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Links of Life joined one to another Create a chain of unity and purpose.


The chain is never ending, made up of innumerable links; Links of triumph, failure, joy, and sorrow.


A link must be strong To withstand the stresses and strains of life.



Jordan is the magic link of today, Joining my lollipop world of yesteryear And the exciti.ng, bewildering future~ Whatever it may be.


The agony of defeat and The thrill of that special moment Forge and temper the link of the present.




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Seeking to link myself with others Into that everlasting, living chain.


Introduction Leadership Students _______ ____ __ ___ ____________ _ Organizations ----Athletics Activities -------------.r;,.:;;-.;. Index --------------


Pri11_~cipals May your experiences at Jordan High Schoof enable you to acquire skills and abilities that will be useful in all fields of endeavor. May we as educators assist the home in giving you an opportunity to develop a sense of values that wi1l enable you to make choices re ulting nol only in a useful and rewarding life individually but. that through your voluntary action as an American citizen, the wholesome and necessary values of our free society might be strengthened and pr served.

!VIr. Don J Pmr Principa l

Each of you has lefL your mark upon Jordan. Each of you are a pad of Jordan's hi lory. 'T'hos " graduating will now move forward lo oth r hal lenges, but you will alway in some way represent Jordan. ophomores and Juniors will return next year with the challenge of adding lo the list of achievement already accomrlished by thousands of former students. To all of you, I express appreciation for your cooperation in helping to make this year a mem orable one, and I wish all of you continued success in the years to come.

I r . SIH' rn 1i u1

1. (

Vice f>rincipol


r Ulll p

Mr. Reed H. Beck tead

Dr. Carlos A say


Assistant Superintendent


Mr. Ro s Allen Mr. Marlon Bateman

lydc V. Buxton Mr. Brnarr Fur c Mr. I cnnrth Prin e Mr. John Wh adon



Faculty Jordan's ' nior counselor, Mr. t le, was by their side throuahout the year, stimulating minds with many idc'a , which would guid nior toward a more perf cl future. Who purr 'd the Junior Ia onward? Who aided th m in maf<ina ru ial de i ion ? Who indeed? We know it wa Mr . Fitzg raid. What n change for Mr. Kunzl r, from ._ nior to ophomorc ounselor. But with I iii and d t rmination an 'W, h' undc rloof th' tasl of preparing this las , for even b Lter thing to com .

Mr. Richard T. Steele Senior Counselor

Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald ] unior Counselor



mwl 11. Kunzl<'r

, opf10more ( owt ¡elor

Mr. M lvin Berrett Mr. David Judd

Mr. Lowell Boberg Miss Golda Fraser Mr. Richard McAllister Miss Nancy Sorenson


Miss Mavis Gashler Mr. Kirk Wright


In the English lasses this year the seniors learn d about the worl< of hakespear , the juniors be me acquainted with The Oxbow Incident, and th sophomor s studied A Tale Of Two Cities. With "Parley-vous francais," "Sprechen Sie l) ulsch," and "Hahla usl d Espanol." the foreign langu g stud nts b gan their year's activities. They lso g< in ,Jan underslandinef of th customs of other counlri . The d<'bat lub was busy 11 year preparing for and pres nling d be tes on "Compulsory Military rvice."

"Eyt's on your copy1" Anyone who has had Mr.s. Wad or Miss Jensen has heard this warning often. Many chang 'S hav tal< n pla e in the Busin ss f) parlm nl this y ar. New electric Lyp writ rs hav h n added in the lyr>ing rooms to mal< Jordan the bestquirp d busin ss department in the slal<'. 'T'hrough much hard work the business students ar pr paring therns lves lo m t the world outside.

Mrs. Annette Emery


Mrs. Wanda Wade

Mr. Blaine Brown Mrs. Lila Wilson



Governed almost exclusively by sci nee, the world of today is progressing rapidly. Many students form a part of this vast field in their scienc classes here at Jordan. Subjects range from biology, zoology, chemistry, physics, botany, and g netics. In these classes student activiti s includ th study of fruit flies, the observation of tiny populations such as yeast cultures, and many more xperiments which help them to b tter understand th world around them.

Mr. Lynn Bradford Mr. Jay Pond


Mr. onald Milne Miss Kalfy ouvall

ocicil "J od ~ y, v ryon , v r wh r , is making hi lory. tud nl h r ar I arning about the hL l ri of many p opl and pia es whi h i L d both long ago, and in modern lim 'S. They lrav I ba I through th , myriads of lime with th ir l n h rs as guid s. Th n slow! the turn th ' Jh g 'S of the great Hi lory Hool< until th y have progrcs cl to the pr s nl era. J)urino Lh{ trip, stud nts I 'Elfll of the great a om plishm nls and failur s of manl ind. With this l<nowl dge students sec mistal es of th 'pa l, and ar<' hellcr a~ fe lo plan for their fltlurc.

Mr. Dean Stringham

Mr. I .nMnr Sw<'nson

Mr. Robert Teran

Fi·ne Arts

Mr. Stanford Jarvis Mr. Arval Nelson Mr. Donald Olsen

Mr. Ralph Pace i'-1r. Glenn Sacos Mr. Grant Zabriskie

aid Mr. lark, math departm nt hai rman, "If you do on thing thi y ar it will b tor ad that bookT" v n th e bng minds of the dilig nt math tud nts ould not always af ulat th numb r of lim s this W< • r p l d. Aoain l s mingly impo ibf odd Mr. Cfarl< aid d by Mr. M xfi Jd nd Mr. Harrison did x l nd th ability of Jordan stud nls to find the < n w rs in th myst rious r fm of m th m Lies.

The whirling of the potter's wheel, Mr. Sacos' rising temperature during play practices, voices practicing for the Messiah, creating abstract forms and shooting pictures in crowded halls are some of the events that Jordan students are offered in the Fine Arts department. Joys, sorrows, triumphs and failures are all a part of the plays, musicals, art shows and the work that goes into making them a success. Aided by capable teachers here at Jordan, students are given the opportunity to find their inner selves.

M(ithen1 citic ·


Mr. Frank Bagley Mr. Gerald Fi her

Mr. Emerson Kennington Mr. Rog r King

In the Industrial Arts area this y ar the stud nts found th m elv surround d with new equipm nt. Th r w re n w cr pers and hand tool for th Auto Mechanics, n w lab equipm nl for I clronic , n w band and tabl saws for woodwork, and a blu prinlina machin wa install d in th Draftrng ar a. To add int rest a sp cial inslru Lion cour on lo EI lroni 0 circuits wa tauohL Lhrou h court y of th Air Force. Th I clronics ar a also b cam affiliat d with VI A. which lands for Yo aLional lndu trial Iub of Am rica. Th it m of gr al sl inl re l Lo th boy in draflil)g was the addition of girl lo Lh d p rlm nl. All in alJ, it pp r that our lndu trial Art r a is for ing ah ad.

Mr. James eal Mr. Joseph Will

Ho -n~e Ecor~orr~ics "A swing into fashions" was symbolic of the sewing classes as they created from a simple piece of material, an elegant formal or more often a simple dress. "What are we going to make today?" was a familiar question often heard by Mrs. Crosby, Miss Henderson, and Mrs. Trant r each day as they began their cooking class s. Th making of Huffy cakes, sweet sm Iling cooking, delicious casseroles, and ven the bottling of fr sh fruits have been performed in these class s during the course of the school y ar. In homeliving classes many us ful and interesting techniques were I arn d. This las also gave the senior girls id as about what qualities are nee ssary to b a p rfect wif . 22

Miss B lly I I nd<>r ¡on

Mr '. Vivian



1Nlrud<' Trnnl<'r



Mrs. Roberts was warmed by the enthusiasm she found for dance at Jordan. With colors and textures she toof< the girls into a world of grace and motion, never to return to their plainer lives of yesterday. Mrs. Bair also started her teaching this year. Using ideas and organization she soon fill d the gym with ch ers and cr ams of jubilation. M anwhife in the boy's gym, the lasses experi need fatigue, sore musJ s, and h er exhaustion by trying th ir abilities in e1ymnastic , basketh JJ, footbaJJ and oth r activities in th world of P.E.

Mr. Bradley Brimhall Mr. Howard Linford

Mr. Jerry McCleary Mr. Don Neff

Mrs. Glenda Roberts

Specictl Ecl~~ccttio }~

Mr. "nlvin J larris Miss Janet J lutchin~s

Mr. Arland Ru on

Heading our Special Education program were Mr. Russon, Mr. Harris and Miss Hutchings. Through hard work, dedication and understanding, many new fields of learning experience became available to our students. These keys of knowledge will be a valuable asset in future years.


Special Services

Clerk Always ffici nt and d pcndabl , Mrs. Th lma Ainsworth, Mrs. L na Wagstaff, and Mr . Marjori Bodell handled our offic affairs throughout th y ar. Typing r ports, filing c rd , and h kinO" stud nts in and out, our cl rks act d as th "right arm" of th administration to keep Jord n running smoothly.

Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth Mrs. Marjorie Bodell

Mrs. Lena W agstaH

Th b 11 rings and th f t ria i fill d by h rd of hungry tudent who r gr t d by ~ l ty lun h. Und r the dir clion of Mr . v lyn Brown, th taff gave us lunches to till our hunO" r p ng and iv us th ourag to fa th r ' t of th d y.

Custocl ici ns Who is the man you look for when a light burns out in the history room or your lo k r door ju t won't open? A custodian, of cour e r Mr. Delos Be kÂŤtead and his crew of hard-working cu todians k pt our building at th peak of d anlin s and ord r throughout th year.

Guiding helpl ss Sophomores through cndl 'SS rows of boo.ks and aiding Junior and niors, too, Mrs. ag rs and Mrs. Yates got u ali u ssfuJly start d on another y ar of r s arch. Our apahJ ' librarians were always willing to give us a h lping hand in finding a book or tackling a Lough ssignm 'nl.

Mrs. Ph II is



Irs. J\tlaril n Yal<'s

This year has been a memorable one in many senses. We at Jordan have shared the work and happiness that accompanied the 1968-69 school year. During this time we have become united into something more than an average student body. I believe we have had a closer innerrelationship between students than in any other school equivalent to Jordan. I'm sure that each one of us has certain fond memories of special events or activities . All year long we have strived to keep our colors Hying far above those of our nearest competitor. It was a tremendous honor to serve as studentbody president this year. Being an officer gave me a chance to work with many of you. This enabled me to find out that Jordan has the most cooperative and friendly .students ever. As this year comes to an end, I would like to say good luck to you juniors and sophomores, and I know you will be successful in the coming school year. My special thanks goes to our seniors. They have led the way this year and have done an outstanding job. I hope to see you all again.

President 25

Student Body Officers Our 1st Vice President, Craig Richards, was asked the question. "Jn describing this year's student body what unique adjectives would you use?" He responded with the words enthusiasm, friendliness, good sportsmanship, good citizenship." H feels these exemplify our studentbody, and we feel he sees these qualities because he also possesses them.

Craig Richards 1st Vice President

Julie Cardn<'r

211cl Vic<> Pr<>sicl<>ttl

What is the fe<'l ing of n sttCC<'ssful, qunli fi<'J 2nd Vice President, nhout holding an offin? Julie CJnrdner let ll. d< J <' into her p<'rsonalit for the nnsw<'r. he indicnl<'d tlwt it is a dwllenge, an honor, an opporlunil to s< r <'. it involves n good d<>nl of worl< hut also offers mnn clwri. fwd mern ori<>s. Julie has such fond rn<'nlorics hetnuse of the hard worl< s~w put forth to mnk<' 19(>8-69 n ear for all to r<'rn<'mJwr. 26

According to us an Bodell, the studentbody' s ecretary, Jordan's momentous achievement in 1968-69 was th e accomplishment of unity. This unity was display d among students, teachers, t ams, nd administration. Susan put a good deal of unity into th Officers' Council, which made for a successful year. Susan Bodell Secretary

Ann Sainsbury Historian

Jordan High School. Is that just a name of an institution of learning? Our Historian, Ann Sainsbury doesn't happen to think so. To her, Jordan means old friends, new friends, basketball and football games, debate meets, school musicals, plays, and learning new ideas and concepts. With such an active part in every organization and such a wide spread interest span, Ann has done an outstanding job of recording thi year in word and pictures.



Seniors Robert Adams Jerry Aitken Melba Akagi Kay Alldredge Penney Allredge

Leslie Allred Leslie Allred Linda Ames Ronn Andersen Colleen Anderson

Marsha Anderson Steve Andrew Cyndie Andrews Jody Andrus Laurie Andrus

Duane Archibald Judy Atkinson Cheryl Ballamis Don Ballard Ron Ballard

Greg Barber Dixie Barney Sue An Barney Terry Barney Jerry Bay

Jack Bean Vauna Bearden Mark Beckstead Alan Beebe Ryan Bergener


Seniors Ga ry Bird Quinton Bishop

L slic Bonha111 I vc Boynton

Sarult Bi shop Gwen Blackham usun Bode ll

' uc Brown John Bryant

l .nn uhall Rulon urlislt¡

Knti e ' layton Vonda l<'nt('n!


Freda Cook Joyce Cook

Laurie Cook Dale Cordner Douglas Cox

Ronell Crapo Jerry Cunliffe

.Judy Curtis James Dahl Jennifer D ahl

Kathie D ahle Bruce Dansie

T erry D avi s V an D avis Mont D ay

Rolayne D ay P enny D eGra ffenreid

Charlene D enison ue D evin e Jay D eVisser

John Di fenderfer D eAnn Dixo n

Michael Dowl anrl James Doyle Lynn Dum as

Mike Durrant Kelly Ea tchel G ene E bert


Marilyn Edgemon Bruce Eggleston Lois Elkington

Oawna Elswood Rodney Engle Brinn Fuirbourn


mnd Fairbourn tephen F airbourn

Sterling Fairbourn Joyc Fitzg raid Craig Flitton

0 nnis Fowler Paula Fowl r

Janet F r drickson P ggy Fritz Julie urdner

Ross ardn r Rodn y urn r

hrisli Gibson






ru John

arol Jan<'t Allen

iron lass y

off off oodrnunsen

Bill 10u~h Bluin ¡ ough


Michael Graham Elaine Gregory Lawrence Gull

Mike Hales Janis Hall Pam Hall

Ruth Gunderson Deneice Guymon

Brent Hansen Lloyd Hansen Sandra Hansen

Tam I Tall Randy I land

Kathy Harris Vicki Harris Carolyn Hawker

ordan I lardcastle T rry I lard astle

Edwin Heath John I I ndrikse Roger I Ierrin

Loralcc Haycock Dunne I leops

Debra Hill Jeanette Hilton haron Hirschi

Ri hord I Ieuser Nancy Higbee

Seniors 35

Seniors Chad Hobusch Tom I Ioesch

Jay I looser Bruce Ilud g ns Jeri Lynne I Iuffm an

hris lluls rnig Hummell

Maxine Humphrey Diana l furd sman Debra Ips n

Lor n Ja kson Lynda Jarvis

David Joyn s Ward Jeffs Debbi J mison

Randy J nkin I ana J ns n

ott J nsc n Nan y Jenso n Theron Jen son

Bud Johnson Kuyla Jon s

Mi charl Jon 8 ' usa n Jon es II DuWayn · Killlha

Monika Kobs Bryan J.u rse n 'oil ·en Lurscn


Robert Larsen Steven Law

Judy Lawrence Wendy Lindquist Margaret Lucero

Jerold Lundberg Russell Mad en

ShaunaMair Don Margetts Nancy Marlin

Linda Martinez James Matsumori

Kathi Maupin Michael Maynes Larry McAdams

Jana McBride Kraig Me I ary

Tom McCormick Kenneth McGuire en McKenna

mig McNeil I lurold Mcnsscn

C layton Meyer Roger Mick lsen Bill Miller

Craig Miller Gary Millerb rg Chri ty Mitchell


Ronald Mitchell Scott Mitchell Leland Moller

Glenn Morri s Kathy Morrow Glade Mumford

Kathy Mumford Teresa Mumford

Linda Myers herry Nay Jenn t1 N lson

Mury Lynn N lso n R d N lson

ylvia N I on Alan Nilson Linda Norris

Jcnnin Nunl 'Y Lindo N yga rd

f-klcn Oluborri John Oviatt Rhondu Pangos

Richard Parkin Lynn Paxman

raig Peacock Micl.clc Pearl Joy P tcrs n

Pq{l;(y P ·tcrsc n Mu in P ·t ·rson


Priscilla Phillips Terry Pickett Jeanne Plumhof

Robert Prince Dave Rasmussen Nykkie Reed

Connie Potter Lynda Price

Scott Richards Robert Rinehart Bruce Ritchey

Pauline Reeve Craig Ricl1ards

Tamra Rose Wayne Rossberg Elaine Ruffell

Krisan Robinson Roy Romero

Maurie adleir Anne Sainsbury Greg almon

Norma Runin Lynn Runolfson

Patti chrader Randy evy Dan koubye

Erni antarosa Wanda chmitt

Seniors 39

Seniors Brad mith Jody Smith

Neil mith Vicki Snyd r C laire pencer

Robert Spratt Garlyn quire

Marfa St phenson Gary S tevens Rnndi tewurl

L.uuri Parry

tout truhs

Alan ummerhays

I nurcl umm rhays Lyn ette


Belly 'wind ·If Bruce ym s


Kevin Tuggurt ennyTute

Rodg r Taylor Vi cki Taylor

Bruce Trrun Linda Thomas usa n Thompson

, fwun Timoney VikkiTit I David Tolman


Terry Trujillo Mike Tucker

Carolyn Turner Dean Tuttle Dirk Vandenberg

Glade Van Tassell Kayla Van Tassell

Brenda Vawdrey Colleen Vawdrey Janet Yeater

Johnny Velarde Jo Veltri

Vickie Venneri Andrea Visser John Visser

D bra Wag taff Ron . Walker

Michell Wallace Kathryn Wallin Ju~y Washburn

I auna Washburn Darlene Watkins

Terry Watson Mary Weaver Eilene West

Jerri West Craig Whetman Betty Whitlock


Susane Whittl e J ames Wi ggins M a rrian Wil son


Bonnie Winger Brian Wri ght J ackie Wri ght

Lillian Wright Ann Wuyts Bill Young


hnron Ahrnrn s Pn111 Adnm s D ean Ain sworth 1 enni s A insworth Donna Ain swort h Ron Aitl<c¡n

Wendy A lbre l1t sen Larry A ll drcd ~ f innn A ll en Ka therin e A llen Barhnrn A ll red Knrcn An1 s

T a na Andersen A la n Anderson D a rn ell And rson cra ld Anderso n R a ndy And rson u Anderson

T eri Andru W endy Archul ta Ann Arn old L a uric A shby a ncy A tkin on Kenneth L. A twood

G eorgean Badovina tz Ki m Bai rd N eal Bake Bruce Ball a rd Kay l en Ba lla rd hem1an Ba rber

T a nna Ba rnes tcve Ba rnhurst Ja ne t Ba rton Willia m Ba rton Tracy Bawden D a na Beck


