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Ron Hartwell

Editor Mr. Ralph Bishop


1973 Published by the Associated Students of Jordan High School Sandy, Utah

Mrs. Lila Wilson


to be alive 1n such an age! with every year a lightning page



• I





when men speak strong for brotherhood, for peace and universal good.




when miracles

are everywhere, in every inch of common air


there throbs a tremendous prophecy of greater marvels yet to be.





and so a place there now shall be where men can live in harmony.




now we knock on future's door and live today like never before.


Homecoming Creates Love "It's So Nice To Be With You" proved to be true during the Homecoming Dance. Couples enjoyed each other's company while dancing to the music of Rosewood. The royalty for the Homecoming was Collette Moore, queen; Charlette Mitchell, first attendant; Jan Fannin, second attendant. After the royalty was crowned the mood was set by the royalty dancing the first dance. This dance which created love was sponsored by D.E.C.A.


Janet Price dreams of night's attractions .

Homecoming Royalty, left to right: Jan Fannin, second attendant; Collette Moore, queen; Charlotte Mitchell, first attendant.


David Burke and Karen Rockhill dance to the music of Rosewood.

Students dance as members of Rosewood play a heavy tune.


Michelle Brinton shows Kent Derricott what she thinks about his bag of tricks.

" No, Susan Russell, you ' re not the Flying Nun ."


Dancers help make Oklahoma a success.

"And she went about as far as she could go."

Musical, "Oklahoma" Captivates Audiences A few tears, some songs, and lot of laughter characterized Jordan High School's production of 'Oklahoma.' The cast captured the audience's attention with shooting, dancing, Ali Hakim's bag of tricks, and the treachery of Judd Fry. Mr. Rawlings, Miss Timoney, and Mr. Zabriskie combined their talents to produce this musical. Tami Post acted as the student director.

CAST Laurie ____________ Cathie Rattan, Debbie Cutler Curley ______________________________ Steve Beckstead Aunt Eller ______ Michelle Brinton, Janet Glad Judd ---------------------------------- Randy Fellows Ado Annie ________________________ Tori Cartwright Will __________________________________________ Jerry Dunn Ali Hakim ---------------------------- Kent Derricott Gertie __________________________________ Carla Vaccaro "How would you like another bellybutton¡?"


Stomps Afford Needed Change On December 22, 1972, the first Jordan stomp was held. The stomp was sponsored by the studentbody officers of 1972-73. The music was featured by the group, Adrien . For a change of pace the music took on an off-beat style of the Moody Blues and Black Sabbath . The Vica Stomp was held on January 13, 1973. The group, Eli Sheol, proved them selves to be very talented and provided the observers with a very enjoyable and enthusiastic evening.

"Hey, I like your bugaloo ."

"Please say it one more time ."

Kenny Day and Debbie Cutler relax during music change .


"Give it all you've got, Paul."

Eli Sheol provides fantastic entertainment at Vica Stomp.

Couples enjoy one another's company.


Songleaders perform routine during pep assembly.

Beetdiggers are captured during skit put on by the class officers.


Darts await Beetdiggers' mighty plot.

Basketball players are honored for doing such a great job.

Pep assemblies create enthusiasm.

Pep Assemblies Arouse Spirit Spirit rose high as the pep assemblies charged up the teams and studentbody. Before each game the cheerleaders and songleaders did entertaining routines with victory as the theme. The Charlonians also did rousing marches with their usual grace and precision. The homerooms got into the act by putting on skits depicting the defeat of Jordan's arch-rivals by the mighty Beetdiggers. After all the yelling, laughing and cheers for good luck and victory, the whole studentbody stands proudly and sings our school song.

Karlene Oliver lets cheers out of garbage can during a lumni pep assembly.


Seniors Present Final Gift to ~ordan Using the theme, "In the Autumn of Your Life,'' the senior class planned and presented a final memory to Jordan High School. The Senior Hop was held at the stately Capitol Rotunda, where many prominent men and women of the past have danced. The Capitol's beauty created an elegant setting for this event. The Sound Column furnished the musical atmosphere as the couples danced under the Capitol dome among the marble pillars. All in all the dance was a pleasant and exciting experience and a great success.

Your place or mine sweetie?

I know the Rest Rooms are around here somewhere.

" Sorry Honey! "


Couples dance to the music provided by the Sound Column.

Peggy Atkinson is escorted by Mark Rogers on their way up to the balcony.


Faculty members as well as students enjoy the dance.

Pastor Pete, alias Mr. Ward, hitches couple 'til the stroke of midnight.


Brian Hewitt holds a deadly hammer in the Spook Alley at the dance.

Students Get "Hitched" 'Til Midnight The group, Light, provided the music and set the mood for the annual Dog Patch Drag. With Brenda McFarlane as Daisy Mae and David Fairbourn as Lil' Abner, students enjoyed the dance very much. The girls of Jordan High School sponsored the dance. Pastor Pete, alias Mr. Ward, and Mr. Bishop as Marrying Sam, hitched the students until the stroke of midnight. A spook alley was also prepared for the students' enjoyment as a place to, relax and have fun at the dance. Light refreshments were also served.

Debra Rasmussen and her partner dance to the music of Light.


''I'll teach you to steal the bubble gum off my bedpost."


~ay ~ensen


The studentbody was provided with entertainment of various kinds through the year by assemblies. Free Fare, Sound Column, and John Goddard were among the many talented people who presented the assemblies.

Results of playing "Musical pies."

March 23, Jordan High was honored with the presence of Major Jay Jensen, a recently returned prisoner of war. Major Jensen was a graduate of J.H.S. and talked a lot of his imprisonment. During the assembly he was presented with two plaques from Sherman Crump, former principal, and Kent Derricott, Studentbody President.

"I thought Vincent Bluth was a basketball player."

"And I bought my wig from ... "

Major Jensen receives a plaque from Kent Derricott.


Cindee Olson and Ross Ainsworth stroll through the colorful surroundings.

King and Queen Reign Over ~unior Prom

Jaydene Moody and Chad Washburn promenade through flower-covered trellis .

"For all we know" was the theme of this year's Junior Prom. During the intermission at the dance, all of the Juniors promenaded through a flowered-covered trellis. Also at this time the Junior King and Queen were announced. The King was John Bishop and the Queen was Sharlene Veater. The King was presented with a set of silver cuff links and the Queen was presented with a gold necklace. The "Wax Works" furnished the music for the dance. The refreshments were eclairs, creme puffs, and orange sherbet floats. These were served in the health room. The " Wax Works" demonstrate th eir musi cal ability .


John Bishop, King; Jan Fannin, Dave Hoffman, and Sharlene Veater, Queen.

Couples dreamily dance to the music of "Wax Works."


Murders At


Lights flickering, cars breaking down, doors slamming, and murder all happened at Jordan High this year. Instead of the run of the mill school play, a melodrama en titled '' Dangerous Nan McGrew '' was presented under the direction of Mr. Rawlings. The play centers around a nutty school teacher who took two students on a field trip and ends up in an old house in the middle of a murder case. When everyone thinks all is lost, guess who comes to the rescue? Jordan State trooper. All's well that ends well.

Tami Post and Steve Beckstead talk over a pressing problem .

Murd e re d! What next ?

M ike Teusc her te ll s Susan Russe ll w hat he really thinks of her.


CAST Nan McGrew Carla Vaccaro Jean Caldwell Tami Post David Brewster Steven Beckstead Proctor Mike Teuscher Rosalie Susan Russell Jody Laura Nelson Detective Higgins Kent Derricott Miss Vanloon Michelle Brinton Steve Latham Monte Margetts Lydia Morgan Karlin Hardy State Trooper Nedd Anderson Steve Beckstead confronts Monte Margetts with the truth.

Mike Teuscher, Kent Derricott, and Michelle Brinton study earnestly to learn lines.


Young lovers enjoy Wonderland of dancing and music.

An "Alice and Wonderland" Sweethearts Ball " Through the Looking Glass" was the theme along with Alice in Wonderland for the Sweethearts Ball. The brightly colored decorations along with the wonderland characters created a cheerful mood for the Valentine dance. The music was by Natie Bumble who has played in concert along with Nitty Gritty Dirt Band, Cheech and Chong, and the Dooby Brothers. ''Queen of Hearts' Tarts " were the refreshments and were served in the dance room. This year the royalty was chosen from the Senior, Junior, and Sophomore girls who resembled Alice in Wonderland the most. In the mad hatter contest, the boys with the most decorative hat represented their classes.


Royalty, fi rs t row fr om left to rig ht: Joa nn e Glass ey, Duchess; Cindy M cC lure, Queen; Susan Jaynes, Princess. Second row: Go rdon Mill er, Duke; Terry Hill , King.

Sandy Chapman and escort awai"t the announcement of the Sweetheart Royalty.

Doug Curley and date dance "through the looking glass."

Natie Bumble modernizes the fantasy of Alice in Wonderland.

" It's really good!!!"


/ I

/ Janette Landeen was the recipient of the Betty Crocker award.

The winner of the Playmaker Award was Vincent Bluth.

Top 10% Left to Right, Row One: Doug Carlqu ist, Layne Housekeeper, David Draper, Glendon Mitchell, Jerry Cowley, Cory Christensen, John Melonas. Row Two: Jannette Landeen, Sandra Nygard, Dana Buchanan, Marsha Alleman,


Ron Hartwell received a commendation in the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.

Christine W bster, Kathy Cannon, M errilea Jones, Connie Miller, Carol Jeffs, Alice Jeffs, Col tt Moore, Gloria lvie, Brenda McFarlane . Row Three: Gordon Miller, Dane Dixon, Warren Jeffs, Ron Hartwell, Steve Beckstead, Phillip Shell, Dean Schmidt.

Honor Winners Perform Superior Skills in Competition In the '72- '73 National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, Ron Hartwell received an honorable mention. Janette Landeen won the Betty Crocker award. Many skills were combined in winning this award. Vincent Bluth was chosen by KSL-TV to receive the Play Maker Award. Jordan was honored to have two state VICA officers and the VICA state queen.

Top 3% Left to Right, Row One: Alice Jeffs, Carol Jeffs . Row Two: Ron Hartwell, Connie Miller, Janette Landeen, Warren Jeffs. Row Three: John Melonas, Jerry Cowley, Layne Housekeeper.

In the music division of honor winners, Jordan had a vocal ensemble and four vocal solos go on to state competition. Marsha Alleman received a Superior rating for her piano solo. Shelly Oakason won the region and district competition in the American Legion Oratory Contest.

Carol Bailey, Janette Landeen, Janalyn West, Peggy Van Amen, Connie Miller, Fawnette Jensen.

Girls State -

Dale Garfield, Chad Washburn, Mark Rogers, Steven Beckstead, Robert Clarke, Doug Carlquist, Kev in Olsen.

Boys State -

Utah State VICA Officers- Gary Lloyd,

Pres ident; Robert Clarke, Secretary.


DECA State Winners -

Left to Right: Karl Edmunds, Susan Jaynes,

Jay Petersen, Todd Bogenshutz.

Left to Right: Chris Webster, Sandy Nygard , Mark Maynes . Standing: Jared Christensen, Ken Peterson, Betsy Steadman, Todd Zagorec, Julia Ferguson, Steven Beckstead, Michele Brinton, Karlin Hardy, John Melonas . Forensics -

Vocal Ensemble Left to Right, SiHing: Debbie Fisher, Pam Christianson. Left to Right, Standing: Sandy Chapman, Kathy Darling, Shauna Davis,

Vocal Singles -

Regional Superior Rating: Steve Beckstead, Brian Hewitt,

Cathie Rattan, Peggy Hardcastle.

Shauna Coomans, Karen Samuelson -accompanist.

Gordon Miller, Dan Greenwood, Scott Crane, Blaine Oakeson, Marvin Hayes, Jon Tait, Eddie Romero, James Romero.

Wrestlers State Winners -


Marsha Alleman received a superior rating on her piano solo.

Shelly Oakason received a superior rating in the American Legion Oratorical Contest.

Annette Smith was Utah State VICA Queen.

Honor Winners Receive Recognition Jordan 's team for the Young Americans used their knowledge to the fullest extent to defeat all comers and become state champions. Honors were received in the fields of Forensics and Athletics. The Forensic team defeated the no. one team from Brighton and received many awards and high ratings. The Girls Gymnastics team received many state victories. The team also won the district, region, and state trophies for team ¡ competition. The wrestlers from Jordan also ¡ won many state victories. Many members of the studentbody gained high honors when they were chosen to be. in the top ten percent and even higher honor if placed in the top three percent. These students worked very hard to be chosen one of these few and should be very proud of their accompl ishments.

Gymnastic State Winners - Left to Right, Row One : Lori Armst ron g , Lin da Ande rson, Sharlene Veate r, Susa n Sterling. Row Two : Susan Russell, Susan We bb, Cindy Paget, Gayl e Ta ylor. Row Three: Sa ndy Chapman, Cindy Richardson, Jan Noorda.


Inquiring Editor Team Left to Right, Row One : Christi ne W ebster, Cindy Paget, Julie Carlqu ist. Row Two: Doug las Carlqu ist, Todd Zag orec, Duane Bingham.

Sterling Scholars Left to Right, Row One : Peggy Hardcastle, M usic; Colette M oore, Business; Fawnette Jensen, Homemaking; Janette Landeen, General; Tami


State Campion Young American Team Steve Bec kstea d, Francis Longstaff, Claudia Orr and Ro n Hartw ell .

Post, Drama. Row Two : John M Ionas, Sci nc ; Rog r Kemp, Art; Phil Shell, English; Ron Hartw II, Mathematics; Gary Lloyd, Industrial Arts; Doug Carl¡ quist, Social Science.

"To Burn A Witch" Wins Region Competition During the Sixteenth Century in Salem, Massachusetts witch trials were being held. Using factual information, the author of "To Burn A Witch" wrote a suspenseful One Act Play where two young girls, Mary and Ruth, are accused of being witches by Dame Stanely and Widow Jones. This play won first place in region competition and went on to state competition. Ruth Hanna Smith __ _____ ____ ____ __ _____ Tami Post Mary Abigail Gentry ___ ___ __ Cindy Dowding Dame Stanely __ ________ ___ ___ __ Michelle Brinton Widow Jones _________ __ __ _____ ____ __ Karlin Hardy Student Director ____ ______ _____ ___ ____ Jan Higgins Director ----- -- ---------------- ------- -- Miss Timoney

Dame Stanley tells Ruth to cry out to God for forgiveness of the sins which she has committed .

Widow Jones tells Mary to confess or burn at the stake.

Ruth confesses to being a witch while Mary pleas that it is better to d ie innocent than to live a lie in the eyes of God.


Math Club- Left to Right: Francis Longstaff, David Bradbury, Mr. Gooch, Jeff McArthur, Kerry Thompson, Ron Hartwell, Ron Jackson, Claudia Orr.

Interpretive Left to Right, Row One: Laura Nelson, Karleen Fitzgerald, Susan Russell, Sharlene Veater, Debby Fisher, Marta Millsap, Betsy Steadman, Peggy Allen, Mark Bay, Kevin Hadley. Row Two : Marcia Wright, Cathy Darling, Julia Ferguson, Jan Higgans, Cathie Rattan, Drew Chamberlain, Susan Hyde, Renae


Pierc . Row Thre : M iss Timon y, Shelley Oakason, Gr nwood, Judy Hatch , Brion H witt, Chuck Lyon, Joyce Olsen, Giese! Swonagon, Tori Cartwright, Juli Pough . Row Four: Mike Teuscher, Stove Becks! ad, Randy F !lows, J fF Morrill, Mark Moyn s, Monte Morgetts, Kent Derricott. Row Five: Sondra Nygard. Lori And rson, Kip Rishton, Merrileo Jones.

Tragedy Strikes Beetdigger Staff The Beetdigger staff had a mid-year change of advisors due to the sudden heart-attack of Mr. Ralph Bishop. Mrs. Lila Wilson accepted the great responsibility of handling the production of the yearbook. As usual the staff was in for a hassle. The pressure of deadlines, writing laborious copy, and the strain of continually inventing new ideas for layouts and captions was enough to fuddle the mind. Despite these problems the members of the staff kept production moving steadily to the completion of another outstanding yearbook. Layne Housekeeper, Richard Dineen and Robert Smith, photographers, discuss camera problems.

Alan Fowles and Debra Duncan, coordinators, discuss pictures while Stephanie Welch and Carla Burch, typists, talk about picture sizes.

Cathy Darling does art work while Chuck Lyon and Carla Burch discuss new ideas for the yearbook.



Photographers, Lane Christensen and Carlos Gurr, focus a negative in preparation for printin .

Linda Joos, typist, and Alan Fowles look through yearbook while artist, Cathy Darling designs emblem.


Kim Hiatt and Chuck Lyon check the spelling of students' names.

Mr. Arval Nelson, photography advisor and Debbie Rasmussen, photographer, check negatives.

Kris Graham, Layout Coordinator, Tami Post, Copy Writer, and Ron Hartwell discuss the arrangement of pictures.


Broadcaster Undergoes Changes


Miss Clark became the new advisor after the sudden heartattack of Mr. Ralph Bishop.

Reporting the school news, keeping the students informed, and meeting deadlines are just a few of the responsibilities of the Broadcaster Staff. The very small staff, seven students, has undergone some changes during the past year. Following the sudden heart attack of their advisor, Mr. Ralph Bishop, Miss Carol Clark became his replacement. Under her careful direction, the Broadcaster Staff has perfected its style, renovated The Broadcaster masthead, and most of all, kept the students informed on current events at Jordan High.


Corey Garfield, Pam Johnson and Jerry Hatch sort newspapers as they come out of the mechanical folder .

Merrilea Jones dictates as John Melonas types copy.

Chris Webster, editor, looks through the ne~spaper for editoria I ideas.

Phil Shell reviews editorials for printing.


Outstanding Students Selected for Honor Society The students that are selected for this outstanding cub, to be honored throughout the studentbody, must maintain a 3.5 average or better throughout the year, as well as show leadership, character, scholarship and service. The students strive hard to promote such qualities. The Honor Society is under the direction of Mr. Richard Young, and the students participated in many fine activities, one of which was an annual banquet at the end of the year. John Melonas shows Claudia Orr the special scarf of the National Honor Society.

Left to Right, Row One: Gloria lvie, Janine Homer, Fawnette Jensen, Merrilea Jones, Julie Carlquist, Pam Johnson, Claudia Orr, Cathie Rattan, Kathy Can¡ non, Sandy Chapman, Chris Webster, treasurer; Sandy Nygard, Ray Jewkes,


Kelly Crebs, Mr. Young, advisor. Row Two: Tami Post, Janette Landeen, secretary; Francis Longstaff, Bill Clayton, Robert Pixton, Craig Houmand, Ross Ains ¡ worth, John Bishop, Ken Peterson, Mark Hardy, Ron Jackson, Steve Beckstead, Ron Hartwell, John Melonas, president; Connie Miller, Marsha Allamen.

Omega Psi Enlarges Group As Drama Interest Grows The International Thespian Troupe No. 1923 known as the Omega Psi organization at Jordan started the year with only six returning Thespians. After the first initiations the number grew to 21 and closed the year with 32 members. Omega Psi is the "honor society" of Drama. Membership is gained through earning ten points by participating in ten or more major productions and a lot of hard work. With Mr. Brian Rawlings as advisor, the organization sponsored a spook alley at The Dogpatch Drag. Monte Margetts falls for Carla Vaccaro.

left to Right, Row One: Kevin Hadley, Jerry Dunn, Kent Derricott, Kip Rishton, iarni Post, Brian Hewitt, Shanna Lao, Susan Matheson, Row Two: Jeff Morrill, 'VIce-President; Tori Cartwright, Activity Chairman; Steven Beckstead. President;

Debby Fisher, Monte Margetts, Cathie Rattan, Carla Vaccaro, Cathy Darling, Giesele Swanagan, Kerry Thompson, Laura Nelson, Joyce Olsen, Janet Glad, Deni Brown, Secretary-Treasurer; Nancy Noffsinger.


Left to Right, Row One: Mary Ellen Soper, Debby Fisher, Peggy Allen, Renae Anderson, Sharl¡ene Yeater, Karma Frantz, Janet Glover, Heidi Sharp, Jerry Dunn, Bryan Paget, Jeff Mumford, Kip Rishton, Mike Weller, Mitch Cozzens, Kevin Hadley, Peggy Hardcastle, Anne Pendleton, Susan Matheson, Connie Miller, Debbie Cutler, Lori Anderson, Ruthann Smith. Row Two: Mary Ann Fitzgerald, Pam Christensen, Debra Dumas, Jill White, Colette Armistead, Susan Skoubye, Christine Smith, Kerry Thompson, Robert Clarke, Ken Peterson, Ken Black, Cory Garfield, Monte Margettn, Mark Landeen, Ric Baugh, Karen Samuelson, Debbie Tait, Shauna Davis, Carol Bailey, Claudia Orr, Janet Glad.

