Vol. March 28, Vol.55 Issue Issue12 2 January 17,2014 2014
This Week in THE SEEKER
2nd annua l
Chamber Pub Night at Table 21 Page
YAC AGM at Aultsville Page
“ Local Girl Gone Big”
KATHY SMART at Health Show next weekend.
The Cornwall Business Network is still a relatively young organization, but 20132014 has been a year of major accomplishments for the group.
Founded by Brock Frost in late 2011, CBN is a fresh, active, vibrant referral community. The group, who meets twice a month, is tightly knit and comprised of members from all areas of expertise. cont. P. 5
THE SEEKER TEAM YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, specializing in Custom Wedding Invitations
Web Design, Photography, Video Recording Services and Light & Laser Music Shows
From the Desk of the Editor
We can also TRANSFER your VHS HOME MOVIES to DVD - 613-932-4812
ARE WE TAKING THINGS TOO FAR? Warning: The following article deals with mature subject matter and is intended for adult audiences. READERS DISCRETION IS ADVISED.
Last week, I wrote about the facebook trend “the naked face” and how I thought it positively impacted--even possibly liberated--women in our community.
This week, I want to talk about another social media frenzy, one that has men posting pictures of themselves practically naked: #cockinasock.
The first thing that popped into mind when I first came across the #cockinasock trend was a Saturday Night Live video that I saw quite some years ago which exemplified how some men think of their organs. It was hilarious! I can still see it in my mind! Justin Timberlake and Andy Samberg, parading with nothing but a wrapped gift box over their private areas... It was cute... It was funny. But this new trend, I’m not sure how I feel about. The campaign #cockinasock started in the UK on Instagram, but quickly spread to other social media platforms. (Note: Facebook has now taken down the page)
The concept is simple: raise awareness about testicular cancer by posting a picture, posing completely naked, save for a sock placed strategically over the genitalia. But how is this raising awareness?
I was curious so I did look at some of the pictures. Most men posing were definite hunks, with the rock hard abs, trim and fit, sending the distorted message that testicular cancer can affect only that group. I didn’t see older men, heavier men or sick men. I also didn’t see any tips on how to prevent or detect testicular cancer. I am no more informed than I was before seeing the thread. And I certainly wasn’t tempted to research the topic further. No. After seeing those studs, my mind couldn’t have been further away from cancer. All I saw was gratuitous soft porn, which in my opinion has no place in a social forum. This sort of exhibitionism is totally superfluous. What kind of message is this sending our children? Don’t get me wrong, I love men! But I am seriously questioning the campaign’s ethics, values and end results. Thank God, I have not seen any Cornwall men following the trend yet, and I hope it stays that way!
What next? Women posting topless pictures to raise breast cancer awareness? Where does it end? Are we so distracted as a society that only over the top actions can get our attention? Send your opinion to
Julia Lucio , Editor in chief
The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 12, March 28, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario
The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker.
The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason
Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache
OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email:
OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only
PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1
SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News
Presented by
Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, community volunteer, a published author, and an award winning photographer.
Sports & Lifestyle
New ws & Politics
victor y on Saturday night at the Civic Complex in LNAH playoff action. The b e s t - o f - s e ve n ser ies resumes next Friday in Jonquière. Game 4 goes the following n i g ht (Saturday, March 29) at the Civic Complex. SLC Sharks News - The SLC-Cornwall men’s hockey team made it to the quarter finals at the 2013-14 OCCCR Challenge Cup on Friday March 21st, after being eliminated by Redeemer University College. ATHLETE OF THE WEEK : Sharks men’s hockey defenseman, Dylan Casselman, played an outstanding four games of hockey at the 2013-14 Challenge Cup last week. Dylan was a force on defense, shutting down top opposing players throughout the two day tournament, and managed to score two shootout goals. Dylan’s strong per formance, and timely shootout goals, played a big part in the Sharks qualifying for the Quarter finals at this year ’s Playoff Tournament.
Chamber Pub Night was at Table 21 - The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a ser ies of pub nights where business owners can network, mingle, and relax. The l a te s t o n e to o k p l a ce o n March 25th at Table 21. See some Seeker Snapshots from the event on page 6.
Melissa Landriault rolls the rim and wins - By simply rolling up the rim of his Tim Hortons cup, Melissa Landriault of Cornwall won a $5,000 Visa prepaid card in this year’s RRRoll up the Rim to Win® contest at Tim Hortons. “Our guests are happy when they win a donut or a coffee, so yo u c a n i m a g i n e h o w exciting it is when someone rolls up the rim and wins a big prize like a $5,000 Visa prepaid card,” said Michelle Matos, Tim Hor tons restaurant owner in Cornwall. “Having a big prize winner at our restaurant is so great for our guests, team members and the community.” See page 4.
Letters & Opinions
Second Street site Hospital sold for $2 million - The Cornwall Community Hospital announced today that it has sold its property at 510-520 Second Street East. The three acre site, along with all buildings as well as an adjacent 1.5 acre parking lot, has been purchased by an Ottawa development group for $2 million. Proceeds from the sale will be directed to help fund a project that will see the Hospital move towards electronic patient records. “ The sale i s t i m e l y a s i t w i l l h e l p u s j u m p s t a r t o n e o f t h e l a rg e s t projects that the Hospital has ever taken on,” said Michael Turcotte, Chair of the Hospital Board. The Second Street site became surplus to the Hospital’s needs following the redevelopment and expansion of the McConnell Street site. The hospital was directed to decommission the site by the Ministry of Health.
Arts & Cu ulture Your Ar ts Council 2014 AGM — Tracy Lalonde and Graham Greer p ayed at the AGM or Your Arts Counc o Cornwa & The Count es at Au tsv e Theatre ast Monday n ght Tracy La onde s an emerg ng art st who recent y had an a bum re ease and got some a r p ay on CBC The mus ca duet was we rece ved by the aud ence There were about fi ty peop e n attendance nc ud ng many art sts bus ness owners and wou d be po t c ans Cha r o
Sports & Lifestyle Tough Star t: Cornwall River Kings trail Marquis 2-0 Th e d e e n d n g champ on Jonqu ère Marqu s have umped out to a co m m a n d n g 2 0 s e r e s e a d o ve r t h e Cornwa R ver K ngs The Marqu s skated to a 4 1
Kemptville Campus Closure a blow to Eastern Ontario -- Dear Seeker, The decision by the U n i ve r s i t y o f G u e l p h t o c l o s e K e m p t v i l l e Agricultural College and relocate the programs offered to Guelph is a blow to Eastern Ontario. Agriculture is one of the primar y economic drivers of Eastern Ontario and it is short-sighted for the university to balance their books on the backs of the users of their satellite campuses. If the university has a budgetary shortfall, perhaps t h e y s h o u l d l o o k at s o m e o f t h e a d m i n i s t rat i o n excess that occurs in Guelph. The lack of support for Kemptville College by the provincial government after the closure was announced shows a lack of understanding to the importance of agriculture in the province. This is not just a matter of if the programs are still going to be offered, but WHERE those programs will be off ffe ered. Putting more distance between potential farmers and the education they need to succeed, only increases the chances that those people will choose another career path. Each and ever y municipality in Eastern Ontario should be actively obby ng the prov nc a government and the Un vers ty o Gue ph ca ng on the co ege to be kept open -Ph
p B ancher (Morr sburg Ontar o)
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
by Marlene Baker
Positively Marlene
Happy Spring to everyone that is sitting, standing or lying down, reading the most Positive and Informative paper here in Cornwall. It's that time of year when we Canadians get our "Happy On". Mother Nature is being a bit lazy this year it seems. She's not bringing out the Spring greens or flowery colours just yet. But, she's working on giving us a Fabulous Spring Fashion Show - soon - I promise. Johnny Radar tells me that Spring is definitely in the air. Over the next week or so we will be experiencing higher temperatures, in the pluses. +6 +7 +8. YAAAY!!! I look forward to these warmer and longer days of Spring now, when I can finally get out and about to enjoy the glorious sunshine and fresh air. I can hardly wait to get my bicycle out this year. But, until then I will enjoy going out to stroll through the woods at Guindon Park, or to the Bird Sanctuary at Grey's Creek, or I will go to Cooper Marsh to name a few spots that John and I visit at this and other times during the year. Nature is just awakening from a very long Winter's sleep. I love observing and capturing the little "Hints of Spring," that are springing up through the cold, darkened earth to face the life-giving sunshine and to grow into something quite beautiful. My favorite colour in the first weeks of Spring, is the "baby green" hues of the brand-new leaflets and grass bladelets. They are so sweet and fresh to see after such a long, white Winter season. I also look forward and love to see in the blue skies, the return of the Canadian Geese in their "Vshape formations", the ever popular red- breasted Robins, and the wild Canaries or Finches to name but a few, that return every year. It makes my heart smile seeing all of these miracles that occur each year at this time.
