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Vol. 5 Issue 26 July 4, 2014

This Week in the Seeker Oh Canada! Justin Trudeau visits Cornwall on Canada Day Page

3 Three's Company: Leslie O’Shaughnessy running for Mayor



Olympic Soccer Player Christina Julien has Fancy Feet Pages


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From the Desk of the Editor

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What it means to be Canadian

With yet another First of July come and gone, came the usual pausing and pondering on what it truly means to be Canadian. Every year, I reflect on how Canadians are portrayed throughout the world, especially by our neighbours from the south. They live so close, yet know so little about us. They think we all wear toques, live in igloos and put maple syrup on everything. They do have some of it right, though: we truly are a nation of peace loving people.

But being Canadian means so much more.

As a woman, being Canadian means that I can have it all: career, motherhood, family life… I can do it all because my government is behind me 100%, allowing me to take time off to be with my children for the very important first few months of life. It also ensures that once I am ready to go back to work, I have access to affordable quality childcare, so I don’t have to either leave my kids with less than trustworthy people, or have to take on a second and third job just to pay my babysitting costs.

It also means that my children are free to be just that: children. They can grow at their own pace, free from being exposed to the horrors of war, famine, death, disease or even gratuitous violence, the kind that happens daily on the streets of America the Beautiful. If they get sick, I can rest assured that they will be taken care of by some of the best medical professionals in the world. And they will receive that care for free, thanks to our wonderful “socialized” health care system. I will not see them suffer because I have no money. I will not have to take a second mortgage on my home to pay for life or death procedures.

If I ever become unable to work, I will receive public assistance. If I am struggling, help will be available.

Being Canadian means that wherever I travel to, I will be more than likely welcomed with open arms. We Canadians have an international reputation for being nice, and it gives us the ability to get a cold beer, a warm meal, and a smile practically anywhere we go.

And while in Canada, I can go whale watching in the East, salmon fishing in the West, take in breathtaking sceneries down South or learn about Indian Heritage up North. I can engage in skiing practically all year round in BritishColumbia, dig for dinosaur fossils or ride a rodeo in Alberta, eat some of the best lobsters in Nova Scotia and even sleep in an Ice Hotel in Quebec City. I can visit some of the oldest cities in North America and discover how we ended up with 2 official languages: English and French.

My country is historically rich, culturally impressive and never boring. Truly, I live in the greatest Nation in the World. Bonne Fête mon Canada.

Julia Lucio, Editor in chief

The Seeker, Cornwall Edition Volume 5, Issue 26, July 4, 2014 Founded by Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud 2010 Published by Local Seeker Media Group, Cornwall, Ontario

The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker.

Editor in chief: Julia Lucio News Editor: Jason Setnyk Creative Design: Mai-Liis Renaud Photojournalist: Carol Grant Sales: Mary-Rose Hilgers

OUR CONTACT INFORMATION: CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 Ext. 101(Julia) / 613-935-3763 Ext. 102 (Mai-Liis) 613-935-3763 Ext. 108 (Mary-Rose Hilgers) Email: info@theseeker.ca


OFFICE: 327 2ND STREET E., CORNWALL, ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Wed. 9am - 5pm - Closed noon-1pm

PICK UP YOUR COPY of THE SEEKER at Value Village - Metro - both No Frills, both Food Basics - Sharyn’s Pantry - Health Foods at Independent Grocers - Cornwall Public Library - Giant Tiger - The Grind - Home Hardware Farm Boy Eating Area - Eastcourt Mall main entrance - Tim Hortons at the Cornwall Square and Second Street - East and many of the Breakfast Places - plus more...

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 2 BUSINESS ADS: 613-613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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with Marie Morrell

Can The Children Be At Home While You Are Getting Organized?

What you should know about Professional Organizing

The choice is entirely up to you. One thing to take into consideration is that having young children at home during your organizing sessions may increase the length of time it takes to complete your project, resulting in a higher cost. It may be in your best interest to consider having your spouse, a relative or a friend watch your children during your sessions.

Part 4 of 4

You Have A Lot Of clutter ... Are You A Hoarder? There is a difference about having piles or some misplaced items and hoarding. The clinical definition of hoarding is the acquisition of, and failure to discard a large number of possessions that appear to be of useless or limited value. Also it is defined by living spaces sufficiently cluttered so as to preclude activities for which those spaces were designed. Included, is a significant distress or impairment in functioning caused by the hoarding. Clutterers as opposed to hoarders are able to throw things away and take out the trash. They are unlikely to allow their clutter to get to such an extreme point that it is holding back their lives. Their clutter does not restrict their freedom or comfort to the extreme that a hoarder's accumulation does.

Do You Have To Be Present During The Reorganization Process? It is important that you and your family, using common sense, participate in the planning of your new organized space. You must be involved in the decision-making process to ensure you maintain the new system after the organizer has completed the task. Every project is different and there are many steps an organizer can do alone as well as things you can do on your own. This option can be discussed and worked into your plan according to your needs.

How Do You Pay For The Services Of An Organizer? Payment is normally requested immediately after the service is rendered, unless other arrangements have been agreed upon in advance. Most large projects will require a deposit to begin work. Payment can be made in cash, check or credit card depending on the organizer's policy.

Does An Organizer Have A Cancellation Policy? Organizers understand that life happens. If you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, normally you will need to call at least 48 hours in advance. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled with less than 48 hours notice will be charged a fee. This policy takes into consideration that both the time of people involved is valuable.

Does An Organizer Have A Policy Regarding Confidentiality? All organizers must have a policy in respect with confidentiality. All information seen, heard or discussed, as well as, all business transactions and personal information acquired will be held in the strictest confidence. Normally professional organizing businesses obey by a written code of ethics. It is your right to request a signed copy from your professional organizer before he/she starts the project to ensure your private life is safeguarded. Do not be afraid to ask questions.

If you have other questions you would like answered please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email office@workeasycolution.com All feedbacks welcome.

ADVERTISE with The SEEKER and GET SEEN, NOT LOST! call Mary-Rose at 613-935-3763 ext 108 - TODAY!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 4 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Summer Playground Program 2014 has commenced. The Summer Playground Program is a free and accessible drop-in program in 19 neighbourhood parks throughout the City of Cornwall. Trained leaders provide fun and exciting play opportunities for children between the ages of 5 and 12. Active and quiet games, sports, songs, and crafts are offered daily. There are also a number of special off-thepark events planned throughout the summer, such as the annual Sports Day/Soccer Tournament, Movie Day and the annual Supershow. The program operates for 7 weeks during the months of July and August on Mondays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. and Tuesdays to Fridays from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Registration for the program is taken on site at your nearest participating playground.

