Yo ur CO RNW A LL EVENTS a nd CO M M UNITY Ne w sp a p e r
Volume 6 Issue 14 April 10, 2015
6 4 0 pounds for Agape ... Curves "Feed the Need" food drive a success!
See page 10 for story M usi c Li neup f or JULY 25 - SA TURDA Y M A I N BA ND 9:30 K I SS SONI C BOOM 1:30-3:00pm Alison Wonderland
Buskers Dream
5:30 ? 7:00pm
Trench Town Oddities
7:30 ? 9:00pm
Front Row
Clean, bright spacious 4 bedroom/ 2bath home in upscale Rosedale. Detached double garage. Immediate possession possible!
Open House
1 1 to 3 PM, Sunday 29 March 3441 Sunnyview
Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper
613-935-3763 Classifieds: ext 2 Sales: ext 1 Editor (Julia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL
info@theseeker.ca www.theseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm
From the De sk of the Editor
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
The ink hadn't even dried up on our lift-off sponsorship contract when the news of the festival's cancellation reached our desk Tuesday morning. It was sad to hear. Cornwall was losing their signature event, at least for this year. Shortly after the announcement, gossip started buzzing. "Why is this happening? Where did the money go? And what will happen to the money Lift-Off received from the city this year? Is Ribfest next? Speaking of Ribfest, why don't they use Local People? Nobody in Cornwall benefits from Ribfest! Lift-Off is dead, now let's make sure we kill that other festival too!"
"Drink, Link and Think"
I'm exaggerating a little, but in good Cornwall fashion, the negativity kept coming. I can't speak about Lift-Off and how they ran their ship, but here is what I know about Ribfest.
RSVP to info@theseeker.ca or call 613-935-3763 ext 1
First and foremost, it's AWESOME! Summer, BBQ, Music, Carnival Rides, FREE ADMISSION... There is nothing not to like! You think the ribs are substandard and overpriced? Don't eat them! You don't want to line an outsider's pockets? Grab a burger elsewhere and bring it to the park! You can still enjoy the shows--consisting of mainly local bands--for free, and sip on a a cold brew in the beer garden at a reasonable price.
You MUST RSVP to attend
Critics complain that Ribfest is not local. True, Ribfest does bring in a traveling show that comes from both Canadian and US cities, but please don't make it sound like it is actually closed to local vendors. A visit to the website will quickly show you the event is open to anybody. Ribbers, dry vendors, food vendors, from Cornwall or anywhere else, anybody can pitch their tent and profit from the event. No discrimination here.
And the money that is being made by Ribfest does not leave town as soon as Ribfest leaves. That money goes a long way. It goes to local charities and individuals who need it. No discrimination there either.
Advertising, Graphic Design, Printing, Web Design, Photography, Video Recording services Call 613-935-3763
Monday, April 13 - 5-7pm
at LOLA'S PUB & GRUB This event is pay for your own Become a business Seeker before the end of March for
D o n't b sh y!
C ome o n o v e r ...
(10 month membership yearly $95) visit www.theseeker.ca for details
Ribfest is Cornwall Seaway Lions' biggest fundraising event of the year and every penny made by the festival is reinjected directly in the community. A fine example of this is the recent $30,000 given to the Hospital Foundation to help open their cancer treatment facility. Ribfest 2014 paid for that. It also allowed the Lions to make smaller donations to Mike and Tia Scott, Encore Senior services, OSPCA, Mike Proulx's volleyball tournament for CHEO, Poapst Snowsuit Fund and also provided eye exam clinics to two local elementary schools this year. I'd say Cornwall benefits plenty. There will always be people who always complain. Lift-off charges an entrance fee in order to pay for bigger bands, people are not happy. Ribfest doesn't charge an entry fee but has no big name headliner, they're still not happy. If we want our events to survive, we have to not only get behind them and support them by attending them, but we also have to stop the negative dialogue surrounding them. THAT's what truly kills the morale of volunteer boards who generously give of themselves to create larger-than-life summer activities that benefits everyone, young and old. Next time you hear a negative comment, why not fight it with a positive? For more information about Ribfest, visit http:/ / www.cornwallseawaylionsclub.ca Disclosure: Julia is a Lion and involved in Ribfest 2015.
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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nt e d by The Se e ke r Quilt of Belonging Receives Ontario Trillium Foundation Grant
Wednesday, April 8th, Lancaster, ON ? SD&G MPP Jim McDonell is pleased to announce that Quilt of Belonging has been awarded an Ontario Trillium Foundation grant of $56,500 over 12 months to create a dynamic new website with current technology, information and educational resources. Quilt of Belonging has become a trusted source of cultural information for Canada and the new site will increase access to educational and cultural resources by creating an online hub which will feature updated cultural profiles for all Canada?s.The Quilt?s educational resources will be put on-line so that they can be used free-of-charge, anywhere in Canada and internationally. We plan to design new resources as well, that are interactive, fun and relevant for students and educators at all grade levels. The Quilt project has long been included in school textbooks throughout Canada. Educators have found it an effective tool for reaching youth with the messages of inclusion, acceptance, diversity, respect and belonging. The education resources will be translated into French, Mohawk, Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Inuktituk to make the resources truly accessible to all. Our partners for this endeavour include The Native North American Travelling College, The Debajehmujig Creation Centre, Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami , The Canadian Ethnocultural Council, Centre Charles-Émile Claude , Centre Culturel de Cornwall and the project is further supported by The Akwesasne Area Management Board.MPP Jim McDonell says ?Quilt of Belonging is a tangible testimony to Ontario?s and Canada?s diversity, openness and unity. Through its tours and educational material, the Quilt has brought together Canadians across generational, cultural and geographic divides. This Trillium grant will help the Quilt improve its online presence in order to deliver its bright message to more Canadians and have the best chance of having a meaningful impact. I extend my sincere congratulations to the Quilt of Belonging for this recognition of the outstanding work they continue to do in spreading a message of hope, community and tolerance. ?Quilt of Belonging has impacted millions in its16 year journey, and with the new website and on-line educational resources, will continue to reach out to the world, sharing the important message, A Place for All!
