1961 C O NTENTS Theme Page . Administration Student Body Organizations Cultural Arts . Athletics Activities . .
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W look to goals b yond our reach, W strive for heights, as oth rs teach. We set our eyes upon th top, Beginning our climb without a stop. We u e th tool of d p d sir To help us climb for v r higher. We build a pathway toward the ski s, "WE BUILD THE STAIRWAY BY WHICH WE RISE.'' 2
'What am I bid?"
Many complim nts have b en given to Jordan for their lunch program.
DeÂŁcation Bound between the covers of this 1961 B etdigger ar found the m mori s of th past year, filled with anticipation and di i11usionm nt, d f ats and triumphs; heartaches and joys. We find these m mories wov n log thcr with the gold n thr ads of the 50th graduating class of Jordan, which has ascend d the stairway andreceived the reward at th top. Hats off to them and to the many fin accomplishments they have attained in the past thre years. Each step in th ir stairway of progression has be n carefully planned and con lru t d to insur firm footag . Therefore, we dedicate this book to the "Gold n" Graduating Clas of '61. These two take advantage of every spare minute.
Blessed .... are they?
Jordan stud nts enjoy ating (h ir 1un h on th lawn.
Monday mornings.
!I I M
Helping to raise school spirit, Mr. Crump's class published a newspaper.
~h~>Bl0 ?kst 111
ad h lps to k ep our good condition.
Inside story.
An active faculty produces an active student body.
No stairway is complete without a guardrail to keep one from falling or straying. Our administration represents the guardrail on our stairway. As we build this stairway, the teach rs make sure we know we are using the material at hand correctly; the principal, and guidance counselors, and registrar make certain we take the best advantage of the h lp ofFered us. Our school board makes certain there are enough materials at hand to build each stair.
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As you climb the stairway of life, you will be confronted with decisions and choices which will affect your fu tur . Stairways ar u d to arriv at d stinations. Each year of life, stimulating opportunities and fri ndship associations wiJI cha.llenge you to continue to build your "stairway" by which you may achieve worthwhile accomplishments. To b ll'cclive, life's goal and obj tives must be planned and pursued. Choose goals whi h will motivate you. Focus your eff rts on the skills, attitudes, and und rstandings which will contribute to consist nt progr ss. Enriched living is the produ t of a well disciplin d !if . Wh n you dedicat your efforts, your energi s, and your tal nts to the a complishm nt of worthy goals and purposes, you are well on your way toward their r alizalion. As you review your school experiences, may you b motivat d to a cend stairways that will lead you to greater heights of success and happin ss. Reed H. Beckstead Sup rintendent of Schools Jordan School District
II. W. JORGENSON Assistant Superintendent
Schoo[ Board Th school board has done everything possible to h lp us build our stairway without flaw or fault. They provide a schedule for us to follow so we will b abl to r ach our goal by graduation. They also supply our administration with mal rials and advice so that th y can do their job mor fficienlly and more effectively.
A good school is more than buildings, equipment, books, supplies, and budgets; however important these may be. Even a carefully selected faculty p rsonnel and administrative staff do not complete the r quirements. The ultimate measure of the quality and success of an educational institution is the learning experiences provided and the degree to which these experiences m et the n eds and desires of the community which creates and supports it. Our democracy depends more on the quality of its schools than on the educational contribution of any other single social agency, with the possible xception of the home. This knowledge gives vision to our planning and tutus to our efforts. Jordan High School can be proud of its record and tradition. We must continue to develop and expand our educational cone pts and practices, to keep abreast of the accelerated patterns of present day thought and action. With our roots so splendidly entrenched in the past, w can look to the future with courage, conviction and enthusiasm.
G. Reed Sanderson Principal
Counse[ors Working with Mr. Sanderson, Mr. Taylor and Mr. Goldbranson have done their utmost to make sure all students make the most of their opportunities so they may attain graduation. Mr. Casper and Mrs. Fitzgerald have worked with students to help them overcome the problems that they individually meet. These four counselors together have kept records of the students' activities and achievements. They have capably handled a student welfare program which has proven very effective.
DUNN L. TAYLOR Vice Principal
MARY G. FITZGERALD Girls' Counselor
JESSE B. CASPER Director of Guidance
The foundation of our stairway is firm and faultless. We have built it this way only through the help of our faculty memb rs. Through the past year, they have directed us with much enthusiasm. They encouraged student participation in all phases of competition and promoted good sportsmanship and loyalty which in turn brought many honors to Jordan.
Chin up- chow down!
BLAINE BROWN Bookkeeping WANDA G. WADE Business
Commercia[ Arts MURRAY F. ALLEN Commercial Art ARVAL NELSON Photography
fine Arts JAY POND Band
FRANK M. BAGLEY Vocational Auto Mechanics LLOYD LIND Electronics
GENE F. DEEM Auto Mechanics JAMES L. SEAL Woodwork
DONALD M. BUDGE Physics ARLAND BUSSEN Special Education
Industria[ Arts Science FARRELL H. GUNNELL Biology
MELVIN A. BERRETT English and Literature LAMAR A. HENDRICKSON English and Literature
LOWELL J. BOBERG English and Literature WENDALL JACKSON panish
JOliN F. LYON Engli h
ORALffi RAWSON English and Literature
ARTHUR G. HUGHES Coaching HOWARD B. LINFORD Physical Education
GLEN R. JACKSON Coaching DONALD B. MILNE Drivers Training
EVERT R. JONES Drivers Training HELEN SEAMAN Physical Education
'J. E. ancf Driver Trainin8 Mathematics STANLEY R. ANDERSON Algebra PAUL C. BOYCE Geometry
As we stand on the stairway we have built, we can look back over the past year with much enthusiasm. Each morning before school 1440 students mobbed the main hall. Each morning at 8:25 1440 students trampled 528 stairs to their different classes. This is our student body!
As we stand on the stairway we have built, we can look back over the past year with much enthusiasm. Each morning before school 1440 students mobbed the main hall. Each morning at 8:25 1440 students trampled 528 stairs to their different classes. This is our student body!
George Bapis President
Student :Bod~
Our energetic student body officers - Georg , LuAnn, Linda, and Maryhave capably led the student body through another outstanding year. They worked to encotll'age student participation in all activities, and helped" ... Build The Stairway By Which We Rise." ¡ 20
Mary Lindsay Historian
LuAnn Smith Vice President
Joe Sargent First Associate Judge
The Honorable Judge Parker and his able court staff have capably carried out the duti s and obligations of the Student Court this past year.
Geri Bishop Se ond Associate judge
DEPUTIES - Row One: Kent Stepan, Bryant Cold, Ceri Bishop, Mary Jensen, Doris Vordos, Carol Richards, Joe Sargent, George
Milligan. Row Two: Bruce Edmund, Zane Parker, Jim Turner, Steve Love, Bob Mascaro, Steve Taylor, Dick Weber, Scott Parker, Lavelle Kirby.
Student Court Assisting the court officials in maintaining justice and order, the student deputies make up an important part of the Judicial Branch of the government at Jordan. Among other responsibilities, the deputies issue tickets to those who continually violate the laws of the school.
Helping to create a close feeling between the administration and the student body, the members of the Student Council have done an outstanding job of representing their home rooms. These students voiced the opinions of fellow classmates and relayed messages to and from the various meetings they attended throughout the year.
Student Cound[ COUNCIL - Row One: Bruce Bailey Darrell Smith, Becky Samp-
M~ Dal' Smith, Chris Loulias, Carol Hogenson, Donna Webster, El1 .e Hugh â&#x20AC;˘s, K nt Millington Hoss Gonzales, Dianne Smith, 1' ame Osborne. Row Two: Oicl<1 Weber, George Milligan, Steve
aylor, Earon Fairbourn, Linda Bowles, Bonnie Borg, Becky
Smith, Susie Nichols, Janet Bellon, Joni Sampson, Karen Fenstermaker, Karen Ihlers. Row Three: Vicki Davis, Margaret Walters, Brent Phillips, Robert Butterfield, Doug Broadhead, Peggy Wade, Jean Salisbury, Anna Marie Pearson, Vicki Price, Julie Jensen, Bob Mascaro, Howard Kempton.
Joe Sargent First Associate Juclgc
The Honorable Judge Parker and his able court staff have capably carried out the duties and obligations of the Student Court this past year.
Geri Bishop Second Associate Judge
Court O.fficia[s
DEPUTIES - Row One: Kent Stepan, Bryant Gold, Geri Bishop, Mary Jensen, Doris Vordos, Carol Richards, Joe Sargent, George
Milligan. Row Two: Bruce Edmund, Zane Parker, Jim Turner, Steve Love, Bob Mascaro, Steve Taylor, Dick Weber, Scott Parker, Lavelle Kirby.
Student Court Assisting the court officials in maintaining justice and order, the student deputies make up an important part of the Judicial Branch of the government at Jordan. Among other responsibilities, the deputies issue tickets to those who continually violate the laws of the school.
Helping to create a close feeling between the administration and the student body, the members of the Student Council have done an outstanding job of representing their home rooms. These students voiced the opinions of fellow classmates and relayed messages to and from the various meetings they attended throughout the year.
Student Cound[ COUNCIL- Row One: Bruce Bailey, Darrell Smith, Becky Samp-
so~, Dale Smith, Chris Loulias, Carol Hogenson, Donna Webster,
llugh â&#x20AC;˘s, Kent Millington1 Ross Gonzales, Dianne Smith, amo Osborne. Row Two: Dicl< Weber, George Milligan,, Steve Taylor, Earon Fairbourn, Linda Bowles, Bonnie Borg, Becky
Smith, Susie Nichols, Janet Bellon, Joni Sampson, Karen Fenstermaker, Karen Ihlers. Row Three: Vicki Davis, Margaret Walters, Brent Phillips, Robert Butterfield, Doug Broadhead, Peggy Wade, Jean Salisbury, Anna Marie Pearson, Vicki Price, Julie Jensen, Bob Mascaro, Howard Kempton.
Steve Mori President
Patsy Meissner Vice-President
Senior C[ass
Karen Fenstermaker ccretary
The ambitious officers of the S nior Class have I d th ir f How classmates to the top of the stairway. St v , Palsy, and Karen did a v ry good job of pr scnting the Senior Hop, Senior Progr ssive, and Graduation x rcis s. They hav help d to give Jordan a fond memory of th class of Sixty-one.
Eldona Adams
Janet Adamson
Pauline Akagi
Roberta Akers
Karen Allmendinger
David Allmendinger
Darrell Allmendinger
Dan Anderson
Rhonda Andrus
Dean Andreason
Jeanette Asay
Shirley Bannon Ann Bechtel
Brent Alldredge
Margie Bell
"Message to Garcia."
Claudia.Berrett Coy Bishop
Jackie Bennion
Barbara Bond
Paul Boswell
Richard Boswell
Larry Bowman
Lynnette Boyce
Paul Boyce
Linda Boyle
Glenna Brace
Bill Breeze
Sharron Brewer
Dennis Bringhurst
Bill Brinton
Bob Brown
Melanie Brunson
Migon Buchanan
Carol Ann Burbank
Margie Burgon
Claron Burgon
Chuck Burris No I Cantrell
Michael Burton Brian Carlquist
Carma Burson JoAnn Carlson
Linda Butterfi~ld Joyce Carlson
Shirley Buxton Joan Carrigan
Donald Campbell Kathleen Carter
Hal Christopherson
i\Iarilyn Clarke
Robert Cleland
Sandra Coe
Pat Cressall Eileen Dansie
Billy Crump Gene D'Aria no
Barbara Cutler Jim David
Clark Conti
Neil Greco Eileen Dahl
Calvin Dahl Jerry Davidson
Brent Dahl Grant Davis
Gloria Day
David Dibb
Vicki Davis
Dianne Dewegeli
Carol Dazley
Paul Dimond
Keith Derricott
Danny Doyle
Ken Despain
Robert Dunn
Bernard Devinny
Gail Dumas
Seniors "Full of sweet indifference."
Dale Eavenson
Bruce Edmund
Anita Edwards l<ay Edwards
John R. Edwards David Ehlers
Philip Engli h
Grant Erickson
"Knowledge is proud he's learned so much."
Seniors Boyd Evans
Carol Eth rington
Bob Frogget
Rodney Fullmer
Alona Garfield
Roy Gam
Kristine Glover
Owen Gatherum
Floyd Golf
Jean Godfrey
Sidney Gold
Eloise Goodrich
Norman Gray
Spencer Gray
L o Greenwood
Robert Gre nfleld
Mary Greenwood
Don Gull
Milton Hadley
Tony Gunderson
Janet Hardcastle Peggy Heaps
Vawna Hardwick Stephen Heinecke
Paulette Hardcastle Lynn Henke
I. â&#x20AC;˘
Charlee Henson
Dona Henricks
Steven Hirst
Bruce Hobart
Tom Hoopiiania
Cene Howard
Carl Howlett
Craig Howcroft
Linda Hudson
Margaret Hughes
Kent Hyde
Linda Hyatt
Dee Jaynes
Karen lhlers
Darlene Jenkins
Marilyn Jenkins
Ronald Jenkins
Brinn Jensen
Joan Jensen Merrolyn Johansan
Colleen Jensen Sheryl Johanson
Lynnette Jones
Jim Jones
Tim Jones
Wade Joos
Richard Jorgensen
Craig Joosten
Leann Julander
Pam Kemp
Harry Keysaw
Lavelle Kirby
Howard Kempton
Seniors "We are sewing, daily sewing!"
Elaine Kirk
Myron Kropf
Susan Kjar Kathleen Konold
Mike Kosovich Maxine Kramer
Lael Kunz
Marvin Kunz
"Secretaries are always DIGNIFIED!"
Priscilla Kynaston
Mary Lindsay
Philip Lloyd
Michael Loulias
Kathy Loumis
Linda Lublin
Stephen Love
Leo Lundberg
Linda Lunnen
Cary Lyon
Kent Mabey
Paul Mahler
Vicky Marriott
David Marchant
Peter Martin
Roger Martineau
Bob Mascaro
Guy Matthews
Gary Moore
Karron Mosher
Sharron Mosher
Cheryl Montaque
Sleve Mori
Carol Moss
Keith Monteer
Theran Mugleston
Frank Mumford
Lee Mumford
Gayl Nance
Beverly Neff
Wayne Neilson Susie Nichols
Linda Nelson Ronald Noorda
Linda Nelson Herb Obom
Marilee Nelson Russ Oleen
Bob Newbold Slovc Olson
Pam Nichols Rodney Olivet
Sharon Parkinson
Kathy Patrick
Kenneth Pearson
Sydney Pedersen
Seniors "Skirts ARE getting shorter !"
J3rcnt Phillips
Dana Pond
"Can she bake a cherry pie ?"
Ronnie Phillips
Judith Pierson
Carole Rop r
Eileen Rosenhan
Kristine Rosenhan
Marilyn Snb y
Vicki Sagers
Paul Saldivar
Joni Sampson
Elden Saville
Julie Schmidt
Esther Smith
Neil A. Smith
Bernie Trujllo
Larry Tuttle
Russell Utley
Brent Vawdrey
Lydia Villalobos
Barbara Vidler
Seniors "Five heads are better than one."
Dick Weber
Ned Walker
Linda Wheadon
Louis Weichert
Shirl Wenerstrom
Maggie Westerman
Dillie Wetsel
Marva Weber
Glyn White
Frank Wilcox
Ralph Williams
Carol Winn
Kent Woodward
Loroon Witt
Seniors Alan Wright
Robert Young
Nancy Zdunich Dennis Zupan
Claudia Zdunich Linda Andrus
Ken Zagarich
Senior class advis rs: Marlin Fairborn, Grant Kunzler, Jim H aly, Murray Allen, and B tty H nd 'rson played their part in h !ping seniors tak their final step.
Bryan Steadman and Elray Dow, the advanced members of the stage crew, adjust the lights for a special assembly.
Brent Howcroft and Jon Van Wagoner get the 16mm film projector ready for a movie in the auditorium.
Seniors Honor. â&#x20AC;˘ â&#x20AC;˘ The Senior Class wishes to pay special tribute to th stage crew and th ir able adviser, Mr. Sacos. Always behind the scene, these fellows have contribut d much of their own time serving the students of Jordan High by h ]ping to make this y ar's activiti s more succ ssful. Our sincere thanks go to the stage cr w for the fine job they hav done this year .
Experimenting with the spot controls are Eldon Zupan and Glen Watts.
STAGE CREW- Row One: Brent Howcroft, Glen Watts, Eldon Zupan, Jon Van Wagoner. Row Two: Elray Dow, Mr. Sacos, Adviser; Brian Steadman.
Cheryl Bateman
Diann Jensen
Vice President
George Young President
Junior C[ass -O~cers Midway on the stairway of success stand the Junior Class Officers: George, Diann, and Cheryl. This outstanding trio has led the Junior Class in a successful year with the pre entation of an ent rtaining Junior Class Assembly, and the annual Junior Prom which has proved to be one of the most popular dances of the year.
Lawrence Anderson Archie Archuleta
Lynda Anderson Kent Ashman
John Dagley Cheryl But â&#x20AC;˘man
James Bailey David Bastian
Glenda Baird Cary Bateman
Bonnie Baker Dean Bawden
George Ballard Bonnie Beck
Donald Barney Ernie Bedont
Jim Barron Maurine Beckstead
Brent Bennion Bruce Birchcll
Marlene Belcher Kaye Bird
Andy Bergman K nt Birrell
Geraldine Bernardo Thomas Bishop
julie Biggâ&#x20AC;˘ DeAnn Bjork
Allen Bills Clinton Black
Karren Bills Bill Blair
"Enie, Menie, Minie, Moe ... !"
Delores Brown Larry Butterfield
Joe Bullet Sherrie Lee Burbank
Kathy Brown Verla ButtcrBcld
Julie Brown D.1lc Campbell
Ella Mari Bu ·hn D.IVid anning
Roh •rl Buck! •y Gail arlson
JoAnn Carlsen Diane Chavez
Lee Carlson Charlotte Chmiel
Les Carlson Mary Clements
Bobbette Carpenter David Collett
Cherie Chamberlin Donald Collett
Sharon Carpenter Lee Collins
Barbara Carpenter Byron Colton
Bruce Cowddl arolc Davis
Russell Crandell Dianna Davis
Melvin Cowdell Diana Day
Janet Cowley Kathy Day
Andrea C::>x Steve Day
Mostyn Cox Richard Day
Brent Covington William DeCu s
Nash D lgado Tony Doyle
Carla Dinius Shauna Draper
B ryl D â&#x20AC;˘an Elruy Dow
Rand!, Densley Caro yn Dunn
Sherr' Despain Pau Dykman
Gordan Douglas Tom Eliason
Cecil Douglas Pat Elder
Kraig Ellis Judy Evans
Merrill Enniss Bob Essex
Mary Lou Erekson Glenn Eyre
Claire Erlenbach Billy F(lrmer
Jane Fitzgerald Carole Fyans
Orene Fitzferald Gerald Fu !mer
Paul Fjcldsted Lee Fugal
Kristin Flint Harvey Cabler
Earl Clover Sharen Green
Don Clover Tanya Green
Shirley Getman Afton Greenwood
Judy off Judy Gregory
Jimmy Ertmann Ilene Farnsworth
Lucille Fowler ancy Camingasco Rosa lee Gonzales Marilyn unnâ&#x20AC;¢ll
Dan Error Mary Ann Fish r
Pearl Eror Eddie Fitzgerald
Dann{ Froglet Fran Cau m
jean Froisland William Canz
Calvin Crc n Byron undcrson
Nancy ranquisl Linda rover
Kenneth Hadley Sharon Hansen
Cleve Hale Gail Hardcastle
Bob Halpin Bonnie Hardman
Judy Ham Sharon Hardman
Kent Hansen Judith Harker
Ronald Hansen Judy Harper
Drew Hansen Bill Heki
Eddie Hodgson John Hutchings
Carol Hogenson Ann Ipson
Blanch Holt Eugene Izatt
Terry Holmstrom Jerry Jacob
Juniors Class interest runs high?
Nancy Helm Gordon Holter
Kathleen Hepner Mike Hughes
Lillian Heuser JoAnn Hutchings
Nadine Jacobson Carol Jenkins
Donald Jacobson Jeanette Jenkins
Becky Howard Lorin Jenkins
Joyce James Lynda jenkins
Linda Jansen Paula jenkins
David Jenkins Diann E. jensen
Denise J ararnillo Carol Lee jensen
Juniors "Youk'n hide defier, but w'at you gwine do wid de smoke."
Dianne R. Jensen Carol Jones
Diane Jenson David Jones
Mervin Jensen Cordon Jones
Jane Jeppson Ronald jones
Judith johnson Ray Joos
Linda johnson David jorgensen
Sandra Johanson Marianne jorgensen
Joe Koncurat Cathy Lawson
Mary Juretich Paulette Larsen
Joey Kankelborg Steve Larsen
Gordon Kimball Dora Larson
Don Kocherhans Lynn Larson
Bill Koos Robert Larson
Steve Kramer Kent Larkin
Carl Leatherwood Larry Loveless
Ronnie Lee Preston Lloyd
Yvonne Lifferth Lloyd Loveless
Kent Linford Joe Lugo
Gwen Linnarz Dolly Malnar
Renae Li~sey Rodney Ma strom
David Lloyd Mike Mannos
Wayne Marshall Kathy Mazuran
Bonnie Mark Kent McCleary
Toni Martin Julene McDonald
Janice Martinez Dennis Meeks
Richard Matsumura Janice Meissner
Tommy Mayfield Mary Jean Mellor
Marsha Maynes Wolfgang Mensen
Carol Middleton Carolyn Milne
Brent Mickelsen Marilyn Millerberg
Ralph Mickelsen DeLyn Mitchell
Susan Mickelsen John Monr9e
Delores Myers janny Lou Morley
Beatrice Milburn Joe Moore
Henry Miller Robert Moody
Don Morrell Susan Neuffer
Dennis Moser Bruce Nelson
Lois Moser Kent Newbold
Carolynn Mumn Christine Newton
Pat Nash Ross Nichol
Wally Nelson Eugene Nimomiya
Lee N 11 Ann Nielson
Michael Nosack Larry Pace
Jill Nowlan Wynne Page
Jean Olabarri Marie Panek
David Olson Judy Parker
Janet Olson Kathy Parker
David Ostl r Kathryn Pay
Lawr nee Ort ga Robert Pati nco
Anna Marie Pearson Pam Pierce
Claudia Pedersen Becky Pierce
Pat Pedersen Kathy Pierson
Cheryl Penrod Brent Plant
Lynn Petersen David Platt
James Peterson Judi Platt
Bonnie Peterson Minnie Player
Linda Price Calvin Rist
Vicki Price Karen Roper
Marlene Rawson Linda Romero
Judi Rawlings Steve Rodgers
"Answer a fool according to his folly."
