The Local Seeker with a NEW LOOK!
Vol. 4 Issue 9 March 8, 2013
Entrepreneur REBECCA SORRELL Turns Old Comics Into Fashion Art
Dots of red, yellow, blue and green which once adorned the funny pages will have new life because of a fresh idea.
Tyrannosaurus Bex Custom Creations owned by Rebecca
Sorrell specializes in creating custom shoes and accessories using old comic books.
& More Art ...
Come and visit OBO Studios Our Beautiful Obsession, a Gallery ran by artists Tracey-Lynn Chisholm and Emily MacLeod. 44 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON The Studio/Gallery is open by appointment.
This creative entrepreneur, who lives in Cornwall and works at the Hospital, explains how she got started with this new enterprise. She answers Five Questions with Jason Setnyk on Page 13 ...
meanwhile in Morrisburg ...
Photo credit: John Lister - Fashionography
Could I get directions she said ... he just stood there stony-faced and didn’t say a word.
Check out the SEEKERS KEEPERS CENTRE SECTION for all next weeks community events and happenings - plan ahead and don’t miss anything!
FOR SALE: Liquor cabinet from the 40s and 4 pine chairs. Telephone: 613-938-8783 FOR SALE: Mixed dry wood. $60 a cord. 849 Alexander Avenue, Telephone 613-938-6152.
WANTED TO BUY: Long style wood picture frames of army squadrons. Call Janice at 613-933-9618.
FOR SALE: Slow cooker - $6. Larousse Gastronomique cookbook (English) $5, Encyclopedia of Canadian cuisine by Madame Benoit $5, Portugese soup turreen $15, punch bowl and cups $10. 613-931-1725.
FOR SALE: Ladies black leather jacket size large. Mint condition. $20. Call 613-938-6144.
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Call in your FREE CLASSIFIEDS TODAY - 613-935-3763 ext. 2
SMALL PAINT JOBS AND MINOR REPAIRS Free Estimates • Reasonable prices! • Call Andrew at 613-933-5965 Used
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FOR SALE: Yard Work snow thrower 5hp. Oil and Gas. Briggs and Stratton motor, $400. Call 613-933-6822.
Tuesdays, 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Lamoureux Park, east of swimming pool. All are welcome. For information call: 613.935.5675
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FOR SALE: Blackwell wood pellet stove, includes wood pipes and 2 bags of pellets. $1,000. Cal Ralph at 613-346-5774 or 613-577-1529.
1 year. $30 613-360-3442 F
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Each FOR SALE: Queen size dark brown solid wood headboard - beautiful $350. Call 613-933-6822.
Fung Loy Kok Taoist Tai Chi practice and demonstrations (weather permitting),
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FOR SALE: 4 drawer older style dresser - $30. Bell cell phone - $40. Call 613-932-6814.
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The Seeker
Sympathy Cramps Call 613-932-7045 by Frank Burelle Part 8 - transom. Enjoy!
- our Montreal paper -
Check out - our Montreal paper T
May 25, 2012
The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 4, Issue 9, March 8, 2013 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by LocalThe Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario Local Seeker.
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies Email: published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to R be Office: 327 2nd Street E. presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Local Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm ADS: 613-9 Editor: Julia Lucio Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Reporters & Photographers: Jason Setnyk, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud Digital Media: Grant Reso
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 2) BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1
by Jason Setnyk
Jason presents snippets of news that appeared on Do you want your opinions published in the Seeker and/or on our website? Now here is
News & Politics City sets $500,000 cap for outside agencies! Cornwall's City Council decided on a half a million dollar spending cap for outside agencies. The Art Gallery will have it’s funding capped at $55,000, while the Agape Centre, the Seaway Valley Theatre Company, and Parade of Nations were all denied funding. Aultsville Theatre, the Centre Culturel de Cornwall, Cornwall and Seaway Valley Tourism, and the SD&G Historical Society were perhaps the most fortunate, their funding will remain the same as the previous year. Ten year boy from Williamsburg declared a hero! An elderly women was rescued by a 10 year old boy last week. Elsie Knight, who is a 70 year old widow, slip and fell on ice outside her home. She had broken her femur and was stuck outside in the wintry cold for about a day and a half. She cried out for help, and her neighbour, ten year old Tyler, heard her when he went outside to play. The boy notified his father, and now the woman is recovering in the hospital. Guy Lauzon, Member of Parliament for StormontDundas-South Glengarry, recognized Tyler Barkley’s heroism through a statement given in the House of Commons.
your chance, we want your Letters to the Editor!
Letters should state an argument or opinion that offers praise or criticism. If it offers criticism, please suggest a possible remedy. Also letters should be about news such as politics and/or current events and issues. Please include your full name and a phone number we can reach you at. Your phone number will never be published.
Letters should be less than 400 words. We reserve the right to edit, condense or reject any contribution. Emailing a letter/opinion piece is giving us consent to publication. Email your letters here: Thank you -The Seeker Staff
SDSG NDP to select Provincial Candidate! Brian Lynch, President of the Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Provincial NDP riding association, has announced that the local provincial NDP riding association will be holding their nomination meeting on Wednesday March 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Navy Veterans Association, 30 Sixth St., E., Cornwall. Lynch stated: “The meeting will select our candidate for the next provincial election. We want to be ready when the election comes and help bring change that puts people first.” Everyone is welcome to attend the AGM.
Library announces a fun-filled March break! March Break promises to be Wild at the library beginning Monday, March 11. Kids up to 13 years old can enjoy activities all week long at the Wild West March Break at Cornwall Public Library. Crafts, chess camp and tournament, movie matinee & agility dog demonstrations are all part of the lineup kids will surely enjoy. Amongst the many programs offered during the week, two of them will be offered in French. All except the chess camp is free however registration is required for all programs to reserve your spot. Movie excluded. So saddle up, hope you have your lassos and horses ready, ‘cause we sure do. For more information contact the Children’s department at the library at 613-932-4796 or visit the library’s website at
Arts & Culture
Sports & Lifestyle
Akwesasne Art Show and Sale! Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Community Support Program has sponsored an Akwesasne art show and sale open to the public March 15 from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM at the Native North American Travelling College Gallery . The art presented at this exhibit are the a small sample of works created by members of the newly formed Akwesasne Artists Guild who are currently volunteering to work toward building a globally recognized artists guild of First Nations Artists. Everyone is encouraged to come to view the show and sale of local artwork throughout the day.This exhibition will coincide with a free workshop to encourage artists and craft persons to learn valuable skills to promote their art. Mohawk Council of Akwesasne Community Support Program has scheduled presentations by several organizations and artists with expertise in art promotion. The presenters are: Canadian Artist Representation, MCA Economic Development, Native North American Travelling College, Thomas Deer (Illustrator), Dave Fadden (Artist), Akwesasne Museum. To register for the workshop, search events on Facebook. All workshop participants must pre-register, the workshop is listed under "How to promote Yourself as an Artist". It will take place from 9:00 AM until 6:00 PM on March 15, 2013 at the Native North American Travelling College located at 1 Ronathahonni Lane, Cornwall Island, Ontario. "Let's bring our minds together as one and support the artists of Akwesasne by visiting the exhibition."
