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Issue 18 th ei r sponsors... Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w Vol antume to6th ank May 8, 2015

Official Beer

Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r

Title Sponsor

Vol ume 6 Issue 18 May 8, 2015

BRIANNA LADOU CEU R age 1 6 , holds the title of "2 0 1 4 Rook ie-of-the-Year i n t h e DIRTcar Sportsm an M odified division. See her race on Fridays at M ohawk International Raceway and Sundays at Cornwall M otor Speedway

Photo by: Mai-Liis Renaud

$ 3 9 ,0 0 0



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19 GLOUCESTER 2 Storey brick house with 4 beds 2 baths




KENYON CONC. 12-14 ROAD 6 MARLBOROUGH Well established 13.98 Acres with Foupl ex +1 convenience mobile home, dug store on corner res. area. Lots of parking

# 1 $600 -# 2 $575 well, water softener and UV # 3 $625 # 4 $500 all plus utilities light and sceptic

Cl ean, bright spacious 4 bedroom/ 2bat h home in upscal e Rosedal e. Det ached doubl e garage. Immediat e possession possibl e!



Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d

EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102 PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper



613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1 Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL

inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm

Mot hers Know Best

Fro m the De sk o f the Ed ito r

Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker

Dear teenager. I'm sure you think you have it all figured out. I'm sure you feel your parents are complete idiots and you are certain "doing it your way" will be much better than following any advice your mom can give you, but trust me when I say to you that even today, at age 44, I get reminded daily that my mother knew best. And now that I am a mother as well, I get bragging rights to say that I too, know best. Your mom is the one who cleaned your bum when you were soiled, wiped your nose when it was runny and reminded you to brush your teeth every night. She wiped your tears, kissed your boo-boos and explained the ways of the world to you. She was your first educator and has been there to witness all your major milestones: your first words, your first steps, your first day at school, your first heartbreak, your first car... She celebrated with you the joyful occasions and picked up the pieces when you were let down. She is connected to you to a level that you will never understand. Not until you have your own kids, at least. I know it is hard to be in your shoes: I've been there! You have your entire future ahead of you and can't wait to take a huge bite out of life! You want to figure it all out by yourself and you don't want anybody meddling in your affairs. You'll take selective advice from friends, cause THEY are wise, you know? And If you make it, you will be able to say that you did it on your own--as if getting help from your parents would in any way take away from your accomplishments! You don't quite get that yet, and that's okay.

But know t his. There will come a time when you will look back and wish you would have listened to what your mother had to say. There will come a time when you will have made a totally avoidable mistake and will think to yourself "Man! Man mother WAS right!" You will soon discover that your parents are not as stupid as you initially thought, in fact, they're not stupid at all! They speak from experience, experience that you don't have, and they want to avoid you a whole bunch of unnecessary turmoil. They don't nag to annoy you; they nag because they love you, wholeheartedly. There will come a time when you will wish you had made the effort to learn more about your mother's life, where she came from, how she knew what she knew. There will be days when things will happen and you will wish you could pick up the phone and tell her about your day, ask her for advice, but by then, it could be too late. So instead of living a life of regrets, why don't you make sure you make this mother's day the best mother's day she's had yet! And no, she doesn't want things! She only wants YOU! "My mother said to me, 'If you are a soldier, you will become a general. If you are a monk, you will become the Pope.' Instead, I was a painter, and became Picasso." -Pablo Picasso

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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s


Pre se nte d

b y The Se e ke r

co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k

Ent ert ainers Coming Home f or t he IPM

The Seaway Food Festival and Jet Set Pub (NAV Centre) have partnered up to bring to this community its first Beer & Food Festival. The Seaway Food Festival and Jet Set Pub (NAV Centre) are excited to announce Cornwall?s Inaugural ?Summer Beer Fest?, set to be held on July 11th, 2015 at the Jet Set Pub (NAV Centre). The Summer Beer Fest is an experimental marketing initiative that celebrates our amazing local food scene and our region?s craft breweries. Our goal is to attract all members of the community to a unique gathering that will promote our local restaurants and various regional breweries via tastings, samples, promotional materials, and one-on-one information sessions. This year we are excited to announce several restaurants and eating establishments will be participating as food vendors during the event. They will be displaying unique menus representative of their establishments. Tentatively, some of your local favourites who have confirmed (their presence) include Bar Q, Truffles & Table 21, Schnitzels, Moustache Joe?s, and Love Love Food. We are also very pleased to share with you that breweries such as Big Rig, Cassel Brewery, Barley Days, Bicycle Craft, Lake of Bays, and La Tuque de Broue will also be present during the festivities. We anticipate adding more breweries to that list in the upcoming days. All participating breweries will have some of their brands present for you to enjoy! The Summer Beer Fest will be held on July 11th from 11am to 7pm with tickets sold at $10. This event will take place at NAV Centre on the Jet Set Pub patio and surrounding area. Guests will be able to purchase coupons on site that they can exchange for alcoholic or food consumptions. Live entertainment coupled with the ?shared-seating? arrangement provided by the picnic tables will create a unique experience for all festivalgoers. Tickets will go on sale starting June 1st, 2015 at the participating establishments, NAV Centre, or on-line. At the moment, there is no similar event in the SD&G area. Our belief is that there are growing segments of Cornwall residents who are yearning for this type of social and cultural experience. Finally, this is another unique opportunity for the community to support and highlight our amazingly talented chefs and our region?s breweries. Unlike other events in the area, the Summer Beer Fest is privately funded by our local hard-working businesses. Jet Set Pub (NAV Centre), the Seaway Food Festival, and our local restaurants have come together to deliver this unique summer event. We know this endeavour will continue to showcase and promote all the hard work that is being done by the restaurant professionals right here in our community

