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SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 April 4, 2014

Vol. 5 Issue 2 January 17, 2014

Week in Your ThisTHE SEEKER dental This Week in health ...THE SEEKER at the Port Theatre ...

Page CONGRATULATIONS to the Seekers Choice Award Winners


a window to your overall health.



Sports Snippets ENJOY LIFT-OFF Page THIS WEEKEND. Check the schedule.





Limited Time

Offer for

GET YOUR MOTORCYCLES What you READY should the NEVERfor carry in your Big Ride purse Page Page

17 18

Invites you to the Photo by Jason Setnyk Article by Dr. Lama Ghantous D.D.S.

99 Team Captain·s Quest $

Most people don’t connect their mouths to the rest of their body . Did you know that the link between your oral health book a and overall health is strong? A growing body of research NEW PATIENT nd EXAM indicates that poor oral health does not only affect your On February your teammates will be participating in the including all22the, you and appearance and self-esteem but has been linked to many Coldest Nightrequired. of the Year, a 2, 5 & 10 km winter walk hosted in 40+ cities digital xrays serious health conditions. This article will overview some across Canada in support of Agapè·s work here in Cornwall with the Call Dr. Lama Ghantous of them. . continued on page 5 61 3-938-0645 hungry, homeless and hurting.

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From the Desk of the Editor

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100 days of happy

I am sure by now that I am totally sounding like a broken record to you. For the last 3 weeks, I have been rambling about hashtag this, social media that, and I truly apologize to those of you who do not spend a lot of time on the internet.

I’m sorry to say I have to do it again this week, but happy to report that contrarily to previous weeks, this week’s trend can be followed online and offline.

100 HAPPY DAYS was launched on December 30th of last year by a 27 year old guy living in Switzerland. It is a positive, simple social media

experiment that invites people to share a photo of something that makes them happy, every day, for 100 days. They post it on their social media of choice, along with a short explanation of the picture and the hashtag 100HappyDays. They can also use one of its variations, or a customized one. (I use

#100daysofhappy). The website--100happydays.com--claims that 71% of those who tried the challenge didn’t finish it and quoted “lack of time” as the number one reason why. But how much time does it take to post a pic really? Do they just don’t have time to be happy? I started my own challenge on March 28th and I have to admit that doing so has caused me to stop, pause, reflect and truly appreciate the things that I have photographed thus far. Being conscious of what makes you happy can do wonders in your life. This challenge is just a fun easy way to increase your awareness. By doing this for a whole 100 days, it will also create a new habit, the habit of daily thankfulness, that will probably stick with you long after the challenge is done. Perhaps you won’t be posting a reminder of things, people or moments anymore, but you will take mental pictures which you will cherish forever. I invite you to hop on board, even if you are not an internet user; take a good ol’ pen and paper to keep a journal inventory of your moments. Be creative, Make a scrapbook... Why would you do that? (taken from the website)

People successfully completing the challenge claimed to: - Start noticing what makes them happy every day; - Be in a better mood every day; - Start receiving more compliments from other people; - Realize how lucky they are to have the life they have; - Become more optimistic; - Fall in love during the challenge.

Even when the challenge is over, your collected 100 happy moments can always remind you about the beauty of your life.

“People are just as happy as they make up their minds to be.” - Abraham Lincoln Julia Lucio , Editor in chief

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 12, March 28, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. The Seeker is Proudly printed on a paper manufactured in Canada by Paper Mason

Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalists: Carol Grant and April Lea Chaffee Cartoonist: Michael Roache Contributors: John Lucio and Sheldon Grant

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) Email: info@theseeker.ca


OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - No Frills, Food Basics (East) - Sharyn’s Pantry - Food Basics (Brookdale) - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger Home Hardware - Tim Hortons (Cornwall Square & Eastcourt & all the Breakfast Places plus more... we are also at FARM BOY in the new eating area and at the new NO FRILLS on 2nd Street

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News

Presented by


Jason Setnyk is a local high school teacher, journalist, community volunteer, a published author, and an award winning photographer.

New ws & Politics Team Cornwall AGM Team Cornwall will be h o l d i n g i t s An n u a l G e n e ra l M e e t i n g o n Wednesday, April 23rd at t h e R a m a d a H o te l & Conference Centre on Brookdale Avenue. The luncheon meeting will get underway at 12:00pm (Noon). The meeting will feature a presentation by Mr. Darren Dalgleish, CEO of the St. Lawrence Parks Commission. A dedicated business and community leader, Mr. Dalgleish joined the S L P C a s C E O i n 2 0 1 1 a n d w a s c h a rg e d w i t h executing a corporate transformation to create business sustainability.

Trillium plans to re s u m e operations along Cornwall Harbour - The work by Trillium may resume as early as this week at the Cornwall Harbour site owned by Transpor t Canada. Trillium and Transpor t Canada have entered into a lease for the construction and use of tanks on the site. The City of Cornwall has been and remains opposed to the ongoing use of the Cornwall Harbour for the transpor tation and storage of calcium chloride. The City has not provided any approval for this project; Transport Canada has maintained that it has sole jurisdiction over development on the lands. “I am disappointed that Trillium has chosen to not recognize the City ’s Interim Control Bylaw,” said Mayor Bob Kilger. “I remain optimistic that a solution exists that will see a permanent end to this activity on Cornwall’s waterfront through the divestiture process.” The divestiture negotiation process with the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne and Transport Canada has been initiated and is ongoing. The ultimate goal is for the City of Cornwall and the Mohawk Council of Akwesasne to take ownership of the Harbour lands, which would include the site in question.

Friends of Vets Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser - The Friends of Vets, a veterans Suppor t Group based in Cornwall will be holding a s p a g h e t t i d i n n e r f u n d ra i s e r o n Saturday April 5 at the RCAFA Wing at 240 Water St. W. Cornwall. There will be three speakers at this event addressing Veterans issues, n c u d n g N D P M P Sy v a n C h c o n e C h a t e a u g u ay S a n t Constant who s a so the Federa NDP deputy Veterans Affa rs cr t c The doors open at 4 30 p m w th speeches start ng a ter 5 p m and d nner at 6 p m you are ab e to attend you shou d ca 613 209 9541 to purchase your t ckets or on y $15

Health Care Rally — On Monday March 31st there was be a Healthcare rally to call for renewal of the 10year federal-provincial health accord which expired on March 31, 2014. Elaine M acD onald and Diane Morin, co-chairs of the Cornwall chapter of the Ontario Health Coalition organized the march. At the local and provincial levels, especially in Ontario, healthcare funding is being progressively constrained and reduced. The Health Accord of 2004, which delivered a consistent level of funding from the federal government to the provinces and territories, expires on Monday. The federal government has steadily refused to negotiate a new accord and it is estimated that the alternative proposed by Jim Flaherty when he was minister of finance, will withdraw 36 billion from health spending over the next ten years.

Arts & Culture 2014 Juno Award winning band coming to Cornwall - Last week was the 2014 Juno Awards. Bands like Arcade Fire, Tegan and Sara, Drake, and Serena Ryder t o o k h o m e a w a rd s a t Canada’s annual gala music award event. One winner last night has an upcoming gig in Cornwall Ontario. Metal band Protest the Hero from Whitby Ontario won the award for metal/hard music alubm of the year. Protest the Hero are playing a show at Vu Night Club on Tuesday April 15th. Opening up for them are Inter vals, The Motorleague, and Dreamer/Deceiver. Tickets are $28, and the show starts at 6:30pm.

