Holiday Issue 2018/2019

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Distributed by PMAI *Available at Asian markets and beauty stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアジア系マーケット・コスメ店へ


HOLIDAY 2018/2019


JPy Magazine


Cover Girl Story


LA and Tokyo Trend Selection


Holiday Gift Guide


Elegant Party Nail Designs


Event Report


Dream Navigation

Story behind our cover girl: Melodi Flack

Trending items from LA and Tokyo we want to share

Great gift ideas for her, for him and more

Best designs for holiday party nails

BCL x Emmy Awards 2018

Editor-in-Chief: Kana Miyamoto Sales & Marketing: Ryuichi Hoda Graphic Designer: Sumire Shimomura

Exclusive interview with Gia Gunn

Copy Editor: Erina

Cover Model: Melodi Flack Photographer: MICAFOTO ( Art Director & Coordinator: Beverly Eri Makeup & Hair: Erika Abe Nails: Marie NAILS (

Wardrobe 2nd STREET (

Supported by: JAPAN PROMOTIONS, Inc. KADOKAWA ASCII Research Laboratories, Inc.

REGULARS 22 24 26 28 33 34

Kai Beauty Care Pink Products Kawaii makeup with CANAMAKE Event Report: Human Academy Kiyoka’s Diet Channel LA Style with Beverly Eri Trending Topics

36 37 38 40 41 42

We LOVE Japanese Sweets Live Report: Scandal Nothing but the Teeth Holiday Hot Pot Recipe “The Diary of Ochibi” What’s JPy?

Special Thanks to: C CHANNEL

Copyright ©2018-2019 JPy All Rights Reserved. The publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited or contributed manuscripts, photographs, artwork, or advertisements. All information regarding editorial content or property for sale is deemed reliable.


MELODI FLACK The cover girl for this holiday issue is Melodi Flack, a model who graduated from university this summer. She brought so much energy and a cute smile to the photo shoot, where we were able to see her strength and maturity inside and out. In this interview, we’re going to take a closer look at her charm.

MELODI FLACK Model / Influencer Graduated UC Irvine this summer with a degree in education. Loves children and animals. Her Instagram has a lot of very happy and peaceful LA-style posts. @xxmelodi


1. Do you enjoy modeling? How did you get into modeling? I was scouted in high school several times but my mom told me I had to finish high school first, so I started when I got into college. I was with an agency for a year and a half, but wanted to focus on school, so I quit. I just signed a contract with an international agency. Working in the modeling industry definitely has creative vibes and I like that I get to meet many inspiring people. 2. So you studied education in school? I like children and always had interest in education growing up. When I was in high school, I volunteered every weekend for 3 years with students in special education to help them with their schoolwork, and also spent a lot of time with children. That is when I realized I liked teaching and started considering it as a possible career. It’s not about how much you get paid, but what matters the most is whether you enjoy it and what makes you happy. Since I see myself teaching when I settle down, for now I enjoy working in social media marketing, as a TV personality in Korea, and traveling. I’m not quite sure what will happen, but I may go back to school, and I would like to work with kids or teach English in the future. 3. What do you like to do on your days off? I like to put on a face mask and relax with my cat or play the piano. I grew up learning to play piano like every other Asian kid, and I recently started playing again. It’s nice to be able to play without being forced to, because it’s so relaxing and I get to play what I like. I play Studio Ghibli songs too. I also really like driving; I went on a three-week road trip to 14 states by myself this summer! I have family in Colorado, so I met up with them, and I also have friends in Indiana, so we spontaneously decided to meet up by driving to one another! I used to hate being alone, but driving 18 hours by myself made me realize how to enjoy “me” time. 4. What kind of fashion style best describes you? When I went to the JPy event, I had a unicorn look but I change my style depending on my mood. I like to be natural and comfy but I also like child-like styles with unicorn horns and aliens (lol). As for shopping, Urban Outfitters is my go-to and I wear shoes by my friend’s company YRU. 5. What are your beauty routines? I use Clinique Acne Clarifying Lotion when I break out. I always recommend it to my friends because it makes pimples go away. Also, I like the 7-step skin care and trying new face masks. Like this morning, I used an oxygen brightening face mask. For makeup, I like natural looks, so I use B.B. cream instead of foundation. But I do like to wear colorful eyeliners to match my green eyes. I like turquoise, pink, purple and white eyeliners too. 6. Do you have a life motto? There’s a story about a starfish that helps me remember why I want to do things. There are hundreds of starfish that are washed onto shore and they are all going to die. But there’s a guy that walks by and throws the starfish back into the water one by one. People often think it’s pointless to be able to help only a few of them when there are so many. But to me this story really makes me feel that even doing the smallest thing can make a big difference in somebody’s life. Helping a small part of a person’s life could change their life. I’m sure everyone has gone through tough times and somebody was there to help them. For me, I can trace back my memories to my 3rd grade teacher who took care of me when my father passed away by playing a jigsaw puzzle with me. Whenever I see jigsaw puzzles, I always think of her and I have very special feelings for her, and that’s how I want to be for someone else. 7. Any messages to JPy readers? It’s always important to go after what you like. It’s not fun and won’t last if you just do whatever someone tells you to do. But if you do what you love, then you should continue to do it no matter how small of a thing it is. I wouldn’t have imagined myself modeling but once I became a model, it became really fun and I started to think it’s for me. My mom, who used to be a model, gave me the best modeling advice: Be versatile. And with that advice, I try to express my emotions with different facial expressions while modeling. What’s more important than being skinny or curvy is to be your true self and remember there’s always a place for that. Just follow your dreams and do what makes you happy.


Wordrobe -CoverVintage dress: 2nd Street Head accessory: Hermes -ContentsJacket: Ralph Lauren Belt: Off White (2nd Street) Bare top: Urban Outfitters Pants: The New House -Cover Girl StoryHat: Christian Dior Pants: Issei Miyake (2nd Street)


