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For the past eight years, Reed H. Beckstead has served with dis tinction as Superintendent of the Jordan School District. Superin tendent Beckstead has rendered his service, a ss isting on numerous boards and committees, to provide excellent educational oppor tunities and facilities. It was the task of the Board of Education to maintain balance within the district's twe nty -one school s. In order to do this, the Board spent many long hours di scussing and solving the district's problems of the appropriation of funds and of the construction and renovation of school buildings . Reed H. Beckstead Superintende nt

BOARD OF EDUCATION John Wheadon; Kenneth Pn nce , Clerk; Marion Ba te ¡ man; Reed H. Beckstead, Supenn tenden t; Clyde Bu xton, Preside nt; H. W . Jor¡ ge nson, Assista nt Supe rintendent; Bernarr Furse . Missing : Robe rt Jimas


The history of a school's activities are dramatized by trophies, plaques, medals, tablets and awards. Its loyolties and school spirit ar.e reflected in its school songs, yells, mottos and colors. The knowledge of the school's traditions and achievements should develop in each of us a pride in belonging and should emphasize our responsibility for its present record. These halls are hallowed by the memories of wonderful teachers who have served here. They are garnished by the records of excellent scholars who have earned places of distinction in society. Tributes to achievements in sports and activities adorn its entrances. A famous man left a great challenge to society when he said we should be ashamed to die untii we have won at least one victory for mankind. Translated in terms of our lives at Jordan High School, we sincerely hope that this grand old school has a richer heritage because we also were there. We each have a share and a responsibility for the reputation of the Jordan High School. Our day becomes the image of the future; our records a part of Jordan's traditions.


G. Reed Sanderson, Principal

The rare combination of firm authonty and absolute sense of fairness is found in the man who stands at the head of Jordan High School. An avid supporter of all school activities, our vig orous, dedicated principal has stressed and promoted a productive scholastic atmosphere. Dunn Taylor, Vice Principal

The Vice Principal, Mr . Taylor, in charge of student curriculum and activities, met with the Executive Council each morning as its adviser; met with numerous students each day for discussions regarding their class attitudes; and met with unending requests each day of faculty members and students.


Guiding students toward future vocations was the heavy task of the counselors, Mr. Grant Kunzler and Mrs. Mary Fitzgera ld. To obtain the information necessary to advise students toward vocations which meet their interests and capabilities, the counse lors adminis tered aptitude, achievement, and interest tests. Besides explaining test results and aiding in college registration, the counselors were called upon to introduce new students to Jordan, to adjust schedules to allow enough credits for graduation, and to help solve students' personal problems. Mary Fitzgerald

Grant Kunzler

Girls' Counselor

Director of Guidance

FACULTY At the core of Jordan education is a strong, dedi cated faculty. Its strength is evident in a number of ways: its background; its diversity; its capacity for honors; and its interest in public service. Coup led with this strength is a deep-seated co n cern for students. The men and women of the faculty are teachers who value teaching as their primary task .


Frank Bagley, B.A .

Deane Bennion, B.S .

USU; auto mech ., voc. auto mech .; night activity, seniors .

USU, U of U, Oregon State Co ll ege; library science; AGJ, visual aids.

M . A . Berrett, B.S.

Kim Black, B.A .

U of U, BYU, Montana State U; English II, IV; night activity, chm . seniors .

Dixie Co ll ege, USU; Ag. I, II, biology, genetics; chm . FFA, night activity .

The Business Department, in order to meet the everincreasing demand for clerical workers, offered vocational business, DECA, bookkeeping, shorthand, and three years of type. Students enrolling in cultural art classes had the oppor tunity to study in a wide field of commercial art, crafts, ceramics, fine art, photography, as well as music. Offering girls a background in domestic arts, the Home Economics Department made available classes in clothing, foods, and home living . Students looking ahead to the future attended vocational classes- woodwork, welding, drafting, auto mechanics -offered by the Industrial Arts Department. Prompted by the nation 's increasing demand for scien tists and engineers, industrious students enrolled in algebra, plane geometry, and trigonometry, along with general math and consumer 's math.

Robert Wride learn s the fundamentals of tooling leather as he designs a gun ca se in his crafts class .

With the aid of the language labs, German , Spanish, and French students worked to master their pronunciation . Speech and debate classes helped students develop self confidence and better speech techniques. This year at Jordan High , an Advanced Placement English class offering college credit was taken by a selected group of seniors . While other seniors explored deep into the realm of English literature, juniors and sophomores struggled w ith grammar.

Lowell Boberg, B.A. BYU, U of So . Calif., U of U, U of Nev ., Williams, U of Mich .; A. P. Eng., Eng . IV; night activity, seniors.

Paul Boyce, B.S. USU, U of U; act. mgr., Algebra I, geometry; chm . graduation, chm . PTA -faculty program .

Blaine Brown, B.S. U of U, BYU ; Book. I, com . law, cons . math; faculty welfare, yearbook.

D. M. Budge, B.S., M.S. U of Idaho; Chern . I, electr., house. electr., physics, graduation, night activity, Radio Club.

Beverly Crawford, B.S. Ida. State Col., Ore. State Col., UCLA, U of U; Eng. II, Ill; AGJ, juniors, yearbook, PTA homeroom rep .

Sherman Crump, B.S. BYU, U of U; Algebra I, II, geometry, trig .; chm. juniors, night activity .

Linda Erickson, B.A. U of U; Debate I, II, Ill, Dance I, II , Speech I; AGJ, assemblies, Charlonians .

Gerald Fisher, B.S. U of U, BYU; Algebra I, Drafting I, II; juniors, night activity .

Golda Fraser, B.A. U of U, U of Calif. ; English Ill, French I, II, Ill, Spanish I, II, Ill; AGJ, juniors.

Phil Goldbranson, B.A. Westminster Col., U of U, U of Calif.; world his .; calendar, elig., grad ., chm . yearbook, sen . records.


Farrell Gunnell, B.S., M.S. USU; biology, botany, and zoology; night activity, chm. sophomores.

Calvin Harris, B.S. USU, U of U; special education; night activity, sophomores.

Betty Henderson, B.S . BYU, U of U, Oregon State College; Clothing I, II, Ill, Type II; AGJ, chm. FHA, seniors .

Blanche Humpherys, B.S., M.S. U of U, USU, U of So. Calif., BYU; special education; AGJ, chm. Red Cross, sophomores.

Evert Jones, B.S. U of U; math, soc., and econ., sports; chm. eligib ility, coach foot ball, wrestling, Letter men Club, seniors.

Emerson Kennington, B.S. - USU, U of U; mach. shop, Welding I; assemblies, chm. dec. com., faculty chm., chm., stagecraft.

H. B. Linford, B.S . USU; health, phys. ed.; ABJ, chm. night activity.

David T. Lovat, B.S. U of U, Alameda St.; Am. his., dr. ed ., sports; coach basket., foot., Lettermen Club, sophomores.

Richard McAllister, B.S. Carbon College, U of U; English Ill, jour no I ism; Broadcaster.

Jerry McCleary, B.S. U of U; dr. ed., health, physiology, sports; coach basketball, sophomores.

Vocational business students, Joyce M echam and Judy Sjoblom, transcribe letters from the Dictaphone.


Glenna Archuleta, Larry Frear, and Lauraine Carter make use of the card catalog in the school library.

Maureen Whipple learns how to repair a radio in her household electronics class.

Because oF the ever-increasing importance placed on youth fitness, girls, as well as boys, were instituted into a rigorous program of body-building and muscle -toning exercises. The coaching department, carrying on the traditions of the past, brought many honors to Jordan again this year.

Donald Milne, B.S., M.S. U of U; Am. history, world history; chm. dr. ed., chm. Model U.N.

Arval J. Nelson photography; yearbook; took photographs for army in Civil Service.

Ralph Pace, B.A. Dixie College, BYU; ceramics, com. art, crafts, chm. dec. com., night activity.

Jay Pond, B.S. Arland Russon, B.S. Weber Col., USU, U of USU, U of U; dr. ed., So. Calif.; Am . his,, special education; band, arch., world his., night activity, chm. chm. ABJ, assemblies, visual aids. graduaHon pep band.

Donald Olsen, B.S. BYU; com. art, fine art; chm. ABJ, dec. com., Red Cross .

Physics students Mike Pace and Jerry Sweeney note changes in current on the asci lloscope.

Students wishing a background in science had every opportunity of receiving it at Jordan. The Science Department, well equipped with the materials, information, and equipment necessary for an educational and interesting year, offered various classes in chemistry, physics, genetics, physical science and biological science. In order to meet state requirements in the field of social sciences, Jordan included in its schedule of classes the following: American Problems, Sociology and Economics, and Commercial Law for seniors and American History for Juniors and World History for sophomores. Our schools are dedicated to the necessity of giving pupils of all grades and ability equal opportunities - Jordan tried to meet this problem with a department which catered to those students who needed special training.


Glenn Sacos, B.S., M.A. Pasadena Playhouse, U of U; assemblies, drama, Speech I, II ; chm. assemblies, M asque and Gavel.

James l. Seal, B.S. BYU; woodwo rk; faculty manager, night activi ty.

Helen Seaman, B.S. BYU; dr. ed ., hea lth, p.e. ; chm. Char lonians, cheerleaders, f lag twir lers, graduation .

Edward Sorenson , B.S. BYU, USU; Chemistry I, II , Eng lish II ; juniors, night activity .

laMar Swenson, B.S., M.S . - U of U, BYU, U of So . Calif.; Am. hist., Am. problems, psychology; chm. Key Club, JFK Am. Club.

Robert Teran , B.S. U of U; dr. ed., health, world history, sports; juniors, Key Club, Lettermen Club .

Gertrude Tranter, B.S. BYU, U of U, USU, U of Washington; Foods I, II , home living; AGJ.

Wanda Wade, B.S. USU, BYU, U of U; voc . business, steno., Type Il l; AGJ, sophomores.

lila A. Wilson, B.S. BYU, USU; English II , Type I, II; AGJ, chm. DECA, seniors.

Rodney Zabriskie, B.A. BYU ; English II, German I, II , mixed chorus; A Cappe ll a, assemb lies, German Club, sophomores .


lena Wagstaff Bookstore Clerk


Mabel La,rson M anage r of Cafeteria

Delos Beckstead Head Custodian

Gloria Bishop Sec. to Mr. Sanderson

Burniss Kemp Secretary to M r. Ta yl or

Gale Ainsworth Custodian

Willis Sharp Custodian

STAFFS The cafeteria staff offered students nutritional and varied menus during lunchtime hours throughout the year. In addition, they provided refreshments for numerous faculty, organization, and school parties.

CAFETERIA STAFF Gloria Price, Lindo Panek, Verla Mugleston, Wesley Perkins, Garth Turner, Gregg David son, Rodney Lawrence, Sarah Ann Lee, Joyce Jeffs, Debby Smith.

Jordan's well-maintained campus is due to the efforts of the custodial staff. Working year 'round, our custodial staff puts in many long hours each day to keep our buildings and grounds in constant order and repair.

CUSTODIAL STAFF Row One : Dee Benson, Robert Vowdrey, Kent Hardcastle, John Ferrero . Row Two : Craig Hardcastle, Dwight Bishop, Donald Visser, Kent Farnsworth, Brent Dumas .

Under the direction of Mr. Kennington, the members of the stage staff manipulated lights, arranged stage properties and scenery, and operated the sound equipment and the curtains for assemblies, dances, and activities throughout the year.

STAGE CREW Jim Burbank, Doug Webb, George Lancaster, Gregg Davidson , Bruce Steadman, Tom Wei lert, David Gaff, Kent Milburn, Mr. Kennington, adviser.


STUDENTS The students are the makers of traditions. The honors which bring recognition to us and to Jordan are achieved through the knowledge and experiences we gain here. The loyalty which is reflected through our abundance of school spirit is nurtured through the pride we have for Jordan. In time, our records and our loyalties become a part of the past a part of Jordan's traditions.


A superior student with an unequaled personality, Camilla Miner was chosen as First Vice - President.

Quiet, conscientious Tony Yengich served with competence as Second Vice-President.

A.S.J. OFFICERS Chosen as student body secretary, bubbly blonde Launi Berrett efficiently kept records .

Creative Klaudia Koller recorded an eventful year in print and pictures as school historian.

Mark Akagi

Vice - President Lynda Hand


Following last year 's revis ion of the school Constitution, the Student Safety and Morale Committee, which replaced the Student Court, became effective this year. The new policy of the SSMC, to advise rather th an punish of fenders of school laws, as was the policy of the Student Court, was enacted . Headed by Second Vice-President Tony Yengich and its other elected officers, the SSMC served as an advisory committee to the Executive Council regarding matters concerning student discip lin e, safety, and morale .

Susan Smith

Gene Lund

Junior Representative

Sophomore Representative



M a rk Akagi, Susa n Sm1t h, Tony Yeng ich, Lynda Ha.nd, and Ge ne Lund mee t in the Committee Room to p la n one of thei r var ious campa 1gns to furth er stude nt safe ty .


STUDENT COUNCIL- Row One: Roe Dean McEwen, Margie Brody, Peggy Stevens, Lindo Berry, lyle Hand, Debra Duffin , Susan Sommers, Tomro Bingham . Row Two: Sharon Rasmussen, Sherry Despain, Claudio Richards, Jeannine Sweeney, Susan Sund, Claudio Clayton, Charlene


Moore, Connie Adamson. Row Three: William Denison, Gerald Greenwood, Terry Short, Keith Day, Collin lhler, Jeff Mitchell, Joe Miner. Row Four: Philip Smith, Steve larkin, Paul Toone, Steve Densley, Robert Andrus, Randy Cowdell, Kit Enniss, Dean Anderson, Mark Akagi.


Members of the Officers and Student Councils served as links between the administration and the studf''lt body. The Officers Council, composed of the ASJ officers, class presidents, ABJ and AGJ presidents, discussed decisions reached by the Faculty Council concerning important student activities. Members of the Student Council, composed of students elected by each home room, met regularly during the school year to voice opinions of fellow classmates and to discuss and adopt new policies of the administration.

OFFICERS COUNCIL- Row One: Kathy Abrams, Camilla Miner, leRoy Maughan, Stan Hoffman. Row Two: Brent Marriott, Joe Miner, Skip Atkinson, Tony Yengich, launi Berrett, Klaudio Koller.



A .B.J. OFFICERS - Row One: Brei Crandall , Vice -President; Jeff Mi!Chell , Secretary Row Two: Randy Shoemaker, Sophomore Representative ; Burke Peterson , Junior Repre s.mtat1 ve; Robert Dolley , Senior Representative.

Skip Atki nson President

To help the students receive more enjoyment from school through activities was the main objective of the Associated Boys of Jordan and the Associated Girls of Jordan. Kathy Abrams, president, combined her ideas with those of the other AGJ officers and sponsors; the outcome wa s a year filled with successful activities: the Big Pai - Li'l Pal Party, Fathers ' and Daughters' Night, Mothers ' and Daughters ¡ Eve ning, and the Dogpatch Drag . The major activity sponsored by the Party. Skip Atkinson, president, and bined their talents with those of the Leadership Camp held for Jordan 's


A. B. J.

ABJ was the Thanksgiving hi s e lected as s istants com AGJ office rs to sponsor the student lead e rs in August.

A. G. J.

A .G.J. OFFICERS - Ro w On e: Janet Han sen, V ICe ¡P,cs,dent; Jono Harm , Sopho more Re presen ta ti ve; Clou dio Mumford, Secreto ry; Co nn ie Adamson, Se nior Rep r se n ta t1ve, Gloria Paget. Jun1or Rep rese ntat ive



At the A.G.J.- sponsored Dogpatch Drag , Marryin' Sam hitches Kathy Timoney and Dale Rasmussen.

A.G .J. COUNCIL - Row One: Joy Kurumodo, Linnito Best, Sherry Carter, M argo Evans, Shirley Vigil, Anne Morit Olofsson , Mofle Yengich , Carla Turner, Chery l Anne Pennington . Row Two : Mary Richins, Dione Petersen,

Down Harper, Melody Williams, Trisha Dimond, Dana Jensen, Gloria Sheppard, Kathy Johnson. Row Three: Jan Vernon , Diane Petti bone, Laraine Anderson, Judy Sjoblom, Del Reno Powell, Pam Phillips, Linda Wintle, Vicki Whetman , Kim Berrett.

Capable senior officers, Stan , Judy, and J oy, led the Class of '64 through another traditiona ll y outstanding year. The ir leadership¡ qua lities were appare nt in every phase of the duties they performed . It was due to their efforts that the Senior Class enjoyed efficiently -planned activi ties throughout the year . The Senior Hop, held in late fall, began a year of activities; while the class assemb ly, he ld in ear ly. spring, comp leted the year 's events spon so~ed annually by the graduating class. As graduation app roached, seniors participated in special activities: the Award Banquet, Senior Progressive, and Senior Sluff Day.