For more information please contact the Leisure Arts Coordinator at 613-938-9898 ext. 2 or email ltaillon@cornwall.ca or the Summer Playground Office at 613-938-9898 ext. 4017.

Proposed 2014 Summer Playground Host Sites*: *Subject to Change

Adams Park Aimé Leblanc Park (Mornings Only) Alexander Park Alguire Park Bell Centennial Park (Mornings Only) Daprat Park (Afternoons Only) Dover Heights Park (Mornings Only) Gallinger Park (Afternoons Only) Heritage Park (Afternoons Only) Kinsmen Park (Afternoons Only) Meadowvale Park (Mornings Only) Menard Park Reg Campbell Park Riverdale Park St. Francis Park (Afternoons Only) St. Joseph's Park St. Theresa's Park Snetsinger Park Terry Fox Park (Mornings Only)

Summer Playground Program 2014 Theme Weeks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Move to the Beat – July 2nd – July 4th Blast from the Past – July 7th – July 12th Celebration of Nations – July 15th – July 19th Mad Scientist – July 22nd – July 26th Surfs Up Dude! – July 29th – August 2nd Arrrr Matey! – August 5th – August 9th Giddy Up! – August 12th – August 16th

For additional information, please call us at 938-9898 ext 2.

Travelling Workshops Throughout the summer, special guests take time to visit the children at each one of our participating neighbourhood parks. Please see the list below of guests scheduled to visit a park near you this summer. Check with your park leader for full details on dates and time. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Canadian Cancer Society – Flavoured Tobacco Awareness Cornwall Police Services – Bike Safety Library – Story Time with Lyne Sports Workshop with Brittany Arts Workshop with Camille

Three’s Company: Leslie O’Shaughnessy running for Mayor Article by Jason Setnyk.

Cornwall Ontario — Leslie O’Shaughnessy who resigned from City Council two years ago is running for Mayor again against Bob Kilger.

The first time Leslie O’Shaughnessy ran for Mayor was in 2006. He had 928 votes and finished dead last out of five candidates in that election. Bob Kilger was first elected Mayor of Cornwall in that election with 8363 votes, Korey Kennedy finished second with 3963 votes, Phil Poirier had 2660 votes, and even Paul Connolly finished ahead of Leslie O’Shaughnessy with 1072 votes. Leslie O’Shaughnessy had better luck in 2010 running for City Council and finishing in 8th spot with a respectable 4201 votes. When Leslie O’Shaughnessy stepped down that opened the door for Gerald E. Samson who finished in eleventh place to become a Cornwall City Councillor. Leslie O’Shaughnessy joins Bob Kilger and Jamie Gilcig in the Mayoral race of 2014.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 5 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


ONE WEEK with LITTLE LEELAND ... Article and photos by Carol Grant

Imagine having to suffer through 52 chemo treatments! Not an easy task... Now imagine 31 days of radiation! Still a very hard thing to go through for sure... Now imagine having to go through all of this as a FOUR-YEAR OLD! This has been the reality for four-year old Leeland Hill, a brain cancer survivor from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. Leeland was the guest of honour at the recent Bikers Against Brain Cancer fundraiser held last week. Leeland started complaining of headaches in March 2013. After doctor reports telling his mother it was an issue with his ears, Leeland collapsed four days later and was rushed to hospital only to discover he had a tennis ball size tumor on the back of the brain (a Medulloblastomas which affects just under 2 people per million per year). His brain was squeezed into half the amount of space it was supposed to have and, without surgery, he would not live another 24-48 hours. After the 10-hour surgery, Leeland was kept in a medicallyinduced coma for the night and a shunt was installed to drain excess brain fluid. After 6 days, the shunt was removed and he spent an additional 2 weeks in hospital to recover. In mid-April, Leeland had a gtube inserted which is still in place today. This little trooper spent the next year having weekly chemo drugs and received his last chemo on May 16th, 2014. He is now cancer free. Leeland has had to re-learn how to hold his head up, sit up, crawl and walk all over gain. While he has had to re-learn all of these things, he is still a wonderfully bright, intelligent, happy and well-adjusted little boy. Leeland, along with his mother Denise and his "Papa" Rod visited Cornwall to be honoured at the Bikers Against Brain Cancer event, created by chiropractor Dr. Paul Poirier who is battling a brain tumour himself. This yearly event has raised thousands of dollars for brain tumor/cancer research over the years. This year's proceeds will be donated to the Montreal Neurological Institute for brain cancer research. Funding was received from Cornwall Police Association for the family to attend. The family also had two rooms provided by Nav Centre. While in Cornwall, Leeland and his family were shown first-hand what a giving, generous, friendly and wonderful city the City of Cornwall can be! Shown here are a few photos from the day's event where Leeland was treated to a visit to the Cornwall Police Services station, Fire Department and City Hall. At each stop, Leeland was greeted with open arms and presented with some souvenirs and gifts from our great city. A big thank you goes out to local resident, volunteer and a wonderful man, Jody Archambault who was instrumental in setting up this day for Leeland. Leeland became very attached to Jody during his visit and it is a true testament to the wonderful people we have in our city. On behalf of myself and everyone who has had the pleasure to meet Leeland and his family, we hope you have very fond memories of your stay in Cornwall and that you will return again someday. It's not goodbye, but see you later!

Shown above are volunteer Jody Archambault, Dr. Paul Poirier, Ray Eady and Pink Sun on the Run fundraising team consisting of Cynthia Welch, Melanie Joncas, Savannah Smith and Rebecca Cook. This group of ladies helped to raise $700 for Bikers Against Brain Cancer. Watch for them at upcoming fundraisers and events!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 6 BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1


Positively Marlene

This is proof that one is to never give up on finding a lost, loved one. It took over 40 years for my brother and I to find each other... You just have to have FAITH, HOPE and PATIENCE so you or anyone you may know can find someone that has been missing or lost to you.

Brian spontaneously drove here (from Smith Falls) to give me a Surprise Visit and to introduce me to his new lady friend. John, Brian, Georgette & I met up at ~Cornwall BBQ~ to enjoy and have an affordable and delicious breakfast together. The delightful conversation and delicious hot coffee were flowing for over 2 hours.

Cornwall Ontario — Olympic athlete Christina Julien, who was born in Cornwall Ontario, and played Timbits Soccer as a child, is returning to her home town this summer.

Christina Julien and Alana Brady are coorganizing and hosting the Fancy Feet Soccer Camps for girls at the Benson Centre from July 7th to the 11th.

“I always wanted to do my own camp and teach kids what I learned. My friend Alana Brady initiated this and was the driving force behind this camp”, says Julien.

Both Julien and Brady have an impressive resume of experience.

Their combined experience will hugely benefit the girls participating in these camps.

