Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r
Volume 6 Issue 17 May 1, 2015
Legendar y heav y met al band
r oc k ed t he Por t Theat r e
Photo : Jason Setnyk
Story on page 6
Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...
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Clean, bright spacious 4 bedroom/ 2bath home in upscale Rosedale. Detached double garage. Immediate possession possible!
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Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d
EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper
613-935-3763 Classifieds: ext 2
Depressed? Please don't blame mother nature!
From the De sk of the Editor
Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker
Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL
It is not hard to figure out, from personal experience, that we seem to always feel better when the sun is shinning, especially here in Eastern Canada. But does mother nature really have anything to do with depression? Well, perhaps when it comes to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) it does, but is the way to mental health paved with light therapy and exposure to warm weather? It's not that simple. Weather does affect our outlook on life to some level. But oftentimes, weather is not the real cause, but is simply correlated to events that happen as a result of the weather. For example, when it's cold, we tend to stay in, hibernate, not move enough, find comfort in foods that make us feel warm and fuzzy, all of which can affect our moods. Extra financial burdens arising from higher costs in heating, overspending during the holiday seasons or even car troubles can also contribute to making us feel down. When it is too hot, similar things happen. Higher temperatures lead to lack of sleep, which in turn lead people to get impatient and at times even violent. The degree of tolerance is greatly diminished. Depressed people will get more depressed. But when the weather is perfect, when it's nice, we get out, we take walks, we are more inclined to buy which, in turn, stimulates the economy. I have been told by friends in the real estate world that spring is the best time for home sales. Spring is also a great time in my web design business. Spring brings forth new flourishing ideas.
call 613-935-3763
But back to mental health now.
Sales: ext 1 Editor (Julia) : ext 101
As you probably know, May is Mental Health Awareness month. Importantly. Mental illnesses are much more common than you may think and often go on undiagnosed, leaving the sufferer feeling hopeless and defeated.
I do believe that weather impacts each and everyone of us to some degree. However, I also believe that when you suffer from mental illness, real mental illness, no amount of sunshine will make you feel better. As someone who did suffer from major depression once when I was younger, I can tell you that It's a deep dark place where you can feel very alone. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy.
The good new is you are NOT ALONE! There is hope! There is help! It can and will get better!
Join me this month in raising mental health awareness. Let's remove the stigma surrounding this topic. If you suspect someone in your entourage to have mental illness, take action. Attend the various events that will take place around town. If you think you might have mental illness, don't hesitate and seek help. There are many possible causes of depression, but like with any other illness, this is your body telling you something is not functioning properly. If you were diabetic, would you refuse insulin? If you had high blood pressure, would you refuse medication to lower it? Depression is just another medical condition which can be improved, if not cured, with the proper help. For more information, visit https:/ / www.cmha.ca/
?Mental illness turns people inwards. That's what I reckon. It keeps up forever trapped by the pain of our own minds, in the same way that the pain of a broken leg or a cut thumb will grab your attention, holding it so tightly that your good leg or your good thumb seem to cease to exist.? ? Nathan Filer, The Shock of the Fall
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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d by The Se e ke r cove r photo: Ja son Se tnyk
Entertainers Coming Home for the IPM
SDG ? In a bid to put their best foot forward organizers have secured some serious toe-tapping talent for the Stormont Dundas Glengarry International Plowing Match and Rural Expo at Finch on September 22-26.?We?re both pleased and very proud to announce that Glengarry fiddler Kelli Trottier and Stormontborn, Nashville entertainer Greg Hann a have been booked and confirmed for the IPM main stage,? says Steve Stang , chair of the IPM entertainment committee.Committed from day one to draw exclusively from SDG for the IPM entertainment lineup, Stang says, ?We wanted to showcase the region and knew we had the depth of talent to pull it off.? Dozens of other local bands and entertainers have also been secured for multiple stages and entertainment venues to be held at the event, which is expected to attract 70,000 to 100,000 visitors.Dubbed a triple threat, Glengarry- raised fiddler, Kelli Trottier will perform on the IPM main stage on Friday, Sept 25. She has been sharing the rich, Celtic culture of Glengarry County with audiences around the world with her crisp fiddling, sweet vocals and fiery step dancing. Performing her blend of French and Scottish fiddle on stages across North America, Europe, the Middle East, and the Far North, Trottier has established a large fan base that includes actor Sir Sean Connery. She performed for his private 80th birthday party in the Bahamas and several times at the Dressed to Kilt fashion show and Scottish cultural event he hosted in New York City.Nominated three times for Fiddle Player of the Year by the Canadian Country Music Association, Trottier has released nine independent recordings including a new CD titled ?Taking Time?.Country music entertainer and recording artist Greg Hanna really is coming home for the IPM.?I plowed many acres of land on the Hanna Farm back in my teens,? says Hanna, who was raised on a dairy farm near Finch, ?And then plowed my way to the home of country music where I now work and live in Nashville, Tennessee. ?The self-described proud Stormont County boy, says it?s an honour to be booked to the main stage on Saturday, September 26. Calling it his stomping ground, Hanna is so enthusiastic about the IPM that he?s arriving a few days early so he can help out and be part of the event.?There is no better feeling than coming home!? he says.
The Seeker would like to thank
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can contact them at
Get a tax break for your unused items Do you have stuff that is of value but you can?t be bothered to have a garage sale or deal with 40 messages from people online? The Agapè Centre can help with that. As a thank you for your support, the local non-profit organization is now able to offer an income tax receipt for high value items donated. ?We are grateful for all the wonderful donations the Agapè Centre receives, especially for re-sale in our thrift store ?New For You?,? said operations manager Johanne Gauthier. ?So we?re really excited to be able to offer this benefit to donors.? Any item donated with a value of $50 or more that can be sold in the thrift store will be issued an income tax receipt. Here?s how it works: Come to the Agapè Centre dock (located on the
south east side of the building) and donate a high value item. Give your name, phone number and address to the dock worker. The centre?s staff will search Kijiji for a comparable item, and will print the ad and keep a copy for its records. Then the Agapè Centre will mail you an income tax receipt based on the average value of the object. Some examples of items needed are: appliances, high-end sporting equipment, bikes, and name brand watches. If you have questions or cannot donate during dock hours, you can contact the operations manager Johanne Gauthier at 938-9297 ext. 27 to make other arrangements. The Agapè Centre is a not for profit charity that relies 100 percent on community donations to feed and clothe people in need. The thrift store also helps to funds its services. ?We value your donation and want to make it rewarding for you as a donor to give an item that goes back to feeding those who need it most,? said Gauthier. Dock hours are Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:30 pm, Saturday from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm and Sunday during the summer from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm.
