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Signs of spring are still with us but another year is over. Joy and sadness are present but the world goes on. The Seniors are graduating, the Juniors are looking forward to their last year, and the Sophomores have finally gotten accustomed to high school life. The Junior Prom and Senior Hop will never be the same. The Class of '68 will never be able to show up the Juniors and Sophomores again at the Jordan Olympics. Next year a different Officers' Council will show the student body various phases of school life in skits.



Jordan's first homecoming will be remembered by all those who stood in the rain and watched the parade and football game. The annual Christmas program and the singing Christmas tree will bring back memories of the activities one can take part in at Jordan High. We will also remember the movie of the students at Jordan which consisted of candid shots throughout the building. Especially we have learned from the classroom where the teachers helped us to gain the knowledge we sought so diligently and absorbed so slowly.


We strived, and we succeeded. It was a great year for some, for others it proved somewhat futile, but all will remember those things which each enjoyed most. Our memories are now the history books. We must remember. It will prove to be without effort, for these things are now a part of us .. . never to be forgotten.


Theme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 2 Page 8 Leadership . Students . . . . . Page 22 Athletics . . . . Page 60 Organizations . Page 88 Activities . . . . Page 108


Each job is a challenge, each giving an opportunity for individual development. The leaders chosen to guide us spent hours planning activities to help improve ourselves and then carried them through. Having the opportunity to lead gave each individual leader an insight to working with others.


Principal Vice Principal Administration Faculty Student Body President Officers Officer Council Student Council Office Secretaries Custodians Nurse


Principals come in all shapes and sizes. More important, they come with different personalities. We think we are privileged to have Mr. Parr to direct our school. Now that this year is over and we look back on its memories, we will think of Mr. Parr and remember all the many things he did for us and for our school. Being busy with the business part of the school, he displayed his great leadership abilities and was always understanding whenever problems arose. Mr. Don J. Parr Jordan High Principall968

See that man walking up there? The tall one. You could spot him a mile away! What will you remember him for? For his authority, honesty, and school spirit? Perhaps his "yes" and "no" answers! It could be you'll remember him setting you down for sluffing. Will it be because he's our Vice-Principal, or just because he's tall? Whatever your memories, they will undoubtedly be good because no one can overlook his friendliness and love for Jordan High and all her students. Mr. herman M. Crump Jordan High Vice-Principall968


Mr. Marlon Bateman

Mr. Clyde V. Buxton

Mr. Reed H. Beckstead

Mr. Bennarr Furse

Mr. Paul Mortensen

Dr. Carlos Asay

Mr. Kenneth Prince

Providing our schools in Jordan District with able leaders who must make decisions on many aspects of policy and procedure is the job of the Administration. A new building of beauty and convenience will certainly be a great aid to Mr. Beckstead, Superintendent, Dr. Asay, Assistant Superintendent and all others who help these men perform their duties. Mr. John VVheadon


Behind each desk could be found a unique and interesting personality which aided and assisted students in choosing their future goals. They met with students, cheered empty hearts, and gave assistance through quiet conversations to apply their knowledge in helping students discover themselves.

Mr. Grant H. Kunzler Director of Guidance, Senior Counselor

Mr. RichardT. tcele Junior oun elor

Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald Sophomore ounselor


Preparing and advancing in their vocational choice of business, the students in this field were able to learn everything from new methods of bookkeeping to speed typing and stenography. A new office machines class was established this year, adding greatly to the business department. Mr. Blaine Brown Bookkeeping, Finance

Miss Annette Jensen Type, Office Machines

Mrs. Wanda Wade Vocational Business, Type

Mrs. Lila Wilson D.E.C.A., Mathematics

Mr. Stanpord Jarvis Art, Stage Crew

Mr. Arval Nelson Mr. Donald P. Olsen Yearbook, Photography Commercial and Fine Art

There is a feeling common to people who are able, in some way, to bring others out of themselves for a moment. This thrill came to many students this year as they participated in fine arts. Some began by bringing sunflowers to life on a piece of paper. Others found themselves under the lights of the stage either acting or singing.

Mr. Ralph W. Pace Ceramics, Crafts

Mr. Glenn E. Sacos Speech, Drama

Mr. Grant R. Zabriskie Music, German


Mr. Frank M. Bagley Auto Mechanics Mr. Gerald D. Fisher Drafting Mr. Emerson Kennington Welding

Mr. Roger King Electronics Mr. James L. Seal Industrial Arts Mr. Joseph Witt Auto Mechanics

"The hardest thing you will ever do is stay married happily." With these words Mrs. Tranter greeted her homeliving classes. Under this inspiration the girls learned everything from taking care of the ill to knitting and handling the familiar "in-law" problems. She also taught the students in her cooking classes how to mix cakes and bake casseroles. "Baste, stitch, press," are words often heard in the sewing classes here at Jordan. Everything from blouses to elegant formals were created under the able direction of Miss Henderson. She also taught cooking. 14

Wrenches clattered, drills whizzed, and hammers pounded in the Industrial Arts building as our staff of vocational teachers aided their students in preparation for a job. Many cars were made to run again in the two advanced auto mechanics classes. In the other areas of the vocational classes students learned drafting, woodwork, and how to persuade radio and T.V. set to work once more.

Miss Betty Henderson Home Economics Mrs. Gertrude Tranter Homeliving

Mr. Melvin Berrett English

Mr. Lowell J. Boberg English

Mrs. Rebecca Kagle English

Mrs. Diane Karren English

Miss Golda Fraser English, Foreign Languages

Mr. B. McAllister English, Journalism

Students who explored the field of mathematics found new horizons open to them, whether it was a useful review of general math, an intriguing class of algebra, the fascinating principles of trigonometry, or perhaps the newest course at Jordan- calculus. These horizons were opened by teachers like Mr. Pond and Mr. Watt, who taught the basics in math and pre-algebra, or Mr. Maxfield and Mr. Clark, who enlightened students to more advanced math.

Mr. Donald Clark Mathematics

Mr. Calvin Maxfield Mathematics

Mrs. Judith Hunt English

Mr. Kirk Wright English, Reading

Mr. David Judd English

Mrs. Phyllis Sagers Library Science

Knowledge gained at Jordan shall not be forgotten, from the rip-roaring times in first period English, to quiet study times in the library. Drama, speech, foreign languages, journalism, and English classes have provided students hours of pleasure, help on speeches and research papers.

Mr. lay Pond Matllematics, Social Science

Mr. Cyrill David Watt Mathematics


Mr. David Erickson Biology, Coaching

Mr. Farrell Gunnell Biological Science

The future holds many mysteries with which we must cope. In order to meet these problems the science teachers of Jordan have arranged their studies to good advantage. The course of studies in our science classes covered from the miraculous internal organs of animals to the minute structures of plants. New formulas were worked out and many interesting experiments were performed.

Mr. Kent McCleary Chemistry, Geometry

Mr. Devon C. Sanderson Biological Science

Mr. James Bradford Sociology, Economics, American History

Mr. Donald Milne American IIi story, World Uislory


Mr. Robert Sanchez American History, Coaching

Mr. La Mar Swenson Psychology, Economics American Problems

Mr. Robert Teran Psychology, World Ilistory, Year Book

Back through the page of History students went, learning of foul and fair play, of births of new nations. How they were formed, how some survived, and how others were destroyed. Sociology helped many students in under tanding people, their religions, and their way of life. What makes an individual act the way he does? The class of Psychology answered this and many others, making it great!

It became a long and tough run around the track as part of the physical fitness program this fall. Add to this the skills of volleyball, basketball, tumbling, kickball, and exercises. The physical education department kept our students in good physical condition. This area of our school learning will be retained and be put to good use in future years. Sophomore girls at their hocky game, "Go Team, go!"

Mrs. Marie Broderick Girls Dance, Debate

Mrs. Shauna Kidman Girl's P.E., Health

Mr. Howard Linford Boy's P.E. and Health

Mr. Jerry McCleary Boy's P.E. & Health

Mr. Calvin Harris Special Education

Miss Janet Hutchings Special Education

Directing the special education program this year were Mr. Russon, Mr. Harris, and Miss Hutchings. The wide range of learning experience was the key to many valuable and interesting ideas and projects. Many new fields of opportunity were opened for these students. Mr. Arland Russon Special Education


A group of people who are often overlooked are the staff workers. Our secretaries were always doing their best job in helping our school function smoothly. Every day Mrs. Bodell could be found in the attendance office checking a student in or out of school. Mrs. Ainsworth was always busy keeping books and handling finances. Mrs. Wagstaff was kept occupied by the general office work.

Mr. Delos Beckstead Head Custodian

Mrs. Evelyn Brown Cafeteria Manager

The cafeteria staff, headed by Mrs. Evelyn Brown as manager, arrived at work early each morning to have a hot lunch prepared for us at noontime. A variety of food and the cafeteria style lunch gave each student satisfaction in our lunch program.


Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth Office Manager

Mrs. Lena Wagstaff Office CleriC

Mrs. Marjorie Bodell Secretary

Delos Beckstead, head plant engineer, Gale Ain worth, and Weston Workman were kept busy as custodians year round. Keeping the building and campus in top-notch condition, clearin path through the snow during the winter, keeping the lawns mowed, and cleaning the inside of our school spic and span were a few of their numerous jobs.

Changing the design of the school flag was one of the propositions brought before the student council members.

"Lets have orange drink in the cafeteria" ... "More activities" ... "Have more dances" ... These and similar cries were those heard in Student Council meetings each month when the representives met. The Student Council served as the connecting line between the students and faculty. The Council was made up of sophomore, junior, and senior students elected to represent their homeroom classes. Spearheading many activities; the Council "Officers Assembly", and a movie, the proceeds of which went to the United Fund. As members of the Student Council they expressed the feelings and opinions of the student whom they represent. All students were thus assured the privilege of a voice in school government.

The Student Council members listens to Cy Sherwood as. he ~ells ~em about sending hlistmas cards to Jordan alumni who are fightmg m V1etnam. Student Council Representatives are: Vonda Clement, Lucille Best, Connie Fairbourn, Leslie Bonham, Pam Adams, Terrie Hansen, Jody Lamb, Sandra Oviatt, Kayla Jones, Sherrie Rose, Suzzett Tanner, Bonnie Best, Marcy Lee Kensinger, Karen Rogers, Rebecca Bluth, Linda ygard, Valerie Whetman, Sandra t.oates, Randy Dixon, Bruce Ballard, Ronnalynn Brown, Neil Anderson, Fred VP.Itri, Katie Clayton, Susan Jones, Cecile Cole, John Peterson, greg Walkenhorst, Doug Crebs, Mike H. Day, Bruce Potter, Steve Conger, Marlon Moore, Ed Vigil, Paul Brown, Brian McBride, Joe Veltri, Marc Weiss, Richard Parkin, Don Margetts, Lee Cusing, Gayland Moffatt, Douglas Maughan. Doug Henke, John Diefenderfer, Tracy Bawden, Kent Smith, Doug Smith, Randall Elmer, Frank Pollick, Lorene Brown, Myrna Lybbert.

Deep in thought, the student counci.l representatives concentrate on the problems being presented by the student body officers.



Douglas Maughan, President

Cy Sheerwood, lst Vic President

Doug Maughan, a person of many talents, was elected student body president for 1967-68. Unassuming and always helpful, he led the student body with dignity and honorable merit.

A student with an unequalled p rsonality, y Sherwood, First Vice Presid nt, brought humor and a zest for living to all who knew him.

Neil Anderson, 2nd Vice President

Making friends everywhere, fun-loving but con ¡cientious, Neil Andersen served with competence as Second Vice President.

Lucille Best, Secretary

Chosen as student body secretary, cheerful and reliable, Lucile Best efficiently kept Jordan's records throughout the year.

Connie Fairbourn, Historian

Someone who brings an air of excitement to any organization, Connie Fairbourn, recorded an eventful year in print and pictures as school historian.


Chatting with friends, rushing hither and yon before the hell, quietness descending over the hlli1ding broken by chimes for the beginning of announcements. \Vaiting for a touchdown as seconds slowly tiek away 011 the scoreboard. A11 of these whether large or small bring variety as the keynote among the students of Jordan High Sdwol during the L__--~ 1967-68 y_e_a_r._ _ ____,



Senior Class Officers Seniors Junior Class Officers Juniors Sophomore Class Officers Sophomores



Kent Smith, President

Kevin Enniss, Vice President

Lark Rogers, Secretary


Kent is our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, Kevin is our own Easter Bunny, and Lark is our sugar and spice. This may sound a little strange, but this is how they were described at the Senior Hop which was held at the Memory Grove Reception Center. Together they planned this dance, the Senior assembly, Senior week, and Graduation. They worked well together and came up with some activities that really made their last year at Jordan a ball! As you all know, gold is hard to find. Well we think that Kent is a type which is hard to find also. As the Easter Bunny brings us surprises at Easter, Kevin came through with surprises all year lon . Sugar and spice adds flavor to foods , and Lark really added the flavor to our OfHc rs' trio.

Kathle<!n Adair Cody Albrechtsen Roger Allen Charlotte Allen RoseAnn Ames

Judy Anderson Neil Anderson Orin Anderson Trissa Anderson Jani Andrus

Louie Arko Karen Atkinson RaeDene Atkinson Vernon Baarz Sherie Baker

Linda Ballard Ed Barney Terry Baxter Kenneth Beck Colleen Bell

Carl Bennett Carla Bennett Donna Bergstrom Ann Berren Lucille Best


Clare Bills Harland Bishop Annette Black Dwight Bogenrief Adele Bolton

Leslee Bray Bruce Brown Claudia Brown Donna Brown Lorene Brown

Paul Brown Ronnalynn Brown Bruce Bohm Laurie Bonham David Bowler

Vicki Burgon Gary Burningham Clay Byers Mike aldwell Terry arlisle

Richard ' arp ¡ntcr Tim Carpentier Dennis arroll Gloria Carson

Tony ' aywood

Who gets the prize? A problem trying to be solved by Ronnalyn Brown, Pre ¡ident of the A.G .J. at the big pal-little pal party.


Jay Cherry Dan Childs Ley Clemet Robert Cole Stanley Cole by

Danny Comstock Angie Cordova Susan Cordova Carolyn Cox Dale Cox

Sherry Craig DougCrebs Mary Creedon David Crowther James Cummings

Lee Cushing Cathy Cutler Howard Dahle Barbie Dalton Ralph Dansie

Ronald DaRonche Richard Davenport Jimmy Davis Darlene Day Micheal Henry Day

Michael R. Day Dennie Deal Louise Devisser Dawn a Dewegeli Clark Dimond


Timothy Duma~ Ben Durrant Jolene Dyet Delbert Ebarb Howard Edgemon

Dave Edwards Kathy Elg Keith Elmer Robinette Emerson Ben Enniss

Kevin Enniss Ch ric Evans Joyce Evans June Evans Connie Fairbourn

Jim Fairbourn Cat¡ol Farnsworth Diana Fenstermaker Bill Ferrara D>bbie Fitzgerald

Kaylecn Fitzgerald Kent Fitzgerald Rob ¡rt a Fitzgerald David Forman Christine Fullmer

Ralph Glad Goates Ri Golson Paul Gotb rg Charlotte Greene ~andra


The fathers enjoy dancing with their daughters at the A.G.J.'s Father & Daughter Party.

Letty Greene George Greenwood Lee Greenwood Richard Grow Rene Gu,nderson

David Hales Karla Hall Reg Hall David Halladay Chris Hand

Dale Hansen Gary Hansen Gregory Hansen Archie Hardcastle Roseann Hardcastle

Roy Harper Craig Harper Clifton Harris Mickey Hatch Jim Haun

Deanna Hawker Laird Haxton Carol Haws Ted Hellstrom Doug Henke


Curt lleugly Elaine Hill Rick Hobusch Jimmy llofeling Deanna Holdaway

Judy llol fe ltz Paul Homer Michael Hone Vaughn Hughes Susan Hulse

Sanny Hutchinson Ray lpson LaDonna Jacob Alan/.elfs Robert enkins

Ron jenkins Oavicliensen Jan is ¡ ens en Russ essop Robyn ohamen

Sherrie Johnson Richard Jolley Joyce Jones Sfiauna jordan ,ary Kartchner

Student body president Doug Maughan leads the rest of the officers as they try to discover Jordan at the "Discover Jordan Assembly."


Marcy Lee Kensinger Lynn Kidd Steve Kido Barbara Kobs Royetta Konold

Karolyn Kreek Eileen Kunz Bill Lamping Cheri Larsen Darlene Larsen

Tack Larsen Sheri Latimer Sheryl Lavery John Leyba Charles Lokey

Roger Lovendahl Carlos Lucero Diane Lund Lindy Lunnen Don Lybbert

Vernon Mace Daniel Mahler Marianne March arol Marshall arol Mathis

Douglas Maughan Brian McBride Kathryn McCandless Mickie McCleery Steve McKenna


Andrea Mecham Gerald Middleton Gayland Moffat David Montague Marlon Moore

Ron Moore Dennis Mori Kathy Morrill MoJ!ie Mortensen George Moses

Ronald Mumford Barbara Murphy MonaNcfT tev n Nelson Shauna Newbold

Scott Nczos JoLynne Ni kle Larry Nokes Dianna Norell Mirza Nunez

Randy Okubo Byron Oliver Shirley !sen Chuck Olson Manuel Ortiga

Randy Osborne Nancy Pace Chcryle Palmer Claudia Panek Andr ¡ah Paramore


Experimenting with different chemicals was part of the activities of the chemistry classes.

Linda Parker Chuck Patterson Randy Patterson Steven Pearce Karen Pendleton

David Petersen John Peterson Linda Peter on David Phillips Frank Pollick

Bruce Potter Ricky Powell Russell Powell Larry Price Kristene Pullan

Beverly Rains Craig Rasmussen Cary Rasmussen Shannon Rasmussen Randy Rawson

Gloria Ray Conway Richards Mary Ellen Richards Kent Ricord Darleen Rigler


Rosemary Rigler Ryan Riska Patd Roden Lark Rogers Melvin Rogers

Phil Romero David Rosenkrantz David Roth Margo Rowsell John Runia

Eddie Sanchez Dave Sanders Cary Saville Gale Schmidt LaDonna Schow

Mary Scott Ward Scroggin Ted Searcy Cy Sherwood Bill ShiAett

Leon hurtleff Norman Silcox Linda Simonson Barry Smith Dale Smith

The Jordan High School Spirit rises as the scooters race during half time at the Thanksgiving Party. 34

Dennis Smith Kent Smith Lynda Smith Janel! Smith Robert Smith

Terry Smith Pat Soffe Deanna Somsen Dean Soper Todd Soper

Paul Sovelius Randy Steadman Shauna Steadman Lonnie Stone Joe Sturdy

Bonnie Subdon Donna Sudbury Shelley Sund Wilson Svedin Sharon Sweeney

Danny Tate Kay Taylor Marilyn Therrian James Thompson Marillee Thompson

Nancy Thompson Robyn Timoney Byron Timothy Nancy Tippens Gary Tolman


Janet Tucker David Tunbridge Narciso Vasquez Fred Veltri Danny Vest

Eddie Vigil Gary Vincent LeeAnn Vincent Gordan Visser Nedra Voeltz

Lee Wall Hal Wallace Greg Walkenhorst Lynn Washbum Roge1¡ Watson

Stephen Webster Karen West Valerie Whetman James Whittle Belly Williams

Steven Williams Toni Williams Lannie Wilkes Hodney Wilkerson Craig Wintle

Lynn Woodward Handy Woodward Shauna "Worthen Gary Wright Huth Wright


The faculty team members try their hardest to prevent the senior boys from making points at the Thanksgiving Party.

