Issue 9 - for your viewing pleasure

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SEE PAGE 5 for cover story...

Inside This Issue: • WEEKLY EVENTS SEEKER (Centre Spread) SEE PAGE 5 for cover story...


specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations

• News from our Columnists • Classifieds (at the back) and lots more .... ARTWORK & PRINTING

Introducing... in the Art Seeker

Volume 2, Issue 9 March 4, 2011

Editorial ...

by Seeker Chick Julia

Seeker Office: 327 2nd Street East - Come Visit Us!

The Local Seeker is not a political paper. That's why I always try to stay away from any mainstream news that has to do with anything political. But I am somewhat of a political person and one subject that is near to my heart is immigration and border issues. Recently, in the news, we've been hearing a lot about Prime Minister Harper and President Obama's new agreement on securing the border. "A new Canada-U.S. agreement on border security won't jeopardize Canadian sovereignty" said Prime Minister Harper. Boy, Am I glad to hear that! But how was that even a concern?

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I love Americans. I married one. I also love how friendly our border is. I love that I can take off whenever I want and go shopping south of the border, or go eat crispy potato soft tacos at Taco Bell, merely 20 minutes away. I love that there is a Ponderosa nearby that I can visit. But most of all, I love that I can go see my husband, and that he can visit me every weekend while waiting for the immigration process to take place, and I love that I can do all that without having to fill out piles of paperwork to obtain a visitor's visa. But I feel that this could be in Jeopardy.

P s US PL onsor BY’S sp BOB and

Border protection has been getting stricter and stricter since 9/11. The flow of information being shared between the two countries keeps getting larger. Soon, it will be a flood that can't be stopped. And I, for one, think that my Canadian information is none of the Americans' business, even if I do love them... I love my kids too, but my financial situation is none of their business, nor should it concern them. Being close to someone doesn't give them the right to be nosy. Sure, our border is the longest unprotected border in the world. Certainly, it brings challenges to the authorities. Is that why we will very soon have to pay $5 whenever entering the USA by air or sea? Is all the fancy equipment the reason why that fee is being implemented? Is this the beginning of the end of a great friendship? Do we live in a world where fear dictates relationships and where allies regard one another as potential threats? I know there is much more to it than what I'm stipulating here. It's not black and white. It's not simple. But I think this camaraderie is something that must be preserved.

THE LOCAL SEEKER would like you to know that our March 11th issue will be mailed out to around 7,000 homes. Advertisers, secure your spot for this issue as spaces are limited!! call 613-935-8101

What do you think?

The Seeker Chicks

Call in your CLASSIFIEDS NOW It’s Fast, Free and Fitted • 613-362-2354 Our Classified Section is at the back... The Local Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 2, Number 9, March 4, 2011 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 2)

EL TORO TATTOO “We take pride in our hide” Must be 18 years of age or parent consent

All disposable needles & tubes. Bring your own design. 612 Montreal Rd. Cornwall








Si Miller Arena - 1936 to 2011 BROUGHT TO YOU BY: In Lamoureux Park Open Wednesdays, noon to 3pm, throughout the winter. Free admission. Info 613-936-0842

The photographs and postcards are from the collection of more than 10,000 images at the Cornwall Community Museum. If you are interested in learning more about our history the museum has a wide selection old and modern local histories for sale, or you may visit the museum throughout the winter every Wednesday from noon to 4 pm, and at other times by appointment., weather permitting. Info. 613 936-0842.

Historically Cornwall's citizens have rallied together to provide community amenities. Over the last century Horovitz Park, the new Benson Centre, the old Cornwallis Hotel, the Cornwall Community Museum, Cornwall Industrial Development Ltd., the Aquatic Centre and the Si Miller Arena, originally known as the Cornwall Community Arena, were all started and funded in part by local citizens. In 1936 Cornwall needed a new arena, as the Victoria Rink had been destroyed by fire in 1933. To correct this loss "a group of local prominent men, representing both city council and Board of Trade (Chamber of Commerce)" sounded out leading citizens and industrial leaders and concluded a natural ice arena was feasible. In typical fashion the naysayers stopped the project. However, never one to take no for an answer, Mayor Aaron Horovitz, at the inauguaral meeting of town council in 1935, announced his intentions "to revive the movement for an artificial ice arena." Within six weeks the committee had garnered overwhelming public support for the project. By the end of the month the fundraising committee had $20,000 or more than $2 million in today's money. To make this a true community effort the committee then issued a prospectus to sell stocks in the project. The pamphlet advertising the stocks read "Cornwall has earned and enjoys a reputation of being a progressive town because the citizens take an interest in the development of the community...Now it is proposed to build a community rink. To finance this it is necessary to obtain $60,000 through the sale of shares at $10 a piece." With everyone from mill workers to professional people contributing the campaign was over by the end of May. In June a new board of directors headed by Mayor Horovitz and filled by W.L. Macfarlane, B.D. Millidge, W. Jones, W.V. Boyd, J.G. Miron, M.S. Dunn, W.A. Dingwall, J.A. Labonee, D.B. Roth and C.C. Munro, announced that they had purchased the site for the arena for $4,000. In August the contract to build it was awarded to Hodgins Lumber of Cornwall. In November 1936 the newspaper reported "Cornwall's New Artificial Ice Arena Symbol of Community Enterprise." Built when local people believed we deserved the best, the rink was described as one of the best for a city of this size anywhere on the continent." Providing seating for 1,587 spectators and standing room for an additional 1,413, it was claimed that "it was impossible to find a single seat in the arena where the view of the ice surface is not at least good." The facility boasted "three huge compressors" to provide ice, and seven miles of piping was installed to carry the salt solution to create the surface. The report continued "Even in the seats directly over the ice-making machinery, it is almost impossible to feel any vibration, heavy insulation has cut the noise to a point where it can barely be heard, even when the arena is empty." Even though Cornwallites were struggling with the Great Depression more than 2,300 people contributed to their community arena. The City took over full ownership in 1963. Fittingly it was renamed the Si Miller Community Arena to honour City Parks and Recreation Director Si Miller's years of dedicated service to the City in 1994. With the nearing completion of the Benson Centre, the building is now slated for demolition.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 3)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