Cornwall Author Goes DIGITAL! Pamela Wollinger has launched her first non-fiction book, The Waiting! You can find it on-line through this link http:/ / store.kobobooks.com/ search?Query=Pamela+Wollinger (Share with your network of friends/family/colleagues.) Here you will get the full preview including Synopsis, About the Author, Chapter One and a few pages of Chapter Two to find out what this Canadian content book is all about! Like some hidden treasure, Pamela was inspired to see The Waiting published upon discovering its 1995 copyright last August! When reached for a comment, Miss Wollinger said, ?I was move into action after all these years following an Oprah Winfrey Life Class Show featuring Steve Harvey who spoke about his life experience and latest book Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success. But now, I mostly feel like Harper Lee who, at age 89, is ready to launch Go Set a Watchman this July? the sequel to her Pulitzer Prize winning book To Kill a Mocking Bird. She recently found the misplaced manuscript after 25 years and decided to release it? showing me that you are never too old to publish your work or realize your dreams...? Pamela wrote The Waiting 20 years ago, it is 20 chapters in length? and in keeping with this number? she has set the price at one dollar per chapter. Since last November, she diligently prepped the manuscript working day and night, marketing and formatting all angles of her book prior to going digital with Kobo Books. Their global market base of over 200 countries? (not bad for a first book)? is where big publishing houses often look for new talent to bring into print publishing? reaching even larger markets. This is where Pamela wants to take The Waiting? this is her goal. Good Luck Pamela? CHEERS!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
MRS. B Wouldn't you know it, the nicer weather gets here and so does the playoffs. At least we can now open our windows and let in some fresh air but some nights I am afraid that my husband will scare the neighbours with his yelling at the TV. According to health Canada "as Canadians, we spend close to 90% of our time indoors. Most people, however, are unaware of the effects that poor indoor air quality can have on their health."
Once the really hot weather arrives we need to keep our homes closed up again and that can cause pollutant accumulation which can have a direct effect on your health: allergies, respiratory tract irritation, headaches and trapped undesirable odours. There is relief for you thanks to an exclusive burner created over 100 years ago. It is called Lampe Berger and today we use it for cleansing air in the home by destroying undesirable smells, while at the same time diffusing delicate indoor fragrances. There is actual science behind these lamps that purifies the air by breaking down the unwanted molecules. Using Lampe Berger for only 20 minutes at a time will help you to improve the INDOOR air quality in your home or office for a further 2 hours: there is no need to run it continuously. Please stop by the store and any of our staff will be happy to demonstrate one for you.
Stay safe. Barbara Leduc, Mrs. B's Gifts & Home Decor
609 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON K6J 3R8 613-937-0222 Facebook page www.facebook.com/ mrsbsgifts www.mrsbsgofts.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
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THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Cornwall Ontario -- It was a night of nostalgia for fans of heavy metal music. Legendary heavy metal band Anvil played their first ever Cornwall concert Saturday night at the Port Theatre. The Toronto band, which has released 15
There were about 150 people out for the show to see original members Steve "Lips" Kudlow (vocals and guitar) and Robb Reiner (drums) joined by new member Chris Robertson (bass) play an energetic and fun set. "I thought Anvil kicked ass at the Port! The heavy metal community in Cornwall is alive and well. I'd like to thank my friends at Black Moon and Larry Sylvain for working with me on bringing an amazing show to Cornwall and I would like thank the Port Theatre for the amazing venue", said Cornwall music promoter and owner of Alkaline Entertainment Jeff Brunet. Anvil has also invaded pop culture being heard in blockbuster movies, TV shows, and video games. The band was the subject of a 2008 documentary film, "Anvil! The Story of Anvil" which garnered critical acclaim. Steve Kudlow (pictured here) and Robb Reiner also appeared on an episode of the TV show Sons of Anarchy. The bands music has also been heard on the television show The Simpsons, movies like the Green Hornet and Final Destination, and on video games like Grand Theft Auto and Rock Band. Opening the show was Ottawa band A Darker Day.
Ro se
AGA / AGA Wednesday / Mercredi May-6-Mai Centre Charles-Émile Claude 146 Chevrier
As a corporation, Focus Art holds its Annual General Assembly on Wednesday, May 6, at 7pm at le Centre Charles-Émile Claude. An AGA is the occasion for members to voice their interest in the association. It is the meeting where the president presents the year?s activities to show how objectives have been met, the treasurer reviews the financial status and the Constitution is revised. It is also the occasion to elect the next Board of directors (10 members) from which the executive will be selected (President, vice-president, secretary, treasurer). Much is happening in the visual art scene. The Board members are not deaf to your comments. After business is complete, you are invited to participate in a panel discussion on the pros and cons of having a permanent art space for the members of the association. *To participate in the AGM you must be a paid-up member of Focus Art.
This will be an important event in determining the future of the group. We look forward to seeing you there !!! Ce sera un événement important pour l'avenir du groupe. Nous avons hâte de vous voir !!!
Don't forget that there is still time to vote for your favourite artwork from our sprint exhibit at the library. Winners will be revealed on Saturday, May 9. If you have art in the show, this is alwo the day to pick up your work. See you then!
Article and Photo by Jason Setnyk
studio albums, formed in 1978 and their number one hit song "Metal on Metal" came out in 1982.