1. モデルのお仕事は好きですか?どうやって始めたの? 高校生の時に何度かスカウトされたのだけど、 ママが高校を卒業したらと言うので 大学生になってから始めました。 1年半くらい事務所にも入っていたのだけど、勉強 や学校のことが忙しくて一旦はやめていたの。 でもこの夏に大学を卒業したので、最 近またインターナショナルモデルの事務所と契約したばっかり。 モデルの仕事は刺 激的な環境でクリエイティブな人たちと会えるところが気に入っているわ。 2. 学校では教育学を専攻していたの? 子供が好きだし、昔から教育にとても興味があったの。高校生の頃は3年間毎週末 スペシャルエデュケーションの子供たちの勉強をヘルプするボランティアをしていた し、それ以外にも子供たちと多くの時間を過ごしてた。それで自分が子供や教える ことが好きなんだって気がついて、先生になるのもいいなって思うようになったの。 お給料がいいか悪いかより自分がやってて楽しいこと、幸せになれることをやりたい って思うし。 ただ今すぐに先生になりたいってわけではなくて、今はモデルだけでな く、SNSマーケティングの仕事に関わっていたり、旅行に行ったり、韓国でテレビパ ーソナリティの仕事をしていたり、 とても忙しいから、落ち着くのはまだ早いかなと思 ってる。大学院に戻るかもしれないし、先のことはまだ分からない。 でも、 いつか何ら かの形で子供や英語の教育に関わりたいと思っているわ。 3. 空いている時間にはどんなことをしているの? フェイスマスクしながら家で猫と一緒にリラックスしていたり、 ピアノを弾いたり。 きっと多くのアジア人キッズがそうだと思うけど、私も例に漏れず子供の頃はピアノ を習わされていて、多くの子が途中でやめちゃうんだけど私は最近になってまた弾き 始めたの。 今度はやらされているんじゃなくて自分が弾きたくて弾いてるからすごくリ ラックスできるしいい時間を過ごせる。 ジブリ映画の曲を弾いたりもするわ。 あと運 転するのも好き。 この夏一人で、三週間かけて14の州を回るロードトリップに出かけ たの!コロラドに家族が住んでいていて家族が集まる機会があったんだけど、 インデ ィアナに親友も住んでいるし、 「それなら車で行っちゃおう!」 って (笑)。前は1人で過 ごす時間って苦手だったんだけど、18時間も一人で運転しているとさすがに慣れて、 一人の時間も楽しめるようになったわ。 4. ファッションはどんなものが好き? JPyのイベントにはユニコーンスタイルで行ったけど (笑)、気分によって色々なファッ ションを楽しむのが好き。基本的にはナチュラルで楽ちんなファッションが好きだけ ど、 ちょっと子供っぽい例えばユニコーンとかエイリアンみたいな (笑)、子供が好き なものも大好きなの。 よく買い物するのはUrban Outfitters。 あとお友達がやってい るYRUシューズもよく履いてるかな。

5. いつもしている美容法はありますか? ニキビができちゃった時はクリニークのアクネクラリファイングローション!ニキ ビがすぐ消えるし絶対オススメ。 あと7ステップのスキンケアも、新しいフェイスマ スクを試すのも大好き。今朝も撮影のために酵素マスクを試してから来たわよ (笑)。普段のメイクアップは、 自然な感じが好きだからそんなにファンデーション はしないけど、BBクリームは使うかな。 あと瞳がグリーンなので、 グリーンが映え るカラーのアイライナーを使うようにしてる。一番多いのはターコイズだけど、 ピ ンク、 パープル、 ホワイトのアイライナーも好き。 6. 人生で大切にしていることはどんなこと? ビーチに打ち上げられたヒトデを拾う少年の話があって、 ヒトデは海にいないと 生きられないから潮が引くと死んじゃうんだけど、 それを一つ一つ拾って海に戻 している少年がいるの。打ち上げられたヒトデはもう数え切れないほどいるから、 一つずつ拾って戻したって意味がないって思う人もいるんだけど、私はすごく大 切なことだと思う。全員を救うことはできないけれど、少しでも自分の出来る範囲 で救うことはできるし意味のあることだもの。一人一人の人生にとって、 そのこと がどのくらい大きなことかなんてその時は分からないし、小さなことが実はその人 の人生を変えちゃうような大きなことかもしれない。例えば誰にでも苦しかった 過去があって、 そういう時に助けてくれた人がいるはず。私は8歳の時にお父さん を亡くして辛かった時に、担任の先生がいつも一緒にジグゾーパズルをして元気 づけてくれていたんだけど、 ジグゾーパズルを見るといつも彼女のことを思い出す し、私にとって彼女はいつまでも大切な存在。私もそんな風に誰かの人生にとっ て大切な人になりたいと思ってる。 7. JPy読者にメッセージを。 大切なことは、 自分の好きなことをすること。人に勧められたことをやっても楽しく ないし、続かない。 でも自分がやっていて楽しくて幸せなことだったら、 どんな小さ なことでも続けてみたらいいと思う。私もモデルになるなんて想像もしていなかっ たけど、 やってみたら楽しかったら今はそれを続けてるの。 モデルだったママがよ く、 いつも同じ顔をしないで、感情を表せるモデルが良いモデルだってアドバイス をしてくれていたのだけど、例えばモデルのお仕事だったら、色々な表情を見せて 自分らしくいたらいいと思う。単純にスキニーだったらいいとか、 カービーだった らいいとかではなくて、 自分らしくしていたら求められる場所は必ずあるから心配 しないで。 自分の好きなことを追いかけて、 自分らしく人生を楽しんでね。









The Little Market

With “Empower Women” as their concept, Lauren Conrad and her best friend Hannah’s nonprofit online store is now a brick and mortar store. Their chic and cute products make great holiday gifts!

This is a product that turned the phrase “organic toothpaste tastes bad” into a false statement. Hello is a yummy vegan toothpaste that can be used by everyone in the family. With cute and simple packaging, this item makes your morning routine more fun.

”Empower Women”をコンセプトに、Lauren Conradが親友Hannahとともに手がけるノンプ ロフィットのオンラインストアが、 リアル店舗をオ ープン。 シックでキュート、 そしてメッセージの性 の高い商品たちはホリデーギフトにもぴったり!

「オーガニック歯磨き粉は美味しくない」 の定説 をひっくり返した、家族で使える”美味しい”ビー ガン歯磨きペースト”Hello”。 シンプルでキュー トなパッケージも人気で、毎朝のルーティーンを 楽しくかわいくしてくれます♡

4 2

サンタモニカビーチを一望できる開放的な空間で、海風 と地中海料理を楽しめるElephanteはオープンと同時 に予約の取れない人気店に。 カリフォルニアらしいミッ クスバイブを感じられ、 LAを代表するルーフトップレス トランになりそう。

Two Bit Circus A new play spot that brings together science, technology and creativity opened in the DTLA Arts District that even adults can enjoy. Experience futuristic fun like VR, next generation games and robots.


When you have a view of Santa Monica beach, sea breezes and delicious Mediterranean cuisine, it’s no surprise that Elephante has quickly become a difficult place to secure reservations. With its mixed California vibe, it definitely is becoming the it rooftop restaurant in LA.


テクノロジーとサイエンス、 そしてクリエ イティビティを融合した大人も楽しめる プレイスポットがLADTのアートディス トリスクトに登場!VR体験はもちろん、 次世代ゲームやロボットなど、 未来の遊 び場を是非体験してみたい。



A new concept of base makeup using oil tint for the face. Gentle, natural ingredients are like putting a filter on the skin to bring out its natural beauty. Live foundation-free with Kosas! フェイス用オイルティントという全く新しいコンセプトのベースメイク。 肌に負担をか けない天然成分で、 肌に自然なフィルターをかけ、 肌本来の美しさを引き出してくれま す。Kosasがあればファンデーション要らずの生活に!



LA and Tokyo are always trendy, full of happiness and creativity. We are introducing trend rankings from the editors of Tsuiran and JPy! Check out these trending items everyone wants to know about!


Motenashi Kuroki Ramen


Motenashi Kuroki in Akihabara was voted the winner of the 2019 “Ramen Walker Grand Prix,” competing with 23 other wards in Tokyo. Make sure to try their special Shoyu soba when visiting Tokyo!

