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SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 April 11, 2014

This Week in THE SEEKER

Students have FUN at We Day ... Rodney Rivette’s Variety Show



Spotlight on the Artist


7 Article and photos by Carol Grant

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Many people go through their entire lives without experiencing much excitement or stepping outside their "comfort zone" to shake things up or alter their routine, daily lives. And then there are others who go out of their way to change lives, become community leaders or devote their time and energy to empower others.

This week I had the opportunity to be among 16,000 of these potentially life-changing individuals as I attended We Day, a powerful, motivational life-changing event which was the opportunity of a lifetime for me. Free The Children's National We Day - Canada took place on Wednesday, April 9th at the Canadian Tire Centre in Ottawa. Free The Children, founded by brothers Craig & Marc Kielburger in 1995 (when Craig was only 12 years old), is an international charity and educational partner that believes in a world where all young people are free to achieve their fullest potential. Today it has become one of the world's largest youth-driven charities to provide holistic and sustainable development internationally. Continued on page 5

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From the Desk of the Editor

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It’s not my fault

For some reason, I have a lot of “blamers” in my life. And blaming others is something I do expect from my kids. Kids are wired to not accept blame; accepting responsibility requires maturity, it is a skill we need to teach them as parents. Unfortunately, many adults seem to have not quite learned that lesson yet. They still exhibit this behavior.

My mother always blamed everything that happened to her to the fact her mother died when she was very young. There is no doubt in my mind that this very traumatic incident definitely had tremendous impact over her life. It molded how she creates and reacts to relationships. When you are eleven, fifteen or even in your early twenties, it’s hard to realize that you DO have a choice on how you respond to the things that happen to you. You can DECIDE to move on. You can DECIDE not to let them define you. Passed a certain age, you can’t persist in blaming people or mishaps for where you end up. By then, you should have had what alcoholics refer to as “a moment of clarity”. You should have changed the channel. When push comes to shove, if you miss a deadline, if you are late, if you can’t pay your bills, you are responsible. If you can’t fit in your dress, can’t keep a job or can’t commit to a relationship, you are to blame. You took a string of decisions, bad decisions, which contributed to your failure and you can’t hide behind lame excuses. Or you simply decided that something else was more important than what you had committed to in the first place. Telling people that you failed because of some uncontrollable circumstances affecting your life will make you look weak and deceitful. If you screw up, own up! Sure, BIG stuff can happen. An accident, a death, a breakup… Those are major things, in which case failing would be expected, but being responsible also means you do all you can to minimize how your crisis impacts others. As for all the “blamers” in my life… Don't’ worry, I take full responsibility for letting them continue using that behavior. I choose not to set them straight or kick them out of my world. I'm the one to blame for what they do to me. So are you.

“Parents can only give good advice or put them [the children] on the right paths, but the final forming of a person's character lies in their own hands.” - Anne Frank Julia Lucio, Editor in chief

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 14, April 11, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache Contributors: John Lucio and Sheldon Grant

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email:

OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1

SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News

Presented by


Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, community volunteer, a published author, and an award winning photographer.

New ws & Politics Minister Joins Celebration of Cooper Marsh Improvement - FedDev Ontario Minister of State Gar y Goodyear, a c c o m p a n i e d by l o c a l MP Guy L a u zo n , ce l e b ra te d the improvements made to the Cooper Marsh in Lancaster, Ontario while touring the new features now open to the public. The investment helped rebuild, widen, and lengthen boardwalks and build new viewing platforms throughout the marshlands. Visitors can now view wetland wildlife safer and easier at the Cooper Marsh. “ The improvements made throughout the conservation area will attract a higher number of tourists and locals from nearby communities, contributing to the local economy, and creating jobs and growth within this community ”, said Guy Lauzon, MP for Stormont—Dundas— South Glengarry. Submitted Photo. John Earle wins provincial Liberal nomination for SDSG - The stage for the next provincial election has been set in SDSG. John Earle won the nomination for the local Liberals over Del Jons at Nav Canada on Saturday. Now Earle will face off against incumbent Conser vative MPP Jim McDonell and two time City Councillor and NDP candidate Elaine MacDonald.

O n t a r i o E n e r g y B o a r d Pi p e l i n e Consultation in Cornwall - Transition Cornwall+ is notifying citizens that there are plans in place for another oil pipeline route through our area called Energy East. According to Transition Cornwall+ it is diff ffe erent than the Enbridge Line 9 that was recently approved by the National Energy Board and would carry almost 4 times as much oil. They claim Energy East would be the biggest pipeline in North America (bigger than keystone XL and over twice as long) carrying 1.1 million barrels of oil a day. The Ontario Energy Board invites you to a community discussion being held next week in Cornwall: April 8, 6:30-9:00 Ramada Inn

Arts & Cu ulture The Rodney Rivette Variety Show - There is a lot of artistic talent in this town, and Rodney Rivette proved that when hosting a Variety Show at La Maison Tavern on Friday n i g ht. I t wa s a l s o a b i t o f a f a m i l y night for Mr. Rivette as a ew o h s relatives hit the stage Marc R vette a l o c a l E l v i s i m p e r s o n a to r o p e n e d u p the show. He shaked ratt ed and rolled. Award w nn ng s nger Kev n Rivette also sang to the de ght o those in attendance Tommy Heat y

and Keegan Larose rounded out the musical n u m b e r s t h at n i g ht. K e e g a n w h o wa s t h e youngest musician to play the variety show, is an emerging talent in our City. In addition to Elvis, singing, and acoustic rock, there was also a card show. Mark Delorme shared his awesome brand of magic Friday night. See more photos on page 6. Lost Boyz celeberate the 80s at La Maison Tavern Who are you going to call? The Lost Boyz! The Lost B oy z c e l e b r a t e d a n 8 0 s reunion show at La Maison Tavern this weekend. From neon green, to 80s hits, it was a time warp Saturday night. The venue was packed, people were dancing, and it was a fantastic concert. See more photos on page 8. YAC to present Jacqueline Milner’s Life Lines Exhibit at Aultsville - Your Arts Council, Cornwall & The Counties ( YAC) has par tnered up with Aultsville Theatre to bring an exciting and important visual art exhibit titled Life Lines from South Glengarry artist, Jacqueline Milner. The exhibit, which a s k s u s to co n s i d e r t h e impact we have on the environment, will feature photography, paintings, mix medium sculptures and is slated to show from April 15th to May 15th inside Aultsville Theatre’s lobby and will coincide with Earth Day, April 22nd 2014. “My undertaking through this body of work is to initiate conversation, reflection and thought with the viewers about the actions we are now taking that challenge our living earth,” Jacqueline Milner, local artist said.

Sports & Lifestyle Cornwall River Kings playoff hopes end with OT loss - Despite putting up a good fight, the underdog Cornwall River Kings saw t h e i r s e a s o n co m e to a d i s a p p o i nt i n g e n d o n M o n d ay n i g h t a t t h e C i v i c Complex. Jonquiere clinched the LNAH quarterfina ser es w th a 3 2 overt me v ctory n ront o a crowd o 3 023 M chae Novosad was the over t me hero beat ng Lo c Lacasse on a great e e d by H u g o Ca r p e n t e r a t 4 3 5 o t h e e x t r a sess on The de end ng champ on Marqu s ousted Cornwa 4 2 n the best o seven ser es The Marqu s outshot Cornwa 36 30 The announced

stars were Novosad (first), Caron (second) and Lacasse. Article submitted by Rodney Wilson and photo by Allison Papineau.

Letters & Opinions A n o p e n l e t t e r t o M P G u y L a u z o n f ro m Mark A MacDonald - Greetings MP Lauzon: Fur ther to my email t o y o u l a s t we e k , take notice that I am s t i l l w a i t i n g to h e a r from you, when will the chemical tank farm be removed from our waterfront? Construction at the s i te co n t i n u e d a l l weekend despite city issued “Stop Work Orders” and continued widespread public calls for work to stop. All of our civic leaders have delivered the same message — NO TANKS. Our kids are taught in school that bullying is wrong and yet our entire community is being bullied by the federal government and their heavy-handed tactics. In the spirit of cooperation, I off ffe ered to move the #occupycornwall HQ however as of this time I have not received a reply in regards to my request. When will this tank farm be removed? I require a written response to this email by no later than 4:00 pm tomorrow. Failure to reply in writing will result in an escalation of our peaceful protest until we find out when this chemical storage tank farm will be removed from our water front. Our community needs to know what we are dealing with. I want to be very clear, if I am ordered in writing by our city police to move the #occupycornwall HQ, I will comply, however if Transpor t Canada tells me to move, I will not comply until we have an answer in writing from them. I remain, yours in public service, -Mark A MacDona d

My name s Jason Setnyk and these are the Seeker Sn ppets

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

by Kimberley Vass-Lihou




Nouvelles CFEO-EOTB News

Then the Eastern Ontario Training Board’s website should be at the top of your list. At , you’ll find a whole range of resources from our current partnership projects to news and events across the five eastern counties of Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry and Prescott-Russell. We have reports on various sectors examining industry trends and a series of articles on the workforce by our Executive Director, Denis Thibault.