“The most important lesson a young athlete can learn is to have fun and follow your passion, not to get to caught up with the present, but instead

Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca

to see the end goal, and where they want to go”, explains Julien.

Christina Julien has worked with soccer camps before, but this is the first one that has her name associated with it. She thrives on taking a leadership role working with young athletes as a teacher.

“I like the fact that I can influence them and encourage them to do something they want to do and to get better at it. To make them realize their goals are not beyond their reach.

Julien who has been training hard for twelve years knows exactly what it takes to reach those goals. At higher levels of soccer there is more focus on the mental aspect of the game and on proper nutrition. However for the young athletes participating in this camp, the focus is on proper techniques.

“To teach them to break down the movements, master each step, and see it as a whole”, says Julien.

What’s next for Julien after the Fancy Feet soccer camps?

Christina Julien will continue to play professional soccer and her goal is to once again adorn the red and white at the next Olympics in 2016.

The deadline to sign up is this Sunday. There are only a few spots remaining. For more information or to register your child to the Fancy Feet Summer Camp visit the official website: http://www.christinajulienfutbal.com/

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2


Alana Brady has four years of CIS experience playing for Laurentian University and was their team captain.

Please know that there are three things in Life that You can NEVER have enough of...FINE WINE, GOOD FRIENDS & MANY, MANY PAIRS of PRETTY (or stylish) SHOES. You know me... Hehehe

Christina Julien has represented Canada as an alternative player for the Canadian Women’s Soccer Team. She also has international experience playing at the FIFA Women’s World Cup, at the Pan American Games, and winning a Gold Medal at the CONCACAF Championship in 2010.

John and I enjoyed many hours of kayaking and swimming near the St. Lawrence River and Hoople Creek before and throughout last weekend. On Monday we decided to go with Marcus to ~Cornwall BBQ~ for our lunch (it was his first experience of tasting their well known BBQ'ed chicken.) After that we decided to go to the FREE BEACH (on Hwy 2, near Ingleside) to swim and to enjoy some of the beautiful and sunny ~HOT~ weather. There were many happy families there enjoying the summer weather and the cool, clean water of the St. Lawrence River. It is a lovely, free beach and place to bring your families, friends, picnic lunches and even your doggies along for a naturally good time. SAND, SUN & FUN To Be Had By All.


Article and Photo(s) by Jason Setnyk

Until next week... Keep On Sharing, Keep On Giving & Keep On Smiling.

Then as soon as that visit was over, my youngest son, Marcus, got in touch with me to tell us that he had spontaneously decided to jump in for a ride to Cornwall, to come visit John and I. We just happened to have some tickets to the tribute band for ~Gunz and F N Roses~, at the Port Theatre that night. What a BLAST we had and throughly enjoyed along with the rest of the audience, listening, clapping, and yes whistling and dancing (on my part) to their LOUD and very well known ROCKY tunes of yester year. They were really talented boys, one singing, one playing the drums and the other two playing their guitars had put on a FANTASTIC LIVE PERFORMANCE for the audience members, last Sunday evening. I want to THANK the owners, Larry & Nancy Sylvain again for their dedication and preseverance on keeping ~The Port~ open and for bringing LIVE ACTS & BANDS to Cornwall. Please Check Out their webpage to see their upcoming events. www.liveattheport.com

TIP OF THE WEEK: ENJOY & EXPERIENCE LIFE to the FULLEST!!! Need I say more??? Oh, Yes... PLEASE Don't leave your children, elderly parents and or pets in your ~HOT~ vehicles. It could be FATAL to their health!!!

We had to catch up on all of the Family News, then chit-chatted about what was happening in our own lives. Boy! Did I have a lot to tell them... with me being nominated as a contributor to the Seeker this year. About my 2 newest grandsons, Odin and Blake and of my 3rd daughter, Ella Rose's accomplishments of being a model and an actor. (She was just in London, England for a couple of weeks shooting a "Super Hero" movie. Yes, that's right! My beautiful daughter, Ella Rose, a world reknown photograph model, and now a *Movie*Star*) and many other things, too. It truly was a lovely "Surprise Visit," with my little, BIG brother, Brian.

Christina Julien has Fancy Feet

FAMILY NEWS: My three older grandchildren, Lincoln, Abigail and Sampson all passed into their next grade levels. CONGRATULATIONS, I am so very Proud of you sweet grandkiddies of mine.

Hi there to all of you wonderful and special people reading and getting their "Dose of Positive News" from the most highly read paper here in Cornwall, Ontario (or perhaps in other places, too) this week. I hope that you ALL had a most pleasant and fun-filled kind of ~Canada Day~ long weekend. Canada being a 147 years young) Hopefully celebrating it with all of your loving family & cherished friends. I certainly did!!! It all started off with a surprise visit from my younger brother, Brian and his lovely lady-friend, Georgette. This is a younger brother who through circumstances beyond our control had lost contact with me for over 40 years. Brian found me on face book (4 years ago) after recognizing my (much older) face after so many long years. BOY! was I SURPRISED when he contacted me. and asked me some personal questions that he and I would only know. I was so overwhelmed with pure love and happiness when we finally did meet in person!!!


with Marlene Baker





GOLF TO endMS The 31st annual golf tournament to support the MS Society of Canada - Cornwall & District Chapter was held on June 13th at Summerheights Golf Links. Due to heavy rainfall, the golf portion of the tournament was cancelled. However, course owner Rory MacLennan was not worried about any extended closures and stated that it was a temporary setback, though unfortunate. The tournament, the brain child of Ray Lalonde and his committee, began as a small fundraiser and has grown to an event that local golfers enthusiastically await. Despite the rain, the guests were still able to enjoy a delicious dinner, prizes and take part in the donations graciously offered by the tournament sponsors.

DQ SAMPLE SUNDAYS Every Sunday until August 24th, the Corus Community Cruiser and Alina Martin will be at Dairy Queen Grill & Chill from 10:30 to 12:00 noon for "Sample Sundays". For a $2 donation, you can sample some great food items that change weekly and have a chance to spin the Wheel for some great prizes. All proceeds will go to the Children's Treatment Centre. This past week I had a chance to sample the delicious quesadillas at Dairy Queen - can't wait to see what's in store for this Sunday!