Maelys Louna Marble iPhone Case iPhone case designed to “fit in your hand smoothly even with a square shape.” It has a minimalist design and great durability to protect your iPhone! 握り心地を計算した 「スクエアなのに手にな じむ」 iPhoneケース。 極限まで無駄を省いた ミニマルなデザインにもかかわらず、 ミルスペ ックを取得するほどの耐衝撃性も持っている ので、 大切なiPhoneをおしゃれにしっかりガー ドできて安心!

全国のラーメンファンのガチンコ投票によっ て決まる 『ラーメンWalkerグランプリ』 ラン キング2019で日本最激戦区・東京23区で 栄えある第1位に選ばれた秋葉原の名店 『饗 くろ㐂』特製醤油そばは、 東京に来た 際にぜひ食べてほしい一品! m13071596/



Snoopy Spark Case

Find your favorite scent in this 6-mini bottle hand cream set. Share with your friends or give as a gift!

A case designed with a sparkly, rhinestone Snoopy. With chocolates inside, this makes a great gift for others, or just yourself. After eating the chocolates, you can use it as a slide-to-open case! キラキララインストーンでスヌーピーが描かれた スパークスケース。 中にチョコレートが入っていて プレゼントにも自分用にもおすすめ!チョコを食べ 終わってもカワイイスライド式ケースがうれしい! © 2018 Peanuts Worldwide LLC

Vecua Honey Hand Cream

好きな香りが見つけられる、 ミニハンドクリー ムが6本入ったセット。友達とシェアして使った り、 ちょっとしたギフトにもピッタリ!


Teppan Jinjya

This restaurant is popular in Osaka, with its original teppan kushiyaki (grilled skewers) cooked on a hot plate. Great in taste and service, make sure to check out Teppan Jinjya! 大阪で大人気!鉄板で串を焼くオリジナル鉄板串焼が大人気。味は もちろん明るい接客が自慢の 「鉄板神社」 に注目!

JPy is collaborating with Tsuiran (Twitter ranking) a service provided by KADOKAWA group to deliver the newest trends in Japan.


HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE It’s always fun to buy gifts, but it can be difficult to choose a good gift. Here are some gift ideas for your mom, your favorite girlfriends, and your partner. ENSO RINGS

GIFTS FOR HER ENSO RINGS Whether during a workout, while in the shower, or even when cooking, you can always wear this silicone ring, which originates in ancient Egypt. Layer the cute pop colors!


ワークアウトをしていても、 シャワー中でもクッキングでも、 じゃまにならずにいつ でもつけられるシリコンリングは、実は古代エジプトから伝わるものなんです。 ポッ プなカラーを重ねづけしてもキュート!



These candles have scents inspired by a specific location, and can help trigger memories from a special place. California has a mix of citrus, beach breeze and aloe.

その土地をイメージした香りのキャンドルで、思い出も一緒に共有できる素敵な ギフトアイディア。 ちなみにカリフォルニアは柑橘系とビーチブリーズ、 そしてアロエ がミックスされた爽やかな香りです。

SKIN GYM AMETHYST FACIAL ROLLER This face roller rejuvenates your face with amethyst. All you have to do is roll it over the face while relaxing at home - no wonder there are so many fans of its easy application and healing effects. アメジストのパワーでお肌を若返らせてくれると話題のフェイスローラー。 お家でリ ラックスしている時間にお顔の上をコロコロしているだけでOKという手軽さと、 ヒーリング効果が人気の秘密なんです。

THE ECHEVERIA ‘LOLA’ Having a living plant in your room or bathroom not only relaxes your mind but also helps make your skin beautiful. Echeveria “Lola” makes a good gift because it’s easy to care for and goes with any kind of decor. お部屋やバスルームにグリーンを置くと、気持ちが安らぐだけでなく美肌の効果も あるのだそう。Echeveria “Lola”は、 お手入れも簡単でどんなインテリアにもマッチ するので贈り物に最適。

PREMIUM CANNED WINE Select California wine in stylish cans with this subscription box that anyone can enjoy. A perfect gift for those who like the newest things. 厳選されたカリフォルニアワインが、 スタイリッシュな缶のパッケージで楽しめる ワインのサブスクリプションボックス。新しいものが大好きなお友達にぴったりの プレミアムギフトです。




Distributed by PMAI *Available at Asian markets and beauty stores near you


HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE While shopping for girls can be tough, choosing gifts for guys is even harder! Here are some gift ideasthat are not expensive but useful for the man in your life. SOUNDBOT WIRELESS BLUETOOTH HAT

GIFTS FOR HIM SOUNDBOT WIRELESS BLUETOOTH HAT A beanie is a necessary winter item, whether you’re in the city or the great outdoors. While wearing the useful Soundbot Wireless Bluetooth Hat, you can listen to music via a Bluetooth connection. It’s great for snowboarding and other winter sports too. 冬になると街でもアウトドアでも欠かせないビーニー。SoundbotのWireless Bluetooth Hatは、被ればそのまBluetoothで音楽が聴けちゃうという便利アイ テム。 スノボーなどのウィンタースポーツでも大活躍。



CRAFT BEER CLUB SUBSCRIPTION A craft beer subscription service would definitely make beerloving guys happy. Each month, new craft beer will be delivered to his door, and it’ll be exciting to hear what about his favorites. ビール好き男子に喜ばれること間違いなしの、 クラフトビールのサブスクリプション サービス。毎月新しいクラフトビールが届けられるので、贈った私も、彼の話を聞く のが楽しみに♡

ORIGAUDIO Lightweight but powerful, the Origaudio Bluetooth speaker is stylish, high-quality and affordable, which makes it a great gift. 軽量なのに大音量にも対応できるOrigaudioのBluetoothスピーカーは、 スタイ リッシュで高品質、 そしてお値段もリーズナブル。作り手の気持ちが伝わる安心して 贈れるギフトです。


EMBER TEMPERATURE CONTROL TRAVEL MUG This next-generation travel mug lets you warm up any fluid to the optimal temperature. Place it on the charging coaster and control the temperature via the app on your smartphone. An amazing gift for coffee lovers. 温かい飲み物をいつでも自分の好きな温度で飲める次世代トラベルマグ。専用のチ ャージングコースターに置いておいて、 スマホのアプリで簡単に操作できちゃいま す。 コーヒー好きの彼に♡

INDOOR SKYDIVING LESSON If you prefer to gift experience over things, this is for you. This is skydiving made possible right in Hollywood, and without jumping out of an actual plane. モノより経験をプレゼントしたいというあなたにオススメしたいギフト。旅先で飛 行機から飛び降りなくても、 ハリウッドで、 そしてインドアでリアルなスカイビング 体験ができちゃうんです。



Design Your Party and Impress Your Guests Create your dream party with high quality and stylish furniture from Lounge Appeal. Lounge Appeal is your smart choice for plush and luxurious seating for your event. Our selection of unique hand crafted furniture will create an ambience your guests will remember for years.

