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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Organizations . . . . . . . . . . 52 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Studentbody ........... 108 Index ................. 156



IV/fV£ Mrs. Lila Wilson Advisor

Craig Petersen Editor

TEEN HUNDRED AND SE\IEN\'< · Published in 1972 by the Associated Students of Jordan High School Sandy, Utah

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Mr. Arval Nelson Advisor

Doing, being Learning, living Unknowingly creating Treasured memories



The weeks that seemed So endless Were only a countdown Toward the end



The year is over The book is closed We need a time to look back Before going onward



As we try to recall The cover is opened And the year Is reviewed



Our memories Become priceless Like a beloved book Read often

When we do go on Toward our goals The memories are part of us Etched into ourselves



The need for improvement in Jordan's academic system has initiated many changes since the school was founded in 1914. The Administration and faculty have worked constantly to keep the educational structure up-to-date. Policy reforms in dress standards and student government were made possible by the joint efforts of the School Board, Administration and Studentbody Officers. The addition of the counseling program in the l 950 's provided for a more effective student guidance system.

ACADEMICS In 1917 the girls ' gym classes were held in the present day cafeteria, while the students ate their lunches on the lawn. When the addition to the building was made and the girls' gym was built, the former girls ' gym became the cafeteria. The Bookstore, a part of the curriculum, has sold items for the convenience of the students such as JHS socks in 1950. Miss Golda Fraser, an English and language teacher, is a highly respected faculty member. Many are grateful for her teaching.


Mr. Crump communicates with the students. Success came to Jordan High through the combined efforts of students and staff members. lnnovational changes in the curriculum and the remodeling of facilities furnished students an excel lent educational opportunity. Quality teaching by staff members and the search for excellence by students he lped to make the educational opportunity productive. Students exhibited th is excellence through achieving high local, state, and even national honors. Thanks to all who helped to make 1971 -72 a memorable and successful year. Mr. She rman M. Crump Principal

Mr. Bishop is concerned with student problems. Whi le working with students on attendance and schoo l activities, I was constant ly im pressed by the high caliber of students that attend Jordan High Schoo l. As each of you leave Jordan it is hoped that you will take this same good attitude into whatever new challenges you will face. My congratulations and thanks to a ll that helped Jordan have another "banner year. " Mr. Cle mont Bishop Vice Principal


New Superintendent Brings Wanted Changes Mr. Donald J. Parr, former principa l at Jordan, became the new superintendent of Jordan School District. With Mr. Parr came many changes: The dress code was libera lized allowing the girls of Jordan District schools to wear slacks to school and the boys to grow mustaches, a new rubberized track was instal led and was lengthened to the official distance, the north steps were repa ired, the Home Economics Department was remodeled, and the sophomore hall was carpeted. Mr. Donald J. Parr, superintendent of Jordon District.

BOARD OF EDUCATION left to Right: Jomes Ross Allen; Ben G. Bagley; Morion S. Bart n Presidenr; Donald J. Parr, Super1n1enden1; Kennern L. Pronce, Clerk; John Whelldvn, V1ee¡pres1den•; and Rodney l. Dahl.


Counselors, A Team That Never Quits Questions like "What's my schedule after the semester?" and "How can I choose an occupation?' were answered by the coun selors. Mr. Robert Day guided seniors through de cisions which would affect their future. Mr. Richard Young, Junior Counselor, helped junior students with problems and also was advisor to the National Honor Society. Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald guided t he sopho mores through their first year of high school and also served as advisor for the Jordan ettes. Mr. Robert Doy, senior counselor, answers a parent's questions.

Mr. Richard Young, junior counselor, files material away


Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald, sophomore counselor, explciins the draft law to a senior student.

Office Staff Efficiently Handles Student Relations Always ready to assist you with a smile is the office staff. In charge of the main office are Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth and Mrs. Lena Wagstaff, who efficiently and cheerfully manage all office responsibilities.

Thelma Ainsworth

Bertha Richards

Leno Wagstaff

New to the attendance office is Mrs. Bertha Richards. A lways friendly and pleasant, Mrs. Richards took charge of check-outs and absences.

Mrs. Wagstaff keeps the main office running smoothly.

The typewriter is in constant use by Mrs. Richards.

Mrs. Jacquelyn Sybrowsky, secretory to the counselors, works to keep Jordan's counseling services efficient.

Mrs. Ainsworth helps a student.


Custodial Staff Makes Clean Sweep The custodial staff took on a new look this . year as Ken Silcox, head custodian, and Kenneth Crane were transferred to Jordan in December. Along with the returning staff, Howard Cude and Fred Alldredge, our new custodians keep the school in order cleaning classrooms, washing windows and waxing floors.

Mr. Ken Silcox, head custodian, helps Kenneth Crone and Howard Cude repair a damaged door.

Students relax in cafeteria .

Cafeteria Staff Works Many Hours Long hours of effort go into the work of Evelyn Brown, manager, and her staff to put together the Federal Lunch Program to satisfy hungry appetities. Under the Federal Lunch Program the Cafeteria staff prepares set menus for students and faculty to en1oy. All this work requires eleven cafeteria workers.

Mrs. Couch collects lunch money .


Mathematics Department Expands Advanced Program Improvement is the goal of the Mathematics Department. The Calculus and computer science programs were lengthened to give advanced math students a better opportunity to prepare for college. Student aids he lped students to apply what they learned. The math teachers felt that these changes would help students succeed after high school.


Gory Smith

Gorth Gooch

Rodney Oliver

I Dennis Rowell and Kenneth Black study geometric models.

Randy Winger punches out a computer program .

Mr. Smith's class hurries to finish the assignment.


New Blood Surges Through Science Department This year, science classes have given students at Jordan High an appreciation of the world around them. Students discovered for themselves the natural laws of chemistry and physics during scheduled lab sessions. A new course of study was initiated by Mr. David Erickson in his general biology classes. Students study fish behavior.

Under the direction of Mr. Farrell Gunnell, the Science Department attempted to make classes interesting and beneficial experiences for students. Botany and astronomy were the minicourses offered this year.

l Tari Cartwright drops acid into test tube.

R1tch1e Svedin wor ks o n chemical project.


Oovod Erochon

Forrell Gunnell

Ken McClea ry

Social Science Involves Learning Experiences Experience is the best teacher. The social science students obtained experience from field trips to Utah State Prison and the American Fork Training School. The goal of the Social Science Department was to give students knowledge of the development of the world and its peop le in the physical, cultural and psychological aspects. Directed by Mr. James Bradford, the department has been successful. Richard Gatherum, Steve Hill, Gary Fredrickson, and David M. Smith listen in AP History.

Horry Abeyto

Lynn Bollord

Jomes Brodford

Reporters are being listened to in history class.

Oonold M1 ne

Joy Pond

Kevin Jones and Jomes Gardner get on bus for field trip .


Business Classes Provide Experience Tomorrow's goals and ob jectives were set into motion as the various business classes introduced ways to he lp students achieve knowledge of necessary business ski ll s. Bloir:e Brown

Renee Poy

Li lo Wilson

New thi s year was Mrs. Renee Pay, who teaches shorthand and typing. Bookkeeping and marketing taught by Mr. Blaine Brown and Mrs. Lila Wilson explored the bu siness wor ld.

Stud ents w a it to make purchases in bookstore.

First place shadow box created by Ellen Skoubye.


Richelle Thomas and Christi ne Sm ith concen trate on machine.

Fine Arts, Outlet For Creativity Talent was discovered and developed in varied ways during the 1971-72 year. Through Fine Arts, students had chances to express themselves in drama, A Cappello choir, crafts, and f ine and commercial art classes.

Robert McDonald

Dona ld Ol sen

Ro lph Poce

Through the fine arts program, students found a satisfying and useful outlet for their creative feelings.

Brion Rawl ings

Leoh T1ppet1s

Rodney Zabris kie

Art student points bu tterfl ies o n wa ll .


A Cappello choir sings during Christmas program.

Scott Rowsell molds cloy bow l.


Industrial Arts Probes Into Vocational Preparation Happiness is creating something with your own hands. The Industrial Arts Department was where the boys of Jordan High found their happiness. Whether it was probing an electrical circu it, bu ilding an end table, working with metal or on a car, t he stu dents could learn a skill and have fun. This year, the students were offered by the Industrial Arts Department, such mini courses as welding, bow-making, and a course on the use of meta l and wood lathes. Experience available in industrial art classes is invaluable in vocational preparation.

Don Allen and W illiam Bagshaw work on model home.

Gerold foher

Roger Kong

M i ke M cCormick and Joe Bryan t study plans in dra fti ng .


Tracy Holl

Wrndrll Petersen

Kelly Crebs practices welding.

Howard Mackert works on engine block.

Don Reeve works with electrical circuit.


Physical Education The Physical Education Department of Jordan High has a varied curriculum. The girls are offered classes in modern dance, gymnastics, and several sports incl uding baseball, basketball, and football. The boys are offered experience in basketball, baseball, football and wrestling. Physica I education classes strove to teach students to attain perfect physica I hea Ith, and to retain good physical cond ition throughout their lives. Student works out on bench press.

Linda Anderson demonstrates skill on unevens.

Jerry McClea ry


Roy Odette

Gym classes show skill in basketball.

Coralyn N ichols

Kenl Sw edlund

Marie tta Wi lliams

Home Economics Takes on New Look Entire renovation of the rooms in the Home Economics Department was completed last summer. New ovens, sewing machines, dining areas, and carpeting were only a few of the changes throughout the rooms. Boys of Jordan High found out that cooking could be fun when they took the Boys' Cooking mini-course in which they learned to make different kinds of food in the least amount of time whi le using correct methods of cooking.

Colleen Allen

Betty Henderson

Gertrude Tronrer


Mrs. Allen demonstrates cooking procedure.

Debro Edmunds takes eggnog from refrigerator.

Claudio White stitches up her clothing project.


Language Arts Explores World of Communication Any course which leads to mastery of a language was included in the Language Arts program. Classes in foreign language, such as Spanish, French, and German, as well as English courses, broadened understanding. Fredrick Ash

Carol Brown

Brion Bollard studies new concepts in English.


Rolph Bishop

Lowell Boberg

Louro Houck

Golda Fraser

David Judd

Miss Fraser's English class enjoys studying literature.

I. M.C. Assists Student Education Students of Jordan High took advantage of the many facilities of the Instructional Media Center. With the help of Mrs. Genee Tyler and Mr. Jay Burkinshaw, students were able to make filmstrips, slides, photographs, video tapes and other visual aids. Besides having a great variety of books that could be checked out, the 1.M.C. had such areas as photography, visual aids, copying, pamphlet files and periodicals.

Evelyn Thompson helps Richard Denine in the l.M.C.

Joy Burkinshow

Genee Tyler

Special Education Students Seek Place in Future Poul Anderson

Arland Russon

Carolyn Wright

Through the patient and dedicated service of Mr. Arland Russon, Mrs. Carolyn Wright, and Mr. Paul Anderson, Special Ed. students were guided in preparing for actual job experience. Students developed skills through instruction in coo king and woodcraft. Instruction was also given in the academic subjects of English, math and American history.

Debbie Shear, Jean Burches and Maureen Nokes wait for class to begin.


More than ever before, Jordan students can attest to the fact that hard work pays off. Through hard work, practice, and the acquisition of Coach Randy Odette from Montecello, J.H.S. 's football team de livered a winning season for the first time in several years. The wrestling team placed fifth in region, and with coaching from Mr. Kent Swedlund, Chris Hase took second place at the state meet.

ATHLETICS The basketball team, coached by Mr. Rodney Oliver, worked as a team, but due to injuries and size, lost games by one or two point margins. In the past, Jordan has won many State Championships in basketba ll and wrestl ing. JHS also featured events which no


VARSITY WRESTLERS: Jacob Von der Meide, Mike Goff, Don Greenwood, Royce Smith, Som Melonoa, Chris Hose, Rick Romero, Fronk Wilburn, Doug Vowdrey, Todd Bogenshutz, Kelly Crebs.

Jordan wrestler awaits referee's starting signal.


Chris Hase successfully switches his opponent.

Wrestlers Work Toward Championship Jordan's wrestling team carried on the tradition of "a hard team to beat. " Opposing teams found that Jordan put up a good fight at each match. The wrestlers, advised by Coach Kent Swed lund, put together a great amount of skill, strength, determination, and a lot of sweat to make the powerful team that they were.

Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

9 14 23 44 15 31 13

............................ Granger ............................. Kearns .......................... . Granite ................... . .. Murray . . .. .. ..... ... .... Cottonwood ................ . .. Hillcrest ......................... Brighton

Rick Romero controls with on arm bar.

43 39 32 15 35 21 39

After opponent unsuccessfully stands up, Don Greenwood rips him to the mot.

Chris Hose d rives his man, trying for o pin.


Gordon Miller struggles for control.

J.V. WRESTLERS left to Right, Row One: John Ellingson, Howord Tolbert, Jon Toot, Morvin Hose, Joel Bishop. Row Two: Rondy Jensen, Donold Yotes,

Wrestling is work!


Eddie Romero, Gory Pelch, Bloine Oakeson, Jomes Boy, Soott Bonhom, Bob Toylor. Row ThrH: Cooch Bishop, Jim Doy, Gordon Miller, Mlchoel Peterson, John Greyeyos, Scott Crone, Brent Jockmon, John Melonos, Cooch Swedlund.

Match between Mike Goff and opponent ends in a draw.

3olfers Tee-Off at Mountain View Improvement of form and technique was the goal of Jordan High golfers. With the coaching help of Coach Frederick Ash, the team learned the method of addressing the ball, proper stances, and effective driving and putting. The team participated in matches with the other high schools in the district and in the regional tournament.

Cooch Anderson shows team members how to line up a putt.

David M. Smith practices putting.

GOLF TEAM - Left to Right, Row One' Ron Tingey, Mark Adair, Alan Richardson, John Sa rgent. Row Two: Bre i! Andrizzi, Jam Day a.;y Bogenschutz. Row ThrH: David M. Smith, Malton Johnson, Nulan Snow, Gary Bell, John ~w ¡e, Coach Paul Anderson, Jerry Olsen.


Track Team Shows Prowess in Dual Meets

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Down through the ages, the purpose of track and field events has been to test the physical strength and endurance of the contestants. Most of these events date as far back as the old Greek Olympic games when the best a thletes of the world gathered to celebrate the games. Nowadays the field of events is much smaller, but the competition is still as tough as ever. Jordan 's track team, led by Coach Rodney Oliver, competed in several successfu l dual meets showing their prowess in the running, jumping, and throwing events.

Vaughn Cox flies over high hurdles.




David W . Smith concentra tes on throwing the 1avelin.


Rick Lovendahl practices form in pole vaulting.



Sam Melonas makes an effort to set a new record in the broad jump.


TIAM - &..ft to llght, low One: Howord Armstrong, Dovid Foirbourn, u f Fergus, Dove Draper, Kerry Thompson, Lon Peterson Roy Lone, Joe Volosq ez, Lloyd Westenskow Ken lllguth Kevin Purterson. Row Two: Doug Wog ¡ staff, Jeff Eastman, Co;ey Jensen. Som Melonos, Blaine Oakeson, Kennard

Block, Doyle Row ThrH: Winger, Joy Mills. Craig

Dave Draper, Dale Garfield, and Dove Mitchell build endurance through running laps.

Jenkins, Gory Webb, Doug Brown, Loren Parterson, Claude Jensen. John Springer Vaughn Cox, Vernon Horris, Doug Curley Rondy Petersen Rick Lovendohl, David W Smith, David M1trnuu, Kevin Hoummond, Jock McMillan.


Vincent Bluth, Devan Berrett and Phil Broadhead attempt to get ball away

Jordan Stomps Cottonwood " fight, team, fight! " was heard streaming through the gymnasium as Jordan's basketball team drove hard against opposing teams. Jordan beat Cottonwood in both games and Granite once. Courage, determination, enthusiasm, and athletic abi lity were combined by Coach Rodney Oliver to form the precision of Jordan 's varsity basketball team. The junior varsity, coached by Mr. Ray Odette, and the sophomore team, coached by Mr. Paul Anderson, put on a good showing .

Kevi n Elkington tries for layup as Brighton gua rd blocks.


Robert Holloway works hard for well deserved two points .

Varsity Scores Jordan 61 Jordan 72 Jordan 80 Jordan 67 Jordan 64 Jordan 53 Jordan 65 Jordan 71 Jordan 78

··-------------·· --···---- Hillcrest 64 ..................... .................. . .. Murray 78 ........................................... Brighton 70 Granger 50 ······---------- --- ...................... Cottonwood 56 Hillcrest 76 --- ··· ----·--···-··· .. ......................................... Brighton 66 ........ ...... .... .... ................ ........ ... Murray 74 ...................... Cottonwood 62

Vaughn Cox drives hard against Granger Lancers.


VARSITY TIAM t..ft 10 Righi, Row One1 Kerry Cole, Floyd Fullmer, Cooch Oliver, Cooch Odette, Wesley Woll. low Two: Mork Hardy, Vaughn Cox, John

Phil Broadhead takes possession of ball.


Bishop, Mork Brown, Bruce Buming hom, Nolan Snow, Kevon Elkington, Robert Holloway, Vincent Bluth Devon Berrell, Scott Crapo. Phil Broadhead,


Devan Berrett drives through an opening.

J.V. Basketball Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

44 61 61 76 58 67 73 55 63 46

..................................... Hi llcrest 73 Murray 60 ................................ Brighton 69 ................ Granite 100 ... ..... .. . ...... Cottonwood 51 .................................. Hillcrest 76 .......................... Murray 63 ................................... Brighton 61 .................................. .. Granite 65 . ...... .... .. .. ..... Cottonwood 58 ··········- ....................

Mark Brown attempts to shoot the ball over Brighton guard .

J .V. TEAM: Mike Cory, Jolin B1sliop, Mork Hordy, Scott Crapo, Nolan Snow, Kevin Elkington, Bruce Burn1n :ham, Ross Ainsworth, Jeff Mouglin, Mork Rogers, and Ron Huglies



Sophomore Scores Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

67 ....... ........................ Hillcrest 68 ........................... Murray 72 ................. ........... Brighton Granite 68 ················· . 78 ..................... Cottonwood 64 ............................... Hillcrest 72 .............................. Murray 78 ...... ....................... Granite 52 ................... .. Brighton 81 ....... .. ..... .. ...... Cottonwood

63 63 64 78 58 73 68 81 70 60

Kevin Smith watches as John Bishop attempts to escape from two Hillcrest Huskies.

Ross Ainsworth moves quickly to set up defense.

SOPHOMORE TEAM l eft to Right, ltow One: Roger Rains, Corey Jensen , Jon Sargent, Scott Gallagher Row Two: Nolan Snow, Kevon s.~ ith Jamie Neve, Kevin Mills, manager Row Three: Roy Jewkes, Mork Smith, managers, John Bishop, Mr Poul Anderson, coach.


