Yo u r CO RN W A LL EVEN TS a n d CO M M U N ITY N e w s p a p e r
Vol ume 6 Issue 20 May 22, 2015
Bey o nd t he Vo id and Winst o n M ar l ey in Co nc er t
M o r e p h o t o s o n p .1 3 Photo: Jason Setnyk
Th e Cornw al l Seaw ay Li ons w ant to th ank th ei r sponsors...
Official Beer
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Fo u n d e d b y Ju lia Lu cio a n d M a i- Liis Re n a u d Published by Local Seeker Media Group All rights reserved The Seeker does not accept responsibility for errors, misprints or inaccuracies published within. The opinions and statements of our columnists are not to be presumed as the statements and opinions of The Seeker EDITOR IN CHIEF: Julia Lucio ext 101 NEWS EDITOR: Jason Setnyk CREATIVE DESIGN & SALES: Mai-Liis Renaud ext 102
Is it just whit e pride? Pride : a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed inbearing, conduct, etc. After 6 years in power, The President of the United States (@POTUS) finally was allowed to get his own Twitter account. Within minutes, the poor guy was flooded with tweets coming from idiotic racist right wingers throwing racial slurs at him as if they were going out of style. The bombardment and intensity of the insults aimed at POTUS revealed just how little has been achieved in the States as far as eradicating the hatred goes. "Welcome to Twitter N*gger", "Hello Black Monkey", and "We need a rope" are only a few of the milder messages the President received that day. Some were much more graphic and quite frankly, hard to read. Is that what we call "white pride"? I was kind of hoping twitter would put a stop to it; I understand we have freedom of speech but when we reach the point where that speech becomes hate speech, shouldn't the person be silenced?
PHOTO JOURNALIST: Carol Grant THANK YOU to the many volunteers who contribute to this paper
I looked further. Did you know that if you type "nigga house" in Google Maps, the very first result that shows up is the white house? And you know why?
Surely, the White House did not use the words "nigga house" to describe their website! The keywords and meta tags do not include those words, but Google uses algorithms to index stuff. It also relies on user interaction and these users, by flooding sites with keywords that link to a certain page, can trick Google's algorithms into making mistakes. Is that what we call "white pride"?
613-935-3763 Cl assif ieds: ext 2 Sal es: ext 1
I was kind of hoping Google would put a stop to it; I understand errors happen, but when these errors reach the point where they propagate hate, shouldn't they be rectified? Immediately?
Edit or (Jul ia) : ext 101 Design (Mai-Liis) : ext 102 EMAIL
inf o@t heseeker.ca www.t heseeker.ca OFFICE 327 2ND STREET E. CORNWALL, ONTARIO K6H1Y8 OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9am to 5pm
Millions of Americans hide behind the "White Pride" label, yet the white pride movement is deeply rooted in racism. Their logo is widely used by white separatists, white nationalists, neo-Nazis and white supremacists. They proclaim they have a right to be proud of their race, but do they have that right to the detriment of other races? They deny that there is such a thing as "White Entitlement". They stick their heads in the sand to avoid facing the injustice going on in their own country. They use the bible to justify their actions. They demean, insult, belittle. And they do it to anyone who's not white. Even the President. I believe white pride is an excuse to be racist. I personally refuse to be part of anything that makes others feel less significant. I believe that to lift yourself up, you have to lift up others. And I believe that the way you treat people comes back ten folds. Remember. We all bleed red.
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Newspapers are normally out at all locations by late Friday afternoon. THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 2 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
SEEKER SNIPPETS - Yo ur Lo ca l Co mmunity Ne w s
Pre se nte d
b y The Se e ke r
co ve r p ho to : Ja so n Se tny k
Comedy Event t o Benef it Friends of Vet s
Cornwall Ontario -Comedy returns to La Maison on Friday May 29th brought to you by Off your Rocker, for a charity event for "Friends of Vets". Friends of Vets is apeer support group for men and women who have served their country along with their dependants. Headlining the event is Brendan McKeigan who has appeared on George Stroumboulopoulos, the prestigious Just for Laughs festival and is no stranger to performing for both American and Canadian military. McKeigan has just returned from a military base tour overseas."I was overseas for nearly three weeks. We were at three bases in Kuwait, two in Iraq, another in Ethiopia, and a final stop in Djibouti. The shows were vastly different than any other atmosphere. Some of these shows were outdoors. In Baghdad, I was on stage and got heckled by a few Choppers that were landing about 200 yards from the show. That doesn't happen very often back home", recalls McKeigan of his tour overseas.Brendan recalls the experience fondly."It means a lot to go entertain the military. This was a USO tour, but it was great to visit a few bases that had a nice mix of countries all sharing the base. The best compliment I've ever received was whenever I get told, "For an hour and a half, I forgot I was deployed." Nothing anywhere is going to compare with that. Not even free drinks after a show". The show also features locals Stuart Asselstine, Jimmy Brunet, Ottawa comic Aaron Powers and hosted by Mark Vincent. Show starts at 8:30 at La Maison, $15 tickets available at La Maison, Floral Expressions, and ticketscene.ca
Benef it Concert s f or Women?s Hockey: First Perf ormance t o be Hel d in Cornwal l
Cornwal l ?s Francophone Capabil it ies Cel ebrat ed
CEO and Founder of BFL CANADA, and the band REPLAY are proud to announce the production of a series of fundraising concerts aimed at promoting local Women?s Hockey.The first concert will be held on June 19th at the Aultsville Theatre in Cornwall. Profits will be distributed to the Cornwall Girls Hockey Association, a member of the OWHA. Also, as a special gesture, part of the proceeds for this first concert will go to Brian Tardiff, whose lifelong commitment to Women?s Hockey and sports in the area is legendary amongst the Cornwall community. Mr. Tardiff and his family have been battling with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig?s disease) since late 2013.For the occasion, REPLAY, Canada?s most authentic tribute to The Beatles, will recreate the magic of Beatlemania during a night of greatest hits from the British superstars. ?Girls were a big part of The Beatles? success, so playing Beatles music to support Women?s Hockey is great for us to do as a tribute band!? comments John Oriettas, Manager for the group. Mr. Rod McLeod, President of the Association, hopes that the night will be a big success, both for the Association and for Women?s Hockey in general.Tickets on sale through www.admission.com or the Civic Complex Box Office, 100 Water St. East, Cornwall Ontario 613) 938-9400. You can also visit the Aultsville Theatre at www.aultsvilletheatre.com
Visitors to Cornwall businesses will soon have a more visible sign of Cornwall?s francophone capabilities via stickers that will be displayed at various locations around the City. The stickers bear the phrase ?Ici on parle franรงais? which translates to ?French is spoken here? and are available to any business that offers French services to the public. ?The stickers are a small but important sign that people are welcome to converse in French,? said Mark Boileau, Manager of Cornwall Economic Development. ?Being able to be served in your own language is very welcoming to visitors.?The stickers are expected to be displayed on doors and windows of restaurants, retailers and offices throughout the city. The stickers carry the same design as street banners erected recently to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Francophones in Ontario. Cornwall is one of Ontario?s most bilingual cities. Almost half of the population (43.26% ) can converse in both English and French. Francophones represent 25.4% of the City?s population. The first official record of a francophone population in Cornwall dates to 1829, showing that 74 out of 812 Cornwallites were of French origin. Today, Cornwall?s francophone community enjoys a strong presence in the Cornwall. Stickers are available at the offices of Cornwall Economic Development at the Cornwall Civic Complex. Business owners are also able to download the artwork via the City's Website.