Confabulation ? Montreal?s
A new Lions Club Invites Community to Join and Make a Difference
premiere all-true storytelling event comes to Cornwall! Confabulation, Montreal?s premiere all-true storytelling event, presents Firsts: Stories of beginnings, re-beginnings, and taking it from the top! at Dream Builder Studios (2107 Second Street W, Cornwall) on Saturday April 11th at 8pm. For the first time, Confabulation brings its wildly popular monthly showcase to Cornwall. Confabulation is a unique storytelling event in Montreal featuring honest accounts, told without notes, props, or gimmicks. The show is inspired by The Moth, and millennia of oral tradition history, and hopes to encourage the practice and art of storytelling in this contemporary world. Confabulation is hosted by its creator Matt Goldberg, best known for being one sixth of the Montreal-based award-winning sketch comedy troupe Uncalled For. Confabulation is co-produced by the No More Radio ? Montreal?s first podcast network and will partner with local community theatre companies Vagabond Theatre and SVTC for this special presentation. Everyone has a story! Inspired by Cornwall?s diverse cultural scene, Confabulation will take to the road for the first time bringing three seasoned Montreal storytellers to the show ? Leigh Kinch-Pedrosa, Paul Aflalo, and Cornwall native Cassandra Togneri, ? who will be joined by three first-time local storytellers- Jean Leger, Cornwall real-estate agent, community theatre veteran, and family man; Jenny Dagenais, Cornwall native, hairdresser and make up artist, and Michael Togneri, retired air traffic control instructor, hobby sailor, and father. Enjoy interpretations on the theme of firsts with stories about near-death experiences, culture shock, homecomings, a Korean wedding, and more.
A core group of current and past Lions have made an application with Lions International to charter a new, Traditional Lions Club to serve the needs of Long Sault/ Ingleside & District. This core group has a combined service of approximately 100 years to date and is seeking civic-minded men and women to join them in making a difference in the community. The group is hosting an information session on April 23rd at 7 pm at the Trinity United Church on Maple Street in Ingleside for people who want to learn more about the club and its plans. There will be refreshments and special guests to inform you about the great works of Lions Clubs. A Lions Club gives members an opportunity to advance worthy causes, serve with friends, and become leaders in the community. Being a Lion gives you the chance to give back to the community, help those people in need and introduce new projects. There is no limit to where or how many community-based clubs can be formed. This Lions Club will be open to men and women having attained the age of majority. Couples are encouraged to join as a team. The Lions? motto is ?We Serve,? and the yet-to-be-named club will live up to it. To learn more about the information session, call 613-577-0818 or 613-346-7044
Corus Caring Hearts: $1 million milestone in its nine year history Corus Entertainment?s boom 101.9 and 104.5 Fresh Radio are proud to announce that $133,181.64 was raised during the ninth annual Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon in support of the Cornwall Hospital Foundation on T hursday, April 2. The funds raised will help bring chemotherapy treatment to the Cornwall Community Hospital. This brings the total amount raised to over $1 million over the past 10 years and through nine Corus Caring Hearts Radiothons. Corus Radio Cornwall is proud to continue its partnership with the Cornwall Hospital Foundation through the Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon.
We are thrilled to have reached the $1 million milestone in support of health care initiatives,? said Bill Halman, Brand Director, Corus Radio Cornwall and 2015 Radiothon Chair. ?Thank you to our listeners, volunteers, sponsors and the community for their incredible support.? For more information on the Corus Caring Hearts Radiothon, please visit cornwallhospitalfoundation.ca. The Seeker would like to thank
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
H ugo M obi li t y, in association with La Plum e M oder ne, ar e pr ou d (sor t of) to pr esen t Par t i ci pat i on ?s M usi c H all Theat r e Pr oduct i on , th e Fir st W or l d Pr em ier e of Syllabi f i cat i on f r om a Sycophan t , star r in g APRIL SH OW ERS an d M AY FLOW ERS (if th ey ar e avail abl e).
Jo se e
SAUVE What if I get a slip AFTER I?ve already filed my taxes? If you receive another slip (or an amended slip) after filing your taxes, it is very important to alert your tax preparer! A slip you received in 2015 that bears the 2014 taxation year cannot be saved and claimed on your 2015 tax return. The slip could be an important adjustment that will alter your income or credits on your tax return and cause you to have a larger refund or have a balance owing. Your tax preparer will make the appropriate adjustment(s) to your tax return to reflect the slip (or amended slip) and will advise you of the result. If you do not alert your tax preparer to the slip, CRA will automatically re-assess you later on in the year, but will charge you interest if this re-assessment resulted in a balance owing. Should an individual fail to file a slip 3 years in a row, CRA will assess a penalty equal to 10% of the amount that was not reported. For example, failure to file an RRSP withdrawal of $5,000 would be assessed a federal penalty of $500 and a provincial penalty of $500 for a total of $1,000. This is non-negotiable. As long as missing slips are filed prior to April 30th, no penalties or interest will be assessed.
For more tax tips, visit www.sauvetaxservices.ca
Par t i ci pat i on is a cu r iou s qu ar tet of m u sician s? Voice (an d vir tu oso Kazoo), Cl ar in et, Ten or Uk el el e an d Tu ba? bu t wh at better way to br in g al ive th e su per bl y sin gabl e son gs of th e ?Pal eol ith ic? (th at is, Rag Tim e an d Jazz) er as of th e ear l y 20th cen tu r y? An ticipatin g th at fol k wou l d be in spir ed to sin g al on g, th ey ch ose th eir ver y n am e to ser ve as an in vitation . Syllabi f i cat i on f r om a Sycophan t is a M u l tim edia M el an ge of Rag Tim e M u sic, Com edy an d Im ages. Noth in g n au gh ty (except Bob?s Spotted Dick ). ARE TH EY AN Y GOOD? ?W hat a f un an d en t er t ai n i n g t r oupe of sk i lled m usi ci an s accom pan yi n g t he deli ci ous, m ellow voi ce of gor geous K at i e. L oved ever y m i n ut e! ? ? Katal in Ken n edy ABOUT TH E SH OW Dr ess code: An yon e u n cl oth ed wil l be positivel y pr oh ibited The ven ue:
RAM ADA H otel an d Con fer en ce Cen tr e, 805 Br ook dal e Aven u e, Cor n wal l , On tar io. The date: Su n day, Apr il 19, 2015. Th e sh ow star ts at 11:30 a.m . W hy then ? So you can h ave H igh Br u n ch with u s (abou t 12:15). ABOUT TI CKETS Pr i ce: Th ir ty-five dol l ar s ($35) per per son , sh ow an d H igh Br u n ch . W her e to buy: a) To pu r ch ase tick ets on l in e an d pay th r ou gh PayPal (paym en t is u ser fr ien dl y th r ou gh PayPal ), visit www.par ticipation th em u sic.com an d scr ol l down to ?Bu y Tick ets?. b) For oth er in qu ir ies visit www.par ticipation th em u sic.com , or em ail sal es@ l apl u m em oder n e2.com or cal l Rober t H ar dy at 6135259943. www.par ticipation th em u sic.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADVERTORIAL
MRS. B It never ceases to amaze me at how many "new" local people walk into our store each week! Some just happen to stop by and some have been meaning to come but never have the chance. At least once a month we get a comment "you should advertise about this gem!" (do you know how much we spend on advertising? - I want to reply back). But no matter how much you spend on advertising, word of mouth still seems to be our best promoter.
