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trying to find my own way. 3

Now and then


take on a

serious side,


but it never lasts too long.


Always reflecting a million different parts of me


sometimes laughing, sometimes not.


Amazed at the crazy things I do,


yet somehow getting to know myself better. 15

Students of Jordan High. I feel that this has been one of the best years. and I hope that as .a studentbody president I kept up the tradition at Jordan. I hope this tradition will always be here in the years to come.


Thank you. Scott Anderson Studentbody President

atteJIII ted o back into Jordan. we wanted to throw a lillie bit of fun in. Lake a litllc of the pressure off. Whether or JWL we were successful depends on you guys, as students. This year. the studenlbody al Jordan really knew how Lo have a good time without losing their heads. If there are any eople who didn't gel into the year. it's their own fault for not taking the time to get ininvolved. They didn't take ad vantage of the opportunities al hand. Make up your mind to live now while you can. Craig Fisher First Vice President

With all of God's little sand pebbles on the face of this earth. I really feel fortunate that I was chosen to be one of lhe sane! specks to go lo jordan. 1 ve jordan High and everythinl1 t eals with it. T mean. with all tli (er L inds of uersonalities in all r great kids what could anyone expect? I feel we've got a fantasljc starr and studenlbody. With that going for you who would want anymore? rerrt Calherum Secretary

When the name Jordan is mentioned ~r' think or great people, lasting w~~ndships, and three years f1Jled 1 h rewardln(J. happy experiences and ¡ . trials. I'm grateful r pamstakmg or the associalion I've had with You, the studentbody, and also the close teacher student relalionships I've l'v fou nd common here at Jordon. t e. arown areally from the oppor t~nity I've had to serve as an officer tl ~s Year, and help promote the ltngs Which Jordan stands for. I'm sure the memories and impressions Jordan has left on all of us wlll never dep ar t¡ Th.IS .IS your Jordan KC PX Correspondent. Scott Featherstone Atlorney General

The success of this school year was brought about by the studentbody. The contributions put forth by students in things such as. drama in their outstanding performance of "Anything Goes". sports. clubs, etc. I feel that this school year wouldn't have been half as much fun if it weren't for the great participation of the students. Kelli Olsen Historian

What I like most about Jordan is the people. There is always the regular routine of classes that I could have done without. but the people are what make Jordan a part of me. jordan has a lot of great traditions. and you can see this written in the faces of the students. I'll always be proud to have been a beetdigger. but what I'll always remember about Jordan is the people. Julie Porter Second Vice President

As for myself. I feel that I was extremely lucky. Very few people h_ave had the opportunity to work with the people I have associated with. And there was never a better group of young adults than Jordan's Senior Class of 1975. we had a lot of fun activities this year. We honestly tried to involve as many different seniors as we could. We must always remember that we are at school to learn and yet we learn through association with others. My association with you has added greatly to my learning experience. L. Kirk Petersen ¡president

I'd like to thank the Senior Class for the opportunity I've had of serving as a Senior Class officer. for the good Limes we have shared together. and having the association with fellow students. It's pretty hard to leave such a good school. but I will always remember the friends I made and the times we had together. I'd like to wish you all happiness and success in the life ahead of us. Glen Vawdrey Senator

Somehow. it just doesn't seem real. One day I'm a little green sophomore. and then I'm a junior just coasting along. and then all of a, sudden. I'm a senior. Now. everytime we plan a dance. or go to a football game. or even just bum around with some friends. you trY: to save a Liny part of it because you know you'll probably never be able to do il again. Too soon all those tiny bits become silly things called memories. This has been a really fun year for me. and I hope you all had a good time too. I want to thank the other officers for being so neat to work with. You guys are just great! Sherry Atkinson Senator

This year has been one of Jordan's best. I am glad I was able to be a part of it. This year has been a year of learning and growing. We have not only grown through learning. but through the experiences we have shared with others. I am very lucky to have had an opportunity to work with such great people as the other officers. We have done our best to make this a great year. I hope it has been one you will always remember. Valorie Teuscher Secretary 22

Okay you guys, the year of '74-'75 is over. We've had some pretty great Limes ... remember the Senior Float. the Santa Claus party, Senior Hop, and Computer dating? Only the Senior coulcl pull orr some of those things. I woulcl like to say thanks to everyone ror just being you. I'll remember and love you forever. Suzanne Ferre Vice President

Senior Officers

David Adamson Bob Albretsen Darrell Allen Judy Allen Paul Allen Lorraine Allsop

Marilynne Alvey Brent Anderson Callie Anderson Craig Anderson Dawn Anderson Lenora Anderson

Scott Anderson Ryan Anderton Sherry And us

john Archibald Sherry Atkinson Duane Bailey

joan Bailey Bonnie Ballard Greq Ballard susan Ballard Eddie Bakker Ginnie Barlow

Worn OUl skids a hamburoer al McDonalds lhc radio and fricn(IS. Discovcrino what life is all about in a simple easy

Kim Barlow susan Barton Mark Bay Alan Beck

uncompl icated way ... ¡ ¡ . we orew up Withou t ever really knowing it.


Dave Beck Folleen Beesley Lee Bero Gaye Bergstrom

Daryl Dlngham Mike Black Archie Blackham Debbray Bleazard

Diane Bocchino Joni Bogenschutz Vance Boulter Kelly Bowles

Patti Brinton Reed Brklacich Craig Brooksby

Don Brown justin Brown Paul Brown

Reva Brundaoe Bambi Bryce Carol Butler Loretta Butler Oakley Cannon


Lorin Capson Corey Cartwright Tony Cates Drew Chamberlain Anita Chavts Kerry Childs

Craio Christensen Douo Christensen Linda Christiansen David Clark ferry Clift Deanna Cody

Valorte combes Keith Cornia Bill Cowley Annette Crebs

Bryan Criger Wayne Crow Keven Crowther Ralph Crystall

Sharon Curtis Curtis Dahl

I can be sitting here carrying on at my usual senior pace and all of a sudden get sort of empty inside remembering all the years that made me what I am. Where did they go and what is to come . . . I can't help but hope some part of me will always be the carefree senior I am today.


]ames Dahl Beverly Davenport

Duane Davis AJiyson Dal

Kevin Day Mike Day Thomas Dearden Steven Deleeuw Brenda Dennison Doree Depew

]essie Derricott Gaven Dillard Sandee Dineen stephanie Dipietro Cindy Dixon Cindy Dowding

Rex Dumas David Duncan Kent Dunn

Gary Durrant


Like frustrated children thrown into a room with an open door at each turn: We, as seniors run the risk of being brave enough to look ahead.

Mariano Ebell Laurel Elder Ryan Enniss Shauna Eyre

Lavar Elison Kathy Everill Rick Faddis Vicki Fairbourn

jan Fannin Lynn Farnsworth Scott Featherstone

Laura Fergus Suzanne Ferre Craig Fisher

Kyle Fitzgerald Scott Fitzgerald Pat Flynn Sherrn Gallagher

Stewart Gardner Bobble Lee Gatehouse Terri Gatherurn Reid Gifford


Rick Gilchrist Robert Glad joanne Glassey

George Gonzales Brent Golberg Mark Gotberg

Gordan Graves Scott Gribble Bennett Greene Gary Green james Greenwood Ken Grimes

Darrell Groves

Marly Gerber


Vicki Haden joe Ham julia Hanna Carma Hansen

joy Hansen Melanie Hansen Vicki Hansen Brent Hardcastle

Pauline Hardcastle judy Harper Marlene Harrison janet Hartlerode judy Hatch john Haueter

Dave Henderson Irene Henline Deanna Hill Dave Hodson Cynthia Hillock Kim Hiatt

Looking back on all those happy days I pause. wondering about the happy days yet to come. I know there will be many, because I have learned to smile. I have learned to laugh. and I have learned to care. I have learned many things. and with them I now set out to do my best. As the door closes. friends . teachers. books and familiar faces are left behind . but memories. counsel. knowledge, love. and the quest for understanding go with me. each adding its own as I search for my place.


Brenda Hollander Kent Holsten Chad Homer

Teri Houghton Catherine Houmand Kirk Hofellng

Karen Hyatt Gerry Ivie David Jacobson Roger Jaynes Brian jensen Cindy Jensen

Dana Jensen Gloria jensen Kellle Jenson

Phillip Jensen Kevin jeremy Scott Jewkes


Jeanette Johnson Becky Johnson

Mati Jones Sid Jones Cindy Jordan Gam Kemo Bill King Becky Kinsey

Paul Kruegar Shirley Lakerveld Cheryle Lamping Scott Landeen

)an Larsen Jeff Larsen Kenneth Lavender Ken Law

Clyde Lehenbauer Wallace Leigh Eltzabeth Limb

Growing up is funny; There is no end to it. Each day I learn about other people and how to live with them. But its tougher to learn about myself because I'm always changing. Maybe I won't worry about it and just keep treading water.


Somehow we lived on smiles. assemblies notes. the candy machine. memories of the good-old days, and weekends.

Louis Leon Nichol Longstaff Lynda Lyman )ames Maddocks

Karen Macklin Mike Marcovecchio DeVI Marler Michelle Marshall

Kathryn Martin Vicki Martin Chad Maxfield Kurt Maynes Julie McCormick Sidney McCulloch

Carrie Mead Merlin Miller Cheri Millerbero Nadine Moller

Linda Morgan Joan Mortensen Michael Mounteer


Darrell Murdock james Nelson Kelly Nelson

Kim Nelson Kevin Nelson Carol Neve Carol Nielsen Robert Nielson

Kim Noorda Tami Okubo jeanine Oliver Kelli Olsen Laura Olsen

Tim Olson Roxane Ordakowski steven Overson Mike Ozosky Cindy Paget Cynthia Paramore

Rich Parker Don Petersen Grant Petersen Kirk Petersen


Nola Peterson julie Phillips Loe Pierce

Wade Pierce jeralyn Pixton Ken Pollard

julie Porter Mike Primm julee Pugmire

john Pyle Marsha Rane Debra Rasmussen Pat Ray

Shelly Reed Erich Reich jaNae Richards Cindy Richardson

Dean Riding jesse Ritzman Kathy Robertson Cindy Robinson


Pam Robinson Scott Robinson Marianne Rogers james Romero Micki Roundy Lori Rowsell

Tom Russell Cheryl Rynearson Mary Sampson Kelly Savage Jan Schow Clark Schmidt

Ktrk Scott Kevin Scroqgin Kent Setterberg Buck Sharples Rebecca Shelton Julie Sheppard

Barry Shettel Donald Shirley Lynda Short Darla Simon Clair Skoubye Curtis Smith

Erin Smith Lucille Smith Robert Smith Robynn Smith

From where I sit things look different than from where you're standing 1 can only try to tell you how they looked to me and hope you'll understand.

Stephanie Smith Tammy Smith


Tar! Smith rressie Smith Jeri Sorenson Steven SqUires Terry Sprouse Sharon Stanger

Francine Stapley Doreen Stauffer Betsy Steadman susan Sterllng Cheryl Stratton

susan Stringfellow Kelly Strong jay Stuart Doug Swenson Larry Swensen

Tammy Sundell Kevin Sybrowsky Brenda Taggart Rick Takemori

Jeff Tempest Colleen Terry Judy Tetrick Va lorle Teuscher

Evan Thomas Joseph Thompson Annette Thornock Jolene Tingey Tina Trujillo


Paul Urry Glen Vawdrey Cal Wadsworth Vince Waqstaff Lynn Ware

Dan Washburn Kevin Webster Stephanie Welch susan Weller

Alvin Whipple Roxanne Whipple Debra Williams Mark Williams

Sharon Williams Ray wmette Steven Wintle Rusty Withers Ginqer Wriqht Marcia Wriqht

Tina Xaiz Todd Zaqorec Dave Zeller

Trying to squeeze a million and one things to do into a week has always driven me frantic. "I wish school was over!" the days always seemed so endless. But being a senior has left me grasping onto every experience I can. Still getting frantic now and then but savoring every second of being young and free.


Junior 0 fficers This Junior year has really been classy. Even though the juniors haven't always had their act together. we made it to the end. rust wait until next year and we'll still be on top, 'cuz we're the best and that's just the way it goes. Karen Walters Secretary

Juniors have had a weird year. They've either lost when they really won. or lost completely. Mostly they were stuck in the middle where they belonged. I've enjoyed doing whatever we·vc done and happy I got to do it. Thanks for letting me be Vice. Staci Fenton Vice President


there to say! "Far out. " "Right on," there·s so many words that describe the feeling I received during my office as Junior Senator. Although not totally successful. I enjoyed my office. I really believed that this year we involved more junior students in activities than ever before . I hope this helped unify the studentbody. All I can say is. "It's been a gas! " Carl Sargent Boys· Senator

Now that I look back on this yea see how much fun I really had. was really hard getting things t gether. but everything seemed t work out pretty good. Working wi the other ofiicers. making ne friends. and taking part in tt junior class made it worth all the hassel. The junior year is alwa a good year. You don·t have worry about graduating like t~ seniors. and you always know what going on. unlike the sophomore This year juniors really made easy for us with their great e1 thusiasm and help. Gary Thomas President

Boy. what a year it's been! I was so excited when 1 decided to run for this office. ami man I'll tell you. it was worth lt! It was a riot planning everything, Especially Jr. Prom. iL was a real blast! There were so many th!nns to do . workIng with the other officers and gettin(J to know the studentbody hetter was a great experience .

Dean Adams Michael Akagi Pride Alldredge Willi am Allen Rod Allen Roger Allen

Dane Allred Tari Andersen Dara Anderson

David Anderson jerilyn Anderson Maurine Anderson

Colleen Angus Kaye Atkinson Dan Auker Maida Auker Diana Baer Rebecca Bailey

Janice Ballard Laura Ballard Nancy Ballard Scott Baker Desi Barker Susan Bartlett

Brad Bauer Norman Baugh Steven Bawden Lynn Beard all Blayne Beck Vicki Beck


It was great being the middle man Not too young. Not too old . and happy with just being me . Worries? What are they? Time would take up my future. and my past was contented . Memories blending in with moments of today .

Tamara Beckstead Vincent Bednarik jody Bentley

)ana Bess Brent Best Kent Best Daniel Bianchi Jeffery Bills jeri Bishop

Mathew Bishop Tina Bodell Patrice Bogenschullz Dale Bohm Pamela Bolliger judy Bonham

Wayne Boydston Mark Boynton Darwin Bradfield Bonnie Brennan Yvonne Broadhead Trina Brooks

Blair Brown Jolynn Brown Tamara Brown


Val Brown Scott Brown Alan Buchanan sandra Buhl Wendy Bunker Stephen Burch

wyatt Burke Stephen Burger

Mark Burningham jennifer Cannon

Kristine Cannon Dean Capson Michael Carter Leah Chamberlain Chris Chapman Pamela Chapman

Vicki Chapman Roger Chase Brett Childs Ben Christensen Charles Christensen Cindy Christensen

jolene Christensen Randy Clarke David Clough


Debbie Clough )an Coffin Guy Conway Jesann Combs Ronda Cope Susan Cowley

Blane Cozzens David Cracraft )enalee Crapo ]Ill Crebs Peggy Crouch Kevin Cutler

Laura Dansie Thomas Darling Edward Davis Terry Davis Sherri Dean Gaye Despain

Gale Devlsser fan Dickerson Cindy Dineen Lorraine Dixon Robert Dowland Peggy Draper

Clueing the nervous life of a soph lo Lhe fulure-sick life of a senior was no easy Lask. For awhile my dumb. homemade jokes pulled us through. bul Lhen it Look more. With fun. smiles. laughler and good limes. bad times and friendship. we all sluck Logether. and somehow made Lhe lhree classes one. All proud members of a great school: made by greal people .


Randy Draper Kathy Dumas Ann Dunster

Delsy Eckman Keith Eddington Arte Edmunds Klyn Edmunds

Brett Ellis Kim Enniss Sallie Enniss Wendy Erickson Barbara Evans Kathryn Evenson

Connie Ewell Paul Fairbourn Rochelle Fairbourn Brad Fenton Staci Fenton Marcy Ferguson

Lynn Ann Ferre John Fish Mark Fitzgerald Stacey Fitzgerald

Jerry Flores Pat Flores Cindy Forbes


Michael Fox Dan Francom Sandra Frantz

Ellen Fratto Wade Frischknecht Jill Fritz

Leslie Gailey Kevin Gallagher Pat Galland Karen Gatehouse Lee Garfield Julie Garlick

Bill Garner Tamara Gatherum Debbie Gentry Larry Gibson Sherry Giles Holly Glover

Ron Glover jeanette Goodrich Richard Gord Lisa Green

Ray Paul Greenwood Penny Gregory Debra Hadley Lorraine Hannah


Laurie Hardcastle Larry Harding Kathryn Hardman

Kristin Hardy Wyndee Harmon Hilton Harris Marcie Harris Lowrie Hathaway Dan Haun

Sherry Haws Sherry Helbig Clinton Hepner Kellie Hiatt Linda Hickman Teresa Higbee

Holly Hill Lori Hillis joseph Hilton Tamara Hofeling Robert Hoffman Bruce Hollander

joyce Holl1ngshead Dinah Holmstead Marjean Hooser Roger Hopes

Corey Houmand Chris Howard Mike Hranc


Randy Hughes Peggy Hummel Tracy Hunsaker

Marilyn Hyde Steven Ipsen Karlenna Izatt Kent Jacobson Cheryl Jarvis Mike Jarvis

Lorri Jenkins jeff jensen Karen jensen Kathy Jenson Bruce Jeremy David Jewkes

Frank Jex Darrell Johnson Debbie Johnson Gerald Johnson Sherrie Johnson Dennis )ones

Lori jones Cindy Kalleco cathy Keele Richard Kemp Kevin Kempin Susan Kendrick

Jim Kennelly David Kimball Wade King Carrie Kirton Claudia Krueger Kelly Kunz


Sandra Lambson Troy Lancaster Jeff Langston Lorrie Larson Rhonda Lawson Laree Leany

Jeff Leavitt Tracy Leavitt Steven Lewis Russell Leyba Flora Limb Debby Linnarz

Tony Lish Julie Livingston Julie Lloyd Kelly Lovell Lori Lukich John Lundstrom

Douglas Lunl Tamara Lykins Gerry Lynch Joseph Mace Kathy Markham Pauline Martin

Kevin Marchant Amy Matheson Robert Mathie )eannene Maxfield Kathy McCarthy

Being everywhere. Yet nowhere. Popping up on everything. adding my touch to anything. that was me! Sometimes messing things up royally, but laughing it off. My world was made up of "now", And having the time to spare I learned to laugh.


Here I am. just simmering between the "rare" sophomore. and the "well-done" senior. Being at just the right stage is fun. yet kind of spooky. How long can I make it last?

Tammy McClure Lesa McDonald Mara aret McGuire

Robert McPherron Tina Mead Arman Meadows Cathy Meadows Jeff Meldrum Tamera Mellor

Gina Melonas Judie Metz julie Metz D'ray Miller Cory Mlller Steven Mllne

Pam Mitchell Robert Mitchell Randy Mitchell Nell Mock Shauna Moore Edd Morgan

Patricia Morgan Lynette Morrlll Patti Mortensen


Billy Murdock Stacy Myers

Michelle Nance Terry Napier wendy Neff Cheryl Nadean

Lloyd Nelson Patty Nelson Robert Nelson Karoleen Neria

Jeff Newland Janet Nielsen Janice Niemann Ken Noffsinger Cathy Noorda Karla Norton

Rhonda Norton Randall Oakason Scott Olsen suzanne Ordakowski David Org!ll Sandra Orth

John Orwin Richard O'steen Blake Ostler Lori Ovard Dan Ostler Rhea Pace


Tony Pad1lla David Panek Diane Parker Ruth Parry julia Paxman )illeen Perry

David Pet Karrle Petty jeff Pierce Tammy Pierson Uuffy Pingree DaVid Popelmayer

Marlin Powell Colleen Prince Grant Ragsdale Kris Rasmussen Brenda Reed Ben Reeve

Pegpy Rich Mariann Richards jan Richardson Carla Ricard Kirk Riding Nicoline Riska

Cindy Roberts Brian Robertson janie Robinson

Elizabeth Rogers Larry Ronne Tammy Ross


Tammy Rowell Penny Rowley George Russon

]oleen Ryan Lance Schmidt Mike Schulzke

Reed Scott Carl Sargeant Duncan Seal Rod Sedgwick Judy Shaffer Doris Sharp

Yvette Shelby Kathy Sheppard Michael Sheppard Lester Short Roger Shryers John Sieverts

Debra Simmons Steve Sirrine Michelle Smiley Cindy Smith Colleen Smith Joe Smith

Marjean Smith Kathy Smith Lee Smith Nadine Smith Patrea Smith Paula Smith


Scott Smith Victor Smith Barry Sorenson

Jalynn Steadman Sterling Stevenson Elaine Stiel Heidi Stoeder

Robert Stone Keith Sturdevenl Pam surnmerhays Kevin Sundberg

Debbie sutherland Delbert swenson Milan Swilor Linda Tadehara )eal Takemori Susan Tale

Pat Taylor Pam Tazzer Cheryl Tempest LeAnn Terry Chris Thacker Mark Thaxton

Gary Thomas Jill Thomas Brian Thorne Mark Thompson Mike Thorpe Megan Timoney


Dale Titus Sharon Tobin Linda Tripp Darrell Troester )azan Vawdrey

Debbie Valesquez Craig Wagsta!! Tammy Wagstaff Tamara Walkenhorst Brad Wall Karen Walters

Kevin Walters Larry Walters Lynn Warburton Valerie Washburn John Webster Wade Wehst~r

Buzz Welch Wilma Weller Mark Westbrook Sonja westbrook Dennis Wharton James Whitmore

Tom Wiseman Mark Wright Willard Wright Diana Woodruff Robert Yaka Michelle Yates

Maxine Yazhe Marie Yingling Chris Young Ken Young Charlene Zupan Mark Ziegler


Betna Sopho ore Boys¡ Senator was ureat. I tllouobt that the sophomores had a Jot or enthusiasm and I was glad to be part of it J enJoyed the opportunity, to express myself tor the t:lhom,ore GlaS$. 1t w a ureat nnow next year ¡11 be too

was a real privilege for me to be Vice President of the Sophomore Class. As Vice President I have tried my hardest to make this year the best of the Sophomore Class yel. It

Frankie Taylor Vice President

Jordan JJigh School was. is. and always will be a great school. with many great traclilions to Jive up to . This year. we. the Sophomore Class. have tried to support ancl participate in all school acli vi lies to show our true school spirit and to keep the great tradition of jordan alive . Steve Massa President


Being Sophomore Class Secretary has been really exciting. The other officers are great and really tJ lot of fun to be with. 1 think the best way to really have fun in school activi ties is to he involvecl , not just stancl lng around all the Lime . Thanks for a fantastic year. Kerry Mortensen Secretary

Kerry Abbot Rick Adair Michael Allen Theresa Allen Dennis Alvey Debra Anderson

Kenn Anderson Karilee Anderson Troy Anderson Todd Andrizzi Elvin Armitstead Sherilyn Arnold

Sandra Arueseth Warren Atkinson Matthew Ault Arlene Bailey Rick Bakker Judy Baldwin

Shirlene Ballard Bruce Banks Kenneth Barber Terry Barlow Brad Bauoh Dou(J)as Bay

Penny Beckstead Brook Beesly Billie Bentley David Benton Gloria Benton Kathy Beroener

Jeff Bingham Robyn Birch Carol Black jay Blain Doug Blue Sherrie Blank


Jim Bogenschutz Dorothy Booker John Bowdidge James Bowler Paul Brady Mark Breeze

Holly Bright Christine Brinton Saundra Brooksby Bryon Brown Jim Brown Kelly Brown

Robert Brown Steve Brown Steven Bryant Brenda Burden

Jodi Burgener Westy Burke Michael Burkman Richard Burgan

Craig Burton Janelle Bush Renee Buller

Brent Butterfield Tonyia Butterfield Scott Caldwell


Kistine Campbell Robert Carlsen Roger Carlson Val Carlson

]onny Castillo Robert causey Julie Chamberlain Lorri Chapman

Daniel Chavez Trina Chavis Kelly Christensen Kimberly Christy Robert Clark Wendy Clarke

Danny Clegg John Cleland Doug Cline Ted Collett Lisa Combes Doug Cavely

Kim Cowley Danetta Cox Cathy Crane Lori Cranney

Shane Crystal Michael Cummings Collette cutler


Gayle Culler Shelly Culler Michael Dahl Elaine Davis Kaylene Davis Laurie Davis

Mark Davis Curtis Dennie s Tammy Dennison David Denton Kyle Depew Kathy Derricott

Teresa Dickson Shaunc1 Dineen Paul Dowding Ray Dowding Diane Draper Donald Elbert

jenny Edmunds Odette Enniss Shauna Egan Kim Elison

Peggy Elswood Dan Englehart Mary Ellen Evans


Sometimes I got sicK of being a soph , trying Lo catch on to "high school ways" and being labeled "green" al Lhe same time. Making the labels wear down depended on me: the newness wore off and the multitude of races became friends.