Sharron Wright Helen Yazzie

Ron Yengich Shirley Young

Maria Zizumbo


Richard Parkin, President

Julie Gardner, Vice President

I Susan Bodell, Secretary


There is a certain group of people at Jordan High which is looking forward to the 1969 year with enthusiastic anticipation. The group is this year's Junior Class. They sailed through the 1968 year with Richard Parkin, President, Julie Gardner, Vice President, and Susan Bodell, Secretary. Two of the most notable acts of the Junior Class were the choice of their school ring and their sponsorship of their own dance--the Junior Prom. If this year's performance was any indication, Jordan can look forward to being well led by these people next year.

Robert Adams Jerry Aitken Melba Akagi

Kathy Askerlund Judy Atkinson

Kay Alldredge Penny Alldredge Leslie Allred

Linda Ames Ronn Andersen Colleen Anderson

Marsha Anderson Cyndie Andrews Steve Andrews

Tody Anclnls Laurie Andrus Duane Archibald

Helping to muster spirit to fight the Hillcrest Huskies, Charlonian Rolayne Day decorates quarterback "Spider" Crebs' locker.

Dixie Barney Sue Ann Barney

Terry Barney Sandy Baxter

Jerry Bay Jack Bean

Vauna Bearden Ryan Bergener

Pati Berrett Marie Biorge


Robyn Birch Qtdnton Terry Bishop

Sarah Bishop Gwen Blackham

Susan Bodell Leslie Bonham


Raemarie Bowman Steve Boynton

Debra Cary Monty Christensen Roxy Christensen

Kathleen Brown Sue Brown

Callis Iarke Katie layton Vonda Clement

Joel Brundage John Bryant

Douglas Cline Julianna Close Cecile Cole

Nancy Burke Brian Burningham

Judy Coleby Freda Cook Joyce ook

Keith Byers Grace Carter

Laurie Cook Dale ordncr Charlene 'evington


--·-.. ~

. i •

Douglas Cox Ronell Crapo Jerry Cunliffe


Jimm Dunn Michael Durrant

James Dahl Jennifer Dahl Kathie Dahle

Kelly Eatchel Gene Ebert

Bruce Dansie Terry Davis Van Davis

Marilyn Edgemon Bruce Eggleston

Rolayne Day Sharla Day Bob DeBarry

Lois Elkington Brenda Elswood

Penny DeGraffenried Charlene Denison Sue Devine

Dawna Elswood Rodney Engle

Jay DeVisser John Diefenderfer DeAnn Dixon

Brian Fairbourn Legrand Fairboum

Michael Dowland Timmy Doyle Lynn Dumas

Stephen Fairbourn Sterling Fairbourn

Paul Farnsworth Joyce Fitzgerald



Craig Flitton Dennis Fowler

Paula Fowler Janet Fredrickson

Peggy Fritz Julie-Gardner

Ruth Gunderson Mike Uales Janis Hall

Ross Gardner Rodney Garner

Pa111llall Tam llall Randy Jland

Christie Gibson Mike Giles

Brent Hansen Lloyd Ilansen Sandra I lansen

Ray Gillen Grace Giron

Gordan llardcastle Terry Ilardcastle Kathy llarris

John Glassey Carol Goff

Janet Goff Allen Goo<.lmansen


Vickie Ila•Tis Richard Hatcher arolyn Hawker

Steven llaws Loralee lla)lcock Eddie I Ieath

Tohn Hendrikse Roger Herrin Ricbard Heuser

Diane Hurdsman Debra Ipsen

Nancy Higbee Debra Hifl Jeannette Hilton

, Lorene Jackson Lynda Jarvis

Sharon Hirschi Chad Hobusch Thomas Roesch

Curtis Jaynes David Jaynes

Tay Hooser Bruce Hudgens Jeri Huffman

Ward Jeffs Debbie Jemison

Chris Hulse Crai~ Hummel Mruane Humphrey

Randy Jenkins Lana Jensen

Boom! Enthusiasm is being generated by the Charlonians throughout the school before the game.

Eileen Jensen Scott Jensen

Nancy Jenson Harold Johnson

Kathy Johnson Kayla Jones


Susan Jones Michael Jones

Glen Kittle Monika Kobs

Colleen Larsen Bryan Larsen

Jerry Larsen Robert Larsen

James Matsumori Kathi Maupin Eugene Maynard

Steven Law , Judy Lawrence

Allen Maynes Mike Maynes Larry McAdams

Margaret Lucero Jerry Lundberg

Jana McBride Tom McCormick Kenneth McQuire

Shauna Mair Don Margetts

Nancy Martin Linda Martinez


Using his artistic ability, this student puts to use his talent for making pottery.

Gwen McKenna Craig McNeil I laroldNI cnssen

Clayton Meyer Roger Mickelsen Craig Miller

Ronald Mitchell Scott Mitchell Leland Moller

Lynn Paxman Craig Peacock

Michele Peart Jay Petersen

Peggy Petersen Maxine Peterson

Jeannette Nelson Mary Nelson ylvia Nelson

Priscilla Phillips Terry Pickett

Jeanne Plumhof Connie Potter


Cindy owotny Jeanine unley Linda Nygard

Lynda Price Robert Prince

Tohn Oviatt Rhonda Pangos Richard Parkin

Julie Proctor Dave Rasmussen

Nykkie Reed Pauline Reeve


Robert Rinehart Krisan Robinson

Wanda Schmitt Patti Schrader Randy Sevy

Roy Romero Tamra Roe

Dan Skoubye Brad Smith Jody Smith

Wayne Rossberg Elaine Ruffell

Marilyn Smith Neil Smith Randy Smith

Norma Runia Lynn Runolfson

Vickie Snyder Claire Spencer Robert Spratt

Maurie Sadleir Ann Sainsbury

Garland Squire Marla Stephenson Gary Stevens

Greg Salmon Ernie Santarosa

Laurie Stout Randie Stewart Parry Stmhs

Bev Schmidt David Schmidt


Lynette Sw nmn Susan wcn.\on Hetty Swind II

Sue Taft Kevin Taggart Suezette Tanner

Denny Tate Rodger Taylor Vickie Taylor

Dirk Vandenberg Glade VanTassell

Bruce Teran Linda Thomas Larry Thompson

Kayla VanTassell Rick Varney

Susan Thompson Shawn Timoney Vikki Titel

Faviola Vasquez Priscilla Vasquez

David Tolman Terry Trujillo Mike Tucker

Al the get acquainted party, the losing

wagon gets a bad hammering.

Kathy Tueller Dean Tuttle

Brenda Wawdrey Colleen Vawdrey

Janet Yeater Joe Veltri

Johnny Velarde Andrea Visser

John Visser bebra Wagstaff


Susan Whittle Jim Wiggins

Judy Washburn Launa Washburn Darlene Watkins

Christy Williams Mirriam Wilson

Terry Watson Mary Weaver Steven Wei~s

Bonnie Winger Brian Wright

Jackie Wright Lillian Wright

Ann Wuyts Bill Young

The Masque and Gavel Club gives the A Cappella a shower at the Get Acquainted Party.

Br •ntla Zagarich



Janine Sampson, Vice President

Doug Smith, President

Clever new ideas and interesting faces were brought to Jordan's halls by the Sophomore Class this year. Leading the newest members of the student body were Doug Smith, President; Janine Sampson, Vice President; and Terri Andrus, Secretary. The Sophomore Class was responsible for the immense success of the Sweethearts Ball and their annual Sophomore Assembly. With their first year behind them, the class of 1970 is looking forward to their next two years here at Jordan with much anticipation_

Teri Andrus, Secretary


Sharon Abrams Pam Adams Laurie Ashby

Dennis Ainsworth Dean Ainsworth Donna Ainsworth

Ronald Aitken Wendy Albrechsen Faye Alexander Larry Allredge Diana Allen Katherine Allen

Barbara Allred Robert Alvey Karen Ames Tana Andersen Alan Anderson Darnell Anderson

Gerald Anderson Teri Andrus Wendy Archuleta Kenneth Atwood Georgean Badovinatz Kim Baird

Neal Bake Bruce Ballard Kayleen Ballard Sherman Barber Tanna Barnes Steve Barnhurst

Billy Barton Janet Barton Tracy Bawden Dianne Beatty Dana Beck Larry Beck

Jay Bennett Steven Berrett Bonnie Best

Carey Bills David Black Eugene Blackwell


fficers' Council Assembly, the studenl body howed the students several way of chealing.

Lance Blackwood Rebecca Bluth Wayne Bodell

Barbara Bogenrief Lance Bohm Joe Bonham

Senior and Sophomore girls enjoy playing several games at the Big Pal-Little Pal Party.

Leslee Brady Harvey Brassfield Larry Bray Mindi Brine Annette Brown Kay Brown

Nancy Brown Paul Brown Scott Brown Beth Bryce Barry Burkinshaw Randy Burnham

Marvin Burton Caldwell Jeff Call Diana Cameron Tony Carpentier Gayle Carter Ca~ol

Wayne Carter Tan Cary bavid Chapman Tim Chase bebra Childs Janet Childs

Deni Christian Ernie Clough Steve Conger Mark Conish Frank Connelly Cathy Conrad

Robert K. Covington Joanne Cowdell Jim Crane

Kristine Cranney Dick Crebs Susan Crebs


Don Cramer Craig Crookston Mike Davenport

Lorna Davidson Bill Day Louann Day

Brian McBride uses his head to push the ball during the Jordan Olympics.

Elise Demarest Denise Detter Darlene Dewegli Randy Dixon Shanna Dixon Alan DuMond

Alayna Dunn Jack Dunn Jeanne Dunn Karen Dunn Deborah Edgemon Randall Elmer

Roy Emerson Darlene Erickson Hal Erickson Darla Essey Dean Evans LuJean Fagg

Marsha Farnsworth Ralph Ferrara Mike Finnegan Mark Fisher Dalyn Fitzgerald Karen Fitzgerald

Kevin Fitzgerald Pam Fitzgerald Michael Fitzgerald Paulette Fitzgerald Wendy Fitzgerald David Flynn

Tom Frank Annette Frantz Jim Fredrickson

Skipper Fre man Gail Gardner Boyd Garfield


Vicki Garner Monty Gates Wendy Gause

Cathy Gilchrist Alvin Gines Janet Glassey

Mike Glover Renee Goates Gail Godfrey Lee Golson Yolanda Gonzales Kathlene Gordan

Taroera Gotberg Judy Graham Tmdy Graham Sandy Green Terrie Green Douglas Greenwood

Mike Greenwood Betty Gregory Glen P. Gregory Diane Grow Dena Gurr Linda Ann Guertler

Barbara Hall Bryan Hall Donna Ham Glade Hansen Paul Hansen Terrie Hansen

Jody Hardcastle Cal Harkness Colleen Harper Collett Harper Joann Harris Allen Hart

While looking through microscopes, biology students learn new and interesting kinds of life.

Jolynn Haun Pat Haycock Randy Hiatt

Dennis Higbee L. John Hocking Frank Hoffman


Mark Holmstead Don Homer Marian Hopes

Karen Hopkins Sally Howard Roger Huffman

Randy Hyatt Sharee Hyde Larry Ish JoAnne Ishamael Lenord Izatt Gail Jacob

Cindy Jacobsen Brenda Jackson Mike Jackson David Jarvie Margaret Jenkins Paul Jenkins

Don Jensen Jan Jensen Marlin Jensen Jerry Jentzsh David Jeremy Scott Jessop

Debbie Johnson Ross Johnson Yvonne Johnson Kathy Jolley Denny Jones Janet Jones

Roddy Jones Tim Toos Tom Judkins Gerald Kaufman Roger Kidd Line! Kirchbaurn

Ronald Kunz Darrell Kounalis Jody Lamb

David Lancaster Jorgianna Larsen Keith Larsen


The Majorettes perform during the half-time at the Hillcrest-Jordan football game as the band members accompany them.

Venice Larsen Randy Lawson Corey G. Leavitt

Christie Lee Terry Lee Alice Leigh

Natives from the Congo joined in the wild dance contest at the Jordan Olympics.

Mike LePrey Sharon Lewis Kim Lindquist Evelyn Lloyd Jackie Lloyd Ramona Lopez

Emerita Lucero Ronald Lund Myrna Lybbert Susan Mace Lorenzo Maestas Ramona Mair

John March Rudy Martinez Sharon Martinez Connie Massa Karen Mathis Alex Maxedon

Dan McCandless Doug McCleary Larry McCleery Alan McKnight Don Meadows Mike Merkling

Gordon Meyer Yvonne Miera Charles Mickelsen Gary Middleton Craig S. Milles Nicky Millis

Rod Mitchell Pat Molenaar Craig H. Moody


Charlene Mousley Frank Myers Charles Nay

Sam Nazzise Joe Necaise Dessa Neff

Students in the art classes are kept busy by making Christmas window decorations.

Steven Neilson Mardi Nelson Susan Nelson Gary Nessen Ronald Newhouse Dennis Newton

Doug Nilsson Lynette Oakeson Steven Olson Blanche Orgill Pamela Osborne Denise Ostler

Wendy Palmer Patty Paramore Jilleen Parker Debbie Patience Terrie Patrick David Patterson

Duane Paxman Mike Peacock Rodney Pearce Jackie Peavy Marie Pendleton Kenneth Lee Perkes

Linda Perry Christine Peterson Dan Peterson David Peterson Linda Peterson Charmaine Potter

Debbie Potter Terry Price Hick Poulos

Keith Proctor Janalee Harney Janet Rasm uss n


Thayne Rasmussen Kristine Rawson Jean Reed

Laura Reid Kenneth Reich CeCille Richards

Patricia Richards Cody Richardson Curtis Ricord John Rigler Randy Roberts Lorin Rocks

Karen Rogers Sheri Rose Lani Rossberg Dana Roth Bill Rowell Holly Rudd

Shirley Ruffel Jennifer Sainsbury Janine Sampson Frank Santarosa Keith Sargent Byron Schier

Ray Schmitt Ken Schneider Dorothy Schow Glenn Setterberg LeAnne Shelby Walter Sheldon

Richard Sielhorst Shauna Simmons Dale Simonson Terry Simpson Rosemary Slade Bonny Smith

During speech, nervous students talk on various topics .in front of their class.

Carolyn Smith Dennis Smith Don Leo Smith

Doug Smith Ricky Smith Shelley Smith


Max Somsen Kerry Soper Sheri Spratt

Jeannie Spray Shelby Staffiund David Stevens

Sharman Stout George Stringf!fllow Susan Sudbury Christian Svedin Karen Swenson Sandra Swenson

Shelley Thacker Rick Thayne Becky Thompson Dave Thompson Kristy Thompson Randy Thorpe

Lynn Timothy Linda Titel Bill Tucker Alan Tunbridge Susan Turner Bobby Urton

Colleen VanAmen Penny VanHorn Lynda Van Oostendorp Alane Vawdrey Randy Venemon Bernice Vigil

Karen Waggoner Jim Wagstaff Don Wahlen Lynn Walkenhorst Scott Wall Roxanne Wallgren

Boyd Ware Darylle Watts JoAnn Webster

David Weeks Greg Welch Lana Whetman


Jordan Olympics is great for those in hula-hoop contests.

Laura Whitehead Debbie Williams Ric Williams

The purpose of the dance contest at the Jordan Olympics was to see which class could dance tbe wildest.

Rodney Williams Tom Williams Tom Williams

Janice Woodbury Sharlene Worthen Michael Yengich Gene Young Bill Zeller Aida Zizumbo


"B-E-E-T- D-1-G-G- E-R-S. Oh you Beetdiggers" reverberated from the enthusiastic student body, cheering their loudest as our athletic teams gave their best efforts. Learning to win was easy, learning to lose was hard, and learning to be good sports was developed. Tough practices for the teams brought entertainment and thrills for fond future recall.


--- . ¡-



Football Sophomore Football Basketball Junior Varsity Basketball Sophomore Basketball Wrestling Track Baseball Tennis


Head Coach Robert Sanchez, and Assistant Coach David Erickson

chedule Jordan 26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Jordan 19 .. . . . ............ Bingham 18 Jordan 34 Jordan

Murray 12

0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ranger 20

Jordan 20 ....... .. . . ........ Kearns


Jordan 28 ........ . ...... . .. Granite 35 Jordan 21 ................. Hillcrest 35 Jordan 14 ....................Judge 20 Jordan 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tooele 40


Kevin Enniss Co-Captain, Halfback

Doug Maughan Co-Captain, Tackle

Sparked by the first honest to goodness passing attack Jordan has had in years, and combined with a quick running game and a stalwart defense, Jordan's 1967-68 football team compiled one of the better football seasons in recent school history. The over-all record of 4 wins and Slosses was not overly impressive, but the play and enthusiasm of our team compounded with the spirit of the cheerleaders and student body left Jordan proud of its fall football campaign.

Craig Harper, Jordan's toi> ground gainer, turns the corner on an end sweep.


Place kicker Byron Oliver puts an extra point through the up-rights at Hillcrest.

Orin Anderson Tackle Vernon Baarz Center Bruce Brown Halfback Paul Brown Fullback Doug Crebs Quarterback ¥m Fairbourn ackle Crtg Harper Ha ack David Jensen Tackle Bill Lamping End Don Lybbert End Brain McBride End Byron Oliver End-Halfback



Craig Rasmussen Guard Gary Saville Center Robert Smith Tackle Kent Smith End- Safety Fred Veltri End Ed Vigil Halfback - Quarterback Lee Wall Guard Don Ballard End Steve Haws Tackle Don Margetts Tackle Jim Matsumori Guard Lynn Runolfson Halfback Randy Stewart .....~\. Halfback Craig Whetman Fullback


A hole in the Granite defense opens up, and Doug Crebs scrambles for a good gain.

Coaches Sanchez and Erickson and injured players Ed Vigil and Rick Hobusch exhort the Beetdiggers' defense to hang tough.



Left to Right, Front Row: Chad Hobusch, Jim Matsumori, Craig McNeil, LeGrand Fairboum, Craig Richards, Lynn Runolfson, Don

Ballard. Row Two: Handy Stewart, Craig Whetman, Roger Mickelsen, Jerry Lundberg, Scott Mitchell, Steve Haws, Don Margetts, John Diefenderfer.

Left to Right, Front Row: Dick Crehs, David Thompson, Jim Chase, Steve Nielsen, Doug Smith, Mike Glover, Ken Hcich, TI1aync Ha.~mus­ sen, Glenn Gregory, Ron Kunz. Row Two: Coach Me leary, Kevin Fitzgerald, Steve Olson, Mike Merkling, Dean Aimworth, Ho~s Johnson, Dennis Smith, Boyd Ware, Frank Connelly, Don flomcr, Mark

Conish, Mike LcPrey, Rick Poulos, Dan Me andless. Row Three: arvel Izatt, Alan Tunbridge, Doug Me leery, Tom Judkins, David Steven~. Allen And •rson, Glad Hansen, Lorin Roc·ks, Jim Wag~Laff, Mike Davenport, Barry Burkimhaw, Jerry J ntzch, D •e Morrow, J £f Call, Steve Conger, Bill Z ·ller, Ken chneidcr, !lui Erickson, Marvin Burton, Terry Simpson, Allen Hart.

