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The faces now seen in the halls of Jordan High, may make their mark throughout the world, faces which will add to future generations of doctors, lawyers, merchants, and politicians. The experiences gained during our Jordan years, however large or small, have molded the faces which we now present to the world. By taking advantage of our opportunities, we will advance into an impressive and spirited " World of Faces. "

Reed H . Beckstead

Superintendent H . W . Jorgen son

Assistant Superintendent

Marlon S. Bateman

Bennarr Furse


Paul Mortensen


John Wheadon

Clyde V. Buxton

G. Reed Sanderson Principal

Sherman Crump Vice Principal

Mary Fitzgerald Girl's Co unse lor

Grant Kunzler Boy 's Cou nse lor

Paul Boyce M athemat ics


Phil Goldbranson Socia l Science

Golda Fra ser Language Arts

Wanda Wade Business

Donald Olsen Art

Jam es Seal Industria l Arts

Frank Bagley Industrial Arts

Lowell Boberg English

Gertrud e Tranter Home Living

Helen Seaman Physical Education

Arland Russon Special Education


Melvin Berrett

Robert Teran

Betty Henderson

Soc. Science -






Farrell Gunnell

Howard Linford


Physical Education

Emerson ¡ Kennington

Donald Milne

Industrial Arts

Socia I Science

Blaine Brown

Business -

Evert Jones

Soc. Science -

Math -



Beverly Crawford Eng lish

Jay Pond Soc. Science - Music

Glenn Sacos Speech

Blanche Humpherys Special Education

Kim Black Science - Agriculture

Jerry McCleary Physica l Educ. - Basketball

Lila Wilson English Business

Ralph Pace Art & Crafts

La Mar Swenson Soc ia l Science




Calvin Harris Specia I Education

Gerald Fisher Drafting - Mathematics

Robert Sanchez Soc. Science - Sports

Richard McAllister English - Journalism

Linda Lewis Dance - Speech

Rodney Zabriskie Music Language Arts

Roger King Physics - Electronics

Mary Barnett Business

James Fitzgerald Mathematics

Laura Leavitt Englis h

Delos Beckstead Plant Engineer

Thelma Ain sworth Office Manager

Phyllis Sagers Librarian

Robert Call Chemistry

Lena Wagstaff Clerk

Beth Booth Clerk

Arval Nelson Yearbook Photography



It's a great wide wonderful world that we live in here at Jordan . Its population, the student body of Jordan High, reflects the laughter, the friendships, the triumphs that make up this world and this year, 1965. Smiling faces, frowning faces, faces that mirror surprise and sentimentality are found here at the " school we love so well ."



-A.g.J. OfftwtA Sydnee Foulger First Vice- President

Claudia Mumford Historian

Gerald Greenwood Second Vice-President


Steve Brown, Poul Doy, Gerold Greenwood, Dorene Rigler, Stephanie Berrett, Jackie Schmidt.

S.S.M .C. -


GIRLS COUNSEL Row One : Sharon Burgan, Judy Smith, Terry Ishmael, Joyce Lorson, Alice Wiechert, Colleen Shields, Glenna Archuleta. Row Two : Barbaro Hole, Vicki Whetman, Colleen Green, Linda Slater, Lindo Weiss, Paula lhler, Lynda Visser, Glendo Tolman. Row Three: Pauline Tunbridge, Peggy Bartlett, Kaye Montague, Lynda Linford, Janet Heath, Dionne Homer, Bonnie Corson.


Row One: Jane Harris, Sharon Rasmussen, Mary Ann Hyatt, Pat DuMond, Kathy Hooke, Kathy Hays, Zoe Ann Keller, Mary Atkinson . Row Two : Claudia Richards, Sherry Jensen, Sandra Norton, Colleen Shields, Vouno Atkinson , Non Runolfson, Cless Young, Steve Greenwood . Row Th ree : Robyn Evons, Bette Brindly, Shirley Motsumori, Laraine Anderson, Paulo lhle r, Phyl lis Simonich, Harold Olofsson, Gene Lund, Craig Smith . Ro w Four: Brent Marriott, Scott Williams, Ben Crebs, Dale Hansen , Dove Foirbourn, Vic Johnson, Emerson Larkin, Allen Wright. STUDENT COUNCIL -


nee Foulger, Claudio Mumford, Noreen Rasmussen, Steve Densley, Joe Miner, Doug Matsumori, Gerold Greenwood Cless Young . '


Steve Densley, President


Larry Frear, Vice President

Dale Hansen, Secretary

Karen Ainsworth

Marvin Akagi

Laraine Anderson

Mary Ellen Anderson

Connie Allen

Sally Jo Anderson

Brent Backus

Edna Allsop

Charlotte Anderson

Colleen Anderson

Robert Andrus

Glenna Archuleta

Mary Lou Atwood

J. Steve Ball

Susan Ballamis

Debra Ballard

Van Dee Bearden

Mark Ballard

Dave Robert Bartlett

Fern Barton

Gayle Bawden

Carol Bean

Glen Bergstrom

Stephanie Berrett

Clara Birchell

Dwight Earl Bishop

Michael Bishop

Robin Bishop



lynda Black

Knute J. Boberg

Darla Bodell

Diane Bolliger

Earl Bolton

Ralph Bowen

lorry Bowler

Lindo Brackenbury

Darla Brindley

Bryant Brown

Dennis Brown

Gale Brown

Norene Brown

Merrill Buchanan

Dennis Burbank

Steven D. Coldwell

Steven K. Coldwell

Bonnie Carson

Carol Corter

Jim Cory

Carol Clawson

Carole Ann Conish

Mary lou Cook

Betty lou Cox

Gloria Crane

Mike Glenn Curt1s

Janet Daugherty

Brent Davis

Jesse Davis

Keith Day

Michael Deason

Mike Denny

Steve T. Densley

Robert Dent

Denise Dewegeli

Shelby Dow

Debra Duffin

Brent Dumas

Bruce Dunn

Jon Durrant

Jolaine Diefenderfer

Vernon Edwards

Brad Endicott

William Emersor1

Jack Evans

Dave Fairbourn

Leah Fairbourn

Linda Faller

Kent Farnsworth

Kathy Farris

Gary Ferguson

Laurel Fisher

Cathy Forman

Sydnee Foulger

Larry Frear

Ron Freeman

Brent Fugal


Patricia Fullmer

Van Garfield

David Gilbert

Michael S. Goodmansen

Sherry Gough

John Grant

Jolene Greene

Charlie Greenwood

Gerald Greenwood

JoAnne Greenwood

Karma Griggs

Dale Gunderson

Nancy Gunderson

Nancy Ann Haddow

Dale C. Hansen

Craig Hordcast le

Linda Hardcastle

Dawn Harper

Greg Harper

Paul Henke

Nadene Henkel

Elaine Hart

Janie Herrin

Charles Hartwell

June Heuser

Brent Haun

Grace Holstrom

Janet Heath

Dianne Homer

Boyd Hone

Roy Huston

Eldon Howlett

Paulo lhler

Steven Humphrey

Carol Jacob

Michael Hurdsmon

Dionne Joynes

Dian Hurst

Mark Hurst

David Jeffs

Sherry Jensen

Myrna Johnson

Donie! Johnson

Scott Johnson

Stephen Johnson

Vernon Johnson

Vic Johnson

Colvin S. Jones

Jock Jones

Randol Jones

Terry Jones

Gloria Jorgensen

Dee Kangas

Greg Kramer

Neldon Kunz



Richard Kunz

Vickie Kunz

Winn Kurumodo

George Lancaster

Emerson Larkin

Beverly Low

Rodney Lawrence

Sora Ann Lee

Wayne Lee

Lynda Linford

Koren Loutensock

Evonne Lybbert

Ellen Mabey

Jerri Madison

Bob Maestas

Joe Maldonado

Lindo Marble

Lorry Marshall

John Martinez

Virginia Martinez

Douglas Motsumori

Harold Maughan

Jenice McDowell

Marget McKnight

Lynn McManigal

Mark Mickelsen

Dione Middlesworth

James Miller

Sondra Miller

Joseph Miner

Bob Minnick

Jeff Mitchell

Glen Montague

Koye Montague

Cheryl Moody

Claudio Mumford

Michele Mumford

Neal Mumford

Bob Nelson

Eddie Nelson

Gory Nelson

Victoria Nelson

Kenny Newton

Evon Nessen

Joy C. Nichols

Sondra Olsen

Barbero Nickle

Mike Nielson

Bruce Ostler

Fred Pace

She ron Nokes

Michael Pace

Sondra Norton

Mary Panter

Anne Merit Olofsson

Sterling Porker


Tim Parker

Rex Patterson

Jamas Poulos

Irene Pearson

Paul Pelch

Cheryl Pennington

Wesley Perkins

Glenn Perry

Milton J. Petersen

Burke Brent Peterson

Judy K. Pierce

Sandra Lynn Pierce

Tad Pope

Jim Porter

Jimmy Powell

Lee Powell

Dale Rasmussen

Noreen Rasmussen

Claudia Richards

Gail Richards

Mary Richins

Dorene Rigler

Frankie Rigler

Rosa Revere

Marion Robertson

Robert Robertson

Ralph Romano

Robert Romero

John Rowley

Ronald Rozema

Gary L. Razenkrantz

Rolayne Samuelson

DeAnn Sargent

Craig Schelin

Jackie Schmidt

Karen Se!terberg

Colleen Shields

Verda Shurtleff

Phyllis Simonich

Colleen Simonson

Darlene Simonson

Mary Simonson

Brent Silcox

Alan J . Smith

Alen e Smith

Barbaro Smith

Carl Smith

Carole Smith

Colleen Smith

David Smith

John Smith

Koren Smith

Kathy Smith

Madeline Smith

Nedra Smith

Phil Smith



Sheila Smith

Sterling J. Smith

Susan Smith

LoRee Sorensen

Carol Ann Soper

David Starks

Chris Steadman

linda l. Stevens

Judy Stevenson

Suzie Stratton

Richard Stuart

Janet Sudbury

Susan Sund

Wilma Svedin

Jeannine Sweeney

Edith Ann Taylor

Steven Tennant

Marvin Tester

Heidi Tielman

Kathleen Timoney

Sharon Tippetts

Gary Tobin

lynadell Tolley

Susan Tolman

Donald Tucker Jr.

Susan Utley

Donna Van Tassel

Casey Van Wyngarden

Patty Ann V ltri

Donald Visser

Steve Visser

Robert Wallin

Diana Wathen

Daniel Watson

Diana Watts

Dennis Weaver

Jerrold Webb

Sharon Webb

Terri Wedel

Janice Weir

Linda Weiss

Karren West

Charlotte Wilkerson

Gloria Wilkes

Melody Williams

Doug Woodbury

Judy Winger

Vickie Winward

Nick E. Yengich



Vicky Whetman

Mary Ann Hyatt

Randy Shoemaker

Vice President



Dianne Ainsworth Mary Lee Albrechtsen Peggy Alldredge Dennis Allen Mary Jane Allen Janis Allred

Kayle Anderson Michael Anderson Rick Anderson Tammy Anderson Beverly Andrus Linda Ashby

Cindy Aston Mary Atkinson Mark Bailey Paul Ba ird Peggy Bartlett Joan Barton

Terry Beck Suzanne Bennion Dee Benson Lee Benson Douglas Berrett Kim Berrett

Doug Berry Phyllis Best Neal L. Biggs Mike Bingham Kenny Birch Barbara Jean Bishop

Calvin Bishop David Bishop Margie Brady Craig Brown Gregory Brawn Phil Brawn



Robin Burgan Sharon Burgan Terry Bush Larry Butler Lindo Caldwell Michae l Carter

Susan Cary Claudio Clayton Larue Clegg Vol Roger Clegg Dave Cole George Coleman

Karolyn Cook William Cook Max Cornia James Corona Glory Cotter Hyrum Covert

Scott Cowdell Earl Wayne Cox Kathy Cox Bill Coyne Bret Crandall Connie Crane

Ben Crebs Kathryn Curtis Richard Dangerfield Deon Dansie Steve Davenport Craig Day

Paul Day Jerry Deason David Delquadro William Dennison Marva Despain Nancy Despain


Larry Doyle Pauline Dumas Dennis Dunn Alice Durrant Lindo Durrant Janice Ebert

Sharleen Eggleston Kenneth Elison Kirk Ellis Penny Emerson Tim Enniss Joe Erickson

Steve Erickson Deanna Fairbourn Melvin Fairbourn William Ferguson

John Ferrara Kim Fitzgerald Owen Fitzgerald Angie Flores

Dianne Ford Douglas Ford Dale Freestone Randy Fullmer Melvin Gause

Karen Gillen Roberta Gonzales Colleen Green Linda Green Jay Gregory Dorell Hansen