Regist rat ion underway f or 2015 Act ive Transport at ion Chal l enge Kickoff Event ? Friday, May 22nd at 12:15 pm on front terrace of the Cornwall Public Library. Registrations are beginning to roll in for the 2015 Active Transportation Challenge, a week-long event from May 31st to June 6th that promotes alternate forms of transportation such as walking, cycling and public transit.. To date, nine workplaces in Cornwall have already signed up to participate, with many more expected in the days ahead. Last year, a total of 15 workplaces and 142 individuals took part in the event. Details about registration can be found at www.Cornwall.ca/ ATC. ?We were thrilled with the turnout last year and we are hoping for an even greater turnout this year,? said Chantal Lalonde, Health Promotion Specialist with the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and a founding member of the Transition Cornwall + Active Transportation Action Group. ?Registering is easy and participants can win some great prizes by taking part!? Hosted by the City of Cornwall, the Eastern Ontario Health Unit and Transition Cornwall+, the Active
Transportation Challenge rewards participants for using active and alternative modes of transportation like walking, cycling, rollerblading, carpooling or public transit. Once registered, participants are asked to log each sustainable commute made during the week. Residents who register and take part will have a chance to win some great prizes, including new bicycles from Bicycle World and Total Cyclery and Sport, a longboard from Play it Again Sports, a bicycle helmet from Kalrim Cycles, a $100 gift certificate to Cornwall Square, running shoes from Lindale?s, Cornwall Transit goodies and more. To find out more about Active Transportation Challenge, please visit www.Cornwall.ca/ ATC.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 3 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
La Semaine f rançaise arrive à grand pas. La Sem aine fr ançaise r evient pour célébr er en gr andes pom pes le 400e anniver sair e de l?ar r ivée des fr ancophones en Ontar io. La Sem aine fr ançaise aur a lieu entr e le 31 m ai et le 6 juin 2015. Vous tr ouver ez l?hor air e com plet de la sem aine dans cette édition. La sem aine com m encer a en gr and le 31 m ai 2015. Le chem in M ontr éal ser a fer m é entr e l?avenue M cConnell et la r ue Alber t. Il y aur a des activités pour les enfants, des spectacles, des danses dans la r ue. Tous les enfants qui por ter ont les couleur s de la sem aine fr ançaise, soit le bleu, le blanc et le r ouge, pour r ont entr er leur nom dans un concour s et des pr ix ser ont tir és à toutes les 15 m inutes. Du gâteau d?anniver sair e ser a ser vi à 14 h 45 pour toutes les per sonnes pr ésentes. Il y aur a de la joie et du plaisir pour les petits et les gr ands. Une exposition, des confér ences, un petit café, des activités aur ont lieu toute la sem aine. Puis, vendr edi le 5 juin et sam edi le 6 juin, on se déplace ver s le Par c Lam our eux pour avoir du plaisir toute la jour née entr e 9 heur es et 23 heur es et célébr er Vive Cor nw all tous ensem ble. Toutes les activités sont gr atuites, sauf pour la nour r itur e. 400 ans, ça se fête en gr and. La fr ancophonie en tr ois couleur s, c?est la Sem aine fr ançaise. On se r appelle tous de notr e enfance et de notr e jeunesse à Cor nw all, il est gr and tem ps de la fair e r evivr e pour nos enfants.
Vive Cor nwa ll, Vive la fr a ncophonie, Vive le 400e. Soyez au r endez-vous. On va fêter en gr a nd.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 4 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
An Even t No t To Be M i ssed ... Sch ed u l e b eg i n n i n g Sat u r d ay, M ay 3 0 t h t i l Sat u r d ay Ju n e 6 t h
U n évén em en t à n e p as m an q u er ... cal en d r i er d éb u t sam ed i 3 0 m ai j u sq u 'à sam ed i 6 Ju i n
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 5 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
ag ai n st
5 q u est i o n s wi t h Dr . Pau l Po i r i er ab o u t t h e u p co m i n g Bi k er s Ag ai n st Br ai n Can cer (BABC) Fu n d r ai si n g Even t s. by M a i-Liis Renaud Dr Paul Poir ier is a w ell know n figur e in our com m unity. A w onder ful exam ple of a m an w ith gr eat m otivation despite the fact that he has been battling a Br ain Tum our for m any year s. Paul is a local Chir opr actor, ow ner of Ear thw ay Fam ily Chir opr actic, husband of Ginny Per eir a and father of tw o w onder ful boys, Zack and Benny but alw ays has tim e to volunteer and or ganize the year ly fundr aiser for Br ain Cancer w hich he began m any year s ago. I had the oppor tunity to ask Paul about his latest fundr aising ventur e and her e is the inter view. 1. W HAT EXACTLY I S THE BI KERSAGAI NST BRAI N CANCER RI DE? The BABC r ide is a m otor cycle aw ar eness r ide star ted in the fall of 2010 r ight her e in Cor nw all as a m eans to cr eate m or e buzz for this often over looked health condition and w hich few Canadians r ealize how w idespr ead it is in our cor ner of the globe. 