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SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 March 14, 2014

Red Wind Studio's new wind

This Week in THE SEEKER

MEDIA RELEASE th March 6 , 2014

SEEKER SNIPPETS ... a new look!

ith s w! ingd eda mmer job? ocee u prt s ur ts con a journsi r adr o ume i l f l i r T g m Page n m i m Look ss this suCDiitsytroibfuCtoiornnwCaolrln-wTrafilllliIunitcs. o B n w o r u o y o has advised n its u r3 Why not be i n te n t i o n to a d j o t t application aga


cour Control ssion for and the City's Interim pa a r a ve ha u yo ng l aw 2 0 1 3 - 2 4 3 y hi B et m so and ,000 Take $3 a in od of one month has i ta r e p ob , ss ne r a busi Council application Ci t y adjournment. The create an idea fo summer. e th r consented to this eduled to be considered by fo ss bo n ow was originally schr t of Ontario on March 21st. grant and be your Ăƚ ŝƐ ĞdžĂĐƚůLJ dŚ the Superior Cou th par ties continue to hold ŝƚ͍ ƚ Ŷ͛ ĞƐ ĚŽ ŽĚ ŐŽ ty et Officials from bo ttempt to achieve resolution pr Sounds a ƚ͘ ŽƵ Ăď discussions in an ds in the Harbour area of ůů Ă ŝƐ ƉĂŶLJ͟ Žŵ Ğƌ e use of lan h t ŵ n ŵ o ^Ƶ ƚ ͞ ǁŚĂ Cornwall - The xecutive for 2014 C) BE NDP Elect New E h Glengarr y Provincial (C lSUMMER a c re o L nt Ce e t rpris s-S ou S to r m o n t- D u n d a r i d i n g a s s o c i a t i o n s e l e c te d wall Business Ente e Corn t mer m e d e ra l N D P Su and FCOMPANY r fo Article: JuliaTh Lucio Main Photo: Sheldon Grant 2014 at their join ns io at tive members r March 5th at the execuit’s g applic in their ... pt ce n o ac s that g n i t w e e m no is annual general sociation in Cornwall. Brian s Red Wind Studio has ny come Veterans Aof of both the Navytime . way since it 20a14long pa cted as President DP riding m Co Lynch was re- ele and opened its doors in October 2011 and owner d e ra l N the year l a i c n i v o r t the local SDSG p told the crowd tha . or Tracey Doogan-Benoit couldn't be happier. G & . D sociations. Lynch heir outreach activities in s S. a l, al w rn ft lives in Co N D a s a re s u l t o i n a g o o d p o s i t i o n t o r u n a Any student who all she does you are at t provincial recent years, are Page th ed id Tracey would have you believe that is ov pr n SDSG in the nex i ible, ig el strong campaign n with nominated candidate is ne as es be w o i t ill Ak elec refresh old, outdated, tired pieces of furniture by d. M a c D o n a l d, a 15 and 29 and w of than Elaine MacDonal Cornwall cit y agesmore themuch painting them,be but eendoes twshe t w i ce - e l e c te d as the ll. w a s n o m i n a te d S D S G fa e o l l i c th n u o in c that. Anybody canrn slap paint on wood, it's not ol n ade ate iTr didt, canen DP m l Nop tu ing to scho nciael viev l a s t ye a r icpatroD om rocket science,rebut Tracey infuses every piece she on Ec i n a t i o n m e e t i n g ov i n c i a l m o of n a y tr is in r A pd runn 201g3. an 27,tin h ar d by the M does with new life. She has flair and style. She on M inarcst co u l d co m e a s s students program sponsore st a si is as ection in Ontario ng. Cani l e ch ny hi i d a te pa w m , EC Co knows what works ri trai ndng spss merwhat doesn't. She hisne s tsi Sumand rly abu eaon istered by the CB s in m nd ad ha praised the work d d l e a n iv an o D ce c a E) M re e T& n restyles, refreshes and paints. She transforms i ts a l E NDtP arioes Ontqu Participan ment (MED theith nd w Employ athsiast or was a Hd ette And,rean summer months. er es adag e useless knick knacks into fabulous one-of-a-kind th P lest h f ND one ug ts that make li b nal ss l u s ro e r t si th e g o bu ss t k r e a ne P si cDosin Mabu ple. n own bu through th peoow caucus at Queen’s ble st dayur showpieces to yo be ur treasured forever... Or at least evetr yyo rda to r ar will be t ffo00 re a,0 ho help guide you mo$3 w andto rs to rst responsibility ng job fi up y en e m m iv P M ce to s a re d e ed t n i until the next time atch to be retouched! r g o o d - p ay stated: “If elec are itmneeds rticipant ca tio SG. I will work mmer Company pa the people of SD t, access to post- secondary educa at Su ch Ea . n ve e e m ha y d grou o l p ay n,nanab o t ar n um u le o youth em c , n a ǀĞ c e As it is the case yo with many small businesses, Red ůŽ w re LJ caŚĞ alth ƚ heŶŐ o serve o ng,Śŝ trainiĞƚ d Žŵ ple.” Also elected t xeŶů tiv e cuLJ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ƚŽ ĚŽaanff Ɛ y f r everyday peoDAY Wind Studio was started in Tracey's home, which ƌ ns’ Ž tioŽƚ ĨŽ rdabilitBRIAN’S ciaE o s ͘ ͞ ŝƚLJ s a ƌĚ g ƵŶ n i ůĂ ƌƚ d i r Žů P ƉŽ D W N ŽƉ l b locaĚLJ er ĂŶ ĐŝƚŝŶŐ mb Ğdž meŶƚ Ŷ e 16ůƚĂ Ă resident; Paul Aulu thƐƵ p ŝƐ ŽŶ e c i has been challenging. "People seem to be more v ŶLJ s a ƐƐ ƉĂ d l a ŶĞ n Žŵ Ɛŝ o offic e MacD a great ncialva ŵĞƌ ĂŝĚ Ƶ BEFORE finain Ɛ Ƶŵ ,͟ chiefga ͞^ were ElainWhat ey AFTER n so al e on n n e m D ey d e i v th a ak D ; y l g, m i r r a t reluctant to go to someone's homefir rather than ecrein ive; Ca y fug snd nd, aand ecordin en’s representat e Darle ive start-rMup world st hasays, ce re d ll ine Lebrun, womtative; Trevor siness Doogan-Benoit e l an e d buitems," a , ss retail space to buy bo event!sen er t, youth repre , Jason Setnyk, Ian Wilson, Jack Heb͘͟ to be their own ŝŶƚŽ Ă ƌĞĂůŝƚLJ "And of course space. Space has always been a challenge." ea id ss t, Marion Adams Page r e ne the student get b e David Mcilve l si a J bu r ei ylvia, Alison Park a turn th ey th as s homas, Patricia S members-at-large. Brian Lynch T ill sk l ia ur ne s epresomewhere he local N entr From the get go, the long term goal was to get a proper studio down the line. That day is finally here. B o n n i e L a u zo n a l s o e l e c te d a s t


Tracey now has a place to showcase all or her creations.

The Grand Opening of the new Red Wind Studio is taking place on Saturday, March 22 from 10am to 5pm. Draws and Demos will run throughout the entire day at 410 Cumberland Street, adjacent to the SheConnex space. The acquisition of a new space not only means that Tracey will be able to focus more on studio work and put more items on display. It will also allow her to branch out into new ventures. For example, it will open the door to the retail aspect of her business. Paints and brushes will be available for purchase. Tracey will carry the Canadian made FAT paint and FAT wax. The paint is a low VOC Artisan chalk style paint perfect for furniture and home décor items. Equally new and exciting are the workshops. Tracey will be offering hands-on sessions, where you will learn how to use the products available for retail, to create your own masterpieces. Tracey will continue to offer custom work for clients and have furniture and home décor items available for purchase.

Visit Red Wind Studio: 410 Cumberland, Cornwall 613-938-1627 - info@redwindstudio.ca - www.redwindstudio.ca


were a Carilyne Heber t lors. l provincial counci

ch 21st - There w er on Friday Mar p Child Haven Dinn Ramada Inn in Cornwall to suib a benefit at the in India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and T d Children's Homesl be a dinne silent auction, an C h i n a . T h e re w i l

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From the Desk of the Editor

We can also TRANSFER your VHS HOME MOVIES to DVD - 613-932-4812

Facts and Fiction

This year's political campaign is still in its infancy. Yet, even though only a few have announced they are running, rumours are already spreading like the plague. Like a great big storm, sharp tongues are biting like the frost (no pun intended) in the hopes of leaving their victim buried, frozen, under six feet of snow.

Watch out, the knives are coming out! In the last week alone, some juicy details ranging from illegitimate fatherhood to criminal wrongdoing have landed on my desk, which I find very awkward. The Seeker is not big on gossip and negative news, yet, people thought it right to inform me, quite in details, of the despicable things some of our candidates have allegedly done. Shame on you.

It’s that time of the year again!

SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS & Fourth Anniversary Dinner Looking for nominations in the following caegories Home Based Business

Visual Artist

New Business

Literary Artist

Existing Business

Performing Artist

Musical Artist

Volunteer of the Year

Contributor of the Year

The problems with rumours is that they are usually not backed up by facts. However, people oftentimes believe them as if they were gospel. A rumour is spread by a person with a specific intent in mind, which usually is to assassinate someone's character. People who indulge in gossip may be doing it innocently, just as a way to pass time or to do some meaningless chit-chat with friends, but they are instrumental to the whole process. People who intend to spread rumors will seek out the right gossipers to talk to in order to circulate the rumour.

