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Beetdigger '70 Susan Nelson Editor Mrs. Lila A. Wilson Advisor Arval Nelson Advisor Published in 1970 by the Associated Students of Jordan Sandy, Utah

Each of us must choose as the creeping shadows of time crowd our lives with yesterdays!


But a new tomorrow ever beckons and lights the way to the future.



We chose directions that led us into the world

that is jordan.


In the days and years that

have passed, jordan and we have become one world.



Now as this world fades into the shadows of yesterday,

we must choose again - but jordan leaves us a heritage ...







Mr. Sherman M. Crump Principal

Mr. Clement Bishop Vice Principal

This has been a year of adventure. Adventure in change, innovation, studies, and achievement. But with the " new" there has been a companionship of tradition. Jordan remains in a lofty position as a result of students' efforts. Thanks to all students for a most rewarding year.

Mr. Bishop, vice-principal, having had theresponsibility of supervising all the activities, did enjoy his association with the students. New at Jordan this year, he did an outstanding job.

Mr. Benarr Furse President of Board of Education

Mr. John Wheadon Board Member


Mr. Ross Allen Board Member

Mr. Marlon Bateman Board Member

Mr. Clyde V. Burton Board Member

Mr. Kenneth Prince Administrator of Business Services

Mr. Reed H. Beckstead Superintendent

Mr. Joel P. Jensen Director of Secondary Education


Faculty Mrs. Mary B. Fitzgerald

Helping each student with his individual problems and schedules, preparing students for the ACT tests, and the Merit Honor Scholarship test, along with registrations for college were some of the responsibilities of the counselors. They also acted as advisors to the Girls' and Boys' Clubs.

Counselors Charles M. Hansen


Reed Thatcher

Mathematics Mathematics is a big part of tomorrow's world. By unmercifully filling our minds with equations, vectors, and variables the mathematics teachers revealed many new and previously unknown dimensions.

Val Harrison

Kenneth McCleary

Gary Smith

Glora Beckstead

Blaine Brown

Science David Erickson "Why?" With the he I p of a microscope and four enthusiastic teachers, students discovered the physical and biological aspects of life.

Lila Wilson

Business Comprised of challenge, dedication and hard work our business teachers have widened many horizons of interest for the students of Jordan.

Farrell Gunnell

Robert McKay


James Bradford

Social Science Remembering yesterday, experiencing today and discussing tomorrow, the Social Science department cultivated a more complete awareness of ourselves and the world around us.

Brad Brimhall

Donald Milne

Jay Pond

Language Frederick Ash

Lynn Ballard


Lowell Boberg

David Judd

Communication. It's a big problem today. Recognizing this the Language Arts department strove to develop a better understanding of the arts of speech , foreign language, English composition and grammar.

Margie Dow


Golda Fraser

Kirk Wright

Carol Brown

Arvel Nelson

Donald O!sen

Fine Arts With voices ringing in the drama and chorus classes and creative works being made in the ceramics and craft classes , our Fine Arts department had an outstanding year with excellent results in all areas of study.

Ralph Pace

Wendell Petersen

Grant Zabriski

Industrial Arts Students in the Industrial Arts department were busily preparing for future occupations in industry. This was made evident by the various sounds coming from the tools and machines in the shop building.

Frank Bagley

Gerald Fisher

Roger King


Randy Autentico

Dixie Hill

Physical Education Personal development is a major concern of a high school life . Our future depends not only upon mental abilities but also on physical capabilities. The energetic physical educators of Jordan strived successfully in fullfil! ing these ideals.

Jerry McCleary

Marietta Williams

Home Economics Girls in the homeliving classes learned that to stay happily married to an unchangeable man is a success in life. Cooking and sewing techniques were also experienced in the Home Ec. department.

Betty Henderson

Gertrude Tranter

Special Education With the patience they need, Mrs. Stratton, Mr. Harris, and Mr. Russon have instituted many new dimensions of learning for our students.

Arland Russon 22

Calvin Harris

Dana Stratton

Clerl<s A cheerful smile and a helping hand were the trademarks of the office staff this year. Mrs. Ainsworth, Mrs. Wagstaff, and Mrs. Bodell were always willing to lend assistance to anyone who needed it. Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth Mrs. Marjorie Bodell

Mrs. Lena Wagstaff

Mr. Ray Holt

Special Services Mrs. Marilyn Yates

Mrs. Phyllis Sagers

Custodian When lights went out or extra tables were needed the first men called were the Plant Engineers. The unnoticed jobs of heating, plumbing and repairing were also accompanied by endless cleaning which our custodiai staff did this year.


Librarians After weeks of frantic preparation, the librarians and their aids managed to open the new Instructional Media Center on its scheduled date. Electric typewriters, color T.V., and priprivate carrels, all added new dimensions to study.

Through the untiring efforts of the cafeteria staff, students were able to eat a nourishing lunch each day. For extra snacks the new candy and pop machines were installed.

Mrs. Evelyn Brown


Student Body President Kevin Fitzgerald


Officers' Council Leadership. This was the quality which set apart the members of this year's officers' council. Throughout the year they led the way into many new and exciting activities. The Jordan Olympics, the game room, and the wide variety of assemblies were outstanding examples of their work. As representatives of the studentbody, the officers' council achieved even greater success. They gained more privileges for the students, and paved the way for more and greater cooperation between the students and administration. With all this and more, the officers' council provided the spark which made this year at Jordan one to remember.

Officer's Council consists of: Garay Lindquist, Dave Skoubye, LouAnn Day, Ron Kunz, Kevin Fitzgerald, Marv Burton , Teri Andrus, Jackie Lloyd, Barry Burkinshaw, Tom Judkins, Peggy Moses (missing).


Student Council Representing our democratic way of government, the Student Council provided the leadership for student action. Combining hard work and eager participation, their ideas and decisions made school life on campus more exciting. The council was made up of Sophomore, Junior and Senior students elected to represent their homeroom classes. With the new student lounge and keeping the student activities on the go, the Student Council headed in many directions.

Student Council Members: Robbie Andrews, Terri Bergner, Chad Bodell, Jan Cary, Elise Demarest, Paula Elg , Sk ip Freeman , Mike Glover, Sharon Hardcastle, Kim lhler, Garay Lindquist, Lynn Maupin , Steve Nielson , Cheryl Noffsinger, Karlene Oliver, Steve Olson , Wendy Peacock, Colleen Potter, CeCille Richards , Curtis Ricord , Brent Robin-

son , Lorin Rocks, Wendy Rogers , Carlene Ross , Shannon Sagers, Keith Sargent, Doug Smith, John Sundell , Shauna Thornbald , Art Troyer, Kent Ware, Greg Welch , Venna Whetman , Debbie Williams , Janice Winkler.


Students 29

Tom Judkins President

Karen Rogers Vice -President

Janine Sampson Secretary

Senior Class Officers


Sharon Abrams

Dean Ainsworth

Donna Ainsworth

Wendy Albrechtsen

Diana Allen

Katherine Allen

Chuck Allgood

Barbara Allred

Karen Ames

Tana Andersen

Alan Anderson

Darnell Anderson


Gerald Anderson

Kenneth Atwood

Larry Beck

Randy Anderson

Kim Baird

Bonnie Best

Sue Anderson

Kayleen Ballard

Rebecca Bluth

Teri Andrus

Bill Barton

Lance Bohm

Wendy Archuleta

Janet Barton

Gary Bowles

Laurie Ashby

Tracy Bawden

Jonathan Bronson


Annette Brown

Kay Brown

Nancy Brown

Paul Brown

Beth Bryce

Barry Burkinshaw

Randy Burnham

Marv Burton

Jeff Call

Diana Cameron

Wayne Carter

Jan Cary

Dave Chapman

Jim Chase

JoAnn Child

Ernie Clough

Mark Conish

Cathy Conrad

The Capital Rotunda proved to be the perfect setting for the Senior Hop.

Keith Covington

Sue Crebs


JoAnne Cowdell

Jim Crane

Mike Davenport

Lorna Davidson

Louann Day

Elise Demarest

Randy Dixon

Shanna Dixon

Karen Dunn

Darlene Erickson

Dean Evans

LuJean Fagg

Alayna Dunn

Marsha Farnsworth

Jack Dunn

Ralph Ferrara


Mark Fisher

Karen Fitzgerald

Kevin Fitzgerald

Marie Fitzgerald

Mike Fitzgerald

Pamela Fitzgerald

Paulette Fitzgerald

Wendy Fitzgerald

David Flynn

Tom Frank

Annette Frantz

Jim Fredrickson

Skip Freeman

Ric Gailey

Boyd Garfield

Wendy Gause

Janet Glassey

Mike Glover


Renee Goates

Yolanda Gonzales

Kathlene Gordon

Tamra Gotberg

Judy Graham

Trudy Graham

Sandra Green

Mike Greenwood

Glenn Gregory

Diane Grow

Dena Gurr

Donna Ham

Glade Hansen

Terrie Hansen

Jody Hardcastle

Colleen Harper

Collett Harper

Gale Harris



JoAnn Harris

Allen Hart

Pat Haycock

Randy Hiatt

Marian Hopes

Sally Howard

Georgean Hunsaker

Randy Hyatt

John Hocking

Sharee Hyde

Don Homer

Carvel Izatt

Ken Jackman

JoAnn Webster gives a fine example of the abilities of this year's Drama students.

Linda Jeffs

Gail Jacob

Margaret Jenkins

David Jarvie

Don Jensen

Jan Jensen

Marlin Jensen

Dave Jeremy

Scott Jessop

Debbie Johnson

Glen Johnson

Ross Johnson

Kathy Jolley

Janet Jones

Tim Joos

Tom Judkins

Ronald Kunz

David Lancaster

Corey Leavitt

Alice Leigh

Kim Lindquist

Jackie Lloyd

Janeal Lovell


Emerita Lucero

Lorenzo Maestas

Rod Mitchell

Doug McCleery

Sharon Martinez

David Mock

Alan McKnight

Susan Mace

Philip Mackert

Ranae Madsen

Connie Massa

Alex Maxedon

Gordon Meyers

Nick Millis

Craig Moody

Freddie Morez

Jim Morse

Peggy Moses

Kathleen Gordon and Greg Welch use the new counseling facilities in looking toward the future.


Charles Nay

Dessa Neff

Susan Nelson

Gary Nessen

Ronald Newhouse

Steve Neilsen

Lynette Oakeson

Steve Olson

Pam Osborne

Denise Ostler

Patty Paramore

Jilleen Parker

Debbie Patience

David Patterson

Rand Patterson

Marsha Paul

Duane Paxman

Rodney Pearce


Marie Pendleton

Kenneth Perkes

linda Perry

Danny Petersen

Chris Peterson

Linda Peterson

Charmaine Potter

Terry Price

Glenn Prisk

Gail Pyle

.Kenneth Reich

CeCille Richards

Curtis Ricard

Lorin Rocks

Karen Rogers

Wendy Sadler

Janine Sampson

Lani Rossberg


Keith Sargent

Rokesa Sauni

Dorothy Schow

Gene Schuring

Glenn Setterberg

LeAnne Shelby

Richard Sielhorst

Dale Simonson

Boyd Sjoblom

Bonny Smith

Carolyn Smith

Dennis Smith

Doug Smith

Rick Smith

Shelley Smith

Max Somsen

Kerry Soper

Sheri Spratt

David Stevens

Marilyn Stiel

Susan Sudbury

Chris Svedin

Colleen VanAmen

Alane Vawdrey


Jeannie Spray

Sandra Swenson


Shelby Stafflund

Becky Thompson

Alan Tunbridge

Susan Turner

Don Wahlen

Laura Whitehead

Boyd Ware

Julie Wilburn

JoAnn Webster

Debbie Williams

Greg Welch

Janice Woodbury

Lana Whetman

Ron White

Bill Zeller

The traditional topping of the beet was carried out by the Student Body Officers .


junior Class Officers

David Skoubye President


Loni Andersen Vice President

Shelley Snow Secretary

Kenneth Akagi Bob Allen Don Allen

Duane Allen Rosemary Allen Mary Ann Allred

Loni Andersen Bill Anderson Heber Anderson

Jeanine Anderson Jeff Anderson Morgan Anderson

Robert Andrews Frank Andrus Jay Archibald

Terry Atkinson Rebecca Ballard Carol Barber

Boyd Barney Diana Barney Robin Bay


Caroline Begay Susan Bergener Darrell Best

Randy Biggs Lu Ann Bingham Craig Bishop

Annette Blackham Wayne Soltis Brent Bonham

Brent Boynton Cathy Boynton Brian Brady

Susan Brindley Gordon Brown Dennis Brugman

Connie Brundage Ray Bryant Nancy Bryce

Grant Buchanan Ken Burbidge Sandra Burgon


Claudia Burningham Rex Burton Diane Capson

Kathy Chidester Jeanine Child Julie Christensen

Caralun Clegg Lois Connary Debbie Cook

Marlene Cordner Sharlene Cordner Janet Cornia

Brad Cowdell Dawn Cowdell Stan Cox

Students rush to class before school starts to get that extra ten minutes study.


