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We are all molded by the classes and activities which we participated in during our high school years. We will look back one day and try to recall our school, what we looked like, and some of the thing<; we did. The unimportant incidents of every day school life, as well as the interesting and cultural events we enjoyed will remain in our memories for a lifetime. Here is the vivid story of Jordan High School with a reputation of tradition, pride, honor, and achievement, with an outstanding student body and fine administration which together made '66 Our Year successful.

Administration Marlon S. Bateman President

Bennarr Furse

Reed H. Beckstead Superintendent Paul Mortensen

John Whcadon

H. W. Jorgenson Assistant Sup rintendent

Our school board has been meeting petiodically to discuss the immediate problems within the district. Their numerous duties included those of fonnulating new policies, authorizing expenditure of funds, appointing administrative personnel, hiring new t achers, and planning the activities. 4

Clyd V. Buxton

Mt . Sandetson: tall, distinguished, pleasant, and sincere - a true 'Beetdigger'. An educator for forty-three years, Mr. Sanderson has served in three levels of public schools - elementaty¡, junior, and senior high school - twelve years as a teacher and thirty-one as a ptincipal. He received his B.S. degree from Brigham Young University and his Master's Degree from the University of Utah. He has a genuine love for the education of youth and a genius for effecting a smooth, efficient administrative organization. We are proud and happy to call him 'Our Principal.'

Administrative duties are not new to Mt. Crump since he has been student body president of Jordan High School and is now its Vice Ptincipal. Having graduated from Brigham Young University, Mr. Crump began his teaching career here at Jordan in 1956, serving as mathematics teacher and coach. As Vice Ptincipal, he combines his enthusiasm and fine sense of humor with pleasant but finn student administration. We are proud to claim him as our 'own'.


Mary B. Fitzgerald Girls' ounsclor

Grant H. Kunzler Director of Guidance

'66 faculty F rank M. Bagley Auto Mechanics

Melvin Berrett English


Richard T. Steele Boys' ounsclor

Darvill Kim Black Biological Science Lowell J. Boberg Advanced English


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James Lynn Bradford Social Science Blaine Brown Bookkeeping

David R. Byrne English, Coaching Robert Call Chemish·y

Donald Clark Mathematics John Crawford Mathematics

David Erickson Biology, Coaching Gerald D. Fisher Drafting


Golda Fraser Foreign Languages Farrell Gunnell Biological Science

Calvin C. Harris Special Education Betty Henderson Home Economics

Laura Hauck English Emerson Kennington Welding, Stage raft

Roger King Ph ysical Science Linda Lewis Debat ', Dance

Howard B. Linford Physical Edu cation Richard McAllister English


Jerry L. McCleary Physical Educ., Coaching Donald B. Milne Social Science

Arval Nelson Yearbook Photography Donald P. Olsen Art

Ralph W. Pace Art & Crafts Jay Pond Social Science

Arland Russon Special Educ. Glenn E. Sacos Speech, Drama

Phyllis Sagers Librarian Robert Sanchez Soc. Science, Sports


James L. Seal Industrial Arts Helen Seaman Physical Educ.

Retha Ann Shail Special Educ. LaMar C. Swenson Social Science

Hobert D. Teran Social Science Linda Terry Type, Englisl

Gertrude Tranler Ilomcliving Kathryn Wade English

Wanda Wade

Business David Watt Music, Mathematics


Lila Wilson English, Business Grant R. Zabriskie Music, Language Arts

Thelma L. Ainsworth Office Manager Delos Beckstead Plant Engineer

Marjorie Bodell Clerk Evelyn Brown Cafeteria Manager


1 have b en proud to hold the office of President of Jordan High School cltuing the school year of 1965-66. This position has given me great opportunities in furtheling my knowledge of human relationship in d aling with young p ople and adviso•y coun ·eling. I have watched and observed that this school y ar has ranked as on • of Jordan's most outstamling. Th stud •nt coor eration in oh ying school regulations has c •rtainly b n not d as on of the f atur s for this outstanding y ar. Our school spirit has influ •nc •d th stud •nt · to continu on with th ' tradition · of high sportsmanship. ood activity in many difl'er•nt fi ·Ids has been mad • succ •ssful wilh teamwork and uns ~ lfish hours put forth in p •rfecting th •s aclivi ti


Jordan has always h •n r •cogniz d for h •r notahl • graduates in all phas •s of life. I am sur • oth r great personaliti swill go forth and continue to mak Jordan proud of th Ill. Our mcmorie · of )orda1t High School will alwa s stay with us and help to k • 'P our futur' Jiv •s uplifting and jo ous.


A. S. J.

"66 our Year" is a treasure chest of memories to Jordan's fifty-fourth student body because of the great efforts of our officers - Randy Shoemaker, President; ]ana Han¡is, First Vice-president; Margie Brady, Secretary; and Virginia ]ones, Historian. Here are four wonderful people that have given themselves to us, the student body. They have continually shared their idea with us. Nowhere can you find four more devoted people, devoted to their school, each other, and their fellow man. Indeed, many hours were spent making Jordan's future roads easier. Qualities of maturity, high scholarship, enthusiasm, ambition, and f1iendline s are found in the e honored individuals of Jordan's halls. Through their efforts, may we say, "Let the past be our foundation , let us build for future years, because there we will spend the rest of our lives."


Student Council


Composed of the executive officers and members elected by each homeroom, the Student Council has made up one of the most important representative bodies of the school. Some of their responsibilities and duties have been to carry information from the administration and executive council to their homerooms, to compile ballots for elections, and to help executive officers make decisions on certain problems which arise. This group of people have really aided in making "66 Om Y ar."

Row One: Linda Wintle, J:'aulette Sander~. Lorraine MolJc.r, Vickie Young, Connie Fairbourn. Row Two: Shirley Matsumori, Dixie Ryan, Betty Williams , Christie Peter en, Marsha McDowell. Row Three: Handy Steadman, N •il Anderson, Richard Dunn, Frank Polli k, Carla Turner. Row Four: Gene Lund, Brent Ainsworth, Scott Hoglund , teve Davenport. How Five: Collin lhler, Steve Erickson, Benny Ennis.

A. G. J. Council The A.G.J. Council assisted the Girl's Club officers with most of their activities throughout the year. They successfully helped to piau and cany out the "Dog Patch Drag," and "Father's and Daughter's." They also assisted with the "Big Pal- Little Pal Party," "Mother's and Daughter's" and "Girl's Day." They helped to publicize these activities by making clever posters and giving announcements each morning. The A.G.J. Council also served as ushers at school activities, various P.T.A. events and the school play. How One: Snndra Nuillon, Connil' Fairhourn, Hobincll<• Em<•rson, Zo >A nn Kd1>r. Row Two: Linda Peterson , j tHH'<' William,, Lurrain<' :-.toller, ShPri Winger. How Three: Nan Runolfso11, ~lnr~ha McDowell. hurlollc Green, Joyce Larson. Row Four: ]<'Tlny \Vc~tL·n~kow, Lois Tufts. Toyo Twyn, arolyn Lloyd. Row Five: Darla john~on , Val ·rit• Wlwtman, Kathy I fays. Row 'ix! Ann Cook, Lynda Visser, Vicky \Vlwlrnan, l'cggy Sll'v •ns.


Officers Council The respon ibility of student conduct is left on the shoulders of these nine capable students. It has been their responsibility through the year to discuss and come to a solution on variou problems that arise. The position they hold is not an easy one. Much thanks should be given to these students for their willingness to help guide our actions. Row One: 1\targic Brady, Stud ent Bod y S crt> tary; ] ana Harris, First VicePresident ; Randy Sho(•makcr, President ; Virginia Jones, Historian; Steve Jensen, Boys lub President ; Peggy Stev ns, ,iri s Club President. Row Two: Gene Lund, Sc•nior Class President ; George reenwood , Sophomore Class l'n•sident ; Harold Olafsso n, Junior lass President.

s# s# M# c# Council Th ' most important job of any organization is th promotion of safety. This is trn ' in industry, and ven mor importa11t among a stud nt body. \Vhe11 Jordan's r vision of th constitution was put into £Teet, a ouncil ·all 'cl th Student Saf ty and Moral ,ommitt wa stablish d to advise ra ther than punish offenders of school laws, and to advis on matt rs conrning our safety, morals and disciplin '. Let us tak off om--hats to this year's council , sine Jordan has maintain d a sup 'rior saf ty r cord this year. Lucille Bes t, Sophomore Representative; Lee Ben ·on, Vice-Pre ident; St(; ve Greenwood, Junior R presenta tive; Jana Harris, President; Carol Potter, ecretary.



Jordan's organizations, which hnve always contributed to our school life, have done exceptionally well this year. Incorporating friendship and worthwhile experiences, they have guided the school in many successful activities. Time is well spent in the various organizations of Jordan High. As we look hack over the year, we fondly remcmher how thes<¡ organizations have really made '66 Our Year.


Georgia Veater Associate Editor

Vickie Young Editor



Charles Thomas Photography Robert Teran Advisor


Mary Ann Hyatt

Burlene Barton

Carol Potter

Marsha McDowell

Blayne Wilson Photography

It takes many hard hours to produce a yearbook. Time. planning and dedicated work are the principles upon which this years staff met their problems.

Lowell Boberg, Blaine Brown and Mel Berrett assisted in the production of this years book as English advisors and business m:mag r.

Arval Nelson

Photography Advisor

Our yearbook staff, this year, has been personified by the word "dedication". The Beetdigger Staff this year had a new advisor, Mr. Teran. A staff of five girls was headed by an outstanding editor and assistant editor. This staff spent many arduous but plentiful hours in searching for unique pictures and typing copy. The experiences and friendships gained while recording this year's events are treasures each have found. They worked???


Kirk Ellis Editor

Richard McAllister Advisor




Christine DeVisser Assistant Editor

Coleen Greenwood

Barbara Bell

Kathryn Marttila

Lenore Sturdy

Barbara Burton

Betty Pagent

Carla Turner

It's not easy to produce a school paper. With an efficient staff, th ey have reached their goals, through their time and efforts.

66 Our Year, was a year of ambition, especially for fifteen exuberant students who had the job of producing the Broadcaster. As a journalism class, they first learned the basic elements of WTiting. Then , as they started to produce paper after paper, they learned to sell ads, write and edit articles, meet deadlines, and fold their finished product for the student body. Due to their ÂŁforts Jordan has been well informed this year.

Steve Hudgens Rob Nielsen William Cook


Peggy Stevens President Peggy Stevens, President; Kathy Hays S"nior Heprcst路nlt\livc; Connie Fairboum, Sc rotary; Ann Cook, Sophomore Hcprcser~talivc; Diune Matsumori, Viet路 President; Na~ y Peterson, Junior Represcutalivc.

The main ohjectiv of the Assodalccl Girls of Jordan is to help the girl路 receive more enjoyment from school throu ~h activities. Among Lh ' acliviti 路 sponsor d hy Llw A.C.J. w rc the Big Pal Little Pal Party; Fathers and Da11ghLers night; Mothers and Daughters Evcnin 1 ; and the traditional Dog Pat h Drag.






Steve Jensen President Lc Crecnwood, Sophomore Representative; Kent Smith, Secretary; Steve Brown, Vice PrcsiclPnt ; De B nson, SC'nior Il presentative; Steve Jensen, President.

Working to bring enjoyment into th liv s of the mal half of om stud nt body is the Associated Boys of Jordan. Th major activities sponsor d by the A.B.J. were th Thanksgiving Party; Fathers and Sons Night. They also helped to sponsor the Leadership Camp held for Jordan's student leaders in August.


Steve Greenwood Second Vice-President

Dave Delquadro President

Steve Jensen Treasurer

Kim Fitzgerald First Vice-President

Dee Benson Secretary

This year's 1966 Key Club again maintained th ir excellent record for s rvice. Our boys made this year one of our most enthusiastic. A junior affiliate of the Kiwanis Club, Jordan's outstanding service organiration contributed in many ways to making Jordan a top school. They sold game programs, rais d the Bag each morning and assisted with Career Day and College Day. Th y also pr 'sen ted arryalls lo both 'iVrcstling and Basketball squads. The football t am was presented a pair of Walki -talkies and Key lub members operated the score board at all home football games. Th ir overall ex mplary conduct mak s all B eldigg rs proud to have this K y Club in our school. Lamar Swenson, Richard Steele Advisors

Row One : Doug Berry, Dal ' Watkins, Stl,V(' Wrhh, Max Comia, Alan Stt¡a~man, ~nul nbnhe, Tim Enni~, Handy Sho maker. How Two: Paul Day, fohn Ferrara, 13<'11 Cr('bs, lev(' Davenport, Jeff Rasmussen, Brent Marriott, Gcnl' Lund, Kl'nt Wihon.


'66 Row One : janws Thompson, Ron Yengich, Randy Steadm an, Lee Greenwood . Row Two : D •nnis Carroll , Greg Walkenhorst, Melvin Rogers, Freddy Veltrie.

Key Club

Row One : Doug Weaver, cil Pctersrn, Dave amuolson, Cles Two : Ilarold Olafsson, Kent Homer, Ron Peterson, Phil Baker,




School spirit starts with a capital "C". The Charlonian Club is a group of sparkling, lively girls who have added greatly to the spirit of the school. Half-time marches, exchang teas with other pep clubs, the May Day breakfast, and the annual Charlonian Ball highlighted their year. Laughing, working, marching, and friendlin ss are the passwords to this club.

Row One : {oyanne HnsnlUsson, Asst. Drill Mistress; Loraine Penrml, Y I Mi ~ tress; Dinne 1atsum ori, Vice l'resicl nt. Row Two : LontP Penrod, ll.istoriun ; Anna Lee Cary, Secretary; 'an ¡y Fairbourn, lkporler : Karen Davis, Advisor; Marilyn Lybbert, Drill 1hlrl'SS; Pnl Du Mond , President ; Nnn cy Pet •rsen, Treusurcr. Not pictured : Vicki L ewis, Corresponding S crelury.