Larry Beck Jay Bennett Steven Berrett Bonnie Best Carey Bills Jared Bishop Eugene Blackwell

Lance Blackwood Rebecca Bluth Wade Bodell Lance Bohm Gary Bowles Lcslee Brady Hmvey Brassfield

Larry Bray Mindi Brine Jonathian Bronson Anita Brown Annette Brown Kay Brown Nancy Brown

Paul Brown Scott Brown Beth Bryce Barry Burkinshaw Marvin Burton Carol Caldwel l Joe Calianoro

Juniors 46

onger onish onn lly onrad

JoAnne Cowdell Jim Crane Dick Crebs usan Crebs Don Cremer raig Crookston Michael Davenport

Darlene Erickson

Lorna Davidson B;IIDay Louann Day Elise Demarest Darlene Dewegeli

Randy Dixon hanna Dixon Alan DuMond Alayna Dunn Jack Dunn

Jeanne Dunn Karen Dunn Deborah Edgemon Randall Elmer Roy Emerson


Hal Erickson Dean Evans LuJean Fagg fvJarsha Farnsworth Ralph Ferrara Mike Finnegan Mark Fisher


Dalyn Fitzgerald Karen Fitzgerald Kevin Fitzgerald Mike Fitzgerald Pamela Fitzgerald Paulette Fitzgerald Wendy Fitzgerald

Tom frank Annette Frantz Jim Fredrickson Skip Freeman Rick Gailey Boyd Garfield Vicki Garner

Monty Gats Wendy Gaus Cathy Gilchrist Alven Gines Janet Glassey Mike Glover Renee Goates

Gail Godfrey Lee Golson YoiRnda Gonzale Kathlene Gordon Tnmra Gotberg Judy Graham Trudy Graham

Sandy Green Susan Gr n Doug Greenwood Mike Gr nwood Betty Gregory Glenn Gregory Diane Grow


Dena Gurr Bryan Hall Donna Ham Paul Hansen T e.rrie Hansen Jody Hardcastle Cal Harkness

Colleen Harper Collett Harper Gale Harris JoAnn Harris Allen Hart Jolynn Haun Pat Haycock

Randy Lee Hiatt Dennis Higbee John Hocking Frank Hoffmann Mark Holmstead Don Homer Marian Hopes

Karen Hopkins Craig Houghton Sally Howard Roger Huffman Randy Hyatt Sharee Hyde JoAnne Ishmael


Carvel L. Izatt Ken Jackman Brenda Jackson Mike Jackson Gail Jacob Cindy Jacobson David Jarvie


Brian Jeffs Margaret Jenkins Paul Jenkins Don Jensen Jan Jensen Marlin Jenson Jerry Jentzsch

Scott Jessop Debbie Johnson Glen Johnson Janenc Johnson Ross Johnson Yvonne Johnson Kathy Jolley

Denny Jones Janet Jones Roddy Jones Tim Joos Tom Judkins Roger Kidd Darrell Kounalis


Lin I Krichbaum Ronnld Kunz Jody T...nmh Dnvid Lnn as lcr Keilh L rscn Hnndy J nwson Cor y Leavitt

hrisli Lee Terry L Alice Leigh Mik LcPrey lmron Lewis Kim Lindquist Evelyn Lloyd

Jackie Lloyd Jcneal Lovell Emerila Lucero Ron Lund Myrna Llbbert usan Mace Ranae Madsen

Lorenzo Maestas Ramona Mair John March Gennifer Martin Rudy Martinez

Sharon Martinez Connie Massa Karen Mathis Alex Maxedon Dan McCandless

Doug McCleery Larry McCleery Alan McKnight Don Meadows Gordon Meyer


Gary Middleton Nick Millis Rod Mitchell Craig Moody Fred die Morez Jeanette Morley Ann Morrill


Dee Morrow James Morse Peggy Moses Charlene Mousley Frank Myers Charles F. Nay Dessa Neff

Susan Nelson Gary Nessen Ronald Newhouse Dennis Newton Steven Nielsen Doug Nilsson Lynette Oakeson

Steve Olson Blanche Orgill Pam Osborne Denise Ostler ~andra Oviatt Wendy Palmer Patty Paramore

Jill en Park r Debbie Paticnc Terry Patrick David Patterson Marsha Paul Mike Peacock Rodney Pearce

Jackie Peavey Marie P ndlcton Kenneth Perkes Linda Perry Dan Petersen Chris Peterson David Peterson


Linda Peterson Charmaine Potter Deborah Potter Rick Poulos Terry Price Gail Pyle Janalee Ramey

Janet Rasmussen Thayne Rasmussen Kristene Rawson Kenneth Reich Laura Reid CeCille Richards Patricia Richards

Curtis Ricord John Rigler Randy Roberts Lorin Rocks Karen Rogers Pam Rogers Lani Rossberg

Dana W. Roth hirley Ruffell Jennifer Sainsbury Janine Sampson Frank Santarosa Keith Sargent Ray Schmitt


Ken Schneider Dorothy Schow Gene Schuring Dan Scott Glenn Setterberg LeAnne Sheiby Joseph Sheldon


Richard Sielhorst Dale Simonson T crry Simpson Boyd Sjoblom Bonny Smith Carolyn Smith Dennis Smith

Don Smith Doug Smith Rick Smith Shelley Smith Jeff Soffe Max Somsen Kerry Soper

Kim Sorenson Sheri Spratt Jeannie Spray Shelby L. Stafflund Terrie Steadman David Stevens Greg Stewart


Marilyn tirl Grorgr Stringfrllow ._ lu~rman Stout Susan udbury hristian Svrdin Knrrn Swrnson Sandra Swenson

Letta Swett Rick Thayne Brcky Thompson Dave Thompson Kristy Thompson T.ynn Timothy Linda Tit I

Bill Tucker Alan Tunbridge Susan Turner Bob Urton Colleen Van Amen Penni Van Horn Lynda Van Oostendorp

Alane Vawdrey Randv Venemon Randy Venneri Bernice Vigil Karen Waggoner Jim Wag taff Don Wahlen

Debbie Walkenhorst Scott Wall Roxanne Wallgren Ray Wardle Boyd Ware JoAnn Webster David Weeks

Greg Welch Lana Whetman Ronald White Fred rick Whitehead Laura Whitehead Debbie William Rodney Williams

Tom Williams Janice Woodbury Sharlene Worthen Mike Yengich Wes Young Bill Zeller Aida Zizumbo



Brent Adair .. coli Adam on K nneth Akagi Kim A ll drcd~ Bobby Allen on A llen Duon All n

Mary Ann Allr d Loni Anders n T rry And rs n Bi ll And rson url Anderson I lcb rAnd rson J anin And rson

Jeff Anderson Morgan Anderson Robbie Andrews Frank Andrus Jay Archibald yd Armstrong Filip Askerlund

Elvin Atkinson Terry Atkinson Terry Babcock Randy Bailey Rebecca Ballard David Banks Carol Barber

Boyd Barney Diana Barney David Bate Robyn Bay January Beck Caroline Begay Susan Bergener

Darrel Bet ueBeutlcr Randy Bigg LuAnn Bingham Roberta Birrell Craig Bi hop Jill Black

Vicky Black Annette Blackham Jay Bloomquist Mark Boberg Neal Bodell herry Bodell Carol Bogenrief


Julie ChristcnsC'n arulun lcgg Lois onnary

Wayne Boltis Brent Bonham Brent Boynton Cathy Boynton Brian Brady Susan Brindley


Sharlene Cordner

Gaye Brinton Gordon Brown Reed Brown Sandra Brown Dennis Brugman Connie Brundage

Janet Cornia

raig Brundage Ray Bryant Nancy Bryce Grant Buchanan Patty Bullock Kenneth Burbidge

Brad Cowdcll

andrn Burgon Ioudin Burningham Crnig Burningham Rex Burton Marilyn By rs George Cumpb ·II



Diane Lynn Jol•n Elme-r Knthy Dchhy

Debbie Cook mry oopcr Marlene ordner

C'apson nrlson nrter C'a~nu~

hidC'sl<'r hristcn scn






h ryl Crookston lcphcn Curl y Dian Dahl

laude Fratto

Paulo Gardner

Terry Davis D nis Day Margie Day Denise DeLeeuw Kelly De Visser Jeff Dowland

Jeff Duke Karie Dunn Kathy Dunn Steven Durrant Danny Eatchel Vina Eaton

Brenda Edmunds Larry Eggleston Paula Elg Dorene Ellsworth Alexa Enniss Tom Enniss

Chad Evans Emma Ewell John Fackrell Gary Fahrner Brad Fisher Sherry Fisher

Brian Fitzgerald Darwin Fitzgerald Karri Fitzgerald Rochelle Fitzgerald Colette Ford Roberta Fowles

Jim Garside

Steve Gaydon

Jim Gilbert

John Gilchrist

Paul Giles


M a rk Goodmansen Carol G ordon Sco tt G otbcrg Val Gotbcrg hcrry Gough Berth a Gray


R osemary Hulse

Shcrilyn Green usan Green L a uric Gr gory E ldon Greenwood T crry Groves R a ndy Grow

P aul Grubb f uAnn G ull Brent G undC'rson Ba rba ra l loll Ca ndy I Ta ll E th el Ann Hall

Joe 1Jan sen horon l fa rd astl<' had l l a rkn rss D ebbie l furri s Eu gcna l l urri s huron I lase

Vicki 1l aslnrn D oug I fawkrr K<'v in I layd<' n lnl.!o l lcnnin gsc n rui g l I<-r rn a n K nt Ililton

Richa rd I lumm I

Linda Hurdsrn a n

Don I Tursi

Linda l nsclln

M a rlin Hocsch Ri hard Hoffm a n huron llofltin<'s

, uc Hopkins D uvid I Toward Mike llowl It

Kim lhl cr

, Ieven Jllguth


I uise lvie

Tnrnrny Jardine Mi ha

I Joyn

Laura Lloyd


Gmy Jeffs LeRoy Jeffs Brett Jens n

Ronald Lloyd

Janette Jensen .Jenelle .Jensen Marsha Jensen Mi had Jensen Mary Beth Jewkes Kristine Johansen

Gaylene Johnson Baird Jones Rhonda Jones Bernice Joos Collene Joosten Janene Jordan

Dee Kahley Keith Kartchenr Deborah Kaumans Arthur Kido Susan Knudsen Claudia Kunz

Connie Lake Jeff Landeen Randy Lang Dan Lar en ancy Larsen Rulon Larsen

Colleen Lasater Marcine Lavery Denise Law Cindie Laws Ron Leavitt Patti Lindsey

Roxanne Lloyd

Richard Logan

Victoria Long

Henry Lopez

Sherrie Lovendahl


Gr gg Morgan D ovid Morrill D avid Morse

Lynnette Lybbert Ron Mace Cheryl M acklin Kenn eth March Wendy Margetts Bruce Marlin


J. M ark Murphy

Joe Martinez Julie Mason L a rry Mathis Lynn M aupin Stan Maynes Lela McAdams

Caroline N elson

Randv M cCleery Chris M cCormick D ebbie M cCormick Tom M cKenn a Jesse M cPherron Darlene Meadows

D enise N elson

David M eldrum R olph M cnssen Mike M eyer G a rry Mi rkd sen Anita Milkovi ch Sherry Miller

D enise Mitchell Shaunn M offat Scott M offitt Bruce Moller Kcnn th Moor LaNette Moore

Gayla N !son

Lisa N !son

hari s N ewbold

David N wbold


D<'Ann Newland Ston Nicki<' tephen Nilsson

Dav Nosock Mike Onkden K<'vin Okubo

Trent Oliver Bmd Olson Jerry Orgill Charles Ottley Sandv Packer Joe .Panek

Robin Ransdell

R nae Rasmussen

Paula Reed

Brenda Pango Tewe Parry Steve Patience Russ Patrick Dennis Peacock Barbara Pedersen

Julie Reeve

Vern Pelch Bill Perry Richard Petersen Cristie Peterson Lynn Peterson Nick Peterson

Russ Reinhardt

Debbie Pierce Rick Pingree JoAnne Popelmayer Jeani Porter Christine Potter Kathryn Powers

Tom Richards

Bonnie Price Mike Price Paul Price Alan Prince John Prueitt Ramona Rains

Clayton Ricord



Ofj~cer's Co~t/;~cil

Coordinating school activities, conducting student council meetings, and making many important decisions, the Officers Council remains a traditional organization at Jordan. The members of this year's council were chosen as the best qualified for leadership. Craig Whetman, student body president, leads this council. Craig Richards,

Susan BodeiJ, Ann ainsbury, Dan Slwubye, Randy Hyatt, and Brent argent represented th seniors, juniors, and sophomores. Th Girls Club and the Boy Club had a voice on this council through L slie Bonham and Jim Matsumori. Though th job th e p opl did wa not asy, they continued worbng day fL r day for Lh good of th tud nt body.

Left to Right, Row One : Leslie Bonham, Julie Gardner, 'usun Bodell, Ann ,'n in shury, Prnny e rrnff nrkd . Row Two: Brent argent, Randy llyult, Dun koubye, rnig Ri ¡lwrds, mig Whctmun . Jim lut sumori .


Voicing optnwns, contributing suggestions, and making protests, the Student Council continued its work through the school year '68-'69. Repre entatives from each homeroom were elected early in the year. These people became the voices for students in their particular classes. Various

Porn Ad nms, Morga n Anderson, Frank Andru s. T erry Barney , h rr y Bodell. John J3ryo nl. Ba rry Burkinshow, Ja n ory. D oug C line, Fr da ook. M a rl ne ordnn. Di a nr D nhl e. Knth y D a hlr. Bill D ay, LuAnn D ay, Jay D Y iss r, W r nd y Fil:r,gr rald. Ruth Gunderso n, T rri e I Ja nse n, Lorenzo 1a las , John

topics of importance in our school life were discussed during these meetings, thus allowing students to participate in our school government. This council made great contributions throughout the year which helped make it one of the best Jordan has ever experienced.

1arch , raig Moody, Ka thy Mumford, Ron . ewhou e, Richard P a rkin , Ja ninc a mp on, D ou g mith , Ala n urnmcrh ay . hri vcdin, M a rk T aggart. M la ni c W a lkcnh or. t, Michell e \Va ll ace . G reg W elch. J ff W elch, Lilli an Wri ght.


Associcitecl Boys' Day and oth r A. B. J. -sponsored activiy ar for Jordan's boys. The Asso iated Boys of Jordan, with Jim Malsumori a ling as Pr id nt, f< pl up tradition by ent rtaining stud nls at Thanf sgiving lime with a party. Included wus th tud nl-Fa ulty Ba k tball Game with r lay rae at half-lime.

ti s made 196 - J 069 a m morabl

Jim Matsumori President

The annual nior ¡ vs Teachers hattlr, where once n~ain thr srniors w re vi toriou ¡ ( wilh the help of a fixed scoreboard) .


Associcitecl Gi1¡ls of Jorclcin Jordan's member of the weaker sex were led this y ar by our capable A. G. J. President, Leslie Bonham. Girls lool<ed forward to ''getting their man" at the Dog-Patch Drag or being pampered and fussed over on Girls' Day. Other A. G. J.sponsored activities included the Big Pal-Little Pal Party and the Fathers' and Daughters' Night.

Leslie Bonham President

Jennif r ainsbury Vice Pre ident

enill Crape Secretary

Carol Goff enior Representative

T eri Andrus Debra Harris ]unior Representative Sophomore Representative

Who ; the be t date a girl could ever find 7 Jordan girls found the answer on the night of dancing, talent and refreshment , the father-daughter party.



Sandra Hansen Editor

Janet Yeater Assistant Editor

Robert Teran Advisor

Arval Nelson Photographer


Conversation ov rheard between Mr. Parr and our advisor, Mr. Rob rt T ran: "Tell me Mr. Teran, what is happ ning in th Book tore v ryday from l 0: 55 to 11 : 40? I've had numerous complaints. It seems that th classrooms in the hall adjoining yours have h d much difficulty l<eeping their minds on their stuJi s, du to the crying, screaming, banging, crashing, and th taff' s y Iling, 'May I pi ase g t so-and-so out of dass for th ir Y arbook Pictur . ' Could you xplain these actions?" "Yes, I certainly could; it' ju t th nti s of my unu ual Be tdigg r staff of 196 -69, doing th ir job in th mo t fficient way th y know ( mo t of th time.)

John Diefenderfer Sports PHOTOGRAPHERS - Left to Right: Danny Petersen, Richard Sielhorst, Gene Ebert, Duane Archibald.

Collett Harper Copy --------,

Su an Nelson Copy

Colleen Vawdrey Typist

Debbie Williams Copy


Ronald Mitchell Editor

Mr. Richard



I ick

"But Mr. McAJlisl r 1" was th typi J pr lud h for th wonderful ex use dream d up by a f w of th ' staff for not having th ir articl s fini h d. However, Mr. M Aifisl r wa pali nl, no trong words, no viol nt blows. and only small thr al and little "gigs." All in all, the taff did a bang-up job of realing new and int resting articl s for Jord n' s enjoym nl.





Sharon Abrams Judy Atl<in on Jacl< Bean Bruer Dansie

Cathy Gilchri t GJ nn regory John I lendrik t> D nnis Higb e

Bryan J ar en Larry M I ry Terry Pi l< tl Jeanne Spray

Marla Lcph n on l .ynda Van osl ndorp Judy Wa, hhurn


Mcisque & Gavel In one sentence tell us what the name Masque & Gavel stands for and what this m ans to you? Such was the type of question asked of over 400 students trying out for the club during a day of personal interviews. This year the cultural club of Jordan has had a variety of activities, ranging from a formal initiation, to plays at different universities and a trip to Valley Music Hall. The advisor and officers feel that even more important than th unity and enjoyment on these outings is the spirit of giving when they were asked to participate in the Sub for Santa program.

Mr. Gl n E. Sacos Advisor

lerling F airbourn Vice President

Cheryl Ballamis Treasurer


Lois Elkington Treasurer

0 nni s Hi~bee Parliam<>nlarian

Left to l<.ight, Row One : Wendy Palm r, Kri sty Thompson, Roberta Fowles , lose. Lynda Jarvi s, Br nda V a wdrcy. D ebbie Johnson, D cni .hri stion, Juli Ala ne V awdrey, Rc n G oates , M <ry Ann Allred. J a n l Co rnia , Cath y Boynton. How Two : ,' usa n Swen so n, Andren Vi sse r, J oyc ook. Victo ria L ong, Brenda S tendnmn , ,' usnn Bcrge rn er, Brenda Edmunds. Conni e L ake. Julie Ma son, .leonin e ndcrson, Paula J;;Jg, Ja nN Wink! r, P aula R cd. Row T/,rc•c: Ro xy hri st nsc n. Juli e nrdn er. Vi kic T a ylor, a rol G off, Jill P a rker,

.Jody Andrus, Maurie Sadlcir, Loralee Haycock. Lynette Swenson, Mary Lynn Nelson, Jana M cBride, D a rlene W a tkins, M ela nic W alkenhorst. Row Four : ha wn Timoney, D a n koubye , D on M a rgetts, G a ry Stevens, Rol a nd Tsuya, Ba rry Burkcnsha w, D a le Simonson , Ala n Prin e. Bria n Brady, Brent argent. Row Five: Mike Durra nt, Allen G oodm a nscn , D ale Cordner, D enni s Ainsworth, Bobbie U rton. W ayne Ro ssbcrg, R alph F erra ra, Don Hom er. Roy Romero, Joe Veltri, Rod Enal e, Ru s Madsen.