Lorraine Griego Sandy Griggs Craig Hansen Janet Hansen Sandra Hansen Kent Hardcastle


Jono Harris Marjean Harrison Kathy Hayden Kathy Hays Richard Henningsen Marsha Herman

John Heug ly Dione Heuser Kristine Hobuseh Scott Hoglund Dayton Hooser Steve Hudgens

Deanne Hughes Kathleen Hulse Rodney Hurdsmon Dennis Huston Mary Ann Hyatt Bart Hyde

Collin lhler Garth Jarmon Glenn Jenkins Dana Jensen Scott Jensen Steve Jensen

Charlotte Johnson Billy Johnston Evon LaVor Janes Pamela Jones Virginia Jones Gene Joos


Lorry Jordan Zoe Ann Keller Blaine Kemp Wayne Kemp Gregory Kempton Rona ld Kesler

Paul Kirkpatrick Jacques Koncurat Jolene Lake Gory Lancaster Ferron Larson Alan Latimer

Judie Law Tina Leak Christine Leaverton Timothy Lee

Richard LeFevre Anthony Lelis Rhea Levine Clair Lloyd

Shouno Lloyd Fronk Logon Lewis Lopez Lonnie Lovendahl Michael Lukich Gene Lund

Richard Lundberg Donna Lunnen Rita Lybbert Koren Lynch James Mahler Robert McGuire


Dan Majhor Dick Mono Brent Marriott Jerry Marshall Paul Mason Shirley Matsumori


Jeff Matthews Robyn Maynes Pat Meeks Chris Mickelsen Becky Miller Brent M iller

Larry Moiler Jim Moss Larry Moss Sheri Mumford Varel Mumford Jimmie Myrick

Paul Nabahe Sandra Naillon Lee Ann Nelson Linda Lee Ne Ison Joy Newton Dole Nielsen

LaMar Nokes John Ookeson JoAnne Oborn Alan Oleen Donny Oliver Gwen Olsen

Brent Olson Lynn Ostler Kirk Overstreet Jim Oviatt Bonnie Panek Lindo Panek


Lindo Paramore Gregory Parker Jeannie Peek Leon C. Perry Solly Peters Julie Petersen

Jim Peterson Kris Peterson Warren Peterson Pam Phillips Dione Popelmayer Joann Porter

Carol Potter DeiRena Powell Steven Ramey Jeffrey Rasmussen

Sharon Rasmussen Donald Ray Taynia Ray Larry Reed

Melody Reed Diana Richards Phillip Richards Roselyn Richards John Rigler Nancy Rudd

Paulette Sanders Dole Schow Ivan Bruce Schow Allon Setterberg Fred Shaddick Randy Shoemaker


Terry Short Dorothy Simonich Catherine Simonso~ Helen Smith Joyce Smith Judy Smith


laurel Smith lawral Smith Pauline Smith Winefred Smith Dana Snow Janet Sours

Allen Sparks Kathy Spray Valerie Stafflund Melvin Stauffer Allen Steadman Bruce Steadman

Pat Stefanoff Peggy Stevens Carl Sudbury Marcile Sweeney Vickie Tanner Karen lynn Taylor

Toni Taylor Mary Ann Tennant Doug Teran John Terry Kendall Thompson Carolyn Tolman

larry Trujillo Pauline Tunbridge Carla Turner James Turner Katharine Turner linda Turner


James Tuttle Bob Vowdrey Georgia L. Veoter Shirley Vigil Sue Villiord Loynea Visser

Roy Wall Todd Wallace Greg Word Dole Watkins Ron Watson Joy Watterson

Koylene Watts Steve Webb Donald Westenskow Vicki Whetmon

Alice Wiechert Brent Wiens Cheryl Williams Janee Williams

Johnnie Williams Nolo Williams Scott Williams Kent Wilson Lindo Wintle Carlo Woodbury

Stan Warthen Allen Wright Karma Wright Kathy Wright Marie Yengich Vick ie Yaung


Candy Bain Secretary


Cless Young President

Nancy Greenwood Vice President

David Adams Mike Adams Paul Adams Brent Ainsworth Claudio Ainsworth Phyllis Ainsworth Todd Andersen

Brent Anderson Christine Anderson Jim Anderson June Anderson Dennis Angus Robyn Archibald Vickie Astle

Sorry Atkinson Vouno Atkinson Dione Bodovinotz Sorry Bailey Candy Boin Phil Boker Kathleen Ballamis

Diana Ballard Don Ballard Verlynn Barney Burlene Barton Barbara Bell Sharon Bergener Bonnie Birchell

Gaylen Bishop Deanna Blackwell Kim J . Bodell Mark Soltis Craig Bonham Christine Bowler Kathy Boyce

Susan Bradbury Steven Bradford Bette Brindley Steven Brown Bruce Burgan Timmy Burke Leonard Butler


Lee Coldwell Annette Corter Anno Lee Cor~ Steve Chase Lilia Childs Kenna Christensen Sherrie Colton


Steve Cook Oliver Cordova Tommy Crookston Jill Crosgrove Tereonn Cutler Stephen Dahl Candice Dono

Theresa Davenport Judi Davies Mardine Davis Wayne Davis Darlene Day Mark Dean Susan Deason

Alison Densley Courtney Despain Blaine Davine Dorothy Dewegeli Stanley Darius Dennis Dowland Sheila Doyle

Pot Dumond Richard G. Dunn Ben Durrant Jonett Dulton Mike Dyer Ruth Ebert Sandra Eggleston

Mike Eldredge Dione Elswood Pot Emerson Carol Lee Evans Craig Evans Jay Fackrell Nancy Fa1rbourn

Marilyn Ferguson Loretta Fl ittan Nyal Gardner Jay H. Garfield Linda Gates Gary Gaville Christine Glassey

Irene Gonzales Grant Goodman sen Marilyn Gough Colleen Greenwood Nancy Greenwood Robert Greenwood Stephen Greenwood

Kay Gregory John Groce Michael S. Grubb Craig Gunnell Kathy Haake

Louise Hadley Karen Hagen Barbara Hale Steve Hardcastle Thomas Hardcastle

Sandra Hardman Kathy Harper Ricki Harris Tom Harris Calvin Hart Kent Hayden

Kerry Henrie Bruce Heseltine Allen Hilton David Hilton Wolfgang Hoffman Kerry Hafheins


Kent Homer Nancy Hooser Mary Ann How.ard Russ Hudgens Mitchell Ingersoll Terry Ishmael Lynda Jackson


Leslie Jardine Doug Jenkins Bill Johnson Downell Johnson Dean Johnson Genei I Johnson Janet Johnson

Ralph Johnson Reid Johnson Richard I. Jolley Christine Jones Joseph Jones Mary Ann Jones Sharon Jones

Evelyn Joos Susan Kartchner DeEtto Kemp Shonno Roe Kemp Paulena Kidd Ronald Kimball Kenneth Kirk

Lynn H. Kirk Mark Kirkpatrick Douglas Konold Kathie Kosovich Becky Kunz Paula Kunz Terry Lamb

June Long Janice Larson Joyce Larson Robert Lasater Dixie Lewis Vicki Lewis Carolyn Lloyd

Kristi Lloyd Marilynn Lybbert Penelope Lyman Jan McComb Marsha McDowell Dale McKnight Marilyn M cNeil

Michael McNeil Kathy McQuade Robert D. Mabey Shirley Maestas Vickie Mair Susan Marriott Kathryn R. Marttila

Kathleen Mathis Diane Matsumori Bobbie Maupin Barbara Mitchell Jordan Mitchell

Lorraine Moiler Bruce Moore Gene Mortensen Fern Nay Jolyne Necaise

Curtis Nelson Sandra Nelson Claudia Newbold Robert Nosack David Nowotny Harald Olafsson

Gary Olson Jack Orgill Wayne Page Betty Lou Paget Lynn Park Larry Porker


Colleen Parks Ranee Patterson Terri Anne Peatmss Kent Pelch Laroe Penrod Loraine Penrod Christie Petersen


Nancy Petersen Ron Peterson Jim Pierson Donna Price Eddie Price Fred Quintana Lynda Ranck

Brent Rappleye Joyanne Rasmusset Kordla Reid Michael Reid Mike Richards Melvin Richins Victor Riggs

Raquel Rivera Irma Romero Danny Ronquillo Kenneth Rossberg Dick Rozema Doris Rozema Robert Runic

Non Runolfson Dione Sadler David Samuelson Fernie Sanchez Ronald Sargent Earl Savage Shearl Savage

Jeri Seamons Arnold Sielhorst Dale Sielhorst Dave Simpson Lindo Slater Brian Smith Craig Smith

Carol Smith Jilene Smith Kenneth Smith Loaritz Smith Lynn Smith Carlo Snow Ryan Soper

George South Dee Sorensen Sherri Stapley Brion Steadman LaVon Steadman Morelyn Stirling Lonnie Stone

Lenore Sturdy Michael Swenson Gory Toft Barry Thomas Charles Thomas

Barbaro Tielman Glendo Tolman Lonnie Troyer Lois Tufts Lynette Turner

Marilyn Turner Lema Tuttle Koren Utley Vicki Valdez Ramona Vowdrey Kathy Jo Veltri

Showno Venneri Don Visser Lynda Visser Margo Wall Cathy Watson Becky Watts


Gary Saville Roberta Snedeger Steve Hirschi

Doug Weaver Jim Wedel Delores Weidenheimer Gary West

Jenny Westenskow Leona Willden Cindy Williams Jack R. Williams Raleigh Williams Blayne Wilson Sheri Winger


Darrell Woodruff Layne Wright Lowell Wright Cless Young Robyn Evans Nei I Peterson Bill Rockhill

" Nobody loves me, I wonder why? Maybe it's my breath."



Much in view in our school's " World of Faces," are the various organizations . These clubs are the activity, or the pulse beat of our life at school. Our world inside these walls could become very one sided if the sea of faces were only on a quest for academic things . Participation in these organizations round out our days during the year. To be more specific, they widen our horizons and help us to realize there is more to learn than just "readin', writin ', and ' rithmetic. "



Doug Matsu mori President

Harald Olafsson Vice President David Delquadro Secretary Bob Andrus Sr. Representative


Gene Lund Jr. Representative

Steve Greenwood Soph . Representative


Noreen Rasmu ssen


Tereann Cutler

Vice President Peggy Stevens

Secretary Susan Marriott

Marg ie Brady

Sandra Olsen

Soph . Representative

Jr. Representative

Sr. Representative


Linda Stevens Associate Editor



Phil Goldbranson Advisor

Michele Mumford Editor

Dave Starks Associate Editor

Georgia Veater

Marjean Harrison

Sandra Olsen

Nancy Gunderson

Vickie Young

Nick E. Yengich

Lindo Weiss

The yearbook staff was fortunate this year in having such an outstanding group of photographers. They are: Penny Emerson, Char les Thomas, Eldon Howlett, and Arval Ne lson, Advisor .

Blaine Brown, Business Manager, and Beverly Crawford, English advisor, were in charge of administration .

The art and photography staff consults with the editor on layouts for the yearbook .

The copywrite staff works harmoniously to organize student index files .


Kathy Timoney Co-editor

Nick E. Yengich Co-editor

Kirk Ellis

Michele Mumford

Vickie Cox


Bill Cook

Richard McAllister Advisor

Carl Smith

Cheryl Ann Pennington

Mike Corter

Koye Montague

Sandra Norton

The editorial staff of the Broadcaster confers over the latest edition of the school paper.

Keeping the outside world informed of Jordan High activities were correspond ents Kathy Timoney and Nick E. Yengich.

Staff members of the Broadcaster are caught folding the latest issue.