Terry Kevin Bruce Larry

Evans Fairbourn Farnsworth Feraaen

David Ferauson Kerry Fisher Brett Fitzgerald john Flores

Mike Forbes Phyllis Frischknecht Debra Francom David Fullmer Diane Funk Michelle Furner

john Galland julie Garlick Richard Garlick Kelly Gassman Neil Gause Shelly Geertson

Pamela Gessel! Scott Gibbons Elana Gibbs Steven Glad Melinda Gl assey


Raymond Goings

Elizabeth Gonzales Mark Goodrich Janet Gough

Steve Gourley Brenda Golberg Trent Golberg Kelly Goulding Craig Graham David Gressman

joyce Griffith jeff Grimaud Rick Groves Kenneth Grygla Brent Haddenham Rodney Hadean

Blaine Hadley Alan Halligan Tina Hamilton Bruce Hanna

Blair Hanks Karen Hansen Kenra Hansen Tracie Hansen


Val Hardcastle Tamara Harding

Tamara Hardman Deanne Hardy Ken Harger Terry Hart

David Hartlerode Gordon Haueter Kelli Henderson Marcia Hendricksen

Michelle Hendricksen Jim Henline Shaun lleselline Matt Hevelone

Lori Hickman Cory Higgins Susan Hillock Bobbie Hollander


Jeff Homer Steven Howlett Darla Hughes Phillip Hunt Lorrie Hunter Debbie Hurdsman

Joyce Jackman Teresa Jarvie Jeanine Jaynes

Mary Jenkins Louie jenkins ]ill Jensen

Joni Jensen Mark Jensen Debbie jensen Debbie ]entzsch

Charlene Doug Leah Wayne

johnson Johnson Johnson johnson

Kent Jolley Kelby ]ones Eugene ]u Krisli Kelso Kim Kempner Matthew Kimball


Being a sophomore is: Doing what I'm told, but wanting to do the telling.

Robert Kimball Richard Kirton Crystal Knopp Hjalmar Krinke

Kevin Kunz Corri Lamping Julie Lancaster Steven Landeen

Mark Langston Valynne Larsen Lisa Larsen

John Laveder Paul Laveder Chris Lawson

Tony Lawson Paul VanLeewen Terri Lester

We are the SOPHOMORES .

We are the BEST!!!

Mike Lene lly Jodie Leiser Glen Leon Steven Lewis

Donnette Lloyd Sherry Lloyd Jeffrey Logan Daniel Longstaff Danny Lucero Lane Lundstrom

Lisa Lyman Lori Mace Ruth Mackey Doug Maddocks Dennis Marler Bill Martin

Steven Massa Mark Mathias Ricky Mathias Hugh Matheson Cherese Mathews Doug Maupin

Tim May Tammy McCarthy Chris McCormick Diane McCoy Michae l McClure Shelley McCul loch


Stephen McDonald Roger Meadows Mike Melonas

jaymie Meyrich jill Middleton jeri Miller

Jill Miller john Miller Larry M1ller joni Milne Lisa Mitchell Natalie Mitchell

Dawn Moore jackie Morgan Gordon Mori Kerry Mortensen Rebecca Mortensen Richard Mortensen

Bart Mounteer jerry Mounteer Lisa Mounteer Randy Nay David Nadeau Reed Nelson

Every now and then it was great to just break down and laugh, harder and harder at the stupid Jokes everyone shoved my way, yet all the while hoping that this year would go down as one of my best.


Robert Nelson Royd Nelson Spencer Nelson Steven Nelson wendy Nelson Tami Nielson

Rodney Nieman LaMar Noorda Teresa Nowotny Kaylynn Nuttall Mark Nuzman Robert Oakden

Sharon Oakeson Randy Oliphant Sherilyn Oliver Spencer Olson Alice Olson Rich Olson

Dennis Orgil Nick Orr Mark Osborne Brent Ostler

Connie Ostler Robert Ostler Thomas Ostler Dennis Overstreet

Kevin Pack john Padmos Mary Panek


Bret Pangos Peggy Paramore Al den Park Gordon Parry Allen Patterson Dale Patterson

Sheri Pease Penni Perry Danny Petersen Jimmy Petersen Cindy Peterson Edward Peterson

Becky Petty Sandy Pickett Lynn Pierce

Lisa Pixton Kathy Pollard Leslie Porter

Martin Powell Von Price suzanne Pullan Gary Rager Donald Rammer joan Recourt

jerrie Reid Scott Remington Tawna Riding Ruth Richards

john Richards julie Richins Karalee Rishton

jerry Ritzman Susan Roberts Lei! a Robertson

Ann Rogers Bob Rogers Calene Rynearson

Shawna Rynearson Stacie Saunders Debbie Schiffman Lisa Schmidt

Kelly scorzato Michael Schulzke Raudean Schnepple Deanna Scott

Lorrie Sevy Daniel Shail Penny Sharples Steven Shepard Beth Shettel Tony Simonich

Hal Simonson Arland Sisam Paul Skoubye

Suzanne Smiley Carolyn Smith Connie Smith

Eileen Smith Hal Smith janet Smith Jeff Smith Kelly Smith Kelly Smith

Lorie Smith Robert Smith Sandra Smith Scott Smith Teresa Smith Kenna Somerville

Joseph Sosa David Spencer Robyn Spray Kevin Springer Jack Sprouse Shauna SQuires

Kris Starn Connie Stanger Lori Steadman


Lisa Steed Barron Sterling Lonnie Stilson Craig Stokes Rachel Stringfellow

Greg Strong Diane Sudbury )ody Summerhays

David Swenson Randal Sylvester Alan Takemori

Lynn Tanner Frankie Taylor William Teuscher Zelda Thacker

Lanet Thaxton Kurt Thomas Lorilee Thompson Maree Thompson

Deanna Tobin Kelli Tobin Bruce Tolbert Mark Tondro


Cindy Totterer Ronald Trahan Jeffery Troyer Kevin Tucker

Rita Tyler Steven Utley Laura Valenzuela Gordan Vantassell

Marnee Vawdrey Paul Vawdrey Michelle Visser Julie Vowles

Kevin Walkenhorst Kyle Walkenhorst Nancy Walkenhorst

Barney Walker Debby Warburton Diane Washburn


Kathy Washburn Brenda Watson

VeeAnn Watson Kelly Webb Tony Wentz

Suzanne Westbrook Pat Wharton )esse Whtte Stacy Whitmore Tim Wllkes David Wilkins


Taunya Wimberly Brad Winegar Patricia Winger Cindy Withers

Blake Workman Paul Wright Vicki Wyatt

Cary Yates Derreld Yost George Young

Pam Young Lisa Zagarich Michael Zeller Peggy Zimmerman

Remembering the day all my fears melted away into the past. leaving a new , happy me . Forgetting myself and anticipating those unexpected glimpses of joy. To live in the world became fun , and on I went laughing , learning , sometimes stumbling, but always living the life of a sophomore . A role that would never come my way again. I hope I've filled it with happy memories.


Student Government

l :


F ' " ·~

Row one: Kclll Olsen, Scoll Featherstone , Scott Anderson. Craig Fisher, Julie Porter . Row two: Frankie Taylor. Gary Thomas, Carl Sargent. Dave Henderson. Robert Glad . Susan Ballard, Nancy Ballard . Ken Grimes. jay Stuilft, Steve Overson, Todd Zagorec. Row three: Steve Masci. Kerry Mortensen . Leslie Porter. Curtis Smith. Bennett Green, julie McCormick, Terry Sprouse, Joan Mortensen. Jocli Bently . Row four: Chris McCormick. Stacie Fenton, Suzanne Ferre. Jeanette Johnson, Becky johnson . Kelly Strong. jaylynn Steadman . Julee Puumirc. Marcy Harris, Joanne r.Jas

••-;,It- ,..

~· "'"" """

'i•' • ,,


sey, Teresa Smith, Crysl1tl Knopp , rawna Rldtnu . Row flvc: Prlcle Alldredoe . Kaye Atkinson. Mmtann Ehell. Karen Macklin . Wemly Neff. Chris Thacker . Jody Summer hays, Colleen Smtih Arte Erlmuncls . Boh Stone . Dave Cracroft. Kmtlee Anderson . Rachel Strtnufcllow. llavtrl Fullmer. Row six: Jolene Tinocl'. Ktrk Scott. Lori Hick man. Cincly Jordan , 'Jerry navis. J\rchlc Blackham . Ken Young . uunnc Davis. Paul Brown . Paul Allen. Ralph Crystal . Kelly Savaue . Craig Christensen .

Principals I wish to express my appreciation to the students and faculty at jordan High School for their cooperation in making this past year a most memorable one. Many things were accomplished in many different areas that gave me a deep sense of satisfaction and pride in being associated with such people as you. My sincere gratitude to all as they enter into a new era. Respectfully, Clemont Bishop Once again Jordan students have had an outstanding school year. They have earned numerous awards and brought outstanding recognition to the school in almost every area of the curriculum. It takes a great deal of cooperation between the studentbody, faculty and administration to have an outstanding school and I feel jordan has this . My congratulations to an outstanding studcntbody. jerry L. McCleary

A few months at Jordan High have convinced me that jordan is a remarkable school. Besides possessing noble tract itions and a true esprit de corps, jordan also possesses a reputable faculty and . what is most important. through its classrooms and hallways circulate the "cream of the crop" or our youth . For this reason alone. I feel very privileged and honored to be part of such an outstanding school. Stan ley P. Gamero



Somehow. our counselors could always manage those looks of pity for our sob stories. As the tales grew bigger. their faces grew longer. Then their looks would turn to those of understanding . and our stories would have a happy ending ... sometimes. It was great to know there were people who cared and understood when we needed help . Earl jay Smith

wendell Peterson


Board of Education

Clayton D. Fairbourn. John Wheadon . Rodney L. Dahl , Ben G. Bagley, Lois Hirshi.

Ken Prince Deputy Superintendent



Cheryl Argyle Resource


Fred Ash Engli sh

Lyon Ballard Ca reers

Uoug Berry Drive rs Ed.

Ralph Bishop Ph otog raphy

uary uarcla Scie nce Co mp.

Laura Hauck


Roberl Langford Wclrltno

James Gibson Music

Deily Henderson sewtno

Marian Marlin English

Garlh Gooch Ma th

Ray Jenson Physical Ed.

Dan May American History

Farrell Gunnell


David Judd English

Kennelh McCleary


Hal Hale Health

Roger King Math

Bob McDonald Math



uonald Milne

Mike Murry

Joy Nelson

Carolyn Nichols

World Hi story

Ph ysic al Ed.


Ameri can Hi story

Rodney Oliver Driver s Eel.

ReNee Pay

Brent Plant

Jay Pond

Urian Rawlings

Raymond Rogers

Shorth and

Social Studi es

American His tory

Enoli sh

Scie nce

lluvid Rudolph

Aclvance Aula

Genee west l.lhrartan

Gary Smllh Math

Kaylcnc Thornock

Leah Tippetts

Donald Ward



Social Studies

Martella Williams Dance

Lila Wilson

Rodney Zabriskie

Dan Boskovilch English




Margie Brown counselor

LaRoe Naylor Career Aide

Karen Stafford Resource Aide

Louettu Nelson Career Aide

Norene Millerburg Secretarial

Veronica Riemann Resource Aide

Vaudis Peterson Counselor

Lena Wagsta!f Library

Secretaries Our secretaries are always busy with students : check-ins. check-outs. pink slips , admits to class. lost keys, ''I'm sick ... administration needs and the many jobs of running an office smoothly. Miraculously. they meet the needs of the enli re school efficiently, and with a smile. They are truly Jordan's wonder women.

Greg McMillan Library


Thelma Ainsworth MHin Office

Joan Gamble Main Office

Jackie Syhrowsky 1\ltcnclancc Office


Marilyn Wagstaff. Florence Petersen. Florence Whittenburg, Gisele Banks. Cora Bake. Fayetta Hurst. Georgene Stocking, Elma Couch . Evelyn Brown.

Equipped with good hot meals and cheerful smiles. these ladies met us day afler day as we charged through the lunch Jines. we¡re all living proof of their long hours of work . and we thank them. though some of us show it more than others.


Behind us Beetdiggers come those great men wilh their brooms and dustpans . cleaning. scrubbing, and shining our thoughtless actions away; leaving Jordan a place we can be proud of. Men who can find joy in helping others. and receiving little recognition for it. To them we now give the thanks we so often forget to say. Ken Silcox. llarry Gregory .


took me awhile. but after looking further than the rule sheets. deadlines. your back at the bllkbo equations. voc~ula~worcl and page numbers. I saw the real you. An interested human being. trying to help, to give me something to take with me. The memories. knowledge and your time still remain. It



Beetdig__ger '75 When I applied tor the staff I didn't really think I'd be spending every spare minute of my life enclosed in the yearbook room. yet somehow I did. we each had our own little something we did best. even though most of the time it was hidden while running around helping someone else with theirs. Somehow between missing negatives. overdue deadlines. reminders on the board . and wanting to quit. I took time to discover the real individuality of each of us. I guess it was then when I realized the true meaning of "Free to be me. " My typing has increased from twenty to thirty words a minute; I'm a whiz at sizing pictures wrong , and I'm a great layout eraser. But I never could think of a closing line.

h Shaw .. . .... Photography Advisor Hi aLl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Ed it or nda Norton .. . ... . .... Asst. Editor )lh Parry ........ . ... .. Asst. Editor rk Riding . . ...... Head Photographer Scoll Baker jodi Benlley Dave Cracraft julia Hanna Dave Henderson Gerry Ivie Cindy jordan Lynda Lyman

Hugh Matheson Chris McCormick Julie McCormick Colleen Prince Kirk Riding Beth Shetlel Megan Timoney



Carol Clark . ..... . .......... Advisor Rusty Withers ...... ........ .. Editor Diane Bocchino ....... ... Asst. Editor Dane Allred ......... Business Manager Pam Chapman ........... Copy Editor ]an Larsen .. . ... ..... Editorial Editor Kirk Peterson ...... .. ... Spor ts Editor Wade Pierce ..... . . ..... Sports Editor Terry Sprouse .......... Feature Editor

Rusty Withers

Diane Bocchino


Asst. Editor

Working on the Broadcaster staff was a hassle mixed in with a lot of good limes . The problems always came at once. first digging up something to write about. getting it written and then hoping it sounded all right. lL was cxcillng to see something I'd wr itten in print. especia lly when I'd worked so hard . 1 really li kecl writing my column, especially when il came to interviewing people. rt gnve me a chance to hear them out. and ge l to know the true opinions of jordan . 88

Model U. N. Political ideology of Zambia and Denmark set my brain going, working on a solution for their problems. Getting resolutions and debates together for the mock assembly in May gave me a whole new image of myself. So much so. that I felt that the only solutions to the world's problems would be for me to run to a desert island and forget them. Row on e: Krls Cannon. Nancy Ba ll ard. Ruth Parry. Susan Ballard. Pat Morgan. Row two: Nola Peterson. Francine Staoley, Colleen Angus. Gayle DeVisser. Row three: Teresa Higbee. Mike Akagi. Les Gailey. Kevin Cutler. Lynn . Row four: Miss Conkli . Advisor: Blake Ostler. Lloyd Nelson.

Forensics Arguing has al\rays been one of my strong points. EYen \rhen I \l·as little 1 al\l·ays got my friends to play \l'hat I \I anted by means of gentle persuasion. or by force. This year 1 \I' as able to channel my talents through Forensics. I learned extemporaneous speaking. oration. legislative forum and impromptu speaking. We won many honors \l'hile debating the issue. "That the u.s. should significantly change its method of selecting Presidents and Vice-Presidents ...

OFPICilllS: Toclcl zaoorec. Kevin Cutler , Les Gailey. Ken Grimes.


Row one: Bonnie Brennan. oara Anderson. Matt Bishop. Row two: Mr. Parnell. Advisor: Craig Fisher. Greg ~~ llard , Ben Chris tensen. Ken Grimes. Blake Ostler. Kevin Cutler. Till a Xa1z . Holly Hill. Marty Gerber. Row . t~c :. Lynn llenrdall, Kevin Springer. John Haueter. Scott Landeen . Todd Zagorec. Scott Olsen . Les-


Omega Psi

OFFICERS : Robyn Bishop, Advi sor: James Ha~dy , Valorle Teuscher. Cindy Dowding .

Row one: Megan Timoney . David jacobson . Drew Chamberlain . joy Hansen . Deanna IIIII . Bennett Gree Shirley Lakerveld. Row two: Betsy Steadman . Robyn Bishop. Advisor: Krlslln Hardy. Row three: jut Tetrick. Cindy Dowding . Tammy McClure . Ginnie Barlow. Tammy Pierson. jan Coffin. Francine Stapie1 Valorie Teuscher. Jim Dahl. judy Hatch. Kirk Petersen. Row four: Douo Cline . Brell Childs. )ame s Ilardi Roxanne Whipple . Dane Allred . Robert Glad . Paul Krueger. Buzz Welch.

was tough gaining that needed 20 points to make it into the club. Especially when you had to be in two major productions along with it. 1 finally made it though. I remember at initiation. sitttng there waiting for someone to make me do something drastic. when all I ended up doing was lighting a candle. 1 was relieved and disappointed at the same time. I'm still working for 100 points to make Honorary Thespian , bul turkey dinners. and playing murder will make it all worthwhile even if I don't. It



Robyn Bishop Advisor

~ow one: Vicki Hansen. jo y Hansen. Shelly Gee rt sen. Liz Gonza les. Chris Knopp , jan Coffin . Colleen Angus. Elizabeth Jmb. DeAnna IIIII. Tammy McClure. Row two : Kistlne Campbell. Mariann Richards . Tammy Beckstead . Francine Stapley, Breit Childs. Karalcc Rishton. Lori Sevy, Marcy Ferguson. Ronda Cope. Pat Taylor. Dane Allred. Careen Candalot. :~?uo Cline. Ll oyd Ne lson. Greo Ba ll ard. Buzz Welch. Cindy Dowding . Row three: Megan Timoney. Rusty Withers. james ardy , Judy Tetrick. Drew ChamiJcrlaln. Paul Krueger. Danella Cox . Jim Dahl . Darla Simon . judy Hatch. Tammy Pierson. Doree LeFevre. Roxanne Whipple.

0 11 FICEHS: Mcuan Timoney, jo y Hansen. Judy Tetrick. Kristin Hardy. 0CAn na IIIII .

J thought for sure I'd catch pneumonia stnnding in the snow in our lopsided "I" forever. Everybody just kept joking around. But then I guess that's what has pulled us through a million times. 1 got so sick of practicing my humorous reading over and over. I didn't see how anyone could possibly laugh at it. But the team taking state last year left us a hard act to follow. So we buckled down. and between a lot of great times. worked just as hard.



OFFICERS: jeff Phillips. jodi Bentley. Patrea Smilh, Keith Eddington. Glori a Bailey.

Row one: Kenneth Grygla. Robert Brown. Doug Johnson. Jody Bentley. Mike Jarvis. Tim Wilkes. Leila son . Deanna Tobin. Keith Ecldington. Patrea Smith. Gloria Bailey , Corrine Dalley. Ellen Fratto. Dale Titus. Jeff jensen. Steven Nelson. Lynn Peirce . Mark Zieg ler. Rick Adair. ll al Smtth. Rick Robert Albretson. Darrell Troester. Scott Baker . Row three: Ken Pollard. Brett Chi lds. Larry Mi ll er Phillips, Ken Law. David Panek, Maida Auker , Wendy Erickson. Oenms Marler. Bruce Tolbert. Row inah llolmstead. Mr. Gibson. Ar1visor.

Whenever we performed together. I found my feet tapping to the rhythm of the music. It's funny how everybody seemed to b~ doing it. I think it helped us through, because we rea lly got in to the song. We weren't gigantic in number. but we really worked ha rd. and it all paid off during exciting pep assemblies and sports activi ties. No matter how many rehearsals we had for different songs, I always liked to play the School Song the best.


OFFICERS : Shirley SUSll ll Uallarcl.

Row one: Elaine Davis. Susan Ballard. Cindy Pnocl. llolh Parry. Gave DeS!laln, Shirley Lakervelll , Bclh Shctlcl . Wilma Weller. Row two : Nola Peterson . Francine Slapley , Nancy Ballarrl. Gloria Jensen. tannic Barlow . )an Rich ardson. Janie Robinson . Patty Nelson. Row three: Duane Davis. Dave JucoiJson. Lyntla Lyman . Jcrilynn Pixlon. Ken Noffsinuer. Curtis Smith.





When 1 was a Sophomore 1 laughed at tile thought of going to a symphony. Now 1 know a lit tle about them and I'm emIJarrassed to think I was so ig nora nt. one concert 1 ac tua ll y mc1cle it tluo uoll Liszt. Moza r t. and Brahms with out oetlino lJOred. But no matter how l1arrl 1 lriecl to he the mature music lover. sometimes boreclom coulcln't be he lped. so 1 thought or the parties arterwarcls to give my mind a change of tempo.


~OWonc: joy Hansen. Mnrly Gerber. Kim Jliall , Doug Christensen. Row two: Lynda Lyman, Scott Landeen . Terri Gatherum.

:i\ r1Js Smith , RciJccca Shelton. Jan Schow . judy Hatch. Sherrie Atkinson . Row three: Oakley Cannon . Robert Glad, ]aNae 1

charcts. Cindy Paoct. Brent Hanlcast Ic. Marianne Richards. Dan washburn . Row lour: Lynn Ware. Jeanette Johnson . 13 cnnctt Green . Dave ]acoiJson. Valone Teuscher. Mr. Zallriski , Advisor.

Mr. Zabriski Conductor

I used to practice being an opera singer when I was little, always singing my lungs out. and now here I am all over again. Only now I practice fitting in. Working so close with people. who are now friends. made Madrigals a lot more than just another class. All my feelings are wrapped up in singing on cold winter nights. our songs echoing down the halls of a children's ward . the tension of festivals and competition. exchanges and just goofing off with our favorite songs in class. It all makes me want to do it all over again. I guess Ill go on singing, but in Madrigals I was part of a great effort to do "our best."

OFFICERS: Robert Glad , Sherry Atkinson , Cindy Paget.



OF.FICERS: Gloria jensen. joy Hansen. Folleen Beesley. Terry Sprouse . Craig Anderson. Brent Hardcastle . judy Tetrick. Irene Henline . Dana jensen.