Cornwall River Kings win back to back games! The Cornwall River Kings defeated the 3L from Riviere du Loups twice on home ice last weekend. On Saturday night they won 6-3, and they won again 4-2 on Sunday afternoon. Both games were played at the Ed Lumley arena. I had a chance to attend the game on Saturday, and there was some fantastic action! Tressia Murphy represents at Arnold Amateur! The Sixth-Annual Arnold Amateur IFBB International Bodybuilding, Fitness, Figure and Bikini Championships and NPC Men's Physique was held March 1st to 3rd in Columbus, Ohio. Cornwall Ontario’s own Tressia Murphy made the list of Ontario Physique Association members who would be representing Team Canada! The Seeker would like to wish Tressia Murphy the best in this competition. You are making our community proud with your efforts!
My name is Jason Setnyk, and these are the Seeker Snippets for this week! Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, published and award winning author, photographer, arts and culture event coordinator, and a community volunteer sitting on numerous boards and committees. http: //
“One of a kind ... with you in mind!” 613-932-1875 - Evening & Weekend appointments available ... THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 3) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 Evening & Weekend appointments also!
Seeker Chicks at the I AM WOMAN show! Photos by Mai-Liis Renaud
The Seeker Chicks went to the Civic Complex to setup their booth at 8am sharp last Sunday morning to prepare for the I am Woman show. Shortly after 10, people started to come through the doors of the show coming to the Seeker booth to show their love and support of the Seeker Chicks.
The general consensus: Keep up the good work! Most people came running to tell Mai-Liis and Julia how much they LOVE the paper. Some of them even mentioned the Seeker’s event list to be religiously posted weekly on their fridges! One woman shared her frustration about the fact that her girlfriend in Newfoundland was not getting this paper. Seeker Chick Julia offered the solution for the friend to view it online at “But she can’t clip the articles that way” retorted the woman. It just goes to show you that every community in Canada could benefit from having their own Seeker.
The show was a great networking venue for both the public and the vendors but Cornwall truly came to show their love to the Seeker Chicks that day. A Big Thank You to every Seeker Reader!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 4)
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Paul Desnoyers is a Chartered Professional Accountant, Certified General Accountant and Partner at CKDM Chartered Accountants. He is the Treasurer of the Cornwall & Area Chamber of Commerce, Treasurer of Team Cornwall, and a Director at St. Joseph’s Continuing Care Centre.
Paul Desnoyers answers five questions for the Seeker. This interview was conducted by Jason Setnyk. 1. Members of the accounting firm you belong to take an active role in the community through memberships in various clubs and participation in many not-for-profit organizations. What have you learned about your community by actively participating? At CKDM, we encourage our staff to take an active role in our community by joining local clubs or volunteering some time with not-for-profit or charitable organizations. It’s a great way to meet new people and make a positive difference in our community. As a Treasurer and director with various organizations in Cornwall, I’ve had the chance to meet and interact with a wide cross-section of Cornwall’s business community. It’s shown me that Cornwall’s business community is active and healthy. As an accountant, volunteering my time with these organizations has also given me the opportunity to give back by offering some of my financial and accounting expertise. Organizations like Team Cornwall wouldn’t be able to operate without volunteers, so being able to donate a small amount of my time gives me a great sense of pride and accomplishment. 2. You were a guest speaker at BizFest, and you did a work shop entitled “Getting Comfortable with Online Transactions”. Tell us about your experience at BizFest, and the value of an event like that in our community. Having been a speaker at BizFest the last two years has given me a first-hand view of the power of an event like this. The goal behind BizFest has always been to allow entrepreneurs, small business owners and motivated employees to gather together in one place to share, learn and experience something new. Joey Gault, Chair of BizFest, and driving force behind the idea, saw a need to motivate and energize people in the small business community. The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce seized this opportunity and created the multi-day event in order to provide those people with an event that would both energize and motivate the entrepreneurial spirit and allow people in Cornwall’s business community to share ideas, learn new skills and renew their drive to grow and succeed. The response from attendees has been outstanding. Any entrepreneur can attest to the fact that the time and effort required to operate a small business can sometimes be exhausting. It’s also easy to fall in a rut and feel like you just aren’t moving forward. BizFest was created to re-energize our community’s entrepreneurs and small business owners so that they can walk away from the event feeling renewed and having learned important new skills that can help them reach that next level of success. I’m confident in saying that we’ve achieved that goal and people in our business community have benefited greatly, and will continue to benefit from the event in the future. 3. The Government of Canada announced that effective June 1st 2012, the amount of duty-free exemption on goods purchased in the United States would be increased to $200.00 after 24 hours and $800.00 after 48 hours. The Cornwall Chamber of Commerce was somewhat concerned about this. What are your feelings on this issue? Have there been repercussions for local businesses here in Cornwall so near the border? The Chamber of Commerce has been very vocal in its opposition of this change. Most people would agree that it is entirely counterproductive to the idea of “Shop Local”. It is an additional challenge that our local businesses must deal with to remain competitive. Do I think that people in Cornwall and other border cities in Canada will start flocking to the US to buy their groceries, clothing and other goods? No, I don’t think so. But nonetheless, it provides additional incentive to shop across the border and not locally. I think the more important
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 1 - pg. 5)
factor in this discussion is the large disparity between prices in the US and prices in Canada. We’ve seen this in the news recently with discussions surrounding the revamping of trade duties and tariffs. Prices in Canada can be as much as 40% higher than prices for the same items in the US. This is the reason people shop in the US. Products cost less, plain and simple. If our local businesses are to remain competitive in this economy, they need to be able to conduct their business on level playing field. It will be very interesting to see what comes of this discussion and how it will impact our local and Canadian businesses. 4. What has been the biggest accomplishments for Team Cornwall in 2012? In 2013 what are the biggest issues that need to be tackled to keep moving our City forward? Being a part of Team Cornwall has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Working alongside our other Team Captains has allowed me the see how many people in this community truly care about our city. It’s people like the members of Team Cornwall that make me proud to live and work in Cornwall. They work tirelessly to promote and attract new people and businesses to the city. Team Cornwall has had many significant achievements in 2012, but two of the more important achievements have been the hiring of Amanda Asselin, our new Communications and Development Coordinator and the re-launching of Teen Cornwall. Having Amanda on board has vastly improved our ability to communicate with our membership as well as help us find new sources of funding to continue our efforts in promoting Cornwall as a great place to live and work. Secondly, we are very proud to have re-launched and re-branded Teen Cornwall, in partnership with Kawartha Credit Union. Teen Cornwall is an initiative that will provide scholarships to local high school students that demonstrate the attributes of an Ambassador and show a real interest in living and establishing a career in Cornwall. We also hope to host events for students throughout the year that will give them the opportunity to demonstrate their commitment to the community and at the same time allow them to meet and interact with the leaders of Cornwall’s business community. The City of Cornwall will face challenges in 2013 just like it has in every other year. Issues such as the location of the Customs facility and the delicate economic climate we live in will provide plenty of challenges for our business community as well as City Council. I believe the most significant challenge will be maintaining the level of growth we have been experiencing in the last few years. We’ve benefited greatly for the influx of distribution centres to our community. As great as this has been for Cornwall, we need to remain focused on welcoming new, diverse investment in Cornwall. We have a strong and willing workforce in Cornwall and we need to ensure that we can provide people will stable, good-paying jobs. I have no doubt in my mind that our community can achieve this goal.