“Gossip destroys morale, creates negative energy at work and stops coworkers from becoming a united team...” says Judith Orloff, MD, the author of Emotional Freedom: Liberate Yourself from Negative Emotions. “...It impacts productivity by taking a worker's mind off the task at hand." Is this really what we want to do to our politicians? Don't we want to actually promote unity amongst them? Don't we want to empower them so they can do a fine job if elected at city council? I'm not insinuating to turn a blind eye to everything bad being said about our future leaders--we have a responsibility to make sure we put morally sound people in power. But personally, I won't speak about things that do not affect their ability to perform their jobs. I'm also cautioning you to verify your sources and to make sure the things you say about others are factual. Let's not forget we are playing with people's lives and careers. Honestly, if the things I hear are not true, I want no part in repeating them. I don't know about you, but if you're looking for me, I'll be out there tearing down the rumour mill. No one's personal life is in the public interest. It's gossip, bottom line. End of story. -Kevin Spacey

Julia Lucio Editor in chief

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 10, March 14, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache Distribution: Siiri and Olaf Reiman

visit www.theseeker.ca/newsite/ awards-survey/ to nominate

Looking for Sponsors Title Sponsor - $1000 Award Sponsor - $550 Wine Sponsor - $200 Entertainment Sponsor - $150 Hors D’Oeuvres Sponsor - $100 Dessert Sponsor - $50 Promo Bag Sponsor - $25 Donations (items or money) visit www.theseeker.ca/newsite/ sponsorship-packages/ to get more details on each sponsorship opportunity

Proceeds of this event will go to the new Centre for the Arts Collective, a group for all those looking to see a Center for the Arts become a reality in Cornwall.

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@theseeker.ca


OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News

Presented by

New ws & Politics Trillium adjourns cour t proceedings with City of Cornwall - Trillium Distribution Cornwall Inc. has advised of its i n te n t i o n to a d j o u r n i t s court application against the City's Interim Control By-law 2013-243 for a period of one month and Ci t y Council has consented to this adjournment. The application was originally scheduled to be considered by the Superior Cour t of Ontario on March 21st. Officials from both par ties continue to hold discussions in an attempt to achieve resolution on the use of lands in the Harbour area of Cornwall

Local NDP Elect New Executive for 2014 - The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarr y Provincial and Federal NDP riding associations elected their executive members for 2014 at their joint annual general meetings on March 5th at the Navy Veterans Association in Cornwall. Brian Lynch was re- elected as President of both the SDSG provincial and federal NDP riding associations. Lynch told the crowd that the local NDP, as a result of their outreach activities in recent years, are in a good position to run a strong campaign in SDSG in the next provincial election with nominated candidate Elaine MacDonald. MacDonald, a t w i ce - e l e c te d Cornwall cit y councillor, was nominated as the provincial NDP candidate in SDSG a t a n o m i n a t i o n m e e t i n g l a s t ye a r on March 27, 2013. A provincial e l e c t i o n i n O n t a r i o co u l d co m e a s early as this spring. Candidate Elaine MacDonald praised the work of NDP leader Andrea Hor wath and the Ontario NDP caucus at Queen’s Park to get results that make life better and more affordable for ever yday people. MacDonald stated: “If elected as MPP, my first responsibility will be to the people of SDSG. I will work for good-paying jobs, youth employment, access to post- secondary education and training, healthcare we can count on, and greater aff ffo ordab l ty for everyday people ” Also elected to serve on the 16 member oca NDP r d ng assoc at ons execut ves were E a ne MacDona d as v ce pres dent Pau Aub n record ng secretary Dav d Denneny ch e financ a officer Made e ne Lebrun women s representat ve Car yne Heber t youth representat ve Trevor To ey Dar ene Ja bert Mar on Adams Jason Setnyk an W son Jack St Thomas Patr c a Sy v a A son Parker Dav d Mc veen Bonn e Lauzon as members at arge Br an Lynch and Car yne Heber t were a so e ected as the oca NDP prov nc a counc ors

Arts & Cu ulture Ch d Haven D nner on Fr day March 21st There w be a benefit at the Ramada nn n Cornwa to suppor t Ch dren s Homes n nd a Bang adesh Nepa and T bet n Ch na There w be a d nner s ent auct on and ve

enter tainment by local musician Roxanne Delage with Rod Robillard. Child Haven International assists children and women in d e v e l o p i n g countries, who are in need of food, education, health care, shelter and clothing, a s we l l a s e m o t i o n a l a n d moral support. Bonnie and Fred Cappuccino who live near Maxville Ontario have worked very hard to make Child Haven the success it is today. The Cappuccino's together with a Cornwall Ontario physician, Dr. Natubhai Shah and his wife, Kala, and others, had founded Child Haven International. Tickets for this event are $60. Contact Child Haven's head office in Maxville at 6 1 3 - 5 2 7 - 2 8 2 9 o r v i a E l a i n e M a c D o n a l d at 6 1 3 938-7763. For more info or to make a contribution visit: http://www.childhaven.ca/ Your Ar ts Council AGM The public is invited to a t te n d ' Pl e a s e j o i n u s a t Your Ar ts Council Cornwall & The Counties' Annual General Meeting'. The event will feature special musical guest Tracy Lalonde and Grahm Greer. The duo will be playing songs from Tracy's new EP entitled Little Letters. The AGM takes place Monday March 24th from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall Ontario. Please confirm your attendance via email: bruce@yourartscouncil.ca by March 19th 2014. YAC will be accepting individual memberships for $25.00 for 2014-2015.

Sports & Lifestyle A b o u t $ 3 2 0 0 0 wa s raised at Br an s Day Th e Cornwa Grs Hockey Assoc at on he d a s p e c i a l u n d ra s n g activity last Saturday to help suppor t Br an Tardiff ff.. Mr. Tard ff who s a l o n g t i m e s u p p o r t e r o g r s h o c k e y h e re n Cornwall and reg on was d agnosed w th ASL (Lou Gehrig s d sease Spec a guest and O ymp c Gold Medalist n Women s hockey Lor Dupu s was one o the spec a guest n attendance Kudos to the commun ty or the r undra s ng eff ffo or ts and he p ng Br an and h s am y n th s fight See p 7 or more on Br an s day

Former Cornwa Comets D-Man S mon Desormeaux set to make home debut for K ngs The LNAH regu ar season conc udes th s weekend and the R ver K ngs are ook ng to head nto the p ayoff ffss on a h gh note Loca ans w fina y get a chance to we come an o d an avour te back to town as S mon Desormeaux m a k e s h s 2 0 1 3 2 0 1 4 d e b u t o n h o m e ce t h s Saturday The ormer Cornwa Comets de enceman has su ted up or the R ver K ngs tw ce on the road th s season The rugged b ue ner has 12 pena ty m nutes n two contests Cornwa v s ts Sore Tracy on Fr day n ght to take on the Eperv ers The o ow ng even ng the R ver

JASO ON SETNYK K Kings will play host to the Thetford-Mines Isothermic. On Saturday night, tickets will be $8 for adults, seniors and students. Children 12 will be admitted for $5. Season ticket holders can use any unused previous game tickets for this game. Playoff tickets will go on sale Tuesday, March 18th. Cornwall’s opponent in the best-of-seven first round series is yet to be determined. Tickets prices are $12 for adults, $9 for students and seniors and $5 for children under 12.

Letters & Opinions MPP Jim McDonell says Agriculture Campus C l o s u re s Must Be Reversed - MPP Jim M cD onell wa s d i s a p p o i n te d to h e a r t h e L i b e ra l Government ’s a n n o u n ce m e n t o f t h e c l o s u re o f t h e a g r i c u l t u re campuses at Kemptville and Alfred. “Just on Monday, Kathleen Wynne told workers, municipal representatives and farmers in St-Albert that the agricultural sector is important for the Province’s future” – said MPP Jim McDonell. “Less than 48 hours later, in her part-time capacity as Minister of Agriculture and Food, she and her Government announced the closure the only agriculture education institutions in Eastern Ontario. How can she expect our agriculture and agri-food sector to continue innovating and expanding across the Province if there are no available courses east of Guelph?” Premier Kathleen Wynne has combined her duties with those of the Minister of Agriculture and Food since February 2013. “Kathleen Wynne either knew of the closures when she sang her Government ’s praises to agri-food sector representatives in St-Albert on Monday or she has no idea what the department she oversees partt me s up to” – MPP McDone cont nued “Both scenar os are d shearten ng The consequences o hav ng a par t t me M n ster o Agr cu ture are b e co m n g c e a r S h e h a s n o gra s p o t h e m p o r t a n ce o o c a a gr c u t u ra e d u c a t o n n Eastern Ontar o and has no nterest n a v brant and susta nab e agr cu ture sector ”“Loca armers have strong t es to the A red and Kemptv e campuses wh ch have prov ded educat on n the agr cu tura fie d or a most a century F ve o my brothers attended the Kemptv e campus went on to success u careers n the agr cu ture ” recounted MPP McDone “Our reg on has a v brant agr cu tura her tage rooted n str v ng or exce ence The agr cu tura sector s the reg on s number one ndustr y and the Kempt v e and A red campuses have p ayed a ma or ro e n ts success prov d ng oca educat on opportun t es or asp r ng armers” – MPP McDone conc uded “ Th s government has wasted b ons o do ars on a ed programs such as the cance ed power p ants and now we see the resu ts o those expens ve m stakes Two o our reg on s key educat ona nst tut ons are c os ng e m nat ng more than a hundred good pay ng obs Expect ng our next generat on o armers to move to Gue ph or the r educat on shows that the L bera s have n o u n d e r s t a n d n g o t h e n e e d s o E a s te r n Ontar o ” My name s Jason Setnyk and these are the Seeker Sn ppets

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

FOCUS ON THE GOOD with Carol Grant


There are SO many organizations out there that offer help in so many ways and we'd like to focus on all of the good things this city has to offer.

