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Volume 2, Issue 12 March 25, 2011 613-362-2354
Editorial ...
by Seeker Chick Julia
Seeker Office: 327 2nd Street East - Come Visit Us!
One of the best kept secrets in business is the power of networking. Networking is a tool that can categorically propel your business and transform it from a minor to a major success. Most networking is done through various organisations. The Chamber of Commerce, for example, holds monthly early morning gatherings (Breakfast Connections) that are the perfect environment to make new contacts. Other organizations also have the same kind of events. But with the venue of social networking, some of the connections are now being made online, via Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and others.
ns a... o i t a re loc nd a ecial s r a sp the wall ur TRE o o ) N o any Corn YOU t G CE l Road m & hout ANK EWIN ntrea ug IG TH UX S E (Mo o r th a B GIRO LAC
It is very important to chose carefully which organizations you will join and belong to. The Chamber of Commerce is your first step. Everyone who is in business should automatically join the chamber. There is a variety of other organizations in the Area that you can consider joining. We will post a list and a review of them on our website at http://www.thelocalseeker.com. Feel free to send your review of any of them to info@thelocalseeker.com.
P s US PL onsor BY’S sp BOB and
One of the main features of an association is the support they give their members. Does the board of directors hire internally or does it go outside the membership to supply their needs? A perfect example of this is again, the Chamber of Commerce, who's website is hosted, designed and maintained by some of their own members, not corporations operating outside of the area. I remember witnessing such ambiguity in some of the other organizations I have joined in the past. Support your members FIRST. But equally important is the involvement of the members. I have to use the Rotary Club as an example because to me, there is no other group that demand that much involvement from their members. And that's a good thing! It's a true commitment to community. Any Rotarian has my full admiration. They meet every single week and members who miss meetings have to make up for them in various ways. They promote one another and work together toward achieving the same goals. And that's what every club should be.
one member per industry is chosen and if one is not active enough, they will be removed to make room for somebody else to join. The general public can also sign-up for free and take advantage of special offers. Coupons are also available to other corporate members. You can visit tobiznet at http://cornwall.tobiznet.com. Don't forget to go to our website at http://www.thelocalseeker.com and tell us your experience with the various clubs out there.
And that brings me to talk about ToBizNet, the everybody wins network. This brand new online organization takes pride in carefully selecting its members. The website is setup to help members recommend one another and uses referrals to compile the level of "activity" of any given member. Only
Call in your CLASSIFIEDS NOW It’s Fast, Free and Fitted • 613-362-2354 Our Classified Section is at the back... The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 2, Number 12, March 25, 2011 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 2)
The Seeker Chicks
EL TORO TATTOO “We take pride in our hide” Must be 18 years of age or parent consent
All disposable needles & tubes. Bring your own design. 612 Montreal Rd. Cornwall eltorotattoo@yahoo.com
CORNWALL'S HISTORIC WATERFRONT - Part I BROUGHT TO YOU BY: In Lamoureux Park Open Wednesdays, noon to 3pm, throughout the winter. Free admission. Info 613-936-0842
The photographs and postcards are from the collection of more than 10,000 images at the Cornwall Community Museum. If you are interested in learning more about our history the museum has a wide selection old and modern local histories for sale, or you may visit the museum throughout the winter every Wednesday from noon to 4 pm, and at other times by appointment., weather permitting. Info. 613 936-0842.
CORNWALL THE FACTORY TOWN Walking and Riding Tour from the Cotton Mill to the Roosevelt International Bridge.
Cornwall cyclists on the shores of the St. Lawrence, ca. 1910.
The north bank of the St. Lawrence River has been the site of human habitation for over 3,000 years. The traditional land of the Iroquois; French fur traders were the first Europeans to voyage past Pointe Mailgne, the geographic name give to the rapids adjacents to present day Cornwall. The town was not formally founded, however, until June 6, 1784 with the arrival of the United Empire Loyalists, under the leadership of Sir John Johnson. The settlement was originally named New Johnstown, for Johnson, but the name was soon changed to Cornwall to Cornwall to honour Britain's Royal Family.
Cornwall grew as a result of the transportation and waterpower provided by the River. During the 19th century Cornwall thrived as a bilingual "Factory" riverport. The closure of the textile mills in the late 1950s, the completion of the St. Lawrence Seaway and the opening of Highway 401, cut the town off from the riverfront and witnessed the development of the northend. Spending over $30 million in Waterfront Redevelopment, over the past 30 years, Cornwall is returning to the River, Unfortunately, time continues to erase much of our built-up heritage. Through the use of historic photographs this series of articles will A photograph of a painting of Sir John Johnson, provide you with a walking or riding tour courtesy Public Archives of Canada, C17526. tracing Cornwall's historic waterfront.