Baseball Team Proves Skillful W ith the first signs of spring, the sounds of bats cracking balls and the enthusiastic echo of boys playing the "All -American" game, baseba II resounded from t he baseball fie ld. Baseball was first formed at Jordan in 1908 when the team joined with Granite and the Salt Lake teams to form a league. Since then Jordan teams have continually striven to improve their pitching, catching, hitting, and running skills.


Second baseman, Chad Washburn, retrieves ball.

Vincent Bluth lobs ball to home.

IASHAU. TIAM - Left ,. ...ht, • - One: Brent Cook, Rondy Bradfield, Clark Winkler, Corl Bolton, Ron Hughes, David Hoffman, Chad Bodell. low Two: Manage r; Deon Kunz, Jacob Von der Meide, Scott Bonham, Billy Johnson,

Coray Lindquist practices batting techniques .


Cooch Horry Abeyta, ma nager; Wnley Witt • .._ ftwee1 Co ray Lindquist, Brod Kemp, John Bishop, Te rry Anderson, Robert Hollow ay, Vincent Bluth, Steve McPherron, Chad Washburn, Mork Ha rdy, Mork Rodgers.

Brad Kemp tags M ork Hardy in a practice game.

Mitchell Cozzens works to perfect his serve.

Long Hours of Practice Improves Tennis Team Tennis courts were filled each night after school as Jordan High 's tennis team practiced many long hours to improve their form and other important techniques. Competition consisted of matches within the division and participation in the region meet.

1'INNts 'flAM -

Left . . . . . .. llw 0-1 Mltdl9ll c:-i., Doyle Johnetun, Kelly Crebs, Doug Vawdrey, Kent O.rricon, Lynn Marchant. hw T-: Mark

Bryan Birch concentrates on returning the ball.

lolton, Slww Sheppcrrd, Seoft Ctapo, 0.-, ........ C,.. o.tter, Max s-odman, Bryan Birch, Gordon Mille r, Mr. Frederick Ash, Cooch.


Girls' Gymnastics Team Competes in Statewide Competition Jordan High 's girls' gymnastics team competed this year for the first time in d ist rict, region, and state meets. Thirty girls practiced three nights a week after school. Under the d irection of Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Hanager, a professional gymnast, the g irls improved their grace, co-ordination, and ba lance. The gymnastics team competed in the area s of vau lting, floor exercise, balance beam, and uneven parallel bars.

Carol Jolley does a routine on the balance beam.

Sandy Chapman completes vault.

GYMNASTICS TEAM Left to Right, Row One: Debbie Fisher, Sharlene Veater, Gloria Ivie, M arci Tunbridge, Dione Hummel, Lori Woodwa rd. Row Two: Lori A rmstrong, Susan Russell, Lindo Anderson, Merril eo Jones, Elaine Lambson, Peggy Atkinson, Koren Johnson, Ca rol Garfield, Debbie Coldwell. Row Three: Brenda McForlone, Donna Smi th, LuAnne Smith, Jolene Anderson, Susan Webb, Sandy Chapmon, Sheila Sturdy, Shirlee West Row Four: Joniel Kunz, Carol Ba iley, Tori Co rtwright, Kathy Connon, Carol Jolley, Gayle Taylor, Janet Glover.


Carol Garfield pract ices for the gymnastics meet on the uneven bars.

Jordan Revives Swimming Team Initiated this year was Jordan High's swimming team. Under the direction of Coach Harry Abeyta, the boys improved their strokes and their speed. The swimming team participated in meets with other teams in the region. Loren Holdaway pauses before starting race.

Draper, Alon Shelby, Doug Draper. Row Two: Bryon Paget, Kevin Olsen, Joy Petersen, Claude Jensen, Scott Ragsdale, Cooch Horry Abeyta.

llnHMEN - Left to Right, Row One: Oovid W, Smith, John Bell, Jim Doy, Eddy Sullivan, Rick Romero, Chris Hose, Loren Potrerson, Michael Peterson, Bruce Burningham, Rondy Meldrum, Vincent Bluth, Scotr Crapo, Floyd Fullmer, Kevin Jones Row Two: Don Enniss, Jeff Moughn, Mork Hardy, Devon Berrell, Kelly

Crebs, Royce Smith, Scoll Cronney, Johnny Jordon, Don Greenwood, Som Melonos, Chod Washburn, Dole Garfield, Mike Breeze, Gory Webb . Row ThrH: Coray Lindquist, Gordon Miller, Terry Anderson, Nedd Anderson, Victor Dancer, Mitchell Cozzens, Gory Pelch, Eddie Romero, Scott Ragsdale, John Bishop, Vaughn Cox, Wesl1e Witt, Mork Rogers.


Football Team Gets It Together Jordan High School is proud of its football team and its outstanding season. With the addition of Mr. Randy Odette and Mr. Kent Swedlund, the coaching staff took the pigskin by the laces and decided that Jordan 's team could win! Those valiant boys in red and gray fought their way into second place, only one-half game behind the regional leader, when an untimely loss to Brighton lowered their standing in the competition. Jordan was denied its position in the state playoffs when a Jordan-Hillcrest tie was broken by yardage in favor of Hillcrest. The sophomore team completed a brilliant season by winning all but two games, and winding up in third place in region.

Coach Odette shouts instructions to players on the field.



__, Quarterback, Zane Crebs, passes the ball during the Murray game.


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

0 ............................. Judge 0 ·············-·········· Cyprus Tooele 0 .......................... 12 ..................... Granger 14 ·············· ........ Cottonwood 24 ········· .............. Granite 7 .............................. Murray 7 ............... ........... Hillcrest 14 ......................... Brighton 16 ........................... Hillcrest

20 23

14 33

26 18 0 0 21 16

Coach Paul Andrus gives advice to players.


Offense - Left to •l9ht, •ow One1 Bruce Burningham, Steven Sybrowsky, Kevin Jones, David W. Smith, Richard Romero, Dan Enniss, Vincent Bluth. Row Two:

Mark Hardy, Dee Anderson, Zane Crebs, Cory Lindquist, Joey Bogenshutz, Kevin Flint, Steve Mitchell

DefenH - Left to Right, Row On•: Eddy Sullivan, Randy Meldrum, Mike Peter· son, Royce Smith, Jeff Maughn, Mike Westbrook, Frank Wilburn, John Melonas,

John Bell, Doyle Jenkins. Row Two: Toun Jones, Joy Petersen, Johnny Jordan, Chris Hose, Dave Kimball, Scoll Cranney, Bryon Birch, Kerry Cole, Jim Mangum, Jim Day, Steve Runolfson.

.. ~

,, '



. ,, ..-.



Jordon makes yardage as the team tries on end sweep.

i..ft to Right, Row One: Ki rk Schocker, Rondy Wi the rs, Elton Tetrick, Vo rdell Toylor, Gordon Miller, Deon Kvnz, Clo vde Jensen, Don Cronney, Robert Meyer. Row Two: Cooch Kent Swedlvnd, Kevin Olsen, Jerry Cowley, Greg leov1tt, Cori


Christensen, Chod Woshbvrn, Edvo rdo Escobedo, Oovg Corlqv ist, Ritchi e Svedin, Cooch Roy Odette. Row ThrH: Cooch Povl Andrv s, Cooch Rolph Tyler, Tony Flores, Doyle Johnstvn, Roger Kemp, Ron Hvghes, Ma thew Gregory, Dovid Hoffmon, Glundon Mitchell, Cooch Horry Abeyto

Scores Varsity Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

0 0 0 12 14 24 7 7

................................ Judge .............................. Cyprus ................................ Tooele ........................... Granger ... ... ... . ..... ... . Cottonwood ............................. Granite ............................. Murray ............................ Hillcrest 14 . ·························· Brighton 16 ........................... Hillcrest

20 23 14 33

26 18

0 0 21 16

Sophomore Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

12 ............................. Tooele 38 ....................... Granger l 2 . .. ... . .. .. ........ . Cottonwood 8 ........................... Granite 7 ........................ Murray 14 .......................... Hillcrest Brighton 0

0 0 16 6

26 12 28 Jordan player tackles opponent, and tries for fumbled ball.

~•ft to Right, Row One: Gory Bell, Peter Mossa, Donny Robinson, Kevin Mills,


Gustofson, Ston Stringfellow, Brod Kemp, Glenn Pyle, Rondy Fellows, Orvin Hose, Dove Johnson, Bob Taylor Row Two: Rondy Bradfield, Kenny 0 oy, John Bishop, Eddy Romero, Gory Pelch, Rusty Johnson, Donny McNeil.

Row ThrH: Doug Curley, Rond Andrus, Jeffery McArthur, Corl Hendrickson, Ken Brody, Don Yates, Brett Andrizzi, Kevin Smith, Doug Robinson, Jeff Eastman. Row Four: Cooch Fred Ash, Manager Roy Jewkes, Richard Meadows, Jacob VonDerMeide, Ross Ainsworth, Brent Jackman, Scott Gallagher, Don Hyatt, Assistant; Hugh Jewkes. '



, To belong, to learn, and to be of service are what students in clubs achieve. Clubs at JHS can be put into three main categories. Service clubs including the Charlonians, Key Club and Jordanettes, serve the school and its students. Skills clubs, which include DECA, Forensics, VICA, Drama and FHA, help the students develop skills they may use in their vocational choices. Honor Clubs, including Honor Society and Omega-Psi, honor students with high dramatic and scholastic achievement.


ORGANIZATIONS Jordan's clubs have been undergoing changes since 1914. Some clubs, such as the Dentistry Clinic in 1920, hove disappeared altogether. Others, like the Ski Club, have appeared one year and been eliminated the next. Clubs like Photography, Charlonians and Dance Club have always been present, becoming traditional. Clubs at Jordan build initiative which benefits students in their


Charlonians Perfect Drill Routines It takes more than weather to discourage the enthusiastic Charlonian Club from their "spirit boosting" responsibilities. Even on frosty fall mornings they could be found practicing on the football field or polishing parade routines on the track. Pep club performed in outside events including competition at BYU, U of U, and Dixie College. The girls also worked on Thanksgiving and Christmas service projects, decorated halls and lockers for the spirit contests, and sponsored the Charlonian Ball. Charlonians doing splits during their halftime routine.

Darlene Mullen and Caroline Haycock wheel into new formation.

Janae Nelson stands at attention during flag ceremony.

Some of the Pep Club officers; Susan Hilton, Cheryl Lindeman, Debbie Brady, Leslie Saunders, Debra Burkinshaw, Karla Vawdrey, and Konae Williams wait to practice a drill.


Left lo Riehl, Row One: Shelbie Bolliger, Jonice Hoffines, Louri Christensen, Lindo Clork. Row Two: Koren Brody, Wendy Peacock, Connie Miller, Brenda Foirbourn, Heidi Shorp. Row Three: Dione Clough, Karleen Forzgerold, Corol Batley, Oeboro Toor, Sheila Sturdy Row Four: Korhy Connon, Nikole Ellis, Lourie Greenwood, Caroline Hoyco,k, Deborah Kerby. Row Five: Sue Anderson, Marilyn Leotherbury,

Kelly Bakker, Bonni e Davenport, luAnn Smith, Cheryl Noffsinger. Row She: MoryDell Elswood, Suson Hilton, Korlo Vowdrey, Alonogoy Reich, Sheryl Lindeman. Row Seven. Donno Smith, Jonoe Nelson, Konoe Williams, Darlene Mullen, Goil Heops. Row Eight: Venno Whetmon, Debro Brody, Debro Burkonshow, Leslie Sonders, Kathryn Potoence, ond Koren Beck.


Cheerleaders Increase School Spirit School spirit was motivated to high levels of enthusiasm by Jordans '71-72 cheerleaders. Pep assemblies, games, matches, spirit rallies, and hall decorating were some activities sponsored by the cheerleaders. Talented cheerleading is what brings school spirit out most. By the spirit that showed up in the studentbody, Jordan's cheerleaders showed that their talent was at its very best.

Wendy Woodward leads a cheer as team warms up.

Karlene Oliver, Head Cheerleader, wants studentbody to cheer louder.


Carol and Wendy wait for outcome of shot.

Cheerleaders promote school spirit on the sidelines during the game.

Carol Garfield leads students in cheer as the team warms up.

Gloria Ivie leads students in cheer.

Marci Tunbridge is¡ up in the air over a basket.


Karen Johnson leads cheers during half-time warm-ups.

Laura Woodruff and Ramona Graham do a routine during a pep-assembly.


Lori Smith expresses excitement of game.

Collette Moore shows happiness over a Jordan win.

Songleaders Combine Melody and Motion With the pep and enthusiasm necessary to promote school spirit, the five Jordan High Songleaders led the studentbody in songs and cheers during all of the athletic events. Besides leading cheers, the songleaders put up signs in the hallways and made enthusiastic announcements concerning upcoming sports events. Several lively routines done by the songleaders were seen during pep assemblies. The efforts of the Songleaders helped to increase the school spirit which through the years has been a tradition at Jordan High.

Laura Woodruff prompts spirit against Hillcrest Huskies.

RaMona Graham takes part in assembly.

Laura, Karen, Lori, and Collette, look on as foul shot is made.


J.V. Cheerleaders Build Enthusiasm Lively and enthusiastic cheers in support of the Junior Varsity teams were led by the J.V. Cheerleaders. These girls devoted many long hours to learn various cheers to build the enthusiasm of the spectators during the J.V. games. Although J.V. games are not as well attended as are regular varsity games, the J.V. cheerleaders added the necessary spirit to compensate for the lack of spectators. The pep of these girls was well appreciated. J.V. Cheerleaders wait for game to start.

Connie Miller, Head ChHrleader; Susan Russell, Debbie Caldwell, Lori Woodward, and Shirlee West.

Cyndy Reed, Lisa Dunn, Carol Jolley, Brenda Mcfarlane, Head Cheerleader; Jeanene Miller.


Sub Debs and Squires Attend Utah Symphony Concerts The main function of the Symphony SubDebs and Squires is to help the members learn to appreciate different types of music, mainly symphonic music. To help achieve this they attended the concerts given by the Utah Symphony at the Salt Lake Tabernacle and at Kingsbury Hall. This year the club did a service project so that its members could get involved in their community as well as their school.

l • ft to Rig ht, Row On•: Lori Ricks, Jerry Hatch, Kem Robinson, Robert Smith, Shouno Whitlock. Row Two: Doug Vowdrey, Cindy McClure, Marilyn Eddington, Collette Armistead, Janine Homer, Pam Smith, Noncy Noffsinger, Jonet Glod, Leslie Sonders, Claudio Orr, Peggy Allen, Kathy Pierce , Row Thr.e: Layne House·

Members of the Sub-Debs and Squires participate in conjunction with the Utah Symphony Orchestra.

keeper, Stan Akogi, Michelle Brinton, Nancy Birchell, Svson Skoubye, Susan Fitzgerald, Barbaro Ebert, Ina Riding, Beverly Bollard, Christine Smith, Sharon Davidson, Marianne Howlett. Row Four: Sue Garfield, Mory Bollard, Robin Stone, Lori Lambson, Jolene Anderson , Poth Bills.


Beetdigger Staff Works Hard

Lindo Joos, Lori Slade, and Tommy Zogorec combine thoughts to write copy.

"A yearbook is a lot of hard work," or so reads a placard in the yearbook room. Many hours of work go into the production of an annual for the school. Copy, headlines, and captions must be written to retell the school year. Pictures have to be selected, cropped, sized, and fitted into the right areas to show what happened during the year. Layouts are constantly having to be revised to improve their appearance and to conform to what is needed. The work was accomplished this year by the cooperative efforts of the l l staff members. The efforts of the staff members were organzied and combined by Editor Craig Petersen and Advisor Mrs. Lila Wilson. The yearbook staff was assisted by the photography team. Under the direction of Mr. Arval Nelson, pictures were taken, proofs were developed, and prints were enlarged. Their work was an essential part of the yearbook, which combined with the work of others produced this yearbook.

Marilu Dennies, Beckie Fowles, and Judy Yoko proofread copy.

I Alon Fowles and Richard Gatherum select proper proofs.


Mr. Arval Nelson, Photography Advisor.

Ron Hartwell, Linda Joos, and Alan Fowles examine blow-ups of proofs.

Craig Petersen, Editor, chooses color slides for yearbook.

Karla Vawdrey, Art Editor; and Mrs. Lila Wilson, Advisor; discuss a layout change.

KnHling: Brad Armistead, and Robert Smith. Standing: Richard Dineen, Ricky Linnarz, Steve Silvester, and Tami Post.


Broadcaster Staff Works Many Hours After School Reporting the school news, keeping the students informed, and catching up on what Jordan's various clubs are doing. These are the jobs of the Broadcaster Staff. These seventeen students, under the direction of Mr. Ralph Bishop, snoop around the school, their eyes and ears open, in search of any news or happenings. They then report on these items and print the school newspaper, informing the students of their school. The Broadcaster Staff works together and individually on articles.

Journalism Class relaxes after meeting a deadline.




Merrilee Jones and Mr. Bishop, Advisor, discuss current problems of the newspaper.

David Smith, sports editor; Lori Slade, co-editor; Karla Vawdrey, cartoonist; Stan Eastman, co-editor; Chris Webster, corresponding editor; Scott Lloyd, feature editor; and Merrilee Jones, advertising editor; gets together to discuss Journalism business.

Broadcaster Staff: Doug Wagstaff, Susan Joynes, Kathy Johnson, Deni Brown, Gory Fredrickson, Phil Shell, Gordon Bolliger, Rondy Fellows, Chen Williams, Steve Hill; work to meet a deadline.


Co-editors Lori Slade and Stan Eastman discuss headlines.

Sports Editor, David W. Smith, prepares his page.


A.B.J. Gets Boys Involved A.B.J., Associated Boys of Jordan, is intended to give a ll Jordan boys a greater voice in student government. The A.B.J. sponsored the Thanksgiving Party, which consisted of gymnastics by the g irls' P.E. department, a demonstration of wrestling techniques by the wrestlers and Coach Swedlund, and a basketball game between the Varsity and Junior Varsity teams. The A.B.J. also gave turkeys and pumpkin p ies to students holding lucky numbers. Rand Andrus gives one of the prime turkeys to Todd Bogenshutz.

Mark Brown, President Eddie Romero, Secretory Rand Andrus, Sophomore Representative


Mark Hardy, Junior Representative Jeff Maughn, Vice President Doug Vawdrey, Senior Representative

A.G.J. Gives Girls Voice Jordan 's annual Dog Patch Drag was one of the many activities sponsored by the 1971 -72 Associated Girls Club of Jordan. Under the leadership of President Elaine Rassmussen, the A.G.J. successfully carried out such activities as the Mothers ' and Daughters' Party and the Fathers' and Daughters' Night. The club helped to promote friendship and understanding among all of the girls.

Jeanne Sa d ler, Secretary Renae Fairbourn, Senior Representative Sharlene Veater, Sophomore Representative

Time out at Dog Patch Drag .