Judy M a tthews

Vice- President

Seniors readied for graduation during the year by taking advanced courses of study, preparing for college or trained vocations . Joy Kurumada


Stan Hoffman



Kathy Abrams

Connie Adamson

Sandra Allen

Sandra May Anderson

Mary Jane Andrews

Susan Asay

Linda Bell

Laun i Berrett

Linda Berry

Linnita Best

Marsha Bingham

Tamra Bingham

Linda Bishop

LaRoe Brawn

Sharon Brown

JoAnne Burke

Mary Carter

Sherry Carter

Sue Cartwnght

Delsa Clarke

Barbara Daugherty

Bonnie Davenport

Diane Davidson

Patricia Dimond



Ken Adams

Mark Akagi

Fred Alldredge

A. Dean Anderson

Wayne Andrus

Ronald Baarz

Keith Bell

Ralph Bowen

Calvin Bray

Craig Brown

Gaylord Buchanan

James Burbank

Rodger Busenbark

Leon Carlson

Larry Chidester

Richard Clegg

Steven Cook

Leonard Costanw

Randy Cowdell

Robert Dolley

Raldon Dansie

Gregg Dav•dson

Gordon Day

Dennis Dean


Patsy Durrant

linda Ebert

Elizabeth Evans

Jeanine Fahrni

Gloria Fairbourn

Cheryl Fitzgerald

Paulette Goudie

Kathy Grant

Lyle Hand

Lynda Hand

Pat Howard

linda Hughes

Toni Humphery

Joyce Jeffs

Kathleen Jenkins

Margaret Jenkins

Trina Jensen

Jerri Jenson

Flavo Johnson

Yvonne Kapteyn

Susan Keller

Vickie Keller

Klaudia Koller

Joy Kurumada


Mark Dayle

Hank Eklund

Elwin Elison

Eddie Elswood

Kit Enniss

Ivan Fenstermaker

Richard Glad

David Goff

Larry Gould

Douglas Green

Roger Greenwood

Melville Gulbranson

Leigh Gunnell

Ray Hadley

Charles Reed Hansen

Keith Hansen

Kelly Hay$

Norman Henke

Wilfried Hoffmann

David Hughes

Scott Heseltine


Doug Hickmon

Ronald Hill

Stanley Hoffman


Suzanne Larsen

Susan Larson

Koren Losoter

Marilyn Lewis

Barbaro Lloyd

Susan Lloyd

Vicki Loveles s

Morsho Ludlow

Margie Lukich

Georgia Lunnen

Eileen McAdams

Roe Dean McEwen

I Bobby Madsen

Lindo Faye Moggort

Pot Mahon

Judy Matthews

Joyce Mecham

Anke Menssen

Cami lla Miner

Charlene Moore

Jean Morrow

Judy Moss

Verla Koe Mugleston

L1ndo Newbold



Don Ipsen

Hyrum Jeffs

Nolan Johnson

Bryce Jones

Don Jones

Melvin Bloihe Joos

Steve Larkin

Clyde Lawrence

Mike Lelis

Phi lip Lund

LeRoy Maughan

Alan Maynes

Doug McGuire

Kenneth Milburn

Billy Moore

Brent Moore

Vorrnond Moron

Robert Morgan

Jim Mumford

Fred Nezos

Joy Nichols

Don Naordo

Barry Nygard

Jack Nystrom


Michele Newton

Karen Norman

Sharon Nosack

Diana Olabarri

Jerri Olsen

Sharon Olson

Lynette Orgi ll

Marsha Oviatt

Linda Parks

Diane Petersen

Danna Peterson

Ginger Peterson

Diane Pettibone

Sheryl Price

Carlene Rees

Rose Marie Reich

Kathie Reid

Eileen Rich

Elaine Rich

Janet Robertson

Lindo Roby

Nancy Scott

Judy Gay Sjoblom

Marilee Sjoblom


David Oliver

Brent Penrod

Monte Phelps

Dennis Pickett

Fronk Powell

Robert E. Schwab

Christopher M. Short

Fronk Sielhorst

Lynn Smith

Michael Smith

Robert Q . Soffe

Robert H. Soper

A. Dean Sprague

Glen Sudbury

Jerry Sweeney

Byron Thompson

Paul Toone

Joy Weaver

Douglas Webb

Dowoyne l. Turner


Joe Olney

Garth Turner

Lynn Watterson

Eddie Williams


Robert Wride

Deborah Smith

Marilyn Smith

Susan Sommers

LoRee Sorensen

Cheryl Sorenson

Tony Yengich

Dione Stapley

Marilyn Stone

Retana Terry

Koren Toner

Sharon Tunbridge

Judi Vaughn

Jan Vernon

Rosemary Walker

Laurel Wall

Maureen Whipple

Lori Wilcken

Jackie Williams

Nancy Winget

Michael Wright

Peggy Yasukochi

Elaine Christensen

Carol McElrath


The three popular personalities who led the Junior Class through the 63-64 school year were Joe, Phyllis, and Charlie. This trio c¢tn be credited with makmg the year a success for the Class of '65 . Through their combined efforts to uphold Jordan traditions, juniors sponsored a class assembly in the fall and a class prom in the spring. Participating in the NMSQT and GATB tests, choosi the class ring, and campaigning for elections highlighted the year's activiti s for the members of dan's largest class. Studying for the required English d American history cia juniors also worked toward greater goals in p and skills taking chem try, languages, and stenography classes.


Charlie Greenwood



Karen Ainsworth Glenna Archuleta Debra Bollard Doris Bisbee Norene Brawn Carole Ann Canish Donna Dibb

Connie Allen Malyn Margaret Astle Fern Ann Barton Robin Bishop Claudia Burton Mary Lou Cook Joloine Diefenderfer

Edna Allsop Vicky Atkinson Gayle Bawden Darla Bodell Bonnie Corscn Betty Lou Cox Debra Duffin

Colleen Anderson Mary Lou Atwood Corel Bean Diane Bolliger Carol Carter Nedi Cox Margo Evans

Laraine Anderson Darla Baker Stephanie Berrett Linda Brackenbury Louraine Corter Janet Dougherty Leah Fairbourn

Sally Jo Anderson Susan Ballamis Clara Birchall Darla Brindley Carol Clawson Denise D<>wegeli Kathy Farris



Jim Alleman Glen A. Bergstrom Bryant J. Brown Charley Christensen Michael Deason Brent Dumas Bradley Endicott

Robert Andrus Dwight Bishop Dennis Brown David Curby Mike Denney Bruce Dunn Jack Evans

Raymond Baarz Mi chae l Bishop Merrill Buchanan Mike Curtis Steve Densley Jon Durrcmt John Evans

Brent Bockus Knute J. Boberg D nnis Burbank Brent Davis Rober! Dont Lynn Edwards Dave Fe i rbaurn

Steve Ball Earl B. Bollen Steven D. Caldwell Jesse Davis Shelby J. Dow Therald Edwards Kenl Farnsworth

Van Dee Bearden Larry Bowler Steven K. Coldwell Keith Day Mike Drake Bill Emerson Gary Ferguson


Laurel Fisher Claudia .Giade Karma Griggs Noel Honkenson Janie Herrin Carol Jacob

Signe Fletcher Sherry Gough Nancy Gunderson Linda Hardcastle June Heuser Dianne Jaynes

Cathy Forman Ruby Graham Karla Gunnell Down Harper Groce Holmstrom Ann Marie Jensen

Sydnee Foulger Patricia Green Linda Gunther Elaine Hart Danna Holt Sherry Jensen

Patricia Fullmer Jolene Green Nancy Ann Haddow Anna Mae Heaps Dionne Homer Carol Johnson

Angela Gorg Joanne Greenwood Ellen Hole Janet Heath Paula lhler Myrna Johnson



Gary Ferguson David Gilbert Steven Gregory Brent Haun Elden R. Howlett Stephen Johnson Wallace Terry Jones

David Ford Michael Goodmansen Dale Gunderson Mark Hendrickson Steven Humphrey Vernon Johnson Dee Kangas

Larry Frear John Grant Dale C. Hansen Paul Henke Michael Hurdsman Vic Johnson Greg Kramer

Ronald Freeman Charlie Greenwood Cra1g K. Hardcastle Brian Hicks Mark Hurst Colvin Jones Neldan Kunz

Brent Fuga l Gerald Greenwood Greg Harper Arthur Hobbs Roy Huston Jock Jones Richard Kunz

Ray Gregory Char les Hartwell Boyd Hone Scott Johnson Randal Jones Winn Kurumado George Lancaster


Del loris Joy Sora Ann lee Marget McKnight Cheryl Moody Barbara Nickle Gloria Paget

Patricio Kopteyn lynda Linford Jerri Madison Claudia Mumford Sharon Nokes Mary Panter

Charlotte Kemp Koren lautensock linda Marble Michele Mumford Sandra Norton Irene Pearson

Vickie Kunz Judy Lustig Bannito Marsing Margaret Nelson Anne Merit Olofsson Kay Pedersen

Yvonne lokerveld Evonne lybbert Virginia Martinez Sandy Nelson Sondra Olsen Cheryl A. Pennington

Beverly low Jenice McDowell Dione Middlesworth Victoria Nelson Kathleen O'Neil Patricio Peterson



!.arry Marshall Mark S. Mickelsen Marty Moses Evan Nessen Sterling Parker Burke Peterson Emerson Larkin

Jimmy Miller Rick Moun teer Kenny Newton Rex Patterson Douglas Matsumori Rodney Lawrence Tad Pope

Joe M1ner Neal Mumford Mike Nielson Paul Pelch Harold Maughan Rick leonls Jim Porter

Bob Minnick Bob Nelson Bruce Ostler Wesley Perkins Jim Poulos Bobby Maestas Don Medina

Jeff Mitchell Eddie Nelson Fred Pace William Glenn Perry Jimmy Powell Joe Maldonado Homer Meneely

Glen Montague Gary Nelson Michael Pace Milton J. Petersen Lee Powell Dale Rasmussen Ronald Rozema


Judy K. Pierce Mary Richins DeAnn Sargent Phyllis Simonich Carole Smith Nedra Smith

Sondra Pierce Dorene Rigler Jackie Schmidt Colleen Simonson Colleen Sm i th Sheila Smith

Gloria Price Frankie Rigler Koren Setterberg Darlene Simonson Koren Smith Susan Smith

Noreen Rasmussen Rosa Rivera Lindo Sheriff Mary Simonson Kathy Smith Carol Ann Soper

Claudio Richards Marion Robertson Colleen Shields Alene Smith Madeline Smith Chris Steadman

Gail Richards Roloyne Samuelson Verda Shurtleff Barbaro Smith Margie Smith Lindo L. Stevens



Alan Smith David Starks Gary Tobin Steve Visser Jerrold Webb Robert Robertson Craig Schelin

Carl Smith Richard Stuart Donald Tucker Robert Wallin Gary Williams Ralph Romano Steven Sewell

John Ralph Smith Steven Tennant Danny Watson Doug Woodbury Robert Romero Brent Silcox Phil Smith

Marvin Tester Don Visser D nn1s Weaver N1ck E. Yeng1ch Gory Rosenkrantz Edword Smedley Sterling Smith

Van Garfield Casey Von Wyngarden Jeannine Swe ney Hed' Tlelman Sharon Tipp lfs Janice Tolman Janet Sudbury

Susan Sund Wilma Sved1n Ann Taylor Kathy Timoney Lynadel l Tolley Susan Tolman Susan Utley


Judy Winger

Donna Vantassel Patty Ann Veltri Diana Wathen Diana Watts Sharon Webb Melody Williams

Janice Weir Linda Weiss Karen West Charlotte Wilkerson Gloria Wilkes Terri Wedel


This year's exceptional class of sophomores began a year of activities by electing its officers. Chosen to lead the first year 'Diggers were Brent, Mary Ann, and Vicki. Though the annual Sophomore Party was delayed until mid - year, the underclassmen nevertheless enjoyed their evening making new and renewing old acquaintances . By the end of the year, the sophomores had acquired impressive records earned as individuals and as a class. The true Beetdigger spirit they exhibited earned them recognition as full -fledged Jordanites.

Vicki Young Secretary


Brent. Marriott Presidf'nt

Dianne Ainsworth Barbara Anderson Terry Beck Darlene Brown Larue Clegg Ardeen Despain Lindo Durrant

Mary Lee Albrechtsen Beverly Andrus Suzanne Bennion Sharon Burgan Koralynn Cook Marva Despain Janice Ebert

Peggy Alldredge Linda Ashby Kim Berrett Barbara Burton Kathy Cox Nancy Despain Sharleen Eggleston

Mary Jane Allen Mary Atkinson Phyllis Best Linda Caldwe l l Joan Cunliffe Dorothy Dibb Penny Emerson

Janis Allred Peggy Bartlett Barbara Jean Bishop Susan Cary Kathryn Curtis Pauline Dumas Deanna foirbourn

Koyla Andersen Joan Marie Barton Margie Brady Claudia Clayton Sandra Denney Alice Durrant Angie Flores



Dennis Allen Lee Benson David Bishop Lorry Butler William Cook Bret Crandall Dean Dansie

I Tommy Anderson Doug Berry Craig Brown David Carlisle Mox Cornia Ben Crebs Crail=! Day

Roy Anderton Neal Biggs Gregory Brown Michael Carter James Corona George H. Crofutt Paul Day

Mark Bailey Mike Bingham Phil Brown Roger Val Clegg Hyrum Covert Ernest Curley Jerry Deason


Paul Baird Kenny Birch Robin Burgan Dove Cole Scott Cowdell Richard Dangerfield David Delquadro

Dee Benson Colvin Bishop Terry Bush George Coleman Earl Wayne Cox Mike Danie l s William Denison


Dione Ford Sandra Hansen Diane Heuser Cha rlotte Johnson Jolene Lake Donna Lunnen

Karen Gillian Jana Harris Kristine Hobusch Kathy Johnson Judie Low Rita Lybbert

Colleen Green Mariean Harrison Deanne Hughes Pamela Jones Tina Leak Koren Lynch

Linda Green Kathy Hayden Kathleen Hulse Virginia Jones Christine Leaverton Shirley Matsumori

Sandra Dee Griggs Kathy Hays Mary Ann Hyatt Zoe Ann Keller Rhea Levine Robyn Maynes

Janet Hansen Marsha Herman Dana Jensen Rosilyn Kittle Shauna Lloyd Pat Meeks



, Larry Dayle Steve Erickson Dale Freestone Craig Hansen Steve Hudgens Scott Jensen Blaine Kemp

Dennis Dunn Melvin Fairbourn John Fullmer Kent Hardcastle Rodney Hurdsmon Steve Jensen Wayne Kemp

Kenneth Eltson Kim Fitzgerald Brad Gorrell Richard Henningsen Bart Hyde Bill Johnston Greg Ray Kempton

Kirk Ell i s Owen Fitzgerald Melvin Gause John Heugly Collin lhler Evon LoVer Jones Ron Kesler

Tim Enntss Douglas Ford Thomas Gorg Scott Hoglund Garth P. Jerman Gene Joos Paul Kimball

Joe Enckson Jerry Ford Joy Gregory Dayton Hooser Glenn Jenkins Lorry Jordon Jimmy Knutson


Becky Miller Lindo Lee Nelson Pat Poulsen Carol Potter Diana Richards Dorothy Simonich

Potsi Moses Gwen Olsen Jeannie Peek DeiRena Powell Rose lyn Richards Catherine Simonson

Sheri Mumford None Pace Julie Peterson Sharon Rasmussen Diona Rosenkrantz Helen Smith

Vorel Mumford Bonnie Panek Pam Phillips Taynia Roy Nancy Rudd Joyce Smith

Sondra Noillon Lindo Panek Diane Popelmoyer Melody Reed Paulette Sanders Judy Smith

Lee Ann Nelson Linda Paramore JoAnn Porter Christine Reich Gloria Sheppard Laurel Smith



Jacques Koncuror Anthony Lelis Gene lund Jerry Marshall lorry Moiler Dole Nielsen Kirk Overstreet

Gory Lancaster Clair Lloyd Richard lundberg Paul Mason Jimmy Moss LaMar Nokes Jim Oviatt

Ferron Lorson Duane Lloyd Robert McGuire Bradley Medine larry Moss Alan Oleen Gregory Parker

Alan Lotrmer Fronk logan James Mohler Chris Mickelsen Jimmie Myrick Danny Oliver Gary Pederson

T' monthy Lee Lonnie lovendohl Fronk Malstrom George Middelstodt Paul Nabohe Brent Olson Roy Perkes

Richard le Fevre Michael Lukich Brent Marriott Brent Miller Joy Newton Lynn Ostler Leon Perry


Lawrel Smith Peggy Stevens Caro lyn Tolman Georgia Veater Vicki Whetman Carla Woodbury

Pauline Smith Marcile Sweeney Kathy Tucker Sue Vii liard Gloria Whittenbarger Karma Wright

Winifred Smith Vickie Tanner Pauline Tunbridge Lynea Visser Cheryl Williams Kathy Wright

Jannet Sours Karen Taylor Carla Turner Joy Watterson Janee Williams Marie Yengich

Valerie Stafflund Toni Taylor Katherine Turner Kaylene Watts Nola Williams Vicki Young

Pat Stefanoff Mary Ann Tennant Linda Turner Dorothy Wardell Linda Wintle




Jim Peterson John Rigler Terry Short Melvin Stouffer Doug Teran James Tuttle Ron Watson

Kris Peterson Dale Schow Vern Silcox Allen Steadman John Terry Robert A. Vowdrey Steve Webb

Steven Romey Ivan Bruce Schow Paul Smith Bruce Steadman Kendall Thompson Roy Wall Donald Westenskow

Jeffrey Rasmussen Allan Setterberg Don Snarr Richard Stokes Larry Trujillo Todd Wallace Dole Whipple

Donald Ray Fred Shaddick Dono Snow Carl Dean Sudbury Karl Tufts Greg Ward Brent Wiens

Phillip Richards Randy Shoemaker Allen Sparks Lloyd Tennant James Turner Dole Watkins Johnnie Williams

Scott W illiams Kent Wilson Allen Wright Stanley Worthen Ross Berrett Billy Ferguson John Ferrara




No one organization remains the same from year to year. Each adds new members, new ideas, and' new activities . Yet its purpose of service to the school and added enjoyment of a year of friendships and experiences remains the same.