Cornwall Carbon Reduction Initiative

Presented by &

As we have grown ever more dependent on oil and gas for meeting our every need, Cornwall has become much less self reliant than it was in the past. What will life in Cornwall look like when cheap oil is no longer available? PLAN TO ATTEND THE TRANSITION CORNWALL + FILM SERIES, which will examine the challenges of peak oil and climate change and how we can respond positively as a community re-gain some of our former self-reliance. MARCH 10TH: A CRUDE AWAKENING: The Oil Crash POWER OF COMMUNITY: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. MARCH 24TH:

You can’t handle the truth...or can you? No matter what your talent there is one tool that will help to keep you fresh and on your toes it’s called the critique. Often after working on something for a period of time we are not seeing it through fresh eyes (or ears) and that is when the second opinion is important. While listening to this opinion you must resist the urge to take it personally or to become defensive. Your job is to see what you are doing from another person’s experience whether you agree or not is not as important as being willing to listen. The problem is trusting that the critique is telling you the truth and not what the person giving you the critique thinks you want to hear. This is why you should give the person permission to be as truthful as possible. It is also important to choose someone who you feel is able to see where there are weaknesses in your work. They don’t have to necessarily be more talented than you they just have to be able to verbalize what is and isn’t really working with what you are doing. Simply saying I like or don’t like it tells you nothing they must be able to explain what they think the problem is and offer solutions for you to consider.

So how do you find someone to tell you the truth and not just boost your ego or worse be so critical that you just want to crawl in a hole and hide. The key is to find like minded people looking for the constructive critique of their work and build a relationship of trust to work together to help each other grow. The way to both give and take a good critique is to start out with what is working and why. Then you can move into areas that are weak and need work giving reasons and suggestions of what may help to improve the composition. If you are the one being critiqued make sure you are stepping back from your work and becoming the observer along with the person critiquing. This step is critical to moving forward. This is when you can put your ego out of the equation and grow. When we are in our ego we think that we are perfect, infallible and everything we do is gold. Thinking that you are perfect kills potential growth like blocking the sun and rain from plants in your garden. As long as there is a desire to improve you will; as long as you are willing to hear others opinions you are on your way. So find a few other artists in your discipline and make a pact to take and give an honest review of each other’s work and let the truth set you free.....

MUSIC & MORE ... What’s Happening?

ART SEEKERS by Sandra Taylor Hedges

Promoting the series. From left to right are: Daune MacDonald, John Towndrow, Lynn Macdonell and Susan Lilley.

All films start at 7 pm, at the Cornwall Community Museum. Free admission, donations welcomed. For information call 613 933-1753. For further information about the film series, please visit:

FRIDAY & SATURDAY MARCH 4 & 5 Whiskey Sour Phatty Kats, Cornwall

SATURDAY MARC H5 The Vagina Mon ologues, Ramada Inn in C ornwall. FRIDAY MARCH 1 1 THE ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY OF ROCK FOR CHA RITY Cafe Connection z Cornwall!!! THURSDAY MAR CH 17 Trench Town Odd ities, Snails II, Cornwall. 8 FRIDAY MARCH 1 more Lay on Juno and Limits The Spotlight/City Cornwall. TUESDAY MARCH 22 Tommy Hunter Aultsville Theatre Cornwall.