Legendary heavy metal band Anvil rocked the Port Theatre
Bo nnie
PARKER Do you know your funeral director? I?ve often said that ?I?m the last person people want to meet? because in today?s society, death is brushed off and something to be frowned upon. Even in an introduction there can be that split second pause when I ?feel? the response when I?ve been introduced mentioning my vocation. Once people get past that initial phase things do change. We need to earn your trust. In serving families and being attentive to their needs, both emotionally and practically, I feel more at ease when you realize our profession is much like that of a banker, doctor, accountant or lawyer. We become to you like a trusted friend. When you need us you know we will be there to take care of your individual needs and wishes of the family. You have entrusted your loved one to us and we take that very seriously. At the time of loss you often need a shoulder to lean on. We are sensitive to a person?s needs and offer assistance where needed. This can only be done by listening to the families we serve. We are human and there are times when it may be difficult for us to keep our emotions under control but we know that we are unable to help you if we give in to our sadness especially in times of death of a young person or someone who we also know. So yes, we do grieve alongside you yet still remain professional. Our characters in this profession are ones of caring, compassion and empathy. In confidence, we are there to take care of any specific needs down to the last detail. Males and females often look at things in a different way; for this reason we have both genders on staff as funeral directors as well as French directors and staff. I trust this has helped you to get to know me and if I can ever answer any of your questions, to put your mind at ease I would be pleased to assist in whatever way I can. Bonnie Parker, Owner, Funeral Director at McArthur Bros. & MacNeil Funeral Home & Chapel 2 LOCATIONS to serve you: 428 Second St. E, Cornwall, Ontario - 613-932-6300 28 Sir James Morris Dr., Morrisburg, Ontario - 613-543-2271 mcarthurbrosfh@cogeco.net
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
even t s
m ore
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
The library will be closed Sundays beginning May 10th to Sept 3rd. Opening hours the rest of the week will remain the same.
Adult Graphic Novel Book Club (18+) New club meeting every third Thursday of the month at the library at 7:00 pm. New topic every meeting and individual picks for that topic to share with others. Registration Required.
All adults welcome!
THE 8TH ANNUAL CORNWALL PUBLIC LIBRARY WRITING CONTEST - MARCH 1 TO MAY 1, 2015 Write! Submit! Win! Writers,warm up your keyboards.Enter this year's edition on or before May 1, 2015 for a chance to win in either poetry or fiction.Enter the teen or adult group. Prizes awarded for top spots. All participantsreceive a participatoryprize when attendingthe Big Reveal held June 16, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
SATURDAY, MAY 2 YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) - Saturday mornings at 10:00 am. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME (for kids and their parents) HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE Saturday mornings@ 10:00 am THE FORUM Discussion with David Rawnsley - 9:30am - 11:30 am
CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm
PAWS 'N BOOKS - 11:00 am to 12 noon Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library
STORY TIME Ages 3-5 years old
SUNDAY CINEMA PRESENTS: "THE BOXTROLLS? @ 1:00 pm For the whole family
10:00 am to 10:45 am
TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver
Ages 0 ? 2 years old 10:00 am to 10: 30 am
READY, SET, KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. CLUB LES MILLE-FEUILLES (MARDI) - 18 h 30 Rencontre du club de lecture francophone. Bienvenue Ă tous. THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone 16 years of age and older welcome TEEN ADVISORY BOARD (TAB) Teens meet and discuss Join us now - 4:30 pm
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Our C O M M U N I T Y
Celebrate Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org The Centennial Choir of Cornwall Spring Concert We Rise Again 8 pm inside St. John's Presbyterian Church, 28 2nd St. E. With Le Choeur des Anges & The Village Voyces. Tickets on sale: Cornwall Square Lottery Kiosk Art Battle 268 - Cornwall at 7:00pm The Social, Conference & Event Centre 路 Buy Tickets United Way Coin Campaign - From May 1, 2015 to May 31, 2015 - During the month of May drop off your spare change at 405 4th St. W. for a chance to win a 7? android tablet, donated by Computer Sense. Maggie's getting married Starts Today... In this touching romantic comedy, you?ll join the Duncan family as they prepare for the wedding of their daughter. It is the night before the big day, and Maggie?s older sister discovers that she knows the groom a little better than Maggie would like her to.Dream Builder Studios, 2107 2nd Street West -$20.00
FANTASY REALM / FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2015 - 10am to 5pm - One day event when participating comic book specialty shops across North America and around the world give away comic books absolutely free to anyone who comes into their shops.
Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends.
Second Annual Zumba Plus Fundraiser for Canadian Mental Health at the Knights of Columbus 10am to 5pm.
Thunder in the Valley - SRDG Homer Opener Renfrew County Roller Derby Valkeries vs Cornwall Power Dames at A` nowara` ko:wa Arena
MOCCASIN MODEL RR Club meets at St. Mathews Lutheran Church, 1509 - 2nd St. W, Cornwall. on Wednesday at 7:30pm.All model railroad enthusiasts are welcome attend. 613-936-1660 http:/ / www.facebook.com/ groups/ moccasinRRcl
Hike For Hospice Registration: 1 pm, Hike: 1:30 pm from Hospice Cornwall, 1507 2nd St. W. Call Carefor for a pledge sheet:613.932.3451. All funds raised stay in our community. Cornwall Telephone Pioneers Chicken Dinner For Hospice 4:30 to 6:30 pm. Cornwall Legion, 415 2nd St. W. Tickets: 12$ on sale at Scotiabank-Brookdale Center or the Legion. Proceeds to Hospice Cornwall.
Free Gospel Concert with the Revelations at 7 pm. First Baptist Church, 310 York St.Seaway Roller Derby Cystic Fibrosis Casino Night from 7 pm to 12 midnight. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Admission: 30$ includes 500$ in playing chips. Auction & prizes. Must be 19 or older.
Concerts Flamenco With Marta & Richard Moir at 7 pm. Knox-St. Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Tickets: 15$ at the door or call: 613.938.3704. Cooper Marsh Conservators Annual Spring Fling from 2 pm to 4 pm. Cooper Marsh Visitor Center, County Road 2 Lancaster. Wine tastings served lite bites. Tickets 20$. Call: 613.933.7246 to reserve.
GARAGE AND BAKE 8 am to 1 pm at St. Therese Church Hall, 1304 Lisieux St., Cornwall Donations welcome at the church hall Friday, May 1 from 8:30 am to 1 pm Sponsored by the Auxiliary to St. Joseph?s Continuing Care Centre All proceeds towards resident care programs at St. Joseph?s Villa and CCC Craft Show In Support Of Mike & Tia Scott from 10 am to 4 pm. Alteka, 10 Tollgate Rd. E. Items include: jewelry, dog treats, summer hats, dresses & more. Raffles throughout the day. St. Joseph's Continuing Care Center Garage & Bake Sale 8 am to 1 pm. St. Therese Church Hall, 1304 Lisieux St. Donations accepted Friday, May 1st from 8:30 am to 1 pm. Spring Dessert Card Party 12:30 pm Knox-St. Paul's United Church, 800 12th St. E. Tickets: 6$ available at the church office.