Lcft to Right, Row One : cil c Cole, M a rie Biorge, Ka th y .Jolly. I<ire pen cr. Mary Jan e wen son, G aylcnc John son , hcril yn Green. Knrri Fitzgc rnld. W end y P a lme r. Mar ha Anderso n. Ro w T wo : D ebby Chrisl<'nsc n, Paul a nrdner, Li sn cLon. hnron l la rdcas tlc, a rolinc Begay, Juli e C hri st nscn , R h cn·n Bollard, R o helle Fitzg raid, hcll y now, M a rgie D ay, hnri s N ewbold, T rri llan scn. Row Three: h rry Bod II . V icki H a rri s. Rhonda Pan gos , J or n Jackson. bra W ags ta ff. u a nc Whittle. Krisa n

Robinson, Roxa nne Lloyd, Gaye Brinton, Ja nenc Johnson , Linda lasella, R obyn Bay. Row Four : Rolayne D ay, ha ron Abra ms, Shelley Smith, P aulette F itzgera ld, Ka tie Clayton, ue T a ft, u san Bodell , Lana Whctm a n, P a m Ada ms, Ja nine a mpson , Dorothy chow, Ja n Cary. T eri Andrus. P eggy Moses. Row Fi ve: Ro ger Mi ckel en, John Di efenderfe r, R obert Prince, D ou g Cline, John Brya nt, LeGra nd F a irbourn, Kevin Fitzgera ld , leva n iclsen, tevc P a tience. Crai g Miller, Rya n Bcrgcner, Richard P eter en.


Model U.N.

Sine Am rica citizens ne d to be inform d about th fundam ntals of international affairs, and since th United Nations is an important phas of our international r sponsibiliti s, Jordan stud nts joined th Mod I United Nations this y ar to gain gr at r know I dg of today' s probl ms and ways to solv th m. Fifty m mb rs of th dub r pr sent d th countri s of Jordan, Nicaraugra and Z mbia at th Univ rsity of Utah in behalf of Jordan High hool.

MODEL U.N. OFFICERS- Left to Rtght: Dale Cordner, Vice President ; Duane Archibald. Reporter ; Sharon Abrams , R eporter ; Lloyd H ansen. Vice President; Joe V eltri , President; Helen Olabarri, Treasurer; Jody Andrus, Secre tary; Deneke Guymon. JIistorian; seated, Miss Kally Souvall. Advisor.

Left to Right, Row One : Kathleen Brown. Marla Stephenson, C ilc Cole, Carolyn Hawker, J anene Johnson, huron Hirschi, Janet Goff. T rry 1lard astlc. Carol Goff, Ann ainsbury. Roxy Christ nscn, lair penc r, Rrbcccu Bray, Ann Wuyts, Jeanine Nunley. Row Two : Freda ook Kathy I farris, Kntf,y ahlc, Kathy Mumford, usan Bod II . Den icc uymon, Vickie Taylor, Londec· Haycock Marsha Anderson, I I len Ofabarri, oil en And rson, Kri sa n Robin son, Nancy Marlin, Vauna Bearden, usan wenson. Row Three : undrn Hansen, Connie Potter, Jody Andrus. Sharon Abrams. Kay Brown, J rry Buy.

Russ Muds n, Lynn Runolfson, Lloyd I lnn srn, Bill fuss •y, nry Bird. Jor Veltri . Ro111 Four : unnc· s '"· Ryan B eq~<'n<'r. J AIWN<'nf<' Gulf. ;nrl n • quire. Fuirbourn, mig WIH'trnnn, .lim lntswnori. Kny lfdred ~e. Brent l lnnse n, AI i!'l son. Terry I avis. Row Fiu(' : ike Durr,111l. Tctry Wntson . Brnd , mitl1. Bruce I lud gcns, Dc·on Tuttle·. Kmig lc ' I<' ~ry. l nle ( ordner, Rnnd Jenkins. Lcs Allred. Oou las 'ox. Ron Jitrh!' ll, 1 rmc S nws. Roger I I rrin, Bruin Lar en.


D.E.C.A. What does it stand for? Technically it means Distributive Educational Clubs of America, but for the Deca students it means vocational understanding, civic consciousness, social intellig nee and leadership d velopm nt. Learning business techniques, keepinO' r cords, feeding hungry mouths at football games, r presenting Jordan in national 0 a competition and sponsoring a Sub for Santa kept this club busy all year.

D .E. C.A. CLUB OFFICERS - Left to Rtght : Kayla Van Tassell. Reporter; Mrs. Lila Wilson, Advisor; Scot Mitchell, Vice President; Craig Peacock. Historian; Mirriarn Wilson, President; Ann Wuyts. ecretary.

L<'[L to RigT1t, Row ne : Mirriarn Wilson, Dawna Elswood, Terry Hardcastle. Janet Goff, Gwen McK,enna, T rry Trujillo, Judy urtis, Coli n Larsen, Diana Hurdsrnan, Terry Pickett, Faviola Vasquez. Row Two: Rnndnll E lm er, Kayla Van Tassell. Patti hrader, Cheryl Ballarnis, Priscilla Phillips, Debbie Jerni on, Sue Brown, Peggy Fri tz, Ann Wuyts, t phen Fairbourn, Archie Hardcastl . Row Three: Leland Moller, Lynn urnns. r ig Hummel. Lawrcn c ull. Tom McCormick. John Glassey, John Oviatt, Randy Sevy, Craig P acock. Scott Richards , Bill Gough. Row Four: Dirk Vandenberg, Jay DeVisser, David Schmitt.




Joe Veltri

John March

First Vice President

Second Vice President

Roncll Crapo

Richard Parkin

LeGrand Fair bourn President



Taking care of the flRg ceremonies Rnd the raising of th flag each morning, supervising and helping with activities around the school such as college day, cleaning the parf<ing fot, and selling programs at the games were some of the many responsibilities assumed by the Key Club. Sponsored by the Kiwanis Cfub and under the direction of Mr. Bradford and Mr. Clark they recorded another year of service and accomplishment.


Mr. Lynn Bradford

Mr. Donald Clark



Honn A nclcr~<' n Tro~c y B nw dc•n

lolltlBr •<ull Bwld nshn\\

l~ . ur y

l) o u ~

' lin e

M nrk Co ni slr Vn n D il\ is .fohn Diefe nd erfer Roclnc·y En ~ l c l~ n lph


' lC'rlin g r a irbourn Kc .. in fit zg<'ra ld R andy I I, nd f) (' l)l) iS Hi ~h e H on K u nz

K enneth M a rch D on M a rqe tt s Jim l\la tsum ori ;"\1ike 0 lay ncs Sro ll 1'-litchcl l

leva n iclsen Bra d O lson R ob e rt Prin ce D , \ ' C R asm us. en Cra i ~ Ri ch a rds

D a le im onson D a n koubye B ra d mith Tim T ech ha wn Timon y


A Cappella When the sci nee hall doors bang shut and the windows b gin vibratinO', we l<now th caus : The A app Ilc is sinO"inO' Th Hall lujah Chorus. Any discomfort th citizens of the i nc hall may hav enc d during Messiah r h ar als was mor than offs t by th wond rf ul r ption th Messiah wa a corded wh nit wa pr s nt d to the public just prior to th holiday . th r not worthy p rformanc w r Th La t Words of David and lion from Ba h. Hours and hour of pra ti nt into the pr paration of th s . In addi nO' fr qu ntly in stion, the A app H s mbli s, on hur h programs, and in hoof cone rt proO"rams.

Mr. Grant Zabriskie

Left to Right, l<.ow One : Deborah Edgemon. D bra Wa gs ta ff. Bre nda Yawdrcy, JoAnn Web ter, Jane t Goff. Pam Rog rs, Nykkic Re<'d, aro l (,off. Kath1 ne Gordon, Cory Leavitt, Denni s Ainsworth. Allen oodmanscn . Row Two : Priscilla Phillips, Launa Y\1as hburn, ollccn LHsen. atlry onrud. Rch<'cw Bluth, LuJean Fagg, Karen Rog rs, Oawna F ls wood, I ana Wh tman, 'raig


Rirlwrds. Lynn Timothy. Ro gl' r Kidd . Row T/rr<><' : Snnd Gre<'n, Julinnnn lose. Mary W<'avn . mo l 11 I lnwkn. Kntlwrin<' ll c11, .'usan Inn·. Lillinn Wriglrt, f{ oiHyn<• T ny. Doug ,' mitlr. I 011 Mnrg< It s, Knrv ,'ope r. Row Four : ondn ( f<'m<'nl. Lauric ,' tout. 'c if<' Lyn<'ll<· .'w<• nso n, 1 Mlerw Watkins, of<' . .Janel Burton, JHnirw , amp on, Ron Kwrz. ik<· I urrnnt, Jim Fr('drick son. Jirn Wagstaff. krling Fnirhourn.

Left to Rig/1t, H.ow One: Robbie Prince, President; John Diefenderfer, Social Chairman ; D ebra Edgemon, ecre tary; Brenda Vawdrey, So cial Chairman ; Melba Akagi, A ccompanist. Row Two: Jeanette Hilton, ection Leader ; Lor n Jackson, Treasurer; and Cecille Cole, Se cretary.

/~in/11 , /~ow On e: .Jolm Bryo n!. D ou g lin e, D avid L <ncaster, Gl enn Jr<•go ry, D enni s J li glwc. Co ll ee n Anderso n, Jen nette I Iifton, W endy Li ndqui I, S usn n Tl10nq>so n. M clbn Akn gi. Kny Brown , Di nna Allen. M arie P end leton. How Two : Kevin Filzgc rnld. Boyd Gn rfi cld , T om I Ioesch, Ieven B rrett , ylvi a • r ison, In ire S p m cr. Al a ne V awdrey. Ja nel R asm u s en, e ill Ri ha rds,

Lc>/t t.o

Linda Thom as, D ebbie P aur. Ro w Three: Quinton Bishop, Ieven Olson, Robert Prince , R onnell C ra po, Lani Ros berg. Ka tie C layton, M a rsh a Farn swo rth, T eri Andrus, Lois E lkington, LeAnne helb y, Kayla V a nTas ell, Vickie nyder. R ow F our : D a rnell Ander on, Bruce Balla rd , R a ndie tewart, John Diefenderfer, M aurie Sadleir, D ebbie Jemi son, u a n Jones, herry ay, Jackie Wright, ancy Higbee, Ann Arnold, Yvonne Johnson .


Dance Club

Mrs. Glenda Roberts

Dar tee Clul> 0 /f{(ws ur<' : I,yncb Von Oo, l<' nd orp. Vice f>rc·~ icl<'lll: Jnnal<'<' Ranwl y. PrP ·iclerd; Rnnd y I ,nwso n. Secrc• lur y.

"And shall w e dance ." This was a re frain echoed by ach girl in th e dan e class as she made up h e r own dan and pr s nted it to an audi n e. Ev ry pr sen -

tation, howeve r, wns precccded by longhours sp( n t in prepnri ng- many dan <' routines. ,.J h ' J)an e lub was in S< v< rnl as se mbli es and tool< parl in the mu i nl.

Dunce Clu& Meml>ers ctn•: I .<·s li<' Bonl1<1111, Vo nd a ( ' I<'IIH'nl. f{ <· rH·<· (;on I ~. 1{,111d y I .nw~on. I ) 1 ·s s<~ ./annie<' Rnrn<'y, Loni Ro ssl)('r~. Su<' T"l't. Lynda Vnn Oo sl<·ndorp, J<'rri W1·st. ~~~~· nd('rson.



Radio Club Want to work in a radio station or just b able to fix your own radios, television , and similar lectrical appliances? If so, you can obt in a Jiccns through this dub at Jordan. The ultimat goal of the radio dub was to learn the operation of amateur radios. Tbc e us ful operational techniques w re w ll -tau<Jht under th dir ction of Mr. King, Advisor; Doug Cox, President; John H ndrikse, Vic Pr sident; K ith arg nt , r tary; and Ray Schmitt, Tr a ur r. Radio Club M embers arc : Dale Cordner, Ra ndy Jenkin s, Ray Schmitt, John H endrikse, G a ry Middleton , Rick mith. Keith Sa rgent. Doug Cox.

Reel Cross

Gratei'ul and excited faces greeted the members of the Red Cross as they brought food and clothing to the needy and older people. This club participated in many services doing certain tasks such as filling Christmas stockings and delivering fruit baskets. This delightful, friendly dub was under the direction of Mrs. Emery, Gaye Brinton, President; Roberta Fowels, Vice President; and Julianna Close, Secretary.

Red 'ross M embers a rc: T err y P ickett, 'o il en La r en , Di a na Hurd sma n. Betty Whitlock, RobC' rt a F ow les, Gaye Bri nton, Juli a nn a lose, R obyn R obert s, Alice Leigh.


Stctge Crew

Left to l~igltt, How One : Stage Design , Paul II<' Fitzgerald. h Jly mith , Marian I lopes. Hou ' Two : Stage Crew, Roy Gillen, Tom lloesc!J. Lnwren ¡c Gull. Wnyrw Rossbert, Mnrtin llo<'s h, nry Fnltrn cr.

Props, stage se ts , an I corrc l lighting, were only three items whi h con < rned the slag< crew. f<ilf, persistence and dctenninn.lion W<'r<" thr('(' f rnany quafili<'s whi h th S<' ho s dcmonslrnl< d. was th a61 ndvi , or. Arli , li d< sign we s d<'velop< and was n wei om, addition.

Adding their touch to the tage cr w wer the stage de igner , helly Smith, Paul lle Fitzgerald and Marian I iopes.




d h girls this cnr

Mechanical intelle< tunli srn is what is needed hy the -; tag<'< r<¡w to I no'\ wlti< h lwoh to turn and' hen.


Mr. Harri on

L1•ft lo Rig fll , Uo11• One : (In in• S pr n1 r r, Brenda Edmunds. D ebra Edgc111011 .

Row Truo : D rr/\nn

l ~u ff<· ll , l\1on iu 1 Kobs. 1i

('\\ lnnd , l\1ary \, nson, Ka th y Jolley, Ela in

·hcl P earl.

I.R[t to Rio lll, How One : Brent Adair. Mark Murph y, Kelly Wright, Brenda l ~dmund s , Mnrir Biorge, Dou g

linr , Mi hcl Pea rl, Mirri a m Wil son. Greg S tr wnrl, M a ri lyn Edgemon, a ro lin Nel son . Row Two : Ala n M cKnight. Bill Ande rson. K ith K Icr. Don I fursI. bud F ra tio, Joe Panek. Glenn Greg-

"Practice, practice, practice!!!" was the phrase heard most often by the band students from this year's conductor, Mr. Harrison. Besides participating in the daily class playing, the band brought pep and enthusiasm to Jordan cheerers at footbaiJ and basketball games. The majorettes and flag twirlers combined their skill and talent with the marching band to help make this year one of the best for Jordan's band. Together they contributed much to Jordan's traditional nthusiastic school spirit, put on their own Christmas assembly, marched in the Christmas parade, and represented Jordan in various other activities.

ory, teve Berrett, Lc lie Allred, Kenn eth Akagi, Jeff Land en, Chad Evans, Don Crcm r. Row Three : Mr. Harrison. Craig Moody. Mike Howlett, Mike Jensen, Rod Mitchell. David Newbold. Bob Urton, Je sic McPherron, Mark udbury. Row . Four: Jim Garside, Ken Jackman, Tom Hoc ch. David Mauch, Engo Henniman , Grant Buchanan.


As h ad cheerleader, I feel the gr at sl a hiev ment wa the way the students maintained a hi~h level of s hool piril, always behind the L am with nthu iasm and sport manship.

Any achiC'vem "nt Jordan made b 'CRme my achievement. B e pres, in~ my enthu iasm l hope Lo have given someone a La t of true Jordan spirit.

My task was to arouse .nthusia m and s hool spirit in th boys at Jordan. W tri d to mak up n w h er that would int r t th rn, also "talking up the g rn " h lp d cr te a stronger hcerino s Lion.

Enthusiasm is<' tr<'nwly conlngiou, . As a checrlend<'r, I tri<'d to catch dw spirit and help oth< rs g t it. JVJan who thought dw were immune to enthusiasm aught il and pa sed it on.

I tried Lo fw n source of cnthusinsm to help I t dw stttdcnls I now this was their s hool and its nchi<' crncnls were dwir own.

or (

grenl new source nthusiasm wns Jordan's "J )iggcr luh." Jt united dH fwer ing section nnd a ld<'d J"('llCW< d Sf iril to tlw gamps and mal lws.


Cheer leacler s

Such songs as "Tiptoe Throuoh the f-lusbe " and oth rs were performed in the morning by our nerg Lie che rl ad rs. uch igns a "'-- p ar the Spartans" and "Bury the Miners" decorated th halls on game day. Displaying pep and vivaciousn s , the cheerl ad rs promoted school spirit at all of th athl tic events.


Song leacler s

"Smile, work 1 Smile, work 1" were the words of admonition given by Mr. Brown and the songleaders for thi year, by proving themselves to be five of the most enthusiastic Beetdiggers attending Jordan. Appearing regularly at each game, these people worked along with the Cheerleaders by cheering our team on to victory. Terry Hardcastle was head songleader; Teresa Mumford, Rebecca Bluth, Marie Pendleton, and Debbie Patience made up the rest of this energetic group.

T erry Hardcas tl e


Teresa Mumford

Rebecca Bluth

Iurie Pendleton



J. V. Cheer leaclers

LC'[I lo Hight, Roru On<': .lil n nc John son . Milrgic J) "Y · I ('SSi l N rr. Linda Willi Cl lll S, and Cilnd y fl ail.

Left to Right, Row One : Linda lasclla. P a m Ada ms, Bonny mith . a nd P a ula Elg.

ndy H< JJ, J cs. a Neff. Margi Day, Jan n John . on, nnd Lindn William jumped, yell d, , rc mcd, I nf)ed, hopp d, romf) d, bounced, and stornp0d, thus adding their sb r Lo Jordan's school spirit; meanwhile, ~iving the J.V. l am a great r in nliv lownr l vi lory. <



f> ir~ lll ,

/~o u • O n<' : Cdndy

l<.rr>o T rr•o : r,uH' rl<' lolmson, I

(' S,i l

Cheers echoed and re-echoed through the halls of Jordan and many other high schools due to this group of J.V. Cheerleaders; Bonni Smith, Pam Adams, Paula Elg, and Linda lasella. As they alternated games with the other group of Cheerleaders, they really put sparkle and verve into the Beetdigger' s yells.

fl ail , Lincb lasc lla. Pau la 1-:l!!. Bonn y ::-;mitlt , and Li ndil \\ 'illiam,;. ilnd :. laq:r ic O ily.