Joan Porter Natalie Reed
Dcrald Powell Arthur Reams
Cary Price Robert Rich
Melvinna Rugg Kathleen Sagers
Jacque Samuelson Dennis Sharp
Joe Sargent Jennie Sharp
Sydney Schmidt Lynda Sharp
Jean Schow Viki Sharp
Margaret Scorzato Linda Shields
Caleen Setterberg Judy Shelton
Juniors Lowell Boberg, Lloyd Lind, Deane Bennion, Beverly Crawford, Ernest Bianchi and Leo Dean have advis d the Junior class and help d th m take th ir steps in the right directions.
Craig Shoemaker Bruce Slater
Dianne Shomaker Clen Smart
Nila Silcox Becky Smith
Albert Simonich Betty Jean Smith
Margene Sjoblom Brent Smith
Reid joblom Carol Smith
Cheryl Sjostrom Don Smith
Fred Smith Dean Snarr
Janelle Smith Gilbert Snodgrass
Richard St le Hoger Sterling
Gloria Steiner Lynn Stoker
Edna Tafoya Ned Timothy
Marie Tapp Mary Tischner
Jim Smith Terry Spainhower
Keith Smith Susan Staker
Linda Smith David Steadman
Neil Smith Bryan Steadman
Sherman Smith Teddy Staker
Kent Stepan Stone
James Stevens Gene Strasburg
Larry Stevens LaRae Street
Ford Stevenson Paul Stuart
Judy Steihl Mike Stroud
Charlene Tarlor Alice Trujillo
Steve Taylor Bonnie Tueller
Diane Tea Frank Tuft
Rosemary Thompson Carol Tunbridge
Diane Thurber Cloyd Turner
Harold Turner Delia Villalobos
Mary Turner Lorraine Vigil
Richard Tuttle Daryl Vincent
Judy Ure Mike Visser
Karen VanSeters Doris Vordos
Stephan Velarde Linda Walker
Lowell Vawdrey Jean Walker
Michael Walker Rolayne Welch
Mary Sue Walles Dennis Weidaman
Richard Wallin Stephen Welch
Carol Walsh Donald Wellington
Douglas Warner Vince Welsh
Maureen Webb Vicki Wheeler
Larry Webster John West
Jay Whiting Stanley Williams
Dan Whetman Susan Williams
Howard Whitlock Sharol Woffinden
Merle Whitmore Lloyd Woodward
Jay Wilkes Elvin Worthington
oc Williams dheryl Wright
Leona Williams Howard Worthen
Sharon Wright KayYengich
Kaye Wright Barbara Young
Marvin Wyler Carole Young
Amy Yamashiro George Young
]'Jew Students The new feet on our stairs belong to ... Row One: Karen Leatherwood, Granger; Alice Eklund, Granger; Sondra Orvis, South; Victory Smith, West. Row Two: Allen Fergerson, West; Carolyn Harper, South; Carol Roll, North High, Arizona; Wanda Orvis, South; Darrell Rivers, Narbonne High, California. Anne Prior
WoU Dieter Peter Rainer
Anne Prior was born in London, England:
~he lived in Ireland, then she and her famy moved to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Anne came to the United States to finish ~e~ senior year at Jordan and to attend the . ngham Young University. We have enJOYed our association with Anne this year. Wolf Dieter Peter Rainer was born and raised in Austria. He came to the United States to finish his high school education ~d to attend the University of Utah. Wolf b 1eter is a junior at Jordan High and has ecome an active member of our student body.
Judy Thurber Secretary
Dale Smith President
Susan Greenwood Vice-President
S~homore Officers At the beginning of our stairway stand the efficient Sophomore class officers. Dale, Susan, and Judy have led their fellow students in the right direction during th ir first year at Jordan. They carried out successfully the plans that were made for the Sophomore Party, which will be remembered by all who attended.
Steve Adams Nancy Allen
Doug Abrams Robert Allen
Evinda Adams David Anderson
Linda Ainsworth Ellis Andersen
John Ajioka LoyAnn Andrus
Judy Alleman Paul Andrus
Mary Allen Susan Allmendinger
Michael Angeles Maurine Barney
Glenda Archibald Jack Barney
Wilma Archuleta Julie Barnes
Bob Askew Sharon Bowles
Johnny Balich Kim Bean
Afton Ballard Barbara Beers
Shauna Atkinson Dianne Beckstead
Gerald Bellows John Bills
Irvin Bennett Malay Bills
Reggie Bennion Kathy Birch
Tom Bennion Pauline Bird
Cordon Benson Bonnie Bishop
Marianne Berger Geri Bishop
Kaylene Bess David Blair
Johnny Bodell Don Brady
Marie Blaney Ross Brewster
Jeanette Bluemel Kent Brindley
Eddie Boggess Larry Bringhurst
Richard Boswell Hammond Brinton
Del Bra<}.y Doug Broadhead
Kurt Bowers Gay Lynn Brown
Hal Brown Kathy Burgon
Kathi Brown Arne! Burris
Pat Brown Barbara Busath
Ross Brown Karen Butler
Judith Buhler Linda Butterfield
Jean Burbidge Robert Butterfield
Patricia Bullock Pam Caldwell
"There goes our safety flag!"
Lynn Carlquist Mary Castillo
Karen Carlston Sandra Cavagnola
Michael Carpenter Sharron Chidester
Marilyn Cole Richard Cook
Ruth Coleman Rose Marie Costanza
Robert Collins Lynn Covington
Jay Colledge Kathleen Cowdell
Dick Crane Kent Curtis
Carol Lee Crane Dale Curtis
Terry Cressall Carol Curtis
Chad Crosgrove Martha Damjanovich
Steven Carpenter Claudia Carrigan Carolyn Christensen Jimmy Christiansen
Robert Carter Nancy Clark
Brent Carroll John Clarke
Joe Conaty Craig Cowley
Terry Conger Jerry Cox
Bruce Cook Maurine Cox
Linda Crosgrove Robert Davis
Bruce Cude Betsy DeGeus
Madelyn Crump Joanne Dazley
Eloise DeGroot Duane Dunn
Ken DeLuca Michael Dowd
Raylene Demke John Donga
Carol Densley Bill Dyet
Karen Densley Launa Edmunds
Terry Densley Pat Eltz
Kae Despain Vema Elmer
Linda Erickson Syble Fitzgerald
Cleve Emmons Earon Fairboum
Marrianne Fagg Esperanza Flores
Michael Emms Judy Forbush
Michael Evans Richard Ford
Pam laEvans Georgia Forrester
Ray Enniss David Freeman
Dennis Gallegos Brent Glover
Linda Gardner David Goff
Sharon Gardner Glen Goff
Dawn Gatherum Bryant Gold
Paul Giauques Joe Gomez
Robert Glenn Carl Gray
Michael Giles Arla Gorup
Sandra Green Karen Grow
Omah Greco Dennis Gunderson
George Greenfield Rue! Gunnell
David Greenwood Vernon Haddow
Susan Greenwood Verne Hagen
Vicki Griffith Hal Hale
Glenda Greenwood Pat Hallett
Janie Hall Judy Harper
Jeanie Hall Michael Harper
James Hamilton Steven Harris
Carol Hancock Don Harryman
Karen Hardcastle Owen Hart
Richard Hansen David Hastings
Gary Hansen Paul Hastings
S~homores "You can always tell a Halo girl."
John Hatch Susan Henschke
Arlan Heaps Gary Heugly
Arlene Heaps Larry Hewitt
Rodney Heaps Barbara Hill
Jean Heath Sylvia Hobart
Stewart Hem bury Lurie Holfeltz
Cheryl Hendrickson Shirlene Hill
Marie Holter Rodger Humphrey
Leah Homer Raymond Irvine
Joe Hovey Sheldon Izatt
Brent Howcroft Dawn Jackson
Steve Hughes Shirley Jacobson
Linda Hunt Stanley James
Dwight Hyatt Georgia Jenkins
s~~omores "Progress is our most important product."
Larry Jenkins Daryl Jenson
Carol Jensen Venna Jensen
Doug Jensen Linda Johansen
Gene Jensen Robert johansen
Dwight Johnson Robyn Juhlin
Pat Johnson Lynn Judy
Glen Jones Richard Julio
Richard Jones Scott Keller
Russell Jones Gaylene Kemp
Lynn Joosten Larry Kemp
Richard Jones Terry Kemp
Steph n King Teddy Kyriopoulos
Michael King Gilbert Kynaston
Tim King Verda Lambson
Dorothy Kitt Charlotte Larsen
Linda Knutson Lynne Larsen
Ketmeth Kunz Paul Larsen
Robert Kunz Pauline Larsen
Kent Jensen Stephen Johanson
Mary Jensen Dennis Johnson
Peggy Jensen Billie Johnson
Frances Larson Shirley Lloyd
Marshall Larson Ann La Von Lifferth
Paula Larson Evelia Lopez
Gayle Law Lupe Lopez
Gail Lawrence Christine Loulias
Steven Lewis Glena Lundgre n
Judy Levine Jean tt Lynch
Carol Lunnen Jerold Martin
Dale Lyon Lavel Maynard
Annette Mabey Peggy Maynard
David Mahler Russ ·11 Mayn >s
Linda Mangum Sharon McBride
Susan Mannes D.wid 1cl onald
Tom Marriott Kent McLuchl 'll
Sheila McDonald Lorin Minnick
Rosemary Maker Bobby Mitchell
Dixie Meadin Douglas Mons
joe M ·eks Geraldine Montaquc
Sharon Mill ·r arolyn Moran
Hichard Milne Kdth forgan
Kent Millington Oorothy Mori
JoeMumm Roy Nelson
Monty Nickle Ester Olsen
Nancy Myers Sandra Nelson
Jay Nielsen Michael Olsen
Jay Nance Verdine Nelson
Lona Nielson Kenneth Olsen
Dauna Neil Janet Nemanic
Pat Nielsen Steve Oliver
Craig Nelson Janet Newbold
Ronald Nordgren Jerry O'Nash
Linda Nelson Judy Newbold
Joan Nunley David Ottley
Paul C. Nelson Brent Newman
Douglas Norton Jean Overstreet
s~~omores "I have not yet begun to fight."
Marvin Pack Richard Parks
Barbara Peterson James Plumhof
Carol Page Sam Pasquali
Don Peterson Stacey Pond
Carol Ann Paget Betty Pauley
Gayle Peterson Rhonda Poulson
Arthur Parker Florence Paulsen
Karen Peterson Marvin Powell
Gloria Parker Kathryn Pearson
Phyllis Pidcock Boyd Pri e
Penny Parker Marita Peery
Marc Planchon Clara Price
Tonya Parker Glen Perkins
Penny Pixton Dec Priano
S~homores "Though she b but littl , she is fierce."
George Price Brent Rasmussen
Meri chclim Dona Scoll
Tom Price Roy Rasmussen
Jean alisbury Frank Searle
Brent Pulsipher Larry Rathjen
Becky Sampson Laura Sctterberg
Benjy Rains Linda Rawlings
David Schultz Rinard Sewell
Richard Rains Joann Read
Diane Schultz Richard Sharp
Diane Raisor Stephen Reeder
leon Scoggan Val Sharp
Nicky Rakich Wayne Reed
Dianne Saville Todd Shoemaker
Connie Tashiro Dick Tester
Ronald Talbot Sandra Thomas
Christine Tebbs Kathleen Thompson
Kathy Tennant Judy Thurber
Bur~ Thnck r Sheila Trant r
Steven Tuttle Ernie Vigil
Mary Turner Paul Visser
Richard Utley Vicki Vunder
George VanHorn Peggy Wade
Jane VanLeeuwen Karen Walbeck
Kathleen Vawdrey Lynne Walker
Jon VanWagoner Terry Walker
Mark Walsh Ruth Anne Watts
Julie Wahlquist Linda Watts
Margaret Walters Judy Weaver
Marianne Walters Cheryl Webb
Albert Warden Paul Webb
Richard Warnock Donna Webster
Glen Watts Van Webb
S~homores "I am slow of study."
Dennis Wells Jan Wilson
Elaine Welch Vickie Williams
Chad Wenerstrom Leland Winger
Page Whetman Paul Wolsleger
John Whitlock Nancy Wood
Marilyn Yorgason
fuanita Wortltington Jim Zupan
Charlene Wright Rebecca Zemavek
Shrec Washburn Tom Zdunich
Joan Wright MarkZmo
Sharon Whittle Abbie Winget
Richard Wilcox Dawn Woodbury
Valarie Young
Larry Yates Jay Zupan
s~~omores "Art is the only cl an thing on earth?"
VERDA LAMBSON Mny 14, 1945 - November 27, 1960
FRANK PORTER May 14, 1943 - January 2, 1961
"Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, Death came with friendly care; The opening bud to heaven convey'd, And bade it blossom there." Samuel Coleridge
As our stairway rises, we divert it from our regular course of study to pass through the organizations and clubs. This gives us the opportunity to apply to our every day life what we have learned as we have ascended our stairs.
• ··• ••
~ ~
~ . .».:
Christine Loulias Vice President
Bonnie Mark Secretary
Gayle Nance President
&ir~' _Association
Officers The Girls' Association is an organization in which every girl attending Jordan is a member. The association sponsors activities and orientation assemblies for the girls of the school. Because of the limination of many of the social clubs for girls, the Girls' Association has taken over many new activities and responsibilities. Pictured here are th officers and advisers that worked so hard to make this the club's most active year. ADVISERS -Miss Seaman, Mrs. Wade, Mrs. Milne, Mrs. Fitzgerald, Miss Alvey, Mrs. Yates.
Polly Preston Senior Representative
Bonnie Peterson Junior Representative
Vicki Vunder Sophomore Representative
Cleve Hale Secretary
Larry Larson President
Val Sharp Vice President
:Bo~s¡ Association
Officers One of the most important and successful clubs which is offered to the boys at Jordan is the Boys' Association. Every boy has a membership in this club and each has an opportunity to participate in the various activities sponsored by the club. Fathers' and Sons' Jamboree, the Thanksgiving Party, Parents' Night Out, and special orientation assemblies for the fellows at Jordan were only a few of the outstanding activities which were sponsored by the Boys' Association.
Dan Fieldstad Senior Representative
Howard Worthen Junior Representative
ADVISERS - Mr. Milne, Mr. Casper, Mr. Sacos, Mr. Linford.
Darrel Smith Sophomore Representative
Narrating the Christmas assembly, sponsored by the Girls' Association, are Judy Smith, Wolf Dieter Peter Rainer, and Kathy Birch.
Singing "Winter Wonderland," Rhonda Andrus, Diane Smith, Polly Preston, Gayle Nance, Kathryn Miner, and Anita Freeman, helped put the student body in the spirit of Christmas.
Activities The night of the Fathers' and Sons' Jamboree a student from the University of Utah gave a thrilling demonstration of skills on the trampoline.
Dick Hall, who plays for the Kansas City Athletics, entertained the sons and fathers with tips on the art of pitching.
To h lp c lebral the Thankgiving holiday, a matin dance was/lann d by both clubs; prizes an r cords wcr giv n away.
The Big-Pal-Little-Pal party was the first event of the year and it gave the senior and sophomore girls an opportunity to get better acquainted.
The Big-Pals and Little-Pals enjoyed refreshments after a program and an interview with a stewardess from Western Airlines.
Activities of the Girls' Association and the Boys' Association this year were numerous; together they sponsored th Thanksgiving Party. The boys took over at the Fathers and Sons' Jamboree and the Parents' Night Out. The girls were kept busy with such activities as the Big Pal-Littl Pal Party, th Fathers and Daughters' Dane , the Moth rs and Daughters' Night Out, the Girls' Dance, and the Dog Patch Drag. Both clubs had an individual council made up of representatives chosen from each hom -room.
After dancing up an appetit , fathers and daughters paused for refreshments.
Pictured here are several of the couples who enjoyed a wonderful evening at the first formal dance presented by the Girls' Association. First place winners in the Charleston contest at the Fathers and Daughters' Dance were Francis Dance Club members performed at Larson and her father. the Fathers and Daughters' Dance.
KEY CLUB - Row One: Henry Miller, Dale Smith, Earon Fairbourn, Dean Bawden, George Bapis, Cleve Hale, Frank Mumford, Steve Heinecke, Darrell Smith, Steven Mori, Robert
Ren. Row Two: Elray Dow, Claron Burgon, Howard Kempton Frank Tuft, G orge Young, Scott Parker, Larry Larson, Ncif Smith, David Jorgensen, Byron Bateman, Howard Worthen.
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS -Jay Pond, adviser; Brent Anderson, 2nd Vice president; Claron Burgon, 1st vice president; Byron Bateman, secretary; Kelvin Landers, board member; Clifford Swenson, adviser.
Howard Kempton President
KEY CLUB - Row One: Eugene Ninomiya, Lowell Vawdrey, Ernie Bedont, Brent Anderson, Frank Gaufin, Joe Sargent, Kent Ashman, Dave Ehlers, Harold Larson, Ford Stevenson. Row Two: Kelvin Landers, Dale LeDuc, Dan Fieldstad, Michael Giles, Willard Bishop, Art Casper, Brian Smith, Gary B. Peterson, Robert Kunz, Randy Treadway, George H. Milligan.
The Jordan High Key Club is part of the International Key Club, which comprises two thousand and thirty-one clubs and over forty-nine thousand members in the United States and Canada. The purpose of the club is to give service to the school, church, and community. The main activity of the club is a yearly project, which is presented to the school. Acknowledgment should be given to the Key Club memb rs of the fifty-nine - sixty year for the trophy case in the main hall. This year's club members donated the twin bulletin cases on either side of the trophy cabinet. The pledges of the club participate in the initiation. Messy aren't they! Pi tur d h rc arc Howard and George making use of the directory present d to the school by the Key Club.
Karren Bills President
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Row One: Cheryl Bateman, Secretary; Kay Yengich, Historian; Becky Smith, Reporter; Mary Lou Erekson, Treasurer; Ann Nielson, Drill Mistress. Row Two: Karren Bills, President; Marilyn Yates, Adviser; Peggy Krier, Adviser.
Cllar[onian C[ub CHARLONIAN CLUB - Row One: julie Brown, Daryl Vincent, Dianne R. Jensen, Becky Smith, Sheryl Despain, Terry Holstrom, Susan Mickelsen, Jean Froisland, Julie Biggs, Cheryl Penrod. Row Two: Jean Walker, Amy Yamashiro, Gwen Astorga, D Ann Bjork, Carolyn Dunn, Diann E. Jensen, Ann Nielsen, Jean Schow, Kay Yengich, Linda Walker, Cheryl Bateman, Kathy Day, Pat Pedersen.
The Charlonians entertained Cyprus at their first tea. The club chose the theme "Flowers in the Snow."
Fifty new girls and a new adviser made up the Charlonian Club this year. Always striving upwards, the club promoted scholarship, good sportsmanship, loyalty, and pep among the students of Jordan High. Along with marching at football and basketball games, the Charlonians entertained other pep clubs, worked on a Christmas project, and sponsored the annual Charlonian Ball.
Unusual and formal decor was chosen for the tea with Tooele. The decoration committee put many hours of work into making this a success.
CHARLONIAN CLUB - Row One: Natalie Reed, Janny Lou Morley, Carole Young, Mary Lou Erekson, Viki Sharp, Judy Ham, Becky Pierce, Diane Chavez, Bonnie Mark, Karren Bills. Row Two: Linda Smith, Sharon Wright, Vicki Price, Afton Greenwood, Kathy Parker, Mary Sue Walles, Sherry Brklacy, Judy Alexander, Diana Day, Diane B. Jenson, Pam Pierce, Verla Butterfield, Jean Olabarri, Carole Davis, Marrianne Jorgensen.
MASQUE AND GAVEL - Row One: Mary Jo Bees, Shirley Read, Doris jones, Kathryn Pearson, Sydney Pedersen, Vicki Sagers, Polly Preston, Mary Greenwood, Mary Lindsay, Connie Tashiro, Sydney Ann Schmidt, Carla Dinius, Bela Walker, Paulette Larsen, Janet Olson, Judy Goff, Marilyn Millerberg, j anet Cowley, Dave Ehlers, Cary Beesley, Vicky Marriott, Linda Wheadon, Paulette Hardcastle, Coy Bishop, Sherma Lind, Maggie Westerman, Carol Ann Paget, Bonnie Bishop, Lynne Larson, Dianne Smith. Row Two: Elaine Osborne, Joni Sampson, Pauline Mertlich, Judy Newbold, Judy Smith, Carol Jensen, Sherry Brklacy, Alona Garfield, Dana Jean Pond, Terry Holmstrom, Glenda Baird, Marianne Fagg, Pauline Bird, Leone Smith, Lani Smith, Carolyn Christensen, Linda Rawlings, Ruby Price, Priscilla Kynaston, Pauline Akagi,
Masque ancf Erave[
Anna Rose Laveder President GLEN E. SAGOS Adviser
Marilyn Jenkins, Pamela Evans, Claudia Zdunich, Janet Hardcastle, Vickie Williams, Marita Perry. How Three: Thomas Bishop, Hank Orlik, Susan H •nschke, Shirley jacobson, joann Read, Judith Buhler, Linda M !son, Gloria Day, Laura Setterberg, Sandra Cavagnolo, J eatl Salisbury, Esther Smith, Nancy Clark, Randy Treadway, Peggy Heaps, Nancy Webb, Julie Jensen, Rhonda Andrus, Maxine Kramer, Julia Barnes, Gwen Astorga, Cheryl Bateman. Row Four: Dale LeDuc, Claron Burgon, Bonnie Mark, Mary Tischner, Dianne Sab •y, L ·c Fugal, Paul Andrus, Gen Joosten, David Thomas, Roger Martineau, Val Sharp, Howard Kempton, Wayne Beckstead, Art Casper, Ronald Jones, Don Cull, Vicki Vunder, Lona Nielsen, jan t Nemanie, Karen lhlers, Lynne Milburn, Kathleen Carter, Darlene jenkins, George Milligan, joe Koncurut.