Annette Smith, Junior Representative Karen Brady, Vice -President Elaine Rasmussen, President


Students participate in Amahl and the Night Visitors.

Left to Right, Row One: Marsha Alleman, Mory Fitzgerald, Down Sutcloffc, Ellen Skoubye, Lori Lambson, Historian; Jolene Anderson, Girls Social Chairman; Mory Bollard, Heidi Sharp, John Bell, Jerry Dunn, Kent Derricott, Milton John son , President; Ron Allen, Shauna Davos, Connie Miller. Janet Glod, Peggy Hardcastle, Karlene Oliver. Carol Garfield, Lori Smith. Row Two: Collette Am1ts1ead, Moqoroe Holes, Sharon Davidson, Voce President; Susan F11zgerold, Terry Newhouse, Beverly Bollard, Susan Burler, Kelly Geier, Eddy Escobedo, S1onley Akogi, Lyle Norton, Kent Wore, Lonee Slory, Sandy Johansen, Marianno Howl oll, Treasurer; Earle Brown, Cynthia Thompson, Pollo Bolls, Voch Meyer Row Three: Louro


Woodruff, Elaine Nelson, Shawna Edd1ng1on, Karen Beck, Nancy Birchell, Susa n Bryce, Romona Graham, Steve Becks leod, Robert Clarke, Jerry Horch, Dove M11chell, Dennis Rowell, Delbert Edding1on, Sharlene Allison, Sue Garfield, Koren Samuelson, Debbie Toot, Sandro Nygard Row Four: Londa McArrhur. Koren Roche, Sheryl Lindeman, Anne Turner, Jonelle Londecn, Lorraine Allred, Gaol Heaps, Vonnie Coombs, Robert Holloway, Monie Morgeits, Paul Smith, Nodd Anderson, Boys Social Chairman: Scoll Mickelson, Rondy Meldr~m. Done Dixon, David Sm11h, Barbaro Corpenteir, Noda linnorz, Renae Foirbourne, Della Weller. Elaine Rassmussen, Neeno Durrani, Koren Glassey

l eft to Rig ht, Row O ne: Janet Glad, Cynthia Thompson, Shauna Davis, Peggy Hardcastle, Marianne Howlett. Patti Bills, Heidi Sharp, Shawna Eddington, Beverly Ballard, Mary Ballard. Loura Woodruff, Janette Londeen. Row Two: Nada l1nnorz,

Della Weller, Kevin Hadley, Milton Johnson, Jerry Hatch, Jerry Dunn, Stanley Akagi, Kent Derricott, Denn s Rowell , Scott Mickelsen, Steve Beckstead, Jolene Anderson, Elaine Nelson.

A Cappella Voices Blend in Harmony The f lurry of readying necessary costumes, memorizing singing parts and doing a dozen other last minute details typified this Year's busy A Cappello choir as they prepared for their many performances, one of the most successful being the Christmas Program, Amahl and the Night Visitors. Under the talented direction of Mr. Rodney Zabriskie, who returned to Jordan after a Year's leave of absence, Jordan s A Cappello choir has enjoyed many exciting and enjoyable experiences this year. Harmonized voices rang to create many unforgettable memories as the A Cappello choir performed at the Cottonwood Mall, several churches throughout our area, and at school functions. Members of the A Cappel la working hard all year to reach perfection showed success in their performances.

Girls' chorus sings in Christmas Program .


Key Club Serves School, Community Organized in 1948, with service as their motto, the Key Club moved forwa rd through 1971-72 wit h success. Club members showed Jordan the mean ing of service by support ing the basketball games a nd wrestling matches. The Key Club made programs, schedules and advertisements for the games and matches. Members took care of flag ra ising ceremonies at all games, at assemblies and every morning before school they took care of raising the flag in front of the schoo l. Key Club members t raveled to the Jordan Valley Day Care Center to he lp the ha ndi capped ch ildren make snow scu lptures. Key Club members examine w restling and basketball schedules, which were printed for the school.

Left to Right, Row One: Ken t Wore, President; Stan Eastman, John Bishop, Steve Sheppard, Steve Hill, Joel Bishop, Vice President; Mr. Bishop advisor. Row Two :


Phil Broadhead, Dove Jenkins, Milton Johnson, Phil Shell, Scott Mickelsen, Gordon Bollig e r, Treasurer.

Jordanettes Eliminate Confusion Now in their second year, the Jordanettes have found much success in moving confusion out the door and ushering the students in. Members of the club not only usher at all the games, matches and assemblies, but a lso hand out programs and greet guests. Under the direction of Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald the Jordanettes demonstrated outstanding service. Jordanettes ushered at such activities as the premiere of Jordan's first movie. "The Nun's Priest Tale"; at drama productions, basketball games and various other functions. The Jordanettes service towards Jordan High School proves them to be a successful club. Jordanette officers prepare to hand out programs.

left lo Right, Row One: Linda Yengich, President: Cathy anders, Cindy Masso, Cyndy RHd , V1ce¡Pres1dent Debbie Turner. Danna Ross, Secretory Row Two: Be .ky Murphy, Dione Dennison, Mory Bollard, Po,.., Hansen, Kathy Johnson S11or¡

lene Veater, Valerie Oviatt Row Three: Andrea Alvey, Kathy Tonner Connie Tolman, Paulo S1oblom, A, ce Con1sh, Sherry Seal, Nancy Farnsworth. Susie Fisher, Donna Duke, Leneo Rocks, Kelly Webster .


Dove M itchell, Cheri W il lia m s and Pam Jensen help w ith the DECA Navajo Pro ject.

DECA sponsors the Homecomi ng da nce.

D.E.C.A. Plans for the Future Vocational understanding, c1v1c consciousness, social intelligence, and leadership are on ly a few of the aspects that the Distributive Educationa l Clubs of America promote. Deco is essent ia lly an organizat ion to promote marketing leadership and distribution.


Left to Right, Row One: Dione Dennison, Carroll Wil liams, Cheri William s, Vice President; Ellen Skoubye, Historian; Row Two: Johnnie Roorch, J oy Despai n, Barbara Davenport, Secretory; Ronoe Foirbourn. Row Three: Sha ron Nunley, Sandro Rosencrantz, Craig Pete rsen, Bryon Wolters, David Mitchell, President; Row Four: Steve Silvester, Brent Hort, Scolt Cranney.

Deco members had such activities as man aging the Navajo Project he lping the children at the Jordan Valley Day Care Center, and rai sing funds for several pro jects. Deco put on a good showing at the state and national contests.

l eft to Right, Row One: Mino Hort, Bill Clough, Penny Johnson, Koren Fullmer, Som Mclonos, Jeonne Sodler, Rend Andrus, Noncy Birchcll, Dove Evens, Merrilee Jones, Shelly Hill. Row Two: Debro Hronoc, Julie Ferguson, Koren Samuelson,

Terry Campbell, Steve Shepperd, Debbie Vernon, Rondy Winger, Steve Sybrowsky, Phillip Anderson, Kevin Jones, Steve Hill, Koren Rooch, Michael Elder, Mork Maynes, Doug Wagstaff, Vernon Horris, John Melonos, Elaine Woodbury, Pcm Wolker.

Forensics Participate in Regional Tournament "Resolved: The American Judicial System shou ld be sign ificantly changed." This was the topic of Forensics' 71 -72 debate season. Forensics' purpose is to develop students' skill in reasoning, logic and speaking, as well as representing Jordan in compet1t1on. Elaine Woodbury ponders Nancy Birchell's presentation.

Karen Roche and Mike Elder debate against Hillcrest.


F.H .A. Activates Homemaking Interest

Susan Fitzgerald conducts F.H.A. meeting.

left to Right, Row One: Svson Motheson, Su1on Fitzgerold, President: Nancy Farnsworth, Fo1th Oespoin, Morilyn Eddington, Joy Oespo1n, Renoe Foorbovrn. Row Two : Cothy Sonders, Londo Yengich, Alano Reich, Debbie Turner, LeAnn Holmstead, Shonnon Chomberlo1n , Cormo Lish, Judy Set•erberg. Lori Ric ks, BorbJro Carpentier, Holly Pierson, Londo Stoedter, llhondo Johnson, Kathy Ritch,


Various activties kept the members of FHA busy throughout the year. The club members learned how to properly apply makeup and how to arrange flowers correctly. They also attended seminars on dating, personal ity development, poise, and charm. Several social activities such as a pizza party and a Hawaiiian luau were held. FHA's activit ies were planned by Susan Fitzgerald, president, and her officers.

Ruth Ho llodoy, Toni Burgon Dione Dennison, Secretoryi Tommy Zogorec. Row Three: Borboro D wer.p ort Oonnn Ross. Debbie Groess , Cindy Mono, Noncy 81r• hel Valerie Serrerberg , Vice President Julie How:e11, Susan Mohon, Renae Ar,Je" S1 or W~bb Evelyn Borchel Emily Yoko , H1storron, Peggy Allen, Shonnu Wh,t ....,~, Wt:uu; Hatch , Toro G tberg Corol Bo tey.

Donna Smith watches as Venno Whetmon and Dione Hummel perform o Christmas routine.

Dance Club " swings" to win first place in talent assembly.

Dance Club Improves Self-Expression Originality and creat ive expression were emphasized the past year in Dance Club. W ith Mrs. Co lleen A l len as advisor, club members choreographed their own numbers and performed with grace and control. Dance Club activiti es included putting on a Christmas program at a hospital and a spring concert for the school. Chris.tmas stockings come to life.

l eft to Right, Row One: Wendy Woodward Koren >hn Soi Wolfgramm C.lorio Ivie, Wendy Peoco .k, Donna Sm11h Row Two: Charlene Phi Iii pl, Prest·

dent Debro Be rk1nshow, Ann Moun•eer n e Wolfgrol"' Venno Whetmon, Dione Hummel, Treosurcr; Debbie Brody Row Three: Robin Stone, Historian; Judy Oviatt, Vice·President, Ruth Holladay Gale Salmon Coro Bailey.


Masque and Gavel, Omega Psi Develop Drama Interest A year of productions, parties, and premieres helped to make thi s year 's Masque and Gavel a profitable experience for all involved. Under the direction of Miss Leah Tippetts, and Mr. Brian Rawlings, officers for Masque and Gavel planned many new activities. Mr. Rawlings is also advisor for Omega Psi. This club was recently organized to honor those students who have made an outstanding effort in the drama field. left to Right, Row One: Cheryl Noffsinger, Rhonda Derricott, Dee Anderson, Bob Green· wood, Jeff Morrill, Kem Robinson, Presidenr Row Two: Potti Bills, Voce President; Cynthia Thompson, Secrerory; Sue Garfield, Goll Heops , H1storion; Darlene Mullen, Lo ri Slode, Deni Brown , Nodo Linnorz, Vonnie Coombs, Neeno Durronr.


left to Right, Row One: Sheryl Young Kip R1shr n Nenno D 1rral"I Vonnie C •n •bs Nodo L1nnorz Su on R• sseH, Beel r •wle. Rhonda De rricott, H srorian; Merr1dy Bogley, Cynrh J av11fe> Row Two . m< Boy M11z B· ynt• n, Louro Nelson , Noncy Noffsinger, Sylv10 Menssen Sue (., rf,~ :J, Londo Sroedrer, Lori Slode, Go I Heops, Korhy Johnson, Darlene Mullen , Colene Conrod, Trudy Hon · sen, Shonna Whitlock, Collene Jensen, Corol Bailey, Potti Bills, Vice Pres1denr;

Sharlene All11on , Janet P11ce, Jeanine Sorgenr, Cheryl Noffsinger Row ThrH. Anne Pendelton Kem Robinson, Mor~ Brown , Lynne Ruuell, Steve Bed sreod. Cynrh o Thompson Kerroe Tj,--np·--. Jerry D inn, Mort '> Anderson, M r. Rawlings, Advisor. Anne lvr• er P• , Jen.en G1esele Swono\}on Wendy Horch, Jon Noorda Not p1ttured· Kent Derricott, Presrdenr . Elle n Skoubye, AC11v11y Cho1rrnon .

V.l.C.A. Utilizes Student Potential Throughout the year 71-72 VICA, Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, has helped its members attain leadership for the world of work. New skills, as well, were learned and perfected as the year went by. These skills were displayed at the state convention la st spring, attended by all those involved in VICA. VICA sponsored such activities as the Alumni -Facu lty Ba sketball Game, which featured some of the greats from Jordan. Also the club sponsored a smorgasborg party which was enjoyed by its members. Students rid themselves of frustrations at VICA car bosh.

Left to Right, Row One: Croig Covington, Gory Lloyd, Vice President; Dove Jenkins, Ken lllguth, Steve Moc•, Porl1omen1orion. Row Two : Alon Shelby, Pres-

ident; Bruce Shryers, Lindo Oom1onovicn, Joe Bryant. Row Three: Mr. King , Advisor, Mordyn Leotherbury, Dick Henline, Reporter, Jock Crispin, Secretory; Wayne Swenson, Loyne Houskeeper, Annelle Smith.


Stage, Design Crew Sets the Mood Responsible for props, lighting, and scenery for school productions is the stage and design crew. Under the direction of Mr. Ra lph Pace and Mr. Blaine Brown stage crew and design spends many hours working to create new layouts. left to Right, Row One • Robin long, Kerry Smith, Jeff Morril, Bryon Pager. Row Two : Dove Leyba, Randy Gorberg, Lynn Wright ,

left to Right, Row One: Shanna Wh1tloc~ , Donu Buchanon, Lorraine Al lrerl Row Two: Mr P?ct Mike Brake, PaM Hansen, Koren Roch11, Sandro Pott"'· Down S rd fie Betty Pur~er Row Thru: Lunce Story, Stein Eastman, Rick Go1herg Rohyn Ostler. S1..on Jones,


Band Plays at Sa It Pa lace Jordan's Band, in addition to adding pep and enthusiasm to games and matches, joined with the orchestra to play in severa l special activities. Under the direction of Mr. Robert McDonald, the band wm. honored to play at the Stars' basketball game and the orchestra helped make the school musical a success. A perfect combination of both was seen at the Christmas Program. Orchestra practices for the musica l.

l eft t o Rig ht, Row One: Kem Robinson, Howord Armstrong, Doug Droper, J im Blo ck, Brenda Cope, Sheri Atkinson, Judy Buh. Row Two : Bob Smith , Mork Adair, Kori Bingham, Dona ld Singleton, Doug Corlquist, Jeff Fergus, Brod Maxwell,

Kerry Thompson, Motl Gregory, Lodon Anderson. Row Three: Steven Hastings, Wayne Eckman, Dove Draper, Kory Garfield , Mr McDonald, Rod Beckstead. Burt Corso", Claude Panek .

left to Right: Kirk Wroght, Nancy Noffsinger, Peggy Allen, Susan Webb, Kathy R11ch, Cathy Farnworth, Claudio Orr



Through activities the students of Jordan High got the opportunity to participate in recreational functions. A variety of dances, from causa I stomps to formal balls, were held. For dramatically inclined students there were plays and musicals which gave everyone an opportunity to develop acting talents. Assemblies, put on for the studentbody, were the Traveling, Faculty, and Pep assemblies.

ACTIVITIES Jordan 's activities have not a Iways been as sophisticated. In fact, some have been quite unusual. Take as an example, the Indian Symphony Orchestra, or look over the six Charlonian initiates. For years, Jordan has held dances and drama presentations, and has continued the tradition of giving away a turkey at Thanksgiving Assemblies. Then, however, the turkey was fresh.


Homecoming Festivities Become Moments to Remember "Moments to Remember" was this year's Homecoming theme. The alumni gave students quite a laugh as they put on an assembly following this theme. During halftime of the Homecoming game against Cottonwood, the alumni presented a routine ending with a banner reading "Jordan is Forever." Ron Kunz and JaNae Nelson observe Doug Maughn and date.

Homecoming queen, Karen Johnson and attendants, Sandy Chapman and Ooma Short preside over festivities.

Couples dance to music by Jack Turner"s Combo.


Sponsored by DECA, the dance was furnished with music from Jack Turner's Combo. Homecoming Royalty were Karen Johnson; Queen, and her two attendants, Sandy Chapman and Ooma Short.

Couples kicked off their shoes and enjoyed the dance.

Terrie Cartwright and her date enjoy each other's company.


l l0°in the Shade Proved "Cool" Production "110° in the Shade" was presented this year by Jordan High School. The musica l centered around the efforts of Mr. Curry and his two sons to marry off Lizzie Curry. During a perilizing drought, the rainmak.er came to town. He brought with him hopes of rain, and hopes of love for Lizzie. In the final scene of the play, the ra in fe ll and Lizzie found love. The Jordan High Orchestra provided the musica l background. The stage crew and the stage design crew made sure that lighting and props were in place on time. The women of the town prepare a pinic for the men.

Cast Lizzie Curry .............. . . Laura Woodruff Bill Starbuck ............ Robert Greenwood Jimmy Curry ...................... . Jerry Dunn Noah Curry ................. Scott Mickelsen .. Kem Robinson H.C. Curry . ............. File ... .. ....................... Steven Beckstead Toby . . . . .... .. ... . Kent Derricott Snookie Updegraff ......... . Lori Lambson Preacher . ., .... Stan Akagi Preacher's Wife .... .... Chery l Noffsinger Lily Ann Beasley Rhonda Derricott Hannah . . . . ......... Vonnie Coombs Will iam ........................... Bruce Coombs George ........................ Mark Landeen Olive ..................... Karen Samuelsen 1st Man ...................... Kerry Thompson 2nd Man .................. Mark Landeen 1st Woman ....................... Patti Bills 2nd Woman ......................... Gai l Heaps The townspeople welcome rain after the long drought.


File looks skeptically at Starbuck as he tells how he makes rain .

The little old ladies discuss Bill Starbuck at the picnic.

.._ Lizzie pleads with her father not to be token in with the nonsense of making rain.



Dr. Einstein ties Mortimer up as Jonathan smiles wickedly.

Dee Anderson, Mortimer, talks to Kent Derricott, Teddy, as family and friends look on.


Craig Ostler, superintendent of Happy-Dale, helps Teddy prepare for a Safari adventure.

Jonathan sneaks into the Brewster home.

Arsenic and Old Lace Knocks 'Em Dead Abby and Martha Brewster appear to be two sweet and innocent elderly ladies. The ir nephew, Mortimer Brewster, is shocked to discover that his aunts, in an act of charity and good will, have poisoned twelve elderly gentlemen who have come to the house. The twelve bodies have been buried in the cellar by Teddy Brewster. The return of Jonathan Brewster brings more action into "Arsenic and Old Lace." The play was directed by Mr. Brian Rawlings.

Randy Gotberg checks stairway railing.

Members of the stage crew do the lastminute check on the upstairs door.

Dr. Einstein, Jerry Dunn, signs Teddy's commitment papers to Happy-Dale.

Mike Brake talks to Kent Derricott as policemen drag Steve Beckstead away.




