Local Seeker West End Issue 13

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Vo l u m e 2 , I s s u e 1 3 , J u n e 2 4 , 2 0 1 1

Pizza parlour and café duet define cool corner of NDG West

NDG is a really charming place, a sentiment which increases the more you explore its nooks and crannies. I grew up in western NDG and, as a kid, it was Somerled that captivated me. F.W. Woolworth, on the north-east corner of Cavendish, was MY favourite hangout and I have indelible memories of my mother plying me with soda fountain sandwiches, milkshakes, lemon meringue tarts… after which I had a blast rummaging through the toy aisles, until the stereotypical stern-faced saleswoman – with beehive hair-do and horn-rimmed glasses chased me away.

We all have our favourite stretches of concrete jungle. For many today, the corner of Sherbrooke W. and Montclair is such an area, with two popular businesses that cater to the neighborhood crowd, Mama Rosa and Café 92° (the ideal temperature for water used in making espresso), having become destinations for local residents, many of whom patronize both spots daily. Both businesses are not only very cool, but virtually spiritually linked. Terrific NDG entrepreneurs and neighbours Back to front: Reda Wahba, Denis Mavrias, Claudia Vega (right) and Maria Grajales (Photo Bram Eisenthal).

Cont. p4

Briefly Bram * Briefly Bram *

Taking a wee break – see you back here on July 22! Summer used to be my favourite time of year. Then my mother died in late July 1984, following my father into the afterlife that was his just reward in January 1981, and summer was never the same. And while I much prefer these balmy, humid months to the chilly blast of winter, it has lost much of its luster. Still, it’s a pretty great time of year, especially in a city like Montreal where the landscape of play expands considerably. I love the fact it gets dark later. Spending four days in the Northwest Territories in May 2009, I was fascinated and thrilled by the fact dusk did not settle until after 2:00 a.m. Problematic for a neophyte only because you didn’t feel like going to bed while it was still bright out. I think summer’s major problem is that it’s over so darned fast… just as you are settling in, the show is over and it’s back to darker, colder days and nights.

even have a collectible watch and a prized statue. I can recite the oath. And I have been awaiting a Green Lantern feature film since 1978, when me and my film critic friend, Shlomo Schwartzberg, sat next to one another in a Montreal cinema and oohed and awed through the first Superman film. After seeing the new Green Lantern movie on opening night last weekend, I give it an enthusiastic thumbs up… and a thumbs down to critics who have NO sense of fun, imagination or humour. This ain’t an art film, guys, it’s a comic book tale on screen, with all the F/X, zaniness and, yeah, geekiness this implies. It’s darned well done, Ryan Reynolds does fitting justice to Hal Jordan (the second GL after the first Golden Age Green Lantern, Alan Scott) and I am very, very happy with the results, particularly the stunning depiction of life on OA, led by the Guardians’ defacto Green Lantern general, Sinestro. Now, everyone, repeat after me: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil can escape my sight….. if only….

We’re taking a wee vacation for a month, which means you will hardly notice we’re gone (those of you who even know we are here) for just one issue, returning with the July 22 issue. As I write this, news has broken regarding a separatist, Bizarro World rendition of O Canada, a pretty awful French-language ode to a nationalist dream that appears farther than ever from reality. Still, if that day ever comes – and I guess anything is possible, even the prospect of pigs flying – count on Celine Dion to agree to warble it at the official coming out party of the new Quebec nation. For that reason alone, a Quebec nation is a terrible idea. Have a great summer and, till we return on July 22, make plans to attend one of the finest Canada Day bashes in the West End the following week, Cote St. Luc’s day of entertainment by bands including the always-stellar The Directors and a really gorgeous fireworks presentation after 10 p.m. or so…. a must-see, especially on a beautiful night. The event is held at Pierre Trudeau Park, a fitting spot for something that was so important to the Quebec-raised-andeducated Prime Minister. Nationalists are invited too, but don’t expect their new anthem to be played. The silliness stops right here. Cineclub: The Film Society back in the West End Following its departure from the Segal Centre for the Performing Arts and its downtown location the past couple of years, I am happy to tell film buffs that Cineclub: The Film Society is back in the West End! On Sundays evenings, you can enjoy rarely-screened gems in intimate surroundings – and often accompanied by discussions and special guests – at the Crowley Art Centre (formerly the KoSA Arts Centre) at 5325 Crowley, corner Decarie, near the Vendome metro. The summer series kicked off last Sunday with 1958’s Touch of Evil. Go to www.crowleyartscentre.org (though the site appears to be down at the moment) for upcoming films. Doors open at 7 :00 p.m. and the film starts at 7:30. Admission is just $8 per film, $6 for students or those 65-plus. They also need volunteers to help out, so contact them if you are interested. Tel: 514-656-5672.