Many problems confronted an industrious year book staff before the Beetdigger was finally sent to press: layouts had to be planned and drawn; pictures had to be scheduled, taken, printed, and labeled; copy had to be written, corrected, and typed; and early deadlines had to be met. The work was arduous and plentiful, but the exper iences and friendships gained while recording the year's events were rich ones for each staff member . Supervising the production of the 1964 Beetdig¡ ger were Joy Kurumada, Editor; Phil Goldbran son, Adviser; and Bryce Jones, Associate Editor.

Arranging the layouts of the yearbook were art staff members David Starks and Maureen Whipple.

Pausing from their duties are hard working copy and type staff members - Denise Dewegeli, Sharon Brown, Kathy Timoney, Dave Hughes, Diana Olabarri, and Michele Mumford.

BEETDIGGER STAFF Row One : Michele Mumford, Denise Dewegeli, Kathy Timoney, Maureen Whipple, Joy Kurumada, Diana Olabarri, Sharon Brown. Row Two: Dave Hughes, David Starks, Bryce Jones.

Assisting the yearbook staff with administrative duties were Blaine Brown, Business Manager; Arval Nelson, Photography Adviser; and Beverly Crawford, English Adviser.

Taking and printing the photographs for the yearbook were Elden Howlett and Rodger Busenbark.


The task of producing the Broadcaster w as undertaken this year by the journa lism class, thus combining the service of providing a newspaper for the student body wi t h the know ledge of learning the basic elements of journa lism . Under the direction of Richard McAllister, staff members learned the fundamenta ls of writing news articles, selling ads, and editing papers . Linda Bell , Editor; Kath y Timoney, Associate Editor; Mr. M cA lliste r, A dviser; and Nick Yengich, Associate Editor, look over the latest edition of the Broadcaster.

Vickie Kunz, Mark Hurst, Sandra Olsen, Carl Smith, Carol Soper, and Linda Hardcastle address papers for distribution to advertisers and other schools .


Mi chele Mumford , Sandra Pierce, Linda Hardcastle, Carol Soper, Claudia Mumford , Gloria Paget, Vickie Kunz, and Su san Sund proofread stencils before sending them to th e printer.

Preparing the papers for distribution to the student body are Ca rol Bean, Susan Utley, Judy Winger, Donna Dibb, Diane Homer, Edna Allsop, and Beverly Law.

Informing the community of Jordan activities were student correspondents to the Deseret News and Salt Lake Tribune, Kathy Timoney and Camilla Miner.

BROADCASTER STAFF- Row One : Carl Smith, Vickie Kunz, Nick Yeng ich, Claudia Mumford , Mark Hurst. Row Two : Linda Bell, Judy Winger, Susan Utley, Gloria Paget, Beverly Law, Linda Hardcastle, M iche le Mumford , Sandra Pierce. Row Three : Kathy Timoney, Diane Homer, Edna Allsop, Susan Sund, Carol Soper, Carol Bean , Donna Dibb.


KEY CLUB A junior division of the Kiwanis Club, Jordan's outstanding service organization, the Key Club, contributed in many ways to the betterment of the school by sell ing game programs, raising the flag each morning, and assisting with Career Day, College Day, and " Sub for Santa ." The club project for this year was the financing of the scenery for the school play. Beginning a year of activities last summer, three Key Club members, Gerald Greenwood , Bryce Jones, and Billy Moore, attended the national convention held in Pittsburgh . An informal initiation was held early in the fall, and completing the club's activities for the year was a dinner-dance at which awards and next year's officers were presented .

KEY CLUB- Row One : Richa rd Glad , W inn Kurumodo, Dean Ander son , Doug Motsumori, Ge ro ld Greenwood, Charlie Greenw ood, Scott


OFFICERS- Row One : Roy Had ley, Treasurer. Row Two : Billy Moo re, First V ice¡ Preside nt; Robert Do ll ey, Secre tory. Row Three: Bryce Jones, Utah- Idaho Dist ric t Governo r; Jim Mumford , Pres ident; Steve Densley, Seco nd Vice¡President.

Jens n. Row Two : M r. T ron, Adv1ser; Jeff M 1tche ll , Steve Larki n, Dole Hansen, Bryce Jones, Nick Yengich, Roy Hadley, Dee Benson.

Nick Yengich gives Mike Pace the certificate entitling him a pair of Florsheim shoes at the Key Club-sponsored drawing.

KEY CLUB- Row One: Robert Nelson, Neal Mumford, Randy Cowdell, Jim Mumford, Dean Sprague, Gle n Sudbury, Shelby Dow, Joe Miner, Doug Berry . Row Two: Bryant Brown, Craig Brown , leigh Gunnell,

Key Club president Jim Mumford changes the week's schedule on the bulletin board .

Alan Smith, Robert Soper, Dennis Weaver, Robert Andrus, Steve Densley, Billy Moore, Robert Dolley, David Delquodro; Mr. Swenson, Adviser.


CHARLONIANS- Row One: Co ll een Simonson, Karren West, Sharon Webb, Kathy Timoney, Phyllis Simonich, Carole Smith, Linda Weiss, Chris Steadman, Roloyne Samuelson, Judy Winge r, Nedra Smith, Jackie Schmidt. Row Two: Ann Merit Olafsson, Darl ene Simonson,

Janice Weir, Marion Robertson, Sheila Smith, DeAnn Sargent, Sa ndra Olsen, Sue Smith, Potty Veltri, Dorene Rigler, Claudia Richards, Claudia Mumford, Janet Sudbury.


Service is the key word in a Charlonian's world. The club builds its foundation by supporting school teams, performing during half-times at football and basketball games, improving relations with other schools at exchange teas and the annual pep club workshop, and providing a Christmas for a needy family . Friendships are the harvest each club member reaps. "Secret Pals," the May Day Breakfast, the traditional Charlonian Ball in the spring, and the daily seventh period marching practice drudgery all add up to lasting and binding friendships. OFFICERS- Row One : Nedra Smtth, Vice President ; Miss Erickson, Ad ¡ vlser; M iss Seaman, Adviser; Janice Weir, Yell Mistress . Row Two: Janie Herrin, Secretary; Kathy Timoney, Reporter; Ann Merit Olafsson, Trees ¡ urer; Dawn Harper, Historian; Lynde Linford , President; Paula lhler, Drill M istress; Karma Griggs, Assistant Drill M istress.


CHARLONIANS- Row One : Connie Allen, Corel Soper, Edna Allsop, Donna Dibb, Sherry Gough, Angela Garg, Bonnie Carson, Jolene Greene, Anna Mae Heaps, Caro l Jacob, Karen Ainsworth, Cathy Forman. Row Two : Sa ll y Jo Anderson, Colleen Anderson, Stephanie

Charlonians performing another outstanding march.

Berrett, Cheryl Moody, Kaye Montague, Gayle Bawden, Diane Homer, Dawn Harper, Lynda Linford, Carol Bean, Paula lhler, Janet Heath, Janie Herrin, Karma Griggs.

Drill mistress Paula lhler is initiated into the club as president Lynda Linford lights her candle.


A CAPPELLA Row One: linda Newbold, Accompanist; Glenna Archuleta, Barbara Lloyd, Carlene Rees, linda Bishop, Homer Meneely, Tim Parker, Ivan Fenstermaker, Roger Greenwood, Robert Wride, Flavo Johnson, Koren Lasater, Patricia Dimond, Ginger Peterson. Row Two : Pat Mahon, Rosemary Walker, Sandra Anderson, Nancy Winget, Larry Gould, Dale Gunderson, Dee Kangas, Larry Frear, Jay

C. Nichols, Kent Milburn, Cheryl Sorenson, Margie Lukich, Michele Newton, Barbara Daughtery. Row Three: linda Ebert, Claudia Richards, Kaye Montague, Bonnito Marsing, Verla Mugleston, Sandy Miller, Barbara Smith, Carol Soper, Sharon Nosack, Judi Vaughn, Carole Conish, Janet Daughtery, Louni Berrett, Toni Humphrey, Mary Jane Andrews, Linda Parks, Marilyn Lewis.

A CAPPELLA Directed by G. Rodney Zabriskie, the A Cappella pract iced diligently to perfect its performance. Blending their voices in harmony and expression, the choir has added much to the enjoyment of school assemblies and various community programs. OFFICERS- Robert Wride, President ; Barbara Lloyd, Social Chairman; Linda Newbold, Social Chairman ; Bonnita Marsing, Secretary; Mary Jane Andrews, Secretary; Dee Kangas, Vice-President.



The members of the Jordan High School Band, clad in their maroon and gray uniforms, participated in regional and state band festivals. They also performed in various assemblies and concerts, and provided half-time entertainment at football games. OFFICERS- Tina Leak, Librarian; Brent Fugal, Secretory; Joy Weaver, Vice -President; Glen Sudbury, President; Del Reno Powell, Librarian.

BAND- Row One: Arden Hewitt , Bobby Madsen , Brent Houn, Brent Fugal, Clair Lloyd, Dennis Weaver, Shelby Dow, Tommy Anderson, Doug Woodbury, Barry Nygard, Glen Bergstrom . Row Two: Harold Maughan, Knute Boberg, Kent Wilson, Ronald Kesler, Glen Sudbury,

Joy Weaver, Craig Hansen, Owen Fitzgerald, Wilfried Hoffmann, Kent Farnsworth, Del Rena Powell, Tina Leak, Scott Williams, William Cook. Row Three: Mr. Pond, Conductor; Frank Lagan, Larry Chidester, Dale Watkins.


MASQUE AND GAV EL- Row One: M. Atwood, S. Norton, A. Despain, C. Tolman, S. Rasmussen, V. Young, S. Vigil, L. Carter, D. Jaynes, C. Pennington, M. Simonson, R. Lybbert, K. Taylor, C. Turner, J. Kurumada, S. Ke ller, C. Miner, J. Matthews, K. Koller, J . Heath, D. Petersen, D. Sarge nt, P. Smith, D. Matsumori. Row Tw o : E. Rich, E. Rich, P. Yasukochi, C. Moody, B. Bishop, S. Smith, J . Wei r, B. Marsing, S. Matsumori, C. Potter, M. Sweeney, J . McDowell, L. Best, K. Reid, S. Asay, V. Mugleston , K. Watts, T. Leak , K. Lynch, H. Smit h, L. Nel son, M. Hermon . Row Three: K. Abrams, K. Montague, B. Smith, D. Bolliger, J . Winger, M. Atkinson, J . Hansen , J. Harri s, D. Jensen, K. Johnson, G. Veater, P. Jones, S. Cartwright, L. Hand, S. Somme rs, S. Tunbridge, T. Jensen, A. Durrant, M. De spai n, C. Green, P. Stevens.

Row Fou r: P. Ve ltri, L. Linford, N. Gunderson, C. Shields, V. Nelson , L. Wilcken, C. Bean, G. Bawden, J . Diefenderfer, C. Birchell, J . Watterso n, B. Lloyd , J . Vaughn, T. Humphrey, L. Bell, S. Sund, N. Han ke nson , K. Setlerberg, N. Rasmussen, H. Tielman. Row Five: V. Whe tman, K Berrett, L. Tolley, L. Newbold , M. Ludlow, L. Be rry, M. Sjob lom, D. Pettibone, G. Page t, L. Stevens, S. Olsen, L. Ashby, K. Gi ll en, M. Brady, V. Jones, P. Emerson, D. Ford. Row Six: S. Jensen, B. Schow, R. Gree nwood, C. Sudbury, K. Farnsworth, D. Gilbe rt, K. Boberg, D. Weave r, S. Parke r, D. Han se n, B. Davis, J. Grant , D. Anderso n, D. Dean, C. Mickelse n, F. Pace, M. Gulbranson, V. Moran, S. Larki n, B. Moore, G. Gree nwood , R. Han se n; Mr. Sacos, Adviser.


Limited this year to 150 members, Jordon's Mosque and Gavel Club promoted numerous activ ities . Besides attending p loys sponsored by the University of Utah; participating in on initiation, several parties, and a forma l banquet; sponsoring "Sub for Santo;" and support ing t icket-selling for the school ploy, its members fo r t he fi rst time sponsored a semi-forma l donee.

OFFICERS Ph il Smith, Parliamentanan; DeA nn Sargent, Ht sto rian ; Doug Mat sumori, Vice -President; Diane Petersen , Secretary-Treasurer; Janet Heath, President.



1 additio n to studying the function of the United ations and taking part in the UNICEF drive and .N. Week, the Model U.N. Club highlighted uest speakers from foreign countries in its genda this year.

1e major activities of th e club were centered round th e representation of Indonesia and East ermany at the Model U.N. Assembly held at 1e University of Utah in the spring. OFFICERS AND ADVISER- Mr. Milne, Adviser; Kathy Timoney, Secre· tory General; Phyllis Simonich, Secretary·Treasurer; Diane Homer, His · tori an; Nick Yeng1ch, Assistant Secretary General.

MODEL U.N. - Row One : Mr. Milne, Adviser; J. Williams, M. Simonson, P. Yasukochi, M. Mumford, K. Timoney, P. Simonich, L. Weiss, S. Berrett, C. Sleadman, C. Miner. Row Two : M. Hurst, M. Carter, S. Uiley, J . McDowell, L. Ebert, C. Anderson, S. Rasmussen, D. Popelmayer, D. Simonich, N. Gunderson, K. Setterberg. Row Three: M.

McKnight, L. Stevens, C. Mumford, G. Paget, K. West, K. Hayes, P. Stevens, C. Potter, C. Moody, P. Veltri, A. Garg, D. Homer. Row Four: C. Smith, N. Yengich, K. Newton, J. Miner, R. Hansen, D. Weaver, H. Tielman, l. Anderson, L. Linford, S. Olsen .



Sponsoring such activities as the benefit basketball game between the Jordan Stars and the Harlem Stars , the Lettermen Club spent an active year undertaking and completing many useful projects, serving the Athletic Department and the school. Consisting of boys who have earned an athletic letter, the club offered each member un failing support in the various athletic events. OFFICERS - Stan Hoffman , Pres ident; M ike Lei is, Sergeant at Arms; Mr. Jones, Adviser; Randy Cowdell, Vice -President, Kit Enniss, Secretary· Treasurer.

LETTERMEN CLUB- Row One : Randy Cowdell, Stan Hoffman, Kelly Hays, Joy Weaver, Charlie Greenwood, Dole Rasmussen, Eddie Wil · Iiams, Bryant Brown, Dave Foirbourn; Mr. Teran, Adviser. Row Two : Clyde Lawrence, Roy Hadley, Richard Glad, Mark Akogi, Dean Anderson, Kit Ennlss, Bil ly Moore, Bryce Jones, Jim Lawson, Honk Eklund;


Mr Lovot, Adviser. Row Three : Colvin Jones, Don Noordo , Brent Pen rod , Doug McGurre, Scott Johnson, M ike lells, Steve Densley, leRoy Maughan, Robert Andrus, leon Carlson, Bruce Dunn; Mr. McCleary, Adviser; Mr. Jones, Adviser .

DANCE CLUB Row One : Peggy Yosukoch i, Trino Jensen, Susa n Sommers, Lindo Newbold, Sue Cartwright, Marsha Ludlow, Connie Adamson. Row Two : Mi ss Erickson, Adviser; Sheryl Pri ce, Marilyn

Smith, Kathy Grant, Judy Moss, Tomro Bingham , Barbaro Lloyd , Gloria Foirbourn. Row Three: Maureen Whipple, Jon Vernon, Chery l Fitzgerald, Marilyn Stone, Vickie Keller, Louni Berrett, Patricio Dimond.

DANCE CLUB Members of the Dance Club have demonstrated their creativity on various assemblies , floorshows, and programs, through graceful movements, unusual beats, and mood patterns . By presenting a Dance Concert in early spring, its members further stimulated interest in modern dance .

OFFICERS Row One : Peggy Yosukochi, Historian. Row Two : Trino Jensen, Reporter; Miss Erickson, Adviser; Jon Vernon, Secretory. Row Three: Susa n Sommers, President;

Lindo Newbold, Vice-President.


F.F.A. Row One: Gene Joos, Dayton Heuser, Paul Mason, LaMar Nokes, John Smith, Kenneth Milburn, Ralph Bowen, Jeff Mitchell, Steve Visser; Mr. Black, Adviser. Row Two: Gary Lancaster, John Oakesan, James_ Tuttle, John Wardell, Richard Clegg, Robert Robert-

son, Larry Butler, Richard Kunz, Ivan Fenstermaker, David Jeffs. Row Three : Richard Stokes, Dave Bishop, Tim Porker, Don lpson, Robert Soper, Stephen Johnson, Roldan Dansie , Ken Adams, Roger Green wood, Ron Freeman, Hyrum Jeffs, Bob Minnick.

