RACHEL Di Fonzo singing with her church's choir for Easter
achel Di Fonzo has a melodic voice that melts like honey in tea. Her voice immediately makes me feel calm and centered. A song she leads, “I Wish That This Could Always Be” is perfect to listen to when you need to wind down and feel inspired to meditate. It speaks of a spring day, new beginnings, blue skies, and the moment of bliss in prayer when you feel completely connected to God and wish that the moment would never end. These lyrics about a moment forever, though written by someone else, is true for Rachel’s life and ministry. They describe the feeling she gets when fully connected and committed to her relationship with Christ. They also have the power to change and shape others by allowing us to experience how she feels about her faith through music. This is synchronicity in song that defies all borders and time, and brings you to a place where you experience the power of God’s love. Now more than ever we need praise music to uplift our spirits and bring us closer to our inner peace and serenity with God. The world we live in in 2020 has asked us to sacrifice many freedoms including how we worship at church. Online praise has been a source of comfort for many and has proven that the power of music and prayer can exist outside the walls of a church. Though our current situation is causing churches to rethink how we operate our ministries, one thing that has remained the same is our love for music. As a form of meditation, it also allows us to be closer to our communities and loved ones. A committed mother and talented singer, Rachel is allowing her God-given talents to shine in her community by sharing the gift of her voice. Rachel is a Roman Catholic with seven sons, ranging in age from 18-30 who are serious about their faith. For 12 years, she homeschooled her youngest sons all while balancing the demands of her church community. She comes from a musical family and has sung at church either in a choir or a cantor for more than forty years. Rachel’s preferred place to sing has always been church.
20 | This Is Her Story, This Is Her Song
Listen to Rachel sing "I Wish That This Could Always Be"