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Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r

Volume 6 Issue 12 March 27, 2015

Desgroseillier family celebrate 25 Years of owning La Maison

Also in The SEEKER this w eek SW INGING

B' S



Photo by: Jason Setnyk Story on page 5


Co r n w al l Sp eed w ay Ban q u et

Co m m u n i t y CLEA N-UP Hel p er s



OPEN HOUSE * OPEN HOUSE Clean, bright spacious 4 bedroom/ 2bath home in upscale Rosedale. Detached double garage. Immediate possession possible!

Open House

1 1 to 3 PM, Sunday 29 March 3441 Sunnyview



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper



613-935-3763 Classifieds: ext 2 Sales: ext 1 Editor (Julia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL

info@theseeker.ca www.theseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm

Don't be lazy

From the De sk of the Editor

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

As you know, the Seekers Choice Awards are coming up really fast. In the past years, we have asked people to nominate who they thought should win, and then followed this nomination period with a voting period, where all nominees were listed and could be selected. Anybody could nominate and be nominated in the various categories. This was very popular and last year, more than 1000 nominations came in. However, this system was flawed in the fact that it didn't help us select who was really deserving of the award or letting us know more about the business or person nominated. In essence, it was a popularity contest. This year, we made things a little different. In order to nominate, readers needed to write a paragraph stating why they thought the nominee should get an award. This little extra step has seemingly turned off a lot of people and only 77 nominations came in to date. Furthermore, as opposed to having provided a name in all 10 categories, more often than not, only one category was filled. That leaves us with a very narrow list. Have we become really that lazy?

Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Call 613-935-3763

Monday, April 13 - 5-7pm

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at LOLA'S PUB & GRUB This event is pay for your own Become a business Seeker before the end of March for

I always say it: technology is great. It has simplified our e C ome o n D o n't b lives immensely. The world is a better place for it. But has o v e r ... sh y! it created a generation of people who need things to be oversimplified in order to accomplish anything? Has it dumbed us (10 month membership yearly $95) down? Are we incapable of formulating a thought? Sure, we can visit www.theseeker.ca for details absorb a wealth of information, but when it's time to share that info, are we not able to do so if it implies doing more than just clicking a "like" or a "share" button? Are we really that passive and attention deficient ?


There are so many great people in this community. They are hardworking people who do everything they can to go the extra mile to help out others, or provide an excellent service, or entertain a crowd. They deserve more than the second it takes to click like or share. They deserve your nominations and unless you take 5 minutes to explain why you think they should be considered, they won't make it. Go to our website now. Don't put it off till tomorrow. I am certain you know at least one person who really should be considered, be it a volunteer, an artist or a business owner. Be a Seeker: bring out the gems of our community to light. "Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking. " -Albert Einstein

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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nt e d by The Se e ke r

Letters to the Editor It was with great dismay reading your editorial regarding TAG Cornwall.

Cornwall Lions celebrate 75 years of service

TAG has been in the community for 30 years now. It is stable and certain disclosures were not made by its author who you do not identify. As a gallery we have faced many challenges historically, and will do so in the future like any charity that is run by a volunteer board. Change is the norm; not the rarity. Why was the relationship between The Seeker partners and Focus Art not disclosed? We have seen some disturbing comments from some Focus Art members against the gallery. Your editorial throws blind accusations without any real proof of any wrong doing. Why is that? You point out that a lot of "hearsay" is floating around, but isn't that exactly what your editorial is doing?

We have seen both the Art Council and our only public gallery facing funding issues with the city. Surely a newspaper that claims to focus on positive news begs the question of why such TMZ like negative gossip about one of the foundations of Art for Cornwall? Finally it seems that you suggest to terminate TAG in your last paragraph. We live in a community where instead of saving our institutions and land marks we bulldoze or burn them. TAG is not going anywhere. We have been home to the Arts in Cornwall now for 30 years. It's time for the Arts community to pull together more than ever. It's time for petty politics to be put aside and focus on art. Jamie Gilcig - VP Communications per TAG Cornwall

River Kings even series CORNWALL ? On a night the River Kings honoured their team captain, Steve Simoes scored a huge third-period goal to lift Cornwall to a 5-1 victory over Sorel. With the win, the River Kings evened the best-of-seven series at 2-2 in front of 1,285 fans at the Civic Complex. The series concludes next weekend. Series Schedule Game 5: Friday, March 27 at Sorel, 8 p.m. Game 6: Saturday, March 28 at Cornwall, 7:30 p.m. Game 7: x-Sunday, March 29 at Sorel, 4 p.m. x-If necessary

Last Saturday night, the Cornwall Lions Club held a terrific banquet at the Best Western Parkway Inn in celebration of their 75th year in service. Guests from all 41 South Clubs, many dressed up in 1940?s attire to commemorate the early beginnings of the club, enjoyed a wonderful meal and were entertained by a Frank Sinatra impersonator, Michael Mirand. The Governor, the 1st VDG and PDGs, Region and Zone Chairs were also in attendance. Letters from the Governor General of Canada, The Prime Minister of Canada, The Premier of Ontario, our Member of Parliament and Member of Provincial Parliament were read to the public. The event also honoured a couple of outstanding Lions, giving the Melvin Jones Fellowship award to Lion Ted Langstaff and the Helen Keller Award to Lion Paul Lefebvre. The Seeker would like to congratulate the Cornwall Lions for their outstanding achievement.