Sandra Taylor Hedges Fine Artist, Teacher and President of L’association Focus Art Association

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 4)



“The things that turn my crank are Family, Earth, Balance, and Courage. These are the things that serve as my anchor, fuel and inspiration. Image making and ideas shared through my photography, painting and writing are merely products of the values listed above. Many of the images that I craft in my photography studio involve Family. The images that I endeavor to catch are the shared moments. The photographs that reflect the love, fun and connection between family members. These are the photographs that reflect the true spirit of family. This often involves trying something new, being silly and vulnerable, coaxing your client to relax and let their guard down, to share their essence, their true selves.

Cover story...

So what makes Eastern Ontario

Image-maker Jacqueline Milner tick?

Of course my core values of courage and Earth also play a vital role in the image crafting choices I make. I often incorporate nature photographs in my weekly e-news column Earth Matters because they reflect the subject being discussed. Sometimes a captured image will inspire the column because you learn something new or are led to questions through the subject in your viewfinder. Commercial, personal and themed exhibit projects present opportunities to present ideas and feelings close to my heart without saying a single word. How awesome is that? These may be photographs, paintings, mixed media or written creations. All the above require courage. Courage to reveal ones heart, to be vulnerable. Courage to go forward in spite of the possibility of success, failure, rejection or ridicule. One thing I know for sure…I only have this one life to live. I do not want to have the words on my lips… I should have tried this or done that.” So where does the balance part come in Jacqueline? “Well an extension of my family is my community. I am therefore involved in many community projects including environmental and artistic initiatives. It is imperative to keep things in balance so that the body and soul stay healthy and rested to keep up with the work and people that are important.”

Originally from Toronto, Jacqueline’s interest in the environment was influenced by her stays with her Grandparents on their Manitoba farm, early childhood years on an Orangeville farm, her Grade 7 environmental education Teacher, Mr. Green (yes his name really was Mr. Green) and her introduction to Native Art while working and living in Peterborough, Ontario. Having experienced rural and city living throughout Ontario and Quebec, Jacqueline is very comfortable, happy and content to call the small hamlet of Summerstown Station, situated just outside of Cornwall, Ontario equidistant between Montreal and Ottawa, home. Photography has held an interest and fascination with Jacqueline since she was a small child. Jacqueline studied and was involved in artistic and photographic endeavors throughout High School and her Post Secondary Educational Years. Having studied and worked with the art form for many years, Jacqueline decided to open her own Photographic Studio in 2002, Image-ine Photography. Soon after starting her business Jacqueline expanded her visual art toolkit and began incorporating photographs with paint for exhibition opportunities. “This evolved naturally in producing personal work and artwork for themed and juried exhibits.” As an “image-maker” Jacqueline is open to using whatever tool is necessary to express and share emotions, thoughts and ideas. Jacqueline’s photographic and multi-media work has garnered attention and merit in Canada and the United States. The best is yet to come! 613-931-9090

Call to students and student artists. Jacqueline Milner is in the process of planning an art exhibit; "The Earth Matters Art Exhibit". This Exhibit will feature the work of Regional artists and student submissions, during the months of April & May 2011. The work requested will “celebrate the Earth’s majesty, remark on the challenges she faces or propose ways that we can be better friends with our living earth”. The Earth Matters Art Exhibit has partnered with the Cornwall Public Library to host/display the student submissions during the exhibit. Students in the Cornwall, Dundas, Stormont, Glengarry and Akwesasne Region are invited to participate in this Exhibit. “As it is the younger generation that will inherit the world we leave behind, it is certain they have a few things to share on this subject and potentially will have the most influence on the hearts and deeds of the attendees who will visit this exhibit”. This opportunity invites students to share their thoughts and ideas on the above theme using words (any language), drawings and paint on a standard sized 8 1/2” x 11” piece of paper. These papers will not be returned to you so if you wish to keep your work please make a copy of your original work and send us the copy. We would like to acknowledge the maker of each piece so please insure your first name only and last name initial is noted on the back, with the grade you are in and the school you attend. We may use some of this work on line or in print form to promote this event. Kindly forward your work or your classes submissions in an envelope to Jacqueline Milner, c/o Pierre Dufour, Cornwall Public Library, 45 Second St. East, Cornwall, Ontario K6H-1Y2 by April 7, 2011. The Students work will be featured throughout the Library from Mid-April to Late-May. Questions may be directed to This is a tremendous opportunity for students to share their thoughts and ideas. News will be submitted in the upcoming days regarding the participating Regional Artists and the locations where their work will be exhibited.