Access more than 18,000 courses and over 1,000 programs offered online by Ontario’s public colleges, universities and other training providers.
TIP OF THE WEEK: It's that time of year for "Spring Cleaning" and for the "Airing Out," of the stored away clothes, shoes and many other seasonal things that have been waiting all Winter season to come out. Toss your clothes and dryer-friendly items into a dryer with a dampened towel and or dryer sheet to "freshen up." If you are able to, you could also pin them onto the clothesline for the morning or afternoon to sterilize and freshen things up by the sunshine and fresh air. Also, if you can, place your shoes, boots and purses outside to freshen them up as well.
BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on this page! Call Korner 613-935-3763
Carilyne Hébert 1500 Cumberland, Room 226 Cornwall
If you or anyone else you know who would want or like to go out to walk, stroll, skip, bike, swim or even to jump up and down, and you don't want to do this by yourself or alone, then, why not start a "Lets Get Out & About Club?" Get yourself two, three or more family members (KIDDIES just love being outside) or your friends together to do so. "The More, the Merrier," I say. It's a lovely way to get exercised without really thinking about it. Once you’re outside taking in the fresh air and enjoying the heat of the sun, you really don't think of it as EXERCISE at all! There will be more scheduled Meditated Walks with Sandy from OmSatya Yoga in the upcoming weeks. I will be sure to keep you all posted about these kinds of walks. Or you can take a look for yourselves at Sandy's website at for all of her upcoming events and other courses she offers in Yoga, Meditation etc. though. Hehehe.. No, Steve's doing a Marvelous job of being a Daddy for the first time. I am so very PROUD and Happy to have been Blessed with such a beautiful and healthy family that is growing all of the time. Baby Blake is my sixth grandchild and fifth grandson. I Want More Granddaughters! Please and Thank you. Until next week...ATTRACT What You EXPECT...REFLECT What You DESIRE... BECOME What You RESPECT...MIRROR What You ADMIRE!!! ~Author Unknown~ Please Pay It Forward in any Way, Shape or Form that you can this week. YOU Will Feel Better About Yourselves for Doing So!!! Won't YOU Please Share a SMILE??? It may make a difference in someones day. Thank you ever so kindly. Marlene Baker of
Melissa Landriault receives her “ Roll Up The Rim” winnings
I, also wanted to share with you that my newestNO GIMMICKS! grandson, NO CATCH Blake, turned three on this You can place your coupon weeks old on Tuesday (March 25th). Mommy Sarah page for 3 months for FREE. and baby Blake are doing just fine and rather dandy. But I don't know about Daddy Steve
$30 Off 1 Year Mailbox Rental, or $15 Off 6 month Mailbox Rental. Buy 100 Copies (B&W or Colour up to 11x17) and get 10 copies free. Coupon must be Presented at time of purchase. Valid at Cornwall Location Only.
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If you are happy with the results, you can” continue by paying $35 / week
By simply upoffer thesomething rim of his *3 monthrolling max, must of value to our Tim Hortons cup, Melissa Landriault readers, some restrictions may apply of Cornwall won a $5,000 Visa prepaid card in this year’s RRRoll up the Rim to Win® contest at Tim Photo by John Lucio Hortons. “Our guests are happy when they win a donut or a coffee, so you can imagine how exciting it is when someone rolls up the rim and wins a big prize like a $5,000 Visa prepaid card,” said Michelle Matos, Tim Hortons restaurant owner in Cornwall. “Having a big prize winner at our restaurant is so great for our guests, team members and the community.” The Prepaid Visa Card was presented to Mrs. Landriault on Wednesday Morning.
Expires: May 31st, 2014
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
T H E R E I S NO STOPPING Without forgetting the value of traditional networking, CBN takes it a step further. “There is one business allowed per category, which gives our members the most exposure”, says Shari Larkin, Director of Communication and Vice-President, “Referring internally is not mandatory, but it is strongly encouraged.”
“We have been extremely busy making our mark on the community this year”, says Julia Lucio, exiting President. “We recently “bowled for kids” as a group to support the Big Brothers and Big Sisters or Cornwall and Area. We have had our first major trade show, which doubled as a f u n d r a i s e r fo r t h e A g ap e a n d w a s a tremendous success. We also introduced a s e c o n d m o n t h ly m e e t i n g , o u r “ C h e e r s Night”, for those of our members who could not meet at breakfast time. Cheers night is held on the first Monday of the month from 6pm to 8pm and our breakfasts are held on the last Tuesday of the month at the Best Western Parkway Inn.”
The group is now 52 members strong, but CBN wants more. The Events Director of the group, John Lister, elaborates: “Some industries are not currently represented. For example, we need a mechanic badly! And a plumber also!”
Many events are in the planning stages and elections are coming up this April. If you are a member of CBN and would like to sit on the board of directors, send an email to
To see if your industry is not represented yet with CBN, look through the included current list of members. To become a member, visit CBN’s website at
e r a s r e b m Our maewesome!