F. F. A.

The Jordan High School Chapter of the Future Farmers of America has completed its thirty fourth active year. Sponsoring th e Harvest Ball, sending representatives to state and national conventions, and participating in agricultural shows at the Salt Lake County Fair were high lights of the club's year . Mr. Black, Adviser; Raldon Dansie, Sentinel; Steve Johnson, Treasurer; Robert Soper, Secretary; Rolph Bowen, Reporter; Jeff Mitchell, President.



F. H. A.

With the club motto "Toward New Horizons" as a guide, each member of the Future Homemakers of America learned the art of successful homemaking. Attending regional and state conventions and sponsoring the annual Sweethearts' Ball held around Valentine's Day highlighted the events of the club's year. OFFICERS - Roloyne Samuelson, Treasurer; Jo¡ lene Greene, Vice-President; Miss Henderson, Adviser; G loria Paget, Secretory; Solly Jo Anderson, Hi storian; Lindo Bishop, President.

F.H.A. Row One : D. Rigler, F. Rigler, Anderson, R. Samuelson, M. Simonson, C. l. Tolley. Row Two : K. Watt s, B. Lloyd, J. Lynch, S. Utley, B. Smith, D. Foirbourn, C.

L. Bishop, G. Paget, S. Simonson, S. Anderson, Vaughn, S. Benn1on, K. Anderson, M. Andrews,

M . Wright. Row Three : L. Stevens, M. Richins, C. Corter, S. Tippetts, Row Four: L. Nalson, M. Harrison, Motsumori, P. Jones, S. Lloyd, P. C. Johnson, S. Asoy.

S. Olsen, W. Svedin, C. Conish, A. Heaps, T. Beck, C. Simonson. B. Nickle, D. Powell, T. Leak, S. Goudie, J. Smith, J. Watterson,



Estab lished for the purpose of wi de ning the stude nts' know ledge of the Ge rma n lang uage, the Germa n Club has ended a second successfu l year. Its members v iewed movies, en joyed we ll -p lan ned parties, and attended a banquet at the end of the year. GERMAN CLUB Row On e: C. Woodbury, D. Powell, T. Leok, K. Reid, C. Anderson, R. Jones, Historian; D. Hansen, D. Johnson, Secretary; A. Menssen, President; A. Garg, Vice ¡ President; B. Nickle, K. Loutensock, S. Anderson, C. Forman, J. Greene. Row Two : D. Dewegeli, K. Berrell, J. Hansen, W. Svedin, M. McKnight, K. Wright, K. Hulse, K. Lasater, J. Evans, T. Garg, V. Bearden, A. Smith. Row Three: L. Powell, C. Hardcastle, K. Newton, N . Kunz, B. Nygard, M . Good mansen, H. Covert, E. Jones, D. Curby, D. Tucker, M. Akagi, D. Whipple; Mr. ZabrisKie, Adv•ser. Row Four : R. Robertson, S. Caldwel l, P. Henke, G. Parker, L. Perry, R. Henningsen , F. Pace , G. Kempton, D. Berrett, B. Backus, D. Woodbury .

D. E. C. A.

Learning the fundamentals of selling was the goal of the Jordan chapter of the Distributive Education Clubs of America. Through the instructions of its adviser, Mrs. Lila Wilson - informative speakers and field trips, this goal was achieved. The club also sponsored an assemb ly, aided in the Sub-forSanta p rogram, and sold confections at the football games. DECA Ro w One: Gloria Fairbourn, Bobby Madsen, Laurel Wall, Verla Muglestan, Nancy Winget, Treasurer-Historian; Larry Gould, Vermond Moran . Row Two: Diane Davidson, LoRee Sorenson, LaRoe Brawn, Koren Lasater, Rosemary Walker, Cheryl Sorensen, Jim Lawson, Reporter. Row Three: Mrs. Wilson, Adviser; Sondra Anderson, Sheryl Price, Marsha Bingham, Frank Powell, Vice -President; Marilyn Stan , Gordan Day, Lynda Hand, President. Row Fou r: Jeannine Fahrni, Susan Lorson, Elizabeth Evans, Dennis Dean, Arden Hewill . M issing: Diane Stapley, Secretary.



Designed to promote interest in nursing, the Future Nurses Club taught members various things to expect in a medica l profession. High lighti ng the year were numerous speakers and a successfu ll yp lanned tou r of a hospita l. FUTUR E NURSES Susan Asay, Reporter; Sandra Anderson, President; Kathy Turner, Secretary; Shauna Lloyd, Vice-President.


j Enrolling each student at Jordan in the American Red Cross was the major goal of this year's Red Cross Club. The club also strived to gain knowledge of the Red Cross and its functions. RED CROSS - Row One: Miss Humphreys, Adviser; Jeannine Sweeney, Historian; Susan Sund, Vice -President; Chris Short, President; Hedi Tie/man, Secretary; Kathy Jenkins, Treasurer. Row Two: Linda Hardcastle, Pat Paulsen, Jenice McDowell, Noel Hankenson, Jo/aine Diefenderfer. Row Three: Anna Mae Heaps, Sharon Tippetts, Carol Carter, Michael Bishop, Mary Richins, Carole Ann Conish, Barbara Nickle.


Excellence in athletics has long been a part of Jordan 's traditions, as evidenced by the numerous awards in our overcrowded trophy cases . This tradition, a determination to achieve victory and honor for Jordan, is achieved through a unified spirit which we dem onstrate at athletic events .




Linda Newbold Head Cheerleader

Susan Sommers Co - Head Cheerleader

Sydnee Foulger


As newly-elected cheerleaders, Linda, Susan, Sydnee, Richard, Marsha, and Sharon began a year of activities last spring, hosting the state cheerleading clinic. Practicing through the summer, they perfected routines and created new cheers . Through the football and basketball seasons, they planned pep assemblies, worked up enthusiasm for games, and led the student body through songs and cheers. Whether leading a victory song or cheering the team in defeat, our cheerleaders always exemplified the Jordan spirit of pep and sportsmanship.

Sharon Tunbridge

Our six energetic cheerleaders led the stu dent body through songs and cheers during the football and basketball seasons.

Marsha ludlow

Richard Glad


Earning most of the credit for Jordan 's gridiron success are the coaches : Bob Teran, Evert Jones, Head Coach; Tom Lovat, Jerry McCleary.

Scoreboard PRE -SEASON Jordan 21 Jordan 13

·----------------- . Ben Lomond 7 East 28 LEAGUE

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan


Hillcrest 6 26 Cyprus 0 20 .......................................... 28 .............................................. Granger 6 34 ................................................. Tooele 0 14 ·-·-------·------·-······· . Bingham 19 42 .............................................................. Murray 20 -~-·------------····--------·-

Dean Anderson

Randy Cowdell

Captain - Guard

Co-Captain - Halfback


All - Reg ion


After receiving pre -season recognition as a state title contender, Jordan rolled over Ben Lomond, but was stopped by the Leopards from East High . Jordan recovered quickly and got back on the victory trail in Region 4 competition by downing Hillcrest, Cyprus, and Tooele in methodical succession. Then came Bingham . Both teams were undefeated and a win was essential if we were to win the region crown . The Miners from Copperton upset the mighty ' Diggers in a heartbreaking 19 - 14 contest. However, Jordan's team proved noble in defeat as it had in victory, and, despite the shattering of title hopes, maintained the traditional spirit and drive and that allimportant "senior attitude" Coach Jones praised, to crush Murray in the season 's final game, 42-20.

Dale Rasmussen evades a tackle by a Granger Lancer.


Tho ugh J o rda n he ld a pow erful East Hig h team to a 7- 6 halftime lead, th e No. 1 pre-seaso n ra nked tea m gave th e ' Di ggers the fi rst of thei r two seaso n losses.

MAIN STRING Robert Andrus

Center Bryant Brown

Qua rterback Robert Dolley

Guard Steve Densley Fu ll back - All-Region

Kit Enniss

Halfback - All-Region 2nd Team Dave Fairbourn Fu ll back -


Kelly Hays

Quarte rback Stan Hoffman


Scott Johnson

Tack le Mike lelis

Tackle Brent Penrod

End Dale Rasmussen

Ha lfback


Knute Boberg

Ce nte r leon Carlson

Tack le Jim Cary

Tackle Pete Deason


Mike Denney

Quarterback larry Frear

End Charlie Greenwood

Halfback Brent Haun

Tack le

Ray Huston

Tackle Jim lawson

Guard Rick leonis

End Doug Matsumori


Though last year's game ended in a 0-0 tie, Jordan proved its superiority in the second gridiron encounter with Hillcrest as it trounced the Huskies, 26-6.

A Jordan runner displays the drive that kept the 'Diggers rated in the top ten football teams in the state throughout the season.


Harold Maughan Tackle Joe Miner Guard Robert Nelson End

Burke Peterson Halfback Jim Porter Halfback Alan Smith Fullba ck

Donald Tucker Guard Jay Weaver Center Jerrold Webb Gua rd

VARSITY Tf.AM Row One : •D. Anderson, •R . Dolley, •K . Enniss, *B. Penrod, *K. Hoys, • M. Lelis, L. Carlson, *R. Cowde ll , J . Weaver, •s. Hoffman, J. Lawson . Row Two : R. Hadley, Monoger; D. Motsumori, J . Porter, D. Rasmussen, R. Leonis, P. Deason, B. Peterson, B.


* Returning


Brown, D. Fo~rbourn, C. Row Three : H. Eklund , Andrus, S. D nsley, H. H. Men eely, Monogcr. Huston, R Nelson

Gre nwood, J. Webb , M. Bishop, Monoger . Manager; J . Cory, B Houn , S. Johnson, R. Maughan, L. Frear, M. Denney, K. Boberg , Row Four : D. Tucker, J . Miner, A Smith, R.


Playing their first year of organized football, members of the sophomore team began the season as inexperienced players. Under the coaching of Bob Teran and Jerry McCleary, they learned the fundamentals of football and teamwork and gained valuable training experience in preparation for their playing on the varsity squad. Injuries to key p layers hindered Jordan's chances of defeating arch-rival Bingham in the region championship game.

Row One: M. Bailey, Manager; L. Moss, G. Lund, B. Crandall, S. Cowdell , C. Day , D. Teran , S. Eri ckson , A. Sparks , D Be rry, P. D;:,y, T. Enn iss, T. Le lis, Manager. Row Two: J . Deason, S.


Webb, J. Newton, J . Knutson , A. Steadman, H. Colvert, M. Cornia, J . Moss, P. Nabahe , L. Truj illo, T. Bush, J. Rasmussen, Manager. Row Three: Bob Teran , Coach; B. Crebs, J . Terry, D. Berrett, L Perry, S. Worthen , A. Wright, J. Marshall , S. Jensen , Jerry McCleary, Coach .


Tom Lovat Assistant Coach

Jerry McCleary Coach LeRoy Maughan Captain - Center All-Region 2nd Team

Randy Cowdell Guard

Steve Densley Forward - All-Region

Doug McGuire Forward

Greg Kramer Guard

BASKETBALL Jordan 's defending Class A champions were plagued with iniuries this season, leaving the highly regarded Beetdiggers locked in the cellar most of the season . All -State center LeRoy Maug han suffered a torn knee cartilage in the second game of the season and didn 't return until four games and four losses had been recorded ; iunior guard Greg Kramer broke his arm during the fourth game as he crashed into a wall; and a third starter, Doug McGuire, fractured his ribs . Morale and Maughan returned in the second encounter with Bingham as the ' Diggers dumped the Region Champions, 74 -72. Even with Maughan's return, Jordan worsened its already nottoo - impressive record by losing to Hillcrest, Mur ray, and Granger. Determined not to end the season in last place, the Beetdiggers batt:ed to victory in the final two games by stopping Cyprus, 70 -57, and unmercifully battering Tooele on their home court, 76 - 36 . Though this is only the second season in the past thirteen years Jordan has not qualified for a state tournament berth, with two starters and four experienced players returning next year, there is promise of better things to come.

Scoreboard PRE-SEASON Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

70 59 49 57 42 68

·---·--------------···-·-······--·---- Highland ............................................ West ...................................... Olympus ...................................... Bountiful ................................ Ben Lomond ................................ Spanish Fork

68 69 84 55 41 53

LEAGUE Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

60 69 48 49 52 49 74 52 52 56 70 76

----------·--------------------------- Bingham ........................................ Hillcrest ........................................ Murray ...................................... Granger .......................................... Cyprus .......................................... Tooele ...................................... Bingham ...................................... Hillcrest ........................................ Murray ........................................ Granger ........................................ Cyprus ------------------------------------------ Tooele

63 51 71 59 72 51 72 57 64 69 57 36


Brent Marriott

Billy Moore

Steve Webb


Ce nte r


Charlie Greenwood

Dale Hansen

Gene Lund

Gua rd

Forwa rd

Fo rwa rd

All - Region Steve Densley struggles for possession of the ball.


Coach McC leary instructs the team on offensive maneuvers.

LeRoy M aughan a nd Billy M oore battle for the rebound.

LeRoy M aughan fires over the head of his opponent for an easy two points .

VARSITY TEAM- Charlie Greenwood , Steve Webb, Brent Merriott,

*Rondy Cowdell, Gene lund , *Brent Penrod , Doug McGuire , Greg Kromer, Dole Hansen, *Steve Densley, Billy Moore , *leRoy Maughan. • Returning lettermen


Junior V arsity Scoreboard


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

40 48 48 47 48 38 41 27 54 52 51 47

-------------------------------------- Bingham ---------------------------------------- Hillcrest -------------··------------------------- Murray ------···----·-·--·-·------------------- Grc;mger ------·-··------------------------------ Cyprus --------·------------------------·-·-----· Tooele -------------------------------------· Bingham ·------------------------------------·-- Hillcrest ---------------------------------------- Murray ------------·---------------------·----- Granger ---------------·-·--·-·--·--··---------- Cyprus -·-------··------------------------------- Tooele

54 49 46 78 56 41 53 61 49 73 36 53

Sophomore Team Scoreboard This year's Junior Varsity team, composed of only two juniors and seven better -than-average sophomores, played a rugged brand of basket ball through the season. Their games, which preceded the varsity contests, provided specta tors with exciting action and close scores. More important, the games gave the players the need ed experience to encounter next year 's varsity teams. Coached by Tom Lovat, the squad showed steady improvement with each game, picking up their wins in the second half of league play to finish the season with a 3 -9 record .

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordon Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

46 ------------------------------··-·····-· Bingham 36 ........................................ Hillcrest 65 ........................................ Murray 43 ........................................ Granger 45 ---------------------------------------· Cyprus 40 ------·------------------·---·--·------·. Tooele 54 -------------------------------------· Bingham 44 ........................................ Hillcrest 38 ........................................ Murray 37 ...................................... Granger 41 ........................................ Cyprus 52 .......................................... Tooele

JUNI OR VARSITY- IRow One: Cho rli Gree nwood, Gene Lund, Steve Webb, Paul Day, Tim Enniss. Row Two : Jeff Rasmusse n, Manager; Brent Marriott, Co llin l hler, Dove Co le, Do le Hansen, Tom lovo t, Coach .


37 55 73 66 46 36 43 59 46 51 43 51


The Sophomore Team, training ground for next year' s Junior Varsity and Varsity teams, displayed potential power for Jordan 's basketball future as they steadily improved with each game. Though the sophomores ended the season with the same record as that of the Varsity, four wins and eight losses, Jordan fans are assured of some strong teams the next two years. Dave Delquadro waits for an opportunity to pass the bal l to a teammate.

SOPHOMORE TEAM- Row One : Kim Fitzgerald , Doug Tera n, Jim

Mohler, Glen Jenkins, Paul Nabohe , Dove Delquodro, Alan Wright. Row Two : Steve Jensen , Manager; Lorry Tru jillo , Randy Shoemaker, Calvin Bishop, Craig Hansen , Ma rk Bailey, Billy Ferguson , Manager; Bob Teran , Coach .


WRESTLING Wrestling was strong at Jordan this season as our squad captured four first place, two second place, and four third place honors at Bingham in the Region Meet to finish well ahead of other contenders in team scoring. Because of a new method of determining the region championship, based on won - loss record rather than total team scoring, Jordan did not receive the trophy, but instead finished second in the final standings. Three ' Diggers, Dave Fairbourn, Stan Hoffman, and Bobby Maestas , plated high in the State Meet, ranking in the top four of their respective weight classes. Their points along with those earned by teammates gave Jordan sixth place honors in state competition . The most impressive individual record is that of co -captain Stan Hoffman who finished the season with a remarkable 15-1 record, his only loss occurring in his final match for first place state honors . Co -captain Kit Enniss had the second best individual record with a 12 -2 mark . Kit Enniss works for a guillotine hold on hi s opponent.