We now have groups that travel from Montreal and Ottawa to our unique store as they were told about us from other friends and family who happened to find us. It also makes us feel good when we see our "regulars" stop by to see what's new and they tell us how "happy" our store makes them feel. I love to read the guest book and see how far away people have come from and the wonderful comments they leave. We even have a couple who come every year from Australia (their son is on a travelling team) and they make a point to seek us out. I also wish that I had a dollar for every time someone mentions how good the store smells (thanks to our wonderful selection of scented candles).
Regardless of how you discover our "gem", we appreciate it when you do stop by. The store is constantly changing and as I love to shop, probably more than you do, I can't help but bring in all kinds of new things for you to discover. The latest new line that we received is Lampe Berger. These are beautiful bottles that you fill with a fragrance or neutral liquid and they help clean your air as well as scent it. This technology has been around for over a hundred years. There are look-a-likes out there, but nothing that cleans your air too. We just received a scent that mosquitoes supposedly don't like, I will personally test it out soon and let you know. If it works for me, it will work for anyone. I think it smells too nice to work. I hope everyone is enjoying this slightly nicer weather and we would love to see you soon. Barbara Leduc Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor 609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8 613-937-0222
As som e of you ar e aw ar e, w e sell Kam eleon ster ling silver inter changeable jew elr y and w e have been nam ed stor e of the m onth for Apr il 2015! This is gr eat for us a nd gr eat for Cor nwa ll! Kam eleon is sold globally in hundr eds of stor es and to be nam ed stor e of the m onth for Canada is huge! All of the w onder ful staff at the stor e love the collection that includes r ings, ear r ings, pendants, br acelets, necklaces and pins. This w as the fir st jew elr y system to offer inter changeablity acr oss the entir e collection and is car efully cr afted to accept sm all inter changeable inser ts called Jew elPops. M uch of our success w ith Kam eleon center s ar ound our ever popular event - La dies Night and this w ill be com ing up soon. For safety r easons, this year w e have had to lim it the num ber of people attending. The event w ill be spr ead over tw o nights and you m ust get a ticket to attend. Ther e w ill still be
M rs. B's Gifts & Hom e Decor is proud to be the recipient of a very prestigious award.
Facebook page www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts
pr izes ever y 15 m inutes, in-stor e specials, as w ell as r efr eshm ents ser ved and the fir st 50 ladies each night w ill r eceive a ver y special gift bag. Get your ticket ear ly, as they ar e going fast. You can pur chase them at the stor e or on-line and you w ill get your m oney back that evening tow ar ds any pur chase as w ell! M a r k you ca lenda r s - Apr il 19 OR 20th fr om 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. - a ver y busy a nd enter ta ining night! We could not have w on this aw ar d w ithout our gr eat custom er s and w ould like to thank each and ever yone of you fr om the bottom of our hear ts.
YOU have ma de this fun a nd we a r e so pr oud to ca ll Cor nwa ll home.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rie
years, their household files become so bloated and cumbersome that it's impossible to find anything again.
Knowing what to keep and how long to keep is the key to an efficient filing system. I advise you to check with your legal and financial advisors to create your retention schedule list.
Cal l us t oday...
Establishing A FilingSystem Manual/ Electronic For example, tax records: Part 3 of 5 Planning - Phase 2 Always write using a pencil. When you no longer need a subject file and want to give it another name, erasing the current name will save you money.
As you create file folders and store paperwork in them, set aside original documents that must be stored away from the home. Legal documents, birth and marriage certificates, titles to automobiles and deeds to real property, stocks and financial documents all should be stored off-site, in a bank safe deposit box or in the case of wills and power of attorney , filed with the family attorney for safekeeping. Just make sure someone you trust knows the location of the bank and lawyer's office. A fireproof safe in the house is also a good idea. Don't forget to add photo negatives or archived copies of digital photo files. Memories are valuable, too!
individuals must keep 6 years of income tax paperwork; Businesses should keep a minimum 10 years or more, in case Canada Revenue Agency comes after you - you decide. Bottom line use common sense. Knowledge of information relating to retention schedule makes it easy to prune out your files.
Creating A Space For Actions Files Actions files is a small filing system independent from your master filing system that is necessary for anyone but even more important for a business. Instead of putting your ''need to do paperwork '' in a horizontal tray, create actions files folders and put them on a desk or table using a vertical file holder. For example, articles you need to read, papers you need to discuss the next time you speak with a family member/ client, things requiring data entry or bills. Arrange these files alphabetically or for bill payment by date. These actions files are always the same.
Hanging Folder Tab - A Must Bottom line, better be safe than sorry. The nightmare it will create and the replacement cost are astronomical and some things cannot be replaced.
Creating A Retention Schedule Everyone has a friend or relative who will never part with paperwork - ever. Over the
Each major category of paperwork must be assigned a name e.g., Vehicles, Household, etc... You will never find enough different coloured folder tabs for them all. However, for the categories you used most often, use coloured tabs; it will save you time while filing and retrieving papers. When you know that your financial section is a blue tab, your household section- green and your vehicles files are under yellow, you don?t even have to think because your hand just naturally goes to the right part of your drawer.
If you have any other questions that you would like answered please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit www.workeasysolutions.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
even t s
m ore
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
SPRING HOME & LEISURE SHOW Visit our booth in the City Central area at the Spring Home & Leisure Show April 10th, 11th & 12th 2015, Cornwall Civic Complex.Participatein our "Why I Love My Library" contest at the show, in celebration of our 120th anniversary (1895-2015). See you there!
THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. Tuesday nights from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm beginning April 7. Sign up for free today and start learning.
SHIFTING GEARS A series of workshop facilitated by
David Rawnsley & Lorna Foreman. Engage in a transformational process that draws from your own journey, our journey and the journey of others and have a positive effect on you and your community. April 16, 23, 30 - 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm Register for free now.
Adult Graphic Novel Book Club (18+) New club meeting every third Thursday of the month at the library at 7:00 pm beginning April 16.
Bring one of your all-time favourite?s graphic novels to this inaugural meeting. New topic every meeting and individual picks for that topic to share with others. Registration Required.
CHILDREN?S SPRING PROGRAMMES REGISTER NOW !!! Sign up your child for one of our amazing Spring programmes. Call the library or visit our website for more details. The programmes run from April 7 to June 13.
CPR TRAINING Learn how to perform CPR on adults and receive your certification. 2-hour class provided by Cornwall EMS instructors. Monday, May 11, 2015 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. (Please arrive by 5.55 pm) This training is provided free of charge for individuals only, no groups. You must be 16 years old or more. Registration is mandatory in person at the library or by phone
THE 8TH ANNUAL CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY WRITING CONTEST - MARCH 1 TO MAY 1, 2015 Write! Submit! Win! Writers, warm up your keyboards. Enter this year's edition on or before May 1, 2015 for a chance to win in either poetry or fiction. Enter the teen or adult group. Prizes awarded for top spots. All participants receive a participatory prize when attending the Big Reveal held June 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Our C O M M U N I T Y
TEEN DANCE GRADE 7&8, by Club Octagon at La Citadelle HS 6:30 - 9:30 pm. Student ID Required.