Brenda Aroz
Stitches & Seams Seamstress
Brent Stang SD&G Tae Kwon do Tae Kwon do
Brock Frost Storm Realty Cornwall / The Frost Group Inc. Realtor Caitlyn Richer Young Living Essential Oils
Candy Pollard Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre Chris Dupuis Showtime Apparel Screen Printing
Corey Boucher C. Boucher Upholstery Upholster
Debbie Keillar Organize Your Life In Style Organizer
Debbie MacDonald Epicure Victorian Selection
Harold Fues Internova Novelty Items
Hughena Luciani Luciani Business Coaching Jamie Lalonde Choice Taxi
Jane Mills It works Global Weight Loss
Jenni MacDonald Dominion Lending Centres Metro City Mortgages Mortgage Agent Joel Richer Cornwall Martial Art John Lister 360 Virtual.Net Google Representative
C u r r e n t M e m b e r s a n d In d u s t r ie s
John McLaren Alex Trave & Tours Travel Agent
Judy Kerr Steeped Tea
Julia Lucio VersaCore Tech Designs Web Design
Kylie Draper Cornwall Spine Care Plus+ Chiropractor
Lise Parisien Dependable Property Maintenance Mai-Liis Renaud The Seeker Media/newspaper
Marlene Baker Fashionography Photography
Marnie McKinney The UPS Store Printing Maryse Lapointe Tupperware
Maurice Piquette Party Time Entertainment Casino Table Rentals
Rick Parks & Abbie Lapage Bath Solutions Cornwall Bathroom Renovation Robert Côté Quiet Moments Musician
Sally Stata Senior Home Transition Service
Sandra Campeau The Fashion Hanger Clothing Store Scott Beck Sun Life Insurance Life Insurance
Shari Larkin BZB Virtual Business Solutions Social Media Consultant Shari Rowland-Gaucher Avon
Sheldon Grant 3dCreations DJ
Stephane St Denis Ionic Electrical Contracting Inc Electrician
Megan Crossthwaite Cornwall Spine Care Plus+ Massage Therapist
Suzanne Ramsay Suzanne's Woodworking Wood Urns
Nicole Rault Peak Business Solutions Translation
Teresa Latimer Rob McIntosh Giftware
Paul St Onge Mocktails Restaurant / Terrace
Tracey Doogan Red Wind Studio Repurposed Furniture
Nicole Keicks Easier to Read Telephone Directory
Paul Leger Glengarian Pub Restaurant / Pub
Penelope Gardner Law Office of Penelope Gardner Lawyer Peter Lindop Bartley Hathaway Accountant
Tammy Shannon ProTech Printer Solutions Printer Products
TerryLynn O'Byrne Terry Lynn's Beau-teek Piercing
Tracy Champagne Arbonne
Wendy and Steve Hudson Twin Flame Creations Inc. Energy Healers
The next The next CBN C B N Cheers Cheers N Night ight w will ill take take p place lace on on April April 7 a and nd tthe he Breakfast Breakfast o on nA April pril 29 29 To send an email To confirm confirm your your attendance, attendance, s end a ne mail tto o
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Chamber Pub Night was at Table 21
The Cornwall and Area Chamber of Commerce hosts a series of pub nights where business owners can network, mingle, and relax. The latest one took place on March 25th at Table 21. Here are Seeker Snapshots from that event.
Photos by Jason Setnyk
The Never-Ending Moving Process This coming Monday, I finally return my keys to my place in Kingston, and I have to say, it is not a minute too soon. It is not that I didn’t enjoy my time there, it is that I am looking forward to settling into my new Cornwall place, catching up with family and friends and retaining some semblance of a stable life. I really wanted to title this week’s column, “Moving Sucks” because really it does. I can’t find anything, things get broken, damaged and I really know if I want something after I have to cart it back and forth. My friend texted me the funniest message the other day” You are harder to find than where’s Waldo” and it is true. I send daily texts to people saying which city I am in, often touching base in Cornwall, Brockville and Kingston. I spent all of last weekend in Kingston again, thinking, this is it, I’ll be done, but factoring in travel time, cleaning time and packing up the last of the remnants, means that all does not go as planned. I have to keep reminding myself that I love my son and this is why I have hung onto things that really should go. At some point soon, he will have to decide what he will keep and what will go. Both moves have happened at a time where he didn’t get to really look at what he has, but I don’t have a large house and garage anymore, it is two bedrooms and a very small area for storage and that is it.
My weekend in Kingston was spent with my wonderful friend Kim, who took me in, fed me and gave me the encouragement to keep going. Another friend also named Kim joined us on Friday which we had a fun lasagna eating, dessert heavy, girls night and although I knew what was waiting for me, a night off was a wonderful treat. Purchase a Bikini Laser Hair Removal Originally we were going to go out, but Get your under arm free, a $60 Value opted instead to put on the yoga pants, valid until April 18th have some wine and watch movies. Saturday was spent cleaning the old
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place and with questionable weather in town I stayed in Kingston again. This night we were going to celebrate a friend’s birthday, but after all day cleaning, and busy schedules we stayed at Kim’s and watched back-to-back hockey games, texted our Leaf guys and generally enjoyed a quiet night. Maybe it is a sign of our age, but I was relieved we stayed in. There will be time for nights out when things settle down, but a good night of hockey was fine by me. I recently had a discussion with a friend who knew me when I hung onto everything and I told him frankly I could do without most of the things in my place. I have no real attachment to any of it. I need some furniture, but the moves have left them beaten and quite frankly, at some point I’ll replace them or not. I am getting used to the new configuration and some things are just not working, so off they go as well. It is freeing, although sometimes I feel like I have been flapping my wings for so long and I just want to find that safe place to land. So I am not avoiding people, I am trying to close a chapter and start a new one with the same wonderful characters who keep me smiling, let me vent and know when I need my space and when I need their comforting arms.
Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at
DID YOU KNOW ... The SEEKERS website gets more than 700 visitors a day. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE WITH US?
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
by Rose Desnoyers
Focus Art is expanding its reach in 2014. The Association has established a partnership with Beyond 21 an organization at the service of the developmentally challenged .
Acrylics, Water colour, Jewellery, Clay works, Pottery, etc...
First session April,May, June Second and Third - Fall 2014 Teach a one 1 hour lesson a month and prepare 3 short follow-up lessons for the facilitators to do during the next three weeks of the month. Repeat for two other months.
Where: Who:
Many of you have been asking who won.
The calendar will be coming out in September but we can tell you now who won. If you need a picture you can go to the Square and a poster on their bill board has a sample of all the winners. Joanna Kermenides #35 - Wonders of Nature
Brunhild Shierdhing #8 - Flying High Claudette Pilon #30 - Sunset on Lake Erie
General Vanier School Open to members of Focus Art who will lead a group of a maximum of 20 clients and will be assisted by 2 facilitators. Materials:completely furnished by the project
Honorarium: $500.00 for the the 3 lessons and follow up courses Closing date for application April 4 2014 Program to begin April 14 2014
Emily MacLeod #5 - Wind Blown Dahlia
Rose Desnoyers #68 - Sortie en Famille
We thank Jane Mclaren, director at Beyond 21 for reaching out to Focus Art members and offering us this unique opportunity.
Norma O'Collin #16 - Stewart Park
We hope a few of you will see this as an excellent way to make your art find new wings. One of the 3 sessions will be bilingual..
Rose Desnoyers, , President of Association FOCUS ART Association Association
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Claudette Pilon #31 - In Full Bloom
Patricia Fish #4 - Reflet de Soleil
Patricia Fish #5 - Colombe / Morning Dove
Frank Loria #70 - Valley of Sin
Joanna Kermenides #34 - Tropical Air
Margot Boucher #27 - Pink Peony
!! $$-! !:-)$$-! /%'!:-) @%-#/%' FG!@%-# %&(66B!D %&(66B!DFG! =/)%& !,$!=/) 126-2)$66!,$!=/) !=$%-)$!!126-2)$ K#$)$? K#$)$?!=$%-)$ !! 4#-!! @)8&)*4#-!! -!M6(*%$!!@)8&)* 1/%-(1-!M6(*%$ ;6$(+$!!1/%-(1 (-*/%!!;6$(+$ .(-*/% $!*%5/). )!./))$!*%5/) L/)!./ L/ .!! 1/. 9 6 (* .(*691/ . #/T #-T#/4#* ) 8& ()8&)*4 %$() (* $6 ! 6 *6!$6(*%$ (* $. ! /)!$.( /) APDS! R ARAPDS! A P C Q! PQ! D NODPQ!CP NO
Anita Huygen #45 - Grandiose
! required PRICE FOR EACH CLASS: $230 - Downpayment of $50 by April 1st, balance to be paid when attending the class.
