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Vol. 5 Issue 24 June 20, 2014



the BLOCK on Canada Day Z with C style • 3-4 pm at Pommier Corner

Everyone Welcome ...

page 4 for more

This Week in the Seeker River Kings get Anthony Pittarelli back at Page Draft


Habs Chris Nilan and Agape Knocking out Hunger Page

7 Animalia wooes audience with powerful performance Page


Photo by: Jason Setnyk Photography

THE SEEKER TEAM YOUR ONE STOP SHOP! for Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Custom Wedding Invitations specializing in

email: thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com


Web Design, Photography, Video Recording Services and Light & Laser Music Shows

From the Desk of the Editor

We can also TRANSFER your VHS HOME MOVIES to DVD - 613-932-4812 It’s a very hectic start to what promises to be an even more hectic summer. First and foremost, we are hosting the fourth annual SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS this weekend at the Cornwall Golf and Country club. This event is also a fundraiser for the Centre for the Arts Collective, a group who is working very hard to see the realisation of an Art Centre become a reality in our beautiful city. The event, which will honour small businesses, artists, athletes and volunteers in our community is now sold out. We would like to thank all our wonderful sponsors without whom this event would not be possible. This is the first of many happenings taking place this summer that the Seeker is actively involved in promoting, sponsoring or even manning. In addition to the support we regularly give to all the wonderful shows Sylvain Sound and Alkaline Entertainment bring to the Port Theater Stage almost weekly, we also will be covering in depth Lift-Off, Ribfest and Waterfest. Because Arts and Culture is such a soft spot for us here at the Seeker, we will be helping with Focus Art’s first ever TAG show entitled SUMMER IN THE CITY/ L’été dans ma ville, taking place from July 10 to July 26 inclusively at the Art Gallery. The event, spearheaded by Linda Geisel and myself (but mainly her…) and curated by Manjeet Kolbinger will feature Focus Art’s members. It’s a BIG event, requiring a lot of organization and volunteers. Please show your love for the Arts by visiting the exhibit and supporting the volunteers and artists that pour their souls into this project. The Art Gallery will be open from Tuesday to Thursday, 10am to 5pm with some private viewings Then, in September, we will be hosting the first Kidz Expo, in October will help with the CBN trade show and the Woman Show in March. And of course, let’s not forget the Municipal Elections also in October… Yes, we’re running, we’re busy, but we wouldn’t want it any other way! 'If you really want to do something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.' --Jim Rohn

Julia Lucio, Editor in chief

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 24, June 20, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker. Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalist: Carol Grant Sales: Mary-Rose Hilgers

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) 613-935-3763 Ext. 108 (Mary-Rose Hilgers) Email: info@theseeker.ca


OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm otherwise by appointment only

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - both No Frills, both Food Basics - Sharyn’s Pantry - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger - The Grind - Home Hardware Farm Boy Eating Area - Eastcourt Mall main entrance - Tim Hortons at the Cornwall Square and Second Street - East and many of the Breakfast Places - plus more...

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

SEEEKER SNIPPPETS - Youur Loca Community N News

Presented by

New ws & Politics Seeker Awards D i n n e r - Th e S e e k e r Awards take place S a t u rd a y J u n e 2 1 s t a t the Cornwall Golf and Countr y Club. It includes a gala dinner, entertainment (dancing, DJ, and c a s i n o ) , a n d o f co u r s e the Awards Ceremony! It is also a fundraiser for the Ar ts Collective. Come celebrate the success of local businesses, ar tists, athletes, and volunteers. Find out who all the Seeker Award Winners are Saturday night!

Majority of eligible voters in SDSG did not cast a vote - The majority of eligible voters in SDSG did not cast a vote in the Ontario Election of 2014. 49.9% of eligible voters in t h i s r i d i n g v o t e d, w h i l e 5 0 . 1 % o f e l i g i b l e voters did not. Incumbent MPP Jim McDonell received 50.2% of the popular vote. The other four candidates combined for 49.8% of the vote. Jim McDonell finished 10,170 votes ahead of second place John Earle. Elaine MacDonald who many pundits thought was going to finish in second, actually received less total votes versus 2011, but her p e rc e n t a g e o f t h e p o p u l a r vo t e did increase slightly. Green Candidate Sharon Norman who w a s n o t a t t h e d e b a te s a n d d i d not have any signs up in this riding finished with over a thousand votes, about twice as many as the Libertarian candidate Shawn McRae. Despite scandals and wasted tax dollars, The Ontario Liberals finished with a majority government and Kathleen Wynee becomes the first elected female Premier of Ontario. The first new job opening in the Million Jobs plan is Tim Hudak’s job as leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conser vatives. Only 999,999 more jobs to create Tim! The PCs reckless policies cost them quite a few seats and turned off many Ontario voters. The NDP finished with small gains, with a slight increase of the popular vote, versus the 2011 election.

South Stormont Unveils the New Splash Pad Facility - The Township of South Stormont will have its Official Grand Opening of the South Stormont Splash Pad at Bethune Memorial Park 73 Simcoe Street, Long Sault on Wednesday June 25th 2014 at 1 00pm The comp et on o th s pro ect h gh ghts a number o South Stormont recreat on ac ty mprovements that have t a k e n p a ce s n ce S e p te m b e r 2012 as par t o the Federa G o ve r n m e n t s Commun ty

Infrastructure Improvement Fund (CIIF). Along with contributions from the CIIF and the Township of South Stormont, a Splash Pad Fundraising Committee was also formed and helped raise approximately $35,000.00 of monetar y and in-kind donations toward the construction of the project. Incorporated as par t of the ceremony will be an elementar y class from Longue Sault Public School who will represent the school’s parent and teacher association that were involved in fundraising eff ffo orts.

Arts & Culture Elton John Tribute Fantastic - Elton John Tribute Fantastic - Sylvain S ound p ro u d l y presented the Captain Fantastic Tribute to Elton J o h n o n S a t u rd a y June 14th. Many people were in a t te n d a n ce to s e e the fantastic performance, singing along to their favourite Elton John songs. This is one in a long series of tribute concerts at the legendary Port Theatre featuring the music of yesteryear. For all the latest info on events, concer ts, and happenings, read about it in the Seeker in print or online. Photo by Jason Setnyk Photography. The 8th Annual Ingleside Firefighter C h a l l e n g e i s J u l y 1 9 t h - Th e 8 t h A n n u a l Ingleside Firefighter Challenge will be held Saturday, July 19th in front of the Ingleside Shopping Pl a z a . Come and join us for a full day of activities for the entire family! Invitations are being s e nt to all neighbouring fire d e p a r t m e nt s in SD&G and s u r ro u n d i n g a re a . Firefighters will go head to head in a test of skill, endurance and teamwork as they make their way through a skills course. The challenge is meant to simu ate the first couple of minutes of a fire and w nc ude such demonstrat ons as orc b e entry h o s e p u s v c t m d ra g a d d e r c m b n g a n d more Fam es are encouraged to attend the event and cheer on the r fire department t a so nc udes ve enterta nment that n ght eatur ng Grace W son Graham Greer and The Sh ners


Sports & Lifestyle River Kings get fan favourite Anthony Pittarelli back at Draft Cornwall River Kings LNAH draft results - It’s been a busy week for River Kings general manager Mitch Gagne. The River Kings new GM made his four th trade of the week on Saturday afternoon at the LNAH draft in Sorel, re acquiring sparkplug Anthony Pittarelli from Laval for a sixth-round pick. “Pittarelli is already a fan favourite,” said Gagne. “He’ll be looking for a fresh start in Cornwall and he’ll have a better understanding of his role here.” And then there was the draft itself, as Cornwall added nine more players to its fold. The River Kings first pick didn’t come until the fourth round, 31st overall. They selected a 23-year-old defencemen from Valleyfield, Mathieu Leduc. Local defenceman Jason Lepine was selected by the River Kings in the fifth round. Cornwall also selected Billy Ulrick, who recently finished his Jr. A career with the Colts. Earlier this week, the River Kings also re -acquired popular defenceman Mario Joly from Laval for Jean-Francois Laplante, Nicolas Sigouin and 5th round pick. The River Kings also unveiled a new logo, and season tickets are now on sale for the team.

Letters and Opinions p MP remarks on 70th Anniversary of D-Day Throughout histor y, Canadians have bravely fought tyranny and evil around the world to stand for what is principled and just. As this year m a r k s t h e 7 0 t h a n n i ve r s a r y o f D - D a y a n d t h e Battle of Normandy, our Government remains committed to recognizing Canada’s proud militar y histor y. June 6, 1944, known as D-Day, w a s a p i vo t a l m o m e n t i n h i s t o r y a n d o n e o f Canada’s most significant and successful military engagements. On that day, Canadian and Allied troops stormed the German defences on the beaches o Normandy Aga nst d fficu t odds Canad an orces advanced ur ther than any o the r A es Canada p ayed an ntegra ro e n the success o the D Day and ngs but v ctory came at a s gn ficant cost w th 340 Canad ans g v ng t h e r ve s 5 7 4 wo u n d e d a n d 4 7 t a k e n a s p r s o n e r s C a n a d a n s c o n t n u e d t o p ay a n mportant ro e n the Normandy campa gn and the strugg e to berate France n a Canad ans suff ffe ered the most casua t es o any d v s on n the Br t sh Army Group dur ng the Batt e o N o r m a n d y w t h m o re t h a n 5 0 0 0 m a k n g t h e u t mate sacr fice and os ng the r ves Through the r brave and sacr fic a serv ce they turned the t de o the Second Wor d War and u t mate y he ped berate Europe rom Naz tyranny Today we c h e r s h C a n a d a n v a u e s o r e e d o m d e m o c r a c y a n d r u e o aw – v a u e s o r w h c h they ought and d ed Guy Lauzon MP o SDSG

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


the BLOCK on Canada Day

Keep it FUN & FRESH! Come party at Pommier Corner Zumba Style with Christal every Tuesday at 6:30 pm (as long as Mother Nature co-operates! Cancelled depending on heat advisory or rain!)

Free parking for all participants! Just bring water, towel, plus your energy and let’s be “Happy Shiny People on the Corner”! If you can’t join the party, honk as you drive by!

For more info: call Christal at 613-933-5177

Positively Marlene





by Marlene Baker Hi there to all of you beautiful and fun kind of peope reading Cornwall's most read paper this week. I hope you are enjoying the lovely Springtime weather we have been experiencing. There have been some rainy days and some sunny days, ~Hot~ one day... the next Not! Mother Nature sure is all over the map with her "temperal mood swings" this season. Summer is just right around the corner (on June 21st.) Get yourselves ready...by getting out your bathing suits, your flip flops or sandals and don't forget about the suntan lotion. My how the months have flown by so quickly this year. Especially this month of June. Where has the time gone???