Al first 1 felt like a nobody ln such a grea l mass of people. Bul after a few lillie solos. catching the eye for being off key, and leading the whole section astray. I decided I was important. and singing became fun. I even remember wondering how we were all going to fit on that Christmas tree. lhe classy dump truck I gol for my Christmas present. the Messiah. parties. the dreams of traveling to Arizona. and Lhe exclled feeling of doing something well. Lots of things can happen in a singing group and I was one of them.



ltow one: Debra Simmons. Lori Larsen . Holly Glover. Irene Henline. Patrea Smith. Dana jensen. Cindy Paget. Terri Sprouse. jerilynn Pixton. Marlene Harrison . joni ~oocnschulz . Laura Dan sie. Jill Perry , Ginnie Barlow . Tari Andersen. Penny Rowley, Lmda Tripp. Row two: Flora Limb. Laurel Elder. Ruth Parry, Susan Ballard. Duane avts. Dave raco iJson. Ken Noffsinge r. Doug Christensen . Robert Glad. Brent Hardcastle. Susan Kendrick. Sandy Orth. jennifer Cannon . judy Hatch. Lorraine Allsop. ltow three: jan l~tcharcl son . Patty Nelson. Francine Stapley, Donnie Brennan. Nancy Ballard. Marty Gerber . Keith Eddington. Blake Ostler. Dave Clough, joy Hansen . All yson Day, Tart Smith . Penny Greoory . Amy Matheson. Row four: Teresa Higbee. judy Tetrick . Tina Xaiz. Gloria jensen. Folleen Oeesley. :VIariann Rogers. Brian jensen. Roocr Shryers. Kent jacobson . jim Dahl. Doree LaFever. Cynthia Hillock . Debbie Sutherland. Tammy Beckstead . Colleen Prince. Row five: Diana Woodruff. jeri Anderson . )alynn Steadman. Tammy Galherum. Cindy Richardson. jessie Derricott. Steve Bawden . Craig Anderson. Scott Landeen . Dan Washburn. Drew Chamberlain. Krls Thacker. joclie Bently, jcssnnn Coombs . Glnoer Wright. Shirley Lakerveld .



Kaylenc Thornock Advisor

I decided since my future homemaking skills were zero. 1 had better get to work, so here I am. Believe it or not. I've improved! We had so much fun on the way, it'll be sad for it to come to an end. Meeting everyone at our F.H.A. dinner. roller-skating. selling scones before school and racking our brains decorating for Sweethearts. Then came conventions - all of us staying in hotels and doing all the dumb things imaginable. It was a fun group, fillecl with fun limes.


Row one: Diann Bacr. Janet Nielson . Kaye Atkinson . Kathy Evanson Laura Uanslc . Jill Penv . Linda Tuclcha ra. Pauln Smit h. Elaine Stiel. Elizabeth Limb . Tammy Mel lor. Dehblc Suthcrlancl. Row lwo : Dcsi oarkcr Penny Clrcoory , JuriY H<~rper. Suzanc Ordokowski. Roxanc orrlakowskl. Lynrtu Short. Mar~la Fcrouson. Pauline Mart in. Ka thy ~t<~rkharn. K<~ylcne Davis. Pam Gessllt. Chri s Steam . Kistlne Campbell. Row three : Marsha tla ne, Clnrly PiirJCl Llnrla TriDJJ . , andrtr Buhl. Tammy Bccksleacl. Ginnie Barlow. Tammy llarctman JN111Ctte jnhnson . Cindy Slaclc. Jan Larsen . Debra Rasmus¡ sen. )oni Bonenschutz. Mlclrcllc Furner. Kaylynn Nu tt all . Miss Thornoc~ . Advisor. Row lour: )eal Takcmorl. Cheryl Lamping . Steph Welch , Cindy tllcharson . Colleen Prince . jan Dickerson . Tammy Waustarr . DeiJlnc Gentry, Ka ren Jensen. Brenda Ta(J(Jarl. Karlcnna l7.all. Nancy IJallanl, lluth Parry . Row live: Kathy Duma s. Hochcllc Falrhournc . Lisa Green. LeAnn Terry, Tammy Ross . Marcie Harris. Jcnntrcr Cannon . Dtn"h llolmstcact . Cincly Christensen . 1\alhV Keele. Stacy Fitzgerald . Ti na Oollcll .

Masque And Gavel

OFFICERS: Megan Timoney. Rusty Withers. Doree LeFevre. Tammy McC lure. Missing: Bennett Green.

Robyn Bishop Advisor

was great belonging to a club whcse main goal was to have a good time. Stick 40 goofy kids together and how could we help it. There's nothing better than watchi ng a flick . roller-skating. tubing , or even sitting around shooting the bull with a bunch of buddies . The best yet was watching our own star. Robyn, in Airport '75 . It really beat the weekday blahs . It


one: Kirk Petersen. Tnmmy Pi ers on. Rusty Withers. Megan Timoney, James Hardy. Judy Tetrick . Dave Jacobson . Kilrnmy McClure . Ilobert Glad . Lloyd Ne lson. How two : Doree LaFevre. Joy Hansen . Roxanne Whipple. Cindy Dowding , A~ren Walters. Chris Knopp, Marcy Ferguson. Franci ne Stapley . Liz Gonzales . Cy nthia Hillock . Elizabeth Limb. Dane Jar ed . Nola Pel erson . DeAnna Hil l. Cindy Jensen . Darla Simon . Frankie Taylor. Row three: Jud y Hatch. Drew Chamber! .1n. Doug Cl in e. Jan Coffin . Brett Childs. Pat Taylor . Lori Sevy, Margaret McGui re. Jim Dahl. Buzz Welch . Kristine l c~rcl y , Karalee Rishton . Shell y Geertsen. Colleen Angus. Gale DeVtsser. Teresa Higbee . Debra Rasmussen . Jan Larsen .




Working to improve myself. and my skills wasn't easy, but with challenges. also came fun. I did everything but kill myself at our tubing party . I was asleep at our breakfast. but had a great time at our stomp. I had to work har¡d for state competiton. yet it was real exciting in many ways.

!tow one: Mr. King, Advisor: Lance Schmidt. Brian Robertson. Ray Allred . Scott Brown . Alan Buchanan . Kevin Sybrowski. Row two: )ani Milne. Terri Barlow . Robyn Birch. Patty Winger . Kim Kempner . Eileen Smith. Suzanne Ferre. Cindy Robinson . Cyndee Slade. Terri Lester. Brenda Golberg, Kelli Golding. Row three: David Rynearson . Brent Golberg. Ray Thacker. Craig Mace . Jim Nelson . Leslie Gailey. Craig Brooksby, Doreen Stauffer. Pam Bolliger. Susan Kendrick. Desi Barker. Anne Miller. Marcy Ferguson. Row rou1: Joey Davis. Chad Homer. Jeff Phillios. Carl Sargent. Corey Houmand . Gary Thomas. David Orgill . Barry Sorenson . Steve Maddox. Robert Mathie . Kevin Gallagher. Rhonda Norton. Randy Huoes. Kevin Pack . Pat Flynn. Row five: Alan Beck. Buck Sharples. Dave Zeller. Lorin Capson. Jim Mad dox . Duffy Pingree . steve Overson . Steve Deleeuw . Randy Draper. George Gonzales. Lee Smith . David Allen . Mike Black.


D.E.C.A. Isn't it always the story? Two months to do something and I encl up cramming my journal for marketing into the last weekend. Though there were hassles. and lots of work. I learned a lot about marketing, management.. and merchandising. I didn't get picked from our school to go to State Competition. but I gained a lot from trying. The spaces between the business side were always filled with activities. roller-skating. banquets. parties. service projects. millions of ideas for a fun year and just the right kids to make them happen too! D.E.C.A . was fun and good times. yet learning and experience too.

Mrs. Wilson Advisor

OFFICERS: Mike Mounteer. Carol Nielson. Jeff Meldrum . Laura Fergus.

Row one: Reed Gifford . jan Coffin. Sherilyn Arnold. Victor Smith . Roger Jaynes. Laura Fcrous. Kevin Oily , Tony Cates. Cindy jordan. jolla Hanna. Row two: Shelly Reed . Becky johnson , Sharon Stanger. Debbie Williams . Sherry Atkinson . Suzilnne Ferre . Carol Butler. Mlckl lloundY· jolene Tingey. Jea nine Oliver . Laura Olsen. Row three: Chad Homer. Dave Hodson . Maxine Yazhe. jolynn Brown . Mike Mountecr. Diana Baer. Tammy Mellor. Row four: Janella Cox. Robert Causey , Mike Burkman . Kim Kempner. Lynn Anderson , Tom Wiseman . David KimiJail · Row five: There sa Allan . Pam Chapman . Greg JJallard . Cralo Fi sher. Debhle Lanier. Flora Limb . Linda Morgan . Carol Nielsen . Jeff Melrlrunl · Ann Dunster. Kent Jacobson . Row six: )'Dean Adams . Larry Wallers. Duane Bailey . Kirk Pclcrsen . Sharon Tobin , Claudia Krueger. Paf11 summerhays. Janet Gough , Tracey Hunsaker. Nancy Walkenhorst. Dave n ck . ll.ow seven: Terry Sp rouse . Annette Crebs. Tcrl ll ouo hton . Cindy Paramore. Charlene Zupa n. Ally Olsen. OHwn Moore, Los Galley . Duane Oovls . jay Stuart. Kent Oamjanovich. Daryl Bingham. Roll' eight: Kelly Christensen. rawna Ridlnq. Cindy Slade. Cindy Robinson . wacte Kino . Sid jones . Oan washburn. Kev'ln Gallagher. Jeff Leavitt. Mr. clark. Advisor. Row nine: Ken Noffsinger. Cralo Anderson . Grant Ra(Jsllale . David Pett. Ktyn Edmunds. 1\rtlo Edmunds .


Bookstore I always liked working in the bookstore. I didn't especially like refunding money for the coke machine or coping with complaints about inflation. and sometimes it was absolute chaos when hungry bodies just kept streaming in. but then I didn't blame them. We couldn't help it if our food was terrific. We sampled it enough times to know. Row one: Carol Nielson. Laura Fergus. Ann Dunster. Row two: Larry Wallers. Mike Mounteer. Kirk Petersen. Row three: Duane Bailey , Jeff Meldrum. ]ay Stuart.

Mr. Jensen Advisor

F. B. L.A.

llPPICERS: Carma Hansen. Lynda Short. juli e McCormick. Katie Houmand . Kim Noorda. Marsha Rnnc. Missing: DeAnna Hill.

Miss Nelson Advisor

I guess it all started when my typing speed took a leap up 50 words a minute. I could never imagine myself as a secretary, but I just had to find out what those funny shorthand marks meant. One thing led to anotherrunning machines and struggling for a mailable letter. It was a lot of hard work. but now I'm going to Stale for business competition. F.B.L.A. is the fun side of business . and with our parties. projects. employer-employee banQuet. I'm beginning to think a boss's knee wouldn't be too bad.

!tow one: Yvonne Broarlhcad . Wendy Erickson. Sandy Lambson. Kathy Keele . Canna Hansen. Pam Tazzer. Peggy Crouch. Elaine Paxman. Shauna Moore. Kelly Kunz. Row two: Staci Fenton. Julie McCormick. Kellt Olsen. Cindy Roberts . Kim Noorda. Ka thy Robertson , Roxane Ordakowskt. Lynda Short. Claudia Krueger. Kelli Nelson. Row three: Loe Pierce. DeVi Marler. Marsha !lane. Kallc lloumand . jill Fritz . La Rae Leany. Lynda Lyman. Nola Peterson . Peggy Hummel.


OFFICERS: jena Crapo. Becky Johnson .

Motivation and interpretation are really important to me. I could get an idea to makeup a dance. but the dance was only as good as my interpretation. The Dance Club gave me a chance to put some of my better efforts on display. We performed a Christmas program for the elementaries. a concert for Jordan and anyone else who wanted to see us.

Dance Club

Kaye Atkinson. Nadine Smllll. Marilyn Hyde . jeri Bishop . Bobble Lee Gatehouse . Ronda Cope. jcn~ crapo. Debbie Clough , Shauna Eyre. LeAnn Terry , Karla Norton. Sherry johnson. Karen llverlll. Lor Jones. Shelley Reed . Becky Johnson . Debbie Hadley . Cindy Forbes . Cindy Jordan. Tracey Leavitt. Kathy Everlll. Nancy Price. 102

SKI CLUI3 MEMflERS Rick Adair, Sherilvn ArnolU . Karllee .'\nder-

snn . Colleen Anous. Duane Uai!ey, Dennis Alvey. Greg lJallanl. Terry Barlow. llracl Aauoh. Steve Bawden. Brent Rest. Kent !lest. jeri llishop , Archie Blackham . Dale Bnl]m, Paul Arown . Mall Bishop. Sl8ve Bruwn . Man 13uch<Hwn l<eed llrklacieh.. Mark Burniullam. enrol Huller. Chris Chapman. Uanlel Chaver.. Dave Clough. Deilhie t;lourJh . Jan Cof[in . Bryan C1iger . John CosliiJo. Lori Cran.ncY. BWne Cozzens . Ha!ph Crvstal. Laura Dansie. Terry Davls. Stev,lf DeLeeuw. Gu\ en Dillard. SaUHl Enniss. Kirn Elison. Paul F.el~urr.. Lynn Ann !'rrre. Hrnd Fentb!l Cindy l•'oriJcs. Scol l Fllatl$rst'nnc. Mike Forb ··- Brt•Cfl Farnswortl!. Dan Fra ncom . Terr~ Gtll'herum. Pal Galland . l\1arty 'Gerber. )oaTTl'ltl Glnssey, Slr.wart Gantner Ron Glove1. Heid Gi!fotd Steve 'tour Icy, Kr.vin t:allaghcr. 8r.l'ltt Grihllte. Shnll~r fieYts~:n. Rod llndecm Vicky lladean ..\1Jke HantlltOTl Blair Hanks. Julia Uanna. Giilfnell llanscn. Tracie Hansen, Marcie Harris. K'Othy ll'a~. Te1e~a Hta-

bee. Marsha Hendrickson. ~.1arjean Hooser. Gerry Ivie . Jill Jensen. jeanette Johnson. Frank ]ex . Cind y )onlan. Lisa Knnke. Cheryle Lamping. jan Larsen. Dallas Lyon . Robert Mathie . Tammy Maxwell. Brad MernJI. laymie Meynr.k . Meline Moller. Chris Mr.Cormick. joan :Viortenson. Lori Mace . Lloyd 1\elson. Karla , orton. Rhonda :'lorton . Handy Oakeson . Dovicl Orgill. Tim Olsen . .\1\ike Ozosky, Steve Overson. Rhea Pace Elaine Paxman. Jlll Perry . Dave Pett . julie Porter. Kim Powell. Co ll een PrirH;e. John Pyie . Cindy Richardson. Kirk Rirling. Brian Rohcrtso.lt. nan hail. Mike Sheppard. Cynrtee Slade . S1cl Smith. Paula Sm1th, Tr.resa Smith . Terry Sprouse. Lonnie Stilson. Jay Stuart. Pam Summerhays . Rnndy Sylvester. Mike ScllU!Zke . Curlls Todehara. Riel<. Takemori. Gary Thomas Sharon TDbin. Annette Thornock. Glen Vawdrey Gal Wadsworth . Tammy Wagstaff. Karen Walters. Diane washburn. Kathy Wasl1burn. John Weilster. Brad Winger. Denn1s Wharton, Ray Willr.tte. De\lhie Williams.

Ski Club

After 1 flnally mastered the snowplow in my backyard. I decided 1 was ready for the slopes. I had trouble finding people to ski with though. so I joined the Ski Club. where everybody else was. I wasn't super at it and it was great to see other kids take a grand wipeout as often as 1 did . even though when I laughed. I'd usually dump it three feet under .. . again.


G. A.A. I've always been involved in sports from the neighborhood "boys only" ball games right on up to gym class scrimmages. So 1 really thought G.A.A. was great. I loved working to the point where I knew we could make it . . . and we did too. The competition we gave the other teams was terrific. 1 only wished there were more spectators supporting us. Anyhow our victories. losses. club parties and good times made everything worth-while.


Row one: Jolene Christenson. Ann Dunster . Tamara Walkenhorst . Shelly McCollough, Joyce Jackman . Row two: Julie Chamberlain. Debbie Francom . Tammy Smith . Julie Vowles. Debbie Clough, Dara Anderson. Jodi Bentley, Tam! Okubo . Tawna Riding . Kelli Christenson. Row three: Mrs. Price . Ad visor: Lori Mace . vecAnn Watson . Cindy Paget . Cindy McDonald . Karen Gatchouse . Gloria Bailey. Debra Blazzard . Row four: Liz Gonzales. J.oe Pierce. julie Porter. Caro lce Anderson . Doris Sharp . joan Mortensen . Nicholc Longstaff. Kathy Noorda . Deanna Scott.

OFFICEilS : Katliy Nnorcla . Ann Dunster . [oan Mortenson . Debbie Clough . Tammy Smith .

Handing out tickets or programs. smiling. and thinking of something to say to everyone. And then came ushering, and pretending I knew where 1 was going . It was fun to see familiar faces. match parents to kids. and just be able to help.

Row one: Tt~mmy Ross. Karrle Petty . jan Larsen. Pam Tazzcr. Judy Balch. Row two : Kim Kempner

Tamt~ra Lykins. Yvonne Broadhcacl. OobbteLee Gatchouse. Sandy Lambson . Robyn Birch. CindY Peterson . Kerry Mortensen . PC\l(JY Rich .


Key Club If I didn't gain anything else during

the year. I finally mastered the art of folding the flag right. I had enough practice anyway. But I never was very good at kneeling in the snow for very long periods at a time. Yet the snow sculpturing was terrific . especially when we put something together that actually looked pretty good. All I ever knew how to do in the snow was make angels. Leslie Galley. Dave Henderson. Keith Cornta. Gary Garcia . Advisor: Scott Jewkes . Ray Allred. Janice Ballard, Kaye Atkinson.

Rodeo I never was much at singing or dancing around on stage, so I was glad when we finally got a club going that I could sink my spurs into. Although I can't play an instrument. just give me a horse and look at me go . I guess it just runs through my blood. I really went for the casual atmosphere: hay rides . square dancing and galloping around. Row one: Dave Clark . Scott Fttzgerald . Darrell Allen . Alvin Whipple . Roger Allen . Row two: Charlene

Zuoan. Lori Steadman . Sherry Gtles. Lisa Mitchell. Judy Allen. Standing: Scott Edwards . David Palmer. Advisor: Louts Leon . Missing: Sharon Oakeson, Connie Stranger. Tom Giles. Alan Beck. Tina Xalz , Matt ]ones. Mike Marcovicchlo. Larry Harding , D'Ray M!ller.


1000 Mile Even though I didn't Quite run the thousand miles mark. I ran till I thought my legs would fall off. I really learned what self-discipline is. and that it's a little easier said than done.

Curtis SmJth. President. Na ncy Ballard. Mike Mounteer. Kris Cannon . Todd Zaoorec. Ruth Parry . Duane Davis, Susan Ballard. Ken Noffsinger. Elaine Davis. Scott Landeen . Dan May

Tennis Every sunny day found me out hitting my battered tennis ball around . I never was terrific at it. but I really liked it just the same. There weren't too many in the club. but we got along fine. After all, a few rackets, a bunch of balls and some goofy kids .. . where could I lose?

• t




Linda Tripp, Duane Davis. Susan Ballard. Ruth Parry . Nancy Ballard, President. Sandy Lambson. Sharon Tobin.

Jackie Conkling 106

Row one: Megan Timoney. Tammy McClure. Tammy Pierson. Row two: Paul Krueger. Jim Bogenschutz. Mrs. Bishop, Advisor: jan Coflln. )ames Hardy. Row three: Kevin Pack. Steve DeLeeuw. judi Tetrick. Robert Glad.

Stage Crew Being on Stage Crew was one way of involving myself in theatre without having to appear on stage. I was behind the scenes in every major production. I hammered and nailed until I thought my arms would fall off. and I about killed myself in the meantime. But the success of the productions made it worth it. even if it meant taking the set apart.

Robyn Bishop

Service Art I always wondered what I was doing in an art class. Especially when we got one of Miss Tippett's crazy assignments and I sat there struggling with ideas for an hour. I never knew quite where to begin. But somehow I opened up and learned my imagination can carry me anywhere. The things I made. and I did for others made service fun and art a challenge.

Row one: Kelly Gasman. Dan Bianchi. Kelly Hodges. Brad Merrill. Leah Tippetts. Advisor: Stephanie Welch. Row two: Tammy !lowell. Dan Francom . Cindy jordan. Annelle Thornock. Kevin Klotovich . jeal Takcmorl. Row three: Stacy Myers. Susan Strinofcllow . Kevin Scroggin . Lynn Ann Ferre.

Leah Tippets


Char lonians

Sometimes I got so tired of early morning practices. Between frostbitten toes. running around in curlers and wornout muscles. I figured I'd had about enough. Yet when tryouts and all the hassles were behind me . when we performed and marched to applause . I knew it was worth it and was ready to start over. Especially during parades. when we 'd split and astonish everyone. It was a year packed full of emotions; Mrs. Williams¡ famous parties. marching in borrowed uniforms, trying to sell 20 lbs. of candy and never quite guessing who my secret pal was. But it all went too fast and at our banquet dinner I realized how close I was to everyone. The year left me with a lot more than just knowing how to "bubble". ADVISORS: M ~ rl elta


R e n ~e


Wll ll ams.

Kim Barlow )oni Bogenschutz Bonnie Brennan Jennifer cannon Secretary Oakley Cannon Vice President

)enalee Crapo Allyson Day President Vicki Fairbourn Drill Mistress Laura Fergus Sandra Frantz

Debra Hadley Asst. Yell Mistress Laurie Hardcastle

Kelli Hiatt Marilyn Hyde

Lori Jones Susan Kendrick

Tracy Leavitt


Ke ll y Nel son Sand y Ort h

Loe Pierce Nancy Price

Kris Rasmussen 2nd Vi ce Presiden t Janae Ri chards

Marl ann Richard s Nico lene Ri ska

Cindy Roberts Pam Robi nson Lucill e Smit h Trea surer Nadi ne Smith Gc ri Sorenson Yell Mi stress

IJe tsey Steadma n Drill Mistre ss susan Sterl ing Debb ie Su therlan d LeAnn Terry Maxine Yazhe



Lynn Ballard

Doug Berry

Sharon Gailey

Gary Garcia

Hal Hale


Head Football


Football . Wresll1ng. Track

Basketball. Baseball

Ray Jensen

Dan May

O'Neil Brereton

Mike Murray

Margaret Price

Football . Basketball. Track


Football. Swi mming

Footba ll. Basketball . Go lf

Gi rl s' Alhlellcs

Fred Ash


Hugh Jewkes


A coac h must remain optim istic when being beaten by 2 points and he must tell the oth er JJ layers on the team tha t only five can play at a lime. The team 's success de oends on this one man. lli s job isn 't easy , but it's rewarding .





Holly Glover. Rhonda Norton. Head Cheerleader: Liz Gonzales. Tracy Leavitt, Julie Vowles . .--__,_r_a_m _ summc rh ays.

Debbie Clouoh. Debbie Hadley. Sherrl Johnson. Head Cheerleader: ]eal Takemorl. Mariano Richards.

11 3

Cheer leaders

Lorle Clark Advisor

Like many other girls, being a cheerleader was something I always wanted. Because of the support of the studentbody and faculty I finally got it and IT WAS GREAT!! I loved every minute of it. Being a representative of Jordan High was a great honor, (especially when I got out of class, hal ba!) I want to thank all those who helped and supported the cheerleaders and songleaders. Without you, we would have been of no use. I truly love Jordan High and all those 1 associated with. The memories, good or bad, will be with me always and forever. Tami Okubo

football games, wrestling basketball games with a victory here and a loss there. Add a lot of laughter. and a few tears. Mix in a lot of Beetdiggers and some great teachers. A dash of research papers. themes, e.e. cummings, Nixon, Shakespeare, gymnasticks. devotionals, and pep rallies. Equalize the sleepless nights with the sleeping in classes. Stir in a few rocks and some smooth paths. Top it off with red roses. midnight meetings, red licorice. dances, and people. I'm going on and leaving good ol' Jordan behind, but I'll keep the memories at hand. Cindy Richardson

I'm proud to be a Beetdigger, and thankful that 1 am a cheerleader. Being a cheerleader is going to be one of my best memories. I will remember getting up in the middle of the night to make dumb signs, popping my zipper In front of the studentbody, haling the other girls, loving them, swearing under my breath when we goofed, and shrieking like a maniac when we won. I really appreciate the others for sticking on a smile when they were blue themselves, Just to keep the rest of us up. They arc very special to me and will hold a certain place in my heart along with "Dear Old Jordan High!" Patti Mortensen

As I look back on the last year. there are things that I'll never forget. Doing the school song for the first time, getting pep assemblies done that same day, blowing up helium balloons in the girls' shower, getting locked in the boys' locker room on homecoming day, getting our pictures taken in the snow, how people can learn to get along with others and loving people for the stupid things they do. I've loved this year, and 1 will never forget it. It's been great. Shelley Reed

seems the days full of wrapping my ankle, laughing when I should have been silent last minute announcements, cute polka dot outfits, faking through a cheer. and forgotten porn pons have about passed by. It would be classy if 1 could just sit back and relax (I'd about forgotten what that word meant) and watch those busy, hectic and rewarding days on a movie screen. Yet I've got a head full of memories; where tears and laughter were simultaneous, and where we all wore a once in a lifetime experience. Although 1 never could bring my leg up straight in the school song.


