issue 13, the seeker, cornwall ontario

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Vol. 4 Issue 13 April 5, 2013

Is your soul calling to get your attention? Symptoms can be anxiety, panic attacks, fear, depression, sadness, lack of motivation, not feeling yourself, and addictions (smoking).

Take Care of your Soul! To book a FREE 30 minute consultation call Josée at 613-930-9121 Photo by: Sylvie Rozon , Green Valley

Josée Larski DH, CH Shaman, Healer, Sage Shamans work directly with spirit in the healing process ... the way indigenous healers have done for centuries. Josée is a Doctor Of Homeopathy, a Shaman, Hypnotherapist, Yoga Teacher and an Ordained Minister. She has been guiding group workshops and individual sessions for over 18 years. Her gift is to give you a strong sense of presence.

Create the life you want and experience the magic of life every day! Experience The Power of Shamanism!


Shamanism is a way of Life as well as a healing journey! SHAMAN IN THE CITY WORKSHOPS Begin September 18, 2013 Shaman in the City CD “An inner journey of self-discovery”. AVAILABLE NOW! See page 7 for details and read Josée’s column - Care of the Soul. Once you experience being fully in the moment, you have the potential to change!

Premier Kathleen Wynne visits Cornwall, Ontario Seeker Exclusive Reporter Jason Setnyk asks the Premier 3 Questions page 5 ...


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Check out

- our Montreal paper -

Check out - our Montreal paper The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 3, Issue 20, May 25, 2012 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Theby Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Cornwall, Ontario Published Local Seeker Media Group,

Volume 4, Issue 13, April 5, 2013

The Local Seeker does notFounded accept responsibility errors, misprints or2010 inaccuracies by Julia Luciofor and Mai-Liis Renaud published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 BUSINESSINFORMATION: ADS: OUR CONTACT 613-935-3763 (Julia) / 613-932-1875 (Mai-Liis) FREEEmail: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) 613-935-3763 Office: 327/2nd StreetExt. E. 102 (Mai-Liis) The Local The Seeker is Proudly a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason Seeker does notprinted accept on responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies Email: published within. The opinions statements of our columnists not to Reporters be Editor: Julia Lucio Co-Editor: Carolynand Hersey Creative Design: Mai-Liisare Renaud & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Sara Murphy & Julia Lucio Office: 327 2nd Street E. presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm

THE LOCAL SEEKER (May 25 - pg. 2)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763

Editor: Julia Lucio Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud Digital Media: Grant Reso

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1

by Jason Setnyk

Jason Setnyk presents snippets of news that appeared on

News & Politics


Brownell named honourary lieutenant-colonel The Seeker would like to extend congratulations to former SDSG MPP Jim Brownell who was recently named honourary lieutenantcolonel of the SD and G Jason Highlanders. Setnyk asked Jim Brownell how this transpired and what is role in this position will be. “Being the Honourary LieutenantColonel is an honourary position in the Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Highlanders, and was it was the Regimental Senate that forwarded my name to the Minister of National Defence, the Honourable Peter MacKay, for approval. This is a three-year appointment, and I will be expected to represent The Glens at military functions, as well as encourage and support new recruits and those already in the army. In other words, I see myself as a mentor to those in the military, and will work diligently to uphold the honour and glory of this fine regiment”, says Brownell. Big Need for Big Brothers -There is a big need for Big Brothers in this community. 70 boys are seeking a Big Brother. “The need for big brothers is a huge priority. Seeing 70 boys waiting for their chance at a mentor is hard for our agency. It really only takes a couple hours a weeks and can change a life. Life is always better with a buddy”, says Amanda Brisson who is Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cornwall and District. If interested in volunteering visit Or call Megan at 613-933-8035. $11,195 raised for Special Olympics - On March 26th restaurant Au Vieux Duluth in Cornwall joined with the Cornwall Police Service again to raise funds for the Special Olympics Ontario through the Law Enforcement Torch Run.

Guests were served a choice of 3 delicious main dishes by friendly police and wait staff, many donating their time, all in return for a donation to Special Olympics Ontario through the Law Enforcement Torch Run. A Silent Auction was also featured. 100% of donations go to Special Olympics.

Seeds to Weed out Hunger purchased - Spring is here and the seeds have been purchased. The Agapè Centre is continuing its fight to weed out hunger through the development of a food garden which will be used in the Centre’s food bank and soup kitchen to feed residents in need. This project is supported by the Fountaingate Christian Assembly, who has generously donated a piece of land on their Mohawk Drive property to the Agapè Centre for a vegetable garden. “This year, we are planting a garden in front of our store that will consist of tomatoes, beans, squash, peas and zucchini. We are also planning to plant an acre of fruit trees so that we will, in a few years, be able to have fresh fruit in our soup kitchen and food bank”, explains Alyssa Blais who is Executive Director at The Agape Centre. Blais says, “It is important the everyone has access to healthy food. We feed many families and children through our food bank.”

Arts & Culture Williamsburg Library closure has many concerned - About 80 Williamsburg citizens concerned about the planned closure of their library attended the SD&G County Library Board meeting held at the Chesterville branch last Thursday. Lisa Vreman, one of the organizers rallying to stop the Williamsburg library closure, was granted permission to speak to the board.

She said in her speech, “I’ve lived in Williamsburg for over 13 years and have been a patron of that library branch for the same. This isn’t right. Why should they close our library? This isn’t consolidation; it is closure.” Vreman who was pleased with the turnout in Chesterville, explains that the next step for the group is to speak to the South Dundas Council. Grammy Award Winning Guitarist to hit Morrisburg Stage - On April 27th two-time Grammy award winning fingerstyle guitarist Laurence Juber is going to play Morrisburg. Fuzing folk, jazz and pop, Laurence is known both for his time as lead guitarist in Paul McCartney’s Wings and for his signature solo career that now spans some twenty solo recordings. Laurence earned his first Grammy with Paul McCartney and his second for his incomparable solo arrangement of ‘The Pink Panther’. His album ‘Pop Goes Guitar’ includes his arrangement of ‘Stand By Me’ that received widespread international airplay and his ‘LJ Plays the Beatles’ was voted one of Acoustic Guitar Magazine’s’ all-time Top Ten albums. The show which takes place at St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage in Morrisburg starts at 7pm. Tickets are $18 in advance or $20 at the door (all tickets general admission). Tickets are on sale

at Basket Case in Morrisburg; Strung Out Guitars in Cornwall and Compact Music in Ottawa. Environmental Film Screening - Last week Transition Cornwall+ screened the film “In Transition 2.0” by the originators of the Transition movement in Totnes, England. The screening took place at the Cornwall Public Library. “We had a good response to the film and discussion about what people are doing, right on their own street to save money, cut carbon and strengthen neighborhoods”, said co-organizer John Towndrow. This film told the story of resilience and hope in extraordinary times with examples of how people from around the world are responding to uncertain times with creativity, solutions and engaged optimism.

Sports & Lifestyle $1000 raised for young River Kings fan battling cancer - One of the Cornwall River Kings` younger fans is in a lengthy battle with cancer and the team and its fans have stepped up to help. Before last Sunday's playoff game at the Civic Complex the organization and its players presented 7 year Madison Primeau with a check for $1000 to help her family cover some of the travel expenses to and from CHEO in Ottawa. The money was raised during a few home games where fans made donations to the Kids Club earlier this season. Swedish team plays in Cornwall - It was an international match-up Friday night at the Benson Centre. The Seaway Valley Minor Bantam Rapids defeated the Swedish Kungälv Hockey team 7-3. It was still a win for Sweeden despite losing on the ice. The twenty-five players of the Kungälv hockey team got to experience Canadian hockey and culture first hand. “It’s a special experience for the kids,” said Rapids Head Coach Jason Norman of meeting and playing the Swedish team. “It’s something they look forward to all year.” There was a good crowd, with a few hundred in attendance. City Councillor and hockey media personality David Murphy did the official puck drop to commence the game. Cornwall Girls Minor Hockey Win Big Congratulations to Rod McLeod and Cornwall Girls Minor Hockey - winners of $20,000 from Kraft!

My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are the Seeker Snippets for this week! Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 3) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2

DEAR SEEKER CHICKS Do you want your opinions published in the Seeker and/or on our website? Now here is your chance, we want your Letters to the Editor!

Letters should state an argument or opinion that offers praise or criticism. If it offers criticism, please suggest a possible remedy. Also letters should be about news such as politics and/or current events and issues.

Please include your full name and a phone number we can reach you at. Your phone number will never be published. Letters should be less than 400 words. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution.

Emailing a letter/opinion piece is giving us consent to publication. Email your letters here: Thank you - The Seeker Staff

Are you on a waiting list? Are you or someone you know on a waiting list for community services? Are you a parent of a child, youth or adult waiting/needing support and services for your child? Are you a son, daughter or caregiver waiting for support and services for your senior loved one? This article may be of interest to you. Whether your loved one is a person with a developmental disability or a senior requiring desperate services, our government is choosing not to respond to the needs our most vulnerable population. This letter is a plea to our community to take action and be heard.