Spring Home & Leisure Show April 10th ? 12th inside the Cornwall Civic Complex. Bus Trip to Cabane à sucre Constantin St. Eustache, QC Departing from Seaway Seniors Center, 1010 Guy St. at 10 am, return at 4 pm. Members: 50$, Guests:55$. Reservations: 613.932.4969. Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org
SATURDAY Focus Art Spring show at the library
Cornwall Outdoor Club Photography Presentation 2:30 pm. Cornwall Public Library, 45 2nd St. E. Visit: CornwallOutdoorClub.ca for more information. Small Business Spring Showcase Community Hall, Township of South Stormont PARADOX. Continuing his nation-wide tour, Ottawa born Mentalist, Jaymes White will be performing PARADOX at the Aultsville Theatre. A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Eastern Ontario. 7:30 pm Whist Militaire - Ste-Thérèse de Lisieux, Cornwall. 12$ par personne ou 48$ la table. Formez votre table et contactez Roger au 613-528-4025 ou Thérèse au 613-933-9617. Souper chaud inclus (poitrine de poulet)Soirée du Bon Vieux Temps Ste-Thérèse de Lisieux, Cornwall. Danse, Chansons à répondre, guitaristes / chanteurs/ accordéoniste et d'autres surprises pour faire un belle soirée de plaisir à la Canadienne. Soirée à 19h au coût de 5$ par personne ou souper et soirée (poitrine de poulet) 12$. Soiré a lieu après notre Whist Militaire. Réservez avec Roger ou Thérèse 613-933-9617 Confabulation - Dream Builder Studio at 7pm. Tickets $10
Worship and the word at Fountaingate Christian Assembly, 10:30am , 949 Mohawk Drive Harvest Christian Fellowship services 9:00am and 11:00. York Street.
Carefor Health & Wellness Clinic from 11:15 am to 1 pm. Lan-Char Center, 20 Victoria St. Lancaster. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol checks etc DRINK, LINK and THINK! Business Seekers meeting at Lola's. 5 to 7pm. Pay as you go. RSVP info@theseeker.ca
The Cornwall and District Horticultural Society is holding its next meeting onTuesday, April 14th, at the RCAFA, Wing 424, 240 Water St. West, Cornwall at 7:00 pm. Our topic - "Hardscaping" will be presented by Justin Roberge from Cornwall Concrete Products. Join us!!"Master Sha chanting group holding its first session from 7:00- 8:30 pm at TR Leger School, 1500 Cumberland St, Cornwall. All are welcome. Info at 613-933-8860. "The Gathering Place" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends. " EVERYONE IS WELCOME" Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510
Knights of Columbus Roast Beef Supper at 4:30 pm & 5:30 pm. St. Francis De Sales Parish Hall, 434 2nd St. W. Adults:10$, Children: 5$
Cornwall Quilters Guild presents Quilts on the Seaway. There will be quilts on display and for sale, a boutique, filled with hand made items for sale, a merchant mall, and tea room. Special displays for Christmas and baby items. Admission is $6.00. Everyone welcome. CareFor Walk-In Wellness Clinic from 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesterol checks etc.
It's time for the
C eleb r at ing 5 year s in Business! Voting underway see back page to fill your ballot. Winners to be revealed
at the Cornwall Golf and Country Club
Websi te need updati ng?
Friday, June 19th D on't
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1
M iss it !
Buy your tickets today! Early Bird Pricing in effect $48 per person, includes meal, wine and entertainment. VISIT WWW.THESEEKER.CA
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Join us
SATURDAY, April11 - 10pm Brat Attack/ Dead Peasants Revolt Tour Fundraiser w/ Doctor Mom Lola's - 616 Pitt Street, Cornwall, Ontario
IFITAIN'T HERE...I AIN'T HAPPENIN So p l ace yo u r EVENT AD TODAY! cal l M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t . 1 0 2
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
I already made a huge potful of delicious pea soup, so now I will continue on with a crock of baked beans using our leftover ham. To go with the baked beans, I made a pan of light and fluffy tea biscuits. Both dishes are so economical yet satisfying. I hope you try my baked bean recipe. If you like, you can add a 1/ 2 lb. of cooked hamburger into the beans as they bake. Plain or with ground beef, these beans are delicious! Enjoy a great week! MAPLE BAKED BEANS Pure maple syrup makes these beans shine! Very soon we will have Gary and Jean Iven's pure maple syrup in my store, Sharyn's Pantry. When our maple syrup is delivered, I know that spring is finally here! INGREDIENTS:
Curves??Feed the Need?food drive a success
2 tsp. dry mustard 1 cup or more chopped up leftover baked ham 4 bacon slices cooked and chopped into small pieces + 2 tsp. of bacon fat, from frying the bacon 1 tsp. Kosher salt and 1 tsp. ground black pepper 1 or two apples, peeled and cored and sliced to add just the last hour or so of baking the beans. You will drizzle some maple syrup over top of the sliced apples.
?We choose the Agape Centre food bank to be the recipient of our food drive because of the work that they do to make sure that no one goes hungry in our community,? said Diane Besner, owner of Curves Cornwall With just a week before the end of the month long initiative, the group was still 130 pounds shy of their 600 pound goal, but the women at Curves stepped up to the challenge.
-Now, place the pot of beans on the stove and bring the water to a boil. You will have a scum form as the beans begin to boil. This always happens. Just take a slotted spoon and skim off this scum. Discard the scum. Allow the beans to boil until they are completely tender: for about 1 to 1- 1/ 2 hours. -Reserve the bean water. Using a slotted spoon, place the cooked beans in your bean crock or heavy casserole or roast pan. Add to the beans, the maple syrup, ketchup and BBQ sauce, onions, dry mustard, salt and pepper, cooked bacon and the 2 tsp. of bacon fat. Add enough of the reserved bean cooking water to completely cover the surface of
-Bake the beans in a 300 degree F. oven for 5 to 6 hours. Or if overnight, bake the beans in a 250 to 275 degree F. oven for about 8 hours. Check once of twice to see that there is enough liquid in the crock to cover the beans.
2 large onions, chopped 1 cup or more pure maple syrup 1/ 3 cup ketchup and 1/ 3 cup BBQ sauce
Members and staff of the fitness organization were asked to bring in specific items that are most needed at the food bank, like healthy cereal and school snacks, and canned veggies.