Mrs. Glenda Roberts Advisor

B ing o. harlonian is something spe ial. It's a r d -and-gray dr , a s r l pal, and sho in p rlion. lL' s an arly morning praclic wh n you'v had thr hour le p. Jt' h Iflim m r h and th ' harfonian u mbly. harloIt's a night lo b r m mber d al th ni n Ball. fl' s th h rlonian song ung in a ·ir I of jublianl f ricnds ftcr a vi lory. Being a harlonian is adding a sparf< of p ronalily and uthu iasm lo Jordan I ligh. B ing a . . harfonian is having fun .

Joyce Fitzgerald President


hnr loninn., di spla ' ty picnl Z<'st nnd c· ntllll 'i in .,m all<'r <t vi< tor y nt llillcr<' 'i l .

C ha rl o ninn Ofri((•rs nrc: W e nd y ht;- r.!C· r,tlcl . VicC' fJr C'siclc• nt ; 1 · rn~~ L yhbr rl , Vice PresiclC'nl ; D r lJhi r \ \li lli ;lln s, SC'rrC' tnry; S u(' T,dt. J),;[l Mi stress; P am Fitz (!c rald . J\ssis lc111L /),;/[ l isLrC'ss ; Kare n Ho w· rs, Y <·ll Mi stress; J e rri W rs l. Tr!'osurC'r; , lmron l.c• \\i s, f>u!Jli cily.


Lorna Davidson

Bonny Smith

Pam Fitzgerald

Karen Swenson

Wendy Filzg raid

Sue Taft

/\1; c L ;gh

Sharon f ~<>wis MyrrHI Lybbert Kar n Roger

Jerri We t

Maurie Sadleir

Debbie William Janice Woodbury Jennifer Sain bury


Football On August twentieth at tw lve-thirty p.m. a group of Jordan hop fuls mel al the Sports Building of Jordan High. Th s were the boys who were to represent th ir school in football for the '6 season. The juniors were there, nervous because it was their first year of varsity ball. The s niors w re there too, nervous, because they had sudd nly become the lead rs. Coach Stringham, new to Jordan this year but a vet ran footbali coach with a good record, tool< these hopefuls and with hours of bashing and battering forged a football team. The team didn't hav an outstanding y ar by any m ans. However, th y learn d things that m n som Limes n ver le rn. They learned Lo take pride in themselve and Lo come bad< time aft r time. Then like a r ward, Too le top pi d. making victory the final cry of Jordan's valiant football learn.


cor·e Jordan (> .•••••••••••.••••••••••.•••••••••.•••••.•••••••••••••••• .• ypru.s Jordan 0 . ........................................................ Bin~hnm Jordan 6 ....................................................... . Murray Jordan (> .••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.• Gran~rr Jordan -1 ......................................................... K<'nrn.s Jordan (> . •••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••....••••••..•..••••• 1rnnilr Jordan 7 ........................................................ f Jilfcr<'.sl Jordan 0 ............................................................. Jud~r Jordan 12 ........................................................... Tood<

'52 (>


3iJ )1)

iJ(> 27

31) 0

Dean Stringham

Head Coach Dave Erickson

Line Coach

Brad Brimhall

End Coach

Co -Captains: Randi Stewart and Craig Whet man.

"Granny" F airbourn comes to the end of another groundgaining drive. Dean Ainsworth

Jeff Call

Dick Crehs

Mark Fisher

Don I lomer

Ron Kunz




I Ial(back


Alan Anderson End

Jim Chase

John Diefenderfer

Kevin Fitzg raid

Kim Ihler





End Mil< Lei ray Tackle

Don Ballard

Quarterback Brian Burningham

Tackle 98

Mark Coni


Tackle Frank

onn lfy


Hal Erick ¡on



~rand Fairbourn

I lal/back



Guard l<'nn





End Ross J hnson

'Fa kle

Managers, Larry Thompson, Joe Veltri, and Jim Dahl.

Linquist tries to help the referees make a decision for Jordan.

Kim Lindquist

Russell Madsen

Scott Mitchell

Lorin Rocks

Dan Skoubye


Jerry Lundb r~






Don Margetls

Craig Moody

Lynn Runolfson

Dennis Smith

Dave Thompson

C'en ler






Jim Mat umori

Guard raig M Neil

Hal( back

Randy Stewart

Ray Schmidt

Doug Smith





raig Richard

Terry Simpson

Dave Stevens

Craig Whetman





teve Nielsen

Boyd Ware


Sopho1nore Football

Mr. N eff nd Mr. B ard n coach d th hard-hitting sophomore football team this year. It was a Lough but ben ficial tr ining y ar for th futur Jordan L am . Th team w a t u ght v rything from the ba i lin man stan to the inlri ate plays that coordinat th e aam of footb II and ev ry Thur day afte rnoon it play d against the sophomor t am of anoth r high chool, providing the orportunity to put into a luaf pracli thos fundam ntal le rn d in th ir w 1<day practi s.

Jordan tacklers team up to stop aT ooele run.

Le ft to Right, Row One : Arthur Kido, R a nd y M e leery, tevc Patie nce , S tun M ay nes, Bra d Cowdclf. Frank Andrus, Jeff Wel ch . R a nd y Leavitt , Bre nt G unde rson, Tim T esc h, Dua ne A lle n , Richa rd I loffm nn. How T wo: W ayne· W ag ta ff, Art Troyer, Ken Burbid ~e·. T om McK c nnn . l o uJ.! ' IH' Iby, .Jol1n , chmidt. D on Allen , Kirk ' milh . P a ul Pri ce, Gordon Brown , !{a nd y W e·h sl!'r ,


Br<'nl W <' hh . RcliP Tftrc•e•: Mn1w ~ e · r Filip A skc rlund. l1urk ttl ey . Tr nl Oli ve·r. Ke· ith Ko rt e lnw r. irk f>!'l !'rson. M orj!n n nd e rson , Bri nn Brud y. Kirn lld e•r, D t~vc· , 'kouh ·e·. f) ,,ve• os,Hk , Dnve ll ow nrd . B1 a d Fi slw r. I H V (' Vi gil , Al a n flrin ce•, ( •il ry lolulSO il , <' fll f>c le it. 131 !' nl Rohin so n , T om Yu nd e nhrq.(. Coil rf, d f.

Jordan's defense smashes into Granger and prepares for the runner.

f felp is on th way a Marl< Fisher stops a Bingham runner.

The Tooele quarterback barely gets this pass off before he is dropped.


Jordan's team forms for a fast break during the gam' against Murray.

Basketball McCleary's hoopsters dribbled through an even season this year, emerging with a record of five wins and fiv losses. Jordan's tall ones started out with a big bang. They played sup rbJy well in the pre-sea on games and were rated in the stat charts as a team to watch. Dan Skouby , Brad mith, and Craig Richards wer the only s niors who sparked the t am onward. The Juniors matched the stride of seniors very well and, along with ophomor Kim Ihler, formed the larger part of this '68-' 69 basketball team.


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

64 .................. American J~ ork 7 I 64 .................. . . .... ~ranger 63 43 ............................. .... Provo 76

69 ............................ I lighland 59 .............................. Bingham 17 59 ............................ Bountiful 7 76 ............................ ...... rem 1 64 ............................... . Judge ) I 64 . ........................... . prus )() 4 .............................. ,ranilc 7 54 ............................ _ Murra 6 69 . ......................... I Iillcrcst 7 61 . ............................ Judge 60 77 ............................. prus 60 72 ........................... _ Cranit 6 54 _ .......................... Murra 77 ~s .......................... I fill r ¡st 6

Kim lhler finds the rebounding tough during the game against the Granite Farmers.

Brad mith g-o sup for a jump hot while Ron Kunz g ts et to rebound.


rry M I ary I Iead C'oach

Brad Brimhall A st. Coach

Marv Burton

Kevin Fitzgerald

Frank Hoffmann

Kim lhler





Mike Jackson Center

Ron Kunz

Kraig McCleary



Alan M Knight

Craig Richards

Dan Skoubye

Brad Smith









Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

Sweat-covered Kevin Fitzgerald pas es the ball in the Murray game. Left to Right, Row One: Tom Judkins, Oi k

yd Armstrong, Manager, David koubyc, Coa h Brad Brimhall. Cong r. Row Two:


66 ----·--·--- ·-·-·---··------··-------- -·---- Judge 49 --------------------·--·---------------- . Cypru 67 -------- -------- -·----------·----------- Cranite 60 ----··------·------------------ ----------- Murray 42 ----------------------·- ----------···--- I Iillcrest 54 -------------------------------·------------ Judge 5 1 -----------------------------------·--·- . Cypru 49 -------·------------------------------ ---- Granite 67 --- ----·--·----------- ---------·-------- Hillcre t

45 61 75

48 57 61 52 63 56

h ring th t ams onto victory the p p J aders <'nthusias tically congra tul at our ho ~after th eir win. rcbs, Frank 1 loffn,Hnn, .lim Wngstnff, ou~ , mitl1, l 'V<' Brad lson , raig Brumln~c. Br<'nl , ' nr(l<'nl. Brian Brndy,

Left to Right, Row One: Wayne Wagstaff, Craig Brundage, Brad Olson, Art Troyer, Duane Allen. Row Two: Coach Dave Erickson, Tom McKenna, Jeff Welch, Brent Sargent, Brian Brady. Dave Skoubye, Chuck Ottley. Manager.

Sophomore Basketball

Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

51 -------------------------------------------- Judge 57 ------------------------------------------ Cyprus 48 ------------------------------------------ Granite 51 -- ---------------------------------------- Murray 50 ---------------------------------------- Hillcrest 48 -----¡-------------------------------------- Judge 48 ------------------------------------------ Cyprus 44 ------------------------------------- --- Granite 54 --------------------------- -- ------------- Murray 32 ---------------------------------------- Hillcrest

56 61 47 70 60 56 56 73 51 89

Sophomore Kim lhler helped propel the varsity to a winning season_


Wrestling Now in his second year at Jordan, Coach Don Neff has molded a wrestling team worthy of the name champions. porting a pres ason record of four wins and no losses, the t am smashed through the regular sea on with a r cord of six wins and three losses. Practic and di ting formed th foundation of Coach Neff's training program. The wr tiers often came lo early morning practic sessions, and sp nl many long hours aft r school dev loping their sl<ills. This rigorous program prov d it worth, for Jordan drove through it oppon nts to on of its mo t .successful seasons.

Coach Don Neff


Le rand Fairbourn

Larry MAdam


Co -Captain

Richard Hummel 95 lbs. 3rd in Region Alan Tunbridge 127


LeGrand Fairbourn 154 lbs.

Lorenzo Maestas 103


2nd in Region Barry Burkinshaw 133


Larry McAdams 165 lbs. 2nd in Region

Fredrick Whitehead 112


Mark Fisher 138


2nd in Region Morgan Anderson 180


Jay Bennett 120


3rd in Region Kim Lindquist 145 lbs. Dave Thompson Unlimited 109

Track The thin-dad athlet of Jordan aoain circled the track thi y ar. They s em d lo sproul from the ground l;k flow r along with th first pring sunshine. Th r the similarity nd d. On glan al the rippling mu f s and in ws of th m n prov d they were athf le in v ry n of the word. Th y repres nted our hoof superbly in track and fi ld during th pa l year.

Coach Kirk Wright and Coach Brad Brimhall

Don Margetts ~ Oi cu Co -Captain

Doug Smith ,_, llurdles Co -Captain


layton M 'ycrs makes another successfu l vault in his event.

L(>[t to H.ioftt, Hou

One : ' tev hmidt , Ro ger Kidd. I .Jirry Beck. I enni s Newt on, .John Brya nt, Ge ne Youn g, D Morrow, Murk Fi shN , .lim ( hn se, C la yton M eye rs, D oug ~ mith . Boyd W a re, G reg W e lrlt , Rodn ey Mit chell. How Trvo: (,ord nn I la rd as tle, D ave Morri s, K rry ,'o pc r, Ro la nd T suyn, Lnrr y B ray, R ond y Ve nn cri , K n Burbid ge, J on Bron-

son, Mike Jackson, Bla ine Go ff , Kenda ll chn eider, T erry Price , Keith Sargent, Ri k P eterson , Mike M eye rs. R ow Three: Greg W a ters, Gary Je ffs, D avid Ba t s, Kirk mith, teve Ill guth , A lla n P rince , Rulon Ebert, Brent Sargent, Kim lhler, R a ndy P a ter on, Brad F isher, Ga ry Bowl es , Keith Ka rtchner, Ron White, R a nd y Dixon.


Randie Stewart Captain

Mar h cam , th snows m ft d away mporarily , and th e ports building sp w d forth boys ca rrying haJJ , mitt s nd gfov "S Lo try their tal nt at parli ip lin g in that AIJ -Ameri an , port , bas ball. uid d by enthusiastic oach tringham , th t am rra ti d hitting, running base , and aelling into ondi tion to avoid tho e twi t d ankl s nd pufl d lrgam nt ev r pr nt in bas baiL 'T h y ai o 1 arn d how to fi Id , infi Jd , pit h, at h, nd haLL r, a d vi d e ign d Lo raul th oppo ing t am.

Kim Lindquist Captain

Ba eball

Coach Dean


Left to Right, Row OM: Rodnry Penn c·. Kc·nny Rcic J, , Kin• I .indquist, I A' Grand Fairbourn, Frank A ndrus. Dc·nny Iones, Bruce I fud ~c·ns, Hrk I folrn strnd. Mikr Maynes, Don Ballard . Ro.w Two : A lan I furl, Mcmctfj('r : Tc·rry


J) ,1vi~.

Crc·nrN, rrrt~n.


I,H k I

R11 ss

\,1ike Brt~dl'ord, Rnndic' ~ I C'\\llf I. R<~ncly Wc' hster. D on ~lc·w ( 'o n '<'r, Torn fc Kcnnn, ~ldn ic klc•, Crni~ \tVIwt


lolmson, Cr,li~


lww wr.

Sports Action

Bruce Hudgens connects for a single.

Doug Smith is up and on the way to a victory in the 110-yard high hurdles.

Shawn Timoney bla ts a return to his opponent.

Tennis The smashing serve and the slashing stroke of the tennis racket appeared once more on the courts of Jordan. With fearful sideswipes, slams, and backhands, the Jordan netters collided head-on with their Region Three opponents. Stimulated by a skillful coach, the players drilled many long hot hours. practicing their form, and timing while pitting their minds and ability against the opponent and that elusive little ball.

Coach Jerry M Cl ary

Left to Right : Ronn And rsrn, Lon c Blackwood. l Jeher Anderson . John M arch, Tom Judkins, .lim Dnl,J. Doug Cox. Richard Parkin, Jim Wa gs taff. SJ, nwn Tim oney. W nyrw W ni!s taff. ,~ J,dh y : tnfnund , Allnn M cKnight, Corey Leavitt.

Golf As most sports do, Golf has its own language, such as "fore", "stoney," "on the pin," "live of putt," "beach," "rough," and others as our golf team learned this year. In Jordan's second year, the boys sought to improve their swings, lower their scores, and, with their enthusiasm running high throughout the Region and State meets, win their matches.

Coach Robert Teran

Bruce Teran Co -Captain

Mark oni h o-CapLain

Row One, Left to Right: Roy Emerson, Bruce Ballard. Steve Nielsen, Mark R turning L ll rm n:

raig P a ock. Bru

T ran, Bryan Larsen.

Conish, Tracy Bawden, Dave Howard. Harold Menssen, Don Wahlen, Paul Hansen.


Lettermen This year s Lettermen formed the core of Jordan's athletic progran1. Throughout the year the Lettermen extended themselves for Jordan victories and usually achieved them. Enthusiasm, determination, and hard work were among the qualities displayed by the Lettermen. Combined with an understanding of fair play and sportsmanship, these qualities enabled them to meet the high athletic standard set by the coaches to earn their letters.

Officers of th Lettermen's Club or L ft to Right: Lorenzo Maestas, Sergeant At Arms; Mike Bradford, Treasurer; Don Marg Its, ecretary ; Don Ballard, Vice -President; Bru I Iudgcns, President.

Left to Right, Row One: Frank Sanlarosa, Lorenzo Maestas, Boyd Ware, Doug Smith. Dick Crebs, Doug Cline, C layton Meyer, Dav Thompson, Jay Bennett, Joe Veltri , Rod Engle. Row Two : Alan Prince, ruig McNeil. Mark Fisher, Dennis Smith, Mike LePrey, Frank Conelly. Blaine Gough, Don Bal-

Left to Right, Row One: Don Marg tts, Lynn Runolfson, Bru e I Iudg ns, Brad mit h. John Bryant, LeGrand F airbourn, raig Richards. Rogcr Mi ·kef sen, John Visser, colt Mitchell, hawn Timoney. H.ow Two : t ·v · Ni ·Is •n, Alan McKnight. Mike Jackson, Ron Kunz, Kim lhler, Bill uy, 0 Morrow,


lard. Jerry Lundb rg, Jim Mutsumori, Mik<· Brndford . How Tfrrec : Frcdri k Whit•lr ·nd. Brian Larse n, rui~ Pcurork. Deun Ains,,orth. Jim hu sc, Mnrvi n Burton, Murk C'onisk Rod 1itchell. Dennis N<•w ton, Lnrry Beck. Mike Mny ncs. rni~ W lwtrnnn. Kim Lindqui st. Steve ~o n ~cr.

Lurry Tl10nrpson. Kroi~ M buy, James al.l, Randi .. tcworl. Row TT1ree: ruig Moody, T3nrry T3urkinshnw, Lnrry Tr dnrns, Brian Burninglwm, Bru c 'l'<·rn n, Alnn And rson , Rnndy V •nneri, Jim Wagstaff. raig Miller, Dan koubyc .

Sports Action



Homecoming There Wili Always Be A Jordan Sponsored by the D .E. C.A. Club Advisor: Mrs. Wilson The theme, 'There Will Always be a Jordan," was realized when old faces and new, present and past, converged at the Homecoming Dance. The traditional crowning of the Homecoming queen and her attendants was among th many vents which took place at the dance.

Alumni a well a

Couples danced and hatted with old fri nd at the Hom coming.


tudent enjoyed th dan c.

"Eternal Memories" were made at the Senior Hop this year.

Senior Hop l rn?lJ M mori s pon or d I y th nior Class Advi or: Mr. and rson Th ry L 1 Room of the Hotel Newhou r al d th p rf cl llina for the enior f I p thi y ar. " t rnal Memori s" was an ppropriat th m in that ouples attending found th nior Hop to be among their mo l m morabJ v nts at Jordan.

Enjoyment reigned over the Senior Hop.


Susan Thomp on Homecoming Queen

hnrir Newbold opfwmore Attendant, 1 lomÂŁ>coming

Teri Andrus ] unior Attendant, Homecoming


Sue Taft Daisy Mae

Lynn Runoff on Li'[ Abner

LeGrand Fairbourn Sweetheart's Ball King

Pam Fitzgerald Sweetheart's Ball Queen


Couples waltzed dreamily to the tantalizing music played during th Ball.