The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at

t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com

SDSG Federal NDP Nominat e Pat rick Burger The Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry Federal NDP riding association nominated Patrick Burger as their candidate for the October 19 federal election at their nomination meeting on May 6 at the Navy Veterans Association in Cornwall. Burger, a resident of Lunenburg, has been an English teacher at John Abbott College since 1997. He has a Master of Arts Degree in English Literature from Concordia University and is completing his PhD Studies. He is also living the realities of farm life as a Lunenburg resident. Burger is fluent in English, French and German and is an executive member of the SDSG Federal NDP riding association. Burger told the crowd: ?It is my belief that the NDP will win this riding of SDSG and form a majority government in Canada. The time has come for Canadians to escape the Conservative and Liberal ping-pong game and have a party that represents all Canadians and not primarily the business interests of the west or the east.? Burger gave three major reasons for his optimism for a NDP victory. First, the momentum that is building in the NDP; second, the sorry state of the nation under the Conservatives; and third, the

progressive policies of the NDP to benefit the people of SDSG. Burger stated: ?We have seen a steady erosion in Canadian values, in institutions that Canadians made clear they want, and we have seen ideologically-motivated tax cuts that don?t amount to anything particularly for the people of SDSG.? Burger dismissed the Liberals as an alternative to the Conservatives saying that ?their ideology is similarly market-driven.? Burger said that the NDP has the progressive plan to create good-paying jobs, bring in a universal child care program, improve health care and pensions, reduce income inequality, create a fairer tax system, invest in rural economies, fight climate change, and abolish the Senate of Canada. Brian Lynch, President of the SDSG Federal NDP riding association said that Patrick Burger would provide strong representation for the residents of SDSG in Parliament. Lynch further stated: ?Rachel Notley?s smashing victory for the NDP in Tory blue Alberta bodes well for the Federal NDP across Canada. Election campaigns do matter and the voters will support a progressive platform. In SDSG, the NDP is the clear, progressive choice.?

10t h annual Bark & Compost Day being hel d on Sat urday, May 9t h The Cornwall & District Horticultural Society (CDHS), in partnership with the City of Cornwall, will be hosting the 10th annual Bark & Compost Day at the Cornwall Landfill Site on Saturday, May 9th, 2015 from 9 am to 1 pm. Wood mulch and compost will be sold pre-bagged or by the scoop. You may also recycle your bags from last year or bring your blue boxes or similar containers for filling onthe-spot. Bags (or containers) of each product will be sold for $3.00 each; buy 10 and get one free! Scoops will be $25.00 for the first scoop and $15.00 for each additional scoop. Two scoops fill the average pick-up truck. One dollar from the sale of each bag/ container of compost will be donated to the Children?s Christmas Fund for the purpose of cereal and/ or milk. The CDHS, also known as Friends of the Garden, uses the

monies raised on this day to not only fund its monthly meetings and special events, but also to give back to the community.Please join Friends rain or shine, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for Bark and Compost Day. The City?s Landfill Site is located at 2590 Cornwall Centre Road West ? watch for the signs! Due to restricted access and constructions on Cornwall Centre Road, it is recommended that drivers use Highway # 2.

Graduat es f rom Cornwal l -based cooking program get cooking A half dozen graduates from a popular Cornwall-based cooking program have found jobs ? including full-time positions. The students, who recently completed an intensive 16-week in-class training session, and then finished a six-week placement as part of the Eastern Ontario Training Board?s kitchen helper program, have parlayed their success into work. The students have landed jobs in kitchens at area restaurants and

conference centres. The training board is hosting the program on behalf of Youth Skills Connection, a provincial government initiative. ?We?re so proud of the accomplishments of our students,? said program manager Kimberly Vass-Lihou. ?They worked so hard during our classroom sessions, and it has paid off because now employers are seeing first-hand how valuable they are.? The kitchen helper program is designed to help unemployed youth with barriers, between the ages of 18 to 25, get the skills and experience they need to get a job, explained Vass-Lihou. The 16-week, full-time session offers curriculum and kitchen practice, followed by a six-week field placement.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


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WISHINGEver yone a HAPPY & SAFE MOTHERSDAY! IT WAS AN INCREDIBLE DAY Article and Photos by Carol Grant

It was an incredible day last Saturday for FANTASY REALM / FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2015. Free Comic Book Day is held every year on the 1st Saturday in May as an annual promotional effort by the North American comic book industry to help bring new readers into independent comic book stores. The lineup was steady throughout most of the morning into early afternoon as almost 500 people visited FANTASY REALM, a lot of them for the first time. Thanks to the generosity of Randy Sauve, more than 2,000 comics were given away. Cosplay/ Glamour Model and Designer Marie-Claude Bourbonnais was at the local comic shop after her appearance in California just a week ago. Bourbonnais is ranked among the top cosplayers in the world and she happily signed autographs and posed for photos while she met with her fans while cosplaying her Green Lantern costume.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca





SPRU NG an d It 's R id ing Tim e A gain ... Here is t he ride schedul e f or 2015