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 5)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 6) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 7)

Sportscards & Supplies • Wax Boxes & Packs New & Vintage 812 Pitt St. Unit 44 (around back) EBAY: NASLUN26

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 8) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 9)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

of Rock for Charity is on Friday March 11th at Cafe Connectionz

A year ago Jason Setnyk hosted and organized the first Rock for Charity in Cornwall Ontario. “I want to help charities and non profit groups that make our community a better place by raising money for these organizations”, explains Setnyk. Rock for Charity became a monthly event, and became more and more successful. A year later Rock for Charity has proven to be a financial success, raising approximately $5000 for various charities and non profit groups in Cornwall and SD&G. “We've raised money for organizations like The Agape, Tri County Literacy Council, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, the OSPCA, and The Canadian Cancer Society”. So far twelve different charities and non profit groups have benefited from Jason Setnyk's fundraisers. Each month musicians, bands, and artists volunteer to perform and play. “We've had well established musicians like Graham Greer, Sara Murphy, and Rodney Rivette play these shows. But Rock for Charity has also been the stage for up and coming talent like Tracey Lalonde, Keegan Larose, and Jeremy Rae Blair. It's amazing how much talent we have in the Cornwall area, and how many artists will volunteer to play for a worthy cause”. Rock for Charity which combines philanthropy with local arts will celebrate it's one year anniversary on Friday March 11th at Cafe Connectionz located at 407 Montreal Road. Most of the Rock for Charity events have been hosted at this local coffee house venue. This March will be the last Rock for Charity hosted at Cafe Connectionz. In April Rock for Charity is moving to a new venue. There is a stellar line up of music for the one year anniversary show. Rock for Charity on Friday March 11th will feature Kings bishop, Jason Setnyk, Rodney Rivette, Chad Colemam, Craig Loney, Keegan Larose, Broadened Horizons, and Matthew Bell. It's a benefit for the Children's Aid Society of SDG. The event is All Ages, music starts at 6:30pm, and there is a minimum donation of five dollars at the door. For more information on the Canadian Children's Aid Society of SDG visit: Invite your friends on Facebook to attend March 11th:

Read, Learn & Grow by the Cornwall Public Library

One Year Anniversary

45 Second Street East Cornwall, ON K6H 5V1 tel: 613-932.4796 fax: 613-932-2715

30 p.m. Thursday, March 3 @ 6: 00 p.m. & Friday, March 4 @ 2: Movies @ CPL presents 14A WINTER'S BONE Rated

Sunday, March 6

Children’s Sunday Cinem a presents ALPHA AND OMEGA 1:00 p.m.

Monday, March 7

Public Library Friends of the Cornwall s Volunteer for the Friend 00 p.m. MONTHLY MEETING 7:

Le mardi 8 mars

Club de lecture Les Mill e-Feuilles Rencontre mensuelle 18h30

Thursday, March 10

TRAVELLING ESSENTIALS coming to Don’t leave home before this presentation. linotte 7:00 p.m. Al e el ich M by d te en es pr Adult Evening Book Club 7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Friday, March 11

INTRODUCTION TO DRAW ING WITH PASTELS FOR ADULTS with Charlene Bennett 1:00 p.m. $8 material fee for this program Register on or before Th ursday, March 10. All Cornwall Public Library programs are free of charge.* *some fees may apply for materials for certain programs

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 10) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

THE CORNWALL UNDERGROUND has been online serving the local music community since August 1999. This blog is run by music promoter and photographer Jason Setnyk who also organizes local Rock for Charity and Rock the Vote events.

My interview with Maurice Dupelle by Jason Setnyk

Jason Setnyk: What is your vision for Arts and Culture in Cornwall Ontario? What would you like to see happen in Cornwall over the next four years? What do you think can be realistically accomplished during this term? Maurice Dupelle: I very much support the Arts and Culture community. I would like to see this community work together. I would also like to see a working Arts and Culture Council with a coordinator to bring all groups together. Jason Setnyk: What is your role with Heritage Cornwall? What function does Heritage Cornwall have in persevering our culture? Can you please give an example? Maurice Dupelle: My role with the Heritage committee is council rep and I am currently the Vice chair. I must be very honest I did not know very much about this committee prior to being appointed to it. This committee does lots of hard work in our community and I continue to do my homework in the way of Heritage in Cornwall. This has certainly been very interesting committee to be part of it. Jason Setnyk: Thank you Councillor Maurice Dupelle for your time. Maurice Dupelle: Thank you Jason.

FEBRUARY Scrabble Results from the Library

October 25th was an exciting day for Maurice Dupelle, after a third try, he was finally elected to Cornwall City Council. Here is my interview with Maurice Dupelle, who is the youngest City Councillor in Cornwall Ontario. Jason Setnyk: Hello Maurice Dupelle. Thank you for your time. Please tell us a bit about yourself. Maurice Dupelle: I am 39 years old, married and the proud father of 3 children. I am currently a manager with Community Living. I am a member of Rotary and school chair for Immaculate Conception School, I am council rep for the following committees, MAAC, Audit Committee, Youth Advisory Committee and Social Development Council, Economic Development and Heritage Cornwall. Jason Setnyk: Is being on City Council what you expected it to be like? What have you learnt early on that you didn't know before being elected? Maurice Dupelle: As a new member of council it has been very interesting thus far. It is what I expected and more, everyone is really great to work with around the table. The one thing I have come to realize early on is what an amazing administration team we have and what a great job they do.