Want The Local Seeker at your location? Please ask for it In recent months, increasingly so, The Local Seeker has apparently been targeted by its competition (and there is one embarrassingly poor quality West End paper that I specifically have in mind), with their drivers placing mountains of papers into drop off locations, often shoving aside this little publication and, in some cases, covering it with their product, confiscating it or throwing it out. This is illegal, amounting to the theft or destruction of a privatelyowned, costly product. It is certainly unethical. I have worked extremely hard to bring The Local Seeker to our West End communities every two weeks. I am hereby serving notice to these publishers that I intend to take legal action against anyone resorting to this sort of activity. Your drivers - and by extension, you - are acting like smalltime hoods. Readers deserve an entertaining, informative, well-written community newspaper like The Local Seeker and I am certainly going to continue distributing it, while improving its size and quality as I have done during our nine months in business. If anyone witnesses distributors of other community papers resorting to unethical conduct, I ask you to kindly contact me immediately. Furthermore, if you would like this paper left at a favourite spot where it is currently not available, let me know and I will take the necessary measures. Thanking you and wishing you a great summer, Bram Eisenthal Owner/Managing Editor The Local Seeker West End Montreal Edition

Speaking of film… make mine green! Yeah, I am officially a Green Lantern geek. I have a power ring replica from the 1990s, a score of comic books from the 1960s and beyond, I

The Local Seeker, West End Montreal Edition Volume 2, Number 13, June 24 2011 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario The Local Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Local Seeker. Managing Editor: Bram Eisenthal


OUR CONTACT INFORMATION Free Classifieds and Advertising: 514-975-7745 EMAIL: bram@thelocalseeker.com westend.thelocalseeker.com Mailing Address: 327 2nd Street E. Cornwall, On. K6H 1Y8

Creative Design: Julia Lucio

JuNE 24 (pg. 2)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

The Halls of Justice. . . where all the justice is in the halls

Do you need small renovation, painting and cleaning services?

Now and then I read about a plea bargain that, for one reason or another, results in a light sentence for the offender. Sometimes it’s justified and sometimes I ask why… and who is getting paid off to make this happen. For example, I have never figured out why the Crown would agree to a minimal sentence in a case where a person is convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol for the 10th time.

Selling your home and require a thorough clean-up?

Is it not the duty of a Crown prosecutor to urge the judge to convict and to dispense an appropriate sentence?

Spring cleaning? Yard work? Light fixtures changed or installed? Pick ups or deliveries with our small van?

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JuNE 24 (pg. 3)

Imagine my shock when I read the headlines in a Montreal newspaper (June 9, 2011) that a man who had sexually assaulted four female employees and pleaded guilty through a plea bargain was given an unconditional discharge by the judge, Collette Perron. The Crown Prosecutor, Joey Dubois and the Defence Counsel, Catherine Haccoun, had both recommended this sentence. This means that Denis Brazelot of Hudson, Quebec, now will have no criminal record and is therefore deemed not to have been convicted. Is there not a governing body that oversees plea bargains, sentences and judgments? Have we become so callous a society that no one is troubled by this decision? The perpetrator did not even speak on his own behalf! His lawyer said that my “client has already suffered enough, given how word spreads through a small town like Hudson.” What about the victims? Do they not suffer? All were unilingual or new immigrants at the mercy of their employer, who forced them to “drink with the boss” after hours. In my opinion, Mr. Brazelot abused his position of power to allow himself to make sexual advances towards these women. Given that fact alone, I see no way he should simply have been given an unconditional discharge. I further believe that any judge who would go along with this sentence needs to be investigated. I would be hard-pressed to find jurisprudence in any court in this country. I cannot envision a sentence being handed down on the spot for charges as serious as these without a pre-sentence report, which would include a psychiatric examination dealing with possibility of alcohol addiction or a sexual disorder. Had the testing proven positive, Mr. Brazelot could have been ordered to undergo appropriate therapy as part of a sentence. This would not only protect future employees, but would also make it less likely that Mr. Brazelot would re-offend. Three of the victims have filed a complaint with the Canadian Society of Immigration Consultants. The Society’s decision will be made pending the results of the criminal trial. Happy holidays!