Joe Miner

Nic!< E. Yengich

Dee Benson



Second Vi ce President

Gerald Greenwood

Doug Matsumori


Vice President

Phil Boker

David Bishop

Sieve Brown

Ben Crebs

Dove Delquodro

Shelby Dow

Kent Farnsworth

Brent Fugol

Stephen Greenwood

Tom Harris

Scott Jen sen

Winn Kurumada

Jeff Mitchell

Paul Nabohe

Haro ld Olofsson

Randy Shoemaker

Dennis Weaver

Burke Peterson

Kent Wilson

Cless Young

LaMar Swenson

Robert Teran

Adviso r



Helen Seaman

Janet Hansen

Lynea Vi sser

Julie Petersen

Sharon Burgan


Vice-P res iden t


Re porte r

Asst. Drill M istress

Wanda Wade

Shirley Matsumori

Sharon Rasmussen

Penny Emerson

Marva Despain

Adviso r



Dri ll Mi stress

Yell M istress

Dionne Ainswo rth Peggy A ll dredge

Undo Ashby Mary Atki nson Kim Be rrett

Jana Harris

Pres ide nt

Joann Porter

M argie Brady Susan Cary


Kora lynn Cook Kathy Cox

Alice Durrant Dianne Ford Karen Gillen Sondra Hansen

Marjea n Harrison Kathleen Hulse Mary Ann Hyatt Dono Jensen

Pamel¡o Jones Virginia Jones Zoe Ann Keller Jolene Lake

Georgia Yeater

Carol Potter Roselyn Richards Paulette Sanders Joyce Smith Pauline Smi th Kathy Spray Peggy Stevens


Robert Nelson, Committee member; Kaye Montague, Secretary; Barbara Smith, Secretary, Scott Jensen, Vice President; Judy Law, Comm1ttee member; Vicki Whetman, Committee member; Jeff Mitchell, President.

The seventeen -voice madrigal choir was revived this year under the direction of Mr . Rodney Zabriskie, the A Cappella advisor .

Row One : Mr. Zabriskie, V. Stafflund, B. Miller, J . Barton,


Clawson, L. Jones, W. Dennison, M. Corter, A. Durrant, J . Lake, G. Paget, C. Conish, M. Atkinson, S. Jensen. Row Two : S. Utley, K. Montague, G. Bowden, K. Berrett, C. Mickelsen, S. Jensen, G. Kempton, J . Nichols, C. Brown, P. Richards, T. Gorg, C. Moody, E. Lybbert, S. Sund, V. Nelson. Row Three: C. Soper, S. Mumford,


J . Low, K. Wright, L. Frear, D. Gunderson, D. Kangas, A. Sm ith, K. Peterson, T. Jones, M. Hurst, J. Turner, C. Clayton, K. Lynch, S. Anderson , M. McKnight, J . Harris . Row Four : D. Jensen, B. Smith, C. Johnson, S. Smith, C. Richards, V. Winward, B. Nelson, J . Mitchell , B. Brawn, B. Fugal, L. McManigal, C. Mumford, S. Motsumori, K. Wright, V. Whetman , J . Daughtery, L. Block.

Band officers, Brent Fuga l, Shelby Dow, and Del Rena Powell led the band through numerous activities for the 1964-65 school year.

O ne: Sharon Jones, Claudia Newbold, DeiRena Powell, Robert Mabey, Brian Smith, Lauritz Smith, Tommy Anderson, Shelby Dow, Bill Cook, Jay Garfield, Robert Greenwood, Kent James Farnsworth, Steve Row

Davenport. Row Two : Wolfgang Hoffman, Owen Fitzgerald, Rick Ande rson, Kent Wilson, Jimmy Moss, Bruce Heseltine, Ron Kesler, Doug Ber¡ rett, Dale Watkins, Dale McKnight, Dan Visser, Layne Wright, Lowell Wright, Glen Bergstrom. Row Three : Brent Fugal, Mr. Pond.


Lynda Linford President

Kent Fa rnsworth Parliamentarian

Row One: S. Griggs, J . Williams, C. Turner, N. Despo.n, C. Green, 1. Leek, C. Clawson, C. Tolman, V Jones, M. Brody, V. Young, K. Hayes, S. No ilion, S. ·Sund, L. Linford . Row Two : M Lybbert, J . Lake, K. Toy lor, K. Ainsworth, M. Smith, J. Sudbury, C. Clayton, K. Timoney, l. Slater, C. Been, M. Davis, J . McComb, E. Joos, S. Motsumori, J . Green . Row Th ree: S. Kartchner, C. Newbold , J Rasmussen, D lewis, E. lybbert, S. Smith, N. Peterson, C. Peterson , P. Jones, B. Bishop, S. Olsen, K. Seter·


Susan Sund Historian

burg, C Allen, S. Deason . Row Fou r: L. Morbel, J. Harris, J . Hensen, H. T1elman, S. Eggleston , N. Williams, V Aster, P. Ainsworth, K Kosovlch, K Veltri, C. Ainsworth, B. Borton, C. Shields, M. Howard, V. lewis. Row Five: G Greenwood , D. Motsumori, L. Marshall, P. Deason, S. Dow, N Mumford. R. Birch, J . Ferraro, C Sudbury, F Pace , R. Dunn, M Adams, K. Farnsworth . Row Six: B. Fugal , K Bobdrg, P Pelch , J . Davis, M. Good monson, S Parker, B. Rockhill , V R1ggs, M. Reed, F. Shoddick, P. Smith, M. Hur5t, N Yeng1ch, Mr. Sacos, advisor.


Dianne Homer Hi storia n

Dennis Weaver A ss 't Secretary -Ge nera I

Row On e: Lindo Marble, Marget McKnight, Rolayne Samuelson, Jackie Schmidt, Anne -Morit Olafsson, Susan Smith, Sondra Olson, Carol Clawson, Michele Mumford . Karren West, Mary Simonson, Bonnie Corson. Row Two: Marilynn Lybbert, Vickie Lewis, Nolo Williams, Jay Watterson, Sally Peters, Tina Leak, Stephanie Berrett, Mary Lou Caak, Nancy Peterson,

Michele Mumford Secreta ry -General

Laraine Anderson Secretary- Treas ure r

Betty Lou Paget. Row Three .: Caro l Potter, Sharon Burgan, Joyanne Rasmussen, Dixie Lewis, Susan Deason, Pat DuMond, Paula Kunz, DeAnn Sargent, Laraine A11derson. Row Four: Mr. Milne, Advisor; Earl Wayne Cox, Dove Delquadra, Mark Ballard, Jim Porter, Da le Rasmussen, Nick Yengich. Row Five : Doug Weaver, Russ Hudgens, Harold Olaffson, Kent Homer.


Charlie Greenwood Secretary -Treasurer Dale Rasmussen V ice Presid ent

G~rald Greenwood, Alan Smith, Dale Hansen, Jerry Marshall, Larry Frear, Larry Marshall, Micheal Bishop, Bob Maestas, Dave Cole, Jerry McCleary, Advisor. Row Two : Scott Johnson, Robert Andrus, Bruce Dunn, Jim Porter, Bryant Brown, Dave Fairbourn, Robert Nelson, Doug

Row One :


Steve Densley Sargent at Arms

Matsumorl, Don Tucker, Bob Teran, Advisor. Row Three : Kenny Newton, Sterling Parker, Pete Deason, Knute Boberg, Tim Enniss, Dave Delquadro, Joe Miner, Robert Sanchez, Advisor. Row Four: Emerson Larkin, Calvin Jones, Jerrold Webb, Charlie Greenwood, Steve Densley, Greg Kromer, Brent Marriott, Steve Webb, Gene Lund, Evert Jones, Advisor.

Collen Shields President

Cheryl Pennington Vice - President Debra Ballard

Noreen Brown

Lynda Black

Gloria Crane

Frankie Rigler Secretary

Kathy Farris

Joann Greenwood

Linda Hardcastle

Janet Heath

Carol Jacob

Sheryl Jensen

Vickie Kunz

Karen Loutensock

Leah Fairbourn Treasurer

Diane Bolliger Historian

Jerri Madison

Karen Setterberg

Susan Utley

Linda Lewis Advisor

Charlotte Wilkerson


Mr. Black, Mike Denny, LaMar Nokes, David Bishop, Steve Visser, Ge ne Joos .

Row One : Lonnie Parker. Row Two :

Lobb, Owen Fitzgerald, David Bishop, Steve Visser, Gene Joos, Mike Denny, Larry Gary Taft, Mike Richards, John Oakeson, Gary Lancaster, LaMar Nokes, Joseph Jones, Mr. Black, Advisor.


Row One: Lindo Nelson, Shirley Matsumori, Linda Marble, Joy Waterson,

Del Rena Powell, Lindo Hondcostle, Carol Carter, Pam Jones, Barbara Bishop, Koylene Watts. Row Two : Jolene Green, Betty Cox, Fenn Barton, Shawno Lloyd, Susan Kartchner, Marjeon Harrison, Betty Lou Paget,

Kathy Veltri, Kathy Foreman, Ro Layne Samulson, Barbara Smith. Row Th ree: June Long, Carol Smith, Nan Runolfson, Sally Jo Anderson, Carol Connish, Linda Turner, Beverly Andrus, Terry Beck, Joan Barton, Patty Veltri, Tina Leak. Row Four: Miss Henderson, Mrs. Teranter.

Wilma Svedin Historian Jolen e Green President

Carol Carter Secretary

Mary Simonson Treasurer


Row One: Steve Coldwell, Neldon Kunz, Boyd Hone, Mike Grubb, Dick Mono, Mike Goodmonson, Kenneth Rossberg, loVer Jones, Robert Runic. Row Two : Mr. Zabriskie, Advisor, Kathy Forman,

Jolene Green, Ann Merit Olafsson, Janet Hansen, Kim Berrett, Carla Woodbury, Tina leak, Sally Jo Anderson, Colleen Anderson. Row Three: Richard Prime, Harald Olafsson, Steve Brown, Ron Peterson, Doug Weaver, Craig Hardcastle, leon Perry, Phil Baker, Kenneth Smith, Rick Harris, DeiReno Powell. Row Four: Alan Smith, Dale Hansen, Nyal Gardner, Karla Gunnell, Colleen Green, Marsha McDowell , Mark Mickelsen, Paul Henke, Wilma Svedin, Marget McKnight, Fred Pace, Gregory Parker.

D.~.C.-A. Row One: Janie Herrin, Lindo Marbel, Kathy Smith, Gloria Wilks, Jolaine Dietend rfer, Verda Shurtleff, Virginia Martinez, Gail Richards, Grace Halmstron. Row Two : Carol Johnson, Gloria

Jorgenson, Rick leonis, Steve Caldwell, Jesse Davis, Brent Davis, Mike Neilson, LoRee Sorenson, Judy Stevenson, Elaine Hart, lila Wilson, Advisor.

Row One : Carol Clawson, .Jeannine Sweeney, Blanch Humphreys, Advisor; Hedi Tlelmon, Mary lee Albrechtsen, Susan Sund. Row Two: Kathryn Marttilo, Sherri Colton, Terry Beck, Joan Borton, Colleen Green, Nancy Despain. Row Three: JoAnne Obarn, LaVar Jones, Niel Mumford, Mike



Row One : Vickie Valdez, Kathy Martilla, Lin Ja Gates, Roque! Revere. Row Two :

John Sergent, Gene Mortensen, Vern Silcox, Doug Turner.

Row One : George Lancaster, Gory Lancaster, LaMar Nokes. Row Two : Glenn Perry, Dale

Watkins, Bruce Steadman, Emerson Kennington.

Row One : Gary Olson, Kent Farnsworth, Dee Benson, Timothy Lee , Courtney Despain, Bruce Heseltine. Row Two : Willis Sharp, Bob Vawdrey, Kent Hardcastle,

Douglas Jinkins, Craig Hardcastle, Weston Workman, Delos Beckstead .



Hurtling into the world of Jordan comes a fast -paced world of sports. Athletics has always played an important part in this world, as have the participants. The teams, with faces girded for victory, are not the only ones on the field , however. The sixth man on the basketball team, the twelfth man on the football team, the tenth man on the baseball team is always the Beetdigger student body. The faces which pack the bleachers so full of enthusiasm join a team to make up our " World of Sports. "


Vickie Young Head Cheerleader

Susan Utley

Diane Bolliger Co-Head Cheerleader

Pauline Tunbridge

Carolyn Tolman

Peggy Bartlett



PRE -SEASON Jordan 14 ---------------------------------------- Olympus 7 Jordan 0 ---------------------------------------------- East 39 Jordan 0 ------------------------------------------ Weber 14

Steve Densley

Fullback, Co-captain, All American - Honorable Mention, All State

LEAGUE Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

15 ---------------------------------------- Granger 20 ---------------------------- Judge Memorial 26 ------------------------------------------ Murray 0 -------------------------------------- -- Hi II crest 21 ---------------------------------------- Bingham 27 --------- --------------------------------- Tooele

26 13 18 6 12 6

Robert Andrus

Defensive Tackle, Co -captain

Robert Terar), Evert Jones, Robert Sanchez, and Jerry Mcleary were in charge of coaching the varsity football squad this year.


Managers: Jeff Rasmussen , Mike Bishop, and Mike

Corte r.