Soup & Sandwich Lunch 11:30 am to 1 pm. St.Andrew's - St.Mark's United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault. Includes dessert & beverage: 6$ with take-out available Blood Donor Clinic from 12 pm to 3:30 pm & 5 pm to 7:30 pm. Cornwall Civic Complex. Book your appointment to save a life: 1.888.2.DONATE
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can reach them at
Cornwall Newcomers Club Monthly Dinner Meeting - Welcoming women new to the area in last 4 years on Tuesday, May 5th. Call: 613 932-8721 for more information
St Columban's CWL Garage & Bake Sale from 8 am to 12 noon. St. Columban's School, 323 Augustus St. Something for everyone.
Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510
Join The Maxville Relay For Life Team Volunteers are needed to plan and stage the June 6th event. Call Lois to register: 613.932.1283 or visit:MyCcsSchedule.ca
"The Gathering Place" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every
Seaway Seniors Center Yard Sale from 8 am to 12 noon. 1010 Guy St.
The Seeker would like to thank
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Tuesd ay.60¢ : Wings 9:00 pm W ed nesd ay 30oz : Pitcher&10Wings$15 - 1:00 am Thur sd ay$3:Beer Fr id ayKaraoke : 9-12thenDJtil2am W enow haveFOOD Sat ur d ayFR:EEPool Comecheck out our N EW M EN U!!!! Sund ayKaraoke : 5-9 1213 Pitt Street Cornwall -613-938-8659 Join us this FRIDAY,
May1 for
T h e Fil t h ie st Co m e d y o n Ea r t h
616 Pitt Street, Cornwall, ON 613-936-9898
DEREK SEGUIN, ARTHUR SIMEON & SAM EASTON 10pm 19+ $10 / $15 at the door Join us this SATURDAY,
May2 for
Sat u r d ay, M AY 16 , 20 15 8 :0 0 p m - M id nig h t 50 / 6 0 DANCE Tickets $10.00 per person at the club / at the door LIGHT LUNCH AT 11:30 pm
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
THO M PSO N I have a quick and easy recipe for you to try this week. It is a soft baked pretzel topped with lots of sesame seeds. You use the dough cycle in your bread machine, then just shape and bake them. So in less than 2- 1/ 2 hours you are enjoying eating them. It is a great recipe to make after the kids get back from (We carry all ingredients, except the beer, haha, at my store Sharyn's Pantry.) INGREDIENTS: - 1 cup beer - 1 tbsp. butter - 2 tbsp. sugar - 1 tsp. salt - 2- 3/ 4 cups unbleached bread flour 1 tsp, instant yeast
TOPPING: 1 egg lightly beaten - 1 tbsp. warm water (If the egg is right out of your fridge,warm the egg in it's shell in a mug of hot water for a minute. Now proceed to break the egg out of the shell into a small bowl, and add the tbsp. of warm water. You want this mixture to be warm, so when you brush it over the tops of the pretzels, you won't shock the warm dough and cause the pretzels to deflate.
about 1/ 4 cup to 1/ 2 cup of sesame seeds OR coarse salt to sprinkle over the tops of the pretzels before baking them
METHOD: Note: You don't have to use a bread machine to make these pretzels. Just mix the ingredients and knead the dough for 5 to 7 minutes. Allow the dough to rise up to double in volume. Now proceed with shaping the pretzels. -Add all of the first six ingredients into the baking pan of your bread machine. Insert this in your bread machine and select the DOUGH CYCLE. My machine will take about 2 hours. -Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Have your baking rack in your oven set to the second from the bottom. -Once the dough cycle is completed, flip out the dough onto a floured counter top. Press the dough out into a flat 14" x 9" rectangle.You can use your hands or a floured rolling pin. Cut the dough into 14" x 1/ 2" strips. Gently, stretch each to 16" in length.
school. They will be ready to eat with your supper. I served my pretzels alongside some homemade French onion soup I made. Supper was tasty and the pretzels were fun to eat! As I write this column early Tuesday morning, it is warm and sunny. I'm so happy that spring has finally arrived! Enjoy a -Shape the dough strips into a pretzel shape by curving the ends of each strip to make a circle: cross ends at top. Twist the ends once and lay them over the bottom of the circle. Don't worry, It will take you a couple of tries to get it to look like a pretzel. Allow a bit of space between each pretzel as they will rise and spread a bit as they bake. -Note: YOU DO NOT LET THEM RISE. As you shape them, they will rise a bit as you continue to shape them. That is the only time they will have to rise. Once they are all shaped, you will brush them with the egg wash mixture and then sprinkle them generously with either sesame seeds or coarse salt. I like to use sesame seeds. -Place each shaped pretzel on a parchment lined baking sheet. Brush the tops of each one with the egg wash mixture. Then generously sprinkle on some sesame seeds. -Once all are shaped and sprinkled with sesame seeds or coarse salt, place the pretzels in your oven on the second from the bottom oven shelf. -Bake them for about 18 to 20 minutes of until they turn a nice light golden brown. I save the excess sesame seeds which did not adhere to the pretzels. They are now toasted and make a great addition to a salad or in your next loaf of bread you will bake. -Serve your pretzels hot right out of the oven alongside a nice bowl of soup or a big salad or scrambled eggs. They are great to take in your lunch bag next day. -YIELD: 18 pretzels. ENJOY
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
CoTiCon is holding the Coko Ar t Contest! CORNWALL & AREA: CoTiCon (Cor nw all Tiny Convention) is pleased to announce an ar t contest open to ever yone in the com m unity. ?Ar tist m ay use any type of m edium but the w or k m ust be m inim um 8.5? x 11? and m axim um 11? x 17?, explains Annie DeRochie, or ganizer. ?The w or k should have Coko, our lovebir d m ascot in it. We encour age ar tists to use their cr eativity & im agination. Rem em ber, Coko loves anim e, com ic and geek cultur e!? Ther e is no entr y fee to par ticipate. All w or k is to be subm itted by noon on Satur day, August 22nd, 2015 (CoTiCon?s event day at the Cor nw all Civic Com plex). Entr y?s nam e and contact infor m ation is to be on the back of the w or k . It w ill be exhibited dur ing CoTiCon and judged by a panel of their peer s. A special r ibbon and gift w ill be pr ovided to the w inner as w ell as r ecognition on the w ebsite. For fur ther infor m ation check us out at www.coticon.com
Most of our clients say... That they get better results from one ad in the Seeker than all the other medias combined! See for yourself! Try it today! Call Julia at 613-935-8101 to learn how YOU could benefit from exposure in the Seeker! All it takes is $15 a week. It's not an expense, it's an investment!
