminich, Hal Lothum, Brent Plant . Row Four: Bobby Thomson, Ed Fitz¡ gerald, Carl Leatherwood, Lynn Lorson, Bruce Cowdell , Howard Worthen, Joe Williams, David Ostler, Rolph Williome, Lloyd Woodward.
A tight grip in the classic sport seems to throw a grunting wrestler.
Led by Art Hughes and Sherm Crump, the mighty Beetdigger team won valiantly over all league opposition . Losing a heartbreaking upset to Bingham, the Diggers tied with the Miners for first place in Region IV.
Basketball Team lfs always a close match and a suspenseful one when we ploy Bingham . Mike Pa vich captures the boll for us here .
Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
56 61 54 60 65 63 59 54 57 61
_ --------- __ Tooele ------------ Bingham ----------- __ Murray ---------- _ Granger --------- ___ Cyprus ------------·- _ Tooele ___ -------- Bingham ------------ _ Murray ....•••.. __ Granger ........ _ Cyprus
44 64 41 43 34 45 45 43 52 53
For the mo'ment, Jordan 's ahead, racing for another point towards a victory.
J-u:nior Varsity Team JUNIOR VARSITY TEAM Row One: Kent Stephan, Cleve Hale, M ike Hughes, Paul McMullin. Row Two: Dave Ehlers, manager, Craig Shoe-
Jordan's Junior Varsity Team showed a lot of spunk, although they only won four out of the ten games played for the Region IV championship. The team, made up of fourteen players consisting of five juniors and nine sophomores, was coached by Sherm Crump.
maker, Kent McCleary, Gordan Kimball, David Jorgenson . Row Three: Sherm Crump, coach; Don Glover, Larry Larson, Rodney Oliver, Jim Turner, Lee Brindley, Bradly Brimhall.
Jordan Sophomores show a lot of enthusiasm in one of their important games.
The Sophomore basketball team made a good showing, for they won six out of the ten games played in Region IV. The sophs represented Jordan with fighting spirit and enthusiasm.
ophomore Team
SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Steve . Kromer, Cleve Hale, Ronnie Jones, Mike Hughes, Joe Moore, Brent Anderson . Row Two: Craig Shoemaker, Gordon Kimball, Jerry Jacob, David Jorgenson, Bill Farmer, Richard Day.
Row Three: Jim Stevens, manager; Bob Halpin, Paul Anderson, Pat Elder, Bob Teran, coach; Bradley Brimhall, Jay Whiting, Lorin Jenkins, manager.
Jordan students go wild during the exciting tournament games.
The basketball team proudly listens to the cheering during the send off to the tournament. Mike Pavich goes in for another point in the victorious game with South.
ou.rn.amen.t Chuck Tebbs tries his famous jump shot during one of the tournament games.
In 1910 Jordan entered the newly formed Basketball League with Salt Lake, Granite, and Bountiful; but having no gym to practice in, Jordan withdrew. Jordan took state for the first time in 1935 under the teaching of our own Dunn Taylor. Through the years we have taken state championship five times - in 1935, 1951, 1953, 1954, 1955. This yeat the Diggers again went valiantly to the tournament and missed taking third place by loosing to the Davis Darts. We did, however, take seventh place in the state.
Dick Dille scores again for Jordon.
Scoreboard Jordan 59 ------------------ Spanish Fork Bingham 50 -------------------------- Jordan Jordan 57 ------------------------------ South Davis 52 ------------------------------ Jordan
50 44 48 48
TOURNAMENT TEAM Row One: Dove Ehlers, manager; Chuck Tebbs, leRoy Berrett, Keith LaComb, Jim Kiholm, Kent Stephan, Wayne Beckstead,
Mike Pavich a ims for the basket in the dramatic games with Bingham.
manager. Row Two: Art Hughes, coach; Jim Turner, Bill Deluco , Les Moore, Lorry Lorson, Mike Pavich , Paul" Anderson, Dick Dille, Sherm Crump, coach.
rack TRACK TEAM - Row One: Mervin Jenson, Earnest McKoy, Grant Davis, Shelby Pierce, Ronnie lee, Don Campbell, Bill Blair, Gory Fogg, Bruce Cow dell, Jim Stevens, Warren Brody, Roy Gorn , Joy Wilkes, Carnes Burson, Bob Blomquist, manager. Row Two: Coach Teran, Gory Richards, Bob Mascora, Mostyn Cox, lloyd Atkinson, Dole leDuc, Russell Porker, Don Barney,
Thomas Bishop, Zone Porker, George Milligan, Don Kocherhons, Vol Shrewsbury, Jock Mulholland, Kay Edwards, Joe Sargent. Row Three: Bob White, Tony Trinnomon, Bill Former, John Wetsel , Phil Smith, Dick Weber, Rodney Fullmer, Denn is Dahl , Stephen love, Jon Gilbert, Ned Walker, Bill Collett, Rodney Malstrom, Merrill Enniss, Tim Jones, lynn Jenkins, laVelle Kirby, manager.
Discus throwing is one of the ma in events in a track meet.
The track team represented Jordan in Region IV competition. Among the other meets they attended were the region, state, and relay carnival. They again received their invitation to compete with other schools at the B.Y.U. Invitational held on April 23.
In running the 220-yard race these boys must show skill .
BASEBALL TEAM - Row One: Archie Archuletta, Chuck Tebbs, Bill Deluca, Louie Deluca, Kent Higham, Milan Uremavich, Nick Bapis, George Bapis, Mike Hughes. Row Two: David Boyce, Mel Blarney, Keith LaComb, Howard
Worthen, Jay Whiting, James Turner, Steven Morl, Richard Steel. Row Three: Coach Crump, Burk Smith, Sheryl Wennerstrom , Craig Shoemaker, Gorden Kimball, Howard Smith, Kent McCleary, Cleve Hale, Norman Stuart.
Baseball players practice catching flies.
Baseball was first formed at Jordan in 1908 when the team joined with Granite and Salt Lake teams to form a league. In 1922 we took state championship and in 1951 -52 we were second in the state. Jordan's baseball team is looking forward to another bright season.
Nick Bapls is at bat while Bill Deluca, catcher, waits for the pitched ball. louie Deluca practices throwing the baseball.
Thomas Despain, a tennis letterman, sizzles the ball over the net.
The tennis team consists of a group of hardworking boys who have a great deal of spirit and enthusiasm for the sport. Every night they practice after school, and twice a week they are matched with competition from other schools.
TENNIS TEAM Row One: Ronnie Jones, Brent Anderson, Morris Stuart, Wally Richards, Richard Boswell . Row Two: Glen Jackson, coach; Bob Halpin, Jim Snarr, John Dutton .
Competitive play is for the refreshment of the body and mind. In the Girls' Physical Education Department, emphasis is placed on this idea. All of the sports and games are introduced to the sophomore and junior classes, and they compete against each other in tournaments. Basketball, volleyball, the trampoline, wiskit, tennis, and golf all contribute richly to the physical, mental, social, and emotional develop¡ment of all.
Competitive basketball is also an exciting sport among the girls.
Sophomore girls all participate in jumping on the trampoline .
Competitiv-e Sports
Sophomore girls chat about the game afterwards in the dress Ing room.
Miss Seaman explains the proper way to play the game of wiskit.
Students of today, looking to the past at the people of yesterday as they make ready to go on their "hot" date, turn their thoughts to that time during the first days of Jordan 's fun. The Junior Prom was first presented in 1912. During 1920 watermelon busts were started by the Ag Boys and were continued until 1940. The first Senior Progressive was started in 1920 also and is still a favorite event of all seniors. The activities at Jordan are many, and since the school has been built, the extra-curricular fun has greatly increased. 138
Charleston girlies flutter their eyelashes for the audience.
The "mummy" was one of the favorites on Jordan talent assembly.
Talent A.ssembly
pecial Drama students act out a skit during the talent assembly.
Alumni register as they visit the school on Home ¡ coming Day.
A.lum:n.i A.ssembly Joe Brklacy, Sherm Crump, and Marilyn Yates, all Jordan alumni, perform for the students on Alumni Day.
Utah State A.ssembly
Utah State University presents on assembly of musical talent.
Traveling A.ssemblies
Students "strike up the bond" In Bingham' s Traveling Assembly.
A highlight from Cyprus' Traveling Assembly was a dancer who tv.(irled batons of fire .
There were many varieties of assemblies which included comedies, pep, educational, and those presented from other schools. Along with these were the ones honoring Jordan athletes. The students enjoyed the many assemblies, parties, and get-togethers which were presented during the 1959-60 school year.
Mama, Papa, and Baby Bear win the attention of the audience during the Christmas Party.
Christmas Party
Faculty members on a pep assembly mourn over the death of Jordon's spirit.
Cheerleade rs receive a hearty "thanks" from the members of the Jordonette and Miss Hi Clubs.
Paul Goddard tells about his travels in the Himalayan Mountains.
N"atio:nal Assemblies Russ Potter, a secret agent for the U. S., presented the assemb ly, "Spies and Traitors."
The re a re ma ny ingredients that make up the recipe for a good team .
Se nior boys show their imp ressions of the basketball team.
Students perform an the first day of school in the assembly.
Specials Leo Dean introduces Siguard Roscher, world -famous saxiphonist, who p layed a concert with the Jordon bond.
Uremovich with the key to the
Dance Club members im itate team members on the floorshow of the Football Dance.
Beverly Horrocks ond Dell Welch were the King ond Queen of the Football Dance.
Foot ball Dance
S--vveethearts . Ball Annabelle Brown ctowns Mary Lindsay and Barry Bendixen King and Queen of the Sweethearts' Ball.
Couples enjoy dancing to Jack Turner's Orchestra at the Sweethearts' Ball.
The annual Sweethearts' Ball was presented February 6th, 1960, by the Future Homemakers of America under the direction of Annabelle Brown, president. The dance, entitled "Fascination," was centered around blue and white decorations.
The Jitterbug is the favorite among the teens at Jordan .
Liz Blackett, Queen of the Harvest Ball, poses with her attendants, Maurene Wilkinson and Linda Wheadon. Gary Fogg, left, presented the girls w ith their gifts .
I-Iarvest Ball
Senior I-Iop Stringing the ceiling for the Senior Hop is quite a big job.
Here we look through a torn sail which was part of the decorations for the theme, ¡¡Land of the Midnight Sun ."
The Class of 1960 presented the Senior Hop based on the theme, " Land of the Midnight Sun." It was presented on December 11, 1959, in the Boys ' Gym. Those in charge of the dance were the senior officers: Mike Pavich, Margo Walters, and Michelle Grane.
A.lumni Dance
Dan Marriot, master of ceremonies, introduces the queen candidates. Toni Landures was crowned Queen, while Gayle Nance and Claudia Berrett were her attendants.
The Alumni officers planned a full day of exciting things for the Jordan alumni . First, the alumni were invited to school and guided on tours around the building . They then presented an assembly for the students. During the evening they sponsored a dance and a queen contest. Newly elected officers were inaugurated .
Sophomore girls perform at the half-time of the dance. Alumni from Jordan enjoyed the dance after a big day at school.
Sophomore Party A teacher collects the tickets at the Sophomore Party.
Junior Prom Committee, LuAnn Smith, Howard Kempton, Sydney Pederson, Steve Mori, and Brent Phillips, discuss their plans for a successful evening.
The decorations for the prom ore centered around the theme, " Carousel."
Junior Prom Prizes were given for the best decorated socks. The Junior Promenade at the half-time of the dance was a glorious event.
Stocking Stomp Scenes like this could be seen everywhere at the Stocking Stomp.
KAYE CLEMENTS "My True Security"Contest
HOWARD KEMPTON " I Speak For Democracy"
JIM WELLS American legion Oratorical Contest
Ho:nor Wi:n:ners
AVID NICHOL and CLAUDIA CHAMBERLIN Outstanding Journalists
BECKY SMITH U. N. Pilgrimage for Youth
LOREEN JACOBSON 4 -H Homemaking Award GIRL'S STATERS Row One: Michelle Grone, Nanette Richards. Row Two : Sherry Rueckert, leah Jane Nelson, Connee Pierce.
CLAUDIA HYATT Leadership Award
ANNA ROSE LAVEDER State Fair Music Com;>etition
CAROL DEAN BLAIR National Merit Scholarship
Daily announcements revealed the accomplishments of those students who had done outstanding work during the year. Students earned top honors in sciences, speech, and the various arts. Jordan High School is proud of the students who bring honor to its name.
BOY'S STATERS- Row One: Kenny Lauritzen, Jim Snarr, Mike Pavich, Kurk Smith, Robert Keeler, Roger Martin, Newell Bringhurst, Blaine Goff, Howard Ross. Row Two: Richard Stott, Barry Bendixen, Jon Gilbert, Milan Uremovich, Tom Mellenthin, Byron Smith, Terry Orton, Lyle Bawden.