Row Three: Giesele Swanagan, Cathie Rattan, Susan Stevens, Marydell Elswood, Julie Paugh, Marilyn Eddington, Lynnette Gotberg, Randy Fellows, Dave Orth, Wayne Eckman, Ron Allen, Joe Featherstone, Scott Crapo, Kent Derricott, Brian Ballard, Jeniece Mullen, Shanna Lao, Kathy Aerts, Kenn-a Cronin', Juanita DeJolie, Sally Murdock. Row Four: Tari Cartwright, Mary Dale, Caroline Haycock, Janet Atkinson, Lonie Salter, Michelle Snyder, Karen Beck, Toni Burgon, Virginia Leany, Rusty Johnson, Kenny Day, Mike Holladay, Wilford Begay, Phil Shell, Jay Peterson, Glendon Mitchell, Mike Teusher, Shawna Coomans, Janette Landeen, Nancy Noffsinger, Tamara Stevenson, Michelle Brinton, Lani Jo Fenton.

These hands are registered lethal weapons and I' II use them if I have to.


A Cappella, Madrigals Sing at Tabernacle "Worthy is the lamb" . . . Worthy is the lamb? Must be the A Cappella again. Jordan's combined A Cappella, Madrigals and Mixed Chorus presented Handel's 'Messiah.' Solos were sung by members of the A Cappella chorus. Among their many individual activities such as singing at churches, hospitals, and the prison, the A Cappella and Madrigals had the honor of singing at the Tabernacle for the Christmas Lighting Ceremony on December 9, 1972. The Solo and Ensemble Festival was held March 1, 1973, at Jordan, in which Mixed Choruses participated. Miss Robyn Timoney plans a spring Musical, which will include the Madrigals under the direction of Mr. Rodney Zabriski. The soloists of Handel's Messiah gather around the piano for a last minute practice.

Left to Right, Row One: Peggy Hardcastle, Shauna Davis, Collette Armistead, Julie Pavgh, Lani Fenton, Toni Burgon, Nancy Noffsinger, Cathy Darling, Pam

Christensen, Marsha Alleman . Row Two: Karen Beck, Shawna Eddington, Wayne Eckman, Jerry Dunn, Jerry Hatch, Steve Beckstead , Mike Teuscher, M ike Halladay, Robert Clarke, Kevin Hadley, Susan Matheson, Janet Glad.


Left ot Right, Row One: Becky Murphy, Janine Homer, Cindy Reed, Valerie Oviatt, Shelley Reed, Becky Johnson. Row Two: Rebecca Buningham, Darlene

Nokes, Lenea Rocks, Lori Whetman, laura Nelson, Lori Woodward, Richelle Thomas. Row Three: Valerie Setterburg, Kelley Webster, Paula Sobjlom, Evelyn Birchell, Karen Samuelson, Cindy Jensen.


Support School Activities For the third year at Jordan, the Jordan ettes served the studentbody by adding organization to many extra-curricular activi ties. Such activities include the handing out of programs at Jordan 's movie production 'One Head Well Done,' the greeting of guests and ushering of the audience at the school musical, 'Oklahoma.' Also, for the third year, Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald supervised the Jordanettes. Under her direction, the Jordanettes succeeded in proving themselves to be a successful club throughout the school year.


The Jordanettes hand out programs at the production of 'One Head Well Done.'

Left to Right: Joel Bishop, Kevin Beckstead, Jerry Hatch, Ray Alire~, Mr. Gooch, advisor; Phil Shell, President; Ross Ainsworth, Micheal Elder, Dav1d Beck.

Key Club Adds Trophy to Trophy Case The Key Club gives Jordan another claim to fame. For the second year in a row the Key Club has won the Jordan Valley snow sculpture contest. Because of their great artist,ic ability and their rendition of a green spider, they'll be adding another trophy to Jordan's vast collection. When the Key Club isn't out winning snow sculpture co¡ntests, they're here at Jordan doing some very important jobs. With Mr. Gooch' as the advisor they perform the tasks of raisi.ng the flag every morning, taking it down at night and raising school spirit.


A big green spider was the masterpiece created by -J ur imaginative Key Club for the snow sculpture contest.


DECA Left to Right, Row One: Loi s Ford, Historian-reporter; DeVor Fa irbourn , President; Karl Edmunds, Vice President; Ka ren Brady, Secretary; Ca rol N ie lson , M er rid y Bagley , Linda M oun teer, Deb ra Law son. Row Two : Terry Hill, Steve Hog lund, Todd Bogenshutz, La yn e Housekeeper, Judy Lehenbaue r, Kevi n Ta nner, Chery l M ead, M ike M ounte~r, Linda M ell or, Helen Rich, W illi am Clou g h, M i ke W ell er, Diane Nelson. Row Three: M at Gregory, M ike Huntzinger, Ku rt Brooks, Bryan W a ll , Al an Fowl es, Lori Rowsell, Dave M eller, Richard W entz, Shery l Jenson, Kerry Liedtke , Jay Peterson, Scott Crapo .

Campbell's chicken soup is mmm ' good!

D. E. C. A. Sponsors Navajo Project D.E.C.A. sponsored the Navajo Project which gathered food for the starving and needy Navajos. Each student was to bring canned goods or money from home to his homeroom. A contest was held between homerooms to see who accumulated the most donations. Mr. Griffith 's homeroom was the winning class. Some other activities were an Activity Night with Hillcrest to increase relation s with other schools, field trips to the U. of U., library to do research, window judging at the Cottonwood Mall, and participating in the State contest for such things as adver60 tising, shadow boxes, and job intervi ews .

Mike W ell er pu t s finishing touches on his sha dow -box d is pl a y .

Left to Right, Row One: Mr. King, advisor; Faith Despain, Annette Hardcastle, Toni Burgon, Carol Bailey, Peggy Atkinson, Nancy Noffsinger, Penny Smith, Debra Kerby, Marilyn Leatherbury, Michael Gordon, president. Row Two: Jeff West, John Adams, Cathy Darling, Robyn Carlisle, Brinda Cope, Linda Mountier, Gary Lloyd, State President; Annett Smith, State Queen; Robert Clarke, State Secretary; Dan Chavis, Layne Housekeeper. Row Three: Mr. Fisher, advisor; Gary Buhl, Tom Russel, Dave Ri chard, Kim Nelson, Phil Anderson, Jeff Fergus, Kevin

Hughes, Carry Smith, Mike May. Row Four: Mr. Holt, advisor; Craig Brooksby, Spencer Huffman, Ken Fritz, Keith Cornia, Roger Andrus, Brian Wall, Jim Gardner, Reynold Rigby, Alan Shelby, parliamentarian. Row Five: Jay Peterson, Scott Crapo, Paul Baker, reporter; Mark Urry, Lloyd Westinskow, Don Singleton, John Bleazard, John Tate, Ladon Anderson . Row Six: Dale Garfield, Dan Greenwood, Mike Huntsinger, David Orton, Richard Wentz, Matt Gregory, Dave Mellor. Not Pictured: Penny Johnson, historian; Norm Millsap, treasurer; Peggy Griffith, secretary.

VICA Members Develop Skills The Vocational Industrial Clubs of America, VICA, sponsored a stomp on January 13 : The profits from the stomp went toward sending the members of VICA to the state competition in Salt Lake. The winners of this convention will go to compete in a national convention in the east. VICA is a club which promotes and develops leadership. VICA is a learning experience, members learn and develop skills and new crafts.

Girls were abundant and so was qossip at the VICA stomp .


Masque and Gavel Visits Variety of Productions This year the Masque and Gavel Club traveled to many activities. From viewing a Melodrama in Park City to Julius Ceasar at B.Y.U., the performances varied in subject and style. As a result of the activities, the students were able to study the various principles of acting, directing, and technicalities. Mr. Brian Rawlings is the advisor with the tremendous task of escorting over sixty members to different performances. At Christmas, the Masque and Gavel Club sponsored a family in the Sub-for-Santa Drive.

Mr. and Mrs . Brian Rawlings enjoy the festivities at the Chuck-0-Rama.

Left to Right, Row One: Kip Rishton, President; Giesele Swanigan, Historian; Debbie Fisher, Secretary-Treasurer; laura Nelson, Activity Chairman; Kevin Beckstead, Michael Elder, Marilyn Eddington, Pam Smith, Monte Margetts. Row Two: Connie Miller, Oakley Cannon, Cindy Jensen, Allyson Day, Kevin Hadley, Janelle Higgins, Tam i Post, Kerry Thompson, M ichea l W eller, Steven Beckstead. Row Three: Tori Cartwright, Carla Va cca ro, Caro l Bailey, Peggy


All en, Fawnette J nsen, M rndy Bagl y, Francm Stapl y, Karma Hans n, Pam Johnson, Terry Sor nson, Mr. Rawlmgs, advisor. Row Four: D bra Rosmuss n, Susan Ballard, Lauro Eld r, D no J ns n, J n1 c Mull n, Nancy Noffsing r, Brian Hewitt, Shauna Dav1s, Shawno Eddmgton, Wayn Eckman, Karen Samu I¡ son, P ggy Van Am n Row Fiv : J ff Morrill, John Sargent, Lon And rson, Becky Reed, Jan Lars n, Cra1g F1sh r, Susan Hyd , Ann Pendleton, Tonya Runolfson, Joyce Olsen, B nnet Green, Colle n Jensen.

F. H. A. Participates . 1n State Convention The Future Homemakers of America State Convention was held at the Salt Palace for the organizations throughout Utah. Girls were chosen from each club to represent their school at the convention. The program consisted of many speakers who lectured about various demonstrations that were to be presented throughout the year.

Pam Johnson, Fawnette Jensen, Diane Dennison and Janice Ham plan an F.H.A. activity.

Mrs. Coleen Allen presented a few of these demonstrations to the F.H.A. this year. These included a demonstration on foreign foods and assembling Christmas crafts. Following the convention the girls stayed at the Temple Square Hotel.


Left to Right, Row One: Sheri Atkinson, Carol Bailey, Shannon Chamberlain, Leann Holmstead , Cindy McClure , Linda Zupan , Denice Jones . Row Two: Mer ridy Bagley, Pam Johnson, Annette Hardca stle , Fa ith Despa in, Valerie Setter -

berg, Debra Kates . Row Three: Janice Ham, Susan Mahon, Evelyn Birchell, Catherine Homand, Melanie Hansen , Cindy Jensen , Janet Glad, Toni Burgon, Fawnette Jensen, Mrs. Colleen Allen , advisor.


Model United Nations is Reorganized

Chris Webster calls for the right to speak for France in a mock session.

Mrs. Genee Tyler discusses the text of a resolution with Jared Christenson.

Model United Nations has been reorganized as a club at Jordan, and is growing in popularity. The most interesting features of this club are the understanding of the real United Nations gained by the members and the interesting field trip to the Univer¡sity of Utah, where mock sessions of the United Nations are held. The countries represented by the members of the Model UN this year are Guinea and the Dominican Republic. With the help of Mrs. Genee Tyler, speeches and resolutions were written on topics such as the MiddleEast crisis, disarmament, skyjacking and terrorism.


Model U.N. Left to Right: Micho I Elder, K vin Beckstead, Richard Dineen, Phil Shell, Jared Christensen, Carl Bolton, Chri Webster, Ron Hartwell, Brion Hewitt, Dove Draper, Jeff Fergus, lynn Wore, Bill Clayton, Francis Longstaff, Mrs. Genee Tyler, advisor.

Dance Club Provides Special Entertainment at Christmas Christmas was very exciting for the con~ genial and enthusiastic Dance Club girls. They choreographed a dance which they performed for children at a nursery school as well as for the patients at the University Hospital. With the help and instruction of their advisor, Mrs. Colleen Allen, these girls put in many hours of hard work to perfect their dances for various performances. Bend and stretch ... bend and stretch . . .

left to Right, Row One: Lori Woodw a rd , Elai ne Woodbu ry, Ca ro l Joll y, Sh irl ey W est, Di a ne Jones , Sa ndy Chapma n. Row Two: Cyn dy Reed, Jaydene Moody, Elai ne Lam b so n, Brenda M cFa rl ane, Susa n Skoubye, Jeanine Sargent. Row

Three: Janet Bergener, Sh iela Sturdy, Tori Cartwr ight, Jeanene Miller, Gayle Tay lor, Susan Campb l l, Peggy Atkinson . Row Four: N i kki El li s, Gloria lvie, Barbara Tremelling, Susan Russel l.


Linda Mellor figures the balance of the day's sales.

DeVor Fairbourn, Helen Rich and Louis Ford take orders for students during lunch.

Bookstore Members Do Great Deed Our fantastic bookstore at Jordan High School provided us with foods, drinks, greeting cards, books, and various other school supplies. Students who didn't care to eat in the cafeteria, all crowded into the bookstore at lunchtime and after school to provide them selves with the products furnished for their various needs. The members of the bookstore staff have performed a great deed for Jordan. Not only did they keep the bookstore in working order but they kept it clean and tidy at the same time . Kar l Edm un d s a nd Bill Clough hand out "goodies ."


Left to Right, Row One: Koren Fu lmer, Jeanne Sadler, Julio Ferguson, Kendall Peterson, William Clough, Miss Robyn Timoney, advisor. Row Two: Merrilea Jones, Koren Samuelson, Min o Hart, Lori Anderson, Julie Sheppard, Kirk Peter-

son, Cindy Dowding, Morey Wright. Row Three: Tomi Post, Janine Homer, Kennard Block, Mark Maynes, Todd Zogorec, John Bishop, Jared Christensen, Ron Allen.

Arguing Constitutes Favorite Activity The Forensics Club argued their way through another year. The topic covered this year was whether or not the educational system should be financed through the federal government. Through debating on this question, three debate teams from Jordan qualified to go to State competition. In addition to their debating, members participated in several individual areas. These events include Legislative Forum, extemporaneous speaking, impromptu speaking, and oration. Many members went to State competition with the help of Miss Timoney. Julie Sheppard and John Melonas check over references.


Denece Anderson Paula Anderson

Renae Anderson Carol Bailey

Assistant Drill Mistress

Kelley Bakker

Assistant Yell Mistress

Mitzi Boynton Dana Buchanan

Karen Back

Yell Mistress

.. Jt.

Enthusiasm is aroused when Charlonians make a 'J' for school song.

School Spirit Plus Hard Work Equal Charlonians A traditional club which is nearly as o~d as Jordan is the Charlonian club. Energy, skill, spirit, and a lot of time are just a few things necessary for this club. Even in the wet, slushy weather, Jordan's enthusiastic Pep Club kept smiles on their faces as they cheered and murched at our games. They also performed at outside activities including competition at St. George and B.Y.U. The Charlonians didn't just perform at games all year. They each had a secret pal in the club, whose locker they decorated for each holiday. They also had a pal from whatever sport was in season. The club also planned and carried out teas for other Pep clubs, in addition they sponsored the Charlonian Ball. 68

Susan Campbell Kathy Cannon

Vice President Kenna Cronin Barbaro Ebert Nona Elwood Peggy Hardcastle

Drill Mistress

Susan Hilton Jeanne Kendrick Deborah Kerby Elaine Lambson Marilyn Leatherbury

Vice President Brenda Mcfarlane

Karrie Mitchell

Jaydene Moody

Charlonians cheer in main hall before the game.

Elaine Woodbury Charlotte Mitchell

Carla Vaccaro Historian Sharlene Veater

Susan Stevens

Leslie Sanders President

Jeanne Sadler

Kathryn Patience Anne Pendleton Secretary Beverly Peterson Holly Pierson Lorie Porter Helen Rich


Sandy Chapman

Carol Jolley


Diane Jones and Colette Moore anxiously await a foul shot.

Nikki Ellis

Diane Jones

Diane Jones sits with Cheerleaders to observe pep assembly.

Colette Moore, Head Songleader

Songleaders Raise Cheers With the enthusiasm needed to promote school spirit our songleaders led the studentbody in cheers and songs during all the pep assemblies and athletic events. Their cheers consisted of bodily effort and a lot of voice. Aside from all the cheering they always made sure our halls were decorated with colorful posters and slogans. Collette Moore as head songleader added a lot to the group with her cheerful smile. Each Songleader added to our school spirit and helped the promotion of a more enthusiastic studentbody.

"Hoorah for Jordan ... "

Nikki Ellis gives smiles and cheers even through the rain.


Cheerleaders Excite

Studentbody Jordan has the best studentbody, faculty and cheerleaders. Gloria, Susan, Shirley, Debbie, and Peggy not only think but show that they love this school. Leading in school song and cheers during pep assemblies and games our cheerleaders inspire sophomores, juniors and seniors, not to mention teachers, to cheer. Why? Because Jordan's the best and everyone knows it especially the cheerleaders. Selling Beetdigger pillows seemed to be a main project for our cheerleaders. During lunch, before and after school, was the time to buy them.

Shirley West

Peggy Atkinson

Peggy and Debbie lead out in a cheer.

Gloria lvie, Head Cheerleader

Susan leads the school song.

Susan Russell


Debbie Caldwell

Elaine Lambson, Stephanie Welch, Gayle Taylor. Jeanine Miller, Cindy Jordan.

Debbie and Susan take care of selling the pillows.

Shelly Reed, Cindy Richardson, Lori Woodward, Susan Webb, Marsha Rane.


The mighty Beetdiggers face a sudden onrush of stampeding Colts.

Matt Gregory waits expectantly for punt return.

Gerry Gustafson scrambles to get away from a great surge of falling bodies.

Football Te.am Has Hard Year Our football team was again more improved than in past years. Our only problem was that the other teams had improved too! Although the team didn't get as far as they did last year, they were built from the same determination that took them to the playoffs. With the way that our Junior Varsity and Sophomores played, it looks like they are built of the same rugged stuff with a will to win. We should have many fine teams in the future. Trying to outrun pursuers poses no problem for our football heroes.


Varsity Team Left to Right, Row One: Mike Teuscher, Dean Kunz, Robin Lang, Jeff Maughn, Glendon Mitchell, Mike Peterson, Vin cent Bluth, Bruce Burningham , Jim Day, Johnny Jordan, Eddie Escobedo, Kevin Olsen, Doyle Johnstun, Ron Hughes . Row Two: Jacob Van Der Meide, Jerry Cowley, Matt Gregory, Pat Teuscher, Mark Hardy, Eddie Romero, Peter Massa, Marvin Hose, Dan Greenwood, Jay Petersen, Doyle Jenkins, Dave Hoffman, Gary Pelch, Doug Curley, Randy Jensen.

Row Three: Ritchie Svedin, Nolan Snow, Brett Andrizzi, Kevin Mills, Doug son, Kenneth Brady, David Jentzsch, Jack Crispin, Leslie Auker, Robert Ralph Sudbury. Row Four: Rand Andrus, Kelly Crebs, Rusty Johnson, Ric Donald Yates, Randy Bradfield, Gerry Gustafson, Scott Gallagher, Brad Gordon Miller, Claude Jensen, Ross Ainsworth . Row Five: Tom Keller, Ray Jewkes, Manager.

RobinMeyer, Baugh, Kemp, Coach;

Mixed emotions are shown as players wait for Jordan to score.



Varsity Jordan 28 _________________________ _____ Hillcrest Jordan 13 __ __ __________________________ Brighton Jordan 0 ________________________________ Murray Jordan 7 __ ______________________________ Layton Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

0-- -------------------------- ------ Davis 20 34 7___ _________________________ Bingham 27 6 .. ------------------------------ Cyprus 27 0-- ------------------------------ Tooele 14

o__________________________________ Judge

~unior Varsity Jordan 12 ______ ________________________ Brighton Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

22 18 13 33


6-------------------------------- Murray 14 35 ________________________________ Layton 0 25 __________________________________ Davis 6 o__________________________________ Judge 13 20 ____________________________ Bingham 0 8 ________________________________ Cyprus 0 19 ________________________________ Tooele 7

Sophomores Jordan 6-- --- ------- ---------------------- Davis 20 Jordan 6--- ----------------------------- Judge 7 Jordan 32 ___________ ___ __________ ____ Bingham 0 Jordan 6 _________ ___________ __ ____________ Cyprus 0

Let's take it higher!


Care for a handshake, Mike?

Glendon M ichell runs a w ay w it h it.

Run, Jordan, run!

J. V . Team Left to Right, Row On e: Sid Jones, Paul Brown, Gaven Dillard, George Gonzale s, Merlin M iller, Kevin Sybrowsky, Brite Carlsen , Kevin Scrogg in, Sherm Gallagher, Kelly Savage, Lynn Ware, Scott Robinson, Mark Alvey . Row Two : Carlos Gurr, Manager; Bill Cowley, Rust in Howard, Corey Cartwright, Kev in

Webster, James Dahl, Mike Primm, Garn Kemp, Mark Blackham, Scott Anderson, Mike Day, Gerry Clark, Dave Zeller, Ryan Enniss . Row Three : Matt Sorensen , Justin Brown, Reed Brklacich , Gary Green , Paul Allen , Duane Bailey, Ralph Crystal, Dave Henderson, Stewart Gardner, Joe Ham , Jeff Childs, Layne Wolf, Rick Gilchrist, Coach Ash, Coach Jewkes .