Denille Crapo Stephen Curley Diane Dahle



Danjanovich ft.'1iralee Davis Denise Day

Margie Day Denise DeLeeuw Steve Demas

Rhoda De Vere Jeff Dowland Jeff Duke

Steve Durrant Vina Eaton Rulon Ebert

Brenda Edmunds Larry Eggleston Paula Elg

Dorene Ellsworth Tom Enniss Chad Evans

Randy Grow Lu Ann Gull Brent Gunderson

Brad Fisher Sherry Fisher Darwin Fitzgerald

Karrie Fitzgerald Rochelle Fitzgerald Colette Ford

Roberta Fowles Claude Fratto Jim Gilbert

John Gilchirst Carol Gordon Scott Gotberg

Val Gotberg Sherry Gough Anita Gray

Sherlyn Green Laurie Gregory Terry Groves

Candy Hall Ethelann Hall Barbara Ham

Beckie Hanks Joe Hansen Sharon Hardcastle

Debbie Harris Eugena Harris Sharon Hase

lngo Henningsen Craig Herman Kent Hilton

Richard Hoffman Sharon Hofhines Dave Howard

Mike Howlett Rosemary Hulse Richard Hummel


Linda Hurdsman Don Hurst Kim lhler

Steve lllguth Louise lvie Tammy Jardine

Mike Jaynes Amy Jeffs Gary Jeffs

LeRoy Jeffs Brett Jensen Marsha Jensen

Mike Jensen Edith Joe Kristine Johansen

Sam Johnson Baird Jones Bernice Joos

Collene Joosten Dee Kahley Keith Kartchner


Debbie Kaumans Steve Knight Claudia Kunz


Jeff Landeen Nancy Larsen Marcine Lavery

Denise Law Rod Leavitt Patti Lindsey

Kathy Lloyd Laura Lloyd Ron Lloyd

Roxanne Lloyd Mary Ann Lasser Sherrie Lovendahl

Lynnette Lybbert Christine McCormick Lela McAdams Jess McPherron Ron Mace Randy McCleery

Charlotte Mackert Cheryl Macklin Wendy Margetts

Bruce Martin Joe Martinez Lynn Maupin

Dave Meldrum Ralph Menssen Mike Meyer

Garry Mickelsen Shauna Moffat Bruce Moller

Eugena Harris and Brenda Pangos receive help on their sewing techniques.

Ken Moore LaNette Moore Dave Morrill

Dave Morse Valayne Mumford Ron Murdock

Mark Murphy Craig Necaise Caroline Nelson

Denise Nelson Lisa Nelson Charis Newbold

DeeAnn Newland Dave Nosack Kevin Okubo

Trent Oliver Brad Olson Jerry Orgill

Charles Ottley Sandy Packer Joe Panek


Brenda Pangos Tewe Parry Steve Patience

Barbara Pedersen Vern Pelch Bill Perry

Cristie Petersen Christine Peterson Lynn Peterson

Several unusual dances were seen at Homecoming.


Debbie Pierce Richard Peterson Rick Pingree Ricky Peterson Joanne Popelmayer Kevin Phillips

Paula Reed Julie Reeve Russ Reinhardt

Tom Richards Clayton Ricord Brent Robinson

Chris Potter Bonnie Price Paul Price

Alan Prince John Prueitt Renae Rasmussen

Cindy Robinson Barbara Rocks Wendy Rogers

Shannon Sagers Brent Sargent James Satterwhite

John Schmidt Rick Searcy Doug Shelby

Edith Sheppick Charles Simonson Dave Skoubye

Dale Slater Bob Smith Craig Smith

Don Smith Linda Smith Luana Smith

Marvin Smith Nora Snow Shelley Snow

Paul Soper Richard Stauffer Brenda Steadman

Bryan Steph enson Rhonda Strasburg Krista Struhs


Geri Sturdy Mark Sudbury John Sundell

Mark Taggert Deborah Tate June Tetrick

Shauna Thornblad Dave Thornwall Dave Tibbetts

Lynne Tolman Mike Tripp Art Troyer

Gloria Utley Tom Vandenburg Joy VanTassell

Lowell Villiard Melanie Walkenhorst Karyn Walker

LaVerne Ward Greg Waters Brian Watson


Steve Watterson Brent Webb Gwen Webb

Jeff Welch Rick West George Westbrook

Carol Westenskow Robert Whitlock Allen Whittle


Ron Whittle Clarence Williams Darlene Williams


Janece Winkler Colleen Wintle Ted Woodward

Juniors find that learning history doesn't come through osmosis.

John Wooten Diane Wright Kelley Wright

Garay Lindquist President

Debbie Vernon Vice-President

Sandra Johansen Secretary

Sophomore Class Officers


Stanley Akagi Calvin Allen Donald Allen Sharlene Allison Lorraine Allred Gary Alvey

Jolene Anderson Martia Anderson Ricky Anderson Terry Anderson Craig Andrews Barry Andrus

Craig Andrus Brad Armitstead Judy Atwood Jean Baker Roland Baldwin Beverly Ballard

Janeen Ballard Mary Alice Ballard Patricia Ballamis Gordon Barber Nancy Barton Tom Begay

John Bell Paul Bernardo

Devan Berrett Patti Bills

Bryan Birch Nancy Birchell



Joseph Bleazard Chad Bodell Chuck Bodell Gordon Bolliger Mark Bo lton ReNae Booms

Danny Bowen George Bowerbank Dale Bowler Steve Bowles Tom Boynton Debbie Brady

Michael Brake Mike Breeze Phil Broadhead Earla Brown Mark Brown Sherri Brown

Joe Bryant Susan Bryce Terri Burgener Debra Burkinshaw Rochelle Caldwell Terry Campbell

Merrill Capson Barbara Carpenteir Richard Carpenter Daniel Cary Dennis Case

David Childs Lee Clark George Cline Kerry Cole Vonnie Coombs

Claudia Cooper Alice Conish Debbi Coulter Craig Covington Vaughn Cox


Denece Coy Scott Cranney Shauna Crebs Zane Crebs John DaRonche Barbara Davenport

Sharon Davidson Melvin Davis Debbie Denison Pam Denny Sydnee Densley Rhonda Derricott

Joy Despain Leanne Dick Donna Duke Terry Dumas Neena Durrant Stan Eastman

Delbert Eddington John Elswood Dan Enniss David Evans Debi Everill Renae Fairbourn

Stanley Fairbourn Nancy Farnsworth Robert Farnsworth Anna Fitzgerald Kevin Fitzgerald Susan Fitzgerald

Kevin Flint Greg Fowler Beckie Fowles Gary Fredrickson Floyd Fullmer Chris Garcia

Beverly Gardner Carol Garfield Sue Garfield Richard Gatherum Connie Geer Steve Gehring


Kelly Geter Karen Glassey

Lonny Goetz Michael Goff

Tara Gotberg RaMona Graham

Sophomores Sue Green Robert Greenwood Robert Griego Debbie Griess Patti Grow Margie Hales

Billy Hall Ruth Halladay Pam Hansen Connie Harding DeAnna Harris Chris Hase

Wendy Hatch Gail Heaps Claudia Henke Dick Henline Terry Heuser Diane Hill

Robert Holloway Julie Homer Julie Horsley Marianne Howlett Diane Hummel Cathy Humphrey


Susie Humphrey Kenny lllguth Kelvin Jackson Renae Jarvis Ann Jeffs Dave Jenkins

Debbie Jensen Pam Jensen Tim Jenson Mike Jeremy Sandra Johansen Cindy Johnson

Danny Johnson Karen Johnson Kathy Johnson Milton Johnson Rhonda Johnson Kevin Jones

Taun Jones Jada Judkins Karen Kemp Dave Kimball Laurie Lancaster Christine Langford

Kathy Lawson Debbie Lener

Sheryl Lindeman Garay Lindquist

Patricia Lindsay Dave Lindsey



Nada Linnarz Rick Linnarz Scott Lloyd Pat Logan Rickie Lovendah l Lawrence Lucero

Linda McArthur Mike McCormick Rodger McDonald Aileen McKnight Steve Mace Rowena Mackert

Janice Mangum Jim Mangum Phylis Marquez Cindy Massa Peck Maxedon Brad Maxfield

Bruce Maynes Bryan Maynes Randy Meldrum Sam Melonas Scott Mickelsen David Mitchell

Steve Mitchell Ann Mounteer Virginia Mulder Darlene Mullen Susan Murphy Deby Myers

Vicky Myers Debbie Nadean Mike Neff JaNae Nelson Cheryl Noffsinger Lyle Norton

Karlene Oliver Donna Orwin Craig Ostler Robyn Ostler Judy Oviatt Eddy Panek


Susan Paramore Collett Parker Steve Parry Carl Patterson Wendy Peacock John Pearce

Randy Penrod Richard Perry Elayne Peters Craig Peterson Julie Peterson Kathy Peterson

Charlene Phillips June Colleen Potter Kathy Price Glenn Prueitt Tom Raddon Elaine Rasmussen

Don Reeve Alona Gay Reich Scott Rich Vicky Richardson Ina Riding Marty Riggs

Kern Robinsen Clyde Robinson Karen Roche Richard Romero Mike Rose Don Rosenkrantz

Danna Ross Karleen Ross Debbie Rossbrough Susan Rowsell Kristie Rudd Steve Runolfson

Lynne Russell Gale Salmon David Salter Cathy Sanders Marsha Saunders Bill Schmidt


Boyd Schmidt Mike Schuring Mitch Schuring

Lora Lee Scott Judy Setterberg Judy Shelton

Steve Sheppard Bruce Shryers

Sophomores Ellen Skoubye Lori Slade Brent Smith Darlene Smith David M. Smith David W. Smith

Donna Smith Greg Smith Jeannie Smith Len Smith Lori Smith Mary Lou Smith

Paul Smith Royce Smith John Springer Linda Stoedter Robin Stone Lance Story

Lark Story Eddy Sul livan Dawn Sutcliffe Wayne Swenson Steve Sybrowsky Mike Thayne


Russell Thomas Cynthia Thompson Evelyn Thompson Debbie Thornwall Kris Tolman Bettie Tripp

Marci Tunbridge Anne Turner Debbie Turner , Marilyn Turpin Joe Valdez Mike Varley

Rigoberto Vasques Doug Vawdrey Karla Vawdrey Ron Veater Debbie Vernon Guy Wadsworth

Doug Wagstaff Linda Wahlin Bryan Walters Kent Ware Paul Wasburn Debbie Waters

Kenny Welch Della Weller Raymon Wentz venna Whetman Gary Whitehead Frank Wilburn

carroll Williams Konae Williams Randy Winger Clark Winkler Rick Withers Laura Wood ruff

Wendy Woodw:ard Connie Wnght Linda Yengich Jim Zagarich Tamara Zagorec Tim Zeller


Campus Life

Organizations 60


Susan Nelson Editor

Debbie Williams Asst. Editor

Barbara Hall Art

Beetdigger Working on the yearbook staff is an example of the frustrated I ife. Lost pictures, misspelled names, last-minute photos, and a Sophomore in a Junior outfit have been just a few of our many problems. As the deadlines came closer, we frequently found ourselves not closer , but further from our goals. There were last-minute pictures to be taken , copy that had been assigned but somehow forgotten in the excitement (it still had to be written), and students and teachers still to be tracked down for vital information. It was a familiar sight to see our hurried and harried photographers scanning the campus for the last-minute, necessary shots. But the race is not for the weak or the strong , but for those who endure to the end. And , we endured!

Dean Ainsworth Sports JoAnne Cowdell Copy


Rhoda DeVere Typist

Valayne Mumford Typist

Mrs. Wilson Advisor Mr. Nelson Photography Advisor

Left to Right: Kelvin Jackson, Stephan Sheppard, Roland Baldwin, Gary Whitehead, Dan Petersen.

Grant Buchanan Sports

Ellen Skoubye Copy

Scott Lloyd Copy

Diane Zupan Copy


Cathy Gilchrist Editor

Mrs. Dow Advisor

Broadcaster Boyd Garfield News Editor

Sue Anderson Feature Editor


Cover that story! Look in the morgue! Meet that deadline! How often these words rang out during the preparation of the Jordan High School Broadcaster. Reshuffling and change was the scene while the Broadcaster staff struggled to adjust to the new advisor, Mrs. Dow. But everything was soon settled, and the papers began to roll off the presses. The journalism class was hard pressed to meet the schedule of one paper every two weeks. Stories had to be assigned and reported, interesting and sometimes humorous facts dug up. Advertisers were sought after and valued like gold. But the work and sweat produced outstanding resu Its, and the 1969-70 Broadcaster was recognized for what it was- a vital part in the machinery of life at Jordan High.

Grant Buchanan Claudia Burningham

Skip Freeman Lu Ann Gull

Susan Mace Renae Madsen In meeting deadlines Skip Freeman finds two-finger typing is best for getting the job done.

Dave Morse Rod Scott It takes a hard-working staff to get the Broadcaster to press every two weeks.

Kerry Soper Brian Watson

Gary Whitehead


Associated Boys-jordan Jordan's masculine studentbody members were united through the efforts of this year's ABJ officers. The Thanksgiving party with the Facuilty- Senior basketball game was among their activities.

Barry Burkinshaw President

Brad Olsen Vice President

Zane Crebs Secretary

Tracy Bawden Brent Sargent Senior Representative Junior Representative

Melanie Walkenhorst Vice President

Renae Jarvis Secretary

Associated Girls-jordan The numerous activities of the AGJ kept Jordan's girls busy and involved throughout the year. Fathers' and Daughters' Night, the Dog Patch Drag, and the Big Pal-Little Pal Party were some of the activities organized by the AGJ officers.

I Debbie Williams Senior Representative

Rosemary Hulse Junior Representative Susie Humphrey Sophomore Rep.

Peggy Moses President


Key Club With the eagerness to serve, which has become its tradition , the Key Club made many contributions to the success of this year. The flag-raising each morning, and the sale of programs and refreshments at the ball games are typical examples of their services.

Mark Conish President


Dean Ainsworth Frank Andrus Tracy Bawden Gordon Bolliger

Brian Brady John Bronson Barry Burkinshaw Marvin Burton

Rex Burton George Cline Jim Crane Dick Crebs

Zane Crebs Stan Eastman Kevin Fitzgerald Bob Greenwood

Don Homer Vice President

Kevin Jones Ron Kunz David Lancaster Steve Neilsen

Randy Hyatt Secretary

Brad Olson Alan Prince Tom Richards Lorin Rocks

Brent Sargent Dale Simonson Bob Smith Shelby Staffund

Ralph Ferrara Treasurer

Chris Svedin Boyd Ware Kent Ware Clarence Williams

Mr. McCleary Advisor




Left to Right, RCJ¡w One: Don Jensen , Loni Anderson , Paula Elg, David Stevens, Denise Law, Sherrie Lovendahl , Glen Gregory, Connie Brun dage, Anita Grey, Alan Prince , Teri Andrus. Row Two : Mary Beth Jewkes, Kristine Johanson , Mike Jensen , Carol Barber, Janece Winkler, Bruce Martin , Debbie Kaumans , JoAnn Webster, Darn ell Anderson ,

Rebecca Bluth , Cathy Conrad. Tom Richards , Jackie Lloyd. Row Three: Barbara Allred , Randy Dixon , Roxanne Lloyd , Colleen Wintle, Bruce Ballard , Sue Anderson , Kathrine Allen , Tracy Bawden , Jeannie Spray, Susan Mace, Charles Nay, LuJean Fagg , Peggy Moses, David Nosack, CeCille Richards , Boyd Garfield .