Sat urday, May16 - Cl ub Ride Brockville, Smiths Falls Iron Ledgends, Winchester, Cornwall. Leader Scotty Sunday, May17 - Burn Out Boys Ride & BBQ Leader Scotty Sat urday, May23 - Cl ub Ride Biker Blessing Ride and BBQ, Leader Perry Welcom e to Spr ing 2015, Its Riding Season again. The Canadian M otor cycle Cr uiser s (CM C) Club of Cor nw all w ish to r em ind all dr iver s out ther e to be extr a vigilant w hen dr iving their car s for m otor cycles on the r oads now. M otor cycles ar e sm all and har d too see so take a second look befor e you pull out in fr ont of one and hur t or kill a r ider or your self. For you r ider s out ther e, The CM C has m any r ides planned for the sum m er m onths. Just about ever y w eekend this sum m er you can go on a guided tr ip som ew her e in Easter n Ontar io or Up State New Yor k . Our Rides officially star t M ay 2nd w ith our annual r ide to the Biker s Chur ch Sw ap M eet in Ottaw a. The follow ing w eekend w e go to Petes Sm oked M eat in Quebec for a big feed of the Best sm oked m eat ar ound. The sum m er r ides continue ever y w eekend r ight thr ough to October. Wer e planning a r ide and boat cr uise as w ell as a couple cam ping w eekends. We also have a m onthly br eakfast as w ell as biw eekly coffee m eet and gr eets w ith a shor t r ide on Tuesday nights. So ther e's lots to do in the CM C Club. The CM C National Rally is in Kingston this year and CM C 076 Cor nw all Chapter w ill be going up to that long w eekend r ally in August. M em ber s w ill be com ing fr om r ight acr oss Canada to attend.

Sunday, May24 - Cl ub Ride St Eustashe Flea Market Ride, Leader Scotty Sat urday, May30 - Cl ub Ride Ottawa Ride for Dad http:/ / support.pcff....d=1118&pg=entry Leader Dave Sat urday, June 6 - Cl ub Ride Americade Lake George Ny Memorial Ride for Charlie Leader Gary http:/ / americade.com/ Sat urday, June 13 BIKERS AGAINST BRAIN CANCER Sat urday, June 20 - Cl ub Ride Lake Placid NY Ride, Leader Jay Sunday, June 21 - Cl ub Ride Merrickville Bike Show an Shine, Leader Perry Sat urday, June 27 - Cl ub Ride Calabogie On Ride, Leader Dave Wednesday, Jul y 1 - Cl ub Ride CMC Ottawa Canada Day BBQ & Picnic Leader Perry Sat urday, Jul y 4 - Open

The CM C is a fr ee club to join if your looking for fun r ides and good people to hang out w ith this sum m er on your bike. We ar e bike fr iendly and it doesnt m atter w hat m ake of bike you r ide all ar e w elcom e. To join the CM C you can sign up at w w w.cm cnational.ca For questions or m or e infor m ation contact Per r y, 1st Officer CM C Cor nw all at seaw ayson@hotm ail.com Best Rega r ds Per r y M ontgomer y, 1st Officer

Sunday, Jul y 5 - Cl ub Ride Valleyfield to Boucherville Pq Dinner in Montreal on way home, Leader Yves

Sunday, Jul y 19 - Cl ub Ride Masson Flea Market, Leader Dave Sat urday, Jul y25 - Cl ub Ride Wolfe Island Ride Through Cape Vincent Ny, Bring your passports, Leader Gary Jul y 31 t o Aug-4 - Cl ub Ride CMC National Rally Kingston On. Camping Weekend, Leader Perry Sat urday, Aug 8 - Cl ub Ride Lake on the Mountain Ride, http:/ / prince-edward...rovincial-park/ Leader Jay Wednesday, Aug 12 - Cl ub Ride Rideau Carlton Bike & Car Show, Leader Perry August 14-16 - Cl ub Ride Cow Paddy Boy's R&R Camping Weekend Leader Perry Sat urday, August 15 - Cl ub Ride Hawkesbury Ottawa river Ride, Leader Gary Sat urday, August 22 - Cl ub Ride Scott's Mystery ride, Leader Scotty Sat urday, August 29 - Cl ub Ride 1000 Island Cruise from Rockport On Leader Perry Sat urday, Sept ember 5 - Cl ub Ride Quebec Mountains Ride, Leader Jay Sat urday, Sept ember 12 - Open Sat urday, Sept ember 19 - Cl ub Ride Diefenbunker Tour & Ride to Carp On. Leader Perry Sat urday, Sept ember26 - Cl ub Ride Big Daddy's Toy Ride, Leader Perry Sat urday, Oct ober 3 - Cl ub Ride Farley Foundation Charity Ride, Leader Scotty Sat . Oct 10 - BikersChurchOt t awaFal l Col orRide

Wednesday, Jul y 8 - Cl ub Ride Rideau Carlton Bike & Car Show, Leader Perry

Sat urday, Oct ober 24 - Cl ub Ride Chilly Willy Ride .....Leader Jay

Sat urday, Jul y11 - Cl ub Ride Saranac Lake Ny Ride, Leader Scotty

Sat urday, November 7 - CMC 076 Christ mas Part y Season wrap up Party

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


SPRING HAS FINALLY It 's R ac ing Tim e A gain

Art s & Cul t ure Trust Fund get a boost f rom t he Seeker


an d

Friday May 1st, Seeker Chicks Mai-Liis Renaud and Julia Lucio donated a substantial $2,500 to the City?s Arts & Culture Trust Fund. The donation was handled by John McMartin (president) and Rose Desnoyers (chair) of the Centre for the Arts Collective, an approved committee of the City of Cornwall whose main functions are to raise awareness of arts in the community and raise funds to see the completion of a brand new or refurbished Arts Centre come to life. The money was raised at the 2014 Seekers Choice Awards. ?When we started the Seeker five years ago, we wanted to make it a paper where Arts, Culture and Events would be on the main stage,? said Lucio. ?It was a no brainer last year when the time came to select the Collective as the beneficiary of the fundraiser. The Seeker virtually brings the Arts together on paper, the Collective can bring them under a physical roof.? ?Our vision is to see that centre built in the next few years,? continued Renaud. ?It?s no secret that the Seeker has a heart for the arts, so we?ll do anything to help this come to life. We?re hoping our donation raises awareness about the need of this Arts Facility and will inspire others to do the same.?


www.TheresaTayl or.com 2045 Pit t St . Nort h Cornwal l

The three levels of government, Federal, Provincial and Municipal were also present, showing that our politicians are taking the Arts Community seriously. You can look at the video or Guy Lauzon, Jim McDonnell and Mayor Leslie O'Shaugnessy on our website at : http://www.theseeker.ca/arts-culture-trust-fund-get-a-boost-from-theseeker

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l




even t s


m ore


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THE LIBRARY IS NOW CLOSED SUNDAYS beginning May 10th to Sept. 3rd. Opening hours the rest of the week will remain the same.