Sports & Lifestyle Cornwall River Kings playoff hopes stay alive It was the perfect weekend for the Cornwall River Kings, who turned some h e a d s i n t h e L N A H by evening their best-ofseven series at 2-2 with the defending champion Jonquière Marquis. Cornwall skated to a 4-2 v ctory on Saturday n ght at the C v c Comp ex n ront o 1 964 ans P erre Luc Faubert s two th rd per od goa s were the d ff ffe erence Lo c Lacasse was spectacu ar n goa w th a 31 save per ormance Jonqu ère outshot Cornwa 3 3 2 8 Th e announced stars were Lacasse first Sasha Poku ok second who had two ass sts and Faubert

(third). Game 5 is in Jonquière on Friday, April 4. Game 6 will take place in Cornwall on Monday, April 7. Article by Rodney Wilson. Photo by Allison Papineau. SLC take Gold in Women's Hockey - The St. Lawrence College-Cornwall women’s hockey team won a thr illing over time championship game against the Humber College Hawks to win the 2013-14 OCCCR Challenge Cup. Go Sharks Go! Wh at s p r i n g o u t d o o r ac tivities a re you l o o k i n g fo r w a r d t o ? - I t has been a long winter, and for some that meant outdoor skating, skiing, tobogganing, snowshoe walking, and snow ball fights. For others a long winter meant hibernation from the frigid temperatures and maybe the occasional visit to the gym. Slowly but surely the cold of winter is beginning to thaw, and that means a slew of outdoor activities to choose from. What spring and summer outdoor activities are you looking for ward to? Do you like long walks, cycling, golf, yoga, zumba, flying a kite, horse back riding, camping, hiking, out door swimming, or singing in the rain? Tell us about your favourite out door activities. Please comment on our Facebook page or at theseeker.ca. Clara’s Big Ride Visits Holy Trinity - The Catholic D i s t r i c t S c h o o l B o a rd o f E a s te r n O nt a r i o wa s p l e a s e d to h o s t C l a ra Hughes at Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School, on Tuesday, March 25. The s i x - t i m e Ca n a d i a n O l y m p i c s p e e d - s k a t i n g a n d c yc l i n g m e d a l i s t , w h o i s a l s o t h e n a t i o n a l spokesperson for Bell Let’s Talk, chose Holy Trinity a s o n e o f t h e s t o p s o n h e r 1 1 0 - d ay n a t i o n a l bicycle tour across Canada. Clara’s Big Ride aims to grow awareness, acceptance, and action around mental health issues, and to encourage all Canadians to end the stigma around mental illness. Students from the school lined the driveway to welcome Hughes upon arrival. H u g h e s w h o h a s b a t t e d d e p re s s o n s p o k e t o s t u d e n t s a b o u t h e r e x p e r e n ce s w t h m e n t a hea th prob ems She d scussed her own batt e and how she has a so e t compe ed to he p those c ose to her who have strugg ed w th depress on The nsp rat ona presentat on was we rece ved by the arge crowd

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

by Marlene Baker

Positively Marlene


Hi to all you lovely ladies and handsome gents reading Cornwall's most read paper, the Seeker. The ONLY paper in Cornwall in which you will find ONLY Informative, Positive and Upbeat NEWS!!! I hope you all have survived the last wrath of Old Man Winter throwing his temper tantrums because of having to leave for another few seasons. Mother Nature has returned and is here to stay. She's beaming her sunrays and warming up the temperatures each day, allowing for another Spring Season to begin. It's time to get out all of your Spring and Summer things everyone. Like your shorts, shirts, skirts & sandals (or crocks, for those who like those plastic things they call footwear.) Time to get out the bikes & balls, skipping ropes, the scooters & skateboards, the patio tables & chairs. You know what I mean - time for the rakes & shovels to come out, to do all of your yard work to get those flower beds & gardens readied for another year of growing. Happy "Spring Time" Everyone.

Last Friday I had a most pleasant and really fun experience of going to the Port Theater to attend a wonderful tribute show of the band, Queen. John's and my tickets were given to us by a renown Cornwall promoter of the Port Theater, Jeff Brunet. He promotes all types of Bands & Tributes here and around the Cornwall area. Jeff's your man, for Promoting. It was my very first concert at the Port Theatre and I LOVED every moment of it!!! The band members were all fantastic musicians and singers that entertained everyone that attended, last Friday evening. I really enjoyed the different outfit changes of the lead singer, "Freddy Mercury." He was really believable with his many different moves and his voice was awesomely awesome. If you have or get the chance, or if you're just plain curious, please take some time out of your busy schedules and check out the Port Theatre for upcoming events. Such as this month, a tribute to the Beatles will be playing there. I hope that you all will come out to show and give your support for this beautiful, nostalgic old movie theater that was built in the late 1930's and opened it's

doors to the public in 1941. For Without Your Support... There Will Be No Port!!! Tip of the Week: Time to "get out" and "air out" all of your footwear ladies and gents. If you have a balcony or even a window ledge will do to out them out to get sanitized by the sun and freshened up with the fresh Spring air. Time to bring them to the Shoester or shoemaker to get them re-soled and or rezippered if need be. Time to choose to Keep, to Throw away or to Donate to the many different Thrift stores here in Cornwall. By donating to the Salvation Army, the Agape Center or to Value Village you are helping those in our community that are less fortunate tham yourselves. Thank you kindly in advance. Another couple of NEW EXPERIENCES for me were that I attended my first Meditation and Weight Loss Yoga classes with Sandy of OmSatya Yoga last week. I had always wanted to take Yoga, but never had the opportunity over the years to do so. So I changed that and attended my first class, last Tuesday night. Each class is for an hour and you get to be bare-footed, wear comfortable clothes (shorts & t-shirt, or yoga or jogging clothes) and you get yourself relaxed with beautiful melodical music in the background. Sandy, the instructor went over the different breathing and meditation techniques to help each participant. You are exercising not only your body but your mind as well. After the class I didn't feel all exhausted and out of breath like when I had gone to a "normal gym". I was calm and felt rested and quite happy. The Meditation class was pretty much the same as the Yoga class, but without doing the different positions and exercises. This class teaches you to slow down, calm down and to relax. Something we humans of today don't really do, or know how. Sandy is a really good instructor and makes everyone attending her classes feel calm and very comfortable. If you or anyone that you know who may be interested and want to check out a class or two go to Sandy's site on face book OmSatya Yoga for details of classes and times. Namaste. Until next time...LIVE Well, LAUGH Often, LOVE Much and WEAR "Cute" Shoes. and Please Don't Forget to ~Pay It Forward~ in some small way or Do Some Kind Gesture to help change or make somebody's day. Smile, if only for awhile. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca for all of your photographic needs.

SEEKER SNAPSHOTS by Mai-Liis Renaud Awesome rendition of “ Bohemian Rhapsody” ...

Last Friday evening we were treated, as Marlene above states, to a wonderful performance at the Port Theatre, by Queen Flash, a Queen tribute band from Montreal. Mandy Woods, a local singer opened for the band. A wonderful time was had by all who attended. Looking forward to “Revolution” the Beatles Tribute on Friday, April 11.

Koupon Korner

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


- Your dental health . . . Like many areas of the body, your mouth is a window to brimming with bacteria , most of them harmless. The body's natural defenses and your overall health. good oral health care, such as daily

Cover Story Continued What's the connection between oral health and overall health?

What conditions may be linked to oral health?

brushing and flossing, will generally keep them under control. However, without proper oral hygiene, microorganisms from oral infections can enter the blood stream or airways and travel to other parts of the body. This can lead or increase the risk for other types of health problems.

Your oral health might affect, be affected by, or contribute to various diseases and conditions, including:

• Cardiovascular disease. Several studies link periodontitis to the development of cardiovascular problems. Some research suggests that chronic inflammation and infection caused by oral bacteria might be linked to heart disease, clogged arteries and stroke.

• Endocarditis. Endocarditis is an infection of the inner lining of your heart. It typically occurs when bacteria or other germs from another part of your body, such as your mouth, spread through your bloodstream and attach to damaged areas in your heart.

• Pregnancy and birth. Pregnancy and the changing hormone levels that occur with it can exaggerate some dental problems. Periodontitis has been linked to premature birth and low birth weight. Bacteria from gum disease may trigger an inflammatory response that might induce premature labour and delivery.

• Diabetes. Gum disease appears to be more frequent and severe among people who have diabetes than those without. Diabetes reduces the body's resistance to infection therefore the gums are more at risk. Some studies suggest that people who have gum disease have a harder time controlling their blood sugar levels.


Given the strong link between periodontitis and systemic health problems, prevention is an important tool in maintaining overall health.

• Brush your teeth thoroughly twice a day. • Clean between your teeth with floss or another type of interdental cleaner once a day. • Eat a balanced diet and healthy snacks. • Schedule regular dental checkups.

Contact your dentist if you see any of these signs: • gums that bleed during brushing and flossing; • red, swollen or tender gums; • gums that have pulled away from your teeth; • persistent bad breath; • pus (yellowish substance) between your teeth and gums; • loose or separating teeth; • a change in the way your teeth fit together when you bite; • a change in the fit of partial dentures. Make sure to inform your dentist about changes in your overall health, such as any recent illnesses or chronic conditions like diabetes. Provide an updated health history, including medication use. Know that your oral health can offer clues about your overall health — or that problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body. Taking good care of your teeth and gums can really help you live well longer and prevention is the key.

• Osteoporosis. Osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and brittle, might be linked with periodontal bone loss and tooth loss. • Alzheimer's disease. Tooth loss before age 35 might be a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.