A Cappella Doors bang shut, windows nearly break! and science teachers cry during the third period hour as the A Cappella breaks into a song. The A Cappella , directed by Mr. G. Rodney Zabriskie, sang frequently throughout the year in assemblies, church programs, and concerts. With their fantastic ability of blending many voices into one, they have created a spirit of youthful harmony and togetherness.

Mr. Zabriskie Advisor


Lett to Right, Row One: Denise Deleeuw, Dave Lancaster, Sandra Green, Kay Brown , Corey Leavitt, Janet Rasmussen , Alane Vawdrey , Jay Archibald , Dawn Cowdell , Denill e Crapo . Row Two : Wendy Margetts, Karen Rogers, Ron Kunz, Luann Day, Diana Allen , Kevin Fitz-

gerald, Nancy Brown , Marsha Farnsworth , Duane Allen , Kris Peterson , Janet Cornia, Sherry Spratt. Row Three : Sharon Abrams , Shelley Snow, Brad Fisher, Miralee Davis, Janet Barton , Kerry Soper, Nancy Bryce, Shannon Sagers, Brian Brady, Becky Ballard , Caroline Begay, Steve Olson , Lani Rossberg , Diane Hurdsman , Doug Smith.

Dave Lancaster, President; Kathy Allen , Secretary; Denille Crapo , Social Cha irman ; Alane Vawdrey , Treas urer; CeCille Richards , Vice President; Doug Sm ith , Social Chairman ; Kath lene Gordon , Secretary.


Mrs. Brown Advisor

Masque & Cave/

Steve Olsen, President; Brent Gunderson, First Vice President; Lisa Nelson, Secretary; Gale Pyle, Second Vice President; Katherine Allen , Treasurer; Mary Ann Allred, Historian; Richard Peterson, Parliamentarian.


Lett to Right, Row One: Beckie Fowles, JoAnn Webster, Wendy Wood ward , Cynthia Thompson , Susie Humphrey, Lori Smith, Colleen Damjan ovich, Sandra Fullmer, Rokesa Sauni, Lisa Nelson , Gwen Webb , Jeanine Anderson, Janece Winkler, Richard Hummel , Terry Campbell. Row Two: Diane Wright, Karen John son , Kathy Sanders, Debbie Vernon , Susan Rowsell , Danna Ross , Ranea Fairbourn , Marsha Anderson , Marianne Howlett, Marsha Farnsworth , Marcine Lavery, Patti Bills,

The Masque and Gavel Club, a national speech organization, was extremely active during the year, going places and doing things such as service project, selling tickets for school plays, seeing Joan of Lorraine and You're a Good Man Charlie Brown. The Masque and Gavel club had a goal of promoting the Drama and other cultural events at Jordan.

Rhonda Derricott, Mary Beth Jewkes, Mary Ann Allred. Row Three: Susan Bergener, LaVern Ward, Brenda Steadman, Dennis Brugman, Della Weller, Claudia Hanks, Cheryl Noffsinger, Gail Heaps, Jeff An¡ derson , Katherine Allen , Bruce Martin , Vicky Richardson , John Schmidt. Row Four: Kerry Soper, Scott Mickelson , Randy Dixon , Brent Gunderson, Jeff Landeen, Glenn Gregory, Brent Webb , Roxanne Lloyd , Richard Hoffman , Rod Scott.

National Honor Society A chance to achieve, a desire to excel, and the ability to lead. These qualities and ambitions became the guidelines for each and every member of the National Honor Society. This year marked the founding of the NHS at Jordan. Governor Rampton was the keynote speaker at the initiation, and encouraged the students to strive for higher and greater goals.

Governor Rampton accepts from Sharon Abrams an honorary membership into Jordan's National Honor Society.

Left to Right, Row One: Mr. Hansen, Boyd Garfield , Susan Nelson , Deb~ie Williams, Loni Andersen , Marie Pendleton , Lisa Nelson , David Mor-

nll, Richard Hummel, Denise Deleeuw, Sherrie Hyde, Lynette Oakeson. Row Two: Jeff Landeen , Kim Baird , Alan McKnight, Terrie Richins , Renee Goates, Paula Elg, Lani Rossberg, Katherine Allen , Alice Leigh ,

Brenda Steadman , Valayne Mumford. Row Three: Sharon Abrams , Barbara Allred , Wendy Fitzgerald , Wendy Gause, Gary Jeffs, Brent Gunderson, Beth Bryce , Rebecca Bluth , Shauna Thornblad . Row Four : Mark Conish , Grant Buchanan , Randy Hyatt, Carvel Izatt, Ron Kunz, Dave Skoubye, David Lancaster, Gordon Brown , Mike Howlett.


Model U.N. Jordan's Model U.N. Club gave interested students the insight to world affairs. Based on the world-wide United Nations Organization , our members dedicated themselves to establish the idea that peace is developed through mutual understanding among nations.

Left to Right: Steve Neilsen , President; Wendy Alberchtsen , Secretary; Ralph Ferrara, Vice President; LeAnne Shelby, Treasurer; Mr. Bradford , Advisor.

Left to Right, Row One : Ga le Harris, Ranae Madsen, Jody Hard cas tl e, Debbie John son , Ell en Skoubye, Patty Haycoc k, Tamra Gotb erg, Wen-


dy Albrec htse n, LeAnn e Sh elby. Row Two : Jeff Anderson , Steve Neilsen, Dic k Crebs, Shelby Stafflund , Tracy Bawden , Mark Coni sh, Boyd Ware, Ralph Fe rrara, Donald Smith , Ken Reich , Dale Si mon so n.

Left to Right, Row One : Candy Hall, Roberta Fowles, Carol Westenskow, Bonnie Best, Chris Peterson , LeAnne Shelby, Wendy Archuleta, Carolyn Smith, Marsha Paul. Row Two: Skip Freeman , Lorenzo Maes-

tas, Max Somsen, Don Jensen , Jim Morse, Mike Glover, Jeff Call, Terry Price, Keith Covington, Terry Atkinson, Richard Sielhorst, Mike Jaynes.

DECA Participation in a state leadership conference helped provide this year's DECA members with valuable vocational knowledge in marketing and distribution. Other worthwhile activities included sponsoring of the Homecoming Dance and presenting the children at the Jordan Day Care Center with Christmas gifts and a program.

Lett to Right, Row One: Jeff Call , First Vice-President; Bonnie Best, Reporter. Row Two : Jim Morse, President; Mrs. Wilson , Advisor; Carol Westenskow, Treasurer; LeAnn Shelby, Secretary. Row Three : Lorenzo Maestas , Second Vice -President.


Mr. Brown Advisor

Stage Crew With the assistance of the Stage Crew, this year's plays and assemblies were very effective. There was a great deal of unrecognized effort put into the props. The Stage Crew designed and developed the sizing and placing of props. Also, under the pressure of deadlines, they worked long hours painting and gluing to finish the scenery.

Clockwise: Janice Woodbury, Don Jensen, Sheri Spratt, Carolyn Smith, Ranae Madsen, Linda Perry, LuAnn Bingham.

Mr. Pace Advisor

Left to Right: Mark Bolton, Rick Lovendahl, David Morrill, Robert Whitlock, Steven Knight, David Mitchell, Brian Stephenson.

¡"I 76

Left to Right, Row One: Delbert Eddington, Mike Jensen , Jeff Landeen, Kelly Wright, Claude Fratto . Row Two : Mr. Harrison , Don Hurst, Mike Howlett, Robert Smith , Robert Whitlock, Bill Anderson .


Left to Right, Row One: Kelly Wright, Claude Fratto, Sharee Hyde, Lark Story, Tewe Parry, Caroline Nelson , Craig Moody, .Ken ~kagi. Row Two : Don Reeve , Kevin Okubo , Mike Jensen , Bob Sm1th , M1ke Howlett,

Mr. Harrison Director

This year, uniformed in traditional red and gray, the band participated in various assemblies and concerts. Under the direction of Mr. Harrison , the pep band helped to bring enthusiasm to Jordan's cheerers at football and basketball games throughout the year.

Wayne Swenson, Jeff Landeen, Terry Anderson , Don Hurst. Row Three : Mark Murphy, Eddy Panek, Joe Panek, Kem Robinson , Dave Mock, Ken Jackman , Jesse McPherron , De lbert Eddington .


Striving to fulfill their goal of preparing for the future, FHA members improved in many homemaking skills. To heighten the social atmosphere, an opening social, a Halloween party, and Christmas party were held. Supervised by Mrs. Hill, FHA functioned successfully.

Row One: Denise Nelson, Historian. Row Two: Debbie Kaumans, Song Leader. Row Three: Cheri Spratt, Treasurer. Row Four: Anita Grey, Secretary. Row Five: Darlene Erickson, Reporter. Row Six: Susan Mace, Vice President. Row Seven: Lela McAdams, President.

Mrs. Hill Advisor



Left to Right, Row One: Sheri Spratt, Denise Nelson, Debbie Kaumans. Row Two: Brenda Pangos, Barbara Ham, Darlene Erickson . Row Three: Anita Grey. Row Four: Lela McAdams, Karen Fitzgerald, Konae Williams. Row Five: Annette Frantz, Gloria Utley, Darlene Williams. Row Six: Roxanne Lloyd, Susan Mace, Caroline Nelson.

Lett to Right, Row One: Lynne Tolman, Chris Peterson, Wendy Archuleta. Row Two: Jody Hardcastle, Darlene Erickson, JoAnne Cowdell, Nora Snow, Colleen Van Amen, Patty Paramore, Paulette Fitzgerald,

Colleen Damjanovich. Row Three: Shelley Snow, Gail Jacob, Paula Elg, Debbie Johnson, Shannon Sagers, Pam Fitzgerald, Alayna Dunn, Annette Brown, Barbara Hall, Shelley Smith.

Dance Club Unusual beats and creative patterns of the Dance Club were received with enthusiasm by the studentbody during floorshows, assemblies, and traveling assemblies. They also performed admirably in school musicals and plays.

Mrs. Hill Advisor

Pam Fitzgerald, President; Jody Hardcastle, Vice President; JoAnne Cowdell, Secretary; Debbie Johnson, Historian.



Activities 81

The Daisy Maes of Jordan planned and connived for three weeks prior to the dance while the boys were trying to find acceptaple excuses so as to spend Halloween night in more preferred activities. An excellent turnout was accomplished due to the persistence of the girls. The "chapel" in Room 124 provided the opportunity to be "wedlocked 'till 12:00 do you part." This proved a most popular place, at least for the girls.

Dog Patch Drag


Homecoming This year's alumni day was portrayed in the traditional Jordan style. Bonnie Best reigned over the day's activities with the assistance of her two attendants, Margie Day and Karen Johnson. The mood was set that evening by the crowning of the royalty at the Homecoming dance which was sponsored by the Jordan D.E.C.A. club.

David Stevens and Bonnie Smith exchange thoughts as Frank Andrus dazedly gazes on.


Margie Day Junior Attendant

Karen Johnson Sophomore Attendant


Bonnie Best Homecoming Queen


Karen Rogers Sweetheart's Ball Queen

Kim Lindquist Sweetheart's Ball King

Mike Glover Li'l Abner

Teri Andrus Daisy Mae


Senior Hop " Memoirs Enchantee" created an atmosphere of elegance and an evening of enjoyment for those who attended. This memorable occasion was held on November 22, 1969 at the Capital Rotunda.

The Capitol Rotunda proved to provide the right atmosphere.

The Seniors will forever treasure the everlasting moments.


Couples waltzed dreamily during the Sweetheart's Ball. The King and Queen start off the dance with their partners.

Sweetheart's Ball Valentine's Day is traditionally celebrated at Jordan by holding the Sweetheart's Ball. This year's theme, "The Look of Love," created an atmosphere of a lover's paradise and proved to be an enjoyable occasion for those who attended. It was sponsored this year by the Sophomore class.


Chris Svedin and his date danced under the golden shadows.

junior Prom With the theme " Touch of Gold," the Junior Class innovated a new idea in decoration at Jordan. The Grant Shield's Orchestra was seated on a raised platform in the center of the floor surrounded by a white cellophane ceiling and golden lights. The evening kept its originality by the presentation of the traditional promenade.


Assemblies Falling off tricycles, eating marshmallows, learning new cheers, and singing the school song were just some of the activities that Jordan students participated in. Throughout the year the studentbody witnessed numerous, interesting, and humorous happenings presented in the auditorium or on the gym floor.

Full of crackers, Dave Morse tries to blow the balloon.

Lupita Conchita Amparita Licita Margereta De Los Torres.

A Cappella added variety to the assembly honoring the wrestlers.



Sharon Abrams presents Beet Juice to Mr. McCleary.

Jerry Jordan beats tricky Murray witch. Kathy Allen happily receives Mystery Santa Claus prize.

Dennis Smith, another Charlie Brown.

Barry Burkinshaw makes big hit as Goldielocks.

Senior Assembly was a pie-throwing success.