2. I BELI EVEYOU W ERE THE FOUNDEROF THI S EVENT? W HY DI D YOU START I T? I star ted the r ide for I myself have under gone four br ain sur ger ies, have a m etal plate in my skull and have to date com pleted 2 year s of chem other apy. 3. I HEAR THAT THERE W I LL BE OTHER EVENTSAS FUNDRAI SERSLEADI NGUPTO THI S M OTORCYCLERI DE ON JUNE 13TH. W HAT I S THE FI RST EVENT? Indeed, this year includes sever al events.....star ting w ith a sold out dinner and show tonight (Fr iday, M ay 22nd) at the new River dale Ter r ace w her e I'll be hosting M cgill Univer sity's top m an of science (and fr iend of 15 year s), Dr. Joe Schw ar cz w ho is best know n fr om his tim e on the discover y channel' s "the daily planet". In addition to holding a phd in chem istr y, Dr. Joe is also an accom plished m agician and w ill be per for m ing a chem istr y based m agic show ! 4. SO YOU ARE LAUNCHI NGBI KERSAGAI NST BRAI N CANCER W EEK FROM JUNE 4TH TI L THE RI DE ON THE 13TH. W HAT ARE THE EVENTSPLANNED FOR THI S W EEK? The events planned for June 4th to 13th include a r ock concer t to launch on Thur sday June 4th (featur ing 6 local bands) playing at "la M aison" taver n. On June 12th it is expected that w e'll have a "stand up" com edy act, June 13th is this year 's actual r ide
date....w her eby all m otor cycle enthusiasts w ill gather at Pom m ier Cor ner betw een 8:30 and 10am to r egister for the r ide as w ell as par take in a pancake br eakfast. The r ide consists of going to a neat pub in Or m stow n, Quebec (called the Rockbur n Pub) but w e'll have sever al pit stop br eaks on the w ay w ith my jeep follow ing the pr ocession stocked w ith or anges and bottled w ater ! Fr om ther e, w e'll head back to Cor nw all for a pig r oast BBQ hosted by "la M aison" Taver n fr om 4 to 7 pm (also open to the public). At 9 pm w e'll then have a "Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbour ne" tr ibute band fr om Tor onto nam ed "Cr azy Babies". Finally, August 8th, w e'll have a quasi "Led Zeppelin/Tr ibute 70s" Band also playing at "La M aison" Taver n. 5. W HAT I S THE GOAL THAT YOU HOPE TO ACHI EVETHI S YEAR? AND W HAT ARE YOUR FUTUREPLANS? We'll, ever y venue w ill collect m oneys that w ill all get pooled together and w ill be given to M cgill Univer sity's "M ontr eal Neur ological Institute" tow ar d r esear ch and developm ent for br ain cancer. As far as futur e goals, myself and my team of volunteer s aim to m ake it gr ow m or e and m or e year after year ! We invite you all to visit w w w.biker sagainstbr aincancer.or g and also dr op by on June 13th to sam ple our pig r oast! Tha nk you Dr . Paul a nd The Seeker Tea m wish you a ll the best in your fundr a ising ventur es! Let's a ll come out a nd suppor t the cause!
U p co m i n g Et h i o p i an co ffee cer em o n y wh i ch wi l l ser ve as a fu n d r ai ser fo r THE BETI PROJECT Beti is entering her last year at Holy Trinity and once again we hope to raise upwards of $11,000 for school fees. We have a very special guest performer, that could be considered a "big name" , musically. The world touring WATOTO children's choir is coming through, from Uganda. Together with the Port theatre this is going to be an amazing cultural event. We will have Ethiopian coffee, food vendors, and a few arts/ crafts. We will enjoy an inspiring and energetic show (please review www.watoto.com if you have not heard of them) and a chance to support one young woman who is trying to build a secure future.
Come to the Port Theatre on Saturday, June 6 from 3-6 pm, sample Ethiopian food, coffee and best of all listen to the world renowned Watoto Childrens Choir from Kampala Uganda. Call: 613-360-2966 for more info.
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 6 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
... an d wh o says n o t h i n g h ap p en s i n Co r n wal l
even t s
m ore
4 5 Seco n d St r eet E. 6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
The library is now closed Sundays beginning May 10th to Sept. 3rd. Opening hours the rest of the week will remain the same. NEW PROGRAM FOR TEENS 14 AND OVER -CRAFTERS AT PLAY-
Looking to expand your creativity? Join Tiffany every second Saturday at 10:00 am beginning June 13 to create arts and crafts and add color to your world!? Free program. Registration required in person or by phone.
SUMMER MOVIE FESTIVAL @ THE LIBRARY Every Thursday night and Friday afternoon, the library presents blockbuster films on a large cinema screen in its climate controlled room. Movies such as, The Theory of Everything, Birdman, Foxcatcher, Gone Girl, Boyhood, Selma, Still Alice, and many more. Check out the library website for full details or pick up our movie brochure. All films are free to watch.
SATURDAY, MAY 23 YOGA YOUTH (Ages 6 to 16 yrs) @ 10:00 am. DROP IN FAMILY STORYTIME (for kids and their parents) Heure du cont e FAMILIALE PORTE-OUVERTE @ 10:00 am PAWS 'N BOOKS Kids reading their favorite book to pet dogs @ the library 11:00 am to 12 noon
CHECK-MATES with Clifford Labre - Saturday afternoons @ 2:00 pm
ADULT FRIENDLY BRIDGE CLUB - 6:30 pm - Free to join
MONDAY, MAY 25 TIME FOR TWOS @ 10:00 am - Activities for 2 yrs old and their parent or caregiver CCVS ART STUDENTS VERNISSAGE Reading Room Area of the library 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm
TUESDAY, MAY 26 Ready, Set , KNIT - The Flying Needles meets weekly to socialize while knitting. - 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. open to everyone. LES ÉCRILIBRISTES Rencontre mensuelle de gens qui aiment écrire 16 h à 18 h
CHAPTER ONE CHAT ROOM Meet like-minded writers and share your experiences - Discussion - 6:30 pm THE ENGLISH CORNER Practice speaking English in a warm and friendly way, where mistakes are part of the way we learn to improve. 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm.