Row One: Jenny W stenskow, Darla Johnson, Christie Peter en, H.uth Eberl, eniel John on. How Two: Kathy Kosovich, Kathy McQuade, Chris Anderson, Lorae Penrod, Phyllis Anisworth, Vickie Astle. Row Three: Nancy Fairbourn, Loraine Penrod, Nancy Pel rs n, Betty Lou Paget, Nancy Hooser, Jill Crosgrove Susan Bradbury. Row Four: Lorrain Moller, Ann Lee Cary, Louise Jladl y, June Lang, Kathy Veltri, Kathy Harper, Vauna

Atkinson. How Five: J oyanne Rasmussen, Marilyn Lybbert Pat Du Mond, Mardine Davis, Claudia Newbold, Diane Matsu.:nori Lilia Childs, Chris Jones. Row Six: Carolee Evans, Margo Wall: Tereann Cutler, Evelyn Joos, Lynda Visser, Claudia Ainsworth, Sharon Bergener, Joyce Larson. Not Pictured: Marsha McDowell Vicki Lewis, LaVon Steadman, Marilyn Gough, Linda Slater Jun~ Anderson, Dixie Lewis. '


'66 A


Row One: Margie Brady, Judy Law, Janis Ebert, Pat M•eks, Chris ,Jassey, Darla Johnson, Betty Lou Paget, Vicky Whetman, Kathy Wright, Peggy Bartlctte, Joyce Larson, Evelyn Joos, Shirley Matsumori. Row Two: Karen Gillen, Nancy Gr •cnwood, Margo Wall, Nancy Hooser, Louis Hadley, LuRue Clegg, Dana Jensen, Mary Lee Albreckson, Roselyn Richards, Pauline Kidd, Nancy Peterson, Bttrbara Bell, Diane Ballard, Claudia Newbold, Karen I !agen, Shauna Kemp, Jill Crosgrove, Kathy Turner. Row Three: Lenore Sturdy, Robyn Bishop, Karolyn Kreek, Beverly Andrus, Carla Turner, Rita Lybbert, Kim Berrett, Joan Barton, Becky Miller, Sheri Mumford, Colleen Creen, Mary Allen, Robyn Evens, Carol Potter, Kar •n Lynch, JoAnn Porter, Karen Utley, andy Dana, Toy T~uya, Mary Ann Howard, Mary Ann Hyatt. Row Four: Diane Sadler, Delores M. Weidenheimer, Deon Dansie, Brent Ain worth, Robert Lasater,

Steve Davenport President

Alice Durrant Vice President

Joyce Larson S crctary

Judy Law Secretary

Row One : Pat Meeks, Diane Sadler, Carla Turner, Carolyn Kreek, Delores M. Weidenhein1er, Lenore Sturdy, Colleen Green, laud in Newbold, Diane Ballard, Jolene Lake, Shirley Mutsumori, Alice



Paul Nabahc, Robert Vawdn·r· Kenny Birch, Richard Lundb rg, K •ric Henrie, Lynn Kirk, Phi Bakt•r, Garth Jannan, ,ary Olson, Max omia, Philip Hichards, ,]His Peterson, Diane Matsumori, Jol ·n • Lake, Mary Atkinson, Alice Durrant, laudiu layton, P<·g~y Alldr •dgc. Row Five: 'colt Jcnst>n, Dick Mano, LaVa Jon:!s, Micha ·I Crubh, hri' Micke ben. Paul Day, Kim Fitzgerald, Brent Marriott, Tom Curg, ~!ike Hcid, Steve Davenport, Handy Shocmakt>r, .ary West, Brian Stt•adman, rnig Brown, Rick Anderson, Craig Evans, Kt>nm•th Smith, Del Rena Pow ·11, Chris Jones, Lynn Parks.

Evelyn Joos Secretary

Mary Atkinson Treasurer

Carol Potter Social Chnirmon

Durrant. How Two: Mary lku, Jnnit•c Eb ·rt, Gory Olson, nrth Jarrnnn, Mik(• Grubb, LaVar Jont·s, Dick !nno, Hick Anderson, Crail{ Brown, Mnx Cornia, Kathy Turnrr, De !Rena Pow •II .



Under the direction of a new band teacher, Mr. Watt, the band has participated in several parades including the U.S.U. Homecoming parade and the Santa Claus parade. The Pep Band played for football and basketball games and pep assemblies which helped stimulate Jordan's school spirit.

How One: Doug Maughan, D nnis Carroll, Lyle Kunz, Jay Garfield, Ron Kesler, Dean Soper, Hob Nielsen, Mr. Watt. Row Two : Bruce Heseltine, Lowell Wright, Rick Anderson, Owen Fitzgerald , Layne Wright, Ricky Powell.

How One : Randy Hawson, Mike Palmer, Wilson Sved in, Paul Hod ¡n, Tom Anderson, David Roth, Clair Lloyd , Jay Garfield, Mr. Watt. How Two : Bill ook, Brian Smith, Dennis Mori, Allen Bnker, Steve Kid o, Linda Ballard , Terese Balone, Donna Brown, Karolyn Kreek, 1 ennis Carroll , Huss Jessop, Terry Baxter. Row

Three: ~ on Kesler, Kent Wil on , Bruce He eltine, Lowell Wright, A;lvm Bishop, Jun Tuttle, Owen Fitzgerald, Jim Moss, Dale Watkm~, Richard Carl?enter, Ricky Powell, Dan Vis er, Dale McKm ght, Layne Wnght. Row Four: Gord an Visser Doug Berrett. Row Five: Rick Anderson. '




and Gavel

Left to Right: Mike Adams, Parliamentarian; DeEtta Kemp, Vice President; Mr. Sacos, Advisor; Shirley Matsumori, President; Marilyn Lybbert, Secretary. Not pictured: Pat DuMond, Historian.

Row One: Lark Rogers, Karen Atkinson, Colleen B Ill Amy Jon s, Chris Hand, Ruth Wright, Shelley Sund, Kathy Adair Burien • Barton, K~thie Kosovich, Susan Marriott, J ·nnr .Westcnskow,. Lois Tufts, Jen Seamons, Nan Runolfson, llobyn f1rnon •y, Robmc-tlc Emerson . Row Two: Marcy Lee Kensing r, Karolyn Kreek, Clare Bills, Jolynne Nickle, Deanna Hawker, Shannon Rasmussen, Hoseann .Hardca.st~e, Diana Balla;d 1 Dana Jensen, Jolene Lake, Dixie Lew1s, Clmstme Classey, Lmoa Pet rson, Sh1rlt·y Olsen, Nancy Pace, Shauna Newbold, Val ric Wh ·tman. How Three: Ann Cook, LaDonna Jacob, Connie Fairbourn, Carla Snow, Sheri· Baker,


One of Jordan's most traditional organizations is the Masque and Gavel. It. is a national speech organization which sponsors and encourages the principles of good speech. Its members pledge to live a full life, respect others, think intelligently, judge fairly, maintain an active interest for others, and uphold speech and club rules . The activities in which it participated this year were attending plays, selling school-play tickets, having parties, and donating a Sub for Santa to a worthy family.

Anrwll(• Carter, Christi • Pl'lcrsen, Karen Lynch, D c orcns n, Paula Kunz, .Jnnis Jtnscn, Sherry raig, Rance Patterson, Shauna Lloyd, Tina Leak. Row Four: Janet Tucker, Honnalynn Brown, Cheri Larwn, Deanna Somst'n, Kris Pullan, Lynda Jackson, Kenny l3irch, Scott Jensen, Hichnrd LeFcvn•, Dana Snow, Br nl Miller, Paul llom('J', Mik IT. Day, Cnry Wt•st, Cr. ig Rasmusst'n, David Carlis i(•. Row Five: Mike CarlPr, l\lic:hnel Swensen, Dale Walkin~. John Ft'rrara, Steve .Jcnsc·n, Paul Kirkpatrick, Owen Fitzgerald, l3ruc Steadmnn, Carl Sudbury, Allen ffilton, Randy Osborne, Court D ·~pain, Richard Dunn, Lynn Kirk, K rry Ilenric, Jack Crter.

'66 Model U.N. Founded on the idea that mutual understanding is the basic step to achieving peace, the Model United Nations of Jordan, has pursued this goal in much the same way as its international counterpart. Studying the functions of the U. N. was a most important job, in addition they took part in the Unicef drive, sponsored a Sub for Santa, and represet1tecl a foreign country at an assembly held at th University of Utah. This year for the Model U. N. has been very successful.

Row One: Robin ette •merson , Sharon j ones, Christine De Visser, Mari anne March, Carol Mathis, Shaun a Vcnneri, Lorae Penrod, Pat DuMond , Evelyn Joos, Mardin e Davis, Lynn Park. Row Two: Susan Kartchn <>r, Belly Lou Paget, Claudia Newbold, Diane Matsu mori, Joyann Ra ~musse n , Nancy F airboum, Loraine Penrod. hris Anderson, T reann Cutler, Margo ¡w all, Carolee Evans.

Left to Right: Sally Peters, Secretary; DLtie Lewis, Historian ; Vicki Lewis, President; Joy Watterson, Vice President; Mr. Milne, Advisor.

Row Three: Steve Jensen, John Ferrara, Lyle Kunz, Richard Carpenter, Jay Newton, Sharleen Eggleston, Nola Williams, Diane E lswood , Karen Utley, Tina Leak. Row Four: DeEtta Kemp, Mary Ann Howard, Kristene Pullan , Jolene Lake, Paula Kunz, Nan Run olfson, Marcy Lee Kensinger, Darla John on, ancy Petersen.


Ben Crebs Sergeant-at-Arms



Row One: David Bishop, Phil Baker, Jrff llasmuss ' n, Dave Samuelson, Steve Webb, Russ Hudgens, Hon Sargent. How Two: Steve Hudgens, Doug Berry, Dave Dt'lquadro, Brc·nt Marriott, Kim Fitzgerald, Steve Dav nport, Paul Day, Alan Latimer, Mitchell Ingersoll, Jerry Deason, Kent Homer. Row Three: Craig Brown, Dean Johnson, Jay Gregory, Bn•t Crandal, Larry Moss, Stan Wor-


One of our school's most admired organizations is the Lettermen's lub. To earn th ir "J" the boys must meet the rcquir rn nts as set down each year by the coach of the sport they participate in. This club gives th boys fu ll support in their athletic endeavors and teach s them s If-discipline, fair play, and good sportsmanship.

tlwn, Burry Thomas, K<•fll Pt•lch, Steve Brown, Harold Olafsson, Stt·vt• [Pm<•n, ·yal Gardner, Craig Day, Trrry Bush, Larry TruJillO . Row Four: Doug Teran, Jordan Mitclwll, Doug Maughan, Jim Mahh·r, Dave Col<•. ppcr corner: Roht•rt anchez, David Eri(·kson, ]<"rry McCit•nry, 1\on llyrue, Advisors .

Melody Reed Secretary


Deanne Hughes Vice-President

Dance Club

Clock Wise: Janice Eberll ancy Rudel! Zoe ~n.n Keller, Judie Law, Mary Lee A brechtsen, htrley Vtgtl, Penny Emerson , Rose lyn Richards.

Kathy Hayes Historian

Peggy Bartlett President

Entertainment anyone? That is the key word for this year's Dance Club. They have done a fine job under the direction of Linda Lewis, thair advisor. These talented girls spent many hours preparing dance routines that were performed in assemblies and several floor shows for our dances. They highlighted this year by an outstanding dance concert. "Dance of Impression."

Row One: DeiRena Powell, Colleen Green. Row Two : Kathy Turner, Linda Pl\ramore, Marie Yengich . Row Three: andy Griggs, Sharleen Eggleston .


Left to Right: Mike Hichards, President; Craig Bonham, Vice President; Jeii Bishop, Hcporter; Brent Atkinson, Treasurer.

Row One: Dean Soper, Craig Brown, Tom Hardcastle. Row Two: David Rosenkrantz Robert McCuire, Kent Fitzgerald, Keith Day. Row Three: Kent Ricord, Chuck Patterson, Joseph Jones, Ralph Johnson, Lannie Wilkes, Orin Anderson, Gerald Middleton.

Their motto "Learning to do - doing to earn - arning to liv , and living to serve," expresses the main obj ctives of Jordan's Future Farmers of America. This y ar proj cts included sponsoring our Harvest Ball; pm"ti ipating in the Salt Lake County Fair; the state and national F.li'.A. conventions; and working on agricultural projects. Th y have proved that "Agriculture is more than farming."

German Club

Row One: Carol Mathis, Kathleen McCandless, Karen Atkinson, Marianne March, Donna Brown, Janet Hansen, Becky Miller, Christine DeVisser. Row Two: Reynold Frank, Thomas Crook-


~ton, Paul Cotb rg, Ricki Harri~. Alvin Bishop, Michael Grubb, Cody Albr ¡chtsen, Richard .olson, Cr goJy Walkenhorst, Kenn lh Smith, Gregory Haus n, Reginald Hall, Mr. Zabriskie, Dal Si •lhor t.

Vicki Whetman Reporter

Dorothy Simonich Historian

Steve Erickson President

Sandy Griggs Sharleen Eggleston Secretary-Treasurer Vice President

D. E. C. A. Jordan's '66 Distributive Education Club of America was composed of 41 students, under the direction of Mrs. Wilson. Its purpose is to help the future business leaders of America become acquainted with the fundamentals of the business world, particularly in the selling and marketing fields. This was accomplished in class, and through social functions, field trips and talks by well informed speakers. Among the fine projects sponsored by DECA are: Sub for Santa and selling candy at the football games. It's all business with the D. E. C. A. Club.

Row One: Varel Mumford, Joy Watterson, Gwen Olsen, Linda Paramore, Laru Clegg, Bonnie Panek, Linda Panek, Taynia Ray, Lau~a ~ S111ith, Penny Emerson, Kaylene Watts Janee Williams, Chnstm Leaverton. Row Two: Jana Harris Kathy Hayden, Linda Caldwell, Phyllis Best, Koralynn Cook, Robin Bishop, Kayla An-

dersen, Kathy Spray, Cheryl Wililams, Pauline Dumas, Helen Smith, Mary Ann Tennant, Karen Taylor, Mrs. Wilson. Row Three: Allen Sparks, Kent Wilson, Bill Emerson, Jay Newton, Richard Lundberg, Arnold Sielhorst, Dennis Burbank, Bill Cook, Allan Setterberk, Gene Joos.


Stage Crew

Mr. Kennington

Left to Right: Leon Perry, Dale Watkins, Carl Sudbury, Mike Swenson, Gary Lancaster, Bruce Steadman, LaMar Nokes, Melviu Fairbourn.

Red Cross

Mrs. Shail Advisor

Treasurer LecAnn Nelson Secretary


Row 1: Mrs. Shail, Linda Durrant, Kathy Haake, Lawral Smith, LeeAnn Nelson. Row 2: Joan Barton, Carol Farnsworrth. Not pictured : Terry Beck, Kayla Anders •n, Mike Carter.

Cafeteria Staff

Left to Right: Shauna Burbidge, Linda Panek, Loma Tuttle, Gene Mortensen, Mary Ann Jones, Sherrie Colton, Irene Gonzales, Bonnie Pan k, Linda Gates.

What's for lunch?

Custodial Staff

Ke ¡p it clean!

Left to llight: Jimmy Hofeling, Kent Hardcastle, Lee Benson, John Ferrara, Tommy Hardcastle, Scott Williams, Dee Benson, Archie Hardcastle, Larry Bowler, Richard Dunn, Courtney Despain, Allen Hilton, Weston Workman, Willis Sharp.


Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-Six

'66 Our Year has given each of us many cherished memories. A year at Jordan would never be complete without the special activities in which we participate. These are provided to help us achieve our goals and improve our personalities. The competition that is encouraged through forensics, debate, and the school play give those who are involved an opportunity to better themselves both mentally and physicaJJy. Through the dances we are able to enjoy ourselves, meet new people, make new friends, and grow through these experiences. We need opportunities and experiences such as these to enable us to express ourselves and develop our minds. Thus we can learn to accept the challenges which will be ours after '66 Our Year.


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Senior Hop Winter with a French accent was the scene for our annual Senior Hop. Bright colors of pink and cranberry red gave the streets of Paris a "Winter Fantasy" effect. The guests danced into the night to the music of the Del Bush orchestra. Floor show entertainment was supplied by Santa, as he sang and invited the audience to sing along to stir up their Christmas spirit.


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jk ~ ~ Mike Bingham helps han ~ angel hair on tree branches as the bare gym walls become seen s of winter whieh held the spirit of Christm as.