Want to know more about what’s happening in your community? Then head over to EOTB’s Facebook page featuring news on jobs, events, training and education opportunities and the local economy. Whether you’re looking to study, switch careers or re-enter the workforce, our facebook page is regularly updated with the latest information from educators, employment service providers, recruiters and businesses in our local area.

Questions? Contact us at: Phone: 613 932 0210 Email: Website:

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Employer One Survey a Great Success !

From November 1st to January 31st, the Eastern Ontario Training Board administered the Employer One Survey, designed to address rising unemployment and recruitment challenges throughout SD&G and P-R. Due to a great amount of support from our partners and the strong involvement of our community businesses, the project exceeded its primary goal of obtaining 507 participants. Indeed, 514 employers

completed the survey, providing valuable insight into the demand-side of the ƌĞŐŝŽŶ͛Ɛ ůĂďŽƵƌ ŵĂƌŬĞƚ͘ We would like to send out a special thanks to our financial partners, without their contribution this project would not have reached such great success. o o o o

John Candie, Community Futures Development Corporation, Prescott-Russell François Désormeaux, Cornwall & the Counties Community Futures Development Corporation Mark Boileau, Cornwall Economic Development Sylvain Charlebois, Prescott & Russell Economic Development and Tourism

We also would like to congratulate Mr. Tom Manley from Homestead Organics in Berwick, whose name was drawn on March 31st as our grand prize winner of an ipad. Three other lucky participants also got their hands on $150 gift certificates from some of our finest ƌĞƐƚĂƵƌĂŶƚƐ ƐƵĐŚ ĂƐ ^ĐŚŶŝƚnjĞůƐ͕ ^ƚĞƉŚĂŶŝĞ͛Ɛ ĂŶĚ dĂďůĞ Ϯϭ͘ A report and an action plan has been formulated with the content of the survey findings. Within the report and the action plan, we identified possible suggestions to improve the balance between the labour market demand and supply. This action plan will be beneficial to all service providers, employers, educators and everyone involved in the labour market. The report and the action plan will both be available soon on our website:

This Employment Ontario project, program or service is funded in part by the Government of Canada


Inspire Us – Leaders of Tomorrow ./01!"#!2)#'",3!4!5$4($+#2"*!*4,$5!("#&6##"),!')!$7)8$!)*'"9"#9!",!)6+! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! &)996,"':;!<)6+!5)&45!5$4($+#!="55!#24+$!'2$"+!5$4($+#2"*!>)6+,$:!4,(! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! $,&)6+43$!6#!')!?)55)=!)6+!(+$49#;!! ! ! ! ! !! @),?"+9$(!*4,$5"#'#-!! ! !! • • • •

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Students have FUN at We Day! Article and photos by Carol Grant

(continued from cover)

We Day is taking the philanthropic world by storm and is now the largest event of its kind. It celebrates the power of young people to change the lives of others by featuring a series of inspirational and motivational speeches by top leadership and social issues activists, speakers and entertainers. To say this was the most energetic and inspirational event I have ever attended would be an understatement! Although We Day was held in Ottawa, many Cornwall and area school children attended this event. It is thanks to the generous support of sponsors such as RBC and TELUS that admission to the students in attendance is is free of charge. However, it is important to note that not just any student can reserve a ticket to attend We Day but that they must earn their ticket through service by committing to take action on at least one local and one global initiative of their choice as part of the year-long educational program called We Act. Together, We Day and We Act are providing a blueprint for raising a generation of active local and global citizens. This is certainly proved by the millions of dollars, hours volunteered, pounds of food collected for local food banks and hours of silence logged by youth who stood up for children in developing communities silenced by poverty and exploitation. As a side note, I am very proud to say that my daughter was among the 16,000 students who attended the event with 37 other children from St. Columban's Catholic School here in Cornwall. Dozens of other schools from provinces in the East and West coast of Canada as well as 354 schools from the Ottawa region were in attendance including some local schools such as Viscount Alexander, Gladstone Public, Ecole secondaire La Citadelle and Iona Academy just to name a few. There were too many esteemed guest speakers to name but aside from the sponsor representatives and local youth speakers, some of this year's We Day featured guest speakers included The Honourable David C. Onley (Lieutenant Governor of Ontario), The General Governor of Canada, His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, Jason Spezza, Chris Neil and Chris Phillips (Ottawa Senators captain and alternate captains), Me to We inspirational speakers and Free The Children ambassadors Spencer West (author and double amputee who climbed Mt. Kilmanjaro), and Hannah Alper (11-year old blogger and youth activist), US Ambassador to Canada and his wife Bruce & Vicki Heyman, Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan and Martin Luther King III (human rights advocate and eldest son of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.). Performances by pop-rock-pop band Neverest, JUNO Award-winning band Simple Plan, Canadian R&B recording arist JRDN and award-winning Canadian rapper and record producer Kardinal Offishall were also on the day's schedule of events. Although I was there as a media representative, I can honestly say I was star-struck not only to be able to hear these guests speak and be in the same room as them but to also meet many of them in person. What an honour!

young people themselves", that "all children have a right to live a healthy and productive life", and that "changing the world is not something you have to wait to do" until you're older. THANK YOU to Ashley Murphy (youth speaker who is HIV positive) who taught us to "Have an open heart and the take the lids off the boxes we live in". And finally, I say "megwich" (thank you) to National Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo. My hope is that the youth of today will be as empowered to make changes (however little) as you all certainly have. If your child was not part of We Day, please consider downloading the FREE We365 mobile app through Blackberry World, Google Play or Apple App Store or by checking out their website ( We365 is available in English and French and enables young people to track and verify their volunteer activities for school, make use of tools to take action or to play a part in making a change in their own community and future. If you would like to experience this phenomenal event in person, from April 11 to June 17, the We Create Change Tour (featuring Spencer West, Canadian pop-rock band Neverest and 11 year-old Hannah Alper and other special guests) will be on a coast-to-coast trip to help provide overseas peers with access to education. The We Create Change Tour will consist of 90 stops, 10 weeks and one epic tour! For more information, please visit Lastly, the Me to We site has many fundraising efforts in place in support of Free The Children such as jewelry, books and other products. My favourite includes the Rafiki bracelets - for as little as $10, you can offer clean water for 1 year to 1 person, one year of healthcare or school supplies to 1 child, one month of healthy meals for 1 child or sustainable financial tools to empower women. Stop by to see how you can help out.

We Day Article Sponsored by:

I would like to say THANK YOU to the founders of Free the Children, event organizers and the more than 800 volunteers who were on-hand to help make this event a success. THANK YOU to the speakers who helped deliver the message that youth today do have meaning and purpose and that they will do big things if they are armed with knowledge and education. THANK YOU to Spencer West for "redefining possible" and teaching us to ask "What can we learn from a negative situation and how can we make it better?". THANK YOU to Martin Luther King III for guiding us to "be the best we can at what we do and to dream big". THANK YOU to Her Majesty Queen Noor of Jordan for confirming that "the lines we draw on a map are not drawn on people" and that "there is no more powerful voice than

Find out how you can become an article or page sponsor Call Julia at 613-935-3763 ext. 101 or Mai-Liis at 613-935-3763 ext 102

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

The Rodney Rivette Variety Show There is a lot of artistic talent in this town, and Rodney Rivette proved that when hosting a Variety Show at La Maison Tavern on Friday night.