Notice twelve artists but 16 works. Some artists succeeded in winning twice. How wonderful. An extra page will be added to the calendar to put these excellent works also in the calendar.
Tina Morin #62 - Don't Tell
Thank you everyone for participation. Thank you grade six Mme Vicky, École Marie-Tanguay for counting up the 1200 voting sheets. Congratulations to all. Rose Desnoyers, President and MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: Caroline Legault (v-p), Adèle Constantineau (sec.), Elaine Arkwright (treas.), Suzanne Villeneuve, Micheline Tanguay, Linda Geisel, Julia Lucio, Carolyn H. Davis, Mai-Liis Renaud, Robert Perron, Don Mitchell.
Please send a letter of intention providing your medium of interest by email to and cc For more info. please call 613-931-1194 or 613-933-5505 ext 4105
Norma O'Collin #17 - Old Farm
This organization is introducing a program of socializing through the arts to its clients and interested seniors in the community. The project provides opportunity for 3 artists to offer workshops of an hour over a period of three months in a range of the medium of their choice. Clients experience the pleasure and wonder of the medium in a warm social setting. Description if program
Results of the 10th Anniversary Calendar
A Call to Artists...Let's teach
Pat Campbell #43 - Memories
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
ဠ£ ª ¡ April 5 to April 26 at the Cornwall Public Library
Members may drop off their artwork on April 4 from 1 ဵ 5 pm or April 5 from 9:30 to 12 noon Maximum 3 per member Submission fee: $5.00 per piece of art work
Reveal: April 22 at 7 pm Artwork(s) pick up on April 26, time to be determined
A Letter From a Member
SEEKER SNAPSHOTS Photos by Jason Setnyk
After participating in our 3rd Mall exhibition at Cornwall Square, I am writing as a member of Focus Art to say that it never ceases to amaze me how hungry the citizens of Cornwall are for ART. You only had to walk in and look around to see all ages from age 5 to 95, regardless of gender – enjoying the exhibition in this space filled with art works to please all the senses.
When asked to vote for their favourite, the unbelief of being able to do so, soon gave in to complete interest and serious concentration with special attention to each and every painting and sculpture to make absolutely sure that they were making the right choices.
Focus Art Members Spring Fever Art Exhibition
Time and time again the artists in attendance were told that being in the mall was the best venue ever with such easy access for everyone and a place where one could easily escape to another world, away from the hustle and bustle of shopping, for a few minutes of peace and tranquility. I was pleased to add a tribute to Si Miller to show that artists have the pulse of the community at heart. That piece had been done for the opening of the Benson Centre when the old arenas were being closed down and Si Miller was named as a person of interest in the history of sports in Cornwall. Art and Sports. Side by side the life blood of a community.
There is talk about a new Arts and Culture Centre that will bring all venues of art under one roof, from music, dancing, theatre, writers, photography, sculptors and visual arts. The public is there is interested.
Wild Man Trevor Walsh rocks Cornwall
Music veteran Trevor Walsh as back in Cornwall last Friday night for a concert at La Maison Tavern. The wild man of music put on another intense concert of rock much to the delight of those in attendance. Here are Seeker Snapshots from that event.
Your Arts Council AGM
Tracy Lalonde and Graham Greer played at the AGM for Your Arts Council of Cornwall & The Counties at Aultsville Theatre last Monday night. Here are Seeker Snapshots from that event.
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 8
April will give Cornwall residents another chance to select their favourite pieces of art.
Visit the Cornwall Public Library and check out Focus Art's Spring Fever collection. It will be on display from April 7th to the 25th and we at Focus Art look forward to hearing from you once again.
Adele Constantineau Artist and Secretary for l’Association - Focus Art - Association
CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!
45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796
SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES Great Programs at the Library
Come see us at the Home & Leisure Show April 4, 5,6 at the Civic Complex
Sign up for a: Resumé Writing Workshop Tuesday, April 29 @ 10:00 am to 11:00 am Or Thursday, May 1 @ 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm
SATURDAY, MARCH 29 @ 1:00 pm THE WORLD OF PUBLISHING - With Denise Nielson
THURSDAY, APRIL 3 @ 7:00 pm
SATURDAY, MARCH 22 YOGA YOUTH (AGES 6 TO 16 YRS) @ 10 am PAWS'N BOOKS @ 11 am CHECK-MATES @ 2 pm for more info: www.focusart
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
7pm Centre Charles-Émile Claude 146 Chevrier Ave, Cornwall
our weekly pages of events n’ more...
CoO u rM M U N I T Y
GLOW PARTY AT NAV Admission $10, Bar opens at 8pm, Door opens at 9pm. Come dressed White and Bright! Alkaline Entertainment and Sylvain Sound Present Tribute to Queen, Live At The Port Theater 7pm RAVE THEME TEEN DANCE at Nativity Bowling 7pm Spotlight on Mental Health Comedy Show at City Limits Bar & Grill, Cornwall Centre Road, Cornwall, ON, Canada
SAT MARCH 29 OLG Slots At Rideau Carleton Raceway Bus Trip departing at 9:30 am. For info or reserve call 613.932.6534. Proceeds to the Auxiliary to St Joseph's Continuing Care Center
SUN MARCH 30 Worship and the word at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 10:30 with Pastor Brad Montsion. 94 Knights of Columbus BIG Breakfast 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Blessed Sacrament Hall, 321 Tollgate Rd. E. Good will donations accepted.
MON MARCH 31 Une vie en santé – Projet de l’UCFO (Union culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes)Pour femmes d’expression française de 55 ans et plusSérie de 3 ateliers gratuits : 1) Activité physique 2) Alimentation 3) Alcool et médicaments
Lise Gauthier 514.699.8445 soir après 19h
SD&G Historical Society Annual General Meeting at 7 pm. Cornwall Community Museum, 160 Water St. W. in Lamoureux Park. Free 6-Week Warehouse Training. Topics include: safety, report reading, measurement and more, including site visits and guest speakers. Classes will run Monday to Thursday 1-4 pm, starting March 31, 2014. For more information, please contact Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161.
TUE APRIL 1 Soup & Sandwich Lunch from 11:30 am to 1 pm. St. Andrew'sSt. Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Soup, sandwich, dessert & beverage: 6$. Take-out available Cornwall Newcomers Club Monthly Dinner Meeting, welcoming women new to the area in last 4 years on Tuesday, April 1st. Call 613.935.4624 or email: m for more information The Clothesline Says So Much Art & Poetr y Exhibit CDSBEO,Catholic Education Coalition student artwork exhibit runs April 2nd to April 4th. The Art Gallery Cornwall, 168 Pitt St. Blood Donor Clinic from 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex, 100 Water St. E. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE
The Bishop Cup - The annual rivalry is renewed. Get a center ice seat for exciting high school hockey as the Saint Joseph Panthers take on the Holy Trinity Falcons for the
If it a
Bishop Cup, Wednesday, April 2nd at 6:15 pm live from the Ed Lumley Arena. Moccasin Model Railroad Club Meeting 7:30 pm. St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 2nd St. W. All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome to attend. CareFor Health & Wellness Clinic from 9 am to 12 noon, Centre Charles Emile Claude, 146 Chevrier St. Registered nurse on site for general health checks. No appointment necessary.
Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday at 7:30pm at Fountaingate Christian Assemblies. 949 Mohawk Drive Office Phone: Contact 613-932-0685 Celebrate Recovery is an environment to help you overcome your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe place while experiencing the freedom you have in Christ. Bishop's Pix Movie Series: Pope John Paul II April 4th - 10th at 7:15 pm, Matinee: Monday April 7th at 2 pm. Port Theater, 132 Montreal Rd. A prelude to his canonization on April 27th. Admission: 10$
Kinette Club Bits, Bites & Beautiful Baskets Auction Appetizers & viewing: 6:30 pm. Live auction:7:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Tickets 20$ on sale at Scotia Bank, Brookdale Center. the Spring Home & Lesiure Show Cornwall Civic Complex
the Spring Home & Lesiure Show Cornwall Civic Complex Health and Wellness Fair at Agora Centre (formally Nativity Centre) Kathy Smart will be the guest speaker.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
d w
If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!
Spring weather has finally arrived, with the next two weeks showing very mild temperatures. Let’s hope the sudden meltdown doesn’t cause flooding, and be aware of fast moving creeks and streams for the next little while. It was one long winter, but we’re finally out of it at last. Bring on the birds, flowers, beer and barbeques!
Put the FOCUS on your EVENT With
Place a featured event here for only $35 a Week Or ask us how you could get FREE advertisement for your event CALL 613-935-3763 EXT 1 Celebrate
April Workshops:
Saturday, April 12 12:30-3pm - $30
Intro to Yoga Poses Wednesday nights at 6pm April 16 - June 25 Learn-To-Run Program $50 for new members, $30 for returning members 52 Pitt Street 613-330-4494
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Pour une deuxième année consécutive, Le Théâtre de l’Amalgame vous invite à venir célébrer la journée mondiale du théâtre. La rencontre aura lieu ce jeudi, 27 mars, au restaurant King George, de 16 h 30 à 19 h. Il y aura une lecture publique du mot du Théâtre de l’Amalgame.
par Nicole Labelle
Le théâtre est une porte ouverte sur le monde
Un moyen de fureter dans le passé, le présent, l’avenir, d’examiner le monde d’ici, les mondes d’ailleurs, de fouiller nos émotions, nos sentiments, nos valeurs, nos frustrations, nos peurs, nos croyances, nos superstitions, nos préjugés, nos fantasmes, d’absorber tous les vécus possibles et imaginables, de les prendre au sérieux ou d’en rire, de s’en moquer d’y croire un peu, beaucoup et parfois de les exorciser.
Le Seeker, c’est si ♥ Do you have some news “En Français”? Avez-vous des nouvelles francophones? Envoyez-les nous pour la page du coin franco!
Également recherchés : Commerces Francophones désirant promouvoir leurs services tout en supportant la page de la francophonie du Seeker!
Dîner du Comité Franco Échange Par Julia Lucio
J’ai participé vendredi dernier à mon premier dîner Franco-Echange et je dois dire qu’il m’a fait grand plaisir de trouver l’évènement bien fréquenté par le public.
Il a été aussi pour moi rassurant de voir que nos politiciens sont bien à l’écoute de la communauté francophone. Jim McDonnell, Elaine McDonald et Syd Gardiner étaient présents pour la présentation de la conférencière invitée, Linda Newman, directrice générale du Centre Charles-Émile Claude.
Le théâtre nous ouvre maints sentiers vers des terres inconnues, des mers lointaines aux îles innombrables, des planètes inaccessibles, des royaumes insolites.
Le théâtre permet de s’ouvrir aux autres, de parler avec leurs mots, d’intégrer des tranches de vie imaginaires, d’être un personnage le temps d’une séance.
Mais attention ! Le théâtre n’est pas juste un jeu. C’est un miroir dans lequel on se voit, qu’on s’entend, qu’on s’écoute vivre et penser.
Le théâtre est un prisme qui rend visibles une multitude d’idées, d’émotions et de vécus ; qui offre dans un temps présent un court instant qui permet d’instaurer une symbiose avec les spectateurs et propose d’amorcer d’une réflexion, un pas vers la compréhension, le partage, l’échange, la tolérance et la nécessité profonde de vivre en harmonie.
Qu’on en soit les artisans ou les consommateurs, on en sort toujours changé.
Vous êtes invités à une exposition émouvante par l'artiste
exÇ°x _tÄtÇwx
inspirée par la perte de son enfant Jovie à La galerie Le Corrid'ART du Centre culturel de Cornwall. Venez rencontrer l'artiste au Vernissage, vendredi le 4 avril de 17h à 20h ou apprécier les toiles pendant le mois d'avril.
124 rue Anthony. Tél. 613-932-9106
35 multiplicatrices formées pour donner des ateliers en région!
Ottawa, le 13 mars 2014. Trente-cinq femmes issues des quatre coins de la province ont été formées afin d’offrir une série de trois ateliers de trois heures chacun dans le but d’outiller les femmes d’expression française de 55 ans et plus à prendre leur santé en mains. L’initiative « Une vie en santé » est pilotée par l’Union culturelle des FrancoOntariennes en collaboration avec l’Alliance des femmes de la francophonie canadienne et financée par le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée de l’Ontario. Les trois ateliers p o r t e r o n t respectivement sur l’activité physique, l’alimentation ainsi que l’alcool et les médicaments pour les femmes de 55 ans et plus. Cinquante séries d’ateliers seront offertes à travers la province d’ici le 31 mars 2015. Consultez régulièrement le site Internet de l’Union culturelle des Franco-Ontariennes à l’adresse sous l’onglet Agenda pour connaître l’emplacement et les dates d’une série d’ateliers près de chez vous! « Nous sommes fières d’avoir rejoint une grande diversité de femmes pour devenir multiplicatrices. Elles permettront d’avoir un impact dans autant de réseaux! » de dire la Directrice générale de l’UCF♀, Guylaine Leclerc. « Ce projet cadre parfaitement bien avec les orientations de nos deux organisations qui souhaitent améliorer la situation des femmes et leur donner des outils afin d’être plus en contrôle de leur vie. » confirma la Directrice générale de l’AFFC, Manon Beaulieu.
Pour obtenir des informations additionnelles par rapport à la mise en œuvre de ce projet, contactez la Responsable de projets de l’UCF♀, Johanne Ouimette à l’adresse ou au 613-741-1334.
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 12 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
by Sharyn Thompson
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28- pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Ruby Sushi is located at 315 Montreal Road and is open Sunday to Thursday 11am to 10pm and Friday and Saturday 11am to 11pm. For delivery, visit their website at
For $19.99, you get all you can eat of what is probably the biggest à la carte selection around. Soups, Salads, Tempuras, Rice, Sushis, Sahimis, Specialty Rolls, Teriyaki and many chinese concoctions for those who don’t particularly like raw fish. A good variety of desserts (green tea ice cream=yum!), soft drinks, tea and coffee are also included.
OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario - 613-936-1998
But then came the food, and it was scrumptious! The tempura was crispy, not greasy. The salads were very fresh and the dressing extremely flavourful. The sushi bursted with taste and the sashimi just melted in our mouths. We also sampled the General Tso Chicken, the Seafood Fried Rice and the Dim Sum, which were equally impressive.
The hostess / waitress was warm and welcoming! She showed us to our table, explained the way things work in details, actually spent the time to answer our questions, came back several times to see if everything was alright… In other words, service was as good as it gets. We really felt tended to and cared for. That alone would have sold me.
INGREDIENTS: approx. 4 cups or so of leftover mashed potatoes (you can have more.) 2 egg yolks (or use 1 egg) beaten 1/2 sweet yellow bell pepper, 1/3 cup fresh parsley finely chopped finely chopped 1 tbsp. dried chives 1 tsp. Kosher salt 2 onions, finely chopped 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 1/2 cup grated extra-old cheddar cheese METHOD: -Chop the parsley, onions and yellow pepper. -Grate the extra-old cheddar cheese. -Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Mix well to combine. -Shape the mixture into patties. -Fry them in a heavy skillet with a little butter and oil heated first. -Turn over as one side is evenly browned. Continue to brown the other side. -Serve alongside the crab cakes with a crispy kale coleslaw. ENJOY!!!!
It is really funny how things happen sometimes. I had been hearing about Ruby since they opened, but I wasn’t too keen on trying something new for fear of being disappointed. I was ready to simply go to my usual stomping grounds when a friend of mine convinced me to go ahead and try it. ( #YOLO!)
In my kitchen, I always plan to have extra mashed potatoes leftover from a big meal. It is so easy to make some potato patties or a nice potato pie with hardly any fuss. Here's what I did;
It is no wonder that they named this place “Ruby Sushi”–the restaurant is a true gem.
Then, I found a Ruby!
METHOD: -Beat the eggs. -Finely chop the celery, red onion and fresh parsley. -Drain off any liquid from the cans of crab meat. Discard the liquid. -Place the crab meat in a large bowl. Use a fork to break up any large pieces of crab. -Stir in the chopped celery, red onion, parsley, beaten eggs and seasonings. -Lay a sheet of waxed paper over top of a large dinner plate. -Gently form the crab mixture into 5 large patties about 1- 1/2 " in thickness. -Carefully place the crab cakes on the waxed paper lined plate. Cover this with a sheet of plastic wrap. -Refrigerate for at least 2 hours. -To cook: use a large heavy skillet. Melt 2 tbsp. each of butter and vegetable oil. Heat until nice and hot. -Gently place the crab cakes in the hot skillet. -Allow them to completely cook, on one side, undisturbed, until the bottom is nicely browned. -Use two metal spatulas to carefully turn the crab cakes over, to continue to brown the other side. Go easy here, or they will break up as you turn them. -Once browned and heated through, serve them. -I served them along with my leftover mashed potato patties and a nice kale coleslaw.
Nonetheless, ever since they opened, despite the fact that every time I go, I get to feel like I am a major disturbance to them, Moon is where I chose to spend my money. Because the food is so amazing, I kept on returning.
1/4 cup fresh parsley, finely chopped 1 tsp. Old Bay seasoning 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
First, there was J&T. Then, there was the Moon. I also discovered the A1 Chinese Buffet in Massena, which is pretty decent. The three had some strong commonalities: the food was good, but the service was less than friendly.
INGREDIENTS: 3 - 170 gram cans of crab meat 2 eggs, beaten 1- 1/2 ribs of celery, finely chopped 1/2 large red onion, finely chopped 1/2 cup, or a bit more Panko crumbs
When I first moved to Cornwall in 2006, my biggest complaint was that there were no dim sum or sushi restaurants in town. I love this city, but for someone who is accustomed to digging into sushi weekly, this was a huge let down. Of course, this eventually changed.
The following ingredients make 5 large crab cakes. We sell the Panko crumbs and spices used at my store, Sharyn's Pantry.
Story and pictures by Julia Lucio
I made some lovely crab cakes for our supper a few weeks ago. A brand new thing for me to make. Since we don't live near the ocean, and have freshly caught crabmeat, I used canned crab for the crab cakes. The only thing I must warn you of, is to make the crab cakes a couple of hours ahead of time, to allow them to set up before you fry them. Alongside the crab cakes I made some leftover mashed potatoes into tasty potato patties. Here's what I did.....
Ruby Sushi - I’m over the Moon...
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Live at the Port
132 Montreal Rd., Cornwall, ON
Let’s Play! I was sitting the other day, enjoying a coffee and looking out to the back garden. Although, it was still very cold outside and there is still a ton of snow back there, I could hear the birds chirping and I could feel Spring in the air. Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a poem. The words just came and the poem seemed to write itself. It was such an amazing experience and I feel that I need to share it with you. I hope you enjoy it!!
This is a one of a kind event, never held in Cornwall before. Cost for yoga is $15, Concert for $20 or do both for only $30. Check out Jim’s Bhakti Groove Machine album on youtube or at It will be a wonderful way to let your Inner Child play and to welcome Spring! Namaste, Lisa Blanchard 613-330-4494
Amazing Light & Laser Show Choreographed to Music
Last Monday evening Sheldon and Mai-Liis launched Cornwall’s first demonstration of a Light and Laser Show choreographed to music. It was a great success and we are now planning future Dinner and Light Show events at local restaurants. Stay tuned for details and meanwhile check out the video at:
Friday, April 11, 2014 Doors open: 6pm - Opening act: Landmark: 7pm Beatles: 8pm Tickets: $20 - Licensed Event Powered by: Brock Frost & Mark A. MacDonald
TICKETS AT: Melody Music, Cornwall Square Lottery Kiosk, Port Theatre and Bicycle World
Shellshock WITH CORNWALL’S Largest Portable LIGHT & LASER SHOW Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget! Wedding Videos available
Invitations and more by
Custom Invitations
One of a kind ... Created with you in mind!
Custom Design - Custom Price!
Sheldon or Mai-Liis 613-932-4812 Prices to fit EVERY BUDGET • Evening & Weekend Appointments available
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1
Posters by MAI-LIIS - 613-932-4812
Stay positive everyone and let’s all fill our hearts with love and melt this frozen city!! Spread love wherever you go and Spring will appear! Come out and play with us on Sunday, April 6th from 5:45pm-6:45pm for a yoga class to live Kirtan Music by celebrated Canadian artist, Jim Gelcer. There will also be a live Kirtan concert from 7pm8:30pm.
“Support the Port” Fundraiser
Let’s Play Cold and White, Spring slumbering beneath the layers, Afraid to come out. Afraid to see what has been done to our Earth? But with her return, we realize her beauty, Her Majesty, and her brilliance. As she slowly emerges, one bud at a time, We see her intelligence. We delight in her magic As this barren earth suddenly becomes alive With greens, yellows and reds. From stark white, Spring’s palette reminds us of The vibrancy of life. It is time to awaken. It is time for humanity to show off our true colours. Colours of Love, of happiness, of compassion and of joy. Paint your life with colours of the rainbow and Let your soul sing, shine and burst forth Like a Cracker Jack box filled with colourful balloons. Don’t be shy, sing your praises And release your Inner Child. Come out to play in the Wondrous Universe!