Kim Hiatt

Song leaders

These experiences of being a song leader - early morning practices, lectures, shin splints, skirts too tight , unpainted signs , hassles, embarrass ments, unlearned cheers, and humiliations - sum up the most exciting year of school 1 have ever had. Jeri Bishop

I can remember dragging myself out of bed on the early summer mornings, never knowing quite how to tell time. Smiling, laughing, and crying characterized the year. The cries and enthusiasm of winning, and the heartbreak of losing. It's been the greatest time, and I'll never forget Jordan and all it stands for. Thanks for the memories!

Being a songleader this year has really had its ups and downs, but it all seems worth it after all the support we give our teams and the support they give us back. I have really learned a lot from working with other people. See ya next lyear, and remem¡ ber: my mo to as 1 live and Jearn is "4io and be duo in return."


I Ronda

Cindy Jordan

Lorlc Clark AdVisor


It has been a great year! 1

have really enjoyed being a songleader, and I would love to relive all the fun experiences that I've had. The year really went by fast. and I'll always remember it as one of my best. I don't think this year would have been a¡s great as it has been without our studentbody. Hope to see you all next year! Cindy Forbes

I've really had a good time being Songleader this year. It's really a far out leeling! Thanks for supporting me, and making this year my very best! Step Smith

Football Mike Akagi Running Back Paul Allen End

Scott Anderson Quarter Back steve Bawden Guard

Darwin Bradfield Guard Reed Brklacich Flanker

Mark Burningham Tackle Ben Christensen End

Bill Cowely Tackle Blaine Cozzens End Jim Dahl Center


Terry Davis Defensive Back Mike Day Safety Keith Eddington Quarter Back Ryan Ennlss Line Backer

Paul Fairbourn Defensive Back Wade Frischknecht Guard

Kevin Gallagher Defensive Back Sherm Gallagher Defensive End

George Gonzalous Tackle Gary Green End

Joe Ham Quarter Back Gerry Jvie Line Backer

Ray Paul Greenwood Defensive Back

I was determined to make this season a great one. so along with the team. I went all out. The work-outs and practices were hard. but not unbearable. and it gave me something to do twice a day in the summer. The midsummer heat and swollen knuckles from the winter cold made me want to keep moving so that I didn't have time to sit down and die from exhaustion. I had to learn victory wasn't everything though , and knowing I had done my best made me resolve to keep trying . As I look back at all the guys and my coaches. I know I got something out of it I couldn't have gotten any other way.


David Jewkes End

Glen Jones Tackle

Jeff Leavitt Guard

John Lundstrom Line Backer

Jeff Meldrum Guard

Merlin Miller Center

Steve Milne Defensive Back

Blake Ostler Line Backer

Jeff Pierce Flanker 2nd Team Region

Wade Pierce L ~¡ne Backer 1st Team Region

Kirk Riding Running Back

Scott Robinson Running Back

George Russom Running Back

Kelly Savage Line Backer

Kevin Scroggin End

Scott Brown

Drew Chamberlain

David Clough

jack Sprouse Jack Sprouse Rod Sedgwick End Joe Smith Defensive Tackle Bob Stone Quarter Back

Del Swenson Center Jeff Tempest Guard Gary Thomas Defensive Back

Darrel Troester Tackle Craig Wagstaff End James Veater Line Backer

Larry Walters Guard Lynn ware Running Back

Kevin Webster Tackle Oob Yaka Tackle

Ken Young Line Backer Dave zeller Guard 1st Team Region


J. V.

Row one: Bob Stone. Ben Christensen. Keith Eddington. Kevin Gailagher. Ken Young, Blake Ostler. jeff Meldrum. Rod Sedgewick. Darrell Troester. Row two: Gary Thomas. Joe Smith. Craig Wagstaff. George Russom. Paul Fairbourn. Blane Cozzens. Mike Akagl. Steve Bawden. james Vealer. Wade Frischknecht. Terry DavJs. Row three:

Alan Buchanan. Coach Murray. Del Swenson. John Lundstrom. Larry Walters. jeff Leavitt. Ray Paul Greenwood, Darwin Bradfield. Robert Yaka. Mark Burningham. Jeff Pierce. Scott Brown. Coach Garcia.


Row one: Marlin Powell. Dan Shall. Blane Hadley. Shaun Heseltlne . Paul Brady, Gordon Haueter. Mark Osbourne. William Teuscher. Doug Maddocks. Steve Massa . Steve Brown. Row two: Mike Zeller. Jeff Atkinson. Mark Jenson. Jeff Homer. Todd Andrlzzl. Spencer Olsen. Danny Lucero. John Padmos . Randy Sylvester. Kent Jolley. Ken Barber. Row three: Coach Jensen.' Doug Cowley, Coach Jewkes. john Castillo. Ken Har\[Cr. Steven Lewis. Chris McCormick. John Lavendar. John Flores. Val Carlson . Brad Baugh. Kevin Pack . Gary Yates. Steve Glad . Jack Sprouse. Row four: Kyle Walkenhorst. Nell Gauze. Bill Martin, Gary Rager. Jeff Logan . Brook Beesley . Kevin Kunz. Mike Schulzke. Greg Strong. Kelly Smith. John Galland. Dennis Overstreet. Lamar Noorda. Denni s Alvey. Rick Bakker.


Cross Country

Running for the Cross Country team was like running an obstacle course. Dodging coke cans. kids. and garbage flying at me from cars gave me incentive to run a little farther and a little faster. The thought of that finish line couldn't help but keep me going. no matter how far I had to run.

Row one: Curtis Smith. Mark Ziegler. Duane Davis. Ken Noffsinger. Jim Romero. Row two: Todd Zagorec. Scott

Landeen. Mike Mounteer. Matt Bishop, Steve Landeen.



J. V. Wrestlers

Row one: Steve Glad. Mark Ziegler. David Wilkens. Lan e Lundstrom. Mike Forbes. Randy Oakeson. Randy Huohcs. Jim Kennelly, Brian Robertson . Row two: Scott Landeen . Scott Brown. Gary Yates. Jeff Homer. Bill Marlin. Dan Auker, Justin Drown. Brook Beesley, Bill Martin. Mike Melonas. Randy Oakson . David Jewkes. Jeff Newland . Row three: coach Plant. Coach May, Greg Strong , Todd Andrizzi. Joe H11ton. John Galland. Matt llevelone . Randy Sylvester. Steve utley. Gary Rager. Darrell Troester. Mike Zeller. Steve Brown , Kevin Gallagher. Wade Frischnecht. John Lundstrom, james Veater. Duncan Seal. Mike Schulzke . Steve Massa.

MANAGERS: Scott Brown . Brian james Veater.



Lettermen '75

Sports Candids



Archie Blackham


Corey Houmand

J.V. I joined the J.V. Basketball team so I could practice up for the varsity team. and it really helped. The studentbody didn't pay much attention to us. but our parents sure did. Whenever I made a basket during a game . I always heard wild cheers from my mom up in the stands. It didn't matter who cheered though, as long as someone did.


Row one: Ken Young, Dully Pingree. Carl Sargent, Jeff Pierce. Row two: Coach jensen. Rick Bakker. Jeff snow. Glen )ones. Row three: Ben Christensen. Del Swenson , Tony Yenglch , Mark Langston .

Row one: Paul Van Leewen. Jeff Troyer, Spence Olsen. Paul Brady. Row two: Coach Berry. Mark Jensen. Brett Pangos. Gordon Haueter. Mark Langston . Row three: Jell Snow. Kent

jolley, Rick Bakker. Paul Skoubye, Tony Yengtch . 136



Todd Andrtzzi Pitcher Matt Bishop Right Field Steve Bawden Second Base Paul Brady Thltd Base Reed Brchl aetch Third Base

Steve Brown Short stop Ralph crystal Second Ba se

Blane Cozzens Pitcher Doug cowley Left Field

Mike Day Left Field Kent Dunn Pitcher

Mike Forbes second Base Ron Glover Center Field

A part I really liked about baseball was sitting on the bench and swapping Jokes with the guys . But I really came to life when I stepped up to the plate with a bat in my hand. Nothing sounded better than the crack of my bat as it sent the ball soaring. One more individual effort. among many, toward the final score.


Gordon Haueter

First Base Jobn Lundstrom

Shortstop Lane Lundstrom


Robert McPberron

First Base Jeff Pierce

Center Field Lynn Pierce


Wade Pierce

Catcher Bob Stone

Right Field Del Swenson

First Base

Kirk Thomas

Third Base Wade Webster

Third Base David Wilkins




Row one: Duffy Pingree . Scott Landeen. Steve Landeen. John Pyle . Mark Ziegler. Ken Young. Gary Thomas. Rod Sedgwick. Terry Davis. Brett Pangos. Tony Simonich. Mark jensen. Row two: Jeff Homer. Richard Mortensen, Jim Nelson . Danny Lucero. Clay Snedger. john Lavender. Spence Olsen, Kevin Gallagher. Paul Falrbourn. George Russom . Mark Osbourne, Mike Crebs . Randy Mitchell . Doug Cline. Rick Bakker. Sherm Gallagher. Row three: Jack Sprouse . Coach jensen . Mike Mounteer. Matt nevelon . Brad Baugh. Curtis Smith. Jim Dahl. Keith Eddington. Gary Whetman . Scott Brown . Chris Chapman . Justin Brown . jerry Flores. Larry Swenson. Larry Walters. Stewart Gardner. Mike Al<agl. Ken Noffsinger. Oanlcl Longstaff. Ben Christensen. Steve Overson . Merlin Miller. Dan Shall. Coach Garcia.


I got awfully impatient waiting for spring to finally get here . I hated running through the rain and bitter cold winds every day, but then who knows. maybe it gave me an extra boost in stamina. Whatever the case. once our team got going we chalked up some pretty good victories. Our individual efforts seemed small but they added greatly to the final score.

14 1


O'Neil Brerton


TEAM CAPTAINS: Kirk Petersen. Greg Ballard. Craig Fisher. ~~


Row one: Kirk Petersen. Greo Ballard. Craig Fisher. Row two: Evan Thomas. Alan Buchanan. Steve Overson. Mlkl Mounteer. Scott Olsen. Dallas Lyon. Coach Brerton. Row three: Richard Mortenson. Dan Francom. Dennis Overstreet

jerry Mounteer. Grant Ragsdale. Kerry Fisher. Ken Grimes.

Somehow, trying for seven gold medals seemed a little out of my reach. But competing in ·the Olympics was something you didn't have to do in high school. so I settled for growing a mustache and joining the swim team. I must admit that I was good at swimming. I didn't even mind the practices after school at Mt. Jordan's pool. The only time I really felt like I'd done something athletic or graceful was when I was in water. I guess my rubber duck was the first to notice this talent.


< ~-

••• --....



SWIMMERS: Karen Gatehouse. Elena Gibbs. joyce j ackm an. Gloria Bailey . Bobbtel ee Gatehou se.


Row one: Kevin Pack. Drew Chamberlain . Brad Wlneger. Kevin Culler. scott Featherstone. Scott )ewekes. Kevin Kempin. Row two: Mr. Ash. Coach : Doug Maddox. Willy Wright . Kevin Nelson. Corey noumand . Scott Anderson.


Carl Sargent. Rich Parker.

I've always loved playing tennis. There is a certain feeling that comes from being able to control that little white ball. When I couldn't get a court I'd even play against the wall. But when I joined the tennis team. I put all my skill and coordination together and played to win. It was an accepted challenge: one that I gained a lot from.




There were people who thought I was really crazy because I chased a little white ball around a golf course. Actually, I wasn't crazy. It took talent to hit that ball so it was impossible to find. But I did manage to hit a couple of birdies when we played during Region. and so did the rest of the team because our winning record was high.

Row one: John Haueter. Tom Darling , Ray Greenwood. Row two: Jeff Snow. Coach. Mr. Murray; Milan Swilor.

Garn Kemp.


It takes a little courage

And a little self-control And some grim determination If you want to reach a goal. It takes a deal of striving And a firm and stern set chin, No matter what the battle if you're really out to win. There's no easy path to glory, T}!ere¡s no rosy road to fame, Life. however we may view it. Is no simple little game ; But its prizes call for fighting For endurance and for grit. For a rugged disposition and A "don't-know when to quit" You must risk and you must lose And expect that in a struggle You will suffer from a bruise But you mustn't wince or falter if a task you once begin. Be a Lady and face the battleThat's the only way to win.


State Champs

Gymnastics Sherry Johnson

Manager Kaye Atkinson

Karllee Anderson

Gloria Bailey

Bonnie Ballard

Jeri Bishop

Debbie Clough Ronda Cope

Captain )ena Crapo Lori Dangerfield Beverly Davenport


Kim Ellison

Stacl Fenton

Pat Galland

Tam! Hardlng

Marllyn Hyde

Joan Mortenson Patti Mortenson Cathy Noorda Rhonda Norton Tam! Okubo


Cindy Paget Nancy Price Cindy Richardson

Captain Deanna Scott Cyndee Slade

Nadine Smith

Doris Sharp

susan Sterling

Pam Summerhays

When 1 think back on gymnastics. it brings so many thoughts to mind. r remember the months of working and perfecting my routines and those discouraging days when my body just wouldn't work the way I wanted it to . Sometimes I'd ache so much I just wanted to walk out and go home . but I always seemed to tape and wrap myself together and try again. It was hard being defeated by Brighton . but it gave us the confidence and oneness we needed. I'll never forget singing and cheering to get up for our meet. It must've worked too . because along with the support of our studentbody, we swept the victory right out from under their feet at both the Region and State meets. Our Honors Assembly was great. It felt good to have our work recognized and it made me realize how close our team was and how valuable their friendships were to me.

Diane washburn


Girls' Sports

I always loved playing football with the boys as a kid. Yet now my energies are relased in loosing my gym shoes two minutes before a basketball game. jumping for the volleyball on the back row. diving on my bumps and floor burns. wringing out my sore arms from softball. and running track on the dirt road around my house 20 times for endurance . Maybe I'll go pro someday.

Row one: Jolene Christensen. Joan Mortensen. Pat Galland . Tammy Smith. Row two: Ann Dunster. Dara Anderson,

Doris Sharp. Mrs. Price . Tawna Rldlna. Tammy Walkenhorst. ]Ill Jensen.

Volleyball Third In State



~ow one: Tammy Walkenhorst. Tammy Smith. Doris Sharp , joan Mortensen, Cindy Paget. jolene Christensen. Row two: rs. Price. Advisor; Loe Pierce. susan Sterling, Dara Anderson. Debbie Clough, jena Crapo , julie Porter.




Row one: Veeann Watson. Debbray Bleazzard . Kelly Christensen. joan Mortensen. Tammy Smith. Doris Sharp. Row two: Mrs. Price. Advisor; Tawna Riding. Debbie Clough . Jolene Christensen. Loe Pierce. Tammy

Walkenhorst. Dara Anderson .


Anything Goes

Francine Stapley , Mrs. Harcourt: Drew Cham berlain . Cap tain.

judy Tetrick. Ching; Ronda Cope, Lino.

REPORTERS : Tammy McClure. Paul Krueger. Megan Timoney.




Judy Hatch Reno sweeny

Dave Jacobson IJilly Crocker

Bennett Green Evelyn Oakleigh

Gloria Jensen ll ope Harcourt

Dan Washburn Moonface Martin

Joy Hansen Bonnie

Brett Childs Ellsha J. Whitney

James Hardy Purser

Buzz Welcb Bishop Dobson

DIRECTORS: Carolyn Nichols , Rodney Zabriskie. Robyn T. Bishop.

I remember how scared I was at tryouts and how I almost didn't dare look at the list of the cast posted in the hall the next day. But my name was there , right along with the rest of them. It seems we all became the characters we portrayed. I practiced until my lines were worn out and the scenes weren't funny to me anymore. But when the crowd roared during performance and gave us a standing ovation. I knew the combined work and efforts of us all were well paid off. The friendships I gained will never be forgotten. 155

One Act ;Where Have All The Lightning Bugs GonE

Scott Anderson


Joy Hansen She

Watching the One Act gave me an eerie feeling. There were so many character portrayals. I couldn't help but be con fused . The acting was great and r could tell a lot of work went into it. It was filled with a Jot of symbolism and you couldn 't help but think about its meaning . I wonder what a lightning bug looks like.

Robyn Bishop Director



Pillsbury fans sift flour - Get AcQuainted Party.

Swinger Daniel Longstaff - 50 's Day. I 59


seems I could always count on a stomp to pull me out into the social life. At least that way I didn't have to worry about the asking, being asked or footing the b,ill for dinner afterwards. And besides they were a lot of fun. Dancing crazy, woofing down the cookies and even acting normal at times. What else could you want to cure the Saturday night blues? It

Doyle jenkins and Debbie Hadley.

Fisher. Swim and Burl.



What's his name and his date.

, Cal

Ke lly Scorza to and Bob Slone.



Dogpatch Drag


The Dogpatch Drag found me romping around In a crazy, relaxed . and friendly atmosphere . Maybe that's what married life did to a 11 of us. but whatever il was it was great! As usual the night sped by. Downing doughnuts . dancing around the gym, and swinging in the tire swing ate up the minutes. and all too soon the clock struck midnight. The dance was over and my marriage license had lapsed . but I guess all good times come to an end . And besides I could still wear my

The Sweethearts Ball has always been one of my favorite dances . r always get so excited I ask someone a month in advance, and start saving my money about that time too. I spent half the night going through the tunnel of love a hundred times. and looking for the heart with our names on it. Yet 1 also thought the Water Brothers played great and picking the royalty out of Valentine boxes was clever. The F.H.A. did a terrific job with our "Crimson and Clover" dance . . . but the tunnel of love should have been longer!

Queen : Vicky Martin tst Attendant: Desi Barker 2nd Attendant: Jeanine



weethearts' Ball


careen candalol vs . Edllh Ann.


The day was whispering to me. telling me the secrets of my experience. But. 1 missed it waiting for the shouts I thought should come after something that big time. I wonder what I'm missing today?



YOUNG AMERICANS - t'ront row: Keith Shirley , Dana Jensen . Cindy Ri cha rdson . Second row: Clark Schmidt. Wallie Leigh, Ryan Enniss. Todd Zagorec.

Ryan Enniss National Merit Honorable Mention 1st Team Reoion Football

Wade Pierce 1st Team Reolon Football

Todd zaoorcc National Merit Flnallsl

I didn 't feel like I was so different from anyone else. I just went to school and did the things 1 liked bes t just as any other student did. I couldn't understand why I was being sing led out. 1 just enjoyed my work.

Scott Brown VICA Sta te President Elccl


tun Fannin Sl<ilC VICA Queen

Pam Chapman Deseret News Staffer of the Year

~~rNOR SOCIETY - Row one: Ruth Parry. Nancy Ballard. Carrie Petty, Linda Short. jan Cat~en : Doug Christensen. Row two: Brent Hardcastle. Allyson Day, Debbie Simmons. Mor erme Houmand . Dave jacobson. Row three: Kent jacobson. Gloria jensen. Pat So gan. Cmdy Richardson. Row four: Sherry Atkinson. DeAnna Hill. Pam Chapman. Zienme Brennan . Row five: Betsey Steadman. Cindy Paget. Cindy Dowding. Mark gler. Row six: Carma Hansen. Roxane Ordakowski. Claudia Krueger. Les Gailey. Row Dana jensen. Susan Ballard . Lynda Lyman. julie Sheppard . Row eight: .Irene Oakly Cannon. Dara Anderson. Row nine: Debbie Clough, jeralyn Pixton. reigh. Row ten: Scott Landeen. Linda Tadehara . Stephanie Smith. Duane Davis. e even: Bob Albretson. Todd Zagorec. julee PUgmire. Lynn ware. Row twelve: ~otberg . Bennett Greene. Clark Schmidt. Row thirteen: Mike Akagl , Alan Buchcott Brown. Corey Houmand. Kent Damjanovich.

Les Galley Outstanding Key Club secretary

STATE ART EXHIBIT WINNERS: Mike Clough, Darrell Murdock.

IO% - _Row one: oakly cannon. Ryan Enniss. Cindy Richardson. )an Larsen. Betsey Steadman. Lynn ware. Row two: Linda Short. Roxane Ordakowski. Cindy Paget. Atkmson. Doug Christensen. Irene Henline. Allyson Day. Susan Ballard. Carma Hansen. DeAnna Hill. Row three: Vicki Falrbourn . Lynda Lyman . Clark Schmidt. Kent . Francine Stapley. )Uile Sheppard. Dana jensen. Row four: Stephanie Smith. Curtis Smith. Duane Davis. Clair Skoubye, John Haueter. Todd Zagorec . jeralyn Wally Leigh. Bob Albretson. Don Peterson. 177

DeAnna Hill

American Legion Oratory Award

GIRLS' STATE: Susan Ballard. Cindy Dowding, Dana Jensen, Oakley Cannon, Allyson DaY. Gloria jensen.

BOYS' STATE: Paul Brown, Curtis DahL Scott Landeen, Eric Retch, Curtis Smith, Rusty Withers. Drew Chamberlain.

INQUIRING EDITOR TEAM : Laurie Hardcastle , Doug Christensen, BeckY Bally, Bob Albretson, Sherry Atkinson. Don Peterson.

STERLING SCHOLARS: Wally Leigh, Stephanie Smith , Duane Davis , Irene Henline , Dana jensen. Todd Zagorec. !lnaiJsl: jeraJyn Plxton. Cindy Dowding, Ryan Enntss. Paul Allen, !!nalist. Mlsslno: julie McCormick, finalist; Wayne Crow, tlnalJsl. 178

Jim Romero 3rd in State Wrestling

John Sieverts 2nd in State Wrestling

Jeff Leavitt 1st In State Wrestling

Paul Fairbouro 2nd in State wrestling

TOP 3% : Betsey Steadman. VIcki Fairbourn. Doug Christensen . Sherry Atkinson. DeAnna Htll. Duane Davis. Oakly Cannon. Steph Smith. Lynda Lyman . Todd zaoorec. Clark Schmidt. Bob Albretson. jeralyn Plxton. ·

DECA WINNERS - Row one: Kelly Christensen. janet Gough , Mike Burkman. Stephanie Dipietro. Laura Olsen . Row two: Chad Homer. Flora Limb . Sidney McCulloch . jan Coffin. Row three: Jeanine Maxfield . Kim Kempner. Teresa jarvle. Kevin Gallagher, Danetta Cox . Tracy Hunsaker. Mike Mounteer. Missing: David Kimball. Kirk Petersen. Duane Bailey , Kent Damjanovlch. Craig Fisher. jay Stuart.

FORENSICS WINNERS: Todd Zagorec. Ken Grimes. Dallas Lyon. Bonnie Brennan. Kirk Petersen . Kirk Scott. Scott Anderson. Ben Christensen. Clair Skoubye, Dara Anderson. Jeff Phillips, Dane Allred, Greg Ballard . Blake Ostler. Mr. Parnell. Drew Chamberlain. Kevin Cutler. Craig Fisher. John Haueter.

Gam Kemp Basketball Playmaker Award

Sherry Atkinson Betty Crocker Award

SUPERIOR RATINGS AT REGION SOLO AND ENSEMBLE - Row one: Cindy Pagel, Robert Glad . Lynda LYman. Sherry Atkinson. Row two: Ruth Richards . Lorrie Larsen. Jackie Morgan . Debbie Simmons. Jesann Coombs. JOY Hansen. Row three: Shirley Lakerveld , Mariann Richards. ]eralyn Plxton . Dave Jacobso n. Lorraine Allsop, Ginger Wright .. Valerie Tuescher. jaNae Richards.