Captain Doug Crebs looks for an opening in the defense that propelled Hillcrest to a state championship.

Basketball is a game which demands much from those who participate in it. Physical demands such as the constant running and sudden stops and mental demands such as getting up for each game and learning the intricate plays which make for an effective offense are just a few of the things asked of each boy who participates in basketball. But, there are other demands too, such as losing. Our team didn't finish with an entirely enviable record, but they gave 100 per cent all of the time. Victory or defeat, the team members were fine sportsmen and unheralded hustlers, and that is all that is asked of them.

Dennis Carroll grimaces as he brings down a rebound against Cyprus' Pirates.


Doug Maughan and Brad Smith put some pressure on a "Huskie" during the game at Hillcrest.

Brent Hansen sets at the charity lane against Murray.


An unidentified Cyprus player learns that you just don't drive on big Don Lybbert.


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan ordan ordan ordan


65 .. . ..... . . . ..... .. . American Fork 75 ............. . .... .. ... Ilighland 61 .. . ............ . .. .. ..... Provo 54 ... .. •....... . ............Orem 60 .. . ............ . ... . ..... Tooele 67 . ....................... Granger 73 ............ . ..... . ... . Bingham 54 ........... . ... .... .. .. Bountiful .54 ...... . ...... . .. ..... .. . ..Judge 66 . . ........... .. ....... . . Cyprus 77 ............ . .... . .... .. Granite 67 ............. . .... . ... .. Murray 43 ................... . . . . Hillcrest 50 ................ . . . . .. ....Judge 66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yprus 78 .. . ............. . .. . .... Granite 64 . . ........ . ....... .. .. . . Murray 52 .... . . . ..... . ... . .. .. .. Hillcrest

61 85

4.5 4.'3 47 54 79 65 49 62 71 89 57 63

65 79 77 74

DougCrebs Guard - Captain

Jerry McCleary Coach

Jim Dahl and Dwight Bogenrief Managers

Bob Sanchez Coach

Brad Smith Guard

Don Lybbert Forward

Ron Kunz Forward

Byron Oliver Guard

Dennis Carroll

Dan Skoubye Forward

Sophomore "Arnie" Kunz grabs a rebound and prepares to put it back up and througli the hoop for two points.

Craig Richards Guard

Craig Whetman Forward

Dave Tolman Guard



, Left to Right, Front Row: Craig S. Miller, manager; Marvin Burton, Craig Richards, Brent Hansen, Dick Crebs, Doug Smith,

David Weeks, manager. How Two: Craig Whet man, Dan Skoubye, Bruce Teran, Doug Cox, Mike Jackson, David Tolman, Kevin Fitzgerald, Bob Sanchez, conch.

Left to Right, Front 1\ow: Jim Wagstaff, Mike lover, Dick Crebs, Terry Simpson, Rodney Pearce, Steve Con~er, Frank

ll oflrnun. Row Two: Alun llart, manager; Doug Smith, Kevin Fitzgerald, Alan Ander\on , .reg Welch, Mik• Jackson, Boyd Ware, Tom Judkin~. Dave Erickson, coach.

Trying to prevent the Beetdiggers from gaining yardage, the Murray Spartans tackle one of Jordan's players.

Ready to hit the ball, Don Ballard watches the ball closely.

Setting a new school record in the high jump, Dave Peterson sails over the bar at 6' 4".

A confrontation at the mound between players and coach, they decide how to pitch to Bingham's hitters. Up and over goes Chuck Patterson's teammate for another good mark in the pole vault.

Jordan's new wrestling coach, Don Neff, demonstrates the intricacies of working underneath to Carl BCJmett.

When our new coach, Don Neff, is asked to look back on this past year in wrestling, he makes one comment, "It was a good year, but we will have better ones to come." Such is the spirit of this man who hopes to make wrestling the number one sport at Jordan. His constant discussion is wrestling and because of this, his grapplers have become sincerely devoted to him and to wrestling. His statement that, "We'll win a state championship at Jordan if it takes ten years," exemplifies the feeling he and his boys have for the sport. And, with this spirit and enthusiasm there is no doubt that the dream will come true long before ten years have passed. The wrestlers attentively watch the oulcome of the 112 lb. championship match al the division meel. Lorenzo Maestas Division Champion 95lbs. Carl Bennett 120 lbs. Brian McBride 4th Place Division 138lbs. Cody Albrechtson 4th Place Division 165lbs. 72

Frank Santarosa 2nd Plac~ Division 103lbs. Lee Wall Division Champion 127lbs. Orin Anderson Djvision Champion l45lbs. Scott Mitchell 4th Place Division 180 lbs.

Dennie Deal Division Champion 112 lbs. Craig Rasmussen 2nd Pl.ace Division 13.3 lbs. Larry McAdams Division Champion J54lbs. Gary Saville 4th Place Division Unlimited

Lee Wall, Jordan's Division Champ at 127 pounds, picks up two points on a double leg take down.

After having defeated his opponent from Hillcrest for the 120 pound Division Championship, Dennie Deal awaits the presentation of his trophy.

Front How: Ralph Ferrara, Craig Miller, Fred Whitehead, Dennie Deal, Darnell Anderson, Randy Hyatt, Ken Reich , Steve Olson, Thayne Rasmussen , Roy Romero, Alan Tunbridge, Dan McCandles, Alex Maxedon, Neal Bake, Cory Leavitt, Roy Emerson, Frank Santarosa, Lorenzo Maestaes, David Peterson, manager. Row Two: Coach eff, Le Grand

Fairbourn, Barry Burkinshaw, Bill Zeller, Frank Connelley, Dean Tuttle, Lorin Rocks, Craig Rasmussen, Orin Anderson, Larry McAdams, Gary Saville, Scott Mitchell, John Visser, Brian McBride, Lee Wall, Kim Lindquist, Terry Lee, Steve ielsen, Dana Beck, Glen Gregory, Mark Fisher, Randy Hand, Dave Thompson, Larry Thompson.


Dave Erickson Coach

Kirk Wright Coach

As the snows and winds of winter swirled outside, Jordan's Track Team, under the close scrutiny of coaches Dave Erickson and Kirk Wright, began a rigid program of training and exercise in the bottomless pit under the P.E. building. After the winter winds had subsided and the track had begun to thaw, our cinder crew, aided by an early spring, climbed out of doors and this group of versatile boys began its ascent to the crest of the Region III track standings.

Jim Dahl, Dennis Carroll Managers

CROSS COUNTRY TEAM: Rod Mitchell, Joe Sturdy, Greg Welch , Larry Beck, Blaine Cough, Roger KJdd.


Left to Right, Front Row: Jeff Call, Steve Law, Lorenzo Maestas, Roger JUdd, Terry Price, Randy Venneri, Ken Schneider, Clayton Meyer, Tim Carpentier, Fred Veltri, Kent Smith, Terry Carlisle, Dennie Deal, Blaine Gough, Detmis Newton, Craig McNeil, Larry Beck. Row Two: Qreg Welch, Carvel Izatt, John Bryant, Tom Boesch, Jim Chase, Chuck Patterson, Jimmy Davis, Paul Brown, Craig Harper, Vernon Baarz,

ompetin~ for a fast start, Jordan runners pul their all ' into the race.

Doug Crebs, Bill Lamping, Ralph Glad, Mark Fisher, Kevin Fitzgerald, David Bowler. Row Three: Kirk Wright, coach, Wes Young, Randy Rawson, Scott Mitchell, Doug Maughan, Roger Mickelsen, David Petersen, Ron Kunz, David Jensen, George Moses, John Diefenderfer, Boyd Ware, Gary Saville, Don Margetts, Doug Smith, Joe Sturdy, Bill Day, Dee Morrow, Dave Erickson, coach.

Although the hurdles are his favorite event, Kent Smith sbows his ability in the broad jump.


Bob Sanchez Coach

Don Neff Coach

MANAGERS: Alan Hart, Craig Miller, Terry Davis.

Left to Right, Front Row: Kevin Enniss, LeGrand Fairbourn, Bruce Brown, Ron Yengich, Don Ballard, Dave Phillips, Randy Stewart, Craig Whctrnan. Row Two: Kim Lindquist, Bruce Hudgens, Dave Tolman, llenry Day, Don


The acknowledged key to success is planning a work. Whether it be an individual goal or team goal, with a definite plan and a will to work, any dream can come true. As spring came to Jordan High the baseball team had already set its goal: the division championship, and they had already begun to work towards it. During the winter while the baseball diamond was under a covering of snow, our baseball team was working indoors on a weight program and on throwing the old horsehide around in the pit under the P.E. Building. As the snow began to melt and spring came to the Jordan Campus, our baseball team burst out ready for a rugged schedule against the state's top diamond nines. Sporting brand new uniforms, our veteran club sprang to the division competition and at last look was well on its way to achieving its goal.

Lybh rt, Mike Mayn ¡s. tevc Conger, Larry McAdams. Row Three: Bob Sanchez, Coach; Hodn y Pearce. Don Kramer, Mark llolrnstcad, Dave Black, Jack Dunn, Ru~s Johnson, Kenny Reich, Jim Dunn, Don N ff, Couch.

Henry Day warms up at the on deck circle as he waits for his turn to bat.

RETURNING LETTERMEN: LeGrand Fairbourn, Ron Yengich, Don Ballard, Bruce Brown, Dave Phillips, Kevin Enniss, Randy Stewart, Craig Whetman, Mike Bradford.

Enthusiasm wasn't exactly the by word on the Jordan bench, as the "diggers" were defeated by Bingham.


Left to llight, Front Row: Brian McBride, Keith Elmer, Dan Skoubye, Shawn Timoney, Gary Wright, Cy Sherwood, Randy Okubo. Row Two:

Jerry McCleary Coach

Roy Emerson, Tom Judkins, Cody Albrechtsen, Handa! Elmer, Jim Wagstaff, Randy Hand, helby Staffiund, John Peterson.

The vigorous activity and unending action of the boys who filled the tennis courts each night after school was well worth while, as under the firm guidance of coach McCleary they built an enviable record. Overhand smashes were followed by lengthy volleys in the matches with Granite, Murray, Judge, and arch-rival Hillcrest. And, after mastering the fundamentals, our team began to move into contention for the division championship.

y 'herwood gives it all he ha dming tennis practice. Shawn Timoney and Cary Wright practicing for future tennis matches.


Golf, the number one participation sport in the United States, came to Jordan this year, and it looks as if it is here to stay. The news of Beetdiggers playing golf probably seemed quite hilarious to some of the larger schools who have been participating in this sport for many years. But, don't laugh too soon, because we have a capable coach, a young team, and the unbeatable Jordan spirit. Who knows? Jordan may just be starting another dynasty in the tradition of Jordan High School athletics.

Robert Teran Coach

Larry Price shows fine form off the tee during a practice se sion.

CO-CAPTAINS: Bruce Teran, Bryan Larsen. Leven Nielson, Steve Barnhurst, Dave Thompson, Mark Conish, Larry Price, Bruce Teran, Bryan Larsen, Harold Menssen, Don Wahlen, Byron Timothy, Craig Peacock, Robert Teran, coach.


Not catching a pass, a Jordan player tries to recover the fumble.

Dennis Carroll sneaks a rebound from All-State Ron Hatch of Hillcrest.

Dan Skoubye steps deep to return a long volley.

Olympus wrestlers momentarily control cott Mitchell.


LETTERMEN CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right: Paul Brown , David Peterson, Eddie Vigil.

The qualities of fair play, sportsmanship, and self-discipline are exemplary of Jordan's Athletes. The boys in this club wear their "J" with the knowledge that through hard work and determination they have set themselves apart from the rest. Lettermen set themselves apart by participating in sports and by setting an example of good conduct throughout the year. One of their fondest remembrances of the past year was the earning of their letter, enabling them to wear their maroon and gray Letterman's jacket.

LETTERMEN LUB - Left to Right, Front Row: Don Ballard, F red Veltri, Paul Brown, Johnny McAdams, Lee Wall, had llobusch, Ver-

non Baarz, Craig Whetman , Ranclle tewart , David Hales. Second Row: Dwight Bogenrief, David Jensen, Blaine Gough, David Peterson, Craig Richards , Ken Beck, Jimmy Davis, Dennis Carroll, David Phillips.

Left to Right, Front Row: Gary Saville, Don Lybbert, Joe Stu rdy, Craig ll arper, Doug rebs, Rick I [obusch, Brian McBride, Dennie Deal, John

Peterson, Robert Smith. Second Row: Doug Maugh an , Gary Wright, Terry Carlisle, Lee W all, Kent Smith, Carl Bennett , Cy Sherwood, Kevin Enniss, Bruce Brown, Ron Yengich.


If you think your 7th period class was a ball, you should have been in the band room with the cheerleaders, making posters, announcements, and cheers. They tried new ideas this year, like meeting the football team in the dressing room, and giving pep talks in the 7th period classes. They also had ((Belly Yell" practices, planned pep assemblies and put on skits. The biggest surprise of all was the back-handsprings after the school song!

Susan Thompson


Taking the place of the traditional Flag Twirlers this year were the Song Leaders. These five vivacious girls added that certain sparkle to the enthusiastic spirit of the Beetdigger. Working along with the Cheerleaders, the Song Leaders led many of the cheers during football and basketball season.

Robyn Timoney


Janet Tucker

Debbie Fitzgerald

Teresa Mumford

Terry Hardcastle


CHEERLEADERS J. V. - Left to Righ~ Front Row: Marie Pendleton, Mindy Brine. Second Row: Sandi Baxter, Rolayne Day, Jacki e Lloyd. Not pictured, Claire Spencer.

Twelve cute girls were chosen as the J. V. Cheerleaders this year to cheer at the J.V. games. Though the crowds were not large for these games, the walls echoed with cheers for our team. The girls were divided into two groups which alternated with every game.

Left to Right, Front Row: Terrie Hansen, Darla Essay. Second Row: Jody Lamb, Lillian Wright. Third Row: Linda Johnson, Sharon Abrams.

" ... Sacred the memories we shall cherish ... " Much of the meaning we place on these words comes from the zest the Pep Band gives to our school song. This small group shows the love and loyalty of the Jordan High student body for their school. PEP BAND - Left to Right, Front Row: Rick Powell, Alan McKnigh t, Rvan Riska, David Holh , Hobert Urton, Gordon Myer. Second Row: Gordan Visser, Doug Cline, Mr. Watt,. Roger Huffman, Craig Hummell, Chet Mickleson.


Brightly colored, Charlonians marched across field and court, adding zest and verve for the Jordan student body. Besides marching at the home games, they participated in the Utah State

CHARLO IAN CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Right: Front Row: Sue Taft, Assistan t Drill Mistress; Sharon Hirschi, Vice President. Row Two: Katie Clayton, Secretary; Marcy Kensinger, Drill Mistress; Deann a Somsen, Treasurer; Jana McBride, orresponding Secretary. Row Three: Rolayne Day, Song Mis tress; Charlotte Greene, Pres ident; Mary elson, Historian.

At the Provo - Jordan game harlonians form a "J" for the student body and guests.


University Homecoming Parade, in the Santa Claus Parade and topped it off with a zealous performance for the Brigham Young University Invitational track meet in Provo.

Marsha Anderson Judy Atkinson Sarah Bishop Gwen Blackham Susan Bodell Grace Carter

Debra Cary Roxy Christensen Katie Clayton Joyce Cook Rolayne Day Charlene Denison

Joyce Fitzgerald Julie Gardner Carol Goff Charlotte Greene

Pam Hall Carolyn Hawker Jeanette Hilton Sharon Hirschi

Lorene Jackson Karolyn Kreek Marcy Kensinger Jana McBride

Nancy Martin Kathy Mumford Mary Nelson Michele Peart

Peggy Peterson Maurie adUer Ann Sainsbury Deanna Somsen Claire Spencer Laurie tout

Susan Swenson Sue Taft Vickie Taylor Colleen Vawdrey Andrea Visser Mirriam Wilson


Early in the school year, the clubs and organizations worked hard to make this year unforgettable. Holding interviews for prospective club members, collecting dues, attending initiations, and working on their projects were only examples of jobs our organizations performed with zeal and diligence this year.


Beetdigger Broadcaster Associated Girls of Jordan Associated Boys of Jordan Key Club A Cappella Mas que and Gavel Model U.N. D.E.C.A. Junior Achievement


Shannon Rasmussen Editor

Shirley Young Assistant Editor

Robert D. Teran Adviser

Arval Nelson Photography Adviser


Duane Archibald Photographer

In a mad, mad, mad world of pictures, copy, deadlines, typing and retyping, the Beetdigger staff dedicated themselves to a better than ever book for 1968. Planning during the summer, this group came up with several different and interesting ideas. Through many hours of hard work, the students of Jordan, will have many memories to relive with this yearbook.

Barbie Dalton Copy Paul Gotberg Art Chris Hand Art, Copy Darlene Larsen Copy

Nancy Pace Copy Janet Yeater Copy Valerie Whetman Copy Ron Yengich Sports

canning pictures for the yearbook is just one of the jobs of the yearbook staff.


Jolynne Nickle Co-editor

Reporting on club activities, writing human interest stories, selling ads to local businesses, such as the Center Drive-In, printing and folding over a thousand papers, and then starting all over again for the next issue of the Broadcaster. This endless task was accomplished by a very capable staff and their advisor, Mr. McAllister.

Diana Fenstermaker Co-editor

• Mr. Richard McAllister Advisor

Typing copy, pacing ads, and making critiques are just a few exampl s of th work which goes into the Broadca~ t

Duane Archibald Photographer



Mel Rogers Sports editor

James Thompson Sports editor

Ronald Mitchell Reporter

Deanna Somsen Business manager

Jeanne Spray Reporter

Judy Atkinson Reporter

Lynda Van Ostendorp Reporter

Anne Wuyts Reporter

Carl Bennett Reporter

Anita Brown Reporter

Lynnette PesheU Reporter


The annual faculty and senior boys' basketball game was sponsored by the A. B. J. at the Thanksgiving Party.