LARRY LA TIMER Photography Award
JOYCE BEDONT Betty Crocker Contest
Students pay their fees during the Iotter port of August. School started August 31 .
Junior students tune in the television for their doily classhour. American history students hod the privilege of watching their lessons on T.V .
Sherman, the skeleton, ploys on important port In the lives of the girls taking health .
Engagement rings ore the big talk around the school.
Students look at a familiar sign . Scenes like this could hove been seen any time during basketball season.
Mel Berrett inspects Janice Meissner's " big " purse . Purses of considerable size could be found oil over the school .
Students wait to register for school in front of Mr. Gold¡ born son¡ s office. ~
If you were to look in the photo darkroom, many times you would find Carol Cressoll making prints for the yearbook our thanks to Coral for her help.
Issuing locker keys is on important doy, especially for the bookstore workers.
Students busily decorate the Christmas tree in the main hall during the yuletide season.
Shoes like this were worn in the olden doys .
Style in clothing hos somewhat changed since the 1920 's; ho":'ever, this year students have been seen wearing drop waist dresses.
Changes in Fads Hair styles have gone to a change for the bolter, we hope . A woy during the days of yore for popular young men to wear their hair was a " part" directly down the middle. Fashions which were popular when Mom and Dad were kids are almost like the ones which can be seen today.
Big purses that can hold anything from nuts to screws are the fad .
Popular among the girls ore the sh irtwaist dress and the blazer jacket and pleated skirt. Favorites w ith boys are the button -down -color shirt and the sun -tan pants.
Fads and fashions have undergone q uite some changes since the time most of our parents were in school. Skirts have gone from short ¡ to long to short again. New fads are always popping up. The most frequent of the changes are those in styles and ways, yet the styles of today are beginning to look like the fads of yesterday.
and Fashions The bouffant hair style showed popularity with many girls, and the boys go for any hair style that is short. Here are some of the popular shoe> that the boys wore this year. Here is an array of shoes that were popular among the g irls. Spool heels and canvas shoes were the most outstanding.
The cooking classes of the olden doys prepared their foods much differently from ours.
Big changes have taken place in the classrooms since the school was built, partly because of the remodeling of the school over a period of time, and partly because of the increase in the number of students.
Here is o typical typewriting class in the 1920"s.
The cafeteria wos very smell in 1920 com pored to the cafeteria of today .
The auto mechanics class work on their "Model T's."
Cha:n.ges It is difficult to believe that these classrooms existed only forty years ago. You can see the great changes that have taken place. However, in years to come, there will be new high schools in Region IV, and more students will be attending school for better educations.
The study hall consisted of both boys and girls.
Here is the student body office, now the committee room .
ummer Co:n.stru.ctio:n. Boys sh ine the new windows that replaced the old ones.
The main gym was the storage room for choirs and desks during the remodeling.
The school has been greatly remodeled in the past ten years. Just this summer a new gym, locker room, dance and health rooms have been built. The whole school received a paint job on the inside and new lockers were installed in all the halls. These changes have certainly made a better Jordan. ¡
Workers put in new doors in all the entrances.
Men loy new blackto p in the faculty parking lot .
Last year a new science and a music wing were built. In this section were included new laboratories for scientific work and also a ¡new chorus room . The auditorium was completely remodeled and was finished last May. Many new changes in the school district are yet to come about.
Here is the science wing in the process of being built.
The constructors talk over the blue prints of the building.
A worker Joys the bricks for the new girls' gym.
Here ore just o few of the mony workers that helped moke the old Jordon new.
The science ond music sections were gradually going up.
ck:novvledgeme:nt On behalf of the 1960 " Beetdigger" staff, we sincerely hope that we have brought to you a recollection of the 1960 school year. We wish to express our gratitude to Mary Woods, our adviser who is so diligently stepped in at the half of the year to assist us; Murray Allen and Carroll Cressall who helped with the photography; Wanda Wade and E. L. Crawford, yearbook committee; Arval Nelson of Midvale Camera Center, and Ray Bergman of Wheelwright Lithographing Co. for their friendly cooperation and helpful advice they gave the staff in producing the ''Beetdigger. " We hope that the theme, "Something Olde .. . Something New, " suggests everlasting memories that will linger forever in your hearts. DONNA WOOD Editor
o:nte :nt s Activities About Campus .............................. Assemblies .................................... Big Changes ................................ Changes in Fashions .................... Dances .......................................... Honor Winners .............................. Summer Construction ....................
150-151 140-143 154-155 152-153 144-147 148 - 149 156-157
Administration Counselors .............................................. 13 Faculty .............................................. 18 -22 Printipal ................................................ 12 School Board ......................................... 15 Student Officers ................................ 14 - 15 Student Government ........................ 16-17 Superintendent ........................................ 10
Athletics Baseball ........................................ 134 - 135 Basketball .................................... 126-131 Cheerleaders ....................................... 118 Football ........................................ 119-123 Girls' Competition ...................... .. . 137 Tennis ................................................. 136 Track ............................................ 132 - 133 Wrestling ...................................... 124 - 125
Cultural Arts Band ............................................ 104 - 105 Dance Concert ...................................... 107 Messiah ............................................... 106 Orchestra .............................................. 103 Beetdigger ........................................... 100 Broadcaster ......................................... 101 Courier .................................................. 102
Debate .......................................... 114-115 Model U. N .......................................... 109 School Play .................................. 1 10 - 11 1 Traveling Assembly ...................... 112-113
Introduction . ·······•·· ......................................... 1-8 Organizations Boys Club ................................. 76 Charlonian Club ............................... 80 -81 Dance Club ......................................... 86 D. E. C. A. . .......................................... 93 F. F. A. .................................................. 91 F. H. A . .............................................. 90 Future Nurses ..................................... 92 Future Teachers ................................... . 92 Girls Club . . ................................ 77 Jay Dee Club .......................... ..... .. 84 Jordanette Club . .......................... 83 Key Club . .......................... 78 -79 Language Club .. .......................... .. . . 95 Lettermen Club . ... .................... 89 Masque and Gavel ................... ... . 96 Miss Hi Club ...................... . 85 N . F. L. . ..................................... 97 Press Club ................................... 94 Quill and Scroll ................ ............. 94 Radio Club ................................... 93 Red Cross Council .... ......................... 82 Safety Publicity . .......................... ... 82 Ski Club ................................. 88 Sports Club ....................................... 87
Student Body Juniors ................................... 47-59 Seniors ........................................... 29-45 Sophomores .................................... 61 -73
ADMINISTRATORS Allen, Murray F .....................- - 19, 100 Anderson, Stanley ......................... - ...... 21 Bagley, Fronk M ........._ ......................... 20 Bat<mon, Marietta ........ 22, 80, 86, 107 Bnceman, Marlon ···--·-··-···-····-··-·--· 11 Bennion, Deane ...........____________ 18, 17 Berrctr, Melvin A. ···-·-······-··-···-······ 18 Bianchi, Ernest j .........._ ..___ ............ 22 Beckstead, Delos ...................................... 24 Beckstead, F. Ross .................................. 24 Beckstead, Reed ...................................... 10 Bishop, Gloria W. ................................ 24 Boberg, Lowell j ...--·-----·--·--· 24 Boberg, Lowell j ............................. 18, 95 Boyce, Paul C . ........................................ 21 Brudy, Kenneth ... - .................................. 21 Brand, Rosella ........................................ 24 Brown, Blaine D. .. .........-........... 19, 20 Brown, Evelyn ........................................ 24 Budge, Donald M. ----·-· 21, 55, 93 Burningham, Floyd R. ------------------· 24 Buxton, Clyde .................- ... - ................ 11 Campbell, Richard ......................-. 20, 91
g:~'f~rJ:sc. BN. --:::::::=:::::::=::::::=::.~::=::
Crawford, E. L. .............- .......... 18, 100 Crump, ::.hermon ......·-----· 19, 21, 123 • 128, 140 Dean, Leo A ................. 14, I03, 104, 106 Deem, Gene ............................................ 20 Dowding, Hazel .........................- .......... 24 Evans, Howard C ................................... 22 Fitzgerol~ Mary ...................... 13, 77, 83 Frniley, 1..-hloe Ann .. _ .................. 18, 85 Fraser, Golda .................................... 18, 95 Fuhriman, Adelaide Jean .... 18, 85, 109 Ooldbronson, Phil f'............. 13, I7. 97 Gunnell, Forrell ...................................... 21 Henderson, Betry .................... 20, 51. 90 Hendrickson, A. LeMar .......... 18, 102 Hughes, Arthur 0 . ........................ 22, 126 Ja ckson, Olen R ......... 22, 76, 119, 122. 124, 130 jackson, T. Wendell ............................ 22 Jenson, Morvin ··········u···························· 11 )imas, Bob ................................................ 11 rgenson, 11.. W. .................................. 11 ones, Evert R ..................... 22, 119, 124 amnlkar, Frank ............................ 22, 53 Kennington. Emerson .................. 20, 88 Kruger, Robcrr ........................................ 18 Kunzler, II . Grant -·----------·-·------- 22 Larson, Mnbe1 ...._ ......- .......... - ............. 24 Linford, 11. D............_________............. 22 Lind, Lloyd ----·----------·------------·---· 20 Lyon, john F ............................... 18, 114 Mickelsen, Gordon E ........................... 20 Milne, Donald D................................... 22 Nelson, MaRet ........... - .. 20, 77, 82, 90
~~~~~· D~~~fd ·--p-_-·--:=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=: i4
Peorr, Arnold ) ............................. 21, 78 Pix ton, Robert L. .................................. 21 Rawson, Oralie .................. - ......... 18, 101 Ric!tord~ 1 13crtho ..................·-·----·----· 24 Riggs, Norma Dec ...... _.... 18, 96, 108 110, 112 Sanderson, G. Rcod ...... - ........... 12, 25 Seal, )omes L. .................- .............- ... 20 Seaman, llelen ........................ 22, 87, 88 Sharp( Swnlcy R ...... - .......................... 18 Shurt Iff, Jay 19 Soulier, Olen E..............- ................... 21 Swenson, Clifford La Mar ....._ .. 22, 78 Taylor, Dunn L. ............................ 13, 17 Teran, Robcrr D ................. 22, 62, 123 Thoma•, Fny 13 ............................... 14, 93 Tippetts, Veda L........................... - ....... 24 Tromer, Oerrrude ............................ 20, 84 Wade Wando 0 ...................... _, 19, 100 1 Walk<Jer, Austin L. ............................. 18 Wasden, Jed W ........ - .................. 20, 92 Woods, Mnry B.... - .............................. 100 Yares, Marilyn M . ............... 19, 80, 140
1! ................................_..
STUDENTS A Adam s. Dennis ........................................ Adnm s, Eldona .............................. 47, Adnms, Koren ................................ 29, Adnm•, William ............................ 29, Adnmson, jnmeo ...................................... Adnmson, juner ........ 16, 47, 80, 86, Adolphson, Rlchurd ............. - .............. Ainswo rth, james ..........- .....................