5. Does social development go hand in hand with economic development? Furthermore how do you think Arts and Culture fits into the economic development of the City? It should be clear to most that social and economic development are very closely related. Where the concept gets cloudy is the question of how to maximize both? In the last decade, Cornwall has experienced some significant job losses with the closures of businesses that employed several hundred people. We’ve managed to rebound quite well, especially with the increase in jobs in the distribution centre industry. In my opinion, the next few years will be the most trying as we deal with deeper and deeper cuts to government funding. The first areas to experience cuts are usually social services, therefore our Council will have to work diligently to ensure that while we continue to focus on economic growth, we also do our best to maintain the level of social services that our community needs and relies on. I believe that Arts and Culture can have a huge impact on both the social and economic development of a community. Embracing arts and culture allows people to express and entertain themselves and, for some, make a living. Creating an atmosphere where the arts are welcomed and encouraged allows people to develop their creative and Innovative sides. Fostering this type of environment helps to create and motivate the entrepreneurial spirit, which in turn leads to job creation and economic growth. Some consider arts and culture to be a pastime or hobby, but for many it is a calling, a passion. Allowing people to follow their passion can only have a positive impact on both social and economic development.
Thank you for this interview Paul, and we here at the Seeker wish you all the best!
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
by Kris Ward
A Touch of Insomnia I have a slight case of insomnia...not surprising, as I wait to find out how something will turn out. Will that elusive soft place to land finally be in the horizon, or do I learn to bounce once again. Until then, maybe it is time to do something I put off for way too long. I am very good at submitting my column to the Local Seeker each week, but I have been negligent in posting them to my blog page It started with the move and an unstable laptop. I never want to disappoint Mai-Liis and Julia, so no matter what, I always submit my column and tuck it away for later. I delay my blog by about a week to give the Seeker the freshest content, but I realized the weeks fell behind and all of a sudden, I have to back track about 10 column postings on my blog. I think subconsciously, it is my ode to Cornwall and that little piece I can't seem to give up. In some recent discussions in Kingston and Brockville the topic of my writing a weekly column and blog came up. People were surprised that I did this and were curious about my topics, what was my inspiration and how do I come up with something each week? Truth is I could write a lot more if time permitted, since I usually have about 5 or 6 ideas mulling about. Last week, I spoke to a young gentleman on the cusp of graduation who aspires to write a blog and so I shared some of my stories and feelings about it.
Blogging is a fantastic way to share your thoughts and feelings. I often start by writing the old fashioned handwriting way. It keeps me connected and as I type it, I often edit it. Those first few thoughts can make the piece come alive. A blog leaves a part of you, the most successful blogs are the ones where you really open up and share. Honestly there are some that do not make the public version, but writing it can be cathartic and freeing. I often start with a title. I still remember one day about a year ago when I could not come up with a title and my mind was racing and a deadline was looming so for fun I wrote the title the blank page. Then it dawned on me, that is it. It is how I felt at that time. What resulted one of my most emotional, raw and frank columns/blogs that I still receive comments about. What really keeps me on track is that I have a deadline to meet so new content is always being thought of. I joked with my best friend that I walk around with my narrator's voice in my head. That is why when I watch shows that do this, I can relate, and she concurred. I notice things and get inspired by little bits. I sometimes come up with a creative idea or a key word that I jot down and reflect on later, but most times, I start writing and it pours out on the paper. I remember in an interview my son had about his writing process, that is how he described it, like pouring out of a fountain and that is how it feels.
O 16 yevaer Busin rs in ess!
“Your Chlorine smell and taste removal specialist'
Discove r the benefits of pure, safe drinking water . . .
613-36 2-8524 613-52 5-5298 comfort I feel there, but now I am in Kingston and with friends surrounding me, we enjoyed a well-deserved evening out. The place Raxx's has a dance floor and the three of us had to try it out. As I gazed at the two Kim's I was suddenly back at the GVSS gymnasium enjoying a school dance and couldn't help but comment. There were several times where during the course of the evening, I stated this is making my column. I'm pretty sure one of the Kim's is waiting to see if I will write anything. Just remember you are never too old! It was great to spend time with both of them and I am hoping we get to do this again soon. We realize that one of the Kim's still has this magnetic pull to her that always amazed us and those familiar laughs from yesteryear made me nostalgic. Our lives have taken many twists and turns and it was so nice to spend time with them. Now that I am here in Kingston, they are hoping I stay and with my sidekicks, it could be a lot of fun. We are all parents and our kids are in the same ballpark age-wise, so talk of college and university was touched on, the new challenges we are facing and the general good spirit we share. There was some good food, a little wine and a lot of laughs. I wish a few more of our old gang could have joined us. We have reconnected and the ties that bind us will never be broken. As for my insomnia, well I hope it is temporary. After what seemed like forever, I finally drifted off about 3:00am, so when my 6:00am alarm jolted me awake, and my cat gently prodded me to feed her, I was relieved that I didn't dream of parachuting from my three cities with wheels on the botttom like I did the other night. Wonder what that means...
Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at:
So although this is a stressful week, and I am plagued with strange dreams, I was fortunate that this past weekend was a bit of a throwback to my high school days; I got together with two of my closest friends from my teen years and for the first time since highschool we were all back together. The hostess Kim invited some of her current coworkers and another friend she knew well to join us. After a delicious spaghetti supper at Kim's place, we headed out to listen to a band. I have never been a bar girl and everytime I go out, I long for Schnitzels' and the
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 6)
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
C HANG E R - do you know these businesses?
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TerryLynn’s BEAU-TEEK
1 time - $39 7 times - $129 10 times - $159* *Including a mini profile of 300 words or less
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C HANG E R - do you know these businesses?
613-662-7456 or 613-935-7671 Marie w w w. m o b i l e g a m e r z .Morrell ca
of Work Easy Solutions...
Birthday Parties, Marie School Morrell came to Cornwall in Events, June 2006 Festivals, to build "The Fundraisers, Collector’s Museum, Multicultural Plus much and Art much Center – International" to more!
office, with a little will power and discipline, you can stay organized. Everything has a place and can only be stored in that place. Her secret: the products offered by local businesses and her expertise. Marie can help you transform your life, fast and completely through professional organizing. Marie strongly believes no one should tell you to part with your items of sentimental value or your collections; she does not believe in Hollywood organizing.
be erected on Vincent Massey TODAY DriveCALL going toward Long Sault. to book your This project is a tribute to her next event! father, Léandre Robichaud (sculptor and painter), and the art, culture and collections' passion of people composing the At St Laurence College, through the Encore Program, Marie have big dreams and big ambitions, why generic makeYou up of the 350+ nations of Akwesasne, taught 1 time - $39 a class on the "Benefits of being organized and store them in a tiny box! Think outside the Cornwall andbox the andcounties. give life to your dreams with... decluttering techniques" Marie has written a book on 7 times organizing - $129 to be published in 2013, once the sketches and - $159*are completed. While waiting for building permits, in 2007, Marie started10 times editing “A Work Easy Solution”, to share with people of the surrounding areas her secrets on how to “Declutter your Inprofile 2007, Marie Morrell founded "The Parade of Nations" which *Including a mini of 300 home to reclaim your life and space”, using work easy Get a fully customized website for $24.99/month and officially became on February 15thm, 2011 "The Parade of no upfront payment. See us for details. words or less for the Developmentally challenged", a charitable solutions. Nations organization helping those with specials needs artistically Now Being Sold at Marie is an avid collector and has never lost track of any of inclined and introducing them to our local generic culture the 30,000+ items to be showcased in six of the ten through all types of art. museum buildings. Once Marie organizes your home or
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TerryLynn’s BEAU-TEEK For a limited time.