The current budget ‘cuts and/or freezes’ with the Ministry of Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Youth and Children Services are unacceptable. Our government is expecting our front line workers and agencies to do more with much less. This expectation is placing our vulnerable population at risk. It’s simply criminal! Furthermore, our loved ones are aging and there is no action plan to accommodate our aging children with special needs. Our government is reactive to crisis situations rather than planning ahead for our most vulnerable. The similarities with our individuals with developmental disabilities and our aging senior population residing in long term care facilities are quite apparent. Our government must demonstrate a “will” to provide feasible and accessible housing, better choices to fit the changing needs and enhanced support and services to provide a meaningful quality of life.

The appropriate procedure to express a concern is first, with the front line worker. Expressing your concerns to the front line workers is to no avail. These professionals bring forth your concern to their supervisor who in turn, is unable to take action because ‘their hands are tied’. Both frontline workers and supervisory staff are well aware of the need to allocate better resources toward the individual requiring services. These agencies “cannot bite the hand that feeds them”.

Our government is prepared and willing to provide aid to other countries when a crisis exists. We are experiencing a crisis in our community, our province, our country. Our government must start providing aid within our own communities. Charity begins at home!

You need to contact your local MP and MPP to demand better services, supports, feasible and choices for their changing needs. Demand action.

Joy Seguin and Family Linda Labelle and Family Crystal Steep and Family Brenda and Mike Crowder and Family

Local author Jaymie Thurler supports Save the Williamsburg Library cause Last spring Jaymie Michelle Thurler became a published author at the age of 18. Thurler wrote and Joel Fawcett illustrated a children’s book entitled My Mother Nature. A year later the North Dundas District High School graduate was one of about forty to attend a Save the Williamsburg Library meeting that took place last night. She writes about her experience here:

A call to action by our government is necessary. Enough is enough! Be heard! Pick up the phone or email your local MP and MPP and demand an action plan to remedy this unacceptable and appalling community crisis.

” Jaymie Thurler writes: On my way to the “Save the Williamsburg Library a meeting tonight my thoughts were who really needs a library now only am I know. to need we g anythin days when we have Google for going because I’m an author and well I should go. But during the session my thoughts were changed! A library isn’t just a room filled with a overused donated books, it’s one of the last hopes we have as community. In our Internet filled reclusive lives, where we don’t need a the company of our neighbours to entertain us, we simply push to need just I But ips. fingert our at button and have the whole world say, you don’t realize how important even just your presence in a room is can be until it can change some one else’s life, and how important it to be present and involved in your community.


Sympathy Cramps by Frank Burelle Part 12 - Enjoy!

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 4)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

Premier Kathleen Wynne visits Cornwall Ontario Seeker Exclusive: Reporter Jason Setnyk asks the Premier three questions Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk

Cornwall Ontario — Ontario’s Premier Kathleen Wynne hosted a jobs round-table Wednesday April 3rd at SigmaPoint Technologies, a manufacturing services company based in Cornwall. “We are committed to helping local economies grow. That’s why we are working with businesses labour and education partners in Cornwall and beyond to ensure that our people have the right skills for the global economy”, says Wynne. The province has provided $3.5 million in funding to the Cornwall area through the Eastern Ontario Development Fund, and it is estimated that funding has helped retain more than 700 jobs. After the round table, Wynne was presented with a Team Cornwall jacket by Gilles Latour and Mayor Bob Kilger. Then she was given a tour of SigmaPoint Technologies where she met employees on the job. After the tour she answered questions in a media scrum.

Reporter Jason Setnyk had the opportunity to ask three questions to Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne. Here are the three questions and Premier Wynne's answers in their entirety: 1 – Premier Wynne, according to a new report from the Mowat Centre, Ontario contributes more than what it gets back for transfer funding. How are you going to address this issue? I am very much an advocate for a fair equalization process across the province. My predecessor Premier McGuinty made that point across the country. I am going to be making that point with my colleagues, we need an evidence based formula for contributes to equalization. We are as Ontarians are happy to contribute to confederation. We want to be good Canadian citizens but we also want to be able to deliver high quality services and supports for the people of Ontario. I am going to be making that case with my colleagues. We have the Council of the Federation this summer in Ontario, and I will be chairing that and I very much look forward to my conversations with colleagues across the country.

2 – Premier Wynne, can you tell us about your working relationship with Cornwall Ontario City Councillor Bernadette Clement? Do you think she should run for MPP in the next election?

It has been a pure pleasure working with Bernadette (Clement). Some of you will know she was one of the moderators of all the (Federal Liberal) leadership debates. She did the Francophone component of the Leadership debates. It was just wonderful to work with her, and she served on my transition team. She brought a really important perspective from Eastern Ontario and from the municipal sector. She was very good at putting that municipal lens on the issues that we talked about and the impact on the things that we were talking about on municipal councils. Bernadette's future in politics, I hope is long and bright.

3 – Premier Wynne, the Ontario Liberal government's relationship with teachers became fractured in Dalton McGuinty's last year. Will you be able to mend fences with teachers? First of all let me say that my predecessor has laid a terrific

foundation in the education system in Ontario. When we came into office there was a lot of issues that needed to be tackled: class size, the realities around collective bargaining, the fact that we didn't have an Early Childhood Education system really in place, we've added that, full day kindergarten. We've made a lot of changes. The graduation rate when we came into office was 68%, it is now 81%. We've made a lot of changes to support and help young people to succeed, so I am really proud of the work that we did. There was in the last year obviously a process in place that kind of fractured the relationship. I have always had a strong relationship with the education sector. I am determined to keep that in tact and I believe that we are well on our way to reestablishing that respect back. I was in a school today in Kingston. I had the opportunity to meet with some students and with some teachers. The teachers in that school and the students are very happy their extra curricular's are back, and be able to have their track season for example, be able to have their prom and graduation. So to me that is what is really important, what has happened in the last eight weeks, is that young people are able to experience at the end of the year the full range of activities at school.

Thank you Premier Kathleen Wynne for answering The Seeker's questions.

Seeker Chicks meet and speak with Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne

After the media scrum Premier Kathleen Wynne met and spoke with more constituents including two local women entrepreneurs (and owners of the Seeker) Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud.

"It was truly an honour to meet the first ever female Premier of Ontario. As a woman, it is always encouraging to see our peers in leadership positions. Mrs. Wynne showed a genuine interest in her constituents", said Lucio.

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 5) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

by Betty Healey


Being Attractive The last week of March I travelled to Edmonton and Calgary. I was fortunate that my schedule gave be two nights in Calgary which allowed me to enjoy two morning walks along the Bow River Walk, part of the TransCanada Trail. Travelling can be taxing. What I once considered to be enjoyable has become a mélange of new hotels every day, long taxi drives to and from airports, and then the airport itself. I remember the days when getting on an airplane were pleasurable – yes, I remember Wardair! These days it is check-in via a machine, drop off your bag, jump into a line for the security check, take off your jacket, belt, shoes – virtually undress, then pull yourself together again. The entire process, if you’re lucky, takes less than one hour. Where has the pleasure of flying gone? Likewise to be an employee in an airport has also lost its luster. Airline personnel are more disgruntled. It’s as if the entire system has been dehumanized. This requires a strategy!

A few years ago Jim and I created attractionCARDS, a box of 88 inspiring and attractive messages. We decided this would be a way of changing our interaction with others as we travel. At every opportunity along the way, we offer people a card. Occasionally I am given a look of skepticism to which I respond, “it’s like a fortune cookie without the calories”. That said, the recipient, upon reading the message, always smiles. More importantly, when they read the message, which is always stated in the ‘I’ voice (Example: I acknowledge the greatness of who I am every day!) we experience a shift in their energy. Jim and I have had numerous examples through our travels. In Chicago, which has to be one of the busiest airports and one where you inevitably are delayed, tension always runs high. As we were exchanging our tickets, because our flight had been cancelled, we were greeted by a lovely man who dealt with us with great caution. Many flights had been cancelled that day. Before beginning our negotiations with him, we offered him a card. He read it, looked at us, tears welling in his eyes and said “Thank you – you have made my day”. He then made ours by searching for the best possible connection for us. Minutes later we sat down for lunch. The waitress, who was rushing around like the proverbial headless chicken, threw the menus at us. Now we see this as a challenge so when she took our order, we offered her a card. She barely looked at it and scowled at us. About 30 minutes later she came over to our table to thank us and have a conversation. The message it seems landed. These are but two of many examples. These days I gift cards wherever I go: meetings with clients, grocery stores, my favorite coffee shop, people standing in line, banks, meetings, you name it. My boldness has no limits. The reception is amazing. Years ago a friend of mine Dawna Markova was co-author on a series of books entitled Random Acts of Kindness. The books addressed those little deeds you do every day for someone else simply because you want to and offered suggestions and stories. This is what attractionCARDS offer me – an opportunity to offer someone an uplifting message that will lift their spirits, and in lifting their spirits lift the world just a little bit.