61 88 85 91
29 96 61 61
Akagi, Bob .............. 29, 78, 89, 97, 114 liM, 124, lb Akagi, Pauline -------------·-··--- 47, 83 Akagi, Roy ......_ ................... _____ 16, 29 Akers, Kobena - -.............. - ....- ........ 47 Alexander, judy ........................ 61, 82, 84 Alldredge, Brent -----------·-·--------· 47 Allen, Bill ........_ .. ________........_ ............ 47 Allen, Dennis ---·-·---·------------ 47 Allen, Gary .....- ............·-·-·---------· 47 Allen, James _ ................................... 29, 92 Allgood, Karen ............- ......... 25, 29, 82 Allmendinger, Darrel ....................- ... 47 Allmendinger, David ... - ...................... 47 Allmendinger, Karen .... 47, 80, 88, 103 Anderberg, Susan ---- 29, 83, 86, 88
Andersen, Margo ....... - .................. 47, 87 Andersen, Nadean _ .................- ......... 29 Anderson, Arion .................. 29, 101. 106 Anderson, Brent.... 61, 79, 105, 11), 136 Anderson, Dan ....... - ............................. 47 Anderson, Karen ------·-· 29, 90, 93 Anderson, Lawrence -··-·-············· 25, 61 Anderson, Lynda ... - ..........._ .............. 61 Anderson, Marilyn ·------------ 29, 95 Anderson, Milo ....................._ ................ 61 Anderson, Norma ------ 29, 83, 97, 114 Anderson, Pat -----------····-··-----··· 47 Anderson, Paul ...................................... 61 Anderson, Paul ...... 29, 76, 89, 106, 127 Anderson, Rae ..........................._ .......... 29 Anderson, Victor .................................... 61 And rcws, Linda .................. - ................. 4 7 Andrus, Louise ...................---------- 29 Andus, Ray .................................... - ..... 47 Andrus, Rhonda .................... 47, 87, 102 Andrus, Roger ...................... 61, 124, 125 Antctok, Blaine .......................- .... - ...... 47 Antczak, Marilyn ..- ............. - ............. 61 Archuleta, Archie --------· 61, 88, 134
~:hf,:,_J•Mna~h: -:::::::::_::::::=.:~_:::·.::::~-~~: ~
Ashby, Martha ...........- .......................... 47 Astle, Blaine .................. - ............... 29, 106 A8lorga, Owen ........................ 61, 8i. 88 A srorga, Linda .......................... 29, 82, 93 Atkinson, Gwenda ...................... 47, 114
~~~~~:~· 'il~b~r;7 ·--~~:. ~~:. .~.~.:.!.~!~. 1~~ B
Backus, Carolee ...-................ 48, 82, 87 Bagley, John ...................................... 61, 88 Bagley, Marilyn ..................- ........ 29, 92
~:::~~: ~~'d.-:::::::::::::::::::==:=::::::::: i~
Bair, John --·-·------------- 47, 124 Baird, Glenda ------------·----·----· 61 13aker, Donnie ---------··-----·-·-.. 61, 87 Baker, Carol ................ 29, 40, 83, 92, 96 Balich, Janet ... - ...- ..............- .... ·-·----· 29 Ballurd, Douglas ----------------·--·-·-- 29 Ballard, Oeor~e ----------------·-..- -.. 61 Ballard, Kathleen ............._ ..___ 29, 83 Ballard, Rachel ................ 17, 29, 83, 106 Bannon, Larry ....................---·---·---· 29 Bannon, Shirley .....-------------· 48, 87 Bopls, George 17, 48, 89, 119, 120, 134 13apis, Nick 15, 16, 17, 29, 89, 134, 135
~:;~·.s~ap~; ::::==-~::::::::::==~:= ~ Barney, Donald ------------ 61, 95, 132
~:;;ran~. b'::vid'·:::=~-==::::::::=::::::::::=: ~l Bateman, Bateman, Bntemnn, Botemon, 13awden, Bawden,
Byron ........... - ..47• 78, 79, 106 Blaine .............. --........- 16, 29 Cheryl ...... 16, 61, 84, 88, 105 Gory ---·-·····---··--·········---- 61 Dean .........- ........_. 25, 61, 115 Lyle ...... - ................ 25, 29. 149
~~=~: {(~:n;;t;--:.~::::-_:~::::::::::.::::....~: ~~
Bechtel, Ann .......... 48, 80, 97. 109, Il4 Bec k, 13onnie ,_............... - .................... 61 Beckstead, Anneue ....... 48, 80, 86, 95 Becksread, Dennis .................. - ............ 47 Becksreod, Maunne ___........ ---- 61, 88 Becksteud, Sharon ................ - ....- 30, 92 Beck.,ead, Wayne 25, 47, 96, 127, 128 ~edonr, Ernie .............. 61, 105, 123. 124 edonr, Joyce ----·--·---·-- 30, 82, 84, 92 94, 101, 149
~~~~~·.v;, ~~rrbn~~----:::::~:::::::::::::-.:::::::==: ~~
Be cher, Hollo Rae ............... _ .......... 30 Be 1lher, Marlene -·---·--................- .. 61 1 Margie 48, 83, 86, 88, 105, 106, 118 Bell, Bell, Stanley - - - - - - - - - - - 30, 106 e on, Janer ----····---------- 48
Bellon, Jerry .................... - .......- ........... 48 Bendixen, Barry 30, 78, 88, 112, 1'14, 14Y Bennion, Brenr ---··········-··-·-····-··-·· ..... 61 Bennion, Jackie ........................................ 48 Benson, Midge .......- ...... 30, 86, 88, 102 Henson, Stephen ···-··--···············-··-· 48 Bergman, Andy .........._________ 61, 123 Bernardo , Geraldine ······-·-·-·····-·--· 61 Bernardo, ]tm ·······-··-·-·-·-·····-·--··-··· 61 Bernardo, Jtmmy -·········--·--·-····-·-·-· 48 Berreu, Claud•• .............. 48, 86, 88, 146 Berreu, judy .................... 48, 83, 90, 115 Berrett, Lel{oy ................... - ............ 30, 127 Bess, Archie ............... ____ ......... _ ........ 48 Bess, Kenneth ····--·······-··-·····--·-···---· 30 Bianchi, Roger ····-··········-··-·····-··-······ 30 Biggs, julie ........................... - ........._ 61, 87 Bigler, Janice .................... 48, 82, 87, 96 Bill, Barbara ................._ .. 30, 85, 95, 106 B.tls, Allen ..................- ........................... 61 Bills, Karren ...............- ....·---·--·-· 61 Biltz, Mary Lynn ...........- .............____ 48 Birchell, Bruce ----------------- 61, 124 Bird, Kaye .......... - ............___.,______, 62 Bird, Lynette --·-··-··-···---·-···---·-····· 30 Birrell, Kent .....................---·----......... 61 Bishop, Coy ...................... ------------· 48 Bishop, judy ................ 31, 80, 81, 92, 96 Bishop, Thomas ............................ 62, 132 Bishop, Willard .......... 48, 110, Ill, 114 Bjork, DeAnn - ............................... 61, 84 Black, Clinron .......................................... 61 Blackett, Liz ................ 30, 40, 83, 86, 88 96, 110, 145 Blair, Bill ........ - .................. 61, 114, 132 Blair, Bob ... - ...................................____ 48 Blair, Carol .................... 30, 83, 109, 149 Blair, Robert .................................. 62, 124 Blair, Tom ............................... - ................ 30 Blaney, Melvin .................... 62, 123, 134 Blaney, Valent .......- .............................. 48 Blamick, Louise --......................... 62, 84 Blomquist, Robert 30, 93, 96, 103, 132 Bluemel, April ........... _ ..- ............... 48, 81 Bluemel, David ...... _ ......... 17, 25, 30, 106 Bodell, Shirlee ........................................ 31 Boggess, Bill ...... - ................... 62, 88, 123 Boggess, Jerry ...................-............ 62, 88 Bolliger, Laraine ...................... 31, 82, 86 Bond, Barbara .....................- ................. 48 Borg, Bonnie .............. - ........._ .. ___ 62, 85 Boswell, Dixie _ ................... 31, 95, 110 Boswell, Paul ...........- .............. - ............. 48 Boswell, Richard .......- ................. 48, 136 Boulden, Kirk .._ ..................- -... 25, 31 Boulter, David ____.........- ..........- .... 48 Bowen, Gerald ----------------·---·---·--- 62 Bowen, Rolene .......-...................... 62, 84 Bowman, Larry ·······--·····--···-·---··-·· 48 Boyce, David .......................... - ..... 62, 134 Boyce, Lynette ·---·- ·-·-· 48, 80, 86, 88
g~~1:: ~i~i.._~~----- -~-~.-.-.-.-.-~.-.-.-.-.-.-:.-:::=:-~.-.--- 6E ·1
Boyle, Linda .......- .... - ... - .............. 48, 88 Boynton, Marjean .................. 31, 92, 96 Brace, Glenna ......... _ .. _______ 48, 82, 85 Brady, Brend11 -------------------------· 48 Brady, Henry ................. - ............_._ 31 Brady, Jimmy ....................- .... 16, 31, 89 Brady, Lynne .... 31, 80, 86, 88, 106, tiO Brady, Warren __________.._________ 62 Breeze, Bill - ............._ ....______________ 48 Brennan, Jim ··-··-··-·-·--·····-····----·· 31 Breon, Vickey .............. ......._ . 48, 80 Brewer, Sharon ·-----······-·--·····-·-··-·· 48 Brimhall, Bradley ........ 62, 91, 123, 128 Bnmhall, Deanna .................... 16, 48, 80 Brimhall, Glenda -------------.............. 62 Brimhall, Judith .............................. 61, 31 Brimhall, Wayne ..........._______________ 31 Brindley, Lee - ................ _______ 48, 128 Bringhursr, Dennis --····-·-····---·--····· 91 Bringhurst, Ellis ________ .................. 31, 91 Bringhursr, Jessie --···-···-·--······--·-· 18 Bringhurst, Leo ··---·--·---------···---·- 62 Bringhurst, Newell .....- ............... 31, 149 Brinton, Bill .............................................. 48 Brklacy, Sharon .............. 62, 83, 96, 115 Brown, Allan ......_ ........................... 31. 78 Brown, Ann ..--·---· 31, 82, 83, 95, 106 Brown, Annabelle ........ 31, 83, 90, 1'14 Brown, Bob ______ __ ......................... 124, 125 Brown, Delores --·-·-·-··-··-··-------··· 62 Brown, Elaine ----------................. 62, 88 Brown, julie ............................ 62, 83, liS Brown, Karen .......................... 31, 82, 92 Brown, Kathy _ ............................... 62, 85 Brown, Lionel --·-··--·-··-·-···-·-· 63 Brown, Phil ...... ---------·--·-·- 63 Brown, Sharon -----·-·--· 31, 82, 92
Buchanan, Mignon ................................ 48, t.lla Mane ·-······-··········-···--···· 6J Buhler, Karen .. 31, 82, 83, 95, 103, 106 Bulkley, Kogert ........................................ 63 Bulkley, !:iandra ...... _ ............... 25, 31, ~3 Bullett, Joe __............- ... - ............... - ... 63 Burbank, !:iherrie Lee _ ...................63, 103 Burgon, Berdie ........_ ............. 63, 87, YO Burgon, Claron ------ 16, 48, 7Y, 96, 97 Burgon, Uanh .............................. 31, liO Burgan, Margie ····-·-··-···--·--··-·-···-··· 49 Burke, judy .......- ....- .............................. 31 Burr, Bryan ···---··-····-···--···-·--········-··-·· 31 Burris, Charles --------..----------- 95, 106 Burson, Carma ------·-·-·-················-··· 49 Burson, Carnes .............................. 31, 132 Burton, Michael ··--·--·-····-···-······--······ 49 Butler, Richard ................- ........... 31, 110 Buuerfield, Oayla .................................. 31
~~::~;~:~:~: t~~da ·~::::::::=::::==:=:::=~== ~~ Butterfield, Verla ___ ................._, 63, 87 c
Caldwell, Linda __ .................................. 32 Cameron, Dannie ----- 31, 89, ll9, 120 Campbell, Dale -----.............. - ...- ....... 63 Campbell, Don ........................ 49, 88, 132 Canning, Boyd ....................... - .... 32, 101 Canning, David .......... - ......................... 63 Cantrell, Noel .......................................... 49 Carlquist, Brian .................... 49, 89, 119
§!;~~~: t'a~r~n :=::::=::=::::=::::::::::~: ~-~.: ~
.. ... Carlson, Alice ..........- ............................. 32 Carlson, Gail ............................................ 63 Carlson, JoAnn ...................................... 49
::==:::::::::==~::=::::.-::::::::: ~i
t':ece .. Carpenter, Barbara -·--···-····--···-····---· 63 Carpenter, Carrie Lee .......... 25, 32, 93 Carpenter, Sharon .......................... 63, 85 Carroll, Leslie .......................................... 32 Carrigan, joan ................................ 49, 118 Carson, Cathy .......................... 32, 94, 100 Carter, Kathleen .......... _ ..________ 49, 81 Casper, Art .................. _. 49, 79, 96, 115 Chamberlain, Gayle ------·---·-· 49, 105 Chamberlin, Cherie ........ 63, 82, 85, 94 Chamberlin, Claudia ........ 32, 81, 82, 92 94, 101, 148 Chavez, Diane ---------------· 63, 83, 109 Cherry, Charlette --------------....... 49 Chidester, .::arolyn - -......................... 49 Christen~n, Darlene -····--·-···--·--·-··· 32
Chrisrensen, Donna ····--··---··----··-- 49
§g;:~~~~:!~: ~r~~s --::-~:::~~=:=-~~:=:~::::::: ji
Christopherson, Dalene ........ 49, 82, 95 Christopherson, Hal ...................... 49, 88 Clarke, Marilyn ..........................__ 49, 83 Cleland, Robert - ..............._ .. ___________ , 49 C lemenrs, Kaye 32, 81, 88, 92, 102, 148 gemeSt, Mary ----------------........... 63 C e, andra ............. ______________ 49, 87 C::llm, Bill - ........... - ........ 32, 105, 132 eoll~::: g~~~1d Coli' Le ___________., ______ 63 63
Coli!"'· L· 0e -..·-------........... 63, 88
Coli:~~· S~o~:
~~ric~:£~~~~~~~~;:;;~~=~~~~ ~~
o , Karen ...- ........ 32, 82, 85, 90, 96
~ok,b Lovenna .._____ ......................._ .. 49
Co om s, Ellen ·-------.................. 49, 83 ons, Joy - -.......... 32, 83, 88, 96, 101 103, 104, 105
~~\~~a, t;thony ................ - ............... 32 Co . . ry ---................. 50, 82, 119 vmgron, Brenc ·---·--·---···-·---·-- 63 Co wdell, Bruce ............ 63, 123, 124, 132 33
~~~ll: ~~~~:~
............_, _____............
