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Jordan High School Jordan School Dist. Sandy, Utah . 84070


Table of Contents



We Started With Little Knowledge,


Julimc D,ty .tnd Sherrie < >liYcr usc up some of their mcrgy 10 pull the Songlcadcr, Chcnkadcr float.

And Continued to Grow.

Jordan gains yardage at Jordan-Cyprus game.

Marty VanAmen hops to it for sophomore class.


Though Our Days Are Limited,

With the help of Todd Andrizzi, Sherrie makes it co the top.


Our Education Is Increasing Rapidly;

Seniors struggle to win at the Get Acquainted party.


We Live And Learn in Time

Mrs. W<:st red p<:n<:ils Y~.::trhook copy.


Football fa11s thccr for the team at l lotn('coming

Keeping Up and Improving Traditions of the.Past,

Students enter Homecoming Dance.


And Setting Goals for Our Own Future.


"Well, if you get to copy, so do I!"

Mr. McCleary ponders a long putt.

Fads Come and Go

Jordan's own Howard Cosell and Frank Gifford.


Styles Change From Day to Day;


Sophomores enjoy "Big Pal, Littk Pal" Party.

While Our Memories Linger Throughout Our Lives;

Kcnn Anderson (cheers?) at a home game.

Team members rally together before the Jordan-Bingham game.


We Try to Keep Faith in Our Dreams,

Coach Murry cheers on football players.


And Hope in Our Visions; . . . . . ' .·. ' .... . . . ..




- ---











.. .


And Still Face Whatever Life Brings . . .


By Staying Mellow and, in Unity, Stick Close Together.





~· ,


., ,

... . ·.


.... ' '·. .,. ..' . :. ·r·.~. "' .. ·.



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Calender of Events SEPTEMBER

2 -

Dehart- .Jordan ,tt Wc'1 Jord.•n .lt PJ<-.J,.mt <;rovt (drb' Vol!ednll- Sw<: t>.ku Wrc;tlln~-

7 -

8 9 -

First Day of s-hcx>l G<>lf- Davis at .Jordan Seminary ()pen1ng Soda!

<:1itls' T<.'nl1>\- Jordan .H Too<: it Cross Country- Jurdan at Murt'<l} l'ootba!l ·- Brighwn atJordJn DE.CA Swmp 13 - Sophomore Orenr~non A"cmhl) 14 - Sophomore Primarv El('(.tillm G1rl5 Tennis- J~>rdan at Da' i' 1~ Golf- Murra~ at Jordan 16 -- Sophomore (,encral Elewom Girls' Tenn1s --Cyprus at Jordnn Cross Counrry- Dav1~ arJordJn 21 Cross Country --Jordan at Provo (,itls' Tenni>- limgh<Jm tit Jordan 22 "You're a Good t>.Lu1 Ch.Hik Brown" 2.1 - Get A'quainred Pany "You're a Good Man Charl1e Bmwn" Girls' Tenm~- Jordan .It Jud,~:e Cross Country - Bin~-tham at Jordan 24 - "You're a Good MJ11 Charlie Bruwn" 27 - Spirit Assembly 2H - Red and Gray Day 29 - Alumni Asst:mbly Farmers Markel {jolf- Jordat; at Judgt (ro;;s Country lnviwiorJ<d W - rarmen Market (,irl,' Tenni,- Murt:l)' atordan


:X:rHor A~M:n1hl1 U. of U. Debate To1mUtrwnt S<·n1or Hnr \X'rt·'tltn.'( .. "lpat1ilil Fork .ll)or<hln JX:bart Wt>t .H Jordan Wr('ltlin_g ·.Jord<Hl <It P<111on Ba,kttball - Hdlu(·,t .11)t,nLtn \X'n."t!in}l . Bn)!hton <:l.l"l'

11 11





Chri~tl11<1' A"tmbl)


Drama '>tomp Jhskt:dull Jordan at D1Xl< lh,kt:tbJII ...• )ord:m at (\:dar {.ttl Chrhtmas Mu'" <.omen

·l -

10 -

H -


ik .


--Jordan .u 'ipnn~vdl< '>pnnp.vdlt Jt .Jordilfl

Rt!(ion V- For<:nstl> - ,!mdm ,a Binglum 1" -·- )un1or A"t·rnbh lh Jun1or Prom \'! ...._ tivmn,tstk~- )un1or

.l2 2\ 2~

2<• Ill


APRil D1X1t Colk,ut Tr.llk Men

Wrotlm)l Tqumarnun C!Jn,tma' VJ<~tlon Ha1kttball ( ,ran~tr .it.Jonl.tn


.' \ \0

Wrt''itlin)l. .Jordan .11 <)rtrn Basketh\t!l Jord;u; .lt T<~)l·k (Mk Haokt1hall .Jord.tn .tt 1\·hm.t} Wrt>tiln~ JonLul at D,t\'1' Ikh.ut ...• 'ik yv JC\\ ,ll .Jordan Hll1~h,1m .It .J<•rdw




'it.HC thr Ass<x tJUon Dch;nt· Toll! Ill





root ball - Cyprusat Jordan

Homewminp: Danct 4 - Golf- Jordan at Btn.l(lwn ~- Girls'Tc:nni>--Jordan at Cypru-; 1Rc:p:l(•l1 V) 6 -Football -·-Jordan <It Murr~y Cross Country- Jordan at ( ypru:. 7 U.F..A. (no ~<.hool) !i - U.E.A. (no sd1tx>ll 11 - Golf -Jordan J£ Cyprus n - Girls' Tc:nn1s- at B.Y 1.1 ISwc Mnt) . Cross Country- ,It Su!(;trhou'r Puk ( Rc:.uion V l I~ - Foorball - Jc}((Lln Jt Tooeie 16 - V.I.C.A Stomp 19 Girls' Volleyball- Jordan a1 Ortm 20 - Golf- Rep;ton Mc:et at I>av1' Ci1rl,' 'lolkyhall Cyprus at .Jordan 22 Fall Reless (No Sd1<x>l l 2~ Pall Rw:ss (No Slhool) 26 -

27 :18 29 -

Girls' Volleyball- -Jordan at D;1vh Golf Swe Meet Big Pal Little Pal Parry F B. L.A. Swmp Foocball Quarrer hnah <lt Pay,on

l.i~l.c-; Wtnr Off Wrc~tling • Jonbn

Jt ( 1r.u;~;u I ><:bate J<>nLu1 ,u Murr.t} ( 11rh' B~sk<'thall IIJn~harn .11 ,Jord.1n 1~ )t>rdan Olymprt' 'wrr:;tlrn~< jord.u1 .Jt Murr:ry 1·1 ..... H.t~ktth.t!l .....J<>rd.1n .u Cyprm I~ Forn1~1<.'> '>tornp lk Wrtbtllll,l: Bo~ Lldn ill .Jord.tn I<J (itrb' H.t,kttball .Jrid~,· at .Jord.tn 20 Wrt>dlll!! .Jord.tn ,\[ rooclt Lnd of ~<<>nd ()ll.lllt'l 2l BJ\kttb.lil Murray .11 .JnniMl 22 ll Y lJ lnvtuuon,tl "1'\'tdl Mttt 21 l.t,~thts Went (HI 2~ Wrodtn}( < ypru' Jr .Jnrd;m lla>k<·tball ,Jord.111 ill lral,l!e 2(• l!onorCothtrl llnnJ<hror\ llt,:h ( ,jrJ,· Ba;,kr:tball I<>rd.tn .lt)ud)!t 2!l Jl;f'kcth~l! .... !),tV I> ·.H)nrdan Red Cro>~ Bl<x><l l>nv( 2<) I xb.Hc Alpine lnvltatl<H\,tl 'i<:rn1n•rv Prdc:n1ht B.dl Wn·,tltn,l\ !ord.tn .It l>clta 11








"t•rtclkmuMn·t HY ll. lriVlt.HIIm.tl Tr;~<k



Sl!,lt l'rt''t·nt.tttnn 1\;r>ch.tll .tnd Ttnn1s .Jnrd;tn .11 .Jud~tc Rr~ion V Tr.1111111g ( h<•Jr )ord.111 .l! Muruy Ht:}o:IOil V <mb' Tr<l< k Jnrd.t11 .11 Mumy Hc~1<>11 V Tmn" 'I r.t< k .Jordm .lt Mmr;ty (Her~ Inn) <.lwlollJ,JI\\11.1!1 Basch.dlnd Tennis T<"wk .11 )ordan Hc~u>n Tr.l< k .Jordan at Mun.ty (;ub' Tcntus Jnrd.111 .11 ( ~-j'ru' ll.tsch.dl lord.tn .ll Mun.ly fh,rh.tll Trn1111- <vpn1s .tt )ord.tn


~:rmn.try Tour ,111d H.mquc1

lhnu: C1nttrt Ba,kctb;tll JordJn ,\1 <:yl'ru' Ba,kcthall Ttxwl;· .11 )onLw - Wdx:r '\t.ltc lnvit.JII;>nal Spctdr Mt'cl H;t\kttball JordJn .11 Jlitll(h.un ()~rl~'

2 -

4 9 10 -

Debate- Jordan at liillm:st Girls' Volleyball- Judge at .Jordan General Eledions Football Semi Finals- ar U. of U End of First Quarter Dog Patch As~cmbly Debar<:- Jordan at Kearn:l Swim Meet- Jordan at Cypru~ ( Rcgion



16 •

Dog Patch Dr:tg

22 -



2\ -

19 20 23

24 27 29 30

Girls' Volleyball -Jordan at Murray Thanksgiving Assembly Basketball- Unitah at Jordan Lights Went Off Senior Movie- ''Bonnie and Clyde''




Girls' Volleyball -Jordan at Bingham Governors Cup Debate- at Omonwo<xl


1 -

Lights Went Off

• Wrc:stlln,C


11 12

Basketball -Ogden at Jordan Parent-Teacher Conference Parent Teacher Conference ''Oklahoma" Wrestling- Provo at Jordan






24 2~


Jr•rdan itt I Idle rnl Jurd.m .11 Binglwn

lxb.w:- lrnwln lnvtwion.~l Jt <.nhr < uy lh,kc:tball ( yprm at ,Jord.m lnd()(>l' Tra<k :11 B Y.ll Swt~thtart Ball Ba~kc:rb;~ll· Jordan ~~ Murr.•y Wte~chng :Jordm at Cy]'\11' (mb' Basketball T(X)tk at ,Jmd .• n Wrc~tling Jordan at ( Yl'rll' Ba~ketbal! Judw- .tt .Jordm Mu!ll< Contc:lt Ski Assembly Gymn.ISttts Jcmbn .u ,Jud,1;<' lhskctball Jordan ~t D~VI> Wre,dm,~o~ .'it:ttt .)A Mtl't ~t IJ ()f I J l.ightsWem0£1

MARCH Gyrnt1a~no- )).lVI~ ~nd Murr~y


4 ~ 7 914 1~ . 10 -

.u Jotd.w

DcbJt(' .Jordan~~ Murr•Y It Snowed! Sophornor<: Am·mhly

Bccttliggcr lkJO,I(ll ( lyrnna~on - B!n,l(harn at JordJn lh~kttb•ll- St~tc )A Tnurnamcnt Lights Went Off Ltghr~ Went Off Gymn2StJ<.s Jmdm lt Bnghwn Region V lnst Solo ~nd b1!K·mbk rest

l·lnuon A,;nnbh Jl.lltb.tll and Tt•rmi' M11rr.t~ ;It .Jordan Tr.ttk Jord.Hi .tt <\pru, Rt!<ton \' CPiiltlt ( h"" )ord.tn .11 T<xK·k 1\t·,~t•<•n V lntt'r)'. 1\-kct .If .lord.u1 '-tnhn~t Sdwl.tr Aw;trd' l'rn,~tt.llll Sll!dtnd~"lv l·.k, tll>n ( > d;1ys l h.ttk I);IVI' ,ttJord,tn 1\.J,d>.Jll and l'\'lllm Johl.ui ,lt < yprm Ununn,'>t<Hl\1' ..,no~>.< :ulltg< Tr.11 k l\kn ll.1wh.dl ,md 'lenni' lnn!.tn Jl D.IVI' lhwnn V S<'l'hPt11n1c· r,,, k •tt JwdJn Rc~1oil V ( •)lltnl ll.111d .Jnnbn ,11 ( yprus (,irl< Tr<l< k .Jwd.tn .11 < YJ'l'l" 'I r.l\ k l\1urr<1V JI.Jnrdm Bawb;tll .md Tennis lnrd.m .11 11111/!hilln





,md Tt·nnis Jor.lJn .11 D.tVI'> TtJ< k .Jud~c at Jurd.tn 'l ,·•rb•~>k '>tump '>pnn~ Rnt''' (NoS< htx>l) B.t'><:h•ll and Tcnrm Bmp.lum .11 Jordan '>pnnr: Rctt'" (Nos, htx>l) John (,ndd.ml t\;;cmhlv ·ll,t>cb:dl ;tnd Tt:nni' Jott!.ttl Jl '! <KK k F H LA '>We Conf<:rt<i<c 1\:r-d,all .tnd Tc:nnis .Jordan <It Tc"wltF B. LA ~!.Itt ConfcH'Iltl' Sutc ~•lo Jnd Fn,embk Wekr 'we l'r.H ~ 1\kct l\.tlt'bJI!



lli~h 1\k<:t (,vmnasti\' ·-- .Jord~tn at flln~h<~nl Tra<k -- Rin,l(ham .ltJonLm Rt,~t~<>n V Vocd '>nlo Jnd 1.1\~trnble L1!(lm Wcnr Oft Fnd ot Thwl Qu.tm:r D.llll<' Comp,un :,t<HliJ' ~Utl' Furcmlt' l\kn "urc h>rtllsl<' l\kct l'.t< ult1 A>>t·rnhl, Rqvon \'- Sta~cb.tn•l ,Jordan <H t>.turr.ly Sr.ttt <,ymnJ~ll< > Mtct t I d.11') Jord.ul ,11 Rll\


<111·b' Twk '>IAtt Mrtt


1\.t,<.'h.tlll'Ltv<>ff, Tm k St:ut Mt·t·t Tt:mm '>tAtt Men



Bm·h.tll Pl~vol ts H.tstbAII Sc.t;c \A Tnum.tnwnt I' dAY\! l.1,r;ht' Wt•nt Off l.ctl<'rm.m\ llm<Jlll't

21 2·1 2'

S..·m1>r Aw.~rd' N1,~:ht


Spnng MusK Ctllhtrl


Scmin.try (iradumon S<:mor Bt~'>l!lt'o> l>Jy S<·mor Progrc~~IV<.'



Yc.trbo<>k )}Ay S<:rnuury bgoon lhy h1d of Fourth QuJrtt:r l..l't Day tll Sd1<X>I S<·mnr DAy Graduation Teatht·r Chc,k-out


Leadership, One Quality of Student Body Officers I shall never forget my three, exciting, fun-filled years at Jordan. You gave me the opportunity to record all the many exciting activities and events that took place throughout the year. And with all the school spirit, enthusiasm and winning streaks, you've certainly kept me busy. Keep up the old and new traditions . . . but most of all keep up the spirit. Jordan's number one and we proved it this year.

It's been so great to be a part of a school with so much spirit and pride. I think Jordan High has come a long way in just this past year. I had a great time working with the other officers and student body. Kim Elison Second Vice

Lisa Lyman Historian I was really proud to be a Beetdigger this year; especially when alumni and students from other schools would compliment us on our spirit and success. Also, the student body's participation has made this year a success by getting involved in activities we have never tried before. I hope the Attorney General for next year doesn't become as insane as this year's. Brad Winegar Attorney General

A great school is a result of a great student body, and that is what we have here at Jordan. All of your school spirit and enthusiasm has made a year of hard work completely rewarding and worthwhile.

Peggy Elswood Secretary This year at Jordan we have tried to

keep up old traditions, but more importantly, we started new ones. Thanks for the chance to be a student body officer, and remember to hold your head high when you say you are a Beetdigger. Randy Sylvester First Vice


What I like most about Jordan is the people. There is always the regular class routine that I could have done without, but the people are what make Jordan a part of me. Jordan has a lot of great traditions and you can see this, it's written in the faces of the students. I'll always be proud to be a Beetdigger, but I'll always remember Jordan by its people. Thank you for the privilege co be udcnt Body President. You've made this the most memorable year of my life. Chri M ormick President

Governing Power Makes New Traditions We had a lor of new things going on chis year at .Jordan, and rhe srudentbody officers were the main reason we did. The new tradition starred ;tr rhe night rhe Homecom ing per rallr made football season exciting. Th<:re were new propmals brought up in student ~overnment meetings char otherwise would have been ignored if ir weren't for rhe offiLcrs. These srudenrs. serving as Jordan's srudcnrbody leaders. were always open for su~~cstions.

'Tat }OUr heart out.

d unges or new ideas.


" J k\ ~uy-,, when thcv told u-, to pme. I don't rcalh think rh.u tlK\ meant this'" Chris .t-.kCormiLk- Srudenrbody President

"Now v.il l you admit tlut we .m: right~"

Sometime::. holding an office makes you feel ;tl l barred in.

twenty -three

Front Ro!'t: Lisa Lyman, Chris McCormick, Kim Elison, Randy Slyvester. Second Row: Kristie Thorn, Amy Tucker, Cindy Peterson, Laura Valenzuela, Brenda Burden, Eileen Smith, Susan Riding, Cyndi White, Marie Bosworth, Bill Timothy, Kirk Swanson, Steve Osborne. Third Row: Lana Allen, Rose Morrense, Karilee Anderson, Cynthia McDonald, Teresa Smith, Steven Glad, Cory Barber, ick Orr, Mike Burkman, Dave Swenson, Gordon Allen, Tod Wadsworth, Burke Ross, Alan Carroll. Fourth Row: Todd Ross, Andrew Nelson, Russell Ragsdale, Joe Parry, Ronda Higgins, Ruth Paskett, Carolyn Robinson, Karen Homer, Karen Thome, Jane Black, Phillis Frischknecht, Joe Combs, Tim Evans, Dan Shail. Top Row: Steven Bryam, Gordan Brady, Jackie Graham, Tracy Horne, Marie Marcovecchio, Gloria Vaccaro, Collen Millerburg, Chris Eliason, Polly Christensen, Jodi Leavitt, Richard Olson, Peggy Paramore, Tina Hamilton, Lori Hickman, Jeff Homer, Bryce Flake.

Dan Shail gets involved.

Jordan's Student Government Takes On New Challenges Our Student Gover~ment is the "voice" of Jordan High. just as the U.S. Congress meets to evaluate new bills that govern the country, our student government meets to exami ne school activity proposals. This Council is composed of studentbody and class officers and representatives from each homeroom. New ideas concerning school colors, mascot and name are often discussed. Much time is spent planning major dances and assemblies. Everyone benefits from the fine work these people do.

Peggy and Lori gossip about government?

A typical Council meeting.

Ken Anderson studies government procedures.


Senior Officers Fullfil! Duties It has been a great year, and I am proud to have been your class presidcnr. It has been a real challenge, but I've enjoyed working with you - especially since.: we did so well in foocball. That has made the.: year that much betttr.

This year w~s really cool, I had a fun year. It was the best of my three years. The spirit was better this year than ever before. Thanks everyone for a great year. I'm proud to be a Beetdigger!

Jeff Homer Senior Presidcnr

Kenn Anderson Senior Boys' Senator

Thank you for electing me a class officer. It has been a fun year. I hope some of the things we have been able to do have made the school year more enjoyable for the senior class. With all of the accomplishments made by the seniors this year, I have truly been proud to be your class officer. Dan Shail Senior Vice President

This year was fun and sometimes hectic, but it made it go by fast . Being an officer made it easier to bear the treacheries of school , and I was happy to have had the opportunity. I'm al so happy to turn my title over to the next worthy senior who will take over my place. Tina Hamilton Senior Girls' Senator


I would like to thank the ,great senior class of '76 for giving e the opportunity to represent them this year. Although it has been a lot of work, it really has been fun. This has been the best year ever at Jordan . I would like to wish next year's officers the lx:st of lut k in nuking it even better than this year has been . Lori H irk man Senior Setr<.:tary


Adair, Rick Allen, Deborah Allen, Michael Allen, Therese Andersen, Kenn

Anderson, Debra Anderson, Karilee Anderson, Penny Anderson, Troy Armitstead, Elvin

Arnold, Sherilyn Atkinson, Jeff Atkinson, Warren Ault, Matthew Bailey, Arlene

Bailey, Gloria Bakker, Rick Ballard, Shirlene

Barber, Kenneth Barlow, Terry Baugh, Brad

Bay, Dough Beckstead, Penny Beesley, Brook



Bentley, Billie Bergener, Kathy


Bergeson, Michelle Besner,Jaynee

Bingham, Jeff Black, Jane Blain, Jay Blank, Sherrie Bogenschutz, James

Bosworth, Marie Bowdidge, John Bowler, James Brady, Paul Bright, Holly

Brimley, James Brinton, Christine Brooksby,Saundra Brown,Jim Brown, Kelly

Brown, Robert Brown, Steve Bryant, Steve Bull, Can I. Burden, Brenda


Burgener, Jodi Burke, W esty Burkman, Mike .Burton, Craig Bush, Janelle

Butler, Rene Butterfield, Tonyia Caldwell, Scott Campbell, Kisdne Carlsen, Val

Carlson, Roger Castillo, Johnny Causey, Robert Chamberlain, Julie Champman, Lorri

Chavez, Daniel Chavis, Trina Christensen, Kelly

Christensen, Steven Clegg, Danny Clements, Kerry

Cline, Douglas Collett, Alyson Combes, Lisa


Cowley, Doug Cowley, Kim Cox, Danetta


Cranney, Lori Crebs, Mike Crystal, Shane

Cummings, Mike Cutler, Colette Cutler, Gayle

Davidson, Linda

Davis, Elaine Davis, Kaylene Davis, Laurie Dearden, Daniel

Dennison, Tammy Derricott, Kathy Dickson, Teresa Dimick, Cindy


Dineen, Shawn Dowding, Paul Draper, Diane

Ebert, Don Edmunds, Jenny Eggen, Shawna

Elison, Kim Elswood, Peggy Enniss, Odette

Evans, Terry Fairbourn, Kevin Farnsworth, Bruce

Feragen, Larry Fisher, Kerry Fitzgerald, Brett Fitzsimmons, Rapplee Flores, )ohm

Forbes, Michael Francom, Deb Freeman, Pam Frischknecht, Phyllis Fullmer, David



Funk, Diane Furner, Michelle


Galland, John Gamero, Vito

Gassman, Kelly Gause, Neil Gessell, Pamela Gi boons, Scott Gibbs, Elena

Gifford, Rebecca Glad, Steven Gonzales, Liz Gorberg, Brenda Gorberg, Trent

Goold, Scott Gough, Janet Goulding, Kelly Graham, Craig Griffith, Joyce

Grimaud, Jeff Groom, Carol Grygla, Ken Hadean, Rod Hadley, Blane


Hall, Scott Hamilton, Michael Hamilton, Tina Hanks, Blair Hanna, Bruce

Hansen, Karen Hansen, Kenra Hansen, Tracie Hardcastle, Val Harding, Tami

Hardman, Tamara Hardy, Deanne Hart, Terry Haueter, Gordon Helbling, Missy

Henderson, Kelli Hendricksen, Marcia Hendricksen, Michael

Henline, Jim Hickman, Lori Higgins, Cory

Hillock, Susan Hoggan, Scott Holmboe, Chris


Homer, Jeff Howlett, Steven Hunt, Phil


Hunter, Lorrie Jackman, Joyce Jacobsen, Kent

Jarvie, Teresa Jaynes, Jeannine Jenkins, Mary

Jensen,Joni Jensen, Mark Jentzsch, Deborah

Johnson, Charlene Johnson, Douglas Johnson, Wayne Jolley, Kent Jones, Kelly

Ju, Gene Kennelly, Mike Kimball, Robert Kirton, Richard Knopp, Chris


Kramer, Mike Kunz, Kevin Lamping, Corri

Lancaster, Juliann Landeen, Steven Langston, Mark

Larsen, Valynne Laveder, John Laveder, Paul

Lawson, Chris Leany, Lee Lee, Wendy

Lego, Darrell Leiser,Jodie Lewis, Steven Lloyd, Donnette Lloyd, Sherry

Logan, Jeffrey Longstaff, Daniel Loosle, Tamara Lucero, Danny Lundstrom, Layne



Lyman, Lisa Mace, Lori


Maddocks, Doug Marler, Dennis

Martinez, Monica Massa, Steven Matheson, Hugh McClure, Michael McCormick, Chris

McCulkx-h, Shelly McCune, Darrell McDonald, Cynthia McDonald, Stephen Meadows, Roger


Mike Melville, Marti Middleton, Jill Miller, Larry Milne,Joni

Mitchell, Natalie Moore, Dawn Morgan,Jackie Mori, Gordon Mortensen, Kerry


MortenS('n ." Richard Moumeer, Bart Moumeer, Jerry Nelson, Reed Nelson, Royd

Nelson, Spence Nelson, Steven Nelson, Wendy Noorda, LaMar Nowotny, Teresa

Nuttall, Kaylynn Nuzman, Mark Oakden, Robbie Oakeson, Sharon Oliphant, Randy

Oliver, Sherrie Olsen, Spencer Olson, Rick

Orr, Nick Osborne, Mark Ostler, Brent

Ostler, Connie Ostler, Robert Osder, Thomas


Overstreet, Dennis Pace, Joe Pack, Kevin


Padmos, John Panek, Mary Pangos, Bret

Paramore, Peggy Parry, Gordon Patterson, Allen

Patterson, Dale Pease, Sheri Perry, P<."nni

Petersen, Jimmy Peterson, Cindy Petty, Becky Pickett, Sandy Pierce, Lynn

Pixron, Lisa Porter, Leslie Price, Kent Pullan, Suzzanne Pyle, Mark


Rager, Gary Reid, Jerrie Remington, Scott

Rishton, Karalee Robertson, Leila Rogers, Ann

Runolfson, Bart Rynearson, Calene Sabo, Robert

Saunders, Stacie Schiffman, Deborah Schmidt, Lisa

Schulzke, Michael Scorzato, Kelly Scott, Deanna Sevy, Lorrie Shail, Dan

Sharples, Penny Shepard, Steven Shettel, Beth Simonich, Tony Simonson, Hal



Skoubye, Paul Smiley, Suzanne


Smith, Carolyn Smith, Connie

Smith, Eileen Smith, Hal Smich,Jeff Smith, Kelly Smith, Lori

Smith, Sandy Smith, Susie Smith, Teresa Snow,Jeff Somerville, Kenna

Spencer, David Spray, Robyn Springer, Kevin Sprouse, Jack Squires, Shauna

Starn, Kris Stanger, Connie Steadman, Lori Steed, Lisa Sterling, Barron


Stokes, Craig Sullivan, Denise Swenson, David Swint, Carol Sylvester, Randy

Tadehara, Curtis Takemori, Alan Taylor, Bonnie Taylor, Frankie Teuscher, William

Thacker, Zelda Thaxton, Lanet Thomas, Kirr Thompson, Lorilee Thompson, Maree

Throckmorton, Vicki Thueringer, Barbara Tobin, Kelli

Tondro, Mark Troyer, Jeff Tucker, Kevin

Tyler, Rita Tyler, Russ Utley, Steven


Valenzuela, Laura Van Leeuwen, Paul VanTassell, Gordon


Vawdrey, Paul Vawdrey, Randle Visser, Michelle

Vowles, Julie Walkenhorst, Kevin Walkenhorst, Kyle

Walkenhorst, Nancy Warburton, Debby Washburn, Diane

Washburn, Kathy Watson, Veeann Weaver, Claudia Webb, Kelly Wentz, Tony

West brook, Suzanne Whetman, Gary Whitmore, Stacy Wilkes, Tim Wilkens, David


Wimberly, Taunya Winegar, Brad

Winegar, David Winger, Patricia

Withers, Cindy Workman, Blake

Wright, Paul Wyatt, Vicki

Yates, Gary Yost, Derreld

Young, Ed Zeller, Mike

Camera Shy Agnew, Robert Ainsworth, Robyn Allen, Shary J Anderson, Micheal Andrizzi, Todd Banks, Bruce Bozarth, Lisa Brown, Bryan Carpenter, Barry Childs, Tammy Clarke, Wendy Cleland, John Crane, Cathy Dangerfield, Lorri Davis, Mark Englehart, Dan Esparza, Lori Fitzgerald, Jeri Glassy, Melinda Goodrich, Mark Gould, Douglas (,ouriey, Steve

Hansen, Katherine Hardman, Rick Harger, Kennith Hargis, Mark Hetchle, Tony Heesch, Craig Hendricksen, Michelle Hevelone, Matt Jensen, Jill Johnson, Anthony Johnson, Leah Kelly, Catherine Kemper, Kim Kennedy, Danny Leon, Glen Lester, Terri Martin, Bill Maupin, Doug May, Tim Meyrick, Jaymie Mirgon, Yvonne Mitchell, Lisa Miller,Jeri

Mulder, Lorrame Nielson, Tamara Nieman, Rodney Orgill, Dennis Peterson, Harvey Proffett, Lawerence Recourt, Joan Riding, Tawna Ritzman, Jerry Smiley, Kathy Smith, Robert Sosa,Joe Strong, Greg Swensen, Lisa Tobin, Deanna Tolbert, Bruce Twitchell, Bonnie Warton, Pat White,Jesse Williams, Sherne Wilson, Mike Young, George


. Officers Maintain School Spirit If you have a great studentbody, then you have a great year. Here at Jordan we have the greatest studentbody. There has been so much school spirit that it bas brought back the good name of ]or dan High. As a beetdiggcr, I a very proud. I know we are goin to start a new tradition in schoo spirit. After we have gone ou eparatc ways, you will ¡rill b proud to be a "Digger.' Burk Ros Jr. Prcsidcn

Juniors, I think we all had a great year, and it's all because of the great spirit and enthusiasm shown by the entire studentbody. The opportunity of serving as junior class secretary is on; I won't forget for the rest of my life.