Cornwall grew along the riverbanks from Marlborough to Cumberland streets and then north to 9th. The town's economy was based on the river with the completion of the Canal in the 1840s. Industry arrived when the Canal water-rights were leased to mill owners located at the foot of York St. Starting in the 1860ss the industry moved to the East End. Initially employing workers of "Scotch descent," work outplaced local population growth. The promise of employment stimulated immigration from Quebec in particular, and more than doubled the population by 1881. Now a quarter of the population, French Canadians were the Town's largest ethic group. Responding to unsafe conditions in the Mills, the Town elected M.P. Darby Bergin, Canada's first proponent of workplace safety legislation and a former mayor. Starting in the east end, the Canada Mill stood here from 1872 until destroyed by fire in 2010. The Weave Shed opened in 1883 and was the second factory in Canada electrically lighted with a package system designed by Thomas Edison. In 1959 the Mill closed. In response, Cornwall I n d u s t r i a l Development Ltd. was created to rent empty spaces at bargain prices; attracting 18 industries and 2,000 jobs by 1965. Two of the most famous industries attracted to Cornwall were Chalet Glass and Dexter Printing, known for their postcards.
The waterfront around the circle at the foot of Pitt Street before the Cornwall Square and the Civic Complex.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 3)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
The Dundas Mill in the foreground and the Canada Mill in the back. Constructed for the Cornwall Manufacturing Co. in 1870, in 1902 this woollen mill was renamed the Dundas Mill. In 1903 it became part of the newly formed Canadian Coloured Cotton Mills Ltd. Mack's Express Roller Mills, circa 1890. Co n s t r u c t e d alongside the canal in 1861, the Mill was famous for its "Wheat Marrow," a "wholesome and nutritious" breakfast cereal, amde from the "very essence of wheat , and an ideal food for invalids, dyspeptics and children.
FROM SHARYN’S PANTRY by Sharyn Thompson
HOW TO STRETCH YOUR FOOD DOLLAR ... No matter how well-heeled you are, it's nice not to spend anymore on your food budget than necessary. What you may save in just one meal may not seem to be much, but if you add up these savings over a year, you would be quite surprised. As far as I am concerned, homemade meals from scratch is the only way to go. You will be serving meals with far less sodium, fat and preservatives and additives. By growing a vegetable garden in the summer, you can ensure that your family will enjoy freshly picked salad greens, tomatoes, carrots, green and yellow beans, beets, potatoes, squash, my list can go on and on. We are still eating the butternut squash and potatoes I harvested in the late fall. Buy a 50 lb. bag of potatoes and save a ton of money. I can tell that spring is here because my own garden potatoes from last fall are all beginning to sprout, waiting to be planted in mid-April in my own vegetable garden. This week's column is a bit unusual as I don't have exact amounts as I usually do for you. I'm cooking as your Mum of Grandma would do. It's the process that you must follow for wonderful results. In my meal for to-day's column I began with two boneless porkchops which I originally cut myself from a pork loin which I purchased on sale for probably $.99 lb. I packaged a number of meal-size portions of porkchops and left a couple of small roasts for future use. I turned these 2 porkchops into 4 or 5 servings of a pork schnitzel for our supper with leftovers for another meal. I turned leftover mashed potatoes into savory croquettes with extras for another supper. By cooking extra tonite, I will have my supper all ready to just re-heat when I return home from work. Way less stress, less dishes and less clean-up for another day. You can prepare boneless, skinless chicken breasts in the same manner as the pork schnitzel. Buy a meat tenderizer/pounder. It will double the volume of your meat as you pound it flat. By flattening it, it will also take less time to cook, so you will also save in electricity!
There isn't much of a recipe to make this flavourful dish. One regular sized porkchop can easily feed 2 people after you pound it out thin, to about 1/3 to 1/2 inch thickness. (see photo right Pork chop on the right was pounded to form the one on the left - see how much larger it has become!) Here's what I do: I set up a breading station on my counter. We sell these really neat sets at my store. Three non-stick sections all hook together. The first one I place flour seasoned with salt and pepper. The second one I have a couple of eggs beaten and add a bit of hot sauce into them. You could also use milk or buttermilk here if you so wish. The third section I have my seasoned breadcrumbs. This can consist of just plain dry breadcrumbs with a little salt and pepper or you can try my favourite breading mix. Mix together equal parts of dry breadcrumbs, parmesan cheese and ground almonds. Stir in just a little dry parsley or rubbed oregano for a little extra flavour. This coating mixture can be used for fish, chicken or pork with terrific flavour.