Highest Average/Plus haute moyenne Lucille Fay 346 pts Highest Score/le plus haut score Norma O’Collin 411 pts. Most Improved Player/Joueur le plus amélioré Norma O’Collin +48 Number of Bingos (Player uses all 7 letters in one play) Nombre de Scrabbles (Un joueur joue les 7 lettres de son chevalet)

Gisèle Currier 4 Lucille Fay 4 Norma O’Collin 3 Mary Geoffrion 1 Vivianne Panizzon 1 For info about Scrabble call the Cornwall Public Library 613-932.4796


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Join AVON now and get JOIN TODAY and you can win a Brand New 2011 GM Cruze CAR!! So many prizes!! Call for details. 613 930-2427

WILL GET NOTICED not Lost !!! Call 613-935-8101

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 11)

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

Recently one of my coaching clients complained to me that her life was spinning out of control. I have learned that complaints are always a SIGN and where coaching is concerned, need to be examined. In seeking to understand what was happening, I asked her, “What are the top five priorities in your life?” She responded, “My children, my mother (who has Alzheimer’s), my partner, my job and me.” Then she added, “That’s wrong isn’t it?” Her list was a good news/bad news response. The good news – she actually made her top five. The bad news – she was the last item on the list. Few people, women or men, make their list at all. Be honest with yourself – if you named your top five life priorities, would you make the list? I understand that putting yourself on your priority list seems impossible, potentially selfish. I suggest that it is time to re-frame that belief. Understand that making space for you in your life, on a daily basis, is an essential and vital tool in being healthy, body, mind and spirit. I refer to this practice as selfness, being of service to self first so as to leverage your capacity to continue to serve others.

I have a proposal for those of you, who, like my client, are either not on your priority list or find themselves as the last item on the list. I call it the 1% Rule, dedicating 1% of your day specifically for YOU. By the way 1% represents 14.4 minutes. This dedicated time is meant to renew you. It is a state of ‘being’ versus doing. I recommend an interlude of quiet time – breathing, meditating, daydreaming, walking, relaxing – whatever it takes to break the ‘doing cycle’. This time helps to lift your spirits and to be clear on your intentions and your desires. Without a daily reprieve, it is difficult to break the cycle of activity which leaves you breathless and overwhelmed. Here is my challenge to you. Begin today. Dedicate 1%, or more, of your day to yourself everyday – remember this is only 14.4 minutes. This is time is not for sharing, it focuses on your relationship with YOU. Here is a concrete suggestion for using those important 14.4 minutes.


roadSIGNS by Betty Healey

The 1% Rule

Healing Through Dance Set your spirit free. Express your creativity, release stuck energy and enjoy deep restorative relaxation. Joyful Expressive Dance will take you on an exhilarating journey of self-exploration, creative expression and peaceful rest fullness. Dance is an excellent way to help one experience and express their emotions. Emotions that are not expressed can get stuck in the body and may lead to stress and serious illness. It is important for us to have healthy ways to release this stuck energy in order for us to be able to feel well and to help us realize our full potential. Through guided and free-form dance, followed by relaxation with the healing sounds of singing crystal bowls, participants will be guided on a safe and nurturing journey that gives them the opportunity to release stuck energy, explore joyful movement and experience deep relaxation. As a special treat, we will have the chance to dance to the live drumming of Jody Marsolais ("The Rythym Room" in Cornwall) There is no right or wrong way to dance here nor are there any complicated steps or combinations to master. This class is all about you moving the way your body wants to move and having fun in the process. Recognizing that the body has its own wisdom and knows how it needs to move, "Joyful Expressive Dance" provides a safe place for you to experience a state of wellness, light-heartedness and peace.

Saturday March 12th Time: 3pm - 5:30pm Venue: Cover Page Photography Studio Cornwall Cornwall, 150 Fourth St West, K6J 2R7 $ 18 at the door - Please RSVP to reserve your spot! To register please contact: Maike @ 613-614-1611 or email: No dance experience required. Bring water and a yoga mat.

First, take seven minutes in the morning to set your intentions for the day and see yourself moving through your day with grace and ease. An intention is about being clear regarding what you want your day to be like, what you want to attract. Second, take seven minutes in the evening to reflect back on your day and express gratitude for the many positive things that happened and your accomplishments. It also gives you an opportunity to see how your intentions made a difference. Ask others not to interrupt you during this time. Try this for 21 days (that’s the amount of time that it takes to establish a new habit) and begin to notice the many changes that show up in your life.

Julie Tierney has taught dance for 12 years and has studied and practiced the healing arts since 1993. She is passionate about empowering others to realize their potential through fun and free-spirited activities that promote joy, transformation, healing, growth and a sense of community. In addition to teaching Joyful Expressive Dance, she organizes monthly Full Moon Drum and Dance Circles and facilitates a weekly meditation group in Ottawa.