Millerberg Jr. Secretary

Watching this y go by was super. T Beetdiggcrs will ris be the greatest pow in the state. Thanks 1etti ng me be a part Jordan High.

Thanks junior class for voting me as Girls' Senator. r had a great time, and Jordan is the greatest school with more spirit than any other school. I am proud to say that I am a Beetdigger and also a junior.

Bn:nt Porter Junior Boy's Senator

Chris Eliason Jr. Girls' Senator

Though the junior class was most outstanding, the studentbody as a whole was fantastil. I felt privi legecl to represent the junior class as a Vi<.<: President. Paula Greenwood Junior Vi<.<: President



Adamson, )etf Alldredge, johnny Allen, Clinton

Allen, Lana Allen, Lynn Allen, Ray

Allred, Larry Alvey, Pauline Anderson, Bonnie

Anderson, Dallas Anderson, Gene Anderson, Kevin Anderson, Rhonna Anderson, Scott

Anderson, Steve Anderson, Steven Anderson, Susan Anderson, Wayne Arnold, Deanna

Atkinson, Dave Atkinson, Denise Atkinson, Kristine Auker, Max Bear, Dean

forty jive


Baer, Michael Bailey, Glenn Bakker, Mitch

BaHard, Jeff Bankhead, William Barker, Ralph

Barrett, Mellissa Baugh, Bruce Beck, Ken

Beckstead, Brad Bednarik, Steven Bell, Terry Berg, Danny Best, Doug

Best, Shauna Bianchi, Diane Biggs, Suzanne Bingham, Melody Black, Karalynn

Blank, Janeen Blankenstein, Mary Jane Bodccher, Randy Bosch, Taffie Brklacich, Danny


Broadhead, Kent Brooks, Dale Brower, Denice

Brown, Blaine Brown, Deanne Brown, Leslie

Brown, Susan Buhl, Laurie Bunker, Joanne

Burak, Dave Burnside, Sean Burshnick, Ann Bush, Diane Buder, Tammy

Caldwell, Dawn Campbell, Corby Campbell, Joy Canalot, John

Carlson, Tammy Carr9ll, Alan Carroll, Tim Carter, Joyce Casterline) Kaisa



Chapman, Robert Chase, Rick Chidester, Annette


Childs, Suzanne Christensen, David Christensen, Karin

Christensen, Kelli Christensen, Sandy Christoffersen, Denise

Clegg, John Clements, Kipp Close, Kelley Coffin, Mike Collard, Sheila

Combes, Joe Combes, Mark Cow ley, Patty Cox, David Cox, Gary

Cozzens, Hal Crawford, Sherri Crebs, Penny Cummings, Julie Cunliffe, Chris


Cutler, Curtis Dahl, Scott Danielson, Donald Darling, Penny Davidson, Gregory

Davidson, Gwen Davis, Greg Davis, Karl Davis, Kristi Day,Juliene

Day, Ton Dennison, David Derricott, Mike Deuel, Debbie Dillard, Denise

Draper, Dina Draper, Don Duke, Tracy

Dunn, Tammy Dunn, Suzanne Durrant, Lynda

Eckman, Anita Eddington, Cheryl Eliason, Chris


Erickson, Ron Evans, Bob Evans, Mark


Evans, Tim Evenson, Janet Fagg, Cynthia

Fails, Diane Fairboum, Brad Fairboum, Rozanne

Fehler, Richard Fenton, Marc Fergus, DiannaFirmage, Terry Fischer, Milton

Fish, Glen Fisher, Daron Fitzgerald, Erin Fitzgerald, Roger. Flake, Bryce

Flores, Jess Flynn, Daren Forbush, Sidney Fox, David Fullmer, Perry


Galland, Louisa Gallegos, Jim Garfield, Selena Gassman, Britton Gee, Melinda

Gessell, David Gifford, Virginia Gilchrist, Lisa Giles, Tom Gilgen, Gary

Glover, Todd Goetz, Jerry Goold, Rebecca Graham, Kathy Green, Kathy

Green, Lee Green, Stephanie Greener, Randi

Greenwood, Lee Ann Greenwood, Paula Gressmen, Suzanne

Gribble, Star Gribble, Steve Grygla, Mark


Guymon, Gina Hamilton, Kim Hales~ Kevin


Hadley, Gay Ann Hallock, Steven Ham, Pamela

Hamilton, Lori Hansen, Judy Hansen, Lisa

Hansen, Stephanie Hardcastle, Paula Hardman, Brett Hardman, Sheryl Hardy, Mark

Harris, Dan Harris, Lorie Hartlercxk, Cathy Hathaway, Becky Hendricks, Ronald

Hendricksen, Stacy Henningsen, Fred Herzog, Gerald Hevelone, Dean Heywood, Rhonda


Hickman, Annette Hickman, Jay Higley, Larina Hili,Jenny Hill, Kevin

Hilton, Terry Holley, Shelley Holm, Steven Holmstead, Lorre Holt, Pauline

Hooser, Merl Houmand, Lisa Howard, Greg Howell, Scott Huetter, Steven

Hunt, Dorthy Ipson, Merilyn Jack, Robert

James, Janet Jarvis, Sandra Jensen, Alden

Jensen, Cody Jensen, Jerry Jensen, Kenny


Jensen, Mike Jensen, Sandra jensen, Brian

)ex, jeff johansen, Grant Johnson, Heidi

Johnson, Randy jones, Leah jones, Sheila

Joos, Beverly Joos, Rolayne Kelso, Cathy Kerby, Gina Kersey, Kary 1

Kielian, Barbi King, Frank Knapton, Becky Krebs, Steven Krueger, Roxana

Kunz, Carla Landeen, Mike Langford, Kenny Leavitt, Joann Lee, Kevin


Lennberg,Julie Limb, Mea Linnarz, Tim

Livingston, Wendy Logsdan, Susan Lucas, Karste

Lunt, Michelle Lyon, Jeff Lythoge, Boyde

Maag, Paul Mace, Jerry Maddocks, Mark Manad, Susan Marshall, Melonie

Mason, Allen Mathie, Jackie Maw, Delynn Mayall, Karla Maynes, Jolene

McAllister, Vivian McDonald, Kathy McLeish, Kerry McPherron, Tamara Mead, Clyde.



Mead, Garth Meadows, Carolyn Meyrick, David


Mickelsen, Linda Mickelsen, Mel Miller, Rich

Millerberg, Colleen Millerberg, Tracy Mills, Telvin

Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell, Mike Morrill, Dean Mortensen, Bradley Mortensen, Parley

Mortensen, Rose Mounteer, Mitchell Mumford, Lisa Ann Murphy, Holli Myers, Barbi

Myers, Cheryl Nelson, Brad Nelson, Kerby Nelson, Robert Ndson, Sue


Neria,John Neve, Doug Nguyen, Kim Nichol, Kevin Niksich, Allen

Noffsinger, Danette Norris, Nolan Nuzman, Michelle Oakason, Von Oar, Mike

Obert, Tony Oldfather, William Olson, Debbie Olson, Ranae Olson, Richard

Ontiveros, Troy Ordakowski, Michelle Osborne, Steven

Ovard, Jennifer Overman, Norlene Overson, Karen

Overstreet, Pat Oxley, Danny Ozosky, Catherine


Palmer, Suzanne Panas, Bruce Paskett, Patricia

Pasley, Sonja Payne, Berry Pecorelli, Sam

Pendleton, Nadine Perkins. Connie Perkins, Julie

Peterson, Barbara Peterson, Cheryl Peterson. Marc Peterson, Kay fene Phillips, Angie

Phillips, Cindy Phillips. Melinda Phipps. Russ Pickett, Greg Pierce. Lisa

Pierce. Vickie Pingree, An Pitts. Janet Plotts. Helen Powell, Normand


Primm. Sandra Purser, Kim Quintana, Corey

Rec\'e, Rusty Ree\¡e, Teena Ricord. Coralleigh

Riding. Janet Riding. Susan Robbins. Gary

Robison. Cindy Rogers. Dodi Ross. Burk Ross. Todd Roundy. Laurie

RowelL Darrel Sadler. Cherie Sant. Sharon Sange. Todd Schmidt. Chris

Schmidt. Gina Schoening. Krista Schouten. Mike Sco\'ilL Sandra Sessions. Susan



Sharp, Ray Shaw, Cary Shipley, Elaine


Short, Stanson Shyers, Luanne Sieverts, Tony

Silcox, Bryan Simon, Robert Sizemore, Karolynn

Skinner, Teresa Smith, Annette Smith, Becky Smith, Doug Smith, Jeff

Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,

Paul Paul Philip RaNae Roland

Smith, Steve Sorenson, Phillip Spratt, Rosemarie Steadman,Jana Sterling, Connie


Stewart, Mark Still, Brian Stillman, John Stonehocker, Carole Stringfellow, Todd

Stubblefield, Roger Sundell, Jack Sweetring, Susy Sybrowsky, Glen Tait, Tina

Tapia, Mary Taylor, Bryce Taylor, Karma Taylor, Mickey Taylor, Wendy

Tazzer, Sonia Thaxton, Shawna Thomas, Brad

Thomas, Calli Thome, Karen Thorn, Debbie

Thorne, Lorilee Throckmorton, Richard Timothy, Bill


Timothy, Debra Tobin, Katherine Tongish, Dan

Tsinigine, Cathy Vaccarro, Gloria Vamamen, Neelja

VanLeeuwen, Raylyn Veater, Rebecca Veltri, Steven

Vowles, Danny Wadsworth, Con Wagstaff, Karen Wagstaff, T erilyn Walton, Tadiana

Webster, David Webster, Joy Welch, Particia Wentz, Ken White, Cyndi

Wilkens, Randy Willette, Shanna Williams, Dell Williams, Robyn, Williams, Terry


Wilson, Sandra Woodruff, Kent

Woolsey, Mark Wyman, Brent

Yates, Jeanette Yahze, Gary

Yergensen, Niels Young, Don

Young, Francine Young, Mark

Ziegler,Julie Zupan, George

Camera Shy Andrus, Kirt Ballard, Brenda Bauer, Keldon Baugh, Brad Bensen, Robert Bunkell, Kelly Bryant, Margaret Champion, Terry Christensen, Laurie Cole, Steve Cowley, Jay Curley, Scott Dayton, Patty DeVore, James DeVore, Jerry Fenton, Belinda Ferrcgcn, John Freeman, Mike Fuller, Karie Haitt, Kacie Hill, .John Hyau, Kathy Jones, Lisa Kay, Lee Kendrick, John Kennington, Brad Larsen, Chris Leake, Cathy Leavitt, Holly Lumrx:rg, David

Malkay, Terry Madsen, Marla Maynes, Larry Macall, Lisa Dawn Miller, AI Miller, Chris Murphy, Kevin Napier, Lorrie Olson, Mark Oswald, Joel Page, Ray Patterson, Brent Petterson, Roxanne Peterson, Barbara Peterson, Kaylene Porter, Brent Price, Charles Quintana, Mike Reading, Dan Rich, Barbara Richardson, Cindy Robinson, Sandy Rocks, Doug Schouten, Mike Sharp, Karen •Shaw,Jessie Sirrine, Robert Smart, Eugene Smith, Cindy

Smith, Paul Smith, Tracey Sorensen, Debbie Staffland, Russell Stout, Brenda Stewart, Tracey Sturdy, Syril Sundberg, Sherri Swenson, Dave Thayne, Wayne Thelin, Russ Thompson, Tianna Thorpe, Ann Trujillo, LaVonne Ulibarri, Pam Underwood, Darrell Webster, Michelle Webster, Ron Welch, Tony Wendt, Robert White, Jonah Williamson, Robert Yost, Brenda


Soph's Elect Two Presidents

I thinkJordan's the best! I really think this year was the best year Jordan's seen for quite awhile. I'm proud to be a part of this school. I'm very happy to have represented this year's super sophomore class; they are all 'terrific people. I'm glad to have been part of them. Brenda Taylor Sophomore President

Fellow Beetdiggers. It was a rewarding experience being the Sophomore class president for the short time I was in office. The Beetdiggers proved they were no.l. I also enjoyed working with t~e other officers and will cherish every moment. Keep up the good work! Lawrence Featherstone Sophomore President

I would like to thank the sophomore class for electing me Sophomore Boys' Senator for the year 1976-1977. We have had a great year, but we really couldn't have done it without the whole studentbody.

Sot homore Boys' Senator

Thanks for electing me as your Girls' Senator. Jordan's no. 1 and will always be because we have such a great studentbody. It's been really fun year. Marie Marchvecchio Sophomore Girls'

Thanks for l~ltlng me have the opportunity of repn:-,enting the -;ophomore tlas .... We h.1ve had a great Thanks for electing me as Sophomore Vice President. It has been the neatest year. But there's no way we could have had as good as year as we did without the great studcntbody. Thanb again. Polly Christensen Sophomore Vite Presid ¡nt


year thi'i year, but we. wuldn't have dont it without .dl the help from the stud<:nt hody. Jord.tn is .1 #I st hool, and it always will be. ].It kie Gralum ~ophomore

Sn rcury


Adams, Sherilyn Akagi, David Akagi, Troy Albrechtsin, Cathy Alder, JoAnn

Allen, Darlene Allen, Gordan Allen, Karalee Allen, Reid Allen, Teresa


Andersen, Brett Andersen, Rela Anderson, Carrie Anderson, Jo Anderson, Robert Ru


Anderson, Lesley Andrizzi, Lance Andrus, Tracy Archuleta, Ryan Armitstead, John Arnold,

Aronone, Frank Ashton, Kirt Bagley, Jeff

Bailey, Wendell Baker, Holly Ballamis, Louis

sixty jive


Ballard, Mary Ballard, Wayne Barber, Cory Bates, Debra


Baugh, Charlene Beardall, Linda Beck, Mark Beckstead, Mark

Beckstead, Russell Bell, Normen Benson, Heidi Bentley, Sam

Bergcner, Korby Bergeson, Lynann Birch, Jim Bird, Marty Bird, Tracy Blackwood, Lynne

Blundell, Bryan Bodtcher, Sheik Bogenschutz, Jamie Bogenschutz, Susan Bollinger, Lyndon Bolton, Russell

Bonis tell, Jim Booms, Tommy Bosch, Gary Bowman, Blair Boynton, Deanna Boynton, Paul

hom ores

Brady, Gordon Breeze, Cnlig Breeze, Tcri Brinton, Shauna Brooks, Trudy Brown, Caroldeen

Brown, Cindy Brown, Hugh Brown,Jdfrey Brown, Leisa Brown, Michael Brown, Russell

Bunkall, Kent Burak, Rober Burden, Brett Burke, Pat Burkinshaw, Troy Bruningham, Kim

Burns, James Burnside, Brad Burnside, Jackie Burt, Barry

Burton, Scott Butterfield, Troy Butters, Steve Caldwell, Craig

Caldwell, John Cannon, Dougie Carroll, Bryan Carter, Ronald


Carrwright, Aaron Casterline, Loren Chaves, Miguel Chisholm, Terry


Christensen, Carrie Christensen, David Christensen, Mark Christensen, NyU~

Christensen, Peter Christensen, Polly Christensen, Ruth Clements, Korinne

Coktti, Jeff Collier, Kim Colquoun, James Combs, Brenda Conley, David Costanza, Randy

Cow ky, Bret Cowley, Steve Craggs, Susan Crapo, Mdyn Crooks, Cynthia Crouch, Mike

Crystal, Lisa Curtis, Ken Curtis, Tony Curtis, Veri Cutler, Heather Cutler, Todd


Daip:neau lc, )<X' Dansie, A. John Davidson, Ronald Davis, Peter

Davis, Darwin Day, Marlene Deal, Larry Dean, Mark

Deboer, Doug Demas, Stacey Denison, Karla Denison, Kayla

Densley, Casey Deupont, Debbie Dickerson, Bryan Dittmar, Angela Dowland, Randy Draper, Mark

Dunn, Sheri Dusenberry, Janet Ebell, Michelle Ebert, Kirk Eckman, Allen Edwards, Cheryl

Edwards, Jane Edwards, Pollyanna Eggen, Tim Elg, Patrice Elggren, Christa Enniss, Melodie



Erickson, Janet Erickson, Ronnie Evensen, Jeff


Fairbourn, Marvin Fairbourn, Rooney Featherstone, Lawrence

Fenton,Jacki Ferguson, Bevan Fisher, Ester Fitzgerald, Kelly Fowles, Nolan Fredrickson, Cathy

Friebel, Gean Frinsley, Charles Fritz, Paul Foutz, Lisa Fuger, Robert Furner, Steve

Gallagher, Robert Gansauge, Lori Garamendi, Mark Gardner, Jennifer Garfield, Jan Gibson, Cathy

Gifford, Stan Gilgen,Julie Gonzales, Patricia Goodrich, Rebecca Gord, Vickie Gotberg, Bryon


Graham, Jackie Graham, Ron Green, Robin Gregory, Bryce Gribble, Glenn Griffith, Grant

Griffiths, Dermont Grimaud, Rick Grunwald, John Grygla, Joel Guest,Jami Gurr, Darla

Guyman, Merritt Hales, Warren Hall, Tim Halligan, Tawna Hallock, James Hamilton, Linda

Hamilton, Raelene Hampton, Jeannine Hansen, D:::vid Hansen, Noal Hanson, Mildred Harding, Robert

Harris, Michael Harrison, James Hatch, Jennifer

Hatch, Shayne Haueter, Sheri Heaps, Neil



Heaton, Eric Henderson, Ben Henningsen, Glenn


Henrie, David Hepner,Jeff Hermansen, Shiloah

Heywcxx.i, Lewis Higgins, Ronda Hill, David Hdl, Karen Hillock, Robin Hoffman, Mard

Holley, David Holmstead, Kendell Holt, Shirlynn Homer, Karen Homer, Kay lene Hoopiiaine, Mark

Horne, Tracy Jloughton, MidH~al Housekeeper. Brenda Homen, Doug }Ioward, Kevin Howell, Dan

Hranac,Jeff Hunt, Russell Hunter, Troy Hyde, Cherrie Isakson, Sh<:lly )atk,jody


Jackson, &ott Jawbson, Diane Jarvie, Yvonne

Jenkins, Jay Jenkins, Marian Jensen, Doug

Jensen, Jim Jensen, Karen Jensen, Lesa Jensen, Merelynn Jensen, Scott Jensen, Steven

Jenson. Randall Johnson. Jeffory Johnson. Robyn Johnson. Ruthann Jones. Chad Jones. jim

Joos. Ral': ae Jorgensen. Jerilyn Ju. Michael Keele. Tracy Kemp. Lynette Kemp. Robert

Kemple. Ste\¡e Kennelly. Danerte Kerbs. Lana Keysers. Viviane Kirton. Allan Koehler. Doug


¡Korpi, Diane Krebs, Mike Lakerveld, Ronald Lambson, Melvin

Lamping, Claudia Lancaster, Mary Lane, Phillip Lang, Debbie

Langerbacker, Chris Langston, Kirtus Larsen, Heather Larson, Terry Lasater, David Lee, Jack

Lee, Veralene Lehenbauer, Gerry Lehenbaucr,Jackie Leonard, Barbie Lester,Julie Lewis, John

Lewis, Karen Limb, Harriett Lindeman, Cory Linnarz, Lisa Lloyd, Cindy Lloyd, Denice

Logan, Jenny L<x>sk, Todd Loveless, Shelly Lucero, Jimmy


Lunt, Tod Lykins, Darla Lyman, jim Lyman, Leslie

Lyon, Monte Malkos, Todd Malm, Sherill Man, Randy

Marcovecchio, Marie Maroney, Susan Marrin, Dave Martin, Richard

Marwedel, Ralph Mason, Shelly Mastro, Nick McCandless, Laura McCarter, Dennis McCoy, David

McDowell, David Mc<Jarry,David McHenry, Craig McKee, Stephen McMaster, Tracy McNulty, Martine

Meadows, Hal Mecham, <Jeorge Mecham, Jill Meenen, Leslie Melville, Shari Mendenhall, Mariano

seventy jive

Merritt, Mark Miller, Darren Miner, Bryan Mitchell, Debbie Mitchell, Glenn Mock, Denece


Muir, Deanna Mulliner, Julie Murphy, Laura Murphy, Michael Neff, Wade Nelsen, Jeff

Nelson, Andrew Nelson, Lori Nelson, Randy Nelson, Tina

Neria, Robert Neve, Jamie Newbold, Ken Nichol, Laura

Nichols, Terry Nielson, Amber Niemann, Aaron Nokes, Holly

Noorda, Tina Nowotny, Craig Oakden, Robyn Olsen, Chad Olsen, Connie Olsen, David


Olson, Brian Olson, Diane Orgill, Douglas Orth, Brian Ostler, David Ostler, Monian:

Ostler, Reece Overson, Shelly Oviatt, David Pace, Karan

Pangos, Becky Parker, Denton Parker, Terry Parks, Lisa

Parry,Joe Patterson, Tari Payne, Karla Pearson, Bruce

Peart, Michael Pecorelli, Nancy Pedersen, Bert Perkins, Dave Petersen, Boyd Petersen, Rebecca

Peterson, Donna Peterson, Martin Petty, Kaylene Phillips, Robert Phipps, Mitchell Pixton, Brent



Pollaehne, Andrew Powell, Stephen Pratt, Jeff


Price, Vincent Primm, Marjory Prince, Dwight

Pryor, Shannee Pullan, Joey Ragsdale, Russell Rasband, Terrie Reece, Karl Reed, Kent

Reid, Krisrie Reidling, David Richards, Lance Richins, Joanne Riding, Bill Riding, Don

Riding, Kent Rigby, Rulon Rivas, Army Roberts, Myrna Robertson, John Robertson, Tonia

Robinson, Carolyn Rcxien, Lynn Rogers, Mark Rogers, Ross Romtro, Fred Ross, Dick


Ross, Kimberly Royttr, Ken Sadkr, Chris Salisbury, Douglas Salter, Stephanie Sant, Robert

Saunders, Holly Schiffman, Michael Schilggl, Viviane Schmidt, Doug Scott, Craig Scovill, Mike

Sedgwick, Randy Shail, Patricia Sharp, Lisa Shaw, Kathy Simmons, Shauna Simonson, Bob

Simonson, Carl Simonson, Debbie Sinnott, Dawn Sirrine, David

Smart, Jim Smith, Darrelanne Smith, Jerilyn Smith, Kelli

Smith, Kevin Smith, Kristianne Smith, Layne Smith, Marcy



Smith, Steven Smith, Tod Snow, Danny Sorensen, Kathleen


Sorensen, Marjorie Sorenson, Bill Sorenson, Don Sosa, Alex

Spencer, Evelyn Springer, Vincem Stephenson, Lyle Stephenson, Phillip

Stewart, Kevin Stiel, Teresa Storper, Dianna Strate, Merrill Sudbury, Scott Sumsion, Elizabeth

Swanson, Kirk Swensen, Doug Swilor, Mit<.h Takemori, Brett

Tanner, Kenyon Taylor, Brenda

Tempest, Rente Tenn<:y, Steven T<:rry, Brian Thaxton, Melanic Thompson, Dcbhie Thompson, Monte

So hom ores

Thorn, Kristic Thorpe, David Thr:tll,Janct Throlkmorton, Cherie Thuerin~en, Pamula Tirnonty, Ry.tn

Tolman, Mike Tondro, Marlene Tcx)le, Melanie T(X)rts, Rcxiney Tripp, .Jeff Troester, Lori

Tucker, Amy Turner, Bud Turner, Lorie Tuttle, Renae Tyler, Gary Vanamen, Marty

Vantassell, Stacey Vawdrey, Curt Vawdrey, Maxine Vawdrey, Paula

Vawdrey, Scott Yeater. Lonny Wassell, Rilky Wadsworth, Tod

Wahlen, Jolene Walkenhorst, Jeff Walkenhorst, Jodi Walker, Keith


Wall, Linda Walton, Danny Warburton, Don Ward, Kirk


Washburn, Claudia Watson, Phillip Weaver, Michelle Webb, Mark

Weed, Cindy Welch, Brad West, Michelle Westbrook, Shelly

Westerman, Paul Westphal, Greg Whetman, ValaJne Whitlock, Karie Williams, Kristy Williams, S<ott

Williams, Venny Williamson, Cary Winegar, Diane Winegar, Kristin Winkler, Colette Wiseman, Tammy

Wiseman, Traty Withers, Connie Wolfgram, Peter W cxxL Rhonda W<x)bey, Bryan Worthington, Trcna

Wright, Judy

Y azhe, Ernest

Lund, Lori

Aocita, Rosita Ainsworth, Wendy Allen, Bill Ammons, Wendy Anderson, Daene Anderson, Michelle Anderson, Tracy Anderason, Wendy Arko, Allen Bailey, Carol Beckstead, Danny Begay, Ruth Bowles, Brent Bowman, Steve Brown, Mark Burgon, Paul Butler, Brett Butler, Jeffrey Chapman, Marty Cates, Mike Clark, Carrie Clarke, Mark Coletti, Natalie Crebs, Andy

Yergensen, Kim


Young, Kurt

Young, Lorie

Young, Toni


Cross, Chris Crumpacker, Dana Curtis, Troy Denton, Edgar Endah, Sam Enniss, Melodie Everill,Jolene Fairkoff, Debbie Ferguson, David Fish, Steven Gibbs, Paul Gibson, Michael Gorringe, Jan Gray, Russell Groom, Denise Hill, Leslie Hobbs, Sheila Holm, Mark Howell, Lisa Hughes, Kathi Johnson, Karen Johnson, Randall Leavitt, Amelia Lee, Karen

Leyer, David Linam, Garry Llyod, Leisa Longmore, Ross Mageras, John Marshall, William Martin, Brett ./'\Maw, Randy McDonald, Ranae Mercier, Michael Miller. Cameron Miller, Debbie Mitchell, Brent Nelson. Kathryn Noorda, Angeli Orme,Jeff Park, Craig Paskett, Ruth Perez, Vincent Petersen, Boyd Phelps, Randal Proffitt, Robert Reading, Patricia Richards, Guy Roberts, Bryon Roberts, Kevan



-:.: .


District Administration Emphasizes Student Individuality

Richard Gourley Assistant Superintendent

L. Ray Brown Deputy Superintendent

Ken Printc Deputy Superintendent

Board of Education: Jed Wasden, Vite President; Lois Hirschi, President, Mark Wahlquist, Mark Klotovich, Richard Anderson.

It takes mor~ than students and teachers to run a school; it takes distrkt supervision. These men and woman of the jordan School Distrin Board of Education and Administration adopted and revised many program for the benefit of every school. These people work many, many hours for the improvement of the District. The Administration and Board hclieve that each student is an individual, and everything they do is centered around this wnccpt.

Principals Concerned About Student Education

demont Bishop, principal, administrates school matters.

Achievement in education for every student is a principal's goal. Each principal cares for a student's feelings, needs and concerns. Records of attendance and progress are kept by the principals' offices and staffs. The students' admiration for these men is great because we know they care.

Jerry McCleary, assistant vice-principal, works with juniors and seniors.


IMC Offers Their Services

Peggy Wright enjoys the peaceful hour.

Lena Wagstaff aids in library as well as print room. The main purpose of the IMC is to offer service to the students and faculty of Jordan High School. This service can take several forms: printing supplementary readings for classes, supplying audio-visual materials for research, recommending books for leisure reading, teaching research and media skills, recording music for dance classes, preparing slide-tape presentations, and taking photographs of school activities.


J ay Burkinshaw coordin ates o ur Medi a Center.

Counselors Concerned The counselors are responsible for student class scheduling and assuring that each and every student meets all requirements for graduation. In addition, personal counseling and post-high school educational or occupational guidance is the couselors' concern for those students who seek it. Richard Young, J un ior class counselor.

Margie Brown, morn ing aide for counselor .

Barbara Boll and , Sophomore class counselor.

Vocational Coordinator Coordinates OJT

W endell]. Petersen, Vocational Coordinator.

D r. Earl ]. mith, Senior class counselor.


Secretaries Manage Offices

Thelma Ainsworth smiles as she accepts a dollar for another locker key.

Jackie Sybrowsky chec

Mrs. Stafford and Mrs. Crapo help part time in many places.

Mrs. Naylor works with computer records.


Joan Gamble file paper while working in office.


Margie Brown and Florence Steadman working on class changes. The secretaries got their jobs done this year with confidence and a smile. Some of the jobs that they did were: taking care of attendance, check ins and outs, keeping books, taking care of school finances, typing, helping students research careers, scheduling appointments with the counselors and principals and helping students try to cope with classroom activities. Our secretaries have helped make the school function in an orderly manner.