I Fred Alldredge

Evert Jones

Kit Enniss

Stan Hoffman


Co -Captain First Region

Co -Captain First Region - Second State

Ron Hill

Third Region


WRESTLING- Row One : M. Bishop, Monog ~r; E. Hill, *S. Hoffman, *D. Anderson, Johnson , *E. D. Foirbourn, J . Porter, F. Alldredge , B. Maestas, Manager. Row Two: S. Hudgens, B. Crebs, J . Terry, son, D. Tucker, J . Mitchell, D. Bishop , R. Lawrence,


Dean Anderson First Reg ion

Larkin, *R. Glad, R. Elswood, *K. Enniss, M. Akogi, D. Dean, M. Corter, R. Robert· •c. Jones, A. Latimer,

Dave Fairboum First Region- Fourth State

Eddie Elswood Third Region


M. Pace, T. Lelis, A. Steadman, *C. Lawrence. Row Three: P. Smith, B. Brown , G . Harper, R. Dangerfield, V. Johnson, R. Dolley, A. Smith, M. Lelis, S. Cowdell, S. Worthen, T. Bush, C. Day, K. Birch, D. Motsumori, D. Rasmussen. * Returning Lettermen

Richard Glad Second Region




Scott Johnson

Emerson Larkin Third Region

Bobby Maestas Second Region- Fourth State

Jim Porter Third Region



After waiting out a long winter, Jordan's baseball team took advantage of the first signs of good weather and began their daily practices after school. Activity on the diamond reached its peak in early Apri l as blue skies and ba lmy breezes accompanied the spirited try-out sessions . Co-captains Dean Anderson and Tony Yengich helped coach Bob Teran select the p layers who would later represent Jordan in Region Four baseball competition. Backed by seven returning lettermen and a number of othe r talented players, Jordan could be confident of a good showing this year. Mike Smith goes into a stretch as he awaits an approaching ball.

\ Bob Teran Coach


Dean Anderson Co-Captain


Tony Yengich Co-Captain

Row One: K. Newton, *E. Williams, • D. Noorda, *B. Dunn, *D. Anderson, B. Marriott, *M. Smith, *T. Yengich, •s. Densley, J . Rasmussen, Monoger. Row Two : Bob Teran, Coach; W. Kurumada, S. Webb, BA SEBALL -

Catcher Dean Anderson blocks the plate as Eddie Williams attempts to slide under his tag.

B. Thompson, G. Kromer, J. Webb, B. Brown, G. Greenwood, K. Enniss, K. Day, L. Trujillo. Row Th ree: C. Smith, S. Erickson, P. Day, C. lhler, D. Cole, S. Smith, K. Fitzgerald, G. Lund, T. Enniss, E. Boulton.

Infielder Dan Noorda sets to throw the ball.

*Returning Lettermen



With five returning lettermen and a new coach, the tennis team looks forward to another successful year. Repairs to the court and new equipment help make the courts more accessible for nightly practices and scheduled weekly matches in Region Four competition. TENNI S - Ro w One: *Mark Akagi, • Dove Hughes, *Jim Mumford, *Billy Moore, *Bryce Jones. Row Two: Scott Williams, Bruce Schow, Greg Kempton, Dean Sprague, Bob Nelson, Kendall Thompson. Mi ssing: David Delquadro, Dole Hansen, Robert Wride .

Tom lovat Coach

Jim Mumford Captain

Bryce Jones and Dave Hughes practice for region play.

*Returning Lettermen



Clad in the traditional red and gray, Jordan's flag twirlers accompanied songs during the basketball and football seasons. Their appearances added spirit and color to pep assemblies, games, and special events . FLAG TWIRLERS__: Sherry Carter, Suzanne Larsen , Jan Vernon , Jackie Williams, Jerri Jensen.


Backing the cheering section at games and pep assemblies, members of the pep band promoted school spirit with the added enthu siasm with which they accompanied each song . PEP BAND- Row One: Larry Chidester, Arden Hewitt, Kent Farnsworth , Jay Weaver, Glen Sudbury , Shelby Dow. Row Two: Cla ir Lloyd, Brent Fugal, Harold Maughan , Knute Boberg, Doug Berrett.


ACTIVITIES No year would be complete without the anticipation, excitement and enjoyment of special events and activities. Our participation in these activities is soon forgotten as new students take our places, but is remembered as a cherished experience.

SCHOOL PLAY Under the direction of Glenn E. Sacos, a carefully selected cast presented three performances of Maxwell Anderson's drama The Bad Seed. The performances climaxed endless hours of detailed preparation by the director, cast, and numerous committees. After the curtain rose on the first act, the a'udience was at once captivated by the charm and simplicity of an eight-year-old child. As the story unfolds, however, Rhoda Penmark 's charm becomes a devastating cleverness and her simplicity emerges as a complex psychoneurosis. The Bad Seed was an adult presentation, far

different from any play previous staged at Jordan. It was, however, presented in the outstanding style which is becoming traditional . LeRoy -

Rhocla-Carolyn Tolman-is read a story by her mother.


Chris Short -

discovers Rhoda 's secret.

Glenn Sacos

Carolyn Tolman


Rhoda Penmark

Chris Mickelsen

Sue Cartwright

Rear Admiral Kenneth Penmark

Christine Penmark

Christine, in hysteria, is slapped by Monica Klaudia Koller - during a rehearsal .

Klaudia Koller Monica Breedlove

Nick Yengich Emory Wages

Jan Vernon Mrs. Daigle

Richard Glad Richard Bravo

Chris Short LeRoy

Mark Hurst Messenger Student Director

' 'You hit him with one of those shoes, didn 't you? Tell me! " cries Christine Sue Cartwright as she tries to learn the truth from Rhoda.

Lynda Linford Miss Fern

Reed Hansen Tasker

Fred Pace Mr. Daigle

Linda Berry Student Director

Steve Larkin Student Director

Judy Matthews Student Director


INTERPRETIVE For the fourth consecutive year, Jordan won f irst place honors at the Region Interpretive Meet. Un der the direction of Glenn E. Sacos, Jordan interpretive students totaled 94 points, leaving a 37 -point margin between Jordan and second place Cyprus. In the individual areas - dramatic readings, humorous readings, radio speaking, retold stories , and pantomimes - Jordan qualified 14 of a possible 15 students to compete in the State Meet. " A Trip to Czardis," the one -act play, received Best Play honors and the only superior rating given in the Region Meet. Kathy Abrams brought further honors to Jordan as she was named Best Actress of this Meet. STATE INTERPRETIVE Row One: Ca milla Miner, Lind a Hughes, Linda Berry , Klaudia Ko ller, M orsho Ludl ow , Ka thy Johnson, Caro l Bean , Ka thy Timoney. Row Two : Edd ie El swood , LeRoy Maug han , Scott John son, Doug Mot sumo ri, Phi l Smith, Mr. Socos, Direc tor; Sk ip Atkinson, M ich ael Goodman se n.

REGION INTERPRETIVE Row One : Camillo Miner, Janet Heath Lmdo Hughes, Lindo 'serry, Kloudio Koller, Kathie Reid, Vickie Keller.' Lindo Newbold, Marsha Ludlow, Kathy Johnson, Carol Beon, Lynda Linford, Susan Smith, Kathy Timoney. Row Two : Pete Deason, Jeff Mitchell, Alan


Sm11h, Scott Johnson, Doug Motsumori, Joe Miner, Chris Short, Dove Hughes, Sk1p Atkinson, Lorry Frear, Lorry Marshall. Row Three : Eddie Elswood, Lynn Wotrerson, LeRoy Maughan, Mr. Socos, Director; Phil Smith, Michael Goodmonsen .

A cho ru s of nun s ope ned the play.

Supe rb directing an d acting was evident in ea ch scen e of the play.


ONE- ACT PLAY Row One : E. Rich, S. Tunbridge, l. Newbold, l. Hand, M. Atkinson, K Amsworth, C. Soper, K. Milbu rn, S. Dow, T. Weiler!. Row Two : l. Nokes, B. Steadman, D. Goff, G . Lancaster, J . Burbank, V. Wh'3tmon, D. Homer, l. Bishop, M. Smith, N. Gunderson, C. Sh1e lds, N Rasmussen, L. Berry, S. Cartwright, E. Rich, G . Davidson . Row Three : K. Abrams, N. Scott, G. Pe rry, R. Hansen, S. Jensen, K. Boberg Row Four : D. Berry, M. Lelis, K. FarnsWorth, F. Pace, L. Perry, C. Sudbury, G. Bucha non, M. Gulbranson, S. Larki n, J. Mitchell.

A d ram atic han g ing scene occu rred at the p la y's end.


FORENSICS Under the direction of Linda Erickson, forensics ¡ provided an opportunity for Jordan students to participate in debates, extemporaneous speaking, legislative forum and oration. Debaters spent long hours compiling extensive research on the controversia I subject of Med icare, in preparation for practice debates with other high schools. This competition was climaxed at the Weber College and Alpine Tournaments, and the Region Meet. With the combined scores of students participating in the four areas of forensics, Jordan placed second in the Region Meet. Chris Short, Debate Manager; Miss Erickson, Ad viser; Nick Yengich, N.F.L. Secretary.


Joe M1ner, Carl Smith, Alan Sm1th, Mark Mickelsen, Short, Nick Yengich, Janet Heath, Diane Pettibon , Kathie Reid, Lindo Newbold , Georgto Lunnen, Michele Mumford .



STATE FORENSICS- Camilla Miner, Georgia Lunnen, Diane Pettibone,

Mark Mickelsen, Scott Johnson, Nick Yengich, Chris Short.

REGION FORENSICS Row One: Carl Smith, Alan Smith, Shelby Dow, Mark Mickelsen, Chris Short, Nick Yengich, Linnita Best, Carol Jacob, Susan Tolman, Janet Heath, Lindo Weiss, Kathie Reid. Row Two : Edward Smedley, Brent

Diane Pettibone and Camilla Miner placed third and first, respectively, in statewide competi t ion at the Alpine Oratorical Meet.

Fugal, Dione Pettibone, Kloudio Koller, Susan Keller, Georgia Lunnen, Scott Johnson, Marsha Ludlow, Toni Humphrey, Coral Bean, Kathy Abrams, Camillo Miner, Lindo Newbold.





"Blue Moon" was chosen as the theme for this year's Harvest Ball. The F. F. A. -sponsored dance, the first of the school year, was decorated with shades of blue streamers positioned to highlight a large moon above the heads of dancers.


In stocking feet, members of the student body honored the football team at the "Foot Ball." Amid the Walls decorated with pompons and boosters used throughout the season, the coaches and team members were presented with miniature footballs during floorshow ceremonies.


The highly successful A.G.J.-sponsored Dogpatch Drag featured decorations of hay bales and corn stalks which created a setting for the amusing hog calling contest held for Daisy Mae contestants. The popular girls' choice dance Was further highlighted by a beard growing contest for boys and a Marryin ' Sam for Dogpatch couples.

SWEETHEARTS' BALL, right Sponsored by the F.H .A., the annual Sweethearts' Ball featured decorations centered around a Val entine theme with colors in various shades of pink and white. The pop ular girls' cho ice dance was high lighted during intermission with the crowning of a king and queen to reign over the evening.

SENIOR HOP, left Coupl es stepped from a long and Winding tunne l into a magenta and b lue pyramid . From the top of the PYramid a huge coiled serpent was suspended . Adding further to the Egyptian atmosphere were vases containing colorful plumes, huge urns burning incense, and murals featuring hieroglyphics .

VICTORY DANCE, right Members of the basketball and Wrestling teams were honored at the Victory Dance which climaxed the winter sports season. Under the direction of the student body officers, introductions of and pres entations to the squads were made during the intermission of the dance .



BOYS' DAY, ri ght Climaxing Boys' Day, on informal donee was held that evening in the gym. As a date and stag affair, it provided an opportunity for students to make and renew acquaintances.

JUNIOR PROM, left " Le Printemps," or springtime, marked the first day of the season with the annual Junior Prom held that evening. Couples entered the gymnasium over a bridge spanning a river. An Eiffel Tower rose high over the dance floor, while the Arc de Triomphe, a sidewalk cafe, a fountain, an art gallery, and Parisian boulevards enhanced the atmosphere of the dance.

THANKSGIVING DANCE, right The Thanksgiving Dance followed the faculty-student basketball game planned for the student body by the A. B.J. During the intermission, a drawing was held to determine the winner of a live turkey.

Diane Petersen Queen, Harvest Ball Carole Smith Daisy M ae, Dogpatch Drag

Phyllis Simonich First Attendant, Harvest Ball Tad Pope Li ' l Abner, Dogpatch Drag Gloria Paget Second Attendant, Harvest Ball




Robert Minnick King, Sweethearts ' Ball Linda Newbold Queen, Footba ll Dance

Sheryl Price Queen, Sweethearts ' Ball Dean Anderson King , Football Dance

Linda Hughes Touch down Queen

/ 109


The student body was entertained by this sketch from the First Day Assembly which depicted a typical homeliving class.

The Brigham Young University presented this sextet to Jordanites as part of its Christmas Assembly .

SPECIAL EVENTS Mr. Sanderson commended Jordan 's sportsmanship during the Honors Assembly.

Kathy Timoney and Carole Smith were emcees of the Variety Assembly .

The DECA presented a guest speaker who spoke to Jordan students about business .




The A Cappella entertained Jordan students on numerous assemblies this year.

Tony Yengich was featured on Granger's Traveling Assembly .

Santa Claus made his appearance on the Christmas program.

A " sing along " was part of the Junior Class Assembly .


This popular combo was featured on Jordan's Traveling Assembly.

The cheerleaders led the student body through songs and cheers with great enthusiasm during the pep assemblies.


A Jordan alumnus, Lee Fugal, entertained the student body on the Officers ' Assembly.

One of the most popular numbers on the Bingham Traveling Assembly was this dance number .

Dancing was part of the Fathers and Daughters' Night program.

Coach Jerry McCleary leaps high into the air to gain the tip during the faculty-student basketball game at the A.B.J.-sponsored Thanksgiving Party.

The popular folk-singing quintet from Salt Lake, The Bellshanny Men, entertain Jordan students at the Get Acquainted Party Hootenanny.

Mrs. Dorothy Keddington sings "Camelot" on the program of the A.G.J.-sponsored Big Pai-Li'l Pal Party.


Leigh Gunnell won first place honors at the Salt Lake Metropolitan Science Fair.

Ranking in the top 3% of the graduating class were ... Row One : Eileen Rich, Camillo Miner, Elaine Rich, Diane Petersen. Row Two : Billy Moore, Bryce Jones, Jim Mumford.

HONOR Linda Berry was the school win ner of the Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow contest.

Kelly Hays wqs named " Boy of the Year " by the state junior auxiliary of the Jaycees.


Attending Boys' State held at Utah State University were ... Row One: Lynn Smith, Mike Smith, Stan Hoffman . Row Two : Randy Cowdell, LeRoy Maughan, Mike Lelis, Dennis Dean. Mining : Skip Atkinson, Kit Ennlss.

Bryce Jones was chosen Governor of the Utah-Idaho D;strict Key Club.

Chosen in their respective fields for Sterling Scholar nominations were . . . Row One : Laun i Be rre tt , Reed Ha nse n, Susan Somme rs, J im Mumford , Cam illa Miner. Row Two:

Mi chae l Ann Wright, G le n Sudbury, Scott He se ltin e, Bryce Jones , Billy Moore , Diane Petersen . Missing: Bre nt Moore.

WINNERS Camilla Miner won first place honors at the Alpine Oratorical Meet.

Chosen to attend Girls ' State were Diane Pettibone, Kathy Abrams, Marilee Sjoblom, Diana Olabarri, Sue Cartwright, Sharon Tunbr idge .

Jim Mumford was selected ro represent Jordan at the Freedom Academy .


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT As the school year closes, events that took place became only memories . On behalf of the 1964 Beetdigger staff, I sincerely hope we have brought to you a recollection of those memories . I would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to Phil Gold branson, adviser; Blaine Brown and Beverly Crawford, yearbook committee; Arval Nelson, Midvale Camera; Norma Burnham , Wheelwright Lithographing Co.; and those who have assisted with friendly cooperation and helpful advice they have given the staff in editing the Beetdigger. Sincerely,

~~ Editor

CONTENTS ACTIVITIES Assemblies -----·-------------------------------------------- 11 0 - 111 Dances -·-----·--·---------------··-----------·-·--·-·--·---· .. 102 - 107 Dramatics ---------·----------·------·--------·----------··- .. 98- 99 Forensics -----·-··--------------------------··--·--·------- ---- 100 - 101 Honors ---------------------------·--------···----------------- 114-115 Royalty ----·---------------------------------·-·--·--·----·-- . 108-109 School Play ----------- ·--------------------------- ----------- 96- 97 Special Events ------------- ------·------------------·------- 112 - 113 ADMINISTRATION 4 Board of Education --·--·-----·······--·-·-·--------···-6 Counselors ----·------------··--------·-··------·-·---·---- --Faculty ------------·------------··-·----- .......... --·--·--·--· 6- 10 5 Pr i nci pa I ----·-·····------·······-··--·-------·------· .. -----·1 0 11 Staffs -·-··-----·--------········--·--··-------------·--·----·-4 Superintendent ·····-········-------·-----·------·----·--·5 Vice Principal --···-----·-·····················-------·-----


ATHLETICS Baseball -·-····················------·--------··-··-······· Bas ketba II --------------·--------···········----·--·---··--- . Cheerleaders ---------·····-·--·-------·············-···-· .. Flag Twirlers ---··-·········--·-··-·--····-···-·-· ········· . Footba II --··········------·--·--·-··-----···-·······-··-·--· . Pep Band -···-··-·--···-····-········-······-----····-·-··· . Tennis ·-----···-·······--·--·······--·-----····-········-···· Track ......................................................... . Wrest! ing .................................................. .