by Marlene Baker

Photos by Jason Setnyk

Positively Marlene



Hi there to all of you beautiful, pretty, handsome and cute as button readers. I hope you are continuing to enjoy my column each week, along with all of the other wonderful contributors to Cornwall's most read and informative paper, the Seeker. Isn't it so nice now that this snow is finally going? It is slowly going away, melting, melting, going away until it's all GONE!!! Move over (Go Away) Old Man Winter, Mother Nature is warming things up and is here to stay. I had the pleasure of seeing my first "V" lines of our ever popular, world reknown Canadian Geese this week. Along with seeing my first Robin on my neighbour's front lawn, and some Gold Finches fighting over the sunflower seeds in the birch tree in my front yard. I also saw my first flying insect and some little, green shoots pushing their way up from their underground slumber chambers. These sure are signs that Spring has finally come to Eastern Ontario. All of these signs of Spring have made me, one very happy lady indeed. I am sure there are a lot of you that are as happy as I am that Spring has sprung for yet

another growing and blossoming season for us to marvel at and to enjoy. Did you know that we have a Science Center right here in Cornwall? If you don't then I want to share with you a little secret, not yet known by many. It is located at 780 Sydney Street, in the old school building, right beside Farm Boy. It is called the CREATION SCIENCE CENTER located at the 8th Street entrance. It presents an Alternative Scientific Perspective giving you and me evidence that tells a different story of Creation. It provides us with different explanations about fossils (of which many real ones are on display) and explains to us about how dinosaurs and men actually lived together at the same period of time. It provides us with "real life" evidence and explanations of Dragons living here on earth as well. There are many "hands on" things to touch and do for people of all ages to enjoy. There are many facts here at the Science Center to think about. Everyone pretty much knows about Noah's Ark -Well there is a scale model of it at the CREATION SCIENCE CENTER for you and me to view. If you're curious about evidence that tells a different story, and reveals what you are not being told, please go to You won't be disappointed. I promise. Girl Scouts Honor. Tip of the Week: Time to get your sport vehicles out (bikes, trikes, scooters etc) from yours and their long Winter's break. Time to bring your bikes to the shop to get "Ride Ready" or do it yourself, if you or someone who's handy can do a Spring Tune-up, because it is very important that you do this for the "safety" and enjoyment for not only yourself but for others who are bicycling at this time of year -Well, maybe not today, but soon enough. Happy Riding. I thought I would mention something that happened to me a couple of Saturdays ago when I was checking out the New Ardene's store, in the East end of Cornwall. A lovely lady, (who was with her daughter) stopped me in the store just to tell me that she really enjoyed reading my column each week. Thank you ever so much my dear - you certainly made my heart smile that day. May you have a most delightful kind of week ahead. Keep Smiling. I just want to express to you on how very important it is to share a smile or to do a kind gesture for someone. We never really know what others are going through - .loss of a job, or a relationship, a death a bad day at work or school, etc. Just a gentle touch, or a kind word or even a friendly little smile could and can change that someone's day or perhaps, even their life. We read and hear about it happening throughout the world every day. Why Not ~Pay It Forward~ in some small way, today, tomorrow or when you can? It will certainly make YOU a much "Happier Person" for doing so. Thank you kindly from me and the Powers That Be.

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Until next week, If YOU Have The Power and The Will To Make Someone Happy - Please Do So, This World Needs and Wants More of This Kind of "Kindship!" Until next time...Ta Ta for this week Marlene Baker of

Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

Getting to know ... Local Artist . . . AUDREY M. BAIN by Mai-Liis Renaud

What was your first experience with art?

As a small child in the Maritimes I always had a pencil in my hand and at the age of 4 I told everyone that I was going to be an artist. This love of art has been reflected in my consistent involvement with the visual arts; through grade school, high school (when she was awarded a scholarship to the Nova Scotia College of Art).and early adulthood. I was greatly influenced by the Group of Seven and was largely self-taught.

Audrey Operated the Country Studio with two other artists and the Corner Gallery in Morrisburg. From 1970 to 1976, she taught regular leisure courses in Oil Painting at St. Lawrence College and was Gallery Director for the Cornwall Regional Art Gallery from 1983 to 1992.

and what is next ...

She is now a member of the South Grenville Guild of Fine Arts and will be exhibiting her work at their show from April 25 to 28th. See invitation below and visit Audrey’s website: for more info.

Tell me more about your background ...

My first initiation to colour was painting small oil landscapes, done on location, in northern Ontario.

There is a sense of adventure and mystique in the north which always intrigued me. Abandoned head frames, wind, bush and rapids, even old buildings, invited my imagination. I like to roam around old buildings, their interiors and exteriors, to try and visualize the people, their stories and their history. I think of old buildings as portraits, weathered and gracefully aging. With a desire to develop further I began taking classes and workshops. My paintings matured and the northern and Algonquin sketches became popular. The desire for a stronger foundation in all aspects of the visual arts led me to study and achieve a Creative and Visual Arts Diploma (With Distinction) from St. Lawrence College, Cornwall.

As old building portraits attract me so also do people portraits attract me. Portraiture presents for me another facet of artistic challenge. In the 70’s and 80’s social awareness emerged in my paintings. My work sought to point out the frailties of the human condition and the triumph of the human spirit. Presently I have returned to "plein air" painting. I seek the peace and quiet of the woodland scene, the soft breeze on my face, and the gentle sounds of nature. Although my husband Alan and I travel extensively, from sea to sea, recently I find in my paintings I am drawn to my local surroundings of old barns and old old buildings.

SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTIST is sponsored by:

The painting to the above, titled “Early Morning Quiet” is one of the many that adorn the walls of their home. I felt that the walls were a record of their travels but instead of photos there were many many paintings. I had a wonderful visit with Audrey and Alan which finished with a nice cup of tea and shortbread cookies and reminiscing about college as we were both at St. Lawrence at the same time.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


and now ...

Audrey’s husband Alan, also an artist with whom Audrey shares the operation of Winddrift Gallery and Studio, told me that he has great respect for Audrey as an outdoor artist. He remembers when they were camping at “Eels Lake in Haliburton and Audrey woke at 6 am to go down to the river to paint as she needs to feel and experience the scene to be able to put it on canvas.




How did the festival come about, how did it get started and who is behind it?

Derek Seguin


This is the first ever Cornwall Comedy Festival. A friend (Roger Lee) and I were looking at the idea of a fundraiser for the Ogooma Children's Home in the village of Gulu, Northern Uganda. Roger has been raising money for the home for sometime through the sale of jewelry and handbags made by local villagers.The two of us threw some ideas on the table and the comedy fest idea seemed to be the one that made the most sense.

Photos by Jason Setnyk

Lost Boyz celebrate the 80s at La Maison Tavern The Lost Boyz celebrated an 80s reunion show at La Maison Tavern this weekend. From neon green, to 80s hits, it was a time warp Saturday night.

WHAT is the Cornwall Comedy Festival?

Pete Zedlacher

The Cornwall Comedy Festival will present three of the finest comedic talents this country has to offer. Derek Seguin, Pete Zedlacher and Neil Janna. These individuals have traveled the country promoting their brand of humour. They are all Just for Laugh's veterans. Between the three of them they have appeared at over 20 JFL festivals.

When is Cornwall Comedy Festival and where is this taking place?



Seeking Answers with ... SEEKER SNAPSHOTS

The Cornwall Comedy Festival will be held at the Port Theatre on Friday, May 2nd at 8pm and Saturday, May 3rd with showtimes of 7pm and 9:15 pm . Tickets are available at the Port Theatre Box office, the Fermented Grape, Gilles Barbershop in Glen Walter and Sweet Tooth Bakery in Lancaster.

Neil Janna

Besides the organizers, who can we thank for bringing this festival to life?

None of this would have been possible if not for our sponsors, The Gabri/Lalonde Wealth Advisory Group, Nesbitt Burns, Olymel Cornwall and the law office Gordon Scott Campbell. In addition to the Ogooma Children's Home, we will be contributing a portion of the proceeds to Blazers soccer for their hand in promoting the show. Roger and I promise a show that's second to none. Tickets are $22.00 each. We only have tickets left for the Friday night show and limited tickets for the 7pm show on Saturday. Saturday 9:15 is sold out!

The Friday night show was added because of the popular response to the show.

For tickets call us at 613 360 2004 or email us at

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!



45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796



Volunteer with the Friends of the Cornwall Public Library.

Call the Friend’s Shop at 613-932-4796 for more info. SATURDAY, APRIL 12


YOGA YOUTH (AGES 6 TO 16 YRS) @ 10 am PAWS'N BOOKS @ 11 am CHECK-MATES @ 2 pm

SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1:00 PM Transition Cornwall+ presents the film GROW – An inspiring look at a new generation of sustainable farmers; of special interest to young entrepreneurs.

MONDAY, APRIL 14 @ 6:30 pm





MONDAY, APRIL 28 @ 6:00 PM SHARP. Learn to perform CPR on adults Registration mandatory.