Seniors Of '75


Kyle Fitzgerald Born: August 21. 1957 Died: October 4, 1974

Kyle always enjoyed laughing, practical jokes. and having a good time with life. Maybe that's why he was so happy and easy to get along with. He loved to ride horses. and was a great amateur motocross racer. Like all of us. he had a serious side too. He used to dream on what he wanted to be. and how he was going to get there. His family meant a lot to him . and he had a great love for his friends. Although Kyle's presence is gone. his friendship will be with us always.


A year filled with new experiences. a few regrets here and there. close. binding friendships, days of complete frustration. learning to laugh at myself. and interpreting things my own way . The year is over. yet in its place I've learned a lot about myself. and my relationships with others. But most of all. that whatever I am. I'm "Free to be me."


In Appreciation

Beetdigger Editor. Kim Hiatt and Assistant Editor. Ruth Parry. There were so many times when we wondered how we could possibly get a deadline in. when the hours put into the book didn't seem to pay off. and we questioned our potential. Yet realizing our mistakes and laughing them off. became a valuable learning experience. Friendships gradually became meaningful. and the staff was unified with a common goal. Seeing that final deadline go in left us with a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment that could never be equaled.

concern and creativity in photography. To Roger Bean and Bob Rollins . for their patience. optimistic attltucles. and personal interest in our progress. and to Community Press for their perfection ln workmanship. Our sincere apologies to Dave Cracrofl for not being able to in elude him on the Yearbook page. To Brent Plant for leaving him off the Coaches page , and to all those whose names are spelled wrong . left out. or misplaced . But the biggest thanks goes to the staff. whose opinions. ideas and lndivlduaJHy , A special thanks to Garth Gooch. who accomplished our yearlong goal. Where helped us put our own ideas and individlearning from each other also expressed uality into the book. and whose encourourselves and the true meaning of agement and concern kept us going . His "Free to be me. " time. talents. and willingness to help were invaluable. To Art Shaw. for his


Index TIIE BIG THREE Clement Bishop 76 Jerry McCleary 76 Stanley Camero 76 GUIDING US Cheryl Argyle 78 Fred Ash 78 Lynn Ballard 78 Doug Berry 7 8 Ralph Bishop 78 Robyn Bishop 78 O'Niel Brerton 78 Carol Clark 7 8 David Clark. 78 Lori Clark 7 8 Jackie Conkling 78 Kay Ensign 78 Dave Erickson 78 Cerald Fisher 78 Sharon Gailey 78 Gary Gnrcia 79 James Gibson 79 Garth Gooch 79 rnn:ell Gunnell 79 Hal Hale 7 9 Laura Hauck 79 Betty Henderson 79 Ray Jenson 79 David Judd 79 Roger King 79 Robert Langford 79 Mllrian Martin 79 Don May 79 enneth McClenry 79 Bob McDonald 79 Donald Milen 80 Mike Murray 8 0 Joy Nel son 80 Carolyn Nichols 80 Rodney Oliver 80 Donald Olson 80 Rolph Pace 80 Margaret Price 80 David Palmer 80 Gory Parnell 80 R nac Pay 80 Brent Plant 8 0 Joy Pond 80 Brian Rawlings 80 aymond Rogers 80 Duv!d Rudolf 81 Gory Smith 81 Kayleno Thornock 81 Leah Tippetts 81 Donald Ward 81 Genu West 81 Marietta Willi ms 81 Lila Wilson 81 Rodney Zabriskie 81 Don Boskovitch 81 SPECIAL HI:LP Thelma Ainsworth 82 Cora Bake 83 G!scle Banks 83 Barbara Bolland 77 Evelyn Brown 83 Morg le Brown (l 2 El a Couch 83 Joan Gamble 82 Harry Gregory 83 Fayetta Hurst 83 Greg McMillian 82 Nerone Millo:rburg 82 LaRoe Naylor 82 Loretta Nelson 82 rloronce Petersen 83 Vaudis Peterson 92 Wendel Peter son 77

Veronica Klemann 82 Ken Silcox 83 Eai"l Smith 77 Karen Staffard 8 2 Georgene S~tocking 83 Jackie Syb owsky 82 Lena Wags aff 82 Marilyn Wagstaff 83 Florence Whittenburg 83 Richard Young 77

aaaaaaaa SON 23 hes about 4 times . BOB ALBRE EN 23,92, 177,78,179 Basketba 1 Team-soph. Track Te· m-soph. Honor So iety Band~sr.'

Inquiring I Editor Team Senior Ajfembly JUDY ALLE~f 2 3 , 1 OS Rodeo Club Vice Pres. Track Visiting Tackle and Jerry ev9ryday. The great Western stomp. PAUL ALLE 129,179 LORMINE ALLSOP 23,95 179 A capella-soph. jr. sr. Drama District and Region Solo Ensemble 3 years Guys and Dolls-Jr. rrutt pies in 1st Mr. "Z" 3 times a day Being Married MARILYNNE ALVEY- 23 GM MARK ALVEY 174 RAY ALLRED 23,99,1 OS Vica Officer Key Club Key Club won snow sculpturing Planned J::mployer-Employeo banquet BRETT ANDERSON 23 CRAIG ANDERSON 23,94 95' 100 A capella Pres.-sr . Deca , Vica Parl1rr:entary procedure team Excellent rating at roglo!l forensics Member of Seminary Road drag racing team Warbird Tho wrestling room 5th per. Football team Member of Mrs. Sybrowsky's Chock-out,Checkln Team . DAWN ANDERSON 23 JERRY ANDERSON 17 4 LI:NORA ANDERSON 23 SCOTT ANDERSON 23,74, 118,128,144,159,179 Studentbody President Football-soph . sr. , Baseball so ph . Jr . Tennis- sr . , Interp Team-jr . sr . , Superior in region Humorous Reading-jr.

Excellent in Humorous Reading in State Tennis Club Howard Cowsill in Pep Assembly Member of 1st period Coffee Team, Member of Sth period football team, Went to 5th period 2 times in one quarter. TERESA ANDERSON 23 Powder- Puff B. Ball game, Great Humanities class with music? Miss Henderson's busy work, Bus ride with Jr. High kids . LYNN ANDERSON 100 RYAN ANDERTON 23 SHERRY ANDUS 23 JOHN ARCHIBALD 23 SHERRY ATKINSON 23,100 177,178,179 Mixed Chorus-soph. A capella -jr, Madrigals-jr. sr. Honor Society-jr. sr. Inquiring Editor Team-sr. Betty Crocker- sr. Senior Class Girls Senator Omega Psi Charlonians - jr . Masque & Gavel Honors Choir-jr. , AllState Choir- sr. Junior and Senior Assembly bbbbbbbb DUANE BAILEY 23, 100,101 103' 179 Drank 2 1/2 qts . of water In contest Part of mole cheering section at B, Ball games Never ate one school lunch JOAN BAILEY 2 3 Junior Achievement Vice President-soph. Forensics-soph. Charlonlans-jr. Won a turkey, Broke Marsha's knee at Idaho Locked in locker Mut grant BONNIE BALLARD 23,14 7 GAA-soph . jr . GAA social chairman-jr . Gymnastics 3 years Track-soph, jr . , Softball 3 years, Basketball soph . Hockey-soph . A capella- jr . J.V . cheerleader- jr ., FBLAsr . Egg throwing Fast get away from school and car broke down EDDY BAKKER 23 Would like to think he was in every club Loved cheering at games Enjoyed teenybopper music GREG BALLARD 23,89,91 100 , 103,129,142,162, 168 Swimming team-soph. jr . sr. Interp- sr . Deca Club-sr, , Debate Team- sr . , Lettermen ' s jr, sr . , Ski Club-jr .

Forens!cs-sr . , Swim Team Captain-jr. , sr. Public speaking in Deca-sr. , Excellent in region debate-sr., Elton John Fan Clubs oph. , j r. , sr. , Senior Sluffers Assoc. Without getting caught Lila Wilson Fan Club forever! R. T. Bishop's red dress & great legs. SUSA."J BALLARD 23,74 89,92,95,106,177,178 Masque & Cavel-soph. jr. , Sub-deb & Squires jr.,sr. , Sub-deb Squires S£c.-jr. Subdeb & Squires Pres.sr. , Sub-deb & Squires General Board Histotian sr . , Mode.! UN- so ph , jr. sr. , Tennis Clubsoph . jr. sr . , A capella sr., H;onor Society - jr. sr. , All - Stat e Choir-sr. Girls State- jr. Student Council-sr . 1000 Mile Club-sr. Seminary Bowl Teamsoph, jr . sr. , Seminary Bowl Championship-sr. Top 1 0%-sr , , School Musical-soph. sr. Genius row in Chemistry, Kidnapping little pal, Worlds greatest dr iver GINNIE BARLOW 23,90, 92,95,96 Omega Pshjr . sr. Sub-debs & Squiresjr. sr. Jordanettes-jr. FHA-sr . , A capella-jr. sr . , All-State Cho!r-sr . Gymnastics-soph. Muslcal-soph. Guys & Dolls-jr. Interp Team-jr . , Senior Class Assembly KIM BARLOW 23,109 SUSAN BARTON 23 Good teachers I liked some subjects, lunches, principal, Big Pal Lil Pal set up, Little Sophs & having free days, l\11\RK BAY 23,124 Drama, Wrestling 2nd in Region-soph . Mr. Ward' s mailbox Julie Porter's smile Feather beating me Going home at 11:45 Crowded halls AlAN BECK 23,99, lOS DAVE BECK 24, l 00 FOLLEEN BEESLEY 24,94, 95 A capella - jr. , A capella Vioe Pres .- sr. , Not of age to have breakfast at V!llage Inn l\11\RGIE BEGAYE GM, Basketball, Volleyball, Indian Club DALE BERG 24 LEE BERG DARYL BINGHAM 24,100, 124 Wrestling - so ph, jr . sr . 2nd place Region Wrestling, Deca- sr. Cross Country- soph . jr . Mr. Clark's boring lee-

ture:;;, Tank fights at Weber Mr. Smith's assignments given 2 min. aft er class Losing 7 lbs . in one day MICHAEL BLACK 24 99 .1\RCHIE BLACKHAM 24, 74,103,134 Basketball-soph, jr. sr. Football- soph., Tennis-soph. Student Councll-jr. sr. Junior Class officer Lettermen DEBBRAY BL£AZA.RD 2 4, 104,152 GAA-jr. sr . Volleyball-jr . , Softball- sr, DIANE BOCCHINO 24,88 Broadcaster Assistant Editor, Soda Pop guzzler, KCPX Art contest, Coffee at Mary's JONI BOGENSCHUTZ 24 95,96,109, Pep Club-jr . sr . A capella-jr. sr. , FHA-sr., Honor Roll so ph, jr, sr . , CharIonian Ball committee Jr . sr . Dog Patch Drag committee-soph. Nurse Nancy with Kim Hectic nurses class VANCE BOULTER 24 KELLY BOWELS 24 PHILLIP BRADFORD 24, 128,134 PATTi BRINTON 24 Superior rating at region drama meet Exc e llent rating at Stat e drama meet Auntie Marne, Anything goes Sub-debs & Squires-jr Masque & Gavel-sr. Disecting frogs in Gunnel's, Great cast parties Little Pals, friends REED BR'<ALCICH 24, l 03 ns, 129,138 Football- so ph . jr. sr , Baseball-soph, jr . Ski Club- jr . sr . Lettermen Skiing once a week Sem. Devotional leader, Huggin' and Kissin' Kir11' s 5'6" buddy! TIM BROOKS 24 CRAJG BROOKS BY 24, 99 Vica-soph . jr. PON BRO\"!N 24 Golf Team- jr. Deca- jr . ,Vica-jr, Pie fights In bookstore, Clough got hit with a chocolate one . JUSTIN BROWN 24,12 7 , 140 PAUL BROWN 24,74,103, 120 , 132 BasketbaU-soph, jr. sr. Tennis-soph . , Football-soph, Boys State, Lll Abner Ski Club, Lettt:lr!l1en's


Club, Sunshine! SUE LYNN BROWN 174 REVA BRUNDAGE 24 BAMBI BRYCE 24 A capella, Deca Buyi ng tabs for counselor gang Great School spirit The teacher s listen to you, Loved be i ng a BI:ETDIGGER! CAROL BUTLER 24,100 103 Ski Club, Swim Team Lette rmen' s Club, Deca LORETTA BUTLER 24 GAA, Indian Club Historian Christmas Vacations Eating on the steps Mr . Parnell's Spanish class, music lectures

VALORIE COOMBS 25 FBLA c lub , Track KEITH CORNIA 25, 1 OS Sw imming, Baseball Key Club Pres. 2 yrs . Key Club Chairman Vica Mr. Wards US History Zemi Machine, Judd's bad taste in jokes BILL COWLEY 25,118 ANNETTE CRESS 25,100 RANDY CRESS 25 BRYAN CRIGER 25,103 WAYNE CROW 178 KEVIN CROWTHER Basketball-Jr . sr, RALPH CRYSTAL 25,74 103,138 BRENT CURTIS 25 SHARON CURTIS 25 Pep Club - jr . Drama Interp Team



OAKLEY CANNON 24, 95,109,169,177,178 179 Masque & Gavel-soph , jr , , Charlonians-jr . sr . , Charlonians l st Vice Pres . -sr . , A cape lla- jr . Madrigals- sr. , Honor Society, School musical-sr , , Tug - 0War at Get Acquai nt ed Mrs . Hauck ' s 5th per , A. P . Classes Ate a gnat at ea~ly morning . Pulled muscle doing split s, The German Club t hat didn't exist . TERRY CAMPBELL 147 LORIN CAPS ON 25,99 COREY CARTWRIGHT 25 Football, Track lst Place in ' 73 ' 74 Essay contest Got my pilot' s licence ! TONY CATES 25, 1 00 Vica, Deca Mot orcycle Cl ub DREW CHAMBERLAIN 25, 90,91,95,97,121,129 133,144,168,178, !7 9 Tennis-sr. , Baseball Manager- soph . , Football manager- s r, , Basketball Manager Musical 3 year s One act jr . Sub- debs & Squires President , Thesbian Cl ub , Masq ue & Gavel, Student Counc il , 4t h Place at St ate Forens ics meet Class clown, the boy everyone knows Sleepi ng overnight at school during musical CINDY CHASE 25 ANITA CHAVIS 25 KERRY CHI LDS 174 CRAIG CHRISTENSEN 25 95 , 157 , 177 ,1 78 , 179 LINDA CHRISTIANSEN 25 DAVID CLARK 25 , 1 OS JERRY CLIFT 25 Vic a MICHAEL CLOUGH 25 , 177 DEANNA CODY 25


CURTIS DAHL 25,178 Honor Society, Top 5% Computer Science Aid Boys State Buggi ng Hauck Partying after B. B. games Back Row of Ward ' s Do ing absol utely nothing in A. P , re search JAMES DAHL 26,90, 91, 95,97 , 118,129,140 Footba ll-soph . jr , sr . Basketball Managersoph , jr. sr, , Track t eam - soph , jr, sr . School Play-j r. A cape lla-s r. , Masque & Gavel, Thesp ian Society, Inter p Teamjr . sr . State Drama team-jr . Lettermanjr . sr. KENT DAN JANOVICII 26 , 1 00,129,138,177,179 Golf Team-soph . jr. sr . Baseball - sr . Honor Society, Deca Honorable Mention i n Stat e Deca on Manual Top 10%, Who's Who in American High Schools, Panorama of American Youth, Things I remember: Ki m Barl ow Bi ngham Cheerleader s Ward ' s Back Row Senior Hop BEVERLY DAVENPORT 26, 147 Baseball, Tennis , Volley ball, GAA DUANE DAVIS - 26 ,7 4 , 92,95 , 100 , 106 ,1 23 , 128 , 177 ,1 78 ,17 9 Track-soph . jr . sr . Cross Country-jr. sr. Forens ice- jr, Mat h Cl ub-Jr. , 1000 Mile Club-j r. sr. , Honor Society-jr . sr, Honor Society Vice Pres . -sr. , Sub-debs & Squires-sr. , Tennis Club-sr . Lettermen Club-j r, sr, Student Council- sr. Acapella-sr., Madrigals-sr ., Mil e Relay State Meet

St ate Meet-jr, , Get Acquainted-sr . , Science Sterling Scholar Nom i nee Anything Goes-sr., Top 3%, Homework Workouts (track) Girls Would do it a ll again ALLYSON DAY 26,95,109 177,178 Pep Club-jr . sr . Charlonian Pres ident sr, , Masque & Gavel soph, Jr . , GAA-soph . Volleyball Anything Goes-sr. A capella-sr, , Honor Roll, Girls State, Top 1 0%, April Fools! Research papers Early morning practices KEVIN DAY 26,100,129 MIKE DAY 26,119,129, 132,138 Football-soph , jr . s r . Basketball-soph . jr , sr. Baseball-soph . jr . sr. Soph , Cl ass President Student Counc il 2nd in beard growing contest, !lest dressed girl - Halloween Certs Commerc ia l! ! Stealing water bottles from Ralph, Doing swan dives for Brerton ' s class, Wat ch i ng my honey cheer Missing last second shot in Judge ' s B. llall game THOMAS DEARDI:N 2G Senior Assembly, Only 2 boys i n Scm , class, Sluffing Carrying back lu nch trays STEVEN DELI:EUW 26 , 99' 1 03 '1 07 Ski Club , Vica Clu b Masque & Gavel Club Never eating school lunch , Sk i Bum at the "Bird", Crui s ing during Rudol plts Cl ass Stage crew BRENDA DENISON 26 Interp Team - jr . Masque & Gavd-Jr. sr , , FHA Convent ion Ki ss ing in halls Gar bage i n front of fa c ulty room JESS IE DERRICOTT 2G , 95 GAVEN DILlARD 26, 103 Drank the most Zem i in 6th , Mi ssed foot ba ll keg I loved Julia Hanna for 3 y ear s - she never knew, Hat ed it all . SANDI:E DINI:I:N 26 GAA, Deca No assemblies STEPHANIE DIPIETRO 26 179 Dance Cl ub- jr . sr . Deca-sr. , 2nd in state Deca, Christmas Assembly Intramural Volleyball Little Pa l CINDY DIXON 26

CINDY DOWDING 26,90, 91,97,157,177,178 Interp Team-soph. jr. sr, One-Act "To Burn a Witch", One-Act "The Mayflies" , Student Director-Guys & Dolls Auntie Mane, Cheaper by the Dozen, Anything Goes, Best Actress Award, Sterling Scholar for Speech and Drama Masque & Gavel Club Ski Club, President of Thespian Club, Forensics Club, Honor Society, Girls State ZCMI Youngtimer REX DUMAS 26 Getting out half the day for work, Hated checkin policy DAVID DUNCAN 26 GARY DURRANT 26 Mixed Chorus, A capella jr . sr. , Good rating at region forensics meet eeeeeeee MARIANN EBELL 27,74,168 Mixed Chorus, A capella Junior Class Girls Senator , Junior Prom Queen Jun ior Assembly, Senior Assembly My old time putt putt nur ses class LAURCL ELDER 27,95 A capella-sph, jr . sr . Sub-debs & Squires Masque & Gave l Musicals-soph, jr . Greek banquet Human ities field t rips Jumping Hurdles Fis h room The tomorrows that never come LaMAR ELISO 27 LaVAR ELISON 27 Sk iing every other day Eati ng a tota l of 100 lu nches RYAL'J ENNISS 27,119,176 177' 178 Footba ll - jr, sr . All reg ion football team Sterling Scholnr Nominee Young American's Team Yule Gibbons Pots blow ing up In kiln p!ng pong, snowbird, cok add ict Calling teachers by 1st name KAREN EVE RILL 27, 102 KATHY EVLRILL 27 , 1 02 ffffffff RICK FADDIS 27 VICKI FAIRBOURN 27, l 09, 177, 179 Charlonians-Jr . sr . Head Dr!ll M!stres s-sr, Honor Society D!s trict S c . for Seminary, T!red typing fingers Hoarse voice from drilling Charlonians Stiff leg muscles My grandma loves me! JAN FANNIN 26, 126 LYNN FARNSWORTH 27 Mr . Rudolph trick equ lp-

ment Fisher's munch class SCOTT FEATHERSTONE 27,74,103,129,144, 168 Basketball-soph . Tenn!s-soph. jr. sr. 2nd in region-jr. Ski Club, Lettermen A cape lla-j r . Jun lor C1as s Pres !dent Studentbody Attn . Gen , Dumb enough to get caught skiing No socks Humanities sleep squad, Back row In A.P. History Elton John in Talent Assem . LAURA fERGUS 27,100 101,109 Charlonians-j r. sr. Deca Historian-j r. Deca Presldent -sr . 4th place in State Competition for Chapter, Top 8 of Student Girl of the year In charge of Homecom ing, Pa i ns of early morning Books tore~ a long lunch hour SUZANNI: FERRE 27,74, 99' 100 Vlca-jr. sr . , FHA-jr . FHA Officer-jr . Ski Clul:>-jr. sr. Deca-sr., Senior Class Vice President Won Halloween contest as Big Bird~jr . Senior Assembly CRAIG FISHER 27,74,89 100,129,142,162,179 Swimming Team-soph jr . sr . Swim Captalnsr . Deca Club- sr. Forensics Club-sr. Debat e Club-sr , Lettermen Club-soph . jr . sr . , Masq ue & Gavo l-soph . Elton John Fan Club-soph . jr , sr, Sludentbody J st Vlce President, \ st In Dual District Public Speaking-s r . , 2nd In State Public Speak ing meet-sr . , Excellent reacl!ng in region debate- sr . , Went to state in debate-s r . Junior Prom King Junior and Senior Assemblies, Played Girls Volleyball Team Member of: Senior Sluff and don't get caught team, school analytical society and boycott assoc . , Seniors for more special privileges squad, Outfox Beet controlspecial division corps KYLE FITZGERALD 27 , \81 SCOTT FITZGERALD 27 105 PATRICK FLYNN 27,99 gggggggg SHERM GALLACHI:R 27 ,

119,127,129,140 Football- so ph. jr . sr . Wrestling, Track-jr. Good times and bad times, Thanks for your time and effort . STEWART GARDNER 27, 103,140 Football- so ph. , Track Inquiring Editor-jr. 2nd place , Procrastination, philosophy, B.S . , apathy Received an academy award for Pep assembly BOBBIELEE GATEHOUSE 27,102,104,128 Swimmi ng Team-soph. jr. sr . , Swim Team Captaln-jr . sr . i.ettergirl-soph. jr. sr., GAA-jr. sr. Jordanett e s- j r. sr . Jordanettes Pres . -sr. Dance Club-sr . Sub-debs & Squiresjr . , Homecom ing As sembly-sr. , Senior Assembly Pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving, $15 . 00 Art supplies at Granite Art Show-soph. Didn ' t miss a day of school-soph . Publicat io n of Cour ier-jr. TERRI GATHERUM 27, l 03 So ph . Class Represen tative , A capella- Jr. Madrigals-sr. St ude ntbody OfficerSec . , Track-soph. Ski Club- sr. , Subdebs & Squires-jr . Hypnotized in l.,ythgo i\ssom . -sr. , Talent Assembly-sr ., District and reg ion Sing i ng Festlval -sr. Kld s express Ions during l unch, Crowded halls , 17 5 tense days of Shorthand, Farre l' s for icecream with th e buds, Sing i ng concerts Dear to heart tal ks with Mr . B. MARTIN GI:RBER- 28 , 89 95,103,155 REID GIFfORD 27 ,100 , 103 lUCK GILCHRIST 28 rootball-soph .' Vlca-sr . , Mr . Judd ' s sex education c lass ROBERT GLAD 28,74, 90 95,97,107,155 . 179 Omega Psi-soph . jr . sr. , Masque & Gavel jr. sr. , School Musical-soph . jr. sr. , School Play-soph. jr . sr . , Stage crew jr . sr . , SO ' s day assembly-jr . , Senior Assembl y, Madrigalsjr. sr. , A capella-jr . sr . , Superior at District Music Festival Solo-sr . , President of Madrlga l s-sr., Stagecrew Manager-sr Interp Team-sr. Got acquainted So ph. Sr. , Superior In District Ensemble-jr . sr .