The mini profile above is included Get your PINK lady’s with your Business Card ad above - call us at 613-932-3763 - ext 1 for details. shirt! Available for
Valentine’s Only 8 - pg. 7) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 THE LOCAL SEEKER (March
812 Pitt Street, unit 31, Cornwall
by Sharyn Thompson
"8=4 0 2>>:84 A744B E8B7 ?0@27<4=B BA? 58=4 A0;B 1445 5>@ 0 @40; B0AB4 38554@4=24 20AA4@>;4 C=B8; B74 2011064 0=3 ?0?4@ BA? 6@>C=3 =CB<46 (74@@G &;CA G>C :=>E E74@4 B74 1445 8A B74 @824 0@4 B4=34@ $ %. *A8=6 0= 4;42B@82 <8F4@ 140B B74 0;E0GA 1CGA >C@ 10:8=6 ?>E34@ 0=3 2><8=6 5@>< 0=3 G>C 0@4 466 E78B4A E8B7 B74 2@40< >5 B0@B0@ 6@>C=3 =CB<46 5>@ B74 D4@G 14AB AC??>@B8=6 0 ;>20; 50@<4@ C=B8; B74G 5>@< AB855 ?40:A (4B B78A @4AC;BA After a very long, cold winter, I delight in the knowledge that 0A834 5>@ =>E #8F E4;; E8B7 0 E>>34= A?>>= spring is just around the corner. With this comes a new batch = 0 ;0@64 1>E; AB8@ B>64B74@ ofB74 3>C67 E8;; 14 AB82:G freshly)74 made local maple syrup. I always serve it over our 10 % pancakes. It>D4@ is the ingredient in myE8B7 butter tarts, sugar 2>=34=A43 <8;: D0=8;;0 0=3 B74key1>E; >5 3>C67 0 B40 pie, creme brulee, salad dressings and baked beans. I just 2>2>=CB B>E4;this 0=3recipe ?;024from B74 1>E; >5 Benoit 3>C67 for her OFF came across Madame 4=B;G 5>;3 8= B74 AB855;G 140B4= 466 B74 for 5@8364 >=4beans, 7>C@topped B> 2>>; families'8=recipe maple5>@ baked with apples 812 Pitt 812 Pitt 6 613-936-1998 St. Street, Unit 6Unit - 613-936-1998 and rum. The recipe was in her family for six generations. I FOR E78B4A A;867B;G hope you enjoy it too! We have sold for many, many years slice the bacon and use line the bottom of your FEATURED ITEMS THISit to%$". WEEK *A4 0 AB08=;4AA AB44; A2>>? '>;; B74 >CB Jean and B782: >=Ivens. 0 It has -Meanwhile, maple syrup from3>C67 our friends Gary SENIORS %$+ % " slices ' here " beans. bean pot,') placing&the'remaining and there in the >@ CA4 A?>>=A B> 3@>? B74 been a family-run maple syrup operation ;867B;G 5;>C@43 1>0@3 CB since 8=B> 1870. It's -Now pour the beans and the water they have been simmering in, "% GOOD "". 'STORMONT ( " LEAN $ GROUND '%*$ BEEF ONLY %$".$4.99/ POUND " LOCAL support locally produced foods and their maple <020@>>= 10BB4@ >=B> B74 ?0@27<4=Bnice to3>=CBA ,4 A4;; 3>=CB 2CBB4@A into the bean pot. EVERY syrup is wonderful! $ " " ! % %$*) %$". " -Peel the onion but leave it whole. Roll it in the dry mustard until RUBBED GREEK OREGANO ONLY $1.43/ 100 GRAMS ;8=43 2>>:84 A744B (?024 B74< 01>CB #4;B 01>CB B7@44 ?>C=3A >5 all of)the mustard to it. Bury ( $ %'( % +sticks '. #%$ . the- onion "* in( the middle '. '% of*the)( MONDAY 0?0@B B> 0;;>E 5>@ 0=G A?@4038=6 BAKED MAPLE SYRUP-RUM BEANS )4=34@5;0:4 ;0@3 8= G>C@ 344? 5@G4@ pot GROUND of beans. BLACK PEPPER ONLY $0 .99/ 100 GRAMS PURE 3C@8=6 10:8=6INGREDIENTS: 5 G>C E8A7 G>C 20= -Pour the maple syrup over the beans and bacon and sprinkle with
4 cups dried Great Northern beans (We carry these beans at Sharyn's Pantry- they are hands down the very best beans for baked beans. Far superior to navy beans.) rapidly boiling water to cover 1 tbsp. coarse salt 2 tbsp. molasses 4 apples, unpeeled 1 lb. slab bacon 1 cup brown sugar 1 large onion 1/2 cup butter 1 tsp. dry mustard 1/2 cup rum 1 cup pure maple syrup
-Pick over the dried beans and rinse thoroughly in cold water. -Place them in a large pot and add boiling water to cover them. -Stir in the molasses. -Cover and let stand for 1 hour. Then uncover and place the pot on the stove. Bring to a rapid boil using the same water. -Cover the beans and allow to simmer for about 1- 1/2 hours or until the beans are starting to become tender. -The cooking time will vary according to the age and dryness of the beans. -Never add salt at this stage as it hardens the beans.
the salt. -Cover the bean pot and slow bake for 4 to 5 hours in a 325 degree F. oven. -After 3 to 4 hours, stir to mix. If the top is dry, add hot water slowly to cover. Return to the oven. -Core the apples but keep them whole, if possible. In the last hour of cooking, uncover the beans and place the apples on top of the beans, as close together as possible. If the opening of the pot is larger than the 4 apples will cover, cut the apples in half. -Cream together the brown sugar and butter and spread this over top of the apples. -Leave the cover off the bean pot now and continue to bake the beans for another hour or so. -As the beans finish baking, the apple cover forms a delicious topping. -Pour the rum over top of the apples just before serving. -Serve a portion of apple with each serving of baked beans. -This serves 10 to 12.
Women and Money Workshop
A "women and money" workshop was given last Tuesday In honour of Women's Week. This unique event, put up by the team of experts at Edward Jones, explored the unique situations women face in their lives and how their positive behavioural traits can harm them financially. About 35 women were in attendance. The workshop was preceeded by a short social hour / trade show, where several women in business featured their companies, as well as a short "work up your appetite" zumba session spearheaded by Christal Huizinga of Zumba with Christal. A great time was had by all. THANK YOU TO THE EDWARD JONES TEAM
FOR SUCH AN ENJOYABLE EVENING! Pictured above: L to R. Barbara Wilson and Crystal Renaud (Branch Office Administrators), Brian Seguin (Financial Advisor) and Anne Manson (Vice President of Strategic Business Development at CI Investments) who was the guest speaker. To the right are members from the businesses who attended the evening.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 8)
BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796
SATURDAY, MARCH 9 FREE YOGA FOR KIDS - 10:00 am to 11:00 am CHECK MATES - 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Learn chess skills for free
MARCH BREAK WILD WEST @ THE LIBRARY MONDAY, MARCH 11 CHESS CAMP All week (mornings) with Au Diapason $20 registration fee 613-930-2355 for more information FAMILY MOVIE TIME @ the library - 2:00 pm The Apple Dumpling Gang Audience: G for All Ages
TUESDAY, MARCH 12 LES COW-BOYS - 14 h 30 à 15 h 30 S'amuser comme dans le temps du Far Ouest Âges 6-13 LES PETITS SOMBREROS - 14 h 30 à 15 h 30 Histoires, chansons et bricos. - Âges de 3 à 5 ans.
WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13 THE OUTLAW RUFF GANG: AGILITY DOG DEMO The Ruff Gang is spreading terror throughout the Wild West - 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - Free 6:15 pm ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB - Free 6:15 pm
THURSDAY, MARCH 14 SCRABBLE CLUB - 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm - Weekly challenge LITTLE RUSTLERS - 2:30 pm - 3:15 pm - AGES 3-5 Storytime, rhymes and crafts. CRAFT-COWPOKES - 6 to 13 years old - 2:30pm - 3:30pm Hope you have your lassos and horses ready, 'cause we sure do
FRIDAY, MARCH 15 CHESS TOURNAMENT - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm All Ages
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 9) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Meet your Friends At Wing 424 from 4:30 pm with music after 5 pm. 240 Water St. W. Chef’s menu, limited portions of great meal selections, seafood chowder, fish & chips. Live Music Jam hosted by Joel Sauve @ La Maison in Cornwall.
SATURDAY March 9 March 9 Final Farewell for Zellers Employees Past & Present – Cornwall Legion – $20 Buffet Supper: 7 – 8:30 p.m. Dance / DJ: 9 p.m. – 1 a.m. March 9 THE NORMANS KITCHEN PARTY 3:30pm At the Glengarrian Pub Cornwall Girls Hockey Madison Primeau Fundraiser at 6:30 pm. Benson Center Pad 1, 800 7th St. W. Typhoon coaches vs Women’s Senior A. Fastbreakers. Cash & non perishable food items for Agape accepted Cornwall Girls Hockey Typhoons Alumni Game. 7:30 pm. Benson Center Pad 1, 800 7th St. W. Cash donations for Madison Primeau and non-perishable food items for Apage Center accepted St. Patrick’s Green & White Dance Party at 9 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. across from Giant Tiger. Admission: 10$ Featuring DJ Jamie Jarvo, door prizes & munchies. Switchgear @ La Maison in Cornwall.
SUNDAY March 10 March 10 Journey to the Father Chicken Dinner Fundraiser – Cornwall Legion – $10 Please help support our young people in their journey of faith. Tickets available at the door. For more information call Kendra at 613-3609761
Worship and the Word. 10:30 AM at Fountaingate Christian Assembly. 949 Mohawk Drive Bridal Show @ the Civic Complex
MONDAY March 11 March Break Day Camp at Cooper Marsh For kids ages 6 to 11, March 11th to 15th. Fun & nature Activities. For more information visit: or call 613.936.6620 March Break Acting/Music Camp @ Arts Space (Corner of 7th and York) in Cornwall
TUESDAY March 12 Cornwall Horticultural Club Monthly Meeting 7 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. Presentation on garden design with David Dunn & Rob Caron of Rideau Woodland Ramble. Men’s Peer Cancer Support Group Meeting 7 pm to 9 pm. Carefor, 205 Amelia St. Topic: bladder cancer. Call 613.932.3451, ext 225 for more information.
WED March 13
Bereaved Families Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Discussion: working through your grief. Call: 613.936.1455 for more information
THURSDAY March Royal Canadian Legion Seniors Club Bid Euchre at 1:30 pm. 415 2nd St. W. Light snacks will be served. Knights of Columbus Roast Beef Dinner from 5 pm to 7 pm, St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Admission: 10$ Fover Cadence, Abaraxas, and more @ Murphy’s Inn in Cornwall
(March 8 - pg. 10) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
FRIDAY MARCH 1 CareFor Walk-In Nursing Clinc from 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesteral checks etc. Akwesasne Art Show and Sale in Akwesasne
St.Columban’s Catholic Women’s League St.Patrick’s Day Tea from 1:30 to 3 pm. Agape Center, Room 201, 40 5th St. W. Admission: 6$ SMART CITY TOASTMASTERS CLUB- offers you the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives you the practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1st&3rd Wednesdays of each month@ St. Lawrence Secondary School (library), 1450 2nd St. East. 6:45 to 8:45 pm. Info: Bob LeBrun(613)932-4792 or Claudette Pilon(613)938-2394. The choir is sponsoring a St. Patrick’s Day Supper at Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. E., Cornwall, On. Sunday, March 17, 2013 – 6:00 pm. Irish Stew and all the fixin’s – Live Entertainment. Tickets $10.00. Contact the Church Office for your ticket 613-938-3704. Saturday March 23rd – Cornwall Concert Music Series featuring Cadene @ Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall. Friday March 29th – Nine Lives Tribute to Aerosmith with Spare Partz @ The Port Theatre in Cornwall. 7th Annual Bishop Cup – Cornwall Civic Complex Join Bishop Marcel Damphousse as he drops the puck for the 7th annual Bishop’s Cup, which pits the St. Joseph Panthers against the Holy Trinity Falcons. The opening ceremonies begin at 6:00 p.m. with the opening faceoff at 6:30 p.m. Admission to the game at the Cornwall Civic Complex is a toonie or two non-perishables.
MUSIC & MORE for more events in the area ...
If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!
SATURDAY MARCH 9TH in Cornwall. THE NORMANS @ The Glengarrian Pub
SATURDAY MARCH 9TH nwall. SWITCHGEAR @ La Maison Tavern in Cor
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
by Diane Soucie
Nouvelles CFEO-EOTB News
We are very happy to welcome Eastern Ontario Training Board to our family of columnists!
Girls … Be part of something great - Join our leadership program! “Be the change that you wish to see in the world” – Ghandi
Be Part of Something Great! •
Learn about your community and how your local action can make a difference in the world • Go behind the scenes of places like City Council, local businesses and more • Network with community leaders and learn what it takes to be a leader • Gain valuable experience while participating on a Board of Directors • Join in activities that let you explore your passion If you are a young woman between the ages of 14-16 and would like to apply or have any questions contact: Kimberly Hickey, Eastern Ontario Training Board Call: 613-932-0210 • Email: Web:
A new leadership program will be available in Cornwall starting this Spring. Twenty-five young women age 14 to 16 will have the opportunity to build their leadership skills so that they have a better appreciation for future opportunities, whether in work, as a volunteer, or even in the political arena. The Eastern Ontario Training Board, through the funding support of Status of Women Canada, will spearhead the initiative. The project starts with the girls themselves identifying where they see barriers to leadership for women and then together they will come up with strategies to address those barriers one-by-one. Through a series of fun activities the girls will develop a greater understanding of how their community works. As their knowledge and appreciation deepens and their network grows, they will see just how their own interests and talents can make a difference. The girls will serve as youth representatives on local Board of Directors observing first-hand how these Boards set a strategic direction and then guide the organizations they lead. The benefits will not stop with the 25 participants. Status of Women will make it possible for a Speakers Series to provide school age children throughout the region the opportunity to hear local leaders tell their story, the challenges they faced, the rewards they experienced, how they made a difference, and the lessons they learned along the way. The program will culminate with our 25 participants joining in the municipal election October 2014. This is the opportunity for our girls to ‘Be the Change they wish to see in the World”.
If you know a girl who would be excited by this opportunity, give her this article and ask her to call Kimberly Hickey, 613-932-0210, visit the Eastern Ontario Training Board’s website, or check out Facebook at
Seeker Focus Group
Last Wednesday, the Seeker held its second annual Focus Group at the Cornwall Public Library. Just about a dozen people showed up to give the Seeker Chicks their input on the new look, the website and the direction the Seeker is taking. The information gathered was very informative and you can expect some new twists and turns from the Seeker in the near future as a result. Thank you to all who have attended.
