1971 Valayne Mumford Editor Mrs. Lila A. Wilson Advisor Mr. Arval Nelson Advisor Published in 1971 by the Associated Students of Jordan High School 9351 South State Sandy, Utah Volume 51
Contents Introduction __________________ Page 4 Academics ______________________ Page 15 Student Body __________________ Page 33 Organizations ___ _____________ Page 71 Athletics ___________________ _____Page 93 Activities ___________________ _____ Page 121 Index __________________________ ___ .Page 146 3
We questioned reality with a future of dreams.
We conquered one obstacle while grasping the challenge of many. We created unity by recognizing the value of one person.
We were lost in time while broadening the horizon for another. We were one .. . togetl1er .. . furthering the progression of dreams.
We questioned tradition, confronted opposition, fell ... and began again. We watched the seasons change while observing those people and those ideas which surrounded us. I1
We entered from the outside ... young and eager to appreciate the fellowship of unity. We were .. . we are .. . belonging.
Academics The study lamps burn late as we prepare to take our place in a world which daily grows more complex. We investigate the orderliness of our environment through mathematics and science. We learn the structures of our society through social science. We find the joy of creativity through industrial and fine arts. But we pause in our struggle to realize that we are not alone - we are belonging.
Principals Mr. Sherman Crump Principal
This is the second year that Mr. Crump has been principal of Jordan High. He was directly responsible for all financial and personnel matters of the school. He also worked for public relations with the P. T .A. and other community groups. Mr. Crump has really been working this year to make it possible for students to communicate with the administration. He has had an opendoor policy, meaning that any student could come into his office and discuss ¡ problems at any time.
Mr. Clemont Bishop Vice Principal
Clemont Bishop has a very likeable personality which has helped him to be a friend to the students he has associated with this year. He was responsible for planning the school calendar and activities. He was also concerned with all problems involving students - including attendance, tardiness, accidents, work permits, and parking. Mr. Bishop believes that students have a right to dissent but that criticism sl}ould be constructive and carried out through the school system.
Le 1 to Ri lzt¡ Rodney L. Dahl, Board Member; John Wheadon, Vic;e-Preside~t¡ Reel Beckstead, Superintendent; Marlon S. Bater;;a~ Pr:stdent of Boa;d; J. Ross Allen, Board Member; Ben C. Bagley, Boar em er.
Administration And School Board Develop New Innovations A district-wide dress code was one of the important policies and decisions developed by the administration this year. The dress code, although met with mixed feelings , gave Jordan students more freedom by allowing the growing of moustaches. Through the approval of the school board and the administration, Jordan was able to undergo many structural improvements. The biology greenhouse, new cafeteria furniture, and remodeled auditorium came as a result of their work.
Left to Ri[?lzt, Row One : Joel P. Jensen , Director of Secondary Education; l<cnn cth Prince Administrato r o f Busin ess. R ow T wo: Ray Bro wn, Administrato r S tafi Per.~onn ef; Earl Thurm an, Administrato r Pupil Serl'ices.
Counselors Provide Guidance for Questioning Students Mr. Young guided the bewildered sophomores through their first year of high school with understanding and encouragement. He served as teaching experience coordinator and as advisor to the National Honor Society. Mr. Young also made sure that the bulletin board and vocational files in the I.M.C. were kept up-to-date. Along with being junior counselor, Mr. Day was responsible for all Jordan's computer work which included student schedules and report cards. He also helped prepare the juniors for the National Merit Scholarship test and the A.C.T. Mrs. Fitzgerald's titles included Chairman of the Counseling department, Girls' Club Advisor, and Usher Club Advisor. She also aided seniors with college registration.
Mr. Richard Young Sophornore Counselor
Mr . Mary Fitzgerald Senior Counselor
Mr. R bert Day Junior owlselor
Advanced Spanish class listens to tapes in an effort to improve their language skills.
Mr. Frederick Ash En~tlish , Coachin~t
Mr. Lynn Ballard D ebate , En f: ., Am . History
Mr. Lowell Boberg
Mrs. Margie Dow
Humanities, English
Eng., Journalism, R eading
Miss Golda Fraser Spanish , French , English
Language Arts
Offers New Semester Courses With a brand new course known as Humanities students explored. n1an's accomplishments i~ such areas as art and music. History of the Language, Modern Novel, English Novel, and Drama were four semester courses offered to senior students for the first time. This experiment in scheduling brought greater freedom of choice.
Mr. David Judd En~tlish
Mr . Judith McConkie
Mr. Kirk Wright
Crafts, En glish
English, R eading, G_reative Writin g, Coaclung
Limits on communication were widened throu o-h Spanish, French , and German classes. Journ:lism and Creative Writing opened new dimensions of learning in this area.
Mathematics Brings Order From Chaos We live in a jumbled world. At least it would appear so at face value. But students in mathematics classes learned to find order in the apparent chaos. With a dedicated approach, the three instructors drilled students with quadratics, square roots, and theorems. The complicated properties of higher math were unveiled as the year progressed. The practical side of the subject was not neglected as consumer math and computer science courses gave the students vocational knowledge.
Mr. Gibson keeps students' interest by using the overhead projector.
Mr. Gary Gibson
Mr. Rodney Oliver
Mr. Gary Smith
Geometry, Calculus
Algebra, Coaching
Trignometry, Algebra
Clark Winkler and Mike Gordon demonstrate ways to use the slide rule.
Grant Buchanan, Dave Skoubyc, Kelly Wright, and Rulon concentrate on learning the basics of calculus. 20
Gary Jeffs, Richard Ga~herum, and Chris Peterson examine chemical models.
¡ ¡ Allred investigate Geo rge B adovmatz, Sue Anderson, an d L orrame the un ecn world of micro copic organisms.
Karl Bingham studies animal bone structure.
Science Brings Life into Living Living plants are now growing in the new greenhouse which was added to the science area this year. Here, students could study life and growth of plants under various conditions.
Mr. David Erickson Biology, American History
Mr. Far1ell Gunnell
Mr. Ken McCleary
Biology, Zoology, Botany Chemistry, Algebra, Physics
Science classes put students busily to work examining scales on a butterfly wing or balancing a chemical equation. They emphasized not only the biological but also the physical aspects of life.
Business Classes Prepare the Way to Success The goal of the business classes was to help students achieve efficiency in primary business skills today so that they could better meet the challenges of ton1orrow. Mrs. Wilson's marketing and bookstore classes put the students in real-life situations and work programs as they learned to solve the problems of today's exciting world of merchandising. Mr. Brown's bookkeeping classes went beyond bookkeeping as they took an introductory look at the "now" world of computer technology. Mrs. Westenskow's typing and shorthand classes helped prepare students for college even if they weren't going into business. Her vocational business students learned the arts of being a secretary as they prepared programs, tickets, and other articles for school use.
Carolyn Begay and Steve lllguth learn to operate a cash register.
Mr. Blaine Brown Bookkeepin~-:, Cheerfeadin~-:, Sta~-:e
Julie Christensen learns office proficiency on the dictophonc.
lora We ten k w
Mrs. Lila Wilson
Type, Business Machines, Math, Marf..etin!-{, Bookstore Stenography, Vocat. /Jus.
Steve Sybrowsky aids Mr. Milne by running the projector.
Coleen Wintle, Ricky Peterson, and Renae Rasmussen discuss the current events of the day.
Mike Westbook concentrates on an important cone ep.t
Social Science Adds New Features ' M~. James Bradford
Mr. Robert Cuff
Economics, Sociology, Con- Contemp. Problems, A mertemp. Problems, Am. History ican History, Coaching
Mr. Donald Milne American History, World flistor y
Mr. Jay Pond American History, Contemp . Problems
Today's Isms, Contemporary problems and Minority groups were some of the new offerings in Jordan's Social Science Department. These new study areas helped give students greater understanding to many of the problems of today. An experiment was a team teaching situation with three trainee teachers in Mr. Bradford's classes. A new record of twenty-three classes was set in American History. Sophomores as well as Juniors were given the opportunity to complete this class for graduation. This will make it possible for students to have a greater variety of subjects in the Social Science Department. Today's Isms is a study of Communism, Facism, Capitalism, and Socialism. These all give students understanding of the actions and reactions of the people around the world. 23
Fine Arts
Helped Students Discover Themselves
"I can't draw!" "I can't act!" "I have no talent!" These are some of the thoughts that passed through doubtful minds as students attended the first day of a class in the fine arts area. Art classes taught students the inner joy of bringing a flower to life on a sheet of paper. Band and orchestra students were taught to work for perfection and they delighted in giving pleasure to others through music. Still other students learned the thrill of being "under the lights" of the stage, whether it was for a drama presentation or a performance by the A Cappella Choir.
Mr. Robert McDo.1ald
Mr. Charles Naylor
Orchestra, Band, Matlz.
German, English, Music
Miralee Davis creates pottery from a lump of clay.
Mr. Arval N eJson
Mr. Donald Olsen
Drama tudents practice make-up skills f r u
Mr. Ralph Pace
Mr. Brian Rawlings
Ceramics, Crafts, Stage Design
Drama, Speech, Stage .Productions
in a dramatic pr duction.
-- ._._. II
Jordan's spirited marching band displays talent.
Lisa Nelson uses artistic ability to express herself.
Alan Prince strives to portray human characteristics.
Industrial Arts Provides the Learning of Skills Probing a circuit for defects could mean a future electronic technician is in the making. Forming wood into a useful piece of furniture could mean a future carpenter is getting his training. Planning the structure of buildings or objects could mean a future skilled draftsman is being trained. Welding and servicing an automobile could mean there is a future mechanic in the making.
Mr. Gerald Fisher
Mr. Tracy Holt
General Metals, Drafting
Auto Mechanics
All the skills taught in our industrial arts department, whether for a future life's work, or for a hobby, are most important even for the knowledge gained.
Ron Mace adjusts exhaust manifold in auto mechanics class.
Mr. Roger King
Mr. Wend ell Peterson
Woodwk., American History
Gary hinkle learns principle¡ of construction by doing.
Home Economics Includes Boys
Miss Betty Henderson
Mrs. Dixie Hill
Mrs. Gertrude Tranter
Clothing, Type
Foods, Dance
Type, Home Living
Boys were allowed to take home mana oo-ement this year. This was a class comparable to the girls' homeliving class. These classes discussed fundamental problems of marriage including personality traits and in-law conflicts. Boys were invited to participate in panel discussions on such topics as dating, drinking, and the generation gap. Coats, jumpsuits, formals and more often simple dresses were seen in the case outside the sewing room displaying the talents of the girls in sewing classes. Girls in foods classes learned to prepare appetizing food and they highlighted the year by preparing a special ¡Christmas dinner for a few members of the faculty.
A sewing machine is a most important factor in making clothes.
Cindy Robinson strives to complete her sewing project.
Lela McAdams prepares a tasty meal in her foods class.
I.M.C. Completes Second Year Our Instructional Media Center provides the students of Jordan with a sanctuary in which to study. The large collection of literature gives seeking individuals a source for both instruction and enjoyment. Many take the opportunity to use the new electric typewriters in the soundproof rooms . The I.M.C. may also be a place of relaxation to those watching ¡ television or reading magazines.
Richard Peterson relaxes while reading Tolstoy.
Mr. Jay Burkinshaw
Mrs. Marilyn Yates
Special Education Students Learn on the Job
Craig Ostler absorbs trigonometry in a new way.
A work study program for students was one of the new projects developed by the Special Education Department. Students were given an opportunity for relea ed time from school each day to work on an actual job for wages. Other students developed skills through instructions in cooking and woodcraft as well as the basic school tudies. This helped the students to be prepared for the world of work.
Mr. Calvin Harri
Mr. Arland Russon
Enf,flish, Shop & Woodwork, En[.f., Dril'er's Ed., Home A mericanllistory, Math. Manaf.f., llealtlt, Wk. Exper.
Mrs. Carolyn Wright English, Business, Homeliving, Type
Mr. Paul Anderson
Mr. Randy Autentico
Mr. Jerry McCleary
Mr. Robert McKay
Mrs. Marietta Williams
P.E., Health, Math, Coaching, American History
American History, P.E., Coaching
Health, Physiology, P.E.
Psychology, Health, Genetics, Coaching
Pep Club, Dance, P.E.
Sophomore boys gain basketball skills.
Physical Education A Stronger Jordan Who would dare to get on parallel bars seven feet above ground and spin around? Jordan's courageous girls would. Who would run to the weight room wearing gym shorts in zero weather just to have the body-building experience of lifting weights and sweating? Jordan's courageous boys would.
Kelly Webster and Lenea Rocks reach for volleyball as Cindy Reed watches.
These two examples are only a part of the curriculum of Jordan's physical education department. Physical Education builds strength, coordination, but most of all, teamwork. 29
Custodians Keep Jordan Bright A cold building with no lights is a detriment to the learning process. The custodial staff labored all year to make Jordan comfortable and attractive. After school each day, every floor had to be swept and the myriads of waste baskets had to be emptied. Occasional janitorial duties included buffing the floors, painting the stair steps, and washing the windows. Various students were given an opportunity to gain extra spending money as they were hired to help the custodians.
CUSTODIAL STAFF- Left to Right: Howard Cude, Fred Alldredge Phil Brinton, Golden Ray Holt, Head Custodian. '
This is an everyday scene in the cafeteria.
Cafeteria Gains Colorful Changes Students enjoyed the new tables and colorful chairs in Jordan's lunchroom. This was a great improvement for Jordan. The switch from elf-contained lunch service to the Federal Lunch Program was one of Jordan's great changes. This was a pleasing, economic improvement for many students. For others it meant delicious hot rolls and butter that came with every meal.
CAFETERIA STAFF: velyn Brown, ManaRer; Alice Nicl on, Marilyn Wag tafT, Norma Erickson , Marian ldham , Lois Ballard, Mabel Larson, Florence Whittenburg, Vi Dickman.
Students in office practice assist the office staff with daily duties.
Mrs. Wagstaff looks up information in class code manual.
Office Staff
Mrs. Bodell aids Mr. Bishop with student attendance information.
Keeps Jordan Running Efficiently Efficient, cheerful, and very dependable are characteristics of this year's office staff. Mrs. Ainsworth n1anaged the office and also had the great responsibility of handling all school finances. Mrs. Wagstaff took care of all school transcripts and records besides running the office machines for both students' and teachers benefit. Mrs. Bodell worked along with Mr. Bishop in recording and working with student attendance.
Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth Mrs. Marjorie Bodell
Mrs. Lena Wagstaff
In spite of all these responsibilities, the clerks were always smiling and ready to lend assistance to anyone in need. 31
Student Body Becoming a part of Jordan is living each day to the fullest. It's gaining knowledge of the traditions and foundations of Jordan. Becoming a part is going to school activities and supporting school activities and supporting school spirit. The future and destiny of all are inspired by growth and understanding through past experience. The students strive to live, learn, progress and better themselves through belonging to the student body of Jordan High.
Student Body Officers
Dear Jordan, Our school year has been one of the most pleasant and successful because of the close cooperation and unity of the students and teachers. We have enjoyed many activities together, activities which will always be remembered with pride. It has certainly been my pleasure this past year to serve as your Student Body President. It's hard to leave this school after three years, but I would like to thank the entire Student Body for making our school year 1970-71 such a successful one. Sincerely, Brent Gunderson
Brent Gunder on President 34
Janet Cornia Secretary
Grant Buchanan Second Vice-President
Loni Andersen
Brian Brady
First Vice-President
Officers' Council Leads School ~'What business should we discuss today?" President Brent Gunderson asked the group of leaders.
"I think we should talk about possible changes in the dress code," came the reply. Thus, the meeting of the Jordan High Officers' Council began. The council, which is the governing body of the school, consists of the executive officers, class presidents, A. B. J. and A. G. J. presidents, and head cheerleader.
Officers' Council consists of: Brent Gunderson, Brian Brady, Grant Buchanan, Janet Cornia, Loni Ander en, Trent liver, Lisa Nelson, Margie Day, Brent Bonham, Kent Ware, Nedd Andersen .
The work of this year's council extended through the planning of the "Get Acquainted" and Thanksgiving parties, the Student Officer ' Assembly, the Jordan Olympics, and the chool spirit conte t . Through close liai on with the adtninistration and student council, the Officer ' Council found olutions to problems and gained greater privileges for the student body.
Student ouncil members: Fra nk Andru , G eorge Badovina tz, Jean Baker, Becky Ballard, u a n Bergene r, rai g Bi ~op , D a le Bowler, Terry ampbell , D a ni el ary , Lind a lark , ~ av1d Dra per, Brenda dmund s, on !wood , K rry F e rguson , Ke1th Ka rtc hn er, R xanne Ll yd , David Meldrum , Scott Mi c kel sen , olettc M~ore , Dave M rse, Nancy Noffsin ger, Maureen Nok es, Trent Ollv~r , onnie Parker, Tina Potter, hannon ag cr , Dou g helby, Ed1th hcppick , lien koubye, Annette mith , Rich a rd Stauffe r, Joy VanTassel , u g Vawdry , ary Whitehead , Ted Wood wa rd, Wendy Woodward , Bonnie Wri ght.
Student Council Promotes Welfare of Jordan The Student Council, being the democratic voice of Jordan High School, discussed and solved some of the vital problems of the school. Consisting of the executive officers and a representative from each homeroom, the Student Council met in the choral room and their purpose was to maintain the general welfare of the student body. Moving toward this goal, they discussed such topics as independent periods, dress standards and how to improve the maintenance of the student lounge. They also held the responsibility of approving petitions and recommending school activities. 37
Senior Class Officers 38
Rosemary Hul e
Brent Bonham
Paula R ed Vice-President
Brent Adair
Kenneth Akagi
Kim Alldredge
Don Allen
Duane Allen
Robert Allen
Mary Ann Allred
Loni Andersen
Heber Anderson
Jeanine Anderson
Jeff Anderson
Morgan Anderson
Frank Andrus
Jay Archibald
Terry Atkinson
Bill Ander. on
ar I Barber
Boyd Barney
Diana Barney
Robin Bay
Steven Baker
Caroline Begay
Becky Ballard
Susan Bergener
Seniors Wear Red in First Spirit Contest Darrell Best
rai g Bi hop
Seniors Attend Post High School Days Annette Blackham
Brent Bonham
Ray Bryant
Sharlene Cordner
Janet Cornia
Brad Cowdell
Stephen Curley
Colleen Damjanovich
Debbie Darling
Miralee Davis
Denise Day
Margie D~y
Denise DeLeeuw
Steven Demas
Rhoda DeVere
Jeff Dowland
Jeff Duke
Steve Durrant
Rochelle Fitzgerald
Roberta Fowles
Claude Fratto
John Gilchrist
Carol Gordon
Scott Gotberg
Sherry Gough
Laurie Goulding
Anita Gray
Sherlyn Green
Laurie Gregory
Terry Grove
Randy Grow
andy Hall
thelann Hall
haron Base
Vickie Haslam
Barbara Ham
Shelley Snow pauses for rcfrc hmcnt.
Eu gcna Harris
lngo Henningsen
Keryt Hilton
Richard Hoffman
Sharon Hofhines
Dave Howard
Mike Howlett
Ro emary Hulse
Richard Hummel
Don Hurst
Kim lhler
Steve Illguth
Mike Jaynes
Gary Jeffs
LeRoy Jeffs
Brett Jensen
Jenette Jensen
Marsha Jensen
Mike Jensen
Mary Beth Jewkes
Kri tine Johanson
Kenneth Johnson
Sam Johnson
Co Ilene Joosten
Dee Kahley
Seniors Highlight Year With Hop Keith Kartchner
Steven Knight
Seniors Decorate "Little Pal's" Lockers
laudia Kunz
Randy Lang
Nancy Lar en
Patti Larson
Marcine Lavery
Deni e Law
Rodney Leavitt
Patti Lind ey
Mary Ann Losser
Laura Lloyd
Sherrie Lovendahl
Ron Ll yd
Lynnette Lyhbert
JefT Landeen
ollene La ater
Joyce Lehenbauer
Ro anne Ll yd
Lela McAdams
Christine McCormick
David McNeil
Ron Mace
Cheryl Macklin
Stan Maynes
David Meldrum
Joe Martinez
Lynn Maupin
arry M ickcl en
Bruce Moller
Gregg Morgan
LaNcttc Moore
Valayne Mumford
Ron Murdock
Mark Murphy
raig Necaise
Caroline Nelson
David Morrill
Wendy Margetts
Bruce Martin
Ralph Menssen
Mike Meyer
Dave Morse
Kenneth Moore
Denise Nelson
Lisa Nelson
Charis Newbold
DeeAnn Newland
Dave Noack
Kevin Okubo
Brenda Pangos
Tewe Parry
Steve Patience
Barbara Pederson
Vern Pelch
Bill Perry
Lynn Peterson
Marsha Ballard receives turkey prize from Frank Andrus.