BBQ/CAR WASH FUNDRAISER St. John Ambulance and their Therapy Dogs held a Fundraising BBQ and Car Wash last weekend at Stacy's Pet Depot on Sydney Street. Cornwall residents were able to enjoy some great food and have their vehicles washed by St. John Ambulance volunteers. Many sale items were also available for local pet owners. Some of the therapy dogs were on-hand to greet customers including (shown here) Gracie, Buddha, Lacey and Finnigan. For more information on ways to help St. John Ambulance, visit their website at www.sjacornwall.ca

RACHEL'S KIDS GARDEN PARTY Rachel's Kids held their 10th Annual Garden Party this past weekend at NavCan. For the past 9 years, the party has been held at Dr. Rachel Navaneelan's home garden but due to an increase in attendance every year, a bigger venue was needed. Rachel's Kids is a charitable oganization founded by Dr. Rachel Navaneelan and supported through community contributions, corporate donations and the time of volunteers. It seeks to aid impoverished, neglected and abused children as well as numerous education initiatives, including awarding scholarships and building schools. Rachel's Kids also integrates with other aid organizations in order to improve the lives of children in need both locally and globally. Thanks to the generosity of this year's guests, approximately $131,000 was raised through ticket sales as well as live and silent auctions. Guests were treated to entertainment provided by Roxanne Delage, Graham Greer and DJ Sound. Kim Lauzon is the new Executive Director and she is looking forward to working with Rachel's Kids and raise more funds to help this amazing cause. If you would like more information on helping Rachel's Kids, please visit their website at www.rachelskids.com.



with Carol Grant

More Out & About with Carol Grant on page 18

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


... and who says nothing happens in Cornwall !!!




45 Second Street E. 613-932.4796 www.library.cornwall.on.ca SPOTLIGHT ACTIVITIES a sampling of Great Programs @ YOUR CORNWALL LIBRARY


LES PETITS SCIENTISTES Ages 3-5 ans @ 14 h 30 à 15 h 15 THE FLYING NEEDLES - ADULT KNITTING GROUP 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm


BRIDGE CLUB @ 6:30 pm

THE LITTLE SCIENTISTS - Ages 3-5 @2:30 pm to 3:15 pm ADULT EVENING BOOK CLUB - Book talk. @ 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL ella: The Long Walk to Freedom" "Mand nting: Prese @ 6:00 pm (repeat on Friday July 11 @ 2:00 pm)

Maybe you do not see yourself donating as much as Don, but it certainly is in all of us to give. Join the other 425,000 Canadians who are active blood donors by stopping by the blood drive on July 7 or 8 held at the Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Avenue, in the Simon Fraser Room. The event will run from 1200 to 1500 hours, and again from 1700 until 1930 hours both days. When donating, simply mention CCH’s corporate ID CORN014456 or register your donations online at www.blood.ca/partnersforlife.

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2




The need for blood and blood components is constant because they are used to treat any number of injuries and illnesses, including various forms of cancers, hip and joint surgery, transplants, trauma patients such as car accident victims, patients with blood disorders, and many others. So far, CCH is at 53per cent of its goal, and nationwide “Partners for Life” has been responsible for over 90,000 donations this year alone. Don Depratto, a member of CCH’s Tri County Mental Health Services team, has recently been recognized for his 100th blood donation. “I started giving blood at the age of 18. My dad, who was sick at the time, asked me to continue giving blood since he couldn’t anymore,” explained Don. “CCH is in the business of helping people, and giving blood is an easy way to do that. It only takes one hour of your time, every two months to know you have made a difference.”




Every minute of every day, someone in Canada needs blood. The body’s liquid life source that carries nutrients and oxygen to the tissues is the most sought after donation in the world and Cornwall Community Hospital (CCH) is doing its part to make sure enough is available in your time of need. As a proud “Partner for Life” with Canadian Blood Services, CCH will be the first hospital in the Eastern and Northern Ontario region to sponsor a blood drive this July 7 and 8 at the Ramada Inn. Never has something so simple had such an enormous impact. Just one blood donation can improve or save up to three lives. “It is important to raise awareness regarding the significance of blood donations in our community. A blood drive is the perfect opportunity to do so and CCH is honoured to be the first hospital in our area to sponsor one!” exclaims Jeanette Despatie, President and Chief Executive Officer of CCH. “Our value of engagement is obvious here by our staff members giving either time and/or blood in order to help others.”



CCH Wants to “See Red” at First Hospital Sponsored Blood Drive


More program info. www.library.cornwall.on.ca 613-932-4796


our weekly pages of events n’ more...


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 10 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 11 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1



AN OLD FAVOURITE .....WILMA ' S DATE AND NUT LOAF I have been making Wilma Wantuck's Date and Nut Loaf for over 40 years. We were neighbours when we lived in Cornwall. It is easy to make and simply the very best you will ever eat! Somehow, I misplaced her recipe and she kindly brought a copy of her recipe to me. You will get 2 nice 9" X 5" loaves. They freeze well if you wish to pop one in the freezer for another day. You can slice and eat plain or spread a slice with a little butter. So good with a nice cup of tea! Thanks Wilma for caring and sharing!


1 lb. of pitted dates 2 level tsp. baking soda 2 cups of boiling water 2 cups of white sugar 2 tbsp. room temperature butter 2 extra large eggs 1 tsp. pure vanilla 1 level tsp. fine salt 3/4 cup chopped walnuts 2- 1/2 cups unbleached all-purpose flour

METHOD: -Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Grease and flour 2- 9" X 5" loaf pans. -First, cut each date into 3 pieces, using a pair of kitchen shears. They are much faster to chop up dates instead of using a paring knife. It is much easier on your fingers as well. -Place the chopped dates in a bowl and sprinkle over them, the 2 tsp. of baking soda. Pour





by Sharyn Thompson

with Brian Seguin The Importance of Building a Personal Credit History Your credit history is your passport to borrowing. With no history of credit, or an unfavourable borrowing record, you could have trouble getting a personal loan, mortgage or credit card in the future. That's why you should get started on establishing a positive credit history as soon as possible and take care to keep that history positive. Whether you're young, you're a newcomer to Canada or your finances are well established, your credit history is a key element of your financial picture. A credit history is established by borrowing. It starts the moment you apply for your first credit card or take out your first bank loan and builds from there. It's a record of your credit applications, outstanding loans, payments and anything else connected with borrowing.

the 2 cups of boiling water over this. Stir to mix. Set aside to cool, stirring occasionally. You must have this mixture cooled to room temperature, before you add them back into the loaf batter. -In a large bowl, cream together the white sugar, butter, eggs, vanilla and salt. -Add the cooled date mixture, stirring to combine. -Stir in the chopped nuts and the flour gradually. Add about 1/3 cup of flour at a time into the batter, mixing well after each addition, until you have added all of the 2- 1/2 cups of flour. -Pour the batter evenly between the 2 greased and floured loaf pans. Gently, tap the pans on your counter to even out the batter. -Bake the loaves for 55 to 60 minutes on the second from the bottom shelf in your oven. -Allow the loaves to cool in the baking pans for 20 minutes, then turn them out of the baking pans onto a wire cooling rack. -Slice as needed. Put the kettle on for a nice hot cup of tea. ENJOY!