By Tish Gibbs

• Respiratory disorders. Some respiratory infections are caused by inhaling micro-organisms from the mouth and throat into the lungs. When these micro-organisms reach the lower respiratory tract, they may cause an infection or worsen an existing lung infection such as pneumonia, bronchitis, emphysema and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Dr. Lama Ghantous & Associates 30 13th Street E, Unit #2 Cornwall, Ontario K6H 6V9 Tel: (613) 938-0645 / (888) 897-8080 Fax: (613) 248-7777 www.dentistincornwall.com info@dentistincornwall.com

I was looking through our photos on the computer this morning, and this got me thinking about summer, and about birds. I always like to look at peoples’ yards and see what kinds of trees they have planted, what choice of flowers they like, and to notice how bird and wildlife friendly they are. ” What wildlife?”, you must be asking. Diana Beresford-Kroeger in her book, “The Global Forest” gives us city dwellers a challenge: plant trees and shrubs on our little cubes of earth to provide habitat for bird, insects, bees, and squirrels. It sounds simple, but it involves letting go of our need to have the perfect lawn, the manicured hedges, the petunias all in a row. She says, in her book, that we have, collectively, the capability of providing a good portion of the habitat that wild birds need. She goes on to talk about the properties of certain trees, and how they maintain our clean air, give off medicinal scents, and provide homes for birds. Her strong clear message is this: start planting! Perhaps it is the variety of colour, form and sound that makes birds so appealing to many humans. I might agree that we do not “need” to see the elusive American bittern, but honestly, have you ever seen one , with its beak pointing straight up, or heard it’s very distinctive and repetitive “kerglump, ker glump, ker glump” as it moves through rushes in search of food? And what about the magnificent Sandhill Crane which I’ve now seen on the Bruce Peninsula, and on Manitoulin Island? These huge birds have no monetary value in the strictest sense, but are priceless just the same. Most of us cannot provide habitats for these birds in our back yards, but we could see birds of prey, finches, and countless song birds back there, if we chose to plant native species that they can get food from. We could wake up to the melodic sound of birds in our backyards, if we plan what trees and bushes we buy. Let’s think about this as we head to the garden centres in the next few weeks.

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

Koupon Korner

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1



Sometimes life seems so cylindrical, it often appears we end up back to where we started. True; life can take us on some crazy twists and turns, and we change paths, sometimes on a whim or as part of a long-routed dream. Whatever it is, there is comfort and a sense of belonging to going back to the beginning.

CORNWALL SCRABBLE RESULTS March 2014 By Vivianne Panizzon, Club Director

---------------------------------------------Highest Average Linda Poirier 369 pts.

This week I finally said goodbye to my place in Kingston. My friend Kim was with me in those final moments and as I closed the door to lock it, she asked if I wanted to go back in and look around, one more time, and at first, I hesitated, but then stepped in again. There were no regrets, no pangs of 'am I doing the right thing', I was ready.

Highest Score Norma Forsyth 436 pts.

I returned my keys, and left without even the slightest tinge of nostalgia. I'll return frequently to Kingston for work and to see friends, but I longed to be back home in Cornwall. It was a beautiful place, but it never really felt like where I belonged. As I made my way back east on the highway, I was anxious to see my exit.

Most Games Won Lucille Fay 8 games Highest Cumulative Spread Linda Poirier & Shirley Schade +35

Some may think it is a fear of moving on, but it isn't and down the road, who knows, but at this time, it feels right. I am still buried in boxes, trying to figure out what stays and what goes, I have not settled in yet, but I also spent my weekends in Kingston for the last month and unpacking fell to the wayside. Little by little I will ease in to my new surroundings.

Number of Bingos (Player uses all 7 letters in one play) Norma Forsyth 6 Norma O’Collin 1 Dave Dolan 3 Shirley Schade 1 Linda Poirier 6

Returning to something is not a sign of weakness, sometimes it is a sign of strength, the ability to see potential and opportunity that may not have been present before. Life is full of ebbs and flows and it can be tough to navigate, but when something feels right, you have to try.

Highest Bingo Linda Poirier strayer 98 pts

I may be in the minority but one of my favourite shows "How I Met Your Mother" ended a 9 year run this week, and the reaction to the ending was polarized, you either loved it or hated it, personally I loved it. I don't want to give away the ending, but to find out that the scenes with the kids was filmed 9 years ago and that they had determined the real meaning to the show then, has left fans baffled. Without spoilers it is clear that this story was about the bonds of friendship, the messy way things can go off the rails, that paths can change, people can enter and leave your life and that loss occurs. In the end, it is not where we live, what we have, or where we gather that matters, it is staying connected with the ones that matter. Sometimes you have to go back to where it all began.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com





Back to where it all began

with Carol Grant Each week we will be featuring a local non-profit, charity or helpful organization here in our beautiful city in the “Focus on the Good” section. There are SO many organizations out there that offer help in so many ways and we'd like to focus on all of the good things this city has to offer.


Whether you need help for yourself or your pet, there is someone who can help. Whether you are a child, adolescent, young adult or a senior in need, there is also someone who can help. Whether you have cancer, diabetes, heart disease or any other ailment, there is someone who can help. Our city is blessed to have organizations that help with such a wide variety of services and our hope is to inform you throughout the year about these wonderful agencies or organizations. It is my hope to focus on an extensive range of services out there including but not limited to organizations such as Canadian Cancer Society, United Way (and its various represented agencies), Canadian Red Cross, Cornwall Community Hospital, Boys & Girls Club of Cornwall, OSPCA, Agape Centre, Canadian Diabetes Association, ASAP, Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario, Knights of Columbus, Salvation Army, Canadian Mental Health Association, VCARS, St. John Ambulance, and Kinsmen Club, just to name a few.

Koupon Korner Purchase a Bikini Laser Hair Removal Get your under arm free, a $60 Value valid until April 18th

This weekly feature is FREE of charge and will help gain exposure for your organization to help you reach out to those in need who could be looking for the help you have to offer! If you are involved with a local charity, non-profit organization or an agency that can be of help to someone in need, please contact me to be featured in an upcoming article. I will arrange to take photos and do an article on your organization.

I can be reached by telephone at 613-932-0935 or by sending me an email (with the subject Focus on the Good) to carolgrantproductions@hotmail.com

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


The Beatles Tribute show is sold out.

There are a handful of tickets left and they will only be available at the Port. All the volunteers are pumped and it's going to be a great night. This is also going to be big night for Al McGimpsey

This is the month to take yourself and your kid outside to sketch. Focus in on the poking green and the new buds on the trees. Look at the things we normally look past, and sketch a close up in your sketchbook.

and his band LANDMARK.

They're a local band and this will be a night to remember for them. The Cornwall music scene needs a venue like the Port, we can't let it go the way the Capitol did!

Since it is still a bit chilly out there, there’s no harm in snapping some different photos to help add some details at the end of your exploring session. I am always snapping photos of budding flowers, and they always come in handy when I’m stuck.

Thanks for your help in making this a success.

If your child isn’t so enthralled with drawing what’s naturally there, encourage them to add some details that aren’t there. Try rendering the sketch on water colour paper, adding salt over the wet bits where some texture is needed. Add a monster to the background. Turn the tree into a beast.

Mark A. MacDonald

Spring is so full of artistic opportunities. Take it all in, and take notice of every little bit of change. Not only will you be fulfilling a creative need for your child, and showing them how to find beauty in simple things, but also encouraging their awareness and knowledge of science.

The Seeker is a proud sponsor of this show

Come and visit us this Saturday at the Healthy Living Show Agora Centre - 11am-3pm for a chance to SPIN THE WHEEL and win tickets to this show!

Exploration is how kids learn the most. This is becoming more and more prevalent in our classrooms as more and more teachers adapt their teaching methods into inquiry-based learning. You can encourage this through art at home by simply taking a walk. You may learn something too.


Live at the Port

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“Support the Port” Fundraiser

Friday, April 11, 2014 Doors open: 6pm - Opening act: Landmark: 7pm Beatles: 8pm Tickets: $20 - Licensed Event Powered by: Brock Frost & Mark A. MacDonald

TICKETS AT: Melody Music, Cornwall Square Lottery Kiosk, Port Theatre and Bicycle World PROUD SPONSORS THE


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2

Posters by MAI-LIIS - 613-932-4812

! ! UEVW! !7RPST5EUEVW! PE"5!Q!7RPST5E OEPE"5!Q OE T- ! 7X!1XY5T-! !5E!-[ST\!!7X!1XY5 -[ST-E!Q!5E!-[ST\ 5T-ZB!-[ST-E!Q 1XY5T-ZB! 1XY ! T "O7T! "O7 U ! 5 "POT !"POT5!U ! )) ! 5 "1OT ! !"1OT5!)) "] 7 EB WXEB7"] WX ! !