Logistics and Supply Chain Management students triumph at 2015 SCMA Case Competition Students from the inaugural year of the Logistics and Supply Chain Management program at St. Lawrence College?s Cornwall Campus demonstrated the strength of this new one-year post-diploma program by placing second at HEC Montreal and seventh overall in Canada at The Supply Chain Management Association?s (SCMA) 2015 Student Case Competition. The February 28, 2015 competition gave students an opportunity to showcase their talents to some of the industry?s top firms. Participants included Emma Budziarek, Sultan Kittaneh and Jim Sigg who were coached and mentored by Program Coordinator Carla Kingston.During the competition, teams studied a business case and presented their solutions to a panel of judges. Participants focused on resolving real-world strategic and tactical challenges through the examination of topics such as logistics, network design, procurement, relationship management and sustainability. Working in teams, the students explored a scenario pertaining to a supply chain problem. The teams then developed recommendations based on their research, data analysis and study of financial implications.

Cornwall City Councillor Bernadette Clement To Seek Federal Liberal Nomination for Stormont, Dundas South Glengarry Cornwall- Cornwall City councillor and lawyer Clement also highlighted the leadership of Bernadette Clement announced that she will Justin Trudeau and the change that he can bring seek the Liberal nomination to be the candidate about in Canadian politics. ?I?ve watched Mr. in the riding of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Trudeau close up during the party leadership in the upcoming federal election. In an address to contest where I moderated a number of debates. I a number of supporters gathered at the Best firmly believe that he has a genuine concern for Western Parkway Inn, Clement explained why she Canadians and is seeking the nomination. ?I cannot stand by as that he has the we prepare to decide the future of Canada in the ability to lead coming October 19, 2015 election. I?ve talked to our country with voters throughout the riding. They tell me they new policies want to see a government that truly brings people that will benefit together instead of dividing our country, and one all and not just a that addresses our needs, from infrastructure to select few. It is health care to the environment. They want a time for a government that has a plan, to actually deal with change of our problems so that our future can be full of direction.? opportunity,? added Clement, who has been involved extensively in the community of Cornwall and area in a number of groups The Seeker would like to thank and organizations. ?I feel I can help make a positive contribution as a real voice for Stormont, Dundas and South Glengarry in Parliament,? said Ms. Clement. Ms. our sponsor of honour, for their continued support!


You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

St. Patricks Fun and Frolics The ?Sw inging B?s? Squar e and Round Dance Club celebr ated St. Patr ick?s Day in gr and style, decked out w ith ?w ear 'in of the gr een? w ith 100 plus people fr om Cor nw all M ontr eal, Pr escott, M or r isbur g, W illiam sbur g, Pr escott, New Yor k State and m any points in-betw een. W hat better w ay to keep your joints loose and your m ind shar p that dancing aw ay an after noon and then enjoying an Ir ish Stew and desser ts pr epar ed by the ?Sw inging B?s? club m em ber s. From top left: Don Moger Square Dance caller, Jean & Don Clingin, Round dance cuers, forefront Louise Vachon and Doug Shannon

For info on the gr oup, call 613-932-7091



Jo se e

SAUVE The DISABILITY TAX CREDIT (DTC) is a non-refundable credit offered to disabled individuals or dependents that are disabled. In order to claim this credit, you must pay taxes. If your payable tax is zero, it will not produce a refund for you. Anyone can apply for the DTC and the list of accepted conditions which include Sleep Apnea, ADHD, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, MS, MD, and an endless list. When approved, if the physician who completes the application provides the date of diagnosis in the past, an individual could be looking at up to 10 years of tax dollar credits adding up to approximately $17,000. There are many companies out there who prey on the disabled by making it appear that you need a DTC ?Promoter? in order to get this credit. After years of these promoters taking up to 30% of individual?s credits, the CRA is finally putting a curb on these promoters by implementing the DTC Promoters Restrictions Act which will limit the maximum fee a promoter can charge for their services. Promoters will also claim that they can earn you up to $35,000 but that also involves investing the original $17,000. It doesn?t take a special promoter to apply for this credit ? all you have to do is complete your portion of the form and have the physician who is most familiar with your condition complete his portion. The process takes roughly 3 months. For a complete list of conditions that apply and for more information about the DTC, visit www.sauvetaxservices.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ by using some Crazy Carpets on the HUGE, snow hill that was located in their back yard. They had gone so fast down the icey hill that they went as far as half a football field away. It surely looked like they had a lot of Fun doing this outside activity together as I watched from the warm, kitchen door window. Much to their delight they came in to enjoy some ~Hot~ chocolate and some delicious ~Hot~ dogs, onion rings and some wedges for lunch, whilst watching ~Jack The Giant Slayer~ together. For a

M a rle ne


Hi There, Ho There to all of you wonderful and special people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. It's Cornwall and the S. D. & G. area's most positive and informative "REAL" paper which is read by 100's of people just like you. How was your March Break??? What did you do for the "Break" from the very, long and snow filled Winter season that we experienced this year? I do hope that you and your loved ones were able to manage to do something significant during the much anticipated March Break. Even, if you got to share some "Quality Time" together or by just doing something different to get away from your every day routines. WELCOME TO SPRING!!! It is here...really it is (as of March 21st) but Maw Nature is taking her sweet time this year it seems. "They"(who ever "they" are..) do say, "If March comes in with a lion, that it will go out like a lamb." Here's to looking forward to sunnier and much warmer days in the near future. Don't forget to Check Out ~The Seeker~'s very own weather guy, ~Johnny Radar~ for the 5 day forecast each and every week. I had the most wonderful opportunity to visit with my eldest daughter, Melinda and her four beautiful and healthy children, Lincoln, Abigail, Sampson & wee William. It was a sunny week, but Boy, Oh Boy, those winds were wickedly cold and brisk to do much of anything outside. We did manage to have ourselves a whole lot of FUN, despite the frigid Spring temperatures that Mother Nature throw at us last week!!! My youngest son, Marcus was also visiting with Melinda and decided to take the two oldest grandkiddies (Lincoln & Abigail) outside to do some "body surfing"

family that ranged from nearly three, to nearly fifty five, we managed to enjoy all kinds of movies, documentaries and even some comedy shows together. On our last afternoon together, Marcus decided to make some Peanut butter cookies, during our time together. We all had pitched in, in some small way to help make this scrumptious activity happen. The cookies were golden brown and so large when they came out of the oven (they had spread out whilst baking) that we called them "Sharer Cookies." Because of being so BIG for one person to eat by themselves, one had to share half of it with someone else. We also decided (well, I did as I brought them with me) to play some "inside badminton" in the livingroom area. ( I know, I know that I'm a bad influence.. NOT! We wanted to have FUN... I am the Grandmother after

all!!!) The object of this game was to see how many times the two people who were playing could keep it in the air. Abigail & Marcus were the "Grand Winners," as they kept it going for 11 times in a row!!! All in all I had a most delightful and fun time with my family during March Break this year.