5580 Cote de Liesse - Montreal - H4P 1A9 Corner Devonshire


Last Call with Sol - Sol Boxenbaum

Renovations of any kind?

It's closing time… If you or someone you know has a problem, or if you would simply like to comment on this article, please contact: Sol Boxenbaum (CEO) VIVA CONSuLTING (514) 486-6226

SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND... IN OUR CLASSIFIEDS REP WITH RAP WANTED Small, unique English-language community newspaper with heart needs an assertive, unabashed sales rep to help grow the paper. Experience an asset but passion more important. Most of all, like Green Lantern, you must be fearless. Knock (or rap) on doors, make calls and bring in orders. Remuneration is by straight commission only, but a decent percentage. MUST speak English well, French an asset but not necessary. As we grow, so will you. Can be done part time. Email your CV to superscribe@sympatico.ca if interested. Serious applicants only

Avoid the crowds, ditch checkout lines! Relax, and go to Juhub.com and get your groceries delivered to your door! Delivery starts at $5.00.

Rules and Guidelines for FREE ads All free classifieds ads are to be called in or texted at 514-688-7888, put on our facebook group wall (The local seeker - West End Montreal Edition) or emailed at bram@thelocalseeker.com. All ads must be 25 words or less. If they are longer, the local seeker can edit them as seen fit. Free ads must be for non-commercial, used and second hand items only. Garage sales are free.

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Pizza parlour and café duet define cool corner of NDG West (continued from cover)

Cover Stor y

“When we were looking for a location for our café, we bumped into Denis, who had taught us both at Lasalle College,” recalled ClaudiaVega, owner of Café 92° (6703 Sherbrooke W., 514-7504392) with her longtime friend and business associate Maria Grajales. Both studied together previously in Mexico City and actually operated a café there. In fact, though not at all identical, the petite, exotic-looking women appear to be sisters. “He told us there was a spot available next to his pizzeria.” Mama Rosa (6705 Sherbrooke W., 514486-7672, or ROSA), is a pizzeria with a difference. Teacher and biochemist Denis Mavrias – who had prior experience with his dad’s Prince of Wales Restaurant (a.k.a. Tassy’s) in Verdun and later as co-owner of the Habitant Steerburger chain - has engineered the perfect dough, including whole-wheat, offers you the toppings of your choice, dresses your inexpensive pizza as you like it, and then you take it home and bake it yourself. The place has become very popular, especially with busy families who don’t have time to prepare meals but who still want to eat a nourishing dinner using fresh, wholesome ingredients they can choose themselves. Denis’s product is very, very good and takes almost no time to bake in your oven. Printed instructions are included with every pie. Café 92° has become the ideal neighbour for Mavrias, who is a friend and mentor to the young women and to Reda Wahba, Vega’s husband, business partner and founding owner of Montreal West’s successful Burger de Ville (which has since spawned two other locations, in Montreal and on the West Island, also owned by Reda and his father Moe). Claudia and Reda reside in the area with their young daughter, so what they do here as entrepreneurs has become highly personal to them. What makes this café truly special is its neighborhood “hang-out” ambiance and its popularity with people of all ages. Whether it’s the standard and international coffees (each individually crafted, non-filtered), the incredible daily soups (with flavours like Black Bean and Green Tomato, Roasted Red Pepper and Parmesan Cheese and Lentils with Ginger), sandwiches and hyper-exotic fruit juices such as mamey, guayaba, mango, guanabana and tamarinde, this is one very unique café. Entire families hang out here and kids feel totally at home with chalkboard-topped tables where they can draw with chalk available at each spot. Dogs are also welcome: Mama Rosa has the first outdoor doggy bar in the area, featuring bowls of cold water with which to satiate their summer thirst. I suspect that if cats snuck in, no one would raise a paw against them. What’s even more special is that you can buy Mama Rosa pizza here, too, baked per slice, as well as Denis’s spectacular macaroons. I am not particularly fond of coconut and even I savoured them. “We are not at all concerned about the competition in this field,” Maria stressed. “I really like the idea that in the West End you have such a wealth of coffee shops and eateries for every budget and taste. It’s a great area. Still, Reda always comments how much he likes knowing that you must drive past three cafes from Montreal West to get to Café 92°. I find it very flattering that customers enjoy it here so much.”