HOLIDAY GIFT GUIDE The holiday season is the best time to thank those who you are grateful for. This year, why not give unique gifts that makes an impression? Here are some cute and practical Japanese gifts that we found at Tokyo Central. KABUKI FACE PACK


Put on a Kabuki face with these face masks. Not only are they cute and funny, but are known for their moisturizing effects, making them perfect mini gifts. パックをしている間に歌舞伎顔になれるというユニークなフェイスマ スク。 キュートで面白いだけでなく保湿効果にも定評があり、 プチギフ トに最適です。

KIMONO BOTTLE COVER Everyone will be talking about this wine bottle cover at parties and get togethers. Make sure to get the different designs! お呼ばれの時に持って行くワインボトルに着せるだけで話題になる、 着物ボトルカバーはもはやホリデーシーズンの定番ギフト。何種類で も欲しい!

OMOSHIRO FUROSHIKI Designed with silly and funny imagery, furoshiki (Japanese wrapping cloth) definitely makes anything that you wrap in it the it gift. とぼけた絵柄がたまらないラッピング風呂敷。何を包んでもラッピング が主役になってくれそうなユニークなギフトアイディアです。


GOFUN NAIL “Gofun nail” was developed by Ueba Esou, the oldest Japanese paint manufacturer founded in 1751 in Kyoto. Check out their retro packaging and easy use. 「胡粉ネイル」は、1751年京都で創業した日本最古の日本画用絵具 の老舗、上羽絵惣が開発したネイル。爪に優しい使い心地とレトロな パッケージが人気です。



The Japanese towel that gets softer and softer with each use. These high-quality towels are also used in high end spas. 糊を落とすと優しい感触になり、使うほど柔らかくなる蚊帳生地を使 用した和タオル。高級スパでも使用されているクオリティです。

(Limited Quantity)


GOFUN NAIL 取材協力: Tokyo Central/Marukai Available at Tokyo Central (Item availability may vary by location)

Distributed by PMAI *Available at Asian markets and beauty stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアジア系マーケット・コスメ店へ


ELEGANT PARTY NAIL DESIGNS Finally, the exciting holiday season is here! This is the time to upgrade your fashion, makeup and nails to party mode. Here are some elegant designs to make your fingertips shimmer like jewelry.




MARIE NAILS -LOS ANGELES3rd Street Location 8616 W. 3rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90048 310. 550. 5925 Melrose Location 711 N. Harper Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90046 323. 782. 8080


-HAWAIIMarie Massage Therapy 1440 Kapiolani Blvd., #108 Honolulu, HI 96814 808. 425. 5785 -NEW YORKSOHO Location 155 Prince St, New York, NY 10012 646. 370. 4170

1. With metallic black as its base, these gorgeous nails have shells, stones and pearls finishing this holiday design. (Worn on model) 2. Why not be a little more glamorous for the holidays? The nude-color base finished with elegant stones goes with any kind of party. 3. The red base color brings out your femininity and the big flowers with lines and stones add sparkles. Enjoy this classy holiday design with a matte finish.

1 . メタリックブラックをベースにシェルやストーン、 パー ルをあしらったゴージャスネイル。ホリデー感たっぷり のデザインに仕上がりました (モデル着用デザイン)。 2. ホリデーシーズンは普段より少しだけ豪華に。 ヌード カラーにエレガントなストーンデザインはどんなパーテ ィでも目立つこと間違いなし。 3. 定番のレッドで女性らしさを引き出しつつ、大きめの お花に繊細なライン&ストーンで輝きをプラス。流行り のマットベース仕上げで派手すぎないオトナのホリデー デザインです。



esNAIL Melrose Store 8384 Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90069 323. 655. 5800 Beverly Hills Store (inside JOSÉ EBER Salon) 360 N. Camden Dr. Beverly Hills, CA 90210

1. This elegant holiday design uses chic colors as the base and chrome and gold as accents. Check out these fun and unique color choices! 2. Using sheer white as its base, these party nails have jewelry motifs. Add those holiday colors for that high class touch.

1. シックなカラーをベース、 クロムと ゴールドでポイントを加えたエレガン トなホリデーデザイン。 ランダムなカラー チョイスが楽しい! 2. 品のあるシアーホワイトをベース に、 ジュエリーモチーフを乗せたパー ティネイル。ホリデーカラーのライン をプラスしてハイクラスなデザインに。



GELLIPOP 4409 Torrance Blvd. Torrance, CA 90503 310. 683. 0991

1. They are a perfect combination of black and gold with a touch of pearl for a gorgeous design that brings out the fun for the holidays. 2. Glossy and vivid red nails with Christmas ornamentlike motifs make your fingertips stand out this holiday season.

1. ブラックとゴールド、そしてパール とのバランスが絶妙なゴージャスデザ イン。 ホリデー気分を高めてくれます。 2. 艶のあるビビットレッドをベース に、クリスマスオーナメントをイメー ジさせるモチーフを乗せ、 シンプルで 存在感のあるホリデーネイルが完成。

SCAN THE CODE WITH YOUR PHONE Watch the full video of how we had the shooting with Melody!



CYNC NAIL SALON 1278 Sartori Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 310. 782. 2727 2.

1. Soft white base colors with added warm tones make for a feminine and elegant holiday design. Brings a classic beauty to your nails. 2. These colorful paint designs, with a touch of gold, are perfect for inspiring holiday feelings. Match them with simple dresses to make sure the nails stand out. 1. 優しいホワイトをベースに、温かみのあるアートで 仕上げたフェミニンでエレガントなホリデーデザイ ン。指先が上品に美しく輝きます。 2. カラフルなペイントにゴールドをプラスして、 ホリ デー感を加えたネイル。 シンプルなドレスに合わせれ ば、 ネイルが主役のコーデができそう。


MYU BEAUTY 18023 Sky Park Cir., #D Irvine, CA 92614 949. 387. 5183

1. Using glossy black color as the base, add some gold and burgundy for this chic and cute design. 2. Mermaid-like nails with added silver studs and hologram stones are perfect for that holiday look. 1. 艶のあるブラックをベースに、 ゴールドとワインレッ ドが効いたシックで可憐なホリデーデザインは、 どん なシーンでも大活躍。 2. マーメイドを思わせるような神秘的なオーシャン ネイル。 シルバーのスタッズとオーロラのストーンで 華やかさを加え、 ホリデー感を出しました。


毎年6月に南カリフォルニア在住の日本の大学出身者が集まり、 熱い戦いを繰り広げる南加大学同窓会対抗ゴルフ大会。 2019年は青山学院大学同窓会が幹事を務め、第35回大会を迎えます。 詳しくはフェイスブックグループをフォローしてね!


In 2019, JPy will launch a new website dedicated to beauty. With knowledge obtained over 10 years of experience publishing our magazine in LA, we’ll be promoting our site J-Beauty, so stay tuned!

R e ad rev i ews

fol low i nflu encers

joi n even ts

Trustworthy makeup reviews by JPy’s beauty blogger network. Check out the reviews of those products you have yet to try.

Check out the bloggers who write reviews based on your skin and hair type, as well as about all the latest trends! JPy is looking for bloggers!

