May 27, 2011
WENDY FARHA Wendy who? you ask. Well, you’ll just have to come to The Fundraiser for Breast Cancer and Local Seeker 1st Anniversary & Awards Ceremony on June 29th to find out
email: thegraphicdesigner@cogeco.net
specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations
... See pages 4 and 5 for more info.
Introducing to you . . .
Volume 2, Issue 21
SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND ... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS and much, much more ...
Seeker Chick Julia will be back with her Editorial next week - meanwhile
Seeker Office: 327 2nd Street East - Come Visit Us!
YARD SALE Saturday Bit of everything including pool, Childs bike, furniture, printer and lots more! 550 Cornwall Center road at Brookdale YARD SALE Saturday 8 to 4, 234 yates avenue. YARD SALE: Down sizing. Household items, Air conditioners, dining table, chairs and much more! Shorteez Cornwall 10 Fourth e. YARD SALE: SATURDAY MAY 28 812 - 125 AMELIA STREET CORNWALL Benefitting Sexual Assault Support Services and Adult Community Healing Resource Centre
ns a... o i t a re loc nd a ecial s r a sp the wall ur TRE o o ) N o any Corn YOU t G CE l Road m & hout ANK EWIN ntrea ug IG TH UX S E (Mo o r th a B GIRO LAC P s US PL onsor BY’S sp BOB and
YARD SALE June 4. We're moving! Tools, garden tools, 19341 Beaver Brook Road, Martintown. YARD SALE June 4 8am to 4pm 413 Walridge Avenue. FOR SALE: Hitch for 2002 up Nissan Altima, Adapter, Brand new #77031. Asking $125 Call 613-932-8488 ask for Steve. GUITAR LESSONS 2o Minutes North of Cornwall Ph: 613 930 2499 LOOKING FOR BASS GUITAR LESSONS? Contact Marc at (613) 938-3759 LOOKING FOR: a male Yorkshire Terrier for breeding. Call 613-938-0232 FOR SALE: Crossbow by Weider for sale. Able to do over 65 different exercises on it. Asking $300 or best offer please Telephone 613-534-2361 FOR SALE: Venturer Karaoke machine with tape deck and disc player and 2 microphones for sales. Asking $100 or best offer please call 613-534-2361
FOR SALE: Photography lights for sale. 1Sylvania LQMW-6 with shutters and 2-LQMF6 with shutters also 3 stands complete with metal carrying case for all. Asking $300 or best offer please call 613-534-2361
FOR SALE : Mazda 3 roof rack $500 value for $275 call 613-933-3623
FOR SALE: 35mm SLR Nikon FG with flash and 28mm lense. Also 50mm lense, 70/210 zoom, speed loader, MF15 data back, carrying bag and manuals. Asking $150 or best offer please call 613-534-2361 -35mm SLR Cannon EOS3000 with flash, 28/80 mm zoom lense and 75/300 lense, various other accessories, carrying bag. Asking $300 or best offer please Telephone 613-534-2361
FOR SALE: 200litre rain barrels with removable cover, $70 HST included. Telephone 613-932-0734
The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 2, Number 21, May 27, 2011 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.
Editors & Creative Design: Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud
FOR SALE: Fire wook mixed hardwood, $85 cord delivered call 613-330-5856
FOR SALE: 4wheel handicapped scooter excellent condition $1500. Golf clubs complete set hybrids $100. 613-938-2745 FOR SALE: 2 oil furnace for sale. one 12years old the other 7. $300 each. 613-932-8507 Classifieds continued on page 15
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101 / 613-932-1875 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
www.thelocalseeker.com Office: 327 2nd Street E. Sales Representative: Gary Friedman
Call in your CLASSIFIEDS NOW 613-362-2354 Our Classified Section is at the back... THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 2)
Cornwall and the surrounding Agricultural Community BROUGHT TO YOU BY:
In Lamoureux Park SPRING HOURS The Cornwall Community Museum
is now open Wednesday to Sunday from noon to 4 pm. Admission is free, info. 613 936-0842
The photographs and postcards are from the collection of more than 10,000 images at the Cornwall Community Museum. If you are interested in learning more about our history, the museum has a wide selection old and modern local histories for sale, .
With garden season in full swing a "How to grow your own food! workshop titled "No-Dig Gardening" will be held at the Cornwall Community Museum, Saturday, May 28th from 9 am to noon. This free workshop is presented by "All Things Food Bouffe 360, and led by Karen Carriere. To register or for more information contact atbouffe360@gmail.com; 613 875-3262; www.allthingsfoodbouffe360.ca. As the administrative centre for the United Counties of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry, Cornwall served as an important market for the surrounding agricultural community. Until the end of World War II, the Cornwall Cheese and Butter Board was the region's most important employer, reaching into all corner's of the three counties. Along with being the home of the McIntosh Apple, eastern Ontario grew numerous crops including - barley, corn, oats, peas, potatoes and wheat. The forests were full of white, red and yellow pine trees, hemlock spruce, tamaracks, white cedars, swamp elms (used in the manufacture of staves), white ash (used to make oars), and hickory (for fence posts). Maple trees which produced maple syrup were abundant, along with birds-eye maple used by local cabinet makers. Beech and birch also provided wood for furniture along with firewood. Ornamental trees and shrubs included the flowering dogwood, wild plum, cherry, staghorn sumac, huckleberry (used for winter preserves), cranberry, raspberry, hops and wild strawberry.
Barn raising, pre World War 1, Newington.
A pre World War I farm scene
A COLLECTION OF PHOTOGRAPHS by Veteran Standard Freeholder Photographer Marcel Quenneville is on display at the Cornwall Community Museum till the end of June Come on down and discover the many hidden treasures at the museum! Bringing in the hay, August 1979.
Cheese Factory, Newington, 1933.
Maple sugar hut, Newington, 1903.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 3)
Cairn and plaque commemorating the introduction of Holstein Friesian cattle to Ontario, Bird Sanctuary, Dundas County. The plaque reads: "In 1881 Michael Cook, who operated a prosperous 200 acre farm here, imported the first Holstein Frieisen cattle into Ontario. His action was part of a movement among progressive farmers to find a productive breed of cattle capable of supporting the province's rapidly developing dairy industry which increasingly focused on cheese production. Following his initial importation of two bulls and ten cows, Cook continued to import Holstein cattle from the U.S. and the Netherlands and to distribute these cattle throughout the province. They quickly established a high reputation among Ontario farmers and by 1886 their popularity in the industry was assured when the Dairymen's Association of Eastern Ontario recognized the Holstein as the leading milk producing breed.
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
from front cover
Wendy began composing songs when she was 18 years old, and she was soon performing them in coffeehouses and churches around her native city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
City Council will consider an action plan to repair a mural on a brick wall facing the court house. Repairing the eighteen year old mural would cost in the range of $5000. However I believe the price is right. It's an artistic gem in our downtown that pays tribute to our heritage and history and it should be preserved. Syd Gardiner is searching for new funds for Aultsville Theatre. While the City of Brockville recently spent $1.7 million to renovate its arts centre, all non profit groups funded by the City of Cornwall faced a 9% cut including the local theatre. I think it's a shame the City never purchased Aultsville theatre from the college. In the long term owning the building probably makes more sense than paying rent for it. The Cornwall Regional Art Gallery recently reduced it's hours after it's budget was also cut by the City. SOCIAL JUSTICE The Social Development Council hosted an event last week to promote how to eradicate poverty here in Ontario. To quote Nelson Mandela and to summarize the presentation, "Like slavery and apartheid, poverty is not natural. It is man-made and it can be overcome and eradicated by the actions of human beings". Anotherwords, the government can do more to help eradicate poverty including better funding Ontario Works to put food back in the budget, and to make sure full time working adults are paid a living wage at least 10% above the threshold of the poverty line.
Stories like the ones Michelle Gratton told at the beginning of the evening, like the homeless man living in the Sears parking garage, or the lady who had her electricity cut off for two months are difficult stories to hear, because they are true stories. These are people who live in our community. They had unfortunate circumstances in their lives, but the truth is anyone, you or I, could one day face similar misfortunes. Helping our neighbours is an important civic responsibility, and charity might begin with volunteers at a soup kitchen, but it must end with good government policies that help all those in need. The Agape is one of the front lines in our community's struggle to fight poverty. I like their new progressive program called Weeding out Poverty, where the Agape is building a garden to grow fresh food for those in need. Fresh fruit and vegetables are a part of a healthy diet! Kudos to Alyssa Blais and the rest of the Agape staff for their initiative.
Introducing WENDY FARHA
by Jason Setnyk
Eye on Society
A focus on arts and culture, the environment, social justice, and politics
Since then, she has sung in hundreds of venues in Canada, the United States, the West Indies and Europe, honing her songwriting abilities and developing her musical style. Her songs are mostly quiet and reflective and speak of living, loving, and surviving in a broken world. It's not all serious, though . . . her comedic side is never very far away and she's got tons of stories and songs to make you smile. Her "Menopause" song is a favorite with the ladies, and she's also pretty well-known for her jokes and her impersonations. She loves to laugh and to get others laughing, which always makes for a fun event with lots of music and hilarity. In August 2009, Wendy was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Breast Cancer and, not surprisingly, she decided to deal with it using large doses of comedy. Through the year that followed, Wendy's wacky sense of humor, her numerous wigs, and her newly-created "booby jokes" have carried her through two surgeries and several months of chemotherapy, radiation and related treatments. Come to and see for yourself how uplifting Wendy is at the The Fundraiser for Breast Cancer and Local Seeker 1st Anniversary & Awards Ceremony on June 29th (www.wendy.ca for more info about our entertainer and our friend). Purchase your tickets today - 613-935-8101
ENVIRONMENT I would like to say kudos to the Department of Infrastructure and Municipal Works for developing the City of Cornwall Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. The conversion of Second Street into a more pedestrian and bicycle friendly route is very progressive and makes a lot of sense. The benefits of walking and cycling are numerous for our community. This includes promoting a healthy life style of exercise, and creating a more sustainable community with reduced emissions and energy use. Walking or riding a bike is good for your health, and it will save you money! City of Cornwall residents will pay more for electricity come July 1st when rates for Cornwall Electric increase by 3.26%. At a time when the cost of hydro is increasing, and the cost of gas is skyrocketing, consumers are really feeling the squeeze! The cost of fuel is also a growing concern for the City of Cornwall budget. Everytime gas goes up a penny per litre, it costs the City almost six thousand dollars! If prices stay in the $1.25-$1.30 per litre range, this could cost the City an extra $200,000 this year. Replacing the current fleet of City vehicles including those for police, firefighters, EMS, and other municipal workers with hybrid or other fuel efficient vehicles might make a lot of sense in the long term! The cost of energy might also be a key provincial issue. Ontario Conservative leader Tim Hudak wants to remove the HST from Hydro bills. NDP leader Andrea Horwath promised to remove HST from hydro bills over a year ago, but that New Democrat platform policy went largely unnoticed.
My name is Jason Setnyk, and this is my eye on society. The Cornwall Underground has been online serving the local music community since August 1999. This blog is run by music promoter and photographer Jason Setnyk who also organizes local Rock for Charity and Rock the Vote events.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 4) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
1st Anniversary & Awards Ceremony presented by
The Local Seeker is proud to present
to Small Business and
for the time ever in Cornwall
to Arts and Culture CATEGORIES ARE:
Come join The Seeker Chicks and taste the “SEEKER SLAMMER” a special fundraiser drink ($7)
Wednesday, June 29th, 2011 Cornwall Golf & Country Club 5:30pm Cocktails 6:30pm Dinner Awards Ceremony Entertainment: Wendy Farha Comedian, Songwriter, Singer Breast Cancer Survivor - www.wendy.ca
y ad ed e r r Al nso o Sp y ad ed e r r Al nso o Sp
Seeker Home Based Business
Seeker New Small Business
Seeker Existing Small Business y ad ed e r r Al nso o Sp
Seeker Visual Artist
Seeker Musical Artist Seeker Literary Artist
Send in your nominations by: May 31, 2011
Music: Seaway DJ Door Prizes, Silent Auction, BUY YOUR TICKETS NOW ! at 327 Second Street E., online Dancing & Fun
$55 per person
or call 613-935-8101
We would like to invite you to become a sponsor for this event. Award Sponsor - $250 Please call: 613-935-8101 • Award engraved with Sponsor Name • Meal for the Winner and the Sponsor • Souvenir program and Sponsor Certificate
Table Sponsor - $100 • Name will appear on the Table Tent Card • Souvenir program and Sponsor Certificate
Entertainment Sponsor - $50 • Your logo will appear on the Stage Sign
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 5)
for more information, to PURCHASE TICKETS or to DONATE DOOR PRIZES and SILENT AUCTION ITEMS or email: info@thelocalseeker.com
www.thelocalseeker.com All proceeds from this Anniversary Event
go to the Breast Cancer Society
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
Have you ever heard yourself say, “I just want to be happy and content with my life.” My question to you is, “Are you chasing happiness or ‘being happy’?” As a student of the Law of Attraction, I have come to understand that chasing happiness makes no sense, that you must be happy to attract happiness. All that being said, there are certain habits that you can embrace which will help you to ‘be happy’. Habit One: See where happiness already exists in your life When you are searching for the illusive something that you want in your life, your focus is on the absence of it. In contrast if you can turn your attention to where in your life happiness already exists, you begin to build on this and attract more of it. Shift your attention to those aspects of your life where you are now or have been in the past, happy. Habit Two: Gratitude Once you see the happiness that already exists in your life, express gratitude for it. In the emerging field of Positive Psychology, the study of happiness, those who have a daily practice of gratitude test as being much more positive/happy in their approach to life. It is as simple as taking a few minutes everyday to notice and appreciate the positive aspects of your life. Habit Three: Intentions Set a daily intention which simply states: “I am happy. I spread happiness wherever I go. I am an agent of happiness.’ When you set an intention, you actually send out a ripple effect, or an energy field around you. Others will experience this in you and respond in kind. Habit Four: Tame the Inner Critic The voice of your Inner Critic can interfere with your happiness. His/her messages are destined to pull you down. Turn you attention instead to your Heart Voice which is designed to inspire you and build you up. Re-program the Critic’s messages. Habit Five: Acknowledgement Learn to acknowledge yourself for your accomplishments and achievements. In the same vein, learn to accept complements from others. It is important to see your gifts, strengths and talents. Acknowledgment is simply an expression of gratitude for you God-given gifts. Habit Six: Create time for You Everyone needs time each day, if only for a few minutes, for what I refer to as selfless. selfless is the practice of serving yourself first so that you can leverage your capacity to continue to serve others. It does not take a lot of time, in fact my recommendation is 1% of your day, 14.4 minutes; time dedicated to breathing, introspection and forming your intentions.
Personal Budgeting – The Road to Financial Well-Being
roadSIGNS by Betty Healey
Habit of Happiness
By Geoff Laurin (Personal budgeting coach with Budget Freedom)
Testing Your Budget Testing your budget requires diligence. You need to keep detailed records of your earnings and expenses to see if the budget is working. Once again, finance software or a spreadsheet can make this a lot easier. As you spend money throughout the day, make sure to keep your receipts. At the end of the week, sit down at the computer and enter all of your expenses into the appropriate categories. The finance software or spreadsheet will automatically calculate and gauge whether or not you're on track for meeting your monthly spending goals. The most important thing to know about when it comes to personal budgets is that they're not written in stone. Budgets are designed to be flexible, especially during those first two or three months. Perhaps there are expenses or earnings that you forgot to include in your original assessment. You might not have accounted for seasonal or annual expenses like property taxes, car registration or tax preparation fees. Make adjustments as needed until you find a budget recipe that allows you put away a reasonable amount of money each month. The goal is at least 10 percent, but that doesn't have to happen immediately. It's also important to recognize that budget priorities shift as you get older. Experts recommend that you review your budget every few months to make sure that spending goals still make sense. Remember to consider inflation when you review your budget. Inflation grows at an average rate of 3 percent a year. To stay ahead of inflation, you need to make sure that your income grows at a faster rate. Even if you get a 5 percent raise, don't think of it as an excuse to spend 5 percent more this year. At best, you can spend 2 percent more, but the truly smart thing to do would be to use that extra 2 percent to pay off debt and increase your savings. Another tip: If you carry credit card debt or other high interest debts, pay off those debts first before increasing your savings. It doesn't make sense to invest in a low-interest savings account if your debt is growing exponentially. If you want help with your personal budget and cash-flow management, there nonprofit and professional budget counselling services available. For lots more helpful information on creating a successful personal budget, follow the links on the next page. In the next column, we’ll explore why budgeting can be so difficult for some people. Geoff Laurin is owner and founder of Budget Freedom, an organization committed to helping clients safeguard their personal finances, their assets and their loved ones through sound budgeting, cash-flow and general money management principles.He can be reached at (613) 362-1073 or via email at glaurin@budgetfreedom.ca. Visit his website at www.budgetfreedom.ca
Habit Seven: Create your perfect relationship with You Hold yourself in unconditional love and high regard. The way to attract both happiness and respect is to offer both to yourself first. I suggest that you write a contract with yourself whereby you stipulate what the qualities and characteristics are of your perfect relationship with you. Of course, one of these qualities would b the choice to be happy. My challenge to you is to test out the habits of happiness. Notice what happens to your HQ – your Happiness Quotient. Until next time…Betty Betty Healey is the roadSIGNS Coach, coaching people back to life! An award winning author of two books, roadSIGNS: Travel Tips for Authentic Living and roadSIGNS 2: Travel Tips to Higher Ground, Betty has been sharing her learning with readers as an e-letter for the past ten years. Her latest book, ME FIRST – If I Should Wake Before I Die, is available at Laura’s Gift Shop. You can also watch the roadSIGNS TV Show on Cogeco: http://www.tvcogeco.com/cornwall/shows/1396-the-road-signsshow. You can communicate with Betty at betty@roadSIGNS.ca and visit her website at www.roadSIGNS.ca
in support of the Public - FREE of Charge “OFF-LEASH DOG PARK LOCATED NEAR OPTIMIST PARK Join us every Wednesday at Bruyere’s Restaurant 1225 Brookdale Ave., Cornwall 613-933-4800 for great $10.00 HOMEMADE SPECIALS Spaghetti Dinner - 1/4 Chicken Breast or 2 Chicken Leg Dinner Bruyere’s Apple & Oatmeal Stuffed Roast Pork COME EARLY, LIMITED QUANTITIES, BEVERAGE, TAXES & GRATUITIES NOT INCLUDED
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg 6) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354
Seeker CROSSWORD Challenge
From the Chief Snow Angel
The Best Jokes Ever!
I love a good joke, or I should say I love a good laugh. Laughter is highly contagious and makes you feel good. You laugh and others laugh. Laugher reduces stress, helps us cope better and even helps our immune systems operate better. According to the world renowned Mayo clinic, laugher is a great stress reducer and because of this it has great short term affects on the body and mind such as it “stimulates many organs. Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain.” It also can “Activate and relieve your stress response. A rollicking laugh fires up and then cools down your stress response and increases your heart rate and blood pressure. The result? A good, relaxed feeling.” And of course, my favourite, “soothe tension. Laughter can also stimulate circulation and aid muscle relaxation, both of which help reduce some of the physical symptoms of stress.” It also has great long term affects such as pain reduction and just plain old making us feel better. In the spirit of stress reduction, I will continue the countdown of the best jokes ever, the top five. Enjoy and remember to share a laugh with someone else, you will feel great and so will they. The top five best jokes ever are: JOKE #5 When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300°C. The Russians used a pencil.
SOLUTIONS on page 15
AND THE BEST IS . . . JOKE #1 A priest went to visit an elderly lady in a retirement home. As he was getting ready to leave, Father O'Leary says to Mrs. Greene "I am so sorry, I have eaten all your peanuts!" She replies "that is ok father; I can only suck the chocolate off them anyways."
Nancy Galway, BSW, RSW, MH Nancy is a Life Enhancer and Chief Snow Angel at Snow Angels Sanctuary. Visit Nancy at her wellness Centre at 11 Main St., Alexandria Tel: 613-930-7711 nancy@snowangelssanctuary.com www.snowangelssanctuary.com www.tinyurl.com/snowangelssanctuary "Helping people who are overwhelmed by the stress in their lives by providing services and solutions that enhance lives."
Itamar Danziger
JOKE #4 I was in the park sitting on a newspaper trying to keep my butt dry when a guy walks over and asks, "Are you reading that?" I didn't know what to answer so I said yes, stood up, turned the page and sat down again.
MSW, RSW Individual, Couples and Family Counselling
JOKE #3 - A zookeeper notices someone throwing $20 bills at the monkeys. The zookeeper tells the man to stop and that it's not allowed. "Of course it's allowed!” says the man. "No it's not", says the zookeeper. "Sure it is, it says right here: 'Don't feed the monkeys. $20 fine."
105 Second St. West, Cornwall, ON K6J 1G4
JOKE #2. Husband: Sweetheart, would you say that I'm the only man you've ever loved? Wife: Of course you are! Why do all men ask me the same silly question?
"REALIZE THE RADIANT YOU RETREAT" June 10 - 12, 2011 At The Abbey, Glen Nevis
For more info. 514-826-6365 / 613-930-7711
or visit snowangelssanctuary.com
224 Pitt Street - 613-933-2333 Why the “PLUS”? ‘Cause we are more than just a pawn shop! We buy, sell and trade antiques, fine china, gold, collectibles, as well as CDs, VCRs, movies, video games & musical equipment. Just about anything of value!
TOP PRICES PAID - WE DO HOUSE CALLS! COME SEE OUR HUGE COLLECTION of Gold Jewellery, Swarovski and Pinwheel Crystal, Royal Doulton and Hummels at incredibly low prices!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 7) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 8) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
e Come out to th ll Team Cornwa l Meeting Annual Genera
The Local Seeker Guarantees that our content is always Fresh, always Local and always Original ... Every Issue THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 9)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
and still MORE COMMUNITY EVENTS PROGRAM SCHEDULE For the week of May 30th - June 4th MONDAY
News headlines, weather and community events
Teen Blast Art Current
4:00pm 4:30pm
Road Signs Road Signs
5:00pm 5:30pm
TVC Today
6:30pm 7:00pm 7:30pm
Cornwall Wildcats @ Ottawa Myers Riders
8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm 10:00pm 10:30pm 11:00pm 11:30pm
TVC Today
The Source The Source Kinsmen TV Bingo The Source Road Signs Art Current Podium Cathy Renzella The Source The Source
The Source The Source The Source Cornwall Tonight Teen
The Source The Source Road Signs COGECO GameDay
Cornwall Wildcats @ Ottawa Myers Riders
Cornwall Tonight Art Current The Source The Source
The Source Cornwall Tonight The Source The Source
Blast Auto Experts
TVC Today
The Source The Source Podium Thom Racine
Cornwall Tonight TVC Today
Cornwall Tonight A Tribute To The Si Miller Arena
Teen Blast TVC Today
TVC Today
Cornwall Wildcats @ Ottawa Myers Riders Monday, May 30th - 6 pm
TVC Today
MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?
... who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!! FRIDAY MAY 27 Boozehound @ Snails II in Cornwall
SUNDAY MAY 29 The Midnyte Revi val and more @ Murphys Inn in Cornwall
TUESDAY MAY 31 @ Snails II Tommy Heatley in Cornwall. THURSDAY JUNE 2 Open Mic @ The Grind in Cornwall
FRIDAY JUNE 3 ities and more Trench Town Odd all @ Snails in Cornw FRIDAY JUNE 17 ival and more The Midnyte Rev all @ Snails in Cornw FRIDAY JUNE 24 These Kids Wear Crowns and more @ Murphy's Inn in Cornwall
Read, Learn & Grow by the Cornwall Public Library 45 Second Street East Cornwall ON K6H 5V1 tel: 613-932.4796 fax: 613-932-2715
DAY HUNGER AWARENESS rary presents an the Cornwall Public Lib th wi n tio nc nju co in r Poverty activist The Agape Cente er reduction with local ng hu d an rty ve po on up discussion. educational evening wing followed by a gro speaking and a film vie Refreshments. Everyone is welcomed. 6:00 - 8:00 PM
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
FROM SHARYN’S PANTRY by Sharyn Thompson
SPRING TREATS USING FRESH MAPLE SYRUP We have sold Maple Ridge Farm Maple Syrup in my store for over twenty five years. Our friends Gary and Jean Ivens have been in the maple syrup business for over forty years. The quality of the maple syrup is just wonderful. I love the amber or medium grade for the deep, rich maple flavour. I use it in my baking and over our pancakes. Come in and get some at Sharyn's Pantry. We have farm-gate prices and sell it year round. I know you will enjoy these recipes. Enjoy a great week!
MAPLE PANCAKES You will find that just the addition of only one tablespoon of maple syrup in the pancake batter will give more flavour and a very even browning while frying them. 1- 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 3- 1/2 tsp. baking powder 3/4 tsp. fine salt 2 tbsp. natural bran 1 egg, beaten lightly 1- 3/4 cups milk 3 tbsp. melted butter or canola oil 1 tbsp. pure maple syrup
MAPLE RIDGE FARM LOCAL MAPLE SYRUP ONLY $59.99 / 4 LITRE JUG LOCALLY RAISED EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF ONLY $4.99 / LB. NOTE THAT EVERY MONDAY IS 10% OFF FOR SENIORS • Bake the muffins for 18 to 20 minutes or until the tops spring back when lightly touched.
• Place the hot baked muffins on a wire cooling rack for a few minutes. • Mix the glaze and brush over the tops of the warm muffins.
METHOD; • In a large bowl,sift the flour, baking powder and salt together. Stir in the natural bran. • In a smaller bowl, combine the egg, milk, melted butter and maple syrup. • Gently, stir the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients. Just stir enough to combine everything. Don't overmix or your pancakes will be tough. • Allow the batter to rest for several minutes while your griddle or frying pan heats. • Lightly grease your hot griddle. Drop the pancake batter by large spoonfuls onto the griddle. • Cook on one side until the pancake puffs and bubbles break the surface. Turn only once and allow the pancake to brown lightly on the other side. • For the most tender pancakes, only turn once during cooking. • Serve the pancakes with a drizzle of fresh, pure local maple syrup. ENJOY!
Remember the TV commercial where the girl is looking through the glass of the hot oven and gets a red stripe over her face from the heat? Well that just may happen here, while your family eagerly wait for these muffins to come out of your oven.After they are baked, you just drizzle the tops of the muffins with a glaze made from icing sugar and maple syrup. 1- 1/3 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1/4 cup pure maple syrup 1 cup quick cooking rolled oats 2 egg whites beaten until soft peaks form 1/2 cup white sugar 1 cup peeled, chopped apple 1 tbsp. baking powder 1/2 cup chopped walnuts or pecans 1- 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon GLAZE; 1/2 cup milk 3 tbsp. icing sugar 1/3 cup melted butter 1 tbsp. pure maple syrup METHOD; • Pre-heat your oven to 400 degrees F. Line your muffin tins with paper liners or spray them with no-stick spray. • In a large bowl, combine the flour, rolled ots, sugar, baking powder and cinnamon. I use a whisk for easy mixing. • Whip the egg whites to soft peaks in a small bowl. • In another bowl, combine the milk, melted butter and maple syrup together. • Pour this into the dry mixture, gently mixing. Now fold in the egg whites. • Lastly, add the chopped apple. Just mix gently to combine. • Using a scoop, fill the muffin cups nearly full. Sprinkle the tops with the chopped nuts.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 11)
812 Pitt St. Unit 6 - 613-936-1998 FEATURED ITEMS THIS WEEK
These meatballs are just plain delicious! I made 535 of them to serve at our daughter Jen's wedding in 1998. Yes, I had to count them! The recipe comes from my friend, Wilma Scott, a great cook who owned Wilma's Kitchen on Second St. near Pitt St. NOTE: one recipe will make about 8 dozen - 1" meatballs and they freeze well. THE MEATBALLS; 2 eggs 2 cups Carnation evaporated milk 1 cup fine dry breadcrumbs THE GLAZE; 1/3 cup fresh minced onion or 2 tbsp. dried 2 cups pure maple syrup minced onion 3/4 cup Heinz ketchup 2 tbsp. melted butter or margarine 6 cloves of fresh garlic minced 4 tsp. fine salt ( Note I only used 2 tsp.) 1- 1/2 tsp. Tabasco sauce 1 tsp. ground black pepper 6 tbsp. fresh lemon juice 1 lb. ground pork 3 lb. lean ground beef ( use our local ground beef I sell in my store ) METHOD; • In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add the evaporated milk and bread crumbs. Add the salt and pepper as well. Set aside for a few minutes. • Saute the fresh minced onion in the butter until soft. ( if you choose to use dried minced onion, just stir it into the egg mixture) •Add the ground pork and ground beef to the egg mixture. Stir in the sauteed onions and gently combine. Use your hands for the easiest and best way to combine everything. • To evenly shape your meatballs, try this easy method: Lay a sheet of waxed paper on your cutting board. Place some of the meat mixture onto it. Forming a rectangle with straight sides,press the meat to an even 1 inch in thickness on the waxed paper.Using a chef's knife, cut strips 1 inch wide vertically and horizontally, to resemble a graph paper. Each square will be a one inch meatball which will easily tear off. Just quickly roll each into a ball. You are all set! • Set your oven to 400 degrees F. • Spray broiler pans or cookie sheets with sides with no-stick spray. • Place the meatballs on these pans and bake them in the oven in batches for about 15 minutes or until the meatballs are cooked thoroughly. • Remove the cooked meatballs from the pans and continue until every one is baked. • Don't overbake them or they will be hard and tough. • Make the glaze as the meatballs are baking. • Heat the maple syrup, ketchup, minced garlic, Tabasco sauce and lemon juice in a saucepan until heated through. Simmer for a few minutes to cook the garlic. Pour the hot glaze over the meatballs to serve. ENJOY! VARIATION; You can use this tasty glaze as a dipping sauce for chicken fingers
Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
by Michele R.J. Allinotte Note: This is the 3rd of a series of articles on the difficult conversations we all need to have with our loved ones. In the first article in this series, I recommended starting your difficult conversations with your loved ones with the basic question of “What legal documents do you have in place?” The second article reviewed how important it is to know who is doing what if you (or your loved one) pass away or become incapacitated. The next part of the conversations is to review what are your (or your loved one’s) wishes in the event of death or incapacity. There are several questions to either ask or answer here: 1. What are long-term care preferences? Is a facility or home care preferred? If a facility is preferred, what amenities, location, et cetera is preferred. If in home care is preferred, at what point should care be transitioned to a facility? 2. What are medical preferences and wishes? What type of medical care is wanted after a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, et cetera? What are wishes about life support or other end-of-life decisions? I speak to clients all the time about these tough choices and most people have VERY specific wishes. 3. What are funeral or burial wishes? Again, many people have quite specific wishes here and their loved ones should know what those are. The above three topics can lead in several directions. The most important thing is to have a discussion about all of the “what ifs” and make sure that everyone involved knows what things are important to you (or your loved ones). It is very difficult to honour someone’s wishes if you don’t know what they are. It also can be a challenge to make difficult decisions without knowing what the deceased or incapacitated person wanted. Lastly, a frank discussion with members of your family about what you want and who is to make the decisions for you can be helpful in preventing family disagreements when difficult decisions need to be made. Although you still need to ensure your legal documents reflect your wishes, having the difficult conversation is essential. Stay tuned for the final article in this difficult conversations series, but don’t wait for it – get started talking about these issues with your loved ones today! Michele R.J. Allinotte is the owner of Allinotte Law Office in Cornwall, Ontario and she helps her clients make the best decisions for themselves, their families and their businesses. Her practice focuses on the areas of business law, estate planning and real estate. Visit www.YourCornwallLawyer.com to get her FREE Peace of Mind Personal Inventory to make sure that your family has all the information they need.
ART SEEKERS by Sandra Taylor Hedges
Legally Speaking ... with Michele Allinotte
Have Those Difficult Conversations Now: What Are Your (or Your Loved One’s) Wishes?
The Power of Alone Time In many of my previous columns I advocated for the power of creating with other like minded souls and the powerful connections that can move us forward. This time I want to speak about the importance of being alone for creative time. For many of us it seems on the surface as a no brainer, many Artists say they can only be creative when they are alone, these are not the people I am speaking to. These Artists need to learn the benefits of CSR (creative sympathetic resonance). The individuals I am speaking to are the ones that find time alone is not an easy task. These are the Artists that have a family, children or a spouse that wants them to do couple things together and a full time job. You are the ones who never seem to ever get time alone, but desperately need it. The first thing you need to recognize is that in order to grow as an Artist it is important that you have several hours of uninterrupted alone time, if not daily then at least several times a week. This would mean that if you are in a relationship that you sit down with your partner and make them understand how important your Art is to you as a whole person. This may require that you sit down with yourself first and recognize that feeding your creative soul is just as important as breathing, sleeping and eating. Many of us do not accept this about ourselves and as a result may start to act out in self destructive ways such as excessive drinking, eating, drug use and many other excessive behaviours trying to fill the void in our lives. Until we do we can never convince anyone else of the importance of alone time to create. Uninterrupted alone time to create means just that, no phone, no computer, no visitors, not even a well meaning partner bringing you a coffee or a child wanting to see what you are doing, absolutely no interruptions at all during this time. Set up a time slot of an hour or two to be alone and honour it. Make this as important to your day as showing up for work or an appointment with your Boss, after all it is an appointment with your creative self. When you are alone make sure you spend the time working on your Art and not other tasks. Just start doing the basics even if it is just scribbling, doodling, strumming some old tunes, relaxed stretching to music whatever your particular discipline dictates and after a few weeks you will be looking forward to making this time count. Soon this time will be the time you do some of your best work and you will be feeling more balanced and refreshed. This makes for a happy Artist and more willing to share time with our friends and family. The power of alone time is the foundation of creative inspiration and balance every Artist needs never underestimate it! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Teacher and President of L’association Focus Art Association sandra-taylor-.artistwebsites.com studioonecatsquared.com focusartonline.org rulesforpainting.blogspot.com
SUMMER BBQ SPECIAL Keisers - 35¢ Hot dog and Hamburger buns - 25¢
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 12)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
Monthly Stress Management Tips
Develop An Internal Locus of Control
2. When you feel trapped, make a list of all possible courses of action. Just brainstorm and write things down without evaluating them first.
Edited by: Pierre Milot, Ph.D.
3. You may want to also brainstorm with a friend to get more ideas that you may not have initially considered. Don’t shoot down these ideas right away, either; just write them down.
Research has shown that those with an internal locus of control--that is, they feel that they control their own destiny, rather than their fate being largely determined by external forces--tend to be happier, less depressed, and less stressed. Fortunately, if your locus of control isn't as 'internal' as you'd like it to be, there are things you can do to change your locus of control and empower yourself. Here's a process to practice: DIFFICULTY: AVERAGE TIME REQUIRED: A FEW MINUTES HERE'S HOW: 1. Realize that you always have choices to change your situation. Even if you don’t like the choices available at the moment, even if the only change you can make is in your attitude, you always have some choices.
4. When you have a list, evaluate each one and decide on the best course of action for you, and keep the others in the back of your mind as alternative options. You may end up with the same answer you had before the brainstorming session, but this exercise can open your eyes to the amount of choices you have in a given situation. Seeing new possibilities will become more of a habit. 5. Repeat this practice when you feel trapped in frustrating situations in your life. In more casual, everyday situations, you can still expand your mind to new possibilities by doing this quickly and mentally. TIPS: 1.
Notice your language and self talk. If you
tend to speak in absolutes, stop. If your self talk is generally negative, read this article on the effects of negative self talk and how to make your self talk more positive. 2. Phase out phrases like, ‘I have no choice’, and, ‘I can’t…” You can replace them with, ‘I choose not to,’ or, ‘I don’t like my choices, but I will…’ Realizing and acknowledging that you always have choice (even if the choices aren’t ideal) can help you to change your situation, or accept it more easily if it really is the best of all available options. 3. Your attitude affects your stress level more than you may realize. This article can help you to learn more about mental and personality factors that influence your stress level, so you can make changes to keep stress down. Pierre Milot, Ph.D. Stress Mgmt. / Life - Spirituality Coach, Grief - Bereavement - End of Life Facilitator Tel: 613.528.1725 Cell: 613.551.7433 Professional Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view http://coaching4stress.blogspot.com
JOIN FOR FREE! WEEK OF MAY 28 -JUNE 5 2011 613 930-2427
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
“About The House”
Dear Joe, We have excessive humidity in our house. The windows are always fogging up. It takes forever for the bathroom fan to get the moisture out of the bathroom. What can we do to get rid of some of the dampness? David G.
Dear Joe, With all this rain we&e had this spring, our basement is constantly leaking from 3 or 4 places. Our house is pretty old, but I would like to know if I can do anything about it. We don’t have a sump pump either, is this something we should have? Sincerely, Wet Feet.
Dear Wet Feet, With all this wet weather, you’’re not alone. Basements that have never leaked before are being tested and found wanting. here are some things that homeowners need to come to grips with, especially those like us who own older homes particularly homes build before the 50's. Basements, or cellars as they used to be called, are simply the evolution of root cellars, used to store root vegetables between growing seasons. Until the conclusion of the war and the subsequent modernization of homes in Canada, this was still common practice, so the basements were always damp, cold and never intended to be lived in. Most were dirt floored, wet in the spring and fall, infested with bugs and rodents, and some housed coal furnaces - that’s it. Following the war and the advent of grocery stores, refrigerators and indoor plumbing, cellar floors were cemented, used for storage and washing machines, but still damp. As our desire to utilize this subterranean space to live in increased the technology has improved with it, but not until the last decade or so has it improved to the point where basements can be 100% dry and liveable. .
Then wrapping the entire foundation with a waterproof, flexible bituminous membrane, followed by a weeping layer to allow water to flow down the membrane and into the tile without touching the foundation or footings. If deemed necessary a sump can be added at this time, and a back flow valve installed on the waste pipe to prevent sewer backups due to a rise in water table. Also any openings in the foundation such as gas lines, windows, and vents will need to be sealed well with caulking to be sure that they won’t leak with driven rain. All this will need to be done by an experienced foundation repair contractor. And it will likely run you in the neighborhood of $15-25,000. So when it comes right down to it, you have to assess the value of that space to you and decide where that money is best spent. You can minimize the effects of the incessant rain by insuring your landscaping slopes away from the house and you have effective gutters and downspouts that carry water at least 5 feet away from the foundation. Your leaking basement is of no danger to you or your family as long as you don’t allow things to sit in water and grow mold and mildew. A dehumidifier works well, and you can install shelving units to keep your belongings off the floor. Do not install floor coverings on a damp floor unless it is ceramic tile or else you will trap that moisture beneath and create all kinds of mold problems. Best of luck, Joe
A qualified contractor can have one of these units installed in a day, working in conjunction with your heating system and you can say goodbye to your inefficient old exhaust fans. All the best, Joe Thank you to everyone for your contributions this week. If I didn't answer your question, keep watching here each week for more household tips and renovation advice. You can email your questions to: Aboutthehouse@adamshomeservices.ca. For additional information about me and what is going on in your community, please visit our website: www.adamshomeservices.ca. And remember, Whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.
DEAR SEEKER CHICKS THE BIG BLUE MACHINE STILL LAUGHS AT OUR DEMOCRACY - I'VE HAD ENOUGH! from Mario Leclerc Two weeks after the May 2 federal election, Stephen Harper appointed three defeated Conservative candidates to the Senate on the sly: former intergovernmental affairs minister Josée Verner, Larry Smith and Fabian Manning. They were all rejected by the voters, and yet were called upon against the public's will - to sit in the Senate. The world is turning upside down! Of course we all know that the Senate is used to reward friends of the ruling party and their followers. The Conservatives haven't changed anything; they're simply doing what the Liberals have done before them. It's all the same.
Call Niki for info or appt.
613-528-1770 Cell: 613-933-4170
So in order to make your basement dry, there is a lot of work that needs to be done. These leaks cannot be repaired from the inside, because the problem is not no the inside. The moisture is on the outside and so it must be prevented from contacting the foundation from the exterior. This involves excavating down to the footings and installing or repairing the existing weeping tile.
Dear David, With today’s airtight homes an HRV (Heat Recovery Ventilator) is required in the building code. This device removes the damp dirty air from the house and brings in fresh drier air while retaining up to 90%+ of the heat. I believe that any home can benefit from this technology. By installing one of these units you can begin to take control of the humidity both for the whole house with a humidistat, and on demand in damp zones like bathrooms with a timer, the machine operates while you shower and for a while after you are finished.
You are a demagogue, Mr. Harper. You want us to believe that you want an equal, elected and effective Senate, yet you mock us and our democracy. One day this will come back to haunt you.
Senators earn more than $132,000 per year as a base salary and remain there until the age of 75. It costs nearly $90 million per year for each and every one of us. In 2008-09, the Senate sat a total of 69 days! The Senate is unnecessary, undemocratic and should be abolished.
“We take pride in our hide” Must be 18 years of age
Fortunately, we can count on 103 New Democrat MP's in the House of Commons to safeguard our democracy. Go Jack Go!
or parent consent
All disposable needles & tubes. Bring your own design. 612 Montreal Rd. Cornwall eltorotattoo@yahoo.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND ... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS and much, much more ...
Sat. June 18, CORNWALL • RIDE •
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LOT FOR SALE: 3 ACRES backing on to the Raisin River Located on VALADE ROAD asking $39,900 Telephone 613-577-6638 / 613-936-8083 DINE WITH A WATER VIEW @ RCAFA WING 424 240 WATER ST. WEST WEEKLY WINGS & "THINGS" AND GEORGIE'S KARAOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 4:30 ON ALL WELCOME!!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR COOKBOOK to try at home, or just provide from countries of the world recipes (any kind including beverages) of the 350 groups and nations constituting the genetic make-up of Akwesasne, Cornwall and SD&G. Each person will have its picture beside the flag of the country recipe. For the listing of nations please visit www.paradeofnations.com under People’s Festival Fundraising, then under groups and nations or call Marie Morrell 613-936-6873. To submit your recipes send to info@paradeofnations.com or mail to 1621 Joyce St, Cornwall, Ontario K6J 1Y8.
FOR SALE: Home Gym is good shape. $225 obo. Telephone 613-5342093 or 613-571-9821 FOR SALE: 1999 Mercury Cougar. 2 dr., V6, 5 speed, safetied, Etested, $1,800. Call 613534-2093 or telephone 613-571-9821 FOR SALE: 9 piece dining room set for sale. Table, 6 chairs, side board, hutch and 2 leafs. Asking $1500 or best offer please telephone 613-534-2361
Seeker CROSSWORD solutions from page 7
for more info see website or Email: info@drpaulpoirier.com
Got something to sell, trade, give away etc. CALL IT IN NOW 613-362-2354
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 15)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
Professionally Chilling With ... Cornwall, England (or it may be some place in Wales) has a custom that involves going to a Gary Friedman crossroads to listen to the wind and to learn all the important things that will happen in the days to come. This belief from ancient times acknowledges that at every crossroads a dead soul is chilling out at midnight. The notion of the crossroads figures prominently in the mythology of the supernatural. For example, murderers and suicides were frequently buried at crossroads, in the hopes that their vengeful spirits would be so bewildered at their choice of paths, that they wouldn't find their way home to wreak havoc. The havoc found at a crossroads, however, sometimes involves a lost soul rather than a dead soul.
A year ago, I crossed paths with just such a lost soul. It was a motorist who approached me while I was hanging out and sipping a Coke at MacMillan's Convenience Store at First and Marlborough. She needed directions to Detroit after having left Toronto earlier that day. I told my itinerant visitor that she was at a crossroads known as Cornwall, Ontario: an hour from Ottawa, an hour from Montreal, and just minutes from New York State, USA. I went on to tell the lost traveller that she had taken a wrong turn - a major wrong turn - after leaving Toronto. And so this lost soul took her error in stride (no crossroads suicide for her) and set out again to retrace her steps on Highway 401 all the way back to Toronto before going on to Detroit. Sometimes, the supernatural can really steer you in the wrong direction at a crossroads. I'll take lost souls, however, any day over dead souls.
I’m Julia the Web Designer
and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading
this issue of The Local Seeker We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. 613-935-8101 - Classifieds 613-362-2354 email: info@thelocalseeker.com We will be working on our NEXT ISSUE and it will be out next week on Friday, June
or read the paper online www.thelocalseeker.com DEADLINES FOR NEXT ISSUE Tuesday at 5pm
THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 27 - pg. 16) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com