Tip of the Week: Here are (12) twelve steps to Self Care. 1. If it feels WRONG, Don't do it. 2. Say EXACTLY what you mean. 3. Don't be a "People Pleaser." 4. TRUST your Instincts. 5. NEVER speak Bad about yourself. 6. NEVER give up on your Dreams. 7. Don't be afraid to say, "NO!" 8. Don't be afraid to say, "YES!" 9. Be KIND to Yourself. 10. Let Go of what you can't Control. 11. Stay Away from Drama and Negativity. 12. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!!! SPRING Is Here and Here to stay for yet another fabulous year. It is TIME to get your "Fashions Sense" On, Ladies & Gents!!! It's TIME to check out the New Looks & Fashions for Spring 2015!!! You can check out the many different Canadian stores (like ~Giant Tiger~) with their Spring Fashions on display, take a look at the Spring/ Summer catalogs, or take a look at the many Spring Fashion Shows, or even check online to see what's ~HOT~ & New this season for ideas for yourselves to choose from. You can Mix & Match your "New items" with your "Old ones" to "Freshen Up" your wardrobes, if you have a certain budget to stick to. The many thrift stores like ~Value Village~, or the ~Salvation Army~ and even the ~Agape Centre~'s, ~New For You~ shop are all stocked up with New Spring clothes and footwear to suit all of your budgets and all of your Spring/ Summer wants and needs. You do know that by shopping at these stores not only are you saving money you are helping these non-profit organizations help those in our community who are much less fortunate then ourselves. Thank you in advance for helping people, any of whom may be your next door neighbour. I may just see you at the ~New For You~ shop or at ~Value Village~, shopping for my New Spring Wardrobe. Until Next Week: Please Pay It Forward. It's about Caring & Sharing. It's about Compassion & Kindness. It's about Generosity. It's about Sacrifice & LOVE. You Get what you Give. SO GIVE OFTEN & ABUNDANTLY!!! Please Check Out My New Photography Venture >>> PHOTO DREAMS <<< It is a part of ~CAPE~ (Cornwall & Area Pop Event) that is coming up SOON >>> April 18th 2015 <<< Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.com www.photodreams.ca

Desgroseillier family celebrate 25 Years of owning La Maison Article and Photos by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario -- The Trevor Walsh Band was in Cornwall on Saturday to help with the 25th Anniversary celebrations. "It's 25 years the family has owned the bar - starting with Gerry and now with Dan Desgroseilliers. It was great to see some of our past staff and customers come back to celebrate with us. I am sure people will love the new look and we invite everyone to be part of our next 25 years", says Rodney Rivette who's company Rock Star Productions manages entertainment at La Maison. It was a full house on Saturday for a fantastic concert. Music fans also got to see some new renovations to the stage including new lighting and a new sign on the stage. Congratulation to the owners of La Maision on twenty-five years of success.

Do you haveyour WEDDINGVIDEO bookedyet? If the answerisNO - Call usTODAYat 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 8 1 2

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




M a rie

M O RRELL Establishing a Filing System

To set up your filing system, scour the house and collect all the family paperwork. Look for these types of documents. It also gives you an idea for categories and subcategories:

Manual/ Electronic

- Automobile: Car titles, automobile insurance

Part 2 of 5

policies, car repair records, tire warranties, owners' manuals and car loan documents.

Finding The Filing Systems That Works Best For You

- Banking: Bank statements, cancelled checks, check

You have to find the system that works best for you. However the filing system that works the best in a home isalphabetical. With this system, you can find what you are looking for in a few seconds. By setting up your filing system alphabetically, anything you are looking for can only be in one or two places, three at the most when using the name of a person in your family.

For example, if you need the manual for a printer, it will be filed under "O" for Office Equipment or '' H'' Household inventory; then place the manual in a manila folder called "Printer." That's it. You file all the information about a person in your family under their first name, then file the information as previously mention .

Warning: Too many categories may cause confusion and defeat the purpose. So, keep the number of categories to a maximum of 3.

Planning - Phase 1 To implement a truly effective filing system, you need to start with a plan. Simply slapping a label on a folder won?t cut it.

registers, safe deposit box numbers and keys, money market accounts and certificates of deposit.

- Bills and loans: Credit card statements, receipts from utilities, cable and phone companies, bank debit cards, loan documents, furniture loans and department store accounts.

- Health and healthcare: Medical records, doctor and dentist information, prescription receipts, medical bills, health insurance policies, insurance handbooks and insurance cards.

- Housing: Mortgage statements or rent receipts, house title, property appraisals, floor plans, deeds, home inspections, land surveys, title insurance policies and property tax assessments.

- Household items: User manual, warranties, receipt of purchase, information on service providers, anything expansive for insurance purposes, meaning Valuables: Appraisals, inventories (photographs of art, antiques, jewellery, rare books, silver, china or crystal).

- Insurance: Insurance policies, policy amendments and declarations sub-categories) .




- Legal: Marriage certificates, birth certificates and

upright in the filing cabinet drawer or a banker box.

adoption papers, estate files and wills, powers of attorney, medical powers of attorney (living wills), military service and discharge papers, security clearances, passport, proof of citizenship and Social Security cards.

- hanging folders coloured tabs - not too dark


For supplies will need :

- several hanging folders - a must to keep files

otherwise you will not be able to see what is written

- manila or coloured folders. If you use color folders you will need sticky labels because once you write the name of a file on dark colour paper it can be very hard to see. Gathering Paperwork and Records

Retirement: Pension documents, Individual Retirement Accounts, Social Security information and annuities.

If you have any other questions that you would like answered, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolution.com

Cornwall Motor Speedway Banquet The Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay Annual Banquet w as held on Satur day, M ar ch 21st to honour w inner s fr om the 2014 r acing season. Seen her e ar e the Cham pions w ith tr ack ow ner Ray Laver gne. left to r ight Junior Delor m ier ( Sem i Pr o) Chr is Jam es (M ini Stocks) Ray Laver gne Dave Bissonnette (Pr o Stocks) Cor ey W heeler (Spor tsm an) Car ey Ter r ance (M odified)

Photos by Rick Young of www.Rickattheraces.ca Br ian M ulligan r eceives the M itch Jock M em or ial Tr ophy fr om the David Fam ily at the Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay Banquet held in Long Sault last Satur day night. For m or e Cor nw all M otor Speedw ay infor m ation visit: w w w.cor nw allspeedw ay.com /

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


dl y w ay, in a w ar m and fri en ish gl En ng ki ea sp n to impr ov e. Pr actice of the w ay w e lear rt pa e ar es ak ist ginning April 7. w here m pm to 8:00 pm be 30 6: om fr ts gh ni Tuesday ni ng. day and st art lear Si gn up for free to

SHIFTING GEARS A series of workshop facilitated by David Rawnsley & Lorna Foreman Engage in a transformational process that draws from your own journey, our journey and the journey of others and have a positive effect on you and your community. April 16, 23, 30 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Register for free now.

) el Book Club (1 8 + ov N ic ph ra G lt du A the ay of the month at

every third Thursd . New cl ub meeting beginning April 16 library at 7:00 pm ls to this ite?s gr ap hi c nove ur vo fa e im l-t al di vi dual Br ing one of your er y meeting and in ev c pi to w Ne g. inaugural meetin hers. c to shar e w ith ot pi cks for that topi ired. Regi st ration Requ

CHILDREN?S SPRING PROGRAMMING REGISTRATION The Library?s Youth and Children?s Services Spring Programming registration begins on March 20th. Sign up your child for one of our amazing spring programmes. Call the library or visit our website for more details. The programmes run from April 7 to June 13.


rds. Ente m up your keyb oa ar w s, er rit W ! in chance to Writ e! Submit! W May 1, 20 15 for a re fo be or on on or adul t gr oup. this year 's editi n. Enter the teen tio fic or ry et po s receiv e a w in in ei ther ot s. Al l parti ci pant sp p to r fo d de ar Pr izes aw g Reveal held June n at tending the Bi he w e iz pr ry to pa parti ci and forms on pm. Cont est rules 16 , 20 15 at 7:00 w al l.on.ca w w w .li br ar y.corn

Ready This Spring Get Your Garden 7:00 p.m.

20 15 at Thur sday, Ap ril 2, & Garden of Mar lin Or char ds n na Lu e an Di m s fro . Si gn up at Lear n tip s and tri ck for op timal results en rd ga g in ep sle your e. Cent er to aw aken one. Li mited spac the lib rary or by ph

CPR TRAINING Learn how to perform CPR on adults and receive your certification. 2-hour class provided by Cornwall EMS instructors. Monday, April 13 OR Monday, May 11, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. This training is provided free of charge for individuals only, no groups. You must be 16 years old or more. Registration is mandatory.

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you all that ..... ADVERTISING in The SEEKER is NOT an Expense ... It's AN INVESTM ENT so call her at 613-935-3763

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Our C O M M U N I T Y




TEEN DANCE GRADE 7&8, by Club Octagon at La Citadelle HS 6:30 -9:30 pm. Student ID Required.

Bake Sale 9am at the Giant Tiger. The ladies? from the Greek Community would like to invite everyone Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Mar. 26, 27 & 28 for a fundraiser bake sale inside the Giant Tiger (609 Pitt St, Cornwall) from 9am until closing time. All money will go towards the Cornwall Community Hospital. Everyone Welcome! Woodsmoke Bluegrass Jamboree 7pm at NAV CENTRE Theatre. Weekend of fantastic live music, March 27 & 28, NAV CENTRE Theatre, Cornwall, 7pm. Details: www.sites.google.com/ site/ woodsmokebluegrass Encounter Jesus Rally With Inspirational Speaker Ralph Martin From March 27, 2015 to March 28, 2015 from 7 pm to 9 pm. Saturday, March 28th from 9 am to 12 noon. Agora Catholic Center, 301 McConnell Ave. Admission: 15$Mental Health Matters Fundraiser 6:30 pm, silent auction opens at 7 pm. Knights of Columbus Hall, 205 Amelia St. Admission: 10$. Entertainment, food & beverages, 50/ 50 draw.Business Seekers Breakfast Meeting at the Best Western Parkway Inn. 7:45 AM. Round Table: How can we move Cornwall Forward. Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org



SATURDAY Mellowkotzen and The Tracy Lalonde Band @ Lola's



Ballroom and Round dancing starting on Monday March 30th at 6:30 at the Charles Emile Claude Centre, 146 Chevrier Street, Cornwall,.Contact Marc or Lucie for futher information 613-933-5524 or email goldwings@cogeco.ca You can also visit our website wwwcornwallcarousels.ca Bishop Cup. The annual rivalry is renewed. Get a center ice seat for exciting high school hockey as the Saint Joseph Panthers take on the Holy Trinity Falcons for the Bishop Cup, Monday, March 30th at 6:30 pm live from the Ed Lumley arena. Church Alive Series Monday evenings until March 30th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm during Lent. Blessed Sacrament Parish, 321 Tollgate Rd. E.





St. Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran Church Easter Celebrations Palm Sunday March 29th at 10:30 am, Good Friday April 3rd at 3 pm, Easter Sunday April 5th at 10:30 am. 1509 2nd St. W. Palm Sunday Easter drama 10:30am Sunday at 10:30am780 Sydney St. Cornwall Worship and the Word @ Fountaingate Christian Assembly with Pastor Brad Montsion. 10:30 949 Mohawk Drive Master Sha Workshop - Love, Peace, Harmony Movement 1-4pm Trinity Anglican Church


Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gathering Place" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends. " EVERYONE IS WELCOME"



Forty Fingers Blues & Rock Party at La Maison Rotary Pancake Day








Corus Caring Hearts RadioThon COGECO Business Solutions is pleased to support the Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon live on BOOM 101.9 ? FRESH RADIO 104.5 & simulcast on TVCOGECO. On Thursday, April 2nd from 6 am - 7 pm call the COGECO Business Solutions Hotline at 613.935.7762 and help support the Cornwall Hospital Foundation Chemotherapy Program.




Good Friday Fish & Chips Dinner the Royal Canadian Legion 415 2nd St. W. Music with Brian Graham from 4 pm to 10 pm. Serving Fish & Chips: 9.50$ & clam chowder: 5$. Retro Dance Party La Maison Tavern Combined Good Friday, Worship and Communion Service 10:30am 7:00pmAultsville Theatre COMMUNITY BOARD Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org


Apr il Fool s! THURSDAY

A Night of Remembrance Thursday, April 2nd at 7 pm. 1st Baptist Church, 310 York St. An evening of song, drama, reflection, & tasting the elements of Passover as we prepare our hearts for Good Friday.

Websi te need updati ng?

It's time for the


C eleb r at ing 5 year s in Business! Nominate your favourite businesses, artists, athletes and volunteers today! They could win the coveted SEEKERS CHOICE! Visit www.theseeker.ca and click on the award to nominate! Winners to be revealed at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club

Friday, June 19th

6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1

D on't

M iss it !

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



M ovewith the Beat - A tasteof Circusde Soleil Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk Cornwall Ontario -- On Saturday March 21st Cornwall dance lovers enjoyed "Move With The Beat" at Aultsville Theatre.

Join us

SATURDAY, March2 8 - 9 pm

EN & for MELLOWKOTZ e Band The Tracy Lalond

Megan Wegg, who toured with Circus de Soleil, is the manager and director of "Move with the Beat" which combines dance and acrobatics. There were many children participating, adorned in colourful costumes. Each of the performances were judged and critical feedback was given to all the participants. One of the judges was Miles Faber, who was the runner up on So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 1. "I think the most important thing for novice competitors is to have fun while they learn", said Wegg. About a hundred and fifty dancers participated from various dance companies including two Cornwall area schools: BCDC and Powell School of Dance. According to Wegg "Move With the Beat" will return to Cornwall next spring.

tario?s premiere "We?re Oshawa, On for oup, pl aying jazz al ternat ive jazz gr ". zz t they di dn't like ja people who though

19 + Doors 9pm - $5 - , Cornwall, Ontario K6 J reet Lola's - 61 6 Pi tt St

IF IT AIN'T HERE... IT AIN'THAPPENING! So p l ace yo u r EVENT AD TODAY! cal l M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t . 1 0 2 THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Sha ry n

THO M PSO N Both Marthe and Dawn shop each week in my store, Sharyn's Pantry. Dawn brought me in a recipe she had placed in the Glengarry News in her column 'the Green Valley-Glen Nevis News, back in the eighties. The recipe is for a lovely applesauce fruit drop cookie. She made it especially at Christmas. But I think a good fruit drop

FRI ENDS SHA RI NG cookie is good to eat anytime of year. I will be making it once Lent is over. Marthe shared with me her recipe for an all-purpose cleaner. It uses only a few ingredients. We carry the borax and peppermint essential oil needed at my store. Thanks Dawn and Marthe for caring and sharing. Enjoy a great week!

DAWN'S APPLESAUCE FRUIT DROP COOKIES These are a soft cake-like cookie. They store well. You can freeze them if you like.



1 tbsp. borax (we carry this at Sharyn's Pantry)

1/ 2 cup Crisco shortening (at room temperature) 1 cup white sugar 1 egg 2 cups all purpose flour 1- 1/ 2 tsp. ground cinnamon 1/ 2 tsp. ground cloves 1/ 2 tsp. ground nutmeg 1/ 2 tsp. ground allspice 1 tsp. baking soda 1 tsp. fine salt 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 cup raisins (Thompson or sultana) 1 cup glace mixed fruit 1/ 4 cup chopped walnuts or pecans

3 tbsp. white vinegar


SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years.

- Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. (or 325 degrees F. if convection bake) - In a large bowl, cream together the shortening, sugar and egg. - Whisk or sift the dry ingredients into the creamed mixture a little at a time. Mix well to combine. Add the applesauce with the last addition of dry ingredients. Mix well. -Lastly add the raisins, glace mixed fruit and nuts. Mix well to combine thoroughly. - Drop the cookies onto greased or parchment lined baking sheets. -Bake the cookies for about 12 to 15 minutes. Yield about 5 dozen cookies. - Place the cooled cookies in tins with waxed paper in between layers, and they will keep almost indefinetly. ENJOY!

Mix together in a spray bottle, then shake well:

2 cups of water Now add to this 1 tbsp. liquid dish soap and shake well to combine. Add 1 drop of essential peppermint oil for a nice fragrance. ENJOY! (Note we also carry other essential oils which would be nice to add instead: e.g. grapefruit, lavender, tangerine, orange, lime or lemon.)

OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998

Local Entrepreneur and Educator Officially Becomes Second Nomination Candidate Approved by Liberal Party of Canada Member of Parliament.? For the past two months Kalsi has been travelling across SDSG attending various community events and listening to what residents want to see in a candidate and their Member of Parliament. He proudly promotes the pillars of his nomination campaign: Community, Collaboration and Country. All three of these pillars have one common theme: unity. [Cornwall, Ontario] ? The Corey Kalsi Nomination Campaign Team is pleased to announce that on March 10th, 2015, Kalsi was officially ?green-lit? by the Liberal Party of Canada as a nomination contestant for the riding of Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry. Kalsi becomes the second contestant in the yet to be called nomination race. ?Since my announcement to seek the nomination on January 21st, I have been touched by the outpouring of support and well wishes from across our riding. This community is the focal point of my campaign and the core of why I want to represent you as our next

?When I speak of unity, I?m referring to the unity of all regions of our community, coming together to work for a common cause. There is a need to create a strong and sustaining economic system that encourages our youth to stay in this area. As I continue my travels, I will further promote this spirit of collaboration for the betterment of SDSG.? For further information on the campaign or to join the team, please contact us at: elect@coreykalsi.ca. ?Together, we can be a strong voice for Stormont-Dundas-South

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



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TRO TTIER WATER NEEDS OUR LOVE AND GRATITUDE by Countess Trottier/ Trotzier As prophesied by the Wise Ancient Mayan, an awakening is taking place all around the world. The Ancient Mayans, as well as many other Indigenous Peoples, have known that the Winter Solstice time period of December 21, 2012, was the beginning of the end of patriarchal controls and their 6,000 years of violent wars, hatreds, slavery, illusions, imbalances between the feminine and masculine energies. During the Winter Solstice of 12/ 21/ 2012, the Sun aligned withPlanet Earth and with the Center of the Galactic Milky Way. This happens every 26,000 years causing a completion of one cycle and the beginning of another cycle.

Throughout the World during the 12/ 21/ 2012 Winter Solsticemillions of Individuals participated in ushering in the great beginning of our NEW ERA OF FLOWERS, AETYR ENERGY, SERENITY, AND AT LONG LAST AWORLD IN BALANCE WITH THE FEMININE AND MASCULINE ENERGIES CO-CREATING A WONDERFULL WORLD FOR ALL HUMANS ANDFOR ALL CREATIONS IN NATURE ... INCLUDINGTHE CLEANING OFEARTH'S WATERS. As the Mayan Elders prophesied a spiritual mind-set would begin and from manysmall beginnings of Individuals wanting to clean up the world and the world's water, this year thousands and thousands of people joined in prayers to reinforce the positive and loving energies on Planet Earth and to bring forth

unpolluted, undiseased waters. This has taken all important very doistonature, itthat for you place this weekend, that just went by, during the can to clean up the beaches and the waters; also Spring Equinox of March 20,21,22, 2015. to gently "poke" those people who cause the pollution andtoxic wastes which harm our People worldwide are becoming very caring waters and our Earth Home. because of a new awareness and feelings of self-power. There exists today such growing In Cornwall, we are so fortunate to have a love and compassion for each other in every part marvelous St. Lawrence River! You are each of the world. WE THE PEOPLEare ascending into encouraged to show your appreciation of this a higher level of consciousness.Some like to beautyfull water ... which has been running refer to themselves asbeing an Indigo Child, a along for miles and miles and miles.....and for Rainbow Child, a Star Child! Each one is free to thousands of years .... maybe a million plus! This discover who they are! water held all kinds of activewater life ... perch, pikes, sturgeons, sunfish ... and so much more. And there was one man, a wonderfull Japanese WETHE PEOPLE OF THE NEW ERA OF FLOWERS ... man, who started to examine our Greatest OF A WORLD IN BALANCE ... HAVE Friend: the Water. His name isDr. Masaru Emoto THEMIND-POWER AND THE LOVE TO (b.1943; d.2014) and he has written several TRANSFORM THIS WATERWAY AND ALL OTHERS books detailing his studies and findings on FROM BEING FULL OF ALGAE AND POLLUTION TO water, and because of him especially, a PRISTINE MOVING BEAUTIES.WE THE PEOPLE worldwide movement has taken place where CAN SUCCEED! celebrations and sacred gatherings are taking place to manifest: Clean Waters Again! In one experiment, Dr. Emoto had a group of students form around some glasses of water. He had them think of the great love they had for the water before them and to send the water thoughts of gratitude. This water was then later analyzed. He also arranged to have the same group of students concentrate on another set of glasses of water before them but this time to feel only hate and bitterness for it. This water was also analyzed. The result was in the crystallisation that water forms. In the love and gratitude state the crystallisations of the water were immaculately designed crystals and of such beauty! While in the hate and bitterness state the water looked deranged, imbalanced, and yes topsy turvy! It has since then been proven by White Russian scientists that water can actually feel and retain memories of experiences. This wisdom we are learning today about water should help each one of you who feels compassion and kin~love for humanity and

Please take time to visit: www.childrenofthesun.org. Google: 12/ 21/ 2012 Mayan Elders prophecies Dr. Masaru Emoto lovewater 2015 video worldwide didgeridoo The Seeker would like to thank


our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can them at tante.jm2013@gmail.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Ro se

DESNO YERS MEMBERS?MEETING April 1 The visual arts have long been the solitary sister in the art family. Visual art is performed alone in the studio and then brought forward and shared upon completion. It is at this time that the critique begins and the artist moves away and allows the work to stand on its own. Times have changed.

Contemporary art adds an element of performance in many ways, inviting action and audience participation. In the 1960?s active art broke the barriers of traditional art in such a way that visual art became entertainment.

Art Battle is a manifestation of visual art, performance and audience participation. This activity, for the very private studio dwellers, is a threatening venue. But like the moth drawn to the flame the artist can?t help but want to know more about it. For this very reason and because an actual Art Battle is planned in May at the Social on Sydney, Focus Art has planned a mock art battle in the comfort zone of our April 1 ?meeting?. Members will set up a mock art battle and give each other the ?fun ? of experimenting the event. We shall be both audience and performers. A canvas and acrylic paint will be furnished. Members should bring their own brushes (for acrylics) and wear paint clothes. Bring munchies if you like and of course your ideas. Visit: Artbattle.ca

See you April 1 at 7 pm Centre Charles-Émile Claude

Artists need bring their ideas, art material, a table covering and a lunch. Please register that we may organize adequate space. rosedesn@cogeco.ca Looking forward to seeing many of you.

APPLES AND ARTS Studio Tour: Don?t forget that if you plan to be part of the Apples and Art Studio Tour you must register by March 28, 2015. Application is on the website. Jacqueline Milner is offering to help with taking pictures of your work. Small workshop, maximum 6 participants per workshop to go over best practices for photographing artwork. Whether it is 2-d work, sculptural or under glass. This will be available to 2015 Apples & Arts participants only. We will discuss best practices, equipment needed, (participants need to bring their cameras, tripod if available, fully charged batteries and a memory card with space to take photographs in the studio) Participants not intimately familiar with their camera, please bring your camera manual. Discuss cropping and resizing of images ready for web use. Saving files to your computer and how to retrieve files from your computer is a prerequisite. Date for workshop (I can host with minimum of 4 participants.) Saturday, April 11, 10 ? 12 Price per workshop, to be paid in advance to reserve spot, is $20.00 incl. tax Interested parties can e-mail their interest jacqueline@image-inephotography.com I will then e-mail a Paypal invoice which they can pay online. Once a spot has been reserved and paid, it is non-refundable. SHARING HAPPINESS: Tracy-Lynn Chisholm, member of Focus Art, is well known for the friendly whimsical art that attracts your eye at every fair, public place and exhibition in the area. She is sharing this happy style with students wanting to take her course on April 11 from 1 to 5. Interested? Reach her at obostudios@hotmail.com for more details.

PAINT-IN: Our previous paint date March 5 was so popular that we are repeating the get together. Once again we meet at OPG (Ontario Power Generating) Visitors?Centre at 2500 Second Street West. Saturday, April 25, from 10 am to 2:30.


T-Shirts are now available in many colour combinations! Get yours today! Visit http:/ / focusartonline.org to order THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY

Winter time brings all sorts of accidents, from slips and falls to more serious Motor Vehicle Accidents. Diane Fry, PT, B.Sc.P.T., MCPA, and Colin Jeeves, PTA,B.Sc.P.T. (Ret) have been treating patients for many years and their combined experience has helped many achieve excellent long term results. Often cost is a limiting factor for those who do not have extended health insurance or it can be very limited for those that do. Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy offers very competitive rates which can add up to considerable savings and more treatments over the length of your treatment plan. Initial assessments are $50.00, while follow-up treatment sessions are $39.00 and $32.00 for seniors. For many extended insurance plans we can bill directly online on your behalf.

claim initiated with your insurance provider we can take care of the rest. Call us to book an initial assessment. In this session your Registered Physiotherapist will assess your injuries, discuss with you a treatment plan and collect all the necessary information to complete the appropriate MVA insurance forms. In most cases treatment is also initiated at this time and follow-up appointments will be made, taking your schedule into consideration. We take care of the billing process. As with all our clients, our objective is to use all of our available resources to get you better as quickly as possible. Cornwall Regional Physiotherapy, 1217, Second Street West 613-935-7018 ?Physiotherapy that starts at the door and follows you home?.

How do you proceed if your injuries are related to a Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA)? First inform your car insurance provider of the accident and any injuries that you have sustained. Regardless of who was at fault for the accident, your insurance provider is responsible for making health and rehabilitation services available to you. Once you have a health

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Michelle Gauthier Personal Training Holistic Weight Loss / Nutrition 613-360-9331

55 call 6 13 -9 3 3 -9 0 f or

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"SP EC IAL d a y" t he of Come in for M AM A'SSp e c ial FISHN' CHIP FRIDAY please note we close 7pm on Thursdays








THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca




Ca ro l

G RANT Shown here are Abigail, Xavier and Denise Frey who spend an afternoon picking up garbage this week along much of Second Street. Awesome to see them doing such a positive thing to better our community!

Author James K. Moran was at Fantasy Realm last weekend to promote hisdebut horror novel, Town & Train which was published by Lethe Press in November 2014. In the novel, seventeen-year-old John Daniel wakes by the railroad tracks with no recollection of how he got there. Soon, he and police officer David Forester suspect a pervasive and menacing collusion in their small Ontario border town when an antique steam train arrives late in the night.

ONLY A FEW DA YS TO NOM I NA TE! It's time for the


C eleb r at ing 5 year sin Business! Visit www.theseeker.ca and click on the award to nominate your favourite businesses, artists, athletes and volunteers today! ! Winners toberevealed - Cornwall Golf& Country ClubFriday, June19

Moran?s fiction and poetry have appeared in Canadian, American and British publications, including Chase the Moon, Glitterwolf: Halloween, Icarus, On Spec, Postscripts to Darkness 3, The Fourth Science Fiction Megapack and The Rolling Darkness Revue. He grew up in Cornwall and features many local landmarks in his novel. If you missed his appearance last weekend, there's still a chance to visit his booth at Cornwall & Area Pop Event CAPE on April 18that the Benson Centre where he will be selling more novels and autographing them as well.

DO NOT MISS - THIS SATURDAY St. LawrenceCollegerollsout the RedCarpetfor OpenHouse Spring Open House SLC Cornwall Campus Saturday, March 28, 2015 - 9:00am ? noon Registration is not required for this public event. St. Lawrence College offers over 85 full-time programs on our three campuses, including Fast-Track delivery, graduate certificates and four-year degrees. Our International partnerships and articulation agreements mean you can take your SLC education further with opportunities in Australia, Barbados, Ireland, the US, and more. Tour our state-of-the-art learning facilities, modern residences with a picturesque view of the St. Lawrence River, learn about our extensive campus life features, athletic opportunities, and so much more. Staff and students will be on hand to answer questions about our full-time programs, including numerous online learning opportunities. On the heels of the successful, The Difference We Make campaign, a myriad of bursaries are available for students at the Cornwall campus. New this year is The Joyce Foundation Ed Lumley bursary, available to entrance students who are applying directly out of high school or have been out of high school no longer theone year. Applicants must reside in the three communities and counties surrounding St. Lawrence College?s campuses. Click for more details and to apply. Have a penchant for technology? Have you considered the Game Development Program? Our faculty will be demonstrating 3D simulation programs. Considering a green career? Learn more about our Environmental Technician Program. You can bring e-waste items and deposit them in our collection bins at the college. Saturday is the final day or the E-Waste Challenge. With a graduate employment more than 88 per cent, well ahead of the provincial average of 83.4 per cent, SLC is the place to get ready for the life you love, according to St. Lawrence College president and CEO, Glenn Vollebregt. ?We?re really looking forward to showcasing what SLC has to offer at our Spring Open House events. Each of our three campuses has its own unique program offerings and learning environments, and we welcome all of our new incoming students to our College." Visit: www.stlawrencecollege.ca for more info.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



FOR SALE: Tasco pr o point r ed dot scope w ith r ings, asking $120. Hunting cover alls XL tr anscover cam o, asking $30. Golf balls - all differ ent m akes. Call Br ian 613-347-3091 FOR SALE: 3 colour TVs - One 32" JVC, One 20" Em er son and one 28" Citizen. All in good w or king or der, old style TVs. Best Offer s. 613-932-0917 FOR SALE: Player piano w ith honky tonk $300 OBO 613-932-1292


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613-932-4812 by Heather A. Robertson The sweetest feline whiskers you ever did see, that?s what! After nearly 6 months of searching for my treasured tabby, Rusty, who wandered off back in November, I decided it was time to acquire another cat. A few miserable days with the ?flu? made me realize that there needs to be a furry cuddler to keep you company when you?re sick. After a brief review of the local SPCA website (sdg@ospca.on.ca and www.sdg.ontariospca.ca) I accepted the fact that I needed to see these animals in person( you know what I mean!) A good friend accompanied me out of sympathy and likely to be sure I didn?t adopt a dozen. So many beautiful kittens put on a performance to attract our attention. One cutie kept reaching through the cage to stroke the attendant, while a jet black teenager spoke to us , came to the front of his cage then snuggled up to me when I held him. Meanwhile, this gorgeous chubby calico didn?t bother to even move from her little cabin. Who could resist this independent attitude? Obviously, not us! I had to sit down; we are talking about a cat who has not missed many meals! Her shelter name was Chloe; at six years old she might not get adopted whereas the kittens likely would. We agreed to ?reserve? her and it was arranged that she would visit the vet?s the following day. A shave exposed a scar, confirming she had been spayed in the past. A few minor treatments, a microchip inserted, $180 payment of adoption feescalico Cat and she was mine. Once home, she gave us a complete home inspection; she ignored food, water, and litter for two days. I invited family and friends to vote on a new name for her. She is a diluted calico; instead of white, orange and black, her colours are diluted to white, beige and charcoal grey. So? should she be Calico, or maybe Duster or Bunny because she kept investigating behind and under furniture which resulted in dust bunnies in her whiskers and ears? Also considered KC for Kitty Cat; Camiaow because of her colouring; Rochy, Pebbles,or Penny to poke fun at some family names! I couldn?t call her ?Whatzername? for long. Well, the new owner of our home is Kalico with a ?K? for pizzazz, and she already answers to Kali. She is sedate, a real chub, and very cuddly. Life is good.

Community Health Centre at the corner of Pitt and Fourth Streets .It?s like a treasure chest of fresh goodies with so many treats. There are 2 choices: the $10 box or the $15 box. We always get the larger one because we really enjoy the variety. Folks bring their own cloth reusable bags, and you?ll need 2 for each Green Box. The crew of volunteers are the cheeriest group you?ve ever dealt with, and everyone is so helpful. Besides the produce, which is local whenever possible, there are great recipes and tips about this month?s specials. This month the

box provided: marvellous carrots, cilantro, lettuce, potatoes, sweet potatoes, red peppers, an avocado, oranges, apples, cucumbers, a cabbage, bananas, lemons, broccoli, green onions, and celery (I think). At times, we have enjoyed parsnips, chard, mushrooms, asparagus, pears, spinach, clementines, beets, onions, radishes, and so much more. Very often the pick-up day coincides with a class called Cooking Out of The Box ( a free monthly program). There are samples available to try, and I have loved any dish offered. The soups and salads are especially delicious. Jessica McLeod is the Registered Dietician in charge, and you can enquire about these programs by calling 613-930-4892, ext 229. Try it, you?ll love it.

The Seeker would like to thank

WHAT?S UP? Cheers for fresh fruit and veggies, that?s what! For over a year now, our families have been enjoying the Green Food Box available every month from the Seaway Valley


our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can reach them at 613-870-2177

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

No uve lle s


Ne w s

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Contact us: 613-932-0210/ 1-877-234-1368 Email:info@eotb-cfeo.on.caVisit: www.eotb-cfeo.on.ca THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 12 - March 27 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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