Varsity Team Left to Right, Row One: Coach Anderson, Coach Oliver, Coach Hale. Row Two: Ray Jewkes, Garn Kemp, Jon Sargent, John Bishop, Craig Hommand, Kevin

Smith, Kevin Elkington, Nolan Snow, Scott Crapo, Vincent Bluth, Ross Ains worth, Mike Cary, Cory Jensen, Phil Bradford, Kevin Mills, Greg Elling son.

Captains of the varsity basketball team are Kevin Elkington and Vincent Bluth.

Vincent Bluth tells Hillcrest to settle down and not worry about losing.


Basketball Team Tops In Basketball, Fashion Many hours of practice go into the basketball team. They learn to work together as a team, and they learn to develop their skills and plays which make the basketball games very exciting to watch . Jordan 's players were especially flashy in their basketball suits . All white with stripes of red and shocking pink, our team was zipping in and out of opponents with 'blah' looking outfits! It is wondered whether the socks detracted from the basketball. This just goes to show you that Jordan 's not only tops in basketball, but in fashion also.

Varsity Scores Jordan 63 --- ------ -- ----- --------- ---- --- Davis 60 Jordan 63 ------------------------ --- -- --- Judge 66 Jordan 36 ______ _____ ______ ___ ______ Bingham 41 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

39 71 55 66 65 52 59

----- -- ---- ---- -------- ---- -- - Cyprus -,------ --- ---------- ---- --¡-- Tooele ------- --- --- ---------- -- ----- -- Ddvis ----- --- ----- ---------- --- ------ Judge -- ---- --- --- ------------- ----- Tooefe ---------- -- ------ ----- --- Bingham --------- --- -------- ------- -- - Cyprus

47 58 63 57 73 67 48

Basketball really gets you up -in-the-air!

Vincent Bluth prepares to pass the ball back into bounds.

Nolan Snow and Kevin Elkington endeavo r to take the bal l away f rom a Huskie.


Junior Varsity Basketball Team Left to Right, Row One: Danie l Lambson, Ja mes Dahl , Bri an Jensen . Row Two-: Ray Jewkes, Manager; M ike Day, David

Zeller, Todd Zagorec, Paul Brown, Mark Blackham, Don Petersen, Kevin Smith, M i ke Cary, Corey Jen sen, Ph il Bradford , Garn Kemp, Jon Sargent, Coach Hale .

Scores ~unior Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

46 73 73 60 86 52 77 68 63



-------- -------- ---------------- Davis -------- ------------------------ Judge -------------------------- Bingham -------- ---------------------- Cyprus ------------------------------ Tooele -------------------------------- Davis -------------------------------- Judge ------------------------------ Tooele -------------------------- Bingham

61 71 72 70 76 49 75 87 76

Sophomore Basketball Team Left to Right, Row On e: Danie l Lambson, Jim Dahl, Brian Jensen. Row Two : Coach Anderson, M ike Day, Garn Kemp, Dave


Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

48 64 62 75 72 70 60 67 76 44

Davis -- ------------------------------ Judge ............................................................ Tooele ................................................... Bingham ............................................................ Cyprus -- ------·--------------------··- Davis --------··---------------------- Judge --·-------------------·----··- Tooele -·---·----------------·--- Bingham .............................................................. Cyprus ................................................................

54 51 60 67 59 62 67 78 77 49

Zeller, Paul Brown, M ark Blackham, Don Petersen, Brad Sanders, Todd Zago rec, Bob Albretson, Ryan Ennis, Phil Bradford, Kevin Nelson.

Varsity Scores Jordan 16 ···----------------------------- Provo 43 Jordan 2 __________________ Pleasant Grove 54 Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

36 37 27 33 9

----------- ------------------- Payson ------------------------------Murray ------------------------------ Skyline ------------------------------ Kearns ______________________ Cottonwood

22 23 35 27 53

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

10 6 4 28 19 60 22 42 59

-------------------------------- Orem ---------------------------- Granger ---------------------------- Brighton -------------------------- Box Elder -------------------------------- Davis --------------------------------Judge -------------------------- Bingham ------------------------------ Cyprus ------------------------------ Tooele

41 52 49 18 28 9 26 19 3

Donald Yates struggles to get out of leq hold.

Wrestling Team Left to Right, Row One: Marvin Hose, Eddie Romero, Todd Bogenschutz, Jon Tait, James Romero, Scott Jewkes. Row Two: Sherm Gallagher,

Donald Yates, Kevin Sybrowsky, Gary Pelch, Brett Andrizzi, Karl Bingham, Randy Bradfield. Row Three: Pat Teucher, Peter Massa, Dan Greenwood, Gordon Miller, Mike Peterson, Scott Crane, Scott Bonham, Blaine Oakeson.


Wrestlers await the beginning of the match .

Junior Varsity Scores

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

12 12 39 39 45 27 20 30 8 0 33 9 34 33 28

----- --- ---------- -------------- Provo ------------------ Pleasant Grove ------------------------------ Payson ___ -------------------------- Murray -------------- ---------------- Skyline ------------------------------ Kearns ---------------------- Cottonwood -------------------------------- Orem ---------------------------- Granger ---------------------------- Brighton -------------------------- Box Elder -------------------------------- Davis -------------------------- Bingham ------------------------------ Cyprus ------------------------------ Tooele

42 40 21 24 18 24 23 27 36 63 15 54 25 30 33 Students eagerly watch to find the results in the match.

Sophomore Scores

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

26 66 49 37 21 39 42

-------------------------------- Provo ------------------ Pleasant Grove ------------------------------ Payson -------- ---------------------- Murray ------------------------------ Skyline ------------------------------ Kearns ______________________ Cottonwood

23 53 9 24 15 0 18

Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan Jordan

61 30 3 3313 18 21 14 9

-------- ------------------------ Orem ---------------------------- Granger ------------------- --------- Brighton -------------------------- Box Elder -------------------------------- Davis -------------------------------- Judge ------- ------------------- Bingham -------------- ----- ----- ------ Cyprus ------------- ----- ------------ Tooele

37 64 9 30 10 0 0 8 6


Hillcre st, look out!

One, two, three, charge!

Wrestlers warm-up before match.

Oh, the pain of it all . Eddie Romero strives to conclude his match . 85

Track Team Left to Right, Row One: Kevin Elkington, Gary Webb, David Draper, Mike Teuscher, Nedd Andersen, Loren Patterson, Craig Houmand, Glen Pyle, Doug Curley, Bruce Burningham. Row Two: Mike Peterson, Nolan Snow, Pat Teuscher, Peter Massa, Kevin Scroggin, Lee Macklin, Jim McNeil, Kevin Mills, Gary Pelch . Row Three: Paul Allen, Jeff Childs, Phillip LePore, James Bay, Vern

Jeppson, Jared Christenson, manager, Greg Ellingson, Lon Thomas, D~ug Draper, Richie Svedin . Row Four: James Dahl, Joe Ham, Steve Overson, Kevin Webster, Brent Hardcastle, Todd Zagorec, Don Petersen, Duane Davis, Barry Shettle, James Nelson . Row Five : Brad Kemp, Jerry Gustafson, Ken Black, Kerry Thompson, Curtis Smith, Carl Gifford, Doyle Jenkins, Scott Gallagher, Bob Albretson, Leslie Auker, Paul Henderson.

That bar quivered this time.

Vernal Jeppson breaks the tape for first place in the 880. 86

Track Team Works Hard To Win Being on Jordan 's Track Team is a lot of hard and tiresome work. Everynight after school the team practiced to improve their endurance, prowess, skill, and coordination in preparation for their numerous meets. These included a meet held with Murray in which Jordan was the victor. In addition our track team represented Jordan at the District Meet and took second place. They also had a meet with Bingham High Schoo¡! in which they came in first place. Under the supervision of Coach Keller the track team did a great job representing Jordan.

Mike Teucher tries for record in broad jump.

Gerry Gustafson outruns teammates Craig Houmand and Loren Patterson in 100 yard dash.

Claude Jensen nudges out Dennis Carter for 1st place.


Baseball Teom - Left to Right, Row One: Randy Bradfield, Brett Andrizzi, Vincent Bluth, Stephen McPherron, Chad Washburn, Gary Green, Sherm Gallagher, Ralph Crystal, Buck Sharples . Row Two: John Bishop, Bill Johnson, Ross Ains -

The going gets rough, in a sticky infield play.

worth, Scott Bonham, Brent Cook, Ray Willet. Row Three: Drew Chamberlain, Mark Hardy, Mark Rogers, Rusty Johnson, Ron Hughes, Joey Bogenschutz . Row Four: Earl Wentz, Mike Day, Reed Birklacich, Randy Crebs, Merlin Miller, Dan Washburn.

Only the umpire knows for sure.

Baseball Team Scuttled By Weather Spring returns! Guess what happens during this great season? Baseball! Jordan has a Junior Varsity team and a Varsity Team to defeat all other teams. Because of our fantastic and heavenly weather such as rain, snow, hail and wind many of the baseball games were cancelled. Although the teams lost their opportunity to compete against many opposing schools, weather did permit them to participate in a few competitive games to show their winning ability. Among these were two Jordan versus Bingham games. The scores were 1 1-2 Jordan and 5-2 Bingham.


Batting and pitching are the most important aspects of Jordan 's baseball team.

lettermen- left to Right, Row One: Robin Lang, Gordon Miller, Jim Day, Chad Washburn, Dave Hoffman, Dale Garfield, Steve McPherron, Lorin Patterson, John Bishop, Mike Peterson, John Jordan, Ron Hughes, Jerry Cowley . Row Two: Joey Bogenshutz, Todd Bogenshutz, Lynn Marct10nt, Eddie Escobedo, Mark Adair, Craig Houmand, Pat Teus cher, Kevin Mills, Greg Ellingson, Richard Wentz, Craig Fisher, Glen Vawdrey, Ray Jewkes . Row Three: Dan Greenwood, Evan Thomas , Scott Bonham, Doug Curley, Jay Petersen, Kevin Olsen, Mark Hardy, Mark Rogers, Jerry Olsen, Loren Holdaway, Kelly Crebs, John Melonas, Kirk Scott.

Row Four: Dean Kunz, Steve Overson, Jared Christensen, Dave Draper, Gene Burgess, Howard Armstrong, Gary Webb, Kerry Smith, Kennard Black, Kerry Thompson, Glendon Mitchell, Kent Derricott. Row Five: Kevin Day, James Hardy, Kirk Peterson, Scott Crane, Blaine Oakeson, Claude Jensen, Ritchie Svedin, Glen Pyle, Mike Teucher, Randy Bradfield, Scott Crapo. Row Six: Jesse Ritzman, Kevin Sybrowsky, David Henderson, Sid Jones, James Romero, Jon Tait, Eddie Romero, Gary Pelch, Ross Ainsworth, Doyle Jenkins, Nolan Snow, Peter Massa, Scott Ragsdale, Gary Lloyd .

No Mark, that's not the way you do it.

Golf Team Swings Toward Winning Season

Golf- left to Right, Row One: Kent Dunn, John Tait, Mark Adair, Jerry Olsen. Row Two: Mike Marcovecchio, Ron Tingey, John Sargent, Jim Day, Clair Skoubye, Garn Kemp.

The first two opponents felt the power of Jordan's golf team. Jordan beat Davis 167171 low score winning. Ron Tingey was top golfer with a score of 39. Next came Bingham who toppled to Jordan by a score of 163-169. Garn Kemp was top SLOrer of the day with 38. These of course are only a few of the scores and people who made Jordan's golf team the well established organization that it was.


Tennis Team- Left to Right: Kelly Crebs, Scott Featherstone, Kevin Nelson, Kent Derricott, Phil Bradford, Mark Blackham, Scott Crapo, Paul Brown, Dave Zeller, Kevin Cox. Ron Jackson, Mike Swenson, Mr. Fred Ash, Coach.

Doubles team Phil Bradford and Kevin Nelson take turns serving.

Challenge System Develops Better Tennis Team Every member of the tennis team tries each week to become number one for singles and number one doubles team. Members are ranked each week through competition between team members during practice games and performances against other schools. The tennis team enters three singles and two doubles in region competition before going to stare. Scores of games played to date within the district are Jordan 5, Bingham 0; Tooele 3, Jordan 2.


Kent waits for the return of Scott's serve.

Paul Brown stretches toward the ball.

Girl Breaks Tradition Bobbie Lee Gatehouse broke tradition at Jordan by becom ing the first girl to letter in any sport. Lettering has been dominated by the male members of the studentbody since the beginning of Jordan's history. Even though our swimming team has only been together two years we are already sending swimmers to participate in state competitions. This is a great accompl ishment and our swimmers and Coach Abeyta should be congratulated.

Scott Ragsdale races in the 100 meter freestyle.

The butterfly is Scott's best stroke .

Swimming Team - Left to Right, Row One : Kevin Da y, Lo re n Hol da w a y, Kirk Pete rson, James Hardy , Barry Shettel, Evan Thomas, Craig Fisher. Row Two : Mr. Abeyta, Coach; Te rry Sprouse, Jan Larsen. Row Th ree : Devan Berrett, Asst.

Kirk Scott practices the one meter d ive.

Coa ch ; Steven Overson, Marty Ger be r, Scott Ragsdale, Gary Lloyd , Robert Sm ith , Greg Ballard, Kirk Scott, Kevin Olsen, Mark Gotberg. Row Four: De bb ie Williams, Carol Butler, Peggy Van Amen, Sandy McNeil, Bob by Lee Gateh ouse, Da w n Groves, Janin e Homer.


Girls Prove Ability To Be Equal Jordan's girls have done a great job in sports events this year! This has been the first year they have been able to compete in so many various sports. These sports include: basketball, volleyball, field hockey, softball, and they plan to compete in track and field. In order to participate in the sports it was necessary to be a member of Girls Athletic Association. The softba II team took second place defeating Hillcrest and Brighton, and losing to Bingham. In field hockey Jordan took first place. The team really trampled on Orem, Provo and Hillcrest. This was an invitational meet, the team was invited to compete with region 4. The team took third place in volleyball. They beat Brighton, and lost to Hi II crest and Bingham. Jordan's basketball team didn't play on a competition level, they more or less played for practice with other teams. Field Hockey Left to Right, Row One: Susan Sterling, manager; Ruth Price, Marlene Harrison, Cindy Paget, Marcy Wright. Row Two: Bonnie Ballard, Joan Mortensen, Cindy Richardson, Julie Porter, Karen Ferguson, Miss Padfield, supervisor.

Girls get a good start for a great season in track.


Volleyball Left to Right, Row One: Claudia White, Susan Sterling, Renee Young, Wendy Wallin, Linda Joos, Paula Sjoblom, Janalyn West, Ruth Price,

Beverly Davenport, Cindy Paget. Row Two: Cindy Richardson, manager; Miss Padfield, supervisor; Geri Gorc'on, manager.

Basketball- Left to Right, Row One: Miss Padfield, supervisor; Karen Ferguson, manager; Karen Pangos, manager; Ruth Price, Janalyn West, Wendy Wallin,

Julie Porter, Beverly Davenport, Joan Mortensen, Geri Gordon, Marlene Harrison, Cindy Paget.

Softball Left to Right: Miss Padfield, manager; Marilyn Leatherbury, manager; Janalyn West, Linda Joos, Ruth Price, Wendy Wallin, Karen Pangos, Beverly

Davenport, Coleen Ricord, Bonnie Ballard, Cindy Paget. Row Two: Cindy Richardson, manager; Miss Padfield, supervisor; Geri Gordon, manager.


Gymnastics Team Takes State It takes long hour practices and lots of hard work and dedication to make a number one gymnastics team. With the help of Miss Padfield that's just what our team has become. Their hopes of becoming state champs started soaring after they won the District Meet. They then went on to Region Competitions and then the final goal to win the State Competition.

Cindy Richardson shows how graceful movements enhance a balance beam routine.

Susan Webb does one of the feats that won her a first place in the uneven bar competition .


Kathy Cannon shows the straddl e va u lt that helped win a second pla ce .

Gloria lvie gets ready for a back aerial dismount.

Susan Webb executes a perfect fly ing eagle .

Gymnastics Team Left to Right, Row One : Susan Sterling, Cindy Paget, Shirlee W est, Cindy Jordan, Sharlene Veater, Gloria lvie, Susan Russell, Merrilea Jones, Bonnie Ballard . Row Two: Elaine Lambson, Gayle Taylor, Linda Anderson,

Nikki Ellis displays grace and poise in floor exercise routine.

Ca thy Cannon , N ikki El lis, Tori Cartw rig ht, Lori Arm strong , G inni e Barlow, Joa n Mortensen. Row Three : Jan Noorda, Peggy Atkinson, Susan W ebb, Cindy Richardson, Nancy Price, Karen Pangos, Lori Schmidt, Miss Padfield .


-·~4'&----· ..

Mr. Bishop

New Vice-Principal

Gets Promotion

VVatches Progress

We have had another great year at Jordan High School. Our enrollment is increasing yearly. To accommodate this additional student load many new programs and classes have been innovated. Our Mini Courses, especially, provide for self expression and creativity and are very well re ceived by the students.

The 1972-73 school year has been extreme ly enjoyable for me. It is exciting to watch the progress you are making towards your life goals. I would hope that those of you who are leaving Jordan will use your abil ity to make the world a better place and those returning would rededicate yourselves to gaining the very best education possible.

Thanks are extended to the student body for their enthusiasm, cooperation and sup port of our various programs and activities this year. Clemont Bishop Principal 98

I repeat a statement I often make, that the studentbody of Jordan High School is the best in the valley. Thomas Owen Vice-Pri nci pa I

Richard Anderson

Rodney Dahl Clayton Fairbourn Kenneth Prince

John Wheadon

School Attendance To Double Donald J. Parr Superintendent

Within Eight Years On January 23, a school bond election was held in order to appropriate funds for the Jordan School District because of future expected growth. The money gained from the bond election wi II be used for the building of two high schools, two junior high schools, and three elementary schools.

Ray Brown

Joel Jensen

The Jordan District School Board received two new members this year, Mr. Richard Anderson and Mr. Clayton Fairbourn, who were elected to help the other members of the board make decisions concerning the policies of the Jordan School District. 99

Mr. Young checks over college applications.

Mrs. Fitzgerald, Junior counselor, is always on hand to handle a crisis.

New Vocational Coordinator Acquired This Year New this year and working closely with our counselors was Mr. Wendall Peterson who was in charge of the outside work release program. Mr. Robert Day guided the Sophomores through the •year. He also was in charge of the guidance program. Mrs. Mary Fitzgerald helped the Juniors with problems and also was in charge of the Teaching Experience at the schools. With many deci sions about colleges, Mr. Richard Young talked with the Seniors. In addition he was also advisor to the National Honor Society. Mr. Day guides the sophomores through the new experiences of high school.


Language Arts Explores World Of Motion Pictures "One Head Well Done" was the first full length picture produced by high school students in the United States. Because of its great success it will be televised in the near future. Students in classes such as Spanish, French, and German, continue to increase their ability to use languages. Along with these classes and many others that are offered, students cont'inually broaden their education.

Kaye Ensign Golda Fraser Laura Hauck David Judd

Fredrick Ash Ralph Bishop Lowell Boberg Carol Clark Marian Martin

Mr. Rawlings hams it up for his English class.

It's been a long day .


Mr. Gooch explains puzzling math problems to Carlos Gurr.

Sid Jones and Ron Chlarson find algebra quite confusing.

Math, Graphic Arts Department Make I

Plans For New Class The math department is offering a new experimental mini course to help with the final plans for a class that will be offered next year that will be Math and Graphic Arts together. This will help promote un derstanding of the uses of Math in the working world. After trying out several computers over the past few years, the Computer Science Department has decided on a small computer to be received at the beginning of next year for their class. Robert McDonald Rodney Oliver Gary Smith " No Ralph, 2


+ 2 does not equal 5!"

Science Department Introduces Marine Aquarium The science department teachers are 'Norking diligently to make science a more interesting class for students this year.

Mr. Swedlund explains bone structure to students in physiology .

P./\r. David Erickson is involving the students in marine life by having them work on a marine aquarium. Also under the supervision of Mr. Farrell Gunnel, the students combine different mold cultures to see which strain is most dominant. This helps the students to learn how the dominant features in human reproduction show up in the offspring. The development of mutations helps students to comprehend the theory of how some sort of evolution came to pass.

David Erickson Farrell Gunnell Kenn eth McCleary

Ooh- the poor little thing.

Ritch ie Svedin , Kevin Howlett, and David Bradbu ry conduct a milikin oil d rop experiment in physics .


Social Science Introduces New Composite A new program has been added to our Social Science department. Mr. Ballard, Mr. Hale, and a new addition, Mr. Ward, are endeavoring to teach our student a new thing or two. In this composite, the quarters are divided into different categories which are: Constitution, psychology, sociology, and current events,

Harry Abeyta

Lynn Ballard

This course is being offered to Juniors and Seniors as a substitute for a history.

Oh, is that where the answer is! Hal Hale Donald Milne Carolyn Nichols

Am I really that boring?