In promoting J-Beauty, JPy will host events! Make sure to check in regularly for the latest info on the events.


肌質や髪質が似ていたり、 とにかく新しいものが

J-Beautyを盛り上げるため、JPy Beautyが各





好きだったり、 レビューを書いている う人も募集中です。



coming this winter



JP y ’s p i ck s fo r th i s wi nter

KAI BEAUTY CARE PINK PRODUCTS In this issue, JPy staff checks out beauty products by Kai Corporation. They are a company known for knives and kitchenware, but their beauty products have so many fans in the beauty industry. Check out these 3 popular items.

Hot Eyelash Curler Overseen by popular hair and makeup artist, Akemi Nakano, this hot eyelash curler can create what professionals need in perfect lashes. With the new technology of applying the heat panel onto the roots of the lashes, it creates the natural radial curls. It is also designed to be folded in half, making it very compact and easy to carry around. 人気ヘア&メイクアップアーティスト中野明 海が監修し、 プロが求める美しいまつ毛を手

Bi-Hada Ompa (Electric Razor)

This silicone facial brush cleans deeply into pores, which cannot be done by hand washing alone. It is waterproof and can be used in three different ways: washing the whole face, washing parts of the face, and massaging the face. Instead of extracting the dirt, the 6,000 vibrations per minute levitate dead skin cells which allows minimal strain to the skin. This product has both cleansing power and gentle skincare attributes.

This KAI electric razor was developed particularly to care for baby hair, which brings out the beauty in each person. With 100 vibrations per second, this is the world’s first product that alleviates the strain of shaver blades on the skin. As it vibrates, the razor rotates to minimize skin contact, making it easy to gently remove hair while protecting the skin at the same time. Smooth skin is possible thanks to this ELECTRIC RAZOR.






















Distributed by PMAI *Available at Asian markets and beauty stores near you



Ompa Shindo Silicone Facial Cleansing Brush

しっかり落とします。 「洗浄力」 と 「肌へのやさ



ドが施され、肌あたりが優しいのも特徴。透 明感のあるお肌を実現できます。




Secret Beauty Powder Mayuko Kawakita

Plano Texas (open in Oct.27!) Tel. 972-517-1715 Add. 100 Legacy Dr., #110 Plano, TX 75023




Distributed by PMAI *Available at Asian markets and beauty stores near you *お買い求めはお近くのアジア系マーケット・コスメ店へ


KIYOKA'S DIET CHANNEL The 8-Hour Diet For Weight Loss Based on the theory that having a constantly full stomach can cause excess energy to be transformed into fat, the “8 hour diet” limits the amount of food in your body to eight hours a day. By limiting your food hours, you can prevent irritation to the digestive system, burn fat more easily, as well as prevent constipation. Try to consume three meals within 8 hours, and in the remaining 16 hours, what you consumed turns into energy and will be eliminated as waste the next morning. Since there are no limitations to what you can eat, it’s a stress-free way to diet. 「8時間ダイエット」 とは、 「常に胃の中に食べ物が入っている状態では、消化し きれないエネルギーが脂肪に変わりやすくなる」 という理論のもと、1日24時間




日に摂取した食事がエネルギーとなり、翌朝には排泄されるという仕組み。食 事内容については特に制限がないので、 ストレスなく続けられるのが特長です。

Right in time for the holiday season! Here are some time-saving diet tips that you can incorporate into your busy life. With easy and quick being the keywords, use these two methods by Kiyoka to be ready for the perfect holiday.

Guideline 1. Make sure to eat well balanced meals

Always consume vegetables (salad), fish, meat, and beans (natto, tofu). For carbohydrates try to consume brown rice, buckwheat noodles, bread, pasta, and oatmeal made from 100% whole grains.

2. Set the time of the meals

It’s ideal to not eat breakfast, and to eat in the hours between 12 p.m. and 8 p.m.

3. Make sure to not go over the calorie intake

froma normal routine

Eating too much within the 8 hour limit will cause you to consume excessive calories, leading to weight gain.

4. Always finish meals 3 hours prior to sleeping

Similar to other diets, make sure to finish meals at least three hours before going to bed.

5. Exercise

To effectively lose weight make sure to exercise.

Plank Challenge

Level 1:Plank

The “Plank” exercise effectively trains the abdominal rectus, abdominal oblique, and transversus muscles by tightening the abs and maintaining straight posture by increasing abdominal pressure and keeping the organs in place. It prevents hunching and increases metabolism to easily lose weight. 「プランク」 は、腹直筋、腹斜筋、腹横筋を効率よく鍛えることで、 たるむ&ポッコ リしたお腹を引き締めるのはもちろんのこと、姿勢を正しく保ったり、腹圧を高

めて内臓を正しい位置に収める役割があるので、猫背の改善や基礎代謝アップ にも役立ち、痩せ体質に近づけます。

Diet Expert

Kiyoka Wada

After learning dermatology, facial and body care in NYC, Kiyoka has worked in cosmetic development and as a writer for magazines. Currently, she works as a diet and beauty coach, appearing on TV shows, giving lectures and workshops. Kiyoka promotes “reliable” dieting methods through her own experience.


Level 2:Side Plank Face one side and use forearm and legs to support the body, keeping yourself straight by tightening ab, back and butt muscles. Start with 3 sets of 15 seconds and increase to 60-90 seconds when you become more comfortable. Repeat on the other side.

Face down and place the forearms on the floor, supporting the body with your toes curled. Make sure to keep the butt low and have your back parallel to the floor. Do once per day with 3 sets of 10 seconds each. When this becomes easier, increase the duration to 60-90 seconds.

Level3:Side Plank with Legs From a side plank, lift the top leg and hold. Start with 3 sets of 15 seconds and increase to 60-90 seconds when comfortable. Repeat on the other side.

Distributed by PMAI *Available at Mitsuwa Marketplace (Torrance/Costa Mesa/San Jose/Chicago/San Diego) Takashima 高島生活館 (San Gabriel/Rowland Heights)

GIA GUNN We interviewed Japanese American entertainer Gia Gunn, known for her appearance in the reality show, RuPaul’s Drag Race. We perceive Gia to be very bold and open, but we wanted to know her true self, so we asked her about her past and her future.