An onlive version of the questions asked at the Focus Group will be available online at
"It was really, nice meeting more of Cornwall's finest ... I truly enjoyed the great conversation about What and Where the "Seeker" is Doing and Going... with all the" intelligent company," gathered last evening at the library...Thank you for having a meeting such as this Julia and Mai-Liis" Marlene Baker from Fashionography Pictured left with John Lister
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 12)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
SEEKING THE ARTS . SEEKING THE ARTS Art and Government Support There has been a lot of buzz about the recent grants coming down from City Hall this week in the local news. Many of the city non-profit groups were applying for monies to help them continue the work they do for the community. The fact that anyone goes home empty handed is a shame but should we be upset when they go home short-handed? In my opinion the answer should be, no. The money being given out, after all, is the hard earned cash in the form of taxes that the average Canadian contributes and who has little to say in where this money is spent whether it’s for the Arts or the garbage collection. The problem with Governments, at all levels, giving handouts to the Arts is it takes the responsibility away from those that love and appreciate the Arts in being their benefactor. It takes away the joy of being involved in how the Arts develop in the area. The Government has taken the decision away from the individual of whether Dance flourishes or Galleries. They have done this by making it less attractive to the average person to donate money by not letting us deduct the full amount off our income taxes or a portion from our property taxes or a combination of the two. Just imagine if I could deduct the $100 or $200 I donate to the local Art Association to promote the Visual Artists directly from my $2400 plus tax bill, and if all the 100 plus supporters of that Association could do the same then we may have enough money to open an Artist run gallery or at least enough to cover rent and utilities. We wouldn’t need to ask the City for a handout.
The other problem with going to the Government all the time is we start to become lazy as Artists and Citizens because we see the public funds as something we are entitled to instead of a support system to help us get our business (non profit of course) off the ground. Shame on any group in Cornwall that believes they are entitled to money or they will fold, where on earth did this one solution to the problem come from?? Sorry to say but this is poor management strategy no matter which group you represent. We need to take some lessons from institutions like the Heart & Stroke foundation or the Cancer Society who appeal to the people who are closest to the cause to help even if they aren’t big business by letting them know every dollar helps to reach the biggest goal. I am always surprised that in Cornwall the idea of going to the masses to help fund the Arts is not the first plan of action instead of the last. There are many big companies such as Banks and Corporate Chain Stores that have a budget for supporting local non-profit groups in both money and their time. The problem is they will not come knocking on your door saying “take our money” they need to be enrolled to support your cause. Finally there is a wealth of Volunteers out there willing to give their time and energy to help you without payment, but like any valuable resource your volunteer force needs to be taken care of and appreciated not over worked and burned out. In my opinion a paycheck in a non-profit organization should be going to Accountants and Websites, paying for managers should only happen when there is an abundance of money flowing and then only after the Artists are paid. After all aren’t they the reason the organization exists?? Please remember this is my opinion, Sandra Taylor Hedges, Fine Artist, Art Instructor, Lecturer, Writer and Creative Coach Cat Scratches - Studio Blog
Entrepreneur REBECCA SORRELL Turns Old Comics Into Fashion Art
Dots of red, yellow, blue and green which once adorned the funny pages will have new life because of a fresh idea. Tyrannosaurus Bex Custom Creations owned by Rebecca Sorrell specializes in creating custom shoes and accessories using old comic books. This creative entrepreneur, who lives in Cornwall and works at the Hospital, explains how she got started with this new enterprise. Rebecca Sorrell answers five questions for the Seeker. This interview was conducted by Jason Setnyk.
1. What was your creative inspiration to start this business? I have been a fan of comic books and super heroes since I was a little girl. My creative adventure began as a somewhat selfish endeavor. I was frustrated with the lack of available super hero and comic book inspired shoes for women like me. I decided that instead of paying ridiculous prices to order the things I wanted online I could combine two hobbies of mine, comic books and making collages and turn them into one of a kind pieces. 2. Where are you getting all these old comics from? I had my own
personal collection of comics to get me started as well as some donations from friends and family. I also go to Fantasy Realm and stockpile on their older issues or to acquire specific comics that have been requested that I might not have on hand. They have been very helpful in giving me great prices for what I need!
3. What can you create out of using these old comics? The possibilities are truly endless for what I can create. So far I have been making shoes for men, women and children, purses, and Ipad covers. I have orders for guitar cases and straps for local bands and I am hoping to start furniture soon. Basically anything that offers me a surface to create on I am able to customize in my own style. 4. Who is your favourite comic-book character and why? My favorite comic book character is Batman. I am his self proclaimed biggest fan for sure. He embodies the sort of qualities that I try to emulate in my every day life. A hero without powers using compassion for mankind to do good to all who deserve it. He reminds me a lot of my other hero, the late Jack Layton. He fought for the little guy in the same way that Batman does, just minus the mask and the cape. 5. Based on the early popularity of your Facebook group (over 150 likes in about a week), what are your plans/next steps for your business? Will we see your products in stores or will it remain custom orders online? I have been truly overwhelmed with the success of the
Facebook page so far. I never imagined that I would have such a positive response in the first week since going public. I am truly blessed to have amazingly supportive family and friends who have been helping to spread the word of my venture. I would love to see my product in stores in the future and I welcome any business that is interested in opening their doors to this unique product. In the meantime I am keeping very busy with the success of the Facebook page and the orders have been pouring in. I have custom requests booked all the way until May and as the weather warms and the snow melts I anticipate much more.
The Seeker would like to congratulate you on your ingenuity and wish you the best of success! If you would like to order your very own, one of a kind creation today, visit and like Tyrannosaurus Bex Custom Creations on Facebook:
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
by Betty Healey
Finding Your Tribe In the months since we began facilitating coaching circles, one of the unanticipated outcomes of the circles has been the building of community. I’m not sure why, but it had not occurred to me just how alone people have been feeling. Certainly I have noticed it myself. I just assumed that because I choose to live rurally now, that being alone was my new way of life. With the start of each coaching circle, we ask participants to share with us their intentions for what they want to gain from the experience. Inevitably several of the participants mention that they are looking for community. Specifically they want to connect to like-minded individuals who, like themselves, are choosing to step on the path of self-discovery and shape their life differently. As facilitators we have learned that the coaching circle is a transformative experience, partly due to the coaching and largely due to the sharing of experience of the individual participants. Participants relate to the feelings, thoughts and experiences of others. Suddenly they realize that they are not alone in those sometimes dark places and that their struggles to live their life differently are shared by others.
In a recent blog posting from colleague Lianne Bridges,, Lianne shared her experience of attending the Wisdom 2.0 Conference in San Francisco, “To be in the presence of conscious individuals is awe-inspiring….What was so amazing about this conference were the sixteen-hundred people from all walks of life and four corners of the world who shared one main perspective – the strong desire to use their expertise and gifts to better the world.” Lianne also refers to community as one’s tribe. By her definition, tribe does not necessarily refer only to people who are bound to you by familial, geographic, political, cultural or even racial ties, but also includes people who share your closely held beliefs or world views. Finding our tribe, our community, may be one of the healthiest and most essential gifts we can give ourselves. People do feel alone. The isolation people are experiencing is a secondary effect of our technological prowess. We have grown attached to the I-phones, Blackberries and other gadgets that give us the illusion of being connected. It is however superficial – words with no depth, no real meaning, no eye to eye contact. We have also lost many of the social structures that once connected us – the church communities, the service clubs, the back yard BBQ’s. Is it that life has simply become too busy? Whatever the reason, the loss of these social systems has left people searching for ways to connect. Developing community, or finding your tribe as Lianne has suggested, has become
important. It is part of feeling whole and consciously connected to a shared meaning and an opportunity to learn more about you through the eyes of others. So where do you start; how do you find your tribe? • • •
It begins with reaching out to others whom you sense have a similar desire or who may want to rally around a shared cause. It begins with your desire to understand yourself and to share the experience of personal discovery with others. It begins by being clear about who you actually want to ‘BE’ with and taking the time to describe who would be perfect for you at this time in your life. It begins by being open-hearted, generous and kind – first with yourself, then with others. You can only attract these kinds of companions when you give it to self-first. It begins by stepping out of your comfort zone and reaching out to others, or perhaps signing up for a program which you believe will attract others you want to be with. It begins by trusting your heart more than your head, listening to your intuition when you encounter others and your deep sense of knowing they are a perfect companion.
