New Sky 5 Livro do Aluno

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7a 1



Do you like this T-shirt?

Vocabulary: Clothes

a) Listen and repeat. Complete the words. • T-shirt • jumper • jeans • trousers • skirt • dress • boots • trainers • baseball cap

1 _j u_ m p _e _r

2 __s_b__ __p

3 __m__r 5 T-s____

6 _o_t_

4 __o__e__

8 __a__e__




7 _r_s_

9 _k__t

[icono Multi-Rom] Listen and read

Jodie: Do you like this T-shirt, Lucy? Lucy: Yes, I do. It’s really cool. Leo: Look, Rob! They’ve got some great CDs. Rob: Where? Show me. Leo: Here’s 50 Cent’s first CD. Rob: Great! I think he’s wicked! Lucy: I don’t like him. He’s horrible! Jodie: Do you like this baseball cap, Lucy? Lucy: No, I don’t. But I like the boots. Jodie: I like them too. They’re brilliant. Leo: No, they aren’t. They’re ugly. Jodie: Go away and leave us alone, Leo. You haven’t got any taste. Now listen and repeat.


Everyday phrases It’s really [cool]. Show me. Great!

He’s wicked! Go away. Leave us alone.

3 Check Note the clothes that the friends look at.




Vocabulary: Adjectives

Listen and repeat. • brilliant • cool • horrible • wicked • great • ugly

7a Grammar I ➜ you ➜ he ➜ she ➜ it ➜ we ➜ you ➜ they ➜

me You like me. you I like you. him I like him. (Rob) her I like her. (Lucy) it I like it. (the T-shirt) us They like us. (Lucy and me) you I like you. (you and Bruno) them I like them. (the boots)

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Complete the conversation.

me . Do you like my new top? A: Look at 1…… B: Yes, I like 2… a lot. A: I’ve got a top and a skirt for 3… too. Here you are. B: Oh, thanks. I really like 4… . A: Oh no! There’s Eddie. Do you like 5… ? B: No! Go away, Eddie, and leave 6… alone!

Read and write


a) Note the clothes that Simon likes.

My clothes Simon from Manchester

Grammar I like the boots. I don’t like the shoes. Do you like the T-shirt? Yes, I do. Do you like the cap? No, I don’t. I do not like = I don’t like. Ver página 00 do Banjo’s Grammar Store



a) Talk about the clothes in Exercise 1. A: I like the trainers. They’re brilliant / wicked. B: I don’t like the boots. They’re horrible / ugly. A: Do you like the baseball cap? B: Yes, I do. It’s great. / No, I don’t.

My school clothes are a blue jumper, a grey shirt, black trousers and black shoes. They aren’t my favourite clothes! I haven’t got lots of trousers and shirts. I don’t like them. My favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. I’ve got six pairs of jeans! I like trainers but I don’t like boots. I’ve got a new pair of trainers. They’re wicked. b) Now write about your clothes.




Song: The Clothes Song

Go to page 00. Complete the song.


7b 1



They sleep in caves.

Vocabulary: Wild animals

a) Listen and repeat. • crocodile • elephant • giraffe • giraffe • kangaroo • leopard • lion • monkey • panda • tiger 5 b) Match.

2 3







1 panda




[icono Multi-Rom] Read

Snow leopards don’t live in the jungle. They live in the mountains of Central Asia. They’ve got beautiful grey fur with black and brown spots. They’ve got small heads, long tails and big paws.

Now listen and repeat.

Snow leopards don’t eat plants or fruit. They eat meat. They hunt asheep and small animals. They run very fast. They hunt in the day and sleep in caves at night. People hunt snow leopards for their fur. Now there are only 5,000 snow leopards in the world.

3 Check Choose the correct words. Snow Leopards 1 home: 2 colour: 3 heads: 4 food: 5 hunt: 6 sleep:


a) jungle a) grey a) small a) plants a) people a) in the day

b) mountains b) grey, black and brown b) big b) meat b) sheep b) at night

7b 4



Vocabulary: Verbs


Do snow leopards sleep at night? Yes, they do. Do they eat plants or fruit? No, they don’t.

Listen and repeat.