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 6)

One of my favorite stores is Talbots and the best one I know is located in the upper Hudson Highlands just outside Coldwater, New York. For a few seasons Jim and I were so well know there that the staff would greet us and wait for their card, their message of the day, and then show the ones they had drawn previously to us. They were stored on the screens of their computers. Message: you cannot take for granted what a simple act of kindness will do or the meaning the other person will derive from it. My belief is that each person will pull the message that is perfect for them at that moment in time, and that despite only being a few inspiring words, it will have a meaning beyond what I will know. I trust this implicitly – that’s why they are called attractionCARDS. Whether you use cards such as these to gift forward or simply engage in other random acts of kindness, you lift spirits and in a subtle yet influential way, you contribute to making the world a better place. Here is my call to action to each of you – let’s work together to change the world. Let’s prove the media wrong and focus on the good in the world, in others and in ourselves. Let’s find opportunities every day to lift the spirits of others through random acts of kindness. The result – you will be inspired as well. Until next time… Betty Healey Betty Healey is an award winning author, coach and inspiring speaker. Betty and Jim Healey will be offering a one -day workshop, Tapping Into Your Intuition, on April 20th, 2013 where you can learn to access your intuition. attractionCARDS are now available at The Grind or at To find out more about our products and upcoming events, contact Betty at or go to

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Shaman in the City CD

By Josée Larski ... continued from the cover article

An inner journey of self-discovery!

Do you hear your Soul calling to get your attention? Over the past 30 years I have become more and more aware of how nurturing it is to take care of my body in a physical way through diet, exercise and yoga. However it has been just as important to care for my mental, emotional and spiritual body. Meditation, listening to what my body is communicating, breathing, practicing gratitude and nurturing relationships result in a deeper connection with my Soul. Care of the Soul speaks to the longings we have and the symptoms of that longing that can drive us crazy in the most unexpected ways. It is a different way of regarding daily life and our quest for happiness. In even the small details of everyday life we have many opportunities to assist us in the process of caring for the Soul. Hank Wesselman, a renowned Shaman, explains that the soul has three parts. We inherit two of these parts at conception from Mom and Dad. These parts are responsible for thinking and feeling. The third part, or essence of the soul, comes into our body when we take in our first breath and leaves when we take our last breath. The essence of the soul holds within it who we are and our purpose for being here in this life. The goal of Care of the Soul is to find the balance between the thinking, feeling and the essence of our soul. Trauma in any part of our lives can disrupt the balance between these three aspects of our soul. The traumatic experience can become frozen in time and cause part of our soul to become lost to everyday awareness. We experience life from a disconnected perspective and may repeat behaviours or patterns. Something we experience externally will unconsciously remind us of the event and so we react from this disconnected part of ourselves. We think, do and feel things we just don’t understand and seem to have no control over. The symptoms of this disconnection or soul loss are many. Some common ones are anxiety, fear, depression, sadness, feeling unmotivated, not feeling quite like yourself and addictive behaviours (smoking, overeating etc.). The role of the Shaman is to guide the soul back to wholeness. The Shaman identifies the location in the body where the individual is experiencing discomfort. Using this information, the Shaman journey’s into an inner world, following it like a thread to the lost or disconnected soul part and brings it home. The soul part reconnects and opens to our everyday awareness allowing more balance and alignment.

Shamanism is a way of life as well as a healing journey! Blessings, Josée Larski, DH, CH 4-Karma - A Natural Path to Healing & Change! 702 Montreal Road, Cornwall, Ontario K6H 1C4 613-930-9121

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 7)

In November of 2011 I led my first Shaman in the City workshop in Cornwall. The group completed the training one year later. During this time I was inspired to record a Cd to help my students through the learning process. It has been a much larger project than I had expected however I am pleased to say that the CD was officially completed on March 2, 2013. I have many people to thank for all their help in assisting me to complete this project. The CD was recorded by Jmac Studio, North Lancaster, ON. Cover photo was taken by Sylvie Rozon, Green Valley, ON. The CD Cover was designed by Mai-Liis The Graphic Designer and Editing was done by Diane Bernier, Jasper, Ont.

To be Somebody. A couple nights ago I was sitting and chatting with my mom about everything that’s happened in our lives the past couple of years and how much our lives have changed and it struck up a conversation that really struck a chord. You see, I had many struggles as a young child especially when it came to my early school years, so much so that people would tell my mom to not get her hopes up that her daughter wouldn’t go to College or University, that her daughter didn’t have what it took to do something with her music and that unfortunately, to sum it up, I wouldn’t be a “somebody”. I thank god every day that she never listened to what any of those people had to say and that she kept pushing me to be the best that I could be, even through my struggles. Every child deserves a chance to be the best that they can be and no one has the right to tell parents that their child will fail, even if they are not the best. This shocks me every time, that people have the audacity to say that to someone, especially a parent. I have a deep respect for people who mentor today’s children as they certainly do not have an easy task at hand but I still believe, after my struggles, every child is unique and should be pushed to try and should they fail, to get back on their feet. Simple to TRY TRY again. Sounds cliché? Maybe. But I can honestly say that I failed MANY times as a young child and to this day I vaguely remember what I failed at but remember the lessons that I learned. We’ve all had this happen to us as adults but has this happened to anyone’s child? I would be curious to know if this is still happening. Remember that when you believe in children, you believe in our future. Stay fabulous, V.

Through shamanic healing you can experience life from the perspective of your soul. Awake, aware and whole, your future can come through you, not to you! Begin today and create magic in your life every day!

“Being a Shaman allows me to connect with my inner guide, with nature and with spirit to shed the past, be in the present and be the bridge for others. It’s allowing what is.” Rosanne

The Seeker Team, send their Deepest Condolences to the family and friends of

Mr. Cecil MacDiarmid

who passed away Thursday, April 4, 2013

“His fiddle playing will be missed but we know that he is now playing his music in heaven”.

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

SEEKERS PEOPLE IN THE “LOUPE” 3. Organizations like the Cornwall Action Group have been pushing for lower taxes. One of the things that has been driving taxes up are the salaries for emergency services. Are police salaries handcuffing Council at budget time? Would it be more cost effective to have OPP services or is it important that Cornwall have and maintain its own Police department?

FIVE QUESTIONS with Cornwall Ontario City Councillor ANDRE RIVETTE

André Rivette was born and raised in Cornwall Ontario to a family of thirteen. He is married, a father of two, and he is also a grandfather. He worked as a Landscaping supervisor at the Parks Department before being elected as a Councillor for the City of Cornwall. Rivette serves on five different Committees: The Cornwall Community Police Services Board, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit, the Lay Appointments Committee, the Management Joint Liaison Service Committee, and the Transit Committee.

André Rivette answers five questions for the Seeker. This interview was conducted by Jason Setnyk. 1. During your years as a municipal councillor, what has been the biggest success story for the City of Cornwall?

In my years of being Councillor, the biggest success story for Cornwall was the sale of Cornwall Electric that allowed us to become debt free and allowed us to invest 25 million dollars in a reserve account. The interest from this reserve allowed the city to take advantage of government infrastructure funding programs, because we had our share of the 2 for 1 dollars needed to take advantage of the provincial / federal / city cost sharing program allowing us to replace our aging infrastructure and only pay 1/3 of the cost. Some of the new infrastructure built under these programs are, The Benson Center, the Aquatic Center, the new Secondary Treatment Plant and a number of major roadwork projects along with other major water work projects.

2. Long term health care has been a hot topic issue. A group of Concerned Citizens formed a coalition in hopes of saving the General Hospital to address the long term needs of this community. What do you think is the best option to address long term health care in our community and what level of government should be responsible for it?

As the proponent of the initial plan to address the long term care crisis that we will see happen in the next three to five years, I believe the best way to address this situation is that the Minister of Health respond to a request by the Health Board and supported by all municipalities in SDG, along with, the concerned residents of our community. The Provincial Minister of Health (Deb Matthews) must direct someone from her office to come to Cornwall and help set up a local task force that would review the need for long term care and look at the General Hospital to see if this site could accommodate these needs.

Good Question. The only way all communities are going to get a handle on out of control emergency services cost is that it is imperative that the Provincial Government address the large settlement these services are being awarded by the Provincial Arbitrators without taking into account whether the municipality can afford to pay these large settlements. This is not only a Cornwall concern, it is every Ontario municipalities concern. I can tell you that the Provincial Government has bargained with the OPP and they have been told that by 2014, the OPP will be the best paid police officers in Ontario. Having been to Police conferences over the last few years, I can tell you that the Municipalities that have purchased the OPP services are very much concerned like all other municipalities throughout Ontario.

4. There has been growing public concern about transparency at City Hall and conduct during closed door meetings. Issues concerning human resources and costly settlements, and recent open letters from a lawyer and from a former City Councillor have also come to light. I would like to gauge your opinions on all this. Are you concerned with how City Council has been conducting its business? Should these matters of concern be raised with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, and should an independent investigator review the complaints against Council such as whether there is a conflict of interest or not?