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It's hard to say wh at goes on in th e minds of yo ung people hut you ca n he sure th at th e memories of this night wi ll remain with each o n ~ for a long tinw.




Juntor Prom

Japane. e entertainment anyone? Originality was the final

Cherry blossoms, original paintings, and a pagoda transformed the gym into an enchantment of the East on the eve of the Junior Prom. The theme, "Haro No Shirabe," meant the "Sweet Strains of Spring." Girls in floor length formals helped to add to the elegance of the dance, and made "Haro No Shirabe" a night to remember.

touch for our oustanding Junior Prom.

Alison and Gary cross over the make believe stream to join in the annual Junior Promenade.


Dre sed in semi-formal attire, many studt'nls turned out for the first dane of the new school year.

Harvest Batt Happy faces, sob r facrs, tog!'llwr they produc d the• atmosphere for this years' "Au tumn Leaves."

Enthusiastic Beetdiggers always look forward to our Harvest Ball which is the first social event that opens each school year. The F.F.A. produced a very warm atmosphere of fall with streamers, murals, autumn leaves and also romantic dancing couples. Music fil1ed the air along with th, happy chatter of renewing old friendships and discussing the year to come.


Valentines and cupids danced ri~ht along with the student body, while "The Music Makers' supplied the rhythm.

Sweetheart Ball Vicky Wh lman and Bob Soffc were crowned King and Queen of the Swc •lhcnrl Ball. Will he or won't he? Only Vicky knows tor sure.

Who said "women are helpless without men?" The Future Homemakers of America proved this untrue when they presented our students with "An Old Fa.shioned Valentine," the theme for this year's Sweetheart Ball. Sweetheart partners gently glided among paper heartS; cupids and dimmed lights. They found it to be a setting for a very romantic evening.



In an effort to give every girl at Jordan the chance to attend at least one dance, the A.G.J. sponsored the annual Dog Patch Drag. This year's theme was very appropriate, "The Great Chase" or "Happiness Is Catching Your Man." The gym was decorated in the typical "dog patch" style with cornstocks, scarecrows and white picket fences.

-Sophomore Party

I It takes sophomores a little time o catch on to the way of high school activities, but once they ' have learned they become whole hearted Beetdiggers. The sophomores, under the direction of their officers and advisors, put over a very successful ~~:=i Sophomore Party.



Wayne Page and Shirley Young step into the part of Dog Patch characters as they are "hitchC'd" for the night by Marrin Sam.

The student body took time out for "Swing" as they danced to the music of the Roya lmcn.

Handy and his friends arrive just in time for the floor-show entertainment.

football Dance Fun is watching as well as doing.

We took off our hats to honor our football team after a season well -played. The gym was decorated as a miniature football field, complete with goal posts and yardage markers. During the intermission the students and faculty were entertained by the student body officers and cheerleaders. Also at that time each player was presented with a trophy football.


Harvest Ball Virginia Jones First Attendant Janis Allred Queen Christine DeVisser Second Attendant


Dogpatch Drag Paul Day Li'l Abner Paulette Sanders Daisy Mae


football Dance Nancy Greenwood Football Queen Gene Lund Football King


Sweetheart Ball Vicky Whetman Queen Bob SoHe King




School Play Dale Nielsen Demetrius

Kenny Birch Simon Peter

Craig Gunnell Stephanos

Pat Dumond Diana

Mike Grubb Senator Callio

Lynn Kirk Sarpedon

Steve Jensen Paulos

Evelyn Joos Helen

Tina L eak Cornell in

Steve Brown Melas Carla Woodbury Phoebe

Paulette Sanders Th odosiu

Max Cornia Quintus Marilyn Lybbert Rhoda

Kathy Hays Sarah

Larry Parker Benyosef Virginia Jones Salome


Mark Bailey Capt. Fulvius

Jana II arris Lucia

Steve Ramey Portraying Christ

The Robe

Student Directors- Left to Right: Dixie Lewis, Shirley Matsumori, Craig Gunn ·II, Jolene Lake, Christie Peterson.

Under the direction of Mr. Sacos, our play "The Robe," was presented with a display of artistry and talent. The play, which was received with enthusiasm, was presented to the public on four different nights. A cast of 108 students along with many offstage managers helped make this production a great one.

Ladies in Waiting - Row 1: Nancy Pace, Joyanne Rasmuss n, Vicki Lewis, Charlott Greene, Janilyn Anclrm. Row 2: hirl y Olsen, Diane Matsumori, .fun t Johnson, D Etta Kemp, Kayleen Fitzg rald. Mourners - How J: ,uri a Tumer, Glenda Tol- Row 3: hrislinc lland, Susan Deason, Shauna ewman, Diana Bnllnrd, Roselyn Richards. Row 2: bold, Karen Lynch, Shauna Lloyd. Coli N•n Cn•t•nwood, Janel Tucker, Dana Jcnst•n, Jolent• Lake. Row 3: Mary Ann Howard, Anrwtte Carter, Clan• Bills, Peggy tevcns. Row 4: .omlnt·y DPspain, Dana Snow, hrllt·y SuliCI, !'aula Kur1Z.

Ladies in Waiting - How 1: HobincllP Emerson, ,onni · Fnirbourn, Karla Hall. Row 2: ~lurcy Kl'minger, Toni Williams, jenny Westr>nskow, Margie Brady.

Soldiers - Row 1: Lee Greenwood, John Ferrara. Row 2: Darrell Woodruff, Brent Miller, Ron Kesler.

'66 lnterprettve Regton Champs

With more than doubJe the number of points amassed in last years Region m t it looks lik Mr. Sacos is heading for his sixth State Class "A" Championship in "Interpretive." To say Jordan is proud of the accomplishment of that team is putting it mildly.

State Interpretive - Row One: Christie Peterson, Roselyn Richards, Jana Harris, Mary Ann Howard. Row Two: Jolene Lake, Elaine Hill, Clare Bills, Carla Woodbury. Row Three: Shirley Matsumori, Peggy Stevens, Marilyn Lybbert, Kim Berrett, Margie Brady. Row Four: Dale Nielsen, Paul Kirkpatrick, Dale Watkins, Richard Lundberg, David Delquadro.

Region Interpretive - Row One: Jolene Lake, Christi Peterson Mary Ann Howard, Jana Harris, Robyn Timoney, Elaine Hill' Dixie Lewis, .Kathy Hays, Roselyn Richards, Shirlt y Matsumori: Row Two: Don Lybbert, Dana Jensen, Marilyn Lybb rl, Claro


Bills, Kim Bcrr •tl, MargiP Brndy, Carla Woodbury, Peggy Stevens, Dale ielst•n. Row Three: Dnl<' Watkins, Jordan Mitch II, ary W ·~t, Ric·hard Lunclbt•rg, Mik(• Adams, K nt mith, Bill Coyne, Crai~ Srnith, Paul Kirkpatrick, David Delquadro, Jerry Marshall. How Four: Mr. Sacos.

Lynn Kirk Small Boy

De Etta Kemp Old Woman

Craig Gunnell Rabbi

One Act Play

Scott Jensen David

Diana Ballard Small irl

A cast of about fifty, directed by Mr. Sacos, presented "Exodus" written by Marvin Robinson. The production was given a superior rating, the highest possible. The play depicted the suffering of a group of Jews, being returned to Germany to be killed. It expressed the heartaches, despair and fortune they went through during this period of history. The setting is on a ship approximately the year 1947, after the German War. The play had seven main characters supported by choral readers and dancers, which added to the feeling of regret and misery felt by th audience. Glen Sacos, director; Lee Greenwood, Annette Carter, Evelyn Joos, student directors.

Neal Biggs ld Man


'66 forensics

Linda Lewis Debate Coach

Kathy Hays President

Janis Allred Manager


Row One: Jolene Lake, janis Allrec.l, Kathy !lay~, Zoe Ann Keller, Karen Lynch, Dave Bishop. Row Two: Mike Adams, Melvin Hi hins, St<'vc }t·nscn, Neil Petersen, Mark Bail ·y, Craig Smith.

The debate class ·s, under the dir •ction of Linda L ·wis, participated in all types of forensic work Among them were debate, extemporaneous speaking, oratory, ·and legislaliVl fo rum. Each industrious participant was r 'Ward cl with th r ling of accomplishment as they took parl in the Alpine tournament, Weber tournam 'nt and th region competition.


leg. forum

Row One: Dave Bishop, Craig Smith, Zoe Ann Keller, Kathy Simonson, Marcy Kensinger, Penny Emmerson, Dale Nielsen, Robin Burgon. Row Two: Jordan Mitchell, Melvin Rogers, James Thompson, Mark Bailey, Owen Fitzgerald, Richard Lundberg, Doug Berrett, Kris Peterson.


Joll'ne Lak ', joyunnc Rasmu~scn, Diane Matsumori, Janis Allred , Vickie Young, Mike Adams.


Marilyn Lybbert, Kathy Hays, Steve Jensen, Karen Lynch, Shannon Rasmussen.

State Forensics - Row One: P nny Emerson, Diane Matsumori, Joyanne Rasmussen, Kathy Ilay . Row Two: Jordan 1itchcll, Robin Burgon, Richard Lundberg, Steve Jensen.


Honor Winners

Pam Jones Betty Crocker Homemaker Girls and Boys State - Row One: Vicky Whetman, Kathy Hays, Vickie Young. nc Lund. Row Two: Dave D lquadro, Paul Day. Row Three: Allan Sellcrb rg, Row Four: John Ferrara, Brent Marriott. Row Five: Steve Jenson, Allen Wright. Row Six: Mark Bailey, Melvin Fairboum. Missing: Joan Barton, Shirley Matsumori.

Kent Wilson Marketing-Deca

Steve Jenson American Legion Oratorical Contest

Vicki Lewis U.N. Pilgrimage for Youth

Elk~ Club Leadership Winner - Left to llight: Handy hocmaker, Dave D 1quadro, Steve Jensen, Vickie Young, Peggy Stev •ns, Jana II, rris.


Sterling Scholars - Row One: Claudia Clayton, Carla Woodbury! Pam Jones, Peggy Stevens, Dana Jensen. Row Two: Jacques Koncurat, Richard Dangerfie d, Dave Delquadro, Bruce Steadman, Wayne Cox, Rick Anderson.

Steve Webb Outstanding Defensive Player, Football Top 3% - Claudia Clayton, Richard Dangerfield, Kent Hardcastle, Dave Delquadro, Wayne Cox, Carl Sudbury, Dana Jensen. Missing: Shirley Matsumori.

First Place Novice Titles - Sherwin Orgill, Jay Newton, Blaine Devine, Craig Day. First Place State Wrestler - Alan Latimer.

Janet Hansen and Lee Greenwood were named the Outstanding Citizens for '65, '66.


4;HL£11CS Athletics is more than a word. It is a picture of thrilling action. This word brings the thought of competition with oneself, hetwt•en individuals and between schools. Combine that word with spirit and the true meaning is attained. Enthusiastic cheers, booming voices, and a wall of ecstatic faces at each game or event add to the meaning of the word. Athletics shows each person backing up his school with a pulsating cry for himself, for his school and for its victory. But more important, athletics tied us together with spirit, skill, and strength into one supreme student body during '66 Our Year.


Vickie Young Head Cheerleader

Susan Marriott

Peggy Bartlett


Tournament week was as exciting for the cheerleader as it was for the team .

Alison Densley

Diane Badovinitz

No one knows better than a cheerleader what the word "work" really means . A lot goes on behind the scenes that the student body doesn't see. Our cheerleaders started off their year by attending a cheerleaders clinic last spring. From then on it was practice, practice, practice. Enthusiastically they made signs, planned pep rallies, made announcements and thought up clever things to do for our team to boost school spirit. It takes more than an outfit and pompons to make a cheerleader. It takes a great deal of hard work and enthusiasm.



Steve Webb



Gene Lund

Co-captain Coaches - David Erickson, Robert Sanchez

SCORES Pre-season

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

13 14 0 7

-------------------------------------------------- Richfield -------------------------------------------------- Granger ------------------------------------------------------ Davis -------------------------------------------------------- West

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

7 13 7 0 7

------------- ----------------------------------------- Judge ---------------------------------------------------- Murray -------------------------------------------------- Hillcrest ------------------------------------------------ Bingham ---------------------------------------------------- Tooele

7 28 28 28


Harold Olafsson charges through the Buffs defensive line.

18 7 0 42 18



Managers - Steve Dahl, Jeff Ra mussen, Phil Baker Missing, Blayne Wilson . ~

Jordan High once again cam through with a fine football team, of which the entir stud nl body could b proud. They possessed many fine qualili s, on b ing th ability to overcome handicaps and then bounc ba k with th nlhusiasm with which lh y b gan th s ason . Our t am wasn't cr clit d with "Man, thos guys hav it mad ," sin lh y gave up school dane s, som food , and those late hours for a curfew, a coach, and a t am. They changed theirs h dul to a world of training and njoym nt of praclic . Along with th playing cam sweat, bmises, and battered ribs. Th season b gan with an eag r anticipation of th B etdiggers in th brisk fall wind, and nclecl with tl traditional high B eldigg r pirit.

Paul Day Jerry Marshall Ben Crcbs Steve Davenport Doug Teran Richard Dangerfield

Steve Erickson Doug Berry Jerry Deason Stan Worthen Craig Day Steve Jensen

Doug Maughan Victor Riggs

Russ Hudgens Dean Johnson

Kent Pelch Craig Harper

Craig Harper with the ball pushes his way through the Bulldog tackler. Kent Homer Bill Rockhill

Ron Sargent


Ralph Johnson Nyal ardner

Lonnie Troyer Harold Olaffson

Wolfgang Hoffman Kay Gregory

Russ Hudgens carries the ball for Jordan who d ¡feat d Richfield during a pre-season gam . Scott Cowdell Jim Knutson

Centers: Bill Rockhill, Richard Dangerfield, Doug Teran.

Fullbacks: Craig Harper, Gene Lund, Harold Olafsson.

Wing Backs: Steve Webb, Ben Crebs, Jerry Deason.

Quarter Backs: Dave Samuelson, Lonnie Troyer.

Half Backs: K vin E1miss, Russ Hudg ns, Kay Gregory.

Guards: Howard Edgeman, Terry Bush, Kent Pelch, Larry Moss, Dean Johnson.

Tackles: Jim Moss, Jim Knutson, Doug Maughan, Don Lybbert, Kent Hom r, Ron Sargent, Steve Erickson, Stan Worthen.

Ends: Victor Riggs, Doug Jenkins, Nyal Gardner, Doug Berry Jerry Marshall, Steve Davenport, Steve Jensen.


Sophomore football

Kay Gregory r ceives :t hand but not a helping hand.

Coaches - Jerry McCleary, David Byrne


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

8 0 0 6 13 0

.................................................. Granger ...................................................... Judge .................................................... Murray .................................................. Hillcrest .... ....... ....... .......... ....... ............. Bingham ...................................................... Tooele

Row One: David Petersen, Jim Haun, Ron Yengich, Fred Veltri, Vernon Baarz, Johnny McAdams, Robert Smith, Larry Nokes, Lannie Wilkers, Orin Anderson. Row Two: Craig Harp >r Kevin Enniss, Mike Day, Brian McBride, Marlon Moore, Richa;·d Golson, Ralph Glad, Jimmy Fairboum, Dennie Deal, Robert Cole.