THURSDAY, MAY 28 STORY TIME - Ages 3-5 years old - 10:00 am to 10:45 am BABY TALES - Ages 0 ? 2 years old - 10:00 am to 10: 30 am CORNWALL SCRABBLE - 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Everyone 16 years of age and older welcome FUN WITH SIGN - Sign language practice - @ 6:30 pm ADULT GRAPHIC NOVEL BOOK - It?s free to join this new book club now. Meets monthly. - 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm
For more info about the Library:
6 1 3 -9 3 2 -4 7 9 6 www.l i b r ar yco r n wal l .o n .ca
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 7 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Our C O M M U N I T Y
Cornwal l Lions Cl ub Lobst er Feed Best Western 1515 Vincent Massey Dr. Tickets on sale: ScotiaBank - Brookdale Center or Gordon Jewellers, 13 2nd St. W. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fount aingat e Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org Live Bl ues! at 7:00pmJet Set at the NAV Centre
St . Francis de Sal es CWL Spaghet t i Dinner from 5:30 pm to 7 pm in the Parish Hall. 434 2nd St. W. Served with garlic bread, ceasar salad, dessert & a beverage. Nearl y New Sal e & BBQ at 8 am to 2 pm. BBQ from 10 am. St.Andrews-St.Marks United Church, Johnson Cr., Long Sault Telus at the Cornwall Square is holding a bingo f undraising event t o raise money f or t he Make a Wish f oundat ion. Tickets are $10 including 5 bingo games, all with cash prizes! There will also be a 50/ 50 draw, bake sale, and cash bar! Bring your friends and help make dreams come true for sick children. Will be held at the Falconer Mess in Nav Centre. Doors open at 6:30. First game is at 7:00. Please message Ashley Finnamore-Lepage to purchase tickets. Space is limited so gets yours soon! Hope to see a lot of you there. Chil dren's Treat ment Cent re Bike-A-Thon Pl us event from 8 am to 2 pm. St. Lawrence College, 2 St. Lawrence Dr. Activities for all ages. Funds raised provide counselling to abused children & their families. Rel ay For Lif e Garage Sal e & BBQ from 8 am. Canadian Cancer Society parking lot, 837 Pitt St.Estate Tag Sale& Auction for the late Mr. & Mrs. John Agnew 2 Maple Street, Lancaster 8am
Worship and t he Word at Fount aingat e Christ ian Assembl y 10:30 am. Pastor Brad Montsion. 949 Mohawk Drive. Services at 9:00am and 11am at the Harvest Christian Fellowship, York Street Cornwall. Seaway Winds Concert Band Presents Banding Together Again at 2 pm inside Aultsville Theater, 2 St. Lawrence Dr. General Admission: 15$; children under 10: Free, with an adult. Visit: SeawayWinds.ca for details. RCAFA Wing 424 New Patio Official Opening from 1 pm to 7 pm. 240 Water St. W. Serving chili & munchies
Carefor Health & Wellness Clinc from 11:15 am to 1 pm. Lan-Char Center, 20 Victoria St. Lancaster. Registered nurse on site for health counselling, blood pressure, cholesterol checks
Mast er Sha Soul Heal ing Group Meeting from 7 pm to 8:30 pm. TR Leger School, 1500 Cumberland St. Come and chant with us. Info: 613.933.8860. Cl ub de marche au CCÉC Tous les mardis de 14:00 à 15:00 au Parc Lamoureux. Rendez-vous à la porte d'entrée du Centre civique de Cornwall. Information: 613-932-1035 Exercices du CCÉC Mettez-vous en forme. Exercices tous les mardis et jeudis de 9:00 à 10:00 avec France Sabourin. Coût: 3$ membre, 5$ non-membre. Information: 613-932-1035 Is f ood a probl em f or you? Do you eat when you?re not hungry?Do you binge, purge or restrict? Is your weight affecting your life? Contact Overeaters Anonymous - No dues - No fees - NO weigh-ins - No diets Meetings Tuesdays at 7 PM Cornwall Wesleyan Church ? 780 Sydney Street, Cornwall, ON for info call 613-932-1510 "The Gat hering Pl ace" is at the Cornwall Wesleyan Church its a group for everyone who wants to make a friend be a friend and bring that friend to Christ!. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm at the Wesleyan Church. Fellowship starts at 6:30 coffee and fellowship time and the gathering for 7:00pm. This is the place that encourages, worships and gives you the opportunity to express yourself with new and old friends.
Yoga Tous les mercredis de 10:00 à 11:00 avec France Sabourin. Une excellente façon de travailler la posture. Coût: 3$ membre, 5$ non-membre. Information: 613-932-1035
Women Entrepreneurs Dinner Meeting from 6 pm to 9 pm. Ramada Inn, 805 Brookdale Ave. Guest Speaker:.Elaine Lindsay, TROOL Social Media. Members:22$, non-members:25$. WeCornwallArea.ca
Laughing wit h f riends of vet s -comedy returns to La Maison. Raising money for Friends of Vets. Friends of Vets is a peer to peer support group who assists soldiers who served. Cel ebrat e Recovery Fountaingate Christian Assembly Cornwall (A christian centered recovery program through twelve steps and 8 biblical principles, and the 3 door program ) Find freedom from your Hurts,Habits, and Hang-ups through God's Healing power. We meet every Friday at 7:30pm 949 Mohawk Drive Cornwall Ontario in the church sanctuary. Everyone is welcom (free coffee, live worship and fellowship) for more information (613 932-0685 or www.fountaingate .org The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach t hem at 613-870-2177
6 1 3 -9 3 5 -8 1 0 1
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 8 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
May 23 f or 9:00pm Doors. 10:00pm st art . 616 Pit t St reet , $5.00 cover Cornwal l , ON 613-936-9898
BL U Sunday Pati o May 30 O D L Seri es st art ing 9:00pm Doors. . st B I LTr en chTo wnOd d i t i es& Wi n st o nM ar l ey on May 3 1 10:00pm st art .
Sat urday, May 23rd, 2015 at The Social Conf erence & Event Cent re 130 Sydney Street (old church) Cornwall Doors open 7:00pm for Tapes and Silent Auction viewing Show starts at 8:00 pm - $45 / Person
M ast erSh a So u lHeal i n g Gr o u p(n ew) SAVE THE Tuesd ay : .60¢ Wings DATE FOR
W ed nesd ay30 : oz Pitcher & 10 Wings $15 ALLEY Thur sd ay : $3 Beer Fr id ayCAT : Karaoke 9-2am Sat urday Sat ur dMay ay :2 FREEPool Sund ay : Karaoke 5-9 W e now have FOOD Check out our N EW M EN U!!!! 1213Pit t St reetCornwal l-613-938-8659
Silent Auction, laughter, fun, mayhem and
Tues.May 12 & Tues.May 26 from7 - 8:30 pm Com e & chant with us. No fee. TRLegerAlternativeSchool 1500CumberlandStreet,Cornwall Info@613-933-8860
Al l Ar eWel co m e!
IF IT AIN'T HERE ... IT AIN'T HAPPENING! So p l ace yo u r EVENTAD TODAY! cal l M ai -Li i s 6 1 3 -9 3 5 -3 7 6 3ex t . 1 0 2
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 9 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
Sha ry n
The weather is just fabulous and I can't wait to get in my garden. Gary and I were spreading manure over our garden yesterday.See my tips for your vegetables and companion planting. Once that is tilled in I will plant two new garden areas. Our dear little hummingbirds are back. It is one of our greatest summer pleasures just to sit at our kitchen table and look through the patio doors at these sweet little birds. If I am out on the deck, they just whiz past me. When we hang the freshly made syrup, they will come right up to the feeder and
SYRUP FOR YOUR HUMMINGBIRDS You can't get any easier. Just bring to a boil for a minute or so: 2 cups water and 1/ 2 cup of white sugar (Don't add any red food colouring to the syrup.) Once the sugar is dissolv ed, it is finished. Make sure that you scrub out the inside of the hummingbird feeder and the little spouts they drink from. Rinsing well with plain water. Just pour in the warm or room temper ature syrup to fill it. Extras may be stored in a glass jar in your fridge.