To start the year off the boys of the A.B.J. held a fantastic Thanksgiving Party including a Student-Faculty basketball game. During the year, Boys' Day was held. Fathers' and Sons' was great. Sub for Santa added that extra special feeling at Christmastime. The A.B.J. can be proud of its accomplishments this year. Doug Crebs President

Jim Matsumori


Vice President

Jim Wagstaff


Don Lybberl Senjor Representative

raig Whetman Junior R pres ntative

Kevin Fitzgerald ophomor Representative

One of the exciting activities sponsored by the A.G.J. was the Big Pal-Little Pal Party. Every senior girl was responsible to a sophomore girl in helping her become acquainted with Jordan. ~------~----------~-~

The young ladies of Jordan have added sugar and spice to the school. The Mothers' and Daughters' was a blue ribbon winner. The Big Pal- Little Pal Party made many new friendships. Following came the hilarious Fathers' and Daughters' Night. The traditional Dog-Patch Drag ended the festivities with a "hoot and a holler." Ronnalynn Brown President

Jody Andurs Vice President

Louann Day Secretary

Kathy Elg Senior Representative

Peggy Peterson Pam Adams Junior Representative Sophomore Representative


Kay Alldredge Tracy Bawden Bruce Brown Paul Brown John Bryant Robert Cole

Mark Connish

Ronnell Crapo Doug Crebs Van Davis John Diefenderfer Bruce Eggleston Jim Fairbourn

La Grand Fairboum Ralph Ferrara Paul Homer Reg Hall Russ Jessop John March

Jim Matsumori Brian McBride Ron Mumford Allan ielson Randy Osborne Richard Parkin

Dave Rasmussen Craig Richards Paul Roden Mel Rogers Cy Sherwood Brad Smith

Listening intently to their president, the Key Club members djscuss d t.heir various projects. RICAN CONOMIC


Kent Smith

Fred Veltri James Thompson Lee Wall

Randy Steadman

Joe Veltri reg Walkenhorst Randy Woodward

Ron Yengich President

The 1967-68 year began the 20th year of service to Jordan by the Key Club, a junior affiliate of the Kiwanis, it was the second Key Club organized in Utah. With the theme "Progress Through Activity," and with the motto " Service for Jordan," the Key Club contributed their services throughout the year to make Jordan a top school. Raising the flag before school,presenting the flag ceremony at assemblies, selling programs, sponsoring the annual initiation banquet, and participating at a convention in Idaho were but a few of this service-and-action club's activities. Topping off the year for the Key Clubbers was their project. In hopes of building school spirit and as a remembrance of the 1967-68 year, a tile replica of the school seal was laid in the main hall.

Dennis Carroll Vi ce-President

Robert Prince 2nd Vice-President

Steve Nelson Secretary

Mr. LaMar Swenson Adviser

Mr. James Bradford Adviser

Lee Greenwood



This year as you walked down the halls during third period, you had a sudden feeling of peace and happiness come over you. This beautiful feeling came from the A Cappella as they were practicing their songs. During the year the Choir presented a musical, sang on the Cottonwood Mall Singing Christmas Tree, presented a Christmas program, and performed on the Traveling As embly. Last but not least, and probably the most exciting time of the year was when they presented a concert at the Salt Lake Tabernacle with the Utah Symphony. Marianne March, Librarian; Mona Lynn Neff, Librarian; Mickie McCleery, Party Chairman; Kathy Adair, Secretary; Shelley Sund, Secretary; Mel Rogers, President; Roseann Hardcastle, Vice-President; Linda Ballard, 2nd Vice-President; Karolyn Kreek, Treasurer; Mikki Hatch, Ace.; Deanna Hawker, Ace.; not pictured, Conway Richards, Social Chairman.

A CAPELLA - Left to Right, Front Row: Debra Wagstaff, Brenda Vawdrcy, Ann Berrett, Vonda Clement, Lucille Best, Karolyn Krcck, Ellene West, Laurie Stout, KaDon Hadley, Leon Shurtleff. Row Two: Shelley Sund, Mickie McCleery, Ronnalynn Brown, Colleen Larsen, Launa Washburn, hristie Gibson, Carol Farn~worth, Judy Anderson, John Bryant, Craig Richards. Row


Threez Suzette Tanner, Mary Weaver, arolyn llawker, Barbara Kobs, Janell Smith, Dawna Elswood, Jolynnc Nickle, Darlene Uay, Jack Bean, Allen Coodmanson, Randy Osborn . Row Four: Donna Bergstrom, Kathy Elg, Darlene ole, Roseann Hardcastle, Brian McBride, Watkins, Lynette Swen~on. c il Vernon Baan, Van Davis, Ronell rapo.


A CAPELLA -Left to Right, Front Row: Quinton Terry Bishop, Mel Rogers, M1chele Pearl, Pa111ine Reeve, Lindy Lunnen, Mikld Hatch, Linda Thomas, Kathy Adair, Deanna Hawker, Melba Akagi. Row Two: Steve Boynton, James Thompson, Holayne Day, Lorene Jackson, Claire Spencer, Rhonda Pangos, L1nda Parker, Jeanelle 1-lilton, Sue Taft, Linda Ballard. Row Three: Paul

Roden , Cary Wright, Paul Sovelius, Helen Yazzie, Katie Clayton, Vickie Snyder, Brenda Elswood, Monika Kobs, Sherry Nay, Marianne March, Mona-Lynn Neff. Row Four: Cody Albrechtsen, John Diefenderfer, Robert Prince, Ben Durrant, Don Margetts, Nancy Higbee, Kayla Van Tassell, Lois Elkington, Sue Devine, Bonnie Subdon Jackie Wright, Lark Rogers.


MASQUE AND GAVEL OFFICERS - Left to Right, Front Row: Mr. Glenn E. Sacos, Adviser; Sherry Craig, Vice-President; Sandra Goates, Secretary. Standing: Cheryle Palmer, Parliamentarian; Gary Bird, Parliamentarian ; Nancy Pace, Historian; Roger Allen, President; Clare Bills, Treasurer.

MASQUE AND GAVEL - Left to Right, Front Row: K. Atkinson, N. Thompson, S.Olsen, S. Young, L. Rogers, M. McCleary, L. Best, S. Craig, C. Hand, J. Tucker, R. Timoney. Second Row: R. Mitchell, J. Bay, J.Woodburry, L. Whetman , F . Cook, V. Bearden, R. Birch, L. Brady, J. Jensen, D. I lawker, K. Adair, M. Brine, W. Albrechtsen. Third Row: B. Urton, L. Ballard, K. Pullan, E. Hill, D. Somsen, J. Smith, R. Gunderson, K Pendleton, C. ole, R. liardcastle, R. Brown, C . Larsen, R. Fitzgerald, D. Fitzgerald, S. Coates. Fourth Row: S. Wetzell, D. Petience, C. Conrad, J. Sampson, D . Essey, J. Pa rker, S. Abram s, D. Williams, <?¡ Gardner, R. Chi stensen, R. Day, L.. Taf~ ,S. Fairboum, A. Maynes, N. Pace. Ftfth Row: R. Allen, R. Lawson, C. C 1lchnst, R. Cole, T. Watson, N. Anderson, J. Thompson, M. Rogers, R. Osborne, D. Ainswoth a, S. Timoney, D. Hom er, K. Fitzgerald, J. Matsum ore, R. Crapo. Sixth Row: A.


"I pledge myself to live a full and active life." This is the first line of the Masque and Gavel Pledge. The members of the largest club at Jordan lived up to this pledge as they enjoyed everything from a bob-sleigh ride to an evening at Valley Music Hall. At the annual Christmas party at Mountain Meadow Ranch the club was presented a tapestry by the management for their excellent behavior there over the past two years.

Leigh, D. Chri sti an, C. Hawker, R. nd c r~ n, H. Anders n, D. 'mith, H. Mickeb en, T. Sherwood, R. Parkin , J. Diefend rfer, H. Prince, H. Ferrum, H. Homero, D. lin , R. Bergen r, . Pahn er. Seventh Row: S. Lewis, J. Dunn, P. Osbo rne, T. Gotbe rg, A. Vawdrey, J. Reed, M. Uurton, M. Somsen, D. Cordner, D. Carroll. D. Jens n. Eighth Row: N. Tippetts, . Brown , P. Fitzgerald, S. Smith, S. Swenson, K. joll1 y, A. Dunn, J. Sainsbury, T. Hansen, P. Moses, W. Fitzgerald, L. Kirchhaurn , R. Uluth , P. F itzgerald. Ninth Row: ' ¡ Bird, S. "lh ompson, J. Cardn r, S. Bodell, V. Taylor, . pencc.r, J. lose, V. Harris, K. Jones, D. W ag~ ta ff, R. Pangos, L. wenson, D. Watkins, D. Halladay. Tenth Row: . Bills, G. Gregory, K Fit zg raid, M. Rowsell , . Fairbourn, R. W right, C. 13allami s, L. llaycock, P. Pet rsen, D. Elswood, L. ElkinE-,rton, S. Baker, J. I lofeling.

"I wonder where we're going tonight? Maybe we'll get to go to the Valley Music Hall or Gone With the Wind!"

The spirit of giving received a great deal of attention from the club members who brought these things for the annual Sub for Santa.


Modd U.N. MODEL U.N. OFFICERS -Left to Right, Front Row: Shirl e~ Young, Ass t. Secretary General; Shirley Olson, Treasurer. Row Two: Wtl~on Sved111, Parhamentarian; Dennie Mori , Historian; James Th ompson, Prestden t.

MODEL U.N.- Left to Right, Front Row: Vickie Burgon, Connie Fairbou rn , Kay Brown, Den nis ~ ori , Brenda Vawdrey, Kayleen Ballard. Row Two: Dale Cordn er, Janet Tucker, Robyn Ti money, Robi nette Emerson, Micki e McCleery, Lark . Rogers, Mel Rogers, Paul Hoden, James Thompson, Terry Pickett, Jackie Peavey, Maxin e Humphrey, Marilyn Smith . Row Tiuee:


What is the government of Columbia like? Questions like this were asked by members of the Model U.N. Club. Under the guidance of Mr. Milne, they studied many countries. Starting off the year was the UNICEF Drive, with many activities in between. And last, representatives from throughout the state met at the University of Utah for a General Assembly making it a worthwhile year of experiences.

Mari ann e March, Karen Atkinson, Karla Hall, Margo Rowsell, Ruth Wright, Kayle n Fi tzgerald, Marcy Le Kensit1ger. Wilson Svedin , Handy Osborne, Holayne Day, Annette Frantz, Marla Steph enson, Judy W ashburn, Colleen Vawdrey. Row .F our: Eddie Vigil, Byron Oliver, Bruc Potter, y Sherwood, fim Fairhourn , Bri an Mc Brid , Dan Mahl er, Kerry Soper, arol Mathis, 'w ¡ndy Palm er.

The Radio Club consisted of many dedicated students who are interested in the field of electronics. They worked out many problems during their electronic labs. Under the guiding hand of Mr. King, their projects were accomplished with much success. Their studies here at Jordan may open an interesting field in electronics.

RADIO CLUB - Left to Right, Front Row: Gene Ebert, Reporter; Gary Middleton, Secretary; Gary Hansen, Historian; Stanley Coleby, President; Douglas Cox, Vice President; Gerald Middleton, Treasurer. Row Two: Dale Simonson, Jack Lar en, Keith Sargent, Ricky Smith, James Cummings, Paul Farnsworth, Warren Dahl, John Hendrikse, Clark Dimond, Duane Archibald, Dale ordner, Kent Ricord. Not pictured: Linda Thomas.

RED CROSS CLUB - Left to Right, Seated: Cheri Larson, Mickie McCleery, Sandra Goates, Shirley Olson, La riC Rogers, Lucille Best, Shirley Young, Myrna Lybbert, Jennifer ainsbury, Wendy Palmer, Robinette Emerson, Darlene Day.

Serving others was the chief goal of the Red Cross Club, where thirty students participated in making life a little more pleasant for those in need. A source of happiness for many people this year were the activities provided by this fine club.

Standing: Karen Pendleton, Ronnalynn Brown, Jolynn Nickle, Gerald Middleton, Nancy Higbee, Cecile Cole, James Cummings, Wendy Fitzgerald, Carol Mathis, Sharon Abrams, Karen Fitzgerald, Jean Reed, Shelley Smith, Jackie Peavy, Paulette Fitzgerald, Terry Pickett.



Gary Bird and Mirriam Wilson represented our school at Houston, Texas, in the national D.E.C.A. competition.

This is not a recording company but it is a class in setting records for knowledge about marketing and distributing. Sub-for Santa, Homecoming, and other activities were sponsored by the Distributive Educational Clubs of America. Mrs. Wilson directed the students, using four points of the Deca Emblem as their guide. These were vocational understanding, civic consciousness, social intelligence, and leadership development.

D.E.C.A. - Left to Right, Front Row: Colleen Larsen, Sheri Latimer, Bonnie Subdon, Adele Bolton, Karen West, Deanna Holdaway, Letty Greene, Hoyetta Konold, Gloria Ray, Nancy Jenson, Vauna Bearden, Howard Dahle, Ricky Powell, James Cummings, Lynn Dumas, David Jaynes. Row Two: Leslie Allred, Linda Jarvis, Rolayne Day, Hose Mary Rigler, Vicki Burgon, Carol Farnsworth, Darlene Day, Byron Oliver, Eddie Vigil, Byron Timothy, Tom Boesch, Dale Hansen, Archie Hardcastle, Dirk Vanderberg, Mike llon •, Nor-


man Silcox. Row Three: Lynda Smith, hauna Newbold, June Evans, aria Bennett, Hoby.n Johan~en , Joyce Evans, Rill Lamping, Bruc Potter, Mike Day, Cy Sh rwood , S ¡ott J nsen , Richard Parkin, Steph n Fairbourn, Doug Henke, Terry Davis, J fT Bi\hop, Randy Hawson, Richard Davenport. How Four: Dale ox, Mirriam Wir~on , Terry Trujillo, wen McKenna, Kathy Dahle, Marlon Moore,Jim Fairbourn, Brian M Bride, Phil Romero, Ray lpson , Larry Price, Cary Bir , Hob rt 'ol , Chuck Pallcrson, Danny Vest. Row Five: Dale Smith, Rhonda Pangos, Linda Martinez, Janis llnll.

Is this the achievement which the juniors have made this year? It is a new organization this year which is sponsored by various companies and is under the direction of Mr. Bradford. They met two hours a week to make items which are marketed and sold. Receiving outstanding recognition for their work in Junior Achievement were Robinette Emerson and Ed Barney.

JUNIOR ACHIEVEMENT - Left to Right, Front Row: Todd Soper, Randy Steadman, Howard Dahle, Reg Hall, Dean Tuttle, Craig Rasmussen. Row Two: Steve Kido, Randy Osborne, Dennis Mori, Wilson Svedin, Steve Webster, Robinette Emerson, Neil Anderson. Row Three: Karen Atkinson, Sheryl Lavery, Mickie McCleery, Valerie Whetman, Janet Tucker, Kayleen Fitzgerald, Connie Fairbourn. Row Four: Robyn Johansen, Rosemary Rigler, Slieri

Baker, Jim Hofeling, Marcy Lee Kensinger, Carol Farnsworth, Vicki Burgon. Row Five: Ed Barney, Kay Taylor, Roberta Fitzgerald, Nancy Pace, Stanley Coleby, Roger Allen, David Halladay. Row Six: Ron Mitchell, Bob Smith, Dale Smith, Scott Jensen, Byron Timothy, Janet Tucker, Bill Lamping, Ed Vigil. Row Seven: Bruce Potter, Byron Oliver, Cy Sherwood, Phil Romero, Jim Fairbourn, Brian McBride.


Did you happen to see the school play this year? Or maybe you went to more than one of the assemblies during the 1967-68 year. If you did, it was the stage crew who did the lighting and sound effects. These boys worked long and hard for the enjoyment of the Beetdiggers.

The stagecrew was responsible for the outstanding props and sets used in our many assemblies.

STAGE CREW - Left to Right: Greg Barber, Larry Nokes, colt Nezos, Warren Dahl, Wayne Rossberg, Lawrence Gull, Duane Archibald, Ray illen, Michael raham.


Under the direction of Mr. Cyril Watt, Jordan High School Band represented Jordan by playing at the Utah State University Homecoming and in the annual Santa Claus Parade in Salt Lake City. Included in these activities were the combined forces of band and choruses. They presented a delightful Christmas Concert. Left to Right, Front Row: Mindy Brine, Kathy Adair, Deanna Hawker. Back Row: Kayleen Fitzgerald, Kathy Jolley, Rebecca Bluth.

BAND - Left to Right, Front Row: Marie Biorge, Alan McKnight, Craig l\a.,mu,sen, Ryan fliska , Bruce Ballard, Don Cremer, Rick Powell, Doug Cline. Row Two: Marilyn Edgemon, Glenn Gregory, Sharee Hyde, Judy Holfeltz, Marian I lop •s, Dalyn Fitzg raid , Craig Moody, Ley Clement, Skip Freeman,

Dennis Smith, Craig Hummel, Roger Huffman. Row Three: Lynn Smith, Dana Beck, Steven Berrett. Standing: Gordan Visser, Gordon Meyer, David Roth, Dean Soper, Bob Urton, Mr. Watt. Not Pictured: Chet Mickelsen, Eugene Maynard, Curtis Ricord.


Memories of friendships gained will remain in the minds of students who participated in such activities as "Cheaper by the Dozen", the school play, the state interpretive meet, the Senior Hop, the Junior Prom, the Dog Patch Drag, a debate meet or extemporaneous speaking, or many other activities which Jordan offers.


Harvest Ball Senior Hop Junior Prom Sweethearts Ball Dog Patch Drag Forensics Interpretive One Act Play


Robinette Emerson Homecoming Queen

Penny DeGrafienried Junior Attendant, Homecoming


Bonnie Best ophomore Attendant, Homecoming

Kayleen Fitzgerald

Mike Day

Daisy Mae

Li 'l Abner

Doug Maughan Most Preferred Boy

Craig Rasmussen 2nd Most Preferred Boy

Paul Brown 5th Most Preferred Boy

Bill Lamping Tied for 3rd Most Preferred Boy

Lee Greenwood Tied for 3rd Most Preferred Boy


Beetdiggers from past and pre ent years danced in a "welcome back" atmosphere at Jordan's first Homecoming.

The highlight to a parade of "Changing Times" was lhe Ilomecomin, Royalty: Penny DeGraffenried, First Attendant; Robinette Emerson, Queen; Bonnie Best, econd Attendant.


The stormiest weather couldn't dampen the spirits of Beetdiggers when Jordan's first Homecoming was held in eptember. A parade began the festivities, after which Murray was defeated in football. Friendships were renewed as old acquaintances met again at their Alma Mat r for a dance in the evening.

"Miss matchen, man catchen" turned out to be the perfect theme for the Dog Patch Drag as each girl caught up with her man. Kayleen Fitzgerald and Mike Day were chosen Daisy Mae and Lil Abner for the top event of an evening sponsored by the Girls Club of Jordan. This delightful dance was held in the boys' gym which was gaily decorated to fit the occasion.

"We uns' had a fun time" would be our impression of the Dog Patch Drag.

Jeanne Sf>ray, Michael Durrant, Tilleen Parker, along with many others, enjoyed' themselves at the Dog Patch Drag. Kayleen Fitzgerald and Mike Day received gifts as they claimed the titles of Daisy Mae and Lil Abner. 113

Punch and cookies were served to all who attended the Senior Hop.

The seniors will cherish the everlasting moments created at their dance.

An enchanting dance with the theme "Everlasting Moments" was the Senior Hop in essence. With all the tradition and fun associated with this special event, November 18, was marked a great night. Memory Grove turned out to be the perfect place to have such dance.


In the friendly atmosphere of other couples, these seniors took a few minutes out for refreshments.

Memory Grove provided the right atmosph r to dance for the couples attending lhe Senior Hop.


Spellbound Lloyd Hansen and Sharman Stout enter the "Garden of Romance."


Watching her step, Linda Norris and Lynn Woodward admire the decorations at the Sweethearts Ball.