-Rinse the dried beans and place them in a large pot. Cover them by at least 5" with cold tap water. Allow the beans to soak, at room temperature for 8 to 12 hours.
the beans. Stir to mix everything. I use a foil lined baking sheet to sit under the crock of beans. If there is a boil over, my oven won't get all messy. Place the lid on the bean crock.
2 lb. Great Northern beans (dry) (We carry this far superior bean at Sharyn's Pantry. It is 200% better than a plain navy or pea bean. Try the difference yourself!)
Cover Story - Curves Cornwall?s annual food drive surpassed its goal, collecting 640 pounds of food for the Agapè Centre.
said Alyssa Blais, executive director at the Agapè Centre. ?People love getting real fruits and veggies with their food
-About the last hour of cooking, I lay some apple slices over top of the beans and drizzle some maple syrup over top of the apples. Take the lid off of the beans for the last 15 minutes to allow the apples to carmelize a bit. Serve hot. Extras may be frozen or another meal. ENJOY!
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
Ellen Bouler ice
S olut ions P . 15
bank groceries.? The food collected in this campaign has already been added to the food bank?s shelves, and will help feed the 1,000 people who access the free service each month.
One member, Ellen Boulerice, carried in 15 to 20 pounds of food items every time she went in for her workout.
Besner was very pleased with the enthusiasm from Curve?s staff and members.
The organization also purchased bags of potatoes and carrots with the proceeds from water sales for the month of March.
?A big thanks to all that participated in the drive. You made a difference in reaching and surpassing our goal,? she said. ?We did it!?
?It?s so wonderful to receive fresh food like this,?
S ud ok u
The Seeker would like to thank
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can them at tante.jm2013@gmail.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADVERTORIAL
IT'S ALM OST HERE! ... Car o l an d Ran d y an swer so m e q u est i o n s t h at yo u m ay h ave ab o u t t h ei r Fi r st CAPE even t h er e i n Co r n wal l . What is CAPE?
Sauve Grant and Randy CAPE host s Carol
CAPE is a com ic/pop cultur e convention w hich w ill featur e m any of the attr actions you w ould see in the lar ger city expos and com ic-con type of events. It's gear ed for any age, fam ily-fr iendly and w ill have som ething of inter est for ever yone. We w ill featur e things r elated to such inter ests as sci-fi, com ic books. collectibles, fandom , anim e, pop cultur e and m or e.
What can I expect to see or do at CAPE?
What do I need to bring with me to CAPE?
How long does it take to see everything at CAPE?
You w ill see m any things you m ay have never seen befor e if you ar e not fam iliar w ith the com ic-con exper ience! For those of you new to the scene, you can expect the follow ing: - Exhibitor s selling their w ar es, ar t & cr eations -Celebr ities signing autogr aphs or posing for photos w ith fans - Ar tists displaying their ar t w ith m any taking com m issions and dr aw ing on-site - Guest ar tists w ho have w or ked on r eal-life com ic books for DC, M ar vel and other com ic books - M usicians selling their CD's or m er chandise - People in costum e called cosplayer s par ading ar ound as their favour ite super her oes, TV char acter s or m ovie char acter s. (please note that som e m ay have authentic looking w eapons that could be par t of their costum e and that all of these w eapons ar e only r eplicas, usually m ade of foam and they w ill be checked upon adm ission and w ill not contain any danger ous com ponents or pose any thr eat to the gener al public.) - Special displays featur ing m any popular char acter s such as Doctor W ho* , Star War s, Ghostbuster s and m or e. Som e m ay r equir e a m inim um char itable donation to such char ities as CHEO for photogr aphs but any that do w ill have clear signage. M ost w ill allow photos w ith your ow n cam er a at no cost but please inquir e befor e taking them if you ar e not fam iliar. - Panels w ill be offer ed thr oughout the day w hich w ill allow you to attend a sm all session to lear n m or e about your favour ite celebr ities or such things as cosplay, film m aking on a budget or other infor m ative topics. You can see the panel schedule in advance by visiting our w ebsite atw w w.cor nw allpopevent.com . - Face painting and a sm all childr en's ar ea w ill also be set up to enter tain the kids fur ther if they w ish - A costum e contest w ill be judged at 5:30 p.m . if you w ish to enter your costum e (please note that pr e-judging is r equir ed thr oughout the day)
- A cam er a! This is absolutely necessar y as this is a fun exper ience for all ages and you w ill definitely see som ething w or th taking a photo of! - M oney, pr efer ably cash as m any of the exhibitor s w ill not have access to point of sale or debit/cr edit car d m achines. Ther e W ILL be an ATM on-site if r equir ed. - Any m er chandise you w ish to have signed by any of our celebr ities (see the w ebsite for a full list). M ost celebr ities w ill have m er chandise available at their booth but if you have som ething you alr eady have w hich you w ould like autogr aphed, br ing it along! - Your ticket if you have alr eady pur chased it! Tickets ar e also available at the door for $18, Kids 12 & under FREE. - Your sm ile! We love to see people having fun!
Ther e ar e TWO ice pads of things to see. Please allow AT LEAST up to 2 hour s to see the entir e show w ith even m or e tim e if you w ish to inter act m or e extensively w ith the ar tists, exhibitor s or celebr ities or attend any Panels. The show r uns fr om 10am to 6pm .
* It is im por tant to com m ent on the Daleks if you ar e not fam iliar w ith them . Daleks ar e a type of "r oam ing r obot" and ther e w ill be thr ee of them w ho w ill par ade ar ound the show and insist on "Exter m inating" people all in fun. Ther e is no har m done, nor is ther e an actual "exter m ination" but if this happens, you w ill hear them exclaim in their r obotic voices "Exter m inate", "Obey" or "We w ill captur e all hum ans" or som ething along those lines w hich is usually follow ed by a puff of "sm oke". It is ver y exciting to w atch them and inter act w ith them or pose for photos so do not be afr aid.
Do people get dressed up in costume? Absolutely! Not only w ill w e have som e pr ofessional cosplayer s (people w ho dr ess up in costum e) but w e also encour age the gener al public to dr ess up! Wear your Hallow een costum e, get som e pr ops and clothing together and com e have fun. Costum es ar e optional and if you pr efer to com e as your self, that's gr eat too! Ther e w ill plenty of oppor tunity to pose w ith m any of our costum ed guests at the show w ithout having to dr ess up your self. Please note that som e of our cosplayer s m ay have costum es w hich could appear m or e adult-or iented than other s. It is ver y im por tant that you r espect all cosplayer s, r egar dless of how they ar e dr essed - touching, har r asssing or inappr opr iate behaviour w ill not be toler ated and their m anner of dr ess does not autom atically equal consent. Posing w ith these char acter s is cer tainly allow ed but inappr opr iate behaviour including im plied sexual r efer ences is not acceptable. We thank you for your cooper ation in advance.