Whether you need help for yourself or your pet, there is someone who can help. Whether you are a child, adolescent, young adult or a senior in need, there is also someone who can help. Whether you have cancer, diabetes, heart disease or any other ailment, there is someone who can help. Our city is blessed to have organizations that help with such a wide variety of services and our hope is to inform you throughout the year about these wonderful agencies or organizations. It is my hope to focus on an extensive range of services out there including but not limited to organizations such as Canadian Cancer Society, United Way (and its various represented agencies), Canadian Red Cross, Cornwall Community Hospital, Boys & Girls Club of Cornwall, OSPCA, Agape Centre, Canadian Diabetes Association, ASAP, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, Canadian Mental Health Association, VCARS, St. John Ambulance, and Kinsmen Club, just to name a few. This weekly feature is FREE of charge and will help gain exposure for your organization to help you reach out to those in need who could be looking for the help you have to offer! If you are involved with a local charity, non-profit organization or an agency that can be of help to someone in need, please contact me to be featured in an upcoming article. I will arrange to take photos and do an article on your organization.

I can be reached by telephone at 613-932-0935 or by sending me an email (with the subject Focus on the Good) to carolgrantproductions@hotmail.com



Each week we will be featuring a local nonprofit, charity or helpful organization here in our beautiful city in the “Focus on the Good” section.

The Long Haul Back Home Last weekend, was my moving weekend, back to Cornwall from Kingston. The slow move over the last month lightened the load, but as anyone who has moved knows; when you pack up your belongings they take a lot of boxes, bins and space. I arranged for a UHaul from Kingston and for a drop off in Cornwall. On Friday, I left for work before 6am so I could leave earlier. After packing some more things, I discovered that I ran out of boxes. My final step was to bring my cat and all of her things to Cornwall. My cat can be very anti-social and was not thrilled with going in her cage for the long drive back. Her pain infused meows were tough to bear as she wrestled to free herself from the cage. Once settled in my car, the movement and the music calmed her down, but her protests were still known. Bright and early on Saturday morning, I picked up my Cornwall moving guys and after a Tim Hortons’ stop, we were on the highway and gearing up for a busy day. Two of the three moved me to Kingston in 2012 and as they recalled the hot day with the non-functioning elevator, we made our way back. Even though we had an elevator this time, it was the long hallways and the lack of carts or dollies that took the toll on us. We worked diligently to carry all of my boxes, bins and what little furniture I have. They cursed my son’s penchant for books, as I have thinned out my collection, but Brad is still holding on for now. I matched them in strides and did not let up, I had to push through the pain and get this done. The 4 am start to the weekend and very little sleep, was something I had to endure, in the end, it will be worth it. The 20 foot Uhaul was loaded as was my Vibe, that carried home the two things I was adamant about not breaking; my televisions. The boys climbed into the Uhaul as I made the solo journey back. Once we returned to Cornwall, my friend Sue’s son Dylan and his buddy Jason helped unload the Uhaul. They were not aware of the flight of stairs, but it didn’t take them long as they piled my things in my new place. The cat, was not a happy camper and it took until later that night for her to show herself. So now, the unpacking begins. The final decisions of what stays, what goes, where things fit are happening. Cable and Internet are set up. Oh how I missed my DVR. I still have a few things left in Kingston, but for the most part, I am back. Thanks to all who helped make this move easier. The guys have set a moratorium on moving me, it has to be at least 4 years, according to them. Time will tell, but home is where the heart is and there is no question where mine is.

Koupon Korner Purchase a Bikini Laser Hair Removal Get your under arm free, a $60 Value valid until April 18th

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

-Store at 812 Pitt Street, Unit 40

Open Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. -Workplace mini health seminars -3 day juicing cleanse workshops -10 day juicing challenges -Healthy eating cooking seminars

CONTACT: Sylvie Thibert, The Health Nut thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


-Diane Billard; (Reiki, Organo Gold products, foot spa) -Serenity Massage and Wellness Spa Team; Noah Morin (RMT),

ZUMBA ZONE with Christal

Hope to see you join the party with us! ZWITHC UPCOMING EVENTS: - March 17- St Patty's Day Party- Show Your Irish Spirit! Come dressed in Green (Nativity Hall 6:30pm) - Below: last years St. Patty’s Day Party

Ted Casselman (HHP), Bernadette Leroux (Certified foot reflexologist),

Laura Barclay (certified holistic nutritionist), Debra Hoyland (RMT)


NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut

- Megan Crossthwaite; (RMT)

-Raquel Beauvais-Godard; RBG Counselling -Anne Lalonde; Souly Immaterial -Cindy Pare; (RMT)

In health…

Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119 or 613-662-3834

DID YOU KNOW ... The SEEKERS website gets more than 700 visitors a day. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE WITH US? call 613-935-3763 ext. 1 for web ad prices

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


*My shop is located at 812 Pitt Street, unit 40 (just past Earthway Chiropractic Clinic), on the left side…small restaurant with black railing around patio. Open Saturdays only…9am to 4pm. *Cash only basis*

Looking forward to having you Join the Party with us! Christal

This Saturday, March 15th…Diane Billard (gratitude 4 health) will be at my shop promoting Organo Gold products. A hot drink with many amazing health benefits!

More events to follow in next month's column, meanwhile Visit zumbacornwall.ca for class schedule and party times Contact me for more information 613-933-5177


*Basically, the Fair is on 11am to 3pm…$2 admission to see all the vendors. Kathy Smart will be in a separate room, limited seating, speaking noon to 1pm…admission to attend her talk will be $5. We would strongly suggest if you wish to attend her talk to come in that day at 11am to purchase your ticket…we are only selling at the door.* Thank you!!

- April 1- Launching ZwithC's new website

We are thrilled to have an incredible speaker join us this year, Kathy Smart, North America’s Gluten-Free Expert (has appeared on The Dr Oz Show) and is an award winning author of Best-Selling Gluten/Wheat Free Cook Books. Kathy is a very giving individual and will be there to answer your questions, take pics, sign books etc…come and meet this amazing individual. Spread the word if you know anyone living with Celiac disease or food intolerances….


-Dr. Joel Leger and Dr. Kylie Draper; (Cornwall Spine Care Plus)

My Motto - "There are no mistakes in Zumba classes just unexpected solos"

-Dr. Paul Poirier; (Earthway Chiropractor Clinic)

Being positive and open to continue my education and learning I believe that Zumba is a lifestyle. I strive to make my Zumba classes pressure -free, fun, exciting with a motivating environment that will leave you anxious to return. My primary goal is to help people lead a healthier, happier life and have fun along the way resulting in positive, long term lifestyle changes.


Here is a list of the individuals that will represent the health professionals at the event;

Imagine… for just one hour, you can turn the world off and turn the music up and dance your stresses away! It is for this reason I call Zumba a true "Happy Hour." My main goal is to turn each and every member into a "Happy Shiny Person."

This year, Maison Baldwin House will again be the recipient of all profits of this event. Last year we raised well over $1100 in 3 hours for the cause, we hope to double that amount this year! For this reason, we will be asking a $2 minimum donation at the door…..thank you for your support!

The reason I love to teach Zumba Fitness is simple: Every class feels like a party!


On Saturday, April 5th, 11am to 3pm ..we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Healthy Living Wellness Fair at The Agora Centre , 301 McConnell Avenue (formerly Nativity Hall). The buzz is around our city and surrounding area, everyone is so looking forward to having all of these health-minded professionals and individuals under one roof.

We are very happy to welcome Christal to the Seeker Team - I believe everyone knows this “girl with amazing energy” and we look forward to hearing from her once a month.


From the Desk of Candy Pollard


March 6th, 2014

Looking for a suLooking forb? a summer job? mmer jo Why not be your own Boss this mmer Why not be your ownsu Boss this in summer instead! stead! Take something you have a passion for and create an idea for a business, obt ain a Take something you have a passion for and create an $3,000 gra nt for and be youobtain r owna bos idea a business, $3,000 grant andsum be your s for the mer. Sou nds own bosspre fortty the ŐŽŽ summer. Sounds pretty Ě ĚŽĞ ƐŶ͛ƚ ŝƚ͍ dŚĂgood ƚ ŝƐ doesn’t ĞdžĂĐƚůLJ th March 6“Summer , 2014 ǁŚ it? That is exactly what is all about. Ăƚ ͞ ^Ƶŵ ŵĞƌ ŽCompany” ŵƉĂŶLJ͟ ŝƐ Ăůů ĂďŽƵƚ͘


The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) is now accepting The Company nwall 2014. Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) applications for Summer Cor

is Looking now accepting forappalicasummer job? tions for Sum me

Any student who lives in Cornwall, & G. or Akwesasne is eligible,r Com pan ynot 2014. S.D. Why be your own Boss this summer instead! provided that you are between the ages of 15 and 29 and will be returning to school in the fall. Any stusomething dent whoyou Take a passion livehave s in Cor nwall, for S.Dand . & G. or create an idea for a business, obtain a $3,000 sne issponsored Summer Company Akw is a esa program thevid Ministry of Economic eligible,bypro ed tha t you are and be your own boss for the summer. Development, Trade &we Employment (MEDT&E) and administered by the betgrant en the ages of 15 and 29 and will be Sounds pretty ŐŽŽĚ and ĚŽĞƐŶ͛ƚ ŝƚ͍ dŚĂƚ ŝƐ own ĞdžĂĐƚůLJ CBEC, which assistsret students in starting running your business urn ing to sch ool in the fall . Kevin Aleinik - Summer Company Participant 2012 through the summerǁŚĂƚ ͞^ƵŵŵĞƌ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ͟ ŝƐ Ăůů ĂďŽƵƚ͘ months. Participants receive hands on business Ownerof Kevin’s Kutting & Landscape training and are matched to mentors who help guide you through the Sum me The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre (CBEC) r Com pan y is a business stages, and assist with questions youpro may Each grahave. m spo nsoSummer red by the Ministry of Economic isplonow accepting applications for own Summer Development, Trade & Emcan ym ent (ME Company participant receive up toDT& $3,000 start your business. E) to and adm inistered by the CBEC, which assists Company 2014. stu den ts in starting and running Please visit www.businessenterprisecentre.ca your own business through the sum me rsomething months. Parfor ticimore pan ts rec “Summer Companyare is an exciting opportunity for students to do eive information. han ds on business training and matched to me nto whoand helS.D. p gui lives inrshand, Cornwall, & money, G. deoryou through the business stages, and ass they love, learn aboutAny the student businesswho world first make ” said ist with questions youAkwesasne may Pollard. have.is Eac h Sum eligible, are me r Com panyou y par Business Consultant Candy “Not onlyprovided does thethat student get bet canThe Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre is operated by ticitopan receive up to $3, 000 to start your own business. between the ages of 15 andvaluable 29 andentrepreneurial will be their own boss, and receive start-up funding, they also gain Cornwall Economic Development in partnership with the to school ͞^Ƶreturning ŵŵ skills as they turn their business ideaĞƌ intoŽŵ a reality. ”in the ƉĂŶLJ ŝƐ Ministry of Economic Development, Trade & Employment. ĂŶfall. ĞdžĐŝƚŝŶŐ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ Ĩ