The evening was completed by Todd Shoemaker singing ''Love Me


whlle happy co;j~l~: danced

The hustle all day Sa~urday, February 12, was caused by the Sweethearts Ball as the girls of Jordan High awaited the magic hour when the doors opened into a "Garden of Romance." The shocking pink and heavenly blue with touches of red and white were displayed along a beautiful foundation of the throne of the reigning King and Queen. The sophomores presented Jordan students with an enjoyable evening for all who attended.

llll IIIII IIIII 1111

lllll 111~1

Reigning as King and Queen over the Sweethearts Balf were James Thompson and Jani Andrus.


Tying for the first place with Ronell Crapo, the Shawntells performed on the talent assembly.

Students witnessed many assemblies both intellectual and entertaining. As the year's high point Governor Calvin L. Rampton came to Jordan and spoke to the student body on a patriotic assembly. Another honor event we had was the privilege of having Pablo ValVerde, a teacher from Equador come and observe and teach classes for six weeks.

The "Good Old Days" were brought back by this double quartet on the Hillcrest Traveling Assembly.

As Christmas approached, cheerleaders, songleaders, Charlonians, and band marched along State Street in Salt Lake Christmas parade.

On ollege Dar, seniors are told of the qualifications o various universities and colleges.

Judge's assembly provided laughter and entertainment for all Jordan's student body.

Doug Crebs is awarded the defensive basketball trophy by Mr. nunp.

Dennis Higbee, Elaine Hill, Conway Richards and Shelley Sund practice for their parts in this year's musical, "The King And I."


Dale o receives his certificate after completing the Utah l)ower and Light salemanship clinic.

High on school spirit, the cheerleaders and songleaders created a hippie "Pep-In" in the cafeteria. ¡ Byron Oliver showed off his figure in the fashion show during the Officers Council Assembly.

Cy Sherwood carried the torch for this year's Jordan Olympics.

Kevin Enniss received the football defensive trophy presenled to him by Coach Sanchez during a special honor as embly.

Making things lively, Youngtimers from Utah State University performed on an outstanding assembly.


eorge Washington is brought to life in snow by the advanced crafts class.

'T il n v r use Florax Mouthwash again," sh ut: lure Bill ¡ a ¡ she fights off h r date on the Senior Assembly.

On Girl's Day, the boys prove "chivalry is not dead" as Gary Millerberg carries Vickie Taylor's belongings.


Spirits ran high as Mr. Bradford's homeroom class portrayed "Mrs. McCleary who lived in the shoe" in a pep assembly.

George Moses, the perfect angel, preached repentance on the Senior Class assembly.

Lark Rogers and Paul Brown are awarded trophies for being the outstanding citizens for 67-68.

The student body gets a good laugh at the Boys Club assembly.

The Charlonians and the art classes teamed up to sculpture the traditional "J" in front of Jordan.


Dreaming up the wildest socks was the task of each club so they could.be displayed at the "Sock Murray" pep assembly.

At the opening day assembly, Lucille Best tries topping the traditional Jordan beets while the other student body officers look on.


The music department displayed its musical talent in the annual Christmas assembly.

Forming the "J" climaxed each of the Charlonians' marches.

Mr. Swenson's homeroom class brought to Jordan the activities of a regular Romper Room day at the pep assembly before the Hillcrest game.

Thi year's patriotic assembly was highlighted with a speech by Governor Rampton.


DEBATE - Left to Ri_ght, Front Row: Shelly Smith, Ann Sainsbury, Shirley Olsen, Jennifer Sainsbury, Debbie Williams. Row Two: Dale Cordner, Reg Hall, Don Homer, Ron

Kunz, Brad Smith, Mark Conish, Steven Nielson, Roy Romero. Row Three: Dennis Higbee, Mike Peacock, Allan C oodmansen.

"We would like to welcome the negative to this debate." With these words the debate teams set the mood for the spirited defense of their position, whether it happened to be negative or affirmative to the resolution. Resolved: That Congress should establish uniform regulations to control criminal investigation procedures. Future Congressmen and women participated in Legislative Forum, introducing bills and convincing "Congress" members from other schools to support them. Other fellow classmates shared the shiver of fear at giving an extemporaneous speech on one of the issues of the day. Still others found an exciting experience in radio speaking where they developed skills some may use later on as disc jockeys. 124

Mrs. Broderick, debate coach, discusses this year's resolutions to some of the debaters.

During a debate, Jordan's affirmative team tried to convince the audience of the seriousness of crime.

EXTEMPORANEOU~ SPEAKING- Janice Woodbury, Shelley Sm1th, Kerry Soper, Maxine Peterson, Susan Nelson, Sharon Lewis.

ORATORY - Dennis Newton, Ann Sainsbury, Jennifer Sainsbury, Pally Paramore, ail Gardner, Dale Cordner.

During a leg. forum session, a Senate Representative argues his point with the House of Representatives.

RADIO SPEAKING- Skip Freeman , Jim llofeling, Ron Atkin, Jerry Lundberg, Steve Nelson.

LEGJSLATNE FORUM - Left to Right, Front How: Myrna Lybbert, Handy Jenkin s. Row Two: Reg Hall, Steven Nielson, raig Moody, Hon Kunz, Brad Smith, Hoy Romero, Don Hom er.


Participating in the Interpretive Meet can mean spending four to five hours a day memorizing material for retold stories, giving your family a nervous condition by practicing screams for a mono-act, or driving your neighbors into hysterics while going through the antics of pantomime.

STATE INTERPRETIVE- Front Row: Susan Bodell, Elaine Hill, Sharon Ilirschi, Carol Goff, Robyn Timoney, Clare Bills. Row Two: Doug Maughan, Ben Enniss, James Thompson, Lois Elkington, Lee Greenwood, eil Anderson, Robert Cole.

REGION INTERPRETIVE -Left to Right, Front Row: Mary Nelson, Claire Spencer, Lark Rogers, Sandra Hansen, Robyn Timoney, Nancy Tippets, Sharon Hirschi, Susan Thompson, Susan Bodell, Ann Sainsbury, Carol Goff. Row Two: James Thompson, Jim Matsumori, Gary Bird, .Ben Enniss, Nancy Pace, Lois

Ben Enniss pantomimes an old man who is wringing the nect of his favorite pet bird.


Elkington, Kalhy Mumford, Debbie Fitzgerald, Elain Uill, Clare Bills, Don Lybbert, Lee Greenwood, Ne.il Anderson, Mel Rogers. Row Three: y ~1ler­ wood, Robert Cole, Robert Prince.

A cutting taken from "Elizabeth the Queen" was the mono-act Nancy Pace chose to compete with in the Interpretive Meet.

Another phase of the Interpretive meet is the One Act Play. Through the efforts of Mr. Sacos and a group of some seventy-five students, the choice drama of ÂŤThe Other Wise Man" was presented. All felt a great feeling of accomplishment after working together to create such a production.

onway Richards portrayed the role of the other wise man in this year's One Act Play.

STUDENT DIRECTORS- Left to Right: Roberta Fitzgerald, Krisan Robinson, Barbie Dalton.

The entire cast combined their talents to make this a successful play.


"By jingo, let's have a little efficiency around here! " "Now Frank, you know you shouldn t get so excited."

Act three: Sandra Goates, Cy Sherwood


"Don't go, Daddy; I love you!" These haunting words were dear to the Jordan High students who became a family on the set of Cheaper by the Dozen. Directed by Mr. Sacos, th cast caught all the love and warmth of the Gilbreth family as they associated with each other. The tory, which unfolded through the eyes of Frank and Ernestine, was produced on one of the most beautiful sets our stage crew has ever created. In the final analy is it was agreed by all that thi year's play was more than deserving of the accolades it received.

Sandra Hansen Lillian Robert Larsen Jackie

Greg Hansen Dr. Burton Gary Bird Joe Scales

Robert Prince Larry Nancy Pace Mrs. Mebane Clare Bill Mrs. Fitzgerald

Mr. Sacos Director Robert Cole Father Cheryle Palmer Mother Elaine Hill Anne Conway Richards Frank

Robyn Timoney Earnestine Stephen Webster Bill Neil Anderson Fred Janet Tucker Martha

CHILDREN: Christine Crump, Gail Rapp, Ryan Timoney.


Linda Ballard Top3% Sterling Scholar - Science

Paul Brown Top3%

Robinette Emerson Sterling Scholar Social Science

Kayleen Fitzgerald Sterling Scholar - Business

.• •





Kathy El.g Top3%



Charlotte Greene Top3%

Lee Greenwood Top3% Sterling Scholar - General

Dave Halliday Top3% Sterling Scholar Industrial Arts

Joyce Jones Top3%

Karolyn Kreek Top3% Sterling Scholar - English

Steven Nelson Sterling Scholar - Math

Shirley Olsen Sterling Scholar - Home Ec

Lark Rogers Top3%

Randy Steadman Sterling Scholar Arts & Crafts

Robyn Timoney Sterling Scholar - Speech

Nancy Thompson Top3%

Gary Wright Top3% _ Sterling Scholar - Music

Ann Sainsbury American Legion Oratorical Winner

Jennifer Sainsbury 2nd place, American Legion Oratorical

Marianne March Sterling Scholar Foreign Language

Elaine Hill 3rd place, American Legion Oratorical


Lark Rogers, Paul Brown Citizenship Winners

Kay Taylor Betty Crocker Homemaking Award

Mickey Hatch State 4-11 Winner

GIRLS & BOYS STATE: Front Row: Kristine Pullan, Karen Atkinson, Connie Fairbourn. Row Two: Marcy Kensinger, Kayleen Fitzgerald, Row Three: Jim Fairboum, Randy Steadman, Roger Allen. Bacl{ Row: Don Lybbert, Cy Sherwood, Doug Maughan.


Shirley Olsen State 4-Il Winner

ELKS CLUB LEADERSlllP PARTICIPANTS: Front Row: Ronnalynn Brown, Lucille Best, Connie Fairbourn. Row Two: Doug Maughan, Cy Sherwood, Neil Anderson. YOUNG AMERICANS: Doug Maughan, Elaine Hill,. Gary Wright. Not pictured: Randy Steadman.

INQUIRING EDITOR: Karolyn Kreek, Robinette Emerson, Marcy Kensinger, Doug Maughai~ Steve Webster, Randy Osborne.




Years from now your memories of high school may be only brief recollections of faces, buildings, anxieties, and joys. A yearbook is often the only album one has of his school days, perhaps the only record of the most eventful years of his life. Producing the 1968 Beetdigger has been an experience well worth the work, worry, and sleepless nights it caused. We have strived to record the year's happenings as they actually happened. Our victories, our defeats, and the determination of our athletic teams helped us to achieve recognition and sportsmanship. The assemblies, dances, and extracurricular activities filled us with a sense of achievement. Every day of the last 180 school days holds some cherished memory, dear to each individual. It has been the goal of the yearbook staff to make 1967-68 a year NEVER TO BE FORGOTTEN. We wish to express our gratitude to Mr. Teran and Mr. Nelson who have been a great help as advisers with their guidance and ideas ... to Peggy Quist of Wheelwright Lithographing Co. for the understanding and unselfish service she rendered to us ... to Mr. Brown, our business manager and the bookstore selling staff for helping us raise the money needed for the yearbook ... to our English advisers, Miss Fraser and Mr. McAllister ... to our administration and faculty ... and to you, the students of Jordan High, for giving us the opportunity and honor of producing this yearbook for you.

Assistant Editor


Adair, Kathy Majorette S. Masque & Gavel S. A Cappella Jr. S. Albrechtsen, Cody Boys Club Allen, Charlotte Girls Club Allen, Roger Pres. Masque & Gavel S. Dist. Interpre. Sp. Meet s. Boys State Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Junior Achievement S. Ames, Rose Ann Girls Club Anderson, Judy J.V. Cheerleader s. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S.

Ballard, Linda Charlonians Jr. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Red Cross S. Bands. A Cappella Jr. S. Barney, Ed German Club Jr. Football s. Tennis Team Jr. S. Wrestling S.

Bray, Leslee Masque & Gavel S.

Brown, Donna German Club Jr. S. Charlonians Jr. Band s. Jr. S.

Bennett, Carla D.E.C.A. S. Bergstrom, Donna A Cappella Jr. S.

Anderson, Trissa Girls Club

Berrett, Ann Masque & Gavel Jr. Red Cross Jr. S.

Baarz, Vernon Lettermen's Club Jr. S. German Club Pres. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Football s. Jr. S.

Bowler, David Boys Club

Bell, Colleen Masque & Gavel S.

Anderson, Orin Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Wrestling Team s. Jr. S.

Atkinson, RaeDene Masque & Gavel S.

Bolton, Adele DECA S.

Beck, Kenneth Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Track s. Jr. S.

Bennett, Carl Lettermen's Club Jr. S. School Paper S. Wrestling Jr. S.

Atkinson, Karen German Club Jr. Red Cross S. Masque & Gavel s. Charlonians Jr. Model U.N. S. Girls State Jr.

Carroll. Dennis Key Club s. Jr. S. Key Club 1st Vice-Pres. S. Masque & Gavel S. Lettermen's ClubS. Bands. Basketball Team s Jr. S. Track Team Mgr. s. Jr. S.

Brown, Claudia Charlonians Jr. Masque & Gavel S.

Anderson, Neil Interpre. Speech Meet Jr. School Plays Jr. S. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Football Team s. Wrestling Team s. 2nd V.P. Student Body S.


Bonham, Laurie Red Cross s. A Cappella Jr.

Baxter, Terry Band s. Jr. S.

Belnap, Bryant Boys Club

Arko, Louie School Play Red Cross C ub Jr.

Carpentier, Tim A Cappella Jr. S.

Brown, Bruce Masque & Gavel S. Key ClubS. Baseball Team Jr. S. Basketball Team s. Football Team Jr. S. Wrestling Team Jr.

Anderson, James Boys Club

Andrus, Janilyn School Paper s. School Play s. Masque & Gavel Jr.


Baker, Sherie Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Junior Achievement S.

Bohm, Bruce Boys Club

Best, Lucille Soph. Rep. S.S.M.C. s. Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. School Play Jr. Studentbody Secretary S.

Brown, Lorene Red Cross s. Brown, Paul Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Lettermen's Club Pres. S. Key ClubS. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Lettermen's Club Jr. Brown, Ronnalynn Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Red Cross S. Charlonian Club Pr s. Jr. A appella S. Girls Club Pres. S. Burgon, Vickie German Club Jr. S. Red Cross Jr. Model U. . lub S.

Carson, Gloria Deca Jr. S. Caywood, James Boys Club Cherry, Jay Footbafl Team s. Childs, Dan Boys Club Clement, Ley BandS. Cole, Robert Masque & Gavels. Jr. S. Key ClubS. Deca S. School Plays Jr. Football Team s. Coleby, Stanley Radio Club Pres. S. Radio Club Jr. V.l.C.A. Club S. Comstock, Danny Football Team s. Cordova, Angie Girls luh Cordova, Susan iris Club Cox, Carolyn Masque & Gavel Jr. harlonian Club Jr. School Paper Jr. Cox, Dale Dcca S. Football Team s.

Byers, Clay Boys Club

Craig, Sherry Jr. Class Vice-Pres. Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Masqu & Gavel V.P. S. Deca S. lnterpre. Sp. Meet. Jr. S. chool Plays s. Jr. .

Caldwell, Michael Debate ·. Football Team s.

Creedon, Mary harlorians Jr. A appella Jr. S.

Black, Annette Red Cross S.

Carlisle, Terry Football Team s. Track Team Jr. S. Lett rm n's Club S.

Crowther, Dave Boys lub

Bogenrief, Dwight Lettermen's Club S. Basketball Team Mgr. S. Football Team Mgr. Jr. S.

Carpenter, Richard Mod I U. . s. Bands. School Parer s.

Bills, Clare Masque & Gavel Trea. Jr. S. Charlonians Jr. School Plays s. Jr. S. State Speech Mt. s. Jr. S. Bishop, Harland Boys Club

Burningham, Gary Track Team s.

Cummings, James Red ross S. Radio Club S. Cushing, Lee Boys Club

Cutler, Cathy A Cappella Jr. S.

Edwards, Dave Cross Country Track Team S.

Dahl, Warren V.I.C.A. Pres. S. Radio Club Jr. S. Stage Crew S.

Elg, Kathy Sr. Rep. A.G.J. S. Masque & Gavel Jr. School Play Jr.

Dahle, Howard D.E.C.A. Club Pres. S. Debate s. Jr.

Elmer, Keith Tennis Team Jr.

Dalton, Barbie YearbookS. DaRonche, Ronald D.E.C.A. S. Football Team s.

Emerson, Robinette J.V . Cheerleader s. Varsity Cheerleader Jr. S. Soph. Class Vice Pres. s. Model U.N. Clubs. Jr. S. Red Cross S. Interpre. Sp. Meet Jr. School Play s. Jr. Inquiling Editor S.

Davenport, Richard D.E.C.A. S. Football Team s. Wrestling Team s.

Enniss, Ben Masque & Gavel S. Interpre. Sp. Meet Jr. School Play Jr.

Davis, Jimmy Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Basketball Team s. Track Team s. Jr. S.

Enniss, Kevin Vice Pres. Sr. Class S. Key Club Lettermen s Club s. Jr. S. Baseball s. Jr. S. Football s. Jr. S.

Day, Darlene D.E.C.A. lub S. Red Cross S. A Cappella S. Day, Mike H. Masque & ,avel s. D.E. .A. ' lub S. Jr. Hep. A. B.J. Jr. Baseball Team s. S. Football Team s. Jr. Bask tball Team s. Jr. Tennis Team Jr. Day, Mike R. Boys Club Deal, Dennie Lcll ·rmcn's lub Jr. S. 13askctball Team s. Football Team s. Wrestling Team Jr. S. Track s. Jr. S. DcVisser, Louise Onc-Acl Play Jr. Hed Cross Jr . S. Dcwcgli, Dawna Girls Club Dimond, Clark H d Cro~"i Jr. Dumas, Timothy D .E.C.A. S. Dyet, Jolene Girls lub Ebarb, Delbert Boys Club Edgemon, Howard Football Team s. Track Team Jr.


Evans, Cherie Girls Club Evans, loyce J.V. C eerleader s. Evans, lune J.V. C 1eerleader s. Fairbourn, Connie Soph. Rep. A.G.J. s. Vice Pres. A.G .J. Jr. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Red Cross S. Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. School Plays s. Jr. Girls State Jr. Student Bo y Historian S. Fairbourn, James Key Club s. Jr. S. Lettermen's Club S. A Cap)'ella S. Footba 1 s. Jr. S. Farnsworth, Carol Hed Cross s. Jr. S. A C~pella S. D.E. .A. Club S. Fenstermaker, Diana Charlonians Jr. School Paper Jr . S.

Fitzgerald, Kayleen Majorettes S. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. J.V. Cheerleader s. Charlonians Drill Mist. Jr. Model U.N. S. Junior Achi~vement S. Fitzgerald, Roberta Ma~ue & Gavel Jr. S. Char onians Jr. Junior Achievement S. Forman, David Boys Club Fullmer, Christine Girls Club Glad, Ralph Lettermen's Club Sec. S. Football Team s. Jr. Track Team s. A Cappella s. Jr. S. Goates, Sandra Masque & Gavel Sec. S. Red Cross S.. Interpre. Speech Meet Jr. School Play Jr. Student Council Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Golson, Ric German Club Pres. Jr. Football Team s. Gotberg, Paul German Club s. Jr. S. Masque & Gavel Jr. Yearbooks. Jr. S. Green, LetZ J.V. Cheer eader Jr. DECA ClubS. Greene, Charlotte Charlonians Pres. S. Masque & Gavel s. School Play s. A.G.J. Rep. s. Charlonians Jr. Greenwood, George Soph. Class Pres. s. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. Key ClubS. School Play Jr. Football Team s. Greenwood, Lee Key Club 2nd Vice Pres. Jr. Key Club Treasurer S. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Vice Pres. A.B.J. Jr. Soph. Rep. A.B.J. s

Ferrara, Bill Football s. Bands.