BABY TALES @ 10:00 am STORYTIME @ 10:00 am CARD CLUB FOR KIDS @ 6:00 pm

TUESDAY, APRIL 29 @ 10:00 AM TO 11:00 AM OR THURSDAY, MAY 1 @ 7:00 PM TO 8:00 PM Resumé Writing Workshop Registration required

More program information online at


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



TUESDAY, APRIL 22 @ 10:00 AM OR THURSDAY, APRIL 24 AT 7:00 PM First Time Home Purchase Seminar Presented by Dianne Mainville, RBC Mortgage Specialist Registration required


WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23 @ 7:00 PM The Science & Nature Speaker Series Arthritis – Canada’s Painful Chronic Disease A talk with Dr. Robin Poole Free event. Please reserve your spot with the St. Lawrence River Institute - 613-936-6620



our weekly pages of events n’ more...





Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday at 7:30pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly. 949 Mohawk Drive Office Phone: Contact 613-932-0685 Celebrate Recovery is an environment to help you overcome your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe place while experiencing the freedom you have in Christ. Cystic Fibrosis Casino Night 7 pm. Spot Light Hall, 17369 Cornwall Centre Rd. Have fun with a chance to win great prizes! Call Angel Kisnics: 613.938.8455 for tickets. Alkaline Entertainment Presents Tribute To The Beatles Live At The Port Theater… 7PM tickets $20 SOLD OUT

SAT APRIL 12 Cornwall Community Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon Bridge Euchre Lunch: 11:30 am. Bridge & euchre: 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. St. John’s Presbyterian Church Hall, 28 2nd St. E. Tickets: 10$ on sale at tuck, gift Shops or the door. Cornwall Scouts Spaghetti Supper from 4:30 pm to 8 pm. SteTheresa Parish Hall, 1304 Lisieux St. Elly May With Joel Sauve Trio at LA MAISON, Sat, April 12th 9:30pmChartwell Chateau Cornwall YARDSALE BASEMENT SALE Saturday April 12th, 2014 9am -1pm Please join us. Any questions please call 613-937-4700 1:00 p.m., join TAG Cornwall for an opening reception not to be missed. Artists Marc Gagné and SooZ (Susan Jullette) have come

together for a duo exhibition. Both artists’ creations are clever, rich in texture and inventive. Their similarity and their contrasting differences enhance one and other and will provide the viewer with an exciting visual treat.

Cornwall Community Police Ser vices Auction S. D. G. Highlanders Armoury, 505 Fourth St., E., Cornwall Freedom Taekwon-Do Women’s Self Defense Course – Pass this information on to the ladies you care about in your life. Taught by Mothers for Daughters Your Safety First Aid To be held the second Saturday of each month Cost is only $25.00 per session. Noon – 2pm 200 Hoople Ave Cornwall ON 613-9362443 Review, Refresh, Relearn…Practice, Practice, Practice


On April 13, 2014. Knights of Columbus Hall (upstairs) from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Make It Original! Will bring handmade crafters/vendors from near and far and 40 vendors and 50 FREE Swag bags for the first 50 shoppers. This will be an amazing day!! Easter and Mother’s Day will be right around the corner and this will be the best opportunity to truly get a beautiful gift that is from the heart, unique, original and HANDMADE!! This Ability of Mine: The Arts of Special People Showcase from 11 am to 4 pm. RCAFA Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Admission: 5$ Transition Cornwall+ Food Film Series 1 pm. Cornwall Public Library, 45 2nd St. E. Screening a film on growing cities followed by soup, discussion & good company.


4 PLACES DISPONIBLES!! TELEPHONEZ POUR VOUS INSCRIRE AUX 2 ATELIERS GRATUITS!!!Une vie en santé – Projet de l’UCFO (Union culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes)Pour femmes d’expression française de 55 ans et plus : Lise Gauthier 514.699.8445 soir après 19h


Ecumenical Lenten Services 12 noon during Lent. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, South Lancaster. Soup & sandwiches follow. Freewill offering to Canadian Food Grains Bank. SMART CITY TOASTMASTERS CLUB- offers you the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives you the practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1st&3rd Wednesdays of each month@ St. Lawrence CollegeCornwall Campus River Room #3150


Good Friday Way of the Cross Ecumenical Service 11:30 am. St. Joseph’s Church, Lancaster. Followed by refreshments. Alzheimer Society Good Friday Spring Fling from 3 pm. Live music with Bob & Ducky from 4 to 8 pm. Cornwall Golf & Country Club. Donations accepted at the door. Good Friday Drama: A Day Of Blood & Heartbreak Refreshments from 9:30 am and service at 10 am. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Guest speaker: Pastor Art Brant and music bu Lillie Brant. Karaoke With Nat & Perr y Army Navy Air Force Club, 14 Marlborough St. N. Fish & chips dinner: 9$

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

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If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!

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Put the FOCUS on your EVENT With


Place a featured event here for only $25 a Week Or ask us how you could get FREE advertisement for your event CALL 613-935-3763 EXT 1

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



Le Président de CHOD-FM nous entretient...

rale annuelle), Au lendemain de notre A.G.A. (assemblée généplusieurs dont de dire au eue” is jama ait “la meilleure qu’on du SEEKER, de M. Gérald Samson, il me fait plaisir, à l’invitation disons qu’il y ord, D’ab . écrit par le venir vous adresser la paro Cornwalla déjà plus de 20 ans que la “radio communautaire ion” à la diffus radio de ce Alexandria Inc.” a obtenu sa “licen rente appa sance “puis d’une FM e band fréquence 92,1 MHz sur n s’active qu’o voilà Or s”. watt 200 19 de rayonnée nt à tout l’est maintenant à vouloir étendre notre rayonnemeion de pouvoir entat augm une avec t” emen ontarien “qualitativ é. On a déjà qui ira jusqu’à environ 40 000 watts en différ da et même Cana e ustri d’Ind et C obtenu l’approbation du CRT de Patrimoine un soutien financier substantiel entre autres la fin de d’ici er rétis Canada... Le tout devrait se conc l’automne. é aussi à Outre cette bonne nouvelle, on a démontr lles de actue ces finan les que elle annu rale l’assemblée géné que plus sont i ent-c notre radio communautaire à ce mom Bingo du celui que e” atoir opér te saines, autant dans “le comp l’on que et s matin dis same les tous s onde en Radio, qui passe se “vache à surnomme avantageusement notre merveilleu D.G. Marc ral géné teur direc ué dévo lait”... Aussi, notre her des dénic à arrêt sans arne s’ach eau, Charbonn , des fond de urs baille subventions, voire encore des nos ainir d’ass but le dans ment juste commandites, etc., e local e scèn la sur finances, et cela avec succès... Ce n’est que eurs vend des à avis : er élior qu’il y aurait matière à s’am potentiels intéressés à joindre nos rangs... r du présent En conclusion, je m’en voudrais de ne pas parle un second pour conseil d’administration (C.A.), tout réélu “le meilleur terme et formant, selon moi et autour de moi, on retrouve dent Prési Vicee comm ord, C.A. demandé”. D’ab ier”) qui monsieur l’échevin Sydney Gardiner (“le jardin e, de la nenc perti la (de “p” 3 représente pour nous les z de la voule vous si ou ce, anen perm la de persistence et orier, il -Trés iviste -Arch continuité). Ensuite, comme Secrétaire illeur trava un ( mpte Leco Jean e”, y a “monsieur bilinguism face ent vraim ête s’arr ne il mot; du sens les tous acharné dans sieur “mon try”/ coun sieur à aucun mur). Puis on a “mon laire, très bingo”, Gaudias Dumont: très aimé, très popu mais pas venu ier serviable au moindre besoin... Enfin, le dern upe s’occ qui lui e, llenc exce par o” le moindre, “monsieur franc sur o” franc au “rése d’un et o” franc ectif joliment du “coll nos de seur défen internet, monsieur Jules Bourdon, grand pourrait en droits : il mérite toute notre admiration... On membre à dernier lieu ajouter, même si elle n’est pas o Pepin qui proprement parler du C.A., le nom de Mme Marg e “secrétaire” agit continuellement et bénévolement, commeilleux Conseil merv pour nous : cela est très apprécié. quel d’Administration!

ent comblé et Son président qui vous écrit en est parfaitem heureux.

Un champion sur toute la ligne Philippe Lalonde, jeune étudiant de 11e année à l’école La Citadelle, vient de recevoir une distinction sportive : il a été nommé le joueur de curling de l’année et sera honoré lors de la remise des prix sportifs du Club Lions de Cornwall le 14 mai prochain. Il a fait partie de l’équipe mixte de curling ainsi que l’équipe de curling masculine qui ont remporté le championnat de la zone et se sont rendues aux championnats régionaux de curling. Il s’est aussi rendu au EOSSAA de l’est ontarien avec l’équipe de curling de La Citadelle.