BIG BIG BIG USED BOOK SALE AT THE LIBRARY FRIDAY, MAY 15 - 9:30 am t o 5:00 pm SATURDAY, MAY 16 - 9:30 am t o 4:30 pm.



YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) @ 10:00 am. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME (for kids and their parents) HEURE DU CONTE FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE @ 10:00 am PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library - 11:00 am to 12 noon


CHECK-MATES with CliffordLabre - Saturdayafternoons@ 2:00 pm MAY DAY (Ages 7 t o 13 yrs.) 3:00 to 4:00 pm by registration only. Warmer days are here: we?re celebrating spring with a crown of flowers, ribbons, and bells.

MONDAY, MAY 11 TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver

L ook w h o's t ur ning

TUESDAY, MAY 12 READY, SET, KNIT The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone.


CHAPTER ONE CHAT ROOM Meet like-minded writers and share your experiences - Discussion 6:30 pm THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.


H ap p y 1st

B ir t h d ay

PHOENIX RICHARD ALLAN MALLET Love Mommy, Daddy and all your family, we love you xo

THURSDAY, MAY 14 STORY TIME - Ages 3-5 years old - 10:00 am to 10:45 am


BABY TALES - Ages 0 ? 2 years old - 10:00 am to 10: 30 am CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone 16 years of age and older welcome FUN WITH SIGN - Sign language practice @ 6:30 pm

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ADVERTISING i n Th e SEEKERi s NOT an Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3 ex t . 1 0 2 don't forget your special announcements .....

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Our C O M M U N I T Y




Free Gospel Concert wit h t he Revel at ions at 7 pm. First Baptist Church, 310

York St. Seaway Rol l er Derby Cyst ic Fibrosis Casino Night from 7 pm to 12 midnight. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Admission: 30$ includes 500$ in playing chips. Auction & prizes. Must be 19 or older. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y Cornwal l (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org




Royal LePage Perf ormance Real t y present s t he 7t h Annual Nat ional Garage Sal e f or Shel t ers at 8:00am Cornwal l Out door Cl ub Event s: Hike Marbl e Rock Rideau Lakes Area. Call: 613.534.8855 Wal k For Al zheimers: Make Memories Mat t er at t he Lamoureux Park Bandshel l . Registration: 9:00. Walk begins: 9:45. Closing Ceremonies: 10:45. Information: 613-932-4914 or www.walkforalzheimers.ca Indoor Garage & Bake Sal e from 9 am to 1 pm. Cornwall Pentecostal Church, 208 2nd St. E. Lots of items priced to sell. Bark & Compost Day from 9 am to 1 pm. City Landfill Site, 2590 Cornwall Center Rd. W. (Use Hwy # 2). Rain or shine. Bag/ container:3$ or scoop:25$, additional scoop:15$ St . John Ambul ance Recycl e El ect ronic Day Fundraiser - Drop off unwanted electronics, TV's, printers, computers, stereo's, etc. on Saturday, May 9th from 9 am to 4 pm at 1001 Sydney St.




Worship and t he word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y. 10:30 am 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Services at 9am and 11am ever Sunday at Harvest Christ ian Fel l owship. York Street, Cornwall.




Caref or Heal t h & Wel l ness Cl inic from 11:15 am to 1 pm. Lan-Char Center, 20 Victoria St. Lancaster. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol checks etc




Is food a problem for you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry? Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gat hering Pl ace" is at t he Cornwal l Wesl eyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends. " EVERYONE IS WELCOME"




Spring Luncheon at Trinit y Angl ican Church, 105 SecondStreet West. 11:00 am to 1:00pm. Adults $9.00, children under 12- $3.00. There will also be a crafttable, bake table and book tables. Aul t svil l e Wednesday Night Movie Series wraps up its season May 13th, 7:30 pm at Galaxy Cinema with the Belgian Film Two Days, One Night. A young Belgian mother discovers that her workmates have opted for a significant pay bonus in exchange for her dismissal. She has only one weekend to convince her colleagues to give up their bonuses so that she can keep her job. Two Days, One Night delivers its timely message with honesty and compassion and its lead actress Marion Cotillard received a Best Actress Oscar nomination for this role.

Tickets $15 at the door or at the Civic Complex box office. Bereaved Famil ies Support and Share Night from 7 pm to 9 pm. 216 Montreal Rd. Presentation followed by small group support




Your ad coul d be here had you cal l ed it in. Next t ime, don't f orget ! Cal l 613-935-3763




Cornwal l Publ ic Library Giant Used Book Sal e 9:30 am to 5 pm & Saturday, May 16th: 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. 45 2nd St. E. Great bargains and a surprise on Saturday from 3:30 to 4:30 pm. CareFor Wal k-In Wel l ness Cl inic from 11 am to 3 pm, 205 Amelia St. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure checks, diabetes & cholesterol checks etc.

Next Meet ing at Monday May 11 The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank


our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at


6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


M U S I CN ' M O R E SAVE e ns ed i cTHE l s i o i t DATE FOR O u r P aou t a nd enj oy ! ALLEY Com e

W e now


W hat ' s On This W eek ?