Shauna Eddington gazes at Ron Hartwell.

Knock, Knock.


Enthusiastic students dance at the Drag.

Couples Come a' Stomping to "Drag" With the sounds of Steve Hoglund's band, Jordan students held their annual Dog Patch Drag. Girls once again had the opportunity to "grab" their guys and come-a-stompin'. Along with the hitching ceremonies performed by Marry'n Sam, was the Lil' Abner and Daisy Mae competition. Nedd Anderson and Lori Lambson fit the role perfectly. The dance was sponsored by the Associated Girls of Jordan.

Susan Russell, Raymon Wentz, Lon Elwood, and Dione Wright relax during a break.

Norma Mead concentrates on dancing .


Senior Hop Starts Rustic Revolution Add Pale Horse and the Old Mill, and what is the logical conclusion? A successful Senior Hop! On November 20, 1971, at 8 p.m. the senior class sponsored "Rustic Revolution" at the Old Mill. Couples danced to the beat of Pale Horse amid the rock walls and wooden pillars which imparted a rustic atmosphere to the dance.

Couples dance to the music of Pale Horse.

Steve Sheppard and Cindy Saville plan a revolution.


The Senior Hop was planned by Doug Wagstaff, senior class president and his officers.

Bob Greenwood and Cheryl Noffsinger enjoy one of the slower songs at the hop.

Sweetheart's Bal l Affects Heart and Soul Sponsored this year by the sophomore class, the Sweethearts Ball was held February 12. The theme of the dance was "Heart and Soul." The King and Queen from the senior class were Richard Romero and Karleen Oliver. The Prince and Princess from the junior class were Nedd Anderson and Susan Jones, and John Bishop and Peggy Atkinson were the sophomores' Duke and Duchess.

Dale Bowler helps Marilu Dennies out of the car.

Sweethearts Royalty include Susan Jones, Princess; John Bishop, Duke; Karleen Oliver, Queen; Richard Romero, King; Peggy Atkinson, Duchess. Not pictured, Nedd Anderson, Prince


Assemblies Provide Entertainment for Students Laughter and applause could be heard coming from the students of Jordan this year as they en joyed assemblies of a ll kinds. Assemblies varied from class assemblies, to traveling assemblies, to special guest band assemblies, to pep assemblies including the Jordan Olympics. Through the Jordan Olympics competition the seniors emerged victorious. The assemblies proved to be a welcome break from the school day routine. Lanie Wolfg ra mm chooses Mr. Lynn Ballard for hula dance in assembly.

Steve Sheppard, father time, is weary of the old year.


Wendy Woodward watches as girls try to identify their boyfriends' feet.

Scott Rowse!, Adam, and Ron Allen, Eve, reside in the Garden of Eden.

The mystery Santa Claus was Phil Brinton a former Jordan janitor.

Karen Roche and Rene Young leg wrestle in the Jordan Olympics.

Bill Hall and Paul Baker stuff their faces in Jordan Olympics.


The Beet Tree of Knowledge grows at J.H.S.

B.Y.U . singer shows her talent.


Venna Whetman and Judy Oviatt watch Brenda McFarlane compete in Jordan Olympics.

Susan Thompson dances in B.Y.U. Assembly.

Sharon Abrams shows spirit.

Faculty women show their homework.



Mr. Judd portrays Teen Angel in Faculty Assembly.

Kelly Geter is New Year's Baby in Assembly.



Robert Holloway plays Artimus in Hillcrest Pep Assembly.

Karen Roche symbolizes Women's Lib in New Year Assembly.

Ron Allen races his pogo stick in the Jordon Olympics.

Sol Wolfgramm docs the Tongan Dance.

Former Jordon student performs in Alumni Assembly.

Alon Richardson, Nedd Anderson, and Bob Taylor compete in penny pushing race.


Couples Discover "It's only love" at Junior Prom Put a creative flair, a good idea, a theme of "It's Only Love," and the Junior class together, and the product is the Junior Prom. Junior class officers and class members decorated the girls' gymnasium under the theme, "It's Only Love," into a romantic atmosphere complete from chandelier to colorful streamers.

Couples dance to the music of Proud Assembly.

Students gathered on the 1 1th of March to dance at the prom, to the music of Proud Assembly.

j Students enjoying the dance.


Bonnie Davenport and Brent Webb engage in conversation during dance.

Mory Bo llard and her dote await refreshments.

Couples waltz dreamily, framed in pastel flowers.

Wayne Whetman escorts Peggy Atkinson to Junior Prom.


One Act Play Used in Region Competition Jordan's one act p lay, "Why I Am A Bachelor" put a little doubt about marriage in some of t he minds of the male portion of Jordan. The play was an exaggeration of the sometimes unho ly bonds of matrimony. Poking fun at the overly optim istic outlook of newlywed couples, the play examines the fact that "Newlywed couples don't realize that never and forever are a long, long time."

Lori Lambson tries to get Jerry Dunn's attention.

Those who he lped to produce the play worked hard to make it a success. They met their goa l.

Dee Anderson is horrified at the thought of marriage.


Jerry Dunn soothes Lori Lambson's feelings.


Dee Anderson explains why he is a bachelor.

Honor Winners Bring Fame to Jordan Jordan students have received a variety of honors during the school year. The top 3% and top 10% represent hard working and high achieving students. Sterling Scho lars have an outstanding ability in a particular area of study. Five students placed in the finalist competition. This year Jordan had two National Merit Finalists; Dan Enniss and Kem Robinson. Athletic honors came to three Jordan High students. Phil Broadhead was selected for the AllState basketball team, and Dee Anderson was chosen for the All-State football team. Chris Hase placed second in the State Wrestling Competition. Recogn ition came to several students in vocational competitions, DECA competition tested marketing skills. Three of Jordan's students received recognition in the marketing competition. Several of the State VICA officers were Jordan Students. The winner of the William Randolph Hearst Award, Steve Sheppard, scored highest in the state on a current events examination, winning a scholarship and a trip to Washington, D.C.

VO CAL ENSEMBLE l eft lo Right, Row O ne: Stan Akag 1, Scall Mickelsen, Kent Oerrico11 Milton Johnson . Jerry Hatch, Kev " Had t:y Row Two: Della Weller, laura Woodruff. Bev erly Ballard, He1d1 Sharp, Peggy Hardcastle, Janet Glod

Tam my Zagorec, t he top scorer on an achieve ment and attitude test in Home Economics, received the Betty Crocker Homemaking Award. Placing f1f th in the reg ion in the State Math Contest was a sophomore, Francis Longstaff. Several Jordan students participated last summer in Boys' and Girls' State. Boys' and Girls' State helps to build leadership qualities in students. Grace and coordination are attributes of the five girls who competed for Jordan in the State Gymnastics Meet. The Madrigal singers received an excellent rating in the district and region music festivals. Laura Woodruff received a superior rating.

' STATE DECA WINNERS: Ellen Skoubye Dave Mitche l and Renae Fmrbaurne


STATE VICA OFFICERS - Left to Right: Bob Greenwood, Secretory; Dovtd Jen kins, President, Cory Lloyd, President Elect



TOP 3 "lo - Left to Right , Row One: Tommy Zogorcc, Cheri W1ll1oms, Cyn1h10 Sov1llc Row Two: Su!' Gorf1elcl, JoAnn Block, Evelyn Thompson. Row Three: Rctndy Wtngcr, Don fnnoss

Left to Right : Joe Bryon!, Phol Broorlllt'ud Dnvod M S11 1th, K1•1H Woru, Crmg Andrus .





Phil Broadhead mode the State basketball team.

Steve Sheppard won the William Randolph Hearst Award.

Tommy Zogorec won the Betty Crocker Homemaker Award.

Dee Anderson received honor of being on the State Football Team.

Francis Longstaff received third place in sophomore competition in State Math Contest.

Laura Woodruff received a superior plus roting in the District Music Festival.



~ •11-


GIRLS STATE_ left to Right: Carol Gorf1eld, Mory Bollard, Venno Whetmon, Collelle Porker, Debbie Vernon, Karlene Oliver



left to Right: Royce Smith, Som Melonos, Rick Romero, Doug Vowdrey .

TOP 10"/0 left to Right, Row One: Koria Vowdrey , Kathy Johnson , Mory Bollord, Vonnie Coombs, Gail Heaps, Venno Whetmon, Donna Smith Row Two :


Chris Hose, wrestling at 132 lbs., placed second in State wrestling competition .

Porro Bills, Down Suttcl1ff, Julie Anderson, Carol Gorl1eld, Debbie Dennison , Stan Ako191, Dove Jenkins Row Three : lorrc11ne Allred, Kent Wore, Kem Robinso:'! , Steve Sheppard, Delbert Edd1ngron, Delio Weller. Devon Berrorr




NATIONAL MERIT FINALISTS: Kem Robinson ond Don Enn1ss

STERLING SCHOLARS - Left to Right, Row O ne: Evelyn Thompson, Business: Lon Lambson, F1noli5I 1n Ari, Tomaro Zogorec Morhemollcs; Mory A ice Bol ord Homemaking, Louro Woodruff, Music Lom...ne A.Ired, foreign language Row

STATE GYMNASTI CS FINALISTS - Bottom to Top : Gloria Ivie, 121h lnlermediole Bal Beam, Corol Garfield. 1SI Begg inning Bors; Sus· on Webb. 2nd nlermed ..:ite Bors; Susan Russell, 11 lh Adv. Compulsory; Sandy Chapmon, 61h Intermediate Floor Ex.

Two: Steve Sheppard, Finalist in Socool Science; Dee Anderson, Drama: Scott Lloyd English; Kem Robinson, F1nol1st in General; Don Enniss, F1nol1st on Sci· ence. ond Dove Jenkins, Finalist 1n Industrial Aris.



Mr. Crump addresses the Nationa l Honor Society.

National Honor Society Completes Third Year Character, leadersh ip, scholarship, and service are all aspects of the National Honor Society. Students are required to have a grade point average of 3.5 and a teacher's recommendation to qual ify for the society, making it an exclusive organizat ion.

HONOR SOCIETY Left to Right, Row One: Kothy Johnson, Doug Wagstaff, Tommy Zogorec, Secretory-Treasurer. Row Two: Gail Heaps, Karlene Oliver. Debbie Dennison, Tomi Post Row Three: Som Melonos, Sue Garfield, Janette Londeen, Lorraine Allred . Row Four: David Jenkins, Kent Wore, John Melonos, Vice-President; Delbrt Eddington. Row Five: Steve Beckstead, Kem Robinson, Devon Berrett, Don Enniss, President. Not Pictured: JoAnn Block, Dono Buchanon, Doug Corlqu1st, Gloria Ivie, Scott Lloyd, Koria Vowdrey, Cheri Williams, Rondy Winger, Ron Hartwell, Evelyn Thompson, Historian; and Steve Sheppard.

Under the direction of Mr. Richard Young, the Honor Society participated in severa l interesting activities. Some of these were a lecture at the University of Utah and a trip to the zoo. The season was cu lminated by a formal banquet, which completed the Society's third consecutive year at Jordan.

Some of the new Honor Society members Sam Melonos, Doug Corlquist, Scott Lloyd, Kathy Johnson, Tami Post, Dana Buchanon, Gloria Ivie, and Janette Lantake the pledge. deen


Students Participate in Dramatic Competition ''This is a feather duster! By that I do not mean you dust feathers with it!' This excerpt was taken from a humorous reading ¡Star Spangled Girl, ¡ which was used at the regional interpretive meet. Students from Jordan competed with drama students from Brighton, Murray, Hillcrest, Granite and Cottonwood in the areas of dramatic reading, humorous reading, mono-act, pantomime, scenes, a nd retold story. The meet was he ld at Brighton High.

Steve Hill and partner work on pantomime.

Rhonda Derricott displays dramatic ability 111 mono-act.

Scott Mickelsen and Mike McCormick seem fond of one another.



Jordan High School students are we ... " We, the students, are the reason for Jordan. Everything at Jordan is done for the benefit of the education of the studentbody. The curriculum, breaks between classes, independent study periods, assemblies, and clubs at JHS, are instituted for this purpose. The great majority of students are studying and preparing for their future occupations.

STUDENTBODY Jordan has a small studentbody compared to many schools in the area. This year the studentbody numbers 986 and the graduating class contains 307 seniors. But compare this to the year 1917 when all the students in the senior class were studentbody officers. Styles in dress and grooming have changed according to fads, but one thing has remained constant; caps and gowns for graduation.


Studentbody Officers Work Together. Planning activities, discussing policies, and working together to achieve improvements for Jordan High, were some of the many responsibilities of the st udentbody officers. Phi I Broadhead, Studentbody President; Chris Hase, First Vice-President; Steve Sybrowsky, Second Vice-President; Debbie Vernon, Secretory; Venno Whetman, Historian; and Karlene Oliver, Head Cheerleader; worked with Mr. Clement Bishop to direct student affairs. Dear Students, Jordan hos been a great experience for all of us, no matter what endeavors we hove participated in. However, the greatest of all experiences we have gained in the past year will undoubtedly be the friends we have made, for our friendships have surely mode a lasting impression on all of us. Even though our friends may not be able to stay with us the rest of our lives, the knowledge we gain here at Jordon will. I think that we as students have prepared ourselves to do as Joseph M . Shaw, Jr., once said, 'The best advice for modern people, young and old, facing all sorts of propaganda, is the single word, THINK. " There is an old saying, "Reprove thy friend privately; commend him publicly. " I owe a commendation to all my friends.



~~-a.C~ Phil G. Broadhead left to Right: Phil Broadhead, Venna Whetrnan, Steve Sybrow ~ ~ y D•¡bb t Vernon, Chris Hase

11 0

Student Council Plans Revolutionary Changes. Under the direction of Studentbody President, Phil Broadhead, the Student Council enacted many surpris ing changes. Along with Phil, work the rest of the studentbody officers, Head Cheerleader, and the President and Vice-President of both AGJ and ABJ. They provided candy bars and ice cream during a few of the independent periods. Studentbody Officers decorate Christmas tree in main hall.

OFFICERS COUNCIL ~ left to Right, Row One: 01•bb111 Vernon. Coro! Coy, Karlen" Oliver, Vennci Whet· <non, floon< "1 1 sen . Row Two: KP ly (rf'bs, Steve Syhrows~y Ph Broadhead, Chm lfosc, Doug Wogs1011


Student Council Discusses Student Government Reform The Student Counci l proposed a plan of government reform, designed to give the studentbody a greater voice in policy and curricu lum . The plan ca ll s for the formation of a Senate and a House of Representat ives to vote on current issues much like t hat of our nationa l government . The studentbody enjoyed an outstanding year with the help of the student council.

l eft to Right, Row One: Peggy Atkinson, Georgoo Hose, Karlene Clover, Lori Wood¡ ward, Colleen Poller, Ooma Short, Janet Bergener Row Two: Collette Porker, Deb¡ bie Vernon, Venno Whetmon, DC\ug Wagstaff, Nancy Coll, Lori Lambson, Elaine

Studentbody officers conduct student council session.

Nelson Row Three: Phil Broodheod, Vordell loylor, Donna Duke, Renae Young, Vickie Myers, Loni Fenton, Sandro Nygard. Row Four: Steve Sheppard, Kevin Jones, Tim Zeller, Sam Molonos, Seo!! Mickelsen, Royce Smith. Row Five: Steve Sybrowski, Bryon Birch, Chris Hose.


Catherine Sonders

Douglas Wagstaff

Debro Turner



V ce President

Senior Class Officers


Sronley Akogi

Colvin Allen

Donold Allen

Shorlene Allison

lorro1ne Allred

Gory Alvey

Dee Anderson

Jim Anderson

Jolene Anderson

Julie Anderson

Mort10 Anderson

Barry Andrus

Craig Andrus

Brod Armosreod

Eileen Ashworth

Judy Arwood

Porr1c10 Bollom•s

Beverly Bollord

Mory Alice Bollard

Gordon Barber

Nancy Borron

John Bell

Poul Bernordo

Devon Berrell

Polli Bills

Bryon Birch

Nancy Borchell


Roger Bord

Chad Bodell


Chuck Bodell

Gordon Bolliger

Mork Bohon

Jom Block

Donny Bowen

JoAnn Block

Dole Bowler

Sreve Bowles

Tom Boynton

Debbie Brody

Mike Breeze

Pho! Broadhead

Eorlo Brown

Mork Brown

Sherri Brown

Joe Bryant

Susan Bryce

Tern Burgener

Dl'bro Burk1mhow

Terry Campbell

Merrill Copson

Borboro Corpen11er

Dove (holds

Sol'y Clark

Richard Corpcntl!r

Kerry Cole

Zone Crebs

Sydnee Densley

Vonnie Coombs

Victor Dancer

Rhonda Derricotr

Alice Con1sh

Borboro Davenport

Joy Despoin

Cro19 Covington

Sharon Davidson

Vaughn Cox

Scotr Cranney

Debbie Denison

Myron Dennison

leonne Dick

Donna Duke

Neena Durront

Stan Eostmon

Delbert Eddington

John Elswood

Tardy students hurry to their next class.



Renoe Foirbourn

Ston Foorbourn

Noncy Fornsworth

Robert Fornsworth

Susie Fisher

Kevin Fitzgerold

Suson Fitzgerold

Apryl Floke

Kevin Flint

Greg Fowler

Beckie Fowles

Gory Fredrickson

Floyd Fullmer

Beverly Gordner

Coro! Gorfield

Sue Gorfield

Richord Gotherum

Kelly Geter

Koren Glossey

Lonny GoelÂŁ

Michoel Goff

Beetd1ggers engage in a friendly conversation.

Toro Go1berg

RoMono Grohom

Sue Green

Robert Greenwood

Debbie Griess

Marjorie Holes

8111 Holl

Ruth Holladay

Pam Hansen

Brent Hort

Chris Hose

Wendy Hatch

Gail Heaps

Claudio Henke

Dick Henline

Dione Hill

Steven Hill

Robert Holloway

Dione Hummel

Ken lllguth

Kelvin Jackson

Dove Jenkins

Julie Homer

Pam Jensen

Marianne Howle11

Tim Jenson

Sandy Johansen

Koren Johnson

Ko1hy Johnson

Milton Johnson



Rhondo JohMon

Kevin Jones

Jodo Judkins

Greg Koye

Koren Kemp

Lori Lombson

Sheryl L1ndemon

Dove Lindsey

Nodo Linnorz

Rick Linnorz

Scoll Lloyd

Lowrence Lucero

Den1H Luther

Steve Moce

Jim Mongum

Cindy Mosso

Peck Moxedon

Bruce Moynes

Bryon Moynes

Lindo McArthur

Mike McCormick.