Tribute to The BEATLES 50th Anniversary Show


G NG FOCUS ART MEMBERS’ SPRIN SHOW! 3$+$6! 3&%4!5%3$+$6 &&!123&%4!5% !-.$/0++&&!12 +,$%&!(!-.$/0 '!()*!+,$%&!( $%&!'!()*! "#$%&! "# TION PAR LES MEMBRES E X P O S I TI DE FOCUS ART




132 Montreal Rd., Cornwall, ON www.liveattheport.com


Patrick Guindon is a local Creative. He is a primary school teacher, and has made lots of creative things. You can follow him on Facebook (www.facebook.com/patrickguindonart) and on Twitter @123patrickg.



Show is SOLD OUT

Spring is nearly here. This is the time of year where my art reaches its prime. I am so inspired by the fresh air, the lilac trees filling my backyard with incredible scents, and the bits of green poking through the ground and past last bits of snow that want to enjoy the spring too.



The Creation Science Centre certainly has "evolved" since its opening in 2012. Article and photos by: Julia Lucio "We don't like to say evolve!" said John Lounsberry jokingly after I dropped the "EVOLUTION" word in my conversation with him when I revisited the centre last Monday. "We prefer to say grow" he said with a smile.

mythology, dinosaurs, biology and archeology.

John is the Head Researcher at the museum and has worked relentlessly to put together this impressive collection. The museum is an open-minded science centre which touches on various topics such as astronomy, geology,

It currently has well over 200 artifacts on display, spanned over 5 different rooms, including an audio video section. The exhibition is partly hands-on which makes it interesting enough for kids to stay entertained and it is technical enough for all the science buffs out there to be challenged. It's surely is an interesting way to spend an afternoon. The Creation Science Centre is located at 780 Sydney Street www.creationsciencecentre.ca

Land Purchased for New Cornwall Elementary School The Upper Canada District School Board has purchased ten acres of land that will be used to build a new 400-pupil elementary school to replace the aging East Front Public School and Gladstone Public School. Trustees approved a motion at their regular meeting in Brockville Wednesday night to purchase land from the City of Cornwall and a private landowner at a total cost of $775,000, said Jeremy Hobbs, Chief Information and Facilities Officer. The land is located at the southeast corner of Marleau Avenue and Nick Kaneb Drive. Second Vice Chair David McDonald said he was excited the project is moving forward and will establish the four-school elementary system for the city originally envisioned by the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB) more than a decade ago. While there were other priorities for the Board in school construction, McDonald said he is gratified to see the project coming together. “It’s been ten years and this is definitely a highlight of my political career,” said McDonald of news the project is moving forward. “I am excited to get started. This is a good thing for Cornwall and a good thing for the students at East Front and Gladstone who are looking forward to having a new building in the near future.” The Ministry of Education has approved funding for construction and PBK Architects of Cornwall will be handling the design of the new school. The firm was behind the successful design of North Grenville District High School in Kemptville and Vankleek Hill Collegiate Institute. The amount of provincial funding secured for the project is not being disclosed to protect the integrity of the tendering process, said Hobbs.

East Front, located on Montreal Road, was originally built in 1934, with additions in 1954 and 1991. Gladstone, located on McConnell Avenue, was built in 1954.

Currently, the project is at the design stage. No name has yet been chosen for the school. Following approval of the designs, the project will go to tender to choose a general contractor. The tentative opening date is September 2016.

SPEC OPS Program Brings Active Living, Character Development and Leadership Training to Students at Eamer’s Corners Public School

Students at Eamer’s Corners Public School are getting fit and developing character and leadership skills through a unique program called SPEC OPS. The program encourages students in Grades 3-6 to volunteer two lunch hours a week attending the sessions, which focus on character and fitness development centred around the three pillars of: active living; character development and student leadership. Every Friday, 88 SPEC OPS participants also enjoy a sports day. Students attend the sessions and spend the first five minutes in discussions with Principal Kieran Kennedy or other staff “Champions” – including staff members Erin Davidson, Sylvie Sabourin, and Lianne Chaput – who facilitate rich discussions and experiences for students. The rest of the sessions are devoted to rigorous fitness training with exercises ranging from mountain climbing to burpees – exercises students can do at home. “We are using school as a living lab to develop and recognize character and develop student leaders,” said Kennedy. “SPEC OPS is a dynamic vehicle for children to develop skills and fitness and to be exposed to lessons of character to become better human beings. “Student engagement increases because students have a reason to come to school and to demonstrate all the great things they can do to make school and their community a better place.” The students are split into different units including: Bravo, Grade 3; Alpha, Grades 4-6 (moderate physical training); and JTF2, Grades 4-6 (intensive physical training). Students earn character rankings by demonstrating behavior that is consistent with the virtues of respect and responsibility – rankings that include bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Students who attain a platinum character level and can pass a final rigorous fitness test are granted membership in the elite Delta unit. Students are given their own ID badges created by volunteers Rebecca Besner and Renee Seguin-Lalonde, who keep track of attendance and other accomplishments such as student recognition and registration to ensure the program runs smoothly. The SPEC OPS program also offers a Ranger unit, developed to help struggling students learn basic life and social skills. The students are given program goals, such as developing a positive attitude and learning how to work with others. They are given a basic rank, and every two weeks if they have attained their goals for that section they are rewarded with a promotion to a higher rank. The SPEC OPS program helps Kennedy and his staff members connect with the children at the school – something that is important for a principal, teacher or parent volunteer to do. Regular character assemblies are held to recognize students for their achievements, to promote them through the campaign, and to honour them for acts of character. Three times a year, SPEC OPS students are treated to fun days. During the last session, students were taken to Lamoureaux Park for swimming, and then to the Benson Centre where they enjoyed indoor sports.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!



45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca

SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES Great Programs at the Library


Come see us at the Home & Leisure Show Complete our short survey for a chance to win a prize April 4, 5, 6 at the Cornwall Civic Complex

SIGN UP FOR A: First Time Home Purchase Seminar

Presented by Dianne Mainville, RBC Mortgage Specialist Tuesday, April 22 at 10:00 am OR Thursday, April 24 at 7:00 pm


Resumé Writing Workshop Tuesday, April 29 @ 10:00 am to 11:00 am Or Thursday, May 1 @ 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm




our weekly pages of events n’ more...




Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2








Celebrate Recovery meets every Friday at 7:30pm at Fountaingate Christian Assembly. 949 Mohawk Drive Office Phone: Contact 613-932-0685 Celebrate Recovery is an environment to help you overcome your hurts, habits, and hang-ups in a safe place while experiencing the freedom you have in Christ. Bishop's Pix Movie Series: Pope John Paul II April 4th - 10th at 7:15 pm, Matinee: Monday April 7th at 2 pm. Port Theater, 132 Montreal Rd. A prelude to his canonization on April 27th. Admission: 10$ Kinette Club Bits, Bites & Beautiful Baskets Auction Appetizers & viewing: 6:30 pm. Live auction:7:30 pm. Royal Canadian Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Tickets 20$ on sale at Scotia Bank, Brookdale Center. Cornwall Chamber the Spring Home & Lesiure Show Cornwall Civic Complex Club Octogon teen dance at La Citadelle 6:30 to 9:30 Rodney Rivette Variety Show at La Maison 9PM

SAT APRIL 5 Cornwall Chamber the Spring Home & Lesiure Show Cornwall Civic Complex Indoor Garage Sale 9 am to 1 pm. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Lots of items priced to sell. Stop and Shop & Silent Auction. At the Royal Canadian Legion in Cornwall. On Saturday April 5th, from 10am to 4pm. Local

vendors selling their items while raising money for the local Sea Cadets. For more information, please contact Monique @ 613-936-0638.

Health and Wellness Fair at Agora Centre (formally Nativity Centre) Kathy Smart will be the guest speaker. Friends of Vets Spaghetti Fundraising Dinner 6 pm. RCAF Wing 424, 240 Water St. W. Admission: 15$. Proceeds to new peer to peer support video project. Praise & Worship Night with Silent Auction Fountaingate Christian Assembly 7PM 949 Mohawk Drive TOTAL MONEY MAKEOVER with Scott Beck - Walk with confidence through the maze of retirement and savings options. If you don't know what the difference is between a TFSA, an RRSP and a RRIF, this is the class for you 10:30 at Cornwall Wesleyan Church PAUL DESLAURIERS CD RELEASE PARTY w/special guest THE ROD SQUAD ~ LIVE @ LOLA'S!!! SPONSORED BY WIZARD AMPLIFICATION. 9:30 PM Spring Luncheon and Bake Sale Ingleside-Newington United Church

SUN APRIL 6 Cornwall Chamber the Spring Home & Lesiure Show Cornwall Civic Complex Patrons of the St. Columban's Foundation will be holding a Chicken Dinner Fundraiser on Sunday at the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 297 in Cornwall from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to raise funds for the restoration work at the historic St. Columban’s Church in Cornwall. Worship and the word with Pastor

Brad Montsion at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 949 Mohawk Drive, 10:30

MON APRIL 7 CBN CHEERS NIGHT at Winners Sports Bar. This week is our POOL TOURNAMENT!

TUE APRIL 8 Cornwall Horticultural Club Monthly Meeting at 7 pm. Navy Club, 30 6th St. E. Topic: Pictorial tour of the Maitland Garden of Hope.


Dinner Meetings, Seaway Lions Club, every 2nd Wednesday of the month at 5:45. Everyone welcome. We meet at the Navy Club, 6th Street. VOLUNTEERS FOR RIBFEST NEEDED!


Knights of Columbus Roast Beef Dinner from 5 pm to 7 pm. St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Admission: 10$


Cystic Fibrosis Casino Night 7 pm. Spot Light Hall, 17369 Cornwall Centre Rd. Have fun with a chance to win great prizes! Call Angel Kisnics: 613.938.8455 for tickets. Alkaline Entertainment Presents Tribute To The Beatles Live At The Port Theater... 7PM tickets $20


Cornwall Community Hospital Auxiliary Luncheon Bridge Euchre Lunch: 11:30 am. Bridge & euchre: 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm. St. John's Presbyterian Church Hall, Cornwall Scouts Spaghetti Supper from 4:30 pm to 8 pm. SteTheresa Parish Hall, 1304 Lisieux St. Elly May With Joel Sauve Trio at LA MAISON, 9:30pm

YARDSALE BASEMENT SALE Saturday April 12th, 2014 9am -1pm Please join us. Any questions please call 613-937-4700

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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If it ain’t in here, it ain’t happening! CMC Motorcycle group MEET & GREET, TUESDAY APRIL 8TH Hey 076'ers, we are going to be starting our Meet & Greet nights this coming Tuesday April 8th at 7pm. 12 flags Tim Hortons, on Brookdale Ave North, across the road from Seaway Motor Sales GM dealer. Everyone is welcome to Attend, Come out for a Coffee and a visit.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Put the FOCUS on your EVENT With


Place a featured event here for only $35 a Week Or ask us how you could get FREE advertisement for your event CALL 613-935-3763 EXT 1

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2




Le Seeker, c’est si ♥ Do you have some news “En Français”? Avez-vous des nouvelles francophones? Envoyez-les nous pour la page du coin franco! info@theseeker.ca

Également recherchés : Commerces Francophones désirant promouvoir leurs services tout en supportant la page de la francophonie du Seeker!

La passion de l’Histoire et du Français

dans Deux auteurs de chez nous sont en tournée le pour ines sema ues quelq l’Est de l’Ontario depuis John « rique histo n roma ier dern leur lancement de de et le règlement 17 ». Les auteurs, Jean-Clau ts ignan ense deux sont é, Sauv Larocque et Denis leurs d’Histoire et de Français, ayant terminé lique catho e ndair seco carrières respectives à l’École rit le Le Relais à Alexandria. Ils ont également co-éc des s héro , Brûlé enne d’Éti its explo des récit canadiens-français de l’Ontario.

les Mais cette fois, la recherche intensive a mené le que alors 1912 de aux journ auteurs à fouiller les proscrit a l’Ontario de gouvernement De là le s. école les l’enseignement en français dans déroule se qui n roma d’un contexte historique wa et Otta ia, andr Alex wall, Corn Ainsi i. rd’hu aujou . récit du r Green Valley sont au coeu

t Le personage principal est John, un adolescen es, ndair seco s école nos dans comme tant d’autres vie issu d’une famille francophone mais dont la a, ciném que, musi , sociale se passe en anglais : amis enu technologie. John est bouleversé par le contlui a -père grand son que se érieu myst boîte d’une léguée avant de mourir.

nous L’histoire prend un tournant fantastique qui nce Flore d’une s lettre aux transporte en 1912 grâce » Quesnel, jeune enseignante d’une « école de rang passé le dans ge voya de l’époque. Notre héros, John, le et devient témoin des effor ts du peuplle batai la r mene à y Valle n Gree de ne opho franc contre le règlement 17.

de C’est lors d’une rencontre du club Richelieur de plaisi le eu j’ai que Cornwall, lundi dernier é. La rencontrer les auteurs, MM. Larocque et Sauv piqué t emen rapid présentation de leur roman a s, notre curiosité. Une fois le roman entre mes main pas uez manq Ne s. temp de rien un en ré dévo je l’ai une la chance de lire John et le règlement 17, c’est de ctive colle ire histo notre de e page important l’Ontario français.

En parlant d’histoire...

par Klaudia Veltheim

L'histoire est une science, des sociétés et un dialogue entre le passé et le présent. L'histoire est l'histoire elle-même, en marche, c'est l'avenir en fabrication. L'interprétation du passé est aussi énigmatique que l'interprétation de l'avenir, il exige une brillante préméditation et de perception, si nous l'avons. Qu'est-ce que nous avons tous, cependant, sont des pièces de casse-têtes, des faits concrets, que ce soit en forme de documents, actes juridiques, articles de journaux, la comptabilité des souvenirs de famille, ou en forme d'un journal ou d’albums de photos. C’est ce genre d'information qui nous fournissent les événements, les coutumes, les styles et le cadre d'esprit et nous donnent l'existence dont nous jouissons aujourd'hui. Chaque culture a son propre cadre d’esprit. Dans le grand tableau, nos petits morceaux de casse-têtes peuvent être joints avec de petits morceaux d'autres cultures pour former un casse-tête plus gros que nous pouvons connecter à d'autres gros morceaux. C’est ensuite que nous nous rendons compte que ce casse-tête est vraiment multi- facettes et en trois dimensions à tous niveaux ... Les livres d'histoire sont remplis d'exemples et informations factuels. Ces livres sont également l’histoire en fabrication. C’est ce que le groupe Vintage Cornwall est au groupe de gens, il comprends. C'est une méthode mutuelle et interactive de partager de nos pièces de casse-têtes afin de découvrir autres pièces manquantes et faire les connexions, passé et présent. Il s’agît d'envisager le combat d'armes à feu qui s'est passé sur les rives de Pointe Maligne et l'île de Cornwall par ses habitants, et de réaliser pourquoi. Il s’agît d'entendre ce que nos ancêtres ont dit aux enfants de leurs enfants et de comprendre comment. Espérons que dans l'obtention de réponses, nous pouvons apprendre du passé et appliquer ces connaissances à l'avenir. Notre passé est une partie intégrale de la clef algorithmique qui se connecte à notre avenir. En abordant l'histoire de Cornwall, il est important de mettre de côté nos préjugés et de présenter tous les morceaux qui nous sont connus, des artefacts et des documents, même si ils nous font mal à l'aise. C’est seulement de cette façon que l'histoire sera connue et moins sujet à interprétation basée sur la perception. Visitez Vintage Cornwall à https://www.facebook.com/groups/Vintage.Cornwall/?ref=br_tf

Danielle Duplantie Présidente de l’ACFO-SDG e Vice-présidente de L’Amalgame des arts de la langu re. théât du et française

Fondue Chinoise et Encan Silencieux

La Fondue Chinoise et l'Encan silencieux annuels du Club Optimiste de la Région de Cornwall auront lieu samedi, le 12 avril 2014 à 18H00 dans la salle des Chevaliers de Colomb, 205 Rue Amélia, Cornwall (en haut). Les recettes de cette soirée seront utilisées pour aider le Centre de Traitement pour enfants de Cornwall, la Fondation Optimiste des enfants Canadiens et pour le Cancer Infantile.


Les gens intéressés à se procurer des billets pour la soirée de la fondue et de l'encan ou qui aimerait fournir des articles pour l'encan sont invités à communiquer avec Rhéal Poirier au 613-938-0545 ou de lui envoyer un courriel à : filiontrophies@sympatico.ca.

Le coût des billets est de $45.00.



THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 12 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

by Sharyn Thompson


Since LOTTO 6/49 was launched in June 1982, Ontario players have won more than $10 billion in prizes, including 1,275 jackpot wins. As of February 10, 2014, there have been 3,136 LOTTO 6/49 draws. For more information, please visit olg.ca and click on Lotteries.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


The winning ticket was purchased at Esso on Highway 34 in Green Valley.

We all want to know what’s going on in our community!


The father of two plans to build a new garage, take a much need vacation and invest the remainder of his winnings.