Žƌ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ƚŽ ĚŽ ƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞLJ ůŽǀ Ğ, learn about the business world first hand, and make mo ney ,͟ Ɛ ĂŝĚ Candy Pollard, Business Consultant, Summer Company is a program sponsored by the Ministry ofƐƐ Economic Development, Trade Ƶ ƐŝŶĞ The Summer Company Program has seen a great deal of success in Cornwall and S.D. ŽŶƐ ƵůƚĂ Ŷƚ ĂŶĚ LJ WŽůůĂƌĚ͘ & the Employment ͞EŽ student get to be the ir ow andsuccessfully administered by their theand CBEC, which assists students inEnterprise starting andCentre running ƚ ŽŶůLJ ĚŽĞs n run bos Cornwall Business s, & G. In the past 6 years, 41 students have (MEDT&E) opened and ownrec eive sta rt-u p fun din g, the y also entrep ren eurbusiness ial skilgrant lsthrough your own the summer Participants receive hands on business training andgain valuable as of the$3,000. y tur businesses, and each has received the maximum n theirmonths. business idea ŝŶƚŽ Ă ƌ ĞĂů 100 Water Street East, Suite 104, P.O. Box 877, ŝƚLJ͘ ͟ are matched to mentors who help guide you through the business stages, and assist with questions

ON to K6H 5T9your own business. Summer Company 2014 has you a maximum of 15 participants, therefore may have.capacity Each Summer Company participant can receiveCornwall, up to $3,000 start Direct Line 613-933-0074 interested students are encouraged to visit www.ontario.ca/summercompany for ͞^ƵŵŵĞƌ ŽŵƉĂŶLJ ŝƐ ĂŶ ĞdžĐŝƚŝŶŐ ŽƉƉŽƌƚƵŶŝƚLJ ĨŽƌ ƐƚƵĚĞŶƚƐ ƚŽ ĚŽ ƐŽŵĞƚŚŝŶŐ ƚŚĞLJ ůŽǀĞ, learn about the more information regarding eligibility and program requirements Summer Company Program has seen a great deal of success in Cornwall and S.D. & G. In the and/or past 6 to fill out an business world and firsteach hand,has and make money,͟ ƐĂŝĚ ƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŽŶƐƵůƚĂŶƚ ĂŶĚLJ WŽůůĂƌĚ͘ ͞EŽƚ ŽŶůLJ ĚŽĞs initialand application. s, 41 students have opened successfully run their own businesses, received the the student get to be their own boss, and receive start-up funding, they also gain valuable imum grant of $3,000. Cornwall Business Enterpriseentrepreneurial Centre staff are skills as they turn their business idea ŝŶƚŽ Ă ƌĞĂůŝƚLJ͘͟ for assistance in completing mer Company 2014 hasavailable a maximum capacity of 15 participants, therefore interested students are applications and answering Contact ouraged to visit www.ontario.ca/summercompany forquestions. more information regarding eligibility and thetoCentre 613-933-0074 ext. #2276 ram requirements and/or fill outbyancalling initial application. Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre or email entrepreneurship@cornwall.ca are available for assistance in completing applications and answering questions. Contact the re by calling 613-933-0074 ext. #2276 or email entrepreneurship@cornwall.ca Invitations The deadline is quickly approaching, therefore studentstherefore are encouraged act now. deadline is quickly approaching, studentsto are encouraged to act now.



WITH ABOUT THE Enterprise CORNWALL BUSINESS CORNWALL’S ut the Cornwall Business Centre ENTERPRISE CENTRE Large Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre helps small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed in ble st Porta The Cornwall Business Enterprise Centre helps wall, Akwesasne, Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry by offering information, tools and support LIGHT & LASER small business owners and entrepreneurs succeed ŶŐ ƐƚĂƌƚͲƵƉ ĂŶĚ ŐƌŽǁƚŚ ƐƚĂŐĞƐ ŽĨ ďƵƐŝŶĞƐƐ ŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ͘ dŚĞ ĞŶƚƌĞ ĂůƐŽ ŽĨĨĞƌƐ ƐĞŵŝŶĂƌƐ͕ ǁŽƌŬƐŚŽƉƐ SHOW in Cornwall, Stormont, Dundas and in mind. Please networking opportunities that areAkwesasne, designed with the entrepreneur visit Glengarry by offering information, tools and Disc Jockey Packages w.businessenterprisecentre.ca for more information. support during start‐up and growth stages of Priced business Centre operation. The Centre also offers BUSINESSES! Cornwall Business Enterprise is operated by Cornwall Economic Development in to Fit your Budge t! workshops Trade and & Employment. networking NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! nership with the Ministryseminars, of Economic Development, Place your FREE can ldon@ placegmail. yourcom coupon on this 3dcshe opportunities that are designed with theYou page for 3 months for FREE. Coupon on entrepreneur in mind. ͲϯϬͲ Weddin Videos availabl e results, you can” If you areg happy with the

this Call Korner 613-935-3763

more information on this media release, please contact:page!



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Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


with Carol Grant BRIAN’S DAY

Cornwall & area residents have once again shown their generosity by helping out a local sports leader, Brian Tardiff (photo left).

Brian was honoured last weekend during "Brian's Day", a fundraiser held on March 8th at the Benson Centre to help raise funds that will go towards supporting his journey with Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS). Hundreds of people gathered to participate in the day's events which included a silent auction, hockey games, Zumba with Christal Bowen (photo right), live music by "Twisted Kilt", autograph session with two-time Olympic medalist Lori Dupuis (below with Seeker Chick Mai-Liis) and other activities.




We wish Brian our sincere wishes for good health and are happy to know that he has such tremendous support in his journey.

At last known count, the event raised nearly $32,000 which confirms the tremendous support Tardiff has in the area. Tardiff will be one of the new inductees in Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame this year in the Builder category during the August ceremony.


Brian is instrumental in establishing the city's minor girls' hockey and baseball/softball leagues here in Cornwall and it's only fitting that so many past and present athletes were on hand to help celebrate this wonderful man.

SPORTS Geoff Smith, Rod McLeod and Angie Baker led the charge by organizing this event and anybody would be privileged to have any one them in their corner, let alone all three. I’m proud to say my family is a part of the Cornwall Girls Hockey Association. The majority of the volunteers came from the CGHA and they worked like a well oiled machine. The day couldn’t have gone any better and it was because of their wiliness to work together. It was a day to celebrate the work of Brian and Sue and it’ll never be forgotten. Good luck in your journey Russ, we’re behind you all the way.

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


But all those rank behind this past weekend’s Brian’s Day. The one day fundraiser that raised more than $34,000 to assist Brian “Russ” Tardiff and his journey with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) showed why Cornwall is a second to none when it comes to being a caring community. The day involved several hockey games, Zumba, skills competitions, Lori Dupuis autograph signing, a band and a silent auction all in support of Brian and Sue Tardiff.

The great success of the day speaks to a few things, namely what Russ has given to the girls hockey and local softball communities for the better part of the past four decades.

Being Chairman of the annual Benson Cornwall Lions Club Sports Awards Dinner, Cornwall Sports Hall of Fame Induction Dinner and the Tim Horton’s Big Brothers/Big Sisters Bowl for Kids Sake as well as master of ceremonies for the former Chad Kilger Golf Tournament and the one time Children’s Treatment Centre NHL Slovak golf tournament have been highlights of a fun career so far.

This is being written a couple days after the event and I’m still amazed at the turnout, the community spirit and how much was raised.