What a marvelous kind of week I have enjoyed this week. So much so that I want to share it with you all. At the ~Port Theatre~ last Thursday evening John & I had the utmost pleasure to be a part of a most enjoyable evening. We were listening and watching a ~Tribute to the Blues Brothers~. They were Absolutely Sensational!!! The boys put on a most entertaining act that brought the audience to their feet. We were all dancing, singing and clapping along with the well known ~Blues Brothers'~ tappy tunes. The sad thing about this is that The Port wasn't packed to capacity. It wasn't even half filled. Why Is This? Why Not? Why are the people who live in Cornwall not supporting LIVE MUSIC??? I've been hearing about this over the past five years that I have lived here that there is nothing to do for adults in Cornwall. YES, THERE IS!!! At the Port Theatre!!! Then on Saturday evening John and I, and some of our close friends & acquaintances attended another LIVE PERFORMANCE at The Port. Captain Fantastic, a Tribute to Elton John that consisted of a seven piece band who were phenomenal to listen to. Yet again the audience and I were up clapping, dancing and singing along to these well known songs through the many decades of Elton John's career. But although these events are advertised in the local media, and shared on Facebook, the Port was once again, less than half filled. Compared to movie and restaurant prices, the cost to enjoy unique live entertainment here in a


convenient location is a bargain. People are quick to say how a wonderful piece of historic Cornwall ought to be saved, but where are they when the opportunity arises to show REAL support, by buying tickets to such wonderful concerts? The Port brings a wide variety of entertainment styles, and also offers movies. We are actually in an enviable position as most cities our size do not have such entertainment brought in at affordable prices. So what is it? Do the citizens of Cornwall simply not enjoy music? Are we too comfortable in our airconditioned home-theaters to brave stepping outside of our comfort zone to watch a unique show? Or are we, as a city, simply too lazy to get out and have an enjoyable evening, when it's easier to just stay home. I have none of these answers, but it sure would be a help to the Port if people would show some actual support by coming out to experience a great show, and enjoy hot buttered popcorn and bottled or canned pop. I can't imagine any better way to enjoy the end of a day, or a week, than by going out to watch an exciting musical show at the Port, often by world-reknown tribute bands who demand much higher ticket prices in the bigger cities. The sad part is, that it costs them the same to perform here, and it costs the owners of the Port more money than they bring in, to keep these shows coming. Let's all do our part in keeping the Port alive, by attending events on a regular basis. It will keep at least one more piece of Cornwall's history alive for another generation to enjoy. TIP OF THE WEEK: There has been lots of controversy over whether or not sun-screen is safe. The general consensus is that it is not. So I am suggesting that we start out in the sun with short periods of exposure, until we have somewhat of a tan, which will permit us to enjoy longer time out in the sun. Sunscreen does block the burning rays, but has been known to be toxic in many cases, so I avoid it at all costs. Google it and decide for yourself, but do be sure to enjoy the summery weather as much as possible, especially after the long and harsh winter we endured. Until next week, this is Marlene Baker of fashionography.ca wishing you another positive week of kindness, gratitude, and giving to the less fortunate. You'll be very glad you did, and you'll feel better for doing so.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Looking for Something Different to do? Then look no further ...

t h g i L , r Dinne ! s w o h S r e s a L d n a NEW TO CORNWALL

Enjoy a SUPERB MEAL and a LIGHT & LASER SHOW Choreographed to a variety of musical styles including Celtic, Rock, Instrumental, Classical, Dance and more ...

Produced & directed by DJ Shellshock and 3D Creations

Friday, July 4th and Saturday, July 5th, 2014 - 8pm at

1140 Brookdale Ave., Cornwall, ON - (613) 933-7000

Tickets: $35 per person / $60 per couple available at Au Vieux Duluth Restaurant or call 613-932-4812 (Sheldon or Mai-Liis)

3 MEAL CHOICES: Pork Souvlaki, Filet of Sole and Butterfly Shrimp.

All served with Soup, House Salad, Rice and Greek Style Potatoes plus Coffee. PLEASE NOTE: This event is not recommended for anyone suffering from Epilepsy or with severe Asthma.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Posters by: Invitations and more by MAI-LIIS - 613-932-4812

Packrat Organization 101





with Marie Morrell What you should know about Professional Organizing Part 2 of 4 What Should You Expect After Contacting A Professional Organizer? The first step will be to schedule a need assessment. This gives you an opportunity to meet the organizer, assess the problem area(s) and discuss the project. At this time, the organizer will help you determine your priorities; map a plan of action with an estimated cost. What You Need To Do To Prepare For The First Appointment You do not need to prepare, pick-up or clean the space to be organized. It is most helpful for the organizer to see your space as it currently is. It is not the time to go buy organizing products; this comes after a plan is established and items are categorized. The container must fit the content rather than the content fitting the container. During the need assessment meeting, the organizer should provide you with a "Keep or purge questionnaire", a detailed list of "What to discard" and information about "How to let go of possessions with sentimental value" and FOR a copy of the business' IMMEDIATE RELEASE code of ethics.

---- The area going rate and how far he/she has to travel

• If the organizer resides in a small town, it is not realistic to be charged as much as an organizer living in a larger metropolitan area. •

• •

If an organizer charges too much, he/she may lose business to the competition. Keep in mind, however, that if he/she charges much less, clients may perceive the quality of the services as inferior. The organizer must take into consideration the price of gas and vehicle usage. The automobile allowance rates, for the government, for 2013 and 2014, are: 54¢ per kilometer for the first 5,000 kilometers. Read more in the Seeker next week ...

Marie can be reached at 613-936-6873 www.workeasysolution.com

Take the Plunge this Summer, Courtesy of Tim Hortons Are you looking for some family fun this summer? Tim Hortons Cornwall Restaurant Owners would like to invite participants of all ages to enjoy free swimming during the summer holiday months. Schedules listing swim times and locations will be available at all local Tim Hortons restaurants and at www.timhortons.com (see below/attached).

How Long Does An Organizing Take Project Take? the Plunge this Summer, Every client situation is unique. It depends on the size of the space, the amount of items, how long you will take to make a decision and the amount of timeTim the Courtesy of Hortons organizer and you can work together without interruptions or distractions. Some projects may take a few hours others can take several days. A professional “Free Summer Swimming is just one way we can thank our organizer can provide you with a "To do list" for those areas you feel you can JUNE 16, 2014 Âą CORNWALL , ONÂą Are you looking for some family funfor ?this Tim summer loyal guests their continued support throughout the handle on your own. Hortons Cornwall Restaurant Owners would like to invite participants of all ages to enjoy free year,â€? said Darryn McPhail, Tim Hortons Restaurant

Owner. (see “It is also a great way for families to spend quality How Much Will It Cost To Get Organized? be available at all local Tim Hortons restaurants and atwww.timhortons.com time together during summer months.â€? It is only at the end of a consultation that ). the time and costs involved can below/attached adequately be estimated. It is tempting to just want a “rough estimateâ€? over the Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners have sponsored this free phone, but until the organizer actually sees your space he/she cannot begin to ÂłFree Summer Swimming is just one way we can thank our loyal guests for their continued swimming program for more than 10 years. Throughout determine which things require time and expertise and which things can be ZQHU Âł,t Ois also a suppRUW WKURXJKRXW WKH \HDU ´ VDLG Darryn McPhail, Tim Hortons Restaurant theduring year, Tim Hortons improved or resolved with just some helpful tips families and solutions. great way for to spend quality time together summer monthsis also involved in community ´ swimming during the summer holiday.Schedules months listing swim times and locations will

events, activities and sponsorships, including Timbits

How much does an organizer charge for services? Minor Sports, Smile Cookie and Free Holiday Skating Tim Hortons Restaurant Owners have sponsored this free swimming program for more than 10 programs. There are a number of factors when considering rates. years. Throughout the year, Tim Hortons is also involved in community events, activities and

---- The services being offered: Generally programs. speaking, services for a business are more expensive than residential because of the knowledge and expertise Call Mary-Rose required by a professional organizer to properly systematize a business About Tim Hortons Inc. 613-935-3763 ext 108 environment. A nice break for businesses is that they can write off the cost of (TSX: THI) is one of the largest publicly-traded restaurant chains in North America based on these services as a taxable expense. market capitalization, and the largest in Canada. Operating in the quick advertising service segment of the for all your needs! sponsorships, including Timbits Minor Sports, Smile Cookie and Free Holiday Skating

---- The organizer's level of expertise based on : coffee, includes premium • •

• •

restaurant industry, Tim Hortons appeals to a broad range of consumer tastes, with a menu that hot and cold specialty drinks (including lattes, cappuccinos and espresso shots), specialty teas and fruit smoothies, fresh baked goods, grilled Panini and the variety of the servicesclassic offered sandwiches, wraps, soups, prepared foods and other food products. As of December the training specialization29, i.e., 2013, providing guidelines howsystemwide to let go ofrestaurants, including 3,588 in Canada, 859 in Tim Hortons had on 4,485 the value, United or States and how 38 intothe Gulf Cooperation Council. More information about the Company possessions with sentimental knowing work is available at with hoarders and their family, etc. www.timhortons.com.

the length of time his/her business has been in operation certification, i.e., is the organizer a teacher offering individual or group For more information, please contact: classes or individuals wanting to start an organizing business, and Kelly MacNaull associations he/she belongs to. Regional Marketing Manager

DID YOU KNOW ... The SEEKERS website gets more than 700 visitors a day. CAN YOU AFFORD NOT TO ADVERTISE WITH US?

Tim Hortons Tel:613-680-4650

Open Tuesday to Sunday: 10 am to 4 pm. Admission is free SPECIAL EXHIBIT The Cornwall Waterfront


Visit the CORNWALL COMMUNITY MUSEUM in the WOOD HOUSE in LAMOUREUX PARK SATURDAY, JUNE 21st and 28th at 11 am Learn about SMITHVILLE - Cornwall’s Lost Village, through dance and history - followed by a walking tour of the waterfront. SATURDAY, JUNE 21st and 28th at 1pm Join the curator for the GREAT CORNWALL ELEPHANT WALK and dance performance at Pommier Square, followed by a walking tour of Pitt Street. FENCING FRIDAY will start at the museum on Friday, July 4th at 1pm

THE CORNWALL JAIL is now open Sat. and Sun. 11 am to 4 pm. Admission $5. Last tour 3:30. Groups may reserve for other times.

Info for the Museum and the Jail: 613-936-0842 - Ian10@bellnet.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1




GOOD EATS ... Eateries for the “Fickle Foodies” ... 1131 Brookdale Ave


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ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT on this page for $15/week. Call Mary-Rose - 613-935-3763 ext 108

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Bring in this ad and receive 15% off your meal. Valid June 2014. You can also have your restaurant reviewed for extra exposure! Simply invite us to sample some of your dishes and we'll do the rest!