812 Pitt St. Unit 6 - 613-936-1998
POTATO CROQUETTES My love for potato croquettes goes way back in my childhood. My Mum would make an extra-large potful of mashed potatoes for our Christmas dinner. The leftover potatoes, she would add in some chopped celery and a beaten egg. Then she would form them into croquettes, a cylinder shape. These would be placed on a tray, refrigerated until the next day. Then dipped into beaten egg and coated in Premium cracker crumbs and fried on all sides to get nice and crunchy. I only remember her serving these the day after Christmas, never any other day of the year. But at my house, I often serve our leftover mashed potatoes in this delicious manner. Here's what I do: Make an extra large potful of mashed potatoes. After having a regular meal of the mashed potatoes, Place the remaining potatoes in a large bowl. This should be about 6 cups of mashed potatoes for 6 croquettes. To this, add about l- 1/2 cups finely chopped celery and 1 cup of finely diced onion. Season with 1 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper.Stir in a beaten egg. Mix well. Tear a sheet of waxed paper and place it on your counter. Form the croquettes into cylinders or patties if you wish, using about 1 cup per croquette. Using your breading station, dip the croquettes first into 2 beaten eggs and then into dry breadcrumbs or saltine cracker crumbs to coat evenly on all sides. ( You don't use the flour here as you did for the porkchops ). Allow the croquettes to set for 5 or 10 minutes om the waxed paper. The coating will stay on better if you let them sit undisturbed for just a few minutes. Using the same oil as you will for the pork schnitzel, first fry the potato croquettes for a few minutes on each side until each side is browned and they are heated through.Then fry your pork schnitzel as these will cook much more quickly. The croquettes will stay hot during this time just sitting on a dinner plate, or if you wish place them in your oven at about 225 degrees F. to keep warm as you continue to cook the pork. While these were cooking I steamed a large pot of sliced carrots and fresh green beans to go along with our supper.
FRESH FRUIT AND KEFIR This is so tasty! I slice up some fresh strawberries in serving bowls. Throw in a handful of fresh blueberries if you like. Then I take just a small capful of Triple Sec and drizzle this over the berries. Now spoon lots of our organic Kefir over the berries. If you don't know about kefir, you have been missing a wonderful treat. It is similar to yogurt, but less acidic and with almost a buttery flavour. Our store's kefir is from organic cow's milk and has live bacteria culture in it. This is such a lovely dessert and you can vary the flavour using any fruit you like. I often use my frozen raspberries I freeze from my garden each summer. You can vary this by layering up the fruit, kefir and some granola in a wine goblet for a fun way to enjoy a quick and nutritious dessert. ENJOY!
Tear a large sheet of plastic wrap and place it on your counter. Place one porkchop on the plastic wrap and fold over the plastic wrap to cover it. Take your meat pounder and pound the chop to an even thickness. Continue on pounding any remaining chops in this manner, using a new piece of plastic wrap for each one. By keeping the meat enclosed in plastic wrap, you won't contaminate your work surface. Now dip each piece of pork in first the seasoned flour, next the beaten egg and lastly in the breadcrumb mixture which can be plain or my special mix. Heat about 1/8" vegetable oil in a large skillet. I love my electric fry pan and set it at 350 degrees F. Carefully place the pork schnitzels into the hot oil and fry them a few minutes on each side until golden brown. They will be cooked in probably 5 or 6 minutes, Don't let them get too brown. The breading will keep the meat inside nice and moist. Cook extras for another meal while you have the hot oil and breading station set out. ENJOY!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 4)
Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
That we have a Small Business Enterprise Centre in Cornwall. 100 Water Street East, Suite 104, P.O. Box 877, Cornwall, ON K6H 5T9 613-933-0074 www.businessenterprisecentre.ca Candy Pollard was born and raised in Cornwall and enjoys the lifestyle offered by this community. In the fall of 2000, she established Studio C Dance School and has operated it as a family business for the past 20 years. Additionally, for 6 years, she and her daughter operated a costume company called AC Designs as a means to help pay for University. “I have gone through the process of opening and registering a business, building it, the implementation of GST and now the change to HST, marketing, accounting, building an online presence ..... I understand the effort, the difficulties and the highs and lows of owning a small business. “ she explains. Consequently she fits perfectly into her new position as Business Consultant for the Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre. The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) was formed in recognition that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Ontario’s economy and create jobs, innovation and prosperity.
Call Niki for info or appt.