EYE ON SPORTS by David Murphy

I’ve been very fortunate to have been a part of some amazing fundraisers and sports events over the past twenty plus years.



cover_Layout 1 3/6/2014 12:12 PM Page 1



Vendredi 14 14 mars 2014/Friday March Vendredi mars 2014/Friday March14, 14,2014 2014

11:00 : Ouverture de la Cabane à sucre / Opening of the Cabane à sucre : Ouverture de la –Cabane à sucre / Opening the Cabane à sucre 11:1511:00 : Frizotine la coquine Spectacle pour enfants /ofClown – Children’s show 11:15 : Frizotine la coquine – Spectacle pour enfants / Clown – 12:30 : Maquillage de visage / Face painting Children’s show 13:30 : Bricot/ Arts and Crafts Michel Sonnel 12:30 : Maquillage de visageChildren’s / Face painting 14:30 : Musique pour enfants/ music 15:0013:30 : : Film Bricot/ pour enfants / Children’s movie Arts and Crafts Michel Sonnel 16:0014:30 : : Musique/music Musique pour enfants/ Children’s music 17:00 – 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$) 15:00 : FilmRoxanne pour enfants / Children’s Musique/Music Delage, Marcmovie Carrière, Rod Robillard Musique/music 19:3016:00 : Top :Secret (comédie et chansons) spectacle (15,00$) / French

Stand-up 17:00 Comics – 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$)

Samedi le 15 mars 2014/ Saturday March 15, 2014

Samedi le 15 mars 2014/ Saturday March 15, 2014

10 :00 à midi : Déjeuner/Breakfast Cabane à sucre (5,00$) 12 :00 en : famille/Family game : Une minute gagner/One minute to 10 :00: àJeu midi Déjeuner/Breakfast Cabane à sucreà (5,00$) win 12 :00 : Jeu en famille/Family game : Une minute à gagner/One 13 :00 : Estelle Farfadelle – Spectacle pour enfants/Children’s minute show to 14 :00 : win Swinging Bees 15 :00 : and Crafts 13 :00 :Bricot/ Estelle Arts Farfadelle – Spectacle pour enfants/Children’s show 16 :00 : Film pourBees enfants/Children’s movie 14 :00 : Swinging 17 :00 - 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$) 15 :00 : Bricot/ Musique/Music Arts and Crafts 16 :00: :Les Film bons pour enfants/Children’s 19 :30 vivants (musiquemovie traditionnelle/traditional music) (10,00$) 17 :00 - 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$)


HORAIRE/SCHEDULE Musique/Music Musique/Music Roxanne Delage, Marc Carrière, Rod Robillard Vendredi 14 mars 2014/Friday March 14, 2014 19 :30 : Les bons vivants (musiqueSamedi traditionnelle/traditional music)March 15, 2014 le 15 mars 2014/ Saturday 19:30 : Top Secret (comédie et chansons) spectacle (15,00$) / French Vendre 11:00 : Ouverture de la (10,00$) Cabane à sucre / Opening of the Cabane à sucre d i 14 ma Comics 10 :00 à midi : Déjeuner/Breakfast Cabane à sucre (5,00$) HORA Stand-up 11:15 : Frizotine la coquine – Spectacle pour enfants / Clown – rs 2014 11:00 : O I 12 :00 : Jeu en famille/Family game : Une minute à gagner/One minute to R Children’s show E /F uvertur / r SCHED iday M e 11:15 : F win 12:30 : Maquillage de visage / Face painting arch 14 rizotine de la Cabane à ULE13:30 : Bricot/ Arts and Crafts Michel Sonnel 13 :00 : Estelle Farfadelle – Spectacle pour enfants/Children’s show , la coquin sucre / 2 0 1 4 O C e – Spe 14 :00 : Swinging Bees 14:30 : Musique pour enfants/ Children’s music ctacle p pening of the C 12:30 : M hildren’s show our enfa 15 :00 : Bricot/ Arts and Crafts Samed a 15:00 : Film pour enfants / Children’s movie nts / Clo abane à sucre 13:30 : B quillage de visa i le 15 16:00 16 :00 : Film pour enfants/Children’s movie wn – ge / Fac ricot/ A :rMusique/music m a e r s 14:30 : M ts pa 20Souper/Supper 17 :00 - 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$) 14/ Sat Cabane à sucre (8,00$) 10 :00 à 17:00 – 19 h : usique p and Crafts Mic inting midi : D urdayMarc Musique/Music 15:00 : F h o Roxanne Delage, Carrière, Rod Robillard éjeuneMusique/Music 12 :00 : M ilm pou ur enfants/ Ch el Sonnel a r r/Bre: Top ch 15 19 :30 : Les bons vivants (musique traditionnelle/traditional music) Jeu en fa r enfants ildren’s 16:00 : M akfaSecret et chansons) spectacle (15,00$) / French , st Cab(comédie 2 mille/F19:30 music 0 win / Child 1 usique 4 ane à (10,00$) am

ren’s m /music ily gam sucre (5 17:00 – Stand-up Comics 13 :00 : ovie e : Une ,00$) 19 Estelle F minute Musique h : Souper/Su a à gagne 1 r fadelle – 4 :00 : S ppe /M r/One m winging S p e 19:30 : T usic Roxanne r Cabane à s c ta inute to cle pou 15 :00 : Bees ucre (8,0 op Secr Delage r B e r n ic fa e o 0 t , n t/ Arts a $) Marc C ts/Child (c méd Stand-u 16 :00 : n r ie et ch a e d p Comic oVendredi r n r C ’s F 14 mars 2014/Friday March 14, 2014 iè il r s m a re, Rod how15 mars 2014/ Saturday March 15, 2014 fts ansons) pour s 17 :00 Samedi le R spectac 19 h : S enfants/Childre le (15,0 obillard n’s mov o u 0$)à/ sucre p e r /S 11:00 : Ouverture de la Cabane / Opening of the Cabane à sucre French ie up Mu ue per Cabane à 10 :00 à midi : Déjeuner/Breakfast Cabane à sucre (5,00$) 19 :30 : / Clown 11:15 : Frizotine la coquine – Spectacle pour enfants /Music sucre (8 Les bo siq– ,00$:) Jeu en famille/Family game : Une minute à gagner/One minute to n (10,0By s vivants 12 :00 0$) Bob Sloan Children’s show (musiqu e tr a ditionwin 12:30 : Maquillage de visage / Face painting nelle/tra d:itEstelle 13 :00 ional m Farfadelle – Spectacle pour enfants/Children’s show Owner Penny Bruyere of 13:30 : Bricot/ Arts and Crafts Michel Sonnel usic) 14 :00 : Swinging Bees 14:30 : Musique pour enfants/ Children’s music “Underground Spin Studio”, 15 :00 : Bricot/ Arts and Crafts 15:00 : Film pour enfants / Children’s movie located at Summit Health & 16 :00 : Film pour enfants/Children’s movie 16:00 : Musique/music Fitness Club joins forces with17 :00 the 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$) 17:00 – 19 h : Souper/Supper Cabane à sucre (8,00$) Heart & Stroke Foundation to Musique/Music Musique/Music Roxanne Delage, Marc Carrière, Rod Robillard fund raise for life-saving 19 :30 : Les bons vivants (musique traditionnelle/traditional music) 19:30 : Top Secret (comédie et chansons) spectacle (15,00$) / French research, education, and (10,00$)



Stand-up Comics

equipment. On Sunday March

23rd from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM,

riders will be spinning with Penny’s team of trainers where they promise that you will work up a sweat. All persons are welcome to join in, or drop by and make a pledge. Come and see what spinning is all about, and discover what many doctors L-R Lynne Groulx – Heart & Stroke Foundation; Michelle St.Pierre; Anita Laferriere; Susie Goncalves; say, that spinning is the best Penny Bruyere – Underground Spin Studio - owner; bang for your buck where time for fitness is a premium. Christi Lalonde FOR MORE INFORMATION VISIT; Underground Spin Studio - www.undergroundspinstudio.ca Sponsor through Heart & Stroke – www.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1105970

A Heart & Stroke Yoga Fundraiser was held on Thursday, February 27th at Spirit Tree Yoga Cenre wherein 18 yogis raised $1048.00 for the Heart & Stroke foundation by committing to do 50 Sun Salutations. Everyone was able to complete them in 28 minutes!! It was great fun and this will become an annual event. Unfortunately, one of our cherished members, Kathryn Addie, was supposed to attend the fundraiser but ironically she passed away of a heart attack (she was only 54) prior to the event. We are going to honour her memory by dedicating the annual fundraiser to her. Next year it will be known as the Kathryn Addie Heart & Stroke Yoga Fundraiser.

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 8

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!



45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca

SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES Great Programs at the Library



SUNDAY, MARCH 16 @ 1:00PM Transition Cornwall Plus Presents: "URBAN ROUTES"


MONDAY, MARCH 17 CORNWALL & REGION WRITERS SOCIETY Meeting @ 6:30 pm SCIENCE AND SPIRITUALITY Tuesdays, March 18 through to April 22 @ 6:30 pm


Science & Nature Speaker Ser ies: "WATER IN OUR WORLD"@ 7:00 pm

Movies at the Library Thursday, March 20 @ 6:30 & Friday, March 21 @ 2:00 pm. AN EDUCATION - Audience: PG


DON’T JUST SIT ON IT – PUBLISH IT Learn how to publish your book with DENISE NEILSON

We all want to know what’s going on in our community!

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 19 - March 14 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



If you have any events to advertise CALL US at 613-935-3763 ext.101 Julia / 102 Mai-Liis

The launch of the TERMINALLY ILL. A new novel presented by the author herself, Dr. Melissa YI at the library.




our weekly pages of events n’ more...