Richard Peterson
Ricky Peters n
Debbie Pierce
Rick Pingree
Christine Potter
Joanne Popelmayer
Bonnie Price
Alan Prince
Blake Rane
Robin Ran dell
Renae Rasmussen
Paula Reed
Russ Reinhardt
Tom Richards
layton Ricord
Brent Robin on
Cindy Robinson
Barbara Rocks
Wendy Rogers
Shannon Sagers
John chmidt
Rod Scott
Rick Searcy
Doug Shelby
Gary Shinkle
Linda Shirley
Seniors Enjoy Dinner Dance harles Simonson
David Skoubye
Seniors Reflect Success With Graduation
Dale Slater
Craig Smith
Marvin Smith
Nora Snow
Shelley Snow
Paul Soper
Bob Smith
Richard Stauffer
Mark Taggart
Debbie Tate
June Tetrick
Shauna Thornhlad
Dave Thornwall
David Tihhctts
Lynne Tolman
Art Troyer
Gloria Utley
Tom Vandcnhcrg
Joy VanTassel
Dave Vigil
Lowell Villiard
Melanie Walkenhorst
LaVerne Ward
Steve Watterson
Brian Watson
Brent Webb
Gwen Webb
Jeff Welch
Pam West
Rick West
George Westbrook
Carol Westenskow
larence Williams
J anece Winkler
olleen Wintle
Ted Woodward
John Wootton
Diane Wright
Kelly Wright
Gary Young
Robert Whitlock
Brent Robinson concentrates on his latest creation.
Ellen Skoubye
Kent Ware
Vicky Richard on
Pre ident
Junior Class Officer
Juniors Roar in Cheering Contest . .
. ..
~ -"z. ·· ~ ·'"'
Stanley Akagi
Martia Ander on Ricky Ander on Barry Anclru raig Andru
Donald Allen
Sharlene Allison
Lorraine Allred
Gary Alvey
Jolene Anderson
Julie Anderson
Brad Armit tead Judy Atwood Jean Baker Roland Baldwin
Patricia Ballamis Beverly Ballard Mary Ballard Gordon Barber
John Bell Paul Bernardo Devan Berrett Bryan Birch
Nancy Birch ell Patty Bills Roger Bird Charles Bodell
Gordon Bolliger Mark Bolton Danny Bowen Steven Bowles
Tom Boynton Debra Brady Michael Brake Michael Breeze
Juniors Create School Spirit Slogans
Phil Broadhead
Earla Brown
Mark Brown
Sherri Brown
Terry Campbell Merrill Capson Richard Carpenter Barbara Carpentier
David Childs Kerry Cole Alice Conish Vonnie Coombs
Craig Covington Vaughn ox Scott ranney Shauna rebs
Zane rebs Barbara Davenport haron Davidson Debra Dennison
Susan Bryce
ydnce Den-;lcy Rh nda Derricott Joy Despain Leanne Dick
Terry Burgener
Debra Burkinshaw
a ¡tman
Delbert ddington John I wood Lon Elwood Dan nniss
David Evans Renae Fairbourn
Sue Garfield Richard Gatherum Steve ehring Kelly eter
Stanley Fairbourn Nancy Farnsworth
Vicki Giron Karen Glassey Lonny Goetz Micheal Goff
Robert Farnsworth Anna Fitzgerald
Kevin Fitzgerald Susan Fitzgerald
Kevin Flint Gregory Fowler
Beckie Fowles Floyd Fullmer
Beverly Gardner Carol Garfield
Steve Mitchell pulls Robin Ostler in Jordan Olympics.
Tara Gotberg Ramona Graham
Susan Green Robert Greenwood
Connie Greer Deborah Griess
Relaxing in student lounge. 54
Patti Grow Billy Hall
Ruth Halladay Marjorie Hale
Pamala May Hansen Deanna Harris
Christopher Hase Wendy Hatch
Gail Heaps laudia Henke Richard Henline Rex Hicks
Diane Hill teven Hill R bertH II way Julie Homer
Marianne Howlett ianeHummel usie Humphrey Ken Illguth
Juniors Clinch Spirit Beet Knife
Kelvin Jackson
Renae Jarvis
David Jenkins
Pamela Jensen
Sandra Johansen
Cindy Johnson
Danny Johnson
Karen Johnson Kathy John on Mi lton Johnson Rhonda Johnson
Kevin Jones Taun Jones Jada Judkins Karen Kemp
Lori Lambson Laurie Lancaster Chri tine Langford Clark Lee
Sheryle Lindeman N ada Linnarz Richard Linnarz Scott Lloyd
Rickie Lovendahl Denise Luther Linda McArthur Mike McCormick
Aileen McKnight Steven Mace Rowena Mackert Jim Mangum
Phyllis Marcuez Cindy Massa Bruce Maynes Bryan Maynes
Juniors Sponsor Successful Junior Prom
Randy Meldrum
Sam Melonas
Scott Mickelson
Michael Neff JaN ae Nelson
Cheryl Noffsinger Lyle Norton
David Mitch ell
Karlcne Oliver Donna rwin raig stler Robyn Ostler
Steve Mitchell
Judy viatt ddy Panek teven Parry arl Patter on
Ann Mounteer
Wendy Peac ck J hn Pearce Randy Penr d Rick Perry
Darlene Mullen
raig P ter ¡en Julie Peter on Kathy Peter n harlcne Phillip '
Colleen Potter Maria Price
Susan Row ell Steve Runolf on Lynne Ru ell ale Salmon
Elaine Rasmussen Dave Reese
athy Sanders Lora ee Scott Judy Setterberg Steve Sheppard
Don Reeve AlonaReich
Bruce Shryers Stefannie Sippel Ellen Skoubye Lori Slade
Scott Rich Vicky Richardson
Ina Riding Kern Robinson
Karen Roche Richard Romero
Don Rosenkrantz Dana Ross
Juniors Lori and Doug kick up their heels in the Virginia reel.
Brent Smith Darlene Smith
David M. Smith David W. Smith
Donna Smith Jeannie Smith
Len Smith Lori Smith
Linda McArthur knows the answer.
Paul Smith Royce Smith
John Springer Lind a Stoedter
Robin Stone Lance Story
Eddy Sullivan Dawn utcliffe W ayne wen n Leven ybrow ky
Rus el Thomas ynthi a homp on ~ v e lyn Thomp on D ebbi e Thornwall
Juniors Display Talent in Assembly
Kris Tolman
Bettie Tripp
Marcie Tunbridge
Anne Turner
Debbie Turner
Marilyn Turpin
Douglas Vawdrey
Linda Y engich Jim Zagarich Tamara Zagorec
Karla Vawdrey Ron Veater Debbie Vernon Doug Wag taff
Linda Wahlin Bryan Walters Kent Ware Paul Washburn
Debra Waters Della Weller Raymon Wentz Venna Whetman
Frank Wilburn Carroll Williams Konae Williams Randy Winger
Clark Winkler Rick Withers Lanie Wolfgramm Sal Wolfgramm
Laura Woodruff Wendy Woodward Connie Wright Emily Yaka
Susan Hilton Vice-President
Nedd Ander en President
har n Nunley Secretary
Sophomore Class Officers
Sophomores Elect Class Officers
Mark Adair Jon Adam Suzanne Alldredge Jodi Allen Ronald Allen Laurel Allgood
Reed Allsop Ladon Anderson Nedd Andersen Sue Anderson olctte Armit tead Howard Armstrong
Marsha Alleman Bernie Atkinson Jim Austin George Badovinatz Merridy Bagley William Bagshaw
Carol Bailey LaRee Baker Letty Baker Paul Baker Kelley Bakker
Brian Ballard Marsha Ballard Ric Baugh Karen Beck Rod Beckstead
Steven Beckstead Karl Bingham Susan Blackwood Vincent Bluth Joey Bogenschutz
Shelbie Bolliger Karen Brady Kurt Brooks Deni Brown Doug Brown
Sophomores Receive Pie at "Get Acquainted" Pa11)ty
Dana Buchanan Judy Buh
Larry Burbank Carla Burch
Gene Burgess Mike Burgon
Nancy Call shows typical anxiety of sophomores.
Toni Burgon Bruce Burningham Susan Butler Mike aldwell Nancy all
John Diana Jerry
Dan Cranney Scott rapo hirlcy rebs Jack ri pin Linda Damjanovich Bonnie Davenport
Jana Davu, Shauna Davis Jim Day Michelle Demarest Marilu Dennie Diane Denni on
Kent Derricott Faith Despain Linda Dick Dane Dixon Dave Draper Debra Duncan
Jerry Dunn Randy Eaton Shawna Eddington Debra Edmunds Karl Edmunds Michael Elder
Kevin Elkington Nikki Ellis Bobby Elmer Marydell Elswood Nona Elwood Donna Eubanks
Brenda Fairbourn David Fairbourn Cathy Farnworth DeVar Fairboum Kerry Ferguson Jeff Fergus
Bill Finnegan Colleen Fitzgerald Tony Flores Karleen Fitzgerald Mary Ann Fitzgerald Lois Ford
Sophomores Win Telephone Spirit Contest
Ken Fritz Jim Gardner Dale Garfield Kelly Gause Michele Gilchri t
Janet Kay Glad Marsha Goetz Mike Gordon Rick Gotberg Randy Gotberg
Rick Gray Don Greenwo d Laurie reenwood Matt regory John Greycs
Robert Dawn heryl aynel urr Kevin Hadley
Pamela Han ¡en Trudie Hansen Annette Hardcastle DCJnny Hardcastle Peggy Hardcastle Mark Hardy
Ron Hartwell rgia Ha e tevcn Ha Ling ¡ Jerry Hatch arolinc Haycock Brian Hewitt
erecia Higbee usan Hilton rc ig Hofeling avid Hoffman Jenice Hofhines teve Hoglund
Sid Lawrence Ken Lawson Marilyn Leatherbury
Don Hooser Debra Hranac Spencer Huffman Ron Hughes Mike Huntzinger Gloria I vie
Susan Jaynes Doyle Jenkins Claude Jensen ollene Jensen awnette Jensen Vern Jensen
Richard Johnson Doyle Johnstun Merrilea Jones Susan Jones Linda Joos Johnny Jordan
Colleen Ju Steve Kaufman Roger Kemp Deborah Kerby Blaine Killian Penny Knight
Heidi Sharp participates in homeroom door-decorating contest.
Sophomores Take Second in Homecoming Parade
Phillip Lepore Joni Leyba
Gary Lloyd Brenda McFarland
Vonnie McMilin Sandy McNeil
hris Mace Lemont Mace Lynn Marchant Monte Margelts Jeff Maughan
Brad Maxwell Danny Maxwell Mark Maynes N rma Mead I avid Mellor John Mel nas
John Merrian R bert Meyer Kim Mick.elscn C nnic Miller Gordan Mill r Tim Miller
' lend n Mitchell Bryan M re 'olclle M re Lee Morgan Jeff Morrill T resa M rse
Becky Rakes Keith Rappleye Cyndy Reed
Jeniece Mullen Royce Mumford Becky Murphy Robin Neve Terry Newhouse Nancy Noffsinger
Maureen Nokes Shell y Norton Mark Nosack Sharon Nunley andy Nygard Lee Odorizze
Jerry 01 on Dave Orton Valerie Oviatt Claude Panek onnie Parker Kathy Patience
Jay Petersen Mike Peterson Tina Potter Sandy Porter Joan Powell Janet Price
William Reeve Helen Rich Bruce Richardson
Reyna! Rigby Jason Ritzman Kim Robinson
Brenda McFarlane practices hard for J.V. Cheerleader tryouts.
Sophomores Win Telephone Spirit Contest!
Lenea Rocks Mark Rogers Brad Rose Sandy Rosenkrantz Scott Rowsell
Doug Rynear on Debbie Sadler Lorrie Salter Karen Samuelson Debbie Sevy
Leslie Sanders Kirk Schocker Russ Scott Heidi Sharp Allen Shelby
Phil Shell Janet Shinkle Pam Sielhorst Pamela Simmons Donald Singleton
Annette mith Buddy mith Chc1 ri mith Kerry Smith LuAnne mith Pam 'mith
Penny Robert Tom LuAnn Gretchen heila
mith 'mith mith tocdtcr turdy
Richie vedin G ieselc wanagan Debbie Tait John Tate Vardell Taylor Joe Terry
Richard Wentz Janalyn West Jeff West
Elton Tetric Stan Thacker Dean Thornwall Kristine Tripp Colleen Utley Carmen Vasquez
Peggy Van Amen Carla Vaccaro Candace Wack Jaqueline Wall Chad Washburn John Watts
Richard Watson Gary Webb Chris Webster Kellie Webster Marshall Welch Michael Weller
Mike Westbook Sharon Williams Randy Withers
Wesley Witt Wayne Whetman Claudia White
Susan Hilton and Gloria I vie study for a test in one of their classes.
Organizations The clubs at Jordan contribute to the success of Jordan. They give our students variety in the school curriculum and a chance to serve others. For many, belonging to one of Jordan's organizations means enjoying a hobby or learning in an area of interest. Being in a club makes everyone share a bigger part of Jordan.
Photography advisor, Mr. Nelson, shoots individual pictures.
Layout: Jeanine Anderson- Art Editor, Valayne MumfordYearbook Editor, Sharon Davidson.
Copy: Denise DeLeeuw, Scott Lloyd - Copy Editor, Craig Petersen, Mrs. Wilson - Yearbook Advisor.
Sports: Heidi Sharp, Richard atherum Beckie Fowles, laude ratto - Typist.
Sports Editor,
Photography: Miralee Davis, Lori Lambson Photography Editor, Marilu Dennies.
Staff members assist in securing individual pictures.
Beetdigger Tells Story of 70-71 Who made the yearbook? The work was accomplished by 13 industrious staff members comprising four committees. Each day the copy committees could be seen racking their brains to create all written work. It was the job of the photography committee to search through myriads of proofs and choose appropriate pictures to tell the story of the year. The art committee, besides creating special effects, designed the pages and decided where each piece of material would go. The sports department saw that each athletic season received proper coverage. Overseeing the production of the annual were Editor Valayne Mumford and Advisor Mrs. Wilson. The staff was assisted by an alert, five-man photography team. Under the direction of Mr. Nelson they captured scenes, developed proofs and enlarged pictures. Their work added greatly to the quality of this volume.
Photographers, Top to Bottom: Robert Clarke, Robert Smith, Rick Linnarz, Kelvin Jackson, Steve Sheppard.
Broadcaster Vocal Chord of Jordan "Seniors Win Cup in Olympics," "Jordan Remodels." "Young Americans Compete in T.V. Quiz Show." These are a few of the headlines which marked the pages of the Broadcaster this year.
Writers: David W. Smith; Advisor: Mrs. Dow; Claude Fratto.
The Broadcaster was the vocal chord of Jordan High. Every two weeks it appeared with coverage of activities, sports events, and human interest stories. Editorials and features were also included. The Broadcaster was run like a small business since advertisements were run to help pay for cost of production. Sponsorship of a Christmas writing contest encouraged those with interest in creative writing. Writers: Doug Wag taff Craig Bluemel, Grant Buchanan.
Assistant Editor: Lori Slade.
Editor-in-chief :
aVerne Ward ¡ Busin ~ss Manager:
Editors-in-chief: LaVerne Ward, Brenda Steadman.
Writers: Stan Eastman, Rex Burton, Scott Lloyd; photographer: Gary Whitehead, writer: Gary
Writers: Rowena Mackett, Karla Vawdrey, Wendy Hatch, Martia Anderson.
Associated Boys of Jordan Give Away Turkeys Every boy at Jordan is a member of the Associated Boys of Jordan. This club sponsored the Thanksgiving Party in which names were drawn and contestants threw frisbees to win a turkey. This activity was a great success. The A.B.J.'s purpose was to promote better understanding for the boys of Jordan.
A. B. J. OFFICERS - Left to Right, Row One: Jeff Maughn, Secretary; Frank Andrus, Senior Representative; Doug Wagstaff, Vice President. Row Two: Scott Crapo, Sophomore Represnetative; Trent Oliver, President; Caray Lindquist, Junior Representative.
Pam Simmons throws frisbee in Thanksgiving turkey contest.
tudcnt prove uperior in Student-Faculty ba kctball game.
Bectdiggers go casual at Dog Patch Drag.
A. G. J. OFFICERS - Left to Right, Row One: Sharon Davidson, Junior Representative; Wendy Rogers, Senior Representative; Karen Brady, Sophomore Representative. Row Two: Lisa Nelson, President; Debbie Turner, Vice President; Michele Gilchrist, Secretary.
Associated Girls of Jordan Plan Activities
Kathy Sanders and Rennae Jarvis contemplate bringing dads to Fathers' and Daughters' Night.
Various activities kept the girls of Jordan very busy this year. These A.G.J. sponsored activities included Girls' Day, the Mothers and Daughters' Party, and the Girls' Club assembly. Girls also looked forward to "getting hitched" at the Dog Patch Drag, and to a "hot date" with Dad on Fathers' and Daughters' Night. 77
Tenors and basses sing melody while Lorraine Allred accompanies choir.
A CAPPELLA -Left to Right, Row One: Lela McAdams, Kris Johanson, Debbie Dennison, Sherrie Lovendahl, Loni Ander en, Debbie Turner, Janece Winkler, Social Chairman; Diane Hummel, Debbie Darling, Steve Illguth, Alan Prince, Social Chairman; Brent undcrson. Row Two: Ina Riding, Susan Fitzgerald, Paula Elg, Deni e Law, Robin Stone, Ellen Skoubye, Jolene Anderson, Su an Bryce, Nancy arnsworth, Bryctn Stephenson, Rulon Ebert, Mike Jensen, Section Leader. Row Three:
Alto add harmony and rhythm to the rc t of the choir,
Lorraine Allred, Laura Woodruff, Trca 路urer; Rhond a Derricott, Sharon avidson, onnic Brundage, ecti n Leader; Anne urncr, Vonnie oomb 路, Mary Ballard, Beverly Ballard, 'ale aim n, Paul per, Bruce Martin, anny Martinez, om Richards, President. Row /路 our: Roxanne Lloyd, ecretary; olleen Wintle, B nnic Price, Darien Mulray, heryl Lindeman, len, Mary Beth Jewk 路, e retary; Anita Karen Roche, Linda McArthur Frank Andrus, Brent Robinson. Brad i her, Dave No ack, reg Waters.
A Cappella Appears 011 Television Besides entertaining the students of Jordan on various assemblies and singing in church meetings throughout the area, this year the A Cappella Choir did something new. They brought joy and Christmas cheer to the many people who are the "Midday" television audience. Something else was also added to the choir. The formation of a Madrigal group provided additional opportunity for participation. These activities were under the supervision of Mr. Charles Naylor, new director this year. MADRIGALS- Left to Right, Row One: Mr. Naylor, Loni Andersen, Cynthia Thompson, Janet Cornia, Denille Crapo. Row Two: Marianne Howlett, Beverly Ballard, Paula Elg. Row Three: Robin Stone, Denise DeLeeuw, Wendy Margetts, Roxanne Lloyd. Row Four: Duane Allen, Jay Archibald, Scott Mickelsen, Richard Hoffman. Row Five: Dave Tibbetts, Tom Richards, Kent Hilton. Row Six: Paul Soper, Rod Scott, Milton Johnson, Kent Ware. Not Pictured: MaryBeth Jewkes.
A_ CAPPELLA -Left to Right, Row One: Tom Boynton, Lyle ~orton, R.tchard Hummel, Jay Archibald, Dave Tibbitts, Carol Begay! Robm Bay, l<arlene Oliver, ori Smith, Karen Johnson, Mr. Naylor, dtrector. Row Two: Kent Hilton, Art Troyer, Milton Johnson, Ric~ard Hoffman,_ Rod Scott, Patti Bill , Janet ornia, Shelley Snow, Debbte Vernon, Mtralee Davi , Carol Garfield, Venna Whetman. Row Three: Kent Ware, John
Bell~ Dennis Brugman, Stan Akagi, ~ectwn Leader; Beckie Ballard, Neena
Scott Mickelsen, Duane Allen, Durrant, Renae Fairbourn, MarIanne Howlett, Historian; Cynthia Thompson, Claudia Kunz. Row Four: Robert Holloway, David Skoubye, Vice President; Brian Brady, Kelly Geter, Ricky Peterson, Wendy Margetts, Denise DeLeeuw, Nancy Bryce, Karen Glassey, Renae Rassmussen, Della Weller, Nada Linnarz, Denille Crapo, Section Leader; Dawn Cowdell.