Sweetheart's Ball Sweetheart's Tree Sponsored by the Sophomore Class Advisor: Mr. Pond Beetdigger girls looked forward enthusiastically to the approaching Sweetheart's Ball. Th hoice of dates received careful thought and consid ration. This dance was a smashing success with strains of the "Sweetheart's Tr e" echoing through th halls of Jordan.

Th brwit hing urn m< nut d by th

Tr 124

hypnotiz d m<- ny B

tdigg r .

we th


Junior Prom Athenian Twilight Sponsored by the Junior Class Advisor: Mr. Maxfield Majestic pillars towered upward toward the shimmering past I ceiling, thus creating a perfect s tting for the Junior Prom. Coupl s ent r d the dance room to find refreshm nts and pause to greet others in a manner fitting th Athenian mood.

The festive decor became the backdrop for small gatherings.

Attending the Junior Prom was enjoyable as evidenced by these couples.


The girls and their dates seem d to enjoy this dan e.

Dog Patch Drag Helping themselves to the refreshm nt are Sue Anderson, Steven Law and LuJean Fagg.

A wonderful evening resulted a Vicki nyd rand Rod Lawrence were "hitch d" for the evening.


Alt nli n og P l h onv nlion ron or d by Lh rrl ' lub Advi r: Mi r Th d n , a u ual, wa d lightfuJ nd diff r nl. Th uys < nd gal gol th m lv , hil h d in slyf l th lunc of w dding b II . nlhu ia m ran hie1h, a a h in lurn nl r d volin booth lo v l for th 1 i y Ma and L'if Abn r of th v ning. u T ft nd Lynn Runolf n w r the winn r .

Assemblies The assemblies, a welcome break from regular school work were enjoyed by both faculty and students. Wearing yellow raincoats, falling off tricycles, sitting on benches with little old ladies who have heavy purses, eating a fac full of pie were events on the light r side. Honoring our athl t , I arning new cheers, singing our school song, learning the responsibilities of a mature Beetdigger and carrying an Olympic torch were all a part of th ass mblies in which Jordan tud nts participated.

Our Cheerleaders and Songleaders also receive special recognition along with our basketball team and wrest! rs.

Jordan was well represented by the art lass at the snow sculpture in Salt Lake.


1ra.nile doll h~ rms" ~l. Pete" with a , ong.

During our Jordan Olympic Assembly, we had an unusual race of seeing who could gulp down two bottles of pop the fastest.

Dennis Higbee was a bit surprised as Terry Hardcastle gave him his "reward" for choosing the wrong marble .

Pulling off his beard. Santa revealed his true identity as Gene Fullmer.

School Play Hopping into the hearts of everyone, Harvey, an imaginative six-foot rabbit, made his debut with resounding applause in the Jordan High School Auditorium. Under th'e direction of Glen E. Sacos, the character of Harvey came alive in the traditional manner of Jordan's school plays.




and rson could b s 'Cn comfortingimmo s in his office.

Vita Loui s


Scenes taken from I larvcy.

Harvey Himself Gary Bird Elwood P. Dowd Denise Christian Vita Louise Simmons

Susan Thompson Myrtle Simmons Greg Salmon Dr. Chumley Robert Prince Dr. Sanderson



Mr. Wilson Kathy Mumford Miss Kelly Kri an Robinson Mrs. Chauvenet

haron Hir chi

Mrs. Chumley John Diefenderfer judge Gaffney Ralph Ferrara Cab Driver

Loi Elkington Miss Johnson

tudenl Direclors,Jerry Bay, Sandra Han en, Terry Hansen, Krisan Robin on, Mary ynn el on, Dale imon on. 131

Forensics Miss Gashler' s pr s ntation of J d Ri hardson' s winning d bat pr dur gav thi y ar' s d haters high goals to work for. Th main goal wa lo go to stat . With new id a and plan th d b l rs m t oth r schools from 11 ov r th w l rn tat s in tournam nts at arbon, Alpin , W b r and our own region. Jordan' for nsics quad I o h d th goal of state comp tition nd s nt parti ipant tor pr nt us.

Debate Club Oflicers - Front Row, Left to Right: Shelley Smith, Secretary. Row Two: Steve Nielsen, Treasurer, Mark Cornish, President, Don Homer, Vice President.

D ebate Club - Left to Right, Row One: LuJean Fagg, ' usa n N !son, Maxine Peterson, haron L wis, Paul tte Fitzg raid. h II y mit!.. hris McCormick. Row Two : Ray Bryant, Brace v lius, Allen


Goodrnans('n, Don I lonwr, :t<·vr irl so n. Mik<' I ea ock. an Atkin son, 0 ·ni sr Mite lwll . ('hhicWnrd, Lu nn ull. Oeni sr ay. Row 'fhreC' : Mark BoiH'rg, Roy Homcro. Tnrk Conislt. Ron Kunz, J hn Vis Tr, 'm ig Moody. :tcv · Ise n, .Jay D<'Vi ss<' r.

Region Debaters - Left to Right, Row One: usan Nelson, Maxine P l rson, haron Lcwi . Paulette Fitzgerald. Shelley Smith. Row Two :

Mark Conish, Stevan Nielsen, Don Homer, Roy Romero, Allen Goodmansen, Mike Peacock. Craig Moody. Row Three: Ron Kunz, John Visser.

! \[pine Pinali Is: Ann , ninsLury, Ron Kunz. Weber Finalists: Roy Rom ro, Don Homer.

tale Debaters: Don Hom r, Allen Goodmansen.



Melba Akagi Top 3%

Les Allr d Sterling Scholar Industrial Arts

Doug Cline Sterling Scholar Music

Juli Sterling holar English and Literature

Bruce Eggleston Sterling Scholar Arts and Crafts

Carolyn I lawk r Top 3%

J ri Huffman Top 3%



Krisan Robinson Top 3%

Ronald Mitchell Sterling Scholar Mathematics

Wendy Lind qui t Top 3%

Colleen Vawdrey Sterling Scholar Business Top 3% Ann Sain bury terling Scholar ocial Science Top 3%


Sndf ir

lerling fwlar eneral Top 3%

Mirriam Wilson Top 3%

Mary Weaver Sterling Scholar Foreign Language

Debra Wag taff terling Scholar Homemaking




Jennif r ainsbury & Richard Parkin Citizenship Winners

Girls and Boys State - Left to Right, Row One: Jerri West, haron Hirschi, Jana McBride, Marsha Anderson. Row Two: Jo Veltri, Richard Parkin. Row Three: Marilyn Smith, Marie Biorg , Rolayn Day. Row Four: Jim Matsumori, LeGrand Fairbourn, Craig Whetman.

Lor nzo Maestas & Larry MC"Adams ._ tale Wrestlers

Top 10% - Left to Right, Row One: Sarah Bishop, Marilyn Wag taff. Michele Pearl. Rolayn Day. Row Two: Mary C layton, Lynette wen on, Local e !lay ock. haron I lirschi . Row Tf1ree: Debra Hill. Peggy Peters n, Mary Weav r, Marsha And rson, ue Taft. Ronald Mtchcll. Row Four: Craig Mill r, Randy liand, mig Wh lman, .Jo Veltri, Wayne Rossberg, Doug ox, Gordan Hardcastle .



Jeanne Spray, Stevan Nielson, Mark Conish American Legion Winners

Inquiring Editor ~ Left to Right, Row One: Joe Veltri, Jeri Huffman. Row Two: Deneice Guymon, Ronell Crapo, Ann Sainsbury, Robert Prince.

Ron Kunz Region Basketball Team

Colleen Vawdrey Betty Crocker I Tomemaking Award

Young Americans: Dale Cordner, Ronald Mitchell. Maurie Sadleir, Ronell Crapo.


Senior Summary Robert Adams

Masque & Gavel s. Jerry Aitken

Boys Club Melba Akagi

FHA ClubS. FHA Vice-Pres. S. A Cappella ]. S. One-Act Play s. Top 3% Penney Alldredge

FHA ClubS.

Judy Atkinson

]. V. Cheerleader s.

Charlonians ]. FHA ClubS. FHA Pres. S. School Paper ]. S. Don Ballard

Lettermen's Club ]. S. Lettermen's Club Pres. S. Baseball s. ]. S. Basketball s. Football s. ]. S. Ron Ballard

Les Allred

BandS. Sterling Scholar Leslie Allred

DECA]. Linda Ames

DECA S. Ronn Andersen

Soph. Class Pres. s. Masque & Gavel s. ]. Key ClubS. Diggers Club S. School Play s. Football s. Colleen Anderson

German Club s. Model U.N. S. A Cappella ]. S. Musical s. Marsha Anderson

Charlonians ]. Masque & Gavel S. Model U.N. S. One-Act Play ]. Girls Club Top 10% Girls State ].

Greg Barber

Boys Club Dixie Barney

Girls Club Sue An Barney

Charlonians S. Terry Barney

Football s. ]. Jerry Bay

Masque & Gavel s. ]. School Play ]. S. Jacl< Bean

A Cappella ]. S. School Paper S. Debate /. Basketball s. V a una Bearden

Model U.N. S. DECA]. Masque & Gavel ]. tudent Council ]. Mark Beckstead

Bands. School Paper S. Alan Beebe

Cindy Andrews

Football ].

Girls Club

Ryan Bergener

Steve Andrews

Football s. Jody Andrus

Model U.N. S. Model U.N. Sec. S. Masque & Gavel s. S. Girls Club Soph. Rep. s. Girls Club Vice Pres. ]. Laurie Andrus

Girls Club Sec. s. Duane Archibald

Radio Club s. ]. Radio Club Reporter ]. VICA]. Model U.N. S. Model U.N. Reporter S. Photographer ]. S. Dee Arthur

Boys Club 144


Masque & Gavel]. S. Dig{:lers Club S. Model U.N. S. Marie Biorge

Masque & Gavel S. Band f. S. Girls State Robyn Birch

Masque & Gavel s. f. Interpretive s. f. One-Act Play s.

Gary Bird

Masque & Gavels. f. S. Masque & Gavel . Parliamentarian /. Masque & Gavel Pres. DECA s.]. Interpretive s. ]. chool Play s. f. Sterling Scholar

Quinton Bishop

German Club /. S. A Cappella ]. S. Sarah Bishop

German Club s. f. Charlonians f. Diggers Club S. Top 10%

Gwen Blackham

C harlonians ]. Masque & Gavel s. Student Council S. Su an Bod II

f unior Class Sec. /.

Masque & Gavel /. Charlonians f. Model U.N. S. Interpretive ]. Studentbody ec. Le lie Bonham

Dance Club f. Diggers Club S. Musical f. Student Council f. Girls Club Pres.

Mif<e Bradford

Lettermen's Club . f. S. Lettermen's lub Trea urer Baseball f. Football s.

Rebecca Bray

Model U.N. Kathie n Brown

Model U.N. John Bryant

Key lub f. Lettermen lub Ma que & Gavel A appella f. Basketball . Track f.

John Buford

F3oys Cluh Brian Burningham

Diggers Club Lettermen's Club Football f. tevc Burningham

Debate!· Footbal s. f. Keith Byers



ahall Boys lub

,fcnn Rulon

Boy· Monty

arlisl ·

lulJ hrist n ·rn

C rman Model

Roxy Chri tensen

Clwrlonians /. Masque & Gavel f. S. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Callis Clarke

VTCA S. VICA Reporter S. Football f. Kathryn Clayton

Masque & Gavel s. f. CTwrlonians Sec. f. Model U.N. s. A Cappella f. A Cappella Vice Pres. S. School Play s. Top 10% Musical s. f.

Vonda Clement

Dance Club Dig{:lers Club S. A Cappella f. Dougla




Masque & Gavels. f. Key lub German Club German Club Vice Pres. Lettermen's Club f. Rands. f. Pep Rand Pre . Track f. tudent terling Masque & Gavel f. Reel ross l<ed ross ec. A Cappella Courier Editor Interpretive "terling cfwlar






Ma qu£> f<J Gavel f. Model U.N. Red Cross s. f. f{(>cl Cross Trea . f. 1\ Capp£>lla f. A appella ec. S.

fvlodel U.N. Ma que & av£>l s. f. One Act Play f. Joyce


lwrlonian ].

FHA Lauric

f. ale

v. ordn r

nadio lul) S. f. tvfodel U.N. s. f. . 1'1odel .N. Vi e Pres. Ma qu£> & Gavel f. Courier Debate s. /. Foren ic . f. . One A t Play f. L

Charlene Covington

Girls Club Douglas Cox

Radio Club s. f. S. Radio Club Pres. S. Model U.N. S. Basketball s. f. Top 10%

Ronell Crapo

German Club s. Key Club f. S. Key Club Sec. S. Masque & Gavel f. Diggers Club S. Radio Club S. A Cappella ]. S. Musical s. Sterling Scholar Jerry Cunliffe

Ba eball ]. Judy


Jay De Visser

DECA S. Debate S. John Diefenderfer

Key Club ]. S. Masque & Gavel f. S. Diggers Club S. Lettermen's Club f. S. A Cappella f. S. A Cappella Social Chrmn. S. Yearbook S. Forensics f. S. School Play S. Football s. f. S. Track s. f. Student Council ]. DeAnn Dixon

Girls Club Mike Dowland

Boys Club James Doyle


Football s. Student Council s.

Jam' Dahl

Lettermen's Club S. Basketball s. f. Football f. S. Track . f. Jennif r Dahl

Lynn Dumas

Diggers Club S.


n Dahle

DE A f. Yearbook tudenl ouncil



Twerl(>ader J. V. fwerleader s. f. fwrlonian ]. DE A f. Model U.N. s. f. Masque & Gavel f. irl Late f. Top 10% P nny D

raff nri d

T1eerleader f. Tlead heerleader Inlerprelive

h arl n

Dcni on

harlonians f.

Sterling F airbourn

Masque & GavelS. A Cappella S.

K lly Eat hel Masque & Gavel s. Gene


Radio Electronics s. Radio Club Reporter ]. Photographer S. dgemon

Bru e


Model U.N. /. S. Key Club s. ]. Masque & Gavel s. ]. ourier S. chool Play ]. Football S. lkington

Masque & Gavels. f. S. A appella /. Interpretive s. /. hool Play s. Masque & Gavel Treas. S.

Br nda EJ swood

DE AS. A Cappella f. Dawna Elswood

Masque & Gavel s. ]. DE AS. Diggers Club S. A Cappella I S. Musical ]. Rodney Engle

Key ClubS. Masque & Gavel S. Diggers Club S. Track ].

Janet Goff

]. V. Cheerleader s. DECA S. Model U.N. S. A Cappella S. Allen Goodmansen

Masque & Gavel S. A Cappella ]. S. Debate f. S. Forensics f. S. Interpretive s. School Play s. f. S. Bill Gough

Model U.N. S. DECA S.

Masque & Gavel]. Masque & Gavel Vice Pres: S. Blaine Gough Lettermen's Club f. S. Key ClubS. Baseball S. A Cappella S. Track s. /. S. School Play ]. Football s. Lawrence Gull DECA S. Joyce Fitzgerald Model U.N. S. Charlonians ]. S. Bands. Charlonians Pres. S. Stagecrew s. f. S. Craig Flitten Dennis Fowler




Michael Durrant

Bands. Musical f. S. Courier Model U.N. Ba eball f.

Stephen F airbourn

Football s.


T rry Davis DE J\ .

Lettermen's Club S. Key Club /. S. Key Club Pres. S. Masque & Gavel S. Model U.N. S. Forensics s. Debate s. Baseball s. f. S. Football s. ]. S. Wrestling s. ]. S. Boys State ].


German Club s. f.


LeGrand Fairbourn

Boys Club Paula Fowler

German Club ]. S. FHA ClubS. FHA Treas. S. Janet Fredrickson

Masque & Gavel f.

Peggy Fritz

DECA S. Diggers Club S.

Ruth Gunderson

Student Council S. Deneice Guymon

Masque & Gavel S. Model U.N. S. Model U.N. Historian S. Mike Hales

Football s. Student Council S. Janis Hall

Model U.N. S. Pam Hall

Julie Gardner /r. Class Vice Pres.

Sophomore Class Vice-Pres. Charlonians f.

Charlonians f. Tam Hall Masque & Gavel s. f. S. School Play ]. School Play s. ]. Studentbody 2nd Vice-Pres. S. Randall Hand Key ClubS. Ross Gardner Football s. Basketball /. Tennis ]. Football ]. Wrestling s. ]. S. Top 10% Christie Gibson A Cappella ]. S. Brent Hansen Model U.N. S. Mike Giles Basketball s. ]. Football s. Wrestling f. Lloyd Hansen Model U.N. S. Ray Gillen Model U.N. Vice -Pres. S. Stage Crew f. S. Football s. S. Grace Giron

Girls Club John Glassey

DECA S. Carol Goff

Charlonians ]. Model U.N. S. Masque & Gavel S. Diggers Club S. A Cappella S. Interpretive ]. S. Girls Club Senior Rep.

Sandra Hansen

Masque & Gavel s. ]. S. Masque & Gavel Historian S. Model U.N. S. Yearbook ]. S. Yearbook Editor S. Interpretive s. ]. S. School Play s. /. S. Gordan Hardcastle

Diggers Club S. Orchestra S. Top 10%


Terry Hardcastle

Songleader ]. S. Head Songleader S. Model U.N. S. Kathy Harris

Masque & Gavel s. Model U.N. S. School Play s. Vicki Harris

Masque & Gavel ]. S. One-Act Play ]. S. Richard Hatcher

Boys Club Carolyn Hawker

German Club s. Model U.N. S. FHA ClubS. Charlonians ]. Masque & Gavel ]. A Cappella ]. S. Top 3% Lorulee Haycock

Masque & Gavel]. S. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Top 10% Duane Heaps

Boys Club Eddie Heath

Boys Club John Hendrikse

Radio Club ]. S. VICA]. VICA Secretary ]. Radio Club S. Radio Club Vice -Pres. S. School Paper S. Roger Herrin

DECA S. Model U.N. S. Basketball s. Football s. Track s. Richard Heuser

Boys Club Nancy Higbee

]. V. Cherleader s.

Red Cross]. Masque & Gavel S. A Cappella ]. S. Musical ]. Debra Hill

A Cappella ]. Top 10% Jeanette Hilton

Charlonians ]. A Cappella ]. A Cappella ]. S. Forensics s. Sharon Hirschi

Charlonians ]. Charlonians Vice -Pres. ]. S. Masque & Gavel s. ]. S. Masque & Gavel Sec. S. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Girls State ].


Interpretive s. ]. S. School Play S. Chad Hobusch

Lettermen's Club ]. S. Football s. Wrestling s. Thomas Hoesch

DECA s. ]. German Club S. A Cappella S. BandS.

Track ]. Jay Hooser

Boys Club Bruce Hudgens

Nancy Jenson

DECA s.]. Masque & Gavel]. Dance Club S. Courier S. Musical S. Theron Jenson

Boys Club Bill John on

Boys Club Harold Johnson

Diggers Club S. Kayla Jones Senior Class

Sec. Student Council f. Masque & Gavel f.