1 eat

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2 sleep



Ask questions about snow leopards. 3 hunt

5 walk

4 run

6 jump

Grammar They eat meat. They don’t eat plants or fruit Ver página 00 do Banjo’s Grammar Store



Complete the sentences about snow leopards with the correct form of these verbs. • eat (x 2) • hunt (x 2) • live (x 2) • run 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

live in the mountains. Snow leopards …….., don’t live in the jungle. They ……………….. They … plants or fruit. They … meat. They ... very fast. They … at night. People … them for their fur.

1 2 3 4 5

… eat fruit and plants … sleep in caves … hunt sheep … live in the jungle … run fast

A: Do snow leopards eat fruit and plants? B: No, they don’t. A: Do they sleep in caves? B: Yes, they do.





Listen to the radio quiz about giraffes and note the information. Colour: Have got: Live: Eat: Sleep:


……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… ……………………………………………… brown and yellow ………………………………………………


Use your answers from Exercise 7 to write about giraffes. Giraffes are brown and … They’ve got …




Rap: The Animal Rap

Go to page 00. Listen and complete the rap.


7c 2



She has lessons at the studio.

[icono Multi-Rom] Read

Extra Special! Amy Franks is ‘extra’. She’s in lots of films but she doesn’t speak. You can see her in the Harry Potter films and Stormbreaker! Where does Amy go to school? She goes to a secondary school in London.

Does she go to school every day? No, she doesn’t. She acts in two or three films every year. She doesn’t go to school then. She has lessons at the studio.

What time does she get up? She gets up at six o’clock. A car takes her to the film studio. She has breakfast with the extras.

When does she have lessons? She starts her lessons at two o’clock and finishes them at half past four.

Does she like her job? Yes, she does. She loves it!


What does she do in the holidays?

Now listen and repeat.

2 Check Right (3), Wrong (7) or Doesn’t Say (?) Amy doesn’t go to school. Her school is in London. She walks to the film studio. She watches TV in the holidays. She’s in a band.

Vocabulary: Daily routine

a) Listen and repeat.

She plays sport and watches TV.

1 2 3 4 5



• get up • have breakfast • go to school • start school • have lunch/dinner • have dinner • do homework • go to bed • watch TV • play sport b) Match. 1 have breakfast





7c Grammar


Amy goes to school in London. She doesn’t go to school every day.

Does Amy go to school? Yes, she does. Does she act every day? No, she doesn’t.

Amy has a big breakfast She doesn’t have breakfast at home. Amy gets up very late. She doesn’t get up early. Ver página 00 do Banjo’s Grammar Store



Complete the sentences about Amy with the correct form of these verbs.

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Ask and answer about Amy. A: Does Amy go to school in London? B: Yes, she does. A: Does Amy go to school every day? B: No, she doesn’t.


• act • finish • get up • go • have • not go • not have • start • watch 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Amy goes ……… to school in London. She … to school every day. She … in two or three films a year. She … lessons at the studio. She … at six o’clock. She … her lessons at two o’clock. She … TV in the holidays.



Where does he go to school? What time does he get up? What does he do in her holidays? Ver página 00 do Banjo’s Grammar Store



a) Ask and answer questions about Alex Pettyfer. A: Where does Alex live? B: He lives in London.



1 2 3 4 5

Where / live? (in London) Where / go to school? (not go to school!) What / do every day? (act!) What time / get up (6.30) What / do / in the holidays? (watch TV / play sport)

b) Use the questions to ask your friend. A: Where do you live, Paulo? B: I live in … 5




Write about your friend’s life for a school website. Look at Exercise 6. 6


Paulo lives in …




Song: Vicky the Vampire

Go to page 00. Listen and complete the song.


7d 2



Skills and culture A day at my school

[icono Multi-Rom] Read

Listen and read the texts.

Beth from the UK This is Beth. She’s eleven and she goes to Backwell School in Bristol. She’s in Year 7. Her favourite subjects are English and History. She doesn’t like Maths very much! Beth starts school at 8.45 in the morning and she has four lessons before lunch. At 12.45 she has lunch. School starts again at 1.30. There are two lessons in the afternoon. School finishes at 3.30, and after school Beth goes to Homework Club. On Monday she plays basketball.