Grow, Richard Football Team s.

Fitzgerald, Debbie Songleader S. Charlonians Jr. Masque & Gavel S. School Paper s. School Play Jr.

Gunderson, Rene Charlonians Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Hadley, KaDon A Cappella Jr. S.

Hales, David D.E.C.A. Club S. Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Track Team Jr. S. Hall, Karla Charlonians Jr. School Play s. Hal~

Reg Cheerleader S. German Club Jr. Keb ClubS. De ate Pres. S. Debate Region Jr.

Halliday, David Masque & Gavel s. S. Junior Achievement S. Hand, Christine Masque & Gavel s. S. A.G.~ Council Jr. Year ook S. Interperative Meet Jr. S. School Plays s. Jr. Hansen, Dale D.E.C.A. Club Jr. Hansen, Gary Radio Club Jr. Red Cross Jr. Basketball s. Hansen, Gre8ory Masque & avel S. German Club s. A Ca~pella Jr. S. Schoo Plays Jr. S. Hardcastle, Archie D.E.C.A. Club S. Hardcastle, Roseann Charlonians Vice-Pres. Jr. A Cappella Vice-Pres. S. Masque & Gavel s. S. Model U. . Club Jr. Harper, Craig Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S. Baseball s. Basketball s. Football s. Jr. S. Track s. Jr. S. Wrestling Jr. S. Harper, Roy Footballs. Wrestling s. Harris, Clifton Boys Club Hatch, Mickey Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. Haun, James Band Jr. Hawker, Deanna Majorettes S. Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. Masque & Gavels. Jr. S. 137

Haws, Carol Charlonians Jr. Hellstrom, Ted German Club Jr. Henke, Doug D.E.C.A. ClubS. Heugly, Curt Boys Club Hill, Elaine Masque & Gavel Jr. S. School Play S. Hobusch, Rick Lettermen's Club S. Football s. Jr. S. Wrestling Jr. Hofeling, Jimmy Masque & Gavel S. Junior Achievement Holdaway, Deanna J.V. Cheerleader Jr. D.E.C.A. Club S. Holfeltz, Judy BandS. Homer, Paul Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Key ClubS. Basketball s Football s. Tennis Team s. Jr. S. Hone, Michael D.E.C.A. Club Jr. S. Hughes, Vaughn Wrestling s. Jr. Hulse, Susan Debate Jr. lpson, Ray D.E.C.A. Football Team s. Jacob, LaDonna Masque & Gavel s. Model U.S. S. School Play Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. Charlonians Jr. Jaynes, Brian Boys Club Jeffs, Alan Football Team s. Track Team s. Jr. S. Jenkins, Robert Boys Club Jenkins, Ron Football Team s. Wrestling s. Jr. Jensen, David Football Team Jr. S. Wrestling Jr. S. Masque & Gavel S.


McCandless, Kathryn German Club s. Jr. Red Cross s. Orchestra s.

Jensen, Janis DECA Jr. Masque & Gavels.

Larsen, Jack Radio Club S. Bands.

Johansen, Robyn DECA Reporter S. Student Council s. School Play Jr.

Latimer, Sheri D.E.C.A. Club Jr. S.

Johnson, Sherrie Girls Club

Lovendahl, Roger Wrestling s.

Jones, Joyce Band Jr.

Lund, Diane Girls Club

Jordan, Shauna Girls Club

Lunnen, Lindy Girls Club

Kartchner, Gary Boys Club

Lybbert, Don Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Key Club Jr. S. Boys State Jr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet s. Basketball Team s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr.

Kensinger, Marcy J. V. Cheerleader Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Model U. N. s. Jr. S. Charlonian Reporter Jr. Charlonian Drill Mist. S Girl's State Jr.' School Plays s. Student Council s. Jr. Kidd, Lynn School Play Jr. A Cappella s. Jr. S. Kido, Steve One Act Play Jr. Wrestling Teams. Kobs, Barbara Red Cross s. Jr. German Club Jr. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Konold, Royette DECA S. Kreek, Karolyn Masque & Gavels. Charlonians Jr. S. Red Cross s. Kunz, Eileen Masque & Gavel Jr. Red Cross S. Lamping, Bill Lettermen's Club S. Key Club Jr. S. Baseball Team s. Jr. Football Team s. Jr. Track Team S. Larsen, Cheri Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Charlonians Jr. Red Cross Sec. S. Yearbooks. Larsen, Darlene Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. YearbookS. School Paper s.

McCleery, Mickie Charlonians Sec. Jr. A Cappella Parliament S. Red Cross Club S. Musical Jr.

Lavery, Sheryl Orchestra s.

McKenna, Steven Boys Club Middleton, Gerald German Club s. Jr. Radio Club Jr. S. Red Cross Jr. S.

Moore, Marlon D.E.C.A . Club Jr. S. Baseball Team .. Jr. Football Team s. Moore, Ronald Boys Club

Mace, Vernon Tennis Team Jr.

Mori, Dennis Model U.N. Ilist. School Paper s.

Mahler, Dan German Club Jr. S. Model U.N. Cfub S. Debate Pres. Jr. March, Marianne German Club s. Jr. Model U.N. s. S. Red Cross Jr. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Vice Pres. German

Moffat, Gayland Boys Club

Morrill, Kathy Girls lub Mortensen, Mollie D.E. .A. Club iris lee lub


Carol Girls Club

Mathis, Carol Model U.N. lub s. S. German lub s. Jr. Red Cross Jr. S. German Club Treasurer S.

Moses, George Basketball Team s. Jr. Track Team Jr. S. Mumford, Ronald A appella Jr. S. chool Play Jr. Murphy, Barbara Ccmtan lub Jr. R d ro Jr.

Neff, Mona D.E. .A. Club Jr. Masque & ave! Jr. A appclla Jr. S.

Maughan, Douglas German Club Vice Pres. Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Boys State Jr. Basketball Team s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Studentbody Pres. S.

'Nelson, 'teven Key lub Jr. S. D :bate

McAdams, Johnny Football Team s. Wrestling Team Jr.

Newbold, Shauna Masque & ave! Jr. D .E. .A. lub Jr. S.

McBride, Brian Lettermen's Club S. A Cappella Jr. . German lub Jr. Model U. . S. Key ClubS. Football Team s. Jr. S. Tennis Team s. Jr. S. Wr stling Team s. Jr. S.

Nezos, Scott Boys lub Nickle, JoLynne Masque & Cave! s. Jr. S. Hcd ross . Charlonians Jr. chool Paper Editor S. A 'app ITa Jr. . School Pap r Jr.

Nokes, Larry Footballlr. School Pay Jr. Stage Crew S.

Petersen, David Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Track Team s. Jr. S.

Norell, Dianna Girls Club

Peterson, John Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S. Wrestling Team s. Jr. S.

Okubo, Randy Tennis Team Jr. S. Oliver, Byron Lettermen's Club Jr. S. A Capgena S. Basket all Team s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Olsen, Shirl6 Masque & avel s. Jr. S. Model U.N. Jr. S. Red Cross S. School Play s. Olson, Charles M. Basketball s. Tennis Team s. Jr. S. Osborne, Randy Cheerleader Jr. S. Masque & Gavel s. S. Key Club s. S. Model U.N. S. A Cappella S. Pace, Nancy Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Masque & Gavel Ilistorian S. School Play s. Jr. S. YearbookS. Interpre. Sp. Meet s. Jr. S. Forensics s. Palmer, Cheryle Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Ma~ue & Gavel Parliament S. Char onians Jr. School Pa~er s. Interpre. p. Meet s. Jr. S. School Play Jr. S. Panek, Claudia Girls Club Paramore, Andreah Girls Club Parker, Linda iris Club Patterson, Chuck DECA S. Football Team s. Jr. Track Team s. Jr. S. Patterson, Rand F.F.A. s. Pearce, Steve Boys Club Pendleton, Karen Charlonians Jr. Red Cross S. Masque & Gavel S. Peshell, Lorraine Girls Club

Peterson, Linda Masque & Gavel s. Jr. Phillips, David Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Baseball Team s. Jr. S. Wrestling Team s. Potter, Bruce Football Team s. Powel~

Ricky D.E.C.A. Clubs. Band Jr. S.

Powell, Russell Boys Club Price, Larry Baseball Team s. Pullan, Kristene Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Model U.N. s. Jr. Charlonians Jr. Girls State Jr. School Plays s. Jr. Rains, Beverly chool Play Jr. Rasmussen, Craig Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S. rmior Achievement S. ootball Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Wrestling Team s. Jr. S. Rasmussen, Gary Track Team Jr. Rasmussen, Shannon Charlonians Jr. Masque & Gavel s. Model U.N. s. Yearbook s. Jr. Forensics s. Yearbook Editor S. Rawson, Randb D.E.C.A. Clu S. Bands. Ray, Gloria D.E.C.A. S. Richards, Conway School Plays s. Jr. S. Musical Jr. S. Richards, Mary Girls Club Ricord, Kent F.F.A. s. Radio Club Jr. S. V.I.C.A. Club Reporter S.

Rigler, Darleen D.E.C.A. Club Jr. A Cappella Jr.

Schow, LaDonna Girls Club

Rigler, Rosemary D.E.C.A. Club Historian S.

Scott, Mary Girls Club

Riska, Ryan Band s. Jr. S. Basketball Mgr. s.

Scroggin, Ward School Paper s. Football Team Jr.

Roden, Paul Key Clubs. Jr. Masque & Gavel S. German Club Jr. Model U.N. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Rogers, Lark Senior Class Sec. S. School Plays ]rJr. Rep. Girls Assoc. Jr. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. Model U.N. Jr. S. Charlonians Jr. A CaCpella Jr. S. Red ross S. Rogers, Mel Key Club s. Jr. Model U.N. S. A Ca~pella s. Jr. Pres. S. Schoo Paper Jr. S. Interpre. Sp. Meet Jr. School Plays Jr. S. Football Team s. Manager Romero, Phil Deca Jr. Junior Achievement S. Rosenkrantz, David F.F.A. s. Football Team s. Roth, David Band s. Jr. S. Rowsell, Margo Masque & Gavel S. Model U.N. S. Red Cross S. Runia, John German Club s. Jr. S. Stagecrew s. Sanchez, Eddie A Cappella S. Sanders, David DECA s. Football Team s. Saville, Gary Lettermen's Club S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team Jr. S. Wrestling Team S. Schmidt, Gale Boys Club

Searcy, Ted Boys Club Sherwood, Cy Key Club ]r- S. Lettermen s Club s. Jr. S. Masque & GavelS. School Play S. Interpre. Sp. Meet S. Football s. Tennis Team s. Jr. S. Boys State Jr. Elk Club Leadership S. Student Body 1st V.P. S. Shurtleff, Leon D.E.C.A. Club s. A Cappella S. Silcox, Norman Boys Club Simonson, Linda Cheerleader Jr. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Smith, Barry Boys Club Smith, Dale Masque & Gavel S. DECA S. Junior Achievement S. Smith, Dennis Boys Club Smith, Janell Masque & Gavel Jr. S. Red Cross S. A Cappella Jr. S. Smith, Kent Sr. Class President S. Jr. Class President Jr. Key Club Jr. S. Lettermen Club Jr. S. Interpre. Sp. Meet s. Basketball Team s. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Smith, Lynda DECA S. Smith, Robert Football Team s. Jr. S. Smith, Terry A Cal?ftella Jr. Track earn Jr. Soffe, Pat J.V. Cheerleader s.


Somsen, Deanna Charlonians Jr. Charlonians Treasurer S. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. S. School Paper Jr. S. Soper, Dean F .F.A. s. DECA Jr. Band s. Jr. S. Basketball Team Manager Jr. Wrestling Team Jr.


Thompson, Nancy Masque & Gavel Jr. Sr.

Soper, Todd Debates School flay s. Footbal Team s.

Timoney, Robyn J.V. Cheerleader s. Masque & Gavel s. Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Club Jr. Charlonians Jr. Song Leader S

Sovelius, Paul A Cappella Jr. S.

Timothy, Byron D.E.C.A. Club S.

Steadman, Randy Jr. Re~. S.S.M.C. Jr. Key C ub s. Jr. S. Model U.N. S. Student Council s. Jr. Tennis Team Jr. S. Boys State Jr.

Tippetts, Nancy Masque & GavelS. Red Cross S. Charlonians Jr.

Steadman, Shauna Girls Club Sturdy, Joe Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Subdon, Bonnie DECA S. A Cappella S. School Play s. Sudbu~{' Donna

Schoo Play s.

Sund, Shelley Masque & Gavel s. Red Cross Pres. Jr. A Cappella Sec. S. A Cappella Jr. Svedin, Wilson Modem U.N. S. Bands. Junior Achievement S Sweeney, Sharon Girls Club


Thompson, James Key Club Getman Clu Jr. Masque & Gavel S. Sec. General Model U.N. S. School Paper Jr. S. Football Team s. A Cappella S.

Tolman, Gary Boy's Club Tucker, Janet J.V. Cheerleader Jr. Song Leader S. Masque & Gavel Jr. S. School Play S. Tunbridf.e, Dave Boys Cub Vasquez, Chicho Pacheco Boys Club Veltri, Fred Key Club s. Jr. S. Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Track Team s. Jr. S. Vest, Dan D.E.C.A. Club Jr. S. A Cappella Jr. S. Vigil, Eddie Baseball Team s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Jr. S. Wrestling Team s. Lettermen's Club s. Jr. S.

Visser, Gordon Pep BandS. Band s. Jr. S.

Williams, Toni School Play s.

Voeltz, Nedra Charlonians Jr.

Wintle, Craif. D.E.C.A. Cub Jr. Football Team s. Wrestling Team s.

Walkenhorst, Greg German Club s. Jr. Key Club s. Jr. S. Basketball Team s. Student Council S.

Woodward, Lynn A Cappella Jr S. School Play Jr.

Wallace, Hal V.I.C.A. Club Treasurer S. Wall, Lee Key ClubS. Baseball Team s. Jr. Football Team s. Jr. S. Wrestling Team s. Jr. S. Washburn, Lynn Charlonians Jr. Stage Art S. Watson, Roger School Play s. Track Team Jr. Webster, Stephen Masque & Gavel s. Jr. Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Debate S. School Play S. Tennis Team Jr. S. West, Karen D.E.C.A. Club S. School Play s. Whetman, Valerie J.V. Cheerleader s. Head Cheerleader Jr . S. Masque & Gavel s. Student Council Jr. S. A Cappella Jr. School Plays s. Jr. YearbookS. Whittle, James Boys Club Wilkerson, Rodney Football Team s. Wilkes, Lannie Football Team s.

Tate, Danny Boy's Club

Vincent, Gary Baseball Team Jr. Football Team Jr.

Williams, Betty Girls Club

Taylor, Kay Masque & Gavel Jr.

Vincent, LeeAnn Girls Club

Williams, Steven Boys Club

Woodward, Randy Key Club Jr. S. Worthen, Shauna Girl Club Writt, Gary A appella S. Orchestra s. Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Tennis Team Jr. S. Wright, Ruth Charlonians Jr. A Cappella Jr. S. School Play s. Wright, Sharron harlonians Jr. Yazzie, Helen Girls Club Yengich, Ron Key Club s. Jr. Key Club Pres. S. Lettermen's Club Jr. S. Yearbook Jr. S. Baseball Team s. Jr. S. Football Team s. Wrestling Team s. Jr. Young, Shirley J.V. heerleader s. Soph. lass Sec. s Masque & Gavel s. S. Red ro ·s S. Model U.N. Asst. Sec. Gen. S. Cbarlon.ians Tr asurer Jr. Yearbook Assist. Ecli tor Yearbook Jr. Zizumbo, Maria Red Cross Pres. S. A Cappella s. Jr. S.

Key . Senior Jr. Junior s. ophomore

I~ ADMINISTRATION . 10 .10 . 12 . 12 . 12 . 14 . 15 . 15 . 16,97

Parr, Don J. . . Crump, Sherman M. Fitzgerald, Mary B. Kunzler, Grant H. . Steele, RichardT. Bagley, Frank M. . Berrett, Melvin .. Boberg, Lowell . . Bradford, James L. Broderick, Anne Brown, Blaine .. Clark, Donald . . Erickson, David . . Fisher, Gerald D . . Fraser, Golda . . . Gunn ell , Farrell l larri~. Calvin . . . llcnderson, Belly . llunt, Judith . . . . . rvis, David . . . . . ensen ,.An.nelle . . . . •cld, Dav•cl . . . . . . agle, Hebccca . . . . Karen, Diane . . . . . Kennington , Emerson Kidman , Shuuna .. King, Hoger . . . . . Linlord, Howard .. Maxfield, Calvin .. McAllister, Hichard McCleary, Jerry McCleary, Kent Milne, Donald Nelson , Arval . Olsen, Donald Pace, Ralph .. Pond, Jay . . Husson , Arland Sacos, Cl '1111 F: . . Sagers, Phyllis .. Sull(:hez, Hobert Sanderson, Devon S ·al , James L. . . . Swenson, La Mar . Tcmn, Hobert . . . Tranter, Gertrude Wall, David .. . Will , Jose ph .. . Wright , Kirk . . . . Ain,worth , Thelma . Beckstead , Delos .. flod ·II, Marj'urie .. Brown, E:ve yn . . . Wagstaff, Lena Asay, Carlos . . . . Bateman, Marlon S. lkckstcad, Ht•cd Buxton, Clyd • V.. Ft11·sc, Bennnrr Mortem •n, Paul Prince, Kenneth Wheadon , John ..


. 17 . 13 . 15 . 16 . 14 . 15 . 16 . 17 . . 14 .. 15 .13 . . 13 . . 15 .. 15 . 15 . 14 . 17 . 14 . 17 . . 15 . 15,92 . 17 .16 . 16 . )3 . 13 . 13 . 1.5 . 17 . 13, 129 .. 15 . . . 16 . . . 16 . . . 14 . 16, ':J7 . 16, 90 . . . . 14 . 15, 107 .. 14 .. 15 . 18 . 18 . lll . 18 . 18 . II . II . II . II . II

. ll . II . II

STUDENTS A Ahrnms, Sharon . Adair, Kalh lccn .