Jay Pond Don Ward


What is he talking about?

Business Classes Insure Steady Future For those students who look at their future with concern, Jordan has a wide variety of business classes. These classes, headed by Mrs. Renee Pay, Mrs. Lila Wilson, and Mr. David Clark help to guide those bewildered students on a path to success.

Business classes are lectured on proper selling techniques.

The classes give each student experience toward the jobs for which he is best suited and then improve the student's skill. The molding and shaping of each future businessman and woman is carefully handled by these hard working teachers.



Typing is an essential part of being a secretary. David Clark Renee Pay Lila Wilson

Business class is held in casual fashion.


After Mrs. Tranter's lectures, girls have a lot to talk about.



It's difficult, isn't it?

Home Ec. Brings

A New Look On Mini Courses Home Economics took on a new outlook by offering a variety of courses such as: knitting, interior decorating, cake decoration, novelty sewing, baby and child care, and Boys' home management. The Home Economics Department offers each girl or boy a well rounded curriculum such as cooking taught by Mrs. Colleen Allen; sewing taught by Miss Betty Henderson, and Home Living taught by Mrs. Gertrude Tranter. Home Living also includes first aid, home nursing and money management.

Colleen Allen Betty Henderson Gertrude Tranter Betty Crocker, move over!


Do Your Own Thing It's your thing; do what you want to do! Students have now found their thing in several areas of artistic expression and education, including commercial and fine art. This year Miss Tippetts has a new type of art class. It is called service art. Students make posters for musicals, dances, and plays. They also make scenery' for stage productions. So as you can see if you look hard enough, you can find your thing in the area of arts. Leah Tippetts Rodney Zabriskie

Donald Olsen Ralph Pace Brian Rawlings Robyn Timoney

" Didn't you hear about . .. ?" "I wish I knew what I was doing!"


The band practices to retain tone quality.

Is that the way the Osmonds do it?

Black Dots Invade Band Room It takes a sharp mind, talent, plenty of discipline, and quite an amount of talent to put together a cluster of black dots and come out with music that sounds good to everyone. It may be difficult but that is what Jordan's band did. Mr. Kim Dalby worked hard to coordinate the sounds of a II those instruments that compose the band. Harmony and enjoyment must be their motto for they have blended them both together to become one. The brass section makes golden harmony. 108

The Guys Behind The Scenes Yes, the stage crew is the group of students who keep the microphones on, the lights up, and the curtain opened. Without them there wouldn't be any assemblies, school plays, or even graduation exercises. Mr. Landford was in charge of the stage crew this year, guiding them in the construction of sets, proper lighting, etc. Working along with the stage crew, Miss Tippetts and her Service Art class painted .t he scenery and back drops for all school productions .

Don't tell me I cut the wrong panel again!

. . . whistle while you work ... !

Left to Right: Randy Gotberg, Bryan Paget, Steven Weaver, Gerry Clarke, Jeff Morrill, and Kerry Smith.


"Drafting students study the fundamentals of design."

"Carl Bailey demonstrates his mechanical ability."

On The



Is Experienced

By Industrial Arts Students Adjusting the carburetor on an engine or putting the finishing touches on a gun cabinet are just two of the many things students are learning to earn a living. Shop students have new opportunities given to them which were not available in y_ears past. Selected students are excused from school for half a day to go and work on a job which is related to shop class110 work.

"Eeeeww, what is it?"

Gerald Fisher Tracy Holt Robert Langford Roger King David Palmer

Physical Fitness Plays 1mportant Part In Life As the world progresses, more emphasis is placed on being physically fit. The Olympics is a world wide event which requires strength, diligence, and great skill. Even participation in a Physical Education class requires the development of coordination and muscle skill. This year a new organization was developed. Girls Athletic Association enables girls to compete with other schools. Kent Swedlund Marietta Williams

Paul Anderson Hue Jewkes Tom Keller Margaret Padfield

David Clark shows correct push-up form.

Miss Padfield and her gym class take a short breather.


I. M. C. Changes Atmosphere The Instructiona I Media Center creates a relaxed, but quiet atmosphere in which the students can study. Besides offering the many services that can be found there, Mr. Jay Burkinshaw, Mrs. Genee Tyler, and Mrs. Lena Wagstaff have made the center a pleasant place . They have brought in different kinds of posters and ceramics (made by students), to bring in cheerful smiles. The Center teaches usage of equipment such as filmstrips, video tapes, records and the copy-machine.

Julie Carlquist remembers current events are due next period.

Mrs . Tyler has a smile for everyone.

Jay Burkinshaw Genee Tyler Lights, camera, action!


Custodians Keep Ecology Balanced Our plant engineers, Ken Silcox, head custodian, Kenneth Crane, Howard Cude, and Fred Alldredge, made a clean sweep of the year by sweeping, vacuum ing, wax ing and mopping floors.

Left to Right: Howa rd Cud e, Ken Si lcox, and Ke n Cra ne.

Whenever we have a major disaster, such as the yearbook room flooding, the custodians are there to lend a helping hand . From major to minor disaster they are always there. Custodians, we are proud of you.

Oh, no, not again!

Cafeteria Staff Prepares For Rush Every day at noon, hungry students rush down to a hot, delicious lunch. In the cafeteria, our lunch workers are always ready for them with nutritious meals that are sure to arouse any appetite. Hard work goes into preparing the menus put out by the Federal Lunch Program .

Left to Right: Florence Wh itte nburg, El ma Couc h, Shi rleen Johnstu n, Ci ndy Ha rr in gt on, M a rilyn W agstaff, Joanne V anAmen, Marian Oldham, Florence Petersen, Edith Heaps, Eve lyn Brow n, M anage r. Not p ictured : M arilyn Monthey.

Being served cheerfully has a lot to do with a good mea I. Mrs. Brown heads this staff of such good natured workers. These ladies have brought new dishes 113 to our menu .

Hello, Jordan High Speaking. May I help you?

All I ever do is answer the phone . 114

" ... and then she .. .¡

Margie Brown Bertha Richards Jacquelyn Sybrowsky Well, what do we have here?

Office Staff Clears Up Problems A cheerful smile and a helping hand were the trademarks of the office staff of this year. Mrs. Thelma Ainsworth and Mrs. Marjorie Bodell kept things running very smoothly in the main office. Mrs. Bertha Richards kept everything neat and tidy in the attendance office. This year students were on their honor to check in and out without their parents' permission. Mrs. Margie Brown is new this year to the office staff. She assists the counselors by typing and filing. I wonder who this love letter is from?


STUDENT BODY OFFICERS Students of Jordan High - It has been a true honor and pleasure serving you as your president this past year. The experience gained cannot be measured. We have visited many other schools and can truly say that a more friendly or loyal studentbody cannot be found than at Jordan. Thank you for the greatest year ever. Kent Derricott President

Kent Derricott, President


left to Right : Nedd Anderson, Attorney General; Tami Post, Second Vice-President; Shelbie Bolliger, Histor ian; Susan Jones, Secretary; Jeff Maughn, First Vice-Pres ident.

11 9

Left to Right, Row One: Susa n Jon es, Shelb ie Boll ige r, Gloria lvie, Tam i Post. Row Two: M ike Day, Scott Bonh am, Jeff M aug hn , Kevin Olse n, Nedd A nderson.

Officers Council Promotes School Activities This year Jordan's studentbody officers were working with a new student govern ment. They met with the senators and officers from the sophomore, junior and senior class to discuss the various problems and plan some of the school's activi ties. Under the direction of Mr. Owen the council strove to promote school spirit and add to the traditiona I activities. The officers worked hard to make the year fun and successfu I.

The off icers coun ci I p res id es over the Jordan Olympi cs.


The Representatives are: Left to Right, Row One: Kim Hiatt, Stephanie Brown, Bonnie Davenport, Becky Reed, LeAnn Holmstead, Judy Harper, Charmaine Kemp, Marsha Alleman. Row Two: Ed Romero, Marvin Hose, Gary Tunbridge, Kent Holsten, Gerry Clarke, Mike Swenson, Kirk Scott, Mont Margetts. Row

Three: Sharla Michelsen, Marilyn Leatherbury, Kathy Cannon, Marydell Elswood, Kristie Graham, Marie Waters, Debbie Cates, Ruth Price, Sandy Nygard. Row Four: Alan Shelby, Jay Petersen, Vincent Bluth, Bruce Burningham, Mike Peter-

son, Mark Hardy, Scott Crapo, Ron Hartwell , Randy Jensen .

Student Government Initiates Reforms As the year wore on, the student government tried to do their best for the benefit of Jordan. This year the student government discussed various changes, activities, and topics to try and make this year at Jordan a memorable one. These changes included the changing of the dress code, discontinuation of ABJ and AGJ, and also the opening of the student parking lot.

Th is year ¡s Senators are: Left to Right, Terri Gatherum, Shar lene Yeater, Linda Clark, Ron Hughes, Ross Ainsworth, and Ryan Enniss.



Kevin Olsen President


Joan Powell

Susan Butler

Vice - President


Mark Adair

¡ Sue Anderson

George Badovinatz

Kelley Bakker

Rodney Beckstead

Marsha Alleman

Terry Anderson

Ron Allen

Tony Anderson

Merridy Bagley

William Bagshaw

Brian Ballard

Marsha Ballard

Steven Beckstead

Karl Bingham

Laurel Allgood

LaDon Anderson

Colette Armistead

Howard Armstrong

Carol Baily

Ric Baugh

Vincent Bluth

LoRee Baker

Robert Anderson

Janet Atkinson

Paul Baker

Karen Beck

Kevin Beckstead

Tamara Boa

Joey Bogenschutz


Shelbie Bolliger

Morilu Bowler

Koren Brody

Kurt Brooks

Deni Brown

Doug las Brown


Dono Buchanon

Carlo Burch

Gene Burgess

Michae l Burgon

Toni Burgon

Bruce Burningham

Susan Butler

Shi lo Butterfield

Mike Coldwell

Burt Corson

Nancy Call

Dennis Corter

Boy, Math is exhausting. 124

Kathy Connon

Doug Corlquist

Tori Cartwright

Sondra Chapman

Jeanie Chase

Diane Clough

Scott Crapo

Bonnie Dav nport

Linda Di ck

Dan Chavis

Shauna Coomans

Shirley Crebs

Shauna Davis

Dane Dixon

Cory Christensen

Lauri Christensen

Pamela Christensen

Linda Clark

Jerry Cowley

Carol Coy

Mitchell Cozzens

Dan Cranney

Jack Crispin

Susan Curtis

Mary Dale

Linda Damjanovich

James Day

David Draper

Diane Dennison

Debra Duncan

Kent Derricott

Jerry Dunn

Faith Despain

Debra Edmunds


Karl Edmunds

Shawna Eddington

Nona Elwood

Eduardo Escobedo

Brenda Fairbourn

Kevin Elkington

DeVor Fairbourn

Nikki Ellis

Cathy Farnworth

Marydel l Elswood

Joe Featherstone

Bill Finnegan

Deborah Fisher

Karleen Fitzgerald

Mary Ann Fitzgerald

Lois Ford

Ken Fritz

James Gardner

Dale Garfield

Kelly Gause

Michelle Gilchrist

Janet Glad

Tony Flores

Janet Glover

Marsha Goetz

Randall Golberg

Richard Golberg

Dan iel Greenwood

Jeff Fergus


Michael Elder

Lourie Greenwood

M athew Gregory

Kevin Hadley

M a rk Ha nna

Peggy Griffith

Dawn Groves

Sheryl Groves

Goyne! Gurr

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.


Mark Hardy

Ron Hartwell

Georg1a Hose

Steven Hastings

Jerry Hatch

Br ia n Hewitt


Rodney Higbee

Ron Hughes

Susan Hilton

Michael Huntzinger

David Hoffman

Gloria lvie

Steven Hogland

Layne Housekeeper

Debra Hranac

Susan Jaynes

Doyle Jenkins

Claude Jensen


Collene Jensen

Fawnette Jensen

Vern Jensen

Richard Johnson

Doyle Johnstun

Merrilea Jones

Susan Jones

Linda Joos

Stick 'e m up. I've got you covered.


John Jordan

Dean Kunz

Sid Lawrence

Lynn Marchant

Sandy M cNei ll

Coleen Ju

Debra Kunz

Marilynn Leatherbury

Roger Kemp

Floyd Kunz

Deborah Kerby

Janette Landeen

Greg Leavitt

Gary Lloyd

M onte Morgetts

Jeff Maughan

Brad Maxwell

Norma Mead

Dove Mellor

John Melonos

Blaine Killian

Debra Kreger

Robin Lang

Shanna Lao

Phillip Lepore

Mark Maynes

John Merriam

Charles Lyon

Brenda McFarlane

Robert Meyer


Kim Mickelsen

Connie Miller

Gordon Miller

Norman Millsap

Glendon Mitchell

Bryan Moore

Colette Moore

Lee Morgan

Jeff Morrill

Jeniece Mullen

Royce Mumford

Becky Murphy

Nancy Noffsinger

Maureen Nokes

Robin Neve


Terry Newhouse

Shelly Norton

Sandra Nygard

Kevin Olsen

Jerry Olson

David Orth

Dove Orton

Valer ie Oviatt

Claude Panek

Connie Parker

Kathy Patience

Julie Paugh

M ike P ters n

Jay P terson

Lorie Porter

Sandy Porter

Tarni Post

Joan Powell

Janet Price

Cyndy Reed

Helen Rich

Reynold Rigby

Jason Ritzman

Kirn Robinson

Lenea Rocks


Mark Rogers

"Neither rain nor sleet nor dead of night .. "

Doug Rynearson

Scott Rowsell

Lorrie Salter



Karen Samuelson

Leslie Sanders

Dean Schmidt

Judy Schmidt

Russell Scott

John Seale

Debby Sevy

Heidi Sharp

Debbie Shearer

Alan Shelby

Phil Shell

Lauana Shirley

Pam Sielhorst

Pamela Simmons

Annette Smith

Buddy Smith

Kerry Smith

Pam Smith

Robert Smith

Tom Smith

Sheila Sturdy

Ritchie Svedin

Vardell Taylor

Joseph Terry

Elton Tetrick

M ike Teuscher

Penny Smith

Robert Clarke

Debora Tait

John Tate

Stan Thacker

Dean Thornwall

Gary Tunbridge

Colleen Utley

Carla Vaccaro

Peggy Van Amen

Julie Vander Meide

Chad Washburn

Steve Weaver

Gary Webb

Chris Webster

Kelly Webster


Marshall Welch

Mike Weller

Richard Wentz

Janalyn West

Jeff West

Wayne Whetman

Claudia White

Sharon Williams

Randy Withers

Wesley Witt

Bonnie Wright

Daily constitutionals are fun!




Scott Bonham



Charlotte Mitchell

Julianne Winkler

Vice -President


Kath leen Aerts Ross Ainsworth Peggy Allen Andrea Alvey Lori Andersen Connie Anderson

Denece Anderson Linda Anderson Paula Anderson Phillip Anderson Renae Anderson Brian Andrews

Rand Andrus Roger Andrus Lori Armstrong Peggy Atkinson Sheri Atkinson Leslie Auker

Martin Bakker Steven Ballamis Sherri Baugh James Bay Shawnlee Beeler Wilford Begay

Gary Bell Guy Bell Janet Bergener Suzanne Best Duane Bingham Evelyn Birchell

Joel Bishop John Bishop Kennard Black Dennis Bodell Todd Bogenshutz Steve Bolton

Scott Bonham Mitzi Boynton David Bradbury Randy Bradfield Kenneth Brady Brent Breeze


Chad Brindley Michelle Brinton Tany a Brooks Dorreen Brower Peggy Brown Ricky Brown


Ga ry Buhl Stev en Bu rgon David Bu rke Rebecca Bu rn ing ham Ba ry Bu rt on Debra Ca ldwe ll

Susa n Ca mpbell Go rdon Ca nn on Ro byn Ca rl is le Julie Car lquis t M ichoe l Ca ry Debra Cates

Sha nn on Cham berl ain Cmo l Chapma n Ro lph Chavez Ru nd a ll Ch ild Jored Chris tensen Lon Ch1 stens 'n

Will iam Cloug h J o nn1 Co f f m Br nt Cook Bnncla Cop' Ro b rt Cowl y K v 1n Cox

M a rty Cozz ns Sco ff Cron K lly Cr bs Doug las Curl y D •b ra Cut I r Co thy Dar ling

Kenn eth Day Ju anit a Dc joli e Sylvi a Denn ies Richa rd Dinee n Mi cha I Dowding Tom Dowland

Testing: one, two, three .


Douglas Draper Debra Dumas James Dunn Lisa Dunn

David Durrant Jeff Eastman Barbara Ebert Wayne Eckman

Marilyn Eddington Greg Ellingson Craig Everell Douglas Eyre

Sharon Farnsworth Randy Fellows Lani Fenton Julia Ferguson

V alerie Ferguson Kathy Fitzerald Roberta Flores Chad Forman

A lan Fowles Karma Frantz Karen Fullmer Scott Gallegher

Kpry Garfield James Garland Tina Gatherum Carl Gifford


Students keep busy during halftime.


Gordon Horn Barbaro Hans n K1m Hordcostl Scott Hardman Karlin Hardy V rnon Harris

Mina Hart Morvin Has Julia Haslern Carl H ndricks n Georgia Highland T rry Hill

Loren Holdaway L ann Holmstead Jonine Homer Craig Houmand Kevin Howl tt Colle n Hranac


Debora Hurst Don Hyatt Brent Jackman Ron Jackson Corey Jensen Randy Jensen

David Jentzsch Roy Jewkes Ann Jex Billy Johnson Dove Johnson Pomolo Johnson

Penny Johnson Russell Johnson Carol Jolley Denise Jones Dione Jones Sam Jorgensen

Brad Kemp Jeanne Kendricks Gory Kennedy Elaine Lambson Mark Londeen Virginia Leony

Carolyn Lavery Claudio Lawrence Teresa Lows Debra Lawson Koren Lawson Kelly Lenhart

David Leyba David Linnorz Francis Longstaff Richard Lucas Kim Lybbert Cynthia McClure

Steven M cPherron Harold Mace La Dean Mace Lee Macklin Susan Mohon Debra Merchant


Joe Martinez Peter Massa Susan Matheson Kathy Maxfield Cheryl Mead Linda Mellor


Deborah Melville Shar la Mickelson Jeanene Miller Kevin Mills Charlotte Mitchell Dennis Mitchell

Karrie Mitchell Jaydene Moody Linda Mounteer John Mounteer Sally Murdock Jeff Mumford

Edna Myers Clayton N •lson Diem Nelson Jul1e N lson LCiuro Nelson Wdforrl Nelson

Jam1e N v Dorl n Nokes Jon Noorda Blome Oak son Cr01q Ol1v r Cmd Olsen

Joyce Olsen Alan Orwin Debra Ostl r Warren Ostl r M linda Ov 1son Bryon Pag t

Kevm Patterson Bonni Pearc Gary Pelch Anne P ndleton Kris Perry Kenda II Peterson


Mrs . Wilson interviews on all levels.

Lon Peterson Nancy Pett Cathy Pierce

Holly Pierson Robert Pixton Ruth Price

Scott Raqsdale Gary Rane Cathie Rattan

Karen Ray Becky Reed Shirlene Reich

David Richards Keven Richardson Lori Ricks

Colleen Ricord Kip Rishton Douglas Robinson Eddie Romero Becky Rowell Tonya Runolfson

Susan Russell Gregory Rynearson Jeanne Sadler Goya Salazar Eric Sanders Jeanne Sargent


Student aspires to great heights.