Montreal Canadien’s Chris Nilan and the Agape Centre want to knock out hunger

assistance, this fundraiser would be a bust”, says Alyssa Blais who is Executive Director of the Agape Centre.

Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario — The Nav Centre was packed to help raise money for the Agape Centre food bank. The amateur boxing and sit down dinner event focused on knocking out the effects of hunger in our community.

The guest speaker at this event was former Montreal Canadiens enforcer Chris Nilan. Nilan told the audience, “We’re here for a reason, I wish we weren’t, and that is hunger”. He went on to explain, “when I was young I didn’t always want to go to school, but there are kids now who are thankful to go to school just so they can eat”. Chris Nilan has faced adversity in his own life, and he knows how difficult it is to over come some situations.

David Murphy, who was the emcee at this event, thinks Chris Nilan was a fitting guest speaker. “Its a unique fundraiser. It showcases a sport that doesn’t get the recognition it deserves, while not taking the focus away on the reason for the event – to knock out the effects of hunger. Chris Nilan was a fitting guest speaker with his message of never giving up and he’s proof you can turn your life around for the better”, says Mr. Murphy.

This gala event is a key fundraiser for the local food bank to help the most vulnerable people in our community. “With this fundraiser, the Agapè Centre raises the needed funds that goes helping the most vulnerable in our community. It’s a nice addition to our fundraising in general especially since the need is great this time of year. We partner with Champs Eastside Boxing and are extremely grateful for this partnership. Jorge Luis manages the boxing side of things. Without his

There were countless volunteers and sponsors that made this event a huge success. “Last night’s fundraiser could not of happened without the generous support of over 18 sponsors, our main sponsor CMG Innovation, our lead Luc Marion, our volunteers: Scotiabank, Dave Murphy, Davey Bedard, Frank Burelle, Liam and Graham Greer, Dr. Jay Babcock, all the boxing clubs, the officials, and the announcers. Cogeco is also a big help”, says Ms. Blais.

For those who were unable to attend last night, there are still many ways people can help to knock out hunger. “I think one of the best ways is get informed about the issue, the complexity of this issue and become an active advocate for the most vulnerable. Support local organizations that help our most vulnerable, we are not the only one. It takes a community to rally around this issue, not just those who work in it”, says Ms. Blais. People can give directly to the Agapè Centre by visiting the Centre in person or they can donate online.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2



THIS WEEKEND - Saturday, June 21st at 5pm

JUNE JU UNE 2 21 1 1st st

at tth at h he eC Cornwa ornwallll G Golf ol f & C Country ountry C Clu lu ub b

T U O D L O S n o i t r o P r e n Din night ony and a m re e c s rd r the awa E LATE! join us fo ll ti s AT 8! DON'T B n a S c T R u TA o S Y . ? ly n K ETS g room o UG HT TIC O e, standin B rg T a h O c N r e HAVE ... $10 cov d dancing n a o in s a of c

Happening this evening ... Tickets $50 per person vaila-blCocktails e online at wwand w.thes eeker.ca 5 - 7 apm Casino

7 - 8 pm

or at the Seeker Office a t 3 27 2nd S et E, Cornwall - Dinner &treEntertainment

procpm eeds-oAwards f this event Presentations will be donated to: 8 - 8:45 The Centre for the Arts Collective

9:45 - 11 pm - Casino

Hurr y! Limited Seating available!

9:45 - 1 am - Dancing


Mark A. MacDonald

Francis Rounding Renovations

Jenni MacDonald


The Mortgage Source Lic #10145




Proceeds of this event will be donated to: The Centre for the Arts Collective

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!




45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES a sampling of Great Programs @ YOUR CORNWALL LIBRARY

Summer Opening Hours





PAWS'N BOOKS @ 11:00 am



The library is open regular hours Monday through Saturday. Closed on Sundays until September 7.

More program info. www.library.cornwall.on.ca 613-932-4796

! THE FLYING NEEDLES - “NEW” ADULT KNITTING GROUP @ 1 pm to 3 pm Join for free. KINGS TICKET SALES STRONG "#$%&'((!)!*+,!-./01/2!3,4356!+43678!38498,:!;,8!46:!8+,!$<=,9!><6?3!49,!4@9,4:;!56!A<9,B! LES ÉCRILIBRISTES – CLUB D’ÉCRITURE FRANCOPHONE


BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB Book talk. @ 12 noon

Only two days into their ticket drive, the River Kings have sold 102 season passes. That includes a box seat, which was #C6,9!O95DE!N9538!<3!8+9<@@,:!C<8+!8+,!D5KKH6<8;73!9,3G563,B!P6!A4D8F!K59,!8+46!Q-.F...!<6!9,=,6H,!+43! purchased by local businessman Robert Ziegler of Crack Pro 4@9,4:;!G5H9,:!<6B! Foundation. Owner Brock Frost is thrilled with the community’s response. In RP!4K!89H@;!5=,9C+,@K,:!I;!8+,!@,=,@!5A!3HGG598!C,!+4=,!9,D,<=,:!<6!8+,!A<938!8C5!:4;3FS!34<:!N9538B!R&,! fact, more than $20,000 in revenue has already poured in. 49,!4@9,4:;!+4@AC4;!85!@438!;,4973!,68<9,!3,4356!8<DE,8!34@,3!6HKI,93!<6!TH38!/.!+5H93BS! “I am truly overwhelmed by the level of support we have



CORNWALL – The 2014-15 season hasn’t started yet and the

#6@;!8C5!:4;3!<685!8+,<9!8<DE,8!:9<=,F!8+,!$<=,9!><6?3!+4=,!35@:!/.-!3,4356!G433,3B!*+48!<6D@H:,3!4!I5J! River Kings are already on fire. 3,48F!C+<D+!C43!GH9D+43,:!I;!@5D4@!IH3<6,33K46!$5I,98!L<,?@,9!5A!"94DE!M95!N5H6:48<56B!


our weekly pages of events n’ more...

received in the first two days,” said Frost. “We are already *<DE,83!49,!4=4<@4I@,!A59!GH9D+43,!48!8+,!$<=,9!><6?3!5AA<D,!U:5C6384<93!48!8+,!"<=<D!"5KG@,JV!56! halfway to last year’s entire season ticket sales numbers in just &,:6,3:4;!46:!*+H93:4;!A95K!/-12!GBKB!W,4356!8<DE,83!49,!Q-2.!A59!4:H@83!46:!Q/X.!A59! 10 hours.” 3,6<593Y38H:,683B!Z5C,=,9F!H68<@![H6,!\.F!4:H@8!8<DE,83!G9<D,3!49,!I,<6?!9,:HD,:!85!Q--2!U/.]!5AAVB!"43+F! Tickets are available for purchase at the River Kings office D+,^H,F!_PW'!46:!`438,9"49:!49,!65C!I,<6?!4DD,G8,:B! (downstairs at the Civic Complex) on Wednesday and Thursday

SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL Presenting: "HER" @ 6:00 pm (repeat on Friday June 27 @ 2:00 pm)


from 12-5 p.m. Season tickets are $250 for adults and $180 for 1\.1! June 30, adult tickets prices seniors/students. However, until are being reduced to $225 (10% off). Cash, cheque, VISA and MasterCard are now being accepted.

`,:<4!$,@48<563! (./01233&,456/&!4078!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 11 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1





at the Cornwall Golf & Country Club

by Sharyn Thompson ENJOYING OUR SPRING RHUBARB With our late spring, I found my rhubarb patch slow in growing, but once the weather changed, it is doing just fine now. I will have some in my store, Sharyn's pantry, by the end of this week for you. It is grown organically, and all washed and sliced and frozen ready to use. here is a new rhubarb muffin recipe for you to try. Enjoy a great week!


1/2 cup canola oil 1 egg 1 cup of buttermilk (We sell buttermilk powder at my store, Sharyn's Pantry. Just add water to re-constitute it. You won't waste leftover fresh buttermilk this way.) 2 tsp. pure vanilla 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 2- 3/4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1/4 tsp fine salt 1- 1/3 cups packed brown sugar 1 cup of fresh strawberries. 2- 1/2 tsp. baking powder hulled and sliced 1/2 tsp. baking soda 3/4 cup fresh or frozen rhubarb, 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon sliced in 1/2" pieces 1/4 tsp fine salt 1 cup of fresh strawberries. hulled and sliced 3/4 cup fresh or frozen rhubarb, sliced in 1/2" pieces


1/2 cup chopped pecans 1/3 cup packed brown sugar

1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1 tbsp. cold butter

METHOD: -Set your oven to 400 degrees F. Grease or line your muffin cups with paper liners. Set aside. -In a large bowl, combine the canola oil, egg, buttermilk and vanilla. (If you are using my buttermilk powder from my store, just combine 1/4 cup of buttermilk powder with enough warm water to measure 1 cup total in your liquid measuring cup. Use a whisk to mix. It's as simple as that! -In another bowl, combine the flour, brown sugar, baking powder and baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Whisk this to combine all of the dry ingredients. -Add the dry ingredients into the bowl of wet ingredients. Stir only to combine. - Rinse the strawberries before you hull them. Now, hull (This means you cut the stem and the core from each strawberry.) each strawberry and slice them. -Stir in the strawberries and sliced rhubarb into the muffin batter. Gently stir to combine. -Don't over mix or your muffins will be tough. -Use a scoop to fill the muffin cups 2/3 full. -Prepare the streusel topping: In a small bowl, combine the brown sugar, cinnamon,and pecans. Cut the cold butter into this using a pastry blender or two knives. You want the crumble topping to resemble coarse crumbs in texture. Sprinkle this over top of each muffin batter in their tins. -Bake the muffins in the pre-heated 400 degree F. oven for 20 to 25 minutes. To test for doneness, just insert a toothpick into the top centre of a muffin. If it comes our clean, it's done. -Cool the muffins in the pans for 5 minutes before lifting them out. Serve warm for best flavour! ENJOY!

Sharyn ThompSon, Owner of Sharyn’S panTry opEn: monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, ontario 613-936-1998

Advertise in THE SEEKER Where you GET SEEN NOT LOST Call Mary-Rose - 613-935-3763 ext 108 for all your advertising needs!










Chante-la ta chanson!

C’est dans les chansons que la langue de chez nous et que l’amour passe(nt) entre nos voix…

Voilà quelques-unes des chansons entonnées par Chœur en fête lors de sa tournée de concerts. En effet, les voix de la chorale Chœur en fête ont chanté le printemps dans les résidences de personnes âgées à Cornwall : le 28 mai au Centre de soins prolongés St-Joseph, le 29 mai au Manoir McConnell, le 5 juin à Sandfield’s Place et le 11 juin au Glen Stor Dun Lodge.