If you have any events to advertise CALL US at 613-935-3763 ext.101 Julia / 102 Mai-Liis

“When the retailer scanned my ticket and it said ‘Big Winner’ I was in another world! I couldn’t believe it,” said Pierre, a 63 year old construction worker, while at the OLG Prize Centre in Toronto to claim his prize. “On the drive home, I thought about all the things that I could do with this money!”



North Lancaster resident Pierre Bourbonnais is on ‘cloud 6/49’ after winning $95,573.60 in the March 22, 2014 LOTTO 6/49 draw.

812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998



OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5



INGREDIENTS FOR THE RUB: 4 tbsp. cajun spice 6 tbsp. granulated garlic powder 6 tbsp. granulated onion powder 6 tbsp. Hungarian paprika 4 tbsp. smoked paprika 3 tbsp. rubbed Greek oregano 4 tbsp. ground cumin 2 tbsp. ground coriander 2 tbsp. dry mustard 2 tbsp. ground black pepper 2 tbsp. Kosher salt (not regular salt) 2 tbsp. white sugar

METHOD: -In a small saucepan, boil the apple cider vinegar and the white sugar, until the sugar is dissolved. Allow this to cool. Then add to it, the canola oil, Kosher salt and dry mustard. Mix well to combine. I use a whisk. Set this aside while you prepare the vegetables. -Add the can of green beans along with their liquid into a large bowl. -Drain the can of party beans, rinsing well with cold water after you drain them. Add them into the bowl with the green beans. -Chop the vegetables and add them in. -Stir the cooled dressing mixture over the bean salad ingredients. Gently combine everything. -The salad will improve in flavour if you allow it to sit in your fridge for at least a few hours before serving. You can make this the day before your meal and it will simply get better. -This salad will keep 5 or 6 days in your fridge. ENJOY!!!!

TO USE: Use 1 tablespoon of the spice rub per pound of meat or on a rotisserie chicken. To apply, just rub it over the raw meat or poultry using your fingertips. Once the rub is on, cover the meat lightly with plastic wrap and refrigerate the meat up to 24 hours. Then get your barbecue heated up and start cooking!

INGREDIENTS: 1 cup of apple cider vinegar ( We carry Bragg's organic apple cider vinegar at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. It is the best to use anytime.) 1 cup of white sugar 1 tsp. dry mustard 2 tbsp. of canola oil 1 tsp. Kosher salt 1/2 tsp. ground black pepper 1 - 19 oz. can of green beans ( or use fresh garden beans, steamed to tender crisp ) 1- 19 oz. can of Clic party beans ( This is a mixture of all different kinds of beans all in one can, I love to use them. We carry them at my store.) 1 large Vidalia or purple onion, chopped 1 cup of celery, diced 1 roasted red pepper, chopped



We sell all of the spices needed for this rub at my store, Sharyn's Pantry, if you need any. You can use this spice rub 2 ways: a) Sprinkle the rub over the meat or poultry just before you plan to grill it. b) Apply the rub a day in advance over the meat. e.g. pork ribs or a nice steak. The flavour will be much deeper and delicious as when the spice sits, it will enhance the flavour of the meat.


I have a good barbecue dry rub recipe using a whole bunch of spices. You probably have most of them in your pantry already. If not, come in to my store. Once you mix it up, just store it in a tightly closed mason jar and you will be all set to add great flavour to any meat or poultry you plan to barbecue. My recipe for an easy bean salad goes so well for any supper. It is great to bring along as part of your lunch as well. This morning, I saw several robins back from their wintering down south. Then I saw a flock of Canada geese flying in the distance. I am so glad to see the end of our long, long winter! Our barbecue is already all dusted off and waiting for Gary to cook. Have a great week!




NATURALLY DELICIOUS ... with the Health Nut



Invitations and more by

Shellshock Tomorrow, Saturday, April 5th, we will be hosting our 2nd Annual Healthy Living Wellness Fair,

in Cornwall, Ontario…….11am to 3pm….at the Agora Centre (formerly Nativity Hall), 301 McConnell Avenue (between Montreal Rd and First Street ) upstairs from the bowling alley….the admission fee is $2 minimum donation at the door…..All profits of the day going to Maison Baldwin House. There is plenty of FREE parking, it is wheelchair accessible, ATM machine in the hall etc…. will be a great day!!!

WITH CORNWALL’S Largest Portable LIGHT & LASER SHOW Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget! 3dcsheldon@gmail.com Wedding Videos available

Custom Invitations

One of a kind ... Created with you in mind!

Custom Design - Custom Price! thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com

Sheldon or Mai-Liis 613-932-4812 Prices to fit EVERY BUDGET • Evening & Weekend Appointments available

You will also have the opportunity to enjoy a 1 hour seminar with Kathy (Burgess) Smart ( North America’s Gluten Free Expert, Dr. Oz guest and best- selling author of gluten/wheat free cook books (they will be on sale for $20 (usually $35) and she will also have her breakfast cereal on sale (2 for $5). Kathy is a local girl, now living in Orleans and she is in high demand all over the world for her knowledge in this field, she herself was diagnosed with celiac disease at the age of 12… She will be speaking noon to 1 pm, in a separate room…$5 at the door…

2nd annual

*We will only start selling the tickets at 11am…to make it fair for everyone…….. We are so excited of this year’s line-up of 60 amazing vendors, all here to help you live your best life ever!! You will find health professionals and individuals, musicians, fitness experts, gluten free vendors, artists, crafts, healthy living products, natural/organic beauty products, local producers and farmers , vendors geared to kids…….and you will discover many very original services that exist right here in our community. There will also be a great raffle basket filled with donations from all our vendors…….you could win it all for a minimum donation of $2…….. I have two more amazing individuals to add to our list of vendors; Jacynthe Jaz Villemaire………….. Way to the Well Ghislain Glaude………. Taoist Tai Chi

Due to the fair being held on a Saturday, my shop will be closed for this day. You will be able to find me with all the vendors at The Agora Centre…….I will try to have a wide variety of homemade goods there available for you. My special way of enticing all of you is to have my very popular Raw Turtles and Icy Squares available for purchase…I have made lots!!! They were a sell out every time during the month of December at my shop…….people just can’t get enough of these…….they are very delicious and healthy!! Please come early for best selection…..not to be disappointed…… In health….

Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) www.thehealthnut.ca LIKE me on Facebook thehealthnut@cogeco.ca 613-931-3119 or


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


People often ask me, the secret to the success of Zumba we now call a lifestyle. I have one word! The members! I call them family. Our ZwithC family is deeply connected – not by a passion for dance, but by something that is much deeper – a passion for living. We have the the philosophy of living life to its fullest. This is what sets us apart as a family, In this family, we stick together. In this family, we grow together. In this family, we pride ourselves in the fact that we are changing our community one party at a time. Over the years I have witnessed just how powerful our family can be when times are tough. If you have not yet experienced a Zumba class, do yourself a favour… join the party and become part of a movement.

with Lisa Blanchard

In addition, it gives you a total body workout unlike any other around. You will quickly find that your stress level is reduced and your energy is increased. Not to mention the weight loss, muscle toning and other results that get people hooked. With Zumba, the fun comes first, the physical benefits follow. The calorie burning is not a chore unlike traditional cardio classes.


with Christal


Zumba is best described as a fitness party with high energy movements and tantalizing music that quickly becomes an addiction.

Spring Events at Spirit Tree Yoga This Saturday, April 5th, we will be at the Agora Centre for the Health Wellness Fair. Come by our table for a chance to win a free 5-Class Pass! Sunday, April 6th, the internationally acclaimed Canadian Kirtan performer, Jim Gelcer, will be at Spirit Tree Yoga. We will have a yoga class with live music at 5:45pm ($15) and a concert from 7pm-8:30pm ($20 or both events for $30) Music is a very powerful healing tool as it raises the positive vibrations in our body facilitating the free flow of energy. Come experience the double healing effects by doing yoga to the live music then sit back and have fun with response/call kirtan music! See back page for poster Saturday, April 12th from 12:30-3pm, we will be hosting a Poses". Yoga Your "Mastering on workshop This is the perfect class for the yoga beginner who wants to learn more about the poses and it is perfect for the advanced yogi so that you can move deeper into your yoga practice! It is $30 for non-members and $20 for members. Our Spring Learn-To-Run Program is back and will start on Wednesday night, April 16th at 6pm. The cost is $50 for the 12week program wherein we will progress each week, minute by minute. We have so much fun and you will make great friends! For more information, please call me at 613-330-4494 or you can email me at Blanchard.lisa at yahoo.ca Namaste, Lisa Blanchard www.spirittreeyoga.net

Speaking of movement … there are always so many events to look forward to! • April 1st- Launched the new ZwithC website • April 2- ZwithC class for Autism Day

• April 7- ZwithC class for Little Angels (fundraising class) colour of the night is sky blue

• Excited to announce that ZwithC members now receive a 10% discount at Play It Again Sports (Cornwall location) To find out more information about any of the following, please visit us on Facebook

-Store at 812 Pitt Street, Unit 40

Open Saturdays from 9am to 4pm. Zumba with Christal

-Workplace mini health seminars -3 day juicing cleanse workshops -10 day juicing challenges -Healthy eating cooking seminars

CONTACT: Sylvie Thibert, The Health Nut thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119

Koupon Korner

Koupon Korner



Disc Jockey Packages Priced to Fit your Budget!