This again is a very serious concern that I have brought forward on many occasions. I said it before and I will say it again, the people of this community must get involved with any concerns they may have in regards to how the dollars are being spent. It is their dollars being spent! The City has lost a very experienced Councillor in Leslie O’Shaughnessy because of such things as the lack of transparency. Do I believe that someone should be concerned about how things were done over the last couple of years? Yes! Do I believe that the Ministry of Municipal Affairs dropped the ball on not addressing the complaints from councillors in the past two years? Yes! As for the conflict of interest or not… that can only be decided by the person concerned.

best ways to invest in Arts and Culture? Should the City invest in an Arts and Culture centre? You’re right Jason, the Rivette family is very proud of their musical talents. One person asked me about a year ago how: “How did your large family learn to play various instruments?” My answer was: “Well, my Dad would put the guitar and violin in the corner of the room and encourage us to learn at our own pace”. I can tell you, there was always music in our home that will always give us fond memories of our past. What I find so amazing is our children from the oldest of my brothers and sisters to the youngest, have inherited the talents of music with no formal training except for Tracey who has two degrees from McGill University. She has a Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Music and Education and has been teaching in the music program at Sherbrooke Elementary School in Sherbrooke, Quebec for the past twelve years. Your comments regarding Rodney, who we are very proud of, and his involvement in his many Community fund-raisers, also plays an active role in promoting arts and culture in our City. Rodney always amazes me with his musical talents, promoter skills, along with, always wanting to help someone in need. I think it must be in the genes as his daughter Alex has the same traits as her “Papa”. With his leadership skill, I’m sure he will make a great candidate for City Council in 2014. As you can see, our family background in music, played a major role in the belief of the benefits of having a good Art and Culture program in our community. Your right, it goes hand in hand with Economic Development. Employers look for these programs when they visit a community. They want to make sure their employees have good leisure time and a good quality of life in the community when they are looking to move or start their new business. As you are well aware, Federal, Provincial and Municipal monies are tight right now, therefore, I think Council has taken the right step to get a community Arts and Culture committee in place. In closing, I want to commend you on your very active support in setting up all those great fund-raisers to help people and organizations in need. Rodney speaks very highly of your efforts in working to help make Cornwall a better place. Kudos for all your hard work!

5. You come from a musical family. You play musical instruments, like many in your family. Your son Rodney is a professional musician and Thank you Andre Rivette for your time and the he is very active in the local music community, kind words. The Seeker would like to wish you and he is also a member of the City’s Cultural all the best! Committee. With that in mind, how important is it for the City to invest in Arts and Culture to help Are you planning a Spring Time move? expand economic We move Cars - Furniture - Anything that fits in a 26ft enclosed car trailer ... development and to Call Steve at 613-935-3968 / 613-571-4595 improve quality of life? Guaranteed Reasonable Rates What do you think are the

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 8)

YOU Load it - WE move it

BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!


our weekly pages of events n’ more...


45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796

SATURDAY, APRIL 6 DROP IN FAMILY STORY TIME - 10:00 am to 11:00 am Spend time with your family at the library YOGA YOUTH - 10:00 am to 11:00 am For kids aged 6 to 16 R.E.A.D. WITH DOGS - 11:00 am to 12 noon CHECK MATES - 2:00 pm Now is the time to Strategize

SUNDAY, APRIL 7 SUNDAY CINEMA - 1:00 pm - Audience PG Diary of a Wimpy Kids: Dog Days

MONDAY, APRIL 8 TIME FOR TWOS - 10:00 am to 10:30 am Stories, songs, rhymes and crafts - For 2 year olds.

TUESDAY, APRIL 9 J'AI DEUX ANS! - 10 h 00 to 10 h 30 Pour les petits de deux ans.

WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10 THE FORUM - 9:30 am to 11:30 am. - Open to all Facilitator: David Rawnsley This week's topic: OPEN DISCUSSION L'HEURE DU CONTE - 10 h 00 à 10 h 45 Histoires, chansons, jeux et bricos - 3 à 5 ans LES BAMBINS À LA BIBLIO - 10 h 00 à 10 h 30 Initiez votre bébé à la lecture, aux livres et à la musique. PARLOR GAMES - 6:30 pm Adult Friendly Bridge Club - Adult Chess

THURSDAY, APRIL 4 BABY TALES - 10:00 am to 10:45 am Introduce your baby to books, words and songs. STORY TIME - 10:00 am to 10:45 am Stories, finger plays, songs, and crafts.

There will be a Meet & Greet at Tim Hortons 12 Flags on Brookdale Ave across from Seaway Motor Sales on Wednesday April 10th at 7pm.

PARLOR GAMES - SCRABBLE - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm WII GAMING - The Heart of Rock n Roll - 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm - Ages 6 to 12 ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB - Discussion 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm

Please register for all of the above programs - 613-932-4796 - space is limited.

Cornwall Chapter 076

We will be discussing the upcoming ride schedule. It would be nice to see as many officers and members out for this meeting as possible. This is your bike club and this is the time to get involved with the rides for the up coming ride season. Everyone is Welcome.... See you there!!

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2





Friday Night Out At Wing 424 from 4:30 pm with music after 5 pm. 240 Water St. W. Special: loaded cheeseburgers & fries. Also serving fish & chips, seafood chowder & munchies. Daughters of Isabella Bean Supper & Rockathon from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. St. Theresa Church Hall, 1304 Lisieux St. Adults 10$, children under 10: 5$, under 6: free Singles 55+ Meetup & Activity Night from 7 pm to 11 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water W. Email: for more information Child Haven Jubilee Dinner, Silent Auction & Bazaar. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Call: 613.527.2829 or for ticket reservations

SAT April 6

Annual Juried Exhibition on Saturday April 6th @ The Art Gallery in Cornwall. Friends of Vets Fundraising Dinner from 4:30 pm to 7 pm. RCAF Wing, 240 Water St. W. Tickets: 20$ by calling 613.931.1892 & benefit Breaking The Silence movie documentary project Healthy Living Wellness Fair from 1 pm to 4 pm, 847 York St. Over 20 vendors featuring organic & natural foods and services. Free admission, donations for Baldwin House accepted. Living a Healthy Life With Diabetes Workshop Get the tools and information to live a healthy life. For more info visit: or call Tania: 613.937.3132 ext 234 First ever Riverside Artist Co-Op - mini trade show. Ontario Power Generation. 10am - 4pm. Come and support some of the artist of our community. Family friendly event.

Cornwall Community Hospital Aux. Luncheon Bridge Lunch: 11:30 am. Duplicate & party bridge: 12:30 pm. St. John's Presbyterian Church Hall, 28 2nd St. E. Tickets: 10$ at Tuck Shops or 933.5373 or 933.8889.

Mambo Italiano Members Appreciation Supper & Dance at 4:00 pm. Navy Club, 30 Sixth St. E. Members: 3$ Guests: 5$ Lasagna meal & door prizes. Cornwall Community Hospital public viewing 10am to 2pm. 840 McConnell Avenue. Free Teen Swim 8:30 pm -10:00 pm at the Cornwall Aquatic Centre. Music to be featured during the swim. All teens are welcome to attend. Everyone is encouraged to bring friends. Hope to see you there! Science Fair 8:30 am to 2:00 pm at St. Lawrence High School located at 1450 Second Street East. Registration is free and must be received by Friday, March 1, 2013. You are able to set up your exhibit on Friday, April 5, 2013 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

SUNDAY April 7

Worship and the word. 10:30 Pastor Brad Montsion. Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive. NHL Alumni Tour 7pm The NHL Alumni will take to the ice against the Law Enforcement All-Stars and will also take part in the Law Enforcement Torch Run to raise money for the Special Olympics Ontario. civic complex. For ticket information, please visit Come out and join in the fun!

MON April 8

developmentally delayed adults, 21 years of age and older at Shoeless Joes. Please come on down as there will be a raffle and a silent auction table and as an incentive, Shoeless Joe's will be donating 10% of all food sales for the day back to Beyond 21. Everyone welcome. Cornwall and District Horticultural Society meeting Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 - 7:00 pm at the Navy Club, 30 Sixth Street East, Cornwall. Presentation: Small Gardens by Mary Reid, Green Thumb Garden Centre. Join us!

WED April 10

Bereaved Families Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Discussion: anger is a biggy with Claudette Pilon. Call: 613.936.1455 for more information

THUR April 11

Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Club Bid Euchre at 1:30 pm. 415 2nd St. W. Light snacks will be served. Knights of Columbus Roast Beef Dinner from 5 pm to 7 pm, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Admission: 10$ Volunteer & Join The Fight Against Cancer Volunteers needed for 3 hour shifts on April 5th, 6th,7th,12th & 13th. Call Lois: 613.932.1283 or visit

FRI April 12

Cornwall & Area Chamber of Commerce Spring Home & Leisure Show 4pm to 9pm Cornwall Civic Complex

Friendly Circle Seniors Club, Monthly Meeting at 10 am. South Stormont Community Hall, Long Sault. Presentation: You and your medications with Pharmacist Brian Haley.Beyond 21

Vagabond Presents A Coupla White Chicks Sitting around Talking April 12th, 13th, 18th, 19th & 20th at 8 pm. April 14th at 1:30 pm. Dream Builder Studio, 2107 2nd St. W. Tickets 15$ at Scotiabank, Brookdale Center

Fundraiser for day program for

Call in YOUR event. 613-935-3763 and remember, if it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!


THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 10) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

I for more events in the area


If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!

Next Meeting


April 24 2013 at the Ramada Inn 8am to 9am

If you are a member, there is still time to put your name forth for the elections. Directors needed.

FRIDAY APRIL 5TH HEATLEY @ La Maison in Cornwall. SATURDAY APRIL 6TH RIVERSIDE ARTISTS CO-OP - 10 AM - 4 PM or Centre in Cornwall. @ the St. Lawrence Power Development Visit

SATURDAY APRIL 6TH HEALTHY LIVING WELLNESS FAIR Cornwall. @ the Harvest Christian Fellowship in SATURDAY APRIL 6TH ery in Cornwall. ANNUAL JURIED EXHIBITION @ The Art Gall

SATURDAY APRIL 6TH NEW COUNTRY REHAB the St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage in Morrisburg.