OFFICERS - Diann Jensen, Historian; Marilyn Sabey, Vice President; Kathleen Lind, Secretary-Treasurer; Neil Smith, Parlinmen· tnrian.
MASQUE AND GAVEL - Row One: Carol Smith, Kathy Loumis, Jean Godfrey, Lynn Stevens, Glen Stucky, Dick Crane, Steven Tuttle, Ford Stevenson, Mary Ellen Turner, Kathy Burgan, Lynn Judy, Judy Ure Judy Ham, Pam Pierce, Pat Pedersen, Jean Schow, Janet Adamson, Susan Mannos, Charlee Henson, Susan Kjar, Lael .Kunz, Elaine Stuart, Jean Burbridge, Janie Hall, Wilma Archuletta, Kaylene Bess, Carol Lee Crane, Merle Whitmore, ClaraLee Tennant, Sylvia Hobart, Donna Scott. Row Two: Omah Greco, Dorothy Mori, Christine Loulias, Karen Walbeck, Carol Page, Mary Jensen, Jacque Samuelson, Paula Jenkins, Pat Neilsen, Arne! Burris, Martha Damjanovich, Nancy Wood, Sharol Woffinden, Karen Van Seters\ Sharon Hansen, Marilyn Yorgason, Margaret Walters, Sharon Mi ler, Jeanie Hall, Phyllis Pidcock, Kathy Birch, Gayle Petersen, Kathleen Hepn r Jean Gorup, Sharon McBride, Carol Ann Burbank, Carolyn Chidester, Paul Hastings. Row Three: Judy
Thurber, Christine Tebbs, Karen Butler, Sibyl Fitzgerald, Claudia Carrigan, Ann Bechtel, Elaine Kirk, Gloria Steiner, Becky Smith, Renae Stone, Sharon Gardner, Marianne Walters, Rolene Bowen, Daryl Vincent, Sharon Wright, Mary Anne Fisher, Janice Bigler, Jane Fitzgerald, Carol Middleton, Tanya Green, JoAnn Hutchings, Pam Caldwell, Susan Allmendinger, Charlene Wright, Mary Alien, Charlene Taylor, Louise Blatnick, Cecil Douglas. Row Four: Diana Beckstead, Judy Forbush, Rosemary Mlaker, Sheryl Johanson, Ethel Smith, Pam Kempt, Cathy Booth, Marilyn McDonald, Tom Marriott, Marshall Larson, Gary Coulam, Don Glover, Bob Mascaro, Ronnie Jones, Randy Densley, Billy Farmer, Steve Kramer, Mostyn Cox, Bonnie Borg, Diane Thurber, Joan Porter, Gloria Tea, Annette Beckstead, Joan Carrigan, Lynnette Boyce, Allene Larsen, Vawna Hardwick, Caralee Backus, Boyd Price.
At the formal initiation, Masque and Gavel Club members pledged themselves to help promote speech activity at Jordan.
The Masque and Gavel Club is a national speech organization. This club sponsors and encourages all speech activities. The purpose of the club is to build interest and participation in the departments of speech. Club members have attended many plays presented by the University of Utah. Having been one of the most active clubs, the membership has grown to over two hundred members.
DANCE CLUB - Row One: Judi Rudd, Kathy Patrick, Joni B. Sampson, Linda Lunnen, Dorothy Thomson, Elaine Brown, janice Meissner, Kathy Sagers. Row Two: Trudy Robinson, Margene Sjoblom, Rela Walker, Sheryl Johansen, Paulette Hardcastle, Janet
Dance C[ub
Adamson, Vawna Hardwick, Lynnette Boyce, Marilyn McDonald, Verla Butterfield. Row Three: Annette Beckstead, Barbara Sylvester, Joan Carrigan, Kristine Flint, Susan Kjar, Diana Day, Ann Nielsen, Linda Boyle, Claudia Berrett, Patsy Meissner, Vicki Sagers, Margie Bell, Carol Middleton, Lyla Larsen.
The Dance Club has a membership consisting of junior and s nior girls, chosen for their dancing skill and ability. Their main purpose of the club is to provide enjoyment and entertainment to the school through participation in floor shows and assemblies. OFFICERS - Margcne Sjoblom, Vlce President; Linda Lunnen, Secretary; Lynnette Boyce, Historian; Sheryl Johanson, Reporter.
Patsy Meissner President Peggy Krier Adviser
LETTERMEN - Row One: Lloyd Atkinson, Chuck Tebbs, Merrill Enniss, Bruce Cowdell, Dave Ehlers, Bruce Birchell, Grant Davis, Norman Rich, Ken Despain, George Bapis, Hank Orlik, Lynn Wardle, Bob Brown, Howard Worthen, Dick Weber. Row Two: Donald Jacobson, Mervin Jensen, Lynn Larson, Tim Jones, Wayne B ckstead, Brent Phillips, Cleve Hale, Ernie Bedont, Bob Mascaro, Zane Parker, Stephen Love, Carl Leatherwood, Kent Me-
Cleary, Craig Shoemaker. Row Three: Eugene Izatt, Howard Smith, Don Kocherhans, Brian Carlquist, Melvin Blaney, Tony Trinnaman, Jay Whiting, Don Glover, Steven Taylor, Larry Larson, Jim Turner, Kelvin Landers. Row Four: Michael Loulias, Billy Farmer, Gordon Kimball, Richard Day, Louie Weichert, Steve Day, Bradley Brimhall, Gary Coulam, Ned Walker, George Milligan, Steven Mori.
fettermen. s C[ub OFFICERS -Bob Brown, Vice President; Lloyd Atkinson, Board Member; Jim Turner, Secretary; Zane Parker, Board Member.
Steve Love President Art Hughes Adviser
All the Lettermen of Jordan combine together in a club. They decide on the type and style of Lettermen jackets and sweaters that will be bought.
Cbarlynn Milne Adviser
Ann Bechtel President
MODEL U. N. - Row One: Mary Densley, Maggie Westerman, Mary Lindsay, Kathy Loumis, Ann Bechtel, Marilyn Yorgason, Lynn Larson, Anna Rose Laveder, Dianne Smith, Polly Preston. Row Two: John Donga, Marilyn McDonald, Allene Larsen, Bar-
OFFICERS - Polly Preston, Assistant Secretary General; Allene Larson, Secretary-Treasurer; Becky Smith, Historian.
The Model United Nations met each Thursday after school. All the meetings were carried on with parliamentary procedure. Various activities were carried out during the meetings including reports, panel discussions, committee reports, and so forth. The entire year was devoted to studying The Dominican Republic, th country Jordan rcpres nts, and also the function of the United Nations. barn Sylvester, Kathleen Lind, Vicki Williams, Sheryl johanson, B cky Smith, Paulin Mertlich, Donald Barn y, George Milligan. Row Three: Neil A. Smith, Howard Kempton, Paul Andrus, Gene Joosten, Roger Martineau, Richard jorgensen, Art Casper, Val Sharp, Randy Treadway.
OFFICERS - Roger Steed, Treasurer; Drew Hansen, Sentnel; Brian Carlquist, Vice President; Dennis Bringhurst, secretary; Neil Smith, Reporter; Glen Smart, Historian.
Richard Campbell Adviser
The Future Farmers of America is an agricultural organization which was founded in 1928. The Jordan Chapter was chartered in 1930. The club members receive leadership through their efforts by belonging. Some of the boys enter their projects at many of the livestock shows. The group sponsored the Harvest Ball, and the Parents and Sons' Banquet.
FUTURE FARMERS - Row One: Calvin Rist, Lionel Brown, Drew Hansen, Donald Jacobsen, Michael Carpenter, Roger Steed, Larry Pace, Lee Carlson, Neil Smith, Danny Reese, Brian Carl<!taist. Uow Two: Dick Adolphson, Lynn Joosten, Rinard Sewell, Daryl M. Smith, Larry Bringhurst, Jay Colledge, Monty Nickel,
Lloyd Atkinson President
Dennis Bringhurst1 Glen Smart, Dick Crane. Row Three: Elvin Worthington, Freel Smith, Milo Anderson, Lloyd Weaver, Tommy Mayfield, Craig Cowley, Robert Johanson, David Anderson, Blaine Smart, Kent Linford, Dwight Hyatt. Row Four: Glen Perkins, John Bills, Leland Winger, Andy Bergman, Steven Lewis.
OFFICERS - Row One: Mary Greenwood, Historian; Lael Kunz, Secretary. Row Two: Linda Lunnen, Vice President; Pat Cressall, Treasurer. Row Three: George Bapis, Parliamentarian; Fay Thomas, Adviser; Jim Tmner, President.
DECA - Row One: Alona Garfield, Jackie Bennion, Dona Hinrichs, Linda Lunnen, Mary Rees, Pat Cressall, Mary Greenwood, Lael Kunz. Row Two: Gloria Day, Janet Hardcast e Shirley Reed, Frank Mumford, Ceorge Bapis, Hank Orlik, Gary Coulam. Row Three: Richard Jensen, Steve Heinecke, Jim Turner, Lee Brindley, Kent Hyde, Bruce Edmund, Chuck Tebbs.
DECA future
The Deca Club, held in connection with the sales classes, successfully completed another active year. Members were invited to many of the meetings and activities held by the Utah Sales Executives Club. The Deca Club is organized to help train students to be future business leaders.
The Future Nurses strive to create an interest in nursing among girls of Jordan. The 16 members of the club are shown films on nursing; they also have guest speakers who lecture to the group.
FUTURE NURSES - Row One: Beatrice Milburn, Carol Curtis, Kaylene Bess, Shirley Mae Getman, Carol Jones, Evinda Adams, Valerie Young. Row Two: Jean Gorup, Carol Jenkins, Paulette Larsen, Kathleen Hepner, Francis Larson, Shauna Draper, Verna Mae Elmer.
OFFICERS AND ADVISER Carol Curtis, Vice President; Valerie Young, Secretary-Treasurer; Helen Black, Adviser; Kathleen Hepner, President; Kalene Bess, Secretary-Treasurer.
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS Donald Budge, Adviser; J. R. Edwards, President; Grant Erickson, Vice President; Neil Smith, Secretary; Stanley Anderson, Adviser.
FUTURE ENGINEERS - Row One: William Canz, Robert Moody, Harvey A. Cabler, Kent Ashman, Eddie Hodgson, Boyd Evans, Bruce Hobart, Bernard Devinny, Steven Mori, Robert Ren. Row Two: Donald Barney, Derald J. Powell, Howard Kempton, Wayne Ross, John Edwards, Neil A. Smith, Rex Peterson, Michael Berry, Randy Treadway, Cleve Hale. Row Three: Bryan Steadman, Richard Jorgensen, Chuck Burris, Grant Erickson, Roger Martineau, Art Casper, Paul Mahler, Claron Burgon, Darrell Rivers.
The Future Engineers is a group of boys interested in engineering as a career. The organization takes a trip to some industrial plants in the spring.
The Red Cross is another one of the service clubs at Jordan. Members of the club have taken two nights a month to visit the elderly people at the county infirmary and have performed various duties to help around the hospital.
Reef Cross
RED CROSS - Row One: Margene Sjoblom, Diana Beckstead, Lynda Knutson, Linda Lublin, Joyce Ann Rawson, Dona Hinricks, Vicky Marriott, Ruth Ann Watts, Lynne Larson, Kay Yengich, Pat Pedersen, Jean Olabarri, Shirley Mae Getman, Carol Lunnen, Jeanette Bluemel. Row Two: Jeanette Asay, Francis Larson! Jean Corup, Susan Henschke, Gloria Day, Claudia Pedersen, Sandra Johansen, Bonnie Tuel er, Nancy Helm, Lynda Anderson, Julia Barnes, Jeanette Taggart~ jennie Peterson, Eldona Adams. Row Three: David Anderson, Bryant Cold, Gilbert LeRoy 1:>nodgrass, Lew Robinson, Roy Eyre, Cary Coulam, Grant Davis, Floyd Goff, Jonathan Webb, Paul Webb.
OFFICERS: Joyce Ann Rawson, Reporter; Pat Pederson, Secretary; Jennie Peterson, President; Robert krueger, Adviser. Not photographed: Art Casper, Vice President.
QUILL AND SCROLL - Row One: Clara Lee Tennant, Dianne Dewegeli, Kathleen Lind, Kathleen Carter, Sherma Lind, Oralie Rawson, Adviser. Row Two: Armond Powell, Brent Phillips.
Qyt[[ ancf Scro[ The Quill and Scroll Club is comprised of students who are outstanding in journalism. It is an international organization and each member must be in the upper forth of his class scholastically and have had 75 column inches of his writing published. The club writes for school publications.
future Teachers The club conducted discussions and talks on becoming teachers in any field. Members attended the Future Teachers Convention at Horace Mann Junior High in Salt Lake City. FUTURE TEACHERS - Row One: Dana Jean Pond, Rela Walker, Gloria Day, Marilyn McDonald. Row Two: Kelvin Landers, Steve Olsen, David Ray, Bob Mascaro, Jed Wasden, Adviser.
PRESS CLUB - Row One: Gwen Linnarz, Gail Hardcastle, Bonnie Tueller, Jean Codfr y, Glenda Baird, ClaraLee Tennant, Carla Dinius, Shcrma Lind, Oralie Hawson, Adviser. Row Two: Dianne D w >gcli, Minnie Player, Terry Holmstrom, Sandra Johansen, Kathl •en Lind, Katl1leen Carter, Mary Sue Walles, Kathy Birch. Row Three: Charlen Taylor, Becky mith, Dianna Davis, Brent Phillips, Armond Powell, Cherie
~=OO;p~ ;~n~"dy
H e[ub
Th Press Club is a club interested in journalism. Among the many a tivities of the club this year was a Press Con£ r nc at B.Y.U. The club also visited the Journalism D •partmcnt of the University of Utah.
Radio C[ub The Hadio Club consists of boys int rested in 1 arning about radio and t 1 vision. Th boys made a study of radio th ories and the Hadiotelegraph Code. RADIO CLUB- Row One: Donald Burney, David Olson, Cilb rt Snodgrass, Rodg •r tirling, Richard Matsumura. Row Two: Donald Budg , Lloyd Lind, Advisers.
OFFICERS AND ADVISERS - Betty Henderson, Adviser; Margo Anderson, Song Lead r; Julie Jensen, Secretary; Dianne Thurber, 2nd Vice President; Dianne Smith, Secretary; Linda Hyatt, Parliamentarian; Billie Wetsel, Treasurer; MaRee Nelson, Adviser, directed the club m mbers in sponsoring the Sweethearts Ball and co-sponsoring the Harvest Ball. FUTURE HOMEMAKERS - Row One: Kaylene Bess, Gay Smart, ClaraLee Tennant, Evinda Adams, Diane Schultz, Valerie Young, Marianne Fagg, Christine Tebbs, Vicky Marriott Terry Kemp, Linda Mangum, Jacque Samuelson, Janet Newbold, Juanita Fairbourn, Joan )ens n, Kathy Patrick, Lael Kunz, Linda Boyle, Margaret Hughes, Sharol Woffinden, Karron Mosher, Sharon Creen, Marilyn Jenkins, {,ulie Jensen, Shirley Mae Getman. Row Two: Julia Barnes, Rull Anne Watts, Dianne Smith, Lynne Walker, Afton Ballard, haron McBride Ester Olsen Lynn Judy, Sandra Cavagnolo Rhonda Poulsen, Jufcne McDonald, Mary Greenwood, Mary Lindsay, Janet Hardcastle, Claudia Zdunich, Barbara Cutler, Vawna Hardwick, Doris Vordos, Katllryn Smith, Susan Rohlfing,
Suzie Nichols President
Sharon Parkinson, Katlly Loumis, Jean Gorup, Shirley Jacobson. Row Three: Kay Despain, Juditll Harker, Jennie Sharp, Barbara Busatl1, Georgia Jenkins, Shirley Lloyd, Karen Densley, Judi Rudd, Linda Lunnen, Lynnette Boyce, Pauline Mertlich, Maxine Kramer, Maggie Westerman, Carol Winn, Bonnie Smitll, Linda Hudson, Kathalyn Sadleir, Eldona Adams, Linda Hyatt, Marlene Rawson, Susie Nichols, Georgia Forrester, Sharon Bowles. Row Four: Carolyn Chidester, Margie Burgon, Marianne Berger, Jean Salisbury, Linda Erickson, Cherie Chamberlin, Judy Shelton, Lynne Milburn, Rhonda Andrus, Elain Kirk, Margo Andersen, Marilyn Sabey, Dianne Sabey, Katllleen Smitll, Jane Fitzgerald, Diane Thurber, Darlene Jenkins, Katllleen Lind, Charlene Wright, Nancy Webb, Joan Nunley.
A variety of materials have been prepared by the students to construct an outstanding stairway that will withstand the test of time. In constructing this stairway, they have combined their talents to present the school play, and the Requiem and to produce an excellent orchestra, band, and a cappella; also, they have brought honor to the school through debate and dramatics.
Blain Brown Adviser Elaine Osborne Co-Editor
I Polly Preston Co-Editor
Keeping in mind at all times the desires of the entire student body, the Beetdigger staff combined their talents to produce an attractive and well organized yearbook. The staff was very lucky to have Mr. Brown as their adviser who was efficient and enthusiastic, and helped keep the ol' wheel of progress turning. The Beetdigger editors were also very pleased with the three talented artists who were on the staff. Susan, Steve, and Diane did an excellent job of creating new stairways and added a professional touch to the yearbook.
Members of the yearbook stuff work laboriously to meet a deadline.
COPY STAFF - Barbara Sylvester and Gwen Astorga, star copy writers on the Beetdigger staff, added to the success of the yearbook with their clever phrases and sentences.
ADVISEES - Helping to make the ..61 Beetdigger the best ever were Kenneth Brady, who held up the business end; Merle Alvey, who corrected English errors; and Arval Nelson, who was outstanding in taking and printing pictures.
TYPISTS - Almost too busy to look up, typists Barbara Young, Peggy Heaps, and Carla Dinius type quickly in order to meet a deadline.
PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF- Seen on the other side of the camera for a change are the yearbook !.hotographers Gary Peterson, Cheryl Penro , Renae Stone, and Neil A. Smith.
ART STAFF- Working on another stairway are Susan Rohlfing, Steve Olsen, and Diane Chavez, who are the exceptionally talented artists on the Beetdigger staff.
SHERMA LIND Co-Managing Editor ORALm RAWSON Adviser KATHLEEN LIND Co-Managing Editor
:Bro acfcaster The Broadcaster staff has worked long and hard to meet deadlines and produce our school paper. Through the efforts of the staff and under the supervision of Miss Oralie Rawson the Broadcaster for years bas won both state and national honors and awards. The Broadcaster staff succeeded in giving a picture of school life, both extra-curricular and curricular, in action.
The "Broadcaster" editors, with the able assistance of these associate editors - Coy Bishop, Brent Phillips, Kathleen Carter, and Joyce Rawson, published numerous is¡ s.ues of our newspaper.
Broadcaster photographers Neil Smith and Gary Peterson worked double time to meet deadlines. A co-operative spirit was manifested in the production of the Broadcaster.
Bill Powell, Sports Editor, and Dianne Dewegeli, Business Manager, performed their duties diligently and without complaint.
The staff coordinated their efforts to produce our school bulletin.
smâ&#x20AC;˘th¡( orona
Courier Under the capable supervision of Lamar Hendrickson, the Couri r staff was able to produce an outstanding literary magazin , containing the best of the literary and art talents of the school.
Advising each other on selections for the Courier are Assistant El1itors Gloria Day and Linda Nelson.
Looking over some old Couriers are Ella Marie Buehn, Larry Sorenson, Assistant Editor; and Jacque Samuelson.
A CAPPELLA - Row One: Carole Roper, Bonnie Peterson, Carole Young, Diane B. Jenson, .Merle Whitmore, Jean Godfrey, Natlie Reed, Sydney Pedersen, Harold Larson, Drew Hanseri, William dcCeus, Mike Mannos, David Ehlers, Robert Blair, Chuck Tebbs, Robert Ren, Larry Sorenson, Dana Jean Pond, Alona Garfield, Elaine Stuart, Heln Walker, Polly Preston. Row Two: Nadine Shaw, wen Atkinson, Annette Beckstead, Jenny Elder, Janny Lou Morley, Marva Weber, Gayle Chamberlain, Harvey A. Cabler, Theran Muglcston, Jay Whiting, Jimmie Jones, Bob Newbold, Curt Folkcrson, K nt McCleary, Norma Schneider, Joan Carrigan, Anna Rose Lavedar, Linda C. Nelson, Dianne R. Jensen. Row Three:
. . Ann Bechtel, Renae Stone, Judy Alexander, Carolyn Dunn, Mari~yn McDonald, Mary M. Densley, Dorothy Thomson, Trudy Robmson, Paul Anderson, Byron Bateman, Bruce Slater, John Askew, Robert Dunn, Brent Alldredge, Bruce Hobart, Carol Middleton, Claudia Zdunich, Kaye Bird, Betty Jean Smith, Dora Larson, Kathleen Lind. Row Four: Diarme E. Jensen, Sandra Doty Margie Bell Priscilla Kynaston, Rhonda Andrus, Mike Fitzgerald,'Wolf Dieter: Pe~er Rainer,. Jim Turner, Bruce Edmunds, Dave Thomas, Tony Trmnaman, Jun Barron, Kyle Larson, Ted Tedesco, Patrick Elder Keith Derricott, Fred Smith, Lynn Peterson, Mary Stout, Marily~ Sabey, Jane Fitzgerald, Linda Pack, Pam Kemp, Sheryl Johanson.