HERE'S A HANDY TIP: BAKE THE LOAVES IN SOUP CANS -Sometimes, I save empty 10 oz. soup cans and bake a quick bread batter in them. Grease and flour about 6 to 10 empty, washed out soup cans. Place the cans on a baking sheet with sides. This is to prevent the cans from slipping off the tray into your oven. (Not that I have ever done such a thing! haha.) Fill the cans half full with the loaf batter. Bake in a 350 degree oven until a toothpick inserted in the loaf's centre top of the can comes out clean. It will take at least half of the time needed to bake 9" X 5" loaves. These small cylindrical loaves make a nice little hostess gift or give to some of your friends or neighbours. They will slice up into neat little rounds. Pretty on a plate with an assortment of your baking. If it is just yourself and your husband, the smaller loaves are just perfect for a couple of days eating! Freeze the remaining loaves.

SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN’S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years.

OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ontario 613-936-1998

allowed access to records maintained by credit rating agencies. For information on how to check-and a more detailed explanation of credit history-visit the Internet site of the federal government's Financial Consumer Agency of Canada at www.fcac.gc.ca. Look for the booklet, Understanding Your Credit Report and Credit Score, in the publications section. Edward Jones, its employees and Edward Jones advisors do not offer tax or legal advice. Insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (except in Quebec). In Quebec, insurance is offered by Edward Jones Insurance Agency (Quebec) Inc. Member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.

BRIAN SEGUIN, Financial Advisor, Edward Jones (613) 932-6161 89 Tollgate Road West, Unit 2 , Cornwall, ON K6J 5L5 www.edwardjones.com

Your personal history is reflected in a credit "score" or "rating," maintained by credit-reporting agencies. Think of this as the "grade" you've received for your borrowing practices.

Each time a financial institution grants you credit, it is likely to send details of your credit and payment patterns to credit agencies. These agencies will collect information and make it available to other lenders. When you want to borrow, lenders check your history and score. Details in your file usually include personal information, employment, banking information, outstanding credit, payment history, legal judgments against you and details of bad debts that have been referred to collection agencies. The more positive your credit history and score, the easier it is to get credit. Lenders want to know you're a good risk-that you'll make payments on time and they'll get their money back. A good history and rating may also get you better borrowing rates. The key to maintaining a favourable history is using credit wisely. Borrow responsibly. Don't take on more debt than you can handle, and make payments on time. Credit cards are one way to get started-get one, use it sparingly, and make payments when you're supposed to.

There are so many fun and exciting things to do here in Cornwall! Mopar sponsored a Car Show at Lamoureux Park last week. It was great to get out and see all the beautiful cars! Here are a few of Carol Grant’s favourite pics.

And be sure to review your credit ratings and history from time to time. You're

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2




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Marie understands 812 Pitt Street, the feelings related to an out of control state that many people experience in 613-933-3703 unit 31,hectic Cornwall today's world resulting in stress, guilt, and embarrassment. She helps her clients overcome these feelings through friendly yet systematic, confidential and non-judgmental approach. You will soon be on your way to a more organized environment and life and you will stay organized and in control.

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Call Mary-Rose 613-935-3763 ext 108 to place your ad

$15 As low as per week

Advertise with the SEEKER where you “ Get Seen, Not Lost� !

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 13 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca



It has occurred to me that some of our artists consider the exhibition at the TAG from July 8 to July 26 to be just another opportunity to be visible and perhaps sell a painting. Some humbly say: `` I’ll pass this time, it’s summer and I’m very busy`` or `` I really don’t have anything``. The fact is that this is not an ordinary exhibition. It is our chance to showcase our best in the official gallery of the city. Fifteen volunteers have given their time and talent to attract citizens and tourists downtown during a time when the hustle and bustle has left the heart of the city. If we can manage to increase activity with the visual arts and live music, we will demonstrate the value of these elements to the economic development of the area. Our city planners need to see this. Most of all, if we can persuade a few visitors to stop their daily rush to appreciate art, to perhaps experiment and enjoy the total pleasure of blending colours, discovering light and shade or just being lost for a few seconds in the moment, we will have done much more than show off our work.

If you have read this far, you know that you must help make a presence of Focus Art at TAG in July a success. Each and every one of you is important.




It’s a matter of pride.

Other groups have succeeded in promoting their interests by working together as a team. It may be against our nature to bunch together, but for the greater good we must recognize the role we can play in bringing about change.


Marriage can be Ha H az za ar rd do ou us s to your He Hea alt lth lth By Arnold Kane

Produced by: Andy Davidson & Nancy Gagne Directed by: Lacie Petrynka

Evenings 7:30pm JULY

18,19,24,2 Matinée 1:30pm JULY 20, 2014

Dream Builder Studios 2107 Second St., W. Cornwall


Tickets available online at Admission.com Cash, Cheque or the Cornwall Civic Complex Box Office, or Credit Card Plus applicable fees 100 Water St E, Cornwall 613.938.9400 Welcome! Marriage Can Be Hazardous to Your Your Health” is presented by special arrangement with SAMUEL FRENCH, INC.

Rose Desnoyers President of Association FOCUS ART Association www.focusartonline.org info@focusartonline.com rosedesn@cogeco.ca




by Rose Desnoyers

by Patrick Guindon Summer. Is there anything better? The fresh air, the hot sun, the freedom to lay in the grass and just breath. This month’s art focus is all about rejuvenating. Creatives can lose steam, and if you’re the parent of a Creative then you’re probably exhausted now that they’re home all day and every day. In order to rejuvenate yourself and keep your young creative creating, give yourself some quiet time by trying out a few creative activities where you aren’t needed. Again, as I said in March, stay away from pre-determined crafts as much as possible. They are okay from time to time, but your young Creative needs to explore their creativity as much as possible! Here are my suggestions for some quiettime exploring:

Idea No. 1: Frame It! Send your child on a scavenger hunt around the yard or house for some interesting looking things like rocks, sticks, leaves, and so on. With a dollar store frame, have them frame their finds in a compositionallyappealing way (as much as they can, which varies depending on their developmental stage, of course). They can pre-paint the background (use the back cardboard or wooden piece that normally keep the framed print in), paint some of or all of the objects, glue it all together. You have some instant art! Idea No. 2: Sand Drawing! This is fun and can be done with sand, rice, cous-cous, or any teeny-tiny bit of something that comes in bulk. If you can create a lightbox (put a string of white Christmas lights in a clear Rubbermaid box) or have access to an old-school overhead