The Seeker would like to thank
our sponsor of honour, for their continued support! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Cal l us t oday...
Jo se e
SAUVE My MARITAL STATUS has changed, what do I do? You need to advise the Canada Revenue Agency as soon as possible if your marital status changes. Not doing so can cause you to have an over payment of GST, HST, OTB and CCTB ? all of which will have to be paid back. Example: John and Jane got married on January 2, 2014 so they filed their 2013 tax return as ?single?as they were legally single on December 31, 2013. They wait until the spring of 2015 and change their marital status to ?married?on their 2014 tax return. During 2014, they both received $102 every 3 months in GST, Jane received $42 a month
A s easy as 1-2-3 1- Li k e " Th e Seek er" on Facebook 2- Go to th e Ri b f est Of f i ci al Ev ent Page. Cl i ck " goi ng" th en i nv i te your f ri ends! 3- On th at same page, l ook f or th e v ery f i rst post and comment: " I i nv i ted x x f ri ends and I WA NT RI BS" You w i l l b e automati cal l y entered f or th e draw w h i ch w i l l tak e pl ace Jul y 23
You can call CRA at 1-800-387-1193 to change your marital status or by completingMarital Status Change Form (RC65) mailing it to your Tax Centre. For more tax tips, visit www.sauvetaxservices.ca
M a rie
where your document went, so check the path (My documents/ Recipes/ Desserts/ Cakes/ chocolate cake).
Organizing computer files is a lot more important these days. These days your computer is where you do most everything? photos, bills, letters, emails, you name it and with all these computer documents, you need to file your information properly to find it in seconds.
- Purge files you no longer need. They don?t hurt anything but they do make it harder to find what you are looking for and take valuable space on your computer.
Computer files are very much like their paper files. A computer has a big giant metal filing cabinet called ?My Documents?. Within the filing cabinet you will have several large categories (folders) such as photos, letters, music, projects, etc.
- Depending on the type of folder, organize your files alphabetically or by date.
Only you can determine what type of main folders (categories) you will need, depending on your projects and tasks. Within each of those folders you will have subcategories you will want to label appropriately to make them easy to organize and locate. There is no right or wrong way of doing this, as long as the folders and sub-folders make sense to you. For example, under My Documents, you may have My Pictures, under that a folder called ''2008 Family Photos''. Then it is broken down even further, within that folder, under the following categories: 2008 Christmas, 2008 Florida Vacation, 2008 Birthdays. If you?re a visual person, then seeing it is easier.
in OTB and she also received $230 a month in Child Tax Benefit. After their taxes are filed, GST will send each an invoice for $404, Jane will receive an invoice from OTB for $504. In addition, because ?family?income is used to calculate CTB entitlements, she would have only been entitled to $93 a month based on their combined income, therefore she received an over payment of $137 a month), she will also receive an invoice for $1,644. That is a total of $2,956 combined that they will have to pay back.
Below is an example. Each of the categories is a file folder. Hope this example gives you a clearer picture to organize your computer files. The files must make sense to you when you are trying to find something. Do what works best for you to find your files easily. Tips To Organizing Computer Files - If you save more than one version of something, make sure you name your file accordingly so you can easily identify it (letter_v1.doc, letter_v2.doc, etc.). - When saving a file, check to make sure they?re going to the right location. It?s no fun wondering
- Back up files regularly, either to an external hard drive, burn them to a CD or keep them on a USB stick.
- These tips for organizing computer files also pertain to how you save and file emails. Make folders, just like the example below, relating to certain topics or regarding certain projects and keep them all together. - Find a method that works for you and start managing it as soon as possible. It?s easier to pick a system and use it than to go back later and try to resort years of data. Computer files' sample - My Documents - My Pictures - 2008 Family Photos - 2008 Florida Vacation - 2008 Birthdays - Jason?s 4th Birthday - Amanda?s 2nd Birthday - 2008 Christmas - 2007 Family Photos - 2007 San Diego Vacation - Recipes - Main meals - Desserts - Cookies - Cakes - Frosting - Side Dishes If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Co unte ss
TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER HONEY BEES' URGENT SOS! To all Eco-conscious Earth Stewards and Organic Gardeners: You are needed to help We The Honey Bees from being killed! Since several years, multinational agribusinessesproduce pesticides, insecticides, herbicides without testing the long-termeffects of their laboratory chemicals ...meanwhile throughout the world, their synthetic chemicalsare causing the most injurious side-effects, cancerous diseases and deaths.Conscientious farmers, gardeners, large crop growers have seen their foods deteriorating in quality yet are being forced to buy gmo-seeds from these government-endorsed/ subsidized agribusinesses such as Monsanto. Every year they have witnessed many of their workers and their family members suffering from manylung problems and many new physical ailments due to the toxicity of these chemicals. Even though they complain ... theyare not receiving any support from their "elected representatives!" ... nor from the people in government who are paid as a result of We The People's taxes! They have also noticed that: We the very important HONEY BEES who are needed to cross-pollinate their crops so they can have foods for the people - have become the victims of these agribusinesses and some of their deadly chemicals, such as NEONICOTINOID. This particular laboratory-manufactured chemical: Neonicotinoid: which they spray on the seeds to make them insect free ... has caused millions of my friends, theHoney Bees, to die since it affects our neurological systems. Most of the gmo's plants such as soy, canola, and corn have their seeds sprayed with NEONICOTINOID. As you can see in that word ... there is the word 'nicotine' that is found in cigarettes' tobacco and nicotine as defined in the dictionaries is: poisonous oily liquid in tobacco. HELP SAVE US HONEY BEES AND YOURSELF! With the help of the high-tech internet, become informed by searching the truth about these toxic chemicals and especially Neonicotinoid. Your next step can be to organize groups of organic gardeners and crop growers who are only going to use natural, safe and healthy ways to repel insects and use only healthy organic seeds. We also need you to BOYCOTT stores that sell Neonicotinoid and especially Monsanto's Round UP. HAVE NO FEAR! Remember that if we are killed by the agribusinesses toxic chemicals ... you are not safe either! Don't you know some loved ones whodied in pain as a result of smoking cigarettesbecause of thepoisonous nicotine in them?