MY FAVOURITE COMPANION PLANTING METHOD: After much reading and listening and learning, this is the order in rows which I plant vegetab les. Certain vegetab les really do better if planted along certain other ones. For exampl e, beans HATE onions and peas. One the other hand, tomatoes love garlic and carrots and basil. Here is an exampl e of the order in each row that I plant the following vegetab les: tomatoes and basil and garlic , carrots , peas, cucumb ers and bush beans (or a single row of each of these vegetab les) corn and beets (you can plant squash or pumpki n seeds every 4' along the row of corn) (the squash will help stop any racoons from getting at your perfect ly ripe corn) broccol i, brussel sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower sweet pepper s 3
drink while we hang it up. You just don't get any better than that! If you haven't ever fed the nummingbirds, go and buy a hummingbird feeder. They are only about $10.00 or less. Make the following recipe for their syrup and replace the syrup with fresh about every 5 days in the heat of the summer. Don't put any red food colouring into the syrup as this is bad for the tiny bird's kidneys. Have a great week everyone!
A TIP FOR THE BEST, REDDEST TOMATOES EVER: For each tomato plant: Dig a nice hole that is about 3" deeper than the root system of the tomato plant. Into the hole, sprinkle 2 or 3 tbsp. of skim milk powder into the hole. Along with the milk powder add to this 2 tbsp. of natural wheat bran. Then place the tomato into the hole and spray water to fill the hole. Now cover in the ground into the hole. The milk powder will act as bone meal, providing calcium to nourish the tomatoes. The natural wheat bran will kill any cutworm in the ground surrounding the tomato plant. The cutworm will eat the bran and then explode when it hits any moisture. Not very nice but you want your tomatoes for you not the cutworm! Be sure to place a tomato cage around the tomato now or stake it and gently tie it as it grows. This way you will not disturb the root system as it grows in size. You can buy a small bag of milk powder at Sharyn's Pantry.
A TIP FOR THE BEST SWEET PEPPER S: Plant your sweet pep per plants as you would normally do. Now take your fing ertip and run a circle about 1/ 2" in dep th in the soil 5" from the stem of the pep per plan and about t all around the pep per. Into this circ ular indentat ion, spri nkle a littl e eps om around the circle around the pep salt all per Now cover this up with eart h. The plant. epsom salt , I find, help s to keep the blossom s that form on your pep per plant from falli ng off if a heavy wind or rain occur. The pep you hav e to a large size as wel l. You can get pers grow the epsom salt at Sharyn' s Pantry.
SHARYN THOMPSON, Owner of SHARYN'S PANTRY - a family-run business for 34 years. OPEN: Monday to Saturday - 9 to 5 812 Pitt Street, Unit 6, Cornwall, Ont 613-936-1998
SEAWAY WINDS IS BANDINGTOGETHERAGAIN! Submitted by Barb Hunter, Founding Conductor, Seaway Winds Concert Band Seaway Winds Concert Band is Banding Together Again for the finale of their 2014-2015 Concert Series to include the members of Seaway Winds combined with concert band members from Ottawa, Arnprior, Sudbury, Brockville, Toronto, Whitby, and Oshawa, in a composite concert band of 70 musicians onstage at Aultsville Theatre on Sunday, May 24, at 2:00 PM. Five guest conductors, who direct the concert bands in these areas, as well as Seaway Winds conductor, Barb Hunter and Associate Conductor, Gilles Lepage, will direct the composite band in a variety of concert band compositions. The program will include familiar movie and popular pieces, such as ?Highlights from Frozen? and ?When the Saints Go Marching In?; also ?Washington Post March? by John Philip Sousa, ?The Waltzing Cat? by Leroy Anderson; a suite of French folk songs. Certainly, a concert for the whole family to enjoy! Tickets are available at Cornwall & the Counties Tourism 691 Brookdale Avenue, Cornwall Square 2nd floor Administration Office, or at the door Sunday afternoon. General Admission is $15; children under the age of 10 are FREE, accompanied by an adult. Don't miss Banding Together Again, a 'last time in a lifetime' event! See you there!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 10 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rle ne
Hi there all you wonderful people reading ~The Seeker~ this week. Mother Nature sure has been very co-operative in giving us some beautiful Spring temperatures at this time of year. Every day brings us more of the "Beauty of Spring," in our gardens, front/ back yards and in my case, my side yard. I love going out each day to see what has "popped up" or "opened up" in the flower gardens that our landlady so lovingly cares for every year. I also wanted to thank you all for voting for John and I. Thank you ever so kindly for taking the time to vote for us...We both have made it into the Top 5 Seeker Choice Nominees in our categories!!! YAAAYYY!!! I look forward to seeing some of you next month at ~Cornwall's Golf & Country Club~ for ~The Seeker Choice Awards~. Now, What am I to wear??? How am I going to have my hair done??? What comfortable, but still sexy, shoes am I to wear for an evening of dancing??? Hmmm??? Choices... So many choices to choose from!!! Don't forget to purchase your tickets to one of Cornwall's BIGGEST & SWANKIEST EVENTS of the Year!!! I also wanted to ask you to help out a "Good Cause" by donating your unwanted items to H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Cornwall.) This is a nonprofit organization right here in our beautiful city of Cornwall that helps people in need. It is a group that helps people out with gas money for rides to hospitals and or doctor's appointments and prescriptions. Also if you are in need of any appliances, clothes, dishes or furniture they will try their very best to help you. If they can't help you, then they will point you into the right direction to other organizations and groups to help you with your needs. H.O.P.E is being run by a wonderful woman, Karen Muise who needs all of the help you can give her. She has a weekly auction from her home with the donated items that raise money to be used for those people in need. Without these donations she can't have the auctions or help anyone. So when you are doing your "Spring cleaning" please put aside items that can and could be used for these weekly auctions. I myself have bid on many interesting and unique items throughout the year that have made others happy, including myself. Please get in touch with Karen on the facebook group page, H.O.P.E. if you or anyone you know needs help or can donate new and used items. Thank you kindly in advance. Please do your part... One small step, one helping hand and one kind heart to helping others in need in our city of Cornwall. Tip of the Week: Always REMEMBER That : 1. You are Beautiful/ Handsome 2. You are Worthy. 3.You are Important. 4. You are Special. 5. You are Unique. 6. You are Wonderful. 7. You are Talented. 