50, 8.5, 100, 103 25, ':!8, 99, 100, 107 . W, 50, 95 . . . . 39 . . . . 50 . 50, 100 . . . 50 ....'39 .. 50

Adams, Pam .. Adams, Hob rl Ainsworth, Dennis Ainsworth, Dean . Ainsworth, Donna Aitken , Jerry .. Aitken , 1\onald .. . 3~) , 99 Akagi , Melba .. 2.'5, 99 Albrcchtsen, Cody . . SO, 100 Alhrechtsen, Wendy .50 Alexander, Faye . 39, 00 Alldredge, Kay . .. 50 Alldredge, Larry . . 39 Alldredge , Penny . . 25 Alien, Charlotte . . . . Allen , Diana . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Allen , Katherine Allen , Roger Allred, Barbara .. Allred, Leslie . . . Alvey, Robert .. . Ames, Karen . . . Ames, Linda . . Anderson, Tana . Anderson, Alan . Anderson , Colleen Anderson, Darnell Anderson, Gerald . Anderson, Judy .. Anderson, Marsha Anderson , Neil Anderson, Orin Anderson , Ronn . Anderson , Trissa Andrews, Steve .. Andrews, Cyndie . Andrus, tni . . . . Andrus, ody . .. Andrus, auric .. Andrus Teri Archibaid, Duane . Archuleta, Wendy Arko, Louie .. . Ashby, Laurie .. . Askerlund, Kathy . Atkinson , Judy .. Atkinson , karen . Atkinson , RaeDene . Atwood , Ken

. . . . . 50 25, 100, 105 . . 50 .39 . . 50 .50 .39 .50 .50 .39 . 50 . 50 .25, 98 .39,87 . . . 19, 21, 2S 100, 105, 123 . . 25, 64 75, 77 . 39, 100 . 25 .39 . . . 39 . . . 25 . 39,95 . .. 39 . 49, 50 . .. 39, 90, 92, 103, 106 .50 . 25 .. . 50 . . . 39 . 39, 87,93 . 25, 100 102, lOS . . . . 25 . . . . 50

B Baarz, Vernon . 25, 64,98 Badovinatz, Ceorgean .. 50 Baird, Kim .. . .. .. 50 Bake, Neal .. . .. . . . . . . 50 Baker, Sherie . . . . . . 25, 100, 105 . . 39, 100 Ballamis, Cheryl Ballard, Bruce 19, 50, 110 Ballard, Don .'39, 66, 68, 78, 81 Ballard, Kaylecn . . . . 50 Ballard, Linda . 25, 98, 99, 100 Ballard, Ron . . . . 39 Barber, Gregory . 39, 106 Barber, Sherman .. 50 Barnc;, Tanna . . . . .50 Barney, Dixie .. . . . . 39 . 2.5, 80, 105 Barney, Ed . . . . Barney, Sue Ann . . . 39 . .. 39 Barney, Terry . . . Barnhurst , Steven . . . 50 Barton, Billy . . . 50 Barton, Janet . . . . . 50 Bawden, Tracy . 19, 50, 96 Baxter, Sandy . . . 39, 100 Baxter, Terry . . 25 . 39, 100 Bny, Jerry .. . . 39, 98 Bean, Jack . . . . . Bearden , Vnuna .. . 39, 100 Beall y, Dianna .. 50 Beck, Dana .. . . 50, 107 Beck, Kenneth .. 25, 77, 81 Beck, Larry . . . . . 50 Bell, Colleen . 2.5 Bennett , Carl . . . .25, 75,81, 93 Bennett, Carla .. . 25 Bennett, Jay . . . .50 . 39. 100 Bergcner, Hyan . . .. 25, 98 Bergstrom, Donna . 25,98 Berrett, Ann . . . . . 39 Berrett, Patti . . . 50, 107 Berrett, Steven .. . 19, 50, 110 Best , Bonnie 19, 21, 98, Best, Lucille 100, 103 .50 Bills, Carey . . . 26, 100, 129 Bills, Clare .. 39, 107 Biorgc, Marie . .. 40, 100 Birch, Robyn . 100, 129 Bird, Cary . . . . . . . . . 26 Bishop, Harland . . . . .40 Bishop, Quinton Terry . . 26 Black, Annette . . . . .

Black, David Blackham, Gwen . Blackwell, Eugene Blackwood, Lance Bluth, Rebecca .

. . 50 . 40, 87 .. 50 .51 .19,51 100, 107 Bodell, Susan . 38, 40, 87, 100 Bodell, Wayne . .. . 51 Bogenrief, Barbara . . . . 51 Bogenrief, Dwight .26, 81 Bohm, Lance . . . .. . 51 Bolton, Adele . . .. 26 Bonham, Toe . . . . . 51 Bonham, Leslie . . .19, 40 Bowler, David .. . . . 26 Bowman, Raemarie . . . .40 Boynton, Steve . 40,99 Bradford, Mike . .78,81 . 51, 100 Brady, Leslee . Brassfield, Harvr.y .51 Bray, Larry . . .. 51 . . . 26 Bray, Leslee . 51, 85, Brine, Mindy . 100, 107 .51, 93 Brown, Anita . .. . . 51 Brown, Annette . Brown, Bruce . . 26, 64, 78,81,96 . 26, 100 Brown, Claudia . .. . 26 Brown, Donna . .. 40 Brown, Kathleen . 102 Brown, Kay . Brown, Lorene .19,26 . . 51 Brown, Nancy .19, 26, 64,96 Brown, Paul . . 51, 64, 77, 81 Brown, Paul . . . . 19, 26, Brown Ronnalynn 95,98, 100,103 . . . 51 Brown, Scott . . . . .40 Brown, Sue . 40 Brundage, Joel . 40,96,98 Bryant, John . . 51 Bryce, Beth . . 26, 102, 105 Burgon, Vicki . . . . 40 Burke, Nancy . . . . 51 Burkinshaw, Barry . 51 Burnham, Randy . .40 Burningham, Brian .26. Bumingham, Cary . 51, 100 Burton, Marvin . . 26 Byers, Clay . .40 Byers, Keith ..

c Caldwell, Carol .. Caldwell, Mike . Call, Jeff . . . . . . . . Cameron, Diana . . . Carlisle, Terry . . .. Carpenter, Richard .. Carpentier, Tim Carpentier, Tony . Carroll, Dennis . Carson, Gloria Carter, Gayle . Carter, Crace . Carter, Wayne Cary, Debra . . Cary, Jan . . . . Caywood, Tony .. Chapman, David . Chase, Jim .. . . . Cherry, lay . . . . . Childs, Dan . . . . . Childs, Debra . . . . Childs, Janet . Christensen, Monty Christensen, Roxy Christian Deni Clarke, Callis . Clayton, Katie Clement, Ley. Clement, Vonda Cline, Douglas Close, Julianna Cole, Cecile . . Cole, Robert

.52 .26 . 52 . 52 .27, 77,81 . . . 26 . . 26 . .. 52 26, 69, 81, 97, 100 . 26 . . . 52 .40,87 . .52 .40,87 . . . 52 . 26 .52 . 52 . 27 . 27 . 52 .52 . 40 .40, 87 . 52, 100 . 40 19, 40, 87, 99 . 27, 107 . 19, 40, 98 . . 40, 85, 100, 107 . . 40, 100 19, 40, 98, 100, 102 27, 96, 100, 129

.. 40 27, 103, 105 . . . 27 Comstock, Danny . 19, .52 Conger, Steve . . .52,96 Conish, Mark . . . .. 52 Connelly, Frank . 52, 100 Conrad, Cathy . . . . 52 Conrad, Frank . 40, 100 Cook, Freda . . . . 40, 87 Cook, Joyce .. Cook, Laurie . .. . . 40 .40, 100, Cordner, Dale 102, 103 . 27 Cordova, Angie . . 27 Cordova, Susan . . . Covington, Charlene . . 40 .52 Covington, Robert . 52 Cowdell, Joanne . .27 Cox, Carolyn . . . 27 Cox, Dale .. Cox, Douglas . 41, 103 Craig, Sherry 27, 100, 129 . . 52 Crane, Jim Cranney, Kristine. . .. . .52 Crapo, Honell . 41, 96, 98, 100 Crebs, Doug .19, 27, 64 . 65, 69, 81, 94, 96 Crebs, Dick . .52 .. .52 Crebs, Susan . 27 Creedon, Mary . Cremer, Don . . . . .52, 107 Crookston, Craig . . . . . 52 . .. . 27 Crowther, David . . 27, 103 Cummings, James Cunliffe, Jerry . . .. . 41 Cushing, Lee . . 19, 27 . 27 Cutler, Cathy .

Coleby, Judy .. Coleby, Stanley .

D Dahl, James . . Dahl, tt,nnifer . Dahl, arren . . Dahle, Howard . Dahle, Kathie . . Dalton, Barbie Dansie, Bruce . Dansie, Ralph . . . DaRi:mche, Ronald Davenport, Michael Davenport, Richard Davidson, Lorna Davis, Jimmy . . Davis, Terry .. Davis, Van Day, Bill .. Day, Darlene Day, Louann . . Day, Michael Henry Day, Michael R. Day, Rolayne . Day, Sharla Deal, Dennie DeBarry, Bob . DeCraffenried, Penny Demarest, Elise . Detler, Denise Denison, Charlene . Devine, Susan . . . . DeVisser, lay . . . . DeVisser, LOuise .. Dewegeli, Darlene . Dewegeli, Dawna Diefenderfer, John Dimond, Clark Dixon, DeAnn Dixon, Randy . Dixon, Shanna . . Dowland, Michael Dumas, Lynn . Dumas, Timothy Dumond, Alan Dunn, Alayna . Dtmn, Jack .. Dunn, Jeanne . Dunn, Jim . Dunn, Karen Durrant, Ben

. 41, 70 .. .41 27, 103, 106 . 27, 105 .. .41 . 27, 91 . 41 . 27 . 27 .52 . 27 .. 52 . 27, 77, 81 . .41

.41 , 96, 98 . . . . . . 52 . 27, 98, 110 .. 52, 95 .. 19, 27 80, 110 .. 27 41, 85, 86, 87, 99, 102 . . . . . 41 . . 27, 77, 81 .. 41 . . . . . 41, 82, 83, 110 . . . . 52 . . .. . . 52 . 421, 87 . 41, 99 . 41 . . . 27 . . . 52 . 27 19, 41, 96,99, 100 . 27, 103 . . . 41 . 19, 52 . 52 .41 . 41 . 28 . . . . 52 . 52, 100 .. 52 . 52 . -11 , 100 . 52 .. 28, 99


. 41 .28

Durrant, Michael . Dyet, Jolene. E

. 41 Eatchel, Kelly. .28 Ebarb, Delbert . 41, 103 Ebert, Gene . .52 Edgemon, Deborah . .28 Edgemon, Howard . . 41, 107 Edgemon, Marilyn . .28 Edwards, Dave . . . .41,96 E~leston, Bruce . . 28,95,98 E g, Kathy .. .. . . 41, 99, 100 Elkington, Lois . . 28 Elmer, Keith . . .19,52 Elmer, Randall .41,99 Elswood, Brenda . 41, 98, 100 Elswood, Dawna 28, 82, Emerson, Robinette 83, 102, 103, 105, 110 .52 Emerson, Roy . .41 Engle, Rodney . 28 Enniss, Ben . 24, 28, 63, 78 Enniss, Kevin . 52 Erickson, Darlene ·.. . 52 Erickson, Hal . 52, 85, 100 Essey, Darla. . .28 Evans, Cherie . . 52 Evans, Dean .28 Evans, Ioyce .28 Evans, June . F


.52 . 41 19, 21, 28, 100, 102, 105 .28,64 Fairboum, Jim 81,96 .41, 78 Fairboum, Legrand .41 Fairboum, Stephen . . 41, 100 Fairboum, Sterling . 28, Farnsworth, Carol 98, 105 . 52 Farnsworth, Marsha . 41, 103 Farnsworth, Paul . . 28,92 Fenstermaker, Diana . . 28 Ferrara, Bill . . 52, 96, 100 Ferrara, Ralph . . 52 Finnegan, Mike . . 52 Fisher, Mark . 52, 107 Fitzgera.ld, Dalyo . . 28, 84, 100 Fitzgerald, Debbie Fitzgerald, Joyce . . . .. . 41, 87 Fitzgerald, Karen. . . .. 52, 103 Fitzgerald, Kayleen . . . . . 28, 100, 102, 105, 107, llO Fitzgerald, Kent . . . . . . . . . . 28 Fitzgerald, Kevin . . . . . 52, 94, 100 Fitzgerald, Michael . 52 Fitzgerald, Pamela . . 52, 100 Fitzgerald, Paulette 52, 100, 103 100, 103 28, Fitzgerald, Roberta. 100, 105 52, Fitzgerald, Wendy . 100, 103 .42 Flitton, Cra1 . . . 52 Flynn, Davi .. . 28 Forman, David . .42 Fowler, Dennis . . 42 Fowler, Paula . . 52 Frank, Tom . 52, 102 Frantz, Annette .52 Frederickson, Jim . .42 Frederickson, Janet . . 52, 107 Freeman, Skip . 42 Fritz, Pe~h . . . . .. . 28 Fullmer, ristine Fagg, LuJean Fairboum, Brian Fairbourn, Connie

G Gardner, Gail . Gardner, Julie . Gardner, Ross . Garfield, ~d . Gamer, R ney . Garner, Vicki Gates, Monty . Gause, Wendy Gibson, Christie


. 52 42, 87, 38, 100

.42 . 53 .42

.53 .53

.53 . 42,98

. 53, 100

Gilchrist, Cathy Giles, Mike Gillen, Ray Gines, Alvin . Giron, Grace Glad, Ralph . Glassey, Janet . Glassey, John Glover, Mike Goates, Renee Goates, Sandra

. 42, 100 . 5.3 . 42

. 28 . 53 .42

Godfrey, Gail . Goff, Carol . . Goff, Janet . . Golson, Lee . . Golson, Ric Gonzales, Yolanda Goodmansen, Allen . Gordon, Kathlene Gotberg, Paul . . Gotberg, Tamra Gough, Bill . ... Graliam, Judy . Graham, Michael . Graham, Trudy . Green, Letz . . . Green, San y . . Green, Terrie . Greene, Charlotte Greenwood, Doug Greenwood, George Greenwood, Lee . . Greenwood, Michel Gregory, Betty . Gregori:; Glenn . Grow, iane .. Grow, Richard Gull, Lawrence . Guertler, Linda . Gunderson, Rene . Gunderson, Huth . Gurr, Dena Rae.

.53 .53 19, 28, 103, 100 .53 . 42,87 . 42 .53

.28 .53 . 42,98

.53 .28, 91 . 53, 100

.42 . 53 . 42,100 . 53 . 29 .53 . 53 .87,28 .53 .29 .29, 97 . 53

.53 . 53 .53 .29 . 42, 100 . 53 . 29,100 . 42 .53

H Hadley, KaDon . Hales, David . . Hales, Mike . Hall, Barbara . Hall, Bryan Hall, ~nis . Hall, aria Hall, Pam Hall, Reg Hall, Tam. Halladay, Dave . Ham, Donna . Hand, Chris . Hand, Randy Han~en, Brent Hansen, Dale Hansen, Cary . Hansen, Glade Hansen, Gregory Hansen, Lloyd . Hansen, Paul Hansen, Sandra . Hansen, Terrie Hardcastle, Hardcastle, Hardcastle, Hardcastle,

Hawker, Deanna


Archie Gordon Jody Roseann

Hardcastle, Terry . Harkness, Cal . . . Harper, Colleen . Harper, Collett . Harper, Craig . Harper, Ro~ .. Harris, CIJ on Harris, ~Ann .. Harris, athy .. Harris, Vickie ·, , Ha1t, Allen Hatch, Mickey .. Hatcher, Richard . Hallll, rmmy .. . HalUl, o~nn . . . Hawker, arolyn .

. 29, 98 .29 . 42 .53

Haws, Carol . Haws, Steven . Haxton, Laird . Haycock, Loralee . Haycock, Pat . .. Heath, Eddie . . Hellstrom, Ted . Hendrikse, John Henke, Doug Herrin, Roger . Heugly, Curt Heuser, Richard matt, Randy . Higbee, Dennis lliftbee, Nancy . Hi . , Debra . . . Hill, Elaine IIi Iton, Jeanette . Hirschi, Sharon . 1-Iobusch, Chad . Hohusch, Rick Hocking, John . lloesch, Thomas Hofeling, Jimmy Hoffman, Frank . Holdaway, Deanna . Holfeltz, Judy . .. . llolmstead, Mark . . Homer, Don Homer, Paul Hone, Michael Hopes, Marian . Hooser, Jay . .. Hopkins, Karen . lloward, Sally . . llu~ens, Bruce . Human, Jen . . Huffman, Hoger . Jlu~hes, Vaughn Jlu se, Chns . . . llulse, Susan Hummel, Craig . .. Humphrey, Maxine . Hurdsman, Diane .. Hutchison, Sanny . ll yatt, Randy Hyde, Sharee

29, 98, 99, 100. 107 . 29 .42, 65, 77 . 29 . 42, 100

.53 .42 . 29 . 43, 103 . 19, 29 . 43, 77 . 30 .43

.53 .53 . 43, 99, 103 .43, 91 30' 100, 10.'3 .43, 87, 99 .4.3, 86, 87 .43, 75,81 .30,65,81


.. 43 30, 100, 105 . 54 .30 . 30, 107 ..54 . 54, 100 . 30, 00 . 30 . 54,107 .43 , 54 . 54 . 43 .43 . 54,107 . 30 . 43 .30 . 43,135, 107 . 43,102 .. .43 . . 30 .54 54, 107

. 53 .42 . 29,102 .42,87 29, 82, 96, 105 .42 29, 100, 105 . 53 . 29, 91, 100


.42, 70 . 29 . 29, 103 .53 . 29 .42 . 53 . 42,123 53, 85, 100, 19 . 29 .42 .53 29, 98, 100 . 42,84 .53 . 53 .53 63, 29, 64, 77, 81 . 29 . 29 . 53

.. .42

. 42,100 . 53 . 29,98,99 . 42 . 29 . 53 42, 87, 98, 100

Ipsen, Debra .. Jpson, Ray .. . . Ish, Larry . . . . Ishmael, JoAnne Izatt, Lenord

.43 . 30 .54 . 54 . 54

J Jacob, Gail . . . Jacob, LaDonna Jacobson, Cindy Jackson, M1ke .. Jackson , Lorene . ttekson, M1ke .. iarvie, David .. arvis, ~nda Jaynes, 'urtis . Jaynes, David . effs, Alan . . . Jeff~, Ward .. Jemison, Debbie rnk~ns, Ma1jarct . eukms, Ran y .. enkins, Paul . . . Jenkins, Robert .. J.enkins, Ron . Jensen, Don . . rnson, Eileeu . emen, David . enscu, Jl.ln~cn, anis . Jensen, Lana Jenseu, Marlin ~ensen, Scott . ensen, Nancy . Jentzsch, Jerry fcssop, 1~uss .. cssop, Scott . J.ohnas n, Hohyu ~ohmon , Debbi(' ohuson, llarold J.oho~on , Kathy Johnson , Linda Johnson. Boss .

rll ...

. 54 . 30 . 54 . 54 . 43,87.99 . 54

..'H .43 .43 .43 . 30 . 43 .43 . 54 . 43

.54 .30 . 30

. .'5~ 43 .'30, 81 51, 100 .30 . 43

.5-I .-13

.J3 .54 30,96 . ,').1

. .'30, 10.5

. .'54 cl,3 ,cJ,'J . 8.5


.30 .54 54, 100, 107 .30 .54 . 54 .30 . 19, 43, 100 .54 .19,44

Johnson, Sherrie Johnson, Yvonne Jolley, Kathy . jolley, Richard ones, Denny . Jones, Janet . Jones, Joyce . Jones, Kayla . ones, Roddy Tones, Susan . . tnes, Michael oos, Tim · .. . ordan, Shauna Judkins, Tom

.44 . 54 .30 .54

K Kartchner, Cart . Kaufman, Cera d . Kensinger, Marcy Lee Kidd, Lynn . . . . Kidd, Hoger . . . . Kido, Steve Kirchbaum, Line! . Kittle, Glen Kobs, Barbara . Kobs, Monika . Konold, Royetla Kounalis, Darrell Kreek, Karolyn Kunz, Eileen . Kunz, Ronald .