~te~~~~~~~::;~S¥.~~~t~:~if:1!1 ~:~d~!.nt R-~;-;w--·:::=::~:::::=:=:~~::::::::::::: ~~
Crane, Maurice ........................ 33, 89, Cranf' Rex ................. - ....... - .................. Crawtrd, Mary Lee -----......... - .....___ raw ord, Richard ..........- .................... Cressall, Carroll ...- ......... - ........... 32, Cressall, Pat -----......................... 50, Crosgrove, Ralph --------....- ..............
93 49 50 32 93 88 33
Crump, Billy -·-·-··----·--··-· Crump, Bob -···----------···--·---·· Curris, Byron ----------·-·--··· Curris, Lorna Jean ----·--·-··-··--Cutler, Barbara ------------- 50,
50 50
D Dahl, Brenr ----···--···---·-----·· 50 Dahl, Calvin -·--------------·-·- 50 Dahl, Dennis 17, 33, ll9, 121, 133, 132 Dahl, Eileen -----·-----···--··-·········· 50, 88 Daniels, Pat --·--·----·····-···- 33, 92 Dansie, Eileen ---·--·- - · - 50, 87 D'ariano, Gene -·-····--········--·····--·- 50 David, Jim ---------··-··· 50 Davidson, Jerry - - - - - - - - - - - 50 Davies, Sheila ----·--·--·-·- 50, 95 Davis, Carole -----·----·-·-··---·---· 63 Davis, Dianna -·-··-·------·-· -- 63 Davis, Grant ------·----- 50, ll9, 132 Davis, Vicki ·-···--·-····· 50, 82, 85, 88 Day, Diana - - - - - · - - · 63, 84, 88 Day, Gloria ------ 50, 82, 87, 102, llO Day, Kathy ···-·-······--·-·-·-·-·-··· 63 Day, Richard ·-··--·---·--· 63, 123 Day, Steven ·-·--------·-··· 63, 123 Dazley, Carol -·---------·-··----- 50 Dean, Beryl ------··--····---·· 64 Dean, Fenton ------·--··---·---- 33 Dean, Mike ----···-···-·--·-·- 33, 93 O.Geus, Kitty ---··--- 33, 93, 106 O.Geus, William -----·-·-·------ 63, 95 DeGroot, Gloria --·--·-··· 33, 90, 92 Delgado, Michael - - - - - - - - - 33 Delgado, Nash ------··-----··--·--- 63 DeLuca, Bill .......... 17, 33, 89, ll9. 121 122. 127. 134, 135 DeLuca, Louie ···-·· 17, 33, 89, ll9, 121 122, 134, 135 Denoley, Linda ----·-----·--·50 Densley, Mary ----------······-·50, 106 Densley, R11ndy ··-·--··-------············-· 63 Densley, Richard ---···-·-·---··-··-····· 33 Derrico!!, Keith -··-····-··-···---- 50, 105 Despain, Dennis -·-········-··-····-············ 63
Despain, Kenneth Despain, Despain, Despain, Despain,
50, 88. 89, ll9, 121,
Mike ·-·---·----·-·-··· 33, 88, Sheryl -·-····-···-····-······· 64, Terry ........................................ Tom ·······-··-·-· 16, 33, 78,
89 87 33 88
g~~;e~i, ~~~~~~ _:::=::~-:-.:_~:::=:::::::~ ~
Dibb, David ---------··--·····-···-·-···--· 50 Dibb, Della Mae........ 16, 17, 33, 83, 92 97. 109, ll4 Diggs, John ----------···------·-·· 63, 95 Dille, Dick -·---------·------ 16, 33, 127 Dimond, Paul ···--------------····· 50 Dorrance, Shirlee -----·-····---·---·-·-·· 63 Douglas, Cecil ----·-··-·-------·-···----· 64 Douglass, Gordon -----·-······----·---- 64 Douglas, Sarah ········-----·-· 33, SO, 90 Dow, Elray ------·--·-··· 64, 79, 108, ll5 Doyle, Danny ---------··--··-······· 50 Doyle, Deanna .......................................... 50 Doyle, Tony ·-----·--·--·-·------ 64 Draper, Shauna -----····-···-··---- 63, 84 Duffin, Sheri ·······-----·-··--·--· 33 Dumas, Gail ---··----·-·-·-·-----·-· 50, 90 Dumas, Judf ·---------·-·-·--·-·--·-·· 33, 93 Dunn, Care yn ···-··-·-·-·-·-·····-··· 64, 87 Dunn, JoAnn ···---··-··-·······--···-···· 33 Dunn, Roberr ---···-·----··------· 50 Duuon, John ------······-··-·· 33, 93, 136 Dykman, Paul -·-··--·--·-·· 64, 95, !03 Dyson, Heather ---·-·-----····-- 64 E
~d~":.~'J. Cfl~.:'~i"..:~-~~:...1.7_:__~~~-~-:.~~: ~
Edwards, Anita ...................... 50, 81, II ~ Edwards, John ···-······---·-········· 50, ll Edwards, Kay -·····-····------·---·-- 50, 132 Ehlers, David ........................ 50, !28, Ekins, Carma ------ 33, 86, 95, 96, t Elder, jenny -·····-··········-·······-··- 50. 82 Elder, Parrick --·--·--·--·-···-· 16, 64, ll5 Eldredge, B. Michael --·-·-·····-·-········ 34 Eliason Tom ····-···--··········--····--- 64 Elswood, Lore<;-;, ........ 34, 84, 85, 90, 92 Eltz, Johnny .................................... 33, ll9 English, Philip -·-······-····-······-·-········- 50 Enniss, Merrill ...... 64, 88, 123, 124. 132 Erekson, Barbara ..................... 17. 33, 83 Erekson, Mary Lou ·················-·-- 64, 85 Erickson, Granr ---······-···· 50, 103, 105
Erickson, Lynn ···-·-------·--------· 33 Erlenbach, Claire ·----·-··---····---· 64, 95 Eror, Pearl -----·-·-·-·-·-···-··-- 64 Error, Dan ----·--·----··----···- 64 Ercmann, Jimmy ···--·--·-----····-· 64
Essex, Bob ···-··-······-------·--··-Ethetington, Carol ----·-··········-- 51, Evans, Boyd ------··---·····-·····-·--· Evans, Judy ---·--------·-··--·
64 96
50 64
Evans, Larry --------·----·-·· 64 Evans, Sceve -·-··-·-····---·-·· - · · -· 51
Eyre, Glen --·····-········-·······-··-··-····---· 64 Eyre, LeeRoy ----···-------·-·-····---- 50
Greenwood, Afton - - 65, 85, 88, ll5 Greenwood, Leo ---··-·----- 51 Greenwood, Mary - ·--·---- 16, 51, 83 Gregory, judy ---·------------ 65 Groce, ::;hirley Ann ------------- 65 Urover, Linda ---···---·-····-- 65, 87 Grundvig, Sherrie ··--·--·--· 35, 106 Guest, Uarlene ···----------- 51 Gull, Don --·---·----·-··- 51, 88 Gunderson, Byron ------·----- 65 Gunderson, judy -·-----------· 35, 95 Gunderson, r ony -----------··-·--··· 52 Gunnell, Marilyn ------· 65, 87, ll5 H
F Fagg, Gary ·-···-··-·-···- 34, 91. 145, 132 Fairbourn, juanata ···-··-····-·--·· 51, Bl Farmer, Bill ---······------- 64, 123, 132 Farnsworth, Jlene -·-----·-------· 64 Farnsworth, Karren ··-··-··-······-·····--· 34 Fenstermaker, Kartn --··-·-···-····-· 83
Ferguson, Judy -----········-·····-------- 51 FieldS<ad, Dan .......................................... 51 Fieldsted, Paul ---·-·····----··-·······-· 64 Finlayson, Crala -·-······-··-------- 34, 106 Fisher, Beverlli.... 16, 17, 34, 40, SO, 96 97, 109, LLO, liZ, Jl4 Fisher, Mary Anne - ···--·····----·-- 64 Fitzgerald, Ed ···-····-----········-- 64, 124 Fitzgerald, Jane ···---------·---·-·····- 64 Fitzgerald, Mike ----······-·······-·-········ 51 Fitzgerald, Mike ---- --········--·----······· 34 Fingerald, Orene -·-·····--··-········· 64, 95 Flint, Krisrin ----···-···----·-· 17, 64, 81 Flores, Dan -·-····---···········----·-··--·-······ 34 Flores, Richard --·---······--······-·-·--··· 51 Folkerson, Curt ··-·-··---······· 51 ,106 Forbush, Jani s ···--·-·-····---- 34, 77, SO Forbush, Karen --·---········-·-- 51, 90 Fowler, Lucille ···-·---··--··--·· 16, 64, 85 Frampton, MoryLee ............ 34, 92, 102 France, Gordon -·····-·········----·····-········ 51 Francom, Judy .......... 34, 81, 92, 94, 106 Frandsen, Rex -··················-········-······- 51 Frear, D1ann ··--·-····--··--·--··--··-··· 34 Fredricksen, Byron ................................ 34 Freeman, Anita ---·······--·-···--······ 51, SO Freemon, Janet --·-·········-···-··-······--··· 34 Froisland, j ean -····-·····-·-··-- ..... 64, 83 Fugal, Lee -···········-·-··-··-····--······ 64, 93 Fullmer, Gerald --------··---·-··-······· 64 Fullmer, Rodney -------···---- 51, 132 Fyans, Carole ···-··-·-··--·-······--· 64, 83
0 Gabler, Glen .......................... 25, 34, 108 Gabler, Harvey ---··-·······-···--·····-·--· 64 Gadd, Douglas --·-··-·-··-·····-----·-··· 34 Gadd, Marcin -·-···-··----········-·- 34, 85
g:~~,' ~~~l::m-::::::::::::::~~=-:.::::::::: ~