Sharon Abrams Sterling Scholar Speech and Drama

Kim Baird Sterling Scholar Industrial Arts

Kim Lindquist Sterling Scholar Foreign Language

Katherine Allen Sterling Scholar Music

Honor Winners Barbara Allred Top 3%

Boyd Garfield Sterling Scholar Science Top 3% National Merit Finalist

Stevan Nielsen Sterling Scholar Social Science

Phil Mackert Top 3%

Ron Kunz Sterling Scholar General Region Basketball Team


Wendy Gause Top 3%

Janice Woodbury Sterling Scholar Arts and Crafts

Rebecca Bluth Sterling Scholar Business

Lance Blackwood Sterling Scholar English and Literature

Renee Goates Top 3%

LouAnn Day Sterling Scholar Homemaking

Chris Sved in Sterling Scholar Mathematics

Lynette Oakeson Top 3%


Girls ' and Boys ' State - Left to Right, Row One: Debbie Patience, Lana Whetman , Pam Fitzgerald , Wendy Fitzgerald , Jeannie Spray. Row Two: LouAnn Day, Marv Burton , Boyd Garfield , Kerry Soper, Barry Burkinshaw, Rod Pierce , Karen Rogers.

Debbie Williams Betty Crocker Homemaker Award

Kim Lindquist State Wrestling Champion 145 pounds

Morgan Anderson State Wrestling Champion 185 pounds

State Wrestlers - Left to Right: Lorenzo Maestas, Kim Lindquist, Barry Burkinshaw, Jim Crane , Morgan Anderson , Vern Pelch , Mark Fisher, Richard Hummel .

Steve Olson American Legion Oratorical Winner

JaNae Nelson and Steve Nielsen Judy and Jerry Jordan

Morgan Anderson and Loni Andersen Best Citizen Awards

Top 10% - Left to Right, Row One: Rebecca Bluth , Susan Nelson , Debbie Williams , Katherine Allen , Sharee Hyde, Beth Bryce, Marie Pendleton , Lani Rossberg , Terrie Richins . Row Two: Chri s Svedin , Carvel Izatt, David Lancaster, Sharon Abrams , Ron Kunz, Wendy Fitzgerald , Mark Conish , Dennis Newton , Kim Baird .


Steve Olson Boy's Father Kerry Soper The Narrator

Paula Elg The Girl Randy Dixon The Man Who Dies

Rod Scott Girl's Father Ron White The Old Actor Katherine Allen Student Director


Fantasticks A parable of young love symbolic of the world today, "The Fantasticks" became another outstanding play for Jordan. Di'rected by Mrs. Carroll Brown, this stirring play will vividly live in the minds of all who saw it.

Steve Olson strangles Rod Scott in ¡a scene from the "Fantasticks."

Mrs. Carroll Brown Director The narrator listens intently to the old actor's quotes.


Rebecca Bluth Julie Jordan

Kerry Soper Billy Bigelow

Steve Olson Jigger

Musical Experimenting with the idea of having a school musical in the fall to promote school spirit, the cast of Carousel was up before dawn to start out something new and exciting on August first. Under the direction of Mrs. Brown, the cast worked hard and diligently to produce Carousel, by Rogers and Hammerstein, and came out with a masterpiece of talent and entertainment. Kathy Allen Carrie Pepperidge

David Lancaster Enoch Snow

"This was a real nice clambake."


Mrs. Carroll Brown- Director Sharon Abrams- Student Director

Nellie's Spa was the regular resting place for many tired dancers.


One Act Play


Glenn Gregory Warden Holt

Richard Peterson Father Daly

Laura Woodruff Josephine Paris

Rod Scott Dan

Brent Gunderson James Dyke

Kern Robinson Attendant

Not to bring shame upon his family, James Dyke refuses to make his true identity known. The mood was set and action began on our One Act for competition. The cast of only six members dramatically presented " The Valiant."

Lett to Right, Row One : Jeanne Spray, Ellen Skoubye, Rhonda Derricott, Gail Salmon , Sandra Fullmer, Laura Woodruff, Richard Peterson, Rod ?cott, Brent Gunderson , Glenn Gregory, Kem Robinson . Row Two : Vonn1e Coombs, Gail Heaps , Sharon Abrams , Karrie Fitzgerald , Randy

DiYon, Mary Ann Allred , Lani Rossberg, Lisa Nelson , Steve Olson. LaVerne Ward , Brenda Steadman. Row Three: Karen Glassey, Claudia Henke, Karla Vawdrey, Dennis Ainsworth , Jim Mangum , Ron Veater, Dorothy Schow, Rod Pearce, Gary Frederickson , Becky Ballard , Kathy Allen , Margie Day, Martia Ar.derson , Gail Pyle.

Interpretive With reassurance and excellent coaching from Mrs. Brown, participating students in dramatic acts were able to give creditable performances.

Dramatic Reading -

Rod Scott

Pantomime - Gail Pyle, Steven Olson, and Richard Peterson.

Mono Act -

Sharon Abrams


Ledge Forum - Left to Right, Row One: Craig Ostler, Randy Meldrum, David Smith , Clark Winkler, Scott Lloyd , Brian Walters, Stan Akagi. Row Two : Steve Sybrowsky, Kevin Jones, Steve Sheppard, Ron Kunz, Gary Young .

Extemporaneous Speakers - Left to Righi Doug Wagstaff, Shelley Smith , Vaughn Co>

Oratory - Lett to Right: Marcine Lavery, Nancy Birchell , Dave Meldrum, Paulette Fitzgerald.

Forensics "Pro's"! " Cons"! "For" and "Against"! With these words the debate teams set the mood for the spirit toward victory. Other classmates shared the shiver of fear at giving an extemporaneous speech on one of the day's issues. Extreme dedication and long hours went into every oration given, and paved the way for many successful efforts.

Debate - Left to Right, Row One: Paulette Fitzgerald, Shelley Smith, Lance Blackwood, Alan McKnight, Terry Campbell , Steve Sybrowsky,

Brian Birch, Zane Crebs , Row Two: Kevin Jones, Craig Ostler, Steve Sheppard, Ron Kunz, Vaughn Cox, Randy Winger, David Meldrum.

Officers - Left to Right: Shelley Smith, Dave Meldrum, Paulette Fitzgerald.





Jackie Lloyd


"Come on boys, let's make that basket!"

Our energetic and enthusiastic cheerleaders, wearing their uniforms of red and gray, served as the backbone of school spirit by organizing pep assemblies, decorating our halls, and passing on school spirit to everyone.


Songleaders "Here they are, the famous Dancing Dolls." This year our songleaders took a new image as they became dancing dolls during half time at one of our games. Besides working long hours with the cheerleaders to promote school spirit, the songleaders added color, rhythm, and style to many games and assemblies.

Rebecca Bluth

Debbie Patience

Marie Pendleton

Gail Jacob

Cathy Boynton


Clock-wise: Gale Salmon , Sandra Johansen, Becky Hanks, Laura Woodruff, Shelly Snow.



Left to Right : Marcie Tunbridge, Loni Ander~en , Ellen Skoubye, Carol Garfield, Karlene Ol1ver.


Enthusiasm is the main ingredient of a Charlonian. She needs enough enthusiasm to create school spirit in the Club and in the school. Pride is another big ingredient. Being a Charlonian is being proud. To spread school spirit, to help a needy family, and to march for Jordan are just a few reasons a Charlonian is proud. Other ingredients are loyalty, dependability, perserverence, and a spark of joy that shows in every smile. Left to Right, Row One: Wendy Rogers, Vice President; Alice Leigh, Drill Mistress; Joy Van Tassel, Secretary; Row Two: Becky Hanks, Vice President; Su Anderson , Assistant Drill Mistress; Claudia Burningham, Reporter; Row Three : Lana Whetman , Treasurer; Charis Newbold, Yell Mistress; Janet Cornia , Historian . (missing).

Mrs. Williams Advisor

Laurie Ashby President


Mary Ann Allred

Jeanine Anderson

Su Anderson

Kayleen Ballard

Robin Bay


Rosemary Hulse Marsha Jensen Kathy Jolley Alice Leigh

Claudia Burningham Denille Crapo Diane Capson Rhoda DeVere Julie Christensen Brenda Edmunds Janet Cornia Karrie Fitzgerald Dawn Cowdell Rochelle Fitzgerald

Sherlyn Green Laurie Gregory LuAnn Gull Becky Hanks Sharon Hofines

Lynette Lybbert Susan Mace Lisa Nelson Charis Newbold Dee Ann Newland

Joanne Popelmayer Joy Van Tassell Chris Potter Alane Vawdrey Wendy Rogers Melanie Walkenhorst Shelley Snow Gwen Webb Krista Struhs Lana Whetman


Football Managers: Allen Hart, Keith Kartchner, Mike Meyer.

Don Allen Halfback Morgan Anderson Tackle Frank Andrus Center


Darrell Best Halfback Wayne Soltis Guard Brent Bonham End

Gary Boles Guard Brian Brady Quarterback Gordan Brown Center

Jeff Call Guard Lynn Carlson Tackle Jim Chase Fullback

Mark Conish Tackle Brad Fisher Fullback Mark Fisher Halfback

Captains: Kevin Fitzgerald, Doug Smith, Glenn Prisk, Kim Lindquist.

Kevin Fitzgerald

Carry Lindquist

Steve Patience

Brent Robinson





Mike Glover

Kim Lindquist

Glenn Prisk

Lorin Rocks

Doug Smith

End Art Troyer



Guard- Center


Don Homer

Steve Nielsen

Allen Prince

Richard Romero

Boyd Ware







Trent 01 iver

Halfback 113

The Digger defense prepares to stop Kearns as the Cougar center snaps the ball.

Football Sparked by the ability and enthusiasm of a new coach, the football team represented our school .well. Though many tend to measure the success of a football season by the team's record of victories, this year Jordan reached new heights in other areas - team persistence and sportsmanship unmatched by teams of other schools.

Mark Fisher looks for a Kim lhler pass during the Bingham game.


Coach McKay

Coach Autentico Coach Ash

Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

6 6 6 6 6 6 8 6 6

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tooele . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Kearns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bingham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest .................... Brighton ..................... Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge

6 3 6 14 44 6 14 47 21

Dan Allen snares a pass and looks for the goal line.


Sophomore Football Despite a discouraging win-loss record, the sophomores displayed great spirit and endurance. Under Coach Brimhall's program of training, the members developed a skill and coordination that will strengthen Jordan's future team.

Left to Right, Row One: Kerry Cole, Sam Melonas, Taun Jones, Chad Bodell, Zane Crebs , Brian Birch, Dave Lindsey, Ron Veater, Steve Mitchell. Row Two: Floyd Fulmer, Randy Meldrum , Royce Smith , Craig


Andru s, Marty Riggs, Chris Hase, Robert Farnsworth , John Bell. Row Three: Coach Ash, Coach Jewkes, David Smith , Steven Sybrowsky, Devan Berrett, Kevin Jones, Steve Gehring , Steve Runolfson , Dave Kimball , Rick Anderson , Coach Erickson.

Sports Action



Basketball Basketball is a sport of speed, strength , and coordination. The 1969-70 Jordan High basketball team possessed all of these qualities and added an energy and determination rarely seen in high school basketball. Throughout the season, this extra effort and hustle was complimented by the fine coaching of Jerry McCleary. Every game was played to win , and win or lose when the goin' got tough , the tough got going.

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

47 42 76 65 55 63 64 75 76 54

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest 69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brighton 58 .............. . .... Granite 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest 70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray 75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge 87 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brighton 57 ............... . ... Granite 67


Jerry McCleary Head Coach

Managers: Kevin Jones and Rex Burton.

Brad Brimhall Assist. Coach


Don Allen

Lee Burningham

Marv Burton

Alan McKnight

Kevin Fitzgerald

Brad Olson

Alan Anderson

Brian Brady

Kim lhler

Ron Kunz

Greg Welch

Jeff Welch


Row one: Coach Brimhall, Row Two : Don Allen , Brad Olson Jeff Welch ; Lee Burningham, Brian Brady, Duan e Allen . '

}. \1. Basketball Backing up this year's varsity team was a very strong J.V. squad. Under the watchful eyes of Coach Brimhall, the J.V. team successfully put into practice many new and intricate plays. Adding their own solid shooting and rebounding, the players gave an excellent display of teamwork and desire throughout the season.

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan


47 55 66 75 58 47 78 68 54 54

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge ................... Brighton .................... Granite

55 70 72 70 63 60 73 56 74 84

Sophomore Basketball Perfecting old skills and learning new ones was the purpose of the 1970 Sophomore basketball team. Long hours of practice were spent after school in the pursuit of this goal. A smooth working team was soon produced, and ran its way through a winning season under the direction of Coach Dave Erickson.

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

72 60 70 45 66 53 71 84 68 35

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brighton .................... Granite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hillcrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Murray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Judge ............... . ... Brighton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Granite

71 47 72 69 58 81 66 55 70 37

Lett to Right, Row One : Phil Broadhead , Billy Hall , Chad Bodell , Milton Johnson, Taun Jones, Craig Andrus , Zane Crebs , Randy Meldrum ,

Rickie Lovendahl , Row Two: V~ughn Cox, Mark Brown , Mark Bolton , Robert Holloway, Delbert Eddmgton, Randy Penrod , Devan Berrett, Coach Erickson.


Wrestling Boyd Schmidt 98 lbs. Vern Pelch 128 lbs.

Jim Crane 165 lbs.

Richard Hummel 107 lbs . Craig Moody 136 lbs.

Lorenzo Maestas 116 lbs. Kim Lindquist 145 lbs.

Rod Leavitt 120 lbs. Mark Fisher 155 /bs.

Barry Burkinshaw Morgan Anderson 175 lbs. 185 lbs.

Lorin Rocks Heavy Weight

Robert McKay Head Coach

Through his first year at Jordan, head coach , Robert McKay, worked his men to the division championship. Sweat, stamina, and pain reflected the unceasing desire for the state championship. The return of seven lettermen combined with the new techniques of a driving coach were the proven necessities for a championship team.


Managers: Allen Hart and Mike Meyer.

Craig Moody works a cowboy ride on Vern Pelch.

Co-Captain: Kim Lindquist and Lorenzo Maestas.

Assistant coach Randy Autentico works with his men to achieve perfection.


Rulon Ebert, Greg Waters, Dave Tibbits, Larry Beck, Randy Dixon, Jon Bronson, Rod Mitchell.

Managers: Dennis Brugman, Richard Peterson, Dennis Newton.


Jon Bronson Captain

Coaches: Brad Brimhall, Kirk Wright.