Lettermen's Club S. Lettermen's Club Vice-Pres. S. Baseball ]. S. Michael Jones DECA S. Jeri Huffman

Top 3% Christine Hulse

Girls Club Craig Hummel

DECA S. Bands. f. Maxine Humphrey

Model U.N. ]. Masque & Gavel S. Diana Hurdsman

Red Cross s. S. DECA S.

Susan Jones

German Club ]. S. Student Council ]. A Cappella DuWayne Kimb< II

Boys Club Monilm Kob

FllA A Cappella f. German Club f. S. l~ed Cross s. Majorettes Bryan Larsen

Ip en Girls Club


Lorene Jack on

Charlonians ]. Masque & Gavel S. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club A Cappella]. S. A Cappella T reas. Lynda Jarvi·

DECAf. Masque & Gavel S. Curtis Jaynes

Boys Club David Jaynes

DECA]. S. Football s. Ward Jeffs

Track s. Debbie Jemison

A Cappella S. Randy Jenkin

Radio lub S. Debate s. f. Model U.N. Forensics s. ].

Masque & Gavel s. German Cluf> s. Model U.N. Lettermen's Cluf> f. Scfwol Paper Basketball s. Golf f. olleen Larsen

ORCA f. . Red Cross .. . J 'rry 1~arscn

f3oys Clul> Steven 1~aw

'"frack f. Judy Lawrence



Wendy Lindquist

German lul> ]. , . Thespian Clu.b s. Diggers Club Top 3% Margaret Luc ro

Girls Clul> Jerold


Lett rmen's luh Debate s. f. Forensics s. f. Footl>all s. f.

Lana J nsen

Girls Club Scott Jensen

DECAf. Football s.

Russrll Mad · n

Ma ·que f'J' Gav('l S. Diggers lul> Football

Shauna Muir

Girls Club Don Margetts

Lettermen's Club S. Lettermen's Club Sec. S. A Cappella ]. S. Masque & Gavel S. Key ClubS. A Cappella ]. S. Debate s. Forensic s. School Play s. Footl>all ]. S. Track ]. S. Nancy Marlin

Cfwrlonians ]. Model U.N. S. J< mcs Matsumori Key Clul> s. f. Masque Ert Gavel]. Lellernwn's lub Model U.N. S. Interpretive f. Footl>all s. f. Boy· Club Pres. Boys Clul> Vice Pres. Boy tale f. l athi



FilA Michael Maynes

Key Cluh . Lettermen's Club VIC!\ f. Basel)(lll f. J .nrry !YJcAdams

Ha el>all ]. Wrestfinn s. f. Jnnn McBride

fwrlonians f. Cfrnrlo11ians Reporter f. f'vlasque f'J' Cauel s. ._ . F£1 !\ Cluh ... Girls tal<> f. Digg<>rs Clul> ._ .

Krni~ Me


Has<>l>oll S. 'T'orn Me orrn icl

DEC!\ S. l ('nndh McC,uirc

Hanel s. Cwcn Mel rnna

DE A f.


M Neil VIC!\ f. ._ . Vl A Pres. Foothall s. f. Track f.

I[< rold M .ns , en German Golf f.


I< yton M y r

J(>rman Club s. Football f. Track s. f.

Roger Micl<elsen

Masque & Gavel ]. S. Lettermen's Club ]. S. Diggers Clul) S. Debate s. Forensics s. One-Act Play ]. Football s. ]. Track s. ]. S. Craig Miller

William Miller

Football s. Wrestling s. Gary Millerberg

German Club S. Debates. Forensics s. Ronald Mitchell

Masque and Gavel ]. S. Model U.N. S. Orchestra ]. S. School Paper ]. S. chool Paper Editor S. Top 10% terling Scholar ott Mit hell

Key ClubS. Lettermen's Club S. Footballs. ]. S. Track J. Wrestling ]. L land Moll r

DECA]. I nn Morri

Sylvia Nelson

A Cappella ]. S.

Terry Pickett

Red Cross s. f. S. Model U.N. s. f. DECA S. Diggers Club S. School Paper S.

AI Nielson

Key Club]. Model U.N. S. Debates.

Jeanne Plumhof

Boys Club

Girls Club

Jeanine Nunley

Connie Potter

Girls Club

Model U.N.

Linda Nygard

Girls Club

Helen Olabarri

John Oviatt

DECA S. Football ]. Track ]. Rhonda Pangos ].

Girls Club ,fad Mumford Football s. Kathy Mumford

Masque and Gavel s. harlonians ]. Model U.N . . Diggers lub Interpretive s. ]. hool Play s. f. Tcr a Mumford

ong Leader ]. . f. V. lwerleader s. f inda Myers

Football f. Wrestling s.

Richard Parkin

Junior Class Pres. Key Club ]. S. Masque and Gavel s. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Student Council S. Boys State ]. School Play s. ].

Ron Naillon s. ].

Sh rry Nay

appella ]. S.

J an ll N J on Girls Club Mary N lson

Masque and Gavel s. ]. S. Charlonians ]. Charlonians I list. ]. Top 10%


DECA S. Radio Club S. Radio Club Reporter S. Craig Peacock

DECA S. DECA Hist. S. GolfS. Michele Peart

Charlonians ]. A Cappella ]. F.H.A. S. BandS. Majorette Top 10% Model U.N. S. School Play s. Peggy Petersen

Masque and Gavel ]. S. Charlonians ]. Diggers Club S. Girls Club /r. Rep. Top 10% FHAS. FHA Hist. S. Debate f. S.


Nykkie Reed

Donald Paxman

Maxine Peterson

Key Club s. f. S. Key Club 2nd Vice-Pres ]. Masque and Gavels. ]. S. German Club s. Diggers Club S. A Cappella f. S. A Cappella Pres. S. Interpretive s. ]. S. School Play f. S. Basketball s. Football s.

David Rasmussen Key Club s. f. S.

Jay Petersen




Norma Runia

Girls Club Lynn Runolfson

Lettermen's Club S. Model U.N. S. Key ClubS. Basketball s. Football s. ]. S. Track ]. Maurie Sadleir

Charlonians ]. S. Masque and Gavel A Cappella S. Top 3% Sterling Scholar



Ann Sainsbury

Robert Prince

Debate s. German Club s. Model U.N. S. Model U.N. T reas. S. Forensics s.

Masque and Gavel s. DECA]. FHAS. A Cappella ]. S.


Lynda Price

Girls Club

A Cappella S.

Kathy Morrow


DECA S. A Cappella ]. S.


Debbie Paur

Boys Club



Dennis Nokes

German Club s. ]. Masque & Gavel S. Baseball ]. S. Football s. Wrestling ]. S. Top 10%


Priscilla Phillips

Ronald Nelson

A Cappella S. Pauline Reeve

A Cappella ]. S. Craig Richards

Masque and Gavels. Charlonians ]. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Debate s. ]. S. Forensics s. ]. S. Interpretive s. ]. S. School Play s. Top 3% Sterling Scholar Student Body Historian S. Greg Salmon

Forensics s. School Play S. Ernie Santarosa

Boys Club David Schmidt

German Club ]. S. DECA S. Wrestling S. Wanda Schmitt

Girls Club Key Club ]. S. Lettermen's Clubs. f. S. Patti Schreder Masque and Gavel S. DECA S. A Cappella ]. S. Randy Sevy Basketball s. ]. C. DECA]. S. Football ]. S. Tracks. Dan Skoubye Student Body 1st Vice -Pres. S. Senior Class Pres. Masque and GavelS. Scott Richards Key ClubS. DECA Vice-Pres. S. Lettermen's Club S. Krisan Robinson Basketball s. f. S. Masque and Gavels. f. S. Football S. Model U.N. S. Tennis f. S. School Play ]. S. Track]. Top 3% Roy Romero

Masque and Gavel ]. S. Diggers Club S. Model U.N. S. CourierS. Debate s. f. S. Forensics s. ]. S. Wrestling ]. Tam Rose

Girls Club Wayne Rossberg

Radio Club s. Masque and Gavel S. Stage Crew s. ]. S. Top 10% Elaine Ruffell

Majorette S.

Brad Smith

Boys Club Sec. s. Key Club ]. S. Model U.N. S. Debate s. ]. Forensics s. ]. Baseballs. Basketball s. ]. S. Footballs. Jody Smith

Boys Club Marilyn Smith

Model U.N. ]. YearbookS. Girls State f. Top 10% Vickie Snyder

A Cappella f. S.


Claire Spencer

]. V. Cheerleaders. ].

Masque and Gavel s. ]. S. Model U.N. S. Charlonians ]. A Cappella ]. S. CourierS. Debates. Forensics s. Interpretive ]. S. School Play s. Robert Spratt

Footballs. Wrestling s. Garlyn Squires

Model U.N. S. Marla Stephenson

Model U.N. ]. S. FHA S. School Paper S. Gary Stevens

Model U.N. S. Masque and Gavel ]. S. Randie Stewart

Boys Club Senior Rep. Lettermen's Club ]. S. A Cappella S. Debate s. Baseball s. ]. S. Basketball s. Footballs. ]. S. Laurie Stout

Charlonians f. Masque and Gavel ]. A Cappella ]. S.

Parry Struhs

Boys Club Alan Summerhays

Student Council s. S. Lynette Swenson

Masque and Gavels. f. S. Diggers Club S. A Cappella ]. S. Top 10%

Susan Swenson

Masque and Gavel s. S. Charlonians ]. School Play ]. Betty Swindell

Girls Club Bruce Symes

Boys Club Sue Taft

f. V. Cheerleaders.

Brenda Vawdrey

Rodger Taylor Football s. Vickie Taylor

Masque and Gavel s. f. S. FHA S. Model U.N. S. Diggers Club S. Charlonians f.

Bruce Teran

Lettermen's Club S. Basketball f. Football s. Golf]. S.

Masque and Gavels. /. S. A Cappella f. S. Model U.N. f. Musical f. Colleen V awdrcy

Yearbook }. Yearbook Assist. Editor

A Cappella f. S. Debate ].

f. V. Cheerleader s. Cheerleader f. S.

Masque and GavelS. Key ClulJ s. f. . Key CluiJ Is t Vice Pres. S. Model U.N. Pr('s. . Lettermen's CluiJ f. S. Boys CluD Sop/,ornore nep. Boys Stale f. 'Top 10%

Masque and Gavels. f. S. Model U.N. f. Interpretive s. f. S. School Play s. S. A Cappella S.

Shawn Timoney

Masque and Gavel s. f. Key ClubS. Lettermen's Club S. Tennis s. f. S.

Vil<ki Titel

!3ase1Jall s. Footballs. f. S. Vicl<ie V cnneri

Art ClulJ f. Diogers ClulJ S. DeDate '. For('rtsirs s.

Andren Visser

Masqu(' and Gcwel .S. Cfwrlonians f. John Vis se r

Lettermen's CluiJ s. f. Oel)(tte s. .S. WrestlinfJ s. /.

Girls Club Terry Trujilio s.

Debra Wag-staff

Masque and Ccw<>l s. f. S.

Michael Tucker

FilA S.

Carolyn Turner

Musical j. A Capp<>lla f. S. Top 10% lerlino Scftolnr

Masque and Gavel f.

Girls ClulJ Dean Tuttle

Masque and Gavel S. Football s. Tennis s. Wrestling s. f.

Boys Club


Joseph Veltri

Susan Thompson

Rick Varney

Crai~ Whctman

Roys Club

Masque ancl Gavel S. Lettermen's Club S. Football s. f. S. Wrestling s. ]. S.

Ron Wall<er

W r<' stlinu f. Michelle Wnlla< e

StudNtl Council S. Kathryn Wallin

Girls ClulJ Judy Washburn

Model (J.N. f. Scf10ol Pupc>r S.

J , HlUJH Washburn

A Cnpp('lln Darfcn<" Watl<ins

G(lrman Club s. ]. S. A Cappella ]. S. Top 10% Sterling Scfwlar Cfwrlonions S. Danre Cf u(J S. tudcml Council s. Girls tale ]. Cf10rlonians Treas. S.

Johnny Velardey

Larry Thompson

Mary Weaver

J<-rri West

Cfwrlonians /. Model U.N. f. FilA . Yearbook S. Top 3% Sterling Scholar Jand Yeater

Linda Thomas

Kevin Taggart


Girls Club

Model U.N. S.

Masque and Gavels. f. S. DE AS. Model U.N. s. S. Charlonians f. S. Glade Van Tassell Charlonians Drill Mistress f. S. Boys Club Dance ClubS. Kayla VanTassell A Cappella f. DECA S. Top 10% A Cappella f. S. DECA S. Bands. f.

Priscilla Vasquez

Denny Tate

Dirk VandenberU

DECA f. Masque and Gavel ]. Digqers Club S. Model U.N. S.

Girls Club

Girls Club

DECA . Masque and Gavel

Terry Watson

F aviola Vasquez

Suzette Tanner

tvTas(,(l(' oncL Ccw(•l s. f. s. A Cnppella j. S.

Model U.N. S. Lettermen's Club s. }. S. Oigg('rs lulJ S . HaselJall s. j. S. Hask(lt(Jall s. f. FootlJall s. j. Hoys Cfu{J Jr. Rep. Hovs taL(' To/> 10% Student Hoc/y President S. Betty Whitlocl

/(eel Cross s. j. S. Swmn(' Wl1illlc

fVTnsc{tw and Cauel f. S. 1,1/A S. FT fA a<>porter S. One nct Play f.

William Wi~~ins

Boys ClulJ Mirrinm Wilson

DECAf. S. J)J:C A Socinl Clwirnwn f. DEC/\ Pres. S. Cf10rlonicms f. Hand s. f. S. Stltcfent Council s. Top 1% Bonni<' Wing< r

Studc>nl Council f.

Brinn Wri~ht l~oys Clul>

Jncl n Wri~ht Dign<'fs ClulJ S. A Copp<>lla f. , . OrciiC'stw s. f. S. fVTusicol s. f. S. Stucf<>llt Cocmrilf. Lillian Wrig-ht

f\Tosquu o11d Ccwel f. f. V. ( f,<'<>rleacler s. f.

A Capp<>Ua S. Student CouncilS. Ann Wu ts

OECA S. DEC/\ S<>c . .S. f\ Tod<'f U.N. S.

Sc/10ol Poper f. Bill Youn~

Hovs Clul>

Index ADMINISTRATION Mr. Parr 16 Mr. Crump 16 Mr. tee! 18 Mrs. Fitz(:lerald 18 Mr. Kunzf r 18 Mrs. Ainsworth 24 Mr. Bagley 22 Mr. Beckstead 2t1 Mr. B rrett 19 Mr. Boberg 19 Mrs. Bodell 24 Mr. Bradford 20 Mr. Brimhall 23, 97, I 04, 106. 110

Mrs. Brown 24 Mr. Brown 19 Mr. lark 21 Mrs. rosby 22 Mrs. Emery 19 Mr. Erickson 20, 97, I 06 Mr. Fisher 22 MissFrnser IQ Miss Gus hier 19 Mr. unnell 20 Mr. Jfarris 23 Mr. Jlnrrison 21, 87, 104 Miss l lenderson 22 Mrs. Jfunt 19 Miss I lutcl•in (:ls 23 Mr. Jarvis 21, I 32 Mr . .Judd 19 Mr. Kennin~ton 22 Mr. Kin~ 22 Mr. Linford 23 Mr. Mnxfirld 2 I Mr. M Allister 19,74 Mr. J. Me lenry 23. 104. 114 Mr. K. Me lenry 20 Mr. Milne 20 Mr. Neff 23. 100. 108 Mr. Nelson 2 1, 72. 7t1 Mr. Olson 2 1 Mr. Pure 21 Mr. Pond 20 Mrs. Roherls 23. 8t1, 9 11 Mr. Russon 23 Mr. Snros 2 1, 76, I 30. 132 Mrs .• n(:(< rs 2t1 Mr .• nnderson 20 Mr. :en l 22 Miss • orC'nson 19 Miss Souvnll 20 1r. Strin(:llwm 20, I 12. 97 Mr. Swenson 20 Mr. 'l'ernn 20, 72 Mrs. Trnnler 22 Mrs. Wndc IQ Mrs. WnJ:~slnff 2-1 Mrs. Wilson I 9, 79 Mr. Wilt 22 Mr. Wri~hl 19, 110 Mrs. Ynlcs 2 ,1 Mr. Znhriskic· 2 1

ST I ENTS Ahrnms, S ll!lron tiJ, 7'3, 78, C)() Adnir.Brcnl J7, 87 Adnms, Pnm tl'l, 60, 77, 03 Aclnms, Roher! 3 I Adnmson, Scolt '37 Ainsworth, I ennis -1'3, 77, 82 Ainsworl h. I onnn 4 '3 Ainsworth, T enn 4'3, 08, 116 Aitken, Jerry 3 I Aitken, Ron 4'3 Akn~i. Kenneth '37, 87 1\kngi, Mdhn 3 I. 83, 136 1\lhrecfllsen, Wendy -1) Alldredge, Kay 78 Alldrccll=(c, Kim '37 Alldredge, Lnrry 4'3 1\llclredl.(<'. Penny 3 I Allen, Bohhy '37 Allen, Di, nn -15, 83

Allen, Don 57, 100 Allen, Duane 57, 100, 106 Allen, Katherine 45, 82, I 33 Allred, Barbara 45 Allred, Leslie 31, 78 Allred. Leslie 31, 87. 136 Allred. Mary Ann 57, 77. 133 Ames, Karen 45 Ames, Linda 31 Andersen, Loni 57 Andersen, Ronn 31, 81, 114 Andersen, Tana 45 Andersen, Terry 57 Anderson, Alan 45, 98, 116 Anderson, Colleen 31, 78, 83 Anderson, Curtis 57 Anderson, Darnell 45, 83 Anderson, Gerald 45 Anderson, Heber 57. I 14 And rson, Jeanine 57, 77 Anderson, Jeff 57 And rson, Marsha 31, 77, 78 109. 138

Anderson, Morgan

57, 69,

100, 109

Anderson, Randy 45 Anderson, Sue 45, 84 Anderson, William 57, 87 Andrew, !eve 31 Andrews, Cynthia 3 I Andr ws, Roher! 57 Andrus, Frank 57, 69, 100. 112 Andrus, Jodv 31, 77, 78 Andrus, La~rie 31 Andrus, Tcri 45, 77, 83, 122 Archibald. Duane 31, 78 Ar .hihnld , Jay 57 1\r .hulctn. Wendy 45 Arnold. Ann 45, 83 Arllls!ron(:(, yd 57, 104, 106 Ashhy. Lauric 44, 45, 95 Askerlund, Filip 57, 100 Atkinson, Elvin 57 Atkinson, Judy 31, 7'3 Atkinson, Nancy 4 '3, I 3-1 Atkinson, Terry 57 Atwood, Kcnnclh 45 Bndovinnlz. Georgcan -15 Bnhrock. Terry 57 Baird. Kim 45 BuiiC'y, Rnndy 57 Bnke, en! 45 Bnlln111is, h ryl 31, 76, 79 Ballnrd, Bruce 45, 83 Bnllnrd, Don 31, 98, 112, 116 Ballard, Knyleen -1'3, 95 Bullarcl, Rehercn '37, 77 Ballard. Ron 3 I Banks, David 57 Barber, Cnrol 57 Bnrher, Greg 31 Barhcr,. herman -15 Barnes. Tnnnn <1'3 Barney, Boyd 57 Barney. Diana 57 Barney. Dixie 3 I Barney .• ue An 31, 95 Bnrney.Terry 31,69 Bnrnl.urst, leve 45, Ill 13arlon, .lnnel -15, 82 Barton. Willinm 45 Bat<'s. David 57. II I Bawdm. Tracy 4 5, 81 Bay . .Jerry 31. 78. I 31, 132 Bay, Robin 57, 77 Benn.Jack 31,75 Bcnrden, Vauna 31, 7 Beck. Dann tiS Beck. January 57 Beck. Larry 46, Ill, 116 Beckstead. Mark 31 BeeiJ<', /\Ion 31 Begay. Caroline 57, 77 Bcnnett, Jay. <16, 69. 109, 116 Berj:(ener, Ryan 31, 77, 7 Bcrj:(cner, usan 57, 77 Berrett, Patti 32 Berrett, !eve 46, 83, 87