1. Tell me about the “Ichikawa Keitaro” tattoo on your arm. Ichikawa is my last name and Keitaro is my middle name. It was my very first tattoo and I was about 18 years old when I got it. I wanted to get something that resembled my Japanese heritage and also that I would never regret getting on me permanently. Although Keitaro was the middle name my parents assigned to their “son,” and I am now their daughter, it still feels good to be reminded of exactly who I am and know that, regardless, I am ME! 2. If you were to answer the question “what nationality are you?” what would you say? I am a proud, Japanese American, Spanishspeaking, dancing diva! At the age of seven, I met my best friend who is Mexican, and I learned Spanish through her family as I spent a lot of time with them. I was always extremely fascinated by culture and language. Meanwhile in my own home, we only spoke English, because my parents, being 3rd generation, were never taught Japanese. 3. You’re an active performer, entertainer, dancer and model, so what would you say is your profession? This is actually a very good question, but also a hard one for me because I don’t really see myself as just one thing. But I guess if I had to pick, I would simply say I’m an artist who enjoys expressing myself in many ways and is still exploring where my career will take me. I have many visions of where this could go but I’m not ready to settle just yet! 4. How did you like shooting Drag Race? Being a Drag Race contestant was a life-changing experience and I will never forget those moments. I never imagined in a million years that I would be on the show, and six years later I’m making a full career out of being on 3 episodes. This opportunity gave me the chance to see the world and explore life in different places. This allowed me to realize who I am, as well as come to accept who that person is! Drag is the reason I am the


proud transgender woman I am today. The most meaningful thing about being on Drag Race was, and still is, the ability to change lives: Giving kids the hope they need to know that their existence matters, and if I can do it, they can too! For parents to learn acceptance and to embrace their children as-is. Lastly, for fellow artists to be inspired to continue on their artistic journeys! 5. Reflecting on the past, what was meaningful about sharing #30DAYSINTRANSITION on Youtube? #30DaysInTransition was truly meaningful for me personally because it was my first opportunity to really show people who I am and share some of my thoughts and experiences with the world. I could not stand the fact that people only thought of me as a “catchphrase” and a drag queen. Because my life has changed so much and, as a person, I have grown, it was very important for me to do a project like this in order to really be authentic with my supporters and, for once, feel proud about what I was putting out on the Internet. 6. What is your view on the movements supporting LGBTQ+ in the world? I think it’s absolutely fabulous and we have so much to be proud of, but also so much more to grow and more work to do within and outside of the community. However, if I must say so myself, I do believe Drag Race has had a big influence in terms of bringing LGBTQ to mainstream culture and allowing people to hear us! 7. Do you have any advice to give to those who are struggling with their gender identity? My advice to anybody struggling with their gender identity is to simply take your time and enjoy the self-discovery process. Just know that nothing changes until you put in the work. We all learn and discover things about ourselves at different paces, there is no rush as this is not a race. It took 25 years for me to come to terms with my true identity and, to be honest, I still feel like I have so much more work to do and more to discover about myself. 8. Please give our readers a message! Success is not easy and requires a lot of work! However, everything is possible when you put your mind to it and believe in yourself. Don’t focus so much on what you do not have and try to celebrate what you do have!


1. 腕の “市川啓太郎”というタトゥーにはどんな意味が? これは私が18歳の時に人生で初めて入れたタトゥーで、 自分

6.世界中に広がるLGBTQ+のムーブメントについてどう 思いますか?

のルーツを忘れないように、 自分の苗字とミドルネームの啓

素晴らしいムーブメントだと思っているし、誇らしく思う。 でも





2.もし 「あなたは何人ですか?」 と聞かれたら、 どんな答えが 一番しっくりきますか?

一方で課題も沢山あると思っているの。 Drag RaceはLGBTQ+

7.ジェンダーについて悩む子にアドバイスはありますか? ゆっくり時間をかけて自分と向き合うこと。人と競うものでは

ないから、 それぞれのペースでそれぞれのやり方で自分を見









25年かかったし、 これからだってまだまだたくさん新しい発

8. JPy読者にメッセージをお願いします。 成功はそんなに簡単に手に入れられるものじゃない。 でも自

3.多方面で活躍されていますが 「ご職業は?」 と聞かれたら? すごくいい質問だけど答えるのが難しいわね。一つに決めら れないから。 でも答えを一つだけ選ばなくてはならないとする

分を信じていれば叶えられないものなんてない。 自分が持っ

ていないものばかり追いかけるのではなくて、 今の自分が持っ ているものも大切にね。

と、 自分自身を色々な方法で表現するアーティストかな。今も まだ自分のキャリアがどういう方向に進むのかワクワクしてる の。 たくさんの可能性があるし、一つに決めるのはまだ早いか なと思ってる。

4.“Drag Race”のお仕事はどうでしたか? “Drag Race”の仕事は人生を変えてくれる忘れられない体験

になったわ。 自分がテレビ番組に出て、 3シリーズにも出演で


を見るチャンスをもらったし、 自分が自分のままでいいと思え

るようになったの。私が今、 トランスジェンダーの女性である

ことを誇りに思えているのはDrag Raceのおかげ。 そして一番

重要だったのは、今もDrag Raceが人生を変えるきっかけに

なっていること。 自分がこのままでいいのか悩んでいる子たち

や、 その親たちにもありのままを受け容れられるきっかけにな

っていると思う。 そして、 これからのアーティストがインスピレ ーションを探求し続ける場所にもなっていると思うわ。



#30DaysInTransition のプロジェクトは私にとってとすごく

意味のあるものだった。 自分の考えや生き方を世界中の人に

シェアするなんて初めてのことだったから。 それまではドラッ グクイーンとしてしか理解されていなかったし、 自分の本当の 生き方や考え方をサポートしてくれるみんなに伝えようと思


ABOUT GIA GUNN Gia Gunn is an international performance artist who began her training in Kabuki theatre. After her debut on "RuPaul's Drag Race," she quickly rose to stardom with her iconic catchphrases and unforgettable personality. In March of 2017, Gia publicly came out as a transgender woman. Since then, she has

been using her platform to educate others about trans-related issues as well as spread messages of acceptance and self-love to members of the LGBTQ+ community.




Eri coordinates celebrity books and runs her own columns in popular fashion magazines. She connects Tokyo and LA with her fashion sense and energy. Don’t miss her column in every issue of JPy!


WITH びばり~えり

人気ファッション誌での連載や、 タレント本のコーディネートなど、 独自のファッションセンスと持ち前のバイタリティでTOKYOとLA を繋ぐパワフルガール。 JPyでも毎号ファッションやビューティー のトレンド情報を連載中です♡ Instagram: @beverlyeri

Holiday season has come! All of these are Eri’s favorite. Check it out!





Accessories and hats

A little more sparkle for the holidays!

My favorite hotel in Palm Springs

Visited and interviewed Vidakush with CLEA students

Christian Louboutin eye color

Pink Cabana brings hip flavor.

Absolutely LOVE Balenciaga caps!



Denim Christian Dior hat


otel and S

Sand H


Ask Rhi

What is the theme? “Break the rules” and “Be who you wanna be”

Where do you get design inspirations from? I get a lot of inspiration at the flea market, and all the diverse ppl that go there. My recent favorite hat by Christian Dior

New from Dior & Kevyn Aucoin


ent F My Rec

Fendi chic headband

Fenty Beauty Mimosa Sunrise, PAT McGrath, and Hourglass cosmetics

k The Pin


Dine at “the Pink Cabana”

ace Choker

White L Versace Tartan Print Beret

Beige & gold nails are my signature! @nailsbyalohacece

With a cool retro vibe



TRENDING TOPICS With their concept “#selfie with WAYLLY” this smartphone case WAYLLY developed to make everyday more enjoyable has become the must have item for Japanese girls. This next generation smartphone case has unlimited ways to use like “set” or “stick against” the wall! Find your own selfie life using WAYLLY. Many of you can’t help but wonder how a smartphone sticks to the wall. The reason WAYLLY can be placed anywhere is because of its special Nanosuction materials. Nanosuction is a new type of material made of small nano-size suction cups that vacuum tight when pressed against glass, a mirror or metal. These suction cups are so small, you can’t even feel them, meaning dust cannot get between them, leaving the surface smooth. If the suction becomes weak, wipe the WAYLLY surface with a wet cloth or wash it with water and it can be used over and over. WAYLLY has become the biggest hit and has a growing fan base because of its multiple uses and evolvability. It’s not just limited to taking selfies when nobody is around: Stick onto the mirror of a dance studio to memorize choreography, or stick onto the kitchen tile to watch recipe videos, and discover more fun uses as you go. It has become an essential accessory, whether you’re recording or watching videos on your smartphone.