C’est une expérience gratifiante de pouvoir chanter dans une chorale composée de gens si accueillants et désireux d’agrémenter un passage de la vie des aîné(e)s. Suite mon arrivée à Cornwall l’hiver dernier, j’ai été invitée par une des membres, Cynthia Blais, puis par sa directrice, Michèle Chauvin-Bourdon, à me joindre à Chœur en fête. Depuis, je découvre des gens tellement sympathiques et chaleureux. À la même occasion, je redécouvre ma voix d’alto dans ma nouvelle ville d’adoption!

J’y ai aussi fait d’autres belles découvertes les deux soirs auxquels j’ai participé aux concerts.

Au Manoir McConnell, j’ai eu le bonheur de rencontrer monsieur (prénom?) Duplantie. « J’étais directeur de chorale » m’a-t-il dit avec fierté, tout en m’offrant de distribuer les exemplaires du bulletin des activités de juin du Centre Charles-Émile-Claude au sein de sa résidence.

Tandis qu’à Sandfield’s Place, une autre belle rencontre, cette-fois, avec madame Laurette Sabourin, attendant patiemment notre prestation, a comblé mon cœur. Elle m’a raconté un petit bout de sa vie de fermière tout en m’annonçant qu’elle célébrait ses 88 ans dans deux jours. J’ai choisi de chanter pour elle ce soir-là, pensant à mon ancienne et aimante belle-mère portant le même prénom…

I Feel the Spirit… Let it be… Lord I Want… Rock-A-My-Soul… Over the Rainbow… Si Dieu existe… Je veux toute la vivre ma vie! Lise R. Gauthier lirgau@gmail.com www.lamalgame.org

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2




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Advertise with the SEEKER where you “ Get Seen, Not Lost� ! SEAWAY TOASTMASTERS


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GALA DINNER Tuesday, June 24

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Featuring Keynote Speaker: Michelle Reis-Amores With her speech “Where is the Love?� Please RSVP by June 18th to frounding@gmail.com or 613-330-1922 Everyone is welcome to attend.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca





with The Health Nut You have to ask yourself, why are we living in the highest childhood obesity epidemic and autism, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer are at their highest rates?? What is happening to our food chain, what are the big food companies not telling us?? In our home, we make an effort to purchase fresh ingredients that our body will recognize and prepare weekly meals in the kitchen. We are the adults in the home and choose to purchase the groceries that we will enjoy during the week, this is our responsibility as parents. WE are role models and the most important part of life is to teach our future generation how to prepare great meals. We have to nourish our cells properly in order to live our best lives ever!!

Supporting Fast Food restaurants on a weekly basis is not a TREAT for our kids? You can research any item on any fast food menu online and quickly realize that most ingredients you cannot even pronounce…so why are we buying and eating it?? Most of these so called food items are full of nonfood ingredients, they are made to look and smell like food in labs, to trick you into thinking that you are eating real food. Man-made food items are full of sugar, this is why we crave them so much. There is no escaping it, this is the main ingredient that will make you go back, week after week to choose the same items over and over again. This is an addiction that is being created on purpose to make you want it…and it is working to these big food companies advantage. Will they be there when you are sick and lying in a hospital bed not sure what is happening to you??

One of the easiest ways to recognize sugar on a food label is by recognizing the -ose suffix. When you find words that end in ose, there's a good chance it is sugar. Sugars ending in -ose include: Sucrose, Maltose, Dextrose, Fructose, Glucose, Galactose, Lactose, High fructose corn syrup, Glucose solids Just because it doesn't end in -ose, however, doesn't mean it isn't sugar. There are plenty of other names as well that may or may not sound like sugar. HERE ARE SOME HEALTHY SUGAR ALTERNATIVES: STEVIA: A herb native to South America, stevia is 300 times sweeter than sugar. Stevia has no calories and no glycemic impact making it suitable for diabetics. COCONUT PALM SUGAR: Coconut sugar is nutritious and has a low score on the glycemic index, which means you don’t get a buzz followed by a crash. It tastes similar to brown sugar but is slightly richer. You can substitute coconut sugar for traditional sugar pretty much in any recipe. RAW HONEY: Is considered a Superfood and is used by many cultures as a remedy for many health ailments including ulcers, digestion problems, and even seasonal allergies. Studies have shown raw honey to have antibiotic, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties. Many people use honey topically on cuts and scrapes to help fight infection. MOLASSES/ BLACKSTRAP MOLASSES: Blackstrap molasses is perhaps the most beneficial and is a good source of iron and calcium. It’s quite thick and is best used in baking. It is also sweeter than sugar and so you’ll need less. I hope that you will think of all this great information when you are filling your grocery cart this week-end. This is something that has to be important and a top priority in our daily lives, we have to remember that cancer feeds off sugar.

At the supermarkets most of the foods in the middle aisles are made to last forever on shelves, they often have no expiry dates. They never change color, never rot, they just sit there and look the same forever…why is this?? These are questions that we have to ask ourselves, before purchasing them for our loved ones. Homemade bread and fresh milk are not made to last forever, they will expire in a couple of days…this is how nature is designed. WE have to question all of this and wonder why there is such a rise in health issues from the very young to the very old. There is definitely something that we are not being told and the time has come to ask questions and get answers.

In health… Sylvie Thibert (The Health Nut) thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-662-3834

If you're trying to limit the amount of sugar you eat, then you need to learn the other names for sugar on food labels. Sugar comes in so many forms and goes by so many names that looking for sugar on a label can feel like finding a needle in a haystack!

*Shop located at 812 Pitt Street, unit 40…look for my sidewalk sign with my logo at Pitt Street ….ONLY OPEN SATURDAYS…Summer hours….8am to 4pm…..CASH ONLY BASIS…come early for best selection*

Bylaw officers patrolling recreational path during summer months

Users of Cornwall’s waterfront recreational path may see something new this summer – members of the City’s By-Law Enforcement Division patrolling on bicycle.

The Department has acquired two bikes that will be used by staff to enforce a variety of municipal By-Laws and to promote safety along Cornwall’s 18.4-kilometre waterfront recreational path. “This will make it easier for us to patrol the large waterfront trail system and it will also make us more accessible to the public,” said By-Law Supervisor Chris Rogers. “Through these patrols, we want to help ensure that our waterfront parks and paths remain safe for all users.”


Dogs are allowed in Lamoureux Park, however dogs must be kept on a leash at all times and the leash should not be any longer than 6.5 feet. Also, dogs must be kept at least 30 feet away from fixed structures such as the children's splashpad and playground area as well as fixed seating areas. Each owner is responsible for maintaining control of their dog and for picking up after their pet.

During patrols, By-Law Enforcement staff will be monitoring and enforcing regulations surrounding dogs, fishing and swimming in restricted areas, smoking near playgrounds and other related rules. “The bikes can be made available too for other Bylaw services like parking enforcement patrols in the Downtown and Le Village areas,” said Mr. Rogers. The bike patrols have already begun, and residents will recognize the By-Law Enforcement Officers by their grey uniform shirts with City of Cornwall patches on the shoulder. In the interest of safety in our parks and on our recreational path, the By-Law Enforcement Office would like to remind residents about the following regulations:

Pictured are members of the Bylaw Enforcement Team: Brook Laforest, left, and Eric Jarvo.

Path Etiquette

Users of the recreational path – be it cyclists, pedestrians, joggers, in-line skaters or others – are asked to keep the following rules in mind:

- Cyclists should yield to pedestrians at all times - Always keep to the right side of the path when traveling - Move completely off the path when coming to a stop - Check behind and in front before moving across the path or making a sudden turn - Notify others when you are passing by calling out a warning or ringing a bell - Obey all traffic signs and travel at a safe speed - E-bikes are not allowed on the northern portion of the path in Lamoureux Park (from the Civic Complex to the RCAFA Wing 424 building)

Please participate in keeping the path safe and enjoyable for everyone!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


“No longer will businesses be required to provide only WHMIS and Bill 168 (Violence and Harassment in the Workplace) or, only to provide job specific training,” states Chamber President Kevin Hargreaves. “This new legislation is far more encompassing.”

There are two groups who will require the training. First is the personnel who supervise others and that includes lead hands, foremen, department heads, executives and business owners. The second group consists of all workers under the supervision of anyone in the above group.

For workers:


Duties and rights of workers Roles of H&S committees and H&S representatives Role of the MOL, WSIB Common workplace hazards and WHMIS requirements Occupational illness and long term effects

For supervisors: In addition to the points listed above, employers and supervisors will


- Duties of employers and supervisors - How to recognize, assess and control workplace hazards and evaluate controls - Where to locate additional sources of health and safety information

There are a number of government resources and training sources businesses can tap into: Ontario Ministry of Labour: www.labour.gov.on.ca

CHAMBER MEMBERS THAT OFFER SUCH TRAINING INCLUDE: Bayshore Occupational Health & Safety Solutions: www.bayshore.ca Kensington Park Recruitment: www.kensingtonparkrecruitment.com Fraser Workplace Safety Solutions: www.fraserworkplacesafety.com Drake International: www.drakehealthandsafetyacademy.com

Before we get into some possible steps you can take, let’s look at some of the reasons that women may fare worse than men, financially speaking, following a divorce: Lower income — In many cases, divorce exacerbates a situation in which women were already trailing men in earnings. In fact, women still only earn 70.5 cents for each dollar earned by men. Smaller retirement accounts — For example, in the U.S., the average balance on women’s defined contribution plans is only 60% of men’s average balances, according to LIMRA, a financial services research organization. Of course, “averages” are just that — averages. But whether you recognize yourself in the above numbers or not, consider these suggestions: Create an emergency fund. Try to put six months’ to a year’s worth of living expenses in a liquid account. Once you’ve established this emergency fund, you won’t have to dip into long-term investments to pay for unexpected costs, such as an expensive car repair, a new furnace or a large medical bill.

Rebalance your investment portfolio. If you are now investing for yourself, you’ll want to take a close look at your asset mix to make sure it is appropriate for your situation. For example, your risk tolerance may be quite different than that of your ex-spouse’s. So if you now have total control over an investment portfolio, you need to make sure it reflects your needs and preferences. Consequently, you may need to “rebalance” your holdings.