7 6 42 6 7 35

Row Three: Coach McCleary, Doug Maughan, Mel Rogers, Paul Homer, Ray lpson, Eruc • Brown, Rick Ilobu ·h, Doug Crebs, Lee Wall, Byron Oliver, Kent Smith, Coach Byrne. Row Four: Paul Brown, Bill F rrara, Cy Sherwood, James Thompson, Don Lybbcrt.

A pompon, a friendly cheer, and an enthusiastic student body supported our team throughout the year.

Grang r's attempts to stop Dave Samuelson were m t by a touchdown for Jordan.

A punt by K vin Enniss gave his opponents a run for their money.

Harold Olafsson clears the way for Kay Gregory as he carries the pigskin against Judge.

Richfield was a cinch of a win, and our students let our team know it.

The "charging Digger offense" make way for their ball carrier, Kent Smith.




Regton Champs

ftntsh fourth tn state

With the prosp cts of a fine season, Jerry McCleary began to mold his bask tball team. Jim Mahl r was tall, Br nt Marriott could scor , Steve Webb was a demon on defense, G ne Lund and Kim Fitzg raid combin d to provid balance and coordination. Paul Day, raig Hansen, Tim Enniss, Glen Jenkins, Harold Olafs on and Doug Weaver w r capabl , hardworking substitut s. Jordan wasn't sati fi d with going half way thi year. Th y won the region championship with a 9-1 won and loss r cords nding them into state comp tition. Th toumam nt nd d with Jordan taking fourth plac in Stale with a 3 won and llo s r cor . Th y work d tog th r as at am and as a t am they mak "66" an outstandin year for ba ketball.


Steve Dahl Manager

Jim Mahler Region- All Star

Jeff Ras:tnussen Manager

Phil Baker Manager

.nnnh ..

Brent Marriott Captain; Region- All Star Region- Most valuable player

Kim Fitzgerald

..... Paul Day

Bob Sanchez Coach

Jerry McCleary Coach

Steve Webb

Gene Lund


Tim Enniss

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

SCORES 41 .............................. Orem 52 .............................. South 75 ........................ Granger 91 ........................ Bountiful 66 ........................ Highland 85 ................ Ben Lomond 64 .............................. J.udg 69 .......................... Murray 83 ........................ Bingham 57 ............................ Tooele 61 ........................ Hillcrest 57 ............................ Judge 71 .......................... Murray 86 ........................ Bingham 67 ........................... Too le 61 ........................ Hillcrest

69 49 50

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

TOURNAMENT 67 ...................... Box Elder 57 ...................... Highland 76 ........................ Granite 60 ........................ Clearfield

61 74 70 58

58 64 67 74 73 65 61 60 63 64 58 48

·"Glenn n" Jenkins

Doug Weaver


.. nnn, Harold Olaf son


Craig Hansen

Brent Ain ·worth

Junior Varsity

Harold Olafsson

Dave Samuelson

Kent Homer

Steve Brown

Craig Harper

Doug Maughan

Doug Crebs

Mike Day

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

SCORES 72 ------------------------------ Orem 58 -------------------------- Granger 63 ---------------------- Bountiful 54 ------------------------ Highland 65 ________________ Ben Lomond 73 ---------------------------- Judge 49 -------------------------- Murray 52 ------------------------ Bingham 50 ---------------------------- Tooele 45 ------------------------ Hillcrest 54 ------------------------------ Judge 41 -------------------------- Murray 62 ------------------------ Bingham 49 ---------------------------- Tooele 68 ------------------------ Hillcrest

52 48 62 60 59 43 70 50 59 46 49 85 55 57 62

Sophomore Team

Row One: Kent Smith, Jimmy Davis, Dennie Deal, Doug Crebs, Bruce Brown, Craig Ilarp r. Row Two: Dean Soper, Manager; David Sanders, Paul Homer, Don Lybb •rt, Dennis Carroll, Doug Maughan, Mike Day, Gary Hansen, Ryan Riska, Manager.

• •

• • • •

• • • • • • • • • • • • • •

• • •


• • •



Dave Erickson Coach 70





Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

SCORES 41 ............................ Judge 44 ............................ Murray 50 ........................ Bingham 53 ............................ Tooele 47 ........................ Hillcrest 49 .............................. Judg 35 ............................ Murray 61 ........................ Bingham 53 ............................ Toocl 56 ........................ Hillcrest

53 59 55 46 68 52 69 58 56 68

'66 Wrestltns

Row One: John Peterson, Dick Mano, Alan L atimer, Kent Pclch, Dan Visser, Crn.ig Ras.mussen. Row Two: Ron Byrne, Coach; Dave Bishop, Larry Moss, Dean Johnson, Ben Creb , Stan Worthen, Doug Teran, Dale Watkins.

During the year much time has been sp nt in pr paring our team for the final t st of proving th ir abilities. Physical and mental training was stressed throughout th wr stling season. By th ir efforts they have mad wr stling at Jordan a worthwhile challenge to those that arc willing to sacrifice. We ar certainly proud of their fine r cord and hope they continue.

Ron Byrne Coach


Alan Latimer 1st Region 1st State

Carl Bennett, Manager. Not pictured: Bill Rockhill, Steve Hirschi, Craig Brown.

Dave Bishop Captain 2nd Region

Dick Mano Captain 3rd Region

Larry Moss lst Region Kent Pelch 2nd Region

Dan Visser lst Region Doug Teran

Jim Moss

Stan Worthen

Larry Parker




With probably the finest nucleus of returning lettermen Jordan has had for many years, our expectations for a great season became reality. With experience and a new coach, Ron Byrne, the team fought individually as well as a team to gain memorandum from their victories and their losses.

This is just one of the elements that made for a great season.


Ron Byrne Coach

Bas ball is as fun as it looks; but not as asy.

Row One: Stephen Dahl, Manager; Mike H. Day, Brent Miller, David Phillips, Jay Garfield, Manager. Row Two: Tim Enniss, Brent Marriott, David Samuelson, Gene Lund, Paul Day, Steve

Erickson, Steve Webb, Terry Bush, Wolfgang Hoffmann. Row Thr~e: Coa?h Byrne, Craig Harper, Eddie Vigil, Lonnie Troyer, Kevm Enmss, Ron Yengich, Byron Oliver, Harold Olafsson, Bruce Brown, Ralph Johnson, Lee Wall.


'66 frack

Bob Sanchez, Dave Erickson: Coaches

Under the patient coaching of Mr. Erickson and Mr. Sanchez, about fifty-five boys were taught the skills of track, such as running, jumping, throwing, hurdling and several others. No one fully realizes the sweat and hard work these boys put into this sport; and few realize the satisfaction they gain but themselves. Many long hours were spent after school in perfecting their abilities and newly learned techniques. These tedious hours were rewarded by winnings in competition with others and the satisfaction from within of the knowl dge that each succeded in his own unique way.

ReturnintJ lettermen

Jerry Marshall

Jay Gregory

Melvin Stauffer

Mitchell Ingersoll

Berry Thomas

How One: Ow n Fitzgerald, Manager; Richard Dangerfield, LaVar Jon s, Don Ray, Paul Kirkpatrick, Melvin Stauffer, Steve Jensen, Jerry D ason, Jerry Marshall, Jay Gregory, Dale Schow, Doug Terun, Ferron Larson. Row Two: Dean Soper, Manager; Jimmy Davis, D nnie Deal, Gaylen Bishop, Mike Richards, Barry Thomas, Kent Smith, Larry Parker, Nyal Gardner, Kent

Homer, Craig Bonhan1, Victor Riggs, Ron Peterson, Russ Hudgens, Mitchell Ingersoll. Row Three: Dennis Carroll, Manager; Chuck Patterson, Paul Brown, Howard Edgmon, Glen Price, George South, Joe Sturdy, Don Lybbert, Darrell Woodruff, Doug Maughan, Gary Burningham, Ken Beck, Allen Jeffs, Freddy Veltri, Ralph Glad, Doug Konald, Coach Sanchez, Coach Erickson.



Returning Lettermen: Steve Brown, Larry Trujillo, Dave Delquadro, Doug Berry.

Jerry McCleary




Driv , co-ordination, timing, and accuracy were among th qualities displayed by our tennis team which was focused around four returning letterm n. On our four new courts, our players worked hard to perfect their skills. They exhibited great courage and determination in all their match s. Tennis is a thrilling and challenging sport, and Jordan' team fulfilled every expectation.

Row One: Doug Berry, David D lqu adro, Larry Tmjillo, raif( Brown, Greg K mplon . Row Two: Georg Badly, Cy Sherwood, huck l on, t v ¡ Brown, Handy kubo, Brian McBride, teve Webster.

flas fwtrlers

Mary Ann Hyatt

Carla Woodbury

Carol Potter

Kim Berrett

Margie Brady

Pep Band

Row One: Clair Lloyd , Lowell Wright, Dan Visser, Tom Anderson. Row Two: Alvin Bishop, Jay Carfleld . Row Three: Bruce llesellin , Ron Kesler, Rick Anderson, Jim Tuttle. Front: Dale Watkins.

Under the direction of Mr. Watt, the Pep Band was the nucleus of school spirit at home games. The band was always on hand during pep assemblies, and loaned their support to all activities throughout football and basketball seasons.



We began as sophomores, juniors, and seniors, distinctly separate. During this high school year we had a time to lcam, a time to make friends, and a time to acquire a life that is just a little bit different than any one else. Despite the differences, through the acquaintances we made and the opportunities we accepted, we blended together into one united student body during '66 Our Year.


~ Senior Class



This year's outstanding senior class officers, Janet Hansen, secretary; Gene Lund, president; and Mary Ann Hyatt, vice-president, skillfully guided the class of '66 through many treasured moments. In early winter the Senior Hop started the activities, followed by the Senior Assembly. As the year drew to an end and graduation was approaching, the class participated in the Senior Progressive. The credit for these activities must be given to our three officers, who through their time, talents and ambitions have made "66 Our Year" compfete. 82

Mary L • Albr htsen Peggy Alldredge Dennis Allen

Mary All n Janis Allred Kayla Andersen

Tommy Anderson Beverly Andrus Linda Ashby

Mary Atkin on Mark Bailey Paul L. Baird Peggy Bartlett Joan Barton Terry Beck

Suzanne Bennion Dee Benson Lee Ben on Douglas Berrett Kim Berrett Doug Berry

Phyllis Best eal L. Biggs Mike Bingham Kenny Birch Barbara Bishop Calvin Bishop


David Bishop Margie Brady Craig Brown Gregory Brown Phil Brown Robin Burgon


Sharon Burgon Terry Bush Larry Butler Linda Caldwell David Carlisle MichaelS. Carter

Su~an Cary laudia Clayton Larue Cl gg Rog r Val Cl, gg Dave Cole Koralyun Cook

William R. Cook Max omin Ilyru rn Covert Kathy Cox Wayn ,ox Bill oyn

Brent Crandall

Ben rebs Kathryn Curtis Hichnrd Dangcdlcld Don Dnnsi St vcn Davt.'nport

Craig Day Keith Dny j erry D •ason David Dclquadm William D •nison Nancy De, pain


Larry Doyle Pauline Dumas Dennis Dunn

Alice Durrant Linda Durrant Janice Ebert

Sharleen Eggleston Kenneth Elison Kirk Ellis

Penny Emerson Tim Enniss ] oe Erickson Steve Erickson Deanna Fairbourn Melvin Fairbourn

William Ferguson fohn Ferrara Kim Fitzgerald Owen Fitzgerald Wayne Fitzgerald Angie Flores

Dianne Ford Douglas Ford Dale Freestone Thomas Otto Garg Melvin Gause Karen Gillen


Colleen Green Linda Green Sandy Griggs Craig Hansen Janet Hansen Peter Do rei! Hansen


Sandra Hansen Kent Hardcastle ]ana Harris Marjcan Harrison Kathy Hayden Kathy Hays

Marsha H rman john Heugly Scott Hoglund

Kathie ·n Iluht·

Dayton Hooser

Rodney Ilurdsman Dnmis Huston Mary Ann £Iyall

Steve Hudgens Deanne Hugh •s

Bart llyd ollin Ihlcr

Garth Jarman Glenn jenkins Duna ]ens n Scott Jcnst'n

Steve Jtmscn Billy johnston

Charlotte Johnson Pamela Jones Virginia Jon s C ·n· joos Larry Jordan

ZocAnn Keller


Blain Kemp Wayne K mp Greg Kempton

Paul Kirkpatrick Ron Kesler Jacques Koncurat

Jolene Lake Gary Lancaster Ferron Larson

Alan Latimer Judie Law Tina Leak Christine Leaverton Timothy Lee Richard LeFevere

Rhea Levine Clair Lloyd Shauna Lloyd Frank Logan Lonnie Lovendahl Michael Lukich

Gene Lund Richard Lundberg Rita Lybbert , Karen Lynch James Mahler Frank Malstrom


Dick Mano Brent Marriott Jerry Marshall Telly Martinez Paul Mason Shirley Matsumori


Robyn Maynes Robert McGuire Patricia Meeks Chris Michelsen George F. Middelstadt Becky Miller

Brent Miller Larry Moll r Jim Moss Larry Moss Sheri Mumford Varel Mumford

Jimmie Myrick Paul Nabnhe Sandra Naillon LceAnn Nelson Linda Lee N bon Jay N •wton

Dal G. Nielson LuMur Nok s John Oak son joAnn Obom Alan Oleen 1 anny Oliver

Gwen Olsen herwin Orgill Lynn 0 tier Jim Oviatt Bonnie Panek Linda Panek

Linda Paramore Cary Pederson Leon P rry

Sally Peters Jim Peterson Kris Peterson

Warren Peterson Diane Popelmayer Joann Porter

Carol Potter Del Rena Powell Steven Ramey Jeffrey Rasmussen Sharon Rasmussen Donald Ray

Taynia Ray Melody Reed Diana Richards Phillip Richards Roselyn Richards John Rigler

Carol Roach Bill Ross Nancy Rudd Paulette Sanders Ivan Bruce Schow Allan Setterberg


Fred Shaddick Randy Shoemaker Terry Short Catherine Simonson Dorothy Simonich Helen Smith


Joyce Smith Judy Smith Laurel Smith Lawral Smith Pauline Smith Dana Snow

Nancy Sorensen Allen Sparks

Kathy Spray Valerie Stafflund Melvin Stauff •r Allen Steadman

Bruce Steadman Pat Stcfnnoff Pq~gy Stevens Hichard Stok<·s Cnrl D. Sudbury

Kurl Taft

Vickie TnnnC"r Knr<'n Taylor Toni Taylor 1ary Ann Tennant Doug TC"run Bob Thompson

K<"ndall Thnmpsou Lurry Trujillo Karl Tufts Carla Turn •r Katharine Turner Linda Turner


Jam s Tuttle Bob Vawdrcy ,eorgia L. Venter

Lynea Visser Roy Wall Todd Wallace

Greg Ward Dale Watkins Ron Watson

Joy Watterson Kaylene Watts Ruth Ann Weaver Steve Webb Terry Webber Don Westenskow

Vicki Whetman Alice Wiechert Brent Wiens Cheryl Williams Janee Williams Johnnie Williams

Nola Williams Scott Williams Kent Wilson Linda Wintle Carla Woodbury David Wootton