John Sargent Jeff Schmidt Lori Schmidt Rhonda Schocker


Lynette Sedgwick Valerie Setterberg Ooma Short Louise Shryers

Paula Sjoblm Terry Skinner Susan Skoubye Bertha Smith

Christtne Sm1th Kevin Smith Mmk Smith Renn Sm1th

Ronda Sm1th Puthonn Sm1th Tracy Srn1th N olan Snow

M ariann Spratt Steven Squir s Tamara Stephensen Susan Stevens

Stan Stringfe ll ow D nt Sturdevant Ralph Sudbury Lane Summerhays Stev Sylvester Jon Tait

Kevin Tate Gayle Taylor Robert Taylor Lon Thomas Richelle Thomas Kerry Thompson

Howard Tolbert Connie Tolman Kara Tomlin Barbara Tremelling Mark Urry Jacob Van der Meide

Joe Velasquez Sharlene Yeater Bryan Wall Wendy Wallin Renae Walters Marie Waters

Susan Watterson Susan Webb Jeffrey West Shirlee West Lloyd Westenskow Lori Whetman

Jill White Walter Wilson Julianne Winkler Julianne Wolfgramm Elaine Woodbury Lori Woodward

Kirk Wright Judy Yaka Don Yates Renee Young Sheryl Young Linda Zupan



Mike Day President

DeVi Marler Vi ce- President


Kim Hiatt Secretary

David Adamson Annette Ainsworth Robert Albertson Darrel Allen Judy Allen Douglas Allgood

Ray Allred Marilynne Alvey Mark Alvey Brent Anderson Ca ll ie Anderson Dawn Anderson

Karen Anderson Lynn Anderson Scott Anderson Sherry Andus John Archibald Sharon Atkinson

Duane Bailey Joan Bailey Eddy Bakker Bonnie Ballard Greg Ballard Susan Ballard

Ginnie Barlow Kim Barlow Mark Bay Susan Barton Patricia Bean David Beck

Bryant Beckstead Debbie Bednarik Margie Begay Gaye Bergstrom Daryl Bingham Mark Blackham

Debbray Bleazard Linda Bl iss Gary Bloomquist Diane Bocchino Joni Bogenschutz Vance Boulter


Patti Brinton Craig Brooksby Dennis Brown

Don Brown Justin Brown Paul Brown Reva Brundage Bambi Bryce

Marilyn Burningham Carol Butler Loretta Butler Oakley Cannon Brite Carlsen

SOPHOMORES Kelly Carns Terry Carpenti r Drew Chamb rlain Cindy Chase Anita Chavis Jeff Childs


Craig Christens n Douglas Christens n David Clark G rry Clarke Micha I Clough Jim Coffm

James Conway K ith Cornia Bill Cowl y Micha I Cracroft Ann It Crebs Bryan Crig r

Bev rly Davenport

Duane Davis Allyson Day Kevin Day Michael Day Steven Deleeuw Brenda Denison

Jessie Derricott Gaven Dillard Sandra Dineen Cindy Dixon Cindy Dowding Rex Dumas

Dav1d Duncan Kent Dunn Bob Durfey Gary Durrant Marianne Ebell Jeff Eggen

Laurel Elder Ryan Enniss Karen Everill Kathy Everi II Shauna Eyre Vicki Fairbourn

Jan Fannin Richard Farnsworth Margie Farnworth Scott Featherstone Laura Fergus Karen Ferguson

Suzanne Ferre Laura Fish Craig Fisher Scott Fitzgerald Rhonda Ford Sherm Gallagher

Stewart Gardner Casey Garner Marlene Garner Laura Garnard Bobbie Lee Gatehouse Terri Gatherum



Richard Gilchrist David Gilgen Robert Glad Joanne Glassey George Gonzales


Brent Gotberg Mark Gotberg Brian Gough Gary Green Bennett Greene

Craig Grow Carlos Gurr Jeffery Gurr

Vicky Had em Janice Ham Joseph Ham Julia IIanna Carma Hansen Melan1c Hansen

V1cky Hansen Br nt Hardcastl Cathy Hardcastle Paul ne Hordcostl Rose Hardmg Jam s Hardy

Judy Harp r Marlen Harrison Janet Hatlerod Judy Hatch David H nd rson lr n H nlin

Kim Hiatt James Hickmon Jan Higgins Brenda Holond r K nt Holsten J rri Holt

Chad Homer John Haueter Teri Houghton Catherine Houmand Rustin Howard Mary Huffman

Susan Hyde Dennis lpson David Jacobson Kathy Jarvis Roger Jaynes Brent Jensen

Brian Jensen Cindy Jensen Dana Jensen Philip Jensen Sheril Jensen Kellie Jensen

Steve Jentzch Kevin Jeremy Christine Jim Paul Johansen Becky Johnson Craig Jones

Mati Jones Sid Jones Cindy Jordan Charmaine Kemp Garn Kemp Bill King

Becky Kinsey Paul Krueger Angela Kunz Shirley Lakerveld Josephine Larrinago Jan Larsen

Jeffery Larsen Janet Lehenbauer Judy Lehenbauer Eugene Lehenbauer Wallace Leigh Linda Lenhart


Steven Martinez Lorraine Mathie Chad Maxfield Julie McCormick Sidney McCulloch

Amy McNeill Carrie Mead Pamela Melville Vicki Merriam Merlin Miller

Jodie Mont

SOPHOMORES Carrie Liedtke Elizabeth Limb Nichole Longstaff Olivia Lukich Lynda Lyman


Karen Macklin James Maddocks Tracy Major Michael Marcovecchio DeVi Marler Vicky Martin

L1nda Morgan Joan Mort nsen Dorrell Murdock Jam s N lson K llyN lson K v1n N lson

Kim Nelson Scott Nelson Carol Neve LaDonna Nichols Nancy Nielsen Robert Ni lson

Sherrie Nie lsen Carol Nielson Kim Noordo Sharon Nye G loria Og lesbee Tomi Okubo

Jeanine Oliver Lauro Olsen Tim Olson Roxone Ordokowski Steven Overson Cindy Paget

Koren Pongos Cindy Paramore Billie Jo Porker Fronk Paugh Kathy Pearson Don Petersen

Grant Petersen Kirk Petersen Nolo Peterson Loe Pierce Gerolyn Pixton Julie Porter

Kim Powell Nancy Price Marsha Rone Debra Rasmussen Patricio Roy Shelley Reed

Erich Reich Jonoe Richards Cindy Richardson Jesse Ritzman Cindy Robinson Pamela Robinson

Scott Robinson Marianne Rogers James Romero Micki Roundy Lorri Rowsell Cheryl Ryneo rson


David Rynearson Brad Sanders Kelly Savage Clark Schmidt Kirk Scott Kevin Scroggin


Kent Setterberg Buck Sharples Rebecca Shelton Julio Sheppard Barry Shettel Lynda Short

Darla Simon Clair Skoubye Curtis Smith Erin Smith Kathryn Smith Lucille Smith

Robert Smith Robynn Smith Stephanie Sm1th Tammy Smith Tori Smith Tressie Smith

V1rgmio Smith Horv y Sorenson J ri Sorensen Matt Sorens n Potric1a Sosa Lyd1o Spring r

Terry Sprous Sharon Stanger Franc in Stapley Betsy Steadman Kathl en Steadman Kathryn St adman

Susan Ster l ing Robert Stoedter Susan Stringf llow Jay Stuart Charlene Sturdy Joanne Sudbury

Tamara Sunde ll Doug las Swensen Larry Swensen M ichae l Swenson Kevin Sybrowsky

Valerie Teuscher Marianne Thompson Mike Thompson Jolene Tingey Terrie Trimble

SOPHOMORES Neil Tunbridge Julie Turner Paul Urry David Van Der Meide Glen Vawdrey Calvin Wadsworth

V incent W agstaff Lynn Ware Daniel Washburn Gary Webster Kevin Webster Stephanie Welch

Susan Weller Earl Wentz Ray Willette Debra Williams Mark Williams Steven Wintle

Rusty Withers Layne Woolf Ginger Wright Marcia Wright Todd Zagorec David Zeller


a new day of understanding dawns where the light of hope will shine eternal. it is not a light of mystery, but of reality. how does one find it? you have only to open your eyes and look attoday like never before.


Senior Summary and Index Adair Mark .... ......... ....................... 89

Letterman, Soph., Jr. , Sr. Golf, Soph., Jr., Sr. Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Jon, Adams .................................. 61 Alleman, Marsha ............. .40, 43, 54,

57,121,123 Madrigal, Sr. A Cappella, Jr. Musical, Sr. Nat'l Honor Society Top 10% Superior, solo, ensemble Allen, Ron ........................ 56, 67,123

Debate, Sr. Forensics, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Track, Jr. School Play, Jr. Musical, Jr. Allgood, Laurel ............................ 123 Allsop, Mike ................................ 1 23

A Cappella, Sr. Andersen, Nedd .... 86, 119, 120,123

Sophomore Pres., Soph . Football Team, Soph., Jr. Track Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. School Plays, Jr. A Cappella, Jr. Attorney General, Sr . Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson, Anderson,

Anthony ...................... 12 3 Ladon .......................... 123 Robert L. .......... .... ...... 123 Robert W . .................. 123 Sue ...................... .... .... 123 Terry ...................... ...... 1 23

Baseball Team, Soph., Jr. Basketball Team, Soph., Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Andrus, Valerie ................ ...... 58, 130 Armistead, Colette .... ........ 56, 57,123 Armstrong, Howard ................ 89, 123 Atkinson, Janet ...................... 56, 123 Majorette, Jr. Secretary of Band, Soph. A Cappella, Sr. Badovinatz, George .................... 123 Bagley, Merridy .......... 60, 62, 63, 123 Bagshaw, William ...................... 123 Bailey, Carol ............... .41, 56, 61, 62, 63, 68, 123 Gymnastics Team, Jr. Dance Club, Jr. Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Jr ., Sr. FHA, Jr., Sr. Sub Debs, Sr. VICA, Sr. Assistant Drill Mistress Baker, LaRee .............. .................. 123 Baker, Paul .... ........ .......... 25,61,123 Bakker, Kelley ........................ 68, 123 Charlonians, Jr ., Sr. Yell Mistress, Sr. Ballard, Brian .... .... ................ 56, 123 Wrestling, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Ballard, Marsha .......................... 123 Baugh, Ric ........................ 56, 57, 123 Beck, Karen ................ 56, 57, 68, 123 Beckstead, Kevin ........ 59, 62, 64, 123 Key Club, Jr., Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Beckstead, Rodney ....................... 123 Beckstead, Steven .......... 23, 36, 37, 41' 42, 44, 48, 54, 55, 57' 62, 123 Bingham, Karl ........................ 83, 123 Band, Soph. Wrestling, Sr. Bluth, Vincent ........ 23, 40, 77, 80, 81, 88,121,123 All-State Football Team, Sr. Baseball Team, Jr ., Sr. Basketball Team, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Football Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph. All - Region Basketball Team, Sr.


A Cappella, Sr. Playmaker Award 0. C. Tanner "Player of the Week" Best Offensive Lineman Boa, Tamara ................................ 123 Bogenschutz, Joey ............ 88, 89, 123 Baseball Team, Sr. Basketball Team, Soph., Jr. Football Team, Soph ., Jr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Golf, Soph., Jr. Bolliger, Shelbie .......... 119, 120,124 Charlonians, Jr. Historian, Sr. Bowler, Marilu Dennies .... .......... 124 Brady, Karen .......................... 60, 124 Girls Club, Soph. Girls Club Vice Pres., Jr. Charlonians, Jr . Brooks, Kurt ............................ 60, 124 Brown, Douglas ............................ 1 24 Basketball, Soph Track Team, Soph, Jr. Jerry Jordan, Jr. Brown, Margaret Deni ........ .. .. 55, 124 Masque & Gavel, Soph. Omega Psi, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Sec. Treasure, Historian, Sr. lnterpre. Sp., Soph., Jr ., Sr. School Plays, Sr. Musical, Soph ., Jr ., Sr. Buchanan, Dana ............. .40, 68, 124 Charlonian Club, Sr. Top 10% Honor Society Burch, Carla .............. 48, 49, 51, 124 Yearbook, Sr. lnterpre. Sp ., Soph., Sr. Childrens Production, Sr. State Drama Competition, Sr. Superior Rating in Region lnterp meet, Sr. Burgess, Gene ........................ 89, 124 Burgon, Michael ............................ 1 24 Burgon, Toni ........ 56, 57, 61, 63,124 Pres. FHA, Sr. VICA, Sr. State FHA Convention, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Superior Rating Small Ensemble Superior Rating Madrigals Outstanding Madrigal Burningham, Bruce ... .77, 86, 1 21, l 24 Letterman, Jr., Sr. Basketball, Soph., Jr. Football, Soph., Sr. Track, Soph., Sr. Butler, Susan ........................ 122, 12 4 Secretary, Sr. Model U.N., Soph. Girls Track, Jr ., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Butterfield, Shila .......................... 1 24 Call, Nancy .................................. 124 Caldwell, Mike ............................ 1 24 Cannon, Kathleen ..... .40, 54, 68, 94, 95 , 121 ,124 Pep Club, Jr ., Sr. Gymnastics, Jr., Sr. Track, Jr. Honor Society Top 10 % Carlquist, John Douglas ......... .40, 41, 44, 124 Honor Society, Jr ., Sr. Football, Soph ., Sr. Forens ics, Sr. Band ., Soph ., Jr. Top 10% Sterling Scholar Inquiring Editor Carson, Burt ............................... l 24 Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Carter, Dennis ........................ 87, 1 24 VICA, Sr. Track, Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Sr.

Cartwright, Tari ...... .... 23, 48, 55, 56,

62, 65, 95, 124 Chapman, Sandra .............. 39, 42, 54, 65,70,124 Cheerleader, Soph. Songleader, Sr. Gymnastics Team, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. Excellent at State Music Festival l st Homecoming Attendant 1st Place in State Gymnastics 2 Superior Music Ratings Chase, Jeanie .............................. 1 25 Chavis, Dan ............................ 61, 1 25 Christensen, Cory ................... .40, 125 Football, Soph., Jr. Debate, Soph. Top 10 % Christensen, Lauri ...................... 1 25 DECA, Soph. Pep Club, Jr. Christensen, Pam ........ 42,56,57, 125 Model U.N., Jr . VICA, Sr. Sub Debs, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Mu sica l, Sr. Superior in Region Mu sic Festival Clark, Linda ........................ 1 21, 125 Senior Senator, Sr. Charlonian, Jr. VICA, Sr. Clarke, Robert ..... .41, 56, 57, 61, 132 VICA, Jr., Sr. Squires, Jr . Yearbook, Soph. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musi ca l, Soph., Jr . Madrigals, Sr. Clough, Diane ............................. 12 5 Charlonian, Jr. Pep Club, Jr . Coomans, Shauna ............ 42, 56, 125 Pep Club, Soph . Debate, Soph. A Cappella, Sr. Cowley, Jerry ..... .40, 41, 77, 89, 125 Football Te am, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Sr. Top 3% Coy, Carol .................................... 125 Pre s., Jr. DECA, Sr. Debate, Jr. Cozzens, Mitchell .................... 56, 1 25 Football Team , Jr . Tennis Team, Jr . Wrestling, Soph. A Cappella, Sr . Band, Jr. Cranney, Dan ........................... 125 Crapo, Scott ........ 56, 60, 61, 80 ., 89, 90,121,125 Boys Club, Soph. Letterman, Soph ., Jr., Sr. DECA, Sr. Key Club, Sr. Sub Debs, Squires, Sr. School Paper, Soph. Basketball Team, Soph., Sr. Tennis Team, Soph ., Sr. Letterman, Soph ., Sr. Debate, Soph . Forensics, Soph . A Cappella, Sr. Crebs, Shirley ........................... 125 Crispin, Jack ....................... .77, 1 25 VI CA Sec., Jr. VICA , Sr. Basketball Team, Soph., Sr. Cronin, Kenna ...... .... .. ..... 56, 68 Curtis, Susan ............................. 1 25 lnterpre. Sp . Meet., Jr. Honorable Merit in Pottery Design Dale, Mary .. ..... . ......... 56, 125 Damjanovich, Linda ..................... 1 25 Davenport, Bonnie .......... 1 21, 1 25

Davis, Shauna ...... 42, 56, 57, 62, 125 Masque & Gavel, Sr.

A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Madrigals, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Day, James ..................... .77, 89, 125

VICA, Sr. Curriculum, Soph . Policy, Jr . Basketball Team, Soph ., Sr. Wrestling, Soph ., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Sr. Golf, Soph., Sr. Dennision, Diane .................... 63, 125

DECA, Soph., Jr. Jordanettes, Soph., Jr . FHA Secretary, Jr. FHA Vice -President, Sr. Derricott, Kent ...... 22, 23 , 37, 48, 55, 56, 89, 90, 118, 125 Despain, Faith .................. 61 , 63, 125 FHA, Jr ., Sr. VICA, Sr. Sub Debs, Jr . Jr. Achievement Personnel Director, Jr. Dick, Linda ................. ..... .............. 125 Dixon, Dane ........................... .40, 125 Draper, David ..... .40, 64, 86, 89, 125 Model U. N. Pres ., Soph., Jr ., Sr. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. Track Team, Jr ., Sr. Cross Country, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Band Pre side nt, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Outstandi ng High School Students of America Top 10 % Duncan, Debra ....................... .49, 125 Yearbook, Sr. Dunn, Jerry .......... 23, 55, 56, 57, 125 Ma sque and Gavel, Jr. Omega Psi, Jr., Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Jr. School Play, Jr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Madriga ls, Jr ., Sr. Superior in Region Musi c Festival Eddington, Shawna .......... 57, 62, 126 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Madriga ls, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Edmunds, Debra ............................ 125 Edmunds, Karl ............ 42, 60, 76, 126 DECA Vi ce- Presiden t, Sr. DECA, Soph. Elder, Michael ............ 59, 62, 64, 126 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Key Club Secretary, Sr. Mode l U.N., Jr., Sr . Debate, Soph. Forensics, Soph. Elkinton, Kevin ............ 80, 81, 86, 126 Ellis, Nikole .......... 65, 70, 71, 95, 126 Songleader, Sr. Pep Club, Jr . Dance Club, Sr. Gymnastics Team, Sr. Mus ical, Sr. Elswood, Marydell .......... 56, 121, 126 Elwood, Nona ........................ 68, 126 Escobedo, Eduardo ............ 77, 89, 1 26 Falrbourn, Brenda ........................ 1 26 DECA, Soph. Fairbourn, David

Football, Soph. Track, Jr. Falrbourn, DeVar .............. 60, 66, 126

DECA President, Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Jr., Sr. School Plays, Jr. Jerry Jordan, Jr . Farnworth, Cathy .......................... 126

Orchestra, Soph., Jr. Featherstone, Joe .................... 56, 1 26

Basketball Team, Jr . Tennis Team, Sr. School Play, Jr.

A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Jr. Fergus, Robert .................. 61, 64, 1 26 Model U.N., Sr . Band, Jr. VICA, Sr. Track Team, Jr. Band, Jr. Cross Country, Jr. Finnegan, William ..... ... .. .. ......... .. . ] 26 Fisher, Deborah .... ..... .42, 48, 55, 56, 62, 126 Masque & Gavel, Jr ., Sr. Forensics, Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Excellent in State Music Festival Superior in Region Music Festival Fitzgerald, Colleen ...... ............. ..... ] 26 Debate, Soph ., Jr . Forensics, Jr. Fitzgerald, Karleen .. ... ............ .48, 126 Jordanette, Soph. Charlonian, Jr. lnterpre. Sp . Meet, Sr. Superior in lnterpre . Meet, St . Fitzgerald, Mary ...................... 56, 126 A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Flores, Tony ....... ..... .. ................. .. . ] 26 Football Team, Soph ., Jr. Track Team, Soph. Ford, Lois ................................ 61, 1 26 DECA Historian Reporter, Sr. School Paper, Jr. Homecoming, Sr. Fritz, Ken .............................. 61 , 1 26 VICA, Sr. Gardner, James ...................... 61, 126 Garfield, Dale ........... .41, 61, 89, 1 26 Basketball, Soph . Track, Soph., Jr . Letterman, Soph ., Jr . Gause, Kelly ................................ ] 26 Gilchrist, Michelle ........................ ] 26 AGJ Secretary, Soph . Jordanettes, Sr. Glad, Janet .......... 55, 56, 57, 68, 126 Masque & Gavel, Jr . Omega Psi, Sr . Sub -Debs, Jr., Sr. lnterpre . Sp. Meet, Sr. A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Musical, Jr ., Sr. Madrigals, Jr ., Sr. FHA, Jr., Sr. Superior in Region Music Festival Outstanding State Madrigals Glover, Janet .......................... 56, 126 Goetz, Marsha .............................. 126 Gordan, Michael ........................... 61 VICA, Jr. VICA Pres ., Sr. VICA Carpentry Contest, Jr . Gotberg, Randall ................. 1 09, 26 Gotberg, Richard .......................... 126 Greenwood, Daniel ......... .4 2, 61 , 77, 83, 89, 126 VICA, Sr. Football Team, Sr. Wrestling, Soph., Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Jr ., Sr. Greenwood, Laurie ....................... 1 27 Charlonian, Jr . Masque & Gavel, Soph . FHA, Sr . Usher Club, Jr. Musical, Soph . Gregory, Mathew .. 60, 61, 7 6, 77, 1 27 Football Team, Soph ., Jr ., Sr. Wrestling, Soph ., Jr. Letterman, Sr. Griffith, Peggy ........................ 61, 1 27 Groves, Dawn ........................ 91, 1 27 Gurr, Gaynell .............................. 1 27 Hadley, Kevin ............. 48, 55 , 56, 57, 62, 127 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Musical, Sr. Madrigals, Pres., Jr., Sr. Outstanding State Madrigals Festival Hanna, Mark ............................. 1 27 DECA, Sr.