Aileen McKnight

Rondy Meldrum

Som Melonos

Dove Mitchell

Steve Mitchell

Ann Mounreer

Dorlene Mullen

Suson Murphy

Vicky Myers

Eloine Nelson

Jonoe Nelson

Cheryl Noffsinger

Lyle Norton

Korlene Oliver

Donno Orwin

Croig Ostler

Robyn Ostler

Judy Oviott

Clork Poce

Eddy Ponek

Betty Porker

Colette Porker

Steven Porry

Corl Potterson

Wendy Peocock

John Peorce

Rondy Penrod

Richord Perry

Cro19 Petersen

Desmond Peterson

Students relax in the bookstore now that food is available.


Goylen Pickerr

Colleen Potter

Korhy Price

Scolt Rich

Alon Richardson

Vicky Richardson

Kem Robinson

Koren Roche

Richard Romero

Donna Ross


Sreve Runolfson

Lynne Russell

Julie Pererson

Chorlene Phillips

Mory Lou Phillips

Elaine Rasmussen

Don Reeve

Alonogoy Reich

Johnnie Roark

Clyde Robinson

Don Rosenkronrz

Gale Solmon

Cathy Sonders

Cindy Saville

Loro Lee Scott

Sherry Seal

Judy Sefferberg

Steve Sheppard

Ellen Skoubye

Lori Slade

Brent Smith

Darlene Smith

David M. Smith

David W. Smith

Donna Smith

Len Smith

Lori Smith

Students participate in Pep Assembly.

Poul Smith

Royce Smith

John Springer

Mox Steodmon

Lindo Stoedter

Robin Stone

Lonee Story

Eddy Sullivan

Down Sutcliffe


Wayne Swenson

Tonia Thomas


Cynthia Thompson

Steve Sybrowsky

Russell Thomas

Evelyn Thompson

Morci Turnbridge

Anne Turner

Debbie Turn er

Marilyn Turpin

Doug Vawdrey

Karla Vowdrey

Ron Veater

Guy Wadsworth

Doug Wagstaff

Linda Wahlen

Bryan Walrers

Kent Ware

Paul Washburn

Debb•e Waren

Della Weller

Raymon Wentz

Venno Whermon

Fronk Wilburn

Carroll W1ll1ams

Cheri W1ll1ams

Kanae Williams

Rondy Winger

Clork Winkler

Rick Withers

Lonie Wolfgramm

Sol Wolfgramm

Louro Woodruff

Wendy Woodward

Connie Wright

Emily Yoko

Lindo Yengich

Jim Zogorich

Tomaro Zogorec

Tim Zeller

Donna Smith and Debbie Brady await others during class change.


Janice Hoffines Vice President

Carol Coy President

Nancy Call Secretory

Junior Class Officers


Mork Adoir Jon Adorns Morsho Alleman Ron Allen

Reed Allsop LaDon Anderson Myrll' Anderson Nedd Anderson

Kori Bingham Susan Blackwood

Vincent Bluth Shelbi~ Boll iger

Sue Anderson Colleue Arm1tstead Howard Armstrong George Bodovinatz

Memdy Bogley William Bogshow Carol Bailey LoRee Boker

Poul Boker Kelley Bakker Brion Bollard

;, Debra Brown Deni Brown

Douglos Brown Dona Buchanon

Morsho Bollard Ric Baugh Koren Beck

Kevin Becksteod Rod Beckstead Steven Beckstead

I Judy Buh Coria Burch

Gene Burgess M ichael Burgon



Toni Burgon Bruce Burningham Susan Butler

Mike Co ldwell Nancy Coll Kathy Connon

Doug Corlquist Tori Cortwright Burt Corson

Kenna Cronin Susan Curtis

Lindo Domjonovich Bonnie Davenport

Shauna Davos Jomes Day

Sandra Chapman Jeanie Chose Don Chavis Cori Christensen

Lauri Christensen Pam Christensen Lindo Clark Robert Clarke

Dione Clough Jerry Cowley Carol Coy Mitchell Cozzens

Mr. Bradford collects tickets from students.

Don Cranney Scott Crapo Shirley Crebs Jock Crispin

Dione Dennison Kent Derricott Faith Despain Lindo Dick

Kevon Elkington Nikole Ellis

Done Dixon David Draper Debro Duncan Jerry Dunn

Shawna Eddington Debro Edmunds Kori Edmunds Michael Elder

Morydell Elswood Nono Elwood

Eduardo Escobedo Brenda Foirbourn

Jackie Wall and Sharon Nunley take a locker break.

Devor Foirbourn Cathy Farnworth

Jeff Fergus Deborah Fisher

Colleen Fitzgerald Karleen Fitzgerald

MoryAnn Fitzgerald Tony Flores


Lois Ford Ken Fritz Jim Gordner

Dole Gorfield Kelly Gouse Michelle Gilchrist

Jonet Glod Jonet Glover Mike Gordon

Rondoll Gotberg Rochord Gotberg Rick Groy John Groyeys

Doniel Greenwood Lourie Greenwood Peggy Griffith Down Groves

Sheryl Groves Goynel Gurr Kevin Hadley Mork Hanno

Borboro Hansen Pomelo Hansen Trudie Honsen Annelle Hordcostle

Peggy Hardcastle Mork Hardy

Ronald Hartwell Georgia Hose

Steve Hoslings Jerry Hatch

Juniors participated in class competition at a pep assembly.

Coraline Haycock Renee Haymore Brion Hewilf Rod Higbee

Susan Holton Janice Hoffines Dovid Hoffman Stevon Hoglund

Don Hooser Layne Houskeeper Debro Hronoc Spencer Huffmon

Ron Hughes Michael Huntsinger Gloria Ivie

Susan Joynes Warren Jeffs

Doyle Jenkins Cloude Jensen

Collene Jensen Fownene Jensen

Vern Jensen Doyle Johns1un

Robert Smith concentrates on an interesting novel.

Susan Jones Merrilea Jones

Londa Joos Johnny Jordon

Roger Kemp Deborah Kerby



Blaine Killion Debro Kreger Collie Kunz

Deon Kunz Debbie Kunz Floyd Kunz

Janette londeen Robin Long Sid Lawrence

Marilyn leotherbury Greg Leavitt Phillip Lepore Joni Leyba

Gory Lloyd Charles Lyon Lomonte Mace Lynn Marchant

Monte Morgetts Holly Marsh Jeffrey Maughn Brod Maxwell

Mork Maynes Kenneth McAffee Brenda McFo rlono Vonnie McMllln

Sandro McNeill Norma Mead

David Mellor John Melonos

John Merriam Robert Meyer

Kim Micklesen Connie Miller

Gordon Miller Timothy Miller

Glendon Mitchel Bryon Moore

Collette Moore lee Morgon

Jeff Morrill Jeniece Mullen Becky Murphy Robin Novo

Terry Newhouse Noncy Noffsinger Moureen Nokes Shelly Norton

Mork Nosock Shoron Nunley Sondra Nygord Kevin Olsen

Jerry Olson Valerie Ovion Claude Panek Connie Porker

Letty Boker juggles on the way to her 5th period class.

Kathryn Patience Joy Petersen

Michael Peterson Sondra Porter

Tomaro Post Joon Powell

Janet Price Cyndy Reed

Helen Rich

Reynold Rigby

Jason Ritzman


Kim Robinson Leneo Rocks Mork Rogers

Scott Rowsell Doug Ios Ryneo rson Debro Sadler

Lorrie Salter Koren Samuelson Leslie Sonders

Debro Sevy He1d1 Sharp Alon Shelby Phillip Shell

Pam Sielhorst Pamela Simmons Annette Smith Deon Schmidt

Students enjoy the Dogpatch Drag .


Pamela Smith Penny Smith Robert Smith Tom Smith

LuAnn Sorenson Gretchen Stoedter Sheila Sturdy Ritchie Svedin

Giesele Swonogon Debora Tait John Tote Tori Taylor

Elron Tetrick Ston Thacker Deon Thornwell Gory Tunbridge

Colleen Utley Corio Voccoro Peggy Von Amen Julie Von der Meide

Jacqueline Woll Chod Washburn Gory Webb Christine Webster

Kelly Webster Marshall Welch

Michael Weller Rrchord Wentz

Jonolyn West Jeff West

Wayne Whetmon Claudio White

Debbie Fisher meets the gaze of o friend.

Shanno Whitlock Sharon Willioms

Rondy Withers Wesley Will


Paula Anderson

Kelly Crebs

Lori Woodward



Vice President

Sophomore Class Officers


Vo lerle Adomson Ross Ainsworth Sandy Ainswor1h Peggy Allen Louise Allred Andrea Alvey

Connie Anderson Denece Anderson Lindo Anderson Lori Anderson Paulo Anderson Phi lip Anderson

Renoe Anderson Brett Andrizzi Rand Andrus Roger Andrus Lori Armstrong Peggy Atkinson

Sheri Atkinson Morty Bakker Steven Bollom1s Jomes Boy Wilford Begay Gory Bell

Jonet Bergener Suzonne Best Duane Bingham Evelyn Bi rchell Joel Bishop

John Bishop Kennard Block Todd Bogenshutz Kori Bolton Scott Bonhom

M itzi Boyton Dovid Brodbury Rondy Brodfield Kenneth Brody Brent Breeze


Michelle Brinton Tonyo Brook$ Doreen Brower Peggy Brown Ricky Brown


Go ry Buhl David Burke Rebecca Burningham Bory Burton Guy Bell

Debbie Coldwel l Su$on Campbell Gordon Connon Robyn Corli$le Julie Corlquist

Ro$e Co rter Mike Cory Debro Cote$ Shannon Chamberlain Rolph Chavez Rondy Cl'11 ld

William Clayton Bill Clough Jeannie Coffin Collette Conrod Bren t Cook Brinda Cope

Pamela Covi ngton Robert Cowl ey Kevin Cox Mo rty Cozzens Scott Crone Kelly Crebs

Corl Crow Doug Curley Deborah Cu tler Cathy Darling Pot Doughtery Kenny Doy

Bill Leany tidies locker before clos ing .

Juonito Dejol1e Sylvio Dennies Gory Densley Richo rd Dineen Mike Dowding Tom Dowlond

Tim Dowlond Doug Droper Colin Duke Debro Dumos Jim Dunn liso Dunn

Dovid Durront Jeff Eosrmon Borboro Ebert Woyne Eckmon Morilyn Eddington John Ellingson

Doug Eyre Shoron Fornsworrh Rondy Fellows Loni Jo Fenton Julio Ferguson Kothy Fitzgerold

Guy Floke

Roberto Flores


Chad Forma n Alon Fow les Karmo Frontz Koren Ful lmer Scott Gallagher


Kory Ga r field Jomes Garland Tino Gotherum Melody Gibson Geri Gordon

Lynnette Golberg Yvonne Golberg Kristie Graham Diano Granado Shoun Greenwood

Jerry Gus tohon Eddie Holl Mike Holladay Gordon Hom Ricky Hom Susan Hamilton

Barba ro Hansen Rosemary Hansen Kim Hardcastle Scott Hardmon Karlin Hardy Vernon Horris

Mino Hort Marvin Hose Georgia Highland Terry Hill Shelley Hill Loren Holdaway

leAnn Holmstead Janine Homer Craig Houmond Robyn Howard Julie Howlett Kevin Howlett

Carma Lish crams for test during her lunch break.

Coleen Hronac Kevin Hughes Deboroh Hurst Don Hyoll Suson Hyde Brent Joc~man

Ron Jackson Debro Jacobson Corey Jensen Rondy Jensen Dovid Jenlzch Roy Jewkes

Ann Jex Billy Johnson Dove Johnson Debbie Johnson Len Johnson Pam Johnson

Penny Johnson

Russell Johnson

Carol Jolley

Denise Jones


Dione Jones Brod Kemp Jeanne Kendrick Becky K1rkston Dono Kvnz


Joniel Kvnz Eloine Lambson Mork londeen B1ll loney Josephie lorronogn

Carolyn Lavery Clovdio Lawrence Teresa lows Debro lowson V1rgon10 leony

Janet lehenbover Judith lehenbovor Kurt l1ndrmon Dov1d linnorz Carma ll\h franc" long\loff

R1chord Lucas Dorothy Lvcero Fronk Lucero John Luther Korn Lybbert Harold Mace

LaDean Mace lee Macklin Svrnn Mahon Mory Markham Peggy Marsh Peter Masso


Susan Matheson Kathy Maxfield Jeffery McArthur Cindy McClure Junior McCoy Jock McMil1n

Mrs. Nichols contemplates upcoming sophomore class.

Jim McNeil! Sre11e McPherron Cheryl Meod Lind Mellor Debbie Mel111lle Syl1110 Mennen

Shorlo Mickelsen Jeonene Miller Ke111n Mills Chorlerre M11chell Korr•e Mitchell Joydene Moody

John Mounreer Jeff Mumford Solly Murdock Edno Meyers Russell Neca 1se Dione Nelson

Julie Nelson Louro Nelson Wilford Nelson Jomie Neve Dorlene Nokes Jon Noordo


Claudio Nosock Gory Nowotny Blaine Oakeson Craig Oliver Cindee Olsen


Joyce Olsen Mike Oman Ryon Orr Allen Orwin Debro Ostler

Warren Ostler Melinda Overson Rhonda Pock Bryon Paget Kevin Potterson

Bonnie Pearce Gory Pelch Anne Pendleton Chris Perry David Perry Beverly Peterson

Kendall Peterson Lon Peterson Noncy Pett Cathy Pierce Holly Pierson Robert Pixton

Ruth Price Glenn Pyle Scott Ragsdale Roger Rains Gory Rone Cathie Rotton

Koren Roy Becky Reed Shirlene Reich David Richards Anne Richardson Kevin Richardson

Lori Ricks Coleen Ricord Kip R1shton Kothy Ritch Doug Rob1nso:i Eddie Romero

L111da Ross Tonyo Runollson Suson Russell Greg Rynearson Jeonne Sadler Goyn Saluzor

Eric Sonders Jeonine Sargent Jon Sargent Ronda Schocker Volerie Sellerberg Ooma Short

Louise Shryers

Paula S1oblom

Susan Skoubye

Berrha Smith


Christine Sm11h De'lni$ Smith Kevin Sm11h Mork Sm th Renn Sm11h


Roscdee Smith Rulhonn Smith 'rrocy Smith Virgm10 Smith Nolan Sr>ow

Michelle Snyder Mory Eller SopPr Down Sor~'""" Torry Soren~o" Morronn Sproll

Twnmy StcphcMon Suson Stevens Ston Stringfellow Deni Sturdevont Rolph Sudbury lone Summerhays

Jon 1011 Kathy Tonner Kevon Tonner Kevin To1c Bob Toylor Goylc 1oylor

Lon Thomo$ Richelle Thomas Kerry Thomp10:\ Ron Tingey Howord Tolberl Connie Tolmon

Borboro Tremelling Joe Tucker Mork Urry Jacob Von Der Me1de Kathy Vorley Sharlene Voo ter

Mother Goose pleads her case.

Prnn Walker Wendy WC1ll1n RciNc10 Wolters Mone Woters Susan Woflerson Susan Webb

Shirlee West Lloyd Westenskow Lon Whetman Jill White Kenny W'll1oms Julianne Winkler

Elmne Woodbury Lori Woodward Kir~ Wright Lynn Wright Donold Yates Rene Young

Sheryl Young

Lindo Zupan


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Senior Summary and Index SENIORS Akagi, Stanley T.

61,68,69, 101, 104, 115

Squires, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., S. Forensics, Sr. School Play, Sr. Top 10% Allen, Calvin R. . .........................•. 115 Football, Sr. Wrestling, Sr. 68, 78, 104, 105, Allred, Edith L. 106, 115 Stage Design, J r., Sr. Nationa l Honor Society, J r., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. School Play Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 10% Alvey, Gary L. .. .....•..••...•..••.. .. . 1 15 Anderson, Jim . . ..................... 115 Anderson, Julie ................... 104, 115 Ski Club, Sr. School Plays, Soph., Jr. Top 10% Anderson, Martia L. _.... .7 6, 115 Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Soph. FHA, Sr. School Paper, Jr. Interpretive, Sr. And e rson, Ricky J . 115 Anderson, Dee 49, 76, 86, 100, 103, 105, 115 letterman, Sr. Key Club, Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Interpretive, Sr. School Play, Sr. Baseball, Sr. Football, Sr. Sterling Scholar Allen, Donald, L. . 26, 115 Allison, Sharlene 68, 76, 115 Andru s, Barry D. 115 Andrus, Cra ig S. ................... 102, 115 VICA, J r. Basketball, Sr. Football, Sr. Track, Jr. Armistead, Brad L. . ............. 115 Yearbook, Sr. Ashworth, Eile en . . . .. 115 Debate, Jr. Atwood , Judy R. ·········· ........ 115 Ballamis, Patricia J . . . ... . .. . 115 Sub Debs, Sr. School Play, Jr , Sr Ballard, Beverly A. 61, 68, 69' 1 15 Deco, Jr. Subdeb, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr Schoo l Play, Soph . Balla rd , Mary A. 61, 68, 69, 71, 99, 101, 103, 104,105, 115 Sub Debs, Sr. National Honor Society, Jr , Sr Junior Achievement, Jr.


Jorda nettes, Sr. A Cappello, Jr , Sr. Top 10% Sterling Scholar Barton, Nancy 11 5 DECA, J r., Sr. Bookstore, J r. Barber, Gordan 115 Be ll, John 47, 49, 68, 115 German Club, Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr.,Sr. Football, Soph., Sr. Track, Jr. Wrestling, Soph ., J r. ................. 115 Bernardo, Paul L. VICA, Sr. Be rrett, Devan B. 41,42,45,47, 104, 106, 115 National Honor Society, Jr., Sr lettermen, Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Soph. Tenn is Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Top 10% Bill, Patti J . 61, 58, 59, 76, 104, 115, Subs-Debs, Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. School Plays, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Top 10 % Birch, Bryan D. . ........ 45, 49, 11 3, 115 Debate, Soph lettermen, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr. School Play, Jr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. 6 1, 68, 73, 7 4, 115 Birchell, Nancy A. Sub Debs, Jr., Sr. FHA, J r., Sr A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Sr. Bird, Roge r D. 116 79, 116 Black, Jim 102, 106, 116 Black, JoAnn National Honor Society, Jr, Sr Top 3% Bluemel, Craig L. 116 Bodell, Chad H. 44, 116 Bod e ll, Chuck . 116 . Bowler, Dale K. . .91, 116 Student Council, Soph., Jr. Bowles, Steven A. 116 Bolliger, Gordon E. . ....... 65, 70, 116 Bolton, Mark C. . 45 , 116 Bowen, Dan ny B. . . 116 Boyn ton, Tho mas W. . 116 Brown, Sherri L. 116 Brady, De bra C. .54, 55, 7 5, 116, 125 Brake, Michae l P. ... 78, 87 VICA, Sr. School Ploy, Sr Breeze, Michael G. .47, 116 Broadhea d , Phil G . 40, 41, 70, 102, 103, 110, 112, 113, 116 Key Club, Sr. lettermen, Jr., Sr. Policy Committee, Sr. Curriculum Committee, Sr. Officer's Counc1 I, Sr Baseball, Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Studentbody President, Sr.