Track Jordan's track and field events were well performed this year by the dedicated efforts of returning lettermen and newcomers. Innumerable hours of donated work by coaches Wright and Brimhall proved to be the golden touch in building this year's team.

Doug Smith Captain


Sports Action


Kim Lindquist Co Captain

Dave Erickson Asst. Coach

Glenn Prisk Co Captain

Baseball This year's winning season may be attributed to many diverse reasons. Donald B. Milne, four year alumni letterman and Short-Stop of the SemiPro Leagues, coached a team of nine returning players and eleven newcomers to a very memorable year. The combined efforts of four coaches , driving the ambitions of eighteen men were the main factors responsible for a well played year.

Lynn Ballard Ken McCleary

Donald Milne Head Coach Lett to Right, Row One : Robert Holloway, Rod Pearce, Glenn Prisk, Caray lindquist , Chad Bodell , Spence Butler, Mr. Milne . Row Two :

Alan McKnight, Art Troyer, Frank Andrus , Jack Dunn , Brad Olson , Ken Reich , Clark Winkler. Row Three: Mr. Ericksen , Kim Lindquist, Kim lhler, Brent Bonham , Ross Johnson , Don Allen , Mr. Ballard .

Left to Right, Row One: Coach McCleary, Tom Judkins, Lance Blackwood , Shelby Stafflund . Row Two: Devan Berret, Craig Bluemel , Mark Brown , Craig Ostler, Kelly Wright, Ken Akagi , Boyd Garfield , Marv Burton , Roland Baldwin , Claude Fratto , Joe Panek .


Coach Jerry McCleary


Spring arrived, and so did tennis. Stringing up the nets and unpressing their rackets was only a start for the tennis team. Grueling practice sessions soon followed, and perfection-seeking Coach McCleary molded the team into a tough competitor in Region Three.

Lett to Right, Front Row : Dave Lindsey, Taun Jones, Jeff Anderson , Brent Adair, Richard Hummel . Row Two : Mr. Ash, Coach , Tom Vandenberg , Ralph Menssen , Dave Howard, Steve Nielsen , Don Wahlen , Ron Mace, Paul Hansen .

Fred Ash Coach

Golf "Fore! Whoosh." These sounds were prevalent at practices after school as Jordan successfully moved into its third season of golf. The team members developed and improved their ability through participation and competition with other schools.


Lett to Right Row Une : Glenn Gregory, Frank Andrus, Jeff Call, Greg Welch , Mike Glover, Kevin Fitzgerald, Boyd Ware, Rod Pearce , Dennis Newton . Row Two: Marv Burton , Don Homer, Mark Conish , Ron Kunz , Jeff Welch , Alan Anderson , Doug Smith, Glenn Prisk , Stevan Nielsen , Terry Price . Row Three: Randy Dixon , Lorin Rocks , Gordan Brown ,

Keith Sargent, Rulon Ebert, Greg Waters , Dave Tibbetts , Darnell Best, Larry Beck, Don Wahlen , David Howard . Row Four: Dick Crebs, Don Allen , Brad Ol son, Dean Ainsworth , Barry Burkinshaw, Jim Crane, Morgan Anderson , Craig Moody, Randy Hyatt. Row Five: Bruce Ballard , Allen Prince, Garay Lindquist, Trent Oliver, Art Troyer, Brian Brady, Vern Pelch, Rod Leavitt, Wayne Boltis, Keith Kartchner.

Glenn Prisk, President, Morgan Anderson, Vice President, DicK Crebs, Secretary, Greg Welch, Treasurer, Jim Chase, Sarg. at Arms.

Lettermen Symbolized by red and grey lettermen's jackets and an outstanding athletic ability, the Lettermen's Club was comprised of Jordan 's top athletes. Grouping together at activities, in football, wrestling, baseball, basketball, tennis, and track, they added to Jordan's school spirit.


eft to Right Row One: Carol Garfield, Krista Struhs, Eugena Harris. Row Two: 1arcie Tunbridge, Colette Parker, Wendy Albrechtsen, Wendy Woodward.


Gracefulness, poise, beauty, and balance were just a few ingredients which were developed by the girls in gymnastics this year. Mrs. Glora Westenskow helped them with their routines. With the girls going into the areas of the balance beam, uneven parallel bars, trampoline, vaulting horse, and floor exercise, new peaks of performance were reached.



e n •

I 0



e 5


In Closing


Senior Summary Sharon Abrams J. V. Cheerleaders. Cheerleader Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Jr. Red Cross s. Nat'! Honor Society Sr. A Cappella Sr. School Paper Jr. Interpretive Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr. Sterling Scholar Dennis Ainsworth Masque & Gavel Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Interpretive Sr. Track Sr. Golf Jr. Donna Ainsworth Girls' Club G. Dean Ainsworth Key Club Sr. Masque & Gavels. Letterman Jr. Sr. Yearbook Sr. Interpretive s. Footballs. Wrestling s. Jr. Wendy AI brechtsen Model U.N. s. Model U.N. Sec. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Gymnastics s. Jr. Sr. Diana Allen A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Play Sr. Katherine Allen Masque & Gavel Jr. Masque & Gavel Treas. Sr. A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Sec. Sr. Courier Jr. Interpretive s. Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr. Charles Allgood Boys' Club

Randy Anderson Boys' Club Su Anderson Model U.N. Sr. Charlonian Asst. Drill Mistress Sr. A Cappella Sr. School Paper Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Teri Andrus Soph. Class Sec. s. AGJ Junior Rep. Jr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Student Body His. Sr. Wendy Archuleta Dance Club Sr. DECA Sr.

Bonnie Best DECA Sr. Student Council Jr. Sr. Jared Bishop Boys' Club Eugene Blackwell DECA Sr. Lance Blackwood Debate Sr. Forensics Jr. Tennis Jr. Sr. Student Councils. Sterling Scholar Rebecca Bluth Songleader Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavels. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Plays s. Jr. Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 10% Lance Bohm Boys' Club

Kenneth Atwood V/CA Sr. Football s.

Gary L. Bowles Football Sr. Track Jr. Sr.

Kim Baird Nat' I Honor Society Pres. Sr. Inquiring Editor Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 10%

Jon Bronson Letterman s. Jr. Sr. Junior Achievement Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Key Club Sr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Cross Country Sr.

Bruce D. Ballard Junior Achievement Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Band Jr. Football Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. Golf Jr. Student Councils. Boys' State Kayleen Ballard Charlonian Jr. Sr. Model U.N. s.

Karen Ames Girls' Club

Sherman Barber Boys' Club

Tana Andersen Girls' Club

Billy Barton Boys' Club

Darnell Anderson Boys' Club

Larry Beck Tracks. Jr. Sr.

Laurie Ashby Junior Class Vice Pres. Jr. Charlonian Jr. Charlonian Pres. Sr.

Barbara Allred Young Americans Sr. A Cappella Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. T,op 3%

Alan Anderson Basketball Sr. Football Jr.


Gerald Anderson Radio Club Jr. V/CA Sr.

Tracy Bawden Key Clubs. Jr. Sr. Student Councils. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Golf Jr. Boys' Club Sr. Rep. Sr.

Janet Barton Diggers Club Jr. Model U.N. Sr. A Cappella Sr. School Play Sr.

Annette Brown Dance Club Sr. School Play Sr. Glenda Kay Brown Model U.N. s. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Nancy Brown A Cappella Sr. School Plays Sr. Norman Paul Brown DECA Sr. Baseball Sr. Barry Lynn Burkinshaw Key Club Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Letterman Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr. Footballs. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. ABJ Pres. Sr. Boys' State

Randall Burnham Footballs. Barbara Burningham A Cappella Sr. Marvin Burton Key Club Sr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Letterman Jr. Sr. Basketball Jr. Sr. Cross Country Jr. Studentbody 2nd Vice Pres. Sr. Boys' State Jeff Call DECA Sr. Letterman Sr. DECA Vice Pres. Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Student Councils. Diana Cameron Girls' Club Tony Carpentier Boys' Club Wayne Carter Boys' Club Jan Cary Masque & Gavels. Jr. David Chapman Boys' Club James Chase Letterman Jr. Letterman Sarg. at Arms Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. JoAnn Child Girls' Club Ernie Clough DECA Sr. Wrestling Jr. Mark Conish Letterman Jr. Sr. Key Clubs. Jr. Key Club Pres. Sr. German Club s. Masque & Gavel Jr. Forensics s. Jr. Interpretive Jr. School Plays Jr. Golfs. Jr. Catherine Conrad Masque & Gavels. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Robert Covington DECA Sr. JoAnne Cowdell Dance Club Sec. Sr. Diggers Jr. Yearbook Sr.

James Crane Key Club Sr. Wrestling Jr. Sr.

Ralph Ferrara Masque & Gavels. Jr. Model U.N. Sr. Key Clubs. Jr. Key Club Treasurer Sr. Interpretive Jr. School Plays s. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Inquiring Editor Sr.

Sandra Fullmer Masque & Gavel Sr. School Plays Jr.

Sue Crebs Girls' Club

Mark Fisher Footballs. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr.

Michael Davenport Football s.

Karen Fitzgerald FHA Jr. Sr.

Boyd W. Garfield Masque & Gavel Sr. Nat' I Honor Society Sr. School Paper Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Top 3% Sterling Scholar

Lorna Davidson Charlonian Jr.

Kevin Fitzgerald Monty Gates Masque & Gavels. Jr. Sr. Boys' Club Letterman Jr. Sr. Key Club Jr. Sr. Wendy Gause A Cappella Jr. Sr. Diggers Jr. Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Red Cross Jr. Basketballs. Jr. Sr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Junior Achievement Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Top3% Studentbody Pres. Sr. Boys' Club Representatives. Student Councils. Jr. Sr. Cathy Gilchrist Masque & Gavels. School Paper Jr. Marie Fitzgerald School Paper Editor Sr. School Play Sr. Interpretive s. School Plays s. Mike Fitzgerald Wrestling Jr. Janet Glassey Pam Fitzgerald Masque & Gavel Jr. Masque & Gavels. Charlonian Assist Drill Mike Glover Mistress Jr. Letterman Sr. Red Cross s. DECA Sr. School Plays Sr. School Plays Sr. Basketball s. Paulette Fitzgerald Footballs. Jr. Sr. Red Cross s. Student Council Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Jr. Debate Sec. Sr. Renee Goates Forensics s. Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavel Jr.

Dick Crebs Letterman Jr. Letterman Sec. Sr. Key Club Sarg. at Arms Sr. ABJ Vice Pres . Jr. Basketballs. Jr. Footballs. Jr. Sr.

Louann Day A Cappella Sr. Debates. Forensics s. Studentbody Sec. Sr. AGJ Sec. s. Student Council Jr. Sr. Elise Demarest Girls' Club Randy Dixon Masque & Gavel Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Debates. Interpretive Sr. School Plays Sr. Track Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Shanna Dixon Girls' Club Alayna Dunn Masque & Gavels. Jr. Dance Club Sr. Interpretive Jr. Jack A. Dunn Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Footballs. Karen Dunn Girls' Club Darlene Erickso.n FHA Sec. Jr. FHA Reporter Sr. Dean Evans Boys' Club

Wendy Fitzgerald Charlonian Vice Pres. Jr. Masque & Gavels. Red Cross s. Junior Achievement Sr. David Flynn Boys' Club

Ric Gailey German Clubs. Jr. V!CA Club Jr. Sr. Basketball s. Wrestling Sr.

Nat'/ Honor Society Treas. Sr. Dance Club Jr. School Plays Jr. Top 3%

Lee Golson Boys' Club

Trudy Graham Girls' Club Sandy Green A Cappella Jr. Sr. Mike Greenwood School Plays Jr. Glenn David Gregory Letterman Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Sr. German Clubs. Jr. Achievement Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Bands. Jr. School Paper Jr. Interpretive Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Diane Grow Forensics s. Interpretive s. Dena Gurr Girls' Club Barbara Hall Dance Club Sr. Yearbook Sr. Bryan Hall VICA Club Jr. Sr. German Clubs. Donna Ham DECA Sr. Glade Hansen V!CA Club Sr. Football s. Paul Hansen Golf Jr. Sr. Jody Hardcastle Dance Club Vice Pres. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. School Plays Sr. Calvin D. Harkness Wrestling s. Jr. Gale Harris Model U.N. Sr. JoAnne Harris Debate Sr.

Tom Frank German Club Jr. Sr.

Yolanda Gonzales Girls' Club

Annette Frantz Model U.N. s. FHA Sr.

Kathlene Gordon German Club Sr. A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Sec. Sr. School Plays Jr.

Allen Hart Letterman Jr. Sr. Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Basketball s. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling Jr. Sr.

Tamra Gotberg Masque & Gavels. Red Cross Club Jr. Model U.N. Sr.

Patricia Kaye Haycock Masque & Gavel Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Jr. Achievement Sec. Sr.

Judy Graham Girls' Club

Randy Hiatt Boys' Club

LuJean Fagg Dance Club Jr. Debate Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Plays s. Jr. Sr.

Jim Fredrickson A Cappella Jr. School Plays Sr.

Marsha Farnsworth Masque & Gavel Sr. DECA Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr.

Weldon Freeman DECA Sr. Bands. School Papers. Jr. Sr. Forensics s. Jr.


John Hocking Boys' Club

David Jeremy Boys' Club

Don Homer Masque & Gavels. Jr. Key Club Vice Pres. Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Jr. Achievement Jr. Letterman Sr. A Cappella Sr. Debate Vice Pres Jr. Forensics s. Jr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling Jr.

Scott Jessop Boys' Club

Marian Hopes Bands.

Ross Johnson Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Footballs. Jr.

Sally Howard Masque & Gavel Jr. Georgean Hunsaker DECA Sr.

Debbi Johnson Masque & Gavel Jr. Dance Club Historian Sr. Model U.N. Sr. School Plays Sr. Glen Johnson Boys' Club

Kathryn Jolley Masque & Gavels. Jr. Char/onian Sr. School Plays s. Head Majorette s. Jr. Jr. Achievement Pres. Sr.