Mr ¡ Millcrbcrg helps students with problems.

Lorie Calloway works with individuals in resource.

Cherly Argyle helps students through the resource program.


Cooks Fix Those Old Fashion Hot Meals With 1600 hungry people running around at the noon hour, the cooks deserve congratulations on a job well done. Every day of the school year hot lunches were in the cafeteria for anyone who wanted them. The food was excellent by all means, and the ladies always glad to serve you.

Front Row : EJna ullivan, Gisile Banks. Back Row : Marilyn Wag taff, Gene Stock¡ ing, Tina Butterfield. Missing : Florence Peter on, Florence Whittenberg, Elma Couch.

Head Cook, Marilyn Wagstaff .

The custodians kept Jordan's halls, classes, and office somewhat liveable for the students and staff. The floors were always kept shiny, and it was a frequent sight to ee one of the men scrubbing down the walls and lockers in the halls. These men made Beetdiggers proud of their old, but beautiful, s hool.

Custodians Make a Clean Sweep

Head Custodian, Larry Powell. Fred Alldredge, Robert W . Worlron , Kenneth L Wanberg.


Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge is a new competitive sport that involves the faculty. The faculty members of our school compete with the faculty members from other schools in a basketball game. Besides competition, the Battle of the Bulge gives the faculty a chance to get back into condition.

Dave Erickson dribbles the ball down court.

The team huddles to devise new strategies.


Creative Arts ''There is

nothing but Art; Art is living. 'Tis to create

and in creating live." W. Somerset Maugham Richard Milne guides fine art student .

Ralph Pa -e molds ceramic ¡rudcnt .

ninety jour

''To Drive ' Perhaps to crash." C. West


liver tea he future driver sportsman-like driving.

Doug Berry watches students on the driving range.

Dave Erickson shows students on-road tactics.


Language Arts "Perhaps of all creations of man, language is the most astonishing." Lytton Strachey Barbara Ward enjoys her English classes.

Herb Tucker lectures to his English students.


Kay Ensign applies English



Carol Clark help ¡ phomore in the H nors Program.


Gary Parnell reache:s Spanish, Speech and Debate.

Greg McMillian is a "fantastic sport."

Marion Martin keeps rhe arrenrion of her students.


Vocational Education "I have a great work in hand." Cicero

Roger King, the instructor of Yo ational Electronics, gives Robert abo a few pointer .


Mark rook ton teache drafting, vocational metal and machine hop.

R bert Langford welds hi

Dave Palmer helps onstruct future carpenters.

Ralph Bishop trains future photographers.


Social Studies ''Not to know what happened before one was born is to remain a child." Cicero

Dan May wrestles with his Social classes.

one hundred

tudies ment.

Jeff Rassmussen points our effect of wars in modern America.

Jay Pond discu ses Socialism in new "Ism "class.

Brent Plant reaches students about world expansion in early centu-

Jacque Conkling listens to rudem view in American Problems.

one hundred one

Business ''The business of America is business.'' Calvin Coolidge

Joy Nelson h ¡Ips with secretarial training.

Dave 'lark andJoann Tuttle sponsor

one hundred two


,A and cea<..h marketing.

Science .


Perry Brady knocks on wood for good health .

Gary Garcia wonders where his snakes and other critters are.

''Science is nothing but developed perception, interpreted intent, common sense rounded out and minutely articulated." George Santayana

Ferrell Gunnell and Gerald Groves check on their home grown?

Hal Hale exemplifies good health .

Ken McCleary concocts an interesting lesson.

one hundred three

Performing Arts ''Art is a human activity having for its purpose the transmission to others of the highest and best feelings to which men have risen." Tolstoi

Marietta Williams is the adYisor of our chari~ ­ matic Charlonions and in truer~ Yariou~ dane<: classes.

The Drama ckparrm<:nr i'l '>p<:arhcadcd by th<: dranl;ttic Robin Bi-,hop.

'inging is Rcx.iney Zabri!>kie' ¡ department.

one hundred four

Julie Chri..,toffcN>n da'>'><:'>.


t,tking a bn:ak from imrrum<:nral mu'ltt

Home Economics "To be happy at home is the ultimate result of all ambition." Samuel Johnson

)alkit Stt\'tn on prepare~ her s rudenr~ for family life.

Sandra Lavaro tzi"e ¡ srudenr sewing rips.

Kaylene Thorn k mixes Bachelor cooking. rional foods and Foreign cooking.


one hundred five

Mathematics "Multiplication is vexation, Division is as bad. The rule of three perplexes me, And practice drives me mad." Anon. 1570

X 2+ Y 2 = Robert McDonald .

Bruce H ilton h ¡lps Mary Topia with a tou~h probkm.

one hundred six

Janis Thompson, "That's anot her ten.


Cade Monroe between math classes.

one hundred seven

Physical Education ''I wish to preach, not the doctorine of ignoble case, but the doctorine of the strenuous life." Teddy Roosevelt

Marietta William fini he 路 roll and 路rarts to p,et

<..Ia~ a~sembkd .

Ray Jen on helps student with ba ketball skill 路.

one hundred eight

Mike Murray p,et 路 field ready for bip, game.

New Program Focuses in on Students Focus is an alternatiYe program for students haYing problems adjusting to school. The focus experience presents different situations and more indi,¡idualized attention than the regular classroom. ResponsibilitY for their anions is emphasized to the students. The students are giYen an opportunity to suggest curriculum as well as evaluate themselves. These rwo aspects of the program are the most difficult to grasp.

R byn Stuver aid

tudents in adjusting to chool.

Bill Noble helps students by the use of personal attention.

one hundred nine




, _J,~





• >! ...... '

First MusicalGreat Success!

Music: An essential part of the production.

one hundred twelve



Steve Landeen and Marti Melville.

It took six cast members, a lot of hard work, many night practices, determination, and prayers to pull our musical, ((you're a Good Man, Charlie Brown," together. We appreciate what these talented actors have done so far this year and hope that they keep up the good work.

Lucy gives peace of mind to Charlie Brown.

one hundred thirteen

"Oklahoma" On November 16, 17, 19, 20, the Drama and Music department combined to create the Jordan High producation of "Oklahoma." Both areas contributed to the musical. Robyn Bishop acted as the Executive director with Robyn Stuver as drama director. Carolyn Wootten ably handled all of the choreography. The two areas that involved music, the singing and the orchestra were headed by Rod Zabriskie and Julie Christopherson, respectively. The advisors were fantasti c, but the meat of the performances came from the cast. With all of this going for it, "Oklahoma" was surely one of the best productions Jordan High School has ever performed. Characters : Aunt Eller . ......... . ....... . . .. ... . . . .. . ..... . .... Danetta Cox Curly . . ......... . .. ......... . . .. ... .. ........ Dan Harris . . ....... . . .. . . . . . . ........... Lisa Lyman Laurey .. Ike Skidmore . . .............. . ... . ... . ...... Chris McCormick Slim ....... 1 • . • . • • • • . . • • • . . . • • • . • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ken Barber Will Parker . ........................................ . ......... Mike Oar Fred . . . . ................. . ........ . ... . .... . . .. ... . ... . ... .. ........ Berry Payne ............... . .............. . . Mike Derricott Jess . . . .. . ............... . ....... . ... .Jim Martin Jud Fry Ado Annie Carnes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....................... . Marti Melville Ali Hakim . . ................. Mi~e Melonas Gerti Cummings . . ............. Selena Garfield .. .............. .. Robyn Spray Sylvie Ellen ..... . .... . ........... .. .......... Sonja Pasley Kate ...... . ... .. ....... . ... . .... .. . . .... . ........ .. . . .... . .. . ........ . . Carol wint Aggie ............... . ......... . ................ Deni e Dillard Andrew Carnes ........ . .................... .. ...................... . Randy Dowland Cord Elam ............. . ........................... . ............. .. . . . Terry De Yore

Dancers help make Oklahoma a success.



l "no."

Danetta Cox, Dana Harris, Marti Melville, and Lisa Lyman portray character of Oklahoma.

one hundred fourteen

IU.ndy Dowland and straightens up Peddlar man Mike Melonis on a few things.

one hundred fifteen

Seniors Are Honored During Senior Week.

Royd Nelson and Gayle Cutler.

David Wilkins and Li a Linnarz.

Hugh Matheson and Phillis Fri hkne ht.

one hundred sixteen

uples waJ

We started at the bottom as Sophomores, rose to be middle class Juniors, and then finished at the top as fantastic SENIORS! We, as Seniors, had our bad times, but we will never forget our great times at Jordan. This year the Seniors celebrated their seniority with Senior Week. Events included: Senior assembly; Senior movie, "Bonnie and Clyde," and ending the week, the Senior Hop at the Hotel Newhouse. Couples dance ro the romantic sound of Ro ewood.

during intermis ion.

Kenny Jensen and date.

one hundred seventeen

Students Get All of the Li'l Abners and Daisy Maes of the school gathered together for a week of fun and festivities. Various contests took place which taxed the skills of all the con路 tesrants. A few of these events were performed in the Dog路 patch Assembly for the enjoyment of the whole student body. Some of these were the obstacle course, juggling, pancake eating, boy-girl calls, and most original instru路 ment. Tfie cow milking and baking contests were held later in the week. This week of fun was brought to an end in the north gym on November thirteenth. "Survival" pro路 vided music and enjoyment for all those attending the Dogpatch Drag.

Melinda Gee races to the finish line.

one hundred eighteen

Hitched at Dogpatch.

Sandy Christensen hurdles the "unevens."

one hundred nineteen

Get Acquainted Party Students Get to Know Each Other

one hundred twenty

Mr. Jordan America is Steve Hallock.

Juniors race for finish line.

Competition between the Senior, junior and Sophomore classes is what the Get Acquainted Party was all about. The classes competed to see which class was best in certain areas. Some of the areas were: three-legged races, water guzzling, and watermelon eating. The Senior class proved their abilities by winning the most events.

Bryce Flake questions Gloria Vaccaro's weight as he helps her up the greased pole.

one hundred twenty-one

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal . . .

one hundred twenty-two

A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing . . . A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love,

and a time to hate; a time of w and a time of peace." Ecclesia tes 3; 1-8

one hundred twenty-three

''If You

Students listen intently for decision on royality .


Leave Me Now''

Mark Tondro and date, Vincent Wagstaff and date en joy themselves at the dance.

Hugh Matheson invents new dance at Sweethearts.

The excitement of asking for dates in advance, buying or making new outfits, saving money on last minute changes, making reservations (not a minute too soon), and looking in the mirror one last time started off a wonderful night as couples prepared for the Sweethearts' Ball. A night full of dancing, eating, laughing, and knowing that it was all worth the effort. All in all it was a very memorable evening.

one hundred twenty jive

The Junior Prom

Berry Payne and Holly Leavitt "Come on down ."

Pat Overstreet leaps out of bed to join the excitement. Being a Junior happens only once in our lives, an~ is something we will have a hard time for getting. The Junior assembly brought out our talents and abilities . Although the oe talents came in strange forms, everyone enjoyed themselve . The Junior Prom wa an exciting evening where we were able to make up for all of our unintended mi rake and proved that we really can do thing right. We learned to laugh at our elve and realized that we would not be y ung forever. 0


one hundred twenty-six

Ended an Exciting Week

Terry Evans and Rob Jack enter dance with excitement.

one hundred twenty-seven

Our Kings and Queens Being elected part of the royalty for one of our dances is a great privilege for those who exptrience it. Receiving a crown and/ or roses is just one of the many exciting experiences that happen to you the night of the dance. Our formal dances have been held in our boys' gym, at the Hotel Newhouse and even in the McCune Mansion.¡ Some of the reasons why we have our dances are to celebrate victories (as well as defeats), to show our appreciation to the classes and faculty, for special occasions such as the Sweethearts' Dance for Valentine's Day and just for fun . Kristin Winegar.


Denise Dillard, Ruth Perry, Tawna Rid-

ing (Queen).

one hundred twenty-eight

JR. PROM: andy hri ten en (Queen) and Randy ylve ter, Mar Fent n (Kin ) and Kelly


Steve Landeen (Li'l Abner), Gayle Cutler

(Daisy Mae).

SENIOR HOP: (Prince).


Todd Andrizzi (King), Laura Valenzuela

(Queen) .

Kelly Christensen (Princess), Kenny Jensen


Melyn Crapo (Duchess), Cory Barber


one hundred twenty-nine

Sophomore Week Had Its Ups and Downs

Due ro circums tance beyond their control, and beyond rhe control of rhe Beerdigge r staff, rhe Sophomores' week had more downs than ups. The poor Sophs: Nothing seemed ro turn our right for them. Tie-and-Garter Day was celebrated by onl y a few seniors. The assembly was the worst of rhe year; it was cancelled because the performers didn 'r show up. The dance was a great success and made up for all dissapointments. However, when developed rhe film was blank. Well , sopho more , you tried. Better luck next year as juniors.

Allen Etkman wn(cntratcs on lunch .

Tracy Horne and Carrie Anderso n have Big Mac

one hundred thirty-one

Stomps Are a Cure for the Saturday Night Blues

Tracy Horne and boyfriend find their own little corner.

ary Parnell plots as he counts.

one hundred thirty-two

Disco DanciAg has been seen frequently at the stomps by the students and faculty. The music for the stomps was provided by various groups. Besides dancing, the students enjoyed the opportunity of seeing their fri('lf'ds and partaking of school spirit.

Students enjoying an evening at the stomp.

Students boogie at stomp.

one hundred thirty-three

Juniors Win Olympics Two Years in a Row

Craig Burton and Bill Oldfather battle to strength.


Troy Burkinshaw and Dave Olson get ready for punching contest.

Although everyone has always assumed that Seniors are the best, the Juniors have proved that is not always the case. lnJordan's annual olympics, the Juniors won the majority of the first place ribbons. Clas es competed in indoor competitions consisting of the relay race, pogostick-unicycle race, jump rope,Jello snarf, soda pop guzzling contest, hula hoop, arm wrestling, limbo and many more. Each class president took part in the traditional lighting of the Olympic torch, with Coach Murry as our main flame bearer.

Karilee Ander on, Heidi tillman and Erin fitzgerald get a t mach full during the prite 7unling ontc t.

one hundred thirty jour

A chi lly moment for competitors in Jordan Olympics.

Par Lucero polishes a dime, while taking ir across the line.

Monica is getting su kered into it again .

durino-t"' t1c . 1 . -SPntc

one hundred thirty-five

There Is Always a Little Something for Everyone at the Assemblies

Melanie Toole cheers with tudents at assembly.

Student body oHi(er'i

one hundred thirty-six


that they're "k<x>l" .tt p ¡p assembly.

The drudgery of school work this year was laughed away by the assemblies that took place. They always had just a little something for everyone in them to make the day easier. Of course there were complaints when we had to return to class, but we always went back with a renewed school spirit.

Peggy Elswood dresses like a star at the Christmas Assembly.

The pep assembly brings out a new talent as Karilee Anderson makes a basket.

nne hundred thirty-seven

School Spirit Will Be Reflected Upon -years Later. When we reflect on our past activities and feelings, we know that all we have done and all that we will come to do won't be a waste of our li\¡es. Our memories will be a learning process from which we will grow and endure life. Denise Dillard andjuliene Day watch game intensely.

If anybody can, they can .. can can ."

Jordan's '>chool spirit i'> 'lhown at f<xHball

one hundred thirty-eight


~am<: .

ovation for rouchdown.

one hundred thirty-nine

...... ,


• .!

. ~(- '


The Better Side of

Coach Perry Brady is well pleased at turnout of game.

Janis Thompson talks over basketball maneuvers with girls.

Coach Gary Garcia and Coach Doug B ¡rry share a few words after big game.

one hundred forty-two

Coaching The rewards of coaching this year's athletes have been great. The teams worked hard and produced good results. All teams were competitive and respected our opponents. Support by the cheerleaders, students and administration has been fantastic!! Many of us reached our goals, and some came ever so close- but fell just short. For those of us who almost made it, we often gave the perenial cry of "Wait till next yeear."

Coach Carolyn Wooton and Coach Margaret Price.

Coach Mike Murry shows Hillcrest how to make a basket.

Coach Bob Andrus and Coach Dan May lead our wrestling team .this year.

one hundred forty -three

Songleaders Lead off Another Year.

Juliene Day kicks in some spirit.

Jill Middleton gives a great kick.

"Hey Juniors, introduce yourselves."


one hundred forty-four

So you wane robe a Songleader? Here·s wh.1r in srore. TrY beginning \Our da\·. eYerY summer morning. screaming your lungs our at 6:lXI1.m .. or going roarer clinic iusr ro find yourself tied to a chair lt midnight. alone in an eleoror. going down' The confusion of purring rogether a rep assembh· leads to the e:xciremem of Dcing our ro bee rhe crowd without any bloomers. Srr1ighr hair. bruised knees. pulled muscles. forgotten routines and being hit bv \·arious objects thrown from the crowds are .1ll parr of the glorY of cheering Jt the game. All of this is OYerlooked. though because of rhe srecial men we cheer for throughout rhe ve.1r.

For ~chool spirit. Gin.l Gu~ mon ':; gor ir. E.1rlv morning bre:lkb:-rs :md evenin_g dinners were fun wavs of getting ro know our guys. Cheering rhem on ar sene. roses. _gre;u school spirit. Jnd rhe nuny ocher "rlunb you·:;-- we received nude ir Jll worrh while. The love and uniry rlur has grown in our group throughout rhe yeJr. rhe gre~u srudenrboch· \·ou gee co know ~lnd work wirh. alon_g with our love for rhe ream:- and pride for our school Ius made us proud co serYe _Jorlhn High JS Songleaders for rhe 19-C)--- school year.

one hundred~forty-five

Varsity Cheerleaders

Karilee (Head Cheerleader)

Tammy Butler

Kelly Scorzato

Sherrie Oliver

one hundred forty -six

Support Our Teams

A Cheerleader's life is made up of many hectic days: 6:00a.m. practices every summer morning, scaling the fence that just happened to never be unlocked, and trying to coordinate our uncoordinated bodies.

Rai se your hand s into the sky, we arc the Bcctdiggcrs pas. ing by.

Oh, the butterflies of that very first game! Then the nerve-ending barrie of the pep assemblies- never knowing if they were going ro be successful or not. Supporting our devoted reams and sharing in their victories and defeats has been a priceless experience. Our advisor, Mi'i Chatfield, rook the ever helpful, critical notes and helped us develop lifetime freindship . We would like to thank yot.. as a srudentbody for rhe school spirit and support you have given us.

Julie Vowles

one hundred forty-seven

New Wrestlettes Encourage Wrestlers

Cheering their teams on to victory and trying some spirit in the school was the goal of the W restlerettes, Sophomore and). V. Cheerleaders. This year the spirit has been even greater then ever before because of the help of the studentbody . This was the first year for Jordan to have Wrestlerettes, and it proved to be a good idea~ The sophomore and juniors also had a great year in spirit and have proved it in their sports. Way to go Jordan, keep up the good work. to create

Front Row : Belinda Fenton, Jerilyn Jorgemcn, Shirlyn Jlolt , Tritia Shail . Bark Row : Gina Kerby, Lana Amber Nitl\on Vaccaro, Cheryl Patterson . Mi sing



J.V. and Soph. Cheerleaders Raise School Spirit 7

Front Row : Mary Topia, Jennifer Ovard, Annette Smith, Sandy Christ<:m<:n Batk Row ¡ Kelley Cheistensen, Karen Thome.

R1~o~ht Mcl.mlt' Took, Kmt1n WuK'J<,Ir, D1 .111C W1nc.g.1r Ldt .J.Itkie Burn~1dc:. K.1rcn llorncr, _l.lnct Ent k ~on

one hundred forty-eight

The Cross County Team Would Run a Mile for a Medal. Our Cross Country ream this year was great. In fact it was the greatest ream ever at Jordan placing second in the state meet. Many hours of hard work went into their accomplishments. Running before school, after school, on weekends, thru the gulley, up the hills, and down the highway really paid off. We are very proud of this team.

Front Row : Robert Simon, Mark Woolsey, Kelley Brown , teve Landeen , Mark Holland, Stacy Whitmore, Linda Davidson . Ba(k Row : Ernie Ya7he, Kurr Young, Daniel Longstaff, Tony Sieverrs, Gary Yates, Granr Griff ith , Ron Day, Kelley Webb, Kevin Walkenhorst, Dennis Overstreet, Monre Lyon . Coach: Ray Jenson. Missing: Mark Jensen, Richard Monrenstn, Ron Davidson .

Robert Simon struggles to win .

Richard Mortensen used his camera ro record the teams victories.

Steve: Landecn, Sra<.y Whitmore:, and Mark jensen head our for anorhc:r vi<. tory .

On your mark, get set, go!

one hundred forty-nine

Kicking Off to Soccer

Bill Noble, Coach Doug Rocks puts all he has into kicking.

Just another team practice.

This was Jordan's first soccer team. The team was composed of volunteers who were interested in learning and playing this internationally popular game. Practices were hard. The running, throwing, hitting and kicking took a lot of effort, especially when it snowed. Hopefully, soccer will become more popular in our area, and more games between schools will be arranged.

Front Row : Vitto Gamero, Miguil Chavez, ,ary Ra~tr, D.1ve Wilkins, D.tniel ' havo, Rir hard Olson Back Row : Russ lk<kstC<ld¡ Kevin Mitchell, raig aldwell , Doug Rocks, Tim Lu<ero, Darrdl Rowdl.

one hundred_f~¡fty

Strike 'em Out Team!

Coach Brady

Coach Garcia

Todd.Andrizzi shows his good-looking, petite abilities.

Safe on third. W hat a pitcher, Steve Brown.

Let's play ball, boys! Jordan's baseball team is pointing toward a state championship in '77. With many returning lettermen from last year's fourth place team, they should be able to make a strong bid for the title. Their hopes ride on the pitching arms of Todd Andrizzi and Steve Brown, the fielding ability of Mike Forbes and Hal Cozzens and the big batting of Gordan Haueter, Burk Ross and Marc Peterson. If effort is any indication they'll go all the way.

Don Draper throws a good one.

one hundred fifty -one

Lance Andrizzi 3rd Base

Hey Burk, give me five.

Baseball gets into the swing of things.

one hundred


Joe Parry Manager

Gordon Haueter Outfield

Todd Andrizzi Pitcher/3rd Base

Gordon Brady 1st Base

Paul Brady Outfield

Hal Cozzens Short Stop

Mike Dahl Outfield

Don Draper

3rd Base

Roger Fitzgerald Pitcher

Mike Forbes 2nd Base

james Hallock Outfield

Kenny jensen Outfield

Steve Nelson Catcher

Bat Men Touch All Bases Missing: Gordon Haueter Left field / Pitcher Doug Neve Pitcher

Bryce Taylor struggles for a home run.

Bryce Taylor Pitcher

Steve Osbourne Outfield

Burc Ross Outfield

Doug Swer'lsen 1st Base

Mick Taylor 1st Base / Pitcher

Mike Zeller Outfield

one hundred fifty three

Girls' Tennis Swings into Action A Powerful forehand, a quick backhand and a lor of ace serves brought girls tennis to a bounci ng uccess. Coach Price laboured diligently to aid the Jr Billie Jean Kings' to improve their already refined talents. It rakes more than refined talents though, and these gi rl s finished in good standing because of their desire and self accomplishments.

Front : Angie Phillips, Kristin Wine~ar, Jill Jensen . Batk : Kim Elison, T.twn.t Ridin.11, Laura Murphy, Di an<.: Winegar. Missin~ : Sherri Melville.

Tawna Riding

Kri tin Winegar

Sherri Melville

Kim Elison

one hundred fifty-four



and Laura Murphy.

I LuvTennis

Front Row: Doug Madd~ks, Todd Loosle, Mike Quintana, ing : Brian Allen, Brad Winegar.

ott Sudbury. Back Row : Troy Ontiveros, Ryan Timoney, Tim Hall, Cody Jensen. Miss-

Cody fires one over the fence. When watching a tennis match the spectator (fan) saw "pretzel-like" shapes struggling to smash lobs or return serves. Practice often took place at the height of a fierce snow storm, and matches were put off almost indefi¡ nitely; but the team enjoyed every minute of it.

ach Hale prepares tor an attempted "ace."

one hundred fifty-five

Jordan High Flips The sweat and the toil of workouts somehow just wasn't that sweet, But somehow it seemed to be worth it When victory reigned over defeat.

Jerilyn Jorgensen docs well on uneven bars.

Ken Anderson what a spotter.

Managers : Mrs. Pri<.e and Miss Wootton .



I .,





""'j···'• ·~ .





Tawna Riding Manager

Tammy Harding Manager

Carrie Anderson

Gayle Cutler

one hundred fity-six

Ken And<.:r.,on Spotter

Lori Dangerfield 4t

Su.:vc Landccn Spotter

Karla Dcnni-,on

Over Gymnastics

Karen Homer flies over bars. IX:cky Pangos has gy mni sr in mid-air.

Gymnasts are enthu siastic.

Kim Eliason va ult s.



Diane J awbson

Jami Gucsr

Jerilyn Jorgenson

Karen Homer

Sheri Hyde

Becky Pangos

Patricia Paskert Cape.

one hundred-fiftv-seven

Gymnasts have great moves.

Our gymna..,t.., hav<.: gr<.:at fun .

Karla D

Gayle Cutler tiptoes on beam.


wm<.:ntrat<.:s on th 路 hcam.

Ruth Pa 路kett

Janet Pim

Sharon Sant

Dcanna Scott Captain

Trit ia Shail

Debbie Simomon

Connie Sterling

M 路lani<.: T<x>l

Rclxn ,t V<.:~tt<.:r

Claudia Wcav<.:r Captain

one hundred fifty-eight

Jordan Golf Produces a State Medalist

Front Row : Mark lloopiiana, Mike Brown, Bryan Peterson. Bryan Dickerson. Bac Row: Jeff Snow. Kurr Thomas. Marc Fenton, Ha l Conens, Mark Peterson, Jeff Ballard. Perry Brady, Advisor.

The golfers had a hot and cold season during seventyme cores were lower than those of last year's State Championship Team; howt>ver, during the region meet it tu rned out to be one of those lead-days and the team did not qualify for the stare meet. Jeff now, who didn't loose a march all year, won the stare medalist title with a rwo under par eventy, six strokes better than any other AAA golfer. SIX.

one hundred fifty-nine

Girls' Track Starts Out With Their Best Foot Forward. Girls' track is one of the most colorful and fun events for girls to participate in at Jordan. This girls' program is one of the latest to get moving due to other activities that don't finish until late in the year. If we get all the girls out that we could, we should be able to take region and give them a run for state. Our girls are shy when it comes to competing in front of people, but they really try hard. Tell a girl to do something, and she'll break her neck trying to do it.

Front Row : Kim Eliason, Carrie Anderson, Melanie Toole, Sherrie Allsop. Second Row: Elana Gibl,;, Linda Davidson, Tawna Riding, Sandy Pickett. Back Row : Michelle Weaver, Louisa Galland, Jodi Walkenhorst,Jenny Logan, Dena Fleming.

Coach Andrus explains to Elana Gibbs how the javelin is used.

Linda Davidson works out for track.

one hundred-sixty

Kim Eliason, Bioni Woman? ?

Boys' Track Gets Off to a Running Start Just a few more inches, Brian.

Dave McDowell put a lot into it.

In the first meet of the s~ason,Jordan's track team broke two school records and tied another. Their times and distances qualified ten people to go to state. The team captains were Mike Crebs and Brian Still. With many returning lettermen from last year's placing state team, Jordan looked forward to the best team ever.

Curtis is our spear chucker.

Q)ach Ray Jensen and Coach Doug Henry.

Front Row : Dan Harris, Doug Cline, Gary Whetman, Spencer Olson, John Laveder, Curtis Cutler, Dave Olson. Row Two : Kyle Walkenhorst, Kelly Webb, Steve Smith, Kevin Mitchell, Bill Oldfather, Dan Longstaff. Row Three: Robet Kemp, Bill Sorensen, Dave McDowell, Pat Lucero, Curt Swanson, Marry Van Amen, Ed Slavens. Row Four: Merill Strait, Rob Gallagher, Clinton Allen, Robert Simon, Kelly Brown, Marc Jensen. Row Five: Marvin Fairboutne, Rich Miller, Scott Dahl, Mike Crebs, Brian Still, Dave Sirrine.

one hundred sixty one

Steve Massa Co-Captain Brad Mortensen David Olsen

Spencer Olsen Co-Captain Mark Osborn Steve Osborn

Joel Oswald John Padmos Brent Porter

Burk Ross Gary Rager Dan Shail

Mike Schukzke Steve Smith Brian Still

"Boy did you ¡ce that interception?"

one hundred sixty-four

The uniforms have long been hung up, but the memories live on. We became winners in '76 and that will never be changed. But more importanr, we became a team, a team built by pride, dedication, work, and love. As a team we would like to leave with Jordan our commitment to excel and achieve and know that '76 was just the beginning of "things to come." The defensive team at the semi-finals against Dixie.