Tuesd ay :.60¢Wings W ed nesd ay :30ozPitcher&10Wings$15 Thur sd ay :$3Beer Fr id ay :Karaoke9-2amthenDJtil 2am Sat ur d ay :FREEPool Sund ay :Karaoke5-9


have FOOD Sat urday check Come out our N EW M EN U!!!! May 2 1213 Pit t St reet Cornwal l -613-938-8659

Join us t his

SATURDAY,MAY8 CA Y M , EL E & B EY O N D T H E V OID 616 Pit t St reet , Cornwal l , ON 613-936-9898

CAYMTorontothrash/groovemetal ELEBelleville thrash/punk BEYOND THEVOIDCornwall Grunge Rock

$5 at door - Doors open 9pm - 19+

M ast erSh a So u lHeal i n g Gr o u p(n ew) Tues.May 12 & Tues.May 26 from7 - 8:30 pm Com e & chant with us. No fee. TRLegerAlternativeSchool 1500CumberlandStreet,Cornwall Info@613-933-8860 ALL AREWELCOM E!


Sat u r d ay, M AY 16 , 20 15 8 :0 0 p m - M id nig h t 50 / 6 0 DANCE Tickets $10.00 per person at the club / at the door LIGHT LUNCH AT 11:30 pm


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY


Sha ry n

THO M PSO N A couple of weeks ago, I got to talking with Carol as she was shopping in my store. She is a great collector of Jean Pare's Cookbooks. So am I. She was buying our Dutch Process cocoa for her sons birthday cake. She told me about her Mum Georgette's wonderful recipe for a chocolate cake and frosting. She said it was the only cake that they would make for any special occasion. She

GEORGETTE'S CHOCOLATE CAKE INGREDIENTS: (Yes we carry all of the ingredients needed at my store, Sharyn's Pantry.) -

1- 3/ 4 cups unbleached all-purpose flour 1/ 2 cup Dutch Process cocoa powder 1/ 2 tsp. fine salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1- 1/ 2 cups white sugar 2 eggs (I use extra large in all of my recipes) 1/ 2 cup butter melted and cooled to room temperture - 1/ 2 cup milk (I used warm water with 3 tbsp. skim milk powder to make the 1/ 2 cup of milk) - 1 tsp. baking soda dissolved in 3/ 4 cup warm water

gave me the recipe and I made it myself. She was right! It is a wonderful very nice and chocolatety cake with a fluffy frosting. It uses our store's dark Dutch Process cocoa powder. You can't have any better chocolate flavour with this special cocoa. Thanks Carol for caring and sharing your Mum's recipe with me. Have a great week!

- I placed the baked cake (in the pan) on a wire cooling rack to cool completely to room temperature before I frosted it. (I was leaving the cake in the pan.) - NOTE: Carol also said you can bake the cake into round layer cake pans if you wish. LUSCIOUS CHOCOLATE FROSTING INGREDIENTS: - 3 cups sifted icing sugar - 1/ 2 cup Dutch Process cocoa powder - a pinch of salt - 1/ 2 cup butter at room temperature - vanilla to taste (optional, I used 2 tsp. vanilla) - enough milk to make a creamy frosting

METHOD: - Set your oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9" X 13" baking pan with Pam no-stick spray. Then I dusted the pan with some of my Dutch Process cocoa powder instead of using flour. This keeps the cake nice and dark underneath and prevents the cake from sticking - Melt the butter and set aside to cool for a few minutes. -In a large bowl, sift or whisk the flour, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder and sugar. - In another bowl, beat the eggs until nice and fluffy, add to them the milk, cooled melted butter and warm water with the baking soda. -Add the liquid ingredients into the sifted dry ingredients. Mix well. (I didn't use an electric mixer, just beat the batter with a fork by hand until nice and fluffy.) -Pour the batter into the greased and cocoa dusted baking pan. Spread to even out the batter. -Tap the pan on your counter top to release any large bubbles. This evens out the batter as well. - Bake your cake in the pre-heated 350 degree F. oven for 25 to 30 minutes. My cake took 26 minutes to bake perfectly. The batter will rise to double in height as the cake bakes.

METHOD: - I used my electric mixer here to cream the butter until nice and fluffy. - Sift the icing sugar, cocoa powder and salt over the butter. Add the vanilla. Using your mixer, slowly mix so the icing sugar won't fly all over your counter top and you as well. Add in enough milk to make a proper frosting consistency. Beat until nice and fluffy. -Spread this buttery chocolatety frosting all over the top of the cake. Swirl it with a spatula to make it look scrumptious. ENJOY!

SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998


?What wil l be your Amazing 8?? Members of the Cornwall Outdoor Club de Plein Air (COCDPA) are having a blast taking on mountain climbing challenges such as the Saranac 6ers which was designed to increase tourism for the Town of Saranac Lake. This is a focal point for vacationers in the area and many members of the Cornwall Outdoor Club.

Th is ar t ic le sp onsor ed b y

Ser v i n g Cor n w al l f or m or e t h an 30 year s!

150 Pit t St reet , 613-932-2750


Canada Bird Sanctuary or upscrambling rocky look-out in Gatineau Park. Those looking for a bigger adventure can choose the ?Epic 8? events such as a braving a polar bear plunge or summiting an Adirondack 46er high peak mountain.

The rules as well as a complete list of activities can be found on our website at www.cornwalloutdoorclub.ca. Those who complete a set of eight activities after May 1, 2015 will earn an embroidered badge and a ranking on the roster of our ?Cornwall Outdoor Amazing 8? Facebook page. In addition, those completing the Epic challenge will receive an amazing certificate. Participants are encouraged to submit their photos to our Facebook page.