Until next time.... Betty www3.sympatico.c/julie.tierney

Betty Healey is the roadSIGNS Coach, coaching people back to life! An award winning author of two books, roadSIGNS: Travel Tips for Authentic Living and roadSIGNS 2: Travel Tips to Higher Ground, Betty has been sharing her learning with readers as an e-letter for the past ten years. Her latest book, ME FIRST – If I Should Wake Before I Die, is available at Laura’s Gift Shop and Café Connectionz. You can also watch the roadSIGNS TV Show on Cogeco: You can communicate with Betty at and visit her website at

THE LOCAL SEEKER would like you to know that our March 11th issue will be mailed out to around 7,000 homes. Advertisers, secure your spot for this issue as spaces are limited!! call 613-935-8101

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg.12) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354

Recently I attended a Bon Jovi Concert. I love Bon Jovi. I love them for many reasons, but I also admire and respect them. Many of the bands from the eighties did not manage to stay together for any length of time. Bon Jovi has been together for 20 years. Quite an accomplishment in the world of rock and roll. These guys got together as a group of young friends to follow a common passion and love; music. The nice part is that they are still friends and still following their passion. It appears that friendship and their music is just as important as fame and fortune. At the concert, which was sold out, they sang their song called “Love is the only rule.” Half way through out the song I realized I was not clapping or screaming anymore, but I was daydreaming. The title, “Love is the only rule”, had really touched me and my mind started to think about how we really need to apply this one rule to our daily lives, and how important that was. When you look at the world with an open mind and heart, things change. You begin to change. Things are different, better, life is good.

So many things that we do in our life are done on automatic pilot, without thinking, without feeling. We need to focus on making our lives better, by making the world a better place, by enhancing it. We can do this by changing our perspective. By making love our only rule. We do need rules and structure in our lives but often the rules become more restrictive than anything else. So, can we do? We can make more time for ourselves. Get organized, do stuff for fun, and enjoy life. If we are feeling better we are able to see things more clearly, and be more receptive and kinder to others. Then the world begins to appear to be a more loving place. Let go of stuff. Learn how to forgive. If we get caught up in holding grudges and being upset, we miss out on life. You cannot move forward if you are held back by the past. Let it go and you will be surprised how much better you feel about yourself and others. Do something nice for someone else, just because. You don’t even need to tell anyone. A random act of kindness. This makes you feel wonderful and helps you realize that maybe there are other people out there just as nice as you. Maybe. Get out in nature. If there is any way to see the beauty and love in the world it is in nature. There is beauty all around us and we need to take time to smell the roses. It is also a great way to relax. Find an outdoor activity you love, or just shovel snow or take up gardening. Appreciate the time you spend with Mother Nature. Learn to love her. But the best thing you can do is go to a Bon Jovi concert. They are coming back to the Bell Centre on May 4; maybe I will see you there. You will know me, I will be the one clapping and screaming the loudest. someone you don’t know to dance. Later check out the 1989 movie “Cruising Bar.” It is a wonderful French movie, but its characters and humour transcends language. Check it out at Nancy Galway, BSW, RSW, MH Life Enhancer and Chief Snow Angel Tel: 514-826-6365 "Helping people who are overwhelmed by the stress in their lives by providing services and solutions that enhance lives."

Join Nancy Galway For YOGA AND MEDITATION CLASSES Tuesday nights at 7 pm - 8:15 pm at the Cover Page Gallery on 4th and York, Beginning Tuesday, February 22 For more info. 514-826-6365 or visit THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 13)


From the Chief Snow Angel



What do you think was one of the most amazing gifts that God created for mankind? I believe the answer is found in Genesis 1:11 and 12;”…The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kind and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good.” Think about this for a minute. Because of the little seed inside the plant, every living , growing thing is guaranteed not only to reproduce to infinity, but to reproduce only itself. Can you imagine a more perfect arrangement? So, back to the research desk. What do we know about the humble, dulllooking seed? Like everything else in creation there is huge diversity in seeds. The sequoia tree has a seed as tiny as any mustard seed, yet grows into the largest organism on the planet. The coco de mer, on the other hand, produces a seed which can weigh up to 16 kilograms and grows into a rare palm found only on two remote islands. Because seeds need to be scattered far from the original plant in order to find growing space, God has provided creative ways to transport them. Those that rely on the wind are either light enough to fly (orchids) or have hairy growths that act like little parachutes (dandelion). Those that use water have seeds which float, such as the coconut and the mangroves. Most fruit seeds use a less dignified method and have to rely on birds and animals to eat the fruit and then deposit the undigested seeds far away. Some (lupins) have pods that explode when ripe and shoot out the seeds and even more unique, several species of pine have cones that are held closed by resin and will not open to release their seeds until there is a fire. Lastly, scientists found some wheat seed inside one of the pyramids that was dated to around 2500 BC. That would make the seed about 4500 years old. They planted it in fertile soil and to their amazement – it grew. Talk about diversity! Jesus used the analogy of the seed in several of His parables, the most famous one being of the sower and the seed found in Luke 8. Do read it. In Mt 13:31,32 Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed which is tiny , yet grows into a large tree which provides shelter. Again in Mt 17:20 He uses the mustard seed to describe how faith works. I find this especially interesting because the other characteristic of a mustard seed is the fact that it will grow anywhere. It simply refuses to give up no matter how bad conditions are. It has been found growing on concrete. But the most comforting reference for me is found in 1 John 3:9:”No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in Him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God”. This verse does not mean that we will never sin again once we are saved ,as some have misinterpreted, but it does mean that like the seed which can only reproduce its own kind, God’s seed in us grows and grows, making us more and more like Him as we mature. All we have to do is provide fertile ground and proper nurture.