We have a tribe of sorts through the Seeker. You can guess that those attracted to the newspaper share common values, desires and perhaps stories. Understanding this, I challenge you to put out a call to your friends, those who read and enjoy the Seeker, and start a conversation regarding the contents. You may find your tribe! Until next time… Betty Healey
Betty Healey is an award winning author, coach and inspiring speaker. Betty and Jim Healey will be offering a ME FIRST Retreat on March 16-17, 2013 where you can discover your ‘WHY’. A Community Labyrinth walk will be held Friday, March 29th, 2013 at the Tigh Shee Labyrinth Garden. To find out more about these gatherings, contact Betty at or go to
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 14)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Many of us recognize the arrival of March as a sign that spring is almost here. Spring can bring heavy rain, and rising water levels as the snow and ice we’ve dealt with all winter begins to thaw. All this excess water can cause problems for homeowners in the form of damage caused by water that enters the house through cracks in the foundation or sewer back ups. Sewer back up occurs when water enters a home through its lower levels via plumbing fixtures like basement toilets, sinks, and showers. Large amounts of rain and melt water can overwhelm your neighborhoods’ sewer system and when this happens, there is nowhere for water to go but up- and into your home. Homeowners should consider installing a “backflow valve” to their basement plumbing in order to protect their belongings from a potential flood situation caused by this problem. Water entering the home through either cracks in the foundation or through damage to roof or walls caused by ice damming can also lead to significant but preventable damage.
Ice dams are large masses of ice that collect on the edges of your roof and gutters during the winter. If your attic is not properly insulated, escaping heat causes snow to melt and refreeze on your roof. This growing ice can work its way under shingles, damage your roof and allow for water to seep into your attic, ceiling and walls as the weather warms up. This March, check for signs of water getting into your home. Check the attic and basement window wells, install window well covers to prevent water from entering and seal any cracks you may find in your foundation. In addition to checking your home for cracks and other potential problems, take the time to review your coverage with your insurance agent. For example, do you have sewer back-up or water infiltration coverage? By taking the time to make sure your coverage suits your needs it will pay big dividends for you in the long run. For more information and resources to help you get to know your insurance better, visit, or contact me at:
Allstate Insurance Company of Canada, 89 Tollgate Rd W, Cornwall, ON, K6HJ5L5, (613) 933-3512 x5050
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NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut
INSURANCE MADE EASY by Debbie Villeneuve
Protect Your Home from Spring Thaw
“Healthy Living Wellness Fair” Saturday, April 6th… 1 to 4 pm… 847 York St. (Harvest Christian Fellowship Church)…$2 minimum at the door to be donated to Maison Baldwin House (local womens’ shelter). As promised, each week I will highlight the different vendors that will be attending this first of its kind event in our area. We truly want to bring together all that Cornwall and the surrounding area has to offer locally. There will be plenty of homemade goods for everyone to purchase and sample, even for those living with celiac and food intolerances. Come and see all that is available for you right here in SD&G. *The Health Nut (Cornwall, Ontario)…I will be offering my homemade and gluten-free homemade goods. As well you can sign up for healthy eating cooking seminars and juicing challenges. I will be giving a great gluten-free raw dessert demonstration as well. *Mary Brink (Cornwall, Ontario), Local celiac support group…will be available to give you all the necessary information, to help you realize that you are not alone and there are great alternatives that exist to help you. *Lynda Turner (Alexandria, Ontario) Zengarry Vegetarian Cuisine, will delight you with her amazing plant based lifestyle immersion classes. She offers themed cooking classes, vegetarian catering and so on. She will have gluten-free bagels and cookies available to purchase as well. *Samantha Gove (Iroquois, Ontario) Hourglass Resources Information Services, offers gluten-free cooking seminars.
*Margaret Benke (Berwick, Ontario) Farmhouse Baking, offers gluten-free homemade goods. *Mike and Monique Giguere (Cornwall, Ontario) Our Flour Child. They have created their own gluten-free flour. They offer a wide variety of gluten-free mixes as well as nut- free baked goods. *Jamie Creskey (Ingleside,Ontario) Hoople Creek Farm, is a small-scale family farm. Their Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program consists of a box of freshlypicked vegetables, herbs and specialty salad greens, every week from June until October. This service is available to residents of Morrisburg, Ingleside, Long Sault and Cornwall. *Kevin and Jenny-Lee (St-Andrew’s, Ontario) Peasants’ Craft Farm, is a small farm, situated on 96 acres of forest and pasture. They offer free-range chickens, pasturedpork and grass-fed beef. Products are available to you by home delivery. They strive to produce the best quality meat, and they believe in not only selecting the very best breeds, but also in the importance of raising clean meat, free of antibiotics and growth hormones, which influences taste as well. Their beef is dry-aged the old-fashioned way. All of their products are free of any additives or fillers. It’s all just meat and spices. *Tom Manley (Berwick, Ontario) Homestead Organics, their retail store carries a full selection of organic food including various beans, peas, rice, whole grains, flours, honey, specialty grains and oil seeds, sprouting seeds, dairy products, bread, and much more. Please consider them when purchasing bulk organic foods. Next week I will focus on the health and fitness area of the event. Our main goal is to give you a wide variety of local vendors that are all unique and health minded. Hope to see many of you at this amazing afternoon that promises to change your life…in health… Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) 613-931-3119
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 15) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Welcome Wagon Bridal Show yet another success ... photos by John Lister of Fashionography
Some 105 brides to be attended the bi-annual Welcome Wagon Wedding Show that took place on Monday, February 25th. Brides were able to visit the booths of many exhibitors ranging from limousines, to cakes, to wedding halls. An elaborate fashion show, hosted by Bridal's Dreams, featured bridesmaids and mother of the bride attire, as well as gorgeous wedding gowns. This event is the perfect place for future Mrs to find everything they need under the same roof. It is truly a one stop shop.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;One of a kind ... with you in mind!â&#x20AC;? 613-932-1875 - Evening & Weekend appointments available ... THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 16) BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Evening & Weekend appointments also!
by Keitha Fisher
March Break “Daycamp at Home”! Not everyone is going away for the March Break. For those of you staying close to home but managing a few days off with the kids, you may start to wonder why you didn’t sign them up for a daycamp partway through the week. At our house this year I’ve had a request from the kids to have cooking class for them and their friends. My kids are seven years old so they’re at the age where they can definitely help out in the kitchen – plus when they help with things you can almost always get them to try foods they might not try if you just set it down in front of them. A trip to the library is a great way to start this project. They’re likely to have kid-friendly cookbooks available and they almost always have parenting magazines that are full of meal suggestions. Once you’re in the kitchen, start with the basics – hand-washing and safety. We’re definitely there to have a good time but being overly silly takes away from paying attention in a place where there may be sharp objects and a hot stove!