The Centre helps small business owners and Checking out literature at the cen tre. entrepreneurs succeed in Cornwall and Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry by offering information, tools and support during their start-up and growth stages of business operation. We also offer seminars, workshops and networking opportunities that are designed with the entrepreneur in mind. How we work for business? • Free and confidential business consultations, by appointment • Library of resource materials • Informational pamphlets on a wide range of business topics • Support programs for businesses • Seminars & Events The Centre also runs "Summer Company" which is a unique program designed by the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade to engage, inspire and inform the youth of Ontario, and to help young entrepreneurs prosper. By providing a chance to create their own small businesses, Summer Company allows students to take charge as their own boss, helping them to develop business skills early in life. The program appeals to creative, motivated youth because it could lead to personal growth and profit. Students can create a business of their own and could be provided with up to $3,000 to make that dream job a reality. The Business Enterprise Centre will connect successful applicants with a mentor who will teach them what it takes to be successful in the business world. For more information about Summer Company or to book an appointment, contact Candy at 613-933-0074 and check out the Local Seeker next week for more information.
613-528-1770 Cell: 613-933-4170
Cover story...
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 5)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
COME SEE OUR HUGE COLLECTION of Gold Jewellery, Swarovski and Pinwheel Crystal, Royal Doulton and Hummels at incredibly low prices!
I can’t believe it’s just a mere five weeks away from when we finally can enjoy walking our dogs back in Lamaroux Park. Are you making any plans yet? Have you visualized yourself strolling along all the areas of the park, from the waterfront that stretches from the eastern side of Marina 2000 all the way to Power Dam? How about around the EcoGarden? What about taking a brisk half hour walk through the park not just for your dog, but for your own health? What a great spot to get your heart rate up while stretching your pooch! Whatever is your fancy, I am sure the experience will be worth the visit, and yes this was certainly welcome news for all dog owners within our city. Let’s not forget other great spots to take
By Bob Sloan CDPA, Chair
and busy little Border collie who will need lots of running room to exercise when she comes to visit us over the next 12 -15 years. Kyle shares her with his two younger brothers Tyson and Bryce, who introduced her to me over the weekend. Our Cornwall Dog Park Committee has been so buried in opening a park we almost forgot to enjoy the news of a new puppy! The sad news is Sadie lives far away north of Toronto, but the good news is she will be visiting us here in Cornwall from time to time when our families get together. If you are not familiar with this breed, the Border collie, a herding dog, and has been dubbed as one of the smartest breeds where recently boasting one of its dogs to have mastered a vocabulary of 1022 words, according to Wikipedia. I was equally impressed that she has already learned sit, and down without hesitation. It’s obvious that Sadie will need to be in an environment that will engage her higher faculties. Thank to Kyle’s dad, Sadie will be kept pretty busy as she is been eased into her new job to manage just about anything you would want to chase off a golf course. Yes she is the pride and joy of the 700 members at Trafalgar Golf Club in Milton On, and will be shared with the Prieur family when she is off duty. The CDPA wishes to extend congratulations to the Prieur family with your new addition to your family - Sadie.
224 Pitt Street - 613-933-2333 Why the “PLUS”? ‘Cause we are more than just a pawn shop! We buy, sell and trade antiques, fine china, gold, collectibles, as well as CDs, VCRs, movies, video games & musical equipment. Just about anything of value!
Cornwall Dog Park ... What’s Happening?