Best, Bonnie 46 Best, Darrel 57 Beuteer, Sue 57 Biggs, Randy 57 Bills. Carey 46 Bingham. LuAnn 57 Biorge, Marie 32. 77, 87, 138 Birch, Robin 32 Bird, Gary 32, 76, 78, 131, 132. 136

Birrell. Roberts 57 Bishop, Craig 57 Bishop, Jared 46 Bishop, Quinton 32, 83 Bishop, Sarah 32, 138 Black. Jill 57 Black. Vicky 57 Blackham, Annette 57 Blackham, Gwen 32 Blackwell, Eugene 46 Blackwood, Lance 46, I 14 Bloomquist, Jerry 57 Bluth. Rebecca 46, 82, 92 Boberg, Mark 57, 134 Bodell, Neal 57 Bodell, Susan 27, 32. 68, 77, 78, 133

Bodell, Wade 46 Bogenrief. Carol 57 Bohm, Lance 46 Boltis, Wayne 58 Bonham, Brent 58 Bonham, Leslie 32, 68, 84 Bowles, Gary 4o, II I Boynton, Br nt 58 Boynton, Cathy 58, 77 Boynton. Steve 32 Bradford, Mike 32, 112, 116 Brady. Brian 57, 77, 100, 106 Brady. Leslie 46, 132 Brassfield. Harvey 46 Bray, Larry 46, 11 I Bray. Rebecca 32. 78 Brindley, Susan 58 Brine, Mindi 46. 90 Brinton, Gaye 58, 77 Bronson, Jonathan 46, I II Brown, Anita 46 Brown, Annette 46 Brown, Gordon 58, I 00 Brown, Kathleen 32, 78 Brown, Kay 46, 78, 83 Brown, ancy 46 Brown, Paul 46 Brown, Reed 58 Brown, andra 58 Brown, Scott 46 Brown, ue 32. 79 Brugman, Dennis 58 Brundage, Connie 58 Brundage, Craig 58, 106 Bryant, John 32, 69, 77, 81, 85. 111,116

Buchanan, Grant 58, 87 Bullock. Patricia 58 Bryant, Ray 58, 134 Bryce, Beth 46 Bryce, Nancy 58 Burbidge, Kenneth 58, I 00. I It, 81. 109, 116

Burgon, Sandra 58 Burkinshaw, Barry 46, 69, 77, Burningham, Brian 32, 98, 116 Burningham, Claudia 58 Burningham, Craig 58 Burningham, leve 32 Burton, Marv 46, 105, 116 Burton, Rex 58 Byer , Keith 32 Byers, Marilyn 58 Cahall, Glenn 32 Caldwell, Carol 46 Caliandro, Joe 46 Call, Jeff 47, 98, 111 Cameron, Diana 47 Campbell, George 58 Capson, Diane 58 Carlisle. Rulon 32

Carlson, Lynn 58 Carpentier, Tony 47 Carter, John 58 Carter, Wayne 47 Casaus, Elmer 58 Cary, Jan 47, 69, 77 Chapman, David 47 Chase, Jim 47, 98, 111, 116 Chidester, Kathleen 58 Christensen, Debby 58, 77 Christensen, Julie 58, 77 Christensen, Monty 32. 78 Christensen, Roxy 32, 77, 78 Chri tian, Denise 4 7. 77, 13 1, 132

(;Iarke, Callis 32 Clayton, Katie 32, 59, 77, 83, 138

Clegg, Carolun 58 Clement, Vonda 32, 82, 84, Cline, Douglas 32, 69, 77, 81, 83, 87, 116, 136 32. 77, 82, 132, 136 Clough, Ernie 47 Cole, Cecile 32, 77, 78, 82. 83 Conger, Steve 47, 106, 112, 116 Conish, Mark 47, 81, 98, 116, 133, 134. 139 Connary, Lois 58 Connelly, Frank 47, 98, 116 Conrad, Catherine 47, 82 Cook. Debbie 58 Cook. Freda 32,69, 78 Cook. Joyce 32, 77 Cook. Lauren 32 Cooper, Gary 58 Cordner, Dale 32, 77, 78, 133, 139 Cordner, Marlene 58, 69 Cordner, Sharlene 58 Cornia, Janet 56, 58. 77 Covington, Keith 47 Cowdell, Brad 58, I 00 Cowdell, Dawn 58 Cowdell, JoAnne 47 Cox. Douglas 32. 78, 114, 138 Cox, Stanley 58 Crane, James 47 Crapo, Denille 58 Crapo, Ronell 32, 80. 83, 136. 139 Crebs, Dick 4 7, 98, I 06, 116 Crebs, Ron 5 , 116

Close, Juliana

Crebs, Susan 47 Cremer, Don 47, 87, 112 Crookston, Thomas 47 Crookston, Cheryl 59 Cunliffe. Jerry 32 Curley, Stephen 59 Curtis, Judy 32, 79 Dahl, James 33, 104. I 14, 116 ahl, Jennnifer 33 Dahle, Diane 59, 69 Dahle, Kathleen 33, 69, 78 Damjanovich, Colleen 59 Dansie, Bruce 33, 75 Dansie, Deborah 59 Davenport, Michael 47 Davidson, Lorna 47, 95 Davi , Miralec 59 Davis, Terry 33, 78, 112 Davis, Terry 59 Davis, Van 33, 81 Day, Bill 47, 69, 116 Day, Denise 59, 134 Day, Mont 33 Day, LouAnn 47, 69 Day, Marjorie 59, 77, 93 Day, Rolayne 33, 77, 82, 90, 133, 13

DeGraffenried. Penny

33, 68,

90, 133

Deleeuw, Denise 59 Demarest, Eli e 47 Denison, Charlene 33 Devine, Sue 33 DeVisser, Jay 33, 69, 79, 134

De Visser, Kelly 5Y Dewegeli, Darlene 47 Diefenderfer, John 33, 73, 81, 83, 98. 131. 133

Dixon, DeAnn 33 Dixon, Randy 47, 111 Dixon, Shanna 47 Dowland, Jeffrey 59 Dowland, Michael 33 Doyle, James 33 Duke. Jeffery 59 Dumas, Lynn 33. 79 Dumond, Alan 47 Dunn, Alayna 47 Dunn, Jack 47,112 Dunn, Jeanne 47 Dunn, Karen 47 Dunn, Karie 59 Dunn, Kathy 59 Durrant, Michael 33, 77, 78. 82 Durrant, Steven 59 Eatchel, Danny 59 Eatchel, Kelly 33 Eaton, Vina Bae 59 Ebert, Gene 33 Ebert, Rulon 11 l Edgemon, Deborah 47, 82, 83, 87

Edgemon, Marilyn 34, 87 Edmunds. Brenda 59, 77 , 87 Eggleston, Bruce 34, 136 Eggle ton, Larry 59 Elg, Paula 59, 77, 93 Elkington, Lois 34, 76. 83, 131, 133

Ellsworth, Doreen 59 E lmer, Randall 47, 79 Elswood, Dawna 34, 79, 82 Emerson, Roy 47 Engle, Rodney 34, 77, 81, 116 Enniss, Alexa 59 Enniss, Tom 59 Erickson, Darlene 47 Erickson, Hal 48, 98 Evans, Chad 59, 87 Evans, Dean 48 Ewell , Emma 59 Fackrell, John 59 Fa.gg, LuJean 48, 82, 84, 134 Fahrner, Gary 59, 86 F airboum, Brian 34 Fairbourn, LeGrand 34, 77, 78, 80. 98. 108, 109, 112. 116, 123, 138 Fairbourn, Stephen 34, 79 Fairbourn, Sterling 34, 76, 81, 82 Farnsworth, Marsha 48, 83 Ferrera, Ralph 48, 77, 81, 131,

133 Finnegan, Mike 48 Fisher, Brad 59, 100, ttl Fisher, Mark 48, 98, 109, 111, 116

Fisher, herry 59 Fitzgerald, Brian 59 Fitzgerald, Darwin 59 Fitzgerald, Daylin 48 Fitzgerald. Joyce 34, 94 Fitzgerald, Karen 48 Fitzgerald. Karri 59, 77 Fitzgerald, Kevin 48, 77, 81, 83. 98. 105

Fitzgerald, Michael 48 Fitzgerald, Pamela 48, 94, 95, 123

Fitzgerald, Paulette 48, 77, 86. 134 Fitzgerald, Rochelle 59, 77 Fitzgerald. Wendy 48, 69, 94, 95

Flitton, Craig 34 Ford, Colette 59 Fowler, Dennis 34 Fowler, Paula 34 Fowles, Roberta 59, 77 Frank, Tom 48


Frantz, Annette 48 F ratto , Claude 59. 87 Fred rickson. James 48. 82 Fredrickson. Janet 34 Freeman, Skip 48 Fritz. Peggy 34. 79 Gailey, Rick 48 Gardner, Julie 26, 34, 68, 77, 133

Gardner. Paula 59, 77 Gardner . Ross 34 Garfield. Boyd 48, 83 Garner, Rodney 34 Garner, Vicki 48 Garside, James 59. 87 Gates, Monty 48 Gause, Wendy 48 Gaydo n , Steve 59 G ibson, Christie 34 Gilbert. Jim 59 Gilchrist, Catherine 48, 75 Gilchrist. John 59 G iles, Mike 34 G iles, Paul 59 Gi llen. Ray 34. 86 Gines. A fvcn 48 Gi ron, Grace 34 Glassey, Janet 48 G lassey. John 34. 78, 79 G lover, Mike 48 . 98 Goates, Renee 48, 77, 84, I 32 Godfrey, Gail 48 Goff. Caro l 34. 77. 78, 82, 133 Goff. Janet 34, 78, 79. 82 Golson, Lee 48 Gonzales. Yolanda 48 Goodmanscn. A ll en 34. 77. 82, 13 1, 132, I 34 Goodmanscn, Mark 60 Gordon, Carol 60 Gordon, Kathlene 48, 82 Go tbcrg, Scott 60 Gotbc rg, Tamra Lee 48 Gotberg. Val 60 Gough, Bill 78, 79 Gough, Blaine 34, I I I, 1 I 6 Gough, Sherry 60 Graham, .Judy 48 Graham, Michael 35 Graham, Trudy 48 Gray, Bertha 60 G reen. Sandra 48, 82 Green, Shcrlyn 60, 77 G reen, Susan 60 Green. Susan 48 Greenwood . David 60 Greenwood, Douglas 48 G reenwood, M ike 48 Gregory, Betty 48 Gregory, E laine 35 Gregory, G lenn 48, 75, 83, 87 , 98

Gregory. Lauric 60 G roves, T crry 60 Grow, Diane 48 Grow. Randy 60 Grubb. Paul 60 Gull . Lawrence 35, 78, 79. 86 Gull, Luann 60 . 134 Gunderson. Brent 60, 100 Gunderson. Ruth 35, 69 Gurr. Dena 49 Guymon, Dcncicc 35 .78, 139 Hales, Mike 35 Hall. Barbara 60 Hall. Bryan 49 Hall. Candy 56. 60. 93 Hall. Ethel 60 fl ail. Janis 35 Hall. Pam 35 Hall. Tam 35 Ham. Donna 49 Hand, Randy 35. 8 1. 138 Hansen. Brent 35. 78 Hansen, Joe 60 Hansen, Lloyd 35. 78 Hansen, Paul 49 Hansen. Snndra 35. 72. 76. 78. 131. 132. I 33 llansen, Terrie 44 . 49. 69, 77. I3I Hardcastle. Archie 79 Hardcastle. Gordan 35. Ill, 138


Hardcastle. Jody 49 Hardcastle. S ha ron 60, 77 Hardcastle. Terry 35. 78. 79, 92 Harkness, Cal 49 Harkness. Chad 60 Harper, Colleen 49 HarpcT. Collett 49, 73 Harris, Debra 60 Harris. Eugcna 60 Harris, Gale 49 Harris, Kathy 35. 78 Harris, JoAnn 49 Harris. Vicki 35. 77, 132 Hart, Allen 49, 11 2 Hasc, S haron 60 Haslam. Vickie 60 Haun, Jolvnn 49 Hawker. Caro lvn 35, 78. 82. 136 Hawker, Douglas 60 Haycock. Loralce 35 , 77. 78, 138 H ayden, Kevin 60 Haycock. Patricia 49 H eaps, Duan 35 Heath, Eddie 35 Hendrikse, .John 35. 75 Henningsen, ln go 60, 87 Henry, Ke nn e th 60 H e rm a n. Craig 60 H errin, Roger 35, 78 H euser. Richard 35 I lia tt. Randy 49 Higbee. Dennis 49, 76. 83. 75. 8 1. 133

Hi gbee. Nancy 35, 75. 77, 83 Hill , Debra 35, 138 Hilton,Jea nctte 35.83 Hilton . Kent 60 Hirschi. Sharon 35 . 76. 78, 13 I . I 33, 138 H obusch. Chad 36 Hocking. John 49 Hocsch. Martin 60. 86 l Ioesch , Tom 36. 83, 86. 87 H offm an. Frank 49, 10 5. 106 H offman, Richard 60, I 00 Hofhines. S haron 60 H ofm stcad. Mark 49. I I 2 H omer. Don 49, 98 . 77, 134 H ooser. Jay 36 Hopes, Marian 49 . 86 H opkins, Karen 49 H opk ins, Sue 60 Houghton. C ra ig 49 ll oward. David 60, 100 H ownrd. Sally 49 H ow le tt. Mike 60. 87 Hudgens , Brurc 36. 78. I 12. 116

Huffm an, Jeri 36. 136. 139 Huffm an. Roger 49 Hulse. C hri stine 36 Hulse, Rosemary 60 Hummell. C ra ig 36. 79 Hummell, Richard 60. 109 Humphrey. Maxine 36 I Turd man, Diana 36, 79 I lurdsman, Linda 60 Hurst. Don 60. 87 H ya tt. Randy 114. 119. 68 I l ydc. S ha rcc 49 lasclla. Linda 60. 77 . 93 lhlc r. Kim 60, 98. 100. 10 5. Ill , l 16

lll f.(ut h . S teve 60. If l I pscn. Debra 36 Ishm ae l. JoAnn 49 !vic , Louise 6 1 Iza tt. Carv I 50 .Jackman, Ken 50. 87 .Jackson. Brenda 50 Jackson, Mike 50. 98, 105. l I l , 11 6

Jackson. Lorenc 36. 77. 83, 138 .Jacob. Gai l 50 Jacobson. Cindy 50 .Jardine. Tamera 61 .Jarvie, David 50 .Jarvis, Lvnda 36. 77 .Jaynes. Dnvid ~6 lavncs. M ike 6 1 .Jeffs. Brian 50 Jeffs. Gary 61. Ill Jeffs. LeRoy 61

Jeffs. Ward 36 Jemison, Debbie 36, 79, 83 Jenkins. Margaret 50 Jenkins, Paul 50 Jenkins, Randy 36 , 78 Jcns n. llr tt 6 1 Jensen, Dun 50 Jensen, Jan 50 Jensen, Janette 6 1 Jensen, Jcncltc 6 1 J nscn, Lana 36 Jensen. Marsha 6 1 Jensen, M ike 61, 87 Jensen. Scott 36 Jenson, Marlin 50 Jenson, Nancy 36. 84 J nson. T heron 36 Jcntzsch. Jerry 50 Jessop, cott 50 Jewk s, Mary Beth 6 I Johansen. Kristine 6 I Johnson. Debbie 50, 77 Johnson, Cary 100 Johnson, Gary l 00 Johnson. Gaylcne 6 I , 77 Johnson, G len 50 Johnson, Buddy 36 Johnson. Jancnc 50. 77 . 78, 93 Johnson, Ross 50 . 98. 1 12 Johnso n , Yvonne 50. 83 Jo lley, Kathy 50 . 77, 87 Jones, Baird 6 1 Jones, Dennis 50. I 12 Jones. Janet 50 J ones, Kavla 30. 36 .Iones. Mike 36 Jones, Roddy 50 Jones. Rhonda 6 l .Iones. Susan 36 . 83 Joos, Bernice 6 1 Joos. Tim 50 Joosten, Co ll en 61 Jorda~Janene

Judkins. Tom

61 50. l 06. I I 11

Kahley, Dec 6 1 Kartchner, Keith 61. I I I Kaumans. Deborah 6 l Keeler. Keith 87 Kidd. Rof.(cr 50, 82. l 1 1 Kido. Arthur 6 I , l 00 Kimball, DuWayne 36 Kundsen, usan 61 Kobs. Monika 36. 87 Kounalis, Darrell 50 Krichbaum, Lincf 5 1 Kunz, C laud ia 6 1 Kunz, Ron 5 1, 8 1, 82. 98. 105, 11 6. 134. 135. 139

Lake. onn i 6 1. 77 Lamb, Jody 51 I a ncas tc r, David 5 1. 83 Lundeen, Jeff 6 1. 87 Lang. Randall 6 1 Larsen, Bryan 36, 75. 78. I I (J Larse n. Colle n 36. 79. 82 Larsen, Dan 6 1 Larsen, Keith 5 l Larsen, Nancy 6 I Larsen. Rob rt 37 Larsen. Rulon 6 I Larsen, Vcni c La at r, ollccn 6 1 Lavery. Marcine 6 1 Law. Denice 6 1 Law, S teven 37 Laws, indi c 6 l Lawson. Randy 5 I , 84 Lawr nrc. Judy 37 Leavitt, orcy 51. 82. l 14 Leavitt. Rodney 6 1. I 00 Ler. hri stic "I Le<'. Terry 5 1 Lcig!J, A lice 5 I , 95 LcPray. Mike 5 1. 9R. l I 6 Lewis. huron 5 1,911,95. 1311. 135

Lindquist. Kim 5 1. 99, 109, I 12. 11 6 Lindquist. W!'ndy 37. 83. I 37 Lindsey. Pntririu 6 I IJoyd. Eve lyn 5 I Lloyd . .l.trkie 5 1. 90 Lloyd. Kathy