Randal Hyatt Junior Class Pres. Jr. Key Club Jr. Janet Jones Key Club Sec. Sr. Girls' Club School Plays Sr. Footballs. Rod Jones Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. Basketball s. Pres. State Teenage Safety Footballs. Council Jr. Wrestling Jr. Sharee Hyde Nat' I Honor Society Sr. Bands. Jr. Sr. School Plays s. Jr. Top 10% Carvel Izatt V/CA Club Sr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Footballs. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Top 10% Ken Jackman Band Jr. Sr. Gail Jacob Songleader Sr. Masque & Gavels. Dance Club Sr. David Jarvie Boys' Club Brian Jeffs Boys' Club Linda Jeffs Girls' Club Margaret Jenkins Girls' Club Don Jensen Boys' Club Jan Jensen Masque & Gavels. School Plays s. Marlin H. Jenson Boys' Club


Tim Joos Boys' Club Thomas Judkins Senior Class Pres. Sr. German Clubs. Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr. Basketballs. Jr. Football s. Tennis s. Jr. Sr. Ronald Kunz Key Club Jr. Sr. Letterman s. Jr. Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Forensics s. Jr. Sr. School Plays Sr. Basketballs. Jr. Sr. Footballs. Jr. Tracks. Studentbody 1st Vice Pres. Sr. Student Council Pres. Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 10% David Lancaster Nat' I Honor Society Sr. A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Pres. Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Top 10% Corey Leavitt A Cappella Jr. Sr. Tennis Jr. Wrestling s. Alice Leigh Masque & Gavels. Aed Cross Jr.

Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Charlonian Jr. Sr. Top 3%

Kim Lindquist German Clubs. German Club Pres. Jr. Sr. Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. ABJ Junior Rep. Jr. Sterling Scholar Jackie Lloyd Cheerleader Jr. Head Cheerleader Sr. Masque & Gavel Jr. A Cappella Sr. School Plays Sr. Jeneal Lovell Girls' Club Emerita Lucero Girls' Club Doug McCleery Boys' Club Alan McKnight Nat' I Honor Society Vice Pres. Sr. Bands. Jr. Debate Sr. Basketball Jr. Sr. Tennis Jr. Susan Mace Charlonian Sr. FHA Jr. Sr. A Cappella Jr. School Paper Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Phil Mackert Orchestra s. Top 3% Ranae Madsen German Club Jr. School Paper Sr. Lorenzo Maestas DECA Vice Pres. Sr. Letterman Sgt. at Arms Jr. A Cappella Sr. Tracks. Jr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. Sharon Martinez Girls' Club Connie Massa Junior Achievement Sr. Alex S. Maxedon Wrestling s. Jr. Gordon Meyer Bands. Jr. Sr. Debates. Wrestling s. Nick Millis V/CA Jr. Sr.

Rod Mitchell Letterman s. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. David Mock Band Sr. Football s. Craig Moody Letterman Jr. Sr. Bands. Jr. Sr. Forensics s. Jr. Sr. Football Jr. Tennis Jr. Wrestling Jr. Sr. James Morse DECA Pres. Sr. Peggy Moses AGJ Pres. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Jr. A Cappella Sr. Charlie Nay A Cappella Sr. Joe Necaise Football Jr. Dessa Neff JV Cheerleader Jr. Dance Club Jr. Courier Jr. School Play Jr. Susan Nelson Masque & Gavels. Nat' I Honor Society Sr. Diggers Jr. Yearbooks. Jr. Yearbook Editor Sr. Forensics s. Jr. Top 10% Gary Nessen DECA Sr. Tracks. Wrestling s. Ronald Newhouse VICA Jr. Sr. Dennis Newton German Clubs. Jr. Letterman Jr. Sr. Debates. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Top 3% Stevan Nielsen Model U.N. Pres. Sr. Masque & Gavel Jr. Key Club Jr. Sr. Letterman Jr. Sr. Forensics s. Jr. Sr. Interpretive Jr. Sr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Golfs. Jr. Sr. Student Council Sr. Young Americans Capt. Sr. Inquiring Editor Jr. Jerry Jordan Jr. Sr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Sterling Scholar

Lynette Oakeson Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Top 3% Steven Olson Masque & Gavels. Masque & Gavel Pres . Sr. German Clubs. Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Paper Sr. Debate Jr. Interpretive Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Pam Osborne Masque & Gavels. School Paper Sr. Denise Ostler FHA Sr. Sandra Oviatt DECA Jr. Patricia Paramore Dance Club Sr. Forensics s. Interpretive s.

Christine Peterson Masque & Gavels. DECA Sr. Dance Club Sr. Linda Peterson Girls' Club Charmain Potter FHA Jr. Terry Price DECA Sr. Letterman Jr. Sr. Football s. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Glenn Prisk Letterman Pres. Sr. Baseball Sr. Football Sr. Gail Pyle Masque & Gavel Jr. Masque & Gavel 2nd Vice Pres. Sr. Forensics Sr. Interpretive Jr.

Jilleen Parker Masque & Gavels. Jr. Model U.N. Sr.

Janet Rasmussen A Cappella Jr. Sr.

Debbie Patience Song/eader Jr. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Junior Achievement Sr. Girls' State

Kenneth C. Reich German Clubs. Jr. Model U.N. Sr. Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Footballs. Wrestling s.

David Patterson Boys' Club Rand Patterson Letterman Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Marsha Paul DECA Sr. Duane Paxman Football s. Rod Pearce Letterman Sr. Interpretive Sr. Baseballs. Jr. Sr. Basketball s. Marie Pendleton JV Cheerleaders. Songleader Jr. Sr. A Cappella Jr. Kenneth Perkes Boys' Club Linda Jean Perry Girls' Club Danny Peterson Yearbook Photographer Jr. Sr. School Paper Photographer Jr. Sr.

Cecille Richards A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Vice Pres. Sr. Terrie Richins JV Cheerleaders. Junior Class Sec. Jr. Masque & Gavels. Jr. Red Cross s. Interpretive s. School Play Jr. Top 10% Curtis Ricord Bands. Lorin Rocks Masque & Gavel Jr. German Clubs. Key Club Sgt. at Arms Sr. Letterman Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Forensics s. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Sr. Student Council Sr. Karen Rogers Senior Class Vice Pres. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Charlonian Yell Mistress Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Plays. Student Councils. Girls' State

Lani Rossberg German Clubs. Dance Club Jr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Interpretive Sr. School Plays Jr. Sr. Top 10% Wendy Sadler Girls' Club Janine Sampson Soph. Class Vice Pres. s. Senior Class Sec. Sr. Masque & Gavels. Jr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Frank Santarosa VICA Jr. VICA Treas. Sr. DECA Sr. Letterman s. Jr. Sr. Wrestling s. Jr. Keith Sargent Radio Clubs. Jr. VICA Sr. Letterman Sr. Track Jr. Sr. Student Council Sr. Rokesa Sauni Masque & Gavel Sr. Dorothy Schow Masque & Gavel Jr. Glenn Setterburg Boys' Club LeAnne Shelby Model U.N. s. Jr. Model U.N. Sec. Sr. DECA Sec. Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. Junior Achievements. Jr.

Dennis H. Smith Bands. Footballs. Jr. Douglas Smith Soph . Class Pres. s. Letterman s. Jr. Sr. A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Social Shairman Sr. School Play Sr. Basketballs. Jr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Student Council Jr. Sr. Rick Smith VICA Sec. Jr. Sr. Radios. Jr. Orchestra Jr. Shelley Smith Masque & Gavels. Jr. Red Cross s. Dance Club Sr. Forenics s. Jr. Sr. Jeff Soffe Baseball Teams. Max Somsen DECA Sr. Forensics s. Masque & Gavels. Kerry Soper Masque & Gavel Sr. Model U.N. s. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Paper Sr. Forensics s. School Plays Sr. Track Jr. Sheri Spratt FHA Jr. FHA Treas. Sr. A Cappella Sr.

Richard Sielhorst Jeanne Spray VICA Reporter Sr. A Cappella Sr. Yearbook Photographer Jr. School Papers. Jr. School Paper PhotogInterpretive Jr. Sr. rapher Jr. School Play Jr. Girls' State Dale D. Simonson Radios. Shelby Stafflund Masque & Gavels. Jr. German Club s. Key Club Jr. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Model U.N. Sr. Key Club Sr. School Play Jr. Football Team s. Tennis s. Jr. Sr. Boyd Sjoblom Football s. David Stevens VICA Parliamentarian Jr. A Cappella Sr. Bonny Smith Football Jr. JV Cheerleader Jr. Cheerleader Sr. Charlonian Jr. Marilyn Stiel Bands. School Play Sr. Carolyn Smith DECA Sr.

George Stringfellow Footballs.


Susan Sudbury Interpretive Jr. Christian T. Svedin Model U.N. Sr. Key Club Sr. Student Council Jr. Sterling Scholar Top 10% Sandra Swenson Masque & Gavels. Inquiring Editor Sr. Rebecca Thompson Girls' Club Alan Tunbridge Football s. Track s. Wrestling s. Jr. Susan Turner Girls' Club Colleen Van Amen Dance Club Sr.

Alane Vawdrey Masque & Gavels. Jr. Charlonian Sr. A Cappella Jr. A Cappella Treas. Sr.

A Cappella Jr. Sr. Forensics Sr. Interpretive Sr. School Plays s. Jr. Sr.

Greg Welch School Play Sr. Basketballs. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Sr. Student Councils. Jr. Sr. Letterman Jr. Sr.

Bernice Vigil Girls' Club Don Wahlen Letterman Jr. Sr. Track Jr. Golfs. Jr. Sr.

Lana Whetman Masque & Gavels. Jr. Charlonian Sr. A Cappella Jr. Sr. School Plays.

Boyd Ware Key Club Sr. Letterman Jr. Sr. Model U. N. Sr. Basketballs. Jr. Footballs. Jr. Sr. Tracks. Jr. Student Councils. Jr.

Ronald White DECA Sr. German Club Jr. Sr. School Play Sr. Track Jr.

Susan JoAnn Webster Red Cross s. Masque & Gavel Sr.

Laura Whitehead Girls' Club

Julie Wilburn German Club Vice Pres. Sr. Debbie Williams Masque & Gavels. Charlonian Sec. Jr. Nat'/ Honor Society Sr. Debates. AGJ Senior Rep. Sr. Student Council Sr. Top 10% Tom Williams V/CA Jr. VJCA Pres. Sr. Janice Woodbury Charlonian Jr. Masque & Gavels. Forensics s. Sterling Scholar Wesley Young Letterman Jr. Track Jr. Bill Zeller Wrestling s. Jr.


Allen, Duane 41, 71, 122 Allen, Katherine 31, 70, 71, Mr. Crump 16 Mr. Harris 22 Mr. Bishop 16 Mr. Harrison 19, 77 Mrs. Fitzgerald 18 Miss Henderson 22 Mr. Hansen 18, 73 Mrs. Hill 22, 78, 79 Mr. Thatcher 18 Mr. Holt 23 Mrs.Ainsworth 23 Mr.Jewkes 116,129 Mr. Ash 20,115,116,131 Mr. Judd 20 Mr. Autentico 22, 115, 125 Mr. King 21 Mr. Bagley 21 Mr. J. McCleary 22, Mr. Ballard 20, 129 120, 130 Miss Beckstead 19 Mr. K. McCleary 19, Mr. Boberg 20 69, 129 Mr. McKay 19, 115, 124 Mrs. Bodell 23 Mr. Bradford 20, 74 Mr. Milne 20, 129 Mr. Brimhall 20, 120, 122, 127 Mr. Nelson 21,63 Mrs. E. Brown 23 Mr. Olsen 21 Mrs. C. Brown 21, 72, Mr. Pace 21, 76 97, 99 Mr. Petersen 21 Mr. Brown 19, 76 Mr. Pond 20 Mrs. Dow 20, 64 Mr. Russon 22 Mr.Erickson 19,116,129 Mrs.Sagers 23 Mr. Fisher 21 Mr. Smith 19 Miss Fraser 20 Mrs. Stratton 22 Mr. Gerth 21 Mrs. Tranter 22 Mr. Gunnell 19 Mrs. Wagstaff 23


Mrs. Williams 22, 110 Mrs. Wilson 19, 63, 75 Mr.Wright 20,127 Mrs. Yates 23 Mr. Zabriskie 21 STUDENTS

A Abrams, Sharon 31, 71, 73, 90, 92, 95, 99, 101' 106 Akagi, Kenneth 41, 50,77 Akagi, Stanley 102 Ainsworth, Dean 31, 62, 68 Ainsworth, Dennis 101 Ainsworth, Donna 31 Albrechtsen, Wendy 31, 74, 79, 133 Allen, Calvin 50 Allen, Diana 31, 71 Allen,Don 41,115, 121, 122 Allen, Donald 50, 112, 121 73,90,95, 96,98, 101 Allen, Robert 41 Allen, Rosemary 41

Allgood, Charles 31 Allison, Sharlene 50 Allred, Barbara 31, 70, 73,92 Allred, Lorraine 50 Allred, Mary Ann 41, 72, 101, 111 Alvey, Gary 50 Anderson, Lon i 40, 41, 70, 73, 95, 109 Anderson, Tana 31 Anderson, Alan 31, 121 Anderson, Darnell 31, 70 Anderson, Gerald 31 Anderson, Heber 41 Anderson, Jeanine 41, 72, 111 Anderson, Jeff 41, 72,74 Anderson, Jolene 50 Anderson, Martia 50, 72, 101 Anderson, Morgan 41, 94, 95, 112 Anderson, Randy 31 Anderson, Ricky 50, 116 Anderson, Su 31 , 64, 70, 110, 111

Anderson, Terry 50, 70 Anderson , William 41,77 Andrews, Craig 50 Andrews, Robert 27,41 Andrus, Barry 50 Andrus, Craig 50, 68, 1 H Andrus, Frank 83, 112 Andrus, Teri 25, 26, 31, 85, 70 Ames, Karen 31 Archibald, Jay 41, 71 Archuleta, Wendy 31, 75 Armi~tead, Brad 50 Ashby,Laurie 31,110 Atkinson, Terry 41,75 Atwood, Judy 50 Atwood, Kenneth 31 B