~~~. :;, .•,.•:•.• w~;;:~ • .
MASQUE AND GAVEL- Top to Bottom, Row One: Marianne Howlett, RaMona Graham, Richard Peterson, President; Roxanne Lloyd, Laurie Gregory, Sharon Hardcastle. Row Two: Janet Price, Laurie Greenwood, Cynthia Thompson, Brent Gunderson, Sharon Davidson, Nancy Larsen. Row Three: Jeanine Anderson, Penny Smith, Ina Riding. Row Four: Kent Derricott, Anne Turner, Vonnie Coombs, Darlene Mullen, Lisa Nelson, Deni Brown, Janece Winkler. Row Five: Rod Scott, Vice-President; Barbara Davenport, Judy Atwood, Craig Petersen, Richard Hoffman, Linda Stoedter, Rhoda Devere, Mr. Rawlings,
· \I
Advi or. Row Six: Kern Robinson, Martia Anderson Pam Jen en, LaVerne Ward, Brenda Steadman. Row Sel'en: Dave koubye, Nancy Noff inger, Mary Ann Allred, Activity hairman; Susan Bergener, Janette Landeen, Beckie Fowles, David M. Smith. Row EiRitl: Bonnie Price, arol Bailey, Lynne Ru el, Marsha Jen en. Row Nine: regg Morgan, Alice onish, heryl Noffsinger, Krista truh . Row Ten: Bob Greenwood, Kathy John on, Ellen Skoubye, Jerry Hatch, Konae Williams. Row Eleven: Jeff Landeen, Nada Linnarz, Gail Heaps, Rhonda Derricott, Historian; Della Weller. Row Tlllell'e: Kent Ware, Lori Slade, Patti Bills, Secretary; Karla Vawdrey, Sue reen.
Masque and Gavel Promotes Theatrical Interest The Masque and Gavel under Brian Rawling's direction, furthered the members' interest in theater. It gave the students a chance to see excellent performances and at the same time study various principles of acting, directing, and interpolation. Through their Christmas project and other similar activities, the members also learned to give service to others.
New Ma que and Gavel member enjoy initiation.
NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY-Left to Right, Row One: David Morse, Dave Morrill, Valayne Mumford , Karlene Oliver, Marcie Tunbridge, Janece Winkler, Loni Anderson , Renae Jarvi s, Richard Hummell , Vice-President. Row Two: Kern Robin son , Kelly Wright, p, esident; Paula Elg, Secretary; Karrie Fitzgerald, Sue Garfield, Lisa Nelson, Brent
Gunderson. Row Three: Dee Enniss, Devan Berret, Lorraine Allred, Gail Heaps, Brenda Steadman, Historian; Lori Slade, LeRoy Jeffs, Dave Skoubye. Row Four: Denise DeLeeuw, Shauna Thornblad , LaVerne Ward, Treasurer; Grant Buchanan, Richard Hoffman. Row Five: Craig Bishop, Gordon Brown, Claude Fratto, Stan Cox, Jeff Landeen. Row Six: Gary Jeffs, Kent Ware, Dave Jenkins, Lee Burningham.
National Honor Society Carries Out Fund Drive Service was emphasized when the National Honor Society decided to go "where the action is" and participate in a local fund drive. Also, members were honored with a banquet at the end of the school year.
National Honor Society Members study the world of today and tomorrow.
A 3.5 grade point average and a teacher's recommendation were required for entrance into the Honor Society. The community and faculty recognized members as students who possessed the traits of character, leadership, scholarship, and service. 81
J ordanettes New Service Club at Jordan Confusion was banished at basketball games, drama productions and A Cappella concerts. A new club at Jordan, the J ordanettes, served the studentbody by adding organization to many extra-curricular activities. Besides handing out programs and greeting guests, the J ordanettes ushered the audiences to their seats in a quiet orderly manner. Mrs. Fitzgerald served as advisor to the club.
The Jordanettes on the job ushering at the "Odd Couple."
Linda Y engich and Cathy Sanders hand programs to students as they enter auditorium.
USIIERETTES- Row One, Left to Ri~ht: Karlecn Fitzgerald, Becky Murphy, Merrilea Jone , Connie Miller. Marianne Howlett, Donna Duke, Robin Stone, Denise Law, Donna Orwin, Alice Conish, Pamela Hansen, laudia Henke. Row Two: Diane Dcnrâ&#x20AC;˘ison, onnie ubdon, Renae Jarvis, Secretary; Debbie Turner, yndy Reed, I enea Rocks, uzy Humphrey, President; EUen Skoubye, Karen Samuelson, athy Sanders, Vice-President; Linda Ycngish .
KEY CLUB-Left to Right, Row One: Frank Andrus, Mr. Jerry McCleary, Advisor; Bob Smith, Stan Eastman, Brian Brady. Row Two: Alan Prince, Zane Crebs, Gordon Bolliger, Rex Burton, Brad Olson.
Key Club Sponsors KN AK vs. Faculty Game Disc-jockeys from the KNAK radio station traveled to Jordan and were confronted by the tough competition of Jordan's faculty. This game, in which the faculty proved victorious, was sponsored by Jordan's Key Club. The Key Club was also in charge of raising and presenting the flag in the morning and at each school assembly.
Key Club raises the flag each morning.
The club members served as hosts when businessmen visited the school on such occasions as Post High School Day and Career Day. 83
Model U.N. Attends State Assembly Bolivia, Libya, and Upper Volta were each represented by Beetdiggers this year. The delegates from these nations were members of Jordan's Model United Nations Club. The representatives participated at the annual Utah High Schools Model U.N. Assembly held at the University of Utah on April 23. Each of the club members was assigned to one of the three delegations. They studied their nations in order to represent them effectively in the assembly. Meeting every Wednesday afternoon, the club learned procedures used in actual United Nations assemblies. They also watched movies on the subject.
MODEL U.N.-Left to Right, Row One: Sandy Johansen, Melanie Walkenhorst, Annette Blackham, Sherlyn Green, Linda Stoedter, Karrie Fitzgerald, Claudia Burningham, Janet Cornia, Karen Roche, Rapporter ; Brad Maxwell, Vickie Myers, Sue Green, Alice Conish, Asst. Sec. General; Krista Struhs, Julie Peterson, Rapporter; Mr. Pond, Advisor.
Model U.N. discusses world problems.
Row Two: Marsha Jensen, Ranae Rasmussen, Rhoda DeVere, Wendy Hatch, Tara Gotberg, Chris Peterson, Tewe Parry, Gwen Webb, Rhonda Derricot, Jeanine Anderson. Row Three: Kern Robinson, Bryan Maynes, Lowell Villiard, Tom Vandenburg, Kerry Ferguson, Jeff Anderson, Stan Eastman, Jeanie Smith, Steven Hill, Rhonda Johnson, Randy Winger, Secretary General; Brent Gunderson, Rod Scott.
_ \--
DECA-Left to Right, Row One: Bob Smith, Steve Illguth, Terry Atkinson, Marcie Tunbridge, Sandy Johansen, Cindy Robinson, Carol Westcnskow, Secretary; Diana Barney, Historian; Roberta Fowles, President; Mike Jaynes, Dave Meldrum, Vice-President. Row Two: Sherry Gough, Caroline Begay, Roxanne Lloyd, Brenda Soper, Bruce Martin, Diane Dennison, Suzy Humphrey, Beverly Ballard, Denise Luther, Gary Alvey, Sandy Rosenkrantz, Sheryl Lindeman, Nancy Barton, Dave Howard. Row Three: Barbara Davenport, Renae Fairbourn, Pam Jensen, Joy Despain, Nancy Farnsworth, Dawn Sutcliffe, Bryan Walters,
Colleen Damjanovich. Row Four: Barbara Pederson, Rhonda Johnson, Gertchen Stoedter, Konae Williams, Linda McArthur, Dave Nosack, Jada Judkins, Debbie Jensen, Janece Winkler, Nora Snow, Kurt Brooks. Row Five: Coleen Ju, Lois Connary, Lauri Christensen, Brenda Fairbourn, Kim Robinson, Linda Yengich, Chris Tolman, Lamonte Mace, Garry Mickelsen, Patti Larsen, Carl Edmunds. Row Six: David Mitchell, Steve Sheppard, Joanne Popelmayer, Sharon Hase, Marilyn Leatherbury, Brian Brady, Row Seven: Laurie Gregory, Marlene Cordner, Candy Hall, Sharlene Cordner, Gaynell Gurr, Jesse McPherron, Ted Woodward, Kim Ihler, Wayne Swenson, Craig Smith.
DECA Competes in Marketing Skills Members of Jordan's DECA chapter made an effective showing at the state competition held in March. They participated with other schools in such skills as radio and T.V. advertising, sales demonstrations, shadow boxes, merchandise math, and job interviews. Four representatives of the club were sent to Boise, Idaho, for the Western Regional DECA conference.
Mike Jaynes, Wayne Swenson, and Kurt Brooks work on posters for DECA social.
Other activities included a social held with the Brighton chapter and a Christmas project in which children at the Utah State Training School were given gifts and 25 dollars. 85
Dance Club Competes and Wins We won! We won! These were the cries that escaped from members of the dance club as results from several competitive events were announced. With the theme "Dance Around the World," the dance club float took first place in Jordan's Homecoming parade. The club also took first place in the talent assembly with their "tea dance." With Mrs. Hill as their capable advisor, the dance club created new beats and patterns and added sparkle to the musical, the Christmas assembly, the traveling assembly, and to their spring concert.
"The winning float."
DANCE CLUB-Left to Right, Row One: Diane Hummel, Secretary; Debbie Darling, Loni Anderson, Gail Salmon, Lori Smith, Colleen Damjanovich. Row Two: Cindy Robinson, Historian; Debbie Harris, Paula
Dance Club practices for Christmas assembly.
Elg, Wendy Woodward, Sherrie Lovendahl, Debbie Burkinshaw, Elaine Rasmussen, Debbie Brady, Donna Smith, Joy VanTassel, Shelley Snow. Not pictured: Shannon Sager', President; Nora Snow, Vice-President.
F.H.A.-Left to Right, Row One: Rhoda DeVere, Susan Fitzgerald, Denise Law, Anita Gray, Colette Parker, Robyn Ostler, Venna Whetman, Linda McArthur. Row Two: Sharon Rase, Becky Ballard, Joy VanTassell, Renae Rasmussen, Shcrlyn Green. Row Three: Melanie Walkenhorst, Karen Roche, Dcnille Crapo, Annette Blackham, Nancy Birchell, Karlcne Oliver, Rcnae Jarvis. Row Four: Krista Struhs, Debbie Darling, President; Claudia Burningham, Reporter; Janet Cornia, Gwen Webb,
Chris Peterson, Diane Capson, Sharon Hofhines, Debbie Cook, Ilene Ashworth, Sal Wolfgramm, Lanie Wolfgramm, Pam Hansen, Cathy Sanders, Ann Mounteer, Sheryl Lindeman. Row Five: Julie Christensen, Treasurer; Rochelle Fitzgerald, Historian; Karrie Fitzgerald, Vice-President; Laura Lloyd, Secretary; Joy Despain, Kathy Peterson, Susan Bergener, Faith Despain, Beverly Gardner, Wendy Peacock, Susan Crebs, Sydnee Densley.
F.H.A. Practices SelfImprovement Skills F.H.A. members were shown how to properly apply face makeup under the direction of a cosmetologist who gave a demonstration at one of the club's meetings. The cosmetologist emphasized line, color, and the art of diminishing bad features while bringing out good ones. Clothing care techniques were taught by representatives from companies such as Tri-Chem who specialized in cleaning products.
F.H.A. officers plan events of the year.
The Future Homemakers of America were provided with a social atmosphere by participation in homemaking and other activities throughout the year. 87
Stage and Design Crews Are Never Seen Behind each of Jordan's plays the people that help make it possible are the Stage and Design Crew. You may never see these hard working students. Without them you probably wouldn't see the play. The Stage Crew is responsible for the lighting, sound, and tickets. The scenery and programs is the work of the Stage Design students. At the Sweetheart's Ball, the huge reflecting ball was made by the Stage Design Crew also. All in all, the Stage Crew and Design workers perform their service to Jordan. STAGE DESIGN-Left to Right, Row One: Robyn Ostler, Dennis Brugman. Row Two: Stan Eastman, Grant Buchanan, Sue Garfield, Miralee Davis, Debbie Harris, Lance Story. Row Three: Lorraine Allred, Susan Bryce, arol Begay, Valayne Mumford. Row Four: Mr. Pace, Advisor.
STAGE CREW-Left to Right, Row One: Dave Morrill, Robin Lang, Robert Whitelock, Mr. Brown, Advisor; Jeff Morrill, Kerry mith.
BAND-Left to Right, Row One: Howard Armstrong, Ken Akagi, Kern Robinson. Row Two: Brent Adair, Karl Bingham, Mark Adair, Donald Singleton, Don Reeves, Denise Mitchell, Judy Bub, Tewe Parry. Row
Three: Brad Maxwell, Doug Carlquist, Jeff Fergus, Johnstun, Matt Gregory, Ladon Anderson, Kelly Mr. Robert McDonald, Director; Claude Jensen, Beckstead, Bert Carson, Mark Murphey, Lawrence
Dave Draper, Doyle Wright. Row Four: Claude Panek, Rod Lucero.
Band Plays Pop Music Jordan's band welcomed a new director this year in the person of Mr. Robert ~IcDonald, whose fresh ideas brought about the performance of more popular pieces making the music relevant to the interests of the student body. During the football and basketball seasons, the band sparked the enthusiasm of the Beetdigger crowd. A special stage band was formed and featured on various assemblies and programs. Special events included Christmas and Spring concerts and a district music festival.
Stage Band members, Kelly Wright, Steve Beckstead, Burt Carson, and Kem Robinson, provided music for assemblies. 89
Bookstore Supplies Students' Needs "Oh, no! I'm out of type paper!" "You can get some in the bookstore." The bookstore came to the rescue many times this year with reasonable prices and a good selection of supplies. These supplies ranged from essentials such as paper, pens, and pencils to shirts and beetdigger buttons. Students worked in the bookstore every morning and during the two lunch hours. Profits made helped finance the yearbook. Nancy Barton and Roberta Fowles count and record the Bookstore's sales.
Roberta Fowles and Sandy Rosenkrantz keep accurate accounts in the Bookstore.
Terry Atkinson stocks the shelves while Mike Jaynes rings up a sale.
VICA-Left to Right, Row One: Nancy Larsen, Sharon Hardcastle, Secretary; Roxanne Lloyd, Representative; Brenda Edmunds, Baird Jones, Becky Ballard, Steve Demas, Craig Andrus. Row Two: Lowell Villiard, George Westbrook, Bruce Shryers, Rick Pingree, Dee Kahley, Greg Morgan, Steve Mace, Paul Soper, Mr. King, Advisor; Peck Maxe-
don, Brent Webb. Row Three: Ron Mace, Darwin Fitzgerald, Jeff Anderson, Bob Smith, Vice-President; Scott Gotberg, Rulon Ebert. Row Four: Rick Searcy, Treasurer; John Gilchrist, Gary Whitehead, Kevin Okubo, Randy Lang. Row Five: Dave Jenkins, Doug Shelby, President; David Morrill.
VICA State Officers From Jordan Three state VICA officers were members of Jordan's club. Dave Jenkins, Presidentelect of the vocational organization, will act as President next year. In addition, Chad Evans acted as State Parliamentarian, and Paul Soper was a state VICA Representative. April's state competition was the main event in the club this year. The members competed in such subjects as auto mechanics, carpentry, electronic trades, and trouble-shooting.
Probing a circuit for defects.
VICA performed a service to the school by sponsoring a safety slogan contest. They participated jointly with the Key Club in bringing the KNAK disc-jockeys to Jordan to play the faculty in a basketball game. 91
Athletics Teamwork during practice and competition is one of the reasons for Jordan's success. Another is the support given the teams by the student body. This and student body support is brought to life by the pep club, cheerleaders, and songleaders. Jordan students have a reputation for putting forth effort and most of all true sportsmanship. These qualities are seen in participants of each sport and in their coaches. Through this, our teams create honor and glory for Jordan.
Cheerleaders Create New Cheers "We've got the spirit! We're hot! We can't be stopped!" This is only one of the new cheers that were created and brought to life by Jordan's five dedicated cheerleaders. Through individual involvement, the cheerleaders strove to grasp that intangible object called "school spirit". In addition to cheering at basketball games, football games, and wrestling matches, the cheerleaders also planned and carried out the various pep assemblies that the student body enjoyed throughout the year.
Margie Day, Head Chearleader, waits in agony as ball hits rim.
Wendy Woodward leads a cheer.
"Do it again!" yell cheerleaders.
Karlene Oliver gets Juniors to cheer louder.
"Come on, you guys!" says Carol Garfield.
Margie and Wendy wait for kickoff.
Candy Hall smiles at Karlene. 95
Songleaders Bring Melody Into Cheers With bouncing vitality, the songleaders challenged student spirit, building enthusiasm through song. At each athletic event the anxiety of a devoted student body was reflected in their shining eyes and eager smiles. Clad in red and white outfits, the girls were constantly on the job to back-up the cheerleaders in promoting shouts from the crowd. They specialized in cheers calling for melody, and their bright and catchy routines were just right for stirring up the adrenalin of the student body.
Marcie Tunbridge is "up in the air" with spirit.
"High-stepping" Karen Johnson.
Lori, Karen, and Debbie back-up cheerleaders.
Songleaders use song and dance to capture the crowd's enthusiasm.
Cathy Boynton leads studentbody in "Over There."
Attention of audience is captured by Lori Smith during time-out.
Debbie Vernon accents the rhythm and beat of cheers.
CHARLONIANS: Left to Right, Row One: Laurie Gregory, Wendy Peacock, Gwen Webb, Debbie Waters, Jeanine Ander on. Row Two: hris Potter, Robyn Bay, Joy VanTa sell, Gale Salmon, Shelley Snow, DecAnn Newland. Row Three: Rhoda DeVere, Diane apson, Alona Reich, Debbie Griess, Karla Vawdrey. Row Four: Sharon Davidson, heryl Noffsinger, Vicky Richard on, Joanne Popelmayer. Row Fil·e: Jolene Anderson, Cindy Mas a, Konae Williams. Row Six: JaNae Nelson, Debbie Cook. Row Seven: Donna Smith, Lynette Lybbert. Row EiNht:
Robyn 0 tier, Leanne Dick, Laura Wo druff. Row Nine: Danna Ross, Linda McArthur. Row Ten: ail Heaps, ori lade, Darlene Mu ll en, heryl indeman, Mary Ann Allred, Mar ·ha Jcn en, Kri ta truh , , andra Burgon, laudia Burningham, ReNae Fairbourn, Venna Whetman, Debra Burkin ·haw, Debbie Brady, Beverly Gardner, u an rcbs, hclley Snow, Pre ·ident; Debra Burkinshaw, Vice-Pre ident; JaNae Nel on, Secretary; Ranac Fairbourn, rca urer; Jeanine Anderson, Hi torian; Konac Williams, Rep rter; Krista truh ·, Yell Mi tre ; Mar ha Jen en, Drill Mi tre ·.
Charlonians build a 'J' on Jordan's front lawn.
Charlonians show precision in half-time march.
Charlonians Attend B.YU. Homecoming Even in the slushy snow, -Jordan's enthusiastic pep club kept smiles on their faces when they marched in the B. Y. U. Homecoming parade. The Charlonians were also asked to demonstrate their talent in the Salt Lake Santa Claus parade. The Charlonians didn't spend the whole year just performing at games. They each had a secret pal from the club whose locker was to be decorated on each holiday. The Charlonians also decorated the locker of each team member of whatever sport was in season. In addition, the club planned and carried out teas for each visiting pep club during basketball season. DeAnn Newland forgets her football player's name.