Gamingasco Nancy ----···-······· 64, 88 Gardner, Marie - --·········--·--35, 83, 106 Garfield, Alana ···-·-·-·············--···-- 51, 87 Garfteld, Joan -·----------··--·-··· 35, 87 Gorn, LeRoy ·--···-·····--·--··-······· 51, 132 O..ufin, Frank --·-··········-·-·· 64, 79, Jl5 Gilbert, Sondra ---·-···-···-·--·--·---·· 35 Glover, Don -··-····--··-······· 64, 123, 128 Glover, Earl ···-----·-··-·-··-··········-··· 64 Glover, Kristine --··-·-·-·-············-·· 51 Godfrey, )eon ------······----- 51, SO, 88, 94 Goff, Blaine -·-······-··-·-····· 35, 79, 149 Goff, Floyd -----·-·-··-·······-···-··· 25 , 51 Goff, Judy -----~---------·-·- 16, 64, 68 Gold, Sidney --·-····--·-·-··- 25, 5!, 103 Gonzales, Connie -·--·-·····------·-·-··· 35 Gonzales, David ··············--··-··-··--·--· 35 Gonzales, Helen --··········-·-····----·-·-··· 65 g~:;d~l~t 'i,'j~~o :_·····-·-···-···- 65, 124 graham~/hn ......... :::::::::::-~:::::::::::: ~ rane, Mlc oel ...................... 35, 89, 119 G rane, ichelle 28, 35, 92, 95, 145, 148 grane, 1Rog!J -·---··-·······-···· ··-·--·- 65 G rnnq'J.f'• ancy ·-·-··-··--·-··-·-·-··-·· 65 51 0 ray, S ormon ·-····-··-·······--•····-·-········· 51, 95 0 ;~~~. N:~c• r
.......................... ··-·
ptvi;;-~:::::::::::::::::-:::::::::::::: · ~~
a:~~~· l ; l;ohn -··-··-··-·-····· 35, 91. II~
grten: Shore;;···:::-:·:::=... : ... ~=-·- ~5 T•nya . ..... ·····------·-·· 6~ 0 recni rtenr'" d, Lila --·-------···---·· ~ 0 roon ield, Robert .................................. I
Hadley, Kenneth -···-------· 65, !23 Hadley, Milton -·--·-----··--·--· 52 Hagen, Larry ···---·-·-··-··-·-·- 52
Hale, Cltve..____ 16, 60, 65, 88, 128, 134 Hall, Mtchtnl ····---··----···--···-·- 52 Hollett, Gordon ---·-------····-· 65 Halpin, Bob --····-····-·--· 65, 136 Ham, judy --------------·· 65, 76 Hand, Margaret -·---·--· 52, 88, 96 Hansen, Bruce ----·---·-·-··-··-·- 35
Hansen, Dale --·----· 17, 103, 105, Jl9 Jlaosen, Darvel ···--·--·--·--····-········· 52 Hansen, Drew ··-------- 65, 91, 123 Hansen, Kent · · - - - · - - · 65, 123 Hansen, Ronald --····---···-··--· 65 Hansen, Sharon ---------··· 65, 87, 96 Harris, Richard ----···- 55, 89, 124, 125 Hardcastle, Oat! ---·-·--·-······-· 65, 87 Hardcastle, Paulerte -----·--··-· 52, 86 Hardman, Bonnte --·--·--·--··· 65 Hardman, Dee ····------·-·--······ 35 Hardman, Sharron --·-·--·--··· 65 Hardwick} Vawna ----· 52, SO, 86, 95 Harker, udith ·······---····-··--·--···-· 65 Horper, Kenneth ----····--·-·-····--·-·- 35 Harrison, Lindo --·--···-·-·----·--· 65 Harrison, A. Tyrone -----······-·-········· 35 Hartman, jerry -·-----·······--------····· 35 Hortman, Judy ···-·--·-··--------··52 Hu stings, Mnx•ne: ------·-·.. -·-·-···· 35 Haueter, Dixie ·······----····---··-·52 , 96 llaws, Maret& ------------- 35, 40 Heaps, Pegay ----·-····-···-----·--·- 52 Heaps, Steve ...... 16, 17, 35, 88, 106, 119 Heath, Judy -·-·------·-··-······-···-·-- 52 Heinecke, Jimmy ··-··---·-·······-·-··--· 52 lleinecke, Steve ···----·-------·- 52 Heki, ~~ll Barbnrtt ----------·-·--·· 35, 82, 65 92 wr~· ________________ e m, oncy ------------··---- 65 I Ienke, Lynn ----·--·-·····--· 52 !Ienke, Marvin ·-------------····· 35 Hepner, Kathleen ·-·-····--···--··· 65. 87 Henson, Chnrlee --·-·--52, 88, 95, 109 Heuser, Helen -·--------····--- 52 Hickmon, Kathy --·----- 35, 84, 93 Ht~ham, Kent -------·-·· 35, 134 Hill, Jock ---------------- 35 Hirst, Stephen ------·-------··· 52 Hoban, Bruce ----·---------- 52 Hodgson, Edgar ------·------· 65 lloffm an, Kent ------------ 35, ll9 lloffmnn, L n .. 35, 83, 86, 95, 106, 110 Hogenson rol ---------- 65,76,84 I Iolder, Vonnwe - - - · - · · 36, 82, 95 llolmstrom, Terry -----·-·---- 65 licit, Blanch --·-------·---·-·· 65 I lamer, Bill --· -··---- 16, 17, 35, 36, 78 79. 82 .96. 106, 119 Hone, Lester .------·-··-· 35, 106 I loopllainn, 1om --····----··-·-··· 52 llorrock•, Beverly ------ 35, 85, 1+1 Houmond, Judy ---·----·-· 35, 106 llouweling, Tin I -·-·-------·----·· 36 Iloward/ Gene ----·-·--·--·--- 52 llowcro r, roig -----------·-·-·· 52 llowcroft . Stephen --·--·-·-··--· 65 llowdl, Joan -·--·-·-·----- 35, 83 llowlw, Carl ·----------·- 52, 96, 100 108. 114 llud..on, Lindo ··-··--52, 82, 84, 90, 96 lluuhc•, MarMUrtt -·--···· 52 Jlu~he •, Michael - · -· 65:".76."-t2f-t H llu ~he., Shu ron --- --- . ·-· 15, 16.85 llun olccr. Weldon .. ···-- ... 17, 36,82 llu ur, Fred ........... - - · 52 Ilu"on, Sam -· --· ··:i6· 88 Hutchtn~ •. D.:nnl• ·- ... ' 36 llurchinR<, Jim ~ ... 3689 119 llu rc hinM<, JoAnn ····· ' 6S 85 ilutchin@•, J hn - 65 ·123 llyntr, Clnut.lin ::-.:. 15, 16 , 36. 86 110• 149 llyntt, Linda _ ...
- - · -·-------52
Hyde, Kent ------·-··-··-··-····---···-·52
Jnsella, Mike - -- - - - 36, 79, 88, ll9 Jhle, JorgAnn ··---·----··-····--·· 52 1hlers, Karen -------·-------·-··-········-···52 lpson, Ann ---------------·-·--· 65 lreton, Della Rae ···-··-·····-··--------- 6:i Jzou, Eugene --·----------·--·- 66, !23
jackson, Carl ·--···-··------- 36 Jacob, Jerry --------------- 66 jacobson, Bruce -----·-····------- 36, 89 jocobson, Donald -----------· 66, 91, 123 jacobson, Loreen _ 37, 82, 86, 106, 149 jacobson, Nadine ···-·-·--·---- 66, 85, 88 James, joyce -·-··-··--··--·-··-------··· 66 james, Yvonne ·-······-·····- 37, 77, 82, 85 93, 101 Jansen, Lindo ----------·--- 66 Jaramillo, Denise ------·-···-----·· 66 Jarman, David ----·--·-·--··------- 66 Jaynes, Dee --·-··---------·-· 52 jaynts, Dennis ----·-·····--·-···------ 66 Jaynes, Gary ···-····-·----·-··--·-··-··· 37 Jeffs, Ruleen -------------·· 66, 95 Jenkin, Lorin -------------·-· 66 jenkins, Carol ------····--·-···--··· 66, 87 jenkins, Dale ----·-··----·----- )2 jenkms, Darlene - ·--------- 25, 52 jenkins, Edward ----·-···--···--·--- 66 jenkins, Jennette ·-----·--·-··-·· 66, 84 Jenkins, Lindo ·······----- 36, 84, 93, 95 jenkins, Lynda -------·-·····---·····-··· 66, 88 jenkins, Lynn ----------·-· 36, 132 jenkins, Marilyn -····-···--·-·-·· 52, SO, 95 Jenkins, Paula --·--······-··--··-------- 66, 85 Jenkins, Ron --···-·····--·-······-··-·-··-·· 52 Jensen, Brenr ·······-···-··-·-·-·-·-·······-··-· 66 j ensen, Brion ----·-·-·-··-········--------··· 52 Jensen, arl ···------·--··--··········-·-···· 37, 78 )en n, Carol Let -·-----·-······-·-·-- 66 Jensen, aileen -·-······-·-···-····----···-· 52 jen!ICn, Diann ----··--·----··--- 66, 85. 88 Jensen, D~ttnne -·--·-·----··-···-·-· 67 j ensen, Gayle --·-··-··-······--···----·-···· 36 jensen , joan ·········--·--·----·-··-· 52, 82 jensen, Johnny --·--····---·---·········---- 52 jensen, tflie -----·---·-··--····--------··52 , SO Jensen, arlene ------··-·---- 15, 16, 36 Jensen, Mervin --·····--·-·-·--·-·· 66, 132 jensen, Paul ····-····---------··-··-····-·· 37 Jensen, Richard ··---····--·-····--·--53 Jenson, Carolyn ...... 36, 83, 88, 106, ll4 Jenson, Diane ..................... 60, 66, 84, 105 Jeppson, ~ne ···---------·-------··· 67 Jeppson, ark -------------·--- 37 Jewtt[j Bnrborn -·-·-···--·-------53 ~eh, on ---·--·----------·-· 53 ansen, Morrolyn ----------- 53 J ohnnsen, Sandra --·-----·--···-··-··· 67 o anson, Sheryl ------- 52, 81, 86, 88
-------------~-~ -~~
Johnson , Byron Johnson, Connie ----··-------·-------·· 67 Johnson, Dionne - - - - - 37, SO, 82,92 Johnson, Kathleen ------·---- 37 Johnson, Linda ------··-·····----.. 16, 67 John<on, Lindo - · - · - - - - - · 52, 81 Johnson, Lynn ---------·--·······--- 67 Johnson, Richard -····--·-····-·-·- 53 johnson, Ronald -----------··· 37 ohni!On, heryl ---·--·-··- 37, 83, 90 ohnson, Shirley ------·-- 37, 82, 84,92 ohnson, Tony ···-··-----------·--- 53 Jones, Bonnie -·--------------·--·-·- 37 jones, rol Ann -··------- 37, 8!, 86, 92 96. 97, 114
jo~:!; ~~f~ :::::::~-=:::::::~-:::::::::::::-_::: ~~
Jones, Gordon -·····---·----·-·····- ·-····- 67 Jones, Qmmie -·-·----------·-·--·53, 132 j ones, nthy --··-···---··-··-···-·------- 37 jonc•, K•ay --··· ·----- ......................... 37 Jon.,, Lynn ..... ·-·-·· 37, 79, 88, 97, 114 Jones, 53 Jonr•,R onn d ···-··-- _ ·-·-·-·-··· 67, 136 )oo•. 67
kY""j"• -·-·----------------··· ..