Tribute to The BEATLE S 50th Anniversary Show
Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell
ESSES! ur FREE upon on this ge! Call 35-3763
Things You SHOULD or SHOULD NOT Carry In Your Purse or Wallet Part 1 of 2 - Things You Should Carry Part of being organized is knowing what to do and not do. While not all of the items we list will seem essential, you’ll be glad you have them when the need arises. These items don’t take up much space or compromise your security. A LIST OF EMERGENCY CONTACTS • If you are rescued from the scene of a car crash and taken to a hospital, Emergency Contact information will allow emergency workers to contact those most important to you. • You should ensure some of your contacts are local, especially if your family lives 1,500 miles away. • When possible, list home, work, and cell phone numbers for each of your contacts. • Type your list or print it very neatly.
A HEALTH INSURANCE CARD • Having your Health Insurance Card with you when you check in to a medical clinic will make it easier to get you ready to receive care, decreasing the overall stress of an already painful situation. IMPORTANT MEDICAL INFORMATION • Prepare a record of any important medical information or history that medical personnel will need to know in an emergency. • Your medical information list should include any medications and supplements you’re currently taking, any important medical conditions, and a list of medications to which you’re allergic. • Include a location of important documents relating to your health, for example, your directive on things like whether you want to be kept on life support or are willing to donate your organs.
• •
Do not write down anything sensitive (like passwords) because the book could be stolen or lost, but it’s great to keep a grocery and to-do list, and any random things you think about during the day you might need to remember later. Carrying your grocery list will help minimize trips to the store and save time and money when you shop.
HIGH VALUE COUPONS • Carry around coupons for $1 or more off a product you normally and f requently buy so that you won’t forget to use them; just paperclip them to your notebook. CAR REGISTRATION AND PROOF OF INSURANCE • You don't want a thief to have these if your car is stolen, so keep them in your wallet. Just make sure anyone who borrows your car has them or they’ll be in for a big fine if they’re pulled over. CLUB CARDS (ONLY THOSE YOU PLAN TO USE THAT DAY) • If you plan your shopping in advance rather than doing it on the spur of the moment, you can easily store all of your club cards in a file at home and add them to your wallet only on days when you’re actually going to use them. ENOUGH CASH TO COVER A SMALL EMERGENCY • Credit card companies will occasionally freeze your account without notice if they suspect someone is using your card to commit fraud. If this ever happens, you’ll be glad to have some cash on hand to pay the bill you couldn’t put on your card. • Some gas stations only accept cash and debit cards. • Keep enough cash for little things, amounting to a few dollars. ADDRESS LABELS WITH YOUR NAME ON THEM • If you should purchase raffle tickets while out and about, you won’t need to write anything down! Just stick the label on the ticket! Also, if you need to give your address information to someone, it is easier to hand over a label with all your deets and digits.
BANDAGES, ALCOHOL SWABS, A SMALL PAIR OF SCISSORS AND TWEEZERS, STOMACH MEDICINE • Most stomach medications come in pill or tablet and can easily be carried in your wallet. CAA CARD OR TOW TRUCK INFO
Once you have completed all of your daily running around and are back home, remove all the receipts you accumulated that day from your wallet or purse and file them. Keep all your receipts for at least a week or two, or longer - use common sense. You may discover that there was a hole in a milk bag and return the bag as proof with the receipt. Maybe the new pair of gloves you purchased are splitting at the seams. If you don’t have a receipt, you might not be able to exchange them.
Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873
He’s original, he’s Canadian and he’s a founding Canadian Tenor He’s Canadian, he’s a Canadian tenor and his credentials demonstrate him to be a Tenor with a capital “T.” Ken Lavigne, whose vocal prowess shot him to
acclaim as one NO GIMMICKS! of the original Canadian Tenors in 2004, will be performing April 5 at NO CATCH Aultsville Theatre 8 p.m. Tickets are $25. You can place youratcoupon on this page for 3 months for FREE. The performance is the Cornwall Concert Series’ third presentation for this year’s
If youseason are happy with the results, youwhich can” will leave in its wake an awestruck audience and promises to be one continueinbyLavigne’s paying $35 / week revelling vocal interpretations which include everything from ballads and *3 month max, must offer something of value to ourand operatic arias. musical theatre, to familiar classics readers, some restrictions may apply
The Victoria, BC native honed his musical chops at the University of Victoria and the Victoria Conservatory of Music, before heading across the pond to study in Wales with Stuart Burrows. Later, there were studies in New York with Joan Dorneman, before his 1998 debut in Massenet’s Werther, followed by major roles in Nabuco, La Traviata, Cenerentolla and The Barber of Seville with Pacific Opera Victoria, the Portland Opera and the Burnaby Lyric Opera.
Tickets for Lavigne’s performance are $25. They may be purchased in advance (cash or cheque) at these locations: TD Canada Trust, Cornwall Square; Caisse populaire de Cornwall, 840 Pitt St. and 201 Montreal Road; and at the Cornwall and the Counties Tourism, 11 Water St. West. Individual tickets may be purchased at the door based on availability. Visit for more info.
The phenomenal Quartetto Gelato
will complete this year’s Cornwall Concert Series with a performance on May 31. This show is sure to sell-out and tickets may also be purchased in advance for a price of $25 at the above locations. For further information, visit
BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on In 2007 he shifted his focus to independently producing solo cross-over concerts. Without question, one of his personal highlights and accomplishments must include a this performance at New York City’s page! Call Hall where he was backed-up Koupon Korner Carnegie by the New York Pops. Since then, he 613-935-3763 has regularly performed with David Foster.
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
NO CATCH NO GIMMICKS! DID YOU KNOW ... The SEEKER is the only owned You can place yourlocally coupon on this printed paper in town? page for 3 months for FREE. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES If you are happy with the results, you can” continue by paying $35 / week *3 month max, must offer something of value to our
Koupon Korner readers, some restrictions may apply
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
Over this past weekend, the 10 member Exertion Team from the 325 Cornwall Kiwanis Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron placed Top in Basketball, Top in Floor Hockey, Top in Fitness and Top Overall. Air Cadets is a youth organization for youth ages 12-18. The Exertion Competition is a full day competition unique to the Eastern Ontario Area (EOA) of the Air Cadet Program. No other air cadets in Canada participate in this competition. Of the 19 air cadet squadrons in EOA, our very own Cornwall Squadron placed Top Overall.
BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on this page! Call 613-935-3763
This yearly competition is a combination of sports (Basketball, Floor Hockey, Handball and Volleyball) as well as Fitness Testing (following the Cadet Canada Fitness guidelines), Leadership Taskings, General Cadet Trivia, Air Crew Survival challenges and lastly Sportsmanship. All 10 members compete in all areas of the competition. This certainly is a competition in which skill in all areas is a key for success. The Team was under the supervision of Lt Mandy Gille and the Team Captain, FCpl Brandon Lefebvre.
You are invited
to admire a very emotional exposition of the artwork by Renée Lalande. It was inspired by the loss of her child, Jovie. It will be at the gallery Le Corrid’ART of the Centre culturel de Cornwall 124 Anthony Street Cornwall, ON during the whole month of April 2014.
CONGRATULATIONS JESSE from all of us at the Seeker!
You will have the chance to meet the artist Renée Lalande at the Opening Reception, Friday April 4, 2014 between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m.
Cornwall-born musician Jesse Ferguson just released a new album of Celtic/folk music, called The Butcher Boy.
Expires on: 03/31/2014 Koupon Korner
Koupon Korner
Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget!