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FROM SHARYN’S PANTRY by Sharyn Thompson

A QUICK AFTER WORK SUPPER After a long day at work, it's nice to head home and know you have a head start on your supper. The trick is to plan to have some leftovers, be it vegetables or meat. Extra potatoes can be turned into patties, hash browns, a potato pie or a salad. With leftover vegetables, you can make a quiche, soup, frittatta or an omelette: or just have the veggies served as veggies without all the preparation. We often think of eggs as only a breakfast food. Not so, they can be used to prepare a nourishing and quickly prepared omelette even for your supper. Fill it with some leftover veggies, e.g. broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms and onions. Just a sprinkle of grated cheese and your omelette will be ready in just a few minutes. When you have a day off, bake up a few batches of cookies. They will freeze well and be ready for a nice dessert with some fruit or yogurt. If you plan to bake the parmesan crescent rolls, preheat you oven and start baking them before you cook your omelettes or frittatta. Then everything will be ready to eat at the same time. Enjoy a great week!

VEGGIE FILLED OMELETTE WITH CHEESE You can use leftover sauteed mushrooms, broccoli, carrots, asparagus, cauliflower, red and green peppers or onions. Any combination works well. If you don't have any leftover veggies, you can quickly saute some diced onions, peppers and mushrooms . 5 eggs beaten lightly (I always use extra large eggs) 2 tbsp. melted butter I add into my eggs 5 tbsp. water 1/4 tsp. kosher salt 1/8 tsp. ground black pepper 1 to 2 tsp. tarragon leaves (use 1 tsp. dried or 2 tsp. fresh tarragon) 2 tbsp. melted butter (use 1 tbsp. in your fry pan for each omelette as you begin to cook it)

METHOD; • Place the leftover veggies you wish to use in the microwave to heat. Use about 3/4 to 1 cup per omelette. • Melt the first 2 tbsp. of butter in your frying pan. • Beat the 5 eggs in a bowl and add the melted butter, water and salt, pepper and tarragon. • Melt 1 tbsp. butter in your omelette or preferably non stick small frying pan, about a 9" or 10" pan. • Pour in half of the beaten egg mixture into the hot pan. • Swirl the egg mixture around and shake the pan back and forth until the egg is nearly set. • Now add your hot veggies down the middle of your omelette. Sprinkle with some cheese: use sharp cheddar or parmesan, or any kind you like. • Cook for 1 minute longer, then fold the omelette over and carefully roll it out of the pan onto a plate. • Proceed to make your next omelette. A HANDY TIP; If you have more than a few people to feed, you can make a frittatta. Use all the same ingredients but cook the veggies right in with the egg mixture and cheese. Keep stirring, it will look like scrambled eggs. Cook all the eggs at once and use a larger frying pan.

812 Pitt St. Unit 6 - 613-936-1998


PARMESAN CRESCENT ROLLS • Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. • Unroll a package of Pillsbury crescent rolls. • Sprinkle with some parmesan cheese and a little garlic powder. • Roll up the biscuits into crescent shapes. • Place them on a parchment lined baking sheet and into the preheated oven. • Bake them for about 10 to 13 minutes. • They should be just done as your omelettes are completed. DATE DROP COOKIES NOTE; You can vary this recipe by using instead of the dates and walnuts---a) 1 cup chopped glace cherries and 3/4 cup of slivered almonds. Instead of using vanilla, substitute with 1 tsp. pure almond extract. b) 1 cup sweetened angel flake or shredded coconut and 1 tsp. coconut extract instead of the vanilla. 2/3 cup butter or shortening 1 cup brown sugar, packed 2 eggs 2 tbsp. milk 2 cups unbleached all purpose flour 1 rounded tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. baking soda 1/4 sp. salt 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 -1/2 cups chopped dates (I use kitchen scissors to cut up my dates) 1/2 cup walnuts chopped

METHOD: • Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. • Cream the butter and brown sugar until nice and fluffy. • Add the eggs and vanilla and beat until fluffy. • Sift the flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. • Add the sifted dry ingredients alternately with the milk. Mix well. • Gently fold in the chopped dates and nuts. • Drop the cookie dough with your handy cookie scoop or by teaspoons onto a parchment lined cookie sheet • Bake the cookies for 8 to 10 minutes until lightly golden. • Carefully lift the cookies onto a wire cooling rack to cool completely. • Store in a cookie tin separating each layer of cookies with waxed paper.