VISUAL COMMUNICATION COMMUNICATIONS S w w w. w e t h i n k i t . c a

projector, you’re set. Kids will draw for hours in the sand and will start to come up with some very interesting compositions that can later be translated into “permanent” art by drawing, painting or sculpting it. Idea No. 3: Numbers! Reinforce math concepts depending on their age by having them create some Sharpie Art with numbers (or letters). They can draw the numbers in different sizes, in different directions, and depending on their age and interest, they could arrange them into patterns or problems. Once outlined in Sharpie (which seems to instantly “wow” any kid or adults!), they can fill in with patterns, colours and mini-drawings. The artwork isn’t finished until there’s no white – which should be enough time for you to take a nap. Idea No. 4: Buildings! Architecture is an incredible source of artistic inspiration for many. The straight lines are beautiful, and the combinations of textures, lighting opportunities, heights and colours are wondrous. Provided with popsicle sticks, cardboard, glue, paint, and markers, ask your child to make a Cityscape. Cityscapes, if you don’t know about them already, are incredible! They are the landscape of a city as seen by looking at a row of buildings. Variety in heights and widths make them gorgeous, but building it in three dimensions will not only challenge your child’s creativity, but keep them working at it for a long while. When the buildings are built, you could even have them add a backdrop (try watercolour bleeds, sketched backgrounds, Jackson Pollock thrown-paint, or feathers & glitter on cardboard), and then build people out of clay or paper. This could be a few days worth of naps for you, and an incredible creative opportunity for your kids! Plus, they can play with it later!

Patrick Guindon is a local Creative. He is a primary school teacher, and has made lots of creative things. You can follow him on Facebook (www.facebook.com/patrickguindonart) and on Twitter @123patrickg

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 14 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1



Store at

812 Pitt Street, Unit 40

Soooo . . . it has been a busy month of June at Mrs. B’s Gifts & Home Decor. The staff and myself have been working on many behind-thescenes projects that take hours, but no one is the wiser for our hard work. One of those HUGE projects that we have taken on is to join the cyber world. Last year we installed a new computer system with many bells and whistles. This year we are using some of those gadgets to help us introduce online shopping!!! We hope to introduce this convenience to our customers by next week!!! You can shop at home, at any time of the day or night, stay in your pj’s and order a gift for Aunt Bea! At the click of a button, it’s picked out, paid for, and shipped! We will ship almost anywhere in Canada! Or you can pick it out online and arrange to pick it up at the store!

Open Saturdays from 9am to 4pm.

y free -Gluten/yeast/dairy/wheat/so ) zen (fro ad bagels and sliced bre ion -Zengarry nut cheese select ed (gluten/dairy free) *cashew bas (bread, -The Mix Company dry mixes crust) soups, cookies, muffins, pizza es) cub r eze -Gourmet baby food (fre ple -Organic salad dressings (ma syrup/garlic, balsamic)

CONTAC T: Sylvie Thibert, The Health Nut thehealthnut@cogeco.ca www.thehealthnut.ca 613-931-3119

Spending time by the water can bring about peaceful and relaxing thoughts. We are very fortunate to live so close to the St. Lawrence River. Since moving back to Cornwall, I changed my driving patterns, and take the scenic route to work, driving down Montreal Road with a beautiful view of the majestic river. Working at St. Lawrence College, means I have a beautiful view of it and when things are hectic, just taking a quick walk or looking out the window can centre me again. It is nice to see so many people enjoying time by the water. I am past this stage, but there was a family movie recently at Lamoureux Park and so many concerts and activities coming up, it is a great way to spend summer vacation or a weekend.

I recently attended an event at the RCAF building; it was a fundraiser Sunset Patio Party to support the Cornwall Hospice. It was a sold out event, and even though the temperatures soared, the music and ambiance of the day made it a fun outing with friends. They offered something for everyone with piano songs on deck and then Spare Parts and Switchgear took the stage. Next week, it is time for Lift-Off again and another great opportunity to get out and enjoy the music, the activities for all ages and family sizes and of course see the balloons.

Follow Kris Ward’s Blog at www.kriscrossroads.wordpress.com

ADVERTISE with The SEEKER and GET SEEN, NOT LOST! call Mary-Rose at 613-935-3763 ext 108 - TODAY!

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 15 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


Be it by bike, on foot, in your car or gazing out a window, take in the St. Lawrence River. There are so many activities happening by the water, why not take advantage of it. A walking tour of our historical bridge is happening on Tuesday July 8th, where residents will get an opportunity to walk across our historical bridge, with a great vantage point of the river and the city. Get out and enjoy our beautiful city and all it has to offer.

Barbara Leduc Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor 609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario. K6J 3R8 613-937-0222 www.mrsbsgifts.com Facebook page www.facebook.com/mrsbsgifts

Enjoy some sun and fun by the water


Bee safe and bee happy.

The hot weather is here and so is the sun. Get out and enjoy it when you can but remember to use sunscreen and cover up the young’uns. And because we love pets, remember not to keep your animals alone in the car this summer or you’ll be getting a call from me.

by Kris Ward

Bet you didn’t know that Mrs. B’s Gifts & Home Decor also has Cornwall souvenirs!!! If you know anyone visiting from out of town, they might want to pick up a little something to remember us by. These items are also made in Canada! Awesome!


Our merchandise changes quite a bit so it is still worth your while to come by if you can. This past week we just received a beautiful selection of music boxes. Every time the recipient plays them, they will think of you. Our Woodstock windchimes have been re-stocked as well and it’s too bad you can’t hear while you’re reading this. Precision-tuning and beautiful wood(s) make these chimes a step above anything else out there.


from Mrs. B



Taking a break at Mocktails





photo by Mai-Liis Renaud

NEWS By Cornwall Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon

ByofCornwall Scrabble Director, On Thursday, June 26th 2014, twelve members the Cornwall Scrabble Club played four afternoon gamesVivianne so as to Panizzon Players at the Tournament/Thinking and Calculating determine who would be the grand winners. (Back, left to right) Vivianne Panizzon, Norma O'Collin, Linda Poirier, th Shirley Schade, Jennifer Mitchell, Elaine Heath, Lucy Fay, n Thursday, June 26 2014, twelve members of the Cornwall Scrabble Club played This was their way of celebrating the Fourth Anniversary of the Cornwall Mary Geoffrion, Emilie Henkelman, Sylvie Théorêt, To their astonishment, many prizes been donated by ur afternoon gamesScrabble so as Club. to determine who would behad the grand winners. Norma Forsyth and Linda Meikle generous businesses and people of the community. These were an

his was their way of celebrating the Fourth Anniversary of the Cornwall Scrabble Club. additional incentive to spur them on to play at their best. Membersand were honoured o their astonishment, many prizes had been donated by generous businesses people to have Pierre Dufour, Community Relations and Program coordinator Two teams were organized so as to incentive present an extra and a bit the community. These were an additional tochallenge spur them on to certificates play at their best. at the Cornwall Public Library, hand out of merit. Prizes were then allotted to every member through of friendly rivalry.