FRIDAY MARCH 14 ABANDON ALL SHIPS W/Palisades,Skynet,Partycat and Here Comes Bigfoot @Vu

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Fountaingate Christian Assembly (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. EVERYONE IS WELCOME (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org

SAT MARCH 15 RACHEL’S KIDS MURDER MYSTERY DINNER Theater at 6 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. St. Paddy's day themed 3 course dinner, raffle & door prizes. Tickets: 60$, call: 613.933.3946 to reserve. The St. Andrews Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual IRISH STEW SUPPER on Saturday, March 15th from 5pm to 8pm at the St. Andrews Church Hall in St. Andrews West. The Supper includes salads, desserts, tea or coffee. Cost is $8 per adult, $5 for children 10 to 5, free under 5 years of age. Proceeds for the reconstruction of the Chapel at the Cornwall Community Hospital. St. Columban's CWL ST.PATRICK’S TEA AND BAKE SALE from 1:30 pm to 3 pm. Agape Center activity room, 40 5th St. W. Admission: 6$


10:30 am Lions club in Bonville ON. Canadian Motorcycle Cruisers CLUB BREAKFAST We have a private room upstairs this time. Directions: Hwy 138 to the flashing light in Bonville , go east about 1/2 mile and the lions club is on the left side. Plenty of parking. Everyone welcome! Come out for a good breakfast and a fun morning. Transition Cornwall+ FOOD FILM SERIES at 1 pm. Cornwall Public Library, 45 2nd St. E. Screening a film on urban roots Celebrate ST. PADDY’S DAY AT THE RCAFA WING 424 Irish stew, corn beef & cabbage dinner served from 5 pm. 240 Water St. W. Music by Ferguss ST.PATRICK’S IRISH STEW SUPPER at 5:30 pm. Knox-St. Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Tickets: 10$, reserve by calling: 613.938.3704 WORSHIP AND THE WORD, 10:30 at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive, Cornwall


Cornwall Quilters Guild MONTHLY MEETING 6:30 pm. St-Matthews Lutheran Church hall, 1504 2nd St. W. Guest: Tracey White from We R Quilts

TUE MARCH 18 KIWANIS CLUB OF CORNWALL INC. celebrate 87th year of Service to the Children of Cornwall and the World at Jack Lee’s Restaurant 128 Pitt Street Cornwall, ON - Social Gathering from 5:30PM Chinese Buffet, Perch, or Ham Dinner at 6:30 PM For Reservations Call: (613) 932-0612 by March 14, 2014 Dinner: $20.00

If it a


SMART CITY TOASTMASTERS CLUB- offers you the opportunity to learn communication skills and gives you the practical leadership experience in a positive environment. Meetings are on the 1st&3rd Wednesdays of each month@ St. Lawrence CollegeCornwall Campus River Room #3150


FRIENDS OF VETS Support Group, meeting the first and third Thursday of every month at 7pm. 780 Sydney Street, parking in the back, free coffee. Royal Canadian Legion Seniors EUCHRE 1:15 p.m. 415 2nd St. W.Snacks will be served.

FRIDAY MARCH 21 CareFor WALK-IN WELLNESS CLINIC 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesterol checks etc. International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination from 7 pm to 9 pm. Knox-St. Paul’s United Church, 800 12th St. E. Screening of the documentary "I AM" followed by song, discussion & refreshments. Child Haven Dinner, Bazaar & Silent Auction at 6 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Gourmet Indian dinner with entertainment by Roxanne Delage & Rod Robillard. Tickets: 60$ by calling:613.938.7763


Smiles For Seniors Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser from 6 pm to 11 pm. Knights of Columbus, 205 Amelia St. Call: 613.360.3357 or visit sworrall26.myevent.com to purchase tickets.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


Although w range temps o


If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening!

CH 19

T CITY UB- offers to learn d gives you xperience in Meetings are ays of each e Collegever Room

Although we are still below normal, the temperatures are beginning to rise. By next week we should see some warmer long range temps on the horizon as we make our way out of winter at last.

CH 20

S Support t and third th at 7pm. king in the

L’Union culturelle des franco-ontariennes (UCFO) Projet : Une vie en santé Pour femmes d’expression française de 55 ans et plus Série de 3 ateliers gratuits : - Activité physique - Alimentation - Alcool et médicaments

ion Seniors 15 2nd St.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


by Sharyn Thompson



ENJOY BROCCOLI SOUP AND COCONUT MACAROONS When will our winter ever end? As I write this column, they are calling for a snowstorm tomorrow. I know in my heart that some of our worst snowstorms come in March and even April. So I am not keeping my hopes up for an early spring. Remember back in the early 1970's, the storm that had snow piled right up to our house roofs. To try and make you, or me, forget about the weather, try making my broccoli soup (with no cream) and my favourite coconut macaroons. Both dishes are plain delicious!


If you don't own an immersion blender, pick one up soon. This little hand-held gadget purees soups, sauces, gravies, and even smoothies to a silky smooth consistency. I use mine in this instance to puree the soup once all of the vegetables are tender. Then I add in the grated sharp cheddar cheese. I served it in the tea cups that came with my china set. No spoons are needed.

INGREDIENTS: 2 medium onions, diced 1 shallot, finely diced 1 tbsp. butter and 1 tbsp. olive oil 1 tbsp. minced garlic in oil 5 medium potatoes, peeled and diced 1- 946 ml. carton of low sodium chicken broth 3 or 4 cups of broccoli (stems sliced thinly and florets cut into bite-sized pieces) 1 cup (or so) grated sharp cheddar cheese (if you are using a bar or cheese, cut about a 4" piece off and grate it) 1- 1/2 tsp. Kosher salt 1 tsp. ground black pepper

METHOD: -Saute the diced onion and shallot in the butter and olive oil. Once softened, stir in the minced garlic in

oil. -Add the diced potatoes and saute for several minutes. -Stir in the chicken broth and broccoli . -Simmer, covered for about 15 or 20 minutes, until all of the veggies are nice and tender. -Using an immersion blender (or a food processor or blender), puree the soup into a nice smooth, silky texture. If you are using a hand-held immersion blender, be sure to keep it touching the bottom of your pot of soup at all times while pureeing. If you happen to lift it up a bit as you are pureeing, you will be wearing most of the soup, not eating it!!! I almost did this myself as I was pureeing the soup. Haha, I just caught myself on time! -Stir in the grated cheddar cheese and heat the soup to your desired taste. Season it now with some salt and pepper. Use my above guidelines for seasoning. -This soup will serve about 6 cups or so. -NO cream is necessary here. The potatoes help to provide the thickness and creaminess. Guilt-free delicious soup! ENJOY!


2 egg whites at room temperature 3/4 tsp. of cream of tartar 1- 300 ml.can of Eagle Brand sweetened condensed milk 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 tsp. pure almond extract 4 cups of sweetened angel flake coconut

METHOD: -Set your oven to 325 degrees F. -In a spotlessly, grease-free mixing bowl, using your electric mixer, whip the room temperature egg whites until frothy. Now sprinkle in the cream of tartar. This helps to stabilize the egg whites and keep them nice and stiff. Whip until stiff peaks form. -In another bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk with the vanilla and almond extract. -Gently fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites into the condensed milk mixture. -Fold in the angel flake coconut. -Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. -Using a cookie scoop for fast cookie making, (or use a rounded teaspoonful of cookie batter), drop the cookie batter onto the parchment lined baking sheets. Allow a couple of inches in between each cookie for spreading as they bake. -Bake the cookies for about 14 to 15 minutes, just uintil they turn a light golden. -Allow the cookies to cool on the cookie sheets for several minutes, before lifting them off to continue cooling on wire cooling racks. -This recipe will make about 20 large macaroons or about 36 smaller macaroons. ENJOY!

SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN’S PANTRY OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998


This is such a quick and easy recipe. Whenever I have a couple of egg whites leftover from another recipe, I use them to make these macaroons. For variation, you can add some sliced almonds in the batter or on top of each macaroon, or place a piece of a cherry on top of each one for a very festive look. They are just plain delicious as they are alone!! We carry all ingredients and the handy cookie scoops needed, at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. Once you try a cookie scoop, you will be spoiled forever at how perfect and evenly sized cookie each one will be.... and so fast to do too!

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

The food was delicious, the coffee hot and the surroundings so homey. The service was impeccable with a smile thrown in at no extra cost. It's my kind of place to have a good home cooked meal at affordable prices. Do check it out next time you're wanting a good place to eat breakfast or lunch. You won't be disappointed... I promise. The next thing I found out was that Isabelle had won two tickets to a Hypnotist Show at the Ramada. I was curious on who she was going to

by Marlene Baker

To our joy, Sandy and two other gentlemen were there. We started with a quiet meditation by Sandy. she told us that we had to walk with the timing of our breaths. After awhile we stopped and were told just to listen to the different sounds that were around us, without thinking of anything else. It was so Peaceful and Calming and very Relaxing to walk without talking or thinking and to see the beautiful sights and sounds of Mother Nature that were before us. I would highly recommend doing this with your husband/wife, boy/girlfriend or with other family members or friends. This is such a wonderful way to pass some time with the ones you love or like. I will keep you informed of the next Meditiation Walk.

Until next time.. Please Pay It Forward if Only with Smile or a kind gesture or word. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca take with her... so I asked. "You," was the answer. I was all fired up for this Hypno Date... I was Nervous, Excited and nervous all week...Then came the day... Thursday... Was I really going to go up on stage, for the second time in my life???


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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


The thing she had instore for me was that I had to be a music conductor who hit people on the head with my balloon baton whilst they were all playing "imaginery instruments". The slower they played, the more I bomped them on the head to get them to play faster. There was a part where we all danced to the different decades, from the 60's to today's music. After the show I went back to my table where Isabelle, Lise Parisian and three other ladies were, and asked them if I had been up there for 5 minutes and What the heck were all those balloons doing all over the stage??? You see you don't remember the things you did, whilst being hypnotized. But that all changed, when I went to say, "Thank you and Good Bye," to Kenda. A gentleman (another Hyponotist, I believe) that was beside her, was talking to her about allowing the people involved in the show to remember the things they did on stage. He went on to tell her to undo my blocked memory. When she did, I felt like there were champagne bubbles going throughout my body and I felt so refreshed and I REMEMBERED EVERYTHING!!! I laughed and laughed and laughed!!! I could not believe I had sung in front of 200 people or had made a Sex Toy that I really explained

Yes, No, Maybe So??? Well after a couple glasses of red wine before we left for the Ramada, and then a glass of Southern Comfort and gingerale and a couple of trips to the Ladies Room, I came back to the table to face the music...well the Hypotist, Kenda Summers. She had remembered me from the last show in July. She asked me, "Marlene are you going to go up???" I was still undecided at that point and told her so. Kenda then said, "Aww Go on up Marlene, I have something in store, just for you." Well that helped me make my decision right then and there. I didn't go...Yes, I did... hehehe. I was In like Flynn! What an experience, I experienced, to say the least. I sang, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" in front of 200 people. I pictured Marilyn Monroe singing "Happy Birthday" to the USA president in my mind. ( I DON'T SING!!!) I forgot my name, and I made a sex toy out of a long balloon called the High Thigher.