Do hurry to SAVE USandYOURSELF ... IT IS YOUR DIVINE RIGHT TO DO SO! We the HONEY BEES and ALL NATURE'S CREATIONS NEED YOU TO RESPOND TO OUR URGENT APPEAL FOR HELP ... OUR URGENT SOS! Sources: www.panna.org - www.drsuziki.org - www.gmwatch.org - Organic Consumers Association | Campaigning for health, justice, sustainability, peace, and democracy
Google: Canada honey bees dying from neonicotinoid pesticides
Pa sto r
Call JOHN LUCIO Vendor Coordinator 613-360-1607
CONVOCATION PRAYERS I?m writing to respond to the April 15 ruling, which involved the city of Saguenay, Quebec and was based on a complaint filed by an atheist, Mr. Simoneau who declared that the practice of reciting prayers at the start of council meetings was an infringement on his freedom of conscience and religion. The mayor of Saguenay has been the one who has led in these prayers for years. That is not the case in most municipalities including the City of Cornwall. Here we have a list that includes leaders from the Centre for Islamic Education, another from our Hospital Spiritual Care Coordinator, seven from our Roman Catholic Community, and ten representing a mix from the Cornwall and Area Christian Council and The Evangelical Fellowship of Cornwall and Area. Others have been involved in the past as well. At no time have our elected officials needed to begin the meetings with a prayer or inspiration reading. We also do not have any symbols relating to an individual belief in the chamber.
The Supreme Court?s unanimous decision states on page 11 of 101 that ?There is a distinction between unbelief and true neutrality. True neutrality presupposes abstention, but it does not amount to a stand favouring one view over another.? I suggest that we continue with our practise and also give a minute of silence for those who hold an atheistic belief. That way we are remaining ?neutral.? In fact, it will meet the standard that the Court ruled in giving ?a generous and expansive interpretation? to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Also we would not be promoting ?one religion at the exclusion of all others.? I wish to also say that both the United States and Canada began as nations ?under God.? Our head of State is the Queen who is also the Head of the Church of England. They fly the Union Jack which consists of the crosses of St. George, St. David and St. Andrew. The desire of our founding fathers was that we would never become a nation that promotes a ?state religion? which we have ever done. Up to this point there have been no laws respecting one religion or prohibiting the free exercise of what we believe. Was there a need for such a change? I think not! It is simply another single individual challenging the desire of most people through judges who have been appointed NOT voted into their positions. They seem to often go beyond their scope of interpreting the laws to creating them. Pastor Brad Montsion - Fountaingate Christian Assembly
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
The Seeker donated $1,800 to Sexual Assault Support Services and Maison Baldwin House last week. The money was collected at the International Women's Day show which took place on March 8. Three "Booths of Honor" were auctioned off with full proceeds given to the cause. The Seeker also gave a dollar for each person who visited the show.
Seeker Chicks donate $ 1 ,8 0 0 to SASS and Baldw in House
In the picture, from left to right: Mai-Liis Renaud-Seeker Chick, Jeannette Martin-Beauticontrol, Jessica Wyatt-Baldwin House, Lionel Durochi-Fairy Sweet, Angela Binet-SASS, Cathy DeMars-Partylite, Melanie Malette-Beauticontrol, Julia Lucio-Seeker Chick.
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in clu d e s a m ini p r o f ile )
Michelle Gauthier Personal Training Holistic Weight Loss / Nutrition 613-360-9331
M am a's
Ap r il
30t h
"T HURSDAY Su p p e r Sp e c ial " BUY1 RoastBeefM el tPl atter and get th e 2nd 1/ 2 pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday,May7th DINE-IN ONLY
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
on your
10 0 t h co l u m n M a r l en e!
M a rle ne
BAKER Hi there to all of you wonderful Cornwallites reading ~The Seeker~ this week. This is Cornwall and the S.D. & G. area's most imformative and positive "REAL" paper that you can hold in your hand to be able to read about a lot of different things that are going on in and around our "home area". As I sit to type this column today, I realize that it will be my 100th column. I am so very proud and honoured to have been writing in ~The Seeker~ for this long of a time. I do hope that you have been enjoying what I write each week and that you will continue to do so in the future. Happy Reading Everyone.