Philippe est un jeune sportif de 16 ans. Mais, les sports ne lui font pas oublier ses études, il excelle en mathématique et il obtient des notes excellentes dans tous ses cours. En plus du sport et des études, Philippe ne compte pas ses heures de bénévolat. Il aime s’impliquer dans sa communauté en faisant du bénévolat au sein de multiples organismes de Cornwall : Partir d’un bon pas, Centre culturel de Cornwall, Archives et généalogie St-Laurent, la parade annuelle du père Noël, le groupe enviro-écolo de La Citadelle et beaucoup d’autres. La personnalité de Philippe, sa courtoisie, son sens des responsabilités et son travail sont très appréciés par tous ceux qui travaillent avec lui. Il est aussi très discret et ne se vante ni de son bénévolat ni de ses succès sportifs ou scolaires. Il fait son petit bout de chemin dans la joie. Un jeune homme voué à un brillant futur, Philippe Lalonde est l’un de ces jeunes adolescents qui nous font croire en l’avenir. Nous le félicitons pour son implication et ses réussites.

Le Seeker, c’est si ♥ Do you have some news “En Français”? Avez-vous des nouvelles francophones? Envoyez-les nous pour la page du coin franco!

Également recherchés : Commerces Francophones désirant promouvoir leurs services tout en supportant la page de la francophonie du Seeker!

Souper spaghetti : Au Centre Charles-Émile-Claude, nous inaugurons la cuisine avec un souper spaghetti qui aura lieu le samedi 26 avril 2014. Le coût du billet est de 10 $ par personne. Danses en ligne et sociale : 15 h – 17 h et 19 h- 20 h - Souper 17 h 30 (saladepain- beurre- spaghetti- dessert- thé- café). Les billets sont disponibles au bureau du CCÉC. Ouvert à tous!

Bingo, danse en ligne, bridge, chorale, exercices, fléchettes, jeux de cartes, sacs de sable, peinture, taï–chi sont les nombreuses activités que propose le Centre CharlesÉmile-Claude. Venez nous voir au 146-B avenue Chevrier ou téléphonez-nous au 613-932-1035

Bénévoles recherchés: Vous avez un peu de temps à donner, le Centre Charles-Émile-Claude est l’organisme idéal à viser. Nous recherchons un (e) bénévole à la réception pour le mois d’avril. Tâches :Répondre au téléphone et acheminer les appels. Recevoir les usagers et les référer au bon endroit. Donnez-nous votre horaire ! Appelez-nous pour la première rencontre, aux heures de bureau au (613) 932-1035. Merci d’avance !

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 12 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

by Sharyn Thompson


This recipe makes 8 servings.

METHOD: -Spray a large heavy-bottomed saucepan or Dutch oven lightly with some cooking spray. -Brown the ground beef over medium-high heat. -Add the beef broth, soup, water, garlic, oregano, pepper and chopped tomato. -Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Stir in the pasta and reduce the heat. -Cover the pot and cook at a gently boil until the pasta is tender - about 15 minutes. Stir occasionally during this time. -Ladle the soup into bowls and sprinkle with the Parmesan cheese. ENJOY!

This recipe makes about 3 dozen medium-sized cookies. INGREDIENTS: 1 cup Thompson raisins 1/2 cup Crisco shortening (at room temperature) 1 cup white sugar 2 eggs 1/4 cup milk 1- 2/3 cups quick-cooking rolled oats 1- 1/2 cups all purpose flour 1 level tsp. baking soda 1/2 level tsp. fine salt 1 rounded tsp. ground cinnamon

METHOD: -Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Line baking sheets with parchment paper. -Rinse the raisins in hot water and drain well. Set aside . -In a large bowl, cream the shortening until nice and fluffy. Do this by hand, not with an electric mixer. -Add the sugar to the shortening and beat till light and fluffy. -Add the eggs and milk and beat again. -Stir in the rolled oats and drained raisins. Mix well. -Sift the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. -Beat well to mix everything. -Use a cookie scoop or a spoon to drop the cookie dough onto the parchment lined baking sheets. -Bake the cookies for about 10 to 12 minutes. -Allow the cookies to sit on the baking sheet for a couple of minutes after they are baked. -Using a wire spatula, gently lift the cookies to a wire cooling rack to cool completely. ENJOY!


OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998

by Rose Desnoyers Members will elect a new Board. It is a great experience to be part of a Board. It's fun to bring your idea to the table and make it happen. No one carries the burden alone. You are part of a team. In our case in 2014-2015, many members will remain on the Board but there will be openings. Adèle Constantineau will hold the position of Secretary and Elaine Arkwright will remain as Treasurer.

FOCUS ART Annual General Meeting MAY 7, 2014

• You help the community become a better place to live in.

• You help your values or humanitarian concerns become part of our society. Now with busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer. However, the benefits of volunteering are enormous to you, your family, and your community. The right match can help you find friends, reach out to the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Volunteering can also help protect your mental and physical health. During this international year of the volunteer, think about what you might like to do. The watchword of voluntarism is "do what you can." Nearly 7.5 million Canadians give freely and willingly of their time to enrich the lives of others. Focus Art could use your talent and skill if not on the Board be a volunteer.

As we gear up to celebrate our 10th year anniversary, we are seeking a dedicated Board President to support and sustain the work of the association, provide leadership for our activities and support for our volunteers. As part of the Board, the President chairs monthly Board meetings, opens general members’ meetings and represents Focus Art at a time when art and culture is becoming the focus of political and economic interest in our community.

In the name of all the members, of the public that enjoys art and of the future artists you inspire, I thank each and every volunteer that has made 2013-2014 a great year at Focus Art,

There will also be openings for Board members. The responsibility of a Board member is to attend monthly Board meetings and perhaps organize a monthly activity, welcome members at general meetings, recruit members and set up exhibitions.

EXHIBITION - INGLESIDE LIBRARY Award winning artist, Libby Cameron, is showing her work at the Ingleside Library between April 9 and May 12. There will be a meet and greet on Tuesday, April 29 between 6 and 7pm. Everyone welcome.

Rose Desnoyers, President of Association FOCUS ART Association

As a Board member you have the pleasure of being both executive and EXHIBITION - AND SALE HUDSON QUEBEC Focus Art member Barbara Darling volunteer. will participate at the Centre communautaire Stephen Shaar, Friday, April 11,(7 to 9:30) and Saturday, April 10 and Sunday, April 12 (10 to 5). There are many great reasons for being a volunteer at Focus Art. • You feel better about yourself. The more you give the more you get. EXHIBITION - CORNWALL LIBRARY Spring Fever / Fièvre du printemps. Come and • You gain a better understanding of other people’s art, how to set up enjoy a glimpse of spring through the eyes of several artists. Support your favorite an art exhibition, how to work on a team. by placing your vote. The show continues until April25 but the winner will be • You connect with other artists and learn. revealed on Tuesday April 22. Pick-up for artists is Saturday, April 26 (9:30 – 12).

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


The Association FOCUS ART Association is a non-for profit corporation with a constitution and by-laws directing the way we do business. The members built this foundation over the last 9 years. Once a year members decide who will sit on the Board, the financial report and any changes to the by-laws

Community news is updated DAILY


Check out our website


INGREDIENTS FOR THE RUB: 1 lb. lean ground beef (Of course, use Sharyn's Pantry locally raised, good Stormont beef.) 1- 900 ml. Campbell's ready-to-use 30% less sodium beef broth 1- 10 oz. can of Campbell's condensed tomato with basil and oregano soup ( Or just use a 10 oz. can of Campbell's plain condensed tomato soup and add 1 tsp. each of rubbed oregano and basil.) 2 cups of water 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 - 1/2 tsp. rubbed oregano 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 1 cup diced fresh tomato 2 cups wholewheat short lasagna-noodle-shaped pasta (mafalda corta) (Or any bite-sized shaped pasta: eg. shells or elbow macaroni.) 3 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese



A while back, Rod and Ann gave me their recipe for a quickly made soup. Rod said it was so tasty, they ate the whole potful. If you don't have the asked for, Campbell's condensed tomato soup with basil and oregano, just use a regular can of Campbell's condensed tomato soup and add about 1 tsp. each rubbed basil and oregano. Kathleen gave me her recipe for oatmeal raisin cookies. Oatmeal cookies are my favourite! Thanks Kathleen, Rod and Anne for sharing! Enjoy a great week!



NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut



Invitations and more by

Shellshock WITH CORNWALL’S Largest Portable LIGHT & LASER SHOW Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget! Wedding Videos available

I AM SO VERY PROUD TO BE A PART OF OUR COMMUNITY!! After all of these months of organizing and planning our 2nd Annual Healthy Living Wellness Fair, the day finally arrived and it was incredible!!! Due to your generosity, we are happy to report that with your help we raised over $2700 for our charity of choice, Maison Baldwin House (shelter for women). When I heard that the participants were lining up outside at 10am, I knew the response was going to be a HUGE SUCCESS and the hard work had paid off!! Never did we expect over 600 people in 4 hours. As a vendor, to see all of these bodies walking into the hall, to come and see what we all had to offer for you to live a better, healthier life, was such a heartwarming feeling…I feel very blessed and thank all of you that participated…

Custom Invitations

One of a kind ... Created with you in mind!

Custom Design - Custom Price!

Sheldon or Mai-Liis 613-932-4812 Prices to fit EVERY BUDGET • Evening & Weekend Appointments available

This picture will be up on my wall of fame at my shop right along with Joe Cross and David Wolfe. This wall is reserved for people that have helped me live a better life, I am so thrilled to have been able to be near them, shake their hands and say thank you!!

Kathy Smart is an amazing lady, she went above and beyond (stayed an extra hour) to make sure that all the participants at her seminar were happy and that she had answered all of their questions. She was there for the people, time did not matter to her,she is truly a giving soul…. ….100 participants lived this experience that will certainly change their lives forever!! Thank you so much Kathy Smart for your kind and generous spirit….we all love you here in your hometown of Cornwall!! Our lucky winner of our huge, collective basket was Jackie Roy, she was thrilled!! She will be spoiling here children and grandchildren. Congratulations Jackie!! Enjoy your basket filled with so many generous gifts from all of our amazing and unique vendors………. I already have bigger and better plans for next year….can’t wait!! When a community responds the way that you all did, this shows me that there is definitely a demand for this kind of an event. The countless hours of figuring it all out, making sure to have everything coordinated and ready to go is quite the task. I am so blessed to have a cohost like Mary Brink (local celiac support group) to help me along the way and amazing volunteers on the day of the event

Koupon Korner

,everything just happens as it should. Thanks to all of you that gave us a hand on the day of the event, it is greatly appreciated…… A huge thank you as well to Janet Wheeler, manager of the Agora Centre, she went above and beyond the call of duty to make sure that all was running smoothly before and on the day of the event. She is an amazing individual, I really could not have done it without her, such a pleasant lady that just loves her job. If ever you would like to hold an event at this beautiful venue (I strongly suggest it)…email Janet at or call her at 613-935-3496 and she will be happy to deal with your inquiry. Thanks Janet!! By the way, my Raw Turtles were such a hit that I have decided to spoil all of you and have some available at my shop this Saturday April 12th and Saturday April 19th for Easter…then you will not see them again until December………..thanks for all of your loyal support.. I received this great message from one of my regular client concerning our Fair…it truly touched my heart and made it all worthwhile, I wanted to share it with you……….thanks Cheryl O. "Sylvie, your vision, your passion for health, your tireless hard work to reach all who are hungry for change......because of your humble heart many benefit. Wow! What a day!" The main comment of the participants is that our Fair should last longer…hey that can easily be arranged and we will aim more for mid-month not to coincide with the Home and Trade show………..Thanks again Cornwall…YOU ROCK!!! In health….

Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) 613-931-3119 / 613-662-3834 My shop is located at 812 Pitt Street, unit 40 (just past Earthway Chiropractic Clinic), small restaurant on the left side with a black railing around the patio. I am only open on Saturdays, 9am to 4pm…..

Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

Finally the Snow is gone and everyone enjoyed the Spring feeling at the show ...

Held at the Cornwall Civic Complex last weekend. Lots to SEE and Lots to DO! Please support these

local businesses who took part in the show ... Photos by Mai-Liis Renaud

Kelly & Dan Tessier Owners


Does your financial advisor know your life goals? Brian Seguin Financial Advisor .

89 Tollgate Road West Unit 2 Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 613-932-6161

Brian Seguin, Financial Advisor 89 Tollgate Rd W #2, Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 Phone: (613) 932-6161

Member – Canadian Investor Protection Fund

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

Cornwall Motor Speedway's track Champions with promotor Ron Morin at the banquet on 5 April Article by Martin Bélanger Photos by Rick Young ( and Robert Lefebvre ( The Cornwall Motor Speedway held his 2013 Banquet of champion at the beautiful South Stormont Community Hall this past Saturday, April 5 as a room full of guests gathered to celebrate and rememorize last year’s events. The night had also a special feel as honored promoter Ron Morin's (photo left) retirement after 33 years as the speedway owner. Mario Clair left the banquet with hands full of new and shiny trophies. Clair had a stellar year at Cornwall in 2013, winning his first Jiffy Auto Service Modified Championship and also capturing the Doiron Engineering Cup Heat Championship. Stephane Lafrance had a great season finishing second to Clair in the points title and also second in the Canadian Nationals Series behind Brian McDonald who also finished fifth in the points race. Another year and another third place for Chris Raabe along with a strong second in the Doiron Cup. Kayle Robidoux was also a good contender all year long as he finished fourth in the points chase and rounding out the top 3 in the heats championship. Steve Bernard was also recognized as he finished third in the Canadian Nationals. Gilles Godard was named the Rookie of the year. In the Alexandria Home Hardware Pro Stock division, Dave Bissonnette won over Rock Aubin, Jocelyn Roy, George Renaud, Ghislain Valade and CD Beauchamp. Stephane Lebrun won the Mohawk Race Parts Series in front of Aubin, Roy and Stephane Lemire. Bissonnette also won the new heat championship sponsored by RSI Industrial Supply in front of Renaud and Roy. Joey Ladouceur made a splash in his first year in the Tracy Wheeler Storm Realty Sportsman division by winning the championship over Corey Wheeler, Chris Herbison, Mitch Primeau, Jessica Power and Louie Jackson JR. Mathieu Desjardins won the Seaway GM & Performance Sportsman Series over Shane Pecore and Martin Pelletier. Steve Billings, was named the 2013 champion in the Evans Bus Lines Semi-Pro division winning this title after running in the Sportsman class for several seasons. Kevin Fetterly jr and Derek Cryderman rounded out the top 3. In the Mini Stock Division, Mike Gaucher won the title by a close margin in front of Danny Lefebvre and Justin Desrosiers.

The Baxtrom`s Independant Grocer Rookie of the award went to Gilles Godard in the Modifieds, Joey Ladouceur in the Sportsman, Eli Gilbert in the Pro-Stock, Anthony Perron in the Semi-Pro and Marc Reggentin in the Mini-Stock.

The Mitch Jock Memorial Merit Award went to the Plantagenet High School for the program led by Pro-Stock runner Marc Lalonde in which student are involved in every part of a race team but have also kept several teenagers in school over the course of the last nine year of the program.

EYE ON SPORTS by David Murphy





Cornwall Speedway Honours Champions

Ron Morin (centre in photo below) has spent the last 33 years being many things to everyone he’s ever met. Morin will always be remembered as the man who took a DIRT race track between the 401 and Cornwall Centre Road and turned it into the premier sporting attraction in Eastern Ontario this side of the NHL and CFL. Morin worked with various strategies (including the one year experiment of hosting major shows only) to promote and grow his business and his passion. Cornwall Motor Speedway has taken between 16 to 18 race nights on Sundays every year and turned them into must see events. From the so called regular shows that include 358 Modifieds, Sportsman, Pro Stock, Street Stock and Rookies to the special shows featuring Super Sprints, Big Block Modifieds and World of Outlaws, the Speedway constantly set the bar on how to promote and run an entertaining and fun show on race night.