.30 .54 19, 31, 87, 102, 105 . . 31 . 54 . 31, 105 . 54, .100

.44 . 31,98 .44,99 .31 .54 .31,87,98 .31 . 54,67,69


Lamb, Jod~ . . . . Lamping, ill . . . Lancaster, David . Larsen, Brou . Larsen, C eri . Larsen, Collen Larsen, Darlene Lar~en, ~tck . . . . Larsen, erry . , . Larson, or~anna . Larsen, e1th .. . Larsen, Robert Larsen, Venice Latimer, Sheri Lavery, Sheryl Law, Steven . Lawrcn ·c, Judy . Lawson, Randy . Leavitt, or ·y Lee, Terry . . . Lei*h, Alice .. Ley )t\, John . . Lindqlu~t, Kim Lloyd, Evelyn . Lloytl, Jackie . Lokey, Charles Lut: ro, Carlos Lucero, Emerita Lucero, Margr ·t Lund, Diane . . Lund , Ronald . Lundberg, Jerry . Lunnen, Lindy . Lybberl, Don . Lybhert , Myrna .. M Mace, Susan . M<lCe, Vernon . Mahler, Daniel Mair, Homona Mair, Shuuna March, t;hn . . . . Murch, arianne . Mttr~tls , D<>n . Mars nll. Carol . Martin, Nuncy Marlin •z, Linda Martin •z, Rudy .. Martinez, Sharon . Massa, Connie Mltlhis, Carol . Mathis, Kurcn . Matsurnori. James

Muughan, Douglas

. 54, 19, 85 . 31, 64 . 54 . 44 3 1, 103, 100 .44,98 . . 31 . 31, 103

.44 .54


. 44~ 129 . 55

.31 . .'31, 105 . 4<1 .<14 . 55, 100 . 5.5 .55 JOO .31

: SS,



: s5, 85

..'31 .31 . 55 ,44

. 31 . 55 . 44 :iJ, 99 . 31 . S5·, i~i. J03

. . .55

. 31 : 31', .102 .... 5Ei . 44


. . . : 31, 98, 99, !02 . 44, 68, 99, !9 .. . 31 .44,B1

.. 4-l . 55


.5.5 3i, .103·, ~ ~

. . . 44, H4. · 9c1, 68, roo

. .. 1~). 31 20, 63, 69

.44 .55 .44 .44 .44 .31 .44 19, 31, 52,96,98 .44,86,87 McBride, Jana . . . . McCandless, Dan . . . . 55 McCandless, Kathryn .31 .55 McCleery, Doug ... .55 McClerry, Larr~ . McCleery, Mic ie 31, 98, 100, 102, 103, 105 .44 McCormick, Tom McKenna, Gwen .44 . 31 McKenna, Steve . 55, 85, 107 McKn~f.hl, A_lan . .44 McNet , Cratg . . McQuire, Kenneth .44 Meadows, Don . . .55 .32 Mecham, Andrea . Menssen, Harold .. . 44 .55 MerklinE, Mike . .44 Meyer, layton . . 55, 85, 107 Meyer, Gordon .. . 55,85 Mickelson, Charles . . 44, 100 Mickelson, Roger . . 55,103 Middleton, Gary . . 32, 103 Middleton, Gerald . 55 Miera, Yvonne .44 Miller, raig . .55 Miller, Craig . .55 Millis, Nicky .. 45, 9.'3, Mitchell, Ronald 100, 105 Maupin, Kathi Maxedon, Alex Maynard, Eugene . Maynes, Alan ... Maynes, Mike . . . McAdams, Johnny McAdams, Larry . McBride, Brian . .

Mitchell, Rod . Mitchell, Scott Moffat, Gayland Molenaar, Pal .. Moller, Leland Montague, David . Moody, Craig . Moore, Marlon Moore, Hon Mori, Dennis Morrill, Ann Monill , Kathy Morrow, Dec . Morrow, Kathy .. Mortensen, Mollie Moses, Ccorgc .. Moses, Pcf1f,y . . . Mousley, , 1arlenc Mumford, Glade . Mumford, Kathy . Mumford, Teresa . Mumford, Ronald. Murphy, Barbara Myers, Frnnk N Naillon Hon . Nay, Charles Nuy, Sherry Nuahc, Sam Necaise, Joe . Neff, Des sa . eff, Mona Ncilscm, Steven Nelson, Jeanette Nelson, Marci . Nelson, Mary . Nelson, Steven Nelson, Susan . Nelson, S~lvia l'Sscn , (,ary ... Newbold , Shauna . N •whousc, Honald Newton, Dennis Nczos, Scott . . . Nickle, Jolynne . Nielsen, Allen Nilsson, Don~ . Nokes, Dcnnts Nokes, Larry Norell, Dianna Norris, Linda Nowotny, Cindy. Nunez, Mirza ..

. 55

.45 . 19, 32 .55

.. 45 .32 . 55, 107 . 19, 32 .32 32, 102, 105 .55 ...'32 .55 .45 .32 .32, 77 . .55, 100 56 . 45 .45,87 .45, R4 .32,96 .32 56 .45 56 . 15,99 5(i

.56 .56 .32,98,H9 .56 .45 .50 .45, 86,87 .32,97 . 56 .45 . 5()

.32 .56 .56 . . 32,106 32, 92, 98, 103 . 45, 96 .56 .45 . 32, 106 . 32 .45 .45 . 32

.45 .45, 19

Nunley, Jeanine .. . . Nygard, Linda . . . .


.56 .32 .32,64,69 32, 100, 103 .32 .56 .56 .32 . 56, 100 32, 82, 83, 96,98, 100,102,105 Ostler, Denise . .56 Oviatt, John .. .45 Oviatt, Sandra .19 Oakeson, Lynnette Okubo, Randy Oliver, Byron . Olsen, Shirle? . Olson, Chuc . Olson, Steven . Orgill, Blanche . Ortiga, Manuel Osborne, Pamela Osborne, Randy .


.32, 100, 105, 129 Pace, Nancy . Palmer, Cheryl 32, 100, 129 Palmer, Wendy . . . 56,102,103 Panek, Claudia . .32 Pangos, Rhonda . . . .45, 99 Paramore, Andreah . .. .32 Paramore, Patty .56 Parker, Jilleen . . . 56,100 Parker, Linda .. .33 Parldn, Richard . 19, 38, 45,96,100 Patience, Debbie .. . 56, 100 Patrick, Terrie .56 Patterson, Chuck . .33 Patterson, David .56 Patterson, Randy . .33 Paxman, Duane . .56 Paxman, Lynn .45 Peacock, Craig .45 Peacock, Mike .56 Pearce, Rodney . .56 Pearce, Steven .. .. .33 .45, 87,99 Pearl, Michelle 56, 102, 103 Peadr, Jackie . . . Pen leton, Karen . 33, 100, 103 Pendleton, Marie . .56,85 Perkcs, Kenneth Lee . .56 Perry, Linda . . . .56 Petersen, David . . . . 3.'3, 77, 81 .45 Petersen, {a y . . . . Petersen, >eggy . . . . 45, 87, 100 Peterson, Christine . .56 Peterson, Dan . .56 Peterson, David . .56 Peterson, John . . 19, 33, 75, 81 .3.'3 Peterson, Linda . Peterson, Linda . .56 Peterson , Maxine . .45 Phillips, David . .33, 78,81 Phillips, Priscilla .. .45 Pheshell, Lynnette .93 Pickell, Terry . . 45, 102, 103 Plumhof, Jeanne . .45 Pollick, Frank . . . 19,33 Potter, Bruce . 19,33 Potter, harmaine .56 Potter, Connie .. .45 Potter, Debbie ..56 Paulos, !lick . .. .56 J>owell , Hick . 33, 85, 107 Powell, Hnssell .33 .33 Pr~cc , LarrJ, . Pnce, Lyn a . .45 Price, Terry .. .. .56 45, 97, Prince, Robert

9H, 100, 129 . . .45 .56 . 33, 100

Proctor, ~tlie . Proctor, eilh . Pullan, Krislene . R Rains, Beverly . Harney, Janalee . Hasmussen, Craig . Rasmussen, Dave . Rasmussen, Gary . Rasmussen, Janet Rasmussen, Shannon


Hasmussen, Thayne . . Rawson , Kristine Rawson, Randy .. ....

.33 .. .56 33, 65, 105, 107 .45,96 .33 .56 33, 90, 1.'35 .57 .. 57 . . .33

.33 57, 100, 103 .45 .45,99 .. .57 .. .57 .57 . 33, 123 46, 70, 77, 81,96,98 Richards, Mary Ellen . .33 Richards, Patricia. .57 Richards, Scott .46 .57 Richardson, Cody . .57 Ricord, Curtis. . . . 33, 102 Ricord, Kent Rigler, Darleen .. .33 .57 Rigler, ~hn . . . . . 34, 105 Rigler, osemary . .. .46 Rinehart, Robert . 34, 85, 107 Riska, Ryan . . .. .57 Roberts, Randy .46 Robinson, Krisan .57 Rocks, Lorin . 34, 96, 99, 102 Roden, Paul . .. .57 Rogers, Karen . 19, 24, 34, 99, Rogers, Lark 100, 102, 103 34, 93, 96, Rogers, Melvin 98,99, 100,102,129 . 34, 105 Romero, Phil . 46,100 Romero, Roy .57,19 Rose, Sheri .46 Rose, Tamra .. .34 Rosenkrantz, David . 57 Rossberg, Lani . 46, 106 Rossberg, Wayne . .57 Roth, Dana . . . . . 34, 85,107 Roth, David . .57 Rowell, Bill . 34, 100, 102 Rowsell, Margo . .57 Rudd, Holly .. .46 Ruffell, Elaine .57 Ruffell, Shirley .34 Runia, John .46 Runia, Norma . .46,68 Runolfson, Lynn Ray, Gloria Reed, Jean Reed, Nyklde Reeve, Pauline Reid, Laura . . Reich, Kenneth . Richards, CeCille . Richards, Conway Richards, Craig . .

s Sadleir, Maurie . Sainsbury, Ann . . . Sainsbury, Jennifer . Salmon, Greg . Sam~son,Janine

Sane ez, •ddie . Sanders, Dave . Santarosa, Ernie Santarosa, Frank Sargent, Keith . Saville, Gary .. Schier, Byron .. Schmidt, Beverly Schmidt, Gale . Schmidt, Wanda Schmitt, R~ . Schneider, en Schow, Dorothy Schow, LaDonna Schrader, Patti Scott, Mary . . . Scroggin, Ward . Searcy, Ted . . . Sherwood, Cy . . Setlerberg, Glenn . SedJ, Randy . . . She by, LeAnne . Sheldon, Walter Shiflett, Bill . Shurtleff, Leon Sielhorst, Richard . Silcox, Norman . Simmons, Shauna . Simonson, Dale . Simonson, Linda Simpson, Terry . Skoubye, Dan . . Slade, Rosemary Smith, Barry Smith, Bonny . Smith, Brad .. Smith, Carolyn Smith, Dale .

.46,87 .46,87 57, 100, 103 .46 . 49, 57, 100 .34 .. . .. .34,81 .46 ... .57 . 57, 103 .34,65, 75,81 .57 .46 .34 .46 .57 .57 .57 .34

.46 .34

.34 .34 19, 20, 34, 80, 81,96,100 .57 .46 .57 .57 .34 .34,98 .57 .34 .57 . 57, 103 .34,82,83 .. 57 .46, 77 .57 .34 .57 .46,69,81,96 .. .57 34, 100, 105

. 57, 107 .35 .57 .19, 49,57 . 35, 98, 100 .46 19, 24, 34, 65,77,81,97 ..'35 Smith, Lynda . . 46, 102 Smith, Marilyn .46 Smith, Randy . Smith, Rick . . . 57, 103 Smith, Robert . . 35, 65, 81, 105 Smith, Shelley . 57, 100, 103 .35 Smith, Terr~ .. Snyder, Vic ie . .46,99 .35 Soffe, Pat Somsen, Deanna 35, 87, 93, 100 Somsen, Max . 58, 100 Soper, Dean . . 35, 107 . 58, 102 Soper, KenJ Soper, Tod . . 35,105 Sovelius, Paul . .35,99 Spencer, Claire . 46, 87, 99, 100 Spratt, Robert . .46 Spratt, Sheri . . .. .58 Squire, Garland . .46 Spray, Jeanne .. . .58,93 Stafllund, Shelby . .58 Stephenson, Marla . 46, 102 Steadman, Randy . 35, 97, 105,80 Steadman, Shauna . .35 Stevens, David .58 Stevens, Gary . .46 Stewart, Randie . .46,65,81 Stone, Lonnie . .. .35 Stout, Laurie .46,87,98 Stout, Sharman .58 Stringfellow, George . .58 Struhs, Parry . . . . . .46 Sturdy, Joe . .35, 77,81 Subdon, Bonnie . .35,99 Sudbury, Donna .35 .58 Sudbur~ Susan . . Sund, S elley . . . .35, 98 Smith, Dennis . Smith, Dennis C. Smith, Don Leo . Smith, Douft . . . . Smith, Jane . . . . Smith, ~dy .. Smith, ent ..

Svedin, Christian . Svedin, Wilson Sweeney, Sharon Swenson, Lynette . Swenson, Karen . . Swenson, Sandra Swenson, Susan . Swindell, Betty .


35, 102, 105 .35 . 46, 98, 100 .58 .58 . 46, 87, 100 .47

T Taft, Sue Taggart, Kevin Tanner, Suzette. Tate, Danny Tate, Denny . Taylor, Kay .. Taylor, Rodger Taylor, Vickie . Teran, Bruce Thacker, Shelley Thayne, Rick . . Therrian, Marilyn Thomas, Linda Thompson, Becky Thompson, Dave . Thompson, James .

47, 86, 87, 99, 100 .47 .19,47,98 .. ..'35 .47 35, 105, 131 .47 . 47, 87, 100 .47


.58 .35 .47,99 .58 .58 35, 93, 97,99, 100,102 Thompson, Kristy .. .58 Thompson, Larry .. .. .47 Thompson, Marillee .35 Thompson, ancy . 35, 100 Thompson, Susan . 47, 82, 83, 100 Thorpe, Randy . . .58 Timoney, Robyn 35, 84, 100, 102, 123 Timoney, Shawn . 47, 80, 100 Timothy, Byron . . 35, 105 Timothy, Lynn . .58 . 35, 100 Tip~ets, ancy . Tite , Linda . . . .58 .47 Titel, Vikld .47 Tolman, David .35 Tolman, Gary .


. 47 .58 .47 .36, 84, 100, 102, 105, 129 .58 . 36 .47 .58 . 47, 105

Tru~llo, Terry . Tuc er, Bill . . . Tucker, Michael Tucker, Janet .

Tunbridge, Alan Tunbridge, David Turner, Kathy Turner, Susan . Tuttle, Dean

u 58, 85, 100, 107

Urton, Bobby .

v VanArnen, Colleen . .58 Venemon, Randy . .58 Vanderberg, Dirk . .47 VanHorn, Penny . .58 VanOostendorp, Lynda .58, 93 VanTassell, Glade .47 VanTassell, Kayla. .47,99 Varney, Rick . .47 Vasquez, Faviola .47 Vasquez, Priscilla . . . .47 Vasquez, Narcisco P . . .36 Vawdrey, Alane .. . 58, 100 Vawdrey, Brenda . . 47, 98,102 Vawdrey, Colleen . 47, 87, 102 Yeater, Janet . .47, 91 .47 Velarde, Johnny

144 .

.19,36,65 78,87,97 .19,47,97 .36 .58 . 19,36,65 . .36 .. .36 .47, 87 . 36, 85, 107 .47 . 36

Veltri, Fred . Veltri, Joe . Vest, Danny . Vigil, Bernice Vigil , Eddie . . Vincent, Cary . Vincent, LeeAnn Visser, Andrea Visser, Gordon Visser, John . Voeltz, Nedra .

w .. . . . 55 Waggoner, Karen. . 48, 98, 100 Wagstaff, Debra . .58,94 Wa~staff, Jim . .. .58 Wa len, Don . . . . 19,36, 97 Walkenhorst, Greg . Walkenhorst, Lynn . . . . . .58 . 36, 65, 78, 81, 97 Wall, Lee . .58 Wall, Scott .36 Wallace, Hal . 48 Wallace, Michele . . 48 Walker, Ron . 58 Wallgren, Roxanne . . 48 Wallin, Kathy . . . . .58 Ware, Boyd . . . . . 48, 102 Washburn, Judy .48,98 Washburn, Launa .36 Washburn, Lynn . . 48, 98, 100 Watkins, Darlene. .36, 77 Watson, Roger

Watson, Terr~ Watts, Daryl e Weaver. Ma1-y .. Webster, Stephan Webster, JoAnn . Weeks, David . Weiss, Marc . Weiss, Steven . . . . Welch, Greg West, Eilene West, Jerri . West, Karen Wetzell, Sina Whetman , Craig Whetman, Lana Whetman, Valerie Whitehead, Laura Whitlock, Betty Whittle, James Whittle, Susane . Wi!ITins, Jim . . . Wi Hams, Belly .. Williams, Christy . Williams, Debbie . Williams, Hie . Williams, Rodney Williams, Steven Williams, Thomas Williams, Tom Williams, Toni Wilkerson, Rodney .

. 48, 100 .58 .48,98 36, 80, 105, 129 .58 .. .58 . 19, 48 .48 .58 .48, 98 .48 .. 36 . 48, ]()() 48, 65, 78,81,!N . 59, 100 19, 36, 82, 83. 105 .59 .48 .36 .48 .48 ..'36 .48 . 58,100 .59 .59

Wilkes, Lannie . Wilson , Mirriam Winfter, Bo•~nie . Wmt e, Cra•g . . . Woodbury, Janice Woodward, Lynn . Woodward, Randy Worthen, Sharlene . Worthen, Shauna . Wright, Brian . Wright, Gary . Wright , Jaclyn . Wright, Lillian . Wright, Ruth . . Wright, Sharron Wuyts, Ann .



.37, 99

Yazzie, Helen . Yengich, Mike Yengich, Ron

.. .59 37, 78, 81,9J , m 48 .59 37, 90, 100, 103, 135

Young, Bill . Young, Gene Young, Shirley


. 36

.59 .59 36 .36

.36 .48,87 .48 .36 . 59, 100 .36 .36, 97 .59 .36 .48 .36, 80, 81,99 .48,99 .48,85 36, 100, 102 .37 . . .48, 93

Zaftarich: Brenda . Zc er, Bill .. . . Zizumbo, Alda Zizurnho, Maria

.48 .59 .59 .37

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1968 Jordan High Yearbook nATli

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1968 Jordan High School Yearbook

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