Brown, Earla J . 68, 116 VICA, Sr. A Cappello, Sr. Brown, Mark C. 41, 42, 66, 76, 116 lettermen, Jr., Sr. Basketba ll, Jr., Sr. Tennis, Sop h., J r., Sr. ABJ President, Sr. Bryant, Jo seph H. .. 26, 77, 102, 116 VICA, Sr. Debate, Soph. Track, Sr. W restl ing, Jr. Bryce, Susan L. ...... 116 A Cappello, Soph., J r., Sr. Burkinshaw, Debra 54, 55, 75, 116 Charlonian, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Jr., Sr FHA, Jr. Student Council, Jr. Burgener, Te rri L. 116 Jord onette, Sr. Student Council , Sr. Carpe ntie r, Barbara .. 116 FHA, Sr. A Cappello, Sr. Caldwe ll, Twyla Roche lle 116 Campbe ll, Terry R. 73, 116 Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph .. J r., Sr. Mosque & Gavel, Soph Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Golf, Jr. Student Council, Soph., Jr., Sr. Campbell, Marsha ... . .... ........ 116 Capson, Merrill G. 116 VICA, Sr. Carpe nte r, Richa rd H. . 116 VICA, Sr. Cary, Danny R. 116 VICA, Sr. Football, Soph Childs, David A. 116 Clark, Sally 116 Co le, Ke rry B. .. 41, 49, 117 Basketball, Sr. Football Soph., J r., Sr. Conish, Alice R. .. 7 1, 117 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Model UN, Jr. Jordonettes, Jr , Sr Coombs, Von nie J . 68, 76, 104, 117 Mosque & Gavel, Jr, Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Soph , Jr , Sr. School Play, Jr , Sr Top 10 Covington, Craig D. 77, 117 VICA, Sr. Stage Design, Sr. 38, 39, 40, 41, Cox, Vaug han B. 47, 117 Debate, Soph. Forensics, Soph ., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. ~roe I< Soph , Jr., Sr. 47 , 49, 72, 117 Cra n ney, Scott W. Football, Soph , Jr , Sr 48, 49, 117 Crebs, Darwin Zone Debate, Soph. Lettermen Jr., Sr Key Club Jr A Cappello, Jr. School Ploy, Jr.

Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Sr. Cre b s, Shauna C. .. ...... .. 117 Dancer, Victor . . ··-· . .47, 117 Lettermen, Sr. Trc1ek, Sr. Wrestling, Sr. Student Council, Sr Davenport, Barbara E. . 72, 74, 117 Davidson, Sharon L. 61, 68, 117 AGJ Representative, Jr. Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Sub Debs, Sr. Charlonions, J r. Dance Club, Sr. FHA, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Yearbook, Jr. lntrepret1ve, Jr., Sr. School Ploy, J r., Sr. Denison, Debra A . 104, 106, 117 Notional Honor Society, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr. Student Council, Sr. Top 10 Dennison, Myron 1 17 Densley, Sydnee L. 117 Derricott, Rhonda L. 76, 107, 117 Mosque & Gavel, Soph., Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Model UN, Jr. A Cappello, Jr. Forensics, Soph . Interpretive, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Ploys, Jr., Sr Despain, Joy ........... 72,74, 117 FHA, Jr., Sr. Sub.Debs, Sr. DECA, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Sr. . ... 117 Dick, Leanne L. .. Chorlon1ons, Jr Duke, Donna M. 71, 113, 117 Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. Durrant, Neena M. .. 68, 76, 117 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr Omega Psi, Sr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. School Ploy, Jr, Sr. A Cappello, Jr, Sr. Eastman, Stan K. . 64, 65, 70, 78, 117 Key Club, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Poper, Jr. Editor, Sr. ... 68, 104, Eddington, Delbert W .

106, 117 Notional Honor Society A Cappello, Sr. Bond, Soph. School Poper, Soph. School Ploy, Soph. Basketball, Soph. Top 10% Elswood, John 117 Letterman, Jr Sr. Track, Soph . Wrestling, Jr., Sr. Elwood, Lon 89, 117 Enniss, Dan 47, 49, 102, 105, 106, 117 Notional Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Schoolostic Committee, Sr. Footbc1ll, Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar Final ist

Notional Merit Finalist Top 3% Evans, David . 73, 117 Debate, Sr. Forensics, Sr. Fairbourn, Renae ....... ....67, 68, 72, 7 4,

101, 118 Charlonian, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Soph. AGS Rep., Sr. DECA, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Fairbourn, Stanley . ...... ... .. . 11 8 Farnsworth, Nancy ......... 7 1,74,1 18 Farnsworth, Robert ........... 118 Football, Soph. Fisher, Susie ... .. . .. .............71,118 AGJ Rep., Soph. Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Soph., J r., Sr. Sub- Debs, Jr. DECA, Jr. Book Store Manager, Sr. Fitzgerald, Kevin . ..... 118 Fitzgerald, Susan .... .... 61, 68, 7 4, 118 FHA, Jr., Sr. Sub-Debs, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. School Play, Sr. Flake, Apryl .......................... 118 Flint, Kevin ................... ....... 49, 118 Basketball, Soph. Footba I, Soph, Jr, Sr. Fowler, Gregory ... 118 Fowles, Beckie 62, 76, 118 Masque & Gavel, Soph., J r., Sr. Yearbook, Jr., Sr. Fredickson, Gary .23, 65, 118 School paper, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Soph., Jr. Fullmer, Floyd ............. 41, 47, 118 Gardner, Beverly 118 Garfield, Carol 46, 56, 57, 68, 103,

104,105,118 J.V. Cheerleader, Soph. Cheerleader, J1 ., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Orchestra, Jr. School Play, Soph., Jr., Sr. Gymnastics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Girls State, Sr. Top 10% Garfield, Sue 61, 68, 76, 102, 106, Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr National Honor Society, Jr., Sr Sub-Debs, Jr., Sr. Stage Design, Jr. A Cappello, Sr. Orchestra, Soph., Jr. School ploy, Sr. Top 10% Gatherum, Richard ............ 23, 62, Yearbook, Jr Sr. Wrestling Jr ., Sr. Geter, Kelly 68, 96, A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph. Curriculum Committee, Jr. Football, Sr. Glassey, Karen 68, Mosque & Gavel, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Soph .


Goetz, Harold ......................... ........ 1 18 Goff, Michael ............................ 34, 118 Letterman, Jr., Sr. Tennis, Jr. Wrestl ing, Soph., J r., Sr. Golberg, Tara .................... . .7 4, 119 Model UN, Soph. Debate, Jr. Forensics, Jr. Graham, RaMona ............. 58, 59, 119 J.V. Cheerleader, Jr. Song leoder, Sr. Mosque & Gavel, Jr. A Cappel lo, Sr. School Ploy, Jr. Green, Sue ......... ............. . ..... 1 19 Model UN, Jr. Greenwood, Robert 76, 85, 90,

102, 119 VICA, Jr., Sr. Key Club, Soph. Omeg a Psi, J r., Sr. School Ploy, Soph., J r., Sr. Wrestling, Soph. Student Council, Sr. Griess, Deborah ...... . .... ..... .7 4, 119 Chorlonions, Jr. FHA, Sr. Hales, Marjorie ...................... ..68, 1 19 A Cappel lo, Sr. Hall, Billy .. ....................... . .... 11 9 Halladay, Ruth ................... .74, 75, 119 Dance Club, Sr. Hansen, Pamela .. . ........ .71, 76, 119 Jordonettes, Jr., Sr. Hart, Brent 72, 119 DECA, Sr. Model UN, J r. Hase, Chris . .. .. . 34, 35, 47, 49, 111,

112, 113, 119 Wrestl•ng, Jr., Sr. Studentbody V ce President Hatch, Wendy . . . .74, 76, 119 Heaps, Gail 55, 68, 76, 104, 106, 119 Chorlonions, Jr., Sr. Mosque & Gavel, J r., Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Notional Honor Society, Jr, Sr. Top 10°1 School Ploy, Jr., S1. Henke, Claudia ............. 119 Henline, Dick .. ................... .77, 119 VICA, Sr. Hill, Betty Diane ..... .. . ....... 11 9 Hill, Steven ... 23, 65, 70, 73, 107, 11 9 Holloway, Robert 40, 41, 44, 68,

96, 119

1 18 118


Letrermon, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Baseba ll, Soph., Jr., Sr. Homer, Julie .11 9 VICA, Sr Debate, Jr. Howlett, Marianne ......... 61,69, 119 A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Sub-Debs, Jr., Sr. Jordonettes, Jr., Sr. School Ploy, Jr., Sr. Hummel, Diane .... ····· 46,75,119 Dance Club, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. A Cappello, Jr.


School Ploy, Soph, Jr., Sr. Gymnastics, Sr. lllguth, Ken .... ..39, 77, 119 VICA, Sr. Track, Sr. Jackson, Kelvin I 19 Yearbook, Soph, Jr. Jenkins, David 70, 77, 102, 104, 105, 106, I 19 VICA Sto+e Officer, Jr., Sr. Notional Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Key Club, Sr.

Top 10% Sterling Scholar Finalist Jensen, Pamela .. ................. 72, l I 9 Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. DECA, Jr., Sr. Jenson, Timothy ......................... 119 V CA, Sr Johansen, Sandra .. 68, I 19 J.V. Cheerleader, Soph., Jr. Soph. Closs Secretory DECA, Jr. Model UN, Jr. A Cappello, Sr. Orchestra, Jr. Johnson, Danny ... .. 1 I 9 Johnson, Ka ren 46, 58, 59, 75, 82, I 19 Songleoder, Jr., Sr. Mosque & Gavel, Soph. A Cappello, Jr. Dance Club, Sr. FHA, Jr, Sr Gymnast cs, Sr Johnson, Kathy .. 65, 7 I, 7 6, I 04, I 06, 119 Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Jordonettes, Sr. Notional Honor Society, Sr. Interpretive, Sr. School Play, Sr. Johnson, Milton . 37, 68, 69, 70, I 01, 119 Key Club, Sr. A Cappello, Jr , Sr. School Play, Sr. Basketball, Soph. Golf, Sr. Joh nson, Rhonda 74, 120 Model UN, Sr. DECA, Jr. Jones, Kevin .. 23, 47, 49, 73, 120 Key Club, Soph., Jr., Sr letterman, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr Trock, Soph ., Jr. Student Council, Soph ., Sr. Jones, Taun 49 120 Judkins, Jada DECA, Soph. Debate, Soph. 120 Kaye, Greg Kemp, Karen 120 49 Kimball, David 61, 68, 89, 100, Lambson, Lo ri I 05, I I 3, 120 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Omega Psi, Sr. Sub-Debs, Sr. A Cappello, Sr Yearbook, Jr Interpretive, Jr., Sr. School ploy, Jr., Sr.


Student Council, Jr., Sr. Stage Design, Sr. Sterling Scholar, Sr. Lindeman, Sheryl ....... 54, 55, 68, 120 Lindquist, Coray .. 44, 47, 49 Soph Closs Pres., Soph. ABJ Jr. Rep., J r. letterman, J r., Sr. Baseball, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Lindsey, David .120 Letterman, Jr. Bosketbo II, Soph Football, Soph., Jr. linnarz, Nada . 68, 69, 76, 120 Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. School Play, Jr, Sr. 120 Linnarz, Richard Yearbook, Jr., Sr. Lloyd, Scott .64, I 05, 106, 120 Notional Honor Society, Sr. Yearbook, Soph., Jr School Poper, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr. Forensics, Soph, Jr., Sr. School Ploy, Sr. Sterling Scholar, Sr. Lovendahl, Rickie l. ............. 38, 39 Letterman, Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph Lucero, Lawre nce J . . 120 Bond, Jr ,Sr. Luther, Denise M. . 120 DECA, Jr. Massa, Cynthia A . 71, 74, 120 Chorlon1ons, Jr Maxedon, Roary P. .. 120 VICA, Jr. Maynes, Bruce . . 120 Maynes, Bryan ... I 20 Model UN, Jr DECA, Sr. McArthur, Linda l. 68, 120 Chorlonions, Jr DECA, Jr. FHA, Jr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. McCormick, Michael V. 26, 107, 120 Debate, Soph. Interpret ve, Soph , Jr., Sr. McKnight, Aileen M. . . 120 Girls Volley Boll, Sr. Meldrum, Randy A. 47,49,68, 120 letterman, Jr., Sr A Cappello, Sr. Debate, Soph. Basketball, Soph . Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Soph, Jr. Melona s, Sam 34, 39, 47, 73, 104,

106, 113, 120 National Honor Society, Sr. Debate, Sr Trock, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Wrestlrrg, Soph, Jr., Sr. Mickelson, Scott J . 68, 69, 70, 101,

107, 113 Key Club, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. School Ploy, Soph ., Jr., Sr.

Mitchell, David E. 39, 68, 72, 101, 120 DECA, Sr. letterman, Jr., Sr . A Cappello, Sr. Football, Soph. Track, Soph., Jr. Mitchell, Steven D. 49, 120 letterman, Soph., Jr, Sr. Football, Sr. Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. 77, 120 Mace, Steve Mounteer, Ann 75, 120 Dance Club, Sr. FHA, Jr. 54, 55, 76, I 21 Mullen, Darlene ... Chorlonion, Jr., Sr. Mosque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Chorlonians, Jr , Sr. A Cappello, Jr, Sr. School Play, Jr., Sr. Murphy, Susan K. . ... 121 68, 113, 121 Myers, Vicky Model UN, Jr. Student Council, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Sr. Nelson, Elaine . 68,69, 113, 121 A Cappello, Sr Nelson, Janae ....... 54, 55, 82, 121 J.V. Cheerleader, Jr. Chorlonion, Jr., Sr. Noffsinger, Cheryl A. ... 55, 76, 90, 121 Mosque & Gavel, Soph., Jr, Sr. Omega Psr, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr . Chorlonion, Jr., Sr. VICA, Sr. FHA, Soph., Sr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. School Ploys, Jr , Sr . Student Counci l, Soph. Norton, Lyle C. 68, I 21 56, 68, 91, 103, 106, Oliver, Karlene 112, I I 3, I 21 J.V Cheerleader, Soph. Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Notioncil Honor Society, Jr., Sr. FHA, Jr. Girls State, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr. Orwin, Donna ..... .. . .121 Ostler, Craig J . . . .... .45, 86, 121 letterman, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Foresics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr. School Play, Jr., Sr. Football, Soph. Tennis, Soph., Jr., Sr . 78, 121 O stler, Robyn l. . Chorlonion, Jr. FHA, Jr. Stage Design, Jr., Sr. .. .75, 94, 121 Oviatt, Judy C. Dance Club, Sr. ...121 Pace, Clark D. .. Studer t Counc I, Soph., Jr. School Ploy, Soph., Jr. . 121 Panek, Eddy H. Bond, Soph. 78, 121 Parker, Betty L. .. .. . Omega Psi, Sr. School Ploy, Sr.

Parke r, Colle tte ······· ... 103, 121 Charlonian, Jr., Sr. Parry, Steven E. . .. . ................ 121 Lettermen, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr. .l 21 Patterson, Carl . ..55, 75, 121 Peacock, We ndy R. Charlonian, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr. FHA, Jr. Pe arce, John R. . . . ... _ ....... 121 Pe nrod, Randy G. . ..................... . 121 German Club, Soph. Basketbal l, Soph. . . .. 121 Perry, Richard J . Pete rsen, Craig L. 63, 72, 121 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Squires, Jr. DECA, Sr. Yearbook, Jr., Sr. Ed itor, Sr. ....... 121 Pe terson, Desmond K. . Pe terson, Julie . .......... .. .. 122 .75, 122 Phillips, Charle ne . Dance Club, Jr., Sr. Charlonian, Jr. .. 122 Phillips, Marylou Picke tt, Gaylen ········· ........ . 122 Potte r, Colleen . ······················ 113, J22 122 Price, Kathy J . ........68 Pri ce, Susan Ras mussen, Elaine 27 67 l 12, l 22 Dance Club, Jr. A Cappello, Jr. Interpretive, Jr. AGJ Pres., Sr. Student Council, Sr. .., 122 Ri ch, Scott 37,97, 122 Richardson, Alan 122 Richardson, Vicky J.V. Cheerleader, Jr. Class Sec., Jr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Charlonian, Sr. School Play, Soph., Jr. 61, 122 Ridi ng , Ina .......... . Sub-Debs., Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Soph. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. School play, Soph., Jr. 122 Re e ve, Don 55 , 74, 122 Re ich, Alonagay Charlonians, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. Roa rk, Johnnie ... .. .... ........ 72, 122 DECA, Sr. . 122 Robins on, Clyde L. 61, 76, 79, 104, Robinson, Ke m 105, 106, 122 Wrestling, Sr. National Honor Society, Sr. Squires, Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Scholastic Committee, Sr. Policy Committee, Sr. Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Orchestra, Soph., Jr. Interpretive, Jr., Sr. National Merit finalist Sterling Schola r Finalist Top 10 % 34, 35, 47, 49, Rome ro, Ri chard G. 91 , 104, 122 Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. I


Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Rosenkrantz, Donald V . .................... 122 Ross, Danna L. ................... .7 1,74,122 Masque & Gavel, Soph . Charlonians, Jr . Jordanettes, Sr. FHA, Sr. Rowell, Dennis ................ 2 1, 68, 69, 122 A Cappello, Sr. School Play, Sr. Wrestling, J r. Runolfson, Steven B. ................. .49, 122 Russell, Lynne D. ................. ......76, 122 Sadler, Rod D. .................................. 122 Salmon, D. Gale ......................... .75, 122 Dance Club, Jr., Sr. Charlonian, Jr. J.V. Cheerleader, Soph. School Play, Soph., Jr. Interpretive, Soph. A Cappello, Jr. Slade, Lori L. . ...........62, 64, 65, 76, 123 Charlonian, Jr. National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr. Yearbook, Sr. School Paper, Jr., Sr. Smith, Brent T. ........ ...................... 123 Smith, David M . ...... 23, 37, 68, 102, 123 Masque & Gavel, Jr. Scholastic Comm ittee, Sr. Debate, Soph. School Play, Jr. A Cappello, Sr. Smith, David W . .............. 38, 39, 47, 49, 64, 65, 123 Letterman, Jr., Sr. School Paper, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track, Jr., Sr. Smith, Darle ne . .. . ....................... 123 Sm ith, Donna J. . .. .. 46, 55, 75, 104, 123, 125 Charlonian, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Jr., Sr. Top 10 % Gymnastics, Sr. Smith, Lori . .... ...... . ..58, 59, 68, 123 Song Leader, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Jr. Masque & Gave,I Soph. School Play, Jr. Stage Design, Soph. Smith, Len . .. .... .. .. .................. .. 123 Smith, Paul M. ... . .. ........68, 123 Key Club, Jr., Sr. Smith, Robert A. . .. . ........... ...... .79 Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Smith, Royce J. .34, 47, 49, 104, 113, 123 Letterman, J r., Sr. Student Council, Sr. Policy Committee, Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Springer, John J. . .................. 39, 123 Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. Steadman, Max .... . ............. .45, 123 Tennis, Sr. Stoedter, Linda D'. . . ... ..... .7 4, 76, 123 Stone, Robin F. ... . ............. 61, 75, 123 Masque & Gavel , Soph.