90 - 91 80 - 85 72 - 73 93 7 4 - 79 93 92 88 - 89 86 - 87

MISCELLANEOUS Acknowledgement ...................................... Contents --·-·----·-···---········-·······--·-·····--·-······-·

116 116

Index .... . .. -············--··-·-·····················-·· . 117- 119 In Memoriam . --·····-······---·-·········-··-······-····120 Theme ....... ..... .......................................... 2- 3 Title . ... . ................................................ 1 ORGANIZATIONS A Cappella ... ........................................... Band .................................................. 52Beetdigger ............................................ 54 Broadcaster ............................................. Charlonians _........................................... _ 60 Dance Club ................................................ DECA _ ... ..... ............................................... German Club _ .............................................. FFA . .... ................................................... FHA .. ... .. .... ........................................ Future Nurses ....................................... Key Club ............................................. 58 Lettermen Club . ................................. Masque and Gavel ..................................... Madel U. N . .................................... Red Cross .. .............................................. STUDENTS ABJ ........................................................... AGJ ............................................................. ASJ ........................................................... Councils .................................................... Juniors ....................................................... Seniors ....................................................... Sophomores .............................................. SSMC . .........................................................

56 57 53 55 61 65 68 68 66 67 69 59 64 62 63 69

18 - 19 18 - 19 14 - 15 17 30 - 39 20 - 29 40 - 49 16

INDEX ADMINISTRATION Ainsworth , Gale ............. ........ . ! 0 Bagley, Frank M. ..... ................. 6 Beckstead, Delos ...... ............. . 10 Bennion,


..................... ... 6

Berrett, Melvin .......................... 6 Bishop, Gloria ........................ 10 Block, David Kim ................ 6 , 66 Boberg, Lowell J ...................... .? Boyce, Paul C.......................... .? Brown, Blaine ...... .. ........... .7, 53 Budge , Donald M.................... .7 Crawford, Beverly A ........... 7, 53 Crump, Sherman M. . ................ .7 Erickson, Linda ............. .7, 58, 65 Fisher, Gerald ................... ...... .? Fit>gerald, Mary B. . ................. 6 Fraser, Go lda ..... ...................... .? Goldbranson, Phil F. . .. ...... .7, 52 Gunnell, Farrel ......................... 8 Horris, Calvin ........................ 8 Henderson, Betty ............... 8, 67 Hum;>hreys, Blanche ................. 8 Jones, Evert ............ 8, 64, 74, 86 Kemp, Burn iss B. ................... ! 0 Kennington, Emerson H....... 8, 11 Kun2ler, Grant ... ... . ................ 6 Lorson, Mabie .. ...... . ............ 10 Linford, Howard B..... .............. 8 Lovot , Thomas David ... 8, 64 , 74, 81 , 84 McAllister, Richard B. ......... 8 , 54 McCleary, Jerry .. .8, 64, 7 4, 79. 81, 99 Milne, Donald B................ 9, 63 ~elson, Arval J ................... 9, 53 lson , Ronald P.................... 9 ~ace, Ra lph W. . ....................... 9 Rond, Jay ................... 9 , 61 S usson, Arland ....................... 9 Sacos, Glen E....... 10 , 6 2, 98, 96 ~nderson, G. Reed ............ 5 Seal, James L. ................ 10 Sh~~an,W~~·Ien ... •....... 1o, 58 So p, I IS •.• • ................ ! 0 re nson, Edward ................ 10 Swenson, Clifford LaMar .... ! 0 , 57 ~oylor, Dunn L. •.... ... .......... 5 eron, Robert D........ ! 0, 56, 64 , 74, 79, 85, 89, 91 ~onter, Gertrude .... . ....... 10 Wode , Wanda ...................... 10 W~gstoff, Leno .............. 10 'bson, Lila .................. 1O, 6B a rlskie , G. Rodney .. ... 10, 68


STUDENTS 5--Senlor J- Junior •- Sophomore A

Abrams, Kothy ...... S; 17, 1 8 , 21, Ad 62,99,101 , 115 Ad oms, Ken .................. S; 22, 66 om son Connie ........ S; 17 , 18, 21 65 Ainsworth D. ' 41 Ainsworth: K~~~~e "j·... 5..9s; 99 Aka g,i Mark • ........···S; ' 16, ' 17, ' 22, 64 87 Albrechtsen, Mary Lee ' ,: Alld ..... ' All redge, Fred ...... S; 22, B6, 87 All dredge , Peggy .................. s; 41 All:~on, Jim ...................... J; 32 A • Connie ............. J; 31, 59 lien, Dennis ................... s· 42 Allen, Mory Jane ............... :s; 41 Allen , Sondra ..................... S· 21 Allred , Janis .................... s: 41 Allsop, Edna .. J; 31, 54, 55 , 59 Andersen, Koylo .... .............. s; 41 Anderson, A. Dean .... S; 17, 22, 52,56, 64,75,78 , 87, 91,89 Anderson, Barbaro .............. s; 41 Anderson, Colleen ... .. ... J; 31, 59,



63 , 67, 68 Anderson, Loraine .. J; 19, 31,63 Anderson, Sally Jo .... .. J; 31, 59, 67, 68 Anderson, Sondra May .... S; 21, 60 , 67,68 , 69 Anderson, Tommy .......... s; 42, 61 Anderton, Ray ... ....... .... ...... s; 42 Andrews, Mary Jane ..... ... S; 21, 60,67 Andrus, Beverly .................. s; 41 Andrus, Robert ...... J ; 17 , 32,57, 64 , 76,78 , 89 Andrus, Wayne .................. S; 22 Archuleta, Glenna .... J; 8, 31, 60 Asoy, Susan ...... S; 21, 62, 67, 69 Ashby, Linda ......... .. .. ..... s; 41, 62 Astle , Malyn Margaret ........ J; 31 Atkinson, Mary ...... s; 4 1, 62, 99 Atkinson, Skip ....... .S; 17 , 18, 98 Atkinson, Vicky .................. J; 31 Atwood, Mary Lou ........ J; 31, 62 B

Boar>, Raymond .................. J; 32 Boar>, Ronald ...................... S; 22 Bachus, Brent ................ J; 32, 68 Bailey, Mark ........... s; 42, 79, 85 Baird, Paul .......................... s; 42 Baker, Darla ........................ J; 31 Ball , Steve ............................ J ; 32 Ballomi s, Susan .. .......•.......... J; 31 Ballard, Debra ............. ........ .J; 31 Bortlerr, Peggy .................... s; 41 Borton , Fern Ann ................ J; 31 Barton, Joan Marie .......... .... s; 41 Bowden , Gayle ........ J; 31, 59, 62 Bean, Carol ..... .... J ; 31, 55, 59, 62, 98, 101 Bearde n, Von Dee ............ 32, 68 Beck, Terry .................... s; 41, 67 Be ll, Keith ............................ S; 22 Be ll, Lindo .......... S; 21, 54, 55, 62 Bennion, Suzanne ........ .... s; 41 , 67 Ben son, Dee ............ s; 11, 42 , 56 Benson, Lee ......................... s; 4 2 Bergstrom, Glen A ......... J ; 32, 61 Berrett, Doug .................. s; 68 , 79 Berrett , Kim ........ s; 19, 41, 62, 68 Berrett, Launi ......... S; 11 , 17 , 21, 60, 65, 115 Berrett, Ross .... ................... s; 49 Berrett, Stephanie .... J; 31 , 59, 63 Be rry, Doug ........ s; 42, 57, 79 . 99 Berry, Linda ...... S; 17, 21, 62, 97 , 98 , 99, 101 , 114, 115 Best, Llnn1to .............. S; 19, 21 , 62 Best, Phyll is .......................... s; 41 Beggs, Neal .......................... s; 42 Bingham, Marsha ............ S; 21, 68 Bingham , Mike ...................... s; 4 2 Bingham , Tomro ........ S; 17. 21, 65 Birch, Kenny .................. s; 42, 87 Birchell, Clara ................ J; 31, 62 Bis bee, Doris ........................ J; 31 Bishop, Barbara .............. s; 41 , 62 Bishop, Calvin ................ s; 42, 85 Bishop, David .... s; 42 , 66, 87, 89 Bishop, Dwight .... ............ J; 11. 32 Bishop, Linda ...... S; 21, 60 , 67 , 99 Bishop, Michael .. J; 32, 69 , 78, 87 Bishop, Robin ........................ J; 31 Boberg, Knute J ....... J; 32 , 61, 62 , 77,78,93,99 Bodell , Darla ............... ......... J; 31 Bolliger, Diane ................ J; 31, 62 Bolton, Earl B................. J; 32, 91 Bowen , Ralph ................ S; 22, 66 Bowler, Larry ................... .... . J; 32 Brackenbury , Linda ................ J; 31 Brady , Margie .. ........ s; 17, 4 1, 62 Bray , Calvin .......................... S; 22 Brindley , Darla ....... L ............ J; 31 Brown , Bryant J ....... J; 32, 54, 57 , 76, 7B , 87, 91 Brown, Craig ........................ S; 22 Brown, Craig ................ .. s; 4 2, 57 Brown , Darlene .................... s; 4 1 Brown , Dennis ............. .. ....... J; 32 Brown , Gregory .................... s; 4 2 Brown, La Rae ............... S; 21, 68 Brown , Norene ..................... J; 31 Brown, Phil ......................... s; 42

Brown, Sharon• ........ S; 21, 62, Buchanan, Gaylord ... ..... .. S; 22, Buchanan, Merrill ............. .. ...J; Burbank, Dennis ..... ............... J; Burbank, James ...... .. S; 11, 22, Burgan, Robin .. ... ................... s; Burgan, Sharon .......... .... .. .... s; Burke, Jo Anne ........ .. .......... S; Burton, Barbara .................... s; Burton, Claudia .............. .... ..J; Busenbark, Rodger .......... S; 22, Bush , Terry ................ s; 42, 79, Butler, Larry .... ...... .. ........ s; 42,

63 99 32 32 99 42 41 21 41 31 53 87 66

c Caldwell, Linda .............. ...... s; 41 Caldwell, Steve ..............J; 32, 68 Caldwell, Steven K.......... ..... J; 32 Carlisle, David ...................... s; 42 Carlson, Leon .......... S; 22, 64, 77, 78, 89 Carson, Bonnie .......... ...... J; 31, 59 Carter, Carol ........... .. .... .J; 67, 69 Carter, Lauroine .... J; 8, 18, 31, 62 Carter, Mary .... .. ............ S; 21, 63 Carter, Michael ............. . s; 4 2, 87 Carter, Sherry .......... .. S; 19 , 21, 93 Cartwright, Sue .............. S; 21, 62, 65, 99, 96,115 Cory, Jim .................. J; 32, 77, 78 Cary, Susan ................. .. ... .... s; 41 Chidester, Larry ........ S; 22, 61, 93 Christensen, Charley .............. J; 32 Christensen, Elaine ........ ........ S; 29 Clarke, Delsa ............ .. .......... S; 21 Clawson, Carol .................... J; 31 Clayton, Claudia ............ s; 17, 4 1 Clegg, Larue .. .. ...................... s; 41 Clegg, Richard ..... ........... S; 22, 66 Clegg, Roger Val ................. . s; 42 Cole, Dave ........ ........ s; 42 , 84 , 91 Coleman, George .... ....... ....... s; 4 2 Colvert, Hyrum ......... ............. s; 79 Con ish, Carole Ann . .......J ; 31 , 60, 67 , 69 Cook, Koralynn ..... ... .. .......... s; 41 Cook, Mary Lou .................... J; 31 Cook, Steven ....... ......... ........ S; 22 Cook, William ................ s; 42 , 61 Cornia, Max .... .. .............. s; 42 , 79 Corona, James ...................... s; 42 Costanza, Leonard ................ S; 22 Covert, Hyrum ...................... s; 42 Cowdell, Randy ........ 5; 17, 22, 57 , 64 , 75, 78, 81 , 83, 88 , 89 , 114 Cowdell, Scott .......... s; 42, 79, 87 Cox, Betty Lou ....... ............. ..: 31 Cox, Earl Wayne .................. s; 42 Cox, Kathy ............................ s; 4 1 Cox, Nedi .. .. .. ...................... J; 31 Crandall, Bret ... ......... s; 18, 42, 79 Crebs, Ben ...................... s; 4 2, 87 Crofutt, George H. . ............... s; 42 Cunliffe, Joan ...... .. .............. s; 41 Curby, David .... .............. J; 32, 68 Curley, Ernest ........................ s; 42 Curt is, Kathryn ...... ................ s; 4 1 Curtis, Mike ....... ... ... .. ........... J; 32 D

Dolley, Robert ..........5; 18, 22, 57, 76 , 78, 87 , 89 Dangerfield, Richard ... ..... s; 42, 87 Daniels, Mike .... ..... .. ...... ... .... s; 42 Dansie, Raldon .............. .. S; 22, 66 Daugherty, Barbara ........ S; 21 , 60 Daugherty, Janet ... ....... .. J; 31, 60 Davenport, Bonnie ......... ....... 5; 21

Davidson, Diane ........... ... 5; 21, 68 Davidson , Gregg .... .. S; 11, 22 , 99 Davis, Brent .... ................ J; 32 , 62 Davis, Jesse ........... ............... J; 32 Day, Craig ................ 5; 42, 79, 87 Day, Gordon .................. S; 22 , 68 Day, Ke ith ................ J; 17, 32, 91 Day, Paul ............ s; 42 , 79 , 84 , 91 Dean , De nnis .......... S; 22 , 62, 68 , 87, 89 , 114 Deason, Jerry .................. s; 42, 79 D ~ ason, Michael ................ .. J; 32 Deason, Pete ...... J; 77, 78, 89, 98 Delquodro, David .......... s; 42, 57

85, 92 Denison, William ............ s; 17, 42 Denney, Mike ............ J; 32, 77,78 Denny, Sandra .................... .. s; 41 Densley, Steve ........ J; 32, 56 , 57, 64,76,78 , 81 , 83,91 Dent, Robert .......... ...... .......... J; 32 Despain, Ardeen ..... ..... .. s; 41, 62 Despain, Marva .............. s; 41, 62 Despain, Nancy .................. .. s; 41 Despain , Sherry ..... ............... s; 17 Dewegeli, Denise .... ...... J; 31 , 62, 63,68 Dibb, Donna ........ .......... J; 31, 66 Dibb, Dorothy ................ s; 41, 59 Diefenderfer, Jolaine ..J; 31, 62, 69 Dimond, Patricia ..S; 19, 21, 60, 65 Dow, Shelby J ......... J; 32, 57, 61, 93,99,101 Doyle, Larry .............. ............ s; 44 Doyle, Mark .......................... S; 24 Drake , Mike .... ..... ........ ......... J; 32 Duffin, Debra .................. J; 17, 31 Dumas, Brent .................. J; 11, 32 Dumas, Pauline .................... s; 41 Dunn, Bruce .............. J; 32, 64 , 91 Dunn, Dennis ........................ s; 44 Durrant, Alice .................. s; 41 , 62 Durrant, Jon ...... ......... .. ......... J; 32 Durrant, Linda ... ................... s; 4 1 Durrant, Patsy ...................... S; 23

Ebert, Janice ....... .......... ....... s; 4 1 Ebert, Linda .............. S; 23 , 60, 63 Edwards , Lynn ......... .. ........ ... J; 32 Edwards, Therald .................. J; 32 Eggleston, Sharleen ....... ......... s; 41 Eklund , Hank .. .......... S; 24, 64 , 78 El ison , Elwin ........................ $; 24 El ison, Kenneth ......... ...... .. ..... s; 44 Ellis, Kirk ....... ............. .......... s; 44 Elswood, Eddie .......... S; 24, 87, 98 Elison, Kenneth ... .... ........ ....... s; 44 Ellis, Kirk .............................. s; 44 Elswood, Eddie .................... .. $; 24 Emerson, Bill ........................ J; 32 Emerson, Penny .................... s; 4 1 Endicott, Bradley ... .... .... ..... .. J; 32 Enniss, Kit ... ....... S; 17, 24, 64, 76, 78 , 86 , 87,88,91 Ennis, Tim ... ..... .. s; 44 , 79, 84, 91 Erickson , Joe ........ ... ............. s; 44 Erickson, Steve .......... s; 44 , 79, 91 Evans, Eliwbeth .... .... ..... S; 23, 68 Evans, John ............. ....... J; 32, 68 Evans, Jack ................. ...... .. .J; 32 Evans, Margo .. .... ............ J; 19, 31

Fahrni, Jeanine ..... .... ..... S; 23, 68 Fairbourn, Dave ............ J; 32, 64, 76 , 78, 87 , 89 Fairbourn, Deanna .......... s; 41, 67 Fairb<lurn , Gloria ... ... J; 23 , 65, 68 Fairbourn , Leah .. .......... ........ J; 31 Fa irbourn, Melvin .................. s; 44 Farnsworth, Kent .. .... J; 11, 32, 61, 62 , 93,99 Farris, Kathy ... ............... ...... J; 31 Fenstermaker, Ivan .... S; 24, 60, 66 Ferguson, Billy .......... s; 49, 85, 89 Ferguson, Gary .............. , ..... J; 34 Ferrara , John ........................ s; 49 Fitzgerald, Cheryl ............ S; 23, 65 Fitzgerald, Kim .......... s; 44 , 85 , 91 Fitzgerald, Owen ............ s; 44, 61 Fisher, Laurel ................. ....... J; 33 Fletcher, Signe ... ................. .. J; 33 Flores, Angie ....... .. ............... s; 41 Ford, David ............ .............. J; 34 Ford, Dianne ............... .. . s; 43 , 62 Ford, Douglas ..... .. ...... ....... .. .. s; 44 Ford , Jerry .................... .. ...... s; 44 Forman , Cathy ...... .... J; 33, 59, 68 Foulger, Sydnee ............... J; 33 , 72 Frear, Larry ....... ... J; 8, 34, 60, 77, 78 , 89 , 98 Freeman, Ronald ............ J; 34 , 66 Freestone, Dale ...................... s; 44 Fugal , Brent ...... J; 34 , 61, 93 , 101 Fullmer, John ........... ...... .... ... s; 44