Hansen, Trudie .... .... ................ .... .. ] 27 Masque & Gavel, Jr. lnterpre. Sp . Meet, Jr. Hardcastle, Annette .. ........ 61, 63, 1 27 Hardcastle, Danny .... ....... ............ . 1 27 Hardcastle, Peggy ............. .42, 44, 56, 68, 127 Charlonian Assistant Yell Mistress, Jr. Charlonian Drill Mistress, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Jr., Sr. Superior Segion Music Festival, Sr. Sterling Scholar, Music, Sr. Outstanding State Madrigal Festival Hardy, Mark ... ... ... .. .77, 88,121,127 Boys Club , Jr. Rep ., Jr. Baseball Team, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Basketball Team, Soph., Jr. Football Team, Soph., Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Capt. Football Varsity, Sr. National Honor Society Hartwell, Ron .... ... .40, 41, 44, 50, 54, 64, 121 127 Math Club, Sr. National Honor Society, Jr., Sr. MUN, Jr., Sr. Yearbook Editor, Jr., Sr. National Merit Commendation Sterling Scholar Math . Young American State Champs. Top 3 % Hase, Georgia ........ .. .............. ... .. . 1 27 Hastings, Steven .. ................ .. .. .... .. 1 27 Hatch, Jerry ...... .. ...... .. 52, 57, 59, 127 Masque & Gavel, Soph . Sub -Debs & Squires, Jr. Key Club Vice Pres ., Jr ., Sr. School Paper, Sr. Track Team, Jr . Letterman, Jr. Cross Country Team, Soph . School Plays, Sr. A Cappella, Jr . Musical, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Haycock, Caroline ................... ... .... 56 A Cappella , Sr. Charlonians, Jr. Hewitt, Brian .............. 31, 42, 48, 55, 62, 64, 1 27 Omega Psi, Sr. Model U.N., Soph., Jr ., Sr. Masque & Gavel , Sr. lnterpre . Sp. Meet, Sr . A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Madrigal, Sr. Superior Region Solo Festival Outstand ing State Madrigal Festival Higbee, Rodney ............................ ] 28 VICA, Jr ., Sr. Hilton, Susan .......................... 68 , 128 Vice Pres ., Soph . Pep Club , Jr . Pep Club Treasure , Sr. Hoglund, Steven ...................... 60, 128 Hoffman, David .......... 35, 77 , 89,128 Baseball Team, Jr. Football Team, Sr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Housekeeper, Layne ......... .40, 41 , 49, 60,61,128 DECA, Sr. VICA, Jr ., Sr . Yearbook, Sr . Top 3% HufFman, Spencer .......................... 61 VJCA, Sr. Hranac, Debra .............................. 128 Hughes, Ronald . .77, 88 , 89, 121, 128 Huntzinger, Michael .......... 60, 61, 128 lve, Gloria ........... .40, 54, 65 , 72, 94, 95,120,128 Jaynes, Susan .................. 38, 42, 128 Sweetheart's Ball Princess Broadcaster, Soph ., Jr. DECA, Sr. DECA, Student of Year Jeffs, Alice ............................. .40, 41 Top 3% Jeffs, Carol ............................ . .40, 41 Top 3% Jeffs, Warren ......... ... ........ ... .... .40, 41 Top 3% I

Jenkins, Doyle ....... .... .77, 86, 89, 128 Jensen, Claude ......... .77, 87, 89, 128 Jensen, Colleen ..... ... .............. 62, 128 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. School Plays, Jr. Jensen, Fawnette ......... .... .41, 44, 54, 62, 63, 128 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. FHA, Jr., Sr. Honor Society, Sr. FHA Officer, Sr. Girls State, Sr. Sterling Scholar Nominee Homemaking, Sr. Jensen, Vern .............. .... .... .. ........ ] 28 Madrigals, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Took 1st in Dis. & Region Johnson, Richard .. .. ....... ........... .... 128 Johnstun, Doyle ............ .... ..... .77, 1 28 Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Tennis, Jr. Track Team, Sr. Wrestling, Soph. Letterman, Sr. Band, Soph. Jones, Merrilea ....... .. .. .40, 48, 53, 54, 67, 95, 128 Jordanettes, Soph . Forensic, Jr., Sr. VICA, Jr., Sr. Nat. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. School Paper, Jr., Sr. Gymnastics, Jr., Sr. Debate, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Jr., Sr. lnterpre . Sp. Meet, Sr. State Gymnastics, Sr. State Forensics, Sr. State lnterpre, Sr. Jones, Susan ........ ..... ... 119, 120, 128 Secretary, Sr. Princess of Sweetheart's Ball, Jr. Joos, Linda ...... ............. ... 51, 93, 128 GAA, Sr. VICA, Sr. Model U.N., Jr. Yearbook, Jr., Sr. Track Team, Jr. Volleyball, Sr . Baseball, Jr. Sr. Jordan, Johnny .... ....... .. .. .77, 89, 1 28 Curriculum, Jr. Football Team, Soph., Jr. , Sr. Track Team, Jr. Letterman, Jr., Sr. Ju, Coleen ........ ... ......... ... ............. 129 Kemp, Roger .... .......... .. ...... .... 44, 129 Track Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar 3 Awards of Merit Kerby, Deborah ..... ........... 61, 68, 1 29 School Paper, Soph . Charlonians, Jr., Sr. VICA Killian, Blaine ... .. ... ... .. ...... .. ... .... .. 1 29 Kreger, Debra ....... ... ...... ....... ....... 1 29 DECA Kunz, Dean ..... .. ......... .. ... .77, 89, 129 Football Team, Jr., Sr. Wrestling, Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Sr . Kunz, Debra ........ .. .. .... ... .. ... ..... ..... 1 29 Kunz, Floyd .... .. ......... ...... ............. 1 29 Landeen, Janette .. .. .. ......... .40, 41, 44, 54, 56, 129 Lang, Robin ..... ..... ..... .. .... .77, 89, 129 Football Team, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Sr. Stage Crew, Soph ., Jr . DECA, Sr. Loa, Shanna .. .. ............ ... . 55, 56, 129 Lawrence, Sidney .. .... .... .. ..... .. ....... ] 29 Leatherbury, Marilyn ... ....... 61, 68, 93, 1211 129 Track Team, Jr., Sr. Pep Club, Jr ., Sr. Pep Club Vice Pres., Sr. VICA, Jr., Sr. DECA, Soph. GAA, Sr. Leavit, Gregory .. ... ... ... .. .. ... ... ... ... . 1 29 Football Team, Jr . Lepore, Phillip .. .. .... ........ ...... .. 86, 1 29 Track Team, Sr.

Lloyd, Gary ... .41, 44, 61, 89, 91, 129 VICA, Soph., Jr., Sr. Utah State VICA Pres. , Soph., Sr. Swimming Team, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Sr. Sterling Scholar Nominee; Voc. Ed., Sr. Lyon, Charles .............. 48, 49,51, 129 Yearbook, Sr. lnterpre . Sp . Meet, Sr. School Plays, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Superior Rating in Comp . Region, Sr. State Comp., Sr. Marchant, Lynn .... ... .. .. ........... 89, 129 Tennis Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman ' s Club, Jr., Sr. Margetts, Monte .. ........ 37, 48, 55, 56, 62,121,129 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Madrigal, Sr. lnterp. Sp. Meet, Sr. School Play, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Musical, Sr. Superior Rating for lnterp. Meet, Sr. Maughn, Jeffrey ... .77, 119,120,129 Maxwell, Brad .......... .. ............ .. .... 129 Model U.N., Soph . DECA, Sr. Band, Soph., Jr. May, Mike .............................. ........ 61 Maynes, Mark ............ 42, 48, 67, 129 Forensics, Jr., Sr. Debate, Jr., Sr. lnterpre. Sp. Meet, Jr., Sr. McFarlane, Brenda .. ... .40, 65, 68, 1 29 Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Gymnastics Team, Jr., Sr. Dance Club, President, Sr. Girls Track Team, Jr . Daisy Mae, Sr. McNeill, Sandra .. .. ...... ....... ..... 91, 1 29 Swimming Team, Sr. Mead, Norma ....... .. ................... .. 129 Mellor, David .... ...... .............. 61, 1 29 Melones, John .... ....... .40, 41, 42, 44, 53 , 54, 67, 89, 129 National Honor Society, Pres ., Sr. Forensics, Soph., Jr. Football Team, Soph ., Jr. Wrestling , Soph., Jr., Sr. Letterman, Sr. Debate, Soph. , Jr., Sr. Sterling Scholar Top 3% School Paper, Sr. Merriam, John .... .. ............ . ·........... ] 29 Meyer, Robert .... ............... .. .. .77, 1 29 Letterman Club, Sr. Basketball Team, Jr., S. Mickelsen, Kim .. ...... .... .. .. .... ........ 130 Band, Soph. Miller, Connie ............... .... .40, 41, 54, 56, 62, 130 Usherettes, So ph. Charlonians, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. lnterp . Sp. Meet, Jr. Musical, Jr. Top 3% Girls State Championship Award Miller, Gordon .. .... .... .. 38, 40, 42, 77 , 83, 89, 130 Lettermans, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Football Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Tennis Team, Jr . Wrestling, Soph ., Jr., Sr. 1st in Region 5 (wrestling), Sr. 2nd in State (wrestling), Sr. Top 10%, Sr. Millsap, Norman .................... 61, 130 Mitchell, Glendon ....... .40, 56, 77, 78, 89, 130 Lettermans, Sr. DECA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Football , Soph., Jr., Sr. Moore, Bryan .. ............. .. .. ......... .. 1 3 0 Moore, Colette .. .. .............. 20, 40, 44, 70,71,130 Songleader, Jr., Sr.


VICA, Sr. Homecoming Attendant, Soph. Homecoming Queen, Sr. Best Citizen, Soph. Student Council, Soph ., Jr. Head Songleader, Sr. Morgan, lee ···· ········-·-- ··------- ---·- --130 Morrill, Jeff .... ... .48 , 55, 62, 109, 130 Masque & Gavel, Sr. Omega Psi, Jr., Vice Pres., Sr. Stage Crew, Soph., Jr., Sr. lnterp. Sp. Meet, Sr. Student Director, School Plays, Jr., Sr. Stage Manager, School Plays, Jr., Sr . Mumford, Royce -- ---·---------------------- 130 VICA, Sr. Mullen, Jeniece -- --- -· ----- --- -56, 62, 130 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. VJCA, Soph., Jr. A Cappella, Jr ., Sr. Musical, Sr. Murphy, Becky ----------------·--·-··-58, 130 Neve, Robin ------- ------- ---- --- -- ----- --·-·- 1 30 Newhouse, Terry -------------------------- 130 Noffsinger, Nancy --- ---- ------ -55, 56, 57 , 61,62,130 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Omegi Psi, Sr. Sub-Debs, Jr. VICA, Sr. A Cappella, Sr . OrcheS<tra, Soph., Jr., Sr. Musical, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Outstanding Madrigals at State, Sr . Nokes, Maureen ----------------------··- ---1 30 Norton, Shelly ----·--- ------ --- -- --- --- -----130 Nygard, Sandra ____ ________ ___ .40, 42, 48, 54,121,130 Olsen, Kevin ---------·----- .41, 77, 89, 91 , 120, 122, 130 Class President, Sr. DECA, Sr. Football Team, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Sr. Swimming, Jr ., Sr. School Plays, Sr. Boy"s State, Jr. Olson, Jerry -------------------------·-· 89 , 130 Baseball Team, Soph. Golf, Jr ., Sr. Letterman, Jr ., Sr. Orth, David -----------------··---------5 6, 130 Orton, David ---- -- --- --- ---- ---------- 61, 130 Panek, Claude -- -- -- ----- --- ·-··-------: .... 130 lnterp. Sp . Meet, Sr. Band, Soph., Jr., Sr. Parker, Connie .................. ..... ..... .. 130 Patience, Kathryn ............ ........ 69, 130 Pep Club, Jr., Sr. Patterson, loren ...... ..... ....... 86, 87, 89 Paugh, Julie ...... ..... ... 48, 56, 57, 130 A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Madrigals, Sr. Petersen, Jay ............. .42, 56, 60, 61, 77,89,121,130 Lettermans, Sr. DECA, Sr. Basketball Team, Soph. Football Team, Soph ., Jr., Sr . Tennis Team, Soph. Track Team, Jr. Forensics, Soph . A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Sr. DECA Student of the Year Peterson, Micheal .. ......... .. .77, 83, 86, 89,121,130 Porter, Lori ------------- ----------- ---- --69, 130 Pep Club, Sr. Powell, Joan ........................ 122, 131 Post, Tamara .... 36, 44, 50, 54, 55, 62, 67, 119, 120,131 Stage Crew, Sr. VICA, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Omega Psi, Jr ., Sr. Honor Society, Jr., Sr. FHA, Soph . Forensics, Sr. Yearbook, Jr., Sr. lntrpre. Sp . Meet, Jr., Sr. School Plays, Jr., Sr. Band, Soph .


Musical, Sr. Sterling Scholar Outstanding Teenager of Amer ica 2nd VP, Sr. Porter, Sandra ... .. ....... ...... ............ 131 Price, Janet ----·--------------------- --21, 1 31 Masque & Gavel, Soph. Sub Debs, Soph . Musical, Soph ., Jr. Reed, Cyndy .................... 58, 65, 131 Jordanette's, Soph. Jordanette 's Vice Pres., Jr. Jordanette's Pres., Sr . Reeve, William A. -----------------------------VICA, Sr. 1st Place in VICA State Rich, Helen .................. 60, 66, 69, 131 Charlonian, Sr. DECA, Sr. Rigby, Reynold ... ... .................. 61, 1 31 Ritzman, Jason .......... ... ...... ........... 131 Robinson, Kim -------------- ----- ----- --- --- 131 DECA, Soph . Masque & Gavel, Sr. Rocks, lenea --------------------·---- -58, 131 Rogers, Mark ....... ...... ....... 29, 41, 54, 88, 89, 131 Baseball Team, Soph., Jr., Sr. Basketball Team, Soph., Jr . Letterman, Soph., Jr ., Sr. Musical, Sr. Rowsell, Scott .... .......... .... .. ...... ...... 131 Rynearson, Douglas ...... ..... ......... .. 1 31 Salter, Lorrie ........ ... ........ .43, 56, 131 A Cappella, Sr. Samuelson, Karen ....... .42, 56, 58, 60 , 67, 132 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr. Usher Club, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Jr ., Sr. Debate, Jr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Sanders, leslie ........................ 69, 132 Pep Club Sec., Jr. Pep Club Pres ., Sr. Sub Debs and Squires, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Schmidt, Dean ....................... .40, 132 Top 10 %, Sr. Schmidt, July ................................ 132 Dance Club, Soph. School Paper, Soph., Sr . School Plays, Soph., Jr. Scott, Russell ................................ 1 32 VICA, Jr. Seale, John ............................... ... 1 32 Sevy, Debra ---------- ----------··------------ 1 32 Sharp, Heidi ............................ 56, 132 Madr iga ls, Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr . Pep Club, Sr. Yearbook, Soph. Outstanding Madrigals Festival Shearer, Debbie ............................ 1 32 Shelby, Alan ...... .. ........ .. 61, 1 21, 132 VICA, Soph., Jr., Sr. 2nd Place Electrical State VICA '72 3rd Place State VICA 1972 Shell, Phillip ............... .40, 44, 53, 56, 59, 64, 132 Model UN, Jr., Sr. Key Club, Jr., Pres ., Sr. School Paper, Jr., Sr. Top 10 % Sterling Scholar in English & Literature Shirley, lauana ·--------------------------- 132 Sielhorst, Pam ------------------------------ 1 32 Simmons, Pamela .......................... 132 Singleton, Donald ............................ 61 Smith, Annette ................. .43, 61, 132 Smith, Buddy ----- -- --------·---------------- 132 Smith, Kerry .............. 61, 89, 1 09, 1 32 VICA, Sr. Stage Crew, Soph., Jr ., Sr. Letterman, St. Smith, Pamela ........................ 62, 132 Sub, Debts and Squires, Jr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Smith, Penny .......................... 61, 132 Masque & Gavel, Soph . VICA, Sr. Smith, Robert ................................ 132 Yearbook, Soph ., Jr., Sr .

Smith, Robert ................... .49, 91, 132 Smith, Tom -----·------------------------- -----132 Sturdy, Sheila ................. ......... 65, 132 Svedin, Ritchie .... 77, 86, 89, 103, 132 Football, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Track Team, Sr. Letterman, Sr. Swanagan, Giesele .... ......... .48, 56, 62 Masque & Gavel Historian, Sr. Musical, Jr., Sr. Model UN, Jr. Thespian, Sr. lnterp. Sp. Meet, Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Tait, Debora ............................ 56, 132 Charlonian, Jr. A Cappella, Jr., Sr. Tate, John .......... .. ......... ..... .... 61, 1 32 Taylor, Vardell -- --- ------ --- --- ---- ---------132 Terry, Joseph ......... ..................... .. 132 Tetrick, Elton --- --------------- --- ----- -- ---- 1 32 VICA, Sr. Football Team, Jr. Teuscher, Michael .... 36, 37 ,48, 56, 57, 77, 86, 87, 89, 132 Junior Choir, Jr . Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Omega Psi, Sr. Football, Soph., Jr., Sr. Track Team, Soph ., Jr., Sr. lnterp. Sp . Meet, Jr., Sr. School Play, Soph., Jr., Sr. A Cappella, Sr. Musical, Jr. Madrigals, Sr. Thacker, Stan -------------------------------- 133 Thornwall, Dean .......................... 133 VICA, Sr. Track Team, Soph. Debate, Jr. Tunbridge, Gary .................... 121, 133 Football Team, Soph., Sr. Wrestling, Soph ., Jr. Forensics, Jr. Utley, Colleen .............................. 133 Vaccaro, Carla ...... 23, 55, 62, 69, 133 Pep Club, Sr. Masque & Gavel, Sr. Thespian (Orr.ega Psi), Sr. lnterp . Sp. Meet, Jr., Sr. School Play, Sr. Musical, Sr. Van Amen, Peggy ..... .41, 62, 91, 1 33 Masque & Gavel, Sr. National Honor Society, Sr. Letterwoman, Sr. Swimming Team, Sr. Sterling Scholar in foreign language Girls State, Jr . Vandermeide, Julie ...................... 133 Washburn, Chad ................ 34, 41, 88, 89, 133 Baseball Team, Soph ., Jr., Sr. Basketball Team, Soph. Football Team, Jr. Musical, Soph., Jr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Weaver, Steven .................... 109, 133 Omega Psi, Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Swim Team Webb, Gary ...................... 86, 89, 133 Track Team, Jr., Sr. Letterman, Soph., Jr., Sr. Cross -Country, Soph ., Jr. Webster, Christine ....... .40, 42, 44, 53, 54, 64, 133 Model UN, Jr., Sr. Forensics, Soph ., Jr. National Honor Society (Treasurer) School Paper, Soph ., Jr., Sr. . (Editor, Jr., Sr.) Debate, Soph ., Jr. Forensics, Soph., Jr., Sr. Top 10 % Webster, Kelly .... .................... 58, 133 Jordanettes, Jr., Sr. Debate, Soph. Welch, Marshall ............................ 1 33 VI CA, Soph ., Jr ., Sr. Track Team Weller, Mike ............. 56, 60, 62, 133 Masque & Gavel, Jr., Sr.