Challenges such as that one bring people together in the pursuit of a common goal. So why not create our own challenge right here in our own backyard? We have made a list of inspiring outdoor events that are fun and achievable. The Seaway Valley has a lot to Pack a lunch and join us for our official launch offer: cycling along the Waterfront trail, on May 18th. We will be meeting at the paddling on the St. Lawrence or the Raisin River, Lamoureux Park Bandshell at 11:00 a.m. to cycle hiking or snowshoeing in the many conservation to Grey?s Creek and back. This event counts as areas, just to name a few. On Monday, May 18, an event from the ?Cycling? category. So why 2015, COCDPA is officially launching the not start earning your badge right now. This ?Cornwall Outdoor Amazing 8.? This opportunity year we want to know ?What will be your is open to everyone and is your chance to be Amazing 8?? ?Amazing!? The challenge consists of completing eight events from a list of ten in The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank each of the following categories: Winter, Water, Cycling, and Hiking. You can choose from a wide range of levels such as testing your balance on a paddleboard or racing through the rapids in the Raisin River Race. our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040 You can pick between walking at the Upper


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


Cal l us t oday...




Jo se e

SAUVE I al ways owe so I al ways wait unt il t he l ast minut e? OK ? this is a BAD idea!!! Even if you owe ? whether you file on Feb 12th or April 30th, your balance owing is not due until April 30th. So

you bring your taxes to your tax preparer on April 29th and are advised that you are missing a vital slip in order to file your taxes. But it?s a Friday and you cannot get a hold of anyone until Monday. So you will be 3 days late filing your taxes. Even if you are 1 single day late, the penalties are 5% of your balance owing. So if you owe $1000, that is a $50 fine. If you owe $4,000, it?s a $200 fine. Don?t procrastinate!! If you owe, the earlier you file? the better! For more tax tips, visit sauvetaxservices.ca

The Cornwall Comedy Festival is not just for laughs, it is also for a good cause. ?The Cornwall Comedy Festival is raising money for Cornwall Minor Soccer, the local OSPCA, and the Ogooma Children's Home in Uganda,? explained Roger Lee. The festival features a series of events at different venues, including two back-to-back headline shows at Aultsville Theatre. ?We are pleased to have had Bowser & Blue perform Friday night and to have Derek Seguin and Mike MacDonald perform Saturday night?, said Shawn Fowler.

Bowser and Bl ue cause cont agious chuckl es at Cornwal l Comedy Fest ival Article and photo by Jason Setnyk

It was packed at Aultsville Theatre for Bowser & Blue. The show sold out days before opening night. Bowser & Blue are legends of Canadian comedy. They have appeared on Just for Laughs frequently, as well as on CBC television, and on a CTV Christmas special ?Two Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire?.

From old age pensions to songs about Canadian politics, no topic is off topic for George Bowser and Rick Blue. The Justin Trudeau song was an audience favourite and caused contagious chuckles at the Cornwall Comedy Festival.

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



Co unte ss

TRO TTIER/TRO TZIER MOTHER'S DAY HER...STORY! Jul ia Ward Howe established the first North American Mother's Day in 1870. The reason this proclamation was passed had nothing to do with giving flowers, boxes of chocolates, a dinner at a restaurant ... but MOTHER'S DAY WAS CREATED TO END ALL WARS! Julia had started to organize women to protest the death and carnage of the Civil War, and the futility of seeing mothers' sons being used to end conflicts: instead of wisdom and peacefull debate; seeing mothers' sons killing the sons of other mothers: without ever having known each other. Julia also extended Mother's Day beyond the land of America to include other countries and have mothers and women of all ages to celebrate their Rights to Enjoy Peace and Motherhood without ever having deadly wars. While many today know nothing about Mothers' Day her...story, during the end of the 19th century and going into the 20th century, many mothers celebrated this day with these powerfull visionary words which were composed by Julia Ward Howe: Arise, then, women of this day! Arise all women who have hearts. Whether your baptism be that of water or of tears Say firmly: "We will not have great questions decided by irrelevant agencies. Our husbands shall not come to us reeking of carnage, For caresses and applause. Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.

...From the bosom of the devastated Earth A voice goes up with our own. It says, "Disarm, Disarm!" The sword of murder is not the balance of justice! Blood does not wipe out dishonor, Nor violence indicate possession. As men have often forsaken the plow and the anvil at the summons of war. ...In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask That a general congress of women without limit of nationality May be appointed and held at some place deemed most convenient And at the earliest period consistent with its objects To promote the alliance of the different nationalities, The amicable settlement of international questions. The great and general interests of peace. Anna M. Jarvis Sr. was also another trailblazer who devoted herself to the creation of Mother's Day. Her daughter, also named Anna Jarvis Jr followed in her footsteps. Anna, influenced by her mother and Julia Ward Howe, working to promote equality and peace, established the first "Mother's Day" celebration in 1907, and by 1914, President Woodrow Wilson signed the "Mother's Day" recognition into law. We Can Succeed To End Al l Wars! Although men/ patriarchs have used violence and war to address conflict since the 6,000 years of "his...story" this does not need to continue since the Universe is always in a state of change. How can women/ mothers in the Cornwall area make some powerfull changes to create a SereneWorld in Balance? ... May I suggest that we join and help one great mul t icul t ural woman: Marie Morrel l and work wit h her in achieving her Mul t icul t ural Cent er which is based on t he most serene concept t hat can achieve peace: t o promot e t he al l iance of al l t he dif f erent nat ional it ies in t he Worl d!