Fullmer, Patricia .................... J; 33 G

Garfield, Van ........................ J; 34 Garg, Angela .. .. J; 33, 59, 63, 68 Garg, Thomas ................ s; 44, 68 Garrett, Brad .. ....... ............... s; 44 Gause, Melvin ...................... s; 44 Gilbert, David ................ J; 34, 62 Gillen, Karen .................. s; 43, 62 Glad, Richard .... ...... S; 24, 56, 64, 69, 87,97 Glade, Claudio ............. .. .... ... J; 33 Goff, David .............. S; 11, 24, 99 Goodmonsen, Michael .......... J; 34, 68, 98 Goudie, Paulette ............ S; 23, 67 Gough, Sherry .............. .. J; 33, 59 Gould, Lorry ........ S; 24, 60, 68, 89 Graham, Ruby ..... .... ........... .. J; 33 Grant, John .................... J; 34, 62 Grant, Kathy .. ..... .... .... ... S; 23, 65 Green, Colleen ......... ....... s; 43, 62 Green, Douglas ........ ........ .... S; 24 Green, Lindo ...... ..... .. ........... s; 43 Green, Patricio ...................... J; 33 Greene, Jolene .......... J; 33, 59, 68 Greenwood, Charlie ...... J; 30, 34, 56,64, 77, 78, 82, 83,84 Greenwood, Gerald ........ J; 17, 34, 56, 62, 91 Greenwood, JoAnne .............. J; 33 Greenwood, Roger ... ... .. J; 24, 60, 62,66, 89 Gregory, Joy .. ............. s; 44, 89 Gregory, Roy .. ...................... J; 34 Gregory Steven ................... J; 34 Griggs, Karma .......... J; 33, 58, 59 Griggs, Sondra Dee ............. .s; 43 Gulbranson, Melville ............ S; 24, 62, 99 Gunderson, Dole ........... J; 34, 60 Gunderson, Nancy .......... J; 33, 62, 63, 99 Gunnell, Karla .. .................... J; 33 Gunnell, leigh* ............ S; 24, 57, 114, 115 Gunther, linda ...................... J; 33 H

Haddow, Nancy Ann ............ J; 33 Hadley, Ray• .......... 24, 56, 64, 78 Hole, Ellen ............................J; 33 Hand, lyle .......... S; 17, 23, 62, 99 Hand, Lynda ........... S; 16, 23, 68 Hankenson, Noel ... ......... J; 33, 62 Hansen, Charles Reed .... S; 24, 62, 63, 97, 99 , 115 Hansen, Craig ........ s; 44 , 61 , 85 Hansen, Dale C. ...... J; 34, 56, 62, 68, 82, 83, 84 Hansen, Janet .... s; 18, 43, 62, 68 Hansen, Keith ................... S; 24 Hansen, Sondra ................... s; 43 Hardcastle, Craig K... J; 11, 34, 68 Hardcastle, Kent ........ .. .... s; 11 , 44 Hardcastle, Lindo ... .... ... J; 33, 54, 55, 68 Harper, Dawn .... J; 19, 33, 58, 59 Harper, Greg ........... J; 34, 87, 89 Harris, Jane ............. . s; 18, 43, 62 Harrison, Morieon .......... s; 43, 67 Hart, Elaine ...... .................... J; 33 Hartwell, Charles .................. J; 34 Houn, Brent ........ J; 34, 61, 77,78 Hoyden, Kathy ..................... s; 4 3 Hays, Kathy .................... s; 43, 63 Hays, Kelly ........ S; 24, 64, 67, 78, 89, 114, 115 Heaps, Anna Moe .......... J; 33, 59 , 67, 69 Heath, Janet ........... J; 33, 62, 69, 98, 100, 101 Hendrickson, Mark ............... J; 34 Henke, Norman .................. S; 24 Henke, Paul .. ...................... s; 68 Henningsen, Richard ...... ,.s; 44, 68 Hermon, Marsha ........... s; 43, 62 Herrin, Janie ............. J; 33, 69 Heseltine, Scott ........... S; 24, 115 Heugly, John ............. .. ........ s; 44 Heuser, Dayton ............. .. .... s; 66


Heuser, Dione ...... ....... .. ... .. .... s; 43 Heuser, June ........................ J; 33 Hewitt, Arden ... ..... .. S; 61, 68, 93 Hickmon, Doug .................... S; 24 Hicks, Brion .......... ................ J; 34 Hill, Ronald ........ S; 24, 86, 87, 89 Hobbs, Arthur .................... J; 34 Hobusch, Kristine ............... ... s; 43 Hoffman, Stanley• ....... . S; 17, 20, 24, 64, 76, 78, 86, 87, 114 Hoffman, Wilfried ... ....... S; 24, 61 Hoglund, Scott ...................... s; 44 Holmstrom, Grace ................ J; 33 Holt, Donna .......................... J; 33 Homer, Dionne ........ J; 33, 55, 59, 63, 99 Hone, Boyd ......................... J; 34 Hooser, Dayton ...................... s; 44 Howard, Pat ......................... S; 23 Howlett, Elden R............ .J; 34, 63 Hudgens, Steve ............... s; 44, 87 Hughes, Deanne .................... s; 4 3 Hughes, David ... ... .. S; 24, 62, 63, 92,98 Hughes, linda .......S; 23, 98, 109 Hulse, Kathleen .............. s; 43, 68 Humphrey, Steven ............ J; 34 Humphrey, Toni .. S; 23, 60, 62, 101 Hurdsmon, Michael ............. J; 34 Hurdsmon, Rodney . . .... ...... s; 44 Hurst, Mark .. J; 34, 54, 55, 63, 97 Huston, Ray ............ J; 34, 77,78 Hyatt, Mary Ann .. ..... s; 40, 43 Hyde, Bart .......... .. s; 44

lhler, Collin ....... s; 17, 44, 84, 91 lhler, Paulo ............. J; 33, 58, 59 lpson , Don ...... S; 26, 66

Jacob, Caro l .. . ••. J; 33, 59, 101 Jarmon, Garth P..••............ s; 44 Joynes, Dionne ........... J; 33, 62 Jeffs, David . .. ..... s; 66 Jeffs, Hyrum ................. S; 26, 66 Jeffs, Joyce ................. S; 11, 23 Jenkins, Glenn ......... s; 44, 85 Jenkins, Kathleen ........... S; 23, 68 Jenkins, Margaret .............. S; 23 Jensen, Ann Moire ............ J; 33 Jensen, Dana ..... s; 19, 43, 62, 68 Jensen, Scott .. s; 44, 56, 62, 79, 99 Jensen, Sherry .. ..... .J; 33 Jensen, Steve . .. . . s; 44, 85 Jensen, Trlno ..... . .. S; 23, 62, 65 Jenson, Jerri ................ S; 23, 93 Johnson, Carol ... . .J; 33 , 67 Johnson, Charlotte ........ s; 4 3 Johnson, Flavo .... S. 23, 69 Johnson, Kathy s; 19, 43, 62, 98 Johnson, Myrna .. ..... J; 33 Johnson, No/on .S; 26 Johnson, Scott ... J; 34, 64, 76, 78, 87, 89, 98, 101 Johnson, Stephen . .... ..J; 34 , 66 Johnson, Vernon .. ... J; 34, 87 Johnson, Vic ....... ,. ........ J; 34 Johnston, Bill ...... s; 44 Jones, Bryce• ...S; 26, 50, 52, 56, 64, 92, 114, 115 Jones, Colvin ......... .J; 34, 64 Jones, Don .. .. .. .... ..... . .S; 26 Jones, Evon LoVer .. s; 44, 68 Jones, Jock ................ . ... J; 34 Jones, Pamela ...... .s; 43, 62, 67 Jones, Randol .. J; 34 , 68 Jones, Virginia .s1 43 Jones, Wallace Terry ..... J, 34 Joos, Gene .... s; 44 , 66 Joos, Melvin Blaine .s; 26 Jordon, Lorry s; 44 Joy, Delloris .J; 35

K Kangas, Dee Kopteyn, Patricio Kopteyn, Yvonne Keller, Susan .. Keller, Vickie .... Keller, Zoe Ann

•••. J; 34, 60 .J ; 35 ... S; 23 .. S, 23 , 62, 101 ..... s, 23, 76, 98 .s; 43

Kemp, Blaine .................. ..... s; 44 Kemp, Charlotte .................... J; 35 Kemp, Wayne •................. s; 44 Kempton, Greg Roy .... s; 44, 68, 92 Kesler, Ron .................. s; 44, 61 Ktmboll, Paul ............... ......... s; 44 Kittle, Rosilyn ......... _ ....... .. s; 43 Knutson, Jimmy ............ s; 44, 79 Koller, Kloudla• ...... S; 15, 17, 23 , 62, 97' 98, 101 Koncurot, Jacques .. . ......... s; 46 Kromer, Gregory .. J; 34, 81, 83, 91 Kunz, Ne ldon . . .. . .J; 34, 68 Kunz, Richard . ..... .... ... J; 34, 66 Kunz, VIckie .. ....... J; 35 , 54, 55 Kurumodo, Joy• .....S; 19, 20, 23, 52,53, 62 Kurumodo, Winn ..... J; 34, 56, 91

Lake, Jolene . ............. s; 43 Lakerveld, Yvonne .. J; 35 lancaster, Gory ......... s; 46, 66 lancaster, George ... . ..... J; 11, 36 Larkin, Emerson .. J; 36, 87, 89, 99 Larkin, Steve .S; 17 , 26, 56, 62, 97,99 larsen, Suzanne .S; 26, 68 Lorson, Ferron s; 4 6 ..•.....•.. S; 25, 93 Lorson, Susan Lasater, Koren ..... S1 25, 60, 68 Latimer, Alan .. ....... .s; 46, 87 low, Beverly ........ J; 35, 55 Low, Judie .. ..... . .s; 43 Lawrence, Clyde .S; 26, 87 lawrence, Rodney ... J; 11 , 36, B7 Lawson , Jrm . .. S; 64, 68, 77, 78 Leak, Christine /Trno) .... s; 43, 61, 62,68 Leaverton, Christine . ... .. s; 43 lee, Sora Ann .. .. .J; 11, 35 lee, Timothy ................ s; 46 Le Fevre , Richard ............ s; 46 Lelrs, Anthony s; 46, 79, 87, 89 Lelis, Mike . .S; 26, 64, 76 , 78, 87, 89, 99, 114 leonis, Rick ............. J; 36 levine, Rhea S; 43 S; 26, 60 Lewis, Marilyn .. Linford, Lynda ... J; 35, 58, 59, 62, 63, 97 Lloyd , Barbaro .S; 25, 60, 62, 65, 67 Lloyd , Clair s; 46, 61 Lloyd, Duane .. S; 46 Lloyd, Shouno .. s; 43, 67 , 68 , 93 Lloyd, Susan .S; 25 Logon, Fronk .. .S; 46, 61 Loutcnsock, Koren . ..... J; 35, 68 Loveless, Vicki ........... S, 25 lovondohl, lonnre .S; 46 Ludlow, Mo rsho .S; 25 , 62, 65, 73, 98, 101 Lukich, Margie .S; 25, 60 lukich, Michael ..... ......... .s 1 46 lund, Gene ..... s; 16, 46 , 79, 82, 83, 84 , 91 Lund, P-hillip Roy .: ... S; 26 Lundberg, Richard ...... .. s; 4 6 lunnen, Donna ............. s; 43 lunnen, Georgia •. S; 11 , 25, 101 Lustig, Judy ... • .. . .•... J; 35 Lybbert , Evonne ..... ....... .J; 35 Lybberr, Rita ............... .s; 43 , 62 Lynch, Karen ........... s1 43, 62 , 67 M

MadiSon, Jorrr .J ; 35 Madsen , Bobby .S; 25, 61, 68 Maestas, Bobby . J; 35, 87, 89 Mahler, James s; 46 Mohon, Pot ............ S; 25, 60 Maldonado, Joe ..... . ........ J; 35 Malstrom , Fronk s; 46 Marble, linda .J; 35 Marriott, Brent .... s; 17, 40, 49, B2, 83 , 84 Marshall , Jerry ....... s; 46, 79 , 91 Marshall, Larry ..... J; 36, 98 Morsrng , Bonnito .. J; 36, 60, 62 Mortrnez, Johnny .J, 36 Mortmez, Virgrnia ........... J; 35

Mason, Paul .................... s; 46, 66 Matsumori , Douglas ...... J; 36, 56, 62,77,7B, 87,98 Motsumori , Shirley .... s; 43, 62, 67 Matthews, Judy .. S; 20, 25, 62, 97 Maughan, Harold J; 36, 61, 7B, 93 Maughan , Le Roy .... S; 14 , 17, 26, 64, 81, B3, 9B, 114 Maynes, Alan ..... ..•........... ..S; 26 Maynes, Robyn ..................... s; 43 McAdams , Eileen .................. S; 25 McDowell, Jenice .. J; 35, 62, 63, 69 McElrath, Carol ........... ......... S; 29 McEwen , Roe Dean .... ...... 5; 17, 25 McGuire, Doug ........ S; 26, 64, 81, B3, 89 McGuire, Robert ................ S; 46 McKnight, Marget ........ J; 35, 63 Mecham, Joyce ........ 51 8, 1B, 25 Medine, Bradley ................ S; 46 Medine, Don ........................ J; 36 Meeks, Pot .......................... S; 4 3 Meneely, Homer ...... J; 36, 60,78 Menssen , Anke ............. S; 25, 6B Mickelsen, Chris ......... ..S; 46, 62 Mickelsen, Mark S........... J; 36, 101, 110 Middclstodt, George ... S; 46 Middlesworth, Dione ........... J; 35 Milburn, Kenneth .... S; 11, 26, 60, 66,99 Miller, Becky . ... . ............ S; 45 Miller, Brent ............... S; 46 Miller, Jimmy .. J; 36 Miller, Sandy 60 Miner, Camillo ' . . S; 15, 17, 25, 55, 62, 63, 9B, 101' 114 .J; 17, 30, 36, 57, Miner, Joe .. 63, 78, 98, 100 Minnick, Bob ...... J; 36, 66, 109 Mitchell, Jeff .. J; 17, 1B, 36, 56, 66, 87, 9B,99 Moiler, Lorry .......... S; 46 Montague, Kaye .. J; 59, 60, 62 Montague, Glen .J; 36, B9 Moody, Cheryl .. J; 35, 59, 62, 63 Moore, Billy• ... S; 26, 56, 62, 64, 82, B3 , 92 , 114, 115 Moore, Brent • S; 26 Moore, Charleen . . ... 51 17, 25 Moron, Vermond S; 26, 62, 6B Morgan, Robert S, 26 Morrow, Jean S; 25 Moses, Pots I .S; 4 5 Moses, Marty .......... ......... J; 36 Moss, Jimmy ........... S; 46, 79 Moss, Judy .. . ......... S; 25, 65 Moss, Lorry .S; 4 6 Mounteer, Rick .J; 36 Mugleston, Verla Koe .... 51 11, 25, 60,62,68 Mumford, Claudio .. J; 18, 35, 54, 55,5B,63 Mumford , Jim' ..... S; 26, 56, 57, 92, 115 Mumford, Michele .. J; 35, 52, 53, 54, 55, 63, 100 .... .J; 36, 57 Mumford, Neal .51 45 Mumford, Sheri 45 Mumford , Vorel .......... S; 46 Myrick, Jimmie



Nobohe, Paul S1 46, 79, B5 No illon , Sondra ... S; 45 Nelson, Bob .J; 36 , 57, 7B, 92 Nelson, Eddie • .J; 36 Nelson, Gory .............. J; 36 Nelson, Lee An ........... S; 45, 62 Nelson, linda Lee .......... S; 45, 67 Nelson, Margaret ................. J; 35 Nelson, Sandy . . ............. J 1 35 Nelson, Victoria ....... J; 35, 62 Nessen, Evans .. ... .......J ; 36 Newbold, Lrnda• .. S; 25, 60, 65, 72' 98, 99' 100, 101' 109 Newton, Jay ............. S1 46, 79 Newton, Kenny .... J; 36, 63, 91 Newton. Mr chele .. .S; 27, 60 Nezos, Fred ... S; 26 Nrchols, Joy C. .S; 26, 60 Nickle, Barbaro J; 35 , 67, 68, 69 Nielsen, Dole .S; 46

Nielson, Mike ......... ... ... .... .. .J; Nokes, LaMar .... ...... S; 46, 66, Nokes, Sharon ......... ........... J; Noorda, Dan .......... S; 26, 64, Norman, Karen .................. ..S; Norton, Sandra ....... ....... J; 35, Nosack, Sharon .... .......... S; 27, Nygard, Barry ......... S; 26, 61, Nystrom, Jack ........... ........ S;