JYd ··--·-·-··------·-········----JOO<, ~ 'c C ...... ·····---------··-· .... 5)
oosten, mig - - - · - .................... 53 oo ten, ene _ ..... ··- ....... 25, 53 orijcnsen, David .. . ....... 67, 115, 128 or~c n . n, Mnrlnnnc ··-. ..... 67, 103 o r~nn •on , Richnrd 53 julnndrr, Lenni\ ·· " ·· -··53 julio, hDon ... . -~ .:~.::::-::::: ---··· 37 uretic , Mary ---···-·----· 67, 84, 88
}uretich, Paul -·-·--·-·-··----53, 88
K Kalcic, Patrie --··-·---···-·-·-··-···-- 67 Kankelborg, Joey ···-··-·-··-·-··-- 67, 123 Karaglanis, Pete --··-·-·-··-·-·- 17, 37 Kaufman, Lou Ellen --·-----·-·-··-· 67 Keeler, Bob ........ 17, 37, 79, 88, 106, 149 Kemp, Bob ......·---·-·-·---···-·-··-·-·· 67 Kemp, Delores ····-·-··-··-·--······ 37, 82, 84 Kemp, Pamela ···-·-·-·--·53, 83, 95, 103 Kemp, Susan -·-··-··-··----·--·· 37 Kempton, Howard .............. 53, 79, 96, 97
110, 148
Kesler, Linda --·-·---··-·····-·-······ 37, 93 Kiholm, Jim ·---··-··-- 37, 89, 106, 127 Ktkel, Kenny -·····-··-··-·····----······-··-·· 53 Kimball, Gordan ----··-- 67, 128, 134 Kirby, Lavelle - - - - - · 53, 106, 132 Kirk, Elaine ··---·-·-·-···-···53, 82, 87 Kjnr, Susan ···-··-·····-53, 81, 86, 88, 95 Kline, Grace ----·-··--·------·-· 37 Kocherhans, Don -·-··-·----··-·- 67, 132 Koehn, Chuck ···-··-·-··-·-··-··-··· 17. 106 Koncurat, Joseph ····-·-······-·-···-······-··· 67 Konold, Kathleen -···--·-·-··-····-·--53 Koos, Billy ·---·---··-··-······---·-- 67 Kosovich, Michael ···-···--··-··-·-····53, 88 Kromer, Maxine ···-·--··--·--51, 53, SO Kromer, Steve -·····-··-··---··--··-······-··· 67 Krizmnn, Anita -·-·····-····- 37, 84 ,92, 95
~~0:.\~t~~..:::.:::::.::::::~~:~~:~~=··ss; ~t
Kunz, Marvin ............................................ 53 Kurumada, Stirlina ...... 16, 37, 76, 78. 88 Kynaston, Priscilla ···-············-·-··-··-·-53
L LaComb.~
Keith .......... 16, 38, 89, 127, 134 Lacox, !"rank -·-··-··-··-···-- 25, 38, 91. 93 Lambson, Lee Merlin ···-··-·-··--······ 37 Lance, Eloy Bill ·····--··--··-··-·-··-·-·-54 Landers, Kelvin -·-··-··--··-··-·· 16, 54, 78 LanderS, Lynda ....·-··-·-··-··-···-··-··-···54 Landers, Pearl ··-··-·-··-·······- 38, 92, 93 Landureft, Toni -······· 38, 88, 92, 109, 146 Larkin, Kent ···-····--··-··-··-··-·-··--· 67, 88 Larsen, Allene ·---·-·-·---54, SO, 88 Larsen, Anita ··-·--··--·· 38, 84, 88, 92 Larsen, Beverly ···--··-··-··-·-·-··-··-··-... 54 Larsen, JoEllen ···-··-·-· 38, 40, SO, 86, 100 Larsen, Lucey --·-·--··--··---··-· 67 Larsen, Lyln ···-··········-··-··-··-···-··-·-54, 86 Larsen, Martah ···-············-···--···-·····-·· 38 LarS<n, Puulwe ···---··-·-····-··-·· 67, 84 LAirson, Carol -·-···-·--····-·· 37, 93, 92, 93 Larson, Dora Lee ···-·---·-····------· 67 Larson, llarold -·-·---··-····--·-··54. 115 Lonon, Kyle ··-··-·-······-··--·-······· 47.54 Lorton, Lorry ................ 16, 54, 91, 119, 128 Lorson, Lynn ..................... 67. 88, 123, 124 Lorson, Roben ···-··-·····-·38, 110,111,113 Larson, Robert --·-·----·-·····-- 67 Latimer, Lorry ··-···- 38, 79, 82, 88, 100
101, 102. 149
Lauritz<n, Kenny -·-- 38, 124, 125, 149 Lavender, Anna Rose ........ 54, 77, SO, 96
103, 106, 115, 149
Lawrence, Dovid ............................_,., 54 Lawso.,_ Cathy ···-··--··-·-·-···········-·- 67 Lrok L.arol -·-······-··-··-·-·-·-·-· 38, 85 Lcnrhom, lin! ···-········-·······---···· 67, 124 Lenrherwood, Curl -·-·-····-·· 67, 123, 124 Le Due, Dale .........................-.54, 88. 132 Lecher, Lindo ......·-·-·-····-·--·· 38, SO, 93 Levine, Jay ·······--·-············-······ .. ···-···54 Lilferth, Yvonne ···-·········· ..··-··-··%··! Lind, Kuchleen ............ 54, SO, 90, •
n 67
t:~~~·dsh~~: ::::~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::54
Lindsay ,
eur1 ........................ 11 ~·~~~·~ro
Llndony, Mnry
...................... 54. 77. 83, 88
95. 96. 144 Linnnrz, Gwen ···-·-··-·-· .. ········-··· 67, 87 Lipoey, Renne --······---··-.. -··-······-·· 67 Lloyd. David -·-··-····-·-······-··-··· 67, 123
tl~~~: ~~~
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~
Lloyd, Philip ···----·-·-·-·---··-54, 91 Lloyd, PreA<on -·-·-..···---·--·-····- 67 Lloyd. Sue Ann --······ .. --··---··-··· 38. 82 Lopez, Ophelio ···-··----.. 38, 82, 87, 95 Lou lias, Michael ·-----··-···-·.. 54, 119 Loumi~ Kochy - .................. 54, 81. 92, 95 Love, ;:,cephen ........................ 54, 76, 88, 89 I 19, 121, 132
Lovde ... Larry
-····-·--·-----·-·-· 67
Loveless, Lloyd 67 Loveless, Terrill · - - - · - · - - - - · 38 Lublin, Linda -·-··-··-·-·--·--.. 54 Lundberg, Leo - ..·-·-------·54 Lundberg, Steven - - - - · - - - 67 Lunnen, Linda -·--·····- · 54, 86, 90, 96
Mounreer, Shirley ···· · - · - - 39, 84, 90 Muglescon, Theron ·------ - 55, 105 Mulholland, Jack ·----·--·--· 68, 132 Mumford, Bryan ···------····-· 39, 78, 88 Mumford, Frank · - - - - - - - · 17,78 Mumford, Lee - - - - - - - - - - - - · 55 Murray, james - - - - - - - · - · 68
Myers, Donald · - - - - · - · - - - - · 68
Mabey, Kent -·-·-..- · - - - - - · 54 Madison, Janet ---·---·-· ..- · 39 Madsen, Reed -····---·--·- - - · 67 Mahler, Paul .. · - - 54 Mainer, Darlene ·--·--····-·· 68, 87,96 Malstrom, Glen · - - - - · - - - · 93 Malstrom, Rodney ·-·--- 67, 123 ,132 Mannos, Mike ···--·-·-·-- 68, 123, 124 Mannos, Tom ·--·--·---·--·-··--.. 54 Marchant, David ···-··-·-·-·---··-··54 Marda, Lia . 39, 93 Margetts, Gene ------··-·--·--· 68
Mark, Bonnie Lee .........._ 68, 77, 85, 96 Marrion, Vicky ..·--·-··-54, 96, 146 Marshall, Wayne ----·-·-·-... 25, 68 Martin, Pete ·--·-··--···-·-·-··-·---··-· 54 Martin, Rodger --····---· 39, 124, 125, 149 Marcin, Toni -··--····-·-·-----·· 68 Martineau, Roger --··--·-· 54, 96, 114 Martinez, Lucas ··--·-···-··-·-····- 93 Mascaro, Bob --···---... 54, 82, !19, 132 Matsumura, Richard ----·-·-·-······ 68
Machews, Guy -·--··-·---·-··-.. 54 Maxedon, }a van --··-······-····-..-·-·-··54 May, Louis ·--·-·-·-··---·-·····--······ 54 Mayfield, Tommy - · - - - - - · - - 68 Maynard, Stanley - · - · - - - - -·· 39 Maynes, Kent ... - ............·-·---··--·54, 119 Maynes, Linda ·--··-·-·····--····-·-··..·-··· 54 Mnzuran, Kathy - - - · - - -.. 16, 68 McCleary, Kent -· 68, 123, 128, 134, 135 McDonald, Carolyn ··--····--·--·-··· 68 McDonald, Marilyn ---54, 81. 86, 92
94, 109
McDonald, Mike -·--·------· 39 McEwen, DeMont Joe - - - - - - - 54 McKay, Ernest ··--·····-·-·--; 68, 132 McLachlan! Karen --·-·--·-·-· 54 McManagn t.. Mailine -·---·---· 39, 82 McMullin, l'aul -··---···-·· 54, 128 Mecham, Pat - - · · - · · - - 39, 82, 84 Meissner, ]a nice - - - · - - - - - - 68, 85 Meissner, Patsy --·--··55 , 81, 82, 86, 96 Mellenrhin, Tom - - - - -... 39, 89, 149 Mellor, Mary Jean -·-·--·· 68, 82, 85 Mellor, Scepen ......·-·-----·-··-·--· 39 Menosen, Wolgang .......--..--··-··-· 123 Merclich, Pauline ·-----·---55, 81 Meyer, Delores · - - · - - - - - 68, 85 Meyer, Rodney ···-·----··-·---··· 39 Mickelsen, Brent ·--····--··-·--·-- 68, 78 Mickelsen, Cnrol Jean ..- - - 39,90 Mickelsen, Susan · - · - - - 68, 84, 95 Moddle~on, Cnrol · - - - - - - - 68 Milburn, Beatrice ···-----·--· 68 Milburn, Lynne ---------·--55 Miller, Dan ---·--·------··54 Miller, Henry - · - - - - ·..- - 68, 115 Miller, Diane -------·---·-·54 Miller berg, Marilyn -·-··--- 68, 85, 96 Milligan, George -------55, 132 Millington, Sceven - - - - - - - - 39, 95 tli[ne, Carolyn -~--·--·--··-· 68 Milne, 17, 39, 106 1 nc, amela -·----··-···55 , 81 Miner, Knrhryn -·-· ..·-·--·55, 81, 88, 96 Mines, Doris .....·-·----· 39, 83, 92, 95 Mitchell, Lelyn -·-·----·----... 68 Mlaker, Judy ·--··-·------· 36, 39, 83 Monroe, Robert ······-··-·-.. 16, 39, 88, 89 Mons, Kurc --·-·-·-·--·-·---· 55 Monson, Lynn --·--···----·-··55 Monrague, Cheryl -·-··-··--··-··--·-·· 55
;udy ·---..- . _
~~~ir~~~~?===:·-··::~==-~=:=: M
Moore, Lester ··--·-·-·---......... 39, 89, 127 Morandi, Joanne .............·-··---·-·55, 82 Morgan, Clyde ···-·--·····--·-··-- 16, 39 Mori, Sceve -··-··-·· 16, 46, 55, 79, 134 Morler, Janny --····---·---· 68, 83, 103 Morre 11. Don -----··-···..---·-· 68 Morse, Kurh ···---···-·-·---..· - · 39 Moser, Dale · - - - · - · - - · - - - - · 55 Moser, Dennis -·-..· - - · - - - -·-·· 68 Moser, Lois ···-·-·-····-..·---·---·-· 68 Mosher Kanron · - - -..- - - · - - 55 Mosher: Sharron ----55, 82, 87, 96 Moss, Cnrol ......- - - · - · - · - · - - · 55 Mounreer, James - - · - - - - - - · ~9 Mounteer, Keith - - - - - - - - - 5
N Nance, Gayle ---·--·55, 77, 81, 146 Nash, Par - - - -- - - · -- - 68 Neff, Beverly · · - · - - - · · · - · - - - 55 Nett, Larry -·-·-----·-·-..-··-· 68, 123 Nielsen, Ann - · - - - · - - · 68, 87, 88 Neilsen, Lynn · - · - - - -- - - - - 40 Neilson, Wayne --·-·-·-·---·--·55 Nell, Lee .....· - · - - - - - · - - - - 68 Nelson, Bruce - - - - - - - - - - 68 Nelson, Gerald ---·-··· · - - - - - 39 Nelson, Leah Jane -·-···-·-..-· 17, 39,83 88, 106, 148 Nelson, Leon - - - - - -..· - - - 39 Nelson, Linda --·-·-·--··-----·· 56, SO Nelson, Linda C. .. .....- ............- ... 55, 102 Nelson, Marilee ·-·---------· 55 Nelson, Pecer -·-··-···--·-·-··--- 39, 106 Nelson, Robert -·-·-·------·-·--·55 Nelson, Wallace ...........--··-·-·-·-··-· 68 Nemanic, Bob Frank..._________ ···--·-··-·-···-·····--·· 68 Newbold, ... 55 Newbold, Kent -·-·-··--··-···· 68, 123 Nichols, Linda ---·-····--·· 40, 93, 95 Nichols, Pamela -·-·--·-··-··-·-.. 55, 88 Nichols, Ross ·-·-·---------·-·-·-· 69 Nichols, Susie ···--··-··-··-·-···55, 90, 110 Nickle, Jerry ...... - ........................~..---· 40 Nickle, Sonja ..·-··-·-··-- 39, 82, 96, 106 Nicol, David ...... 16, 39, 94, 101, 103, 148 Nonomiyn, Eugene ·-·-·-· 68, 88, 123, 124 Noorda, Ron .....·-·---··..··-··.... 56, 88
Nordgren, Diane --·--··--·--- 40, 86 Norris, Barbara--·-···-··-··----· 56
Norton, Shelia ......______ .. 40, 82, 96 Nosack, Michael --·-·-----.. ·-·---· 68 Nolan, }ill --·--·--..- - - - - - - 68
Nunley, Marianne - · · - · - - - - 40, 92