8. You are IRREPLACABLE!!! If you remember these (8) eight things about yourself... You will and can be very happy all of your live long days. Please pass this tip along this week to the ones you love, know and cherish. I don't know if you had an enjoyable ~Victoria Day~ weekend, but I certainly did!!! John and I went kayaking for a 4 hour trek last Saturday along one of Hoople Creek's subsidiary meandering waterways. We had brought along a small cooler with us, that held our drinks and lunch for the afternoon. What a day we had, enjoying the beautiful sunshine and all of the Wonderful Sights of Mother Nature's World. We were pushed along at times by the cool and refreshing breezes without any effort at all. What A Life We Share!!! Then on Monday John and I were invited to my second oldest son, Luke and his wife Tonya's country home, near Chesterville, Ontario. We had a lot of FUN with them and their little son Odin, along with my eldest daughter Melinda, her husband Mike, and their four children, Lincoln, Abigail, Sampson & wee William. We all got to enjoy ourselves with the wildly blowing winds and the ~Hot~ sun shining down on us. The grandkiddies and I were playing in the baby pool and riding on their bikes and having a gay old time together. (I was in Grandmother Heaven!!!) John and I then decided to go for a nice walk by the creek to see what was happening down there. When we returned we decided to take three of the grandkiddies (Abigail, Sampson, & William) for a walk down by ~Kirby Creek~ to pick wild flowers and to see the Walleye jumping up from their watery home. This led to a challenge with Tonya, Luke and Lincoln. Who can catch a fish with their bare hands??? Well, it turned out that Luke was the one who did just that!!! (with a little "fish herding help" from Tonya and Lincoln.) Then, we all got to enjoy deliciously made BBQed hamburgers, sausages, and hot dogs cooked by Tonya and Mike. As we were all returning from the creek, the sun was coming down and the biting bugs were coming out. Sadly but gladly, it was time for us to depart from this beautiful country setting with our filled tummies and joy-filled hearts. The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can cont act t hem at
t ant e.jm2013@gmail .com
Until Next Week: KINDNESS IS A LANGUAGE THAT THE DEAF CAN HEAR, AND THE BLIND CAN SEE!!! So Keep Smiling & Being Ever So Kind To One Another. Life Is A Beautiful Thing & There Is So Much To SMILE About!!! Marlene Baker of www.fashionography.ca & www.photodreams.ca
cal l 613-935-3763
Fr i d ay, M ay 2 9 - 7 :4 5 am Best
Western Parkway Inn Rsvp: info@theseeker.ca or call 613-935-3763 ext 1 You MUST RSVP to attend Ro u n d Tab l e Di scu ssi o n
Do yo u b el i eve i n Ad ver t i si n g Wh y? o r Wh y n o t ? $16 Members - $18 Non-members
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 11 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
M a rie
Co unte ss
Deciding What To Keep Group items you want to keep by cat egory in clear plastic bins. Only items you real l y need are worth storing. If you have not used an it em f or several years, discard, sell, or donate it. Do not keep anything you do not use just because you paid good money for it. Sell it, or donate it as a gift instead; do not waste storage space. Discard anyt hing broken or have it repaired, wit hin a mont h, if it is worth it and you can still find parts. Just because something came in a set, does not mean you need to need/ store every piece. Sort out what is useful to you and give away or sell the pieces you will never use. If you do not use something every day, storing it is the way to keep it out of the way. Inst al l enough lights to light up every nook and cranny in your storage area so you can see what you are doing.
OH! PRECIOUS DANDELIONS! As the spring sun appears, its warmingrays stir up myriad of celestial-earth dandelions that shinevaliantly all over fields,people's yards, riverbanks ... and fill eco-lovers hearts with joy! Who are the eco-lovers of dandelions? Everyhuman who knows what's good for their soul and body!
Photo: John Lucio
Young children rush to pick up the flowery stars! They are never happy with just one dandelion, but we see the young girls and boys rushing a few feet here...there togather more and more and more. What bouquets of radiating energy the dandelions emit! And these moments remain embedded in the soul which time can never touch, nor erase. And every year these memories return bringing with them those moments of experiencing pure beauty and total joy.
Categories To Sort By Luggage - Keep only the pieces you use, with larger ones at the back and smaller in front. Do not nest them; you will forget something is inside. Home of f ice, hobby and craf t suppl ies - Store extra inventory on shelves in clear plastic containers and label them.
Seasonal decorat ions and art suppl ies - Buy divided boxes designed to hold holiday ornaments. These prevent the ornaments from being broken, and eliminate the need to wrap each individual ornament in paper. Regal catalogues are a good source for all kinds of neat organizing items. Personal paper it ems - Store Owner?s Manuals and warranties for new product purchases in a filing cabinet. Create a file for each item, and store everything in alphabetical order for quick retrieval. Bul k f ood and paper suppl ies - Supplies such as canned goods, drinks, and other non-perishable foods, bath tissue, napkins, and paper towels can be purchased in bulk on sale or at warehouse stores, and stored on shelves by category and in the room in which they will be used. Miscel l aneous it ems - Silverware, large capacity coffeemakers, punch bowls, cups, dishes, card tables and chairs should be kept by categories in separate clear plastic bins so dust does not get to them. Ref rigerat or/ f reezer - Some people keep a fridge and/ or freezer in the basement to store drinks, ice, party overflow food, and big-batch recipes. Put the refrigerator/ freezer on a platform to protect from floods. If you have any questions, please call Marie Morrell at 613-936-6873 or email: office@workeasysolutions.com or visit: www.workeasysolutions.com
They enlighten their friends that dandelions in Canada (and throughout the world) are most beneficial because they cleanse the liver, the kidneys, the blood. In other words dandelionsprovide the human body with a natural way to remove the toxins and pollutants that are endangering so many people's health -and which have been there for too many years ... in many cases. Even the dandelion roots are superb cleansers of poisonous body toxins. Our most wiseancestors who practised herbal healing knew that dandelions are capable of removing water waste in the body and can help alleviate painful arthritic and rheumatic pain. "What's in them that's so good?" asks the soon-to-be-converts. With a modest attitude of knowingness, the eco-lover of dandelion tells them: "Dandelions are rich in calcium, potassium, natural sodium; high in vitamin A, C, E and iron; with moderate amounts of essential selenium, silicon, manganese." And with a winning smile the eco-lover of dandelions offers a gift of her dried dandelion leaves to the new eco-lovers of dandelions who are so gratefull and can't wait to do a complete search on their new medicinal plant.
The Seeker woul d l ike t o t hank
our sponsor of honour, f or t heir cont inued support ! You can reach Fairy Sweet at (613) 933-7040
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 12 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Picnic suppl ies - Keep together your cooler, basket, portable dishes, utensils, grill, charcoal, and blankets.
To ensure a good supply of locally grown dandelion leaves, the eco-lovers hasten to pick the tender young leaves, place them in large paper bags to dry out, then carefully store them in glass jars in a cool, dark cupboard. On a regular basis they take some leavesout and crumble them into their soups, stews, pastas, salads. They also make herbal teas with the leaves to sip while discussing with their "pullers-of-dandelion-weeds-friends" the many reasons they too should become eco-lovers of dandelions.
That t hey get bet t er resul t s f rom one ad in t he Seeker t han al l t he ot her medias combined! See f or yoursel f ! Try it t oday! Cal l Jul ia at 613-935-3763 ext 101 t o l earn how YOU coul d benef it f rom exposure in t he Seeker! Al l it t akes is $15 a week. It 's not an expense, it 's an invest ment !
Paperwork and memorabil ia - Store tax records for the past six years (for individual) - for a business (a longer period). Other things such as real estate papers and warranties should be kept in a fire/ waterproof filing cabinet. If you cannot afford a filing cabinet, use banker boxes and store them on a high shelf to protect them from floods. Store val uabl e it ems/ import ant papers (wills, power of attorney, etc. ) into a safe deposit box at the bank.
As adults, those joys are not only to be reminisced, but there now exists the learned discoveries about the way dandelions can benefit one's health. After a winter of imported greens, it is with delight that eco-lovers prepare herbal teas with the dandelion flowers which they sip after having enjoyeda great salad with the dandelion leavesso full of chlorophyll and oxygen. They did make sure beforehand that the areas where the dandelions were picked were totally free of any kind of toxic pesticides and fertilizers. Of course!
72,000 V I SI TORS LA S YEA R!
Fil l ing t he Green Food Box Emma Meldrum - Special to the Seeker
At 9 a.m. on the third Wednesday of each month, a mix of seniors and students gather in a hallway on the first floor of General Vanier. They?re all volunteers, donating their time in exchange for some leftover food and the satisfaction of a job well done. Their goal is to fill about 150 plastic bins with fresh produce - in only an hour. Corey Robidoux, a student at T.R. Leger School, tries to be there every month, helping to lift and stack the boxes after they are filled. He says he enjoys giving back. ?It?s a good, generous thing to do for the community. [My teacher] Miss Lalonde asked if I wanted to help, so I volunteer every month.? Assistance from students like Robidoux is essential to the program, says Health Promoter Stephanie Hemmerick, who works for the Centre de santĂŠ communautaire de l?Estrie. ?We get a lot of students from T.R. [Leger] which is great because one of the challenges with our volunteers is they?re older and can?t lift.? These volunteers are the backbone of the Green Food Box, a program which provides fruits and vegetables to local families at an affordable rate. This month, about 15 people gave their time to ensure the boxes were properly packed on time. Directions and encouragement were doled out in a mix of French and English as green bins slid along a row of tables, quickly filling up. The contents of the boxes vary according to what is available. Asparagus, grapefruit, and beets were part of this month?s haul, alongside favourites like potatoes, apples, and bananas. All told, about 15 different products went into the $15 box. While organizers aim to buy from local producers, that?s not always possible.
Cal l JOHN LUCIO Vendor Coordinat or 613-360-1607
?A lot of people don?t realize how short the local season is,? said Hemmerick. ?We do manage to get about 80% local in our boxes during the summer months.? Summer is an excellent time to start ordering from the Green Food Box. Each order is filled with healthy food and plenty of care. Visit www.greenfoodbox.ca for pickup and payment details.
Seek er Sn ap sh o t s: Beyo n d t h e Vo i d an d Wi n st o n M ar l ey i n Co n cer t Photos by Jason Setnyk
Cornwall Ontario -- Punk, Metal, and 90s alternative came to life again at La Maison Tavern last Saturday night. Beyond the Void and Winston Marley played a terrific concert. Here are some snapshots from the show.
It 's Ti m e To Or d er Yo u r Wed d i n g In vi t at i o n s fr o m ...
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 13 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMMUNITY
ATTENTION - ATTENTION - ATTENTION - Tr affi c No t i ce st ar t i n g M ONDAY, M AY2 5 t h ? Cl o su r e o f Seco n d St . W. at Br o o k d al e Ave. TO REM OVE BRIDGE SU PERSTRU CTU RE The City of Cornwall would like to advise motorists that American Bridge Canada will be closing Second Street West at Brookdale Avenue on Monday, May 25th in order to continue work on the removal of the high-level bridge. The closure will start on Monday, May 25th and it is expected to remain in place until Friday, June 5th, subject to favourable weather conditions. During the closure period, Brookdale Avenue will remain open to northbound and southbound traffic. Meanwhile, traffic on Second Street West will be detoured via Brookdale Avenue, Seventh Street and Hoople Avenue. The City of Cornwall and American Bridge Canada would like to thank all motorists for their patience and cooperation while this work is carried out. If you have additional questions or concerns, please contact American Bridge Canada at (613) 932-0800.
CA RD X C H A NG ER G e t s e e n , n o t lo s t ! 1 t im e $ 2 5 3 t im e s $ 6 5 7 t im e s $ 12 9 10 t im e s $ 15 9 * ( * in c lu d e s a m in i p r o f ile )
Michel l e Gaut hier Personal Training Holistic Weight Loss / Nutrition 613-360-9331
"THU RSDAY Su p er Su p p er Sp eci al " BUY1Hamb urger Steak Pl atter andgetth e2nd1/ 2pri ce 4pmto7pmThursday,May28 DINE-IN ONLY
pl ace
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 14 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
TEXT CLASSIFIEDS ARE ALWAYS FREE except f or empl oyment , real est at e, rent al s and aut omot ive
PRESERVE YOUR M EM ORI ES - Get you r VHS Tapes tr ansfer r ed to DVD - Cal l Sh el don t oday 613-932-4812 FOR SALE: King size blue satin bed spr ead w ith pillow sham s. $40 Call 613-932-3936 FOR SALE: Stur dy 3 seater sw ing and pads. 1 stur dy picnic table w ith um br ella w ith 4 padded high chair s. Call 613-932-4952
ANNUAL YARD SALE Friday, May 22 & Saturday, May 23rd 17342nd St. W.,Mobile2 off AldridgeRd West of the Soccerfields
NEXT WEEKEND MULTI FAMILY YARD SALE, Saturday, May 30th, 8 am - 3 pm. @ 406 Tollgate Rd East, Lots of great items, something for everyone. Come check us out.