Lighting for One-Actjr . sr. JOANNE GLASSEY 2 8, 7 4 103 FHA-sr . , FBLA-sr. Ski Club- sr. , Honor Society-jr . , Student Councll-jr . sr . , Sweethearts Royaltysoph . GEORGE GONZALES 28, 99,119,129 BRENT GOTBERG 28,99 Survivor of School lunch MARK GOTBERG 28, 177 Swimming Team-soph. Honor Society-sr. GORDON GRAY 28 SCOTT GRIBBLI: 28,103 KATHY GRUBB 174 BENNETT GREEN 28,74 90' 177 Masque & Gavel-soph jr . sr., Masque & Gavel Pres . -sr . Superior in region and state drama meet Guys & Dolls, Auntie Marne, My big rollAnything Goes, Thespian troop GARY GRELN 28, 119 Football-soph . jr . sr. Letterman JAMES GREENWOOD 28 Vlca, Drama- Wizard of Oz, Tallest kid In school, No homework tha nks t o Judd and B !lard KEN GRIMES 28, 74,89, 142,179 Debate, Drama Creative Writing Magaz ine hhhhhhhh VICKY HADEAN 29,103 ALAN HALL 29 JOSEPH HAM 29,119 JUUA HANNA 29,87,100 ! 03 Yearbook-sr., Decas r., SkiClub-Jr. s r. Ski Club Vice Pres.sr. , Shnanna, Hot Li ps , We irdo Hanna Banana Garbage can war mer Group therapist CARMA !IAN SEN 29, l 01, i77 FBLA-sr. , FBLA Treasurer -sr . , A cape lla Sub-debs & Squires Masque & Gavel Honor Society JOY HANSEN 29 , 90,91 94 '95 '97' !55 ' 179 A capella-jr . sr. Madrigals-sr. , Reg ion Solo Festival-Superior rating-sr . Interp Team-jr . sr . One-Act- sr. , forenslcs-sr . , Musical-sr . Omega Psl-sr . , Masque & Gavel-sr. Brent Hardcastle never remembers my name Working hard for Interp, Pep Assemblies MELAN IE HANSEN 29,174 Drama, Mat Maid in

wrest ling The day I got married in the Counselor's office, Those great wrestling matches Margie ' s tabs VICKIE HANSEN 29,91 BRENT HARDCASTLE 29, 94,95,177 Track- so ph. jr. Band - soph. A capella -jr . sr. Madrigals-sr. Masque & Gavel-jr. Honor Society-s r . Senior Assembly School Musical-sr . Homecoming Parade - sr. PAULINE HARDCASTLE 29 Humanities, Mini Courses, Bomb scare Supported school sports JAMES HARDY 90,91, 97, 107,155,156 Swim team, Lettermen Made wings and arms for the movie-The Wlndlgo, Guys& Dolls Interp Team-Super ior rating in reg ion and state, Anything Goes, Survl val trip with Mr . Palmer, Hammed up Pep Assemblies, Cheaper by the Dozen Lights & movies for As sem . Stagecrew Helped build scenery Follow Spot, Dean Swartz , Kathe Harmon JUDY HARPER 29 , 96,168 FHA-sr . Pep Club-jr . A capella - jr. sr . Traveling from game to game, Idaho w ith Pep Club MARLENE HARRISON 29,95 GAA-soph. A capella- jr. sr . JANET HARTLERODE 29 Mary's for Coffee Sitting In McCleary ' s Always so many people in the halls. JUDY HATCH 29,90, 91, 95,97,104,156,168 Guys& Dolls Auntie Marne Interp Team Regionsoph. jr . sr. , Int erp Team Stat e- sr . The Wizard of Oz Anything Goes Cheaper by the Dozen A capella-j r., Madriga l s- sr. , Talent Assembly-soph , s r. Daisy Mae -j r . Olymp ics-soph . jr. Senior Assembly Homecom i ng Assembly sr . , Masque & Gavel sr. , Omega Psi-J r. sr . Sub-debs & Squires-jr. JOHN HAUETER 29,89, 177 '179 Ate school lunch everyday I went to school Golf Team-jr . sr . Honor Society 2 yr s . Debate-Excellent In Region, A. P. classes lost Mr . Ward's Con federate, Lost feeling In Gooch's math class

DAVID HENDERSON 29, 174,87,105,169 Football- soph. Wrestling-soph. jr. sr. , Lettermen's Club sop h . jr . sr., Tennis Manager, Key Club Manager-jr. Key Club President sr., Track soph. , Cross Country jr., Reading 20,000 Languages Under the Sea for Senior research paper IRENE HENLINE 29, 94, 95,171,177,178 Seminary Bowl Masque & Gavel A capella Honor Society Tennis, Top 10% lo Sterling Scholar in Homemaking Mr. Ward's Confederate Flag IMC before 1st bell A, P. Torture KIM HIATT 29,87,114, 115,184 Sophomore Class Secretary, Pep Club Sec . jr . , A capella - jr . Madrigals - sr. Yearbook Co-Editor-jr . Yearbook Editor-sr . Varsity Cheerleader- sr . Cheering for my Hero! Pep Assembly Hassels Mohana and her monkey act After hours in the Yearbook Sanitarium I have a million things to do - loved it •. sometimes JAMES HICKI'v!AN 174 DeANNA HILL 29,90, 91, 97,!55,177,178,179 Omega Psi-j r . sr . Masque & Gavel-jr . Forenslcs-sr. -sr. School Play-jr . School Mus ical- jr. sr . Inter p Team-jr . sr . Superior in Region Solo Fest.-jr., Honor Society-jr . sr . , Honor Society Trea surer -sr . FBLA Secretary-sr . FBAL club-sr. Top 3%, JHS American Leg ion Orat orical Contest Winner, 3rd In State Co:npetition A capella - Jr. Pester ing Mrs . Hauck Broken typewriter s in library CYNTHIA HILLOCK 29,95 97 GAA-soph . , Masque & Gavel-j r. sr. A capel!a- jr. sr . DAVE HODSON 29 , l 00 KIRK HOFELING 30 CAROL HODGES 174 BRENDA HOLLANDER 30 Pictures at Halloween Gunnel ' s botany tests KENT HOLSTEN 30,129 Track - soph, Jr. Lettermen, Member of 1st period Coffee Team CHAD HOMER30,99,100 169,179

Parlimentary proceduree team, Honorary mention In state competition TERI HOUGHTON 30,100 Deca Club TERRY HUMPHREY CATHERINE HOUMAND 30,101,177 FHA, FBLA-sr. FBLA Hlstorian-sr. Honor Society-jr. sr. l st Place Broadcaster Poetry Contest- sr. A capella-jr. KAREN HYATT 30 iiiiiill DENNIS IPSON GERRY IVIE 30,87,103 119,129,162 Jjjjjjjj DAVID JACOBSON 30,90 92,95,97,171,177, 179 Guys & Dolls Auntie Marne Anything Goes Masque & Gavel A capella Madrigals Sub-debs & Squires Superiors in Dist. & Reg ion Fest. Honors Society Thespians Society Seminary Bowl Team Leaky pipe in restroom Mr . Ward all wet Trying to cut 3 A. P. classes, Great Times ROGER JAYNES 30,100 BRIAN JENSEN 30,95 Basketball Managersoph . A capella Broke nose & leg at same time-soph . Got stuck In Yoga position, Humanities Slept through school CINDY JENSEN 30,97 FHA-soph. sr . Masque & Gavel-soph . rr . sr . Masque & Gavel Activity Chairman-sr. Educational teachingjr . sr . DANA JENSEN 30,94,95, 176,177 , 178 Sub-debs & Squ ires Masque & Gavel A capella Tennis Club Young Amer icans Team Sterling Scholar in English Miss Tippett's witch Humanities survival course, Mr. Judd's blanket "A", The wild fish room GLORIA JENSEN 30 Honor Society Lead in Anything Goes A capella Treasurer-jr. sr. , A capella-jr. sr. Sub-debs & squires-sr . Masque & Gavel-sr . All-State Choir Girls State Humanities guest speakers, Greek


dancing in Soph . Hall KELLIB JENSEN 30 Lloyd Nelson & Kelly Lovell Basting 3 years Hiding in my gym locker & scaring Judy Harper Farnsworth's pink silk boxers PHILLIP JENSEN 30 SHERIL JENSEN Coffee at Mary's Paper airplanes in Tippett's Buying Kit Kat's KEVIN JEREMY 3 0 SCOTT JEWKES 30, lOS, 129,144 Cross Country Wrestling-soph. jr. sr. Tennis-jr. sr . Key Club Jr. Chairman Key Club Vice Pres . -sr . Rip off bookstore Throwing food Judd's class BECKY JOHNSON 31,74, 100,102,168,170 Jordanette Club-soph . Charlonian-jr. Deca Club-sr. President of Dance Club-sr . , Senior Hop Queen CINDY JOHNSON 174 JEANETTE JOHNSON 31 , 74,96 , 103 Madrigal s-sr . A capella-jr. Ski Club-jr . sr. FHA, PTA Spanish Deca Club, Vica Club Vica Secretary Vica 1st Attendant Model UN Honor Roll Breakfast at J. Hop Smuggling food , skiing feeling at horne CRAIG JONES 174 Never ate a school lunch Langford ' s lectures Crusin in my car MATI JONES 31 , 1 OS, 162 SID JONES 31 , 100 CINDY JORDAN 31,74, 87, 100,103 , 107,116,117 , 164 J. V. Cheerleader-soph . Gymnastics - soph . GAA-soph . Dance Club-jr . s r. Songleader-jr . s r. Head Songleader- sr. ,Homecoming Queen-sr . Deca Club-sr. Ski Club-Jr. sr . FHA-jr . sr. , FHA Stat!) Treasurer- sr. Beetdigger St aff-sr . Service Art- sr . Julie & I being Hodson's punching bag Neighborhood Dry Cleaning Girl Madly in love with "D"


kkkkkkkk GARN KEMP 31,129,132, 169,1 79 Football-soph.


Basketball-soph. jr . sr. Golf Team- so ph. jr . sr. Playmaker Award My Model A. fixed up Renna i&ance Man aom bed Sem. social with water balloons Stole turkeys for Thanksgiving JIM KENNELLY 31 BILL KING 31,100 BECKY KINSEY 31 Rick Gilchrist insulting me. Facts about life in 2nd Support loses of school sports LISA KRINKE l 03 Escaping the parking lot without Mr . M. seeing me PAUL KRUEGER 31 ,90, 91 , 107 Deca Club-jr . , Ski Club-jr. Stegecrew-jr. sr. Masque & Gavel-jr . Interp Team-sr . Omega Psi-jr. Putting 30 sale signs on Jordan's lawn Dean & Mona Shwarts Follow Spot llllllll CHERYLE LAMPING 31 , 55,96' 103 Pep Club-jr. FBLA-sr., FHA- Jr. sr. SkiClub-sr. SHIRLEY LAKERVELD 31, 92,95,179 A capella-jr . s r. Music Dept . Librarian jr. sr . , Outst anding rating at Solo Ensemble Sub-debs & Squiressoph, jr. sr . Masque & Gavel-jr. sr. All-State Choir-sr . Omega Psi-jr. sr. Musical-soph . jr. sr. Fruit pie~ in Mr . Ward's Loved rice crispies Lost my shoe at Box Elder , Mr . "Z"s sour jokes SCOTT LANDEEN 31,89 95 , 10G,l23,127,129 140 , 178 JAN LARSEN 31,88,96, 97 , 103,104 , 128 , 17 7 Masque & Gavel -soph . Jr. s r. Swim Team-soph . jr . Honor Society-jr . sr . f[!A-jr . Ski Club-jr . sr . Jordanettes-sr . Broadcaster- sr . Top 10% Mr. Berry's mustache Mr . Ward ' s sugarfree tab Mr. Ballard ' s crazy days Fisher's box of Trlx Arctic for lunch JEFFERY LARSEN 31 Would like to think he was in every club Locker raids Sluffing away the days Great learning opportunities

KENNETH LAW 31,92 KENNETH LAVEDER 31 DORE£ DePEW LeFEVRE 26,91,95,97 Inierp Meet-jr. sr. School play-soph. ,jr . A capella- jr. sr . Omega Psi-jr. sr. Masque & Gavel-jr. sr. Masque & Gavel Soc.sr. EUGENI: LEHENBAUER 31 Vica Club, Stagccrew-jr. Hard work, Never a coffee break Throwing clay in 7th WALLI\CE LEIGH 31,176, 177,178 Honor Society Young Americans Team Sterling Scholar Nominee in Math Hot water drinking fountain Janitors ad vice $1.25 cokes in lunch room , Lawn sprinklers during football practice ELIZABETH LIMB 31,91, 96,97 Interp Team-sr . A capella-sr. Mixed C:horus-jr . FHA-soph . sr . Pep Assemblies Never had to share my locker Mr . Hale's Follow Spot Lunchroom jello LOUIS LEON 32 NICOLE LONGSTAFF 32, 104 Seminary Bowl Girls Track, GM, Intramurals Mrs . Hauck ' s 1\. P. Classes Research papers Miss Tippett's Halloween get up LYNDA LYMAN 32,92, l 01 170,177,179 A capella-Jr . Milsque & Gavd-Jr . Honor Soceity Madrigals- sr. Sub-debs & Squircs-sr. FBLA-sr, Superior rating at Music Fest. Beetd iggor Staff (Thanks Lynda) Trampling in snow to sing Gro t vacations Yearbook deadlines Pulling my ha ir out over Geometry, 1\ . P. c lasses , music lessons Hauck's blackboard pass, my miss ionary , missing so much school mmmmmml)'lrr\ JAMES MADDOCKS 32,99 Vica-Jr . sr . Opening &. closing team both yo rs KAREN MACKLIN 3 2 , 74 MIKE MARCQVECClliO 3 2 lOS Golf-soph, Jr. Rodeo Club-sr. Track DeVI MARLER 32,101

Soph Vice Pres ldent' FBLA-sr . , Vica-jr . Sophomore Davis Darts Senior trampling buffalo 1\ pretty bad assembly Married in May MICHELE !'v1ARSHALL 32 KATHERINE MARTIN 3 2 Basketball, Softball Track, Indian Club GAA Indian Club President Assemblies VICKY MARTIN 32.170 Jordancttcs-jr. Sweethearts Queen-sr. Remembering my great days, Wilted roses at Sweetheart's Eating 9 school lunches CHAD MAXFIELD 32 KURT MAYNES 32 JULIE McCORMICK 32,74 87,101,178 Deca Club-jr . FBIA Club-sr . , FBLA Club President Beotdigger Staff-sr . Sterling Scholar in Business Typing this lovely Senior Summary by tomorrow My business career Miss Nelson & Mrs . Pay SIDNEY McCULLOCH 32 , 179 Deca Club-jr . sr . Deca Historian-sr . Honorable mention in State Dcca CompetitionChapter of the Year Advertising SCOTT McHENRY 147 Hated every minute CARRIE MEAD 174 MERLIN MILLER 120, l 29, 140 Football-soph. jr. sr . Wrcstling-soph ,jr. sr . Basebal1-s0ph. Trac,-jr . sr. Deca-sr. Vica-sr. Letterman's Club-sr. Ski Club-sr. CHERI MILLERBERG 32 NA INC MOLLER 32, I 03 L1 DA MORGAN 32,100 JOAN MORTENSEN 32,74, 103,104,150,151,152, 160 GM Vice President-j r. GM Presidcnt-sr . Softball-soph . jr. sr. Baskctball-soph . Jr. sr . Gymnastics m t Vollcyball-jr . sr. Gymnastics-soph . jr . sr . 3rd, 4th, 5th places in State meet Tennis-jr. Swimming-j r. MICHAEL MOUNTf.ER 32, 100,101,106, I 23, 12 9, 140,142,179 Dcca Club-soph. jr, sr. Cross Co:.mtry-sr . Swimming-sr. Dec llistorian-jr . Occa Treasurcr-sr . Lettermen DARRELL 1URDOCK 33,177 nnnnnnnn JI\MES NELSON 33,99, 128

140 Track Vica, Lettennen Member of flunking Calculus class Worst attitude in Sem. Don' t want to remember much KELLY NELSON 33,101, 11 0 Charlonians-jr. sr. FBLI\-sr . Shortest girl in Pep Club, Never missed a march KTM NELSON 33,129 KEVIN NELSON 33,134 144 Basketball-soph . jr. sr., Tennis- soph. jr. sr. Jordan Valley All-Star Basketball Team Jr. <\< Sr. Assemblies Basketball practice Squoegying snow off tennis courts in March Gailey social science class??? Bismarks and pie on tennis courts Beating B. Ball state champs by 25 points CAROL NEVE 3 3 CAROL NEILSEN 33, 1 00, 101, DECA- soph . jr. sr. DECA Club Sec . -jr . sr . Jordanottcs-Jr . Bookstore-Jr. sr. Bookstore Managcr-jr . sr . Hostess snowball fights 1 0 school lunches Bookstore days ROBERT NIELSON 33 KIM NOORDA 33,1 Ol, l 04 M squo &. Gavel FBLA Reporter I'BLA Club-sr . Stupid Senior Assembly Wrong school for ACT Tearing funnies from Ebony magazine 00000000

TAM!VrL 0 BO 33, I 04, 1 14, 11 5 , 148, J 59 M.tslcal-soph Masque & Gavel-soph. GM-soph . Jr .sr . Gymnastics-soph . jr . sr . , Backctball-soph. jr . , Track-soph. jr . sr . Volloyball-soph . jr . Vica-sr . Varsity Chccrleador-sr . fl cola hooper Curlers in my hair Nov r quito on time JF.ANINI; OLIVER 33 ,I 00 Dec a l ub- sr. Stud nt ouncil-Jr . sr . Deca CompGtition at Weber Dressin') up little Pal's like babies KELLI OLSJ:N 33,74, 101 FHA, Ski Club Secretary Vica, FBLA Studcntbody Historian Jumping out of the box in a bikini The scrap book

Driving Mike's truck Corny announcements IAURA OLSI:N 33,100, 179 Deca Club Charlonians-jr . Student Council Drama Mr. Olsen's jokes in 1st; Deca Contests No school lunch Haven 't fallen down stairs once, but up. TIM OLSEN 33,103 Coffee at I Hop ROXANE ORDAKOWSKI 33,96,101 , 177 riiA, FBIA, Interp Meet Superior rating at Interp Meet-jr. Mrs . Hauck's 5th period , picnic on tho floor reading stories, her super digger spirit, she made my year STI:VI:N OVERSON 33,74 99,103,129,140,142 Ski Club President Vica, Swimming Team Track Team All year Lettermen Breakfast Region Swimming Day for Swimming Team pictures MIKI: OZOSKY 33 , l03

PPPPPPPP SlJSAN PACE CINDY PACI:T 33,92, 95 96,104,149,151,177, 179 Madrigals-jr. s r. A copella-J r. sr. FIIA-sr. Honor Society-Jr. sr. GM- soph. jr . sr . GM officer- so ph . jr. Sub-debs & Squlresjr. sr ., Gymnasticssoph . jr . sr. Inquiring Editor-soph School Musical-Jr. sr . , Superior in Region Music restival Top 10% Honor Roll- jr. sr. The pai n of my injuries, joy of competing Lived in A capella room all year Biggest complainer of all ,perfectionist Bawled at Madrigal performance KAREN PANGOS CYNTHIA PARAMORJ;; 33 100 Deco-sr . Jorclanette-sr. RICIIAR PARKER 33,144 Footboll-jr. J. V. Checrleadcr-jr . Tennis-Jr. sr . Lottennen Great people and good times, ping pong in 6th, Doughnuts from Albertson ' s A cast on my legs KATHRYN PI:ARSON 174 DON PI:TI:RSON 33,177

178 Basketball- so ph. jr. sr. , Track-soph. Inquiring Editor-sr. Senior vs . Faculty B. Ball Assembly GRANT PETI:RSEN 33 KIRK PETERSEN 33,88,90 97,100,101,129,142, 169,179 Letterman 3 years Swim Team-soph. jr. sr . , Swimming Cap . sr. , Masque & Gavel Forensics Musicals-jr. sr . Debate-soph . jr. sr. State Legislative Forum Mode l UN - jr. Deca Club-sr. Deca Honorable mention Broadcaster-sr. Senior Class President Miss Tippett's Yoga class Brerton Flipping the ? Stolen oases of coke Being with Tammy No kiss ing in the halls NOIA PETERSON 34,89, 92,9 7, 101 Model UN-soph, jr. sr . Masque & Gavel-jr . sr. Sub-debs & Squlres-sr. JULIE PHILLlPS 34 FBLA LOE PIERCE 34,101,104, 110 , 151,152 GAA- soph . jr. sr . Softball-soph. jr. sr. Volleybull-jr. , Basketball-soph. jr. sr . B. Ball Manager-sr. Track-soph . FBLA-sr. Charlonian-sr. 1st in jousting ra ce with Wade WADE PIERCE 34,88,120 125,128,!39,162,176 rootball- Jr. sr . 1st team all reg ion Who's Who in Sports Wrestling-sr. Pluced 3rd in Reg ion Lettennen Club Pres.sr . , Broadcaster-sr. 1st place jousting contest Sitting in So ph . hall during ''B" watching girl s go by JERALYN PIXTON 3 4 I 92, 95,177,178 ,17 9 lienor Society Sub-debs & SquJ.rell Th spian, A capella Auntie Marne Accompanied Musicals Sterling Scholar in Music Top 1% Good rating at Music Fest. Library before school Voices in A capella Hardships of two A. P. classes, Mr. Ward's southern accented lectures KENNETH PO LIARD 34,92 JULIE PORTER 34,74 ,l 03 104,151 Ski Club-sr. GM-soph. jr. sr.