Dance Club, Sr. A Cappello, Soph., Jr. Story, Lance 0 . .................... 68, 78, 123 Stage Design, Jr., Sr. A Cappello, Sr. Sullivan, Eddy L. ................. .47, 49, 123 Letterman, Sr. Football, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Soph, Jr. Sutcliffe, Dawn ............68, 78, 104, J 23 DECA, Jr. Sub-Debs, Jr., Sr. Stage Design, Sr. A Cappello, Sr. Top 10% Swenson, Wayne ....................... .77, 124 DECA, Jr. VICA, Sr. Band, Soph. Sybrowsky, Steven E. ......... .49, 73, 111, 112, 113, 124 Studentbody Second Vice Pres . Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Lettermen, J r., Sr. Debate, Soph . ,Jr., Sr. Key Club Sr. Policy Committee, Sr . Curriculum Committee, Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Football, Jr., Sr. Thomas, Russell ............................... 124 Thomas, Tonia R... ........................... 124 Thompson, Cynthia ........68, 69, 76, 124 Masque & Gavel, Soph., Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. Curriculum Committee, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Jr. Thompson, Evelyn M . ........31, 102, l 05, 106, 124 National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Interpretive, Soph. Sterling Scholar Top 3% Tunbridge, Marci L. ............ .46, 57, 124 J.V. Cheerleader, Soph. Song Leader, Jr. Cheerleader, Sr. Gymnastics, Sr. Turner, Anne 0 . ....... .......68, 76, 124 Turner, Debra L. .......... .71, 7 4, 114, 124 Senior Class Vice Pres. Sr. Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. AGJ Vice Pres., Jr. A Cappello, Jr. Turpin, Marilyn J . . ........ ............. 124 Vawdrey, Doug D. ........ 34, 45, 61, 66, 104, 124 Vawdrey, Karla J. ... . .... 54, 55, 63, 64, 104,106,124 Mosque & Gavel, Soph ..,Jr. Charlonians, Jr., Sr. Notional Honor Society, Sr. Yearbook, Sr. School Paper, Soph., Jr., Sr. Top 10 % Interpretive, Soph. Veater, Ronald W . .......................... 124 Vernon, Debra S . ............. .73, l 03, 111, 112, 113 Songleader, Jr. Soph. Class Vice Pres., Soph. Masque & Gavel, Soph. Debate, Jr., Sr.


Students rela x during their lunch brea k. Policy Committee, Sr. Curricu lum Committee, Sr. A Cappello, Jr. Studentbod y Secretary, J r. Wadsworth, Guy . _____ . ----··· 124 Key Club, Sr. Wagstaff, Douglas B. ...39, 65, 73, 106, 112, 113, 114, 124 Senior Class Pres., Sr. ABJ Vice Pres., Jr. Nationa l Honor Society, Sr. School Paper, Soph., Jr., Sr. Debats, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph., J r. School Play, Sr. Footba ll, Soph. Track, Soph., Jr., Sr. Wahlen, Linda C. .... . 124 Walters, Bryan L. .. . 72, 124 DECA, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Ware, Kent S. . . . . .68, 70, 102, 104, 106, 124 Jr. Class Pres., J r. Key Club, Soph., J r., Sr. Na tional Honor Society, Sr. A Cappello, Jr., Sr. School Ploys, Soph., Jr. Student Council, Soph., Jr. Top 10% Washburn, Paul L. 124 Waters, Debra M. . ___ . . 124 Weller, Della M . . 68, 69, 101, 104, 124 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Soph. A Cappello, J r., Sr. School Ploy, Jr. Top 10% Wentz, Raymon E. 89, 1 24 Whetmen, Venna J. . 55, 75, 94, 103, 104, 11 1, 112, 113, 124


Doug Wagstaff, Jul ie Home r, and Vicky Richardson study the script for the movie produced by the Humanities' Class .

Charlonians, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, Sr. FHA, Jr. Student Counci l, Soph. A Cappello, Sr. Interpretive, Jr. Historian, Sr. Girls State, Jr. Wilburn, Frank F. Lettermen, Soph., Jr., Sr. Footbal l, Jr., Sr. Track, Soph., J r. Wrestling, Soph., Jr., Sr. Williams, Carroll J. DECA, Sr. Williams, Cheri Ann Williams, Konae Charlonians, Sr ., Jr. FHA, Soph. Mosque & Gavel, Jr. Winger, Randy David

Wolfgramm, Sal F. Dance Club, Sr. Woodruff, Laura J.

34,49, 124

72, 124

65, 72, 102, 106, 124 51, 54, 55, 124

21, 39, 73, 102, 106, 125

Top 3% Model UN, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., J r., Sr. National Honor Society, Sr. Debate, Soph., J r., Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr, Sr. Footbal l, Soph. Track, Sr. Student Council, Jr. 44, 125 Winkler, Clark J. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph., Jr., Sr. Baseball, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Jr., Sr. 125 Withers, Ricky l. Wo lfgramm, Lanie 0 . 75, 92, 125 Dance Club, Sr.

75, 97, 125 58, 59, 68, 85, 101, 103, 105, 125

Songleader, Sr. J.V. Cheerleader, Soph., Jr. Chorlonions, Jr. Omega Psi, J r., Sr. Curricu lum Committee, Jr. Interpretive, Jr. School Play, Soph., Jr. Sterling Scholar, Sr. Woodward, Wendy S. 56, 75, 92, 125 Cheerleader, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Soph. Gymnastics, Sr. Orchestra, Soph., Jr., Sr. 125 Wright, Connie Yaka, Emily 74, 125 FHA, Sr. 125 Zagarich, James H. Zagorec, Tamara 62, 74, 102, 103, 105, 106, 125 National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. FHA, Soph., Sr. Scholastic Committee, Sr. Yearbook, Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 3 % National Merit Commendation Betty Crocker Homemaker Award Zeller, Tim l . 113, 125 Lettermen, Jr. Football, Jr. Wrestling, Jr. Yengich, Linda A. 71, 73, 125 Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. FHA, Sr. DECA, Jr.

ADM INISTRATION Abeyta, Horry .............. 23, 44, 47, 50 Ainsworth, Thelma ...................... 19 Allen, Colleen ............................... 29 Anderson, Poul ............... 31, 37, 43 Ash, Fredrick ................ 30, 45, 51 Bollard, Lynn A ..................... ~3. 92 Bishop, Clemont ........................... 16 Bishop, Rolph ............ 30, 36, 64, 70 Boberg, Lowell J ........................... 30 Bradford, Jomes Lynn ............ 23, 128 Brown, Blaine D.............. ............. 24 Brown, Carol ..............................30 Burkinshow, Joy ........................... 31 Crump, Sherman ......•............ 16, 106 Doy, Robert .... . ............................ 18 Ensign, Koy ................................ 30 Erickson, David .......................... 22 Fisher, Gerold ............................... 26 Fitzgerald, Mory .......................... 18 Fraser, Golda ,. ............................ 30 Gooch Garth ............................... 21 Gunnell, Farrell ............................ 22 Houck, Louro ....................•.......... 30 Henderson, Betty ........................ 27 Holt, Tracy . ...... . ....................... 26 Judd, David T...................... 30, 96 King, Roger ......................... 26, 77 McCleary, Jerry L. .••..••.••.••......... 28 McCleary, Kenneth ..................... 22 McDonald , Robert .................. 25, 79 Milne, Donald .............................. 23 Nelson, Arvol ..................... 62 Nichols, Carolyn ............. 28, 14 3 Odette, Roy ........... 28, 41, 48, 50 Oliver, Rodney .. ..... . .... 21, 41 Olsen, Donald . ..... ... .. .. . .... 25 Pace, Rolph ...................... 25, 78 Pay, Renee .. .... .. .. .......... . ... 24 Petersen, Wendell ............. 26 Pond, Joy .. .... .... . ... 23, 84 Rawlings, Brion ••.... 25,76,155 Richards, Bertha ......... .. . .. .. .... 19 Russon, Arland .. . .. • ..........3 I Smith, Gory .. . .......... 21 Swedlund, Kent . ..28, 36, 50 Sybrowsky, Jacquelyn .. . . 19 Tippetts, Leah .... 25 Tranter, Gertrude G. .27, 136 Tyler, Genee A. ....... ..........31 Wagstaff, Leno . .. 19 Williams, Marietta .. .. 28 Wilson, Lila .. 24, 63 Wright, Carolyn .. 31 Young, Richard ............... 18 Zabriskie, Rodney 25

JUNIORS Adoor, Mork K. .37, 79, 127 Adams, Jon R. 127 Alleman, Marsha 68, 127 Allen, Ronald J. .. 68, 93, 97, 127 Allsop, Mike R. 127 Anderson , Lo don J. 79, 127 Anderson , Myrle K. 127 Anderson, Nedd A. 47, 68, 89,

91 , 97, 127 55, 127 44, 47 61,68,127 .39, 79, 127 127 .. 76, 127 26, 127 46, 55, 74 , 75, 76, 127 Boker, Susan L. I '27 Boker, Poul K. 1 27 Bakker, Kelley ................ 55, 1 27 Bollard, Brion R. • ....•..... 30, 1 27 Bollard, Marsha .. .•... .. . . 1 27 Bough, Ric . 127 Beck, Koren L ... 55, 68, 127 B9cksteod, Kevon D .. 1 27 B~ckSleod, Rodney . 79, 127 Beckstead, Steven R ... 68, 69, 7 6, 85, 86, 87, 106, 127 Bingham, Kori J. . .. 79, 1 27 Blackwood, Susan M. . .. 1 27 Bluth, Vincent ...40, 41 , 44, 47 , 49, 127 ............. 37, 49 Bogenschutz, Joey ........ 55, 127 Bolliger, Shelb1e Anderson , Sue Ellen Anderson, Terry L. Armitsteod, Collette Armstrong, Howard l. Bodovinotz, George M. Bagley, Mcrridy Bagshaw, W illiam G Bailey, Carol A.

Brody, Koren L. ..•.••........ 55, 67, 127 Brooks, Kurt I. ............................ 127 Brown, Debro A......................... 1 27 Brown, Margaret D.........65, 7 6, 127 Brown, Douglas C ................. 39, 127 Buchanon, Dono ........... .78, 106, 127 Buh, Judy L. ....................... 79, 127 Burch, Corio J. ........................... 127 Burgess, Gene A................... 31, 127 Burgan, Michael A. . ................... 127 Burgan, Toni L..................... 74, 128 Burningham, Bruce ......... .41, 42, 47,

49, 128 Butler, Susan M. . ................. 68, 1 28 Coldwell, Mike D. .. .................. 128 Coll, Nancy ................ 113, 1 26, 128 Connon, Kathleen K. ........ 46, 55, 128 Corlquist, Doug ........ 50, 79, 106, 128 Cortwright, Tori ........ 22, 46, 83, 128 Corson, Burt S. ................... .? 9, I 28 Chapmon, Sandro ... .46, 82, 105, 128 Chose, Jeanie S. .. ...................... 1 28 Chavis, Don K. ............................ 128 Christensen, Cori A. ............ 50, 128 Christensen, Lauri ................ 55, 128 Christensen, Pom ........................ 128 Clark, Lindo l. ....................55, 128 Clarke, Robert L. ........................ 128 Clough, Dione R.....................55, 128 Cowley, Jerry D. . ................. 50, 128 Coy, Coral L. .............. 112, 1 26, 128 Cozzens, Mitchell D......... 45, 47, 128 Cranney, Don G. .................. 50, 1 28 Crapo, Scott R. .... 41, 42, 45, 47, 128 Crebs, Shirley R. . ....................... 1 28 Crispin, Jock L. ....................77, 128 Cronin, Kenna D. .... ................... 128 Curtis, Susan .............................. 128 Domjonovich, Lindo ..............77, 1 28 Davenport, Bonnie I. ........55, 98, 128 Davis, Shauna ............... 68, 69, 128 Doy, Jomes ........ 36, 37, 47, 49, 128 Dennies, Marilu ..................... 62, 91 Dennison, Dione P.....71, 72, 74, 129 Derricott, Kent ...........45, 68, 69, 76,

86, 87, 101, 129 Despain, Faith ................... 7 4, 129 Dick, Lindo S. . .................. ..... 129 Dixon, Done L.......................68, 129 Draper, David K. . . . .39, 47 , 79, 129 Duncan , Debro R......................... 129 Dunn, Jerry L.........68, 69, 76, 86,

87, 100, 129 Eddington, Shawna L. ....... 68, 69, 88,

129 Edmunds, Debro l. ..................... 1 29 Edmunds, Kori D........................ 1 29 Elder, Michael J . ............ .73, 129 Elkington, Kevin B.... .40, 41, 42, 129 Ellis, Nikole L. . ... . . ......55, 129 Elswood, Morydell ..............55, 129 Elwood, Nono K. ..................... 129 Escobedo, Eduardo ....... 50, 68 , 129 Foirbourn, Brenda S. .. .......55, 129 Foirbourn, David M .................39 Foirbourn, Devor 0 .................... 129 Farnworth, Cathy J ......... .79, 129 Fergus, Robert Jeff ...... 39, 79, 129 Fisher, Deborah ........ 46, 1 29, 135 Fitzgerald, Colleen . . .. . ........ 129 Fitzgerald, Karleen ...............55, 129 Fitzgerald, Mory, A. . ...........68 , 129 Flores, Tony ... .. ..........50, 129 Ford, Lois J. . ....................... 130 Fritz, Ken . .. ......... 13 0 Gordner, Jim .................... 23, 130 Garfield, Dole H............... 39, 47, 130 Gouse, Kelly B. . .. .. .............. 130 Gilchrist, Michelle ................ 130 Glod, Janet ... 61,68,69,101,130 Glover. Janet ................... .46, 130 Gordon, Mike .................... 130 Got berg , Randoll C. .. 78, 87, 130 Gotberq, Richard A. .......... .7 8, 130 Gray, Rick ............................ 130 Greyeyes. John ............... 36, 130 Greenwood, Doniel G ........... 34, 35,

47 , 130 Greenwood, Lourie .............55, 130 Gregory, Mathew N ................50, 79 Griffith, Peggy L. ...................... 130 Groves, Down M ........................ 130 Groves, Sheryl A................. 130 Gurr, Goyne! .. ..................... 130

Hadley, Kevin D..... 68, 69, 101, 130 Hanno, Mork .............................. 1 30 Hansen, Barbaro ........................ 130 Hansen, Pamela ....................78, 130 Hansen, Trudie L. ..................76, 130 Hardcastle, Annette .................... 1 30 Hardcastle, Peggy .... 68, 69, 101, 130 Hartwell, Ronald G. 63, 88, 106, 130 Hardy, Mork L. •.......41,42,44,47,

49,. 66, 130 Hose, Georgia L. ................ 113, 130 Hastings, Steven C. .. ........... .79, 130 Hatch, Jerry A. .... 61, 68, 69, 101, 130 Haycock, Caroline J .........54, 55, 131 Haymore, Renee .......................... 131 Hewitt, Brion l. .......................... 131 Higbee, Rod C. ............................ 131 Hilton, Susan .................. 54, 55, 131 Hoffines, Janice ............ 55, 126, 131 Hoffman, Dov id ................ 44, 50, 1 31 Hog Iund, Stevon C. .................... 1 31 Hooser, Don M ............................. 1 31 Housekeeper, Layne ........ 61, 77, 1 31 Hronoc, Debro G ................ .73, 131 Huffman, Spencer L. .................... 131 Hughes, Ron J ........ .42, 44, 50, 131 Huntsinger, Mickoel E................. 131 Ivie, Gloria ............46, 57, 75, 105,

106, 131 Joynes, Susan ...................... 65, I 31 Jeffs, Warren S. . ......................... 131 Jenkins, Doyle M ............. 39, 49, 131 Jensen, Claude E. . ... 39, 47, 50, 131 Jensen, Collene R................ .? 6, 131 Jensen, Fownette ........................ 131 Jensen, Vern L. ............................ 131 Johnstun, Doyle B............. 45, 50, 131 Jones, Susan K............... 78, 91, 131 Jones, Merrileo J ...... .46, 64, 73, 131 Joos, Lindo .................... 62, 63, 131 Jordon, Johnny R. ........ 47, 49, 131 Kemp, Roger ........................ 50, 131 Kerby, Deborah K................. 55, 131 Killion, Blaine C. ........................ 132 Kreger, Debro L. ......................•• 132 Kunz, Collie ................................ 132 Kunz, Deon M . ............... .44, 50, 132 Kunz, Debbie .............................. 132 Kunz, Floyd ................................ 132 Londeen, Janette .... 68, 69, 106, 132 long, Robin C ....................... 78, 132 Lawrence, Sid R. .. ...................... 132 leotherbury, Marilyn ........ 55, 77, 132 Levitt, Greg L. ...................... 50, 132 Lepore, Phil lip ............................ 132 Leyba, Joni L. ............................ 132 Lloyd, Gory S ............... 77, 102, 132 Lyon , Charles .............................. 132 Mace, Lomonte ............................ 132 Marchant, Lynn D................. 45, 132 Morgetts, Monte L. ................ 68, 132 Marsh , Holly .............................. 132 Maughn, Jeff S . .... 42, 47 , 49, 66, 132 Maxwell, Brod R. ................ 79, 132 Maynes, Mork F................. 73, 132 McAfee, Kenneth D..................... 132 McForlone, Brenda .... 46, 60, 94 , 132 McM olin, Vonnie R..................... 132 McNeil, Sandro L. ...................... 13 2 Mead, Norma J .................... 89, 132 Mellor, David R......................... 132 Melonos, John .... 36, 49, 73 , 106, 132 Merriam, John D....................... 132 Meyer, Robert L. .................. 50, 13 2 Mickelsen, Kim H....................... 132 Miller, Connie L. ........55, 60, 68, 132 Miller, Gordon R.........34, 36, 45, 47,

50, 132 Miller, Timothy H......................... 132 Mitchell, Glendon C. ............ 50, 132 Moore, Byron ....... ..................... 132 Moore, Collette C. ............58, 59, 132 Morgon, lee .............................. 132 Morill, Jeff C. ............... .76, 78, 133 Mullen, Jeniece M. .................... 133 Murphy, Becky L. ................. .7 1, 13 3 Neve, Robin J ............................. 133 Newhouse, Terry J . .............. 68. 133 Noffsinger, Nancy L. ....61 , 76, 79, 133 Nokes , Maureen .................. 31 , 133 Norton, Shelly ........................... 133 Nosock, Mork L. .......................... 133 Nunley, Sharon A.........72, 129, 133 Nygard, Sandro .................. 68, 133