36 99 35 91 27 62 60 68 26

0 Oakeson, John .... ....... ... S; 46, 66 Olobarri , Diona ........... S; 27, 52, 53' 115 Olafsson, Anne Marit ........ J; 19, 35, 58 OLeen, Alan ... ... . ........... S; 46 Oliver, Danny . .. ............ ..S; 26 Olney, Joe ..... ... .... S; 28 Olsen, Gwen .................. S; 45 Olsen, Jerri . .. ... . ... ... .. .. ..S; 27 Olsen, Sandra .. J ; 35, 54, 58, 62, 63 , 67 Olson , Brent .S; 46 Olson, Sharon .. ... ... ..... J ; 27 O 'Ne il, Kathleen .J; 35 Orgi l, Lynette .S; 27 Ostler, Bruce . .. .... ..J; 36 Ostler, Lynn .S; 46 Overstree t, Kirk .•....••... S; 46 Oviatt, Jim ... ..S; 46 Oviatt, Marsha ... S; 27

Pace, Fred .J; 36, 62 ,68 , 99 Pocof Nona .S; 45 Pace, Michael J ; 9 , 36 , 87 , 89 Page t, Gloria .. J; 18, 35 , 54, 5 5, 62,67,108 Pane k, Bonn1c .S; 45 Ponok, Undo .S; 11,45 Panter, Mary .. ... . J ; 35 Paramore, Linda .S; 45 Porker, Gre gory S; 46, 68 Parker, Sterlmg .J ; 36, 6 2, 89 Parker, Tim .S; 60, 66, 89 Parks, Lindo • . S; 27 , 60 Patterson , Ro x .J; 26 Poulsen, Pat ....•• .S; 45 , 69 Pearson, Irene ••····•• ... ... J; 35 Peek , Jeannie .S; 45 Pedersen , Kay ... .J; 35 Pederson , Gory .S; 46 Pel ch, Poul .J; 36 Penn ington, Che ryl Anne .J ; 19, 35 , 62 Penrod, Brent • .S; 28, 64 , 76. 78 , 83 Perkes, Roy .S; 46 Perkins, Wesley .J; 1 1' 36 Pe rry, William G lenn .J; 36 , 99 Perry, Charles Le on ... S; 48 , 68 , 79, 99 Petersen , Dione• .S; 19, 27 , 62 , 108, 114, 115 Pete rson, Julio ••. S; 4 5 Petersen, Milton J . ......... .J; 36 Pe te rson , Burke .J; 19, 36 , 78 Pe te rson, Donna S; 27 Pe terson, Ginger ... S; ?7, 60 Pe terson, Jim .S; 48 Peterson , Krls .S; 48 Peterson , Patricio .J ; 35 Pe ttibone , Diane .S; 19, 27, 6? , 100, 101 ' 115 Phelp s, Monte S; 2 8 Phill ips, Pam .S; 19, 45 Pi cke tt, Denni s .S; 28 Pierce, Judy K. J; 37 Pi e rce , Sondra .J; 37, 54 Po pe, Ta d ..•. J ; 36 , 108 Po pe lmo ye r, Dion e •. ••. .S; 4 5, 6 3 Port er, Jlm .J; 36 , 7 8 , 87 Port e r, JoA nn .S; 4 5 Po tt e r, Co ral .S; 4 5, 6 2, 63 Pou los, J im ......... J ; 3 6 Powe ll , De iRe na • . S; 19, 45, 61 ' 67' 68 Pow e ll, Frank •..... .. S; 28 , 68 Powe ll , J immy .. J ; 36 Powe ll , Lee .J ; 30 , 68 Price, Gloria ..•....•. ...... J ; 11 , 37 Price, She ryl • . S; 27 , 65 , 68 , 1 09

R Rasmussen, Dale .... .. J; 19, 38, 64, 75,76,78, 84 , 87,89 Rasmussen, Jeffrey .. S; 48, 79, 91 Rasmussen, Noreen .. J; 37 , 62, 99 Rasmussen, Sharon ........ S; 17, 45, 62 , 63 Roy, Donald ........................ S; 48 Ray, Toynia ..... .................. S; 45 Raymey, Steven .............. .. .... S; 4 8 Reed, Melody ..................... S; 45 Rudd, Nancy ...................... .S; 45 Rees, Carlene ... . ......... S; 27 , 60 Reich, Christine ................... . s; 45 Reich, Rose Marie ...... .......... S; 27 Reid, Kath ie ...... S; 27, 62, 68 , 98 , 100, 101 Ri ch, Eilee n• .... S; 27, 62 , 99, 114 Ri ch, Elaine• .... S; 27, 62, 99, 114 Richards, Claudio ... ..... J ; 17, 37 , 58, 60 Ri chards, Diana ... . .. .. ... .... S; 45 Richards, Gail ..... ............. J; 37 Richards , Phillip ......... ... . ... S; 48 Ri chards, Roselyn ........ S; 45 Ri chins, Mary ..... J ; 19, 37 , 67 69 Rigler, Dorene J; 37 , 58 , 67 Rigler, Frankie . .. . . .J ; 37 , 67 Rigl e r, John . . . . ... . ...S; 48 Rive ro , Ro sa . .. . ......... J ; 37 Robertson, Jane t ........... .. S; 27 Robe rtson, Ma flon .. . ... .J; 3 , 58 Robertson , Ro be rt ...J ; 38 , 66 , 68 , 87 Roby, Linda' .S; 27 Romano, Ralph .. J ; 38 Romero , Robert .. .... .. ...... J ; 38 Rose nkrantz, Diona ..... . .... ... S; 4 5 Rosendro,-.;z , Gary .. ........ J; 38 Roze ma, Ronald .. ..... .... J; 38

s Samuelson, Rolayne ... J ; 37, 58 , 67 Sande rs, Paule tte S; 45 Sarge nt , DeAnn .J ; 37 , 58, 62 Sche lin , Craig .J; 38 Schmidt, Jack ie ..... J; 37 , 58 Schow , Dale . .... S; 48 Schow, Ivan Bruce ... S; 48 , 62 , 92 Schwab, Robe rt Edward .... ..S; 2 8 Scott, Na ncy .S; 27 , 99 Se tte rbe rg , Allan ........ . ... S; 48 Setterberg, Koren . .J ; 37 , 62 , 63 Se w e ll , Steven .J; 38 Shaddick , Fred ...... ... .S; 4 8 Sheppard, Gloria .S; 19, 45 She riff, Linda .J ; 37 Shields, Colleen . . J ; 37 , 62, 99 Shoe make r, Randy . S; 18 , 48 , 85 Short, Chr istophe r M.... S; 28 , 69, 98 , 100, 101 Short, Terry .S; 17,48 Shurtleff, Ve rd a .J ; 37 Sie lho rs t, Fran k .. .. •.•. .. . .S; 28 Silcox, Bre nt .J ; 38 Silcox, Vern .. . ... S; 48 Simon ich, Dorothy . . ... S; 4 5, 63 Simoni ch, Phylli s J ; 30, 37 , 58, 6 3, 108 Simon son, Cathe rine •..... S; 45 , 67 S1monson , Coll e n .. J ; 37 , 5 8 , 67 Simonson , Darle ne .J ; 3 7 , 5 8 Si monson , Mory .. J; 37 , 6 2, 63, 67 Sjoblom, Judy Goy ...S; 8 , 19, 27 Sjo blom , Ma ril ee . . S; 27 , 6 2, 11 5 Sme dley , Ed word .... J ; 38 , 101 Smit h, Alan J . .. J ; 38 , 57 , 68 , 78 , 87 , 89 , 98 , 100, 101 Smi th, Al e ne .... J ; 37 Smit h, Ba rba ro .. J ; 37, 60, 6 2, 67 Smith , Carl ....... J, 38 , 54 , 55, 63, 91 ' 100, 10 1 Smi th, Co ro le .. J; 37, 58 , 108 , 110 Sm it h, Co ll een •..•. ......... J ; 37 Sm it h, Debora h ... .. .. .S; 1 1, 29 Smith, He le n ............... ... S; 4 5, 6 2 Smith , John Ro lph ••...... . J; 3 8 , 66 Sm ith , Joyce ............... S; 4 5, 67 Smith , Judy ......... . ..•••• ... .. S; 4 5 Sm ith , Ka re n .... .. J; 37 Smit h, Ka thy .J; 37 Smith, laurel .•. ... . .... ..• .... ..S; 4 5

Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

Lowral .................... .. S; 47 Lynn ..... ............... .. .... S; 28 Madeline .... ...... ... .J; 37, 99 Marilyn .. .. ............ S; 29, 65 Margie ... .... .. .. .......... .J; 37 Michael ..... .S; 28, 91, 114 Nedra ....... ........ ... J; 37, 58 Paul .. ...... ... ........ .. .. ... S; 48 Pauline ........ ... .. .. . S; 47, 62 Phil .......... J; 17, 38, 87 , 98 Sheila ... ..... ...... .... J; 37, 58 Sterling .............. .. J; 38, 91 Susan ... ..... .. J; 16, 37, 58 , 62 , 98 Smith, Winifred ....... .. .... .... ... S; 47 Snarr, Don .............. ... ........... S; 48 Snow, Dono ............ ......... ... S; 48 Sofie, Robert Z.. ...... ...... ....... S; 28 Sommers, Susan• .... S; 17, 29 , 62 , 65 , 72 , 115 Soper, Carol Ann ... . J; 37, 54, 55, 58 , 60,99 Soper, Robert H........ .. ... S; 28, 57, 66 , 89 So rensen, LoRee ....... ....... S; 29, 68 Sorenson, Cheryl ........... .S; 29, 68 Sours, Jennet ...... .... ........ .. .... S; 47 Sparks, Allen .... .. ..... .. ... S; 48, 79 Sprague , A. Dean .... S; 28 , 57 , 92 Stafflund, Valerie .. .............. S; 47 Stapley, Diane ....... .... ........... S; 29 Starks, David .......... J ; 38, 52, 53 Stouffer, Melvin ...... ... ... .. .. .. .. S; 48 Steadman, Allen ...... S; 48, 79, 88 Steadman, Bruce ...... S; 1 1, 48, 99 Steadman , Chris ..... .J ; 37 , 58 , 63 Stefanoff, Pat ...................... S; 47 Stevens, Linda L. .......... J; 37, 62, 63, 67 Stevens, Peggy ....... ...... ... S; 17, 47 Stokes, Richard ........ ...... S; 4 8, 66 Stone , Marilyn .. .. .. ..S; 28 , 65, 68 Stuart, Richard ............ ... .... .J ; 38 Sudbury, Carl Dean .. S; 48 , 62, 99 Sudbury, Glen ........ s; 28 , 57,61, 93 , 115 Sudbury, Janet ............ ... .J; 38 , 68 Sund, Susan ...... J ; 17, 38, 54 , 55, 62 , 69 Sved in, Wilma ...... .. J ; 38 , 67, 68 Sweeney, Jeannine ..J; 17 , 38, 69 Sweeney, Jerry .... ...... S; 9 , 47, 62 Sweeney, Marcile ... ......... s; 47 , 62

T Tanner, Vickie ....... .... ... .. .. .... S; 47 Taylor, Edith ....... ... .. ............ J; 38 Taylor, Karen ...... .. ... .. .: ..... . .47, 62 Taylor, Toni ............. ... .. ........ S; 47 Tennant, Lloyd ............. .. ... .. .. S; 48 Te nnant, Mary Ann ... ........... S; 47 Te nnant , Steven .... ........ J; :: , 89 Teran , Doug . ...... .... S; 48, 79, 85 Terry, John ...... ... .... S; 48, 79, 87 Te rry, Retana ... ..................... S; 29 Teste r, Marvm ............ .......... J ; 38 Thompson, Byron ........ .... S; 28, 91 Thompson, Kendall .. ... ... S; 48, 92 T1elman , Hedi .... J ; 38 , 62 , 63 , 69 Timoney, Kathy , ... . ..J; 19, 38, 6 2 54, 63 , 98 , 110 Tippetts, Sharon ........ J; 38 , 67, 69 Tobin, Gary ....................... .. J ; 38 Tolley , Lynadell ... ..... J ; 38 , 62, 67 Tolman , Carolyn ............ S; 47, 62 Tolman , Janice ......................J ; 38 Tolman , Susan .............. J ; 38 , 101 Tone r, Ka re n ......... ............... S; 29 Toone, Paul ................. ..S; 17, 28 Tru jillo, Larry .... S; 48 , 79 , 85 , 91 Tucke r, Donald .. ...... J ; 38 , 78 , 87 Tucker, Kat hy ................ S; 47 , 68 Tufts, Karl ... ...... . ................ S; 48 Tunbri dge , Pa u line .............. S; 47 Tun bri dge, Sha ron .. ........ S; 29 , 6 2, 73, 99 , 11 5 Tu rne r, Ca rla ............ S; 19, 47 , 6 2 Turne r, Dawayne L. ............. S; 28 Turne r, Garth .... ..... ....... S; 11 , 28 Tu rne r, Kat harine .. .... .... S; 47 , 69 Turne r, James ...................... S; 48 Turner, Linda ···---············ · ·· ···S; 47 Tu ttle, Jame s ... ....... ...... S; 48 , 66

u Utley, Susan ...... J; 39, 63, 66, 67

v Vantassel, Donna ... ........ ..... J ; 39 Vaughn, Judi .. ........ S; 29, 60, 62 Vawdrey , Robert A . ...... .. S; 11, 48 Van Wyngorden, Casey .. ... ... J; 38 Veater, Georgia ..... ......... S; 47, 62 Veltri , Patty Ann .. ... ... ..J; 38, 58 , 62, 63 Vernon, Jan ..S; 19, 29, 65 , 93, 97 Vigil, Shirley ... ......... ............ S; 19 Vii liard, Sue .. ... ..... ... .. .... ..... S; 47 Visser, Don ............ ...... .. J ; 11, 38 Visser, Lynea .... ........... ........ .S; 47 Visser, Steven .......... J ; 38 , 66, 89

w Walker, Rosemary ..... ..... S; 29 , 68 Wall , Laurel ... ... .............. S; 29, 68 Wall , Roy ... ... .. .......... .... S; 48, 93 Wallace, Todd .... .......... ...... S; 48 Wallin, Robert ................... ... J; 38 Walton , Donna ........ ..... ....... J; 38 Ward , Greg .... .............. .... .... S; 48 Wardell, Dorothy .... .. ... ..... .... S; 47 Wathen , Diana ......... ... .......... J ; 8 Watkins, Dale ................ S; 48, 61 Watson , Ron ........ ..... .. ......... S; 48 Watterson, Joy ........ S; 47, 62, 67 Watterson , Lynn ... ......... S; 28 , 98 Watts, Diana ..... .... ..... ... ....... J; 38 Watts, Kaylene ........ S; 47, 62, 67 Weaver, Dennis .... ..J; 38, 57, 61, 62,63 Weaver, Jay* ........ S; 28, 61, 64 , 78,93 Webb, Douglas R........... S; 11, 28 Webb, Jerrold .......... J ; 38 , 78 , 91 Webb, Sharon ............. ... J; 39, 58 Webb, Steven .. S; 48, 79, 82, 83, 84,91 Wedel, Terri ............ .. .......... J; 39 We ir, Janice .. ....... ... J ; 39, 58, 62 Weiss, Linda .... J; 39, 58, 63, 101 West, Karren ....... ... ..J ; 39, 58, 63 Westenskow, Donald ............ S; 48 Whetman , Vicki .. S; 19, 47, 62, 99 Whipple, Dale .. .. ....... ..... S; 48, 68 Whipple, Maureen .... S; 9 , 29, 52, 53 , 65 Whittenbarger, Gloria ......... S, 47 Wiens, Brent ............ ..... ....... S; 4 8 Wilcken , Lori ... .... ... .. ...... S; 29, 62 Wilkerson , Charlotte .. .......... J; 39 Wilkes, Gloria .. ~ .... .... .... ...... J ; 39 W illiams, Gary ..... ...... ........ .J ; 38 Will iams, Cheryl .................... S; 47 Williams, Eddie ...... .. S; 28, 64, 91 Will iams, Jackie ........ .... S; 29 , 93 Williams, Janee ............ S. 47 , 63 Willi~ms, Johnnie ..... ........... S; 49 Will iams, Melody ........... J; 19, 39 Wdli oms, Nola .. ..... .... . ........ S; 47 Will iams, Scott .........S; 49, 61 , 92 Wilson , Kent ........ ..... ..... S; 49, 61 Winger, Judy ....J ; 39 , 55 , 58, 62 Winget, Nancy .... .... S; 29 , 60 , 68 Wintle, Linda .................. S; 19, 47 Woodbury , Carla .......... .S; 47 , 68 Woodbury, Doug ... ... J ; 38 , 61, 68 Worthen , Stanley ... ... S; 49, 79 , 87 Wride , Ro be rt ..... .S; 7 , 29 , 60, 92 Wright, Alle n . ... .S; 49, 79, 85 . 89 Wrig ht. Ka rma .................... $; 47 Wriqht. Ka thy ...... . ......... S; 47 . 68 Wrig ht, Michael .... J ; 29 , 67 , 115

y Ya sukochi, Pe gg y • ........ S; 29 , 62 , 63 , 65 Yengich, Marie ............. s, 19 , 47 Yeng ich, Nick E.......J ; 38 . 54 , 55 , 56 , 63 , 100, 101 Yeng ich, Tony .. S; 15 , 16, 17, 29 , 11 ' 89 , 91 Young , Vicki ...... .... .. S; 40 , 47, 62


IN MEMORIAM John F. Kennedy

President of the United States

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