The A Cappella Choir under the direction of Leo A. Dean has become one of the outstanding cultural organizations at Jordan. Bringing joy to others through music, the Choir has sung for many of the student bodies in Region Four, and has participated in several church worship services throughout the area. The members of the Choir have also entertained at P.T.A., at the Veterans Hospitals, and at various junior highs in the district. They also worked with the Dance Club in presenting the dance concert. The A Cappella spent many hours preparing the Requiem which brought much pleasure and was the highlight of the year.
The P.T.A. enjoys one of the numerous performances of the A Cappella Choir.
BAND MEMBERS - Row One: Anna Rose Laveder, Grant Erickson, Stacey Pond, Michael Harper, Dorothy Thomson, Paul Jenkins, David Marchant, Judy Stiehl, Marianne Jorgensen, Kathleen Smith, Karen Densley, Charlotte Larson, Dana Jean Pond, Sidney Gold. Row Two: Gayle Chamberlain, Amy Yamashiro, Richard Myers, Valene Blaney, Jerry Sprague 1 Bonnie Peterson, David Thomas, Leland Winger, Marvin Pack, Gerald Fullmer, Brent Alldredge, Verla Butterfield, Betty Jean Smith, Cheryl Bateman, Preston Lloyd, DeAnn Bjork. Row Three: Louis Weichert, Bryan
Colton1, Stephen Reeder, Steven Hughes, Brent Carroll, Doug Bbroaanead, Artie Parker,- Kay Anderson, Mike Fitzgerald, Randy Densley, George Van Hom, Kent McLachlan, Robert Bulkley, Ronnie Phillips, Don Kocherhans, Mike Mannos, Brent Anderson, Ernie Bedont. Row Four: Keith Derricott Bryant Gold, Brian Smith, Lee Fugal, Brent Rasmussen, Richard Thamaz, Gene Howard, James B. Hamilton, Robert Young, Bob Newbold, Sherman Smith, Lynn M. Stevens, Richard Rich, Glen Watts, Irvin Bennett. Row Five: Don Petersen, Michael Emms, Bob Frogget, ',rheran Muggleston, jerald B. Martin, jay Pond.
Band OFFICERS AND ADVISER - Anna Rose Laveder, President; Verla Butterfield, Vice Pres.; Betty Jean Smith, Sec.; Louis Weichert, Lib.!¡ Brent Alldredge, Drum Major; Mike Mannos, Pep Band Pres.; Chery Bateman, Lib.; Jay Pond, Adviser.
The Jordan High Band under the direction of Jay Pond had another successful year. Band members, donned in red and grey uniforms, marched at halftime during the football games and participated in concert meets with Murray and East. The band also bad a combined concert with Bingham and a band party which was for members and their dates only. The Band displays their talent at the District Band Festival.
Dance 'Bancf SOPHOMORE BAND OFFICERS - Brent Carroll, Doug Broadhead, Kent McLachlan, Richard Rich, Karen Densley, Jay Pond, Director.
DANCE BAND - Mike Stroud, Lee Fugal, Jay Pond, Louis B. Weichert, Byron Colton, Grant Erickson, Preston Lloyd, Steven Hughes, Keith Derricott, Sherm Smith.
'Pep Bancf
The Pep Band, composed of about 20 members, was the nucleus of school spirit at our home games. The band was always at hand during pep assemblies and lent their support to all activities throughout football and basketball seasons.
PEP BAND - Row One: Mike Mannos, President; Grant Erickson, Richard Myers, David _ Thomas, Sta<;:y ,:t;'mlct. Stephen · Reecl-ei')· Steve ~he.s ~~rest.on Lloyd, Cheryl Bateman, Dana . J'ond,.- Row' 'Two: Theran Muggleston, Sherm SmiTh', J;l~wAnd6fSQB.,...EGM6»1S~~...,......,....__ _.....,......~..,.,......._"""......,.Srevon•, Lre Fug•l. Kffith o..nrott, c.,J. Gb~bod.m. I· \
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-·· ·---··--·-· *
ORCHESTRA - Row One: Mary Tischner, Janny Lou Morley, Jerry O'Nash, Marianne Jorgensen, Dorothy Thomson, Judy Stiehl, Sidney Gold, Lani Smith, Dauna Niel. Row Two: Paul Dykman, Carol Ann Burback, Nadine Jacobson, Penny Ann Parker, Sherrie Lee Burbank, Sheila Tranter, Karen Carlston, Judy Weaver, Anna
Rose Laveder, Richard Myers, Grant Erickson, Larry Hewitt, Joann Read, Shauna Atkinson, Paula Larson. Row Three: Theran Muggleston, Mike Mannos, Brent Anderson, Ernie Bedont, Keith Derricott, Lee Fugal.
Orchestra OFFICERS - Jay Pond, Director; Janny Lou Morley, Librarian; Mary Tischner, President; Lani Smith, Secretary; Paul Dykman; Librarian.
The Jordan High Orchestra under the able direction of Jay Pond continued to add pleasure to many festivals and assemblies throughout the year. In February the Orchestra participated in the annual Music Festival with other schools and in March met with a combined orchestra from the Jordan District. The Orchestra also took part in the Traveling Assembly.
Approximately three hundred students participated in the presentation of the Requiem which was under the direction of Leo A. Dean.
In order to acquaint the music students at Jordan High with another of the world's great composers, the traditional Messiah was replaced by the German Requiem by Johannes Brahms. The Requiem has been described as "a beautiful song of the acceptance of death" and was Brahms' most famous composition during his lifetime. The combined chorus classes and the A Cappella Choir, under the direction of Leo A. Dean, presented the Requiem to the public a few weeks before Easter. The program featured a baritone solo sung by John Askew, a soprano solo sung by Trudy Robinson and Gwenda Atkinson who accompanied the chorus on the organ.
Soprano Soloist, Trudy Robinson, blends her voice with the voices of the other students during the Requiem presentation.
John Askew sings ona of the baritone solos as choir members wait for their cue.
Don Gull Jake Clatt
Willard Bishop Ben Cant
Vicki Sagers Eliza Cant
George Milligan W.O. Cant
Vawna Hardwick Miss Brown
Claron Burgon Eugene Cant
Janet Adamson Laura James
Neil Smith Mr. Farrel
Sharon Brklacy Mrs. Marie "Fatty" Pert
This year's patrons were well paid for vi wing the com dy-drama of Look Homeward Angel, which was written by Ketti Frigo, based on the novel by Thomas Wolf. Under th capable direction of Glenn Sacos, the dramatic department produced a play which received the acclaims of being the best production ever presented on the stage of Jordan Iligh School. Dale LeDuc Luke Cant
Death touches Ben Cant and the household weeps.
Howard Kempton Dr. Maguire
Maggie Westerman Helen Cant Barton
Rela Walker Mrs. Clatt
Val ShiU'll Will Pentland
Kathleen Carter Mrs. Snowden
Madame Elizabeth bids for "The Angel."
Susie Nichols Madame Elizabeth
Gloria Day Busin ' SS Manag r
Glen Sacos Director
Lynncttc Boyce Student Director
Rhonda Andrus Florry Mangle
Eugene and Laura fall innocently in love.
Lee Fugal Tarkington
Dan Fieldstad Hugh Barton
Home from the Navy, Luke Gant is shocked at the appearance of his young brother. Becky Smith presents the introduction to the school play.
As a token of thanks, the cast presents Glen Sacos with a gift.
Relief and fulfilbnent came to the cast after their final production. With the aid of make-up, students transform to become characters in the play. 18
Home from the Navy, Luke Cant is shocked at the appearance of his young brother. Becky Smith presents the introduction to the school play.
As a token of thanks, the cast presents Glen Sacos with a
Reli f and fulfillment came to the cast afte! their final production. With the aid of make-up, students transform to become characters in the play.
GENESIS CAST - Row One: Joan Carrigan, Diana Day, Kathy Patrick, Linda Boyle, Carla Dinius, Shauna Atkinson, Judy Smith, Sandra Cavagnole, Laura etterberg, Paula Jenkins, Christina Newton, Lael Kunz, judy Ham, Pam Pierce, Pat Pedersen, Verla Butterfield, Judy Alexander, Sherry Brklacy, Karren Bills. Row Two: Lynnette Boyce, Vicki Sagers, Linda¡ Lunnen, Vawna Hardwick, Carol Middleton, Mary Lou Erekson, Bonnie Mark, Sharon Han-
sen, Gloria Steiner, Sheila Tranter, Kathy Birch, Sharon Gardner, Maurine Cox, Gloria Day, Margaret Hand, Carol Page, Viki Sharp, Renae Stone. Row Three: Bob Askew, Dixie Liston, Sheryl Johanson, Joe Koncurat, Cecil Douglas Jr., Claron Burgon, John Askew, Ross Brewster, John Diggs, Paul Andrus, Randy Densley, Wayne Beckstead, Mary Densley, Anet Beckstead, Charlene Taylor, Claudia Berrett, Diaen Chavez, George Milligan.
Dramatics The speech and dramatics classes worked feverishly to polish up their dramatic and humorous readings, pantomimes and retold stories for the annual Region Dramatics competition. A choric drama "Genesis" was .presented by a student cast and stage crew under the direction of Mr. Glen Sacos. Dramatic lighting effects, effective casting, and realistic scenery produced a moving backdrop for the performance.
Students from the art department make the scenery for the one-act play.
Murray Allen and Glen Sacos discuss plans for the scenery of the one-act play.
The Boys' Concert Choir displays its musical talent.
Trudy Robinson, a lovely girl with a lovely voice.
"D ar Ann La nders,
W hav a probl â&#x20AC;˘m . ..
Capturing the audience with his HankyTonk piano, Lee Fugal was one of the favorites on the assembly.
Music from the movie Exodus creates the mood for this dynamic dance.
The Exchange Assemblies, which took the place of the Traveling Assemblies, were presented to the various high schools of Region Four under the direction of the music, dramatic and dance departments. Each performance given was a different production. Jay Pond with the band, Leo Dean with the A Cappella Choir, Glen Sacos with the dramatic classes and Peggy Krier with the dance club worked diligently to develop the assemblies. Their efforts were crowned with success.
Students enjoyed LuAnn Smith's humerous reading, "Mama Spanks Me."
Dave Ehlers, Claron Burgon, John Askew and Bryon Bateman blend their voices in "Barber Shop" style.
DEBATERS - Row One: George Milligan, Willard Bishop, Neil A. Smith, Vicki Sagers, Becky Smith, Gwen Atkinson, Carl Howlett. Row Two: Kathleen Lind, Barbara Sylvester, Howard Kempton, Frank Tuft, Roger Martineau, Art Casper, Neil B. Smith, Harold Larson, Ann Bechtel. Janet Cowley, Polly Preston.
Debate NATIONAL FORENSIC LEAGUE - Row One: Ann Bechtel, Sharon Brklacy, Vicki Sagers, Becky Smith, Kathleen Lind. Row Two: Harold Larson, Willard Bishof, Frank Tuft, Howard Kempton, Roger Martineau, Art Casper, Va Sharp, Neil A. Smith, Kent Millington.
Charlynn Milne Adviser
Art Casper President
JUNIOR VARSITY DEBATERS - Row One: Omah Greco, Kathryn Pierson, Lynn Larson, Nancy Clark, Marth a Damjanovich, Charl ynn Milne, Debate Coach; Dianne Smith, Marilyn Yorgason, Juanita Worthington, Carolyn Christenson. Row Two: Lee Irvine, j ohn Clark, Roger Sjoblem, Brent Pulsipher, Thomas Zdunich, Mark Walsh, Derrell Smith, Michael Giles, Jimmy Christiansen, John Donga, Van Webb, James Plumhof, Russell Maynes. Not Pictured: Kent Millington, Kim Bean, Val Sharp, Paul Andrus.
Charlynn Milne did an excellent job of coaching our debate and forensic teams to victories. Through her brillant work, new trophies were added to the school's ever-growing collection ; those of 1st place at the Lehi Invitational and first place in region competition. The teams also placed second in the state meet.
REGION WINNERS -Row One: Janet Adamson, Vicky Sagers, Gwen Atkinson, Becky Smith, Ann Bechtel. Row Two: Neil B. Smith, Frank Tuft, Roger Martineau, Art Casper, Val Sharp, Kent Millington, Carl Howlett, Lee Irvine.
JANET ADAMSON "I Speak for Democracy" State Winner
JOAN CARRIGAN State Fair 4-H Award
Honor Winners MARGE BELL State Majorette Honors
Howard Kempton (above) and Willard Bishop (right), brought honor to Jordan and to themselves by becoming finaHsts in the National Merit Scholarship Contest.
GIRLS' STATERS - Janet Adamson, Elaine Stuart, Rhonda Andrus, Marilyn Sabey, Valene Blaney, Polly Preston.
Throughout the year of nineteen hundred and sixty-one, students of Jordan High have received many outstanding achievement awards. Along with winning top honors in the school, many students received noticeable recognition from the leaders of the state and the nation. The Beetdigger staff wishes to express its sincere congratulations to these students and to any others who helped to put Jordan High School in the spotlight.
BOYS' STATERS - Row One: Kelvin Landers, George Bapis, Steve Mori, Bob Brown, Chuck Tebbs, Mike Loulias, Brent Phillips. Row Two: John Edwards, David Marchant, Richard Jorgenson, Larry Larson, Roger Martineau, Hal Christopherson, Wayne Beckstead.
JEAN GODFREY Ford Teen Press Conference STATE DEBATE WINNERS - Kent Millington, Val Sharp, Howard Kempton, Vicki Sagers, Neil B. Smith, Frank Tuft.
Honor Winners Trudy Robinson, Dorothy Thomson, Anna Rose Laveder California Music Invitational
NUUULYNMcDONALD American Legion Oratorical Contest
TONI DOYLE Tri-State Golden Gloves Championship STATE FORENSIC WINNERS - Neil A. Smith, Lee Irvine, Carl Howlett, Gwen Atkinson. Not Pictured: Art Casper.
SHEHRY BRKLACY "U.N. Pilgrimage for Youth" State Winner
VICKI SAGERS "Women's Rights in Business"
SHERMA LIND Top Student Award
Jo Ann Morandi Betty Crocker Homemaking Award
BONNIE BISHOP "Jobs for the Handicapped"
Our athletic department played a major part in building our stairway. Through hard work, toil, and training our teams endeavored to set new records at Jordan. Good sportsmanship, loyalty, honor, and pride are essential in building a sturdy stairway.
BYRON BATEMAN Head Cheerleader
Our active cheerleaders endeavored to raise school spirit throughout the basketball season, with their snappy cheers and peppy
The sunrise paints the crimson, in &ray the evening dies
Here's to the school that we won't forget, when we are far away
You can't beat that; take off your hat, to the high school in the skies
uniforms. Through their co-ordinated efforts they were able to lead the student body as they cheered our teams to victories.
Our energetic cheerleaders, under the direction of Helen Seaman and Glen Sacos, led the student body during the football season.
EVERETT JONES Assistant Coach
The defensive action of our team upset this try for a touchdown. Jordan Beetdiggers are determined to stop the Bingham Miners.
KENT McCLEARY Quarterback
VARSITY TEAM - Row One: Bill Farmer, Steve Love, Jim Turner, Jay Whiting, Steve Taylor, Ken Despain, Bob Mascaro, Eugene Izatt, Larry Larson, Don Glover, Gordon Kimball, Lloyd Atkinson. Row Two: Brent Phillips, Mervin Jensen, Bob Brown, ·Lynn Larson, Dre" Hansen, Brent Anderson, Ernie Bedont, Norman Rich,
Bruce Cowdell, Carl Leatherwood, Kent McCleary, Zane Parker, Howard Worthen, Grant Davis, Donald Jacobson. Row Three: Melvin Blaney, Hank Orlik, Brad Brimhall, Bob Halpin, Joe Williams, Steve Day, George Bapis, Mike Loulias, George Young, Merrill Enniss, Richard Day, Dick Weber, Gary Coulam. Row Four: Coach Jackson, Coach Jones.
The camera catches the action of a partially blocked pass.
Steve Love takes the ball ...
. . . on an end run ...
. .. for a touchdown .
A skillful fake deceives a confident opponent.
Several Beetdiggers join forces to down this player.
s~~omore Team Struggling through their first year of play at Jordan, the sophomores came through with a 1-4 record. Gaining valuable experience on the gridiron, they showed promise for future years at Jordan.
SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Kent Millington, Carl Cray, K nt Curtis, Bob Kunz, John Thompson, Larry Yates, John Ajioka, Mark Zrno, Ken DeLuca, Earon Fairbourn, Roger Sjoblom, David Goff, Kenny Olson, Vincent Strong, Mike Olson. Row Two: Ron Talbot, Richard Utley, Joe Conaty, Hal Brown, Michael Harper, Mike Dowd, Bill Johnson, Paul Webb, Dale Smith, Derrell Smith,
Brent Rasmussen, Jay Nielsen, Kent McLachlan, Mark Walsh, Richard Thamaz. Row Three: Jay Colledge, Benjy Rains, Richard Rains, Larry Bringhurst, Ken Kunz, Ross Brown, Richard Ford, Bryant Gold, Bob Carter, Ross Brewster, Glen Watts, Brent Carroll. Row Four: Brent Howcroft, Lavelle Kirby, managers. Coach Teran, Coach Healy.
JIM HEALY Assistant Coach
Jordan fans hold their breath as Don Glover tries for a basket.
Starting out with two straight victories on their home court, Jordan held the top spot in Region Four. As the season continued, the team lost their footing and ended their regional play with a 5-5 record. Even though the team was young and inexperienced they showed a terrific fighting spirit. Only two of its varsity squad w re seniors. Coaches Art Hughes and Jim Healy are xpecting a great showing from the returning team members.
Coaches Hughes and Healy give the team a pep talk between quarters during a crucial game.
The opening tip-off at the JordanCyprus game led to exciting play.
Jordan players race to gain control of a loose ball in GrangerJordan contest.
Chuck Tebbs shows dribbling skill in an exciting action-packed game.
Rodney Oliver became a favorite on the basketball court at Jordan.
Enthusiastic spectators greet the team as they exit from the dressing room.
BASKETBALL TEAM- Row One: Dave Ehlers, manager; David Jorgenson, Kent McCleary, Cleve Hale, Willie Canz, manager. Row Two: Art Hughes, coach; Kent Stepan, Kent Curtis, Rodney Oliver, Don Clover, Craig Shoemaker, Chuck Tebbs, Jim Healy, coach.
1~~ I
\ 128
JUNIOR VARSITY - Jim Healy, coach; Ronnie Jones, Brad Brimhall, Mike Hughes, Joe Moore, Jay Whiting, Willie Ganz, manager.
Junior Varsit~ With a 5-5 record, our J.V. team placed third in Region IV. With hard practice, training, and their new coach, Jim Healy, this quintet fought for Jordan throughout the season and represented us well.
Many of our Juniors saw Varsity action.
SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Daryl Jenson, Hal Brown, Hal Hale, Todd Shoemaker, Richard Milne, Paul Webb, Vern Hagen. Row Two: Coach Jones, Robert Butterfield, Doug Broadhead, Brent Carroll, Marshall Larson, Bob Collins, Tom Marriot, Paul Ciauquc.
s~~omore Team Led by Coach Jones, this year's sophomores captured first place in Region IV play. With an 8-2 record, these boys followed along
the traditional manner which Jordan is noted for.
Sophomores saw plenty of action in Region IV play.
The whistle blows, the ball goes up, and the sophomores' team begins another of their winning games.
MANAGERS AND COACH - Carl Gray, Everett Jones, Billie Johnson.
BOB BROWN Co-Captain
WrestRn~ Sincere congratulations go to the members of the wrestling team for the honors which they brought to Jordan. With Glen Jackson as their coach, and Bob Brown and Zane Parker as their co-captains, these boys found it hard to lose. They matched muscles with other boys throughout the state of Utah. Working as a team, the wrestlers took second place in region four, and were awarded third place in state competition. GLEN JACKSON Coach
Showing enthusiasm for the sport, these boys get wrapped up in themselves.
Dick Weber tries to pin his opponent in Region Four competition.
Jordan defender struggles to gain advantage.
WRESTLING TEAM - Row One: Zane Parker, Carl Leatherwood, Lynn Larson, Bob Brown, Lynn Wardle, Eugene Ninomiya, Roger Andrus, Bruce Birchell. Row Two: Steve Day, Gary Coulam, David Ostler, Bruce Cowdell, Merrill Enniss, Steve Taylor, Dick
Weber, Ernie Bedont, Howard Worthen, Del Brady. Row Three: Dick Crane, Dennis Gunderson, Brent Plant, Roger Sjoblom, Ken DeLuca, Aron Fairborne, Louie Weichert, Larry Bringhurst, John Ajioka, Johnny Thompson, Lynn Carlquist, Joseph Gomez, Coach Jackson.
BOB BROWN First Place, State
CARL LEATHERWOOD Second Place, State
LYNN WARDLE Third Place, State
~''"¡ ~
Track At the beginning of the season, our track team showed great promise, with many boys coming out for the sport. As the season continued, we saw that they were keeping their promise by bringing many honors and wins back home.
Bob Mascaro practices the high jump each night after school.
Skill is shown by Dick Weber throwing the shotput.
These boys work out daily to build up stamina for the 880.