Olsen, Kevin V................ .47, 50, 133 Olson, Jerry l. ...................... 37, 133 Oviatt, Valerie E. . .............. .71, 133 Panek, Claude W .................. .79, 133 Porker, Connie ............................ 133 Patience, Kathryn ................ 55, 133 Potterson , Loren D. . ............... 39, 47 Petersen, Joy W ......... 39, 47, 49, 133 Peterson, Michael .... 36, 47, 49, 133 Porter, Sandro l. ........................ 133 Post, Tomaro S ................... 106, 133 Powell, Joan .............................. 133 Price, Janet L. ........................7 6, 133 Reed, Cyndy .................. 60, 71, 133 Rich, Helen l. .............................. 133 Rigby, Reynold M. ...................... 133 Ritzman, Jason C. ........................ 133 Robinson, Kim ............................ 134 Rocks, Leneo C. . ................... 71, 134 Rogers, Mork R........ .42, 44, 47, 134 Rosengrontz, Sandro M. ............... .7 2 Rowsell, Scott J ............... 25, 93, 134 Rynearson, Douglas M ................. 134 Sadler, Debro l. .......................... 134 Salter, Lorrie K. . ....................... 134 Samuelson, Koren l. ........68, 73, 134 Sonders, Leslie S....... 54, 55, 61, 134 Schocker, Kirk A...........................50 Schmidt, Deon l. ........................ 134 Sevy, Debro A. . ......................... 134 Sharp, Heidi G ......... 55, 68, 69, 101,

134 Shelby, Alon K. . ........... 47, 77, 134 Shell, Phillip B................. 65, 70, 134 Sielhorst, Pam F. . ....................... 134 Singleton, Donald M ..................... 79 Simmons, Pamela R. .................... 134 Smith, Annette ................ 67, 77, 134 Smith, Pamela ........................ 61, 134 Smith, Penny L. ............................ 134 Smith , Luanne D....................... 46, 55 Smith, Kerry L. ............................. .? 8 Smith , Robert ...................... 1 31, 134 Smith, Tom 0. . ........................... 134 Sorenson, Luann ........................ 134 Stoedter, Gretchen E................... 134 Sturdy, Sheila ............... .46, 55, 134 Svedin , Ritch ie T............. 22 , 50, 134 Swanagan, Giesele L. ........... .7 6, 135 Tait, Debora K.............55, 68, 135 Tote, John P. . ..................... 37, 135 Taylor, Teri L. ............................ 135 Taylor, Vordell G. .. ............. 50, 113 Tetrick, Elton ........................ 50, 135 Thacker, Stan M. ........................ 13 5 Thornwoll, Deon ........................ 135 Tunbridge, Gory R..................... 135 Utley, Colleen ......................... 1 35 Vaccaro, Corio ............................ 135 VonAmen, Peggy A . .................... 135 Vondermeide, Julie .................... 135 Woll, Jacqueline ............... 1 29, 135 Washburn, Chad B...44, 47, 50, 135 Webb, Gory D..................... 39, 135 Webster, Christine A .............64, 135 Webster, Kelly A. . .............. .71, 135 Welch, Marshall K. .................... 135 Weller, Michael H....................... 135 Wentz, Richard .......................... 135 West, Jonolyn ........................... 135 West, Jeff T. ................................ 135 Westbrook, Mike ........................ 49 Whet man, Wayne R. . ........... 99, 135 White, Claudio J ......................... 135 Whitlock , Shanno l. ....... 61, 74, 76,

78, 135 William s, Sharon K..................... 135 Withers, Rondy M ............... 50, 135 Witt, Wesley G . . . . • 41 , 44, 47, 135 Wright, Bonnie ........................ 135

SOPHOMORES Adamson, Valerie R..................... 137 Ainsworth, Ross L. ...• 4 2, 43, 51, 137 Ainsworth, Sandy L. ................... 137 Allen , Peggy A ........ 61, 74, 79, 137 Allred, Louise ............................ 137 Alvey, Andrea ..................... .71, 137 Andersen, Lori ........................... 137 Anderson, Connie ........................ 137 Anderson, Denece ........................ 137 Anderson , Lindo ................ 28 , 46, 137 Anderson , Paulo ................ 136, 137 Anderson, Phil ip E............... .73, 137


Anderso:i, Renoe ................74, 137 Andrizzr, Bre•r A. ..37, S 1, 1 37 Andrus, Rand B. .. . SI , 66, 6B, 73, 137 Andrus, Roger L .......... ........ 1 37 Arms!rol"g , lo" J. .• . • •• 46 , 137 Atkinson, Peggy J .. . 46 , 91, 113, 137 Atkinson, Sher• L •. 79 , 99, 137 Bakker, Morty F ........ 36, 76 , 137 Bollom,s, Steven .. .. .•. . .. . .•. 137 Boy, Jomes G. • . 137 Begay, Wilford ... ... ........ ........ 137 Bell, Gory •.. ........ 37, 47, 51, 137 Bell. Guy W. 137 Bergener, Janet .............. I I 3, 137 Best, Suzanne . . .. .. .. .. . 137 B'nghom, Duane D. • •.......... 137 Borchell, Evelyn S. . .. ........ 7 4, 137 Bishop, Joel B. 36, 70, 137 Br shop, John ...... 41, 4 2, 43, 44, 47. SI , 70, 90, 137 Block, Kennard .. 21,39, 13 7 Bogenshutz, Todd D. ..•....•••. 34, 137 Bol•on, Kori J. 44 , 137 Bonham. Sco11 W. ..36, 44, 137 Boyl"!On, Mrtz i J , ....... 76 , 137 Bradbury, Dovrd C .• .. .••.• 137 Bradfield, Randy L •. . ~4. 51, 137 Brody, Kenneth N .S 1, 137 Breeze, Brenr S. .. ................ I 37 Brinton, Michelle . 61, I 3B Brooks, Tonya M. I 3B Brower, Doreen ....... .. I 38 Brown, Peggy . 13B Brown , Ricky B. .. 138 Buhl , Gory •. .. ... 13B Burke, Dav id C. .. 13B 13B Burningham Rebecca Burton, Bary, N ... I 3B Coldwell, Debbie l . ..... 46 , 60, I 3B Campbell, Susan l. .. 13B Connon, Gordon V .. 138 Corl sle, Robyn K .. .. .. ... .. .. 138 Carlquls• , Julie A. .. I 3B Car•er, Rose M. . 1 38 Cary. Mrke H. •. 42, 13B Ca•es, Debro .. I 3B Chomberlorn, Shunnon .... 7 4, 138 Chavez, Rolph 13B Ch ild, Rondy C. .. .. I 3B Cloyron , Willoom .... 138 Clough, Bill C 73 , 138 Coffm Jeannie K. .. 138 Conrod, Collett 0 7 6, 138 Cook, Bren• J 4<1, 138 Cope, Brind" 79, 138 Covu •ton, Porn .. 138 Cowley Robert .... 138 Co· . Lowell .. 138 Cozzens, Morty W. . . 138 Crone, Scott S . 138 Crebs, Kelly 27. 34, 4<1 47 , 112, 136, 138 Crow, Corl 138 Curley, Doug 39, SI , 13B Cutler, Debro . 138 Darling Co•hy 138 Doughtery, Pot .. 138 Doy, Kennerh , J , 51, 138 Dejol e Juon1ra 13 9 Dennies, Sylvro J. . 139 Densley, Gory l • 139 Dineen , Richard V 31 , 139 Dowding , Mrke S 139 Dowland, T m J . 139 Dow land. Tom D .. 139 Draper, Doug G. 47 , 79 , 139 Duke, Colin l 139 Dumas , Debro C . 139 Dunn, J im . 139 D1;nn, Lrso 60, 139 fos•mon , Jeff K. .39 5 I. 139 Eber•, Borboro L 61 , 139 Eckmon, Woyne, M. 79, 139 61 74 , 139 Edd,ng•on Monlyn 36, 139 Ellonqson , John G .. 139 fver;ll , Crarg T 139 Eyre, Douqlos A .. 13 9 Fornsworth , Shoron


Fellows, Rondy K. . . ..51, 65, 139 Durront, David P. . .••. 139 Fenton, Loni J . .... ..... ...... 113, 139 Ferguson, Julia R. .... ...... .73, 139 Fitzgerald , Korhy • . 139 Flake, Guy . •.. .. •• 139 Flores, Roberto ... .. .......... . . ... 139 Forman. Chod .... 140 Fowles, Alon It ........ 62. I 40 Frontz, Kormo R. .. • 140 Fullmer, Karen C .. . ..•..73, I <10 Gallagher, Scott l. . 43, 51, 140 Garfield, Kory L 79, I <10 Garland, Jomes . ... ................. 140 Gotherum , Tina M . • . •.• 140 Grbson, Melody A. .. ... • 140 Gordon, Geri l. .. .... 140 Gotberg , Lynnette •• 140 Gotberg, Yvonne ... ..... 140 Graham , Kristie L. 140 Grando. Drano L. •• •. 1<10 Greenwood. Shoun A. . ........... 140 Gustafson , Gerald L. 51, 140 Holl, Eddoe P. . .... 140 Halladay, Mrchoel A. . . ... 140 Hom, Gordon R 140 Ham, Ricky l. . .. .. 140 Hamilton, Susan .... 140 Hansen, Borbora J ... 140 Hansen, Rosemary .. . . 140 Hardcastle Kim 14 0 Hardman, Scot1 L . 140 Hardy, Kori n 140 Horr s, Vernon W. •• .••. 39, 73 , l <10 Hort, Mrna V. ........73, 140 Hase, Morvrn B 36, 51, 140 Hendrickson, Corl W •• 51 Highland, Georgia A. . . . 140 Hill Terry 0. I.SO Hill , Shelley .... ............. 73, 140 Holdaway, Loren D. <17 Holmstead, Leann . . 74, 1<10 Homer, Janine •. ... .. ... 61, 140 Houmond, Craig D 39, 140 Howard, Robyn . .. . ... 140 Howlett, Julie 74 , 140 Howlert, Kevin D . I.SO Hronac, Colleen . ... •.... I 4 I I <I I Hughs , Kevin M. •• Hurst Deborah M • I <I I Hyatt , Don K 51, 14 l Hyde, Susan ... . l4I Jackman, Brent l ...36, 51, 14 I Jackso..,, Ron H 1<I1 Jacobsen Debra L. ldI Jacobsen , Dennis N .. . l 4 I Jensen, Corey 39, <13 , Id I Jensen , Rondy .. 36 Jen•zch, David 14 I Jewkes, Ruy 43, 51, I <I I Jex , Ann . 14 1 Johnson, Brlly 44 , 1 <I I Johnson, Dove ~ 1, 1d I Jo"nson Debb·e 14 I Johnson Len . 14 1 Johnso., Pam 14 I Johnson, Penny 73 , Id 1 Johnson, Russel 51, 14 l Jolley Carol 46 60 , 141 Jones. Denise I <I I Jones Dione I42 Kemp Brod <14 51 , 142 Kendrick. Jeanne 142 Kirton, Bec~y 14:? 142 Kunz, Dano Kunr. Janil'I 46, I <12 loll"bson, Ela ine 46 , l 42 Landeen, Mork 142 Loney, Brll 139, 1<12 lomnogo , Joseph•e I <I 2 Lavery Carolyn I 42 14 2 Lowrence, Cloud ro Lows, Teresa I 42 lowsan, Debro 14:? leony, Virg1n10 142 Lehl'nbouf!r, Jo net . I 4? Lehenbouer, Jud •h 142 Leyba, Dave 78

Lindeman, Kurt 14 2 ... ....... 142 Lrnnorz, David Lrsh, Carma •. 74, 141, 142 Longstaff, Francis .. . 103, l <12 Lucas, Richard ..... .. .. 142 Lucero, Dorothy .. 142 Lucero, Fronk . . ....• .• 142 Luther, John 14 2 Lybberr, Kim . 1<12 Mace. Horo!d I 42 Mace, LoDeon I42 .27 Mackert, Howard . • Mockl1n, lee 14 2 Muhon, Susan .74, 142 Markham, Mory .. 142 Marsh, Peggy 1<12 Masso, Peter •.. .. ..... 51, 142 Mutheson , Susan .7 4, l 4? Maxfield, Kathy I <I 2 McArrhur. Jeffery .... ...•....51, 14 2 McClure, Cindy •. 61, 1d2 McCoy, Junior l <12 McMrllin, Joe~ . ........ 39, 14 2 McNeil, Danny 51 McNeoll, Jrm . .. .. 143 McPherron, Steve 4<1, I <13 Mead, Cheryl .. • 143 Meodows, Richard . 5I Mellor, Lindo 143 Melville, Debbre •. 1<13 Menssen, Sylvia .. . ... 76, 143 Mickelsen, Shor la .. 14 3 Mrller, Jeanene •.60, 143 Molls, Kevin .39, 43, 51, 143 Mitchell, Charlorte .. ..• . • . .•..• I ..s 3 M•tchell, Korrie •• •. 143 Moody, Joydcne 143 Mounteer , John ....... 143 Mumford, Jeff . ... 14 3 Murdock, Solly . •. .• .. •• 1<13 Myers, Ednu 143 Necaise Russel . I <13 Nelson, Drone .. 14 3 Nelson , Julie ...... 143 Nelson, Lauro • 76 , 143 NP.Ison , Wilford .. 14 3 Neve, Jam•e . 43 , 1<13 Nokes, Darlene • . . . ...... 143 Noorda, Jon • 7 6 , I <I 3 Nosock, Claudia ... . . .•..•• 144 Nowotny, Gory • .. .. .. ..•..• . 14 4 Oakeson, Blaine .. 36, 39 Oliver. Craig 144 Olsen , Crndee 144 Olsen, Joyce 144 Omon, Mike l 44 Orr. Claudia 61, 79 Orr Ryon .. I 44 Orwrn Allen 144 Ostler, Debra 1<14 Ostler. Warren l 44 Overson, Melmda ....... 14 4 Pock. Rondo 14 4 Po9ct Bryon . 47,78 , 144 Ponerson Kevin .. 39, 1<14 Pearce, Bonn10 .• • 144 Pelch, Gory 36, 47 , 51 , 144 Pendleton Anne 7 6, 144 Perry, Chris .. ... .. .. ... . 1 44 Perry, David 14 <I Peterson, Beverly 144 Pe•erson, Kel"doll •. 144 Pererson, Lon 39, 144 Pen, N•111cy .. 144 Pierce, Corhy 61 , 14 4 Person, Holly .7 4, 144 Pox•on, Roherr 144 Pr'"· Ru•h I 44 Pyle, Glenn ........51, 144 Ragsdale, Scon 47 , 1<14 Roons, R09er 43, 14<1 Rune, Gory . 144 Ralton . Coth•c I <14 Roy Kmen 144 Reed, Becky 144 Pe1ch, Sh.,lene 144 Rrchords Dovrd 144 R•cl1ordson, Anne I 44

Richardson, Kevin .•• 144 .61, 74, 1<15 Ricks, Lori .. . ..• 14 5 Ricord, Coleen .. 76, 145 R1shton, Kip •. 74, 79, 145 Ritch, Kathy ..... .. .. .51 Robinson, DC1nny SI, 145 Robinson, Doun Romero, Eddrc .. . 36, 51, 57, 66, 14 5 .• 145 Ross, ltnda Runol f son, Ton yo 145 .. 46, 60, 76, 89, Russel, Susan 105, 145 Rynearson, Greg 145 Sadler, Jeanne 67, 73, 145 Solazar, Goyo • . . . .•.. .• . 145 Sanders, Eric . 145 S<Hgent, Jeonrne •••... 76, 145 Sorgent, JM 37, 43, 14 S Schockcr, Ronda • 145 Setterberg, Valerie ..•.. 7 4, l 45 Shorr, Oomu 82, 113, 14 5 Shryers, loursc •.• 145 S1lver~tcr, Steven .. .. ...... 7 2 S1oblorn, Poul a ••. 7 I , 14 S Skoubye, Susan 61, 145 Smith, Berthu ... . . .. • • .. 145 Srnirh, Chris!lne 24,61, 146 Smith, Dennis .. ••••.. 146 Smith, Kevin 43, S 1, 146 Sm11h, Mork .. ... .. ........ 43, 1<16 Smith, Renn .....••....•...• 146 Smith, Rosalie • I <16 Smith, Ruthann .• 146 Smith, Tracy •.•.••.. ... 146 Smith, V1rg1n1a •• .. 146 Snow, Nolen .. ... 37,41,42,43, 146 Snyder, Michelle .. . .. .. 146 Soper, Mory Ellen ..• 146 Soreruo,,, Down . .. ••...••••.• 146 Sorenson, Terry ... . .•146 Sprott, Mariann ... .• .. 146 Stephenson, Tommy ..••..•......• 146 Srevens, Susan . .. •• ..• 146 Stringfellow, Stan .....•...• 5 1, 146 Sturdevant, Dent •• ...... .. 146 Sudbury Ralph •. 146 ·"hays, lone . .. . • I46 Tait, Jon •.. .36, l 46 Tonner, Korhy •.. 71, 146 Tonner, Kevrn • 146 Tote, Kevin ............. ...... ..... 146 Taylor, Bob .• 36, 51, 97, 146 Taylor, Gayle • • 46, 146 Thomas, Lon .. ...••• •. •• •• 146 Thomas, Richelle ............24, 146 Thompson, Kerry ..39, 7 6, 79, 146 Tingey , Ron ...... •..• 37, 146 Tolbcrr, Howard ••..... 36, 146 Tolman, Connie ••.71, 146 Tremelling, Barbaro . • 146 Tucker, Joe .......... ...... ...... .. 146 Urry, Mar~ ........... 146 Vundorme1de, Jacob 3<1, <14 , 51 , 146 Varley , Korhy .. .. ... .. •. .• 146 Veater, Sharlene 46, 67 , 71, 146 Velassuez, Joe , • . ..... .. 39 Walker, Porn ••. • ..• 73, 147 Wollin, Wendy .. 147 Wolters, RoNne . 147 Woten, Morie 147 Wonerson Susan .. 147 Webb, Susan .. 46, 74 79, 105, 147 West, Sf• rlec <16 , 60, I 47 Wes•enskow , Lloyd .. 39, 147 Whermon, Lori .• 147 Wrllioms, Kenny .. . 14 7 w.nklcr, Jul1C1nne 147 White, Jill .. 1<17 Woodbury, Elaine ... 73, 147 Woodword , Lori A. 46, 60, I 36, I <17 Wrogh1, Kirk T. 79, 147 W1i9h1, lyM S. 7B, 147 Yoko, Judy 62 Yates , DonoId W. 36, 51. 14 7 Young , Rene 113, 147 Young, Sheryl .. 76, 147 Zupon l•ndo M . 141

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction 1 Academics . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Organ izations . . . . . . . . . . 52 Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Studentbody .. . . .. ... . . 108 Index .......... . .. . .. . 156

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.