Fun with Words

All I know is that, as I sipped the low-fat latte over our interview, I marveled at how perfect and delicious it was, from the pretty leaf design in the foam topping down to the final swallow. The food, the quality… both establishments are also green-friendly, as Denis uses plates that are compostable and recyclable, while the café not only utilizes recyclable cups but fettuccine stir-sticks instead of plastic or wooden ones. You can also have them fill your thermos with coffee and some clients leave their own cups behind, creating a pretty enough window display. This is one West End corner guaranteed to draw you back time and time again. Café 92° is open Mondays – Fridays from 7 a.m. – 9 p.m. and weekends from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Mama Rosa is open from 3 – 8 p.m., as most business is done over the dinner hour.


JuNE 24 (pg. 4)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Entertainment Entre Nous - Shlomo Schwartzberg

Not much choice at the movies Recently, New York Times’ film critics Manohla Dargis and A.O. Scott cowrote an article where they defended what they called ‘slow and boring’ films. They were reacting to a contrarian piece published by critic Dan Kois in The New York Times magazine wherein he lamented having to sit through movies he called equivalent to eating his ‘cultural vegetables,’ movies like Kelly Reichardt’s recently released dull quasi – Western Meek’s Cutoff and older ones like Andrei Tarkovsky’s tedious Russian science fiction movie Solaris. Kois’a point was that he would rather sit through entertaining Hollywood films than suffer through independent art house movies that were supposed to be ‘good’ for him but actually irritated and bored the hell out of him. Dargis and Scott’s counter-point was that liking what Kois did was equivalent to defending the ‘corporate status quo,’ whatever that’s supposed to mean. Actually Kois feels somewhat guilty slamming films like Solaris and Meek’s Cutoff but he shouldn’t be. They represent everything that’s interminable about pretentious, foreign language or American independent cinema. But Dargis and Scott’s counterpoint to Kois’s piece suggests that it’s an either or situation. Either you go for movies like Meek's Cutoff or Thai filmmaker Apichatpong Weerasethakul’s atrocious and inept Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives or you pick something predictable like The Hangover Part II, which I didn’t bother checking out, as your movie drug of choice. I’d argue that that’s a simplistic breakdown and one that avoids the fact that both ends of the artistic/cinematic spectrum are mostly full of films that nobody should have to suffer through. That’s especially evident during the summer when Hollywood pretty much offers nothing but sequels, remakes or uninspired films like J.J. Abrams’ soulless SF movie Super 8, which essentially rips off any number of Steven Spielberg’s best movies, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, E.T. and Jaws, without proffering anything unique or personal of its own (Spielberg was one of the film’s producers, by the way, so he has to take some of the blame for the movie’s unoriginality). And if you don’t want to catch retreads like Super 8, you then have to go with the likes of Meek’s Cutoff or some other equally forgettable ‘work of art.’ In other words, you get to choose between inane, cookie cutter Hollywood movies or incomprehensible, empty headed independent fare. And that’s not much of a choice at all. (ED. NOTE: Shlomo and I often disagree and the fact he mentions Meeks’ Cutoff so often in his column means it’s a film I simply must see…. And one I very much expect to enjoy.) A graduate of Ryerson University’s School of Journalism, former West End Montrealer Shlomo Schwartzberg is a veteran film critic, has regularly reviewed films for various publications and lectures on film and TV studies. He was the director of programming for the Toronto Jewish Film Festival for seven years.

Get SEEN, not LOST! In The Local Seeker With us, your ad stands out! It’s not lost on a page with a thousand other ads! We guarantee that you will get prime placement, every time. Our advertisers always come first! CALL US TODAY

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JuNE 24 (pg. 5)