J.V. Cheerleaders Cultivate Spirit Although J.V. games didn't have the largest crowds, the walls of Jordan echoed with the cheers and spirit of the J.V. Cheerleaders. Their cheers brought spirit and excitement to each participant and individual of the crowd. Their cheers remind each Jordan student of his belonging to Jordan.
RaMona Graham and Gloria Ivie cheer at J.V. game.
J. V. CHEERLEADERS - Left to Right: Sandy Chapman, Connie Miller, Jolene Anderson, JaNae Nelson, Laura Woodruff, Head Cheerleader.
J. V. CHEERLEADERS - Left to Rirdzt: Vicky Richardson , uzanne Allredge, Sandy Johansen, Head Cheerleader; Gloria Ivie, RaMona Graham.
Cheerleaders, Songleaders, and Charlonians Capture Spirit of Jordan TOP: Jordan's band of excitement makers. BOTTOM LEFT: Charlonians show skill in doing splits. BOTTOM RIGHT: Lori Smith entertains
with a song and dance routine.
Football Team Downs Colts Jordan ended the football season on a winning note by downing the Cottonwood Colts with a score of 16 to 6. Nearing the close of the Murray game, at a tie of 6 to 6, Jordan's quarterback, Kim Ihler, suffered a broken collar bone. Because of Kim's injury the most exciting game of the season was lost to Murray. The team did not lose their spirit though and adjusted to the situation to finish the season with a win.
SCORES Jordan 0 ............................ Tooele 7 Jordan 0 ............................ Kearns 34 Jordan 6 ........................ Bingham 32 Jordan 24 .......................... Granger 51 Jordan 6 .......................... Murray 18 Jordan 0 .......................... Hillcrest 3 3 Jordan 0 ........................ Brighton 33 Jordan 6 .......................... Granite 42 Jordan 16 .................. Cottonwood 6 First season game with Tooele.
VARSITY OFFENSE: Left to Right: Jeff Maughn , enter; Frank Wilburn, Halfback; Gordon Brown, Slot Guard; Scott ranney, Ti!j!tt li-nd; Tim Zeller, Tight End; Richard Romero, Slot Guard; Brian Brady,
IIi ker; Kevin Jonc , Tight-Tack le; Royce
mith, Ti!jht -G uard; Vincent Bluth, lot End; Kim lhlcr, Quartl'!'bad., o- aptain; Dan Enniss, Tif.:hl¡ u.ard; David W. mith, entN; Randy Autcnti , oac!t.
Brent Robinson and Chad Bodell make an end sweep.
VARSITY DEFENSE, Left to Right: Carey Lindquist, M_idd/e Guard; ~organ Anderson, Defensive Tackle, Co-Captain; Brad F1sher, DefenStve Tackle; Brent Robinson, Line-Backer; Taun Jone , Safety; Brad Cowdell , De[ensil'e Tackle; Robert Whitelock, Manaf{er; Darrell Best,
Don Allen gets the ball and tries for a touchdown.
Safety; Eddy Sullivan, Line-Backer; Randy Meldrum, Defensive End¡ Mark Hardy, Defensive-end; Chris Hase, Line-Backer, Art Troyer Tight~ End; Kevin Flint, Defensive Tackle; Bryan Birch, Safety; Kerry Cole Safety; Dave Kimball, Defensive End; Charles Ottley, Guard; Steve~ Sybrowsky, Slot Tackle; Robert McKay, Coach.
Football Team Never Gives Up
ABOVE LEFT: Darrell Best grimace at the course of the game. ABOVE RIGHT: Team members warm up oach Randy for Granite game. BELOW RIGHT: Autentico explains football action. 104
SOPHOMORE TEAM - L eft to Right, Row One : Tony Flores, David Fairbourn, ory hri tensen, Doyle Johnston , Johnny Jord an, Jim Day, ary Tunbridge, George Badovinatz, Ron Hu ghes, Buddy Smith. Row
Two: Matt Gregory, Loren Patterson, Joel Bogenshutz, Captain; Claude Jensen, Ritchie Sveden, Ken Lawson, Gordon Miller, Mike Peterson, Captain; Bruce Burningham, Jay Peterson, Scott Rowsell , Jeff Maughn, Mark Hardy, Mike Westbrook, Glendon Mitchell, Tony Anderson.
Sophomore Football Toughest Little Team "The toughest little team around" was the way Coach Fred Ash described his group of sophomore football players this year. The average weight was 125-130 pounds and in many cases the boys battled teams which doubled them in size. However, with determination and unity as their strong points, they overcame Brighton, Bingham and Cottonwood. Training for the men began in June with weight lifting and two-mile runs. Later came grueling football drills.
Sophomore gets tackled. 105
Basketball Injuries Hinder Team Even when three important members were injured, Jordan's fast-moving varsity team survived the season with a 4-6 win-loss record. When Brad Olson dislocated his collarbone at the beginning of the season, the team was without a valuable forward for three games and succeeded only in beating the Bengals. With the team in one piece again, the Beetdiggers plowed over the Granite Farmers, a long-time rival. Hours before the Cottonwood game, Jeff Welch, who played center, received a gun injury which put him out of action for the rest of the season. The team overcame this loss and rolled over both Cottonwood and Brighton for the second time. Several days before Jordan attempted to defeat Hillcrest, Lee Burningham tore ligaments in his ankle, and the team lost another center. Even with these disadvantages, Jordan's team performed admirably throughout the rest of the basketball season.
Layton opponent attempts to thwart Lee Burningham's jump shot.
Jeff Welch goes for the toss-up.
Kim Ihlcr batt!
to score 2 points.
Jeff Welch and Granite center reach for ball.
Vincent Bluth dribbles the ball during J.V. game.
Phil Broadhead shoots a foul shot.
Basketball Team Improves Record
Kevin Elkington struggles to control tip.
Jeff Maughn shoots from the outside.
"J. V." members get in for the rebound.
BASKETBALL TEAM - Left to Right, Row One: Charles Ottley, Manager; Kevin Jones, Manager; Phil Broadhead, Guard; Devan Berrett, Guard; Vaughn Cox, Forward; Brad Olson, Forward; Kim Ihler, Guard, Forward; Lee Burningham, Center; Brian Brady, Forward; Rob-
ert Holloway, Forward; Mark Brown, Forward, Center; Vincent Bluth, Guard; Don Allen, Guard; Craig Andrus, Manager; Kurt Brooks, Manager. Coaches are Robert Cuff and Rodney Oliver. Not pictured: Jeff Welch, Center.
BASKETBALL SCORES VARSITY Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
62 59 55 52 58 66 69 36 48 70
---------------------------- Brighton ------------------------------ Murray ---------------------------- Hillcrest ------------------------------ Granite ______________________ Cottonwood ---------------------------- Brighton ------------------------------ Murray ---------------------------- Hillcrest ------------------------------ Granite ______________________ Cottonwood
58 89 98 50 56 62 91 51 51 76
Kim Ihler passes the ball to another team member.
Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
48 51 51 80 65 65 69 52 73 80
---------------------------- Brighton ------------------------------ Murray ---------------------------- Hillcrest ------------------------------ Granite ---------------------- Cottonwood ---------------------------- Brighton ------------------------------ Murray ---------------------------- Hillcrest ------------------------------ Granite ---------------------- Cottonwood
69 67 67 60 55 64 57 69 72 38 109
Sophomore Basketball Prepares FUture Varsity Team Jordan's team of sophomore cagers began pre-season action explosively this year. However, a height disadvantage caused them to fall behind as the season progressed. When properly motivated, the squad could become a ball of energy strong enough to overcome the division's top powers. This fact was provec! through victories over Murray and Brighton. The season also consisted of some squeakers which, unfortunately fell away from the Beetdiggers' grasp. The action this year would lead one to believe that Jordan has some valauble potential material in its sophomores.
SCORES Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
34 _______________ _ Brighton 69 _________________ _ Murray 42 ___________ __ ___ Hillcrest 73 ____________ ______ Granite 67 ____________ Cottonwood 58 ________________ Brighton 71 __________________ Murray 48 __________________ Hillcrest 70 __________________ Granite 56 __________ Cottonwood
70 59 71 81 70 50 61 78 74 52 Jeff Maughn attempt to bring team two point .
SOPHOMORE TEAM - L eft to R ight, R ow One: Steven Beckstead, Joey Bogenshutz, M ark H ardy, Jeff Maughn, Jay Peterson, Kevin lkington , Bru ce Bu rningham, M ark Nosack. R ow Two: Chad Wash burn, Ron Hu ghs, Scott rapo, D a le arfic ld, Doug Brown, D avid Hoffman, M ark Rogers, D o ug Rynearso n, oach Paul A nd erson.
11 0
lkingt n'
h t i blocked by a Hillcrest pl ayer.
Wrestlers Demonstrate Strength and Stamina
TOP: Steve Sybrowsky gains two points for predicament. BOTTOM LEFT: Brent Bonham works for a pin. BOTTOM RIGHT: Rod Leavitt tries to keep his opponent in control.
Wrestling Jordan Thkes Second in District With an 8-3 record Jordan's team of wrestlers retained its status as one of the top two division powers. The B(1dtdigger team started slowly but gained enough momentum to carry through most of the season with victories. An upset by Cottonwood towards the end of the season crippled the squad and a final loss to Brighton caused them . to lose the division championship. In region play, Jordan sent four men to State competition. This year's mat men worked mainly for quick take-downs and rapid pins. However, some scientific maneuvers could be seen frequently at Jordan matches.
SCORES Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan
11 2
30 30 42 31 33 22 26 42 26 41 11
------------- --------------------- Bingham -------------------------------------- Tooele ----------------- ----------------------- Judge -------------------------------------- Cyprus ------------------------------------ Granger -------------------------------------- Kearns -- ---------------------------------- Granite --- -------- ------------------------- Murray --- --------------------------- Cottonwood ------------------------------------ Hillcrest -- -------------------------------- Brighton
22 21 6 16 18 27 22 7 28 11 32
WRESTLERS - L eft to Right, Ro w On e: Boyd Schmidt, 98 pounds; Richard Hummel, 105 pounds; Ri cha rd Romero, I / 8 pjo wzds; hris H ases, 126 po unds; Rod Leavitt, 132 pou nds; John Schmidt, 138 po un ds;
Doug Vawdrey takes down Hillcrc t opponent.
Art Troyer, 145 pounds; Jo hn lswood , 155 pounds; Brent Bonh am, 167 po unds; Mo rgan Ande rson, 185 poun ds; tcvc yb rows ky, h ea i'YweiRht; Robert McKay, ouch . Not pict ured: 0 ug Vawdrey, 11 2 pounds.
Top: Morgan Anderson works over his opponent. Bottom Left: Coach McKay and team members are anxious about the outcome of the match. Bottom Right: Steve Sybrowsky attempts to get his opponent into a position to pin him.
Distance Runners, Gordon Brown, Sam Melonas, Frank Wilburn, Rulon Ebert, Steve Patience, and Brent Webb.
Members of the team finish the mile run.
Pole Vaulting is an important field event in every track meet. 114
Coach Rodney Oliver times Darrell Best and Alan Prince.
TRACK TEAM- Left to Right, Row One: Stan Akagi, Nedd Andersen, Rulon Ebert, Brent Webb, Steve Patience, Alan Prince, Darrell Best, Sam Melonas, Frank Wilburn, Robert Whitlock, Johnny Jorda~, Kenny lllguth, Doug Brown, Mike Breeze. Row Two: Zane Crebs, Rtck West,
Grant Buchanan, Morgan Anderson, Gordon Brown, Lee Burningham, John Springer, David W. Smith, Vaughn Cox, Ricky Lovendahl, Bruce Burningham, Loren Patterson, Claude Jenson, Doyle Jenkins, Dale Garfield, Rodney Oliver, Coach.
Sam Melonas attempts to break a long jump record.
Track Includes A Variety of Events Contrary to what many people think, track is more than just running relays. There are actually sixteen events in a high school track meet. Running events include the 180-yard and 120-yard high hurdles, the 100-yard, 220-yard, 440-yard, 880-yard and mile dashes. The relays include the medley, 880-yard, and mile relays. The field events include the shot-put, the discus, the high jump, the long jump, the pole vault, and the javelin throw.
Lee Burningham throws the discus in dual meet with Brighton.
Led by Coach Oliver, the team of 50 members met their competitors in 5 dual meets and then went to the combined division and region meets to qualify for state. 115
Baseball-Strivingto Improve The All-American Game Coached by Mr. Robert Cuff, Jordan's baseball team strove to improve the .already well-known skills of baseball. They especially worked on pitching, hitting, fielding, and base-running. The team included eighteen players including four returning lettermen. These lettermen were Caray Lindquist, who played third base; Brad Olson who played centerfield; Chad Bodell who played shortstop; and Art Troyer who played infield.
Brent Bonham is catcher on Jordan's team.
BASEBALL TEAM - Left to Right, Row One: Ron Hughes, aray Lindquist, Chad Washburn, Billy Hall, Taun Jones, had Bodell, Brent Bonham, Robert Holloway, Phil Broadhead, Clark Winkler. Row Two:
Kim Ihler tries to beat the ball to first base.
Brent Bonham comes up to bat during the third inning.
Mr. ynn Ballard, Assistant Coach; John 'Pearce, Terry Anderson, Frank Andru ¡, Vincent Bluth, Kim lhler, Brad 01 on, Art Troyer, Mark Hardy, Mark Roger , Mr. Robert uff, oach.
Golf Improves Fbrm and Technique Springtime brought Jordan's golfers out of doors to begin perfecting techniques which had grown rusty during the long winter. With the guiding hand of Coach Fred Ash, the men worked to improve forms and lower their scores. They learned how to address the ball, proper stances, and effective methods of driving and putting. The team participated in dual matches with Brighton, Cottonwood, Hillcrest, Granite, and Murray high schools. In addition, a region tournament was held. Three returning players composed part of the team. Five starting members completed the rest of the group. Dave Howard tees off.
Richard Hummel putts the ball.
GOLFERS- Left to Right: Richard Hummel, Mark Adair, Terry Campbell, David M. Smith, Fredric Ash, Coach: David Howard, Ralph Menssen, Joey Bogenshutz, Brent Adair, Jim Day.
Tennis Rackete~rs
Seive And Backhand A good serve is the most effective weapon. Recognizing this fact, Jordan's Tennis team began training in the spring. At practice sessions after school, the racketeers strived for proficient strokes and serves and a potent backhand. The team was composed of seven varsity players backed by fifteen additional men. Strong points of the team were in the single players but the combinations frequently showed significant power. Competition consisted of matches with the four other division teams as well as participation in the region meet held at the end of April.
Mark Brown "lobs" the fast-moving tennis ball.
TENNIS - Left to Right: Wesley Witt, Lynn Marchant, Ken Akagi, Kent Derricott, Kelly Wright, Kent Hilton, Mike Howlett, Jay Petersen,
Devan Berrett serves the ball.
Mark Bolton, Devan Berrett, Mark Brown, Steve Sheppard, Craig Ostler, Scott rapo, Michael Goff, raig Bluemel, oach Anderson.
Mark Brown and Mike Howlett participate in doubles.
LETTERMEN- Left to Right, Row One: Steve Mitchell, Zane ~rebs, Dave Tibbets, Brad Fisher, Brian Brady, David Me!drum, Steve Patien_ce, Charles Ottley, Kevin Jones, Sam Melonas, Chns ;Rase, Dan En_ms_s, Grant Buchanan. Row Two: Terry Campbell, Mike Breeze, Rickie Lovendahl, Doug Vawdrey, Gary Webb, Robert ~lien, Mark Hardy, Jeff Maughn, Randy Meldrum, Vincent Bluth, R1ck Rome~o, David lloward. Row Three: Gordon Miller, Jim Day, Rod Leavitt, Royce
Smith, Kevin !lint, Dale Garfield, Art Troyer, Mike Goff, David Mitchell, Kent Hilton, Rulon Ebert, Steve Illguth, Rick West, Tim Zeller Row Four: Darrell Best, Vice-President; Robert Whitlock Brent Adair. Robert Holloway, S~eve Hill, Ricky Peterson, St_eve Sybro~sky, Morga~ Anderson, Lee Burnmgham, John Elswood, David W. Smith. Row Five¡ Brent Robinson_, Don Allen, Alan Prince, Kim lhler, Secretary; Brad Olsen, Trent Oliver, Jeff Welch, Gordon Brown, President.
Activities Helping make high school a total experience were J ordari's various extracurricular activities. They provided several opportunities for enjoyment and involvement. They also created an extension on the educational experience by allowing students to develop special talent. In this way the students were armed with skills that will be necessary in the world thar they will be confronting shortly.
Honor Winners Special Awards for the Year The best scholastic students of Jordan High are represented by the Top 3% and Top 10% . Bright and hard working are known attributes to these students. Pearl Pollard and Reed H. Beckstead were chosen as two of the former Jordan students that have gained a reputation that makes them stand as a tribute to Jordan. Jordan's Sterling Scholars are known for their excellent ability in one particular area as well as overall activities. They have developed a special talent or just have been interested in a certain phase of education and worked this interest into an ability. Jerry and Judy Jordan have displayed the most school spirit at Jordan's athletic events. Jerry and Judy are students chosen because of their cheers and the enthusiasm that they have shown at the games. The American Legion is a group of war veterans that sponsor the American Legion Oratorical, Boy's and Girl's State, and other competitive activities. Steve Sheppard, a Junior, was the winner of the American Legion Oratorical at Jordan. He was given this honor for his theme on "Our Constitution in a Changing World". A Special Service Award was presented to Claude Fratto by Brent Gunderson representing Jordan. He was given this for his service as an office worker and night school teacher. The best citizens of Jordan were chosen from the studentbody's choices by the student council. The choices were selected by each homeroom through a popularity vote. The top score on a tes~ given in the Home Economics classes received the ¡Betty Crocker Homemaking Award. This award is presented to the girl with the greatest knowledge of homemaking.
OUTSTANDING JORDAN GRADUATESSuperintendent Reed H. Beckstead and Pearl Pollard. 122
BEST CITIZENS- Colette Moore and Morgan Anderson.
JUDY AND JERRY JORDAN- Paula Elg and David Tibbets.
STATE WRESTLERS- Doug Vawdrey Morgan Anderson, hris Rase, R d Leavitt.
TOP 3% -Left to R;ight, Row One: Valayne Mumford, Brenda Steadman, Shauna Thornblad. Row Two:. Kelly 'Ynght, LeRoy Jeffs, Dave Skoubye, Stan Cox, Richard Hummel. Not Pictured: Dav1d Mornll.
STERLING SCHOLARS - Left to Right, Row One: Shal:ina Thornblad, Ho:rzemaking; Brenda Edmunds, Business; Rod Scott, Speech and Drama; ~1chard H.ummel, Science. R?w Two: Richard Hoffman, Social Science; Grant Buchanan,. Eng !Ish a~d Literature; Tom Enmss, industrial Arts; Dave Skoubye, Mathematics; Kelly Wnght, ¥usic; Claude Fratto, Foreign Languages. Not Pictured: Brenda Steadman, General Scholars/up; Don Allen, Arts and Crafts.
Honor Winners Put Forth Extra Effort Boy's State was held June 7-14 at the Utah State University, in Logan. Girl's State was held June 6-13 at Southern Utah State College in Cedar City. Students going to Girl's and Boy's State learned of the functions and practices of the government by actual application of government procedures. Members of the Jordan chapter of DECA took honors in the following state contests: advertising, job interview, human relations, and radio advertising.
GIRLS STATE- Left to Right, Row One: Melanie Walkenhorst, Jeanine Anderson, Gwen Webb, Joy VanTas ell. Row Two: Roberta Fowles, Margie Day, MaryAnn Allred, Karrie Fitzgerald, Janet Cornia.
Because of his skills and extra effort, Kim Ihler was honored in Region basketball.
STATE DECA WINNERS- Left to Right, Row One: Laurie Gregory, David Mitchell. Row Two: Steve Illguth, Ellen Skoubye.
BOYS STATE - Left to Right, Row One: Jeff Ander on, Brent Webb, Steve Patience. Row Two: Jeff Landeen, Dave Skoubye, Jeff Welch, Paul Soper.
TOP 10% -Left to Right, Row One: Deni e DeLeeuw, Nancy Bryce, Loni Andersen, Margie Day, Melanie Walkerho:st, Karrie Fitzge~ald, LaVerne Ward, Janece Winkler, Carol Gordon, L1 a Nel on. Row 1 wo:
Linda hirley, Paula lg, Richard Hoffman, Jeff Landeen, Grant Buchanan, Bryan tephansen, 1om nni , Mike Howlett, ordon Brown, ary Jeffs, Brent undcrson, Brenda dmunds haron Hardca tie.