your dog, like a refreshing trip at Power Dam, or the secluded and winding trails over at Gray’s Creek. Just keep in mind the simple rules that we need to follow at each and every park, and don’t forget to be mindful of others who may be there with you who may not be walking a dog. All this will take a bit of getting used to and everyone needs to make a concerted effort when navigating around some of the obstacles such as bike paths, or being patient while we introduce our dogs to this new environment. Being the eternal optimist that I am, I know we can count on Cornwallites to be as successful as so many other cities in Canada who have allowed dogs into their parks. The great thing that we can offer to our visitors with dogs is to have a friendly welcoming area that is equipped properly to receive our canine visitors. A dog that has travelled a considerable amount of time in a car needs a spot to stretch run off some pent up energy. One such person I know who is quite excited about our park is my grandson Kyle seen in this photo hugging his new puppy Sadie. She is a wonderful vibrant, playful
AVON TO BUY, TO SELL, TO FUNDRAISE ... Join us today and get a free gift. 613 930-2427
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 6) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
LOCALLY SEEKING IN THE EAST END Jorge Luis, Prop. Professional Care is Best For Hair Styling included with most cuts
1380 2nd Street East, Unit 15 Eastcourt Mall, Cornwall, ON
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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 7) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 8) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 www.thelocalseeker.com
The Local Seeker Guarantees that our content is always Fresh, always Local and always Original ... Every Issue THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 9)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
There was Ethan, sitting on the floor at the end of the hall. I was at the other end. He was going to push his favourite dump truck across to me. He got ready, took careful aim and PUSHHHH! The truck came hurtling down the hall. When it reached halfway it bounced off the wall and stopped. I walked over, picked it up, returned to my spot and then knelt down and pushed it back to my grandson. It went straight as an arrow and landed in his lap. His wide eyes twinkled and his smile revealed his shining teeth. He said, “I do ‘gain” This time he pushed with all his strength. But with the developing motor-skills of a two year old, he pushed too much on one side and the truck banged into the wall, tipped upside down and spun around in circles. I walked over, picked it up, returned to my spot and shot it straight back to him again. We did this several times and every time I sent it straight back to him, without a problem. He looked at me in amazement and said, “How [do] you do that Grampie?” To me of course this was something simple and straightforward, but to Ethan it was a feat to be marveled at. Something worthy of applause and wonder. As I reflect on our time together, I am reminded of my Heavenly Father … again and again. So many times my life just bounces off walls, flipping upside down or spinning around in circles. Yet my God picks me up, positions me properly and sends me down the hallways of life. Over and over this happens, yet He picks me up and points me in the right direction. And I, in wide eyed wonder marvel at His wisdom and knowledge and patience. How does He take the wicked and make him clean? How does He take the broken and make him whole? How does He take the crooked and make him straight?
Just how does He do it? He is God! To Him it’s simple. All things are under His power and control. But to me it’s mind boggling. Something worthy of applause and wonder. …and adoration! Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, ‘We have seen remarkable things today’. -- Luke 5:26 Oren Cole Pastor/Corps Leader Cornwall Community Church 500 York Street, Cornwall, K6J 3Z8
613-932-7515 office
Spiritual Seedlings II
Spiritual Seedlings I
How do you do that, Grampie?
Leader of the pack Spiritual Care - Love and Positive Regard It seems fitting after completing a month in which Valentines Day was celebrated, that the Spiritual Care themes of Love and Positive regard are discussed in this months issue of the Pulse. A recent study1 has demonstrated how persons who enter Hospital Care are often in need of the reassurance that they are loved, and that they have a deeper need for expressions of love dependant on the seriousness of their illness. Love or positive regard shown by others, demonstrates to us that we are members of a community and that at the end of life we still remain as members of that community. Community connectedness or belonging does not depend on the state one finds themselves in, but is based on the bond of sharing human life. Love demonstrates that in our weakness or illness we are able to find a sense of the source life, and that this source will go on long after a patient has lived or leaves the Hospital. In the Christian faith, God is described as love (1 Jn.4:16) Care given to others has been described as 'love in action'. A demonstration of Love in a Hospital is not only shown by family members but by all those who care for the ill person, and their sense of well being. As such all health care workers could be regarded as providing Love.
A hospital patient may find Love or positive regard through love of music, love of the earth or the world around us, in our pets, poetry, and gardening. Someone can be moved by a sunset and in these times they are embraced by positive regard of a meaningful experience, or sentiments of loving expressions. We also know that Jesus offers his love to us when we were unable to be loved, (Romans 5:8) and it is in this hope we are asked to offer acceptance of that love for a fulfilling life. Rev Fritz Clarke Spiritual Care Coordinator Cornwall Community Hospital/ Hôpital communautaire de Cornwall 613-938-4240 x4263 Fritz.Clarke@cornwallhosptial.ca