I am so thankful for writing this column each week... Afterall it was one of my "Life's Dreams," to do so. I am thankful for my health, my loving family of seven children and soon to be seven grandchildren. (I have been blessed so many times over with four beautiful daughters and one granddaughter, and with three handsome and healthy sons, and five grandsons.) I am thankful all of the wonderful friends and acquaintances that I have met along my "Life's Journey!" You have all got me to where I am today. I am very thankful that I can breathe fresh air everyday, I am thankful for the home I live in that keeps me out of the elements and off of the streets. I am thankful for the delicious and nutritious food that I get to eat every day (some not so nutritious) and I'm thankful for the quiet and safe neighbourhood that I live in. I am so very thankful for the loving and caring man that I have in my life. John keeps me very happy and makes me smile everyday, (even when I don't feel so happy or feel like smiling) with his witty and humourous ways. I am thankful for all of the many beautiful and wondrous sights I get to witness everyday of my life. Such as the colourful crocuses, the sweet, mini, yellow & white daffodils, for the many coloured and stripey tulips, and all of the other "ground life" that are raising their sleepy heads from the soil that they live in. I am thankful for the many bike paths that I can walk on or ride my bicycle on, with John, I am thankful for the majestic St. Lawrence River that brings all of the water birds for me to see...like the flocks of Mallard ducks, the V's of Canadian Geese, the red-winged Blackbirds, the Robins with their flaming, red breasts and even the flocks of seagulls that squawk for french fries or bread crusts at my picnics. I am thankful or the Canadian wildlife that I get to see whilst biking or walking down the many paths that go in and out of Cornwall. I get to see many different squirrels, chipmunks, deer and the odd otter or two or muskrat scurrying along the water's edge for something good to munch on. I am so thankful to witness all of Mother Nature's Wonderful World of Wonders. At home, I am thankful for all of the different purses I get to use, for the mountain of clothes I get to choose from and wear each day, I'm thankful for the many boots, sandals and shoes (and more shoes), and hats galore that I get to don upon my head (like a cherry atop an icecream sundae.) I am thankful for the many beautiful and tasteful pictures on my walls, for the heat in the winter and the cool air in the summer. I am thankful for a yard to enjoy, a deck to sunbathe on and to have Spring and Summer meals on, and for mail delivered to my door. I am thankful for an internet connection, a phone line, and electricity that keeps everything working. I am thankful for the fresh and clean water coming out of the taps, whenever I desire it. I am thankful for reliable transportation so that I am able to enjoy the sights and sounds experienced whilst kayaking, such as the Great and not so Great Blue Herons, the many different songbirds... like the sweet Sparrows, the majestic, blue Kingfishers, the pretty, little Goldfinches that flit from branch to branch, and for the buzzings of the honey & bumble bees that are traveling from flower to flower collecting nectar to make into sticky,sweet honey for me to enjoy in my tea or on my toast in the morning. I am also thankful for the many, multi-coloured butterflies and dragonflies fluttering about to name but a few. I am thankful for this wonderful city that I live in, for the clean streets that are near beaches and a fabulous recreational trail that passes right along our shore. I am thankful for the many different stores to buy anything and everyting under the sun from. I'm thankful for the great entertainment at ~The Port~ Theatre and for the many other venues here in the city of Cornwall. I am also thankful for the dozens and dozens of restaurants, such as ~Cornwall BBQ~, ~Billy K's~, and~ Kasey's Pub~ etc. to go to when I don't feel much like cooking. I'm even thankful for the dozen Tim Horton's, for those times when I need a caffeine boost or treat. Tip of The Week: BE EVER SO THANKFUL & COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS, NOT YOUR PROBLEMS!!! I am ever so thankful for the photography work I do, which not only makes me happy, but also the people I work with, and also for YOU, the Readers who continue reading and enjoying what ~The Seeker~ brings to you each and every week. Here's a thought...The next time you are feeling down and out, try to focus
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Co n g r a t u l a t io n s
T ime to vote! for the SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS visit theseeker.ca This event is made possible with the help of our sponsors
Premier Printer Products Cornwall Public Library Jenni MacDonald Ontarioeast.net Annie & Jean-Pierre Laperle McArthur Brothers Alison Wonderland Band Sauve Tax Services McArthur Funeral Homes
B uy your tickets and choose your seats online by visiting theseeker.ca and
clicking on the link on the top left some of the "little things" that mean so much to you. Our hearts are all beating for another day to begin. We don't have war in this lovely country of ours and we are able to get Health Care far more easier than in most parts of the world. Simply by thinking about some of these basic things, life will become easier to appreciate, and those things that seemed so bad will suddenly seem much less important. We don't Live Forever, but we do get to choose much of what we will do with each day that is given to us. So live your Life with gratitude and be ever so thankful, and watch as things around you improve to the point where you can't help but Smile. After all, there are strangers to meet, enemies to befriend, books to read, floors to dance on, and so much more wonderous things waiting around every corner,(if only we take the time to notice.) We may be alive for millions of moments, but, we can only live in one of them at a time. Live each moment to make the most of life, and you'll see that life is far more wonderous than you may have ever imagined it could be. I think I have mentioned nearly a hundred (100) things that I am thankful for ... you can count them if you like.
Family News: My eldest daughter, Melinda turned 35 on April 28th. My! The time has sure rushed by... It seems like only yesterday that you were but a wee girl going off to kindergarten...Now you are a mother of four healthy and happy children. I wish only the very best for you in the upcoming years my dear and beautiful daughter. I am very proud of all that you have done and accomplished in your 35 years, Melinda. We have been through a lot together over these many years, all of the ups and downs and turn arounds, but we have survived to live a play and work and to enjoy another day. I look forward to another 35 exciting and wonderful years together, Melinda... I wonder what the future will bring us??? Fame??? Fortune??? Until Next Week...To Succeed in Life, You Need three (3) things... a Back bone, a *Wish* bone and a Funny bone. ~Reba McEntire~ P.S. Don't forget to Go and VOTE for me, ~Positively Marlene~ for Contributor of the Year and for John Lister, for Home-base business and for Visual Artist for ~Photo Dreams~ and for anyone else you would like to see WIN an AWARD for ~The Seeker's Choice Awards~ this year. Thank you kindly in advance. M~ Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except for employment, real estate, rentals and automotive
PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES Get your VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD Call Sheldon today
FOR SALE: Office desks, W hite Pr int M achine, Steel Legal filing cabinets, Dr afting boar ds, Sur veyor 's files and Filed Notes, Com puter Euipm ent, Sur vey Equipm ent, Ping Pong Table & Accessor ies 613-933-9161
FOR SALE: Round table 48" w ith extension to 74" and 4 chair s plus 1 ar m chair to go w ith it. 613-938-8315
GARAGE AND BAKE SALE Saturday, May 2, 2015 , 8 am to 1 pm at St. Therese Church Hall, 1304 Lisieux St., Cornwall
FOR SALE: 2005 Ter r yfleetw ood Fifth W heel Tr ailer, ver y clean, a m ust see, $10,500 obo. Call 613-931-2098
Donationswelcomeat the churchhall Friday,May 1 from8:30 am-1pm Sponsoredby the Auxiliaryto St. Joseph?sContinuingCareCentre All proceedstowardsresidentcareprogramsat St. Joseph?sVillaand CCC
HELP WANTED: The Cancer Society in Cor nw all is looking for 1-2 per sons to help us for 1- 3 hour shift per w eek . Ideally the candidate is a quick lear ner on the com puter, as they w ould be doing som e data entr y, and help w ith other com puter r elated tasks, ie sending out THANK YOU car ds and per haps helping w ith phone calls and som e bookings. Please contact: Lois van Beek-Bar r ette Volunteer Engagem ent co-or dinator 613-932-1283
FOR SALE: Royal Dalton figur ine - yellow dr ess and a cr eam and blue car pet - 6' x 8'. Call 613-938-8315
FOR SALE: 2 little gir ls long w hite dr esses size 6 and 7. One Osh Kosh little gir ls dr ess Scotch Plaid, size 5 - $20 each. 613-932-3936 FOR SALE: Ryobi 16" Scr oll saw on steel w or k station, asking $65. 613-932-9384
GIANT YARD SALE on May 2nd at the Seaway Seniors Centre at 1010 Guy St.