Stan Worthen Allen Wright Craig Wright Karma Wright Marie Yengich Vickie Young


Junior Class OtPtcers

John Adams Mike Adams Paul Adams Brent Ainsworth Claudia Ainsworth Phyllis Ainsworth


Bruce Alvey Brent Anderson Christine Anderson Jim Anderson June And rson Todd Anderson

Ted Andrews Dennis Angus Robyn Archibald Vickie Astle Barry Atkinson Vnuna Atkinson

Dian(' Badovlnalz Darry Bail ·y Phil BakC'r Kathleen Ballamis Diana Ballard Don Ballard

Burl n · Barton Barbara Bell ' huron Berg •twr Bonnie Birch II Alvin Bishop C ~tylcn Bishop

Deanna Blackwell

Kim Bodell 1nrk Doltis

raig Bonham Christine Bowler Susan Bradbury


Steven Bradford Bette Brindley

Steven Brown Bruce Burgon

Timothy Burke Leonard Butler Lee Caldwell Annette Carter Anna Lee Cary Steve Chase

Lilia Childs Sherrie Colton Oliver Cordova Tom Crookston Jill Crosgrove Tereann Cutler

Stephen Dahl Judi Davies Candice Dana Mardine Davis Wayne Davis Theresa Davenport

Mark Dean Susan Deason Alison Densley Court Despain Blaine Devine Christine De Visser


Dorothy Dewcgelc Stanley Dorius Dennis Dowland ShelaDoyle Pat DuMond Richard Dunn


Ben Durrant Mike Dyen Ruth Ebert Sandra Eggleston Mik Eldredg · Diane Elswood

Pal Emerson Carolcc Evans Elvis Craig Evans Robyn Evans jay Fnckrcll Nancy Fairbouru

Marilyn Ferguson Lor('lta Flilton Nynl GardnC'r Jay Garfirld Linda Gates Christine Glas~cy

lrrnc Gonzal s Grant Goodrnanson Marilyn Gough Colleen Grecuwood Nancy .rccnwoocl I\oh rl Greenwood

St(•vc Greenwood Kay Gregory Err1<'sl John Groce Michael .rubh Craig .unncll Kathy Hank


Louise Hadley Kar •n Hagen

Barbnra Hale Richard Hall

David Halladay Tom Hardcastle Sandra Hardman Kathy Harper RicJ.:i Harris Tom Harris

Calvin Hart Kent Hayden Kerry Henrie Bruce Heseltine Larry Hiatt Allen Hilton

David Hilton Steve Hirchi Wolfgang Hoffman Kerry Hofheins Kent Homer Nancy Hooser

Mary Ann Howard Russ Hudgens Mitchell lngersell Teri Ishmael Lynda Jackson Leslie Jardine


Doug Jen.kins Darla Johnson Dean Johnson Genie! Johnson Janet Johnson Lorraine Johnson


Ralph Johnson Reid johnson Richard jolley Chris Jones joseph Jones Mary Ann Jones

Sharon Jon ·s Ev lyn Joos Susan Kartchner DeEtta Kemp ShannaKemp Paul ne Kidd

Lynn l {. Kirk Mark Kirkpatrick Douglas Konold Knthi<> Kosovich Becky Kunz Paulo.Kunz

June Lang jnnic Lnrson ]oycc Larson Robert Lnsotcr Dilde L>wis

Vicki Lewis

Cnrolyn Lloyd Kristi Lloyd Stella Lop z Marilyn Lybbert



Vicki' Mair

Susan Marriott Kathryn Rose Marttila

Kathy Mathis Diane Matsurnori

Bobbie Maupin Marsha McDowell Dale McKnight Michael McNeil Kathy McQuade Barbara Mitchell

Jordan Mitchell Lorraine Moller Bruce Moore Gene Mortensen Fern Nay Jolyne Necaise

Curtis Nelson Sandy Nelson Claudia Newbold Robert Nosack David Nowotny Harald Olafsson

Gary Olsen Jack Orgill Wayne Page Betty Lou Paget Lynn Park Larry Parker


Colleen Parks Ranee Patterson Judy Peek Kent Pelch Lorae Penrod Loraine Penrod


Christie Petersen Nancy Petersen Neil Pet rson Ron Peterson James C. Pierson Donna Prie ·

Eddie Price C ·org Radell •y Brent Rappley Joyann e Rasmusseu Michael Heid Mike Richards

Ml'lvin 1\ichins Vietor Riggs Dill Rockhill D,111ny Honquillo K<"nnelh Rossherg Dick Hozcma

Doris Rozema Hob(•rt Runin

an 11nnolfson DixiP Hynn Diane Sndkr David San,udson

FcorniP Sanchez Ronald Sarg(•nl 'a rl avage Shear! Savage Jeri Sc, mans Arnold Si lhorst


Dalr Sirlhorsl David Simpson

Linda Slater Brian Smith

Craig C. Smith ]ilene mith Kenneth Smith Lauritz Smith Carla Snow Ryan Soper

Dee Sorensen George South Sherri Stapley Brian Steadman LaVon Steadman Jeannie Stevenson

Marilyn Stirling Lonnie Stone Lenore Sturdy Michael Swenson Gary Taft Barry Thomas

Charles Thomas Mike Thomson Barbara Tielman Glenda Tolman Lonnie Troyer Toy Tsuya


Layne Wright Lowell Wright Clcss Young

Lois Tufts Lynette Turner Marilyn Turner Lorna Tuttle Karen Utley Vickie Valdez


Ramona Vawdrey Kathy Veltri Shauna Venneri Dan Visser Lynda Visser Margo Wall

Cathy Watson Becky Watts Doug Weaver Jim W d·l Delor •s Weidenhcimcr CaryL. West

Jenny Wcsl!'nskow Cindy Williams Raleigh Willia111s Blayn<' Wilson h •ri Winger Darrell WoodndT


Sophomore Class 0£Ftcers

En'rything has a beginning. This applies to our sophomores also. lwcau~e the~ · now han' begun the hest three ~ ·ears of tl1eir lin's.

Led by three energetic students . Hohinettt' Elllcrsou . \ice president: George Gn'<.'n\\·oo<l. pre-,ident: and Shirle~ Young. se<.Tc!ar~. the class ot '6~ has shown talent and enthmiasm at its Sophomore Part~ . Determinatio11 and ambition. qualities of good leadership. can he found in these three officers. The~ han' captured the traditional Jordan spirit and now know " ·hat it means to he a Bectdigger in "GG Our Year." 103

Kathleen Adair Diana Adams Leanna Adams Cody Albrcchtsen Charlotte Allen Roger Allen


Alv:in Alamo RoseAnn Ames Judy Anderson Neil And rson Orin Anderson Jani Andrus

Loui 'Arko Brc>nt Atkinson Karen Atkinson RaeDcnc Atkinson Vernon Baarz Allan llakcr

S!&eric Baker LiJJcltt Ballard Terese Halmw Ed Harii"Y

Mnry Bass

T •rry Baxt ·r

Kenneth Beck Coll•·n B(•ll arl Bcnn ll Cnrla Bennett Donna Bergstrom Ann B ·rrclt

Lucill.c 13est lar · Bills

Alvin Bishop J!nrlund Bi~hop Knthy Bishop Jerr Bi;hop

Annett· Black Dwight Bogenri •f L·Htri • Bonhnm Bntc Bohm Adde Bohton Ouvid Bowl r


ollin Bowman Paul Brown Lcslc' Bray Ronnalynn Brown Bru l' Drown Shauna Burbidge Claudia Brown Vicki Burgon Danna Ann Brown ,nry K. Burningham I ,or nc Brown Mike Burton

1ike Caldwell Russ Caldwell Angie Cardova Susan Cardova Scott Carlisle

Terry Carlisle Richard Carpenter Tim Carpenter D annis Carroll Gloria Carson

Jack Carter Jay Cherry Dan Childs Ley Clement Robert K. Cole

Stanley E. Coleby Danny Comstock Ann Cook Carolyn Cox Dale Coy

Sherry Craig Doug Crebs l\1ary Creedon Rosemary Crosby Cathy Cutler


Warren D ahl Howard Dahle Kieth Dangerfield Ralph Dansie Ronald DaRonche Richard Davenport


Jimmy Davis Darlene Day Mike II. Day Mike Day Dennje Deal Monte Derricott

Janice De Visser D wna Dewegcli Clark Dimond Timothy Duma~ Jolen Dyet Delbert P. Ebarb

Iloward Edg mon Kathy Elg Kieth B. Elmer Hobin tte Emerson B 11 Enniss Kevin Enniss

Ch ri Evnns Joyce Evans June Evans Connie Fairbourn Jim Fairboum arol Famsworlh

Bill Ferrurn D 'bra Fitzgerald Knyit-rn Fitzgcraltl K ·nl Fitzg •raid Robertu Fitzgerald Larry Flilton

David Forman Reynold B. Frank hrisline Fullmer Linda .ales Ralph .lad Sandra Coates


Ric Colson Paul .otb •rg Mike Grant Charlott1• Crcene Lrtty r •en Ccor~w Greenwood


Reg Hall I .cc Greenwood Richard Hall Ray Groves David Halladay Richard Grow Christine Hand Rene Gunderson KaDon Hadley Dalr Richard Hansen Karla Hall

Gary Hansen Gregory Hansen Archie Hardcastle Roseann Hardcastle Connie Hardman

Craig Harper Roy Harper Clifton Harris Mikki Hatch Jim Haun

Deanna Hawker Carol Haws Teddy Hellstrom Douglas Henke Curt Heugly

Elaine IIi II Rick Hobush Jimmy Hofeling Deanna Holdaway David Keith Hole~


Vickie Holst Paul Homer Michael Hone Maybelle Hor~cn Susan Hulse Ray lpson


LaDonna Jacob Linda Jacobson Brian Jaynes Alan Jeffs Robert J nkins Ron Jenkins

David Jensen Jan is Jensen Russ J 'SSop Robyn johansen Bill johnson

Danny Johnson

Sherrie johnson Amy Hae jones Joyce Joues DiAnne joos juanita Joosten Shauna jordan

Cary Kartchner Marcy Lee Kensinger Morris Lynn Kiclcl Steve Kido Barbara Kobs Hoy<•tta Konold

Stan Korte Korolyn Kr ·ek

Ei.lccn Kum: Lyle Kunz hcri Larsen Dnrl ·n Lars n

jack N. Lars •u Sh •ri Latimer Sheryl Lavery john L yba Gl•n Lipsey Tony Lov'


Roger Lovendahl arl os Lucero Diane Lund Don Lybbcrt johnny MeAd. m Brian McBride

Karen Miller Steven McKenna Carol Mathis Gayland Moffat Vernon l\'facc Phil Matthews D,mi ,I Mahler Douglas Paul Maughan David !llontague Marlon Moore Lucile Manzanares Shirley Mecham Ronald A. Moor Marianne March Gerald Middleton Carol Marshall

Ronald Moore Dennis Mori Kathy Morrill ,\1ollie Mortensen George Moses

Dyann Moss Bobbie l\1ulford Ron l\fumford Barbara l\lurphy Mona Lynn Neff

Ken eilsen Steven C. elson Shauna ewbold Scott Nezos Jolynne Nickle


Hob Nielsen Larry Nokes Randy Okubo Byron Oliver Shirley Olsen Chuck Olson


Maneul Ortega Andreah Paramon• jay Handy Osborne Hal Parker Nancy Pnce Linda Parker Cheryle Palm r Chuck Putt rwn Michael J. Palm r Steven Pearce Claudia Panek Karen Pendlc•ton

David Pt•lers<•n John P!?tcrson Li11dn Pet rson Sharon Pcllit F'rank Pollick Bruce Poll •r

Ricky Powell Russell Powell Glen Price Larry Pr ict' Kri1>t ne Pnllnn Don !lain~

Craig Hasmussen Conway Richards Cnry Hasmussen Mury Ell n Ri hard~> Shannon Rasmussen Kent Rihard Darlecn Rigler Randy Rawson C orgiu Ray Hosemary Higl •r Gloria Hay Hyun Hish


(,{J(t LUl<l>


RICHAI\0 (W<{;£.Rfi(LO



JIM ;uT50N










R\fSS 1-U)G[NS



kO !< t:,A.?(:,E.N1

Paul Roden I,ark Rogers Melvin Rogers Phil Homero David Rosenkrantz David Hoth

Mmgo Rowsell John Runia David Sanders Gale Schmidt LaDonna Schow Ernie Scott

Mary Scott Ward Scroggin Ted Searcy Cy Sherwood judy homaker

Sharla Shoemaker Leon L. Shurtleff Dale Silcox orman Silcox Linda Simonson

Barry Smith Linda Smith Dean Soper Dale Smith Robert Smith Todd Soper Dennis C. Smith Terry Smith Paul Sovelius Janel! Smith Karen Lee Soderberg Handy Steadman Kent Smith Deanna Somsen Shauna Steadman



Janet Strasburg Joe Sturdy Donna Sudbury Bonnie Subdon Shelley Sund Wilson Svedin

Sharon Sween •y Cary Taft Danny Tate Kay Taylor Linda Tennant Marilyn Therrian

James Thompson Nancy Tipjwtts Marilr Thompson janws To ley ancy Lee Thompson Cary Tolman Charlotte Thom~on Janel TuckPr Hobyn Timonry David T1111hridgl' Byron Timothy Vontn•ss Turu ·r

Frrddy V<"ltrip )),111ny V1•st Eddie Vigil Gloria Vigil Gary Vincent Lc •Ann Vinct•nt

Cordon Visser Nedru Voeltz Cn•g Walkcnhcmt LccWnll Ilal Wallace Dill Walii-'Ten

Handy Ward Lynn Washburn David \Vnlh<'n Rog<•r \Vatson Randy Webb Steph •n W ·bster


Karen W esl Craig Wintl ' Ron Y •ngich


'66 Special Events


to the

~ 1UDENrl'oPY

Though our memories fade, we can relive the joys, heartbreak, and tragedy of our school as we look tlu-ough this book. We will recall the excitement and school spirit that swept over the studentbody during the basketball tournament, the dances, the parties, and the actual hard studying that we did. The successful year we have had could not have been possible without the unified effort of the studentbody. We arc very proud of our achievements because we know that we do our best when we work together. Congratulations to you, the students, for making Jorclan a school once again at the top for '66 Out Year.


Look to this day! For it is life, the very life of life. In its brief course Lie all the verities and realities of your existence:

The bliss of growth , The glory of action , The splendor of achievement, For yesterday is but a dream , And tomorrow is only a vision, But today well-lived makes every yesterday a dream of happiness And tomorrow a vision of hope. Look well , therefore, to this day! Such is thP salutation to the dawn . by Kalidasa


Thank You . .. It has taken many hours of research and planning to put together for you, a yearbook that records a year of activities. As editor, I must thank so many people that I don't know where to start. Most of the credit must go to my staff for their enthusiasm, and willingness to help. The job would never have been done without the support of our administration and faculty. A vote of thanks goes to Mr. Brown, Mr. Boberg and Mr. Berrett, for their assistance. A very special thanks goes to Mr. Teran and Mr. Nelson who have not only advised us, but who have been two of the best friends a yearbook staff could ask for. We hope that through our efforts you will have not only a future of new horizons, but a memory of just a small part of your life here at Jordan. For sophomores its just beginning; Juniors, your just in the middle of it; and for Seniors, they've finished here but have much more ahead of them. With another year behind us and many more ahead, we close another year.