Kirk Swanson Glen Sybrowsky Randy Slyvesrer

Robert Sirrine Mickey Taylor Willied Tuesher

Russ Thelin Bill Thimorhy Russ Tyler

Mike Zellor Terry Hart Manager Bruce Taylor Manager

Dynamite comes in small packages! Paul Vanleewen Manager

one hundred sixty-five

Sophomores Finish Season Undefeated

Heading for another touchdown.

Seldom does a team achieve such excellence that they finish a season undefeated. That honor this year goes to the Sophomore football team. The desire and ability of the team paid off as they completed an eightzero winning streak. Sophomores, coached by Hugh Jewkes and Dan May, assuemd a total of one hundred ninety-one points while opponents were stunned and scoreless. Their record stands as a tribute to the time, effort, and desire that it took to successsfully complete such a season.

Sophomores take another win.

Row One: Brian Olsen, Manager, Brian Allen, Marty Van Amen, Mark Hoffan, Gary Tyler, Lawrence Featherstone, ,ary Linman,jame ¡ Hallo k,jocy Pullan, David Sirrine, Dave Olson, Kirk Swanson, Wade Neff Manager. Row Two: Coach Dan May, Gordon Brady, Troy Burkinshaw, David Christensen. Blair Bowman, Russell Anderson, Mike ovill, David Md)owell, Joe Daigneault, Dwight Prince, Russell Hunt, Coach Hue Jewkes. Row Three : Doug Debour, Bruce Pearson, Jim Lyman, Merrill Strate, Mark Be k, Robert Kemp, Don Eri kson, Doug Swensen, Robert Neria, Rick Grimaud, James Schnepple, Bryce Gregory. Row Four : Kevin Howard, Joel Grygla, Larry D ¡al, Mike Crcbs, Paul Burgon, jeff Colletti, Bill rcnson, Randy Constanza,Jim Birch, Guy Richardson, Kirtus Langston, Jim jones. Row Five : Marvin Fairbourn, Brett Cowley, Brain Mincer, Boyd Petersen, Rob Gallagher, Scott Burton, Rod Neiman, Lonny Veator, Mitch Swilor, Steve Butters, Brain Blundell, Gerry Lahenbaver.

one hundred sixty -six

J.V. Football To be reckoned with in the future

Our man, ready and waiting!

The great tackle! In the shadows of a glimmering varsity squad rhe J V. hopefuls showed signs of the same greatness. Although not as successful in the win colum as rhey would have liked to have been, their competitive spirit showed through this year's J V. ream will have robe reckoned wirh in the future .

~ow O ne : Robert Sirrine, S ott Dahl, Burke Ross, Pat Lucero, Steve Osborn , Dean Baer. Row Two : Steve Smith, Ken Jenson , Rryce Flake, Joel Oswald, Glen Sybrowsky. Row Three : Mick Taylor, Brett Porter, Johnny Alldredge, Brain Still, Clinton Allen, oger Fitzgerald, Allen arroll , Russ Thelin , Mike Baer, Richard Mortensen, Bill Timothy.

one hundred sixty-seven

Girls' Basketball: It's Not If You Win or Loose; It's HowYouPlay

Janis Thompson, coach.

the Game Even though the girls basketball team was not too successful, we had many opportunities to meet different people, and to function as a team. Our appreciation goes to the time and effort demonstrated by our coach, Miss Janis Thompson.

Kathy McDonald pend 路 a lot of her time in the air!

Sandy Pickett puts extra movement into instruning Kim Elia on about the next play .

one hundred sixty-eight

Managers, Terri Wagstaff, Kelli Christensen.

Kayla 1 路nniwn, Kim Eh:~\on, ~.1ndy Pitkctt, Shcn AI'OI\ ll.mict Limb, M.mc Bosworth Balk Row T.twn.i Riding, P:~ula Gre 路nwO<xl, K.Hhy Md)oruld, Sh.llli1.l Wdkm路, l:X:n.l Flcmin.l(, Jodi Walkenhorst, M.trcc TI1ompwn .

Girls' Volley Up Another Victory

Dives and spikes, set and rolls is the name of the game when volleyball season is here. Our bright new uniforms really put us into the spirit of volleyball. Although we didn't have the best season, the companionship and desire to become a greater individual and team, proved to be rewarding. We appreciate Mrs. Price for the many hours she spent training and building us to a competitive team. First Row : Deanna Scott, Kim HamiltOn, Louisa Galland, Claudia Weaver, Shari Melville. Second Row: Julie Chamberlin, Kelli Christensen, Kim Eliason, Krista Schoening. Back Row : Sandi Christensen, Paula Greenwood, Jodi Walkenhorts, Tawna Riding, Becky Pangos, Michelle Weaver.



Jodi Walkenhorst, at your service.

Louisa Galland spikes ball ro opposing ream .

The girls have a pep talk before the game.

one hundred sixty-nine

Hoopsters Please Fans

Good pass, Rick!

Doug Neve, No. 23- 6'1", Forward

Mark Pcrcrson. No. 12 - 6'2", Forward

Rick, Mark, and Tony go for a fast break.

one hundred seventy-two

Spencer gers a sure aim.

Coaches Ray Jensen and Hal Hale

"W e are proud of you!"

Tony Simoni(h, No. 33 - 6'5", Forward

Jeff Snow. No. 20- 6'2", Guard

Brian Srill. No . 24- 6'2". Forward

one hundred seventy-three

Our Great Wrestlers Take Fourth in State This past year our wrestling team make some outstanding accomplishment . Our tournament victory at Delta was one of the highlights of the season. The fact that they demonstrated good unity and balance made Jordan one of the tough teams to beat. More important, each individual wrestler learned more about himself, life, and his own personal achievements. Each wrestler must be complimented on the discipline and self sacrifice it took on his part to complete one of Jordan's most successful seasons.

Caught in the act!

Dan Chavez 98 lbs.

Dan Brklacich 105 lbs.

Kelly Webb shows opponent hi strength and determination.

Scott Miller 112 lbs.

Tony Sicvcrts 119 lb.,.

Dale Brcx>ks 126 lb~ .

Mike /'.ellcr I 12 lbs .

Mike Zeller struggles ro pin opponent.

Dave Gessell 138 lbs.

Randy Sylvester 145 lbs.

Bryce Flake 155 lbs.

SCorr Dahl is pronounced winner of his march.

Coach Uan May gives advice ro one of the wrestlers.

Bill Oldfather Heavy Weight

Jeff Homer

167 lbs.

Dan Shail 185 lbs.

Tony Sieverts pins opponent.

Dan May Head Coach

Wrestlers Have Fast Hands

Dan Brkla<.ich attacb opponents to swrc a

1 .1n Chavci' is a real push ov 'fin wrc'itling.

one hundred seventy-eight

J.V. and Exhibition Wrestlers Crush Opponents

Front Row: Barron Sterling, Mike Kennelly, Breg Davis, Joel Grygla, Jack Sundell, Monte Lyon, Kevin Hales, Ben Hender on. Second Row: Troy Akagi, Brian Dickerson, David Akagi, Brad Burnside, Kelly Webb, Pat Overstreet, Rodney Fairbourn, Kurt Young, Scott Gibbons, David Wilkins. Back Row: Dean Bear, Mike Schiffman Jim Birc h, Matt ll cvelonc, David Fullmer, Scott Dahl, Kelly Smith, Gary Yates, Mike Baer.

J.V. and Exhibition wrestling reams had a very successful year. The).V. ream was made up of sophomores and juniors who were pushing for the varsity sport. Some of those who eventually wrestled on the varsity squad starred the year as members of the). V. ream. Exhibition gave a lot of wrestlers who did nor make the varsity ream a chance ro improve their skills. Both squads did great this year with rhe).V. loosing only to Granger and Orem, and the Exhibition ream giving a good account of themselves. WAY TO GO WRESTLERS'!

one hundred seventy-nine


one hundred-eight

one hundred eighty-one

ront Row: Jett Homer, Mike. Zeller, Brady, Marc Petersen, Kurt Thomas, Jeff Snow, Rick Bakker, Marc Fenton. Third Row: Mark Wodsey, Steve Gourley, Hal Cozzens, Curtis Cutler, Clinton Allen, Kelly Webb. Fourth Row: Russ Thelin, Gordan Haueter, Mark Ols<Yi'l, £i1~~ wrensen, Doug Neve, Randy Sylvester. Fifth Row : Tony Sieverts, Kirk Swanson, Joel Oswald, Lynn Pierce, Danny Longstaff, Danny .&xclaich. Sixth Row: Paul Brown, Matt Hevelone, Gary Ragar, Russ Tyler, Rod Hadean, Brad Winegar.

Front Row: Steve Osbourne, Brain Still, Randy Slyvester, Brad Baugh, Dan Shail, Mike hulzke, Willie Teu cher. cond Row : Cathy McDonald, Jody Walkenhorst, Sandy Christensen, Laura Murphy, Sherri Melville, Paul Brady, ott Miller. Third Row : Gloria Bailey, Joyce Jackman, Marie Thompson, Sandy Pidcett, Julie Chamberlain, Tony Sieverts, Gary Yates. Fourth Row : Danny Brkclaich, Joel Oswald, Brad Winegar, ·Rod Hadean, Kent Jolley, David Fullmer. Fifth Row : Gordan Haueter, Steve Gourley, Marc Peter en, urtis utler, Hal ozzens, Ja k prou e, Kent Price. Sixth Row: Matt Iievdone, Mark Osbourne, John Padmos, Doug Cline, Gary Whetman, Tony ieverts, Mar Jensen.

one hunqred eighty-two

We Earned Our Letters

- Letters were earned by each boy and girl meeting specific qualifications in their respective sports. These boys and girls were a part of Jordan, representing her in all fields of athletics. They understood fair play, good sportsmanship, and appreciation for improved skills. The letter persons displayed their membership by wearing the familiar red and gray jackets with gold symbols representing their sports.

Front Row: Dave Wilkins, Pat Lucero, Kenny Jensen, Burk Ross. Second Row: Danny Longstaff, Gary Rager, Bryce Flake, Kelly Webb, Lynn Pierce. Third Row: Mike Schulzke,John Lavender, Mark Woolsey, Carl Davis, Russ Thelin. Fourth Row: Kelly Smith, Stacy Whitmore, Kelly Brown, Steve Brown. Fifth Row: John Padmos, Marc Fenton, Kurt Thomas, Doug Neve, Bill Sorensen. ¡ ¡'

one hundred eighty -three


Little Snowfall Renders Little Activity Snow was a rare occurrence this year. With the ski resorts totaling less than thirty inches, our club should have been called the rock climbers. Although we did go up the slope a couple of times, we never really got into the good powdery stu£ f.

Advisor: Kaylene Thornock

Members: Rick Adair, Brian Allen, Lynn Allen, Penny Anderson, Carrie Anderson, Robert Anderson, Matt Ault, Ryan Arth~leta,James Arnold, Brad B.tuAh, llolly Baker, Mit helle Bergeson, Diane Bianchi, Mary Blankenstien, Blair Bowman, Deanna Boynton, hris Brimley, Saundra Boobby, Laurie Buhl, Westy Burke, Mike Burkeman, Brad Burnside, Ann Burshnick, Scott Burton, Barry Burt, Tonya Butterfeild, Kristine ambell, Bryan Carroll, Ron Carter, Kam Casterline, Loren .•tsterline, Mi~ucl Chavet, Mark (hristemen, Dave Christensen, Jim Colquhoun, Steve Cowley, Garry Cox, Lisa Crystal, Colette Cutler, ,reg Da"idson, Ron Dav1d on, Stacy l ·mas, Larry l ·;tl, Daniel [ ·ardon, D:tvid I ·nnison, Casey Densley, Debbie Deuel, Bryan Dickerson, Don Draper, Patrice Elg, Brad fairbourn, Rod Pairbourn, Ronnnc Fairbourn, Larry FereAan, Milton Fisher, Brett Fit7~cra l d, 1). Flemming, Debbie Francom, Mike Freeman, Pam Freeman, Mark Garamendi, Melinda ,ce, Mike Gibson, Kevin Hales, Kelly Gould in~. James l hll<Xk, Steve I lall<xk, Rod Hadean, Tina Hamilton, Blair Hanks, Val Hardcastle, Jim Henline, Annette Hickman, Dave Hill, Devon Ilall, Terry Hilton, Sus•m lldi<Xk, Stott lh>Aan, Rick lloAAan, Marie Hoopiliaina, Steve Howlett, Dorothy Hunt, herrie Hyde, Jwannine Jaynes, Alden Jen en, Randy Jensen, Jill Jensen, Bri.m Jensen, Dou~ Johnson, Chad Jones, Lisa Jones, Milcc Kennelly, Jerilyn Jorgensen, Lana Kerbs, Frank King, Alan Kirton, Barbi Kielian, hri Knopp, Dtane K1rp1, Kevin Kunz, Corrie LtmpinA, Phil Lane, I leather Larson, KathY Leake, Jody Leavitt, Darrell Lego, Cindy Lloyd, Jenny Logan, Jerry Mace, Sherrill Maim, Meloni · Marshall, Nick Mastro, Chns McCormick, Renae Md)onald, Roger Mcdows, Marti Melville, Shari Melville, Marian Mendenhall, Debbie Mitchell, Kevin Mitchell , Parley Mortensen, Brad Mortem ·n, Lauric Murphy, Barbie Myers, Brad Nelson, Jeff Nelson. Tina Nelson, Kaylynn Nutall, Brent Ostler, Jennifer Ovard, David Oviatt, D nni OrAdl, Lisa Parks, Pe~Jzy P;mmore, K.tye Primm, Cheryl Peterson, Cindy Peterson, Angie Phillips, Mitch Phipps, Russ Phipps, Greg Pickett, Sandy Pickett, Stephen Powell, Dwight Prince, Douf Rcxks, Llnu: Rtthards, indy Robinson, Burke Ross, Kelly Scoruoto. Craig Scott, Sandy Scovill, Eileen Smith, Renae Smith, uzanne mith, Teresa ' mitb, Tom Smnh, Don Sorenson, L11 Sumsion, Carroll Swint, Glen Sybrowsky, urtis Tadehara, Karma Taylor, Alan Takemori, Bret Takemori, Kenyon Tanner, Calli Thomas, Lorilc ·Thorne, I ·bra Timothy, Melanic Took, Rod Torres, Jeff Tripp, Paul VanLeeuwen, Scott Vawdrey,Julie Vowels, Tod Wadsworth, Tadiana Walton, laudia Washburn, Raeder Wnedt, Brad Winegar, David Wine~ar, Dianne WineAar, Kristin Winegar, 'indy W hi re, Cary Williamson, Bryan Woolsey, Paul Wright, Ed Young.

one hundred eighty-six

Jazz Ensemble Gets Down to Jazz This group performs and studies music of the jazz and rock idioms. Students also learn the art of jazz improvisation .

Officers: Gloria Bailey, Ed Slavens, Michael Landeen.

lrst Row: Brenda Burden, Joe Daigneault, Joyce Jackman , Jeff Pratt, hari Mellville, Lynn Roden , Haria Bailey, Rapplee Fitesimmons, Michelle West. Back Row: Philip Hunter, Ed lavens, Brad !Urnside, Mi hael Landeen, Spencer annon.

Orchestra Is Right on Tune This group of string players performs and studies various aspects of music. This is the first time Jordan has had an orchestra in several years. Hopefully, this will be the beginning of a new tradition at Jordan High School.

Brenda Burden, Jeri Smith, Barbara Peterson, Vivian Schegal, Evelyn Spencer.

hlegle pra nces tor upcommg concert.

one hundred eighty-seven

A Cappella Brings a Song to Our School Without a song our lives would be lifeless. The choir has put a song in each member's heart. We sing and play and work at making music and adding joy to our lives and to the lives of those for whom we have performed. Mr. Z has helped to build our love and appreciation for a song, and the lift that music can give.

Scott Gould and Dean Morrill are enthusiastic about singing.

one hundred eighty-eight

Officers, Front Row : Joyce Jackman , Elaine llivi , Sawna Dineen . wood, Lorrie Sevy, on Gould.

Front Row : Shelley Holley. Melody Bingham. Karen Thorne. SteYe Glad. Scott Hoggan. Dan Oxley. Spen er Cannon, Scott Gould, Dennis Marler, Dean Morrill. Lisa Steed. Marie Bosworth. Julie Lennburg. Row Two : Brenda Burden, Shawna Dineen. Lorrie Sevy. Lisa Mumford. Leila RobertSon. Lisa Schmit. Kyle Walknhorst. Gloria Vaccaro, Jim Martin, Karla Mayall, Bonnie Twitchell. Connie Perkins. Anita Eckman. Deanna Arnold. Lori Smith, Karalee Rishton . Row Three : Teena ReeYe. Janet James. Kathy Bergener. Kathy Washburn. Diane Washburn, Tracy Hansen, Cynthia Fagg. Carolyn Smith. Melissa Barrett. Karen Christensen. Leah Jones, Cheryl Eddington, Gina Schimit. Teresa NowatneY. Penni Perry. Melinda Phillips. Michelle Furner. Row Four: Elaine Davis, Barbra Peterson, Joyce Jackman. Wendy Nelson. Lana Allen, Gina Kerby. Jerrie Reid, Karen Overson, Jackie Morgan, Melinda Gee, Kim Hamilron. Paula Greenwood. Suzanne Smiley. Tonia Butterfield. Missing : Debra Anderson, Shirlene Ballard, Suzanne Biggs. Stepahnie Green. Keryl Kersey. Julie Lancaster, Jamie Meyrick, Linda Mickelsen, Dannette Noffsinger. Jennifer {)yard. Berry Payne, Robyn Spray. Connie Sterling, Lanet Thaxton, Rod Torres, Julie Ziegler.

Advisor: Rodney Zabriskie.

one hundred eighty-nine

Madrigals Top Singers Perform for Community

Front Row : Lori Chapman, Michelle Burge on, Debbie Schiffman, arol wint, teve Landeen, Berry Payne, Jerry Mounceer, Brenda Ballard, Scon Goold, Leila Robertson . Back Row : Dean Morrill, Randy Vawdrey, Lori Smith, Rhonda Higgin ,John H g¡ gan, Marti Melville, Mike ar, Kathy Bergener, Lisa Pixton, Kathy Wa hburn, Teresa Dickson, Dan Oxley. Missing: Doug Gould, Lisa Lyman, Jamie Meyrick.

If you have been hearing old sounds as you hurry to class, it is probably the Madrigals. They specialized this year on songs from the "40's." During the year the Madrigals performed throughout the Salt Lake valley, and a tour of California was planned for the spring. With the addition of region and state festivals, they surely have been busy.

Advi.or, Rodney /.abri kie.

You sing very well!

one hundred ninety

The Band Plays on

Majorettes: Vivian McAllister, Taffie Bosch. Denice Brower, Jack Lee, Rodney Fairbourn, David Christensen, Brad Burnside, Darla Lynkins, Lynn Roden, Mark Holm, uzanne Palmer, Tadiana Walton, Gloria Bailley, Evelyn pencer, Michelle West, Susan Maniaci, Brenda Burden , Lynn Pierce, Joel Grygla, Poline Hole, Kelly Close, Spencer annon, Rapplee Fitzsimmons, Dean Morrill , Diane Olson, Mike Landcen, Deanna Arnold. Flag Girls: Laura Nickles, Shelly Mason . Missing : Roger Burar, Ron Career, Kelly Fitzgerald, Phillip Hunter, Kim Yergensen, Jeff Pratt, Glen Henningson , Joyce Jackman, Mark Woosley, Stacey Wicmore.

Laura Nickles, Julie Christofferson, Advisor, Shelly Mason.

Students are encouraged to improve their musical abilities by having the opportunity to perform musical literature of all styles.

Sub Debs, Squires Watch Performances This year Sub Debs and Squires supported the Utah Symphony. For their own enjoyment they attend many concerts.

Dan xlcy, President, Barbra Peterson, Brenda Burden, Secretary-Treasurer, Michelle West, Hiscorian ,Julie hriscofferson . Missing : Irene Worchingcon .

one hundred ninety-one

Thespians Work For The Community The Jordan High Thespians, elite actors and actresses, have been enganged in community service throughout the year. The highlight of the year was the Holloween season. The troop of Thespians applied make-up to hoards of childrens' faces on that afternoon; then, spent the evening trick-or-treating for U.N.I.C.E.F. Then members that went trick or treating raised one hundred eighty-four dollars and thirty-eight cents for the organization . T he Thespians caught the spirit of Christmas as they distrubited fruit baskets to shut-ins throughout the community. For the Thespians this has been a year of service.

Officers Marry Melvi lle, Mike Oar, Robyn Spray, and Robyn Bishop Advisor.

Robyn Spray, Donctta Cox, Randy Vawdry show cheir talen ts.

ue Nel on, Deni e Dillard, Stephainie /reen , Melody Bur~ham , Mike Oar, Mm1 Mcl vdk Rob n Spr.ty, Robin III~hop Advi~or, K.1r1n Chri,t<:n\cn, Sherry Ada rm , Steve Landeen,Jamie Hepner, Jolene Maynes, Teresa Steal. Row Two : Sonja Pas! ·y, Donetta Cox, Swcy Croob, "wtt Sudl ·rry , Tratt'YAmini\, Tcre~c Allen, l.c;thJohmon Third Row : SalinJ &.lrfield, uzanne Childs, Patsy Welch , Jackie Morgan, Mike 1 ·rriwt, Dave Connelly, Km A'hton , Angcl.1 1 Ittrnycr. K.trcn P.tte, Donc·tte ot f~In~er, Mclyn (rat >,Heather Larson Row Four : Rick Hogan, Mike Mclonas, uuannc Smiley, Holly Leavitt, Su · Robcm, !.11 (,ont.tb, Terry l:X:voure. Bn .m Onh. Shelly M .t~on , Kclh Fc·tt.'\er.tld , Randy Vavdry , Alan Carroll, Virginia Gifford, Ryan Timothy. Back Row : Tony Curtis, 'cott Gould, Mike Me( lure, Ken B.trl ·r. I.i s.1 I.ynun , D.tn I l.trm. D.m ('h.tvrt, Michelle I.unt, Janet Evenson, Jin1 &.lllegoes,Jim Martin, Doug Cline.

one hundred ninety -two

Forensic Membership Promotes Leaders "Every human is born a debator." That's exactly what we did as Forensic members. Those of us who so skillfully mastered the art of speech were given the opportunity to attend State Competition. This gave us the chance to practice our impromtu and extemporanious abilities.

Sitting : Kaisa Casterline, Kelley Close, Melissa Barrett, Jeri Smith, Bert Pederson, Todd Lunr, Jim Gallegos, Glenn Bailey, Alan Carroll, Steve McDonald, Kristen Winegar, Diane Winegar, Daene Anderson, Jan Garfield . Back Row: John Kendrick, David Christensen, Doug DeBour, Terry DeVote, Steve Butters, Roger Fitzgerald, John Heinmilller, Russel Phipps.

Roger Fitzgerald presents his main argumenrs.

Negotiations Set by Model U.N. Model United Nations gives studenrs a -.:hance to set up and delegate their own nation views and theories are explored and solutions to world negotiated. Martine McNulty; President.

I leather Cutler, ToniaRolx:mon, Terry Nichols, Diane Olson, Martine MtNulty, Steve Christtnscn, Kathy Shaw, Lee Green, Brenr Planr: Advisor.

Brent Plant; Advisor.

one hundred ninety -three

VICA Skills Build America VICA is an organization designed to build skills in the world of work (Vocational skills are emphasized.) The club is open to all high school students. We are the number one club in the state of Utah. Vocational students that are registered may enter state contests. We've been an outstanding club in the last seven years, and we've won the Traveling Trophy permanently.

Dave Palmer, Advisor.

Mike Zellor, President, John Laveder, Treasurer, Mike Schulzke, Reporter, Robert Sabo, Parliamentarian. Missing : Monica Martinez, VICA Queen, Chris Eliason, Secre¡ rary.

Mr. Langford demonstrates a few technique and friend .

Rose and Monica play "slave" at the annual VI A breakfast.

one hundred ninety-four

Row One: Ralph Bishop, Robert Langford, Dennis Tolman, Mark Crookston, Lynn DeMill, Dave Palmer, Roger King, Karen Hansen, State Queen, Mike Schulzke, Mike Zellor, John Lavedor, Michelle Nuzman, Robert Sabo, Chris Eliason . Row Two : Tom Ostler, Tracey Duke, Kelly Bunkall, Bill Timothy, Parley Mortensen, Mark Grygla, Lee Green, Steven Bednarik, Larry Allred, Fred Henningsen, Cindy Peter en, Kenra Hansen, Monica Martinez, Janet Riding, Ron Day, Denise Christopherson, Doug Cline, Penny Darling. Row Three: Kent Jolley, Larry Miller,Joe Sosa,John Florez, Mike Kennely, Par Overstreet, Wade Johnson, Von Oakason, Rappalee Frirzsimmons, Robert Chapman,JoyceJackman, Nick Oar, Ralph Barker, Rich Miller. Row Four: Ed Young, Doug Cowel ly, Rod Hadean, Kelly Smith, Marr Aulr, Roger Meadows, Mike Baer, David Spencer, Dan Harris, George Zupan. Row Five: Jim Hemline, Rick Hardman, Brent Wyman, Steve Utley, Hal Smith, Larry Ferragon,James Brimley, Bart Monteer, Stan Short, Scott Anderson. Row Six: Jim Peterson, Don Draper, Steve Massa, Scott Dahl, Mark Hardy, Steve Smith, Dave Webester, Ron Erickson, Jeff Grimaud, Doug Besr, Con Wadsworth, Neils Yergensen, Dean Bear, Gary Yates, Val Carlson, Jerry Jenson, Danny Berg, Kent Price, Warren Atkinson, Brad Nelson, Robert Benson ,Jim Brown, David Gessal, Ken Beck, Jerry Ritzman, Bruce Padmos, Spencer Olson, Jack Sprouse.

Enjoying a good meal!

one hundred ninety-five

DECAat Work and Play Throwing socials, dances, serviCe projects and banquets; competing in district, state and national competition; putting up a billboard, and appearing on Hotel Balderdash were but a few of the activities for the members of the Distributive Education Clubs of Amer1ca. They were also active and involved in marketing and business activities. Cynthia McDonald DECA President

Teri Firmage gives you change back from your dollar.

Officer and Advisors From Top co Bottom : herry Lloyd, Bruce Panas, Cynthia McDonald, Therese Allen, Dave lark, Terry Barlow, JoAnn Tuttle. Missing : Tonyia Butterfield, Terry Firmage.

Front Row : Therese Allen, Tonyia Butterfield, Bruce Panas, Sherry Lloyd, Terry Firmage, ynchia McDonald, Terry Barlow, Janet :JOugh, Marie Bo worth, Darla Lykins, Don Riding. Row Two: Becky Knapton, Terry Evans, Vicki Throckmorton, Cathy Tsiningine, Wayne Ballard, Jeff Walkenhorst, Verl urti , Warren Hales, Lynn Roden, Jeff Prate, Nyle Christensen. Row Three : Sheri Williams, Miguel haves, Lisa Parks, Bill Sorenson, Randy o canza, Lyndon Bolliger, David Hansen, alene Rynearson, Kris Atkinson, Tracy Horne, Jolene Wahlen. Row Four: Steve Gribble, Sam Pecorelli, Mike hiffman, Scott William , Kim Burningham, Ronny rahm, Randy Sedgwick, Marcy Bird, Paul Boynton, Mark Nuzman. Row Five: Kathy Kelso, Diane Bianchi, Maxine Vawdrey,Jolene Maynes, Christy Williams, Brenda Housckt"Cper, 'onnie Wichers, 'onnie OJ en, Shelly Bodccher, Steve Glad, Tony Welch. Row Six : Lynn Allen, Lori Young, Kelli Tobin, Troy Hunter, Paul wding, Nolan Fowle , Tony imonich, Kevin Pack, Mark aramend ~ , Craig Nowotny. Row Seven: ShielaJones, Dawn Moore, Lori Troester, Robin Phillips, ' aria Denison, Karen Jensen, Tracy Andrus, Moniace tier, indy Brown, Dianne KorP 1• Dennis Stevens, Charles Grimsley. Row Eight: Gary Rager, Scott Hall, Kevin Mitchell, Ruth Ann Johnson, Karen Lewis, Tari P:mcrsen, Mike Kramer, teve Howlett, Brian Woolsey, Trent Gorberg, Mark Rogers, Mike Peart. Missing : Diane Draper, Dan Englhart, Missy Helbling, Marcia I Iendrickson, Phil Lane, Angie Phillip , Kaye Prim, .Bob Proffitt, Carolyn Robinson, Bob Smith, Kevin pringer, Debbie Thorn, Cure Vawdrcy, and Tod Wadsworth.

one hundred ninety-six


Top Picture, Front Row: Tony Young, Shelly Overson, Karie Whitlock, Kim Ross, Tina Tait, Lisa Steed. Row Two: Cindy Brown, Kerry Mortensen, Denise Sullivan, Diane Bianchi, Sonia Tazzer, Kathy Kelso, Sherrill Maim. Row Three: Jamie Bogenshutz, Shawna Dineen, Tammy Dennison, Teresa Smith, Lorrie Hunter, Terilynn Waggstaff, Cheryl Petersen. Row Four: Lisa Combs, Jaynee Besner, Connie Ostler, Kelli Henerson, Dorthy Hunt, Wendy Taylor, Becky Hathaway. Bottom Picture, Front Row: Laura Valenzuala, Chris Brinton, Sandy Smith, Sue Nelson, Barbi Myers, Elaine Davis, Suzanne Westbrook. Row Two: Leslie Lyman, Cheryl Eddington, Phyllis Frischnecht, Lori Hickman, Peggy Elswood, Cindy Peterson. Row Three: Janet Evenson, Debbie Olson, Karen Wagstaff, Lorilee Thorne, Cherrie Hyde, Jerilyn Jorgensen, Calli Thomas. Row Four: Kelly Scorzato, Tina Hamilton, Sandy Scoville, Lisa Mumford, Vickie Pierce, Wendy Livingston. Missing: Denise Atkinson, Jane Black, Shawna Brinton, Cathy Crane, Dianne Funk, Jenny Hill, Leah Jones, Kathy Leslop, Leslie Meenen, Sheri Pease.