Morin had the uncanny ability to find what fans wanted and he would deliver it without fail. His first thought before booking any event would be how would the fans react to it. Arguably the most consistently popular event over his 33 years has been the annual Fireball Enduro. That’s the season ending event that allows fans to get the feel of what it’s like competing on the famed ¼ mile DIRT oval. Morin always made sure he had the right people in the right positions to allow race night to run as smoothly as possible. The proof is how loyal the fans and race teams are to Cornwall Motor Speedway. It’s the track with the highest car counts and most well attended events year over year. This tribute to Morin is being done now because he has sold Cornwall Motor Speedway and plans on easing into retirement (word is he’ll still be around race night for a year or two). Morin will finally get to enjoy the fruits of his labour. And while Morin won’t be a race promoter anymore, he’ll still be the same father, brother and friend to the thousands of people he has touched over the past 33 years. Enjoy retirement Ron Morin – you’ve earned it. New promoter Graham Gorman (seen left) talked to the guests about the upcoming season as it will be a transition for everyone as the Lavergne family, new owners of the speedway will be in a learning curve. We are now looking forward to the Sunday, May 18th opening night with the first series race of the Gaetan Chip Stand Modified Canadian Nationals, a 100-lap event also counting toward the DIRTcar 358Modified Series. The first race of the Mohawk Race Parts Pro-Stock series will also be on hand with a 40-lap feature. The Sportsman, Semi-Pro and Mini-Stock, are also on the card for that great night of racing. For more information on the upcoming season at Cornwall, please visit the website at you can add us on Facebook at or on twitter at @cornwalspeedway, we will use these two Medias for contests over the next few weeks.

Lalonde was also the first recipient of the Ron Morin Sportsmanship Award for his respect with other race teams and drivers along with being courteous with officials even when arguing a decision. He is also a self appointed ambassador for the speedway and the racing community. This event ended the celebration of 2013, it was also the end of the 33-year reign of Ron Morin as the Cornwall Motor Speedway promoter. Morin received several gifts including a nice toolbox courtesy of Benson Auto Parts.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Dear Editor I'm new in town, and until this past weekend, didn't even know where the controversial storage tanks were. I went for a walk along the Waterfront Trail and happened upon ‘The Harbour’. Wow. I don't get what all the fuss is about. And the arguments don’t seem to add up to me. A couple of more or less environmentally sound storage tanks (remember - we spray that stuff on the roads in far more sensitive areas than old industrial sites!!) that when finished will barely stick out of the ground and that with a minimum of backfill could be invisible to the casual passerby not to mention what you can do with some creative landscaping. Is it to protect the lovely aesthetics of the waterfront area? Has anybody stopped to look around them while in the area. A concrete pier with a big steel-clad warehouse used for storage, a pipe manufacturing plant across the street, and dilapidated housing nearby. Are there plans to purchase these lands too? They don’t ‘add’ much to the scenery of the area, nor do the dilapidated soccer(?) fields and accompanying fences that appear not to have had much use lately given the on-going construction there. What else is there to look at along the waterfront for comparison? A monolithic municipal building/sports complex, the College with its institutional design and a marina. Not to mention the slew of new condos I see going up within a stones’ throw. That just begs for another question but we’ll leave that alone for the time being. How much time and money will be spent to strip a company of its basic legal rights for land usage? And to what end? So that the City can add a couple of hundred meters of waterfront to its list of acquisitions? And what about the cost of land remediation? The last time I smelled soil that nasty they were calling it ‘brownfields’ for good reason. Are we going to shoulder the citizens with the environmental cleanup costs too? Are OMB hearings, legal wranglings over bylaw jurisdictions, and the price of cancelling legal lease agreements a sound investment? It’s certainly not the kind of deal I would invest in. What about the maintenance costs it can barely keep up with now? We have a wonderful Waterfront Trail you can’t use because they don’t plow it in winter. And it doesn’t even run along the waterfront in that area – nor will it due to the geography of the area and the private interests already well established. Oh, but those lovely condos might sell quicker with a nicer view…..not to mention the increased tax revenues. There are other options. I would love to take my kids to the park for a ball game and then go watch as the big

boats come in. There is already an active marina there. Are there plans to shut that down too? Why not support a dying commercial/industrial sector and create jobs, instead of finding ways to spend money we can barely raise as it is. Big cities like Toronto and Montreal cherish the mixed usage of their port lands and have active successful economies because of it. And let’s not forget the boon to local companies for the supply of materials and on-going contracts that are part of a build and maintain process. Cornwall and other neighboring municipalities might even benefit from a better deal for the purchase of the stuff in the tanks which they will undoubtedly need. Trillium and the Pollards don't have a good sense of Public Relations?? I would offer that they have shown a great deal of restraint and cooperation given their rights in this case. If anyone’s remiss in this business it’s Council for being so short-sighted as to not have made arrangements for the lands far in advance of today’s ‘political crisis’. And perhaps that gentleman who tells everyone he’s going to commit mischief, does so, and launches his political platform from it. When Greenpeace pulls a stunt like that, mischief or trespassing charges are usually involved. It’s better to be a part of something positive, and have your input into making it work for all the stakeholders and interests involved, instead of confronting, marginalizing, and casting away those ideas that you ‘just don’t like’ because it doesn’t suit the thinking of the day. With a little imagination and some creative tinkering you could end up with something far greater than you had originally imagined. Investment and industry give you a leg up on getting those goals accomplished (has Council ever heard of a PPP?) It’s time to break away from outdated thinking and expensive, unrealistic solutions. Cornwall should be proud to support the revitalization of the Ports and an industry that made Cornwall what it is today. Colin Lathe, Cornwall

To whom this may concern we are Wayne and Julie Casey we operated a small business called Casey Mechanical in Cornwall and area and a number of years ago we work hard to have our waterfront cleaned up and have old oil storage tanks removed from our beautiful waterfront. And then the Renaissance group put a plan together for our waterfront to make Cornwall's Harbor and waterfront restored to its natural beauty. We now have new storage tanks being erected to the disappointment of all Cornwallites. We ask you to please help us put an end to the construction of the new storage tanks. Thank you Wayne and Julie Casey

Hey kids! Cut out and colour in this page and drop it off at Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Street) for

your chance to win a prize. Make sure to fill out the bottom section with your name, age and phone number. There will be prizes for different age categories and judging will take place on Saturday, May 3rd. Winners will be notified by telephone. All entries must be received by 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 2nd. Check the next 2 issues of the Seeker for 2 NEW colouring pages!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 17 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

The Love Hawk with Shannon Ferguson

Stress can be the root of all relationship evil, if you let it. Stress can turn even the sweetest people into monsters and crumble the strongest spirits. It’s no wonder so many relationships fail during some of life’s most challenging times making partners, who once loved each other so much, want to claw each other’s eyes out. The challenge comes not in eradicating stress but instead finding love for each other even when you come to believe it no longer exists.


An old friend of mine, Stephanie Carriere was instrumental in organizing the "Back to the 80's" Reunion Bash!" at La Maison on April 5th. It was so great to see so many old friends again - some I have seen on a regular basis and some that I have not seen for many years. Local band Lost Boyz performed retro 80's music for the evening while everyone in attendance shared old memories of their younger days.

Love is not about sunshine and butterflies, rainbows and multicoloured unicorns. So often, we mistake love for the happiness that comes with infatuation, the excitement that follows lust. Too often, we give up on something real when it becomes too hard and we throw in the towel just because our hearts don’t beat as quickly when we kiss their lips. We allow the stress of the world to conquer our souls and allow us to walk away from the real, believing we can find happiness in something else that doesn’t even exist. Life will always be full of ups and downs, the goal is to find someone who will ride the rollercoaster with you, from the highest highs to the lowest lows, until the very end. Someone who won’t bail just because they are scared they got on the wrong ride. Someone who knows life’s stresses are temporary and that true love is worth the many emotions you feel throughout the ride.

Of course, it’s always helpful to try and live a less stressful life, for yourself and everyone around you, but it would be crazy to think that stress will never infiltrate your life and control your emotions at some point. Just don’t let it control your relationship too. Allow yourself to break, with the confidence that your partner will always put you back together. And pay attention to your feelings. When you get a better understanding of why your stress is affecting your relationship with your partner, you will have an easier time correcting it. And if it’s your partner who has suddenly done a 180, be patient. Let them know how it’s making you feel and discuss how their stress levels are adding unwarranted stress to your relationship. They might not even realize the hole they’ve fallen into and it’s up to both of you to pull each other out when the other falls in. So, if you have found someone who you truly love, deep within your soul, know that you will have rocky times but ultimately, the good times will outnumber the bad. Love is more than the honeymoon phase; those superficial, surface elements that may fade. What you need to remember is that as the superficial parts fade the real parts of your relationship will shine brighter. The friendship, the connection, the understanding, and the trust are what will always overcome the stress induced fights and arguments. There will always be a reason for the stresses of life to wedge themselves in between great couples, but true love will always be strong enough to overcome the obstacles and prevent anything from coming in the middle.