Jordan Ht9h School Hymn

Where the mountains tower over field and Hower On a hill-top bower 'neath an azure sky, There where youth have sought her, Fame and glory brought her, Stands our Alma Mater, Hail to Jordan High! We, her sons and daughters all proud to bear her noble name on Verdant field, its hallowed hall, Her worthiness proclaim Gladly shall we heed her call and fight to bring her fam I Be her battles glory known in song and story Honor and the glory all for Jordan High! For our school days golden, Learning new and old n We shall stand beholden till the day we die. For her banner o'ver us Her ideals before us Let us swell the chorus hail to Jordan High I Soon shall come that sad day when he must bid a fond farcw ll May e'er be found worth then of this tale to tell That all thro life good Jordan men ke p striving to excelll Mem'ries brightly burning fill our hearts withy arning E'er to be returning to our Jordan High!


INDEX ADMINISTRATION Sanderson, G. Reed ................ 5 Grump, Sherman M. .. ............5 Kunzler, H. Grant .................. 6 Steele, Richard T ............. 6, 24 Fitzgerald, Mary B ................. 6 Bagley, Frank M ..................... 6 Berrett, Melvin .................. 6, 19 Black, Darvill Kim ..................7 Boberg, Lowell J . ..............7, 19 Bradford, James Lynn ............7 Brown, blaine .................. 7, 19 Byrne, David ..............7, 32, 64, 72,75 Gall, Robert ............................7 Clark, Donald ........................ 7 Crawford, John ........................ 7 Erickson, David .......... 7, 32, 70, 76, 77 Fisher, Gerald D . ....................7 Fraser, Golda .......................... 8 Gunnell, Farrell ...................... 8 Harris, Calvin C ..................... 8 Henderson, Betty .................... 8 Hauck, Laura .......................... 8 Kennington, Emerson ........ 8, 36 King, Hoger ............................ 8 Leavitt, Laura ........................ 8 Lewis, Linda ...................... 8, 52 Linford, Howard .................... 8 McAllister, Richard .... ...... 8, 20 McClery, Jerry .......... 9, 32, 64, 67, 79 Milne, Donald .................... 9, 31 Nelson, Arval .................... 9, 19 Olsen, Donald ......................... 9 Pace, Ralph ........................... 9 Pond, Jay .................................. 9 Russon, Arlancl ........................ 9 Sacos, Glenn E . .... 9, 48, 50, 51 Sagers, Phyllis .......................... 9 Sanchez, Robert ........ 9, 32, 67, 76,77 Seal, James ............................ 10 Seaman, Helen ...................... 10 Shail, Rctha Ann ........... 10, 36 Swenson, C. LaMar ........ 10, 24 Teran, Robert .................. 10, 18 Terry, Linda ......................... 10 Tranter, Gertrude .................. 10 Wade, Kathryn ...................... 10 Wade, Wanda ...................... 10 Watt, Cyril! David ........ 10, 29 Wilson, Lila .................. 11 , 35 Zabriskie1 Grant R. .. ...... 11, 34 Ainsworth, Thelma .............. ll Beckstead, Delos ................... 11 Bodell, Mari'oric .................... 11 Brown, Eve yn ...................... 11 Wagstaff, Lena .................... 11 SENIORS Albrechtsen, Mary Lee ........ 28, 33,83 Alldredge, Peggy ...... 28, 79, 83 Allen, Dennis ......... .. ......... 83 Allen, Mary ...................... 28, 83 Allred, Janis ....... .46, 52, 53, 83 Andersen, Kayla ........... 35, 83 Anderson, Rick ....... 28, 29, 55 Anderson, Tommy ......... 29, 83 Andrus, Beverly ............ 28, 83 Ashby, Linda ..................... 83 Atkinson, Mary .............. 28, 83 Bailey, Mark ......... .48, 52, 53, 54, 83 Baird, Paul ....... ............... 83 Bartlett, Peggy .. 28, 33, 58, 83 Barton, Joan . .. ...... 28, 36, 83 Beck, Terry ................. . .. 83 Bennion, Suzann ' ..... ..... .. 83 Benson, D ec .... 23, 24, 37, 83 Benson, Lee .. .. ..... 15, 37, 83 Berrett, Douglas .. 29, 53, 83 28, 50, 79, 83 Berrett, Kim .. Berry Doug . .21, 32, 61, ' 63, 79,83


Best, Phyllis ....................35, 83 Bigg, Neal ...................... 51, 83 Bingham, Mike ................ ...... 83 Birch, Kenny ........ 23, 30, 48, 83 Bishop, Barbara ....................83 Bishop, Robyn ................ 28, 35 Bishop, Calvin ...................... 83 Bishop, David .......... 32, 52, 53, 72,73,84 Brady, Mnrgie .... 13, 15, 28, 49, 50,79,84 Brown, Craig 28, 32, 34, 79,84 Brown, Gregory .................... 84 Brown, Phil ........................... 84 Burgon1 Robin ............... 53, 84 Burbank, Deunis .................... 35 Burgon, Sharon ...................... 84 Burton, Barbara ................... 20 Bush, Terry .......... 32, 63, 75, 84 Butler, Larry ........................ 84 Carlisle, David ................ 30, 84 Carter, Michael ................ 30, 84 Cary, Susan ............................ 84 Clayton, Claudia ........ 28, 55, 84 Clegg, Larue .... . ... 28, 35, 84 Caldwell, Linda ............35, 84 Clegg, Roger ...................... 84 Cole, Dave ................... 32, 84 Cook, Koralynn .............. 35, 84 Cook, William ... 21, 29, 35, 84 Cornia, Max .....24, 28, 48, 84 Covert, Hyrum .. ....... .. ..... 84 Cowd ll, Scott 62 Cox, Kathy .. .... ...............84 Cox, Wayne .................... 55, 84 Coyne, Bill .... .. ... . ....... 50, 84 Crandall, Brct ............. 32, 84 Crebs, Ben .. ..24, 32, 61, 63, 72,73,84 Curtis, Kathryn .. ... .. 84 Dangerfield, Richard .. .55, 61, 77,84 Dansie, Deon .28, 84 Davenp01t, Steven .. .14, 24, 28, 32,61,63,84 Day, Craig ....... 32, 55, 61, 84 Day, Keith .. ..... .. .. . .34, 84 Day, Paul ...... 24, 28, 32, 51, (Jl, 67,75 .. 32, 61, 63, Deason, Jerry 77,84 Delqutlllro, David ... 24, 32, 50, 54,55,79,84 Denison, William .. ..... .84 Despain, Nancy . .. ... 84 Doyle, Larry ... .85 Durnas, Pauline .. ...... .35, 85 Dunn, Dennis .85 Durnmt, Alice .28, 85 Durrant, Linda .36, 85 Eberl, Janice .28, 33, 85 Elison, Kcnn"lh .. .85 E!(gl •ston, Shurlecn .. .31, 33, 35,85 Ellis, Kirk ... 20. 85 Emt•rson, Bill 35 Emerson, Penny .33, 3.5, 53, 85 Enniss, Tirn .32, 68, 75, 85 Erickson, Joe .. .85 Erickson, Stt·vc 14, 3.5, 01, (!3, 75, 8.5 .85 Fairbourn, Dt>anna 3fl, 54, 85 Fnirbourn, Melvin Ferguson, William .8.5 24, 30, .'31, Ferrara, John 37,54,8.5 24, 28, 32, Fitt.gcrald, Kim 67,8.5 .2fJ, 30, Fit7g<·rald, Owen 53,77, 85 Filzgt•rnld, Wayne 85 .85 Flon•s, Angie 8.5 Ford, Dianne Ford , Dougla s .ll5 8.5 Fn• ·~to ne , Daft• 28,85 Garg, Tho1nus Otto Cam<', 1t•lvin 85 32,76,77 Gregory, jay 28,85 Cillt•n, Kart·n 28,:33,86 Cret·n, Coll<•t•n .. /l(j Cn·en, Linda Criggs, Sandy .33, 35,86 A .........

Hansen , Craig ........................ 68 llanscn, Janel ...... 34, 55, 82, 86 llanst n, Peter ...................... 86 Ilanscn, Sandra .............. 18, 86 llardca;tle, Kent .............. 37, 86 llarris, J ana ........ 13, 15, 35, 48, 50,54,86 Harrison, Marjean .. . .. ......... 86 Hayden, Kathy ...............35, 86 lla){s, Kathy ..... 14, 22, 33, 48, 50,52,53,54,86 Herman, Marsha ...... .. ....... 86 llcugly, John ...................... 86 Hoglund , Scott ............... 14, 86 Hooser, Dayton ...................86 Hudgens, Steve ........ 21, 32, 86 lluglws, Deanne .. . ... .. .33, 86 llulsc, Kathleen ................. 86 llurdsman , Rodney .. ..... ..86 II an sen, Craig .. .. . ... .... . .. 86 I !uslon, Dennis .......... .86 llyatt, Mary Ann ... 18, 28, 79, 82,86 llydt·, Bart .. ............ 86 lhlcr, Collin .................. 14, 86 Jarman, Garth ..... 28, 86 .... 68, 86 Jenkins, ,len Jensen , Dana .. 28, 30, 49, 50, 55,86 .. 28, 30, 48, JenM•n, Scott 51,86 Jensrn , Steve .15, 23, 24, 30, 31,32,48,52,53,54,63,77,86 johmton, Billy . .. .86 ... 86 Johnson, Charlotte .)01ws, LaVar .28, 77 Jones, Pam ·Ia ... 54, 55, 86 jones, Vir!linia .. 13, 15, 46, 48,86 35,86 Joos, C ne ..... 86 Jordan , Larry . . 14, 33, 52, K ·ller, Zoe Ann 53, 86 Kemp, Blaint' ... 87 K<·mp, Wayn ' .87 Kl'mplon, Crt'!( 79, 87 Kesll'r, Hon .29, 49, 87 Kirkpatrick, Paul 30, 50, 77, 87 . 62, 63 Knutson , Jim Koneural , J at·qut•s .. 55, 87 28, 30, 31, 49, Lake, jolt•nt• 50,52,53,87 36,87 Lun<·asl<'r, Gary 77,87 Larson , F ·rron .32, 55, 72, Latimer, Alan 73,1l7 Law, Judi!.' 28, 33, 87 Lt•ak, Tina 30, 31, 48, 87 .35, 87 l.eaVl'rton, Chrislim• L< •t•, Tinwthy .87 Le l'evrl' , Hit hard 30, 87 Levim·, Hlwa .. .87 Lloyd, Clair 29, 79, 87 .30, 49, 87 Lloyd , Shauna .87 Logan , Frank Lovendnhl , Lonnk 87 .87 l.ukich , l\1it'ha ·I Lund, CPnt· 14 , 15, 2·1, 32, 47, 51,00,63, 67, 75,82,87 Lundl)('rl'(, Hichard 28, 35, 50,53,87 Lybln·rt, Hila .28, 87 Lynt'h, Kar<'n 21!, -19, 52, 53, 87 Mahl!'r, Jamt•s .32, 67, 87 l\tahtrom, Frank .87 Mano, Ditk 28, 31, 72, 73, 88 l\Lrrriolt, Bn·nl 2·1, 28, 32, 5-l, f17, 77,88 Marslml , Jerry 50, 61, 03, 76, 77, 88 88 l\larlnwz, T!'!ly 88 M.tson, Paul . 1•1, 28, MatMtnl!lri, Shirley 49,50, 88 88 Maynes, Hohyn .31, 88 McGuirt·, Holwrt 28,88 Ml't·ks, Patrki.t .2/l, 88 l\1i< kr·h<·n. .ht is 88 Mid<lt·lstndt, C:euq.(t• 28,31,88 Millt·r, lkcky 30,75,/lB Mill!'r, flr!'lll 88 Mollt·r, Larry 20,62,63,73,88 Mo", Jnn

Mumford, Sheri .............. 28, 88 Mumford, Yare! .............. 35, 88 Myrick, Jimmie .................... 88 Nabahe, Paul ............ 24, 28, 88 Naillon, Sandra ................ 14, 88 Nelson, Lee Ann ............ 36, 88 Nelson, Linda Lee ................ 88 Newton, jay ........ 31, 35, 55, 88 Nielsen, Dale ..... .48, 50, 53, 88 Nokes, La Mar ................36, 88 Oakcson, John ...................... 88 Oborn, JoAnne ...................... 88 Olcen, Alan ......................... 88 Oliver, Danny ...................... 88 Olsen, Gwen ................... 35, 88 Orgi!J, Sherwin ........... ... 55, 88 0 tier, Lynn ..........................88 Oviatt, Jinl ........................... 88 Panek, Bonnie .......... 35, 37, 88 Panek, Linda ..................37, 88 Paramore, Linda ...... 33, 35, 89 Pcdt•rscn, Cary .................... 89 Perry, Leon .... .... .. ...... 36, 89 Peters, Sally .... ........31, 89 Pclt'rson, Jim ... ... .. ............ 89 Pet •rson, K ris ......... 25, 53, 89 Pell'rson, Warren . . . ... .. .89 l'otwlmaycr, Dian ... .. ...... .89 .. .. .28, 89 Porter, 1oann Pottt'J', Carol 15, 18, 28, 79, 89 Powell, D el R<•na .. 28, 33, 89 Hamey, Slcv<'n .. 49, 89 Rasmussen, Jeff ...... 24, 32, 60, 67,89 .. .89 Husnrussen, Sharon ... 77,89 Ray, Donald .35, 89 Ray, Taynia 33,89 Het•d, Melody ..... 89 Hkhnrds, Dinnn 28,89 11khards, Phillip 28, 33, 49, Richards, Rost•lyn 50,80 Ri!-(ler, John ... 89 Honch, Carol .. ... .. .. .. 89 Ross, Bill .89 Hmld, Num·y 33, 80 Snllllrrs, Paulette 14, 46, 48, 89 Sehow, Ivan Bruce .. .. ... 89 Schow, Dale . .. .. 77 Sctt!'rlwrg, Allan .35, 54, 89 Shaddkk, Frl'd .90 Shot•makt•r, Handy .12, 15, 24, 28,54,90 .90 Short, T!'rry 53,00 Simonsnn, Catlwrint' .35, 90 Simonich, Dorothy .35, f)() Smith, lit'kn 90 Smith, Joyce 90 Smith, Judy .35, 90 Smith, Lnun·l .36, 90 Smith, Lawrnl 90 Snnlh, Pnulint• 30,49,90 Snow, Dana 90 Sorensl'n, Nancy .35, 00 Sparks, Allt•n 35,90 Sprny, Kathy .. 90 Stnlfluml, Vukrit· 76,77,90 Stuuffl'r, !elvin 24·, 90 Slt•adnwn, All<•n Steadman, Bruet• 30,36,55,90 f)() Stt•fnnon, Pat St 'V('JlS, l't·ggy 14, 15, 22, 4H, 50, 5•1, 55, Stokt•s, Hkhard HO Sudhmy, arl .30, 36, 55, 90 Taft, Knrl fJO Tannt•r, Vit•kit• 90 35, 90 Taylor, 1\.nn•n 90 Taylor, Toni 35,00 T<'nllant, 1nry Ann To ·ran , Dou!-( 32, 61, 63, 72, 73,77,90 Thompson, Bob 90 90 Thompson, K,·ndall .32, 79, 90 Trupllo, Larry 90 Tufts, Karl Turnl'r, Cttrla 14, 20, 28. 49, 90 Turnl'r, Katharine 28, 33, HO Tunl('r, Linda 90 2H, 91 Tutti<•, )mm·s Vnwdrl'y, lloh 28,91 Vt•ntt·r, Crorgia .... .J 8, fJl Vigil, Shirll'y ....... 33