FBLA Creates Business Leaders Competition, parties, and national conferences helped increase our knowledge of the wide world of business. Typing and shorthand seemed a long way off when thinking about an upcoming party or wondering about how the service project due next week would turn out. Excitement and plenty of involvement are the key words if we are to make it a the Future Business Leaders of America.

Sandy Smith, Salt Lake Chapter winner of the Career Development Program sponsored by Executives' Secretaries, Inc.

Advisors: Joy Nelson, Karen Imlay, Ranee Pay.

Officers, Top to Bottom: Chris Brinton, Sandy Smith, Jaynee Besner, Laura Valenzuala, Kerry Mortensen, Sonia Tazzer, Diane Bianchi. Missing: Sheri Pease.

one hundred ninety-seven

The Drama Team Acts Up The Drama Team consists of hard-working people who are really dedicated. It takes a lot of time and effort to make this team so great, but it is well worth it. They do their best, and that is why they are so successful. Jordan is proud of their drama team.

Sometimes drama can be serious. Front Row : Jim Martin, Aaron Cartwright, Bob imonson, Mark Hargi , uzzann hild , Brian rth, nia Pasley, lena arficld, Barbara Mayhew, advisors, Robyn Bishop and Robyn Stuver. 2nd Row: Lori Steadman, LisaJensen, Lori Troester, Diane Iaven , uzann miley, hris Kn pp, Barbi Kelian,Janet Evan en, Danny Noffsinger, Sheri Adams, Karen Hill. 3rd Row: Mike Mdonas, Angela Dittmar, Michelle Lunt, ott udbury, Ryan Tim ney, Tim Hall. 4th Row: Tony Curtis, Kirk Ashton, Thressa Allen, Mike ar, Berry Pan , Dan tta ox, Patsy Wel h, Elvin Armi tead, R byn pray, Marty Bird,Jacki Morgan, Marti Melville, Dan Harris, tacey rook. Back Row: Rantly Dowland, Stephanie Green, Brent Bowles, Todd Ro , Steve Land n, Lisa Lyman, Ken Barber, Mike Derricott, Liz Gonzales, Terry DeVore, Mike M Lure, Mclyn Crapo, Randy Vawdrey, Denise Dillard, Mary Beth Ballard, Leah Johnson, ue Ncl son, Karen Christensen, Jolene Maynes.

Randy V awdrey leads them on.

one hundred ninety eight

Broadcaster Tells Us All Editor-in-Chief Associate Editor Co-Editor .. Editorial Editor . Feature Editor .. Sports Editor . . Copy Editor .. Exchange Editor . Photographer Cartoonist . Columnists .. Reporters .

. . . . ... Leslie Porter ...... . .. Ken Barber . Saundra Brooksby . Sonia Tazzer . . ..... . . Saundra Brooksby .. Ken Barber . . . ... Holli Murphy . . . Penny Beckstead .. Val Hardcastle ......... Cory Barber . ..... Cory Barber, Michelle Lunt, Ken Barber, Kelley Close. . . . Penny Beckstead, Denise Atkinson, Kipp Clements, Rob Jack, Holli Murphy.

Our life was full of jammed staplers, crooked rulers, wandering souls, lost heads, correcting already corrected corrections, absent typewriters, G . R . (Gunky Rob), Rising "Spitits," great columns by our great student body officers that made our year so great! And worse than all these, Ken's jokes . Welcome to our mad, mad, mad, mad world. "G. R. is cool."

Broadcaster's work is never done.

Associate Editor, Ken Barber; Editor, Les Porter ; Advisor, Carol Clark ; Co-Editor, Saundra Brooksby.

Front Row : Penny Beckstead, Kipp Clements, Michelle Lunt. Back Row : Leslie Porter, Saundra Brooksby, Cory Barber, Rob Jack, Toka, Val Hardcastle, Ken Barber, Denise Atkinson, Holli Murphy, Sonia Tazzer, Kelley Close.

one hundred ninety-nine

Toss-Up Invades Jordan High

Bigfoot, the abominable snowman, and u.f.o's have nothing over on Mr. Rawlings Tossup Club. When not attending movies or the planetarium they were discussing unexplained phenomena. They not only talk about strange things but they seem to have found the time to participate in the bake sale. Keep up the good work Tossup. Who knows, maybe next year you'll discover the "Lockness Monster."

Officers : President ; Joni Jensen, 2nd Vite ; Dean Morril l, Setrerary; Rurh Chrisrensen, 2nd Vice; Sam Pecorel li, Publicity ; Lee Green .

Ruth Christensen welcomes new member.

Big F<x)(?? No, it's Mr. Rawlings.

Clockwise from rop : Joni Jen en, Kathy Tobin, Lelia Robertson , Lee (;rcen , Dan Oxky, D.m Read ing, Gary Bosch, Rurh Chri ren en. MissinR : Sam Pe(()relli, Dean Morrell , Nam y Pnordh . Diane Korpi .

two hundred

Joni Jensen gives 1 can Morrill a hand.

FHA and HERO Brew Up a Great Year What does it mean? Future Homemakers of America and Home Economics Related Occupations. The philosophy behind FHA and HERO is to let people know that the club nor only reaches guys and girls the art of homemaking, but also trains them in all areas of economics. The year got off to a good starr when last year's club gave the newcomers a fantastic welcome by getting them up at 3:00a.m. and raking them just as they were to a couple of supermarkets and letting them play leap frog down the aisle. That was just the beginning. Since then we have had cabin parries at Sundance, a romantic night at the Sweethearts Ball, a nor-so-romantic rime decorating for it, and the FHA and HERO convention at the end of the year. This is what made the year so fun . hom Rov. llcJthrr ( utlt-r. ~hrnr Dunn . l..om Allen. Juhc (hambcrhn. J>nnrll t Bu,h. Odette Enn". ".fllhclk V~<<cr. C>rohnc Smtth. Lon Steadmm Se<ond Rov. 'hrih ( hn,on. I:X:nllr Lit>~ d. lx·hhtr h>n wm. '"" '-<",._ . T>m>r> lhrdmm. l.tu ~t("<'d. Kl'ttne C>mrhcll. K» h nn :--Jumll. Lanet Thnton. Donnette LIO\d. ~hll>• n> Tiu\ton. "lt·l'"' 1\;m·tt IIJ tk Rov. .lttf IA>,I!>n. !..om l'r<>,l!rn. "ftkc Zdkr. Kclh \X'ebb. Kntn \X'>Ikenhorst. Mclante Thnton. Tont Youn11. TtnJ T>te. Ktm Ro,. l.t.·Jh .fohn ..on . Ttrn> :".ov.Jtm . ".fmt ll<"v.t>rth . L>une !)'"'· ToniA Rohnt<on. '-"' Ctx>mh' "'""nl! ~md1 P!lkctt. ~md1 \X'orbunon. f•net l•me ... Stt\t "''"'· 1\r;d B•ul!h . lx·nn" o,cr>tri"Ct . Klic \X' >Ikcnhor>t. Ktm ~mtth. ''"'Hunter . .

Front Row : Sandy Lovoto, Camille Ware, Lisa teed, Donnette Lloyd, Lanet Thaxton, Tamara Hardman, Jackie Stephen sen. Second Row : Kaylene Thornock, Kay lynn Nuttall , Kistine Campbell, Lorrie Sevy. Back Row: Debbie Francom.

Cindy Robinson and Janet Gou~h sample their final product.

"Here's to the art of homemaking."

two hundred one

Service Arts Draw on

Belinda Fenton, Star Gribble, Sandy Pickett, Teresa Jarvie, Leslie Meenen, Matt Ault, and Mr. Pace, Advisor.

Star Gribble and Teresa Jarvie busy at work.

Leslie Meenen finishes up Dogpatch decorations. The Service Arts Class is made up of a few chosen students who have demonstrated an interest and ability in art and have the desire to be of service to the school. As needed, they perform all services for the school that require artistic talent in designing and executing posters, banners, program covers, visual aids, scenery designs, decorations, all sorts of lettering jobs, and commercial art work.

two hundred two

Matt Ault cuts away .

Stage Crew Gets Their Act Together

Stage Crew busy at work.

Mike McClure on stage phone.

Doug Cline works with the lights.

The Stage Crew this year was great behind the scenes. If it wasn't for the stage crew we'd be sitting in the auditorium in the dark, without sound and the benefit of a well-decorated stage. So thanks to the stage crew for not being seen or heard but completing their task without cornplaint.

Front Row: Robyn Bishop, Advisor, Sue Roberts, Berry Payne. Back Row : Doug Cline, Stage Manager, Bryce Flake, Brian Still , Mike McClure.

two hundred three

The Chess Club Moves

Strategy, wit, cunning and intellect are all part of chess and are all part of winning. The all-around man exercises every part of his being; his physical being, his spiritual being, and his intellectual being. The chess board is the intellectual weight room where strategy and ~it work out; where sportsmanship is put on a onetO-one basis. The chess and game club has met with other schools for games. There are great opportunities to meet others with similar interests and chances to match abilities. Jordan's team has done themselves proud.

Front Row : Retd Nelson . Row Two: Cory HiAAins, Gordon Parry, jay Blain, Mike Dahl. Batk Row : T<xld L<Xlsky, Mark Woolsey, Gordie Mori, Stacey Whitmort, Robert Kimball, Royd Nelson .

I The world is in good hands with memlx:rs of the Chess Club.

President : Jay Blain

Chess Players put a little money into the game.

two hundred four

Dan Boskovi<.h , Advisor

Red Cross to the Rescue The Red Cross was always prepared. They had many things planned this year including making disaster kits. touring the Red Cross blood bank. and giving blood. They really showed their stripes.

Red Cross Club helps during the blood drive. Advisor : Marilyn Higgins. Officers: Cynthia McDonald. Terry DeVore. Pam Freeman. Randi Greener. Sal)ndra Brooksby. Sandy Scovill, Selena Garfield .

The Jordanettes Keep Busy

Officers: Susan Hillock- President Karen Christensen- Vice President, Karen Overson- Secretary.

Between ushering at concerts and plays the Jordanerres found rime to cheer at all the games and to support the Charlonians 100~ . With Barbara BolFront Row : Karen Christensen, Susan Hi llock, Robyn Hillock, Pam Ham . 2nd Row : Connie Ostler, Karen Overson, Laura Valenzuela, Debbie Timothy, Annerce Chidester. 3rd Row : Sandra Prrimm , Se lena Garfield, T ni Y ung, Jennifer Hatch . 4th Row : Karie Whitlock, Randi G reener, Denice Cloyd, Tina Tait, Kim Ross. Back Row : Susan Craggs, Shelly Overson, Shauna Wi llerce, Dawn Sinnott, Barbara Peterson , Sheri Hauetter.

land as their advisor how could they help but not have spirit.

two hundred five

Dance Company Waltzes into a Tackle

Left to Right: Julene Day, Julie Cummings, Karilee Anderson, BrittOn Gassman, Erin Fitzgerald, Laura Valenzuela, Gina Gyman.

Our number one team?

hris Knopp, Cheryl Peterson, Denise Dillard, Janice ceadman, SandY

Top: Marty Melville, President, Laura Valenzuela, Vice President, Claudia Weaver, Secretary.

The dance company has been very busy this year, with concerts onjanuary thirty-first and February first. We had early morning practices at seven in the morning and after school till six. We entertained the student body with a very unique dance during a pep assembly where the company danced to classical music in a complete football uniform doing their own version of a football game. Our formal dinner at Britton and Kelly Gassman's house at Christmas time was very exciting. The whole company and their dates exchanged small gifts that ranged from broken old eyeglasses to boxes of chocolates. We'd like to thank our advisor, Miss Wootton, for all the times she's spent with us to make the Dance Company a success, and especially for being our friend .

two hundred six

Julie Vowles, Jill Middleton, Vivian McAili~ter, Michelle Ordakowski, Claudia Weaver, Suzanne Childs.

CB'ers Serve Students "Breaker, breaker. We got a sly senior sneakin' out of the parking lot in his old pick 'em up truck . .. " Our CB Club spends many long hours patroling the parking lot for the safety of our cars. It's not all work though, we have our "breaks" too. It's more fun than it is work because we enjoy what we do. Gary Seville and Dave Palmer are "good buddies."

Front Row: Nolan Norri s, Ron Day, Wendy Lee, yndy White, Terry Williams. Back Row : Elvin Armistead, Mike Crouch, Jerry Jenson, Scott Dahl, teve Holmes, Robert Benson , Darrell M une, Jack Sprouse.

Key Club Unlocks Doors Jordan's Key Club started out a little slow with many members leaving last spring. With great perserverance this service-oriented organization has grown this year and continues to be a very bright spot at Jordan High.

Advisors : Jay Pond, Gary Garcia.

Front Row : Jay Pond , Advi sor, Paul mith , Trea urer, had Ol sen, G ary Garcia, Advi o r. Ba k Row: D ann y Clegg, President, Kerry Nel son, Vice Pre ident, Veri Curti s, Secretary . Mi ss in.'( : David Fullmer.

two hundred seven

Drill Team Honors Jordan

Teresa Allen Rhonna Anderson Jamie Bogenschutz Deanna Boyton Cindy Brown

two hundred eight

With Many Victories. ~~~~~~~~~~

Kathy Derricott, President

Shaunna Eggen, Drill Mistress

Erin Fitzgerald

Diane Funk, First Vice Britton Gassman, Second Vice Rebecca Goodrich, Sophomore Rep. Brenda Gorberg, Jeannine Jaynes, Yell Mistress

two hundred nine

Charlonians March on

Lesajensen Robyn Johnson Kim Kempner, Historian Crystal Knopp, Drill Mistress Shelley McCulloch, Secretary Natalie Mitchell

The Charlonians would like to thank the student l:xxly for early morning practices, gnatinfested curlers, pulled muscles, losing their voices by cheering at games, and for many tardies to second period. In all sincerity, as the Charlonians march on to state competition they would like to thank the student l:xxly most of all, for the support and applause given throughout the year.

two hundred ten

Kerry Mortensen Julie Mullner Barbi Myers

Lsa Pierce Sandra Primm Cindy Robinson Sandy Robinson Jana Steadman Lori Steadman

Bonny Taylor /'.elda Thacker Veeann Warson , Treasurer

two hundred eleven


Sterling Scholars excel in various subjects The Sterling Scholar Awards are presented each year ro those students who excel in certain scholastic subjects. Each nominee then r<::prcsenrs our school in his / her area of specialization. Each Sterling Scholar nominee then comperes against" scholars" from other schools. Each winner receives a scholarship. Cash awards are given ro competitors according to final plau:mcnr.

Kenneth Barber (English)

Kerry Ckment.s (Arts)

Tammy Hardman (Homemaking)

Reed Nelson (Math)

Scott J logan (Vocationa l)

Roycl Nelson (Science)

( ~onl.tn I Lwercr ((;cncral St holar)


Snwh ( Busincs'>)

R.tp pkc Fi us immons (Mu.s it)

Robert Kim h.dl (Smia l Stud ic-;)

Roby n Spray ( Dram.t )

Top Scholars & Staters are Recognized This year Jordan High is proud ro recognize and honor rhese srudenrs. Our scholars have worked for rheir good grades; rhis honor Top \'If, From Row : Gordan llaueter, Kerry Fisher, Kenneth Barber. Richard Morremen . Batk Row : ljnda Davitbon, Teresa Dicbon. Li~a Srhmidt, Lesli Porter, Elaine Davis, _lane BLltk

is well deservd. Our girls' and boys' srarers had a good rime and learned a lor abour governmenr ar rheir convenrions.

Top 10'/f, Front Row · Conlan ll.tuctn, Royd Ncl\on, (;onion Mon. Mike D.thl. (;,tyle Cutler. _lay Blaine. Rn·d Ncl\on. Su\,111 lldltxk, l.ind.t D.tvid\on ~nond Row l..,tcvc ( IHI\tcn..,cn. Eileen l..,mtth. l..,andy Pttk t'tt, M.ke Mclon.t..,, S.wndra Br<x>bhy, K.uhy Bergner. Bonntc Twitthcll. Ll\ .1 ~tct<l. J.me BI.Kk . Tlmd Row Kenneth lhrlx·r,Julic Vowle.,, M.trti Melville, Mid1clle Ber,gc.,on, T.tmmy Dcnm . .on, Kuhy Wa . . hhurn, D1.1nc W.t\hburn , Li\<1 Ptxton , L<.·., Ji Porter Fourth Row (,or<bn V.tnt.hscll. Mark Bowler. Brad Wtnc,~.t.tr, Corn I..tmptn,g, Sherrie Oliv<.-r. El.1int· Davis. Tern.1 Ditbon. Li.,;t ~thmtdt. Rtt!urd Mortensen. Ktrry Ft.,hcr. P.tul V.twdrcy

(,IRIS ~TATE Dt.tne W.hhburn. Phyll" Fmthknetht.).ttkte Morgan. Lisa Lyman, (;,tyle Cutin, Robyn Spray

ELECTED GIRlS STATE OFFICERS Phvlhs Fristh kntcht: Governor. Robyn Sprav: County Commi ...... ionn: Mtssin,g : Lisa Lynun: County Reporter

BOY' ~TATE Kenneth Barl:x:r. Steve Brvanc. Gonbn H.1uuc:r. Chn . . .\lt<.ormttk. Steve Ma.,sa

two hundred fifteen

Outstanding Students

Brad Winegar (right) and Kerry Fisher (left) tied for the Outstanding Citizen Award.

State Wrestling Champs: Front Row : Dan Chavez, Scott Miller. Back Row : Dan Shail, Randy Sylvester, Mike Zeller, Tony Sieverts.

Young Americans : Top : Lisa Schmidt. Middle Row : Rolx:rt Kimball, Royd Nelson . Botwm Row : Gordan Haueter, Ken lhrlx:r, Reed Nelson . Missin!o( : Stott I lowell

Region Wrestling Champs : Front Row : Dan Chavez, Dan Brklarid1, Stott Miller, Tony Sievcrts. Balk Row : Dan Shail, Jeff !Iomtr, Mike Zeller, f3rylC Flake, Randy Sylvester.

two hundred sixteen

Win Honors

Spencer Olsen was awarded Playmaker.

Robert Kimball was the National Merit Finalist.

The National Honor Society is, Front Row: Jay Blaine, Ken Barber, Leslie Porter, Gordan Mori. Row Two: Mark Woolsey, Royd Nelson, Scott Howell, Saundra Brooksby. Row Three: Steve Christensen, Teresa Dickson, Lisa Schmidt, Cheryl Peterson. Row Four: Cheryl Eddington. Row Five: Richard Mortensen, Gayle Cutler, Paula Hardcastle, Holli Murphy. Row Six: Russ Tyler, Kerry Fisher, Randy Vawdrey, Reed Nelson. Row Seven: Gordan Haueter, Robert Kimball, Michael Dahl, Cory Higgins. Missing: Jane Black, Paul Brady, Phyllis Frischknecht, Randy Sylvester, Gordan Van Tassel, William Winegar, Matt Ault, Marti Melville, Tamara Loosle, Kelly Close, Allen Carroll, Gordon Parry, Lisa Pixton, Michelle Lunt, Mike Melonas, Kristi Davis, Virginia Gifford, Pauline Holt. ALL STATE FOOTBALL: Steve Massa, Todd Andrizzi.

REGIONAL FOOTBALL: Front Row, Todd Andrizzi, Paul Brady, (2nd team),John Laveder (honorable mention). Back Row : Spencer Olsen, Dan Shail, Steve Massa.

Roger Allen is a national VICA winner and will compete in Europe this summer.

two hundred seventeen

Honors Continue To


Bryce Flake, Honorable Mention, Kenny

Jensen, 2nd Place.

Sonia Tazzer : Broadcaster Writing Award for Excellence in Journalism.



Saundra Brooksby: Most Valuable Staf· fer.


Fr nc Row : Deni c Atkinson, Sonia Tazzcr, Penny Beckstead, Kelley lose, Michelle Lunt. Back Row : Val Hardcastle, aundra Brooksby, Rob Jack, Les Porter, Holli Murphy, Ken Barber.

REGION SOLO AND ENSEMBLE SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTALISTS: Brenda Burden, Vivian Sheilegal, Rapplee Fitzsimmons, Evelyn Spencer. Missing: Barbara Peterson.


Front Row : Kelli mith, Mike Melonas, Robyn SpraY· Nancy Pccorelli. 2nd Row : Joni Jensen, Tod Lunt, Bob Proffitt, Jim Gallegos, Kai a astcrline, Jeri mith, J(clleY lose, Glenn Bailey. Back Row : Le · Green, raig Hecsch,Jan Garfield, teve hristen en, Burr Pederson .

Come Our Way



Front Row : Karen Hansen, Cherie Throckmorton, Cindy Peterson, Baron Sterling. 2ndRow: Nick Oar, Larry Miller, M1ke Zeller, Darrell Yost, Ed Young. 3rd Row : Bill Timothy, Val Carlson, Dan Reading, Matt Hevelone, Robert Sable. 4th Row : hris Elison, Monica Martinez, Kent Price.

Front Row : Arlene Bailey, Teri Evans, Connie Olson, Diane Jacobsen. 2nd Row: Thressa Allen, Cynthia McDonald, Marie Bosworth, Dave Hansen, Calleen Rhinerson, Teri Fermage, Karla Dennison, Monice Ostler. Back Row : Jeff Walkenhorst, Tony Welsh , Tonya Butterfield, Kelli Christensen, Bruce Panas, Bob Proffit.


REGION SOLO AND ENSEMBLE SUPERIOR VOCALISTS: Front Row : Berry Pane, Kathy Washburn, Kathy Bergener, Michelle Bergenson, Lisa Lyman, Marti Melville, Mike Oar. 2nd Row : Lori Chapman, Leila Robertson, Teresa Dickson, Lori Smith, Carol Swine, Ronda Higgins,Jacki Morgan, Brenda Ballard, Lisa Pixton. Back Row : Steve Landeen, Danny Oxley, Scott Hogan, Steve Glad, Randy Vawdrey, Mike Derricon, Scott Goold, Jerry Mounceer, Dean Morrill.

two hundred nineteen

Individuals Receive Awards



SALUTATORIAN ( ;ordon II auct<.:r

Basketball Fifth In State

Basketball Fifth in ·tate, Row One : Mike Murray, llal Hale, Ray Jensen, Clcmont B1shop. Row Two [) ·lnur F St lmk, Mark Tondro, Clinton Allen, Al.m ( .. uroll, Bn.m Sull, Spcnktcr Olsen, Jeff Snow, Sean Burnside, Paul Brady, Gorden Ilaucter, Curtis Cutler, Jerry Mt Cleary Itt< k Row M.1rk Lin~\ ton, Tony S11110111t h, Mart P<:tcrson. Steve (;our ley. R1t k Bak ·cr. Doug Neve.

two hundred twenty

Gymnasts Take Region and Go to State

Front Row: Ken Anderson, Patrice Elg, Tami Harding, Steve Landeen. 2nd Row: Connie Sterling, Debbie Simonson, Rebecca Yeater, arrie Anderson, Kim Elison, Melanie Toole. 3rd Row: Margret Price, Advisor, Patrica Paskett, Gayle Cutler, Ruth Paskett, Jerilyn Jorgenson, Karen Homer, Deana Scott, Carolyn Wooten. Back Row: Claudia Weaver, Sharon Sam, Jamie Gue t, Lori Dangerfield, herri Hyde, Karla Dennison, Tricia Shail, Diane Jacobson, Becky Pangos.

Most Photogenic: Val Hardcastel and Hugh Matheson (Val Hardcastle and Hugh Matheson, judges)) First Team, All State Basketball: Rick Bakker

two hundred twenty-one

From Row : Arch haw: District Phmographer. Cary Fehler, Kathy Graham. Kristi Davis, ionica ianine. LeAnn Greenwood. Tracy Millerberg, Cindy Peterson. Back Row : Fred Roberts; Distriet Photographer. Carol West : Advisor. Jay Bur ¡nshaw: Phmography Advisor. Hugh ¡Matheson. Beth Shettel. Dallas Anderson, Kevin Springer, Kelly Goulding, Rose Mortensen, a\ Hardcastle. ChasingJennikr Hatch. Dan Chavez..

Beetdigger Staff Puts Out Publications. It takes every person on the staff ro put out a good yearbook, not just the advisor and editors. It's not an easy job, especially when writing copy seems harder than it really is, when poorly cropped pictures won't print up anyway but grainy, when staff meetings are held and no one shows up, and when we don't receive a typewriter until the day before the last deadline. No one knew what the basic theme was, including the editor. Missing pictures found in anonymous drawers, chocolatedoughnut and sour-milk breakfasts,and "show me one more time how to draw copy blocks" were just a few things that made this yearbook what is is - good and bad. Everyone's sanity was maintained by the crazy things that everybody did and said. Kelly Goulding, editor, alias Kel,' is best remembered for her "All right," "Did I sit in anything today?" bald spots from worrying, "Monica, will you be my friend~" and her long, hard work in fifth and sixth periods (ha ha) . Beth Shettel, layout editor, alias Elizabeth , is noted for her addiction tO Butterfingers, and M and M's, "crunchies" on unknown young men in the halls, waterfights at the gas station, and the same hard work in fifth and sixth periods. Hugh Matheson , photography ediror, alias Pogo, Hubert, Ugly and Bishop Hugh, kept us laughing with his humorous jokes, Butterfingers, orange pop, excellence in photOgraphy, and last, but not least, love notes from Hillcrest staff members. And then there was Monica Martinez. "Dear Monica" notes from anonymous Spanish-writing authors were often found in her drawer, green M and M's, "Gee, my hair smells terrific," "I'm a little Mexican, so watch out," and her Injun Shorts will always characterize "poor" Monica. Rose Mortensen, a rose is a rose is a rose, talked of money, her "little" boy James, eating, "Basically, I'm a religious person," and her faithfulness in coming tO early morning enrichment. Kathy Graham and her daily Cokes, contributed captions, headlines and info about Shane Crystal. She was always getting out of class whenever necessary (as much as possible) and taking guff from the editor, willingly. Cindy Peterson's famous words were, "Did you see that picture of me and Dave at the Senior Prom ~" (The only thing that we came tO realize was that the whole layout was done with Cindy and Dave on it -except for one little picture of Darrell McCune in the corner.) We can't forget her saying, "Guess who I went out with this weekend," or "Hey Monica, I went to Provo this weekend." Kristi Davis hardly spoke about her 25-inch waist or that boy who followed her around. Uust who is he, Kristi?) She just quietly and competently got her work done. LeeAnn Greenwood's descriptive words introduced us all to the English language. Sometimes, though , she was so quiet we hardly knew she was there. Tracy Millerberg never took three steps without her comb, but was, thank goodness, a great caption writer. Jennifer Hatch, our only sophomore, had a new hair cut every month and repeated her famous phrases, " I hardly knew him at all," and "Guess what? I have a blind date for Sweethearts and he's a college man. " Then there were our other photographers. Dallas Anderson, ~own better as Dallas Texas or "our good ol' Dallas," was probably the only dependable one we had (ha-ha) . He was always willing to take any picture, and liked to smear grease on his negatives. Val Hardcastle, alias Ranger, constantly cried "Hey Coach," or "Did you see that great picture of me? That should have been in the book' " Tennis shoes, corduroys, flirt and The Fonz are the adjectives he most preferred. Kevin

Springer; alias Kcvic Dinger, docs a perfect impres ion of a spaniel walking in hi s sleep. I li s hobbies arc plants, detailed maps, and Ansel Adam s. Cary Fchlcr, feeler, cool ary , or Richard had people wondering if he was male or female . ary was " partners" with the halls because that's where you ould always find him . If you needed him, all you had to do was find the nearest candy machine. "I'm taller than you , Monica," is Cary's only printable quote. La t, but ertainly not least, there was Dan Chavez, alias, Burrito Bandito, Dono, Shorty and Little Bitty Bunny. We will always remember hi s TR-7 in the Homemming parade, and his trying to bribe the judges with licorice. He bragged about hi s beautiful mountains, hi s un le's food and his weekend hike . Well, that's all th ¡ punks on the BcetdiAAer Staff. But what about the advisors and di stritt personne l? They were just as insane as we were . Since we do have manner , we'll mention Mrs. West first. llcr shouts of "Don't take those proofs out of that door," "Kevin, where arc the darkroom key ?"and " No' I won ' t lend you a pencil , but I will se11 one for I<M" characterize our " sister" West. Her tales of herlock Holmes, bingo on Thursday and an <>< asional naughty word will definitely be remembered - a! o her VW with th ¡ reclining seats (that she didn 't know about) . Our infamous Jay Burkinshaw,who was always looking for his son, reminded us tO get to class when we were in the ha11s roaming around . (It was funny becau se we always saw him just roaming around ha11 s.) He kept track of ur ameras and film and helped with rhe developing and printing. He cautioned us that if we were going to sit in the library we had to be quiet or leave. Our daily vi sit with Arch Shaw or Fred Roberrs, the district photographers, was always In event. Arch or Fanger or Dough Boy or Ar hie or Archibald was willing to reprint lost ictures or resh<X)t our mi stake . Hi s greatest feat was burroning hi s vest, bur we've

worked him so hard he can now wrap ir all around himself . Then there was Fred Roberts, better known for his fishing, horror movies, brown-bag lunches, and "Here's looking ar you, Sweetheart." Freddie Foro helped with portraits, games, clubs and many other things. We couldn't have done our job without Arch and Fred . Well, we really can't be a11 that bad -we made this yearbook. Our equipment wasn't the best, but it did the job. Our darkroom as rea1ly an interesting sight ; it is papered with a lot of eye-catching pictures of the school beauties. Our classroom was a disaster, and Mrs. West was always picking up layouts, rulers and proofs. Deadline days were always the most interesting. We had threats made concerning our lives and des if our pages weren't turned in . We sometimes resembled chicken with their heads cut off as we ran around trying to find missing pictures and copy. Thanks to : UPS for delivering our copy sooner than the US mail ; Rich Grimes, the publishers' representative for his encouragement and assistance ; Taylor Publishing Co. for their expert workmanship in printing our book ; and, especially, the teachers and students for putting up with us. Thanks Arch, Fred and Jay for your excellence in photography. Carol West, for without her our efforts would have been in vain. And a special thanks to Darlene Sanchez for her understanding, love and encouragement. All in all, we would just like ro say thanks for an interesting year, and we all rea1ly enjoyed ourselves. Love, The Beetdigger Staff

two hundred twenty-three

Meeting the Challenges of the Future

Jordan's one man band!