Knute Boberg Center

Bryant Brown Quarterback

Pete Deason Guard

Tim Ennis Defensive Halfback

Dave Fairboum Halfback

Scott Johnson Tackle

Gene Lund Defensive Safety

Doug_Matsumori Guard

Jerry Marshall End

Harold Maughan Defensive Tackle

Joe Miner Tackle

Dale Rassmussen Halfback

Alan Smith End

Jerrold Webb Guard

Steve Webb Defensive Halfback


Row One : B. Brown , P. Deason. A. Smith, S. Johnson,

L. Frear, H. Maughan , R. Andrus, S. Densley, J. Mine r, D. Faribourn, D.

Matsumorl, D. Rasmussen. Row Two : J. Porter, A. Sparks, S. Webb, D. Tucker, J . Deason, G. Lund, J. Marshall, K. Boberg, T. Ennlss, S. Erickson,

J. Webb, B. Nelson . Row Three: L. Moss, R. Dangerfield , B. Crandall, S. Jensen, J. Knutson, D. Teran, S. Worthen, P. Day, C. Day, D. Berry, B. Crebs. Row Four: M. Carter, Manager; J. Rasmussen, Manager; Robert Sanchez, Ass't Coach; Everet Jones, Head Coach; Jerry McCleary, Soph Coach; Robert Teran , Soph Coach; M. Bishop, Manager.


Doug Berry Halfback

Scott Coudell Tackle

Bret Crandall End

Ben Crebs Halfback

Steve Erickson Guard

Richard Dangerfield Center

Craig Day Guard

Paul Day Quarterback

Jerry Deason Fullback

Larry Frear End

Steve Jensen End

Paul Kirkpatrick Halfback

Jimmy Knutsen Tackle

Jim Porter Halfback


Alan Sparks End

Doug Teran Center

Larry Moss Tackle

Don Tucker Guard

Robert Nelson End

Stan Worthen Tackle

J e rry McCl eary and Robert Teran, Coach es .

Row One : Nya l Gardner, Steve Brown , Kent Homer, Vic Riggs, Gary Savi lle, Bill Rockhill, Kent Pelch, Berry Thomas, Ron Sargent, Doug Weaver, David Samuelson, Dean Johnson , Harold Olafsson . Row Two : Dan Visser,. Ralph Johnson, Wolfgang Hoffman , Tom Harris, Robert Lon -


caster, Dorell Woodruff, Bruce Moore , Larry Porker, Kent Hayde n, lonnie Troyer, Cless Young , Steven Gr enwood, Joy Garfield, Russ Hu ngens. Row Three: Blaine Wilson , Ron Peterson, A lon Hilton, Leonard But ler, Kay Gregory, Dole McKnight, George South, Jordan M itchell, Mark Soltis, M ike McN1el, Paul Adams, Mitch Ingerson .


Jordan 57 ................ . ......... Orem 49 Jordan 62 ................... ...... Highland 74 Jordan 80

............ .. Spanish Fork 51

Jordan 61 Jordan 62

................... ... .. Granger 59 ........................... .. Bountiful 78

Jordan 58

.. ....................

Jordan 61

Ben Lomond 39

...... ·····----

Cyprus 50


Jordan 46 Jordan 51

Murray 49


Hillcrest 57

Jordan 79

. Tooele 49

Jordan 73

Judge Memorial 63

Jordan 76

Bingham 72

Jordan 62 Jordan 66 Jordan 72 .

.................................. .....................

Murray 71 Hillcrest 76 Tooele 44

Jordan 91

Bingham 63

Jordan 70

Judge Memorial 85

Brent Marriott Guard

Jerry McCleary Coach

Steve Den sley Co -Captain, Forward, 2nd Team All-Region

Greg Kramer Co-Captain, Forward, Gu ard

Paul Day Guard Robert Sanchez Assistant Coach

Dave Cole Center

Steve Webb Forwa rd


Dale Hansen

Tim Enniss

Gene Lund

Cent er



Stirling Parker Student Trainer

Glen Jenkins

J im Malher



Jeff Rasmussen, Phil Baker M anagers


JUNIOR VARSITY- Row One : Doug Weaver, Wolfgang Hoffman, Steve Davenport, Cra ig Hansen, Je ff Rasmussen. Row Two : Dave De lquadro, Kim Fitzgerald, Gl en Jenkins, Tim Enniss, Hara ld Olafsso n .

PRE-SEASON Jordan 53 --- --··----·--·-··-·----------·············· Orem 38 Jordan 60 ·-----··--·-····-·--··---------------- Highland 50 Jordan 60 ···--·----------------·····----- Spani sh Fork 54 Jordan 51 ·····--·····---------------------------- Granger 52 Jordan 64 ·-----------·----····----·--·········· Bountif ul 57 Jordan 44 -------------············---·-···· Ben Lomond 49 Jordan 58 .......................................... Cyprus 49

LEAGUE Jordan 62 ···-------------------------······--·---·· Murray 41 Jordan 35 --·--·····--········------·-·····-----·- Hillcrest 49 Jordan 64 ···------······-······-----·······--······ Tooele 46 Jordan 62 ······---···-····------------------·-- Bingham 63 Jordan 63 .......................... Judge Memorial 50 Jordan 59 .......................................... Murray 47 Jordan 50 ........................................ Hi I/ crest 68 Jordan 49 ------------------·--·----·----···----· .. Tooele 38 Jordan 77 -------------------------····--·------ Bingham 58 Jordan 48 ............................ Ju dge M emoria I 51


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

59 ------······-··············-··-···-··----· Murray 36 ··-·--·--------------------------------- Hi II crest 48 ------------------------------------------ Tooele 53 -----······-···--·-··-······-··-----·· Bingham 47 -·-·-·-··-·-··-·--···-··-·-- Judge Memorial

25 45 45 37 42

Jordan 52 -·----···-· ·---------····-···--- -·---·-·· Murray 39 Jordan 39 -······--··--··-·····------·--- ----··--· Hillcrest 57 Jordan 55 --··---·--···--·--·------··--··-----···--· Tooele 42 Jordan 62 ------·-----·-------·-·--··-·------·-· Bingham 48 Jordan 43 ·--·-··-···-·-·-·········- Judge Memorial 39

SOPHOMORE TEAM- Row One : Robert Teran , coach ; S. Dahl, Manager; D. Samuelson , S. Brown, W. Hoffman, K. Hom er, H. Olofsson, D. Wea ver, B. Ain sworth , T. Burke, Manager. Row Two: W. Davis, R. Hudgens, L. Troyer, S. Hirschi, B. Rockhill, R. Peter son, T. Harris, S. Greenwood .


Everet Jones


Emerson Larkin

First Region -

Dave Fairbourn

Co-captain -

Bob Maestas

Second Reg ion Co-captain -

Fourth Sta te

Scott Johnson

First Region

First Reg ion

Alan Latimer

Second Region

Bryant Brown Third Region

Jim Porter Third Region

Calvin Jones

Jeff Mitchell Third Region

Dennis Weaver Third Region

Tim Parker Third Region

Scott Cowdell Second Region

Mike Bishop and Craig Brown Managers

Row One : A. Latimer, E. Larkin, C. Jones, B. Brown, J. Mitchell, T. Porker, D. Weaver, S. Cowde/1, S. Johnson, D. Foirbourn, J. Porter, B. Maestas. Row Two : C. Brown, manager, D. Mono, K. Pelch, P.


Richards, D. Visser, V. Riggs, L. Porker, J . Marshall, T. Lelis, A. Smith, J. Mitchell, L. Moss, M. Bishop, manager. Row Three : B. Crebs, J. Terry, M. Cornia, J. Deason, S. Worthen, R. Sargent, D. Jinkins, J. Garfield, D. Johnson, M. Boltis, D. Rasmussen, D. Konold.



Larry Marshall Co-Captain Returning Letterman

Robert Sanchez Coach

Scott Johnson Returning Letterma n


Row O ne: K. Homer, A. Smith, B. Ainsworth, V. Johnson, B. Crondell, J. Marsha ll. L. Frear, E. Larkin, J. Porter, J. Mitchell, J. Deason, S. Visser, J . Mitchell, L. Jones. Row Two : R. Sanchez, Coach, S. Worthen, D. John -

son, D. Visser, B. Thomas, M. Carter, D. Weaver, R. Andrus, H. Maughan, S. Jensen, M. Stauffer, J. Terry, M. lngersol, R. Dangerfield, L. Marshall, T. Parker, D. Rasmussen, G. Montague, S. Johnson, M. Peterson, D. Teran, F. Larson, M. Pace.


Robert Teran Coach

Q. .

ld Greenwood Gera tain Co-cap man . Letter Returnmg



Jerrold W~b Co-captam . Letterman Returnmg

Bruce Dunn Return .mg Letterman

Hll I

St ve Dens ey e. Letterma• Returnmg

Seve Webb t. Letterman Returnmg


ant Brown Bry. Letterman Returning

BASEBALL - Row One: S. Erickson, G. Greenwood, S. Webb, B. Dunn, S. Densley, T Enniss, B. Marriott, G. Webb, B. Brown. Row Two : M. Bishop, W. Kurumada, T. Bush, C. lhler, G. Kramer, K. Fitzgerald, S. Smith, P.

Day, K. Day, J. Rasmusen, Manager. Row Three : B. Rockhill, S. Greenwoad, L. Troyer, H. Olafsson, L. Parker, W. Hoffman , R. Hudgens, D. Samue ldon , Robert Teran, Coach.

I ._-...





Dale Hansen Co-captain Returning Letterman

Dave Delquadro Co-captain Returning Letterman

Jerry McCleary Coach

Dale Hansen, Steve Brown, Robert Nelson, Steve Hudgens, Greg Kempton, Kendall Thompson, Craig Brown, Larry Trujillo, Paul Baird .


Marion Robertson, Carol Palter, Carla Woodbury, DeAnn Sargent, Darlene Simonson, and Linda Hardcastle.

Doug Berrett, Layne Wright, Ronald Kesler, Lowell Wright, Brent Fugal, Richard Anderson, Kent Wilson, Dale Watkins, Shelby Dow, Kent Farnsworth.



No world, or year can be complete without an up-to the-minute report on the current events and modern history molded through the activities and endeavors of nine hundred student body members. Here captured in copy and pictures is the inside story of accomplishments in drama, forensics, and assemblies as well as our success ful dances. Here, too, special tribute is paid to those who have brought honors to Jordan by excelling in scholastic achievement. We feel that these activities have played a large part in building the reputation of Jordan High.


"All the Way Home," written by Tad Mosel, proved to be another of the dramatic successes for which Glenn E. Sacos has become known. The play which centers around an unexpected death in the family proves that we have no real control over life or death . The story impact and tremendous acting, was coupled with a new innovation in setting, a three-part revolving stage. This production reached a pin nacle in a long line of successes.

larry Marshall Jay Follet

lynda Linford M ary Fol let

Craig Smith Rufus


Scott Johnson Ralph Follet

Kathy Hays Sally Follet

Nancy Gunderson Aunt Hannah

Phil Smith Joel Lynch

Carol Bean Catherine Lynch

Mike Goodmansen Andrew Lynch

Janet Heath Aun t Sadie

Denise Dewegel i Great-Great-Granmaw

Janet Sudbury Jessie Follet

Kent Farnsworth John Henry Fo llet

Gaylen Bishop Jim Wilson

Jesse Davis Father Jackson

Glen E. Sacos Director

Ka thy Ti money Student Director

Jeff Mitchell Student Director

Kim Berrett Student Director

Bob Maesta s Neighborhood Boy

Mark Dean Neighborhood Boy

Rodn ey Hurdsman Neighborhood Boy


Yes, Mr. Sacos and his interpretive crew has done it again! With a total of seven superior ratings and sixty-six points, Jordan swept the Class A Drama Championship for the fifth year in a row. The scene of this year 's tri umph was the Brigham Young University. Five times has proved the lucky number and we 're hoping to make it six.

State Participants Row One : Carol Bea n , V ic ki Lew is, Edn a All so p, Pot Dumond, Ko thy Ti mon ey, Phyllt s Simon ich, Stepha nie Berrett, Rit a Lybbe rt. Row Two: Doug M otsumori, A lon Smith , M ike Adam>, Knut e Boberg, M ike Goodmonse n, Lorry M arsha ll , Joe M iner, Jesse Davis. Missing : Ph i l Smi th , Jeff M itchell .