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Read On! - Andreas Kessaris

So…You wanna make it big in pictures? I was recently contacted by my cousin, filmmaker Christos Sourligas. He had started a facebook page to promote his upcoming effort, titled Happy Slapping, billed as the first feature-length film shot entirely on an iPhone. Christos began his career years ago with little more than a credit card, a camera, and two actors. The result was the awardwinning movie Elephant Shoes. That inspired me to recommend four books on independent filmmaking that I guarantee will help any aspiring auteur become another Coppola, Scorsese or Lucas. How I Made a Hundred Movies in Hollywood and Never Lost a Dime is legendary schlock producer/director Roger Corman’s terse autobiography. In it he dispenses advice on how to deal with actors, how to shoot quickly and cheaply, and there are even a few anecdotes on the motion picture industry, (like how he inadvertently founded the first union for film production workers in Greece). I enjoyed iconic sci-fi and horror genre actor Bruce Campbell’s biography If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-Movie Actor even more. His book contains numerous amusing insider stories and weird tales of Hollywood, and also includes diagrams explaining how director Sam Raimi achieved some of his signature camera shots and special effects, as well as advice on how to market films, design posters, and even a recipe for fake blood. For insight into the business side of filmmaking (because knowing the business is at least as important as knowing the technique or art), I recommend Sharon Waxman’s Rebels on the Backlot. In it Waxman chronicles the rise of six maverick directors (Quentin Tarantino, David Fincher, David O. Russell, Steven Soderbergh, Paul Thomas Anderson and Spike Jonze) as they try to achieve success on their own terms in an uncooperative, brutal, and unforgiving Hollywood system. And I must also mention The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made by David Hughes, if you’d like to know more about the “politics” of filmmaking. It is and indepth look at the inner workings of a puzzling and often frustrating industry. Reading The Greatest Sci-Fi Movies Never Made is enough to compel any wanna-be quit the business and enrol in dentist school. It made me realize what a miracle it is that any film gets produced. There you have everything you need to go out and conquer Hollywood! Just remember to thank me when you win an Oscar. Read On! www.essaysbyandreas.com

Get SEEN, not LOST! In The Local Seeker With us, your ad stands out! It’s not lost on a page with a thousand other ads! We guarantee that you will get prime placement, every time. Our advertisers always come first! CALL US TODAY

514-975-7745 THE LOCAL SEEKER,

JuNE 24 (pg. 6)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Letters From L a L a L and - Wedding Steven Goldmann Bells Wedding Bells

could be enough of a violation... But I snuck out of bed anyway and crawled in the flickering darkness. To my unexpected glee, my mom was in the chair with her back to me, so she could watch the movie on the screen. I simply had to sit behind her and quietly watch the film and she would never notice!

My Father’s Day homage to my late dad, who instilled that spark

projector motor, kept me from falling asleep. There was this very specific voice that drew my attention, a voice with a strange and rather hypnotic accent that got me so curious I had to venture forth from my bed and see what I was missing.

The memory is very clear. I was 6years old. My father had brought home what I would later learn was a 16-millimeter projector. He put up a portable screen in the living room of our TMR apartment and invited a few other couples from The strict disciplinarian in the neighbourhood to watch a my house was my mother. Her punishment of choice movie. was “the strap” - a beige belt My mother had put me and my - that had been used on me brother to bed, but the sound of more then a couple of times. their voices, and the purring of the I knew just leaving my bed

My dad was sitting closer to the screen, but he would look back to watch the projector. It wasn’t long before he caught me sticking my head out. I can still see the smile on his face. He loved that I was there - but not enough to warn me that with in mere minutes, when the reel would run out, I would be discovered and in deep doo-doo. The movie was a James Bond feature- YOU ONLY LIVE TWICE. The voice was Sean Connery! This film was not just my inauguration to Bond fandom: On this very night, my love of movies was born. until I moved away from Montreal, the Goldmann house was Movie Central to all my friends. Through

a lifelong friendship with a couple of execs from Famous Players, my Dad and I would go into their film vault every Friday and pick a movie. I saw first-run films like The Exorcist, Straw Dogs, the entire Hammer Horror library (ED. NOTE: Vampire Circus is one of the best of the lot and is currently available as a DVD/Blue-ray package), and many more Bond films in the comfort of our family basement. It was during a screening of The Battle of Britain that I turned to my dad and said I wanted to make movies. My father smiled like he did the night of that first Bond film. Oh ya - back to that first movie night. When my dad made the reel change my mom realized I was hiding behind her chair, the strap came out and she chased me back to my bedroom. Luckily, I made it under the bed where she couldn’t reach! I was saved by my dad calling to her “Second reel is up!” Fortunately, I had a dad who loved the movies. Every day that I work in this business is a day given to me by him. Former West Ender Steven Goldmann is a Hollywood-based movie director