Lloyd. Laura 6 1 I loyd. Ronald 6 I Lloyd. Roxanne 6 1, 77 Logan. Richard 6 l Long, Victoria 6 I . 77 Lopez. Henry 6 1 Lovendahl, S herri 61 Lovell , JC'ncl 51 Lucero. Emeri ta 5 1 Lund. Ron 5 1 Lundberg, Jrrry 37. 99, 11 6 Lybb rt. Lynnclle 62 Lybbcrl. Myrna 51. 9tJ. 95, 133 MAdams. Larry 37, 108, 100. 116. 138 McAdams. L·la 62 M Bride. Jana 37, 77. 138 McCand less. Dan 'j I Me leary. Kraig H. 78. 105. 11 6

Me leery, Doug 51 McCie ry, Larry 51. 75 Mr leery. Randy 62. I 00 Me orrni ck. hri s 62. 13 l Mc orm irk. Debbie 62 Me orrnick. Tom 37. 79 McGuire, Kenneth 37 McK nna, Gwen 37. 79 McKenna, Tom 62. l 00. IOC>. I 12

McKnif.! ht. A lan

McNei l, roig 37. 99. If f> M Phcrron, Jesse 62 . Mace. Ronnld 62 Mace. Susan 5 1. 82 Marklin, hery l 6Mudsen. Rnnae 51 Mndscn. Russ 37. 77, 78. 99 Maes tas, Lorenzo 5 I , 69. l 09. I 16, I 38 Mnir, Ramona 5 l Mnir. hauna 37 Marc It , John 5 I. 69. 80. I l •I Marc h , Kenneth 62, I Murgells, Don 37. 77. 8 1, 82. 99. 110. l 16 Ma rgc tts, Wendy 62 51

Mar tin , Nanry 37, 7H Martin •z, .Joe 62 Martinez. l.incln )7 Mart inez. Rudy '3 I Mart in ez. ' hnron 5 l Mason . .Julie 62. 7 1 Massa, onnie 5 1 Mat hi s, Larry (>2 Mathis, Karen 51 Mntsumori. Jnmes 3 7. 68. 78. 8 1. 99. I I (>. I 3

Mauc h, Dnvid 87 Maupin. Kathi 37 Maupin , T,ynn (>2 Muxc·do n. A lc·x 5 l Mnynes. M ikc· 37. 8 1. 11 2. 11 6 Maynes. :tan 62. I 00 Meadows. Darlene 62 Mendows, Don 5 l Mc• ldrwn l avid 62 Mc•nssen, I lnrold 37 Mcnssen. Rnlph (>2 Meyer, ' layton 37. 111 . 11 6 Meyer. ,ordon 'j I Meyer. Mike 62, l I I Mickelsen. C1arry (>2 Micke lsen. Roger 37. 77, If (> Middleton, rary '32 Mi lkovich. Ani ta (>2 M ill er. Bill 7 M iller. rnig 37. 77. 11 2. I 16. 13R

Mi ll er, Sltcrry (>2 Mil lc·r.Wi ll inm Mi lleriH'r!.(. Gary 37 M illi s, ick 52 Mi tclwlf. hrisly 37 Mi tdt<' ll , I c•nisc• 62. 13 I Mitdwll. Rod '32. II (> Mitdtd l. Ron 38. 7 I. 7H. 87. ll I , 137. 13H. I )C) 38. 8 1, 99. 11 6

Mite !tell. ' ott

11 6 , 134. 135

Moore, K nncth 62 Moore, l...aN ll c 62 Morgan. Gregg 62 l\1orez, Fred die 52 Morlcv. Jeanette 52 Morrill A nn 52 Morrill. David 62 Morris. G l nn 38 Morrow, Dec 52. Ill. 11 76 Morrow. Kathy 3 Morse, David 62, Ill Mo rsr. James 52 Moses. Pcgf.(y 52. 77 [\ lous ley, h ur l ne 52 i'Vlurnford . G lad 3 Mumford. K a th y 3 , 69. 78. 13 I . 133

l'viumford. Teresa 38. 92 Mumford. Valnync 62 Muno7., John 62 ]\ lurdork. Ronald 62 Murplty. Mark 62. 7 [\1yers. Frank 52 Myrrs. Linda 38

5 l. 87 . I OS.

I 111. 11 6

Marlin , Bru c• (>2 Martin. G •nnifcr

Mock. David Moffat. hauna 62 Moffitt, co lt 62 Moller, Bruce 62 Moller. Leland 38. 79 Moody. Cra ig 52. 69. 87 , 99.

Nay. ha rl es 52 Nay. !terry 38 . 83 Necaise . .J oe Neraisc. ruig df. Dessa 52. 8 11. 93 Nelson, Cnro line 62, 87 e lso u. Denise 62 Nelson, Gnyla 62 elson. Jeannette 38 Ne lson. Lisn 62. 77 Nelson, Mary 38, 77. 13 I, I 38 Ne lson , R eed 38 Nelson. R on N el son . Sylvia 18. 83 Nelso n ,. usnn 52 . 73. l 3tl. 135 Nesse n . nry 52 ewho ld. h nris 62. 77. 122 Ncw h ofd . David 62. 87 New h ouse. Ron '32. 69 Newla nll. I eeA nn 63, 87 Nc·w ton. Dennis '32, I l I . l I(> Nick le. In n 63. 11 2 Nielso n . A ln n 38. 78 N ie lson, hes ter Nie lso n. tev('n '32,77,8 1. 11(>. 13·1. 13'3. 138. 139

il sso n . Doul.( '3 il sso n . S tephen 63 okes, D enni s orr is. J.i nd n 38 Nosnrk. D av id 63 . l 00 Nu nl (• . J ea nc• nc· 38. 78 Nygnrd. Lindn 3 Onkd('n, Mik(' 63 Onkeson. Lynl'lle 52 Okubo. Keven (>3 Olnbnrri, I IC' n(' 38. 7H Oliver. Jos('ph Olivn. Trl'nl (>3. I()() Olson. Brnd 63 . I , I 06 O lso n . Steve n '32. 83, I 3tl Orttill. Blanch(' '32 Orl.(ill, Jmy 63 Oshorn(•. Pnn1 '32 ( stl er. Denise '>Ottley, lt nrlcs 63. I 06 Ovintl. John 38. 79 Ovi<\11. Sanclrn 52

Pucker. San d ra (>3 PuiiiH'r. Wend '32. 77 P a nek, Jo<' 63. 87 P nnf.(os, Bre nd a 63 Pnngos. Rhondn 38. 77 J>nrnmo rl'. Patricia '32 J>n rker. Jillc·cn 52. 77 Parkin. Richnrd 38, 69. 80. l I 11. 138

Purry. Tewe (>) Patienc<'. Dl'hornh 52, 92 Patience, ' t v 63. 77, 100

Patrick. Terry 52 Patrick. Russ 63 Patterson, David 52 Patterson, Randy 1 I I Paul, Marsha 52 Paur. Debbie 83 Paxman, Lynn 38 Paxman, Duane Peacock. Craig 38. 79. 116 Peacock. D ennis• 63 Peacock. Mike 52. 134 Pearce. Rod 52. 112 Peart, Michele 38, 87. 138 Peavey, Jackie 52 Ped rscn, Barbara 63 Pclch. Vern 63, 100 Pendleton, Marie 52, 83, 92 Perkcs. Kenneth 52 Perry. Linda 52 Perry. William 63 Petersen, hrisli Pet rs n, Danny 52 Prt rs n, Jay 38 Pet rsen, Peggy 38. 138 P lcrsen, Ri hard 63, 77, 133 Pet rson, luis 52 Pet rson, hrisline 63 P l rson, David 52 P lerson, Linda 53 P l rson, I ynn 63 P lerson. Maxin 38. I 3tl Peterson. Ni k 63. I 00 P .ll'rson, Ricky I I I Phillips. l risrillu 39. 79. 82 Pi k ll, Terry 39. 75, 79 Pierre, Dehbie 63 Pingree. Ricky 63 Pluml10f, Jcnnn 39 Popclrnnyer, JoAnne 63 Porter, Jeuni 63 Potter, hristine 63 Potter, Conni 39. 78 Potter. hurrnoine "'3 Peller,. Dehoroh "3 Poulos , Ri k 53 Powers, Kathryn 63 Price, Bonni 63 Price. Lyncln 39 Price. Mike 63 Price. I nul 63. I 00 Price, Terry '33. 1 I I Prince, Alnn 6). 77. 100. I I I, I 16 Prin e, Robert 39. 77. ), 8 I. I 3 I. I 39 Purcilt. .John 63 Pyle. ,nil 5) Roin s, Rnn10nn 63 Ramey. Jnnnlee 5). Btl. I 32 Rnnsdell. Robin 39,81 Hnsmusse n, 1 n id 39. I Hnsruussen, .Jnnet '33. 83 Rn snmssen. Renne 6) Hnsnwssen. Thnyne 53 Rnwson. Kri stine 5) Rc•cd. Nykkie 39, 2 Rc·e<l. Pnuln 63. 77 Rc·eve, Pnuliric 39 Reeve. Julie 63 R<'idr. Kenneth 5), I 12 Reid. Jnmes Reid. Lmrrn 53 R inhnrdt. Russel 63 Richnhrds. e illc 53. 83 Ridmrds. rnia 26. 39. 68, 82, 99. 10". I 16 Ri hnrds. Palri iu 53

Richards, Scott 39, 79 Richards. Tom my 63 Ricord, Clayton 63 Ricord, Curtis 53 Rigler, John 53 Rinehart. Robert 39 Ritchey, Bruce 39 Roberts, Randy 53 Roberts, Robyn 64 Robinson, Brent 64, 100 Robinson, Krisan 39, 77, 78, 131,133. 137 Robinson, Cindy 64 Rocks, Barbara 64 Rocks, Lorin 53, 99 Rogers, Karen 53, 82, 94, 95 Rogers, Pam 53. 82 Rogers, Wendy 64 Romero. Roy 39, 77, 134. 135 Rose, Tam 39 Rossberg, Lani 53, 83, 84 Rossberg, Wayne 39. 77, 86, 138 Roth, Dana 53 Roth. Jeff 64 Ruffell, Shirley 53 Ruffell. Elaine 39, 87 Runia, Norma 39 Runolfson, Lynn 39, 78, 99 , 116, 123 Sndleir, Maurie 39, 77, 83, 95, 137. 139 , agers, Shannon 64 , ninsbury, Ann 27. 39, 68, 78, I 33. 135, 137. 139 ainsbury, Jennifer 53, 95, 133, 138 almon, Gr g 39, 131 arnpson, Junine 53. 69, 77, 82 Santarosa. Ernie 39 nntarosa. Frank 53, 116 argent. Brent 56, 64, 68. 77. 106. 111 .. org nl. K ith 53. 1 I 1 .. rhmidt. David 79 .. chmidt. John 64, 100 clulJidt, Ray 53, 99, 1 I I. I I 6 .. chmidt, Wanda 39 .. chneid r, Kendall 54, I I I .. chow. Dorothy 54, 77 S hrader, Patti 39. 79 .. colt. Dan 54 .. colt. Rodn y 64 .. cnrc¥. Ricki 64 .. elterberg. Glen 54 , eltcrwhite. Jam s 6tl ._ vy. Randy 39, 79 ._ helhy. Doug 6tl, 100 , helhy. LeAnne 54, 83 , helclon, Mary Ann 64 ._ lwldon. Jose ph 54 .. heriff, Diane 64 .. hippick Edith 6tl .. idhorst. Richard 54 .. imonson, Charles 6tl .. imonson. Dole '34. 77, 1. 13 I .. imrson. Terry 54, 99 .. joblom. Boyd 54 ._'kouhyc. Dun 30. 39. 68. 77. 81. 99. 105. 116 .. kouhye. Dav 64, 100. 106 lode. Doug 64 ._ later, ale 64 , mtih, Bob 64 mith. Bonny 54, 93 , 95 mit h. Brnd 40. 78, 81, 105, 116 milh, arolyn 54 rnith, raig 64 mith, D nnis 54, 99, 116

Smith, Don 54 Smith, Don 64 Smith, Doug 54, 69. 82. 99, 106, 110,111.116 Smith, .lody 40 Smith, Kirk 100. I I I Smith, Linda 64 Smith, Luana 64 Smith, Marilyn 138 Smith, Marvin 64 Smith, Neil 40 Smith, Ricky 54 mith, Shelley 54, 77, 86, 134, 135 Snow, Nora 64 Snow, Shelley 64, 77 Snyder, Vickie 40, 83 Soffe, Jeff 54 Somsen, Max 54, 82 Soper, Kerry 54, 82. Ill Soper, Paul 64 Sorenson, Kim 54 Souvelius, Brace 64, 134 Spencer, Claire 40, 77, 78. 83, 87, 133 Spratt, Robert 40 Spratt, Sheri 54 Spray, Jeannie 54, 75, 133, 139 Squire, Garlyn 40, 78 Stafflund. Shelby 54, 114 Stauffer, Richard 64 Steadman, Brenda 64, 77, 133 Steadman, Randy 64 teadman, T crrie 54 Stephenson, Bryan 64 tephenson, Marla 40, 75, 78 Ievens, David 54, 99 Stevens, Gary 40, 77 ,78 Stewart, Greg 54, 87 Stewart, Randie 40, 83, 98, 112. 116 tiel. Marilyn 55 Stout, Sharman 55 Stout, Laurie 40. 82 Stringfellow, George 55 truhs, Krista 64 Struhs, Parry 40 turdy, Geraldine 64 ubdon, Connie 64 udbury, Mark 64, 87 umerhays, Alrm 40, 69 ummerhays, Laurel 40 Sundell. John 64 Svedin, Christian 55. 69 weeney, Dan wenson, Karen 55, 94, 95 wcnson, Lynette 40, 77, 82. 138 wenson, Mary Jane 64, 77, 87. 116 wenson, andra 55 wenson, Susan 77, 78 welt, Lctta 55 Swindell, Betty 40 ymes, Bruce 40, 78

Van Amen, Colleen 55 Vandenberg, Dirk 41, 79 Vandenberg, Tom 65 , 100 Van Horn, Penny 55 Van Oostendorp, Alan 65 Van Oostendorp, Lynda 55. 75, 84 VanTa sse I. Glade 41 Van Tas el, Joy 65 Van Tassel. Kayla 41. 79,83 Vasquez, Faviola 79 Vawdrey, Alane 55. 77, 83 Vawdrey, Brenda 41, 77, 83 Vawdrey, Colleen 41, 73, 137, 139 Yeater, Janet 41, 72 Velarde. Johnny 41 Veltri, Joe 41, 77, 78, 80, 116, 138, 139 Venemon, Randy 55 Venneri, Randy 55, 111, 116 Venneri, Vickie 41 Vigil, Bernice 55 Vigil, David 65, 100 Villiard, Lowell 65 Visser, Andrea 41, 77 Visser. John 41, 116, 134

Taft. Sue 40, 77, 84, 95, 123. 138 Taggart, Kevin 40 Taggart, Mark 64, 69 Tanner, uzette Tate, Deborah 64 Tate, Denny 40 Taylor, Don eva 64 Taylor, Rodger 40 Taylor, Vickie 40, 77, 78 Tesch, Tim 64, 81, 100 Teran, Bruce 40, 116 Thayne, Rick 55

Waggoner, Karen 55 Wagstaff. Debra 41, 77, 82 . 137. 138 \Vagstaff. Jim 55. 82. 106, 114. 116 Wagstaff. Wayne 65, 100, 106, 114 Wahlen. Don 55 Walkenhorst, Debbie 55 Walkenhorst, Lynn Walkenhorst, Melanie 65, 69. 77 Walker, Karyn 65 Walker, Ron 41

Tew, Valarie 64 Thomas. Glen 64 Thomas, Linda 40. 83 Thompson, Becky 55 Thompson, Chris 64 Thompson, David 55, 98, 109, 116 Thompson, Donna 64 Thompson, Kristy 55, 77 Thompson, Larry Thompson, Margaret 64 Thompson, Susan 40, 83, 90, 122. 131, 133 Thornbald. Shauna 65 Tibbetts, David 65 Timoney, Shawn 40, 77, 81, 114. 116 Timothy, Lynn 55, 82 Titel. Linda 55 Titel. Vikki 40 Tolman, David 40 Tolman, Lynne 65 Tripp, Michale 65 Troyer, Art 65, 100, 106 Troyer, Stanley Trujillo, Terry 41, 79 Tsuya. Roland 65, 77, Ill Tucker, Bill 55 Tucker, Mike 41, 78 Tunbridge, Alan 55, 109 Turner, Carolyn 41 Turner, Susan 55 Tuttle, Dean 41, 78 Ure. Steve 65 Urton, Robert 55, 77. 87 Utley, Gloria 65

Wall. Scott 55 Wallace, Michelle 41,69 Wallgren. Roxanne 55 Ward, Darylle Ward, Debbie 65, 134 Ward, Laverne 65 Wardle. Ray 55 Ware,Boyd 55,98,111,116 Washburn, Judy 41,75 Washburn, Launa 41. 82 Waters, Greg 65, 111 Watkins, Darlene 41. 77, 82 Watson, Brian 65 Watson, Terry 41, 78 Watterson, Steve 65 Weaver, Mary 41, 82, 137, 138 Webb. Brent 65, 100 \Vebb. Gwen 65 Webb, Melvin Weber, Craig 65 Webster, Linda 65 Webster, Randy 65, 100, 112 Webster, JoAnn 55, 82 Weeks. Dave 55. 104 Welch, Greg 55, 69, 111 Welch. Jeff 65, 69. 100, 106 West, Eilene 41 West, Jerri 41, 84, 94, 95, 138 West, Pam 65 West, Ricky 65 Westbrook George 65 Westenskow, Carol 65 Whetman, Craig 25, 41, 68, 78, 98, 112, 116. 138 VVhetman,Lana 55,77,82 White, Ron 55, 111 Whitehead. Fredrich. 55, 109, 116

Whitehead, Laura 55 Whitlock Robert 65 Whittle, Allen 65 Whittle, Ron 65 Whittle. Susane 42. 77 Wiens, Jeri 65 Wiggins, Wm. James 42 Wiggins, Wm. Charles 65 Williams, Clarence 65 Williams, Darlene 65 Williams, Debbie 55, 73, 94, 95 Williams, Linda 65. 93 Williams, Paul 65 Williams, Rod 55 Williams, Tom 55 Wilson, Marriam 42, 79, 87, 137 Winberg, Chris 65 Winger, Bonnie 42 Winkler, Janece 65, 77 Wintle, Colleen 65 Woodbury. Janice 55. 95 Woodward. Ted 65 Wooton, John 65 Worthen, Sharlene 55 Wright, Brian 42 Wright. Diane 65 Wright, Jaclyn 42, 83 Wright, Kelly 65, 87 Wright, Lilian 42. 69, 82 Wuyts, Ann 42, 79 Yengich, Mike 55 Young, Bill 42 Young, Gary 65 Young, Wes 55, Ill Zeller, Bill 55 Zizumbo, Aida 55 Zizumbo, Arthur 65


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