Students debate new Focus class.

two hundred twenty1our

We Can Reflect Upon Our Days at Jordan.

Beetdigger fans, District administrator, Glenn Bateman and Principal, Mont Bishop.

Sandy City Youth Officer, Gary Saville, and Jordan's Vice principal, Jerry Mc{:Jeary, at Jordan-Payson game.

two hundred twenty1ive

For Is Not Yesterday a Dream?

Decorating cars and the parade through Jordan area sets a new tradition for Homecoming.

Homecoming Brings Back Yesterdays for Alumni. Lighting of the ')" . . . another new traJi¡

two hundred twenty-six


And Tomorrow a Promise of a New Beginning?

''Did he really say that?"

Gorchn Haueter pulls back for a long one.

two hundred twenty-seven

And Isn't Living Each Day as It Comes a Wonder in Itself?

Charloniam are ciH:ercd on by l¡!omewming farh

Red and Gray Day and the Farmers' Market were just some of the events that took place during our Homecoming Week. This year was the first year, however, that we tried something new. lt was the lighting of the Jordan")." "The Shape Of Things To Come,'' was the theme of our Homecoming Week, game and dance. The Clubs tried to portray this theme in their floats, for the Homecoming Parade. The football game was a great success. Jordan defeated Cyprus, 26 to 6. An excellent turnout of students and alumni, at the Homecoming Dance, concluded one of the best weeks at Jordan this year.

'"The Shape Of Things To Corne," llomcwming theme is portr.1yed by lketdiggers' Triumph

two hundred twenty-eight

TR 7.

A Wonder That Brings About Changes in Our Lives; Dan Shail fixes himself a snowcone at Farmers' Market.

Alumni and students dance at Homecoming's last event.

('But they told me there was a swimming P<X>l on the roof!"

two hundred twenty-nine

The Wonder That Changes Nothing Into Something;

"Ha, Ha, them guys don't know I stole their swell stick."

Danetra Cox, Dan Harris, Marti Mdville,

two hundred thirty

Yet Something Into Everything;

First down and ten to go.

two hundred thirty-one

Odette Enniss looks on with satisfaction at the football Quarter Final Playoff game.

And a Wonder That Increases Our Meaning of Living,

Juniors take advantage of th<: orange pass.

two hundred thirty-two

So We Can Come to Comprehend Life in a Better Way.

two hundred thirty-three

We Are Now the Alumni,

two hundred thirty1our

Those Who Have Only Memories of Our Days Here.

Marty Melville and Dan Chavez star in one of the school musicals: ((You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown." r----------------~

Dave McGary breaks the tape at the Jordan-Bingham Cross-Country Meet.

Get Acquainted Party, eat'em up boys.

two hundred thirty-five

Where do we go from here? Is our life over or just beginning? Do we leave our security for a chance to grow? Do they expect us to mature overnight? Is this what it's all about? Do we really live such a sheltered life? Or would you call it sheltered?

If we go into the world what could they do to us? Is life so apathetic as to leave us standing in the cold? Or will it take care of us? Will it show us how to survive? Will it secure us with its adventures? The question is,


we trust in it?"

We have to depend on life. We must have faith in what we want. We know we will and can succeed.

Beth Shettel

two hundred thirty-seven


,.. 41


' ...



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:.v ~



. ..


. it:'



·~ ·

rent ela 45,21 rrie 45, 18 nderson, ¡ aene 45, 116, l 0,240 Zitts, e ter . 4, Anderson, rga et 5, 192, Anderson Ro ert 45, 160, 1 nderson, R ell 4 216, 2 derton, 1..e ey 46, 1 4,237

COOKS AND CUSTODIANS Alldredge. Fred 92 Banks. Gisclc 92 Butterfield. Tina 92 Couch. Elma 92 Peterson. Florence 92 Powell. Lirry 92 S<ocking, Grorgene 92 Sullivan. Edna 92 Wagstaff . Marilyn 92 Wan berg. Kenneth 92 Whittenberg. Florence 92 Worlton. Robert 92

COUNSELORS Bolland. Barbara 89 Peterson. Wendell). 89 Smith, Earl Jay 89 Young. Richard 89

DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Anderson, Richard 84 Baker, Ken neth W. 84 Bateman, G lenn 22~ Brown. L. Ray 84 Crump. Delbert C. 84 Gou rley, D. Richard 84 H~tschl, Lois 84 Klotovi<h. Mark 84 Parr, Donald). 84 Pnncc. Kenneth W 84 Roberts. Fred 222 Shaw. Atlh 222 Thurman. Earl). 84 WahlquiSt. Mark 84 Wasden. Jed 84 Whittenberg, Raymand 84

FACULTY Andrus, Robert 100, 179 Argyle. Cheryl 91 Berry, Doug 9) Bishop. Ralph 99 Bishop. Robyn 104, 192,203 BoskoviCh, Dan 97 Brady, Perry I03 C.llaway, t.orie 91 Chatfield. uNae 2, 97 Christofferson, J ulie 7, 104, 189 Clark, Carol 96 Clark, Dave 102 Conkling, Jacque 101 Crookston, Mark 98 IX Mill. Lynn 98 Ensign. Kay 96 Enckson. Dave 9) Garcia, Gary 103 Gunnell, Farrell 103 Groves, Gerlad 103 Gondor, Kenneth 106

two hundredlorty



II1~Cn>. ~hnl)n

911. 20~ Hdwn. ~rute 106 lml•). K.ren 102 Jenwn. RJ)'mond I08. I 1.1. 171 K1ng. Ro~tcr 98 l..1n,11ford. Robert 'J') IAJvaw. Sandra I 0~ 1\Lmm. Mman 1)7 1\Liy, D•n 100. 179 1\f,Ck•ry. Kenneth IOj 1\fd.Nnald. Robert 106 1\I,Mill.on. Gregg 97 Milne. R1durd 1}1 Monroe. Cade w· Murry. Mllluel11 . 1~ . 1011 Ne).,.,n.)o) 102 Oh,er. R<xlnt) 9~ PA<e, R•lph '>1. 202 P•lmer. D.l'e9'J PJ), Rent-c 102 Parncll.l.ury')'. 112 l'l•nt Brent 101 . 191 Pond . .J•l 101 Pn,e. 1\hr,l!>ret 1011 RA<mui\Cn,Jcff 101.211,2111 R•whn,l!'. limn ')7 ~mnh. Gary, 1()7 'imnh. lc•h 9-1 Stafford. Karen 10~ S<uvcr, Rob)n 109 Thomp"<>n . .Jan" 1<1" 1llorno<k. K•yknt 10~ Tolman, f)enn" 911 Tu,ktr.lltrh<X> Tutilr.JoAnn 10 W.rd. B.uhu•<X> W.rd.D•n II.HXl Ware. ( •mille 10~ Wnt . ( arol H. 112 Wilham<, Mmetta 1!~1. IOH Woolum , ( .rolyn I<XI, HH /..~bmk,e. R,.)ne~ IC~I

MEDIA CENTER llurklnlhJw,.Jay 1111.121 Wa~tltaff. Lnu 1111 Wn,11ht. Pc,l(.lly Dt.-c 1111

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION A,h, ~mlm J ~~~ ll"hor. Clem ant~~~. lZ~ MtCicary,.Jerry II.H' . .'!'

SECRET ARIES A1nwmrth, Thelma \)(1 llrown, Mar,111e tN ( rJJ'(>. Mwnc 'Xl Gamblc . .Jmn 'Xl 1\tdlerb.. rg, Norene 90 N•1lor, I.JR•c'Xl Stc.dman. Horen t' H<J Syhro.. ,kv,,JA<quel)n ')(l

Seniors Adm. Ri,k 27. 151.186 A~tne" . Robert 4 .l Ain ;wonh. Rob)h ·ll Allen Deborah 2' Allen. 1\f>dud 2' Allen. Shm I ·l l Allen. Therese 27 Ammon>. Karry 4 I AndcN>n . Kcnn I I. 2'. Scn>or A >~emb ly. Ski Club. Scn1or 13o) s Senator. Cheerleader ;Jr., Soner Pres.. Sr.. Student Government: Sr. <i) mnasti< Spotter: Jr. Sr. Andt·Nm. Debra 27. 189, Atappcla :Jr. Sr. Ander>on. Karike 2·l. 27, 137. 146,206 Ander\On . Mi<hacl ·13 Ander><>n . Penny 27. 186 Ander-.<m. Trt;) 2' Andrilll. Todd 6.1 I. 162. football : So. Jr Sr. Wre,tlm~t. So . lh:.cball : So.Jr. Sr . 1.<-tternun . So.Jr Sr . All State flkltball. Lettcrnun Club Pre~ .. Capuin fomball Team. Scruor Hop K111,1t Arm~>tead. Eh·in 2' Arnold, Shenlyn P Atkii1"K>n . .Jdf 2' Atk'""'"· Warren 27, t<n Ault. Matt 27. Ill(,, 19~. 202 Scrv1<e An Club, Sk1 Uuh. VI<. A. Honors Souety B;,lq . Ark·nc 2' 1\ailt"), (,lona l'. IA 7 • 191 Pep Band, So. Jr Dr., .J•11 En!lt'mblr. Sr. G)mna>tllr, So, . Swimmin,ll. So. .Jr. Lettered 111 Swtmmin,l(, So. .Jr, Honor' Band, Sr. Con<ert Band, So. Sr, D"trllt Solo and En'i<mhle , Sr., Marthing Band, Sr ,J V Basketball , So, (, ,A.A, So Jr lllkker, Ri,k 27, 17(), 1'2 llallartl. Slurltnc 27. Ill') liMber. Kenneth 27, 19'). 219 Nauonal Honor Scx>etr. Top l<:f , Thcsptans Scx>ety, llrcwl<">~er !-ltJfl ,Jr Sr .. llroadta.ter ' " " " W<' Ediwr: Sr .. Broad> aster Sports Eduor.Jr. En,~th>h Sterhn,ll Scholar, Yc>un,~t Amni<An , Sr. Oklahoma, Sr llarlo-. , Terry 1' llau,l(h , llrJd 17, 162, Ill(, Football, So Jr Sr, Sk1 ( luh , So. Jr Sr, TrAtk, '><> Jr Sr, ktternun, II<>) ' Checrin,l( < lub , Jr Ha) , Dm>,l( 27 llc<k>tt·ad, Penny n. IW flce•lq , flr<K>k 2' F<K>thlll, So, Wrt·\tlln}t, VI( A llcn<ky. fldhe lH Fmhful ;up(~>ncr of all ' '"""· l.oyal to our """'' Kllhy 2H, I H9, I<JO Top Hl'l Milhdk 2H, Ill(>, 1'!0 Top l<l'l lle•ncr,J•ynt't' 211 Trt'm>rer of F.B f. A , Sr. fk'r~rnn,

flrr~c !l<>n,

1\rn~lum,Jdf 2H

fll•<k,Janr H, !H Top l<:l IIIA>n,Ja\ 2H Top II~ . <he" Club, Sr, NJt11m~l Honor Stx>ety, )r Sr , < hr" Club Prc,Jrnt , Youth Sc·rv>tc You<h Counul ,Jr Sr lllank, Shcrnc 1H flo~rn•d>ull .. hm !H D I' (.A Sr l~>,.•orth , Muir 14, lH, l(>H, lll'J Studcm (""mlnwm, Sr., F II A ,.Jr Sr •. U~skcthall, ~r, D t: LA, Sr, lh>k,torc. Sr, A<appdla, So.Jr Sr,(iir.ffcStory,Sr l~,,.,t,d,l(t',.Jo hn 2H FortiAn l...lnjlua~c An, Stcrlul,l( ScholAr 1\nwlrr,Jamr< 2H Top ''l 1\ra•h . P~ullH, 11>1, 170 football; So Jr Sr, ll••kctl'>all, Su.Jr Sr, Ra!lt'ball, So,Jr Sr, TrA<k, Sr. Top Hl"J, Honnr S.Kirtv, Sr, Unv• St·natnr . .Jr , l..cncrmans Club, Jr Sr lln,llht, Holly 211 1\nmlty. ,lamc' lilt\ t•n VI(, A. <mphll< Trcs., Sk1 <.lub, Sr, Tra.k. Sr llnnt<ln, <'hmttnc lHJordanrttt·•,Jr., F BI..A, .Jr Sr , F 8 I. A i'rt'' , Sr Bruokshv, Saundra 2H, Ill(>, I<J'J, 20, Broad, mer, )r Sr, llmadtuter 0>-Edltor; Sr, Publit Rrlatinm Mana~cr/Re< Crt"'; Sr., Ski ( lub, Natlon•lllonor St>uety, Top,~ llrown , Bryan 11 llrown,J>m 2H, 1•n 1\rown. Kelly lH, 1·19 100' Atttnden<c ; So.Jr Sr, ( ro" wun try,Jr Sr., Tnck,Jr Sr., V l C A , )r , f.cttcrman ;Jr, Sr, Top l(f,f Brown, Steve 211, 161 Brown, Robert 2H

Bl) ant. Ste•·c 24. 28 Burden. Brenda 24. 28. 187, 189 Volleyball: Jr .. At>ppdla. Sr .. Orchestra: Sr., Marching Band: Sr .. JJn Ensemble: Sr .. Symphony Sub Debs Jnd Squ<res Vice President : Sr., lnstru m(nt Quartet : Sr. Burgener. Jodi 19 Burgon . Ridmd 4.1 Burke. w.,,>. 29. 186 Ski Club : Sr. Bu rkman. M1ke 24. 29. 186 D.E.C. A., V.f.C.A .. DE C A Vile President. Ski Club. Buwn. Cra1g 19 Burton.Jodr 13 Burton. S..ott 186 Bush, Janelle 29 F.H.A.. ).A.A. Butler. RcNae 29 Butterfield. Tonyia 29, 186, 189 D.E.C.A. H> storian; Sr. D.E.C.A.:Jr., Aca ppella; Sr .. Skr Club . Sr. C1ldwell. &ott 29 <-•mbell , K»ttne 29. 186 F.H.A.: So. Jr. Sr., lnterp .. So.Jr Sr .. Ski Club. F.H.A. Vice Pre\ldent. Oklahoma : Sr .. Once Upon a Mlltrc":Jr CJrlson. Val29. 19~ C>rl><>n. Roger 29 Carpenter. BAr!) 1 I L!Sullo.Johnny 29 Football; So., Wresrlin,l( : So., TrJ< k. So .. Sk> Club, So CJu'>C}. Ro!X:rt 29 Chamberlam.Juhc 29. 169 Softball, So .. ). V. lla,ketball: So .. ).V. Vollej·baii;Jr, Tratk,Jr., Volle) hall. Sr. (j A A; So Jr.,JA A. V1ce Pre11dent. Sr. FHA.; Sr Oupman. Lon 29. 190 Chavet, Dan>el 29. Ill. 113. 116. 222. 2.15 Once Upon A Mmress; Jr .. Oklahoma, Sr .. VI< A . 'o. Ski Club. So, Guy Cheerleader: Jr . Wrntl•ng, ~ . Jr Sr, Cro<> Country;Jr .. Letterman, So.Jr Sr., Yearbook.Jr Sr (:hHis. Tnna29 Ch>ld•. Tammy 41 <llrl\l<·n...:n, Kellv 29, l<f), 1!!6 <'hmtt·n\Cn, Steve 29 Forcns1o Club: lr Sr .. !><.·bate Superior: Sr, National Ho~or Socicry, Sr. Foren<c<S Pres.; Sr. ModcllJ.N.,Jr. Sr, • l)<·batc;Jr ~r . Top I!Y.l' Clarke. W1nd) I\ < le,l(,ll. l>mn' 2') <Jl'ian ..John II Clrmt·n". Kern 29 An Sterling S.. holar ( line. Dou~t ':!9, 19\ 10~ Leuerman, So Jr Sr. Trllk, Sn.Jr Sr (J>llcuc. Ahson 19 Track, Sr. Cumbes, I.> .a 29 <A>Wit"), Doug 10 V.I.CA. <m•lcy, Kim W, 161, l'n Footlnll: So. Jr. Sr., Wre\llin~:Jr .l.cncrman; Sr. Cnx, Danctta 10, BO Toss·up Sc<., Sr., D.E.C.A. Aul\ity Chairm.lrl;Jr., Humorus Reading < hmman,Jr., Thespian: Sr., Oklahoma; Sr., On<e l !pun a Mattrcss,Jr .. Anyrhing Goes; So, Winnie tM Pooh, Wings, Danrc Co.: Sr., ZC Ml, Youn,l(timr-r, Sr .. Top IQ';t < rant, Cathy 4 I < unnq, Lon 30 <.rd>s, M1ke \0 C!)sul, Shane ~o. 1116 Ski Club. <"ummmgs, M1kc \0 ( utler, Colr-ne \0, Ill(> Cutkr, <•aylc 2. 30. 116Gymnastics; So. Jr. Sr. <l1eapcr By tM Dozen, So.,Junior Prom Qu«n, Da>>ey Mar; Sr., Sc<ond Attendant Humewmmg; So,J.V. Chrcrlcadcr;Jr., lionun Soc•cry, Sr, Girls' Sutc, Sr., Top IQ';t. l>..hl, Mi<harl S. II, 10 Top ~<:f. Chess ('lub; Sr., Nauonal Honor Soocty; Sr. l>..ngerfldd. Lorri 4 I l>a\ldwn, f..mda \0, 149 Top 3'if. !>.." .At.n l(l l>..v~S, Elaint 10, 1119 Sub Dd>s and Squires; So., Top 1~. F B.I...A.; Sr. Atappclla;Jr. Sr. [)a\ls, Ka~·kne \0 !)am, I..une 10 F.H.A. and H.E.R.O. 1>..\ls,l\.larkH Dclrdcn. Daniel 30, 186 f:lt-nm'<>n , T•mmy 30 Top IO'J. IA:n lq. Vakry 30 l rnwtt, Kathy 30, 209 FHA , So. Jr r, Ski Club.Jr., Charloman,Jr Sr., Charlonian Prcs>dent. ~r, Charloncan State Champion, Sr. l),,k'IOn, Teresa 30. 190Jordanetts, So., Aoppdla .Jr , F B.L.A ;Jr , Madrigals; Sr., Top l':f. Sr. Oklahoma, Sr.

!)> milk. Cind1 30 Region Drama Team ;Jr. O,nttn. Shawna 31. 189 F.B.LA.: Jr. Sr .. Atappella:Jr. Sr .. Treasurer of Acappella : Sr. Dowding. Paul31 Dr aper. Diane 5 I Ebert. Don 31 Edrrtuncb. Jennr 31 El','!en. Sluwna 31. 209 Sk1 Club , So. Jr .. G1mnastics: So. Jr .. F.H.A.. Jr. Sr.. Charlomans:Jr.. Yell Mistress and State Champ~ Sr .. Drill Mistress.I'.B.L.A.; Sr. Eliwn. K1m 24. 31. 128. 141. 169 Gymnastics: So.Jr Sr. Sk, Club: So .. Service Art:Jr .. Vollc1ball: Sr .. B>skerball: Sr .. ).A.A.: Sr .. Tratk. Sr .. Student Body Second Vice· President. Elswood. Pc,ggr 51. 137 Junior Class Secretary, Student Government :Jr. Sr .. Student Body Senetarv: Sr .. F.B.L.A. ; Sr. Enpkhart. Dan 43 EnniSs. Odette .12. 232 I'.B.L. A.: Jr., F.H.A.; Sr. E'p>rzJ. Lori 13 E1an;. Tern .11 Fa>rbourn. Kcv1 I I F.1rn~'\\ orth. Bruu: \I

FerJgern. Larrv 31. 186. 19~ V 1.< .A. Jr Sr . Sk1 Club:~~ .Jr Sr. Hno,Jr .. Stxu:r ; Sr Fhher. Kt·rl) .1 I Top Y'f. LetternlJn. So .. Letternun Uub. So. Jr. Sr, "OuwJnd>n,ll Citiltn ... Sr. Sk> Club. Jr I'Ht,l!<'rald. Brett 51. 186 . Fi11perald.jen U Auppela,Jr .. Sch<><>ll'lay :Jr ., DrJnu Mrct (Supenor RJnk).Jr. , DE CA. l.c•dcr\hip Conference: Sr "'""mmon>. Rapplrc .11. I 7, 19~ Soc>al Jnd Sen1te Club. So.Jr Sr, Wmd En~emble;Jr. Sr. Pep Band , So. Jr Sr .. Mardung Band . So. .Jr Sr. Contert Band . .Jr r.. Hlwauan Enx:mble: So . StJ,I!C Band,Jr, Rtxk Band, Sr .)Jn-RO<k En;emble. Sr, BAnd Pre,ident, Sr. Dhtnu Honor Band. D"tnct Solo and En,emble. Superior Solo Raung, Auppella. Sck<t Band. HuiJ Bowl Mallhing Band, Stcrhnp S..holar. Stutknt Counnl. Flort·> . .John 51. 19' Football. So .. V l CA .. Sr F<>rbes. Jl:lrke II. 1()\ l'r.n<Om. Debra 11. I% G A A ; ~ .• Sky D~<m,I( . .Jr. Sta,l(ecrc-..Jr. TrJtk , Sr, To\>· up. Sr. Sk1 Club . Sr, DramJ,Jr.,JJI A, Ofh,er: Sr . Edu<JtinnJI Te'thmg. Sr .. ~lu>lar>h>p for llcaut1 Colle,l(e. Frecnun. I'Jm .1 I. IS6. 20~ Vite· l'rc,.Jent of Red Cm,. Sr. Sk, Club : Sr l'ri"hknnhr. Phillio 2·1. I I, 116 Top .1\l Fullmn. Dand .11. 1'9 l'unk. Kiane 12.209 sk, Club, Jr., F H.A ., Sr, F R.I. A. Sr .. Charlonians;Jr. Sr., Vite· Pn·"dcm of Charloni.IJl>. Sr. Furner. llfilhelle .12. II!') Acappclll,.Jr Sr Ci:llland,John .H . 16.1 <.a,sman, Kell\' .12. 142 (rau,.,, Nid .12. 19~ VJ.CA. Sr, Foorball. So (I(' 'oCI. Pam l2 G1bbon,, S.:ott 12. 194, 19~ Gibbs. Ekna 12 Gifford. Rd>e<:ca 12. 206 Glad. St<'<en 24. \2, 189 Atappclla,.Jr, Madnpal,; Sr. D.F CA., Sr. Repion and Di>tri,r Solo and Fn,.,mble Fe,.ival GJ.-.cy.MelmdaH Gonnb. Elizabeth 32.J V Chttrbders, So., G.A A. So., l\h'>que and Gavel, So.lnterp Team , '><>.Jr. Sr, The>p,.ns ; Sr .. Jordanell;' CTro;urc).~r.

(;,x.,Jn,h . Mark II Gmld. &o\t H. 18<), 190 Got be• ,1.. Brenda 31, 109 (~IIJ;>cr,l! . Trent .12 <~<>U,I!h.Jann


Gould. ~ott 32 Gouldmg. Kell)· 4, ~2. 222,123 V ICA ., Jr Sr, Yearbmk.Jr Sr. Broldca>ter A'"" Ed., Jr., Yearbook Ed, Sr. Sk1 Club;Jr. Sr. Gourley. Steve 4.1. PI Basketball: Sr. Gr.>lum, Craig 32 GnffHh.)olle 32 Gnmaud.Jdf 32. 194 VI CA , Sr., Soccer Sr. Groom. CJrol .12 Gn,l!la. Ken 32 On V I.CA :Safety Council. Hadcan. Rodnt")· 12. 16.1. 165, 186, 19~ Football, Letterman. Sk1 Club: Jr. Hadlc) , Blane 32 Football, So., Football Manager ; Sr.. V.I.CA . Sr Hall.S..ott .1.1

two hundredforty-one

Hamil ron, Mik~ 33 H.anilron. Tin~ 24, 33, 186 F.B.LA.; Jr. Sr., Ski Club;Jr. Sr., Smior Cl~ss Offic~r.).V. 'Cheerleader; Jr., Srud~m Govemmcn1. funks, Blair 33, 164, 16,, 186, 187 lhnna, Bruce 33 Hansen, Karen 33. 19' V.I .C.A.; Jr. Sr., Srar~ V.I.C.A. Quttn ; Sr. lhnscn, Katherine 43 lhnscn, Kenra 33, 19' lhnsen , Traci~ 33. 189 Acappdla; Sr. lhrdcasrle, Val 17, 33, 186, 199, 222. 223 Yearbook; Sr., Broadcasrcr; Sr., Ski Club; Sr., Top 10'.f ; General Trouble Maker; So. Jr. Sr. H.trding, Tarnua 33 Gymrwcics; So. Jr. Sr., G.A.A.; So., D.E.C.A.; Sr., Trxk; So. Hardman, Rick 19' Hardman, Tamara 3S, F.H.A. Hiscorian;Jr., F.H.A. President; Sr., Home Ec., Seeding Scholar, F.H.A.; So. Jr. Sr.,lnterp; So. Jr. Hardy, Deanne 33 Han, Terry 33 Haua~r. Gonion S, 33, 163,171,227 Senior Salutatorian. Top }•, Narional Honor Society;Jr. Sr., NacionaJ Honor Society Vi£1:. President, Gernml Scholarship Sterlill8 Scholar, YOUII,I Amenans, Boys' Sute Orlc:gacc:, l.eacrman So. Jr. Sr., Football; So. :Jr. Sr.• Baketblll; So. Jr. Sr., Bueball; So. Jr. Sr.. Prc:siclciHW Sc:holanhip from Snow Colle,.:, Qualified for Spencer W, Kimball Scholanbtp, ScaiC Muh Contest; So. Jr. tkctlc:, Tany 43 Helblina. MiJ5y 33 Hc:ndmoll. Kdlt 33 Hcndridctcn, Marsha 33 Hendricben, Micbad 33 Hcndricbcn, Michelle: 43 Henliat,Jun 33, 186, 19S HcveloM, Matt 0, 179 V.I.C.A.;Jr. Sr., Wrndill8: So. Jr. Sr., Took Third in Rqion, Honor Role:. Hickman, Lori 24, .H, f.B.LA.;Jr. Sr., Senior Class Setmary, Scudmt GoVCI'IIIIICI'It; So. Sr., Sop/Coc:; Sr. Higgins, Cory 33 Top }l¥, Chess Club; Sr., Honor Society, Key Oub Vice: President; Sr. Hillock, Susan 33, 186,20SJordanc:tte Pres.; Sr., Top IO'.f. Ski Club; Sr.,J.A.A.lntnmunls. Hoggan, Sc()(t 3}. 186, 18'), 190 Acappc:lla; Sr., ~rigals;Jr. Sr., Ski Club; Sr., V.I .C.A.; Sr., Honor Roll. Homer,)df 24, }4,163 Football; So.Jr Sr., Wresrlill8 ; So.Jr. Sr., Placed Third in Wrestlill8, Snident Councii;Jr., Senior Class President, Track; So. Jr. Howl<:u, Steve }4, 186 Ski Club, V.I.C.A., ·o.E.C.A. Hunter. Lorrie }4 Hunt, Phillip }4 Track. Jackman, Joyce: 34, 187, 189, 191, 19S Swim Team; So. Jr. Sr., Lc:tcc:ml in SwimrninJ; Sr., Acappc:Ua. Pep Band; So. Jr. Sr., V.I.C.A., So Jr. Sr.,Jordanms;Jr.,)azz Band; Sr. Jacobsen, Kmr 34 Jarvie, Tc:rna 34, 202 Jaynes, Jeannine 34, 186, 209 )msc:n,Jill43, 186 G.A.A.; So. Jr. Sr., G.A.A. Offiar; Sr., {lniCilllunl Coonlina10r), Tennis Tam; Sr., Trxk; So. Jr., BatKtball; So., Softball; Jr. )m~tn,Joni 43 . }m~tn, Mark 34. 149, 163 Football; So. Jr. Sr., Ba*tball; So. Jr., Track; So. Jr. Sr., Cross Counrry;Sr. )mkins, Mary 34 )c:ntzsch, Debbie: 34 }olwon. Anthony 43 jOhnson, Charlc:nc: 34 Johnson, Doua 34, 186 johnson, Wayne 34 Jollc:y, Kmt 34, 163, l9S )ones, Krlly 34 V.I.C.A .. Ju. Gene: 34 Kelly, Catherine: 43 Km!pric:r, Kim43, 210 Kmnc:lly, Mike 34, 186, 19' Wresdill8; So. Jr. Sr., Ski Club, V.I.C.A.;Jr. Sr. Kimball, llobm 34. 213 Top 3\f, Valedictorian, Social Scic:na: SterliJII Scholar. Capcion of Youll8 Amc:rians Team, National Honor Society; Jr. Sr.• National Honor Society President, Who's Who Amana American Hiah School Srudenrs, Ntdnnal Merit

two hundred forty-two

FinaliSt, Genc:nl Mills Search lor Lc:adc:rship in Family Lving Award, Delegate- Stare Youth Senate Day, 7th place Region State Marh Contest. Chess Club, Finalist in the Spencer W Kimball Scholarship Finalist, Trustees Scholar I rom B.Y.U .• Finalists ol Prnidential Honors Scholarship lor U. ol U., "Spanr ComJY.Iny" Member, Delegate lor Utah Quality ol Lie Conl~rence . Klnon, Richard 34 Knopp, Chris 34, 186, 206, 210 Masque and Gravel : So .. Srudenr Government ; So., Thespians; Jr. Sr.,Jordan~ll s ; Jr , Dane~ ComJY.Iny; Sr .. Ski Club; Sr., Charlonians; Jr. Sr .. Charlonians Yell Mistress. Sr. Kramer. Mike 3S, 163 Kunz, Kevin 3S. 186 Top IO'.f, Ski Club. I..tmpins. Corri 3). 186 Top IO'.f . I..tncasrer, Julian 3) I..t~n. Steven II, 3), 113. 149, 190. 192 Langsron. Mark 3), 171, 172 Baskc:tball; Sr., Arhlc:tc: of rhe Month. I..trsen. Valynnc: 3S l..tvc:der,John 3S, 163, 194, 19' Lcttc:rmc:n's Club. V.J .C.A., Football. Track and Field. l..twson. Chris 3S Dance: Concms; So. Jr. l.nny. Lc:c: 3S I.«. Wendy 31 ~30. Darrell 3S, 186 Ski Club. I.ri5Cr,Jodic: }) Lewis. Steven 3) IJoyd, Donnc:tcc: 3S, F.H.A.; So. Jr. Sr, Treasurer of F.H.A.; Sr. Uoyd, Sherry 3S D.E C. A.• Treasurer; Sr. Logan,Jdf 31llc:avr my srear suzzling slolls. J..onsscafl. Danic:l3S, 149Track; So.Jr Sr, Cross Counrry;Jr. Sc., 1000 Mil<: Club, Letterman's Club, Sr. Wolle:, Taman}) Top )If lut.c:ro, Danny 3S. 163, 19' ~nc:red an Track and Foorlnll. Fooclnll; So Jr. Sr., V.J CA., Sr., Took Fifth Place: in Region lor 440 Yard