Visser, Lyn<.>a ........ ............ .... 91 W all , Hoy ....... ................... 91 Wallace, Todd ................... 91 Ward, Greg ......................... 91 Watkins, Dale .... 24, 29, 30, 36, 50, 72, 73,91 Wntson, Hou ....... .................. 91 Watterson, Joy ........ 31, 35,91 Walls, Kayltne .............. 35, 91 W cawr, Ruth ........................ 91 Webb, Steve ...... 24, 32, 55, 60, 63,67, 75,91 Webber, Terry .................. 91 vV<'i>lenskow, Don ............... 91 Whctman , Vicke .. 14, 28, 35, 47,54,91 Wil•clwrl Alice . . ... ........ 91 Wiens llrl'nl ................. 91 Willin:ns, Clwr)d ........ 35, 91 Williams, fant•t• .. 14, 35, 91 Wi ll iams , Johnnie .............. 91 Wi lliam s, Nola ............... 31, 91 Wi lliams, Scott ................ 37, 91 Wilson , Kent 24, 29, 35, 54, 91 Wintk, Linda ........ 14,9 1 Woodbury, Cnrla .. .48, 50, 55, 79,91 Wooton, David .......... 91 Worthc•n, Stun .32, 61, 63, 72, 73,92 54,92 Wright, All en ..................92 Wright, Craig ... 92 Wright, Knnnn 28 Wright, Kuthy .. Yc•ng icil, Marie• .. 33,92 14 , 18, 53, 54, Young, Vickit· 58,92

JU lORS Adnms, j ohn . .94 Adams, Mike• 48, 50, 52, 53,94 Adams , I' au I . 94 .. 14, 28, Ainsworth , llr!'nl . 68,94 Ainsworth, C laudia 27, 94 27, 91 Ainsworth, Phy ll is Alwy, Hruc 94 .. .. 94 Andl'rson, Brent Andc•rson, Chrhlinc .27, 3 1,94 Andc•rscHt, Jirn . 94 Andprson, june 94 94 And!'rson , Todd ............ 94 Andr·c•ws, Ted Angus, Dc· nnis .. 94 Art·ltibn ld , Hobyn H4 A"k Vic~<' 2~~ Alkiu'sou , Barry .. 94 Atkin son, Vnuna 27, 94 lladovirHtlz, Diann 58, 94 Burlc·y, Ba rry .94 Bttc ll c•y, Cc•orgp 79 Bnkc•r, Phi l 25, 28, 32, 67, 91 Ba ll mnis, Kath lc•Pn . .H4 Bu ll ard, Diuna .. 28, 30, 49, 5 1,94 Bu ll ard , Don .. .94 Barton, llurlc•nc• J 8, 30, 94 llP II , Bnrhant 20, 28, 94 llc•rl{t'lll 'r, Shnrou .27, 94 llirC'Iwll , llonnil' 94 Bishop, Alvin 29, 34, 94 Bishop, Cuylc•u 77, 94 Blnt·kwc• ll , LJc••ntnn .94 llodc•ll , Kim ..... 94 .. f)4 lloldis, Mark Bonham , Craig .. 34, 77, 94 lluwlc·r, CIH'hlirtl' 94 Bradbury, Sm:111 27, 91 Bradford , Stt•vc•rt . .95 Brown, Sl<'vt•n 23, 25, 32, 48, 69,79,95 Hrittdlt•y, Bt•tt t· · .. 95 llttrf:(on, llrut't' 95 Burke•, Timothy 95 llutlt•r, l .c·onnrd 95 Caldwell, Lee .. 95 Carlt't", Arnwllt• .30, 49, 51, 95 Cary, Anna Ll'!' "6 "7 95 Chast•, Stt•vt> Childs, Lilia 25,27 ... 37,95 Colton, Shc•rric•

- ·- '95

Cordova, Oliver ....................95 Cro'obton, Tom .............. 34, 95 Crosgrove, Jill ......... 27, 28, 95 Cutler, Tcreann ........ 27, 31, 95 Dahl, Stephen .... 60, 67, 75, 95 Dana, Candice ................ 28, 95 Davies, Judi ..........................95 Davis, Mardinc ........ 27, 31, 95 Davis, Wayne ........................95 Davenport, Theresa ............. 95 D ean, Mark .......................... 95 Deason, Susan ............... .49, 95 D ensley, Alison .............. 58, 95 D espain, Court .... 30, 37, 49, 95 D evin e, Blaine ............... 55, 95 D e Visser, Christine .. 20, 31, 34, 47,95 Dt•wegcl, Dorothy ................96 Darius, Stanley .................... 96 Dow land, Dt'nnis .............96 Doy lc, Shc>la ......................... 96 DuMond, Pat 26, 27, 31, 48, 96 Dunn, Richard .. 14, 30, 37, 96 Durrant, Ben .......................96 Dyen, Mike ........... 96 .. ... 27, 96 Ebert, Huth .. .... ~gglcslon, S~ndra ............... 96 Eldrt•dgt•, .M 1ke ................ 96 Elswood , Diane ............ 31, 96 Emerson, Pal .... ...... .. ...... 96 Evans, Carolee ........ 27, 31,96 Evans, Elvis Craig . .. .. 28, 96 ! ~vans, Robyn . .. . ... 28, 96 Fnl'kre ll , Jay ...................... 96 flairbourn , Nancy . .. 26, 27, 31,96 flt'rgu son, Marilyn ........... 96 Flitton, Loretta . . ........... 96 Gardm•r, yal 32, 62, 63, 77, 96 CarfiP id, Jay .. 29, 75, 96 Cates, Linda .. .... .. ..... 37, 96 Glassey, Christine ... 28, 30, 96 Conzall's, Ircn ............37, 96 Coodman<C'n, Grant .. ... .. .. 96 Cough, Mari lyn ... .. .... 96 Ct·t·c nwood , Colleen 20, 49, 96 Greenwood, Nancy .. 28, 47, 96 Greenwood, Robe rt ............. 96 Cn·c•nwood, Steve .. 15, 24, 96 Gregory, Kay .. 62, 63, 96 Croce, Ernl'sl John . ..... ...96 Cruhh, Michael 28, 34, 48 Gunnrll, Craig 48, 49, 51 ,96 ll nakc, Kathy ......... 36, 96 I ladlt•y, Loui se .... 27, 28, 97 l l!tf:(ell , Karen .. 28, 97 ITn lc, Bnrbaru . .. ..... 97 .97 ll nll, Hic hard l! alladay, David ... 97 I lnrcknstlt•, Tom .. 34, 37,97 I Iardman , Sm1c.lra .. . .. ...... 97 ll urper, Kathy . . ..... 28, 97 llarris, Hicki ................ 34, 97 I Iarris, Tom .. 97 !Inrl, alvin . ...97 I Iayd en, Kent ... .... . .... 97 I lt•tuic , Kerry ......... 28, 30, 97 IIC'sc llin c, Bmc ......... 29, 97 I fiatt , Larry ................ 97 l l(lton , Allen ...... 30, 37,97 I !ill<m, David .. . .. . .97 .......... 25, 97 I Iirc·hi , Steve I !olfntann, W olfgang 62, 75, 97 Jl oOl('ins, Kerry .... .. ........ 97 l lomer, Kc·nt .... 25, 32, 62, 63, 69,77,97 I Iooscr, ancy .27, 28, 97 lloward , Mary Ann 28, 31, 49, 50,97 II udgc·ns, Huss . 32, 62, 63, 77,97 ln!);t• r.~o ll , Mitchell ....... 32, 76, 77, 97 Ishm ar l, Teri ...................97 Jackson, Lynd a .......... .30, 97 Jardine, L •slic .. .. .. ..... 97 .knkins, Doug .. 63, 98 14, 27, 28, John son, Darl a 31,98 Jnhnson, D t'an .32, 62, 63, 72, 73,98 johnson, Ccnicl .............. 27, 98

Johnson, Janet ............... .49, 98 Johnson, Lorraine ................ 98 Johnson, Ralph .... 34, 62, 75, 98 Johnson, Reid ........................ 98 Jolley, I. Hichard .................. 98 Jones, Chris .............. 27, 28, 98 ]ones, Joseph .................. 34, 98 Jon es, Mary Ann ............ 37, 98 Jones, Sharon .................. 31, 98 ]oos, Evelyn ...... 27, 28, 31, 48, 51,98 Kartchn er, Susan ............ 31, 98 Kemp, D eEtta .... 31 , 48, 51, 98 Kemp, Shanna ................ 28, 98 Kidd , Paulene ................ 28, 98 Kirk, Lynn 'H . 28, 30, 48, 51 , 98 Kirkpatrick, Mark .................. 98 Konold, Douglas ............ 77, 98 Kosovich, Kathie ...... 27, 30, 98 Kunz, Becky .......................... 98 Kunz, Paula ........ 30, 31, 49, 98 Lang, June ...................... 27, 98 La rson, Janice ...................... 98 Larson, Joyce ...... 14, 27, 28, 98 Lasater, Hobert .............. 28, 98 Lewis, Dixie .. 30, 31, 48, 50, 98 Lloyd, Carolyn ................ 14, 98 Lloyd , Kristi ..........................98 Lopez, Stella ........................98 Lybbert, Marilyn .... 26, 27, 48, 50,53,98 Maestas, Sh irl ey .................... 98 Mair, Vickie .......................... 98 Marriott, Susan ........ 30, 58, 99 Marttila, Kathryn Rose .. 20, 99 Mathis, Kathy ........................99 Matsumori , Diane .... 22, 27, 28, 31, 48, 53, 99 Maupin , Bobbie ....................99 McDowell, Marsha .. 14, 18, 99 r-IcK night, Da le .............. 29, 99 Me e il, Michael .................. 99 McQuad e, Kathy ............ 27, 99 Mitche ll , Barbara .................. 99 Mitchell, Jordan .. 32, 50, 53, 99 Moller, Lorraine ........ 14, 27, 99 Moore, Bruce ........................99 Morlensen, Gene .................. 99 ay, Fern .............................. 99 ecaise, Jolyne ...................... 99 Nelson, Curtis ........................ 99 Nelson, Sandy ........................99 Newbold, Claudia .......... 27, 28, 31, 99 Nosack, Robert ...................... 99 Nowotny, David .................... 99 Olafsson, Harald ...... 15, 25, 32, 62, 63, 68,69, 75, 99 Olsen, Cary .............. 25, 28, 99 Orgill, Jack ............................ 99 Page', Wayne ........................99 Paget, Betty Lou .... 20, 27, 28, 31,99 Park, Lynn ...... .......... 28, 31, 99 Parke r, Larry ..... .48, 77, 73, 99 Parks, Colleen ...................... 100 Patterson, Ranee .......... 30, 100 Peek, Judy .......................... 100 Pe lch, Kent ........ 32, 62, 63, 72, 73, 100 Penrod, Lorae .. 26, 27, 31, 100 Penrod, Loraine ...... 27, 31, 100 Petersen , Christie .... 14, 27, 30, 49, 50, 100 ancy ...... 22, 26, 27, Petersen, 28, 31,100 Peterson, Neil ......... 25, 52, 100 Peterson, Ron .......... 25, 77, 100 Pierson, Jam es C ................. 100 Price, Donna ........................ 100 Price, Eddie ........................ 100 Rnddley, George ................ 100 Rappl cyc, Brent .................. 100 Rasmussen, Joyanne ...... 26, 27, 31,49,53,100 Reid, Kordia .......................... 20 Reid , Michael .............. 28, 100 Richards, Mike ........34, 77, 100 Richin s, r-lclvin ........... 52, 100 Riggs, Victor .... 62, 63, 77, 100 Hockhill , Bill ........ 62, 63, 100 Honquillo, Danny ................ 100

Rossberg, Kenneth .............. 100 Rozema, Dick ...................... 100 Rozema, Doris .................... 100 Runia, Robert ...................... 100 RunoUson, Nan 14, 30, 31, 100 Ryan, Dixie .................. 14, 100 Sadler, Diane ................ 28, 100 Samuelson, David .... 25, 32, 63, 69,75,100 Sanchez, F ernie .................. 100 Sargent, Ronald 32, 62, 63, 100 Savage, Earl ........................ 100 Savage, Shear! .................... 100 Seamans, Jeri ................ 30, 100 Sielhorst, Arnold ..........35, 100 Sielhorst, Dale .............. 34, 101 Simpson, David .................. 101 Slater, Linda ........................ 101 Smith, Brian .................. 29, 101 Smith, Craig C. 50, 52, 53, 101 Smith, }ilene ........................ 101 Smith, Kenneth ...... 28, 34, 101 Smith, Lauritz .................... 101 Snow, Carla .................. 30, 101 Soper, Ryan ........................ 101 Sorensen, D ec ..............30, 101 South, George ..............77, 101 Stapley, Sherri .................... 101 Steadman, Brian ............ 28, 101 Steadman, LaVon ................ 101 Stevenson, Jea nnie .............. 101 Stirling, Marilyn .................. 101 ton e, Lonnie ...................... 101 Sturdy, Lenore ........ 20, 28, 101 Swenson, Michael .. 30, 36, 101 Taft, Cary ............................ 101 Thomas, Barry .. 32, 76, 77, 101 Thomas, Charles ............ 18, 101 Thomson, Mike .................. 101 Tielman, Barbara ................ 101 Tolman, Glenda ............49, 101 Troyer, Lonnie ........ 62, 63, 101 Tsuya, Toy .............. 14, 28, 101 Tufts, Lois .............. 14, 30, 102 Turner, Lynette .................. 102 Turn er, Marilyn .................. 102 Tuttle, Loma ................ 37, 102 Utley, Karen ............ 28, 31, 102 Valdez, Vickie .................... 102 Vawdrey, Ramona .............. 102 Veltri, Katl1y ................ 27, 102 Venneri, Shauna ............31, 102 Visser, Dan ........ 29, 72, 73, 102 Visser, Lynda .......... 14, 27, 102 Wall, Margo ...... 27, 28, 31, 102 Watson, Cathy .................... 102 Watts, Becky ...................... 102 Weaver, Doug ........ 25, 68, 102 Wedel, Jim .......................... 102 W eidenheimer, Delores 28, 102. W est, Cary ............. 28, 50, 102 W estenskow, Jenny ........ 14, 27, 30,49, 102 Williams, Cindy ................. 102 Williams, Hnleigh ................ 102 Wilson, Blayne .............. 18, 102 Winger, Sheri ................ 14, 102 Woodruff, Darrell ..49, 77, 102 Wright, Layne .............. 29, 102 Wright, Lowell ...... 29, 79, 102 Young, Cless ................. 25, 102