0 Oborn, Herbert ------·-·--56 Olnbarri, Jean ···-··-----··----... 69 Oldham, Elaine - - - - - - - · - - - 69 Oleen, Dixliee · - - · · - - - 40, 84, 93 Oleen, Russ ............... _ .................._ ... 56, 88 Oliver, Rodney ··-··-·-··-·--·-56, 128 Olsen, Steven ·----·----·---·.. 56 Olson, Barbara ..·-··-·--·--· - 40, 88 Olson, Barbara -·--·---·--·-·-·-56, 87 Olson, David --··----..··-..- - 69, 93 Olson, Janet -·---·-·--··-·--· 69, 115 Olson, Shirley -·-··--··--·--·-·- 40 Olson, Susan .. ·-··-··-·-- - - - - · 69 O 'Nash, Barbara - · - - · - - · - -· 40 Orcega, Lawrence ... 69 Orton, Terry ·---·----··--- 40, 149 Orvis, Sandra - - - · ···-- - - - - 56 Orvis, Vicror - ..- - - - - - - - · 69 Osborne, Elaine -----56, 81, 88, 95, 100 Osborne, Ron -·-----·-·--..-·. 91 Osrler, David ···-·--·--·---- 69, 124 Osder, Gayle · - - - - · 40 Ottesen, Bonnie ....- -· -··--·· 56
p Pace, Larry -·-·-·-·-·--·--·-·· 69,91 Pack, Linda ·-----·-···-· -·-· 56, 106 Page, Wynne ·--··-·-·-·--·--- -· 69 Parker, James ·---··-·-..- - - - - · -.. 56 Parker, Kathy ·-··-·--·-..-··---·- 69, 84 Parker, Russell .................... 17, 40, 78, 114
Parker, Ralph _________ !!.~~ ~~ Parker, Sco<t ·--·-·-·---·-·--···56, 79 Porker, Zane --..···-··· 16, 56, 76, 89, 119 p k" 121, 124, 125. 132 par tnson, Sharon ·-····-·-··-----·-···56 Pasquali, Rosemary --·····-···--····· 40,95 Pati~nke, Robert -·-·--·--·---··-· 69 Parnc , Jack ---··-----·-·-·-- 40
arrick, Karhy -··-·---···-·---56 Pavich, Mike --...16, 28, 40, 89, 119, 126
Pay, Kathryn - - - -..~.!:~~-~ ~ Pearson, Anna Marie - - · - · - - 69, 85 Pearson, Arlene ··-·-·56 1
Ptmrson, Kenn~th ___ _:_-:_-_-=::=:56
Pedersen, Claudia - - - - - · · · - 69, 95
Pedersen, Par ·---- - - · - · · 69, 77, 84 Pedersen, Sydney ---·-46, 47, 56, 83, 88 Pedro, Louise · - - - - · - · - · - - 41 Penrod, Cheryl ..- - - · · · - ·- - 69, 96 l'errenoud, Leo - - · - - - · - - - - - 69 l'erry, Ronald · - - - - · - -..- - -... ~6 Petersen, Alfred - - - - - - - - 5 6 .Petersen, Bonnie ·- · - - ·- - - -·· 56 Petersen, Glenna - · - - - - - 41, 83 Petersen, Lynn -··-·--·---·- -.. 6Y, 87 Petersen, Richard ----·-·-.................. 69 Peterson, Bonnie - - - - - - - - 60, 69 Peterson, Gary - - - · - - - - - · 5 6
Peterson, James - · - - - - - - - - · 69
Peterson, Janice --··--·- · -- 41, 82, 90 Peterson, Jennie -·----56, 82, 83
Peterson, Kathryn - - - - - - - · 64, 87 Peterson, Rex ---·-----·--·56 Peterson, Raben ·-··-·--·-·-----· 41
Perrlich, Vickie -. . ~6. 96 Phelps, Bonnie - - · 41. 83, 88, 97, 114 PhiUips, Brent ---·-·-··--56, 88, 101 Phillips, Ronnie .. _ ..__________ 56 Pierce, Becky - - - - - · - - · - - 69, 85 Pierce, Connee · - - · - 40, 83, 92, 95, 96
97. 104, 106, 109, 148
Pierce, Pamela ----·-·-·-····-· 69, 84 Pierce, Shelby ------41,91. 132 Pierson, Judy ·--··--·----··56, SO, 95 Pierson, Karhi ··--·-..·-·--------··· 69 Place, Linda ---·-·-·-·-·-·-· 41. 84, 96 l'lanr, Brent -··---·--··-·---··-·--· 69, 124 Pla<t, Judi ·-···-----··---·----··· 69, 88 Player, Minnie ......·---·-····-·--·--·- 69 Plott, Bruce ----··· 41, 96, 97, 109, 114 Plumhof, Mary - - - - - - - · - - 41, 96 Pond, Dana Jean .........- ..56, 92, 96, 106 Porter, Frank ·--··-··---·-··-··-··---·56 Porter, Joan -···------·--·-·---·· 16, 69 Potter, Jean -·----·- 16, 41. 100, 101 Potter, Linda Marie -·-·-.. -··-·-·-······56 Poulsen, Joseph ---.. -·-·-..·----.. 56 Powell, Bill -···--·-·-..-· 25, 56, 88 Powell, Derald ---·---·----··--· 69 Preloran, Sandra ···-··-·--··-... 41, 82, 93 Preston, Paulette -· 56, SO, 88, 106, 109 Priano, Ka<hie - - - - · 41, 85, 88,96 Price, Linda - - - - -..-·-·-·-··-- 69 Price, Perry -·--·-·---···-...- .._ .. 56 Price, Ruby - - - - - - · - 5 6 , 81, 96 Price, Vicki - - - · - - - 69, 96, 115
R Rains, Paul - - - - · · - · - - · - 41 Rasmussen, Dennis - - - - - - - · - · 41 Rasmussen, Dianne -·-·-··-· 56, 82, 83, 90
Rasmussen, Loyle - - · - - · - · - · 41 Rasmussen, Nyla Kay - -..- ·-·-· 56 Rathjen, Cnrolyn -·-----·---.. 57, 83 Rawlings Vance - - - - - - 5 7 , 108 Rawson, Marlene - - - - · - - · 69, 87 Rawson, Jodce Ann --···---57, 87 Ray, Davi -------·---........._ .. 57 Ray, LeRoy - - - - - - - · - · - · 41 Read, Shirley - - - - - - - - · 57 Reading, Ralph - - - - - - - - - 5 7 Reading, Vern - - - - · - - · · - · - - 41 Reams, Jimmy - - · - - - - - · - · - · 70 Reed, Dixie Lee - - · - 41. 83, 86, 106 Reed, Natalie - - -..- - - - 69, 85 Rees, Mary Jo - - - - - - - -.. 57, 87 Rees, Ronald - - - - - - - - · 41 Ren, Robert 57, 88, 95, 96 Rich, Norman - - · - - - 41, 57, 119 Rich, Robert -·--·-... 16, 69, 105, 136 Richards, Cnrol - - - - ---...- .. 57 Rochards, Charles - - - - - - · - · 57 Richards, Nannette _ 41, 86, 93, 100, 148 Richards, Wallace ----·-·-··-· 17 Rise, Calvin - - - - - -..-·-··--· 69 P.ix, Barbara -·-·----·--·---·· 41 Robertson, Raymond __ ....... - ........... 69 Robinson, Jerry - - - - · - · - ·····-· 41 Robinson, Lew -··-·-·- 57, 88 Robinson, Trudy ..--·--··-·57, 76, SO ,86 88, 95, 110, ll3 Rodda, Ruth Ann ---·-·---·-·-·-.. 41 Roden, Steven --·-·-·..-- 41, 91. 106 Rodgers, Steven - - ·· - --·-· 69, 105 Rohlfing, Susan -----··---·· 57 Romero, Linda ---- - · - - - - · 70 Romero, Michael · - - - - - - - · 69 Romero, Ralph -----·---·---· 57 Roos, Bill - - - - - - - · -.. 57 Roper,'Garole - - - - - - -·-·-·..·-· 57 Roper, Karen - - · - - - · - · - · - - · 69 Rosenhan, Eileen - - - - - - -..-· 57 Rosenhan, Kristine -----··57, 80 Rosenhan, Max - - - - - - - - · 5 7
Ross, Howard ------------· 17, 41, 88, 103 104, 105, 149 Ross, Wayne ---------··-·------·--·--····· 57 Roubicek, Eva ·-------·-····---- 41, 106 Rowley, Glenna ---------------··· 70 Rudd, Judi ·--------------------------· 57 Rudy, Carol ------····-··-··-··-··-·-····-···· 41 Rueckert, Sherry ------··-· 42, 92, 97, 148
s Sabey, Marilyn ----------· 57, 81. 96, 97 Sabey, Richard ···-· -----· 42 Sadler, Pamda ----------------·-57 Sagers, Kathleen --·······--·---------- 70 Sagers, Vicki ----·-······-··--····· 57, 81, 115 Saldivar, ES<her ···-· 40, 82, 90, 92, 93, 95 Sampson, Joni -------------- 57, 118 Samudson, Jacque ···-·-······-··· 70, 85, 96 Sargent, Joe T. - · - · · 70, 115, 123, 132 Savage, Lettie -···--- - - - - · - · · - 70 Saville( Elden ··-----------···--- 57, 91 Schael ing, Ardith -------------11 Schlin, Ray ------------------------ 19 Schmidt, Julie --··-···----······-·-------· 57 Schmidt, Sydney Ann -------··········-·--- 70 Schneider, Norma ................ 57, 82, 87,96 Schow, Jenn ···----------------·· 70, 85, 96 Schow,Michael ··-··-··-·····-------- 17,57 Schultz, Judy -·--·-···-·-·····--····--------- 12 Scorza to, Margaret --------·-··· 70, 82, 81 Scott, Ella Kathleen ...................... 11, 106 Seal, Shauna ----·-------····--·-··-·· 17,12 Searle, Danny -----------·-·······-··· 57 Setter berg, Caleen -------------·- 70, 85 Sharp, Dennis --·-·····---···-···--------- 70 Sharp, Jean ···-··------------ 12, 83, 90 Sharp, Jennie ···--··-·-·-··---------·-··· 70 Sharp, Kent ···-····----------·--··-··-··· 70 Sharp, Leonard - · - · · - - - - - - - · 42
~~=:~: ~'(,?r1:. -:=::=:::::::==~-==:===== ~~
Sharp, Viki -·---·--······-····-··-·-··········-··· 70 Shaw, Nadine ···-···-····---··--····-··· 57, 83 Shelton, Judy ······------·········---------· 71,85 Shields, Jim ···-··········-······-···-·······----··-· 70 Shields, Linda ·······-··--·-··--··--- 70, 85 Shipp, Mariljln ····----·-············· 70, 95, 103 Shoemaker, Craig .......... 70, 123, 128, 134 Shomaker, Dianne ···-··---·········--·····---· 70
~n~~:~'N;r~ ~~-~---~~~--~~~--~-~~~-~~--l~f
Silcox, Sheila --·----····--------·-····- 42, 92 Simonich, Albert - - - - - - 71, 124 Simonson, Janet ----------·-------- 42
Simonson, Judy ----··········---------57 Singleton, Wallace -·-·-··-·-·-··-·· 57 Sjoblom, Becky Ann ··--·-···-· 16, 43, 83 Sjoblom, Margene -·····-·····---------· 71 Sjoblom, Reid ---------------··--···· 71 Sj"ostrom, Cheryl ---------------·--· 7l Sater, Bruce ---------------------- 25, 71 Smart, Blaine ···-··-··-··-····--··-····--·-···57 Smarr, Gay ···············-··-··-·-··-··--··-··-· 57 Smart, Olen ·····--··--·····--·-·····-·-···· 71, 91 Smarr, Jeanette -·-·····-·----·-········· 42, 83 Smart, Philip ............. .42, 79, 104, 105, 118 Smith, Becky ........ 71, 83, 88, 96, 115, 148 Smith, Betty Jean .............. 71, 83, 88, 115 Smith, Bonnie ···------·--·-····-----·-···58 Smith, Brent ···-··-······-·-······-··--·-··-···· 71 Smith, Butk - · - - · 42, 78, 88, 95, 96 110, Ill, 132, 149 Smith, Byron ............ 42, 89, Jl9, 124, 149 Smith, Carol ------------···--········--··· 7l Smith, Cecil ···-·····-··-··-··-··-··-·--·-······ 57 Smith, Clayton -·-··· 42, 89, 119, JZO, i22 Smith, Dianne -----------·········--·-··· 57, 81 Smith, Delores ·----------··--·-··· 42, 92
~~:;~: i~~;-~::::=::::::::~~====::~~: u
Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,
Fred ···-···------·· 71, 91. 103, 106 Howard, Jr. ···-··-·-----·57, 134 uckie -----------·····------·-··----·57 im ···-··-··-----------··-··· 71 eith ------···--········-···--· 71. 123 Linda ·······-··-······-··-··-··- ...... 71. 84
Smith, Lorraine - - · - · - · - - · - - 42 Smith, Lu Ann ···-··--··-··-·· 46, 58, 80, 96 Smith, Meril Lyn .............................. 42, 81 Smith, Neil ·------·--·---··· 71, 78, 91. 11 5 Smith, Nell ···-·-··-····· 16, 58, 96, 100, 114 Smith, Philip ···-··-··-··-------··· 58, 95, 132 Smith, Russell ···-··-··---------····--·-····· 43 Smith, Sherman ··-··-··-·-··-·-··-········· 71 Smith, Susan ·····-·--··-·-··-------·-·· 43, 84 Smith, Sydney .. 17, 42, 83, 92, 106, 114 Smith, Theron -·--··--··-··--·-···--- 43 Smith, Wayne ·------------- -··· 43 Snarr, Dean ·--·····-··--···-··-··-··--········· 71
Snarr, Janet -·-··- 16, 43, 84, 94, 101. 109 Snarr, Jim ····-··-------··· 34, 43, 136, 149 Soffee, Michael -·--·-·····--··--·····--- 58 Sorensen, Eo rl ···-····-··-·-·····-····-·---·· 58 Sorenson, Larry --····- 58, 92, 102, 106 Sorenson, MerLynn -----·-------· 43 Sorenson, Mrchael ···--·--··--·-------··· 71 Spainhower, Terry ·-·-··--···-···-· 71