Basketball-soph. jr. sr. Track-soph. jr. sr. Field Hockey - soph, jr . sr., Tennis-soph. jr. sr. Junior Class Vice President, Studentbody 2nd Vice Pres, Home coming 1st attendant- jr . Flying kites in main hall with Browner My car wrecks after ball games Heart to hflart talks Doing crazy t hings with my buds KIM POWELL 103 JERRY POWERS 1 7 4 NANCY PRICE l 02,110, 149 Charlonians -jr. sr. Gymnastics-soph. jr. sr . , 1st Place State Gymnastics, Dance C1ub-sr . MICHAEL' PRIMM'34 Football, Wrestling Taking off 2nd fdr cokes, Telling Gunnel he's crazy, food fights JULEE PUG MIRE 34, 7 4, l 77 GAA-soph. Jr. Service Art Honor Society ZCMI youngtlmer Tello Snarfet champ Quilting club in 7th Pug Skiled on face and butt 1, 247 times Shy, reserved JOHN PYLE 34, 1 03, 129, 140 Coffee Team

mrrrrr MARSHA RANE 34,96,101 FHA, FBIA- sr. FBIA Parlimentarian Charlonian-jr . J. V. Head Cheerleader jr . DEBRA RASMUSSEN 34,96 97 PAT RAY 34 SHELLY REBD 34 ,l 00 , l 02 114,115 Head J. V. Cheerleader jr. Char1onian-jr . Dance Club-j r. sr. Deca Club-sr . Varsity Cheer1eader-sr. Engaged on Homecoming Hectic Pep Assemblies Free food in bookstore School song at last game Idaho weekends with Brad ERICH REICH 34,178 Boys State 1st Period in the hall cuz Mrs . Nichols was always late Jay Pond's corny jokes Bouncing jello in the cafeteria JANAE RICHARDS 34, 11 0, 179 Char1onians-jr . sr . Madriga1s -j r . sr. Superior rating at Music Fest. School M·. Jsical-jr . sr. Alternate for Girls State The hard work

50's assembly with Mariann A. P. classes CINDY RICHARDSON 34, 95,96,103,114,115, 149,176,177 J. V. Cheerleader-soph. Varsity Cheerleader-jr . Down to Earth and Humble Cheerleader- sr . (Head) Gymnastics-soph,jr. sr., Ski Club Acapella-jr . sr. fHA-sr. Young Americans-sr. Honor Society-soph. jr. sr. , Top 1 0% "Z" s back row Pep assembly royalty Winner of get caught skiing contest Li veq on red licorice Slowest get readier for the dances Never go to class team DEAN RIDING 34,162 FRANCIS RIDING JESSE RITZMAN 34 KATHY ROBERTSON 34, 1 01 FBIA Shorthand books and hassels My high paying job KISA ROBERTSON CINDY ROBINSON 34, 99, l 00 PAMEIA ROBINSON 35 ll 0 Deca, Vica Vica 2nd Attendant to Queen Masque & Gavel Jordan!'"ttes Charlonian, 'FHA Pregnant nun in Senior Assem. Member of 1st per·. Check-in team, Toiiet papering houses SCOTT ROBINSON 3-5, 120 129 Football-soph. jr, sr. Track, Ski Club Lettermen Senior AssembLy ? The practical joker Loved kite flying Munging up mY knee for football M.'-\RIANN ROGERS 35,95 A capella-jr. sr. JA1 ES ROMERO 35, 123, 125,129,179 MICKI ROUNDY 35, 100 Track Team-soph. FHA-jr. Charlontan-jr. Ski Club-jr . Deca-sr. Going to Dee's during 6th LORRI ROWSELL 35 ROSS RUSSELL 174 TOM RUSSELL 35 CHERYL RYNEARSON 35 DAVID RYNEARSON 99 ssssssss Mary Sampson 35 Kelly Savage 35,74,120 125,129 Football Captain Wrestling, Track

lettermen 1st Place in Region Wrestling Late to 1st everyday Hated school in spring time Was in some great assemblies CI.Jl.RK SCHMIDT 35,176 177,179 Young Americans Honor Society Top 3% l 00% attendance Paper towels for Physic as:stgnments Ate e1rerythtng even pars ley in school lunch Loved green almanacs in library 3-way tie chess tournament JAN SCH01N' 3'5 1nterp Team-jr. Musical-soph. jr . One.=Act Student Director-sopl1. Omega Psi-Soph . jr. sr. Masque & Gavel-soph jr, sr. , Masque & Gavel Historian-ir. Forensics-soph. jr. Madrigals -jr. sr. Being Married KIRK SCOTT 35,74,179 Swimming-soph, ir. sr. Musical-soph. Jr. Omega Psi Forensics-sr. Belped with movie (The Wihdgo) Watched inflation when Chubby burger went up Kr:VIN SCROGGIN 35 ,l 07 12 0 l''ootball-soph. jr, sr . Track- so ph, jr. Basketball vs . Faculty Assem. ~ever lette red KENT SETl'ERBERG 35 BUCK SHARPLES 35,99, 129 REBECCA SHELTON 35 Dance Co'lcert-soph . jr. Masque & Gaveljr. (v!usical-s r. A capella-jr. Madrigals -sr. BARRY SHETTEL 35 JULIA SHEPPARD 35,177 Omega Psi-j r. sr. Honor Society-jr. sr. Forensics-soph . Jr. Jordanettes-jr. sr. Sub-debs & Squiresjr. sr. A cappella-jr. Debate-jr. Interpt-jr. sr, Musicals-soph, jr. sr. Scbool Play-jr. sr. Top 10% Slummy halls Great people Boring classes KEITH SHIRLEY 35,176 Young Americans Team -sr., Suffered mental stresses, exceeri ir(J turmoil, external strains and agonizing moments LYNDA SHORT 35,96,101


177 Honor Society-jr. sr. FHA, FBIA Club-sr. FBlA Vice President Pep Club-jr. The games, the fun, the friends we all were, and Jordan DARlA SIMON 35,91, 97 Masque & Gavel-jr. sr. Kissing in the halls Judge dog cheerleader in Pep Assembly ClAIR SKOUBYE 35,177 179 CYNDEE SlADE 98,99, 100,103,149 Gymnastics , Track Deca, Vica, FHA Santa Claus in Senior As scm. Going to breakfast now and then Hussling the Soph. guys CURTIS SMITH 35,74, 92,106,123,129,140, 177,178 Cross Country-soph. sr., Track-soph. sr. Debate-sr. Acapella-jr. Madrigals-sr. Masque & Gavcl-jr . Sub-debs & Squires-sr. Forensics-sr. Lettermen-jr. sr. ERIN SMITH 35 FHA Mr. Pond's lectures Miss Henderson's slow moving sewing class Cutting open frogs in biology LUCILLE SMITH 35,110 Charlonian-Jr .sr. Asst . Yell Mistress-jr. Historian-sr. FBLA-sr. Maddening manuscripts Working for "Pay'' Cripple Club ROBERT SMITH 35 Swimming Team Vica, Wrestling Lettermen ROBYN SMITH 35 STEPHANIE SMITH 3 5, 1 77 178,1 79 Jordanettes -so ph. Charlonians -jr. Second Vice Pres.-Jr. Songleader-sr. Inquiring Editor-jr . Young Americans-sr . Foreign Languages Sterling Scholar Top 3% Honor Society Student Council-soph . jr • TAMMY SMITH 35,104, 152 Softball-soph. jr. sr. Volleyball- soph. jr. sr . Basketball- soph . Jr. sr. Track, Tennis Got a bat for hitting homeruns All star certificate TAR! SMITH 36,95 TRESSIE SMITH 36 Getting caught in bathroom Mr . M' s office


Jordan's parking lot JERI SORENSEN 36,110 Pep Club- jr. sr. Yell Mistress-jr. Yearbook Staff-jr . Marshmallow StufferYuck! Early morning practice LYDIA SPRINGER 36,174 STEVEN SQUIRES 36 TERRY SPROUSE 3 6, 7 4, 88 94,95,101,103 Dance Club FHA-jr. sr. FHA President-sr. A capella Sec. -Jr. sr. Madrigals-(, jr. Swim Club Manager Honor Society Fashion Place class Broadcaster- sr. Let's hit the Arctic 4th period gossip session Mr. "Z"s dumb jokes Glad its my last year SHARON STANGER 36,100 Masque & Gavel-jr. Deca Club-jr. Picking up shredded newspaper Free basketball games Changing grades in Olsen's, Going stringing FRANCINE STAPLEY 36,89 90,91,92,95,156,171, 177 Masques & Gavel-soph jr. sr . , Sub-debs & Squires- sr. Omega Psi-sr . A cappella-jr . sr. Model UN-soph. jr. School Play-jr, sr . School Musical-sr . Interp Team jr. sr. Forensics-sr. Acquired gray hair from Mrs. Bishop's school plays DOREEN STAUFFER 3 6, 99 Jordanettes, FHA-jr. sr . Vica, Deca Member of check-in gang, Breakfast at JB' s Orange passer BETSEY STEAD MAN 3 6, 9 0, 110,177' 179 Region Interp-soph . jr. sr . Forensics Winner-soph Charlonian-jr , sr. Asst . Drill Mistress-sr. Honor Soclety-Jr . sr. Top 10% Top 3%-sr . Thespians-sr. 7a . m. ; curlers, bruises Tshirts, hideous costumes walking down hall , flying kit es on lawn SUSAN STERLING 36,110 , 149,151 State Gymnastics Teamsoph. jr . sr. Charlonians-jr . sr . GAA-soph, jr . Masque & Gavel-soph. Joan M. hung a moon on the beam thanks to Kathy. Stupid sophs in Oliver' s Math Class CHERYL STRATTON 36 SUSAN STRINGFELLOW 36 107

Mixed Chorus-soph. A capella-jr. sr. Tippett's fish room Mr. Ward's can of pop Judd's sensual love poems KELLY STRONG JAY STUART 36,100, l 01 103,179 Bookstore-jr. sr. Ski Club- jr. sr. Deca-jr. sr . , Vica-jr. sr., No school lunches Sr. year hard getting to first on time DOUG SWENSON36 lARRY SWENSON 36,140 MIKE SWENSON 129 Kelly Strong Fashion Place Class Vica Senior Assembly TAMMY SUNDELL 36 Jordanette s Heart to heart talks with Mr . M. Coffee at Dee's. Shortest Senior, Mr. Pace's breakdowns KEVIN SYBROWSKY 36, 99 Wrestling, Vica

JOLENE TINGEY 36,74, 101 GERALD TRAHAN 1 7 4 TINA TRUJILLO 36 NEIL TUNBRIDGE The only time I had fun during school is when I did what I shouldn't have done. uuuuuuuu PAUL URRY 37 vvvvvvvv GLEN VAWDREY 37, l 03, 129,162,168 Senior Class Boy's Senator, Senior Hop King, Wrestling-soph. jr., Lettermen-soph . jr. sr . Elton John fan club 18th birthday sr. Bottom 3%. Locker lover club. Library Lounger club, Eaten over 15 0 school lunches

chasing guys, Mr. Ward's History Class ALVIN WHIPPLE 37, 1 OS DEBRA WILLIAMS 3 7 , 1 03 MARK WILLIAMS 3 7 SHARON WILLIAMS 3 7 RAY WILLETTE 1 03 STEVEN WINTLE 3 7 Vica, Participation in Aviation class, My pilots licence RUSTY WITHERS 37,88, 91,97,155,178 Musical-jr. sr. School play-jr. sr. Interp Team-jr . sr. Omega Psi-jr. sr. Masque & Gavel-jr. sr. Stage Crew-jr. sr. Broadcaster Editor Boys State Got sick of tuna fish, snow balled Mr. Ward's house at !2:00a.m. good-looking car, Beetman for Homecoming GINGER WRIGHT 37,95, 179 MARCIA WRIGHT 37


tttttttt BRENDA TAGGART 36 FHA, Senior Week assemblies, Gunnell's lectures and sleeping through them RICK TAKEMORI 36,103 Vica, Ski Club, Track "Dummy up Pilgrim" 1st sluff as junior JEFF TEMPEST 36 COLLEEN TERRY 36 Publicity for school play, never sluffed until Sr. year, water fights JUDY TETRICK 36,90,91, 95,97,107,155,156 Anything Goes, Cheaper by the Dozen, Marne, Masque and Gavel Omega Psi A capella activity chairman, 1st in Reg ion and State Drama meet , R Mr . Gunnell's paramesuim, Follow spot Mr . llnle, Mr. Pace's pots, Dean and Mona Swartz, Great Friends. VALORIE TEUSCHER 36,90 179 Musical-soph. jr . sr. School play jr , Int er p . Team jr . sr . Masque & Gavel-jr . sr . Thespian Club-jr . sr . Secretary-sr . A capella- jr . Madrigals-jr . sr . Mixed Cherus-soph, Superior rating at Solo Fest . , Senior Class Sec. ROY THACKER 99 EVANS THOMAS 36,129, 142 JOSEPH THOMPSON 36 ANNETTE THORNOCK 36, 1 03' 1 07 First and Last year at Jordan Learned from everyone . Let tho sun shine

CAL WfiDSWORTH 37,103 VINCENT WAGSTAFF 174 Marshmellow Stuffing contest, Tollet papering Mr. Ward's house Albertson's Doughnuts, Stomaching Gunnell ' s lectures LYNN WARE 37,121,129 168,177 Football-soph, jr . sr . M UN-soph. jr . sr . Track- jr . , A capella V!ce President-jr, M drlgals-sr . Courier Staff- so ph. jr . Lettermen-jr. sr . Jello Snarfer, Chcorlender in pep •alley, Research papcr s, Leaking pipes in 11"128, many rudely awakened. DANIEL WfiSI!BURN 37,95 100,155,171 Baseball-soph . Anything Goes Interp Team, Deca Madrigals, A capella Student Council Made it throu;Jh Gunnell class, Student teacher Mr. Wright, Eating food from book store. KEVIN WEBSTER 3 7 , 121 Football, Wrestling, Track STEPHANIE WELCH 37,96 107 J. V. Cheerleader-soph . Trnck Team-soph . FHA ll!storian-jr . sr. Vica-sr . , Ski Club-jr . Cl s s lis semblies SUSAN WELLER 37 FHA, GAA, Drama ROXANNE WHIPPLE 90,91 97,37 Masque & Gavel Omega Psi Music 1, Interp team Music 1 rehersals, d ncin·; JV Half times,

TINAXAIZ 37,89,95,105 Debate team zzzzzzzz TODD, ZAGOREC 37,74 89,!06,123,129,176 177,178,179 Track, Cross Country Lettermen N tionnl Merit Finalist Young American Sterling Schol r Try to forget calculus, Lunchroom stew devoured ilself, Fang, Paul's parr three, Kaky Richins, heb and gomez DAVr: ZELLER 37,99,121 129 Bnsketball-soph . Football-soph . jr . sr. Tennis-soph, Tracksoph . jr . , Wrestlingsr . MJ.do all roqion football team Lettermen Mellowest person on football team, Keg coordinator, got excitement out of fights ON THAT HAPPY NOTL WC WILL STRUGGLE THROUGH TilL JRS. GOOD LUCK TO YOU GUYS! aaaaaaaa

J. Dean Adams 39,100 Michael Akagi 39,89,118 122,140,177 Pride Alldrege 3 9, 7 4 David Allen 39 Rodney Allen 174 Roger Allen 39,1 OS William fill en 3 9 Dane Allred 39,90, 91, D9, 133,179 Tari Andersen 39,95 Dara Anderson 39,79, 89, 1 04, 15 2, 177, 1 OS, 1 51 David Anderson 39

Der.nis Anderson 17 4 Jerilyn Anderson 39,95 Maurine Anderson 39 Tod Anderson Colleen Angus 39,89,91, 103 Kaye Atk i nson 39,74, 96, 102,105,147 Dan Auker 39,127 Maida Auker 39,92 bbbbbbbb Diana Baer 39,96,101 Corrine Bailey 9 2 Rebecca Bailey 3 9 , 78 Scott Baker 39,87, 92 Janice Ballard 3 9 , 1 05 Laura Ballard 3 9 Nancy Ballard 39 , 74, 89 , 92,95,96 , 106,177 Des! Barker 36,96,99, 159,170 Susan Bartlett 3 9 Brad llauer 39 Norman Baugh 39 Steven Bawden 39,96,103 118,122 Lynn Beardall 3 9 , 8 9 Blayne Beck 39 Vicki Beck 3 9 Tamara Beckstead 40,91 95,96 Vincent Bednarik 40 Jody Bentley 40,74,87, 92,95,104 Jana Bess 40 Brent Best 4 0 , 1 03 Kont Best 40,103 Daniel Bianch i 40, 107 Michael Biggs 174 Jeffery Bills 40 Jeri Bishop 40,102,103, 11 6,117,147 Matth ew Bishop 40,89, 103' 123 TiM Bodell 40,96 Patrice Bogenschutz 4 0 Dale Bohm 40,103 Pamela Bolliger 40, 99 Judy Bonham 40,170 J. Wayne Boyston 4 0 Mark Boynton 40 Darwin Bradfield 40, 118 122,124 Bonnie Brennan 40,89, 95 109 ,177,179 Yvonne Broadhead 40, 101 , 104 Trina Brooks 40 Blair Brown 4 0 Cheryl Brown 14 7 Jolynn Brown 40, GO Scott Brown 41 , 99, 121 , 122,127,128,140,171' 176,177 Tamara Brown 40 Val Ray Brown 41 Cindy Brunson 174 Alan Buchanan 41,99, 103 122,128,177 Sandra Buhl 41 , 96 Wendy Bunker 41 Stephen Burch 41 Gina Burge 174 Stephen Burger 41 Wyatt Burke 41 Mark Burningham 41, 103 122 cccccccc Caree n Canda1ot 91 , 15 5 , 157,1 70 Jennifer Cannon 41 ,96, 109

Kristine Cannon 41 , 8 9, 106 Dean Capson 41 Michael Carter 41 Leah Chamberlain 41 Chris 'Chapman 41,103, 140 Pamela Chapman 41,88, 100,177 Vickie Chapman 41 Roger Chase 41 Brett Ch ilds 41,90, 91, 92 '97 '155' 156 Ben Christensen 41,89, 118,122,128,136,140 179 Charles Christensen 41 Cindy Christ ensen 41,96 Craig Christensen Jolene Christensen 41, 104,150,151,152 David Clark 17 4 Randy Clarke 41 Janes Cleland 17 4 David Clough 41,95,103 121 Debbie Clough 42,102, 103,104,147,152,160, 177 ,115 Jan Coffin 42,90, 91,97, 1 03 ' 1 07 ' 1 7 9 Guy Conway 42 Jesann Coombs 42,95, 17 ' Ronda Cope 42,91 ,102, 116,117,147,156,170 Peggy Cowdwell Susan Cowley 42 Blane Cozzanes 42, 103, 118,122,159 David Cracraft 42,74, 87 Jenalee Crapo 42, 1 02 1 09 ' 14 7 ' 16 0' 151 Jill Crebs 42 Peggy Crouch 42,101 Kevin Cutler 42 , 89,144, 179 dddddddd Laura Dans ie 42,95 , 96, 103 Thomas Darling 42 Sandy Darnell 17 4 Edward Davis 42,99 Terry Davis 42,74,103, 119,122,128,140 Sherrl Dean 42 Richard DeBom~ek 174 Christie Denise 174 Gaye Despain 4~, 92 Ga le Devisser 42,89, 97 Jan Dickerson 42,96,128 Ci ndy Dineen 42 Lezlee Dipo 17 4 Loraine Dixon 42 Robert Dowland 42 Peggy Draper 42 Randy Draper 43,99 Cherri Duffey 174 Kathy Dumas 43, 96 Shiela Dunster 43, 1 00, 101,104,150 Richard Duran 174 eeeeeeee Delsy Eckman 43 Keith Eddington 43,92, 95 119,122,140 Artie Edmunds 43,74,100 Klyn Edmunds 43,100 Brett Ellis 4 3 Sallie Enniss 43,103,171 S. Kim Enniss 174 Wendy Erickson 43,92, 101

Barbara Evans 43 Kathryn Evenson 43, 9 6 Connie Ewell 43 ffffffff Paul Fairbourn 43, 1 03, 119,122,124,128,140 170,179 Rochelle Fairbourn 43 , 96 Brad Fenton 43, 1 03 Staci Fenton 43,74,101, 148 Marcy Ferguson 43,91, 96,97,99 Lynn Ann Ferre 43, 103, 107 John Fish 43 Mark Fitzgerald 43 Stacey Fitzgerald 43,96 Jerry Flores 43, 14 0 Pat Flores 43 Cindy Forbes 43, 102 , 1 03 116,117,162 Michael Fox 44 Dan Francom 44, 1 03, 107 Sandra Frantz 44, 109 Ellen Fratto 44,92 Wade Frischknecht 44, 119 122,127 Jill Fritz 44, 1 01

Teresa Higbee 45,89,95 97' 103 Holly Hill 89 Lori Hillis 45 Joseph Hilton 45,127 Tamara Hofeling 45 Robert Hoffman 45,133 Bruce Hollander 45 Joyce Hollingshead 45 Dinah Holmstead 45,92 96 Marj ean Hooser 45 , 1 03 Roger Hopes 45 Corey Houmand 45 , 99 , 128' 124' 144' 177 Greg Housekeeper Chris Howard 45 Mike Hranc 45 Randy Hughes 46,89,127 Peggy Hummel 46,101 Dennis Humphrey Trach Hunsaker 46, 100 179 Marilyn Hyde 46,102, 109,148

LaRee Leany 47,101 Jeffery Leavitt 4 7 , 1 00 120,122,124,128,179 Tracy Leavitt 47,102, 109,113 Steven Lewis 47 Russell Leyba 47 Flora Limb 47 ,9 5,100, 179 Debby Linnarz 47 Tony Lish 47 Curtis Lister Julie Livingston 47 Julie Lloyd 4 7 Tony Lopez Kelly Lovell 4 7 Lori Luk!ch 47 John Lundstrom 4 7, 12 0, 122,127,128 Douglas Lunt 47 Tamara Lvkins 47,104 Gerry Lynch 47 Dallas Lyon 47,103,179


Craig Mace 99 Joseph Mace 47 Jenia Malchious 47 Reed Malley Kevin Marchant 4 7 Kathleen Markham 47,96 Pauline Martin 47,96 Amy Matheson 4 7, 95 Robert Math ie 99 , 103 Jeannene Maxfield 47,179 Tammy Maxwell 103 Kathryn McCarthy 47 Tacnmy McClure 48,90, 91 '1 07 '156 Lesa McDonald 48 Margaret McGuire 48,97 Robert McPherron 48 Tina Mead 48 Annan Meadows 48 Cathy Meadows 174 Jeff Meldrum 48,100,101 120,122 Tamera Mellor 48,96,100 Gina Melonas 48 Brad Merrlll 1 03 , 107 Judie Metz 48 Julie Metz 48 Anne M!ller 99 Cory Miller 48 D' Ray Miller 48 , 1 OS Shelly Mills 17 4 Steven Milne 48, 12 0, 124 Patty Milson 48 Pam Mitchell 48 Randy Mitchell 48 , 14 0 Robert Mitchell 48 Neil Mock 48 Tony Munguia Dorrell Morley Shauna Moore 48, 1 01 Edd Morgan 48 Patricia Morgan 48 Lynette Morlll 48 Patricia lvlortensen 48, 114,115,148 Billy Murdock 49 Stacy Myers 49, 107

Steven Ipsen 46 Karlenna Izatt 46,96 jjjjjjjj

ggggggggggggg Pat Galland 44, 103, 148, 150 Leslie Gailey 44,89, 99, 100,105' 177 Kevin Gallagher 44,99 , 100 1 03 ' 119 ' 12 2 ' 12 7 ' 14 0' 17 9 Priscllla Garcia Wendy Gardner 64 Karen Gat ehouse 44, 104 128 Lee Garfield 44 Julie Garlick 44 Bill Garner 44 Tamra Gatherum 44,95 Debbie Gentry 44,96 Larry Gibson 44 Sherry Giles 44 , 1 05 Holly Glover 44, 95 , 113 Ron Glover 44, 103 Jeannette Goodrich 44 Richard Gord 44 Gordon Graves 174 Lisa Gre en 44,96 Ray Paul Greenwood 44, 119,122 , 128 Penny Gregory 44,95, 96 hhhhhhhh Debra Hadley 44,102, 109, 113,162 Kent Hamilton Lorraine Hannah 44 Laurie Hardcastle 45 , 1 09 178 Larry Harding 45, 1 OS Kathryn Hardman 54,96 Kristin Hardy 45,90, 97, 156 Wyndee Harm on 45 Hilton Harris 45 Marcie Harris 45,74, 96, 103 Raedene Hartung 174 Lowrie Hathaway 45 Dan Haun 45 Sherrie Haws 174 Sherry Helbig 45 Clinton Hepner 45 Kelli Hiatt 45, 109 Linda Hickman 45

Kent Jacobson 46,95, 100,177 Cheryl Jarvis 46 John Jarvis 174 Mike Jarvi s 46,93 Lorrie Jenk ins 46 Jeffery Jensen 46,92 Karen Jensen 46,96 Steve Jensen 17 4 Kathy Jenson 46, 171 Bruce Jeremy 46 David Jewkes 46 , 120 , 127 128,129 Frank Jex 46, 103 Darrell Johnson 46 Debra Johnson 46 Gerlad Johnson 46 Sherrie Johnson 46, 1 02 113,164 Dennis Jones 46 Glen Jones 46,120,136 Jeff Jones Lori Jones 46, 1 02, 109 kkkkkkkk Cindy Kallcco 46 Cathy Keele 46,96 ,101 Richard Kemp 46 Kevin Kempin 46, 144 Susan Kendrick 46,95, 99 109,170 Jim Kennelly 46, 127 David Kimball 4 7 , 1 01 , 179 Wade King 46,156 Carrie Kirton 46 Kevin Klotovich Claudia Krueger 46, 100, 101,177 Kelly Kunz 46,101


nnnnnnnnn llllllll Sandra Lambson 47,101, l 04' 1 06 Troy Lancaster 47 Kevin Langford 174 Jeffery Langston 47 Debbie Lanier 1 00 Lorrie Larson 47,95,179 Rhonda Lawson 47 Ormond Lavery 47