Cal l JOHN LUCIO Vendor Coordinat or 613-360-1607

Please feel free to contact: Marie Morrell at www.paradeofnations.com

Former WWE superst ar Rhyno overcomes Payne Sat urday night in Cornwal l Story and picture by Jason Setnyk

Cornwall Ontario ? The MPW Heavyweight Title Match was a slobber-knocker Saturday night at the Agora. Rhyno who is a former WWE Hardcore Champion, former ECW World Television Championship, former WCW United States Championship, and former NWA World Heavyweight Champion was in Cornwall for the main event. MPW Heavyweight Champion Payne, with a little outside interference from Insignia, pinned former WWE superstar Rhyno for the 1-2-3 much to the dismay of wrestling fans in attendance. However MPW commissioner Pat Paquette reversed the decision and disqualified Payne and awarded the match to Rhyno. ?As CEO of Mecca Pro Wrestling I was getting sick and tired of the Insignia cheating and dictating matches. When I saw them double team Rhyno and when Payne hit Rhyno with the title I had enough, so I over turned the decision and made Rhyno the winner. I wanted the Insignia to know who runs Mecca Pro Wrestling and that it is me,? explained Paquette. Here are al l t he resul t s f rom Sat urday?s House of Payne: -Damien Syles defeated Catalyst -Decker Leduc defeated Jesse Amato -Crimson won the Pound for Pound Title with a win over Derric Hamilton -Cj Felony defeated Deeno -Joey Valentyne defeated Kawn Chang -The Barbarians vs. KL Shock and Ray Steel ended in a double count-out -Mario defeated Bret McLeod -Persephone Vice defeated Jewells Mallone

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY The Paul DesLaur ier s Band r ocked out to a sold out show a few w eekends ago at the Por t Theatr e her e in Cor nw all. DesLaur ier s, a native of Cor nw all and his bandm ates Sam Har r isson and Gr eg M or ency did not disappoint as they played to a cr ow d of a couple hundr ed people. The band w as nom inated in no less than 6 categor ies at Quebec's Lys Blues Aw ar ds Gala w hich w as held on M ay 3r d. Visit The Paul DesLaur ier s Band's w ebsite at w w w.pauldeslaur ier sband.com

Ther e w er e 2 r ounds w her e 4 ar tists battled and the w inner fr om each r ound w ent on to the thir d r ound. Car r ie Keller and Sar ah Szelid battled in r ound 3 and the w inner (seen left) w as Car r ie Keller.

ART BATTLE Article by Mai-Liis Renaud & Photos by Sheldon Grant Last w eekend an ART BATTLE w as held at The Social (for m er ly the Chur ch on Sydney) and w as attended by about 100 people w ho w atched 8 ar tists paint a painting in 20 m inutes.

The Paul Desrauriers Band Rocked Out ... Article & Photo by Carol Grant

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All mothers receive a flower on Mothers Day ----Gift Certificates are available!

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pl ace


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


M a rle ne

BAKER Hi there to all of you wonderful people who are reading Cornwall's and the S.D.& G. area's most Positive and Informative paper this week. This is my one hundred and oneth column this week. I can hardly believe that it is. I have been so happy writing in the Seeker each week and I would love to WIN the contributor's award this year. I would appreciate it if you would go and vote for my column, ~Positively Marlene~ and anyone else that you know that is deserving some recognition for what they have contributed to our home community of Cornwall.

My! My! My! Mother Nature is out in full bloom, literally. From one week of hardly seeing any of the flowers peeking out from their "earthy beds," to a rainbowic mass of colour covering my front and side lawns. April's showers did bring May flowers after all!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you Mother Nature for bringing back the Promise of Spring. We are now finally able to enjoy our time outdoors, admiring and taking in all of the different sights and sounds of Spring time. This makes us all look forward to the Summer and all the fun and frivolity that that entails. Happy Springtime Everyone!!! Enjoy Thyselves. I would like to share with you about a young woman from Cornwall who has opened the first Bellydance Class right here in our own home town. Her name is Tracy Emond and she has been training with the "Best of the Best". She has been travelling back and forth to Ottawa every week to take bellydancing classes because she wanted to have people in our community and in the surrounding areas able to share the same experience, and to be able to learn this fabulous dance method. A good friend and student of hers, Stephanie Handy, recommended her to me and had asked if I would mention her bellydancing classes in my column. She says that Tracey has so much passion, and her love for bellydancing shows in all of her classes. I feel others should hear about her story, so that is why I am telling you, my interested readers, about her. Tracey teaches at C.C.V.S. every Tuesday night from 6:45 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. on two different levels. If you or anyone else that you know is interested please let Tracey know. Her number is (613) 360-6322. I might just see you there... Happy Bellydancing ladies. I had a most wonderful and fun time at ~The Glengarrian~ last Saturday evening with a couple of my girlfriends, Annie Bouchard and Jacqueline Cadieux, along with a number of other familiar and friendly faces, like Patti Edwards and Maryanne Archer. We ladies had a most wonderful time dancing along to the many talented karaoke singers, and to the upbeat dance tunes that Dj, Mike Palfrey, had on for all of us avid dancers. The drinks were cold and tasty, the staff were friendly and attentive, and the company was funtastic. I couldn't have asked for a better evening out with friends and colleagues. It made for a most delightful and fun-filled Saturday Night!!! If you or anyone you know wants to have a fun and safe evening out... Go to ~The Glen~, (as it is referred to.) It is located at the ~Tudor Mall~(right across for Canadian Tire) 841 Sydney St. Cornwall, Ontario. Phone (613) 933-6426. I so look forward to seeing you and your friends dancing the night away at ~The Glen~ some Saturday night. Oh, My Poor Feet!!!