Dash l.undscrom, l..tync: 3) Wrestling; So., Manager ot Baseball Team; So., Placed Se<.ond in My America Concsr. Award of M~rit Ceramks. Second il.unnc:r up lor SterlanJ! Sc;holar in An lyman, lisa 24, 36, 190. 230 Won Composauon Contest (Nation Wide), Studcnrbody Oflic~r (HiStorian ). Student Govrrnmcnr , R~J!•on and Stat~ Toumamenu lor Drama; Jr. Sr , Madngals, Jr Sr., G irls' Sure,Jr Sr., Thc:spaan Member, lead in Schon! and an hool Play, Solo and EniCIIIblc: Fesuvai,Jr 'r Mac~. Lor~

36 Maddocks. Doug 36 Football; So., Tennis; So. and Sr.. V.I.C.A.; So. Jr. Marler. Dennis 36 Ma;,in. Bill43 V.I.CA.; So., ross Country Manager;Jr., F.B.LA.;Jr., Bc:c:tman lor Football. Martanez, Monica 4, II, 36, 194, 19', 222 V.I .C.A ; Sr.. Offi£1:1 and Queen, Yearbook Srafl. Sr., Jordan Olympics. Competed an the District rc:sc for V.J .C.A. in rhe Opc:nang / Closmg .,, (Took First Plac~ ). Quttn of Injun Shoru. MaS!Ia, Stc:vc:n 36, 16}, 19' Sophomore Class President, V.I.C.A., Hero, len~rman Club, Wrestling. Foocball ; So. Jr. Sr Matheson , Hugh 36, 116, 222 Maupan , Doug 43 May, Tim43 M<:Cwhy. Tammy 43 McCiur~. Mike 36. 203 McCormick, Chns 3, 24, 36, 186 Studcntbody President, Boys' State, Sophomore lass ~naror. Oklahom~. Student Government ; So. Jr. Sr., Ski Club; So. Jr. Sr., Sparit lub, Boys' Cheer Club, Acappc:lla. McCulloch, Shelly 2}, 210 G.A.A .; So., Track, So., Charlonian Trc:asu~r;Jr. , Charlonaan Secretary; Sr. M<.Cune, Darrell 36 C. B. Club; r. McDonald, Cynthia 24, 36, 20) G .A.A ; So , Track , So., D E.C.A.,Jr., D E.C.A. Presadent; Sr.. Red Cross Club Of facer ; 'r, Honorable Mcmuon in Sut~ D.E.CA., Fashion Show, Sr., Thard Place in State D.E.CA. Contc:st an "Chapt~rol the Year Book", Sr., Mana,.:rof BoolutOre, Sr McDonalcl, Steven 36. 193

Meadows. Roger 36. 186, 19) Ska Club, V.I.C.A. 43. 190 Drama Team; So .. Girls' Chorus: So.. G A.A .; So., Ski Club; So. Jr.• Auppc:lla :Jr. Sr .. Madrigals; Jr. Sr. Mdonas. Mike 36 Top )If . Mdvilk, Mani 36. 112, 11 3, 186, 190. 192, 206, 230Top 10'» Middkton.Jill36. 144, 14) 206 Dance Club;Jr. Sr. Songlc:adrr; Sr .• Student Councii ;Jr. 1\.fillc:r.Jero 43, 19S Mill<:r. l..tiT) .\6 Honor Roll, ~cond in Weldmg lorV I.C.A. 1\.filne.Jom 36 1\.firchcll. Lu 43 Mit< hell. Natalie: 36. 210 Char loman ;Jr. Sr. , F.H.A.: Sr. Moore, Dawn 36 Morgan.Jacldt 36. 133 Acappc:lla, Thespians. Music Solo and EniCIIIblc:; So. Jr. Sr., Girls' Scare. RC'I:eived Excellent raring on Dramatic Read ins Mon. Gordon 36 Top )~ . Monmsen, Kerry 36.2 10 Monc:n~tn. Rc:bc:cca 43 Moncnscn. Richard 37. 149 Top 31f, Swimming, ~IIerman, So Jr., Cross Country; Jr. Sr , T r•c k: So. Jr . National Honor Socic:ry Ptcsodent. Cenrury llll..cadc:n Srare Winner, Phorognphy Club, Soccer Club. Spint Club. Clas- Representative Mounrc:cr, Ban }7, 19) Mountc:cr.Jc:rry }7. 190 Madngals. 1\luldrr, Lorninc: 4} Nelson. Rml }7 Top~~. Chess Club, National Honor Society, Src:rl•ll8 Scholar Nominee in Mathematics, Youns Amencans. Nc:hon, Royd 37,116 Top ~If. Chess Club, National Honor Socic:ry, Scc:rling Scholar Nomllltt for Science, Youn3 Americans. Nc:l1011. Spence }7 Nc:l1011. Stove }7 Baseball Tc:am;Jr. Sr .. Band ; So Nc:hon . Wendy 37 Acappc:lla;Jr So, Honor Roll Nodson. Tamra H No~mann . Rod 4} Noorda, I..tMar 37, 19) Nowotny , Teresa }7 Acappc:lla,Jr. Sr, F.H.A & H~ro . Sr, Rc:Bion Solo En!c:mble. Nurrall, Kaylynn 37, 186 FH.A. and Hero; So. .Jr Sr., Jordanc:ns;Jr., F B.l.A .,Jr. G.A A , Sr .. Sko Club, Sr. Nuzman. Mark 37. 19) V I.C.A .; Sr.. D E.. A.; Sr Oakdrn. Robboc 37 Olknon, Shuon J7 Ohphant, Randy 37 V.I.CA . So. Olov~r. Shcrroe 4. 6, 37. 146 D.E.C.A.; Jr ,J.V. Chttrleadcr,Jr, Vanny Chc:crloder; 'r.. Top I(~ . Hom~comon~t Quttn Olsen. Spen<er 37. 16( 172, 17~. 19~ ( locn, Ra<k P Or,t~all. Denn" 4}, 1tl6 Orr. Nll k 14 , 37. 19S V I.C.A born~. Muk n , 164 <><tl~r. Brent }7. 186 CXrkr. nna~ 37. 20) F B.LA . ,Jr Sr .. Muchin~t Band; . J Oltlc:r, Robc:n 37 rkr. Thomu 37', 19S. 230 V I. C. A.; Sr, C.B Club, Sr Over treet . Denni 8, 149 Mcynck . Jay m i~


} II

P.uk. K ~ vin 8 P.admo ,John 38, 164, 19' Plnck. M•ry Ill P:lnl\'0'· Brct 18 Paumorc, Pcm 18, 186 Plrry. Gordon~ Honor ·~ry . he ' lub, Yearbook ;Jr P:lu~rson, Allc:n ~ P:luenon, Oak 38 fb~e,Shc:rri 38 Perry, Penni 38 Acappc:lla Pc:dcrson, Kincc:n 43 Petrncn,Jimmy 38, 19) Pncnon, Cindy 11 , 24. 8, 186, 19) . 222 V l.C.A.; .Jr. r.,Jordaneues, • .Jr , F B.LA.; Jr Sr . Yearbook ; Sr., ki Club;Jr St

Pcrc:non, Harvey 4 !'my, ky 8 Joobneu~ . r. Picken, .ondy 38. 168, 186, 202 Top IO'lf Pic:rtc. l ynn 8 Baseball , .Jr. Band Prc:sidr:nt; Jr r . Pep Band ; So.Jr ·r . ross Country;Jt.

Ann39 Ban39

Calcne 39 Thard pia« D.E.C.A. Scare Coulcst.Sr &obm 39. 194. 19S V~ct-Pmidenr of C.B.

Club Jr. PWiiamcncanan of V.J.C.A. Club. Scacie 39 Hman. Deborah 39, 190 Acappdla;Jr., Nadarpl ;Sr hlllidt. Lisa 39 Secmary of Naraonal Honor biety, Acappclla,Jr. Sr.• Youn, Americans Team.l;op 3'1, Superior Rara1141 for a Trio for ~and Enaembk facival;Jr. ~CU.

Kelly 39, l<t6, 186 Ski Oub;Jr. Sr., P8 LA.• )uniOf Oaaa Off lett, O....lonian;Jr.,


Deanna 39, 169 Top IO!f. , Loric 39 FHA., Acappella;Jr. Sr., AcappcUa V~ct Pn:tidenr, Sr., P.H.A. Sec. Shail, Dan 9, 24 , 39. 164, 177,229 V.J C.A., Tr.<k :Jr. r., Football; So. Jr. Sr., Budlall, Sen tor Vice· Pres., Srudenr GOYm\menr, Ski Club, Lmcrman.

Sbarplcs, Penny 293 Shcpltcl. &u:w 39 Poocball; So. Shn!fl, Bnh 39. 222, 223 Ytarboolt; So. Jr. Sr., Yearboolc Layout Editor; Sr , Sub Orbs and Squares; So. SiiYO!teh. Tony 39. 172, 173 H11hJump/TraLk. ketball : So. Jr. Sr. ~monoon . Hal 39 Sl(()ubyr, Paul 40 Sm1ley, Ka1hy 43 Smiley, Su1anne 39, 186 Sm11h. lll'Oiyn 39 Acappclla,Jr Sr., F.H.A.; Sr 1th. Connat 39. I 'lO Smuh , EilC'I:II 2<1, 39, 186 Top IO!f, Scudrnt Governmenr,Jr Sr nh, Ha l 39, Ill' Smnh,Jeff }9 • nh, Kelly 39. Ill' Wte~thnJ. Smrrh, Lori 39.190

Smirh, Robert <13 Smirh. Slndra 39. 206 Smith, Suaat <10 G A A irh. Ttrna 2<1. <10, 186 .Oay<l3 s.-.)df 40, 1~. 173 SOmtrvalk, Kenna <10 Sosa,Joteph 43, 195 Spmcer, O.vrd <10, 19S Spray. Robyn 40, Ill, lU SpriiiJCf, Kcvrn 40, 222, 223 FOCC!IIlcs Oub:

ftrbook Jlholocrtpher, Sr , V I C A , Sr , PhcMopphy/Gnphin Oub, Sr Spnue,Jaclc <10, 19S B. Oub, So Jr Sr , VI A ,Jr Sr, Letmman; So. Jr. Sr, Smior

Stud. Squrrt~.

!hauna<IO(.I.A.A:Jr., Baldnll, So., Trade: So Jr, Top IO!f Sum, Kris40 an,11er, Conniejo<IO RodtoCJub; So., DECA.;Sr Sleadman, Lorit 40, 211 Rodeo Club; So., V.I .CA.: So., f .H.A., Sr., harlonians; Sr. Semi, l."a <10 Top Srrrlin11. Barron <10 Wrndi11,1, So. Jr., 8ueba.IJ Mana11er ; Jr , Scart V I C A Srokrs. Cratl! 41 Sull1van, Drrust<ll, G.A./., , F.BLA; Sr. Swenson , David 24, 41 Srudrnt Ptlot, Sr., VI A .Sr. 5"'tnt, Carol41, 186, 190

' if

Sylve>tcr. Randy 9. 24. 41, 16~. 177 Football; Sr., Letterman Sr. Wrestling: Jr. Sr., Srudrntbody First VicePre.., National Honor Socicry,Jr. Sr, Student Govemmtnt; So. Jr. Sr .• Sk1 Club; So. Sr. T:ukhara, Curtis41, 186Ski Club: So. Jr. Sr. Takcmon. Alan 41, 186 Ta)lor, Bonnie41, 211 Ta)·lor, Frankot 41, 144. 14~ So. Vice Pres.,J.V. Otttrle:ukr;Jr .• Varsiry Head Ch=le.der; Sr .. Student Govcmmmt; So. Jr. Teus.-her. Wtllie41, 16~ Tha..-ker. :t..cl<U 41, 211 Thaxton. !.ann 41. F.H.A. ; So. Jr. Sr., F.H.A., Parliammtarian, Acappclla , Sr., Dance Compan);Sr Thomas, Kurt 41. I ~9 Thompson. Loril« 41 Thompson. Marce 41, 168 Throckmorton, Vicki 41 D.E.C.A.; Sr. Thutnn~er. Barbara 41 Band. Track, Pep Club, Cltttrle.der. Baskerball, Paper Staff. Annual Staff. Chorus Letter Club, Class Officer. Queen of Plaza High; Sr. at Plaza, North Oakou Tobm. Dranna 43 Tobm. Kclh 41 D.E.C.A .• Art Awards. Tolbert. Bru<e H Tondro. Mark 41 Manager Varstty Basketball, Sr. Tn>ycr.Jeff 41 Tu..krr. Kenn 41 Tyler. Rna 41 Tyler. Russ 41. IM Football, Letterman. Nanonal Honor Soc T"'uchell. Bonme Top I~, Drama Club, FHA Vice·Pres .. Acappclla, Spim Club, Mumals Utley, Sttve 41. 19~ Vaknsurla,l..aura 24, 42, 2~, 206 Dance Co.;Jr., Dance Co Vice-Pres.; Sr .• F. B.L.A.; Jr. Sr., F B. L.A. Hastonan: Sr., Senior Hop Qucc:n, Oklahoma,Jordanrne; Sr. Van lttu..,en, Paul42, 16~. 186 Basketball ; So., Tennts;Jr., Ski Club;Jr. Sr., Fomball Mana,~~rr;Sr

Vantassell. Gordon 42 Top ~\f. Vawdrc) , Paul42 Sk1 Club, Top 1~ . Vav.·drey, Randy 42, 112, 113. 190 Vissn, Michelle 42 F.H.A, Scholarship to Brauty College Vo..,lc>,Julte 42, 146, 186,206 G.A.A.; So.,JV C rlc:ukr; So, Hcad].V . Chcc:rleader;Jr, Tennt s; So .. Ski Club: Sr., Dance Co.; Sr., V1rsny Chcc:rltader : Sr., Top IO'if. Walkenhorst, Krvm 42, 149 F(l()(ball: So., F.H A, Track Walkenhorst, Kyle 42 Walkenhorst, Nancy 42 Warburton. Dcbbte 42 Wasburn, Diane 42 Gymn:Btin: Jr r., Acappclla; Sr Wnhbum, K:ithy 42, 190 Acappclla ;Jr. Sr., Madng;~,ls ; Sr Wmon. Vee: Ann 42, 211 G A.A , · ., Truk: So .. Ch1rlonta"' Trtasurer; Sr. Wraver, Claudta 42, 169, 206 Gymnastic ;Jr Sr, Trac.k,Jr.,J.A.A.: Sr., Volleyball , Sr., Dance Co Officer. ymnasric Tram Caption. Webb. Kelly 42, 149 ki Club ; So. Jr .• Football, Jr. Wrestltng,Jr. Sr., Track ;Jr. Sr, Cross Country; Sr., Creative Wnung Mal!azine,Jr., Student PiiOt;jr., Letterman, Sr., H E.R.O ; Sr . Phoro Club; Sr., V.I.C.A , Sr, Vice-Pres. V L.F Wentz, Tony 42 Wmbrook. Suzanne 42 F B. L.A. ; Sr Whanon. Pat 43 Whttman. Gary 42 Whne.)rssc 43 Whitm~. St e 11 , 42, 149, 191,224 ~ross Counrry;Jr. r., Track, Jr. Sr., Y.S.C. Counctl ; So. Jr. Sr., 0wr!Tl2tl Y.S.C. Councii ;Jr., Chess Club; Sr., Band;Jr., Prp Band ; Sr., Jazz Band; Sr. Wilkes. Tim 42 Sub Orbs and Squires, So., Toss· up,Jr, V.I.C.A. ; Sr., Band; So. Wtlkins. David 42, 116 W1lhas. Shtri 43, F.B.L.A., Jr , D.E.C.A ,Jr. Sr. Wilson. Mikr 43 Wtmbcrl) Tauyna 42 Wtnegar, Wilham Brad 24 . 43, 186 Stuckntbody Attorney Galcral , Most Outstanding, Top 3', Nauonal Honor Sociery, Summer Enrichment holarshtp; Jr., Srudrnt Government, Tennis;

Jr Sr. Youth Frcroom Academy. Skt Club, Sptnt Club. Boys Chcc:nng Club, Pr<><.rastinaror of the Yrar Awarded by Randy Wtne,~~ar. David -B. 186 Winger. Patnm 43 V.I.C.A .. Student Government. F H.A .. Never Got Caught • Slufftn,lt Wither>. Cindy H Workman. Blake 4\ Wnght. Paul-13. 186 Wyatt, V1ckt 43 Yates. Gal) 43. 149. 19~ Cross Country,Jr Sr Wrc•tlmg . So. Jr. Sr .. V I.C.A., Jr. Sr. Yost. Darreld 45 Young. Ed 43. 186, 19~ V I.C.A .. C. B. Club Young, Grorge 43 Young. Pam 43 F.B.L.A. V.I.C.A . Zeller. Mike 43. IM. 176. 194, 19~ Footbaii;Jr Sr .. Lt-nerman. Wresthng :Jr. Sr., V.I.C.A. President. Queen of Swmhearr Ball

Juniors AJ•m><>n.Jdf 4~ Alldredge, Johnny 4~. 162 Allen. Chnton 4~. 162 Allen. Lana 24, 4~. 189 Allen. L)nn 4~. 186 Allen. Ray 4~ Allred. Lam 4~. 19~ AhC\. Pauline 4~ Ander><>n. Bonme 4~ Anderson. Dallas 45, 222 Anderson. Gcn~ 4~ Ander'>On, Kevm 4~ Ander'>On. Rhonna 4~ . 206 Andero,on, Sc:ou 4~. 19~ Ander>On. St~ve 4~ Anderson. Steve 4~ Anderson, Susan 4~ Anderson. Waynr 4~ Andu~. Ktrt 63 Arnold. Dranna 4 ~. 189 Atkmson. Dave 4~ Atktnson . Drntsc 4 ~. 199 Atktnson . Kns 41 Auker. Max 4~ &cr, Dean 4~ . 162, 179, 19~ &cr. Mtchacl46, 162. 179. 19~ futl~y . Glenn 46 fukker. Much 46 Ballard. Brenda 63. 190 Balllrd.J~ff 46. I ~9 Bankhe~d. W ilham 46 Borker, Ralph 46. 195 furreu. Melissa 46. 189. 193 Bauer. Kcldon 63 Baugh. Bruce 46 'Bc<k. Ken 46. 19~ Btcbte~d. Brad 46 '3cdnank. Steven 46. 19~ Bell. Ten) 46 Btn>On. Robert 63, 194, 19~ Berg. Danny 46. 1 9~ Best, Douglas 46, 1 9~ Best, Shauna 46 Bianchi, Diane 46, 186 Biggs. Suzann 46, 189 Bingham, Melody 46, 189 Black. Karalynn 46 Blank.Janttn 19. 46 Blankenstem, MatyJane 46, 186 Bodtcher. Randy 46 llo"h. Taffi~ 46 Brklaci<h. Danny 46. I 0 6 Broadhead. Kent 47 Brooks, Dale 47, 176 Brower. Dcmce 47 Brown. Blaine 47 Brown , Dranne 47 Brown. Leslie 47 Bro..,n. Susan 47 Buhl. Laune 47 , 186 Bonlull, Kelly 63, 19~ Bunker. JoAnn 47 Burak, Dave 47 Bumstde. Scan 4' Burshnick, Ann 47, 186 Bryant, Marg2ret 63 Bush, Di ane 47

_____two hundred forty-three

Butler, Tammy 47, 1~ Caldweli,Dawn 47 Campbell, Colby 47 CampbcU,.Jov 47 Candaloc,)ohn 47 Cannon, Spcnccr47, 187,1lt.l Cuban, T:IIIIW47 Carter, Joyce 47 Carrol, Alan 24,47, 162 Carrol, tim 47 Casterline, Ktisa 47, 186, 193 Outnpion, Terry 63 Olapman,IW:lcn 48, 194

Owc:,llick48 audntcr, Anncm 48, ~ O.ilds, Suz.ulnc 48, 206, 208 O.risteruon. David 48, 186, 193 O.riStcnten, turin 48, 189, 192, 2<n <llrisrenten, Kelli 48, 148 O.risrenscn, Lauric: 63 O.ristensc:n, Sandn 48, 119, 148, 169, 208 O.ri$t0ffmcn, Dmist 48, 194 Ge&&JohnY 48 Clements, K.ipp 48, 199 <lose:, Kelly 48, 193, 199 Cot fin, Michal:l48

Cok, Steve 63 Collatd, Shdia 48 Combs, Mark 48 Con!~s.joc 24, 48 Cowley,Jay 63 Cowley, Patricia48 Cox, David 48 Cox, Ga.ll' 48, 186 Cozzens. Hal48 Cnwford.Shmi 48 Ctcl>s, Pmny 48 CUIIIiffe, Otris 48 Cummil'l8s,Julic 48, 206 Curley, Scott 63 Cutler, Cunis 49, 170 Dahl, Scoo-49, 162, 179,19·· Danirlson, Donald 49 Darlin1, Pmny 49, 194 Davidson, Greg 49 DavidJon, Gwen 49 Davis, Greg 49, 186 Davis, K.:u I 49 Davis, Kristi 49, 222 Day,Julicne 49, 138, 144, 14), 206 Day, Roo 49. 149, 194 Dayton, P:lny 63 Dmnison, David 49, 186 Derricott, Mike 49 Deuel, Debbie 49, 186


Dtvore, Terry 63, 193, 20) Dillard, Dmisc: 49, 138, 144, 14), 192, 206, 227 Impcr, Dina 49 Impcr, Don 4?, 186, 194 Dulce:, Tracy 49, 194 Dunn, Tammy 49 Dunn, Suzanne 49 Durrant, Lynda 49 Eckman. Anita 49, 189 F.ddin,ton, Chcryl49. 189 FJiaaon. Chris 24, 49, 194 Erickson, Ron W, 194 Evans, Mark W Evans,R~nW

Evenson, Janet )0 Evans, Tim 24, )0 Fagg, Cindy )0, UJ9 Fails, Diane: ~0 Fairboum, Brad W, 186 Fairboum, Rozannc )0, 186 Fcuhler, Cary )0, 222, 223 Fenton, .Belinda 63, 148 Ffnron, Marc )0, lW Feragen, John 63 Ferps, Di•na )0 Finnage, Terry )0 Fischer, Milcon W, 186 Fish, Glen W Fisher. Daron )0 Firzgcrald, Erin W, 206, 209 Fit:gcrald, Roger )0, 162, 193 f1okc, Bryce 24, )0, 121,163,117,203 Florn,Jess )0 f1ynn. Darren W Forbush, Siclncy )0 Fox, David )0 Freeman, Mike 63, 186 Fuller, K.aric:M

two hundred forty1our

fullmc:r, Perry )0 Galland, Louisa 11, 141, 169 Gallc:goa,Jim Sl, 193 Garfield, Selena Sl, ~ Gutman, BrittOn~·. 206,209 Gt:t:, Melinda Sl, US. 186,189

Gcsscll. David Sl, 194 Gifford, Virsinia S1 Gilchrist, Lixa ~~ Giles, Tom ~I Gilgen, Gary ~I Glo~. Todd 11 CJOC'tt, Jerry 11 Goold, Rebecca ~I Graham, Kathy 11, H. 222,223 Grec:n. Kathy 11 Grec:n, Lee~·. 19}, 194 Grec:n, Scc:phanic: ~1. 189, 192 Grec:nc:r, Randi ~~. ~ Grec:nwood, L«Ann 'H. 222 Grec:nwood, Paula ~I. 168, 169, 189 ~SIIICfl, 5uwuw: 11 Gribble:, Scu 11 Gribble, Steven 51 Grygla, Mark 11, 194 Guyman. Gina )2, 144, 145,206,227, 23d Hadley, Gayann 52 Hales, Kevin ~ 2, 186 Hallock, Src:ve 52, 186 Ham. Pamela 52, 2ot Hamilron, J(jm ~2. 169, 189 Hamilton, Lori )2 Hansen,Judy ~2 Hansen. Lixa ~2 Hansen, Src:phanic: 12 Hardcastle:, Paula ~2 Hardman. Bretr 52 Hardman, Sheryl 52 Hatdy, Mark 52, 191 Harris, Dan 52, 191 Harris, Lorie 52 Hankrode, Kathy 52 Hathaway, Becky 52 Hc:ndricka, Ron 52 Hc:ndricksen, Sea.,. 52 Hennissen. Prc:d 52, 191 Herzog, (Jc,rrald ~2 Hc:vc:lonc, Deon )2 Heywood, Ronda )2 Hiatt, Kacec 63 Hickm2n. Annc:ne 53. 186 Hickman, Jay ~3 Higley, Larina '3 Hill.)c:nny ~3

Hill, Kevin ~3. 186 Hilton,John 53 Hilton, Tcrry 186 Holley, Shelley H.l89 l-lolm, Scc:ven ~ .l HolmsrC':Id, Lorrie )3 Holt. Pauline 53 H()()S('r,Mcrl )3 Houmand, Lis• H Howard. Greg H H•>wc:ll. Scoa H Huctter, Scevc H Hunt. Dorothy 53, 186 Hyatt, Karhy 6.\ lpson, Marilyn )3 j:Kk, Rob 53, 199 Jamc:s,Janct H. 189 Jarvis, Sandra H Jensen, Alden)}, 186 Jensen, Cody H )m~.)c:rry H. 191 Jensen, Ken H. 117, 163 Jensen, Mike S4 Jensen, Sandra 54 )enson.Brian 14, 186 )c:x.)c:ff )4