FORENSICS - Left to Right, Row One: !ohn Melonas, Collee~ Fitzgerald, Kelly Webster, Georgia Hase, Chns Webster~ Nanc~ Birchell, Sheila Butterfield, Shauna Davis, Sharon Nunley, Lmda D1ck, Doug
Wagstaff, Mike Breeze. Row Two: Randy Winger, Steve Sheppard, Craig Ostler, Randy Meldrum, Vincent Bluth, Gary Whitehead, Steve Hill, Steve Sybrosky, Kevin Jones, Scott Lloyd, Terry Campbell, Brian Walters, Clark Winkler.
Forensics Studies Polution Control Should the federal government control air and water pollution? Every facet of this question was explored by Jordan's debate and forensic team. Action for the arguers began in November with meets against Kearns and East High Schools. Later came confrontations with Hillcrest, Pleasant Grove, and Duchesne. The Beetdiggers took victory in the latter two. Cyprus debater explains a comment to a Jordan team.
The number one team, consisting of Steve Sheppard and Craig Ostler, attained the finals in the Region Forensics' Tournament held at Jordan. In addition, members participated in several individual events. Legislative Forum placed some students in model sessions of Congress. Others were required to write and deliver a nine minute oration. Extemporaneous speakers were given only minutes to prepare a talk on a contemporary subject.
Brian Walters and Clark Winkler form an effective debating team. 125
Junior Prom The Setting Was Camelot March 6th in the Kingdom of Jordan, the students were taken back in time to the Royal Saga of Camelot. The decorations, by the juniors, reflected the old world castles and extravagant balls held in wealthy kingdoms. Knights and their ladies enjoyed the music of the Slow Joy combo, from B.Y.U. The Junior officers provided a promenade to announce the couples attending. The refreshments were tarts and cream, punch, and mints.
Karlene Oliver and Alan Prince enjoy medieval surroundings.
Piece of sculpture served as sentry for "Camelot".
Mark Fisher and Su ie Humphrey enter courtyard via drawbridge.
Couples enjoy refreshments by candlelight.
Varied types of music were played by "Slow Joy".
Linda McArthur and Glenn Prisk waltz dreamily in the majestic atmosphere. 127
Homecoming Autumn Madness Jordan's Homecoming activities started off in the right style with a parade in which thirteen floats were entered. These floats were sponsored by the various clubs and organizations at Jordan. Results of the competition were: 3rd place, Charlonians; 2nd place, Sophomore Class; 1st place, Dance Club with the theme, "Around the World With Dance." During halftime at the football game, the Homecoming Royalty were each presented with a bouquet of roses and were given a ride around the field in a red convertible. That night, old and new faces converged at Jordan's annual alumni-day dance. Rozella Sargent's Combo provided the music. This dance, with the theme "Autumn Madness" was sponsored by the D.E.C.A. Club under the supervision of Mrs. Lila Wilson.
Rozella Sargent's Combo provided music at the dance.
The Journalism float was one of the thirteen entered in the Homecoming parade.
Venna Whetman and Boyd Ware enjoy the Homecoming Dance.
Couple dance to the music of the Rozella Sargent Combo.
ROYALTY- Beverly Gardner 1st Attendant; Shelly Snow, Homecoming Queen; Colette Moore, 2nd Attendant. 129
Dogpatch Drag Centers Around Sadie Hawkins Day Halloween night brought Jordan's many L'il Abners and Daisy Maes to the annual Dogpatch Drag. In keeping with "Sadie Hawkins' tradition, the A.G.J.-sponsored event was girl's choice. The Morning Sun, a rock-and-roll band, was featured at the dance. For the first time, those in attendance were allowed to dress casually. Highlights included a spook alley created by the Charlonians. "Marryin' Sam" was on hand to perform his traditional act of "hitching" couples. Pictures were taken of the weddings which automatically ended at midnight. Contests were held to choose this year's L'il Abner and Daisy Mae from candidates supplied by each organization. The boys' gym was decorated to resemble Dogpatch for the occasion, with silhouettes of the famous comic strip couple.
Gloria I vie and her partner dance to the beat of the Morning Sun.
Krista Struhs "hangs around" in the Charlonian spook alley. L30
Marryin' Sam does his duty to marry couples 'til midnight.
+o {.he
Claudia Burningham, Daisy Mae, captures Paul Soper, L'il Abner. 131
Sweethearts Ball Love, Jordan Style
February 13 set the scene for love, Jordan Style, in the girls' gym. A change in the Sweethearts Ball this year was the different degrees of royalty. In addition to the king and queen, a prince and a princess and a duke and a duchess were chosen. The king and queen from the senior class were Morgan Anderson and Loni Andersen. Zane Crebs and Carol Garfield were the juniors' prince and princess. The sophomores' duke and duchess were Ned Anderson and Sharon Nunley. The music for the dance was provided by the Harold Rendlesbach Orchestra. Sam Johnson and friends enjoy refreshments at the Sweethearts Ball.
ROYALTY - Zane Crebs, Prince; Carol Garfield, Princess; Loni Andersen, Queen; Morgan Anderson, King; Sharon Nunley, Duchess; Nedd Andersen, Duke. Margie Day and Kim lhler present their ticket at the door. 132
Sweethearts Ball proves exciting to many couples.
Couples enjoyed the walk through the Tunnel of Love.
Randy Hyatt hurries Marcie Tunbridge to the dance. 133
Senior Hop - Mystic Moonlight The Memory Grove Reception Center created the perfect setting for this year's Senior Hop. This semi-formal dance was planned and carried out by the senior class officers under the direction of Mr. King. As couples danced to the music of the Minor Quartet, special memories were formed by seniors. The floor show was_provided by Laura Woodruff, who sang, and Becky Reed, who played the accordion. Those attending the dance were served eclairs, cream puffs and punch for refreshment. Candy Hall and Cal Harkness dance under the "Mystic Moonlight'
Tom Richards and Wendy Woodward enjoy each other's company at the Senior Hop.
The Minor Quarter was featured at the dance.
Dave Skoubye, Bonnie Price, Dave Stevens, and Loni Andersen enjoy refreshments at the Senior Hop.
Many couples attended this dance at the Memory Grove Reception Center. 135
Assemblies Break School Routine "You've got the cutest little baby face." "The new record for the marshmallow-stuffing contest is . . . 48 marshmallows." These are some classic lines taken from Jordan's several bright and entertaining assemblies. Typical of their quality was the Faculty-Administrative Assembly which presented zany skits by the teachers. The Patriotic Assembly honored retiring Superintendent Reed H. Beckstead and former basketball star Pearl Pollard. The Jordon Olympics featured the three classes in ingenious contests against each other. Class, Talent, and Traveling Assemblies displayed skills from Jordan's own students, while programs from other schools and colleges imported talent. A number of pep assemblies helped build studentbody enthusiasm.
The mystery Santa Claus turns out to be none other than Mrs. Tranter.
Heber Anderson returns to Class of '71 reunion as a "cool" movie star.
Margie Day and Mr. Brown go for a whirl in the faculty as embly.
Phil Broadhead gets the date in Dating Game skit.
Kent Hilton explains what's wrong with the food.
"I'm not Kelly Geter. I am Tooth Decay!" 137
Assemblies Display Thlent
Mr. Rawlings protests in Faculty Assembly.
Ellen Skoubye gets her scoop in traveling assembly skit.
Virtuoso Brad Cowdell and prima ballerina Cindy Robinson were the hit of the Senior Assembly. 138
Darwin Fitzgerald wins points for Seniors in the Jordan Olympics by being the fastest guzzler.
Don Allen accepts football trophy from Mr. Bishop, Vice-Principal.
Sal Wolfgramm captures audience's attention with hula done in the traveling assembly.
Faculty songleaders provide studentbody with a hearty laugh. 139
Finian's Rainbow Is Never Found "How are things in Glocca Mora?" Perhaps Finian will never find out. He tried to find his pot of gold during October at Jordan High, when the musical, Finian's Rainbow was presented. It consisted of a cast of 84 members including chorus and dancers. The play revolves around the thoughts of Finian as he and Sharon continue their search for Glocca Mora, but they never did find it. The musical was under the direction of Mr. Brian Rawlings. Finian was acted out by Kent Ware, and Sharon Davidson acted the part of Sharon. The musical was performed during three nights, September 30, October 1, and October 2, 1970.
Sheriff Ricky Peterson confers with Bob Greenwood. 140
Finian explains hi ambition to Sharon.
Bob Greenwood and Tom Richards agree on course of action.
Finian McLonergan __________________ Kent Ware Sharon McLonergan ________ Sharon Davidson Woody Mahoney __________________ Dave Skoubye Susan Mahoney __________________________ Paula Elg Og ___________________________ ___________________ Rod Scott Senator Billboard Rawkins __ Tom Richards Buzz Collins ____________________ Bob Greenwood Sheriff __________________________________ Rick Peterson Howard ____________________________ Rolland Baldwin Henry ____________________________________ Ronnie Allen Maude __________________________________ Bonnie Price Shears ________________________________ Scott Mickelsen Robust ____________________________ Brent Gunderson Preacher __________________________ Chad Washburn Deputys __________________________ Brent Gunderson Jeff Landeen Geologists ________________________ Scott Mickelsen Kent Derricott Sharecroppers __________________ Roland Baldwin Cheryl Noffsinger Roxanne Lloyd Kent Derricott Passion pilgrim gospelers __ Scott Mickelsen Paul Soper Dave Smith Student Director ______________ Mary Ann Allred
A tax decree is posted as townspeople look on. 141
Finian's Rainbow A Search for Glocca Morra
Paula Elg, as Susan, practices "talking with her feet".
Kent Ware and Sharon Davidson hide from the leprechaun.
Finian McLonergan talks to the twins, Shears and Robust.
The Passion Pilgrim Gospelers accept Tom Richards into their group.
Severe anxiety drives Jerry to self-destruction.
LaVerne Ward, as the untidy neighbor, scratches her psoriasis.
The Invisible Igloo A Story of Conflicts A former mental patient trying to find his place in life was the subject of Jordan's one-act play. The Invisible Igloo, under the direction of Mr. Brian Rawlings, featured Brent Gunderson cast in the role of Jerry who had recently been released from a mental institution. Jerry's ambition to lead a successful life as a journalist is dampened by his parents, played by Kern Robinson and Mary Ann Allred. Also in the cast was LaVerne Ward playing the part of the slovenly next-door neighbor. Rhonda Derricott assisted Mr. Rawlings as student director.
New ideas included the use of audiovisual equipment and projection of slides to portray flashbacks. As usual, Jerry's parents are arguing. 143
The Pidgeon sisters are very sympathetic towards the sad story of Felix.
The irritable card players fight among themselves.
Stage design crew adds the finishing touches to scenery.
Tom Richards tries to c n ole Felix who is thinking of killing himself.
Oscar talks on the phone to a depressed Felix as his card playing friends (Tom Richards, Craig Ostler, and Paul Soper) listen in.
The Odd Couple Meticulous vs. Sloppy What happens when meticulous and fussy Felix Ungar decides to bunk with sloppy Oscar Madison? This was the subject of Jordan's school play, The Odd Couple. While both of them are separated from their wives, Felix and Oscar have completely different personalities ; Felix is very particular and does not appreciate Oscar's sloppy manners. Between playing poker, bellowing moose calls, and giggling girls, Felix and Oscar manage to 1nake a shambles of what could have been an ideal set-up. The play, held February 3-6, was presented under the direction of Mr. Brian Rawlings. The lighting, painting, make-up, and prop crews assisted the production.
F elix (Brent Gunderson ) and Oscar (Rod Scott ) contend while trying to live together.
Oscar Madison ___ __ ______ ____ ____ _____________ __Rod Scott Felix Ungar_ ___________ _______ ______ ___ Brent Gunderson Speed ______________ __________ ___ __ __________ ___ Tom Richards Murray __________________________________________ Craig Ostler Roy __________________________________________________ Paul Soper Vinnie _______ ___________ ____ ____ ____ ______ Richard Hoffman Gwendolyn Pigeon ________ __________________ Lisa Nelson Cecily Pigeon ___________________ _____ Rhonda Derricott Student Director_ ______ _______________________ Gail Heaps Director_ _____________________________ Mr. Brian Rawlings 145
Interpretive Students Attend Saturday Workshop In an attempt to improve their skill in portraying characters and feelings, drama contestants attended Saturday workshops during the weeks before competition. These workshops were conducted under the direction of Mr. Brian Rawlings. Competitive events included humorous reading, dramatic reading, mono-act, pantomime, and retold story. Students came not only from speech and drama classes, but they also included other talented persons chosen from the Jordan student body.
INTREPRETIVE - Left to Right, Row One: Neena Durrant, Rhonda Derricott, Cynthia Thompson, Ellen Skoubye, Sharon David son. Row Two: Karrie itzgerald, LaVerne Ward, Cheryl Noffsinger, Brenda Steadman. Row Three : Vonnie oombs, ail Heaps, Lori Lambson, Lisa Nelson, Laura. Woodruff. Row Four: Venna Whetman, Lori Slade, Marsha. Jensen , Bonnie Price. Row Five : Ron Yeater, Tom Boynton, Gregg Morgan, Tom Richards, Brent Gunderson . Row Six : Kern Robinson, Richard Hoffman , Scott Mickel son , Mr. Brian Rawlin gs, Rod Scott.
Mike McCormick unlocks the case to discover mummy, Scott Mickels n.
T m Richard show what happiness an Jnt rprctivc Meet can bring.
Senior Summary Seniors Adair, Brent ___ _______ 39, 89, 117, 119 Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, s. Golf, Jr., Sr. Band, s., Jr., Sr. Akagi, Kenneth ............ 39, 89, 118 Tennis, Jr., Sr. Band, s., Jr., Sr. Musical, s. Alldredge, Kim __________ ____________ ______ 39 Wrestling, s. Basketball, Jr. Allen, Donald R. ...... 39, 103,119, 123, 139 Boys' Club Officer, s. Letterman, Jr., Sr. German Club, s. Student Council, Jr. Baseball, Jr. Basketball, s., Jr., Sr. Band, s. Football, s., Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar - Arts and Crafts, Sr. Allen, Duane .................. 39, 46, 79 A Cappella, Jr. , Sr. Basketball, s., Jr. Football, s. Musical, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Allen, Robert W ................... 39, 1 19 Lettermen, Sr. Track, Jr., Sr. Wrestling , s., Jr. Allred, Mary Ann .......... 39, 80, 98, 124, 141 Girls' State, Jr. Inquiring Editor, Sr. Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Mas que & Gave/, s. Masque & Gavel Historian, Jr. Masque & Gavel Activity Chairman, Sr. Forensics, Sr. Junior Achievement, Jr. Student Council, s. Interpretive, s., Jr ., Sr. School Play, Sr. Anderson, Heber ________________ 39, 136 Football, s. Tennis, s. Musical , Sr. Anderson, Jeanine Ruth ...... 39, 72 , 80, 84, 98, 124 Masque & Gavel, s., Jr., Sr. Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Pep Club, Historian , Sr. Jr. Achievement, Sr. Girls' State, Jr. Yearbook, Sr. Anderson, Jeffrey Paul ........ 39, 91 , 84, 124 Masque & Gave!, Jr. Model U.N., Jr. VICA Club, Sr. Student Council, Jr . Boys' State, Jr. Andersen, Loni ______ .36, 39, 35, 78 , 79, 81, 86, 124, 132, 135 Jr. Class Vice-President, Jr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr. Student Council, Sr. Student Body Historian , Sr. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. J. V. Cheerleader, Jr. Top 10 %, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Anderson, Morgan R. __ .... 39, 103, 112, 113 , 115, 119, 122, 132 Lettermen, s., Sr. Lettermen's Club V.P., Jr.
Football, s., Jr. Football Capt., Sr. Track, s., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, s., Jr., Sr. State Wrestling Champion, Jr. Anderson, William 0 ............. 39, 46 Band, s., Jr., Sr. Andrus, Franklin S ....... 37, 39, 76, 78,83,116 Boys' Club Officer, Sr. Key Club, Jr., Sr. Baseball, s., Jr. Sr Football, s., Jr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Archibald, Jay Lynn ........ 39, 46, 79 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Atkinson, Terry M .......... 39, 85, 90 DECA, Jr., Sr. Ballard, Rebecca 37, 39, 79, 87,91 Masque & Gavel, s. VICA, Sr. FHA, Sr. Jr. Archievemenl, Sr. Student Council, Sr. Interpretive, Jr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr. Barber, Carol _____________ .............. 39 Masque & Gavel, s. DECA, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Barney , Boyd ---------------------------- 39 Boys' Club Barney, Diana ...................... 39, 85 DECA Historian and Reporter, Sr. Bay, Robin T. ........ ___ .... 39, 79, 98 Pep Club, Jr., Sr. DECA Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Begay, Caroline M . ............ 22, 39, 79,85 ,88 Masque & Gavel, s. DECA, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Bergener, Susan _ .. 37, 39, 80, 87 Masque & Gavel, s., Jr., Sr. Jr. Achievement, Jr ., Sr. FHA, Sr. Best, Darrell Q .. ..... 39, 103, 114, 115, 119 Lettermen, Jr. Lettermen V.P., Sr. Football, Jr., Sr. Track , Jr., Sr. Bishop, Craig ...... ___ ..... 37, 39, 81 National llonor Society, Sr. Football, s. Wrest/in!{, s., Jr. , Sr. Lettermen, Sr. Student Council, Sr. Blackham, Annette .. 40,84,8 7 FJ/A,Sr. Bonham, Brent R . .. -36, 38, 40, 112, 116 Senior Class President, Sr. Baseball, Jr . Football, Jr. Wrest/in!{, s., Jr. Sr. Lettermen, Jr. , Sr. Boynton, Cathy _ 40,97 Songleader, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, s. Model U.N., Jr. Jr. Achievement, Jr . Brady, Brian K. _ 35, 36, 40, 79, 83, 85, 102, 109, 119 Student Body, lsi V .P. , Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gm•el, s. Key C/uh, Jr. , Sr. DECA , Sr. Lellermen , Jr. , Sr. Basketball, s., Jr., Sr. Football, s., Jr ., Sr. Brown , Gordon Moon 40, 81, 102, I 14, 115, 119, 124 Masque & Gavel, s. Lettermen's C/uh, s., Jr. Lettermen's Club Pres., Sr.
Football, s., Jr., Sr. Track Team, Jr., Sr. National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Top 10%, Sr. Brugman, Dennis Ray .. ..40, 79, 88 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. Brundage, Connie May .... .40, 78 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Bryant, Ray _ _ ____ ........... .40 Debate, s. Forensics, s. Bryce, Nancy B., _ ..... .40, 79, 124 German C/uh, s. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Top 10 %, Sr. Buchanan, Grant M ....... 20, 35, 36, 40, 74 , 81, 88, 115, 119, 123, 124 Nat. Merit Semi-Fina list, Sr. YOllllf.: Americans Prof.:ra/11, Sr. Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Student Body 2nd V.P., Sr. Yearbook, s., Jr. Football Team, s. Track Team, Jr. , Sr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Musical , Sr. Top 10 %, Sr. Sterlinf{ Scholar - EnRiisl!, Sr. Broadcaster, Jr. , Sr. Burgon, Sandra May ____ . 40, 98 Pep Club, Sr. Burningham, laudia Ann _40, 84, 87,98,131 Pep C/uh, Sr. Pep Club Reporter, Jr. FJIA Reporter, Sr. Broadcaster, Jr. Burningham , Lee G. 40, 81, I 06, 109, 115, 119 Leiterman Club, Jr. , Sr. Nat. 1/onor Society, Sr. /Jasf..etba/1, Jr. , Sr. Football , Sr. Track, Jr., Sr. Orchestra, Sr. Musical , Sr. YoL/1/f.: Americans, Sr. Burton , Rex N . 40, 75, 83 Key Club, Jr. Key Cluh Treasurer, Sr. Broadcaster, Sr. Foothall, s., Jr . Track, Jr. Butler, Spencer .... ................ 40 Boys' tub Baker, Steven 39 Boys' Club ' apson, Diane 40,87,9H Pep Club, Jr ., Sr. FilA , Sr. hristensen , Julie Ann 22, 40, 87 Masque & Gal'el, s. Pep Club, Jr . F/1 A Treasurer, Sr. Connary, Lois ........ 40, 85 DECA , Sr. 'ook, Debra .. .......... 40, 87, 98 Pep Club, Sr. 'ordner, Marlene ............. 40, 85 DECA, Sr. Student Council, s. Cordner, Sharlene 40,~5 DECA, Sr. Cornia, Janet . 35, 36, 40, 79,84, 87, 124 A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Girls' State, Jr. Madrif{lils, Sr. Soph . Class Sec., s. Masque & Gm ·el, s. Pep Cluh 1/istorian, Jr . Jr. Acl!iel'£'111£'nl, Sr. Student Bod y SecretarY, Sr. FilA, Sr. 'owdell, Brad M. .40, 103 , 138 Foothall, s., Jr ., Sr . /Jascha/1, Sr. Musical, Sr. IA•flernJc'n , Sr. Cowdell, Dawn F . . .. 40, 79 Pep Club, Jr .