Letters to the Seeker Chicks ... Clarification on the March of gratitude for Culture In English, we have the expression “Straight from the horse’s mouth” which means to get the information from the person who said it; not from someone else but directly from the source itself. Well this is the horse talking! The purpose of the march is in response to a comment from Mr. Thibault who stated, on February 17th, 2011 “Nothing changes without the will of the people to effect the change. Egypt is a perfect example.” As a follow up to Mr. Thibault’s comments, instead of using a fighting approach, another venue is to thank our leaders for their promise, before the municipal election, to add all other aspects of our culture to the existing sport culture. The march is to thank them for keeping their promise. The march is also an opportunity for the various cultural groups to introduce themselves to the Cornwall Community and mingle together during this particular event. This is a way for all participants to show their support for “Culture” in its totality. Nothing else! The April 10th, March of Gratitude for Culture, starts at 2:00 p.m. at the Civic Complex towards 360 Pitt Street, in front of City Hall. The mayor, the MP, MPP, all councilors, Mr. Finucan and Mr. Lapierre all received a special invitation for the event. See you then with your banners and drums. Marie Morrell “The Horse” Collector’s Museum, Multicultural and Art Centre – International
Join Nancy Galway For YOGA AND MEDITATION CLASSES Tuesday nights at 7 pm - 8:15 pm at the Cover Page Gallery on 4th and York, Cornwall For more info. 514-826-6365 or visit snowangelssanctuary.com THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg.10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg.11) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354
Legally Speaking ... with Michele Allinotte
Have Those Difficult Conversations Now: Who Is Doing What? by Michele R.J. Allinotte Note: This is the 2nd of a series of articles on the difficult conversations we all need to have with our loved ones. In my last article, I suggested the place to start having the difficult conversations about illness, incapacity and death with our loved ones was with a simple question, “What legal documents do you have in place?” If you or your loved ones have essential documents (a Will, Power of Attorney for Property and Power of Attorney for Personal Care), that is great. If you or they don’t have these documents, get them in place as soon as possible. All adults over the age of 18 need those three documents, at minimum. I do recommend that these documents are completed by a lawyer, so you can ensure that they fit your situation. Everyone thinks they have a simple situation but that is usually not the case. And even if your situation is actually simple, there are often errors made in filling in the forms or in the witnessing of the documents by “do-it-yourselfers” that will render them invalid or change their meaning unintentionally. In addition to ensuring the documents are legally valid and reflect your wishes, a lawyer will provide counsel to you about how to make the best decisions for you and your family. One of the decisions to make is who will do what in the event that you become incapacitated or when you pass away. When someone passes away or becomes incapacitated without any documents in place, one of the hardest things for the family is figuring out who should (or can) take on a role. What can happen can go from the extreme of family members fighting in court over who should be appointed to a complete failure of any member of the family to step forward to act. If you become incapacitated, someone will need to make decisions about your health care (under your Power of Attorney for Personal Care) and your property and finances (under your Power of Attorney for Property). After your death, someone will need to make funeral and burial arrangements, pay your debts and file your taxes and distribute your assets and property (as your Executor or Estate Trustee). Who will have each of those roles? You can appoint one person or more than one person for all those roles. Some things to think about in selecting who will do what is: • Where does the person live? If they are not local or are out of province, having them in a primary role may prove difficult (and costly); • If appointing two people, can they work together? Should they perform every action together, or can one make decisions in the absence of the other? What happens if they can’t agree?
The next thing is to make sure the rest of your loved ones know why you have chosen this person. Some clients prefer to keep who they have appointed a “secret”, and I respect that decision. However, I do think things will go much more smoothly if there are no surprises and if all these difficult conversations (including who will do what and why) happen before illness, incapacity or death. I will continue this series in my next column where you will find out more important questions to ask in the difficult conversations process. Michele R.J. Allinotte is the owner of Allinotte Law Office in Cornwall, Ontario and she helps her clients make the best decisions for themselves, their families and their businesses. Her practice focuses on the areas of business law, estate planning and real estate. Visit www.YourCornwallLawyer.com to get her FREE Peace of Mind Personal Inventory to make sure that your family has all the information they need.
There are many other factors that you should consider but the above are some practical facts that you should start with. Once you have decided who should do what, it is important to ASK that person if they can take on the role before appointing them.
105 Second St. West, Cornwall, ON K6J 1G4
• What will other members of your family think if they do not have a role?
Individual, Couples and Family Counselling
• If you are appointing different people in each role (i.e. one person for Executor, another for Power of Attorney for Property, another for Power of Attorney for Personal Care), they will like have to work together. Can they work together? Do they have contact information for each other?
Itamar Danziger MSW, RSW
• Do you have a “back up” if you are only appointing one person?