SATURDAY APRIL 6TH Lola's Pub in Cornwall. JOEL SAUVÉ W/PLAYING WITH DIANA @ MONDAY APRIL 8TH OPEN MIC MONDAYS - 8 PM . @ the Glengarrian Pub & Restaurant in Cornwall



THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

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by Sharyn Thompson

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One of the great things about Sharyn's Pantry is being able to talk about and share new recipes with and from my customers. Dave shops weekly at my store. He is basically following a Paleo and Gluten-free diet. He recited to me from memory the following recipes.

With the Healthy Living and Wellness Fair running tomorrow afternoon at the Harvest Christian Fellowship Church at 847 York Street from 1 - 4 pm, including gluten-free alternatives, these recipes are spot on. I cannot attend the workshop, but I am sending lists of all the gluten-free products we carry at Sharyn's Pantry. There is no need to go out of town to find everything necessary to be gluten-free. Try my store first. Thanks Dave for caring and sharing! Good luck Mary and Sylvie with your Wellness Fair tomorrow afternoon!


(We carry all ingredients needed at Sharyn's Pantry.)



Dave bakes these quickly-made bars in an 8" square pan. He cuts the baked bars into 4 squares and eats one square for his breakfast.

INGREDIENTS: 2 cups almond flour 1 cup almond flour 1/4 tsp. fine salt 1/4 cup organic ground golden flax seed 1 tsp. baking powder (Always store this in you fridge or freezer.) 1/2 cup dried blueberries 1/4 tsp. fine salt cup 70% dark chocolate callets <CAA 1/2 %=4 >5 <G 2CAB><4@A 70A ?>E34@ 0=3 >@460=> 0=3 E0B4@ 1/4 tsp. baking powder 1 extra large egg 144= ?0B84=B;G B>maple&>C@ 1 extra large egg B74 6@0B43 2 tbsp. pure E08B8=6 maple syrup5>@ (Our<4 local syrup isB78A just in>D4@ this week.) 58=3 B74 @428?4 5>@ 74@ CAB E74= 2011064 B> 2>D4@ 4D4=;G 1/4 cup agave syrup or unpasteurized liquid honey 1/4 cup grapeseed oil E0A= BMETHOD: ;>>:8=6 8B BC@=43 C? ;83cup coconut -Beat the egg and maple syrup together in a>D4@ small B74 bowl.20AA4@>;4 E8B7 0 1/2 1/2 =9>G -In a larger bowl, combine the almond flour, salt, baking powder, dried >@ 0;C<8=C< 5>8; 0=3 10:4 8B 5>@cup raw shelled sunflower seeds 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds blueberries and 70% dark chocolate ;1 ;40= 6@>C=3 1445 )@G <Gcallets together. <8=CB4A B> >=4 7>C@ 8= 0 1/4 cup slivered almonds -Combine the wet and dry ingredients together to form a dough. AB>@4 A-Line ;>20;;G @08A43 ;40= 6@>C=3 346@44 >D4= >>: 1/2 B74cup any dried fruit or chocolate chips (Dave sometimes uses apricots and a baking sheet with parchment paper. cranberries.) -Divide the dough 2 balls. Press each out to form a round about 1445 5>@ 0 @40; B0AB4into 38554@4=24 20AA4@>;4 C=B8; B74 2011064 0=3 1/2" in thickness. &;CA G>C :=>E E74@4 B74 1445 8A B74 @824 0@4 B4=34@ $ %. METHOD: -Using a long bladed knife, cut the circle into 6 triangles. (It will look -In a small bowl, combine the egg, agave syrup and grapeseed oil together with a 2><8=6 5@>< 0=3 G>C 0@4 like the spokes of a wheel.) whisk. -Bake the scones50@<4@ in a 375 degree F, oven until lightly browned. Serve AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; -In a large bowl, combine all dry ingredients with the fruit and seeds and nuts. warm. ENJOY! -Mix the wet ingredients into the bowl of dry ingredients.


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-Spray an 8" square pan with No-stick spray. (Or line the pan with a piece of parchment paper.) -Heat your oven to 350 degrees F. -Press the mixture into the prepared pan. Flatten the top of the bars with the palm of your hand. -Bake the bars for 20 minutes. Once out of the oven, cut the bars into 4 squares. -Dave eats one of the squares for his breakfast. ENJOY!

10 % OFF 812 Pitt 6 613-936-1998 812 Pitt St. Street, Unit 6Unit - 613-936-1998 FOR FEATURED ITEMS THIS %$". WEEK SENIORS %$+ ') & ' % " ' " After church, I dropped Brad off at his friend's place and returned to my mom Easter at Home and dad's. I expected them to head to bed early as usual, but they stayed up "% GOOD "". 'STORMONT ( " LEAN $ GROUND '%*$ BEEF ONLY %$".$4.99/ POUND " LOCAL This past weekend we celebrated Easter, andEVERY I with me and we watched "Parental Guidance", an appropriate and funny movie. $ " " ! % %$*) %$". " decided to ONLY head back Cornwall to spend it It had been years since I watched a movie with just them, and to be honest, as RUBBED GREEK OREGANO $1.43/home 100toGRAMS much as I love my sisters and my family, I kind of was happy it was just us. Our with my family. projects ( $ %'( ) % + '. #%$ . Brad - "*had(to work '. on '%final * )( MONDAY relationship is primarily over the phone (on speaker) with my niece and nephew we didn't he GRAMS could make it. PURE GROUND BLACKsoPEPPER ONLY know $0 .99/if 100

kriscrossroads by Kris Ward

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We compromised and he stayed on campus for Good Friday and I picked him up on Saturday so he could join the family on Saturday.

in the background and my sister, so this was nice. To hear dad's robust laugh and mom sitting on her chair obviously relating to some of the movie, it was quality time.

This is where the distance becomes evident, not only for me but for my older sibling Lisa. So as I am making the Kingston to Belleville to Cornwall trek, she's doubling my distance with her North Bay trip to pick up my niece Emily from college. In a way, it feels like we spent Easter weekend in a car, but that is now part of the adventure.

The next morning the rest of the family joined us. It was brief since after lunch we had to head back, but for a few hours we were all together again gathered in the kitchen for a delicious Easter dinner at lunchtime. I did get a chance to spend time with my niece Ella and my nephew Josh as well as Mel and her man Kyle at their place. Josh and Ella showed me what the Easter bunny and their family gave them. I still owe Ella a Dance Dance Revolution game since we ran out of time; think she will collect this weekend when I am back in town for a working weekend; at the Sharks Hockey Alumni Weekend and Alumni Skate, but I promised that before I head back to Kingston I will stop by and see them again.

We arrived later than anticipated on Saturday. Traffic volume was higher than usual, and we stopped for lunch in Belleville before making our way back. The car ride was a chance for Brad and I to catch up. It did give us some one-on-one time with my parents. I found that my mom looked slimmer, even though she insists she gained weight since the last time I saw her, and my dad is looking much healthier, his stride is back.

A tradition in our family is to go to church on Saturday night and it was nice to return to my parish; St. Francis de Sales. Dad's an usher and mom is one who helps set up for ceremonies, so it really feels like an extension of them. I sat upstairs, which is my favourite place to be when I attend because I have a great view of the church and all the people in it. While there, I met several people who read my column faithfully and took the time to let me know. I was a little taken aback when my dad said that is my daughter from Kingston. It is funny because I always introduce myself as from Cornwall, so hearing my new city kind of made it real; although I still consider myself a Cornwall girl.

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 12)

On our final stretch back, Brad needed some props at my place, for the movie assignment he is working on. I wanted to extend our visit a little so I suggested he stay over and I drive him back on Monday before work. We picked up some take-out and enjoyed one on one time catching up on Big Brother Canada, quality television, but we are both hooked so it was a fun night. The drive back the next morning was rough, and I had to work as soon as I got back so it made for a long day, but it was worth it. I don't see my family as much as I'd like to, but when we do see each other we appreciate the time. It was a memorable weekend, even though a good chunk of it was spent on the 401!

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at:

BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

The Joy of Being Brilliant Generally we look at the challenges with being a Creative Soul but all the negative stuff aside we should take time to revel in the sheer joy of being in the top percentile of those who are considered brilliant.

by Sandra Taylor Hedges



Brilliant! Not me, I hear all your collective thoughts at the idea that you may be just that. So why is this so hard to accept? I know that from the time we were children we were taught not to be to self-absorbed. We were taught that humility was the way to go; pride comes before a fall and all the other cliché phrases to keep us humble. It is a strange world that tells us it is bad to acknowledge your abilities but fine to talk about your problems and short comings. So starting today I want you to add to your list of things that you are grateful for one more critical item. Your Brilliance! Thank your Mother, Father, Aunt Mabel or whatever higher power you believe in and say it, I am Brilliant. How do I know you are brilliant? If you create anything and feel the calling of the muses, you are Brilliant. What is more important is that you know you are brilliant. Once you do you will start to shine brighter and brighter and your creative self will become boundless. If you need more than that as an example just do the

following: Think about a time when you created something, a song, a poem, you painted effortlessly, danced with wings on your feet or wrote passages that flowed so easily you were convinced you were channeling Hemmingway. How did you feel? Excited, light, joyful, exhausted and happy, definitely happy; you were alive with every nerve tingling. This is brilliance. We all have experienced it and have the power to feel it daily, but often we don’t, why? I think that all this humility training as children that sabotages our brilliance, so starting today; I give you all permission to accept your brilliance and to start every day saying “I am a brilliant, creative, artistic soul, thank you (insert name) I shall not waist it!” Once you accept that this is the truth about you amazing things will happen. You will find that the brilliant ideas will flow and brilliant ideas are a little like rabbits once you have a couple of them the next thing you know you have a million of them. Will you have down days? Sure, we all do but getting back on track will be much easier if you are accepting of how great you really are. Will some of your ideas or creative expressions be not so brilliant? Yes, of course. The important thing is to not mistake arrogance with knowing and appreciating your creative brilliance. Arrogant people never accept that they make mistakes or are not perfect. We know we make mistakes but when we don’t – Get out the sun glasses and watch out!! Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Art Instructor, Lecturer, Writer and Creative Coach Cat Scratches - Studio Blog

THE SEEKER PUBLISHES LOCAL THROUGH THE LENS PHOTOGRAPHERS My name is Ghyslaine Smeall. I am a 46 yr old, married, mother of two boys aged 18 and 14. We reside in Apple Hill.