A Cappe lla, Jr. , Sr. FHA, Sr. Musical, Sr. Cox, Stanley W. ___ ...... .40, 81, 123 V IC A Club, Sr. Nat. Honor Soc., Jr. , Sr . Jr. Acl!iel'e ment , Sr. Inquiring Editor, Sr. Top 3%, Sr. Crapo, Denillc _ __ _______ 40, 79, ~n A GJ Secretary, s. FilA, Sr. A Cappe lla Social C lwirnwn, Jr. A Cappe lla , Sr. Ensemhle Group, Jr. Musi('{I/,Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Pep Club, Jr. Curley, Stephen W. ................. 41 Bovs' C luh Dam]anovich, Col leen Ann 4 1,
85, 86 Dance C/uh, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gm ·el, Jr. DECA, Sr. Darling, Deborah .. 41, 78 , 86, 87
FilA, s. FilA, Jr. F/1 A President, Sr. Dance Cluh, Sr . German Cluh, Jr. A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Musi('{i/, s., Sr. 22,41, 73,79,88 Davis, M iralcc Ycarhoo/,, Sr. A Cappella, Jr. , Sr. 41 Day, Denise Delwte, s. 36, 41, 94, 95, Day, Margic 124, 132 Cl!ccrleader, Jr ., Sr. J. V. Cheerleader, s. Ma.HfU£' & Gm ·el, .1'. Musical , Jr., Sr. Girls' State, Jr . Top 10 % , Sr. DeLeeuw, Denise 41' 72, 79, 8 1, 124 A Caj1pella, Jr., Sr. Nat. Jlonor Societv, Jr .. Sr. Year hoof.., Sr. Musical, Jr. Marlrif{als, Sr. Top 10% , Sr. Demas, Leven II . 41, 91 VICA, Sr. DeVere, Rhoda 41, 80, 84, 87, 98 Pep C/uh, Jr ., Sr. Year IJoo/,, Jr. FilA, Sr. Masque & (/(11 ·£'1, Sr. Junior A chiel'l'lllent Seely., Jr. Dowland, Jcfl'ery L. 41 VICA, Sr . Duke, Jeffery Lynn ................... .41 !Jovs' C/uh Durri1nt, ' tcven II ..................... .41 !Jovs' Cluh Ebert, Rulon Dennis 20, 41, 78, 91, 114 , 11 5, III.J 'f'racf.. , s., Jr., Sr. Le(( ermen, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Edmunds, Brenda .... 17,41,91, 121, 124 l'e{J Cluh, Jr . Jr. A cliiel'l'tiiCnt, Sr. VICA, Sr. Mascjue & Gal •c /, Jr . Student Council, Sr. //and, s. Orcl!estm, s. Top I 0% , Sr. /Jusiness, Sr. Sterling Scholar 41 Eggleston, Larry Uovs' Cluh Elg, Paula J . . 29, 41' 78, 81' 86, 122, 124, 141 ' 142 lnc{uiring Editor, Sr. M aclriwds, Sr. Top 10ry,, , Sr. J. V. Cheerleaclcr, s. 1/onor Society, Jr.
Honor Society ::,ecretary, Sr. Dance Club, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gc11 •el, s. Student Council, s., Jr. School Play , Jr., Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Ennis, Tom ........... ...... .41, 123, 124 Sterlin~: Scholar- Industrial Arts., Sr. Evan , Chad Larsen VICA Parliamentarian, Sr. Wrest/in~:, Jr. Band, s. Orchestra, s., Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr., Sr. Student Council, Sr. Fisher, Brad ... .. .... .41, 78, 103, 119 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Lettermen, s., Jr., Sr. Football, s., Jr., Sr. Track, s., Jr., Sr. Fitzgerald, Karrie ....41, 81, 87, 84, 124, 146 Masque & Gavel, s. Charlonians, Jr. Nat. Honor Society, Sr. FHA V.P., Sr. G iris' State, Jr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. Fitzgerald, Darwin ....... .41, 91, 138 VICA, Jr., Sr. Fitzgerald, Rochelle ......... ... .41, 87 Masque & Gm·el, s. Pep Cluh, Jr. Jr. A chie1•ement, Sr. FHA Historian, Sr. owles, Roberta .... 42, 85, 90, 124 Red Cross V.P., s. DECA Pres., Sr. Masque & Gavel, s. Girls' State, Jr. Fratto, laude A ....... .42, 72, 74, 81, 123 National Honor Society, Sr. Yearbook, Sr. Broadcaster, Sr. Band, s., Jr. Musical, s. OutstandinR Service A ward, Sr. SterfinR Scholar - Forei~:n Lan~:uaRe, Sr. Gilchrist, John R. ......... .42, 91 VICA, Sr. Jr. A chiel'l!IIU!nt, Sr. Gordon, arol R. .. . ..... .42, 124 Top 10 % , Sr. Gotberg, cott ............... 42, 91 VI A, Jr., Sr. ough, berry A . . .............. 42, 85 DE A, Sr. Goulding, Lauric A. .... ...... .. 42 Junior Achievement, Sr. Gray, Anita ............. 42, 78, 87 Fll A, s., Jr. I• II A Secretary, Sr. A appl'lla, Jr., Sr. Green, hcrlyn 42, 84, 87 Pep luh, Jr. FilA, Sr. Mw;que & Gavel, s. rcgory, Lauric 42, 80, 85, 98, 124 Pep fuh, Jr., Sr. DECA, Sr. Musical, Jr. Groves, Terry . ........ ................ 42 Girls' luh Grow, Randy ............. . ............. .42 Boys' Cluh undcrson, Brent ... 34, 36, 42, 78, 80, 81 ,84, 124, 141, 143, 145, 146 Top 10 % , Sr. Masque & Gavel, s., Jr., Sr. Nat. lfonor Society, Jr., Sr. Student Body Pres., Sr. Schoof Play, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Foothaff, s. WrestlinR, s. Hall, andy .......... .42, 85, 95, 134 J. V. Cheerleader, s.
Varsity Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Soplz . Class V.P. , s. DECA, Jr., Sr. Jr. A chie1•ement, Jr. Hall, Ethelann ............ ............... .42 Girls' Club Ham, Barbara J .. ..... ................... .42 FHA, Jr. Hardcastle, Sharon D ...........42, 80, 91' 124 Masque & Gavel, s., Sr. V ICA Secretary, Sr. Harris, Debbie Lee ..........42, 86, 88 Soph. Rep. of Girls' Club, s. Dance Club, Sr. Harris, Eugena M .......................42 Gymnastics, s., Jr. Hase, Sharon ................. .42, 85, 87 FHA, Sr. DECA, Sr. Haslem, Vickie ........................... .42 Girls' Club, Sr. Henningsen, Ingo ....................... .43 Band, s. Hilton, Kent Robert.. ... .43, 79, 118, 119, 137 Lettermen, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Track, Jr., Sr. Hoffman, Richard ...... ... .43, 79, 80, 123, 124, 145, 146 Top 10%, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Footbaff, s. Wrestling, s. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. SterlinR Scholar- Social Studies, Sr. Hofhines, Sharon L. ..............43, 87 Girls' Club, Sr. Howard, Dave ..... .43, 85, 117, 119 DECA, Sr. Lellermen, s., Jr., Sr. Football, s., Jr. Golf, s., Sr. Howlett, Mike W. 43, 118, 119, 124 Nat. Honor Society, Jr. Band, s., Jr. Musical, s., Jr., Sr. Boys' State, Jr. Hummel, Richard A ...... .43, 79, 81, 112, 117, 123 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Nat. Honor Society, Jr. Nat. Honor Society V.P., Sr. Wrestling, s., Jr., SR.
Lettermen, s., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Hulse, Rosemary .................. 38, 43 Jr. Rep. Girls' Club, Jr. Senior Class Secretray, Sr. Hurst, Don P .............................. .43 Band, s., Jr. Ihler, Kim S ........ .43, 85, 102, 106, 109,116,119,132 Lettermen, s., Jr., Sr. DECA, Jr. Student Council, s., Jr. Baseball, Jr., Sr. Basketball, s., Jr., Sr. Football, s., Jr. Sr. Track, s. Debate, Sr. Illguth, Steve F ....... 22, 43, 78, 85, 1 19, 124 DECA, Sr. Football, s., Jr. Track, s., Jr. Sr. Wrestling, s. Lettermen, s., Jr. A Cappella, Sr. Jaynes, Michael ............. .43, 85, 90 DECA, Jr., Sr. Jeffs, Amy Girls' Club, Sr. Jeffs, Gary ............. .21, 43, 81, 124 Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Jeffs, LeRoy ................. .43, 81, 123 Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Jensen, Brett ................................43 Boys' Club, Sr. Jensen, Jenette .......................... ..43 Girls' Club, Sr. Jensen, Marsha . .43, 80, 84, 98, 146 Pep Club, Jr. Drill Mistress, Pep Club, Sr. FHA, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Gymnastics, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr. School Plays, Sr. Jensen, Michael D., .. ............. .43, 78 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Band, s., Jr., Sr. Orchestra, s., Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Sr. Jewkes, Mary Beth ............... .43, 78 Madrigals, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr., Sr. Johanson, Kristine ..........43, 78, 85 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Johnson, Kenneth D .....................43 Boys' Club, Sr.
Johnson, Sam ..................... .43, 132 Boys' Club, Sr. Jones, Baird ................................ 91 VICA, Jr., Sr. Joosten, Collene ......................... .43 Girls' Club, Sr. Kahley, Dee B. ..................... .43, 91 VICA, Sr. Kartchner, Keith ................ ..43, 37 Boys' Club, Sr. Knight, Steven ........................... .43 Boys' Club, Sr. Kunz, Claudia ...... ............ ..... .44, 79 A Cappella, Sr. Landeen, Jeff, ....... .44, 80, 124, 141 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Sr. School Plays, s., Jr., Sr. Band, s., Jr., Sr. Boys' State, Jr. Lang, Randall T ...................44, 91 VICA, Sr. Forensics, s. Larsen, Nancy ............... .44, 80, 91 Jr. Achievement, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. VICA, Sr. Larson, Pattie ....... ................ .44, 85 DECA, Sr. A Cappella, s. Lasater, Collene T .... ........ .......... .44 FHA, Sr. Musical, Sr. Lavery, Marcine ..................... .... .44 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Forensics, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr. Plays, Sr. Law, Denise .... ..........44, 78, 86, 87 Jordanettes, Sr. FHA, Sr. A Cappella Jr., Sr. Broadcaster, Jr. Interpretive, Sr. Musicals, Jr., Sr. Leavitt, Rodney . .44, 112, 119, 122 Football, s., Jr. Wrestling s., Jr., Sr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Sr. 4th in rerdon wrestling, Sr. Lehenbauer, Carolyn J ...............44 Jr. Achievement, Sr. Lindsey, Patricia Ann ... .............44 Jr. Achievement, Jr. Lloyd, Laurie A. ....................44, 87 FHA Secretary, Sr.
"The Bomb Scare" 149
Lloyd, Ronald L. __ _____________________ _44 Boys' Club, Sr. Lloyd, Roxanne ........ 37, 44, 78, 79, 80, 85, 91, 141 Masque & Gavel, s., Jr ., Sr. DECA, Sr. 1st place DECA, Sr. FHA, Jr. Red Cross, s. VICA, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Losser, Mary Ann ____ _______ _______ __ __44 Girls' Club, Sr. Lovendahl, Sherrie ______ __ __44, 78, 86 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr. Lybbert, Lynnette _________________ _44, 98 Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr. McAdams, Lela _____________ _27, 44, 78 FHA, s. FHA Pres., Jr. DECA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. McCormick, Christine ______ __ _______ _45 Debate, s. McNeill, David _________________________ _45 Boys' Club, Sr. McPherron, Jesse __ ______ __________ ______ 85 DECA, Sr. Band, Jr. Mace, Ron Guy _____ __________ .26, 45, 91 VJCA, Sr. Golf, Jr. Macklin, Cheryl Anne _____ ____ ______ _45 Jr. Achievement, Sr. FHA, s. Mangum, Steve L. DECA, Sr. Wrestling, s. School Play, Sr. Margetts, Wendy ______________ __ __45, 79 Masque & Gavel, s. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Martin, Bruce _________________ _45, 78, 85 Jr. Achievement, Jr.
DECA, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, s., Jr. Martinez, Joseph D .... _________ _45, 78 Jr. Achievement, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Maupin, Lynn __ __ ____ ____ _______ _______ ..45 Debate, s. Musical, s. Maynes, Stanley D. ___ __ _________ _____ _45 Boys' Club, Sr. Meldrum, David M. 37, 45, 85, 1 19 Debate President, Jr. DECA V.P., Sr. Track Lettermen, Jr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Mennsen, Ralph 0 .............. .45, 117 Lettermen, Sr. German, s., Jr. Golf, Jr., Sr. Meyer, Michael ]._ ____________________ _45 Football, Jr. Track, s., Jr. Wrestling, Jr. Mickelsen, Garry W ..... ......... .45, 85 DECA, Sr. Mitchell, Denise ---- ··---·---·--- ---------89 Girls' Club, Sr. Moller, Bruce KenL __________________ __45 Debate, s. Band, Sr. Moore, LaNette ------ -- -------------- .45 Girls' Club, Sr. Moore, Kenneth _ -----·---------------- ..45 Boys' Club, Sr. Morgan, Greg B ... ..45, 80, 91, 146 Interpretive, Sr. Morrill, David ..45, 81, 88, 91, 123 German Club, s. VICA, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, s. School Plays, s., Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr., Sr. Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Stage Crew, s., Jr., Sr. Top 3%, Sr. Morse, David ___ _ ......... 37, 45, 81 Model U.N., Jr.
Broadcaster, Jr., Sr. Football, s. Track, s. Wrestling, Sr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Mumford, Valayne ....... .45, 72, 81,
88, 123 National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Staf{e Design, Sr. Year Book Editor, Sr. Year Book, Jr., Sr. Top 3%, Sr. Murdock, Ron .. --·---·--·----···--·---.45 Boys' Club, Sr. Murphey, J. Mark .............. 45, 89 Band, s., Jr., Sr. Necaise, Craig __ ___ ................. .. 45 Boys' Club, Sr. Nelson, Caroline ..................... 45 FHA, Jr. Band, Jr. Musical, s. German Club, s., Jr., Sr. Nelson, Denise . - - _46 FHA, Historian, Jr. Nelson, Lisa ___ 25, 36, 46, 77, 80,
81, 124, 145, 146 Masque & Gavel, s., Jr., Sr. AGJ President, Sr. Pep Club, Jr. Nat. flonor Society, Jr., Sr. Student Council, s., Jr., Sr. lnterpreti1•e, s., Jr., Sr. Forensics, Jr. Plays, Sr. Top 10%, Sr. 46 Newbold, Charis Ann Girls' Club, Sr. Nosack, David 46,78,85 Boys' Club, Sr. Newland, Dee Ann. 46,98,99 Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Okubo, Kevin _ 46,91 VICA, Jr., Sr. Band, Jr., Sr. Oliver, Trent 36, 37, 46, 76, 119 Boys' Club Pres., Sr. Student Council, Sr. Football, s., Jr., Sr. Lellermen, s., Jr., Sr. Olson, Brad 46, 83, I 09, 116, 119 Boys' Club V. Pres., Jr. Key Club Pres., Sr. Baseball, Jr., Sr. Basketball, s., Jr., Sr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr . Orgill, Jerry . ----------·-···-·46 Boys' Club Ottley, harlcs 46,103,109,119 Basketball Manager, s., Jr., Sr. Foothall, s., Jr., Sr. Packer, Sandra ................ 46 Girls' Club Pangos, Brenda . ................. 46, 8 5 FilA, Jr. DECA, Sr. Jr. Achievement, Jr . ............. 46 Panek, Joseph D. Band, s., Jr., Sr. Parry, Tewe ......... .46, 84, 89 Band, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Forensics, Region Sr. 46, 114, Patience, Steve H.
115, 119, 124
Lee Burningham ponders over his lost basketball season. ISO
Ma.rque & Gavel, s., Jr., Sr. Lctt£'/'men, Jr ., Sr. Footlwll, s., Jr. Track, Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr. Wrestling, s. Pederson, Harbara ............. .46, 8 S FilA, s. f)f~CA, Sr. Pelch, Vern ....................... .46 Boys' Club, Sr. Wrestling, Jr. Lclll'fiiH'n, Jr. Perry, Williams S ....................... 46 /Joy.\' Cluh, Sr. Peterson, Christine L . .... 21, 46,
FHA, Sr. A Cappella, Jr. Peterson, Lynn ___ .............. ......... 46 Boys' Club, Sr. Peterson, Richard C. ...... 28, 46, 80 Masque & Ga1•el, s., Jr. Masque & Gal'el Pres., Sr. Track, S., Jr. Intcrpretil•e, s., Jr., Sr. Plays, Jr., Sr. Musicals, Jr. Peterson, Ricky L. ....... 23, 46, 79,
119, 140, 141 Lellermen, Sr. Junior Ac!tiel'ement, Jr. Trad., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. Pierce, Debbie . __ .. __ ____ __ .. .47 Junior Achie1'ement, Sr. Pingree, Rick Clair __ . --·- .47, 91 VICA,Sr. Junior Ac!tiel·ement, Jr., Sr. Football, s. Wrestling, s., Jr. Prince, Alan J. _ . 25, 47, 78, 83,
115, 119, 126 Masque & Gm·el, s. Key Club, Jr., Sr. Lettermen, s., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Junior Ac!tiel'ement, Jr. Football, s., Jr., Sr. Track, s., Jr. Sr. Wrestling, s. Student Council, Jr. Phillip,.<;, Kevin Boys' Club, Sr. Popcimayer, Joanne Marie
47, H5,98
DECA, Sr. Pep Cluh, Jr., Sr. Potter, Christine Alice ......... .47, 9H Pep Cluh, Jr., Sr . FIIA, Sr. Price, Bonnie A. 47, 7H, 80, 135,
141, 146 Masque & Gol•cl, Sr. A Coppe/la, Sr. Musicol, Jr., Sr. lnterpretil•e, Sr. Price, Paul D. Boys' Cluh Rane, Hlake ........... ..... 47 German Club, Jr. VICA, Jr. Randsdell, Robin L. ................ .47 Girls' Club, Sr. Rasmussen, Renae . .... 23, 47, 79,
H4,87 Masque & Gm•el, s. FilA, Sr. Reinhardt, Russ Ken ................ 47 Boys' Cluh, Sr. Reed : Paula D. 3H, 47 Senior Class Vice President, Sr. Ma.\'CJUC' & Ga1'd, s . Dance Cluh, Sr. Musical, Sr . Richards, Tom F . 14, 47, 7H, 79,
134, 142, 144, 14S, 146 A Cappella, Jr. A Cappella Pres., Sr. 1\ey Cluh, Jr., Sr. Sc/;ool Plays, Sr. Musical, s.,Jr., Sr. V/CA,Sr. Forensics, Sr. Ricord, Clayton H ..................... 47 /Joys' Cluh 47, 79, Robinson, Hrent W.
103, 119
Foothall, s., Sr. Wrestling, Jr. Lellermc•n, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Student Council, Jr., Sr. Robinson, lucinda 27, 47, 85,
86, 138 Dance Club Jlistorian., Sr. DECA, Sr.