He isn't just a great father, but he is an amazing grand-father who still walks my youngest niece and nephew to the bus stop and is very active in their lives. His life is his family. As long as they are happy, so is he. We never lacked attention growing up, and as a Domtar paper mill worker, on shift work, I am sure there are times he would have liked to be on his own, to be able to watch what he wanted, to have some peace and quiet, but with 3 girls and the love of his life His wife Lil, that wasn't likely. I am not sure he would want it any other way. So Fathers' Day was last Sunday, and it was nice to see Facebook light up with messages of thanks and photos or changed profiles of my friends and their daddies and heart warming messages for those dads who are no longer with us. So belated Happy Fathers' Day to all the dads out there. So maybe you don't hear it enough, but the time, love and energy you give, is appreciated.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

Above all, get some help. As mentioned above, now is a good time to meet with a financial advisor. And if you don’t have much experience in managing your finances, you may even find it helpful to work with a trust company, which can collaborate with your financial provider to manage your assets and also provide a variety of other functions, including bill payment and record keeping. A trust company’s services can prove especially valuable to you and your family should you ever become incapacitated. Unfortunately, a divorce may leave you feeling “at sea” in many areas of your life. But by following the above suggestions, you can at least help keep your financial ship in calmer waters. Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. Insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Quebec). In Quebec, insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Quebec) Inc. Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

BRIAN SEGUIN, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 www.edwardjones.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


Contribute as much as you can afford to your retirement accounts. Even if you will eventually receive some of your ex-spouse’s retirement funds, you need to take full advantage of your own savings opportunities — because it’s pretty hard to save “too much” for retirement. If money is tight, it won’t always be easy, but contribute as much as you can to your RRSP or similar employer-sponsored retirement plan. At a minimum, put in enough to earn the employer’s match, if one is offered.

To rectify this, I am dedicating this week's column to all of the dads, step-dads and father-figures. You truly make a difference every day. I am very lucky that I have a dad who always put his family first. This set a very high bar for me. Ernie Ward is the kind of man who always thinks of his family, and the impact on their lives.


Within a marriage, a man and a woman’s financial circumstances are generally pretty much equal. But if a divorce occurs, the woman’s situation tends to be some-what more challenging than that of her ex-spouse. And that’s why, during this major life transition, you may want to meet with a professional financial advisor to go over your spending needs and your cash flow, so that you know what you absolutely need today — and how you can plan for tomorrow.

It's hard to believe that we are in fullswing school summer break again. Where did the time go? It has been such a busy couple of months with frequent commuting that I almost missed a very important day; Fathers' Day. Although I missed my deadline to include it last week, I did not miss the day.


Financial Tips for Newly Single Women

Fathers' Day Reflections

For more information contact: Lezlie Strasser at the Cornwall & Area Chamber of Commerce - 613-933-4004


June 11, 2014 – The Cornwall Chamber of Commerce is once again reminding local business that beginning July 1, all businesses will be required to complete on the job safety awareness training. The training, declared mandatory by the Ontario Ministry of Labour (MOL), will affect every business and not for profit organizations along with all those employed in each sector.

by Kris Ward


Workplace Health and Safety Training Will be Mandatory July 1


by Rose Desnoyers




Killing Yr Joy Tour brings Joy to Cornwall Audience Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario — Here is a Seeker Snapshot of Animalia playing the Killing Yr Joy Tour at The Art Gallery of Cornwall.

CALL TO ARTISTS How would you represent summer in the city? What is your take on those hot days when the bright sun, colours and holiday activity spice up our days? All artists in painting, pottery, sculpting, drawing, photography and mixed media what would you do? SUMMER IN THE CITY / L’ÉTÉ EN VILLE is the theme of the art exhibition of the Focus Art Association at the TAG (Cornwall Art Gallery, 168 Pitt Street) The exhibition runs from July 10 to July 27.

Members are invited to drop off as many as 2 pieces of work ($10.00 each entry) on July 3 and 4 between 10 am and 5 pm.

About thirty people gathered in a dimly lit room for a unique concert experience Wednesday night. The only luminescence during the concert was from a single back light on the floor and the light beaming from a projector on a screen playing a series of bizarre artsy images.

There were many talented musicians playing a variety of musical genres and styles during this low-fi production at Cornwall’s downtown art hub; from electronic, to rap, to indie rock. However in this journalist’s humble opinion Amimalia stole the show.

Amimalia has a powerful voice and sings with purpose and determination. Her body movements on stage are fluidic and energetic and are well synchronized with the tone of her voice. She shows maturity and confidence not often found in younger musicians. By the end of her set she left the audience yearning for more.

Hopefully more concerts like this one can happen here in the future.

For all the latest arts and culture happenings in Cornwall read The Seeker in print and online.

One-year memberships for Focus Art is $25.00 and can be arranged at drop-off or on line at www.focusartonline.org contact us. Why is it an excellent occasion for every member to participate in this exhibition? • •

• •

• •

• •

The TAG is Cornwall’s official Gallery Focus Art is committed to use funds collected to advertise activities every way possible Focus Art will partner publicity when possible with local festivals Activities and workshops are being organized every day to attract the public to the gallery and at the same time give your work additional exposure There will be a people’s choice with a twist Other than the general vernissage on the 10th of July there will be other vernissages for select groups The gift shop will be available for the sale of your cards and prints.(more info to come soon) A Focus Art team will be hanging the art work There will music for different ages and preferences

So don’t hesitate. Get your REGISTRATION FORMS at the TAG or on line at www.focusartonline.org . The team is expecting this to be a great exhibition. We are responsible for letting our community know the diversity of talent in the visual arts. We are on a mission to inspire the minds and hearts of all. Art is the soul of a city. Rose Desnoyers President of Association FOCUS ART Association www.focusartonline.org info@focusartonline.com rosedesn@cogeco.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

When : 10 am – 12 pm : Sunday June 22, 2014


Where : 1413 Holy Cross Blvd Studio of H.K. Kennedy H.K. Kennedy is proud to be hosting her 4th Annual Kids Art Exhibition. For the past year, 20 of her students ( children and adults ) have worked tirelessly in creating beautiful pieces of art. This is an opportunity for parents and the Cornwall public to come out and celebrate their efforts. The students have worked on sketching, learned rules regarding shading, and have worked with various mediums ranging from acrylic, oil, and watercolour. The event will take place at 1413 Holy Cross Blvd on the corner of Lynwood Dr. and Holy Cross.

FINAL REMINDER Martintown Art Show and Sale

Vendredi,le 20 juin 2014

11 :00 - 16 :00 Jeux gonflables - Inflatables games Jeux pour enfants - Children games 16 :00 - 18 :00 Patinage gratuit - Free skating (Centre Benson) 19 :30 - 22 :00 Spectacle au Parc Lamoureux • Michel Lalonde • Les Brissons

Samedi,le 21 juin 2014

11 :00 - 16 :00 Jeux gonflables - Inflatables games Jeux pour enfants - Children games 12 :00 – 13 :00 Natation gratutre - Free swimming 13 :00 – 16:00 Natation gratuite - Free swimming 14 :00 - 16 :00 Patinage gratuit - Free skating (Centre Benson) 20 :00 - 22 :00 Spectacle Improtéine Army, Navy Club (Billet – Ticket 15$)

Advertise in THE SEEKER Where you GET SEEN NOT LOST Call Mary-Rose - 613-935-3763 ext 108 for all your advertising needs!

Community Centre 4850 County Road 20 10am to 3pm Set up between 8 and 10am Space 8 foot table Bring your own easels BYO lunch. Beverages are available Rental $28

Must sign in by Friday June 20, For info call: Barbara Darling 613-935- 4172 (Member of Focus Art)

Anne Ward 613-347-2411 (ext. 22)

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 17 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


All members of the Cornwall community are encouraged to attend.

Le 20 et 21 juin

H.K. Kennedy is an artist who has exhibited in Cornwall, Ottawa, and Kingston. She is a member of OBO studio and attended a Fine Art High school as well as earning her university degree in Fine Arts. This exhibition is her way of promoting Art within the Cornwall community and encouraging youth and adults to express themselves through their art.