Trying out for Track are - Row One: Paul Dimond, Clinton Black, Ned Timothy, Craig Ellis, Kent Linford, Ron Noorda, Byron Bateman, Donald Jacobson, Blaine Smart, Tony Doyle, Mike Fitzgerald, Gordon Jones, Bill Koos, Ernie Bedont, Kenneth Bean, Earl Glover, Robert Bulkley, Michael Burton. Row Two: Richard Rains, Richard Julio, Bob Carter, Boyd Price, Dale Campbell, Norman Gray, David Anderson, John A. South, Keith Morgan, Brent How-
croft, Larry Bringhurst, Jim Zupan, Brent Rasmassen, Denny Gunderson, Jack Barney, Gerald Bellows, Dale Smith, Larry Yates, Darrell Smith, Jay Nielsen, Roger Sjoblom, Mike Harper. Row Three: Benjy Rains, David Hastings, Doug Jensen, Kent Millington, Brent Pulsiphor, Paul Hastings, Jim Stringfellow, Bob Collins, Richard Ford, Robert Kunz, Russ Smith, John Clarke, John Bills, Dick Tester, Dan Richins, Glen Stucky.
Seventh Period Track Men: Ronnie Lee, Don Kocherhans, Kay Edwards, Tim Jones, Brian Carlquist, Bill Farmer, Bradley Brim-
hall, Rodney Malstrom, Dick Weber, Steve Love, Bob Mascaro, Merrill Enniss, Zane Parker, Eugene Izatt, Brent Phillips, Lloyd Atkinson, Coach Teran.
Throwing the discus during practice is Brad Brimhall.
Zane Parker gets set to pole vault. Waiting for the gun to sound, these track men are ready to run.
Bill Farmer and Brent Phillips show perfect form in jumping hurdles.
Baseba[[ The ball and bat have seen much action this year and under the capable direction of Coach Hughes, the team has done well by them. Co-captains Howard and Jim have led their teammates to victories and recognition, bringing to an end a fine year in athletics. BASEBALL TEAM - Row One: Howard Smith, Shirl Wenerstrom, Howard Worthen, Jim Turner, Cordon R. Kimball, Jay Whiting, Cleve Hale, Archie Archuleta, Kent McCleary. Row Two: David Boyce, Chuck Tebbs, Billy Mitchell, Craig Shoemaker, Steve
Mori, John Ajioka, Todd Sho maker, Pnul Webb, Richard Milne, Coach Hughes. Row Three: Willie Gnnz, manager; Robert Butterfield, Kim Bean, Paul Giauquc, john Thompson, Kenny DeLuca, Hal Hale, Bill john on, manager; Mark Zerna.
Our new pitching machine winds up.
Batting practice is a big part of spring training.
Shirl Wenerstrom slides into second base as Kent McCleary waits for the ball.
Second only to our pitching machine is Howard Smith.
The shortstop holds a key position on any baseball team.
Jerry McCleary, Jordan Star, makes a fancy pass to Marlin Shields.
Co-sponsored by the Key Club and Lettermen of Jordan, a benefit basketball game between the Harlem Stars and Jordan Stars was held in the school gymnasium. Proceeds from this event will go towards a pitching machine which will aid the baseball team in their batting practice.
The famous rebounder for the Harlem Stars jumps and grabs the ball.
:Benq{t One-armed captain of the Harlem Stars is all alone and gets ready for another basket.
Two more points for the Jordan Stars.
TENNIS TEAM - Brent Anderson, Richard Boswell, Ronnie Jones, Joe Moore, Kelvin Landers, Mike Hughes, Jim Healy, Coach .
Behind the rackets at Jordan, we find a group of active tennis players who, through their action on the courts, have brought many honors and much recognition to Jordan High Tennis.
Ronnie Jones works on per- Teammates practice rushing the net. fecting his serve. Kelvin Landers masters the tachnique of returning the ball.
No stairway could be complete without the special events and activities that must take place throughout the year. There is a need for recreation and through this recreation we can learn to work and get along with other people. This is a much ne ded material if a wellbalanced stairway is desired.
The Sweethearts Ball, an annual girls' choice dance, was a big success again this year.
Sweet~eartS Ba[[ "King of My Heart" was the theme of the Sweethearts' Ball, where each couple received royal treatment from the moment they crossed over the drawbridge. Decorations in shades of red, accented the large king's crown which was the center of attraction. The dance was well worth the work and worry of Jordan's FHA members, who sponsored it. Adding the final touches, these girls complete the royal throne for the king and queen .â&#x20AC;˘
Combining good music and talent, these dancers intrigued the audience with floor show entertainment.
Sophomores find it easy to get acquainted without interference of older classmates.
Mixers can be fun if you let them be.
S~homore 'Part~ The active sophomore officers presented a party for their classmates to help them get acquainted with each other and to set the year off with a bang. The party succeeded in all it set out to do.
In misty shades of pink, the beautiful decorations corresponded with the theme "Spring Cotillion" for the year's Charlonian Ball. The annual spring formal was capably handled by the club and will be remembered by all who attended.
Many sophomores will have fond memories of their party. "Spring Cotillion" proved to be an enchanting setting.
Char[onian :Ba[[ A hilarious performance by Sherm Smith and Frank Tuft was part of the floor show.
Dainty flowers made up a large part of the decorations.
Junior 'Prom
Jordan students enjoy dancing in the "Persian Gardens" of the Junior Prom.
On the eve of the Junior Prom the gymnasium was converted into a realistic setting of "Persian Gardens." Complete with Persian castle, the class of '62 presented their annual social which was a most successful event. Working hard, these juniors enjoy decorating for their annual prom.
Junior girls participate in the floor show singing "In the Still of the Night."
Junior class members dance to the music of Jack Turner's Orchestra after their promenade.
Senior Hop
Seniors view the "Sacred Gardens" at their annual dance.
Reaching across to the Oriental Continent for a theme, the planners of the Senior Hop presented "Sacred Gardens," which was one of the highlights of the year for the class of '61. Decorations of black and white accented the Pagoda and the beautiful, gold oriental fans. A realistic likeness of the statue of Buddha added to the atmosphere, and refreshments were served in an authenic tea house. Japanese fan dancers helped complete the oriental theme of the Senior Hop.
The dance seemed to be a big success enjoyed by all.
"C'mon you guys, let's get this job done."
Stockin8 Stomp B.Y.U. dancers entertain at the Stocking Stomp. or: "The natives are restless!"
Winners of the stocking decoration contest display their handiwork. Co-sponsors of the Stocking Stomp this year were the SoJ;>homore Class and the Key Club. The "Stomp was again one of the funnies"t dances held at Jordan. Extremely outstanding originality was displayed at the dance in the clever stockings which were worn by the students. Although the dance was changed from girls' choice to boys' choice, there was still a very good attendance.
Harvest Ba[[ The student body looks forward each fall to the Harvest Ball, which is the first big social event of the year. This year the FFA capably handled all the details of the Ball and produced a very successful affair. Putting on the final touches, Maggie Westerman helps in decorating for the Harvest Ball.
Dance Club members portray a symbolic dance of the lepers.
A large crowd turned out for the first dance of the year¡
A[umni Dance Former alumni and dates take a breather between dances. Alumni enjoy themselves at their dance which crowned the day's activities.
To end a successful day of activities, the capable officers of the alumni planned and executed the Alumni Dance. It was a perfect end for a perfect day. Old friends met, talked, and reminisced. This will remain as a fond memory for all who attended.
Christmas Mist "Christmas Mist" was the theme of the first formal dance presented by the Girls' Association of Jordan. Held in December, this dance proved to be one of the most popular dance of the year. The chairman of the dance was Bonnie Peterson. Dane rs present a novelty number, "By the Sea," during intermission.
Couples dance in a wintry land of enchantment.
Decorators spray tumbleweed clumps with snow to lend a wintry atmosphere to the dance.
Claudia Berrett Queen
Steve Love King
Football Dance
The climax of the evening .dances came with the crowning of the royalty. Although their reign was short lived, it was an experience these students will remember always. Chosen by popular vote, our royalty highlighted the dances with their presence.
Dale Leduc King
Sheryl Johanson Queen
Sweethearts' Ball
Gayle Nance Attenclcnt
Karen Bills Queen
Cristine Tebbs Attendent
Joan Carrigan Attendent
Becky Smith Attendent
Harvest Ball
Christmas Mist
Patsy Meissner Attendent
Judy Ham Queen
Dianne E. Jensen Queen
Linda Boyle Attendent
Alumni Dance
Jim Healy, Bradley Brimhall, Art Hughes, Chuck Tebbs, Mike Hughes, Rodney Oliver, Craig Shoemaker, Kent Curtis, Kent McCleary, Kent Stepan, David Jorgenson, Don Glover, Cleve Hale.
Helping to raise school spirit and enthusiasm, the student body officers planned a variety of pep assemblies which included skits, talks, singing, cheering, yelling, and a gym full of noisy, happyhearted teenagers. Pictured on this page are just a few of the students who helped make these assemblies successful.
The student body supported their team through the pep as.s~mblies.
Eleven legs and only five people?
The Pep Band assists the cheerleaders at our pep assemblies. The Charlonians march the team on to victory.
Sherm Crump's intelligent home room (college algebra students) present their winning skit on the pep assembly. 151
. a few popular Joe gsBrklacy son for thes~1~mni Assembly.
. al touch to f the Class o f '60 add a mustc Members the Alumm~Assembly.
1 member demonstrate Dance C ub. in the talent assem bly . their talents
Ta[ent Assemb~ 152
d Lynnette Dale LeDuc :~ute couple Boyce as they mMa~ · · the Talent Assembly.
kn own Annie Oakley, bb betterexercls . es · tirle Te s, teras Chns ds as she en the her vocal cord t body at ins the stu en Assembly.
Diane B. Jenson and Mike Mannos blend their voices in a duet which tpey sang on the Junior Assembly.
Exhibiting one of his many unusual talents, Frank Tuft participates in the Junior Assembly.
Junior C[ass
Assemb~ Dancers at the "Green Garter" were portrayed by Junior members of the Dance Club.
Junior students end their class assembly with a social dance at the "Green Garter."
~ecia[ Sugar Plum fairies from Bingham perform for Jordan student body.
Graceful Binghamites dance to the strains of the "Nutcracker Suite."
A Spanish dancer performs for the Emperor's court in the U.S.U. Traveling Assembly.
Cyprus A Capp lla bl nd their voices in beautiful harmony.
Taking the part of gladiators in the U.S.U. assemblY are two of their varsity wrestlers.
Events An airline stewardess from Western Airlines talked to senior girls on Career Day.
Advanced debaters present a political skit for P.T.A. members.
George Bapis, student body president, accepts the bulletin boards which were presented by the Key Club.
Participating in the "First Day of School Assembly" were Karen Walbeck, Kathleen Vawdrey, Phyllis Rhoden, and Linda' Crossgrove.
Sherry Brklacy contributed humor to our various assemblies throughout the year.
Crazy-legs Leathergood vs. Wayne Kay Parker in an assembly in honor of our teams.
~ecia[ A performer gets a hearty laugh from our senior boys during an assembly.
Another of our honored guests this year was Shelly Burman who did an impression of Dan Fieldstad.
Party boss assembles labor crews.
Events Seniors order graduation announcement cards during lunch.
Officer Evans inaugurates a Safety Achievement Program in our school during a special assembly.
A stairway rises, a memory is made, the goal is reached and the memory fades. For many of Jordan's students the goal was reached, and now they will go into the world and reach new goals. For them the memories made here at Jordan will fade into the past. Unlike the seniors, the juniors and sophomores will return to Jordan. Their memories will remain with them until they, too, reach their goal and become separated from the reminders of the past. In the years to come these memories will gradually grow dim, only to become bright again when the pages of this yearbook are turned and the pictures of the past are flashed back through our mind. Only when you take the time to look through this book will you sec all the people you knew in school. Life goes on and memories fade, but our years at Jordan can be relived with all their joys and heartbreak, tragedy and fun, as long as this book remains with us.
Incfex ADMINISTRATION Ainsworth, Gale ·········-···-·······-·····- -··· 17 Allen, Murray F. --··-··-··········- 12, 109 Alvey, Merle E. ·····-···-·-······ 14, 76, 97 Anderson, S. R. ............................ 15, 91 Bagley, Frank M. -·-·····-·-·····-··--··-··· 13 Baceman, Marlon S. ········-···········-······· 9
Becksread, Delos L. ...................... 16, 17 Beckstead, Reed H. .............................. 8 Bennion, Deane ··- ·············---······· 14, 54
Berrett, Melvin A .............................-- 14 Bianchi, Ernest J..... _ ................... 16, 54 Bishop, Gloria W . ... - ............................ 16 Boberg, Lowell J..............._ ........... 14, 54 Boyce, Paul C . ........................................ 15 Brady, Kenneth .............................. 15, 97 Brand, Rosetta ....... - .... - .......... - ......... 17 Brown, Evelyn H .................. - ·- ..·--· 17 Brown, Blaine .................................. 12, 96 Budge, Donald M ........ - ........ 13, 91. 92 Buxton, Clyde V . ... -............................ 9 Campbell, Richard ....... - ............... 13, 89 Casper, Jesse B. .............................. II, 77 Crawford, Beverly A. ... -.... 14, 54, 76 Crawford, C . N . .......... - ......._ .... _ .. _ _ 9 Crump, Sherman M ..............- ......... -. 15 Dean, Leo A. __ .......... - ............... 12, 54 Deem, Gene F. ........................................ 13 Dowding, Hazel ...................................... 17 Evans, Howard C ...........................- ..... 16 Fairbourn, Marlin .. ·-·- ··-····-·······--···· 13
Fitzgerald, Mary G ....................... II, 76 Fraser, Golda ...... _, ___ .. ____,............. 14 Goldbranson, Phil F . ......................... _ II Gunnell, Farrell H . ...... - ........... - ......... 13 Healy, Jim .... 15, 125, 126, 128, 129, 139 Henderson, Berry .............................. 16, 93 Hendrickson, A. LeMar .............. 14, 100 Hughes, Arrhur G. 15, 87, 126, 128, 136 Jackson, Glen R. 15, 127, 124, 131. 132 Jackson T. Wendell .............................. 14 Jtmas, Barry Bob - ................. - ........ - . 9 Jones, Everrr R . .. _ ...... 15. 122, 124, 130 Jorgenson, H. W ....................- ......- ....... 9 Kamnikar, Frank ........... __................... 16
Akers, Roberta ...- .......................- ........ 25 Alexander, Judy ............ 45, 83, 101, 109 Alleman, Judy .................................. - ..... 59 Alldredge, Brent ........... - .... 25, 101, 102 Allen, Dennis ............................................ 25 Allen, Mary ...................................... 59, 85 Allen, Nancy ............................................ 59 Allen, Roberr ............................................ 59 Allmendinger, Darrel ............................ 25 Allmendinger, David __ ...................... 25 Allmendinger, Karen ............................ 25 Allmendinger, Susan ...................... 59, 85 Andersen, Dan .................. - ............ _ .... 25 Andersen, Ellis .............. _ .............- ..... 59 Anderson, Brent .......- .. 45, 80, 81. 102 103, 104, 124, 139 Anderson, David .............. 59, 89, 91, 125 Anderson, Kay _ ................................... 102 Anderson, Lawrence - -·-··- -- 17, 45 Anderson, Lynda .._ ..................- .. 45, 91 Anderson, Margo .............- ............ 25, 93 Anderson, Milo ......_ ....................... 45, 89 Anderson, Pat ............- ........................... 25 Anderson, Paul .................- .......... 45. 101 Anderson, Vic .......................................... 45 Andreasen, Dean ......-·--- .. - .............. 25 Andrus, Linda .........................- .............. 41 Andrus, Loy Ann ._ ........................_ .. 59 Andrus, Paul .................. 59, 84, 88, 109 Andrus, Rhonda .............. 25, 78, 84, 93 100, 101, 107. 115 Andrus, Roger .............................. 15, 132 Angeles, Michael .................................... 59 Anrzak, Marilyn .............- ........- ........... 45 Archibald, Glenda .......... --............_ . 59 Archuleta, Archie ...--....... - ..... 15, 136 Archuleta, Wilma ...........-......... 59, 85 Assay, jeanette .............--...... _ .... 25, 91 Ashman, Kent .......................... 45, 81, 91 Askew, Bob .................................... 59, 109 Askew, John ...... 25, 101, 105, 109, Ill Astorga, Gwen .................. 45, 82, 84, 97 Atkinson, Ow~ 25, 101, 111, 113, 117 Atkinson, Lloyd ----.. 25, 87, 89, 113 124, 134, 135 Atkinson, Shauna ................ 59, 104, 109
Kennington, Emerson H. ···-··-··-····-· 13
Krier, Margaret Ann ............ 15, 82, 86 Krueger, Robert T . ................................ 14 Kunzler, H. Grant ............................. _ .. 16 Larson, Mabel ...............................- ........ 16 Lind, Lloyd ................................ 12, 54, 92 Linford, Howard B............- ........ 15, 77 Lyon, john F. .. ........................................ 14 Mickelsen, Gordon E . .......................... 13 Milne, Charlynn j . 14. 76, 88, 112, 113 Milne, Donald B........................... 15, 77 Nelson, Arval J ............................... 12, 97 Nelson, MaRse ................................ 16, 93 Nielson, Alice ...............- ......... __,...... 17 Olsen, Donald P. ... _ ............................ 12 Pixton, Robert L.............. _ ................_. 13 Pond, Jay ....... -.... 12, 80, 102, 103, 104 Rawson, Oralie .. _ ......- .......... 14, 92, 98 Richards, Bertha B ....- ........................ 16 Russon, Arland ........................................ 13 Sacos, Glen E......... 14, 77. 84, 109, 108 Sanderson, G. Reed .........................._ . 10 Seal, James L. ...... - ..................- ........... 13 Seaman, Helen ................................ 15, 76 Shurrliff, Jay H . .......- ............................ 12 Soulier, Glen E. ...................................... 13 Swenson, Clifford LaMar ............ 16, 80 Taylor, Dunn L. ..._ _____ ........... - ......... II Teran, Roberr D . .......... 15, 125, 134, 135 Thomas, Fay B................. __.. ,_ .. 12, 90 Tranter, Gertrude G. ···-··-·-···········-··· 16
Wade, Wanda G . ......- ................. 12, Walker, Austin L. ................................ Wasden, Jed W . .... - ..................... 13, Wheadon, John ...-................................ Yates, Marilyn M . .....- .......... 12, 76,
76 14 92 9 82
A Abrams, Doug _ ...................- ...- ....·--· 59 Adams, Dennis --..--·-·-.................... 45 Adams, Eldona .......................... 25, 91, 93 Adams, Evinda .. _ ................... 59, 90, 93 Adams, Steve ..._ ...................................... 59 Adamson, Janet ...................... 25, 85, 86 100. 106. 113, 114. 115 Adolphson, Dick ...- ...................... 45, 89 Ainsworth, Linda .............- ....._ ........... 59 Ajioka, john ................ 59, 125, 132, 136 Akagi, Pauline ... - .................. -..... 25, 84
Backus, Caralee .............................. 25, Bagley, John .............................................. Bailey, Bruce ................- ................. 23, Bailey, James ............................................ Bair, john ................ _._ ............._ ,_,..... Baird, Glenda ............................ 45, 84,
85 45 25 45 25 92
Baker, Bonnie ···················-······-·······-··· 45
Balich, Johnny ........................................ 59 Ballard, Afton ... - ............................ 59, 93 Ballard, George ...- .................................. 45 Bannon, Shirley ......._ ............ - ............. 25 Bapis, George ...................... 20, 25, 80, 84 87, 90, 115, 122, !H, 155 Barnes, Julie ...................... 59, 84, 91, 93 Barney, Donald .................. 45, 88, 91, 92 Barney, jack ...............- ................ 59, 135 Barney,
Maurine ···-··-·-··- ·-··-····-······ 59
Barron, Jim ..............................._ .. 45, 101 Bastian, David .. --·----...............-. 45 Bateman, Byron -·---- 25, 80, 101, 111 120, 135 Bateman, Cheryl .... 45, 82, 84, 102, 135
Bateman. Gory ···-······-··-·--·····-- - - · 45
Bawden, Dean .......................... 17, 45, 80 Bowles, Sharon ......... - .....................- . 59 Bean, Kenneth ........_ ..................... 25, 135 Bean, KIm .....- -.................-........ 59, 136 Bechtel, Ann .... 25, 85, 88, 101, 112, I 13 Beck, Bonnie .................... _ ..................... 15 Beckstead, Annette 25, 85, 86, 101, 109 Beckstead, Dianne ..............._. 59, 85, 91 Beckstead, Maurine ................................ 45 Beckstead, Wayne .... 25, 84, 87, 109, 115 Bedont, Ernie ............ 15, 81. 87, 102, 103 104, 113, 124. 132, 135 Beers, Barbaro ...- ...........·-·-·--·-· 59 Beesley, Gary .................................. 25, 84 Belcher, Barbara .................................... 25 Belcher, Marlene ..._ .......... - ................. 45 Bell, Margie .......... 26, 86, 101, 114, 111 Bellon, Janet ............................. -.... 23, 26 Bellon, Jerry ............................ - ............... 26 Bellows, Gerald ............................ 59, 135 Bennett, Irvin ............................. _ . 59. 102 Bennion, Btent -~- ··-·-····--··-·-· 45
Bennion, Jackie ...-.......................... 26, Bennion, Reggie .....- .............................. Bennion, Tom .._ ......._ ..... - ......- ........ Benson, Gordon ................- ...- ..... 17, Benson, Stephen ......_ ..... - ....- ............
90 59 59 59 26
Berger, M~rianne ........... - .....- .... 59, ·93 Bergman, Andy ...........- .................. 45, 89 Bernado, Geraldine ................................ 45 Berrett, Claudia ............ 26, 86, 109, 148
~~~~:~~~l~:e~::~:: : : : : : :: ~::::.~:::::!.~: ~I
Bess, Kaylene .................... 59, 85. 90. 93 Biggs, julie ........- ............................. 45, 82
i:r::~rl~~t:::.=::::::::::::·:::~~:=-~~~~~: 1~
Bills, John .................................. 59, 89, 135 Bills, Karen ..............._ .. 45, 82, 109, 149 Bills, Maloy .............. _ .........- ................. 59 Biltz, Mary Lynn .............. _ .................. 26 Birch, Kathy ............ 59, 78, 85, 92, 109 llfrchell, Bruce .. ,______....... 56, 87, 132 Bird, Kaye -·-·--..- - - · - -- 45, 101 Bird, Pauline .. ______ ........ - ...... 59, 84 Birrell, Kent ................- .............- -... 45 Bishop, Bonnie ........... - .......... 59, 84, 117 Bishop, Coy .............................. 26, 84, 98 Bishop, Geri ......................- ..... 21, 13, 59 Bishop, Thomas .......__.......- ....... 15, 84 Bishop, Willard - -- 17, 26, 81, 106 112, 114 Bjork, DeAnn ...........- ........ _ 15, 82, 102 Back, Clinton .. _ ..,_............- -.. 45, 135 Blair, Bill ....................................- -.-... 45 Blair, David ............- ............ ...- ............. 59 Blair, Robert ............................ _ ..... 46, 101 Blaney, Marie ........................................ _ . 60 Blaney, Melvin ...--.. -· 46, 87, 122, 124 Blaney, Yalene ...................... 26, 102, 115 Blatnick, Louise ..... _,_................. 46, 85 Bluemel, April .......... _ ........._ ._.......- . 26 Bluemel, jeanette .. - ..... - ......... - ......... 91 Bodell, Johnny ......_ ....... - ....................... 60 Boggess, Bill .............................................. 46 Boggess, Eddie ......................- ........ --... 60 Bo~gcss, Jerry ................- ..·-·- ·- --.. 46 Bollschweiler, David ...- ............_ ... 26 Bond, Barbara ..--·-·- ·--·---· 27 Booth, Cathy .... _ .......... - .............. 26, 85 Borg, Bonnie ... __................_ 23, 16, 85 Boswell, Paul ..__...... - ......................... 27 Boswell, Richard .. - ....................... 60, 139 Boswell, Richard .................................... 27 Bowen, Rolene ........................ 16, 85, 92 Bowers,
Kurk ···-···--·········--············-·- 60
Bowles, Linda ......... - ..- -......... 23, 46 Bowman..._ Larry ........................................ 27 Boyce, Uavid ................ - ............... 46, 136 Boyce, Lynette .................. 27, 85, 86, 93 107. 109, 152 Boyce, Paul ...................................... - ....... 27 Boyle, Bill ....................................... -·-·-· 46 Boyle, Linda .. _ ..... 27, 86, 93, 109, 149 Broce, Glenna ·-·-·-·-..........___ ....... 27 Brady, Del ............._ ...... _ ............. 60, 132 Brady, Don ................ - .................... ____ 60
Brady, Warren ·---······-········-·- ···········-· 46 Breeze, Bill ...- ................................- ... 27 Brewer, Sharon .......................... ...._.......- 27
BrewSter, Ross ...................... 60. 109, 125 Brimhall, Bradley 57, 87, 124, 129, 135 Brimhall, Glenda ............ _ ..........._ _ __ 46 Brindley, Kent ............. _______ ,......_ . 60 Bringhurst, Dennis ........................ 27, 89 Bringhusr, Larry .... 60, 89, 125, 132, 135 Brinton, Bill ............................. - .... - ....... 27 Brinton, Hammond ···- -· ..·-·-..-·-··-· 60
Brklacy, Sharon ·---·-·-· 46, 83, 84, 106 109, 112, 117. 155 Broadhead, Doug ....13, 60, 102, 103, 130 Brown, Bob ·- 27, 87, 124, 131. 132, 133 Brown, Dolores ...- ..... - ............ - ........... 16 Brown, Elaine .................................... 46, 86 Brown, Gay Lynn ..... - .......................... 60 Brown, Hal ...- ...........- .......... 60, 125, 130 Brown, Julie ............- ...............-.. 46, 82 .Brown, k:ochi - - - - - - · - - · -··--- 60
Brown, Kothy _____..............._,_ 46 Brown, Pat ·············-·-·-····-····--- 60 Brown, Ross ... - -............. - ............ 60, 125 Brunson, Melanie _ ..................- ......... 27 Buchanan( Mignon ·-.. -·--·.. -·-·-- 27 Buehn, E Ia Marie _ .......- -....... 16, 100 Buhler, )udhh -----................. - 60. 84 Bulkley, Roberr --·-·-- 46, 102, 135 Bullett, Joe ,_...... - ....- ................... _ .. 46 Bullock, Patricia ...- ......_ ................... 60 Burbank, Carol Ann .............. 27, 85, 104 Burbidge, jean ......... - ..................... 60, 85 Burgon, Claron ___... 27, 80. 84, 91 106, 109. Ill Burson, Kathy --·---..- ·.. -·-.... 60, 85 Burt!on, Margie - -..-·--·--·-.. 27, 93
!~:~:~. ~k~~~·:=:::~:::::~::~.:~::::?~. ~: ~~
Burton, Michael ....... - .................. 27, 135 Busath, Barbara .............................. 60, 93
!~:;~:r:~~:ref~~j~. : : : : : : ::~::::::::: : : : :~: ~
Butterfield, Linda .................................. 27 Butterfield, Robert ........ 23, 60, 130, 136 Butterfield, Verla ....46, 83, 86, 102, 109 Buxton, Shirley .... _.-............................. 27
c Caldwell, Pam .................................. 60, 85 Campbell, Dale ...... - ..................... 46, 135 Campbell, Donald ......- ......................... 27 Cannmg, David ................................._ .. 46 Cantrell, Noel .............--....................... 27 Catlquist, Brian .... 27, 87, 89, 132, 135 Carlquist, Lynn .......................... - ........... 61 Carlsen, joAnn ........................................ 47 Carlsen, Larry .......................................... 46 Carlson, Gail ..............- ........................... 46 Carlson, JoAnn ......... - .......- .................. 27 Carlson, Joyce ...__ ,..............-.-·......... 27 Carlson, Lee .................................... 47, 89 Carlson, Les ....... - .......................... - ....... 47 Carlston, Karen ................ - ......... 61, 104 Carpenter, Barbara ................................ 47
Carpenter, Bobbette ................................ 47 Carpenter, Sharon ···- ··-•···-········-········· 47 Corpencer, Steven ·················-········-·-··- 61
Carrigan, lnudia .............. _ .. _,..... 61, 85 Carrigan, Joan ................ 27, 85, 86, 101 109, 149, 114 Carroll, Brent ...... 61, 102, 103, 125, 130 Cotler, Kathleen ...... 27, 84, 92, 98, 107 Carter, Rober! ...................... 61. 125, 135 Casper, Ar1 28, 81. 84, 88, 91, 112, 113 Ca;tillo, Mary .......................................... 61 Cavngnole, Sandra ........ 61, 84, 93, !09 Chambetlain, Gayle - · 28, 101, 102, 103 Chamberlain, Cherie ............ 47, 92, 93 Chavez, Diane ......._ ...... 47, 83, 97, 109 Cherry, Charlotte .................................... 28 Chidesrtr, Cnrolynn .............. 28, 85, 93 Chidester, Sharron ................................ 61 Chmiel, Charlotte .................................. 47 Chri>rensen, Carolyn .............. 61, 81. 113 Chrrstensen, Donna ·············-················· 28 hristenscn, Morris ···-··· ···-··· -··-·····
Chrisunnsen, jimmy ...................... 61, IIJ Christopherson, Dnlene ........................ 28 Christopherson, Hal .............- ...... 28, 115 Clork, Nancy .......................... 61, 84, 113 Iarke, John .......................... 61, 113, 135 Clarke, Marilyn ...................................... 28 Cleland, Rober! ,_................................. 28
&:':'·s~~d~. r-~...::::=:=:=::::=:::::::=:::::::::=: i~
Cole, Marilyn .. ,___................. _ .......... 61 Coleman, Ruth ........................................ 61 Colledge, jay _ .... - .................. 61, 89, 125 Collett, Dnvld .......................................... 47 Collett, Donald ......- ...- ...................... 17
~:::~:: b~d~·. :::::::=:=:==:::::::::::::::=::::::: i~
Collins, Robert ...--............. 61. 130, 135 Colton, Byron ................._ .. 47, 101, 103
Coulnm, Gary ......- ......... 28, 85, 87, 90 91. 124, 132 Covington, Brent ...- ........ - ...-·-·-·-· 47 Covington, Lynn - - -....- ----·--· 61 Cowdell, Bruce ............ 47, 87, 124, 131 Cowdell, Kath leen ..._ ... __ ._............... 61 Cowdell, Melvin ........... - ..... _,_......... 41 Cowley, Craig .......-........................ 61. 89 Cowley, Janet _ ..................... 47, 84, 112
~~: ~~~~_::::~:.~:~:::~~::::=:=~-~:i:I~H
Cox, tourlne ................................ 61, Cox, Mostyn .................................... 47, 8 Crandal!._ Russell - ............... - ............... 47 Crane, Ulrol Lee ..........- ............ _ 61, 85 Crane, Dick __..__ 61, 85, 89, 132 Crane, Rex .._ .................- ..........- -- · 28 Crawtord, Mary Lee -·-·- ·-·-·-·-·-- 28
Erlenbach, Claire ... - ............................ 48 Eror, Pearl .................................................. 48 Error, Dan ·······-·····-·-····---····-·······--... 48 Ertmann, Jimmy ···-··-··-··-····-····-···-·· 18
Essex, Bob .................................................. Echerington, Carol ···········-·············-··-· Evans, Boyd ..... - ................................ 30, Evans, Judy .............................................. Evans, Michael ........................................ Evans, Pamela ................................ 62, Eyre, Glenn ...................................... 17, Eyre, Roy .......................................... 30,
91 48 62
84 48 91
8:~!: ~f,~if···:::~:::::~::::::::::::::::::::~::::::: ~~ Damjonovlch, Monha ........ 61, 85, 113
Dansie, Eileen .......................................... 28 Dariano, Gene .......................................... 28 David, )im ................................................ 28 Davidson, Jerry ................................- ..... 28 Davis, Carole .................................... ~7. 83 Davis, Dianna ................................ ~7. 9~ Davis, Gram ........ 28, 87, 91. 123, 112~ Davis, Robert ............................................ 61 Davis, Vicki .................................... 23, 29 Day, Diana ...................... ~ 7, 83, 86, 109 Day, Gloria .... 29. 84, 90, 91, 92, 100 107, 109 Day, Kathy ...................................... 47, 82 Day, Richatd ···--·--·- 47, 87, 123, 124 Day, Steve ............ 47, 87, 122, 124, 132 Dazley, Carol ............................................ 29
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de Oeus, William ···-·-····--·-····-· H, 101 Degropc, Eloi se ........................................ 62 Delgado, Nash .......................................... 47 DeLuca, Ken .......................... 62, 132, 136
§~~~{i: ~~r:=:::::::::.~:::::~:==~-~: ~~ 62, 93, 102, 103
Densley, Koren ............ Densley, Randy .............. 47, 85, 102, 109 Densley, Terry .......................................... 62 Derricon, Keith .... 29, 101, 102, 103, 104 Despain, Kae .................................. 62, 93 Despoin, Sheryl .............................. 47, 82 Despain, Ken ................ 29, 87, 122, 124 Devinny, Bernard ···-······-············· 29, 91 Dewegcli, Dionne -···-··-····· 29, 92, 99 Dibb, David ······-···········-·····-·········-······ 29 Diggs, john .............................................. 109 Dimon , Paul ................................ 29, 134 Dinius, Carla ......... 47, 84, 92, 97, 109 Dongu, John ............................ 62, 88, 113 Doty, Sondra ................................... ____ 101 Douglas, Cecil ........................ 47, 85, 109 Douglas, Gordon .................................... 47 Dow, Elroy ................................ 43, 47, 80 Dowd, Mike .................................. 62, 125 Doyle, Donny .......................................... 29 Doyle, Tony ......................... 47, 117, 135 Draper, Shauno .............................. 47, 90 Dumas, Gail ............................................ 29 Dunn, Carolyn ...................... 47, 82, 101 Dunn, Duane .......................................... 62 Dunn, Robert ................................ 29, 101
&~~a~i·'' J?~~c--:::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::::· ..4-'Ct~ E
Eavenson, Dale ... - .................................. 29 Edmund, Bruce .............. 23, 29, 90, 101 Edmunds, Launn ...................................... 62 Edwards, Anita ...........................- ......... 29 Edwards, John R ................. 29, 91, 115 Edword•.t.. Kay ..._........................... 29, 135 Ehlers, uave .............. 29, 81, 84, 87, 101 Ill, 128 Eklund, Alice ............................................ 57 Elder, Jenny ------....................... 30, 101 Elder, Patrick .................................. 47, 101 Eliason-'- Tom ............................................ 47 Ellis, l.raig ...................................... 48, 135 Ellswonh, Sydney .......................- ......_. 30 Elmer, Verla --·-------·--·-·---· 17, 62, 90 Ehz, Pat ......................._ ............................ 62 Emmons, Cleve ··--·--··--·-----··-·--···-·· 62 Emms1 Michael .................... ______ 62, 102 English, Philip ........................................ 30 Ennlss, Merrill .... 48, 87, 124, 132, 135 Enniss, Ray ... - .........................- .... ·----- 62 Erekson, Mary Lou ...- ........ 48, 82, 109 Erickson, Grant .... 30, 91, 102, 103, 104 Erickson, Linda -------........ ,.____ 62, 93
Greenwood, David ......-............... 17, 63 Greenwood, Glenda ___ ......................... 63 Greenwood, Leo ...................................... 31 Greenwood, Mary .... 31, 84, 90, 93, 121 Greenwood, Susan .......................... 58, 63 Gregory, Judy .....................................- .... 48 Griffith, Vicki .......................................... 63 Grover, Lynda .......................................... 48 Grow, Karen .................- ......................... 63 Gull, Don ................................ 31, 84, 106 Gunderson, Bryan ...........................- ... 48 Gunderson, Dennis ............ 63, 132, 135 Gunderson, Tony __............................... 31
g~::~il: ~~;i'y.~ . .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~
Fogg, Marianne ........................ 62, 84, 93 Foirbourn, Earon .... 23, 62, 80, 125, 132 Fairbourn, juanita .......................... 30, 93 Farmer, Billy 48, 85, 87, 1122, 124, 135 Fornswor1h, Ilene ···---·-···-·-·-···-······· 18 Fenstermaker, Karen ········-····· 23, 24, 30 Ferguson, Allan .................................._ ... 57
~f:rd's~'d·. bu.~ . ::=:·-30:--77:--s'i':--io7... 1~
Fisher, Mary Anne ........................ 48, 85 Fitzgerald, Ed __ ...............- ...... _ ............ 48 Fitzgerald, Jane ... - ................ 85, 93, 101 Fitzgerald, Michael .... 30, 101, 102, 135 Fitzgerald, Orene .......... - .....- .............. 48 Fitzgerald, Stbrl .............................. 62, 85 Fjeldsred, Pau .......... _ ......................._. 48 Flint, KriStin .................................... 48, 86 Flores, Esperanza ···-······-·-·······-········-· 62 Flores, Richard ........................................ 30 Folkersen, Curt ............. - ............. 30, 101 Forbush, judy --.............................. 62, 85 Forbush, Katen ----------------------· 30 Ford, Richard ..................._ .. 62, 125, 135 Forrester, Georgia ···-·--·-··········-· 62, 93 Fowler, Lucille .......................... - ........... 48 France, Gordon ....................... --·-..····- 30 Frandsen, Rex ....... - .............. _ ..________ .30 Freemon, Anita ................... -........ .30, 78 Freemnn, David ···---··---·-·-·--·-·-·· 62 Frogget, Bob .................................... 31, 102 Froggec, Danny ---·-·-·------------ 48 Froisland, Jean .......................... _ ... 48, 82 Fugal, Lee .............. 48, 84, 102, 103, 104 107, lll Fullmer, Gerold ............................ 48. 102 Fullmer, Rodney .................... ----·-·- 31 Fyans, Carole ................________________ , 48
8: n~..:~ •.Hj;el).~:--====----~~:--~~:.--~1-~-~g~ Oamingnsco, Noncy ......._ ................. 48
Oanz, Wtlliam .... 48, 91, 128, 129, 136 Gardner, Linda ........................................ 62 Gardner, Sharon .................... 62, 85, 109 Garfield, Alona .............. 31, 84, 90, 101 Onrn, Roy ... - ............................................ 31 Outherum, Dawn .................... ___________ 62 Oatherum, Owen .................................... 31 Onufln, Frank .................................. 48, 81 Getman, Shirley Mae .... 48, 90, 91. 93 Oiaque, Paul .......................... 62, 130, 136 Giles, Michael ...................... 62, 81. l13 Glenn, Robert .......................................... 62 Glover, Brent ............................................ 62 Glover, Don ............ 48, 85, 87, 122, 124 126, 128 Glover, Earl .................................... 48, 135 Glover, Kristine ···-··-·-·--·-·-·---..-· 31 Oodfre_y, jean ........ 31, 85, 92, 101, l16 Goff, David ...................................... 62, 125 Goff, Floyd ... - ......................... 17, 31, 91 Goff, Olen ...................... ------------·-· 62 Goff, Judy .............................._______ 48, 84 Gold, Bryant ----- 23, 62, 91, 102, 125 Gold, Sidney -----------------· 31, 102, 104 Gomez, Joe ---------------------· 62, 132 Gonzales, Rosaleo ---------------- 23, 48 Goodrich, Eloise --·-----------................... 31 Oorup, Aria ................ 62, 85, 90, 91. 93 Granquist, Nancy ......._ ........................ 48 Gray, Carl -------------·-· 62, 125, 130 Gray, Norman ----------------------· 31, 135 O<ay, Spencer --------------- -· -· 31 Greco, Omah ----------· 63, 85, l13 Green, Calvin ......- .. ·-·-·--·-·-------· 48 Green, Sandra ....... _ ............................... 63 Green, Sharen --------.. ---- - --· 48, 93 Green, Tanya ............................_. 48, 85 Greenfield, George ----------·--·-· 63 Greenfield, Robert -------------- 31 Greenwood, Afton -------- 48, 83
Haddow, Vernon _ ................................. 63 Hadley, Kenneth ..................----------· 49 Hadley, Milton ..........- ....................- .... 31 Hagen, Larry ... - ...................................... 31 Hagen, Vern .................... - ............. 63, 130 Hale, Cleve ................ 49, 77, 80, 87, 91 126, 128, 136 Hale, Hal ................................ 63, 130, 136 Hall, janie ........................................ 63, 85 Hall, Jeanie ....._ ................................ 63, 85 Hallett, Pat ......_ ........................... _ 17, 63 Halpin, Bob ...... - ........................... 49, 124 Ham, Judy ........ 49, 83, 85, 92, 109, 149 Hamilton, james ............................ 63, 102 Hancock, Carol ..................... - ............... 63 Bond, Margaret ............................ 31, 109 Hansen, Darvel --·-------·-···-·-----·-· 31 Honsen, Drew W. ____ 49, 89, 101. 124 Hansen, Gary ------·----------------·-------· 63 Hansen, Kent ............................................ 49 Hansen, Richard .............. - ................... 63 Hansen, Ronald ......... _ ............................ 49 Hansen, Sharon .................... 49, 85, 109 Hardcastle, Gail ----------------·-· 49, 92 Hardcastle, Janet .............. 31, 84, 90, 93 Hardcastle, Karen ........... _ .................... 63 Hardcastle, Pauleue. ............_. 31, 84, 86 Hardman, Bonnie .............................- .... 49 Hardman, Sharron .............- ................... 49 Hardwick, Vawna .......... 31, 85, 86, 93 106, 109 Harker, judith ................................ 49, 93 Harper, Carolyn ·---------------- 57 Harper, Judy -------·----....... ---------· 63 Harper, R. Michael .... 63, 102, 125, 135 Harris, Steven ...- ...---·---···------------· 63 Harryman, Don ........................................ 63 Hart, Owen ............................._________ 63 Hartman, Judy ------------......................... 31 HaStings, David ---------------------· 63, 135 Hascings, Paul ........................ 63, 85, 135 Hatch, john .................................- ......... 64 Halt, Beverly ---------------------------------· 31 Haueter, Dixie .............................- ......... 31 Heaps, Arlan ............................................ 64 Heaps, Arlene ..._ .................................... 64 Heaps, Peggy ............................ 31, 84, 97 Heaps, Rodney --·-----------·-·---- 64 Heath, Jean .............................................. 64 Heineike, Stephen ..............._ 31, 80, 90 Heki, Bill ....................... _ ........................ 49 Helm, Nancy - ................................... 49, 91 Hcmbury, Stewart ...- ............................. 61 Hendricks, Dona .................... 32, 90, 91 Hendrickson, Cheryl ·--------------·- 64 Henke, Lynn ...... - ................................... 31 Henschke, Susan ............... _ .... 64, 84, 91 Henson, Charlee ... - ........................ 32, 85 Hepner, Kathleen .................... 49, 85, 90 Heughy, Gary .......................................... 64 Heuser, Lillian ........................................ 49 Hewitt, Larry ........................._____ 64, 104 Hill, Barbara ---------------------------·------- 64 Hill, Shirlene -----·---------------·---·-· 64 Hirst, Stephen --------------------· 32 Hobatt, Bruce -----------------· 32, 91. 101 Hobart, Sylvia ..........- ..................... 64, 85 Hodgson, Eddie ........ - ..................... 49, 91 Hogenson, Carol ...................-...... 23, 49 Holfdtz, Lurie - - - -............................ 64 Holmstrom, Terry -------· 49, 82, 84, 92 Holt, Blanch --------------------------- 49 Holter, Gordon - - · - - - · - - 49 Holter, Marie --------------·------· 64 Homer, Leah ·--------............................ 64 Hoopiiania, Tom ...... _ ........ - .... - ........ 32 Hovey, Joe ------·------------------------ 64 Howard, Becky ------------------------· 50 Howard, Gene ------------------- 32, 102 Howcroft, Brent -·----· 43, 64, 125, 135 Howcroft, Craig - - · - - · - - 32
Howlett, Carl .............. 32, liZ, 113, 117 Hudson, Linda .................................... 32, 93 Hughes, Margaret ............................ 32, 93 Hughes, Mike -------- 23, 49, 129, 139 Hughes, Steven ............... _ .... 64, 102, 103 Humphrey, Roger .................................. 64 Hunt, Linda .............................................. 64 Hurchings, joAnn .......................... 49, 85 Hurchings, John ...................................... 49 Hyatt, Dwight ................................ 64, 89 Hyatt, Linda ............................ 21, 32, 93 Hyde, Kent .....................___________ 32, 90
lhlers, Karen ............................ 23, 32, 84 lpson, Ann ................................................ 49 Irvine, Lee .............................. 63, 113, l17 Izatt, Eugene ........ 49, 87, 122, 124, 135 Izatt, Sheldon ....................... - .................. 64
Jackson, Dawn ........................................ 64 jacob, jerry ................................................ 49 Jacobson, Donald .... 50, 87, 89, 124, 135 Jacobson, Nadine ......- ................. 50, 104 jacobson, Shirley ...- ................ 64, 84, 93 James, Joyce ________ ................................. 50 james, Stan ley ........................................ 64 jansen, Linda .......................................... 50 Jaramillo, Denise .................................... 50 Jaynes, Dee --·--·-·-·-........................... 32 Jenkins, Ca10l .................................. 50, 90 Jenkins, Darlene ...................... 32, 84, 93 Jenkins, David ...................................- .... 50 jenkins, Georgia .......... - ................. 64, 93 Jenkins, Jeanene ...................................... 50 Jenkins, Larry .......................................... 65 Jenkins, Lorin ........- ............................... 50 jenkins, Lynda ....... - ................................ 50 Jenkins, Marilyn ........................ 32, 84, 93 jenkins, Paula .............. 50, 85, 102, 109 jenkins, Ron .............................................. 32 jensen, Brian ...... - ................................... 32 jensen, Carol ...... _ ............ - ............ 65, 84 jensen, Carol Lee .................................... 50 Jensen, Colleen ........................................ 32 Jensen, Diann E ..... 50, 82, 84, 101, 149 Jensen, Dianne R. ------------· 50, 82, 101 Jensen, Doug -------------------- 65, 135 jensen, Gene .............. - ........................... 65 jensen, Joan ...................................... 32, 93 jensen, Johnny .. _ .................................. 32 Jensen, julie ................... _ .. 23, 32, 84, 93 Jensen, Kent .............................................. 65 Jensen, Mary .............................. 23, 65, 85 jensen, Mervin .............. 50, 87, 123, 124 jensen, Peggy ------------------------------------ 65 jensen, Richard ...........__ ............... 32, 90 jensen, Venna .......................................... 65 Jenson, Daryl .................................. 65, 130 Jenson, Diane B ........... 50, 82, 101, 153 Jeppson, jane ............................................ 50 )ex, Don ...................................................... 32 Johansen, Linda Lte - ........................... 65 Johansen, Merrolyn ................................ 32 Johansen, Robert ................................ 65, 89 Johansen, Sandra .................... 50, 91. 92 Johansen, Stephen .................................. 65 Johanson, Sheryl ...... 32, 85, 86, 88, 101 109, 148 johnson, Billie -·----· 65, 125, 130, 136 Johnson, Dennis ________ ......................... 65 Johnson, Dwight ----------------------· 17, 65 Johnson, judith ..... - .............................. 50 Johnson, Linda ............................- ......... 50 Johnson, Linda ........................................ 32 Johnson, Pat --------..--.--.. -------------· 65 Johnson, Richard ------------------------· 32 johnson, Tony ............................._______ 32 )ones, Carol ------·------·- 50, 90 Jones, David ---------------------------· 50 Jones, Doris ----------------------· 32, 84 jones, Olen ____....................................... 65 Jones, Gordon .................................. 50, 135 Jones, Jimmie .................................. 33, 101 Jones, Lynette ·------------------------·--- 33 jones, Richard --------------------------- 65 Jones, Richard A. ----------------·------· 65 )ones, Richard Clark ------------·-· 65 Jones, Ronald ·-----·---· 50, 84, 129, 139 Jones, Russell ·-·----------------------------· 65 )ones, Tim --------------------- 33, 87, 135 )oos, Ray ---------------·-·------ 50 )oos, Wade --·---·--------·--·-·- 33 Joosten, Craig J. ---------·-·- 33, 84 Joosten, Lynn - ------------- 65, 89 Jorgensen, David - - - 50, 80, 126, 128
Jorgensen , Marianne .... 50, 83, 102, 104 Jorgensen, Richard ........ 33,88, 91, 115
f~~!~'J~:.R~tii~~-: ·.:~::~=~::::::=::=:~~::=~~: ~~
Julio, Richard ·······-············-·-······ 65, 135
J~:~::~g: ~~7 . :::::==::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::
~~g'l~~~~T~:: ·: : :~: :~: : : : : :~~~::~: i
Kemp, Pam ·············-··-······-··· 33, 85, 101 Kemp, Terry ···-···-······-·-··-·-·-···· 65, 93 Kempton, Howard ···-··-··· 23, 33, 80, 81 84. 88, 91, 106. 112. 114, 116
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Kirby, Lavelle -·-·······-······-· 23, 33, 115 Kirk, Elaine -······-·-····-··········· 33, 85, 93 Kitt, Dorothy Mae ······-··-··················· 65
~~~;.!~ Ly~d-;;···:~~::::::::::::=:~~:--~~· ~~; ~ 53
Kocherhans, Don .......... 51, 87, 102, 135 Konald, Kathleen ···-···············-·-·-··-·· 33 Koncurat, Joe ·······-··- ······-·· 51, 84, 109 Koos, Bill ·-·-········-········-········-······· 51. 135 Kosovich, Mike -·-··-··-·····-·-····-·······-·· 33 Kramer, Maxine --····---········· 33, 84, 93 Kramer, Steve ···-······-···-···········-- -- 51, 85
Kropf, Myron --·····-···········-··--·-······· 33 Kunz, Kenneth ····-···········-·-··-····· 65, 125 Kunz, Lael ·······-······· 34, 85, 90, 93, 109 Kunz, Marvin ----··········-··-·······-·-········· 34 Kunz, Robert ·······-··-·· 65, 81, 125, 135 Kynaston, Gilbert ···········-·-·······-···-···-· 65 Kynaston, Priscilla .................. 34, 84, 101 Kyriopoulos, Teddie ·····-···········-··-·-···· 65 L
Lambson, Verda ·-···-···················-····-· 65 Lance, Billy E. -·········-····--··-··-·-·-··-· 34 Landers, Kelvin ·········--· 34, 81, 87, 92 115, 139 Landers, Lynda ···-············-··············-··· 34 Larkin, Kent ···-··-··········-······----· 51 Larsen, Allene ........................ 34, 85, 88 Larsen, Beverly ··························-·--····-· 34
Larsen, Larsen, Larsen, Larsen,
Charlotte ·······-········-········· 65, 102 Lynne ·······-· 65, 84 . 88, 91 , 143 Paul .................................... 17, 65 Paulerte ...................... 51, 84, 90
Larsen, Pauline ··············-·-·················-··
Larsen, Larson, Larson, Larson, Larson, Larson,
Steve ·-··-···································· .. 51 Dora ···-··--···············-·······-· 51, 101 Frances ................ 66, 78, 90, 91 Harold ................ 34, 81, 101, 112 Kyle ·································-··· 34, 101 Larry ---·· 34, 77, 80, 87, 115 124 Larson, Lila ···-············-···········-······ 34, 86 Larson, Lynn ···········-····· 51, 87, 124, 132 Larson, Marshall ·······-········· 66, ..85, 130 Larson, Paula ···········-······-············· 66, 104 Larson, Robert ···-···--··-·--·-·-··--····· 51 Laveder, Anna Rose ·-·-··-·-· 34, 84, 88
101, 102, 116 Law, Ed ·················-···············-·······-·····-· 17 Law, Gayle ...................:............................ 66 Lawrence, David ······---······-····-··--······· 34 Lawrence, Gail ···-··-········-·····-----·· 66
Lawson, Cathy ·····--·····-······················- 51 Leatherwood, Carl ··········-···· 51, 87, 114 132. 133 LeDuc, Dale ···-··-··· 34, 81, 84, 106, 120 148, 152 Lee, Ronnie ···-······························-· 51. 135 Levine, Jay ···-··-·-·······-···········-···-·-··-· 34 Levine,, Judy ·-····-··-·-·······-···-··········-···· 66 Lewis, Steven ·····--··········-·--·····-- 66, 89 Lifferth, Ann LaVon ·-····-·····-·········· 66 Lifferth, Yvonne ···-········-··-·--··········· 51 Lind, Kathleen ·-········· 34, 84, 88. 92, 93 98. 101. 112 Lind, Sherma ............ 34, 84, 92, 98. 117 Lindsay, Mary ···-··-····· 21, 35, 84, 88, 93 Lindford, Kent -·-··-··-········· 51. 89, 135 Linnarz, Owen -·--··-····--·- 51 , 92
ti~~J.' ~~~de ..=:=-~==::::::::::::::::::=::~~:: ~ l
Lis con,
Dixie ·······-·- ·-·-·--····-··-······· l(J)
Lloyd, Philip ·······-········-·-·-··-····--·-··-· 35
Lloyd, Preston ---··········· 51. 102, 103 Lloyd, Shirley ·······················-····-··· 66, 93 Lo pez, Evelia .........._ ._ ........................... 66 Lopez, Lupe ···-···-·······-····-······-············· 66 Loulias, Chri stine ·-····-··· 23, 66, 76, 85 Loulias, Michael .......... 35, 87, 115, 114 Loumas, Kathy ·······-··-··· 35, 85, 88, 93 Love, Stephen ........ 23, 32, 87, 123, 124 134, 135, 148 Loveless, Larry ---·-···--··--··-···-·········· 51 Loveless, Lloyd ·······-··················-··········· 51 Lublin, Linda ·······--···-···········-···· 35, 91 Lugo, Joe ···-········-··-········-······-··············· 51
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Lunnen, Carol ···············--····-····-· 66, 91 Lunnen, Linda -·-··· 35, 86, 90, 93, 109 Lynch, ]eanerte ···--·········--·-··-----··· 66 Lyon, Dale ···-······························-·-·---·-- 66 Lyon, Gary ···- ·-····-··-····-··-·--···-····-····· 35
M Mabey, Annette ··-···-······························· 66
~=~i~:. KD~~id····:::-::::::::::::::::::::::::~.::: ~
Mahler, Paul -·········-············-···-··· 35, 91 Malnar, Darlene ···-··-··-········-····-······· 51 Malstrom, Rodney ··-···-····-····-··· 51. 135 Mangum, Linda ·······-·-·················· 66, 93 Mannos, Mike ----··· 51, 101, 102, 103 104, 153 Mannos, Susan --··-··-................... 66, 85 Mannos, Tom --··-··-··-····-······-·-··- ·-· 35 Marchant, David ·-····-··-··· 35, 102, liS Mark, Bonnie ····-··· 51, 76. 83, 84, 109 Manion, Tom --·-······-··-··-·-- 66, 85, 130 Marriott, Vicky .............. 35, 84, 91, 93 Marshall, Wayne ·--·-···-··----·····-··-··· 51 Martin, Jerold ··-··-·-····-·-·· 17, 66, 102 Martin, Pete ··-·-···········-·················-··-· 35 Marrin, Toni ............................................ 51 Martineau, Roger ............ 35, 84, 88, 91 112. 113, 115 Martinez, Janice ...................................... 51 Mascaro, Bob -····--· 23, 35, 85, 87, 92 123, 124, 134, 135 Matsumurn, Richard -·-···-········· 51, 92 Matthews, Guy --···-············-····-·-····· 35 Maxedon, Javan ··········--····················-··· 35 May, Louis ····-·······-··-····--····----·-·····-··· 35 Mayfield, Tommy ···--············-······· 51, 89 Maynard, Lave! ........................................ 66 Maynard, Peggy ···---······-·····-·······-··-··· 66 Maynes, Kent ··············--····-················· 35 Maynes, Marsha ...................................... 51 Maynes, Ru o;sell ............................ 66, 113 Mazuran, Kathy ···-··········--················----· 51 McBride, Sharon ···-············-· 66, 85, 93 McCleary, Kent .......... 51, 87, 113, 114 126. 128. 136 McDonald, David .................................. 66 McDonald, Julene -····-·········· 17, 51. 93 McDonald, Marilyn ........ 35, 85, 86, 88 92, 101, 116 McDonald, Sheila .................................. 66 McEwen, Joe -·····-······························-··· 35 McKell, Robert ···-········--··-············-······· 35 Mclachlan, Kent ···-··· 66, 102, 103, 125 McMullin, Paul ·················-······-······-····· 35 Merline, Dixie ·······························-··-··-· 66 Meeks, Dennis ·····························-··-····-· 51 Meeks, Joe ··--·-·-··-········--····-··-··-··-· 66 Mei ssner, Janice ---·-·-··-··--·-- 51. 86 Meissner, Patsy ----·-····· 24, 35, 86, 149 Mellor, Mary Jean ···-··--······-·······-···· 51 Menssc:n, Wolfgang ···-··················-··-· 51 Merdich, Pauline ···-······· 35, 84, 88. 95
··:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Mickelsen, Ralph .................................. 52 Middleton, Carol ... _.52, 85, 86, 101, 109 Mickelsen, Susan ...................................... 52 Milka, Many ........................................ 35 Milburn, Beatrice ............................ 52, 90 Milburnblynn ···-····-····-····-····· 35, 84, 93 Miller, an ···--····-········-···············-·····-· 35 Miller, Diane ·-·······---··----·-·--·-· 36 Miller, Henry ···-·-·······-···------···-·· 52, 80 Miller, Sharon ................. ···-····-·-·· 66, 85 Millerberg, Marilyn .......................... 52, 84 Milligan, George ·----------···-··· 23, 36, 81 84, 87, 87. 88. 106, 109. 112 Millington , Kent .................... 23, 66, 112, ll3, 116, 125 , 135 Milne, Carolyn ···--····-····-····-····-········--· 52 Milne, Pamela ···-·-······-···-······-····· .... 36 Milne, Ri chard ··-···········-····-· 66, 130, 136 Miner, Kathryn ----················-····-····-· 36
Minnick, Lor<n ···- ······-···-·-··-···--····-· 66 Mitchell, Bobby ···-···-·-·······-······· 66, 136 Mitchell, Delyn ··-····-·--··········-····-·····52 Mlaku, Rosemary .......................... 66, 85 Monroe, john ···-···-···--·-·······-··········-· 52 Mons, Douglas ··-·····--···········----··-·-·· 66 Mon s , Kurt ................................................ 36 Monson, Lynn -···············-····-················· 36 Monwgue, Cheryl ···-····-····-··-······-····-· 36 Montague, Geraldine .............................. 66 Moody, Robert ··-·····--·---···- 52, 91 Moore, Gary ···············-················-····-·-· 36 Moore, joe ···-·-···············-····- 52, 129, 139 Moran, Carolyn ........................................ 66 Morandi, JoAnn ···-····-···-·-····-····-··--· 117 Morgan, Keith ········-······-··---·--· 66, 135 Mori, Dorothy ···-····-··---·-····-··--· 66, 85 Morl, Steven 14, 36, 80, 87, 91, 115, 136
_ _: : : : . .