Spencer, Richard --------------· 58 Spilker, Paul ----·--··----------· 43 Staker, Susan -·----·---·------···-- 71, 85 Staker, Teddy ·-------------··-·-··---·· 7l Stauffer, Mervyn --------·--······-··· 43, 93 Steadman, Bryan ···-······--·--··-··· 71, 108 Steadman, Gary ···········-·-·················-··· 58 Steed, Roger -·-·-··---------·-··--··· 58 Steele, Richard ---·--·--··-·-··-······· 71. 134 Steele, Rurh -------······-··-····--·--·--·-··· 43 Steiner, Gloria -··------·····-······--··-·· 16, 71 Stepan, Kent ----------··-----·· 71, 76, 128 Stevens, Jimmy -··c··-··-------------· 71, 132 Stevens, :Pauicia Daont ···-······· 43, 84, 93
Stevens, Lar!Y --------···--·-·-·----· 71. 91 Sr.venson, Ford L. ------------- 71,88 Stirling, Rodger -·····-·········-·-···-·-·---· 71 Stoker, Lynn ------·-------------------··· 71 Stone, Diane ............ 43, 82, 83, 86, 88, 96 Stone, Renae ------- 16, 71. 87, 88,96 Stott, Richard ·-······--·----·-······-·· 43, 149 Stout, Marl' ·······-·-·····----·- 58, 80, 106 Strasburg, Eugene ........................... 71, 91 Suelo,_ Carolyn ·······---··· 43, 8\i6:
Stroud, Mike ············-·····-····-······-······· 71 Stuart, Elaine -···-·-···---·-·· 58, 80, 96, 11 5 Stuart, Morris ···-······-···-·-··-··· 58, 88, 136 Stuart, Norman ···-·····--····-··-··-·· 58, 114 Sturm, Paul ·············-···--···-··········-······-··· 71 Sudbury, Stephen ···--··-·······--·-·····-· 71 Sundberg, Mnrshn ---··-·-··········58, 88 Swens, Johnny ···-·-··-····---·--·-·--·-· 43 Sylve. ter, Barbaro -·--·--· 58. 81, 86,90 Syl\Cster, Morgery ------·-··-··- 13, 95
Thomson, Robert --------·-···- 58, 124 fhorm, Hal ----····--------·-··-·····-··· 43 Thorn ten, Jackie ......... ........................ 58 Thurber, Drone -······--·--------·--·-··· 72 Trbbits, Brenda --·····---····-··-····---·· 58 Timothy, Dick -··-·······-··--· ···········-···· 43 Timothy, Ned ···-··········--··-·····-··· 25, 72 Tippetts, Michael ................................. 58 Tischncr, Mary Irene .......... 72, 81, 103 Tolman, Orin R. -··-··-·---------·· 43 1 olman, Ralph ----·-·······-----···-. 58 Trone, James ----------------·-·· 44 Treadway, Randy ----·--·--- 58, 79, 114 Tnnnoman, Tony ---··-- -·-·· 58, 132 Tripp, Rrchard ----·---···--··--·-······· 44 Tripp, Stephen -----·-····--·-·-------···· H Trujillo, Alrce ----------·····--·--·--····· 72 Trujillo, Bernie ----------·--·-··-··-·-··· 58 Trujillo, Joe ----------------·-··--····- 43 Trujdlo, Maxine -----------·-· 43, 82, 93 Tuellelj_ Bonnre -------····--···-··-·-· 72 Tuft, f-rancine ----- 44, 81, 88, 95, 110 Tuft, Frank -----··-····-· 72, 88, 115, 123 Tufts, Karen --··-·-·---------··-····----· 72 Tufts, Sharon -·-···--------······· --·-· 72 Tunbridge, Carol ------····-·····-···-·- .. 72 Turner, Cloyd ···-·--·-·-·-·-·· ............ 72 Turner, Jomes ---····-·-·· 17, 58, 89, 119 121, 128, 132 Tuttle, Larry ·············-······ .................. 58 Tuttle, Nancy -----··-·············-···-··-··· 44 Tuttle, Richard ...................................... 72
Ure, Judy ··--··· ------·-··· ..... 72, 85, 96 Uremovlch, Mdnn ......... 15, 16, H, 89 120. 143. 149, 134 Utley, Ru 5<1l --------·--·-- . 25, 58
Van Orman, Drane .. 44, 83, 88, 110 Van Sere,., Koren ····--······ 72, 77, 87 Vnwdrey, Brtnt -·· ··-····· - 16, 58 Vnwdrey, Glendo ··-· ---- .. 44, 84 Vawdrey, Lowell .... --··-· ....... 72 Vidler, Borbora ........ ------··•········ 58 Vigil, Eloy --·-···-·-·-··-· H Vit;cil, Lorro1ne ··-··-·---...···-···-···-·-·- ?2 Villalobos, Dclru --·----·-·· ------·-···· 72 Villolobo<, Lydra -·---·-····-···-···--· 58 Vincent, Dory! ·---------72 Vi ser, Mike _ 72 Voeltz, Mike . .. . . 72 Voeltz, Anlra Louise H, 84, 93, 94, 101 Vordo<, Doris .. ---··· -· 17, 7J, 85 Vrnne , Val ... -··- ... 44. 89, 119, 120
Tafoya, Edna ···--·--····--·-····-·····-····- 72 Taggart, Lindo ·------·----···-···-----·· 43 Tallent, Gay ···-------·-··-····--···-·· 43, 106 Tamura, Ben ------------------··· 14, 91 Taylor, Charlene ·······-·····-·······-·----- 71 Taylor, Dan ·-····-·······-····-·-··········-···· 91 Taylor, Don ----·-···-······-········-······-··-· 58 Taylor, Sceven ---··------· 123, 124, 125 Taylor, Wilma ···-··-·····---· 43, 84, 93 Teo, Dione ··-·-·-··········-··-· 71, 87, 90 Ten, Ln~y ..... -···--·---····--··-········-·· 43, 91 Tebbs, Chuck ···---·-······· 127, 130, 132 Tedesco, Ted ·······--·········-····------- 72, 82 Tennant, Claro Lee ···-·····-·······- 58 Tennant, ~oy ··------···--·····-······--- 71
t:~;~n~obe~~ ::::.::::::=::::=~-~=:::::::::: ~
Tester, Michael ····-·····-··-····-···----· 58, '19 Thacker, De Ann ------------······--·-··· '13 Thayne, Sheldon ·······-··-------······· 58 Thomas, Borbnrn ·····------··-········-·· 13 Thomas, Beverly . ·-··-·-·--- 43, 82, 93 Thoma , Brll -·--········-··-· 58. 88, 119 ThomM, David ···-·····--·-·---·--······· 58 Thomas, John ····-·-·---·-·····-·--··-- 58 Thompson, Brll ..... ---·· ... ----· 43, 110 Thompson, Janice _ ... ---·-··-····--· H Thompson, Rosemary _ ..... ····-·· .. 72 Thompson, Virginio .................. .... 58 Thomson, Dorothy ···-----··· 58, 80, 106
Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, Walker, Wulker, Wolktr,
Garry _ - - - - - - 73 Jean - - • _ 73, 84 l<aren - - - .. 59 Linda _ ·-·-- . .. 73 Lynnette ....•... 'IS, 83. 92, 95 Michael .. ·----- ........ ··- . 73 Myrna _ ··- 44, 82, 88, 95, 96 110, 11 2, Ill Wolker, Ned ... --.......... 59, 132 Walker, Rein ........... 59, 81. 88, 95, 96 Wnlleo, Jnme• . - - ..... 45 Wolle., Mary Sue 73, 85, 96 Wollin, Richard 73 Wal<h, Carol 73 Wnl<h, l.crnie - - 44, 103 Woltero, Mnrgo •.. - - 28, 44, 88, 145 Walters, Paul ------------ ... 14 Wankier, Brenr - - - - - - 45 Wanln '• !loot --· - - - - - - - 14 Wardle, Lynn .. -·-··· 59, 89, 124, l2S Ware, Nancy - - - - 59, 81, 82, 94 Worner, Doug) .. - - - - - - 73 Webb, Jeanelte 'IS Webb, lohnathon 73, 95 Webb, 1..ynda -- - - 45 Webb, Maureen - - - ... 73 W ebb, Nancy - - - - · 59, 95 Weber, Dick 119, 132 W ber, Morvn 59, 96 Web.rer, Brenda - - - - - 59, 88
WebSter, Larry ----······-·-·······-·-·-·· 73 Webster, Lee ···-··-····-·--·-------···· 45, 89 Weichert, Louis ---··············· 59, 91, 105 124, 125 Welch, Dell .............. 16, 45, 89, 93, 119 120. 144 Welch, Rolayne ........................ 73, 82, 85 Welch, Rose Lee --··--------·---·---······· 59 Welch, Stephen ..................................... 73 Wellrngton, Donald ········-·····-········-····· 73 Wells, Jim ···--·---- 45, 78, 97, 100, 109 110, 114, 148 Wenerstrom, Shirl --·--····-·-· 59, 134 We t, John -----···········---------------··· 73 Westerman, Maggre ---· 59, 81. 88, 96 Wetsel, Brllie ···----·······--····--··---· 16, 59 Wetsel, Johnny _ .16, 45, 88, 89, 93, 132 Wheadon, Lrnda .................. 59, 81. 145 Wheeler, Vicki -------------··--····-73, 85 Whrpple, Ronnie ······--·················-······ 45 Wh11e, Bob ........ 45, 110, 111, 114, 132 White, Olyn --------·······-·····-····-··-··· 59 Whiteh Julrennc ·--····-·········-·····--··· 45 White cad, Jerry ··-··-······-······-··-·-······ 73 Whiling, Jay ·-----·--·····------· 73, 123 Whirlock, 11oward ····-··---···········-------- 73 Whitlock, Nancy -··-·-··-------··-···· .. 45 Whitmore, Merle ···--····-·······-······ 73, 87 Wiens, Mnrshn .......................................... 45 Wrwmn, Rudolf ·········--····-----··-······ 59 Wilcox, Fronk ------········-·······-············ 59 Wrlkcs, Joy .................................... 73, 132 Wilkes, Robert ................_ ................. 59 Wrlkinson, Marlene ...... 42, 45, 86, 118 Wilkinson, Maurene ···---- 16, '15, 115 Willrams, horlie ·······-· ........................ 45 Willinms, Joe ·----------··· ... 73, 123, 124 Wdlioms, l<en ··-··· -·-··-·· ····-····-···-· 59 Wrllinms, Leonn -------·-··· .. 73 Wrllinms, Rolph --···-- ... 59, 124 Wrllioms, Sman ------ 73, 87, 88 Wrnn, rol .. .....•.. ··-··· 59, 80, 96 Witt, Kathy ·····-···- -·· .... ······-····-··· 59 Witt, Loreen ........... 16, 59, 82, 83, 90 Woffinden, Sharol ... ···-···· ............... 73 Wood, Donna . .. '15, 8 i, 86, 88, 100 Woodward, Kent ... ···-·· ······-···· •. 59 Woodwnrd, Lloyd ........ 73, 91, 12!, 124 Wool><y, Wnync ... ····-····-···· 45, 93 Worthen, Gory ... .....•..... ... ......... .... 45 Worthen, llownrd .. ··- 16, 73, 78, 88 123 1 4 Worthington, Elvin .. :. .~. .:..'n Wright, Alon ··59, 88 Wrrghr, lkvcrly .... - - __ 59 Wrigh<, herr! ... -----· 73, 84, 96 Wright, Jenre ···-------- .. 59, 87 Wrighr, !<aye .. .... - - - · - ···-· 73 WrrRht, Mike ..... - - - 45 Wright, Sharon ...•. 73, 85 Wyler, Edward ... ----45 Wyler, Morvin ---·-·····-·--····- 73 y 73, 84 Yamashiro, Amy ..... ... . Ynmo hiro, Mickey ... .• _ 45, 89, 124 Yurt., Linda _ -·····- _ ..... 45, 92 Y ngic.h, Kay 73, 87. 96. 11 5 YorN!I'On, Philip 34, 45, 78 , 114 YounR, Borbnru 73, 84 Young, Carole 73, 83, 96 Young, George _ 17, 73, 78, 115, 121 Young, Lynn __ -·--·-·59 Young, Marly• ---~ 45, 83 Young, Rober< __ - - - - · ... .. 59 Young, Vicki ... 45, 95, 97, 100 109, 114
Zobri•kie, Gail - - - - - - - - '15, Z"'wnrlch, Ken .. Zdunich, lnudin · - 59, 82, 7dunrch, Noncy Ann Zitting, Alfr<d --7iltin~. K. J hn _ _ _ .. Zitting, Rebecca .. · · - - - - 59. Zupan, Dennis Zupun, Jock ....... - - - - - - -
8'1 59 96 59 73 45
90 59 45
The N e-vv J orda:n The new Jordan, the Jordan of 1960, is truly a monument to the work of the community, administrators, faculty, and students. In the future, when Jordan may be altogether different, our school will continue in the reality of our memories. In the years to come, we will remember 1960 as a year of change and n"ewness - with a long history: Jordan will always be '"Something Olde . . . Something New."