Region Participants Row One: M ike Adams, M tke Goodmonsen, P te Deaso n, M ark M ickelse n, Victor Riggs, Steve Jensen, Dole Nie lsen, Lorry M arshall, Ala n Smith, Kn ute Boberg, Burke Peterson, Joe M iner, Doug M otsumori, M ork Hurst. Row Two : Carol Bean, Susan Smtth, Srephonte


Berrett, Phyll1s Simonich, Nancy Gund rson, Kim Berrctr, Korhy Timoney, Carol Smith, Edno Allsop, Lynda Linford, Pot Dumond, Vick1 Lewis, Dono J nsen, R1t Lybberr, Carolyn Tolman, Jono Harris, Glen Socos, Director; Joon Hullinger. Assistant ; Suzanne Fitzgerald, Assistant

Janet Heath

Larry Frear

Moth er

Eme ry

Janet Heath, Scott Jensen, Scott Johnson, Lorry Frear, ond Craig Gunnell mode up the cost of "The Sta ll ion."

Scott Johnson

Scott Jensen



Mr. Socos, Director, and Student Directors Marty Moses, Chris Steadman, and Kathy Timoney were instrumental in gaining more honors for Jordon High School.


Mark Mickelsen Debate Ma nager

linda lewis Advisor Janet Heath Debate President

Susan Smith, Scott Johnson Sta te De ba te

Nick E. Yengich, lynda Linford Kathy Hays, Mark Bailey Sta te Debate

Janis Allred, Shelby Dow

Carol Carter, Karen lynch Craig Smith, Ne il Petersen


State Forensics Row One: Janet Heath, Susan Smith, Carol Bean, Carol Jacob, Kathy Hays, Pauline Tunbridge, Janis Allred, Penny Emerson. Row Two: Mark Bailey, Mark Mickelsen, Raymond Boarz, Scott Johnson, Shelby Dow . Not pictured: Nick E. Yengich .

Region Forensics Row One : Lynda Linford, Jolene Green, Jolene Lake, Janet Heath, Susan Smith, Carol Bean. Carol Jacob, Mary Richins, Coral Carter, Kathy Hays, Pauline Tunbridge, Janis Allred, Karen Lynch, Penny Emerson, Marilynn Lybbert, Linda Lewis, Advisor. Row Two : Neil Peter -

sen. Craig Smith, Jordan Mitchell, Kris Peterson, Chris Mickelsen, Rabin Burgan, Scott Johnson, Raymond Baarz, Mark Mickelsen, Mark Bailey, Owen Fitzgerald, Brent Fugal, Shelby Dow, Doug Berrett, Mike Adams. Not Pictured : Nick E. Yengich.


Sponsore d b Y Senior Class


Sponsored by J unJor . Class

Sponsored by F. F. A.


Sponsored by F. H. A.

Sponsored by Sophomore Class

Sponsored by A.G.J

.LMt ~ VOJtCeJ.

Sponsored by Student Body Officers ond Cheerleoders


Dave Fairbourn . Football King Vickie Young Footba II Queen

Jessie Davis King · Berrett Stephame Queen


Bret Crandall

Li' l A bne r

Frankie Rigler

Daisy Mae

Gloria Jorgensen


Janet Hansen

First Attendant

Penny Emerson

Second Attendant


Ooops! The tape's not long enough!


Student-faculty basketball game.

Junior Class Assembly

Senior girls play "mother" for a day.

Opening Day Assembly


Girl Boy Staters Row One : Shelby Dow, Susan Sund, Nancy Gunderson, Koren Setterburg, laurel Fisher, Joe Miner. Row Two : Robert Nelson , Robert Robertson, Steve Densley, Dole Hansen, Burke Peterson. Missing : lynda Linford .

Susan Sund Betty Crocker Homemaker, Sweetheart of Salt lake County Fair Sterling Scholars Row One : Janet Sudbury, Neal Mumford , Susan Sund, Bryant Brown, Cheryl Moody . Row Two : Kathy Timoney, Sondra Olsen, Claudio Mumford , Anno Morit Olofsson. Miss ing: lynda Linford.


Cathy Forman American Legion Oratorical Contest

Steve Densley Bays' Nation Freedom Academy

Top 3 "fo Row One : Charlie Greenwood, Neal Mumford, Joe Miner, Bryant Brown, Doug Matsumari. Row Two: Chris Steadman, Kathy Timoney, Susan Smith, Noreen Rasmussen, Ann Marit Olafsson.

Brent Davis State DECA Winner, Merchandising Manuals

Sandra Olsen and Susan Smith U. N. Pilgrimage for Youth

Mark Mickelsen and Susan Smith Teenage Debate Eldon Howlett High School Photographers Clinic-Superior Rating


Nancy Gunderson and Craig Smith have a heart to heart talk in school play.

Dads learn to dance on their night out.


A Cappella goes caroling through Jordan's halls.

We hope that through our reporting and picture taking, the events recorded of our year at Jordan will remain vivid for you, and memories just about forgotten will flame long enough to give you a few moments of pleasure and warmth. In school, as in life, we hope our disappointments and failures are outnumbered by our successes and accomplishments . All these experiences enabling us to emerge better prepared to face another " World of Faces. "


ADMINISTRATION Sanderson, Reed ............... ......... 5 Crump, Sherman ........................ 5 Fitzgerald, Mary .......................... 6 Kunzler Grand ..... ....................... 6 Boyce, Paul .................... ............ 6 Goldbranson, Phil .................. 6, 54 Fraser, Golda ............................. ] Wade, Wanda ... ......... .... .... ..7, 61 Olsen, Donald ........................... .? Seal, James ............. ... .......... ..... .? Bagley, Frank .......... ... .. ............ .? Boberg, Lowell .................. ........ .7 Tenter, Gertrude ................... .7, 69 Seaman, Helen ..................... .?, 61 Russon, Arland ........................... .? Henderson, Betty ............ 8, 69, 70 Teran, Robert .... 8, 66, 79, 80, 83,

92, 93 Berrett, Melvin .... ........................ 8 Gunnell, Farrell .............. ............ 8 Linford , Howard .......................... 8 Blaine Brown .................. 8, 54 Kennington, Emerson .......... 8, 71 Milne, Donald ...................... 8, 65 Jones, Evert.............. 8, 76, 79, 88 Swenson, LeMar .............. .......... 9 Crawford, Beverly .......... ...... 9, 54 Pond, Joy ............................. 9, 63 Socos, Glenn .......... 9, 64, 99, 101 Humpherys, Blanche .................. 9 Block, Kim ............................ 9, 68 Me Cleary, Jerry 9, 66, 79, 80, 94 Wilson, Lila .......................... 9, 70 Pace, Rolph .......................... ..... 9 Harris, Calvin ............................ 1 0 Me Allister, Richard ........... 10, 56 Zozriskie, Rodney .......... 1 0, 62, 70 Fisher, Gerold .......................... 1 0 Lewis, Lindo ..... 1 0, 67, 1 02, 1 03 King, Roger .. ........................ 10 Sanchez, Robert .... 1 0, 66, 7 6, 79,

83,90, 91 Barnett, Mary ............................ 1 0 Fitzgerald, James ............ .......... 10 Leavitt, Lauro ............................ 11 Call, Robert .............................. 11 Sagers, Phyllis .......................... 11 Beckstead , Delos ................ 11 , 71 Wagstaff, Lena ........................ 11 Brown, Evelyn .......................... 11 Booth, Beth .............................. 11 Nelson, Arval ........... .. ......... 11 SOPHOMORES Adams, David .......... ............... .4 1 Adams, Mike .... 41, 64, 100, 103 Adams, Paul .................... .41, 79 Ainsworth, Brent ............... .41, 91 Ainsworth, Claudio .......... 41, 64 Ainsworth, Phyllis ............. .41, 64 Anderson, Todd ..................... .41 Anderson, Brent ....................... .4 1 And9rson, Christine ................. 4 1 Anderson, Jim ...................... .4 1 Anderson, June ...................... .4 1 Angus, Dennis ......................... .4 1 Archibald, Bobyn .. ............... 41 Astle, Vickie ................. .41, 64 Atkinson, Barry ...................... .4 1 Atkinson, Vouno .............. 17, 41 Bodovinotz, Dione ....... ...... ... 4 1 Bailey, Barry ........................ 4 1 Boin. Candy .................... .40, 41 Boker, Phil ................. .4 1, 59, 70 Ballamis, Kathleen ................... 41 Ballard, Diona ......................... .4 1 Ballard, Don ........................... .41 Barney, Verlynn ....................... .41


Borton, Burlene ................. .4 1, 64 Bell Barbaro .......................... .4 1 Bergner , Sharon ..................... 41 Birchell, Bonnie ..................... .41 Bishop, Gaylen ................. .4 1, 99 Blackwell, Deanna .................. 41 Bodell, Kim J ........................ .41 Bel tis, Mark ....................... 4 1, 79 Bonham, Craig . ..................... .4 1 Bowler, Christine .................... .4 1 Boyce, Kathy ...................... .41 Bradbury, Susan .................... ..4 1 Bradford, Steven .............. 41 Brindley, Bette ................. 17, 41 Brown, Steve n .... 16, 41, 58, 70,

79, 94 Burgan, Bruce ......................... .4 1 Burke, Timmy .................... .. ..4 1 Butler, Leonard ................ .41, 79 Caldwell, Lee ..... .............. .42 CartP.r, Annette ...................... 42 Cary, Anna Lee ..................... 42 Chose, ~teve .. . .. . .............. .4 2 Childs, Lilia ............................ 42 Christensen, Kenna .................. 42 Colton, Sherrie ................ 42, 70 Cook, Steve ............. .... . . .4 2 Cordova, Oliver .................... .42 Crookston, Tommy . . ............. 42 Crosgrove, Jill ........................ 42 Cutler, Terfjann ........ ........ 42, 53 Dahl, Stephen ......................... .42 Candice, Dana ................... 4 2 Davenport, Theresa .. . . .. ...... 4 2 Davies, .Judi . ....... ....... .. .. .. 42 Davis, Marline .................. 42, 64 Davis, Wayne ....................42 Day, D:>rlene ....... ............... 42 Dean, Mark ........ .. .......... 42, 99 Deason, Susan ............ 42, 64, 65 Densley, Alison . ...... .42 Despain, Courtney . ........ 42, 71 Devine, Blaine .................. .42 Dewegeli, Dorthy .. . ......... 42 Darius, Stanley ....................... 42 Dowland, Dennis ............... 42 Doyle, Sheila .. .. ......... 42 DuMond, Pot ........ 17, 42, 65, 100 Dunn, Richard G .............. 42, 64 Durrant, Ben ...................... .4 2 Dutton, Janett ...................... 4 2 Dyer, Mike . .............. ..... . .42 Ebert, Ruth ............................ 4 2 Eggleston, Sondra ................. .42 Eldredge, Mike ................... .. . .42 Elswood, Diane .................... 42 Emerson, Pat ........................... 42 Evans, Cordlee ...................... .42 Evans, Crotg .......... ... ... .. .. 42 Fackrell, Joy ... .42 Fairbourn, Nancy .................. 42 Ferguson , Marilyn .. ..... .. .. 43 Flitton, Loretto .. ... ........... .43 Gardner, Nyol .... , ....... 43, 70, 79 Ga rfield , Joy H ... .. ... 43, 63, 79 Gates, Lindo . ... . ... 43, 71 Goville, Gary ... . 43 Glassey, Christine ....... . .... .43 Gonzales, Irene .................... 43 Goodmansen, Grant ........... . .43 Gough, Marilyn ............... 43 Greenwood, Colleen .. . .43 Greenwood, Nancy ....... 40, 43 Greenwood, Robert .. 43, 63 Greenwood, Stephen ... 17 , 43 , 52,

59, 79, 93 Gregory, Kay . .. • . . .43, 79 Groce, John . . .... 43 Grubb, Michael S.............. 43, 70 Gunnell, Cratg .. ... ..... 43, 101 Haake, Kathy ......... .... 17, 43 Hadley, Louise . ......... .. ..... .43 Hog en, Karen .. ......... ... ... ..43 Hole, Barbaro ....... 16, 43 Hardcastle, Steve . . .. 43 Hardcastle, Thomas .......... .43 Hardman, Sondra ............... . .. 43

Harper, Kathy ........................... .43 Harris, Ricki ............... .....43, 70 Harris, Tom ..... ....... .43, 59, 79 Hart, Colvin .. . .............. . .. .43 Hayden, Kent .............. 43, 79, 91 Henrie, Kerry ............................ 43 Heseltine, Bruce ........... .43, 63, 71 Hilton, Allen .............. .43, 79 Hilton, David ... .. ..... . .. ..... 43 Hoffman, Wolfgang ... 43, 63, 79,