Tell Me and I Forget... Teach Me and I Remember... Involve Me and I Learn. ~Benjamin Franklin~

Tip of the week: It's time to get your Spring/Summer footwear out of hiding to be cleaned or fixed for the Spring Season. Time to purchase any footwear that you may need or want. All of the thrift stores like the Agape Center, Salvation Army or Value Village are stocked and ready for you to come in to see their GREAT SELECTION of Footwear!!! By purchasing from these non profit stores you are helping others in the community that are less fortunate then yourselves. Thank you from me in advance.


Well, I must tell you all that I have had an interesting week, to say the least. Starting last Tuesday afternoon... John, my friend Isabelle, and I started off our day at Pat's Home Kitchen on Pitt Street. Val (the owner) and the waitresses are so nice and they treat us like family.

Then on Saturday afternoon John and I were invited to go on a "Meditation Walk in the Woods" with Sandy, the owner of Om Satya Yoga here in Cornwall. We had a little trouble when we first arrived, the gate to the park that we were to meet at was closed and there was a ton of snow everywhere. We then went to the other gate and waited to see if anyone would arrive there. No one did, but I did try and feed some Chick-a-dees. No now avail..there were filled up bird feeders and they weren't interested in my seeds. After 15 minutes or so we decided to go back and see if there were anyone else around. We saw some cars and decided to walk in to the parking lot where we were to meet.

Positively Marlene

The sun is brighter and warmer these days, and I can feel and smell that Spring is in the air. I saw some little green shoots coming out along my walkway the other day, which made me very happy and made me smile from earring to earring.

so well about!!! All in All a Fabulous Evening of Fun & Frivolity...to say the least.


Good Morning, Good Day or even a Good Evening to YOU, reading the most positive and most informative newspaper in Cornwall, Ontario. I hope you are enjoying and getting into the ~Spring Fever~ that is upon us. "Daylight Saving" last weekend, gave us an extra hour of sunlight...making it a lot nicer in the mornings and in the early evenings.


Visit www.spirittreeyoga.net for more information or call/email me at 613-330-4494, Blanchard.lisa@yahoo.ca. Live a healthier life now!! Namaste Lisa Blanchard

I was recently listening to a workshop on Body Intelligence that discussed the Anat Baniel Method for greater vitality and intelligence. The workshop discussed that anyone, regardless of age or physical limitation, can experience renewed intensified vitality—greater health, flexibility, strength, sensuality, clarity of mind and enthusiasm, now and throughout life. Anat stated that “our level of vitality is directly connected to our brain. When the brain thrives, growing and making new connections, we are invigorated and infused with a new sense of aliveness and possibility, capable of infinitely new ways of moving, thinking, and feeling.” She further states that we increase these brain connections through movement and what she calls the “9 Essentials.” Here is a sample of the “Essentials”: 1. Movement with Attention: Movement is life and movement helps our brain think and grow. When we pay attention to our movement and how we are feeling as we move, our brain creates billions of new neurological connections. This does not happen when we do not pay attention. When we move automatically, we only reinforce old habits of behavior. 2. Subtlety: Here is scientific proof that the adage, “no pain, no gain” is not beneficial to brain health. Actually, by using less force we increase our sensitivity. As sensitivity increases, the brain is able to perceive very fine detail which in turn allows the brain to organize new information into successful action.

with Shannon Ferguson

Movement for a Healthier Life

The Love Hawk

with Lisa Blanchard



Yoga is the perfect movement for your life. It will give you greater freedom in movement, reduce your pain and increase your vitality and intelligence. Come see what yoga can do for you at Spirit Tree Yoga! Join today with our Introductory Offer of 30-days unlimited yoga for only $56.50.

Dating is Relationship Proofreading We all make mistakes; some bigger than others. To address last week’s incident, I firstly would like to apologize to anyone I offended with the uncensored language in my article “Being Cheated on Helped You”. When proofreading, I accidentally overlooked some harsh words that should have been removed and for that I am sorry. Dating is like proofreading, in a way. We meet people who look great at first glance but upon further investigation and deeper probing we find things that might not mesh with our personalities, we notice inconsistencies in their personality, we see that a future together just won’t happen. But, like proof reading, dating around is necessary to get the perfect result. You don’t just give up when you find an error. You don’t just throw the towel in and stop writing. You work to fix it and you learn from it and you use it to make yourself and your work better. So, just because some relationships haven’t panned out recently and your dating pool seems to be shrinking, you can’t get discouraged.

3. Variation: When we insert variation and playfulness into our lives, we provide our brains with a richness of information it needs to Every day you are adding a new page to the book of YOU and every create new possibilities in our movements, feelings, thoughts, and date you go on and new relationship you get into will shape your BUSINESSES! of out us lifting our senses and awareness, actions. It helps to heighten NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! story. Some chapters might turn out to be heart breaking while ” rigidity and feeling “stuck. Place your FREE

You can place your coupon on thiswill be exciting and glorious. Unfortunately, the mistakes we others forit 3 months for FREE. Coupon make in life can’t always be erased with the press of a backspace key on is just working, brain is notpage fast, our on 4. Go slow: When we do things

are happy with the results, youand can”sometimes we hurt others in the process, but life would never limitation, overcome “automatic pilot”. To learn and master new thisskills andIf you gets $35 / week be all that it is without the typos and the grammatical mishaps. actually the first thing we need to do is slow way down. Going slow continue by paying page! the Callformation*3 month new of rich the brain’s attention and stimulates max, mustneural offer something of value to our So, as you continue on your dating journey and work towards a deeper, experience life at readers, and feel us patterns. Going slow lets 613-935-3763 somemore restrictions may apply figuring out what you truly want, remember that the bad dates are profound level.

5. Awareness: According to Anat Baniel awareness is to be knowledgeable about what you are doing, sensing, thinking, and experiencing at any given moment. When you are aware, you are fully alive and present. Your brain is working at its highest level, noticing subtle nuances of what is going on around and within you, revealing options and potentials, greatly accelerating learning. You are enlivened and joyful, contributing to others, becoming more enlightened, and fulfilling more and more of your human destiny. By applying these “Essential” principles to your life, you create greater neural pathways, to experience life to its fullest. Yoga provides the means to apply these principles to your life. In yoga, we move with attention and bring awareness to our breath and poses. We move slowly and deliberately, creating greater neural pathways and enhancing the communication between the brain’s two hemispheres. In yoga, we experience variation and subtlety, keeping the brain working and perceiving.

only stepping stones to something much greater and that you’ll appreciate the right person a lot more because of it. Don’t think of the people who didn’t work out as uncensored mistakes; for nothing is really a mistake if you learn from it. You are only proofreading your dating pool and soon you will see it all come together. As for me, you can rest assured that I have learned from my mistakes. Even though I never intended to hurt or offend anyone, I know that I did and it’s safe to say I can add this experience to my life chapter entitled “Cursing Isn't Cool”. Lesson Learned, The Love Hawk Shannon loves love. She has a passion for people and understanding the little things that make everyone unique and similar, all at the same time. She has degrees in Communication Studies, Psychology, and Broadcast Journalism but it’s the school of life that taught Shannon most of what she knows about love and relationships. Visit her blog at: thelovehawk.com

327 2nd Street E.

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1




Susan Dalmer Professional Pet Grooming Stylist


Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell

With a neat, clear and clutter-free space, you'll notice a change in the way you feel about your life and your relationships. • Your rooms will fulfill the functions they were intended for. • Gathering places are comfortable for friends and family. • Your bedroom will become a romantic refuge. • You will actually enjoy the peace, pride and satisfaction that come with living the life you chose for yourself in the home you’ve reclaimed.

Space Benefits • • • •

Clutter-free space is stress-free space. You and your family will be able to sit down comfortably to a proper meal at the dining table. 327room 2nd Street E. You can have friends over, or host spontaneous parties. No more shame and embarrassment of having a home Expires on: 03/31/2014 bearing no resemblance to the person you want to present to the world.

Bottom line, you will feel more relaxed, confident and in control!

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873 www.workeasysolution.com

Financial Benefits • • • •

When you organize your papers, your financial life improves. You can work toward paying off debts, and bills are paid on time. When you start looking at what you own but don't use or appreciate, it should help you. buy fewer items and spend less money. When you spend less time shopping, you spend more time finding new interests, being active in the outdoors, and being with your family and friends, using your money for things you like to do.

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY


Emotional Benefits

Think of all the ways you will enjoy your clutter-free space!

Gone are the minutes and hours spent cursing because you cannot remember where something is. When everything has a place, everything takes less time to put away and find. You won't forget important dates, or arrive at meetings late with the wrong papers.


Studies have shown that organized people have an average of 20 full days of free time a year. By being organized, you: • have more space to tastefully display your personal collections; know what you have, so you don’t waste time and money buying things you already own.

No Time - No Room - No money. Sound familiar? Imagine finding yourself saying instead: “More time - More room - More money!". Your home and office reflect who you are. So who are you? If you don’t like what your personal space says about who you are today, you can change - but you must want to.

Time Benefits



Benefits Of A Clutter Free Home

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Think your pet is the cutest? Send us your pics! We’ll publish the best ones in next week’s edition of Pet Pause...

We love our pets. And we believe they should have their own page in this paper too, whether for stretching on, peeing on or playing with. Introducing PET PAUSE, our monthly feature all about pets and their humans. (Get it? Pet Paws!)