Kids Art Exhibition


Raisin River Heritage Centre & Cemetary Glengarry Pioneer Museum Rais Pioneer Museum Glengarry County 18,Heritage St. AndrewsCentre West & Cemetary 1645 County Road #30,Museum Dunvegan RaisinRoad River Glengarry Pioneer June 21st 11:00 am to 4:00 pm Sat. Coun Sat. 21st-Road 10:00#30, am to 5:00 pm #30,Road Dunvegan 1645 County Road 18, St. Andrews West County 1645June County Dunvegan Sun. June 22nd 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat. Ju Sat. June -5:00 11:00 am to 4:00 pm am21st toCentre pm Sat. June 21st- 10:00 Sat. June 21st- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm The Heritage is the “hub” for historical Tucked in the heart if this sleepy hamlet, the growing Sun. Juneam 22ndto- 1:00 pmpm to 4:00 pm Sun. June 22nd - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sun. J Sun.to June 22nd -information 10:00 forCentre the5:00 village St. Andrews. Walk museum history dating The Heritage is theof“hub” for historical Tucked ininterprets the heartGlengarry if thisDiscover sleepy hamlet, theback growing the past at these locations The H Tucked in the heart if this thissmall sleepy hamlet, thethe growing around andAndrews. visit church the turn ofinterprets the 19th century, thedating Unitedback Empire information for thecommunity village of St. Walk Glengarrywhen history to museum and parish hall, the log church replica, the pioneer inform Loyalists andtheScottish immigrants arrived in the area June museum interprets Glengarry history dating to 21st &small Sunday, 2nd Saturday, around this community andJune visit back the church the turn of 19th century, when the United Empire Interpreters on site. Take this chance to graveyard. toLoyalists start new lives. aroun and parish hall, the log church replica, the pioneer thearea turn of the 19th century, when the United Empire and Scottish immigrants arrived in the explore the burial ground of the Hon. John Sandfield River Heritage Centre & Cemetary Raisin Glengarry Pioneer Museum graveyard. Interpreters on site. Take this chance to 2014 to start new lives. CornwallLOCATION & the Counties MAP and p immigrants inWest the Macdonald, a Road primeground minister of Canada andarea the fIrst County 18, St.arrived Andrews Historic Jail#30, Dunvegan Loyalists and Scottish 1645Cornwall County Road explore the burial of the Hon. John Sandfield 2014 LOCATION MAP grave to start new lives.premier Ontario, Simon fur Sat.ofJune 21st and - minister 11:00 amofFraser, toCanada 4:00 apm 11 Water West,10:00 Cornwall Sat.Street June 21stMacdonald, a prime andtrader the fIrst Historic Cornwall Jailam to 5:00 pm and explorer who died in 1862. explo 22ndand - 1:00 pmFraser, to 4:00apm Sun.of June Sat. June - 10:00 to 3:00 Sun.21st June 22ndam -Cornwall 10:00 am pm to 5:00 pm premier Ontario, Simon fur trader ultsville Train Station 11 Water Street West, Raisin River Heritage Centre & Cemetary Glengarry Pioneer Museum The Heritage Centre is the “hub” for historical June 22nd 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Sun. Cornwall & the Counties Tucked in the heart if this sleepy hamlet, the growing Macd and explorer whoCounty died in Road 1862.18, St. Andrews West Historic Cornwall Jail ounty RoadTrain #2, Morrisburg Sat. June 21st - 10:00 to 3:00Road pm #30, Dunvegan 1645am County ultsville Station John Johnson Manor House Sir information for the village of St. Andrews. Walk The jail closed in 2002 in favour of newer facilities museum interprets Glengarry history dating back to t. JuneRoad 21st #2, – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sun. June 22nd - Sat. 10:00June am21stto 3:00 pmam to 11 prem Sat. June 21st - 11:00 4:00church pm Water Street West, Cornwall 10:00 5:00 pm ounty Morrisburg 19692 William Street, Williamstown this small community andam visittothe around inThemajor cities, butthe the19th exercise yard, visitation area, theclosed turnmap ofin century, when the United Empire Sir John Johnson Manor House Pick up your location at n. June 22nd – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm jail 2002 in favour of newer facilities Sun. June 22nd 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sun. 22nd - 10:00 am to 5:00June pm 21st - 10:00 and e at. June 21st – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sat. am21st to–Street, 3:00 pmtolog4:00 Sat. June 10:00 am pm replica, the pioneer and parish hall, the church areas and cellJune blocks have been maintained. common Loyalists Scottish immigrants arrived in the area the growing Aultsville Train Station 19692 William sit the Station, in major cities, butTucked the exercise yard, visitation area, The Williamstown Heritage Centre is the “hub” for historical in the heart if this sleepy hamlet, un. Juneoriginal 22nd –Aultsville 12:00 pmTrain to 4:00 pm an attractive Sun. June 22nd 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm graveyard. Interpreters on Take this chance to Walk Step into aareas cellnew toand experience lifehave behind bars. Sun. June 22nd -Sat.10:00 am– to 3:00 pm lives. to start June 21st 10:00 am to 4:00 pm information forsite. the village of St. Andrews. th century wooden station, orginally located in the common cell blocks been maintained. museum interprets Glengarry history dating back The to County Road #2, sit the original Aultsville Train Station, anMorrisburg attractive Manor House Committee Members look forward explore the burial ground of the Hon. John Sandfield Junein22nd - 12:00 to small 4:00 pm intoSun. 2002 favour ofpm newer facilities around this community and visit the church Sir J st Village Aultsville and used by the Grand Trunk Step into a cell to the experience life 19th behind bars.The 2014 LOCATION MAP turn of the century, whenjail theclosed United Empire Sat.station, June 21st – located 12:00 pm 9th centuryofwooden orginally in the to 4:00 pm Lancaster welcoming you to one of the oldest homes inforward Macdonald, a prime minister of Canada andreplica, the fIrstthe pioneer 19692 Masonic Lodge Historic Cornwall Jail and parish hall, the log church Thethe Manor House Committee Members look Loyalists and Scottish immigrants arrivedcities, in the area ilway Company. in major but exercise yard, visitation area, ost Village of Aultsville and used by the Grand Trunk Ontario, circa 1784. Take a walk through history on the premier of Ontario, and Simon Fraser, a fur trader Sun. June 22nd – 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster Water Street West, Cornwall 11 graveyard. Interpreters on site. Take this chance to Sat. Ju to welcoming you to one of the oldest homes in to startLodge new lives. Lancaster Masonic 691 Brookdale Avenue, Unit E. ailway Company.Visit the original common areas and cell blocks have been maintained. grounds of th elovely Sir John Johnson Manor House, a and explorer who died in 1862. Sat. June 21st10:00 am to 4:00 pm Sat. June 21st 10:00 am to 3:00 pm explore the burial ground of the Hon. Aultsville Train Station, an attractive Ontario, circa 1784. Take a walk through history on the John Sandfield ethune Thompson 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster Aultsville TrainHouse Station 2014 LOCATION MAP or www.cornwalltourism.com 613-938-4748 National Historic Site ofSirbehind Canada. Sun. June 22nd 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Step into a cell to experience life bars.Manor Macdonald, a prime minister of Canada Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 3:00 pm Historic Cornwall Jail grounds of th elovely John Johnson House, a and the fIrst Sun. J 730 County John Thompson Street, Williamstown Sat. June in 21st10:00 am to 4:00 pm Road19th #2, Morrisburg century the ethune House wooden station, orginally located SirHistoric John Johnson premier ofManor Ontario,House and Simon Fraser, a fur trader The M The Lodge is distinguished bytoStreet its unique coverings The jail closed inpm 2002 in favour ofCornwall newer facilities 11 Water West, National Site of Canada. t. June 21st – 21st 12:00 to pm 5:00topm Sun. June 22nd - 1:00 4:00 pm wall Sat. June – pm 12:00 4:00Aultsville pm Lost Village of and used by thedepicting Grand Trunk 9730 John Street, Williamstown South Lancaster Walking Tour and explorer who died in 1862. 19692 William Street, Williamstown symbols of Freemasonary and photographs Sat. June 21st 10:00 am to 3:00 pm in major cities, but the exercise yard, visitation area, to we June 22nd 12:00 pm 5:00 The Lodge is distinguished by its unique wall coverings Aultsville Train Station Sun.21st June– -12:00 22nd –pm 12:00 pm topm4:00 pm Lancaster Masonic Lodge at.n. June toto5:00 pm Sat. June 21st– 2:00 pm Railway Company. Sat. June 21st – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 3:00 pm illustrating their long history. common areas and cell blocks have been maintained. South Lancaster Walking Tour County Road #2, Morrisburg is house encompasses the original 1784 “poteaux depicting symbols of Freemasonary and photographs Visit the original Aultsville Train Station, an attractive Ontar 28bars. South Street, Lancaster un. June 22nd - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm Sirpm June 22nd –22nd 2:00 pm The closed in 2002 in favour of newerTerrace facilitiesSun. Sun.21st– June2:00 -John 12:00Johnson pm to 4:00Manor pm House Step their into long a cell tojailexperience life behind Sat. June 21st – 12:00 pmastowell 4:00 pm Sat. June r sol” cabin of loyalist Peter Fergueson, illustrating history. 19th century wooden station, orginally located in the 19692 William Street, Williamstown his house encompasses the original 1784 “poteaux groun in major cities, but the exercise yard, visitation area, Begins at the Wharf in South Lancaster. The Manor Committee Members look forward Sat. June 21st- 10:00 am22nd to 4:00 Lost Villages Museum Sun. June 22nd –used 12:00by pm toGrand 4:00 pm Sun. June – House 2:00pm pm 1804 house Rev. John Bethune (the Bethune Thompson House Lost Village ofofAultsville and thefirst Trunk Sat. June 21st – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm urthe sol” cabin of loyalist Peter Fergueson, as well common areas and cell blocks have been maintained. welcoming you to oneLancaster. of the oldest homes in Road #2,Museum Long Sault Lodge Natio Masonic Visitinthe original Aultsville Train Station, an attractive County Sun. June 22nd -Begins 1:00toatpm 4:00 pm the to Wharf in June South esbyterian minister Upper Canada) and David Lost Lancaster Villages Company. Sun. 22nd - 12:00 pm tohistory 4:00 pm 19730 John Street, Stepam into a5:00 cell to experience life behind bars. St. theRailway 1804 house of Rev. John Bethune (theWilliamstown firstorginally located in the Sat. John’s Anglican Church Ontario, circa 1784. Take a walk through on the June 21st 10:00 to pm 19th century wooden station, 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster ompson (one of Canada’s earliest mapmakers). County Road #2, Long Sault The Lodge is distinguished byof its unique wallJohnson coverings Manor Committee Members esbyterian minister Upper Canada) and 20788 South Anglican Service Road, Lancaster Sat. June 21st – 12:00 pmbytothe5:00 grounds thThe elovely Sir House John Manor House,look a forward Lost inVillage of Aultsville andDavid used Grandpm Trunk Sun. June 22nd - 10:00 amtoam to5:00 5:00 pm pm Sat.21st June- 21st10:00 to pm 4:00 St. John’s Church Sat. June 10:00 am Bethune Thompson House to welcoming you to one of the oldest homes in Sout Lancaster Masonic Lodge depicting symbolsSat. of June Freemasonary and photographs hompson (one ofSun. Canada’s earliest 21st Service - Historic 10:00 Road, am toofLancaster 4:00 pm Railway Company. National Site Canada. is a-22nd collection ofpm 11 buildings Sun.22nd June - 1:00 toheritage 4:00 pm 22ndmapmakers). - 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm The 20788 South hesley’s Sun.Museum June 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Ontario, circa 1784. Take a walk through history on the 19730Inn John Street, June Williamstown 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster Sun. June 21st 22nd- 10:00 - 1:00 pmtotoof4:00 4:00 pm Sir John Johnson Manor House, aSat. Ju illustrating their long history. with displays depicting and 21sttelling the story thecoverings The Lodge distinguished its unique Sat. June am pm grounds th elovely FirstSat. Street West, The “poteaux Museum is aiscollection of 11by10:00 heritage This house June 21st –Cornwall 12:00 pm to encompasses 5:00 pmHouse the original 1784 Sat. June am buildings toofwall 4:00 pm hesley’s Inn Bethune Thompson The church was erected on the MacLennan estate, South Lancaster Walking great displays Hydro &depicting Seaway of -the 1950s. Sun. J symbols of and Sun. June 22nd - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm National Historic SiteTour of Canada. June 21st11:00 am to 3:00 pm andFreemasonary telling the story of Sun. projects June 22nd 1:00 pm photographs to the 4:00 pm Sun. JuneWest, 22nd -sol” 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm sur cabin of loyalist Peter Fergueson,with as depicting well 0t.First Street Cornwall 19730 John Street, Williamstown called Ridgewood. Located on the South Service Sat. June 21st– 2:00 pm illustrating their long history. The church was erected on the MacLennan estate, Begin The Lodge is distinguished its unique wall coverings June 22nd - 11:00 amto to21st 3:00 pm great Hydro & Seaway projects of the 1950s.byLost Villages Museum This21sthouse encompasses original 1784 “poteaux Sat. June –the 12:00 pm of to 5:00 pmJohn Bethune Martintown at.n. June 11:00 am 3:00 pm surrounded byLocated the Glengarry Provincial ParkTour as the 1804 house Rev. (the first Grist Sun. June 22nd – 2:00 pm Millsymbols of Freemasonary and photographsRoad South Lancaster Walking called Ridgewood. on the South Service depicting uilt in 1814, Chesley’s Inn is Ontario’s oldest inn sur sol” cabin of loyalist Peter Fergueson, as well Sun. June 12:00 pm to 5:00 pm County Road #2,and Long Sault un. June 22nd - 11:00 am to22nd 3:00- pm and isGlengarry refered as Begins atPark, theSat. incommonly South2:00 Lancaster. Dundas Street (just eastMuseum of bridge), Martintown Lost Villages June 21st– pm to Presbyterian minister in first Upper and David illustrating their long history. RoadLancaster surrounded byWharf the Provincial Park d features three beautiful guest suites withthe ensuite Martintown Grist Mill the 1804 house of isRev. John Bethune (the This house encompasses original 1784 Canada) “poteaux Sat. uilt inas1814, Chesley’s Inn Ontario’s oldest inn St. J “The Church in the Wildwood”. Sat. June 21st - 10:00 am toPark, 5:00 pm June 21st-Road 10:00 amLong to pm Martintown Sun. June 22nd – 2:00 pm to as County Sault and Lancaster and is commonly refered throoms, asthree wellThompson as sol” a stunning, private twoDundas Street (just #2, east of 4:00 bridge), of Canada’s Presbyterian minister inguest Upper Canada) and David earliest sur cabin of(one loyalist Peter Fergueson, as well mapmakers). nd features