FOR SALE: One Bum per Pool Table, good condition, asking $250 obo and one 4x8 Slate Pool Table, asking $400. 933-5006
Cor nw all Ontar io. The yar d sale will be fr om 8am-12pm. This bi-annual yar d sale is one of our only in housefundr aiser s.
FOR SALE: M ens slipper s $3.50 each at 834 Yor k Str eet, ask for Richar d Tuesday and Thur sday betw een 11am and 2pm . 613-932-8275
FOR SALE: Tr ailer to go behind a van and a 1,000 btu air conditioner, ver y good condition. 613-933-7803
FOR SALE: Ingr ound sw im m ing pool item s: 1 ingr ound pool slide (also good for kids slide in a backyar d) ), 2 steps ladder s, 2 diving boar ds differ ent height. Would nor r nally cost $2700. Asking $700. 613-936-6873
FOR SALE: Double bedspr ead, paid $150, asking $45 obo. BBQ gr ill $10, Com puter stand $30, Folding table $30. 613-936-9399
FOR SALE: Light blue sw ivel living r oom chair, excellent condition $45. M atching blue footstool $15 613-938-6149
FOR SALE: 2 end tables & coffee table - Roxton m aple, glass tops, asking $250 (bought for $1,000) Call 613-932-0845
FOR SALE: Pink living r oom w ing back chair, $25 Call 613-932-3936
AUGER How to Choose The Right Real Estate Agent for the Sale Of Your Most Valuable Asset After making a decision to sell your home, your next step may be your hardest! " Whom shall I choose to list my house" you may ask yourself. Perhaps you have a trusted Real Estate Representative that has done a wonderful job for you in the past and your decision of who you feel comfortable to work with is already made. However for many sellers who haven't sold a home in umpteen years, you may wonder how to go about making the best choice for you. Here's a Super list of questions you should ask each real estate agent that you decide to interview. Not only will it level the playing field between agents but it will be very educational for you to hear each persons' answers as well as give you time to get a feeling to see whether this individual is a comfortable fit to both, work with you and on your behalf. 1. What is their background and experience level in real estate? We all know that the longer someone is in their profession the more they know, but are they successful? How many homes did they sell in the previous year ? How many days were their listings on the market. What other skills do they bring to the table that may assist them in getting your home sold? Get to know how committed they are to their profession. 2. What can you expect them to do for you during the selling process? Do they have a marketing plan tailored to your home? What exactly do they do to find suitable buyers? Which of their methods align with your preferences and schedule?
3. What services are included and are there any additional fees? Who pays the fee to the real estate agent who brings the buyer and if so how much is that fee? Is it an extra cost? You should ensure that it is on MLS so that your home gets the widest amount of exposure to potential purchasers as possible. Where else will your home listing be visible to the public? 4. Will you provide a comprehensive market assessment showing me comparable homes that have sold and also that are currently listed in our area? This CMA ( comparable market assessment) is the backbone of setting the proper market price on your home to ensure that your home compared to other active listings, entices purchasers to view your home and submit an offer to purchase. The CMA should be in writing so that you can see how the suggested list price measures up. 5. What is the real estate agents sales to list price ratio?
FOR SALE: Cab Cadeb Gar den Tr actor w ith dir ect dr ive and hydr ostatic tr ansm ission. Kohler 16hp Com m and Engine, 42" deck . Runs w ell $850 obo. Call 613-534-3853 FOR SALE: Bar bie telephone - $20 and a new Bar bie doll - $10. Call 613-932-3936 FOR SALE: Reusable filter for oil fur nace 19x19 $25. Call 613-932-3936
Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ADVERTISING in The SEEKERis NOTan Expense... It'sAN INVESTM ENT Call 613-935-3763 ext. 102
are part of the "action" in selling your home. 7. What is the average sale price and number of days to sell a home in your local area? Can you show me what is happening in my area in terms of activity level and what is the average sale price and average number of days on market? 8. Do you have references I could call or you could show me? Nothing says it better than a recommendation from a previous client of this agent or someone that has referred this agent's name to you. 9. What is your commission fee? Commissions vary among agents and among brokerages and may be dependent on the services provided. Do they include advertising, staging your home, consultation fees, getting estimates for work required on your home to enhance its saleability? Keep in mind that, as with most things, the cheapest deal is not necessarily the best deal. ( Read question number 5 again)
Let me give you an example. If your home was listed for $175,000. and it sold for $168,000 then the sales to list ratio would be ($168,000. DIVIDED BY $175,000.) = .96% So You received $7000. less than asking price . However If your home sold for $174,000 you would have a .99.4% sales to list price ratio and have received only $1,000. less that asking price. The bottom line is the higher areal estates ratio is the more money you would have put in your pocket. A sales to list price ratio is usually an average of the agent's last ten sales of her/ his own listings. This now becomes one of the key factors in choosing the right real estate professional for the sale of your home!
10. Do they have time and will they be available?
6. How and when will they keep you informed of the activity on your home?
If you have any questions or would like a consultation on selling your home - I am just a phone call way
How often will they communicate? By which means will they contact you? By Phone; mail; text; or in person? When will they call - daytime or evening. What arrangements would you like in terms of setting up showings on your home? Communication is the key to the best relationships and it also assures that you
Will you be working with this agent you are interviewing or do they have a partner or assistant and will be your main contact? Are they going on an extended vacation while the listing is active and if so who would be looking after their business? How many listings do they currently have and how many do they average at one time? I hope this article helps you to choose a good match for both your personality and your expectations! May your troubles be few and your future be bright, happy selling!
Do you have any questions, comments or suggestions for future articles? Drop me a line at judauger@cogeco.ca or call me at 613-930-3536. You can also visit my website www.realestatecornwall.com or go to www.facebook.com/judiauger
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 17 - May 1 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca