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1962 Editor --··----· ·-----·----·--·-------- Gwen Astorga Copy Staff--------·------·--------·-·- Nancy Clark and Typists Dan Error Janny Lou Morley Betty Jean Smith Judy Smith Diane Thurber Art Staff -----------·------·-·--------- Diane Chavez Pat Elder Christine Loulias Photography Staff --------·--- Dennis Adams Diana Day Jon Van Wagoner Cheryl Wright


Title Page -·----------·-·- -· --·------------·---- Page 1 Theme Page ----·-·---------··----- -·---·-·--- Page 2 Administration -·-·--·-·· ·-···--·····---·· ·-- Page 6 Student Body -------··----·--·----··--··--· Page 18 Organizations -·--·--··--·---·--------···--- Page 72 Cultural Arts ·---------------·----· -------- Page 92 Athletics ··-----··-----·--------·--------·--·-- Page 110 Activities -···--·-----·-----·---·----·-------- Page 134



Time is the common bond of unity to which our lives concede, Beating the murmer of a heart, or measuring precision of a deed Time shakes man's routine while rocking the pendulum of life, Thumping into each year realities of joy and strife. Time is the origin of living, a basis for the pulse of day. It carries the blueprint of happiness as we experience in an individual way ... the ...


. e& ''


We pay tribute to you the seniors for sharing your time in veryday happenings and gr wing cxp riences. Dedicated to you, this 1962 y arbook repr sents a portion of your thr e y ars of high school education. It is our sine re hope that you will continue the warm friendships, proud knowledge, and rememberances of your time spent at Jordan High . May this book bring you great pleasur in helping you to relive your memories at Jordan High School.



As we begin each new school year, we find a well planned curriculum awaiting us. This is the result of the well co-ordinated efforts of the administration. The school board having provided materials and funds, the principal, counselors and faculty having aided us in the pursuit of our goals, we find that our time this year has been well spent.


Your theme, "Time of Our Lives" provokes thinking which covers a wide range of activities. This p riod of time covered by high school experi nces includes ch rished associations with fri 'nds and faculty members. It recalls subj ct matt r chall ng s, various class parties, assembli s, school dances, p p ralli s, games, sp ech and music activities, group projects, student council participation, vocational and prof, ssional training pr paration, in fact all of the student body activiti s. It also reflc ts and embodies past and pre nt planning which wjll influence future a hiev m nts and a ·complishm nts. Preparation for your tomorrows was mad by the acquisition and improv m nt of n w skills and the gaining of knowledge, insights, and understandings which ar to be helpful and useful in your future activili s and in your various vocational pmsuits. The wi · budgeting of your lime, your good study habits, and a wholesom altitude toward life in g ·n raJ ar important factors and practices which help you to achicv the "Tim of Your Liv ·." You stud nts who r ally hav th "Time of Your Liv 's" whil attending high school regard school as a privil g '. You have assumed r sponsibilities of s eking growth and advancement appropriate for your particular aptitud s and abilities. You hav us d yom opportuniti s at school to become succ 'ssful and worth-while adults. You hav' learned to look at ev rything in its proper persp clive.

If you have fully njoy d this "Tim of Your Liv s," you have learned to fac your probl ms fairly and quar ly. You have also endeavor d to work out sa ti ·factory solutions to your probl m ·. You do not fr l or give up h cause you f 1 that the world ow s you something bellcr. You strive consi t ntly to make th be t of your privil ges and opportuniti . Worth-while 1 arning is a dynamic/ro ess. It should b a lifelim endeavor. If it i pursu with th prop r attitudes, enthusiasm, and worthy, persist nt efforts, progress will in vitably follow. In all of your future a tivili s, may you richly njoy a continued r alization of th impli ations of your yearbook theme, "Time of ur Lives." Reed H. Beckstead Superinl ndent of Schools Jordan School District


Working to help the students of Jordan High and those throughout the district, the School Board is to be commended for the fine manner in which they handled the 1961-62 school year. Student guidance, appropriation of funds, and consh¡uction of new buildings were topic discussions during board meetings. Through their combined efforts, our school board capably and efficiently handled all problems confronting them. H. W. JORGENSON Assistant Superintendent

BOARD MEMBERS - Left to Right: C. N. Crawford, Clyde V. Buxton, Bob Jimas, John Wheadon, Marlon S. Bateman.


"Time" and "energy" are two of the most precious ingr di nts of our lives. High school youth seems so abundantly blessed with both. This is a period of physical vigor, and the time balance is principally in the future still lo be lived. Yet, the wise use of these ingredients during the high school years seems to largely determine future careers, life's companions and civic outlook. These priceless years are a "once-over" course, along a road of many choices. There can be no repeats of even a single minute. Each day in high school should be liv d, not only so as to enjoy th pxcsent, but so as to enrich the future. Each hour presents a choice and each choice mad is a crisis in our destiny. If we properly care for the minutes, the hours somehow take care of themselves. As memory recalls your days at Jordan High School, may you find few regrets. May your meditation on this "time" in your life confirm it a a p riod of patience, loyalty, industry, honor and courage in study, work and play. These are really great moments. May we each use them diligently to s ¡ure a future in dignity. May that future be surrounded by lov , friendships, labor and service worthy of our generation. G. REED SANDERSON Principal


MR. TAYLOR Vice Principal MR. GOLDBRANSON Registrar

MRS. FITZGERALD Girls' Counselor

Mr . .Taylor and Mr. Goldbranson did an outstanding job in assisting the students this year by devoting their time and efforts in seeing that the students maintained a record for graduation. Mrs. Fitzgerald and Mr. Casper administered aptitude and achievement tests. Through these tests they were able to advise the students as to their likes and abilities.

MR. CASPER Boys' Counselor




STANLEY R. ANDERSON Algebra and Trig.


DAVID K. BLACK Biology and Agriculture

BLAINE BROWN Bookkeeping and Yearbook

DONALD M. BUDGE Physics and Chemistry


SHERMAN CRUMP Algebra and Geometry

LEO A. DEAN Chorus and German

GENE F. DEAM Auto Mechanics

HOWARD C. EVANS American History

GOLDA FRASER French and Spanish

MELVIN J. GAMBLE English and Type


FRANK M. BAGLEY Auto Mechanics

DEANE BENNION Library Science

MELVIN A. BERRETT English and Literature

KENNETH BRADY Algebra and G ometTy


JIM HEALY Math and Algebra

GLEN R. JACKSON Coaching and Drivers Ed.


WENDELL JACKSON Spanish and Drivers Ed.

EVERT R. JONES Math and Drivers Ed.



"He may look simple, but he skis well."

"Any of you guys need help with your trig?"



ARDELL KERR Dance and Health


GRANT H. KUNZLER World History

LLOYD LIND Electronics

HOWARD B. LINDFORD Physical Education



RALPH W. PACE Commercial Art


JAY POND Band and Orchestra

ORALIE RAWSON English and Literature

ARLAND R USSON Special Education

GLEN E. SACO Speech and Drama

DOROTHY P. CIIMITT Phy ·ical Education

JAME L. SEAL Woodwork

HELEN SEAMAN Phys. Eel. and Drivers Eel.




LAMAR SWENSON American History

ROBERT D. TERAN Drivers Training

FAY B. THOMAS Type and Decca


WANDA G. WADE Business

AUSTIN L. WALKER German and Drivers Ed.

JED W. WASDEN Mechanical Shop

MARILYN YATES Type and English

BURNISS KEMP S cretary to Mr. Taylor

GLORIA BISHOP Secretary to Mr. Sanderson

RAYE MASCARO Bookstore Clerk

MABEL LARSON Manager of Cafeteria



Providing Jordan High with a nutn tious and selective lunch program, th cafeteria staff proved to be an imp01 tant mainspring in our busy schoc days. Under the direction of MabE Larsen the lunches were planned an1 prepared to the satisfaction of the en tire student body.

CAFETERIA COOKS - Mrs. Alice Nielsen, ~ Hazel Dowding, Mrs. Rosetta Brand, Mrs. Eve Brown.

STUDENT CAFETERIA WORKERS - Douglas Mons, Richard Cleg, LeRoy Jenkins, Linda Marshall, Carol Jenkins, Carol Jones.

STUDENT CUSTODIANS - Row One: Lynn Watterson, Chris Short, Reed Hansen, Dean Sprague, Michael Evans. Row Two: David Golf, Jerry Martin, David Greenwood, Larry Anderson, Bruce Slater, Dwight Johnson.

CUSTODIANS - Cale Ainsworth, Delos Beckstead, Ross Beckstead.

The campus has been kept very neat and clean due to the efficient work of the custodial staff. Every night the staff worked hard at getting the building clean for the next day's activities.


I STAGE CREW MEMBERS- Left to Right: Ronald Margetts, Brent Howcroft, David Goff, Glen Watts, Bruce Moody, and Steve Oliver.

Having been responsible for the lighting, sound, and stage properties throughout the school, the members of the stage crew have been skillful and dependable. Under the direction of Mr. Lind, they have rendered a valuable service to the student body.

The stage crew skillfully adjusts lighting during an assembly.

Steven Oliver adjusts projector while Brent Howcroft checks to see that the sound is operating correctly.



The stud nt body is the mainspring of time. It is wound in enthusiasm, ticks with n w exp ri n s, and is precise in keeping with the TIME OF OUR LIVES! As a student body, the school participates with excitement in classes, sporting ebents, and assembli s while ticking away moments of each year toward becoming ett r students and individuals.


. . . .~ CLEVE HALE President

Jordan was fortunate in having a well-qualified popular group of student officers. They worked diligently keeping "Digger" tradition alive. Cleve, Bonnie, Diann, and Judy all proved worthy of their jobs as they led us through "The Time of Our Lives."




JUDY HAM Historian







First Associate Judge

CARL LEATHERWOOD Prosecuting Attorney

22 .

Supplied by tickets from the court deputies, the comt staff prosecuted offenders of school policies. Judge Kent Stepan presided, assisted by other Comt Officials.

DIANE CHAVEZ Clerk of Court


Second Associate Judge


Aiding the court officials, the Student Court did an excellent job in enforcing the Constitution and in upholding the standards of the school. The main duty of the court deputies was the issuing of tickets to those who violated the laws of the school. Row One: Doris Vordos, Diane Chavez, Becky Pierce. Row Two: Susan Greenwood, Linda elson JoAnn Kjar. Row Three: Kaysie Henson, Launie Berrett, Arne! Burris. Row Four: Kent Stepan, Dale Smith, Lynn Larson. Row Five: Roger Sjoblom, Earon Fairbourn, Brent Anderson. Row Six: Carl Leatherwood, Randy Cowdell, Gordon Kimball, Steve Taylor.

Row One: C. Hale, D. Jensen, J. Ham, G. Bateman. Row Two: E. Fitzgerald, M. Enniss, R. Butterfield, S. Taylor, S. Rogers, L. FindUng. Row Three: L. Kemp, L. Marler, C. Revill, K. Hays, K. Hans n, D. Canning. Row Four: M. Cox, P. Larson, D. Scott, B. Peterson, S. Tranter, B. Bishop, C. Tashiro. Row Five: A. Yamashiro, M. Walles, M. Sjoblom, D. Freeman, L. Needham, J. Fife. Row Six: S. Mascaro, P. Pederson, W. Page, S. Williams, C. Hogenson, B. Peterson, B. Borg. Row Seven: J. Brown, M. Niksich, P. Jenkins, J. McDonald, B. Young, N. My r, J. O'Nash. Row Eight: M. Cox, K. Enniss, J. Lawson, H. Brown, J. Mumford, P. Elder, D. Shultz. Row Nine: B. Carrol, D. Smith, R. Kunz, G. Young, D. Bawden, E. Fairboum, B. Farmer.

Aiding the administration in relating student problems, this year's Student Council proved that they were one of the most important representative bodies in the school. 23


Guiding the path of time w rc David, Bonni , and Karren, senior 1 adcrs for 1961-62. Through th ir leadership and guidanc , "The Senior Hop," "Progressiv ," and graduation were cl verly planned, an inspiration for future years.

BONNIE BORG Vice President KAREN BILLS Seer tnry


Dennis Adams

Dick Adolphson

James Ainsworth

Judy Alexander

Larry Anderson

Milo Anderson

Paul Anderson

Archie Archuleta

Kent Ashman

George Ballard Dean Bawden

Brent Anderson

Linda Anderson

Vic Anderson

Roger Andrus

11arilyn Antz.c1k

Gwen Astorga

John Bagley

Glenda Baird

James Baily

Bonnie Baker

Donald Barney

Jim Barron

Cheryl Bateman

David Bastian

Gary Bateman

Maurine Beckstead

Marlene Belcher

Brent Bennion

Ernie Bedont

Geraldine Bernardo

julie Biggs

Karren Bills

Andy Ber!-(rnan

Thomas Bishop

Bruce Birchcll

DeAnn Bjork

Clinton Black

Kaye Bird

Louise Blatnick

Robert Blair

Bill Blair

Lyla Brady

Sherry Brklacy

Bill Boggess

J •rry Bogg ·ss

Rolene Bowen

Bonnie Borg

Linda Bowles

David Boyce

Bill Boyle

Brad! •y Brimhall

Elaine Brown

Glenda Brimhall

Delores Brown

Julie Brown

Phil Brown

Kathy Brown

Ella Marie Buehn

Robert Bulkley

Joe Bullet

Sherrie Burbank

Verla Butterfield

Dale Campbell

Gail Carlsen

David Canning

JoAnn Carlson

Lee Carlson

Les Carlson

Larry Carlson

Barbara Carpenter

Sharon Carpenter

David Collett

Lee Collins

Steve Courricr

Byron Colton

Cherie Chamberlin

Diane Chavez

Mary Clements

Donald Collett

Some experiments just never turn out right!


Bn·nt Cm ington

\1clvin Cowd .. ll

Senior girls went rather heavy on the eye shadow this year.

Diana Day

Bruce Cowdcll

Russell Crandall

Carol Davis

Dianna Davis

Kathy Day

Richard Day

Steve Day

William DcCcus

Nash D •lgado

1\ancly Dt•nsll'y

Sheryl Despain

Shauna Draper

John Diggs

Carla Dinius

Elwy Dow

Cecil Douglas

Tony DoyJ,.

.a. Carolyn Dunn

Gordon Douglas

Tom Durrant

Pat Elder

Merrill Enniss

Kraig Ellis

Claire Erlcnbnc:h

Pearl Eror

Dan Error

Bob Essex

Jimmy Ertman

Judy Evans

Glen Eyre

Billy Farmer

Ilene Farnsworth

Ed Fitzgerald

Jane Fitzgerald

Larry Feitz

Mary Anne Fisher

Knstin Flint

Richard Foster

Lucille Fowler

Gerald Fulmer

Lee Fugal

Willaim Ganz

Frank Gaufin

Jean Froisland


Judy Ham

Bob Halpin

K •nt llanscn

Dr •w Jlanscn

Sharon llanscn

Ronald Hansen

Gail Hardcastle

Judith llarh•r

Nancy Ilelm

Willtnrn IIcki

Kathleen lkpncr

Eddi · Hodgson

Terry Holmstrom

Becky Howard

Mike Hughes

John Hutchings

Ann Ipson

Nadine Jacobson

Jerry Jacob

Joyce James

Linda jnnscn

Shirley Jardine

Denise Jaramillo

Carol Jenkins

Jcanettc Jenkins

David Jenkins

Carol Hogenson



Gordon Howlett

Stephen Howcroft

Don Jacobson

Robert Jeffs

Lorin Jenkins

His intelligence is excelled only by his strength.


Hail Greek Nation, Hail Mike Mannos, Good Hail! that cheese stinks.

Diann E. j •nscn

Carol Jones

David Jones

Cordon jones

Marianne Jorgensen

Mary Jurctich

joey Kankl •borg



David jorgt•nsen UohK(•mp

Hay Joos

Shirley Knibb •

Connie johnson



Gordon Kimball

Don Kocherhans

Joe Koncurat

Bill Koos

Norma Korous

Kent Larkin

Steve Kramer

Paulette Larson

Steve Larson

Dora Larsen

Lynn Larson

Robert Larson

Cathy Lawson

Rodney :1-lalstrom

Juanita Lundberg

Larry Lowlcss

Preston Lloyd

Lloyd Loveless

Stephen Lundberg

Dolly Malnar

Mike Mannos

Bonnie Mark

Toni Martin


Jerry Mitchell Carolyn M umm

Delores Meyers



Janette Olsen

David Olsen

Jean Olabarri

David Ostler

Larry Pace

Wynn Page

Marie Pnnck

Kalhy Parker

Robert Patience

Kathryn Pay

Anna Marie Pearson

Claudia Pederson

Pat Pederson

Cheryl Penrod

Bonnie Peterson

Jrunes Peterson

School has taught us perfect organization? 35

Lynda Peterson

Becky Pierce

"Wow, look at the shape on that one!"

Natalie Reed

Calvin Rist

Joe Sargent

Carol Smith

Kalhi Sagers

Jacque Samuelson

Jean Schow



Sydney Schmidt

Dennis Sharp

Jennie Sharp

Kent Sharp

Linda Sharp

Viki Sharp

Reed Sjoblom

Sheryl Sjostrom

Bruce Slater

Glen Smart

Becky Smith

Betty Jean Smith

Don Smith

Fred Smith


Keith Smith

Janeal Smith

Sherm Smith

Neil Smith

James Stevens

Larry Stevens

Ford Stevenson

Roger Sterling

Lynn Stoker

Renae Stone

Marie Tapp

Charlene Taylor

Diane Tea

Clifton Thompson

Linda Tolman

Diane Thurber

Ned Timothy

Mary Tischner

Jean Walker

Linda Walker

Mike Walker

Mary Sue Walles

Frank Tuft

Karen Tufts

Sharon Tufts

Alice Trujillo

Lorraine Vigil

Delia Villalobos

Doris Vordos

Michael Visser

"We've done it! We've shrunk the parking lot!"


Carol Walsh

Douglas Warner

Lloyd Woodworcl

Iloward Worth n

"Please Bonnie, you've just got to move. The game is going to start!"

Leona Williams

Stanley Williams

Sue Williams

Sh •ryl Woffiudcn

Cheryl Wright

Kay Wright

Sharon Wright

Elvin Worthington


Barbara Young

Carole Young

George Young

Senior Class advisors: Sherman Crump, Jim Healy, Fay B. Thomas, James L. Shurtleff, Melvin Berrett, Grant Kunzler, and Dorothy Schmidt.

Marvin Wyler

Amy Yarnashiro



The reins of the Junior Class this year were in the capable hands of Earon, Becky and Karen. With the support of all the juniors, they planned and carried out the Junior Prom and numerous other successful projects.



'' '' :

Evinda Adams Kay Allen

Doug Abrams Mary Allen

Mike Andrews Julie Barns

Irvin Bcnn tt John Bills

Tom Bennion Maloy Bills

Steve Adams Susan Allmendinger

Jeanette Ainsworth David Anderson

John Ajioka Kay Anderson

Judy Alleman Paul Andrus

Glenda Archibald Maurine Barney

Reg Bennion Kathy Birch

Kaylene Bess David Blair

Bob Allen Loy Ann Andrus

John Bodell

Eddie Boggess

Don Brady Richard Boswell

Cannen Blanco Sharon Bowles

Kent Brindley Bob Brady

Larry Bringhur t Del Brady

Jeanette Bluemell Marie Blaney

Ross Brewster Hal Brown

Dee Brinkerhoff Mary Bueehanon

Hammond Brinton Judith Buhler

Doug Broauhead Patricia Bullock

GayLynn Brown jean Burbigc

Ross Drown Kathy Burgan

Kathy Brown Arn •l Burris

Lynn arlqubt Sandra Cavagnola

Karen Carlston arolyn Christ •nscn

Robert Butterfield Brent Carroll


Morris Christensen John Clarke

David Christensen Nancy Clark

Jane Christensen Mike Craig

Dick Crane Ruth Coleman

Terry Cressal Jay Collidge

Chad Cross grove Bob Collins

Darla Couch Maurine Cox

Mary Costello Carol Curtis

Lynn Covington Dale Curtis

'Til sure be glad when they get the showers fixed."

Linda Crossgrove Joe Conaty

Kathleen Cowdell Martha Damjanovich

MadlYl Crumm Richard Cook

Craig Cowley Bob Davis

Marilyn Cole Rosemarie Costanza

Bruce Cude Kenneth Davis

Carol Lee Crane Terry Conger

Jerry Cox Joanne Dazley

"Some of this is hard to digest!"

Larry Deason Betsy DeGeus

Karen Densley Mike Dowel

Carol Densley Duane Dunn

Terry Densley Paula Durrant

Loretta Dennis Bill Dyel

Kathy Emerson Michael Evans

Pat Eltz Earon Fairburne

Mieha I Emms Allan Ferguson

Ray Ennis Sibyl F itzgcrakl

Dennis DeCrafferried Ken DeLuca

Eloise DeGroit Ralecn Dcmke

K,e DeSpain Luana Edmunds

Dnlc Dihb Alice Ecklund

John Donga Verna Muo Elmer

Linda Erickson Flores

Pam Evans .eorgia Forrester

t-lariann Fa~g Judy Forbus 1


Sharon Gardner Paul Giauquc

Linda Gardner Robert Glen

Bill Frisby Brent Glover

Vickie Garneld David Goff

Dan Gatheram Glenn Goff

Bryant Gold

Joe Gomez

Carl Gr y Kar ·n row

Aria Gorrup Susan Greenwood

Omah Greco Connie Lee Griggs

Sandra Green Dennis Gunderson

George Green£eld Ruel Gunnell

David Greenwood Hal Hale

Glenda Greenwood Vern Hagen

}ani Hall Don Harryman

Jeanie Hall Owen Hart

James Hamilton Kathryn Hartwell

Gary Hansen David Hastings

Karen Hardcastle Paul Hasting

Carolyn Ha1:er John Hatc1

Michael Harper Arlen Heaps


Gary Heugly

Larry Hewitt

Arlene Heaps Barbara Hill

Rodney Heaps Shirlene Hill

Stuart Hem bury Sylvia Hobart

Cheryl Hendrickson Laurie Holfetz

Leah Homer Lee Irvine

Steve Holmes Sheldon lza tt

Caroline Horrocks Dawn Jackson

Joe Hovey Shirley Jacobson

Brent Howcroft Georgia Jenkins

Linda Hunt Larry Jenkins

Douglas Jensen Linda Johansen

Carol Jensen Stephen Johansen

Daryl Jensen Billie Johnson

Gene Jensen Dennis johnson

Ilowd Jcns n Dwight Johnson

Mary Jensen Pat Johnson

Susan IIenschke Pat Howlett

Stephen Hughes Paul jenkins


J •ns n G en jones

Richard A. Jones Lynn Judy

Richard Jones Robin Juhlin

Lynn Jooston Richard Julio

Scotl Keller Ken Kunz

Saval Kellogg Dorothy Kitl

Gaylene Kemp Gayle Knibbe

Paul Larsen Karen Lees

Paula Larsen Judy Levine

Pauline Larsen Steven Lewis

"Pass me the cream and sugar."

Larry Kemp BobKunz

Marshall Larsen Dixie Liston

Terry Kemp Charlotte Larsen

Gayle Law Shirley Lloyd

Stephen King Lynne Larsen

Tim King Charles Lakervel<

Gail Lawrence Evelia Lopez

Karen Leatherwoo ' Sandra Lindner

"Guess which girl doesn't use the Lady Sunbeam?"

Linda Mangum Jerald Martin

[ulie Ann McClelland Sharon Miller

Christine Loulia · Jeanette Lynch

Glena Lundgrccn Dal • Lyon

Carol Lunncn Anette Maybe

Douglas Madsen Marsha Maynes

Bobbie Madsen Russel Maynes

David Mahler Larel Maynard

Tom Marriott Peggy Maynard

Richard Mar~h Sharon Mcllrid •

Susan Mannos Dan McConnell

Sheila McDonald Richard Milne

Kenl McLachlan Loren Minnick

D.wid McDonald Bobby Mitchell

Joe leeks John Mitchell

Dixie Mcdine Rosemary ~llakcr

Kent Millington Douglas Mons


Geraldine Montague NancyMycrs

Carolyn Moran Joe Mumm

Keith Morgan Paul Mourey

Dorothy Mori Jay Nance

Ralph Mortensen Dauna Niel

Roy Nelson

Craig Nelsen

Vcrdinc Nelson Pat Ni !son

Linda Nelson Lona Nielson

Sandra Nelson Ron Nordgren

Jeanette Newbold Joan Nunley

Judy Newbold Estber Olsen

Monty Nickle Michael Olsen

Jay Nielson Steve Oliver

Jerry O'Nash Art Parker

Richard Olsen Gloria Parker

Wanda Orvis Jeannie Parker

Dave Ottley Sam Pasquali

Marvin Pack Richard Parks

Carol Pale Penny Par er

Carol Ann Paget Tanya Parker


Ida Perry

James Plumhof Boyd Price

Barbara Peterson

Betty Pauley Benjy Rains

Kathryn Pearson Don Peterson

Marita Peery Gayle Peterson

Rhonda Poulson Richard Rains

Stacy Pond Dianne Raisor

Joann Read Cheryl Roby

Stephen Reader Phylis Roden

Larry Pennington Dee Pixton

Gary Pennington Karen Peterson

Glen Perkins Phyllis Pidcock

Florence Poulsen Nick Rakich

Dec Priano Brent Rasmussen

Marvin Powell Larry Rathjen

Richard Rich Paul Roth

Dan Richins Charleen Rudel

Kathie n Sadler Jean Salsbury

Dianne Sabey Vicky Saldivar

Jean Sadler Becky Sampson

David Schultz Laura S ltcrburg

Dianne Salville .Frank Searle

Meri Schelin Rinard Sewell

Diane Shultz Richard Sharp

Leon Scoggen Val Sharp

Donna Scott Brent Simonson

Marvin Searle Todd Shoemaker

Ro~cr Sjoblom Ka 1lcen Smith

Roy Simonson Dianne Smith

Brian Smith Judy Smith

Dale Smith Leone Smith

Darrel Smith Kathy Smith

Daryl Smith Lani Smith

Derrel Smith }ann Smith

JUNIOR CLASS ADVISORS: Ernest J. Bianchi, Beverly A. Crawford, Deane Bennion, Lowell J. Boberg; not present Gene F. Deem.

Russell Smith Lynn Stevens

Lennice Sorensen Marsha Stocking

Jerry Sprague Jim Stringfellow

Verla Springer VLoccnt Strong

Kaylene Stapley Doris Stucky

Cheryl Stevens Paul Svedin

John Allen South Clcn Stucky

Jeanette Taggart Shirley Tennant

Brian Sutcliffe Dick Tester

Ron Talbot Kathy Thompson

Connie Tashiro John Thompson

Karen Taylor Judy Thurber

Christine Tebbs Sheila Tranter

Kathy Tennant Diana Tolman

Betty Trujillo Vickie Vunder

Mary Ellen Turner Paul Visser

Kathleen Vawdry Lynn Walk•r


Sharene Washburn Ruth Ann Watts

Terry Walker Linda Watson

Margaret Walters Glen Watts

Mary Ann Walters Linda Watts

Mark Walsh Judy Weaver

Cheryl Webb

Elaine Welch John Whitlock

Van Webb Richard Wilcox

Donna Webster Gerald Williams

Dennis Wells Gordan Williams

Chad Wennerstrom Vickie Williams

Sharon Whittle Jean Wilson

Page Whetman Leland J. Winger J1

Nancy Wood Valerie Young

Dawn Woodbury Marilyn Yorganson

Paul Wolsleger Tom Zdunich

Juanita Worthington Rebecca Zamanek

Joan Wright MarkZmo

Larry Yates Jim Zupan

Charlene Wright Jay Zupan

Paul Webb

c ..


Under the leadership of officers Dean, Ann, and Camilla, Jordan's largest class enthusiastically sponsored a successful class party and assembly. They took an active part in school functions and generated their spirit at all times.


ANN FINLAYSON Vice-president


Ken Adams Mark Akagi Jill Anclcrson

Frank Adams Fred Aldredge Karen Anderson

June Adams Joan Aldredge LaDean Anderson

Kathy Abrams Sandra Allen Sandra Anderson

Connie Adams Dean Anderson Wayne Andrus

Gary Adolphson Gary Anderson Mary Jane Andrews

Susan Alder Geri Anderson Dennis Archuleta

Skip Atkinson Marilyn Bannon Linda Bell

Stephen Archuleta K(•nt Bastian Keith Bell

Gregg Armstrong Leslie Bean Susan Bentley

Dennis Ashby Deanne Beckstrom Kay Beratto

Carol Bain Emalee Belcher Lanni Berrett

Diana Lynn Banks Craig Bell Wayne Berling

Sue Asay Stephen Billock Richard Bergan

Merrill Brown Dan Buhler

Sharon Brown Gaylord Buchanon

Shirley Brown Jim Burbank Brenda Butler

V ' rn Brown ]o Ann Burke

Gary Bywater

Dan Buchanon Tommy Durk• Annette Caldwell

All>n Bullock !-.1crlt•n • Burningham j11dy Caine

Marilyn Buhl r Roger Bosenbaek Chcrri Cameron

Leon Carl on Ted Carlson Sharon Cavagnolo

havez lark<• Linda oult r (; n •

D •!sa

Ed Chaj)pell 1argarel Coleman Mareth Courri •r

Mark Cherrington Dcann Conkle Randy Cowdell

Larry Chidd ster L onard Costanza Linda Cundick

Art was pleased with many of his sophomore basketball prospects.

Sammy Christensen Sandra Cook Glenda Cutler

Michael Christianson teve Cook Maureen Dahl

Karen Clements Don Coppage Robert Dalley

Diane Davidson Darwin Despain Ricky Dougdale

Ralden Dansie Mike Demming Mirk Doty

Cregg Davidson Barbara Daugherty DaleDowd

Conditioning for the Twist.


Bonnie Davenport Trisha Diamond Mark Doyle

Michael Davies Bob Dinius Iva Draper

Cordon Day Janet Doty Fred Dryer

Dennis Dean Bruce Douglas Joyee Dunlap

Mike Dunlap Paul Edwards Edward Elison

Patsy Durant I!cnrey Eklund ] ucly Elizondo

Timothy Dye Elwin Elison Judy Ereekson

Linda Ebert Dick Eldridge Kit Ennis

Sue Fahrini Ivan Fenstermaker Marlina Fivas

Elizabeth Evans Joyanne Fife Fred Fleming

Deaun Freeman Richard Cladd Kathy rant

Jim Francom Vickie Clade Ellen Graham

Carol Essex Larry Finling Norman Forbush

Carolyn Franklin Susan GofF Beverly Gral1am

Gloria Fairbourn Ann Finlayson Harold Forgie

Wade Felton Phyllis Fisher Melvin Fortner

Tony Gamingasco John Gonzales Larry Could

Ester Garcia Gary Gorringe Paulette Goudie

Randy Fisher Brent Fowler

Carl Gibson Dennis Green Roger Greenwood

Cheryl Fitzerald Sue Foss

Lynn Garner Robert Grey Douglas Green

Tom Greenwood Myrna Hansen Pat Harvey

Lee Gunnell Gayle Han en Louise Haws

Raymond Hadley Keith Hansen Norman Henke

Judy Hall Kent Hansen Carolyn Henneman

Ronald Halvors<'n Heed 1-f;lnsen Kaysie Hensen

Lyl<' Hand Sandra Hansen jam ¡s IIepncr

Lynda Hand Robin Hansen Vickie Hennan

Scott Heseltine Keith Horrocks

Ronald Hill Mary Houweling

Bruce Hilton Sheila Hovey Linda Hughes

Pamela Hirst Pat Howard Susan Hughes

Stan! y IIofiman D,we Hughes Tony Humphry

Sam Holt Dennis Hoyne Hi<:hard Hutchings

Ann Holmstrom Arden Hewitt Don lpson

Danna Jackscn Jeanie James Joyce James

Shana Jacobs Claudia James Linda Jeffs

L •roy Jcnkcns Jerri Jenson Claudia Jam s

Ginger Jacobson Dennis James Kathy Jenkens

Janice Jenkens Brent Johnson Daisy Bell Jones

Joan Jacobs Hyrum Jeffs Douglas Jenkens

Anita Jensen Claudette Johnson Don Jon s

Arthur and Kathryn demonstrate the Box Step.

Trina Jensen Linda Johnson Blane Joos

Karen Kearsley Klaudia Koller Ronald Larrabee

Susan Keller Ray Kirk Steve Larkin

Karen Kemp Jim Koos Brent Larsen

Each year the sophomores face the responsibility of teaching Mr. Walker how to drive.



Dick Kerber Kathy Kreidler Jeanie Larsen

Sheryl Kikel Joy Kurumadn Suzanne Larsen

Joann Kjar DeAnn Landers Susan Larsen

Linda Kocherhans Eugene Lamb Karen Lasiter

Bobby Lee Nick Lelis Marilyn Lewis

Glenda Latt Judy Leonard Sharon Lewis

Clyde Laurence Johnny Leonard Mcrtin Lundgreen

Jimmie Lawson Hac Jean Lee Kristine Lester

Barbara Lloyd Vicky Loveless Gloria Malstrom

Susan Lloyd Marsha Ludlow Dennis Manning

Carol Loader Rosalee Lugerbauer Pat Magers

Darwin Loveless Margie Lukich Ronnie Margetts

Virgie Loumes Philip Lund Stephen Marquet

Georgia Lunnen Lynn Marler

Pat Mahan Linda Marshall

St vc Mascaro Hac Dean McEwen Camilla Miner

Duane Martineau Belh McCandless Stacy Monroe

Honald Matsumura Joyce Mecham Richard Mons

Judy Mathews Barbara McKell Billy Moore

Kelly Mayer Anke Menssen Brent Moore

Allen Maynes Brent ~[iller Charlene Moore

LeRoy Manghan Kenneth Milburn Robert Morgan

Jean Morrow Linda eedham JoAnn ielson

Jack ystrom Joe Omly


Sharon No ·ack David Oliver

Pam Null II Diana Olabarri Dick Parker

Jodi Nydc!{g ·r lwri Olsen Carol· • Ow ·n

Barry ygard Cary Olsen Jerry Owens

john Pavich Nancy Pearce Ricky Perkins

Pal Pallerson Gary Pederson Sydney Peddler

Tony Paton Ronald Pedler Claron Perry

Linda Parks Shirley Peddler Brent Penrod

Dian • P l rson arol Phillips Sheryl Pri · •

Donna P l rson Dennis Pickell J uI ic Preece

Ginger Peterson Larry Pierce Ted Procter

Linda Peterson R ed Pierson Laraine Pugmire

"I hope Art is watching."

Dianne Pettibone Linda Pulsiver JoAnn Phelps

Judy Player Charles Rardin Gloria Rawson

Frank Powell Betty Rene Rawso Monte Phelps

Eileen Rich Waunita Robinson Bennie K. Reese

Elaine Rich Ronald Roden Carlene Rees

Mr. Sacos' side show.


Mary Richards Karen Rogers Rose Marie Reese

Rosalind Richards Kenny Rogers Dick Reinsimar

Sheryl Rundctuest Nancie Samulson Duane Schoenfeld

Rosemary Richens Tommy Rogerson Charles Revill

Hal Rishton Lorrain Romero Dar) ne Rich

Carol Roach Nora Ronquillo Maurine Hoss

Arlene Sabey Terry Sagers Patsy Rodriguez

Jerald Sabey Lynn Hue agers Merr 1 Ross

Janice Sab y Becky Savag Stev • Roundy

Etta May Smith Frank Sorenson heryl or mon

La Rae Sorenson ~larilyn Stone Marilyn Snow

Dean Sprague Janet Stout Paul Snyder

Diane Stapley Larry Strasberg Susan Sommers

Terry Steadman Glen Sudbury Robert Soper

Suzanne Stauffers Billy Strave Jerry Sweney

Bryan Thompson Sharon Tunbridge Eddie Switzer

Jay Weaver Jan Vernon

Lynn Watterson Bryan Vranes

Dave Weber Mickie West Sally Wagner

Connie Webb Judy Whctman Kathy Walton

Douglas Webb Maurine Wipple Terry Walker

Mike Welch Bonni William Carl Wilson

Barbara W lch Eddie Williams Rosemary Walker

Wilma Jean Wootton Tony Ycngi ·h Eileen Wood! y

nc thousand and thr e .... one thousand and four ....

SOPHOMORE CLASS ADVISORS: Glen E. Soulier, Jed W. Wasden, Arland Russen, Howard C. Evans, Farrell H. Gunnell.


..'··~ ~·~-



-. . /





Time is well spent in the various organizations of Jordan High. Incorporated into a mold of experiences, education, and friendship, the clubs strive toward meeting their objectives through supervised leisure time activities. Many creative programs and worthwhile experiences are long to be remembered.


LINDA NEWBOLD Vice President


DOLLY MALNER Senior 1\epresentative

BONNIE BISHOP Junior Representative

The activities which the Girls Association officers and advisors have sponsored, have all been very successful this year. tarting their work before school, they planned the leadership camp for all of the officers of every club. They were in charg' of lh' Girls Association State Conv ntion. Th y sponsor •d th' Big Pai-Liltl' Pal Party, the Dogpatch Drag, the Mothers and Daughl rs Ev ning and Fathers and Daughters Night. Through th •ir activities they have enriched the school and ils members. ADVI ORS - Wanda Wnde, Dorothy 'chmidt, 11 •len Seaman, l\larilyn Yates, B •vcrly mwford, Mary Fitzg rulcl.



RANDY COWDELL Vice President


BILL FARMER Senior Representative

DICK CRANE Junior Representative

JOl-IN PAVICH Sophomore R pres •ntative

The Boy's Association is unique in that it is the only club whose activities can be enjoyed by every boy in the school. Among the successful activities sponsored by the Boys' Association were Fathers' and Sons' Night, the Thanksgiving party, and numerous special assemblies. The officers worked hard throughout the year striving to make the club beneficial to all the boys. ADVISORS - Tuff Linford, Don Milne, Jay Pond, Jesse Casper.


Darla Couch and her father were winners of the Charleston Contest at the Fathers and Daughters' Night sponsored by the Girls' Association.

The Boys' and Girls' Asso iation was extrem ly succ ssful in sponsoring the school-wide "Sub for Santa."

13~.&' 4t1Aii Gilthl AeWJilie4

Bill Ilesterman, disc jockey from KNAK, draws the lucky ticket at th Thanksgiving Celebration.


A clat with dad at th "Barnyard Bounce" was qually by daught rs and dads.

njoy d

Demonstration of strength was admired by fathers and their sons together at their annual feat.

Thanksgiving holiday festivities were enjoyed by our stud nts at the Associations' sponsored party.

A quartet of senior girls entertained for seniors and sophomores at the annual Big Pal-Little Pal Party.

"Chivalry is not dead," said many girls on Boys' Day.

OFFICERS AND ADVISORS - Seated: Kent Ashman, Treasurer; Neil Smith, Secretary; Earon Fairboorn, 2nd Vice President; Joe Sargent, lst Vi· President. Standing: Mr. Swenson, Mr. Jackson, advisors.

KEY CLUB - Row One: Lowell Vawdry, Robert Dalley, Dean Anderson, Kent Ashman, Brent Anderson, David jorgensen, Gordon Kimball, Elray Dow, Robert Blair, John Clarke, Bill Blair.


Row Two: Randy Cowcl II, Eat·on Pairbourn, Reid Sjoblom, Clev Ualc, Pat Eld •r, Bri11n Smith, Billy Farm r, j erry jacob, D•nn Bawden, Ernie Bedont, Rob rt Kunz, Bryc ]ones.

Key Club members and their dates enjoy their election party at the Bajou Country Club.

Brent Anderson dismisses meeting at Marv Jensen's gym.

Being the top service club of the school, the Key Club provided fun and a chance to serve the school and community for forty-five of Jordan's top students. Career Day, an American Flag for every home room, UNICEF, and "Sub for Santa" were a few of the many projects carried out by this club. A junior division of the Kiwanis Club, Jordan High's Key Club, has for fourteen years been an asset to the school, the community, and the nation.

KEY CLUB - Row One: Frank Tuft, Joe Sargent, Dale Smith, Rog •r Sjoblom, Neil Smith, Bruce Moocfy, Robert Young, Darrell Smith, St •vcn Tuttle, Eugene Ninomiya, II nry Miller. Row Two:

Frank Caufin, Brent Carroll, Paul Andms, Brent Mickelsen, Vic Anderson, Lee Fugal, Jim Mumford, Derrell Smith, Kent Millington, Ford Stevenson, Sherman Smith.



OFFICERS AND ADVISORS - Seated: Stacey Pond, Assistant Drill Mistress; Judy Smith, Reporter; Susan Cr enwood, Drill Mistress; Christine Tebbs, Song Leader. Standing: Dawn Woodbury, Historian; Ard 11 K ' IT, Marilyn Yat ·s, Advisors; Ceri Bishop,Treasurer; Mariano Walters, S er tary.

CHARLONIANS - Row One: Susan AllmencUnger, Carolyn Harper, Charlotte Larsen, Lynne Larson, Nancy Clark, Martha Damjanovich, Carol Lunnen, Sharon Gardner, Robyn Juhlin, Susan


Greenwood, Terry Densl y, Cheryl Hendrickson, Bonnie Bishop. Row Two: Kathy Birch, Chrislit1e Loulias, judith Buhl r, Geri Bishop, Claudia Carrigan, Jucly Forbush, Linda Erickson, Dixi Liston, Sibyl Fitzgerald, 1 nt johnson, Karen Butler, Arne! Burris.

Enthusiastically, the Charlonians perform one of their precision drills.

At the initiation and candle-lighting c rmony, th girls became full-fledged Charlonians.

Stepping out into the spot light were the 1961-62 Charlonians. They presented lively half-time entertainment during the football and basketball seasons with a variety of marching patterns and formations. With an accent on social graces and the traditions of the club, the Charlonians busied themselves with exchange teas with other Region Four pep clubs, with honoring students who displayed good sportsmanship, with an outstanding Christmas party, and with their annual May Day breakfast, along with encouraging school spirit.

CIIARLONJANS - Row One: Christine Tebbs, Connie Tashiro, Florence Poulsen, Linda Rawlin gs, jan e Van Lccwan, Ester Olsen, Mariann ' Walters, Carol Ann Paget, Dianne Smith, Judy Newbold,

Judy Smith, Stacy Pond. Row Two: Dianne Raisor, Linda Johnson, j ean Salisbury, Karen Peterson, Sheila Tranter, Vicki Vunder, Rosemary Mlaker, Kathalyn Sadleir, JoAnn Reed, Jean Wilson, Kathy Smith, Marilyn Yorgason, Dawn Woodbury.


OFFICER - Pat Ped erson, Seer •tury; Judy Smith , Vice President; Rosemary Mlaker, Historian ; Hand y D nsl •y, P arliam •ntarian .


MASQUE AND GAVEL - Row One: N . Jacobson, C . Hogenson,

T . Jensen, ]. Fife, M . Jenkins, K. Clements, C. Lunnen, G. Cutler, T. Humphrey, ]. Kurkm ada, K. Koller, K. H enson, D . F reeman, K. Bills, ]. Cowley, 0 . Greco, G. Greenwood , P. Bird , R. D emke, L. D ennis, L. Booth, J . Hutchin gs. Row Two: . rane, . Bradshaw, B. D avenport, E. G raham, L. Hu ghes, J. H a ll , D . Couch , N . Clark, M . Jensen, M . Cox, C. Loulias, L. B •rry, L . Berrett, V. H e rman, P . Jenkins, P . Durrant, C . Baird, S. Cartwri ght, ] . Anderson, C . Franklin, S. H ansen, K. L es ter, L . Gardner, K. H ardcastle, S. Ge tma n. Row Three: A. Balla rd , C. j ames, S. Cavagnolo, K. Butler, C. H arper, j . H all, M . Jensen , B. Howard,


K. K arsl y, K. Kr idl ·r, K. Birch, . L arson, S. Fitzge rald , J . Fitzg raid, L. Butterfield , S. Lloyd , J. Ber ger, L. undi ck, S. jacobs, M . H anse n, L . j oh anse n, J. Buhl •r, . arri gan , C . Bishop, j . Go fl . Row Four: j . Ham , T. Kl·mp, 13. B c rs, H. Juhlin , C . Gri ggs, D . Beckstrom, P. Go udie, S. Foss, K. Abrams, L. lland , L. Hand, J. Lars ·n, ·. K ll·r, A. Finlayson, j . Kjar, J. Brown , T. Jlolm ~ tro m , . Ca rlso n, K. Ilepne r, D . Lh ton, L. j l·nkins, 1\J. Er •kson , J . Blucm •1, S. avagnolo, P. aldwe ll, . Gardner. How Five: D. ran , S. rcc nwood , (. Dowd , L . F eil:l:, B. Ask •w, J. lark •, V. Barr •tt , P. Andru s, B. olto n, H. j ones, . ll ul , R. D ·nsl y, j . Bag) ·y, E. D ow, E. B ·dont, S. Larkin , D. Me o nn •II , B. Blair, D. CoiL

Being a club of more than 285 members, the Ma que and Gavel was the largest club at Jordan this year. Under the direction of Mr. Sacos the club officers promoted many entertaining activities. They attended the plays at the University of Utah, had an initiation and several parties, and concluded the year with a formal banquet.

Mr. Sacos takes charge of the opening exercises at the Masque and Gavel Initiation as the officers and guests look on.

MASQUE AND GAVEL- Row One: L. Sharp, B. Mark, B. Young, P. Ped rscn, B. Bor~, D. j ensen, P. Pierce, B. Smith, N. Reed, A. Cr •cnwood, {· Schow, K. Yen~ich, A. Nielsen, T. Staker, D. Pettibon ·, E. Ni son, P. Magers, D. Olabcrri, B. Williams. Row Two: N. Nelson, P. Yasukchi, K. Burgon, D. Malnar, K. Parker, R. Stone, M. Millerbcrg, F. Pouls n, D. Stucky, C. Page, B. Sampson, C. T •bbs, L. judy, C. Tashiro, K. Bird, D. Vordos, B. Pierce, C. Bateman, D. Chav z, C. Owen, H. Hichards, B. McKell, K. Peters nl S. Tranter, K. Wood, D. Thurber, C. Taylor, C. Miner, D. l\ic1, j. Morley. Row Three: J. Nyde~ger, S. Tunbridge, M. Snow, j . Newbold, J. SmiU1, M. Yorgason, S. Mannos, D. Preece, B. Zaiser, !;;. Miller, L. N •!son, D. Mori, P. Larsen, D. Neil, H. Heich, J.

Samuelson, D. Haisor, J. Thurber, S. McBride, K. Sadleir, A. Sabey, J. Worthington, E. Smith, G. Malmstrom, M. Tisclmer, C. Young, S. Brklacy.Row Four: M. West, K. Pearson, D. Sabey, R. Mlaker,

J. Salisbury, D. Smith, L. Pugmire, J. Shurtleff, K. Van Seters, L. Smith, J. Weaver,]. Stout, P. Simper, J. Sabey, M. Ross, E. Welch,

J. Sjoblem, S. Wagner, M. Stone, C. Rundquist, S. Stoffers, C. Webb, B. Lloyd. Row Five: L. Neff, M. Peery, K. Rogers, V. Vunder, M. Schelin, D. Smith, L. Yates, D. Smith, G. Watts, B. Rasmussen, S. Tuttle, J. Pavich, R. Rich, R. Malstrom, J. Moore, G. Young, J. Sargent, J. Mitchell, B. Nelson, . Smith, F. Stevenson, M. Mannos, R. Yengich, T. Rogerson, D. Roubicek, S. Pedler, M. Sjoblem.


OFFICERS - Kathi <tgcrs, Secretary; Verla Butterfi ld, Vice Presid ·nt; Dianna Davis, Class Rep resentative; Afton Cr •nwood, Histo rian. ANN NIELSON President

MRS. KERR Advisor

Unusual beats and cr ativ patterns of the Dane lub w r received with nthusiasm by th stud nt body durin r fioorshows , assemblies, and traveling assembli •s. Th Dan · lub participat d actively in joint inter-school 'xchanges and in sponsoring ducational xcursions to local university ballet p rformanccs.

DANCE CLUB - Row One: Carole Davis, Dianna Davis, Ann Nielsen, Shirley Knibbe, Carol Middleton, Kathleen Hepner, Margene Sjoblom, Gloria Steiner, Henae Stone. Row Two: Afton Greenwood, Wynne Page, Jean Schow, Viki Sharp, Diana Day,


Janice Meissner, Elaine Brown, Bonnie Peterson, Marilyn Millerb •rg, V •ria Butt rfield, Kat hi Sag •rs. Row Three: Jean Walk •r, Kathy Day, Toni Martin, Sue Williams, Natalie Re d, Nancy Helm, Lorrainr Vigil, Linda Walker, D Ann Bjork, Gail liardcastle, Merle Whitmor •, Gw n Linnarz.

OFFICERS - . t ve Kr;tmcr, Board Member; Steve Taylor, Vice President; orclon Kimball, Board Member; Steve Day, Board Member; Br nt Anderson, Board Member; Carl Leatherwood, Tr ·asurer; Kent Stephan, Secretary. HOWARD WORTHEN President

Since th L tt rmen' Club consists of those boys who have earned th ir sports 1 ttcrs, top athl t s b long to it. This year they sponsored th benefit bask tball game between the Jordan Stars and the Ilarl 'm Stars.

LETTERMAN' CLUB -Row One: Bru e Birchell, Roger Sjoblolll, john Ajioka, Merrill Enniss, Ernie Bcdont, Carl Leatherwood, Howard Worthen, Del Brady, Kraig Ellis, Bruce Cowdell, Don Kochcrhans, M •rvin )<'nscn, John Bills, Bill Boggess, Lynn Carlquist, Dick Crnnc. Row Two: Ronald jones, Brent Carroll, Melvin Blaney, Steve Day, jay Whiting, Kent McCleary, Kent Stepan, David Ostl •r, Don Jacobson, Drew Hansen, David Jorgensen,


Richard Day, Rodger Andrus, Gordon Jones. Row Three: Eugene Izatt, Steve Taylor, Brad Brimhall, Steve Kramer, Don Glover, Cleve Hale, William Ganz, Kent Ashman, John Thompson, Carl Gray, Earon Fairbourn. Row Four: Archie Archuleta, Gordon Kimball, Craig Shoemaker, Frank Tuft, Billy Farmer, Joe Moore, Bob Halpin, Kent Curtis, jon VanWagoner, Billie Johnson, Jay Nielson, Eugene Ninomiya.


GLEN SMAHT President


OFFICERS - Drew Hansen, Vice President; Neil Smith, Secretary; Larry Stephens, Reporter; Daryl Smith, Treasurer; Craig Cowley, Representative.

F. F. A.- Row One: Kenneth Milburn, Ted Proctor, Daryl Smith, John Bills, Craig Cowley, Jay Colledge, Neil Smith, DM Reese, Don Jacobson, Glen Smart, Drew Hansen, Leland Winger, Lynn Joosten, Rinard Sewell. Row Two: Brent Covington, Duane Dunn, Howard Whitlock, Hammond Brinton, Ross Brown, David Ander-


Though chiefly an agricultural organization, the Future Farmers of America participate in many varied projects. The members, consisting of thos boys who tak vocational agriculture classes, su cessfully planned and carried out the Harvest Ball and s nt representatives to state and national F. F. A. conv ntions.

son, Larry Slev ns, Milo Anderson, Owen Hnht, {\ncly Bergman, Frank i ·lhorst, 1ichn ·I Carp 'Iller, Ralph Bow •n. Bow Three: Bruce Cude, K nl Bastian, Larry Bringhurst, David Bastian, Rodn y H ·ar s, Dennis 0 Crnfl'end d, Dennis Noscr, Mik · trottd, Leon Carlson, Marvin Powell, Kent Brindley, Moot Phelps, Lcanard Costanza.



Meeting ev ry Tuesday in liss Henderson's room, the Jordan chap ter of the Future Homemakers of America plan their many activities. They sponsor the annual Sweeth arts Ball and arc co-sponsors of the Harvest Ball. H •gional and tal · F. F. A. conventions include members of the Jordan Chapter in their programs. The conventions ar held in different cities of the state each year. FUTURE IIOMEMAKEHS - Row One: B. Milburn, L. Bell, S. Carroll, C. urtis, V. Yotm).(, J. IIutehings, L. Jenkins, S. Knibbc, K. ll<'pncr, M. Sjohlcm, S. Foss, H. Walker, C. Lunncn, L. Johanson, j . Worthin).(ton , D. Smith, J. Samuelson, J. Wahlquist, S. Asay, C. jon •s, T. Sagers, S. Brown, L. Bishop, M. All •n, S. Hughes, K. D<•spuin. Row Two: L. Sagers, E. Lopez P. Bird , l. Yorgason, S. t.lannos, M. ourri •r, J. Player, . Atfamson , G. Brimhall, C. Mumm, K. Stapl •y, L. Kod10rans, E . Carda, C. Christensen, !\!. rum, J. Nunley, T. K<'mp, L. l\langum, C. Peterson, I. Perry, I.

OFFICERS - Kaye Despain, ecretary; Jackie Williams, Historian; t.larianne Fagg, Vice President; Dclsa Clarke, Treasurer.

Damjanovich, K. Pearson, P. Mahon, D. Clark, J. Newbold. Row Three: J. Williams, E. Flores, K. Smith, K. Sadlier, S. Cavagnolo, L. Judy, C. Franklin, C. Biltz, L. Booth, C. Lester, J. Sabey, E. Welch, L. Gardner, S. Atkinson, C. Rawson, . Ronquillo, C. Jenkins, D. Webster, M. Fagg, P. Jenkins, R. Poulson, C. Bradshaw, P. Nuttal, B. Welch, S. Bowles. Row Four: P. Wade, S. Cavagnolo, C. Knibbe, J. Lynch, J. Taggert, D. Sabey, K. Smith, D. Tea, B. Smith, M. Rose, T. Staker, J. Weaver, D. Pettibone, C. Wright, S. Gutman, J. Brown, J. Goff, B. Young, S. Sommers, E. Pratt, L. Hung, B. Busath, C. Rees, C. Forester, J. alisbury.




OFFICERS - Mary Lou Erehon, Treasurer; joAnn Carlsen, Secretary; Barbara Young, Vice President.

DECA - Row One: Carol Smith, Delia Villobos, Bonnie Tucller, judith Harker, Judith Johnson, Marie Panek, j •anette ] •nkins, Carol Hogenson, Nadine Jacobson, Lynda Sharp, Amy Yamashiro. Row Two: Cheryl Sjostrom, Barbara Young, Pearl Error, Sharen Tufts, Claudia Pederson, Kathleen Hepner, joAnn Carben,


DE A is a vocational sales group associated with the distributive education class. Because DE A is one of the f •w clubs given a class period in which to expand th ir work, they wcr abl ' to plan and carry out "Sub-for-Santa" along with oth •r significant school functions.

Mary Lou Erekson, joan Porter, Ch ri stina wton, LouiS(' Blatnick, Charlene T;tylor. How Three: Hichard latsurnura, joe Koncural, Cordon Jom•s, Larry \Vcb~tcr, Larry St ·vcm, Pn·ston Lloyd, Don Clover, jo(' \\'illiarns, lloward Wortht•n, Holen • Bow ·n, jan • Fitzg('rald, herie Chamh •rlin, larlcnc Hawson.

Moki u. ·JJ. BECKY SMITH Secretary General


Each Thursday night the Model U. . m t to study and Jearn ahoul the United Nations. They extensiv ly sludi d Uraguay and the Congo, countries which they repres nted at the annual ~Iodel United Nations Assembly held at the University of Utah.

MODEL U. N.- Row One: 1arilyn Smith, Brigctt Yow II, Linda Koclwrhans, Joan Jacobson, Elaine Pratt, Marilyn Millberg, judy Smith, Dianne Smith, 1arthn Dnmjanovich, Bonnie Bishop, Marilyn Yargason, Lynn Larson, Klaudia Koller, Georgia Lunnen, Bonnie Davenport, Linda cecll1am, Camilla ~1iner. Row Two: Dawn Woodbury, Vickie Williams, juanita Worthington, janet

OFFICERS - Dawn Woodbury, Secretary; Sandra 1artha Cavagnolo, Assistant Secretary General; Damjanovich, Treasurer. Cowley, Diane Pettibone, Teddy taker, ancy Clark, Sandra Cavagnolo, Susan Keller, JoAnn Kjar, Kathy Abrams, Shirley Tennant, Dianne Preece, Jean Salisbury, Becky Smitl1. Row Three: Raymond Hadley, Larry Feitz, Rodger Busenbark, John Taylor, joe Koncurat, Elray Dow, 1 eil Smith, Don Peterson, Paul Andru ·, Lee Fugal, Derrell Smith, Larry tevens, Donald Barney, Kent Ashman, Ed Chappell.


The club promoting journalism within the school is the Press Club. This club sponsors the "J" Book and many of the various student publications.

PRESS CLUB - Row One: Terry Densley, Marianne Fagg, Bonnie Bishop, Mary Sue Walles, Kathy Birch, Kay Anderson, Lynne Larson, Valerie Young, Lorretta Dennis. Row Two: Becky Smith, Carla Dinius, Cherie Chamberlin, joann Read, Doni Roubicek, Jeanette Bluemel, Elaine Brown, Dianna Davis, Cm·ol Ann Page. Row Three: Dave Ottley, Vincent Strong, Steve Holmes, James Hamilton, Lloyd Loveless, Larry Loveless, John West, David GoH', Thomas Bishop, Ford Stevenson. OFFICERS AND ADVISOR Seated: Miss Rawson. Standing: Kathy Birch, Vice President; Mary Sue Walles, President; Bonnie Bishop, Secretary-Treasurer.

OFFICERS AND ADVISOR Seated: Miss Rawson Standing: Carla Dinius, Vice President; Lloyd Loveless, President; Cherie Chamberlin, Secretary. QUILL AND SCROLL - Row One: Bonm · Bishop, Mary Su Walles, Carla Dinius, Sherie Chambc•rlin, jortnn Head, Becky Smith, Kathy Birch, Dtnnmt Davis. Row Two: Thomrts Bishop, John West, Larry Lovcl •ss, Lloyd Loveless. Dnvid Goff, Ford Stevenson.

To promote better journalism through stud nt writing is th purpose of this club. M mborship in th club r quir s the publication of v 'nly-.five column inches in a school pap r or comm rcial publications.



To guide those girls interested in the medical profession, the Future Nurses Club successfully planned a trip to a ~ "' ;, _ ~ .. _ .1..-. ,.,. • • '- • hospital, and had many speakers at various meetings. The girls also planned and carried out a successful party. ~ {A/ {.A~

FUTURE NURSES - Kathleen Hepner, Carol Jenkins, Shauna Draper, Claudia James, Nancy Winget, Samlra Anderson, Paulette Larson, Beatrice Milburn, Marilyn Lewis, Carol Curtis, Valerie Young. OFFICERS AND ADVISOR Seated: Kathleen Hepner, President; Ruth Larsen, School Nurse. Standing: Carol Curtis, Paulette Larsen, Secretary-Treasurers; Valerie Young, Vice President.

OFFICERS AND ADVISORS Seated: Richard Matsumura, Vice President; Donald Barney, ecretary. Standing: Mr. Lind, 1r. Budge, advisors. Not photographed: David Olsen, President. RADIO CLUB _ Larry Chidest r, Richard Hutchings, Cayl<?rd Buchanan, Ronald Matsumura, K nl Hans n, Vincent Strong, Donald 0. Barney, Rtchard Matsumura.

The Radio Club consists of boys interested in the fundamentals of radio communications and its different applications. Under the capable supervision of Mr. Lind and Mr. Budge, th boys were abl to learn much during the year.







To fulfill the experiences and needs conducive to cultural background, Jordan High Scool has presented its students a variety of activities. These activities range from the school play, and the art exhibit, to the music performances and festivals. In Jordan High School, the departments of fine art have created an atmosprere where the creative talents and abilities of its students may develop.




The "Beetdigger" staff of 1962 has carefully planned and published your annual yearbook. The year was laboriously spent in meeting deadlines and in compiling material. Guided by the foresight and experience of Gwen Astorga, editor, and Mr. Blaine Brown, advisor, this yearbook has be n created to give you an accurate account of Jordan High. Those who also assisted but whose picture does not appear on these pages are Carole Young and Judy Alexand r.

Combining their talents to produce this yearbook are copy writers, typists, and artists: Diane Thurber, Judy Smith, Diane Chav z, Nancy Clark, Janny Lou Morley, Christine Loulias, Gwen Astorga, and Betty Jean Smith.


The yearbook staff was fortunate this year in having such an outstanding group of photographers. They are: Diana Day, Jon VanWagoner, Dennis Adams, and Cheryl Wright.

Dian Chavez and Christine Loulias are the talented artists on th Bectdigger staff. These girls design d division pages and added the clever time-pieces found throughout th book.

Pat Eld r, B tty Jean Smith, Dan Error, and Janny Lou Morley all contributed a great deal to the success of the 1962 Beetdigger.

Helping the yearbook take care of administrative duties were Merle Alvey, English advisor; Kenneth Brady, business manager; and Arval elson, photography advisor.





M ting a goal of fifteen issues, the Broadcaster sta!f has labored faithfully to produce a school paper of which we ar very proud. Under the able guidance of Miss Oralie Rawson, advisor, and Carh Dinius and Lloyd Loveless, coeditors, the paper has served to inform our stud nts of the news and to give students experience in Journalism.

Advisors and staff members of the Broadcastor are - Row One: Cnrln Dinins, Lloyd Loveless, Becky Smith. Row Two: Vicki Willinms, Dianml Dnvis, Kathy Birch, David Goff, Larry Loveless, john W st.

96 .

KATIJY BlHCJl nnd DAVID GOFF Assistant Editors

Members of the Broadcaster staff work together co-operatively to produce our school paper.

Dianna Davis and Larry Loveless, staff members, work with Becky Smith, assoc.iatc ditor, on another issu of the Broadcaster.

Cherie Chamberlain, associate editor, and Mary Sue Walles, photography editor, decide which picture will go in the next Broadcaster.




SHERRY BHKLACY Associate Editor

The Couri r is a colle 'tion works created by stud nts School. Under th guidanc Couri r is a valuable r pr ality.

of literary selections and art of English in Jordan High of LaMar Hendrickson, the s ntation of creative origin-

The industrious Courier staff takes time out to po for a pictur . Th y ar ; Bonnie Bishop, John Hatch, Shirley Robertson, Ella Mari Buchn, Maurin Webb, Pat Nash, Shauna Draper, Larry Feitz, and Marilyn Mill rbcr r.


The Madrigal Choir, composed of approximately twenty-six students of the A Cappella Choir, specialized in the singing of music composed during the sixteenth century.

OFFICERS - Leo Dean, director; Natalie Reed, secretary; Carole Young, accompanist, Pat Elder, president.

Representing our school's choral talents, the A Cappella Choir has been an ass t to Jordan High School. New uniforms, purchased this year, added much to the appearance of the group. The choir has performed for various church meetings, P.T.A. meetings, school and exchange assemblies. Under the able direction of Mr. Dean, the choir has practiced diligently to perfect its performances. A CAPPELLA - Row One: Merle Whitmore, Jean Schow, Gayle tone, Dian B. Jenson, Natalie Reed, Carolyn Dunn, Law, R na Mike Mannos, William anz, Todd Shoemaker, Lynn Carlquist, Brent How r ft, Loren Minnick, Don Jacobsen, Diane Sabey, Carol Middleton, Judith Buhler, Dianne R. Jensen, Kathy Birch, Judy N •wbo ld, Susan reenwood, judy Ure, Leo D an, director. Row lcnda Brimhall, Linda Gardner, Elaine Two: Kathi ag rs, Welch, Mari • Pan •k, Earl Glover, Doug Abrams, Kent Ashman, Hob •rt All 'n, N d Timothy, Ford Stevenson, Patrick Elder, Eugcn • Izatt, nrol Ann Paget, Linda Bowles, Dora Larson, Jane Fitzgerald, Charlotte Larsen, Becky Pierce, Linda Jansen. Row

Three: Gwen Astorga, Lynne Larson, Carole Young, Janny Lou Morley, Geraldine Montague, Jerry Mitchell, Allan South, Doug Norton, Kent Millington, Lee Irvine, Michael Visser, Stephen King, Becky Howard, LaRay Street, Kathy Brown, Jane Jeppson, Claudia Carrigan, Kaye Bird, Karen Van Seters, Judy Shurtleff. Row Four: Vicki Sharp, Carolyn Morgan, Lyla Brady, Lynda Jenkins, Drew Hansen, Jim Barron, John Whitlock, Paul Anderson Ronnie Jones, Arlan Heaps, Dan Error, Brian Smitl1, Dave Boyce, Lynda Peterson, Mary Tischner, Claudia Pedersen, Doris Vordos, Betty Jean Smith, Maurine Beck tead, Margene Sjoblom, Cheryl Bateman Christene Tebbs. '


STRI C ORCIIE TRA - Row One: Karen Carbton, Jerry 0' ash, ancy Scott, Elain · Van J Lorn, Jane Smith, joann H ad, Bonni' Bishop. Row Two: Jay Pond, diredor; Eil · •n Hich, Elaine Pratt, Richard Bowles, Byron Thompson, Steve Terry. BAND OFFICERS - .t>lr. Pond, advisor; .t>l::wr en Whipple, Librarian; Sherm Smith, Pep Band President; Lee Fugal, President; Preston Lloyd, Vice President; Stacy Pond, Librarian.

BAND - Row One: Earl Clover, Stacey Pond, Wilfri •d Hoffman, Michael Emms, john Taylor, Maureen Whipple, Kathleen Smith, Dean Sprague. Row Two: June Adams, Ray Iladl y, Craig Brown, Preston Lloyd, Jerry Sprague, Bret johnson, Glen Watts, Barry Nygard, Claudia James, Wilma Wootton, Steve Larkin, johnny Leonard, Dale Dowd. Row Three: Steven Hughs, Byron olton, Doug Broadhead, Brent Carroll, Stephen Peddler, Cregg Arm-


Under the direction of Jay Pond, th band xcellcd as one of Jordan' most a live ultural organizations. Playing and marching during half-tim at our football gam s and participating in variou ass mbli s and onccrts, it assisted in keeping school ·pirit high throughout the year.

strong, , ·raid Fullmer, Brent Rasmussen, Hobt•rt Hich, Richard Thomas, Jack ichol, Larry hidestcr, Billy ]'door , jim Young, Bryant ,old, 'oT(lon Douglass, L · Fugal. How Four: jnnws ll •pn r, Dan Buchanan, Tommy Burke, Sh •nnan Smith, Mike Mannos, Glen Sudlury, jerold 1artin, Don Petersen, jay W •aver, Lynn Sh'vcns, D •nnis Ow •n, j anPS Hamilton, C •org • Van 11 om, Dann lcConnell.

The A Cappella Choir dons red and white "Santa" hats for their rendition of "The Night Before Christmas" at the performance of their annual choral program.

Prelude To Christmas, an inspiring Christmas program of music, was presented through the combined efforts of th chorus classes of Jordan lligh direct d by Leo Dean. Carolers from the Madrigal Choir caroled to the audience as th y entered. The program b gan with the combin d choruses singing "Cer mony of Carols" and continu d with s parat numbers by the Girls' Chorus, the Mix d Chorus, and th A Cappella Choir. The program was ¡limaxccl by th "Fanfare for Christmas" sung by the combin d choruses.

SOLOISTS A~ ACCOMPANISTS - Carole Young, Gayle Law, Kent Millington, Gene Izatt, Carol Middleton Shatma Atkinson. '


Susan Greenwood Reb cca Gibbs

Joe Sargent Doctor Gibbs

Viki Sharp Mrs. Soames

George Young George Gibbs

John Clark Professor Willard

Sherry BrkJacy Mrs. Gibbs

Dick Crane Howie Newsome

Carl Wilson jo ' Crowell

Patrick Elder Stage Manager

Dan MacConnell Wally Webb

Richard Rich Simon Stimson

Sweet music was a highlight of "Our Town." The Madrigal Choir participated as members of the church choir.

Paul Andrus Dead Man

A tribut on closing night was paid to dire tor, Glenn Sacos, by m mb rs of th play cast.


Carole Young Organist

Under the direction of Glenn Sacos students of Jordan presented as the school play this year, Our Town, a drama by Thornton Wilder. The play takes place in Grover's Comers, New Hampshire. In the three acts, the life of any man is depicted from birth to death. The lack of scenery was very effective and created a real challenge for the student cast. Our Town is said to be one of the finest plays in the history of Jordan High School. Charlene Taylor Student Director

Keith Morgen Baseball Player

Glen Sacos Director

Becky Smith 1rs. Webb

Brent Mickelson Mr. Webb

Charlotte Larsen Emily Webb


Judy Smith Woman in the Balcony

Steve Tuttle Baseball Player

Robert Yengich Baseball Player

Steve Larkin Si Crowell

Neil Smith Joe Stoddard

Ford Stevenson Sam Craig

An impressive wedding scene was conducted by the stage manager. Bonnie Mark Lady in the Second Row

John Pavich ?vfan in the Auditorium

Entertained with music and Christmas carols, the play cast relaxes after a very successful performance.


Costuming for the on act play is directed by Paula Jenkins and Christine Newton.

Viki Sharp proudly accepts lh' H 'gion Dramati ·s Trophy.

Three weeks after taking the Region Four title, th' Jordan Drama department finished in a close victory to cop the Slate Dramatics at B.Y.U. in April.

Mr. Sacos, for the second year in a row, strode triumphantly up the stairs to embrace one of this year's hardest won lrophi s. A feverish student body ta'llied up the points for: one act pl.ays, dramatic readings, pantomimes, radio speaking, r tolcl slori •s, and humorous readings, to record a close 4 point win in lh Class A State meet. This trophy, along with all the oth •rs, was to prove to the Beetdiggers that this was truly the "Time of Our Lives." h rry Brkla y and Becky mith rch arsc for r ·told story clivi ion. ONE ACT PLAY CAST - Row One: Cheryl Hendrickson, Sherrie Burbank, Joynnne Fif •, Bonnie Davenport, Lynda Sharp, Robyn Juhlin, Kathi Sagers, Bryan Steadman. Row Two: •wton, Paula jenkins, j •rry Laura Setterberg, Linda Butterfield, Marita Peery, Christin • Mitchell, Joe Sargent, Glen Sacos, director. Row Three: Maurine Cox, Gcri Bishop, Joann • Dazley, Margaret Walters, Gloria Malmstrom, janet Cowley, john Clarke. Row Four: Teddy Staker, Shelia Tranter, Sharon McBride, Meri Schelin, Sharon uvagnola, Bonnie Mark, John Porter.


Larry Feitz enl •rlains lh' student body with hi~ "Aunti<' wlanw'' r •ading.

A proud student hody salutes the drama students who brought hom ' the h¡ophy.

L ¡ad rol s wcr taken by Joe Sargent and Kathi Sagers.

Mr. Thorum of the Utah High School Activities Association presents the State Dramatics Trophy to historian, Judy Ham.

The professional work of the stage crew was evident in the lighting effects and scenery of the one-act play, "The Terrible Meek:"



Many practice debates were held with other schools this year which helped the debaters in their various tournaments. Capturing the region trophy in debate and forensics, Jordan filled their slate to go to the state meet, and took further honors with the outsanding orator, the outstanding extemporaneous speaker, and the outstanding member of the House in legislative forum.

VARSITY DEBATERS- Row One: Kent Ashman, Kent Millington, Ford Stevenson, Lynn Larson, Janet Cowley, Marilyn Yorgason, Bonnie Peterson, Nancy Clark, Becky Smith, Martha Damjanovich, Dianne Smith, Ella Marie Buohn. Mark Walsh.

John Clarke. Row Two: Larry Feitz, Tom Zdunich, Brent Mickelsen, Elray ) . Dow, Brent Anderson, Gordon Kimball, Paul Andrus, Frank T,1ft, Van Webb, John Donga, Le • Fugal, Neil Srnith. D ·an Bawden.

REGIONAL DEBATE AND FORENSIC WINNEHS- Row One: Larry I• ·itz, Muri ]'ns ·n, Carol Loader, Camila Min ·r, Diann milh, Ford Stevenson. Row Two: Lee Fugal, Frank Tuft, Neil Smith, Elray Dow, Cordon Kimball, Dean Bawden, Kent Millington. Not present: Becky Smith and Martha Damjanovieh.


OFFICERS - Frank Tuft, President of N. F. L.; Martha Damjanovich, Secretary of N. F. L. ; Kent Millington, Manager of debate team.

J, V. DEBATERS - Row One:

hris Short, Stanley Hoffman, Ronald Ilill, Margaret J nkins, Linda eedham, Janice Sabey, ' orgia Lunnen, Camilla Miner, Bob Dinius, Jeff Brown, Lynn

Watterson. Row Two: Mark Akagi, Larry Findling, Randy Cowdell, .Craig Bell, Chuck Rardin, Robert Young, Doug McGuire, John Taylor, Harold Ure, Gene Brady, Eddie Elswood.

N. F. L.- Row One: Ford St vcnson, Kent Ashman, John Clark, Kent Millington, janet owley, B cky mith, Marilyn Yorgason, Marthn Damjanovich, Diann Smith, ancy Clark, Janice Sabey,

Camilla Miner, Chris Short, Robert Young. Row Two: Tom Zdunieh, Mark Walsh, John Donga, Lee Fugal, Brent Anderson, Frank Tuft, Paul Andrus, Gordon Kimball, eil Smith, Elray Dow, Dean Bawden, Larry Findling, Craig Bell, Robert Dinius.


DONALD BARNEY National ~lerit Scholarship

JUDY URE Betty Crocker Homemaking Award

VIKI SHARP American L gion Oratorical

BOYS' STATERS - Row One: Jonathan Webb, Lowell Vawdry Carl Leatherwood, Merrill Enniss, Brent Anderson, Michael Hughes, Andy Bergman, Sherman Smith, Kent Ashman, Henry Miller, Cary Bateman. Row Two: Byron Gunderson, C •raid Fullmer, Mike Visser, Lee Fugal, Wolf Rainer, Pat Elder, joe Sargent,


Ford Stevenson, Mostyn Cox, Craig Shoemaker, Dean Bawd •n, R •icl Sjoblom, Emit' B ·dont, Bruc • Birch(• II. How Three: Larry Stevens, Frank Tuft, lJ •an ' nnrr, teve Taylor, Billy Farmer, Steve Kramer, Joe Moor •, Bruce Sinter, Vic And •rson, K ·nt 1cCleary, Don jacobson, Bruc · ~loody, David Ostler.

These outstanding students have combined hard work and talent to bring honors to themselves and to Jordan High School. They received recognition throughout the year in their various fields of endeavor.

TONY DOYLE Billings and Las V gas Cold 'n Cloves Championship

LEE FUGAL Terrace Ballroom Talent Contest

DIANA DAY Make it With Wool Contest


MARK DOYLE nver Cold n loves Championship

GI~LS' STATERS -:- Cheryl Bateman, Diana Day, Margene Sjoblom, Becky

Sm1th, Jean Olabarn, Cheryl Sjostrom. Absent - Diann E. Jensen.

PBESTO LLOYD Farm Bureau Talent Find



The victories and honors in the field of athletics which came to Jordan through the hard work and dedication of our teams and coaches contributed greatly in helping to make this vear the "Time of Our Lives." \\'e have received recognition in all our port endeavor and have completed a year that has truly mea ured up to the traditions of Jordan High School.


BILL BLAIR Head Cheerleader





Our vivacious cheer! ad •rs led th , student body through snappy n w cheers and our old favorites. Donn •d in gr<>y on th football field and bright red on Lh basketball court, th y inspired in th stud •nls th' tr •m •ndous spirit that is a tradition at Jordan High.




HOWARD WORTHEN Co-Captain - Fullback

STEVE TAYLOR Co-Captain - Tackle All- tate

Howard Worth n's sharp tack] halts this try for a ton hdown.


DON GLOVER Co-Captain - End







KENT McCLEARY Quarterback

















VARSITY TEAM- Row One: Brad Brimhall, Bob Halpin, Melvin Blaney, Bill Farmer, Carl Lea therwood, Howard Worthen, Steve Taylor, Don Glover, Steve Day, Ri chard Day, Earon Fairbourn. Row Two: Eugene lzatt, Mervin jensen, Merrill Enniss, Bruce Cowdell, Brent Anderson, Cordon Kimball, Kent McCleary, Lynn Larson, Jay Whiting, Ernest B dont, Frank Tuft, Glen jackso n,

coach. How Three: Evert jones, asst. coach; David Gofl, 'arl Grey, Paul Webb, Dale Smith, john Thompson, joe onaty, Larry Yates, Bob Allen, jack litchC'Il, Ken Dclll(:a, Darrel ' mith , Hoger Sjoblom. Row Four: Kent urtis, Ken 01 ·e n, Br •nl arroll, Bob Kunz, Bob Brady, Bryant .old, Ken Kun z, Benjy Rains, john Ajioka, Ri chard Rains.

Fighting their way through an und feat cl s ason , th football t am brought th region trophy to Jordan lligh School. Th expert coaching of len Jackson and •vert Jon s and th d dicalion of the t ' am to practic and to training were th qualities that made Jordan's team respected and aclmir d .

. ..•

This back had little luck bucking the tough Jordan line.


A Jordan player era h s his way through for a gain in yardag .

Under the skilled coaching of Robert Teran, the sophomore football team captured a second place in Region IV this year. The sophomore team prepared the boys for playing on the varsity squad and helped them to learn the fundamentals of football.


TI1c Beetdiggers fight for fumbled ball.

Scoreboard Jordan 25 ............................................................... Bingham


~~~~~~ H:·.· ·-: : : : -: : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : :: -: -: : : : : : : :. ~:!\~ 1~


7 ................................................................... Murray 25

Jordan soph battles with opponent to capture ball.

OPIJOMORE TEAM - Row One: joe c:orzato, Kit Enniss, ~can And ·rson, L<>on arisen, Randy Cowclell , Greg Armstrong, 1 au[ Snyder jay \V(•aver, Alan Bulloc~? Brent Penrod. Row Two: Terry St aclman, mnnagcr; Handy I•Jslwr, jerry O~ens, Ja~k Thomas, Jim Francom, Steve Mascaro, Anthony Ycng1Ch, Ronme

Hill, Eddie Williams, Merril Ross, Jimmie Lawson, Gerold Sabey. Row T~ree: -:r:om Greenwood, manager; Stephen Sharp, manager; Jack !Col, :-.hke Doty, Mark Akagi, Phillip Terry, Gary Pedersen, LeRoy Maughn, Keith Horrocks,Brent Larsen, Jeff Brown, Robert Daly, Dave Weber, Bob Teran, coach .


Excitement was the basis for all the basketball games as the mighty Jordan Beetdiggers soared to state recognition, capturing r gional and state trophi s in the climb. With an undefeated record in season play, the Beetdiggers trampled region teams, plus Highland, East, Granger, and West during the tournament.


KENT STEPAN Captain All State

Scoreboard PRE- EA ON jordan jordan jordan jordan jordan jordan jordan jordan

45 . ................. .... ..... ....... . ..... .. . ranitc 64 . ....... ............................................ . Spanish Fork 46 . .. .. . .. .. .......... ............... .... ..... Bountiful 44 .................................................................. Davis

59 . ............................................................... ..

35 50

36 42 Ensl 16

46 . . .................................................. liJghlaod 59 60 ......................................................... . .... South 32 60 ... ..... ........... .. ... ....................... Olympus 43

LEA UE j orclan Jordan jordan Jordan jordan Jordan jordan jordan jordan Jordan

55 . ................. ... ... 77

72 .59 .5 2 68 57 .51 7H 73

... ...................... .

rang r 45 ... YjJrus 41 ............................................ ........ .......... Bing H\111 58 ................... ............ ........................ . ~lurray 44 .. .. ......... .. . .. . .. ..... ..... .. .. .. . . To()(•]c 35 ................. ........................................ Granger 52 .... ... . . .. .. .. ..... .. .. .. ....... ..... .. y!Jrus .50 ........................................................ Bing 1am 46 . . .. . ............ ................................... lun·ay 73 Tooel • .34

.... .... .. .. .. ..... ...... ..... ......... ........


Granger Lancers faltered under the skillful Jordan plays. 118

74 .. .. .• .. .. IIIGIILA D 57 . . ............... ................................. .. EA T 83 ................................................. GRA GER 69 ...... ..... ..................... ..... ......... ... .... WEST

00 49

59 54


CLEVE HALE All State - 2nd Team




Jordan's Kent Stepan fights through Murray's guard to a decisive victory.







"King Arthur'' gives a championship smile after defeating West for the state trophy.

McCleary shows skill and co-ordination during the game against Granger.


Jordan students wildly rush to congratulate the tcarn

Kram r and Brimhall batt! rebounds.

"Jordan Is Here" and everyone in the BYU Fieldhouse knew it as the cheering section demonstrated its vitality while the best team in the state scored its first 1962 tournament victory over Highland High. Returning with "Jordan Is Here Again," the mighty Beetdiggers downed East High and went on to defeat the Granger team and everyone knew "Jordan Is Still Here." The final night of play for the tournament whirled in the University of Utah Fieldhouse to a striking game against West High

and Art Hughes after winning th state championship.

and with the victory of fifteen points. Inspirational to the crowds were huge banners, one saying "Let's Win For Snide" and others such as "We Did It Before, We'll Do It Again!" and "Jordan Take State." But the main inspiration was the unified Jordan team and its coach, Art Hughes who decided that this must be "Jordan's Year" and it could only be done with the state trophy and state-wide recognition. Yes, "Jordan Is Here" and Jordan is here to stay!l !

A very proud basketball captain, Kent Stepan, recieves well deserved state trophy at the award assembly.

Joel Jensen congratulates the crowned Beetdiggers on a great season.

Kramer gives Collins a needed "assist."


TOURNAMENT TEAM - Row One: Art Hughes, coach; Hal Hale, Craig Shoemaker, Kent Stepan, Kent McCleary, Cleve Hale,

Playing tremendous basketball throughout the tourney, Cleve Hale drives for another basket.


Jim Healy, asst. coach. Row Two: Doug Broadhead, Joe Moore, Steve Kramer, Brad Brimhall, Don Clover, Kent Curtis, Bob Collins.

"Onward" we proudly went with help from our flag twirlers and ch rl adcrs. Kent McCleary goes high in the air to get this tip for the "Diggers."


A snake dance surrounding the school was only part of the festivities.

Charlonians greet the team and honored guests.

The "Twist" invaded the tournament celebration during the afternoon dance.


The Junior Varsity team has kept up the tradition of good sportsmanship at Jordan High. This year, Jim Healy, coach, led the team to first place in Region 4 with a 10-0 record.

JUNIOR VARSITY: Jim Healy, coach; Tom Marriol, Sleve Mascaro, Lynn Marlor, Doug Broadhe, d, Bob Collins, Slevc Urry, Bill Bilboa, Dale Dowd, Todd Shoemaker, Vern Hagen.


~~~~ If /~:-{/.. L. {_/ .Y/Yi.~~~~~i il

Jordan 66 .. .............................................................. Cranger 44 Jordan 53 ................................................................... _Cyl)rus 47


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The Junior Varsity became favorites as they held an undefeated record.


Jordan's Juniors fight lo mak

which easily def al opponents.

Finishing the year with a fine 8 win and 2 loss record, the sophomore basketball team caused many upsets. Coached by Evert Jones the team tied with Murray for second place and, in the course of the season, gave first place Bingham its only defeat.



The Sophomore team stampeded the Buffs to an early victory in one of the many region games.

SOPHOMORE TEAM - Row One: Randy Cowdell, Steve Mascaro, Cone Chavez, Brent Lurson, Bob Allen, Kelly Hays, Dean

Anderson, Larry Findling. Row Two: Evert Jones, coach; Anthony Yengich, Bill Bilboa, Mike Davies, Steve Urry, LeRoy Maughn, Lynn Garner, Dale Dowd, Lynn Marlar.


Honors again came to the wrestling team as they soared to fame having won the regional trophy. This sport requires much coordination and strength on the part of the participants and the Jordan boys fared well with proper qualifications.




Region Team


DICK CRANE State Champion










WRESTLING TEAM -Row One: Joe Gomez, Del Brady, Dick Crane, Roger Andn1s, Craig Ellis, Bruce Cowdell, Carl Leatherwood, Merrill Enniss, Earon Fairborne, Dennis Gunderson, Ken Deluca, Steve Taylor, Lynn Larson, Jack Mitchell. Row Two: Glen Jackson, coach; Carl Gibson, Clyde Lawrence, Richard Glad, Earl

Nell, Bruce Douglas, Lynn Carlquist, John Thompson, Ronald Hill, John Ajioka, Roger Sjoblom, David Ostler, Joe Scorzato, Kit Enniss, Alan Bullock, Mike Dowd, Rick Dugdale, Joe Conaty, Gary Pennington, Robert Dalley, Mark Akagi, Ken Kunz, manager.

Dick Crain fights his way to first place in state.

Merrill Enniss applies pressure to gain a pin.

Carl Leatherwood exhibits strength when overtaking his opponent.

Roger Andrus fights hard for a victory in competition.





]Oil BILL R turning L •tt rman

TRACK TEAM - Row One: Eugene l 7~tll, jon Van Wagoner, Bonnie Lee, Steve Taylor, Brad Brimhall, Don Koch •rhans, eil Smith, Bill Farmer, Richard D,ty, Merrill Enniss, Bru e Moody, Rodney Malstrom, john Bills. Row Two: Michael H arp •r, john



VA WAC NER Returning L •tt •rman

Clark, Dennis .underson, Russel mith, Ja ck ~litchell, Hichard Ruins, K ·ith !organ, llan South, Doug Broadhead, Bob Kunz, Paul ll <tslings, David ll ustings, btron l'airborne, Darr •ll Smith, Larry Yat ·s, Dale Smith, Benjy Hains, Jay i ·!son, Kent ~lillmg­ ton, Bob T ·ran, coach.

With last years region trophy tucked away in its case, the Jordan track-men were back again this year posing as the top competitive threat in Region Four meets. Keeping the winning spirit and sportsmanship that always marks the Jordan teams, the cinder-men scorched the track and field to capture many of the honors and wins of this year's competition.

Skill and co-ordination is displayed in jumping hurdles.


Ronnie Lee practic s for events by throwing th shot-put.

Brad Brimhall shows perfect form in discus throwing.

Merrill Enniss breaks the tape in a practice run of the 220.


With Art Hughes at the reigns once again, the baseball team kept up the winning ways demonstrated in Jordan's sports activities throughout the year.


GORDON KIMBALL Returning Letterman


CLEVE HALE Returning Letterman

BASEBALL TEAM- Bottom Row: Melvin Blaney, Archie Archuleta, Cordon Kimball, Craig ho maker, Kent McCleary, Cleve Hale, john Ajioka, Bobby Mitchell. Row Two: Art Hughes, oach;


CRAIG SHOEMAKER Returning Letterman


ARClllE ARCHULETA R turning Lett ·rman

Mark Zrno, john Thomp on, Ricky Olsen, jim Kurk ndahl, Hal Hal •, Bob Collins, Kim Bean, David Boyce, Paul Webb, Gary Pcnington, K •nt Ashman, William Ganz, herrn Day, assi tant conch.

Cleve Hale backs up Gordon Kimball on this play.

BOB MITCHELL .Returning Lett rman

JOHN AJOIKA Returning Letterman

Playing pepper keeps the team in shape.

Kent McCleary lays down a bunt during this practice session.

TODD SHOEMAKER Returning Letterman

Melvin Blaney warms up his 'pitching arm.


The tennis team has brought many honors and much recognition to Jordan High. These fellows are active players and spend much time perfecting themselves for competition.


BRENT ANDERSON Returning Letterman

MIKE HUGHES Returnin g Letterman

BOB HALPIN Returning Letterman

Tennis players practice with each other to get in shape for regular competition.

Ron Jones works on a smooth serve and good form.


TENNIS TEAM - Bottom Row: Jim MuLnford, Brent Anderson, Bob Halpin, Ron Jones, Byron Colton, Marshal Larson. Row Two: Mike llughc , Daryl Jenson, Gene Chavez, Lynn Stevens, Mike Angeles, Carl Wilson, Jim Healy, Coach.


Jo •I J ns n presents the Region Bask tball Trophy to Kent Stepan while the student body cheers wildly during the victory assembly.

The last section of this yearbook had to go to press in April. Pictur d her are the Region and State trophies Jordan had won by that time. They include State Class ''A" Bask tball, Region Football, Region Wrestling, Region Basketball, Region Forensics, Region Dramatics, and

Steve Taylor proudly accepts the Region Football Trophy from Joel Jensen at an assembly honoring the football team.

State Class "A" Dramatics. We expect that there will be more trophies before the year is over but we could not take pictures of those we anticipate winning. Congratulations to Jordan High School; this has really been the "TIME OF OUR LIVES."



There were times for scholastic events, and for cultural experiences, but the highlights of the year were the activities. Our year-round clock was filled with pep assemblies, the hustle and bustle for school the thrills of the preparation, and stimulated and inspired the students. The united had the "Time of Our Lives." might of Jordan was


Students all seemed to enjoy themselves at the first dance of the year.

A dance by the dance club depicting autumn leaves is v ry fitting for this fall dance.

The student body looks forward each fall to the Harvest Ball, which is the first big ¡ocial cv nt of tho year. This year, as always, the F. F. A. capably handled all the details of the Ball and produced a very successful affair.

Decorations for the Harvest Ball are done by the F. F. A. This year's theme was "Autumn Leaves."

Officers and committeemen of the F. F. A. work out plans for the annual Harvest Ball.


Many students turned out for this annual girls' choice dance; everyone present was given a lei.

Throvgh the efforts of the Future Homemakers of America, the Sweethearts Ball with the theme "Leni Ipo" (Heavenly Sw th art), was a large success. The gymnasium was adorned in various shades of piuk and white. It was a setting for a very romantic evening.

These F. F. A. members worked hard on the decorations. Making the bandstand was one of the biggest jobs.

Students attending the Sweethearts Ball Wf ere entertained by Hawaiian dancers rom the B. Y. U. 137

Selecting the wintry theme "Snow Ball" for their annual dance, the seniors worked wonders with the gymnasium. The decorations were done in white with misty shades of blues and greens adding to the atmosphere of the dance. This formal affair brought many compliments from both students and teachers who attended this well planned dance.

Intricate and elegant decorations filled the gymnasium, making this one of the most beautiful dances of the year. Susan Mickelson wa the chairman of th decorating committee.

to the tunc of Senior stude11ts did a great deal of hard work to make this dance a success.


With much preparation and hard work, the juniors had an "Enchanted Evening" at the annual prom. A vivid array of color adorned the dance floor which was skillfully decorated to enhance the evening.

Dressed in formal attire, the students had truly "An Enchanted Evening" at the f autifully decorated Junior Prom.

Students enjoy the floorshow from the balcony as emcees Paula Larsen and Mike Dowd announce the program.

Working hard to finish, the Juniors decorate for their annual prom.


The student body honored, at the annual Football Dance, the players and the fine coaches who represented them on the gridiron. The presentation of miniature footballs to the team and coaches was the high point of the Boorshow. Also adding to the ntertainment were the members of the Dance Club who performed two dances, much to the enjoyment of the football team.

Members of the Dance Club participate in the .f:loor show during the Football dance.

This ca ual group dis uss s Jordan's sucssful football s ason.

Football play rs and th ir dates r lax at the dane shortly before r ceiving miniatur footballs.

A large group of students enjoyed the dance to honor our football team.


The Victory Dance was the climax of the celebrations of our state basketball championship; the dance was casual. Everyone traded partners and participated in such fun dances as the "Twist," "Polka," "Cha Cha," and the "Bunnyhop." At the floor show the team was presented with small trophies.

Everyone formed circles to do the "Mexican Hat Dance."

Coaches Hughes and Healy discuss their victorious season over a cup of punch.

Student body officers and che r1 ad rs worked hard on decorations for the Victory Dance.

All of the "Champs" received a trophy from the students the night of the Victory Dance.


Chosen tor ign as Daisy Mae, Bonnie P terson helps to choose Lil Abn r by searching out the longest b ard.

The sophomores, juniors, and seniors all participated in the decorating for the Drag.

Calling all Jordanites to Dog Patch, th Dog Patch Drag again was an enjoyabl and sue cssful dane . The dan e was casual and as usual Marryin' Sam wa the favorite fellow of all the guys and gals.

The Dog Patch Drag, an annual girls choice dance, was a big success again this year.


Jordan students and alumni enjoyed this dance which was the final event of Homecoming Day.

The alumni officers planned and canied out a very succ ssful day of activities concluding the day with the annual Alumni Dance. During the dance a queen and king were honored - a highlight to an enjoyable evening.

This alumni couple seem to be thoroughly enjoying themselves.

The Sophomore Party was pre~ented this year under the supervision of the sophomore class officers. The dance was very successful and many new acquaintances were made.

These sophomores found their party full of fun and new friends.

Sophomore girls were in charge of the floor show. This "Charleston" was one of the dances presented.


Alumni Dance

Howard Worthen Kin g Bonnie Borg Queen

Sweethearts Ball

John Bills King

JoAnn Fife Queen


The crowning of the royalty culminated the evening dances throughout the year. Their reign, though short, will long be remembered for the excitement and honor brought with it. The royalty were chosen by the popular vote of the student body.

Football Dance

Steve Taylor King Betty Jean Smith Queen

Harvest Ball

Sharon Gardner Queen

Geri Bishop Attendant

Linda Gardner Attendant


Each year th form r members of Jordan's student body put on an ass mbly. This year, it featured many of the most popular ex-Diggers in comi al sketches.

"Mike Hammer" tracks down another susp 'Ct.

This com dy skit had the audience roaring with laughter.

This talented combo ent 'Itaincd th' audinc in lrum nlally.

Mike Stroud accompanies Annelies and Wolf Rainer in an Austrian song.


On of th mo t nt rtaining of th' annua l assemblies is th Talent A ¡s mbly. All participant ¡ worked hard to mak-~ it a ucc ss.

The purpose of exchange assemblies is to share the cultural talents of the music, speech, and dance departments with the other schools in our region. Mr. Sacos, the chairman, co-ordinated the various numbers, and Becky Smith and Sherry Brklacy, emcees, cleverly tied the program together.

Le Fu~al livens up the Exchange Assembly with his l onky-tonk piano. Emcees, Becky Smith and Sherry Brklacy kept the audience laughing between numbers.

Sandra Cook's beautiful voice delighted the audi nc s.

One of the most popular numbers on the program was this duet by Doug Abrams and Allen South.


Cinderella had a dream of attending the ball and begins to dance with her favorite beau.

Cinderella ch ers up as she is by dance group. Through th efforts of th tal nt d and humorou ¡ Junior lass and their oiTi rs, th ]11nior Class play for thi y ar was a gr at uccess. A re-told version of ind rella was the th m and th r suit was an uproarious "Fractur d Fairy Talc."

"Fractured Fairy Tale" cast sings finale - the end to a d lightful production.


Wick d st p-sisters deny Cinderella the privilege of attending th ball.


Jordan's talented Congolese, Lee Fugal

Activ awar n ss of the world was the indire t th me of the Mod 1 United ations assembly. Pr sent d by the Model U. Club of Jordan Iligh, th assembly not only portrayed ducational aspects, but was ntertaining as well.

The Preece sisters demonstra•e their singing talent in a novelty number.

Marilyn Millerberg belts Larry Feitz with a powder puff during the Model U. N. Assembly.

The Dance Club helped with the entertainment.


Jordan students are used as demonstrators at the atomic energy assembly.

The power of atomic stratcd by •lectricity.

"Orchesis" from the University of Utah presented an outstanding display of modern dance. aft~~~~MM~,~--

Mexico b came the setting for "Orchcsis" presentation.


Bingham shares th ir talent during exchang' assembly.

Lively music was the basis of Bingham's ass 'rnbly f aturing Jordan stars.

Football and dance are similiar, according to the Orchesis narrator.

A hilarious skit was performeCl for Jordan students on the opening day of school.

n ral Maxw 11 E. Ri h enlightens Jordan students with discussion of world awar n ss.

Granger High students entertain Jordan during traveling exchange assembly.


"Cheerleaders" show great enthusiasm directing this cheer.

A well-pleased Jordan student body leaves the gym aft 'r the lasl p p a bly before the tournament.


Th ' harlonian Patrol" nters ar na. Thi hilarious skit was f

The pep assemblies this year presented to the student body talented and colorful performances by cheerleaders, Charlonians, pep band, and other students. The school spirit of Jordan High has been at a new peak this year and the pep assemblies have helped immeasurably in creating this atmosphere.

Our Jordan Tligh Pep Band has add d nthusiasm to our pep assemblies and games. Under the lead •rship of Shenn Smith, president, these boys organized th • Pep Band and gav th ir tim' and talent to promote school spiril al jordan High.

Remnants of teams trodden over by mighty Jordan.

Tlwy nrr - Row One: Steve llul-(hcs, Prc~ton Lloyd, Byron Colton, John Taylor, St plwn R ad ·r, Slwrm Smith, President How Two: Lynn t vcns, Glen Sudbury, Cordon Douglas, L • Fugal , jack ' icol , Jay \Vcavcr, Dan 1\lcConnell.

Carl Leatherwood and Jay Whiting were cheerleaders in the A Cappella's skit.


The Hag twirlers are a new group at Jordan Iligh S hool. Their harp uniforms and Hag twirling has add d color and p p to our half-time shows and pep assemblies. They are: Ann Neilson, Carol Lunn n, huron Gardner, Judy Forbush, Geri Bishop, Ann Finlayson. Standing firmly behind our sch ol 'band".

The lively senior girls showed great school spirit throughout th entire year.

Sophomore girls ent rtain during on our football p p assemblies.


"Hmmm, oh, I'm in the mood for love ..."'



/ "Look! Up in the corner! It's a bird I It's a monster! Lt's a ... Yep, it's a monster.

stupid, you owe m p nni s."

"Pinch me will ya, ya little @ o • & t:@ # !''

"Oh no! Millet and sorgum again?"


"Oh look Charlynn, a MAN!"

The daily trek to the salt mines.



Yes, time is our common bond of unity for young, for old, for all. It binds our path of understanding so we're steadfast, stable, and tall. Our lives are symbolic of nature, resembling that of a sieve. Straining notions of growing and clearing a path to live. Time is a stage for life; it comes, passes, then goes, Carrying friendships, memories, and experience, with maturity that God only knows. In parting, time flies as fate- For it seems that life whirls by, Picking up particles to keep when memories begin with a sigh. Time unfolds its keepsakes through power of joys and strif s. And uncovers vivid events during ... lhe ... "TIME OF OUR LIVES."


DE NIS MEEKS February 2, 1941 - O<:tohC'r 1.'5, H

How stnmgc it is that man on earth sh01dd ro.un, a11<l h·ad A life of woe, but not forsak · his m~~l'd path; nor dmP Uc view alone his fnturc doom \vhid• is but to ,m:ake.


I~ ADMINISTRATION Alvey, Merle E. ·······-··············-··· 12, 95 Andcf'On, Stunley ·······················-··· 12 Bugky, Fronk ...... -··-·····--···-··· ....... 12 Btnn10n, Dcunc: .. .. ··-··-··················· 12 Blmll, Melvin ················-··········--··-. 12 lliuntht, Emc" ····-················-·········· 12 Blnck, Kim .................................. !2, 86 Ilobctg, Lowell -·-·····.. ............ JZ Boyce, l'nul ... ... -......... .. ..... 12 llruJy, Kenne<h ......................... . 12, 95 Brow n, Blu111e .......................... ... 12, 94 BuJ~e, DonnlJ ·····-···········-··· 12, 91 l~rndy) Kenneth ... ..... ................•... 11, 95 CrnwloH.I, 13..:vcdy .....-. -··-··· 12, 74 Crump, Shcrm . . ........................... 12 Dcnn, Leo ... ········-·······-····............ 11, 99 Deem, Gene .... ············-··"····-··········· JZ [vnn,, llowurd ----·---·-·······-· 12 Fru ;er , Goldu ...... ··-·---- - - ... 12 Jumble, Mdvin ..................... -··-··· J2 Gunnel. Farrel .. . ....... ........... .... .• 12 llcaly, )tm . .. .. !3, 118, !22, 124, 132 llcndtf'On, Beny ... ... ... ... 13, 86 llt.:ndnck~">on, LnMnr .. .. 13, 98 lluNh«, Attltur J l, 85, 118, 122, I JO llumphcrey,, lllunche .. ·-··-·-·-·-· I 3 jucbon, Glen .. .. 13, 114, 126, 127 jucbon, Wendell ... ····- ..... 13, 78 Jane., i'vl'TI ..... ··-··--···-·" 13, 114 Knmniknr, Frnnk ... .......... .... 1J Kcnnin~ron,

Ecmcr'lon ......

Kerr, Arddl Kunzltr, Grunt


Krw:l'tn, Robeu Lim!, lloyd


Linford, llownrd .• l.yon, john



14, 80, 81

............_ ...... 14, 19 14, 75 .. . 14



Mtln,·, C >nrlynn 14, 89 Milne, DonuiJ .. 14, 80 NcJ.on, Murne 14. 86 01'"'• Donuld ____...._............ 14 !'nee, Rnlph --···-----14 Pixwn, Roherr ··-·--· ... 14 !'and, jay . -·····--·-·· 14, 80, !CO Ruw"m, Oruhc 14, 90, 96 Jtu,en, Arlund .. . . H Sucu•, .ltn 14, 81, IOl, 104 Schmidt, Dorothy 14, 74 Snrl, jumcs


Shirtliff, Joy --·-·----- . IS Scumnn, lleil-n - - - - - · 15, 74 Shunltlf, /""'"" --· .. -·-·· 15 Soulier, G en ·-··...- ....._..... IS Swt·nson, luMnr ··--·-·-- )5, 78 I uun, Roben .. ............... _. 1~. 117 I hom'"• Fnyc --15, SR I rnnt(;r, GcrtrlH.I~.: ...........................- .• IS WnJe, Wnnuu .. _ _ _ 15, 7·1 \Valkcr, Atl\tin ..--···-·..····· IS \Vu"'-lcn, jed - ..·-··-·-.. 15 Yutcs, Mnnlyn .................._ .. II, 7·1. RO n,,hup, Glorln .. IS Kemp, Bnnlce --·----· 15 Mn'ICnra, Rne ·---·---·-·-·-· 15 llt•cbtenu, Delo• --~· 15, 16 LutM>n, Mnhl'l ·--·-·-""" IS Golubron\On, Phil ---11 cu,ncr' jesse ____ ,______ 11' 80 Fi!:trAerniJ, Mnry --···--·· II. 74 Sundcr'oOn, G. Reed · · · - - - 10 lnylur, Dunn ·-------·II D11tcmnn, Murlon ... -----···· .. 9 Buxton, lyde -------··-·· 9 Crnwford, C. N. ···---·-··-··-· 9 )tmn•. Bob .... 9 ~ru<n'<ln, j. \V, _______ ., ___ .. 9 heudon, John __ -···-·-- .... 9 llt•cbtcod, Reed ·--·-·--··- .• 8 Ainsworth, Oule ··-·-·-·-···.. 16 1\cckMend, Ro.• -··---16 llrunJ, Roscun -···--·-··-· .. 16 Brown, Evelyn .. . --·--··--· 16 DowJinR, I luzel .. ··----··--- .. 16 NicJ,cn, Allee ..... ·······-·-·--·.. ··--· 16 Nell!On, Arvol ... 95 STUDENTS

A Ahrom<, Dou~r 43. 99. 147 Abrums, Korhy . 57, 82, R9 Adnm<, Dcnni< .. 25, 95 Adnms, Evlnuo ..... _____ .,_____ 43 Adnm•, Fronk ... ····-·-·-·--·-··· 57

Adams, June -·····-···-··-··-·---··· 57, 100 Adams, Ken ···········-······-·····-·---··--· 57 Adams, Steve ···-······-·······-·····-··········· 43 Adamson, Connte ···-······--····--··· 57, 87 Adolphson, Dtck ···-·····-··-··--··-··-··· 25 Adolphson, Gary ·······-··--·-···-·······-- >7 Ain~worth, James ···-··-···-··-·-···-······ 2J Am ~~wo nh, Janet ·······-··- ... ···-····--·


AJioka, John ................ 43, 85, 127, 130 Akugt, Mark ···-········ 57, 107. 117, 127 Aldtr, Su-.n ········-·····-··--·······-·-·-··· 57 Alexnnder, judy -············---····--·--········ 25 Alldredge, joan ···-····· ·-·-········-·-··· )7 AIIJredge, FrcJ ····--··-··--·-········ 57 Aikman, judy ........................................ il Alkn, Bob ................................ 43, 99, 124 Allen, Kny . -·····-···-·-········-- 43 All. n, Muty ... -··· - · - ...... 43, 87 Allen, Sundra .... ..................... ............... 57 AllmLm.lmgt:r,



~3, 80

Andcmn, Gary .................................... 57 Andcmn, jtll . - ··--· ....... 48, 57, 82 AnJ.-r,on, Brent .. ... .. 23. 25, 82, 1C6 107, JOB, 115, 132 Andor;on, Dnvid ···········-·-······ -··· 43, 86 AnJer\Qn, Dean .... 5b, 57, 78, 117. 125 Andcrwn, Gcrl . ·- -··-···-·····---····-··· 57 Andcr>On, Knrcn . ···-·---···-····--····· 57

~~~~;~~: E,~r; •• ~-:-.. . :. .=~~:.~---4~,


Andctson, Lawrence -··- ......... 16, 25 Andt:r!'>on, Lynda -·· -·-·····- ···- . 25 Anderson, Mtlo _ ... --···-·-·· 25, 86 Ander ;on, Puul .... --··--·· 25, >9 Andcr>on, Sandra .. • ... --··---- . 57 Andcr,.,n, Vtc ·-· ·-·-·· 25. 79, lUi Anutcws, Mury june ---·-···-····-··· 57 Andn:ws, Md·.:c - - - - - · - ~1 Andrus, Loy Ann -··---·-··· 43 Anunts, !'nul . -· 3i, 79, 82, 89 102, 106, 107 Andru.,, RoAtr ......... 25, 85, 126, 117 Andnt<, Wuync .. -·-····-··---- .. 57 An~cl<', Mtchucl ------· 43, 131 Ant:nk, Mn11lyn ...... - - - - · · 25 AtthtbniJ, Glcnuu . --···--·······-··· 43 Atchulcw, Arthte ..... --··· 25, 8), 130 Archulun, Dl·11ni!'> .. ··---····-·-··· 57 Archulttn, Steven .. -----····· 57 Archulctn, Wtlmn - - - - - - - - · 43 Atmstron~. Grc~g ··-·-·· 57, !('(), 117 A"ty, Susiln -······-···-··· 57, 87 Ashby, Dcnnts .... ·---------- 57 A'hmun, Kent • 78, 85, 89, 99, 106 107, lCB, liQ, 110 Askew, Bob ...... --·---·-- 43, 82 A"m~u, Gwen ....... -···· 25, 94, 95, 97 Atkll1'<ln, Shuuna ----·-········· 43, 87 Atktn,on, Sktp ·----·····-··-··· 57

B lln~l,y,


-·--···--······· 25, 82

Lhuky, Jnm~:s - - - - ---·· 25 ll<un, Curol - · · - - - - - - - - · 57 Bn11d, Glendu - - ..................... 25, 82 Bnkc.:r, Bunnu: ·-------·--····-··- 25 llnltch, jnhn - - - - · · - - - 41 BnlltnJ, Afton - - - - - 43,82 Bnllnrd, Gcor~c - - · - - · - 25 Bolllk!->, Dillf'Hl Lynn - - - · · - 57 Bunnon, Mnrdyn ·····---········-··57 Burn~;~. Juhe . - - - - - · · 43 ..-- 25, 89, 91, IC~ J3;~rncy, Donold Burnn. Matu1nc ... ·--------·-· 43 Bnrrun, Jumt!-. - - 25,99 Bu -. unn, Dov1d -·-··-·-··-··-·- 25, 86 Jh,tiun, Kent - - - · - · - 57, 86 Btmmun, Chcryl ...- - - . 25, 81, 99 109, liZ, 113 llutcmon, Gory -····· ---· Zl, ICB Buwdcn, Otun 23. 25, 78, 106, 107, lOB Lll-nn, Ktm .. --·--··- 43, 130 B<·nn, l.esltc . .. ·····-··-··-··· - .... 57 Becbtcod, Dinnn ... --··--·-··-- 43 HL·ck'-teud, Maurine _ ·--· ...··- 25, 9Q Beckstrom, Dcunna . ···········-······· 57, 82 Bcuont, [rnte 25, 82, 78, 85, JOB, I 15 Bee", Borbora . .... ··--·--··· 43, 82 Belcher, Emylcc ···--··--··-··-·--·-- 57 Bdchcr, Marlene -··--·- ···-·········-··· 25 Btl!, Crotg .. .. -·-·-··-·····-·· 57. 107 fkll, Ke11h .. - --··-·-·-- 57 llcll, L111do ... ·----------··· 57, 87 Btl loch. Srcvrn ...... ·······-····-·--··--·-· 57 Bellows, Gerold ···-······-·········-·-·--· 43 FkntH~u, Irvin . . . -··----··-········· 43 Bt:nnion, Brent .. --··-··---·-····-·--·- 25

Bennion. Tommy ···-·-·--···---···-··-··· 43 Bennion, Reggie ·--······-·-··-··-······-··· 43 Benson, Gordon ···-···--·--·-·--······-··-·- 43 Benson, Lynn ···-······--·····-··-····-·-··· 43 Benrley, Su""n ···-···········-·····-··---··-··· 57 Beratto, Kay --···-··-·-·--·-·-·-··---··· 57 Berett, Vaughn -··-·-··········-····-·· 58, 8l Bc1ger, Marianne ·-·-·--····-····-··-··· ~3. Bl Berltng; Wayne ...................................... 57 Bergman, Andy --·····--·-··· 26, 86, JCS Bergan, Rtchnrd ························-···--·---· 57 Bernardo, Geraldtne ···········-··········-··· 26 B(·rrur, Launi ···-··················· 23, 57, 82 Berry, Linda ···-··-··············-··········· 58, 82 Bess, Kaylene ............................................ 4 3 Bt·~t, Linnira ···-·······-······························ 58 Btgg;, julte ................................................ 26 Btl!, Btlboa .......................... 58, 124, lb Btlls, John ················-······ 43, 85, 86, 144 Btll;, Karren .................... 24, 26, 83, Bills, Maloy ............................................ 43 Btltz, Clara ·······-··-···--··--········-··· 58, 87 Brrch, Kathy 43, 80, 82, 89, 96, 97. 99 Brrchell, Bruce ........................ 26, 85, ICS Bird, Kaye ······-··· .. ····-··-····--·· 27, 83, 99 Bird, Paultne ·--··--·-·- 43, 82, 8i B"hop, Bonnie ···········-·· 23, 43, 74, 80 89, 90, 98, 100 Bbhop, Geri .... 43, 80, 82, 104, 145, 154 Bishop, Linda ···-··-··-·········-·-··-··· 58, 87 Bi>hop, \V. Thomas ·········---··· 26, 90 BJork, DeAnn --··-······--·-····- 26, 84 Black, Cltnton ··········---·-··-······-··--·-··· 26 Blurr, Btl! ·-··-- 26, 78, 81, I 11. I 13 Blarr. Davtd ···-·-··-··-··-·--··---······- 44 Blntr, Raben ···-··-···---···-···-·· 26, 78. 82 Blanco, Ca rmcn ···--···-··············-··-·· 44 Blaney, Marie ·--·······-········· .. ···········--· 44 Blaney, Mdvin .............. 85, I 15, 130, 131 Blotnick, Loui.e ........... -................. 26, 88 Bluemel, jeanette ····-·-··--··· 44, 82, 90 Bodell, Johnny -··-····--·-··-··-··-··-·- 44 Bo~gcss, Btl! ·--··-·········-··-····-····· 26, 85 Bogges.•, Eddie ··-···-·-··-··-··-··--·--··· 44 Bogges~, ]cunne: ···-··-··-·---···-·-······ 58 Boggc", jerry ·····---···-·------·--··---- 26 BonJ, Dorothy ···-·-··-···----····-·-··· 58 Booth, Linda ···--·-··-······--··-··· 58, 82, 87 Bor~. Bonnie ··-······· 23, 14, 26, 83, 144 Bo;wcll, Rtchard ·······-··-·-··---·-- 4-1 Bowen, Jeri --·-·-······-···----··-··-··--··· 58 Bowen, M 1ke ·-··-··-·--.. ······-··-·--··-··· 58 Bowen, Rolph -·-·············-··-· .. ··· 58, 86

~~:!;.-, ~~~~~e ...·~·-·:::·.~-~--·.·.:·~--~--.-:~~-------- __:~· ~ g~:l~:: ~~i~rd·-.·.::~:.:::·:. .:~--~.::·.-.-.~~---Z 6 ' I~

Bowlco, Sharon ................................ 44, 87 Boyce, David -·····-··---····-··· 26, 99, I 30 Boyle, Btl! ·······-··-·······-···-·····-····-······· 16 Brnd,haw, Carey ········-····--· 58, 82, 87 Brady, Bob ···········-······-·····-··········-·-···· 44 Brady, Del .................... 44, 85, 126, 127 T3rady, Don ···········-······-······--··----·- -14 Brady, Gene ····-··------··········-······ , 107 Brady, Larry ........................... -............... 58 Brady, Lu Ann ········-··········-········-······· 58 Brady, Ldn -··-···············-······-······· 26, 99 Brew~ter, Ro~s ·····-·······--···-···-······-··· 44 Brtmhnll, Brad ··-··-·····-········ 26, 85, 115 119, 1!2, 124 Bnmhnll, Glenda .................... !6, 87. 99 Bnndlcy, Kent ···-··-···-······L-··-· 44, 86 Bnn~hur!\r, Lorry _ ····-···-···-··-····-- 86 Bnnkerholf, Dee -·····-··········--····-·-·· 4i Bnnton, Hammond ----·····-·····-··· 44, 86 Brklacy, Sharon .....................- 26, 83, 97 IOZ, 105, 147 Broadhead, Doug -····- 44, 100, 122, ll4 Brough, Ma"hall ···-·-·-··-··-·-··-·--··· 58 Brown, Craig ···-··-·--.................. 38, 100 Bro\\'n, Dolores ···-···············--·-·-····-···


Brown, Elaine ------······-·--··· 26, 84, 90 Brown, Goy Lynn -·-····-·····---····-· 44 Brown, llal ·-----··--··-·····-······ 23, 44 Brown, )elf ··--····-·-··· 23. 58, 107, 117 Brown. julie ···-·········--·····-······· 26, 82, 87 Brown, Kathi --··--··-··-··-·-····-·····-· 44 Brown, Kathy ------·-·-·-·-··-··· 26, 99 Brown, LaRae ···-·-··-·-··-·····---·--····· 58 Brown, Merrill ···-·-·-·--··-··-····-··-··-· 58 Brown, Phil ··-··-··-·-··-·-···-·-·-········· 26 Brown, Ross ···-·-···-·--··-·--·-- 44, 86 Brown, Sharon ···-···--··-··········-··· 58, 87 Brown, Shirley ···--····-···-··-··-····--·· 58 Buchanon, Don --·-··-·-··-·-······· 58, 100 Brown, Vern --···------·-···--·---··-·· 58 Buchanon, Gaylord ···-·.. ·--······· 58, 91

Buchanan, Mary ---··----·-··-·-··-··· 44 Buehn, Ella Marie -·---··-·-- 27, 98, 106 Buhler, judith ···-····---·- 44, 80, 82, 99 Buhler, Marilynn ···-···-·-·--····---·· 58 Bulkley, Raben D. --···-··-··-··-··-··-··· 27 Bullett, Joe -··-·-·-······--·-·······--··-······· 27 Bullock, Alan ···-··-··---··-··· 58, 117, 127 Bullock, Patricia ·----··-·-···-··-·-···--· 4-4 Buhler, Dan ·····--··-···-·····-······-·····-···· 58 Burbank, Jim --·-·-······-··-··-··-··--·· 58 Burbank, Sherie .............................. 27, 104 But btdge, jean ···-··-················--·------···· 44 Butgon, Kathy ................ ............ 44, 83 Burke, jo Anne ...................................... 58 Burke, Tom my ·······-····-............. 58, 100 Burningham, Merlene -····-···················· 58 Burns, Arne! ............................ 23, 44, 80 Bu;arh, Barbara ................................ 44, 87 Bu;.enbark, Rodger ···--········-·-·· 38, 89 Butler, Brenda ·-----· .. ·-·-········--·-······ 58 Butler, Karen ·······-··········· 42, 44, 82, 86 Butterfield, Linda .................. 44, 82, 104 Butterfield, Raben -·····----··-··-··· 13, 44 Butterfield, Verla ···-·--·--···· ..······· 27, 84 Bywater, Gary -··-······-··-·--········--··· 58

c Caine, judy ----··--·--····-·--·-··-·Caldwell, Annette ·--·--···-···-··-·-·.. 58 Caldwell, Pam ···-·-···---··---·-·· 44, 82. Cameron, Cherie ···-·-····-·····-··-··-····· 58 Campbell, Dale --····---···----···--·· 27 Campbell, judy ··-··--··-··---· 23, 59 Cannmg, David ........_................... 23, 27 Carlquisr, Lynn ·--··-····- 44, 85, 99, 127 Carlstn, joAnn ---··-·-··--·--·····- 27, 88 Carlsen, Larry ···-···---·--.. ··-··-··-·-··-·· 27 Carl><n, Terry ···-···-·-··-··-··-··-···-·-··· 59 Carbon, Gatl -··-·--·--·-·-··· 27, 82 Carlson, Lee ···-·····-········-··-·-·-····-· 27 Ca rison, A. Gary ··-··-····---··-····-·-··· 59 Carlson, Leon -·-·--·-··········· 59, 86, I 17 Carlson, Lcs --·---·-··--··-·---·· 27 Carbon, Todd ···-··-----·--···--····-··· 59 Carlston, Karen -·-··-··---··-··-··· 44, 100 Carpenter, Barbara ··-··--··-·-··-·····-··· 27 Carpenter, Michael ···---·····-·-·- 44, 86 Carpenter, Reggie ···~-·-··-··-····---··· 59 Carpenter, Sharon ···-·-··-··-··········-·· 27 Curpenccr, Steven ·-····-··-·····-·----~ 44 Carr, Dunne ·--··-··-··-··--··-··-··-·-··· 59 Carrigan, Claudio ............ 44, 80, 82, 99 Carroll, Brent 23, 44, 79, 85, 100, 115 Carroll, Sundrn ··----·----··-·····--······· 59, 87 Carter, Bob -·······--·····-·········--·-··-····-· 44 Caner, Mary ···-······-·················-······-· 59 Carter, Sherry ··-····-·--······-··········· 59 Cartwright, Sue ··-··-···-····-··-······· 59, 82 Cavngnolo, Sandra ............ 44, 82, 87, 89 Cavagnolo, Sharon R. ·-·59, 82, 87, 104 Chamb.rltn, Cherie ...... 17. , 90, 97 Chappell, Ed ··-···-···-···········-········· 59, 89 Chave,, Dtane .......... 22, 27, 83, 94, 95 Chnvc,, Gene ........................ 59, 125, IJ2 Chemngton, Mark -·········-·····-······-··· 59 Chtde;<cr, Larry .................... 59, 91, !('() Chn>ten;en, Carolyn .................... 44, 87 ChnMensen, David ·····--···-······--··-... _ 45 Chri;rensen, Jane .................................. 45 Chrhtensen, Mtchael ···········--··-·········· 59 Chno:;ren~en, l-.1orri~ ···········-······-········ 45 Chn!itenstn, Sammy ···········-·······-···- 59 Clark, 'nncy ··-·-·- 45, 80, 82, 89, 9i • 95, 106, 107 Clarke, Dclsa -·-······-··----·-···-- 49, 87 Clarke, John .................... 45, 78, 82, lOZ

104, 106, 107 Clrg, Richard ---··--····-··-·-- 16 Clement, Mary -··-···---·-·--·-··---· 27 Clemenrs, Karen ·-·-···--···-·-·· 59, 81 Cole. Marilyn -·-·······-·-···--·-·--···-·- 45 Coleman, Margaret ·--·-··-··········-··-- 59 Coleman, Ruth -·---··--··-··· 45 Colledge, Jay -·-··-··-·----·---· 45, 86 Collerr, David -·-·---······-··---- 27 Collett, Donald ·----····-·-······-·-··-· 27 Colltns, Bob ···-··-··--- 45, 122, 124, 130 Collms, Lee -·------··-----·-··-····-· 27 Colton, Bryon ...• 27. 82, 100, 153, 131 Canary, Joe -----···--·-··· 45, 127 Conger, Terry·---·-·--··-··-·--··· 45 Conkle, Dtane -·----·-·-····... 59 Cook, Richard ---·-----·-·-··-··· 45 Cook, Sandra ·-···-··-·--·-·-- 59, 74, 147 Cook, Steve -·-··---·-----··-·····-··· 59 Coppage, Don-·-··-·-------·-· 59 Costanze, Leanard ------······· 59, 86


Costanza, Rosemar ie --··----···-·-····· 45

Castillo, Mary ···------------·-·-··-··-·· Couch, Darla ···-······-··-·---------- 45, Coulter, Linda ---------------··-··· Courier, Steve ---··-···--·--··-··-··- ··-·· Courrier, Mareth ---··-······--······- 49, Covington, Brent ···-······-··-······-··· 28,



59 27

87 86

Covington, Lynn -·---·-··-··-··-··-·- 45

Cowdell, Bruce -----------·------ 28, 85, 115 124' 126, 127 Cowdell, Kathleen ----·-··-···-·-·-· 45 Cowdell, Melvin --····-····- ·-··---··· 28 Cowdell, Randy __________.23, 59, 75, 78 107, 117 Cowley,Craig --------·----- 45, 86 Cowley, Janet ------------- 28, 82, 89 104, 106, 107 Cox, Maurine ······-······-· 23, 45, 82, 104 Cox, Mosryn ------·-··-··· 23, 28, 108 Cox, Jerry ···-··-----·-··-·-··-------· 45 Craig, M1ke ···-----------·····-·-··-··-- 45 Crondal!.,_ Russell ······-·-····-··--····-····-· 28 Crane, L.orol ···-··-··-··-··-··-··-··-··· 45, 82 Crane, Dick ·--······-·-·· 45, 75, 82, 85 102, 126, 127 Cressall, Terry ···----·--·-···-·-··· 45 Crosgrove, Chad ---·----·--···-·-··-· 45 Crosgrove, Lindo ···---------------· 45 Crum, Madelyn -------·-··-· 45, 87 Cude, Bruce ··-··-·-······------ 45, 86 Cundick, Linda -·-··---··--······-··· 49, 82 Curtis, Dale -----·--·-··-··-··-··-··-·· 45 Curtis, Carol --------·-··-·····-·· 45, 87 Curtis, Kent ···------- 85, 11 5, 119, 122 Cutler, Glenda ···-··-··-·······-·········· 59, 82

D Dahl, Maureen ···-······-·-··-··-·-·--·-·- 59 Dalley, Robert···-··-··-··· 59, 78, 117, 127 DamJanovich, Martha ···-·------ 45, 80 87, 89, 106, 107 Dansi<, Rald on ---·----·-·-····-·-··-··· 60 Dougherry, Barbara -·······---·-----·-·- 60 Davenport,

Bonnie --·

60, 82, 89, 104

Davidson, Diane ---·--------·-···-.... 60 Davidson, Gregg -·-··-··-·-··-··-··-··· 60 Davies, Michael ---------·· 60, 125 Davis, Bob ···-·-··-···-··-··------·--·--- 45 Davi s, Carole ········-······················-· 28, 84 Davis, Dian no ··-··· 28, 90, 96, 97 , 105 Davi s, Kennerh ···-······-··-······--··-·-· 45 Doy, Diona ---·-·-·--- 29, 84, 95, 109 Day, Gordon ···-·-··-··-·-······-·-··---· 60 Day, Kathy -·------·---·-··-··-·-··· 28, 84 Day, Ri chard ···-··-··-··-··-··· 28. 85, 115 Day, Steve ···-··-····-----··--· 28, 85, 115 Dazley, Joanne ---·--···-·-··· 45, 104 Dean, Denni s ··----·-··---·-··-·-····--· 60 Deason, Larry -----------··-··-··-··· 46 d e Geus, Bttsy ·--··-·-··-··-··-··--·--·· 46 de Gtus, William ··-····-·-··-··-··-······· 28 DeGraffenried, Dennis ···-··-··-··· 46, 86 DeGroot, Eloise ···-······-····--·--··---- 46 Delgado, Nash ··-··--·--·-·········-·-··-· 28 De Luca , Ken ···-······-··-··· 46, 126, 127 Deming, Mike ---------·-··-··--·-··· 60 Demke, Raylene ···-·-·····-------- 46, 82 Dennis, Loretta ···-··-··-··-·-··· 46, 82, 90 Densley, Carol ···-·-··-··-··············-······· 46 Dtnsley, Kar<n ---·-··-··-·--······-··-·-·· 46 Densley, Randy ------·········---··· 28, 82 D ensley, Terry ----·--·-··-····· 46, 80, 90 Despain, Darwin --··-··-··-··-······-··-··· 60 Dtspai n, Ka t ···--·--·-··············-··-··· 46, 87 Despain, Shtryl -------·-····-··-·-··-·- 28 Dibb, Dole ·------··-··-----·-···-·------ 46 Diggs, Johnny ···-······-------·-··-······-·· 28 D1mond, T risha -·-··-··········-··-··-----·· 60 Dongo, John ···--------· -· 46, 106, 107 Dinius, Bob ···-······-··-··--·-·-··-··· 60, 107 Dinius, Carla ···--·-····--······-··· 28, 90, 96 Dory, Jan« ···-··-··-··-·········-········-----··· 60 Dory, Mik< ···-·······-·-····-········-····· 60, 117 Dougdale, Ri ckey ......................... 60, 127 Douglas, Bruce ·······--·-·-·······--.. 60, 127 Douglas, Cecil ······--·--········-··-······-··-· 28 Douglass, Gordon ···-··-·-··· 29, 100, 153 Dow, Elroy ····-····-·· 28, 78, 82, 89, 102 104, 106, 107 Dowd, Dale ···-······-··· 60, 100, 124, 125 Dowd, Mike ....... .46, 82 , 149, 127, 139 Doyle, Mark ···········-··········-········--· 60, 109 Doylt, Tony ···--·-··-······---·········· 28, IC9 Drape r, Iva -·---··-······--····· ... ···-·· .. ·· ..


Draper, Shouno ·······-·-··-·········-··· 28, 98 Droyu, Fred ·······--·---·-·····-·······-··-··· 60

g~~l:~: ~rk: :::=:=:=:::::::::::==::=::.~::: ~

Dunn, Carolyn ···--------·-······ 29, 99 Dunn, Duane ···-··----·-·····-····· 46,86

Durrant, Patsy --··-··---·----··-··-·- 60

Durrant, Paulo ------·--··-··-·· 46, Durrant, Thomas -------------····· --·Dye, Timothy -····--·····-·-·------· Oytt, Bill ------------------



29 60 16

E Eberc, Linda ···--·-··········-·-------·--·-··· 60 Edmunds, Launa ···-··-··-······-·-··--·-· 46 Edwards, Paul -·····-··-··-··-··-··-······-··· 60 Eklund, Alice -----------··-··-·-·-·· 46 Eklund, Henry -·-··-----·-·················· 60 Elder, Pocrick -·-··········-··· 23, 29, 94, 95 99. 102, 108 Eldredge, Dick ·······---·-·-·----·-··-··· 60 Elison, Elwin ···········-······-··-··-·-··-··· 60 Elizondo, judy -·····--·-···--·--·-·-··-- 60 Ellis, Kraig -------·- 29, 85, 126, 127 Elmer, Verno Mae --·--·-·-······-··-··-··-· 46 Elswood, Edward ···-··-----------· 60, 107 El cz, Pa c ·······--·····-···-·-··-·-··--·····--·· 46 Emerson, Kathy -·-·-···-··-·--·--·- 46 Emms, Michael -------------------··· 46, 100 Ennis, Kit -----··-··-··-··· 23, 60, 117. 127 Enn10, Merrill ···········--·-·······-· 23, 29, 85 108, 115, 126, 127, 129 Enniss, Roy ·······--·-···-··············--··-··· 16 Erekson, Mary Lou ···-··-··-··----··· 82 , 88 Erickson, Judy ···-······--·-···-·-····----- 60 Erickson, Linda ···-··-··-··-······-··· 46, 80 Erlenboch, C laire - ---·······-·-··-··-··· 29 Eror, Pearl --······--···-·--·-··-·--- 29, 88 Error, Don ···-·-··-··--··· 29, 94, 95 , 99 Ercmann, )1mmy ---·--··-·-··-··-······· 29 Essex, Bob ···-··-··-··········---·-··-··-··-··· 29 E sex, Carol ···-··-··-····--····-··---···· ... 61 Evans, Elizabeth ···-·····-···-·---·-·--· 61 Evu ns, Judy ···-······-······-·-····-··--·- 29 Evans, Michael ·······-··-··················· 16, 46 Evans, Porn ···-···-·····--·--·-········-··-······· 46 Eyre, Glenn -----------···-······--··-·· .... 29

F Fagg, Manonne ·········--·-······· 46, 87, 90 Fahrini, Sue ···--·-----·--·········-·-·--·- 61 Foirbourn, Earon ···-···-·-···- 23, 42, 46 78, 85, 11 5, 126, 127 Fairbourn, Gloria ···-·-··-·--------··· 61 Former, Billy --·····-······· 23, 29, 75, 78 85, 108, 11 5 Farnsworth, Ilene ···-·--·--·-··-·--··· 29 Feltz, Larry ···-··-·--·-··--· 29L82, 89, 98 lll't, 106, 145 Felton, Wade .. ········-···--···-··-.. -··-··· 61 Fensfermoker, Ivan --·-············-······· 61

Ferguson, Alan -------··-·-- .. -·-·-· -··· 46 Fife, Joyann• ··-··· 23, 61. 82 , 104, 144 Finlayson, Ann -·-··-··-··· 56, 61, 82 154 Findling, Larry ···-····-···· 23, 61, 107, 125 Fishtr, Mary Anne -·-·-··--·-··-· ·-· 29 F.sher, Phylli s ---··-··---·--···· ·-··-·-··· 61 Ftsher, Randy ·---·-···---------·- 61, ll 7 Fmgerold, C heryl ·---··---· ····-··-··-··· 61 Fmgerold, Ed ·--····-·······-···· ·-····· 23, 29 Fltz~tru ld, June 29, 82, 88, 99, 102, FltZgtrold, Sibyl --------·-· 46, 80 82 Fivas, Marlins ···-··-·····-··-· -·····---··· 61 Fleming, Fred ···-·····-··-··---··-··-··-··-· 61 Flint, Krlsun ········-----··----·-··-······-· 29 Flores, Ewernnzo -·-······-··-··-··-··· 46, 87 Forbush, Norman ··-······-········· ....... _... 61 Forbrush, judy ---······--·-··-··· 46, 80, 151 Forg1<, Harold ......... ----·--··· ....... .. 61 Forre,.er, Gtorgia ---·-··-··· ........ 46, 87 Fortner, Melvin -·--····-··--··-······-··-··· 61 Foss, Sue ···-··------·-·-····----··· 61, 82, 87 Fosr<r, Richard --···--·--··-····---······ .. 29 Fowltr, Brtnc ···-·····---·· ····-· -··· 61 Fowler, Lucille ----------·· ..... 29 Francom, )1m ···-·-···-····-······-- 61, 117 Franklin, Ca rolyn _______ , ___ 61, 82, 87 Freeman, Dean ··-· ----. .. 23 , 61, 82 Frisbr,, Bill ··-··-·- ···- -· ... -·- 47 Frois ond, ) eon -·-·---··-·-- ····-··· 29 Fugal, Le• -·-· ..... 29, 79, 89, 100, 106, 107, 108, 109, 149, 160 Fullmer, Gtrold ···-······-·- .. 29, 100, 108

G Gabler, Harvey ----··--· ..... ---------- 29 Gamonga sco , Tony ···-····· .... .. ...... 61 Ganz, William ... 29, 85 , 99 , 11 9, 130 Ga rcia, Esther ··-··-·-· ...... -·· 61, 87 Gordner, Lmdo Kay 47, 82 , 87 , 99, 14 5 Ga rdn er, Sharon '17, 80. 82, 115, 151 Garfield, V1cki ... _ 47 Gorntr, Lynn .. ...... _. _ _ 61, 125 Go therum, Down ... ··-·······-··-----··· 47 Goufin, Fronk ... --····-····--·-- .. 29, 79 Giuugue, Paul ···- - - ..... 17 Gibson, Ca rl ..... -·----- .. 61, 127 Getman, Shirly Mae - - - - 30, 82, 87 Glad, Richard - ·-··-·····-· 61,127 Glade, Vick, ·--·· ------~. 61 Gltnn, Robm .. 47 Glover, Br<nt - - - · - - ·-------·· 47 Glov<r, Don 30, 85, 88, 114, 119, 122 Glovtr, Ea rl ··--·-------· .30, 99, 100

Goff, David -·- ·· 16, 14, 47, 90, 96, 97 Goff, Glen ···-·-·------· 17, 82 Goff, Judy ·· --·-··----··-······· .30, 82, 87 Goff, Susan --·······-······-··-·-·--·-·· ··- 61 Gold, Bryonr -----·--·--·-·· 47, 100 Gomez, )o< ·--·--··-··-----·- 47, 126, 127 Gonzales, John ---------····-··-······-· 61 Gonzales, Rosa leo -·--······-··-······-····· .30 Gorringe, Gary -------·····-··-·-····· 61 Gorup, Aria ·····-··----·-·-----··-······· 44 Ooudit, Paulecce ·-·-··-···------· 61, 82 Gould, Larry ·--------··-·------··· 61 Gover, Donna Kay-----·--··-·- 30 Graham, Beverly ···-··-··--·---·-··- 61 Graham, Ellen ···---------··-· 61, 82 Gronqui~t, Nancy ·-··-··-·-··--··-·-·· 30 Grone, Kachy ·-----------··-··-·-·- 61 Gray, Carl -------·-··-··----·- 47, 85 Gray, Robtrc ···------··-··-·--------·-· 61 Greco, Omah ---·-··-·-·--·--·- 47, 82 Green, C lavin ------------····--······ .30 G1ecn, Dennis L. -------·····-····-··-··· 61 G reen, Douglas ···-·-··--·---··-······· 61 Green, Sondra ···--·--·-·----··-······ 47 Green, Sharcn ···-·-··-------------- .30 Gretn, Tanya ------------·-··-··---·- .30 Gree nfi t ld , Gtorge ··-----···-·---Greenwood, Af!on -- -··--· 30, 84 Greenwood, Dav1d ···-·· ·-··--- 47, 16 Greenwood, G ltnda ---· -···--·- 47, 82 G reenwood, RoKer B ....... ·-------·-· 61 G rc<nwood, Su>Un •.. . ·-·-··· 22 , 47, 80 82 , 99, 102 Greenwood, Tom -····· ····-- 62 , 117 Grigg;, Bt~rburu ···-··-·-·-······-··· ·- .30 Gnsg•, Connl < Lee ··----··-······ 47, 82 Grow, Ka1tn ·-···········-··-··-·-----·--··· 47 Gu nderson , Byron ...... ----· .30, 108 Gunde"o n, IJennls ·-----······· 47, 127 Gunnell, Leiih --···-··--·--·--·-·· .. 62 G unnell, Mu11lyn ···- - · · · · - · - .30 Gunnell, Rue! ·-··--·-··-------- 47

Hill, Ronald ···-····-·· 62, 107, 117, 127 Hill, Shirlene -·--·--·-·-··-------····-··· 48 II II con, Bruce ···-··-··------·-·-··------·· 62 Hirst, Pom ··--·-·-·-·····--------··-···-·· 62 lloborr, Sylvia ···-·-···-··-·-·---···-· 48 Hod gson, Eddie ·······---··-·········-·-······ .30 Hoffmon, Stanley ···-··--············· 62, 107 Hogenson, Carol ··------··· 23, 31. 82, 88 llolfelcz, Lurie ···-······-··-············-·······-·· 48 Holm«, Steve ··-·-··-··--··· 48, 90, 91 Holmstrom, Ann ··-······-······-···--- 62 Holmstrom, Terry ·······-··------ 31, 82

~~~er~"L..h"··:::=:::::=-~=::::::===-~::::::-~:::= ~~

Horrocks, Corolme -·-··········-··-·····-··· 48 ll orrocks, Keith -·-···-·····-····-···- 62, 117 llouweling, Mnry ·········---······-····-·· -- 62 II ovey, Joe ···-·---·-··-·-·--·----- 18 llovey, Sheila ···--··--·-······-······-·- 62 lloword, Becky ·······-··-···-··-·· 31, 82, 99 llownrd{ Put ···-·····--·--······-·······-·-··· 62 j-lowcro t, Brent --·--·----···· 17, 48, 99 Howcroft, Stephen ------------······-··· 31 Howitt, Arden -·-······-··-··-··--·-··-··-· 62 Hoyn e, Dennis ···-······--·-·-···-······ 62 Hughes, Dave ----·-··-·-···-···-----··· 62 II ughes, Lindo ·--·- ·----·----------- 62, 82 Hughes, Michael ······--··· 31, 108, 132 Hughes, Steven ···-··-··-·-··· 48, 100, 153 llughes, Susun -·········-··--·-··-·· 62, 87 Humphrey, Tool __ ... -·-· .... ...... 62, 82 llunc, Linda --·····--------·· .... 48, 8i llutchin gs, JoAn n .................. 31, 82 , 8i llutchmgs, John ···---····-···-······--··-··· 31 llutchin g•, R1 chord ·-···--·· ............ 62, 91

lpson, Ann ·······-··-·····--···--·················-- 31 lpson, Don ······-·····--·····-····· .. ···-···---· 62 Irvine, Leo ···--·····--·-··-·-··· 48, 9S lzutt, EuKene - · --·-·-··-··-·-···

85, 9S

Izatt, Sheldon -------------· 48

ll lludl ey , Ktnneth -····-------····- 30 lindl ey, Raymond ··-·- ... 62, 89, 100 Jlo gtn, Vern _ ___ ___ 47, 124 llule, C leve -·-·· -·· 20~ 23, .30, 78, 82 85, II Y, 122, 130. 131 II ole, l Ia I -- .......... 17, 119, 122, 130 II a ll, Jon ie ···-··-·-·-- . .. 47, 82 I loll, jean1 c ··- ··-----··· 47, 82 J lull, udy .. _ -------·- .. 62, 82 llollt-t, Gordon --·--··--·------·-· .. J l llolle~, Pat . . -----·-·-·-··· 48 I lulpln , Bob ........ .30, 85, 115, 132 Jl olvo rsen, Ronald -------···-· 62 11om, Judy _ --- 21, 23, .30, 82 llumilton, james -- ___ 47, 90, 100 I land, Lyle ... - - - ·-· _ 62, 82 ll und, Lynda - - - - - - · 62, 82 I 1un..,n, Drew ... - - - · .30, 85, 86, 99 llunsen, Gary ---------------- 17 llunsen, Gayle -----------···-· 62 Jlo mc n, Keith --------··-- 62 ll onsen , Kent L ------------ 23, JO llun ~~en, Kent -- - - - - - - . .. 62, 91 llun ..,n , Myrna . ------------- 62, 82 I lan'>tn, Reed ----------- .• 16, 62 I l un~~<n , Robin ·-· -------- __ _ 62 ll o n ~n. Ronald --·------.30 llan><n, Sand ra .. - - - - - - - - 62 J lon&Cn , Shoron 30 llarvty, Pat - - - - - - - 62 ll ord ca<d e, Ga il - - - - 30, 84 ll ordcosd e, Koren - - - - - 47, 82 ilnrk<r, Judith . - - - - - - .30, 88 l lurp<r, Carolyn - - - 44, 80, 82 llorper, Michael - - - - - - - - - 17 ll"rrymnn, Don • - - - - - 47 llun, Owen ··- . - - - - - - - 47, 86 llunwell, Kuthryn · - - - - - · · .. 47 J Ia sun g•, Duv1d - - - - - - - - .. 47 ll a•ungs, Paul ···-······----·-- . 47 ll a tch, John _ - - - - - · - · 47, 98 I low.,, Loui"' -· 62 ll aye8, Kelly 2J, 125 Jl eup•, Arlan - - - - - - - · · 47, 99 ll eop<, Adcne 48 ll eops, Rodney _ - - - - - '18, 86 ll eki, Williams - -~--···· 30 llclm, Nancy .30, 84 ll e~nbary, Stuart 48 I lcntlnck110n, Chetyl _ _ 4 , 80, 104 J Ienke, Normon - · - - - - - - · 62 I lenncmun, arolyn - - - - - - 62 ll enschke, Su'lln - - - - - - - - · 48 J len!!On, Koy"e - - - - 2), bl, 82 ll epner, Jume• - · - - - · 62, 100 ll crn<r, Kathleen -- JO, 80, 82, 86, 88 I Iuman, Vickie - - - - - 62, 82 ll e'ltltine. Stott 62 ll eu~ly, Gory 48 Hcwut, Lorry _ 48 11111, Barbaro - - · - - - · - - - 48

jacob, Jerr y • ...... 31, iS Jacobs, Shunnu .. 63 , 82 ]ncohson, Don 31, 85, 86, 99. 108 jncohso11, GmNcr ··-·· 63 )tlcob,on , )oun ---·· 63, 89 J•cobson , Nudinc - - - 31, 82, 88 Jucobson, Sh11l cy -·-··----··-- 48 Jnc:k!'!on, Donnn ... 63 Ju c~"" n, Duwn --·····-- ...... 48 lome<, C luuu1 o ····-··--· b3, 82 , 100 Jom e,, l>t•nni s 63 Jumt:~, Jconn lf\c ---·-··-·-b3 juml'S, oycc .. 31 Jnme,, Joyce ... .. 63 Jnn ;cn, Linun 31, 99 Jarum dl o, Denl'< 31 Jnrduw, Shirle y ----Jl )clh, I lyrum · - · · - - - - - - 6) Jells, L10tlu - - - · · · ... .. 6l Jeff s, Robn1 . ...... 31 ·····--···-·-· .. 16, 31 Jenkin•. Cn rol Jcnkm•, Ouv1d .• 31 Jenkins, l>ou~ln • .. 6J )enk111s, Gco 1 ~1U .. 48, 87 Jenkin•, )un it, ···--·--·---·· 63 Jenk 111 , , Jcunt'Uc .. 31 88 j ,•nkln<, Kn1hy ··-··---·--·__ ' 63 48 Jcnkm .,, Lu rr y ) enkm,, LeRoy 6) j ('nkan~, Lo11n Dnva~t _ _ 31 )enkm<, Lynda 31, 82, 86, ~ j enk1n s, MtiiK<tt<r 63, 82 , 10 jcnk1ns, Pnul • ... .. 48 J•nk"''· Puul n 23 , 32, 82, 87. )cn>cn, Cn 1ol ------48 j cn!'ltn, Curol ) cn,cn, Durhl 6? )cl1\cn, IJt11 yl 48, 13· [)Jnnn ''· ·---- 21, 23, 32 , I ~ ) tnscn , Dlunnc .. - - · 32, Jen~o<n, DuuKln - - - - - 48 , )en,.,n, llowntd '8 63, Jensen, Mutilyn ) en,.n, Mn1y __ i8, 82, 11 2, 11 Jcn'<·n , Mc1v1n - - - - 32 , 85, 1~ 5



.::::=:.::::. _..



83 8

)tnM:n, PeKWY -----·--63 )tiHcn, Tnnu - - - rf} Jenson , l>u111c ··--------- 32 , 63 ) e11son, Anuo - - 63 )cn..,n, )wi - - - - - - - - <fi )cr>P""n, June ··-·--·········· 32, 63 )ex, Alnn .....- - 86 Johnnscn , Lintln - - - - - · 48, 82, ~B Johunsen, SteDhcn - - - - - 85 )l>hn-on, Billie -·---- 8 Johnson, 13rtt, . -·--··-- 6 • b) John,on, Clnuucuc - - - · -· )1 Johnson, 'onnie ---·· 48 ]ohn'<ln, Denn" ---John-on, l)w,"ht 48, !16




Johnson, Flavo -····-·-·---------- - ··· 63 Johnson, Judith ··--·-···-··----- 32, 88 Johnson, Linda ···---··-·-··-··-·-··-··-·· 32 Johnll<ln, Nolan ·--·-··-······-·····--·-··-··· 63 johnson, Pat - ····-···---······---·--· 48, 80 Johnston, Linda ------·-·····--··· 63 )ones, Bryce ···-······-······- ·····-···-··-·· 63, 78 )ones, Carol .................................... 16, 32 ones, Claudia ---·-······-····-··-·· 63, 87 ones, Daisy Bell ·-····-····-···- ·----·-··· 63 ones, David ----------------···-······· 32 Jones, Don ···-······---------------·-··-·· 63 jones, Glen -·--··--··-···-·-····----· 48 Jones, Gordon ----······-·---··-·· 32, 85, 88 Jones, Kenneth ···--··-······- ······-······-··· 63 Jones, Richard ........................................ 49 Jones, Richard A. ·-----·-··-··-··---····· 49 )ones, Ronnie ···-···· 32, 82, 85, 99, 132 )oos, Blaine --·-··-·-··-···-···- ------------ 63 )oos, Ray ···-·····--··-·--···-··-··-·····-··-··· 32 Joosten, Lynn -·····-··-······-·····--··· 49, 86 Jorgensen, David .............. 24, 32, 78, 85 Jorgensen, Meryl .................................... 63 }orgenStn, Marianne ···-···-~-·····-······· 32 judy, Lrnn ···-··--··-··-·······-- 49, 83, 87 Juhlin, Robyn .................. 49, 80, 82, 104 julio, Richard ........................................ 49 Juretich, Mury ···-··---------·····-······--- 32


K Kankelborg, Joey ·------··---·----·-Keorsley, Karen ···--------·-·- 64, Keller, Scotr ----··---·-··-·------Keller, Susan ............................ 64, 82, Kellogg, Savul ···-·-··--···--------··-· Kemp, Bob - -- ---·-···--··-····-··-· Kemp, Gaylene ···--- ·--·······-··-·····-·-··· Kemp, Kar<n ----··-··-·-·-··----Kemp, Lorry ··-·----···-··-····---·· 23, Kemp, Terry ----------··- ···-.. 49, 82, Kerber, Dick ... - ............. -·-----·--·· Kikel, Sharyl ------·-·-------------··-·.. Kimball, Gordon ......... _ 23, 32, 78,

32 82 49


49 32 49 64

49 87 64 64

85 106. 107, 115. 130 King, Stephen -----·-···-·-·------· 49, 99 King, Tim ·------·-·-···· .. ··--··----··-·· 49 Kirk, Ray .. -·-·---..--..··-····-·--·-· KIL<, Dorothy ·-···--···--·----Knibbej Gayle ..... _ ..........-...... 49, Kjur, oAnn -·-···-·- 22, 64, 82, Knlbbe, Shirley ···-··-·· .. ··-.. 32, 84, Kocherhans, Don ···-·-·-··-······ 33, Koller, Klaudla ········---···-·· 64, 82, Koncurot, Joe ·-··-------·-·· 33, 88, Koos, Bill --·········-··-·-·----·-··...


49 87 89 87 85 89

89 33

~;:h·e,~~~ •. -L-i;;-;i~·-:·.:-::::::·.:::-_:···64."87, ~

Korous, Norma ··-·······.. ······--·--····· 33 Kramer, Steve .... 33, 85, 108, 119, 122 Kreidl"lj Kathy -····-·-·····----- 64, 82 Kunx, ~<.en .................................. 49, 127 Kunz, Robert ........................ 23, 49, 78 Kurkendahl, Jim ···-···-············-·-··· 130 Kurumuda, Joy ---···--·---·-··-· 64

L Lokerveld, Charles -·····--·-·--········ 49 Lomb, Eu8ene ···-.. ···-··· .. ··-·-····... 64 I nndure•. Le Ann ....................- - . 64 Lurkin, Kent --···-····-·····-·······-· 33 LArkin, S1eve ··-· ...... ---··· 64, 82, 100 lurrabee~-. Ronold __ ............ ------· 64 Lnr>< n, .,ren< .............. _ ..... 64, 117, 125 Lorsen, Charlone ..._ ...... 49, 80, 99, 103 Larsen, Jeanne ---·--·-·····-··--····· 64, 82 Lor en, Lynne •.. 49, 80, 89, 90, 99, 106 Loraen, Paul ··-----.. ----·-·-·-· 49 Larsen, Paula ....... ··- ......... 23. 43, 139 Lar •en, Pouletre -·--··-·····--····· 33, 83 Lurlltn, Pauline -··--·-·····-····-····· 49 Lorwen, Stove ··········-···· ..·····-- __ .. 33 Lo" n, Suzanne ···-·.. ··-·-·-·-"· 64, 82 Larson, Doro ................... ---·"- 33, 99 Lor110n, Lynn ··-·· 23, 33, 115, 126, 127 Lur<>O n, Moraholl -··········-·-··-·· 49, 132 Larson, Robe11 ··········-··-··-..---- 33 l_arson, Suwn ···---·-·-·-.. ·--·--···· 64 LasorerJ.. Karen ···········-·-···-·- 64 LoL<, ulennn ···-·-··-----·············-· 64 Low, Gayle ... ··-··--------- 49, 99 Lawrence, Clyde ----·--·-·· 64, 127 Lawrence, Gail ·····----·-····-·-··· 49 Lnw110n, Cathy ......... ·-·-···-····-··· 33 lawoo n, jimmie ------- 23, 64, 117 Lea<herwood, Carl ···------· 22, 23, 85 108, 153, 115, 126, 127 Lea<herwood, Karen ····-··-·····-·····.. 49 Lee, BobbJ ··-··········· .. ··-··· ..····-··-· 64 Lee , Rae eon ... -----------··--··· 64 Lee , Ronnie .......---------····-· 33, !29 Lee•1 Karen ..... --------------· 49 Leicntle, Mae ..........................---··-· 33 Lelis, Mike ..... ·-·..· - - -.. - -·--· 64 Leonord, John ········-------- 64, 100

Leonard, judy ··- ------------ 64 Lester, Krisreen ----------···- 64, 82, 87 Levine, judy ·--····--··-----··- ······-··· 49 Lewis, Marilyn ···-·-·-·--·--·--··-Lewis, Sharon - -----·- ··-··-----········· Lewis, Steven ·············-·····--·--······-Lindgren, Martin ·--·-·-···--··-··-·-··· Lindner, Sandra ···-··-··-·----- - ·


64 49

64 49

t:~~~:z, R~~:~ ::==:::=-.=-::~:~::::..:=' ~j

Li ston, Dixie -·-···-·--····---· 49, 80, 82 Lloyd, Barbara ····-··-----·------- 64, 83 Lloyd, David -····--··-----····- ·-··· 33 Lloyd, PreSion .... 33, 88, 100, 109, 153 Lloyd, Shirley · ----·····-·-···-·· 49, 82 Lloyd, Susan ··-·············---····-··-··-· 65 Loader, Carol -·-··-··-···-·-···-·--······ 65 Lopez, Evelia ····--····-·------------ 49, 87 Loulias, Christine 50, 74, 80, 82, 94, 95 Loumis, Virgie ··-····-··-----··-····- 65 Loveless, Duane ···-··-·--·- ·····--··· 65 Loveless, Larry ------ ---- 33, 90, 96, 97 Loveless, Lloyd ············-----· 33, 90, 96 Loveless, Vicki ···-·-······----- -···- 65 Ludlou, Marsha -·-···-···--········--- ··· 65 Luge.rbauer, Rosalie ···-·····-·-··-···-··- 65 Lukich, Margie ........................................ 65 Lund, Philip ········-·--··-----·-···-·---· 65 Lundberg, )annette ···----- - · - - 33 Lundberg, Steven ·············-·--··-···-- 33 Lundgreen, Glenn ·---·-······- ·····-····-··· 50 Lunnen, Carol -·-·-··· 50, 80, 86, 154 Lunnin, Georgia ----··· 65, 83, 89, 107 Lynch, Jeanette - - - - · - · · 50, 87 Lyon, Dale - - · - · - - · - - - · · - · 50

M Mabey, Annette -·--····--·-··-·-·-·- 50 MadS<n, Douglas ··--··-·- --------- 50 Modoon, Bobby Gooch - - - - - -- 50 Magers, Pat --------·-·----- 65, 83 Mahler, David - ---- ---------·-- 50 Mahon, Par - - - - - - - · - - - · - 87 Malmmom, Gloria ---·-·-··· 65, 83, 104 Malnar, Dolly ···-···--··-- ·-·· 33, 74, 83 Malstrom, Rodney --------·--- 33, 83 Mangum, Linda ------······ 50, 87 Manning, Dennis ··-···------···· 65 Mnnnos, Mike ··-····-··-· 33, 83, 99 100, 112, 113 Mannos, Susan ···- · - - - - 50, 83, 86 Margetts, Ron -·----·-···-·····-·-··· 65 Marquardt, S<even ................- ............. 65 Mark, Bonnie ........ 33, 74, 83, 103, 104 Marlor, Ly!'n --·-···-·-·· 65, 124, 125 MarrioL<t.. Tom ···-·-·-------·- 50 Morsh, t<.ichard - - - - - - - · 50, 124 Marshall, Linda ·---··-·-------· 16, 65 Marrin, Gerold ····-······---- 16, 50, 100 Mnnin, Toni ..........·-·-----··--··· 33, 84 Mnnineau, Dwane ---·---·--·-·-·· 65 Mascaro, Steve .... 23, 65 , 117, 124, 125 Mat•umura, Rrchard --·····-- 34, 88, 91 Matsumura, Ronald ··-·-····-·· 65, 91 Matthews, judy -·-··--·-···-··----- 65 Maughan, LeRoy ---·-· 65, 117, 125 Mayfield, Tom ···--·······--··---- 34 Maynard, Lore! ---·-··-···--·-···-- 50 Maynard, Paggy -·-·-·------···-- 50 Maynes, Alan ····--·----------- 65 Maynes, Marsha -····--···-·-····-··-· 50 Mayne•, Russell ..............----····-·-· 50 Mayer, Kelly -·-··-· .. ···--······-······-··· 65 Mowran, Kathy ···········-·-·-···-··-······ 34 McBride, Sharon ········-·-······· 50, 83, 104 McCandles•, Beth -········-·-······--·-- 65 McCleary, Kent -········-···- 34, 85, 108

115, 119,

m. no

McConnell, Dan ... __ 82 , 100, 102, !53 McDonald, David -·-··-·-··-····-··--·-· 50 McDonald, Julen e ···--------- 23, 34 McDonald, Sheila ----·-..·--·----- 50 McEwen, Ro e Deen - ---·-----··---·-- 65 McGuire, Doug ---··-·----·-·· 107 McKell, Barbara -------------· 65, 83 McLachlan, Kent ···--------·-· 50 M clelland, Julie Ann - - - - - · 50 M ech~m, Joyce ·-·-··--·------ 65 Medine, Dixie ---~-----·-····· 50 Meeks, Dennis ·-···-··-···--·· 34, 100 Meeks, Joe ----------····--···-·-···-·· 50 MeiSsner, Janice - - - - - - - - · 34, 84 Men•sen, Anke ·-------·------ ··· 65 MenAse n, Wolfgang ··-··-·-------- 34 MrckeiS<n, Brenr ........- 34, 79, 103, 106 Mickelsen, Susan ···-··--·-··------ 34 Middleton, Carol ------ 34, 84, 99, Milburn, Beatrice --------···· 34, 87 Milburn, Kenneth ----·--·- 65, 86 Miller, Brent ----------··-·--·-·· 65 Miller, Sharon ·····-------··-··- 50, 83 Mrllingron , Kent __ 50, 79, 99, 106, 107 Mdler, Henry -·------ 34, 79, 108 M•llerbcrg, Marrlyn ----- 34, 83, 84 89, 98, 149

Milne, Carolyn ···-··-··········-------- 34 Milne, Richard···-·--·--- ------ 50 Miner, Camilla - -··· 56, 65, 83, 89, 107 Minnick, Loren -- - - ····- ···-·-·-· 50, 99 Mitchell, Bobby ···-··- · 50, 130, 131 Mitchell, DeLyn ----- ----- -----· 34 Mitchell, jerry ··-··· 34, 83, 99, 104, 106 Mi<chell, John ··---- ------- ··--··· 50, 127 Mlaker, Rosemary ··-·-·- 50, 81, 83 Monroe, Stacy Ann ---·-··-··--···-·· 65 Mons, Douglas B. ···-····-·--·· 50, 16 Mons, Richard -------------··· 65 Mon1ague, Geraldine - ----··· 51, 99 Moody, Bruce ---··-··- · 14, 34, 79, !ill Moore, Billy ------- ---·-····- ····· 65, 100 Moore, Brent ................. ·-·-·----·-·····- 65 Moore, Charlene ···-----······-··-··-·· 65 Moore, Joe .... 34, 83, 85, 108, 118, 122 Moran, Carolyn - ·-··--------- 51, 99 Moran, Vermond ··-·--- -·-··-··-·- ·- 66 Morgan, Robert -- ---·-······--·--·- ··· 65 Morgan, Keirh ·---·-·······- ·---·-·- 51, 103 Mori, Dorothy ···-·-··-······-··- - ·· 51, 83 Morley, Janny Lou _ 34, 83, 94, 95, 99 Morrow, Jean ···-·········--····-·-··- - ·- - 66 Morten~n, Milton -··------·- ·- - 34 Mortensen, Ralph - - ------··-·-·· 51 Moser, Dennis ·······-··-···- ·-·-··- -· 34, 86 Mosersinger, Nancy ···- -·-·-·····-·-··· 66 Moss, judy - ·-···--··-··-----·-··-··-···· 66 Mounteer, Cherri - ·-··-·-·-·····-···- ·--· 66 Mourey, Paul ···-··-···--··-·······---···-- 51 Mugleston, Verla -------···-··---· 66 Mumford, Jim ·-·---- 23, 66, 79, 132 Mumm, Carolyn ··--- ---- - -· 34, 87 Mumm, Joe ··-·-·-···-··- ----·-··-· 51 Myers, Delores - ----- -----·-- --· 34 Myers, Nancy -----··---· - - 23, 50

N Nance, Jay --------------------- 51 Ntrsh, Pat - - ----------- 34,98 Needham, Linda ···-- ··· 23, 66, 89, 107 Neff, Linda - - - --------·· 66, 83 Neil, Dauna -- ------------· 51, 83 Nell, Earl - - ----- -- ·- ··--·· 66, 127 Nell, Lee ··-···-- --·--------···· 34 Nelson, Bruce ···--·- ·-··-··- -·-34, 83 Nelson, Craig - - - ---------·-··· 51 Nelson, Linda -····-----· - 23, 51, 83 Nelson, Nancy -----·-------- 66, 83 Nelson, Roy - ···-·--·-·····- ·-·- ·-··· 51 Nelson, Sandra ···-·-··-------- -·- ·· 51 Nelson, Verdene - ---------·· - - 51 Newbold, Janet - - ····--- --- - -- 51 Newbold, Judy - ----·· 51, 81, 83, 99 Newbold, Kent · - --· -··-·- -- ---· 34 Newbold, Linda ····-·-·- - -- --·- 66, 74 Newton, Christina ---- 35, 88, 104, 107 Newton, Michele - ·-···-··-··-·····-··-··· 66 Nczos, Fred ·······-- ------- -------- --- 66 Nichol, )8'Ck -- ------· 66, 100, 153, 117 Nichols, Jay ···-·--·--·--- - ---· 66 N ichols, Ross - - - --·- - - - -- - 35 Nickle, Lyn Del ·- ····-·------66 Nickle, Monty -----·--·--- -----···- 51 Nielsen, Ann -----·- 35, 83, 84, 154 Nielsen, Jay ···-··········- ----- -- -·- - 51, 85 Nielsen, JoAnn ···-··- - - - -- - · 66 Nielsen, Lona -·-··--····--- ----------- 51 Nielsen, Par -··----- · -·--·- - ·· 51 Nielson, Edirh ····------ ---- - - 5, 83 Nrksrch, Mary Ann ................... _ 23, 66 Ninomiya, Eugene -- -·- ··-······· 35, 79, 85 Noorda, Dan ···-·-··--···- -·- ··- · 66 Nordgren, Ron ···- ···-··----- ··--···-·· 51 Norman, Kartn - ·--····- -·-····-····-··-· 66 Norton, Doug - -··-···-·-·-··----·-- ·· 99 Nosack, Michael - --·····- ···- ·-····--· 35 Nosack, Sharon -·-------- ------ 66 Nowlan, Jill ····--·--·----· ---·-- 35 Nunley, joan -----···-····-- ·-- 51, 87 Nuttall, Pam - --.. 66, 87 Nydegger, Jodi ----------- - 66, 83 Nygard, Barry - ---- - - -- 66, 100 Nysrrom, Jack - - -·--------· 66

0 O 'Brien, Fred ·-------- - -·-- ·-··-··· 66 Olabarri, Diana ------------- 66, 83 Olabarri, Jean - - -- - -- · 35, 109 Oliver, David -------- -- - ··-- 66 Oliver, Sreven - - - - - - -17, 51 Olmey, Joe --·----··- -·- ··- - 66 Olsen, Ester -------·- - ·-· 51, 81 Olsen, Gary --·-·-·- - -----·- ··· 66 Olsen, Michael -·-··--- ------ --- 61 Olsen, Richard -------- - · - 51, 130 Olsen, Sharon -- ------- · - --- 66 Olson, Cheri --···-- ------------ 66 Oloon, David - -- ------- - --- 35 Olson, Janet --------------- 35 O ' Nash, Jerry - ---23, 51. 100 Orgill, Lynette --··- ·----·- --- - - 66

Orvis, Wanda Mae ---------·-··· 51 Ostler, David R. ··-·· 35, 85, 108, 127 Ortley, Dave ----------- - 51, 90 Overscreer, Amber - - - - - - - · · -· 66 Owen, Carolee -·-- - - -- 66, 83 Owens, Jerry - - ·- - ·- - 66, 117

p Pace, Larry ··--·-- ·-·--·····-····-··-·-··-··-··· 35 Pack, Marvin ····- ·····-······-··--····-········· 51 Page, Carol -·--·······-···················.. 51, 83 Page, Wynne -··-····-··-····-·- 23, 35, 84 Pager, Carol Ann ............ 51, 81, 90, 99 Palmer, Karhleen .................................... 66 Panek, Marie ............................ 35, 88, 99 Parker, Art ···-···-··-·····- - ·····- ···-·-···-· 51 Parker, Dick -····-···-··-··--···-····-·········- 66 Parker, Gloria ··-··-······-·-··················· 51 Parker, Jeannie ····- ····- -----···----·- 51 Parker, Ka1hy - ····--·-···-····- ······- ·· 35, 83 Parker, Penny ........................................ 51 Parker, Tonya - ........ ........: .............- ...... 51 Parks, Linda ............................................ 67 Parks, Richard ···-·····-·--··-···-··--······ 51 Pasquali, Sam ··-··--······-·-·-· ···- ········ 51 Patience, Robert - ··--···-··-··- ··- ·-···· 35 Patterson, Pat -----·-·-·······-········· 67 Pavich, john ···----··-·· 67, 75, 83, 103 Paxton, Toni ---·-·-··--·····-------·-······ 67 Pay, Kathryn ···-------··-···············-·· 35 Pearce, Nancy ··-··--·-·--·····-·-···- · 67 Pearson, Anna Marie ·····--··-··--·-···-· 35 Pearson, Kathryn .................... 52, 83, 87 Pedersen, Claudia .................... 35, 88, 99 Pedersen, Gary ----·-···-·········-·· 67, 117 Pedersen, Pat - --·-·-···-····· 23, 35, 83 Peddler, Steven - ·········-······-···-·····- --· 100 Pedler, Ronald - ·········-·····- ··-··-··· 10, 67 Pedler, Shrrley -- - ··-·····- --···-·-- 67. 83 Pedler, Sydney -····-···-··---·-··-····-······ 67 Peery, Marita -------·-······· 52, 83, 104 Penrod, Brent ·-·-······-·-························· 67 Pennington, Garry ·······-·· 52, 127, 130 Pt'nningron, Larry -·-·-···-···--···-····--... Penrod, Cheryl ·········-····-·······-······ 35, 117 Perkins, Glen --------········-"···-·-··-"· 52 Perkins, Richy ···-··-·--····-- ····-··--··· 67 Perry, Claron ···-···-·-·-···---··-· 67 Perry, Ida -------····-·-·-··-····-··· 52, 87 Pe~ersen, Don -········--····- ·· 52, 89, 100 Petersen, Gayle ····-·····--··-····-·- ··- ······· 52 Perersen, Karen ---------··- 52, 81, 83 Petersen, Lynda ···-··-··-··-··-·······-· 36, 99 Peterson, Barbara ··-·········.. ·-·-··- ·· 23, 52 Per<rson, Bonnie 21. 23, 35, 84, 106, 142 Peterson, Diane ···-··- ··-··--··-····-······-··· 67 Peterson, Donna ---··-~--u·-·----···· 67 Peterson, Ginger ···-······-·····-······· 67, 87 Peterson, )ames ···-···-······-··-······-··· 35 Peterson, Linda ...................................... 67 Penibone, Diane -···-··· 67, 83, 87, 89 Phelps, Joe Ann -·----·-····---······· 67 Phelps, Monre ................................ 67, 86 Phillips, Carol - ····-·-·-···-·--····-·· 67 Pickert, Denni s ···-···-·-··-·······----...... 67 Pidcock, Phyllis -··············--··············· 52 Pierce, Becky .................... 23, 36, 83, 99 Pierce, Larry ······························- ············· 67 Pierce, Pam - -··············-·-·······-··-·· 36, 83 Peirson, Reed ····-·····--··-·······-············- 67 Pixton, Dee ----------·-···-···-··-·····- 52 Plant, Brent ·· · - - - - - - - - - - - 36 Platt, David - - - - · ----------· 36 Plan, )•tdi ----------------·-- ---- 36 Player, judy ···-·-·····--------··- ····- 67, 87 Player, Minnie - - - - -- ------- 36 Plumhof, James - - -- -- - · 52 Pond, Stacey - - · · -· 52, 80, 81, 100 Porter, Joan - - - - ----· 36, 88, 104 Pouley, Betty - -··- ··-- - · - -·· 52 Poulsen, Rhonda - - - - - 51, 81, 83 Poulson, Aorence - -- - --·· 52, 81 Powell, Derald j. - - - - - - - --- 36 Powell, Frank ···-------------··-·· 67 Powell, Marvin - - - - - - - · 52, 86 Pran, Elaine ----- - - -- 87, 89, 100 Preece, Diana · · · - - - - - - - - 36, 83 Preece, Julie - -- ------ -- ·-·· 89 Priano, Dee · --- - - - - -52 Price, Boyd ----- -------·-······ 52 Price, Linda ··----- -----···--·-·· 36 Price, Sheryl -- - · 67 Price, Vicki - - - - - - - ·- - 36 Proctor, Ted - - - - - - 67,86 Pugmire, Laraine 67, 83 Pulsipher, Linda - - - - - · -- 67

R Rainer, Annelies - - - -- - - · 36, 146 Rainer, Wolf Dieter --··-··· 36, Ia!, 146 Rains, Benjy - -- - -- - - ---- 52 Rains, Richard - - --- - - - ----- 52 Raisor, Dianne ·---------- · 52 , 81, 83 Rakich, Nick ------·------··· 52



Rardin, Charles ............................ 67, 107 Rasmussen, Brenr ·············-··· 52, 83, 100 Ra smussen, Roy R. ···-·························· 52 RathJen, Larry ············-·············-··········· 52 Rawlings, Linda ............................ 52, 81 Rawwn , Beuy Gene ·····················-····· 67

Rawson, Gloria ............................ 67, 87 Rawson, Marlene ............................ 36, 88 Read, Jou nn ················-· 52, 81, 90, 108 Rea ms, Jimmy ........................................ 36 Reed, Naraloe .................... 36, 83 , 84 , 99 Reeder, Stephen ............................ 52, 153 Rees, Ca rlene .................................... 68, 87 Reese , Bonnie Kay ·····················-···-····

Reese, Danny .................................... 52, 86 Reln Simur, D1ck ···················-··········-··· 68 Reese, Ro.e Mane ............................ 68, 83 RevJII, Charles ................................ 23, 68 R1ch, Durlenc ······-···-··-··········· 68 . 83 R1ch, Elame ··-·················--··················· 68 Rich, E1leen ···-··········-···········-·--· 68, 100 Rich, R1chard ........................ 52, 83 , 102 Rich, Robe n .................................... 36, I00 Richards, Gary ···-··-······························ 36 Richards, Mary ···················-······-··········· 68 Richards, Rozalmd ................... .... 68 , 83 R1chius, Dun ···-···········-·········-··············· 52 R1en, Robert ···················-··············-······· 100 Risb10n, Hal ···-······-··-··-·········-······-··· 68 R1~hens, Rosemary ···················-·····--···· 68

Risr, Ca lvin ············-······························ Roach, Carol ............................................ Robemon, Ruth ....... ............................ Robertson, Shnlcy ···-······-···-······ 52, Rob1nson, Waunna .................. ......... Roby, C heryl ............................................ Roden, PhylliS ........................................ Roden, Ronald ··············-··-···-··-······· Rodgers, Karen .............................. 68, Rodgers, Kenny ........................................

36 68 52 98 68 52 52 68 83 68


~~~; ~~~S;e.!'c ~~~ .. ~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

23 Rogerson, Tom ................................ 68, 83

Romero, Lorrain e ·················--··········-···


Ronquollo, Nora ···············-······-··· 68, 87 Roper, Karen ···-··········-········-·-··············· 36 Ro,. nhan, Lee ........................................ 52 Ro;;, Maurine ···-··········-·········· 68, 83, 87 Ross, Merri ll ···-···········-··-········-··- 68, 117 Rorh, Paul ·······-··-······-·-·········-······-··· 52 Roubicek, Dani ···-··-···············-··· 83, 90 Roundy, Steve ···-······-·········-··············· 68 Rudd, Charleen .................................... 52 Rugg, Melvina ········-······- ···-····-··········· 36 Rundqui sr, Cheryl ........................ 68, 83

s Sabey, Arl ene ........................................ 83 Sabey, D1anne .................... 53 , 83, 87 . 99 Sabey, Jani ce .................. 68, 83 , 87 , 107 Sabey, Jerrold ............................... 68, 117 Sabey, llelen .................................... 68, 83 Sadler, Jeun ............................................ )3 Sadlm, Kathalyn .............. 53 , 81. 83 . 87 Sagers, Kathl .... ............. 31, 84, 99, 104 Sager, Lynn Ra e ........................ .... 68 , 87

~:rci:~~~··:.;;;,k·; ·:·_·_·.-·.·.·.·.: .:::··:·:·:.::.·.:·.::·.::·.....~· ~~

Salisbury, Jean ............ 53, 81, 83, 87, 89 Samuelson, Jacq ue ......... 37 , 83, 87, 98 Samutbon, Nuncie ·············-········ .. --·· 68

Stimpson, Becky .................. ..... 42, 53, 83 Sargent, Joe .... ···-···· ········-··-··· 37, 79, 83 102, 104, 108

~:~f,7:: g~~~~;·::::::=::::::::::::::. :~.:::::..::::: ~

Schelin, Meri .......................... 53, 83, 104 Sch•ebfcld, Duane ······-···-···-······· ........ 68 Schmidt, Sydney .................. ··-··-··· 37 Schow, Jea n ···-··-··---······· 37. 83, 84, 98

~1,~1:;:· g,~~·: .:·.:::::::~.:::.-:·~:::··.:=::~~:. -~-~· ~~

Scoggan, Leon .... .................. .... .... . .. 53 Scorzato, Joe ···················--· 69, 117, 127 Scorzaro, Margaret ····-·········--· -- ....


~~~::: g~~r~~ - - ~- · :.-.-.:-.-.~:.:· ::·.-.-~:-~:::.::. . ~-~· ~~ Scott, Nancy ...................... -··-· 69, 100

i:::!::~~~:~~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::_~~:::: i~

Setterber~. Culecn ········-·····--······ ..... 37 Sercerberg, Lauro ····-····----·-··· ... 53 Sewell, RmaTd ···············-····--·. 53 . 86 Sharp, Denni s ···········-············-37 Sharp, Jcnn•e ·--·················--············· 37 Sharp, Kent ·················-·-----·-···· . 37 Sharp, Lyndu ... ········--·· 37, 83, 88 , IC4 Sharp, R1chard ·················-······-· 53 Sharp, Steve ............................... 69, 11 7 69 Sharp, Ted .. .............. ..... . Sharp, Val ···-················ -· ... 53 Sharp, V1ki ............ 37, 84 , 99 , 105, 108 Shelton, Judy ......................... ... .... .. 37

She!ton, Ka rhy ·······-··-·······················-·· 69 Sheppick, Lynn ···-······-···········-············ o9 Shields, ClitudiU ··-·······-··-··-··-·---··· o9 Sh1elds, Linda ·····-···-··--····-············ 37 5hocmakc r, Craig ................ 37. 85, IC8 11 9, 122, 130 Shoemaker, Todd ........... .... )) , 99, ll4 Shomaker, D10nne ......................... 37 5horr, Chm ···········-········16, 69, 107 Shrour, J•m ···········-··-·-·-····· ···-······-····· 69 5hurdelf, Judy........................... 37, 83, 99 S•elhom, Fronk . ·······-···-·········· ... 69, 86 Simonich, Albert .. ··-····-········--··········· 37 S1m0n\On, Bn:nt ·······-···-···---·-········ 53 ~umon~on, Roy ·---······························· 53

S1mper, Pumclu .............................. 69, 83 Singleron, Doug .................................... o9 SJoblom, Judy .............................. 69, 83 SJoblom, Mur~•nc ···-·· 37, 84, 99, 109 SJoblom, Munke ..... . .. 23, 69, 83, 87 SJoblom, Rud -······-····-·· .. 37 , 78, 108 SJoblom, Rouer ........ 23, 53, 79, 8) , 127 SJOStrom, C heryl .................... 37, 88. 109 Slade, Vicki . .......... ........ .. .. ..... .. 69 Slarer, Bruce ... .............. 16, 37 , 108 Slottc, Vicki Ann ....... .... . . . . . 6~ Smnh, Becky .. ........ 37, 83, 87 . 90, 96 97, lOl, 10>, 100, 107, 109, 147 Smnh, Betty Jeu n 37, 89, 94, 95 , 99, 145 Smnh, Bnan ···-··········-·-······· )3, 78, ~9 Smtth, Carol ···········-······-··· ...... 37, 88 Smtth, Dulc -·-······-··········· 22 . 53, 83, 79 Smtth, Durrell ....... 23, )) , 75, 79, 83 Smith, Dn,yl ....... ... 53 , 86 Smnh, D•bornh -·········-· 69 Smnli, Oemll ..... ... ~l. 79. 8'1 Smith, D.unne .. . 53, 81, 83, 86 89 , 196, 107 Smith, Don ......... ·······-··········. .... 37 Smith, Ettt1 Muy . ........................ 69, 83 Smith, Fred ....... ·-····- ···---- 38 Smart, Glen . ········-···--·-·- 37, 86 Smith, 1l uruld -----·-·-·· 69 Smith, Jane ll e .. ··-··-····---··-- 38 Smnh, Junn ...... ······--··· ... 5}, I C~ Smith, Jud y 53 , 81, 83, 89, 94, 95, 103 Smnh, Kathleen . ···-····53 , 87 , 100 Smith, Kathy ..... ····--53, 81 Smith, Kwh ............. -·-··· . )8 Smnh, Lun 1 ······-················-········ 53, 83 Smnh, Leone •.......•.... 5l Smirh, M•chaol ··-·-···· . . 69 Smith, Ned 38, 79, 85, 89, 103 , IC6, 107 Smnh, Ru"ell .. ........... . .. ....... 54 Smith, Sherman 38. 79, 8l 100, 108, 153 Smith, Steve ... . 69 Snort, Dcnn -·······.38, lOR Snow, Mnnlynn ... ······--··-····-- 69, H3 Snyder, Puu l ...... ····-·····-····· 69, 117 Sommer~;, Su .. un ······-···----·-- 69~ 80 Soner, Rohcrt -··· -··--·······-.. ··· b'J orc n,on, C.:he•yl ... •... - - - - 69

Sorcns(,:n, Frnnk ... ............................. 69 Soren,cn, La Rtc ...... 69 Sortn'ten, Lt nn1 ce .... .... 54 South, John Allun .. ... -···. 54, 99, 147 ~prugue, Dean . ... .... . 16, 69, 100 Sprague, Jerry ............... ......... 54, 100 Sprlnuer, Vcrlo .. ·---····· 54 Stuktr, Su<>on - - - __ ____ _ __ 38 Stoker, Teddy _ .. -- 38, 8} , 87, 89, 104 Srupley, D10ne ·····--69 Stanley, Karlcnc ... •....•.• 54 Sruvros, Bd y .. ---···-······ 69 Steadmun, Bryon L. · - •. 17, 38, W4 Steodmun, Jerry . ···--·---·-- 69, 117 Src•ner, Gloria .. ·····-·········-38 , 84 Sttpan, Kent .. 22. 38, 85 . I 18 121, 122, I3J Sttvcn•, Cheryl 54 Stevens, Jnmcs . _ .. 38 Srevcn •, Lurry .. .. 38, 86, 88 . 89 . ICS Srev<n•, Lynn . 54, 100, 153, 112 Srcven<on, Ford 38 , 77, 83 , 90 99, 103 , 106, 107, 108 . I 12, II) Stirling, Rodger __ . ... ·-- )8 ~tof klng, Mar,hu ... ...... - · _ •. 54 Sto er,, Suzunne .. ··--··-··-·-- 69, 83 Stoker, Lynn _ 38 Stone, Munlyn 69, 83 Stone, Renn e . 38. 83 , 84, 99 Stout, Jnnor 69, 81 Stra •burK, Larry ... 69 Strtet, LuRay .38, 99 Stringfellow, J•m 54 Strong, V.ncent 54, 90, 91 Snoud, Mike 38, 86. 146 Stee le, D~<k . Ill 5-I. 81 Stucky, Oom Stucky, G len ·--·-·54 Sudbury, Glr n - - - · 69, 100, 15) Sudbury, Stephen -·-··--· . lH Sutc liff, Bnnn L. - - - · 54 Sved •n, l'nulus .. - - - - - - · · - 54 Sweney, Jerry . ···-·---···-·-··-·-··- 69


Swmer, Eddie ···············--······--····· 38 T 1 ufoyo, Edna . ·········---··-·····-····· 38 1n~gart, Jeanette ··-·-·····--·-··· 54, 87 1 nlbot, Ron .. - -·-····--·-·· .. 54 1 unncr, Lmdu ········--···-·· 70 1 upp, Mon c .......·-··-······· ··-···~ ·····-·· 38 Tu,hiro, Conn1c .............. 23, 54, 81, 83 luyl or, Charlene .. · - 38. 83, 88, 103 1 uylor, Joh n 70, 89 , 100, 103, 107 1 uylor, Koren - - - - - - - - · 54 r nylor, Steven ··-·-····- 23 . 38, 85, 108 145, ll4, 120. 1!7. 1}1 I ttl, D•one . ... -·--····· .... 38, 87 I en, Mllhncl -····-. . 70 1 ebbs, C h1i\tcl1 e .. 54, 80, 81. 83, 99 ·r cnnanr, Kut hy ... ---··-··-· .. 14 J tnnont, Sh~rlcy ··-··-····. 54, 89 f"enn y.cn, Rny - . ·-··-------·····--··· 70 I e ~ry, l'hdhp ····----· 70, 117 I c'tcr, lJ1ck --···--···-- 54 I hom" ' • Ja<·k ..... ···-·-···-· 70, 117 1 humus, R1rhard ·-·-··--······-· 100 ·r homn,un , Byron -··-·----· 70. 100 I homp1o0n, Chfwn ·----··-·-··· .38 lhompo;on , John ... 54, 85, 127, 130 "J hompson, Kathy .. 54 ·1horup , Jucktc ··--·-·-·· 70 I hurber , 01ane . - · 38, SJ, 94, 91 "I hurhcr, Judy - - 54, 83, 11 2, 113 1•mothy, Ned .. - · · - - - - 39, 99 r, o,c hnu, Mary - - · - - 39, H3, 'l<J l olmun, Ownot

_______ ._.,,

I olman, Lmdu

------····--·· 38

I oonc.:, Ptwl



f"own-t nd , Ltiwh Ann ... I rtlntcr, Shc1lu

I rujillo, Bwy Ann

.. 70 23, 81. 8l, 104 54

'I fll'lnumun , Don


I ru)dlo, Al1ce --·· l9 I ueller, Honntc -···-·-·-· J9, 88 "J ucller _J..; enncth _ - - 70 I ult, 1 · runk . - - - 39, 79, 85 , 100, 107, 108, Ill Tuft", Kurrn --···---........ 39 rur.,, Shnrcn ······-···--· J9, 88

'I unbru.J uc.:, Cn rol ---··--·-··-- )Q 1 unhrid~t. Shu ron - - _ •• 70, 1\3 ltlfn c.: r, Dowoynt - - · - - - - · · 70 lurnc.:r, (iunh - - - - - ·.. 70

'I uttlc, Kenne th I urncr, Cl oyd

- - - - - - · · 70 ·-···--··--··-·- 39 I urn c r, Mury - · - - - - - - 39 I urncr, /1-lury I lkn -··-·-----·-·· 54 1 uttl e, Rlthurd _ - - _ _ 39 1 uttle, Steven •. 54 , 79, 83, lOl

u Ur<, I lmold Un·, Judy

- - - - - - 70, • • 39, 99 . U rr y, Steve ·-·····-···-··· 70, 124, Utley, R1churd -··--·--- .

107 108 125 51

v Von Horn, I !tunc - - · 70, 100 Vnn I lorn , Gcor~t ------··-· 100 Vun Leeuwen, Jun e 54, 8 l Vun Sctcr,, lhnd 70 Van Se ter>, K11rcn N, 83 , 99 Vnn WoM<IIl<r, Jon 54, 81, 95 Vnwdrcy, Kathkcn . . 54 Vuwdrcy, Lowel l 39, 78, 108 Vernon, Jun ··-·--·70 Vt~d. l · rn ~e - - - · - · · .. 5+ ViMtl. Lorru1ne ------·-- 39, 84 V,ll,dol'"'· De lin - - - - - - 19, 811 Vi•.<er, Mic hncl - - - - J9, 99, 108 Vi~'"'tr• Pnul .... --· __ 54 Vordo<, Do"' - - - · · 23, 19, 8}, 99 VtOIH:~, Byron ·-------· _ 70 Vundcr, Vttkl - - 14, 81, 83

w Wndc, PcMMY

54, 87 70, 83 Wuhlqul t, Juli e -·-···----·- 54, 87 Wulht<k, Kurcn ~- _ - - - · · 5·1 - - - - - 39, 84 Wolke•, Jnm Wulkcr, Lmdo 39, 8·1 Wulkn, Lynnr - - - - - - - - 5·1 Wulker, Mike - - - - - - - 19 Wulker, Ro,<·m,uy 70, 87 W11lket, I nry ···--··-·----- 55 w.. Jkcr, Jerry -~----·· 70 Wnllt,, Murr Sue -·-·-· ll . 39, 90. q7 w.il h. ( uro - - - - - - - 40 WnJ,h, Murk - - · - 55, 10{1, 107 Wultt,., MnrJWr.-< - - - - _ 55, 104 WuJrc,., M"ry Ann - - - - - 55 81 Walton, Ktithy - - - - - - _ ' 70 Wnrncr, Douulo• ----·-·-····· 40 Wa~ntr, St~llic

Wn>hburn, Shurene .............................. 55 W11tson, Lmdn ........................................ 55 Watter;on, Lynn .................. 16, 70, 107 Wntts, Glen .................... 17, 55, 83, !CO Wutt!'l, Lindu ·······················-··-··· ·······-· 55 Wam, Ruth Ann ..................... ....... .. 55 Weaver, Juy ............ ............ 70, 100, 153 Weaver, Judy .. ........... 55, 83, 87, ll 7 Webb, Cheryl .... ··············-····-·········-· 55 Wcbh, Conmc ......................... ... 70, 83 Webb, Douglus ·······-···-····· ...... ..... iO Webb, Johnnthnn ................... .... 40, 1(18 Webb, lvluurccn .. .................... .... 40, 98 Wehh, l'nul ·-·-··-············-·-·· 55, 130 Webb, Von ... .. 55, IC6 Wcb<r, lJnve .......•.... •···---70, I l7 Wt.:b~tcr, Donnu ·····--·····-···· ·- 55, 87 WcbSitr, Lnrry ................................ 40, 88 Weith, llurbaru ·······--··········-··· . 70, 87 Weith, !:!nine _ ············-· 55, 83, 87, 99 Welch, M•kc .. ... · - - - - - · 70 Welch, Rolnync ·······-··- ... 40 Wtich, Stephnn ........ ····-·--···-······· 40 Wcllm~tOn, Donn ld ···-··-·-··-··········· 40 WcJJ,, Denn~> ---······-··········· 55 Wencr>trom, Chad ..... ..... ... ..... 55 Wc,t, John - - - ... 40, 90, 96 WcSI, M1ck•e ···········-·-····· .... 70, 8l Wheeler, Vicki 40 40 Whctmnn, Dun Wh<tmu•>, Jutl y . ----···· 70 Whctmun, Pugc.: _ ... --··· _ -u··-······ 55 Whipple, Muu •ccn .. ........ ... 70, 100 Whtttn~. Jny ........ 40, 85, 15), ll4 Whnlock, ll owo rd ... ... . . . ... . .. 40, 85 Wh,tlock, John _ 55 . 99 Whumorc1_ Metle ···-···---·· 40, 84, 99 Whittle, $huron . ··-··-··--········ 55 WJicox, RIChttrd . ······---·-·-··-· 55 Wilke<, Juy .. -··--·-···-····- 40 Wlllntnl', Bonnie ···----··· 70, Sl William,, Edd1e ... ········--··-· 70, ll7 Willwm,, G uuld -·--·-····· 55 Williums, •u•don .. 55 WJIJ.ums, Jnck1 e -·--·-·--· 71, 87 Willlum<, Joe ... - - - - 40. 88 Williams, Leonn ... ·-·-······- ... '10 Willltltns, Stnnlcy . .. 40 Wdlutm,, Sue 23, 40, 84 WJIIium,, v.rk~t ···--·- 55 , 89, 96 W•"on, Curl - - - 70, 102 , ll2 W•hun, Jcu n 55, 81 Wm~cr. Lelnnd 15, 86 Wu'lj.lll,

Nnncy ..

··- --·-

.. 71

Wonllt~y, r:llicn -··-·-·····-- .. 71 Woffmdtn, Shnrol 40 WoJ,Icgur, l'nul -·-··55 Wot>d, Knthy . ... ·······--··- 71. 83 Wuod 1 Numy ... - - · · 55 Woodllury, Dawn _ 55, !l(), 81, 89 Woodwurd, ll oyd __ . 40 Wootton, Wilma Jcun .. 71, 100 Worrhm, I lowu rd ... 40, 75, 85 88, 114, 141 Wor1h111Ut0n, Llvtn · - . 41 Wutthu>~ton, Junnlw _ 55, 83, 87, 8'1 \Vndt, Roh<rt . ... ...... 71 Wn~ht, Chndtne ... ·······--·-·· 55, 87 Wnwhr, Cheryl 41. 95 WriMht, Jonn .. -·---·-·· 55 WrtRht, knye -·-··-·-·-··41 WuKht, Lnurce 71 Wyln, Morvin ------41 WriKht, Mt chnd - - - - 71 Wriwlu, Shnron . ----·······--41 y

Ynmo•hiro, Amy ZJ, 41. B8 Yn , ukoch•. l'cwKY Ann·· - - 71. 8~ Yut t!t, Larry - - - 55, 85 YcnAith, Anthony -·-·· 117. 1~1 Ycnwlch, llct><y .. Y r ng~<h. Kuy 41, 8~ Yenwich, Roberr ··-·-- 71, 83, 1~1 Yr n~"h, 1 vny ...... .. 87 Yor~o,on, Murdyn ---- 55, 81, 83, 07 87, 89, 106, I B8 Youn~. Dorbnru 23, 41, 83, 87.107 Y o un~. Bob ... 71. 7Q, Ol 41. 83 . 99. 1 Younw, Curolt 2J , 41. 81. 1,02 Youn~, Gcorllt 71, lvv YounK, Jim Yotlr"'k, Vuleu C' 55. 87. ~~ Yowell, 131igitte - - · · · · - - 71.71 Yuhu , Urucr



1, 81 7 Ul'tr, Bonn Ic - - - · - · - 7 107 Zdun•ch, I om ----- 55, 106, Sl lrmnm·k, R.-brcco ---71 --. (rmmctm un, Gury 130 /rno, Mnrk -··55, S5 /upun, 1.. Jny · - - ~--· 55 Zupun, )1m






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