How much will it cost me? Advance tickets ar e $15 (available at Fantasy Realm (227 Pitt Str eet, Cor nw all) or online thr ough our w ebsite at w w w.cor nw allpopevent.com . Tickets w ill be $18 at the door. Childr en 12 & under ar e FREE. We have a handful of $42 DELUXE adm ission tickets left w hich include adm ission, a CAPE t-shir t, lanyar d, pen, tote bag and lim ited edition hand-signed and num ber ed Avenger s pr int. If you do not plan to buy any m er chandise, photos, autogr aphs, food or anything else once you ar e inside the door, then this w ill be your only cost. How ever, plan to spend a little as ther e is so m uch to see and you w ill likely find som e tr easur es you can't r esist! :)
What if I need help at CAPE? The Benson Centr e is w heelchair -accessible and w e w ill have m any volunteer s on-site to assist you w ith things such as access, announcem ents for em er gency, finding a par ticular vendor /celebr ity, dir ections, m er chandise or any other help you m ay r equir e. Watch for the Volunteer s w ear ing RED shir ts for help on your m ission! (for any Star Tr ek fans, you w ill get our r efer ence). :)
DO NOT M ISS THIS EVENT! Is there a charge for autographs or pictures with the celebrities? M ost celebr ities w ill have an associated char ge w ith either m er chandise, autogr aphs or photos w hich w ill var y based on the celebr ity. All pr icing w ill be m ar ked clear ly at their booth and if in doubt, please ask befor e taking a photo. How ever, you can usually inter act w ith a celebr ity or talk to them for absolutely no char ge as they appr eciate their fans!
SATU RDAY, APRIL 1 8 t h , 2 0 1 5 1 0 :0 0 am t o 6 :0 0 p m Ben so n Cen t r e www.co r n wal l p o p even t .co m
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Co unte ss
TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER ORGANIC GARDENERS ARE ECO-CONSCIOUS EARTH STEWARDS! by Countess Trottier/ Trotzier To become an organic gardener is a decision many people have to make at this present time. Why? Because there exists, right now,too many questionable garden products that can harm humanhealth, including the health of pets, the wildlife, and our planet Earth. Once the decision is made, the new organic gardener needs to become informed about the dangers that exist in doing gardening the corporate-conventional way.
At the same time, it is important he/ she discoversthe multi-benefits of gardening with products and ways that harmonize with nature, in many instances, practises that our wise ancestors have used for thousands of centuries. To be an organic gardener is an experience that brings such feelings of satisfaction and a deep love for our Planet Earth and its magnificent processes. For instance, when I became most impatient with the use of thelarge, heavy plasticcompost bins that took months to convert the kitchen and garden waste into pure humus, I starteddiggingholes about 10-12 inches deep and directlydropping in vegetables and fruit discards, then covering them withearth. It was amazing! In less than one month the discards had been converted into pure humus! The Earth proved itself the be the best chemist and offered the safest way to compost by converting quickly andefficiently the leftover plant foods from the kitchen. After doing some research and YOU are ready totake the new path towards a healthy Earth, one of the first step is to select an area or areas around your yard where you want to start your organic garden which can consist of vegetables, fruits, herbs, flowers. The next step is to purchase organic and heirloom seeds.There aremany "organic gardening" sites on the internet which gives the name of companies that supply the seeds you decide on having in your own new pastoral arcadian garden. At this early stage, it helps to also know why
not to buy genetically manipulated seeds which most often do not have the ability to produce seeds in the following years. These GMO seeds (genetically modified organisms)are not being accepted in countries throughout the world. These GMO seeds are also highly dependent on synthetic chemicals/ fertilizers/ herbicides to produce and arecausing healthproblemswhenever people eat these plant foods, as well as the chemical sprays are oftentimes very injurious to humans and to the wildlife. As an organic gardener, it is going to beimportant to buy organically certifiedand heirloomseeds. Another way to start "small" is to buy organically grown vegetables and plant some of them. For example, a potato can be cut up where the eyes are and planted directly in the soil; carrot tops can also be planted; and seeds from organically grown tomatoes can be planted in your garden; my favorite is to take the cloves from an organic garlic bud and plant them directly in the earth. It is also important toknow how to prepare the soil. When natural composting takes place, the humus produced can be spread around in the garden area. This humus is so fertile that earthworms are going to add more nutrientsas they alsoaerate the earth allowing the roots of your plants to grow easily. Yes, the earthworms are your personal guides who are going to let you know that you are doing things right. Then you are going to find yourself with other "nature guides" who are going to drop-in such ashoney bees, butterflies, birds, squirrels and other wildlife. Have no fear! Instead feelings of achievement will overtake you:the organic gardener ... because you will realize that because of you life on Earth can continue to develop in a healthy environment ... including your own health is going to improve.Your decision to move forward and become an organic gardener ... and an eco-conscious Earth Steward is going to open up one of the most beautyfull future for you and the Planet Earth! Next week I am going to write about what foods can be composted and more about the designing of an organic garden. Valuable web sites: Buy Garden Seeds Online | Seed Bank Heirloom Seedhouse & Nursery: The Cottage Gardener
I NC. en annonçant ici son ASSEM BLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE le mar di 21 avr il 2015 à 19h à la salle d?Accueil du Centr e Char les-Émile-Claude r ue Chevr ier (Cor nwall), désir e signaler qu?on y souligner a alor s le 20e anniver sair e de l?entr ée en ondes de ce poste de r adio en m ai 1994 : on aur a, à l?ouver tur e, pour ce fair e, sur pr ise! l?audition d?un extr ait de la toute pr emièr e émission mise en ondes et pr ésentée par le pr emier dir ecteur génér al de la station, M . Patr ick For tin. Puis on saluer a la pr ésence de nom br eux ar tisans de la pr em ièr e heur e, com m e entr e autr es, M e Etienne Saint-Aubin (pour n?en m entionner qu?un). Notons, en passant, que c?est M e Ber nadette Clém ent qui agir a com m e m odér atr ice et pr ésidente d?assem blée et M . Gér ald Sam son com m e pr ésident d?élections? De fait, aussi, nous voudr ions «r apidem ent» m odifier quelques STATUTS ET RÈGLEM ENTS, d?annoncer M . M ar c Bissonnette, le Pr ésident actuel du Conseil d?Adm inistr ation. Par exem ple, (1)le nombr e de conseiller s/membr es du CA (Conseil d?Administr ation) passer ait idéalem ent de 5 à 7 per sonnes; aussi, (2)selon une loi en vigueur, l?AGA(assemblée génér ale annuelle) devr a se tenir dor énavant fin novem br e ou début décem br e au plus tar d, pour r especter les «r ègles de ce fair e dans les 90 jour s suivant la fin de notr e exer cice financier », toujour s ter m iné le 31 août de chaque année; enfin, (3) on se pr oposer a, par espr it de m oder nism e ou m oder nité, d?employer nos listes de cour r iels (sur tout celles de nos membr es pr opr ement dits) pour diffuser nos tenues d?Assem blée génér ale annuelle et autr es activités ou nouvelles sem blables? Tout cela ne devr ait guèr e êtr e long, puis on aur a les r appor ts habituels dont celui toujour s tr ès attendu de nos finances? Ensuite, «pas en avant», on ser a tém oin d?un événement histor ique «longtem ps désir é» : l?annonce officielle de la r éalisation concr ète du fameux pr ojet r êvé d?augmentation de puissance de ce qui ser a davantage tr ès bientôt «la r adio com m unautair e fr ancophone de tout l?Est ontar ien»? Tout cela est à ne pas m anquer ! Pour cour onner cette «soir ée m ém or able», il y aur a, bien sûr, apr ès les r emer ciements d?usage, un joli petit goûter , gr acieuseté à la fois de l?or ganism e M ICRO et du Centr e Char les-Ém ile-Claude qui aur a aussi four ni de l?équipem ent technique.Alor s, fr ancophones et fr ancophiles, soyons-y nom br euses/nom br eux et pr ocur ons-nous d?avance nos car tes de membr es de CHOD-FM , en visitant en m êm e tem ps cette station située au 2e étage, soit le #202 de l?École secondair e publique L?Hér itage, au 1111, chem in M ontr éal à Cor nw all? Pour êtr e en r ègle, pour une adhésion, pour voter, pour se pr ésenter au vote ou pour par ticiper au suffr age, il faut se fair e nor m alem ent au m oins 10 jour s d?avance avant l?AGA? À bon entendeur, salut!