Cornwall Ontario — Photographer Claude Bissonnette created the “Through the Lens” page on Facebook as a place for local photographers to display their talents online, have discussions, network, and learn from each other.

I took the Photography course at St. Lawrence College with Jacqueline Milner however I do not do this professionally.

Every week The Seeker will publish a photograph by a different local photographer from the Cornwall area (including the Counties of SDSG and Akwesasne).

Submission Guidelines: You must

like Through the Lens on Facebook to participate. Email up to three black and white photos to Photos not submitted in black and white will be converted into black and white by us. You must include a short bio (up to 25 words) and you have the option to include a website URL for your photography website or page. If one of your photos does not get selected this week, one still may get published in a future week.

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

It is a passion of mine and I especially love photographing wildlife.

NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut by Debbie Villeneuve


THIS SATURDAY (tomorrow) come to the “Healthy Living Wellness Fair” Saturday, April 6th, 1 to 4 pm, 847 York St (Harvest Christian Fellowship Church) (formerly St John Bosco Church) in the church basement hall

*FREE PARKING ….. *FEE for participants...$2 minimum ...portion of the proceeds to be donated to Maison Baldwin House (local womens’ shelter).

Here are the confirmed vendors for this awesome event....

*HEALTH & WELLNESS -Mary Brink (local celiac support group), Spirit Tree Yoga Studio, Young Living Essential Oils and Rainbow Technique, Organics by Julia, Laser Advanced Spa, Silpada jewellery, Zumba/Zumbatomics, Lancaster Massage Therapy, Creative Movement Therapy, Cornwall Spine Care Plus, Cardinal Chiropractic Clinic, Cornwall Public Library, A lil`pole fitness, Ayurdevic (Indian) head massage, Cindy Pare (RMT), Bright Green Dreams, Anytime Fitness, RBG counseling & wellness, Gayle`s Avon,

*FOOD VENDORS (great selection for individuals living with celiac, gluten/food intolerances as well) The Health Nut ,Zengarry Vegetarian Cuisine, Farmhouse Baking, Our Flour Child, Samantha Gove, Epicure spices, Dish Café and Food Shop, Simply seasonings.

Hope to see many of you there, it promises to be a very interactive and interesting afternoon. Come and see all that is offered to you right here in your own community for you to live your best life ever!

*LOCAL FARMERS & PRODUCERS -Peasants`Craft Farm, Hoople Creek Farm, Wild Rose Organic Farm, Langview Farm, Homestead Organics

In health ... Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) 613-931-3119

Bringing distracted driving to a halt Ever fiddled with your GPS, had a quick snack, reached for an item in the back seat, fixed your hair or sent a text while you were behind the wheel? If you answered yes to any of these, then you’re among the 75 per cent of Canadian drivers who admit to driving while distracted .Many drivers allow distractions to tempt them because few understand how dangerous some of these behaviours are. A driving distraction is anything that takes your attention away from the road, and a lack of focus on driving for any reason can lead to disaster. Taking your eyes off the road for just five seconds while driving 90 km an hour, is like driving the length of a football field completely blind. Distracted drivers put themselves and others at risk every day. In fact, eight out of 10 collisions are attributed to distracted drivers. We can help put the brakes on distracted driving by preparing before putting the vehicle in drive, including: Reviewing the route and directions to the destination in advance Programming the GPS ahead of time Presetting climate and music Adjusting seat and mirror positions While driving motorists should: Only answer phone calls and text messages once the car is safely parked Pull over and take a break from driving when tired, thirsty, or hungry Keep both eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel Not allow music or conversations to drown out verbal cues from the road

The most important thing drivers can do is lead by example. Take a stand, pledge to always drive free of distractions and hold other drivers you

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 14)

know accountable. Allstate Canada’s “Action Against Distraction” program raises awareness about the problems associated with distracted driving, and helps educate drivers about how dangerous this prevalent practice is. Find out more about how you can help stop distracted driving by visiting or contact me at

Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, 89 Tollgate Rd W, Cornwall, ON, K6HJ5L5, (613) 933-3512 x5050

Agape Centre to participate in Hunger Awareness Week. by Julia Lucio Cornwall Ontario - To celebrate Food Banks Canada's Hunger Awareness Week taking place May 6th to the 10th, the Agape Centre is planning a variety of activities catering to all ages. The week will kick off with the "So you think you know hunger exhibition & competition", an event featuring the work of senior high school students demonstrating their knowledge on the topic. Students will be evaluated by a panel of judges and evaluated on the effectiveness of their message, creativity, inspiration, fresh approach, quality and detail. May 7th will feature a breakfast with Dr. Sylvain Charlebois, May 8th a double feature of documentaries at the Cornwall Public Library, May 9th a dinner and tour for teens of Cornwall and May 10th a spaghetti dinner fundraiser & 80's Dance Party. Individuals can get involved by attending these free and paid events. You can get a "Hunger Week Pass" for $50. Visit for specific venues and times. Businesses and organizations can also get involved by becoming community "Hunger Heroes". Throughout the week, the soup kitchen will become a cooking arena for those who wish to help in weeding out hunger by hosting a lunch from beginning to end. Under the guidance of Lori Greer, Operations Manager and Tracy Barker, Head Cook, you and your team will select, prepare and serve a hot meal to the people who visit the premises daily. Teams should be made out of 7 to 10 people. For more information on how to reserve your day, please contact the Agape Centre at 613-938-9297.

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


TOMORROW SATURDAY, April 6 do not miss

1st Show of the

Saturday, April 6 - 10am to 4pm Ontario Power Generation Visitor Centre (Power Dam) 2nd St. West Lots Of Local Art Related Exhibitors - Together In One Hall!

“One of a kind ... with you in mind!” 613-932-1875 - Evening & Weekend appointments available ... THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 15)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

Evening & Weekend appointments also!

A weekly look at racing from both sides of the 1000 Islands With the month of March now behind us, that means that racing season is now upon us. Tentatively, my first race of 2013 is coming up this week as I plan to travel to Canandaigua Motorsports Park on Friday for their Sportsman show, and stay over for Saturday’s Big Block Modified season opening Jan Corcoran Memorial event. Several local Sportsman teams will be traveling to Canandaigua for Friday’s race, while Matt Billings will be making his debut as a regular at the track on Saturday night. If weather does become a concern for this weekend’s events, I have a backup plan in place, and that will be attending the Cornwall Motor Speedway banquet as they honor their champions and top finishers of 2012. The banquets are always a great time, and it is nice to see everyone once again after a long winter.

The following weekend will be another busy weekend, as Chapman’s Can Am Motorsports Park opens for practice for all divisions on both Saturday, April 13th and Sunday April 14th. Brockville Speedway is also hosting their 2nd annual BOS Fan Fair, which will be held at Walmart Brockville from 10am to 1pm on Saturday, April 13th. If the day wasn’t busy enough already, Mohawk Raceway will be hosting their 2012 awards ceremony that night.

Other tracks further south were able to open up, with Big Diamond Speedway in Minersville, Pennsylvania hosting an event with Jeff Strunk taking the victory. Bridgeport Speedway in New Jersey also raced, with Bobby Varin picking up the win. One of the things that I look forward to the most this year is watching the development of the Sportsman division. Both Can Am and Brockville are anticipating a rise in car numbers, and are having a novice class for newcomers. This will make for an easier transition to racers that are new to the class, and I am happy to see it.

So you see everyone, No one is Perfect. Especially me. Some people wear their clothes backwards or have their pants around their knees. But, hey, if that's how they're expressing themselves, then that's fine. I feel if someone takes the time and puts in a little effort in their everyday dressing, then Thumbs Up to them. Kudos! It is a wonderful way to express oneself and it is very easy to do. You don't need a lot of money to look and feel good about yourself. That is the main reason why you should take the time to fix or doll yourself up! Even when I am sicker than sick, I still take the time to put on something nice, do my hair, and put on a little make-up. I may not feel so good, but, hey, I look good. And that makes me feel better on the inside. That's what really matters--because when you feel good on the inside, then you're definitely looking good on the outside! So, until next week! Keep smiling and beware the 'Fashion Police' will be on duty.