a draw. There was something for one and all.

wo teams were organized Team A so as to present an extra challenge and a bit of friendly rivalry. This event was the last Scrabble session of the season. Cornwall And the grand winners were: eam A Scrabble will pause for the month of July and August but official games Highest Score - Jennifer Mitchell, 415 pts nd the grand winners were: will resume on Thursday, September 4th. Highest Average - Vivianne Panizzon, 347 pts. ghest Score Jennifer Mitchell,(+114). 415 pts Highest Cumulative Spread - Emilie Henkelman Most Games - Emilie Henkelman & Vivianne Panizzon ¾347 gamespts. ghest Average Vivianne Panizzon, However, should anyone from the general public choose to have private Highest Bingo - Lucy Fay, 79 pts. (sealing) lessons, these would be available during the month of August. ghest Cumulative Spread Emilie Henkelman (+114). Communicate with Scrabble Director, Vivianne Panizzon, 613-931-1792. ost Games Emilie Henkelman &Forsyth, Vivianne Jennifer Mitchell, Linda Poirier, Vivianne Panizzon, Norma Lucy Panizzon ! games Fay and Emilie Henkelman all succeeded in using all their seven tiles ghest Bingo Lucy Fay, 79 pts. (sealing) in Cornwall Scrabble Club members acknowledge the fact that it is a one play, thus creating each a bingo. nnifer Mitchell, Linda Poirier, Vivianne Panizzon, Norma Forsyth, Lucy Fay and Emilie privilege to be “a program” at the Cornwall Public Library. “Hats off” to all the staff for the service that is directed towards us. Also, enkelman all succeeded a Team Bin using all their seven tiles in one play, thus creating each dedicated bushels of gratitude go out to The Seeker, and to its staff for supporting Highest Score - Mary Geoffrion, 378 pts. ngo. and promoting the Cornwall Scrabble Club as they do for all the arts and Highest Average - Mary Geoffrion, 318 pts. Highest Cumulative Spread - Elaine Heath, +41 Most Games - Linda Meikle, 4/4 games Highest Bingo - Elaine Heath, 83 Geoffrion, pts. (motives) Mary

positive elements and activities that make up our community. Thank you kindly!

eam B ghest Score 378 pts. ghest Average Mary Geoffrion, 318 pts. Elaine Heath and Mary Geoffrion, both succeeded in creating a bingo. ghest Cumulative Spread Elaine Heath, +41 ost Games Linda Meikle, 4/4 games 26 -Heath, July 4 -83 pg.pts. 16 (motives) CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca ghest Bingo THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue Elaine aine Heath and Mary Geoffrion, both succeeded in creating a bingo.


Article by: Martin Bélanger A very busy evening this coming Sunday at Cornwall Motor Speedway as the feature from June 22nd will be completed with a total of 242 laps of feature races will be completed on Adam’s Marina & Action Race Parts Night. A loaded evening that will exceptionally start at 6pm! The Jiffy Auto Parts Modifieds will be the busiest of all divisions with 3 feature events to be completed with twin 40 laps from two weeks ago along with the regular 30-lap finale. This will have a great impact on the championship as top runners such as Chris Raabe, Stephane Lafrance, Brian McDonald, Kyle Dingwall and Carey Terrance will have to have consistent runs to contend for the title after Sunday’s races. With his first win last week, Corey Wheeler has passed Shane Pecore in the points chase in the Tracy Wheeler Royal Lepage Sportsman ranks. This category will have two 20-lap event on the schedule has an average of 26 sportsman are in the pits each Sunday night! Alexandria Home Hardware Pro-Stock drivers will have two occasions to stop Stephane Lebrun`s win streaks. The Gatineau driver has been on tear lately winning 3 races in a row joining Dave Bissonnette on top of the divisions point`s chase as both drivers are tied! Double features will probably separate both competitors. In the Semi-Pro Laminacorr Industries, having a 25-lap event on the July 6th card might attract a few extra competitors along with the other 15-lap to be completed. Several drivers have visited the winner circle. After a very emotional presentation last week, the MiniStock will only one event of 12 laps as Chris James is now the new leader winning his second event of the season last week.

2014-entertainment-schedule Thursday, July 10 - Free Show 4:00 Gates Open 4:30 Street Road 6:00 Lost Boyz 8:00 Barstool Prophets 9:30 Glass Tiger Friday, July 11 - $15.00 4:00 Gates Open 4:30 Trailer Five 6:00 The Paul Deslauriers Band 7:30 The Glorious Sons 9:30 54-40

To the 100th intake celebration of the SEA Programme in Cornwall.

On Friday, June 27th, over 60 people including past and present students, attended the “Welcome to the 100th Intake Celebration” of the SEA Programme. The first SEA (Self Employment Assistance) course started in 1996 with 5 businesses, 2 of which are still in operation, Sullivan Funeral Homes and Gerald Swifts Art Studio.

The current intake is 7 students, six of whom are seen in the photo above.

From L to R: Shannon Thompson - Vital Library Services, Kathy Coffey - Food Quality Systems Support, Jenn Torrance Body in Balance, Bob Mosh - Mosh Toys, Lesley Andrychuk Hidden Treasures Market and Jennifer Lounsberry - Bioternative Solutions. The Seeker wishes you all the best in you business ventures!

Saturday, July 12 - $15.00 4:00 Gates Open 4:30 Mandee Woods 6:00 Hadrian’s Wall 7:30 The Devin Cuddy Band 9:30 Alan Doyle (Lead singer of Big Sea) Sunday, 4:00 4:30 6:00 7:30 9:30

July 13 - $15.00 Gates Ope Buskers Dream Gentlemen Husbands Small Town Pistols Doc Walker

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 17 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


For more information on the upcoming season at Cornwall, please visit the website at www.cornwallspeedway.com you can add us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/cornwallspeedway or on twitter at @cornwalspeedway, we will use these two Medias for results and contests over the summer.

It will be the best bargain of the season with the amount of racing to be completed this Sunday! General admission price will only be 10$ for adults, 5$ for Seniors 65 years and over, kids under 16 admission is only 2$. General admission gates will open at 4:30pm with racing starting at 6pm sharp!





SHOELESS JOE'S was featuring featuring an entire lineup with Stephanie Coleman/Haley Johnston, Eric Beauregard, Keegan Larose, Tracy Lalonde, Mandee Woods (shown here), Peter Fortin and Ryan O'Neil & Amanda Leger ("Subtle") as they held a fundraiser for Habitat for Humanity. The fundraiser raised $937.00 for their 2014 Home Build through a silent auction and Shoeless Joe's Cornwall donated their space and 10% of their sales to the event. These concerts happen every Thursday night and there is no shortage of local talent! Here are the intended lineups for the remainder of this Summer:

BOSTON PIZZA - Marc Muir and Rodney Rivette Acoustic Rock (July 10th AND August 7th), Tommy "The Heater" Heatley Acoustic Rock (July 24th) and Twisted Kilt Celtic Rock (August 21st) SHOELESS JOE'S LINE-UP was not available at press time - please visit their website on Facebook for more information. FANTASY REALM had a special guest visitor on June 28th, comic book artist Geof Isherwood. Geof has worked on many comic books over the years and he dropped by the store to sign autographs during the Captain Canuck promo to celebrate Canada Day. If you did not stop by to pick up your FREE Captain Canuck comic book, stop by Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Street) this week. It was great to see so many people celebrating our nation's pride on Canada Day! Thumbs up to the organizers once again this year for keeping everyone happy, both adults & kids alike with the many activities planned during the day up to the fireworks finale. A THANK YOU GOES OUT TO DEREK FROM EXOTIC LIMO SERVICES for the great service he provided to a bunch of my friends and I. We took a limousine to see Lady Gaga in concert in Montreal and the service was, as usual, courteous and professional and we arrived safely and in style.



This Summer is shaping up to be a busy time with the many Patio concert series taking place. We recently got the chance to check out Kelsey's (featuring Spare Partz shown here) and Boston Pizza (featuring Graham Greer & Steph).

KELSEY'S - Melanie Brulee (July 17th), Jaymze Hawley (July 31st), Alison Wonderland Band (August 14th) and Tyler Kealey & The Dharma Initiative (August 28th).


with Carol Grant

by Tish Gibbs If you like bird watching, turtle gazing, or tree and plant identification, then Point Pelee is the place for you! Having said for years that we must visit this place, I can now say “I’ve been there!” About a month ago we made the long drive to Wheatley Provincial Park to camp. This park is a treasure, and it was there that we saw Painted Turtles, an American Woodcock, and a Red Bellied Woodpecker. From this park you only have a short drive to Point Pelee. The boardwalk at the Point is long and winds through a huge marsh full of wildlife. We saw Black Backed Gulls, a Least Bittern, and even a Map turtle, much to my delight! A visit to Pelee Island really topped it off where we cycled to a conservation area and saw a large Fox snake 30 feet up in a tree, raiding a Downy Woodpecker nest. This snake is rare enough that our consensus was this: it’s natural for snakes to feed on baby birds and these birds are common, so the sight

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 18

of the squawking parent birds did not bother us too much. And I’ll tell you that seeing a baby “Walking Stick” was quite a thrill for me since it brought back memories of the only other Walking Stick I have ever seen, as a kid, north of Toronto, while out walking with my parents. This one was a lime green colour, walking its tiny body up my arm as I almost shrieked with delight. Now that we have our beautiful summer weather it’s so relaxing to spend some time outdoors enjoying nature. All you have to do is be willing to get off the beaten track, to look and listen, to stop the inner voice that says “I must…” or ”I’d like to but I have to……”and then take the time to enjoy what is out there. What always gives me a very reassuring feeling is knowing that just beyond the city, just in the next field, or in that woodlot or hedgerow, birds, insects, and animals of all sorts are going about their business of surviving.

CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



FRAMED CLASSIFIED: Up to 25 words and a picture - $9.99 plus hst

To place your classified call 613-935-3763 ext. 2 Deadlines noon on Tuesdays

FOR SALE: 2 complete Bedroom sets, one spanish ($100), one modern ($500 obo) Queen size beds. Call 613-330-4626

FOR SALE: Whirlpool self cleaning stove - coil elements - used for only 6 months. Excellent condition. $375. Call 613-362-5700.

FOR SALE: Art work - Yachts of the America's cup by Tim Thompson, special edition, framed $75.00 each, 31” X 25”. (The J class, The Schooner, The Big Racing Cutters) 613-936-6873.


FOR SALE: 3 old cash registers, National and from Eatons, must see, Call 613-933-2028.

FOR SALE: Vertical blinds, approx 78” wide and 84” long - dusty pink in excellent condition, hardware included - $45. Call 613-362-5700. FOR SALE: One director chair $10, 613-933-2028.

FOR SALE: 1 small fish aquarium, completely equipped, $20, call 613-933-2028.

FOR SALE: Nearly new Forest 1700 - 4 wheel scooter with basket and charger. Forest green in colour. Paid $3,200, asking $1,500 obo. Call 613-543-4229.

FOR SALE: Exercise bicycle, 1988 Oldsmobile and an Electric base in a case. Also LOOKING FOR: an upright freezer or tub. Call Bert at 612-932-7045.

FOR SALE: Craftsman 10” radial arm saw with stand, asking $200. Call 613-932-2098. canopy, very clean, a must see! Asking $12,900 OBO. Call 613-931-2098.

FOR SALE: BBQ Grill $10 like new, double quilted bedspread, paid $150, asking $40. Stainless stell RCA mike, like new, $40. Call 613-936-9399.

FOR SALE: One doll cradle $20, One dishwasher, good condition, Moffat made - $75. Call 613-933-2028.


June 4, 2014


for $727

Seeker Special • 7 - 1/4 page ads • (4.75” x 6.75”) • Regular price $868 - for the month of June only $727 savings of $141 • Send in your ad Camera ready or we can design it for you! • The 7 ads can be used at any time during the year.

WEEKLY GARAGE SALE Every Saturday - 8am to 3 pm weather permitting - 234 Yates behind Crane - take 4th W. from Cumberland

Something for Everyone!

GARAGE YARD SALE Saturday, July 5th and Sunday, July 6th 155 Ottawa Street, Morrisburg

LARGE YARD SALE Saturday, July 5th and Sunday, July 6th 18810 Glen Road, Williamstown, off Boundary - follow signs for more info call 613-932-8696


THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 19

Don’t miss

Don’t miss this special this special Call Today! Call Today!

613-935-3763 Mai-Liis ext. 102 Julia ext. 101

613-935-3763 Mary-Rose Mai-Liis ext.ext. 108 102 Julia ext. 101

email: info@theseeker.ca

email:www.theseeker.ca info@theseeker.ca www.theseeker.ca

Advertise with the Seeker where you “Get Seen, Not Lost”!

Advertise with the SEEKER where you WILL BE SEEN - NOT LOST!

FOR SALE: 27ft Terry Fleetwood 5th Wheel trailer with slide out. 2 year old canopy, very clean, a must see! Asking $12,900 OBO. Call 613-931-2098.

BUSINESS ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 1 www.theseeker.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 5 Issue 26 - July 4 - pg. 20 BUSINESS ADS 613-935-3763 ext 1


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