A Cappella, Sr. Musical , Sr. Wentz, Richard ............ 60, 61, 89, 133 VICA, Sr. DECA, Sr. Track Team, Sr. West, Janalyn .......... ....... .41, 93, 133 Girls Athletic Association West, Jeff ......................... ..... 61, 133 VICA, Sr. Whetman, Wayne .......................... 133 White, Claudia ......... ......... .. .. .. 93, 133 Track Team, Sr. Volleyball, Sr. Williams, Sharon ............. ... ... ....... 1 33 Withers, Randy -- ----- --- ----- --- --- ------- 1 3 3 Witt, Wesley -------- ----- -------------- ·----133 Wright, Bonnie ------------------------------133

Administration Abeyta, Harry G . ......... ..... ...... 91, 104 Ainsworth, Thelma .................... .... 115 Allen, Colleen .... ........ ............ 63, 106 Anderson, Paul ................ 80, 82, 111 Ash, Frederick ................. .79, 90, 101 Ballard, Lynn A ............................. 1 04 Bis hop, Clement ------------------------------ 98 Bishop, Ralph --------------------------52, 101 Boberg, Lowell ······------------------------ 1 01 Bodell, Marjorie ............................ 115 Brown, Evelyn .............................. 115 Burkinshaw, Jay ....... ........ ............. 112 Clark, Carol ............ .............. .... ...... 52 Clark, David .................. 1 03, 105, 111 Day, Robert ....... ..... ....... ............... 1 00 Ensign, Kaye -------------------------------- 101 Erickson, David ------- -·---·----- ---- ------- -1 03 Fisher, Gerald ........................ 61, 11 0 Fitzgerald, Mary ....... ..................... 100 Fraser, Golda ................................ 1 01 Gooch, Garth D.......... ...... .48, 59, 102 Gunnell, Farrell ---------------------------- 103 Hale, Hal .......................... 80, 82, 104 Hauck, Laura .............. ........... ....... 1 01 Henderson, Betty ......................... . 1 06 Holt, Tracy .............................. 61, 110 Jewkes, Hue ........................... .79, 111 Judd, David .................................. 101 Keller, Tom ........................... .77, 111 King, Roger ............................ 61, 110 Langford, Robert .................. 1 09, 110 Martin, Marian .............................. 1 01 McCleary, Kenneth ........................ 1 03 McDonald, Robert .......................... 1 02 Milne, Donald B........................... 1 04 Ni cho ls , Carolyn- ---------------------------- 1 04 Oliver, Rodney ................ 80, 102, 111 Olsen, Donald P........................... 1 07 Owens, Thomas .............................. 98 Pace, Ralph .................................. 107 Padfield, Margaret ...... 92, 93, 95, 111 Palmer, David .... .......... ................ 11 0 Pay, Renee ............................ 1 03, 105 Pond, Jay .................................... 104 Rawlings, Brian .............. 62, 101, 107 Richards, Bertha ............................ 115 Smith, Gary .................................. 102 Swedlund, Kent .................... 1 03, 111 Sybrowsky, Jackie ................ 114, 115 Timoney, Robyn ............... .48, 67, 107 Tippetts, Leah Jean .............. 1 07, 1 09 Tranter, Gertrude .......................... 1 06 Tyler, Genee .......................... 64, 112 Wa rd, Don ................. ........ ........... 1 04 Williams, Mari etta Lee ........... ....... 111 Wilson, Lila .................. 103, 105 , 141 Young , Robert .. ............ .......... 54, 100 Zabriskie, Rodney ... ....... ............. ... 1 07

Juniors Aerts, Kathleen .. .. ........ .......... 56, 135 Ainsworth, Ross .......... 34, 54, 59, 77, 80, 88, 89, 121' 135 Allen, Peggy ............. .48, 56, 62, 135 Alvery, Andrea ............................ 135 Andersen, Lori ............. .48, 56, 62, 67 Anderson, Connie .......................... 135 Anderson, Denece ................. 68, 135 Anderson, Linda ............... .43, 95, 135 Anderson, Paula ........ .. ............ 68, 135 Anderson , Phillip .................... 61, 135 Anderson, Renae .............. 64, 68, 135 Andrews, Brian ............................ 135

Andrizzi, Brett ------------ --- --- -.77, 83, 88 Andrus, Rand -- ------ ----- ------------.77, 135 Andrus, Roger ------------- ------- ---- 61, 135 Arms1·rong, Lori ----- ------------- ----95, 135 Atkinson, Peggy ---- ----- ------- 29, 61, 65, 72, 95, 135 Atkinson, Sheri -------------- ---------- 63, 135 Auker, Leslie --------------------77, 86, 135 Bakker, Martin --------------------- ---- ----- 135 Ballamis, Steven -------- -------------------- 135 Baugh, Sherrie --------- -- --------- ---------- 135 Bay, James ------ ------ -------- . .48, 86, 135 Beeler, Shawnlee ---- ------- -- --- ---------- 135 Begay, Wilford -- -·------------ --------56, 135 Bell, Gary ------------------------------------135 Bell, Guy ------ --- -------------------- -- ------- 135 Bergener, Janet ---------------------- 65, 135 Best, Suzanne -------------------------------- 135 Bingham, Duane -------------- ---- -.44, 135 Birchell, Evelyn ------ -·-- --------58, 63, 135 Bishop, Joel ---- -- ---------------- 35, 59, 135 Bishop, John ----- --·- -- -----------5 4, 67, 80, 88, 89, 135 Black, Kennard .... ... .. . 56, 67, 86, 135 Bleazard, John -------------------------------- 61 Bodell, Dennis ----------------- --- ---------- 135 Bogenschutz, Todd ..... ...... .42, 60, 83, 89, 135 Bolton , Karl --- ---- ---- -- ------ ----------------- 64 Bolton, Steve ------------------------- -------135 Bonham, Scott ............ 83, 88, 89, 120, 134, 135 Boynton, Mitzi ---------------- -- ------ 68, 135 Bradbury, David .... ....... .. .48, l 03, 135 Bradfield, Randy .. 77, 83, 88, 89, 138 Brady, Kenneth ------ ------ -- --- ----- 77, l 35 Breeze, Brent --- ------- -- ---- --------- ---- --- 135 Brindley, Chad --- --------- -- ---- -- --- -- ----- 136 Brinton, Michelle -- --------- -- ---22, 23, 37, 42, 56, 136 Brooks, Tanya -------------- ----- --- -------- 136 Brower, Doreen ----------- --- --- ------- ---- 136 Brown, Peggy ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ------------ 136 Brown, Rick ------------------- -- --- --- ------- 136 Buhl, Gary --- -- ---- ------- -- ---- -- ------ 61, 136 Burgan, Steven ------ -- --------- -- -- ------- --136 Burke, David ------- --- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- 21, l 36 Burningham, Rebecca -----· --- -- ---58, 136 Burton , Bary ---- --- -------- ----- ----- --------- 136 Caldwell, Debra ----- ----- --- --.72 , 73, 136 Campbell, Susan ------- --- --- -65, 68, 136 Cannon, Gordan --------- -- --- ------------ 136 Carlisle, Robyn ---- ---------- --- ---- ---61, l 36 Carlquist, Julie .... .. .. 44, 54, 112, 136 Cary, Micheal ----- --- --- ---- ---8 0, 82, l 36 Cates, Debra ----- ---- ----- ---- 63, l 21, 136 Chamberlain, Shannon .... ........ 63, 136 Chapman, Carol -- -- ---- --- ----- --------- -136 Chavez, Ralph ---- --- ----- -- -------- ----- --- 136 Child, Randall --------- --- ---- --- ----- ------ 136 Christensen, Jared --- -------- --.42 , 64 67 68, 69,' 136 Christensen, Lane ·- -- ---- ----- ----- --5 0, 136 Clayton, Nelson -- ------ -- -· ---- -- ----5 4, 136 Clough, William ----- -------- -- -60, 67, 136 Coffin, Jeannie --- ------- ----- -- --- --- ----- 136 Cook, Brent --- -- ---------- --- ---- -- -- --88, 136 Cope, Brenda -- --------- -- -- ---- ----- --61, 136 Cowley, Robert ----- ·--------- ----- -- ---- -- 136 Cox, Kevin -----------· ------ --- --- --- --- 90, 136 Cozzens, Marty ---- -------------- -- -------- 136 Crane, Scott ------- --- --- --.42 , 83, 89, 136 Crebs, Ke lly ----·- -- --54, 77, 89, 90, 136 Cu rley, Douglas .... 39, 77, 86, 89, 136 Culler, Debra ---- ---- ------ 23, 24, 56, 136 Darling, Catherine -- ---- ---- -- 42, 48, 49, 51,57,61,136 Day, Kenn eth ........ .. .... 24, 56, 91, 136 De jolie , Juanita -- --- ---- -- -- ----· ·---5 6, 136 Dennies, Sylvia ---- ---- ---- ------- ---- ----- 136 Dineen , Richard -- ----- ----- --. .49, 64, 136 Dowding , Michael ------ -- --- ----- --- -- --- 136 Dowland, Tom ---- ----- -- -- --· -- ·----- ----- -136 Draper, Douglas --------- ----- ------ -- 86, 137 Duma s, De bra --- -· ------- ---- ------ -- 56, 137 Dunn, James ----- ------ ------ --·---- -- ---- --137 Dunn, Lisa ---- ---------- ------ -- --- --- -- -- ---- 137 Durrant, David ------- -- -·-- ---·------·------137 Eastman, Jeff ---- ·-- --------- ---- ----- -- ---137 Ebert, Barbara ---- -- --- ----- ---- ----- -68, 137 Eckman, Wayne ---- -- ---·5 6, 57, 62, 137 Eddington, Mari lyn --- ---- ---5 6, 62, 137 Ellingson, Greg --- ------- ------ --8 0, 86, 89 Everill, Craig ------------- ------- ---------- --137 Eyre, Douglas ------------ ------- ---------- --- 137

Farnsworth, Sharon --- ------------- -- ----137 Fellows, Randy ... ....... 23, 48, 56, 137 Fenton, Lani -- ---- --- -- ------- ----56, 57, 137 Ferguson, Julia ... ...... .42, 48, 67, 137 Ferguson, Valerie -- ---- ------ ---------·--137 Fitzgerald, Kathy --------- -----------------137 Flores, Roberta ----- ---- --------- ------------137 Forman, Chad ----- ----- -- ---------- ----- ---137 Fowles, Alan ------- -- -- --.49, 51, 60, 137 Frantz, Karma ------------ ------·-----56, 137 Fullmer, Karen ------ ------ --- --- ------67, 137 Gallagher, Scott __________ __ ___ .77, 86, 1 37 Garfield, Kory ------------ ------ -· ------52, 56 Garland, Kory ------ ---- ----------- ---------137 Garland, James ---------- --------- --- ------137 Gatherum, Tina ---------- --- ------- --------137 Gifford, Carl -------------------- --- ---86, 137 Gordon, Geri ---- ---- --- ---------------93, 138 Gotberg, Lynette ·-------- -- ---------56, 138 Gotberg, Yvonne -------------------- --- ---138 Graham, Kristie __ ____ __ ______ so, 121, 138 Greenwood, Shoun ---------------.48, 138 Gustafson, Gerald _____ __ ______ ] 6, 77, 86, 87, 138 Hall, Edward ---- ------ ---- --- -------- -- -----138 Halladay, Micheal ....... ..... 56, 57, 138 Ham , Gordon -------- ------------- --- -- ---- -- 138 Hansen, Barbara ------ ------ ------ -- ----- -138 Hardcastle, Kim --------------- ------------- 138 Hardman, Scott -- ------ -- -- ------ --- --- ----138 Hardy, Karlin ---- -------- --- -------- --.42, 138 Harris, Vernon ----------- ----------- ---- ----138 Hart, Mina ---- -- ---- -- ------------------ 67, 138 Hose, Marvin .. .. . .42, 77, 83, 121, 138 Haslem, Ju lia ----- ----- -- ------ --- ----------- 138 Hendricksen, Carl ---------- ----------------138 Highland, Georg ia ---- -- ------------- ----- 138 Hill, Terry --- ---------------------3 8, 60, 138 Holdaway, Loren .............. 89, 91, 138 Holmstead, Leann .......... 63, 121, 138 Homer, Janine ...... 54, 58, 67, 91, 138 Houmand, Craig ---- -- ----· ----- 54, 80, 86 87,89,138 Howlett, Kevin ------ ----- ---- ------- 103, 138 Hranac, Colleen ----- -- --------- ---- -------- 138 Hughes, Kevin ---- ---- -------- -------- ---- ----61 Hurst, Debora -- ------- ------- -- ----- -- --- -- 139 Hyatt, Don ---------- --- -- -- ---- ---- ---- -- ---- -139 Hyde , Susan ------- --- ------ ---- ------------- .48 Jackman Brent --- ------ --- -- -------------- --139 Jackson, Ron ·- -- --- --- -- --54, 96, 98, 139 Jensen, Corey ______ __ ____ ______ 80, 82, 139 Jensen, Randy ........ .. ... .77, 121 , 139 Jentzsch, David --- ------ -- --- ------- .77, l 39 Jeppson, Vernal ------ ---- ---- ---- ------------ 86 Jewkes, Ray .... 54, 77, 80, 82, 89, 139 Jex, Ann --- ------- ---- --- ----- --- ------------- 139 Johnson, Bill ---- -- -- -- ---- ---- -- ------8 8, 139 Johnson, Dave -------- -- ---- ---------- --- ---1 39 Johnson, Pamela .. 52, 54, 62, 63, 139 Johnson, Rusty ...... ... . 56, 77, 88, 139 Johnson, Penny --- ------ ---- --- ------ 61, 139 Jolley, Carol --- ----- ----- -- ---- -65, 70, 139 Jones , Denise -------- --- -- ---- ------- 63, 139 Jones, Diane ..... .. ....... 65, 71, 76,139 Jorgensen, Sam --- --- ---- --- --------------- 139 Kemp , Brad --------- --------- ---.77, 86, 139 Kendri ck, Jeanne -- -- ------- -- --- ---- 68, 139 Kennedy, Gary --- -- -- --------- --- --- ----- --- 139 Lambson, Daniel --------- --- -------------- ----8 2 Lambson, Elaine .... 65, 68, 73 , 95 , 139 Landeen , Mark ----- ----- ---- ----- --- -- 56, 139 Lavery, Carolyn --- ------------- --- ------ --- 139 Lawrence, Claudia ---------- ----- --- ------ 139 Laws, Teresa ----- -- ------- --- ---- ---- ------- 139 Laws, Debra ---- ----- --- ------ ----- --- 60, 139 Lawson, Karen -- ---- ------- ------ --- -- ------ 139 Leany, Virgin ia ---------- --- -- --- --- -- -56, 139 Lehenbauer, Janet --------- ----- ------ --- -14 9 Lehenbauer, Judith __________ ______ 60 , 149 Lenhart, Kelly -- --- ------- ---- -------- ------ -- 139 Leyba , Dave ----- --- ---------- -- -------- -- --1 39 Linnarz, Dav id -- ---- --- --------- ----- ------- 1 39 Longstaff, Francis . .44, 48, 54, 64 , 139 Lucas, Richard ----- --- -------- -- -- -- ------ --13 9 Lybbert, Kim -- ---- --- ---- -- --- ---- ----- --- --13 9 MacArthur, Jeffrey -- ---- --- ------- -- ---- -.48 Mace, Harold ------ -- ---- ------ ---------- -- 139 Mace, Ladean ------------ --------- ----- ----1 39 Macklin , Lee ----------- --------- --- ---- -86, 139 Mahon, Susan ---- --- ----- ----- ---- --- 63 , 139 Mart inez, Joe ----- --- -- ------ --- ----------- 140 Mas sa, Peter ....... .77, 83, 86, 89, 140 Matheson , Susan ........ 55, 56, 57, 140 Maxfield, Kathy ------ ------------ -- --------14 0

McClure, Cynthia ________ __ ____ 38, 63, 139 McNeil, James ------ --------·------ -----------86 McPherron, Steven ............ 88, 89, 139 Mead, Cheryl ----- ----- -- ------- --- ---- 60, 140 Mellor, Linda ____ ____________ ____ 60, 66, 140 Melville, Deborah --------- -- -------------140 Merchant, Debra --------------------------139 Mickelsen, Sharla ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- 1 21, 140 Miller, Jeanene ___________ _____ 65, 73, 140 Mills, Kevin ......... .77, 80, 86, 89, 140 Mitchell, Charlotte .... 20, 68, 134, 140 Mitchell, Dennis ·------ ----------··---·---140 Mitchell, Karrie ----------- --------· --69, 140 Moo_dy, Jaydene ........ 34, 65, 69, 140 Mounteer, Linda ----- ·----------60, 61, 140 Mumford, Jeffery --------------·--------- ----56 Murdock, Sally ·-· --- ----- -------------56, 140 Myers, Edna ·-- ----· -- ----- ------- --- --- ------ 140 Nelson , Clayton -·------ ---- -··--- ··--64, 140 Nelson, Diane --------·------------ ---60, 140 Nelson, Julie ---- -·-- --- ------ ---------69, 140 Nelson, Laura ..... .48, 55, 58, 62, 140 Nelson, Wilford ----------------------------140 Neve, Jamie ---------------- ----- --------- --140 Nokes, Darlene -------------------·--58, 140 Noorda, Jan _____________ .48, 69, 95, 140 Oakason, Shelly ----- --- -- ----· --------.43, 48 Oakeson, Blaine ......... .42, 83, 89, 140 Oliver, Craig ---- ----------------------------140 Olsen, Cindee --- ------------ ---34, 69, 140 Olsen, Joyce ........ ..... .48, 55, 62, 140 Orr, Claudia _______________ .44, 48, 54, 56 Orwin, Alan -------- --------------------------140 Ostler, Debra --------------------------------140 Ostler, Warren ------------------------------140 Overson, Melinda ----- --- -- -- ------ ----- -140 Paget, Bryan ______________ ____ 56, 109, 140 Patterson, Kevin ----------------------------140 Pearce, Bonnie -----------------------.48, 140 Pelch, Gary .......... 77, 83, 86, 89, 140 Pendleton, Anne ...... .. 56, 62, 69, 140 Perry, Kris ---------------------------- --- -- --- 140 Peterson, Beverly ----------------------------69 Peterson, Kendall -------------.42, 54, 56, 67, 140 Peterson, Lon ------- ---- ---------------------141 Pett, Nancy ----------------------------------141 Pierce, Cathy ----------- -- -------------- -- --- 141 Pierson, Holly --------- -- -------- ----- 69, 141 Pixton, Robert ----·-------------------54, 141 Price, Ruth -- --- --- --------92, 93, 121 , 141 Ragsdale, Scott ----------------89, 91, 141 Rane, Gary ----------------------------------141 Rattan, Cathie ............ 23, 42, 48, 54, 55,56,141 Ray, Karen ----------- --- ------ -- ------- --- ---- 141 Reed, Becky ------ --- -------- ---62, 121, 141 Reich, Shirlene ----------------------- ------- 141 Richards, David ---------------------- 61, 141 Richardson, Keven --- ---------- ---- -------1 41 Ricks, Lori ----------------------------------- -14 l Ricard, Coleen --- --- -- -- ---- ------- --- 93, 141 Rishton, Kip ..... .... .48, 55, 56, 62, 141 Robinson, Douglas -----------------.77, 141 Romero, Eddie --- --- ------- .42, 77, 83, 85, 89, 121 141 Rowell, Becki Jean ----------------------141 Ruholfson, Tanya ----------- -- ---- --- 62, 141 Russell, Susan ------------- -22, 36, 43, 48, 65, 72, 73, 95 , 141 Rynearson , Gregory ----- -- ------- -- ---- --141 Sadler, Jeanne ---- -- ----------- -67, 69, 141 Salazar, Goya --------- ---- -- -------- ------ -141 Sanders, Eric ---- ------ ------- ----- --------- -141 Sargent, Jeanine ------ ------ -- ----- -65, 141 Sargent, Jon ..... ... 62, 80, 82, 89, 142 Schmidt, Jefferey --------------------------142 Schm idt, Lori ------- ------------ --- ----95, 142 Schocker, Ronda ------------------------- --- 142 Sedgwick, Lynette ------- -- --------------- 142 Setterberg, Valerie -----------·58, 63, 142 Short, Ooma ---------------------- ---------- 142 Shryers, Louise --------------------------·---142 Sjoblom , Paula ----------- --- ----58, 93, 142 Skinner, Terry --------------------------------142 Skoubye, Susan ______________ __56, 65, 142 Smith, Bertha -- ------- -------- ---------------142 Smith, Christine -----·--·-------------56, 142 Smith , Kevin ___ _____ ___ __ _______ so, 82, 142 Smith, Mark ----------------------------------142 Smith Renn ----------------------- -----------142 Sm ith: Ronda --- ---------------- -- -----------14 2 Sm ith, Ruth Ann _____ ____ ____ ____ _____ 56 , 142 Sm it h, Tracy ------ -- -- -- -------- ------ ------- -142 Snow, Nolan . .77 , 80,81,86,89,142 I

Snyder, Michelle -------- ------------56, 142 Soper, Maryellen ----·------- --------56, 142 Sorenson, Terry ----------------------62, 142 Sorenson, Dawn ---------- --------------- ---142 Spratt, Mariann ----------------------------142 Squ ires, Steven ----------------- ------------ -142 Stephenson•, Tamara ·------------- .. 56, 142 Stevens, Susan -------- --·-------56, 69, 142 Stringfellow, Stanley --------------------143 Sturdevant, Dent ------------ -- -------- ----143 Sudbury, Ralph ---------------------.77, 143 Summerhays, Lane ------------------------143 Tait, Jon -------------------.42, 83, 89, 143 Tanner, Kevin ----- -- ---------- ---- ----- ----- -60 Tate, Kevin ----------------------------------143 Taylor, Gayle .. .. ... .48, 65, 73, 95, 143 Taylor, Robert ---- -- -- --- -------------------143 Teuscher, Pat ______________ _.77, 83, 86, 89 Thomas, Lon ------------------- -------86, 143 Thomas, Richelle --- --· --------------58, 143 Thompson, Kerry . .48, 56, 62, 86, 143 Tingey, Ronald -- -- ------------ ---- ---- ------ 89 Tolbert, Howard --------------------------143 Tolman, Connie ----- ------ ------ -----------143 Tomlin, Kara -------- --- ---------- ------ ----- 143 Tremell ing, Barbara ----- -----------65, 143 Urry, Mark --- --- -- ---- ----------------61, 143 VanDerMeide, Jacob _____________ .77, 143 Veater, Sharlene .......... 35, 43, 48 , 64, 69, 95,121,143 Velasquez, Joe ---- --- ---- -- -- ------ -- -- ---143 Wall, Bryan ---- ---- --- ---------- -60, 61, 143 Wallin, Wendy ----------------------93, 143 Walters, Renae ----------------------------143 Waters, Marie -------- ----- --- ------1 21, 143 Watterson, Susan ----------- ---------------143 Webb, Susan ....... .43, 73, 94, 95, 143 West, Jeff ------------------------------------143 West, Shirlee ------------ -- 65, 72, 95, 143 Westenskow, Lloyd ----- ---- -- ---- ----- --143 Whetman, Lori ·-------- ------ ------ -- -58, 143 White, Jill -- -- --- --- --- --- ·- ------ -- ----56, 143 Wilson, Walter ---- --- -----------------------143 Winkler, Julianne --- -------------134, 143 Wolfgramm, Julianne ____ ____ ______ ______ 143 Woodbury, Elaine _____ _________ 65, 69, 143 Woodward , Lori ..... ..... 58, 65, 73, 143 Wright, Kirk --- ------------- --- --------- -- ---- 143 Yaka, Judy ---- -- --------- -------------------143 Yates, Donald ___ ___ ________ ___ .77, 83, 143 Young, Sheryl ------- ------- ----------- ----- 143 Young, Renee ---- -------- ----- .48, 93, 143 Zupan, Linda ------------- ------------- 63, 143