The S.D.G. Community Futures Development Corporation (S.D.& G. CFDC) is a federally supported not-for-profit community organization with a volunteer Board of Directors and professional staff whose purpose is to support community economic development and small business growth. For over 25 years, the Community Futures Development Corporation of Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry has been offering comprehensive services to local entrepreneurs. Whether it is a grant, loan, investment or venture capital expert advice, the SD&G CFDC supports all types of business including young entrepreneurs and artists. The Corporation Is seeking action oriented individuals to serve on the Board of Directors who: - reside and/or own businesses in SD&G; - Are competent in business/financial/investment analysis Board members meet every 6-8 weeks for general oversight, policy development and financial review. A professional, full time staff operates the organization. Executive staff manages the human resources, financial, programming and administrative functions with support from employees qualified in economic development, community economic development, lending and communications. To learn more about the SD&G CFDC and the general competencies and knowledge required for this unique opportunity: Interested applicants should forward their letter of intent and résumé to: or deliver to the office at 850 Boundary Rd. Unit 9, South Glengarry, Ontario. Application deadline: Wednesday, April 10th at 4:30

Seeker ad

This past weekend I attended the Brockville Speedway awards banquet. It was a great time, and again nice to see everyone from the track after a long winter. It wont be long now and we will be back at the track, and I’m looking forward to another exciting season. Some changes that were talked about was the addition of the Novice Sportsman class, as well as a three race series for the 358 Modifieds and Sportsman with sponsorship from Ogilvie’s Auto & Fleet Service. This series will be known as Ogilvie’s Triple Crown. The rookie division will also have a new mini series this season at the BOS.

Isabelle was pleased to hear my wonderful News, but then she looked at me in a funny way and asked, "Shouldn't you have your top on the other way?" To my surprise, I had it on backwards. Busted! The Fashion Police, herself (Me) was guilty of a slip up. Isabelle asked if she should give me a ticket! We laughed.


BORDER PATROL with Craig Revelle PASSION for FASHION by Marlene Baker

Hi once again everyone. Marlene here on our 2nd week of Passion for Fashion. I hope you all had a fabulous Easter weekend with your Family & Friends. A really funny thing happened to me over the weekend, that I want to share with you: While I was at my good friend, Isabelle's home, I was telling her about my exciting news-that I was writing a fashion column for the "Seeker", and that I am going to be the "Seeker Fashion Police" here in Cornwall. I am going to be traveling around town, giving out citations to people guilty of Fashion No-No's. This turns out to be really good and fun for everyone involved: Whoever receives a citation from me will have a chance to WIN a complete "Make Over"--That is to say, hair, make- up, a mini photo shoot, new clothes, etc.

In just a few weeks, we will be back into the swing of another busy season of racing. Hopefully the weather will co-operate at all tracks this year, and we get another great season in. My schedule for the year will be Friday nights at Can Am Motorsports Park with the occasional switch to Mohawk International Raceway, Saturday nights I will be at Brockville Speedway and Sunday nights at Cornwall Motor Speedway. We will also be at Brockville on Wednesday nights as my nephew races the Finish Line Web Design go kart. Now, if we can just get Mother Nature to be nice to us, and get a few nice days this week, we can get back to racing. Good luck to all teams that will be in competition at Canandaigua Motorsports Park this coming weekend.

As always, any comments or suggestions can be sent to You can also visit me online at, on Facebook at, and on twitter at

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 16) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

SEEKER SNIPPETS . SEEKER SNIPPETS Journalism students use their talents to give back by Ashley Dufour

On Wednesday March 27th the journalism students of St. Lawrence college Cornwall campus held a photo exhibit and auction in the main entrance of Moulinette Hall in the college.

This was the 3rd annual photo exhibit and auction the students have put on. The students interested from first and second year submit three to four photos to their coordinator Terry Tinkess which he then enlarges and prints on canvas to be put on display. This year in total there were 14 first and second year students who participated and around 48 photos in a variety of sizes submitted. Their goal was to raise money for a charity in the community and to give back to the community for all they have done for the students. This year their charity was the boys and girls club of Cornwall and approximately $400 was raised.

Each year the photos on display have been judged by the program coordinator who then chooses a first, second, and third place winner. The winners get different kinds of prizes each year, this year the prizes were all gift cards to the College’s bookstore. The winners this year were: 1st place- Rebecca Dixon 2nd place- Diane Hunter 3rd place- Heather Rochon

The photo exhibit and auction is a great way for the students to showcase their talents to the school as well as the public. One of the interesting things about the auction is how they decide to spend the money. The students are given a choice of what to do with the money they raise. They could use the money they raise for their program by buying new equipment or using it for a class trip. However, this year as in previous years, they decided to give it to a charity in the community. So congratulations to all who participated in the exhibit and all who bid in the auction for making the third annual St. Lawrence College journalism students’ photo exhibit and auction a success.



By Cornwall Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon What has 100 tiles, 225 squares, a multi-coloured board and millions of fans of all ages, backgrounds and locales? The answer, of course, is

SCRABBLE. Some of these fans can be found at the Cornwall Public Library every Thursday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. In a leisurely, lightly competitive atmosphere, they aim to do their best by obtaining the highest average, the highest score, the most bingos, the highest bingo, the lowest bingo and the highest cumulative spread. All in all, it is an afternoon of fun and camaraderie. To become a member of the Cornwall Scrabble Vivianne Panizzon 613 931 1792

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 17) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


SEEKER SNIPPETS . SEEKER SNIPPETS Congratulations to the winners of the Baby Boomers trivia at Blue Anchor's annual Good Friday Classic Rock gathering. L-R Cindy Schwartz, Dan Kelly, Debbie & Walter MacLean.

sinesses? CHANGE R - do you know these buRelay For Life at Holy Trinity CSS Once again the venue seems to have proven that 70’s rock music lives on!

6 or 613-935-7671

This year, “The Seeker” has launched a contest to help us decide on the Birthday Parties, Seaway Valley's favourite Classic Rock School Events, song of all time! Do you want a Festivals, chance to win prizes, or your very isers, patio party? Then visit to cast FundraChick’s own Seeker your vote onmuch our e-survey. The top choice will be revealed at our New Plus Year’smuch bash!more! The voting has started, and the sooner you vote the greater chance you will have to win prizes. To make your selection easier we have provided TODAanY list of songs to easily scroll through and make your CALL ten selections. to book your

t! next even To launch our contest, we announced it at the Blue Anchor, and this year’s theme is “Baby Boomers Undecided”. When you ask a boomer what is their favourite classic rock song is, the answer usually is, “I don’t know! There are too many good ones to choose from!”

cardXchanger prices

What would ns, this party be without the annual Boomer Trivia Quiz that why big ambitio ve big dreams and $39 1 timefor-the certainly kept those IPhones and BB searching answers? the outside Think box! tiny a in hem Although there were plenty of true baby boomers at the with... dreams your to d give life 7 times - $129party, most of

them were stumped as this year’s trivia. It was really a tough one! Why don’t you try it for yourself, and send your answers to and you just might win a prize. Sorry but you will have to wait until next week

10 times - $159*

for the answers - good luck!

Blue Anchor Good Friday Trivia! a mini profile of 300 ng ludi *Inc 1) What instrument did Frank Zappa play on the Steve Allen show? d website for $24.99/month and s or less word yment. See us for details.


2) #7 on Bob’s play list (see issue 11 of

g Sold at Now Bein 3) What is Walter McLean’s annual request to Seaway DJ on Good Friday? a) Horse With No Name ynnof’sSwing TerryL b) Sultans c) He Can’t Remember asking the DJ d) -TE Take ItEK Easy BEAU

d Stompin’ Tom Connors what did the Sasquatch steel For a limite 4) According lady’s from the RCMP? Get your PINK shirt! Available for 5) Who is this band? Valentine’s Only


6) “Westerns! These mean and nasty varmints get shot and they wanted to die with their boots on. So to me that was spiritual, they wanted to die with their boots on.” What song was inspired by this thinking?

For the first time, Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School will be hosting a Relay for Life event. As a culminating project for the first-ever Leadership class, students are working diligently to prepare for this event. On June 7th, 2013 Falcon students, teachers, friends and families are invited to walk, run, or stroll in support of cancer research. By supporting the Canadian Cancer Society, the grade twelve Leadership class is joining the fight against cancer by raising money, awareness and the feeling of hope. The Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is an overnight non-competitive relay, raising funds for the Canadian Cancer Society’s research, information services and support programs. Teams will consist of ten people, who work together to raise awareness and funds. The overnight event will highlight the need for further Cancer research, celebrate the advances that have already been made, and recognize those who have fought bravely. Students of the Leadership class, in cooperation with enthusiastic teachers have been working on the Relay since the start of the new semester in January. Anticipation is building as the event gradually comes together. Music, games, food and other events are being coordinated to take place throughout the night to keep the energy of the Relay going.

Community support is needed to ensure the success of this event. Students are in the early stages of recruiting volunteers and contacting local businesses for donations and support.

Anyone wishing to take part in the Holy Trinity Relay for Life or who is interested in volunteering to help with the event can contact Mrs. Hailey Dickson by phoning Holy Trinity at (613) 936-0319 or, by emailing News and upcoming events can be accessed through the Facebook group Holy Trinity: Relay for Life 2013 or by following @HTRelay on twitter. Also, team registration can be done online at

7) What song title means “I’m doing bad”? 8) What hit song did Mick Jagger and Keith write while on niorhometransit www.seRichards holidays in Brazil in 1968?

9) What musician played for these bands? The Little Ravens, The Trubeats, and George & The Dragons (a group that included fellow upand-coming musician David Bowie). 10) What song was originally written for his Lifehouse project, a rock opera?

We Move Seniors Article written by Bob Sloan Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 18)


• Professional organizing of any room - home/office • Filing Systems: manual/computer • Home Downsizing/staging, home packing and unpacking • Household & Business Inventory, Garage & Tag Sale preparation • Translation Services • One stop shopping for: disposal of large items, gardening • Renovations: electrical, plumbing and much more ... 613-936-6873 E-mail: OR VISIT Website

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

This article is published in four sections. Section 2

Create a moving checklist for each task related to the moving process: a. Whether to ship your appliances and old furniture or not, depending on if they will fit into your new home. b. Do not bring a gas stove into an electric home. c. Decide which plants will come with you and which to donate to friends, or to a local retirement home. Many movers won't handle plants, so if you’re taking them with you, transplant them from your breakable pots into lighterweight unbreakable ones. Common sense prevails. Do this a few weeks before the move so they have time to take root. d. Make a list of everyone needing to be notified of your move. Notify all service providers, e.g., insurance and credit cards companies, utilities, sanitation, snow removal, post office, subscription publications, discontinue newspaper delivery, any regular services and correspondents of your moving date and provide them with your new address. e. Check the status of club and association memberships. You may be eligible for a refunded, to transfer it to a friend or even register in you're to the new location. If you have a position of responsibility, give plenty of notice so the association can recruit or train someone else to take your place. f. Contact your veterinarian regarding your pet's travel needs, ensuring your pet has current shots, tags, certificates, and proper identification and carry the file with you. If your pet is traveling by air or in a car for a long distance, ask about portable kennels and motion sickness medication.

g. Return library books and video rentals as well as any items you borrowed from friends and neighbours like books, CDs or kitchen and gardening equipment. h. Check fitness club, school or gymnasium lockers to remove belongings. i. Research schools in your new neighbourhood to register your children. Ensure to have all school records transferred. j. Ask your friends or current doctors for referrals in the new location. k. Transfer medical records and get all necessary prescriptions. Note: If any family members have ongoing medical or dental treatment programs, make arrangements for prorated payments with professionals in your new area. l. Check the contents of your safety-deposit box and consider moving them. m. Carry all valuables (jewellery, insurance policies, legal documents and important collections) with you or ship them by insured or certified mail. n. Plan for the transfer of your checking, savings accounts and deposits through your bank so you will not lose interest or pay non-sufficient funds (NSF) penalty fees. o. Decide who is going to do the packing since it is expensive to pay someone else to do this. Professionals can complete this job quicker and better but how much is your time worth and how much you are you willing to spend? p. Book a reputable moving company and check prices. Choosing the wrong moving company can mean stolen or damaged property and being overcharged for things like packing tape. Once all your belongings are in their van, you're in a terrible position to argue. Use personal referrals from family, friends, and a realtor. Check their rating with the Better Business Bureau, and when they say “Save the tax by paying me cash”, that’s a clear red flag to stay away. q. When booking the moving company, take into consideration your travel plans and the closing date of your new home. The summer months are typically the most hectic time of the year, spring and fall can get very busy and moving companies may not be available if you're moving close to a holiday. r. • • • •

Before hiring a moving company, ask the following questions: Does it have references? Will it do an in-home estimate? Is the company handling the move or is it hiring a subcontractor? If using a subcontractor, what are the name, location, and phone number of the company it is hiring? • Will this move require any special arrangements, i.e., transfer from the van to a smaller local truck to help navigate big-city streets increasing the risk of damage and lost of your belongings? • What does their liability insurance covers? • Does it guarantee that all valuables are protected during your move? u. Start saying your goodbyes.

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 19)

“About The House”

Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell


Dear Joe, We have undertaken some renovations in our home and the contractor has noticed that the wiring in our house is aluminum. I have heard that this is unsafe. Should I be worried and how should I go about dealing with it. My contractor says he doesn’t want to touch it. Look forward to your reply, Glenda Hi Glenda, What a great question. Not something that I’ve had the opportunity to touch on yet. The answer is no; aluminum wiring is not something you have to be worried about.

Aluminum wiring was used as a low cost substitute for copper in the 60’s and 70’s. Though aluminum has a lower melting point and is a poorer conductor of electricity than copper, the conductors are slightly larger to compensate for the reduced efficiency. Although aluminum is not considered acceptable for residential wiring anymore, you do not need to worry if your home has existing aluminum wiring. The only real considerations you need to make are during renovation. Be mindful that aluminum is much more brittle than copper and does not like to be flexed back and forth. This can cause the wire to break and create hazardous connections. Also, when adding or changing switches and receptacles or adding new wire to a room with aluminum wire remember your high school science teacher when he taught you about galvanic reactions. This basically means that when two dissimilar metals (ie copper and aluminum) are in contact with one another in the presence of heat and an electrolyte (air/humidity) one metal will corrode the other based on their galvanic capability. Copper and aluminum have vastly different galvanic potentials thus make a great galvanic couple; great for batteries terrible for residential wiring. Excessive corrosion means increased resistance. Increased resistance means increases heat. And increased heat in a residential wiring context means danger of fire. Best thing to do is trust this situation to a licensed electrical contractor. They will know the appropriate methods of dealing with this miracle of nature. Things like anti-corrosion compound on the wire connection and using aluminum approved connectors, breakers and devices. If there is ever any doubt, leave it to the pros. Their years of training and experience will help you stay safe through all your renovation adventures. Thanks for your question; it was a great one, Joe Don’t forget to stop by and visit Adams Home Services at the Spring Home and Leisure Show, April 12, 13&14. Grab your copy of the local seeker at our booth and have all your renovation questions answered. Hope to see you there. Keep watching here each week for more household tips and renovation advice. It's FREE to submit a question and you can email them to: or, Text them to 613-551-5932. For additional information about me and what’s going on in your community, please visit our website: Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook and read past letters on our blog: And remember, whatever you do, do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.

IT'S TIME FOR NOMINATIONS! The Seekers Choice Awards are back! Go to to send in your nominations now... Nominations are ongoing till April 30, then will be the voting process all throughout the month of May.

Good Luck to all!

BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

This is the time of year when many small business owners find themselves overworked and extremely frustrated. For many, the first quarter is the slowest part of the year and add in the fact that it is tax season, a small business owner can be stressed to the max. As hard as it is, we all need to walk away for a time, so that we can stay at the top of our game.

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

The problem with not taking a break is that when we work non-stop we run the risk of burning out. There are several things that we can do to help ourselves from burning out – things to help relieve the stress.

2. Prioritize Is the “to-do” list a big one? Prioritize it. Use the method that feels most natural to you personally. One approach is to identify the tasks that can be taken care of in less than 10 or 15 minutes and then spend an hour (or more if necessary), get them done and off the list. You might be surprised how crossing 5 items of the list will make you feel less overwhelmed. Then identify the rest of the list as short-term and long-term and decide which should be tackled 1st, 2nd, 3rd and so on. Prioritization = a plan = a calmer feeling. 3. Delegate Do you have some tasks that you can delegate to a staff member or partner? Take a close look at your list and determine if some tasks, or at least part of a task can be assigned to someone else. This could be research, organizing paperwork or anything that will assist you in pulling information together so that you can then personally and quickly finish the task. This will help you to maximize your time. 4. Know Your Stressors We all have certain tasks that we dislike. Many of us tend to procrastinate and put them off as long as we can. Have you ever found that when you finally do tackle the job, it takes much longer and is even more painful than ever? The worst stressor here is the anxiety leading up to the actual work and the frustration when we realize that we have to spend several hours or more on a task we simply dislike. Take these stressful tasks and schedule time on a regular basis to get them done as quickly as possible, avoiding the anxiety and frustration. You will thank yourself later. 5. Remember Your Successes It is a good idea to occasionally remember where you were before you started out on your own. Do you remember what your initial goal was when started your business? What has kept you going? Take a few minutes to appreciate your growth and your accomplishments. Avoiding burnout really is all about protecting your family time, your me time and focusing on your priorities. It takes a conscious effort to get organized, and to walk away sometimes, but once you get into the swing of it you will see the benefits in reduced stress, increased productivity , a healthier business and ...ultimately a healthier you!

Candy Pollard, Business Consultant Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre 100 Water Street East, Suite 104, P.O. Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9 Direct Line 613-933-0074

and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: See you next week FRIDAY, APRIL 12TH, 2013

or read online DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm

signer email: thegraphicde

specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations

1. Get Organized Gaining control of daily activities can greatly reduce stress levels. Being organized takes away distractions, saves time and makes the task easier. Take a few minutes and organize your files, both computer and hard copy files. Take a look at your desk area and clean it up, organize the to do pile, and put away files you are not working on. Create a “to-do” list and eliminate all of the small notes that you have made for y ourself. Organization = a more confident feeling of being on top of things.


From the Desk of Candy Pollard

Avoiding Burnout

YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Web Design, Photography and Printing

THE SEEKER (April 5 - pg. 20) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

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