Baird, Kim 31, 73, 92, 95 Baker, Jean 50 Baldwin, Roland 50, 62 Ballard , Beverly 50 Ballard, Bruce 70 Ballard, Janeen 50

Ballard , Kayleen 31 , 50 , 111 Ballard , Mary 50 Ballard , Rebecca 41 , 71 ' 101 Ballimas, Patricia 50 Barber,Carol 41,70 Barber, Gordan 50 Barney, Boyd 41 Barney, Diana 41 Barton , Bill 31 Barton , Janice 71 Barton , Nancy 31, 50 Bawden, Tracy 31 , 66, 69 , 70 , 74 Bay, Robin 41 , 111 Beck, Larry 31 , 126 Begay, Caroline 41 Begay, Tom 50 , 71 Bell , John 50 , 116 Bergener, Susan 41 , 72 Bernardo , Paul 50 Berrett, Devan 50 , 116 Best, Bonnie 31 , 75, 84 Best, Darrell 41 Biggs, Randy 41, 112 Bills, Patti 50, 72 Bingham, LuAnn 41 , 76 Birch , Bryan 50 , 103, 116 Birchell , Nancy 50 , 102 Bishop, Craig 41 Blackham, Annette 41 Blackwood , Lance 93 , 103 Bleazard , Joe 51 Bluth , Rebecca 31 , 70, 73 , 95 , 98 , 108 Bodell , Chad 27, 51 , 116 Bodell , Charles 51 Bohm , Lance 31 Bolliger, Gordon 51 , 68 Boltis, Wayne 41 , 112 Bolton , Mark 51, 76 Bonham, Brent 41 , 112 Booms, ReNae 51 Bowen , Danny 51 Bowerbank , George 51 Bowl es, Dale 51 Bowles, Gary 31 , 112 Bowles, Steven 51 Boynton , Brent 41 Boynton , Cathy 41 , 108 Boynton, Tom 51 Brady, Brian 41 , 68 , 71 , 112, 121 , 122 Brady, Debbie 51 Brake, Michael 51 Breeze, Michael 51 Brindley, Susan 41 Broadhead , Phil 51 Bron son , Jon 67 , 127 Brown , Annette 32 , 79 Brown , Earla 51 Brown , Kay 32 , 71 Brown , Gordon 41 , 112 Brown , Mark 51 Brown , Nancy 32 , 71 Brown , Sh erri 51 Brugman , Denni s 41 , 72 Brundage, Connie 41 , 70 Bryant, Joseph 51 Bryant, Ray 41 Bryce, Beth 32 , 73 , 95 Bryce, Nan cy 41 , 71 Bryce, Su san 51 Buchanan , Grant 41 , 63 , 65 , 73 Burgener, Terri 27, 51 Burbidge, Ken 41 Burgon , Sandra 41 Burkinshaw, Barry 26, 32, 66, 68 , 91 , 121 Burkinshaw, Debbie 51 Burnham, Randall 32 Burningham , Claudia 42, 65 , 110, 111 Burningham, Lee 121 , 122 Burton , Marv 25, 26, 32 , 68 , 94 , 121 Burton , Rex 42 , 68 , 120

c Caldwell , Rochelle 51 Call , Jeff 32 , 75 , 112

Campbell , Terry 51 , 72, 103 Capson , Diane 42, 111 Capson , Merrill 51 Carlson , Lynn 112 Carpenter, Richard 51 Carpentier, Barbara 51 Carter, Wayne 32 Cary, Daniel 51 Cary, Jan 27, 32 Case, Dennis 51 Chase, Jim 32 , 112 Chapman , Dave 32 Chidester, Kathy 42 Child , Jeanine 42 Child , JoAnn 32 Christensen , Julie 42 , 111 Clegg , Carolun 42 Cline, George 51 , 116 Clough , Ernie 32 Cole , Kerry 51 , 68 Connary, Lois 42 Conish , Alice 51 Conish , Mark 14, 32 , 68 , 73, 95 , 112 Cook, Debbie 42 Coombs, Vonnie 51 , 101 Cooper, Claudia 51 Conrad , Cathy 32, 70 Cordner, Marlene 42 Cordner, Sharlene 42 Cornia , Janet 42 , 71 , 111 Covington , Craig 51 Covington , Robert 32, 75 Coulter, Debbie 51 Cowdell , Brad 42 Cowdell , Dawn 42, 71 , 111 Cowdell , JoAnne 32 , 62 , 79 Cox , Stan ley 42 Cox, Vaughn 51 , 102, 103 Coy, Dence 52 Crane, James 32, 68 , 94, 124 Cranney, Scott 52 Crapo , Denille 42 , 71 , 111 Crebs , Dick 68 , 74 Crebs, Shanna 52 Crebs , Susan 32 Crebs,Zane 52 , 66 , 68 , 103, 116 Curley, Stephen 42 D

Dahle, Diane 42 Damjanavich , Colleen 42 , 72 , 79 DaRonche, John 52 Davenport, Barbara 52 Davenport, Michael 32 Davidson , Sharon 52 Davis, Melvin 52 Davis, Miralee 42, 71 Day, Denise 42 Day, Louann 25, 26, 33 , 71 , 93 , 94 Day, Marjorie 42 , 84, 101 ' 106 Delee uw, Denise 42 , 71 , 73 Demarest, Elise 29, 33 Demas, Steven 42 Denison , Debbie 52 Denny, Pamela 52 Den sley, Sydnee 52 Derricott, Rhonda 52 , 72 , 101 Despain , Joy 52 DeVere , Rhoda 42 , 63 , 111 Dick, Leanne 52 Dixon , Randy 33 , 70 , 72 , 96 , 101 , 126 Dixon , Shanna 33 Dowland , Jeff 42 Duke, Donna 52 Duke, Jeff 42 Dumas, Terry 52 Dunn , Alayna 33 , 79 Dunn , Karen 33 Dunn , Jack 33 Durrant, Neena 52 Durrant, Steve 42

E Eastman , Stan

52 , 68

Eaton , Vina 42 Ebert, Rulon 42 , 126 Eddington, Delbert 52 , 77 Edmunds, Brenda 42, 111 Eggleston , Larry 42 Elg , Paula 27, 42, 70, 73 , 79, 96 Ellsworth, Dorene 42 Elswood, John 52 Ennis, Dan 52 Ennis, Tom 42 Erickson , Darlene 33 , 78 , 79 Evans, David 52 Evans, Dean 33 Evans, Chad 42 Everill , Debbie 52 F

Fagg , LuJean 33 , 70 Fairbourn , Renae 52 , 72 Fairbourn , Stanley 52 Farnsworth , Marsha 33, 71,72 Farnsworth, Nancy 52 Farnsworth , Robert 52 , 116 Ferrara, Ralph 3, 69 , 74, 112, 114, 124 Fisher, Brad 3, 112 Fisher, Mark 33, 71 , 94, 112, 114, 124 Fisher, Sherry 43 Fitzgerald , Anna 52 Fitzgerald , Darwin 43 Fitzgerald , Karen 33, 78 Fitzgerald , Karrie 43, 101 , 111 Fitzgerald , Kevin F. 24, 26, 33 , 68 , 71 ' 113, 121 Fitzgerald, Kevin 52 Fitzgerald, Marie 33 Fitzgerald , Mike 33 Fitzgerald , Pam 33, 79, 94 Fitzgerald, Paulette 33 , 79 , 102, 103 Fitzgerald , Susan 52 Fitzgerald, Rochelle 43, 111 Fitzgerald , Wendy 73 , 94, 95, 133 Frantz, Annette 33, 78 Fratto , Claude 43 , 77 Fredrickson , Gary 52, 101 Fredrickson , Jim 33 Freeman , Skip 27, 33, 65 , 75 Fullmer, Floyd 52 , 116 Fullmer, Sandra 72, 101

G Gaily, Ric 33 Garcia, Chris 52 Gardner, Beverly 52 Garfield , Boyd 33, 64, 70 , 73 , 92 , 94 Garfield , Carol 52, 109, 133 Garfield, Sue 52 Gatherum , Richard 52 Gause, Wendy 33, 73, 93 Geer, Connie 52 Gehring , Steve 52 , 116 Geter, Kelly 53 Gilbert, Jim 43 Gilchrist, Catherine 64 Gilchrist, John 43 Glassey, Janet 33 Glassey, Karen 53 , 101 Glover, Mike 27, 33, 75, 85, 113 Goates, Renee 34 , 73 , 93 Goetz, Lonny 53 Goff, Michael 53 Gonzales, Yolanda 34 Gordon , Carol 43 Gordon , Kathlene 34, 71 Gotberg, Scott 43 Gotberg , Tamra 34, 74 Gotberg , Tara 53 Gotberg , Val 43 Gough , Sherry 43 Graham , Judy 34 Graham , Ramona 53

Graham, Trudy 34 Gray, Anita 43, 70, 78 Green , Sandra 34 , 71 Green , She rlyn 43 , 111 Green , Sue 53 Greenwood , Mike 34 Greenwood , Robert 53, 68 Gregory, Glenn 43, 70 , 72 , 100, 101 Gregory, Laurie 43, 111 Griego, Bobby 53 Griess, Deborah 53 Groves, Terry 43 Grow, Diane 34 Grow. Patti 53 Grow, Randy 43 Gull , LuAnn 43 , 65, 111 Gunderson , Brent 43 , 72, 73 , 96 , 100, 101 Gurr, Dena 34 H

Hall , Barbara 62 , 79 Hall , Bryan 53 Hall , Candy 43, 75 , 106 Hall , Ethleann 43 Halladay, Ruth 53 Ham , Barbara 43 , 78 Ham , Donna 34 Hanks, Rebecca 43 , 109, 110, 111 Hansen , Glade 34 Hansen , Joe 43 Hansen , Pam 53 Hardcastle, Sharon 43 Hardcastle, Jody 27, 34, 74, 79 Harding , Connie 53 Harris, DeAnna 53 Harris, Eugena 43 , 45 , 133 Harris, Gale 74 Harris, JoAnn 34 Hart, Allen 34, 112, 125 Hase, Chris 53 Hase, Chris 116 Hase, Sharon 43 Hatch , Wendy 53 Haycock, Patricia 24, 34 Heaps, Gail 53 , 72, 101 Henningsen , lngo 43 Harper, Collen 34 Harper, Collette 34 Herman , Craig 43 Henke, Claudia 53 , 72 , 101 Henline, Richard 53 Heuser, Terry 53 Hiatt, Randy 34 Hill , Diane 53 Hilton , Kent 43 Hocking , John 34 Hoffman , Richard 43 , 72 Hofhines, Sharon 43, 111 Holloway, Robert 53 , 69 Homer, Don 34, 113 Homer, Julie 53 Hopes, Marian 34 Horsley, Julie Ann 53 Howard , Dave 43 Howard , Sally 34 Howlett, l'v1arianne 53, 72, 77 Howlett, Mike 43 , 73, 77 Hulse, Rosemary 43, 67, 111 Hummel , Diane 53 Hummel , Richard 43 , 72, 73 , 94, 107 Humphrey, Cathy 53 Humphrey, Susie 54, 67, 72 Hunsaker, Georgean 34 Hurdsman , Linda 44 , 76 Hurst, Don 44, 77 Hyatt, Randal 34, 69, 73 Hyde, Sharee 34, 73, 77, 95

lhler, Kim 27, 44, 121 lllguth, Kenney 54 lllguth , Steven 44 Izatt, Leonard 73 Izatt, Carvel 34, 95 lvie, Louise 44

J Jackman , Ken 35 , 77 Jackson, Kelvin 54 , 63 Jacob , Gail 35 , 79, 108 Jardine, Tammy 44 Jarvis, David 35 Jarvis, Renee 54, 67 Jaynes, Mike 44 , 75 Jeffs, Amy 44 Jeffs, Ann 54 Jeffs, Gary 44, 73 Jeffs, LeRoy 44 Jeffs , Linda 35 Jenkins, Dave 54 Jenkins, Margaret 35 Jensen , Brett 44 Jensen , Debb ie 54 Jensen,Jan 35 Jensen, Marsha 44, 111 Jensen , Mike 44, 70 , 77 Jensen , Pam 54 Jensen , Tim 54 Jeremy, David 35 Jeremy, Mike 54 Jessop, Scott 35 Jewkes, MaryBeth 70 , 72 Joe, Edith 44 Johansen , Krist'ine 44, 70 Johansen , Sandra 49 , 54, 109 Johnson , Cindy 54 Johnson , Danny 54 Johnson , Glen 35 Johnson , Debbie 35 , 74, 79 Johnson , Karen 54, 72, 84 Johnson , Kathy 54 Johnson , Milton 54 Johnson , Rhonda 54 Johnson , Ross 35 Johnson , Sam 44 Jolley, Kathryn 35 , 111 Jones, Baird 44 Jones , Janet 35 Jones , Kevin 54, 69 , 102, 103, 116, 120 Jones, Milton 54 Joos, Timothy 35 Joos, Bernice 44 Joosten , Collene 44 Judkins, Jada 54 Judkins, Tom 26, 30, 35

K Kahley, Dee 44 Kartchner, Ke ith 44 Kaumans, Deborah 44, 70 , 78 Kemp, Karen 54 Kimball , Dave 54, 116 Knight, Steven 44, 76 Kunz, Claudia 44 Kunz, Ronald 25, 26, 35 , 69, 71 , 73 , 92, 95 , 102, 103, 121 L Lancaster, David 35 , 69, 71 , 73,95 , 98 Lancaster, Laurie 54 Landeen , Jeff 44 , 72, 73, 77 Langford , Chris 54 Larsen, Nancy 44 Lavery, Marcine 44, 72 , 102 Law, Denise 44, 70 Lawson , Katherine 54 Leavitt, Cory 35 Leavitt, Rodney 44, 71 , 124 Lee, Clark 52 Leigh , Alice 35 , 73, 93 , 110, 111 Lener, Debbie 54 Lindeman , Sheryl 54 Lindquist, Garay 26, 27, 49, 54 , 113, 124 Lindquist, Kim 27, 35, 85, 92 , 94, 113, 125 Lindsey, Patricia 44 Lindsey, David 54, 116 Linnarz, Nada 55 Linnarz, Rick 55