THE LOCAL SEEKER would like you to know that our March 11th issue will be mailed out to around 7,000 homes. Advertisers, secure your spot for this issue as spaces are limited!! call 613-935-8101

224 Pitt Street - 613-933-2333 Why the “PLUS”? ‘Cause we are more than just a pawn shop! We buy, sell and trade antiques, fine china, gold, collectibles, as well as CDs, VCRs, movies, video games & musical equipment. Just about anything of value!

TOP PRICES PAID - WE DO HOUSE CALLS! COME SEE OUR HUGE COLLECTION of Gold Jewellery, Swarovski and Pinwheel Crystal, Royal Doulton and Hummels at incredibly low prices!

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg.14)


SEEK AND YOU WILL FIND ... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS and much, much more ...

LOOKING FOR a Regal Representative? Call Tammy. 613-935-7318

FOR SALE : Dining room table, cherry wood, gorgeous legs and curved corners, paid $2000, asking $200. No chairs. Telephone 613-360-3442

LOST BROOCH at Cornwall STORE FOR RENT Square on Feb 26th. 159 Montreal Road. Sentimental value, reward Enquire within offered. Shamrook with (613) 932-1703 rhinestones. If you found it, call 613-933-1264 FOR SALE: 2000 Buick Lesabre Ltd. Fully loaded. FOR SALE : Stove wood, V6-3.8L, 4 door, Leather ash, mixed hardword, $85 a interior, Very good body, cord 613-330-5856 Safety, E-tested, asking $4,000 Tel. 613-932-8488 FOR SALE : 300 recent books, excellent choice, $2 a book. Commercial yellow LOT FOR SALE pale with mop squigee, $125 3 ACRES backing on to new, asking $80. Jotul the Raisin River wood stove, green enamel Located on $600 firm. 2 beds double VALADE ROAD bottom, single top, red $50. asking $39,900 Authentic Coke Clock $50. 613-577-6638 613-933-9618

or 613-936-8083

FOR SALE : Tim Horton's coffee brewer $25. Sylvania 2 way radio with charger $25. Pair of tire chains 16 inch $25. tree stand $100. 613-347-3091 FOR SALE : Aquarium for sale 18 x 48 x 24, stand, filter, lights and content included. $250 - Telephone 613-933-7441 FOR SALE : Large cat cage $10. Bird Cage $5. 8 foot Patio umbrella $5. 7 6x10 tarps, $3 each. 10litres plastic bottle for camping $10. Manual ski machine $8. Deluxe buffet range $15. Assorted size tables $35. Assorted box of books $35. Exercise bike, needs fixing $8. 613-930-9129

FOR SALE: 1998 Ford Taurus SHO, V8, auto. Runs well, fully loaded. A deal at $1,500. Tel. 613-932-8488

FOR RENT Brookdale Bachelor Suites Rooms with Kitchenette $525.00 a month all included 613-577-6638 or 613-936-8083

Call Niki Business 613-528-1770 Cell: 613-933-4170 for info or appt.

Got something to sell, trade, give away etc. CALL IT IN NOW

THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 15)


BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-8101

I’m Julia the Web Designer

and I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

PROGRAM SCHEDULE For the week of March 7 – 13th MONDAY













News headlines, weather and community events

Mayor’s Forum Art Current

4:00pm 4:30pm

Road Signs Sports Legends

5:00pm 5:30pm 6:00pm 6:30pm


Presidents Bonspiel

7:00pm 7:30pm

CHL Snapshots

8:00pm 8:30pm 9:00pm

Cornwall Colts Hockey vs Cumberland




Kinsmen TV Bingo The Source Road Signs Art Current OCW Wrestling The Source The Source



The Source The Source

TVC Today

The Source The Source Mayor’s Forum Cornwall Tonight Sports Legends Auto Experts LIVE Cornwall Tonight Art Current The Source The Source TVC Today


2011 Trailblazer Awards




The Source The Source Road Signs

The Source The Source Sports Legends

CHL Snapshots

CHL Snapshots

2011 Trailblazer Awards

OHL Tonight

Cornwall Tonight Podium Ed Lawrence The Source The Source

Oshawa @ Kingston

Cornwall Tonight TVC Today

CHL Snapshots

and together we are THE SEEKER CHICKS We hope that you have enjoyed reading our 9th issue of 2011. We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. Call us at 613-935-8101 We will be working on our 10TH ISSUE of Volume 2 and it will be out next week on Friday, March 11

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THE LOCAL SEEKER (March 4 - pg. 16) FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-362-2354 Email:

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