Cheryl Nadeau 49 Michelle Nance 49 Terry Napier 49 Wendy Neff 49,74 Lloyd Nelson 49,89, 91, 96,103,156 Patty Nelson 49,92, 95 Robert Nelson 49 Karoleen Neria 49 Jeff Newland 49,127


Tanet Nielsen 49, 96 Debbie Nielson 17 4 Janice Niemann 49 Kenneth Noffsinger 49,92 92,100,106,120,123, 140 Cathy Noorc;la 49,148 Karla Norton 49,102,103 R.lJ.onda Norton 49 187,99 103,148 00000000

Randall Oakpson 4 9, 1 03 127 Mark Ober i 74 Bruce Obert S·:;ott Olsen 49, ()9 David Orgill 4 9, 99, l 03 Suzanne Orct;;~kowsld 49, !:!G

Sandra Orth 48,95 1I 10 John O,"Win 49 Richard O'Steen 49 Blake Ostler 49,89 , 95, 120,122,128,179 Dan Ostler 49, 89,$5 , Jeffery Ostler 17 4 Lori Ovard 49

PPPPPPPP Rhea Pace 49 ,l 03 Anthony Padilla 50 Philip Panas 1 7 4 David Panek 51),92 Diane Parker 50 Ruth Parry SO, 87,89, 92 95,96,106 1177,1 84 Elaine Paxman 50,101, 103 Derk Penrod Jilleen Perry 50, , 9 6, 103 David Pett 50,101 ,1 03 Karrie Petty 50 I 1 04 1I 77 Jeffery Phillips 92 99, 179 Martin Powell 50 Colleen Prince 50 ,87 , 95196,103,154 Jeffrey Pierce 50 I 12 0, 122,128,132,136 Tammy Pierso11 50,90, 91,97,1071155 Duffy Pingree SO, 99, 131 140 David Popelmayer .Mike Polland I

Grant Ragsdale 50,1 oo Kris Rasmussen 50,110 155,157 Patsy Rasmussen Brenda Reed 50 Ben Reeve 50 Steve Reeve 1 7 4 Peggy Rich S 0, l 04 Mariann Richards 50,91 1 1131179 Jan Richardson 50 I 92, 951110 Karla Ricord 50 Kirk Riding 50,87,103 1201128 N ico1ene Risk a 501 11 0 Cindy Roberts 50 101, 110 Janie Robinson 50 ,.92 Randy Robinson 174 Brian Robertson 50, 99 103 '127 Nanette Robertson 174 Tammy Ross 50 I 96, I 04 Elizabeth Rogers SO I


Lurry Ronne 50 Tammy Rowell 51 , 1 07 Penny Rowley 51 , 95 George Russom 51,120, 122,128,140 Joleen Ryan 51 ssssssss Carl Sargent 51,74 , 99, 128,136,144 Kent Schmidt Lance Schmidt 51,99 Duncan Seale 51,127 Rod Sedgwick 51,12 1~ 122 ,140 Reed Scott 51 Judy Shaffer 5 l Doris Sharp Sl., 104, l\19 152,150,151 y,rette Shelby 51 Kathy Sheppard 51 Mike Sheppard 103 Lester Short 51 Roger Shryers 51,95 John S!everts 51,125, 128,179 Debra Simmons Sl ,95, 177,179 Steven Sirrine 51 Lmlise Slim J 7 4 Michele Smiley 51 Cindy Smith 51 Colleen Sri'rith 51,74 Joe Smith 51, t21, 122 Kathryn Smith 51 Lee Smith 51 199 Marjean Smith 51 Nadine Smith 51,102,110

14E Patrea Smith 51 , 92 , 95 Paula Smith 51,96 ,103 Scott Smith 52 Victor Smith 52 ~100 Barry Sorenson 53,99 Wade Spratt 17 4 Jalynn Steadman 52,74, 95 Sterling Stephenson 52 Elaine Stlel 52,96 Heidi Stoedter 52 Robert Stone 52,74, 121 , 122 ,1 28 1171 Pamela Summerhays 52, 100,103, 3,149 Keith Sturdevant 52 Kevin Sufl(jberg 52 Debbie Sutherland 52195 96 1110, 17 0 Delbert Swenson 52,121, 12 2 ,128 1136 Milan Sw!lor 52 tttttttt Linda Tadehara 52,96 , 177 Jeal Takemori 52,96 , I 07 113 Susan Tate 52 Patrick Taylor Pamela Tazzer 52, l 01, l 04 LeAnn Terry 52,96 ~102, 110 Sheryl Tempest 52,121 Christine Thacker 52 , 7 4 95 Mark Thaxton 52 Gary Thomas 52,74 , 99, 103,121,122,128,140 Jill Thomas 52 Brian Thome 52 Mark Thompson 52 Janie Thorn 17 4 Michael Thorpe 52 Megan Timoney 52,87 ,

90,91,97,107,157,171 Dale Titus 53,92 Sharon Tobin 53, 1 00, 1 03 106 Scott Tremeling 53 Linda Tripp 53,95, 96, 106 Daqell Troester 53,92, 121,122,127

vvvvvvvv Paul Vanleeuwen Jazan V(lwdrey 53 Jam es Veater ~3, 121, J 22 1?.7,174 Debbie Velasquez 33 wvv·wwwwww Craig Wagptaff 53,121 122 Tamara Wagstaff 53,96, 103 Tamra Walkenhorst 53, 1 04' 15 2 '15 0' 151 Leslee Walker 174 Brad Wall 53 Karen Walters 53,97,103 169 Kevin Walters 53,133 Larry Walters .53, 100, 101 1121,122,140 Lynn Warburton 53 Valerie Washburn 53 John Webster 53,103 Wade Web~ter 53 Buzz Welch 53,90, 91, 971155,157 Wllrna Weller 53,92 Mark Westbrook 53 Denis Wharton 53,103 J me Whitmore 53 Thomas Wiseman 53, 1 00 Mark Wright 53 Willard Wr t;:r ht 53,144 Diana Woodruff 53 , 95

YYYYYYYY Robert Yaka 53 ,121,122 Michelle Yates 53 Maxine Yazhe 53,100 , 110 Marie Ying ling Chri stine Young 3 Kenneth You:Jg 53,74 121,122,128,133, 136,140 zzzzzzzz Steffany Zenger 147 Mark ZiegJe[ 53,92,123 127,128,140,177 Charlene Zupen 53, 100, I OS

George Zupan 174 THAT'S IT I'OR THE JRS. (THANK GOODNESS) NOW AT TIII: END (AS ALWAYS) THE SOPIJS--aaaaaaaa Kerry Abpott 55 Rick Adair 55,2,103 Deborah Allen 174 Michael Allenl7 4 Michael Allen 55 Therese Allon 55 , l 00 Dennis Alvey 55 , 122, 103 Karry Ammons 17 4 Debra Anderson 55

Karilee Anderson 55,103 104' 147 Kenn Anderson 45 Penny Anderson 55 Troy Anderson 55 Todd Andrizzi 55,122,127 162 Elvin Armitstead 55 Sher!lyn Aronold 55, 1 00 \03 Sandra Arveseth 55 Jeffrey Atkinson 122 Warren Atkinson 55 Matthew Ault 55 bbbbllbbb l\rlene Bniley 55 Gloria Baily 92, 104, 128 147 Rick Bakker 55, 122,133, 136,140 Judy Baldwin 55 Shir~ene Ballard 55 Bruce Banks 55 Kenneth Barber SS, 122 Torry Barlow 55,99, 1 03 Brad Baugh ,ss, 103,140 Douglas Bay 55 Blnyne Beck Penny Beckstead 55 Brook llcesley 55,122, 127 i31lliq Jean Bentley 5 David Benton 55 Bloraine Benton 55 thryn Bergener 55 Jeff ilin(lhnm 55 Robyn Birch 55,99,104 Wyora Bird 74 Carol Black 55 Jay Blain 55 OU\.1 Blue 55 Sh rrte Blank 5 Dm Bogenschutz 56, 1 07 Dorothy Booker 56 Joh . B wdidge 5 James Bowler 6 ·~.~~ Brett Bowman 174 is Bozarth 17 P~u1 Brady 55 ,12 2 ,136 Murk Breeze 56 Holly Bright 56 Christine Brinton 56 SJundra Brooksby 56 Bryan Brown 56 Jim Drown 56 Jolynee Brown Kelly Brown 56 Robert Brown 56 , 9 2 Steven Brown 5G, 103,122, 127 Steven Bryant 56 Brenda Burden 56 Jodi Burgener 51i Westy Burke 56 Michael Burkman 56,100 179 Richard Burgon 56 Craig Burton 56 Janelle Bush 56 Renee But! r , 56 Todd Butler 1 7 4 Brent Butterfield 5G Tony a Butt rfield 56 cccccccc Tamara Call 174 Scott Caldwell 56 Kistine Campbell 57, 9 t 97 Robert Carlsen 57, 1 2 2 Kent Carlson Re¢er C rlson 57 Jonny Castlllo 57, 1 03,

122 Robert Causey 100 Robert Caurey 57 Julie Chamberlain 57 , 1 04 Lorri Chapman 57 Steve Chase 17 4 DeeDee Chamberlin 174 Denic1 Chavez 57 , 1 03 124 Trina Chavis 57 Kelly Christensen 57, 100,1041152,179 Kimberly Christy 57 Robert Clark 57 Windy Clorke S'/ Danny Clegg 57 Kerry Clement 1 7 4 John Cleland 57 Doug Cline 57,90 , 91 97,155 Ted Colett 57 Robin Collman 1 7 4 Lisa Combes 57 Doug Cow ely 57, 122 Kim Cowley 57 Danetta Cox 57,91,100 179 Cathy Crane 57 Lori Cranney 57,103 Mike Cr bs 140,174 Shane Crystal 57 Michael Cummings 57 ColettEl Cutler 57 Gayle Cutler 5~,157, 164

Shelly Cutler 58 dddddddd Michael Dahl Lorri Dangerfield 147, 174 Elaine Davis 58,92, 1 OG Kayleno Davis 58,96 L uric Davis 5 M rk Davis 5H Curtis nn!se 58 Tammy Dennison 58 Kaylene D vis 58,96 Laurie D vis 58 Mc1rk Davis 58 David Denton 58 Kyle D Pew 58 Kathy Derrlcott 5 T resa Dickson 58 Shawna Dineen 58 Paul Dowding 58 R y Dowding 58 Diano Draper 58

Scott Edward 1 OS Donald J::lbcrt 58 Jenny J::dmunds 58 Odette Ennis 58 Sherrie Esk lson 58 Terry r:vans 59 Mary r:vans 58 Shawna I:ggon 58 Kim Elison 58,103, t48 Peggy Elswood 58,171 Dan r:nglchart 58 ffffffff

Kevin Fairbourn 59 Bruce Farnsworth 58, 1 03 Richard Farnsworth J;arl Fashion 174 Larry Feragon 59 David Ferguson 59 Kerry Fisher 58 Brett Fitzgerald 59 John Flores 59, 122 Mike Forbes 59,127, 163

Phylli s Fri schknecht 59 Walter Formby 17 4 Debr a Fr ancom 59 , 104 David Fullmer 59 , 74 Diane Funk 59 Michell e Furner 59 , 96

140 Kristine Howard St even Howl ett 62 Darla Huges 62 Phill i p Hunt 62 Loeeir Hunter 62 Debbie Hurdsman 62

gggggggg j jjjjjjj John Galland 59,122, 127 Judy Garlick 59 Richard Garlick 59 Kelly Gas man 59 , 1 07 Ne il Gause 59 , 122 Shelly Geerts en 59, 9 1 , 97 ' 103 Scott Gi bbo ns 59 La rry Gibso n 59 Rebecca Gifford Tom Giles 1 OS Steven Glad 59,122, 127 :elizabeth Gonzales 60 , 91,97 , 104 , 113 Raymond Go ings 60 Denni s Gl uey 60 Melinda Gl assey 59 Mark Goodric h 60 Janet Goug h 60 , l 00 , 179 St eve Gourl ey 60,103 Pame l a Gessell 59,96 I: l enu G ibbs 59 Brenda Got bcrg 6 0 , 9 9 Trent Got bert 6 0 Kelly Goulding 60,99 Cr ig Graham 60 Roberta Gruhom l 7 4 Rundy Gr ay 174 David Gr essman 60 Joyce Griffith 6 0 Jeff Grimaud 60 Ri ch Gr oves GO Kenneth Gryg l a GO , 92 hh hhhhhh Brent Haddenham 6 0 Rodney IT ad can 6 0 , 103 Bl anc Iludley 6 0, 12 2 Al an Ilallig an 6 0 Michael Ham ilton 1 03 Tina Ilum ilton GO Bru ce !Iunnu 7 0 Bl ir Hanks GO, 1 03 Kare n Hansen GO Kenra H nsen GO Traci e I anson GO, 103 vuvtniallanscn 174 W ade Hansen Gl Val Har dcastle 61 Tamara Hardman 61 Riel; Har dmun 61 Dcann Har dy 61 K nnoth !larger 6 1, 222 Torry !Iart 61 Davi d Hardcu stlc 61 Davi d II artl crodc Gl Kathy Hose 103 Tamara Harding 61 ,148 Tony llcschtlc 17 4 Gordon llauotc r 61,122, 136 Kclli Ilo nderson Gl Mar sc ia He ndricksen Gl, l 03 103 Michael Hendricks en 61 Mi c helle Hendric k sen 61 Jim He nline 61 Shallll Iloseltine 6 1, 122 Matth ew Ilc ve lonc 61, 1 27, 1 4 0 Lori II1ckman 61 , 7 4 Cory I!igg l n s 61 Susan Hillock 61 Bobbi Hollander 6 J Je ff Homer 62 ,1 22 , 12 7

Joyce Jackman 62 , 104 Allen Jacobsen 17 4 Grant Jarvie 17 4 Teresa Jarvie 62 , 179 Joni Jensen 62,103 Jill Jensen 62 , l 03 Loui e Jenkins 62 Mary Jenkins 62 Jeann ie Janes 62,170 Ant hony Johnson 174 Debb ie Jentzsch 62 Debb ie Jenson 62 Mark Jensen 62,122 , 136 140 Kent Joll ey 62,122,136 Way ne Johnson 62 Leah Johnson 62 Doug Johnson 62 , 92 C harlene Johnson 62 kkkkkkkk Mike Kennelly 17 4 Danny Kennedy Ki m Kerr.pner 62 , 99 ,1 00 , 1 04,179 Kr ist i Kel so 62 I: ugene Ju 62 Ke lby Jones 6 2 Crystal Knopp 63 , 74, 91,97 Richard Kirton 63 Robert Kimball 63 Matthew Kimbull 62 Kevi n Kunz 63, 122 Hj a l mar Krinke 63

llllllll Steven Landeen 63,123, 128 , 133 , 140 Julia n n Lane s t e r 63 Corri Lamping 63 Murk Langs t on 63, 163 Lisa Lar sen 63 Valynnc Lar sen 63 John L veder 63,122,140 Pa ul Laveder 63 /\1ta Laws o n 63 Tony Lowson 63 Lee Lcany Pa ul Leeuwen 63 Terri Lester 63, 99 Mi ke Lenell 64 Jod ie Le i ser 64 G l en Le o n 64 Steven Lltle ly 174 St even Lew i s 64 ,1 22 Donne tte Lloyd 64 Sherry Lloyd 64 Jeffrey Log a n 64,1 22 Dan ie l Long sta ff G4 , 140 159 Da nny Lucero 64,1 22 , 140 Lay ne Lundstrom 64, 12 7 Lisa Lyma n 64 mmmmmmmm St eve Muddox 99 Lori Mace 64 , 1 03 , l 04 Ruth Mackay 64 Doug Maddock s 64,122 144 Denn i s Marle r 64 , 92

Bill Mart in 64, 1 22,127 St even Massa 64 ,7 4, 122, 127 Mark Mathias 64 Rick Mat hias 92 Hugh Matheson 64 , 87 Cher ese Mat hews Ricky Mathias 64 Doug Maupi n 64 Tim May 64 Tammy Mc Carthy 64 Chri s Mc C ormick 64, 74 , 54,87,103 , 122 D iane McCoy 64 Mark McClur e 64 Shelley McCulloch 64, l 04 Cynt h ia McDona ld 1 04 Gary McDonald 65 Roger Meadows 65 Mike Mel onas 65 , 127 Jaymie Meyrick 65, l 03 Jill Midd l eton 65 Jan Miller 17 4 Jeri Miller 65 Jill Miller 65 John Miller 65 Larry Miller 65,92 Tammy Miller Joni Milne 65 , 99 Lisa Mit chell 6 5 , 1 05 Nat a lie Mitchell 65 Dawn Moor e 65,100 Jackie Morgan 65 , 179 Gord on Mori 65 Kerry Mortensen 65 ,7 4 , 104 Rebecca Mortensen 65 Richard Mortensen 65 , 14 0 Bart Mount eer 65 Jerry Mount eer 65 Yola nda Munguia 1 74 Lorraine Mulder 17 4 nnnnn nnn Randy Nay 65 Dav id Nadeau 65 Li sa Mounteer 65 Reed Nel s o n 55 Robert Nel son 66 Royd Nelson 66 Spence Nel son 66 Steven Nel son 66,92 Wendy Nelson 66 Tamra Nielson 66 Rodney Niemann 66,74 LamarNoorda 66,122 Teresa Nowot ny 66 Kay lynn Nuttall 66 , 96 Mar k Nuzman 66

PPPPPPPP Kevin Pack 66,99, l 07 122,144 Joe Pace 174 John Parn e s 66,122 Jay Pal mer Mary Panek 66 Bret Pangos 67,136,140 Peggy Par amore 67 Adl e n Park 67 Bry ant Pa rk 17 4 Gordon Parry 67 Dale Patte rs on 67 Allen Patter son 67 Sher i Pease 67 Penni Perry 67 C indy Peter s on 67 , l 04 Jimmy Peter s on 67 Danny Peterson 67 Becky Petty 6 7 Edward Pet er son 67 Thomas Pie rce 1'74 Lynn Pierce 67,92 Sa ndra Pickett 6 7 Lis a Pixt on 67 Torin Plum Kathy Pollar d 67 Kent Pri ce 17 4 Von Pri ce 67 Leslie Porte r 67 ,7 4 Marlin Powell 67, 122 Sussanne Pullman 67

Gary Rager 67 ,1 22,127 Don Rammer 67 Dan iel Ra nqui st 17 4 Joan Recourt 67 Jerrie Re id 67 Scott Remington 67 Tawna Rid ing 67 , 74,101 104,152,150 Ruth Richards 67,179 John Richards 68 Julie Richins 68 Kara l ee Ri s ht on 68,91, 17 jerry Ritzman 68 Bet ty Robert s Leila Robert son 68,92 S usan Robe rt s 68 Blake Rod a baugh 1 7 4 Ann Ro;Jer s 68 Bob Roger s 68 Jeann ie Rose 17 4 Bart Runolfson 174 Ca l ene Rynear son 68 Shawna Rynearson 68 Robert Sabo 1 74 ssssssss


Robbie Oakden 66 Sharon Oake s o n 66, l 05 Randy Olipha nt 66 Sherilyn Olive 66 Spencer Olsen 66 , 122 , 136, 14 0 Alice Olson 66, 1 00 Kennet h Ols en 174 Kenneth Olsen R. Ricke Ol son 66 Denni s Org ill 66 Nick Orr 66 Mark Osborne 66 , 1 22, 14 0 Brent Ostle r 66 C onn ie Ostle r 66 Ro'Jert Ost ler 6 6 Thoma s Ostle r 66 Dennis Overstre et 66, 122 Ray Over s treet

Stac ie Saunder s 68 Debra Schiffman 68 Lisa Sch midt 68 Michael Sch ulzke 68 , 51 103,122,127 Kelly Sc or za t o 68 Raudean Schnepp1e 68 Deanna Scott 69, l 04 , 149 Lorrie Sevy 68 , 91, 97 Judy Shaffer 17 4 Dan ie l Shail 68,103, 1 22 125,140 Penny Sharpl es 68 Steven Shepar d 68 Bet h Shettle 68,87, 92 Tony Simonich 68 , 140 Hal Simonson 69 Arland Sisam 61 Kal Skinner l 7 4 Paul Skoubye 69,136 Sus anne Smiley

Car olyn Smith 69 Connie Sm ith 69 Eileen Sm ith 69,99 Hal Smit h 69, 92 Janet Smith 69 Jeff Sm ith 69 Kelly Sm ith 69, 122 Lorio Smith 69 Robert Smit h 69 Sandra Smith 69, 162 Scott Smit h 69 Tammy Smith 150,151 Teresa Smith 69,74,103 Jeff Sn ow 13 6 Joseph Sosa 69 Kenna Somerville 69 David Spencer 69 Robyn Spray 69 Kevin Springer 6 9 , 8 9 Jack Sprouse 69,121 ,1 22 133,140 Shauna Squir es 69 Kris St arn 69,96 Connie St anger 69, l 05 Lor i St eadman 69, lOS Lisa Steed 7 0 Barron St er ling 70 Lonnie St ilson 70, l 03 Cra ig Stokes 70 Rache l St ingfellow 70,74 Jody Summerhays 70,74 Diane Sudbury 70 Gr eg Strong 70 , 122,127 Dav id Swenson 70 Randal Sylvester 70, l 03 122, 127 tttttttt Curtis Tadehar a 103,174 Alan Takemori 70 Lynette Tarr Frank ie Tayl or 70,74,97 Dannl Tanner 174 Lynn Tanner 70 William Teuscher 70 , 122 Zelda Thacker 70 Sharon Tarrant 17 4 Lanet Thaxton 70 Kurt Thomas 70 Les Thompson 174 Lorilee Thompson 70 Maree Thompson 7 0 Victoria Throckmorton l 7 4 Deanna Tobin 7 0, 9 2 Kelli Tobin 7 0 Bru ce Tolbert 70,92 Mark Tondro 70 Cindy Totterer 71 Ronald Trahan 71 Jeffery Troyer 71, 136 Kevin Tucker 71 Richard Turner 174 Rit a Tyler 71 Laura Valenzuela 71 uuuuuuuu Steven Utley 71,127 vvvvvvvv Gordan Vantassell 71 Paul Van1eewen 13 6 Daniel Varley 174 Emilio Vasquez l 74 Marne! Vawdrey 71 Paul Vawdrey 71 Michelle Vis s e r 71 Julie Vowles 71, 04,113 wwwwwwww

Kevin Walkenhorst 71 Kyle Walkenhor st 71 , 122 Nancy Walkenhor st 7 1,



100 Barney Walker 71 Debby Warburton 71 Diane Washburn 71,103 149 Kathy Washburn 72,103 162 Brenda Watson 72 Veeann Watson 7 2, 1 04,



Kelly Webb 72 Tony Wentz 72 Suzanne Westbrook 72 Put Wharton 72 Gary Whetman 1 04, 1 7 4 Jesse White 72 Stt~cy Whitmore 72 Tim Wilkes 7 2, 92 David Wilkins 72,127 Sheri Williams 17 4

Taunya Wimberly 73 Brad Winegar 73,144, 103 Patricia Winger 7 3 , 9 9 Cindy Withers 73 Blake Workman 73 Paul Wright 73 Vicki Wyatt 73


Gary Yates 73,122, 127 1'ony Yengich 136 Derreld Yost 73 George Young 73 Pam Young 73 zzzzzzzz Lisa Zagarich 73 Michael Zeller 73,122

127 Peggy Zimmerman 73






Row one: Scott Anderson . Dallas Lyon . Dane Allred . Mike Thorpe . Curtis Smith. Greg Ballard. Rusty Withers . Dan Washburn. Roxanne Whipple. Robert Glad . Marlann Richards . Drew Chamberlain . Joy Hansen . Robyn Spray, Megan Timoney . judy Hatch. Francine Stapley. Melanie Hansen. Dorle LeFevre. Kow three: Davld Jacobson . Brett Childs . Patl1 Urlnton. Lloyd Nelson . )ames Hardy , Paul Krueger. Jamie Merrick. Missing: Krls Rasmussen . Ronda Cope. Judy Tetrick. Kelly Lovell. Klstlne Campbell. Ltsa Green . Kelly Jenson. Susan Roberts. Valarie Teuscher.









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