86, 93 Hofheins, Kerry ...................... 43 rlomer, Kent . .44, 59, 65, 79, 91 Hooser, Nancy ..................... .44 Howard, Mary Ann .......... 44, 64 Hudgens, Russ .. .44, 65, 79, 91 Ing erso ll, Mitchell ........ 44, 79, 91 Ishmael , Teri ................ 16, 44 Jackson, Lynda ....... .44 Jardine, Leslie . ......... • . ... 44 Jenkins, Doug .... ... ... . ...44, 71 Johnson, Bill ........................ 44 Johnson, Downell ................. .44 Johnson, Dean .................. .44, 79 Johnson, Geneil ........... ... .. .44 Johnson, Janet ................. 44 Johnson, Rolph 44, 79 Johnson, Reid .. .44 Jolley, Richard I ............... 44 Jones, Christine ...................... 44 Jones, Joseph . .... ......... .44, 68 Jones, Mary Ann ..... .. .... .. .... .44 Jones, Sharon ... ..... ..... 44, 63 Joos, Evelyn ............. 44, 64 Kartchner, Susan ..... 44, 64, 69 Kemp, De Etta ............. 44 Kemp, Shonno Rae 44 Kidd, Poulene . . ............ .44 Kimball, Ronald ................ .44 Kirk, Kenneth .. . .. .......... 44 Kirk, Lynn H. ...... . ..... 44 Kirkpatrick, Mark .... ........... 44 Konold, Douglas .. .44 Kosovich, Kathie ........ • 44, 64 Kunz, Becky . .. .. ......... .. .44 Kunz, Paula . .. ............ 44, 65 Lamb, Tetry ...................... 44 Lang, June .. .. .. ............ .44, 69 Larson, Janice .........44 Larson, Joyce . 16, 44 Lasater, Robert .. 44, 79 Lewis, Dixie ......... 44, 64, 65 Lewis, Vicki .44 , 64, 65, 100 Lloyd, Caro lyn ................ ...44 Lloyd, Kristi .45 Lobb, Lonnie ..... .... .. ..68 Lybbert, Marilyn . .45, 64, 65, 103 Lyman, Penelope .............. .45 M cComb, Jon . 45, 64 McDowell, Marsha 45, 70 McKnight, Dole ......... 45, 63, 79 Me Neil, Marilyn ... ....... .. . 45 Me Neil, Michael ........... 45, 79 Me Quade, Kathy ............ .45 Mabey, Robert D........... .45, 63 Maestas, Shirley .................. .45 Moir, Vickie 45 Marriott, Susan ............... 45, 53 Martilla, Kathryn R. •.. .45, 70, 71 Mathis, Kathleen ......... .45 Malsumorl, Diane .............. 45 Mitchell, Barbaro ............. . 45 Mitchell, Jordan 45, 79, 91, 103 Moiler, Lorraine ..... ... ..... ...45 Moore, Bruce ............... .45, 79 Mortensen, Gene ......... ..... .4 5, 71 Nay, Fern . ...... ....... 45 Neccise, Jolyne ................... 45 N 31son, Curlts .. .45 N ~ lson, Sandra . 45 Newbold, Claudio ..... 45, 63, 64 Nosock, Robert ... .. .. 45 N~wotny, David ... .45 Olofsson, Harald .. 17, 45 , 52, 59, Olson, Gory Orgill, Jock

65,70,79,86, 93 .45, 59, 71 ...... ... .. ..... .. . 45

Page, Wayne .......................... .4 5 Paget, Betty Lou ........... .45, 65, 69 Park, Lynn ................................45 Parker, Lorry ......... .45, 68, 79, 93 Po rks, Colleen ..........................4 6 Patterson, Ranee .................... 46 Peatross, Terri Anne ........ ... ...... 46 Pelch, Kent ........................ .46, 79 Penrod, Lorae ................. ........ 46 Penrod, Lotoine ........................ 46 Petersen, Christie ................ 46, 64 Petersen, Nancy ........... .46, 64, 65 Peterson, Ron ............. 46, 70, 79 Pierson, Jim ........... .................. 46 Price, Donna ........................... 46 Price, Eddie ............................. .46 Quintana, Fred ..................... .46 Ranck, Lynda . .............. . ... 46 Rappleye, Brent ................... .46 Rasmussen, Joyanne ... 46, 64, 65 Reid, Kordia .......................... 46 Reid, Michael ................. 46, 64 Richards Mike .................. .46, 68 Richins, Melvin ................... .46 Riggs, Victor ....... 46, 64, 79, 100 Rivero, Roquel .................. 46, 71 Romero, Irma . . .. .... . .. .. . .46 Ronquillo, Danny ................46 Rossberg, Kenneth ............ .46, 70 Rozema , Dick .. ... .......... .. ...... 46 Rozema, Doris .................... .46 Runic, Robert ................. .4 6, 70 Runolfson, Non ........ .46, 17, 69 Sadler, Dione ... . ........ .. .. .. .46 Samuelson, David ...... .46, 79, 93 Sanchez, Fernie ................ .46 Sargent, Ronald .............. 46, 79 Savage, Earl ....................... 46 Savage, Sheorl .................... .46 Seamons, Jeri ............................ 46 Sielhorst, Arnold .................... .46 Stelhorst, Dole ...................... .46 Simpson , Dove .................... 46 Slater, Lindo . . . . . . 16, 46, 64 Smith, Brion . ..... ... .. ... 46, 63 Smith, Craig 17, 46, 98, 102, 103 Smith, Carol ..................... 47, 69 Smith, Jilene ..................... .47 Smith, Kenneth ............... .47, 70 Smith, Louritz ................ 47, 63 Smith, Lynn ......................... .47 Snow Carlo ......................... .47 Soper, Ryan ......................... 47 South, George ............. 47, 79 Sorenson, Dee ....................... 47 Stapley, Sherri ... ............. . .47 Steadman, Brian ........... .47 Steadman , Lo Von ................ 47 Sterling, Marilyn .. ..47 Stone, Lonnie 47 Sturdy, Lenore . ..... ...47 Swenson, Michael .. ..47 Taft, Gory ..................... 47, 68 Thomas, Barry ...... .. .47, 79, 91 Thomas, Charles .......... 47, 55 Tielmon, Barbaro .......... ..47 Tolman, Glenda ............ 16, 47 Troyer, Lonnie ........... .47, 79,93 Tufts, Lois . .. .. .................... .47 Turner, Lynette 47 Turner, Marilyn ... .......... 47 Tuttle, Lomo . 47 Utley, Karen . ... ...47 Valdez, Vickie ..... . .. 47, 71 Vowdrey, Ramona .. .. .. .... 47 Veltri, Kathy Jo ........... 47, 64, 69 Venneri, Shauno ........................ .47 Visser, Dan ........ 47, 63, 79,91 Visser, Lynda ................... 1 6, 47 Wall, Margo ................... 47 Watson, Cathy ............... ... ... 47 Watts, Becky . .. .. .. .. ..47 Weaver, Doug ... .48, 65, 70, 79,

86, 91 Wedel, Jim . .. ................. .48 Weidenheimer, Delores .......... .48 West, Gory ........ ................... 48

Westenskow, Jenny ......... .. ...... .48 Willden, Leona ....................... .48 Williams, Cindy ....................... .48 Williams, R. Jock ...................... 48 Williams, Raleigh ................... .48 Wilson, Blayne ................... .48, 79 Winger, Sheri ......................... .48 Woodruff, Dorrell ............. .48, 79 Wright, Layne ............. .48, 63, 95 Wright, Lowell ............. .48, 63, 95 Young, Cless .... 17, 40, 48, 59, 79 Evans, Bobyn ...................... 17, 4 8 Hirschi, Steve ........................... .48 Peterson, Neil ......................... .48 Rockhill, Bill ......... .48, 59, 64, 93 Saville, Gory ............................ 48 Snedeger, Roberto ................... .48 JUNIORS Ainsworth, Dionne .............. 31, 60 Albrechtsen, Mary Lee ........ 31, 70 Alldredge, Peggy ............... 31, 60 Allen, Dennis ............................ 31 Allen, Mary Jane .................... 31 Allred, Janis ............ 31, 102, 103 Anderson, Koylo ...................... 31 Anderson, Michael .................... 31 Anderson, Michael ........'............ 31 Anderson, Rick ............. 31, 63, 95 Anderson, Tommy .............. 31, 63 Andrus. Beverly .................. 31, 69 Ashby, Lindo ...................... 31, 60 Aston, Cindy ........................... 31 Atkinson, Mary ...... 17, 31, 60, 62 Bailey, Mark ............ 31, 102,103 Baird, Paul ........................ 31, 94 Bartlett, Peggy ........ 16, 31, 74,75 Borton, Joan .......... 31, 62, 69, 70 Beck, Terry ................... 31, 69, 70 Bennion, Suzanne ................... 31 Benson, Dee .................. 31, 58, 71 Benson, Lee .............................. 31 Berrett, Douglas .. 31, 63, 95, 103 Berrett, Kim .......... 31, 60, 62, 70, 99, 100 Berry, Doug ............ 31,58,78,79 Best, Phyllis .............................. 31 Biggs, Neal L. .......................... 31 Bingham , Mike ....................... 31 Birch, Kenny ............................ 31 Bishop, Barbaro ............ 31, 64, 69 Bishop, Colvin .......................... 31 Bishop, David .............. 31, 58, 68 Brody , Margie ....... 31,53,60,64 Brown , Craig ............... 31, 62, 89 Brown, Gregory .................. 31 , 94 Brown, Phil .......................... 31 Burgan Robin ................ 32, 103 Burgan, Sharon ..... 16, 32, 60, 65 Bush, Terry ....................... 32, 93 Butler, Lorry ............................ 32 Coldwell, Lindo ........................ 32 Co rter, Michael ...... 32, 56, 57, 62, 70, 76,79,91 Cory, Susan ... ................. 32, 60 Clayton, Claudio .......... 32, 62, 64 Clegg, 1'1rue ........................ 32 Clegg, Roger .... .. . ............ 32 Cole, Dove .................. 32, 66, 83 Colemo'l, George ...................... 32 Cook, Karolyn ...................... 32 Cook, William .. 32, 56, 57, 60 , 63 Cornia, Max ................... 32, 58 Corona, James ....................... 32 Cotter, Glory .... ... .. .. . ....... 32 Covert, Hyrum ......................... 32 Cowdell, Scott .............. 32, 78, 89 Cox, Wayne ........................ 32, 65 Cox, Kathy ........................ 32, 60 Coyne, Bill ............................. 32 Crandall, Bret 32, 78, 79, 91, Ill Crone, Connie ......................... 32 Crebs, Ben ........ 17, 32, 58, 78,79 Curtis, Kathryn ........................ 32 Dangerf-ield, Richard 32, 78, 79,91 Dansie, Dian ............................ 32

Davenport, Steve .......... 32, 63, 86 Day, Craig .......................... 32, 78 Day, Paul .............. 16, 32, 58, 78, 79, 83, 93 Deason, Jerry ........ 32, 78, 79, 91 Delquodro, David ........ 32, 52, 58, 65, 66, 86, 94 Denison, William ................ 32, 62 Despain, Marva .................. 32, 60 Despom, Nancy ............ 32, 64, 70 Doyle, Lorry .............................. 33 Dumas, Pauline ........................ 33 Dunn Dennis ............................ 33 Durrant , Alice .............. 33, 60, 62 Durrant, Lindo .......................... 33 Ebert, Janice ............................ 33 Eggleston, Sharleen ............ 33, 64 Elison, Kenneth ........................ 33 Ellis, Kirk .................... 33, 56, 57 Emerson, Penny .......... 33, 55, 60, 103, Ill Ennis, T1m ............ 33, 66, 77, 79, 84, 86, 93 Erickson, Joe ............................ 33 Erickson, Steve ............. 33, 79, 93 Fairbourn, Deanna .................... 33 Foirbourn, Melvin ...................... 33 Ferguson, William .................... 33 Ferrara, John ...................... 33, 64 Fitzgerald Kim ........ 33, 58, 86, 93 Fitzgerald, Owen .. 33, 63, 68, 103 Flores, Angie ............................ 33 Ford, Dianne ...................... 33, 60 Ford, Douglas .......................... 33 Freestone, Dale ........................ 33 Fullmer, Randy ........................ 33 Gause, Melvin .......................... 33 Gillen, Karen ...................... 33, 60 Gonzales, Roberta .................... 33 Green, Colleen ........ 33, 16, 64, 70 Green, Lindo ........................... 33 Gregory, Jay ............................ 33 Griego, Lorraine ...................... 34 Griggs, Sandy .................... 34, 64 Hansen, Cra1g .................... 34, 86 Hansen, Dorell .......................... 33 Hansen, Janet ............ 34, 60, 64, 70, Ill Hansen, Sandra .................. 34, 60 Hardcastle, Kent ................ 34, 71 Harris, Jnna ................ 34, 17, 60, 62, 64, 100 Harrison, Marjean ........ 34, 54, 55, 60, 69 Hayden, Kathy ........................ 34 Hays, Kathy ............... 17, 34, 64, 98,102,103 Henn1ngsen, Richard .................. 34 Herman, Marsha ...................... 34 Heugly, John ............................ 34 Heuser, Diane ........................ 34 Hobusch, Kristine ...................... 34 Hoglund, Scott ......................... 34 Hooser, Dayton ........................ 34 Hudgens, Steve ................... 34, 94 Hughes, Deanne ........................ 34 Hulse, Kathleen ................. 34, 60 Hurdsman, Radney .............. 34, 99 Huston, Dennis ........................ 34 Hyatt, Mary Ann .... 17, 30, 34,60 Hyde, Bart ................................ 34 lhler, Collin ........................ 34, 93 Jarman, Garth .......................... 34 Jenkins, Glenn ............ 34, 84, 86 Jensen , Dana ........ 34, 60, 62, 100 Jensen, Scott .. 34,59,62,79,101 Jensen, Steve .. 34, 59, 78, 91, 100 .Johnson, Charlotte .................... 34 Johnston, Billy .......................... 34 Jones, Evan LoVor ........ 34, 62, 66, 70, 91 Jones, Pamela ........ 34, 60, 64, 69 Jones, Virginia ............ 34, 60, 64 Jordon, Larry ............................ 35 Keller, Zoe Ann ............ 17, 35,60 Kemp, Bla,ne ............................ 35 Kemp, Wayne ........................ .. 35