Wet Winter + Humid Summer = Dry Rot

Home Fixin’s - Shayne Lonn

Dry rot is a problem that can potentially affect almost every type of wood. It most commonly occurs on the exteriors of our homes, where wood is in contact with different sources of moisture. Year round, our homes are exposed to various weather elements which contribute to the large dry rot problem present in our region. The rot begins when moisture is in contact with wood for long enough that a wood-eating fungus develops and spreads. The fungus can spread very quickly and create an extremely large and potentially hazardous problem. With rot being a multi-staged problem, there are multiple methods for treating and eliminating it. The processes range from easy do-it-yourself tasks, to methods which involve power tools and should only be done by people with experience in the field. If the rot has only attacked the surface of the wood, it can be scraped out and treated with a copper-based product, often green in color. Most hardware stores carry multiple brands which can all be brushed on to the exposed wood, thus preventing future deterioration. The product is both paintable and stainable. The cavity can then be filled with a wood filler or related product. At a more advanced stage, rot will have infiltrated the entire piece of wood. If the wood is structural, part of a deck, balcony, handrail system, or located in any other “danger zone,” it should always be replaced by new wood. In certain cases, the rot can be filled with an epoxy-based product, but not before first treating the wood with the green preservative. I almost always recommend replacing any advanced rot with new treated wood. This is done by removing and/or cutting out all the affected areas and fabricating replacement pieces. Sometimes this can be done simply. When it comes to exterior siding, ornamental fences, decorative handrails, and other crafted pieces, however, the process can be very time-consuming, requiring many stages of rebuilding. In all cases, rot can hide behind paint and may continue to get worse. It is important that you check the at-risk areas around your home by pressing the wood, feeling for soft spots. Higher risk areas are the joints of vertical and horizontal pieces of wood and planks that are in direct contact with earth. Anywhere else you can manage to look should also be checked. With this knowledge, repairing basic rot should be a project you can undertake on a beautiful weekend. If you do come across a sufficient amount of rot that you feel you cannot repair on your own, your Local Seeker Home Renovations and Maintenance Specialist is only a phone call away. Shayne Lonn is the Local Seeker’s trusted home renovations and maintenance specialist. He can be reached anytime at his company, Lonn Renovations & Contracting Services, at 514-886-5940 or e-mailed at shaynelonn@gmail.com


JuNE 24 (pg. 7)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Rob Callard of Westmount’s Chez Nick: When courage turns your wheels and helps you fight back by Bram D. Eisenthal Sometimes courage and determination are found in unlikely places. You walk into a restaurant a few years back, strike up a conversation with the owner and you just hit it off. That’s what transpired when I first met Robert Callard, owner of Chez Nick, also known simply as Nick’s, Westmount’s most famous eatery forever. When first we met, Rob was a bit portly, truth be told, and as we discovered our shared love of music, I interviewed him for what would become a Briefly Bram column for one of the publications I wrote for back then, Westmount Examiner.

about for him, so hopping onto a bike and churning them is second nature. But cycling seriously was just the opening salvo in a campaign to take better care of himself in general, something we all should do. “I have always loved cycling and it was cycling that kept me motivated (but) as the weight started to come off, I began making better choices in my diet. I realize now how important the whole package is – diet, exercise, balance…”

Yet when next we met – it may have been 4-6 months later – it was a leaner, though far from meaner, Rob who greeted me at his customary spot near the entranceway. His scarcity of flesh was sufficiently noticeable that I probably stammered ‘Oh my God, you look incredible… lost a bit of weight, maybe?” Being in constant need of losing 20-30 pounds myself, I envied him… for a microsecond, at least.

Rob has become one of my heroes. Learning how sick he was and how hard he has worked to manage his cancer AND become a slender, fit road warrior at the same time makes me simply awestruck and places many of my minor problems into greater perspective. I’d like to take up cycling and I have heard for years how addictive it can be. Time to take the 25-year old Peugeot 10-speed out of storage and trade it in for something more rookie-friendly, I think.

Rob had in fact lost weight, but not via any diet you or I would like to try out. He’d been fighting the ultimate demon, cancer (in his case Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma) and the pounds were dripping off as he also battled to lose his bulk – he started at 265 pounds – and get into better shape. Rob learned that he was sick in May 2009, when, at his son’s grad, he found himself sweating profusely for no reason and he noticed that his clothes weren’t fitting properly. The next day, he got onto his bike and peeled off 5 kilometers. “I thought I was going to die, but I stayed with it and never looked back,” he said in an interview with the excellent blog Good4sports. Rob had always been a fan of cycling and was a huge Grand Prix buff at one time. Wheels is what’s it’s all