Teach the kids about washing their fruits and vegetables. Think of recipes they can help with. “Make Your Own Pizza” is a great starter. They can help grate the cheese and possibly help cut the vegetables if they are old enough. (If they’re not, consider letting them put the chopped vegetables in separate containers for a tidy kitchen.) Each child can have their own crust. It might be a pita or you may use your own crust. You could even buy the mini pitas and let your child make two or three custom pizzas! A dessert pizza at the end is a fun way to end the meal and it can include things like banana, walnuts (if you can have nuts at your house) and a creamy cheese. Baking is one of those fun AND educational activities. Measuring ingredients teaches them about the science of baking and also helps with math practice. The best part about baking (at least at our house) is cracking the eggs! There are tons of websites with kid-friendly meals if you need some inspiration. Google “Cooking with Kids” and there are options for kids of every age group. Good luck – you may find a family favourite.
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South Glengarry, ON – The Cornwall & The Counties Arts and Culture Council which services Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry (SD&G) and the City of Cornwall is an independent not for pro t organization that is publishing a free online survey. The objective of the survey is so the Arts and Culture council can begin to identify how it can best meet the needs of SD&G and the City of Cornwall. As an incentive for taking this survey the Arts and Culture Council is giving away two free Tickets to its partner, St. Lawrence Acoustic Stage’s presentation of Laurence Juber with Special Guest Brandon Roderick, scheduled for April 27th 2013. The Arts and Culture Council as an arts and culture leader will be o ering services, activities and outreach not exclusively to the arts and culture sector but to the community as a whole. Its rst step is this quick survey to help identify what services and activities best suit the needs of SD&G and Cornwall. “This survey is an important rst step in identifying what proactive services and activities the Arts and Culture Council can o er this community. The more people who take the survey the better we will be able to asses the needs of this community,” said Stephen Davies, Chair of the Arts & Culture Council. The outcome of the survey will lead to a series of information gathering sessions held in the Counties and the City of Cornwall in the summer months so that the Arts & Culture Council can meet its stakeholders and the community face to face and ask the important question, “What can we do for you?” “We need to understand that there is no one format for an Arts Council. For every community there is a unique arts council the services the unique needs of its community. We need to get out there and engage with everyone so that we can understand how best to meet the unique needs of this community.” said Bruce Davis Cultural Development Advisor of the SD&G Community Development Corporation who is the Arts Council’s acting manager. The survey can be found online at: If you would like a hard copy of the survey, please contact Bruce Davis at 613-703-1978.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 17)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Cornwall Optimist Minor Softball League OUR FEATURE PLAYER -- MAT LEROUX Mat Leroux, age 17, is one of our veteran players as he will be entering his 11th year this coming season. Mat started playing at the age of 6, pitching at 7 years old, at St. Theresa’s Park in Cornwall. Being quite involved in a lot of sports, Mat plays goalie in hockey (4 years), ball hockey (6 years), Volleyball, Tennis, and last, but not least, Softball for the COMSL. A Grade 11 student at La Citadelle , Mat also enjoys playing goalie on the school ice hockey team. In 2012, Mat won the Championship for his Novice house league. Big news for 2013 is that his school’s ice hockey team (La Citadelle) qualified for EOSSA to be held in Brockville this month. Born in Cornwall, Mat is the type of player who works hard and tries to concentrate on whatever is ahead. This is especially evident in how he challenges himself as a pitcher in the Cornwall Optimist Softball League where, sometimes, he is very hard on himself. However, with lots of support from his team mates, he enjoys the camaraderie with all the friends he has made in the Bantam Division. His team mates know that if they keep it light and joke around with him, he will start laughing and, believe it or not, he is able to better concentrate on doing a terrific job at pitching which, let’s face it, is the most demanding position of softball. Under lots of pressure at the final game of the year, Mat was able to pitch his best game ever which won his team (the Pirates) the 2012 Championship. Wow, he was amazing at the game showing focus and determination, two of his best qualities. This has earned him the MVP for the 2012 season. Lots of pressure, big accomplishments ! It’s with great pride that I write this article as I have watched Mat grow up and become a responsible young man showing integrity and good sportsmanship throughout the many years that I have known him. Congratulations Mat and good luck in the upcoming softball season. Monique Sauvé Roy, Co-President of the Cornwall Optimist Softball League FOR MORE DETAILS ABOUT OUR 2013 SEASON, VISIT US AT WWW.CORNWALLOPTIMISTSOFTBALL.CA
One moment please! As we all know very well that life is a constant battlefield. It’s full with drama, agony, irony, and tragedy. Today, we are personally inviting you to support 3Angels’ good yet happy cause. Our team simply needs your help on a happy note. We believe in our ability as passionate filmmakers to make things happen in our society. In our book, anything is possible, and nothing is impossible. Sky is the limit when it comes to creativity, script writing, and filmmaking. The equation is so simple, to achieve is to conquer, and conquering is accomplishing. Reaching a goal triggers happiness within each one of us, and the feeling of fulfillment makes anyone happy, and more significant. “Franceska Finger NailZ “movie campaign could offer easily different opportunities, and chances to all ages in the field of film production. In other words, your participation is highly required. We need your help and support to make it happen. “Franceska Finger NailZ”, is a film project that will represent an open window for those who may need fresh air. It will encourage true talent to flourish, grow, and develop right. “Franceska” will also encourage other local projects, and define their existence. This feature presentation production will give small business the proper necessary exposure, a spotlight, and needed promotions. It will certainly give a chance to new faces to shine. Our company will open the doors for the unemployed, and volunteers to think about a second possible career. We will also give a chance to people online to get involved, and interact. Our team will simply help to make people feel good, and happy about themselves. I want to be a Good Samaritan! Don’t you want to be one too? Who doesn't want to be someone who helps another in need without an ulterior motive in mind? But guess what? By supporting 3Angels, you'll be a Good Samaritan, and get rewarded. You’ll have a choice in becoming a contributor, an honorary angel, or even a sponsor in exchange for amazing perks. Your name will be in the credits along with a thank you note as a bonus. Help us reach our goal by opening the doors to others who deserve to step in the spot light. Together we can always make a difference. Help us make someone happy. As you may know the feeling of success based on accomplishing a goal is unforgettable, and rather rewarding when it comes to self esteem. In this case, you are taking a huge part in building healthy relationships, society, and a better tomorrow. Highly talented, and well known artists such as; Tarock Music, Cloud Ear Music, Liberty Music Design, Johan Paulson, Indy Clark, Alan Haskel, Higher Rain, Jano Feghali, and Sabrina Fallah gave 3Angels Power Film Production INC permission to feature their remarkable tracks in Franceska Finger NailZ feature presentation, and its upcoming OST. We also have 15 cast members standing by plus a crew. In May, we will resume the rest of the casting then release another poster for the names who will be playing important roles in this local horror movie. With Franceska, our expectations are higher, and more hopeful. Let your support set 3Angels’ creativity free so we can to set “Franceska Finger NailZ, horror feature presentation into motion. Giving is not an obligation, Giving should be out of love, and care for those who have sincere passion to keep on creating to entertain the viewers, amaze the film industry, and give Opportunities for some to shine like stars in the sky. Get involved, and encourage independent Filmmakers, support the creators behind Franceska Finger NailZ by contributing today... Contributions start from $10 and up. Remember every bit counts, and helps.. Make someone’s dream come true... Take a look at our campaign.
Become a part of our journey ... 3Angels Power Film Production INC
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 18)
FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
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YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Web Design and Printing THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 19) BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 8 - pg. 20)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1