WHAT IS ... A COM M U NITY HEALTH CENTRE by Eliza beth Helmer Our Com m unity Health Centr e is a w elcom ing, w onder ful, fun and healthy place to check out. Located at 353 Pitt Str eet, the cor ner of four th and Pitt St., and offer s m any oppor tunities for ever yone to enjoy r anging fr om our Nur se Pr actitioner s and Doctor s (w e have a w aiting list and w e ar e not a w alk in clinic) that you m ust be r egister ed w ith, to pr ogr am s to im pr ove your health thr ough better eating and exer cise, all in the sam e place all our pr ogr am s ar e FREE!; W ith exception of buying your Gr een Box; Call our infor m ation line at 613-936-0306 ext#229. As a volunteer at the SVCHC her e in Cor nw all, I have been for tunate to w or k w ith the people at our Centr e and see the car e and concer n they all have for our com m unity. Few places today, especially in our busy m edical system , take the tim e to explain and suggest w ays to im pr ove the health of their clients, let alone offer it all under one r oof! Take the tim e to stop in at the centr e, or check out our Web Site at w w w.seaw ayvalleychc.ca or call the info line at 613-936-0306 ext#229 for m or e infor m ation and details on all of our com m unity pr ogr am s and see w hat a Com m unity Health Centr e is for you, and then com e have fun getting healthy w ith us!!!
"votre radio communautaire" vous invit e cordial em ent
à son
ASSEMBLÉE GÉNÉRALE ANNUELLE Le mardi 2 1 avril 2 0 1 5 à 1 9 h au Cent re Charl es-Ém il e-Cl aude "un l éger goût er sera servi"
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Great Winds That Will Blow You Away! Brass quintet BUZZ will wrap up the 28th season of the Cornwall Concert Series, Saturday, April 18th at Aultsville Theatre at 8:00 pm. Accompanied by Matt Herskowitz on piano, and Valerie Milot on harp, this dynamic ensemble will perform ?Preludes & Rhapsodies?. The programme will open with Liszt?s Hungarian Rhapsody No.2, include works by Debussy, Gershwin, Brahms and Smetana, and conclude with Gershwin?s Rhapsody in Blue. BUZZ [ b ? z ] n. 1 Excitement over novelty. 2 Sound produced by vibrating the lips regularly around their equilibrium position. 3 Brass quintet.
Cornwall Seaway Lions donate $400 to B.A.I.T program The annual Blind Anglers International Tournament will be taking place on May 29th and the Cornwall Seaway Lions proudly donated $400 to sponsor a team from the area. In the picture: Tim Beach (Treasurer, Ontarioeast.net), Don Grant (Fisherman) and Joanne Shorey (1st Vice)
Prepare to be amazed, bedazzled and charmed by brass quintet Buzz with its diverse musical influences, high-quality performances and fresh theatrical staging. Buzz has several radio and television broadcasts to its credit and has performed throughout Canada and the USA and Europe in renowned venues and halls including the Louvre Museum in Paris, in front of some 175,000 spectators. In addition, their three albums have been critically acclaimed, and nominated for awards. The History of Music for young audiences earned Buzz an Opus Prize and the status of Finalist at the Young Audiences Music Awards 2012 organized by Jeunesses Musicales Internationales. http:/ / www.buzzcuivres.com/ general/ home/
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in clu d e s a m ini p r o f ile )
Michelle Gauthier Personal Training Holistic Weight Loss / Nutrition 613-360-9331
M am a's
"T HURSDAY Su p p e r Sp e c ial " BUY1 Lasagne and get th e 2nd 1/ 2 pri ce 4pmto7pmThursdays
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hi there to everyone of you who is reading the most positive and informative "REAL" paper in the Cornwall & S.D. & G. area. Day by day the Spring-time weather has been getting warmer, the sun seems to be brighter and the birds are finally returning from their long vacations down South. Spring is a time of year for New beginnings and of Rebirth. There are many miracles that are happening all around us... All we have to do is OPEN OUR EYES to the wonderments that lay before us!!! So why not get out and about to witness the "Majesty of Spring". Take along a family member, a friend or one of your neighbours to see what you can witness this Spring. Although Mother Nature is still throwing some cold days and snow at us... the sightings of crocuses and robins give us the comfort and assurance that Spring is here and here to stay.