There is also an opportunity here, to help raise funds for cancer research and raise a glass in Rob’s honour at the same time. Rob will be participating in this city’s Ride to Conquer Cancer, which will kick off on July 9, 2011. The funds raised will be used by the preeminent Segal Cancer Centre at the Jewish General Hospital and Rob is doing his part to ensure that this scourge of humanity is cured once and for all. His personal goal was to raise $10,000 initially, but he’s reached over $31,000 thus far. Many of his customers have donated, but the cause is so worthwhile and essential if you wish to help. This is one situation where “going over budget” it not at all a problem. Meanwhile, Rob is getting into race shape by training

and entering other preliminary races…. such as the recent Gran Fondo Gatineau. “Well, I did it,” he exclaimed in his personal blog following the competition that he managed to complete. “It was the toughest physical challenge I’ve ever done, but I managed to complete the event.” Rob finished 70th out of 122 riders, but he did something even better as far as he is concerned. His personal goal was to complete the 94 kilometers in three hours, 30 minutes. A washed-out stretch of road, however, changed the course enough that an extra nine clicks had to be added to the race and he still made it within his desired time. “What a great experience,” Rob wrote. “At the end, I have to say that it was emotional for me to complete something like this. Never in my life had I challenged myself to compete in such a sporting event. Now on to the ride in July!” Rob invites riders to join him as he helps raise funds to battle cancer. He also recommends the movie Bicycle Dreams, one of his many multimedia collectibles on cycling that he himself uses, as inspiration. Another item is a book written by The Flying Five, a group of friends that rode across Canada in 2008 to raise funds to cure muscular dystrophy. The truth is, though, look no farther than Rob himself if you need any inspiration at all. He can be found at Chez Nick, 1377 Greene (corner Sherbrooke W.), 514-935-0946.

Stop your eyes from aging this summer: Why UV protection is more important than you think (ARA) – Most Americans know the importance of UV blocking sunscreen to protect their skin from aging and diseases. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said when it comes to protecting their eyes. If the eyes are exposed to excessive amounts of UV radiation over a short period of time, a “sunburn” called photokeratitis can occur. Ongoing exposure to UV radiation can cause serious harm to the eyes and age them prematurely. In addition to sunglasses, certain contact lenses incorporate an ultraviolet blocker in the lens, which helps further reduce exposure to UV light that can eventually cause cataracts and other eye problems. Applying UV-blocking sunscreen around the eye area and wearing a hat will further protect the eyes and help prevent premature aging. To provide adequate protection for the eyes, the American Optometric Association recommends that sunglasses and protective contact lenses should: *Block out 99 to 100 percent of both UV-A and UV-B radiation *Screen out 75 to 90 percent of visible light The AOA also urges parents to remember to protect infants’ and children’s eyes from the sun at all times. To find an optometrist in your area, or for additional information on how best to protect your eyes from UV radiation, visit www.AOA.org.


JuNE 24 (pg. 8)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Yoga U - Chantalle Kudsi

Be as strong and serene as a mountain with this foundational pose Have you ever seen a mountain that left you in a state of total awe? A foundational pose in yoga, Mountain Pose, has us embodying the strength, grace and unwavering power of a mighty mountain. Our awareness practice of deep breathing continues as we ground firmly through our base and rise upward, vast and expansive. Our every bone and muscle is engaged, mind focused on the here and now.

6710 St Jacques, Montreal, Qc, H4B 1V8

The key is, once again, to bring your awareness inward. Do not be concerned with the appearance of your pose. Instead, allow your focus to rest on how the unfolding of Mountain is experienced within you. Mountain Pose While this is a free-standing pose, it can be done with supports for standing. It can also be done seated, in a chair, with feet on the ground or feet placed against any raised surface area. 1. Remove socks and shoes (if possible) and place your feet hip-width apart. Have your big toes point forward, feet parallel. Spread your feet wide, making as much surface area contact with the ground as possible. 2. Begin yogic breathing. Through your nostrils, breathe into and out of the belly. Allow the inhalations to naturally rise from the belly into the chest before releasing. Begin and end each breath at the belly. 3. While breathing continuously, bring your awareness into your feet; feel the sensation of your feet in contact with the ground. 4. From your feet follow up both legs; feel the inner strength of your legs. 5. Follow along your hips and up the front and back of your torso. With each breath in, open across the chest and grow taller through the spine. 6. Roll your shoulders forward, up, and down your back. With shoulders low, let your arms hang by your sides, muscles engaged yet relaxed. 7. Tuck your chin slightly in and down as you lift up through the crown (the very top) of your head. 8. Relax your facial muscles including jaw, forehead and gaze. Look straight ahead, resting your eyes on whatever lies before you. 9. Let your primary focus remain inward. Chantalle Kudsi is a yoga & meditation teacher in the West End. She can be reached at chantsomething@yahoo.ca

"The best Portuguese chicken around." Sol Boxenbaum Last Call with Sol


JuNE 24 (pg. 9)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

We’ve been on watch for expert 50 great years! We provide service in: For five decades, family business OTA has been here, serving Montrealers from the West End and beyond.