~~;~~fl. 1o~~Y ...:~u S..~~-~3~.-~.0. .:.!rl ti~~~: p;i~n~~ . . ::::~::~~::::::::::~~::::::_~:: ~~ 1
Mosher, Karron ··-····-··---·····-· 36, 93 Mosher, Sharron ···-····-····-····-···-·-·-·· 36 Moss, Carol ···-··-- ---·-···--···-·-----· 36 Mounteer, Keith .......... _ .... _.... ___ ..____ 36 Muglesron, Theron ·······-·······--·· 36, 101. 102, 103, 104 Mumford, Frank ·········-····-···-· 36, 80, 90 Mumford, Lee ···---·-··--····--·--····-·-· 36 Mumm, Carolyn -------·-···-····--· 52 Mumm, Joe ·····----···-·-····-·-··-····-······--· 67 Myers, Nancy ··-···-·····-··-·--··········-··· 67 Myers, Richard 102, 103,104
N Nance, Gayle ···---······-····· 36, 76, 78, 149 Nance, jay ···-···-·-·-··-·-·-····-·-·-··· 67 Nash, Pot ----····-····-··--·-----·-·-·-····-···· 52 Neff, Beverly -···-······-··········-····-····---·-- 36 Neil, Dauna ··-·--········-···-···-·-····· 67, 104
~~il~r~e ~~-~~~---:~~:::=::::::=::::=:::::=:::::::: ~~ Nelson, Nclstm, Nelson, Nel son, Nelson, Nelson, Nelson,
Bruce ····----····---··-·-·-··-····-····· 52 Croig -·-····---·-····--··--·····---· 67 Linda ···-···---·-···-·-··-·· 67, 84 Linda ···-·-··-····-····-·····---···-· 36 Linda C. -····-·····-· 36, 100, 101 Marilee --··············-··-·-·-····· 36 Paul C . ···-·········-···-····-····-·-·· 67
~~::~: ~:xd ~~--=:::=:::::=::::::=:=::::=::::::::: ~~
Nelson, Verdine ···---············-····--·------ 67 Nelson, Wally -·······--····-·--····-············ 52 Ncmanic, Jan<t ···-····-··········-······-··· 67, 84 Neuffer, Susan .......................................... 52 Newbold, Bob ·········-··········· 36, 101, 102 Newbold, janet ·········-··-·--················ 67,93 Newbold, Judy -····-········ ... ......... 67, 84 Newbold, Kent ···-·······--·--···-·-····-···--··-· 52 Newman, Brent ........... ··-·---·····-····~ .... 67 Newton, Christina ···-··-··-·-·····-· J2, 109 Nichols, Pam ........................................... 36 Nichols, Ross --·····--·····-·----·---·---·-···52 Nichols, Susie ·········-·-···-- 23, 36, 93, 107 Ni ckl e, Monty ···-········--···-·-·-·-··-· 67, 89 Ni elsen, Jay ······---···-····-·-···· 67, 125. 135 Nielsen, Lona --·-·-·-···-·····-····--··-· 67, 84 Nielson, Ann ···---··-····--····-····· 52, 82, 86 Nielson, Par ···-····-·······-·--···-···--· 67, 85 Ninimiya, Eugene ··-·---·-····· 52, 81, 132 Noorda, Ronald ·········-················- 36, 135 NordgrenbRonald -·---·--·····-·-··········-· 67 Norton, ouglas ··-····-·--···-···--····-··· 67 Nosuck, Mike ---·-·-····-····-··------·-·-··· 52 Nowlan, Jill ·········----····-··········-···-··-·- 52 Nunley, Joan ···-·-····-·-··········-····· 67, 93
0 Oborn, Herb ·······--·--·-------··-··-············· 36 Olabarrl, Jean -·····-····-······ 52, 83, 91 Oleen, Russ ····--········-····-····-····-····-····-· 36 Oliver, Rodney ···········--····-· 36, 126, 118 Oliver, Steve -···········-·-··--·······-····-· 67 Ol sen, Em r -·-·-····-·--····-···--·-··· 67, 93 Ol sen, Michael ·······--···---------··· 67, 125 Olsen, Steve --··········-····-··-·· 36, 92, 97 Olson, Barbara ···-····-·-------· ··-····-·-·· 37 Ol son, David ···-·-······--··-················ 52, 92 Ol son, Joner ······-·-····--·---··-·-·-·· 52, 8<1 Ol son, Kenneth ·--····-·--·· .... -· 67. 125 O 'Nuh, Jerry --·· ·--··-···· ............ 67, 104 Orlick, Henry ------ 37, 84, 87. 90, 124 Onega, Lawrence ·-···········-···-·------ 52 Orvis, Sandra -·······-····-····-····-········--· 57 Orvis, Wand o ·········-·------···-····--· 57 O sborne, Elaine --·-······-· 23, 37, 84,96
O stler, David ······-·-···-··········-····· 52, 132 Ortesen, Bonnie -·-·····-·- ··-··-··--·-···· 37 Ottley, David -···································-····· 67 Oversueet, Jean ....................._.......... - ... 67
~~i~) ~~~::- ~: >.:·: :+:./: :~·--~}_'!~
Page, Carol Ann ···-····-··········-······· 68, 84 Panek, Marie ·····················-····-··········---·52 Parker, Arthur ······-·······-·-····-·-· 68, 102 Parker, Gloria ·············-······-····-····-····-· 68
~:;t~;: {<~tr,y···:::::::::::::=:~=::::::=::::::-·si: §~
Parker, Penny -·-········-····-····-···-·· 68, 104 Parker, Rolph ··--··-··················-····-········· 37 Parker, Scott ···-······-··········· 22, 23, 37, 80
Porker, Tonyn ......... - .... ~ ................ - .... -. 68
Porker, Zane ···-········-· 22, 23, 37, 87. 122, 124, 131, 132, 133, 135 Parkinson, Sharon ·······-··-····-········· 37, 93 Purks, Richard ······--·-················-···-····- 68 Pa sguali, Sam ···················-··········- ··········· 68 Patience, Robert ·--·······-·······-····-····-···52 Patrick, Kathy .................. 37, 86, 93, 109 Pauley, Beuy ···-··········-······--···········-······· 68 Paulsen, Florence ······-·-··········-····-······· 68 Pay, Kathryn ---·········-·---·······-·---·------· 52 Peor80n, Anna Marie ·--..··-........... 23, 53 Pearson, Karhryn ···············-··· 68, 84. 113 Pearson, Kenneth ...•.. ------·-·······-····· 37 Pedersen, Claudia ........................ 53. 91 Pedersen, Pat ............ 53, 82, 85, 91, 109 Pedersen, Sydney ··········---·---··· 37, 8-1, 101 Peery, Morita ···-················-·-·-····· 68, 84 Penrod, Cheryl ............................ 53, 82. 97
~~:r~::~o~x11re~:-.:·.: : :·: : :=: :·: : : : : : :~~: Perersen, Petersen, Pt ter.sen, Petersen,
Bonnie ---····-······- 37, 101. 102 Gayle ···--·······-··--···-····-·-·· 68, 85 Karen ........................................ 68 Lynn -·-······--·-················ 53, 101
Pe(erson, Burbura ............................ - ....... 68
Peterson, Bonnie ··-··--·······-·······----·· 53, 76 Peterson, Don ··········-·-··················· 68. 102 Petw.on, Gury ·······--······-· 37, 81, 97.99
~~:;ri~h~: J~~k~~ : : : =: : : : : : :=: : : ~: :~~: H
Phillips, Brent ........................... 23. 38. 87. 92, 98. 124. 135 Phillips, Ronnie .............................. 38. 102 Pidcock, Phyllis .... ····-····················· 68, 85 Pierce, Becky ...................... ............ 53, 83 Pi erce , Pam ...................... 52, 83, 85. 109
~~~~~~~&t5J~~- : :~: ·~ ~:~ : : ~ ~;: :~ ~ ~ : : ~j;:., ~ ~::::: 9~J:d .:.-~:::::::::.-.-:.-::::::·:::::.~::.-.-:~:.-.-.-.~- n
Player, Minnie ···---··- ···-··········-····· 53. 92 Plumhof, Jnmes ·····--··-··-·····-···-···· 68. 113 Pond, Donn Jean 38. 84, 92, 101, 102, 103 Pond, Sracey .......................... 68, 102, 103 Parter, Joan ... ··-··········-·······--·--·· 53, 85 Poul sen, Rh onda ........................... 68, 93 Powell, Bill -·· ·········--·--····· 38, 92. 99 Powell, Dcrnld ······-·-··········--····-·-·· 53, 91 Powell, Morvin ·········---··-·····················- 68 Preston, Polly ...................... 38, 76, 78, 84. 88, 96, 101, 112. 115 Priano, Dee ···············-····-····-····-····-···--· 68 Pr!ce• Boyd ··- ····---·-··----·--· 68, 85, I~
~~~: l~·~::i~J~t~-~ ij Price, Vicki ---·-·-··------··-·-·· 23, 53, 8
~~~;;,h~r~nB;~~,--~~-----_-_-_~~----:~::.==··69;"1i·3~-~5~ R
Rainer, Wolf-dieter Peter ...... 57. 78. 10~ Rains, Btnjy . ·······-·-------···-· 69, 125. 13 Rn!ns, Ri ~hard ........................ 69. 125, 1~5
9 0 ~:::~~. N~~k; ::====::::.::::::::::::::::::: ~ Rasmus.<en, Brent .......... 69, 102, 125, 13
Ra smussen, Dianne .......·-····-----··········· ~ Ra smussen, Roy ···-·---·-····-····-····---· 6
Rathjen, Carolyn .......................... ___ 38
~=~ii~is.~~di ~~~---:~~::===~=::==::==::=: ~~ Rawlings, Linda ................................ 69, 84
Rawlings, Vance ··-·-·-····-··-····-········-· 38 Rawson, Joyce Ann ··-···-----· 38, 91, 98 Rawson, Marlene ............................. 53, 93 Ray, David ........................................ 38, 9Z Read, Joann ................................ 69, 84, 104 Read, Shirley ............................ 38. 84, 90 Reading, Ralph ···-·······-······-··········-··--· 38 Reames, Jimmy ........................................ 53 Reed, Natalie ···-·············-·-·-· 53, 83, IOIB Reed, Wayne ............................................ 69 Reeder, Srephen ..................... 69, 102, 103 Rees, Mary Jo ........................... 38, 84, 90 Reese, Danny .................................... 69, 89 Ren, Robert ........................ 38. 80, 91, 101 Rich, Dick ................................ 69, IOZ, 103 kich, Norman ............................ 38, 87, IZ4 Rich, Robert ................................ _ ........... 53 Richards, Carol ......................... 22, 23, 38
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Risr, Calvin ........................................ 53, 89
~~vbi~;.,~·~~ --:::::::=::::::::::~:::::=:::: ~~: ~~
Robinson, Trudy 39, 86, 101, 105, 110, ll6 Roby, Cheryl ......................................... 69 Roden, Phyllis .................................. 69, 155 Rodgers, Sreve ........................................ 53 Rohlfing, Susnrl ......................... 39, 93, 97 Roll, Cn rol ........................................... 57 Roll, Joe ............................................- ....... 69 Rollins, McKny ....................................... 39 Romero, Linda ............................... - ...... 53
~-'::'~ .:::=:=:=::::==::::::::~=::==: ~~
eyBII C ... Roper, Carole ................................. 39, 101 Roper 1 Karen ..- ...................................... 53 Rosenhun, Eileen ......................---·-· 39 Rosenhan, Lee .........................- ........... 69 Rosenhnn, Max ............. - ...............- ..... 39 Ross, Wayne ..............................- ..... 39, 91
~~d~~ce~ha?t~~~ =:=::::=::::=::::=:~-:::::==::=: ~~ Rudd, Judi Anne .................... 39,86, 93 Rugg,
Melvina ....................................... 54
s Sabey, Dianne .............................. 69, 84, 93 Snbey, Murilyn .......... 39, 84, 93, 101. 115 Sadlelr, Kurhnlyn .............................. 54, 86 Sadler, Jean ............................................... 69 Sagers, l<arhleen .......................... 54, 86 Sagers, Vicki ....... _ ......... 39, 84, 86. 106, 109, liZ, 113, 116, 117 Suldivar, Paul ..................._ ............. 39 Saldivar, Vicky .....................- ......... 69 Salisbury, Jean .................. Z3, 69, 84, 93 Sampson, Becky ........................ -.) 23, 69 Sampson, ]onl................ 23, 39, 84, 86, 121 Samuleson, Jacque ........... 54, 85, 93, 100 Snrgenr, Joe ............... - ..... 22, Z3, 54, 81 Saville, Dianne ........................................ 69 Saville, Elden .......................................... 39 Schelin, Merl ...............................- ......... 69 Schmidr, Julie _ ....................................... 39 Schmidt, Sydney Ann ................. 54, 84 Schneider, Norma ............................ 39. 101 Schow, Jean ............................... 54, 82, 85 Schow, Michael ...................................... 39 Schultz, David .......................................... 69 Schultz, Dlnne ................................. 69, 93
~~~~f'~wr~i~~-~ ~;-; ;~ ~ ~ ~ ·tJ.lt.~ : i
Seucrbcrg, Cnleen .................................... 54 Laura ...................... 69, 84. 109 Sewell, Rinard -------·---------------- 69, 89 Sharp, Dennis ·------·-·--------------·-·--· 54 Shnrp, tnnle .................................... 54, 93 Serrerber~.
~~E~: t~~~::d::=~::::::=:::::::::=:::::::=:: i~ 77.
Sharp, Val .......................... 69, 84, 88. 107, 112, 113, ll6 Sharp, Viki ............................. 54, 83, 109 Shaw, Nadine ................................ 39, 101 Shelton, Judy .................................. 54, 93 Shield•, Linda ....................................... 54 Shoemoker, Craig .. 54, 87. 126. IZ8. 136 Shoemaker, Dionne ·------------·------·- 5+ Shoemaker( Todd ................. 69, 130, 136 Sll.cox, Ni a .........................-----·-·-·-·· 54 Sitllonlch, Albert ................................. _ 54 Simonson, Judy ......................._ .. ____ 39
Simonson, Roy --------··-·----·---·--·-· 70 Singleton, Wallace -------·-·---·-·-·- 39 Sjoblom, Margene .............- .....54, 86, 91 SJoblom, Reid --------------------· 54 Sjoblom, Roger ...... 70, 113, IZ5, 13Z, 135 Sjosrom, Cheryl ..........................- ........ 54 Slater, Bruce ···--------- 17, 54, 101 Smarr, Blaine ......... _ ................ 39, 89, 135 Smarr, Gay ........................ --------- 39, 93 ::imart, Glen ........- .................. - ....... 54, 89 Smirh, Berry Jean ................. 54, 101. 10Z 9Z, 108, 112, 113, 149 Smith, Becky .......... 23, 54, 8Z. 85, 88, Smith, Bonnie ................................. 39, 93 Smith, Brent ·--------..-----·-····--- 54 Smith, Brian .........................._. 70, 81, LOZ Smi rh, Carol .......................-........... 54, 85 Smith, Cecil .............._ .. _____________ 39 Smith, Dale ........ Z3, 58, 70, 80, 125, 135 Smith, Darrell Z3, 70, 77. 80, 113, IZ5, 135 ::imirh, Daryl W ....................... _, 70, 89 Smith, Dertell ---------------·--·-- 70 ::.mirh, Dianne ........... 70, 84, 88, 93, 113 ::.mith, Don ............................................... 54 Smith, Esther ................................-. 40, 84 Smith, Erhel ............................ ______ 40, 85 Smith, Fred .........- ................... 55, 89, 101 Smith, Howard --·-·---·-· 40, 87, 136, 137 Smith, Jackie ................................ - ......... 40 Smith, Jan Wing ................................. 70 Smi rh, Janelle ............................. - .......... 55 Smith, Jim ................................................ 55 Smirh, Judy ...- ................. 70, 78, 84, 109 Smith, Kathleen ----·-··-----·-· 70, 93, 102 Smith, Kathleen ------------- 70, 93 Smith, Keith .............................. ----·--· 55 Smith, Lani ................................ 70, 84, 104 Smith, Leone .................._ ...._, ___ 70, 84 Smith, Linda ..................................... 55, 83 Smith, LuAnn ............ _____ ZI. 40, Ill Smlrh, Neil A. _________ 40, 84, 88, 91. 97, 99, 106, 112, ll7 Smith, Neil ........ 55, 80, 89, LIZ, 113, 116 Smith, Philip ............................._ ..__ 40 Smi rh, Russel .......................--.. 70, 135 Smith, Sherman .............55, 10Z, 103, 143 Smith, Tamara ...................·-···------- 70 Smith, Victory ............--------------57 Snarr, Dean ................... ---------·-·-·-55 SnodgraRS, Gilbert ·-··------ 55, 91, 9Z Sorensen, Earl Lynn ............................. 40 Sorensen, 'Lennlce -------·-·---- 70 Sorensen, Larry ----···-·-·--· 40, 100,110 Sourh, John ................................... j70, 135 Spainhower, Terry ------·-------·--·-55 Sprague, Jerry ...........----·-··---· IOZ Springer, Verla ---------------·------·--· 70 Sraker, Susan -------·-------·-------55 Staker, Teddr. ·-·-··--·----·--·55 Srapley, Kay ene ----·----------· 70 Stead mann, Bryan ----·-· 43, 55. 91 Steadman, David --·---·-·--·--·-·--· 55 Steadman, Gary ·-----·-··---·-·----· 40 Sreed, Roger --------·-·-· 40, 89, 120 Sreele, Richard ------------------ - - 55 Steiner, Gloria ................. - .......55, 85, 109 Stepan, Kent ............ 22, 23, 55, 126, 128 Srevans, Cherat .........................._______ 70 Stevens ]ames ............ _ .. ____................ 55 Stevens, Larry .................................______ 55 Stevens, Lynn M ..... 17, 70, 85, !OZ. 103 Stevenson, Ford ..................... 55, 81, 85 Stiehl, Judy ............................ 55. IOZ. 104 Stirling, Roger .................................. 55, 9Z Stoker, Lynn ........................._ .. _________ 55 Stone, Renne ...... _. 55, 85, 97, 101, 109
Street, LaRay ............_________________ 55 Stringfellow, Jim --·-------·---- 70, 135 Strong, Vincent ........- ................. 70, 125 Stroud, Mike ...........- ................... 55, 103 Sruarr, Elaine ---------·-· 40, 85, 101, 115 Scuau, Morris -*-----·-·--·-· 40 Sruart, Paul ------------------------..-·--·55 Srucky, Doris --------..---------·-·-·--·- 70 Stucky, Olen ............................ 70, 85. 135 Svedin, Paulus ........_, ______________ 70 Sylvester, Barbara __ 40, 86, 88, 97, llZ
T Tafoya, Edna ................._ .......- ............. 55 Taggarr, Jeanette .................._____ 70, 91 Talbot, Ronald ............ -............. 70, 125 Tapp, Marie .....................- ......._ .. ,....... 55 Tashiro, Connie -----------·------ 70,84 Taylor, Charlene --·-· 55, 85, 92, 109 Taylor, Karen ----------------------- 7tJ Taylor, Steve -- 23, 55, 87, 12Z, 124, 132
Tea, Dianne ........................_____________ 55 Tea, Gloria --·--------------------------· 40, 85 Tebbs, Christine --· 70, 85, 92, H9, 152 Tebbs, Chuck --------- 40, 87, 90, 101, 115, 126, 128, 136 Tedesco, Ted ------------------------ 40, 101 Tennant, Clara Lee ·--- 40, 85, 92, 93 Tennanr, Kathy ..............- ....·----------· 70 Tennant, Kay ···-·-·-······-··-···------..·---· 40 Tennant, Shirley ..................................... 70 Terry, Robert, --------------·-----·------------ 40 Tester, Dick ..................._ ............... 70, 135 Tester, Michael ................................... _. 40 Thacker, Burr ........................ -------·· 70 Thamaz, Richard ___ ..................... IOZ, 125
Wardle, Lynn -·-·-·--- 41. 87, 13Z, 133 Warner, Douglas -·-··---·········--·56 Warnock, Richard -------·-·----·-- 71 Washburn, Sharene ................................ 71 Warts, Glen ----·---·-·· 43, 71, IOZ, 1Z5 Watts, Rurh Anne ...- .............. 71. 91, 93 Weaver, Judy ......- ........................ 71. 104 Webb, Cheryl .........- ............................ 71 Webb, Maureen ...................................... 56 Webb, Nancy ------------------· 41, 84, 93 Webb, Paul ......... 71, 91. 125, 130, 136 Webb, Van .......................- ........... 71, 113 Weber, Dick .......... 23, 41. 87, 124, 132 134, 135 Weber, Marva _ ............................. 4Z, 101 Webster, Brenda ...... _ ............................ 41 Webster, Donna ............................ Z3, 71 Websrer, Larry ---··-·-·······-·-··--··-··-· 56 Weichert, Louis - 42, 87, 102, 103, 13Z Weidaman, Dennia -··-·-·-····-·····---·· 56 Welch, Elaine ____............. _ .............. 72 Welch, Rolayne --------..--..·---·-56 Welch, Stephen _____............._ ............ 56 Wellington, Donald ---------------------· 56 Wells, Dennis ......._ ................................ 72 Welsh, Vince ___ ,................-·---·--· 56 Wenersrrom, Chad ______ _. .......- ....... 72 Wenersuom, Shirl .............. 42, 136, 137 Wesr, John _____..................................... 56 Westerman, Maggie ........ 42, 84, 88, 93 106, 146 Wetsel, Billie ......................_ ......... 4Z, 93 Wheadon, Linda .............................. 42, 84 Wheeler, Vichi --·-·---......................... 56 Wherman, Dan ...................................... 56 Wherman, Page ____............................... 72 White, Glyn -----------..-----------·-· 4Z Whiting, Jay ---- 56, 87, 101, 123, 124 129, 136 Whitlock, Howard ............._ .........- ... 56 Whitlock, John ----------------------· 72 Whitmore, Merle ---------· 56, 85, 101 Whittle, Sharon ...................................... 72 Wilcox, Frank ----------.. ---·---· 42 Wilcox, Richard ----------------------·--· 72 Wilkes, Jay __________............... _ .......... 56 Williams, Joe .... - ...- .................... 56, 124 Williams, Leona ........_ ......................... 56 Williams, Ralph ---·-------------------· 42 Williams, Stanley ................................. 56 Williams, Susan ..... - ................ - ...... 56 Williams, Vickie ________ ,_ 72. 84, 88 Wilson, ]an _____ .. ___ ,._________________ 72 Winger, LeLand ___............... 72, 89, 10Z Winget, Abbie ------------.............. 72 Winn, Carol .............. _ ..................... 4Z, 93 Witt, Loreen -··-·--··-···--····-········-·-- 42 Woffinden, Sharol ----------- 56, 85, 93 Wolfe, Perry ------------------------------· 72 Wolsleger, Paul ----------·--- 72 Wolsleger, Paul ---------..·-----·-· 72 Wood, Nancl' ...- ........................... 72, 85 Woodberry, Dawn ·---------·-· 72 Woodward, Kenr ·-----------·-·------ 4Z Woodward, Lloyd ------------·------56 Worrhen, Howard -·-·-·- 56, 77, 80, 87 122. 124, 132, 136 Worrhingron, Elvin ............... -.... 56, 84 Worthington, Juanita ··-----·-···· 72, 113 Wrighr, Alan ........................................... 4Z Wrighr, Charlene ............................ 72, 85 Wright, Cheryl .......- .............................. 56 Wrighr, Joan .......................- .................. 72 Wright, Kaye ........................................... 57 Wright, Sharon - ·---·-·--· 57, 83, 85 Wyler, Marvin ..................... 57
f~~;;,",:';, s~ft'tdo_~_:::::::=::::::=:::::::==: ~
Thomas, David ........ 40, 84, 101, 102, 103 Thomas, John ..........------------- 40 Thomas, Sandra ...............- ...·--·-··-· 70 Thompson, Bob --------..------------·--· 40 Thompson, Johnny .... 70, 1Z5, 13Z, 136 Thompson, Kathleen .....................- ... 70 Thompson, Rosemary ......................... 55 Thomson, Dorothy ----- 40, 86, 101, 103 104, ll6 Thurber, Diane .......................... 55, 85, 93 Thurber, Judy ....... - ................ 58, 70, 85 Tibbitts, Brenda ............................ - ....... 41 Timothy, Ned .......................... 17, 55, 135 Tipperrs, Michael .................................... 41 Tischner, Mary ..................... 55, 84, 104 Tolman, Diana .......................... _______ 70 Tolman, Ralph ------------------------· 41 Tranter, Sheila --------------· 70, 104, 109 Treadway, Randy _ ..... 41, 81, 84, 88, 91 Trinnaman, Tony ---------·-- 41, 87, 101 Trujillo, Alice ----------------------------· 55 Trujillo, Bernie --·---··-··---····· 41 Tueller, Bonnie ________ .............. 55, 91, 9Z Tuft, Frank M. ------ 55, 80, ll2, 113 ll6, 143, 153 Tunbridge, Carol .....................--------· 55 Turner, Cloyd --..-------------------.. 55 Turner, Harold ---------..-----------56 Turner, Jim ...................... 23, 41, 87, 90 101, 123, 124, 136 Turner, Mary ................_______ ....... 56, 85 Turner, Mary Ellen -------------·--·--·-· 71 Tutde, Larry -------------------------------- 41 Turtle, Richard ....................................- 56 Tuttle, Steven -------------------·-· 71, 85
u Ure, Judy -----·------------------- 56, 85 Utley, Richard -------------------· 71, 125 Utley, Russell ------------------------· 41
v Van Horn, George _____ _: __ 71, 102 Van Leeuwen, Jane .........- - - -....... 71 Van Seters, Karen ------------·-· 56, 85 Van Wagoner, Jon ----------------· 43, 71 Vawdrey, Brent ---------·----------------- 41 Vawdrey, Kathleen --·------... 7 155 Vawdrey, Lowell ____..................... 56, 81 Velarde, Stephana .................................. 56 Vidler, Barbara ...................................... 41 Vigil, Ernie ............................................... 71 Vigil, Lorraine ....................................... 56 Villalobos, Delia .............................. - ... 56 Vrllalobos, Lydia ----------·---------- 41 Vincent, Daryl ---------------- 56, 82, 85 Visser, Mike ................ _ ..______________ 56 Visser, Paul _____ .................... -------···- 71 Vordos, Doris -·--·-·-·--- 23, 56, 93 Vunder, Vicki .......................... 71, 76, 84
Yamashiro, Amy ·--------· 57, 8Z, IOZ Yates, Larry --------------· 72. 125, 135 Yengich, Kay --·--------------· 57, 82, 91 Yorgason, Marilyn -·- 72, 85, 88. ll3 Young, Barbara ·----------------·-· 57, 97 Young, Carole ----------· 57, 83, 101 Young, George -·--·-·--· 57, 80, 124 Young, Robert ---------------·---· 4Z, lOZ Young, Valerie ·------------ 72, 90, 93
w Wade, Peggy ---------------- 23, 71 Walbeck, Karen ----------- 71. 85, 155 Walker, Jean ·-·---------·-----.. 56, 8Z Walker, Linda -----..·--·------ 56, 82 Walker, Lynne -·---------------· 71, 93 Walker, Michael .......- ......................... 56 Walker, Ned ----·------------· 41, 87 Walker, Rela .... 41, 84, 86, 9Z, 101, 107 Walker, Terry --------·---·--·-·-----· 71 Walles, Mary Sue ....- ............. 56, 83, 92 Wallin, Richard ---------------------· 56 Walquist, Julie ---------------..·-----· 71 Walsh, Carol .........·--·-·--------------· 56 Walsh, Mark ------·--·- 71, 113, 125 Walters, Margarec ------.. 23, 71, 85 Wahers, Marianne -------- 71, 85 Warden, Albert ------------·----· 71
z Zagarich, Ken --------------------------· 4Z Zdunich, Claudia .......... 42, 84, 93, 101 Zdunich, Nancy ------------------------- 4Z Zdunich, Tom -------------· 72, ll3 Zemanek, Rebecca _ ............................... 72 Zrno, Mark ·-----------·-·- 72, 125, 136' Zupan, Dennis ---------·-·--·-·-·---· 42 Zupan, Jay - - - - - - - - 43, 72, 135 Zupan, ]im - - - - - - - - - - - - - 72
• • • • •
• -