The Stop and Shop & Silent Auction was held on April 5th in support of the local Sea Cadets through the Navy League. Sixteen local businesses were on-hand to sell their products and showcase their services for people to help raise money. The event also featured a silent auction, photo booth and Zumba with Catherine Seguin. Approximately $1,000 was raised for the local group which will be used to help fund bus rental, meals and travel costs while the cadets are away on training. Fundraising Chair of the Navy League of Canada Cornwall Branch and organizer Monique Branchaud (with help from her husband Mark Branchaud) were very pleased with the turnout and hope to repeat the show again this Fall. They anticipate a bigger turnout with even more vendors. If you would like more information on being vendor or finding out how you can help support this fundraiser, please contact : Monique at 613-9360638. Mark & Monique Branchaud, event organizers LS Branchaud, a member of the Sea Cadets 110 Stormont

Stress less, love more, The Love Hawk Shannon loves love. She has a passion for people and understanding the little things that make everyone unique and similar, all at the same time. She has degrees in Communication Studies, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism but it’s the school of life that taught Shannon most of what she knows about love and relationships. Visit her blog at:


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 18


Don’t Let Stress Ruin Your Relationship

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

FR E E FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2 Deadlines noon on Tuesdays

Space available

preferably to run a restaurant or a computer store, Bachelor Apartment upstairs, rent $950 a month. Phone 613-701-3965 after 2pm. Deposit equal to last month's rent required.

FOR SalE: 2011 Buick Regal (black) 33600 KM. No accidents, 5 extra winter tires & wheels - $18500 firm. Call Gerry Grant at 613-938-1912

FOR SalE: Brand new condition rabbit cage - $20 firm call 613-577-0374.

Big Brother Grayson would like to introduce his New Little Brother, Rowan

FOR SalE: 1988 Oldsmobile, 80,000 original miles. Electric base in a case. Exercise bicycle. lOOKING FOR: a small upright freezer. Call 613-932-7045.

Rowan Michael Aleksander Flaro Born April 7 at 11:40 pm 7 lbs 8 oz - 18 inches long

WaNTED TO RENT: Trailer that sleeps 5-6 people for 8 days in August. Call Don at 613-931-1104 for more info. BaCHElOR aPaRTMENT FOR RENT: in the Glen Walter area 5 minutes from NAV Centre. Fully furnished, utilities included. No pets, non smoking, $700 per month. Call 613-931-1104 for details.


Proud parents Katrina and Joey and Grandmothers Mai-Liis, Karen & Julie


309 Pitt Street Parking available,

FOR SalE: White Moffat stove, in good working condition, about 10 years old. $100 OBO. 613-935-8101

FOR SalE: 2 sturdy, large, comfortable Adirondack style patio chairs, made of all weather resin. The fabric of the matching cushions is 100% polyester, the fill is 100% polyester blend. Paid $200, asking for $60. Call 613-932-8679.



CAR D C HANG E R - do you know these businesses? CARD CHANGER - do you know these businesses?A WORK EASY SOLUTION 613-662-7456 or 613-935-7671

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TAEKWON-DO w w w .orm o b i l e FREEDOM game 613-662-7456 613-935-7671 Parties, w w w. m o b i l e g a m e r z . cWOMEN’S a SELFBirthday DEFENSE COURSE Events, Birthday Parties, SaturdaySchool AprilFestivals, 12th! School Events,

do you know theseFundraisers, businesses? on ... Festivals, Pass this information to the ladies you care about in your life. Plus much Fundraisers, Taught by Mothers for - Your Safety Aid muchFirst more! PlusDaughters much

Freedom Taekwon-Do much more!

CALL TODAY be held the second Saturday of each month IP CAMP ERSH SUMMERToLEAD

to book your

CALL TODAY Costyisto only $25.00 per session. Noon - 2pm Friday Monda next event! bookCornwall your6-2443ON 613-936-2443 200 HoopletoAve Call for more information 613-93 next event! Review, Refresh, Relearn…Practice, Practice, Practice


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As low You have big dreams and big ambitions, whyas You have big dreams store and big ambitions, themwhyin a tiny box! Think outside the 1 time with... - $39 store them in a tiny box! outside the life to your dreams boxThinkand give box and give life to your dreams with... per week 7 times - $129 10 times - $159*

Marie Morrell came to Cornwall in June 2006. Her focus is to build "The Collector’s Museum, Multicultural, and Art Center – International" on Vincent Massey Drive near Long Sault. The Museum is to be a tribute to her father, Léandre Robichaud, renowned sculptor, painter and trapeze artist. The Centre will be dedicated to celebrating the art, culture, and passions of the peoples who comprise more than 350 nations and groups represented in Akwesasne, Cornwall, and the Counties.

In 2007, while waiting for the bureaucracy to provide permits for the Museum, Marie started the organization consultancy, “A Work Easy Solution”. Her hope was to share her secrets on how to declutter one’s home and reclaim one’s life, and their living and working spaces. Marie is an avid collector and curator. Among many projects, she manages the more than 30,000 items to be exhibited in the museum when it is finished. She is a master organizer, and once she organizes your home or office, you can stay organized by following her systems. With a few locally-sourced products, Marie can help transform your life quickly, painlessly, and completely with her organizational methods. Marie strongly believes in no-anxiety solutions. No one should force you to part with your items of sentimental value, or your collections. Marie does not believe in Hollywood-style organizing.

cardXchanger prices

Marie has authored and delivered a course on the "Benefits Of Being Organized” and “Decluttering Techniques" at St. Laurence College through the “Encore Program”. Marie has also written a book on organizing to be published this year.

1 time - $39 7 times - $129 10 times - $159*

CARD CHANGER - do you know these businesses?

cardXchanger prices

1 time -or$39 613-662-7456 613-935-7671 a mini profile Get7a times fully customized website *Including for $24.99/month andof 300 $129 Getwa fully customized for-$24.99/month and See wno upfront w.mobilegamer z.c nowebsite upfront payment. usafor details. payment. See us for details. words or less 10 times - $159*Birthday Parties,

Now Being Sold at Now Being Sold at

In addition, In 2007 Marie founded “The Parade Of Nations For The Developmentally Challenged”, a charitable organization helping those with specials needs express themselves artistically, while exposing them to our local culture through visual and performance art. Discount for booking in April. Call for more information - 613-936-6873.

*Including a mini profile of 300 words or less

TerryLynn’s *Including a mini profile of 300 TerryLynn’s vals, THE SEEKER Vol. Festi 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 19 words or less BEAU-TEEK School Events,

BEAU-TEEK Fundraisers,

limited time. For a limited time. ForPlusamuch

• Professional organizing of any room - home/office • Filing Systems: manual/computer • Home Downsizing/Staging • Household & Business Inventory, Garage & Tag Sale Preparation • One stop shopping for: disposal of large items • Renovations: electrical, plumbing & much more ...


613-936-6873 OR VISIT Website:

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1

THIS WEEKEND “ Complementary Contrasts”

altering and re-combining the pieces until they form an integral whole. He always has been drawn to the urban landscape with its aged and decaying surfaces.

Duo exhibition of assemblage art and acrylic paintings

SooZ works with acrylics and let the textures and colours evolve on the canvas during the painting process. Her new series called “Improbable Creatures” fits into the Steampunk category. Most of her work can be described as witty and whimsical, sometimes flashy at

April 12th to May 2nd, 2014 OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, April 12th at 1pm Marc Gagné and SooZ (Susan Jillette) never met before they were introduced to each other through TAG Cornwall. Marc Gagné is a long-time resident of Ottawa who grew up in Kingston, Trenton, Ottawa, and later Toronto, attending the Ontario College of Art (now OCADU). SooZ (Susan Jillette), a resident of Rigaud, Quebec, is an active member in numerous art associations & societies including the Society of Canadian Artists (SCA), the International Guild of Realism (IGOR) and the Autour de Nous (ADN) group of local professional artists. Marc's pieces are created by combining found objects such as sheet metal, weathered wood, old books and other items with more traditional materials like oil painting and encaustic; combining, distressing, cutting, burning, or otherwise

other times more subdued. Both artists' creations are clever, rich in texture and inventive. Their similarity and their contrasting differences enhance one and other and will provide the viewer with an exciting visual treat. The public is invited to meet the artist at the opening reception on April. 12th, at 1:00 p.m. at TAG Cornwall, 168 Pitt Street, Cornwall ON K6J 3P4 Gallery hours are Wednesday to Saturday 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. For more information call (613) 938-7387 or visit our website

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

and together we are

We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.

STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

Red Wind Studio held its first workshop last week. Participants learned how to revamp an old piece of furniture using FAT paint. What fun! for more info visit call (613) 938-1627 or stop in at the studio, 410 Cumberland St, Cornwall

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: read online DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, APRIL 18 TH, 2014

Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 14 - April 11 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1

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