Kempton, Gregory ........ 35, 62, 94 Kesler, Ronald .............. 35, 63, 95 Kirkpatrick, Paul ................ 35, 70 Koncurot, Jacques .................... 35 Lake, Jolene .... 35, 60, 62, 64, 103 Lancaster, Gory ............ 35, 68, 71 Lorson, Ferron .................... 35, 91 Latimer, Alan ................ 35, 88, 89 Low, Judie .......................... 35, 62 Leak, Tina ........ 35, 64, 65, 69, 70 Leaverton, Christine .................. 35 Lee, Timothy ...................... 35, 71 LeFevre, Richard ........................ 35 Lelis, Anthony .......................... 35 Levine, Rhea ........................ .... 35 Lloyd, Clair .............................. 35 Lloyd, Shauna .................... 35, 69 Logan, Fronk ............................ 35 Lopez, Louis ........................... . 35 Lovendohl, Lonnie .................... 35 Lukich, Michael ........................ 35 Lund, Gene ............ 17, 35, 52, 66, 77,79,84 Lundberg, Richard .................... 35 Lunnen, Donna .......................... 35 Lybbert, Rita .................... 35, 100 Lynch, Koren ................ 35, 60, 62, 102, 103 Mohler, James .................... 35, 84 McGuire, Robert ........................ 35 Majhor, Dan ............................ 36 Mono, Dick ........................ 36, 70 Marriott, Brent ........ 36, 66, 83, 93 Marshall, Jerry ............ 36, 66, 77, 79, 91 Mason, Paul .............................. 36 Matsumori, Shirley ...... 17, 36, 60, 62, 64, 69 Mo1thews, Jeff .......................... 36 Maynes, Robyn .................... 36, 60 Meeks, Pot ................................ 36 Mickelsen, Chris .... 36, 59, 62, 103 Miller, Becky ...................... 36, 62 Miller, Brent ............................ 36 Moller, Lorry ............................ 36 Moss, Jim .......................... 36, 63 Moss, Larry .................. 36, 7 8, 79 Mumford, Sherrie ................ 36, 62 Mumford, Varel ........................ 36 Myrick, Jimmie ........................ 36 Nabohe, Paul .................... 36, 59 Naillon, Sandra ........................ 36 Nelson, Lee Ann ................ 36, 60 Nelson, Lindo Lee ........ 36, 60, 69 Newton, Joy ............................ 36 Nielsen, Dale .................... 36, 100 Nokes, LaMar .............. 36, 68, 71 Oakeson, John .................... 3 ¡ 68 Oborn, JoAnne .................... 36, 70 Oleen, Alan ............................ 36 Oliver, Danny ............................ 36 Olsen, Gwen ............................ 36 Olson, Brent ............................ 36 Ostler, Lynn .............................. 36 Overstreet, Kirk ........................ 36 Oviatt, Jim .............................. 36 Panek, Bonnie .......................... 36 Panek, Linda ............................ 36 Paramore, Linda ...................... 37 Porker, Gregory .................. 37, 70 Peek, Jeannie .......................... 37 Perry, Leon ........................ 37, 70 Peters, Sally .. .. .............. 37, 65 Petersen, Julie ... .. ......... .. 37, 60 Peterson, Jim ....... . ............... 37 Peterson, Kris ............ 37, 62, 103 Peterson, Warren ................... 37 Phillips, Pam ............................ 37 Popelmoyer, Diane .................... 37 Porter, Joann .................... 37, 60 Porter, Carol ............ 37, 61, 65, 95 Powell, Del Rena .... 37, 63, 69, 70 Romey, St¡even .......................... 37 Rasmussen Jeffrey ............ 37, 7 6, 79, 84,86,93 Rasmussen, Sharon ........ 17, 37, 60 Ral, Donald ............... ............... 37

Roy, Toynia .............................. 37 Reed, Lorry .............................. 37 Reed, Melody ............................ 37 Richards, Diana ........................ 37 Richards, Phillip ................ 37, 62 Richards, Roselyn ................ 37, 61 Rigler, John .............................. 37 Rudd, Nancy ............................ 37 Sanders, Paulette ................ 37, 61 Schow, Dole .............................. 37 Schow, Ivan Bruce .................... 37 Setterberg, Allan ...................... 37 Shaddick, Fred .................... 37, 66 Shoemaker, Randy ........ 30, 37, 59 Short, Terry .............................. 38 Simonick, Dorothy .................... 38 Simonson, Catherine .................. 38 Smith, Helen ............................ 38 Smith, Joyce ...................... 38, 61 Smilh, Judy ...................... 16, 38, Smith, Laurel ............................ 38 Smith, Loural ............................ 38 Smith, Pauline .................... 38, 61 Smith, Winifred ........................ 38 Snow, Dono .............................. 38 Sours, Janet ............................ 38 Sparks, Allen ................ 38, 78, 79 Spray, Kathy ...................... 38, 61 Stafflund, Valerie ................ 38, 62 Stauffer, Melvin ................ 38, 91 Steadman, Allen ........................ 38 Steadmon, Bruce ................ 38, 71 Steffonoff, Pat ........................ 38 Stevens, Peggy .............. 38, 53, 61 Sudbury, Carl .................... 38, 64 Sweeney, Marcile ...................... 38 Tanner, Vickie .......................... 38 Taylor, Koren ................ 38, 61, 64 Taylor, Toni ........................ 38, 61 Tennant, Mary Ann .................. 38 Teran, Doug ............ 38, 78, 79,91 Terry, John ......... 38, 91 Thom;oson, Kendall .............. 38, 94 Tolman, Carolyn ........ 38, 64, 75, 75, 100 Trujillo, Larry ...................... 38, 94 Tunbridge, Pauline ............ 1 6, 38, 74, 75, 103 Turner, Carlo ................ 38, 61, 64 Turner, James .................... 38, 62 Turner, Katharine ...................... 38 Turner, Lindo ...................... 38, 69 Tuttle, James ............................ 39 Voudrey, Bob .............. ...... 39, 71 Veater, Georgia L. ............ 39, 54, 55, 61 Vigil, Shirley ........................... 39 Villiard, Sue ............................ 39 Visser, Lynea .................... 39, 60 Wall, Roy ................. ............... 39 Wallace, Todd .......................... 39 Watkins, Dole ........ 39, 63, 71, 95 Watson, Ron .............................. 39 Watterson, Joy .............. 39, 65, 69 Watts, Kaylene .............. 39, 69, 92 Webb, Steve ........... ..... 39, 66, 77, 83, 93 Westenskow, Donald ................ 39 Whetman, Vicki ............ 16, 39, 30, 61' 62 Wiechert, Alice .................. 16, 39 Wiens, Brent .............................. 39 Williams, Cheryl ................ 39, 61 Williams, Jonee .................. 39, 64 Williams, Johnnie ...................... 39 Williams, Nolo .............. 39, 64, 65 Williams, Scott .................... 17, 39 Wilson, Kent .......... 39, 59, 63, 95 Wintle, Linda ............................ 39 Woodbury, Carla .... 39, 61, 70, 95 Worthen, Stan ........ 39, 78, 79, 91 Wright, Allen ...................... 17, 39 Wright, Karma .................... 39, 62 Wright, Kathy .................... 39, 62 Yengich, Marie .................. 39, 61 Young, Vickie .............. 39, 54, 55, 64, 74, 75, 110


SENIORS Ainsworth, Karen -- --- -- -- ······· 19, 64 Akagi, Marvin .. ... .... .... .......... ... 19 Alleman, Jim .... ................. ....... 19 Allen, Connie .. ... ........... .... 19, 64 Allsop, Edna ......... .... ....... 19, 100 Anderson, Charlotte ······ ······-- -··· 19 Anderson, Colleen ....... .. ....... 19, 70 Anderson, Laraine ........ 17, 19,65 Anderson, Mary Ellen ... ............. 19 Anderson, Sally Jo .. 19, 62, 69, 70 Andrus. Robert .. .......... 19, 62, 58, 66,76,79,91 Archuleta, Glenna .. ............ 16, 19 Atwood, Mary Lou .................. 19 Bockus, Brent .............. ..... .. .... ... 1 9 Ball, J . Steve ..... ...... .... ............. 19 Ballamis, Susan ...... .... .. ............ 19 Ballard, Debra .......... ........ 19, 67 Ballard, Mark .............. ...... 19, 65 Bartlett, Dave Robert .. ...... ........ 19 Barton, Fern .............. .......... 19, 69 Bawden, Gayle .. ................ 1 9, 62 Bean, Carol .. 19, 64, 88, 100, 103 Bearden, Van Dee .............. .... .. 19 Bergstrom, Glen ...... ........ .. 19, 63 Barrett, Stephanie ........ 16, 19, 65, 100, 110 Birchell, Clara .............. ........ .... 19 Bishop, Dwight Earl ...... 19, 66, 76 Bishop, Michael .. ... ..... 19, 66, 7 6, 79,89,93 Bishop, Robin .. .......................... 20 Black, Lynda .. ...... .. ..... . 20, 62, 67 Boberg, Knute J . ...... .. 20, 64, 66, 77, 79, 100 Bodell, Darla ....................... .. ... 20 Bolliger, Diane ..... .. . 20, 67, 74, 75 Bolton, Earl ... ...................... ..... 20 Bowen, Ralph ........ .............. ...... 20 Bowler, Larry ................ .. .... ...... 20 Brackenbury, Linda .......... ...... .. 20 Brindley, Darla ........................ 20 Brown, Bryant Jr . ........ 20, 58, 62, 66, 77, 79, 89 , 92, 93, 116,117 Brown, Dennis .......................... 20 Brown, Gale ............................ 20 Brown, Norene ......... .... ..... 20, 67 Buchanan, Merrill .... .. .... ............ 20 Burbank, Dennis ...................... 20 Caldwell, Steven D. ...... .. .... 20, 70 Caldwell, Steven K. .................. 20 Carson, Bonnie ........... . 16, 20, 65 Carter, Carol .... .... 20, 69, 102, 103 Cary, Jim ...... ... ....................... .. 20 Clawson, Carol .. 20, 62, 64, 65, 70 Con'sh, Carole Ann .... 20, 62, 69 Cook, Mary Lou ............... ... 20, 65 Cox, Betty Lou .................... 20, 69 Crane, Gloria ................ 20, 62, 67 Curtis, Mike Glen ...................... 20 Daughtery, Janet .... ............ 20, 62 Davis, Brent ..... ........... 20, 70, 116 Davis, J~sse .......... 20, 64, 70, 99, 100, 110 Day, Keith .......................... 20, 93 Dea,on, Michael ........ 21, 64, 66, 77, 79, 100 Denny, Mike ...................... 21, 68 Densley, Steve T. .... 17, 1 8, 21 ,58, 66, 76, 79, 83, 92, 93, 116, 117 Dent, Robert ............ ............... .. . 21 Dewegeli, Denise ................ 21, 99 Diefenderfer, Jolaine ....... ... 21, 70 Dow, Shelby .... .... 21, 58, 63, 64, 102,103,116 Duffin, Debra .. .......................... 21 Dumas, Brent .......................... 21 Dunn, Bruce ............ 21, 66, 92, 93 Durrant, Jon .......... ............ ...... 21 Edwards, Vernon ...................... 21 Emerson William ...................... 21 Endicott, Brad .......................... 21 Evans, Jack ...... ........................ 21 Foirbourn, Dave .. .. 17 , 21, 58, 66, 77, 79, 88, 89, 110