Expires on: 03/31/2014 Koupon Korner

Dogz and Katz Coiffure® Susan Dalmer Professional Pet Grooming Stylist

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


NO C You ca pag

If you a c

*3 mon


Live at the Port 132 Montreal Rd., Cornwall, ON

BUSINESSES! NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! Place your FREE You can place your coupon on this page for 3 months for FREE. Coupon on If are happy with the results, you can” thisof this you continue Cornwall’s Own Fab 4 - the organizers by paying $35 / week page!Frost, Call event. From left to right: Brock *3 month max, must offer something of value to our Larry Sylvain, Jeff Brunet and Mark MacDonald 613-935-3763 readers, some restrictions may apply


THE PORT THEATRE ALKALINE ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTATION Powered by Brock Frost & Mark MacDonald We are pleased to announce that the Port theatre will be the venue for a special anniversary Beatles tribute show on April 11th. This will be an awesome experience and it’s an opportunity to re-live the musical excitement of the past in a theatre like no other. Come celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Beatles. “Fifty years ago on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Beatles kicked off a worldwide phenomenon that has never really ended and they still remain the Street biggest name 327 2nd E. in rock and roll,” stated Mark A. MacDonald, volunteer coordinator for The Port. Expires on: 03/31/2014

“Support the Port” Fundraiser

Friday, April 11, 2014 Doors open: 6pm - Opening act: Landmark: 7pm Beatles: 8pm Tickets: $20 - Licensed Event Powered by: Brock Frost & Mark A. MacDonald TICKETS AT: Melody Music, Cornwall Square Lottery Kiosk, Port Theatre and Bicycle World PROUD SPONSORS THE


Landmark, a well known local band led by Al McGimpsey, will take the stage for the opening act. Tickets will be on sale at the Port theatre, Melody Music, Bicycle World and Cornwall Square kiosk. Expireslotto on: 03/31/2014


The Port Theatre has been a local landmark for over 70 years and is a treasured heritage building for the City of Cornwall and we cannot let it go the way of the Capitol Theatre.

“We’re pleased to have Brock Frost as our special guest MC for the $5 event off on fullproceeds grooming andfirst all of the will be used to – “Support the Port” -and their efforts to upgrade to a digital system,” MacDonald went on to state.

Koupon Korner

DID YOU KNOW ... The SEEKERS website gets more than 700 visitors a day. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE WITH US?

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Posters by MAI-LIIS - 613-932-4812

“Jeff Brunet, Brock Frost, a few dedicated volunteers and sponsors, are doing what they can to make sure the Port theatre remains a vibrant part of our local cultural scene,” stated MacDonald.

Tribute to The BEATLES 50th Anniversary Show




Tired of all that snow? - Here’s something to look forward to . .

EVEN TS & ENTE RT AI NM ENT • Good triumphs over evil in this gorgeously retold fairytale as beautiful Princess Aurora is awakened by the handsome Prince Désiré (Florimund). On Wednesday, March 19th, Canadians will gather at select Cineplex locations across the country and join a global audience of over 1400 cinemas across 32 countries viewing the Royal Ballet’s production of The Sleeping Beauty as it is broadcast live via satellite from the Covent Garden stage of the prestigious Royal Opera House in London UK.

The timeless ruins and shadowy, creeping trees contrast with the opulent gilt of the Royal court scenes in a visually spectacular production. This is all set against Tchaikovsky’s remarkable score, one of the most-loved ballet scores of all time. With Disney’s Maleficent hitting Cineplex cinemas this coming May, this is the perfect opportunity for longtime fans and those new to the ballet to see the classic in all its glory before it is retold.

For screening times call: 613-932-4500, 1325 Second Street East, Cornwall http://www.cineplex.com/Theatre/galaxy-cinemas-cornwall

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 9 - March 7 - pg. 17


Glittering Fairytale The Sleeping Beauty broadcasts live to Galaxy Cinemas Cornwall on Wednesday, March 19th

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



L’Amalgame, lieux d’échange et jeux de par tage

Ouf! Le Gars de Québec est passé... Une expérience enrichissante mais essoufflante. Un véritable marathon! Six représentations sur deux fins de semaine consécutives et exaltantes. Ensuite il a fallu plier bagages pour libérer les Dream Builder Studios. La chorale, les Écrilibristes, les Mille Feuilles, n’ont pas fait relâche. Ça s’est terminé en beauté avec une semaine en compagnie des petits-enfants. Qui disait qu’à la retraite on s’ennuie ?

Les jeudis, à l’Église Sainte-Thérèse, le Chœur en Fête prépare son tour de chant du printemps. Le 25 mars 2014, à la bibliothèque publique de Cornwall, la porte sera récitée et chantée, sur tous les tons, par les Écrilibristes. Le 1er avril, les Mille Feuilles échangeront leurs coups de cœur, leurs suggestions de lecture, de chansons et de musique. Mais n’oubliez surtout pas le 27 mars journée mondiale du théâtre...


ESSES! ur FREE upon on this ge! Call 35-3763

Nouvelles De

2nd annual

Smash the Port

is Cornwall’s first ever major video game tournament. Featuring both Super Smash Bro’s Melee & Brawl. The event will take place over three days, starting March 21-23. Those who are not available on Friday can still compete by taking advantage of our early registration preferential seating bonus.

The preliminary tournaments will take place at the Agora Centre on the Friday and Saturday 12pm – 9pm, where all attendees can enjoy the event as well as compete. The finals willNO GIMMICKS! be held on Sunday March 23rd 1pm-6pm at the Port Theater, where NO CATCH all remaining competitors willon battle You can place your coupon thisit out on the big stage in front of a live audience. The finals will have live commentary as well as an award ceremony and page for 3 months for FREE. tons of prizes just for entering.

If you are happy with the results, you can” When youby are not competing continue paying $35 / weekin the tournament you will be able to take part in

casuals, go shopping for some swag at the vendor booths, or take part in challenges (Rock band & Mario Kart) to win some epic prizes, such as a new WiiU or several readers, some restrictions may apply other prizes donated by our sponsors!

*3 month max, must offer something of value to our

It is the final week to pre-registrater for the Smash Bros. & Magic Tournament. If you haven’t already, register online at http://smashtheport.com/registration/ now.

BUSINESSES! Place your FREE Coupon on The Pre Smash begins March 15th at 4:00pm and will run until 11:00pm. Tickets are only $5.00 and will be sold at the door. this page! Call Koupon Korner 613-935-3763 You can also register in person at the Port Theatre between the hours of 1:30pm – 3:30pm or 7:00pm – 9:00pm. the very last chance to pre-register will be on March 15th, at the Pre-smash being held at the Port.

«… Nous nous rassemblons pour pleurer et se souvenir; pour rire et contempler; pour apprendre, affirmer et imaginer. Pour s’émerveiller, pour avoir le souffle coupé face à notre capacité pour la beauté, la compassion et la monstruosité. Nous venons pour l’énergie et le pouvoir. Pour célébrer la richesse de nos différentes cultures et pour dissoudre les frontières qui nous divisent. (...) »

Le dramaturge sud-africain Brett Bailey est l'auteur du message international de la Journée Mondiale du Théâtre 2014. Cet artiste du bout du monde représente bien les artistes de L’Amalgame des arts de la langue française et du théâtre. Ce que nous savons le mieux faire c’est de partager notre enthousiasme. Nicole Labelle nicolerlabelle@sympatico.ca

NO CATCH - NO GIMMICKS! You can place your coupon on this page for 3 months for FREE. If you are happy with the results, you can” continue by paying $35 / week *3 month max, must offer something of value to our

Koupon Korner readers, some restrictions may apply

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Do you like to work outdoors?


Tri-County Literacy Council, 101 2nd Street West, is pleased to offer a free 6-week course: Landscape and Ground Maintenance. Participants will have the opportunity to learn the essential skills working with plants, garden design, soil preparation, safety at work, and other topics, as well as, meet interesting guest speakers.

FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2

The curriculum was developed by Literacy Link Eastern Ontario in partnership with Tri-County Literacy Council. The training is suitable for a variety of learners including those planning to enter the workforce for the first time, people changing careers, and individuals wishing to strengthen essential skills.

Deadlines noon on Tuesdays

FOR SALE: Flat screen Haier TV, Model H019KN2. Like new, only used for a few months. Excellent condition. $60. Call 613-938-2600.

FOR SALE: White Moffat stove, in good working condition, about 10 years old. $100 OBO. 613-935-8101 FOR SALE: Blue Jay web rocker, handcrafted in Blue Jay emblems. Never used. $65. Call 613-938-2600.

FOR SALE: Womens bike, Grey CCM, Aluminum 18� 15 speed. Excellent condition, with bell $75. Call 613-933-5447 FOR SALE: Time Life encyclopedia of gardening, 28 volumes, like new. Paid more than $300, will sell the lot for $55. Call 613-931-1725.

FOR SALE: Buffet, hutch and table with centre leaf and 6 chairs. Asking $600 OBO call 613-360-1262.

Space available

preferably to run a restaurant or a computer store,

309 Pitt Street

Parking available, Bachelor Apartment upstairs, rent $950 a month.

Phone 613-701-3965 after 2PM. Deposit equal to last month's rent required.

There are nine essential skills at differing levels, identified by the Government of Canada as necessary for success at home, work, and play. The skills are reading, writing, numeracy, document use, thinking, oral communication, working with others, digital technology, and continuous learning. Classes will run Monday to Thursday 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., starting Monday, March 24, 2014. For more information or to register, please contact Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161.

PUBLIC INFORMATION ON: The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

is a program organized by Revenue Canada and community organizations to provide income tax preparation services to low to middle income individuals and families. The income level cut off is $50,000. We DO NOT prepare taxes with business income, rental income, capital gains or interest over $1,000.

Taxes are prepared on a first come, first served basis OR clients can drop of their information and come back to pick it up when it is ready. The program will operate Monday to Friday, March 3 to April 30th. Location: Salvation Army 500 York Street, Cornwall Hours: 10am to 4pm We will also do prior years income taxes. A $5 donation to the Salvation Army to offset the costs of operating the program would be appreciated.

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 19

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

and I’m Julia the Web Designer

and together we are

We hope that you have enjoyed reading

this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome. STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: info@theseeker.ca or read online

www.theseeker.ca DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next


Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 10 - March 14 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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