Joh•nsc:n, Gnnr S4 Johnson, Heidi )4 Johnson, Randy )4 Johnson, W•de ~4. 191 Jones. Lc:2h )4 Jones, Li s• 63, 186 Jones. Sheil> ~4 )oos, &veri y ~4 )oos. Rolayne 54 Kay, Ltt 63 Kelso. Cathy )4 Kendri<k,John 63. 193 Kenninsron, Brad 63 Ketby, Gm• ~4. 148

K.enty. Katyl S4 Kic:l~. 8ubi S4, 186 J(jnJ, Frank S4, 186 Knapcon, llc<:ky S4

Km!s, Sccven S4 !<nqer, Rorana S4 Kunz.CulaS4 lanclml. Michael S4, 187 • L.andaord. Kenny S4 Ltrsen, Otris63 lnkc, Kathy 63, 186 Jnvin, Holly 63 Jnvin,Jodi 24. S4, 186 1«, Kevin 54 Lenn~rs.Julie ~)

Limb. MC'l ~~ Linn•rz, Tim )) Livingnon, Wendy ))

Logtdan, Susan )) Loc:as, Karsre ~ 1 Lundbc:rg, David 63 lyon,Jeff 55 Lythgoe:. Boyd 55 Maag, P1ul 5~ ~.Jerry ~5. 186 Mac: kay, Tcri 63

Moddocks, Mark 55 Manaca. Susan 55 Manlull. Melanic:''· 186 Mason, Allen 11 Mathic.Jacki 55 Maw, Delynn 19, 11 Mayall, Karla 51 Maynes, Jolene '5, 192 Maynes. Larry 63 McAllister, Vivi•n 55, 206 McDonald, Kachy 55, 168 Mcl.tish, Kerry ' ' McPhcaron, Taman 55 Mead. Clyde: 55 Mtad,Gmh ~ Meadows, urolyn )6 Mcynck. Davad ~ Mickelsen, l~nda X. Mickelsen, Mel X. 1\.!JIIC'r. AI 56 1\.!Jller. Chris(!} Miller, Rich X>, 19~ Mlller~r~ . Colleen 24 , ~6 Millerbcrg, Tracy ll, ~6. 222, 223 Mills, Telvin )6 Mlrchell , Kevin ~. 186 ' Mill hell , Mike 56 Morrill. Deon )6, 190 Monensc:n, Br>d ~. 164, 1!!6 Monm:.c:n, Parley ~6. 186, l'n Monen:.c:n, Rose: 4, II, 24, )6, 194, 222 Mounreer. MilCh ~ ~lord . Lis~ 56 Murphy . Holh 56. 199 Murph)·. Kevin 61 Myers.lhrbic 16. 186.2 10 NAp•cr, Lorne 6 ~ Nc:hon . Br:ld 56, 186, 191 Nelson. Kerry 16 Nelson . Rolx-n )6 Nc:t.on , Sue 4, ~<>. 192 Nc:na, John 57 Neve:. I:ll.>us 57. 112 Nguyen . Kam , , Nkhol. Kevin P N1ksu h. Allen p Nolh•ngc:r, Danc:ttC' ) ? Norns. Nol•n P Nu%mAn , Mllhc:llc: 57 O..k>'><m. Von 7, 191 Oar, Mad1arl 57, 113. 190, 192 Obtn, Tony, , Oldbrhcr, Bill ) 7 Ohon. Debbie 57 , Muk 63 Oi!on, R.1No~c , , ()l)()n, R1<h>rd 24. 57 • >nt~,cros . Troy ) 7 t)rdakow h Mi, hc:lle 57, 206 Osborne, Sac:vc 24. )7, 164 Oswald. Joel M. 164 Qv.,d,Jenn.!er )7 , 148, 186 C>vcrmo~n , Norlene 57 )vcrson, Kucn ~ 7 , 20~ Overmeer, P.r , 7, 19, OxiC). J.>o~nn y 57, 190 <>zosky. Carhc:nne ~ 7 Page. R•y 6

Palmer, Suzanne '8 P2nas, Bruce 58

Pukm, Patricia ~8 Pasky, Sonia 58 Patm'SOI'I, Ba-enr 63 Payne, Berry )8, 190, 203 P«oo:lli, Sam ~8 Ptndkton, Nadine 58 Perkins. Connie 58 Perkins, Julie 58 Petm.on, Barban 187, 20') Pnmon, Cheryl 58, 148, 186 Pnmon, Kay~ 58 Petm.on, Roxanne 63 Pnen;on, Marc 58, 159, 172 Plulhps, Anseha 58, 186 Phillips, Cindy 58 Phillips, Melinda 58 Phipps, Ru$Sj!ll 58. 186, 193 Picken, Greg 18, 186 Pierce, Lisa 58, 211 Pierce, Vickie 58 Pingm-,An 58 Pins,Jantt 58 Plom, Helen 19, )8 Poner. Brent 6t 164 ~II. Normand 58 Pril-e,CharltsM Primm, Sandra )9, 20'>, 211 Pursc:r, Kim 59 Q111ntana. Corey W Quintana. Mike 63 Reading, Dan 6.\ R«ve, Russ 59 Reeve, Teena 59 !loch, Barbara 63 Ri< hardiOO. Cindy 63 Rinud. Coul 59 Ridtn!!,Janet 59, I')'} R1<hng, Sus:~n 24, W Robbins. Gary 59 Robison, Cindy 59. 186, 211 Rubin!!on. Sandy 63, 211 Ro<ks, Doul! 63. 186 Ro~~CrS, Dodi 59 Ross, Burke 24, .\9, 164, 186 Ro», Todd 24,59 Roundy,l..:luric 59 Rowell, Darrell W Sadler, t:hene W S..nt. Sharon 59 Sav • . Todd 59 S..hm1dt, Chris W Sd>midt, Gina W S..hocnin~t . Krim W, 16') S..hourcn. Mike 59,61 S..ovill. and)• 59. 186, 205 Se~sitln>. Susan W ShA<p, Korin 61 Sh•rp, Ray 60 Shaw , Cary 60 Sh.1w, Jc"oe 6.1 Sh1pil'y. Elaone 60 Short, Sun 60. I 95 Shrycr;, LuAnne 60 Sleven,, Tony (il, 119, 176 S&l<olt, 8ryan(o/J Simon, Roben 60, 149 S&rnnc. Robc:n M. 165 Sucmorc, Karolyn 60 Skmncr. 1'trt'U 60 Smarr. Eu,~~Cnc M Smnh, Anneue(JO, 148 Smnh. lle<ky 60 Smith, <'Indy (lj Smuh, Douji 60 ~·nth.,Jcffc.o

Sm1th, Paul60 Sm1th, Paul(,() Smllh.Ph.lirw Sm11h. R•nlK' ()(), 186

>reniC'n, Phll1p 60 .' ran. Ro-cmanc 60 Suitland, Rus!IC.'ll 63 S<cadman. ,lana 60. 211 Smlmjl, Connie 60 Ste ·an, Mark 61 Still, Bnan 1,, 61, P~. 203 Stetlill.fl. (.annie 60

Stewart, Mark 61 Still, Brian 1~,61, 173,203 Stillman, John 19 Stonehocker, Carok 61 Stout, Brenda 63 StringfeliQ'N, Todd 61 Sr.uart, Tracy 63 ~tubbleficld, Roger 61 Sturdy, Cyril63 Sunberg, Sheri 63 Sundell, Jack 61 Swc:nring, Susy 61 SwenSClll, Invc 63 Svbrowsky, Glenn 61, 16), 186 T;lit,Tina61,2()') Topia, Mary 61, 198 T•y.lor,Bry«:61 Taylor, I<.artm 61, 186 Taylor. Mackey 61, 16~ Taylor, Wendy 61 Tazzer. Soni2 61, 199 Thaxton, Shawna 61 Th•yne, Wayne 63 TI>elin. Rus~ll63, 165 Thomos. Brad 61 Thomas, Calli 61. 186 Thome. Karen 24, 61. 148 Thompson. Tianna 63 Thome, Debbie 61 Thorne.l..oriltt61,186 Thorpe, Anne 63 Timothy, Billy 24, 61, 19~ Timothy, Debra 62, 186, 205 Tobin, Kathy 62 Ton~tish. Dan 62 Trujtllo, LaVonnc 63 T.. ni81M, Cath)· 62 l:libarri, Pamala 63 Underwood. Darrt'll 63 Va<caro, Glona 24, 62, 121, 148 VanAmcn, Nttlia 62 Vanleeuwen, Ralyn 62 Vcater. Rebecca 62 Veltri, Steven 62 Vowles, Danny 62 Wads,.·orth. Con 62, 195 Wag"aff. Karen 62 Waj!mff. Teri 62 , 168 W•lton . Tad12na 62, 186 Webster, Inve 62. 195 Webster.)o} 62 Webster. Michelle 63 Webster. Ron 63 Wekh . Pusy Welch . Tony 63 Wendt . Robert 63 Wcnll, Kenneth 62 White, Cyndi 24. 62, 186 While, Jonah 63 Wolkens, Randy 62 Wtlkemon, Robert 63 Wollcttc, Shanna 62, 168,205 Wilham;, Ddl62 Wilham•. Robyn 62 W1ll1•m•. Tem· 62 W1l1011. S..ndra 63 Woodruff. Kent M Woolsey, Mark b\. 149. 191 W)m•n. 8fC'nt 63. 195 Y.11cs. Jeancne 63 Yathe. Gary 63 Yer~tcn'K:n . N1el M. 195 Youn~t . Donald 6\ Young. Fr2nC<.'IlC 63 Youn~t . Muk ()\ Ymt. Brenda 63 hcj!ler,Julu 63 :t'AIJ>2n, (jrorJ!C 63, 195

Sophomores AI~Ha.

Rosita 83 Adams, Shcnl)nn M Ainso.onh. Wendy 83 ~'· Dav1d 65, I"<) Aluttt. Troy M. 1'9 Albre.hurn. Gthy M Alder,JoAnn M Allen. Bi 11 83 Allen. Bmn 65, 166, 186

Allen, Darlc:nc 65 Allen, Gordon 65 Allen, Kar:Uee 65 Allen, Reid M Allen, Teresa 65,208 Allsop, Sheri 6'S. 168 Ammon~.

Wendy 83

Anderson, Brett 6~ Anderson, Rela 65 Anderson, Carrie 6j, 186 Anderson, Dame 193 Andei-son,J. 6~ Andk-rson, Michelle 83 AnderiOO, Robc:n 6~. 186 Anderson. Ru$Sj!lJ 65 Anderson, Tracy 83 Andmon, Lesley 6~ Andrnson, Wendy 83 Andriz:ti, lan«: 6~ Andrus, Tracy 6~ Archuleta, Ryan M, 186 Arko, Allen 83 Arnold, James 6~. 186 Armitstcad.)ohn 65 Aronone. Fr1nk 6'S Ashton. Kin 6~ Bagky,)cff 65 Bailey, Wenddl6~ Baiky, Carol83 Baker. Holly 6l. 186 Ballamis, Louis 6'S Ballard. Mary 66 Ballard, W•yn~66 Barber, Cory 24, 66. 199 Bares. Debr:o 66 Baugh, Charlene 66 Bcardall, linda 66 Btxk, Mark 66 Btxkstead, Innny 83 Btxlc.stc•d. Mark 66 Bc<·kstcad, Rus~ll 66 Begay, Ruth 83 Bell. Norman 66 Benson. Heidi 66 Bcnrky. Sam 66 Bergener. Korby 66 Bcrj!Cson. Lyn~nn 66 Bird. Marty66 Btrd. Tracy 66 Bm·h,Jtm66 Bla,·ko.·ood, Lynne 66 Blundell, Bryan 66 &dtchcr. Shelley(>(> Bogcns.:hutz.Jamic 66. 208 Bllgro><'hutz, Susan 66 Bolliger. L)'ndon 66 Bohon, Rus~ll66 Booms. Tommy66 Bosch. G~ry 66 Bo... lcs. Brent 83 Bo'Oiman. Bla~r66. 186 Bo.. man. Ste.·en 83 Bomsred,Jim 66 Bormon. Deanna 66. 186, 208 Bormon. Paul 66 Brad) . Gordon 24. 67 Br~ze . Cr2ig 61 Breeze. Teri 67 Brimley , Chri s 186 Briton, Shaun• 61 Brooks. Trudy 61 Brown . Caroldten 67 Brown. Cindy 6'. 208 Brown . Hugh 67 Brown ,Jdf !C)' 61 Brown . l...cs• 67 Brown. Mark 83 Brown . Mich•cl 61, 159 Brown, Ru s~ll67 Bunkal l. Kenr 61 Burdrn. Brt'rt 67 Burak. Roger 61 Bur,<ron. Paul 83 Burke. Pat 67• Burkinshaw. Tror 61 Burnin~th•m . Kim 67 Burns, James 61 Burnside. Br2d 61. 186, 187 Bumside.Jackie 61, 148 Burt, Barry 67, 186 Burton. Scott 61 Butler. Brett 83 Butler. .Jeff !C)· 83 Bunerf icld. Troy 67


Steve 67. 193 Roger 67 ' Llidwd l. Craig 6 C.tldwdi.John 67 Cannon. Doug 67 Cmol l. Bryan 67. 186 Omer. Ronald 67. I . 191 <:. rtWright. Aaron 68 C.mcrline, Loren 68 Cue . Mike 83 Chapman. Marty 83 Chavc>. Miguel68. 186 :hmholm. Terry 68 Chnsten n. Carrie 68 Cllflsten n. David 6R Cllflstcn n. Mark 68. 11!6 Chnstcn;en. Nyle 68 Chri stensen. Peter 68 Chnstm'Cn. Polly 24, 68 Cllflstt n!len . Ruth 68 Clark. Cmie 83 Clarke. M~rk 83 Clements. Konnne 68 Colem.Jdf 68 Coletti. aulie 83 Collier, Ktm 68 Colgunhougn,Jame' 68. 186 Comlx . Brenda 68 Conely. Davtd 68 Co'tann. Randy 68 Cowkv. Bret 68 Cowley. Steven 68, 18<> Cra,I(S<, Susan 68, lo~ C<Jpo, .Mevln 68. 201! C'.rump.o<ker, l)~na RJ Creb;. Andy !H Crook>. Cynthta 68 <.rrm. Chri s 83 (juu;h, MKhad (-,8 Crysul. Lu 68. 18(> ( urm, Kenneth 68 <.unis. Tony 68 l.un&<. Tmy 81 ( Urtl>, Verl68 Cutler. Heather(>!\, 193 Cutler, Todd 68 Dav~> . l>.trwtn (fi) Davts. Peter (f) lny. Marlene YJ lntgneautt. Jne m. 1!17 lnnste. John (f) !)" td;on Ronald (f), 11!6 Deal. Lm-.· YJ. 186 Dean. Mark (f) Ddlour. Duug69. 19.1 l~urlk.


Dennt>on. Karla (+) l:knntson. Kay)~ (fi), 168 Den>ley. Casey If). 186 Denton. Edgor !!3 Deupont. Dcnntc (-f) Di<ktrson. Bryan <>9. 1~9. 186 Dumar. Angela If) Dowland. Randy (f) Draper. Mark (>9 Dunn. :.hcnlyn (>9 Dusenbcrrv •.J~net ('f) Elxll. MKhcllc ('f) F.ben, Klfk (+) F.~.kman . Allen ('f) F.dwanb. Cheryl (f) F.dwar<h, Janet (fi) &lward>. Pollyann~ If) ~en. Tim(f> FJ~:. Pmi<e <>9. 186 EIAAren. Chnm If) Enn"'• Mdodtc !!3 Endah, S~m R3 f.rJ<bon,Janet 70. 149 f:tJ<bon. Ronme 70 f.v~n;on,Jeffrey 70 henii.Jolenc:83 Fairboum. Marvm ~0 Fairboum. Rodney 70. 186 f~lfkolf. Ddlblt' 83

two hundred orty-six

Fowles. Nolan 70 Fredrickson. Cllhy 70, 186 Fnebc: I. Gcan 70 Fri mslcy. Charles 70 Fritz. Pau l 70 Fuger. Robc:rt 70 Fu rner. Steven 70 V..llagher. Robert 70 V..nsauge. Lori 70 V..ramcndi. Mark 70. 186 V..rdncr. Jenntfer 70 V..rf tcld. Jan 70, 193 Gtbbs. P ul R_l Gtbson. Catlw 70 Gibson. 1" h;~cl 186 Gifford. Stan '0 Gdgen. uhe "O Gon<ales. P· mua 70 Gord. v,.kir 70 Goodri h. Rebc ca 70, 209 Gorn n c,Jan !13 Gorbc:r,l(. Byron 70 Gr.ham,Jat k•t 24.71 Gr.h •m. R n 'I Gr>y, Ru ~ II HI Green . Robm '1 Greg ry . B ·tc 1 Grib lc. Glenn 71 Gnff nh. G unt 71. 149 Gnffnh >. lkrmont 71 Grum•ud. R1<k 71 Groom. n1\C 83 Grunw•ld. fohn 71 Gry!(la,Joel 71 Gue t.Jamt ' 1 Gurr. !);~ria 71 Gu)' an . krrm 71 Hale . rrrn 71 Haii, Tim71

Hamdton. R•clcne 71 Han'it'n . Dav"J 71 Han>en . No<:l 71 llan>on, Mtldred 71 lfard&n~ot. Ro rt 71 Hampton. Jeannmc 71 Harn>. Mtkr 71 Harmon,Jame ~ 1 Hatd>,Jt·nntfer 71, 20.1.20), 222 lhr,h . Sluvnc 71 HJuetrr. Shert 71, 20~ Heap•. 'cd '1 Heaton, F.rJ< 72 llendcr~>n. Ht-n 72 Hcnntng>en , Glen 72, 191 Henne, l>•vtd 72 Hcpner.Jatntt' 72, 192 Hcrman.cn , Shdoah 72 lkyw,.Jd.I.cw, 72 Ht,l(llen>. Ronda 2~. 72, 190 Hdl,[)a,,d72,1!i0 Htll K•rrn 72 Hdi.Lc>hclll Htll,.,h , Rtibm 7',20~ Ho,~Q~an.Ri,k 11!6 Hoffman, Mark 7'. 166 Holm MarkHI Holltj. l>avtd ~ 1 Hulm>tead. Kendall 2 Holt, Shtrlynn 72, 148 Homer, Karen 24, 72, 1\6, 118 Homer. K~ylene 72 Hooptiatna. Mark 72 IW. lll() Home. Tr•<Y 24, 2, 1 12 Huutthlon Make "2 HouKk~r. ~ 72 How.rd. Ktvan 71 llowell, Dm 72

. sen. Karen 73 Jen,..n.J•m 73 ) en n. Lc-. 7.1. 210 )cn\Cn , M relyn 73 )cn ....·n. S< tt 73 .kn-.cn. Steve 73 .Jcn.,n. R J nd;~ ll 73 John,.>n ,Jdfory 73 .John~n . K ;~ rcn 83 John">tm . Randall 83 lohn>On , Robyn 7.1. 210 John -.on. Ruth 3 Jonn. Chad 'I. 186 )ont'<,Jtm 7 \ Joo'. Rel'O;~e 73

Kt'C k . Tr.n 73 Kemp. Lynette 73 K mp. Roocn 73 Kemple. Steve 7 Kcnn llv. Danene 73 Kcrb,, 1..tna ' 3. 11 H.l 86 Kn-.cr;. Vl\tme 71 Kirton , Ailn 7 . 11!6 Koe kr . Dougla~ H Korp>. D~anc 71, 186 Krcb . Mtke ' 1 Lambson. Mclvtn 7-1 Limptn,l(. Claud ~a ' 1 l..tn.a tt·r. Maf) 74 l..mt·, Plulltp 71, !Hi> l..tng. Ikhhte •I f..tn}lt'nha< ker. Crv,tJI 7·1 1.''"11 ton . Klftus 71 l.lr!C.'n , Ht·Aihcr t, 1!16 Lirson. Terry 1 Lnatcr. f)avtd 74 Lcc.)-.l ' 1 l..t-r. Vcr;~kne 71 khcnb;~ucr . lt'rf) 71 kht•nb;~un . .J~ ktt' 74 l. ronard. Barbit' 71 l.c>t~r . .Juht· 71 l.cwt>..John 4 ''"""· Karen 74 1Jmi>. Hamcn '1.16M IJnam . <••rry 166 lJn<kman. Con " 1 1Jnnart. L"a '1, llC> IJn~d . { 111 h '4, IH() lloyd, I n>-.c '1. 20\ IJ>g.an.Jcnny 1, I!«> lu> lc, Todd 71 '"'de ' · Shelly 1 l.utrm.Jtmm~ '·I l.u<tro. 1'.11 1(>\ l.unt, lt•l ' ~ . 19~ hl..tn ,I •ria ~ l.)mJn ,Jtm 1~ l.¥man f.c,Jtc ' l.wn. Monte · ~. I 1<) l'-IJlko , T••IJ \ illalm , ~)l('rtll '\, 1!«> 1\.l..rw•c,duu Mane 4. n Man. I\ and~ ~ M.tront.·), Su\An "''\

1\.bmn. Rtdurd ' ) I\.!• run. l>avr " ~ 1\.!•rA<tkl. Ralph 7~ 1\.IJ,.,q Shdly ~ Ma-tro. N~<k ), 1116 L. ndk•. Lauu ~ M,< .rtcr l><:nn" '


76 Mmhell. Glenn 76 Mock. Denece 76 Murphy, Llura 76 Mullncr,Julie 210 Muir, Deanna 76 Murphy. Michael 76, 186 Neff , Wadc 76 Nelson , Andrew 24, 76 Nelson , Jeff 76, 186 Nelson , Lori 76 Nelson, Randy 76 Nelson. Tina 76, 186 Neria, Robert 76 Neve,Jamae 76 Newbold. Ken .76 NKhol, Laura 76 Nichol~. Terry 76, 193 Nielson, Amber 76, 148 Niemann, Aaron 76 Nokes, Holly 76 Noorda. Tina 76 Nowothy. Craig 76 O:akden. Robyn 76 01-.en, Chad 76 Ol:.en , Connae 76 Ol:.cn, Davad 76, 164, 166 01-.en, Bmn 77, 166 l)r,l(di,Dcm,l(las 77 Ol><m, Dune 77 ()rth. Brian 77 ()o.der, Davad 77 ()o,clcr. Monaao:e 77 ()o,der, Ree,e 77 Ovmon, Shelly 77, 20~ ()vaau. lhvad 77, 1!16 P:lcc. Kevan 77 P:ln!(O>, Becky 77, 1(~) Parker, Terry 77 Parker. [)enwn 77 P.11ks. L"a 77, 186 Pm).,lo!ieph 24,77 J>:o,ket, Ruth 24 P:ltttN>n, Tan 77 l'a)·ne, Karla 77 ~anon. Bnu~ 77 ~an, M1<had 77 ~wrcllo, Nan<) 77 ~ncn. lkrt 77, 193 ~rkins. l}~vad 77 ~ter>t'n, (\oyd 77 ~tcr;c-n, Donna 77 Ptcer..cn, Marean 7? ~cer:.cn , Rcbec<a 77 Ptuy , Kaylenc 77 Phallp>, Roben 77 Phapp>, Mu<h 77 , 186 Pixwn, llrcnc 77 Pollachne, Andrew 78 Powel l, Sccphcn 7R, lt!6 Prau ,Jcffcry 78, 187, 191 Pme, V an<COI 78 Pramm, Maqory 78, 186 Pnn<c. Dwa,<tht 78, 186 l'r)or. Slunnec 78 Pull•n . Jocy 711, 166 R•,l(><.b lc. Russell 24 , 78 R.I,<t>band, Terrae 78 Rec<e. Karl 78 Reed, Kcnc 78 Read. Kri;tic 78 Readlan,11. 1hvad 78 Radurd>. l.an<C 78, lt!6 Radlln\,joannc 78 Radanl( , Ball 78 Rad anl(, Don 78 Radang,l nt 78 Ragby, Rulon 78 Ravu, Army 78 Robem, Myrna 78 Rohcn'><m,John 78

Robert'>On, Toma 'IS, 193 Robmson. C.rolyn 24, '8 Roden. Lynn 78, 187 Rogers, Mark 78 Rogers. Ross 78 Romero. Fred 78 Ross. Kimberly '9. 20~ Roycer. Kenneth '9 Sadler. Chns 79 Sahsbury. Douglas 79 Salter. Scephame '9 Sam. Robert '9 Sargent, Sharon 83 Saunders. Holly 79 Sch.!fman, Mike '9 S<hliAAI. Viviane 79 5<11madt, Douglas 79 S<hmidt, Drew 83 S..hnepple,James 166 S<heAal. Vivian 187 Scott. Craig 79, 186 So:ovlil, Mio:hael 79, 166 ScdgewKk. Randy 79 Sha~l. Patricia 79, 148 Sharp, Lisa 79 Shaw, K.chy 79. 193 Simrnoms, Shauna '1'9 Simonson, Carl 79 Simonson, Dcbbae 79 Stmon:;on, Bob 79 Sinnott. Dawn 79, 20~ Sinne, (}avad 79, 166 Slupwonh, Mitchel 83 Smm,Jim 79 Smuh. Darrdanne 79 Smuh.Jenlyn 79. 187, 193 Smith, Kella 79 Smith, Kevan 79 Smith, Krasciann 79 Smuh. Layne 79 Smuh. Marty 79 Smith, Paul 83 Smith, Sceven 80 Smuh. Tad 80 Smuh, Tom 186 Snadcman. Sceven 83 Snow, Danny 80 Soren>t>n. Kachlcen 80 SorenK'n. Martorie 80 Sorenson. Don 80, 186 Sorenson, Bill80, 186 5ma, Al~x 80 Spenc~r. E vdyn 80, 187 Spnn11~r. Vinr~nt 80 Sea. khou!i<', James 83 Stephens, Dennis 83 Scrphenson. Lyle 80 Stephenson, Phillip 80 Sccwen, Kevin 80 Seed, Teresa 80 Scollman, Haeda 83 Scorpcr. Daanna 80 Scrar~. Merrall80. 166 ~uan. Tanya 83 Sudbury, Scon 80 Sum••on, Ehzabcch 80, 186 S...ank, Gordan 83 Swanson, Kark 24 , 80, 16) Swenson, Doug 80 Sw•lor. Mitch 80 Takrmori, Brec 80, 186 Tanner. Kenyon 80, 186 Taylor. Brenda 80 Tempesc, Renee 80 Tenney, Steven 110 Terry, Bnan 80 Thaxcon. Mdan:e 110 Thompson, Monee 80 Thompson, Shdby 83 Thompson, Debbae 80 Thorn. Krasn 24, 81

TI1orp<". Davad 81 Timii,Janec 81 Throckmorton, Cherie 81 TilUeringen, Pamela 81 Tamoncy, Ryan 81 Tamorhv, Ryan 81 Tobm. Thomas 83 Tolman. Make 81 Tondro. Marlene 81 Toole, l\lelame 81. 136. 148, 186 Torres. Rodney 81, 186 Tripp.Jdf 81. 186 Tripp, 1\hke 8~ Troester. Lon 81 Tu<kcr. Amy 24,81 Turner. Bud 81 Turner. Gene 83 Turner, Lorie 81 Turtle. RaNae 81 Tyler. Gary 81. 166 Tyler.Marie83 Cnderwood, Mark 83 Valenzuela. Dyann 83 Van Amen. Marty~. 81, 166 Vance. Connac 83 Vamas>ell. Sta0 81 V>wdrc).Curt81 Vawdrev. Maxinc81 Vawdr('). PaulS! va ...·drey. Scott 81, 186 Veaaer. Lonn)· 81 Wads,.•orch, Tod 24. 81, 186 W>dddl. Rick) 81 Wahlen. jolene 81 Walkenhorsc,Jdf 81 Walkenhorsc.Jodi 81, 16<) Walker. Keith 81 Wall,l.anda82 Wallgren. Ronnie 83 Walton. Danny 82 Warburton, Don 82 Ward. Kark82 Waf"·ack, Daniel83 Washburn. Claudia 82, 186 Wacson, Phillip 82 Wca,er. Michelle !12, 169 Webb. Mark 82 Weed. Cindy 82 Welch, Brad 82 Wendt, Raeder 186 W~t. 1\f•chelle 82, 187 W~tbrook, Shelly 82 W~terman, Paul82 W~tphal. Gtq~ 82 'X'hetman. Valainc 82 Whidock . Karie 82, 20~ Wicnch. Derek 83 Wdkenson. Scott 83 Wilhams. Krascy 82 Willaams, Scon 82 Williams. Venny 82 Williamson. Gary 82, 186 Winegar. Di2nne 83, 148, 186, 193 Wan~gar. Kristin 82 , 148, 186, 193 Winegar. Mark 83 Winkler. Colette 82 Wiseman . Tammy 82 W~scman . Tracy 82 Wichers, Connie 82 Wolfgram . Peter 82 Wood . Rhonda 82 Woolsey. Bryan 82. 186 Wonhangcon. Trcna 82 Wraghc .Judy 83 Yazhe. Ernie 83 . 149 Yergcnsen, Ktm 83, 191 Young. Kun 83. 149 Young Lone 83 Young. Shayne 83 Young. Yony8\.20~

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