Fa~rbourn, Leah . ...... .. .. .. ..... 21, 67 Faller, Lindo ........... .. .. .... .. ...... . 21 Farnsworth, Kent .... 21, 58, 63, 64, 71,95, 99 Farris, Ka,hy ........ .. .. .. ........ 21, 67 Ferguson, Gary .............. ............ 21 Fisher, Laurel .................... 21, 11 6 Forman, Ca thy ...... 21, 69, 70, 117 Foulger, Sydnee ...... ...... 15, 17,21 Frear, Larry ... ....... 18, 21, 62, 66, 7B , 79, 91, 101 Freeman, Ron ............................ 21 Fugal, Brent .......... 21, 58, 62, 63, 64, 95, 103 Fullmer, Patricia ............ .. .......... 22 Garfield, Van .. .... .................... 22 Gilbert, David .................. .. .. .. . 22 Goodmanson, Micheal Stephen .. 22, 64, 70, 99, 100 Gough, Sherry .......................... 22 Grant John ............................. 22 Green e, Jolene ............ 22, 64, 69, 70, 103 Greenwood, Charlie ........ .. 22, 58, 66, 117 Greenwood , Gerald ..... 15, 16, 17, 22, 50,64, 66,92,93 Greenwood, JoAnne .......... 22, 67 Griggs, Karma .......................... 22 Gunderson, Dale .......... ...... 22, 62 Gunderson, Nancy ...... 22, 54, 55 , 98, 100, 116 Haddow, Nancy Ann ................ 22 Hansen, Dale C..... 17, 18, 22, 59, 66, 70, 84, 94, 116 Hardcastle, Craig .......... 22, 70, 71 Hardcastle, Linda .... 22, 67, 69, 95 Harper, Dawn ......................... . . 22 Harper, Greg ........................... 22 Hart, Elaine ........................ 22 , 70 Hartwell, Charles ................... 22 Haun, Brent ........ .................... 22 Heath, Janet ...... 16, 22, 67 , 99, 101,102,103 Henke, Paul ....................... 22, 70 Henkel, Nedene .. ................... 22 Herrin, Janie ..................... 22, 70 Heuser, June ......................... 22 Holstrom, Grace .......... .. ... 22, 70 Homer, Dianne ........... ....... 16, 22 HonP, Boyd ............ .. ..... 22 ,70 Howlett, Elden R........ 23, 55, 117 Hum phrey, Steven .. .. .............. 23 Hurdsman, Michael .......... ....... 23 Hurst, Dian ............................. 23 Hursr, Mark ...... 23, 62, 64, 100 Hus ton Ray . ... .......... ...... ..2 3 lhler, Paula ......... .... .... 16, 17 , 23 Jacob, Carol ................ 23, 67, 103 Jaynes, Diane ....... .. ................. 23 Jeffs, David .......................... 23 Jensen, Sherry ........ 17, 23, 62, 67 Johnson , Daniel .............. 23, 91 Johnson, Myrna ..................... 23 Johnson, Scott ....... 23, 66, 77, 79, 88 , 89 , 90, 91, 96,101,102,103 Johnson, Stephen .......... ............ 23 Johnson, Vernon ....................... 23 Johnson , Vic ...................... 17, 23 Jones, Calvin S.......... 23, 66, 89 Jones, Jack ..................... ... 23 Jon es, Randal ............. .. .......... 23 Jones, Terry ....................... 23, 62 Jorgensen, Gloria ...... 23, 70, 111 Kangas, Dee .. .. ....... . .. 23, 62 Kramer, Gieg ... 23 , 66, 83, 93 Kunz, Neldon ................... 23, 70 Kunz, Richard ......................... 23 Kunz, Vickie .......... 24, 56, 57, 67 Kurmuda, Winn ... .. ....... 24, 59, 93 Lancaster, George ............. 24, 71 Larkin, Emerson .......... 17, 24, 66, 88, 89, 91 Law, Beverly .......... ................ 24 Lawrence, Rodney ................... 24 Lee Sara Ann ........................ 24 Lee, Wayne ............................ .. 24

Linford, Lynda .. .... ...... 16, 24, 64, 98,100, 102, 103, 116 Loutensock, Karen ................ 24, 67 Lybbert, Evone ............. 24, 62, 64 Mabey, Ellen _ .......................... 24 Madison, Jerry .................. 24, 67 Ma estas, Bob .... 24, 66, 88, 89, 99 Maidonado, Joe .............. ........ 24 Marble, Linda .... 24, 64, 65, 69, 70 Marshall, Larry .. .. ........ 24, 64, 66, 90,91,98,100 Martinez, John ............ ............ 24 Ma rtinez, Virginia ............ .. 24, 70 Matsumori, Douglas .... 17, 24, 52, 58, 64, 66, 77, 79, 100, 117 Maughan, Harold .... 24, 77, 79,91 McDowell, Jenice ................. ..... 24 McKnight, Marget .. 24, 62, 65 , 70 McManigal, Lynn ................ 24, 62 Mickelsen, Mark ....... 24, 70, 100, 102, 103, 117 Middlesworth, Diane . .. .. .... 24 Miller, James ........................ .. 24 Miller, Sandra .......... ................ 24 Min er, Joseph ....... 14, 17, 24, 58, 66 , 77, 79,100 , 116, 117 Minnick, Bob _ ... .. ............ .. ... 24 Mitchell, Jeff ............ 25, 59, 62, 89,91,99,100 Montague, Glen ............. .... 25, 91 Montague, Kaye ........ 16, 25, 56 , 57,62 Moody, Cheryl ........... 25, 62, 116 Mumford, Claudia ....... 15, 17, 25, 62, 116 Mumford, Michele ....... 25, 54 , 55 , 56, 57, 65 Mumford, Neal .......... 25, 59, 64, 70 , 116, 117 Nelson, Bob .. .. 25, 62 , 66 , 78, 79,94,116 Nel <on, Eddie ...................... 25 ............. .. ... 25 Nel son, Gary Nelson, Victoria ........... 25, 62 Nessen, Evan ....................... 25 Newton, Kenny ..... ... ....... 25, 66 Nichols, Jay C.................. 25, 62 Nickle, Barbaro ....................... 25 Nielson, Mike ............... ..... 25, 70 Nokes, Sharon ... . .. ................ 25 Norton , Sondra ...... 17, 25 , 56, 57 Olafsson, Anne Marit ...... 25 , 65, • 70 , 116 , 117 Olsen, Sandra .. 25 53, 54, 55, 64, 65, 116, 117 Ostler, Bruce ................... 25 Pace , Fred . ... 25, 64, 70 Pace, Michael .................. 25, 91 Panter, Mary .......................... 25 Parker, Sterling ..... 25, 64, 66, 84 Parker, Tim ............... 25, 89, 91 Patterson, Rex ....................... 25 Paulos, James ............... _ ... 26 Pearson, Irene ........................ 26 Pelch, Paul ....................... 26, 64 Pennington, Cheryl .. 26, 56 , 57, 67 Perkins, Wesley .. ..... .. .......... 26 Perry, Glenn ................... 26 , 71 Petersen , Milton J .................. 26 Peterson , Burke Brent ....... 26, 59, 100, 11 6 Pierce , Judy K. . ............... 26 Pierce, Sandra Lynn . .. .... .. ___ ... 26 Pope, Tad ........... ...... ........... 26 Porter, Jim .. . .. 26, 65, 66, 78, 79, 89, 91 Powell, Jirnmy ..... ................... 26 Powell, Lee ............................ 26 Rasmussen , Dale ................ 26, 65, 66, 77, 79 , 91 Rasmussen, Noreen ........... 17, 26, 53, 117 Richards, Claudia .. .. ... 17, 26, 62 Richards, Gail .................... 26, 70 Richins, Mary .................. 26, 103 Rigler, Dorene ................... . 1 6, 26 Rigler, Frankie ........... 26, 67, 111

Rivera, Rosa ....................... .. ... 26 Robertson, Marion .. .... ........ 26, 95 Robertson, Robert ...... ...... 26, 1 16 Romano, Ralph ........ .... ............ 26 Romero, Robert .......... ..... ......... 26 Rowley, John ....... ...... .. .. ...... ... 26 Rozema, Ronald .................. .... 26 Rozendrontz, L Gary ................ 26 Samuelson, RoLayne ...... 26, 65, 69 Sargent, DeAnn .. .... .. .. .. 27, 65, 95 Schelin, Craig .. ........................ 27 Schmidt, Jackie .. .......... 1 6, 27, 65 Setterberg, Koren .. 27, 64, 67, 11 6 Shields, Colleen ........ 16, 17 , 27, 64, 67 Shurtleff, Verda ............. ..... 27, 70 Simonich, Phyllis ........ 17, 27, 100 Simonson, Coleen ...................... 27 Simonson, Darlene .............. 27, 95 Simonson, Mary ............ 27, 65, 69 Silcox, Brent .............................. 27 Smith, Alan J . ...... 27, 59, 62, 66, 77, 78, 79, 91, 100 Smith, Alene ............................. 27 Smith , Barbara .... .. ...... 27, 62, 69 Smith, Carl .................. 27, 56, 57 Smith, Carole .................... 27, 100 Smith, Colleen ........................ .. 27 Smith, David .............................. 27 Smith, Karen .......................... 27 Smith, John ... ........................... 27 Smith, Kathy ...................... 27, 70 Smith, Madeline ................ 27, 64 Smiih, Nedra ............................ 27 Smi t h, Phil .... ...... 27 , 64, 98, 100 Smith, Sheila ............ 2 ... .7, 62, 64 Smith, Sterling J .............. ... 27, 93 Smith, Susan ............ 28, 65, 100, 102, 103, 117 Sorensen, LoRee .......... .... ... 28, 70 Soper, Carol Ann ............... 28, 62 Starks, David ................ 28, 54, 55 Steadman , Chris ........ 28, 101, 117 Stevens, Linda L .......... 28, 54, 55 Stevenson, Judy ................ 28, 70 Stratton, Suzie .......................... 28 Stuart, Richard ........................ 28 Sudbury, Janet .... 28, 64, 90, 116 Sund, Susan .... 28, 62, 64, 70, 116 Svedin, Wilma .............. 28, 69, 70 Sweeney, Jeannine .......... .... 28, 70 Taylor, Edith Ann ...................... 28 Tennant, Steven ........................ 28 Tesler, Marvin ............... .. ......... 28 Tielman, Hedi .............. 28, 64, 70 Timoney, Kathleen ...... 28, 56, 57, 64 , 99, 100, 101,116,117 Tippetts, Sharon .............. - .. ... 28 Tobin, Gary ................. ............. 28 Tolley, Lynadell .. .......... .. ..... 28 Tolman, Susan ....... .. ................ 28 Tucker, Donald Jr . .. 28, 66, 78, 79 Utley, Susan .... 28, 62, 67, 74, 75 Van Tassel, Donna ................ 28 Van Wyngarden, Casey ...... .... .. 28 Veltri, Patty Ann ... ............. 28, 69 Visser, Donald ............. . ........... 28 Visser, Steve .. .. , .. .. ..... 28, 68, 91 Wallin, Robert ...................... ... 28 Wathen , Diana .. ..................... 29 Watson, Daniel ........... ............ 29 Watts, Diana ........... .......... ..... 29 Weaver, Dennis ........... . 29, 59, 89 Webb, Jerrold .............. 29, 66, 77, 79,92,93 Webb, Sharon ......................... 29 Wedel, Terri .. ............................ 29 Weir, Janice .............................. 29 Weiss, Linda .. .... .... 16, 29, 54, 55 West, Karren ........ .... .......... 29, 65 Wilkerson, Charlotte ... .. ...... . 29, 67 Wilkes, Gloria .. .. ........ ........ 29, 70 Williams, Melody .. .................... 29 Winger, Judy ................... 15, 29 Winward, Vicki .................. 29, 62 Woodbury, Doug ............. ........ 29 Yengich, Nick E.... ..... 29, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 102, 103


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