「ポン」 と置くだけで壁にくっつくスマホを見て不思議に思う人も多いはず。 スマホが色々な場所にくっつく 秘密は、WAYLLYに使用されているナノサクションという素材にあります。 ナノサクションは、 ナノレベルの小 さな吸盤でできた新素材。 この素材でできたWAYLLYの表面がガラスや鏡、 金属などの滑らかな素材に押 し 当てることで真空状態となり、 ぴったりとくっついて固定されるという仕組みです。 触っても分からない ほ どの小さな吸盤で出来ているためホコリやゴミが付きにくく、 手触りも滑らかで持ちやすいのが特長で す。粘着度が落ちてきたら、濡れた布で拭いたり、水で洗い流したりすることで粘着力は何度でも復活します。 WAYLLYが発売後すぐに大ヒットとなり、多くのファンを掴み続けている一番の理由は使い道の多様性と発 展性。 「写真を撮って欲しいけれど、頼める人がそばにいない」 というシーンだけで活躍しているわけではあり ません。例えばダンスの振りを覚えるためにスタジオの鏡に貼り付けたり、 お料理しながら動画でレシピを確 認するためにキッチンのタイルに貼り付けたり、 自分で使っているうちにどんどん新しい使用法を発見できち ゃう楽しみもあります。 また動画配信にもぴったりで、 スマホライフの可能性を広げてくれるアイテムなのです。

Most of the uses of WAYLLY published in the media were discovered by users. It’s so amazing that it all started as an “easy way to take a selfie” and has developed to have many new functions. If you find a great way to use WAYLLY, make sure to share it on their Instagram. 34

メディアで紹介されている使用法のほとんどが、 ユーザーが思いついた活用方法なん だとか。 「セルフィーが簡単に撮れます」 と始まったWAYLLYが、 どんどん新しい方面に 可能性を広げて行くってとってもステキなこと。 「これはいい!」 っていう使用法を発見 したらWAYLLYのインスタでシェアしてね♡




J P Y - L A . C O M / W A Y L LY




Japamese sw ittle l ee t e t s u C


Japanese sweets make everyone happy, whether given or received. Here are some sweets we found in Mitsuwa, so make sure to check out why they’re so popular!









1. Mitsuwa

2. J. Sweets

3. Hamadaya

These Japanese sweets are so cute in both shape and color. Mochis, our alltime favorite, are cute and colorful! As a classic treat, Suzu Castella is always a good gift. The popular Taiyaki can be found in Mitsuwa too. Top them with ice cream for great flavor.

Offering sweets as a gift when visiting friends is always a great idea. Make sure to find the sweet gifts from Japan at J.Sweets in Mitsuwa - it’s definitely the place to go this holiday season. No wonder everyone is talking about them, with their unique look and delicious taste.

The Japanese bakery is so delicious! Go to the Hamadaya bakery inside Mitsuwa for melon pan and green tea desserts. The deli bread is always popular, and be sure to check the limited holiday menu.

シェイプもカラーもたまらなく可愛い和スイーツ。 みん なが大好きなおもちも、 カラフルでとってもキュート! 昔懐かしい素朴なテイストがツボな鈴カステラは常 備用スイーツとしても大活躍。 そして話題のたい焼き だってもちろんMitsuwaでゲットできます。 アイスを 乗せて食べるのも最高〜♡

お呼ばれした時のちょっとした手土産にも欠かせない スイーツ。見た目もユニークで、味も最高なんだから、 話題にならない訳がありません。 Mitsuwaに併設され ているJ.Sweetsで、 日本を代表するギフトスイーツを 見つけちゃおう。 ホリデーシーズンには欠かせない場 所になりそうです。

日本のベイカリーって、 やっぱり美味しい!Mitsuwa 内にあるベイカリー濱田家にはキッズの定番メロン パンからグリンティーを使ったデザートまで、本格ス イーツが勢ぞろい。 お惣菜パンももちろん大人気だけ ど、毎年ホリデー限定メニューもあるので要チェック。 @hamadaya_mitsuru

Availability of items in store are subject to change without notice.

Available at Mitsuwa






Implants have gained recognition for replacing teeth that have been lost due to cavities and gingivitis. Although it is a groundbreaking treatment, not many people have tried it due to cost and the complicated and sometimes painful procedure. In this issue, we ask Dr. Itoh, who is anexpert in the field, all about dental implants.

ow n k o t d e e n u o y g n Everythi about Implant... Q. What is a dental implant? A. A dental implant is an artificial tooth that has roots like a screw. The artificial tooth root eventually bonds with your bone so it is stable in the jaw and you can chew with it as if it were your natural tooth, giving it the nickname “secondary permanent tooth”. Q. How is it different from false teeth and bridges? A. When pulling out a tooth as the result of cavities and gingivitis, the dental root, which is the important base of tooth, is also lost. Because the base is no longer there, replacements like bridges, that are unnecessarily drilled into the healthy part of the tooth, or removable false teeth with metal frames are sometimes used. But these solutions can put a great deal of strain on healthy teeth, and can lead to uneven biting or eventually losing more teeth. This is why the dental implant was developed. Q: Aren’t dental implants costly and time consuming? A. Treatments involving dental implants definitely can be costly. However, dental insurance plans are increasingly covering these treatments. It’s worth considering as an option as it’s not much costlier than bridges. And what used to take about a year to complete can now be done in 3-4 months. If all goes to plan and the necessary conditions are met, a new tooth implant can be performed right away.

The most important part of getting a successful dental implant is to consult and get treatment from an experienced dentist. It’s also important to get regular check ups in order to maintain the implants for the long run. 38


A.インプラントとは 「埋め込む」 という意味で、 自分の歯の根の代わりに相当

する 「人工歯根」を埋め込み、その上に人工の歯を取り付ける治療法です。 人工歯根はやがて顎の骨と結合し、一体化していきますので歯が顎の骨にし

っかりと固定され、 自分の歯のような自然な噛み心地を感じることができま す。 このことから“第二の永久歯”とも言われます。 Q.入れ歯やブリッジとは何が違うのですか?


失われてしまいます。土台がなくては歯を固定することができないため、 やむ


り外し式の入れ歯で代用されてきました。 しかしブリッジの場合、 せっかくの


まう心配があります。 また、入れ歯では思い切り噛みしめることができず、噛 み心地が低下してしまいます。 これらの問題がない、 より自然な歯の感覚を取





つあります。 オプションのブリッジと比べてもあまり大差はないので考慮する 価値は大きいと思います。 また、以前は一年近くかかっていた治療の多くが

3〜4ヶ月で済むようにまで短縮され、一定の条件を満たせばインプラント 埋入と同時に歯を入れる事も可能です。

Dr. Itoh Dr. Itoh has over 25 years of clinical experience in the U.S. He provides a wide range of services in aesthetic and general dentistry from teeth whitening to Invisalign.

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Please feel free to call us for more information!


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HOLIDAY HOT POT RECIPE Stylish mom Izumi from LA is going to show us how to make our everyday lives a little more gorgeous. In this issue, we’re going to check out her secret hot pot recipe, which is perfect for any party. This hot pot recipe is perfect for our frequent gettogethers this holiday season. Recently, Izumi has been into a spicy tomato hot pot with clams and watercress. Because you can adjust the level of spiciness in this healthy hot pot, everyone, including children, can enjoy it. You can also change the ingredients to give it your own flavor. みんなでワイワイ集まる機会も多いこの季節にぴったりのお鍋料

理。 いづみさんが最近ハマっているのは、 アサリとクレソンの辛トマト 鍋なんだそう。 さっぱりとして野菜もたっぷり取れる健康系メニュー

でもあります。辛さを調節すればお子様にも大人気のいづみさんの お鍋レシピは、 自分で色々アレンジを加えられるのも嬉しいね。

INGREDIENTS SOUP Garlic A piece of ginger, minced 1 tablespoon bean chili paste 1 tablespoon sweet bean sauce 4 cups of chicken stock


Ingredients for hot pot Tomato (boiled and peeled) Shrimp balls, clams (frozen) Watercress



しょうがみじん切り各1かけ 豆板醤大さじ1 甜麺醤大さじ1

鶏ガラスープ 4カップ 湯むきしたトマト

海老団子、 アサリ(冷凍)


INSTRUCTIONS 1. Place garlic and minced ginger into pan and stir fry. Add bean chili paste and sweet bean sauce and stir fry. Add soup stock and bring water to a boil. 2. Add clams and shrimp balls and bring to a boil, then add tomatoes. 3. When clams are cooked, add watercress and it’s done! 1. お鍋ににんにく、しょうがみじん切りを香りが立つまで炒め、豆板醤、甜麺醤を 入れさらに炒める。鶏ガラスープを加えて一煮立ちさせる。

2. アサリ、海老団子を入れ、さらに一煮立ちさせたらトマトを入れる。 3. アサリに火が通ったら、クレソンを加えて出来上がり!

IZUMI YASUKAWA Mother of two kids Watercress can get bitter when overcooked, so only keep it in the hot water for a short time and it will be ready to eat. Add your favorite ingredients, like pork shabu shabu, tofu, and mushrooms. You can also add rice, udon, or ramen to finish the hot pot.


Stylish LA mom Izumi Yasukawa. Many girls adore her love-filled lifestyle, which can be seen through her amazing cooking and adorable bento boxes. She offers tips to add a little bit more happiness and to your life.

WHAT’S JPy? With our slogan “happiness is infectious” in mind, JPy delivers beauty-focused content through our lifestyle magazine and website. We are currently launching projects to spread the power of LA-based Asian women as well as Japanese girls’ “kawaii” culture all over the world.

JPy’s website has been redesigned! Check out the easier-to-use restaurant page and updated “KAWAII” wall-art map!

Kawaii art map

Where to eat

Message from the publisher


「ハッピーの伝染」 をモットーに活動しているJPyですが、 今回の校了は十数年前

の創業以来恐らく初めて 「つらい〜」 と涙しながら闘う日々となりました。 心が弱っ

ていると余計に皆様の優しさが心に沁みるもので、 感激することの多い日々でもあ

りました。 また普段より言葉に敏感になっていて、 街のいたるところにある愛に溢れ

た言葉やハッとするフレーズにいちいち立ち止まって涙したりもしました。 特に娘の 学校や習い事の教室など、 子供が集まるような場所で、 シンプルで深い”刺さる”言

葉にたくさん出会えた気がします。 最近出会った言葉たちの中で一番のお気に入り

を決めるのは難しいのですが、 トルストイの言葉、”If you want to be happy, be.”

と、 マザーテレサの言葉、”Love is doing small things with great love.”は思

わず写真を撮ってしまいました (笑) 。 誰もが気がついていることですが、 ハッピーで

いるためには常に感謝の気持ちを忘れないこと。 そんなことを改めて感じる日々で

した。 周囲の人への感謝はもちろん、 自分の置かれている環境への感謝、 与えられ

た機会への感謝、 そして感謝の気持ちは忘れないだけでなく伝えなくてはなりませ

ん。 今号のJPyはホリデー特集。 ホリデーは、 いつも近くにいてくれる家族や友人た


ーの絵本の後書きに、 作者であるCharles M. Schulz氏のこんな言葉が書かれて

いました。”Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” 私

も自分の大切な人たちに”little extra”のLOVEと 「ありがとう」 をきちんと伝えられ

るようなホリデーを優しい気持ちで過ごしたいと 思います。JPyを手に取ってくれた皆様もどうぞ素 敵なホリデーをお過ごし下さい。

Publisher of JPy Magazine

Kana Miyamoto

© Yuka Style BH

Although JPy’s motto is “happiness is infectious,” finishing this issue has been more of a struggle than we have faced in the past 10-plus years, when we first launched the magazine. When you’re feeling low, you tend to feel the warmth and kindness of others more, and I lately have felt more grateful than ever. I’ve been very observant of different words and phrases I hear during the day, and they give me pause, even causing me to tear up. When I attended my daughter’s lessons, there were a lot of kids using different phrases that were simple and on point. It’s difficult to choose my favorite, but a couple of them include, “If you want to be happy, be” by Tolstoy and “Love is doing small things with great love” by Mother Theresa. It sounds cliche but in order to be happy, you can’t forget to thank others, because there’s no such thing as happiness without gratitude. Not only should we thank those around us, but also the environment we’re in and the opportunities we have been given. And don’t forget to express your feelings. This being the holiday issue, take this opportunity to thank your friends, family and those around you. In my daughter’s favorite storybook, Snoopy’s Afterwords, author Charles M. Schulz wrote ”Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone.” With that in mind, I hope to express my gratitude and “little extra” LOVE to those around me as I go through this holiday season. For those who picked up this issue of JPy, I wish you a great holiday.

JPy is going to launch a new website dedicated to beauty. The site will be filled with knowledge obtained from over 10 years of experience publishing our magazine in LA, and we’ll be active in promoting J-Beauty. Stay tuned!

JPY-BEAUT Y.COM BEAUT Y FREAKS WANTED!! Do your friends call you a “Beauty Junkie”? Do you have a limitless desire to test out Japanese beauty products or services? Sign up to be a JPy Beauty Blogger today! We’re looking for beauty enthusiasts to test, rate and recommend beauty items. Please go to the link or scan the QR code below and fill out our form.

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