beautiful suites with ensuite St.am John’s Anglican at theChurch Wharf in South Lancaster. Sun. June 22nd - 10:00 am 4:00 pm pm Sun. June 22nd -“The 20788 Sat.21stJune 10:00 21st - am 10:00 topm 5:00 Lost Villages Museum 10:00 5:00 pm Church intotheBegins Wildwood”. om suite with a(one kitchen and house bath.private The elegant Sat. June to toam 4:00 as 1804 of Rev. John Bethune (the first Thompson Canada’s earliest mapmakers). athrooms, as well astheaofstunning, twoSt. Lawrence Power Development Visitor 20788 South Service Road, Lancaster The Martintown Mill was built in 1846 by Alexander County Road #2, Long Sault Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat. Ju domhistoric charm of this bed breakfast is Canada) and David Sun. June 22nd - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Presbyterian minister Upper The Museum is aCentre collection ofSt. 11 heritage buildings suite with aChesley’s kitchen and and bath. Theinelegant John’s Church Inn Sat. 21stin- 1846 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Sat. June 21st - 10:00 amAnglican to 4:00 pmVisitor McMartin. It served community 1947. The The Museum isthe aJune collection ofuntil 11by heritage buildings St. Lawrence Power Development Thompson (one of Canada’s earliest mapmakers). centuated by it’s location in the heart of the City of The Martintown Mill was built Alexander Chesley’s Inn Sun. J with depicting telling theCornwall theLancaster nd historic charm40of First this bed and breakfast 20788 South Service Road, Sun. Junebut 22nd -been 10:00successfully amstory to 5:00 pm 2500 Second West, Sun.and JuneStreet 22nd - 1:00 pmstory to 4:00of pm old millwith wasdisplays near collapse hastelling depicting and the ofdisplays the Street West, isCornwall Centre ornwall. McMartin. It served the community until 1947. The 40 First Street West, Cornwall Sat.ofJune am to 4:00estate, pm centuated by it’sChesley’s location inInn the heart of the City of The c The Museum is a collection of 11 heritage great Hydrobuildings & Seaway projects the21st 1950s. The church was erected on- 10:00 thepm MacLennan stabilized. Sat. 21st – 11:00 am toCornwall 4:30 great & Seaway of the 1950s. 2500June Second Street West, Sat. June old mill wasHydro near with collapse butprojects has been successfully Sat. June 21st11:00 am 21stto 3:00 11:00 pm am to 3:00 pm Sun. June 22nd 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm ornwall. displays depicting and telling the story of the called21st Ridgewood. onpm the South Service called Sun. June 22nd 9:00 am amLocated 11:00 am 40 First Street West, Cornwall ornwall Community Museum stabilized. Sat. June – –11:00 totowas 4:30 Sun. June 22nd - 11:00 am22nd to 3:00 Sun. June - pm 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Nor’westers The church erected on the MacLennan estate, great Hydro & Seaway projects of the 1950s. Road surrounded by the Glengarry Provincial Park & Loyalist Museum Sat. June 21st11:00 am to 3:00 pm Martintown Grist Mill Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) St. Lawrence Road 0 Water (Lamoureux Park), Cornwall Martintown Grist Mill Built Street inCommunity 1814,West Chesley’s Inn is Ontario’s oldestInn innis Ontario’s oldest inn Sun. June 22nd –called 9:00 am am refered Ridgewood. Located on thetoSouth ornwall Museum Built in 1814, Chesley’s and Lancaster Park, andtoCentre is11:00 commonly as Service Sun. June 22ndpm -guest 11:00 am towith 3:00ensuite pm 19651 John Street, Williamstown Dundas Street (just eastMuseum of bridge), Martintown Power Development Visitor is located on t. June 21st 11:00 am to 3:00 Nor’westers & Loyalist and features three beautiful suites Road surrounded by the Glengarry Provincial Park and L Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) St. Lawrence Martintown Grist MillDundas Street (just east of bridge), Martintown 60 Water Street West Park),Inn Cornwall Built (Lamoureux in 1814, Chesley’s is Ontario’s guest oldest inn “Thebank Church in the Wildwood”. June 21st – 21st10:00 am toam 4:00 pm and features three beautiful suites Sat. with ensuite Sat. June 10:00 to(just 4:00 pm of bridge), Martintown the north of the St. Lawrence River, just east n. June 22nd 11:00 am to 3:00 pm 19651 John Street, Williamstown and Lancaster Park, and is commonly refered to as bathrooms, as well as a stunning, private twoDundas Street east Poweram Development Visitor Centre is located on “The at. June 21st - 11:00 to 3:00three pm beautiful guest suites with ensuite Sun. June andam June 21st- 10:00 to H.4:00 pm 22nd 10:00 am 4:0010:00 pm Sun.21st June– -10:00 22nd 10:00 am topm 4:00ampmto Sat. bathrooms, as wellstunning, aselegant a stunning, privateSat. two“The Church in the Wildwood”. ur visit will include aafeatures 1900 filled June am toto21st4:00 of the Robert Saunders Generating Station, in room suite kitchen and bath. The Sat. -June 4:00 pm the north bank of the St. Lawrence River, just east un. June 22nd - with 11:00 am tokitchen 3:00 pm bathrooms, as well as a with private twoSt.end Lawrence Power Development Visitor museum depicts theamstory of Sir The Martintown built in 1846 by Sun. June 10:00 am to 4:00 pmOntario. ornwall’s famous Flack and Van Arsdale crocks; a is and Sun. June 22ndcomprehensively - 10:00 am was to22nd 4:00 Sun. Mill June - pm 10:00 to Alexander 4:00 pm 22nd -the andwill historic charm ofsuite this and west room with abreakfast kitchen bath. TheThe elegant our visit include a 1900 kitchen filled with room suite withbed a kitchen and bath. The elegant of the RobertofH.Cornwall, Saunders Generating Station, in Centre John Johnson and Loyalist followers who settled here McMartin. It served the community until 1947. The St. Development Visitor St. L The Martintown Mill was Theinof1846 Martintown wasendbuilt in Lawrence 1846Ontario. by Power Alexander udy circa 1910; aand 1950’s Seaway Era dining room The museum comprehensively depicts the built story Sir by AlexanderMill accentuated by it’s location incharm the heart ofthis the of and and historic charm of this bed and breakfast is breakfast ornwall’s famous Flack and Van Arsdale crocks; a City historic of bed is the west of Cornwall, during the American Revolution in 1784. 2500 Second Street West, Cornwall old mill was near collapse but has been successfully Centre It servedwho the community The th Beach and the Loyalist parlour. Make John Johnson andMcMartin. Loyalist followers settled hereuntil 1947. Cent Cornwall. McMartin. It served the community until 1947. The accentuated by it’s location in the heartinofthe the City of of udy circa furniture 1910; aaccentuated 1950’s Seaway Era dining room by it’s location heart the City of stabilized. Sat. June 21st – 11:00 am to 4:30 pm 2500 Second Street West, Cornwall old mill was near collapse but has been successfully re you don’t miss the Smithville Cornwall’s Lost during the American Revolution in 1784. Cornwall. ith Beach furniture and the Loyalist parlour. Make 2500 old mill was nearSEE collapse butFOR hasJune INSIDE MAP LOCATIONS stabilized. Sat. 21st – to 11:00 amam to 4:30 pm Sun. June 22nd – been 9:00 amsuccessfully 11:00 Cornwall. lageyou Dance andmiss Walk Saturday at 11:00 Cornwall Community Museum ure don’t thebeginning Smithville Cornwall’s Lostam. St. Ruins Nor’westers & Loyalist Museum stabilized. Sat. J Sun.Generation’s June – (OPG) 9:00 amSt.toLawrence 11:00 am SEERaphaels INSIDE FOR MAP22nd LOCATIONS Ontario Power Cornwall Community Museum Water West (Lamoureux Cornwall llage160 Dance andStreet Walk beginning SaturdayPark), at 11:00 am. CountyPower Road #18, St. Raphaels Nor’westers & Loyalist Museum 19651 John Street, Williamstown Ontario Power Generation’s (OPG) St. Lawrence Development Visitor Centre is located on 160- 11:00 Wateram Street Westpm (Lamoureux Park), Cornwall Sat. June 21st to Community 3:00 Sun. Cornwall Museum June 21st- 10:00 am toDevelopment 4:00 pm JohnamStreet, Williamstown Sat. June 21st19651 – 10:00 to 4:00 pm Nor’westers &Sat. Power Visitor Centre is located on Sat. -June 11:00 the north bank of the St. Lawrence River, just east Sun. June 22nd 11:0021st am- to 3:00am pmto 3:00 pm Loyalist Sun. June 22nd -Museum 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm Sat. -June Water Street (Lamoureux Park), Cornwall Sun. June 22nd 10:0021st am–to10:00 4:00am pmto 4:00 pm theH.north bank Generating ofofthe St. Lawrence River, just eastOnta Sun. June - kitchen 11:00 West am to 3:00 pm Your visit will160 include a22nd 1900 filled with ofathe Saunders Station, in In 1970 fireRobert consumed the church St. Raphaels 19651 John Street, Williamstown Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 4:00 pm The museum comprehensively depicts the story of Sir Your visit will21st include aArsdale 1900 kitchen with ofstone theCornwall, RobertExplore H.Ontario. Saunders Station, in Powe Sat. June - 11:00 am tofilled pm Cornwall’s famous Flack and Van crocks; a3:00 leaving only bare walls. the ruinsGenerating of this west end of Theandmuseum comprehensively depicts the story of Sir the Sat. June 21st – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm John Johnson Loyalist followers who settled here Cornwall’s famous Flack and Van Arsdale crocks; a the west end of Cornwall, Ontario. church built in 1821, cemetery stones and the old bell. study circa 1910; a June 1950’s 22nd Seaway -Era diningam roomto 3:00 pm the n Sun. 11:00 John Johnson and Loyalist who settled here study circa 1910; aLoyalist 1950’s parlour. Seaway Make Era dining room during the American Revolution in 1784.followers Sun. June 22nd 10:00 am to 4:00 pm with Beach Your furniture and the during the American Revolution in 1784. visitfurniture will include a 1900parlour. kitchen of the withmiss Beach and the Loyalist Makefilled with The Great Cornwall Elephant Walk aure you don’t the Smithville Cornwall’s Lost The museum comprehensively depicts the story of Sir aure you don’t famous miss the Smithville Cornwall’s Lost SEE21stINSIDE MAPFOR LOCATIONS Flack and Arsdale crocks; a Sat. June - 1:00pm SEEFOR INSIDE MAP LOCATIONS the w VillageGlengarry DanceCornwall’s and Walk beginning Saturday at 11:00 am.Van Raisin River Heritage Centre & John Cemetary Pioneer Museum Johnson and Loyalist followers who settled here Village Dance and Walk beginning Saturday at 11:00 am. Pommier Square (Corner of Pitt & Second Street) study circa 1910; a 1950’s Seaway Era dining room County Road 18, St. Andrews West during the American 1645 County Road #30, Dunvegan Put onRevolution your dancing shoes and check out an in 1784. with Beach furniture Make Raisin Heritage Centre & Cemetary June 21st -River 11:00 am to 4:00 pm interpretive way to explore our Downtown with a Glengarry Museum Sat. June 21st10:00Pioneer am to 5:00 pmand the Loyalist parlour.Sat. County 18,pm St. Andrews dance and walk. 164522nd County Roadam#30, Dunvegan 22ndRoad - 1:00 to 4:00 pmWest aure you- 10:00 don’t miss the LostJune Sun. June to 5:00 pm Smithville Cornwall’sSun. Sat. June 21st 11:00 am to for 4:00historical pm Sat.in June 21st10:00 am to 5:00 pm The Heritage Centre is the “hub” TuckedVillage the heart if this sleepy hamlet, the growing Dance- 10:00 and Walk beginning Saturday at 11:00 Sun. am. 22nd - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm United Counties of S.D.&G. Sun.interprets June 22nd to 5:00 pm back to informationJune for the village of St. Andrews. Walk museum Glengarryam history dating Administration Building The Heritage Centre is the “hub” for historical Tucked in the heart if this sleepy hamlet, the growing around this small community and visit the church the turn of the 19th century, when the United Empire 20 Pitt Street, Cornwall information for the village of St. Andrews. Walk museum interprets Glengarry history dating back to and parish hall, the log church replica, the pioneer Loyalists and Scottish immigrants arrived in the area Sat. June 21st - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm around this small community and visit the church turn of the 19th century, when the United Empire graveyard. Interpreters onlog site.church Takereplica, this chance to to startthe new lives. Sun. June 22nd - 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and parish hall, the the pioneer Loyalists and Scottish immigrants arrived in the area exploregraveyard. the burialInterpreters ground of the on Hon. site. John Take Sandfield this chance to This historic building houses the administrative offices to start new lives. Macdonald, prime minister of Canada andJohn the fIrst Historic Cornwall Jail explorea the burial ground of the Hon. Sandfield of the United Counties of S.D.&G. Features include the premier of Ontario, and Simon Fraser, a fur trader 11 Water Street West, Cornwall Macdonald, a prime minister of Canada and the fIrst refurbished council chambers, preserved architectural Historic Cornwall Jail features and a display about past wardens. and explorer died in 1862. Sat. June 21st 10:00 am to 3:00 pm premierwho of Ontario, and Simon Fraser, a fur trader 11 Water Street West, Cornwall Sun. June - 10:00 am am to 3:00 pm pm and explorer who died in 1862. Sat. 22nd June 21st - 10:00 to 3:00 Sir John Johnson Manor House The jailSun. closed 2002 -in10:00 favour facilities Junein22nd amoftonewer 3:00 pm MAP LEGEND 19692Sir William Street, Williamstown John Johnson Manor House in major but thein exercise yard, visitation Thecities, jail closed 2002 in favour of newerarea, facilities 19692 Sat. June 21stWilliam – 10:00Street, am to Williamstown 4:00 pm in major butblocks the exercise yard,maintained. visitation area, common areas cities, and cell have been Sat. 22nd June 21st – 10:00 to 4:00 Sun. June - 12:00 pm toam4:00 pm pm 1. Aultsville Train Station common areas and celllife blocks havebars. been maintained. Step into a cell to experience behind Sun. June 22nd - 12:00 pm to 4:00look pm forward Step into a cell to experience life behind bars. The Manor House Committee Members 2. Bethune Thompson House The Manor House to welcoming you to one Committee of the oldestMembers homes inlook forward 3. Chesley’s Inn Lancaster Masonic Lodge to circa welcoming the oldest homes in Lancaster Masonic Lodge Ontario, 1784. you Taketoa one walkofthrough history on the 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster Museum THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 June 20 pg. 18 CLASSIFIED ADS: ext 2 www.theseeker.ca Ontario, circa 1784. Take a walk through history the 4. Cornwall Community 28 South Terrace Street, Lancaster grounds of th elovely Sir John Johnson Manor House, aon613-935-3763 Sat. June 21st- 10:00 am to 4:00 pm 5. Glengarry Pioneer Museum grounds of th elovely Sir John Johnson Manor House, a Sat. June 21st10:00 am to 4:00 pm National Historic Site of Canada. Sun. June 22nd - 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm 6. Historic Cornwall Jail National Historic Site of Canada. Sun. isJune 22nd - 1:00 to 4:00wall pmcoverings The Lodge distinguished by pm its unique 7. Lancaster Masonic Lodge

Cornwall & the Counties Cornwall & the Counties Cornwall & the Counties

Passport to Passport to Passport to our Past our Pastour Past


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The Seeker Team wishes you a Wonderful Weekend of Discovery!



FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2

Every Saturday - 8am to 3 pm weather permitting - 234 Yates

Parade of nations for the developmentally challenged would like to thank all the people who donated items for their yard sale fundraiser (21st June (rain date 28th - 1621 Joyce St. Cornwall). Your income tax receipt will be issued in about one week after the yard sale unless you stated you did no want one. Thank you for making a difference in our community. FOR SALE: Mens slippers, $4 each. Come see them at 834 York - 613-932-0133.

FOR SALE: Whirlpool self cleaning stove - coil elements - used for only 6 months. Excellent condition. $425. Call 613-362-5700.

FOR SALE: Art work - Yachts of the America's cup by Tim Thompson, special edition, framed $75.00 each, 31” X 25”. (The J class, The Schooner, The Big Racing Cutters) 613-936-6873.

FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, approx 78” wide - dusty pink in excellent condition, hardware included - $45. Call 613-362-5700. FOR SALE: Secure Care bath seat - never used. Paid $50, asking $35. 613-938-6149

FOR SALE: 3 seater couch and chair, excellent condition, $200. 613-933-5722.

FOR SALE: Rigid water container with spout, 26 litres / 7 US gallons. Ideal for camping etc. Used twice $15. Call 613-938-6149.

FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, light beige with textured pattern, 69” x 67” and 44” x 67” - 1 year old. Call 613-362-9313. If no answer please leave a message.

FOR SALE: Tiny Love Gymini, 3D soft padded activity gym 0-10 months with toys. Hardly used, very clean. Asking $10 - regular $40. Call 613-938-6149.

FOR SALE: Old VHS movies and cassettes, all reasonably priced. Call 613-362-9313. If no answer please leave a message.

FOR SALE: Swivel rocker recliner - sage green, excellent condition. Paid $800, asking $400. A wooden rocker with a bevelled back - same chairs as Sears Mall. $259, asking $150. Hydraulic stylist chair, asking $175. Call 613-937-4209. FOR SALE: Blue Jay web rocker, handcrafted, never used. $65. 613-938-2600.

FOR SALE: Mens bike, very good condition. For more information 613-933-7803.

FOR SALE: Black and Decker bread maker, like new, hardly used - $25. Large suitcase from Air Canada luggage, $10 - call 613-537-2212.

FOR SALE: 27ft Terry Fleetwood 5th Wheel trailer with slide out. 2 year old canopy, very clean, a must see! Asking $12,900 OBO. Call 613-931-2098.

take 4th W. from Cumberland

Something for Everyone!

YARD SALE FUNDRAISER - PARADE OF NATIONS FOR THE DEVELOPMENTALLY CHALLENGED, Saturday, 21st June (rain date 28th) 1621 Joyce, Cornwall MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, June 21st - 8 am to 4 pm. 130 York Street. Articles too numerous to mention - something for everyone.

YARD SALE Saturday, June 21st - 8 am to 2 pm. 1348 Mark Street Toys, double stroller, baby monitor,.air compressor, boots, Joe Rocket ladies large motorcycle jacket, various household items and much more. YARD SALE Friday, June 20 and Saturday, June 21st - 8 am to 2:30 pm. 1734 2nd St. West, Mobile 2. Entrance on Haulage Road across from the soccer fields.

YARD SALE NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, June 28th, 2014 - 8:00 am - 4:00 pm , Corner of Mary Street & Fourteenth Street TO RAISE FUNDS FOR THE CHILDREN’S TREATMENT CENTRE Event features: Yard sale , Lemonade Sale - profits for the Childrens Treatment Center. YARD SALE NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, June 28th, 2014 - 8:30 am - 4:30 pm , - 703 11th St. E.


June 4, 2014


for $727

Seeker Special • 7 - 1/4 page ads • (4.75” x 6.75”) • Regular price $868 - for the month of June only $727 savings of $141 • Send in your ad Camera ready or we can design it for you! • The 7 ads can be used at any time during the year.

Don’t miss

Don’t miss this special this special Call Today! Call Today!

613-935-3763 Mai-Liis ext. 102 Julia ext. 101

613-935-3763 Mary-Rose Mai-Liis ext.ext. 108 102 Julia ext. 101

email: info@theseeker.ca

email:www.theseeker.ca info@theseeker.ca www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 19

Advertise with the Seeker where you “Get Seen, Not Lost”!

Advertise with the SEEKER where you WILL BE SEEN - NOT LOST!

FOR SALE: Collector plates “Birds of your Garden” collection by Kevin Daniel. 9 plates $50. Call 613-933-9473.

FOR SALE: Wooden night stand with 2 drawers, excellent condition. $50, Call 613-938-2600.


Deadlines noon on Tuesdays

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

NEXT WEEKEND - Saturday, June 28th


Ottawa Ottawa

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 24 - June 20 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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