T ime to vote! for the SEEKERS CHOICE AWARDS visit theseeker.ca This event is made possibl e wit h t he hel p of our sponsors

Premier Print er Product s Cornwal l Publ ic Library Jenni MacDonal d Ont arioeast .net Annie & Jean-Pierre Laperl e McArt hur Brot hers Al ison Wonderl and Band Sauve Tax Services McArt hur Funeral Homes

B uy your tickets and choose your seats online by visiting theseeker.ca and clicking on the link

Tip Of The Week: Did you know that...The PAST is where you learned the LESSONS, and the FUTURE is where you apply the LESSONS. Don't GIVE UP on the PRESENT. Live Your Life TODAY and then you can (and will) appreciate this moment right now, and you will BE EVER SO HAPPY!!! Spread your Positiveness and it will come back to you one hundred fold. I Promise...I know from my own experience. Until Next Week: The "Real Things" in Life haven't changed. It is still best to be Honest and Truthful and to make the most of what we have. This will allow you to be happy with the simple pleasures and to have courage when things go wrong. Be Positive!!! Surround Yourselves with Positive and Happy People which in turn makes your Life, Positively Happy!!! P.S. We are getting very close to the Deadline to VOTE for the ??~Seeker's Choice Awards?~. If you haven't voted, then Please visit www.theseeker.ca/ seekers-choice-awards/ to vote now. Don't Forget to BUY YOUR TICKETS!!! There is an Early Bird Special going on until May 15. (After that date the price goes up $7.00.) John Lister and I, and ~the Seeker Chicks ~Julia Lucia & Mai-Liis Renaud, look forward to seeing you and your families in June at the ~Cornwall Golf & Country Club's~ Gala Event of the Year. GO! GO!! GO!!! What are you waiting for??? GET GOING NOW!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashiongraphy.ca & www.photodreams.ca

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca



TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive


PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD Cal l Sh el don t oday


FOR SALE: Office desks, W hite Pr int M achine, Steel Legal filing cabinets, Dr afting boar ds, Sur veyor 's files and Filed Notes, Com puter Euipm ent, Sur vey Equipm ent, Ping Pong Table & Accessor ies 613-933-9161 FOR SALE: Ladies m ountain bike, Hur r icane Pathfinder, 5 speed, har dly used, $75. 613-932-2302 FOR SALE: Cab Cadeb Gar den Tr actor w ith dir ect dr ive and hydr ostatic tr ansm ission. Kohler 16hp Com m and Engine, 42" deck . Runs w ell $850 obo. Cal l 613-534-3853 WANTED: Office desk and chair in good condition. Call 613-938-6751 FOR SALE: 2 end tables & coffee table - Roxton m aple, glass tops, asking $250 (bought for $1,000) 613-932-0842 FOR SALE: Double bedspr ead, paid $150, asking $45 obo. BBQ gr ill $10, Com puter stand $30, Folding table $30. 613-936-9399

Friday, May 8 - 9am to 2pm and Saturday, May 9 - 8am to 2pm 1114 Carleton Street between 11 & 12th Streets


STREET SALE Saturday, May 9 - 7am start Mary Street Cancelled if rain.

FOR SALE: 1987 Dodge Ram 318 Cam per. Stove, fr idge, m icr o, toilet. Sold as is, $3,800. call 613-931-1781 FOR SALE: Ryobi 16" Scr oll saw on steel w or k station, asking $65. 613-932-9384 FOR SALE: Tr ailer to go behind a van and a 1,000 btu air conditioner, ver y good condition. 613-933-7803 FOR SALE: Double bedspr ead, paid $150, asking $45 obo. BBQ gr ill $10, Com puter stand $30, Folding table $30. 613-936-9399

Ro se

DESNO YERS 2014-2015 Principal Sponsors

THE SEEKER GALS DO IT AGAIN. On Friday May 1 at three o?clock at the Cornwall Library, Julia Lucio and Mai-Liis Renaud proudly remitted to John McMartin, President of the Centre for the Arts Collective ? Collectif pour un Centre des Arts, a cheque for $2, 500.00 to be put into a special account as their contribution toward the future centre for the arts. This gesture is tangible proof of community interest and commitment toward providing accessibility of the arts and culture in the city.

We are thrilled the Collective chose to use the Spring Art Show at the Library as a background for the event since many influential guests were to be there. Mr. Guy Lauzon, Mr. Jim MacDonnell, Mr. Leslie O'Shaughnessy and Ms. Elaine MacDonald lent their support to the event. The money was raised at the Seeker Annual Award Ceremony in 2014 and the Collective was waiting for an appropriate occasion to meet with Julia and Mai-Liis to receive their donation. The Annual Award ceremony for this year is coming up in June and these two community leaders will be donating their profits toward Hospice Cornwall. Julia and Mai-Liis are both active in Focus Art and their contribution is greatly appreciated.

FOR SALE: Round table 48" w ith extension to 74" and 4 chair s plus 1 ar m chair to go w ith it. 613-938-8315 FOR SALE: 2005 Ter r yfleetw ood Fifth W heel Tr ailer, ver y clean, a m ust see, $10,500 obo. Cal l 613-931-2098 FOR SALE: Royal Dalton figur ine - yellow dr ess and a cr eam and blue car pet - 6' x 8'. Cal l 613-938-8315 FOR SALE: Bar bie telephone - $20 and a new Bar bie doll - $10. Cal l 613-932-3936 FOR SALE: Reusable filter for oil fur nace 19x19 $25. Cal l 613-932-3936

Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call 613-935-3763 ext. 102

SYLVIE LABRCQUE INVITES YOU Though Sylvie is new to the area, she has not wasted any time at getting her art out there. She is booked for an exhibition in Orleans (MIFO) in April 2016, participated in Women?s Day activities and every exhibition she has had the occasion of entering. That is how you do it. A lot of work but already Sylvie?s style is recognized. Here is her latest engagement. FIELD TRIP Linda Geisel, vice-president, took the course in Batik and was very enthused by the whole experience. She also met artists who invited her to meet and explore other venues, which she wants to share with the membership. It is with this in mind and also with the hope of exploring another rich artistic area that this road trip was organized. If there are many who are interested, we shall get a bus but if we are only a few we shall car pool. Give this invitation a serious thought and reply as soon as possible. Interested email Linda: lindageisel@gmail.com

THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca


THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 18 - May 8 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca

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