Musical, Sr. Stauffer, Richard .................... 37, 48 A.G.J.-Vice-Pres. Jr. FHA., Sr. Boys' Club, Sr. Masque & Gm•el s. Steadman, Brenda L. ........... .48, 75, FHA, Sr. Rocks, B:trbara E. ·--------------------.47 Girls' Club 80, 81, 123, 146 Model U.N. Sec., Sr. Rogers, Wendy ..................... .47, 77 Masque & Gm·el, s., Jr., Sr. Student Council s. AGJ Senior Rep. Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Girls' State Jr. Pep Club, Jr. Nat. Honor Society Historian, Sr. Top 10% Sr. Sagers, Shannon .............. 37, 47, 86 Broadcaster, Jr., Sr. Ward, LaVerne ..............49, 74, 75, A Cappella, Jr. Interpretil·e, s., Jr. 80, 81, 124, 143, 146 Forensic, Sr. Dance Club President, Sr. National Honor Society-Tres. JordaneffC'S, Sr. Orchestra, Sr. Sr., Jr. Musicals., Sr. Thespians, Sr. Broadcaster-Editor Sr., Jr. Schmidt, John L. ................ ..47, 1 12 Youn~-: Americans, Sr. Interpre. Jr., Sr. Masque & Gm·el. Jr. Top 3%, Sr. Young Americans Sr. Sterling Scholar-General, Sr. WrC'stlin~-: s., Jr., Sr. Top 10% Sr. Lettermen, Sr. Struhs, Krista ................. .48, 80, 84, Waters, Greg ................................ 78 Scott, Rodney J ...... .47, 78, 80, 84, 87, 98, 130 Track, Jr. Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Watson, Brian ............................. .49 123, 141' 145, 146 Masque & Gcn·el V. Pres. , Jr., Sr. Masque & Gm·el, Sr. Broadcaster Jr. A Cappella, Sr. FHA, Sr. Watterson, Steven ....................... .49 Na:ionalllonor Society, Sr. Jr. Achie1·ement, Jr., Sr. A Cappella Sr. Broadcasta, Jr. Gymnastics, s., Jr., Sr. Inquiring Editor Sr. lnterpretil•e, Jr., Sr. Stephanson, Bryan C. ..48, 78, 124 Webb, Gwen .... . .49, 84, 87,98, 124 School Play , Jr., Sr. Sta~-:e Crew Ma!Wf-:er, Jr. Pep Club Jr., Drill Mistress Sr. Jr. Achie1·ement, Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gm·el Jr. School Play, Jr. Staling Scholar-Drama, Speech FHA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Musicals, Jr., Sr. Searcy, Rickie G ................. .47, 91 Musical, Jr. Girls' State Jr. Subdon, Connie N ............. ..48, 82 VICA Treasurer, Jr., Sr. Webb, Brent .... 49, 91,114,115, 124 Jordanettes, Sr. Shelby, Douglas M ......... 37, 47,91 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Sudbury, Mark L. .. .................. ..48 VIC A Vice PrC's. , Jr., Sr. VICA, Sr. Tmcl,, Jr. Band, Jr. Football, s. Sundell, John ............................. .48 Student Council, Sr. Track, Jr., Sr., Captain Boys' Club, Sr. Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Sheppick, Edith _ ... ---- -- --------- 37 Taggart, Mark J . ....................... .48 Girls' Club Boys' State, Jr. Student Councils., Jr. Shingle, Gary E. ................. 26, 47 Welch, Jeff Ray ............... .49, 107, Tate, Deborah A ....................... ..48 Boys' Cluh 106, 109, 119, 124 Debate, s. Shirley, Linda ......................... .47 Key Club, Sr. Thornblad, Shauna L. ..48, 81, 123 Orchestra, Sr. Basketball, s., Jr., Sr. National Honor Society Jr., Sr. Top 10%, Sr. Football, s. Student Council, Jr. II . S. Challenge Tean1 Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Top 3% Sr. Bovs' Cluh Student Council, s. BC'IIY Crocker Award Sr. Simonson, harles Musical, Sr. - ..47 Steriin~-: Scholar-Homemaking Boys' State, Jr. 20, 47, 79, Skouhye, David E. Sr. Jr. Achievement, Sr. 80, 81' 135 Tripp, Michale B. West, Pamela ............................. .49 Masque & Gcn·el, Sr. VICA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Girls' Club West, Rickey ............. .49, 115, 119 Tract., Jr. Nat. 1/onor Societv, Jr., Sr. Tetrick, June R. ........................ ..48 Musicai,Sr. · Track, Jr., Sr. Girls' Club Lettermen, Jr. Junior Class President, Jr . Thornwall, David A. ................ ..48 Westbrook, George L. ......... .49, 91 HasAethall, .1·. DehatC', s. Boys' Club Sr. Foothall, s. Tibbets, David F . ............... .48, 79, Westenskow, Carol J ......... ..49, 85 Top 3%, Sr. 122, 119 DECA Sec., Sr., Jr. Math., Sr. SterlinR Sclwlar A Cappella Sr. Winkler, Janece ............. .49, 78, 80, Slater, Dale 48 81,85,124 Tract. Jr. , Sr. /Jasl,etha/1, s. Lettermen s., Jr., Sr . Mas que & Gm•el, s., Jr. Smith, Bob W., .48, 81, 85,91 Jary Jordan of The Year Sr. DECA, Sr. Kl;V Cluh, Jr., Sr. Tolman, Lynne . .. . .. ............ .48 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. 1)/:,'CA, Sr. A Cappella Social Chairman, Jr. Dance Club Jr. VICA, V.P., Sr. Troyer, Stanley Art ........... .48, 79, Top 10%, Sr. Footha/1, s., Jr. 103, 112, 116, 119 German Club, Jr. Smith, Craig 48,85 Basf..etball, s., Jr. Honor Society, Sr. D /~'('A, Sr. Whitlock, Robert ................ ..49, 88, Baseball Jr., Sr. Smith, Don G. 103, 115, 119 Football, s., Jr ., Sr. Jr. Achiel'l'/1/ent, Sr. Football, Jr. Wrest/in[:, Sr. Smith, Luana German Club, s. Lettermen, Jr ., Sr. GNman Cluh, s. VICA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Smith, Marvin J . .. _............ .48 Musical, s., Jr., Sr. Student Council Jr. Bovs' Cluh, Sr. Lettermen, Sr. 1st Place A utomotil·e League, s. Soper, Paul J. 48, 78, 79, 91' Williams, Clarence L. _ ............. .49 Utley, Gloria J. . .............. .48 124, 13 I, 141, 145 Key Club Secretary, Jr. DECA Sr. V!CA, Jr., Sr. Wintle, Colleen .............. 23, 49, 78 FHA, Jr. A Cappella. Jr ., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Vandenberg, Tom ............... .48, 84 Musical, Sr. Musical, Jr. Boys' Cluh Schooll'lfn·, Sr. /Jovs' Stall;, Jr. Woodward, Ted C ......... 37, 49, 85 Van Ta<;sell, Joy .......... 37, 48, 86, Snow·, Shelley 48, 79, 86, 98, 129 DECA, Sr. 87, 98, 124 Cheerleader, Jr. Pep Club-Sec. Jr., Vice-Pres. Sr. Wootton, John E . ....................... .49 Jr . Class Sec., Jr . FHA Sr. Boys' Club, Sr. A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Dance Club Sr. Wright, Diane ___________________________ .49 Oance, Jr., Sr. Student Council Sr. Masque & Gm·el, Jr. Pep Cluh, Jr., Sr. G iris' State Jr. Wright, Kelly ................ 20, 49, 81, Pep Cluh President, Sr. Vigil, David ............................ .48 89,118,123 Masque & G(ll·el, s. Footballs., Jr. Tennis, Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr . Wrest/in{: s. Band, s., Jr., Sr. llonlecominR Queen, Sr. Vi! liard, Lowell ............ ..49, 91, 84 Band President, Jr. Snow, Nora 48, 85, 86 VICA Sr. National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Jr ., Sr. Forensics Jr. , Sr. National Honor Society Dance Cluh V.P., Sr. Track, Jr., Sr. President, Sr. DECA, Sr. Lettermen Jr., Sr. Musical, s., Jr. , Sr. Speech, Jr. , Sr. Top 3%, Sr. Walkenhorst, Melanie K. ..... .49, 87, School Play, Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar-Music, Sr. 84, 124 Musical, Jr .. Sr.
Index Admininstration Crump, Sherman ........................ 16 Bishop, Clement .................. 31, 139 Fitzgerald, Mary B ....... .............. 18 Day, Robert --------------------------------18 Young, Richard .......................... 18 Ainsworth, Thelma .................... 31 Bodell, Marjorie .......................... 31 Wagstaff, Lena ............................ 31 Anderson, Paul ............ 29, I 10, 1 18 Ash, Frederick ____________________ 19, I 17 Au:entico, Randy B... 29, 102, 104 Ballard, Lynn A. .. .............. 19, 116 Boberg, Lowell J. ________________________ 19 Bradford, James Lynn ................ 23 Brown, Blaine D ........... 22, 88, 136 Burkinshaw, Jaw ........................ 28 Cuff, Robert ................ 23, 109, 116 Dow, Margie 0 ... .......... 19, 74, 136 Erickson, David .......................... 21 Fisher, Gerald .............................. 26 Fraser, Golda ------------------------------19 Gerth, Carl .................................. 26 Gibson, Gary .............................. 20 Gunnell, Farrell .......................... 21 Harris, Calvin .............................. 28 Henderson, Betty ........................ 27 Hill, Dixie ------ ------------------------------27 Holt, Tracy __________________________________ 26 Judd, David T. ............................ 19 King, Roger .......................... 26, 91 McCleary, Jerry L. ...................... 29 McCleary, Kenneth .................... 21 McConkie, Judith ...................... 19 McDonald, Robert ___________ .... 24, 89 McKay, Robert L. ............ 29, 103, I 12, 113 Milne, Donald B. ........................ 23 Naylor, Charles .................... 24, 79 Nelson, Arvel ........................ 24, 72 Oliver, Rodney .... 20, 109, 1 14, 115 Olson, Donald P ......................... 24 Pace, Ralph W ....................... 24, 88 Peterson, Wendell J ..................... 26 Pond, Jay .............................. 23, 84 Rawlings, Brian ............ 24, 80, 138, 145, 146 Russon, Arland ............................ 28 Smith, Gary ................................ 20 Tranter, Gertrude G ........... 27, 136 Westenskow, Glora .................... 22 Williams, Marietta L. .................. 29 Wilson, Lila .......................... 22, 72 Wright, Carolyn .......................... 28 Wright, Kirk ................................ 19 Yates, Marilyn ............................ 28
Juniors Akagi, Stanley T ........... 51, 79, 115 Allen, Calvin R. .......................... 51 Allen, Donald L. ________________________ 51 Allison, Sharlene ........................ 51 Allred, Lorraine .................... 21, 51, 78,81,88 Alvey, Gary L. ...................... 51, 85 Anderson, Jolene ___ 51, 78, 98, 100 Anderson, Julie ___________________________ .51 Anderson, MartiaL. ........ 51,75, 80 Anderson, Rickey ........................ 51 Andrus, Barry ............................ 51 Andrus, Craig S ................... 51, 109 Armitstead, Brad Lee .................. 51 Ashworth, Eileen ........................ 87 Atwood, Judy ___ .................... 51, 80 Baker, Vonda Jean ................ 37, 51 Baldwin, Roland L. ............ 51, 141 Ballamis, Patricia J .................... .51 Ballard, Beverly A ..... 51, 78, 79, 85 Ballard, Mary Alice .............. 51, 78 Barber, Gordon __________________________ 51 Barton, Nancy ...................... 85, 90 Bell, John .............................. 51, 79 Bernardo, Paul L. ........................ 51 Berrett, Devan B. .. .............. 51, 81, 109, I 18 Bills, Patti Jean ............... .51, 79, 80
Birch, Brya n D . .................. 51 , 103 Birch ell, Nancy Ann .... 5 J, 87, 125 Bird, Roger ................................ 51 Bluemel, Craig L. ................ 74, 118 Bodell, Chad H . ................ 103, 116 Bodell, Charles ................... ......... 51 Bolliger, Gordon .................... 51 , 83 Bolton, Mark C. ............... .51, 118 Bowen, Danny ........................... .51 Bowler, Dale K. .......................... 37 Bowles, Steven A. ....................... .51 Boynton, Thomas .......... 51 , 79, 146 Brady, Debra .................. 51, 86, 98 Brake, Michael P ......................... 51 Breeze, Michael .................. 51, 115, 119, 125 Broadhead , Phil G ............. 52, 109, 116, 137 Brown, Earla E . .......................... 52 Brown, Mark C ................ .52, 109, 118, 119 Brown, Sherri L. ....................... .52 Bryce, Susan L. ............. .28, 52, 88 Burgener, Terri L. ...................... 52 Burkinshaw, Debra ......... .52, 86, 98 Campbell, Terry R. ............ 37, 52, 117, 119, 125 Capson, Merrill G . ...................... 52 Carpenter, Richard H . ................ 52 Carpentier, Barbara L. ................ 52 Cary, Daniel R. ......................... .37 Childs, David A. ........................ 52 Cole, Kerry ......................... .52, 103 Conish , Alice R. ........ 52, 80, 82, 84 Coombs, Vonie ..... .52, 78, 80, 146 Covington, ~raig D ..................... 52 Cox, Vaughn S . .......... 52, 109, 115 Cranney, Scott .................... 52 , 102 Crebs, Shauna C ......................... 52 Crebs, Susan J .. .............. .57, 87, 98 Crebs, Zane ................. .52, 83, 115, 119, 132 Davenport, Barbara G . ..52, 80, 85 Davidson, Sharon L. ......... .52, 72, 77, 78 , 80, 98, 141, 142, 146 Dennison, Debra Ann .......... 52, 78 Densley, Sydnee Lee ........... .52, 87 Derricott, Rhonda L. .......... 52, 78, 80, 84, 145, 146 Despain , Joy .................... 52, 85 , 87 Dick, Leanna L. .................... 52, 98 Duke, Donna Marie ............. .52, 82 Dumas, Terry Lee ................ ..... .52 Durrant, N eena Marie .............. 52, 79, 146 Eastman, Stan .... 52, 75, 83, 84, 88 Eddington , Delbert W ................ .52 Elswood, John P ........ .52, 112, 119 Elwood , Lon H .... ................. 37, 52
Enniss, Dan D . .... 52 , 81, 102, 119 Evans, David W . ............... ........ .53 Fairbourn, Renae ...... 29, 53 , 85, 98 Fairbourn, Stanley I. ................. 53 Farnsworth, Nancy ........ 53, 78 , 85 Farnsworth, Robert W .............. 53 Fitzgerald, Anna .......................... 53 Fitzgerald, Kevin F . ................... .53 Fitzgerald, Susan ........... .53 , 78, 87 Flint, Kevin 0 ............. 53, 103, 119 Fowler, Gregory .......................... 53 Fowles, Beckie L. ............ 53, 72, 80 Frederickson, Gary A . ................ 75 Fullmer, JohnS .......................... .53 Gardner, Beverly ................. .53, 87, 98 , 129 Garfield , Carol ....... .29, 53, 95, 132 Garfield , Sue ................... .53, 81 , 88 Gatherum, Richard G ..... 21 , 53 , 72 Gehring, S ~eve L. ........................ 53 Geter, Kelly G . ........... .53, 79, 137 Giron, Vicki ............................... 53 Glassey, Karen S . .................. 53, 79 Goetz, Lonny .............................. 53 Goff, Michael P . ....... 53 , 118, 119 Gotberg, Tara A. .......... .... 54, 84 Graham , Ramona I. ..... 54, 80, 100 Green, Sue P . .................. 54, 80, 84 Greenwood , Robert G . ....... 54, 80, 140, 141 Greer, Connie L. ....................... .54 Griess, Deborah F ........... 54, 56, 98 Grow, Patti J . ........................ .54 Hales, Marjorie R. ...................... 54 Hall, Billy M ..................... 54, 116 Halladay, Ruth ...................... .54 Hansen, Pamela May ... 54, 82, 87 Harris, Deanna G. ...... ...... .. ..54 Hase, Christopher ............ .54, I 03, I 12, 119, 122 Hatch, Wendy A. ........... 54, 75, 84 Heaps, Gail Edythe ... . 54, 80, 81, 98 , 145, 146 Henke, Claudia ......... . . . .54, 82 Heline, Richard L. .................... .54 Hicks, Rex D . .......................... 54 Hill, Betty D . ..................... 54 Hill , Steven ........... .54, 84, 119, 125 Holloway, Robert A .......... 54, 79, 109, 116, I 19 Homer, Julie ..... .................. 54 Howlett, Marianne .... 54, 79, 80, 82 Hummel, Diane .. ... . ..54, 78 , 86 Humphrey, Susie A. ... . .... 54, 82, 85, 126 lllguth, Kenny H ............. .54, 115 Jackson, Kelvin . . ........... 55, 73 Jarvis, Renae ...... 55, 77, 81, 82,87
Jenkins, Dave A ............ 55, 81, 91 Jensen , Deborah Lynn ............. 85 Jensen , Pamela ............ 55, 80, 85 Johanse n, Sandra K ..... 55, 84, I 00 John son, Cynthia ..................... 55 John son, D ann y L. .................. 55 Johnson, Karen J .......... 55, 79, 96 Johnson , Kathleen Dee ..... 55, 80 Johnson , Milton ... .. . . ... 55, 79 Johnson, Rhonda Jean .. 55, 84, 85 Jones, Kevin A ............... 55, I 02, 109,119,125 Jones, Milton Taun . 55, I 03 , I 16 Judkins, Jada ................. 55, 85 Kemp, Karen C. ...................... 55 Kimball , David L. .................. 103 Lambson , Lancaster, Langford , Lee, lark Lindeman,
Lori ... 55, 57, 73 , 146 Lauric .. .. .. ... . . ... 55 hri stine M. .... 55,74 . ... . ........ ....... . 55 Sheryle A. . .... 55, 78, 85,87,98 Lindquist, aray E. . 76, I 03, 116 Linnarz, Richard ............... 55, 73 ..55, 79, 80 Linnarz, Nada . Lloyd , Scott .. . .. 55, 72, 75, I 25 Lovcndahl, Rickie L. .... 55, I 15, 119 Lucero, Lawrence ................ . ..89 Luther, Denise ............. 55, 85 McArthur, Linda L. ... 55, 58, 78, 85, 87, 98, 127 McCormick , Mike V. . 55, 146 McKnight, Aileen M. . ... . .. 55 Mace, Steven R . . .. . ..... 55, 91 Mackert, Rowena .............. 55, 75 Man gum , James M. .......... 55 Marcuez, Phylli s . ........... ..55 Massa, indy A . . ............ 55, 98 Maxedon , Roary P. .......... .91 Maynes, Bruce J . . . ........ . 55 Maynes, Bryan W. . ..... . 55, 84 Meldrum , Randy A . ....... 56, 103, 119, 125 Mclonas, Sam 56, 114, 1 I 5, 119 Mickel so n, cott J . 37, 56, 79, 141 , 146 Mitchell , David 56, 85, I 19, 124 Mitchell, Steve Don . 53, 56, I 19 Mountcer, Ann 56,87 Mullen , Darlene . 56, 78, 80, 98 56 Murphy, Susan K. Myers, Vicky 56, 84 Neff, Mikael D . ...... . . . 56 56, 98, 100 Nelson , JaNae Noffsinger, heryl A. 56, 80, 98, 141, 146
Mrs. Westenskow and Mrs. Wright discuss their morning classes.