• Quality watch and clock repairs • Battery replacement (best prices around) • Custom work, done on the premises

Plus we sell watches, bands and leather straps (from France) AND Jewellery, including the wildly At OTA, our honesty and integrity are surpassed only by our commitment. We save you time, money and worry. OT A Watc hmaker & Jewellery C o * F ounded in 1 9 6 1 6 8 6 5 Sherbrooke Street W. by Mathias Woronc hak (c orner Mayfair)

5 1 4 -4 8 4 -3 8 4 7

Local Seeker Dudes celebrate Caribbean culture Briefly Bram grabs Best Arts & Entertainment Story award Briefly Bram’s 2010 column for the Westmount Examiner on Peter McAuslan, of Montreal’s McAuslan Brewing, was the recipient of an award for Best Arts and Entertainment Story from the Quebec Community Newspapers Association (QCNA). “Great writing and lovely turns of phrase made for an interesting profile of the beer man behind the festivals… this was a great story,” remarked the judge.


JuNE 24 (pg. 10)

Thanks to the generosity of this year’s TOTC (Taste of the Caribbean) Festival, The Local Seeker was able to sample cuisine from 20 islands prepared by local celebrity chefs, enjoy liberating libations and experience the sublime talents of Dance Caribe, Mc Keithy Antoine, Montreal gospel sensation Kiralina and Ashley King. The 12th annual event was held at Bonsecours Market and funds raised will benefit select students, who will receive bursaries to pursue their educations. Pictured: Seeker dudes Bram Eisenthal and Sol Boxenbaum with event host/President Gemma Raeburn-Baynes (Photo Credit: Brian J. Roscoe – rawphoto.brian@gmail.com)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

Boomers and Beyond

Mention this ad in The Local Seeker and get one free popcorn with at least one paid admission. Is your income affected by your ability to hear? (ARA) - Baby boomers continuing to work longer in life before retiring might notice a decrease in income - and the reason for that decrease could be caused by one of the five senses. untreated hearing loss can decrease a person's income by as much as $30,000 a year, according to a survey conducted by the Better Hearing Institute. Hearing is critical to effective communication in the workforce. The ability to hear and listen well enables employees to be more productive and understand the work that has been assigned. Poor communication can result in unhappy customers, missed deadlines, poor morale among co-workers and mistakes on the job. Effective hearing may also be critical to ensure safety on the job. Yet many boomers and people approaching boomer age have difficulty admitting hearing loss. Signs you may be suffering from hearing loss include: * Having others in the room complain about the volume of the radio or television. * Requesting people repeat their words on a frequent basis. * Missing out on group conversations. Not only can hearing loss affect an individual, but the individual's lower income or unemployment status also can affect the national economy. There are more than 34 million Americans with hearing loss, and the estimated loss of income is $176 billion for those with hearing loss who are underemployed or unemployed. That cost to society is as high as $26 billion in unrealized federal taxes. "People are losing their hearing earlier and staying in the workforce longer," says Sergei Kochkin, executive director of the Better Hearing Institute. "In today's tough job market, hearing your best is essential for career success." Hearing aids are shown to reduce the risk of income loss by 90 to 100 percent for those with milder hearing loss, and from 65 to 77 percent for those with severe to moderate hearing loss. Hearing aids remain the optimum treatment for the vast majority of people with hearing loss. Yet only 40 percent of Americans with moderate to severe hearing loss, and only 9 percent of those with mild hearing loss, wear them. One misconception is that hearing aids are big and ugly, and could make a person appear old or disabled. But if you are in a workplace and are not hearing instructions or missing the conversation happening around the water cooler, people may wonder about your mental capacity. Half of all people with untreated hearing loss have never had their hearing professionally checked. To help, the Better Hearing Institute has a fiveminute hearing test at www.hearingcheck.org. You can learn more about hearing loss and how to help it at www.betterhearing.org.


JuNE 24 (pg. 11)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com




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The Local Seeker is taking a short break and we will be back on Friday, July 22, 2011.

Bes t, Bra m

Deadline Friday, July 15, 2011, 12 noon Have a safe and fun summer holiday!


JuNE 24 (pg. 12)

FREE CLASSIFIED ADS: 514-975-7745 www.westend.thelocalseeker.com

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