SOPHOMORES Adair, Kathleen ...........30, 104 Adams, Diana ...................... 104 Adams, Leanna .................. 104 Albrechtsen, Cody ........ 34, 104 Allen, Charlotte .................. 104 Allen, Roger ........................ 104 Alvey, Bruce ...................... 104 Ames, Ro eAnn .................. 104 Anderson, Judy .................... 104 Anderson, eil .............. 14, 104 Anderson, Orin .......34, 64, 104 Andrus, Jani .................. 49, 104 Arko, Louie ........................ 104 Atkinson, Brent ............34, 104 Atkinson, Karen ......30, 34, 104 Atkinson, RaeDene .............. 104 Baarz, Vernon .............. 64, 104 Baker, Allan .................. 29, 104


Baker, Sherie ................ 30, 104 Ballard, Linda ... ...........29, 104 Balone, Terese .............. 29, 104 Barney, Ed ........... ............... 104 Bass, Mary .......................... 104 Baxter, Terry ................29, 104 Beck, Kenneth ......... .....77, 104 Bell, Colleen ..................30, 104 Bennett, Carl ................ 72, 104 Bennett, Carla ....................104 Bergstrom, Donna .............. 104 Berrett, Ann ........................ 104 Best, Lucille ..................15, 104 Bills, Clare ........ 30, 49, 50, 104 Bishop, Harland .................. 104 Bishop, Kathy ....... ...............104 Bishop, Jeff .................... 34, 104 Black, Annette .................... 104 Bogenrief, Dwight .............. 104 Bonham, Laurie .................. 104 Bohm, Bruce ......................104 Bolton, Adele ...................... 104 Bowler, David ..............37, 104 Bowman, Collin .................. 105 Bray, Leslee ........................105 Brown, Bruce ....64, 70, 75, 105 Brown, Claudia .................. 105 Brown, Donna ........ 29, 34, 105 Brown, Lorene .................... 105 Brown, Paul ............ 64, 77, 105 Brown, Ronnalynn ........ 30, 105 Burbidge, Shauna ........ 37, 105 Burgon, Vicki ........ .............. 105 Burningham, Cary ........ 77, 105 Burton, Mike ...................... 105 Caldwe ll, Mike ....................105 Caldwell, Russ .................... 105 Cardova, Angie .................. 105 Cardova, Susan .... .............. 105 Carlisle, Scott ......................105 Carlisle, Terry ................... .105 Carpenter, Richard 29, 31 , 105 Carpenter, Tim .................. 105 Carroll, Dennis ........ 25, 29, 70, 77, 105 Carson, Gloria ............. ...... 105 Carter, Jack ............ .... 30, 105 Cherry, Jay ..........................105 Childs, Dan ........................105 Clement, Ley ...................... 105 Coleb Robert ................. 64, 105 Col e y, Stanley ................. .105 Comstock, Danny .............. 105 Cook, Ann ........ 14, 22, 30, 105 Cox, Carolyn ......................105 Cox, Dale ............................ 105 Craig, Sherry ................ 30, 105 Crebs, Doug ..... 64, 69, 70, 105 Creedon, Mary ................... 105 Crosby, Rosemary .............. 105 Cutler, Cathy ...................... 105 Dahl, Warren ..................... 106 Dahle Howard ..... ........... .. 106 Dang~rfield, Keith .............. 106 Dansie Ralph ...................... 106 DaRon~he, Ronald .............. 106 Davenport, Richard ............ 106 Davis, Jimmy .......... 70, 77, 106 Day, Darlene ...................... 106 Day, Mike II. .. 30, 64, 69, 70, 75,106 Day, Mike R. ...................... 106 Deal, Dennie .... 64, 70, 77, 106 Derricott, Monte ................ 106 DcVisser, Janice .................. 106 Dewegeli, Dawna ............ 106 Dimond, Clark .............. ... 106 Dumas, Timothy ............... 106 Dyat Jolene ........ .............. 106 Ebarb, Delbert ......... ... .. 106 Edgemon, Howard .. 63, 77, 106 Elg, Kathy .......................... 106 Elmer, Keith ........................ 106 Emerson , Robinette ..... .14, 30, 31,49,106 Enniss, Ben .................... 14, 106 Enniss, Kevin ... 63, 64, 75, 106 Evans, Cherie ............ ....... 106 Evans, Joyce ..................... 106 Evans, June ........... ....... .... 106 Fairboum, Connie ... 14, 22, 30, 49, 106 Fairbourn, Jim 64, 106 Farnsworth, Carol ....... 36, 106


Ferrara, Bill .................. 64, 106 Fitzgerald, Debra .............. 106 Fitzgerald, Kayleen ..... .49, 106 Fitzgerald, Kent ............34, 106 F1tzguald, Roberta ............ 106 Flitton, Larry .................... ..106 Forman, David .................... 106 Frank, Reynold ............34, 106 Fullmer, Chri;tine ............ ..106 Cates, Linda ........................ 106 Clad, Ralph ............64, 77, 106 Coates, Sandra .................... 106 Colson, Ric .............. 34, 64, 107 Colberg, Paul ................ 34, 107 Grant, Mike ........................107 Greene, Charlotte .... 14, 49, 107 Greene, Letty .................... 107 Greenwood, George ...... 15, 107 Greenwood, Lee ...... 23, 25, 49, 51,54,107 Groves, Ray ........................ 107 Crow, Richard .................... 107 Gunderson, Rene ............... .107 Hadley, KaDon ................... 107 1Ia11, Karla ................. .49, 107 Hall, Reg ...................... 34, 107 Hall, Richard ...................... 107 Halladay, David .................. 107 !land, Christine ...... 30, 49, L07 Hansen, Dale . .................. 107 Hansen, Cary ........... 70, 107 I Jansen, regory .......... 34, J 07 llardcastlc, Archie ...... 37, 107 llardcastlc, Roseann 30, l07 Hardman, Connie .............. 107 Harper, Craig .... 62, 63, 64, 69, 70, 75, 107 llarp_er, R~y ..... .. .......... ...1 07 IIams, Chfton .. ...... .. ... 107 1 latch, Mikki ..... .... ....... 107 llaun, Jim .... ........ .... 64, 107 llawker, Deanna ........ 30, 107 J laws, Carol ....... 107 Jlcllstrom, Teddy ..... l07 II nke, Douglas .. ...... 107 llcugly, Curt . . ........... 107 ..... 50, 107 liill, Elaine JJ obush, Hick ..... 64, 107 lloft·ling, Jiln1ny ....... 37, 107 JToldaway, Deanna .. . . 107 L07 Hales, David ... .. .. Jlolst, Vickie ... ... . 108 Jiomcr, Paul 30, 64, 70, 108 llone, Michael . 108 .... 108 I lorst·n , Maybelle Ilube, Susan ... ... 108 Ipson, Hay . '..... 64, 108 Jacoh, LaDonna .30, 108 Jacobson, Linda .. 108 Jaynes, Brian . 108 ]efts, Alan . .. ......... 77, 108 Jenkins, Hobert .. .... ... ... 108 .fenk~ns , Ron .. 108 Jensen, David .... 108 Jensen, Janis ... .30, 108 Jessop, Russ . .. 29, 10B Johansen , Robyn .. .lOB Johnson, Bill .. ......... 108 Johnson, Danny .. . .. .10B Johnson, Sherrie ...... .. 10B Jones, Amy Rae .. . . .30, lOB Jon es, Joyce . .... .. ... lOB Joos, Dian· . ... .. 108 Joosten, Juanita . ...... .108 .Jordan, Shauna . lOB Kartchner, Cary . .. 108 Kensinger, Marcy .30, 31, 49, 52, 108 Kidd, Morris Lynn lOB Kido, Steve . 29, 10B Kobs, Barbara JOB Konold, Royctla .. JOB Korte, Stan .. .. J 08 Kreck, Karolyn .28, 29, 30, 108 Kunz, Eil •en .. .. l08 Kunz, Lyle ... .. .29, 31 , 108 Larsen , Cheri . 30, lOll 108 Larsen Darlene 108 Larsen: Jack Latimer, Sheri .. I 08 Lavery, Sh •ryl lOll Leyba, John .. 108 Lipsey, Cl n !OS Love, Tony 10B

Lovendahl, Roger ............... 109 Lucero, Carlos .. .................. 109 Lund, Diane ........................ 109 Lybbert, Don .... 50, 63, 64, 70, 77, 109 McAdam, Johnny ........ 64, 109 McLridcl t.rian ........ 64, 79, 109 McCand es, .Kathleen ............34 McKcnml, Steven ................ 109 Mace, Vernon .................... 109 Mahler, Dmdel . ............... 109 Manzanares, Lucile .......... 109 March, Marianne ... 31, 34, 109 Marohall, Carol ............... 109 Mathis, Carol .......... 31, 34, 109 Mntth •ws, Phil ....................109 Maughan, Douglas .. 29, 32, 62, 63,64,69,70,77, 109 Mecham , Shirley ................ 109 Middleton, C •raJd ........ 34, 109 Miller, Karen ...................... 109 Moffat , Gayland .............. 109 Montague, David ................ l09 Moore, Marlon ......... 64, 109 Moore, Ronald A . ..............109 Moore, Ronald ........ . ..... 109 Mori, Dennis ............ 29, 109 Morrill, Kathy ...... . .. ... 109 Mortensen, Mollie . .......... 109 ·-···· .109 Mos •s, George Moss, Dyann ................... 109 Mnlford, Bobbie .. ... ... 109 109 Mumford, Hem Murphy, Barbara 109 Ndl, Mona Lynn 109 109 Nt•ilst•n, Ken ... Nelson, Stl'ven .. 109 Newbold, Shaunn .30, 49, lOD Nt>ws, Scott .. .. 109 Nickle, JoLynn • ........ 30, 109 .... 21, 29, 110 Nit•lst•n, Hob Nokes, Larry .. 64, 1!0 Okubo, Handy 79, liO Oliwr, Byron 04, 75, llO Ob ·n, S!1irlt? .30, 49, 110 Obon, Chuc-k . 79, 110 llO Ortt·ga, Munllt•l Osbornt•, Handy 30, 110 J'ncl', ancy 30, 49, 110 l'alnwr, Cheryl llO l'alnwr, Michal'! 29, 110 Panek, ,]audia 1l0 l'at~ullort· , Andn·ah .. 1 LO Parkl't, Ilui .... ....... 1 10 l'arkt•r, Linda ..... ~ .. 110 L'utterson , Chuc·k .34, 77, llO I'C'art •, Stcvrn ............ 1I 0 P<'ncllC'lon, Kart•n .. I 10 ... fH , ll 0 l'd<•rst·n, Davit! Peterson , Linda . 14 , 30, 110 l'dtit, Sharon .. .. 110 1 .......... ... 75 1 hillips, David Pollick, Frunk 14, 110 Potlt·r, Bruct' 110 29, 110 Powc•ll, Rkky Pow<'ll, Hussell 110 77, llO Prict•, Glen Price, Larry ....... 110 Pullan, Krisl!'nt: .30, 31, 110 Hains, Don llO Hasmussen , Crail-( 30, 72, 73, 110 .. 110 Ha"nussen , Cary .30, Hasmusscn, Shm1non 53, 110 .. 29 Hnwson, Handy .. ..... .. I 10 Huy, Georgia . JlO Ray, (:Iorin llO Hichurrls, Conway . 110 Hkhards, Mary TWcn 34, 110 Ricord, Kent llO Hi~:lc• r, Darleen 110 Hi!(lt•r, Hos<·nHiry 70,110 Hhka , Hynn 29, 110 Hod ·n, Paul 30, IJO Hogt•rs, Lark Ho!(crs, M<•lvin 25, 53, 6-1, 111 111 Honll'ro, Phil 3·1, 111 Rost•nkrnntz, D;lvid 29, lll Hoth, David lll 1\ows(·ll, Margo 111 Huniu, John 70, 1.11 Sandns, David ll1 Schmidt, Calc

Schow, LaDonna ................ 111 Scott, Ernie ........................ 111 Scott, Mary ........................ 111 Scroggin, Ward .................. 111 Searcy, Ted ........................ 111 Sherwood, Cy .......... 64, 79, 111 Shomaker, Judy ................. 111 Sh cmaker, Sharla .............. 111 Shurtleff, Leon ....................111 Silcox, Dale .......... .............. 111 Silcox, Norman .................... 111 Simonson, Linda .................. 111 Smith, Barry ...................... 111 Smith, Dale ........................ 111 Smith, Dennis .................... 111 Smith, Jancll .................... 111 Smith, Kent ................. 23, 50, 64, 70, 77, 111 Smith, Linda .. ................. 111 Smith, Robert ............. 64, l 11 mith1 Terry .... ..................111 otlcrocrg, Karen Lee .. 30, 111 Soper, Dean ................ 29, 34, 70, 77, 111 Soper, Todd . .................111 Sov •!ius, Paul . .. .. 111 Stcndman, Randy .... 14, 25, 111 Stcndmnn, Shaunn ........... lll Strasburg, J:mcl ................ 112 Sturdy, joe ............... 77, 112 .. . ....... 112 Sudbury, Donna Subdon, Bonni<• .. ........... 112 Sund, Shelley . . .30, 49, 112 29, 112 Sv ·din, Wilson . w<·cm•y, Sharon ..... 112 . . ....... 112 Taft, Gary Tatt•, Danny ...... 112 Taylor, Kay ............... 112 Tt'llnant, Linda . . . .. .J 12 Tcrrian , r-tnrilyn ..... .112 Thompson , Jnmt·s .. 25, 53 6·1 , 112 Thompso11, tdarik·c ...... 112 112 Thompson , Nancy L •c Thomson, ,harlottc 11 2 Thnorwy, Hohyn 30, 50, 112 Ti1110nthy, Hyro11 112 Tipjwlls, Nancy 112 Toley, jaml's .. 112 Tolman, Gury .. II2 Tut·kl'r, )an!'l 30, 49, 112 Tunbl'idgt•, Dnvid 112 Turn!'r, Vonln•sc .. 11.2 Vcltrit·, Frt·ddy ..... 25, 64, 77, 1J2 .............. Jl2 Vt•st, Danny Vigil , Eddie . ..... 75, 112 Vigil , (.]oritl ..........• 112 ............ 112 Vi!(il , Cloria . 112 Vinc·t•nl, Cary ..••.•.. 1.12 Vim•t•nl, J ,c•t•J\nn ... 29, 112 Viss.-r, Cordon J 12 VoPltt., c•clm 25, Wnlkt·uhorsl, Crcg 31,112 64, 75, 112 Wull , Lre 112 Wallnet', llul ll2 Wnllgrl'n, Bill 112 Ward Handy 112 \Vnshburn , Lynn 112 Wnth •n, David 112 Watson, Rogt•t· 112 Webb, l'am1y 79, 112 Wl"b.,tcr·, Slt•plwn .30, 113 West, Gary 113 West, Knrt•n .. 14, Whctn111n, Valerie 30, 113 Wilkt•rson, Hodnt•y .. 113 Wilk<·s, Lannit' 34, 64, 113 Williams, J3 ·tty .. .. 14 , 113 Willituns, Hal •igh .113 Williams, Toni 49, ll3 Wintle, raig .. 113 Woodward , Lynn .. .. 1 13 Wortlll'n, Shouna .113 Wright, Cary 113 Wri~ht , Ruth 30, 113 Wright, Sharron 113 Ynzzic, llrlcn . 113 Yt•ngkh, Ron ..... .. 25, 64, 75,113 Young1 Shirley .... .. 113 ZizumDo, Marin ................ 113

.. .........v. ... ,. ... . ,, '..~.... _....,~

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