Norton, Lyle ............. ........ 56 , 79 Oliver, Karlene ........ 56, 79 , 81, 87, 95, 126 Orwin, Donna I. ................. 56, 82 Ostler, Craig J ............ 28, 56, I 18 , 125 , 145 Ostler, Robyn L. ................ 56, 57, 87 ,88, 98 Oviatt, Judy C. ........................... 56 Panek, Eddy ............................... 56 Parker, Collette ......................... 87 Parry, Steven E ........................... 56 Patterson, Carl E. .. . ................ 56 Peacock, Wendy Rae ..... 56, 87, 98 Pearce, John R. ................. .56, I 19 Penrod, Randy G. .. ........ . ..... 56 Perry, Richard J. . ....... ......... 56 Petersen , rai g . . ....... 56, 72, 80 Peterson, Julie .. . ..... .. . 56 , 84 Peterson , Kathleen Iaine . 56, 87 Phillips, harlene . .. . ..... . ... 56 Potter, olleen . . .................... 57 Price, Kathy J . ..................... 57, 80 Rasmussen, Elaine . ........ 57, 86 Reese, David . . ......... ...... 57 Reeve , Don . . . ......... 57 , 89 57, 98 Reich, Alona Gay . .. . . 57 Rich, Scott M. .... Richardson, Vicky 50, 57, 98, I 00 Riding, Ina L. . . 57, 78 , 80 Robinson, Kern . ... ..57, 80, 81, 84, 89, 146 57, 78 , 84, 87 Roche, Karen . Romero, Richard G. 57, I02, 112, 119 Rosenkrantz, Don V. .... . . . 57 Ross, Dana Lee 57, 98 Runolfse n, Steven B. . 57 Russell, Lynne D . . 57, 80 Salmon , D . Gale Sanders, atherine
57,78,86,98 57, 77, 82,87 chmidt, Boyd M. ... ........ . 112 cott, Lora Lee 57 etterberg, Judy D . 57 Sheppard, Steven C. .57, 73, 85, I 18, 123, 125 Sh ryers, Bruce 57, 9 I ippel, tefannie . . . 57 koubye, Ellen 37, 50, 57, 78, 80, 82, 124, 138, 146 lade, Lori L. 57, 74, 80, 81, 98 , 146 mith, Brent 58 mith, Darlene ...... 58 mith, David M. .. .. 58, 80, 117 mith, David W . . .... 58, 74 , 102, 115 Smith, Donna J ......... .. 58,86,98 Smith, Jeannie 58,84 Smith, Len . . . 58 Smith , Lori ....... 58, 79, 86, 96, 100, 101 Smith, Paul M. .58 Smith, Robert A. .. 73 Smith, Royce J. 58, 102, 119 pringer, John Jay 58, 115 Stoedter, Linda D . 58, 80, 84 tone, Robin F. 58, 78, 79, 82 Story, Lance 58, 88 ullivan, Eddy L ............ 58, I 03 Sutcliffe, Dawn 58, 85 Swenson, Lysle W. 58, 85 ybrowskey, tevcn E. . 23, 58, I 02, I 02 , I 12, 1 13, I 19, 125 Thomas, Russel L. .......... .. . 58 Thompson, ynthia ...... 58, 79, 80, 146 Thomps n, velyn M. .. 58 Thornwall, cb ra 58 Tolman, Kri s 59,85 Tripp, Bettie K. . 59 Tunbridge, Marcie L. 59,81' 85, 96, 133 Turner, Anne Debra . .. 59, 78, 80,82 Turnt;r, Debbie L. ...... 59, 77 , 78 Turpin, Marilyn . 59
Vawdrey , Douglas D ........... 37, 57, 59, 112, 119, 122 Vawdrey , Karla Jo .............. 59, 75, 80,98 Yeater, Ronald W ............ ... 59, 146 Vernon , Debbie Sue ____________ 59, 79 , 96, 100 Wagstaff, Douglas B. _________ .59, 74, 76, 125 Wahlin, Linda C. -----··--·-------------- 59 Walters, Bryan L. _______ _59, 85, 125 Ware, Kent S. __________ 36, 50, 59, 79, 80, 81' 140, 141' 142 Washburn , Paul L. ______________________ 59 Walters, Debra M. ________________ 59, 98 Weller, Della M. ___________ _59 , 79, 80 Wentz, Raymon E. ·------·-----------·-· 59 Whetman , Venna J. _____________ 59, 79, 87,98 , 129, 146 Whitehead , Gary ________________ 37, 75 , 91' 125 Wilburn , Frank .... 59, 102, 114, 115 William s, Carroll J. ---··--·-----------·59 Williams, Konae ________ 59 , 80, 85 , 98 Win ge r, Randy D. _______ _59, 84, 125 Winkler, la rk J. ---·---·---·--··20, 59 , 116, 125 Withers, Rick L. ---·-··-------·----------· 59 Wolfgramm , Lanie D. __________ 59, 87 Wolfgra mm, Sal F. _______ _59, 87, 139 Woodruff, Laura J. ______ 59, 78 , 98, 100, 146 Woodward , Wendy S. ___ .37, 59, 86, 94, 95, 134 Wri ght, onnie ---·--··- ________________ _59 Yaka, Emily M. __ ---·--·--------------_59 Yen gich , Linda A. --··----·_59, 82, 85 Zagarich, Jim ______ ·-···--··-- _________ _59 Zago rec, Tamara -···-·---·· ___________ _59 Zeller, Tim L. __ -····-···--- __ I 02, 119
Sophomores Adair, Mark K. ...... 61, 89, 117 Adam s, Jon R.. _ . -·- ·----- __ .61 Alldred ge, Suzanne _ .... ____ 61, I 00 Allen , Jodi _ ___ ..... _ .. ... 61 Allen , Ronald L ·-·······- __ .6 1, 141 Allgood, Laurel _ . -·- ____ ... 61 All sop, Reed _ _ ·------ .... 61 Anderso n, Anthony R. _ _ . 105 Anderso n, Laden J . _.. 61, 89 Andersen, N edd A. . .. 36, 60, 61, 115, 132 Anderson, Sue _ .. 21, 61 Anderso n, Terry L. - . 116 61 Armit stead , Co lette Arm stron g, Howa rd L. ..... 61,89 ...... 61 Atkinso n, Bernie 61 Austin , James _ 21, 37, Badovinatz, George M. 61, 109 Bagley , Merrid y _ __ 61 Bagshaw , William .61 Bailey, ' arol 61, 80 Baker, Letty ·-····---·-······--- __ 61 Baker, Paul K. ·--······-··········--. 61 Baker, usa n L. ···-············-·--· _ 61 Bakker, Kelley _·-········-·----- .. 61 Ballard , Brian R .. -··········--------- .61 Ballard , Marsha __ ........... _61, 76 Bau gh, Ric _ ·--········-···---- __ 61 Beck , Ka ren L. .. ____ _....... __________ 61 Beck stead , Rodney _ _ . 61, 89 Bec kstead , Steven R. _ 61, 89, I I 0 Bin gham , Karl J . __ .. -·- _____ 61 , 89 Blackwood , Susan M .. ____________ 61 Bluth , Vincent __ __ _ 61 , I 02, I 09 , 110, 119, 125 Bogensc hutz, Joey F. . __ 61, 105, 110, 117 Bolli ge r, Shelbye _ ·--····-------·----·-61 Brady, Karen _ ____ ·-- _______ 61 , 77 Brook s, Kurt __ ·---·-···- .. 61, 85, 109 Brown , Deni _ _ _.. .. __ -·- 61, 80 Brown , Dou glas _ .. 61, 1 I 0, 1 15 Buchanan, Dana _ ... _______________ 62 Buh , Judy . ---·------·---·····- ____ 62, 89
Burbank, Larry T. ________________________ 62 Burch, Carla J ___________ _______ ______ ___ ____ 62 Burgess, Gene ______________________________ 62 Burgon, Michael A . ____________ ____ ______ 62 Burgon, Toni L. ____________________________ 62 Burningham, Bruce ____________ 62, 105, 110,115 Butler, Susan M. __________________ __ _____ _62 Caldwell, Mike D . ___________ _____ __ ___ _62 Call, Nancy __ ______________________ ________ 62 Cannon, Kathleen K . ________ __________ 62 Carlquist, John D. ________ ___ _21, 62, 89 Carson, Burt __________________________ 62, 89 Chapman, Sandra ____________ ____ 62, 100 Chase, Shirley L _________________________ 62 Chase, Sue ________________ ___ ___ ___ _________ 62 Christensen, Cory A. ____________ 62, 105 Christensen, Lauri ________________ 62, 85 Christensen, Lessley B. _____ ____ ___ __ 62 Clark, Linda L. ______________________ 37, 62 Clarke, Robert L. _________________ _62, 73 Clayton, John ______________________________ 62 Clough, Diane F. ______ ____________________ 62 Cowley, Jerry D. ____________ ___ _______ ____ 62 Cowley, Terrie R. ________________________ 62 Coy, Carol L. ______________________________ 62 Cozzens, Mtchell ________________ ________ 62 Cranney, Dan G . __________________________ 63 C rapo, Scott R. ______ 63 , 76, 110, 118 Crebs, Shirley R. __________________________ 63 Crispin, Jack L. ____________________________ 63 Damj anovich , Linda ___ __ _____________ 63 Dave nport, Bonnie L. __________________ 63 D av is, Ja na M. _________________________ ___ 63 Davi s, Sh aun a ______________________ 63, 125 Day, Ja mes C. ______ 63, 105, 117, 119 Demarest, Michelle ________________ ____ 63 Dennies, L. Marilu ________________ 63, 73 Denni son , Di ane _____ _________ 63, 82, 85 Derricott, Kent W. 63 , 80, 118, 141 De pain, Faith ______________________ 63 , 87 Dick, Linda S. ______________________ 63 , 125 Dixon , D ane L. ____________________________ 63 Draper, David K. ___________ .37, 63, 89 Duncan, Debra R. ___________ ___________ 63 Dunn, Jerry L---------------------------·--63 Eaton , Randy ---------·---------·----------63 Eddington, Shawn a L. __________________ 63 Edmunds, Debra L. ____________________ 63 Edmunds, Karl D. __________________ 63, 85 Elder, Michael J. __________________________ 63 Elkington, Kevin B. ____________ 63, 110 Ellis, Nikole L. ____________________________ 63 Elmer, Bobby ______________________________ 63 Elswood, M arydell ____________________ 63 lwood , Nona -- ----------- ---------------63 E ubank s, Donna ________________ ________ 63 Fairbourn, Brenda S.______________ 63 , 85 Fairbourn, D av id _______________ 63, 105 Fairbourn, DeVa r ______________________ 63 Farnworth, Cathy J. _________ _4 ________ 63 Fergus, Robert Jeff ________________ 63, 89 erguson, Kerry M .________ 37, 63 , 84 Finnegan, Willi am T. __________________ 63 Fitzgerald, Colleen ______________ 63 , 125 Fitzgerald, Karleen ______________ 63, 82 Fitzgerald, M ary Ann ________________ 63 Flores, Tony L. ____________________ 63 , 105 Ford, Lois J . ________________________________ 63 Fritz, Ken J _________________________________ 64 Gardner, James __ ________________________ 63 Garfield, Dale H ... 64, II 0, 115, 119 Gause, Kelly 8. ____________________________ 64 Gilchrist, Michelle ________________ 64, 77 Glad, J anet __________________________________ 64 Goetz, M arsha A ---------·---------------64 Gordon, Michael T ____ ___________ 20, 64 Golberg, Rand all c. ____________________ 64 Gotberg, Rich ard A . ____________________ 64 Gray, Rick __________________________________ 64 Greenwood, Daniel G. ________________ 64 Greenwood, Laurie ______________ 64, 80 Gregory, M atthew N _______ 64, 89,1 05 Greyeys, John ______________________________ 64 Gries , Robert ____________________________ 64 Groves, Sheryl A. ________________________ 64 Gurr, Gaynel ________________________ 64, 85 H adley, Kevin D .________________________ 64 Ha nsen, Pamel a ___________________ _______ 64 Ha nse n, Trudie L. ________________________ 64 Ha rdcast le, Annette ____________________ 64 H ardcastle, D a nny J. ____ ___________ ___ 64
Hardcastle, Peggy ________ ___ _____ __ ______ 64 Hardy, Mark L. __________ 64, 103, 105, 110, 116, 119 Hartwell, Ronald G .. ___ ______ ____ ______ 64 Hase, Georgia ____________________ 64, 125 Hastings, Steven c. _________ ___ __ __ ______ 64 Hatch, Jerry A. ____ ____ _____ ___ ________ ____ 64 Haycock, Caroline 1._ _________________ 64 Hewitt, Brian L. ______________________ ____ 64 Higbee, Terecia L. _____ ____ ___ __________ 64 Hilton, Susan _____ ___ ____ __ ____ 60, 64, 69 Hofeling, Craig V. ______ _____ ___ __________ 64 Hoffman, David W. ____________ 64, 110 Hofhines, Jenice c. ____________________ 64 Hogland, Steven C. ____ ________________ 64 Hooser, Don M. ________________ ___ _______ 65 Hranac, Debra ____________________________ 65 Huffman , Spencer L. __ __________________ 65 Hughes, Ronald J. __ ________ ____ 65, 105, 110,116 Huntzinger, Michael E. ________________ 65 I vie, Gloria ____________ 65, 69, 100, 130 Jaynes, Susan ______________________________ 65 Jenkins, Marvin D. __ ____________ 65, 115 Jensen, Claude _____ _________ 65, 89, 115 Jensen , Colleen R. __________________ ___ ___ 65 Jensen, Fawnette ________________________ 65 Jensen, Louis Vern ____________________ 65 Johnson, Richard A .____________________ 65 Johnstun, Doyle B. ________ 65, 89, 105 Jones, Merrilea J ______________ ___ __ 65, 82 Jones, Susan K. __ ___ _______________________ 65 Joos, Linda __________________________________ 65 Jordan , Johnny R. ________ 65, 105, 115 Ju, Colleen J. ____________ ______________ 65, 85 Kaufman, Steve R. __________ ___ _________ 65 Kemp, Roger ______ ______ __________________ 65 Kerby, Deborah K. ____________ __________ 65 Killian, Blaine c. ________ __________________ 65 Knight, Penny R. ____ ____ ________________ 65 Kreger, Debra L. __________________________ 65 Kunz, Dean M . ____________________________ 65 Kunz, Debbie D. __________________________ 65 Kunz, Floyd ________________________________ 65 Landeen , Janette ____________________ 65, 80 Lang, Robin c. ______________________ 65 , 88 Lawrence, Sid R. ________________________ 65 Lawson, Ken ----- -- ------·-----·----65, 105 Leatherbury, Marilyn ____________ 65, 85 Lepore, Phillip _____________ ___ ____ ________ 66 Leyba, Joni ------ -------·-- ------------------66 Lloyd , Gary C . ________________ ____________ 66 McFarland , Brenda _______ __ ___ __ 66, 67 McMillen, Vonnie ______________________ 66 McNeill, Sandra __________________________ 66 Mace, Chris M ._________________________ ___ 66 Mace, LaMonte E. ________________ 66, 85 Marchant, Lynn D. __________ ____ 66, 118 Margetts, Monte L. ______________________ 66 Maughn , Jeffrey S. _____ _66, 76, 102, 103 , 105, 110,119 Maxwell , Brad R. ____________ 66, 84, 89 Maxwell , Danny __________________________ 66 Maynes, Mark F. ______________ __ ________ 66 Mead, Norma J. _______ ___________ ________ 66 Mellor, David R. __________________________ 66 Melonas, John ____________________ 66 , 125 Merriam, John D. ________________________ 66 Meyer, Robert L. _________________________ _66 Mickelsen, Kim H. _____________________ 66 Miller, Connie L. __________ 66, 82, 100 Miller, Gordon R. ________ 66, 105, 119 Miller, Tim H. ______________________________ 66 Mitchell, Glendon C. __________ 66, 105 Moore, Bryan ____________________________ 66 Moore, Collette ____ 37, 66, 122, 129 Morgan, Stanley Le __ e ________________ 66 Morrill, Jeff c. ______________________ 66, 88 Morse, Teresa M _______ _______ ____ _______ 66 Mullen , Jeniece M. ______________________ 67 Mumford, Royce A. ____________________ 67 Murphy, Becky L. __________________ 67 , 82 Neve, Robin J. ____________________________ 67 Newhouse, Terry J. ______________________ 67 Noffsinger, Nancy L. ______ 37, 67, 80 Nokes, Maureen _______________ __ ___ 37, 67 Norton, Shelly ____________________________ 67 Nosack , Mark L. __________________ 67 , 110 Nunley , Sharon ____ 60, 67, 125, 132 Nygard, Sandra F. ______________________ 67 Odorizzo, Veldon ______________________ 67 Olson, Jerry L. ____________________________ 67
Orton, David L. __ ____ ____ ___ ______ __ ___ 67 Oviatt, Valerie E. __ _____ _______ ____ ______ 67 Panek, Claude W. ________ __ __ __ ____ 67, 89 Parker, Connie _____________________ .37, 67 Patience, Kathy ---- ---- -- ·---- -----------67 Patterson, Loren D. _______ ___ 105, 115 Petersen, Jay ________ 67, 105, 110, 118 Peterson, Michael ________________ 67, 105 Potter, Tina ___ ___ _________ _____ ______ 37, 67 Porter, Sandra L. ______ __ _______ ___ ______ 67 Powell, Joan ________________ ___ ____ _____ ____ 67 Price, Janet L. __________ __ ___ _________ ______ 67 Rakes, Becky A. __________________________ 67 Rappleye, Keith __________________________ 67 Reed, Cyndy ___________________ .29, 67, 82 Reeve, William A. ______________________ 67 Rich, Helen L. ______ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ ____ 67 Richardson, Calvin B. _____ _____ ______ 67 Rigby, Reynold M. ______________________ 67 Ritzman, Jason c. ___ _____ ___ __ __________ _ 67 Robinson , Kim ______________________ 67, 85 Rocks, Lenea C. _____________ .29, 68 , 82 Rogers, Mark ____________ 68, 110, 116 Rose, Bradley ___ _______ ___ __ ______ _________ 68 Rosenkrantz, Sandra M ... 68 , 85, 90 Rowsell, Scott 1.. ___________ ____ __ 68 , 105 Rynearson, Doug M. __________ 68, 110 Sadler, Debra L. ___________ ______ _________ 68 Salter, Lorrie K. ______________ ___ _________ 68 Samuelson, Karen L. ______________ 68, 82 Sevy, Debra A. __________________________ __68 Sanders, Leslie S. ________________________ 68 Shocker, Kirk Alan ____________________ 68 Scott, Russel __ ______________________________ 68 Sharp, Heidi G. ________________ 65 , 68, 72 Shelby, Allen K. __________________________ 68 Shell, Phillip B. __ ________ ___________ _______ 68 Shinkle, Janet D. __________________________ 68 Sielhorst, Pam F .. __________ _______________ 68 Simmons, Pamela R. __________ ____ 68 , 76 Singleton, Donald M. ____ ________ 68, 89 Smith, Annette ______________________ 37, 68 Smith, Buddy D. ___ _________ ______ 68 , 105 Smith, Cheri M. __________________________ 68 Smith , Kerry L. ____________________ 68, 88 Smith , Luanne D. ________________________ 68 Smith , Pam -- --- -----------------------------68 Smith, Penny L. ___ _______ __________ 68 , 80 Smith , Robert _______ ___ ________ ____ ________ 68 Smith , Tom D. ____________________________ 68 Sorenson, LuAnn ________________________ 68 Stoedter, Grechen ________ ________ 68 , 85 Sturdy, Sheila ----------·----------------·68 Svedin , Ritchie ____________________ 68, 105 Swanagan, Giesele ______________________ 68 Tait, Debora _____________________ _________ 68 Tate, John P- -----------------------------·68 Taylor, Vardell G. ______________________ 68 Terry, Joseph __________________ ____________ 68 Tetrick, Elton ___________________ __ _______ 69 Thacker, Stan M .________________________ 69 Thornwall, Dean ___ __ ______________ _____ 69 Tripp, Kristine ----------- ---- -- -------·---69 Tunbridge, Gary R- ----------------- 105 Utley, Colleen --·----·----- ----------- ----69 Vasquez, Carmen P . _____________ _______ 69 Vaccaro, Carla --------- ----- ------·-----69 VanAmen, Peggy A. _______ __ ____ __ ____ .69 Wack, Candace __________________________ 69 Wall , Jacqueline D. ____________________ 60 Washburn, Chad B. __________ 69, 110, 116, 141 W a tts, John ___ _______ ______________________ 69 Watson , Richard A .______ __ ___ _________ 69 Webb, Gary D. ____________________ 69, 119 Webster, Chris A. ____ ____________ 69, 125 Webster, Kelly A. _________ :29, 69, 125 Welch, Marshall K. ______________________ 69 Weller, Michael ----·---------------------69 Wentz, Richard ________________ __________ 69 West, Janalyn _____________________________ _69 West, Jeff T. ________________________________ 69 Westbrook, Mike __________ 23, 69, 105 Whetman, Wayne ______________________ 69 White, Claudia J ___ ____ __________________ 69 Whitlock, Shana L. ____________ __ ________ 69 Williams, Sharon __________ __ ____________ 69 Withers, Randy M. ______________________ 69 Witt, Wesley G. ____ ____________ __ 69 , 118 Wright, Bonnie __________________ __ __ 37, 69