M a rle ne
I hope that you all had a joy-filled and family orientated kind of Easter weekend everyone. I certainly did with the glee of seeing five out of my six grandchildren (Lincoln, Abigail, Sampson, William and wee Odin) and nearly half of my grown children (Melinda, Luke and Ella Rose) this past weekend. We all got to enjoy each other's company...chitting and chatting about all kinds of topics...ranging from the children's interests in and out of school, why my third daughter, Ella Rose was in London, England (just vacationing this time, as she is an International model, that models all around the world.)...and of course catching up on what everyone else has been doing or had done since the last time we had been together. We all enjoyed lots of delicious foods, that included a couple of turkeys, all kinds of tasty vegtables and tons of mouth watering desserts... like cherry cheese cake, a pumpkin pie, a key-lime pie, and our family's guarded secret of ribbon cake that only Grammy could make at one time. Melinda, the eldest of my seven children, has been making it for years and this year she has it down pat. It was not only great looking but delicious to boot. (Not that there were any boots involved.) Tee hee hee. Congratulations on this wonderful "food feat", Melinda. (without any boots) A BIG THANK YOU goes out to my son-in-law, Michael Vance for all of the hard work he did to make Sunday's Easter meal so delicious. Thank you also to my daughter-in-law, Luke's wife, Tonya for making the delicious stir fry on Saturday evening for me and the other family members that attended. All in all, I had a most enjoyable and fun-filled Easter weekend. I just love being with and around my family. Don't all of you??? TIP OF THE WEEK: Here are TEN (10) easy tips to help you sleep better at night and be rested for your daily routines. 1. Maintain a consistent Daily Schedule. 2. Reduce Caffeine intake. 3. Turn off the Computer and Television. 4. Don't go to bed on a FULL stomach. 5. Don't go to bed on an EMPTY stomach. 6. Engage in regular EXERCISE. 7. Limit beverage consumption before bed. 8. Keep your bedroom Dark & Quiet. 9. Invest in a comfortable mattress, pillow and bedding. 10. Go to Sleep and Wake up using your Internal Clock. I hope that this can and will lead you all to a Peaceful and Restful sleep. The Cornwall Area Pop Event (CAPE) is soon approaching in ONLY (8) DAYS from today. On April 18th (next Saturday) starting at 10:00 o'clock a.m. until 4:00 p.m., Cornwall is going to be invaded by hundreds and hundreds of Comic and Pop enthusiasts. Even ~The City of Cornwall~ is jumping on the bad wagon and helping out by allowing people to ride FREE on the buses that will be going to and from the event. How wonderful and supportive is that??? Way To Go Cornwall!!! Thank you so much for your support of helping out local businesses such as ~Fantasy Realm~ and ~Carol Grant Productions~ who are working hard to put this event together!!! My partner John Lister and I will be there with our green screen, ready to take photos of the people who will be wearing their cosplay costumes and different outfits. This is an ideal time to have us capture you in costume, as we are providing a service where the photo is edited to become a work of art, in the form of a movie poster featuring YOU! We do much more than simply add a background, we actually put you IN the scene in a very believable manner. To see what we mean, please visit the website at www.photodreams.ca and check out some samples. We are offering a special CAPE price, for a full sized movie poster, including printing. We look forward to seeing many of you at our booth at CAPE. Until Next Week: To those who see with kind and loving eyes, Life is Beautiful. To those who speak with tender and soft voices, Life is Peaceful. To those who help with gentle and loving hands, Life is FULL. And to all those who care with compassionate and loving hearts, Life Is Good Beyond ALL Measure. Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca and www.photodreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
PERSONALIZED INVITATIONS Custom Design - Custom Price!
Get your VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD Call Sheldon today
GRAPHIC DESIGN thegraphicdesigner13@gmail.com
613-932-4812 FOR SALE: Canon por table electr ic and batter y oper ated typew r iter. M ust be seen. New batter ies and r ibbon included. $10. 613-938-6149
FOR SALE: 2001 Dodge Dakota, V6, gr eat for par ts. Passed and etested in Novem ber. New back br akes and r otar s put on in November. I f inter ested call Rob 613-932-0917
Only serious applicants need apply Call my Confidential Voice Mail 613-932-7405
FOR SALE: Light blue sw ivel living r oom chair, excellent condition $45. M atching blue footstool $15 613-938-6149
MOVING SALE Saturday, April 18 8:30 am - 3pm 1201 Princess Street
GARAGE SALE: SATU RDAY, APRIL 1 1 , 9 -5 145 Hem lock Cr escent FOR SALE: FOR SALE: Ladies size lar ge black leather jacket, excellent $20. Fr am ed Oil painting, lake and m ountain scener y, 21" x 17" $20. 613-938-6149 FOR SALE: Colonial fr am ed w all m ir r or, 26 1/2" x 33 1/2". Excellent condition, $20 613-938-6149
S ud ok u S olut ion
FOR SALE: M ans double br easted suit, Black ,
Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that
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Ro se
DESNO YERS At the Cornwall Public Library, Focus Art is celebrating its artists. The association is proud of its partnership with the library and the people who direct it. Pierre Dufour has been our able liaison with administration. Dawn Kiddell, library director has been our voice to the Board of directors but most of all the staff has patiently put up with our requests for all that we need to make an exhibition a reality.
If it seems simple and a success that is because it has been well handled. The spring show is the realisation of Linda Geisel and Julia Lucio, Vice-presidents of the association and a team of volunteers who work at intake, hanging, hosting a reception and overall organisation. The biggest worry of the event is that artwork be well hung with a solid wire and well attached to their frame. Modern frames are often made of plastic and do not support the weight that is imposed on them. It is always sad to see a beautiful piece of art fall to the ground because it was not properly hung. As always the Spring Show is exclusive to members. Often this activity incites artists to become new members (at this time of the year a new member pays only $15.00 since membership anniversary is in September). The Show is non-competitive except that the visitors are invited to vote for their favourite piece of work. This should not be a popularity vote but
ADVERTISING in The SEEKERis NOTan Expense... It'sAN INVESTM ENT Call 613-935-3763 ext. 102
T ime to vote! for the SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS visit theseeker.ca
a sincere choice by the viewer of what he or she admires most in the works presented. All artists are winners when viewers stop and reflect on their art. It feeds the soul. A visitors?notebook is left nearby to receive comments. Painting, photography and sculpture can be a solitary endeavour and the artist, other than at the vernissage, does not always get the feed back that he or she hungers for. Unlike in theatre or music the audience is far, removed and feed back difficult to obtain making the visual artist unsure of his progress. Artists love to hear what you think. ?Talk of us badly, talk of well, but please just talk about us...? said someone. Be sure to visit the Library between April 13th and May 8th and enjoy the exhibition at the south end near the windows. Don?t forget to sign the guest book and vote for your People?s Choice. PAINT-IN: Artists reserve April 25th all day for a paint?in at OPG visitors?center. Bring your paints, canvas and lunch. Enjoy the company of other artists while you do your thing. (10 to 2:30). Welcome. NEXT MEMBERS?MEETING: May 6 at 7pm. Year end review, budget, elections of new board and more. Centre Charles-Emile Claude, 126 Chevrier.
The Seeker would like to thank
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can reach them at 613-870-2177
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
VOTING ENDS M AY 1 5 2 0 1 5
GOOD LU CK TO ALL NOM INEES Early Bird Special $48 per person plus HST. Visit theseeker.ca to buy tickets & vote now!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 14 - April 10 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca