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You r Weekl y Dose of Posi ti ve New s!

C h r is M unr o

M anon L ev esque J enna F lannigan

N at h an D a S ilv a

C h r ist ina J ud d - C am p b ell

R yan G osling J ane M c L ar en

J ust in Tow nd ale

t o p 1 0 ci t i zen s o f 2 0 1 5 E m ily V allanc e

Th e Seek er 's

R and y S auv e

Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Vol Volume . 7 Issue 1 41, 6 Issue January 8, 2016 October 30, 2015

Read why we sel ect ed t hese st el l ar individual s on page 4. Al so

I n M emoriam John Earl e, Max Keeping and Wal t er Wheel er

Pictures: Creative Commons Georges Biard (Ryan Gosling) Facebook (Emily Vallance) , (Manon Levesque) (Randy Sauve), Jason Setnyk (Jenna Flannagan, Nathan Da Silva) (Jane McLaren) (Chris Munro)

SUNDAYS ON DUNET.CA 1pm - The Couch Wit h Shannon and Erica

SEE YOU JANUARY 8, 2016 at noon

4pm - The Jim & Ike Show

$199,900 54 VALECREST DR

To Buy or Sell, Call

Tom Dunne



EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio CREATIVE DESIGN: Mai-Liis Renaud PHOTO JOURNALIST: Jason Setnyk THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper and make it a success...



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inf o@t www.t MAIN OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Monday and Tuesday 10am to 5pm Closed for lunch SECONDARY OFFICE 319 Fourth Street W. CORNWALL, ONTARIO Wednesday and Thursday 10am to 5pm


THE SEEKERTEAM wishes you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! by Julia Lucio

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Ag re e to d isa g re e

Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d


An o t h er year , an o t h er b l an k sl at e


So... I am finally getting back in the swing of things. I took a well deserved vacation and spent almost 3 weeks away with the kiddos, traveling across the USA, visiting family.

Cal l M ai-Liis - Seeker Sales

I'm not going to lie, the thought of never coming back did occur to me. Weather alone would get me, but then, when you add in family, Texas is pretty enticing. It was great to see the kids bond with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles and very hard to break away from the familial embrace when the time came. Being there, and perhaps also the fact that it was the end of the year, led me to ponder. What if? What if I was to drastically make a move like that and change my entire existence? What's the worst that could happen?

613-935-3763 ext . 102

We have your target m ark et! and Don't Forget

Advertising with the Seeker is not an expense... It's an investment! Make sure to budget your ads today to help make 2016 the best year yet! The Seeker is seen by and estimated 10,000 pairs of eyes weekly. Our readers are very loyal. Our main demographic consists of women, 34-50 years old, who make the buying decisions in the family.



A new year? A new beginning? I don't know about you, but for me, new years are always a time of reflection. What have I accomplished this year? Where can I improve? What will I change for the new year? Do I make resolutions? No. But I do take a hard look at my 12 months past and critique them. I pull them apart, analyse them, then I set goals. I'm not talking about the usual "get on a diet" or "start eating healthy" thing either--those are a given--I'm talking about a real, long, hard introspection on my life and goals to reflect the findings of that introspection.

For example, one of my goals this year is to stop wasting time on people who do not deserve it, and as a result, spend more time with those who do. Your one st op shopf or... Another goal is to eliminate toxic people from my social media stream, no matter how popular or Advert ising prominent they are. To do a better job at filtering GraphicDesign out negativity. A professional goal is to do more to WebDesign move the arts further in the community. A personal Print ing- Phot ography goal is to spend more time cuddling and snuggling VideoRecording with my children. There is so much power in a hug!


fo r o u r 2 0 1 6 SPECIALS! 613-935-3763

A new year is like a blank slate. It's an open book, with empty pages on which you get to write the story. You get to decide in what direction the plot will go, who the heroins will be and where the action will take place. Will there be a move for me in the future? I don't know yet. But if there is, it certainly will not be in 2016: I'm not moving anywhere Trump is in power! Plus, I have too many unfinished chapters here in Cornwall. Here are my 2016 motos: love plenty, laugh more, worry less, always seize the opportunity, ask why, ask why not, enjoy life, pay attention, don't panic, back away, pick my battles, be wise, minimize, nurture, grow things, breathe. If I live by these, I should have a pretty good year. If not, I'll do better next year. In fact, my New Year's resolution every year, and I'm Jewish so I get two New Years a year, is to meditate, and I fail every time. -Sheryl Sandberg


DEADLINES Classifieds Wednesdays 5pm Commercial Ads Tuesdays 5pm


LETTERS TOTHEEDITOR Have something to say? Sent us your Letter to the editor. You can also freely comment on our website at

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d NEWS & POLITICS 2016 Tim Hort ons Bowl f or Kids Sake - The 2016 Tim Hortons Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser will be held on Saturday, February 6, 2016 in Cornwall and on Sunday, February 7, 2016 in Chesterville. The annual fundraiser is integral to the operation of the seven free mentoring programs provided by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District. The event sees over 200 teams of local bowlers lacing up to help the non-profit agency raise close to 30% of their annual operating budget. ?We are already seeing new teams signing up for this year?s event and look forward to seeing even more new teams join us!? said Executive Director Amanda Brisson.

Cit y of Cornwal l and Tril l ium st ep back - The City of Cornwall provided an update on legal matters surrounding the storage tanks site operated by Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. in the Cornwall Port area. On December 9, 2013, City Council passed an Interim Control By-law to prohibit development on the storage tanks site. In addition, in early 2014, the City imposed charges against Trillium for not obtaining a building permit and site plan control approval and failure to obey an order to comply. This matter has been granted a number of extensions before the courts. At the same time, Trillium had initiated an action in Superior Court against the City claiming the City exceeded its authority in laying the charges stated above. The City of Cornwall and Trillium have reached an agreement that has seen Trillium withdraw its Superior Court application in exchange for the City withdrawing its charges. SDG Unit ed Way 2015 Campaign ext ended - The United Way of SD&G Campaign has been extended to January 15th. The campaign currently sits at 82% of its goal. ?We are closer to our goal every day but need a little more time to reach our objective?, said Michael Galvin, 2015 Campaign Chair. ?Every gift goes a long way toward improving quality of life in SDG. You can give today and watch it make a difference all year long?.

ARTS & CULTURE Gil cig t aking l eave of absence f rom TAG Board - In a release TAG Cornwall, the city?s public art gallery, is announcing that VP of Communications Jamie Gilcig will be taking a leave of absence from the Board of Directors as of the upcoming AGM, and will not be running in the next board election. ?Jamie has done an incredible amount of work, and his drive and energy have kept the gallery alive?, said TAG board President Wyatt Walsh. ?Managing the gallery crisis has been one of the greatest challenges of my career. We have gone through major improvements, and now that any past issues have been resolved I hope that the foundation our board has created will lead to a long and successful future. I love working with all of the members of our

b y Ja so n Se tny k

current board, and the artists and public who support TAG?, Gilcig added. The date of the AGM will be announced shortly.

SPORTS & RECREATION Short y Jenkins Cl assic Has a New Home in Cornwal l - (Choose Cornwall) The AMJ Campbell Shorty Jenkins Classic will continue to bring the world?s curling elite to Eastern Ontario, however after almost two decades years in Brockville, the popular bonspiel is moving down the road to Cornwall Ontario. And its founder and Chair of the event, Gord McCrady Jr., is thrilled about what Cornwall has in store as the Shorty?s new host city. ?We believe that Cornwall offers a better chance for the AMJ Campbell Shorty Jenkins Classic to continue to establish its position as one of the world?s premiere bonspiels,? said Mr. McCrady. ?Cornwall has the infrastructure and support network that can meet the demand of today?s professional sporting events.? River Kings owner St eve Moreau disheart ened by l ow t urnout s - Despite a rash of recent injuries, the River Kings play has improved of late. Particularly on home ice, where Cornwall is 3-2-2 in its last seven LNAH contests. ?The team has improved a lot since the beginning of the year,? said owner Steve Moreau. ?We?ve made some changes and the last seven games or so, have shown the results.? Now, Moreau hopes to see a spike in attendance. The River Kings have earned points in each of their last three home games of 2015 but in front of crowds of only 671, 901 and 792. At the mid-way point of the home schedule, Cornwall has averaged 880 fans. ?We need people at the games, it?s disheartening to see less than 1,000 fans at a game,? said River Kings owner Steve Moreau. ?With these numbers, we won?t last the rest of the season and it would be devastating to lose this team.? ?It?s simple: No fans, no team.?


Cornwal l Col t s bl ast Kanat a 9-1 - The Cornwall Colts scored early and often in a 9-1 rout of Kanata at the HortArena. icul tGrant uralCooper Societ y beaut if ies Ed Lumley paced the Colts ent rance t o CitRoss y Landf il l asit e (5) offense with four assists. Craig had goal and two assists. Lawson MacDonald (13), Matthew Morin (9) and Jeremy McFarlane (7) each had a goal and an assist. Sebastian Dirven (2), Tristan Conrad (4), Keegan Mulhearn (8), Justin McRae (2) and Konnor MacCormick (1) also scored for the Colts. Nick Lalonde picked up two assists. The Colts outshot the Lasers 48-16 with Liam Lascelle earning the victory to improve his record to 14-6-0-1 on the season. Cornwall?s record improves to 21-17-2-1 for 45 points and 7th place in the CCHL standings.

EDITORIALS & OPINIONS Sunday Transit shoul d be considered - Jason Setnyk writes: In eight years Cornwall Transit ridership has almost doubled. In 2014 total ridership for Cornwall Transit was 833,832. It has been increasing steadily since 2006 when the annual ridership count stood at 494,933. The large increase of ridership justifies taking a serious look at Sunday service. Sunday Transit service would help with mobility, social development, and economic development. The demand for Sunday service is not new. During my time as Chair of the Cornwall Transit Committee from 2010-2014, there was a customer survey done, and the number one request by passengers was Sunday service. City Council should consider funding Sunday Transit for a trial period of one year. Properly funding Transit will help our City move forward. It's not the 1980s anymore. People have been working and shopping on Sunday for decades now. I hope many of the people who signed the survey contact their City Councillors and Mayor directly. For those interested in doing so, here is a link to their emails: http:/ / en/ cao/ councilprofiles.asp . It's time we bring Cornwall Transit to the 21st Century and create a better and more fair Cornwall for all people.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



THE SEEKER TEAM wishes you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Ka thle e n



Welcome 2016! A NewYear,a time for NewYear?sresolutions. Does your New Year?s resolution include taking better care of yourself? More exercise, a healthier diet, less stress? Have you considered Massage Therapy to complement your healthy lifestyle? When thinking of massage, many people envision a luxurious spa for the rich and famous. However, massage therapy is becoming more widely recognized as a registered health profession, with a wide variety of clientele seeking relief from many different conditions.

The Seeker's TOP 10 Citizens of 2015 Ryan Gosl ing For embracing the fact that he is not only Canadian, but grew up in Cornwall and still has family up here on American National TV, on Saturday Night Live. What a way to acknowledge our small city.

Emil y Val l ance 14 year old grade 9 student, for not only winning, for a second year in a row, the title of world champion of kickboxing, but for doing so in two age groups. She brought home a total of 3 golds and 1 bronze .

Just in Towndal e

Massage therapy has improved so many lives, and many workplaces are adding massage benefits to their insurance packages because they are seeing a need for these services.

a.k.a. Captain Cornwall. City Councillor who sits on many boards and committees. We selected Justin for his passion for this city, his involvement in the community through social media and for his commitment to transparency.

Imagine that you have been working on a project at work for two weeks, staying late or going in early to catch up on your regular work, and feeling stress creeping up your back into your neck, sometimes even causing headaches. Or imagine you are a factory worker who has been experiencing a bigger workload or a different workload and you start noticing new aches and pains in your arms, shoulders, low back, knees. You may have a career that involves a lot of walking or standing, leaving you with aching feet or knees at the end of the day. Or you may be an educator, for either the very young, which involves a lot of bending, or for adults and older children, which involves writing on a board and typing on the computer. What about emergency service personnel, who wear heavy equipment for 12 hours at a time, or have to carry/ lift people?

Manon Levesque

As well as physical injury, massage therapy can help people suffering with mental illness. Studies have shown that just a 20 SECOND hug can release oxytocin. Imagine how you could feel after 30-60 minutes of massage! Studies have shown that massage therapy is incredibly beneficial for reducing anxiety, stress, and depression. Many people who are suffering from mental illness are experiencing poor quality of sleep. Massage can help with that too! Client?s have reported back to me that after having a one hour relaxation massage during the day, they slept a full 8 hours that night, and in some cases every night for a full week following their massage!

Phot o by Mai-Liis Renaud

Do any of these scenarios describe you? Have you experienced pain or discomfort related to your work or exercise and you weren?t sure if you should seek therapy? In most injuries, leaving the condition to heal on its own will result in longer healing times and/ or the injury healing improperly, leading to long-term discomfort and compensatory postures, leading to more discomfort and compensatory postures? you can see how a pattern develops. If you have never experienced Registered Massage Therapy and think it may help you heal, give me a call. You never know until you try! To book your massage cont act me: Kathleen Morris, RMT

Deputy City Clerk Manon Levesque has been recognized with a special award and was presented with the AODA champion award from AMCTO for her efforts in making Cornwall a more accessible community.

Randy SauvĂŠ Randy has been operating a downtown business for a long time, but this year marked the beginning of a new chapter when he and girlfriend Carol Grant started CAPE, a new convention catering to cosplayers and comics aficionados.

Christ ina Judd-Campbel l Christina Judd-Campbell of Chesterville Ontario, and a graduate of Seaway District High School, won four gold medals and a silver medal in rhythmic gymnastics at the 2015 Special Olympics in Los Angeles.

Nat han Da Sil va Cornwall-born singer and guitarist who played with the Franco-Ontarian band Swing when Team Canada entered the stadium at the closing ceremony of the PanAm Games. They opened for Kanye West, Pitbull, and Serena Ryder.

Jenna Fl annigan Flannigan, an athletic ambassador for Cornwall and women?s baseball, won silver at the PanAM games.This was the first time Women?s Baseball was ever played at the the games and Team Canada did not disappoint.

Jane McLaren Jane donates her time to many organizations and sits on various boards. Her most recent achievement is the creation of "Food Fest", a street festival for foodies doubling as a fundraiser for Beyond 21, who Jane works for.

Chris Munro

305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On K6H 4J6 Email: (613) 662-5549

Give t he Gif t of Relaxat ion w it h a Gif t Cer t if icat e

Life's Little Pleasures' owner, Chris Munro, has recently celebrated 30 years in business. Chris has always been a great ambassador to the downtown core. As such, she organizes a yearly event , "Rock The Block", promoting shopping, dining and entertaining downtown.

I n M emoriam J ohn E arle Artist and Entrepreneur

W alter W heeler Kinsmen Club member and volunteer

Kathleen Morris, RMT 305 Baldwin Ave., Suite 5, Cornwall, On Email: (613) 662-5549

M ax K eeping Community ambassador

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l

t h eSEEKERS KEEPERS even t sn ' m o r eSECTION

Happy New Year 2016 Bonne et heureuse année 2016


Open/ Ouvert 7/ 7 45 Second st East 613-932-4796

SUNDAY,JANUARY17, 2016 - 2:00pm t o 3:00pm. DITCHTHEDIET - Sign up for our Ditchthe Diet - A Talk on Mind-BodyEatingwith LorraineDriscoll,registeredHolisticnutritionistand mindfuleatingcoach.Free registrationrequiredat the libraryor by phone- 613-932-4796

SATURDAY,JANUARY30 - 2:00 pm WHATISENDOMETRIOSIS? - A CLOSERLOOKAT WOMEN?SHEALTH- For women 13 to 45 yearsold - Presentedby CherieDouglas



YOGAYOUTH - 10:00am to 11:00am PAWS'N BOOKS- 11:00am to 12:00pm CHECK-MATES WITHCLIFFORDLABRE- 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm

MONDAY,JANUARY11 TIMEFORTWO - 10:00am to 11:00am



TUESDAY,JANUARY12 MAHJONGG- 10:00am to 12:00pm THEFLYINGNEEDLES- 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm




6, 2016

THURSDAY,JANUARY14 BABYTALES - (0 t o 2 year ol ds) - 10:00am to 10:45am & 11:00am to 11:45am STORYTIME- (3 t o 5 year ol ds) - 10:00am to 10:45am CORNWALLSCRABBLE- 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm ADULTEVENINGBOOKCLUB - 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm ROLEPLAYINGCARDCLUB - (Ages7 to 14 yearsold) - 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm



Cal l t he l ibraryat 613-932-4796f or moreinf ormat ion. or visit www.l ibrarycornwal l The l ibraryis openon Sundaysf rom1 - 5pm

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Wi t h



U P?


Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God?s Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org



SATURDAY Creat ion Science Cent re open Saturdays 1-5pm.

Dion Ignit e t he Night Snow Show race at Upper Canada Vil l age, 13740 County Road 2, Morrisburg,




W H A T 'S

Worship and t he Word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y, 949 Mohawk Drive, 10:30 am wit h Past or Brad Mont sion

616 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON 613-936-9898





Gl engarrian Pub Quiz Night ! No charge to play! Prizes to be won. Starts at 7pm sharp.




Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510




Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

Grade 7 & 8 TEEN DANCE Sponsored by Cl ub Oct agon at La Citadel - 6:30-9:30pm Student ID required. Music by: DJ Shel l shock and Madame-Mix-A-Lot





Your ad woul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime don't f orget ! Cal l 935-3763




Col t s Home Game at t he Civic Compl ex, 7pm



Seaway Int ernat ional Wine Fest ival . 6 to 11pm at the Ramada Inn. $100 per person in support of Rachel's Kids and Children's Aid Society. Tickets available at Scotiabank. Bazar Vendor Emporium. 11am t o 4pm, 205 Amel ia St reet Vu Night spot 's FIRST dragshow ever! 19+ Come to Vu Nightspot (113 1/ 2 Pitt St. [behind Kastner's]) JANUARY 16TH 2016 for a great experience and admire the amazing performances brought to you by performers from all around!

yone Wishing Ever mas ist a Mer r y Chr f at Lola's f r om t hest af

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


S E E K E RC H I C K S ThisSATURDAYJanuary 9t h

Ro ck etSu r g er y 10pmstart- NOCOVER

Next SATURDAYJanuary16t h

Ri ch ar dCr an i u m 616 Pitt St, Cornwall 613-936-9898

10pmstart- NOCOVER

Bi g n ews fr o m En co r e Ed u cat i o n Cen t er !! We have relocated to a spacious n ew cl assr o o m at 1500 Cumberland Street, Room 227. There is ample free parking across the street, and the classroom is easily accessible via the elevator inside the front door. Wat ch fo r n ews o f o u r u p co m i n g ?Op en Ho u se? o n Jan u ar y 2 0 , 2 0 1 6 , and details of our winter program.

CALLMai-LiisTODAY t o p l ace yo u r

EVENT AD! 613-935-3763 Ext . 102

"I can'thelpyou advertiseit, if I don't knowaboutit!

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



THE SEEKER TEAM wishes you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! Sha ry n


A brand new year means many things. To me it means being thankful for my many blessings: my husband, my family, my faith, my health, my friends, my home, my dogs, our store which I still look forward to going to work in after 35 years, speaking with our many customers who have become friends after these many years, writing this column which gets me to try many new recipes to share with you, I could go on and on. We had a very lovely Christmas with all of our family home, all



1- 2/ 3 cups quite warm water (but not too hot or too cold or you will kill the yeast) 2 rounded tsp. instant breadmachine yeast 3 tbsp. white sugar (or honey) 2 tsp. Kosher salt 3 tbsp. vegetable oil (or butter) (I added 1 beaten egg) 4- 1/ 3 cups unbleached bread flour (of course only use Sharyn's Pantry bakery quality bread flour)

METHOD: -Begin by pouring the quite warm water into the mixer bowl. To this add the sugar or honey, then the yeast, stirring to mix using the paddle attachment. Allow this to sit and bubble for about 10 minutes. -Now to this mixture, add the salt, vegetable oil or butter and the flour in stages having the mixer on low with the paddle attachment. After about 2 cups or so of flour, when you hear the mixer beginning to groan, change the attachment to the dough hook and continue to add the flour.


A Br an d New Year ! the kids and grandkids enjoying each others company and catching up on family news. It was a wonderful day! Over the Christmas break, I did try many new recipes which I plan to share with you. This week is a lovely and easy bread dough which you mix and knead completely in your Kitchen Aid mixer. Nick Gray shared with me his recipe. I first made plain buns, then I next made submarine buns and a loaf of bread.We had the sub buns with some of my homemade meatballs for a quick and easy supper. He even brought in some bagels and a loaf of bread he made for me to try using the very same recipe. Thanks Nick for caring and sharing. Have a great week! -Allow the dough hook to continue to mix and knead the dough for about 5 to 7 minutes after all of the flour has been mixed in to the bread dough. I used low to medium speed on the mixer. -Remove the dough from the bowl and grease the bowl, place the bread dough into the bowl, turning once to grease the top of the dough. -Cover the dough with a sheet of plastic wrap or a clean dry tea towel. Allow the dough to rise to double in size in a draft free area of your kitchen. Punch the dough down. -Now shape the dough into buns or bread as you like. Allow the dough to rise to nearly double again. -Bake the buns in a 350 degree F. oven (or use 325 degrees F. convection bake) for about 15 minutes for buns or about 25 to 30 minutes for bread loaves. SHARYNTHOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'SPANTRY -One recipe will - a family-runbusinessfor 35 years. make 20 large 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998 buns or 8 sub OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 buns and 1 small loaf of bread. ENJOY!

When John was transferred back to Montreal, the family decided to establish itself close by, in Cornwall. She joined the Art East Association after visiting their exhibition in Carlton Place. It was then, through the influence of Jennifer Rabbi she began to do Batik. It was a perfect fit.


DESNO YERS MEET THE BOARD: This week, I continue to introduce you to the Board of directors of Focus Art.

ELAINE ARKWRIGHT (Direct or / Treasurer) As of 2016, there are more than 25 artists, 10 having reached the level of master, who, I am aware of, practice BATIK in Cornwall that is a visual art form where images are created on material. This means of creating has become so popular that it required its own category at the 2015 Annual Juried Show. In this case, BATIK regained popularity through the perseverance and planning of Elaine Arkwright. Few are those who succeed in exciting a community about an art form as well as Elaine has. Elaine was born in Montreal. Her studies in college led to a fulfilling job in administration for an engineering company. A serious leg injury kept her from work for a year and Elaine quickly became bored. On crutches, she began making pastry for a local restaurant in West Island. Her skills were quickly recognised and her high end products were sold in 7 businesses. She was known as the ?Cake lady? and her Chocolate Moose was a runaway success. After 3 years, it was a question of expanding and hiring staff or taking a break. Illness in the family, care for an aging parent, three young children and rising stress dictated the end of her adventure. However the skills she had acquired during those years, well established her method of work suited to her future art expression. Bombardier transferred her husband, John, to Sarnia. While living there, Elaine was impressed by the community?s interest in art. The city held a monthly ?Art Walk? where artists and businesses partnered to offer space and incentives to bring art to the public. She was hooked. So far away from friends and family, Elaine needed to find a way to meet people and feed her artistic drive. She explored watercolour painting by taking lessons from a talented aunt. Her cousin and friend, Jennifer Rabbi, helped her pursue her interest in painting. After a course in watercolour, Elaine was determined to hone her skills and sold prints and cards of her work.

Her work is large and bright. She is free with colours and entertains a vivid imagination. Elaine enjoys experimenting with all the possibilities of Batik: use of alcohol, salt, blotting, crackle and different materials. Her work is abstract enough to evoke a conversation with the viewer. With Jennifer teaching, Elaine began sharing her passion with other local artists and developed a following. To her credit she has won first, second and Honourable Mention in the 2014, 2015 Focus Art Juried Shows, first prize at the TAG Juried Show, and for 2014- 2015 is featured in the Focus Art calendar. She has shown her work at the TAG, FA exhibitions, Rideau Lake exhibitions, Art in the Barn (Lombardy near Smith Falls), Centre culturel de Cornwall gallery, Le Corrid?art, GlenStorDun Lodge and many more where her pieces always attract buyers. When asked, how she would like to be remembered by her colleagues and friends Elaine answers: Though shy, she loves to be with people. She hopes her colorful paintings bring happiness in the lives of many. She wants to spread joy. Elaine is Focus Art?s Treasurer, one of the most demanding positions on the Board. With her background in administration and business she serves the group exceptionally well. Thank you Elaine for being part of the Board of directors of Focus Art. ATTENTION: There are still a few Focus Art calendars available. Notice on the February page there will be a DRAW by Pommier?s Jeweler for a FLOWER PENDANT for Valentine?s Day. You must DROP OFF your coupon from the calendar at Pommier?s bef ore Feb. 11, 2016 for a chance to WIN!!!!. Good luck. Visit our website: www.f ocusart onl or call 613-931-1194 to purchase a calendar.

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


call the THE SEEKER TEAM today - we will help you make 2016 your "HAPPY NEW advertising YEAR"! - 613-935-3763



Sha nno n



Cal l Seeker Sal es Dude John t oday t o pl ace your ad!

Happy New Year everyone! Here is is my first column of 2016 ... and be sure to listen to my online radio show "The Love Hawk" every Tuesday at 6pm at

5 Lif e St ruggl es That Act ual l y Make You St ronger.

We all know by now that life gets hard sometimes. Circumstances arise that test our strength and make us feel like we may not make it out alive but when times get tough it helps to remember that without these struggles we wouldn?t truly appreciate life when it actually is going our way. Think of these life struggles as a workout for your character; just like going to the gym, you won?t see results unless it hurts a little (a lot) and makes you sweat really hard. In the end, just know you?ll be a better, wiser, stronger person who can look back and say you got through it.

1) Breakups The gut-wrenching pain of a breakup can make you feel like someone just dropped a hundred pound cinder block on your heart and left you there to die. In the moments, days, weeks, even years after going through a tough breakup you may feel as though you?ll never love again. It feels unfair when you see other couples who look so happy and you try to put on an optimistic front when thinking of the possibility of another relationship, even though it kind of makes you want to puke. Let yourself feel all these emotions; the anger, the hurt, the loss, the regret. The more you feel the more you will learn and soon you will be able to accept that this breakup really was for the best and you?ll start to appreciate your new lease on life. This struggle will teach you to be smart with your heart in the future and not settle for anything less than butterflies. You?ll grow in a way that you won?t notice as it?s happening but eventually you will believe in love again. You?ll also finally be able to depend on yourself alone and know that you are the one most important person in your life.

2) Bad Jobs The struggle of working a job you absolutely hate is real. Dragging yourself out of bed each morning to make it to the office on time becomes part of a routine you absolutely despise but you do it anyway. You do it because you have to make ends-meet or because you need the experience or maybe because you feel like you can?t get anything better. The fact that you?re doing it and not giving up is teaching you perseverance though, as much as you feel like you?re getting dumber by the hour. It?s helping you become stronger because you know that you actually can provide for yourself, even if it?s by doing a job you hate. It?s showing you what you really don?t want to do so you can try harder to get a job you know you will really love. And in the end, when you land that dream job or build up the courage to start your own company you will appreciate every moment so much more because you will know what it?s like to work in the bowels of hell and you know you will do everything in your power to succeed at the job you are passionate about.

3) Money Issues Sure, some people in this world never have to worry a day in their lives about money but for the rest of us, this is a pretty pressing issue. The way we tackle this struggle varies; some of us avoid sleep and worry incessantly about how the upcoming bills will be paid, while others try to avoid thinking at all about how deep in the hole they are pretending like it?s not a big deal. However you cope, there?s no denying that money problems have left us all struggling from time to time wishing we could just win the god-damn lottery for once. It?s not a fun feeling and it?s all too present in way too many lives but not having money really teaches you how to value things. You start realizing that the nicest clothes don?t mean much if you can?t afford your groceries and you start understanding just how far a dollar can go if you budget properly. You learn to say no to that weekend away because rent?s due on Monday and you know you just can?t make it work. But all of these lessons add up to be more valuable than the money you wish you had because when you do find yourself making a

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t . 1 0 5 better salary one day you?ll appreciate things so much more. You won?t squander your money away on meaningless things and you?ll find that, while money can definitely help you worry less and allow you to do things that make you happy, real happiness comes from somewhere much deeper.

4) Lonel iness Ah yes, being lonely. Is there anything more soul crushing than realizing how lonely you feel? You may know perfectly well that you are loved by many but sometimes we all get hit with a pang of loneliness that makes us feel straight-up sad. It could be after the aforementioned breakup, it could be after the horrific death of a loved one, it could be after moving to a new city and realizing you know absolutely no one. There are many reasons for loneliness and the best cure is to figure out your own mind. If you have to grieve, do it. If you have to throw yourself into an uncomfortable social situation to make new friends, do it. If you have to write out a list of all the people in your life you know you can count on (there has to be a couple), do it. Being lonely is normal but you have to pick yourself up and realize you?re only lonely if you let yourself be. The internal struggle is one you can only fight alone, but once you overcome it you will see how truly un-lonely you really are. Getting through those days can be tough but you?ll learn how many shoulders you have to cry on and how many people really do care for you and that alone is enough to move a mountain.

5) Sel f -Image It?s clearly evident that many people struggle with self-image on a daily basis. Whether it be weight issues, body imperfections, or simply not enjoying the person you see in the mirror we?ve all had days where we just feel blah. Self-image also applies to how we view ourselves outside of our mirror image? how we feel we add up in the grand scheme of things. The fact that we?re all trying so hard to impress each other seems like it may never go away (although it might be getting a bit better) but at the end of the day the internal struggles we have with ourselves about the person we are allows us to get a better understanding of why we are that way. It?s okay to be aware of one?s self-image and to work on feeling better about ourselves each day, but we have to learn that having a good self-image on the outside starts with work on the inside. If you can get through that struggle and learn to love yourself for the great person you are then I guarantee you will feel stronger and more empowered on the other side. Having negative feelings about yourself is bound to happen but working through those thoughts and becoming better because of it is an asset that will prove valuable throughout the rest of your life. Shannon Ferguson is a writer who recently returned to her roots in Cornwall. With degrees in Communications, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism, Shannon created her successful blog, The Love Hawk, and is a contributing writer for many websites including The Huffington Post and Elite Daily. View her blog at, like her page on Facebook and follow her on Twitter @TheLoveHawk.

Yo u r Week l y Ch u ck l e ... Quit e t he Misunderst anding!!! Ther e w as a bit of confusion at the stor e this m or ning. W hen I w as r eady to pay for my gr ocer ies, the cashier said, "Str ip dow n, facing m e." M aking a m ental note to com plain to the stor e M anager, I did just as she had instr ucted. W hen the hyster ical shr ieking and alar m s finally subsided, I found out that she w as r efer r ing to my cr edit car d. I think they need to ma ke their instr uctions a little clea r er !

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



call the THE SEEKER TEAM today - we will help you to make 2016 your HAPPY NEW YEAR! - 613-935-3763 M a rle ne

Happy 31st Anniversary to Todd & Josee Sauve. May you spend many, more Happy & Exciting Anniversaries 2gether in the years to come my dear friends.


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU, AND YOU, AND YES, EVEN YOU!!! May you make the most of this year, by LAUGHing, LOVing, READing, LIVing, LEARNing, PLAYing and of course DREAMing!!! I want you All to just Be Happy and Live in each and every moment that passes you by this year. I hope that you ALL had a Wonderful and Fun- filled kind of Christmas and New Year's Holidays with your loving family members and awesome friends this year. I Certainly Did!!! I had the opportunity to visit a lot of my family during the time before Christmas (when the weather was so co-operative.) I traveled to Ottawa, Chesterville, and Alexandria to visit with three of my daughters (Melinda, Ella Rose, & Sarah, along with her son, my newest grandson, Dilan. I got to visit two of my sons (Marcus, & Luke and his sweet little family with Odin & wee Ruby.) I even got to see my Mommy and her younger sister, Aunt Jackie, as well. We spent lots and lots of "Quality Time" together, having so much fun talking and just being around one another, which was so lovely and pleasant for me. I really miss my family and these visits really gave me a "Good Dose" of "Family Love" in my heart of hearts for the Holidays. I was truly beaming with happiness and smiling from earring to earring throughout the Christmas Holidays. Oh, What A Feeling!!!

UNTIL NEXT WEEK: Always Be Happy. Always Wear a Smile!!! Not because Life is full of reasons to Smile, but because your Smile, in itself, is a good reason for many others to Smile!!! Smiles Are Free... So Freely Give Them Away... Today, Tomorrow or Any Time that You Possibly Can!!! Marlene Baker of &

TIP OF THE WEEK: Here are my *Wishes* for All of You, My Avid Readers: H= Hours of Happy Times with Family and Friends. A= Abundant Time For Relaxation. P= Prosperity. P= Plenty of Love when you need it the most. Y= Youthful Excitement at Life's Simple Pleasures. N= Nights of Peaceful and Restful Sleep. E= Everything You Need To Make & Keep You Happy. W= Wishing You Love & Light. Y= Years & Years of Good Health. E= Enjoyment. A= Angels to watch over you. R= Rememberance of a Happy Year!!! New Year's Resolutions... To Make Or Not To Make... That Is The Question??? Do you set yourselves up for failure, or have smaller goals so you don't or won't break them? I don't personally make New Year's Resolutions, but have general goals in my life that I look forward to. For 2016, I'd like to travel more, visit and spend more time with family and friends, some of whom I have only recently reconnected with, thanks in part to Facebook. I also want to spend more time pursuing My Dream of Painting, and I want to enjoy more recreation, such as snow-shoeing, skiing, and then as the weather permits, cycling, kayaking and hiking. I also want to read more this year, and perhaps start writing a book of my own... another dream of mine. I, also plan to continue expanding ~Photo Dreams~ and ~Fashionography~, starting with our presence again at CAPE in April. John and I are also working on a New Video project, but, it is too soon to reveal any more information just yet. John, on the other hand, is doing a "reverse resolution", where he resolved to break his diet, but has already broken his resolution by staying on the diet. Crazy? Or not Crazy??? That is the Question!!! ITEM OF THE WEEK: The item I am choosing this week is a pair of purple, 7-inch stiletto heels, that I received for Christmas from Johnny Clause but wore for New Year's Eve!!! These are a pair of shoes of a style that I have never seen or had before. They certainly were a "HIT" with the ladies, (young and old) and even with some of the gentlemen at the N.Y.E. Ball put on by Randy Sauve and his fiancee, Carol Grant. This was a fund raiser for this April's CAPE EVENT!!! There was live music put on featuring two great bands, ~The Seeker's Choice Awards~ Best Musical Artist 2015 ~LOST BOYZ~ (an 80'S Tribute band) and ~Spare Partz~. There was a whole lot of dance floor at the ~Agora Centre~ to dance on, all evening long. We were even treated to a few songs by T.J. Jackson, an Elvis Impersonator from Cornwall. Around midnight, we all enjoyed a ~Hot~ and cold buffet, that was Scrumdelicious!!! A BIG Thanks goes out to Melissa Sauve, Patti Edwards and Brandon Armstrong for volunteering your time to help out for this incredibly FUN evening at the ~Agora Centre~!!! FAMILY/ FRIEND NEWS: My youngest daughter, Victoria turns 31 on January 12th. All the very best in the upcoming year my dear. May you have many more exciting and fun experiences in 2016!!! Also, a fo r yo u r"Dai l yDo se"o f Co m m u n i News! ty

Rem em b er t o Vi si t :

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



THE SEEKER TEAM wishes you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR! M a rie


M O RRELL ORGANIZED MIND - NEW YEAR RESOLUTION BEING MORE PATIENT These are some rough principles that guide us to ensure a great result "The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg, not by smashing it open. "Arnold Glasgow, American humorist. Many of us struggle with impatience. However, if we want a healthy work relationships and a successful career, then we need to spend time making patience a habit.

Why Pract ice Pat ience?

Others often see impatient people as arrogant, insensitive, and impulsive. They can be viewed as poor decision makers, because they make quick judgments or interrupt people. Some people will even avoid impatient people, because of their poor people skills and bad tempers. People with these personality traits are unlikely to be at the top of the list for promotions to leadership positions. Impatience can even affect relationships at home. The more patient you are with others, the likelier you are to be viewed positively by your peers and your managers, not to mention your family and friends.

Signs of Impat ience How do you know when you're being impatient? You will probably experience some of the following symptoms: shortness of breaths, muscle tension, hand tightening, restless feet, irritability, anger, anxiety, nervousness, rushing and making quick decisions.

Finding Your Causes If you experience the symptoms of impatience, your next step is to discover the true cause. Make a list of things causing you to become impatient. If you are having trouble identifying your triggers, stop and think about the last time you were impatient. What caused it? Ask your family, friends, and co-workers about your impatience. Many people become impatient due to physical factors such as hunger, dehydration, or fatigue. A simple remedy might be a snack and a glass of water! Keep a journal with you to record when you start feeling impatient. Write down what the situation is, and why you are getting frustrated. When you identify the specific causes, you are better able to discover why it is happening. You can then use strategies to overcome your impatience.

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Managing t he Sympt oms When you feel impatient, it is important to get out of this frame of mind as quickly as possible. Try these strategies. Take deep, slow breaths, and count to 10. Learn to manage your emotions. Force yourself to slow down. Practice active listening. Make sure you give ot her peopl e your f ul l at t ent ion, and patiently plan your response to what they say. Try to talk yourself out of your impatient frame of mind. Learn how to stop being a perfectionist. If your impatience is out of hand, seek counselling or anger management Remember that, although many people are naturally patient, the rest of us need to practice patience for it to become a habit. Becoming more pat ient won't happen overnight , but do persist ? it is very important to make yourself feel better resulting in a productive, successful and rewarding live! If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: or visit:

THE SEEKER Vol. 7 Issue 1 - January 8 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


call the THE SEEKER TEAM today - we will help you make 2016 your "HAPPY NEW advertising YEAR"! - 613-935-3763




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