Lloyd , Jackie 26, 35 , 70 , 106 Lloyd , Kathy 44 Lloyd , Laura 44 Lloyd , Ronald 44 Lloyd , Roxanne 44, 70 , 72, 78 Lloyd , Scott 54 , 63 , 102 Logan , Pat 55 Lesser, MaryAnn 44 Lovendahl, Rickie 55 , 76 Lovendahl , Sherrie 44 , 70 Lovell , Jeneal 35 Lucero , Emerita 36 Lucero , Lawrence 55 Lybbert, Lynnette 54 , 111 M

McAdams, Lela 44, 78 McArthur, Linda 55 McCleery, Doug 44 , 36 McCormick, Christine 44 McCormick, Mike 55 McDonald, Rodger 55 McKnight, Aileen 55 McKnight, Alan 36, 73 , 103, 121 McPherron , Jess 44, 77 Mace, Ron 44 Mace, Steven 55 Mace, Susan 36 , 65 , 70 , 78 , 111 Mackert, Charlette 45 Mackert, Rowena 55 Macklin , Cheryl 45 Madsen , Ranae 36, 65 , 74, 76 Maestas, Lorenzo 36 , 75 , 94 , 124, 125 Mangum , James 55, 101 Mangum , Janice 55 Margetts, Wendy 45, 71 Marquess, Phillis 55 Martin , Bruce 45, 70 , 72 Martinez, Sharon 36 Martinez, Joe 45 Massa, Cindy 55 Massa, Connie 36 Maupin , Lynn 27, 45 Maxedon , Alex 36 Maxedon , Peck 55 Maxfield , Brad 55 Maynes, Bruce 55 Maynes, Bryan 55 Meldrum , David 102, 103 Meldrum , Randy 45, 55 , 102, 116 Melonas, Sam 55 , 116 Menssen , Ralph 45 Meyer, Gordon 36 Meyers, Mike 45, 112, 125 Mickelsen , Garry 45 Mickelsen , Scott 55 , 72 Mitchell , David 55 , 76 Mitchell , Rod 36 Mitch ell , Steve 55 , 116 Mock, David 36 , 77 Moffat, Shauna 45 Moller, Bruce 45 Moody, Craig 36 , 77 , 124, 125 Moore, Kenneth 45 Moore. LaNette 45 Morrill , David 45, 73, 76 Morse, James 36 , 75 Moses, Peggy 36, 67 , 70 Morey, Freddie 36 Mounteer, Ann 55 Mullen , Darlene 55 Mulder, Virginia 55 Mumford , Valayne 45, 63 , 73 Murdock, Ronald 45 Murphy, Mark 45 , 77 Murphy, Susan 55 Myers, Debbie 55 Myers, Vicky 55

N Nadeau , Deborah 55 Nay, Charles 36, 70


Necaise, Craig 45 Neff, Dessa 36 Neff, Michael 55 Nelson , Caroline 45 , 77, 78 Nelson, Denise 45, 78 Nelson , Ja Nae 55 , 95 Nelson , Lisa 45 , 72 , 73 , 101 , 111 Nelson , Susan 36 , 62 , 73 , 95 Nessen , Gary 36 Newbold , Charis 45 , 110, 111 Newhouse . Ronald 36 Newland . Dee Ann 45, 111 Newton , Dennis 95 Nielsen , Stevan 27, 36, 69 , 74 , 92 , 95 , 113 Noffsinger, Cheryl 27, 55 , 72 Norton , Lyle 55 Nosack, Dave 45 , 70

0 Oakeson , Lynette 37 , 73 , 93 Ozubo , Kevin 45 , 77 Oliver, Trent 45 , 113 Oliver, Karlene 27, 55 , 109 Olson , Brad 45 , 66 , 69, 121 122 Olson , Steven 27, 37, 71 , 72 , 94 , 96, 97, 101 Orgill , Jerry 45 Orwin, Donna 55 Osborne , Pam 37 Ostler, Craig 55 , 102, 103 Ostler, Denise 37 Ostler, Robyn 5~ Ottley, Charles 55 p Packer, Sandra 44 Panek, Eddy 55 , 77 Panek, Joseph 45 , 77 Pangos , Brenda 45 , 46 , 78 Paramore , Patty 37, 79 Paramore , Susan 56 Parker, Colette 56 , 133 Parker, Jilleen 37 Parry, Steven 56 Parry, Tewe 46 Patience, Debbie 37 , 94 , 108 Patience, Steve 45 , 113 Patterson , Carl 56 Patterson, David 37 Patterson , Rand 37 Paul , Marsha 37 , 75 Peacock, Wendy 27, 56 Pearce , John 56 Pearce, Rodney 37 , 94 , 101 Pederson , Barbara 46 Pelch , Vern 46, 94 , 124, 125 Pendleton , Marie 37, 73 , 95 , 108 Penrod , Randy 56 Perkes , Kenneth 37 Perry, Linda 37, 76 Perry, William 46 Peters , Elayne 56 Peterson , Christie 46 Peterson , Christine 46 , 71 Peterson , Craig 56 Peterson , Danny 37, 63 Peterson , Julie 56 Peterson , Kathleen 56 Peterson , Linda 37 Peterson , Lynn 46 Peterson , Richard 46 , 72 , 100, 101 Peterson , Ricky Lee 46 Phillips , Charlene 56 Phillips , Kevin 46 Pierce , Debbie 46 Pingree , Rick 46 Popelmayer, Jeanne 46 , 111 Potter, Charmaine 37 Potter, Christine 46 , 111 Potter, Colleen 27, 56 Price , Kathy 56 Price, Paul 46 Price , Terry 37 , 75

Prince, Alan 46 , 69 , 70 , 113 Pruitt, Glenn 46 , 56 Pyle, Gail 37, 72, 101 R

Raddon , Tom 56 Rasmussen , Elaine 56 Rasmussen , Janet 71 Rasmussen , Ren ae 46 Reed, Paula 46 Reeve , Don 56 , 77 Reeve , Julie 46 Reich , Alona Gay 56 Reich , Kenneth 37 , 74 Richins, Terrie 73 , 95 Rich , Scott 56 Richards , CeCille 27, 37, 70, 71 Richards, Tom 46 , 69 ,70 Richardson , Vicky 56 , 72 Reinhardt, Ru ss 46 Ricard , Clayton 46 Ricard , Curtis 27, 37 Riding , Ina 56 Ri!=jgs , Marty 56, 116 Robinson , Brent 27, 46 , 113 Robinson , Clyde 56 Robinson , Cindy 46 Robinson , Kern 56 , 77, 100, 101 Roche , Karen 56 Rocks , Barbara 46 Rocks . Lorin 27, 37, 69, 73 , 113 Roqers . Karen 27, 30 , 37 , 71 , 85 , 91 Rogers , Wendy 27, 46, 110, 111 Romero . Richard 56, 113 Rose, Michael 56 Rosenkrantz, Don 56 Ross , Danna 56 , 72 Ross , Karlene 27, 56 Rossberq , Lani 37, 71 , 73 , 95 , 101 Rossborough , Deborah 56 Rowsell , Susan 56 , 72 Rudd , Kristie 56 Runolfson , Steve 56 , 116 Rus sell , Lynne 56

s Sadler, Wendy 37 Saqers. Shannon 27, 46 , 71 , 79 Salmon . Gale 56 , 101 , 109 Salter, David 56 Sampson , Janine 30 , 37 Sanders, Catherin e 56 , 72 Sargent, Brent 46 , 66 , 69 Sargent, Keith 38 , 46, 127 Saund ers, Marsha 56 Saunders, Marsha 56 Schmidt, Bill 56 Schmidt, Boyd 57 , 124 Schmidt, John 47 , 72 Schuring , Gene 38 Schuring , Mike 57 Schuring , Mitch 57 Scott, Lora Lee 57 Scott, Rodney 65 , 72 , 96 , 97, 100, 101 Schow, Dorthy 38 , 101 Searcv, Rickie 47 Setterburg , Judy 57 Setterburg , Glen 38 Sh elby, Douglas 47 Sh elby, LeAnne 38 , 74 , 75 Sheppard , Steph en 57, 63 102, 103 Sheppick, Edith 47 Shryers, Bruce 57 Si elhorst, Rich ard 38 , 75 Simon son , Charl es 47 Simon son , Dale 38 , 69 , 74 Sjoblom , Boyd 38 Skoubye, David 26, 40 , 47, 73 Skoubye, Ell en 57 , 63 , 74 , 101 ' 109

Slade, Lori 57 Slater, Dale 47 Smith , Bob 47 , 69 , 77 Smith , Bonnie 38 , 83 , 106 Smith , Brent 57 Smith , Craig 47 Smith , Carolyn 38 , 75 , 76 Smith , Darl ene 57 Smith , David M. 57 , 102, 116 Smith , David W. 57 Smith , Dennis 38 , 113 Smith , Don 47 , 74 Smith , Donna 57 Smith , Douglas 38, 113 Smith , Jeannie 57 Smith , Greg 57 Smith , Len 57 Smith , Linda 47 Smith , Lori 57, 72 Smith , Launa 47 Smith , Marvin 47 Smith , Mary Lou 57 Smith , Paul 57 Smith , Ricky 38 Smith , Royce 57 , 116 Smith , Shelly 38 , 79 , 102, 103 Snow, Nora 47 , 79 Snow, Shelly 40 , 47 , 71 , 79 , 109, 111 Somsen , Marc LeRoy 38 , 75 Soper, Kerry 38 , 65 , 71 , 72 , 94 , 96 , 98 Soper, Paul 47 Spratt, Sheri 38 , 71 Spray, Jeannie 38 , 70 , 94 , 101 Springer, John 57 Stafflund , Sh elby 38 , 69 , 78 Steadman, Brenda 47 , 72 , 73 , 101 Stephen son , Bryan 47, 76 Stevens , David 38 , 70 , 83 Sti el, Marilyn 38 Strasburg , Rhond a 47 Stoedter, Lind a 57 Ston e, Robin 57 Story, Lance 57 Story, Lark 57 Struh s, Kri sta 47 , 111 , 133 Sturdy, Geri 47 Sudbury, Susan 38 Sudbury, Mark 47 Sullivan, Eddy 57 Sund ell , John 27, 47 Sutcliffe, Dawn 57 Svedin , Chris 38 , 69 , 88, 93 , 95 Swenson , Wayn e 57, 77 Swenson , Sa ndra 38 Syb rowsky, Steven 57, 102, 103, 116

T Taggart, Mark 47 Tate, Deborah 47 Tetrick, Jun e Ro se 47 Th ayn e, Mike 57 Thomas, Ru ssell 57 Thompson , Cynthi a 57 , 72 Thompson , Evelyn 57 Thomp son , Rebecca 38 Thornwall , Debbi e 57 Thornbl ad, Shaun a 27, 47 73 Thornwall , Dave 47 Tibbetts, Dave 47, 126 Tolman, Kri s 57 Tolman, Lynn e 47, 79 Tripp , Betti e 57 Tripp , Mi chae l 47 Troyer, Art 27, 109, 133 Turn er, Ann e 57 Turn er, Debbi e 57 Turn er, Susa n 38 Turpin , Marilyn 57

u Ut ley, Gloria

47, 78

v Valdez, Joe 57 Vandenberg , Tom 47 VanTassell , Joy 47, 110, 111 VanAmen, Colleen 38 Varley, Mike 57 Vasquez, Rigobuto 57 Vawdrey, Alane 38 , 71 , 11 1 Vawdrey, Douglas 57 Vawdrey, Karla 57 , 101 Veator, Ron 57 , 101 , 116 Vernon , Debbie 49, 57, 72 Villard , Lowe ll 47

w Wadsworth , Guy 57 Wagstaff, Doug 57 , 102 Wahlen , Don 39 Wahlin , Linda 57 Walkenhorst, Melanie 47, 67 , 111 Walker, Karyn 47 Wa lters , Bryan 57 , 102 Ward , LaVerne 47 , 72, 101 Ware , Boyd 39 , 69, 74, 113 Ware , Kent 27, 57, 69, 96 Washburn , Paul 57 Waters , Debra 57 Waters , Greg 47, 126 Watson , Brian 47 , 65 Watterson , Steve 48 Webb , Brent 48 , 72 Webb , Gwen 48, 111 Webster, JoAnn 39, 70 , 72 Welch , Greg 27, 39 , 121 Welch , Jeff 48 , 121, 122 Welch , Kenny 57 Weller, Della 57, 72 Wentz, Raymond 58 West, Rickey 48 Westbrook , George 48 , 75 Whetman , Lana 39 , 94, 110, 111 Whetman , Venna 27, 58 White , Ron 39 , 96 Whitehead , Gary 58 , 63 Whitehead , Laura 39 Whittle , Allen 48 Whittle , Ron 48 Whitlock , Robert 48, 76 , 77 Wiggins , Charles 48 Wilburn , Frank 58 Wilburn , Ju lie 39 Willi ams, Carroll 58 Williams , Clarence 48 , 69 Williams , Darlene 48, 78 Williams , Debbie 27, 39, 6~ 67 , 73 , 94 , 95 Williams , Konae 58 , 78 Winger, Randy 58 , 103 Winkler, Clark 58 , 102, 129 Winkler, Janece 27, 48 , 70 , 72 Wintle , Colleen 48 , 70 Withers , Rick 58 Woodbury, Janice 39 , 76 , 93 Woodruff, Laura 58 , 100, 101 , 109 Woodward , Ted 48 Woodward , Wendy 58 , 72, 133 Wootton , John 48 Wright, Connie 58 Wright, Di ane 48 , 72 Wright, Kelly 48 , 77, 131

y Yengich , Linda 58 Young , Gary 48 , 102

z Zargarich , Jim 58 Zagorec , Tamara 58 Zeller, Bill 39 Zell er, Tim 58 Zupan , Diane 63

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