$50 off Basic DJ Package OR $100 off Ultimate DJ Package BOOK TODAY Valid til April 30, 2014



We Don't Work Out … We Work it!

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THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1






Testing Day for Skate Canada Figure Skating Clubs On March 8, 2014 Skate Cornwall Figure Skating Club held a Testing Day for Skate Canada Figure Skating Clubs in the surrounding area of SDG& Akwesasne. Thanks to all the dedicated Coaches of the students who tested, your support and dedication to these young ladies is greatly appreciated. Skate Cornwall Figure Skating Club would like to send out a Congratulations to the young ladies who skated on Test Day and passed their levels, great job! Top: Dana Grant, Middle: l-rt: Kathleen Nicolaassen, Bria Bragaglia (Long Sault Figure Skating Club), Angelina Roundpoint, Madison Needham Bottom: Makenzie Mitschke, Nadine Kamm, Katherine Fakotakis, Mackenzie Grainger missing from photo: Emily Hughes

BRIAN’S DAY in support of BRIAN “ RUSS” TARDIFF raises $38,900 The one day event known as Brian’s Day in support of Brian “Russ” Tardiff’s personal journey with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) raised $38,900. The Benson Centre was buzzing on Saturday March 8th as hundreds of people who have the privilege to know, played for, played with or simply enjoy Brian and his wife Sue’s company helped raise funds to assist the Tardiffs as they battle the progressive neurodegenerative disease. “Since the diagnosis, we’ve had nothing but an outpouring of love and support, and I have been honoured and humbled by the overwhelming kindness from everyone,” said a very emotional Tardiff. “Over the years I’ve bonded with you, connected with you, become tied to you. On March 8th, I felt the full strength of those connections, and it was beyond my wildest expectations. Never could I have imagined the caring support that I have received.” The Cornwall Girls Hockey Association along with Rod McLeod, Geoff and Sharon Smith, Angie Baker and David Murphy played a key role in ensuring the event’s success. “It was an opportunity to help one of our own in a time of need and the community’s generosity and sense of giving was never more evident,” said CGHA President Rod McLeod. “The sports community is truly one big family and it came through with more support than we ever could’ve imagined,” added Geoff Smith. “This is also our chance to thank the dozens of volunteers who helped make the event an unprecedented success,” said Angie Baker. Cornwall will host a 5km Walk for ALS on Saturday, June 7th at St. Lawrence College.

Koupon Korner

Cornwall Motor Speedway celebrates his 2013 champions this Saturday! The Cornwall Motor Speedway will put a stamp on his 2013 season this Saturday, April 5th as the annual banquet of champions will be held at the South Stormont Community Hall located in Long Sault. Near 250 invitees will be on hand for the evening of celebrations!

More than 30 different drivers will receive awards and trophies throughout the evening as 10 champions, both track and several series that were competed in Ontario and Quebec will be awarded. Also, five rookies of the year recipients will be named. The Mitchell Jock award will also be given to a person who has brought an exceptional contribution to the DIRT track racing and also motorsports. Guest will have a first taste of the 2014 calendar which includes several major events such as the return of the World of Outlaws Sprint Car at the end of July, the annual visit of the Super DIRTcar Big Block Series on June 29th and 3 rounds of the Canadian Nationals including the season opener on May 18. An official press release concerning the calendar will be out in the coming week. For more information on the upcoming events at the speedway, you can visit the website at www.cornwallspeedway or join us on Facebook at www.facebook/cornwallmotorspeedway for useful information and fun contests!

Wheeler picks up the Track Championship trophy

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Cornwall’s Cory Wheeler picks up the Track Championship trophy and the Mitch Jock Memorial Award (SPORTSMAN Division) at the Mohawk International Raceway’s annual banquet that was held at the Akwesane Mohawk Casino on Saturday (29 March)

Submitted pictures : RICK YOUNG

Koupon Korner

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Packrat Organization 101 with Marie Morrell

Things You SHOULD or SHOULD NOT Carry In Your Purse or Wallet Part 2 of 2 -Things You Should Never Carry Each year, millions of people lose, misplace, or get their wallets and purses stolen. Then they find themselves living in fear that someone now has all of their personal information. To make it easier to report a card lost or stolen, I make a photocopy - both sides - of all my cards (bank, credit, and driver's license cards, etc.) and keep the copy at home in a fire proof save. Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes. Often, because we tend to carry so much of our personal information with us, it is much easier for a thief to obtain your information, ruin your credit, and destroy your life. Canceling everything you were carrying after you lose them is very stressful, and depending on what you’ve lost, can be very costly. • Do not carry your own personal social security card or the cards of your children. Memorize the number and keep the cards in a safe and secure place at home. • For employment or application purposes, a copy of your card provided at the time needed will suffice.

Social Security Card

• Keep your original Birth Certificate, along with your social security card, in a safe, secure, and fire-proof place. You can make copies for employment or application purposes as required.

Birth Certificate

• It is wise to carry no more than two credit cards in case of an emergency. If for some reason one card won’t work, you’ll have the second card for backup.

More Than Two Credit Cards

• Many companies require their employees to carry identification cards which give access to their place of work. A thief can use this information to verify where you work for purposes of stealing your identity.

Employee Identification Card

Large Amounts of Cash •

Only carry as much cash as you are willing to lose.

Precious Items •

Many people carry with them precious items with sentimental value. Losing them can be devastating. Keep those things safe at home!

Checkbook •

Keep your checkbook in a safe place; use it when you need to and put it back when you’re done.

Important Papers and Receipts • •

Keep all of your important papers, receipts, and documents at home in a safe or filing cabinet.

Bank Account or Pin Numbers, E-Mail Passwords, and Alarm Codes

Do not carry these in a wallet or purse. If you cannot remember important passwords you need to use on a regular basis, store them on a protected computer or phone.

Gift Cards and Certificates •

Leave these at home until you’ve picked a day to use them. They are as good as money, and you don’t have to show an ID to buy stuff with them.

USB Data Storage Devices •

It can be very problematic if a thief gets a hold of one of these, since they often can contain confidential files, personal information, and all of your hard work.

Receipts • •

Some receipts contain your credit card information and signature, which opens the door for identity theft and forgery. If a thief has access to your address and can see what you bought on a receipt, they may find it motivation to rob your house.

Unprotected Cell Phone •

A cell phone without a password is a dangerous thing to carry around. If your phone does not have a password option, then carry it in a pocket or on your body instead of in a bag. If it’s a smartphone, a thief might have full access to your email and other personal information if it’s stored in your phone.

Traveling Abroad With a Passport You can’t really travel across international borders without carrying your passport; therefore, pack extra passport photos and a photocopy of your passport information in case the original document is lost or stolen. • Leave these documents and photos in the hotel safe. This will make getting a replacement easier and protect you from other identity theft dangers.

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873


Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 17



CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




CARD CHANGER - do you know these businesses? CHANGER -

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ions, why tside the with...

do you know these businesses? Residents who want to save money,


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Building a Beautiful Outdoor Space with Rain Barrel Sale

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cardXchanger prices


$15 - do you know these b

cardXchanger prices

You have big dreams and big ambitions, why store them in a tiny box! Think outside the You have big dreams and big ambitions, why and giveThink life to youroutside dreams with... the store them in a tinybox box!

1 time - $39 7 times - $129 1 time - $39 box and give life to your dreams with... cardXchanger prices 10 times - $159*7 times - $129


10 times - $159*

care for their gardens, and protect the environment know that rain barrels help meet all three goals. The Martintown & District Horticultural Society is now accepting pre-sale orders as part of their truckload Rain Barrel sale. This fundraising event is scheduled for Thursday, April 24, 2014 at the Martintown Community Centre, 4850 County Road 20 (Apple Hill Road), Martintown, ON from 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Rain barrels are competitively priced at $55 each and orders must be placed in advance of the sale, either online at www.RainBarrel.ca/martintown or by calling 613-528-4679.

As low as per week

1 time - $39 *Including a613-935-7671 mini profile of 300 613-662-7456 or Get a fully customized website for $24.99/month and *Including a mini profile of 300 7w times $129 no upfront payment. See us-for details. words or less a fully customized website for $24.99/month and w w . m o b i l e g a m e r z .or ca no upfront payment. See us for details. words less

nth and

d at


me. t 31, Cornwall



TerryLynn’s *Including a mini profile of 300 BEAU-TEEK words or less BEAU-TEEK

n’s EK 2 Pitt Street,

dy’s or y

10 times - $159* Now Being Sold at

Now Being Sold at

For a limited time. For a limited time.

THEATRE CO P APINK N Y lady’s GetMyour

your PINK lady’s PGet RE SAvailable E shirt! N Available T Sforfor shirt!

Valentine’s Valentine’s OnlyOnly

812 Pitt Street, unit613-933-3703 31, Cornwall 613-933-3703

The Martintown & District Horticultural Society takes pride in the work that they do within the community, especially the gardens at the Birthday Parties, Martintown Community Centre, the School Events, flowers on the bridge, and the beautiful barrel planters throughout the village. The society, in conjunction Festivals, with the South Glengarry Municipality and the Martintown Fundraisers,Goodtimers Association, is developing a park on the grounds of the Plus muchcommunity centre, along the Raisin River. Funds from the rain barrel much more!sale will go towards the costs associated with the project, including www.svtc.ca the construction of a deck and pergola, a gazebo, a picnic area, a garden, and walkways accessible for everyone. Work has CALL TODAYmemorial already started on the park and the hope is to have it fully completed to book yourin the next three to four years. This community oriented park will next event!enhance the use of the community centre and will be an ideal spot for a picnic, for friends to gather, to just enjoy a quiet moment in nature.

cardXchanger prices

www.seniorhometransition.ca Rain barrels capture and store chlorine-free and fluoride-free rain www.seniorhometransition.ca

You have big dreams and big ambitions, whyvegetables, lawns, shrubs, and trees. Collected water can also be used 1 time - These $39many uses can store them in a tiny box! Think outside theto wash cars, clean floors, and even do laundry! provide cost savings to every resident, especially those who pay to box and give life to your dreams with... www.seniorhometransition.ca water from a home’s downspouts, making it ideal for flowers,

7 times - $129 10 times - $159*

have water trucked in, use a well, or have a water meter installed. We Move Seniors We Move Seniors They61 can also provide water conservation opportunities, particularly Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 3-662-4578 Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578 during the dry summer months. A rain barrel sale is a natural fit with the Horticultural Society, which strongly supports water conservation.

We Move Seniors Sally Stata 613-932-3168 or 613-662-4578

When ordering in advance of the sale, purchasers select the colour and model of their rain barrel, and add any accessories, such as diverters and rain barrel stands. Each barrel is equipped Get a fully customized website for $24.99/month anddownspout with all the parts needed to put it together, so it can be collecting no upfront payment. See us for details. water in no time at all. These environmentally friendly products were once used to transport fruits and vegetables, but now they have been repurposed and offer years of reliable service as rain barrels. Purchasing one not only saves residents money and helps the environment, but, with the Martintown & District Horticultural Dream Builder Studios Studios 2107 Second St., W. Cornwall Society rain barrel sale, it helps create a beautiful space for everyone to enjoy. Tickets available online at Admission.com Cash, Cheque or Credit Card or the Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office, About the Martintown and District Horticultural Society – Since Plus applicable fees Welcome! 100 Water St E, Cornwall 613.938.9400 1965, the society has been involved with civic improvements in the Produced in special arrangement with Samuel French, Inc Get your PINK lady’s village of Martintown, including landscaping, planting, and maintaining the grounds of the local community centre. They also shirt! Available for maintain the flowers within the village and contribute to Christmas events. For more further information, please contact Ginny Blair at Valentine’sVISUAL Only COMMUNICATIONS COMMUNICA TIONS w w w. w. w e t h i n k i t . c a 613-528-4679 or email Margaret Camplin at communitypk@hotmail.com.

MAY 2,3,88,9,10 Matinée 1:30pm MANow Y 4Being , 2014 Sold at

Evenings 7:30pm


812 Pitt Street, unit 31, Cornwall

TerryLynn’s BEAU-TEEK

*Including a mini profile of 300 words or less

For a limited time.


About RainBarrel.ca – RainBarrel.ca reclaims food grade barrels and repurposes them as rain barrels. Partnering with various non-profit organizations, they help stage truckload sales as fundraisers in communities across Canada and the United States. For more information, please contact Larry Pomerantz at Larry@RainBarrel.ca, 905-545-5577, or visit www.RainBarrel.ca. Visit www.RainBarrel.ca/pressreleases for photos from previous sales and the available products

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY www.seniorhometransition.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

FREE FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2 Deadlines noon on Tuesdays FOR SALE: 10 inch sliding compound mitre saw, bevel two side , lazer guide with folding stand for easy moving on job site , only 6 month old , reason for selling no room in my basement it's worth $600.00 asking $350.00 .

309 Pitt Street

Parking available, Bachelor Apartment upstairs, rent $950 a month.

FOR SALE: 6 piece wicker furniture set, good condition, clean - $700 Call 613-346-5583

FOR SALE: Ladies mink fur coat, light tan colour, mint condition, $150. Call 613-933-4489. FOR SALE: Complete home gym. $150 obo. Call 613-936-2440

FOR SALE: Blue Jay Web rocker, hand crafted, never used. $65, 613-938-2600. FOR SALE: Whirlpool self cleaning stove, coil elements, 6 months old. Excellent condition. $425. Call 613-362-5700.

FOR SALE: Wooden night stand, pine top and sides, 2 drawers. Dark blue. excellent condition $50 Call 613-938-2600. FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, approx 78” wide (dusty pink) $50 and vertical blinds 65” wide (White) $25. Both excellent condition. Call 613-362-5700.

SINGLE WHITE FEMALE, 48 years, looking for male companion, enjoys the outdoors, reading, photography and relaxing. 571-9941 Lory. 76 YEAR OLD WIDOWER, seeking female companion 65+ who enjoys gardening, country music and crafts. Call Kelly at 932-0563

The Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

is a program organized by Revenue Canada and community organizations to provide income tax preparation services to low to middle income individuals and families. The income level cut off is $50,000. We DO NOT prepare taxes with business income, rental income, capital gains or interest over $1,000. Taxes are prepared on a first come, first served basis OR clients can drop of their information and come back to pick it up when it is ready. The program will operate Monday to Friday, March 3 to April 30th.

Location: Salvation Army 500 York Street, Cornwall Hours: 10am to 4pm We will also do prior years income taxes. A $5 donation to the Salvation Army to offset the costs of operating the program would be appreciated.


Koupon Korner

Little 6lb Yorkshire Terrier called Hank - missing since Wednesday night in the area near Canadian Tire and 9th Street. Lives at 837 Alexander Ave. Please call 613-932-7513 if you find him.


FOR RENT: 2 bedroom apartment, available June 1. $600 a month. First and last months rent, pay own utilities, references required. No pets, no smoking. Month to month on St. Felix Street. Leave message if no answer. 613-933-5006.


FOR SALE: 2 cabinets $50 each or 2 for $90. Excellent condition. 71” high, 30 1/2” wide, 15” deep. Top of each with lights, glass with doors and shelves. Bottom part with wood, shelves and lights. Call 613-937-3386.

Phone 613-701-3965 after 2pm. Deposit equal to last month's rent required.


FOR SALE: Mens Taylor made driver R11 model, right handed, brand new. Adjusts for losk and face angle. Sale price $175. Call 613-933-4489.

preferably to run a restaurant or a computer store,

FOR SALE: White Moffat stove, in good working condition, about 10 years old. $100 OBO. 613-935-8101

Space available



Koupon Korner Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 19

Invitations and more by

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BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

This Weekend - Come and visit us at the show

Cost for yoga is $15, concert is $20 or $30 for both.

I’m Mai-Liis the Graphic Designer

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We hope that you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Seeker

We would love to hear from you. Your comments are always welcome.

Financial Advisor

STOP IN and visit us at 327 2nd Street E. OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm closed for lunch noon to 1pm. Other days by appointment only ...

613-935-3763 ext. 1 (sales) 613-935-3763 ext. 2 (classifieds) 613-935-3763 ext. 101 Julia 613-935-3763 ext. 102 Mai-Liis email: info@theseeker.ca read online www.theseeker.ca DEADLINES FOR ALL ISSUES Tuesdays at 5pm See you next FRIDAY, APRIL 11 TH, 2014

Check out our website www.theseeker.ca Community news is updated DAILY

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 13 - April 4 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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