Basic DJ Package OR $100 off Ultimate DJ Package BOOK TODAY Valid til April 30, 2014
Expires on: 03/31/2014
Tel: 613-932-9106 for more info.
$50 off
327 2nd Street E.
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 17
Dogz and Katz Coiffure® Susan Dalmer Professional Pet Grooming Stylist
$5 off on first full grooming
CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
NO C You ca pag
If you a c
*3 mon
with Carol Grant
This week's Focus on the Good will feature Sexual Assault Support Services for Women of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne Sexual Assault Support Services for Women of Stormont, Dundas, Glengarry & Akwesasne is a nonprofit grass-roots feminist organization committed to the support of victims/survivors who have experienced sexual violence and the prevention and elimination of that form of violence. Celebrating 20 years of service this year, SASS is non-judgmental, open to all women, regardless of ability, race, religion, socio-economic status, culture and sexual orientation. SASS offers free and confidential services to women 16 years and over who have been victims/survivors of sexual abuse and serve as a beacon for these women in the community. Funded through the Ministry of the Attorney General, its centre operates Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. However, a Crisis Line (both in English and French) operates 24 hours/7 days a week. In the past two months alone, 16 women have walked through their doors. With 5 full time staff members ready to help you, SASS offers one-on-one or group counseling, healing art workshops, volunteer training and public education as well as Accompaniment Services (to the police station, hospital, court, etc.). They are currently looking to recruit volunteers. Since SASS is non-profit, they accept cash donations to help fund their services which can be dropped off at the centre. Each year, SASS hosts two major fundraising events. The first event was VDAY (a play by author Eve Ensler) which was held in February. The next fundraising event being held at the end of May is "Walk-A-Mile In Her Shoes". And lastly, the Purple Bag Campaign has just begun featuring re-usable grocery bags to promote sexual abuse awareness month which is in May. To contact the centre for help, to volunteer, make a donation or to find out more information in assisting with their fundraising efforts, please visit their website, Facebook page (Sexual Assault Support Services) or send an email to
Each week we will be featuring a local non-profit, charity or helpful organization here in our beautiful city in this Seeker Feature section.
There are SO many organizations out there that offer help in so many ways and we'd like to focus on all of the good things this city has to offer. Our city is blessed to have organizations that help with such a wide variety of services and our hope is to inform you throughout the year about these wonderful agencies or organizations. This weekly feature is FREE of charge and will help gain exposure for your organization to help you reach out to those in need who could be looking for the help you have to offer! If you are involved with a local charity, non-profit organization or an agency that can be help to someone in need, please contact me to be featured in an upcoming article. I will arrange to take photos and do an article on your organization.
I can be reached by telphone at 613-932-0935 or by sending me an email (with the subject FOCUS ON THE GOOD) to
We’re NUT Givin’ Up Campaign Raises $106,125 So Far A private campaign to raise funds for a St. Lawrence Secondary School teacher suffering from a rare form of cancer has secured more than $106,000 in less than two months, reaching their first benchmark goal of $100,000 dollars. The We’re NUT Givin’ Up Campaign has caught fire, generating media interest from CTV and CBC, and garnering support through literally dozens of fundraising events planned to benefit Stephanie Grady, a teacher suffering from NUT midline carcinoma, an aggressive cancer that has spread to her hips, pelvis, and spine. In order to provide the opportunity for Grady to participate in a clinical drug trial at a cancer institute in Boston, supporters have organized events ranging from online and silent auctions to athletic Invitations and more by events and tournaments, as well as breakfasts, brunches and dinners. For more info:
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
Koupon Korner
Custom Design - Custom Price!
$25 off your Wedding Invitation order Valid til April 30, 2014
613-932-4812 TODAY!
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28- pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2
preferably to run a restaurant or a computer store,
FOR SALE: Folding solid wood dropleaf table with 4 folding chairs, in good condition. $50. 613-346-5583
FOR SALE: Buffet, hutch and dining room table with centre leaf and 6 chairs. Call for more info. 613-360-1262.
309 Pitt Street
Parking available, Bachelor Apartment upstairs, rent $950 a month.
FOR SALE: Round glass topped picnic table with 4 chairs. Good condition. $40. Call 613-346-5583. FOR SALE: Mens Taylor made driver R11 model, right handed, brand new. Adjusts for losk and face angle. Sale price $160. Call 613-933-4489.
Phone 613-701-3965 after 2pm. Deposit equal to last month's rent required.
HOUSE BASEMENT SALE: Saturday, March 29. 9am to 2pm. 210 Leonia St. FOR SALE: 6 piece wicker furniture set, good condition, clean - $700 Call 613-346-5583
327 2nd Street E.
Expires on: 03/31/2014 Free 6-week course: Warehouse Worker.
Tri-County Literacy Council, 101 2nd Street West, is pleased to offer a free 6-week course: Warehouse Worker. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the essential skills working in this exciting and fast-paced field.
Topics will include: safety, tools of the trade, report reading, measurement and more, including site visits and guest speakers. The curriculum was developed by Literacy Link Eastern Ontario in partnership with Tri-County Literacy Council. The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the workforce for the first time, people changing careers, and individuals wishing to strengthen essential skills.
Haiti Gown Relief event
Classes will run Monday to Thursday 1 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., starting Monday, March 31, 2014.
Koupon Korner
Join us in making these simple gowns that are so important to these young children in the Haiti Orphanage
PUBLIC INFORMATION The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)
is a program organized by Revenue Canada and community organizations to provide income tax preparation services to low to middle income individuals and families. The income level cut off is $50,000. We DO NOT prepare taxes with business income, rental income, capital gains or interest over $1,000. Taxes are prepared on a first come, first served basis OR clients can drop of their information and come back to pick it up when it is ready. The program will operate Monday to Friday, March 3 to April 30th.
Location: Salvation Army 500 York Street, Cornwall
Hours: 10am to 4pm
We will also do prior years income taxes. A $5 donation to the Salvation Army to offset the costs of operating the program would be appreciated.
For more information or to register, please contact Tri-County Literacy off on first full grooming Council$5 at 613-932-7161.
Saturday March 29th & Saturday April 26th From 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Giroux Sewing Centre & Solidarité Jeunesse Haïti, Sister Fernande Levac
There are nine essential skills at differing levels, identified by the Government of Expires for on: success 03/31/2014 Canada as necessary at home, work, and play. The skills are reading, writing, numeracy, document use, thinking, oral communication, working with others, digital technology, and continuous learning.
FOR SALE: White Moffat stove, in good working condition, about 10 years old. $100 OBO. 613-935-8101
BUSINESSES! NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! To place your classified call 3-935-3763 ext. 2 Place your FREE You can place your61 coupon on this page for 3 months for FREE. Coupon on Deadlines noon on Tuesdays If you are happy with the results, you can” this continue by paying $35 / week FOR SALE: Flat screen Haier TV, page! Model H019KN2. Like new, only used for a Call *3 month max, must offer something of value to our few months. Excellent condition. $60. Call 613-938-2600. 613-935-3763 readers, some restrictions may apply Space available FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst
Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 19
BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1
Next Weekend
Cost for yoga is $15, concert is $20 or $30 for both.
I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer
and I’m Julia the Web Designer
and together we are
We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker
We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.
STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...
613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: read online DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, APRIL 4 TH, 2014 Check out our website Community news is updated DAILY
THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 12 - March 28 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1