Sophomores Adamson, David ------ --- ----- ------------145 Ainsworth, Annette ---------- -------- --- -145 Albretson, Robert -- -- ---------- 82, 86, 145 Allen, Darrell ------------ ----- --------------- 145 Allen , Judy -------- ----- ---- -------- ----- --- -145 Allen, Paul -------------------------------.79, 86 Allgood , Doug las ------------------------145 Allred, Ray --------------------·-------59, 145 Alvey, Marilynne --------------------------145 Alvey, Mark ------- ---- ------- --- ----- -.79, 145 Anderson, Brent --------- ------ -- --- -------- 145 Anderson, Callie --------- ----------- ------145 Anderson, Dawn --------------------------145 Anderson, Karen --------------------------145 Anderson, Scott ---------- -------- ---.79, 145 Andus, Sherry ------------------------------145 Archibald, John ----- ------- --- -- ----------- 145 Atk in son, Sharon ----------- ---- ------- ---- 145 Bailey, Duane ----- ---- ----- --- ------.79, 145 Bailey, Joan -·---------·----------- -------- -145 Bakker, Eddy ------- ------- ---- --- ------ --- --145 Ballard , Bonnie .. ........ 92, 93, 95, 145 Ballard, Greg --------------------------91, 145 Ballard, Susan --- -------- ---------- -- -62,145 Barlow, Ginnie ----------------------95, 145 Barlow, Kim --- ---------------------- --- -- --- -145 Bay, Mark ------ --- ----- -- ---- --- --- ----- -----145 Bean, Patr icia --- -- -- -- --- ---- ---- ------- --- 145 Beck, David --· -- ---- ------ -- ---------59, 145 Beckstead, Bryant ---- --------------------145 Bednarik, Debbie --------------------------145 Begay, Margie ------------------------------145 Bergstrom, Gaye --------------------------145 Bingham, Daryl ----------------------------145 Blackham , Archie ....... .79, 82, 90, 145 Bleazard, Debbray ------ ------ ---- ------ --145 Bli ss, Linda -- ------------------ -- ----- ------ -145 Bloomqu ist, Gary --------------------------145 Bocch in o, Diane --- ----------- ----- ----- --- -1 45


Bogenschutz, Joni ------------------- ----- 145 Boul ter, Vance -------- ------------ --- ---- --- 145 Bowles, Kelly ---- --- ------ ---- -- -- -- ---- --- --146 Bradford, Phil ------ -- ---- ----- ----- ----82, 90 Brinton, Patti ----- --- -- -- --- ------- ---------- 146 Brklacich, Reed ____ ____ _______ _79, 88, 146 Brooksby, Craig ---- ---- --- --- ----- ---61, 146 Brown, Denn is ---- -- ------------- ----------- 146 Brown, Don --------- -- --- --------- --- -- ------146 Brown, Justin ----- ----- -- ----- --- --- --.79, 146 Brown, Paul __________ ___ _79, 82, 90, 146 Brown, Stephanie --- --- ------------ ------- -121 Brundage, Reva -- --- -------------- -- ------- 146 Bryce, Bambi ------- -- -- --- ---------- ------- -146 Burningham, Marilyn ----- -------- ---- ---146 Butler, Carol ---- --- --- ---- -------- -- --91, 146 Butler, Loretta -------- -------------- -- ------ 146 Cannon , Oakley ----- -- ----- --- -- --- --62, 146 Carlsen, Brite -- ------- ----------------.79, 146 Carns, Kelly ------ ------ --------------- ------- 146 Carpentier, Terry ---- ----- ----------------- 146 Cartwright, Corey ------ -- --- ----- -- -- --- --.79 Chamberlain, Drew _______ ___48, 88, 146 Chase, Cindy -------------- ---------- --- ----- 146 Chavis, Anita -------------- ----- ---- ---- ----- 146 Child, Kent ------ -- ----- -- ------ --- ---------- 146 Childs, Roger Jeff ___________ _79, 86, 146 Christensen, Craig -- -------- -------------- 146 Christensen, Douglas ---- ------- --------- 146 Clark, David -------------------- -- -- 1 1 l, 146 Clarke , Gerry ________ __79, 109,121,146 Clough , Michael --- ------------------------- 146 Coffin, Jim ---- ---------- ---- ---- -------------- 146 Conway, James --- ------------------------- 146 Corn ia, Keith --------- ------- -- -------- 61, 146 Cowley, Bill -- -- -------- -- ---- --- ----.79, 146 Crebs, Annette ----- ----- ------------------- -146 Crebs, Randy ------------------ ------ ---------- 88 Criger, Bryan ---- ------------------- ---- -- -- -146 Crystal, Ralph ------- ----------.79, 88, 146 Curry, Donna ------ ----- ---------- ----- ----- -146 Curtis, Brent -- ---- ----- ---------------- --- ----146 Curtis, Sharon ---------- ------------ -- ------ 146 Dahl, Curtis ------------------ ------ -- -- 82, 146 Dahl, James -- ------- -- -------- ---- .79, 82, 86 Davenport, Beverly ----------- -----93, 146 Davis, Duane ----------------------- --- 86, 147 Day, Allyson ------- ---------------- ---62, 147 Day, Kevin ---- ------- ------------------- 89, 147 Day, Michael ___________ _79, 82, 88, 120, 144 , 147 Deleeuw, Steven ---- ------ ------- --- -- ---- 147 Denison, Brenda -- -- ---------------------- 147 Derricott, Jessie --------------------- ------- 147 Dillard, Gaven -----------------------.79, 147 Dineen, Sandra ---------------------------- 147 Dixon, Cindy -- --------------- --------------- 147 Dowding, Cindy --------------------- -67, 147 Duncan, David ------------------------------ 147 Dunn, Kent ---------------------------- 89, 147 Dumas, Rex ------------------ -------------- --147 Durrant, Gary ----------------------------- -147 Durphy, Robert -- ---------------- ------------ 147 Ebell, Marianne ---------------------------- 147 Eggen, Jeff ---------------- --------- ------- --147 Elder, Laurel -------------------------- 62, 147 Enn iss, Ryan ___________ _79, 82, 121, 147 Everill, Karen -------- -- ------ ------------- ---147 Everill, Kathy --------------------- ----------- 147 Eyre, Shauna --------------------- ----------- 147 Fairbourn, Vicki ---- -- ---------------- ------ 147 Fannin, Jan ---------------------- 20, 35, 147 Farnsworth, Richard ---------------------- 147 Farnworth, Margie ------------------------ 147 Featherstone, Scott __ ___ _____________ 90, 147 Fergus, Laura ------------------------ -------- 147 Ferguson, Karen ________________ 92, 93, 147 Ferre, Suzanne ---------------- -- --- ------- --147 Fish, Laura ------------- ----------------------- 147 Fisher, Craig ______________ 62, 89, 91, 147 Fitzgerald, Scott ---------------------------- 147 Ford, Rhonda ---- --- ---------------- -- ------- 147 Gallagher, Sherm ..... .79, 83, 88 , 147 Gardner, Stewart ------------------- .79, 147 Garnard, Laura ---------------------------- 147


Garner, Marlene ------- ---- -- ------ -- -- -- -147 Gatehouse, Bobbielee ------------91 , 147 Gatherum, Terri ------ --- --- ------ --121, 147 Gilchrist, Richard ---- ------------ -- -.79, 148 Gilgen, David -------------------------- --- -148 Glad, Robert --------- --- -- -- ------ ----------148 Glassey, Joanne --------------- -----38, 148 Gonzales, George ---- -- -----------.79, 148 Gotberg, Brent --- ----- --- --- ----------- ---- -148 Gotberg , Mark ---------- --- ----------- 91, 148 Gough, Brian ------------- -- ----- ------------ 148 Green , Gary ------ --------------------88 , 148 Greene, Bennett ---------------------- 62 , 148 Greenwood, James ---------------------- 148 Groves, Darrell -- ------------------------ --148 Grow, Craig -- ----------------------- ----- ---- 148 Gurr, Carlos __________ 50, 79, 102, 148 Gurr, Jeffery -------------------------------- 148 Hadean, Vicky --------------- --------------- 148 Ham, Janice --------------- ------- ---- 63, 148 Ham, Joseph _____ _________ _____ _79, 86, 148 Hanna, Julia ---------------- ------ ----- --- --148 Hansen , Carma --------- ---- ---------62, 148 Hansen, Melanie -------------------- 63, 148 Hansen, Vickie ------------------------------ 148 Hardcastle, Brent ----- --------------- 86, 148 Hardcastle, Cathy -------------------------- 148 Hardcastle, Pauline ------- --------------- 14 8 Harding, Rose ----------------- ----------- --148 Hardy, James ------------- ----- 89, 91, 148 Harper, Judy -------- ---------------- 121, 148 Harrison, Marlene ------------ 92, 93, 148 Hartlerode , Janet -------------------------- 148 Hatch, Judy -- -------- ----------------- .48, 148 Henderson, Paul _____________ _79, 86, 148 Henline, Irene ---- -- ---------------- -------- 148 Hiatt, Kim ______________ 51, 121, 144, 148 Hickman, James ---------------- ---- ------ 148 Higgins, Jan ------------------- .48 , 62, 148 Hollander, Brenda --------- ---- --- -------- 148 Holsten, Kent ---------- --- --- -------- 121 , 148 Homer, Chad ------------------------------ 149 Holt, Jeri ---------------- -- -- ------ ------------ 148 Houeter, John ------------------------------ 149 Houghton, Teri ------------------------------ 149 Houmand, Catherine _____ _____ ____ 63 , 149 Howard , Rustin --------------------- .79, 149 Huffman , Mary ---------------------------- 149 Hyde, Susan -------------------------- 62, 149 lpson, Joseph ------------------------------ 149 Jacobson, David -------------------------- 149 Jarvis, Kathy -------------------------------- 149 Jaynes, Roger ------------------------------ 149 Jensen, Brent ------------------------------ 149 Jensen, Brian -------------------------- 82, 149 Jensen, Cindy ____________ 58, 62, 63, 149 Jensen, Dana --- -- ---------- ------- ---- 62, 149 Jensen , Philip ------------------------------ 149 Jensen, Sheri! ------------------------ 60, 149 Jenson , Kellie ------------------------------ 149 Jentzsch, Steven -------------------------- 149 Jeremy, Kevin ------------------------------ 149 Jewkes, Scott ---------------- -------------- ---- 83 Jim, Christine ------ ---- -- -------------------- 149 Johansen , Paul ---------------------------- 149 Johnson , Rebecca -------------·----58 , 149 Jones , Craig -------------------------------- 149 Jones, Mati ---------------------------------- 149 Jones, Sid _____ __________ _79, 89, 102, 149 Jordan, Cindy ___________ ______ .73, 95, 149 Kemp, Charmaine ---------------- 1 21, 149 Kemp, Garn ________ __79, 80 , 82, 89, 149 King, Wilford Bill --- ------------------ --- 149 Kinsey, Becky ------ ------ ---- -------------- 149 Krueger, Paul --------- ---- ------------------- 149 Kunz, Angela --------- ----------- ------------ 149 La kerveld, Shirley ----- -- ----------------- 149 Larrinago, Josephine -------------------- 149 Larsen, Jan ------------ ---------- 62, 91, 149 Larsen, Jeffery ----------------- ------------ 149 Lehenbauer, Eugene ---------------------- 149 Le i9h, Wallace ------------------------------ 149 Lenhart, Linda --------- --------··------ ----- 14 9 Liedtke , Carrie --------------- ........ 60, 150 Limb, Gladys El izabeth ............... 150

Longstaff, Nichole ------------------------ 150 Luki ch, Oliv ia --------------------------- -- -150 Lyman, Lynda --------- -- ------------------- 150 Macklin, Karen ----------------------------150 Maddocks, James -- ----------------------150 Major, Tracy ----------------- --------------- 150 Marcovecchio, Michael ............ 89, 150 Marler, DeVi ------------------------ 144, 150 Martin, Vicky ------------------ -------------- 150 Martinez, Steven ---------------------- ----150 Mathie, Lorraine ---------------------- -- -- 150 Maxfield, Chad ---------------------------- 150 McCormick, Julie -------------------------- 150 McCullough, Sidney ...... ... ............. ]50 McN e ill, Amy -------------------- ------------ 150 Mead, Carrie ------- ------------------------- 150 Melv ille, Pamela -------------------------- 15 0 Merriam, Vicki ---------------------------- 150 Mill e r, Merlin ................... .79 , 88, 150 Millerberg , Cheri ----- --------------------- 150 Millerberg, Kathy -------------------------- 150 Millsap, Marta -------------- -- -------- 98 , 150 Moiler, Nad ine ------------------ -- -------- 150 Monte, Jodie -------------------------------- 150 Morgan , Linda ------------------------------ 150 Mortensen, Joan ........ 92, 93, 95, 150 Mounteer, Mi chael ------------ -- ---------- 60 Murdock, Darrell -------------------------- 15 0 Nelson, James -----·------------ --- --- 86, 150 Nelson , Kelly ------------------------------ 150 Nelson, Kevin .................. 82, 90 , 150 Nelson, Kim -------------------------- 61 , 15 0 Ne lson , Scott -------------------------------- 150 Neve, Carol ---------------------------------- 150 Ni chols, LaDonna -------------------------- 150 Nie lsen, Nan cy --------- -··· --------------- 150 Nielsen, Sherri e ------·----- ·--------------- 151 Nielson, Carol .... ....... ... .......... 60, 151 Nie lson, Robe rt --····---------------------- 150 Noorda, Kim -------------------------------- 151 Nye, Sharon -------------------------------- 151 Oglesbee, Gloria ------------------ -- ---- -- 151 Okubo, Tam i ------------------------------ . 15 1 Oliver, Jeanine ---------------------------- 15 1 Olse n, Laura ----------·--------------------- 151 Olson, Tim ----------------·------------------- 151 Ordakowski, Roxa nne --------- ........ 151 Overson , Steven ......... 86 , 89, 91,151 Paget, Cindy . .43 , 44, 92 , 93, 95 , 151 Pangos, Karen ................. 93 , 95 , 151 Paramore, Cindy ....... ................. 151 Parke r, Billi e Jo ---------------------------- 151 Paugh, Frank .................... ........ ... 151 Pearson , Kathy ----····---··----------------- 151 Peterson , Don ...... ...... ...... 82 , 86 , 151 Pete rsen , Grant ....................... 151 Petersen, Kirk ........... 67, 89 , 91,151 Peterson, Bryan .......... ------------------- 82 Pete rson, Nola --------·--------------------- 151 Pi e rce , Loe ---·--·-----------· .............. 151 Porter, Juli e .................... 9 2, 93 , 151 Pixton , Jeralyn -----·--·-·----- ---- .... 151 Powell, Kim -----------------·-----· ........ 151 Pri ce, Nancy ...... ------·-------- .. 95, 151 Primm, Mi chael -----------·----------------- .79 Pyle, John .....................•.... 86, 89 Rane, Marsha .................. .73 , 151 Rasmuss en, Debra ...... 31 , 51, 62, 151 Ray, Patri cia ............................ 15 1 Reed, Shelley ------------------ .58, 73 , 151 Re ich, Eri ch ... ------------· ............. 15 1 Ri chards , Jana e ....................... 151 Richardson , Cindy ....... 43 , 73, 92 , 93 , 94 , 95, 151 Ritzman, Je sse ...................... 89 , 151 Robinson, Cindy ..... ----------- ........ 151 Rob inson , Pame la ..................... 151 Robinson , Scott ... . ............ 79, 151 Roge rs, Mari a nn e ... ................ 151 Rog e rs, Todd ..... . . ... . . .. .. 60 Rom e ro, Jam es ...•.... 4 2, 83, 89 , 15 1 Roundy , Mi cki ........ ... ... . . ....... 15 1 Rowsell, Lorri ...... ............... 60, 151 Ru sse ll, Tommy ... ................. . ... 61 Rynearson , Che ryl .................. .151

Rynearson, David ----- -- ------- ------------152 Sanders, Brad ------------------------82, 152 Savage, Kelly .... .... ....... ........ .79, 152 Schmidt, Clark ---- ------------------ ----- --- 152 Scott, Kirk ------------ ---- 89, 91, 121, 152 Scroggin, Kevin ------------- --------- 86, 152 Setterberg, Kent ........ .. .................. 152 Sharples, Buck --- ----- --- ---------- -- -88, 152 Shelton, Rebecca -- ----------------- -------152 Sheppard, Julia ----- --- -------- ------67, 152 Shettel , Barry .......... .. 86, 89, 91, 152 Short, Lynda ---- -------------------- ------- -152 Simon , Darla ---------------------- -- --------152 Skoubye, Clair --------- -- --------- --- -89, 152 Smith , Curtis -- --- ---------------- --- --86, 152 Smith, Erin ------- ------ -------------- --------- 152 Smith, Kathryn ------------------- --- -------- 152 Smith, Lucille ------------------------ -------- 152 Smith, Robert .......... ...... ................ 152 Smith, Robyn ------- ------------------------- 152 Smith, Stephanie ------------- ------------- 152 Smith, Tammy ------------------------------152 Smith, Tari ---------------------------------- --152 Sm ith , Tressie -------------------------------- 152 Smith , Virginia ----------------------------152 Sorensen, Jeri ------------------------------ 152 Sorensen, Matt -----------------------.79, 152 Sorenson , Harvey --------------------------152 Sosa , Patricia --------- ----------------------- 152 Springer, Lyndia -------------------------- 152 Sprouse, Terry ------------ -- ---------- 91 , 15 2 Stanger, Sharon ----------- --- -------------- 152 Stapley, Francine -------------------- 62, 152 Steadman, Betsey -----------------.48, 152 Steadman , Kathleen ---------------------- 152 Steadman, Kathryn ---------------------- 152 Sterling, Susan ..... .43, 92, 93, 95, 152 Stoedter, Robert ----------------------- ----- 1 52 Stringfellow, Susan ---------------------- 152 Stuart, Jay ------------------------------------ 152 Sturdy, Charlene ----------·--------------- 152 Sudbury, Joanne -------------------------- 152 Sundell , Tamara ------------------- ------- 153 Swensen, Douglas ------------------------ 153 Swense n, Larry ---------------------------- 153 Swenson, Mi chael .......... 90, 121 , 153 Sybrowsky, Kevin ..... .79, 83, 89 , 153 Taggart, Brenda ----·----------- -- ---------- 153 Takemori , Ri ck ----········------------------ 153 Tapia, Eva ------------------------------------ 153 Te rry, Colleen ------------------------------ 153 Tetr ic k, Judith ------------------------------ 153 Teuscher, Valerie .................. ........ 153 Thomas, Evan -------------------------- 89, 91 Thompson, Mike -------------------------- 153 Thompson, Marianne -------------------- 153 Tingey, Jolene ------------------------------ 153 Trim bl e, Terrie ---------------------- -------- 153 Tunbridge, Neil --···········--------------- 153 Turner, Julie -------------------------------- 153 Urry, Paul ----·-········---------------------- 153 Va n De r Meide, Dav id ------------ .... 153 Va wdrey, Glen ..................... 89, 153 Wadsworth , Calvin ...................... 153 Wagstaff, Vincent .... ..... .............. 153 Ware, Lynn ..................... 64, 79, 153 Wa shburn , Dani el ---·------- ..... 88, 153 We bster, Kevin .............. .79, 86 , 153 We bste r, Gary ----·------------------------- 153 Welch , Stephanie ............. .49 , 73, 153 We ller, Susan -------------- ............... 153 Wentz, Earl ---------------------------- 88, 152 Willette, Ray ----------------·--------- 88, 153 Williams, Debra ----------------------91, 153 Withers, Rusty ----------------··------------ 153 Wintle, Steven -----------·-·····------------ 153 Williams, Mark -----·-·-··---- -- --------- 153 Woolf, Layne ----------·-· --- --------- .79, 153 Wright, Ginger ........... ·---------------- 153 Wri g ht, Marcia ... .48 , 67, 92, 93 , 153 Zagorec, Todd -------- ........ 42 , 44 , 67, 82 , 86, 153 Zeller, David ............ .79, 82, 90, 153

TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction .•..•.•••.• 1 Activitie

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Dr anization Athletic Academic

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