Vocabulary • Year 7 • in the morning / afternoon • webcam • before • basketball




Shane from Australia Hi, my name’s Shane and I’m Australian. I’m twelve, and I live on a big sheep farm and I have lessons at home. I talk to my teacher and school friends on the radio. I can see them on a webcam. Lessons start at 9.30 and they finish at 12.00. After lunch I have lessons again, from 2.00 to 4.30. I send my homework to my teacher by email. My favourite subject is Science. I like Maths too, but I don’t like English very much. After lessons I work on the farm with my dad or I play cricket.

Vocabulary: School subjects

a) Listen and repeat. • English • Maths • History • Geography • Science • French • Spanish • I.C.T • Drama • Art • Food Technology • R.E • P.E. b) What are your favourite subjects?


7d 3 Check Choose the correct words. 1 Beth likes/doesn’t like History. 2 She has four/six lessons every day. 3 She likes/doesn’t like sport. 4 Shane can/can’t see his teacher. 5 He does/doesn’t do homework. 6 He likes Maths/English.





Listen to Harry and complete the sentences. 1 Harry starts school at 8.45 ……… . 2 There are … lessons in the morning. 3 He has lunch at … . 4 In the afternoon, lessons start at … . 5 His favourite subjects are … and … . 6 Lessons finish at … . 7 He has a guitar lesson on … .



Your partner is from a different country. He/She asks about your school. 1 A: What time do you start school? B: I start at … 1 What time do you start school? 2 What year are you in? 3 Do you have lessons in afternoon? 4 Is there a Homework Club? 6 What do you do after school?


My school da y Writing tip Capital letters (2) We use capital letters for: • Days of the week Tuesday • Languages and nationalities Portuguese • School subjects on a timetable Maths Read the texts again and find examples of capital letters.



Write an article about your school day. Paragraph 1 • How old are you? • What school do you go to? • What year are you in? • What are your favourite subjects? Paragraph 2 • What time do you start school in the morning? • How many lessons do you have every day? • What time do you have lunch? Paragraph 3 • What time do you finish school? • What do you do after school? • When and where do you do your homework?

I’m …. I’m … years hool old. I go to … sc the in Portugal. I’m in urite … grade. My favo re … school subjects a


Revision Unit 7 1 a) Complete the missing

3 Complete with do or don’t.

letters to make six adjectives. Nueva Ilustración

Do you like those boots? A: 1…… B: No, I 2… They’re ugly. 3… you like that top? A: Yes, I 4…. But I 5… like that T-shirt. It’s horrible. B: Look! There’s Jenny and her big sister. 6… they live here? A: Yes, they 7….

4 Look at the chart. Write sentences about the animals. b) Write the words in the correct lists.

Kangaroos live in Australia. They don’t eat meat. They don’t hunt at night. Lions live….


2 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. her . She’s Beth. I like ……. ‘Who are …?’ ‘I’m Tom.’ Look at my new trainers. I love …. I know … His name’s Jason. We’ve got a problem. Can you help …? This is my new T-shirt. Do you like …?















snow leopards


Eat Hunt at meat? night?


• you • him • her • it • us • them 1 2 3 4 5 6


5 Choose the right words.


• do • does x 2 • gets • go • goes • has • have • love • plays • watches



Sounds fun /g/ and /dz/

a) Listen and repeat. Gary’s orange jumper Looks great with his jeans And Joe’s green T-shirt Looks good when it’s clean!

Luke 2… football. Luke 3… up at 7.00 and he 4… a big breakfast, then he 5… football before school. Luke doesn’t 6… home after school. He 7… to the park with his friends. What do they 8…? They 9… fun with a football! In the evening Luke 10… his homework and then he 11… TV. What 12… he watch? Football!




b) Listen again and underline the /g/ sounds in red and the /dz/ sounds in green.


Complete the conversation. Listen and practise with Lucy. Then practise with a friend. Hi! I like your T-shirt!

Thanks .................

What’s your favorite band? Oh yes, they’re cool. And do you like sport? I like basketball. Do you play basketball at your school?





What do you do after school? ............................


I’ve got lots of homework. Bye! .......................

What can you do?

I can: • use adjectives to describe opinions • use object pronouns • use the present simple to describe likes and lifestyles • write a simple text about wild animals


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