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 12)
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
Dear Lonely-Chimney, I am happy to hear you have upgraded to a energy efficient heating system. Your poor chimney though, has reached the end of its service. Any old defunct structure is a maintenance liability and a potential hazard. There are several ways to decommission your chimney: Firstly(and cheapest), Leave the chimney entirely intact and install a metal or masonry cap over the crown. This will keep animals and debris from collecting in the flue and prevent water from entering. However, you will have to maintain the brickwork and the flashing eventually to prevent the chimney deteriorating and becoming a hazard. Secondly (my preference), disassemble the chimney to below the roofline and roof over the area it used to occupy. Then install a metal cap over the top of the remaining assembly. This way, you will prolong the life of the masonry and the integrity of the roof, if your chimney runs up the inside of your house, then simply stuff the top of the flue with some mineral fiber insulation and you are done. Thirdly, disassemble the entire structure. Though this can be costly, necessitating hauling away all the brick and inevitably having to match the siding where the chimney used to be, it will no longer be a concern for upkeep in the future. Which ever option you decide upon, it wouldn't hurt to fill the cleanout and the old furnace flue hole with mineral fiber insulation to keep out the drafts. Joe
Dear Joe, We have just bought an older bungalow and have a small budget for possible repairs before we move in. How do we decide what to spend our money on to make the most of our investment? Yours truly, New InTown. Dear New InTown, My best advice is to spend your money on smaller projects that will give you the best return on your investment over the long term. The most affordable things to start with are: 1. Insulate your attic. A minimum of R50, at least 18", of blown in cellulose or fiberglass. 2. Energy efficient light bulbs- replace all with high quality CFLs or LEDs, starting with the most used lights in the house. These will pay for themselves within the first year. 3. Consider replacing your heating appliances. A model even 5-10 years old will not measure up to the efficiency of units being built today. Be they furnace, space heaters, water heaters, air conditioners or baseboard heaters, they will use less energy and reduce your energy bills. 4. Other small things to consider, adding ceiling fans in all living spaces, solid blinds or curtains, caulking windows and doors, are great low cost ways to beat the heat and cold that don't cost much money. Best of luck in your new home, Joe Thank you everyone for you contributions this week. If I didn't get to your question keep watching. Hear each week for more household tips and renovation advice. You can email your questions to Aboutthehouse@adamshomeserices.ca. For additional information about me and whats going on in your community, please visit our website www.adamshomeservices.ca. Remember, whatever you do, Do it well, because a job well done stays well done forever.
Read, Learn & Grow by the Cornwall Public Library
“About The House”
Joe, We have recently replaced our furnace with an ultra high efficiency gas model. Now our chimney isn't being used anymore. Is there anything we should do with it? Sincerely, Lonely-Chimney.
45 Second Street East Cornwall, ON K6H 5V1 tel: 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca
FRIDAY, MARCH 25 2:00 PM TUESDAY, MARCH 29 6:30 PM Movies @ CPL presenting "Burlesque" starring Christina Aguilera and Cher SATURDAY, MARCH 26 Yoga Youth with Shirley Warner & Kevin O'Rourke 10:00 to 11:00 AM Free easy registration required Bring your own mat. R.E.A.D. WITH DOGS for a "Pawsitive" experience 11:00 AM-12:00 PM Children's Picture Book Area Drop in. CHECK MATES 2:00 TO 4:00 PM Want to learn how to play chess, pick up some new strategies or just practice your game? Drop-in every Saturday afternoon,take on an opponent and get some ips. Drop in. MONDAY, MARCH 28 "Cool Art by Cool Youth" 4 - 6 pm and 6:30 - 8:00 PM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30 Wake Up the Garden and Watch It Grow" with Diane Lunan of Marlin Orchards and Garden Center 7:00 PM Free registration required ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB 6:15-8:15 p.m Study Room ADULT TRI-COUNTY CHESS CLUB 6:15-8:15 p.m
THURSDAY, MARCH 31 Cornwall Scrabble (bilingual) 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Club bilingue 13 h 30 à 15 h30 "Fit For Tee-Off - Golf Biomechanics for an Efficient Swing" presented by Scott Dunne. Free registration required.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 13) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 14) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com
SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND ... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS and much, much more ...
LOOKING FOR a Regal Representative? Call Tammy. 613-935-7318 www.cornwall.shopregal.ca FOR SALE: For Sale :GE undercounted dishwasher $125. 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Johnson 2hp outboard motor, brand new never used $975. Wood flame cooking grill portable good condition $180. Call 613-347-3091 FOR SALE: Singer sewing machine and cabinet with 3 drawers mint condition $75. 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Corner maple cabinet and black microwave. 613-938-9503 FOR SALE: Elvis Presley beach towell new $15. Call 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Danielle Steele large hard cover book $8 each. 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Dining table with 8 chairs $500 paid $2000. 613-933-7962 FOR SALE : Slow cooker $15. 613-360-3442 FOR SALE : Piano upright apartment size dark wood finish Baldwin type, needs work. $90 or best offer. 613-938-1991 FOR SALE: One single bed, quilt top mattress and box spring, steel frame, brass headboard. like new $175. 2 30inch Electric stove range $60 each. Electric lazy boy $125. Small maple wash stand antique circa 1800 $1800. Love seat blue flower like new $125. 613-932-5858
FOR SALE : Kenmore freezer 15cubic feet $150 excellent working condition. Reason for selling no longer required. Paid $499. 613-932-0386 FOR SALE: Modern Baldwin piano that is in pristine condition! It comes with a matching bench as well. The seller is looking to exhance this piano for $2500 or best offer. For a viewing, please contact the seller directly by phoning Dawn at (613) 537-2297
LOT FOR SALE 3 ACRES backing on to the Raisin River Located on
VALADE ROAD asking $39,900 613-577-6638 or 613-936-8083 FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Taurus SHO, V8, auto. Runs well, fully loaded. A deal at $1,500. Tel. 613-932-8488 FOR SALE: Hitch for 2002 up Nissan Altima, Adapter, Brand bew #77031. Asking $125 Phone 613-932-8488 ask for Steve. DINE WITH A WATER VIEW @ RCAFA WING 424 240 WATER ST. WEST WEEKLY WINGS & "THINGS" AND GEORGIE'S KARAOKE EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 4:30 ON ALL WELCOME!!
FOR SALE: 1955 Plymouth Savoy. 2 door runs good, drives good, $5,500 OBO. Call Brent 613-932-5810
Statistics Canada announced that it is staffing 35,000 jobs across Canada to work on the 2011 Census collection. The next census will take place in May 2011. Staff are required for a variety of supervisory and non-supervisory jobs between March and mid-August 2011. These non-office jobs require work in neighbourhoods and communities in all urban, rural and remote areas of the country. Screening of applications will start in mid-February. The rates of pay range from $14.72 to $18.04 an hour, plus authorized expenses.
Applicants must be at least 18 years old, eligible to work in Canada, and able to commit at least 20 hours a week, including days, evenings, weekends and holidays as required. They will need a driver’s licence and access to a vehicle in some areas. Candidates should be computer literate and have a home computer with access to the Internet.
Got something to sell, trade, give away etc.
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 15)
Want to make a lasting contribution to Canada, its communities and its people? Here’s your opportunity. Join the 2011 Census team.
About 5,000 crew leaders and assistants and around 30,000 census enumerators will be hired. Crew leaders train, lead and supervise a team of enumerators. Enumerators distribute census questionnaires, conduct personal interviews and do follow-up interviews by phone.
FOR SALE : 2005 Mercury Maquis LS, 85000KM very good condition, safetied asking $10900. Telephone 613-938-0885
CALL IT IN NOW 613-362-2354
2011 Census staffing 35,000 jobs across Canada
Apply online at www.census2011.gc.ca. For more information, contact Media Relations at 613-951-4636.
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101
I’m Julia the Web Designer
and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
PROGRAM SCHEDULE For the week of March 28th - April 3rd MONDAY
Colts Playoff Hockey
Colts Playoff Hockey
News headlines, weather and community events
Game 5 vs
Game 5 vs
Brockville Braves
Brockville Braves
if necessary
if necessary
The Source The Source Road Signs
The Source The Source Mayor’s Forum
CHL Snapshots
CHL Snapshots
CHL Snapshots
Colts Playoff Hockey
Cornwall Tonight
3:00pm 3:30pm
TVC Today
4:00pm 4:30pm 5:00pm
Colts Playoff Hockey
Game 3 vs
Brockville Braves
Kinsmen TV Bingo
7:00pm 7:30pm
Cornwall City Council
LIVE 8:30pm 9:00pm 9:30pm
Colts Playoff Hockey
Game 3 vs
Brockville Braves
11:00pm 11:30pm
The Source The Source
The Source Road Signs Art Current OCW Wrestling The Source The Source
The Source Bishop Cup High School Hockey LIVE Auto Experts LIVE Cornwall Tonight Art Current The Source The Source
TVC Today
Game 5 vs Brockville Braves
Cornwall City Council Of 28.3.11
Ken Yasinski Art Current Road Signs
Mayor’s Forum Cornwall Tonight CHL Snapshots
Colts Playoff Hockey Game 7 vs
Bishop Cup High School Hockey
Brockville Braves
The Source The Source Colts Playoff Hockey Encore
TVC Today
We will be working on our 13TH ISSUE of Volume 2 and it will be out next week on Friday, April 1
TVC Today
or read the paper online at www.thelocalseeker.com
Colts Playoff Hockey Encore
Dr. Briar Howes TVC Today
We hope that you have enjoyed reading our 12th issue of 2011. We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. Call us at 613-935-8101
if necessary
LIVE if necessary
and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS
Business & Classified Ads FRIDAYS at 5pm
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www.thelocalseeker.com Pop by our office at 327 2nd Street E. We are always happy to visit with our readers, advertisers and friends!
THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 25 - pg. 16) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email: info@thelocalseeker.com