FOR SALE: 2 outside w ooden r ocking chair s. $30 for both. Cal l 613-932-3936
FOR SALE: 3 sets of 4 tir es. One set w ith r im s. Cal l 613-933-2042 FOR SALE: 2003 Pontiac Gr andam , 4 door sedan, V6 autom atic, loaded, only 70,000 km . Includes 4 snow tir es on r im s. M int condition, cer tified and e-tested. Asking $4,395. Cal l 613-330-0987 FOR SALE: 2005 Ter r yfleetw ood Fifth W heel Tr ailer, ver y clean, a m ust see, $10,500 obo. Cal l 613-931-2098 FOR SALE: M ens alum inum fr am e 21 speed fr ont disc M iele bike. $65 Cal l 613-936-1452
ROOM FOR RENT: in a 3 bedr oom dw elling. Includes par king, yar d and laundr y facilities. Please call after 4pm .Call 613-935-3358
FOR SALE: Ladder, filter, pum p and chem icals for a pool. Cal l 613-933-2042
FOR SALE: Reusable filter for oil fur nace. 19" x 19". Alm ost new, used only 2 m onths. $25 932-3936
Seeker Sales Chick Mai-Liis wants to remind you that
FOR SALE: 2 ar tificial tr ees. $20 for the 2 and a Dining Tent. $30 Cal l 613-932-3936 FOR SALE: M aple table w ith 4 chair s, $95 Cal l 613-932-4812
Ro se
FOR SALE: Jack Lelaine pow er juicer, just like new, only used tw ice, $70. 613-931-2098
2014-2015 Principal Sponsors
If you are interested call Centre culturel 613-932-9106 or myself at 613-931-1194 or email rosedesn@cogeco.ca . This is a great opportunity for visibility. WINNERS OF THE PEOPLE?S CHOICE at t he Spring Exhibit ion hel d at t he Cornwal l Library
At the first Board meeting of Focus Art, members of the executive were elected: Linda Geisel, president, Julia Lucio and Louise Mignault vice-presidents, Adèle Constantineau, secretary and Elaine Arkright, treasurer. The Board begins its term with an ambitious project. Focus Art will participate in Ribfest this July. The idea was first presented at the AGM and has continued to grow. The proposed plan is to have an exhibition tent for members? art, performance art by artists at specific times (ex. A mock art battle) and artistic activities for the crowd (children or adults can paint or color).
Of course this will be great for the visual arts allowing artists to mingle and share with the public at an event that attracts a wide variety visitors. Who knows where this can lead. It will require all artists wanting to share their passion to spend a few hours at Ribfest. Volunteers will be needed. This could be a novel way to mix the visual arts with the experience of having fun in a totally different way. You can say it?s bringing art out of the gallery to fair. CALLING ALL ARTIST La Semaine française is happening in Cornwall May 30 to June 6. Focus Art is a part of the activities. All artists are invited - To come out and paint on Montreal Road between Arthur Street and McConnell on May31 (tents will be set up) and at Lamoureux Park on June 5 and 6. - Display their art in empty storefronts on Montreal Road - Participate in an art exhibition in the Dalbec building next to Milano restaurant in front of the Community Police. This will be the headquarters of all the events and an excellent venue for displaying your art. (no fee only a 20% on sales) There will be many activities, street dancing, and activities in Lamoureux Park.
ADVERTISING in Th e SEEKERi s NOTan Ex p en se... It 's AN INVESTM ENT Call 613-935-3763 ext. 102
<----- Adèl e Const ant ineau 1st Choice (right) with Julia Lucio, vice pres. Bernard Carrière 2nd Choice -----> Carol yn Davis 3rd Choice -----> ART SHOW Terrie Cheodre is having her first solo art show at the Galop Gallery, 614 HWY 2 and Bridge Street, Cardinal, ON. You still have time to take in her work, which will be on exhibition until May 31. A THOUGHT: As the art community struggles with the dream of a Centre for the Arts and are sometimes accused of not working together, I am reminded of a saying by runners: ?If you want to run to win a race, run alone. If you want to run for a long time, run in a group?. (a friend)
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 15 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca
Her e ar e y ou r TOP 5 i n each categor y ! Who w i l l w i n ? Mu si cal Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Al ison Wonderl and Band Mandee Woods Roxanne Del age LOST BOYZ (80'S Tribut e), Trevor Wal sh
Vi su al Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Chad Col eman Heat her Smit h Kimberl ey Cameron John List er Candice Nixon
Li ter ar y Ar ti st
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Maggie Wheel er Dwight Dugas Angie Dil aj Thom Racine Laurie McRae Bingl ey
Per f or m i n g Ar t
Final ist s
Sponsored By
Paul Aubin David Jans Jamie Carr Lacie Pet rynka Jane Henessy Craibe
Athl ete
Final ist s
Sponsored By
St eve Simoes Denny Dubbl est yne Mary Pat rick Kaeden Mart in Carol ine Samson
Hom e Based Bu si n ess
New Bu si n ess
Sponsored By
Sponsored By
Exi sti n g Bu si n ess
Vol u n teer Sponsored By
Karen Torrie Racine Paul Poirier Sara Lauzon Pat t y Edwards Roseanne Morin
Sponsorship Available
Final ist s
Final ist s
Final ist s
Dandoo's Hair Sal on Annie Laperl e - Scent sy Col eman's Mod & Repair Sauve Tax Services Fairy Sweet
Once upon a dream Menchie's Cornwal l , Framed Phot ography Cornwal l Newswat ch The Mindf ul Cookery & Food Market
Cardinal Law Prof essional Corporat ion Libert y Tax Pommier Jewel l ers Fant asy Real m The Grind
Casi n o Ti m e! Vi r tu al r ou l ette Mor e than $50 0 i n pr i zes!
Final ist s
Con tr i bu tor
Final ist s
Sponsorship Available
Judi Auger Greg Kiel ec Syl vie Thibert Marl ene Baker Carol e Grant
Look at the list of finalists. If you were a gambling person, would you guess the winners are listed in red or in black? Take a guess and send your bidt to info@theseeker.ca to be automatically entered to win one of our fabulous prizes!
THE SEEKER Vol. 6 Issue 20 - May 22 - pg. 16 CLASSIFIED ADS: 613-935-3763 ext 2 www.theseeker.ca